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Friday, November 8,1991
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly
Duke case seen civil rights plus
511 Per Year
Euthanasia initiative defeated ,
Shocked Bush WASHINGTON (CNS) Whether or not David Duke is elected governor of Louisiana Nov, 16, theformer Ku Klux Klan leader's October primary election victory will be remembered as a turning point in restoring civil rights in the United States. The success of a former neoNazi and one time Klan Grand Dragon in Louisiana politics is being credited in part with shocking conservative Republicans and President Bush into supporting the 1991 Civil Rights Actthey had vowed to oppose. The Senate's 93-5 vote Oct. 30 ~EPLICAS OF Columbus' ships, the ?inta, the Nina and the Santa Maria, built by the and Bush's declaration that he Spanish Navy, take to the high seas. (CNS/ PBS photo) "couldn't be happier" with the legislation seemed to guarantee the bill's approval in the House and its ultimate passage into law. .. Observers saw a clear connection between the administration's change of heart and two other October events: Duke's victory i'n At the cathedral ceremonies, the On Dec. I, the Fall River diomade by Alex Vallejos and Umthe Louisiana Republican primary berto Lopez, both of Albuquerque, cese will inaugurate its observance quincentennial cross will be venand the public airing of sexual NM. Inscribed' on them in gold of the fifth centenary of evangeli- erated and. members of the many harassment claims in the confirethnic groups represented in the letters are the Spanish words for mation process for new Supreme zation in the Americas and Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will receive a diocese will be invited to process in "Fifth Centenary: The EvangelizaCourt Justice Clarence Thomas. tion of the New World." cOmmemorative quincentennial native dress. Prayers in several "In light of what we saw at the languages will also be, part of the "When I'm carving, I feel like cross from representatives of the Thomas hearings, sexual harassI'm right there" with the crucified Knights of Columbus at a 5 p.m. celebration. ment is a fact in this country," said The quincentennial cross is a Christ, Vallejos told Catholic News Mass he will celebrate at S1. Mary's Ronald Jackson, public policy . replica of one planted in 1514 by Service during an interview earlier Cathedral, Fall River. analyst for the Urban League and The quincentenary observance, missionaries, in the West Indies this fall. He and Lopez began their a member of the U.S; Catholic to take place in dioceses across the nation of Santo Domingo, now task last May. Now completed, it Conference Domestic Policy Comnation, and to be coordinated in the Domin'ican 'RepUblic. The included construction of stands mittee. the 'Fall River diocese by Father Knights of Columbus have funded and storage boxes for the crosses. "The Thomas hearings created a 188 such crosses for,us'e in the U.S. Jon-Paul Gallant, will mark the tremendous amount of pressure Diocesan Pilgrimage 500t,h anniversary of the bringing and Canadian dioceses participat(to pass the civil rights bill), parFollowing the opening of the of Catholicism to the Americas by ing in the quincentennial program, ticularly in terms of women's quincentenary observance at S1. Each cross is four and a halffeet the Spanish missionaries who acissues," agreed Jerome Ernst, diMary's Cathedral, the diocesan tall and is fashioned of Hondu.ran rector of the National Catholic companied Christopher Columbus, Tum to Page Seven mahogany. The crosses were handdiscoverer of the New World. Conference on Interracial Justice. Most of the 1991 bill simply restores rights of victims of employment discrimination that were restricted by a series of Supreme Court rulings in 1989. One new provision however, will allow women and members of r~ligious This year's Anchor contest has no upper age limit, but you must be groups to sue for damages in cases at least a high school freshman to enter. It is open to laypersons, of job bias. Previously they were only entitled to back pay. deacons, brothers, sisters, priests, bishops and cardinals. Nor do we The bill was hung up for more exclude the pope. What we want is 500 or fewer TYPED words, telling than two years by partisan politics, but David Duke's political , us what-you think Jesus would do ifhe came this Christmas as an adult' rise is se'en as having a more drato the United States, Entries must reach us by December 10 and none matic effect in cutting through that. can be returned, so keep a copy. There will be one prize of $100 and "Duke's is such a blatant form the winning essay will be printed in our December 20 Christmas issue. of racism President Bush can't afford to be associated with it." Don't forget: all entries must be TYPED. When Duke succeeded in the primary by playing to Louisianans' MAIL TO fears that members of minorities Anchor Christmas Contest were taking their jobs, much as' Bush had used his more subtle PO Box 7, Fall River MA 02722
'Diocesan quincentenary program. to begin at Cathedral Dec. 1
WASHINGTON (CNS) - Wash-' ington state voters narrowly defeated a proposal that would have legalized physician-assisted suicide, ' despite the fact that supporters of Initiative 119 Outspent its opponents 3 to I. The euthanasia proposal, which the Catholic Church in Washington state had strongly opposed, was the best known ballot issue of Catholic interest among several facing voters Nov. 5 in various parts of the country. Also in Washington state, at press time an initiative to guarantee abortion rights appeared headed for defeat by a narrow margin. In Texas, voters overwhelmingly approved a state lottery, which more than half the' state's Catholic bishops had opposed. Attempts to repeal gay rights measures in San Francisco and S1. Paul, Minn., failed, while a proposed "Children's Amendment" requiring the San Francisco city government to spend a portion of Tum to Page Seven '
Bishop's Ball plans made Plans are underway for the 37th annual Bishop's Charity Ball, to be held Jan. 10 at White's of Westport under sponsorship of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and the Society of S1. Vincent de Paul. The event benefits camps for exceptional and underprivileged children and other diocesan apostolates. Father Daniel L. Freitas, diocesan ball director, has named as committee chairs Mrs. Aubrey M. Armstrong and Sister Gertrude Gaudette, OP, decorations; Mrs. Tum to Page Seven
Our Christmas Contest
Tum to Page Seven
Why are diocesan youth seeing with new eyes? "Turn to pages 8-9
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FLYING PASTOR Father James Kelley with his mission plane at King Salmon Airport and with locals in one of the Alaskan peninsula's tiny rural communities; in background is a Russian Orthodox Church. At right,
Fr. Boff concedes to Vatican ROME (CNS) - Franciscan Father Leonardo Boff, a Brazilian theologian, has conceded defeat in his ongoing battle with the Vatican and his religious superiors over his controversial writings on liberation theology. "I desist," the priest wrote to Father Herman Schalueck, superior general of his community. The letter was written after Father Boff was removed as editor of a theological magazine.
St. Anne's Hospital gratefully acknowledges contributions that we have received to the Remembrance Fund during October 1991. Through the remembrance and honor of these lives, St. Anne's can continue its "Caring With Excellence."
Michael Abdallah William C. Atkinson Katherine Bagley Frank P. Botelho Rev. Roland Brodeur Ralph Carlone Mary C. DeSousa Ralph Eaton Theodore Fillion Anne M. Gasior Leon N. Gendreau Albert S. Hall Alice May Halle Dr. Wilson E. Hughes John J. Kisbert Stanley P. Koska Estelle La~rde Made Louise Jobin LaVigne Richard l. Lavimoniere Raoul Lemieux Mr. Merrill Leviss Eric M. McWhirter Adeline Occhiuti Mr. Normand J. Patenaude Joseph C. Saulino Augustine Silva, Jr. David St. Amand Mr. Donat Thiboutot Arthur E. Vogler Stanley Wojnar
We are grateful to those who thoughtfully .named St. Anne's Hospital's Remembrance Fund.
Anchorage Archbishop Francis T. Hurley on the day he handed over the Cessna 182 for Father Kelley's mission work.
Pilot-priest pastors Alaskan peninsula population , St. Paul descends daily from the lems of the system. So I requested had a resident priest, just a circuit permission from my bishop and he rider once a month," he wrote, skies over southwestern Alaska. The Cessna 182 with the saintly gave me the go-ahead." adding that the archdiocese purHe helped people in the Navy chased five acres midway between appellation is piloted by New Bedfor 23 years, serving in such locales King Salmon and Naknek to build ford native Father James F. Kelley, 62, who retired from the Navy as Guam, Italy and Japan and on a new church. last February and has become a the aircraft carriers USS Oriskany, Father Kelley's services are in USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and demand for Masses at a nearby flying pastor to inhabitants of the USS Enterprise. southwestern peninsula of the state Air Force base and for the blessing He was also a chaplain at Navy of homes and fishing boats. "I've called the "last frontier." "The only way to get around is - hospitals in Great Lakes, Ill., and been saying many home Masses," Bethesda, Md., and before retiring he added. by plane. Our longest paved road was command chaplain at the is 16 miles," the aviator-priest said The 'rugged climate suits the Naval Air Station in Alameda, athletic priest just fine. He had in a letter detailing his new ministry. Based in the communities of Calif. planned to major'in physical eduOver the years he earned ratings cation in college, attributing that King Salmon and Naknek, Father Kelley serves an Anchorage arch- 'from the Federal Aviation Admin- inclination to his father, the late diocesean parish measuring 700 istration to fly commercial and Frederick Kelley, who for many miles north to south and 300 miles instrument-equipped planes; he years was director of physical edualso can fly gliders and seaplanes cation for the city of New Bedford east to west. "I've been flying around getting and is a licensed instructor for sev- and was also head of the North introduced to the Catholics in the eral types of aircraft. End Boys' Club for 59 years. He counts his experience in area," he wrote. "Some of the The priest counts among his Ethiopia as his most exceptional. hobbies handball, softball, tennis, more remote people have not had a priest' say Mass for them in The only chaplain at Cagnew Sta- and - auspiciously - skiing and tion in Asmara, Father Kelley pro- ice skating. ,years." " Father Kelley is no stranger to vided for the religious needs of all Although being the only priest 'airplanes nor to remote assign- the pe'ople on base and on his days available for the residents of 2,100 ments after a regular Navy career off flew a twin engine aircraft for a sq uare miles of hard-to-reach of "four years, three days, two small airline, often transporting places sounds more like hard work hours and 32 minutes" and 23 food, supplies and personnel for than retirement, Father. Kelley is years as a Navy chaplain that mission outposts. doing what he loves best. Now flying the Cessna named " "I love flying," he said. "It gives included time in the Ethiopian for "the first of our great mission- me a chance to look at things from' , bush country. aries," he sees his present occupa- a different perspective." He enlisted in the Navy after tion as another kind of missionary He seems to have found the graduating from New Bedford High work for a flock with different .Alaska perspective to his liking, as School in 1947 and after three need~. he writes from King Salmon, "I'm years planned to leave the service "The people, here ,have 'never delighted with the challeng~!'~ and go to college, but when the KoreanWar broke out he was fro~S. zen on active duty. During that final year in the Navy he decided to become'a priest. Ordained Feb. 2, 1961, for the LOS ANGELES (CNS) - Pol- Philippines; Bishop'Podire Taban Fall River diocese after. studies at itical and economic upheavals of Sudan; and Father Buhlert TharCardinal O'Connell seminary in Jamaica Plain and St. John's Semi- around the'globe are changing the achatr of Thailand. "Just as the present church has nary in Brighton, Father Kelley face of the ,Catholic Church in the United States, said eminent Jesuit been formed by immigrants who served at St. Mary's parish, MansFather Joseph Fitzpacame from Europe in the last censociologist field, from 1961 to 1968. trick at the recent Catholic Chari- tury and early in this, so the church During that time he earned his ties USA conference in Los An- of the next century will be formed private pilot's license, but at the geles. by Hispanics," said Father Fitzpatime he had no plans to return to Representing the Fall River diotrick, who w~s marking his 6~th the Navy. cese at the meeting was Rosa Neto year as a Jesuit. The Vietnam War changed his Lopes, director of the New Bed- 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 mind. ford office of Diocesan Catholic THE ANCHOR (.USPS-545-o~0). Second "... 1 watched our young men .. . Class Poslage Paid al Fall River, Mass. go off to Vietnam and I buried SOCial Services: She said th~ pro- Published weekly excepllhe week of July 4 some of them in our own little gram was deSigned to heighten and Ihe week afler Chrislmas at 887 Highawareness of current pressing glo- , land Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by cemetery in Mansfield. That really bal'issues and that speakers from the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall tore me up," he recalled in a 1977 interview. "I got to thinking 1 many路 nations presented problems River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid from their areas of the world. They $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address could help people in the Navy . I d d C d' I J' S' f h changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall because I understood the probmc U e ar ma alme mot e River, MA 02722.
Eminent sociologist urges U church to welcome immigrants
Freedom for.press .but not printers? ST. ALBANS, Vt. (CNS) - A member of Catholics for a Fre'e Choice has sued the Catholic own~ ers of a St. Albans printing firm over their refusal to print membership forms for the abortion-rights group. No trial date has been seLin the case, which pit~ Linda Paquette against Susan and Malcolm Baker of RegalArt Press. The 'Bakers say they refused to take the printing job last year because they feel that the organization by supporting abortion rights misrepresents church teaching. Ms. Paquette says she was discriminated against because of her religious beliefs. The Vermont Civil Rights Commission agreed, setting the stage for a trial in Franklin County Superior Court. The Vermont chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union is representing Ms. Paquette in the suit. Help for the Bakers has come from the Catholic League for Religious and Civil RightS; The Bakers have路 received more than 2,000 letters and postcards of support from well-wishers, motivated in part by a Catholic League campaign. Bishop John A. Marshall of Burlington told the Vermont Catholic Tribune, diocesan newspaper, that he told the Bakers "we would stand by to provide any testimony that they need ontheir behalf with respect to church teachings on abortion." Father Bernard Caudreau of Ascension Parish in Georgia, Vt., the Bakers' pastor, called their refusal to print the material a "spontaneous moral decision that needs to be respected." The Bakers say business has been slow since the suit became known, but "the economy has been so bad around here it's hard to point to one thing." But some business has come in from sympathizers around the country. Other printers have sided with the Bakers. An editorial in the trade journal New England Printer and Publisher noted the case will have far-reaching ramifications for printers if the courts rule against the Bakers.
