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The ·ANCHOR An Anchor of the sour, Sure and Firm-St. Paul

Fall River, Mass.', Thursday, Nov. 7, 1974 PRICE 151: Vol. 18, No. 45' © 197.4 The Anchor $5.00 per year

Meyer Davis To Play At Ball January 10 The 20th annual Bishop's Charity 'BaH to be held Fr,iday, Jan. 10 at the Lincoln Park Ballroom, North Dartmouth, will feature music 'by the internationally famous Meyer Davis Orchestra. Davis, the seventy-five year old maestro, will appear in person. Among the orchestra's patrons are such illustrious names as Astor, Vanderbilt, Ford, RockefeHer, Dupont, Firestone and many others. This orchestra has been a White House habit. Presidents _Harding, Coolidge, Roose· velt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson have danced to its music at their inaugural balls, Davis has made more than fifty appearances at the White House. The popularity of his music and the demand for it is such that it is not unusual for engagements to be made ten or more years in advance. Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the Ball, noted that popular demand requested .Davis' fourth appearance at the Ball. Meyer Davis, is contracted already to provide the music for

Bishops Consider Death Penalty WASHINGTON (NC) - The U. S. Catholic bishops will vote on a statement opposing. capital punishment when they hold their annual general meeting here Nov. 18-22. There is question, however, whether the statement will be passed. A statement was approved by the usec Committee on Social. Development and World Peace and it was sent to local bishops for their reaction. However, much of the reaction has asked for a clarification of the theology of the document; many suggested revisions have been made. Some bishops prefer no statement at all. If the bishops should paS3-the rewritten statement, it would be a first-ever for the U. S. Bishops. A number of individual bishops, theologians, state Catholic Conferences and Catholic organizations have publicly opposed the death penalty. The Catholic Church has traditionally supported the right of the state to impose the death Turn to Page Three

the Charity Ball in January 1978. Proceeds from this social event provide for the welfare of the exceptional and underprivileged children of every race, color and creed of the southeastern area of Massachusetts. Two Nazareth Hall schools in Fall River, one in Hyannis and one in Attleboro impart special training to many children and it reflects the progress that has been made in the mental, physical and emotional development of the exceptional child. Days of enjoyment, health and recreation are provided for Turn to Page Two

Set Agenda For Bishops WASHINGTON (NC)-A pro· posed statement on capital punish~ent and a plan for more effective use of the means of communication for evagelization are among the items on the agenda of the annual meeting here of the U. S. Catholic bishops. Also on the agenda are elections of a new president and vice president of the bishops' conference. About 250. bishops are expected to attend the Nov. 18 to 22 meeting of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCOB) and the United States Catholic Conference (USCC), the civIl corporation and secretariat through which the NCCB acts with other Catholics. Before the formal opening of the meeting, a bishops' day of prayer, study and reflection on the renewal of faith will be sponsored by the NCCB Committee on Pastoral Research and Practices. The bishops will also spend a morning during their meeting in regional groupings discussing the renewal of faith. ,A report is expected on the results- of the recent Synod of Bishops at the Vatican. The current president of the bishops' conference is Cardinal John Krol of Philadelphia, whose term of office ends at the November me~ting." The vice pr~sident, Archbishop Leo Byrne of St. Paul and Minneapolis, died Oct. 21. Ten candidates have been Turn to Page Two,

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~A Pontiff Receives Bishop Cronin, During Visit

As Rome Food Parley Opens Hope 01 Improvement Grows ROME (NC)-World food production could be doubled in a year if the world decided to do it, according to a founder of the National Catholic Rural Life Conference of the United States. Msgr. Luigi Ligutti, who wi!! turn 80 "on the first day of spring, 1975," also described the world food situation as "alarming but improving." In an interview before the opening of the United Nationssponsored World Food Conference here, Msgr. Ligutti insisted that the way to end hunger is "not through handouts but through helping little people help themselves." In his home off Rome.'s anciem Aurelian Way, Msgr. Ligutti declared, "There's a miracle ).lnder every rock and an infinite potential in every drop of water. World fooO production could be doubled in 12 months with available means, but that would take intellect, ability, will and concern for social justice:' ,"The Italian-born American priest, who helped found the National Catholic Rural Life Conference (NCRLC) during the depression, also said that the alarming world food picture is improving for several reasons. First, "Our diet' and nutrition is way better than it was during the time of the French or our own American Revolution." He recalled that even at the turn of the century when he was growing up in a small village in Northeast Italy, deaths from pro· tein deficiency were rather com-

mon in Italy. They are virtually unknown now. The situation is also brighter because consciousness and concern about world hunger is "get· ting to be universal-not just felt by a few dogooders. Fifty years ago we couldn't possi'bly have thought about holding a world food conference." Another hopeful sign, he said, is that Christians in the West as well as "ruling powers and big shots in developing countries," are "coming to realize that they

must share in the guilt" for food shortages. But, according to Msgr. Ligutti, perhaps the best change of all is that "all of us-Christians in the West, the developing wQrld itself - are conscious of the fact that suffering people are capable of self·help," The world's simple "little people," he' asserted, "have the ability of a Michelangelo, Da Vinci or an Edison." The goal of the food conference, should be to unlock their power, he said.

.People Must Dispel Myths About Aged "The aged, who formed three LOS ANGELES (NC)-Catholics must realize there is a vast per cent of the population in revolution af.fecting "the beloved 1900, now form 10 per cent of community" of the aged that is the population and the present turning the world of the aged revolution is making the aged upside down and the Church act as if they were 35 years old." must be a part 'of it; Dr. James He told the meeting that the A. Peterson recently told 150 first step to be taken by anyone persons at a meeting called by concerned with the aging is to the Los Angeles Archdiocese rid himsel.f of myths concerning Commission on Aging. them.. Dr. Peterson said that the "We must first make an introcommunity of the so-called aged spective examination and reflecis going to double imd triple in tion of our own attitude to 'our the next few years as early re- own aging. Too many pe()ple are . afraid of aging." tirement plans increase. Dr. Peterson explained sever..1 The revolution, he said, lies in a change in the treatment of the myths about aging to the conferaging. No longer, said Dr. Peter- ence participants: -"The rocking chair myth son, are the aged being "put on the shelf in a hinterland as dis- holds that old people get decards, useless in a youth cul- crepit. Fact: Ninety per cent of Turn to Page Three ture."


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Riv.er:-Thurs., Nov. 7, 19714

Sisters of Mercy Participafre In Respect Life Week


Caring Presence of Church Cited ,At Hospital Chaplains I~stitute ,


WASHINGTON (NC)-ParticPastoral' associates, non-oripants in a Pastoral Institute for dained associates of the chapa' General Hospital Chaplains held lain in t~e hospital ministry, here emphasized that the chap- were prominent in the two-week lain brings to the patient not institute here. The 105 particonly the. sacraments, but the ipants included 46 Sisters, one caring presence of the Church. Catholic layman, one non-Cath· Father Albert P. Hauser. chap- olic lay ",,;,oman and 57 priests. lain at 51. Mary's Health Center, The institlite, designed as an inSt. Louis, said the role of the tensiVe introduction to hospital chaplain is "to reflect the heal- chaplaincy~ was sponsored by ing ministry the hospital ded- the National Association of icates itself to." Serving the Catholic Chaplains, which oper·, needs of families and staff as ates under the auspices of the well as the patient, the chaplain U. S. Catholic Conference Dc"brings to them the love and partment ~f Social Development. MEYER DAVIS. care of the Christian commu- and World: Peace. nity," he said. -Father David R. Baeten, exec· Father Houser said the chap- utive secretary of the associalain in "there to offer healing tion, who organized the institute, Continued from Page One in the sense of being with you said that,. in recent years, the and loving you" and not simply department of pastoral care has the underprivileged and excepas a "dispenser of grace." come to b~ considered an impor- . tional children at the four sum-. mer camps sponsored by the dioSister Gail Nicastro" a j:as- tant part of the hospital. He said toral ass'ociate' at SL Francis studies have indicated that hoscese of Fall River from the proHospital, operated by.the Sisters pitaIs whi¢h have good depart- ceeds of the Ball. '. of St. Joseph in Hartford, Conn., ments of pastoral care have been Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, defined the role of the chaplain . able to shorten the length of S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, is and pastoral associate as "wit- patients' stays. the honored guest of the Ball. i nessing of the presence of the Members of the Ball Committee, St. Vincent de Paul Societies and caring Church." Sister Nicastro, who had been 'affiliates of the Council of Catholic Women, are -urged to send a nurse for several years before becoming a pastoral associate, the names of persons and groups' said she sees her present posiDesign and manufacture of for ltsting in the Charity Ball tion "as a more intensive form pottery will be taught in an Boo/tlet. The listings are under of nursing," one that allows eight-week! course beginning six categories with each categ'Ory "more time for spiritual' and Thursday, ,Nov. 14 at Bishop entitling the donor to tickets for Stang High School, 500 Slocum the Ball. Persons or groups wishpsyrhological care." Among her functions, she said, Road, NoAh Dartmouth. The ing to aid the exceptional and are "helping patients with pre- course will be open. to area underprivileged cbildren may do operative anxiety," helping tel'- adults and, further information so by contacting Bishop's Charity minally ill patients cope with is available from Ms. Susan Ball He'adqua,rters, 410 Highland anger and despair, counselling Oliveira at Ithe schooL' Ave., Fall River, 02722, phone Also at the North Dartmouth 676-8943. patients and staff members with family problems or moral prob- High Schoo,l, the annual Alumni lems, and contributing to the re- Fashion Show, featuring models Sacred Heart Books ligious education of patients and drawn from the S)~nior class, the !itaff. alumni and: other friends of the . In connecti'On with the 300th . school drew a la,rge attendance. anniversary of the apparitions of Proceeds from the event benefit the Sacred Heart at Paray-lean alumni '~cholarship fund. Monial, France from which came Many Prizes the devotion of the First Fridays . Continued from Page One 'Small brothers and sisters' of and the feast of the Sacred nomina ted for the office of pres- Stang stud~nts were entertained ident. After a president is at the school's second annual and the feast of the Sacred Heart, elected, a vice president is Halloween party, which featured the National Enthronement Cenelected from the remaining nh,e a huge game of musical chairs ter, Fairhaven, 02719 announces that it has available "The "Encandidates. and many prizes for contests and thronement of the Sa,cred The bishops will also elect costumes. Heart," a 426-page book by Rev. new chairmen for four NCCB I Francis 'Larkin, SS.CC., of, the committees~on missions, pas- Benedic~ines Elect Fairhaven monastery· of the toral research and practices, perHearts Fathers. Other' deSacred manent diaconate and vocations Fr. DsSqlvo Abbot votional material is also avail-and for the USCC committees SUBIACO, (NC) - Father Ra- able. on health affairs. and social dephael De Salvo, 55, has been , elected fifth' abbot of New Subivelopment and world peace. After the discussions of means aco Abbey ~ere in Arkansas' in of communication as instru- a vote of the 90 members of the Funeral Home ments of evangelization by the Benedictine Icommunity. Abbot De Salvo entered the 1974 spring regional meetings of 571 Second Street bishops, a USCC Communication monastery i~ 1939, took his simFall River, Mass. Committee task force studied ple vows irt 1940 and was 01'679-6072 the regional meetings' recom- dained in 1945.- After earning liMICHAEL J. McMAHON mendktions and prepared a de- centiate and' doctoral degrees in Registered Embalmer tailed proposal for increased tI"~eology at the Catholic UniverLicensed Funeral Director collaboration and sharing of reo sity of Ame~ica in Washington, sources nationally among those D.C., he became rector of Subiinvolved in communication work. aco major !seminary in 1948, This proposal will be submitted serving untili 1963. Father De Salvo headed the to the bishops' meeting.' Subiaco Beriedictine mission in The USCC Committee on Social Development and World Nigeria froni 1963 until its disPeace recently sent to all the banding durihg the African counbishops a proposed statement on try's civil war in 1967. He has capital punishme'nt. A final draft been prior of'the Arkansas ~bbey will be distr-ibuted and voted on ,since 1968, having been a parish administrator briefly in 1967. during the meeting.

Meyer DQvis


Schedule Pottery Class. at Stang

Set Agenda


Ne~rology THE ANCHOR Second .Class Postage Paid at F,II Piver, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall Rliver, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Prets of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postp3.d $5.00 per year.

N-OV. 15 Rev. Dani~l E. Doran, 1943, Pastor, Imm~culate Conception, North Easton Rev. Thom4s F. LaRoche, 1939, Assistant, Sa¢red Heart, Taunton

HY ANNIS 775·0684 South Yarmouth 398-2201 Harwich Port 432·0$93

Mt. St. Rita Health Centre, Cumberland; R.I. is participating with some 870 Catholic-sponsored health care facilities throughout the nation in observing "Respect Life Week"-Nov. 10-16.

New Rural Life Dir·ector Named COLUMBIA (NC)-Father John McRaith, a priest of the New Ulm, Minn., diocese, has been appointed executive director of the National Catholic Rural Life Conference ~NCRLC). Archbishop Ignatius J. Strecker of Kansas City, Kan., NCRLC president, made the announcement at the conference's board meeting here. in Missouri. ,Father McRaith, 39, has been NGRLC codirector since January, 1972. The son of farmers, he was educated at St. John's College, Collegville,Minn.; Loras College, Dubuque, Iowa, and Mt. St. Bernard Seminary in Dubuque. Ordained in i960, he served as pastor of three parishes in the New Ulm diocese and was diocesan rural life director 'there from 1965 to 1968. Archbishop Strecker said the appointment was made in connection .with a reorganization of the relationship between the NCRLC and the U. S. Catholic Conference (NSCC), the agency through which the National Con· ference of Catholic Bishops acts with other Catholics in social, economic, educational and public policy 'matters. Q


Sister Catherine Felton, Administrator said that the staff at Mt. St. Rita Health Centre plan to show residents how the three clements of the Church's mission ... communication, community, and service ... are present in all of our activities.. "We stand for dignity in aging and we provide patient care that contributes to the physical, emotional and spiro itual wellbeing of all people--as shown by our care for our senior sisters." Specifically, during the past month of October, the Health Center has held a general staff meeting on Oct. 13 on the 12 points of the Patient's Bill of Rights and the Christian Affirmation of Life; conducted a communal anointing by Rev. G. Dua, the chaplain, at the community Mass on Oct. 18; had offered Mass for the deceased sisters with the liturgy planned by young sisters. In order to raise funds to help in supporting the facility at Mt. St. Rita the sisters invite those interested to attend the annual pre-holiday sale to be held at the facility. in Cumberland on Nov. 22 and 23, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. each day.

