Scharper Asserts Catholics Failing American Duties
, Anokwof the SOul,
Sur, and Firm-ST.
DETROIT (NC) - The National Council of Catholic Women has corne up with some not-very-rosy answers for world challenges confronting Catholics. The women's conclave in this Michigan Motor City is being attended by 2,000 delegates.· "Willing' ness to face the fact of that the 1954 decision of the change" and "willingness to Su~rem,,: Court outla~ing segre. " ,. ,gation m the publc schools take. rIsks .are two o~t- "opened more doors to Negroes
Fall Riv®lfu Mass., 'Thursday, Nov. 8, 1962 r
© 1962. The Anchor
PRICE lOc $4.00 per Year
Lutheran Q'Sees Spirit Guiding'Council MINNEAPOLIS (NC) ..:..... A Lutheran minister deeiared here th~t it appears to him that the Second V~tican Council shows the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The element of surprise in the calling of the council and the suddenness with which the idea of the continues to direct the . council," meeting carne to His Holi- Rev. Snyder said, "is seen in the ness Pope John XXIII is a way'in which these Ptotestants possible indication that it ' Turn to Page Twelve is' "the rcsult of the prayers of c6untless Catholics and Protestants," said the Rev. William R. Sn'yder of ,St. John's Lutheran ehurch, in a Reformation Sund~y sermon. The "most obvious" of signs *that the Holy Spirit continues to be the moving force in this cou'ncil," he said, is the' "issuance of invitations to representatives of various Protests'nt denominations."
URGES UNITY:: ArchbishoI\ Maximos IV Saigh, Melkite Rite Patriarch of Ant i 0 c h, has called for greater attention by the Church to the Eastern Rites as a means of achieving reunion with the Orthodox Churches.
standmg Amencan charactenstics, >:et on sever~l major points AmerIcan CatholIcs lack these characteristics and are, "not American enough," Phil Scharp_ er, New York publishing company editor, told the delegates at the 31st biennial session. Singling out the fields of work, race relations and urban responsibility, he made these points: Work-America is "the start and the center of the technological revolution'," and therefore "American Catholics ought to have developed a solid theol_ ogy of work." But "we haven't even made a beginning." Race-The "sin of racism, the heresy of racism" is so insidious
Short, Snappy, Substantial Sermons VATICAN CITY (N C) Brief but substantial, sermons on scriptural texts at Sunday Masses are favored
by Ecumenical Council fathers. A Council bulletin said the general opinion of the Council Fathers is that the scriptures "So desirous was the Pope to should have a greater part in !have representatives from the the Mass. It was suggested Russian Orthodox church that that the books of the scriptures sent a personal envoy to· could be divided over a cycle Moscow on the eve of the coun- of years to let preachers cover eil .to urge the Russian church the major truths of the faith in leaders to send observers," he commenting on the scriptural noted. texts of the masses. , 'The bulletin said it was stated "Proof that the Holy Spirit
at the Council: "It is necessary to emphasize the first part of the mass-the teaching part, or Mass of the Catechumens-in all its primitive value and to unite it closely with the second part, the sacrifice proper." ,It was also urged, the bulletin said, that Catholics should be better educated regarding the observance of holy days of obligation. The bulletin also reported that ca,ution was urged at the Council "in order to honor holy and venerable traditions." ,The bulletin added that many
Council Fathers urged that Catholics be taught "an awareness of a priesthood common to all faithful by reason 'of Baptism and Confirmation." 'It reported that although the Fathers said the dialogue Mass ought to be promoted, "it was noted that the faithful should not be deprived of those moments of recollection which favor personal piety." The bulletin said that at' their 11 th meeting the Council Fathers suggested that homilies-or sermons on scriptural texts-at Masses should "be brief but substantial."
in American Catholic institutions than did even the teaching of the Mystical Body,of Christ." Some positive views on the role played by Catholics in the modern world came from G Mennen Williams former Michi~ gan governor wh~ is now Assist_ ant Secretary of State for Airican affaiI:s. Williams, whose appearance was . unscheduled, said he wanted to convey his own impressionc of "the tremen_ ous good work" being done ;by the Catholic ,Church in Afriqa. He said that in the fields. of education and health the missionaries are performing gr~at service to the emerging peoples of Africa. The U. S. government. he said, "is certainly not going to do all-even the major partin expressing America's interest" in the peoples of the new African nations. He added that the organizations affiliated with the NCCW "have made a very real impact on the life of the (African) people." Scharpel"s criticism was echoed the following day at a panel, discussion on "fostering the-ecumenical spirit." Panelist Alba Zizzamia,.of the National Catholic Welfare Conference Office for United Nations Affairs, New York, said that when an organization like the NCCW makes III positive contribution to promote better international relations, it gets a lot of "nasty letters" from other Catholics. "Why are there so many ... isolationists among Catholics?" she asked.
Study Groups Assist American Bishops at Council ,
and prayers of the ,Offertory. , 'lessons of, the first.· part of the , the ~need was again stressed' of
"-Insertion of the name of lfhe Bishops of ,the U.S. have ,, St. Joseph in the Canon of the formed a group of small Mass together with' that of Our e6inmittees to coordinate Lady. and assist their stUdY' of subjectjl eaming before the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. . . 'Each of the 12' committees will study a particular field and be available to' help all the U.S. Bishops in their preparations for the general sessions of CounCil dealing with that field. ' 'The pl'ogram works through a general committee composed of • presidency, a secretariat and Tarious particular committees. Archbishop Thomas A; Boland of Newark, N.J., is general Chail'man of the project. Meanwhile, detailed discusstons of possible changes in the Mass, including reception of Holy Communion as both bread and wine and COD-celebration of the Mass, marked the 12th. general' session of the Ecumenical €ouncil. The 12th session was opened with a Maronite Rite Liturgy offered by B ish 0 p Joseph Khoury of Tyre, Lebanon. The language of the Mass is ancient Syriac, the last stage in the evolution of the Aramaic language spoken by Christ. It was the first time in nearly 20 centuries that the language of Jesus was heard in ceremonies in St. Peter's basilica. 'Among the innovations in the Mass suggested by the Fathers, the Council press bulletin reported, were: -Reducing prayers at the toot of the altar. -Changes concerning the sermon and the participation of the congregation in the action
-Greater cohesion between the two parts of the Mass. ,.-:Readi!1g .the, I>~a~er~ ,and
Mass. from tlj1e pulpit and reciting those of, the second part at the altar. -Ending the Mass with the last blessing and the "Ite missa est." - ' Th~ press bulletin sai~ that
using caution in revising words, gestures and prayers which have acquired . great 'nobility in, the passing of the centuries without losing anything of their original significance." "It ,is,. considered,tl1~r~fore,
Many .Fruits .Spring From Slowness Of Early Vatica,n Council Work By Rev. Edward J.' Mitchell An unusual fleet of buses is crisscrossing 'the city of Rome these gray November mornings. It is the Vatican's armada of 100 chartered buses which' daily ,shuttles the
By James M. Johnson As the approximately 2,500, Fathers of the Second Vatican Council slowly make their way through the comple.x:ities of the Sacred Liturgy, it is easy sometimes to forget the one man upon whom . the success or failure of' the Council so greatly depends. That man is Giovanni Roncalli-Pope John XXIII-who summoned the "successors of the Apostles" from theil." Sees throughout the world to consider the state of the Church in these troubled times. It is easy to forget the crucial role that Pope John has to play in the Council because he, has held himself aloof from its day-to-day deliberations, preferring to let the Fathers fune,tion, debate and
bishops from their hotels to St. Peter's. This episcopal masstransportation system jolts many a sleepy-eyed Roman on his way to .work. For behind the shining bus windows, instead of the usual tourist fumbling his map or camera, he encounters a row of red-robed bi~etted bishops smiling out at him. Perhaps the smiles would be hard to identify when the bus, rolls into one of Rome'·s monumental traffic jams. "If. the police can. get'the bishops through Rome's traffic jams," went a pre-counCil Turn
Page Seventeen
Turn to Page Five
that the order of .the Mass be retained in, its substance, while admitting partial changes for the purpose of making the active participation of the faithful in the individual Rites 'easier. H It was emphasized that each change in the Mass as it noW' exists should be preceded by a thorQugh study of the individual prayers and ceremonies under discussion. ' The Council bulletin stated that "it was insisted that the Canon of. the Mass especially should remain intact because of its solemnity and for literary, liturgkal, historic and juridical reasons known to all." In regard to concelebration the joint celebration of a Mass by more than one priest-it was Hadvised that ... it be reserved to monasteries and to religious communities so that brotherly union and piety might be encouraged." As for reception of Holy Communion under the two species of bread and' wine, it was noted that "difficulties of a practical and hygienic order were cited in the matter of restoring the practice • . . However, reasons in favor of the practice were also indicated, but under the condition that the special cases in which it would be permitted would be well specified." The bulletin said that a "twofold preoccupation ran through all !!peeches of the Fathers: first, to render the celebration of the Mass more solemn and as holy as possible and, secondly, to favor understanding and participation of the faithful in the Sacrifice of Christ through the action of the priest and their own voluntary obla'tion."
Turkey .Greets
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., .'Noy. 8. ·1962 . .' .'
Cites Catholic Scho~I'S Role. As Conscience ·of -Nation
Pa,pal Mission VATICAN CITY (He) - The visit of a papal mission to Turkey as guests of the Turkish governm-ent was marked with great courtesy and demonstrations of warm feeling for Pope .John, its members reported. The mission, headed by Archbishop Francesco Lardone, Apostolic Internuncio in Turkey, said the welcome of the Turkish officials was most cordial, including their reception by the Turkish President, Gen. Cemal Gursel, at his home in Ankara. Members of the mission were flown in a government plane 00 all parts of Turkey, where they visited the sites of earlier Ecumenical Councils. One day the group went to Ephesus and visited the impressive ruins of the' Church of ,St. Mary, where the third C Ecumenical Council took place. They also visited the nearby sandj.!ary monastery of Panaya Kapulu, which means Monastery of. the Virgin. The sanctuary' is a goal of pilgrimages both of. catholics and Moslems and is believed to be the site of the hoUse in which Our Lady lived in Ephesus whea visiting with St. John, who 18 also believed to have written his -Gospel in the same hou~. ",
WASIDNGTON (NC) - A prominent catechetical expert says America welcomes schools which teach ~hristian truths fully because the populace needs an active ~on science. Father Gerard S. Sloyan, director of the Depllrtment of Religious Education concern of the American Church at the Catholic University of in this period is the 'catechelical America here makes his ob- renewal, which has its wellservation in ~ Catholic Edu- ~prings ~n H~ly· Scriptur~ 'and ca ti on, W eek s t a t em e 11 t • Catholic schools and colleges will be observing Catholic Education Week, staring next Sunday. -Many of them will use program aids supplied by the De-, 'partment of Education of the' National Catholic Welfare Conference here. The program theme forcathotic schools is "Religious Education: Our Light in Life." Father Sloy-all, who is also president of the National Liturgical Conference, said that the chief concern of a Catholic school is "to see that childr.en or young men and women are 'made new in Christ'." Must Hav-e Best The Church, he continues, m'ust conduct "only the best of schools'" and religious education itl':theseschools and in schools of religion for children outside Catholic' ins tit uti on s, "in~St shortly achieve an excellence it has not known in this country if,- the system is to justify its existence." , .,!'The challenges posed by the ti~ are unique," he said. '~The response cann()tbe made .in eategories proper in another erQ. "For this reason,· a ·major
Mass Ordo FRIDAY - Dedication of the ArchbasiJica of the Savior. II Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Second CoUect St. Theodore, Martyr; C r e e d ; Common Preface. SATURDAY-St. Andrew Avellino, Confessor. III Class. White: Mass Proper; Gloria; Secol1d Collect 55. TryphOD and Companions, Martyrs; no '''Creed; Common Preface. SUNDAY - XXII Sunday After Pentecost. II Class. Green. Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; Preface of Trinity. MONDAY-St. Martin I, Pope 'and Martyr. III Class. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Common Preface. TUESDAY-St. Didacus, Confessor. ill Class. White. Mass , Proper;' Gloria; no Creed; , ,Common .Preface. ' WEDNESDAY - St. Josaphat, Bishop and Martyr. III Class. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Common Prefa~. THURSDAY - 51. Albert the Great, Bishop, Confessor and Doctor of' the .Church. III 'Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Common Preface. . ,. , .- : ' -.. )
Legion of' Decency The folowing films are to be added to· the lists in theirrespective classifications: ,Unobjectionable for adul~ Whatever Happened to Baby Jane: Baltic Express: Yojimbo.
In the lIturgical celebration of h . t· . t'" the C rIS Ian mys erles. Christian Life Father. Sloyan wrote that "nothing takes precedence over an anxious care to achie~e in students a genuine initiation into Christian life." Children and youth who are helped to' imitiate Christ, he said, will inevitably lose narrowness of view. "The full 'insertion' of free men into means that they come ~ live His life, that indeed more of Him is to seen in them than of themselves," he said. 'The American'nation will welcome this, he said. "The anguish of our times is that men are starved for love who have not yet in many, instances known justice. The pop~lace as.a whole, needs an active conscienc~, 'but' one whkh willsDcak with· the authentic tones of' love." .,
Lauds Colony"s Help To Catholic Schools HONG KONG '(N<;:) ~ The ApOstolic InternunCio to China has praised this colony~sgoverQ ment lor its help to Catholic schools. . . , , Archbishop Giusepp-e caprio, visiting· here from his post in Formosa, said at a Speech Day at Raimondi College: ''On behalf of the Catholic Church, I thank the government of Hong Kong for the help constantly given to our schools. "The Hong 'Kong government has developed an extensive system of public schools here," the Internuncio' said, "but it also encourages 'and supports, moral_ ly and ma:tetially, the erection and running of Pti~ate schools which are up to the required standards. This is' highly beneficial to the student population of Hong Kong, and thus to the whole community."
Necro~ogy, NOV. 11 ,Rev. A. Gomez da Silva Neves, 1910, Pastor; St. John Baptist; New Bedford.. ' NOV. 12 James H. Looby, 1924, Sacr€d Heart, Taunton. Bernard Boylan, 1925, St. Joseph, Fall River. NOV. '13 Rev. Louis J. Deady, 1924, Founder, St. Louis, Fall River.
_Rev. Pastor, Rev. Pastor,
NOV. 14 . Rev. Francis; J; Duffy, 1940, Founder, St. Mary, $0. Dart,mouth. NOV. '15 Rev. Daniel E.' Doran,' 1943, Pastor, Immaculate _Conception, No. Easton. Rev. Thomas F. La Roche, 1939, Assistant, Sacred Heart, Taunton.
,DEVOTION Nov. ll-:-St. John the Bapt~st, , New Bedford. . Sacred Heart, ()ak Blu~. Nov. 18-St. Stanislaus, Fall River. Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket. Nov. 21-5t. Catherine's Convent, Fall River. ' 'Nov.25--St. Anthony, Mattapoisett: ' . . .. St. Anne, New Bedford. Dec: z:-, John the Evangelist, Attleboro. Our Lady of the Immac_ ulate Conception, New Bedford. 11IE ANCHOR
Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass, 'Publi$be(l every Thursday at 410 Highlalld Awe-. Fall Ri1Ier ·Mass. by the Catbolic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscrilltion price by mail, postpaid $4.00 per year.
St.· FrCllncis
JEEPLOAD OF HOPE: Father 'Fiqelis C.' Beckel', '8 63-year-old American missionary from' the, 'St;' Cloud', Minn., diocese, stapds beside his j~ep ~n the ,dock' at Cape To~n, South Africa, on his way to· the leper' colonies 6f Nyasaland. The, jeep is laden with eight, heavy bags:,of clothing and gifts~ NC Photo.- '" ' . , "
Catholic Women's Meeting Seeks:', 'To Pinpoint Christian_'s Place 'DETROIT (NC) - Ten thouecumenical council~" sand determined women conHe went on to say: . verged h~re from all parts of '''The great study and activity the country for an intensive five of the last three years that have days of give-and-take discus- ,prepared ,for the council in sions aimed at finding the place Rome have been going on in of "the Christian in a changing the whole Church. We have been world." ., ' - part of it, even without, being The 31st ,national convention aware of it. By we, I mean'.; our. of the' National Council of bishops and you and,l. .. .:",' ':; Catholic' Women gave no straitLink With Chtireh' " , jacketing an~wers. But it pro"Wh '. th Ch h "'~:"'ll vided guidelines indicating t9 ,en e urc pr~y C, I~'_ Catholic women that whatever of us pr~y, even though w~~aY their status in life they are be cookmg a ~eal~. readIng a . ..' h f book, or shOPPIng 10 s store. part of society and t ere ore Wh th Ch hth" ks all' "f have a duty as Christians to try . en. e urc . In , ,',0' to improve. ,the world about us thInk" because' we, ar~ pa.~ them. . ' o f t?e oneness of the Chu.rch.lD The women came as represenChrI~t~,When we commit, SID, tatives of approximately nine the SInner suffers and the .~~?le million memberS of .some 14,000 Chu~ch suffers because the SIDorganizations affiliated with the ner,.IS part 9f the Church. 42-year-old national women's "When those outside the Catholic Action body. Church !:1~e us .practicing charity . . arid justice,· then they see the Like. General Council Church teaching through us. 11 Keynote of the conference we fail to give' good example came with the opening address, to the world about us, then -the given by Msgr. Clarence. D. Church fails to attract this same White, assistant general secreportion of the world to Him who tary of the National Cat~olic is 'the Truth, the Way and· the Welfare Conference, WaShlOgLife.''' ·ton. . Msgr. White compared the ,',"~I"I"I"I':":~ women's gathering here to, the assembly of the,Catholic bishops . of :the world in general council .~, in St. Peter's in Rome. By the influence of the Holy Spirit, he said, the convention program ~ \ gave the convention "s certain I participation in the work o~ the
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Diocese of fall Al_ Diocesan .Trlbunal ED ICTAL ClJlTlOB f1ullity of Ma rriage "McMurray-Crockett" Since the actual place of residence " Il6IlOTHEA JAN ET CROCKm, the respolldent in the case McMurraY-Crockett. is u,," known, We cite the above mentioned persOll to appear personally before the Sacred Tr~ bunsl of .the Diocese of Fall River on Decem·ber 13. 1962 at 9:30 A.M. at 368 No, Malll Street, Fall River, Massachusetts, An constet de nullitate matrimonii, in casu. Ordinaries of the places or ether pastors hawing knowledge of the residence of, tIKI a,bowe· person. DOROTHEA JANET CROCKE"J !'lust see to it that she Is properly advlSeGI In'regard to this edictal citation, S/Alfred Gendreau Presiding Official Given at the Seal of the Tribunal of Faa River on this the 5th day of November. 1'962S/Edmond Levesque Notary . _
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AEC Assists ·BC',
, WASHINGTON, (NC) - ~. 'Atomic Energy Comm,ission haJs aimounced a contraethas bees made to assist Boston College ia research in neutron' phySics. Tbe AEC win spend $95,000 in two yean at the Jesuit University.
ladY's C~usade For Peace F~r'Peace lhrough ~rayer
Prayers and Hymns By Congregation Messages of Our Lady of Fatima Prayers For Servicemen and Women An Are Invitec:l. Join The Crusade
Plan To Canonize Blessed' Eyma rd.. I'n Decembe'!J"
THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 8, 1962
Pope John Acts To Speed Work Of Co~~cil
. Canonization of Blessea peter Julian Eymard, founder of the Fathers of the Blessed Sacrament, has been Chlnounced for Sunday, Dec. 9. Known as the "Apostle of the Eucharist," the future saint was born in France in 1811, and was ordained in 1834. His early career as a curate in lVIonteynard is reminiscent of iba t of the Cure of Ars. His parish had been neglected since the, days of the French Revolution, but within two years he !had prevailed on all its members to return to the saera'ments. He then entered the Marist community. For -12 years Father Eymard remained a Marist, filling many hnpol·tant positions in the congregation exclusively devoted to the honor of the Blessed Sacrament. Two N~w Communities In 1856 the new congregation til. the Fathers of the Blessed sacrament was organized in Paris. In 1864 the priests were joined by the Servants of the Blessed Sacrament, a similar eongregation for women. Both groups devote themselves til» perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament exposed ~d ·to all forms of apostolate th'clt Inay further the Eucharistic ~ign of Christ on earth. For priests, Father E'ymaTd organized the Priests' Euchalistie, League, now numbering some 150,009 members pledged . 'to spend one hour a week be6»" the Blessed Sacrament. For the .laity there are three Eucharistic organizations which provide adorers and the material needs at public Exposition. Today the Fathers have 104 ~ouses in 28 countries. The congregation came to the United States in 1900 'clnd now has eight institutions in this country. Father Eymard was beatified In. 1925. The two miracles required for his canonization took place in 1948 in France, where III priest was cured of tubereulosis of the bone; and. ill 1949 in Australia where a woman who had suffered for years from heart trouble was healed. Blessed Eymard's feast has aow been ·transferred to Aug. L
VATICAN CITY (NC) His Holiness Pope John XXIII has announced that the first session of' the
FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF ORDINATION: Participating in the testimonial to Rt. Rev. Leonard J. Daley, pastor of,St. Francis of Xavier Parish, Hyannis, were left to right: Mrs. John Burrows, Guild president; Rev. James P. Dalzell, curate; Monsignor
Daley; Mrs. Rose Kennedy.