Public policy influence is Unda topic
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Nov. 8,1991
Portland, Maine, diocesan Office of Family Life. The day will conclude with an appreciation dinner at which annual awards for outstanding service and recognition awards in each area offamily ministry will be The Diocesan Office of Family - presented. Ministry will h~ld a Shared Ministry Day enrichment program for priests and volunteers in various Advertising diocesan family life ministries Nov. Specialties 17 at St. Mary's parish center, • IMPRINTED ITEMS South Dartmouth. ' Participants in the program will • PREMIUMS be 100 parish family ministry co• INCENTIVES ordinators and ministers in Mar• FUNDRAISING riage Preparation, Natural Family • CALENDARS . Planning, Marriage Encounter, En• MUGS, PENS, ETC. gaged Encounter, Retro~~ailleand GEORGE H. DOUGLAS, JR. Separated/ Divorced ministry. LAKEVILLE, MA 02347 The event will include workshops TEL. (508) 946·0901 Ext. 28 and a keynote address, "Is Your or 997·9438 (Res.) Ministry Family Friendly?" by Stephen J. Beirne, director of the
Program planned for family life ministers
AUSTIN, Texas (CNS) - All Catholics, particularly Catholic politicians, must try to influence public policy and be guided by their own values, not by public opinion polls, speakers told Catholic communicators gathered in Austin Oct. 29-31, The Fall River diocese was represented by John E. Kearns, assistant to Father John F. Moore, director of the Diocesan Office of Communications. "If you're serious about the Gospel, you have no choice but to try AT FALL CONFERENCE of Diocesan Council of to influence public policy on social Catholic Nurses, from left, Joan Morin, council president; justice issues," Father Kenneth McRoy, RN, BSN, M.Ed., staff development director Colleen Doyle, director of media relations for diocesan nursing homes, who chaired a panel on care of for the U.S. Catholic Conference, said Oct. 30 in a keynote address . patients with Alzheimer's Disease a~d relat.ed diso~ders; and during the 20th annunal UndaSister Rachel LaFrance, SCQ, council first vice-presIdent. The USA general assembly. program took place at St. John Baptist parish, Westport. Unda, tile Latin word for wave, is an international organization of (Rosa photo) church broadcasters. Many members also handle media relations for U.S. Catholic dioceses. The theme of this year's meeting was "20/20: Bringing the Message into . Focus." Bishop John E. McCarthy of Austin said Oct. 31 that politicians must bring their own values into political decisions and not depend on public opinion polls to form an opinion. He made the comments as part of a panel, whose members Fr. Richard Passeri, OFM, celeshared that view. Their discussion ,brating 45 years in the priesthood was taped for airing later on religwill be sailing on the new Carniious television networks. val Cruise ship Ecstasy, sailing But Bishop McCarthy added ,on April 19, 1992. Join Fr. Passeril that the threat of excommunicat,at "Cruise Night" at St. Louis ing politicians for not following Church. Information: 677-0122. the church's stands is not a viable waY:for the ,cnl,l(c!). to' innuet'lce . those values. ' AT BISHOP'S NIGHT supper of the Taunton arid AttleAnother panelist, Margaret boro districts of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women', O'Brien Steinfels, editor in chief of Mrs. Andrew Mikita, council president, presents a check to Commonweal magazine, pointed SM Bishop Daniel A. Cronin for proceeds of council's annual out that excommunication can be Bishop's Night on Cape Cod. Looking on is Very Rev. James "very dangerous" by having the opposite effect of what the bishop F. Lyons, council. moderator. (Ratcliffe photo) desires - voters may support the political candidate because of it. Speakers also said Catholic communicators must be knowledgeable about church issues and be able to present the church's work in a manner appealing to national media organizations. It was noted that those organizations pay little attention to the Catholic Church's As of last Monday, members of work because it is an ongoing proCorpus Christi parish, Sandwich, cess rather than a changing situaactivated a Job-Seekers Support tion, which is more likely to make Group, to meet each Monday from news. 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the parish "The church is the story of concenter. stant care of people," said Father Kenneth J. Figueiredo is an orDoyle, who added that it is diffiganizer of the group, together with cult to get the news media to his wife Philomena and Carl and ST. JOHN NEUMANN report the church's story fully and Joanne Claussen, also of Corpus WOMEN'S GUILD accurately. Stories about resettleChristi. He said it "will- provide a _ ment of refugees, care for pregplace for the unemployed of our FRIDAY· 5 TO 9 nant women or charitable efforts parish and community to exchange SATURDAY·10T04 , go unnoticed, "but let one priest be CASH PRIZ£ -.$250 ideas, share information, pool emaccused of child molestation and ployment opportunities and net~ AT&T PORTABLE PHONE the press jumps on it," he said. work together." COUNTR1 QUILT WITH CRAHBERRY COLORS . Communicators "need to look Figueiredo added that plans call NANTUCKET COCKTAIL PURSE for new ways to get the message for weekly guest speakers from WITH CRAHBERRY OESIGH SCRIMSHAW across," Father Doyle said. "You such areas as law, banking,' outBASKET OF CHEER can't do things the same way year placement agencies,' real estate and after year." stress management. NEWI Tbanbgiving Tahie NEUMANN HALL "The unemployed," he said, Unda-USA closed the meeting. Cathedral Camp C©m~ M(lil ~ffifW~~ by presenting its Gabriel Awards, "are facing terrible crisis: loss of RTE.18 which recognize value-centered income, homes, self-respect, menAmm©1lil~ f1hK~~~ !®lbU~~~ tal anguish and [possible) physical programs, features, advertisements E. FREETOWN, MA CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS and television and radio stations. and alcohol abuse. This group CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS Recipients included CBS-TV newsmay help to assist many of these families and provide a place of man Charles Kuralt, three ABC BAKED GOODS • CANDY • KITC~EN programs, KMOX radio in St. support." GREENHOUSE • GRANDCHILDREN Louis and Milwaukee Public and The group is believed to be the GENERALSTORE·BOOKS first to be organized on Cape Cod. Educational Television. KNITIING TABLE . Figueiredo said similar efforts have Lovable proved successful in New Jersey, GRANNY'S CORNER New York and Connecticut. "To be loved, be lovable."-Ovid
St. 'Louis Church
Cruise Night Tuesday, Nov. '19th at 7PM
St. Louis Hall, Eagle St. Entrance
7tattel Center
Job Seekers support unit initiated
4 .'
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THE ANCHOR -..:.... Diocese of Fall River':'- Fri., Nov. 8,1991
the moorin&.-, A Mission Mind-Set A few years ago there was a movie titled "Mission." In capsule form, it told the story of the persecution of early Jesuit missionaries in the jungles of Brazil and Paraguay. Today such persecution continues in South and Central America. In fact, since the early 1900s, thousands of men and women missionaries of many congregations have faced persecution; and in frequently insular America, there is a developing awareness that the mission vocation is far from easy. As' we have recently seen in EI Salvador, as in many other nations, it can mean torture and death. Once the Gospel is preached, it stirs up minds and hearts. Some hearers are graced. Others become persecutors, possibly not physically but often by means of vilification and ridicule. Such is the case in our own land, where each and every day the Church is the target of spite and malice. It is understandable when one considers that the teachings of Christ stand in opposition to many lifestyles. A pagan society is basically hedonistic, whether its impulses are expressed by way of human sacrifices in distant jungles or in urban abortion clinics. Most people do not want to change if the process demands self-evaluation and moral rectitude. . In the past year,over 70 Catholic missionaries, men, .women, religious, laypeople, have been slaughtered for the faith. Modern martyrs, they are too often ignored by fellow . members of their own church. We have become so immunized against violence and terror by the daily events in our own cities and towns that we seem indifferent to such incidents when they affect one of our own overseas. But such complacency is ill-founded; physical and mental violence against Catholics in this country is more than incipient. One need only think about the permissive attitudes towards radicals who violate Church documents and ceremonies; the harsh and often brutal treatment of some members of Operation Rescue; and the mockery of bishops and religious that appears on an almost daily basis in the media, especially the newspapers. Towards all of t~is American Catholics remain passive, seemingly for the most part so caught up in becoming upwardly mobile that they are but sterile and lifeless believers. When you consider that there are nearly 55 million declared Catholics in the nation plus millions uncounted, the general reaction on all levels to anti-Catholic bias and harassment is at best wishy-washy. One would not be surprised to see the blood of martyrs in our own streets. All the portents are in place. It is therefore imperative that all in the church become sensitive·to the issue 'of persecution, especially in the case of our missionaries. . They need our prayers, to be sure, but they also need concrete support and encouragement. In Third World nations they too often face fundamentalist extremism with its simplistic and unrealistic view of Scripture. Racism within the Church is in itself a mounting challeng~ as it polarizes communities; while the diminished sense of Church often encourage.d by ~istaken notions of personal freedom is yet another divisive Issue. . The above are but a few of the internal issues to be resolved if a sense of mission is to be revived in the Church. Such a sense is far more than a matter of a tax-deductible donation; it's a mind-set that was initiated by Christ himself - and he did not offer it to his followers as an elective. The Editor
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River P.O. BOX 7 887 Highland Avenue Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone (508) 675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.o., STD. EDiTOR GENERAL MANAGER Rev. John F. Moore Rosem\lry Dussault ~ Leary Press-Fall River
Scholar studies U.S. Catholic ethic W'ASHINGTON (CNS) - A University of Michigan social work professor says a "Catholic ethic" exists alongside - but not always comfortably so - the nation's storied Protestant ethic. The Protestant ethic, which John Tropman said is "practically a household word," highly values work and its rewards, but the Catholic ethic gives consideration to those .who have no work. "Helping the poor is godlike activity insofar as it helps you get to heaven," said Tropman, who has written a book on the subject: He titled it "The Catholic Ethic and the Spirit of Welfarism," a take-off on Max Weber's sociological study "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism." ''I'm trying to stand Max Weber· on his head." Tropman told Catholic News Service in a telephone interview from Ann Arbor, Mich. Tropman first identified a Catholic ethic in a 1985 article in Social Thought, a quarterly journal published by Catholic Charities USA. Since the article appeared, Tropman has developed the concept with the help of a grant from the Lilly Foundation. The United States did not adopt a Catholic ethic, according to Tropman. Societies where a Catholic ethic is evident, he said, have a more fully developed welfare state, which the United States lacked
until the 1930s New Deal programs of Presid'ent Franklin D. Roosevelt. Protestant ethic discomfort over . such wealth-transfer programs leads to a negative and hostile attitude toward the disadvantaged. In his research. Tropman noted, he ran across a book called "The Undeserving Poor." Tropman, 52 and Catholic, told CNS the Catholic Church has been . "a human service organization" since its founding, a fact which surprised even him. Another surprise was what he : called the "transformation in the Catholic position" on the role of women. Although regarded as conservative today, "it was pretty radical" because it "provided more security for the woman and children" in an age when women could be divorced' and left destitute and when children "could be disposed of." Tropman said. He cautioned that the two ethics not be labeled "liberal" and "conservative." Catholic positions on the role of women and on abortion and birth control don't by themselves put the church in "a liberal camp," he said. Nor is the .United States split between a Catholic and Protestant ethic. "We each have [both) views within us, but one is more dominant than the other," he said. Tropman's Social Thought arti-
c1e said the Catholic ethic is characterized by an "ambivalence concerning wealth." "If money, like bread, is a necessary staff of life, then its provision takes on a more matter-of-fact quality" to Catholics. he said. A Catholic tradition of charity, Tropman said, makes "good works rather than work ... the hallmark of·the Catholic ethic." The Catholic ethic also is characterized by a "tradition of bureaucracy," he said. "Catholic populations historically have been accustomed to huge bureaucratic systems with institutional functionaries who dispense important" .goods and services." Civil admi'nistrations in Europe f~ralmost 1,600 years were "virtually indistinguishable" from this Catholic system, while the United States was founded by individuals "militantly opposed" to structures .of institutionalized religion, he said. "Europeans generally appear to have accepted various kinds of formal- welfare structures while Americans generally appear to have vigorously resisted the formation and implementation of such structures," Tropman said. Catholics also have a quality of "fault forgiveness" which makes it easier to give to the poor because they are not seen as "people of inferior character," Tropman said.
of faith and trust to give from our "want." Yet this is the message in today's readings. OUf. Sacred Authors expect us to do more than just hear these two stories, show admiration for the widows, then walk away and wait for the cycle to come around again three years from now. They only include such passages in their works to help . sway us to imitate the total generosity of these women..... no matter what "obvious objections" come our way.
Giving from want 1 Kings 17:10-16 Hebrews 9:24-28 Mark 12:38-44 Widows are central characters in our first and third readings. Biblical .wr.iters often use them as symbols of poverty and helplessness since they lack a man's defense and support. But today they are depicted as persons of tremendous generosity. Elijah encounters- a Gentile widow in dire straits. When he asks for a cup of water and bit of bread. she responds, "I have nothing baked; there is only a handful of flour in my jar and a little oil in my jug. Just now I was collecting a couple of sticks. to go in and prepare something for myself and my son; when we have eaten it, we shall die." In spite of this. she responds to the prophet's request. Using her last flour and oil she bakes him a little bread. And instead of dying from famine. she and her son are able to eat fOf a year. The jar of flour does not go empty. nor the jug of oil run dry. Jesus meets a Jewish widow experiencing similar difficulties. Though Mark mentions nothing of famine or imminent death. the Lord remarks ......She gave from her want, all that she had to live on." Like the widow. of Zarephath. her charity endangers. her very existence. Both stories contain basic Jewish/ Christian principles oflove. They need no explanation. Yet hearing them against the background of Jesus' condemnation of the scribes, we see a deeper meaning in the two narratives. Jesus proclaims, "Be on guard against the scribes, who like to parade around in their robes and accept marks of respect in public, front seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets. These men devour the savings of widows and recite long prayers for appearance sake..... Unlike widows, scribes have a lot: robes, respect, f~ont seats, honor and ... appearanc~. , But it ,is important to note that scribes are praised for what they have; widows for what they give! Perhaps "appearances" is the most meaningful word in the
DAILY READINGS' Nov. 11: Wis 1:1-7; Ps 139:1-10; Lk 17:1-6 Nov. 12: Wis 2:23-3:9; Ps 34:2-3,16-1~; Lk 17:7-10 Nov. 13: W'is 6:2'.:'11; Ps 82:3-4,6-7; Lk 17: tl"19 Nov. 14: Wis T:2t~8;r; Ps 119:89-91,130, 135,115; Lk 17:20-25 Nov. 15: Wis 13:1-9; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 17:26-37 Nov. 16: Wis 18:14-16; 19:6-9; Ps 105:2-3,36-37, 42-43; Lk 18: 1-8 l' Nov. 17: On 12:1-3; Ps 16:5,8-11; Heb 10: 11-14,18; Mk 13:24-32
Christian sexuality convention topic
scribes' list of abundance. Though they come across on a big scale. OMAHA, Neb. (CNS) - Marthese Jewish leaders have only ried couples involved iri the Cathoexternals. They lack "the real." Always remember how Jesus lic Engaged Encounter movement compares the Jewish widow with deserve praise for their, "dedicated others who give to the temple work for the dignity of love and treasury. "They gave from their marriage." said Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo. surplus wealth," he observes, "but The cardinal, president of the she gave from her want.·.... Vatican's Pontifical Council for Often I do not imitate the Scripthe Family. took part in a Catholic tures'l teach. Engaged Encounter nat.ional conI am pastor of a small. hardvention held last mqnth in Omaha. working, charitable parish. But we The convention drew more than barely keep our' financial head 600 people from the United States above water. What we take in each week, we payout each week. Rarely . and 14 other countries. The Colombian cardinal said is there any surplus. Pope John Paul II "is very appreAs a Christian leader I know I ciative of the service given by marshould continually help those to ried couples who are helping to whom I minister to see beyond prepare couples for the sacrament their own needs to the needs of a of matrimony." wider world. One way of accompAt a convention Mass. Engaged lishing this goal would be to copy Encounter banners,were displayed. the practice of other parishes who One proclaimed: "A wedding is a set aside one regular weekend colday ... A marriage is a lifetime." lection every couple of months to Omaha Archbishop Daniel E. be used for things other than their Sheehan.. principal celebrant of own personal demands. Yet I pruthe Mass. discussed the fact that dently keep delaying any official nearly half of U.S. marriages end suggestion of thi's pursuit until we in divorce. begin having a surplus. Otherwise, "The witness you give to engaged how can I respond to the obvious objection: "If we start helping oth- couples is very important.... the ers, who's going to help us pay our archbishop said. "The kind of reality you can present helps these bilts?" couples to realistically look at It's very hard to reflect on what marriage." we can give instead of zeroing in James and Evelyn Whitehead on what we have. Yet the Hebrews' Author reminds us that we are dis- gave the convention's keynote talk on "Celebrating a Christian Sense ciples of someone who gave himof Sexuality." self so totally that he.only ..... was Whitehead. a pastoral theolooffered up once..... Jesus never gives from his surplus, he always gian and historian of religion, said people should view "sexuality as a gives everything he has. It takes a tremendous amount gift of creation."
