
Page 1

Regional High F·und

'Now Over $850,000

The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Su're and Firm-ST.

The campaign for one and one-half million dollars' to partially finance the construction of the first regional high school in the Fall River Diocese moved a step nearer its goal today with the announcement by Most ·Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D.,. Bishop of Fall River, that the drive has now passed


, -, '-':.1 q;wy

Fall River, Mi\1$$.

Vol. 1, No. 31



Nov. 7, 1957

Second Class Mail Privileges Authorized at Fall River, Mass.

PRICE lOc $4.00 per Year

the $850,000 mark. Inspired by the moving ad­ dress of Archbishop Richard J. Cushing of Boston last night, the more than 3,400 volun­ teer workers in the Greater New Bedford area set out today on an intensive' house-to-house campaign to reach the $1,500,000 mark. The school, which will be built in Dartmouth, near the New Bedford city line, will cost in excess of $2,000,000, Archbishop Cushing spoke to the workers in St. Anthony of Padua Hall, New Bedford, last night. He was introdl\ced to the large gathering of men by Bishop' . Connolly. Both Archbishop Cushing and Bishop Connolly blessed the workers as they set about their task of raising fU'nds for the first of a series of regional 'high schools to be built through· out the diocese. The Greater New Bedford school will be known as Catholic Memorial High School, Bishop Connolly said today. The school chapel will be known as Our Turn to Page Fifteen




Sacred Hearts Provincial To Visit Mission in Japan

Very Rev. William J. Condon, SS.CC., Provincial of the Fathers of the Sacred Hearts, accompanied by Rev. Ronald Nutterville, SS.CC., Provincial Secretary, will leave .Fairhaven. today to visit his Congregation's missions in Japan. Enroute from Fairhaven Very Rev. Paul Price, SS. Father Condon will visit the

Once more the diocese is' CC., former Superior of Congregation's minor seminary

preparing for the an!1ual Sacred Hearts Seminary at in Washi?gton,D. C., to inspect

Wareham sailed on the USS construction now under way of

Thanksgiving Clothing CQI­ America 'Saturday for Ireland, a chapel similar to the famous

lection. where he has been assigned by Apparition Chapel at Paray-le­

Diocese. to Take Part in Annual ClothQng Drive

SODALITY UNION STUDENT OFFICERS: Elected serve one year as officers of the new Queen of Peace Sodality Union in Fall River are, left to right, first row,: Anne Delaney, treasurer; Mary Lomax, recording secretary; Claire Sinotte, vice-president; second row: Richard Des­ IOsiers, president; Annette Parent, corresponding secretary. ~

Queen of Peace Sodality Organizes in Fall River

Father Condon to serve as Director of a new minor seminary opened in Clones, County Monaghan.


Father Condon will proceed to

Los Angeles following stops at

Turn to Page Five

Deplore ~igotry Feel Khrushchev Behind Attempt ·More Dangerous To Tax Schools Than Stalin LOS ANGELES (NC)­ Two more Southern Califor­ nia dailies have voiced their editorial: opposition to the


There is a belief here that

Nikita Krushchev is emerg­

ing as a new one-man dicta­

initiative .that would reimpose torship in Soviet Russia, as pow­ . taxation on nonprofit, private erful and possibly more danger­ schools of California. ous than that of Josef Stalin. The newspapers' are the Santa Everything seems to hinge on Monica Outlook and the Whittier what happens in the Zhukov Aid Brave Hungarians News. case. If Khrushchev "gets away" Both newspapers deplored the with the deposing and apparent In general, except for southern attempt to tax these schools and downgrading of the great Soviet Europe '(represented by such the Outlook said "a campaign army hero, there is no doubt here countries as Italy, Greece, Spain that he will haye communist and Portugal), the focus of need' of this kind is the last thing presidept; Brother George, F.I.C., California needs at this or any Russia tightly in his grasp. It has shifted from Europe to other vice-president; Sister Rose An­

other time." will be a grip as firm as that held areas of the world. Special needs gela, S.U.S.C:,. recording secre­

Turn to Page Ten Turn to Page Five exist, however, in Europe even tary; Sister. Mary Denisita, today. The 30,000 refugees from R.S.M., corresponding. secretary. last year's abortive Hungarian Student officers, also elected revolt remain in camps in Aus­ for a one-year term, are Richard tria and Yugoslavia. They and Desrosiers, Prevost High School, many of the thousands who have been given haven in other coun­ president; Claire Sinotte, Domin- .

tries of Europe need our con-' By John P. Sullivan, Ph.D.

ican Academy, vice-president; tinued help. Anne Delaney" Sacred Hearts Stonehill College Professor '

Then, there are the needy Academy, treasurer; Mary LoFive milliQn dollars is saved annually by taxpayers of among the valiant people of 11 cities and towns located in the Fall River Diocese max, Mount St. Mary Academy, Hungary whom we can help recording secretary, and Annette through our mission in Austria through the operation of the Catholic school system. Parent, Jesus Mary Academy, A simple corollary of all this is that Catholic schools • Turn to Page Fifteen corresponding secretary.

To conform to the desire of His Holin~ss, Pope Pius XII, to see Diocesan as well as world and national federa- , tions established, and to respond to the wishes of Bishop Connolly to vivify and strengthen the sodalities of. the Diocese, the Queen of Peace of the five high school sodalities Sodality Union, first in New in Fall River. Officers, elected England, has been organized for a term of one year, are in Fall River. Mother Marie Adelbert, R.J.M., Purpose of the Union is the f.ederating of sodalities for their inspiration, for the intensification of sodality life for member groups, for mutual help to be derived from regular and special meetings through interchange of ideas and suggestions, and to provide a J:l1eans f9r group action

among' saclillitieS' whenever the . D.e~~Jot'action arises. . Board of Moderators includes Rev. Gerard Boisvert, assistant at Notre Dame Church, Fall River, spiritual director, and the directors and moderators of each

This is a drive organized by the Catholic Relief Services of the National Catholic Welfare Conference to send clothing and blankets to the needy of the world. The Diocesan Director is the Rev; Francis A. McCar'thy of St. Joseph's Church, North Digh­ ton. Father McCarthy announces that the drive - Operat,ion Clothes Closet - will be from the 24th to the 30th of this month, As in the past, each par­ ish will collect usable clothing, bedding, blank;ets and shoes. These articles, boxed and marked, will then be collected and sent to the shipping points to be re-sorted and prepared for overseas shipment. ,

Taxpayers of Diocese Save. Five .Million Annually

Catholic School System Savings to Community Taxpayers - 1951 Fall River Diocese Community





Swansea Fall River Taunton Acushnet North Attleboro Fairhaven New Bedford Orleans Westport Attleboro Dartmouth

616 .8253 2680 267 1108 780 5322 136 169 559


-Based on 1957 public school per pupil cost on file at Departmentof EducatipD .

Actual Savings to each Community·

$ 159,365.36 2,064,653.01 . 737,214.40 56,897.70 264,800.92 179,992.80 1,~83,879.66

60,521.36 47,632.65 128,061.31 28,505.94

1957 Catholic School Community Savings on Tax Community Rate ,Tax Ratet '0

$61.00 72.60 60.50 66.00 49.00 64.00 58.80 35.60 62.80 50.90 61.60

$18.68 16.55 16.15 14.02 12.60 11.83 9.39 5.20 4.25 2.75 1.40

tBased. on. assessed valuation· data at· .Department of Corporation 'and Taxation·

are contributing to better public schools by making it possible for these communi­ ties to spend more on fewer

students in their public school

system. Thus "tax-savings" may

be a blessings in disguise bUt,

unfortunately, they are less ob­

vious than "hidden taxes".

Translated into specific tax

savings for those citizens already

"deep in the heart of taxes" this

. multi-million dollar sum repre­ sents on the 1957 tax bill a sub­ sidy of $1.40 to $18.68 on each thousand of assessed valuation. The accompanying table, for ex­ ample, indicates that a Fall River home assessed for $5000 has a tax saving of $82.75. And further illustrations for other communi­ ties can be gleaned from this table, . ',fWD. to Page Hille





Pledges Colle®e Convent

ANCHOR'':'' Thurs., Nov. 7, 1957

Stonehill Is faMily ·College feD' MOIl1Y .

WORCESTER (NC) - Bishop John J. Wright of Worcester has pledged $125.000 to the Assump­ tion College Development Futld. The sum is to be used specifically for construction of a convent on. . the campus for the Sisters of the Oblates of the Assumption, who manage the college dining hall The· convent will be the latest in a series of buildings erected by Assumption College since its original buildings were de­ stroyed by a tornado in 1953. The men's college is staffed by the Assumptionist Fathers..

Stonehill College is a famIly affair. More than five per cent of the student body are brothers, ' and . sisters. with representation in two. and sometimes, three class-years. ' . The' Maloneys of 18 James Street North Attleboro. have three • members at Stonehill: Sheila•. a' senior; Timothy,_ a hl uior • ap.d ~ora. a freshman. Two Fall River families have two each at Stonehill. The Guil­ 'mettes'of 1618·Slade Street have daughters Jean Anita. a senior, C«l1thlO~O<e Ved-erans and Ann Virginia. a junior. The ~ ~MelMbers Roys of '65 Walker 'Street have '. Eleven new members were in­ two freshmen in the family, dUcted into Father John P. Roger Albert. an Army veteran, Washington Post 1799. Catholic and his brother. Albert Dominic. Others with two in a family War' Veterans, bringing total membership to 45, at a meeting attending 'Stomihill include: in Taunton. Kenneth James Noone. 131 Mo­ The Taunton post was named raine' Street, Brockton. a senior, in memory of the late Father and. his brother, Walter Allen POLISH PEOPLE SAY' THANKS: Personal representatives of the Polish hier­ John P. Washingten. one of four Noone. a freshman. archy and 'delegate of Stefan Cardin~l Wyszynski, Pr~mate of Poland, is Auxiliary Bishop chaplains who went down with The Lanagans of 88 Washing­ the USS Dorchester after giving ton Street. Fairhaven. have Karol Pokala of Tarnow, pictured after arrival in New York at Catholie Relief Services­ their life preservers to soldiers James Brown. a' senior. and his National Catholic Welfare Conference offices. He expressed the thanks of the Polish aboard the torpedoed vessel dur­ sister. Mary Elizaboeth, a sopho­ people for American relief aid.. With the Bishop is (left) ~sgr. Edward E. Swanstrom, ing World War II. more. From Mattapan. come David executive director of .the American Bishops' agency and (right) Msgr. Aloysius J:.. Wycislo, Father Washington was sta­ Albert Nutting, a sophomore, assistant executive director, who served as interpreter for the Bishop. 'NC Photo. . . tioned at Camp Myles Standish and" his brother. Paul Francis. before he was ordered overseas. a freshman. of 116 River Street. Robert McGuirk was elected Approve - Preaching From Norwood. the Foleys of 128 treasurer during the session. Vernon Street. Thomas Gerard, Reports included plans for the a sophomore; and Robert Cole­ . :ROME (NC) - The in~erna­ . program and installation of of­ monk-hermits at Liguge. In 371, man. a junior; from, Stoughton, As has been the custom for the ficers scheduled for 8 P. M. Sat­ tional Dominican Congress on come Joan Marie Murphy, a last 38 years. it will be a day of Martin became Bishop of To~rs. Preaching has concluded here uday night at the CYO Hall, senior. anp her brother. Richard "taps," of religious and patriotic" Some historians related he con­ High Street. Thomas Murphy. a sophomore. of rituals. as' the saddened but verted his pagan mother before with . a resolution approving In making the report Robert preaching "in theaters. hotels, her death. < Regarded as one of 280 Canton Street. grateful nation in repose will Joy. First Vice-Commander. said public squares and other public Dorchester has'two sets of commemorate its heroic .war· the great pioneers of. western that the plans were in the com­ places." monasticism. he died in 397. His family representatives: Elaine dead., pletion stages and that a buffet shrine at Tours is a favorite . Frances Benson. a sophomore. It will be Vetera,ns Day. Nov. and dandng will be among the This was an obvious reference place of pilgrimage, . and her sister. Mary Martha 11. . installation highlights. . to the practice of some priests, Benson a senior. of 106 Rich­ But centuries before this na­ An installation team from a America's observance of St. inclu'ding Dominicans. who 'have mond ·Street;· Richard Daniel tion set aside the day tt.' remem­ Catholic War Veterans group in Martin's day in honor of 'the in the past several years been O'Neil, a junior;'and his brother. ber the war dead; the Church Connecticut and a color guard hero dead offiCially became preaching in the hotels of. sum­ Robert Francis O'Neil, a senior. assigned Nov. 11 to honor a pa­ . designated as Armistice Day in mer resorts in Italy. It also re-" composed of New Hampshire of 35 Rockwell Street. . tron of soldiers-the celebrated Catholic War Veterans will take 1926, It recalled that at 11:11' ferred to the "flying preachers" St. Martin of Tours, who. accord­ A. M. on Nov. 11. 1918, the of Bologna who have been using part in the installing ceremony. ~ ing to some historians. did no.t Robert Perry. second vice­ "cease fire" sounded. ending' the sound-trucks throughout the vil­ FRIDAY - Mass of Previous wish to be a soldier.. comnlander, gave a report on the carnage of World War I. Nego..: lages in the Bologna area to Sunday. Simple. Green. Mass Born of Pagans -' membership cOmnlittee. It was tiations for the armistice had combat communism. ' Proper; No Gloria or Creed; decided to make each member a been completed near Compiegne. Referring to U:tose who preach Second Collect 'Four Crowned St. Martin was born of pagan France. in the railway coach. of "membership cOmnlittce of one;" Martyrs; Third Collect, 'for parents about 3}6 in' Sabaria, . a in publi(; places, the cOngress France's Marshal Ferdinand . Father Edward A. Oliveira of town 'of Upper Pannonia, now'a Rain; Common Preface. Our Lady of LOurdes b serving Foch, a devout Catholic; who ,str.essed the necessity, ~f .con­ SATURDAY _' Dedication of part of Hungary. His, father forming to the mind and direc­ as chaplain ~f the post. was supreme commander of. the was an officer in the Roman tives of the Church It noted that Archbasilica of the Saviour. Allied armies. . Double of'll Class. White. Mass army. While Martin was a boy; ",a prudent adaptation to. 'the Proper,' Gioi-ia,·.Second Collect the fanlily mbved to Pavia, Italy, . 'On June 1. 1954; the name of mentality. psychology and. capac­ F'II"Gnciscan'~ the holiday was changed from where his father; had been. as': ity of the' men of our times is St. Theodore" Martyr; Third Coliect for Rain; Creed; Com- .signed. There the boy, wasaedu- Armistice Day to Veterans Day opportune" but that 'p 1;1 b.1 ic sO asio honor tlieheroic men preaching should never lose' its mon Preface. ,cated. SUNDAY-Twenty-Second SunWhen he was' 15, historians and wo~en who had served their doctrinal and theological charac­ Third OrderORegular of

day After Pentecost. Double. record, as the son of '1' Roman country in all wars. teristfcs. St. Francis

Green. Mass Proper;. Gloria; officer, Martin was forced against Every Bit Helps, Offer to Young 'Men and Boys, Second .Collect St. Andrew his will into the imperial cav,:, NOTRE DAME .(NC) ,- rhe ' - special opportunities to" Avellino. Confessor; Creed; aIry. It was a move which study for the Priesthood, Lack , Preface of Trinity. started Martin toward the Faith. ,Un~versity of Notre Dame, which of funds no obstacle. Candi­ MONDAY-St. Martin of Tours, for historians claim' he lived :was virtually destroyed by fire dates for the religious Lay Bishop and Confessor. Double. more like a monk than a soldier in 1879. is sendirig hundreds of Brotherhood also .'accepted.· books as. well as 'laboratory White. Mass Proper; Gloria; and became interested in Chris­

For further information. write 1080 Acushnet Ave. Second Collect St. Mennas, tianity. . 'eg,uipment and supplies to Ot­ to . NEW BEDFORD' tumwa Heights (Ia.) College' Martyr; Third Collect for The most famous episode con­ FATHER STEPHEN, T.O.R.' Rain; Common Preface. pected with his'iife is reported to whose 'only' building recently PRESCRIPTIONS . , TUESDAY-1St. Martin I. Pope', have occurred at Amiens. On a burned to the ground. P.' O. ,BOX 289

SURGICALSUPPO~TS and Martyr. Simple. Red. cold. day, Martin and other 501­


Mass Proper; Gloria; Second. diers were stationed at the g1ites

I Collect for Rain; Third Colof the city. A beggar. dressed in

'Iect for Peace; Common Pre- tatters and shivering with cold,

:face. approached seeking alms. While

WEDNESDAY - St. Didacul1•...' his fellow soldiers laughed. Mar• 1726 ACUSHNET. AV. E.

Confessor. Simple. White.' 'tin took off his warm miiiiary j .

• · :Mass Proper; .Gloria; Second cloak, cut it, irt, ~aU wi~h: his ~E.W,,~E~,f~~D.' , Collect'for Rain; Thii'd Collect sword and wrapped one half EleetricaFContradors .. :for Peace; Common Preface. around the shivering beggar. THURSDAY - , St. .rosephat,,' Some chroniclers have recorided I WY man', 5-7555' ," ;Bishop and Martyr. Double. that whih Martin slept' that ", .' :Red.· Mass Proper; Gloria.;,~\ night he dreamed that he ~w ~~~~;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;~~~ ," iSecond Collect for Rain; Third' .. Christ dressed in the half ·of: his:ST.' :;IU'~DE~'N' O'y'E' NA' ­ ;Collect for Peace; Common <;le>ak.. ..,. " 'Preface.' '. '. ," 'Converts Mother , ; I EVERY THURSDAY AT 'Mfer Martin left the arroyo ~O A.M. 7>12::19;~,~.:'.5:,1~ P.M he became a stl,ldent of; St. ;: ' 7 P.M. - 8 P.M. ' FORTY HOURS . Hilary. Bishop of:\Poitiers. ' He i Broad~ast, W§A~~8:,45 P.M­ .' 1 lived asa reclusec'for 10 ybars " " DAILY MASSES­ '. . DEVOTlO~\.", ':and.founded'a ,:~m,munity, .;of '. 7 A.M. - 8 A.M. - 10. A.M.



America, to Observe Veterans Day On Feast of St. Martin of Tours

In Public P.laces

M ass' 0 rd






I, Electrical Shop




:' Nov.

1~~~/~~~~i~~Bapti~:' Stonehil.h C~Hege

ICONFE~S\~~SP,M·i>A.LY_. 1sT.