BROOKLAWN FUNERAL HOME, INC. R. Marcel Roy Roger LaFrance -

G. Lorraine Roy James E. Barton

FUNERAL DIRECTORS 15 Irvington Ct. New. Bedford 995-5166

550 Locust Stree.t Fall River, Mass.

D. D. Wilfred C. Sullivan Driscoll FUNERAL HOME



Rose E. Sullivan Jeffrey E. SuUivu


FUlleral! DOllie





Serving All Faiths Regardless of Financial Circumstances For Over 102 Years

CITY LOCATION 178 Winter Street Between Cherry & Locust Sts. FALL RIVER

SUBURBAN LOCATION 189 Gardners Neck Road North of Rt. 6 Intersection SWANSEA

Death Penalty Continued from Page One penalty as a means of selfprotection. In recent years, however, bishops and moral theologians have moved more toward opposition of the death penalty. In June 1972 the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty as then practiced constituted cruel and unusual punishment because it was imposed in a random and discriminatory manner. The court has now agreed to review a case involving the death penalty in the Fowler vs. North Carolina case. A total of 29 states have reinstated the death penalty since the 1972 decision. 150 have been sentenced to die since then with no actual executions. and theologians Bishops speaking oJlt against the death, penalty have offered the following reasons: -Support for the death penalty is incompatible with the developing "right to life" approach which is behind the Church's strong opposition to abortion. "Even the most wretched and unfortunate human being has a life which must be regarded as inviolable," said the Indiana Catholic Conference. -The argument that capital punishment is necessary as a deterent has been challenged strongly on both statistical and moral basis. If it cannot be proven that the death penalty acts as a substantially greater deterrent than life imprisonment or other penalties, it cannot be justified, according to some bishops and theologians. -The death penalty removes all possibility of rehabilitation and sorrow, contradicting Church beliefs in penance and hope. -Vengeance, rather than justice, is often the real motive behind support for the death penalty.

Liv'e In Program Begun by Bishop

tHE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 7, 1974


St. Louis Meeting For Mercy Nuns Some 700 Sisters of Mercy and associates will meet at the Marriott. Hotel in St. Louis the weekend of Nov. 15 for a threeday Health and Social Apostol· ate convocation. 'Sister Mary Concilia Moran, RSM, administrator general of the community, will give the' keynote address the first night of the meeting, developing its theme, "Mercy is the Face of God turned toward Man." Discussions, talks, and audio· visual presentations will focus on challenges and the role of Mercy women in health ministries. The Institute of the Sisters of Mercy, whose generalate is at Bethesda, Md., is a religious apostolic community involved in the Church's ministries of teaching and healing.

NECO CONVENTION: Needs for adequate transportation, health care, and municipal services, as well as healthful environmental conditions compelled people in one sector of Minneapolis to form the North East Community Organization. A local convention introduced members of smaller neighborhood gro ups to NECO to solve en masse the common problems that were besetting them. NECO is funded by the Campaign for Human Development scheduled for the weekend of Nov.. 23-24 throughout the Diocese of Fall River.

Must Dispel Myths About the Aged Continued from Page One old people are mobile and able to participate in programs we can help plan with them. Only two per cent are in institutions. -"The myth of senility must be debunked. Ninety-three per cent of us will be as bright and sharp in our 70s as we were in our 30s. We will think more slowly, but witt{ the accretion of the wisdom gained with years and eX!perience. This wisdom is now a wasted national resource. Political Power ......:..The political impotence myth about the aged is being debunked by the 'gray panthers' who are proving that retired persons can be flexible and active and influential. Among these are

LITTLE ROCK (NC)-Bishop Andrew J. McDonald of Uttle Rock has begun a "live-in" program to become better acquainted with the priests, ReHgious and laity in Arkansas and to gain insights into grass roots Oppose President's views of diocesan needs. By arrangement with pastors, Trip to So. Korea the bishop spends two or three NEW YORK (NC)-Prominent days ea'ch week "living-in" at religious leaders, academics and local rectories and listening to Korean residents in the U. S. what Catholics have to say. He have protested President Gerald said he does more listening than Ford's planned visit to South talking during the informal visits. Korea in November. Bishop McDonald began planOne 50-member group, calling ning the project last spring. He 'itself the Committee on Human suggested a number of possible rights in Korea, said in a letter topics "so the conversations and to the President and to Secrediscussions do not drift without tary of State Henry Kissinger: aim or with too much emphasis "It would be most undesirable on one or two aspects of the for the President of our country a postolate." to visit Korea while 200 patriots Vocations, youth, educati~n, ... are unjustly held in prisons liturgy, minority groups, fi- and while Park Chung Hee connances personnel, The Guardian tinues to affirm his right to si(the diocesan weekly). relation- lence opposition by arrest withships among pastors, deans 'and out warrant, harsh interrogation bishop, pastoral councils., the and secret court martial." Holy Year and the bicentennial. Members of the committee in'Bishop McDonald said the clude Dr. Sterling Cary, pres"live-ins" are not an inspection ident of the National Council of tour and' are apart from Confir- Churches (NOC); Father William .mation tours, church blessinzs McIntyre, secretary of the Maryand such. knoll Fathers; Dean Krester Bishop McDonald, the former Stendall of Harvard Divinity vicar general of the Savannah, School and Professors Edwin Ga., diocese, succeeded Bishop Reischarer, James Thompson Albert L. Fletcher, retired, in and AI,an Cohen of Harvard Uni. versity. September, 1972.

groups like the American Association of Retired Persons. -"Economic dependence is another myth. True, there are many aged single women, especially black single women, trying to live on less than $1,000 a year, and this is deplorable. Yet, 80 per cent of our older

Ordained Bishop In Bilingual Rite BOISE (NC)-In a ceremony that was a tribute to the Mexican-American . Catholic culture as Well as his own American culture, Father Nicolas E. Walsh was ordained a bishop Oct. 28 at St. John's Cathedral here. Presiding at the ordination was Archbishop' Jean Jadot, apostolic delegate in the United States. Bishop Sylvester Treinen of Boise was principal ordainer. Most of the ceremony was in English but half the hymns, part of Bishop Walsh's remarks at the end of the ceremony and half the commentary were in Spanish. Some of the prayers were also in Spanish. A large number of MexicanAmericans were present for the ceremony. Bishop Walsh was vicar for Mexican Americans in the diocese of Boise for several years before his appointment as bishop of Yakima, Wash. He was also a missionary in Columbia. _ Father Walsh was installed as Bishop of Yakima by Archbishop Thomas Connolly of Seattle on Oct. 30 in another bi-lingual ceremony, Archbishop Jadot again presided. The Yakima diocese has a large percentage of Mexican-American Catholics. An even especially for Mexican-Americans in the Yakima diocese to meet and pray with their new bishop was to be held in Wapato, Wash., Nov. 10. This was to include a Mass to be concelebrated in Spanish' which was to be followed by a ,.reception.

persons have some economic independence. Older people cherish their independence and our democracy arJIows them the chance to help plan programs for' themselves. They need our concern, not our domination. -"The myth of uselessness is deflated by the evidence of the work being done by a large army of volunteers in our many institutions for all ages. Without volunteersinany of these institutions could not function." True Renaissance Dr. Peterson said that we must "clear our minds of defeating myths and images of older people. Older people see these images reflected by us and get defeated and then withdraw. Many of the losses older people have are reactions to our judgment." Dr. Peterson told the meeting that "half of major industries now have early retirement plans. Chrysler, for example, has a union contract that provides for retirement after 30 years. A man who went to work there at 21 will retire at 51. Society is going to have a greater percentage of retired persons. Churches must prepare to see that they have the good life. "For the first in our history we can have the true Renaissance man, who can achieve the Athenian norm of serving his state by the contribution of his wisdom." .

Vetoes Farm Labor Contractors Bill WASHINGTON (NC) - President Gerald Ford has vetoed a landmark farm labor contractor bill, but said he would sign the bill after a revision-the dropping of an unrelated rider affecting some government workers.. The bill was seen by observers as a victory for the United Farm Workers of America (UFWA) because it was steered through Congress by the UFWA's legislative representative, Jesuit 'Father James Vizzard, S.J. The bill had strong bipartisan support in both houses of Congress. It was essentially an updating and strengthening OF a 1003 farm labor contractor law, which Father Vizzard helped frame -when he was with the National' Catholic Rural Life Conference.



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Cardinql Attests To Tremendous Impact of Synod

ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs.', N.ov. 7, 1974

Solutions The world talks on food going on !in Rome have two problems to consider:' one is the short-range problem of averting famine right now in some pla~es throughout the world, and this is a humanitarian problem; the other is the lorig-range problem of assuring each n~tion of the world of s9me measure of self-sufficiency in fdod., The short-range problem must be faced and 'met right away. I The "have" countries of the world must supply the "have .not" nations with food and assure that this is distributed where it is needed. All too often the supply is present but the means of distribution break down miserably and the price paid is that of huml:\n suffering arid tragedy and death. i The long-range solution is a complex one. There are nations of the world that lneed the means of foqd production, and they are bargaining :instead f?r nuClear energy so that they might join the "nuclear bomb club" of the world. National prestige is placed before human need. There are nations that depend on! other nations for needed supplies, of ordinary things or of rare metals and minerals. This inter-dependence must ibe' admitted and accepted. There are whole problems of ecoriomics to be considered with the need to rearrange; if necbssary, the accept·· ed ways of doing things. I

"To A Distant Planet?"

There is the problem of grain and mkat and the proper balance. For example, the cattle of the ~orld eat as much food as would feed almost nine billion people, three times the present world population. The short-range problems must find immediate solution in Rome. And it is to be hoped that gOQd \vill and the desire to find solutions to the long-range problems will be in evidence in Rome.' And some beginmng~ made.

Think Big



There is nothing like "thinking big."




St. William's Church

A British scientist has come up with a proposal that not only fulfills but challenges that phr~se.

Inflation Woes

His proposal is simply this: use nuclear reactors on the planet Jupiter to break that huge "body ~part; the several pieces that would result could be used for colonies or for earth's industrial purposes. Of course,' there would be radioactive problems so this would mean ~hifting the planet Mercury to act as a screen for earth.

During. the past week I ventured into one of the local superm,arkets. The only thing it could be compared to was a call to one of the local funeral homes. One pays a visit, views, prays and then departs with mixed emotions of grief and woe. People wander up and down aisles heavy heart- pock,et book are wor-thy of special note. For example the price ed in a total mood of dis- of sugar has increased over 154 belief and doubt. They just per cent since last year and is


Now there is thinking on a large scale. Nothing petty about those plans. I

And the facts are that this could be done. Probably not for ~ few hundred years, but the techni~ue is already at hand to accomplish the goals. ~ . It is good that amid all the grappling:with present and pushing problems, there are people who can sit back and think great· thoughts, plan great courses 6f action.. ,

The very magnitude of their presentaitions can encourage those faced with less expansive projects to accept the "solvability" of what confronts them. And proposals of g~eat proportions also help one to fix the scale of his own projects. .: .

don't believe what they see. Glazeq and dazed, they attempt to compute, deduct and add. In fact, more mathematics must be done in supermarkets than in any classroom. Yet the rate of price increases on seemingly all items in stock would be difficult to tabulate even with the assistance of the most sophisticated computer. . Some items caught up in .the bitter battle of inflation that would cause a total drain on the

stHI climbing. The omni-present potato chip is 60 per cent more valuable as a snack. Salad oil and shortenings have risen '87 per cent while flour and cereals are only 40 per cent more costly. Even a jar of good old applesauce has taken a 53 per cent hike in price. Soon a simple standby like the reliable old peanut butter and jelly sandwich will be a rare treat, served only at state dinners.

.Fixed Income Group Suffering

What does all this mean for next couple of months. Where I the individuai on a fixed income? will this leave the senior citizen, Disaster. With the soaring costs the family with young children, of basic foods, not to mention and the single person who must the uncontrollable inflation in shoulder an even greater burden utilities, fuel, and medicine what of proposed taxation? The rich chance does a person with a lim- get richer with increased profits, ited or fixed income have here the legally poor get welfare and I and now to meet necessary fi- the working taxpayer gets OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE :OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River nancial obligations? Ordinary beans. hard working tax-payers might The present attitude of gov410 Highland Avenue : ' be lucky if th~y receive a 5 per ernment in the inflation battle Fall River Moss. 02722 675-7151 cent increase in the 'cost of liv- reminds one of a man who has i PUBLISHER ing. As everyone knows that in .fled to his storm cellar as the Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.q. no way can match the spiralling tornado approaches. Hiding in GENERAL MANAGER FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR rate of inflation. the dark, he only hears the Rev. Msgr. DanielF. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan The United States Department storm around him, hoping in desof Agriculture now believes that peration that. it soon will pass. . ASSISTANT MANAGERS I Rell. John P. Driscoll food prices alone will take an- But all indications indicate that Rev. John R. Fo!ster ~Leary Press-Fall River .other 16 per cent rise in the the storm of inflation is not ".'i:1f;"~ \

@rhe AN(JHOR

ROME (NC) - Scotland's dlel· egate to· the Synod of Bishops, Cl!-rdinal Joseph Gray, has reo turned to his archdiocese of St. Andrews and Edinburgh with an "inner conviction" as a result of the month-long synodal discussions here. "The synod made a tremendous impact on me". said the cardinal. "I summed it up when 1 spoke to the synod. 1 said to them, speaking in English and from the bottom of my heart: "I want to thank the Fathers, my brother bishops, for the :inspiration that 1 have received from their interventions in the Synod. 1 had come to Rome with my own ideas' on the missionary work of the Church, but after three weeks of interventions, discussions and language groups, and speaking with other bishops, 1 have now seen that missionary work in a completely new perspective. "I am going home with new insights, a sort of inner conversion. 1 have become aware of problems which I had not been aware of before. 1 am returning to my own diocese with my ideas and outlook changed." Cardinal Gray spoke of his fellow bishops in an interview with NC News. "I met bishops who talked from their hea·rts in the language groups whereas, in the formal synod floor debates they had spoken in stilted Latin," he said. "These bishops spoke of the conditions and problems that they had, of pers.ecution and other subjects. ' He said he sincerely hopes that succeeding synods would be in 'the vernacular' throughout. "Latin is too expresssionless when it 'is not a second tongue. Mine is very bad." 1JIl1llltllUIUllll1ll JIlWIUlmUUlllllllllllhmmllllllllllllU""nllMUllllllllhllllhmll"'I'"

about to pass and the man hiding in the cellar is about to be buried alive. The country can not afford to wait for the departure of a lame-duck congress. The people can not afford the jaw-boning of the jolly good fellow White House. The country and the people need determined action and effective programs by both the congress and White House to stem sweeping tides that threatens to engulf aU of us. Mandatory price controls, restriction of excessive corporate profits, just tax reform, required union responsibility, and. legal anti trust suits with severe penalties are but a few means that could be instituted to relieve the burden of the tax-payer and foil the greed of the profiteer. If local and federal governmen,ts fail to act during this present re.. cession with decisive action, firm intent and productive resolve then they will run the grave risk of exposing the American people to needless hardship and prolong joblessness. As the people of this land learn the hard way to tighten their belts, wear sweaters and skip .sl?me of their favorite foods, so too should government be forced to assume responsible policies and positions that will honestly and sincerely help all Americans in their growing hour of need. '

