Most Rev. Bishop James L. Connolly, D.D., Bishol> of the J;)iocese' of Fall River, an:' nounced today the formation of Parish Councils in the Di~ oc~se of Fall River.. ~ishop Connolly, in a let ter to all pl'iests in the 108 , 'parishes of the Diocese, re called the chapter on the Constitution of the Church, as ,contained in the DOeu me~lts of the Second Vatican Council and stressed the role of the laity in bringing Faith and Hope and Love to the world.
Council of Laity':
In All,Parishes
"Let sacred pastors recog nize and promote the dignity as well as the responsibi1it~' of the iayman in the'Church. Let them make use of his ' prudent adv\ce * $ * Atten tively'in ' Christ,' let them consider with fatherly love the projects, suggestioJ)s and desires proposed by -laity." In the chapter on The Various Fields of the'Apo stolate in the Vatican Decree on the Laity, Bishop Connol ly repeats the paragraphs emphasizing the role of the laity: '
Cape Woman to Head ,Special Education
Miss Jean'M. Sullivan of Sagamore Beach, a me'l1ber ()f St. Teresa's Parish, and chairman of Special EducatiolU on the Diocesan CCD Executive Board will direct the pro gram of religious instruction of mentally retarded children ,from parishes in the Fall 19, from 9:30 to 10:30. River and New Bedford Nov. The age group for these classes areas. Registration for the will be between 6 and 16. Fall River area will held at Miss Sullivan is a native of Nazareth Hall, Fall River, on Thursday, Nov. 17, from 4 to 5. The children from the New Bed ford area will register at Bishop Stang High School, No. Dart mouth, on Saturday morning,
fall Riyer, Mass., Thursday, Noy. 10, 1966
Vol. 10, No. 45 ©
1966 The Anchor,
$4.00 pet Year PRICE lOc
Priests' Senate Elects,
Expands Membership
The Priests' Senate of the Fall River Diocese-a group M priests elected by the clerg'y' of the Diocese to convey t'O the Bishop the thinking of his priests on matters affect mg the diocese-has elected its. officers and !;let up five wmmittees to present to the Bi-shop information touching Senate was that its. body be ex panded to include two priests or on the Senate, its proce in the five to ten year dures, the welfare of priests dained , Tum to Page Seventeen and the care of the sick in the Diocese. Elected officers are two assist oots in parishes and a chaplain in a high school. President of the Senate is Rev. John P. Driscoll, assistant at SS. Peter and Paul iChurch, Fall River, and Assist ant General Manager of The Anchor. Father Driscoll is also> presently serving, along with Rev. Reginald M. Barrette, as a Pro-Chancellor of the Diocese during the convalescence of Rt. Rev. John H. Hackett, Diocesan Chancellor. Father Driscoll is at member of the Diocesan Litur gieal Commission and of the IF-amily Life Bureau. Vice president is Rev. Gerard A. Boisvert, assistant at St. An Chony's Church, New Bedford, and a Judge on the Diocesan Matrimonial Tribunal. Secretary lis Rev. Joseph L. Powers, chap lain at Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro, director of ll'eligious education there, and Diocesan Director of the Confra ternity of Christian Doctrine. The ten pastors, ten assistants allnd two religious' elected their officers by secret ballot. A unanimous resolution of the
[Q)D~~@[)'[)~(QJ(fo®1l'D The Most Reverend Bishop dispenses the faithful in the Diocese of Fall River from abstinence, tomorrow, Fri <ia¥. Nov. H. Veterans' Day.