Sacred.,Heart,'OaJt, Bluffs ,To Hecir :Editor ' 8 : 3 0 A.M. to 9 P.M. Nov. 17...LOur.Lady of the.lsle, Very Rev,' FranciSJ. Lally, . ANTHONY NOYENA " Nantucket .". . , " ., ! Every ,Tuesday a t : 1 St. Anthony, Mattapo" isett'L.&,~. of aThe Pilot, ~ill 110 'AM' . address editor the Stonehill College .' ',~ • .;. 12'10 : P •M'" • ,",' f ,:P.M.! . · Nov. 24---St.'Stanislaus. Fall stud~ntbOdy Friday, Nov. Ui.'in ..:10 P.M. - 8 P.M.,,;

River cOnneCtion with American Edu·iBroad~st"Tues."- WNBH lOj

ne New Bedford .. A.M. & WALE 7:30 P.M­ St. An "" eatian Week. "Father Lally i St" John. ~e Evangelist, , .'. will speak on"TheClitholic: In- ,I Wed.-WSAR7,P;~ : 'Att}eboro ;'- • . 'fellectuat.. ··· ',\.' " " .; . For Further Information ,Nov. 2',-St. Catherine's Convent, FallRiV:~ . , .' ·


'. Seeoad-e..... mail privileaee audlon-J at· Fan River. M..... · PubllshH . .ery

!l'bul'llday at'. 610. Highland, Avenue. FaD' River. Mus..; by. the Catholie Preas'of the . Dioe""e of F"n River. 'Subolerlptlon 'pricia ... mall, PostPaid U.OO 'per yeM. ". '

Master of Ceremonies will be ".;, an .. d,p'leNo.aseYewn~.I'."Boo_.,· .•_,k:.,lets . Dr.. John P. Sullivan, GUidartce • _ ... 'Director and assistant profesi Lady'~. IIOr of" education fot Stoneh:ill, I.,,· ' . ' ,.' ,........

whose Contribution toward: e:ll" FR~Nc:lSCAN .fA1J;fERS'

. . ," " .' . . .• ~nsion:·,of'. American:.Education : . 572 PlE~A~· STREET Week in' 'i955',' won' "him the: NEW, 'IEDFORD,' .. MASS• . Freed"""" ... ·FOU... dati·'OD Awar". _". . . . - . •• . u.:









, ,Visitof's, Ar. Always Welcome'



-.- - - - - - - --- ~'.. R~e.;·THOMA~, C.:·DUFFY, c:s.c. .


:, . '. DirectOr 01 BuilcJ"tl1 ,iAft4 Stone1i.iu CoUe~

;·.f.lHONE' CEdar 8-2221 .








~anference ~

PaJrl§h Parade

IMMACULATE CONCEPTRON, TAUNTON Rev. Thomas H. Taylor, pas­ tor and chaplain of the Wom­ en's Guild, will. celebrate a memorial Mass on Saturday, Nov. '23, for all deceased mem­ bers of the guild. . A combined business and so­ dal meeting to be held Monday night, Nov. 25, in the church au­ ditorium is announced by Presi­ dent Mrs. Richard M. Paulson.

ST. pros TENTH, SOUTH YARMOUTH Entertainment and refresh­ ments will feature the fourth annual turkey whist to be held at 8 Monday night, Nov. 18, in the church hall, under' the spon­ sorship of the Holy Name So­ ciety. Francis L. Chase, president and Andrew Doherty, chairman of the committee in charge, an­ nounce that a turkey dinner basket for four will be awarded as a door prize in addition to the attendance prize of a ten­ pound turkey.


ST. ANTHONY OF THE DESERT. I~ALL RIVER A memorial Mass for all de­

ceased veterans of the parish will be celebrated at 8:30 Sun­

day morning followed by a Com­ munion breakfast in the Lebanon American HaU by members of the lioly N~me Society. Daniel

F. Grace Jr., coach of the debat-. lng team at Dominican Academy,

will be the guest speaker.

The 27th annual celebration of the parish will take place on Sunday, Dec. I, with the spiritual and social program to be an­ nounced at a later date. OUR LADY OF THE lISILlE, NANTUC!\:ET A most successful Cana Con­ ference was conducted by Rev. Raymond McCarthy and Rev. John Hogan of the Family Lif~ Bureau Ior couples who have been married 20 years or less. Ninety-one couples attended the discussions held in the cafetC'ria of the Nantucket High School, and enthusiastically received tile program . prepared by Fathers McCarthy and Hogan and the Cana Couples Committee. This 'Conference is the first in a series of four Conferences to be given for the eligible couples of Our Lady of the Isle Parish. Others will be held in January, April and May 1958. The pastor is Very Rev. Edward F. Dowling.



The Women's Guild will spon­ sor a Christmas Bazaar in the

Rectory Hall from 7 to 9 P. M.

Friday, Nov. 15 and from 1 to 6 P. M. Saturday, Nov. 16. Par­

ishioners are invited by the pas­

tor, Rev. George E. Sullivan, to contribute aprons, handker­ chiefs, knitted, crocheted and embroidered articles; cakes, pies, cookies and candies; plants and articles for the White Ele­ phant table. Gladys Urban, OS' 4-1045; Mary' Furtado, OS . 4-2528, and other members of the Guild will call for the gifts if ·notified.

BENEDICTION AT YOUTH CENTER: Bishop Connolly was c'elebrant at the Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament service which concluded the observance of National Catholic Youth Week at the Joseph B. Kennedy, Jr. Community Youth Center in New Bedford, with 500 teenagers and ~he Center's adult committee in attendance.

Most Catholic Youth Cfi'edJit to Church

Record Number at Rome College

ROME (NC) - The North the undergraduate section repreFORT WAYNE (NC) - "The American College, the principal . sented 90 dioceses and archdio­ school for American priests and ceses and the graduate section majority of Catholic young peo­ represented 35 U. S. Sees. Three ple today are a credit to Holy seminarians studying in Rome, has opened its 98th scholastic men from the Fall River Diocese Mother Church-they have a year with a record enrollment. firm grip on faith and them­ are included in the record enroll­ SEATTLE (NC) - Americans selves," Bishop Leo A. Pursley A near capacity of 275 students ment. should guard against fear in of Fort Wayne told a National was admitted to the new North evaluating Russia's successful Catholic Youth Week observ­ American College on Janiculum launching of a man-made satel­ ance. Hill and 57 priest-students were lite, says, Father Martin F. Mc­ Bishop Pursley said the lack of registered at the Casa Santa Carthy, S.J., an astronomer of moral principles and lack of def­ . Maria dell'Umilta, the North the Vatican Observatory. inite objectives, which are so' American College's graduate de­ Father McCarthy is a former prevalent today among young partment. The student body' in Georgetown University class­ men and women, 'is a definite

mate and associate of Dr. John of P. Hagen, who heads. Project, challenge to present-day Cath­ Vanguard, -the 'United States olic young peo~le. WORCESTER (NC)-The City earth satellite program. The CHARLES F. VARGAS He said he was pleased to see of Worcester will pay Alhambra ST. PA1:RICK'S, priest is at Seattle University Council, Knights of Columbus, the development of good leader­ 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE FALL RIVER here for his annual retreat. $233,000, pJus interest and costs, ship which is being demon­ NEW BEDFORD, MASS. The Women's Guild will con­ "We have nothing to gain for the taking of -its downtown strated through the various ac­ duct a turkey whist at 8 Tues­ from fear," Father McCarthy building as the site for a munici­ tivities of all Catholic youth and day night, Nov. 12 in.the school said. "Shouting and tumult can pal parking garage. The inter­ young adult group,s. auditorium. Officers in charge only delay progress in scientific . est and costs boost the sum to are: Mrs. Thomas Bagley, gener­ research."

Bishop Pursley said the big­ $243,202.

al chairman, Mrs. AIexander

He spelled out the need, how­ gest achievement in life is to

Buba, Mrs. Walter Burns, Mrs.. ever, for Americans to worry attain sanctity, and advised

Henry Urban, Mrs. Edward G. R. A. WILCOX CO. more about science education. using what talents were pos-'

DeCiccio and Mrs. William "Young people mu'st be encour­ sessed to the. best of the indi­

OFFICE FURNITURE Jones. age~ and properly prepared to vidual's ability. I. Sloe" for Immediate Dolin",

November 18 and 19 have been enter the scientific and engi­ "Ther~ is too much satisfac­

• DESKS • CHAIRS set aside by the Guild for its neering professions,' 'he said.. tion with mediocrity," he added. annual Christmas bazaar to be FltlNG CABINETS conducted in the school halJ.. • FIRE FILES • SAFES 30~ Mrs. Bagley, announces that the FOLDING. TABLES YOUNGSTOWN (NC) - The festival will be open at 4 on NO JOB TOO BIG AND CHAIRS

Diocese of Youngstown honors' Monday and at 2 on Tuesday for NONE TOO SMALL

the children. its spiritual lead~r, Bishop Em;­ met M. Walsh today, the' 30th ESPIRI1'O . SANTO, 22 BEDFORD ST; . anniversary of his elevation to FALL RIVER the episcopate. . FALL RIVER 5-78.38 Rev. Joseph E. Hanna, C.S.C., . Bishop Walsh was consecrated re\reat master is conducting a Bishop of .Charleston Sept. 8, mission' ~or all the people of the 1927. He was named Coadjutor Main Offica and Plant parish. ServiCes .start . at 7 for Bishop of .Youngstown' on Sept. adults and in the afternoon at 8, 1949, and was installed Nov. LOWELL,MASS. ;1:30 lor the school children. 9, 1949. He became' Bishop of . Teleohone Lowell Starting at 7 next Sunday Youngstown on Nov. 16, 1952.­ GL 8-6333 and GL 7-7500 He is episcopal chairman of the night and every night during the Legal Department of the Na­ following week,' Rev. Nelson ARTISTIC PIECES Auxiliary Plants Ribeiro, C.M. will conduct a tional Gatholic Welfare Confer­ ence. Portuguese.~speaking missiC>n.

Warns Aga;~$t

.Sputnak Terror



Takes K



C Home



ffJr"ilick delivery ()f










8T. WILLI..,.M'S, FALL RIVER'· ' Me~bers the' Women's Guild will hold a Harvest sup­ per "at 6:30, Wednesday night,' Nov. 13 in the church hall. Mrs. Johq Brennen is. c1)ai.-man and, ~ts., Gordan Hackett, co-chair-' lDa'n~ . ,

Scores Compromise



ST. ALBANS (NC)":""A resolution deploring the inaction of' . the .United N~ti.ons in the case .of Hungary, brutalized by Soviet Russia,has ,beeJi adopted at a meeting of the Vermont' Holy Na~e Union. of the. Burlington Diocese.' The resolution, accused IMMACULATE' CONCEPTION, the UN of. a "c~mp~~lnise of WALL RIVER Chdstlan principles." . '. . " · The Women's Guild will hold • ··~g.ui1dola" at 8' Mond~y night, Nov. 18 . with Mrs. Wright Tur.;. n~r 'and Miss Mildred Curry as eo-chairmen. . T~e e~ecutive officers will be and In c~~rge of a'Christmas party' whi~h will highlight the 'riext ~on~hly gathering .scheclu~ed at .. • Monday night, Dee. 2, in the'. , John B. -, parish hall..






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The Family Clinic

Suggests Ways of Dealing With Drunkenness Problem By


Report Improved

Church Position

John L. Thomas, S.J.

St. Louis University

TANGIER (NC)-Following a difficult period during the last years of the French protectorate the • situation .of the Church i~ Morocco has greatly improved since this North African nation . regained its independence.


.My husband has started drinking too much for his own good. He always drank some, but lately it is excessive every weekend. My children are afraid to bring their friends home because we never know what condition he'll be in. So far, it hasn't interfered should be done for its own sake; with his work. When I talk not as a "cure," since he will to him about it, he always obviously resent the implication insists that I exaggerate. He he needs such help. says he can take it or leave it, and nobody is going to tell him what he can ·do. Is there any way of showing him how wrong he is?

• • •

I wish there

were some sim­

ple answer to

your problems.

Drunke nne s s

has strewn the

pages of history

with the wreck­

age of human lives and happi­ ness, yet we know relatively lit- ' tIe about its cause and its cure. Students of the problem usually distinguish between drunkenness and alcoholism. They define the alcoholic as a person whose heavy drinking not only gives rise to serious life probletns but appears to be an addiction which he is incapable of mastering without outside help. He may protest that he can take ·it or leave it, but in rel!lity experience shows that he is unable to stop drinking for good unless he is willing to' accept help' from others.

Strong Habit

.Plain drunkenness, on ,the other hand,' is defined as a strong habit rather, than. an· addiction. Like other strong habits, it can be overcome' by the individual drinker if he really wants to do 80. In this sense, it is something like the habit of smoking. Al­ though not many habitual smok­ ers do quit, they are able to do ISO if they really try, as happen~ .every day when doctors order it. In 'some individuals, the habit develops rapidly into an addic­ tion; in others, it may remain no more than a strong habit all their lives. If your husband is an alco­ holic, as defined above, he needs competent outside help. Not much can be done for him until he is willing to call in the doc­ tor, the priest, the psychiatrist, or Alcoholics Anoynmous to help him out~ Since most drink­ ers resent outside help until they've "hit the bottom," their Jot is a sad' one, indeed. Sacrifice for Children Let us suppose that your hus­ band is not, or not yet, an alco­ holic. What's the best way to deal with him? Well, I think that you have learned from ex­ perience that nagging doesn't help much. In his better mo­ ments, try to get him to see how unfair he is to his chilrden. Some men will make sacrifices for their children that they will never make for their wives. It will be helpful here to get him interested in the children's growing needs and welfare. Some wives make the mistake of taking over the entire task of rearing the children, thus rela­ gating the father to the mere role of breadwinner. This makes it easy for him to assume he's doing all that is required pro­ vided he keeps his job. If his drinking has suddenly Incr,eased, try to find out what may be the reason:' Is it added pressure at work, little peace at home, or ill-chosen companions? Perhaps you can find out what is . causing him to turn more fre­ quently to drink. At any rate,' your best move is to attempt to bring him more completely into . the family circle. , Prayer and Sacraments Build up his self-respect, his feeling for the children and their feeling :t;pr him. Try to go out together as a couple or as a fam­ ily as regul~rly as ~ you can. Finally, help him to make the spirit and practice of his religion more active in his life through prayer and the sacraments. This

Since these few obse~ations can have only limited valUe, I suggest you write for a book like ;Father John Ford's Man Takes a Drink (Kenedy & ~ons, New York), or Marty Munn's Primer on Alcoholism (Rinehart Co., . New York). They will help you understand the problem and how best to deal with it. Remember, your problem is not: Who's wrong? . but: What can ~e do about it? .

Mis$BCnary Says.'

Japan Is Facing Moral Collapse,

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Nov. 7, 1957

PRESiDEN:r HONORS MISSIONERS: Panamanian President don Ernesto de la Guardia, (center) confers the decoration of the Order of Vasco Nunez de Balbao on two American Vincentian missioners, (left) Father James J. Gleason, C.M., a native of Philadelphia,. and Father Edward M. Gleason, C.M., and a native of New York. S~lid Presi­ dent qe la Guardia in part, "these good American priests • * * constitute an' example of the real good neighbor policy.". The President decorated the missioners person-' ally - - a distinction usually reserved for heads 'of state. NC Photo. .

Creator Does It Better

WORCESTER (NC)-Ja­ pan may be headed for a state of moral collapse unless' something is done to curb

CHICAGO (NC) - The new heart-lung machine in the heart research laboratory of. Loyola University's' Stritch School of Medicine has Deen called the abortiop.s and birth' control. Father Ambrose F. Kenney, finest of its kind. Watching it perform for ~the S.A., assistant regional superior for the Greymoor Friars of the first time, Samuel Cardinal Atonement in Japan, made, the Stritch marveled-not at the in­ observation 'while here on a visit tricacy of apparatus but at "how much better the Creator does it." after eight years in Japan. The Cardinal-Archbishop of' "Japan's main concern today," be observed, "is the age-old Chicago visited the school to in­ problem of overpopulation and spect some of its new projects in the lac~ of land' for expansion." the field of heart research under the guidance of its dean, Dr. Serious Effects John F. Sheehan. In an effort to meet this prob­ . Digitalis Study lem, the Japanese government '. The Cardinal saw the heart­ a few years ago legalized abor­ lung machine pumping blood tions and a birth control pro­ from a container, bubbling oxy­ gram, Father Kennedy noted. gen through it and sending the "Last year alone," he ex­ refreshed blood back to its orig'­ plained, "the number of legal­ inal source in a pulsing rhythm, ized abortions totaled over a mil­ while its workings were ex­ lion, and there is no determining . plained by Dr. John Keeley, pro­ just how many black market fessor .of medicine. abortions were performed." He When the mechanism is thor­ added that many of the women oughly tested £fi laboratory pro­ who had these abortions suffered cedures, it is hoped to 'install a serious psychoiogical as well as duplicate ·at Mercy Hospital to spiritual breakdowns. be used in daring new beart Father Kenney said that unless operations, Dr. Keeley said. . The Cardinal also visited the something is done, Japan may be headed toward a state of laboratory of Dr. ~harles ·D. demoralizatiOn. ' Economic Balance He said a sound approach to Japan's problem of overpopula­ tion rests in the plan advanced by Maryknoll Father William A. Kaschmitter and known popu­ larly as the KaschmittE;r Plan. . NEW BEDFORD This plan calls for rental of land in other countries by Jap­ anese farmers for the purpose of INDUSTRIAL OILS producing crops, which in turn > would be exported to their na­ HEATING OILS tive country. By this plan, Japan would be in apositior., to miti­ TIMKEN 'gate its increasing population problem and also help maintain Ol~ BURNERS a stable economic balance. Father Kenney .warned that & without world help, "the Japan­ ese could very easily be taken in by false propaganda promises 501 .COUNTY ·ST. from communist countries." He said that communism itself NEW BEDFORD" His no m~nace or anything to be WY 3..1751 fearful of at' the moment in Japan."


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Proctor, associate professor of pharmacology. Dr. Proctor ex­ plained current efforts to dis­ cov:er how digitalis, works to steady the beat of failing hearts.. N~rmally, the forceful, effi-' cient contraction of the heart is governed by the body' and de~ stroyed by enzymes when they have performed their functi6n, he explained. ' . However, it is· thought that more of these chemicals may be required when the heart begins to fa,il. , Dr. Proctor and his team are trying to learn whether digilalis acts to slow the activity of de­ stroying enzymes, thus preserV­ ing them ,at a tiine when the heart's deqJ.and for them may be greater than usual.