Banker Travels 480 Miles Weekly To Study for Permanent Diaconate LOS ANGELES (NC)-Tony Varesio is on his way to becoming a 42,000-mile deacon with a steel-belted constitution. Tony just passed the 21,000 mile halfway mark on the road to the permanent diaconate. Tony travels the Camino Real from .Los Angeles to Santa Barbara-and then beyond to Goleta, a small town by the sea where the University of California at Santa Barbara is located. The total distance is a 240mile round trip. Tony makes the round trip twice a week: 480 miles. Tuesday and Thursday nights Tony is one of 25 men who come to Immaculate Conception Church in downtown Los Angeles to study for the permanent diaconate. Their studies are in theology, Scripture, liturgy, homiletics, pastoral psychology, social needs -all geared to the man's spiritual development. Monthly Retreat The men are between 38 and· 70 years of· age. Nineteen are married. They have a retreat once a month, wives included. They also have picnics-wives and children included. Tony works as vice-president for administrative services of Santa Barbara Savings and Loan. He is in his mid 50s, marriea, has a married daughter and has

four sons living at home. Before becoming a banker, Tony was a sales manager. "I've' always worked with people.:-in ,the community, in the parish." When his pastor, Father Henry Van Son, urged him to apply for the diaconate Tony thought about it, discussed it with his wife, Rosemary, and figured he would try it because it seemed to be in line with his disposition for <:ommunity and parish service. During the summer he has prepared for the deacon's liturgical ministry by a'ssisting the parish priests at marriages, Baptisms, sick calls. God's Will He has surveyed parish needs, made a parish profile, organized a certsus. . "There is an acceptance in our parish of laymen in this new role," he said. "The laity look on us as one of their own." The diaconate candidates face another year of study-Tony an· other 21,000 miles of driving. Tony emphasized the support he is getting from his family, especially from Rosemary. "She's concerned for me driving home alone that long road," he said. "Once, waiting for me to arrive, she though, 'Why us, Oh God?' And she realized the answer. It must be Your will."


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 7, 1974


Conference Asks New Lifestyle To End Hunger DES MOINES (NC)-The National Catholic Rural Life Conference (NCRLC) has called in Americans to reject "affluence and luxury" in order to help end ~he world's food crisis. lIn a statement issued by the conference's board of directors at its annual meeting, the NCRLC also called for: -The establishment of' a national food reserve as a first step toward the establishment of an, international reserve; -The breaking up of the "monopolistic power" of large food companies which "use the world demand for food as a

source of profit"; -An immediate increase in emergency food aid; -Using American technology and resources to help developing nations increase their food yields. "The waste of food by affluent Americans," the statement said, "both in what is eaten and what is discarded, is indicative of an inappropriate attitude toward this gift from God. Lack of Will "In order to change our unjust system of food distribution and our consumption ,habits, the values of the American people

must change. We must reject the values of affluence and luxury and seek values based upon love of neighbor and a sharing of all natural resources. The statement &aid Americans are "compelled to face a history which has seen us accumulate a surplus of food while thousands starved, idle over 80 million acres while half the world went to bed hungry. "We did share from surplus," the statement continued, "but because of a lack of ability and will we failed to respond to the full extent of our resources and resuponsibility."

Jesuit Advocates Assimilation Of Immigrants Into Parish CLARK (NC)-Assimilation of newcomers to this country into already existing parish life was advocated by most speakers at a study day for priests in immigration held at Mother Seton regional high school here in New Jersey.

Charges Mormons With Discrimination SALT LAKE (NC) - The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has subpoenaed the president of the Mormon Church in America in connection with a suit involving racial discrimination. The suit charges that' Boy Scout troops sponsored by the Mormon church discriminate against blacks because of the church's han o.n accepting blacks as full members of the Mormon religion. The subpoena called on Spencer W. Kimball, the church's president, to appear before a federal court and "to produce all writings in his possession or ,in the possession of the church ... on every policy or practice of said <:hurch regarding persons of the bla<:k race."

The study was part of the Newark archdiocese's program of continuing education for priests. It was held in response to the Vatican's continuing interest in care for migrants and because Newark itself has a heavy immigrant population, with an estimated 20 per cent of 'the Catholics in the archdiocese now. being from a Hispanic background. Jesuit Father Joseph P. Fitzpatrick, a Fordham University sociologist, argued against the national parish concept. Because of that earlier policy, he said, "we now have many churches with no congregations." Two generations after the, establishment of such parishes, he said, many of them are abandoned. He cited as an exampie the community of Amsterdam, N. Y., calling it "a city which has just enough people for one good, large parish, the problems come in the third generation, with an integrated parish in the first generation," Father Fitz· patrick said. Among those prab.' lems is that of cultural differences, ,he said, citing the way different people express their reverence.

"The Chinese might shoot off firecrackers," he said, "but in Ireland the silence is so great in church that American priests Elect Fr. Hesburgh have been frightened by it." . NOl1RE DAME' (NC) - ' Holy Scalabrini Father Lydio ToCross Father Theodore M. Hes· masi from the Center for Migration Studies, Staten Island, N.Y., burgh, president of the Univer· sity of Notre Dame, has been pointed out that changes in U. S. elected a member-at-large of the immigration laws have brought National Academy of Education, 450,000 people to this country an organization founded in 1965. annually from countries tradi"to promote scholarly inquiry tionally considered Catholic. In effect, he said, this means and discussion concerning the ends and means of education, in that a new parish of some 2,500 all of its forms, in the United people is moving into the country every four days. States and abroad."

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THE SOCIETY FORTHE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH Send your gift to: Most Rev. Edward T. O'Meara The Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine National Director OR: Diocesan Director 368 North Main Street Dept. C., 366 Fifth Avenue Fall River, Massachusetts 02720 New York, New York 10001

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M'orrioge Pol icy For Teen-agers

tHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Ft.J1I R.iver-!hurs., Nov. 7, 1974

. Colo~r Can Be FI,att'eri.ng,' A .To!nic for the' Spirit I

I just' hung new drapes in our family rQom. They are .a rich caramel color (about the same sh~de as our golden retriever) and just looking at them gives !you a warm, cozy feeling. The sunlight filtering through them changes the whole. appearance of the I:. room and again color plays my own c~lTIplexlOn was yellow .



ItS role. The same effe~t would not have been pOSSIble if they had been white or any other pale color. A rich color was needed to add warmth.



Color plays an important part in our lives from the moment of recognition. We reach for bright colors before light ones, refuse to wear certain clothes because we prefer the colors' of others and learn at a very early age that some colors make us look better than others. Very often, viewing dresses worn by some women I wonder why they picked that particular color for in many' instances many other shades would 'be more flattering. Men too have learned the value of c:olor in their clothes. Gone are the basil: grey flannel suit and plain White shirt for every occasion. Instead we see men' wearing blue to bring out the color of their eyes, or red for a more dashing ap·· pearance.


Over the ye~rs we have all had favorite articles of clothing and in many cases that item was special because the color did something Jor us. When I was much younger I had a red dress. that almost had a magic about it. I never wore that dress that I didn't have a .great time. Looking back. I'm sure that because r knew the dress made me look. my best and that the color and fit were flattering, I could relax and enj?y whatever I was doing. We all go through colol' stages, too. Up until recently l would never wear any shade or" beige close to my face 'because I felt

President Chairman Of National Bible Week WASHINGTON (NC) -- President Gerald R. Ford has accepted the honorary chairmanship of National Bible Week (Nov. 24-Dec. I), sponsored by the Layman's National Bible Committee. . In a statement on Bible Week, the President said the celebration "gives me the opportunity to share with my fellow Amer~ icans my special regard for the Scriptures as a unifying source of wisdom and inspiration."" "Bible reading has been a tradition in my family for as long as I can remember," he said. "I firmly believe that one can experience a great solace and encouragement from the Bible's timeless and. stirring passages."

by companson~ But because so many of, the clothes I enjoy come· in lovely shades of beige, I have bOl,lght some items in this hue and offset their lack of color by ~dding to my own make-up. I ' Over the years our own color· ing changesi too'and we find that we can use shades that were tab~o befote. My grandmother who went g!rey in her early thirties, always looked lovely in shades of :purple, a color she told me she could never wear when she st1ill had her own dark brown hair ': coloring. Color can, be flattering, it can be fun, it can' raise your spirits out of the I doldrums. Whether it's used in your home or as part of your appearance, it cannot be ignored. TrY,, some color in yo~r home-watch it light it up-try it on yourself and perhaps it will do thesam~ for your spirit!

Catholic \$chool Host To Episc~plian Fete

CELEBRATES 65 YEARS: Sister Imelda Turcotte of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, marks her 65th anniversary in religious life. Among those congratulating her at a Mass of thanksgiv:ng and a following reception is her aunt, Mrs. Lydia Canuel (left).

SOUTH ORANGE (NC)-Seton Hall Univhsity, a Catholic school Will be host to the Episcopal Dioce~e of' Newark when the diocese marks its 100th anniversary witftI a eucharistic IiturSub-Committee Action on 'Anti-Abortion gy on Nov'i 10. Amendment Seen by March The diOCese, headed by Episcopal Bishop George E. Rath, WASHINGTON (NC) - The amendment would pass through asked for the use of Seton Hall's Senate Judiciary Committee sub- the subcommittee and even the facilities in order to accommo- committee on constitutional committee, but fail to get the date the lar;ge number of paric- . amendments is expected to take two-thirds vote needed on the ipants expeqted. final action on proposed anti- Senate floor. The liturgy will be held in the abortion amendments by March, Even if the Senate passed an university's i auditorium-gymna- according. to William Heckman, sium, which:can seat about 4,doo chief counsel for the subcom- amendment on to the' states for ratification, but the House Judi: people for e~ents of this nature. mittee. ciary Committee, headed' by :Bishop John M. Allin, presidHeckman said the final round Rep. Donald .Edwards (D-Calif.) ing bishop I of the Episcopal of hearings-continuing discus- has not scheduled hearings on Church in the U. S., will take sion of the legal aspects of pro- the amendment. Rep. Harold part in the.liturgy. There will be posed amendments-will begin -Froehlich (R-Wisc.) is considera reception lafterwards for Bish- shortly .after Congress returns ing asking the establishment of op Allin in ithe Seton Hall Stu- from its election recess Nov. 18. a' House' select committee on dent Center:, Heckman said the subcommit-. abortion to speed action on the tee had three basic options: proposed amendments.

Exp,ect Final Action


Charism9~ic Meeting Held in <j'eorgia .


out an amendment specifically prohibiting abortion, with the exception of aboitions ne'cessary to save the life of a mother. -Report out an amendment that would turn the issue back to the state's legislatures.

Siena College Starts $2.5 Million Campaign LOUDONVILLE (NC) - Officials of Siena College here :in New York announced three-year multi-million dollar capital fund campaign. The campaign was called the most important undertaking in the college's history." Siena~ board of trustees, alumni, busin.ess leaders and industry have already accumulated $1 million in pledges. Siena College was established here in 1937 by the Franciscan Friars. This campaign marks the first time in Siena's history .that the 'Franciscan college has gone t.o the public to seek financial support. The projected goal is $2.5 million to be used for construction of a multi·purpose recreational facility and academic en-. dowments.


AUGUSTA (NC)-Some 2,000 people atten'ded a liturgy at the Southeaster~ Regional Charismatic Rene~al Conference held in Augusta. The liturgy was celebrated by -Recommend that no amendBishop Raymond W. Lessard of ment be supported. Savannah, Ga., and \30 concel·. Heckman said that returning ebrants. the issue to the state legislatures In addressing the conference, .would be the worst action "poBishop Less1ard referred to re- litically." . I centcomm~nts on the charisOnly two of the 11 senators matic mOvelnE;nt by Pope Paul VI. ThePop:e spoke, he said, of on the subcommittee - James ·the need for! a "New Pentecost." Eastland (D-Miss.) and Strom "The th~ust of the. Holy Thurmond (R-S.C.) have indi~ Father's wotds," he said, "was cated, how they would vote on reaHy very, ~ery simple and yet an amendment, and both would 's6 very' corpplete. _He stressed favor an amendment prohibiting our need fori grace when he saiQ, abortion,_ Heckman said. 'grace is the revelation of the The Judiciary Committee and Holy Spirit,! the foremost gift particularly the constitutional which expre'sses itself to us in amendments subcommittee are charity, lo~e: of the Father, com- more conservative than the Senmunity, by yirtue of, Christ's re- ,ate as a whole, Heckman said. He said it was possible that an demption in !the Holy Spirit.' '.