"As sharers in the role of. Christ, Priest~ Prophet 'and l<ing, laymen have an ac tive' part to play in the life of the Church:. Their activity is so necessary in church communities that without it the apostolate: of the pastors is' generally Ul1able to achieve full effectiven.ess * * : : They co-operate in presenting the word of God .;; * >:: and ,offer speciai skills' to make the care of souls and administra tion of temporalities of the Church more efficient." Turn to :p.age Six
Peloquin to Give Music Workshop In Taunton The Diocesan Music Com mission will sponsor a work shop in Sacred Music at Bish op Cassidy High School, Taunton, on Saturday, Nov. 19, under the direction of C. AlexTurn to Page Five,
Medford' and a 1954 graduate of Emmanuel College, B 0 s ton. where she majored in German and minored in Russian. The following year, she re Turn to Page Seventeen
Maronite Leader in Diocese On First Official Visitation MISS JEAN lU. SULLIVAN
Prayer Service Of Peace Set For Tonight
Most Rev. Francis M. Zayek, Maronite Apostolic Ex arch of the United States, will offer a pontifical Maronite Mass at St. Anthony of the Desert Church, Fall River, at 10:30 Sunday Morning, Nov. 13. He will be assisted by Chor-Bishop Joseph Eid, pas tor, Rev. Kenneth Michael, assistant pastor, and Rev. Lee Ganim, secretary to the
Answering requests of Pope Paul and othel' inter national' religious leaders for special prayers for world pea c e, the newly-organized Greater Fall River Clergy Asso ciation has chosen as its first majo!; project the sponsorship at 7:30 tonight of an interfaith "Prayer for Peace" service at Ziskind Auditorium in Fall River. Catholic, Protestant and Jew ish clergy will combine to pre sent the service, which will be gin with a call to worship by the cantor of Temple Beth-EI and continue with scripture readings from the Old and New Testa , ments. ~ymns will be by an inter faith chorus and a Litany for Peace will be ied by James Don nelly, representing the student council of SMTI. Rev. Pierre Lachance, O.P. of St. Anne's Church, Fall River, long prominent in' ecumenical activities, will preach at the service. In general charge of ar: rangements is Rev. Allen Hollis, pastor of Central Congregational Church, Fall River, and vice president of the clergy associa tion. Association president is Rev. Robert Stanton', rector of St. Mary's Cathedral. Members of all congregations to be represented are 'invited to attend tonight's service.
Bishop. A delegation of Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus will be in attendance as well as guests and parishioners. A dinner in honor of the Mar onite bishop's first visit to Fall River will be held at Venus de Milo Restaurant, following the Mass. Bishop Zayek, first Maronite bishop to be seated in the United States, is head of 46 Maronite parishes throughout the country. His itinerary will include an informal open house reception at the Blessed Sharbel Center on Quarry Street, Fall River, at 7 tonight; a visit to the Diocesan Chancery tomorrow morning; a tour of Newport, reception fo'. Turn to Page'Seventeen
Fall River and New Bedford Assistants RelliAssigned Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Fall River, announced today the transfers of three assistants in parishes in New Bedford and Fall River. They are: Rev. Luciano J. de M. Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Pereira, assistant at Our New Bedford, as assistant. Rev. Evaristo Tavares, assist· Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, New Bedford, to St. Michael ant at St. Michael Church, Fall Church, Fall River, as assistant. Rev. Antonio Pedro Pinto, as sistant at Immaculate Conception Church, New Bedford, to Our
River, to Immaculate Conceptioro Church, New Bedford, as ~t;t ant. Turn to Page Two
Halts 'Experiments :;·"Wi·th.' -Li'turgy~~~()f 'Mas's
. ST. 'LOUIS (NC)-Experimenting with the Mass· lit urgy was ordered stopped by Joseph Cardinal Ritter of St Louis. In a letter to pastors and priests of the archdioces~ the cardinal said it was his duty to protect the people from being victimized "by those . who have a flair for the sin- tion on the Liturgy of the Sec gular and unauthorized." ond vatican Council TI». More~ ."It is obvious that no in- over, any experimentation whicTlil
Rever~nd EV<lristo Tavares from assistant at St. Michael's Church, Fall River, to Our ~ady of' the Immac~lute Con-. ception Church, New Bedford, as assistant.. 'Rev~rend Luciano J. Pereira from' assistant at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, New Bed£ord, to St. Michael's Church,. FilII River; as assistant. Reverend Antonio P. Pinto, C.M, from assistant at Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Church, New Bedford, to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church,. New Bedford, as as sistant.
