t ean VOL. 29, NO. 44
$8 Per Year
NCCC res.olution:s
SAN FRANCISCO (NC) - ' ops' proposed pastoral letter on the economy. Resolutions on a farmworker He recommended that the led boycott of Campbel1 Soup Co., housing and AIDS were voice of Catholic Charities be high priorities for delegates at heard on behalf of the poor and the 7lst annual convention of suggested the proposed pastoral be translated into advocacy, es the National Conference of Cath olic Charities Oct. 25-30 in San pecially in the current debate. on tax reform. Francisco. By endorsing a farmworker Representing the Fall River diocese at the convention was led boycott pf Campbel1 Soup Co. products, NCCC said it was Father Peter N. Graziano, execu recognizing the basic right of tive director of the Diocesan De partment of Social Services and farmworkers to organize and pastor of St. James Church, New bargain collectively. The resolution called for NCCC Bedford. Father Graziano attend ed a meeting of the Standing to urge Campbell officials to Committee of The Directors of enter into "good faith negotia the National Conference as the tions" with the farmworkers collective bargaining agent and· representative of Catholic Chari the growers.' The boycott was ties directors in New England. Keynote speakers addressed organized in 1979. A major policy statement on the issues of a just tax reform policy, a "new agenda" for the housing was also approved, and Catholic Church, and the chureh the NCCC established' a national commission on housing as a first and public policy. In his address Jesuit Father step ·to implement it. Goals of the commission in~ William Byron said Catholics clude: improving -advoc~cy on should campa'ign for a tax re public policy Issues related to form plan that serves the "pref erential option for the poor" housing; pooling resources and even if that means higher taxes sharing expertise in the field of housing and delivery of services; for the middle class. Father Byron, an economist and educating people about who is president of The Catholic housing issues. The policy statement said the University of America, -linked advocacy for tax reform that private sector should make . favors the poor to the U.S. bish Turn to Page Fifteen
Church meets obstacles
in Middle East
AMMAN, Jordan (NC) .:... For Bishop Selim Sayegh, vicar gen eral for the Jerusalem Patri-ar chate, maintaining the Christian faith in the predominantly Mos lem Middle East dsn't easy. He cites differences in' reli gious thinking between Mos lems and Christians, a dwind ling Christian population and limited financial resources as hampering his efforts to reach Christians living in the patriar chate, which dncludes Israel, Jor dan and Cyprus.
'!We do our best," he said. "It takes a lot of time, energy and money. But it is our duty." He said the Moslem call to public prayer' five times a day is a constant reminder to Chris tians that they are a minority. He also said that Christian at tendance at Sunday Mass in cities is low because Friday is the official day of rest in the Moslem country and Sunday is a workday. . "In the ·cities, maybe between Turn to Page Fifteen
AMONG 113 COUPLES celebrating wedding anniversaries at the sixth annual Jubilee Mass were Mr. and Mrs. John Ferry Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Wall. The Ferrys, to the left of Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, principal celebrant, with their son Father James Ferry, parochial vicar at Our LadYd of Mt. Carmel parish, New Bedford, celebrated a 50th anniversary, as did the Walls, the parents of Father Barry W. Wall, pastor of. Sacred Heart parish, Fall River. Couples from over 50 parishes representing every diocesan dean ery were present at the celebration, held last Sunday at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. (Gaudette photo)
Pope cites goal for Synod
VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Nov. 24-Dec. 8 extraordinary Sy nod. of Bishops shoti.ld empha~ size that saintliness is not the "privilege of a few" but a call to all believers, ,Pope John Paul -II said recently.
Bearing witness Beginning on page 2 and throughout this Vo cations Issue of The An chor, members of the Fall River diocese who have dedicated their lives to Christ tell you why they made their decision and Why they stay with it. Don't miss their moving personal stories.
The pope said "authentic re newal" should be sought in this idea of sanctity, "and not else where."He spoke to some 10,000 .people . in St. Peter's Square for the Angelus on All Saints Day. The pope has spoken during ·recent Angelus talks about the upcoming synod, which he con vened to evaluate the results of the Second Vatican Council.· He said the council stated clearly that sanctity is "a caU made to all the members of the people of God, without exception.'; _ Sanctity is "the concrete dem onstration of believers' consis-· tency with their own vocation," the pope said. "Here, and not elsewhere, is where to search for the basis of authentic renewal, which we 'are ali obliged to do in the current season.
"The upcoming synod assem bly will certainly not fail to justly emphasize these pressing appeals, in the light of the teach ings that ·result from the 20 years' experience after the coun cil," the pope said. While sanctity is working in .the earthly lives of believers, the pope salid, the ·real goal IOf Christians is the eternal one, the '''celestial Jerusalem." "The church looks and moves . constantly toward .this final view," he said. Only in the.glory of heaven, he quoted the coun cil as saying, will the church re ceive its perfection. In another area' of preparation for the synod, Canada's bishops say collegiality and the role of bishops' conferences should be key topics at the synod. The bishops of Ontario said Turn to Page Fifteen
Today: the first day of the rest of
your life: What will you do with it?
. 8,,1985' . ~ Father (
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THE ANCHOR-D.iqcese,of F.aU
The Mass of Christian Burial was offered yesterday at St. Anne's Church, Fall 'River, 'for Father J. Edmond Tremblay, 88, who died Monday. Father Lucien Jusseaume, a .lifel.ong friend of Father Tremblay and the Epis· copal Representative for Reli· gious and the chaplain' at Our Lady's Haven in Fairhaven, was principal celebrant at the Mass at the request of Bishop Daniel A. Cronin.
'WE INVITE YOU TO BECOME A DOROTHEAN TODAY a WOMAN of faith and vision through praver LIVING in'a community fash
ion~d in love and understanding SERV- .
ING as a proclamation of God's loving concern through EDUCATION IN ITS VARIOUS FORMS
THE SISTER OF SAINT DOROTHY VILLA FATIMA 90 COlllnty Street - Taunton, Ma. 02780
Jo Ednio'lid.·· r:rreiii~'~y~'"
Sacred Heart community offers challenge One benefit of a rec~nt convo(,)cation of Sacred Hearts Fathers and Brothers from around the world held in Rye; N.H. is the perception that the future of vo!=ation~ .may be bright.. The meeting of the East Coast Pro vince of the United States, the brothers of whom serve iri the diocese of· Fall. River, as well as in foreign and home missions, found that vocations are on the rise in areas in which ·they serve. where there is great material or spiritual poverty.
"The greatest misfortune Is to I/"e and die without knowing God"
Come and share the dream of Claudil'1e Thevenet with the RELIGIOUS of JESUS and MARY. For information write: Sr. Kathleen Scanlon, R.].M. Religious of Jesus and Mary V.ocation .office' .. 8908 Riggs Road Hyattsville, Maryland 20783
In trying to proclaim Christ by their lives of service, the Sacred Hearts missionaries are attracting vocations to the reli gious life. This attraction is a
Do you know me? /
A son of the late ·George and Marie '(Audette) Tremblay, he prepared for the priesthood after graduation from St. Anne's School, Fall R.iver, at St. Mary's College and the Sulpician Sem·
inary, both in Montreal. He was ordained Feb. 22, 1925 at St. . Michael's Church, Sherbrooke, Quebec.
, A native of Fall River, Father Tremblay had served the Church for many years as a priest in Canada prior to returning to his FATHER TREMBLAY home where, for several years, In the Fan River diocese,
he had lived in retirement. Most Father Tremblay was parochial He is survived by three sis
recently, Father Tremblay was vicar at Blessed Sacrament parters, Loretta Valiquette, Jean·
at' tlie Catholic Memorial Home . ish, Fall River, from 1951 to nette L. Tremblay and Sister
. in Fall River. Throughout much 1956 and subsequently was chap· 'Jeanne d'Arc, O.F., all of Fall of his retirement, until declining lain at the Sacred Heart Home; River, as wen as several nieces health necessitated his complete New Bedford. and, nephews.
Fr. Joe Foley, S.M.A. . S.M.A. FATHERS Dedham, MA 02026 (617) 326·2512
withdrawal from activities in the apostolate, he had been ener getic in providing helpful priest ly ministry in greater Fall River. Father Tremblay celebrated the 60th anniversary of his priestly ordinatio)1 in February.
My spirit lives, serving the poor in a soup kitchen in Rochester, N.Y.,serving the Haitians in the Bahamas, serving lepers in India, serving the spiritually poor of Japan. My spirit is the spirit of love; the'spirit of the Sacred Hearts of' Jesus and Mary. My spirit lives in my brothers and sisters in the' Sacred Hearts Community. Who am I? My' name. is Fr. Damien, the Leper Priest of Molokai. If you really want to know me, look to my community. Are you interested in the service of love? Yes?