Diocese ~f Fall River -
. "We should be grateful for these stirrings in our bodies," he said. !'What if they are echoes of our Creator?" Mrs. Whitehead said people must realize that ~ensuality involves more than sex. "It·s all our longings to make _contact with people," she said. "We can be moved by such things as music and nature's beauty. Our bodies nourish our spirit through our sensuality." "A preoccupation with genital pleasure in our country" has confused many people when it comes to appreciating the gift of sex. Mrs. Whitehead said. Among couples at the convention were Donald and Eunice Prideaux of Simi Valley. Calif. The Prideauxs. who will celebrate their
Fri., Nov. 8, 1991
50th wedding anniversary Jan. I, have six children, 13 grandchildren. and five great-grandchildren and have been involved in Engaged Encounter about four years. "We feel we can share our experiences from our first year of marriage all the way through to our 50th year." Mrs. Prideaux said. "Helping these young couples keeps us young and helps our marriage to grow even stronger." One -of the keys to a successful marriage. Mrs. Prideaux said, is communication. "Young couples need to -learn the importance of communication because good communication can avoid a lot of misunderstandings." she said. Open "All doors open to courtesy." "",,Thomas Fuller
Nye St. Entrance
Free Admission
1990-91 was a great school year...94% of our graduates continued their education at colleges and universities across the United States and Canada,.the National Honor Society inducted 31 new members...lWo successful drama productions..:the Foreign Language Club hosted the ftrst International Day in conjunction with Bristol Community College•..the Law Team posted a 2-1 mark in Massachusetts State MockTrial Competition...lWo thirds of the senior class IlUticipated in Community Service projects serving 30 different agencies in the Greater Fall River area and the. sWrounding communities•..foUr students were named as National Merit Commended Students...one student was named as a Presidential Scholar..l.eagueChampionships for the Girls Soccer Team and the Girls Track T~m...the Boys Cross Country Team took the City ofFall River Championship Cup...the Hockey Team look the City Championship Cup•..six varsity teams qualifted for state tournament play (Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer, Girls Volleyball, Hockey, Boys Tennis, Girls: Tennis).•.Cara McDennou won the State Heptathlon and broke the State Heptathlon Record by over 100 points••.we celebrated our 25th Anniversary...
Come and be a part or the next 2S years!
The Anchor
Friday, Nov. 8, 1991
By FATHER JOHN J. DIETZEN Q. A few weeks ago I read your article in our Catholic paper concerning a letter from a single woman inquiring what could be done for her and other single Catholics. Perhaps you could have mentioned the secular institutes. There 'are over 160 in the world, and we have a National Conference of Secular Institutes in the United States.
Secular institutes as a vocation for single Catholics I hope this information' may prove useful to you and others. (New Jersey) A. I am grateful to Father Paul Avallone, spiritual director of the Don Bosco Volunteers, a secular institute for women, for reminding me of this relatively new Catholic vocation. The roots of such a vocation go back' several 'centuries, but the institutes were officially recognized only in 1947 by Pope Pius XII. Secular institutes have since been praised and encouraged by other popes. Pope John Paul II noted in 1988 that members "offer proof that temporal realities. lived with the power of the Gospel, can give life to society, making it freer and more just."
say, get physical. I don't mean . have called her twice, go and get spanking her. You can be very nice her and bring her in. You can be about it. But you do need some gentle and even laugh about it. "hands-on" communication. Just bring her in,
We parents talk too much. We explain; we give reasons; we get to the root of things. The better we KENNY sound, the more impressed we are, and we find it difficult to understand why our children don't obey Dear Dr. Kenny: 'What do you instantly. The trouble is they have do when your S-year-old ignores , not heard anything we said. you? I ask her tOldo something or Send her some messages she to stop doing something and she can't ignore. Learn communicadoesn't seem to hear. She doesn't tion formats that do not go from defy me. She just tunes me out. mouth to ear. You need channels How do I get her to pay attention? other than the spoken word to (Indiana) make your point. If she won't listen to what you If she does not come in after yOu
"My son is in his fourth year in college, but he isn't going to graduate," a woman said. "He's majoring in indecision." The group laughed and one by one other parents reported similar situations. "That's not bad," one said. "My son in his sixth year as an undergraduate and still hasn't declared a major." The traditional four-year undergraduate education is expanding at a time of rising tuitions and this
Depending on their particular constitutions, this vocatiQn is open to single lay people orsometimes to diocesan priests or deacons who feel called to a more intense consecration of their lives to God. A booklet,' "The Consecrated Woman," explaining the Don Bosco Volunteers and giving information on secular institutes in general is available by writing to this Institute at 202 Union Ave., Paterson, N.J. 07502.
Other information is available from the U.S. Conference of Secular Institutes, Box 4556, Washing-' ton, D.C. 20017. Q. On many crucifixes the letters INRI are on a little sign above the head ofJesus. Can you explain what these letters mean? In the cemetery where my husband is buried several headstones have the letters IHS. I was told years ago that those letters probably meant ". have suffered" and refer to Jesus. Is this true? (Illinois) A. The letters INRI are an abbreviation for the' Latin words "Iesus Nazarenus路Rex ludaeorum," Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews. The fourth Gospel tells us that Pilate placed an inscripticn on the ;cross of Jesus with these words in
Latin, Greek and Hebrew. (In. 19:19-20) .IHS is an ancient Christian symbol.They are the first three letters (iota, eta and sigma) of the name of Jesus in Greek. The symbol was common among many Christians centuries before the English language developed. It could not have been an abbreviation for English words. A free brochure answering question Catholics ask about baptism requirements and sponsors is available by sending a stamped selfaddressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen 'at the same address.
Nonverbal communication with' your child
The present Code of Canon Law defines a secular institute as "an institute ofconsecratedlife in which the faithful, living in this world, strive for the perfection of charity and endeavor to work for the sanctification of the world especially from within" (c. 710).
If she won't go tobed when you ask her, take her. Stay with' her until she is settled in'. If she won't pick up her toys, stop everything, turn off the television and take her to where the toys are strewn. Work with her to pick them up together. If she shouts and cries, don't yell backforherto quiet down. Instead, put on earmuffs and ignore her until she finds a better way to make her point. If she ignores your request to turn down the television, you turn
it down. If she turns it up again, then you turn it off. If she becomes too boisterous, grab and hold her. Be gentle. Just long enough for her to calm down. Set her on a chair for a few minutes if that works better. Plan treats for the concl~sion of small tasks. Set the oven timer. If the task is done before the buzzer goes off, you both get a treat. If not, oh well, may!Je next time. Some parents think that they must lecture, then say it louder and finally impose some punishment if children do not listen and comply. The "lecture, yell, punish" approach is not the best way to discipline. Sometimes, a nonver-
bal approach that need not involve any punishment at -all will work much better to obtain results. There are many ways to communicate. A look, a smile, a frown, a shrug, a touch and other nonverbal signals may all be more eloquent than a speech. What you are saying in your Jetter is that your daughter won't listen to .your words. Therefore, your strategy must be to find other, nonverbal ways to reach her, ways that are more sure to get the message through. Reader questions on family living and child care to be answered in print are invited by The Kennys; 219 W. Harrison; Rensselaer, IN 47978.
When students prolong their undergraduate years . is troubling parents. Why, they ask, can't. these kids earn a degree in four years as earlier generations did? There are many reasons. College courses 'are more demanding today so students take a lighter load which demand an extra semester or year. Some students take a year off: Others change colleges or majors and lose credits wh,ich require makeup time. But indecision is a big factor. Many, if not most, young people enter college without any clear goal in mind. They tryout various majors, invariably losing credits along the way. If they reach the end of their '- third year without a goal, they realize that if theygradu.ate, they have to get a job and they don't
have a clue to what they want to do or where to look. So it's easier to postpone the pain. If their parents are willing and able to support them in an extra year or two of college, they're willing to stay. In this way, parents foster dependency. Some are so fearful that their children might not graduate with a college degree that they stand willing to contribute five or six years of support to a four year degree. How do parents remain supportive to young people in these tough times without committing themselves to ongoing financial' support? I believe that parents do have some options when it comes to the amount of financial support they give college students. First, parents need to state clearly
to their high school seniors their expectations and limitations of support. If they are willing to take on tuitions and expenses for two or four years ofcollege, they should let their children know that is all they are willing to furnish, i.e. "If you don't graduate in four years, you will have to take a year off to earn money to finish, if you want to finish." This isn't being cruel or selfish. One ofthe greatest financial stresses on parents today is the fear of not having enough resources between college tuitions and retirement to build up old age security.- So, the longer students remain in college, the more parents worry about their own future. Secondly, if college students can't seem to find a major or potenti~1 car~er by the end of. their second
year, parents can encourage them to take a year or two off and work. It gives young people a chance to mature, to look at a variety of possiblities, and to experience the drudgery in daily jobs that might send them happily back to the term papers they detested. U nplea~ sant work is a great motiv!ltor for finding and preparing for a satisfying career. Young people mature at different levels. Some need a great deal of parental support and affirmation that they can and will find themselves and a future and most parents are sensitive to their confusion, doubt, and pain. But we can unintentionally foster dependency by supporting them financially at a time that they need to be maturing toward independence.
A "culture of death" haunts EI Salvador By ANTOINETTE BOSCO
In early October, voices within the Jesuit order were indicating that, in a spirit of reconciliation, they would not oppose a measure ofleniency in the sentencing ofthe two Salvadoran military officers convicted in the 1989 murders of six Jesuits, their cook and her daughter at Central American University in San Salvador. It has been said that the Jesuits
were targeted for death because it was alleged by Salvadoran army brass that the priests were sympathetic to the "leftist" guerrillas of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front. U.S. aid funded a decade of civil warfare in EI Salvador, justified supposedly to prevent "leftist guerrillas," that is, "communists," from taking over the cou.ntry. Most unsettling in the case of the Jesuit murders is that investigation of the Salvadoran military hierarchy has been swept under the rug. And not to be ignored is the suspicion that the case actuall'y came to trial only because Salvadoran leaders realized that without prosecution'the United States
Jesuit Father Jon Sobrino has would cut off its substantial aid to El Salvador. said. The whole horror story sounds Father Sobrino analyzed in a like a Greek tragedy, with only masterful book the problems in El two redeeminp; factors. Salvador leading to the m'urder of One, a smaller one, is that the Archbishop Oscar Romero in conviction of an army colonel was March 1980, followed by the Decemprecedent-setting in a country ber murders that year of three where' army officers reportedly have American nuns and a lay missionnever- been punished for crimes . ary from Connecticut. . against civilians. "Companions of Jesus, The JesThe other factor is the Jesuits' uit Martyrs of EI Salvador" (Orbis public expression of a desire to Books, Maryknoll), which also conavoid a spirit of vengeance and tains some of the writings of the seek reconciliation and in so doing priests slain in 1989, notably those to help overcome "the culture of of Father Ignacio Ellacuria, tells death" in ElSalvador. truly why some 70,000 have been If the stated intent was to comkilled since 1979. bat communism, the real issue was The Jesuits "were killed because "the spoiling of God's creation by they believed in the God of the poverty, oppression and death," as
poor and tried to produce this faith through the university," writes Father Sobrino. "The reality of El Salvador ... is fundamentally characterized by the effective predominance of falsehood over truth, injustice over justice, oppression over freedom, poverty over abundance - in sum, of evil over good." We can all hope that peace is on its way in El Salvador. But we should not be lulled into believing that all is well. As the murdered Father Ellacuria repeatedly said, "God's creation has not turned out well and it is getting worse." Let's pray that a spirit of reconciliation brings grace to this suffering country.
TH.E ANCHOR Continued from Page One inations in urging creation of a its budget for their welfare was state income tax instead of the approved. The archdiocese of San proposed lottery. Francisco had' backed the chilDoerflinger Statement dren'sbudget proposal. With regard to the Washington In Washington, with 84 percent state results, the following stateof the-vote 'counted, Initiative 119 ment was issued by Richard M. had 529,099 votes, or 46 percent, Doerflinger, associate director of in faVor and 624,606 votes, or 54 the Secretariat for Pro-Life Activpercent, opposed. ities ofthe National Conference of The state's Public Disclosure Catholic Bishops: Commission said at least $2.3 mil"Voters in Washington state have lion had been spent campaigning soundly defeated an initiative to for and against the initiative, with le'galize physician-assistea suicide, about one-quarter ofthe total spent marking the end of a frt;e ride for by opponents and three-quarte.rs the euthanasia lobby. To the surby proponen;ts. prise of many, they are also dead. Initiative 119, which would have locked on a proposal to codify permitted "aid--in-dying" by phy- Roe v. Wade, reflecting Amerisicians for terminally ill patients cans' disillusionment with unrewho requested it, would have been stricted abortion on demand. "Abortion and euthanasia prothe world's first such law. The state medicatassoclatlon and most -- panents chose Washington asThe state newspapers also had opposed perfect testing site for their agen, das. The state was politically prothe proposal. Initiative 120, the abortion rights gressive, favorable to making polmeasure, would have incorporated icy by popular referendum, strongly into state law the U.S. Suprc::me supportive of legalized abortion Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade abor- since 1970, and low in its percention decision, thereby broadening tage ofchurchgoers. But the voters the state's 1970 law legalizing looked beyond misleading slogans abQrtiCJD, about 'freedom of choice' to find Its defeat was expected,out more out what legalized abortion "and than 100,000 expected absentee euthanasia really entail -- and ballots might have to be counted what they found is not a pretty to determine the final outcome. sight. In Texas, nine of the state'S 17 "As voters in Washington have begun to realize, abortion and Catholic bishopsjoined more than ·50 religious leaders of other denom- euthanasia are not the ultimate
Civil rights plus Continued from Page One "quota" argument in opposing the civil rights bill, the administration was on the brink of being caught in a contradiction, believes Jackson. J;Jush said he supported civil rights, but his reason for opposing the bill sounded too much like Duke's platform against race-based affirmative action. "Backing the bill makes it much easier for Bush to say he's not totally against civil rights" and distances him from Duke's position, said Jackson. "The Duke scare made Bush see the race issue is reaL" John Carr, who heads the U.S. Catholic Conference's Department of Social Development and World Peace, lauded bipartisan support for the bill, which the USCC had backed since its inception. While· the bill constitutes "no great step forward," because it simply restores rights that existed prior to 1989, it is significant in that Congress and the president were forced
to deal with civil rights as something more than a partisan issue, Carr said. .Racial tensions are increasingly being used as a political issue, while little is ever done to eliminate them. Carr said. While Carr and Ernst believe the United States has made progress on civil rights since the 1960s, t\ley also noted that racism is still tolerated institutionally, even by organizations that espouse the best color-blind goals. For example, "in the Catholic Church there is an enormous amount of goodwill" toward eliminating all racism, said Ernst. "But it functions the same way it always has." He cited a recent study that showed of 40 dioceses surveyed, II did not have a single non-white employee at the diocesan level. Carr sees the lesson learned from the two-year strusgle over the legislation is that civil rights should not be a partisan, ideological issue.
Quin.centenary program Continued from Page One cross will be available to parishes in the Fall River and New Bedford vicariates throu.gh March. On April I, it will be received in the Taunton and Attleboro vicariates by Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye in a ceremony at St. John the Evangelist Church, Attleboro. It will be available to area parishes through June. In July the cross .will move to the Cape Cod vicariate and will be received by Msgr. John J. Smith at St. PIus X Church, South Yarmouth. It will remain in the vicariate through September. All parishes will have a quincentennial prayer service available for their use. Father Gallant said the service is intended to help those in attendance to reflect on both the successes and failures of the past 500 years of evangelization, to
"consider how the positive can be continued and that which has been in error or which is no longer appropriate can be rejected." It is hoped that the service, by "tCiking stock of present needs and hopes," will assist in moving the Americas toward the third millennium of Christianity~
Among components of the service are. readings, intercessions, a litany honoring evangelists of the past 500 years, veneration of the quincentennial cross and a special Fifth Centenary Prayer. Throughout the Americas, quincentennial activities will continue through 1992, with events including those on the diocesan level, symposia at major Catholic universities and an October, 1992, convocation in Santo Domingo, capital ofthe Dominican Republic.