CHICAGO (NC) - A proposal that the Illinois Public Aid Commission provide. tax - paid birth control services to relief recipients is " "against pUblic. Policy and public morality," ,the Vicar General of the 'Archdio-" eese of Chicago said here. Msgr. George J. Casey said that if the proposal were to be adopted, it would create "the strange anomaly of a state government interfering in a matter which pertains to conscience and l'eligion." He noted that ·the question of tax-p'clid birth con-
Prelotos Plan Great Islandwise Mission SAN JUAN (NC)-A pastoral letter issued by the Puerto Rican Hierarchy has called for a concentration of "all apostolic 'activities" throughout the island llor the success of an islandwide mission to 'be held early in 1963. The pastoral, signed by Archbishop James P. Davis of San Juan, and Bishops James E. Mc_ Manus, C.SS.R., of Ponce; Alfred D. Mendez, C.S.C., of Arecibo, and Luis, Aponte, Auxiliary of San Juan, asserted the mission will be "the greatest event in the' ~ligious life of Puerto Rico." Eighty missioners, including members of a number of religious communities, will direct the missions in every parish in Puerto Rico. Special missions will be conducted for children, youth, students and those engaged in professions. The plans emil for a family Communion on the Easter Vigil (Holy Saturday) and the official closing of the mission of Easter Sunday, April
Radio Speaker NEW YORK (NC) - Father f;eorge Burns, S.J., a missionary from South America, will speak on "St. Martin de Porres - A Saint for Our Times" on the "Church of the Air" radio program next Sunday. The program is produced by the National Council of Catholic Men' in cooperation with the Columbia Broadcasting System.
.Birth Control Policy
trol services is to be taken up the aid commission at its meeting tomorrow. Msgr. Casey nQted that, misunderstandings have arisen rega,rding, the 'reasons for the Catholic Chur~h's opposition' to such tax-paid services. "Of course," he explained, "the Catholic Church teaches , OfficIally that birth control is morally wrong and we have naturally emphaSized this for our Catholic peoplg. But we by no means intend to 'impose or inflict our code' of ethics on the
Jewish Group Supports, Catholics Oppose, Birth Control Program CHICAGO' (NC) - A Jewish group representing Reform con';' gregations has endorsed a state program for distribution of birth eontrol information while a Catholic interracial group has expressed opposition to it. The Chicago federation of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations said in a statement that it "endorses the action of the Illinois Public 'Aid Commission . . . in making provision for the distribution of birth control information and devices to
those who are in need of such assistance." The same day the Lake Meadows Council of Catholic Men, composed of whites and 'Negroes, spoke against the program. Charge Brainwashing , The council's president, Paul Twine, said: "The proponents of this program have brainwashed many' citizens, including some Negroes. This program is beamed at Negroes because of the emergence of the Negro who , is unwilling to accept less than equality." Baltimore See Plans Other speakers at, the council's argued that state-spon_ Eight-Story Building meeting sored birth control for mothers BALTIMORE (NC) The on relief would encourage proArchdiocese of Baltimore will miscuity and tear down the build an eight-story office build- moral fiber of teenagers. ing and administration center in downtown Baltimore early next Benedictine Oblates year. Oblates of St. Benedict win The new building will house the many facilities of the arch- hold a day of recollection at diocese, inc 1 u din g the arch,. Portsmouth Priory' beginning diocesan paper, the Catholic with 8:45 Mass Sunday morning, Review. It will also have offices Nov. 18. Members and friends for Archbishop Lawrence J. are invited. Shehan and Auxiliary Bishop T. Austin Murphy.
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·~-!.c,o Fall PE••' SALE River Area
general public. Our opposition to'the proposals stems from the fact that they are against public policy and public morality." Msgr. CaBey quoted an editoriar in the New World, newspaper 'of the Archdiocese of Chicago, which pointed out tha~ the American Government has traditionally looked upon the birth control issue as a religious matter. The editorial pointed out that former President Eisenhower had not initiated an,. foreign policy which would inelude birth control for this reason. In regard to the- claim that birth control services would be provided only for those who voluntarily asked for them, Msgr. Casey said: "The program would not work, would not achieve its objective unless the services ar suggested, encouraged and promoted by the state." "Moreover," he continued, "82 per cent of the prospective recipients concerned are either unmarried or not living with their legal spouse, and so you would de facto have the state with public tax funds furnishing contraceptives to u n mar r i e d women and thereby abetting, encouraging, facilitating, sponsoring and even subsidizing fornicatIOn and adultery."
Ecumenical Council will end Dec. 8' with a solemn ceremony in St. Peter's basilica. The Pope's announcement was read on Tuesday at the close of the 13th general meeting of the Council. During the meeting the discussion of the second of eight chapters of proposals on the liturgy was concluded by a standing vote of the 2,211 Council Fathers present. The meeting then took up chapter three of the liturgy proposals dealing with the sacraments and sacramentaIs. Archbishop Per i c 1 e FeUd, Council general secretary, in an effort to spe~d discussions, instructed Council Fathers to pre_ sent along with requests to speak a summary of whlllt they , intend to say. This is seen as a way to give the general secre~ariat an opportunity of advising speakers that what they want to say is being covered by another speaker. Presidential Powers Archbishop Felici also announced that Pope John has given the presidency of the Council the right to propose termination' of discussion of 'a specific point if it judges that the matter being discussed has been dealt with sufficiently. The Pope's instructions require that the Council's president of the day put the proposal to end discussions to a vote of the Fathers, asking those in favor to stand and those opposed to remain seated. Following this announcement, Cardinal Tappouni, president at the 13th meeting, proposed to end discussion of the second chapter of the liturgical proposals. The vote was affirmative.
PARTlOIPATlNG PARISHES St. Joseph Sacred Heart St. Mary Holy Name Immaculate Conception St. Patrick Our Lady of the Angels also Mount St. Mary's Debating Team
TH(ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 8, 1962
~@~Wo . [Q)O~®[(1fOOl)@ ~®@@DQl)® By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy The' convening of the Second Vatican Council is presumably the reason for the appearance just now of a number of books about the Holy See, the Vatican, and Rome. With the attention of the world focussed there, interest in the headquarters But Twain is amusinK when of the ·Church Universal is he complains of the omnipresgeneral and acute. People ence of work done by Michelwho know something of the angelo and the incessant invoksubject are coming forward to satisfy this interest with information and observation which they have . accumulated over the years.We would begin, however, with one of a somewhat dif-· ferent type. It is Vatican impressions, edited by Father Francis J. Sweeney, S.J. (Sheed and Ward. $5.95). The editor tells us "I have attempted to assemble here a ·bookful of descriptive reading on the Popes, something on their personalities and public occasions, but more on the climate of· custom and folkway in which the papal monarchy has flourished since the first century." H~ wants to convey "the Romanitas of the Church of Christ." 'Go to Rome!' "Ecco Roma" is the title of the first section. Early in it there is an excerpt from a letter written by Lord Acton to Mrs. Humphrey Ward. "Go to Rome! Never mind the journeys. Go! You will have three days there, you say? ... If you had only an afternoon in Rome it would be worth while. But three days ... Life is not the same afterward." This puts very weH the marvelous effect of_ even a sip of Rome. Others represented jn this anthology expatiate on various features of the city. But it is St. Peter's which gets the most attention. F. Marion Crawford's description of the basilica, and its 'mpact on the viewer, is as graphic and affecting as the day it was written. Here is prose which has not staled with the passing decades. Thus, in suggesting the impression when one steps through the doorway, Crawford wrote, "A hushed, half rhythmic sound, .as of a world breathing in its sleep, makes the silence alive. The light is not dim or ineffectual, but very soft and high, and it is as rich as floating gold dust in the far distance, and in the apse , an eighth of a mile from the door. There is a blue arid hazy atmospheric distance, as painters call it, up in the lantern of the cupola, a twelfth of a mile above the pavemen~." Many otbers of the famed authors upon whom Father Sweeney draws have something to say· of this most celebrated and visited of churches. Henry James, for example, maintained that the beauty of the buQding is a "general beauty" and that the specific details, when one comes to study them individually, "are often poor and sometim·es ridiculous." Twain's Impressions Mark Twain, as one might have expected, didn't think much of the place; Or was he merely . trying to be funny Thus, the stupendous Bernini baldachin over the papal altar he saw as "a great bronze pyramidal frame-work like that which upholds a mosquito bar. It only looked like a considerably magnified bedstead~noth ing more."
10,000 at
VANCOUVER (NC) .- Some 10,000 people took part in a Rosary rally in CapUano Stadium in British Columbia· in honor of the Blessed Mother and for the success of the second Vatican Council
ing of his name. "In Genoa, he designed everything; in Milan he or his pupils designed everything; he designed the Lake of Como ... In Florence, he painted everything, designed everything, nearly, and what he did not design he. used to sit on a favorite stone and look at, and they showed us the stone." This volume reminds us that the leading American men of letters of the nineteenth century, though Protestants all, sojourned in Rome and had their say about it. Samuel F. B. Morse, inventor as well as writer, was bored by Tenebrae in the Sistine Chapel, whereas Ralph Walda Emerson was deeply moved by it. Respect for Human Raee Of our twentieth century authors here called upon to speak their pieces, Booth Tarkington pays a memorable tribute to St. Pius X, whom he observed giving one of his homely Sunday morning sermons to a throng gathered in a Vatican courtyard; H. L. Mencken is characteristic_ ally outrageous in. telling of sneaking in to an audience which the same pontiff was giving to a group of German pilgrims; and Patricia Collinge does a delightful account of a Protestant couple's reaction to an audience with pius XII. Chesterton writes of Pius XI and that pope's "very strong antagonism to the contempt for the aboriginal races and a gigantic -faith in the fraternity of· all tribes in the light of the Faith." Eleanor Clark observes of Pius XII, " the pope's little speech of welcome addressed· to each group by name and repeated" in all the languages he could pronounce, contained not a word of ;lnything but affection and. respect for the whole human race." Liveliness of Mind There are passages. from Michel Montaigne which _4eal with that stylist's .meeting with Gregory XIII, "a very fine old man, of medium height, and upright, with a face full of majesty, and a long white beard." The approximately 50 writers, of various .period, tongues, and attitUdes, brought together between the hospitable covers of Father Sweeney's· book have in common a liveliness of mind and of expression which makes these pages easy and diverting reading.
AREA HOLY HOUR: New Bedford ar~a CYO members mark close of Catholic Youth Week with holy hour at St. Anthony of Padua Church. From left, Janet Tanguay, St. Joseph parish, Fairhaven; Henry Pelletier, St. Anthony's, New Bedford; Rev. Edward· Duffy, area CYO director; Patricia Adams and Robert Best, both St. James. New Bedford.
Cathol:ic Editors Back Kennedy on Cuba The principal theme in editorial co·mment in U. S. Catholic newspap·ers on the Cuban crisis said a confrontation between AmC5ica and the Soviet. Union was inevitable, called for support of President Kennedy and urged prayers for peace. Several papers which dealt· with the possibilities of earlier American action against the Soviet arming of Cuba said the President could not morally take the grave risk of war until he had absolute proof that offensive weapons were in Cuba. Excerpts from a survey of editorial comment follow: The Catholic Sentinel, Port.,; land, Ore.: "The American people, regardless of their political affiliation, stand solidly behind the his determination. to stop communist aggression."
The Catholic Standard and Times, Philadelphia: "These are irideed moments of tension and dread expectation. They were bound to come. They have arrived. : . Meanwhile, we should strengthen ourselves and our nation with the armor of prayer." The Michigan Catholic, Detroit: "To the Russian people, we offer our concern for fellow humans in an enduring prayer for peace. To the corporate image of Russia's leaders, we present our firm regard for individual freedom and conviction in the wisdom of our form of government whatever its price." The Catholic Virginian,. Rich_ mond: "From the day that Fidel Castro chose to side with the Reds, the conflict was bound· to erui>t close to our shores." The Criterian, Indianapolis,
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me ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 8, 1962
Unseen Presence of Pope John Acts as Constant Council Guide Continued fIrom Page One examine in an atmosphere of almost complete freedom. The only direct action the Holy Father has taken since the solemn opening of the Council last month has been the appointment of nine members of each of the 10 commissions of the Council and· the smoothing over of differences, always in the most paternal way. But even if the Holy Father is .not presevt physically at the daily m~etings of the Council, be is there in spirit. No'ne of, approximately 17 American bishops contacted during the Council faUed to mention this lInseen, but ce~inly fully sensed, "presence" of the Pope. And very few of them have not had stories to tell to illustrate the fatherly but dedicated attitude of the Holy Father. One bishop mentioned that he had talked to one of the Swiss Guards ,at one of the earlier I eongregations of the Council. The guard told the Prelate that he had been on duty in the Pon_ ,tiff's gardens one afternoon a few days before the Council opened. ' "His Holiness was walking up and down near the guarc;l, showing considerable agitation and worry," the bisJ,op recalled. "'The guard told me that the Hoy Father came up to him, at last, and said: "'You know, if I can only get f;he Council opened and started ,0n its way, I'll be content to leave its closing to my successor,"" On the day of the solemn open_ ing of the Council, the Holy ]Father displayed the same symp~ms of concern. His face was Q bit drawn, his movements slow and, at times, uncertain. But his demeanor was completely altered when, at long last, the czeremony was over. He virtually skipped down from his throne on the Confessional Altar and made his way lightly am: joy<Dusly up ~he main aisle to the \point where the sedia gestatoria (portable throne) awaited him. His face was one big, angelic Dmile and his eyes were shiny with tears and happiness. As many bishops pointed out, l:t was as if a heavy burden had 'been lifted from his shoulders. His years of anticipation, anxtety and long and tedious planning were over; his Council was tinder way at last. When he received the representatives of the world's newsl1lapers, magazines, radio and television stations, he was remarkably alert and relaxed, par_ ticularly for a man of his age Qnd the heavy burdens he carIl'ies. He had the appearance of al man twenty years his junior. The Sistine chapel was rocked by ever-increasing waves of applause and cries of ''ll Papa," and he received the tribute with warm appreciation, displaying. as he ,always does, his tremendous and deeply sincere love for aU men, regardless of -their station in life. The many Protestant newsmen at the audience were as deeply moved as their Catholic brethren. Another bishop described his first meeting ,with the Holy Father. He had expected, he relate,d, to find the Pope waiting for him at his large desk at the far end of the library the Pontiffs use. "Instead, as I walked up that long hall to the library," the bishop related, "I noticed a beaming fsee with the distinctive white zuchetto hovering over it, peering around the corner of the doorway. "Sure enough, it was the Pope. He greeted me at the door, took me around his office, even showing me the buzzer with which he summons his secretary. Then he ~ad me sit down beside him and we talked about the problems iIUld developments in my diocese. "He asked me about my priests, the people and the children in the diocese. In short, he rulked me about these things that any pastor throughout the world
is most concerned with and feels so strongly a'bout." This overriding concern of the Holy Father that he be a "good shepherd" to his people has made him, in only four years, one of the most deeply loved Popes in Italy in the last century. His predecessor, Pope Pius xn, was a saintly man, a magnificent theologian, philosopher and moralist. There is no doubt of his goodriess and kindness, but he did not have the "common touch" that Pope John daily displays.
Aa. Italian, originalq- from Genoa but working now in Rome, mentioned this pOint in conversation about the council one day. "'Pope Pius was a good 'man
and a wonderful Pope," he said, before the solemn opening of the "but when he spoke to us, we Council, the Pope addressed could not understand him. When more than 100,000 persons who Pope John speaks, everyone had marched in a torchlight proknows what he is saying. And cession. he talks to us about those things It had been cloudy and rainy, we know about and. that we live but the skies had cleared shortly with from day to day." When there is some function before the procession began. In his address to the people, the at the Vatican, in which Pope Pope alluded to this. John is scheduled to speak, even Trastevere-where the bulk of "Tomorrow," he said, "we are the COmmunist population of opening a great Council with all Rome lives - is emptied of of the bishops of the world gath_ people. The huge piazza in front ered here. And you see," he of St. Peter's basilica is filled continued, pointing to the bright long before the windows of the ord above the great dove of the papal apartments are opened basilica, "even the Moon has and the Pope appears. come out to see this beautiful The Pope's commentS are not ,procession. Now, I'm going to deathless prose, but they always ,give you my Apostolic blessing. seem to touch the right chord in ,I want you, when you return the listener's heart. On the night to your homes tonight, to em-
brace your children and to tell them that the Holy Father embraces them, too." This humble, totally human approach of the Holy Father has done more to reduce the extent of anti-clericalisrr in Italy than any other effort undertaken with this result in mind. And, best of all, this is not a deliberate policy. It is simply 'Pope John's personality and nature. If the Council is taking considerable longer in its business than many persons expected, this has had no appreciable effect upon Pope John. In fact, at It general audience he granted It week after the solemn opening" he remarked: "This is no matter. If we go slowly now, it is so that \1l(e call make more progress later."
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.' THE ANCH9R-:-:-Diocese of Fall River-::Thurs., Nov.8~ :19.~2
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"All Human Conflict ..." One of the hardest things in the world to combat· is' ·l~thargy. It is a difficult thing toco,nvince men and women of sincerity' that there is a situa:tion that mQst be. corrected, that can 'be corrected, that looks to the~. forcorrective steps. All too many people do not see evil,' 6r.a~e · unwilling' to look upon it; or refuse to' pay the personal price. that correcting it .would, demand. of 't~em, ·or. would · rather let someOne else take the initiat~ve. . . ', 'The Church in Chile h~ been trying' for a lo~g, time to help soive the criti~a~. political· and economic. problems , of the country and to· better the lot of' the common man. It is a classic example of the Church's seeing. clearly ,w~at is wrong and trying, against almostoverwhelmjilg .difficulties and in the face 'of monumental' lethargy, to . ge.t 'something done. One-third of that country's people lack decent'homes; the few have much and the many have little,; gross soci:al inequalities exist. Lip service ·only is, given to Christianity by those who could and should do something to bring about ·a change. .' . And why have the Bishops of qhile pointed out in detail the areas that a vigorous Christian approach could remedy? Because, in the phrase used by Cardinal ~anning to BeBoc, "all human conflict is ultimately theological" And the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, must show the compassion of Christ to th~ poor and the underprivileged, uplifting the downtrodden, helping them save their souls through their bodies by bettering the conditions ill which they work and live. The vigorous Cardinal Silva Enrique, is heading the Church's drive to bring about drastic social reforms., This' is one more instance of the Church's leaders seeing evil and trying to awaken men to conditions, around them. But the leaders depend upon the good will of the laity, the cooperation of men who can bring about the changes needed. The Bishops of Chile and every country need men 'willing to be Christian, to act like Christ. Too many Christians are Christian only in the name and not in the act.
8yRev. Jo""'Il.FoI"., ~.
AnfItOllY'. Cburc\ -.-' S.JIor .
Baptism Waf!er , ~ e, little fis~e~~ are ro called' atter our great FISE ~ (ICij:TUS), Jesus' Chris~ and we are born in water.'