may have been authorized in the past is hereby revoked." The cardinal said the revo cation did not apply to experio ments recently authorized by the post-conciliar liturgical commis sion. lEnglish Canon 6 "What we have in mind espe r dally is the use of an English Canon in the Mass, words and REV. !EDWARD J. BURNF gestures not authorized by, the Di..11 WASHINGTON (NC) - The present rubrics or omissions oil Appointments effective Thursday, November 17, 1966. ~~ew annual meeting of the U. S. bish- them not so authorized, the in '~lIftm~d' ops will be held at the Catholic discriminate distribution of Holy IIJI Il"llilw Ilii' University' of America starting Communion under both species, The Most Reverend Bishop approves the nominations The Most Reverend Bishop Monday, .Nov. 14, and continuing the celebration of the Eucharist made by Very Reverend Daniel McCarthy, SS.CC., Provin Connolly' announced today the through Friday, Nov. 18. Follow- outside the church or chapell cial of the Fathers of the Sacred Hearts, of the following: appointment of Rev..Edward J: ing the general annual meeting, without our express permission. Reverend John Sullivan, S8.CC., to Our Lady of Lourdes, Burns, assistant at St. Louis the newly elected administrative These. practices have deservedly Church, Fall River, as a member board will meet. caused wonderment amoog the Church, Wellfleet, as assistant. of the Diocesan Commission for The agenda for the annual faithful," the cardinal stated. Reverend Damien Veary, SS.CC., to St. Anthony's Church, Sacred Liturgy, Music and Art. meeting includes revision of the The cardinal is a member o!l Mattapoisett, as assistant. He is replacing His Excellency statutes of the episcopal confer- .the post-conciliar liturgical com Reverend John Fee; SS.CC., to the apostolate of the Bishop Humberto S. Medeiros ence; discussion on renaming the .mission and recently retumed Enthronement of the SacI'ed Heart in' the Home. who 'is now Bishop of Browns': conference;e1Eiction of a 'presi- . 'here from a meeting of the 'g'fouP . 'r ., dent,. vice president, and mem- ."in' Rome. He said in his .letter VIlle,' . exas. Appointments effective Frid~y,. November 18, 1966. tather Bu'rns, the son of. Mrs. .' b~rs of the administrative board; . ,the commission was advised by Ann L. Reilly·Burns and the late a progress report on reorganiza- Pope Paul "to go slow in intro Edward J. Burns, was born in tion of the conference's general ~ucing singular elements into Rev. Edward S. Burns, assistant at St. Louis Church, Fall :fall River, May 25, 1927. . secretariat; "liturgical reform Ie s t 'they 'Rivet, 'has been named as a member·.to 1he Diocesan Com-', . Educated at Durfee High, Fall Also discussion of establisb- . astound,and disturb the praying mission for.Sa<;red ·;Lil.':Irgy, Music and' Art; to replace His \. River and St. Meinrad's Semi- ment of.a theological commission ,congregation." . ~ • 'co>. M;' d'I n., d h e s t u d -. ., arid of a.'canonical Ritter: warned that Excellency Most :Rev., Bishop Huinberto S. .Medeiros of . nary, "'.. eInJ:a, . ' commission; '.'. Cardinal . . r f, ied theology at St. Peter's' Col- discussion of the implementation "any. priest who will' not carry ,Brownsville, Texall. . )ege, Univ,ersity of Western On- of, counciliar and post-conciliar out the liturgy in the way olfi tario, London, .Canada. ".iciocuments by the ~piscop'al con- ." £ially approved by the Church'" Appointment effective im~diately~ . DuringtheSJ,lIDJIlers' 0!1951" fereJ2lCe; proposals for liturgical would not be allowed to con .52" and 53. Father Bumtl studied.. revi~ion; eCJ.lJn~nisin.. ...... ':" in his' present assigJ}meni. at .Notre' Dll m t; Universit7.. News conferences will be held ;Father Burns undertook gradu-, at '5:30 P.M. on Nov; 14, 16"'and' ate studies in semantics and lit- 18 after the meetings of the· ISSioners "ICe .. urgy with Rev. Jean Danielou, .. bishops on those days.. The.y wilL" Pber Calif Parish Bishop of FaJl River S.J., of Institut Catholique; Rev. be held under the directIOn of '" ,. ' • . Balthasaar Fischer ,of Trier Uni-', the N,C.W.C. Bureau of Informa- ' LOS ANGELES (NC)-A 'pov versity, Rev. Louis Boyer, C.O., . tion in the oonference room at.