~Diocese of Fall Riyer -
Fri., Nov. 8,1991
freedoms but the ultimate threats Holines$ to freedom and dignity for our Holiness is not limited to the 'community, in frielldships~ in wor~._ society's most vulnerable members. in leisure, in citizenship," - Eccr People are tempted by slogans to sanctuary or to moments of private prayer; it is...achieved in the nomic Juslicejor All, U.S. Catholic support the concept of physicianbishops, 1986. assisted suicide, but that support is midst of the world, in family, in not likely to survive" a confronta- .. tion with the facts. ~ -..~ "Gloria Steinem recently said _~ the vote on the Washington abortion initiative would be 'a harbinger for the nation.' If that is the .>';'. SILVER ANNIVERSARY case, members of Congress' who have endorsed the pro-abortion 'Freedom of Choice Act' - which is virtually identical to the Wash- ( ~, ingto~ abortion initiative - may wish to reconsider the"ir positions' in light of the voters' will."
I. ..
.t "!~:;~"
B ..... ll' Bishop,=s."~Continued from Page Ope Michael J. McMahon and Mrs. Richard Paulson, hospitality; Miss Claire O'Toole and Miss Dorothy A. Curry, presentees; V. Vito Gerardi, ushers: Ball booklet subscriber cards have been assigned to representatives of the five diocesan deaneries. Rev. John J. Steakem and Rev. Ralph Tetrault are director and assistant for the Attleboro area; Rev. Gerald T. Shovelton and Rev. Stephen A. Fernandes are responsible for the Cape and Islands. ' Rev. Richard L Chretien and Rev, Maurice O. Gauvin -lire in charge of the Greater Ne~ Bedford area; Rev, William L Boffa and Rev. Paul A. Caron are assigned to the Taunton area; and Father Freitas and Rev, John F. And Jews will handle the Greater Fall River area. The ball booklet has six categories: In Memoriam, Very Special Friend, Guarantor, Benefactor, Sponsor and Patron. Persons or organizations wishing to be included in a listing may contact area committee members or call or write ball headquarters at 410 Highland Ave, or Post Office Box 1470, both in Fall River. Tele.phone numbers are 676-8943 and 676-3200.
FRI., NOV. 15
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(508) 679-8511 (508) 222-7970 (508) 992-3694
- In Lieu oj Purchasing a Ticket. Donations are Appreciated -
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Nov. 8,1991
Seeing with New Eyes. Acting in Solidarity DENMARK'S Pharmacy l("s;;lr:f1~;CISTS
and photos
by Marcie Hickey
of your environment1' onment that includ~s
an envir-
fOUf to six
hours a day of music~ television or movies, he said. \ whomever 1 send you, you shall "The electronic ~edia has asgo; whatever I commandyou, you saulted you in way you're not shall speak. " -- Jer. 1:7 even conscious of, "~said Tonna, Young Catholics - who so often recalling how his yo ng son came hear that they are the future of the home singing Tina T rner songs at church - need to be told that they four and quoting horror movies at are important to the church here seven without under~tanding ,the and now, said youth ministers at content of what he w41 s saying.. Sunday's third annual Diocesan "An agenda is set fQfyOU before Youth Convention, held at Bishop you can even begin tf think critiConnolly High School, Fall River. cally about it. It's sorp-ething that The_day's theme, "Seeing with starts to eat away atypu," said the New Eyes - Acting in Solidarity" s p e a k e r . ! is taken from that designated for The key to seeing with new eyes, the U. S. celebration of World he continued, is to "fi*d out who's Youth Day, observed Oct. 27. lying to you." , Through workshops, a prayer The first casualty tthe media service arid presentations by Bishop barrage is self-im.age, aid Tonna, Daniel A. Cronin and adult and who poked fun at ma eup, clothpeer youth ministers, more than ing and acne products arketed to 600 high school students from all make young people fe~l as though areas of the diocese were encour- they can't survive wit~out them. "Did you ever se~ a pimple aged not to wait until the future to share their talents and ideas with cream commercial with someone their parishes and their Church. with real pimples? Halve you ever "Say not I am too young." seen anyone heavy i* a clothes PRAYER SERVICE liturgical dance performed by Our Lady of the Those words of the Lord to the commercial?" Tonn~ prodded. Assumption parish, New Bedford, youth. prophet Jeremiah, read by student "T~ere is no bigger lle :than to say presenters at the convention's you aren'f' t me t he wa Y,I you are. .. opening ceremony, resounded Other lies are foundlI in the way pIe" from one another and from We have to begin to be positive throughout the day's activities. society portrays violenpe and sex- God. about ourselves." Finally, he said, "Seeing with Bishop Cronin repeated the uality, the speaker con~inued. Squeezing a putty ball prop, the , new eyes is- taking the Gospel mesphrase in his welcome message in To cheer as the ~ody count presenter told students "We have the power in our hands to shape which he thanked the young peo- climbs in the latest ~ambo or sage of Jesus Christ very seriously, our lives... You can't wait until pIe for the good work they.do in Terminator' movie is 0 become saying you're important and you their parishes, schools and com- "psychologically numb. 0 murder" can make a difference in people's you're 16, 18,21 - what you make rnunities and for setting a Chris- and to accept an "usl vs. them" lives." of yourself now is what you are tian example for their peers.;! mentality that inures us! to the realWorkshops later on." "It is very important for ypu to life deaths of 10P,000 Iraqis, said Students hadtheopportumtyto I.n one of ,three 'workshops on understand that you are very, very Tonna. sample such subjects as prejudice, sexuality. Ted Pirozzi told students, "Our sexuality is God's gift to us precious to the work of the Sex is portrayed 'asl "great _ nonviolence, parent-teen relationand we can decide to use it in a way church... not only as we look to anytime, anywhere, wjth anyone ships and prayer in two workshop that's holy or not holy." the future but at this given moh I b d th' IS t thO k sessions ment," said the bishop. ab:u~ i~~~e a~ded~ng r 0 m Also 'available was a Service When faced with decisions, he Youth, he continued, bring a Our culture is pushing a mes- Project Idea Factory featuring dissaid, ask yourselves this question: dimension of "vigor, strength and sage, Tonna summarize~,"to treat plays from organizations seeking "Would I do this if Jesus Christ youth volunteers. Represented enthusiasm" to the church and can one another as objects.'!' would not approve?" influence peers in ways that priests The good news, he s~id, is that were: Oxfam, Marie's 'Place, pasIn "Where is God Calling Me to and other adults cannot. once we are aware of t~ese influ- toral care/hospital ministry, Pax Be?" a priest, seminarian, religious "You can be helpful to the work ences we can begin to s~e through Christi, Market Ministries,Bristol sister and single women discussed of Jesus Christ. ..to make his name them. Elder Services, Big Brother/Big their vocations. known and his values appreciated:' First, he said, "yo4 need to Sister of Fall River, Habitat for ,-, All of yo.u have a vocation," sa.id Bishop Cronin. think critically _ not just about Humanity and Bridge Over Trouwhether to single life, married life. or religious life, said Sister Beth -. "When at times you feel dis- TV, but everything. List~n to what bled Waters. Henken, MSBT, religious educacouraged," he told the students, people are saying to yo~ and scruSuggestions for workshop top"remember the day the bishop said tinize it in light of the Oospel." ics came from youth on the Diocetion coordinator at St. Patrick's to you during the youth convenTo see with new eyd is to see san Youth Advisory Board, said parish, Wareham. "Think about tion at Bishop Connolly High human beings "not as 01bjects but Edna Donoghue, associate direcwho you want to live your life" in School that you are important as sacred" creations of! God; "to tor for the Diocesan Office for discerning "God's plan for you." indeed...Go out of here convinced, decide that beauty is nlot just in Catholic Youth Ministry, which is She said what she likes most about 'about how important you are to how we look" and to ~now that directed by Father George E. religious life is "living with people the mission of the church today, "anybody dying is a c?ncern to Harrison. who have the same vision and right now." Christians." The 14-member youth board sharing our faith." Masters of ceremonies students Secondly, Tonna contilnued, "do planned the convention in conKate Brandley, a religion teacher Maggie Ames of St. Patrick's par- something with that critipal analy- junction with a committee of adult at Bishop Feehan High School, ish, Falmouth, and Rick Beaudoin sis." , l e a d e r s from the Diocesan Youth told participants "God never calls of St. Mark's parish, Attleboro He recounted the story of a high Council. They were: Mrs. Donogyou to do anything you don't want Falls, presented Bishop Cronin school classmate con~idered a hue, Father Bill Baker ofSt.Mary's to do. anything you can't handle, and diocesan chancellor Msgr. "totaI nerd" by ot her Istu d ents. . h See k on; k B IG . anything that doesn't give you pans, ever y U1nan, John J. Oliveira with 1991 World After laughing at Tonna'~ descrip- Our Lady of Grace, Westport; life." Y()uth Day T-shirts. The recip- tion of the student's fOIbles, the Frank Lucca, St. Dominic's, SwanOther panelists were Jim Medeiients said they hoped to fulfill the audience was left in stunn~d silence sea; Sister Marianna Sylvester, ros of St. John's Seminary, Brighstudents' suggcstiolllhal they wear as he told how the boy w* taunted RS M, Our Lady of the Assumpton, and Father John Denning, day after day and eventulllly com- tion, New Bedford; and Father them on a "day off at the beach." esc, from Stone hill College. Seeing with New Eyes mitted suicide. ' David Costa of St.' Mark's, AttleWorkshops were also held for The message that youth must "When I look back" at the way boro Falls, who is also chaplain at adult youth ministers on social begin to see themselves as a vital he was treated, "it doesh't really Bishop Feehan High School, Attlejustice, adolescent issues, parish force in the church was continued surprise me:' said Ton!na, who boro. youth ministry, and recruiting volin the keynote address on the day's told students not to undetestimate In a workshop "Self-Esteem and unteers for youth ministry. theme by Paul J. Tonna, founder the power of their' action~. Affirmation: Shape Up Your Life," Youth Speak Out of the Long Island, NY, Catholic "Just think what having one Brother Joe LaGressa, OFM, of A new addition to the youth youth ministry organization Youth friend might have done~' for his the Boston archdiocese encouraged convention this year was a "Youth Focus, Inc. classmate, said thespeake~. "Reach participants to explore the quesSpeak Out" forum in 'which stuHe suggested that before they out, express solidarity, ,befriend tions "Who am I? Who am I dents heard presentations on the can "see with new eyes," young that person" in need. 'iWhen a becoming? Am I the person God day's theme by two of their peers, people must recognize the forces friend is on drugs, don't Ilook the created me to be?" then had an opportunity to respond and values that have already been other way," hecontinued.:"To be a "To me, young people are totally with comments or questions. Facilitall:d by Father Bill Baker; shaping their lives from their ear- Christian in today's world is to awesome," said Brother LaGressa. the session featured tal ks by Robyn liest years. take a leadership role in ~reaking But too many suffer from SSI McBride of Our Lady of Victory "You are to an extent~ pmt,tct....d.q.W,: \h.et~jlJgsJItM ~lic;1l\t~ P~9: .. ~ynd.r,o.It!e ~ ,~t!lpid Se!f~lmage.
"Say not 'I am too young.' To
YOUTH CONVENTION dramatization of the Sermon on the Mount; keynote speaker Paul J. Tonna; Bishop Cronin admires his World Youth Day -shirt; Father Baker facilitates Youth Speak Out session; masters of ceremonjes Rick Beaudoin and Maggie Ames; workshop presenter Brother Joe LaGressa;. convention finale. Pictured on pagel : Youth Speak Out moderators Robyn McBride and Andy Smith.
parish, Centerville, and Andy Smith of St. Julie's parish, North partmouth. Speaking on "Seeing with New Eyes," Smith, a high school sophomore, told how he emerged from "living in my own little world" in which "as long as I had good grades and my family I thought I had all I needeq" and came to experience the "broader community" of the Church. "In today's Gospel [Mark 12:2834) Jesus says to love your neighbor as yourself. It's not an easy thing to do..so many people seem not to,care about the needs and problems of their neighbors," said Smith. He concluded, "Seeing with new eyes means people should be more concerned about others. If only everyone could open their eyes" and See that "kindness doesn't cost anything to give" but makes such a difference in others' lives. Miss McBride, a high school senior, continued on the theme "Acting in Solidarity." ' 'jEveryone worships God in a different way," she said, "but we all believe in continuing God's Good News. We should spread the word of Jesus" neit just in the insular communities of individual youth groups or parishes ~ut "all around." She continued, "We must begin to treat everyone with the same respect, understanding and love" that Jesus showed. "Young adults are rediscovering the Church - and the Church is rediscovering young adults," she concluded. "We are the Church here and now." Questions from the audience included one from a student who wondered how to take what he learned at the convention back to 'his school. "We've 'seen the light' today, but when we make a decision to be different, what do we do when they don't do the same?" he asked. "Maybe it all starts with [convincing) one other person," answered Miss McBride. "Maybe you won't get a good reception at first. But if you believe strongly in something, stick with it. Look for people who believe in tile same things you do." "If you change, your friends will adapt to it after a while - and if not, they're not your friends," added a commenter from the audience. As the session continued, other students explained how they can affect other's lives, with one participant describing how giving a tape to a friend resulted in another friend's reconciliation with his father after hearing one ofthe songs. "You can turn someone's life around without even knowing it," he- said. Concluding the forum, Miss McBride told her peers, "Make sure you bring the feeling you have here today back to your parishes. And above all it is important to be close to God, because he is the one who is always with you, no matte.r what" Prayer Service The day's activities culminated in a colorful prayer service led by Father David Costa that included a liturgical dance performed by girls from Our Lady ofthe Assump- . tion parish, New Bedford; blessing of water sprinkled on: convention
participants in renewal of baptismal promises; and a dramatic, modernized interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount. Audience members from each deanery were given different roles in performing gestures to accom,panya convention song, jumping from their seats on cue. Sarah Mikualis of St. Mark's parish Attleboro Falls, said the prayer service was her favorite part of the convention. "It was so -" she searched forthe right word - "joyful!" Participants gave the day high marks overall. "The Youth Speak Out was a good addition because it gave us someone our own age to rel~te.to," said Kelly Glydon of Our Lttdy of Victory parish, Centerville. "Some of the things that were said really meant a lot," said Rob McDonald, also from Our Lady of Victory. "The experiences people shared were touching and thoughtprovoking." Fellow youth group member Jason Hill praised Paul Tonna's keynote address. "He was able to relate to all of the kids. No matter where you came from, he made sense to yoU." A group of students from St. Mark's, Attleboro Falls, said the convention was a big step toward getting youth involved in the Church. Youth can make the Church "grow" and give it "a young, fresh, new approach," said one. "This gives you a chance to meet other people who feel strongly about faith," added Christine Guillette. Mrs. Donoghue was impressed with the students' enthusiastic response to the convention, which had been in the planning for a year at the youth ministry office. "I have such great hope for the future of our church, to see so many kids come to this to get together and have a really good time," she said.