. : Here St. Cyprian' referred i~ tb Christian trick of. Rferring to Chi-ist .as to a '-fish. To use any then known Christian sym- .. bOllsin' wouid. . me'a n eeriairl o J ' • death. sO some , wise Christian suddenly took the Greek word for "fish" and . made it into one of the first creeds. E a c h ietter of the word stood f~ . something. In a Christian mout~ therefore, the word fish meant:! I=Jesus; CH=Christ; T=God'~ US=Son. it soon became a secret sigD" a password, a respected symbot. What a consolation to see thG simply bent lines in the form oil By REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA, Catholie University a fish; what a prayer of praise;a ,the Ichtus! But St. Cyprian l'efers to &m even. deeper symbol ... that ~ TODAY-Mass as on Sunday•. worship today singing, "Out of w~ter. There' can ~ scarcely Sometimes we may become im- the depths I cry to you, 0 Lol"d anything more common, simplo and Christ raised it to the greatpatient with our public worship, " For His gifts call for our reest value possible - after Hii:J with its formality, its use of signs (words, music, vesture, sponse, our deed, our love, and own Body and Blood. gestures, colors, etc.), its stal'k sin is our failure to respond. It The Bible is full of rich refseverity of expression. Obvious- is from these depths of failure erences to the symbolism 02 ly these characteristics of liturgy that we pray for cleansing and water: Moses saved from the can be abused, as they are when for strength in the Secret and waters; M0 ses freshening To be a Christian is to be Christ--and how many are they cease to communicate with Postcommunion prayers. the bitter waters; the twelve willing to even try that 1 a living and contemporary peoplagues of Egypt; the waters 02 MONDAY-St. Martin, Pope, ple. contradiction; the Arch crossing But, communication assured, Martyr. The liturgy's consciousthe Jordan; the fountain of life; ness that the Church i!l not only they are necessary characterisChrist's baptism in the JordanQ tics of Christian worship, pre- a vast international society but the living water of the Samari.In an address to the Pennsylvania Catholic Educational venting as they do any reduction is present, is real and realized, tan's well; the' birth from watei' Association, Very Reverend Vernon ,F. Gallagher of the of the Gospel to the stature of a whenever the local Christian and the Holy Spirit as is toil! Holy Ghost Fathers started that "The most prevalent and, purely human ideal and any re- community gathers for common NicodEJmus; the water flowing (especially the Eucharist) from the side of the dead Christ. , in some respects, the most virulent disease of the Twentieth" duction of the Saviour to a prayer -this corrects our western The early Fathers liked to ti~ human hero. Century is emotional infantilism. We can renew, the face tendency to emphasize legal and in these 'many references to tho TOMORROW - Dedication of organizational factors. of the poor old world only by growing up ourselves and great mystery of Baptism. the Archbasilica of our Saviour. Celebrating the Mass of a pope ,by helping others grow up." ' Importance TodaY-'s celebration of the dedi- during an· ecumenical council There "is no questioning ~ The late Thomas E. Murray, industrialist, inventor and cationof the cathedral church of reminds us forcibly of the same Christ makes it very explicit: Rome draws the hearts and thing. For the bishops are not former chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission~ said minds of the Christian commun_ mere instruments of the chief "Unless one be born of wate&' m'uch the same things years ago when, at' the begin~ing ity into 'i;m especially conscious shepherd. ·They. are shepherds and the Holy Spirit ..." Natural! of the rapid development of atomic potential, he reminded and vital communion with the in their own right. And 'dioceseS water is therefore absolutely men that "our only fear-and' OUI,' great respons~bility Fathers 'of the Ecumenical Coun- are not mere units in a' larger necessary for the ,valid adminis, framework but Churches in their tration of.' this ali-important is 'not what we do with things but what'we do with our- cil. . ito . The texts of 'the Mass teach us own right, 'selves"-' .' .' ,. .' " a' precious com- ·Sacrament. Nothing 'can'take ' about the Church as the place munion with the bishop and the place. It matters little that men'can~contrQI.,~h~ 'world out- where ,the divine and human Church of Rome. However,not as some subst~ side of themselves if they fail to control the, world within meet, as both this-worldly and , tute but to enrich the significQ., TUESDAy-st. Diclaeus. Con- tion of this water, the Churph themselves-the 'world of the emotions. For men may be other-worldly. We pray that the convinced by intellectual argument but they are moved Holy Spirit will guide the fessor. Both First Reading and mixes oil with it· when, sho, Fathers of the Council to make Gospel in today's Mass emphablesses that water destinedfoli' to action by the emotions and the appeal to the will. both aspects fully' and dramatsize the other-worldly nature of Baptism. This she does once 0 the gifts we have· received year, during the great Easteli' The technologicai advances of the age have given men ically' evident to our world. through Jesus Christ our Lord. Vigil. The Pascal Candle, symo ease in life, but these have not ,advanced them one bit SATURDAY St. Andrew His treasure must be of this bol of Christ, is solemnly dippe4ll toward a deeper control of their emotions. The advantages Avellirio, Confessor. The Council kind, else His 'own blessings . into the' water, consecrated oilSp of modern civilization do not necessarily imply stronger is a sign of the Church's obedi- would deceive us, would deflect symbol of the Holy Spirit, aro character and more commendable action. . ence to Jesus' injunction in the our vision from the goal of judg- thoroughly mixed with thitl Go'spel. In the Council we have ment and eternity. The judg- water. Then, in special vase anI! . Father Gallagher suggested that schools and colleges visible evidence of the girding mentof God is not in this in solemn procession, the' of her loins and the burning of world's sufferings. it is tran- is brought to the font, incensed . make extensive investigations of human emotions. Each her lamps, of a Church vigilant and placed in an honored placo · person would do well to look into himself-his own degree. .and watching and expecting. All scendent. It is that which does for the transforming work it, not grow old, unfailing treasure. of self-control and discipline, his own emotional health. of us then must idtlntify· our- Because it is that, it can claim through Christ's intent· and selves with the Bishops' expectThere is no question of destroying the emotions or turnIng power, is to operate the wholo our hearts. year through. men into unfeeling beings. But there must be. balance, ancy. and receptiveness, to the • WEDNESDAY - St. Josaphat, neither over-reacting nor under-reacting nor 'letting.' ·the Spirit, for we are the Church. Use Bishop, Martyr. "Every high emotions take over ~ontrol of one's life. Whenever a candidate wiliil TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY priest ... is appointed for men in the things pertaining to God," then approach the sacred fon~ PENTECOST. ..:T h e Man has been made to the image of His Mak~r,. made AFTER this water will be used to mako the Church teaches' in today-'s "character" of our Baptism-Conto be a' chi\d of God. ~is complex self must be ordered 'firmation, the image of Christ First Reading. Every bishop is a a Christian of him. Of course, ill!l an e'inergency, anyone can usc toward that end~ we bear, is the foundation of our servant, exists only because the trust as we work and grow human community needs this any kind of natural water t@ baptize: melted ice or snow" office. He is an apostle of comtoward judgment and toward ·fulfillment.. The First Reading munity and unity, for he is ex rain-water, fresh, brakish, sal~ officio sign and sacrament of etc. teaches confidence that the same Jesus who has "begun a good oneness. Josaphat was a martyr But even in its use of watell' work" in us will "bring it to for the sake of unity and com-' the, Church is truly ·catholic. munion among the churches of ., adopting various customs bettell' perfection." The Gospel teaches us that our Lord and Saviour. So the understood by various peopleo Gospel enjoins the bishop to God and human political society as long as Christ's order befu!c OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FAll RIVER are heal divisions. not in a kind of competition, filled. each with a claim to one part Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River lImmersion of a single sphere (man's life), 410 Highland Avenue liv:u&'®i«:@:!l~ !!:»lOly The best use of water in Bapbut that as Bubel' has said God Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 owns man's total being (in a BRIDGEPORT (NC) - The tism-best because it bette:? shows the transforming effectlJ PUBLISHER ,sphere of wholeness) and politi- New England Regional Gommitof Baptism-is iinmersion. ThtJ cal authority can claim only a tee of the National Liturgical Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. .. use of the water is still peib part of his being (in another Conference win sponsor a "LiGENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL' MANAGER formed in many of the Eastern sphere, that of division of func- turgical Day" on Friday, Nov. Rsv. Daniel F. Shalloo. M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll Rite Churches. Here, a child-~ tion). Despite all of this assur- 23 at Notre Dame High School MANAGING EDITOR ance of salvation in Christ here at the' invitation .of Bishop adult - is completely immersed Hugh J. Golden Jesus, we begin our community Walter W. Curtis of Bridgeport. . Turn to Page Seven
Cfhno'U.'lh' thL CWult CWlthth~ ChWlCh
Study Emotions,
Worthw~ne.R~cipe$: . Continued: from Page Six k
tD (upc;ler) the water. The symbolism'is PQwerful. In Baptism Chere . Is a. .transformatfon that
St. Fra,!c~.X~v~r~ Hyannis, 4m~~g Most Farrtolis Chur~hes iff, United States ':..' .~.:
By Marionl:J.tisworth
Thurs., Nov. 8, 1962
College Students .Hear Lawyers Reargue Case
occurs: .(l simple creature 'into Among .the: mOst famous Catholic' churche.s in the country beCause it" include3 in en adopted ,Child of Qod. Now there is no greater transforma- its· list of' parishioners the First Family, St. Francis Xavier Parish,lIyamlis, also is one JERSEY' CITY (NC)tfon in life that which win of.1iheh~sie~t parishe~"on Cape Cod, numbering approximately 650 'families' during the' The .lawyers 'who argued the occur at the moment· of our Winter but' swelled to 400 times that·· population in the SUIIlmer and containing within New' . York 'State public death. Therefore, as St. Paul 80 its jurisdiction a mission, a . school prayer case before often emphasizes, in Baptism . one is dead to sin (under water:::: Cenacle, a home for excep;. the U.S. Supreme Court reen· . acted their roles here before the drowned) and en absolutely'new tional children and a college. student body of St. Peter's Col. start in life (in a completely· new . All of the parishes ill the lege. ' way) is made (new breathing Cape area originated with 'the' Chief Justice John Murtagh, upon arising). This was the first first church established in 1830 administrative judge or the and only manner of Baptizing at in Sandwich, and' ·for, many Criminal Courts Division of the ""'-e very beginnning. years the Catholics in Hyannis City of New York, acted as Pouring attended Mass celebrated by a chairman of the "rehearing," However, as Christianity Sandwich priest in a Catholic held as part of a lecture series. ilpreadand the Church pushed home. . After the argument, Murtagh northward it was more and more, When Rev. Matthias McCabe ,. expressed the· view that the .. ' difficult-:-and sometimes dan. was pastor in Sandwich,.he built Supreme Court decision banning " gerous- to immerse in some the first Catholic church in recitation of the New York , pool or river. It was also dUfi. Hyannis in 1874 on Barnstable Board of Regents' prayer was cult. for the missionary Church Road. Eight years later the misincorrect. . to build adequate pools near sion of St. Francis Xavier was William J. Butler, attorney makeshift chapels. Therefore, placed under the jurisdiction of for the plaintiffs in Vitale vs. .. another method of Baptizing was St. Joseph's Parish, Woods 'Hole, Engle, was opposed by Bertram ;' inaugurated: water was simply whim it became a parish and its B. Daiker, who represented the poured on' the person. The first pastor, Rev. Cornelius Me· New York State Board of ReChristianizing effect was the Swiney, enlarged St.' Francis gents. same, of course, but the symbol Xavier church. 'Simple Issue' was more a washing than any.· Steady 'Growth Butler said: "It is a simple thing else. Of course, it too was Before the turn of the century, issue. The question is whether significant for in Baptism all sin the Hyannis· mission was in· is obliterated, forgotte'n. creased by the erection of Sacred or not the State of New York But the true meaning of a new' lIeart Church', .Yarmouthport, a could compose a prayer and life, death and resurrection, had' gift of Miss Jane Burns. Begun make the recitation of it comto be shown in another way'· in October of 1898, the new pulsory in the public schools." , . (prayers, etc.). Later, this meth. chapel was completed, after havThree New York courts had ST. FRANCIS XAVIER CHURCH, HYANNIS od was again endowed with new ing been'severely damaged by a ruled agflinst Butler before the symbolism with the pouring be· November hurricane, in Septem· case reached the Supreme Court. 'WklS named as his successor. Another edifice became part ing in the form of three small bar of the following year. Butler said the First Amendcrosses. Thus was reflected the Soon the increasing population Once again expansion was nec- of the parish in 1960 when the ment "does prohibit using pub'belief needed in the Sacrament on Cape Cod became too large to essary and during his time at St. colonial home of Mrs. Marguerite lic schools to teach religion • • • and the absolutely necessary in. be cared for by two parishes, Francis Xavier Father McLean Baldwin Megathlen became the We want the right to decide tercession of Christ (cross). and a third parish was created purchased additional land and first institution of the Catholic for ourselves how we shall pray. added two wings to the church Charities Appeal on Cape Cod, We do not want to abrogate that Sprinkling to include Hyannis, Yarmouth Others sought to simplify the and Harwich, with a resident proper, which had already been Nazareth of Cape Cod, a school right" to any board of regents." doubled from its original size. for exceptIonal children. eeremony even more by simply priest, Rev. Daniel Doran, in Daiker, in answer, said reSouth Yarmouth Staffed by the Sisters 'of citing the regents' prayer was . t th di Hyannis. sprinklIng wa er on e can Father Doran sold the old One wing was erected by Lebel Mercy with Sister Mary Joel, not establishing a religion. "The dates. This the Church was forced to condemn and stop from church and purchased the Hinck. Contractors of Osterville and R.S.M. as superior, Nazareth has prayer was acceptable to all the simple danger that water ley property on South Street the other by Gerald McNally an enrollment of 22 pupils of religions and praying. in publie might not reach the candidate, where work was begun immedi. Contractors of Fall River. To five to 16 years old, who com· schools is a tradition in our or not in adequate quantity to ately on the construction of a make room for these large addi. mute daily for special training. country," he said. signify what the Sacrament new church, St. Francis Xavier, tions the rectory had to be Last year a three-car garage must. It Is therefore not used to dedicated in the Summer of 1904. moved back from its original was converted for use as a playadminister Baptism. A house which was situated on position and for some time it room for the youngsters. A further responsibility was the lot was converted for use as was placed on stilts until the However, it 'is used by the n rectory. foundation could be added. added to the duties of the clergy .Church to remind of one's Bap-: In the meanwhile, Catholics in Another mission church was at St. Francis Xavier this year, Prescriptionll caned ,fo, tism. On that all-important Osterville had at first traveled' built during Father McLean's' for Mass is now celebrated each and delivorod night - the Easter Vigil- the to Hyarinis to MasS; and later pastorate, that of Our Lady of Sunday at Barnstable County HEADQUARTERS FOR priest bids his people to recall used the old Union Hall. Father the Highway in South Yarmouth. .Jail, and one visit for hearing their Baptispl and to again pro-,. 'Doran in 1904'initiated the erecDr~mC 5UPPUE5 A year after he arrived 'at his confessions is made each week.' 600 Cottage St. WY 4-7439 !1ounce their faithful intentions tion of a new chutch in that new parish, Father McLean pur.' To assist him, Magr. D~ley has to turn from all evil and gather community, and in 1905 Our chased a private home which' Rev. Daniel Moriarty, Rev. New Bodford elose to Christ. When, in rea. Lady of the Assumption" Oster_ was renovated for a convent for' James P. Dalzell, Rev. John sponse to the priest the people'ville, was dedicated. the Missionary Servants of the Duffy and Rev. John W. Pegnam do so, the priest does sprinkle, . Father Doran remained at St. Most Blessed Trinity who came as curates, as well as two wat~t ~pon them. So does he be... · 'Francis Xavier until 1912, when to St. Francis Xavier to assist" I:..aSalette Fathers who help dur': fore HIgh Mass on every Sunday. "he was succeeded by Rev. John w:ith catechetical instruction,the ing the Summer with the 16 So .do ~he monks at t~e end of ":F; 'McKeon, who was pastor in taking of the ce,nsus and parish' Masses .in Hyannis, one at the. ' theIr mght, prayer .dally . Often Hyaimis for only one year~' Rev. visitations. jail and two at Yarmouthport. the .Church also spr~kles things Mortimer Downing, who was to Since their arrival, the Sisters Kennedy Crowds d,;,rmg her blessmgs. The figure so prominently in the de. at the Cenade have established' St. Francis Xavier has a particBISh.op will w~lk around the velopment of Catholicism in that a kindergarten of some 35 pupils, ular problem with Summer out~lde. and inSIde of a church section of Cape Cod, became the direct the girls' choir, and con- crowds, for when President and sprmklmg holy water on the third pastor for the longest pas- duct two units of the Missionary Mrs. Kennedy are at Sunday building during its dedication; torate in it~ history almost 30 Cenacle Apostolate, the Angels' - Mass, Msgr. Daley reports there Thomas F. MOi'1oghan Jr. the priest will do so to the rings years ' Cenade for girls from the fifth' can be as many as 4000 people dilring the marriage ceremony, . Parish Events through eighth grades, and the .• trying. to attend the same Mass. TI'80l>\OI1'011' to the newly become wife; in Knights of the Holy Spirit for In addition to"the groups men. solemn blessings of food, reli.' The ar,ea covered by the Hy· the boys 'of that age group.. tioned above, the parish includes gious objects, all things desti'ned' annis parish. was so widespread These older· children assist a Newman Club of the students to be used by Christians. Of .that .several missions were nec· 142 SECOND STREET the teachers, visit the sick, and from Community College, a unit course, there is no Baptism here essary, and in 1915, Father help watch over the estimated of the Diocesan Council of Cath. but the Church does mean a Downing built a new chapel, 600 boys and girls receiving olic Women, St. Vincent de Paul QSborne 5-7856 transformation to occur. Hence. Our Lady of Good Hope, in catechetical instruction from Society, Children of Mary, Holy forth, these objects (people) are West Barnstable, while in the the first through eighth grades. :Name .Society, and a Cathoic fALL RIVER to be used in a different rever. . following year he enlarged the The Missionary Servants, under Youth Organization which was ent manner and more for God Osterville mission and the than for the mere world's church in Hyannis, doubling .the Sister Anita Maria, Custodian, formed last February. desires. . seating capacity of that edifice. also receive the aid of nine lay ..... The building was lengthened, teachers. On that great night the Exul. the spire removed, and four The main altar in St. Francis tet reminds us that there would Ionic columns erected in front Xavier is a memorial to Joseph be no need to be 'bom at all' if to enhance its appearance. P. Kennedy Jr. and was donated it were not that we should be Our Lady of the Assumption by the Kennedy family while redeemed. Nicodemus, not see· In Osterville was remodeled in Father McLean was pastor. When ing how, nearly cursed his birth. 1926 and two years later a new ,he died in June of 1954, Rev. PfGanJng a Caribbean cruise? If, as Christ says, man must be parish was formed of Osterville, Leonard J. Daley, then stationed • A trip to Europa ••• Mexlco _Howan? You can compare again born ... how? Christ to~d West Barnstable and Santuit, at St. Margaret's parish, Buz· thom all under one roof at him and St. John Chrysostom reducing the area .served by St. zards Bay, became pastor, as he our office' We'ro agonts for puts into the mouth of Christ Francis Xavier. presently remains. lfeamshlps, aIrlInes, haters. the following explanation: "I Around the same time, other Father' Daley, elevated to sightseeIng companIes. bring you a new creation. I no notable events occurred in the monsignor in December, 1961, J~roue~ovt Ibo ~. longer want to use the dirt and Hyannis parish, for a Knights of renovated the Cenacle and the water of slime but Water and Columbus Council named after downstairs of the church for the Holy Spirit." Father McSwiney was estab- use as a chapel, and also paintNext article-COX 'oaptize you ••S> lished in 1924, and in 1929 Fathei' ed the church proper. He also Downing created St. Francis accomplished a complete reno· Menne Change Xavier Cemetery on Centerville vation of the rectory. In 1959, Msgr. Daley, always PARIS (NC)-The youth sec- Road. More property was added tion of the Apostleship of to the existent church land when conscious of the need for greater Prayer in France, traditionally the corner lot on South Street facilities for the many parish needs, purchased the home of a known as the Eucharistic Cru- was purchased in 1932. j Father Downing's long assign.. Mrs. Sullivan, which adjoined sade, has dropped the word "'crusade." U will be known ilIl- ment in Hyannis came to an end church property, and renovated this building to be used as [1 ~ stead as the "Young Peopletf . with his death in December 0'2 parish hall. Eucharistic MO'ITe7 .. 1942 and Rev. Thomas McLean
J .t
travel service
,Woman "SurgeOn,
..... r
Reaction to" Sickness "Reveals Quality· of Christian. Outlook By Father John L. Thomas, ·.S.J•. ,
',Asst.Sociology Prof.-St. Louis lIJDlversity.