Today the Church is' regarded with more than mere tolerance and is. held in high esteem throughout the country. Catholic authorities maintain cordial relations with the gov­ ernment of Sultan Mohammed V who is soon to visit the United States.' The Sultan, who claims . descent from Ali, Mohammed's uncle, .is the religious as well as absolute teTllPoralruler of his overwhelmingly Moslem people. Morocco, where American troops landed.to start the North Mrican invasion in World War II, is today the site of large U. S. air bases. It lies across the Strait of Gibraltar from Spain. Similar in area, 'population and climate to California, it was the first Moslem state to recognize the independence of the U. S.,' with which it signed a treaty of friendship as far back as 1787. y';U'1I Fall In Love With


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.... ~anadian Shrine Establish~s New

Provincial to Visit Japali :.._=

Visitor Record STE. ANNE DE BEAU­ PRE (NC) - Statistics for the pilgrimage year 1957 show two million persons thronged to the Basilica and Shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupre here in Quebec. The number of pilgrims 'who visited the shrine was the highest in the entire history of the shrine and an increase of about eight per cellt over the 1956 attend­ ance. The Redemptorist Fathers, guardians of the shrine, said that most pilgrims traveled here by automobile. Special celebrations are being planned for 1958, the 300th anni.­ versary of the shrine. The of­ ficial opening of the tercenten­ nial pilgrimage year wiiI be held the first Sunday in May, 1958. The highlight of the year is ex­ pected to be a novena from July 17 to 26.

Khrushchev Continued from Page One by Stalin, and it will be exer­ cised by a man many hold to be much more clever than Stalin, by a "super salesman" who will keep himself constantly on the Russian and world stage. Sole Control President Eisenhower refused at a press conference to speculate on the meaning of the Zhukov ease, in the light of early reports. But he did point out that some extraordinary changes have taken place in Russia since Stalin's death. He mentioned that Stalin had been deflated, Malenkov ousted as premier, Molotov relegated to limbo, and Zhukov dismissed from office. All of these developments are seen here now as steps Khrush­ chev has taken, one by one, to establish himself in sole control of the country. It seemed strate­ gic, at first, to plump for "collec­ tive" leadership, and he did this. . He had. to downgrade Stalin lest he would always stand in his shadow, and besides ·the rule by one strong man does not make for succession by another strong man, unless the first is de­ emphasized. 'One by One All of these things were large accomplishments. Now that it appears that Khrushchev was engineering them all, his real strength becomes apparent. It is a strength he has built up by re­ moving one obstacle at a time. When he felt free to attend a party at the Turkish embassy in Moscow, of aU places, in view' of Russia's truculence toward Tur­ key, and 'announce casually to the press that "we have not de­ cided on a job" for Marshal Zhu­ kov, "but he will have one ac­ cording to his experience and qualifications," the inescapable conclusion was that he must have thought he "had it made." It is not certain yet. One must wait to see to what extent the army falls in line. But if it turns out that Khrushchev can move Zhukov a'ro~nd like the furni­ ture, a'nd still hil've the backing of the arm'y~e· is really solidly entp"en<:hed. And, Khrushchev promises to be : everywhere. He will make Stalin look like more of a recluse than he was. And, exhibiting the "smiling facade" .he did not hesi­ tate to use while getting in some of his most devious work at home, he is going to be a prob­ lem on the international stage.

Unitarian Historian Wins Jesuit Award JAMESTOWN (NC) A leading authority on Virginia history will be honored Sunday, Nov. 10. for his research on the eight Jcsuit missionaries who landed near here 37 years be­ fore the English. Dr. Earl G. Swem, a Unitar­ Ian, will . receive the special "Axacan Memorial Award" from Je!!uit-conducted Georgetown University, Washington, in ap­ preciation of his efforts to have told the story of the Jesuit's little-known place in early Vir­ ginia history. Dr. Swem, 86, is professor emeritus of William and'Mary College in ncarby Williamsburg.

DIRECT NEW SODALITY UNION: Officers of the recently formed ~ueen of Peace Sodality Union moderators and directors include, left to right, Brother George, F.I.C.. vice-president; Rev. Gerard Boisvert, spiritual director; Mother Marie Adelbert, R.J.M., president; Sister Rose Angela, S.U.S.C., recording secretary. . ' .

Mission Priest at Stonehill College

Rev. Philip V. Lucitt, assistant director of Holy Cross mission, is at Stonehill College where he will make his headquarters while telling the story of his order's missionary work in this area. o. Father Lucitt, a native of Prov­ idence, has a brother Thomas, whose home is in Cranston. The Holy Cross Order does mission work in India, Pakistan, Africa and South America. Pakista'n, where the Holy Cross

AsserQ's South Must Accept Integra~Qon NEW YORK (NC) - Pres­ sures toward integration are so powerful that Southern leaders will be forced to come to terms with it, the Catholic Interracial Council here "has been advised. Harold C. Fleming, executive director of the Southern Re­ gional Council of Atlanta, told the Council forum he had plete assurance that an inte­ grated society would emerge in the South. He' cited the influence of the three major religious bodies as a prime factor in the progress made toward that goal so far and paid special tribute to the lead­ ership, cleric and lay, of. the Catholic Church in the South, which he characterized as "forthright and courageous pace-setting." "The Catholic Church in the South is a relatively small' re­ ligious group," he said, "bl1t it has had a very large impact on soc;:ial action."


Fathers have worked for more than 100 years, is the order's main mission center. In Bengal and East Pakistan . there are 20,000,000 people, only 45,000 of whom are Chris­ tians. In Dacca, Pakistan, the Notre Dame College for men graduates more than 100 students a year. From 85 to 90 per cent of the student body is Moslem. In the same city, the Sisters of Holy Cross operate a college for women. Attendance of Moslems at Catholic institutions is a tribute. to the superior scholastic ratings of the schools. , Holy Cross has 45 American priests, 25 American Brothers, 23 native priests and five communi­ ties of nuns working in its Pakis­ tan missions. Except for the help of gen­ erous Americans, Father Lucitt announced, this vast missionary effort could not be carried on. He plans to return to Washington missionary headquarters in about 10 days.


in Tokyo. Fathers Condon and Continued from Page One Nutterville plan to arrive in Mt. Gilead, 0., and Chicago. He will visit a new foundation in Japan early in D.::cember and Glendora which includes a par­ remain there until mid-Ja:mai·Y. ish, a high school, a hospital and Father Price is a nativc of Fall a prison chaplaincy. Following River where a brother and three these visitations he will stop at Hawaii where about 100 Sacred' sisters now live. He graduated Hearts Fathers labor.o from Coyle High School and at­ The mission of the Sacred' tended Providence College be­ Hearts Fathers from the United States in Japan is about the size fore entering the Sacred Hearts Novitiate in Fairhaven. He spent of .Rhode Island .with a popula­ tion of two and a half million, of the next six years in Washing­ whom 350 are Catholics. 'ton. pursuing philosophical and .. Laboring in this' mission from theological studies. He was in the Fall River Diocese are charge of St. Anthony's Church, Father Alexander Perry of Fair­ haven, recently appointed pastor Mattapoisett, from 1948 to 1952. of the mission at Mito, and He was appointed Superior of Father Dominic Annunziato from Sacred Hearts Seminary, Ware­ Taunton, assistant at Shimodate. ham, in 1952. Father Condon also hopes to The United States Province meet Father Jude Morgan, SS.CC., a Navy chaplain, of Fall expanded its work in 1948 by River. establishing a novitiate in To Establish Seminary County M.onaghan, Ireland. Since The :Fathers recently pur­ that time 55 young men have chased land which they hope to been trained there. Five are now use for the establishment of a studying in Rome and 50 at novitiate ~nd seminary. The first vocation from the mission area Queen of Peace Mission Sem­ has just returned, Brother Fran­ inary, . Jaffrey, N. H. The new cis Xavier Nagazawa. He spent minor semina.ry in Clones under two years at the novitiate in Wareham. There are two other the direction of Father Price will vocations for the priesthood train young boys for entrance studying at the.Jesuit University into the novitiate.

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.-. THE ANCHOR­ Thyrs., Nov. 7, 1957

"'Weeldy 6 Calendar


Of Feast Days


TODAY - St. Prosdocimus, Bishop-Confessor. He was con- . secrated by St. Peter as the first Bishop of Padua, Italy, where he converted a multitude of pagans. 'He died about 100. TOMORROW - St. Claudius .and Compilnions, Martyrs. His companions were S8. Nicostra­ tus, Castorius, Simpliciw and Symphor: '0. They lived 10 the third century and were seized while engaged in burY:ing the bodies of martyrs. Impris­ oned and ~courged with whips Last March Philip E. Jacob of the University 'of Penn­ set with metal, they refused to sylvania released a study which indicated that the inner giv'~ up their Faith. At the order. values of American college 'students go unchanged from of Diocletian they were drowned. ,their freshman through their senior years.' American SATURDAY -:- Dedication of eollege education; according to this report, does not touch the Lateran Archbasilica at Rome. .It was dedicated odg­ the student in his inner self. . . inally to the Savior and at a later date' to St. John. It is the Arch­ Jacob W. Getzels, an educational psychologist at ~he University of. Chicago, has just reported findings about i:>asilica of the Patriarch of the high school students which, he said" are "exactly. in line West, who is the Pope, and is the with what Jacob found." Mother and Head of all churches . in the Eternal City and the "The high school score," he writes, "seems to add up· world. to no runs, no hits, no errors - that is, of course, if not -,I!()/.... . SUNDAY-St. Andrew Avel­ influencing children's values during four years of educa-. S d S d lino, Confessor.' He lived in the tional effort is considered no error." age an an 17th century and was a member However, these .reports must be studied rather careof the Theatine Order. His zeal fully to see' just what they contain and, say.. Things' are . V\Q"I!. •. •. ... . I I I . and eloquence gained him the .~ friendship of St.prominent Charles Borro­ not always what they seem. The late Fred Allen once Dft~ III ml ~c'e meo and other eccle­ said that a statistiCian could count the grains of sand V\bU· ~ , . tJ ~ g.. l i l Y ~.1iI siastics. He'was commissioned to on the bottom of a .bird cage and then tell how rpany tons By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.D. reform .abuses in Church disci': of sand were· in the Sahara desert. Reports, in other Bishop of Reno pline and to establish. Theatine words, can mean many things. Figures c,an behave in (With all due apologies to the shade of Pete?' Finley Dunne) houses throughout Italy. In his work he was blessed with the much :the way one wants them to act. Studies can, con-· "I see hi! the pa-pers",. said Mr. Dooley, as he settled gifts of miracles and prophecy. tain "jokers."· . . . down on the packing box for a comfortable jaw with Mr. At. the age of 80 he died at the . One of the studies used by Mr. Getzels took place in Henness'y, "thatthim confounded Rooshians has been at it· .altar as .he was preparing to high schools .o( the Chicago area. Involved were sixteen .agin. Now they've invinted a sa-atellitecalled Spootnik an' offer .Mass. public schools, four religious and two private schools. "On they're sindin' it around t.h' swered.Mr'. D-ooley."ln a'Diril-' ..MONDAY - St.. Martin of G t ze1s sal" 'd" wh a t' ever th e va1ues we·e r airth a millyon miles a mm­ Tours, Bishop-Confessor: He t h'e average, "M r:e mocracy th' ru1e is to do iv'ry-' was a native of Hungary and was

that the child brought 'with him' when he entered high yit." ,

thing th' ha-ard way. No," he educated in Italy. At 15 he joined

"Not so fast' as that.. 'continued, "th' best plan would the Imperial cavalry' and was

school, he took away with him also when he was grad~ated - nothing gained, nothing lost, nothing cha.nged." 1 d·'

be to build a bigger an' betther . noted for his charity,· particu­ said Mr. HennessY know e gaS t'k t 11 th' C . . ts What does .this prove? .Not too much. In the first . ~bly. "because I.saw it m~silf th' o~~~ ~~"sf;d :him off ~:~~~::re larly for sharing his military

P lace, it was. found that sacred values rema.ined .quite other night an' It was gom' at. a th' su'rface' I'V th' moon. Equip it cloak with a beggar. After fi~e . stable... That is surely a good sign. muc h "more modhera te rate IV with Shloa.n's Liniamint in ca~ years in the army, he returned to d . Hungary and converted his . Second, it seem that the crux the whole study and SP~~I:WayS a gret man f'r obser­ th~~h~e~gO~leold':~h th t" .;. mother to Chrisiianity. He ·Its rather ;alarming message is in the phrase - nothing. va- ation , Hinnissy;" sniffed Mr. r d M o~ e WI ... ~h t ~~, placed himself in.th~ hands of changed. The compilers of tM report were looking for D 1 "B t they do be sayin' pIe r. ennessy,. IS a . St.' Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers; • 00 ~r' ~, near~r and nearer th' Rooshians to it. They're change, and equating change with progress. And that IS that It s comm. bhoys beat .has 'us 'invited th' sa­ _ and 11 years later became Bishop ' with iv'ry nvolut!on, an' th' , of Tours. He was ·blessed with surel y a f a 11.acy. '" . '.' d ··t 't b h·tt·n.th' atelhte, only Jawn Fosther the gifts of miracles and prO-. Most boys and girls enter high school with a high wa.-an. e~ l~ 1 won. e l l . Dulles tills us we had wan al p"hecy. and died November Ii,' wan IV these days, d t fl t M l't ' set of. values, principles drawn from the Ten Command-Knmhn ' th' ..ItsIlf. Ie 'v th' Aushtra-. rea y 0 y 0 ars, on y I 3.97. on pnnCIp ,1. diviloped .ingine throuble at th' . . ments ·as· the ideal held up 'i'l1.their homes. If these values lian woman who glV her husband 1 t . ·t I t ' d . th" TUESDAY - ' St. Martin. I,. did not fade or change, then is that not a good thing? It a new boomerang, an' th' poor as mmyl. mm s me IV. Pope- Martyr. He occupied .the mea ns that the schools are doing their J' ob' o.f building· . divil killed himsilf thl'yin' to f~-urst Fo-~rd I. bougpt. back m Roman See from 649 to 655. His Nmeteen Along OppOSI·tI·on t'0 the MonothelI'te th ' 0 Id' wan away. " th ' not tearmg .' d' It k Ch an1 TwlOty-Wan. D 11 ·th h' and own, 0 f suppor t'mg an d'not 'supp an'mg. . row "If the Dimmycrats had been em ar- es o,nne y W,I IS heresy incurred the enmity. of. There are those who think that education is a matter l' t d" sa'd'Mr Hennessy ora new Cadyllac, an I haven t been the Byzantine Court. After sev­ - IC e , ",1 . . , -. th'"s .same man since." of change for its own sake. Or it is a question 0 f suddenly ecularly, two1,11qn t have hap­ th' R h' b t to eral attempts on his ·life failed" dl'scoverl'ng ·an l'nner "'orld of knowledge J'ust for the e.lect, 0 oos lans ea. us.. he was seized, held prisoner'for, ed " n pe'?N SOl' h t t a made it," said Mr. Dooley rising to his a kind of gnosticism., The· old order must change, the old ow a e 0 see a m n f t "w N t' A . a year .on the Isle of Naxos and values go, traditional principles bow before. this new a.fool,?ut ,iv. hisdoMwn Dm'oulteh) HwiI.n­ c:~~ the e~~r:~st '~~ ~~~nt;~= subsequently brought to Con-· mssy, reJome r. 0 0y. th tlir t' dh . k' stantinople, where he was sub­ knowledge. That is' unvarnished foolishness. some heat. "An' ye know· yersilf Y, or a 109 or rm .mg,. :so jected to many kinds of ignom",' Education must build on principles .given to our chi}::. th' Dimmycrats was as good as that nobo.dy hence.forth cud wnte iny. He died in the Crimea. '. l' t d It t t gth d' I' t d . N th's sa a pome, or eat a meal, or take a d ren f rom th ell' ear les ays. .mus s ren en an. sup- etlcll~t" sanywa.y · h ,0, . thII'n' to­ wee dhrop iv th'crayture. wit.h­ WEDNESDAY - St. Didacus, k t ·.ort and feed these principles. a e 1<:; poo m as naw Confessor. A native of Seville; . . ? I . 't th P t do with ayether parthy, onless it ou ou~ permIsslO~. sn . ere The successful educatiQnal program is one that does be the CumminI'sts which th' s.omethm.g wrong m o.ur thmk­ Spain, who lived in the 15th cen-" . . 1 d t I t th b' t d h t t d to tury,' he was a Franciscan h not c ange prmclp es, oes no supp an em; u oes Dimmycrats say run th' Republi­ ~ng '!" 10 ~e ar t Imp e h' Brother, who attended mission­ increase their influence in lives. That is the kind, of a cans an' th' Republicans claim Im~glOe:!'le ave os a war w 10 aries of his Order in the Canary report that would be w~rthwhile ....:.. . how much strengtl!.. run th' Dimmycrats. Mebbe," he we ~e .onr· been beated at a . Islands and aided them in their has high school added to the values one brought to it.? How' said meditatively drawing on his s,hklrmIsh. work. He was noted for his pen;" ." muc·.encpurage~en '. h · ' t·. t o.1"lve accor d'mg. to one' s prmClp .'. 1·es 7 Hoof'a...' pipe "mebbe .'twas Jemm7 .,.. Greatest, Losssome~.i.ng .. , ance' and contemplative prayer, . "Hinnissy, there's' . . a· deepening 'of those principles? his 'devotion' to', Our Lord in .tlie the '. How.much .... ." . :. , , '. ' . we're in danger" grievious dan- Blessed .' Sacraine~o'

Published Weekly by The Catholic ~ress ,of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland "Avenue 0 • .'Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 PUBLISHER ·Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., Ph.D. GENERAL MANAGER· . ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll MANAGING EDITOR

Attorney Hugh J. Golden

Valu'es and· HIOgh School


'Spftfttn'=k·, Fa.-Is to D=sturb· - BRI ' lSly"5$ -ooce MV






So ,what . started as ali alarini~g. report ean have· its i . Wor~d: In ;Bad'State " ,er, iv loslng here in Amurica, 'Blessed Mother. 'He dfed"i;:;';'463 . h 'd" . k'l . I 'h h' . . . . . "Th' FreeWurruld' is in a bad an" that's our since· iv' balance" .; . t· rawn qUlC y"": t sows t at.these' stlidiesrnust be, shtate intirely,~' ,lamented Mi.' We tOok th' eounthr': fr'm th' inCastileandthemaqy'n1ira~le,., " indeed, studied.to see exactly wha.t they say.' ;Arid it show~·, ilentlessy.•iW~'ve IOst,face with Injins,'be gar," 'an' ~ade it th' wrought at his tomb led to ·)ii' . , that the values, that children have· ~re' given them: in their Pakishthan an' Indioayshia, an' biggest an' th' finest in th',whole :n~~~tion by Pope Sixtu~. '.~ fiJ,"st and finest school which'is the home. .Public, 'religious, i hear that th' Frin~h' an' th' wurruld,' an't~in what did we -Jt . .. Eytalians are $ettin'restless un­ 'do? I'll till ye, Hinnissy, we w i n t · ..

private,'schOol can only build on this. .