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s~ driving
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 8, 1991
Did yun know"m'llf't'he number of drivers 81 years old or more increased by 140 percent in the last decade.? Did you know that by the year 2020 there will be some 50 million people over 65; half of them will be over 75 and still eligible for driver's licenses? Will that make it a lot more dangerous to ven~ure out on a highway. in t~e ye~rs to c.ome? Not necessanly, If semor dnvers continue to take the safe driving courses, offered across the land. ~y wife and her sister, bothjust retired,. rece~tl~ graduated from ·the semor dnv~ng course off~red by the lo~al umt ~f ~he Amencan Auto~oblle AssocIation. Now they c~n.dnve almost as wel~ as I can. I ve.JaEen1he course tWIC~! ~here a~e man~ ben~flts fro Jll . g the supervlsea eigllt-fiOur classr~om program. ~ ot o~ly do yo~~ ~ow to aVOId accIdents whIle dn~mg, but you get a 10 perce'nt dIscount on part of your , F ATHER MELANCON with some 0 f h'IS re f erence auto insura:nce.· M th f t t h .( books. (McGowan photo) , ore anasc.oreo s ~ e~ave adopted laws whIch requlre ..m surance companies to offer the discount. The savings are good for three years and then you can take !he training over l!gain. T~lass has helped me change the community's seminary i; clii~ strrMoaf my bad habits; it has made By Pat McGowan cinnati. He continued teaching at me more alert and cautious, and it On a recent visit to Los Angeles, various Maryknoll houses lintil ha~slowed me down ~ especially we passed by a downtown house 1951, when he was assigne<Cro . ~t. Most of all, it has made with "Maryknoll" above the door. Mexico, teaching philosophy at me street smart. , "Let's stop." said my husband, a the Seminary of Merida in Yucaformer Maryknoll seminarian and an enthusiastic supporter of the tan for the next 30 years. Father Melancon retired in 1984, Catholic Foreign Mission Society first to a Maryknoll house ~n of America. "Maybe there's someMetairie, La., and, when that was By Antoinette Bosco one there I know." . sold, to his present home in ~s As we move' into the finl11 year Indeed there was. After some 5Q years he reencountered Father Leo Angeles. In addition to hi's rea ,- of the 20th century, I think social Melancon, a Fall River native who ing, he said, he has a large globe in scientists will have to focus attenhis room, using it to meditate on had been one of his ~ost,memora tion on a growing phenomenon: ble seminary professors, sweeten- ~~~~g:~~~~~ ~~~Sis workings the number of people who live ing the fact that his lectures were in alone. This used to be more common Several of his siblings still reside Latin by such attention-getting dein Fall River. A sister, Theona vices as leaping onto a desk or Sirois, 94 resides at the Jewish among older women, particularly climbing a radiafor pipe to empha- Home for the Aged, a brother, the widowed. But now the single size a point. Edward, is a member of St. Jean occupants ofapartments and homes "He never used a book or notes are all ages, from the late teens to for his lectures," recalled my hus- Baptiste parish, and a sister, Rhea more than 80. St. Pierre, 92, belongs to St. Anne Th' kt th d band. parish. Father Melancon last visitIS wee. wo 0 er women an Now 84, Father Melancon has ed the city in 1989. ~~- 0"",,g ~ l~el.r~ talklln abRoutl?~r mohthers , continued his lifelong habit of -, _ Ivmg a one. ea Izmg t at a ll study. Although visually handi""'·.....-...nree of us also lived alone, we capped, he is an omnivorous readasked, "Is there a better way?" er, aided by a machine that scans , •• • . _ A book just reached my desk printed material. enlarging and \-whichraises that same question. It projecting it onto a screen. I~ is titled "Living Longer, Living He says a private daily Mass, Better" and subtitled" Adventures Nov. 11 reading the daily pericopes on his 1910 Rev. A. Gomez da Silva "in Community Housing for Those screen or listening to'tapes of them Neves, 'Pastor, St. John Baptist, in the Second Half of Life" (Conbefore proceeding to a small chapel New Bedford tinuum)._ to pick up the liturgy at the offerNov. 12 Written by Jane Porcino, a tory. He knows the remainder .of 1924, Rev. James H. Looby, motherofsevenw~ohass'pentthe the Mass by heart, with the excep- Pastor, Sacred Heart, Taunton . I~st 20 years ~ol"k~g to Impr~ve tion of the communion and post1925~ Rev. Bem&uCBoylan, lIfe for people I.n mld- or late-hfe, communion prayers, which he Pastor, St. Joseph, FaILR~ the book d~talls the ~any. n.ew manages to read with the aid of a N 13 '. ~ adventures m commumty hvmg magnifying glass and a stI'ong light. , _ ov. . . now being explored. 1924, ,Rev. t~JS ~dY, The popular TV show, "Golden He is philosophical about his ._ Girls" has done a lot to dispel the impaired vision. "The, Lord lias Founder, St. LOUlS,~~ ' myth that shared 'housing arrangeNov•.t4. given me- a new challenge," he 1940, Rev.' FranciS J. Duffy, ments don't. work, says Mrs. Porsays. , He was born June 26, 1907, the' Founder, St. Mar)', South Dart- cino, explains, "People are looking for new forms offamily and intim10th in a family of 13, and entered mouth 1977, Rev. William A. Galvin, acy. They are searching for nurturthe Maryknoll community at age ing communities in their middle 15 after graduating from grammar Retired Pastor, Sacred Heart, Taun,and later years." school and taking some business ton courses. Nov. 15 Mrs. Porcino found that people Ordained in Rome Dec. 8,1932, 1939, Rev. Thomas F. LaRoche, are coming up with creative ways to ease the loneliness of solo living. he taught at the Maryknoll semi- Assistant, Sacred Heart, Taunton For example, a number of places 1943, Rev: Daniel E. Doran, nary from 1934 to 1944. then servadvocate intergenerational coming in Peru and Bolivia before Pastor, Immaculate Conception, munity living. One is a converted returning to the States to teach at N~rth Ea~n brownstone in Philadelphia, shared by its owner, 85-year old Maggie SALUTING Kuhn, founder ofthe Gray Panther Movement, with seven people of SENIORS different .ages.
Fall RI·ve'"r Mar'yknoller is retired in Los Angeles
I neverjump offat an intersection when the light turns green for me; you can get killed that way. One crash of that kind for me and one driving class taught me this commandment: look left, right and left, counting three seconds, before moving. At night, when a car's headlights are blinding you, it's all right to flick your high beams on and off quickly to let the oncoming driver know you're in trouble. I used to worry about doing that, but it's now in the AAA course manual. These two tips are just a sample of countless lifesaving ideas you can pick up from these classes. Not all problem drivers are seniors, of course. They come in all ages, as the foJlowingquotations wiJl show. People involved in accidents are JlSkediD-eXplainwha t happened as .. briefly as possible on their insurance forms. Some had writing problems as well as driving difficulties. Look at these examples: "I I . d" ed saw a s ow-movmg, sa -lac old gentleman as he bounced off the roof of my car." "
when] fell asleep at the wheel and had an accident." "A pedestrian 'hit me and went under my car." "Coming home Ldrove into the wrong house and collided with a tree 1 don't have." "I was on the way to the doctor with rear end trouble when my universal joint gave way, cauSing me to have an accident." "The pedestrian had no idea which direction to run. So I ran over him." "The indirect cause' of the accident was a little guy in a small car with a big mouth." "I was thrown from my car as it left the road. 1was later found, in a, ditch by some stray cows." These actual statements indicate a certain degree of confusion, to Theguywasalloverthero~d.I say the least, and it' makes me had to swerve a number of times wonder whether safe driving before I hit him." courses ought to be required for "I pulled away from the side of drivers of any age. I know from the road, glanced at my motber-inpersonal experience how valuable lawand headed over the embankthey are. Ask your insurance firm if the ment." "In my attempt to kill a fly, I mature driver classes are offered in your state. If they're not, ask your drove into a telephone pole." legislator. "I had been driving for 40 years
Creative alternatives to living alone
. 3<. '\ t he anchOI\..Y
"We each have our own rooms and privacy. We also have common space to share, so we can be alone
Social Security 800 number is changed The Social Security-Administration (SSA) has changed its tollfree telephone number. The new number is 1-800-SSA-1213. - -Since its nationwide implementation two years ago, the 800 number service has become a popular option. Callers find that many requests can be handled easily, conveniently and expeditiously by phone, often at the time of the initial call. Studies show that mOTe than two-thirds ofthe 8()()..number callers prefer using the telephone over visiting a Social Security office in person. SSA also offers a telephone response unit that speeds processing of certain routine requests. Using a pushbutton telephone, one can request an application for a S"ocial Security number; obtain'a request form for a Personal Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement; request written verification of the amount of Social Security or Supplemental Security Income payments; order publications; and li~ten to general information about Social, Security programs. With the assistance of a teleservice representative at the 800 number, callers can change mailing addresses, make appointments to apply fQr benefits, report missing checks, or ask questions on other matters. The 800 number service is available weekdays from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., but the best times to call are early morning or late afternoon, Wednesday through Friday after the first week of the month.
or together," Ms. Kuhn says in the ,','book. Co-housing, a common concept in Scandinavia, is now a grassroots movement in the United States, writes Mrs. Porcino. She found about 30 co-housing groups in progress, mostly on the West Coast. ' They consist of 25 to 40 clustered homes, architecturally designed to create a sense of community. "Opportunities for social interaction and privacy are built in. Front patios face walkways, but bedrooms face private back yards.... In the center of the community is a shared common house." Retirement villages are increasing in popularity. And Elder Cottage Housing Opportunity produces prefabricated houses that can be put up in the backyard of an adult child's home for about $18,000, according to this book. "lntentional communities" are also gaining popularity. These are formed by groups of people who share Ii commitment to a common purpose and values, such as the Sirius Community in Massachusetts, based on spiritual values. I found a sense of hope in this book, that no matter what age you are you can still approach life with a sense of adventure. A lonely old age does not have to be one's bleak destiny, says the author, who has done a service by showing that there are alternatives.
"Making headway" ST. LOUIS (CNS) - The U.S. bishops' public relations campaign on pro-life issues is "making headway," according to Helen Alvan:, the bishops' national pro-life spokeswoman. Ms. Alvare was i~ terviewed in St. Louis during the Knights of Columbus' recent convention. The Knights have contributed more than $4 miIlion to the pro-life campaign.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 8, 1991
CATHOLIC EDUCATION CONVENTION highlights, from top: Sister Ann Moore, CND, associate superintendent of diocesan schools, with, from left, keynote speaker Rev. William A. Barry, SJ: Rev. Richard W. Beaulieu, director of the Diocesan Department of Education; and Rev. John P. Murray, SJ, principal of Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, which hosted the Oct. 28 event. . Also, Bishop Cronin celebrates convention's opening liturgy; service recognition award recipients Sister Beatrice LaPalme, OP, ofSt. Francis Xavier School, Acushnet, who has taught in Catholic schools for 60 years, and Brother Roger Millette, FIC, of Bishop Connolly High School; workshop presenters Daniel P. Larkin of St. Mary's School, New Bedford: "Mathematics Ideas," and Sister Mary Dumond, CP, St.Anne's School, Fall River: "No Funds! No Materials! No Time! And You Want Me to Teach Science?" (Hickey photos)
Longtime Catholic educators honored In ceremonies during the Oct. 28 Catholic Education Convention, 63 diocesan edul1ators were honored for 25 or more years of service in Catholic education. Each received a silver bowl from Bishop Cronin. The honorees are: Diocesan Department of Education: Grace Taylor.
Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro: Sisters Mary Jessica Aguiar,
Mary Enda Costello, Zita Foley, Pauline Goodall, Mary Evangela McAleer, Rose Angela McLellan, Ricarda Wobby, RSM; Sisters Belmira Oliveira and Mary Margaret Rommal, SUSC, Neil Lowe, PaulO'Boy. . Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River: Brother Roger Millette, FlC, Gertrude Rheault. Coyle-Cassidy High School, Taunton: Sisters Margaret Louise Ouelette, Vera Hebert, Mary Catherine Burns, Mary Elizabeth Murphy, Eugenia Marie Arsenault, Elizabeth Magdalen. Clayton, Eugenia Margaret Ready, Laurette DeChamplain, Ann Joseph LaPlante, Marjorie Boudreau, SUSC: Sister Louise Synan, OP; Thomas . Whalen. St. Francis Xavier School, Acushnet: Sister Beatrice Lapalme, OP. St. Joseph's School, Fairhaven; Janet· Mailhotte, Sister Lillian Cookson, Sister Muriel Lebeau, SS.CC. Fall River . Dominican Academy: Sister Irene Comeau, SSJ. Espirito Santo School: Sister Lia Oliveira, FM M, Sister Agnes Shannon. Holy Name School: Sisters Timothea Riley, Romana Murphy, RSM Notre Dame School: Albert Vaillancourt. St. Anne's School: Sisters Barbara Langlais, Mary of Lourdes, OP. St. Jean Baptiste School: Lorraine. Theroux. St. Joseph Montessori School: Sisters Louis Paquette, Yvette Leclair, SSJ. St. Michael's School: Virginia Mercer, Sister Bernadette Sullivan, SUSC, . SS. Peter and Paul School: Sisters Albertus Clancy, Davida Dunne, RSM. New Bedford Holy Family-Holy NaJ!le School: Sister Virginia Sweeney, RSM, Janice Machnowski. St. Anthony's School: Sister Gertrude Lllnderville, CSC, Yvette Desmarais. St. James-St. John School: Mary Mello, Sisters Jeanette Mary, Barbara Hunt, RSM. St. Joseph's School: Kay Tracey, Terry La valle. St. Mary's School: Sisters Louise Angele, Jean Marie Lyonnaise, SSJ; Sisters Mary Nathan Doherty, Suzanne White, Patricia Custy, RSM. Taunton Our Lady of Lourdes School: Sisters Margretta Sol, Cecile Harrington, Donald Marie Kerr, RS M, Sister Anne Des Roches, SUSc.