"'What· can' married children do wherithey see that their invalid mother is simply driving their elderly, father to despair?, Lately he's started drinking-just e.n0ugh ~o remain in a kind of stupor so her constant naggmg won t bother 'him. Mother's always dominated the family. your mother had always. domi-, · f· ther~s 'retire- nated the family. In thIs conan d smce. 3:.. nection I would like to comment ment she mSlsts he spend . that it is a rather common misevery moment waiting on ~er. conception to believe that it is They, could hire a part-tIme more charitable and better ~or nurse, but her all concerned to allow domiconstant critineering persons to have their cism d r i v e s own way.. eve r y 0 ·n e This peace-af-any-price phiaway. If we're losophy in marriage is false on not there to be several counts. Both partners nag g e d, she suffer for the silent- one betakes it out on comes' a negative personality, Dad, . and he while the unchecked vice of the must agree with domineering partner serious~ her or she lets hinders all growth in virtue. bim h a v e it. The children also suffer, since We're a f r aid their parents offer them only a he'll become an 1 distorted model of Cb'l'istian alcoholic. How should we hand e marriage. this situation?", . ' . t i Major Obstacle There are several pom s. B Third as in so many human your interesting letter,Den~se, relation~' d i f'f i cuI tie S, your ~at I wish t~ comment upon o~ problem seems to involve confore atteml;ltmg to an:~~r race flicting rights and obligati0!1s, basic question. In the IrS p f1 i for you must love and reverence it is well for all of us to ~ ~c, your parents yet censure them that no other human experI~~: for their conduct. more clearly reveals. our f .. The ebnflict is only apparent. character and the quah~ 0 t~ur It is because you are Mund to' Christian outlook. on Ie r:i~ love and reverence them that our reaction to slck~ess, pa you must do something about' 'eularly prolo~ged sI~kn~~ or the present situation. True love the state of a.n mva iter seeks the real good of the perIt is not prImarIly a ~a. son loved of enduring pain, for paIn IS Perhaps' the major obstacle n - you face, Denise, is that the' relative, in te;ms of our sitivity, ~ .sta~l1na, t~~P~meI~ situation is so longstanding and and antICIpation at B t you and your sisters are the as ,every mo~her kn~~s'd i~- product of it. I'll other words, sickness and Its assOCla e n 11 you are not going to find it conveniences must be perso ~: easy either to tell her'the truth interpreted or given meanm. ' , or to get her to listen to you, and it is here' that the experl-... d revealer of a you O. , ence ,becomes a Has Same Obligatiolllll character. When dealing with suc~ Situ-" Oonve~ie~t Excuse. . etions, your first step ml,l~ be_ 'Mature ChrIstI~ns rega.rd 8lck- to cI8rify your' owri, thinking. nesll as a humbhn~ ;emmder of Unless' you aretho~oughly c9ntheir human condItiO?, and as vin'ced that what you are 'dQmg men)bers of the MystIcal Body, is dem'anded by justice and" they gradually learn _to acc.el;lt stems from true Christian, . It as ~n opportunity ~ partlci-, charity, you will not acoomp~i~ . , pat~ In the .. ;edemptI'\fe suf- your purpose, for though you, fermgs of Chrlst.. . ,may start out in the right direePeople ~~o have no faIth, or I tion, you will become too dis"" those who ha~e not le.arned to turbed· by feelings of guilt and interp.ret thelr. experIence in anxiety to persevere once" you_ the bght of faIth, . regard all, encounter her first, predictably' sufferings as meanmgless evU sharp reaction to criticism'. and consequently become f;us-" Remember, Denise, it would trated, resentful, or eve'!' bItter, be false charity indeed if out when forced to endure SIckness. of fear ,of hurting her feelings,. Hence by way of compens~-, you, permitted her to go on : ~ion, they may learn to use ~h.elr .acting .as she does. I Illness as a means of gammg We may presume that she has_ unmerited attention. and sym- the 'same obligations as" others to ' pathy, as !1 convement excuse practice self-disciplin'e, to oon~' for all theIr faults an~ lack. of trol her tongue, and to show sin-; ef~o~t, or as a way of. ma~n- , cere concern arid respect for. tammg control and domInatIon. others. Will· she thank you for" over the people around them. your· weakness when 'she must Act Childishly , render her, account?" These' com:pensations .(which . Imper~nal Approach ' are really escapes from reality) . . may become so rewarding that In sl;lIte of her reactIOns, .an~ some people 'prolong their siege, she WIll probably plead slck-:. of sickness, imagine they are'-- ness, n!glect, lack of; love.. and. sick, or pretend to be sick rather' ,respect, and so on, you must:than give them up. p~~eed calml.y, clearly and We see this tendency fre- Wlt~OU~ retrea~m~. Spel~ out her: quently in children, but since obhgatI.o~s obJectIvely, In terms . most of us remain more or less of ~h~ISt s own words, as one immature and sooner or· later ChrIstIan to another. must endure some sickness and . ,She may feel hurt, but ~er-; SUffering, we should all be on :haps not as much as. you thmk.;, our guard against it. K~p y~ur approach Impers.o~al,: Otherwise, when sickness ar- ,basIng It not.on .your opm~on, rives, we shall' probably act but on her obh~atIons to Chr~st. ~ childishly, or display the sentiY~u f~l she 11 n~ver forgIVe, ments of the little man who you. Is'!' t that makIng. a rather ,refused to take out life in- low estImate of her VIrtue? surance to protect his wife and . . .• • • • • • • • children.......When I die, I want A FAMILY TREAT :o:;!"oo a sad day for everyBAR-B-Q CHICKENS
Second, you mentioned that
Christmas Sale Friends of the Religious of the Holy Union will sponsor a Christmas sale from' 2 to 6 Sunday afternoon, Nov. 11 at St. James Convent, Nanaquaket Road, Tiverton. 4 penny :sale, , Christmas gift booths and a tea" rooni will be featured.
1411,Washington St.• Fairhaven JU/ft oft .Route 8 WY 7-9336
Watch for Signa, WhilE; out for a Drive Stop' at this "Delightful Spot
Starts Medical Aid ,Program HUWEI (NC)~A woman, \ surgeon from' the, Philippines servi~g on the staff' of a Catholi~ ho'spital here' ~ Formosa has .started her OWlD. medical mission prog·ram. Dr. Nimia Concepcion h~ been on the staff of St. Joseph'W Hospital in this small southern Formosan town since May. She has now persuaded two othel!' women doctors, Drs. Teodora Eugenio 'and Leticia ConcElpcion (no relation to Nimia) to come: They are expected to arrive soon, and two more ma~ come later. Dr. Eugenio will join the staff of St. Joseph's and Dr. Leticia Concepcion will work at a new Catholic hospital in near1>J? Tounan. Assist Church SWANSEA P ARISHONERS' ,HANDWORK: Members , "Friends in Manila said I WOO of St. Dominic's Women's Guild, Swansea, exhibit hand.. wrong to go to Formosa when work that will go on public sale in the parish hall on Satur- there was work to do in th~ day. Left to right: Mrs. Joseph Reis, Mrs. Joseph Barboza, Philippines," Dr. Nimia COlF Mrs. Hubert Irons, and Mrs. Richard Enos. ' ception said. She added, thought, that citizens of the only Catholic country in the Far East have "an obligation to assist the Church in other Asian COUQoa tries." 'Dr. Nimia Concepcion, woo NEW YORK (NC) - Poetess by John Gilland Brunini, editOr became a Catholic while atlPbyllis McGinley was presented ' of the magazine. , . tending the Holy Ghost Sist~rs with the 1962 Spirit Award of Addresses we remade by high school in Manila, ,was grad-, Merit at the 31st annual dinner Francis X. Connolly, associate' uated from St. Thomas Unives-, of the Catholic Poetry Society of editOr of Spirit; Herbert "A: sity Medical School in 1955. ' America here. Kenny of the Boston Globe, and After a year and a half, of The award is named fCJr Spirit, Walter Kerr, New York Herald post-graduate work in gyneco8 magazine of' poetry published Tribune d·r~a critic. logy at St. Thf)mas, she spent • by the society, and is presented' year in residence at the Brook-:-' annually to "one ,:who has notlyn Jewish Hospital and foUl' Israel President Gets' ably exemplified and advanced years at St. Mary of Nazareth, the society's purposes." Hospital in ~hicago. Miss McGinley, author of Medallions From Po~ "Love' Letters" and other poems, JERUSALEM (NC) - Presiwas presehied with the medal' dent Itzhak Ben-Zvi of Israel, WEAR has received from Pope John' Ii Shoes Thqt Fit' series of medallions coined' til , Plan Dominirol~ commemoration of the opening .''THE FAMILY SHOE STORE" St. Catherine's fund raising of the' Second Vatican Council., eommittee will hold a DominiThe' ,medallions had been. 1I'0la on Tuesday night, Nov. 13, given to, the Israeli "Ambas,sador at 7:30 at the Dominican 'Acad- to Italy, Maurice Fisher, by. ~he ' emy, 37 Park Street, Fall River. Vatican ,Ambassador' there, ,with .' 43 FOURTH STREET Admission is free and there . the request that they be sent OIl , faN River ' OS 8-5811 will be many prizes. to President Ben-Zvi.
,Phyllis McGinley Receives Awar,d Of Cathoi'ic Poetry Society
John's.. ,Shoe 'Store
HOOD BUTTER'RUM'TOFFEE,JC'E CREAM Remember the ~andy jar of toffee ..che~s"? We've put that 'candy right into our ice· cre"mI Iina'gine • • • c,reamy hutte!,scotchice cream; with 'luscious toffee candy , blended throughout. Who hut Hood could. -- "thi~k of" this ,d~lectahIe way to hring hack 9ld-time flavor? ' .
." mm
W>h·0'.r·aKeS·.' \.! "'. 'C·":"""'' ·:'·:.Y':f···Y' ::'(J'..' )' 'are"o' .~. ar' .'. [Jkes" 'Ga'Experiment~
..;THE'· ANCHOR~ .,'.
L..I. ~V8an':-
Thurs:, Nov. 8, 1962
Good Neighbors Ha ItDel i nquency
By Mary Tinley Daly The Man Who Takes Care of Our Yard, known to l{aadersofthis column as the Head of the House, has unique ways with his outdoor chores. Having an undisputed monopoly oil the domain, front, back and two side yards, ]'me may do ashe will, exThe terrace taken care' of, the lllariment to his heart's con- innovation seemed to lose its tent; with no word of criti- novelty and our grass' got a @ism or complaint leveled at barbering, same as everybody
CINCINNATI (NC) - More good neighbors would mean fewer juvenile delinquents, according to Msgr. Nicholas H. Wegner, director of Boys Town. In an interview here 'the Omaha prelate said many families could be held together if neighbors would pitch in and help when they're most needed. "Sometimes it's a debt that's plaguing the father or the lack of a job-and as a result the mother goes Olilt to work an.1 toe children are neglected," Msgr. Wegner noted. Take Initiative Neighbors possessing a genuinely Christian attitude would take the initiative in trying to help the family, he said. "It's the second greatest commandment," he added, "and if it isn't the current custom to act like tbis, then it's time we turned against the current custom and did things as Christ would want us to." .Msgr. Wegner, who succeeded the late Father Edward J. Flanagan as head of the famed home for boys, was in Cincinnati to speak at the annual dinner oZ the Hamilton County JuveniIe Court Advisory Board. . At the dinner Msgr. Wegner emphasized that "s boy can come from the wealthiest of homes and still be underprivileged."
the most bizarre operations. else's. Along about that time And bizarre they have been, came the "dogwood deal," an at_ tempt to prove that a dogwood over the years. tree need not grow crooked, a A long time trait that unhorticultural minded o go, someone I had always believed inherent told him, or he in the species. If planted in the . read, that grass sun, it would be bound to grow ohould be alstraight. Only place where this lowed to grow desideratum could be achieved long and go to was right smack in the middle Deed every now Qf the back yard. It interfered and then. This with the clothes lines, but the made it strong, dogwood grew straight! '\;!] a s "Nature's Fig Tree Challenge way" of getting Then there is the fig tree, alrid of weeds, was along the line of the hybrid most .as monopolizing of the "CULTURE AND CHAOS": Bob Blasser, comedian, carly testfngs, or something like front yard as the dogwood is of the back. and Joanne Montesanti, lyric soprano, both of St. Mary's that. f!:e likes to experiment and, When it came, ordered from a fu'ankly, does get a bit bored parish, Norton, will participate in "An Evening of Culture with traditional ways of garden- catalogue, it was a tender litUe wisp of a branch, with no assur- and Chaos," all-professional revue to be sponsored at 8 this lng. Saturday and Sund~y night at Bishop Feehan fi\g'h School, ance that it would grow. and "Anybody can cut grass," I li'emember him saying that flourish in a climate as far north Attleboro, by Attleboro ·area CYO. Summer, "and if letting it grow as ours. That was the challenge! Rewill be an innovation, I'm all for 'lIlc1llbering a fig tree that had tnnovating." been in his' boyhood yard. in This 'was an innovation unapJl)l'eciated by his children, a con- southern Virginia, the Head of the HOUSe was determined that oervative lot in their young "An Evening of Culture and M'lSS l\IIontesanti has been !l if .tender loving care could pre&ys. Chaos," all-professional revue. member of the Boston Opera serve life, T.L.C. would be adDedicates Buildings Disgraceful yard sponsored by Attleboro area Group and from 1959 "to 1961 ministered in massive doses. CONVENT STATION (NC)"Daddy, our yard is a perfect held leading roles in the Boston. It 'was. Like a premature baby Catholic Youth Organization will ~isgrace," reprimanded t.h e in an incubator,like a tiny pupbe' presented at 8 SatUrday and Art;s: F~stival. .She" has given A new 155-bedroom iuniorate DPokesman. "There isn't a place concerts throughout New Eng- for the Sisters of Charity of St. py in a heated bed. that little Sunday evenings,'Nov. 10 and 11 Elizabeth and a new two-story ~m the bloc~ that looks as seedy wisp ·was sheltered from the in Bishop Feehan High Sch9QI land, New.York and Pennsyl- science building for the Conege . vanio. .'She .will offer semi-clasQS ours. U you won't cut it. can't wind,' mulched, fertilized, auditorium, AtUeboro. of St. Elizabeth here in New 'We take a crack at the job? The The program star Bob sical, folk and popular tunes at' Jersey were dedicated by Bishop watered and watched, even covnneighbors will be complaining." ered over on cold nights during Blasser, comedian and Joanne the Attleboro performance. Jazz, drama and comedy wfll James A. McNulty of Paterson. "Then the .neighbors haven't its. 'first Winter. And, like a Montesanti, lyric soprano, both Total cost of the construction' also be included in the revue. \l)een keeping. up with the latest," of St. Mary's parish, Norton. premie . who becomes a 250 was $3,500,000. was the instantaneous rejoinder. pound prize fighter, like a tiny Mr. Blasser has. appeared on Celebz'ities Help 9!{aven't the,' heard of hybrid puppy' groWn into a German television and in stage shows 10 Proceeds will go to AtUeboro corn? And of African hybz'id' 'shepherd, the "wisp" has attained New York and Boston. Our Frienday area CYO to eXpand and in-' (]11'8SS?" a height of six feet, a diameter crease its spiritual, cultural, Heads - up Service ,; The "African" bit was new, of five, and bears delicious fruit. recreational and social program. Q)ne I think he made up on the. . Challenge met, Yardbird vinName C. U. Professor Opens The' DoorTickets will be available at 2'Pur o.f the moment, but it sans- : dicated. the door for both performances. To Greater Motoring iiled tl)e children.. even, gave' 'Figs and tomatoes are . our . To Welfare Bureau ~em'a certain' cockiness, obvi:- '. gardller's: chief contribution to ,Vir ASHINGTON (NC)':- Dm--, Celebrities aiding in preparation . Pleasure - For You! of 'the' show inclUde Arthur' <!lIusly. Upshot of that one was foodstuffs, the latter' not· ordi_ othea F. Sullivan; asSociate 'proffitnt dozens of neighborhood nary red tomatoes but the yel- fessor of the National Catholic Godfrey, Jimmy Durante, Tom ohildren, with permission of the . low cocktail· tYPe; My· own garSchool of Social Service at the Heinsohn, Bob Cousy, Anthony Quinn, Marvin Miller, Rocky lLcord of. the Manor, removed dening runs more to the plebeian Catholic University of America, whole sections of sod: "Take it string beans and radish clasS. lias been invited, to. serve as con_ Marciano. Dean Martin and Red (ff>fif the terrace, boys." So, too, my ideas of outdoor sultant with the Cuban Chil- Skelton. Many others have also contributed time and donations. chores 'fall into the category of dren's Program.. in Mi~. [New Women's College just plain hard work. She will begin her duties toSnow is to be shoveled, grass day in Miami, under the. direclH!(QJs Record Enrollment to be cut, leaves to be l'aked. . tion of Msgr. Bryan O. Walsh, CINCINNATI (NC)-The new The Yardbird used his imagina- who is in charge of the Miami @i5 million College of Mount St. tion and modern shortcuts: an Catholic Welfare Bureau. The Oil OfANGE AND Joseph here was opened with an electric ID()wer, a chemical for bureau provides foT' the spiritual LUBRICATE WITH enrollment of 900 young women removing snow. and material needs of Cuban tWudents, largest in the instituLeaves, however. had him Catholic youngsters arriving in IIAMALlE" baffled. Disliking the job, nev- Miami unaccompanied by adults. <!ion's 42-year history. The new college, an eightertheless he has raked and burned them year after year~' Th;~ilding plant, is on the city's ~tskirts overlooking the Ohio, Until this Fall! Now he bas · Golden Wedding' miver. The adjacent old college discovered an automatic mulch7 JEANmE STREET Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gauthier, llllllS been turned into additional er. attached it to the electric S1, Anthony parish, New Bed594 Pleasant Street FAIRHAVEN WY 4-732' {/acUities for the motherhoUse of mower and goes blithely up and . ford, parents of. Sister Mary FaR'RiVer ~e Sisters of Charity, who con_ down the yard as' the contrivance chews up the leaves and the rain Ernest Albert, C.S.C., science <!mct the college. teacher at St: Anthony High Sister Maria Corona, president, carries them into the earth. School, marked their 50th wedS~, he whisUes while he works roM the new college has a ca~ ding anniversary with renewal" --even at leaves. r.J!:9 for 1,200 students. of' vows at the parish church. They· have lived in New Bedford 44 years; , ~ven
Professional Revue This Weekend To Feature Norton Parishioners
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Attitude Toward. Liturgy Change 'Wide Open'
Thurs., Nov. 8, 1962
Council Fathers
Have A Busy,
VATICAN CITY (NC) An Am e ric a n archbishop says the Ecumenical Councils attitude toward liturgi.
Schedule ROME (NC) - Bishops from the United States and from other countries, taking part in the Second Vatican
cal reform is "wide open." "Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan' of Atlanta, an elected member' of the Council's commission on the sacred liturgy, told English";', speaking reporters, covering the: ,Council that "there have been" very few extremists in the de-, bate. Everyone of the'speakers' has conceded the merits of the other side." , He denied reports in European newspapers that the U. S. bishops: 'are not interested "in the liturgy. ' , : Neither are the American prel- . ates adopting a unified position' " in the dabate on the liturgy, he: added. ' Asked how the 'Council Fath- . ers' as a whole seem to feel about proposed changes'in the liturgy,.-he replied: "The words 'wide open' would describe it best." He said he had been amused, to hear bishops speaking in ele- : gant Ciceronian Latin to defend' the use of the vernacular in the . liturgy. He' also reported that the'lO-minute limit on speeches, which Council regulations ask, , the fathers to observe if possible, , was largely ignored. But, he remarked with a smile, ,"a certain restraint is imposed " ,on speakers by the expressions ,on everybody else's face." He continued: "Occasionally, a Council Father, whQ is scheduled to speak will get up and say: "lam dicta sunt .. meaning t~at what he had to s;y has already been said. There is then a' feeling of applause in the Council even if nobody actually applauds."
Ecumenical Council, follow a full schedule. And, it is gettingfuller. With the Council sessions held daily from 9 a. m. to l, p. m., it means that each Council Father must rise early, say mass early, breakfast and depart early for St. Peter's basilica, where the meetings of the Council begin promptly at 9. For the bishops who are members of the various commissions of the Council there are other conferences late in the afternoon and early evening. For <111 the, bishops' it means that afternoons and evenings must be given to individual, study and private consultations, discussions with various experts and advisors to prepare for the solid four-hour Council sessions. ' Profiting by the unusual advantages offered by the spacious new ' North American College, many of the American cardinals and bishops as well as other Eng~'ish-sp,eaking prelates are making it a study center. The college, atop the Janiculum Hill, is very conveniently close to St. Peter's basilica. It is almost literally under the shadow of St. Peter's. More importantly, the college has an excellent library, well equipped with the' reference works that the Councill.Fathers need. The filing system, accommodated to the English-speaking' students, is particularly convenient. Not least of the advantages of the library is its up-todate lighting system. A number Observer Prayers of the Council members have ROME (NC) - Non-Clltholie remarked that it is much easier observers attending the Ecuto read in the library of the col_ menical Council have organized lege than in almost any other Pope Preaches before Our Lady of Childbirth Statue in St. Augustine' Church, Rome, twice weekly services to pray place in Rome. ::> for divine ,guidance"' for the .. Besides the advantages of the Cou'ncil Fathers. library, the college has a large 'Theinterderiominati~nalservopen; court yard with an ample ices are being held in the Methmonolithic structure, with the VATICAN CITY· (NC)-:-Olledom of expression in the Cathsheltered walk as well as an ex- major objective of the Ecumeni.,., " olic Church." odist<;hurch a ,short distance pope dictating,to the bishops and Cellent auditorium. The college cal, Council already seems, tC), from St. Peter's basilica. The "We always ,were under the the bishops just dictatini,to the ean thus accommodate large or ,have' been ach'ieved: the sepq~,: ,impression that 'Rome' was a fa ithfu!!" . . , chur~h's, pastor, the Rev. Gerald small groups. The result is that rated brethren have come nearer Kiss~lCk, is, himself a Council "Now we can see that we were at times large, seminar-like observer. mistaken, 'for the' debates we to the church than ever before. ~,' groups gather in the college for ,This does not mean that they witness in the great hall of St. discu'ssions about matters dealPeter certainly are as' free' and wi,ll be united with the Holy See. : ing with the Council. unimpeded as one could wish." ", ' Many of the U. S. cardinals But they have gained important new perspectives which will help " ROME (NC)-The ,chief prab_ , and' bishops are alumni of the North American Colleg~ but "them come closer to'Catholic 'lem before the Ecumenical Refuge From Debate~' lived'in the college building 10- Christianity arid ~promote more ,Co'uncil, in the field of the liturgy is how to make the VATICAN CITY (NC) - A _ eatl:id' on Humility Street---.:.the intimate contacts, betWeen Christiim faiths. Church's worship an organic elesmall coffee shop hidden behind ' "Old College." The present im"To us,"" said an official coun_ ment in the life of the Christian, the grandstands in St. .Peter's posing building was completed nine years ago and the "Old,' cil observer of Ii major Protest- according to ,a church spokes- basilica ,has become a refuge for, those trying to escape the daily man here. College" has been completely ant denomination here, "it "is a Rev. Hermann' Schmid.t, S.J., grind of Council debates. renovated, serving as a house of revelation to find so much freesaid: "The liturgical problem is An "espresso" or a "capuccino" graduate studies for American CHARlES F. VARGAS l ' ' . " none other than application of relieves the mind quickly of the priests. 254 ROCKDALE AVENUI Recorder Operators a more general problem, namely pressure'the bishops are under. NEW BEDfORD, MASS. the place of the church -in the ,. It is no mean task to follow the Cic~ro Didn't Allow Don't Know Latin '~odern world." proceedings for three or four VATICAN CITY (NC)-Vati- , Father Schmidt, a professor at hours at a stretch, especially For British Accent VATICAN CITY (NC)-The can engineers in charge of tape ,the Gregorian University here, since all the speeches are in , use of Latin as the only official recording council proceedings served as a consultant to the L a t i n . ' are said to have been selected on 'Council's preparatory commis-" ,langullge at the Vatican Council has its problems for the Council the strength of their knowing as sion on the liturgy. little Latin as possible. Fathers. ,: Father Schmidt said: "The "Deaf-mutes would be best for fathers will decide whether it is All the fathers have a good this job," quipped one Vatican true that the Roman liturgy is knowledge of Latin, but it is Maintenance Supplies still difficult to converse ,in official. far removed from the faithful. SWEEPERS ~ SOAPS Cicero's tongue. Different proThe 'reason is that the oper- The question for them to answer nunciations add to the difficulty ators are not supposed to eavesDISINFECTAN'1TS is whether the texts and rites of debating in a rarely used drop on the debates. should be changed so as to exFIRE EXTINGUISHERS tongue. The Americans are not To make sure the council recpress more clearly the divine easily understood by the Italians ord is complete, '3: team of 43 things which they signify, and so and the French have an even .seminarians specially trained in that the faithful, as far as' posharder. time getting past the Latin shorthand by a German sible, may easily understand PURCHASE ST. British accent. specialist works in shifts to take , "them, and thus pave the way to NEW BEDFORD So far, only one Council down every word said in the full, active and community parWY 3-3716 Father has spoken in a modern debates. ticipation." language in the debates. Mel"; kite Rite Patriarch Maximos IV Saigh: of Antioch spoke in ON CAPE COD French and no one objected.