· ..,er,ty pocket parish ,in .the ·downRev, J. B. O'Connell and Rabbi.' its heaaquurlers here.. . ", t~wn section here has been, en , '.. ~rusted to a missionary congreZolli, former· chief rabbi C11.. gao,tion,' new to ,the Los An....lee Rome. . ,.. 0 b~ Fat,~er Burns .received ,th~ de-. . '. ,..Arcl!.4io cese-the. Congregation gree of Licentiate of Sacred FRIDAy -',St. Martin, Bishop ",o(.the Immaculate Heart of Mary Theology from St. Peter's Coland Confess·or. ·111 Class. . ·.:fo~~ded 104 years ago in Scheut, lege, London. .White. Mass Proper; Glbry; ~~lgium. . ". Ordained' on May 22.' 1954, 2nd Prayer St. Mennas, :M:ar-. ..T~~ ~i~sioners' care for Do , Father Burns served as an assisttyr; 'no Creed; Common Pref-, .10rel!. M1!;~lOn ,on the e~tlt pflnk ant at St. Joseph's Church, Fall ,ace . " flats of the Los Angeles River a River, until his present assign-., SAT.URDAY;-St. Marti~ I, :P.ope.~~.~ijl~. from C~ty Hail. The J>~~isb m~nt to St. Louis Church, Fall . !lnd Martyr. III Class. Red..... C~!!Sl.~ts m~nly of. a Fed~ra1 River, in June of 1955. l\1ass Proper;,Glory; no Creed; ho~smg p,roJect. It has a paroCommon Preface. chlal school and a population of SUNDAY -- XXIV Sunday After" Negroes and persons of Mexi~lUl .Necrology Pentecost (VI Sunday after descent. Epiphany). II' Class. Green. NOV. 25 Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; .Rev. Philias Jalbert, 1946, Pag.. Preface of Trinity. .Williams' FunerOJB tor, Notre Dame, Fall River: ·MONDAY~t. Josaphat, Bishop Home and Martyr. iII Class. Red." leST. 1870
Mass Proper; Glory; no Creed; Reg. funeral Director and
Common Preface. FORTY HOURS,
TU~SDAY'- St. Albert the Embalmer
G:reat, Bishop, Confessor and ... U. Washington Square Doctor of the Church. III Class. . NEW BEDFORD , Nov. ]3--St. Stanslaus, Fall White. Mass Proper; Glory; no River. lei. 996·8098 .Continued from Page One 5, 1956, the new assistant at :the. Creed; Common Preface'. . St. John the Baptist, New PRBVATE PARKING AREA Father Pereira Immaculate Conception 'Parish, WEDNESDAY-St. Gertrude the Bedford. The newly assigned curate to New Bedford, served in the Mis Great, Virgin. III Class. White•. Nov.2Q--St. Ann, Raynham. St.:Michael's Parish, Fall ~ver, sLons of the Archdiocese .of Lou Mass Proper; Glory; no Creed; S1. John the Evangelist, was born Aug. 28, 1930, in renco Marques, Mozambique, Common Preface. . Attleboro. lUG DIVIDEND NEWS! Capelas, Sao Miquel, Azores, the prior to his assignment on April THURSDAY - St. Gregory the Nov. 23--5t. Catherine's Con son of Mrs. Palmira Botelho de 19, 1966, to Immaculate Concep Wonderworker, Bishop and vent, Fall River. a SYSTElfATIC . Medeiros Pereira and the late tion Church,. New Bedford. Confessor. III Class. White. year SAYINGS Antonio J. Pereira. Father Tavares White. Mass Proper; Glory; no Following philosophical and Born Oct. 20, 1934, in Cande Creed; Common Preface. II INVESTM£N1 theological courses at the Sem laria, Sao Miquel, Azores, the
year SAYINGS unary of Angra, Father Pereira son of the late Jose Tavares and
a RESUW was ordained on May 30, 1954. the late Mariana Silva Tavares,
ELECTRICAL 1ear SAYINGS by the Most Rev. Guilherme Father Tavares attended the Contractors . Augusto da C. Guimarais. Seminary of Angra and was or He came to the Diocese in dained in the Cathedral of .A:8
Hyannis 1955 and has served as an assist gra on June 5, 1960, by the Most
ant at Our Lady of the Angels Rev. Manuel Carvalho.'