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Mos(;ow cburch "feeling its way" WASHINGTON (CNS) - The tant than the democratic principle Catholic Church in the post-com- of non-intervention in the internal munist Soviet Union is "really feel- , affairs of a country." ing its way," according to ArchbiArchbishop McCarrick said that shop Theodore H. McCarrick of deleg~te had once been a political Newark, N.J., who visited Mos- prisoner in Siberia for five years. cow earlier this fall. The conference - which expandThe "pockets of Christianity" in ed during its six days to include the the Russian repUblic are "begin- three Baltic nations - agreed for ning to. relate to each other," said the first time to send fact-finders Archbishop, McCarrick, a member to investigate alleged rights violaofthe U.S. delegation to the meet- tions in member nations without ing of the Commission on Security their consent. and Cooperation in Europe. Moscow Latin-rite Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, according to Archbishop McCarrick, is "spending a lot of time on the road with VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope these priests in these parishes. It's a lot like networking," John Paul II has approved a second The archbishop said the church's set of constitutions for Discalced greatest opportunity is also its Carmelite nuns, 10 months after greatest challenge: "to get a sense approving rules for the minority of of itself. It has been so isolated and monasteries that wanted legislaso put down for 70 years," it must tion' closer to the order's 16th"realize that it is part of the family, century original. that it is a part of the great church "Both texts, equally approved throughout the world. by the church, aim to be faithful interpretations of the charism" of "The clock stopped in 1917," he the order, said a letter from the continued. "It needs time to interpope to Discalced Carmelite nuns nalize all the experiences of the throughout the world. Second Vatican Council, all the A PAPAL SKY CONFERENCE WITH REPORTERS The new constitutions are execclesial developments within the church" and apply them to its own pected to govern some 760 Carmelite monasteries with 11,000 memculture. Catholic-Orthodox relations bers. The first set, approved in late VATICAN CITY (CNS) - If were suspended from the active 1990, was designed for 92 of the And they should find their own "vary in a number of areas," Archyou want to know what Pope John' ministry. expression for what is in accord bishop McCarrick said. "Every- order's monasteries. In 1988, a policy" statement on Paul II thinks, ask him a direct Each monastery has until Decemwith the universal doctrine of the body feels these relationships could question. Experience shows that AIDS by the 50-member Adminisber 1992 to decide which set of church." be better." the pope likes to give straight trative Board of the U.S. bishops' The following November, the Ukrainian-rite Catholics in the constitutions to follow. conference became controversial answers. The main difference between entire U.S. bishops' conference is- Soviet Union have been "so perseThe problem is getting close because it said the bishops would sued a new statement on the sub- cuted for so long," he said: "their the two is in the internal goverenough to chat with him. not oppose accurate information nance of the monasteries, all of ject more sharply critical of any leaders put in jail, it's harder for For journalists, who are paid to about condoms in public AIDS AIDS education program that them to deal on a cordial basis which retain their strict contemask questions, the best way is to education programs. Some promplative lifestyle. The newer constiwould include promotion of so- equally with people they saw as get on a long papal flight. If the inent U.S. bishops criticized .the tutions promote a more collegial called "safe sex." oppressors. Time will heal that." Since the first international flight is more than three hours, condom section, saying it could be In the wake of the failed coup of style of decision making, granting papal trip, the press conferences chances are good that the pope perceived as going against church wider authority to monastery counSoviet President Mikhail Gorbahave been streamlined. Answers chev, Archbishop McCarrick saw will come back to the press section teachings that all artificial birth cilors and convent chapters. are still spontaneous, but the set- signs of concern for the welfare of and verbally mix it up with re- control is immoral. Others argued In late 1984, Pope John Paul ting is more formal. that the.statement urged that all porters. Russian Republic President Boris directed what was then called the' The pope no longer strolls up The in-flight press conference is AIDS education be placed in a Yeltsin, who suffered unspecified Vatican Congregation for Religious and down the aisles, but stands at an innovation of the current pope. framework of moral values and health problems during the arch- and Secular Institutes to draft new the front of the press section as his The only other pontiff to engage in that accurate information about bishop's Moscow stay. constitutions based on the 1581 long-distance air travel, Pope Paul condoms would inClude recogni- spokesman, Joaquin Navarrorule for all the Discalced CarmeYeltsin led the coup opposition. Valls, chooses questioners from "There were some people who were VI, greeted journalists individu- tion of their failure rate. lite'nuns. The Vatican remaint<d publicly among the raised hands waving concerned that he come back as ally during trips but did not field The decision was unusual, bequestions. silent until the pope was winging for attention. calise religious usually write their strong as in the past," Archbishop Under the new format, the ses- McCarrick said. Pope John Paul began his in- his'way to Uruguay May 7, 1988. own constitutions, then submit "They should reflect" on the sion is over' withi'n 30 minutes. formal press conferences on his them to the Vatican for approval. The Soviet Union's economy is Before, it lasted well over an hour. still a puzzle, he added. "The lines first international voyage outside issue, the pope said. "The AmeriThe monasteries were asked to The new system .has its advan- are everywhere," he said, but "the Italy after his 1978 election. It was can bishops know what the docevaluate the congregation's draft tages and disadvantages for re- longest line that I saw was by to Santo Domingo, Domi~ican trine of the church in this area is. in 1986-87,. and about 70 percent Republic. The date was Jan. 25, porten. , rejected it. McDonald's. It was a line going, Before, everyone was assured of , for two blocks. The second longest 1979, and he surprised the 60 jourThe new constitutions for the asking a question. Now, only a few line was a line for French perfume." nalists aboard the'papal flight by rest of the order were drafted by a get the chance. spending 75 minutes wandering up committee appointed by the superTo the archbishop, it symbolBefore, reporters had to spend a: ized Muscovites' attempt to "escape and down the aisles answering VATICAN CITY (CNS) - The ior general of the Discalced Carlot, of time after the pope left trad- from the gray society." tl).eir individual questions. environment must be respected , . melite Friars, who since the foundIt was a windfall. The day before, , and protected so that through ing questions 'and answers with ing ofthe women's order has exerArchbishop McCarrick was a the pope had met the then-Soviet each other because they had to U,S. "public delegate" at the nature people can "contemplate cised a limited leadership over the Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko' the mystery of the greatness and remain at their seats, out of ear- European security conference, an monasteries: at the Vatican, and now he was shot most of the time, as the pope outgrowth ofthe Helsinki accords, love of God," said Pope John Paul Although the monasteries will giving reporters a chance to' get II duringa meeting with the organ- . made the rounds. Now, they have due to his expertise in Eastern. have different constitutions and. first-hand data on the meeting. a better chance of hearing all the Europe matters. izing committee, jury and winners different relationships with. the The pope also hinted that he answers because the pope speaks of an international environmental men's order, the pope asked them He said the conference's most planned to visit the United States through a microphone connected memorable development ~as a Soprize named after St. Francis of to "maintain the spiritual unity" of soon, a trip he made in October of to a loudspeaker. But the sound viet delegate's declaration that Assisi's poem, "The Canticle ofthe the Carmelites "within their legitthe same year. As an added bonus, system is not always the best, and, human rights "may be more imporCreatures." imate historical traditions." especially for radio and television reporters often have to scramble The main prize was awarded to crews, the pope showed his linto find a spot where they can tapeCosta Rica "for works and conguistic abilities, answering quesrecord the session. crete initiatives to safeguard and tions in several different languages. For the pope, the new format is improve the natural environment." less tiring physically and mentally. Si'nce then, the pope often has The president of the jury was cleared up questions about VatiHe does not have to spend as much can policy in these off-the-cuff Giovanni Battista Marini-Bettolo time on his feet, fighting to catch Marconi, who is also president of his balance if planes hit air pockets. encounters. the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. There was doubt in 1984 whether Nor does he have to answer the "The ecological problem is con路the church would take disciplinary same question several times for someone who did not hear his preaction against Nicaraguan priests nected to those of eth-ics and morwho held government posts against ality," the pope told the group. vious answer. But he no longer has the possiVatican wishes. The doubt was "The goods of the earth, which in cleared up by the p'ope on his way the divine plan should be a combility of explaining himself better mon patrimony, often risk becomon an issue to a subsequent questo Canada Sept. 9, when he was ing a monopoly of a few who often tioner in a more comfortable asked if penalties would be applied. "'That is the procedure under spo'il it and, sometimes, destroy it, language. thereby creating a loss for all humcanon law," he said firmly. What has not changed is the Several months later the priests anity." pope's willingness to talk.
.New constitutions for Carmelite nuns
Flights offer chance to question pope
Guarding Earth
Bishop, nun, priest denied entry to EI Salvador
Bishop Gumbleton, Jesuit Fathreligious being denied access to EI Salvador?' " er Patrick McManamon of Detroit, Dominican Sister Alice Fairchild She said the move appeared to of New York and two U.S. conindicate a return to a 1989 Salvagressional aides had hoped that by doran policy of "blacklisting" accompanying Ms. Lopez o'n her some U.S. bishops and church return to E1 Salvador they would workers. Blacklisted in 1989 were discourage any possible violence Archbishops Rembert G. Weakagainst her. Visas were also denied land of Milwaukee and John R. the congressional aides. Quinn of San Francisco and BishThe denials were not reversed ops Gumbleton, Walter F. Sullivan of Richmond, Va., and John despite an Oct. 28 letter from Archbishop Arturo Rivera Damas J. Fitzpatrick of Brownsville, of San Salvador to Mauricio Sua- Texas. rez Escalflnte, top Salvadoran conBishop Gumbleton said he was' sular official, requesting that the concerned for Ms. Lopez's welfare. "These death threats are very visas be granted. Ms. Lopez, whose U.S. visa was real," he said. "We pray for her safety and the safety of all w'ho put about to ~xpire, left Washington their lives on the line in search of for EI Salvador Oct. 30. She was accompanied by three individuals justice in EI Salvador." Ms. Lopez's father, who was with prior permiSSIon to travel to EI Salvador. Among them was . involved in rural organization Gigi Gruenke, representing Good efforts, and eight of her 13 brothShepherd parish in Shawnee, Kan. ers and sisters have been killed Good Shepherd has a sister parish since 1980. in EI Salvador and Ms. Gruenke had obtained a 'visa for a trip Peak Experience planned for a路later date.. "The marvelous richness of Jean Stokan, program staffer. at human experience would lose someSHARE,a Washington-based huthing of rewarding joy if there manitarian aid organization that were no limitations to overcome. works closely with Ms. Lopez's The hilltop hour would not be half refugee assistance agency, said so wonderful if there were no dark "The question is: 'Why are U.S. valleys to traverse."- Helen Keller
WASHINGTON (CNS) - Detroit Auxiliary Bishop Thomas J, Gumbleton, a U.S. Jesuit priest and a Dominican nun have been denied entry visas to EI Salvador. to accompany Salvadoran refugee worker facing death threats.
CROATIAN SOLDIERS survey destruction at church in Mosenica, Yugoslavia. More than 200 churches and chapels in Croatia have been destroyed or damaged in ethnic fighting. (CNS/ Jacques Brund photo)
Vatican reports, Croatian terror VATICAN CITY (CNS) Catholic churches have been deliberately destroyed and Catholic priests in Croatia have been harassed, beaten and imprisoned by Serbian militia in Yugoslavia, the Vatican newspaper reported. "Catholic priests have been imprisoned and dramatic testimony from refugees speaks of the oppression and torture of Catholic clergy," the Nov. I issue of L'Osservatore Romano reported. The newspaper said that the Salesian provincial for Croatia, Father Mirko Barbaric, and another priest, Father Josip Haluzan, "were kidnapped while on a pastoral visit to Slavonia and taken prisoner for a month and a half by irregular Serbian troops." In another region, three priests from Beli Monastir were captured and managed to escape after "two months of cruel oppression," the paper said. After his release, one of the priests - Father Stefano Pasaric - sent a letter to an Italian priest via parishioners who fled Yugoslavia. The Vatican newspaper quoted from the letter. "The soldiers come many times each day and want to check the belltower, saying that the Croatians fire on the Serbs from there. When I say that no one is there and only I have the keys, they J>egin to beat me and torture me," Father Pasaric's letter said. "Then they begin firing on houses to make people think that the pastor is shooting at the people," the letter sa id. "Every pastoral activity is interrupted. The community no longer exists. The people hide in their basements" and no one can leave
the village. The bombardments are continuous and .violent," he said. "We are living our last days," Father Pasaric wrote. "Pray much for us who are persecuted and, if you can, do something for our freedom." The Vatican newspaper also quoted from an Oct. 16 statement issued by Yugoslavian bishops meeting in Zagreb, the Croatian capital. The,statement said, "the data speak of thousands of dead and tens of thousands of wounded," and more than 250,000 refugees. It reported 170 parishes in eight dioceses as "depopulated," with 130 priests arid their parishioners forced to flee their homes. "In the territories occupied by the federal army there are a great number of priests and men and women religious" whose whereabouts are unknown, it said, adding that over 200 churches and chapels, 22 religious residences, and more than 50 rectories have been destroyed or seriously damaged. "Most of these, were systematically destroyed during armed attacks' against individual places," and were not accidentally hit, the statement declared. ' The bishops said they were concerned that deliberate destruction of undefended holy places would be followed by destruction of schools, hospitals and cultural institutions. "Our church, a participant in the suffering of its people, pleads and begs all people of good will to use all their influence and all possible occasions to stop the war. in Croatia," they said ..
O.L. Haven honors longtime employees A total of nearly 300 years of tor of nurses; and Jea'nne Pereira, employee service was honored at a medical recordsl receptionist. recent service awards ceremony at 15~year pins went to Rose Benoit, Our Lady's H'aven, Fairhaven. environmental assistant; Marge Service award pins were pre- Morris, nursing secretary; and sented by Rev. Edmund J. Fitz- Evelyn Perry, activities assistant. gerald, Diocesan Health Faciliti,es . Employees earning 10 year pins executive director. were Anne Allard and Rosemary Honored for their particulariy Vaughn, nurse's aides; Pat Broadlong working relationships' with land, R.N.; William Daroza, directhe home were Fairhaven residents tor of maintenance; and Sandy Ethel Frates, personnel director, , Sylvi~, director of nurs.es. with 30 years of service, and Rose Five year pin recipients were Cunha, licensed practical nurse, Frank Coffey, maintenance; Alice 25 years of service. Morris, ancillary services; Karen Receiving 20-year pins were Ribeiro and Carol Tate, licensed Louise Alfonse, nurse's aide; Cherie practical nurses; and nurse's aides Long, dietary aide; Donna Mar- Gloria Couto, Terry Fialho, Kathy shall, director of social services; Grover, Rachel Tyler and Joyce Jo-Anne Neagus, assistant direc:' Tetrault.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 8, 1991
Bishop Gumbleton, who said he had met in Washington in late October with Salvadoran Ambassador Miguel Salaverria about the visa denials, said Salaverria had dismissed death threats against refugee worker -Maria Mirtala Lopez Mejia as "insignificant." Salaverria "said that some people claim to have received death threats to make themselves seem important. To me that's incredible," said Bishop Gumbleton in an Oct. 30 interview from Detroit. Ms. Lopez, 22, is secretary of human rights and legal affairs of the Christian Committee for the Displaced in EI Salvador. Before coming to the United States in early October she had received four written death threats from a Salvadoran group called the Salvadoran Anti-Communist Front, known by its Spanish initials as FAS.
SponsorA Child . like Conchita ($15 a month) CHRISTIAN FOUNDATION For CHILDREN & AGING Founded and directed by CATHOLIC LAY PEOPLE. YOUR $15 MONTHLY PROVIDES A NEEDY CHILD WITH: NOURISHING FOOD, MEDICAL CARE, the chance to GO TO SCHOOL and HOPE FOR THE FUTURE. YOUR CHILD WILL GROW IN THE DAILY KNOWLEDGE OF GOD'S LOVE AND YOUR LOVE, You will receive a photo of your child, description of your child's country, family history, translated letters, & quarterly newsletters! Plus you will receive the personal satisfaction of helping a child in need.
Let the little children come unto me. - Mark 10:14
Little Conchita lives in a small village in the mountains of Guatemala. Her house is made of cornstalks. with a tin roof and dirt floor. Her father struggles to support the family as a day laborer. Your concern can make'the difference in the lives ofchildren like Conchita.
FOR THE CHILD WHO IS WAITING You can make visible GOD'S LOVE. (Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, EI Salvador, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Philippines, India, Kenya, Madagascar).
I would like to share my blessings with a needy child. . .
I would like to sponsor a I am enclosing
Attn: Robert Hentzen, President P.O. Box 410327 Kansas City, Missouri 64173-0158
(913) 384-6500 --
$15 for first month $90'for si~ months
D NEEPS MY HELP. . D $45 for three mo'nths. D. $180 for the entire year
I cannot sponsor a child at this time, but I enclose my gift of
Christian Foundation for Children and Aging
to be used for the EMERGENCY FUND for Children.
Plea~e send me more information on sponsoring a child.
ADDRESS -----------------------
Member: U.S. Catholic Mission Association. National Catholic Development Conference FAR 11/91---JI
9 0 2 . Catholic Press Association路 Financial report available on request
- ".'
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-~ri., Nov. 8, 1991
Bishop Connolly High School Sophomore Jennifer Currier 'of Tiverton, RI, has been named as the recipient of the first Tommy Keyes Memorial Scholarship, which memorializes the Connolly graduate killed last year in an auto , accident. Miss Currier was selected because of her outstanding spirit and generous contribution to the promotion of Bishop Connolly High School, characteristics which typified Keyes, a member of the Class of'84. He was the son of Ed Keyes, a long time Connolly coach, and Mary Jane Keyes, a long time Connolly faculty member and coach. The Keyes family established the $1,000 scholarship with money raised in the First Annual Tommy Keyes Memorial Golf Tournament held earlier this year.
* * ;.. * Miss Colleen Smith's freshmen homeroom 205 emerged victorious from the Freshmen Olympics in which the freshm~n homerooms competed with each other for "spirit points" in various events including homeroom decoration, obstacle course, egg throw, relay race, three-legged race, tug-of-war, volleyball tournament, and cheeroff. Homerooms 204 and 211 tied for second, while homeroom 210 finished third. In the final analysis, however, all were winners as a good time was had by all in the process of getting to know their , classmates better.