.Legion of Decency ,

derneath th' pressure." 10ft. We thought only iv secur-' . "Sure it don't take much to rity, which mint hiding our The following titles 01 fi~' make a Frinchman nervous any­ heads in th' sand like a pack iv . are to be added in their respec~ tive classifications to lists "pI'e­ The· Russians have always been remark~ble chesS way," said Mr. Uooley philo­ . silly osthriches an' hoping for­ sophically. "But I wa-andernow ninst hope that nobody would viously published in The Anchor: players. The intricacies of this fascinating game appeal, if we're Dot all letting oursilves come along to pick our feathers. Morally Unobjectionable for tQ their natures. And since. the death of Stalin they have get tOQ much ixcited about this An' now th' Rooshiims has come General Patronage-All Mine' to ~en playing chess with 'it twist....,.... with countries and Spootnik.· Whin· th' Haythen an' picked a leetle tail· feather,. Give, Hired Gun, Rockabill;; Chinee invinted gunpowd­ we go screamin' that th' wurruld . Baby. 80ns. Unobjectionable for AdultS--­ . Khrushchev is showing what an adroit player he i~.. her ('twas a Kei-ryman be th' is comin' to its end. If Spootnik name iv O'Manchew), I dinnaw kern sc;ootin' by ,~ight now an' Amazing Colossal Man, Sayon~ He has played one clique against another, pitting his skill":;';" how many cincheJ:ies ago, no­ knocked us all down, 'twould:: ara; Tiajuana Story. . . ~nd life - against masters, and now he is reaching out i;b, body thurned a hair. Look at all ierve us right.".. . " take Marshall Zhukov off the board and out of the game.::. th' ha-arm it's done, but'nobody '-'Ye 'woilldn't be thinkin' iv put it in the pa-apers that th! ;'. Today is the· annjversary. of the Bolshevik. Revohltio'~> thinks a minyit' iv proposin' to jining· up with th' Cumminists· Cati:J.olics invinted, Spootnik to do away with gunpowdher. yersilf, would ye now?" asked The ce~ebration must be a doubly sweet one to the present conthrol th' wurruld an' win th' 'Twould shtop too many hunters Mr. Hennessy with bland ex­ next Presidintial eliction,. an' th' Red leader. He may npt be celebrating the Revolution half fr'm shootin'. each' other off iv'r7 pression. p'ea-Oh-Aye-Yq,u 'would be all 80 'much as his own skill and success in a dangerous gani~;' season." "I'm timpted to do just that; f'r making· peace with Bee-Kay And as be surveys the board which is set up so much "Are. ye suggesthin' 'twould be Hinnissy," replied Mr. Dooley, an' fightin' th' battle f'r freedom a,ccording to his own planningi he cannot help but feel that a good thing if Spootnik killed "only, th' Pope would read me over gain. ~ff th' soorplus populaytioJ;1, like . out iv th' Chu-urch. They're th~ day might come when he says '''Check'' onlY-to hea:r "Me cousin' Mike," concluded . Maggie Sanger wants?" inquired ·missing a golden opporchunity; . Mr. Dooley 'somewhat crytically', from, the shadows "Check and ·checkmate.":, And· whOSe,' Mr. Hennessy. though, an' they ought to be . "has- 'been prayin' f'r this 'f'r game will it be then? . ' - , .. , .. 'Twould be too· ais)'," aD­ told. All they need to do ill SO 7ea r s."

A Game of, Chess' .





Career Talks

Spotlighting Our Schools HSGR. COYLE mGH. TAUNTON Newly elected class officers for the present school year are as follows: Seniors: President, David De­ Thomas; Vice-president, Richard McMorl"ow; Secretary, Stephan Turkalo, and Treasurer, Richard Grace. Juniors: President, Peter Gaz­

zola; Vice-president, Peter Bar­ tek; Secretary, Edward Boyle, and Treasurer, John Daly. Sophomores: President, John Kable; Vice-president, Robert Fioretti; Secretary, Paul O'Boy, and Treasurer, William Hoye. Freshmen: President, Joseph Garcia' Vice-president, Paul Yelle;' Secretary, William' Greene, and Treasurer, Robert R. Demers. Edward Labrecque was elected president of the Biology Club formed again this year under the direction of Brother Albert Ciri, C.S.C. Other ·officers are George Arquin, vice-president; Armand Desrosiers, secretary, and Peter Gazzola, treasurer. A Chess Club has been organ­ ized under the direction of Rev. Paul Doherty, C.S.C., and Mr. Henry Griffin. of Fall River, a faculty member. The team of R. Grace and R. O'Brien defeated the team of D. DeThomas and W. Purdy in the first intramural debate held by the Debate Club. The topic for this first deba'te was the segrega­ tion issue and its effect upon the Church. An informal discussion on "'The Teenager and Dating" was' held after classes on Monday. The moderator for this discus-' aion was Rev. Paul Doherty, C.S.C., the school's chaplain. This was the first in a series of informal discussions sponsored by the Young Chri~ian Stu~ents.

PREVOST WGB. FALL RIVER Brother A I ban, 'prlncipal called a' get-together of parents and teachers in the high school at which time the status of stu­ dents was discussed. Ninety­ three per cent of the parents were in attendance. The prin­ cipal wishes to thank all those

who were present and announces that in the future this method of parent~teacher discussion will be employed.

MARTHA'S VINEYARD CYO OFFICERS: Over 120 young people are enrolled



- and more are expected to enroll - in the on the island. Officers are, left to right, FALL RIVER Kenneth Lewis, recreational director; Ann Bassett, social chairman; Mary Downs, treas­ Ann Delaney was elected urer; James Santos, vice-president; Mary Ann Thomas, secr~tary; Laura Figuerido, presi­ treasurer of the Sodality Union dent, and Louis Martin, spir~tual chairman. Philip FulUn, cultural chairman. was absent of the Fall River~Diocese on Oct. when the photo was taken. Rev. Gerald T. Shovelton is director. .. 29 at Pre-Election Sodality ~arty held at Dominican Acad­ were mathematically inclined to emy. Also representing S.H.A. continue in' these fields. were:' delegates .Patricia De­ Another career talk be National Catholic Youth Week Rev. John F. Hogan, superv"or NardO, Mary Elizabeth DePaola,' 'given' to the junior ;'md se'hior was observed by Nantucket of Catholic Charities for New Nan'cT LaFleur,. Gale Miller, classes by the director at Kath­ young people by reception of Bedford and the Cape. Mary.. Lou O'Neil and Vivian erine Gibbs School. The address Holy Communion and attendIn charge of the groups for Rocha. will stress' the'importance of ance at a Night of Recollection young ladies are Mrs. Paul A Clothing drive for destitute efficient secretaries in the busi­ service. Fifty-eight students who Kirby, Mrs. James Glidden, Mrs. Negroes is' the latest project un­ ness world and the importance are members of the Instruction Sidney Thurston and Mrs. dertaken by the junior Sodalists. of making a good impression at and Discussion Groups took part Charles Stackpole. Leading the Under the leadership of Mary an interview. in the observance. discussion groups for young men . Since' St. Mary's School is an Lou Simcoe, posters and clothing Mass was celebrated by Very are .Mr. Thomas McAuley,' Mr. institutional member. of the i-eceptacles were obtained. Rev. Edwa.-d F. Dowling, pastor Sydney Conway, Mr. John Keat­ Performing their duties of of:' Catholic Library Association, of Our Lady of the Isle Parish. ing and Mr. Peter Sylvia. the school librarian attended the fice aides Mariette Charest, CC@P~[j'<mll'gOn l\!!l9J$ annual Fall meeting at Salve Church Brenda Doyle, Judith Johnson, 'V(Cnuilg SEATTLE, (NC) - MeJ!lbers Regina College. . Marilyn Platt, Margaret Pow­ Gaze UPW~II'& of the Holy Name Society said ers, and Leslie Salvo are kept JESUS MARY ACADEMY, he~e that publishers and dis­ busy relaying messages, answer­ LOS ANGELES (NC) - Al­ JFALL RJlVER tributors are not assuming their ing telephones and registering though youth is at times rebel­ 'Academy students who at­ detentions. . tained places on the honor roll lious, Mother Church does not moral responsibility to' eliminate indecent literature from news­ despair, Auxiliary Bishop Alden The yearbook "Janua," under include: stands. the leadership of Leslie Salvo, Seniors, Doris Dupont, Muriel J. Bell saici: 11t ceremonies open­ ing Nationcl CYO Week. editor-in-chief, has successfully La Chapelle, Cecile Nadeau, Lor­ met its first deadline. The liter­ "In the world' today youth is raine . St. Georges, Claudette I. ary staff is comprised of Helen . Caron, Florence Heon, Diane looked upon 'as being either I Gannon, Patri,l:ia Gibson and Caron, Jeannine I!a~in, "Annette rightist or ~ttist," Bishop Bell said. "We ROO!r; an altogether dif­ Barbara Levesque. Joan Boulay, Parent and Maureen O'Connor._ co., Mary, Dunn, iind Catherine How­ Given honorable mention were ferent dir-wosion' for Catholic INC. ard are on' the lay-out staff. On Catherine Goulet, Annette Jus~ youth-upwc.rd. "For Your Protedioft "Ifyoutb lifts its eyes upward, the business staff are Helen 'Cor­ seaume, Doris Mathieu and then truly ~ will have a sense reira, Ann Petrillo lind Pa~icia Jeanne Plante. Buy From of direction ~ Almighty God and Souza. Juniors: . Claire Delisle. lion-:­ PERFECTION" orable mention went to Dolores will !lOt -..e restless as other MOUNT ST. ~RY ACADEMY. Enjoying the Laboratory youth is 1May." <> FALL RIVER Larrivee. Method for the Improvement in 132 Rockdale Ave. The evening service was con­ A Workshop on Liturgical Sophomores: Claudette Bar­ Reading, are the· sophomore New Bedford Music will be given by Sistei' classes in a - reading program aby, Pauline Beaulieu, Annette ducted by Rev. Raymond W. Mary Vero·na,R.S.M., A.M., ~nd conducted by their instructors, . Cousineau, Vivianne Dion, Claire McCarthy, assistant at Sacred WY 5-7947 Hear~ oChUl'ch, Fall River, and members of the Liturgical Choir Sister Stephery Dolores arid Sis­ Durarid, Patricia Lafleur, Paul­ at 8' Thursday' night, "Nov. 14­ ine . Leboeuf, Pauline Roy and' ter Celine Rita.. ing freshmOllR were given honor­ in Saint Joseph's Parish Hall. Catherine Costa is the newly Georgette Nunes.' Honorable able menttoa: Muriel Levesque, The musical selections, iIlus­ mention 'to Dolores Larrivee,' elected: president of the Seven­ tratillg the enconiums stressed' tee.ner·s Club which sponsOrs va-' DOrothy McMillan,' Yvette Mer.:. Elaine' "Robert, Collette Jus­ JOHN E. COX CO~ by Pope piUs ,X' and Pope Phis rious ..dances ..,throughout the cier,Colette Posey and Lise Tou.... seaume ,.n~ ~haron ~uzzeo. . Inc•. piii; , '

XII in the: encyclicals, . "Motu: school year. Proprio" and "Musicae Sacrae' Freshmen:' Jacqueline Allard,

Fabricators of ,The annual Hallowe'en party Disciplina". will be from the Lorraine MathIeu, Diane Cote was successfully conducted un­ chant and the polyphonic reper-' and P~uline Gaulin. The follow­ der the general chairmanship toire of the fifteenth and the ELECTRICAL of Miss Simcoe. A scene from and sixteenth centuries, the Golden CONTRACTORS the "International Embalming Age of Music. . School" •opened the program Residential - Commercial Forty students of the academy while a pageant in which various Industrial will participate under the direc-' 753 Davol St., Fall River juniors portrayed different tion of Sister Verona, as lecturer.· 633 Broad~ay, Fall River school subjects followed. Judges OS 5-7471 Mary Margaret Lomax, class of for the pageant included Mau­ I'OR 0"'." HAL' A ClUITURY OS 3-1691 1958, will be the accompanist. • BIlATlm HllW IIlIlDFORM . reen Denehey, Theresa Gomes, This Catholic Action project Dixie McCoy and Sandra Seneca. is under the sPonsorship of St. Glenna Gendreau and Pauline. Joseph's Parish Guild. Robert enacted a skit. Sister Mary Carmela, R.S.M., A.M., Principal and' Sister Mary Mercy, R.S.M., B.E., librarian and dramatic coach at the acad­ emy, attende(i the annual .~eet­ ing of the Massachusetts Drama. 'CC). ·'.t Guild, held in. Boston, at the ", ... -'. U,niversity Ch~\>•. sa.tUrday. rP.i.s <:-: ,.' - ~ ..\ '. ',I a'l,-d~y IT\qeH.ngJ~~lu~ed a pan~. 'r;;":.Over 35 Years of, 4.!lfCu::;sion.,by jqe ;st~dents and . ' ... 1, .,";"' C!fflches ..9~.' c~e~~~. ~ndsecon"

~a~ IIIj!lpols, .}VJth, the Rev:. J9J:1~


Nantucket Pupils Mark Youth Week





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directing, arid character study., . Louise Boulay, Frances Moson and Valerie polka tied for fu:st place; wit1$>"twenty-five 'honor points each,.in the honor roll for the ' first, marking . period.' this sc:holastic year. Ann, Mis. and Joan MacQmber.merite"d twenty­ four honor points each. An these students· are members of the class ·of 1~60.



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Queen':s Daughte:ra

eTempera..:ures . M'ar k .. , Soanng .aJ.. D'a Iy •M .0' me A' rrelval, of ByFlu' Mary.Tinley Daly L


Install at Taunton Past President Mrs. James B. 'Williams installed officers forbanthe ensuing year at the annual quet of the Queen's Daughters of Taunton, held in the ballroom of Taunton Inn. New officers are Mrs. John P. Doherty . Jr., president; Mrs. James L. Gallagher, vice-presi­ dent; Mrs. Robert Hill, record­