Age _ _.,--
Address City
Zip --'-
response to a simple and unaf fected faith which leads its ad herents to bind the wounds of a hurting and hopeful world." An example of such a develop TQent is the vocation growth of the Sacred Hearts Community in Japan. Currently 20 percent .of those stationed in Japan are native vocations, men in a mate rially' successful country who heard the call from Christ to help rectify spiritual poverty. While Japanese missionaries bind spiritual wounds, vocations are also appearitig lin India, where Sacred Hearts: community is helping bind the physical wounds of leprosy. Following the. example of Sacred Hearts Father Damien, the 'leper priest of Molokai, today's missionaries in India staff leprosy centers and celebrate Eucharist· for the
Missionaries of Charity with whom they work to bring love and comfort to the seriously ill. Missionaries in Texas, who work in one of the poorest sec tions of the nation among mi· grant farmworkers, are also find ing a' need to develop a frame work for the formation of those who express an interest in' fol· lowing the charism of the com munity - to proclaim the love of God as found in the hearts of Jesus and Mary, especially to the poor and unevangelized. Missionary life .is but one form of serving God. As a native of Massachusetts, is it the way you feel called to serve? For more information about the Sa cred Hearts Community, please contact Father Patrick Fanning at 3 Adams St., P.O. Box Ill, Fairhaven 02719.
Johnson voted. award recipient
'BOSTON (NC) - Dr~ TimNovember 11 othy Johnson, considered one of Rev. A. Gomez da Silva television's most articulate ex- Neves, . P·astor, 1910, St. John perts in medical. matters, has Baptist, New Bedford November 12 been voted the 1985 recipient of the O'Reilly-Conway Medal Rev. James H. 'Looby, Pastor, given by The Pilot, newspaper 1924, Sacred Heart, Taunton of the Archdiocese of Boston. Rev. Bernard Boylan, Pastor, The award is given annually 1925, St. Joseph, Fall River "for distinguished contributions November 13 to journalism!' Rev. Louis J. Deady, Founder, . The medal, the seventh award- 1924, St. Louis, Fall River ed'since its/incepti()n in 1979, is November 14 named after" two· former PlIot Rev. Francis J. Duffy, Founder, . editors, jthe late John Boyle 1920, St. Mary, South Dart O'Reilly and the 'late Katherine mouth E. ·Conway. Rev. William A. Galvin, ReJohnson, 49, a native of Rock- tired Pastor, 197.7, Sacred Heart, ford, IL, is a Boston- based medi- Taunton cal editor for ABC-TV and Bos· November 15 ton television station WCVB. Rev. Daniel E. Doran, Pastor, He has commented on' trans· "1943, Immaculate Conception, plant operations, diseases such North Easton as alcoholism and AIDS, PresiRev. Thomas .F. LaRoche, dent 'Reagan's condition follow- Assistant, 1939, Sacred Hear~, ing . the. 1981nssassination at. Taunton tempt, and other news relating f. p
Please.,C~~ck:::.. ,~
p ~riests.,.
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o Sisters '
Sacred 'He·a,rts·:·Community.
to hea·)th.
3 Adams Street e P.O. Box l.H.e 02719' .... ,. ,-Fairhaven, '. .. -Mass. '. -
please write or call TODAY:.
Father Patrick Fanning, SSCC, Sacred Hearts Community Vocation Director, 3.AdamsStreet, ,BoxH 1,Fairhaven,·Mass. 02719.. (617) 993-2442. . ,.
':. 'L:
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He also writes a syndicated THE ANCHOR (USPS·54S-Q20). Second Class column that answers health . Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 end the questions. week after Christmas et 410 Highland Aven. ue, Fa II River, Mass. 02720 by the Cath. The ~ward is. to be presented olic . Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Dec. 20 by" Card'l·n0·l··.. Bernard, per Subscription price by mall, postpaid $8.00 .. year. Postmasters send eddress changes LllW of Boston. to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River,' MA 02722. .
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VERY REV. Gerald T. Shovelton is dean of the Taunton deanery and pas tor of St. Ann's Church, Raynham. He was ordained in 1956.
'Pope asks )iouth to take 'front line'
WASHINGTON (NC) - Pope John Paul II has urged young people to "put yourselves in the front line" as priests, religious and missionaries. ' The pontiff issued a four-page letter on vocations to mark the 22nd World Day of Prayer for vocations in April. The letter, dis tributed to bishops' conferences around the world earlier in the year, was released in Washington by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Pope John Paul said his world travels have made him sharply aware of the "sad disproportion" "I became a priest because,l really wanted to give my life to the between the billions who have nor service of God. Especially was I attracted by the tremendous heard the Gospel and the few privilege of being able to say Mass .. To me there is nothing greater answering the call to preach it. than being able to bring Christ to others and myself in this very He asked young people, "Will unique and special way. Other things attacted me also - especially you remain indifferent, hearing the actions of other priests - but the Eucharist would be top the cry which rises from humanity?" priority. Noting that the United Nations "I stay with the priesthood because I really feel that Christ has has proclaimed 1985 International called me to it - and that I' would not get to heaven in any other Youth Year, the pope focused par way. In spite of all the tensions that have existed in religious life ticularly on young people in this over the years - and sometimes in my own life - I am happy in the year's vocation message. priesthood and I wouldn't trade it for any other position in the He also made a particular plea world. With St. Paul I feel that God has chosen the weak things of for special attention to "vocations the world - of which I am one - to confound the wise and I know to the consecrated life," that my perseverance depends wholly on the grace that He gIves me and with which I must cooperate." He said the Gospel message of Christ's love for each person "can not but fill you with am~zement" and is a call whicli "provokes you to love." OKLAHOMA CITY (NC) 'the year 2000 only 42 of the 86 will "Young men, young women, The Archdiocese of Oklahoma City still be under age 70. One extrapo , is calling you," he said. ' Christ has begun long-range planning for lation drawn up for the next 15 "Perhaps you think these calls an expected shortage of priests. -years assumes that the archdiocese There are 86 active diocesan will ordain two new priests a year concern others and cannot be priests under age 70 in the archdi and lose one a year of those now addressed to,you personally?" he ocese's central offices, special min under 55 through death or depar asked. istries and 72 parishes. More than ture from ministry.
half of those are 55 or older, so by
Constant challenge
CASTELGANDOLFO, Italy (NC) - Evangelization is a "con stant challenge" to the church, requiring a frank dialogue with non-Christians, Pope John Paul 11 has told a group of Malaysian
bishops. The pope said the church evangelized abilities, resources and customs of each people, which she in turn purifies, strengthens and ennobles."
SR. GERTRUDE Gau dette, OP, is a photogra pher, often for The Anchor, and an artist. She directs the Creativity Center at Do minican Academy, Fall River.
"I graduated from grammar school during the great depression. There was no high school in our area and no funds to attend one elsewhere. I was quite resigned and willing to look for work, when my sixth grade teacher, Mother Theresa, begged my parents to let me go to Dominican Academy, then a boarding school. Their objections, due to pride and lack of funds, were quickly dissolved with her promise: 'We'll take care of her.' , "The generosity of the sisters had a tremendous impact on my life as a teenager. In my eagerness to repay their, kindness, I attempted projects of which I knew next to nothing and, to my surprise, succeeded. I began to realize that spiritual life is not apart from the rest Of existence but an important dimension of every thing one does. I will never know why God chose such an ordinary person to live this witness calle<!. religious life but I do know that I have found a mysterious richness here which is probably the reas?n I stay with a community that struggles to survive."
Priest shortage
The apostles were constantly at prayer together, and with them'a group of women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers Acts 1: 14
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Preaching the Word in the Dioceses of BroOklyn and Rockville Centre for eighty years. ' '. ,
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the living word
Vocation Issues It is with particular concern that, this vocations edition of The Anchor is offered to our readership. u.s. vocations to the priesthood and religious life are at a critical low and their encouragement must become our major thrust. For too long have we expended our resources and energies on theoretical and sociological issues which have in many ways fogged our vision and perspective. To be sure, we must renew and revive principles and guide lines in the area of human, needs. On the national level, the Church must be seen as a sign of peace and hope. She must uphold human rights in the marketplace. And nuclear warfaI:e and economic justice are indeed fitting subjects for the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. However, other aspects of church life should receive the same attention on the national, regional and loca~ levels. Paramount among them is the area of vocatiqns. Fortunately, the American church is beginning to realize the dimensions of the vocation crisis. It's taken Some time for it to surface in many dioceses, but now the signs are unmistakable. Lack of vocations has in some areas forced the closing of parishes. New parishes cannot be established because there is no one to staffthem. Not only priests are lacking,.but religious and deacons as well. The missionary efforts cannot be sus tained for lack of anyone to send to fulfill the g.ospel nl'andate... Many religious orders are in dire difficulties. A conservative .estimate indicates that in another generatio,n many will cease to exist. In the meantime,. many young people think twice about becoming part of a community already nearly in sham bles. It's not a case of reflecting about. the Lord's call to service. There seems no place to go. Then there are Catholics 'who openly steer their children away from thoughts of entering religious life, Often such par ents have themselves benefited from the' contributions of.pri ests and religious to their educational development; yet their attitude is that only in profitable professions will the'ir children be fulfilled. In today's climate, the earning potential of profes sions has become the guide for vocatio~al choice. Uncounted other problems have helped put vocations on the s!cids. Separation, divorce and the general breakdown of fam ily life have brought many young people to a point where priesthood or religious life is the furthest thing from their minds. Many just want to survive. In short, the litany of vocational obstacles is ever, growing. Efforts to encourage vocations should also be on the increase. To date they have been fragmented and localized, but it is to be noted that dioceses and communities that regard vocations among their prime goals have had at least a modicum of success. It is significant to note that religious families who have nurtured the concepts of prayerful community and unity of purpqse are faring quite well, while those who have let these 'areas become of secondary interest are in deep trouble. If we are to make headway in this area of vital concern, we must muster our energies on a national level. Temporary stop / gap measures have proved ineffective in creating an atmo sphere conducive to vocations. • In sum, we must push aside the social distractions that so often cloud over vision. Vocations must once more become everyone's business. Too few today are committed to this concern; too many are doing too litde about it. May we pray for a reversal of this trend in the American church.' The Editor
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Caudelle pholo
'Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and'ietall that is within me bl~ss his , holy name.' Ps. 102:1
Reflections on vocations
By father Kevin J. Harrington, Above my desk I have a sign with the words ofG.K, Chester ton: .. Angels fly because they take themselves lightly." After being a priest for ten years I am tired of explaining why I became one. A Dominican priest from Providence' College told me not to attempt to answer'the question until I was a priest for at least fifty years. I sup pose he was trying to tell me not to take myself too seriously. Vocations come through the fam ily. Reasons for the current voca tions shortage are many. Those who blame it on lack of family stability may' be pointing to a / symptom, not a. cause, I can only reflect upon my'own sense of being drawn to the priesthood and hope that 'there can be some basis to generalize from the particular.