279 Barns~able Road
Parish, Fall River, and Mt. Car He came to the Diocese during
Bank By Mail mel, New Bedford. the Summer of 1960 and has
5P 5-0079
Father Pinto served as an assistant in Our
We Pay The Postage Father Pinto 'was born June Lady of Lourdes, Taunton; St.'
29,: 1931 in St. ,Eulalia Lous!1da',. Anthony, Taunton; and St. ' f) IENNIS POAT Micbael, Fall River. $ellond Class Postage PalO at filII Rlvel. Portugal, and educated at ·the f) HYANNIS Th~! . ~hr!i!~assis~ants will relIIau. Publlshe.· ever) Thursday' III 410 Seminary of, St. Felgueiras arid .. 'l1ARMOUTH SHOPPINS PlAZA· 944 County St. port to their new assignments. ~lg~1\(lC&~:t1~epr:S~'QlR~~. ol:::ii St. Teresinha Felgueiras. f) OSTERYIW . New Bedford . la'V8I. Subscription prieD by mall. postp81l1 : 'Ordained in Portugal on Aug. on Thursday, Nov. 17. .. $4,00 ll4l1 veet•.. dividual' priest or group of P riests should presume to exper_ iment with the liturgy," the cardinal's let.ter said. "This is explicitly contrary to· the constitution [(the Constitu-
Bishons Meeting To Start Monday
C ·' · . ommmssaon
Merre rLer
tinu,e Mo,
M as.s.r '0 d'
Re.Assign Three Assistants'
Real Estate
Rene l. 'oyant, Inc•
5.50% 5.00% 4.50%
Bass River· Savings Bank
tHE ANCHOR-Diocese
ST. THOMAS MORE CHURCH OF SOMERSET BLESSED: Princi pals at the Somerset Church blessing meet with parishioners following the ceremonies. Left: Rev. Joseph F. D'Amico with parish trustee and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Coady. Center: Rev. Howard A. Waldron,
,·Professor Lauds 'Catholic Efforts In Divorce, Sex
right, pastor; Mrs. George M. Montle, and Bishop Connolly who blessed the edifice. Right: Rev. William J. Shovelton greets the chairman of the Somerset Selectmen and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Killoran. The . seating capacity of the church is 800.
Clergy, Broadcast Executives Meet
Appeals. for 20th Century Theology Bishop, Stresses Faith 'Here and Now'
SANTA ROSA (NC)-Bishop Leo T. Maher of ,Santa Rosa made a plea for a theology that relates to a living. Faith "here and now in the' 20th century" at a study week for' .offiCials of problems and in the ..' 'psycho Ursuline nuns in' UrSuline High 'sexual 'field, the director of the School here. ' .. ' Institute f 0 oj Comprehensive Spea~ing at the Mass which Medicine in California said here. opened the week Bishop, Maher Dr. William S. Kroger, former' called for a theology which em professor at the University of phasized a "perception of divine Chicago medical school, sug truth in the light of, growing gested a "team approach" to the knowledge, new scien¢e, chang treatment of divorce and sexual ing social, patterns and the maladjustment, before the Inter breaking down of frontiers * * • national SoCiety for Comprehen: a theology that must be relevant sive Medicine conference here. and alive." . "Divorce is a major'epidemic Atmosphere of Growth ill modern America with much Warning that novitiate life of problem rooted in guilt stem ming from erroneous religious must not be lived artificially, the biShop declared that "the novice taboos," Dr. Kroger told the so 'needs an atmosphere of growth eiety. " He said medicine alone cannot and maturity which comes by contact with mature persons, hope to solve the problems ade under situations which call for quately because there is "a reli gious content." He said that responsible decisions." ,"spiritual leaders are not alone "Rules," Bishop Maher said, adequate because many have not "do not possess sacramental solved their own problems in power to develop the novice. "'is area." Church Leads Wa,. University to Get
Dr. Kroger said religious lead ltl'S "must adopt a more enlight Famous CoHectio,n
ened attitude and provide train JAMAICA (NC)-Father Jo< ing in realistic counseling for seph T. Cahill, C.M., president their members." of St. John's University here, He declared the one man ap announced that the Seymour proach to treatment of the Halpern Collection of original eauses of divorce, neurotic chil manuscript and documents rep deen that result and a bewilder resenting more than 40 popes nng array of psycho-!!exual prob and five saints will become a !ems has failed. permanent feature of the new But, he noted, that Catholic St. John's library. ehurch has led the way in solv The documents' in the Halpern ing problems in these fields. collection include items from He took the medical profession the Middle Ages down to the to task for trying to treat with present. The earliest is a hand drugs and tranquilizers when written manuscript written by this will not effect a cure and Pope Alexander IV, dated 1256. the practitioner knows it. It is The most recent are letters writ impossible, he said, without the ten by Popes Paul VI, John XXIII, and Pius XII. help of religion. Halpern, a member of the U. S. House of Representatives Chicken Supper from New York, formally will present his historic collection A public chicken pie supper will be held at st.' Vincent's to St. John's in January, 1967. Home, North Main Street, Fall The letters and documents will River, at 6 Saturday night, Nov. be on exhibit in a special room 12. Tickets will be available. at at the library on the campus here in New York. the dOOJ:.