','Ca-Choo! . "God bless you!" These are familiar sounds at your house and at ours as, from Maine to Florida, from New York te San Francisco, . the Asian flu and all its dev"Maybe the bug that bit me is iations spread. tougher than yours," Mary Those who have had the wheezed. "Or maybe it's just shots-only Markie at our that you're tough!" house-seem to have 'a terrific heaviness in the arm for a day or so, th'en a """""""""",. slight stuffiness and that's that. The un s hot have all kinds of sy mptoms. There's the sore throat that causes a lot of pain; and the utterly sick feeling with its

~~~:;:e~~y~ ~ g

Then it was my turn. Ugh. . . Sick abed,. I was waited on. like • a queen. Able to put on " robe and walk around, well there are duties - cooking and cleaning and the like that can't be performed very efficiently in a bathrobe. Back into uniform to join the 0l.!-t-patient department, bu t WI·th a very h ea1t h y respect for a very unhealthy little germ.

r '

S· . B

. ,rue toryasis Of Radio Drama


ing secretary', EI'leen M, Hench... on corresponding secretary; Mary L, Murphy, financial secreta~ and Mrs. James W. Blount, treas­ urer. Serving for two years on the 'board of directors are Mrs. Leo P. DeMarco, past president; Mrs. Robert J. Briand, Mrs. Paul .I. Fountain, Mrs. Francis Unsworth and Mrs. GeorgerRyan. Ditectors seated for one year - are Mrs. Fernand B: Hamel, Alice Alves and Mrs. Michael So Rosowicz. Mrs. Rufina McCarthy Helmer spoke on "Getting the Most Out of Life," sprinkling her talk with

CAPPED AT NEWPORT COLLEGE: Miss Janet Ann R. OUS&eau' (1 eft) an d M'ISS R osemary T eresa DrIS . 1an, sop h 0­ . more students in the Bachelor of Science in Nu.rsing course at Salve Regina College, were among the 18 members of their class capped at recent exercises at the college. Miss Rousseau, daughter of Mr. and "Mrs. Orner L. Rousseau, 82 Clifford Street, New Bedford,. is a graduate of Holy Family High SchoQl. Miss Drislan, daughter of Mr. a~d i>~~~~s ;~g~:~h:'Yanh~;iS~a~~~

Mrs. John J. Drislan, 399 Stetson Street, Fall River, is an

' Guests were Rt. Rev. MsgE.

.alumna of Mount St. Mary Academy. . James Dolan, pastor of St. Mary's

In keeping with the Christo'pher purpose of using mass comReal. Asian, flu? We don'~ 'munication media ,to educate. know whether or ,not we've had'people to Catholic truth in hisit-but we've had something.. . , , Church', Rev. Edward Mitchell,

, ,to.ry,as well al\ c\.lrrent events, For a family of Irishmen, that the Catholic Theatre Guild of 0 IC 0 assistant at Sacred Heart Churc~; Occidental disease has really hit" New.Bedford has chosen a new . '..'.. , " .... Rev. William Dolan, pastor CIi or maybe its counterpart, Hiber:" . radio' play 'to be' broadcast over Holy 'Family Church, and MrS. nian-Asian flu. .'~'. 'Radio . Station WNBH' at 7 next . Mabel' Trucchi, regent of tbe Pat was number one victim, Sunday p i g h t . . . , · .The Catholic W'oma~'sClub'of .. Tickets will be available at Daughters of Isabella. retr,~l1ted. to t,h~ fa~tness of,~e,r The'title of the play is ."The" . ,Fall River win hold its Novem:'" the door for guests.' . - . .. . . third floor room~nd b~ttle.c;l,~e .' Skelet!>n Speak's" a true 'story.. ber meeting at~8 next Tuesday The hospitality coftlmittee:f6~'" 'Coyle-Mothers' Plan solo, eatmg hghtly. of ' '. , . " , '.' . - ." ", S d" H t th t" h d d b M'" ,_' .. " . germs . '1 ' "t····,· . 'J." d',:- "f" Jl' 1 of C,a.~hollc martyrdom ~n the. evening in the acre ear e. mee mg IS ea e y. ISS 'S"" '1, meas .. sen up, ,an ma."Y.. :.daYs.of QueEmEiizabeth. ' . ,'School Auditorium on Pine .. Eileen A Sullivan' and.'includes ' nstmas' OCla·, emel'gmg weak and woozy. , Not billy does the play tell an Street.' A concert will be prethe following club 'members:Coyie M6'thers' "Club '01 New Next..hostess. to the bug; was". ,"'t' t . . , .... ~ "". . " .. sentedby Joim Moriatty,'piailist; "MisS Stella M. Mas~e,'Mrs.'J:" Bedford 'met '·at·'the·· 'home CIlf Ginny, who rather' glorified at ,excI.m~ s.ory, bU~ th~ hl,storIe, ' . " .' .. . . f 'h' details of the reign of' terror .and ~acqu . eline,Bazinet.,.. soprano.' "Louls' Clemmey, Miss "Margaret' ,IMrs. William J. Trought to form­ fustIn bemg qUite In as IOn. ' . ., . , , ." ..... '. ' .' L D" . M' J ' 'D" 1'· M" . ,. 1 t' '. '1' . f' .. Ch'1 t "B "li " d h 1£ :.undergone by. Catholics. In the Mr. Moriarty, a Fall Riyer na- . . ,ugan, ISS ean' rza, ISS u a e'p ans' or a . , ns m88 up: b:t~' pi~10:t:~:~7rst-~~~~- ,:tkimes.· of. ~h·.e pathet~9 m:~.na*c~ ,tive, was awarded the degree o~':TIier~Sa .A: Cadrill; Miss 'Edna' party'scheduled for -Weci'nesd331o . ,. . nown as "Good Queen Be '" 'bach.elor·' of music ,with highest . U. Delehanty, Miss AliceE. Fitz'" Dec;"ll, 'at Meilirig'sj Mattapo)-. ing; "Breakfast in bed, no school . 'y, .. '.. ." . '. ".~'. . . patrick.; Miss. C~heririe;...p>Har.- I·' sett: . Din·jOg 'the "'session Mrs. 'nd th" M d a I Th' k I ,are, a,scmatmgly acc,urate.. '.' ,honor.s ·from the New,England. . .. -= -;-~~ ta IStlS ·, on k ;;,' . m : . The'script was written by Rev. ;Conser'v'atory of Mus,ic. in 1952. 'rington, Miss enevieve Har-" Ernest'Sylvia'was elected trea~ ellj.'s you ,all w.ee, ' 'F d "k .' '., . .... ..rington and' Mrs'.' James"· H'. : ' : u r e r . · ' '. ; . re encRoberge .of the. Blessed ·He made his debut in Jordan , 11h' t . "'h d' 11 m" '<'~s, fO ~:' t~ 1 a h e ear :Sacral:nent Fathers,~ot~e"Dame ,';Hall in Boston in 1953 and in Hoyl.e Jr. "'" TlienextmontlilyrneetingwiD mar s 0 a I~S. C ass oa~ a~ " .Church, 'Chicago, and ·.will be . Europe at Napies in 1955. He.' R be held Monday, Nov. 25, at the we wonde!ed if It were the sore directed by Christopher A. Best . e 19lOUS ' , e e an ' home of 'Mrs. Mary Sullivan, 44 throat she claimed ·or undone 'th Ag Ell" . 1" received the Frank Huntington T' ,'. . homework that confined Ginny WI th nes. lson.. supp ymg . Beebe award for European study brs p 'empest . ··Pearl Street. All Coyle Mothe.· to her' downy cot. As the morne organ musIc backgrou~d. in. 1954. He' has appear.ed as' SEATTLE (NC)-A su~gestiori are 'invited to attend .. '. ing wore on, though, we were b d f" soloist with the Boston Pops for the abatemerit of 2 tempest Mrs.. ,Margaret ~ouza an­ eonvinced that Sister's wrath ros Y an . i e' Orchestra and has given recitals stirred, u by the bannin f nounces that reserv~tlOns for the over undone homework' couldn't Dedl"cate' 'LI·b·r~ry. . . Week atg the 0 party obtamed 6by co... " in Rome, Paris, Dublin and New R e 1"IglOUS p EmphaSIS ta t· may h bet WY '507" be the cause.of. Ginny's. absence York. He.is 'now a. member of ..University .of Washin.gton has c mg· er a !Uan .; . ~. SPqKANE ; .(NC) ~ ~ing th f Ii' f thO 'N E 1 d from school. It· was a' real ill- Cob d h' b'd K th . e acu y 0 e ew ng an been' advanced by a universi,ty' . .. __ .... -l:~ ..;:~ .. .;.:..;,...... ness- real flu, no matter what r ,s."y an 1S· I:I~, a Y "Conservatory. . ffi . 1 ~ . .Grant, have. dedicated ~h~ $.65(),- 0 cia. .' " .', 'S its .origin. Fever soared, there 000 C b M' 'Miss' Bazinet· has studied with '. Donald K. Anderson, univ.er'- , .,. ..... ".. . . • . . . . ros y' emorial library. " . was the unutterable weakness, here:.:...·,. " ';0. "; : the finest teachers this cOun_'\lsity dean of students,made the. ~AUTO;&'FURNITURE' III. the' cough .that . persisted even . I· try- ana'E'urop"e.She\v3s'the n,a;' proP.o,.sa.l t.hat'. th.e.cust.&m ... of ..h.ol.d- ~ " " . . The .b.uild,ing 'w.·ill serve .·Gon. .· f. . d after a'few ' ays'when a wobbly 'tiorial'winner of the Huntington ing Religious .Empha. sl.'S Week '~ . "'. 'UPHOLSTERING . , '. ,. ,.' ·'· , . d th k f th zaga.'Vni\;ers.i,ty·..Th.e·l.ii>,··ra'r,y ·h·a's. l '. ,. ~ . e ran s 0 e : Beebe Scholarship··for European observance be continued'but that , All" ki.nds. 'uph.olste'ring G mny reJome he 'lth . been "made I>.ossible. by, Mr. . , ,.,;. . ., , Crosby "in'ihename 'o'f' the study. She has appeared with theactlvity be condu~ted~n,tlie ~ '.:' '. FABRICS a y. . Mary Next V i c t i m . . ' ' . the Boston Symphony Orchestra futur.e. as a,no(I-campus .affair.". ' ~ ,'. .' .' . . , fun ' . to be downstairs Crosby. family." Mr. Cros.by is ,and' in solo recitals throughout .. by the various denomination.s.... ".~ ~It's O. ,E., NERBONNE; Prop'• Gonzaga alumnus. • a again," she 'sighed . as she the United States .and Europe. 1 which have sponsored the week , 1863 Purchase St,. New Bedford . The new building has, a cap­ , 43 Center St., .Hyannis . wrapped her ,bathrobe around .t : She is the leading sOprano of· on campus in' the past. ---,------------~... --­ , aCI y for 250,000 volumes and her for the first family dinner, Boris Goldovsky's New England ' . contains. some of ,the latest con­ the pink of the robe accenting Opera Theater in Boston and is . veniences for operating an 'effi­ the. pallor of Ginny's usually: a member of the faculty of Bos­ I . cient university library. rosy face. "Most times I'd just ton University.' love this steak," she philosohized ~~~~~~~~~~~~~, eating one small piece, "But I'd r -.------, rather ha've hot dogs and feel BONNER' FLOWERS like eatin' 'em than have. this HARDWARE'

Specialists in

steak anq not be hungry. Even being Out of school isn't as much . GA~DEN ACCESSORIES

Special Floral Arrandeme'ti.ts

fun as I,thought it would be: .." • Funerals • Cors'ages Citizen's Savings BOnk Building Fall River, Mass. . We knew, then, that Ginny had • Weddings .• Hospital

been sick, also that she was get:' 766 COUNTY STREET 2082R.obeson St.

ting better. Next victim, Mary. NEW BEDFORD' "Only two classes at the univer-. OS 5-7804

Fall River. sity," she murmured when .we WY 3-4497 went in' heroroom to call her....A 9 Q'clock and a 2. .Ca-choo!" , . .,'~"_\'S.l..:.' "God bless you," we answered ·,'.VJ' ~,. au'tomatically, 'wondering idly how many times this had're­ curred in the past week. '.oj' (: . With every move~ent an ach­ ing chQre, Mary got herself off I Business Breakfasts, Parties .~"'),,~. for the 9 o'clock class and came . See us for the BEST DEAL in a home, deciding to cut the after­ Avoilable for Social Organiations'O\'. . Ford Car ;or Truck ' , ,,' ", 'lo't, , noon's English. For the next Jew days, she felt half-sick, h,alf-well and finally had to give up and take our advice ·to stay in bed , FORD .DEAlERS 'FoR OVER 38· YEARS ." for the rest so essential. . 1344-86 Purchase St. . .New Bedford, Mass.' "If you'd-a stayed in :bed right away like l' did, you'd:-a been well faster," Ginny smugly told .the patient a's she carried trays and compared symptoms of her recent bout. NOW'

ChI' W.oman s CIub to'H Id at Co'"n'c"ert .Tu·e·sday'. in Fa,. 1,1. R .. ive..r.·




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School Savings

600 Attend Youth Hour at LaSalette

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Nov. 7, 1957

Continued from Page bne Or to take another view: The subsidy could well have repre­


Six hundred young Catholics were in attendance at the Youth Hour sponsored by the Fourth Diocesan District of the National sented the amount by which this Council of Catholic Women in· .year's tax rate could have been . SOUTH BEND (NC) - The observance of National Catholic .increased if the eleven communi­ Youth Week at the Shrine of ties had found almost twenty story of the October 1956, Hun­ garian revolution must be "re­ Our Lady of LaSalette, AtUe­ thousand students at their public peated and repeated, because the boro. world grows weary of tragedy Celebrant at benediction was school doors seeking admission. the Rev. Edmond Dickinson of Students in the Catholic school and people soon forget." This appeal was made here by the Sacred Heart parish, North system of the Diocese, housed in Attleboro. Serving as deacon more than sixty parochial, dio­ Msgr. Aloysius J. Wycislo, assist­ was Rev. James McCarthy of St. cesan and private elementary ant executive director of Catholic John's parish, and as sub-deacon, and secondary buildings, com­ Relief Services-National Cath­ Rev. Cornelius O'Neil of Holy prise almost one-third of the olic Welfare Conference, New Ghost parish, Attleboro. The total school population in these YQ~k City, worldwide relief sermon was preached by Rev. eleven communities. .Even the agency of the U.S. bishops. Edwin Loew, St. Mary's parish, casual reader of the daily press . In repeating the story' of Hun­ North Attleboro. would concede that officials of gary's uprising, he said, "Even The combined choirs of the over-crowded public school or­ though it is human to express Attleboro Holy Ghost parish and ganizations could not, without laments, we should turn rather the North Attleboro Sacred educational dislocations, con­ to that 'positive repetition of Heart parish sang under the struction and staffing inconve­ history and seek that consolation direction of Sister Mary George, niences, and added financial bur­ in our sufferings that comes of a Holy Ghost parish. dens, accommodate tl-o', rather quiet, dispassionate contempla­ . Those taking part in the pro­ large segment of the total school tion of our real purpose in life." cessional from North Attleboro population. "Thousands of' Hungarian es­ were Misses Joan Fontaine, Remind Community capees in this country," he con­ Nancy Poirier, Susan Kieltyka, tinued, "have risen out of the Sandra Sarazin, Carol Sarazin That is why it is well from shadows with hope, and together and Janice Stevens; and Richtime to time to remind the com­ Kieltyka, Albert Pinsonault munity at large that it stands to with them we should seek justice ,Robert Beaulieu, Arthur Chase, YOUNGEST BLESSED AT AUDIENCE: Sleeping gain from Catholic schools even for Hungary that is in accord Jeffrey Lambert aJ'ld Joseph peacefully as she is held up for the Holy Father's tender though it contributes nothing to with the divine' law' of charity." Nolan., blessing in St. Peter's Basilica is tiny Bernadette Dylla, their SUPPOl:"t. And this gain does Attleboro: Misses Diane Rose" t ' . hterof 'Mr. an d Mrs. G'lb not refer chiefly to the well­ . wo-mon th 0 ld d aug I er t Dy II aof rounded cib.·zens produced by' Joanne Hunt, Barbara Nobrega; . Adk' T Th h d .' . d" th' h h' t ' ms, exas. ey, a arrIve m e c urc JUs m Catholi" scho.ols or to rell'evl'ng also Joseph McIntire, Stephen ' , " Bianchi, Joseph Paulbrisau.· time for the Pope's audience and. his benediction. NC' the public sehoois of their heavy ~lj:9nk: Misses.Joal'i·.Buckley,.. Photo. .". ," ~ ',1. ·pupiUoad.' . ,,' .' Patricia Lobell, Catherine Foley, ," '" ;<", .... ' ~" . !. . . "',' . " ,"'. Rather,·tlils gain'is pointed to Mary Ann Sczureski;' Maureen :. ~. !,~': Wom~n. Better'At't~ndance 'the" measurablE! 'cold 'cash' com­ O'Brien, ~nn qordan, alsoTi~-, .'. ".' '.' , '. ... ' modity...,... "tilx:"savirigs." In pre­ othy ~uckley, Robert Buckley STEV~S POINT (NC) ...,....A. .... unjust, unfair a~d' u'ri-Amersentirig'''the finanCial aspect of' and G~orge .LobelL . ;\:,resolu,~ion,.urging wocldng men. ican," " . " ., " " . . the 'subject we are neither prig':' . Another resolution" called The. ushers were the Misses. to be m'ore active in th!lir union "gish nor patting .ourse1~es 'on the GUARANTEED J'ane,Kel.).Y, Mary Jackson, Judy .mee~'ngs,' has been aI>proved. tention to "subtle forms of segre-' back. Catholics maintain and Santuc;ci, Virginia I;>avis and :here, by 2,000 Ca~olic women gation and'prejudice often pracsupport a' Catholic school system' T.V. and RADIO Marion Gasson .of .Mansfield and attendin'g ,the 23rd annual con­ . ticed 'in our -Own communities Qn ., primarily for the henefit of their . 'SERVICE the ';1VUsses Janet }lich,' Naricy : vent,i?n of. the pioces~n .Council account ofl'ace,.·colo'r, or creed.~' '. own children. In numbers and'" AUTO RADIOS Erwin, Eileen Dyer, Nancy Ca-. ' of ~athpUc WOql,en i!1 Wiscon­ organiZation our Dio'cesan school m~r~.. and Pamela' Scherer of s i n . . ; New' Bedford Youih' systein irllirks the intensity of the Member R.T.T.G. . . Norton, . The resolution, noting the cor­ d'··· dev'otion of our Bishop, priests The altar boys w'ere Robert ·ruption in labor which ,has been' 0 " on uct ance religious, and, laity to the ca"se' u Ferra. Patrick McCaffery, Leon­ .exposed recently, stated,: . The basketball court at the of edlication. 46 MIDDLE RD. ard Silvia and Robert Maynard. "These conditions exist only Joseph P. Kennedy Youth and Non-Catholics Benefit ACUSHNET WY 5-7548 , ' .' Community Center, New Bed­ in a min'ority of unions, and ford, will be opened tonight from This system of, education was III ·Clol·stered Nun . among a minority of their lead­ 7 to 8 for girls and .from 8 to 9 made possible by the many sac­ ecemes lbzen ers. Nor are they a necessary rifices involved in maintaining' ----------~-----------; . for boys. Tuning; Repah'ing it and the. support that has cOn, product of unionism, which is'a CHICAGO (NC) Federal vital- and effective element for The first "get acquainted" &. 'Rebuilding officials got special ecclesiastical proper human relations in busi­ dance will be ·held tomorrow' perm,ission to enter a cloistered ness and industry under the free' night from 7:30 to. 10 with the convent here to administer the capitalist· system." . . Sky,li.ner',s Or.,che.str,a, f,ur.n,ishing. oath of· ,citizenship to a 'gravely The evils' are attributed 'to 'the ..; the }n~sic" M;embership cards Wi'ndow Co~pany ill: nun ., " I ' .., , ,.," ., must .b~ ;shQwn. for adry'lission. '. She is Sister 'M'a'rg' atet Mary, . union: 'member's' lack of interest 't'h'; I' 'k '. f 'bl'" ' Rev., Leo T...Sullivan, Youth' Staiiiless Steel Track Window 81," who has not been outsl'de an d"., e , 'ac . 0 pu. lC, 'super,-' , . 'Council Director, has called. a , Oi'namentallron the convent of the Francl'scan vision, but the resolution urged "t' 1 l' "1 t ". . "meeting.,of the entire Youth ., C~ai~ Link Fe~ces Poor Ciares since she entered cau IQn on egls a ures In passIng laws·to· correct labor union "jn­ Council· for tomorrow' night at . 1533 Acushnet Ave.

7:30 in the Center, for the pur-. th~ rel~gious order on Feb. 7, equ'ities." " New Bedford WY 4-1332

" , pose of drawing up house rules. 1896. ,..• , . , . , . . In' other resoiutions, 'the' dio­ . The Order of St. Clare was Home . ~el. WY 9-6505

Attorney· George Thomas will founded in Assisi, Italy in 1812. cesan DCCW denounced Sunday . be guest at the next youth panel . Its members cut themselves off shopping and said that recent discussion which will take place fr?m contact with the worllJ; and state rulings barring free trans­ in the. auditorium on Thursday, ~'''icate thel'r ll'ves to prayer portatiori on public school buses N ov, 14. T h e topic for discussion d "'" atmeditatl'on. for private school students was WI'11 be "T h e President, the Gov­ F era.l Bureau Head'Half-Wa'y Mark errior an the Federal Constitu­ tion." Robert Conway and Urges Family Unity BROOKLYN, (NC) The George Thomas are in charge. $100,000 goal of the alumm asso­ • SEATTLE (NC)-Mrs. Kath­ ciation in St. John University's DOMESTIC & HEAVY DUTY OIL BURNERS erine B. Oettinger, chief of the building fund has passed the United 51.ates Children's Bureau, halfway mark, with contribu­ Service said here that renewed em­ tions rel.lching $55,882. This was phasis on the preservatIon and announced by John J. Ryan, MAIN OFFICE - 10 DURFEE ST., FALL RIVE~ 970 ASHLEY BLVD.

strengthening of family life rep­ alumni group president. He said NEW BEDFORD