. My'point of contact with priests and religious was more frequen't than that of those who attended public schools: The single strong , . est influence on my decision to
become a prie~t was my love for
many ways'to make God's love Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River present to people other than being a priest, but no' other way of life 410 Highland Avenue 675-7151 Fall River Mass. 02722 could bring me closer to Christ. My family and teachers were sup PUBLISHER Most Rnv. Daniel A, Cronin, 0,0., S.T,O, portive of, but understandably someEDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR I what bewildered by, my decisio{l fi.e~. )o~n. Moore .., , ,Rev., MsgL.J~h~ J:.•~~g~~ ., t!J.en!er the ~~~~n.an~ft~r~olle,ge.
ofcritical importance. These men have prayed' and studied diligently in preparation for their ministry. The Church is relying heavily upon the laity to assume roles which once Pope John Paul II made a tell ing point about the ne~d for were exclusively the responsibility priests.' "Without the Eucharist," of priests and religious. The laity he said, there can be no Church, , needs programs to prepare them to assume these duties. and without priests there can be no Eucharist." Recently, I heard a lay I have been a priest only during pe'rson criticize a priest as a "Mass the vocations shortage. I would priest." Knowing the subject of his not characterize the present shor criticism well,.I asked him what he .tage in New England as a crisis. meant by a "Mass' priest." However, statistical projections "He doesn't get involved in Cur show a crisis in the not so distant sillo, Marriage Encounter or the future. It should be a time for charismatic prayer groups. He just planning, not panic. It is my opin says Mass," was the reply. ion that unless a renewed under standing and reverence for both There are activities performe,d by p.arish priests that often go the Eucharist and Penance occurs, unnoticed. Visitation of the sick, there will be no reversing the dec lining trend in vocations. personal prayer and reflection, reli gious education of parish youth The greatest attraction for young and pastoral counseling are just a to the priesthood should be people of the activities that consume few the cheerfulness of heart evident in those hours away from the altar. the lives of priests. In an age where From the common sense perspec tive of supply and demand one can there is' so much emphasis upon marketable skills, priests are called be assured that with fewer priests there are more demands placed to take themselves lightly. Priests are not selling a product but striv 'upon their time. ing to bring Christ to people as the only answer to their longings. If The Second Vatican Council that is what is meant by being a has rightly challenged the laity to assume more responsibility in min-' "Mass!priest" thanthere can be rio greater compliment. While priests istering to the Church's needs. The may take themselves lightly, we restoration of the diaconate. has brought ordained men jl}t(). rol~s . c_e.r~a}n)y.~,!ow :-V~Y~J}!\el~ fly! During the troubled Sixties, col lege campuses were hardly a fertile ' source of vocations.
DEACON Robert W. Pelland serves at St. Ste phen's parish, Attleboro.
Diocese'~of:Fall River."-- Fri:;Nov:
8, i985
Francis of Assisi had a dream. He dreamt of a world in which all people lived in peace, justice and love - for God and each other. He lived out h,s . dream and his life made a difference. As Capuchin-Franciscans we share the dream of Francis. We seek to live it with intensity and integrity in our own day.
"I became a permanent deacon because I believed God called me to commit my life to him and to his church in a special way. By the gr~~e of holy orders, I strive to answer that call daily in my life and ministry. "Being a permanent deacon is not always easy. There is a big gap frorri what it is intended to be to what it is at present. Yet I find it adventurous to be part of a growing vocation and a growing church. God is always faithful as day by day I try to follow him and be him for others."
Our priests and brothers can be found in parishes, hospitals, missions, schools and social justice ministries - as preachers, counselors and friends to the economically and spiritually poor. There are 300 friars living, working and praying together to make a difference in the New York and New England area.
Pope urges priestly self-control VATICAN CIlY (NC) - Pope The pope said that a priestly John Paul II told a group of vocation "is not an imposition;
Roman seminarians recently that it i~ a proposal."
priests need to practice self
"Among thousands and millions
control, humility, obedience and loyalty to the truths of the faith. of young men, someone is called to become his minister, because God The years spent in the semin ary, the pope told the group wants people to know the truth during a Mass in a Vatican an!i be saved," the pope said. "The ordinary means for this purpose is chapel, should help develop vir the work of the church, realized in tues that are "indispensable" in a foremost and principal way by pastoral life later. . the ordained ministers; the priests." "The vocation to' priesth~od , ' does not change human nature . . and does not eliminate the attrac· tion of the world," the pope said. "Therefore you need to develop self-control, personal discipline, WASHENGTON (NC) - The mortification,a' sense of hum Leadership Conference of Women ility and obedience." Religious and the Conference of Seminarians should be atten Major Superiors of Men have tive and vigilant, especially re issued a joint statement con garding the truths of the faith, demning apartheid in South Af· the pope said. rica: The statement said the effects Jesus Christ is the same yes terday, today and forever. Do of apartheid upon individuals and not be carried away by all kinds families are "disastrous" in the of strange teaching," the pope "political, legal, economic 'and said, quoting from St. Paul's social spheres." The groups pledged to under· letter to the Hebrews. Many take a "massive education pro today, as in St. Paul's time, be have like enemies of Christ, the gram to galvanize' the U.S. Cath pope added, again quoting from olic population in its opposition . to apartheid." one of St. Paul's epistles.
For more information write to:
LWtY t4- J)~
.~ '«VJ).V/F~
Apartheid scored
.' I.:
, iO.
Franciscan Friars .
Wi? run for a different prize!
~~""'*'~¥~"'~'~\$<~~.~::,£~tt.~..,_.Jw.:, ,.l...._,~ . _~ I
I'dllike information on franciscan friars
SR. PATRICIA Har rington, RSM, is a mathe matics teacher at .Bishop Feehan High School, Attle boro. Two sisters, Kathleen and Sheila, are also Sisters of Mercy and a brother, Rev. Brian J. Harrington, is pastor of St. Francis of Assisi parish, New Bedford.
Name Address "I became a Sister of Mercy because I felt drawn to total service and commitment as demonstrated by the Sisters of Mercy in Holy Family·Grammar and High School in New Bedford. "25 years later I still find joy in guiding youth to knowledge of themselves and their potential and to the' Christ who dwells within. Much time is spent with' the 'extacurricular program. It makes teaching a joy because of the communication level established."
City Occupation
State -'--
Age - - -
.. "', ;
- I
,. ,
. . . . . : .....
REV. ROGER D. Le duc is pastor of Sacred Heart Church, North Attle boro. He was ordained in 1960.
Come to our ,Information Day on the'Diocesan,Priesthood ' ..
, ,r-~-:-~~-, REGISTRATION"FORM--~""':~--:-' '
,Dear ~ather. Smith,
II' _
I Name >1,
Rev. John J. Smith,.. V.E. '. ,.,1 .. Address
St. John the EvangelistRefio? I . City/State .
· & mOl'1'to:
I Clp
15,5 ivo,rth MainStreet. " ':. II
Attleboro, Ma 02703
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.1 J
Soci~ty <~f
' ---
Education to'Date: ~--:'-':""";--'---~-
Telephone _.....,.----::..-_ _-:-----'_ _..,..-
REV: DONALD A MacMillan, SJ, is assistant principal at Bishop Corir:t0llYf{igh School, Fall River. '
"The Society of Jesus·nourishes .. ·myself and to help others learn . and supports my attempts to be about themselves,. their relation holy, to 'be helpful, (0 be real. 1 ship to others 'and to God. 1 am enjoy helping people and this voca- able to help others know that they tion has provided me with the . are loved and are able to love. 1 opportunity to use my talents for belong to a group that has been ' chosen to provide care and show the gre'ater glory of God. "I am given time to learn about concern."
Sacred Hearts
.. Community
SS. CC., is pastor of St.
Anthony's Church, Mattapoi
. "I became a member of the
Sacred Hearts Comm'unity because
1 wanted to belong to a close-knit
family in ministry. 1 became a
priest in that community because,
for me, it was the way 1could be·of
the greatest service.