Observers Pleased at Free Debate at Vatican Council
,Grapp'ling. With ,Wors,hip', Issue
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Cu'rbs on Speeches VATICAN CITY (NC) - A new r~ling has been adopted 'to help shorten debates at the Ecu_ menical Council. . According to the new regulation, spokesmen will be' assigned to present the views of groups of Council Fathers holding iden- ' tical' or similar opinions on matters under discUSslOn.
Russian Orthodox Observers Trailed by Kremlin Shadow· VATICAN CITY (NC)-Two bearded men in long black robes walk up to the bronze door of .' . St. Peter's basilica. They stand out among the large crowd of Council Fathers about to enter. Their tall, black head-dress shows them to be of of the Orthodox Church. The taller one wears a' pectoral cross They have a friendly smile on their faces, but seem reticent, reserved, aloof. . With them is their "shadow," a layman who follows them up to the entrance where only Council Fathers at:e allowed to
Ascertain Creed Of Non-Catholic LONDON (NC) -.:... Catholics can best help arid know non-Catholics if they take, the trouble to find. out what they believe and why they believe it Archbishop John Heenan of Liverpool said here. Archbishop Heenan, chairman of the English Hierarchy's Unity Committee, was summing up a series of articles in the Universe, national Catholic newspaper, in which leading spokesmen of the major non-Catholic Christian' churches explained their beliefs and attitude towards unity. Archbishop Heenan said in the weekly: . "There can be no doubt that some Catholics regard the whole question of Christian unity with the utmost reserve. They fea~ that other and more simple Catholics may be misled by all this talk of coming closer together. Lacking a deep an<~ sound knowledge of the Faith they may be tempted to imagine that differences of religious' conviction no longer matter. "This coming together of Christians of every kind is in the first place an exercise of charity. It is also the result of improved education. "The stage we have now reached on the road to Christian unity is much more like a halfway house than the end of 8 journey. We have re.ached a stage where ~e can discuss our differences in charity and peace.' The importance of' this' phase is that we are able both to spread the knowledge of Catholic truth and to correct the false notions we ourselves may have about the bel,iefs of non-Catholics •••N
pass. He withdraws once the two priests have gone inside. Hardly has the session come to a close when he makes his appearance again. The two priests walk up to him and he goes along with them, with a grim face. Never, even for a moment, does he take his eyes off. them. All day long he is there: the long arm of Moscow. The two official observers of the Russian Orthodox Church at the Council are Archpriest Vitali Borovoy a member of the faculty. of th~ Orthodox seminary at Leningrad, now delegate of his church to the World Council of Churches, and. Archiman~ drite Vladimir Kotliarov, deputy chief of the Russian Orthodox . mission in Jerusalem. Both live at a hotel together with their "shadow" where other non-Catholic observers of the Council also are quartered. But' they do not mingle freely. At meal time they have' their own table. They remain apart from other observers. When there are official receptions, they attend, but when they are ovcr, they go their own' way, with the "shadow" always at their' heels.. The sympathies of almost 'everybody is with these two priests, who converse with those ,who don't speak Russian in a. halting English. Everybody is aware of the delicacy of their 'position. Nobody wishes to embarrass them. Therefore no questions are asked which they would be unable, or unwilling' to answer.. For the "shadow" always is there. The shadow of . ,Moscow.
Poles Hold Prayer Vigils For ·Council, V A TIC A N CITY (NC)Prayer vigils have joined all the people of Poland with the work of the Ecumenical Council, Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski, Pri,;. mate of Poland, has declared. Cardinal Wyszynski said in an article in the Vatican City daily, L'Osservatore Romano: "Our eyes look toward Rome, a prayer . on the lips, 'while our serene. soul' places all its trust in the head" of 'the Church and in the council fathers." The 'Cardinal noted that "not all the Polish Bishops have been able :to take part in the council. Out of 65, only 17 have arrived in Rome so far. We hope that others will yet arrive."
THE ANCHOR- . Thurs., Nov. 8, 1962
Stre~!S Va~~es,
Not C[)l)@OTl@es Says ~rr®~@U'e ROME (NC) - The important thing in liturgical matters "is not to empha. size change, but rather to
PLAY VITAL ROLE: Seminarians from the various colIeges and seminaries in Rome are capably carrying out several important assignments in connection with-the proceedings of the Second Vati~an. Council. Here seminarians from the Urban ColIege for the Propagation of the Faith count balIots cast for Council Fathers chosen to sit on the ten commissions Of the Council. NC Photo.
Council Fathers C~ngratulate. Pope on EI'ection ·Anniversary F~thers, gathered together here, humbly but with intense fervor raise our prayers that Almighty God, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin and of her chaste spouse St. Joseph, patron of the Ecumenical Council, may preserve you for a long time, our most blessed .and gracious Father and Vicar of Christ, and assist the work of the Council, which be~an so happily, in order that It may contmue to be fruitful and may achiev:e the hoped ~or success accordmg to your WIshes. "For this purpose may we be helped by your apostolic benediction which we implore with profound veneration gathered VATICAN CITY (NC)-Cost closely around' your ,I chair of . of. the gra-ndstands and technical, truth;" . facilities of the Second Vatican Council comes to about $5 mil· lion, according to Auxiliary Bishop Walter Kampe of Limburg, Germany, 'at a conference here.' , The various national hierarchries, particularly from Ger. many an'd'the U. S., have made contributions to His Holiness Pope John XXIII to defray Council expenses and to help bishops from mission areas Whose' funds are limited. Some of them able'to raise just enough cash for a one-way ticket and are counting on the charity of their fellow bishops for the fare . back home.
'VATICAN .CITY. (NC) -The Fathers of the Ecumenical Coun:cil congratulated Pope John on the fourth anniversary of his election to. the pa~acy.· They. offered their congratulations in a telegram drafted . before the adjournment of the . eighth general meeting. The 'text . of. the telegram read: "On the occasion of the most happy day when' the Catholic world commemorates the ascent of Your Holiness to the Supreme Pontificate, we, the Council
Council Facilities Cost $5 Million
emphasize a deeper appreciation of liturgical values," an Amer'jcan prelate said here. "The goal of tbe liturgical movement in the U.S. is to I{et Catholics to rethink their whole life of worship," Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan of Atlanta told a press conference, The al"chbishop is a member of the Ecumenical Council's Commission on the Sacred Liturgy. Archbishop Hallinan, who spoke on the status of the liturgical movement in the U. S., said the aim of the U. S. bishops is to help their people to understand better "that the mass and the sacraments are pUblic, social and partake of the community." He said this understanding would serve as an effective curb to what he called "the excessive individualism of our modern society." Asked if the use of the vernacular would promote this understanding, the archbishop replied: "I believe a wider use of the vernacular in the early Pdl"t of the mass will make for better participation of the people and will better prepare them for the Sacrifice that follows." He added that there is also room for more use of the vernacular in rites connected witb the administration of sacraments.
Script Writers ROME (NG) - Some of the world's top authors have been asked to help write the script of a color' documentary film on th,e Ecumenical Council being made by the Italian movie company, Luce. They include Francois Mauriac and Henri Daniel-Rops of France, Graham Greene, T. S. Eliot, Bruce Marshall and Christopher Fry of Britain, and Msgr. Romano Guardini of Germany.
More and more buyers
Encouraging Sign AUCKLAND (NC) - Anglican Archbishop N. A. Lesser of New Zealand has called the Vatican Council "an encouraging sign of the times."
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NEW MISSALS FROM U.S~: Paolo Cardinal Marella, Archpriest of the Vatican Basilica, examines one of the 50 mew' missals donated to St. Peter's by Feehan High School students and other American donors. Assisting the Cardinal is Msgr. Luigi Ligutti, director of the International Affairs Office of the National Rural Life Conference who Illuggested the replacement of the Missals in a U.s. newspaper article. NC Pho1;Q. ~
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Sqys· ,Mtmgnitudeof Councii Tasks ~<emands Greatness
'By Most Rev. Fultolll I. Sheen, D.D~ Our Lord once bade us: "Make to yourselves friends of the of, iniquity.'" Mammon, means .money or riches. As ·Our LOrd was speaking to those 'who had made their ·money unjustly, he calls it, in ~his case, "the mammon of iniquity."
By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D. D. Bishop of Reno'
As theg~eat Council settles down to the orderly routine of its sessions, it is timely and just to pay tribute to the extraordinary foresight. which went into the preparation . of its physical mechanics; so to speak. Few assemblies' so vast and so heterogeneous,. exasperating it could be, not meeting regularly as forHow example, for' a Bishop from congress or parliament, can Tierra del Fuego to formulate, have been provided with in Latin, the information that
On the other hand, Our Blessed Lord did not condemn money, but rather' said: "My counsel to you Is, make use d your base wealth to win yourselves friends who, when you leave it behind, will welcome you into eternal habitations." Who . are the friends to whom Our !Lord Is alluding? The poor, the weak, the suffering! Bow will they ~e able to receive us into Heaven? By acting as our defense attorneyS, our protectors, our intercessors, who will plead for our souls at death before the throne' of God!
facilities as adequate. It is not his pen has run out of ink or that PEACE A WAR D: First only that each Bishop has his he has broken the lead of his woman ever to receive the seat, reasonapencil. Does the verb expressing St. Francis Peace Medal of bly comfortable need take the dative, the accusathe National Third Order tive, or the ablative? eve n for the We remember approaching a wealthy more protracted No Bishop wants to make a Foundation .is Mrs. Lester but hardened sinner on his deathbed. fool of himself. publicly, espe- . Auberlin, of Detroit. She Nothing could move him until we told him ceremonies and cially before a seminarian, and was cited for her work with that he was bankrupt. He immediately sessions, but hours could be wasted 'in fruitthat the public Medical Relief, an or- thought of financial bankruptcy. Having less searching of the failing. World address system .. h f d' been assured that he was spiritually bankrupt and had no 'merit, memory. But as things are, all gamzatIon s e ounde operating in St. In he tUrned to God! The' tragedy is that he' waited so long to turn 'he has to do is address the re- 1953 to provide medical sup- to God, for the rich, in a certain sense, have a great advantage Peter's is as quest in sparkling Tierra del plies to orphanages, hospi. . over the' poor, who must be patient with their crosses. 'The rich fine as the writFuegan to the nearest bright tals and missionaries over- I can use their money to make some very wise investments for the er has ever youth, and all is understood. heard. If his ear seas. Kingdom of God. Difference in Dress were attuned to .. capture the subtle. nuances of The Uniate Orientals present We would advise you now, and also In your. will, to ma~e the Latinity which flows over at the Council provide the great.;· . friends in 'Africa, Asia; Oceania and Latin America. Then. l\\~ the heads of the Fathers he est interest, so far as ceremonial. the moment of your death, black hands, yellow hands, red ballulfl would have a field-day which dress is co.ncerned. Whereas the' Continued fro~ Page One, . and white bands will' be lifted up to .plead for your salvatftoD. might be the envy of Professor hierarchy of the West wears the Write to us .. full' our pamphlets on wills and annuitles-thev "EnI'Y 'Iggins.· The fault is not. same garb, save for minute' dif- have been treated since they will tell you how to leave money to the Vicar of Christ at tba -in', the· P..A.system, but in, the ferences of color or the amount arrived in Rome." The Pope addressed them not moment of. your death; In the' meantime, place a .coin' a day In of lace on the rochet, the Orien,;, grossness of the auricular. _Modern· Acoustics tals seem to encourage a bewild. from a throne but from. a' chair· a cup'and, at Christmas time, Send it to the Holy Father throliglln like theirs, he Sllid, and "did not his SOOiety .for the Propagation of the Faith. Thank you! Here again, comparison with ering variety~ --Even 'those of the Same na- identify himself with the church the First Vatican Council is in- . GOD LOVE YOU to V.M:V. for $40 "In thanksgiving to God evitabie. It was much more haptional or ritual. group 'and of in such a way as to' suggest .' for good ,health and a' good job, I am sending part of my monthly h~zardlY arranged, we are told- . .identical rank, display consider'- papal infallibility. '''The Protestant observers - Pl!y check to be' used for pOor 'people throughout the Missions." and the telling is confirmed. by. able differences, which, 'as one the' prints and photos-in the less wise, one is tempted to put were, requested to state those' ... ;to Anonymous for $10: "Next week I am entering the convent. rigM transept, and the acoustics down' to the score of individual things which they dislike about: To thank God 'for my voCation 'and to enable others to taste of .the Roman church so that'these His Love, I want the Missions to have this' offering." . . . to Mrs. preference. must have been deplorable. Practically' all the accounts re.- . True enough, they have been criticisms could 'be ,considered M:M. for $15 "To help feed 'the poor of -the world." • . . to peat the complaint that Ule heard to criticize us for over- by the. Secretariat for Christian K.S. for $1 "1 am eight· years Qld and my mother let me take some money from the bank. 1 decided to give it to the Missions, speakers could not be heard or . conformity,. though it woUld be Unity." Secret Plans although 1 did want' to put' it' toward a camera." a horrendous prospect. if· every und~rstood, though it was .a day Also .significant, . he' said, is of mighty voices inured to vast Bishop in the Church were al- . lowed to let fancy dictate in this that . Protestants "were ,given empty spaces. copies of the highly secret ·plan If the celebrated Spanish prel - . delicate' field. Solve youi-dft problems with OUR LADY OF TELEVISION of procedure for the council'" Value of English , ate who set the marathon record statues, . now available in sizes. An ll-Inch figure ofl It is entirely possible that· and that ''Pope John's opening of over four' hours for his ser:':' ' Maciorina and C~ild,. eonstru~ted ot· onbreakablewblte plastic mon in defence of Infallibility English is the tongue most com- sermon said little about· Mary . with gold-colored ~ross ~d !ialo, reminds us that as' Mary gc.V0 w;as suffered to go the. end, monly understood by the Bishops . and much about theMaster."· the Divine Word to the world,' So television projects the bumao "Another sign that the Holy ftIDay be suspected .that: t"e. attending the Council. This does word. A 4.;.inch modei with black suction cup 'base Is ideal 'fo:l" Fafh~s - most of them ~ ~ere' , not m,ean that English is the Spirit continues to move· 'this' use- III. autos. Send .your requeSt and: an offering of $3 (ll-Ineb)"using 'the time' to ¢atch' up Qn. native language . of Ii, mapority, council," he said,' is that 'it is or'$1 ('I-inch) to The Socie,tt (or the Propagation ot'theFantbo' s l e e p . . · . · · · · , : ' but that by this time it is well to"~"c(mtrolled by all council· . 366 Fifth AveDue. New York"I,' New York. . ' . .. . . . ... 'I' .It is not only happier ~hin~ipg . OD hs way' to SUPPlanting French.. Fathers, not only' thOse of the' I but' 'sheer neeessitywhich has as the lingua franca of the world. Roman Curia. imposed a 10-minute limit' on Most missioriaryBishops have Cut out this COlUmn,: pht YOUr sacrifice' to it and mail UtO t~ any Father who wishes to speak' found it a practical necessity to Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Society 201l' National Hierarchiesto'the question. " ' acquire some facility in it, and the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y.. , Perfect Transmission it is instructive to hear, walking Sponsor Briefings or' your Diocesan' Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, But in regard to the electron- in a casual group, the, frequency VATICAN CITY (NC)-The 368 i'lorth Main Street, Fall River, Mass. ics of sound produ~tion, it does. and fluency with which English seem' as though Europe is miles is spoken by men of the most various, national hierarchies YOURS TO LOVE AND TOGIVEI, and' years ahead of the United. diverse national and racial have set up their own publicity workships to give information States. It is still more remark': backgrounds. the life of o DAUGHTER OF ST. PAUL Lo""God _ , cmd gi". to lOuis lmawlecfp cmcr 10". of able than ordinary for an Amer_' Here again a sharp difference to the press and other communi. God by serving Him ill 0 MiUi_ which uses the iean church to have an entireiy between the two C ou n c i I s cations media. Press. aadia. Motion Pictures and tv, to brilllt The Germans were first with . adequate loud speaking system. emerges: in 1870 French held the Ills Wcmt to _Is .v.rywh..... Zoalaua young Such, at least, is an impres- field beyond dispute, and Eng. the announcement of Ii weekly girls. t4-U yeorI inter.sted lit Ifris IIIII~ The American, sion built on the sad experience lish, in the Universal Church, .conference. Apostolafa mQ write to, of trying to catch the substance was the tongue of a small minor- French, Dutch and Italian groups • RlVOEND MOTHER SUPERIOR ha'vebriefings at regular inter. of innumerable sermons in inity. DAUGHTERS Of St. PAUl The American setup is the vats. numerable fanes. In contrast, EnormousBocI7 SO ST. PAUL'S AYE. IOStON 10. MASS. .many even of the older European With all theSe amenities and most elaborate with a group of churches, including the Gothic correspondences with the spirit 12 experts. Exchanges at these briefings Cathedrals of the North, have of the times, it is still an overhad installed excellent systems, whelming task to weld. can as- .have become so lively on occa- • sioll thafthe briefings have been' which, . like the· one working in' semblage of 2500 men into a St. Peter's,. transmit the voice working and proqucing. organ- termed "the little council." . as perleetlyas might be wished. ization. ., Whether European congregations At the fart~est'remove,from a are better listeners as a result congress of political figUres, not the writer deponeth not. . . ' to. speak of dummies for Soviet Guards Salute wiridow-dressmg, it' remains an At the Council the Swiss enormous body. Guards are much in' evidence. The magnitude of the tasks It is still just a bit unnerving to before it demand greatnl;lss. ems SERVICE 'be saluted with such stately ceremony, with such military. ,O.ISTRIBUTORS UNION WHARF, FAIRHAVEN Father Peyton Plans clicking of heels and fearsome display of halberds, when all Gasoline one is doing is peaceably walk- Crus~dein \Brazil RIO DE JANEIRO (NC) - A An Attradive Community of Modem ing through the Bronze Doors. Fuel and Range A fugitive' thought occurs that five-week Family Rosary CruRental Apartments sade that is expected to close it would be right and proper to have counterparts of these same with a -rally of a -miJlionpeople guards back at home, say in the has .been organized here. ' All advantages of city living in the Oil BURNERS Father Patrick' J. 'Peyton, Chancery Office. " countryside . The purpose might be to iM- C.S.C., founder and director of SlIawomet Ganrens Is ClIImlnleDtlr lllcated aear Illl:J G. E. BOILER BURNER UNITS ., lines and four cbarcbes. with a cfellglltful view QYlll. . press all and sundry with Epis- ' the Family' Rosary Crusade, 10000Ing, the distant TlIlIIItoD 81m• presided at 'a meeting of the .coual JfYlnortance. But the TIlo Rentals at Slmwomet Gardens (WIth new 12 CIL flo For prompt delivery thought has flown already. - _clergy which drew up plans for refrlgeratar ami Dew 14" automatic 181 range. lueluded) are -en., Language· Experts the crusade iil the parishes of &D.ay& Night· Service ·.~aMnioms $80.00 monthly-3\oi' rm. apt. Serving the more, practical' the former Brazilian capital. • Heat - Hot water - Rural Bottled Gas S.A'ice $88~OO monthly-4~ rm. apt. function of attending on the The crusade will include four SlIoafd lte lIIIIIe It lIIawDlll8t ....... Bishops; collecting the votes and weeks of preaching in- the par• janitor Sorvlc:l Dr IIlaDb IiIaJ lie olIta11llll _ malL 6) COHANNET .ST• .r distributing the various docuis~es 'on the family's value and • IndIvIdual '. 102 SHAWOMET AVENUE 11Iermostat TAUNTON ments needed, are varieties of its ability to renew society. The (off ~ Street)-RCMIflI , _ seminarianS,' selected. with an fifth week will be devoted to re. Attleboro - No. Attl.boro • Master 1V .1lItellnn SOMERSET CEN11II, MASS. eye and ear to their ab~Ut¥ to cruiting families to pledge daiJ7 Taunton ,..~ ~ • ~ llilplo speak the various languaii"'9 recitation of the Rosa17.