resents one of the most signifi_ that of the amount contributed, 5~7484 Main Office &. Factory

cant trends in the social wel­ $30,053 WHS given by 917 alumni. QUINCY, MASS.

fa~~ field .today. J tI:hough sQe-il'Idlcifted high re­ Open Everyday' WY 6-5556 galra for foster child care, par­ JOHN RICCIUTI & SONS. Inc. tidl!larly "remarkable,,' creative ef(qrts" ffi' . foster care in 'the Pacific Northwest, Mrs. Oetting­ er: emphasized that a child's own parents, however immature they may seem to professional social . BURNER SALES PLUMBING & HEATING

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Wilbur .St., Taunton linquency, Mrs. Oettinger said. She noted that the complexity of Electric Drain &. Sewer

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Keep Repeating

Hungary Story










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BalancinJ the. Books

, . .

Autho,r. Discl,aims"

the state hu had to raise Its taxes, and in addition float bond issues,'to '··finance . new"'school construction. . . HThe taxpayers of everY school district would· pay heavily for the satisfaction which some fana­ tics would derive from putting private schools out of business." The Whittier News in its edi­ torial said that public education did not constitute all of what might be called "the popular education program." Contribute Twice It cited a total of 1076 pri­ vate, nonprofit schools in the state with an enrollment of 286­ 377 pupils. ' T~e significance of these fig­ ures, said the editorial, is that a great load of responsibility is taken off the public education system. "So to all of the churches which operate their own schools the average taxpayer might well be thankful. . . "The same persons who sup­ port the church school program must ,first support the public schools with their taxes. ''There is no more escape from public school taxes for them than for those who do not contribute to church schools. They pay the education bill twice, and rarely complain about it because it is a matter of conscience with them."



O:f'fn~a<tti:ng ::C6mm~'n'ism


'.. . . By)lt. Rev. Msgr. Joh,Il S. Kennedy" '.: .' , . When published' in a Russian magazine, Vhidimir. :pu­ dintsev's novel Not By Bread Alone (Dutton. $4.95) caused.' a 'sEmsation.· The reason was not its literary quality; this is, in fact; a clumsy, plodding, turgid piece of narrative.' Rather, it was the book's knowingly . exploited, and the sharp, detailed .criticism of several parts coalesce into a Sov.iet bureaucracy. Such an smoothly rounded whole.' attack on Soviet officialdom There is shining truth in the

, was a novelty indeed. The book . depiction of the parents, other has since been withdrawn from . relatives, and friends of the nar­ circulation in '. rator, littl~ Christine. There is the U.S.S.R., the humor' and pain in the canvass­ author has been irig of fa1l).ily relationships. severely cen­ There is delicate fidelity to hu­ sured by no less man' nature in the sounding of than Khrush­ . the deeps of ambition, aspira­ chev himself, tion,.frustration, discontentment, . and the author's. love Which underlie the plain, present. where­ .. numdrum surface of unglamor­ abouts are un­ . ··ous existence. There is discern­ MONKS MOVE CASTLE 17 MliLES: Father Gabriel known. ment of no mean order in por­ of Cistercian Community at Mellifort,. Ireland is shown Opening in a trayal of the inner life of a child helping in' the task of moving Gibbstown' Castle. The Siberian indus­ during successive stages of castI e.will be mo.ved . piece by piece .to New Mellifont Abbey," trial town, the . growt h ; ,.. . ' . story centers upon one Lopatkin, :..Miss Roy hits no false notes in near Drogneda, County Louth, 17 miles distant. The a schoolteacher in his early thir-, ::developing"her book. She can be' . castl~ has been vacant for 45 years. NC Photo. ties. I,..opatkin has, conceived :the' richly; amusing without striving v. " argument for private schools is idea of a centrifugal pipe-casting .for comic effect. She can achieve' . still .stronger, since our public machine which would be of· im­ ,profound. pathos without a hiIit . '.. schools are overcrowded ;and mense benefit to the Sovietecon­ of exaggeration. She has the rare Continued from Page One nearly every school district in omy.. 'He has evidently come up gift of an incisive' eye combined "Its 'appeal,' said the Santa with an original, practical, and with exquisite taste and limpid Monica daily, "is to religious immensely valuable device. expressiveness. bigotry, and its cost, if success­ But getting it made and put to I am happy to say that I en-. ful, would involve the bitter use is far from easy. For In ·the . joyed Street of Riches .i~­ divisIon of our people, the denial . it was unmisLaluiably evident the day way stand the vested interests mense.1Y, and. I stI;ongly recom­ of the' right of parents to send Lhe earthquake struck Meharbieh. near of a whole regiment of en­ mend it to all. \', their children to private schools Sidon in Lebanon. Along with most trenched officials. They fear to The Comforters· at their own expense, an almost be shown up, displaced, and de­ Muriel Sparks' The tomforte~s imPl?s~ible added burden placed buildings. St. George Church was de­ prived of the luxuries they en:" (qppincott. $3.50) is' an el}tirely on our public school system, and molished, all the furnishings and sacred joy. So they do everything to different cup of. tea. It will be a grievous addition to the burden vessels ruined. Miraculousl)' the ciborllBm sabotage the scheme and per- ~relished by relatively few.: It.is already carried by local taxpay­ with Lhe Blessed Sacrament escaped secute its fashioner. . a bizarrb comic stunt; often bril­ ers." damage. Tbe parisb of 200 Melklte Rite + For more than 500 pages' Mr. liantly clever, J>ut almost e~­ The Outlook said that five Catbolica bave been witbout a churcb Dudintsev laboriously spells out . tircly artificial and' ultimately years ago, when the exemption . more' than a )'ear. As poor fanners' of the systematic thwarting of Lo­ rather empty. . ' was authorized, there were very rocky mountainous land. they can't reo patkin, in Sibera, in Moscow, in Evelyn Waugh has 'said that sound economic reasons, as well .build· it witbout belp. Tb'e pastor be/JI an Arctic labor camp, At last, the novel describes "the manners ~s moral ones, fqr not destroyi~g &be Holy F.~er. fer $2.500 for.. suppUea. through 'the·intervention of a and customs of Iriodern English private schools through unjust bighly placed friend and a true Roman Catholics." But these and punitive taxation. Sovie.t man, he is vindicated. frenetic figures. are not repre­ "Now, in 1957, the economic NEVER Too'YOUNG But the bureaucrats still cling to sentative of English Catholics. No, you're never 'too young to make'your will. Protect your loved their positions; indeed, one of They are, almost without excep­ ,ones agai~st unf,orest'en disaster. Mao)' an unfortunate dependent D.·McMU.~~EN .them is being promoted; and tion, eccentrics. Madness ruils .endures great. hardship during legal strifes which a will could have lric. their cnmity to Lopatkin re­ riot through their charac:ters and ,.prevented. ge~ gO.9d lega~ ;advice when you do.. It's never too sooo' mains implacable. carryings-on. There are oC~­ .... ':M 0 V E.. R.,S· . JOU .caoalways change it. Make God 1'. 'partner: ',* i~u~i. Faith in' Communism . sional satific~l thrusts ..s hre·Wdi)' " . SERVIN'G. ',.

. . .' -.: . "" . This book is J>eing interpreted . dealt. But, in the main, this is Fall· River, New-.Bedford

SILENT GUEST "... by some Am~rican commentators" a highly sophisticated enteri~lin­ .... Wh,' Dot . Invite Our'- LOrd:' to join In your

. ¢.ape Cod ,Ar~:'

as devastating indictment of ment which, however. coroscat~ .. ··Turke' Day) dinn'erT Invite· 'Hilu TOO AI' by

Communism. But the author is ing at its dizzy best, ,.~ ~olitra:": . Agent: " geously over-contrived... ·' . .". .endin.- &he' ~~t·· it FOODPACK (no). it'D ~.~ ~~r~~

AERO MAYFLOWER at painS, in his prefa~, .to, dis~. . . '. . ,....feed 'a REFUGEE family for a week. On Thinks:. ~ )

claim.~ any such intention.. And Religious CommunitieS .' .. .TRANSIT CO.'JNC.· Ulrough the book ar~ recurring There is some. similarit'y".': be- '. . ' . living set' a ~Iace for Hmijlt your table. What .

.. Nation-wide Movers' indications that his faith in Com­ tween"Helen Homil.n's Kniglit~ of' .. 'ou gi.ve· His poor, you .'rlve Him. You;1I be ha~'

WYman 3-0904 . mun"ism remains unshaken. Christ. (Prentice Hall. $12.50) py. both then and now. In &hanD we'D send a

304 Kempton St. New Be_dr-0rd He believes in materialsm and and Doley C: Moss' Of Cell and BOSARI' FaOM THE HOLY LAND.

collectivism, in the Marxist. .Cloister (Bruce. $4). Both au­ phiiosophy and the' Communist thors have Set out to tell' the STANLEY order.. (Ironically, there is no story of religious communities:. Almost as' young' as St. Stanislaus. SUiTER STANLEY ID Leis.. ' sign that he is aware· of .the .Mrs. Moss begins by brieft.y lion Is fired' with' his love to serve God~ But her poor fami'ly are u~' Gospel source or context of his describing "organized asceti'" title.) His objection is to self­ cisni" in the pre-Christian era. able. to help with the cost of her training ($i50 yearly for tw~" seekers who' band together in She then proceeds. to cover its yearsl.,Can you "adopt" her by sending us this yearly sum; any­ Helen Aubertine Brough

what he calls' a monopoly as op- ­ development in Christian times Owner and. Director

way you like. Then, tbere are Sisters Felix, John, Mary Immacu­ posed to a genuine Collective, not right down to the present. Along late and Bellar~ine III India. and Sister Madeleine of Mt. Carmel.' Spacious ~arking Area

to the system but to its betrayers. the way, she alludes to the vari­ III Egypt. To him, Lopatkin is not an indi­ Ous manifestations of Christian WY 2~2957

DON'T WAIT FOR OTHERS vidual genius but Ii selfless ideal­ . spirituality And the principal 129 Allen St.· New Bedford Maybe )'ou're blessed wltb loyal', and de­ 1st who is an expression· of ··the. orders of men and women get "ted . friends and relatives who' will remem­ true Communist force." .' closer attention: . Comfo~t is being taken' from . .This~uti..ine is skillfully made. ber1.0ur, BOul ..Itb "Masses and' prayers. TheD. the tjook;s supposed demonstra­ ,Much study has gone into its . "llaY~~.~~·1I co 'before jour Make siire' NOW tion :of the crippling of invention preparation. But it is no' more .. ... ;-0 ,.bi arrang~.nr 'U :,ourself: f liiciulre . iib~ut' 'ou~··" F(J~ER~L' HOME, I~~ •. and .:·.technology in the Soviet than an outline. It serves_to_in- ; . ·~PSI':~NSE C~RD. Tbe" ij~~se.' ~lIlbe ~i' R. llI_reel Roy C. Lorraine Ro,:' Uniqn qy the heavy, dead hand troduce one to a yastiy complex .-:-·...I&hlD •• fe. w ~eek8;'.~~~illlU:·I.f~r ')'ou~' .;;ijJ .

, 'J ::'. ·'Rog.er :.LaFr8it~ }:; of b\lreaucracy. Bufit is s.ignifi­ subject. It is.adroitly done, and ,,", ..,"~. '1.:.(O;'becleared b'J tbecourta: . •" . ", . ", t,

cant~';,surely, that practicaily~si­ . th~_ )Uustrations by~ .;Virginia :' -! fUf:~E~l D'.Il~CTO,RS. ,'~~., ::·:,···.'·:~~.:i ~!' ". ~~~:~~ : : " :~:';~•.;~:,~

mul~neous with its publicatio';' Broderick make a graphic·~con- ,', 15 IRVINGTON CT. "i;"~';~:" r~'_, ,f~9M'Ij:~~T TO WEST ":,.. i~'11"",:, ;...... ) '­ in this country came· news of the tribution to the book. NEW BEDFORD 1 laun~hing of". ih~? Soviet earth Mrs.. Homan. is. concerned to .,: .... ,~ ~sp~!.·m~sf~.,p~~ch.~~,byin~n 'lfke,JOSEPR In .Indla ';,nil satel~ite. Thii,·. though not ·evi­ giveat·'~bme'IEmgih accounts of ": ~Y(!: ~4830 .... ~~~ ,V~~pI~~ln .~oni~ .. ,~he~~· two. lads wiUdo,ttilit Some day. I"''; ;", den~ of absolute 'Soviet. ~pre­ 45 .religiou·s ,·'societies of men. • mlsslona~, :w~ .h9pe.~ut .t~dIlY' ..e!re··worrii!d·"iibou·t: supportlni ' macy" in invention and tech­ Hers ·is a far bigger book, a far them 1$100. a. yearl during ~eir slx":years"tralllrGk."Can you b~lp" nology, at least shows that in bigger undertaking. It repre­ . one ,by ..8~ndlJ:!g us this yearly sum hi"anY' hi~taliMe'rits7" '," ". " ;.. . ' . . ~.' " . •, ' • : , . ' '.. • .! . ,. • ".. (.:: .. ,,'!. ~ ,. • ~ ... ' ". .• :.. ~ these: fields. the' Soviets· are' by sents,.a sp1!lwlihg plenty of fac'" ·(j~KEEFE no ~eans' backwards. 'lor uar­ .,t.u~l. data stpic.tly·, ordered and; . .".... SHOP" 1N.~OMFQ'itT :,.., . -.r. " , .•.• alyz~d. i!.1lellig·ently . interp1-eted. Al­ Funeral Home :;" Do your Christmas shopping from ~e co~forl ~f your

though admittedly not exhaus­ , . Street· of Riches " , tive, it assf;lmbl~s, within the' "vl.ng,.room.. PUTCHRISr IN YOUB ·GlFT. by uklng­

70 .'vYa~hingt,!n·Street Gllprielle Roy is a· Can~dian: covers of single book, encyClo­ PI to send our. ~rtlsUo GIFT CARD to 'rlendor relative .

writer who has given us several pedic information' which· . one priest .. sister Or lay person:.. We enclose 'also PRESSE'; :&.

• ". TAUNTON notable works of fiction.' Her' would have to have. years of FLOWERS FROM BETHLEHEM. It w1ll say: (Ll you \'J'-=

latest; Street of Riches (Har­ leisure t.o hunt down in scattered - VA 3-3371 had Mass said for ·them;' OR (2) )'oa enrolled them In the

'court, Brace: $3.95), may well ~urces. ricb sp!r!tual be!1e61s o.f.our Association; OR (SlID &heir.

be her best. It 'is deceptively 'si~ple in' ,:. ~:;;:;;;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;;;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;=; , Illlme you cave an article &0 • mlsslon ehapeL . form, seeming to be hardly· more DOANE~BEAL thana loose series of sketches of . . I

.Memorial childhood and youth in a French­ Canadian family living on 'the .' Funeral -'ncorporated ~RANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President outskirts of Winnipeg' in Mani-" Arrange'ments & Service,.

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Religious Dimension

Discussion About Catholic Intellectuals Is Confused By Donald Mc:Qonald

Davenport Catholic Messenger

Father Thomas McAvoy, managing editor of "The Review of Politics' and head of the history department at the University of Notre Dame, has an article in the Oct. 19 issue of 'Ave Maria' that puzzled me the first time I read it and still puzzles. me who say "the American Catholic now that I've read it a second problem is a sociological one, not and third time. theological," and that "there is The article begins by de- nothing in Catholicism which is daring that "American Cath- an obstacle to scholarly dedica­ olics should not expect to have . tion in any field." a very high All that Father Weigel insists percentage of upon-modestly I think-is that, the country's .vhile "the problem is 'indeed intellectuals." sociological . . . one dimension It goes on to .of it is speCifically religious." further declare Father Weigel then develops, at that "there are considerable length, what he far too many means by the "religious dimen­ sion" of the problem of weak American CathCatholic J intellectual life in olics beating their breasts America, a dimension that and bemoaning Father McAvoy's article denies the fact that without disproving. Catholics are My mystification was complete not publishing their share. of when, after declaring that in­ books and furnishing their share dignation over the matter is of 'eggheads'." "entirely unnecessary," .and that But these complainers, says it is unrealistic to single out the author, "are beating other American Catholics and measure. people's breasts and 'for the most their intellectual life and attain­ part moaning about other per- ments, Father McAvoy proceeds sons' failures. Few of those critto show some very close con­ ics are themselves intellectual nections between the lack of leaders." Catholic intellectual leaders an·d Now, the two most articulate the training and attitudes found critics of the lack of Catholic in some of our schools. . intellectual leadership in this For example: "The supposed country happen to be Msgr. John conflict between a Catholic edu­ Tracy Ellis of Catholic Univer- cation and a good education has, sity of America, and Father I fear, a Catholic origin in ten­ Gustave Weigel, S.J., of Wood- dency to offer moral goodness stock College, Maryland-both of for educational merit." whom also happef\. to be rather Anti-Intellectualism competent intellectuals: But Or: "Of course, there can be even if neither of these men (among Catholics'). conscious were "intellectual leaders," I did anti-intellectualism. I have noted not see why they should, by that at times in some corners of the fact, be disqualified from regis- Catholic diocesan press a teri­ tering their complaints about dency, in recent y.ears, to make Catholic intellectual life in the fun of those intellectual leadU. S. ers ..." Few Americans know anyAnd: "The explanation for the thing, for example, abQut how to lack of Catholic leaders and in­ design an automobile; but a tellectuals must arise from the great many Americans can rec:"· failure of Catholics to observe . the rules for the production ogmze a badly-designed auto- leaders and intellectuals~" He mobile when they see, or use, one. . adds to this observation: "... and ., (~hat) has little or nothing to Catholic Reason do with Catholicism." And· the final observation: "It . My puzzlement deepened when I read further into this arti~le is time that American Catholics in 'Ave Maria.' It seems that by example and by hard work and not by syllogisms or pious Father McAvoy's principal com­ plaint if.. that critics of Catholic frauds show·· that Catholic edu­ intellectual life are indicating, cation can and does produce leaders and intellectual giants." or implying, a specifically reli­ I am [lot really "attacking" gious, specifically Catholic rea­ Father McAvoy's article. I am son for low intellectual attain­ trying to understand it. ments by American Catholics. Seeks Understanding "I do think," he writes, "that I am trying to discover jUst the attaching of Catholic or any religious quality to this question, who has turried the question of not only mixes up unrelated fac- , Catholic intellectual life into a· tors but hinders an intelligent "religious" question; I am trying to reconcile the author's first answer to the fact of low Cath­ sentence with the one just olic achievements." quoted above; and, for the life of Again: This "is not really a religious question, and the in­ G.ift for Manhattan dignation that a. suggestion of NEW YORK (NC)-An unre­ low Catholic achievement has aroused among many Catholics stricted grant of $3,500 has been awarded to Manhattan College is entirely impecessary." . "liow Catholic 'achieyement," by the Esso Education Founda,.' tion. Brother Augustine Philip, it will· be noied;'-is' ...."fact" in the first of· these two quotations F.S.C., college president, said the and on~y a "suggestion" in the gift would be ·,added, . to ' 'the school's FacuI~y' Salary Endow­ ·lecond quotation. ment, "where it may serve·wen Now, 1 had read---carefully, r arid long as a means 'toward . thought-both Monsignor' Ellis' main.tai~ing high intell~tual 1955 article 'and F,at~er Weigel'a power in the college." articJe this year. ~th men fully acknowledged the fact to which· Fater McAvoy devotes the bunt . of his 'Ave Maria' article: i.e., INSURANCE AGENCY that certain sociological a~d simple educational factors ac­ count, in part, for the dispropor­ All Kinds of' Insurance tionately low number of Catholic 96 WILLIAM STREET intellectual leaders. in this coun­ NEW BEDFORD,MAS& try.' ,