"I stay because I'm in lo~e with the Church, her teachings, the Gos pel, of Jesus :in ~h.ich they, a~e rooted and the people who' are Church. My life as· a religioiJs '. priest is rich, alive, full, sometimes exciting, and 1 a~ very h,appy. .' "I feel neede'd,'wanted, loved; so' , 1amable continually to serve with others who c~ntinue the. cycle of Church-life-love. 1 want' to be a . priest even more, after 15-plus years, than 1 did when 1 entered.· That is one of the gifts the Church' .gives her priests."
In your' own special way, : can make th~t.y~sioIllthat world, a reality.
. .'
' .
We are a gro~pof ReligiOUS who I.ive'~iogether: among the People::ofGod in the hope of .bringing'the People 'of God ·together. .' ;.
. ~'.
'. i' 'LaSal~tte. Vocat~ori: Director
. n· T
"I became a priest to show people the presence of God and his goodness in a hurting world; to help prepare a perfect people for the Lord; and because of a' hunger for the Eucharist. These thoughts of my youth were nurtured by a religious environment at home' and by strong Eucharistic teaching at the parochial school. To offer Eucharist and to call the faithful out of sin have been the .two greatest joys of the living out of my vocation for the ~ast 25 years. . "Through the highs and lows of this life, 1 am more determined than ever and more awed by the gift thlitJesus has bestow,ed upon me. The reason I stay with it is that my commitment was forever ,and without conditions, that 1count on God's grace to,uphold me, , that it is the only Wll,y 1 know to reach salvation in my own life, and above all that the cry of God's spiritually poor continues to con-. vince me that 1 am more needed in this service than ever before. "Beyond the gift of God's love 1 treasure nothing more than the gift of this vocation. The greatest lesson 1 have learned is that serious prayer-life, an honest dialogue with the Lord as the (oun dation of all other things is the only life line to make a commitment work." , '
. , .
. P.O. Box 538,
Attleboro, MA02703 .
(617) 222-9154
Province of Immaculate Heart of Mary
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DEACON Roland LePage serves at St. Mary's parish, Seekonk. "Because of my parents 1 have always had an appreciation of God in my life. As 1 have grown older my faith has sustained me through many difficulties. When the chance to serve God ina better way became possible, 1 applied to the perman e!lt diaconate . '''Very simply, 1 could not envi sion my life without God. There are many roads life may take but most of them lead away and not toward our Lord. After three years as a deacon, I find fulfillment and inner peace serving others. 1would
.. notwant~anyoth~~~ay."
1 . ,.
In an age when unhappiness and discontent seem to be on the increase, as Sisters of the Resurrection we attempt to offer the world a joyful spirit of hope in the Risen Jesus. Our style of living is a challenge, for we try to look upon our own daily experiences in the light of Christ's suffering, death and resurrection. The words inscribed on our profession cross, "Through the Cross and Death to Resurrection and Glory," describe best the heart of our spirit. We strive to live lives which reflect our own confidence inGod's unconditional love for us and that bring this love to the people we touch in our apostolic works. We serve the people of God in the areas of Nursing and Health Care Teaching, CCD, Geriatric Care, Dietetics and"others as the need arises, remembering however that it is not so important what you do as who you are. Our Congregation was founded in Rome on January 6th, 1891 by Celine Borzecka and her daughter Hedwig. Both of these women had a vision, not 'Of a specific apostolate to be done, but of a spirit to be lived. This was made clear when Celine _was first planting the se~d.s of our community, she said, "We will be Sisters of the Resurrection or nothing at all."
Give Jesus the chance He needs to rise and touch a troubled, lonely world . .. Join us
Sister Robert Ann, C.R. Mount Saint Joseph Castleton, New York 12033 (518) 732-2226
For information, PI.... Cont.</: .
oct! S E
REV. JOHNF. MOORE Director of the Permanent Diaconate 500 Slocum Road North Dartmouth, MA 02747 Tel. 993-9935
Sister Bonita, C.lI.. 1432 W. T.lcott Chic...., IUinois60631 (312) 774-3488
,,',,' '8
TH[ ANellO
L Di.,"" or Fan-Rivet "-Frt, Nov, I, 1911
SISTERSUZANNEBeaudoin, sseh.• is a campus
lenoit is a chaplain at CharlSisters of 51.
ton Memorial Hospital, Fall
women Viiho search. Out of
minister at Bristol Community College,'Fali River.
River. He was ordained in
the certainties ot God's love we seek answerrs to hard questions, Solutions to old problems. ways to meet and
ANCHOR ~ bi~~Cse of Fall River ' - FrL Nov. 8, 1985
EACON Richard J. M rphy Sr. serves at St.
F ncis Xavier parish, Hyan· nt
love the neighbor, Amid queSlJon'i and failures
we know this Together we are more than
us alone,
, VocatrorJ Educ<I
If you'd like to know more about us contaCt:
6... Off'ce
S,sters of Sa'''! j ~eph Mont Mane ' Holyoke. Ma, or ' 0
" e
(413) 536{lSSJ
"I became a priest because l felt a~alling to serve God's people through this ministry. The attraction was rooted in the example of the priests in the parish in which 1grew up. They were kind, happy, interesting and caring. They appeared at peace with themselves, seemed to enjoy what they were doing and they were appreciated. "I continue to live al a priest because 1feeicalled daily to deepen that commitment to Christ and his people. 1 am very happy in the . ministry I have been called to. I feel fulfilled and at peace with the Lord and m:yself.
Motto: "Deo soli"
h ere f oun d:
in FIVE continents in TWENTY countries
Work for th Lord: teacher, counselor, catechist. Retireme
Plan: ..... out of this world .....
Vocation Director
SISTER PATRICIA Halliday, SND, is assistant diocesan director of religious education.
113 Granite Streer Worcester, MA 01604
Chllplll;ns Cotmset/QrJ i,i H~Il/ing MiniItry.
, 'I
lI: , I,; :' I
Camp~s MiniJufJ
u;,ecto,! ' '
For more informacion write: Fr. Noel, QFM Coov.. Fr;lociscan Friars 66 School Street Granby, MassKhusetts 01033
~CA,"oU ~HOOLs=:L1:;'t;;TJON~
~ ~
Sacred Hearts
I5• 2
'... ;'?tUlJIo '""""'~ -tI,I
• e JUT
I j
For informau wTlte today to: Sr. Claire Do <!hard, SS. Cc. FaIrhaven, M
"I became a sister in answer to a call that came to me on a winter's night as I was driving home from a dinner party. I was 19 and a junior at Emmanuel College. Six weeks later 1 entered the Sisters or Notre Dame as a postull1-nt. Tt was a leap into the unknown. I had attended public school for 12 years and didn't know much about sisters. "I stay in religious life because I know how much God loves me and 'how my love for him ha~ grown over the years. . "To ine life is an adventure and with God's grace I hope to continue to respond to the gift of my vocation as a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur."
or call
.... .....ries fora ~r '
DEACON Lawrence A. St. Onge serves at St. Mary's' par-
ish, New Bedford.
a pel'lUDellt C:Omhaltme..t
. Joy 'in'God
The SocIety 01· die Atonement ~
FRIARS IIOCATIClN 0FI'ICt: G<aymoo< Garri5Oll. NY 10524
SISTERS IIOCA.TION OFFICI! St. Francis Convent G<aymoo<
Garrison. NY HJ5Z4 914-42+3623
are an intemationar Franciscan
CommlR1ity in' the Roman Catholic Chu<:h ~ to ChrisIian Unity and miSSionary service on behalf of !he gospel c:I Jesus Chli5t
"I became a permanent deacon in response to God·s call. At first I knew little about thediaconate but 1started to sensl:' a calling towards it, and although 1tried to rationalize not rnponding, it persisted and grew in intensity. ~Beingadeacon,likemost things, has its good and not so good days. Overall, however, serving God's people, has been fulfilling and rewarding. But I stay with it not because of what it does for me bUI because of the vow 1 made at ordination, committing myself for life to the service of God and his "people." ' ,
In sending the Anchor tbe fol~g renections, Father Richard W. Beaulieu, ordained in 196' and '''-«tsao director of education and parocbial vicar at St. Louis de Fr.-e parish, Swansea, wrote:"Enciosed is a long narrative about priestbodlland what it means to me. It may not be perfect and It may be too lo... -for you to use, but you asked the question and tbis is my reply. T ~ for the chance to do some serious meditating on priestly ministry."