ROCKVILLE CENTRE (NC) .Bishop Walter P. Kellenberg of Rockville Centre has established a diocesan policy on marriages for teen-agel's aimed at introducing them "to an in-depth assessment of the meaning of Christian marriage." Under the new policy, when· eyer one or both parties of the marriage are under 19 years of age at the time Qf their proposed marriage, only a tentative date for the wedding may be accepted' until each party to the marriage is interviewed by ,the priest separately according to diocesan guidelines. The parents or gua~dians of the underage party or parties are also to be interviewed. The priest will then forward a summary of the interviews to the chancellor's Qffice here that should include his own recommendation as to ~hether or not the marriage should be delayed along with- his reasons for such a recommendation. A decision whether to permit the marriage, delay it for a time or refer the couple for further counseling will be reached by the chancery office taking into consideration the recommendation' of the priest. These procedures also apply to other marriages whenever the priest recognizes Qbjective reasons indicating the need for a delay.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 7, 1974

Christo,pher Pamphl,et Aids Attempts tO Meditat,e


Giets Inforrniation on Prisoners


SAO' PAULO (NC) - Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns of Sao Paulo has persuaded Brazilian military authorities to release information on the wbereabouts of four political prisoners, and the reason for their arrest. This is regarded as a breakthrough on the part of the cardinal, but he pointed out that information is still lacking on 21 persons he had been seeking information on since August. He said that upon learning of the arrest of four more persons he applied to the army commander of Sao Paulo and was immediately told they were being held

I just realized why I've never been good at meditation. I always talked to God. I never gave Him a chance to talk to me. When I tried to meditate I kept a full-tilt thought line going. My mind would spin off in half a dozen directions~ One thought led to another, and suddenly I didn't even meditate was simply that I was the problem. know what i' had started fighting I always expected meditation meditating on. So my medi- to be hearing the voice of God, tations have never seemed very successful. Years ago in school I had a teacher who recommended just



sitting in church, relaxing, and allowing your mind to be open . . . listening. I tried it. Instead of making my, mind receptive, I was busy wondering who the candles had been lit for ... what problems people had carried to that altar . . . watching the "altar lady" arranging the flowers . . . would she reach the top tier before the chair toppled from under bel'.... I just never learned how to meditate. With the current resurgence of interest in meditation, I've felt I should look into it. I should learn. But whenever I've seen an ad for a course in meditation, the picture of the instructor turned me off. The leader looked a bit strange to me. But then, if Christ came today, and ran an ad for the things He'd Hke to teach, He proba'bly would appear a bit strange too. So I did nothing . . . except think that I ought to do something. 'Look Inside' Then the other day I received a copy of the "Christopher News Notes" in the mail (They're availahle free to anyone who sends name, address, and zip code to The Christophel's, 12 E 48th St., New York, N.Y. 10017.) '.This bulletin was titled "Look Inside." After reading it; I realized I never knew what medita-, tion reaUy was. One idea particularly intrigued me . . . a recommendation to keep a journal of the distractions-the "insights and resolutions that grow out of your meditation." I had always considered stray thoughts that encroached on my meditating distractions to be suppressed and avoided. I had never considered the possibility that some of them could be part of meditation. Keeping the journal sorts the~ out. My inability to

leading, guiding, inspiring . '. . like a voice from the clouds: "This is My beloved Son. .'. ." "Look Inside" says: "Med.itationcan make us more aware of our neighbor's needs, more eager to do something about them. "Meditation is a way of letting our thoughts and feelings help us to discover more about ourselves. "It removes us from competing claims for our attention, so that we can get more in touch with what we feel, think and believe." Mini-Meditations Another point ,that I found encouraging wa,s a suggestion for mini-meditations. Ideally there should be a regular 10 or 15 minute fixed time. But, "Meditation hreaks even if only for 15 or 20 seconds can be refreshing and stimulating." I find myself in those breaks . . . while washing dishes, folding laundry; stirring something on the stove . . . countless jobs that require little brain power hut provJde great opportunities for meditation. I've found it's given me increased peace of mind. It's only a beginning, but there is no limit to how far it can grow ... if I work at it. Try it. You may be surprised what deep thoughts are inside yourself . . . if you just learn to let them out.

Lutheran Membership Decline Worldwide GENEVA (NC)-Membership in Lutheran denominations throughout the. world continued to decline during 1973, the Lutheran World Federation announced here. . According to an annual survey completed this fall, the number of Lutherans in the world stands at just over. 72.9 million. The previous year's total. was about 73.3 million. Gains in membership were again made in Asia, Africa and Latin America, but losses in Europe and North America were even greater. 'In the United States the loss was about 44,000, bringing membership there to about 8,703,252. West Germany showed a loss of a,lmost a million since the 1973 survey, down from 26,488,054 to .25,524,755.

ECUMENIST: Father John Hotchkin is executive director of the U.S. Bishops' Committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs. NC Photo.

.Taunflon Wom,an lio He'ad Youth Rev. Roger Levesque of South Attleboro, Diocesan Youth Chaplain, has announced the appointment of Mrs. Theodore J. Aleixo of Taunton as Diocesan Chairman of the. Catholic Committee of Camp Fire Girls and Girl Scouting for the' Fall River Diocese. Mrs. Aleixo also serves as' First Vice-President of the Plymouth Bay Girl Scout Council. The Diocesan Committee met recently to formulate plans for the youth awards ceremony to be 'held at 3 P.,IYt. Sunday, Nov. 24 at Notre Dame Church, Fall River. It is expected that approximately 100 girls from throughout the diocese will be receiving the Marian Medal. Committee Members Also serving on the Diocesan Committee a,re Miss Joan Corrigan and Mrs. Charles Mahan, Attleboro Area; Mrs. Victor Churchey, Mrs. William Downey and Mrs. Catherline Wills, Cape Cod Area; Mrs. Daniel Cardozo, Mrs. Paul Dumais, Mrs. Kenneth Leger and Mrs. George Ratcliffe, Fall River Area. . ' Miss Emma Correia, Mrs. Dan路 iel Costa and Mrs. Lawrence' Harney, New Bedford Area; Mrs. Robert Powers and Mrs. Stuart Place, Taunton Area; Rev. Richard Chretien, Attleboro; Rev. Timothy Goldrick, Cape Cod; Rev. Kenneth Delano, Fall River; Rev. George .AImeida, New Bedford; and Rev. Robert Kirby, Taunton, are area chaplains for the Catholic Committee.

Prayer When'in prayer you clasp your hands, God opens His. -German Proverb


Snowflake Bazaar This Weekend The annual Snowflake Bazaar sponsored by the Friends of the Novitiate of the Presentation of Mary will be held in the lobby of Marian .Manor, Taunton from 10 A.M. to 8 P.M. Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 9 and 10. On sale will be hand knits, candy, cakes, 'plants, and Christmas items.

Antone S. Fen,o, Jr. Dispensing Optician - Complete Optical Service 450 High Street


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at tl:e'local army barracks and were in good health. The four, detained on a general charge of subversion, are Prof. Paulo Singer of the Brazilian Center of Applied Research here, his assistant Viniciuli Brandt, a metal worker, Aurelio Peres, and Dr. Regis Castro de Andrade.

Soul When the soul is troubled, lonely and darkened, then it turns easily to the outer comfort and to the empty enjoyment of the world. -St. Francis of Assisi




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. ! THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fa." River-Thurs., Nov. 7, 1974

Ca rvings Depict Sacred Heart

~ditor Says

Uncanonized 'Saints 'Influence Us More Than We Realize' CINCINNATI (NC)-All Saints you're going to get zapped like Day is a' reminder that "there's . Christ." a whole lot of saints up there "Sooner or later, it seems, with Christ, not just the 174 you're pen~lized for being a whose feasts we celebrate in the Christian. If nobody's attacking official liturgy of the Church." you, if you'~e popular, you begin That's the feeling of Francis- to wonder what you stand for," ." can Father Leonard Foley, editor he said.! of a two-volume collection of "The boo:c Father Foley is saints' lives to be published this editing "Sai~t of the Day", gives winter by St. Anthony Messen- a brief biographical sketch and ger Press. some commentary on the 174 Talking about -the meaning of saints whos¢ feasts have been saints to the average Christian retained by I the Church. in the in 1974, Father Foley said in a official liturgy. Once there were recent interview that "those twice as ma'ny feasts, the priest who've made it influence us estimated, but now the Church more than we realize." is emp~aSiZirg liturgical seasons Whether or not a person is and the number of feasts has canonized (officially recognized been reduced.I I by the Church as having lived a , Helpful to All life of Christian holiness), ! This by n'o means "de-canon· "knowledge that the holiness Father Folev God initiates on' earth is com- ized" other :saints, I • pleted in eternity" encourages pointed out. Some feasts, like . that of St. Peter Alcantara (an those still living, he· said. What kind of person "makes advisor to St. Teresa of Avila) "re celebrated by the Religious it" as a saint? Although there is no one congregatio~s to which they betype. Father Foley said he longed, and I others, like that Of has noticed a pattern in the biog~ . St. Francis iXavier Cabrini, a're celebrated on a local or national raphies he has edited. I basis. In Front Lines But the feasts retained in the "Most of them weren't private give! a more balanced liturgy people concerned· with 'saving their souls,''' he said. "There picture of those persons declared were.a few hermits, of course, holy by the Church, he said. Geographi~al distribution, 02but so many of them were out there in the front lines, doing the cupations a~d reasons for canChurch's work, at times in spite onization were considered so of the Church itself. Because that the Iitllrgy would not bethey were reformer, prophets, come top-heavy with, for exam· leaders, people who did. what pie, marty~ed .bishops from I was right regardless of opposi- France. tion, they were controversial. The priest, a veteran retreat Some were even dismissed from master and former editor of St. I . th~ir Religious orders for being Anthony Messenger magazine, troublemakers. " said he thihks the "Saint of The amount of suffering in Day" will bb especially helpful their lives impresses the priest, 'to teachers, ~priests and deacons who said he has come to wonder preparing homilit:s and, persons "if acting like Christ means interested in: Church history. !

Prelate Claims ParochiallSchools Sho.rtchanged in Health ~erv'ices NEWARK (NC) - A year-old controversy was reopened here when Msgr. William J. Daly, Newark archdiocesan school su. perintendent, charged that the city is shortchanging s~udentsat parochial schools on health services. ,He made the charge in a statement to be presented to Mayor Kenneth_Gibson and the Newark City Council. He said that discussions with others about the problem have proved fruitless and he would seek a meeting with tne mayor to resolve the situation. Health services are provided to the parochial schools through the board of health, while the board ·of education provides that service in the public schools. Under state law, health services to nonpublic school st.udents may not be provided through .the local school district. There are 24 parochial schools in the city, the state's largest. Board of Health officials maintain that they have increased health services to these schools, but Catholic school officials dis· pute this. Sister Patricia Marren, principal at St. Michael's school, said

that when she was first named to that post four years ago nul'S' ing service Was provided three and a half days a week. It has I been decreased each, year and is now dow~ to one and a half days a week,t' she said. In addition~ sbe said that those who come "are involved in some kind of inte~nship program and are not reaH:y giving services tp the children. i' . "We are rtot asking for anything but whkt the public school children arel receiving," Msgr. Daly said. ~ursing service is available daily in public schools. "Our childten live in Newark, they play in its playgrounds an'd streets and ate as susceptible to exact-Iy the same heaIth hazards as . their ne:ighbors in public schools," he said. "They are deserving of no [less than their public school counterparts." I!


The boara of health has .had a I problem attracting nurses for its programs.1 Nurses who serve nonpublic schools are required to 'do home :visiting work and serve 'in ba~y-sitting stations during nonschool working hours. In contras~, nurses hired by the board of ieducation work in the schools and receive higher pay and better pensions.

':-'. -~>'l



..... i~"S

NUN IS PROBATION OFFICER: Sister Joyce Wise, a former teacher, is the first nun in the diocese of Springfield, Mass., to become a probation officer. The Sister of St. Joseph said: "People look. on court as a punishment, but it can be used as a tool to afford juveniles- means of bettering their lives." She said she misses ,the classroom, but "Here I'm teaching in another way." NC Photo.

Nun Finds Fulfillment of Vocation In Work as Probation Officer SPRINGFIELD (NC)-Qne of ·Springfield',s newest probation officers , a Sister of St. Joseph and a former teacher, said her work at Juvenile Court is not only Ii. chaHenge but a fulfill-' ment of her vocation. Sister Joyce Wise, who began her probation. 'work in August, said her demanding job strengthens her calling as a Religious woman. "When Christ was on earth he helped people who needed help the most," she s·aid. These kids need hel'p and I feel good that I'm here." The native of this city who taught 14 years at the elementary and junior high school levels in Springfield diocesan schools, said her clients hold little hope for the future because of childhood experiences of failure and hardship' in their environment· "We're working with kids who are neglected, need a break, and

Missouri Diocese Aids Peru Missions' JEFFERSON CITY (NC)-More than $96,000 has been raised by the Diocese of Jefferson City for the missions in Peru. Bishop Michael F. McAuliffe of Jefferson City said the total is $7,000 higber than ,last year's previous record collection of $88,380. In addition, local Catholics have given $43,000 for victims of the African drought, according to Father Donald Greene, director of the diocese's mission office. Bishop McAuliffe said the $96,000 was raised despite the July drought in the Middle West, which "adversely -affected our economic baSe and conceivably could have been a reason for people to decrease their contributions."

don't believe in chemselves," she said. "We try to care, want, believe for them for a wllile, until they regain their confidence," she added. Offenses of Sister Wise's clients range from running away from home and drug abuse to car theft and breaking and entering. She will soon carry a weekly caseload of 30 to 40 youths. The youths average 13 to 16 years of age. The court makes efforts to assist the juveniles as well as protect society, according to the nun, the first Sister in the .springfi~ld diocese to enter this phase of law enforcement. iPeople look on court 'as a punishment, but it can be used as a too'l to afford juveniles means of bettering their .lives," Sister Wise said. . Services provided by the court include individual and family counc.eling, placement in temporary and long-term foster homes, and placement in drug' clinics for addicts, she said,

VAl'ICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI delighted thousands of visitors at a general 'audience Oct. 23 when he introduced Bishop Francis Hurley of Juneau, Alaska, as a man "from that immense place" which is worthy of" "special greetings and of specia,l interest." Bishop Hurley was among several bishops whom the Pope had asked to join him on the raised dias of the audience hall. As is his custom, Pope Paul introduced each of the bishops individually, including also Bishop Frederick Freking of La Crosse, Wis. . In presenting Bishop Hurley the Pope smiled broadly as he talked of Alaska and the thousands in the audience hall responded with a warm round of applause. . After the audience was finished, Bishop HUl'ley, a native of San Francisco, Calif., and brother of Bishop Mark Hurley of Santa Rosa, Calif., presented the Pope with two wooden carvings from his diocese. The carv.ings depicted a totem pole representation of the Sacred Heart of Christ.

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lHE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 7,

Cardinal Warns Parish Councils Of Dangers' BOSTON ,(NC) Cardinal Humberto Medeiros of Boston cited the "polarizations within the Church, the scandal of bitterness and the hostility among members of the same Christian family" as the primary areas of concern for parish council workers. Cardinal Medeiros was the keynote speaker pere at the first National Conference of Parish Council Personnel. He lauded the parish council as "a contemporary Church structure that should have a guiding influence in the life of the faith community as it lives day in and day out its shared and specific responsibilities as well as its commitments" to the pastoral mission. "The parish council," the cardinal said, "is a visible expression of faith calling together the various ministries of the people of God, so that in union with one another they will fulfill not only their individually ordain~d responsipilities, but that common purpose and goal of all Christians: the renewal of all things in Christ." 'Undesired Confusion' Cardinal Medeiros warned, however, that parish councils must safeguard their pastoral activities from those who would use the apostolate as a "cloak under which to destroy the divinely established structure of the Church." The cardinal said, that "there are those who have turned the opportune and sometimes necessary innovations of change into a restless time during which to experiment beyond their competence." He added that "in the often sincere eagerness to achieve what they believe to be a sense of liberation, there are those who unfortunately arrived at an .undesired confusion, vagueness and emptiness ... what is simply new, unchecked by the principle of tested and normative tradition, has been promoted as the good or the better." Cardinal Medeiros emphasized that the parish council to be effective "must face the challenge of discerning the signs of the times" amid changing circumstances of culture, economics, communications and mobility." ",Like the Church upheaval, the parish council must focus on the spiritual core of the meaning, relevancy, and purpose of bringing the Gospel to the parish community as it puts in perspective all that is peripheral, ephemeral, and circumstantial." The national conference here was sponsored by the National Coundl of Catholic Laity and the New England Conference of Parish Councils.