me, I am trying to see how you can have, on the one band, a vast, elaborate Catholic school system in this country - from kipdergarten. through graduate school-and, on the other hand, deny that the problem of ac­ knowledged low Catholic intel­ lectual attainment is unrelated to this specifically Catholic school system. Lest ~nyone think that Father

---------,--------- - - - - - - - -



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Sociological Problem Basically, says Father Weigel, . "these theologians are right"

McAvoy is anti-Weigel in his fused."

article, I note here that Father At any rate, the 'Ave Maria'·

Weigel's brilliant paper on this . article did not dismiss the Ellis­

subject appeared in the quarWeigel theses out of hand as .

terly of which Father McAvoy one religious monthly did a few

is managing editor. issues ago by muttering about

But at this point I am inclined Catholics who wash their linen . to agree with, and I think I can

understand, one statement in the in public. A more unresponsible,

'Ave Maria' piece: i.e., "much of infertile· reaction to a 'serious

the current discussion about problem would be hard to Catholic intellectuals is conimagine.

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, Only 'God Creates



THE ANCHOR­ Thurs.; Nov. 7, 1957

Fai'lure to Use Intellect. Serra Presidenf Results in Foolish Questions Utility He~d By Joseph A. Breig


sacOrifdice with Love





Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.

Francis Thompson wrote: "Nothing begins and nothing ends­ That is not- paid with moan. - For we are born in other's pain. ­ And perish in our own." . . . Pain, detach­ Articles have been appearing here and there of late, ment, sacrifice ar.e the conditions of spiritual Imggesting that scientist~ may suc'ceed before long in growth. The runner in the race sheds exces­ "creating life" in their laboratories. sive clothing to win the prize: the pilgrim The writers, of course, do not bother to define what on the way to heaven must. make sacrifices! 'they mean by "creatj.ng." machine. But I write ~bout it; it . . . If we are conscious of having made no spiritual progress in ten years, it is because Knowing what you mean,. does not write about ine. The we have refused to fortify ourselves. -If the and saying it, has been .un­ day you seriously suggest that wings of our soul ate weighted with lead, fashionable for a long time. it, might start doing so, I will we cannot fly' upwards to God. . . This One reporter, summon the psychiatrists to min­ column is dedicated to giving glory to Our ister to you. apparently be­ . I do not object to speculation Lord in His Mystical Body, the Church in mused by too two ways: First by stirring up the spirit of much Sputnik; about the possibility that, inert· self-denial in the American people; and sec- ' intoned oratori­ matter may have a potentiality ond, by channeling tllese, sacrifices into the cally: for life. 'hands of the Holy Fath~r for the spread of . "M a n has Loose Wording the faith throughout the world... As Our Lord on ,the Cross opened made a moon. My objection is to the loose, ' His Sacred Heart in sacrifice in order that from His side as the new Can man make confusing and misleading way in Adam, there mi~ht come the new Eve, which is the Church, so,we a man?" which such sp~culations are ask our readers to br~k open their hearts in sacrifice that the Let it be understood worded. '. James E. Bullock, presid'ent of Church may be born in Africa, Japan ,Oceania and the rest of at, this point that I am r No ,scientist wil:! ever "create. the Fall River Serra Club, will the world. among the first to defend the life"-or,create anything else-­ assume-his new duties as Presi­ right of writers to make use of in the se8se in which we speak dent of the Fall River Electric "­ 'JIlelpingthe Holy Father's ,Missions must be a religious such literary devices as over­ of divine creation. Light Company. gesture: Ii takes more than mere money to build chapels, heal statement, understatement, satire God creat~s-out of nothing. He came to Fall River in 1946 lepers and feed the famished; it takes also a tremendous amount and the like. Creation means that nothing, from ,the Boston Office of the of love! ,With the gift there must always be the giver, that we I profoundly resent the atti­ existed sa:ve God, and other New England Electric System' might add our lov.e to ,the 100,000 missionaries. How often we tude of those who insist upon beings came into existence be­ and assumed, the position of refuse gifts from people whom we do not know because the interpreting literally everything cause God willed them into electrical engineer in the local system. . acceptance of the gift creates the involvement of our· love. How they read. I hold that nobody being, often, too, we refuse gifts because we know the love of the giver bas any right to be as simple­ . That's creation; and with this, He rejides in' Holy Name is not in the gift.•• U you are in a rut spiritually begin diggin« minded as all that. scientists cannot possibly have Parish, at 1096 Robeson Street; Fall River, with his wife and someone else out ~f a hole. Remember that the poorest person An audience composed of such anything, lo do. three children. 'He is the Presi~ in America, is rich b:r the standards of Indonesia and India. people would be the death of It may be that sCientists some literature _ the destruction of day may learn how to'trigger the dent of the Greater Fall River If we are Christlike: their hunger is our hunger, their nakedness, beauty, force originality, sparkle potentiality for life in apparently Development Corporation and our nakedness. Here are some, practical suggestions. MAke sacri­ and l}umor in books and periodi-, lifeless,matter, assuming that the also an active meinber of the St. potentiality is there. But thiS Vincent de Paul conference of , fices! Any old gold laying around? Sacrifice it! Send it to uS and we will exchange it for money to help the poor of the world. .ca~~t the man who can write, would merely be ,the discovery the parish. \' ,"'Man has made a moon; can man of another law' of nat\lre--,.a law GOD LOVE YOU 'to N.F.D. for $3 "I planned to spend this on make a man?" is not' merelv built into' nature by .nature's " Creator-. a purse, but decided to send it to you instead for the Holy Father's overstating. He is uttering abso­ As for mlm, he is absolutely Missions." ... to R.R.'-"Enclosed please find a check for $100. This lute nonsense; his mind is dis­ different 'from every other vis­ . SEATTLE (NC) - A Univer­ , represents my ,Friday's pay which I decided to offer in thanksgiving engaged from what he is saying. ible being because he' is spirit sity of Washington professor has for a -favor received." ... to A.M. for $11.50 "The enclosed offering Inventor and Invention 'as well "as, matter. His soul, is been made a Commander of the represents 'tips' which I accumulated as a worker at Bingo at our Order of Orange-Nassau 'by I repeat that nobody Olight to immaterial. It has the strange local parish." . Queen Juliana of the Nether­ be literal:'minded-that is, hu­ powers of knowing, and knowing 'Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to the lands. Dr. Henry S. 'Lucas, a morless and unimaginative. But that it knows; loving, and know­ Missions. The address is The Society for, the Pr'opagation of the convert professor of medieval on the other hand, nobody ought ing that it ,loves; and thinking Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y., or your DIOCESAN European history at the univer to be so bedazzled by techno­ about what it knows 'and loves. DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, 368 North Maln sity, received the highest honor logical achievement as ,to be un­ Only spirit can do that. Street, Fall River, Mass. ' able to see the difference be­ The trouble is -that sometimes bestowed upon non-Netherland­ ers from William Van Tets, tween Sputnik ,and Sputnik's in­ a man neglects to use his powers. Netherlands consul-general in ventors. He talks witJ:1out thinking. When San FranCisco. Men have been "making he does that, you can hear such CO., Inc. The award was' made in recog­ moons" as far back as history preposterous questions as, "Can nition of Dr. Luca's' book "Neth­ SHEET METAL

and pre-history go. But only the man make a man?" erlanders in America" and other mad scientists of fiction have CONTRACTORS

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New Bedford

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We're Proud, to Be, Your EDSEL Dealer for New Bedford' and Surrounding Towns


1958 EDSELcat. .


So: Dartmouth " WY 7-9384 Hyannis

480 Union St~t, New Bedford








Confessions Daily:

6:30 A. M. to 9:00 P. M•

Devotions on SUNDAYS

begin year round at

3:00 P. M.

Perpetual Novena to Our

Lady of LaSalette every

evening at '1:30 P. M.

Organizers of Pilgrimages

54-56 Court Street Taunton, Mass.






, -.rs a whale of








, Truck Body Builders

,WY 9-6264

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944 County St. , NEW BEDFORD, MASS.' WY 2-6618


to Kno.., (Is"




and 9-6265'

Hiram Wheaton 45 SCHOOL ST. '


"Beea••e We Kno.., Our Busine••


and Sons, Inc.

Rev. Father Director TEL. Attleboro 1-0008

See and Drive It

at :

Daily Masses:

6:30, 'I, 8 A.M.

Please Contact:


FOR 1958




At So. First St. .


Frank X. Perron

Hngo D. Perron

George Bedard

'paUlists to Observe Centennial in 1958 CHICAGO-The Paulist Fatb­

ers, first indigenous society of priests founded in America, will celebrate their centennial in 1958. The Paulist Fathers, known

formally as the Society of Mis­ sionary Priests of St. Paul the Apostle, were founded in New York City on March 6, 1858, by five priests. In the past 99 years,

the tiny band has expanded to more than 200. They administer Newman clubs, mission houses and infor­ mation centers. They are on

call for missions, lectures and pulpit dialogues. The Paulist Press publishes countless pam­ phlets and books, also the monthly; "The Catholic World."

S '"


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14 THE ANCHOR ­ , , Thurs., Nov. 7, 1957

The' Yardstick

Fed~ral ~cvernme,nt Sets Good Em~;o'yment Ellomple

"By Rev. Dennis .J. Geaney, O.S.A. ' • At first glance United States Executi\re Order 10479 looks quite harmless. The first four paragraphs begin witH WHEREAS and the last NOW, THEREFORK It was signed by Dwight D.. Eisenhower on Aug. 13, 1953; .' . This ~rder ,established the I remember rightly, his descrip-' CommIttee on Government tion of a communist was some­ Contracts.' The name and one dark and swarthy. I must say active support of the Chair-, our interviews' are pleasant

Prelate Notes Danger of Science In H(Ends of Anti-ReUgious

as specified by the government committee.

FORT WAYNE (NC)- "The C~ristian point of. ~ie~ toward

Asked· For It SCIence must be mamtamed be­ It was over a year ago when I ' cause science becomes a mon­


ster in the hands of the anti­ casually visited the home of a religious/' Bishop Leo A. Purs­ Negro friend. The subject turned to the Committee on Govern-' ley of Fort Wayne told a Cath­ ment Contracts. We discussed it olic teachers' institute' ,here. "Scientific . experiments and in terms of the one large em­ achievements can reap only good .ployer in the area who handles in the hands of Christian men," , Government contracts and whom he 'said, but stresse~ that this no amount' of gentle needling did not mean that' "science and about hiring practices seems to religion need always to be in­ move. Acting through the May­ terlaced." or's Commission on Human Re­ "It is not· nec~ssary," lle lations we wrote to the president noted, "to bring religion into of the company and asked for a meeting. His reply' was a curt all phases ·.of science, for sCience , 'is a field 'all by itself. However, refusal to meet )Vith us. "

if a Christian viewpoint about sciences is not maintained, great evil can occur." Noting a trend in secular fields that is bringing "definite points of' view" on education from persons in all parts of the country and from all walks of life, Bishop fursley said that ,Catholic schools should not stand apart from this trend and should "hear the voice of the people."

man, Richard Nixon, give pres­ memories, if unrewarding. He urged more meetings be­ tige and eff.ectiveness to the With the President's Commit­ tween, teachers, pastors, and Committee' . tee on Government Contracts the' parents to discuss problems and Witli a quick urgency of FEPC legisla'tionis views on education. stroke of the' no longer, paramount. I suppose pen President there are those who fume about E I sen how er the Federal Government impos­ He left us no alternative but was ablE: to set ing more restrictions on industry' to turn to the' federal Govern­ DAVENPORT (NC) - A 91­ in motion the with an executive order· in an year-old Des Moines pastor has machinery that area where local ,legislators did, ment.. We submitted our case to the President's Committee. A been named honorary national legislators of not see fit to act. . thorough investigation was president of the St. Ambrose municipalities, Biggest Employer made. I. never saw the report, College Alumni Association for NEW BEDFORD states and Con­ ," 1958: Msgr. Joseph M. Hanson, gress 'have been : The move' was not new. ?ur- . but I do know that shortly after­ bI 'th mg World War II President wards Negroes were hired. Anthracite & Bituminous an 1892 graduate, was a mem­ una e, WI. . Roosevelt set up 'il similar com­ ber of the faculty in 1897-98. He We would rather havs dis-, notable exceptions, to pa.ss. mittee with the hite Bishop Haas , has been a priest for 60 years. FEPC has b~en an opportunity as chairman. Likewise'the move cussed the matter with the local people than invoke the aid of • r:=;;;;:=;;;;;;~;;:=;;;;;;;;:=;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;:;j for flag wavmg or a nasty c o m - . , ,. ' " IS logl(;al. Uncle Sam IS n?t only' the str~ng arm of the Govern­ , bination of letters depending on Automatic Coal Stok~rs the' side of the fence from which the biggest employe:r m the. ment. When' 'such employers· . Bag Coal - Wood . d.t I tat country, but he awards contracts raise a hue and 'cry about Fed-' you Viewe . I . 'n my own s l eo l fa 'f b u I ous' size " '..,. ·· to prIvate m­ Charcoal eral intervention into the pre­ the FEPC 'a d vocates· re I IgIOuS y d t' f us ry. Every area of the coun­ rogatives of business, they should 'go throug h th, e motIOns 0 passh' G . ing a fair employment practice try. as overnment contracts look .instead "to themselves. hi bili each session and meet an or sub-contracts; this case they asked for it. easily predictable failure.' It is only logical that the larg-­ Ur"enc Lessened est employer in the country and' '194"'8 y h d ,the greatest awarder ~f contracts, . we a · our' .b e should' s t , accept . I n· the correspondmg SALT LAKE CITY (NC)-' h ance. Th e coun t ry was In a c . 'b'l't t 'th t th' h' , . BOWLING - SKATING, d' "t l'k th responSI 1 1 Y 0 see a e Ir­ . Bishop Duane G.' Hunt of Salt ., crusa mg spin un I e . e smug,. ing of employees and the making Lake City has announced he will 640 PLEASANT ST. Special Arrangements ,For, complacent, and security ,con- ' f·t· d' . d' t e d 't'h 'lead."the diocesan pilgrimage to seious late, fifties. I took an 0 1 S. goo s are 'con \-I c . . WI ~ WY 6-8271-28-3 ··BANQUETS' . '. . the highest moral standards.- In Lo~rdes and Rome, during the active part .111 th~ local. campaign. fact the government owes its 1958 Lourde's centennial'year. Our commIttee mtervlewed leg- citizens exem . lar . beha'vior. ,. islators at length and engaged . .p.. y '. . 1-'-' '" the opposition of the local ChamThe posslblhtIes'of.thls seem­ I~URING THE' CEJlTENNIAL YEAR - AN ber of Commerce. One,afternoon ingly innocuous Executive Order. '. group of us visited the home can. be surveyed. by. an ana,lysis of Ii 'woman legislator. She had of ,:our local mdpstriai. c6m­ taken a position against it, but mu.mt~. How many .large Indus:, 880 SO,U'J;H MAIN·.ST. FALL RIVER she was, kind enough to listen trial fIrms do not have' Govern­ '-'+-~ to 'us. . ment ~ont~acts or sub-coQtracts? ;"Among other things she ~id Th~se that do are obligated by, . . .... ". _ :,. ,..., the p~esent bill was unfair IJe- the. terms o! pte contract to equal ,:,! .•,." ,cause"It e~cluded charitable andec~~qtr'ic opportunity practices . :', religious groups.' I- parried her " ; 1 ' " " : Vlsitl", pl~ •oI.c,thollc, iIIltrtsl ill _£~ "."

Ho~orary Head





Plans Pilgrimage









by.answering: "I would ,be less oPposed." .:. O~r"aged and gregarious state

.enator argued against such

legislation because some of the

. people he saw in the' state's

capitol pleading for this type of,

bill looked like communists. If



SpOn.Gred '" members 01 lllt

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WY 2-6216 . , : 'l'foI\;~'









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Inquire Here Recardinc'" ;' .A~I, ,PUcrimue..;, ,..;.

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Falf River. Mass.

We: pick up and 'deliver, clean, and ,repair 'overalls. Also, we have c' complete lineo'f Cove'ralls; Pants ' and Shirts for• sale. " ;." .:~ ...... ,-' 1- '.•.; ',.• c'~ , We r~c1.aim'.al.1d wash any oi!Y:., .• J ' . " ;L' .dirtyf or gr.easy, rags, '

!Departing March'throUgh OCtOber bY ~liip ~ it.


:,),fffintion ,MechClnics!-,;,' . '. : Do y~" Work in:,~Facto~, .

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plan now to' AnellO the





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WY:.~~M....... t-.4~5·





Fairhaven..Coyle 'High C!ash Star Weekend Attraction

Reg~@~@U ~ogh

By Jack Kineavy

Continued from ll'age One Lady of Lourdes, the Bishop also announced. Chairman Joseph P. Duchaine of the Memorial Gifts Commit­ tee today expressed his appre­ ciation to the men on his com­ mittee wh~ have raised the .$850,000 reported by the' Bishop too\lY. Mr. Duchaine also stated it is his honest conviction that the group which starts work today under the direction of Dr. Arthur F.' Buckley will realize the minimum goal of $1,500,000.

Somerset High School Coach