PRIESTHOOD The world often seems to measure tueceu in terms of usefulness. Is this the measure we use when we look at priesthOOd? How useful is the life of a- priest? What real good does he do? I suppose '-could lilt some accomplishments or activities, but 1 don't think it would prove much b«ause-just about everything I'd list could probably have been carried out as well, if not better, by someone else. One priest friend of mine sugsested tbat instead of reflecting on the usefulness of the priesthood, I should consider the Cross and refle<:t 'On' USELESSNESS. So I learned to see myself in the uselessneu of just "being there," simply being present to share the joys and pains offamily, staff, .adents and friends. It means being present to rejoice in new life at baptism, to help'people pick themselves up when they have stumbled and sometimes to do nothinlOlROre than listen·... Sometimes I become very aware that people 8re leaning on me for support, direction or guidance. It can be oWTwMlming, especially when I have no magic answers to heal all hurts and s,olve all pl'OWems. It is in these moments that I begin to appreciate how heavily I depcnll on thcr,Lord and the people in my life who are his instrumenlS. Perhaps my pride gets in tnwayat times. Maybe I've never gotten over the "messiah complex" so much a part of every newly-ordained priest's outlook on Church and ministry. But I have ceased trying to defin~'IIIy.,role in terms of activities, functions, programs and accomplishmelJts. It is the5Pirituallife thai really defines priesthood. One's relationship with the Lord and hdping others develop that relationship are central to priestly ministry. God alone knows Why someone is uuacled to become a priest. With all of our human frailty and sinfulness, He still calk us to Ire His instruments. I of~en refer to my elderly second grade teacher. Dail:;-atthe end of our morning prayers, said in French, she'd add a little invocation, ""Priez pour rna perseverance.'" (Pray for my perseverance). ToaA 8 year old, that wua 50, word, to say the least, but toward the end of the year, I asked her to explaia what she meant. She did. I still didn't understand. It was not until after she dtc41hat I recalled her little prayer-and as the years have passed, r have come to appreciate more fully her wisdom. I come c10sesl to understanding what my priesthood means when I celebrate the Eucharist. And as I prepare to receive t_Sody and Blood of Christ, I often dwell on the prayer "KEEP ME FAITHFUL to YOUR TEACHINGS LORD, AND NEVER LET ME BE PARTED FROM YOU." That is my daily prayer for peneverance. Sometimes, in my work, I f«1 napped. Sometimes J feel overwhelmed by my sinfulness and unwonhiness. Dut, as l.h.old up the host and say, "Behold, this is Jesus, the lamb of God who takes away tbe sins of the world," I am reminded of Jesus'love and mercy. I often also reflecton the words.of one of my confessors: "The Lord never asks for more than you areeapable of giving. Whatever you have to deal with, ~Ijeve that somehow, through -..neone who will serve as his instrument for you, God will give you the grace to go 00." The question on celibacy has great imptications for the priest. Whatever else one might say about it, celibacy is a sign. SmIte think we are crazy; some think we are selwally paranoid; some can't believe that· we live what we claim. Some people even think. we are holy becl\use of this promile. None of these is true-again because of our sinful human nature. Celibacy is a radically different way'of life, adopted because of our radical , acceptance of the Gospel. It can only be..tIII!ferstood as part of the relationship of a priest with his people. This may' sound very "traditional"but it comes down to saying NO to ONE lover in order to say YESoto.,the whole community. That love is not watered down because it i! shared with sollUlny; rather it is strengthened to embrace all and to lead them to a deeper appreciation of God's love. It is a difficult challenge and there aremomenu of weakness and failure, but the Lord is forgiving and loving. Sometime.... do not underatand the full implications ' ofthe YES we give on the day of ordinatiGu, but daily, as we live the YES more fully, we b«ome more aware of how great aDIIRwarding that love commitment can be, Don't get me wrong. I am far fr.om beiq. saint. QUite the oppmilte IS closer to the truth. There is something potentially selllih about the life of a priest. We'-ean see ilin too much concern about cars, money, VIlClItions, etc. Perhaps the key to understanding celibate love lies in our obligation __,bave to be worthy of the love people have for us, especially when in most instanc~\hat love is given without question, JUS! by virtue of who we are and what we repreaent. The new roof, the parking lot, keeping tuition down in our schools, all are impor!ant. But these are not the mealiure of priestly effectiveness. The priest is a fisher of men, as the Gospel tells us. The "new roar' will eventually need to be repaired and replaced, the tuition will inevitably go up, and tm newly-paved parking lot will develop frost heaves and cracks; bitt the real measure of the priest'S effectiveness is his degree of (:ommitme1\t to the Lord and His people.
"There arJ no earth-shattering, dramatilc reasons for my entering religfous life. Quite sim· ply, I had Iii great admiration for the Sister~ of S1. Chretienne, who taught i me for 12 yean. They were -'l1edicated women , who were exqellent teachers and seemed to IQve God deeply. I felt 'I wanted to do likewise. Since ttien, I have taught for 18 years. most lilf that time in high school phYSfcS and mathema· tics. Duringithese yeaN I have come to knQw the Lord more intimately and I hope I have grown in Hl1:' love. "Why I r main within religious life afl r 24 years is clearer to me now t an ever. In the last few years especially, when two close friend~ left my community,l searched my heart with the question "\\1hy do I stay?" Two Scripture ptsages immediately arose withi me. The first was "You didn't hoose me... lchose you!" (John' 15: 16) I can accept that the "call" and the grace of
fidelity, His tid'eHty actually, are "mystery," the mystery of God's love and of His grace. The other passage is from Jolm 6, where many disciples turned away and left Jesus. He asked, "Are you going too?" Peter replied, "Master, 10 whom shall we go? You alone have the words that give eternal life...... 1 stay because of Gods fidelity to'me and because I am loved. "The vows I try to live out are countercultural in a society tbat exalts greed and consumeris,m, condones sexual promiscuity and infidelity, and hungers for control and power. Living the vowed life in community allows me freedom to minister in the Church and challenges me to work for peace and justice in the world. In my new post as a campus minister, I hope to be a listening presence, pointing toward the mercy of God and His steadfast love for each of us."
, "I became a permanent deacon because I felt a call by God to do "looking back. over my journey with Christ I feel certain that he I d me to ordina.tion via spiritual experiences, social environment, a d most importantly, family support. "I stay with it, after nearly three years, because 1 still feel called God, even though at times the ministry can be frustrating. It ay be an over-simplification, but alii have to do is go where he s nds me, do what he tells me to do, and communicate the I oughts he puts in my mind. Knowing that I do God's work and t my own gives me a strong sense of accomplishment even when y worldly standards I may seem to be failing.
REV. WILLIAM W, Norton is pastor of St. Patrick's Church, Fall River. "The Lord needs me and his work still fills me with a seDse of wonder and a wonderful sense of self worth. The priesthood is a daily challenge."
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SR. RITj'\. Messier, SRC. serves at St. ~nthonyof Padua
rectory, New Bedford. "The ideal l of loving and servin8 God attr¢ted me to religious life and after f1uch prayer I found the Congreg4tion of Our Lady Queen of tbe Clergy whoae mem· bers help priests by therr prayers and work. "Inall tbes, 41 years as a silter I have faund our prayenl and help always neede~. I fUlly accomplish my ideal of giVing myselfto God in religious life. ,j
=• ~
Trusting in God's p omise to be faithful and supported through th,eir own idelity to eath other, Sisters of Mercy de kate themselves to apostolic service. From Cath rine McAuley, their foundress, they have inherite , as the spirit of the community, a compassion for he dispossessed. Extending the Church'.5 ministries of teaching and healing, the service of the Siste s of Mercy is especially dedicated to the p or, the sick, the uneducated, and all those in a y way wounded by contemporary society.
OF MERCY For further information, contact:
Serra to meet The next meeting ofthe Serra Club, which fosters vocations to the priestttood and religious life and trains Catholic lay leaders. will be held Nov. II at St. Francis' of Assisi parish, New Bedfo~d. A Mass will be celebrated for deceased members.
Sister Rosemary laliberte, RSM Sisters of Mercy Provincialate R. D. No.3 Cumberlond, Rhode Island 02864 (401) 333,6333
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~." ~'.
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. Society of African Missions priest explains ",
A call to
SR. ROBERT Ann Kelly is REV. FRANCIS L. Maa Sister of the Resurrection. honey is pastor of St. Mary's ~er,communitY!llaffsSt. Sav-. parish, Seekonk. He was iour Day Surstry, New Bed- ' ordained in 19W. ford.
SR. CORA Laperle is a Sister of S1. Martha. serving at LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro.
AI hecame a priest because I rection because J really believe . wanted lo-be of service. to peopk. tnat tblll is where God Wl.lJts me What better way· than through and I can bringhi~ hope and joy to priesthood ! "G'od bas been vcry good 10 me a world (;ryit'lg out for it. "I have found meaning and over 2~yeai's. His gral:es have car· ried me. I am very happy as II beauty in my life and Would not give. it up fOl"' anything, If others priest and truiy believe. this is a (;ould only taste a little of what J lifetime commitment. The voca· have, they would surely want to lion ill m05t fulftllinl and iii own reward." . . , become a part of us!"
MI became a sister· to answer God's call and promote his Slory by serving Christ in the penon of his priests. -J &lay in religious life beCiuse J am very happy aDd {eel closer to God each day;M .