& SON, Inc.
Maclean's Sea Foods
Shawomet Gardens
.Answer . to. Adult 'Skepticis"m 'Found -,'
Thurs., Nov. 8, 1962
In Volunteer Yout~ Work in Homes, Hospitals, Convalescent Homes
Catha'ics to Use Tax-Paid Buses
By Clement J'. Dowling
"I think the youngsters of today are more selfcentered and entertainment-happy than ever before. They really are getting soft and. more .sE!lfisli with their time and energy". An adult discussion of Catholic Youth Week, its aims and accomplishments, prompted the above center for catechetically-minded statement from one who vounteers. Following the lead of the Apostles the Mount schoseemingly knows American lars find the work rewarding
UPPER MARLB ORO (NC) - The Prince Georges County School Board has agreed to permit 21 Catholic
Youth from first-hand analysis . and challenging. - Additionally. and contact. Opposing view- other "Mounties" provide volunpoints brought the rejoinder teer workers for St. Anne's hos"Prove it to me!" pital, aiding the nurses in 'their With puzzled feelings this routine duties. They are part observer set out to find what of an active Junior Red Cross Catholic teen-agers in Our 12 Chapter. diocesan high schools do with Spiritual life in the diocesan' their spare time. The results indicate that both sets of adults high schools finds needed disare correct, but that the skeptics cussion and' i '0 SP ira t ion in Sodality activities. The virtue are more wrong than right. of Christian charity is enBesides voluntarily and en- hanced in i '0 d i v i d u a I sand YOUNG JOURNALISTS: Dorothy Coderra, John joyably helping parents, friends, groups. Prayer is still considered and relatives with household the most powerful weapon for Robertson and Paul McGowan are among journalism stuand baby-sitting chores, in- achieving social and individual dents who issue newspaper at Bishop Feehan High School, vestigation finds many young- justice. Attleboro. sters engaged in helpful aid to At Dominican Academy an innumerous people, some of whom they aid directly, others through ter-student prayer campaign is Sacred Hearts Academy. Sr. dent of his school's Science Club national and inter-national or- under way. Each month each Mary 'Hortense has an original and has won numerous scholasstudent has one girl in the high ballad project going for her tic awards, including second ganizations. school to pray for and a patron Juniors which includes the col- place prize at the New Bedford Old .folks are constantly remembered by young folks. The saint to invoke. Thus students lection of old and 路new ballads Science Fair in 1961, third prize girls of Jesus-Mary Academy help one an 0 the r through and ballad r e cor d s. Sister at the Massachusettes State prayer, get to know one another Stephan Dolores has her Seniors Science Fair and United States, and Sacred Hearts Academy in Fall River are aware of the tre- better and develop through absorbed in printing. a mimeo- Air Force certificate of scientimondous good to be accom..; study a greater knowledge of graphed newspaper with all the fic' achievement. He is also a . articles pertaining to the novel member of 'the National Honor plished -at the CathoHc Memorial the saints. The cOl'poral and spiritual - "The' Tale of Two Cities". All Society for superior academic Home. The J.M.A; girls spend hours each week at the Home works of mercy are not confined Aspects of the book are covered achievement. The purpose of the' Chica,go in their brown and white Ca-r- to female activity. Catechetical such as the death of Madame melette uniforms. Serving on work is also a domain of the Defarge or an advertisement conference is to present to a group of the nation's most able tables, cleaning, writing letters, boys. Girls apparently are more for her husband's wine shop. News of the week includes the high school science students and shopping-all a-re helpfUl. The inclined by nature to helping S.H.A. Sodality Is planning on others but hundreds of young preparation of Mount girls for teachers an authoritative and sending its choral group to men are quietly injecting life the annual CYO penny sale inspirin$ picture of the promise C.M.H. to entertain the senior into the Mystical Body of Christ where they hope to get expense of the peaceful atom in its varicitizens with Christmas Carols, through prayer and activity. money for forensic workshops ous applications and to help adand will remember General Examples are Michael Etu of and tournaments; the prepara~ vance interest in the study of Hospital patients with Christmas, Dartmouth and Stang High who tion of St. Anthony's Commer- science in the United States.' spends his summer helping at cial CluQ for field trips to the While there the group will see cards. the Spanish Speaking Center in automated post office and the Cuban refugees living at St. the South End of New Bedford. Comptometer School in Provi. many exhibits including I the Mary's Home are feeling more Painting and laying floors elle dence; the annual Book Fair at Museum of Science and IndUStry in Chicago and the world at home and more secure at the some of his strong point.9. Stang which featured .paperback famous Argonne National Labresult' of weekly visits from the Other Stang stars include copies of exceptional and im- oratory. seniors of st. Anthony High. James Donnelly, SS. Peter and portant works of fiction, bioCongratulations are in order The New Bedfordites not only bring sunshine, happiness and Paul Parish in Fall River, and graphies, science and math for Monica Mercier and Richard Roger Morris, St. Patrick's in texts, religion, plays, essays Chouinard, .new officers of Dosmiles but also little gUts such minican's Student Council. At as ball-point pens, home-cooked Somerset, who hold weekly and dictiona-ries. Altar Boy classes in theIr reOver at Sacred Hearts in Fall St. Anthony High classmates pastries, etc. Every Saturday moming Our spective parishes. 'William RouB- River a ceremony which has ac- confidence is placed in newlyLady's Haven in Fairhaven looks seau is pianist for the Fall River quired formal popularity takes elected officers Norman Meny, forward to volunteer workers . Glee Club and the Immaculate place as Chaplain Father JOM Cecile Guimon, Linda Lumifrom Bishop Stang High. Patricia Conception Boys Choir of Fall Hackett presides over the an- niello and' Dennis Lambalot. Thornton, Patrioia Lussier, Ma-r- River. Richard Burke gives nual ring bestowal. At S.H.A. More new officers receiving best cella Augustyn and Barbara swimming lessons in New Bed- the affair takes place at night wishes 'from their friends at Ponte keep busy making beds, ford and also serves in the with seniors placing the class S. A. - are Denise Bellefeuille, rings on the Juniors as invited Diane Marchessault, Constance sewing, typing, c I e a '0 i '0 g, capacity of life guard. look on. A tea follows Sauve, and Lorraine Nadeau of working in the kitchen, taking , Not to be forgotten in the parents the ceremony. . residents for walks or rides in work of Stangsters Marc BerNames in the news this week the Commercial Club. wheel chairs, helping in the in- geron of Sacred Heart, Cecilia are topped by that of Arthur L. firmary, or running' errands. Medeiros of Our Lady of Mt. L 1 sf eur of Holy Family High. Lynne Lawrence, Mary Good- Carmel, Leslia Devlin of St. He has been selected as one of fellow and Elizabeth Reddy, all Mary's, Laura Houghton of St. the four top science students in of New Bedford and Stang, do Anne's, and Judy Myers and the Greater New Bedford area. the same type of work on Fri- Gail Taber of St. Kilian's, All Arthur and his co-winners are day nights at St. Luke's Hos- New Bedfordites, they teach in Chicago this week for the pital. Catechism in their parishes un- fourth annual Youth Conference Cutting, rolling and packaging der the C.C.D., as well as aiding on the Atom, with all expenses bandages to send to missions in the Girl Scout program weekly. paid by the New Bedofrd Gas Meanwhile other school ac- and ,Edison Light Company. Sr. the U.S. and oversees absorbs the time and energy of the Mis- Uvities are humming. Up at 'M. Charles Francis, . R.S.M., sion Club of Holy Family High Taunton's Coyle High the band . teacher of chemistry and phyin New Bedford. In addition, is strutting along in true Coyle . sics at Holy Family, has aceom. religious literature and articles .fashion and planning for the an. panied the group. Arthur Lafleur is vice-presisuch as prayer books, missals nual concerts at Christmas and路 and rosaries are collected and Easter; the Glee Club trains for . mailed to people without the Christmas and Easter concerts means to purchase anything but as well as perfecting their Complefe bare necessities of life. The singing for the monthly First Sodality members at H.F. also Friday Masses; and the Debating visit neighboring rest homes Club, hurt by the loss of most weekly and are now planning of last year's varsity members; to make up Christmas baskets is determinedly organizing and planning strategy for the N arfor the elderly. Teaching Catechism to grade ragansett League competition for Bristol' County school students is a project of opening in January. "Whatta numerous high-schoolers. Ac- Blast", Coyle student theatre tivity at Fall River's Domini- production is slated for Dec. 2, can Academy include Senior 3, and 4. Brother James Derring Pauline Lepage who is pre- and Robert Antonetti are apparing a group of public school prehensive as usual about the children in St. Anne's Parish final results, but the "actors" Compa'~y for First Communion. Likewise, are confident. Intriguing is the' new rateoJeanne Kirby is doing CatecheTAUNTON, MASs:. tical work with a First Com- meter at st. Anthony High's munion group at St. Michael's reading classes. A device used to parish, Ocean Grove. Mary Lou increase rea din g ability, it THE BANK ON Souza, a junior, gives instruc- measures accurately the number 'lrAIlJNTON GRE~N tions to fifth gnders in Santo of words a student averages per minute. Now everybody wants Christo parish.. lMiember oK lll'edeli'eB 1!)ep@l!llt Girls at Fall River's Mount to know how he or she rates. Bring English classes to life! St. Mary's find' 'Our Lady of bauralllce COll'lIllOratloD Fatima Church in Swansea tho That's the aim d Fall River'D
school pupils to ride tax-paid school buses from which they were removed earlier. Unable to reach a decision in public session, the board after retiring to a closed meeting, an nounced the children will be accommodated by changing soma pick-up points. The Maryland decision appar_ ently settled a dispute which resulted in the halting of a bus ie mid-October by a father of three Catholic school pupils who put his children aboard the vehicle. The bus driver refused to carry the youngsters, saying he lacked authority to do so. Hc emptiea the bus of its passengers-13 in all-and drove tho vehicle off to its parking lot. G
'Excess Baggage' The children are pupils of Sl Mary's grade school in Upper Marlboro. Last year they rode on tax-paid buses from outlying regions to a public grade schooR near their own. But in October, the public school was closed and the grade school bus route discontinued. Parents of the Catholic school children affected by the change asked permission to put their youngsters on a bus heading for a public high school in Upper Marlboro. When their request was unanswered, a father, acting for the parents' group, put his children aboard the bus. At the board meeting, Jerrold' W. Powers, attorney for Cathoiie parents, said the St. Mary'u pupils couid not be relegated to the status of "excess baoggage." Temporary Impasse Eugene R. O'Brien, boanll member, then presenteda. meUon that the bus service bo granted. When it failed for lack, of a seconding motion, he intro..路 duced another motion to deny the bus rides. This too failed f62' lack of a second. At this impasse, Paul IifL Nussbaum, board attorney, reo. quested the closed session. County buses already transport, between 200 and 400 Cath~ olic school pupils daily who ride along established routes to the public school nearest theilr own school.
fOOD BUrl.
Bristol County Trust
../{Qualtty ..Allttk
,a.od DA!RY
AN.~HOR-Di~se '~'.
.' ,
of.FoIiRiver-Thurs., Nov. 8,1962 '
., ' . ~ " ; -~
.... ' '..
'Parochial Schools: Extend" Libraries
Nigerian Author Expla'ins Black, Muslim Movement , By Rev.
Andrew ,M~ .
G~I~Y, . .t.
" , Msgr. ,George G. BIggins hU' been ,appOinted to aSsJst:tbe , work of the Second Vatican Council and has, asked Fr. Andrew 'M. Greeley to write this coillmn while he is in Rome. Fr. Greeley is well qualified. Be has a doctorate ,In soeiology from the University of Chicago and is theantbor of' three books: "The ' Church and the Suburbs"; "Strangers 'In 'the' BoUse"; and "ReU,glon and the College Graduate."" Be haS' also written well over 50 magazine articles. At the preSent tlDi~; among manyotlller , duties, Fr. Greeley' is ,editor' of' Apostoiat0 (Catholic Action Journal). '
'Over two decades ago ~ large, American foundation decided to commission an intensive study' of the race' problem in the United States; Among its problems was the ,fear that no, American coul~, b~, suffic~ently' iJ,Ilpartialto make an objective study of . , ' , ' ',. the condition of the Ameri- ha~e ~lf-respect and pride' in " N 'So '' thell' blackness. , ean egro., a young' ThuS Essien-Udof contends ,; Swedish soc i a 1 scientist that the' Black Supremacy thoo(Gunnar Myrdal) was chosen to r:ies and the eschatological theo,make the study of "The Ameri- logy of the Muslims must, be ean Dilemma." seen not so much as, an incite-, (A rather unment to violence (the Muslims" popula,r book in in fact insist on non violence in 'certain sections their :nembers) but rather as 'of the country ,a means of promoting pride and since i~ was self-respect among members. ,footnoted in Sense of importance the 1954 SuThe response the Muslims prem~' C 0 u r t have awakened would indicate school desegrethat a fair number of relatively gation case.) , uneducated lower class Negroes A ,much more are looking for an organization recent ' b QO k ' which will give them'a sense of makes it clear - belonging; a sense of impo,rtance, that foreigners may ,still be the a sense of mission, a pride in m<lst ,perceptive commentators : what' they are. .on tlie American race situation. The Muslims may not, in the, We hear much about the goals , long run, have enough organizaend significance of the Black ,tiona! sophistication to sustain' Muslim movement, but for a ,this need of the lower class definitive study of this faseiNegroes; but if they don't it nating group we had to wait for 'seems_reasonable to suspect that the work of a Nigerian. ' some other 'organization 'will. Basic Appeal Slavery not only destroyed "Black Nationalism," by E.U. N,egro traditions, Negro family Essien-Udom, makes all reports life, and Negro organizational on the Muslims by native Amer- : skill; it,also imparted to Negroes ik:ans look weak indeed. The an, inferiority 'complex from author spent two years in con- which few have been able to stant observation of the group 'escape during the last hundred 'and its leaders and analyzes "years of separate but equal, them with multiple skills of ,status, . political science, psychology and The Neg,ro elite in its, attempts sociology. , to ,become as respectable as, , To make the book d,oubly at- possible have, if one 'is to betractive Mr. Essien _ Udom's lieve Essien.,.Udom and ,Franklin li~erary . style .would put, most Frazier, lost contact,with the American scholars to shame,' ,Negro masses. ' , ,'As we, rea~ "IUack Na~iona. ' Important 'Function lism," the main theme of, the ' ,~re were oo",organizations author seems, to be that tile ~ ,in the' Negro commUnity, ";"hich Muslims basic appeal is that played 'the 'r.oie- in': 'the ~ they give the lower class Negro '#ltipii::of neW ":immigrants, , that, who has some aspirations to : .the national" P,ii-ri~~ did' for, ' move up the social ladder a sense let us say;, the 'Polish ' immiof pride' in his own color (or grants; the p3rishes";"ere able' ,blackness to use the word the to help the immigrant 'through Muslims would prefer). his transition to becoming an Goals of, Elite American and yet at the same For all their talk 'about re- time encourage him never to Jecting white culture the Mus- ' be ashamed of being PQlish (or lims actually practi~ a middle Irish or Lithuanian 'or Slovak). class respectability which would . It. i~ preci~ely .this· function of do credit to middle class whites' mstIllIng prIde m what one is, indeed the MUSlim prides him~ ,'so' that one has the emotional self on being more respectable resources to become something than the middle class whrte or more, that the Muslims seem the middle class Negro. flo be ex~rcising. The Muslim has 'in short reEven If we do not Uke the Jected white society's eV~lua- M~slim idool.ogy, we. must ~ rtion of the Negro people 'and mIt that theIr, functI?D is imbas also rejected the Negro ~ortant. Whe~ a ¥uslim says he middle class's sense of inferi- IS proud, of bemgblack he means oiity. it. The goals of the Negro elite Onl>: when most Neg,roes call often seem to have been to be- say thIS and really mean it, will come as much like white people the American race problem be as possible ~ to be completely on its, way to as solution. assimilated in superior white society. Promotes Pride The Muslim replies that he Phar~acy d-oes not want, to be assimilated ~rthur Janson, Reg. Pharm. into white society because it'is an inferior society and he perDIABETIC AND SICK ROOM, sonally is proud of being black. SUPPLIES He further argues that the 204 ASHLEY BOULEVARD reason Neg roe s have often New Bedford seemed so apathetic or indif':' WY 3·8405 ferent is that they have really believed they were inferior and that the only way Negroes will become respectable is' if they
CLEVELAND (NC) - A new library system is quietly growing up in parocliial schools of the Cleveland diocese where it was revealed that 77 of the sys_ tem's 199 schools have their own central libraties. The 77 stock a total of more than 100,000 books.
were established bY' the
PRO, VERNACULAR: Bishop Guillaume van Beck- ' kum S.V.D a Dutch-born inissionary pre I ate from R tId'" . h u eng, non e s 1 a, as spoken out in favor of using local lap.gqages, in the Mass at 'it. Council' press conference., NC ,PHOTO.
All A&P Stores Closed Monday,' Nov. 1-B
In Observance of Veterana Day
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Calo Dog Food SAVB8a 8 l~~~Z too ToUet Tissue ~~~~~e::~~~ 8 ~~~ 89Cl Fab Detl'ergent "8cl~B~:1lL ~~30~ Prlo., shoWn In thl. ad guaranteed tin lat" Nov. 10 .. offecU,o ot ALL A&P SuPClr MarI<OU fo tlil. communltr & ,rolnl"l, ToblClo produots & ItOflll prohlltllld bJ law mrempt fram PlaId Stamp OHlIII.
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,'~ YOU" 0"".'1 rOODS MAlt ,MOT
\IICAIU4"it~ or
NORWICH (NC)--'-Msgr. Terence P. Finnegan, retired Chief of Air Force Chaplains has been appointed by Bishop Vincent J. Hines of this Connecticut diocese as the first full-time direc_ tor of diocesan Catholic charities.
lP'~~m~DI11!9J -1HIl9<afrOInlg Over ,35 Years 'of Satisfied Servico 3C~ NO>. MADINI, $im~1W fail River OS !$-~49~
SUverbrook Butter ~:e~~RY ~~: 69 ,Mott's App!e Sauce 1I~:0 2 21~B~SOll 691 'Tomato Juice (l::~~L~S 3, 1~~S°lt ., Meat Pi es BIRDSIlYIl-SAVIi 270 4 a oz 79;
VATICAN CITY (NC) ~The use of, Latin is on the rise. Some of the advertisers in the Vatican City daily, Osservatore Romano, have started heralding their wares in the ancient Roman language. One of the ads reads: "Automobiles ' novissimae locantur aequis atque apertis condlcioni:' bus," (The newest cars for hire at just, negotiatble rates). A hearing-aid firm ran a "nuntius sU:1'ditate affectis," (an announcement for the hard· of hearing). ,
'Adwell'li'~s@rs US~ l«:11fJ'DIlil
indlvidual parishes and most of them 'areoperatedbyvolUilt~ers fro m Parent-Teacl1er ,units. Many have receiVed organizing help from the Northern-, Ohio unit' of the Catholic Li'br~ry. As. sociation which'in 1960 formed an elementary' 'division 'to help develop'central1zed:&ch'o 0 1 libraries., , " ' ,'
~Rfgrn~ ~rn£~ lHUIlS., PRJ., SAT., NOV. a,9, 10,1962 Il'oBt., Provo
, .