* * * * Seniors Greg Czarkowski' and Meredith Lowe have been named Teenagers oUhe Month. Greg is the son, of Joseph and Julia Czarkowski of Tiverton, RI. He has been a member of the basketball_and track teams in his freshmen year, the terinis team in his sophomore year, and the varsity soccer team all four years. He is a member of the Drama Club, the Law Team,.the Connolly Alcohol and Drug Awareness Team (CAAT), and the National Honor . Society. He is a three-year member ofthe student government, serving as clas~ pI:eside,!1t until this year. , Mer~dith is the daughter of RoderiCk and Paula Lowe of Portsmouth, RI. She is senior class president and a three-year member' of the student government. She is president and a four-year member ofthe Drama Society. She is also a 'member of the National Honor 'Society, the Foreign Languag~ Club, CAAT, Amnesty Interna-
tional, the choir and the track team.
* * * * Jeff Guimond, president of the sophomore class, son of Robert and Elaine Guimond of Fall River, will participate in the 34th annual Hugh O'Brian Youth Foundation Leadership Seminar. The program motivates, trains, and develops future leaders. Participants meet with men and women,who have distinguished themselves i'n business, education, government, the sciences, the arts, and the professions in order, to get a realistic look at their nation, its people, and their role in the world community.
* * * * The girls' cross country team has won the EAC Championship with a perfect 6-0 league record, while the boys' squad has won the EAC Conference Championship. The girls' soccer team qualified for state tournament play. They lost their first-round game to Foxboro on a wind-swept, rain-soaked field. Wind gusts up to 50 mph had a definite effect on the outcome. The boys' soccer team crushed Upper Cape Cod Regional in the first round game 6-0 in a gam,e played on the Cougar's home field. The first round of the Fourth Annual Larry Bird Roundball Shootout began this week. This two-on-two, double elimination basketball tournament is a wildly popular event for both players and fans at Connolly in' the weeks between fall and ,winter sports seasons.
St. Joseph's School Every year for the past decade, St. Joseph's School, Fairhaven, has led Greater New Bedford Area grade schools in keeping the Greater New Bedford Homeless Shelter and Soup Kitchen well-stocked w,ith food items. This year the school has inaugurated a "Can Hunger" ,campaign through which canned and nonperishable foods are collected once it month on "Can Hunger Day" and donated to the shelter and soup kitchen through the Hunger Commission. October's donation day brought in more than 380 food items,from students•. Arlene, Paiva, a St. Joseph's teacher and Hunger Commission member, has directed the school's ,outreach program since its 'beginning. She also coordinates a school'.sponsoredmeal for the needy held each March. .', ,
CANNING HUNGER: students at St. Joseph's School, Fairhave'n, are hoping they can "can, hunger" through'the ~cho61's new homdess shelter/ soup kitchen outreach program.
By Charlie Martin
EVERYTHING I DO (I DO IT FOR YOU) Look into my eyes You will see What you mean to me Search your heart Se~rch your soul When you find me there You'll search no more Don't tell me it's not worth trying for You can't tell me Its not worth dying for You know it's true Everything I do I do it for you Look into your heart You will find There is nothing there to hide Take me as I am Take my life I would give it all, I would sacrifice There is no love like your love And no other could give more love There's nowhere, unles~, you're there All the time, all the way I'll fight for you I'd lie for you 'Walk the wire for you You know it's true Everything I do I do it for you Written and sung by Bryan Adams (c) 1991 by A&M Records A TEEN FROM St. Albany, I've always liked Bryan Adams' dynamic vocal style. Ind., asked me to com~ent on He puts plenty of his vocal this past summer's 6iggest smash, Bryan Adams' "Everypower into this song. The Canadian/rocker has been absent thing I do (I Do It For You)." . At the time, I purposely skipped from the charts for awhile, but his new album has already proover the song, hearing it as just 'duced two Top'40 hits. one more pop tune glorification of infatuation. The song doubles as the musBut, at this reader's' suggesical theme for the film "Robin tion, I've listened again and I'm Hood." I suppose 'a song of such drama and commitment is finding it is ,a song ,that can really make you think. a good match for a larger-than-
By Tom Lennon The Chastity Lady came to town this week. A busload ofteens from our parish traveled 10 miles to the University of Dayton arena to hear her deliver a message seldom heard in the 1990s. They - and .the huge number of other teens there - were fascinated by her message and her style of delivery. Her name is Molly 'Kelly, and she jokingly calls herself The Chastity Lady. She knows young peo: pie well, having raised 'eight children, the youngest of whom is now in 'college. Her husband, Jim, who was heavily involved in the pro-life movement, died in 1,975. Ms. Kelly's message is simple: chastity. But you may be like a 19-year-old friend of mine who asked, "What's chastity? What does that meanT' A check with the dictionary reveals that chastity is the state or quality of not having engaged in unlawful sexual intercourse.
B4t Ms. Kelly would find that description too negative. She finds "abstinence" a negative word too. She prefers to say that "Chastity doesn'tm.ean, never hav.ing sex. It means sexual self-contro!. And it doesn't mean safe sex. It means saved' ~ex"; saved for marriage. M's. Kelly is firmly convinced that the only solutiOll to the epidemic of teenage pregnancies in ,our land is chastity. Her reasons? "It's 100.perc~nt effective, has ~o side effects, and you have total control over it. You can't ge~ sick from chastity, and.. you can't get pregnant,"· . But in the free-wheeling sexual climate of the 19.90s:is it realistic to expect a teen to say J:\o to sexual adventures, to going all the way? Ms.. Kelly believes it's ve~y real·ist,ic. Sh~ has gre!1t .respect for teens and is convinced you can be sexual,ly responsible even ifmany of YOl;Jr friend.s are not. Looking realistically at today's sexual problems, Ms. Kelly observes, "I think it has to do with self-con·tro!. We're .ruled by Intellect, not by things we put iilto ~r on our bodies. Your. generation is targeted by people making a fortune. Any kid can go to a family pla.nningclinic and get a prescription for birth control pills. "Sex isn't new, but it's different today," she 'says. "It's 'become a
.- ,-, r
life folk hero. The' song's "I would die for you" and "there's no love like your love" theme well describes infatuation's intensity and inclination for emotional overreaction. It's hard to imagine anyone saying "everything I do, I do it for you," and meaning it. Such words reflect obsession. not love. Behaviors coming from such words would soon kill any romance as the other person got smothered in one's attention and emotional control. However, the song does suggest one of love's genuine qualities, that is, how love helps us get outside ourselves and consider the needs of others. The decision occurs not only in romantic love, but in any relationship where a true bond of the heart is formed. Infatuation. with its usual flair for the dramatic, states that itis always ready to do this. Love is more based in reality. Love tries to respect one's own needs as well as the needs of others. This can be a difficult balance to achieve. None of us lives out this balance perfectly. Our challenge is to learn how to love others without giving up our own responsibility to make ourselves happy. Sometimesthis will mean temporarily'putting aside our own needs and generally responding to what someone else wants. Other times, our choice will mean saying "no" to another's request because we realize that we possess no energy or desire to lovingly respond to his or her needs. Growth in maturity and self-love comes from knowing .when to be open to others' needs and when it is better to prioritize one's own. It would apear that "Everything I do (I Do It For You)" has more to reflect upon than I originally noticed. My thanks to the reader who encouraged me to review it. Your comments are welcomed by Charlie Martin, R·.R. 3, Box -lSi, Rockport, IN 47635. commodity. I'm opposed to the selling of sex." But you may be thinking that The Chastity Lady's message has ·arrived too late for you. She says no. "Once you've done it, you don't have tO,do it .again. "call that recycled chastity'. Sexual intercourse is a gift that you ar~n't supposed to open until marriage. But if you've already unwrapped it, ~rapitupagain."
Teens from our parish took a great liking to Ms. Kelly. They saw her npt as a. stern. authority figure .always saying no, but rather as someone.in touch'with their world and not too old to understand the issues and their feelings . They lik'ed her h~mor arid some of ber imagery., For el'ample, she urged them to be more conscious of bodyJanguage and ~he signals that ca'n lead to intimacy. "It's like 'a truck' coming down the hill," she told them. "You don't wait until .you:re at the bottom. ':' ou apply the brakes now." . . Ms. Kelly t~lks to some 50,000 ieen~ a yf;ar. 'Most oft,hero, I'd bet, greet her message as enthusiastically as did the busload from our parish.
Modicum Bat "Beware of little expenses; • small leak will sink a great ship."Franklin
welcome. The next meet will take The Anchor place Nov. 26. Friday, No~. 8,i99l Students Against Drunk Driving plans several ,activities and projects for the coming year after. welcoming more than 200 members on a recent sign-up and pin day. St. John Evangelist School, SADD officers are president Yvette . Attleboro, will promote hunger Morais, first vice president Ana- awareness this month with a Fast bela Vasconcelos, second vice, for World Hunger and a canned president Natalie Mailloux, secre- goods drive. Students and families are asked tary Rosemary Fernandes and to give up snacks or meals on Nov. treasurer Shelley Costa. The girls' varsity soccer team, 21 and donate money that would only two years old, has qualified "have been spent on food to Catholic for state tourney play and clinched Relief Services through the school. . Each class is also collecting food second place in the EAC I~ague. Primarily a defensive team lasf items for Thanksgiving baskets for year, this year the Stang squad's the needy to be distributed by the parish St. Vincent de Paul Society. offense has gained momentum with The first quarter ends Nov. 8 the leadership of league-leading scorer Jessica Byron, Other out- with report card distribution Nov. 18. Parent-teacher conferences will standing players are Holly Ventre, Colleen Carney and Andrea Cici- be held noon to 2:30 p.m. Nov. 19 and 5 to 8:30 p.m. Nov. 19 and"20. relli. Teacher Deneen Conde will give * * * * small group computer instruction 29 seniors gathered for a retreat for grades I through 8 on Tuesdays themed "Everything I Do, I Do It to reinforce reading, math and For You" Oct. 18-20 at Mother of social studies skills and supplement Hope Chapel in Middletown, Rl. lessons learned in Wednesday and The team which organized and AT LITURGY for a Bishop Feehan High School day of retreat with the Fountain Square presented the event was composed Thursday computer classes. The School advisory council will Fools: from left, Father David Costa, chaplain at the Attleboro school; students Aimee of five seniors, faculty representameet 7 p.m. Nov. 12 and the . tives and school chaplain Father Larocque, Cathy Choberka and Jeffrey Gomes; Bobby Fisher of the Fountain Square Fools. Sports Council at 7 p.m. Nov. 20. Steve Avila. Eighth grade students will attend Parents were invited to share in a retreat Nov. 14 and 15. the closing liturgy celebrated by Father Avila. The Fountain Square Fools, a celebration of the Eucharist durMass," said another student. "The * * * *ONLY FUll·lINE RElIGIOUS Cincinnati-based theatre troupe, ing which kites flew, students sang, 1989 graduate Michael Spencer kind where we could all get inGIFT STORE ON THE CAPE of New ~edford has been awarded 'enlivened a recent day of retreat tambourines shook and students volved, where we could release the • OPEN MON-SAT: 9-5:30 the $6,100 Charles Dana Scholarfor students at Bishop Feehan High held hands in prayer. energy and spirit inside us. It should SUMMER SCHEDULE ship at Holy Cross College, WorSchool, Attleboro. Upon completion of the pro- be like that all the time." OPEN 7 DA 28 in a , cester. A junior, he ranks Principal Brother Robert WickDirected by Susan Johnson, gram the students gave a thunder~ ~class of723 and is active in student ous round of applause to the Fools man told students after the retreat, John Sparrow and Bobby Fisher, government and the crew team. "Our challenge now is to continue and to school chaplain Father the troupe proclaims the Good News through song, dance, panDavid Costa'for making the day to 'share our stories' as we respond Sullivan's" * * * * to God's invitation to be a people tomime,juggling, drama and story- possible, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will Religious Goods telling. celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving 428 Main 51. Hyannis Remarked one junior, "Never with faith and zeal." . at Bishop Stang at 10 a.m. Nov. before was, I so proud of my school Students responded energetically 775·4180 26. Parents, who are weicome to John & Mary lees. Props, to performances of songs such as and the spirit and openness they' attend, have been invited to sub"This Little Light of Mine" and demonstrated as I was [after this . The Parents Club of Bishop mit intentions to 'be remembered "Twist and Shout" and were cap- program]." Stang High School, North Dartat the Mass to the school's devel"The stories were really incredi- mouth, has two activities planned tivated by the Fools retelling the opment office. ' story of the Prodigal Son on mod- ble," added a freshman. "The~ for November. ' ern terms. The Psalms were also really made you think, especially The Club invites all parents to a given new life through dramati- the story about how. we need to screening of the fih'n "F.A,.T. City forgive ourselves." zation. Workshop'" featuring Richard D~ A Thanksgiving food collection "We really needed that kind of The day culminated with a lively 102 Shawomet Avenue Lavoie at 7 p.m. Nov. 13 in the will begin Nov. 13 at St. Francis school library. The film explores Xavier School, Acushnet. .Some,.et, Ma••, , the frustration, anxiety and ten:First quarter report cards will Tel. 674-4881 sion ,experienced to some degree be distributed Nov. 14with parentNewly-elected fre~hman class Members of the Coyle-Cassidy by all students and overwhelm- teacher' conferences the following 3Va room Apartm*nt junior class recei'ved their Class officers are president Gregory Quiningly by students, with learning day. . . 4Va room Apartment rings at a recent Junior Class Mass lan, vice president Luke Frisbee, disabilities.' , Students begin wearing the win- " Includes heat, hot water, ,stove reand Ring Ceremony attended by secretary Katie Dunlap and treas. Following the one-hour movie, ter uniform Nov. 18. .friprator and maintenance serviee, relatives and friends as well as urer Brian Lanagan. Mauf~en' Olden,.