"I remaiA a Sister Oflhe Resur-
By Fltber Josep" Foley, S.M.A. A call to mission i.~ an invitiltion to disl;over· oneself in faith. Faith is a gift. My response to this gift is II continuing search for a deeper understanding of God in m)' life. For me, this search is ajourney in faith. All a young person, I had rc~t1css feet and an urgent longing. for adventure. I believed in God and his plan for me. I also believed I had been created ill the image and likeness of God, but I dido't know tlDW I could be Ilke him. 1 had learned that the Glory of God is· the human person fully alive. In the "Big Apple," where I worked' at tbe time, I had plenty of scope to 'live life to tM fultest. However, my work situation pre¥ sented me with a ""ion ofinjustict and exploitation ofthe poor which I had not experienced before. This raised questioml in my mind, and my inner conflict between what I experienced and wbat I wante.d out of life led me to a priest friend. He encouraged me to make a weekend retreat, during whicbJesus' question t() His: Disciples in CaeserCi Philippi, 7Wllo do you say I am?M grabbed me. In trying toanswer thisqllClltion, ) found mysdf drawn to a missionary ,roup of men who worked in Africa. They ace-epted me. into their seminary. and I continued to grow, mature and find joyful fulfilhnent in the pursuit (If my call. In 19611 was ordained to priesthooo and sent to Liberia, West
mISSIOn Africa, where Ihappily ministered for fourteen YCllrs.. 1 lCiilrned to enter into a culture and share with a people through listening to Ibetr
story and respecling their point of view. Through sharing in their story, 1 enabled them to &hare in mine. Indeed, haw myroleas that of elJabling God to be free to be, present in the minds, hearts, cul¥ .' ture, aspirations llnd tribulation,iS of the peClple. I realized the Got.pel message is not identified with arty particular culture, nor is it incom· . patible with any particular ~ulture. The Good News of Je-sus Christ is capable Clf Permeating and transforming all cultures without being subject to any ofthem. Theencoun¥ ter between 'cuJtureand Gospel ' valu~ will only take place as we continually address ounelves to the life situation of the people we are pO vileged to serve as missionar~ ies. Eighteen years after ordination I enjoy my prie:ttboud and God's giftS offailh and lite, and-find I am constantly challe-used to identify with the penon of Jesus. JesUll shows me that in tolal commitment to Him, I can experience God .. presence as amiss.ionary with the people I s.erve. After aU:; JesU$ Himself came to serve, and'it i.ipscrvins that we l:aD live liCe to the fuUnl. . The missionary mandate tM wit· neas and serviu ,till (;hal1ell.ges U1 loday as we proclaim the.GoQd News ·"that the K.ingdom of God hasc<lme...
The IIonIiniI3I Sisters of Hawthol'ne·
,j, 1
Servants of Relief lor'nt",r",,'e Cancer Give New Meanllig and Purpose to Your life.
,.1:l~ Ours is a life filled with the joy Of giving, touched by the sadness of foss, and complete in God's unfailing love.
Express your love of by nursing His cancer-afflicted poor. Through these suffering souls. He will return your love many times over. Our one apostolate is to nurse and care for people 01 all races, creeds and colors who are terminally-ill with cancer.· We provide this care for free in homes located in New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Georgia, Minnesota and Ohio. As more women join our congregation, we plan to open new homes in other states. Catholic women from all walks of life and backgcoUtlds are invited to visit one of our nursing homes to see the work we.do and the strength and beauty of our religi9t/SJife. .
Open your mind and heart to Christ's cal/. Make arrangements to visit with us by calling collect
-----------------------Please send me more information about you·r order,
Sr. Anne Marie, (914) 769-4794 Sr. Anne Marie. The Dominican Sisters 01 Hawthorne . Rosary Hill Home, Hawthorne, NY 10532
REV. ANDRE A. Pate- .
LaSalette Shrine, Attle boro. He is heard in con certs throughout the area and has issued several records of his original hymns. .
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 8, 1985
"The daily ministry of the Sacrament of Reconciliation at LaSalette Shrine keeps me in close contact with the merciful love of God and to be a.part of sharing"in that ministry is fulfilling. It is also a great consolation for me to see how the Lord is using my gift of music to bring many closer to himse.lf and his Blessed Mother. "I stay in the priesthood !>ecause the world is so much in need of hearing the Good News preached in a way that brings hope!"
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DEACON Robert A. F~ria serves at Our L~dy of Lourdes parish, Taunton. . "Having been an 'active layman all my. life, the permanent diaco· .nate p'rogram helped me solidify and make permanent my commit· ment to the Church and the people of God. As I see the need for workers in the vineyard; 1 am assured that·Godcontinues to call me to serve others."
Making a difference ,NOTRE DAME, Ind. (NC) . When a priest. starts Sunday Mass ona friendly note, not onlYl does he form a rapport that lasts through the Mass, but the people are more :Iikely to be prayerful, says a new liturgy study. . If the celebrant makes no opening remarks or fails to strike Ii friendly note in them, "the whole liturgy is likely to be stiff and formal in tone," the study said. The parish liturgy study was part of an ongoing Notre Dame Study of Catholic Parish Life. How parishes celebrate week· end Masses was part of an an· depth study of 36 parishes care fuJ.ly selected to provide a repre· sentative cross-section of U.S.' Catholic. parish me. Teams consisting of a liturgy specialist and a sociologist speci alizing in field research, went to each of the parishes to observe its chief Sunday Mass and a '. secondary Mass,. if there was one, ·00' Saturday evening or Sunday morning. In ·aU, 70 Masses were stu.died. The report was jointly written by Mark Searle, 'a liturgist, and David Leege, 'a sociologist.' Summal'izing the impact of the Second Vatican Council's 'liturgy. reforms•. the' report said, "Liturgies which are clearly what Vatican II had in mind tend to score ,lower Ithan -average in, terms of awareness of the sacred
and formal ritual, but to be markThe 'missalettes as a class do
ed by more fervent participation, . ;ROt come off w~lI, the re~ort
stronger sense of community and " said. Weak pan1;icipation by the
good rapport between priest and people, poor rapport between
congregation. Liturgies !that are, celebrant and congregation, poor
very formal show a correspond· music selection and sermons not
ing lack of community aware; llinked to readings of the day
ness but a strong sense of the were among phenomena ob
sacred in general, but without servers Hnked with reliance on
a sharp dich9tomy, it said, the missalettes.
- -- --_.
tone "of urban and suburban lit. urgies tends to be more "horiAmong other finds:
zontal," or oriented toward the' - Girls or women served at
assembled community, wliile the altar in about 10 percent of that of rural liturgies tends to be . Masses observed. Men slightly more "vertical." "outnumbered women among the "The study found that most lay eucharistic ministers in Catholics -receive Communion volvedin the M~sses observed. regularly at Mass. "In 90 percent - 80 percent of homilies . of the Masses observed more focused on the readings of the than three-quarters of the con- day, as urged by liturgical norms. gregationreceived Communion" On Sundays the homily usua:))y the report said. ' lasted 10 ·to 15 minutes, but at It said that use of the com- Saturday eveiling Masses it tend· munion cup, even where avail- ed to be shorter or longer. able, was less· common. It said - The Creed was skipped the cup was available at slightly about, one-eighth of the time. less than half the Masses studied - Congregational singing was but only in one-third of tho~ ..ge?eraUy one of the weakest cases did a majority of the peo. "p9mts of celebration. "In. only pIe drink from it. 12 percent of all Masses did .the The report also said that a overwhelming majority of the li~urgicalpractice advocated by people join illl hymn singing; in an.other: ~8 pe!c~~t at least two· po?es since the 18th century _ usmg for communion only hosts thirds Jomed m. . consecrated at the same Mass - is still not practiced widely. c
tabernacle were used along with
newly consecrated ones in" 80
percent of the Masses.
<1> .....~~~~s'·:~~~~~ ~o~~:
. • . • ••••••..•••••......
Sisters ofSt•. Joan of Arc
Uniting Icon tempLation with action we dedicate our Lives to the service of Christ in His priests through Housekeep ing tasks in rectories; Bishops' houses, homes for retired . priests; etc. ALso, secretaries, sacristans, etc.
For further information, contact: .
Vocation Directress Sisters of St. Joan ofArc St. Anselm College Manchester, N.H. 03102
.... -
THE ANCHOR-Diocese' of pall ~iver-Fti~;'Nov.'8;~1985
,-.. ··""·"·>Re·~~·;~r~·~;~·ir~~·~t.
'HALLETT Funeral Home Inc.
With 31',000 Subscribers, It Pays To Advertise In The Anchor'
HOUSTON (NC) - An 18 year record has been broken this academic year with the enrollment of 65 seminarians studying for the priesthood for the Diocese of Gal veston-Houston . . Parish priests and the Diocesan Vocations Office were the two principal reas'ons for the record- . setting level, according to Msgr. Chester Borski, rector of St. Mary's Seminary, the diocesan seminary in Houston. Msgr. Borski said parish priests "are talking up vocations and encour aging young men to make known they have a desire to enter the seminary." Divine Providence Sister Rosalie Ann Karstedt of the vocations office said that in the past two years the diocese's Vocations Coun cil has sponsored more than 300 programs on vocation awareness.
283 Station Avenue South Yarmouth, Mass.
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46 OAI &ReM' AVI.• FALL 'M'
REV. BAR,TLEY Mac PH-AlDIN, CSC, president of Stonehill College, North Eas ton, says he "stays in the priesthood "because it gives, me an opportunity to fulfill Catalog.available the meaning of my life-a
CHICAGO(NC)-The Nation meaning I had intuited from a al Catholic Vocation Council has very young age." published. a catalog of voc~tion
10:00 A.M. to 7:30 P.M.