Pontiff To Hear Name Fall River Assumptionist to 'N~w Post , Prelates' Views ',Of .Provincial Director of Education On Canonization ,VATICAN CITY (NCiPope John will hold a consistory Thursday, Nov. 16 to hear the opinions of the cardinals, patriarchs and bishops on the canonizations of four new saints. The causes to' be voted on are those of Blesseds Vincent Pallotti, Peter Julla'n Eymard, Antonio Pucci and Francesco Maria' of Camporosso. A consistory is a formal preliminary to. canonization. The Pope will, deliver an address. Following this, Arcadio Cardinal Larraona, C.M.F., Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of Rites, will read a report on the lives, virtues and miracles of the four blesseds. Then, the prelates will give their opinions on the causes. Blessed V inc 'e n t Pallotti, founder of the Society of flu; Catholic Apostolate, known as the Pallottine Fathers, died in his native Rome at the age of 55 on Jan. 22, 1850, and was beatified 100 years later to the day. The congregation he founded now numbers more than 2,200 members. Congregation Founder Blessed Peter Julian Eyma,rd, founder of the Congregation of the Priests of the Blessed Sacrament and of the Servants (Sisters) of the Blessed Sacrament, was born near Grenoble, France, in 1811 and died in 1868. He was beatified in 1925. Blessed Antonio Pucci was born near Pistoia, Italy, in 1819. He became a priest of the Servite Order, the Servants of Mary. He was beatified in 1952, 60 years after his death. Blessed Francesco Maria, a Capuchin Brother, was born at Camporosso, northern Italy, in 1804 and died in 1866. He was beatified in 1925.
Chaplain Praises Private Schools GRAND RAPIDS (NC) - The Chief of Chaplains of the U.S.' Navy said here that the contributions made by private higher education in the U.S. are the strength of the state. Msgr. (Rear Adm.) George A. Rosse also said that youth in the U.S. must be taught that they have a dual responsibility: to God and to the peoples of the world. He spoke at a civic dinner held in honor of Aquinas College's 40th anniversary. The Monsignor stated that Catholic higher education does not aim at having two independent systems, intellectual and religious, but seeks to develop a Catholic attitude toward life as a whole. ' He also said: "We must teach our young people to believe in the responsibility of one to another; their responsibility to God; to the peoples of the world. Teach them to believe in themselves, to believe in their worth as human beings, to believe in their place in leading the world out of the darkness of oppression."
By Patricia McGowan . Rev.. Vincent R. Dolbee, A.A., Fall River native and former. dean of fac~lty and VIce-presIdent. o~ Ass~.mption College, Worcester,. has been named to the newly-created post of ~r~vmC1al l?Ir~ctor of Education .for his congre~ation. With headquarters at AssumptlO~llS~ ProvmcIal HeadquarteJ.:s in New York. City, Father Dolbec will 'work toward umfymg the educaversity, Notre Dame and Boston tion work of the .congregaCollege. Father DolDec'smaster's tion in the United States, thesis dealt with the influence of France on Matthew Arnold Canada and Mexico. Specifi-
Two Institutes The two institutes have headquarters in Paris, with the Byzantine unit also having centers in Holland and Greece. Top project for this institute is compilation of a bibliography of the numerous publications of members. "A vast number of these publications have been acclaimea as singular and important contributions to the study of Byzantium," state Father Mo. quin. The Augustinian institute aims to study St. Augustine through historical, theological, philosophical, literary and cultural research. It publishes the Review of Augustinian Studies, sponsors conferences and main_ tains an Augustinian' library. Its future plans include publication of many works of St. Augustine, issuance of monographs, and efforts to secure in. ternational collaboration for the Review of Augustinian StUdies.
CHICAGO '(NC) - .Detailed plans for Loyola University's new Stritch School of Medicine and.300-bed University hospital have been announced here. The $21 million center, to be located in Maywood, 111., will be one of the most modern medical training and treatment centers in the nation. The school of medicine is' named for Samuel Cardinal Stritch, Archbishop of Chicago, who died on May 27, 1958. .
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Plans New School of Medidun<e
TIRUVALLA (NC)-A priest of the Syrian Jacobite Church of Malabar has led his own and 91 other families in the hamlet of Kudal here in India into the Catholic Church. The 92 families, consisting of 248 people, were received .in the wake of increased mission activity on the part .of the Malankara Rite Catholic Diocese of Tiruvalla. The former Jacobite priest who is now a Roman Cahtolic is Father Geevarughese Chuttyavattath. His own son, who was among those received, is an ordained deacon.
cese's lay teacher subsidy pro:gram. In return for financial assistance from the diocese to further their college educations, the students-'-26 men and one womanwill teach in diocesan grade schools. Under the program the students will earn two years' college credits at Walsh College. They will then be eligible for cadet teaching licenses. PlanS call for them to continue their study for a bachelor's degree in education at nearby Kent State University. Walsh College was founded here two years ago by the Brothers of Christian Instruction. It has a fulltime male en- ,. rollment of some 225 in freshman through junior years and will add a senior class nexi falL
in Sharon and Boston and received his A.B. degree from Assumption College in 1943. Graduate studies took place at Laval University, Fordham, Boston University, Catholic Uni-
I:-eads 92 Families To Catholic Church
••e II III
CANTON (NC)-Twenty. seven students are attending Walsh College here in Ohio under the Youngstown dio-
Accessories by Cepelia Corp., 5 East 57th St., New York Ci~
The new Director of Education is well-fitted by his background for his specialized task. Born in Fall River in 1921, he attended grade and high schools
Youngstown See Aids in Training Lay T'eachers
Father Dolbec
Asks Nation Pray On Veterans Day WASHINGTON (NC) - The assistant director of the Veterans Administration chaplain service has urged that Veterans Day, November 11, be a day of prayer throughout the nation. Msgr. Joseph W. Hartman said in a special message: "There are many who still carry theh' scars of service in their maimed bodies. For these we must not only give thanks but also our prayers and support. We pray that all those who have served us in our need receive from a merciful God that eternal reward which alone can satisfy the heart of man ... We pray that we may continue to lead the whole world toward true peace, the peace of justice :llor all mankiu'-
and his doctoral dissertation was a critique of T. S. Eliot's notion of culture~ At Assumption College his posts included .chairmanship of the English department, academic dean, first assistant to the president, in addition to his appointments as dean of faculty and vice-president. . He has' been active in the National Catholic Educational Association and in several workshops at Catholic University. He holds membership in many civic and professional organiza_ tions and has contributed to several journals and textbooks in the academic field. Still residing in Fall River are an uncle, Eli Dolbec, and a sister, Mrs. Joseph Janson. Both are members of St. Anne's parish.
cally, 'notes an announcement froin the office ()f A~sumptionist Provincial, Very Rev. Henri J. Moquin, his duties will include promotion of scholarship and research in schools of the communitY and publication of the results of "such work; cooperation with other educationai associations; collaboration with As. sumptionist institutions in ·so countries on the common problems of education; and development of the Institute of Byzan. tine Studies and the Institute of Augustinian Studies.
THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 8, 1962
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P()IJISIIlIl\M The Ham they never hurry! Slow, slow, slow curing makes the differenceI In no other ham will you find such unique DatYml ham flavor. Luscious and tender Polish Ham is fully cooked, ready to eat. There's a convenient size for every family» in cans from 12 lbs. BUi it today.l
THt: ANCHOR-Oiocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 8, 1962
The Bislwps' Annual
Thanksgiving Clothing Collection For The· Needy Overseas
rltis Message is Sponsored By The Following Individuals and Business Concerns ;n Greater Fall River: .
Building MClItl!O'ials, ·Rtnlco
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fal~ Ro"e~ lE~edlToc lIJglh~ C@o @~clbs M<CIlnlUJJ~raic~QJJI1'iIl1lSJ (C@o lJ{Cl>rflV\l~1l1l W~~ell' <C@o M(QlclJ(~mzo~ ~ Worrns~owl ~m:o Mas@1l1l IFQJJll'll1lill'llJJU'~ $!hlcWll'@@fIV\l\li
Moolnl~Y ~ C@o ~ll1lceo li\II~wpoli'll' IFill1lDslhilnl~ 'e@o
P~ymouth PrDII1~iril~ C@oo
Shell'fi'Y Corpo §@IbJ.o~@H SIl'@t6-il~IT$
§1l'~IT~ilnlg lae"elT<CIgsi, ftll\l~o 'ii'~~Il'D~~ WOlTkeU'$ a,lhl'ilo@!Iil of
Continued from Page One
lHI: ANCHOR-.Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 8, 1962
TI rz1
quip, "it will be a real demonstration of divine intervention." Somehow, they seem to be crashing the Traffic Wall with remarkable swiftness. Not SpcctacuBaJi'
Their speed through the Coun_ cil agenda, however, is not quite so spectacular. To date the Council Fathers have covered only about 3% of the total agenda, and even this small section has yet to be voted on, sent to the Committee for decreedrafting, and .finally approved. I.f the Council continues at its present pace, there is no telling how long it will last. There is the distinct possibility, of course, that not all the subjects proposed by the Preparatory Commissions will be discussed during the Second Vatican Council. The opinion is expressed that there will simply not be enough time to treat all the questions advanced in the schema. A more weighty objection comes from the theologians, many of whom hold that there bas not been enough research and development to some of the topics on the agenda, and that it would be better to pass over these for the present, thereby giving them a chanee to fully evolve. Distinct Blessing But if some observers are getting restless with the Council's slow progress, others are viewing it" as a distinct blessing. This latter group reasons thus: each bishop has the right to speak for ten minutes on any issue before the Council;' the exercise of this right is at present leading to a great repetition of ideas; but the hidden advantage is that the bishops are gradually becoming aware of how they stand as individuals and as nations on their commitment to the up-dating of the Church that Pope John has called for. Once the air has been cleared (and the liturgy is an admira'ble agent for doing this), perhaps the future discussions . can be streamlined and the work pushed forward at a faster pace. It comes as no surprise to Catholics that there are many points of view as to how this modernization of the Church should be achieved. The Council is, after all, ecumenical; it repre_ cents the universal church, and the needs of the whole church are many and varied. Because of their backgrounds and local conditions, some bishops feel that they should not move too far or too fast in this work of "renewing the Church." Others, reflecting their local situation and perhaps with an eye to the needs of the Church in the decodes ahead, are calling for farll'caching reforms. Here to Learn It would be wrong at this llhge of the Council, however, to consider the positions of the bishops as fixed and unchangeable. Nothing could be farther from the truth! For the bishops lill"e here to learn as well as to legislate. A recent editorial in The Anchor gave the best analysis of the present picture that has anywhere appeared in print "All these various differences," the editorial commented, "will become more manifest as the Council progresses. This is precisely a purpose of the Council and should not be cause for concern. What better way to acquaint all the bishops of the world with the problems of all than to bring all together in freedom of discussion and sympathetic concern for one' another's challenges?" Hans Kung Father Hans Kung, the renowned German theologian, enlarged upon this theme during a lecture to the American gradu_ ate students in Rome. "Even if this first session should produce few results," Father Kung said, "and even if the Council itsel.f should not achieve the high hopes we have for it-nevertheless much shall still be accomplished. The bishops shall return to their dioceses awake to the
NEW PRESIDENT: Msgr. John Podesta, vice-officialis of the Diocese of Joliet, m., was elected president of the Canon Law Society of America for 1962-63 during the 24th annual convention of the society in D~troit. NC Photo. needs of the universal Church. We have moved so far in the four years since the Council .has been convoked that the Church can never be the same again." A telling example of their "sympathetic concern for one another's challenges" is the frequent contact between small groups of bishops from different nations, and the regular invitations to the scholarly experts to discuss current problems. Liturgical experts such as : dthers Jungmann, Diekmann, and McManus are keeping a busy schedule these days. The work of the Council is, of course, wrapped in official secrecy, and. one can only guess at the real progress being made. Time will give the answer. And from all indications, it is an answer worth waiting for.
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THE: J "ICHOR-'Oioceseof Fall River-,-Thurs.,:Nov. 8,"'1 ~62
The Parish Pa'rade ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA The Women's Guild plalls a Christmas bazaar from 10 to 5 Saturday, Nov. 10 at KC Hall. Handmade items for ·children and adults will be featured and refreshments will be available. Mrs. Hubert Irons, chairman, .will be aided by Mrs, Richard Enos, co-chairman,' Proceeds will benefit parish catechism classes. ST. JOAN OF ARC, ORLEANS The Women's Guild plans a public turkey whist at 8 Thursda"y night, Nov. 15 in the school hall, Bridge Road.
ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NEW BEDFORD A ham, sausage and bean' supper will be served' from 6 to 9 this Saturday night at the Italian Club, 328 Parker Street. Cosponsored by the parish' Ladies League and Confraternity, the event will benefit the church building fund. ST. MARY, , FAIRHAVEN A public penrlY sale is planned for 7:30 this Saturday night at Oxford S c h 0 0 1 Auditorium, Adams Street,' by the Association of the Sacred Hearts. Proceeds will benefit the building fund, announce Mrs. Albert Platt and Mrs. Donald Brazil, 'cochairmen.
'ST. JOHN BAPTIST, NEW BEDFORD ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, The Couples Club has set from HYANNIS 8 to 12 Saturday night, Nov. 24 The Parish Guild has set '7 for a 10th anniversary semi- Tunesday night, Nov. 13 as date formal dance in the Gold Room and time for an auction'to be of the New Bedford Hotel. held in the church hall. Joseph Dias is chairman, aided Mrs: Joseph P. Kennedy, ._ by past presidents. Guests will mother of the President, will , include members of couples' speak at a meeUJ;lg of the,parish dubs in other New Bedford guild set for 8 Thursday night, parishes. . .' , Nov. 15. Mrs. Madeline Manning, Corporate Commumon 18 entertainment, chairman, anplanned for '8:45 Mass S\Jnday 'nounces' that the talk' will inmorning, Nov. 18 and a regular clude a description of Mrs. Kenmeeting wiil be held at 7:30 the 'nedy,'s European travels and asme night in the ~hurch hall that slides will be shown. The meeting will t;ake place in the S~. GEORGE, upper'church hall. Members may WESTPORT bring 'friends and other guests The Women's Guild plans a. al'e also invited. ,. Harvest Frolic for Saturday night, Nov. 10 at Stevenson's SACRED HEART, restaurant. The public is invited. NORTH ATrLEBORO The group will hold a rummage ·Holy Name Society members sale Saturday, Nov. 24 at the will receive corporate Commuu':: Italian-American Club. Donaion at 7 o'clock Mass this Sun-· tions should be brought to the day morning. . elub or the parish hall Friday, ST. JOHN BAPTIST, Nov. 23. .. Next regular meeting is set CENTRAL VILLAGE tor Monday, Nov. 26. Meetings Harold Woodward, Bristol are also being held each Mon- County Extension Agent, will day night in preparation for a address the Women's Guild on' Christmas bazaar<>- to be held uses of greens, particularly at next month. Christmas,' at a meeting to be held at 8 tonight in the church ROCH, hall. All parishioners are welFALL RIVER, ·.A ham and bean supper and come. The unit's regular whist party Christmas bazaar are set for is set for 8 Saturday night, Nov. Saturday, Nov. 1'7. Proceeds will 10, also in the hall. In charge 'are benefit'the rectory fund. Leonel Mrs. Terrence McGlynn and Mrs. Lavoie is chairman. Toby Fleming.
ST. STANISLAUS, FALL :RIVER , The P.T.A. and Alumni Assoeiation will hold a food and eake sale Sunday morning after all the Masses in the school hall. .. Mrs. Albin ,Pikul and Mrs. Joseph Petres are co-chairmen for the cake sale. Heading th~ food table will be Mrs. Sophie Pinkowski and Mrs. Mary Kania. ',The children's table will be in eharge of Miss Pamela Pikul and Miss Janice Stasiowski.
ST. JOSEPH, NORTH DIGHTON Sunday morning, Nov. 11, Holy Name men will receive corporate Communion at 7 o'clock Mass. New members will be received after each Mass that day, and Holy Name buttons 'and, manuals will be distributed. Monday night, Nov. 19 a supper meeting is scheduled at 6:30 in the church hall. A CYO record hop will take place at 8 Wednesday night, Nov. ,21, also in the hall., Weekly meetings of the social activities committee are held in the rectory at 8 Monday nights under direction of William Bleu, chair. man. Fifty turkeys will be given away at a turkey whist announced for' 8 Saturday night, Nov. 17 at St. Joseph's Hall. ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET . A basketball team for boys is in process 'of organization. ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER , St. Anne's Sodality will hold its aIlOual whist party at 8 Saturday night, Nov. 10 in the school hall. Many door prizes will· be awarded. HOLY NAME, NEW BEDFORD The Women's Guild announces a Christmas parlor sale from 1 to 8 Saturday, Nov. 1'7 in the parish, hall. Mrs. Russell, Nelson , is general chairmal}. Booths will inClude. fOOdS, toys, handcraft, Christmas decorations, plants, Children's Corner' and white 'elephant. Next regular guild meeting will 'be Monday, Nov. 26. ST. LOUIS, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will con'duct a two day Rummage Sale ',in the parish hall tomorrow and Saturday. Hours of the sale will be: Friday, from noon'to 4 o'clock and again from 6 to 9 in the eve~ing. Saturday's hours will be from 9 until noon.
ST. KILIAN, NEW BEDFORD Mrs. Edith Gonzales and Mrs. Mary Caron, Co-chairmen, have announced that a turkey whist will, be held Wednesday evening, Nov. 14, 'at 7:30 in the, school hall. Tickets will be on sale at the door. In addition to the regular awards, there will be door prizes.
S'l'. JOSEPH, FALL RIVER CYO juniors will hold a dance 'from 7:30 to 10 tomorrow night in the parish hall. The Women's Guild will have an open meeting at 8 tonight in the school hall. Grace Mitchell will present entertainment. ' SACRED HEART. A Christmas supper and bazaar- NEW BEDFORD Rev. Henri R. Canuel; ,pastor, are in process of organization. Parish basketball teams have presided as -Rev. Joseph L. scheduled practices for -junior Powers, Diocesan Director for and intermediate boys, altar theCCD, installed the officers for IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. boys, and junior and intermedi- the organization. The slate conate girls. sists of the following: Richard BREWSTER, DENNIS CYO· seniors will meet at ., -Nerbonne, president; Mrs. RayThe Women's Guild will hold Sunday.night, Nov. 11 iD the mond Larocque, vice-president; a social at 8 Friday night, Nov. school hall. Mrs. Rita Lefrancois, secretary, W, at Carleton Hall, Dennis. . and Raymond Larocque, treasuCYO officers, including Thomas HOLY NAME, rer. King, president; Frances Swift, FALL RIVER Rev. Lucien Jusseaume was vice-president; William Ferro, The Holy Name Society will appointed spiritual director. secretary; and Thomas Fox, hold its annual Communion . The chairmen of various comtreasurer, met with Rev. Fer- Breakfast on Sunday" Nov. 11. mittees are: Pierre Hebert, nand Langevin, curate, to dis- Members will attend the 8 teachers; Romeo O. Bergeron, cuss coming activiti~s, Members o'clock Mass with breakfast to fishers; Marc' Bergeron, helpwill hold a dance Friday night, follow at 9 A.M. in the school ers; MrS. Harry Kummer, disNov. 23, from 8 to 11, at Our auditorium. Rev. Josep Delaney cussion club; Donald Dufresne, Lady, of the Cape parish hall. of Sacred Heart Church, Taun- parent-teachers; Rene LaFrance, Music will be by the "Corvetts." top, will be the featured sp'eaker. apostles of' good will An installation of new officers ST. JAMES, ST. PATRICK, for the 1962-63 season will be NEW BEDFORD held together with an induction :FALL RIVER ' Members of Msgr. Noon Circle ceremony for new members. A spiritual bouquet assembled will view a style show as part of Anthony D'Ambrosio, president, by the parishioners for Rt. Rev. their regular meeting at 7:45 is in charge of arrangements. Edmund J. Ward, pastor emeriWednesday night, Nov. 14 in the A parish bazaar is planned tUs, wiil be accepted on 'his beparish hall. Miss Delia Dowd from 12 noon to 8 Saturday half at a t.estimonial to be held and Mrs. Lawrence Fay will be night, Nov. 17 in the schOOl auSunday evening, Nov. 11, at '7 fu charge of the social hour. ditorium. Co-sponsored by the o;clock in the school auditorium. Plans will be made for a giant· Holy Name Society and Women's Also to be honored is Rev. penny sale set for 8 Tuesday Guild, the event will feature 'a John P. Cronin, former curate, night, Dec. 4, also in the hali. snack bar and booths with gift and now director of St. Vincent's items, stuffed animais and toys. Home. ST. JOHN'S. Anthony D'Ambrosio and Mrs. All 'parishioners are invited POCASSET Thomas F. Burke are in charge to the program and the social Members of St. John's Ladies of arrangements, aided by a that will follow. iarge committee. . . ~uild vy-ill meet at 7:30 Saturday Serving as chairmen of the night, Nov. 1'7. Mrs. Mary A Mass for deceased members various committees are: Vincent Thomas of Barnstable County of the Women's Guild will be Mannion, William Murray, Mrs. Extension Service will demoncelebrated at 8 Saturday mornNicholas Tyrrell, and Miss Helen strate Christmas gift suggestions. ing, Nov. 10. Buckley.