>;- Stang parent A Thanksgiving Mass with Homeroom representatives are members of the Coyle-Cassidy staff an(rlearning s,pecialist at: Bristol grades2 and 3 as participants will Julie Beals, Nikki' Bourque, Christy and student body. Community College; 'will, lead a be celebrated at 9 a.m. Nov. 27' Chaplain Rev. William L. Boffa, Chaves, John. Clift, Paula Ferbriefdiscus~ion. : , . with school dismissal at l.l :30 a.m. celebrated the liturgy' with area nandes, Dawnne HendersQn, MonL~v.oie:~willbppeaking in per- for the holiday. ica O'Brien and Mary Beth Thomppriests concelebrating. Following son 'af. Old RoChe$te'r' RegIonal " the blessing of the rings, they were son. High SchooI' in Mattapoi'sett at presented to student's as junior *' * ,* * 7:30 p.ill: Nov. 18. The school has successfullycomclass president Matthew Perkins Montie. Plumbing " The second Parents Club~spon read their names., ' ' "pleted the first phase of the 10th .sored event is a "Tailgate GatherHeating Co., A reception hosted by the C-C 'annual Pine Street Inn drive cooring" following the Nov.. 23 HomeOver 35 Years dinated by faculty memberS AnthMother's Club followed. The event coming football game agaiJ::lst New of,' Satisfied S~rvice . was coordinated by junior class ony Nunes and' Michael Cote. For Bedford Voke-Tech. Participants Reg. MasterPlul11ber7023 faculty moderator Hollene Mans- the past .five weeks students and are asked to bring a picnic meal to " JOHN'S SHOE STORE. , JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. staff have donated personal care field. , be shared in the gym; hot bever295 Rhode Island Avenue Student council members were items for homdess men and women ,ages will be provided. 432 JEFFERSOI\lSTREET inducted at the school's Nov. I All at the Boston shelter. Now they Fall River, MA 02724 Fall River .675·7496 The next Parents Club meeting Saints' Day liturgy, celebrated by are collecting winter clothing to be will be 7 p.m. Dec. 4 in the school Father Boffa, who blessed the in- boxed and sent to the Inn. To library. Questions on parent events make a contribution, call the school ductees for their work ahead. ' may be directed to the developMembers of the council's ex- at 823-6164. ment or guidance offices. AWIDE CHOICE OF SA\ lNGS The Coyle-Cassidy St. Vincent ecutive board - president Neil Morrison, vice president Eddie Al- de Paul Society chapter sponsored * * * * & IN\ 'ESTME~ PlA'~S Established since 1982 The Spartan "mathletes" are off meida, secretary Kristen Lounsbury a Halloween party at the school to an auspicious start this year and treasurer Jessica. Cleary ' - for neighborhood children. Society Temporary or Long Term with five Math Team members were sworn in by council moderator members decorated the school and Care Available for those Brain Dickinson; the officers then the school band led a "Parade of scoring' a perfect 6 in the season's unable to live at home' opening meet: newcomers Amanda swore in class officers and home- ' Horribles." Lima and Ty Olden and returning' foo.m representatives. The children played games, (508) 394-1775 mathletes Brenda: Eustace, Alison The council has already been gobbled down ice cream, collected Flem'ing and Trenton Garde. busy planning ho~ecomingactivi items for their trick-or-treat bags, Mary Kromberg Sandra Amaral, RN ties, school dances and spirit week and heard scary tales from storyMath Team practice is held at 409 Main Street II Ronda lane events as well as establishing a teller John Welsh, a deacon at St. 7:15 a.m'. and at 2 p.m. WednesSo. Oennis, MA 02660 Dennis, MA 02638 new, student-run school store.. Ann's Church, Raynham. days; new members are always
in our schools
St. John Evangelist
Fountain Square Fools visit Feehan
Bishop Stang
O.L. CAPE, BREWSTER ST. JOSEPH, WOODS HOLE . DAY PROGRAM FOR SINGLE Rehearsal for Dec. 22 and ChristFinance committee meeting 7: 15 WOMEN,MERCYLODGE mas Midnight Mass Cantata 7 p.m. p.m; Nov. 12, Carol Wagner's home. "The Dance of Gentle Waiting," a Thursdays, choir loft. Altar servers' Goods for "Food For Others" daylong program for single women preparation classes begin 9 a.m. Nov. Thanksgiving drive may be left at wishing to deepen the movement of 23; information: Paul Sullivan, 896sanctuary altar. God in their lives, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.. 7181, or Deacon Frank Camacho, Dec. 7, Mercy Lodge, Cumberland, ST. DOMINIC; SWANSEA 394-5023. RI. Sponsored by Sisters of Mercy Youth ministry will distribute O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE "food-bags" for holiday donations at Vocation Team. Information: Sister High school youth ministry planMasses this, weekend; participants Aliceann Walsh or Sister Anne Ren12. Drew ning team meeting Nov. are asked to fill the bags with desig- dine, 333-6333. AIDS HEALING SERVICE O.L. ANGELS, FR Fayne Memorial Blood Drive Nov. nated items and return at Masses SACRED HEART, Ecumenical healing service for all At an Oct. 20 meeting of Our 14, parish center; information: Mary 24. Nov. N. ATTLEBORO or concerned about AI DS 7affected Lady of the Angels Holy Name Archer, 775-6591. Young women of Newly-elected youth group ofST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH Society, new officers elected were: . p.m. Nov. 24, Pilgrim United Church, the parish 16 or over interested in 635 Purchase St., NB. Sponsored by High school youth group meeting ficers: president Vicky Hindle, vice president Roland Pare, vice-presibeing parish presentee for Bishop's. 6:30 p.m. Sunday. Falmouth Knights president Michale Guilteri, treasurer Center for Human Services, Inc. and dent Paul Desrosiers, secretary ArBall Jan. 10 contact parish office by . NB Clergy Association. of Columbus Mass for deceased· Nicky Romano, secretary Rene mand Miranda and treasurer Jeffrey Dec. I. "Pathways of Spiritual and Lowe. members 8:45 a.m. Sunday, followed Vieira. ST. LUKE'S HOSPITAL Human Growth" education series at council home. CATHOLIC WOMAN'S by breakfast WIDOWED SUPPORT COMMUNITY INFORMATION with Father Robert A. Oliveira, CLUB,FR NB area support group meeting PROGRAM ST. MARY, N. ATTLEBORO diocesan director of continuing Reception for new members 7:30 7:30 p.m. Nov. II, St. Kilian rectory "There's No Place Like Home'- formation of Clergy and Laity, Grades 1-4 children's Mass 8:30 basement, 306 Ashley Blvd. InforBringing an Elderly Person Ho'me Wednesdays Nov. 20 to Dec. 18; sesa.m. Sunday. CCD teachers' work- p.m. Nov. 12, Holy Name School, . from the Hospital" discussion of sions 10 a.m. to noon repeated 7 to 9 mation: 998-3269 or 992-7587. shop 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Vincentians' FR. Musical program by Guy Rocontinuing care in surgery recuperafood drive next three weekends. In- tondo. Barbara Sullivan, Paulette ST. JOSEPH, NB p.m. in parish center. tion, longterm illness or handicap 7 tentions to be prayed for by grade 2 Normandin and Elizabeth Neilan Ultreya meeting 7:30 p.m. Nov. p.m. Nov. 13, St. Luke's White ST. MARY, SEEKONK students may be placed in prayer comprise hospitality committee; Rita 12, sacristy. Christian musician Jon Polce will Provost will chair coffee hour. Home; information: 997-1515 ext. box at church entrance. be featur~d at prayer group meeting 2919. SEPARATED/DIVORCED CHRIST THE KING, MASHPEE 7:30 p.m. Nov. 14; the public is CATHOLICS . Women's Club meeting 7:30 p.m. 234 Sel;4lnd Street ST. STANISLAUS, FR welcome. Attleboro area support group meetNov. 13; Father Stephen Fernandes . .Fall River, MA 02721 Winter clothing donations forBIRTHRIGHT, GREATER FR will speak; canned items asked for ing 7:30 to 9 p.m. Nov. 12, St. Cambodian immigrant children may Web Offset Birthright of Greater Fall River Mary's parish center, N. Attleboro; food pantry. Rides may be arranged be left in container at front door of recently received assistance from the ,Newspapers information: 695-6161. with l,.ecky Tolchinsky, 428-1290. school Nov. 9-10 and 16-17. .Printing & Mailing women's guilds of Our Lady of Mt. Children's Irish step-dancing classes DCCN (508) 679-5262 Carmel Church, Seekonk, and St. SACRED HEART, FR • begin II a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Nov. 16; At recent meeting Diocesan CounLouis de France Church, Swansea, Boys' and girls' Campfire Club information: Maureen HanleY,(617) cil of Catholic Nurses awarded schowhich donated baby items, and from meetings 7 to 8 p.m. Fridays; infor447-3081. larships to Bristol Community Colthe St. Louis youth group, which mation: 678-6675. ST. ANTHONY, MATTAPOISETT lege nursing students Colleen Geary helped clean and sort donated items. SECULAR·FRANCISCANS Persons wishing to assist in organand Denise Diogo. Scholarship apFirst Class Second Class The St. Patrick's Church, Somerset, St. Francis of Cape Fraternity plications for persons studying in a, izing 3 p.m. Nov. 17 anointing of the First Class Presort Carrier Route Coding guild invited a Birthright volunteer Mass 7 p.m. Nov. 12 followed by sick may contact rectory office, 758health care field are available from to speak at a recent meeting and Third Class Bulk Rate Zip Code Sorting business meeting and social, St. 3719. Persons who wish to take part Joan Morin, Box 271, W. Hyannis'''baby shower," afterward held a Third Class Non Profit list Maintenance John's parish center, Pocasset. in the service are asked to contact port 02672; tel. 775-3121. Applicapresenting nearly 100 baby items to rectory or a eucharistic minister to tions will be accepted until March I. ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET ALL TO USPS SPECIFICATIONS the organization to assist women sick and to fill out a form indicating . Recipients will be selected at spring Youth group hayride Nov. 15; bus with crisis pregnancies. Cheshire labeling on Kirk·Rudy 4·up their needs by Nov. 12. Children of meeting April 4. leaves church parking lot 6 p.m. and ST. JOHN EV ANGELIST, Mary meeting2:45 t04: 15 p.m. Nov. labeler. And Pressure Sensitive Labeiing returns 9 p.m. During November LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO· 13; girls in grades 3-5 may join; is collecting new and pro-life group ATTLEBORO Inserting, collating, folding, Ladies'Guild meeting 7 p.m. Nov. information: 758-2912. used baby items and maternity "Integrating Our Sexuality" metering, sealing, sorting, addressing, 13, school hall. Miss Kathy Fredette, clothes for donation to Birthright; workshop 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 16 ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON ·sacking, completing USPS forms, president, asks that donations of items may be left in boxes in parish Boxes will be placed at church presented by Rev. Hugh O'Rourke, canned goods be brought for a direct delivery to Post Office center corridor after Masses; infordoors this weekend for food donaSSe. of Shrine Pastoral Counseling Christmas food basket. Miss Clau· . , Printing . .. We Do It All! mation: Sue Leary, 675-3644, or Center. With love of self ani:! others tions to Vincentians' Thanksgiving of 7-Arrow Farm will demdia Bins Kathi Fisher, 675-2813. Women's Call for Details (508) 679-5262 viewed as a basic need, the work- drive. onstrate techniques for making VicGuild meeting Nov. 12. shop will explore how to love with ST.GEORGE,WESTPORT torian decorations with natural Tonight: holy hour 7 p.m., church; materials and will discuss "the her- ~our whole selves and in a fully Westport Ultreya, 7:30 p.m., hall. human way. Preregistration requestbal way of life." All parish women ed by Nov. II. Information: 222- Ad ult confirmation candidates' Rite' welcome. of Acceptance 9:30 a.m. Mass Sun5410. CATHEDRAL CAMP, day. Youth ministry meeting 7 p.m. _ HOLY NAME, FR E. FREETOWN Holy Name School Cultural Com- Sunday, parish center. FUEL ell • #4 #5 #6 Tres Dias women's retreat Nov. 7 mittee will present "Georgie the HOSPICE MEMORIAL MASS, to 10. GASOLINE & DIESEL Four-Eyed Bear" for students, famiCAPE COD~ D. off. lies and friends 7 p.m. Nov. 15, Hospice of Cape Cod Memorial St. Patrick's Circle Daughters of school auditorium; information: J 0COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE BURNER BOILER EQUIPMENT Mass for patients' who have died Isabella will sponsor a presentation anne Champagne, 673-4194, or Sue since May I, 19902 p.m. Nov. 17, St. on Beijing, "China's Capital - An• 24 HR BURNER SERVICE • BOILER INSTALLATION TO IIOO HP Eaton, 674-7931. Youth group officPius X Church, S. Yarmouth; sugcient and Modern Times," by ex- ersand council members meet4 p.m. • BOILER TUBE REPLACEMENT • COMBINATION BURNER REPLACEMENT gestions for music, etc. may be change teacher Shi Xi Yu at 8:30 Sunday followed by general youth directed to Hospice office. 362-1103. • CERTIFIED WElDING AVAILABLE • PIPING & WElDING p.m. Nov. 13, St. John of God parish meeting 6 p.m., school. HOLY ROSARY, FR . • INDUSTRIAL BOILER CLEANING • BOILER MONITORING SYSTEMS center, Somerset. Th~ public is inc ST. PIUS X, S. YARMOUTH Bible study program continues vited. Members gather for 7 p.m. Ladies' Guild meeting 12:30 p.m. 7: 15 p.m. Thursdays until Dec. 19 memorial Mass in church, followed FALL RIVER P.O. BOX 276 with exception of Thanksgiving by meeting in parish center; dona- Nov. 12, parish life center; Rev. night. Father Matthew Morry, OP, FALL RIVER MA 02724 675·7801 tions asked for community soup kit- Timothy Goldrick will speak on will speak Nov.. 14 on St. Matthew's chen and for making cancer pads. "Christmas Around the World.'" Gospel, chapter 16: ':Peter's ConfesInformation: Trish Isserlis, 669-6038. STONEHILL COLLEGE, N. EASTON sion." Parishioners and non-parishA presentation on "How Differ- ioners are welcome. ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL,. FR ent Religious Traditions HonorTheir Dead" will feature speakers Jo-Ann The Hudner Oncology Center and Veillette, SASV, Zen; Rabbi BenSurvivors Celebrating Life are co. jamin Lefkowitz, Jewish; Hossein sponsoring a cancer education series Kazemi, Islamic; and an American with sessions 7 to 8 p.m. WednesCAPE COD NEW BEDFORD FALL RIVER days until Dec. II in the; Nannery Indian presenter 7:30 p.m. Nov. 14, ATTLEBORO Conference Room, Clemence Hall, Chapel of Mary (second building on 261 SOUTH ST. 783 SLADE ST. 59 ROCKLAND ST. St. Anne's Hospital. Topics and 10 MAPLE ST. right from Rt. 123 entrance). HYANNIS P.O. BOX M - SO. ST A. presenters are: Nov. 13: "Self-DeP AX CHRISTI, FR 997-7337 termination/ Hea'lth Care Proxy," 226-4780 Peace activist Gordon Zahn, a 771-6771 674-4681 Robert Marchand, Esq.,and Michael retired member of the faculty of the Sakas, L1CSW. /Nov. 20: "ChemoUniversity of Massachusetts at Boston, will speak and present "One therapy and Radiation Therapy in • INFORMATION/REFERRAL • ·ADOPTIONS the Treatment of Cancer." Susan Solitary Witness," a film on World • PREGNANCY SERVICES • ,CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN War II German pacifist Franz Jae- O'Brien-Matthews: RN, MSN, and Lisa Mello, RN, BSN: Dec. 4: "Diet, gerstaetter, at 7 p.m. Sunday, Nov. • PRISON MINISTRY DEVELOPMENT Exercise and Weight Control," Carol 17, at St. Vincent's Home, 2425 Hazen, RD, MED. Dec. II: "Art Highland Ave., Fan River. • REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT , • CATHOLIC AIDS MINISTRY Jaegerstaetter was beheaded by Therapy," Louise Rudloff, art therNazi soldiers after refusing to join apist. There is no session on Nov. 27. • ST. FRANCIS RESIDENCE FOR WOMEN • COUNSELING Information: Lisa Mello or Susan their ranks. • SOCIAL'ADVOCACY O'Brien-Matthews, Hudner Oncol• INFANT FOSTER CARE Zahn's appearance is sponsored ogy Center, 675-5688. by Pax Christi of Southeastern SPECIAL APOSTOLATES SPONSORSHIP: Massachusetts, the area chapter of ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN an international Catholic peace APOSTOLATEFORPERSONS Youth group council meeting 7:30 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS movement. All are welcome and .p.m. Nov. II. WITH DISABILITIES there is no admission charge. SOUP KITCHEN '" ~~ _----~~--~~----~~-~ APOSTOLATE FOR SPANISH SPEAKING ST. JOAN OF ARC, ORLEANS , Evening Guild meeting 7:30 p.m. GODS ANCHOR HOlDS REV. PETER N,. GRAZIANO, LICSW Nov. 13. Food pantry requests spaghetti sauce, soups and baked beans Executive Director ........ .............. this week.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 8,1991
.Iteering pOintl, -
W ..