DEVOTIONS TO THE DIVINE INFANT . A Novena : : .. $ l.oo DEVOTION TO THE SACRED HEART -:.~editations ' . . . with prayers 's.,' : ~ ; ,.-: : •• $ 1,00 . ""N "lIS BLOOD·....:: D.eytitions~o the Prec'ious:. -. '.- ' . . : .' ': ~ : . '.' .. ";" .. $1.00 ',' .•' - .. ' Blood .: '.' • :'; HEA;RT-TALi<S~WliH~THE-MAN ,OF S6R~0WS·:::.z;" '''<:;~!~ '. .. '" Prayers on the ·Passion. : : :: $ 1.00 PRAYERS FOR THE FEASTS OF JESUS AND MARY ~ ................. :.: : ':.: $ 1.50·~ JESUS MY LIFE":'" Prayerbook dedicatttd to '. Jesus :. "~;" : -t· : ' : $ 8.00 JESUS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE . ." Meditations .. \ :. ,,;'.: ,'. : .. ; '., : $ 5.00
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' ak!'e. :," M
••. '.
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Also included is Ii series of book lets on priests, brothers, sisters, lay ministers and missionary work,. and a number 9f general booklets on issues related' to vocations. Theciltalog 'was published in connection' with the annual cele bra'tiono( 'vocation Awareness week Oct. 13-19.'
• •
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PRAYING THE GOSPELS"':'" 183 meditatio'ns in prayer form on the life and teaching of Jesus, with Gospel.,. text. Part I. Youth and beg'inning of Public Life. Part II. Public Life. Part III.. Passion and Resurrection. - Each Part : ' $ 3.00 GOSPEL READINGS - In "Today's'English Version" with 63 line drawings. Large type. 200 pages ... $ 6.00 THE BIBLE ILLUSTRATED - Highlights from the Old and New Testament. 140 etchings of world-renowed illustrator, Paul Dore'. Large type '. . .' .. $ 8.95 CATHOI:IC PICTURE BIBLE - Stories from the Old and New Testament with 110 pictures in color .. $ 8.00 THE LORD JESUS - The life of Jesus with 140 pictures ; $ 6.00 THE STORY OF JESUS - Large format with pictures .. Incolor ·: $ 5.00. . ST. JOSEPH'S FIRST CHILDREN'S BIBLE -., Highlights from the Old and New Testament. :-. $ 5.00 Illustrated In color . -: NEW TESTAMENT PRAYERS - Prayers according to the Gospels and Epistles :; .: : $ 1.50 'SUNDAY GOSPELS-'For'each'Su'nday of the year, with Gospel text, commentary and application. Cycle'A;'Cycle B....•............ ~" $ 5.00.each Cycle C (New Edition) : : .$ 8.00 o
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COMMUNION PRAYERS --'Preparation 'and 'Thariks-' ." giving prayers , $ 1.00 , . NOVEN/',!OF'HOLy COMMUNIONS'-:' Asacramentai ; ~.:.: : ; ; $ 1.00' novena 'EUCHARISTIC HEART-TALKS WITH JESUS _ I . . , . Prayers.: ~ ; .: $ 1.00-: TREASURY OF PRAYER - A manual of best-loved prayers , ' , ;$ 8.00
'aids, vocation posters and Fs~~y~r cards!n En:li~h and Span
,,'":\C :MO~.~e',.. .~i~' .0,.ur',:. .
awareness materials for panshes and individuals. The materials include teaching guides for the elementary and second-' ... ary school,levels, family liturgical
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Catering to Weddings and Banquets
SR. GISELE Thibault, SCQ, is principal of Mt. St. Joseph School, Fall River. "I became a 'sister because God gave me the grace to understand at a very young age, thanks to my parents'and the example of the sis ters in school, the mystery of God's love for mankind and me. In return, I wanted to giv.e him my whole life a'.1d all' my love. . "I remain a sister because of Jesus' example ~nd 'that of his Mother Mary and because I love my community. 'The Word of God and the reception of the Eucharist . empower' me with' the strength necessary to carryon... .
Montie Plumbing' & Heating Co. Over 35 Years' of Satisfied Service Reg. Master Plumber 7023 , JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 432 JEFFERSON STREET
Fall River
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Rivei--Fi-i.; 'Nov.-'S, 1985
SR. EILEEN Kenny, PBVM, is a guidancecounse lor at Bishop Connolly High 'School, Fall River.
Cornwell Memorial Chapel, Inc.
It pays to advertise in The Ancholr, the largest
weekly newspaper in Southeastern Massachusetts,
reaching 31,000 subscribers and an estimated
130,000 actual readers.
Government Homes I
,i "I became a sister because I felt that it was what God was asking me to do with my life. It was a vocation attractive to me because I wanted to be a teacher and I admired the lifestyle ofthe sisters who
taught me. They were generous, intelligent, fun-loving women with a strong sense of commitment to the service of God. Religious life continues to be a beautiful experience for me. I enjoy my work and, am happy living with sisters who share my hopes and dreams. My ministry is exciting and challenging and I am richer because of the countless individuals with whom I have been associated. I believe I can best work out my salvation as a Sister of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary."
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Retired bishop problems of
Tel. 673-4262
pries~s WAU«AU
NEW YORK (NC) U.S. priests want better prayer lives, often face loneliness, are con· cerned about vocations and search for answers to the chal lenges of priestly celibacy "in our sex-oriented society," said Bishop Nicolas E. Walsh. The for,mer ,bishop of Yakima, Wash., made the comments in a recent issue of Emmanuel, a monthly magazine published by the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament.
frequent question among priests is whether or not celibacy is as strong a factor in the decrease in seminary enrollment as many nre saying. He said priests are not immune to loneliness. calling it a "major emotional problem" that needs attention. ' "Priests are lonely," Bishop_ Walsh said. "They say that it is affecting almost every aspect of , their lives... their prayer life, their ' enthusiasm in speaking about voca tions, their dealing with the prob lems of others." To combat loneliness many priests, Bishop Walsh said, are involved in priests' renewal pro grams Hke Emmaus and Jesus Caritas. Some priests have found that working with Marriage En counter helps too, he said. . According to' the bishop, priests are seeking "a definition or understanding of priestly holi ness which will help motivate them, re,new their energies, handle stress, prevent burnout and assist them in their growth in Christ-likeness."
Bishop Walsh retired as an auxiliary bishop of Seattle in 1983. In retirement he retains the title of former bishop of Yakima, his post before -his transfer to Seattle. He headed the Yakima Diocese Nom 1974 to 1976. In his article the bishop cover ed priests' views on vocations, loneliness, hol'iness.. prayer, sex uality and evangelization. He said he feels priests are showing "growth in maturity" by tackling such issues. "I have grown in my admIra tion of our priests and in my gratitude to God for the kind of , Priests are extremely interested men we have in our ranks," he ' in "how to give new zest to their saId. prayer life or about beginning He said his observations of again," said Bishop Walsh. what ,is on priests' minds came They no longer fear to speak from numerous retreats he has about human sexuality, he com given in dioceses across the coun mented, and "are almost univer try. sally sea'rching for answers to Bishop Walsh said that priests the challenges of a celibate life are asking questions about voca in our sex-oriented society." tion programs, the amount of Many are distur,bed by what money spent on such programs, they feel is an increasing number and the recruiting of young peo of seminarians and priests who ple at parish and diocesan levels, admit to homosexual or hetero in colleges and in the military. 'sexual relationships, he added. He also observed that priests "Priests are talking aQout the kind oftraining being offered -or say they want to improve their required - in our seminaries, "the homilies by learning more about theology or preaching and are bishop added, "about the reinstate looking ,into what padshes are ment of certain laicized priests, about a married clergy, about offering in youth and adult reli women in the ministry, about the gious education programs as a first step in evangelization.
distribution of 'personnel." '
Stylish studio, one and two bedroom' apartments, including those designed for the handicapped in the handsomely restored Academy Building opposite City Hall, in downtown Fall River, with stores, churches and transportation all near your front door.
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ST. JEAN BAPTISTE CHURCH Cor. Tucker St. & Stafford Rd., Fall River (CHURCH BASEMENT) '.
.CHRISTMAS BAZAAR FRI., NOV. 8 • 6 to 11 p.m.
SAT., NOV. 9 • noon to 11 p.m.
SUN., NOV. 10. noon to 11 p.m.
SUN. NIGHT. Country & Western
(BOTH NIGHTS 6 to 1'1 p.m.)
Friday: Salmon Pie, Chowder, Clamcakee
Saturday: Franke and Beane. Sunday: French
Meat Pie with vegetables & maehed potato, Hot
Doge, Hamburgere and other snacks available
Appearance by CHUCK E. CHEESE, Many other
Children's Attractions throughout the Festival
'0 Christmas Ceramic & Varied Boothe' Games of Skill and Chance GIANT RAFFLE
:~NCHOR~Diocese of 'F~IIRive"r-:"Fri'.;,Nov. 8, 1985~' .' ..'... , ."".,.. ,'.','...
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'The story of the
Oapuohin Franciscans -in the Province of St. Mary (New York & New England) begin their training as friars in a special, non-residential. postulancy pro gram. DuriJlg the course of this Postulancy year, a young man has the opportunity to ~ook at .our way of life in' an "upclose fashion" by observing the life and prayer of the friars. After thepostulancy program, if the young man seeks to further in vestigate our me, he can apply to live our life on ·il trial basis known as the Novitiate.
chins strive to answer the call of Jesus Christ by bringing Christ like witness to a world hungry for the message of the Gospels.
dition, 'and heritage, our miniS tries and apostolates vary in mtkting the needs in a ~ocal parish or school, the needs of 'our own friaries, in hospitals 'and college campuses to reach ing out to people on; every con tinent, as missionaries. Since peace and justice are 'at the heart of the gospel message, this too has become a concern of our Capuchin fraternity.