-t.. \
DIRECTS 'CHOIR: Biil Ventura, tenor 00: the "Sing Along With Mitch"' television program, directs his other' "sing along" gang, the 36 boys and 12 men who make up St. Agnes 8athedral choir in Rockville Center, N.Y. NO Photo.
Lebanon And The Irish Of The East THE MARONITES OF LEBANON ARE NOTED FOR THEIR FAITH. They have always kept in union with the Holy See. The , I!!. t fh late Monsignor Thoinas MoMahon, iii~'b-~'.' ,~~J,.' rector of the Catholie Near East Wei.I'd' 'fare Association loved to refer to ~ .-*. them as the "Irish of the EaSt" for ~ ' ~ this steadfastness in faUh. He wrote • ~ (A pamphlet' on them whloh has been +. + in gred demand over Ute years • • . , In It, he tells the story about their Patriarch, Mar AnthollJ' Peter Arlda, Archbishop of Tripolis, who sold his pectoral cross so that his people might 11Jt Holy Pathtrt'~ Ai4 not starve ••• Today, the poor people . ' of Faouar In TripOUs diocese, are W7for tht Orimta/ Chtnrh Ing to build a church with little mOIMl7 but great courage. There are only 200 of these Maronltes· in • village of 500 persons. Their neighbors are Mussulmen, followen of Mohammed. The pOor Maronltes have managed to'bulld ibe ' ohurch but 1& needs, plasterbig, flooring and furnishings before it is worthy of the celebration of the Divine Mystery of the Hoi)' Mass. They need $1,500' desperately to finish the work. Can you help? Send an)' amount and please send 1& now.
00 YOU DREAM OF VISITING THE HOLY LAND? A TRIP TO THE HOLY LAND? Perhaps some day this dream may ,be a reality for you. Travel today is swift and much less expensive than it used to be ... Do you imagine yourself seeing the Holy Places where Christ trod the bitter way to Calvary . ' . standing on the hill where He wept over Jerusalem? Meantime, you can make a spiritual pilgrimage by helping someone ill the Holy Land today •.. You can help train a native priest or s~ster. $2 a week will pay, a seminarian's expenses; $3 a y.'eek takes care of a young sister-in-training . . . Th~ future priest must study six years (Total cost: $600); the sister takes two' years (Totat' cost: $300) ... The one you help can write to you and this personal relationship will make the Holy Places more vivid. Then too you will participate in their graces. How much gllined for so small a sacrifice . . .. A movie missed, a' simpler meal, and yet what tremendous benefits! .
EASTERN RITE STUDY CLUBS THE BEAUTIFUL CEREMONmS and age-old traditions of the Eastern RUes are becoming very widely known and loved by our Latin Rite Cdhollcs in America. Maybe you belong to a group studying these Rites. In one cib' we know of one suoh group that sings In Russian and Arabic, helping out in different churches and chapels when called upon. Would you like lIteratureon the Eastern Rites? Our organization has the special work of aiding. the priests and :sisters of those Rites in the countries , oi the Near East. Jusi send os your name and address or Ole 'name of your grouP. " ,
PALESTINE REFUGEES. $10 will feed a refugee family for • month. SEND MASS STIPEND. Often this is the missionary's DItty means of'support. / JOIN A DOLLi\R"A-MONTH CLUB. Damien Leper Club; 0.phan's Bread Club; Palace, of Gold Club (supports aged); Mary's Bank (trains sisters); Chrysostem Club (trains seminarians); Basilians (supports schools); Monica Guild (supplies chalices,_altars, etc.) JOIN THE CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIA.TION. Individual membership: $1 a year; $5 for family_ REMEMBER OUR ORGANIZATION IN YOUB WILL. Dear Monsignor
Enclosed find .•••.. for Name Street
.............................................. '
.. Zone
.. State
FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President Mogr. .lIoseph T. 5lV€J~,' '~d'8 Sec', Selle:! 'GIl ~mmlilc4!ltl00ll to;
ll:!<IS'O' Wmt\.lfAal;' AS$CXOATOON , 400 I!.Gltftlro9QoUiJ Ave. m &J6~ St. New York 17i'N. Y. ........--
Fall RiverCYO Plans,Second' Annual Hockey Night
The Fan River CYO willspon80r its second annual Hockey Night at the Rhode Island Auditorium on Friday, Nov. 16. The game scheduled for 8 o'clock will pit the Cleveland Barons against the Rhode Island Roos. Pre-game interest has indicated that last year's attendance of more than 800 members of the CYO will be surpassed. Cleveland, led by player-coach Fred Glover, has always played a strong body-checking game that results in a closely fought contest. Glover, the Eddie Shore of the American League, holds the all-time record in professional hockey for time spent in the penalty box. Some sports writers have claimed he should pay rent, his occupancy of the bad boy's box has been so frequent and long. The Reds have strengthened this years sextet with the addition of some seasoned skaters but the chief interest will be centered on their acrobatic goalie, Gil Mayer, the. backchecking of ex-Bruin star" Fernie Fiaman and exciting play of Jimmy Bartlett. Of special interest to all is the addition of Jack McGeough, who captained the Providence College team last year. Tickets for the game may be obtained by call i n g Father Moriarty at Os. 3-2833 or at St. Mary's Rectory, Second St., Fall River. All prices have been reduced for the benefit of the
CYO 'members. The business and professional men of the area have been most generous in aiding the Cya in this project. .
Canadian Legislator Says Divorce • u.S. IRotten l Procedure In OTTAWA (NCI-In the United States' administration of justice there is nothing 8S "rotten" as its divorce procedure, a member of Parliament charged in the House of Commons here. The remark came from Bernard Dumont, MP for Belle;. chasse, Que., who succeeded in talking down a bill which would . have g i v e n the Exchequer Court of Canada jurisdiction over divorce 'applications made in Newfou'ndland and Quebec provinces. , "We in the Catholic province of Quebec consider divorce a rotten fruit that can only spoil everything with which it COlnes in contact," Dumont asserted. "It is like trying to make theft legaI." . ' Dumont charged that "divorce recognized by law is legali~ed adultery." He said a divorce law allows a man "to steal another man's wife." One a Minute "In two reform schools in the United States, almost threefourths of the children there come from homes broken up by
divorce," he said. "In the administration of justice in the United states, at the present time, there is nothing as rotten as this divorce procedure." Dumont said in the U. S. "a divorce is granted every minute'." He added' it is a situation where a woman "can change husbands as often as one can charige c1o~hes." The 'divorce legislation was advocated by Arnold, Peters, an MP from Temiskaming. All Canadian provinces, except Quebec and Newfoundland, have their., own divorce· courts. Divorce matters from ,Quebec and Newfoundland must be dealt with by. Parliament. Peters has been trying for several years teo set up the Exchequer Court. plan to rid Parliament of divorce matters in'the two provinces. The efforts of Dumont contributed to a "read out" of the bill. The measure now reverts to the bottom of the list of legislation. It is not likely to be called up again at the present session.
Franciscan Tertiaries Successful of Vocati()ns In Promotion , DETROIT (NC) - The COP's of Pittsburgh were ~are~Iy represented at the ninth qumquennial Congress of the Third Ord~r of St. Francis here, but th.elr work drew widespread attention among the 2,500 delegates. The ''COP's'' are the "Crusaders of the Poverello." This unusual group of Franciscan tertiaries numbers more than 100 members. Their ages range from 14 to 30 years. Formed four years ago, the Crusaders' apostolate is to foster vocations to the priesthood and other religious lives. According to one of the COP spokesmen here, Sheila Carney, "its most potent recommendation is the fact that it has channeled at least 200 vocations during its
University Grant
\ \
ST. LOUIS (NC)-The Firmin Desloge Hospital of St. Louis University has announced receipt <J)f n $272,100 grant from the John A. Hartford Foundation, me., of New York for support of Ii three-year atudy in heart research.
four years." . This result, she explained, grew out of the group itself and the character of its activity. In attempting to put into practice the Third Order rule which includes sanctifying oneself and one's neighbor, COP felt that it could best achieve that aim by encoura'ging and promoting the religious life. . The group is designed to bridge the gap between the high school and the adult world-a gap, Miss Carney said, which is regarded by many as very wide because of the disparity of ages, tastes, social life, choice of apostolic 'Work and the reluctance of young people to fraternize with adults.
Sturtevant & Hook Est. 1891
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese o"Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 8, 1962
Bill, Butler 01 North Dartmouth:
Stars With· Ne'" Bedford Tech Prolific'Scorer Wins Accolades of Opposing Rooters By
Lynn Kennedy Fred Clark, veteran area college and professional soccer official, calls him the best collegiate hooter in New England. His teammates think he's the greatest. Rival college coaches run out of accolades de_ scribing him. He's Bill Butler, probably the nation's most prolific college shotmaker who does his scoring for New Bedford Tech. A senior from North Dartmouth, Bu'tler has scored Close to 80 goals in his four years of play at Tech, and he still has two tilts to go, one tomorrow against New Haven College and another next week against New England College of Henniker, N. H. for the Colonial Conference championship. So far this season, Butler has 24 markers in 11 con_ tests, a 2.18, goals per game average. . The likeabfe '2i-year older has been bombarding e~emy goalies for 11 years now, starting on the pitch for New. Bedford VocaUonal. High· as a 16 year old JUnior. It was the late Trade coach, Tom Mulvey, who· wa,s attracted by Butler's raw ability, and taught him the basic fundamentals of the game-how to tr~p, control and 'dribble. By Bill's own admission, it was Coach Mulvey who started him on his way to stardom, Plenty of local amateur competition following his days at Yoke helped Butler mature, but it was a 2-year army hitch in Germany that led to his development as a goal-getter. Bill was playing with an army post outfit near Wiesbaden, when his coach, a German, invited him to play with the First Football Clilb of Wiesbaden, a top-notch civilian team. ' "I won't forget Herb Roth (the coach) ," Butler said. "I played insidE: right, but the caliber of ball was so much better than I had been used to that I just had to improve. More BILL BUTLER than anything else, he taught me a lot of the finer points of passwork and how to set up plays. Only two losses, both to those That's what makes scores," Butsame tremendous Howard bootler ventured. ers, and ties with Bowdoin' and Nichols mar the record. Now Chided about whether he they are hoping for another found the language a barrier, NAIAbid. being the only Yank playing Butler's 24 goals have helped with 10 Germans, Bill said, guide Tech to a gaudy 10-1 rec"That was' no problem, they communicate with the ball." After his service stint, Bill Seek Bus Rides came home and enrolled at Tech ST. PAUL (NC) - About 50 in the Fall of '59. That launched parents, teachers and businessa· fabulous chapter in the men voted here to form a chapWhalers' soccer history. Under ter of Citizens for Educational the tutelage of Coach Ed Clou- Freedom. They said they will tier, with Butler cast in the press for state legislation to perleading role, Tech has copped mit school bus transportation of three successive ~olonial crowns, parochial and other private in the process earning one invite school pupils.. at Slippery Rock, P~nnsylvania, College. The tourney play was in Butler's first season in Tech spangles. They bowed to Pratt Institute, 2-1 in the opening round, then bowed to, Howard Excavating College 5-1 in a second contest. Contractors Since then, the NB school's record has been §ensational. 9 CROSS ST., FAIRHAVEN
ord this season, the only loss last Saturday to Howard, 3-1. Butler, incidentally, rammed home his 24th in that game, a hard, high 20-footer that the enemy goalkeeper never had a chance on. Butler is not a one man team, however. He's the first to admit that teammates like Johnny Pacheco, Ronnie Ponte, John Trznadel, Lionel Bourassa, and Bob Parker give him plenty of help. They all have tremendous experience, Pacheco and Ponte particularly are adept at setting up scoring situations. Butler belie"ves ball control is the good soccer player's "must." That, he admits, is the chief reason for his own success, and comes only with diligent prac... _ tice. He is quick to credit forme2' Olympic .soccer star, Manny Martin of Fall River with n special assist in that department, They play together on the Madeira Soccer Club of New Bedford. Current coach Ed Cloutiey is another Bill gives credit to. "But many have helped me," 'he modeStly admitted, "I couldn't begin to name them all." The son of Mr. and Mrs. David H. Butler of 56 ·Eiswick Street, North Dartmouth, and a Communicant of St. George's Churc~ in Westpjort, Bill is presently majoring in textile technology. He hopes to enter the textile business, but wants to stay as close to home as possible. As far as soccer is concerned, the slightly-built booter hopes to continue playing. He says he has no professional aspirations right now, this despite a strong belief he could make the grade as a pro (Clark said: I think he could gCD in professional ball). "I'd like to coach the game, though," Butler advanced. Of course, he's quite serioull about Rosemary Williams '00 Fairhaven, the' girl he plans to marry next Summer. Asked whether she is a soccer fan, Bill said: "She is now. but shc wasn't when I met her." Right now, Bill's main interClJt is keeping his marks up (they are good) and winning a fou.rUt successive Colonial Conference title and pcrhaps getting aRl NAIA berth 'and another shot at the national championship. That's been bothering him since Tech bowed out in the '59 play. I~ would be a fitting finale to an illustrious career. 0In the meantlme, he's a strollllJ candidate for NAIA All American honors. By everyone's admission-those who have seen him play and those he's playerl against-Butler, an uncanny shot and expert dribbler with supew moves, has proved his claim.
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THE ANCHOR-Dio,cese of Fall
..... ,';
Nov. 8, -'962
CUBAN· YOUNGSTERS AT ST. MARY'S HOME: Young refugees 'ftom Castro's Cuba have adjusted quickly to life in New', Bedford, although all· are living for the day of reunion with parents and other ·loved ,ones. Top left, boys learn fine points, of p()ol' from Rev. John F. Ho~an, hOme, dire<:t?r. ,r~p:rtg?t, ;girls. enjoy he,dtim~ c~~t. Bott()Ill, left, ,
Sister Mary Auxilia, O.S.F., home :superior, instructs futur~ altar boys. Bottom right, boys hit ,the books. ,Hoinework,they have found, is as much a part of American life as of Cuban. (Youngsters'. faces are masked by.' photographer ·to·· avoid possible' reprisals against' -,families ~till i~ 9uba.) ',. . ', '. ". .
to Fanii'lies " Children'· Win', Diocesan Heart" Awuii Return', ..... .. ,; :<t ~.
ByAvis C. Roberts
: ."Russia'is .'go:irig to'dIsmantle , contents usually are' limited' to' : tip,lication, :fractions ·and decl-"; i~They are' wellmanneretl,':poHte. " .lIaSalette Shrine in Attlebor~. 'Adios; Padre':· ,,' the' missile sites in' Cuba. ,We ~'I ,am ,well. I am healthy.··. mals. A lay teacher 'from the Th~y come from fine' family atNew Bedford Public School mospheres' where the father is, 'The children have 'never been 'are not going 'to invade. Your Father Hogan said. . the head of the family and the identified by f411 name and for mothers and ,fathers are all · - Letters from Cuba to the chii- :'system will join the faculty dren are'in the 'same vein. But this week. . mother .much loved. They are security reasons no 'pictures can ,right·." "Thank you, Thank you, last Sunday several children re. Children Weep teaching, our youngsters a thing, be taken showing their faces. Father. Thank you, Father.'l ' ceived' "I am \VeU"·telegrams Meanwhile schoolroom blackor .two, about manners," the ·But 'Father Hogan quickly dis:' This touching and dramatic - boards are covered with English home director said smiliI]gly. 'covered that Leopoldo llPoke the exchange, .took 'place in two from their parents.' " classrooms at St, Mary'S Home; The ,children are acclimated ~entences f~llowed by the Span_ Children Find F~iends. most ~nglish .of the g~oul? and New Bedford; between Rev. · and quite hgppy, Father Hogan', ISh translatIOn. BU~ the <?uba?s Because they arrIved With estabhshed hl:n .as hIS 1OterJohn F. Hogan, director, and '25' · reported, and the 25 have been answer all the nuns <;Iueshons I.n fe",: . clothes Father H~gan. was' preter. "Ant?nl~, IS t~,e cut-u,?, Cuban' youngsters who found assimilated quickly by 'the 50 accented~ut only'. slIghtly hes~- obh~ed to buy comp~ete W10ter ~ho ,?OW 18. ,~o~;,. J~~e 18 refuge at the home Sept. 27. other children. who call St. 'tant. EnglIsh. helr p.rogress 18 ,ou~fltsfor each chIl~ 7"'warm Joey, :'eres~ta,,1~ Terry, EdWhile the hearts of the na-' Mary's hoine. The Americanos the J.o,! and pride of S~ster Mary _ paJamas~ underwear, SUits, h~a"y~ar~?, Eddie, and Alberto. tion' lifted hopefully Sunday; are picking up many Spanish .. Auxlha, O.S.F., superIOr at the sh?es, sneakers for gymnasIUm, AI. the news .of Khrushchev's phr'ases and the Cubans already pome. SUitS and dresses, coats and hats. When Father Hogan leaves· a planned withdrawal from Cuba speak English very weU When President Kennedy an"Their, appetites are healthy," classroom he bids the children was received with wild jubilaF 'd~l 1 nounced on Oct. 27 his intention Father said. Before, they arrived "audios." They delight in replyrom ~~I>er ml e-~ ass to place. Ii shipping blockade here, food, was scarce" both in lng in prop~r Spa,nish "adi<,>s." tion py the children, aged eight Cuban farrulIesi the ~5 yo~ung- around Cuba, many of the' chil- Miam'i and in Cuba. '''But they're The children love baseball and to' 15, who fled their native . are enjoying learning soccer arid . land leaving parents and belong.. sters are extreOl;ely, 1OtellIgent, c;lren wept. Father Hogan herded making up for it here." ings behind; . ' ~nd eager t~,~arJ;l N~~thbAmer- ,them all int9 the chapel at the '~ather Hogan's lay friends basketball; They listen to interIca,n ways e wou e con- home and told them, "God will have rallied about the new. group national news avidly but, like The Cuban children were inave them. I.earn . to not let any maniac destroy a and many have entertained the 'all Americim children, they love vi~ed to New Bedford by Bishop ,tent to Connolly after a desperate ap:': sp.eak, re~d and wrIte Engh,sh nation. Have faith in Him and cb,ildren hi their homes. They to "tweest." "And can they ever have se'rved 'them dinner, taken 'tweest," Father Hogan l:ill~ghs. . peal to his fellow" preiates was ~~s t y~r, Father,' Ho~an. SaId. we will be victorious." ::red a~:,anc1Og more The· next, day when news of the children on family jaunts.Last Suriday morning' Father mad'e by Most Rev. Coleman F.' th u t~ an a. a ~a y. . Russia's ships turning back was ,bowling, 'riding and the like. ,Hogan. said 9 o'clock Mass at St. Carroll, bishop of Miami; where TwoSpamsh nuns have been received at the, home Father The New ,Bedford Dental Soci- . Mary's \ Church' South Dart:. Cuban refugees have flocked by the' thousand;' at t~~ h?me for am?nth to h~lp Hogan gathered his yoting refu- etY. sees to their teeth; a' pedia- mouth. As he' had told the' Censored Mail fa~lhanze t~e' chIldre? With gees in the chapel again. "When .trician guards their health., Key Cuban children earlier, he told , The children arrived in Miami ~helr new,h~bItat but t~elr servI gave them that news, they Clubs of New Bedford Voca- parishioners, "God will never after their parents received 'per:' 'Ices were ~lspensed With .1VI0nburst . out cheering' in the tional High School and Fair- let a maniac 'conquer us. He will 'mission to' have them' come ·to day. The chIldren now are 10 the chapel," Father said. haven High ,School have .treated not abandon us. We must pray The children ,were homesick them to a' Hallowe'en party and and, He will listen." 'the .United States. Parents and home's regular classrQ.oms being children were incommunicado t~ught by .the ho~e's nuns when they first arrived but they a football game. Sodalities of An hour later his words were ....,. for weeks-some for months- Sisters of St. FranCIS. are settling in nicely. "They St. Anthony and Holy Family borne out, making his 25 new but contact has once again been ,On Monday seventh and eighth hate Castro," Father Hogan said. High Schools of New Bedford charges the happiest children in established between them; graders were learning ratio and "and they live for the day that and Jesus-Mary Academy of the city of New Bedford. Letters going from St. Mary's "the divisor, the dividend and they are reunited with their Fall River have taken the girls Soon, it is hoped, a compasHome to Cuba are censored the quotient," while younger families. Who can say when that out to learn about their new sionate ,Diocese will be able to rigorously by the Russians on children were coping in fourth. will be?" locale. and last Sunday all the say a final "Adios, amigos. Vaya that Latin American' island so fifth and six~h grades withmul. All the children are Catholics.' Cuban£ took ,a bus. tJ:.iJJ tg CO.D Dioii."