The area's four undefeated teams will be in action Saturday against opponents who conceivably could cause no end of trouble. Headlining the day's program is the Fairhaven at Coyle clash at Hopewell Park,Taunton. Coach Mel Entin's team will star, has just released itssched-' brins.r a fine 4-0-2 record to ule. The Friars, defending cham­ town. On each of the past pions in Rhode Island collegiate two successive Saturdays circles, play a rugged 25-game the Hlue has come up with a bi~ win over a Class B rival. Thl'y defeated Durfee 12-7 on Oct. 26 and last Saturday hum­ bled New Bedford, 7-0, in the rain-soaked Stadium. Not a high scoring unit, Fairhaven by the same token has limited their six opponents to date to less than a touchdown per game. The Blue operates pretty much in iron.­ man fashion week after week, with the first eleven boys going all the way. ~ .. Against New Bedford the situ~ aUon was changed somewhat when tackle Jim Cabral fell vic­ tim to the flu. However, Joe Canto filled in admirably. Stand­ outs in the stout Fairhaven line in addition to those mentioned are Freitas and Bordwick, ends; tackle Paul Goulet; guards, Ras­ quill and Bergeron, and center, ~o-captain Razan. In the back­ field with All-County halfback Ken Lanoue are quarterback Barry Behu, halfback Botelho and the Titcomb brothers. Coyle, of course, is ranked the No.1 team in the County. Coach Jim Burns' Warriors were washed out of their scheduled Saturday date with New Bedford Vocational, the game being moved back to Monday. The Warriors have exhibited an ex­ plosive offense. That, coupled with their formidable defense, stamps Coyle the favorite. They have speed and power in the backfield and in quarter­ back Tony Correia an outstand­ ing passer. The line, anchored by Turkalo and Yelle, needn't doff its hat to anybody. Every­ thing considered, this should be the game of the year. Inasmuch 8S each of the other Bristol County teams has lost at least one, the outcome of clash of the undefeated will have a real bearing on the determination of the large-school champion. In the small-school ranks" specifically the Narry League, another fine ball ga'me will be play-ed. Dartmouth, which 'went into the Somerset fray unde­ feated, will be at home to de­ fending champion Case. Both teams were slated for Monday action following Saturday post­ , poneinents: D~rtrriouth at Som­ erset and Case at Mansfield. The Narry League title should hinge on the game next Saturday. Other contests involving Narry teams find. Somerset host to a strong Taunton eleven, Middle­ boro is at Falmouth, and Bourne comes to Dighton. The Somerset­ Taunton get-together is the fourth of the series that was in­ augurated in 1954. The Herrings own a 2-1 edge in games won. ',['he Raiders will seek t, balance the scales on 5att'Irdajr/ . Another Br.istol Ctlunty game which sli,ould' produce its share of thrills "is' the' Attleboro-New

~7t~~0~0:c~r~no~i~c~: ~;;:~

schedule against some of the outstanding New England and Eastern teams. The schedule: .Dec. I, Fairfield University, Providence; 5, Rhode Island Uni­ versity, Kingston; 7, Brown Uni­ versity, Brown; 9, Brandeis Uni­ versity, Waltham; 11, American International College, Provi­ dence; 13; 51. Francis (Brook­ lyn), Providence; 17, 18, 19; Quantico Invitational Tourna­ mement, Quantico, Va. Jan; 4, 1958, B~own University, Providence; 8, Worcester Poly­ tecl)n.ic Institute, Providence; 11, Springfield College, Providence; 13,.51. Francis (Pa.), Providence; 16, St. Anselm's College, Man­ chester; 18, Boston University, Providence. Feb. 5, Fordham' University, New York;' 7, Assumption Col­ lege, Worcester; 11, Rhode Island University, Providence' 13, Bos­ ton College, Boston; 15, 51. John's University, Providence; 18, Holy Cross' College, Provi­ dence; 22, Springfield College, Springfie~d; 23, Siena College, Albany; 25, 51. Bonaventure, Olean. March I, Boston College, Providence.

Add to this the plight of the poor in Central and South America and you . have an almost global picture of the millions upon mil­ lions of destitute and driven who, together with the charitable agencies of the Church which serve them, depend upon the success of this Appeal.

Continued from Page One despite the fact that the Soviet­ dominated government closed the border even to relief ship­ ments many months ago. For some time after the revolt itself the Catholic Relief Services was able to move doth'ing and other relief supplies by the carload into Hungary. While the border is closed it is possible- to send in clothing through the mails. Rep­ resentatives of qlany of the Bish­ op's of Hungary who have re­ mained in Austria provide the C.R.S. with information on the basis of which it has been for:" warding packages of clothing into Hungary at the rate of ap­ proximately 1,000 a month. By using part of the clothing col­ lected in this Appeal this small but important channel of aid can be continued.




Also complete Boiler-Burner or Furnace Units. Efficient low cost heating. Burner and fuel oil sales and serv,ice.

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Sea Sts.

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Lourdes Centennial' Pilgtrimage Approved by Bishop Connolly

and all other Catholic Pilgrimages






''C!. ',.


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'.' , ·.d.

...' ·A;p·i~~iibY":··,

Th!! Mosr Rev:J~riJes L. (~nitolly,.',···. :Bishop.qt"FaU ·River~ c.': .'.:,'\~~~<:,:::;

. :

:·,.'··::~pi;i;~qIlYJ);~ted by ,

Memben ~will vi~lt. Lourdes during. . pl~v. J;dwa"!i A...Oliveira. Th~ Y.ea.~.ofJubilee-prcidaimed by .' ,. .Di~cesan Moderator , ••> : , Legion, of,Mary i\ie 'l:!cily Father: :to. ,~memorate '

~'100ttl Arini:e;';~ry'i»:Our Lady's appear~nces to St. Bernadette.

Leavbig:New'Yor~'M~y 6, 1958 for Na'ple., Rome, Nice, Ly~ '~ay-le-Monial, AIS, SevjUa, Lourdes. Lisbon and Fatima •••

33 days ••• from


Q~"O,~~'\ T rave'l "B~rea'iJ

,'.,',:i". . . "~:::', ; . A.F.t.A.

Ne~·!~:torrig~n·.··p'~,g ~~~:: r


''''. -.

\141'SiSOU'fH MAIN ST.::"::',." , ".' .


' ~:J' . r','. r:, . , '. ' Lo'!.~H~,·.,~entenn;aIPilgr;mage:


~:~~~bl~.:~e ::8 th~:es~~e:;


' I

Y.()iJR.:S:~ . .'.~', CAL"TRAVEL.AGE·N,T,· .. .' ,



480 Mt. Pleasant Street .New Bedford WY 3-2667




In the Near East, where the problem of the Palestinian refu­ gees seems to be as far from solution as it was nine years ago' in the Middle East, from which come a constant stream of ap­ peals from Bishops and priests' working in India and Pakistan and in the 'Far East, particularly in Korea, Formosa, Hong Kong, Malaya, Indonesia Viet Nam and the Philippines, the need for clothing is literally .gigantic.

'Stanley Oil CO., Inc.

~==;;;;~~=~~';;' ==~~~~~~:;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~


. \ " . ..."'.:';~;'''' '; :;. )1

What about shoes? Please tell your parish committees that shoes are practically worthless unless they are tied together in pairs. Women's high-heeled shoes and evening slippers sim­ ply are not worth the cost of handling. What the people over­ seas really need are practical shoes of all kinds of all sizes with lots of wear left in them.

Global The need for assistance through gifts of clothing, blan~ kets, b~dding and shoes con­ tinues to exist in the south of Italy as well as in Greece and in Spain and Portugal. '

Poland Benefits the door to Catholic Poland is now ajar. It is, of ~urse, impossible to definitely state that the C.R.S. will be able .to resume full-scale relief' ship­ ments to the needy Of Poland. H~wever, during the past SUl months, it has been able to dis­ patch more than $500,000 worth

,BllGB" ,IM"fir:r Ir fL.J

(once.' Tuming to ba'sketbaU, Provl­

of clothing and medicinals to the Cardinal Primate of Poland. Be­ cau~e of this there is hope that expanded opportunity to be of assistance will present itself in the coming months.


were knocked from the unbeaten 'Speciali.:".:....)'..' .' .': ".. ' ,.. ~'.,,' . , :' " " .': . ranks by Fairhaven, last 5atur:' , -~ day, a team which Attleboro t i e d ' " . 7-7 in an early season encounter. ~ II This is not to.say, however, that I aS off comparative scores Attleboro' ' advertized in leading N~wspa'pers &'M a 9«:,zines will :prevail. New Bedford looked ALSO AIR,~:"STEAMSH IP CRUISES AND TOURS·. great' against "Fairha~en, w i n - ' . ,. .. ring the battle of everything but . F~r Free Folders Write or, Call:'::~."·! '.


item::; Most Needed Topping the' list of the most critically needed' articles are men's suits-especially .pants­ and men's workclothes and work shoes. Blankets, quilts and bed­ ding of .ill kinds follow in pri­ ority. Then there are needed all kinds' of children's clothes, par-, ticularly layettes and clothing for infants. .

Operation Clothes Closet

New Bedford St. Lawrence $104,150 St. James 98,510 St. Joseph 66,940 St. John the Baptist 58,960 Holy Name 42,060 St. Theresa 36,360 Mount Carmel 33,040 St. Mary 21,745 St. Anthony of Padua 20,720 Immaculate Conception 19,990 17,909 . 51. Anne Sacred Heart 16,560 Our Lady of Perpetual Help 14,810 St. Kilian 13,720 St. Hyacinth 11,400 St. Francis Assisi 9,970 Our Lady' of Purgatory 9,400 St. Hedwig .. .. 6,620 St. Bonif,ce 4,440 ·51. Casimir 3;360 Our Lady' of the Assumption 2,500 ." Ac~shnet 51. Francis X~vier $10,860 .. ··Fairhaven

St. Joseph '•. $32,895

Sacred Heart 16,560

St. Mary 4,580


S1. Anthony $36,170

South Dartmouth

St. Mary $33,060

Wareham .$12,780 5t:· Patrick , Westporl' , St. George $26,120'

undoubtedly, 'will be out to rebound against ',Attleboro which on Monday hac;l.. a date with powerful In other big games, Duffee bas , '.' a tartan on its hands in unde­ ,feated Wareham, the game'to be ' played at"Alumni Field: North Attleboro and Mansfield, tradi­ .', tional rivl!~s, are ~he4uled .at, . . Mansfield, and this lame is in­


Thurs., Nov. 7, 1957



for complm in'OI'IIIDficIII, CIOIIfacf

AimalCAN 'ExPRESS TRAVEL SERVICB' W8 80yl,'on Street, 10"0. 16. Ma... -Commoaweollb 6-5450 . CI!I'.at FiIe...·.,T~ 8uNau i~'"






/w ::NfI ~ loC.alTr~1 Aoeat,

"'.,"'!R ,~;~

MIWII DIIHS IlAIIUIS ". .. ,'" ..~ "




, •

~- . . . . ... ~ -, ' . .






Ho'~y\:n~d DlI'illFocus

Ob~ig~~J~@n.$ U~der, Legion P~edg®' fN1~G:d Clar'afygng


lME ANCHOR ­ T'hurs., Hov. 7, 1957

.Vermont Alters Worship Policy

By William H. Mooring Some people t.hink Catholic movie critic~ should ignore all films (\" ",Ie Legion of Decency's "B" and "c" lists. "Why", l;uey ask, "write about movies Catholics may not see?" . , It is clear that, through indicating it as such) ab<).ve that the Natioml.l Legion of De­ of the Legion which certainly cency, we are all warned. by speaks for our Bishops on mor-, ality in movies; our Bishops against seeing In the latest encyclical,

BURLINGTON (NC) - The president of the University of Vermont has announced a new policy that will permit denom­ inational groups to hold services at available facilities on the campus. Dr. Carl W. Borgmann, the president, had announced pre­ viously that the traditional Wed­ nesday morning chapel services at the university would be dropped. He said, however, that the university trustees have voted to permit use of campus facilities by religious organiza­ tions while the students replace their chapel service with a con­ vocation. Under the new policy, denom-" inational groups will be per­ mitted to hold worship services on the, campus where facilities are available, but they will be billed for such expenses as heat, light and janitori,al service. No worship service involving stu.­ dents will be scheduled on cam~ pus during the university's regu­ lar class schedule, Dr. Borgmann said. As a state university, Dr. Borgmann said, the University :of Vermont receives tax' dollars, and support· of a worship service might therefore be construed es compelling taxpayers to support "a place of worship." "The trustees have acted i!Iil go.od faith;' to reasonably and honestly meet a difficult prob­ lem," Dr. Borgman stated.

"chorally objectionable in part" "Miranda Prorsus," His Holiness imd "condemned" films. Few ,Pope Pius XII, stating that , Cat hoi i c s

"Catholic film critics can have at ten d con­ much influence," clearly in­ demned movies.

sb:ucts them "to set 'the moral Mor:e, although

issue of the, plots in its proper by no means

light, defending those judgments RED'CHINA AND IRELAND CONDEMNED: Eighth all, occasionally

which will act as a safeguard quinquennial congress of Franciscan Tertiaries meeting'in patronize ob­ against falling into so-c'alled jectionable ,in

'relative morality'." Does not Boston heard Dr. Maurice Leahy, second from 'left, of part ones.

this mean defending the judg­ Seton Hall College, N. J:,spealc in opposition to seating Eminent theologians" while ments of the Legion of,Decency, Red China in the United Nations. With .Dr: Leahy, are agreed as to' the best thing to do which is the office appointed in the Very Rev, Salvatore De Benedictis, O.F.M.,Provincial, (we should stay away), do not this country? unanimously rule out, as a con- , No lay critic may prudently Im~aculate Conception Province; Dr. Leahy" Archbishop dition of our Annual Legion venture into discussion with Richard J. Cushing, of Boston and Very, Rev. Celsus pledge, all attendance at "B" or theolo~ians as to whether our Wheeler, O.F.M., Provincial, Holy Name Province. The "C" films. Nor are they agreed. Bishops do, or can bind us (save convention condemned the Irish UN Delegation for voting among themselves that taking by local diocesan or archdiocesan .that Red China should be given consideration regards her the pledge binds us under pain edict) to stay away from all con­ mortal sin. demned and objectionable in being seated in the U.N. NC Photo. . Msgr.· Francis J. Connell, part movies. His job. is review­ C.SS.R. of Catholic University, ing films' and' these days that "'Washington, in April, 1946, gave gives him plenty to do. ' ST. PAUL (NC)-Apriest 'Cinema,. Radio and Television. bis opinion that: "pictures said here that it is a "real mysFathe.rGales said, that"no one , classified as 'C' movies must be Objectionable Films Increase tery;' why so many persons wQo' , :who believes in God',can ques­ avoided by all persons under As the annual Legion of De­ tion His power to work this 'pain of mortal sin" and that' "a cency report, for 1956-57 will 'claim to believe in God and a future life spend so little' time .miracle," of resurrection of the person would commit a, mortal show when presented to the thinking about their eternal body. .. . sin by attending a 'B" picture Episcopal Committee within the existence. ' "Because we have an eternal that constitutes for him a proxi­ next few weeks, morally objec­ The statement was made by destiJ'ly," he continued, ~'we most mate pccasion of sin, or if by' tionable films have increased by Father Louis A. ,Gales of St. certainly owe it to ourselves to attending he gave grave scandal 'leaps and bounds since the 'end ,to, others." " of World War II. The curve still Paul on a radio 'program pro- acquire greater, understanding duced in cooperation' with the about God's plan for the higher In "Theological Studies' (Sep­ ·rises. What are we, as Catholics, National Council of Catholic part of our being." ~~ (ember; 1957), the Rev. John C. to do about it? These thoughts Men. Father Gales is a member ' Ford, S.J., of Weston College, 'among others, occur to rntr· of the Pontifical Commission. for Even though there are mys­ teries, such as the Incarnation; Mass.,' and th'e Rev. Gerald Kelly, TJ,1e, Legion's' "B" ,category he said, "which we cannot fully S.J., of sf. 'Ma'ry's College, Kan­ which includes ~lms almost ap­ lInderstand, the more we devote sas, in a comprehensive study 'of provable for adults or families ourselves' to the study of God MARYKNOLL (NC) - A 30­ the Legion of Decency, express with others that are almosj;- to": and His love for us, the deeper. doubt that all are bound under tally condemnable for all, might minute sound film' depicting the life of a young ex-policeman' becomes our insight into what pain of mortal sin to stay away ,be split into two, each carrying : For GREATER ~ God ,has done for us." ~ who joins, the Mary~noll Broth­ from. all condemned and/or all different reservations. : NEW BEDFORD ~~ ers is now available for free loan objectionable in part films. ,More emphasis might be d,e­ by 'schools,TV stations and reli­ Th'ey say: '''It is certainly not .veloped (as Father Ford and :, THE ~ gious organizations. asking too much of our people • others, have' suggested) upon 0 ' Entitled, "The Maryknoll fA) encourage them to practice supporting good films as a, meaAs ~ Brother," the 16 millimeter film -••. loyalty to the ideals of the to discouraging bad' ones. follows Brother Matthew Kir­ Legion of Decency, which limits Certairily the processes and wan, formerly Patrolman Joseph their attendance at 'B' pictures" V. Kirwan of the New York'City , 'of New Bedford, Mass. ~~ and that "a similar rule should' persomiel of any organization as important as the National'Legion police force, from the time he be followed by parents in per­ of Decency, stand,occasionally, thinks of being a Brother until : Main OHice : mitting the attendance of chil­ in . need. of rejuvenation. The his p·rofession. : Union and Pleasant Sis. : dren at A2 (adult) films." time may be now. Twenty-one Problems of Critics ' North End Branch : : years of constant, faithful serv­ 1 Whether or not he ever learns, ice, by essential routines may .: 1200 Acushnet Ave. : bow expertly to criticize films, . have , 'Member Federal Deposit , dulled' responsiveness. : Insurance Corporation ;, the Catholic critic of today cer­ Closer and more active contact APPRAISER

tainly learns how to take, <as . between the :'Legion ,of Decency REAL ESTATE

-~--------------------well as dish out, criticism. If he and Vie 'film industry. at.the ". ,-

points out as plainly as he can, HollyWood production' level. ap- , INSURANCE

what a screenplay is about and pears urgently necessary. This bow, in his opinion, it" succeeds could restore mutual' under­ WY 3:-5762 "

. .. , or fails in reflecting right ·priii­ standing and respect which from i36 Cornell St.

ciples as well as providing good, 1937 to 1942 helped keep mor­ New' Bedford

bad.or indifferent ,entertainment, ally objectionable movies below some readers will brand him a 10 per cent of, HQilywood's total' v.lJ../AT simplicist (o~ten short for sim­ output, compared to the 30 ,per AMERICAN pleton!). If he deals with some , cent or more we are now' getting. NAVAL OFFICER obviously serious flaw, moral and And for the laity, the great BUILT ONE. OF dramatic, he may get it in the . "Give"a~,

need of the h,our is lively re­ HIS SHIPS IN neck from readers, including education as to . the Legion's, It.shitll B:e

some priests. 20 DAYS FROM "The Catholic film critic who. practices and purposes and con­ .'T.RE£5 NEARBY .Given .to.yau; sequent re-dedication to its frantically looks for' violations . A LAKE ideals. In this an unequivocal of the Production Code, and very Luke: 6:38 official clarification ,of our fuli S~ORE. little else; is apt to be very dis­ couraging," wrote a Jesuit priest obligations' under our Legion , , , pledge, could, but he~p. In, ,any 'in a recent letter to "America." JEWELED CROSS Such violations ·occur' more ,re-educaHon program' the 'pro:' ,.COMPANY


frequently these days. What posed Discussion Clubs appear to then shall the Catholic critic do? present c;>ur best hope. On that CR~ciF;XEs'1~~ AR~Cl£S ~ DEVOTION. subject, more next week. Shall he frantically avoid com­ ment upon them? If he, does, many readers will protest that he is shirking. They need fi-om Commodore MacDonough in the War of 1812 him all-important details as to . why the film failed to pass the Code and why, as a' direct con­ . sequence, the Legion of De­ cency raised serious objections to it: . Perception Must Guide

To be worth his salt the lay

critic writing in the Catholic ..

press mllst be'guided by his own

',' perception of the' film's content

and conclusion and by his own

honest opinio.n of its qualities,

8~S286 theatrically, artistic;llly and

morally. Should he fail to per­

ceive moral flaws to which the'

Legion of Decency objects, as

·"READ ' s.ometimes-though happily not

often-occurs; only imprudence

will lead.him to set his own .

opinion .(~s~tinctfrom.nierely


Can1t Understand Some People






.,: SE·RVICE ,~

, ­

Film Available



,: First Safe Deposit ~National Bank ~

' , ,' .


James F~ 0 Neill



••'• t~en ioin -the







Q~.Atdk \




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