For additional information, please call or write: FATHER MICHAEL BANKS O.F.M. CAP.,' SL Anthony Friary, 593 Bridge St., Manchester, NH 03104, Tel. (603) 627-4209.
Women may try religious life
As with St. Francis, the poor Christ and his church hold a special place i.n the heart of the Capuchin Friar. By our lifestyle and example, we hope to show all ,that' we meet that Jesus Christ is alive and' living in the world .today.
It .is during .the course of this special year that· he actually ,lives' the life of the friaTs all the while learning more about our Franciscan history, spiritually, Today there are some 11,800 and the various customs and ob Capuchin Franciscans through servances that define our work . out the world with,.about 1,000 . and' lives, in North America living' the Candidates for both the priest~ gospel lifeiaught, by' Jesus hood and brotherhood receive Chri'stas practiced by Francis this same introductory phase of Assisi. Wearing distinctive brown habits, with a white cord .of formation intq the Order. Can and sandaled feet, we strive to didates for the priesthood en roll in academic and pastoral be true images of Jesus reflectprograms that eventually lead Jng the lifestyle giv~n to us by them to ordination, after their St. Franci~. . .theological ,studies are com , If you have 'an interest inJ'eli :pI¢ted, , "': " .. ' gio\ls life, or feel called by .: ... ,Clip~¢hin .pr~est.s an~ 'broth'ers Christ to, live as a, reHgious .' . share tli~ good news' of Jesus brother or priest, we invite you in various ways. Where there is to ·look into our Capuchin Fran-' 'a need, in ·the:church, they ciscan lifestyle. By <living in strive, to'· answe,r .the call, to be clos~ly. knit Christian, communi available to. the people of God. ties, ~nd vowing, to' .live poverty, ,," As part o(our 'Franciscan tra, chastJt~, and ob~.d,lence, Capu-
.;.;..------...;..""'!"""'!"-----------.... i'
.. 'E-N THE':" WH. ,SMOKE CLEARS ~,.:0·'.·U'.LL,·· BE 'C'o~'VmRED.
Q "
. The SisterI' of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus' and Mary offer an opportunity for young women to have a firsthand experience ' of religious Hfe. They staff a vocations aware ness house in Fairhaven to assist women between ages 20 and 35 to discern God's call in their lives... A guest may spend a day, 'a weekend or as long as a year at the house,sharing the prayer ;ind, ministry of' the Sacred H'earts community. The community, born"in 1800 to respond to the needs of 19th century France, now numbers some 1,100 members'serving in North and South America, Eu rope' and Africa; always giving preference to the poor and work ing with them to build a world based on justice and Ilove. Specific apostolates include teaching, catech~ticar'work, parish ministries, pastoral care in hospitals ~nd prisons and work in~~>rl~ig~ miSSion.s: '" . . , The, Fairhaven house is· in
~~:~~/~o~elis ~~~e; t:~~e~~ share in these. works.
Anyone interested in the pro is invited to contact Sis ter Claire Bouchard, SS.CC., at 35 Huttleston Ave.; Fairhaven, 02719, tel, 994-9341.
. gram
CYObasketball season' begins
'Ooln;~}'our health go up in smoke. Put~t your
some gOOd fresh air and celebrate. '" AL SMOKEOUTOAY. NOVEMBER 21ST•. ,~ ,. is fmothef breath of fresh air: SAVINGS BANK LIFE. ' CE offers redUOi!d rates if you haven't smoked f.' .. ttes for at I~,one year and you . ..'" ,
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the ,CYO Hall,' :located on Anawari' Street in Fall River, is . '. '~pell seven' days a week ,and
your life. not your pays. '. LIFE INSURANCE not to puff, ' •. SAviNGS' BANK UFEINSURANCE~ THE BUVOF YOUR1-:UFE. . .... •
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·young. ·Dien
''lind women between the ages of : . " 10 ~and 21;" . , ~.-.'., .. .
" ~~_. 64i~ MaMs ;'.
Al Vaillancourt, associate di rector of the Fall River Area CYO, has announced that ap proximately 70 teams represent. ing 17 parishes In the Fall River area' Will start play tonight as the. Fall River A-rea CYO BasketbaHLeagu~begins 'an other sea!?on. Vaillancourt said', that the ,league's "Jamboree", will, be held at 4 p.m. today. All Junior Boys' 'tea,ms will participate in , the. annual event, which will . feature·,a: music and light show , by K & ,B Enterprises. '.On"Satu·rday, the Junior Girls' le~guewill commence 'play at 9 a.m., Pr~p 'and Senior ,l~agues will ;.begin play on Sunday;
.~ .
.. Middle' East" ,', Continued from page one 30 and 40 percent attend Mass," he said. "In the villages, it is generally 80 to 90 percent." He believes that the city lifestyle separates families and destroys the nucleus of the parish "fam ily." The bishop estimates the . Christian population in Jordan to be approximately 95,000 to 100,000 people, or 4 percent of the population. Of this number he says, approximately 28,000 to 30,000 are Catholics. He says that 30 years ago, Christians made up 10 to 12 per-
Synod \ Continued from Page One the synod should emphasize "the role and importance" of national hishops' conferences. They also said that collegial ity - the pope governing t,he church' in concert with the bish ops of the world - "requires a fresh emphasis. The Ontario report was one of four presented by the regional conferences of Canadian bishops to the plenary session of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. An .the reports touched on collegiality among a variety of issues. The documents are considered to 'contain the essence of the Canadian bishops' position in their summary response ,to the Vatican's questionnaire on top ics to be discussed at the synod. "National conferences of bishops, given a strong impetus at Vatican II, should be accept ed and supported as indispensi ble realities for the life of the church in a· given nation or region, especially in dealings with national governments and' for contributions to national life and culture," the Ontario bishops said. '
The Reason ,Elbows bend as they do to make it h~rd to pat oneself on the back.
cent of the population, attributing the decline to Jordan's economic condition. He notes that the rising cost of raising a family has coincided with decreased family sizes. Increased use of birth control and the transition from an agricultural ,to an urban society are other factors, he added. The bishop said vocations for both men and women are "on the decline, but better than Eu rope" and that now the patriar. chate is fortunate that at least 70 percent o~ the priests are under 45.
TI:lE ANCHOR-Diocese of fCllB River-Fr.i\/.N(»,"~ .·8,., ·1'985,
Christmas Bazaar NOV. 9 - 9 A.M.· 7 P.M. NOV. 10 - 9 A.M.· 8 P.M.
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The patriarchate reaches out to Christian families through a catechetical center and a reli gious publication. A Christian library is also planned.. According to the bishop, many . Christian children attend Cath olic schools and consistently rank in the highest percentiles on national examinations. Fin ancing of the schools, however, is a maj01' concern. The fact that about 70 percent of the patriar chate's budget goes towal'ds the schools shows the priority placed on Catholic education, he said. "Families pay something, but they a're poor," he says;
With 3 J,000 Subscribers, It Pays To . Adyertise In The Anchor
3Join us of Dickens' London in this our 5th Annual Dickens Festival. Shop in more than 20 well stocked shoppes in a 19th Century, London, atmosphere for unique handmade gifts. homemade pastries. breads and preserves. decorations. baskets, macrame and much more. Dine at our Inn and enjoy the antics of our entertainers at Kensington Gardens and the hustle and bustle ofa busy marketplace at the
~irltttts JjfestiuaI
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PASTOR: Rev. Lucio B. Phillipino
NOVEMBER 14, 7-10 p.m. Admission: $15 ea. ASSOC. PASTOR: $25 a pair Rev. William Boffa . Senior Citizens $10 ea.
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Mortgage & Home Improvement Money? Of Course!
NCCC vote Continued from page one ~ortgage money available to low-income families 'and donate services to help alleviate housing needs. The resolution on AIDS called on the church and all levels of government to "significantly" step up the fight against the dis ease, Acquired Immune Defici ency Syndrome. The resolu,tion also recognized the need for pastoral care for individuals with AIDS and en" dorsed commitment of NCCC member agencies' resources to helping AIDS patients and those with AIDS-related conditions and their families.
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sixth an~. nual Jubilee Mass are, left, Mr. and Mrs; 'PauI'D:'Ouimet; St. Bernard's parish, Assonet, celebrating their :.25th wedding anniversary', and .right, l\1rs. Ouimet's parents, Mr. ao~ .Mrs.. Laurence A. Coyle', ·St. Mary's Cathe~ral>: ,Fall·.River,. cele brating .their 50th aririiversary.. (Gaudette photo)'.
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He said to them, ffCom'e after me, and' Iu'ill make you fishers of men." They immediately abandoned their boats and nets al1d becalne His foltolvers. MATT. 4:19-20
(New Amer. Bible) -
Pertaining to the" Diocesan Priesthood please contact: VERY REV. JOHN J. SMITH, ,V.E.
Director of Vocations 155 North Main Street A ttl~boro, MA ,02703 (617) 222-1206