Hospitals To Mark Respect Life Week ST. LOUIS (NC) - The Respect Life Week' program for Catholic hospitals and long-term care facilities is -set for Nov. 10-16, 1974. The cam"aign is sponsored by tbe St. Louis-based Catholic Hospital Association (CHA) in support of this fall's Respect Life Program conducted by the U.S. Catholic Conference,



Cleveland Bishop Approy·es New Pay Scale CLEVELAND (NC) - Bishop James A. Hickey of Cleveland has approved a new pay scale for priests of the Cleveland diocese in which all priests will receive a base salary of $3,000 per year, to which $120 will be added for every five years of service up to 25 years. Top pay for a priest who has served 25 years or more will be $3,600. The new pay scale becomes effective Jan. I, 1975. The present salary scale for priests ranges from $2,100 for newly ordained associate pastors to $3,~:00 for pastors and priests ordained 25 years or more.

MAN AND SAWMILL OPERATION: A sawmill is buzzing in Clairfield, Tennessee, and an area of Appalacian poverty is being restored to economic and social v~gor. Wit? money from the Campaign for Human Development, the Model Valley Industnal Councl1 can extend credit to small businesses and light industry such as a pallet factory that pur-' chases lumber from this sawmilL The appeal for Human Development will take place in all parishes in the Diocese of Fall River on the weekend of Nov. 23-24.

World 'Needs Gifts of Holy Spirit VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI stressed the need the world has of grace, the gift of the Holy Spirit, when he spoke at a general audience. "The Church," the Pope said, "lives for the supernatural revelation of the Holy Spirit which we call grace, that is, that foremost gift, charity, love of the Father, communicated to us by virtue of the redemption effected by Christ in the Holy Spirit." That doctrine, he said, seems like a stairway to the infinite and inaccessible mystery of divine life itself, placing the redeeming work of Christ at .the center. of divine design and human destiny. From this we deduce an extraordinary revelation, somehow accessible to us: the communion of our human existence with an order of salvation and of goodness that is the order of grace:.:

of this, a need that the marvel of 'Pentecost must continue in the history of the Church and of the world." The Pope then recalled the

Fewer Priestless Counties on Map

CINCINNATI (NC)-No-PriestLand is shrinking, according to the Glenmary Home Missioners, who coined the term and whose chief purpose is to bring the Church to the nation's priestless counties. In their latest revision of their No-Priest-Land map, which was first drawn more than three dec- . ades ago, the number of counties in the U. S. without a resident priest has dropped to 599. -Four years ago there were 643 counties without resident priests, and when the map first appeared in 1937 the total was 1,022 counties, or nearly one-third of the "But what it now behooves us nation. -Father W. Howard Bishop, to affirm is the need for grace, that is to say, of divine inter- founder of the Cincinnati-based vention exceeding the natural. mission society, drew the first order." Grace is needed "as map (he had worked for the much for our personal salvation Rand McNally people while a as for the fulfillment of the plan student at Harvard). He used of redemption for all the Church the map as a basis for the Glenand for the whole of humanity," mary program of .bringing Catholic ministry to new areas until he said. "The need for grace presup- local dioceses are able to fill the poses man's indispensable need need.

main conditions that man must ,fulfill in order to receive the gift of God.

The new salary plan also sets a scale of payment to priests who offer weekend help in a parish other than their own by way of offering Mass and hearing confessions. Pastors are asked to follow the practice of equally sharing the offerings they receive for Baptisms and weddings with their associates. The bishop also announced that he is establishing an equity commission to assist priests who approach it for adjustments in their sala,ry, demanded by unusual circumstances.

These conditions, Pope Paul 'said, "demand faith, they demand humility and penitence, and demand normally a sacramental action, and in the practice of our religious life they require silence, med-itation, attention and above all, prayer."

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The Parish Parad.e

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 7, 1974

Publicity chairmen of parish orianizatio~s are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name 01 city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news 01 future rather than past events.

Collins -Writes De$cr'iption Of His Journeys iin S-pace

-ST. MARY, NORTH ATTLEBORO The annual Christmas bazaar and fun fair of the Women's Guild' will take place from 9 A.M. - to 4· P.M. Saturday, Nov. 9 in the school auditorium. Mrs. John McAfee and Mrs. Kenneth Lincoln are co-chairmen.

It is five years since men walked 9n the mo?n. The pioneers were Neil Armstrong and ~uzz Aldr~n. T~e pilot of the command module was Michael CollIns. HIS young son was later asked, '!What do you thin]~ about your

fat~,er going dow? i~, h.ist~: he conveys: very well. He say~, ry? The boy saId,. FI.ne'''I really didn't appreciate the then paused .and mqUIred, first planet ~until ·1 saw the sec· "What is history, anyw~y?" ond one. Th~ moon is so scarred, Whether or not Michael Collins does go' down in history, at least he has set down a fascinating bit of history in his book



Carrying the Fire: An Astronaut's Journeys (Farrar, Strauss' and . Giroux, 19 Union Square West, New York, N. Y. 10003. 478 pages. Illustrated. $10.). 'CoBins had spent years in the Air Force and was an experienced test pilot when, in 1962, he volunteered for the astronaut. program. He was turned down, but in the following year he was accepted. In 1966, he was on the two-man team which flew Gemini 10 in earth orbit for three days. He was later chosen to be pilot of the lunar module on a moon flight, but his assignment was changed to that of pilot of the command module of Apollo 11. His description of his journeys in space is thriHing. Here he shows a power with words which is extraordinary. It will be a blase reader indeed who is not personally caught up in the \ excitement and wonder as these adventures unfold. Through Preparation The preparations whicn Collins and his associates went through were far-ranging, intricate and thorough. The studies included a formidable array of ~ubjects: for example, astronomy, aerodynamics, rocket propusion, navigation,,, flight mechanics, digital computers, geology, meteorology, etc. The astronauts shared in. the planning and construction of rna· chines and equipment. There was endless testing to be done. Countless days went into the mastering of the severa] craft under conditions simulating those· to be expected in space. Precious time had to be diverted to public relations work. All this is related at length. But the pace quickens, and so does the pulse, as the reader emba·rks with the astronauts and learns what it was really like to be launched into space. Questions which have occ'urred to all of us, but which have not been answered in journalistic. reports or other books, are fully answered here. Collins is a thoughtful man, whose perceptions and attitudes were changed by his extraterrestial journeying. These changes

so desolat¢, so monotonous, that I cannot recall its tortured surface without thinking of the infinite variety the' delightful planet earth offers. Collins is l candid in his comments on hi's COlleagues, flashes a neat wit; but the profanity "*hich he libera]'ly dispenses is irksome, and the jock humor is I puerile. Archeo~ogical Journey Journeys pf another sort are the subject pf Arnold C. Brackman's book The Dream of Troy (Mason & Lipscomb, 384 Fifth Ave., New IYork, N. Y. 10018. 246 pages.: - Illustrated. $10), which recounts the life and work of Heinrich I Schliemann, whom the author calls the founder of' the science Of archaeology. . It was 5th-Hemann who dis· covered Horiier's Troy by excavating.a hill in Turkey in the 1'870s, and also in that same decade found Hie buried remains of Agamemnon'~' city at Mycenae in Greece. I Schlieman :was thEm in his fif·ties. A more unlikely candidate for archeological innovation could hardl~ be imagined. He was born inl Germany in 1822, the son of a domineering Lutheran clergyma:n. His interest in Greek and Rbman antiquities began in boyh~od and was heightened by a teacher who Slpecialized in these. 1 But most of Schliemann's life was spent in business, and he Iwas very apt at it. He retired, from business to devote himself to the quest for I Troy. The Turks were very slow .to grant him permission to explore the unimposing hHI of Hissarlik, thre~ miles from the Hellespont. But his stubbornness outlasted theirs, and finally he was allowed :to proceed. His methods were crude by present stapdards, and he wrought irreparable destruction. But he had remarkable intuition and industry.i He refused to be discouraged ! and he endured great physical hardship under primitive .coriditions. Moreover, he was willin~ to spend miHions in the course of his determined search. And ~e did find Troy. .' ISchliemann ls career suggests something oui: of wonderland. In reconstructing it for us, Mr. Brackman unreels a compelling narrative of: fact which surpasses fiction~ in its strangeness, suspense, and series of denoue· menls.



WASHINGTON ~NC)-Bishop James S. Rau'sch, general secretary of the N:ational Confere:t:lce of Catholic iBishops and the United State~ Catholic Conference, has anrtounced the reap, pointment of ·A. E. P. Wall as director and editor-in-chief' of the National <I:atholic News Sere vice for a terIh of five years. 1

ANNIVERSARY: Sister Mary Cortilia Helfrich, 94, is celebrating her 75th anniversary as a Franciscan Sister of the Poor Nov. 10 in Cincinnati. She still crochets mufflers and caps for poor chil': dren. NC Photo.

The Parish Parade

ST. MARY, SOUTH DARTMOUTH The Women's Guild meeting for Tuesday, Nov. 12 will begin with a 7:30 P.M. Mass' for de· ceased members, followed by a bu~iness session and a lecture on wills and trusts by William Theberge.

ST. PAUL, TAyNTON With Mildred Gedrites as chairman, women parishioners have been preparing during the ST. JOSEPH, past year for a Christmas. bazaar ATTLEBORO to be held from 10 A.M. to 5 The reactivated pa'rish council P.M. Saturday, Nov. 16 in the will meet at 7:30 P.M. Tuesday, parish hall, 261 Tremont St. Nov. 26 in the parish hall. Items available will include a Knights of the Altar will meet heritage afghan, a patchwork from 7:30 to 9 P.M. Sunday, quilt, pieces of needlepoint and Nov. 10 in the school buifding. pi,.e cone wreaths. Booths will A turkey whist is planned for feature handmade Christmas 8 P.M. Saturday, Nov. 23 and ornaments, 'knitted and cro· donations of turkey certificates cheted goods, handcrafts, preand canned goods are requested' serves, baked goods and "attic from parishioners. treasures." Teenagers will proNew cassocks are needed for vide children's entertainment the Knights of the Altar. Volun- and hot dogs and chowder will teers may 'contact Rev. 'Normand be available at a refreshments Boulet at the rectory. s~and. ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO Beano is held every Thursday evening, beginning at 7:15 P.M. with an "early bird special." Parish Cyb Scouts are con· ducting a candy sale through Tuesday, Nov. 19, with proceeds to benefit the pack treasury.

OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, SEEKONK Decoration of the parish cen~' ter for a country fair to be held. from 10 A.M. to 9 p.M. Satur· day, Nov. 16 will, be tl)e chief activity at a meeting of the Women's Guild set for 8 P.M. Wednesday, Noy. 13. The fair will feature a bake· shop,raffles, games and a' wide variety of prizes. A Christmas shop will offer decorations and a Country Store booth will award groceries. A flea market, a "Hodge Podge Store" and a snack bar will also be available, and "Snoopy" will visit the fair at 2 P.M.

ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER The ·Women's Guild annual tea party will take place from 2 to 4 P.M. Sunday, Nov. 10 in the parish center. The regular monthly meeting ST. LOUIS, is scheduled for 8 P.M. Thurs- FALL RIVER day, Nov. 14, with entertainment Thursday, Nov. 14 is the date to be offered by a group of stu· set for the annual Women's dents from Bishop Gerrard High Guild Christmas supper and School. bazaar. SerV'ing will begin at A harvest supper sponsored by . 5:30 P.M. in the church audithe faculty and students of the torium on Eagle Street. Tickets parochial school will be held a·re available from Mrs. Wilfred from 4 to 8 P.M. Saturday, Nov. St. Michel and it will be pos9 in the school hall. The public sible to obtain a limited number is invited. at the door. . ST. MARY, New hours for the Christian The unit announces a flea NORTH ATTLEBORO Living program are from 6:30 to market for 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. The annual Christmas bazaar 7:30 P.M. Monday for high Thursday, Nov. 21 and 9 A.M. to and fair sponsored by the Worn· ;~hool students and from 4 to noon Friday, Nov. 22. Donations en's Guild is slated for Saturday, 5· P.M. Thursday for grammar may be brought to the hall from Nov. 9 from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. school pupils. Adult Bible study 1 to 6 P.M. Wednesday, Nov. 20. Tables will feature handmade classes will take place at 8 P.M. OUR LADY OF THE CAPE, items, novelties, Christmas dec· each Wednesday in the audito- BREWSTER -orations, knitted goods, candle!; rium. A luncheon followed by card and holders and home·baked Polish Christmas ornaments games will be sponsored at noon foods. Several raffles and a· flea are made at 8 P.M. each Mon· Tuesday, Nov. 19 in the church market will also be among at:· day in the school, and all. are hall by the Women's Guild. Res· . tractions and a Fun Fair will be invited to attend and learn this ervanions should be made by open for children. Mrs. John anoient craft. Sunday, Nov. 17 and those at- McAfee and Mrs. Kenneth Lintending should bring their own coln are chairmen. ST. JOSEPH, cards. Turn to Page Eleven NO. DIGHTON A concert featuring Rev. Andre Patenaude, M.S. and the. Reconcilers of La $alette Shrine, Attleboro, will be presented at 8 P.M. Sunday, Nov. 17 in the • parish hall on Spring Street by the Women's Guild. Proceeds will benefit the Leona O'Connell Scholarship Fund and tickets are There's a lot to like about Fernandes Super Markets • • • available from all' guild memo Serviced Fish and Deli, Serviced In· store Bake' Shops, bers. ReservaNons may be made . with Mrs. Lillian Plouffe, teleLuncheonettes, Convenient Customer Rest Rooms. Try us ••• phone 669-6684, and a few tickYou11 like us, tool ets will also be available at the door. " At the unit's regular monthly meeting, Thursday, Nov. 21, Mrs. Carol Levis will speak on the Birthright program. Members and friends are asked to 'make a donation to Birthright or to bring a layette item to the meet· Eng. 32 Stores in Southeastern Massachusetts

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"fhe Parish Parade ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA A harvest dance will take place in the parish center from 8 P.M. to midnight Satur· day, Nov. 23. Tickets will be available following all weekend Masses, at the rectory or from members of the par'ish management board. Refreshments will be served. NOTRE DAME, FALL RIVER A turkey whist scheduled for 8 P.M. Saturday, Nov. 16 in the church hall will benefit the reo tirement fund of the Jesus-Mary Sisters. Sponsors of the affair are the Holy Name Society and Council of Catholic Women. OUR LADY OF FATIMA, NEW BEDFORD The Women's Guild will hold their monthly meeting at 8 o'clock on Tuesday night, Nov. 12. Entertainment will be surprise games after the meeting. ST. WILLIAM, FALL RIVER Mrs. Maurice St. Pierre will present a fashion show at the regular monthly meeting of the Women's Guild scheduled for 8 o'clock on Wednesday night, Nov. 13. Hostesses for the meeting will be Miss Margaret Constantine and Mrs. Thomas Smith. Plans are being finalized fo;' a turkey whist to be held ac 1:30 on SUnday afternoon, Nov. 17 in the parish center. Members are asked to don&te canned and packaged goods for the baskets. OUR LADY OF THE ISLE, NANTUCKET . The Women's Guild will con· duct its regular monthly meet· ing at 7:45 on Monday night, Nov. 11. A silent auction will be held following the business meeting. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER The fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students of Holy Name School are taking part in a Fall . River Bicentennial Project, The Lafayette-Durfee House. To aid in the restoration work the students are donating 50c each and writing their names on the backside of new clapboards now being nailed to the old Colonial homestead. .Each student was alotted a one foot section to write a message to future generations when someday these clapboards may be removed by people of the twenty-first or twenty-second century. For 50c the students purchased a small part of His· tory. This weekend, Nov. 8 and 9, residents of greater Fall River will have the same opportunity at the Harbour Mall where a booth will be located for that purpose.


SACRED HEART, TAUNTON Members of the Women's Club will prepare dishes in accordance with their ethnic backgrounds for the annual international supper scheduled for 6.30 on Monday evening, Nov. II in the church basement. A Queen's Way Fashion Show will foHow the supper. There will be no admission fee. Those planning to attend should contact Beatrice Fagliucca, Ann Gallagher, Jayne Ross, Jean Nunes, Dorothy Custer or Prudence Smith.

Name Recipients Of CARTA Awards NEW YORK (NC)-William F. Buckley, Jr., author and columnist, and Father James Conlan, playwright and director, were recipients of the '74 awards from the Catholic Apostolate for Radio, Television and Advertising (CARTA). The awards were presented by Terence Cardinal Cook of New York at a luncheon Oct. 9. Buckley, a nationally syndi cated. newspaper columnist and television talk-show host, has long involved himself with controversial moral and social issues. Father Conlan. a priest of the New York archdiocese, has written two original dramas for network telev'ision and has directed and performed. CARTA is a volunteer group of professional men and women who provide counsel to the communications office of the New York archdiocese.

p'aulist Is Chairman Of CU Department WASHINGTON .(NC)-Paulist Fath~r John E. Lynch, vice-pres. ident of the Canon Law Society of America. has been appointed chairman of the department of canon law of the Catholic University of America.

GRASMERE MOTOR LODGE 339 Gifford Street, Falmouth, Massachusetts

END OF A GHOST: Eighth graders at Taunton Catholic Middle School, led by John Raposa, attend burial of "Ghost of Coyle," a haunt reputed to have inhabited halls of former Coyle High School. Funeral was also attended by Witches of Macbeth. It was culmination of English unit dealing with murder mysteries and supernatural happenings.

u. S.

Bishops List Candidates For· Two Conference Offices WASHINGTON (NC) - The American Bishops have nominated 10 - candidates for the offices of president and v:ice president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB) and the U. S. Catholic Conference (USCC). The terms of office of the . president and vice president expire at the conclusion of the November general meeting of the bishops. The 10 candidates in alphabetical order, are Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin of Cincinnati; Archbishop William D. Borders of' Baltimore; Cardinal John Carberry of St. Louis; C'ardinal Terence Cooke of New York; Archbishop Thomas A. Donnellan of Atlanta; Archbishop Peter L. Gerety of Newark; Bishop George H. Guilfoyle of Camden; Cardinal Timothy Manning of Los Angeles. Archbishop John R. Quinn of Oklahoma City; and Archbishop John .F. Whealon of Har,tford. Majority Vote All the bishops who are members of the NCCB/USCC act as an ad hoc nominating committee. Each bishop submits five names, excltlding that of the current president, who may not serve

two consecutive terms. The nominations were recently submitted by mail and the 10 bishops receiving the highest number of Yotes became the candidates. The president is elected from the 10 nominees by a simple, majority vote on a written ballot. If slJch a majority is not reached on the first or second bal,lot, the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes on the second ballot will be the sole candidates for the third and final ballot. The vice president is elected from the remaining nine nomi-nees by a majority vote. The same procedure is followed. Cardinal John Krol of Philadelphia is the current president of the NCCB/USCC and the office of vice president is vacant due to the death of coadjutor Archbishop Leo C. Byrne of St. Paul·Minneapolis on Oct. 21.

NEW ULM (NC)-Five days after his ordination, a young Minnesota priest was killed on a rain-slickened highway near Jordan as he stopped to give aid at the site of an accident Oct. 10. Father David Gersch, 26, associate pastor of Holy Trinity cathedral, New Ulm, was struck hy a jack~knifing truck as he was walking across the highway toward an injured woman, -according to the highway patrol report. The accident occurred near Jordan, Minn., during a driving rain. Father Gersch was ordained Oct. 6 in his native parish of St. Paul's, Comfrey. Bishop AI· phonse J. Schladweiler of New Ulm, who o~ficiated at the ordination, was principal celebrant and homilist at the funeral Mass. Father Gersch enjoyed his priesthood on earth only five days," Father Anthony Leifeld, pastor of Holy Trinity cathedral, told parishioners in his homily. "Now he can enjoy it for eter· nity in heaven." 'Father Gersch had been assigned to Holy Trinity parish in June while still a deacon. He taught freshmen religion 'classes at Cathedral High School, New Ulm, and had just assumed the duties of an associate pastor. The day after his ordination, Father Gersch offered his first Mass in cathedral parish. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence E. Gersch, who now live in St. Paul Park, were present. ALUMINUM


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Lives F'ive Day~ After Ordination

-Born in New York City and reared in Washington, D.C. Father Lynch was ordained in the Paulist Fathers in 1951. Following graduate studies at the Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies at the University of Toronto, Characteristic where he received his doctorate, Father Lynch taught Church hisThe great characteristic of our tory at the Paulist seminary in age is not its love of religion Washington, D.C.,· where he re-. but its love of talking about sides. He joined the faculty of religion. Catholic University in i966. -Fulton Sheen Father Lynch has been a member of the board of governors of the Canon Law Society and served as chairman of its constitutional Committee on Research and Discussion.

iH~ ANCHORThurs.. Nov. 7, 1974



• f2

Cardinal to Visit United States·

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-rrhurs., Nov. 7, 1974


No Eas'y Cle'rical Solutions; To Difficult Social; Wrongs

VATICAN CITY (NC)-Cardinal Jan Willebrands, head of the Vatican's Secretariat for promoting Christian unity, will visit, the United States'Nov. 16-26 for·' ". series of ceremonies and leetures commemorating the 10th anniversary of the publication of the Second Vatican Council's Decree on Ecumenism.

What is the proper role of ministers,! priests and rabbis. in the field of social and political reform? As recently as five years it appeared that, this perennial question had finally been resolved in practice, if not in theory. Numerous clergymen of all denominations had opted for an ex- discour~ging. It could mean, for example, th'at the churches are. tremely activist role in the becoming overly ,cautious or public arena and were deep- conservativ~ and are rationaliz-

ly involved in every controver· sial issue that one could possibly think of. Moreover they saw no reason to apologize for what they were doing,



To the contrary, they thought of themselves as being the wave of the future, They started from the premise, in other words, that the clergyman, by definition, was expected in this day and ag~ to take a more or less radical stance on controversial public issues, regardless of t he con~ sequences, Their critics in and out of the ecclesiastical Establishment were dismissed as'beingout of touch with reality and lacking in theological discern·· ment or sophistication, One has the impression, how,ever, that clerical activism of the type described above is currentlyon the wane. Harold E. Quinley, a research associate at the Institute of Political Studies, Stanford Univer'sity, confirms this impression, at least in the case of the Protestant clergy, in a recent sociological study en-titled "The Prophetic Clergy: Social Activism Among Protes. tant Ministers" (John Wiley' and Sons,' New York). Traditional Argument Mr. Quinley reports that "Much of the optimism and sense of· purpose that character· ized the ministry during the 1960s has disappeared.' Clergymen are less certain of their ethical roles today, and feeiings of fatigue and frustration are not uncommon 'among former activists. Conservative sentiment and influence has also risen in Protestant churches." From several points of view 'this temporary decline in social activism on the pilrt of the Protestant clergy (and Mr. Quinley is convinced that it will prove to be temporary) is rather

Named Editor


DENVER (NC)-Father C. B. Woodrich, acting editor of the Denver Catholic Register for more than two years, has been named editor on a p'ermanent basis by Archbishop James V. Casey. At the same time the Archdiocesan Priests' Council has approved a universal circulation plan that will place the Denver Catholic Register in virtually every Catholic home in northern Colorado.

ing their conservatism in the name of a false type of spirituality. Obviously there is .someI •• thing to be said for the tradItIOnal argument that the churches ought' to c'oncentrate on spiritual mattets that once individuals try to I.jnderstand the Christian message, they will find it in their hearts to correct, social wrongs. "tlJnfortimately, however," as Mi-. Quinley concludes, there are many different Christian 'messages,' and men are more likely! to use religion to 'justify theIr secular conduct than the otper way around." -


Reconsider Role I He that as it may, the decline in social activism on the part of American c'lergymen (including Catholic pri~sts and Jewish rab· bis as well 'as Protestant minisI tel's) could prove to be a blessing in disgtlise if it forces the. clergy to take a breather and to reassess or reconsider their proper role in the public arena. Mr. QuinlJy suggests that this is already \'\·appening. He says, for example; that the decline in social activism "represents a -reassessment ~y many activistsoutside as well as within the . ch4rch-of i,the usefulness of confrontation tactics . . . The moral prestige that can be used to focus ,attention on social injustices is o.ne of the chief re'sources of •c\ercial leadership. The clergy'$ spedal standing with the ptlblic was distinctly advantageous with respect to civil rights 'and peace issues, but it places limitation on the role they can pl~y in partisan politics."

l' ". Sign of Prog-:ess I

The grow:ing recognition of this fact by clergymen of all faiths is, in my opinion, no cause for regret. to the contrary, I would consi~er it a sign of I progress. Mr. Quinley also points out that there is;a growing sense of fatigue, frustration,and uncertainty in the 'ranks of former activists. He teports that many of them . hav~I been disap.,ointed • that there have been no clear-cut victories ancl that most of the social problems they so strongly a ttacked in the 1960s are no nearer solution toda.y. "In such a situation," he says, "political indignation c'an easily give way to cynicism, ~nd moral fervor to feelings of doubt and uncertainty." Again this .strikes me as being a rather positive and encouraging developnient. While society obviously haS need of the right kind of clerical initiative in the public arena,' it has no need of clergymen Who are foolish enough tp think that there are any quick knd easy clerical solutions to !complicated sociaf problems. (© 1974 by NC News Service)

PROUD Of THEIR CULTURE: Puerto Rican women carry a statue of the Blessed Virgin during a relig~qus fiesta in New York City's Central Park. Such a celebratIOn shows the enduring faith of the Spanish-speaking. The Church ~as put a new emphasis on lay responsibility and .on p:eservmg their cultural values in an effort to serve Hlspamc needs. NC Photo.

Prelate Says Food Crisis Dema~ds Personal, Political Generosity VATICAN CITY (NC) - The world's current food shortage will not go away until consumers change their eating habits and government adopts generous policies, according to Archbishop Joseph Bernardin of Cincinnati, said in an interview over Vatican Radio. "The disppearance of hunger demands a change in the pat;' terns of personal consumption and a generous policy in the decisions of governments." He added that on a govern'mental level, "purely n,ational interests and economic i,?pulses must be overcome to sattsfy the human need. for food." The archbIshop referred to the United Nations-sponsored Wor~d Food Confer~nce to be held III Rome.. He saId tha~. the conference IS to study the' gravest food cr.isis which the wO~~d has faced slllce World War II. . . He noted that all people hvmg on a "limited globe" are interdependent. He added that in such an interdependent world "social and distributive justice is ~ responsibility which makes an appeal to the consciences of all." He continued: "The alterna-

Eternal Life Eternal life is not won by those who have their hearts set on 'this world and on thingseven beautiful things-of time; the destiny of man is achieved only by the full discipline of unwordiiness and otherworldliness. -John Courtney Murray

tive, whether I accept .it or not, is the specter of, a world where many watch color television while others die for want of being able to satisfy basic human needs." , The food crisis, Archbishop Bernardin added, has a special significance for Christians called to feed the hungry. . "We cannot excuse ourselves 'out of ignorance: we know where the starving are and what we must do to give them something to eat." He said the international Synod of Bishops which met in Vatican City during October stressed that the defense and romotion of human rights "are integral parts of the Church's mission." He declared: "The right to food is fundamental and cannot be given lower priority without seriously attacking the right to existence itself."

The Dutch cardinal, the Vat-" ican's top official delegated to encourage and work for the reconciliation of Christian Unity, will officiate at a prayer servic:e in St. Matthew's Cathedral in Washington, D.C. on Nov. 17. Ranking churchmen of other Christian churches have been invited to attend as well as the group of American Catholic bishops who will be in Washington then fQr their annual meet· ing. On Nov. 19, the cardinal win deliver the first lecture inauguI;ating the Father Paul Waitson chair for ecumenical studies established at the Catholic University' of America in Washington by the. Atonement (Graymoor) Fathers. 'On Nov. 24, Cardinal W,i1lebrands will celebrate Mass at the chapel of the theological seminary at Princeton University and' on the following day will take part in a seminar on the subject of ecumenism, joint,ly sponsored by the Diocese of Trenton and the Princeton theological seminary. Other partie-. ipants in the seminar include Sulpician biblical scholar Father Raymond Brown and the president of the Princeton theological seminary, Dr.' J~mes McCord.

,Faults We can often do more for other men 'by correcting our own faults than by trying to correct theirs. ----Fenelon

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 7, 1974

KNOW YOUR FAITH The Everyday Scene BY ANTOINETI'E BOSCO It is late summer and I find myself writing to a Town Board asking them please to allow a Catholic institution to set up a group home for eight homeless children in one of their villages. Little Flower Cbildren's Services had finalized plans to place these children with .a couple who would provide a stable family unit so that the children could get out of the institution and into a normal family-way-of-life. Unfortunately, they hadn't counted on the reaction of the community, which organized to oppose tbe coming of such a group home into their neighborhood. "There'll be eight kids with real hangups. I don't see how a cou"lle will be able to supervise them. I have enough trouble with my own three kids," said one woman protestor. There's nothing new about this attitude. The story of you - get - out - of - my - neighborhood rings loud everytime there is a mention of setting up a group home for mentally retarded adults or children, veterans, ex-mental patients, former drug addicts-any of the "undesirables" of our world. The poor are also excluded by zoning laws which prevent the building of low-income homes. Black families attempting to move into white neighborhoods still face hatred. In August 1974, . a black family on Long Island

moved their belongings into a newly ,rented house which they were to occupy shortly. Everything they owned was destroyed by the violence of people who wanted to get the message across: "We don't want you for a neighbor!" Everyday we can see the wounds we inflict on one another getting worse. The expression, "man's inhumanity to man" becomes painfully loud as we exnerience the realiHes of liying. Who cares? Who wants to say STOP to all the hurting? Man Against Man The latest crime figures show that the types of crimes that are increasing are rapes and murders, acts of violence by man against his fellow man. I am a member of the Suffolk County Human Rights Commission. The daily complaints we receive are varied but have a common base -someone is made a victim because someone else denies them their dignity. Why does a policeman, for example, have to use profanity against a teenager and hit him with a f1,!shlight in the middle of his body so extensively that that boy ends up in a hospital? Our world so often says, "I HATE YOU!" In ,families, the violence is usually more subtle, yet the hurt is real when a brothoer, sister,' mother or father betrays a confidence, has no tolerance for the Turn to Page Fourteen

Who Is Fully Human?


BY ANGELA M. SCHREIBER The bright nursery was fiIled witb children-there was a tiny girl sitting in a cushioned high chair (her bones are extremely brittle, so delicate that she cannot be handled) Who immediately said, "What's your name? I'm Melissa and I'm glad you came to see us." And there was Stevie eating his lunch. He couldn't talk but -it was easy to see that he liked company. And then I noticed a little girl lying on a soft mat on the floor crying. She had had her lunch and the nurses were busily feeding those who had not eaten. So I picked her up. I held her close, and soon she began to laugh. She liked being talked to and held near enough to see my face. She was three years old, but she would never sit or walk or run. She could only ·respond to an embrace. As I held her, I was distracted by a baby's first jargon. It came from the crib by the window-a baby boy with golden red hair and a face that made the sun seem to shine brighter when he smiled. He was up on his hands and knees and reaching out. to me. The little girl I held was quieted, so 1 put her down and went to him. I was about to pick him up when he put his tiny hand in mine. Then I asked the nurse why he was here. She said, . ,'"


"Billy's parents were afraid they might become too attached to him and so thought it best to leave him with us." It was then that I knew I could not bear to hold him in my arms even once. If I did, I could never let him go. He was so like my little Yvonne. And his parents would never know how beautiful he is. His mother would never know her baby's touch, nor hear him laugh. She would never rock him nor kiss his cheek. She wouldn't be there to pet him when he fell or show him a baby kitten or play with him. She would never do any of these things because somewhere along the way she had been conditioned to believe he wasn't whole. She could not accept a mongoloid child. It may have been the obstetrician or the pediatrician or simply society. Children Need Love The people who wiII share these things with him are nurses. He will grow up in a home for retarded children. It is a beautiful home surrounded by trees. The older children have lovely bedrooms, each with a different decor. And the play· room is equipped with fine toys. Each member of the staff is de· voted to her work, and filled with love for these little children, some of whom are afflicted with cerebral palsy, brain Turn to Page Fourteen "',.. . ~



Reconciliation Between Man and Man . In previous articles, I have ar· gued that reconciliation implies rupture: Oneness has been destroyed. I have argued that ultimately rupture has its origin in sin, finds its reconciHation in God's grace. I have insisted, first, that the radical rupture rends marl from God. I have insisted. second, that the schizophrenia of sin ruptures me within. And I have argued that the third rupture that is the work of sin severs man from man, human person from human person.



REV. WALTER J. BURGHARDT, S.J. Today I ask: How in the concrete can this last-mentioned rupture be healed, hoW can man be reconciled to man, how can I become a force for reconciliation? From one perspective, the task seems hopeless. Will anything anybody does heal the haw tred that inflames Northern Ireland and West Africa, Southeast Asia and the Middle East? Is it realistic to think we can feed' and house and clothe a world population that is now doubling every 35 years? Can we expect more than an armed neutrality between black and wI-Ate in the United States? The total task may be hopeless, and still we are not helpless. I shall not pre-empt the order of politics, my purposes are pastoral. Let me suggest several Christian responses to the sins that sever man from man. Remembrance A first step to reconciliation is to-remember. That remarkable Jewish storyteller Elie Wiesel, who feels guilty because he survived the Holocaust, tells us that, for Jews, to forget is "a crime 'against memory as well as against justice: Whoever forgets becomes the executioner's accomplice" ("The Oath, New York:" Random House, 1971). It is too convenient for Christians to forget that the Holocaust took place ,in a Christian country, too easy for us to say "I wasn't there," too simple to shrug our shoulders and )Vash our hands of it. Time erases bad' memories -except for the Jews; for all too many of them, God died in Auschwitz. And time erases what I have done to my fellow man, or failed to do for him. I am not asking you to brood, to become neurotic, to fasten sickeningly on your failures. I am asking you simply to remember. Don't become "the executioner's accomplice." But remembrance is not enough. Sin caUs for sorroweven where it is not I who sinned, but the Christian community of days long gone. One example. Thoughtful Jews who

RECONCILIATION MEANS REMEMBERING: It is too convenient for Christians to forget that the Holocaust took place in a Christian country, too easy for us to say "I wasn't there," too simple to shrug our shoulders and wash our hands of it. Time erases bad memories-except for the Jews. Wailing in agony, an inmate too weak to walk awaits help as he is freed from a Nazi concentration camp at Bergen Belson in 1945. NC Photo. welcomed Vatican H's Declaration on Non-Christian Religions, who welcomed the Church's rejection of the "Christ-killer" canard, were bewildered by the absence "of any note of contrition or repentance for the incredible sufferings and persecutions Jews have undergone in the Christian West. The Church's various declarations asked forgiveness from the Protestants, the Eastern Orthodox, from the Moslems, but not from the Jews. Many Jews, especially those who lived through the Nazi holocaust, asked with great passion, 'How many more millions of our broth-

ers and sisters will need to be slaughtered before any word of contrition or repentance is heard in the 'seats of ancient Christian glory?'" (Marc H. Tanenbaum, Turn to Page Fourteen

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.Who is Fully Human?



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Riv.er-Thurs., Nov. 7, 1974

Continued from Page Thirteen mother how ;sweet her baby is? damage, epilepsy, Downs. syn- Do we sugg¢st that this child drome. It's perfectly true that no f.·as much to give? Do we coninstitution could be finer, and tinue...our visits? Do we send our it's ashame that since tll-ere is little one over to play with her still need for institutions that child? Some pf us do. Others of this .one cannot be duplicated us are afraid that some _of the throughout the country thou- -defect of tlte other child will sands of times over. rub off on ours, so we stay away. Even though attitudes are im· Nevertheless, no mattcrhow fine a facility nor how excellent proving, ther~ is' still a long, long its staff, nothing can compare way. to go. I think mos~ peopl.e to life at home with a mother consIder any'defect an Impos.sJand father 'and brothers and ble hurdle f~r the "development sisters. of a w~hole human being." The It 's a k nown f ac t th a t a II ch'l 'I - concept that.'. every person is· . . whole so long as he develops thnve on love. If an ,. mfant t a h'IS f u II poit en t'la I nee d s t a b e dren .. ' . IS deprIved of love, he.\\.III dIe. d t haug ht a bit au an d d'Iscusse. People who devote theIr lIves to E h'ld .1 G d' . I h' . . . very c I IS' a s specIa cre· · f ta k mg care a c Ildren 111 mstl-. I • • tutions do provide love, but of atlO~, every fhl1~ h~s somethmg necessity it is qualified rather to gIve, ~wer~ chIld IS whole and than total. For care has taken every chIld c~n teach us. that emotional involvement with '. The questil;ms might be asked: a child has its limits. Any young- "What can a ;retarded child teach ster brought up in an institution- me? What ·c~n he give?" There al setting is necessarily deprived are many answers. For me, it of that fullness of love which was greater tolerance, more pa· can only be. experienced in a tience, a reaUzation that no ·one family setting. individual is ,unfinished. Educators endlessly talk about, write about and discuss the "de. velopment of the whole individu.· al so that he may reach his full potential." The so.called "normal" people in our society have · lQs ranging anywhere from 90 on up. Children, depending upon their IQs and specific talents, grow up to take their places in society according to their a'bilities. Even though there is wide variety of potential among the "normal," each individual in this category is considered by our society as a whole human being. MoraI Support When we hear that a f,fiend's baby was born with a defect, mental or physical, we are sorry and we pray for them. This is good. But how many of us give that family real moral support? Do we make a special trip to see the new baby? Do we tell the

Catholic Newspaper

Defends Workers COLOMBO (NC)-The Catholic weekly, The Messenger, has charged that plantation workers in Sri Lanka "are 'squeezed dry by their entrepreneurs to earn eight per cent of the foreign exchange which is vital to the economy of Sri Lanka." The newspaper continued: "Their wages are low, housing conditions subhuman, health facilities inadequate. The majority of them are deprived of their fund~mental rights of dtizen-. ship. They are characterized by the derogatory designation of stateless. " (These "stateless'" persons are descendimts of Tamil-speaking Indian workers brought into Ceylon-as Sri Lanka was then · known-by the British. When Ceylon achieved independence it offered citizenship to them, but many declined. They are not however, Inaian citizens.) The Messenger criticized es-tate owners -and labor unions alike for indifference to the workers' plight. Bishop Paul Perera of Kandy has launched a drive for funds to alleviate the most critical cases of distress among plantatioq workers. About · eight per cent of Sri Lanka's population is Catholic.

.Yvonne. h?~ ~iven me her lo.ve WIth no IImJ~atlOns; she has glv, en me joy i? a way that I do not know h~w to express. And the little g ir1 I held who .could only r:sponq to. cuddling left me WIth a: feelIng that had touched 'inn9cence, and with a sadness beca1Jse I could not be there again to comfort her. But as long as society considers perfection of body and mind to be requisites for a "whole" per.son, there: will be many insti· tutlOns because parents. have come to mat1uity believing that "defective" IchildrE!n are not worth the effort.


Acceptance of All . In reality, ihere should be very few institutions. There will, of course a·lwaYs be some children who must be 'institutionalizedthose with severe medical problems; when 6ne or both parents are ill; children who are emotionally uncontrollable-these instances comJ to my mind but there are cer:tainly others. I am not saying tpat every mentally or p'l:ovsically! handicapped child can be kept at home. I am saying that there are entirely too many' children in in:sfitutions who really'do not 'belong there and who would be' better off with their families and their families would be better off 'too. The ,afflicted child's chances of growing up, working, and becoming a contributing member of the comhmnity would be greater if 'hel had the full love of his parents along with good educational e*periences. It is usually difficult to project 'at birth just how far: children can pro. gress. And tile only way to tell is to try. Trying nourishes love and love no~rishes the spirit. Fear of loving any child is misplaced. The thing we should fear is a denial oi ·love. As long ao,;. there is a little Billy in an institution, as long as a child whits to be held by a nurse, and as long as I send Yvonne out -in the yard to play an'd another child greets her with the chant, "Rbtardate, Retardate, go play sorrtewhere else. We don't· want y6u. Go away, away; away!" I'll be; acutely aware that reconciliation, between people includes acceptance of 'all our fel·Iow men wit})out reservation.


Continued from Page Thirt-een '''A Jewish Viewpoint," in John H. Miller, ed., Vatican II: An In· terfaith Appraisal (Notre Dame: Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1966) p. 363). I may not be per· sonally responsible for death on the hot sands of Sinai, for bloat· ed bellies in Appalachia. fol' S'outhern laws that condemned .blacks to illiteracy; but do I ever weep for them? Conversion Remembrance and repentance call for conversion: I must change in mind and in heart. Here reconciliation becomes . sticky. It is easy enough to de· plore an individual sin, to say I shall try never to do it again. It is much harder to become the new person who does not act. that way. It is relatively easy fol' me not to fire a gun, not to waste while a continent hungers, not to let bias destroy normal courtsey. It is ever so hard for me to become a man of peace, a man poor in spirit, a man who loves. But unless I do, I shan not become a force for reconcili· ation; I shall be only with the few I like, the few who like me. - The radical breakthrough will come wI-.-en· I love God enough to love His every image on earth, when I see in every broken body, in all starved flesh, the crucified MAN'S INHUMANITY TO MAN: But the one the Lord corpse of Christ. Only then will detests Is the one "who sows discord." The trouble maker. I do what Thoma's Merton saw The one who sets one man against another. The one who must be done: "Our job is to love without stopping to in.. triggers hatred. A member of the Knights of the Ku Klux others quire whether or not they are Klan stands guard during a cross burning ceremony in Stone worthy." Not with words only 01' Mountain, Gb. The I<:Ian consistently preaches a gospel of primarily; all too many of us deny with our lives what we ' hatred and racial discord. NC Photo.' profess with our lips. We have reached that point in history where we either treat. our neigh. When people do place a value bors as brothers and sisters or Continued from Page Thirteen others, or has no mellowness in on reconciliation between man invite destruction. In this connection, a Hasidic and ,.man, beautiful things hapdealing with the others. tale dear to the Jewish philoso· pen. In one village in my diocese, Somewhere in the Old Testapher Martin Buber is splend-idly ment there's a line which hit me a parish council vote to turn hard when I first read it as a their now' vacant convent over pertinent: "A young student aft· teenager. To paraphrase the sec- to Catholic Charities to be used er much· anguish knocked on the tion, it goes on to say that the as a home for retarded ·adults. door of his rabbi. He cried out: 'Rabbi, I have no eyes to see, Lord has a hard time putting up There was the usual community ears to hear, and a mind to un.. with the liar, the cheat, the for- outcry, but with determined derstand, yet I do not know for nicator, and so on. But the one Christian action, the parish leadwhat purpose I.. was created 01' the Lord detests is the one "who ers worked to communicate to what meaning there is in my sows discord." The trouble mak- the local residents that they had life.' The rabbi answered: 'Fool .. er. The one who sets one man nothing to fear. They succeeded, ish one, neither do·.I know the against another; The one who and the ex-convent with its spe· purpose of existence, but come cial people is now accepted. triggers hatred. let us break bread together.''' .In our lives, everyday we must In one of the racially mixed (c.f.' Arthur Gilbert, ''The Con· make. the choice to wound or to areas. in my county, antagonism heal. I .remember at one point in between the local pol-ice and the temporary Jew in America," . my life feeling overwhelmed. The Spanish-speaking a'1d black res- Thought 43 (1968) 226). world was too big to save and idents had become so severe that too ungrateful to love. The a citizen's group formed and temptation to caritulate to self- came to the Human Rights Comcenteredness was terribly strong, mission for help voicing their until I started to visualize what hostilities towards and fear of 102 Shawomet Avenue a world would 'be without lovers the police. Out of their sincere like Francis. of Assisi, Martin L. efforts for 'reconciliation, this Somerset, Mass. King, Albert Schweitzer, Moham- area formed the first Police· let 674-4881 med, Ghandi, Jesus Christ'. And Community Relations Council in so I chose to keep up the good the county, and the atmosphere 3% room Apartment struggle, trying at least to balm has changed completely. The po4% room Apartment the bit of the world I would lice inspector who heads the Includes heat, hot water, stove, reo personally touch. preeinct has established "Operafrigerator and maintenance service. tion Handshake," an open-door Love Heals pact between himself, his men, It isn't easy to love others. and the people they ,now serve Why should I go out of my way ELECTRICAL to return excess change to a with courtesy, instead of sum· Contractors , monses. salesgirl - except that I know If it is hatred which causes she'll have to pay (or the mis, take out of her pocket? Why 'wounds and war,then it is only should I smile at a moody colove which can prevent such worker-except that maybe she's damage. A hard love. A difficult bleeding from wounds I can't love. The kind of love which desee? Why should I continue to mands we don't "do our own be nice .to a short-tempered, thing," not ever if it is at the nasty neighbor-except that he expense of diminishing another, 944' County St. might at'least pause long enough even a little. The mandated love New Bedford '. to wonder why I return a smile -"Love one another as I have 992-0560 loved you." Jesus' love: for a sneer?

The Ev~rydayScene


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THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 7, 1974


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Norton High Coach

Bishops' Council Meets in Rome

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ROME (NC) - Points raised during October's month-long discussion of today's world were scrutinized by the Latin Amer· ican Bishop's Council (CELAM) at a six-day meeting here. "About 55 representatives of 22 Latin American episcopal cpnferences began the conference Oct. 29 with a day of spiritual retreat. Interviewed by Vatican Radio, the secretary general of the council, Auxiliary Bishop Alfonso Lopez Trujillo of Bogota, Columbia, said that the decision to hold the meeting in Rome was prompted partly by the presence of so many Latin American bish· ops at the synod. "'But we also want to attest to our deep attachment to the person of the Holy Father," he said, "Again there is a close connection between the problems raised in the synod and our own meeting. Even if the synod did not reach concrete conclusions, the result of its work on the study of evangelization is big," Asked about what CELAM hopes to accomplish during its discussion in evangelization, Bishop Lopez replied: "'We are aiming at more programatic decisions. We are not seeking to elaborate any document that has come out of the synod.


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s. E. 'Mass.

Grid C.onference To Crown Three New Champs' With slightly over three weeks remaining in the 1974 scholastic schoolboy football campaign it appears as though the Southeastern Massachusetts Conference will crown three new champions. Falmouth has a firm hold on first place in the large school Division I bracket. Defending titlist crown by defeating Dennis-Yar27-6 Saturday last. The Bourne is out of the running mouth victory gives Voke a 6-1 record in Division II and realign- for the season (2-0 in the league).

ment 'ailtomatically created a successor to Wareham in Division HI. The 22 team league was realigned following the first two seasons of play with the hope that more equitable competitive conditions would result. Judging from the present divisional standings th~ changes have made for more competitive games. Falmouth has the lead in the top bracket, but the undefeated Clippers have had a few close calls. The Division II race will probably not be decided until Thanksgiving morning. And, New Bedford Vocational is, at least two weeks away from wrapping up the small school title. Coach Jeff Riley's Artisans moved a step closer to the

Saturday the Division HI leaders will be in Mattapoisett to meet the Old Rochester Bull Dogs. OR is 1-2 in division play. Coach Gerry Oliva's Regionals lost to Wareha'm in the Cranberry Bowl last Saturday 26-6. A win by the Artisans Saturday will set the stage for their meeting wIth Dighton-Rehoboth two weeks hence. The Bill Reynolds coached Fakons pulled the major upset of the week last Saturday when they upended Division H leader Fairhaven 1814. The Falcons, however, must get by Norton this week to make the game meaningfuL The host Lancers lost to powerful Cardinal Spellman High of Brockton 50-24 in a non-league game last weekend.

Three Clubs Chase Division II Banner Diman Regional of Fall River' will be looking for its first win of the season when it entertains Dennis-Yarmouth in the- final Division HI contest slated for Saturday. Coach Paul O'Boy's Bishop Feehan High Shamrock of Attleboro utilized a "little luck of the Irish" last Saturday to earn a well deserved 8-6 triumph over rival Bishop Cassidy-Msgr. Coyle High from Taunton. Feehan now traHs Divisi'on II leader Fairhaven by only half a game. Feehan is 3-1 in loop play while the Blue Devils are 4-1. The two collide in Fairhaven Saturday. Coach Jim Lan'agan's forces will have to get last Saturday's loss to Dighton out of their minds quickly and prepare for the hard hitting Shamrocks diligently. Neither club can realistically afford another 'loss in Conference play and hold on to title aspirations. Bishop Stang High of Dart-

mouth waits silently in the wings for either club to falter with the hope 'of taking over the top spot. Coach George Milot's Spartans knocked a good Case High of Swansea team from the contender list last Saturday with a 14-12 count. Stang is presently tied with Feehan in the standings at 3-1. Wareham is at Stang Saturday. Balance has been the watchword in Division II aU season. Almost every league game has been decided by a na,rrow margin regardless of the opponents. The race should continue close through to the end of the season. Division I games on Saturday's docket finds Dartmouth at Attleboro, Barnstable' at Somerset, Durfee High of Fall River hosting Taunton while Falmouth plays Bourne and New Bedford meets Catholic Memorial in nonlop contests:

Title Within Grasp of Red Rocketeers Falmouth won its seventh consecutive game of the season Saturday last when it tripped Dartmouth 30-14. Bourne, Attleboro and Barnstable stand in the way as the Clippers set their sights on a nundefeated-unt'ied campaign and a possible post season title game. Last week Durfee beat Barnstable 23-7 for its second league victory, New Bedford notched its second 14-0 over Attleboro and Taunton remained in second place in the division standings by edging Somerset 13-12. In the latter contest Somerset actually had a chance to tie the contest if Coach Ray' McDonald had called upon his premiere place

kicker Dave Gillespie. However, McDonald's club was bent on going for the' win and the coach gave the go ahead. The attempt failed but the Raiders must be credited with playing the game "to win" as it shuuld be. In the Northern sector of the diocese North Attleboro continues its quest for another Hockomock League champion-. ship and a shot at the state title. The Big Red moved a little closer by trouncing Canton 39-20 last Saturday. Mansfield and Oriver Ames, the two other local clubs in the Hockomock, remain as North's only' obstacles enroute to the league crown. Coach Bob Guthrie's charges

TO BENEFIT CHEERLEADERS: Bishop Gerrard High School president Cheryl Holleran (left) and varsity captain Carol Nagle call attention to dinner and fashion show set for Wednesday, Nov. 13 at Venus de Milo restaurant for benefit of Fall River school an<lits cheerleaders. Mrs. Arthur Lage and Ms. Shirley Martin are co-chairmen of event.

. "This is a meeting at which we will evaluate what has been done, and whether we should give life to new projects,"

'No Shaving Cream in Mailbox' Among Anti-Pollution Promises ALBANY (NC)-"I will never put shaving cream in a mailbox again." That's what one little boy wrote to The Evangelist recently when the Albany diocesan newspaper asked its young readers to send in their suggestions on cutting down on pollution. Some of the others were just as thought-provoking: "I will not tip over garbage cans when I ride my bike. I will not smash pumpkins." "I would never let my cat eat a bird." "I should feed my fish more often." "I will make sure that my dog will not knock over any garbage cans." "I will be better to my cat than I have ever been before." "I'd tell my fath.er to use the car less," "I will not put big rocks in the road any more. I will not put gl\rbage in the pond any more." "I will try to prevent my dog from digging up the grass and eating our garbage."

should have little trouble getting by Mansfield this week. The Green Hornets lost to Oliver Ames a week ago 33-12. Mansfield has engineered two upsets this year: and could conceivably stop North but it is doubtful. A North win assures the Rocketeers of at least a tie for the loop title. Oliver Ames trails North by only one game in the standings. Coach Val Muscato's Amesmen meet Car~inal Spellman High of Brockton in a non-league affair Saturday. Next week it's North.


"When I chew gum I'll never stick it under tables or on the ground." "I will not smoke because I don't want my lungs smokey," "I will not throw pears on property."




."If I see a bird's nest I will

,leave it alone," But perhaps the most imitable advice of all came from a nine-year-old who wasted no words: "I would help every beauty,"






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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 7, .1974 I

USCC 'Promotes Call of Pope for Reconc·iliation WASHINGTON (NC) - The U.S. Catholic .conference (USCC) Division of Justice and Peace has issued, a booklet entitled "Reconciliation: The Way to Peace" to aid in planning programs to commemorate the eighth ,annual period of peace proclaimed by Pope Paul VI for 1975. The title ~s the theme announced by, the Pope for the, period of peace. . "Peace is made up of reconciliations, on the individual and col-

lective level," the booklet notes, pointi~g •out ithat only. by surmountmg ev~r recurrmg confrontations can peace exist. The booklet states that reconcilialion cann6t be achieved "by a' betrayal of: human 'dignity, a 'denial of human rights," nor can it be achieved "without truth or against truth,r' "Reconciliation requires that injustice be abolished as a way' I to peace," .th~ booklet says. ' After outlindng a liturgy to celtheme of reconciliaebrate the ! ,

Release Key P~ssages In Final Document:

tion as the way to peace, the change the structures and sysbooklet discusses world hunger tems that prevent other people and women's rights in terms of from exercising their right to eat. ,It suggests supplementing the reconciliation. market system "with a food reChange Systems The' booklet describes the con- serve, built up by donations from flict resulting from the present exporting countries and continshortage of food and the ually sustained so that nations consumption patterns of ,the could draw upon ,it in ,emerUnited States and other rich gencies like the one we are now nations, which consume indirect- experiencing... The booklet also suggests that ly, through meat and meat prodindividual Americans, by CUitucts,~ disproportionate amounts of grain, the basic staple.in the ting back their intake of meat 10 per cent, would make a subhuman diet. The booklet states that justice stantial contribution to solving requires that Americans seek to the food crisis in the globe.

The booklet offers suggestions for programs on the theme,. such as sponsoring a hunger banquet, in which some guests are served rice and tea while other receive a ful1 course meal, or starting a local Friday 'Fish-Eaters Club. Reading suggestions are also provided. On women's rights, the booklet recal1s the emphasis on the equality of women in the Church's teaching and states: "Immeasurable potential may b~ lost to the Church and society by too rigidly exclusive male and female roles,"



VATI.cAN CITY (NC)-Here nected,' and' is determined by are some key passages from the various almost constitutive elfinal declaration on evangeliza- ements of the hearers of the tion issued by the international word of God: that is their ·needs, Synod of Bishops which met in and desires, tHeir way of speakRome on the subject of evan- ing, hearing, :thinking, judging gelization from Sept. 27 to Oct.. and entering :into contact with others."! 26: ''':In the fraternal communi"We intend to collaborate cation of our experience ... we more diligently, with those of our experienced the. richness con-, Christian brothers with whom tained in variety. It expressed it- we are not yet in the union of a se1f'in our attempts to radicalize perfect communion ... Christ's us to do so. the Gospel in its entirety among command imp1els I . peoples of differing cultures, The work of Rreaching and renpromulgating in some way the dering witness I to the Gospel demethod of the incarnation which mands it." i ' ,God wishes fo use in His work "The Churdi does not remain of salvation through Christ:." within tnerel~ political, social :,'We wish to confirm anew and economic, limits (elements that the mandate to evangelize which mJst certainly take she • • I all men constitutes the essential mto account) Ibut leads toward mission of the Church." freedom under all its forms"Indeed the deeper and more liberation from, sin, from individwidespread tha,t current changes ual or collective selfishnessappear to us ... the more evident and t6 ful1 co~munion with God and urgent becomes the neces- and with men who. are like sity to proclaim the Gospel to brothers." ! all nations and to every individ· "The time Which occurs be~ ual man.;' tween Easter and the parousia. "No reaL Christian may absen't (second coming) is the time of himself from this duty (to evan- tension' and aspirations toward gelize), which he must carry out the world' which must come." in keeping with his state and in , I communion with his pastors." l "We are convinced that young people to the extent that they are searching for the fundamental values of the Gospel and are demanding true authenticity in GLASGOW . (NC)-"'Scotl'anld's, conceiving and witnessing the faith, challenge us adults and singing priest,! Father Sydney compel us to renew unceasingly MacEwan, wili record six TV programs in C~nada. On two of ' the commitment to evangelize," t.hem he will be introducing "Although secularization pre- Archbishop Fulton Sheen and sents some positive aspects, it Mrs. Rose Ken'nedy. nevertheless inclines to the ideThey will be Ibroadcast in Canology of secularism which com- ada's "The :Church' Today" pletely excludes God from the series. ; horizon of human life and there. Father MaoEwan, whose autofore from the profound meaning ,biography "od tl1e High C's" of e~istence." . was published I a year ago and ".communication of the Gospel is about to' go into another ... takes place through word, printing, wHI be dis1cilssing his work and life, each closely con- meeting with! Mrs. Kennedy's


of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts Sponsor

Seventh Annual



Social Hour 6·7 P.M.

ISinging Priest Plans to Appear On Canadian TV

Says .I rish Viole"ce Not Religious ~War VATICAN CITY (NC) - Cardinal William Conway of Ar~ magh, Northern Ireland has told the Synod of Bishops that the troubles being endured in Northern Ireland today are "not a war of religion." . The cardinal praised the religious constancy of the Irish people-stressing that 90 per cent of its Catholics go to Mass at least once a month. He also spoke of the "heart-breaking situation" in Northern Ireland that has lasted more than five years.

son,. the late President John F. Kennedy in one of the programs. He will ,also I be reminiscing about other aspects of his career and life as a Ipriest, including meetings with Archbishop Sheen, former bishop Qf Rochester, N.Y. and TV personality and other weII known figures in the religious and artistic world. Father Mac¢wan' was a fa, mous internati<lnal' singer when he decideq to pecome a priest. He was ordained in his home city of Glasgow in 1944 at the age of 35, and continued to sing occasionally at Iconcerts all over the world for charity. For many years he was parish priest.

, aI

Members of the Religious of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts Seiving on the Committee Planning the Dinner and Dance for the Benefit of the Sisters on Sun~ay Evening, Nov. 17. Semi-Formal

TICKETS AVAILABLE Frank S. Feitelberg - 676-8246 Sister Eugenia Margaret - 679-1044 (Taunton) Sister Mary Catherine - 822-0314 (Taunton) Sister Mary Margaret - 822-4228 ,and all Schools Staffed by the Holy Union Sisters

Dinner Ticket


Booster Donation (one ticket)





,....... $30.00

(Listing in Program and Two Tickets)



,......... 50.00'

(Listing in Program and Two Tickets at Reserved Table)




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