BOSTON (NO)' ....:.... Th~ eatholic Church has)ed the ·way in recognizing :the re ligious component of·divorce
oIeal ...-.....
NEW YORK (NC) - Broad casting industrY' leaders arid men The novice mistress is the ma theology, psychology and in the responsible for local religio~, ture catalyst of, growth. Novices techniques of counseling: and . programming attended a two day communications· seminar , 'must be prepared to work effec-' guidance, he said. ' here. Sound Formation tively with others'. These human The seminar was sponsored by Noting that novices are not relationship situations can never be met adequately by mere rules qualified to judge and appreciate ,the National Catholic office for and regulations." . some of the theology that is now Radio and Television, and con.,. Much of the tra1ning will come presented as '''new,'' Bishop. ducted at network facilities of 'American Broadcasting Com from the novice mistress herself Maher called for a sound "intel pany, Columbia Broadcasting who must be well-grounded in lectual formation." Novices must be trained, .he System and National Broadcast said, so they may "grasp with ing Company. all the saints what is the breadth Auxiliary Bishop John A. and length and height and Donovan of Detroit, NCORT depth, and to know Christ's episcopal moderator, told dioce love which surpasses knowl san radio and TV office directors WASHINGTON (NC)-Arch edge." They must not be de among delegates: "One of our bishop Patrick A. O'Boyle of ce,ived by much specious argu, reasons for conducting this semi Washington will offer Mass Sat mentation on the present state of nar is the concern for a more urday for members of a U; S. religious life, he said. ' frequent and attractive use of Canadian group planning for the Bishop Maher said: "Let us the media of television and radio ,Third World Congress of the not quarrel at this time with the Lay Apostolate in Rome from intellectual and academic trials by the Church on local or dioce san level." Oct. 11 to 18, 1967. of our times" for they could The archbishop will also give well be the "very means that the homily at the service for the God adopts for our rectification, Nor t h American Preparatory our purification." Conference to be held at Villa At the same time, he said, "we Cortona in suburban Bethesda, must train the novice to see that Md. ' A Year obstacles to progress in spiritual The National Council of Cath maturity occur not in one's cir olic Men.and· the National Coun cumstances but in oneself." No Withdrawal Notice Required cil of Catholic Women are spon soring the first U. S.-Canadian Inquire For Further Details effort to prepare for the Rome ·F;~;;~i·s·---! Congress. Among those who will attend Residence the meeting are Archbishop Al FOR YOUNG WOMEN berto Castelli of Rome, episcopal 196 Vhipp!e St., Fall River moderator of. the Permanent Conducted by Franciscan Conference for International Congresses of the Lay Apostol Missionaries of Mary ate; Auxiliary Bishop Norman ROOMS • MEALS Gallagher of Montreal, secretary OVERNIGHT HOSPITALITY of the Canadian Catholic Con Inq~i~e • ~s. ~.28:: ••••• , . ference's episcopal committee for the lay apostolate; Auxiliary Bishop Stephen A. Leven of San Antonio, Tex., assistant episcopal chairman of the Department of Lay Organizations, National DADSON OIL BURNERS Catholic Welfare Conference.
Plan Conference On Lay Congress
• • Ii
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Brandeis H'onors Cardinal ~ushh,g
'FHE 'AN"CHOR- _. Th~~ N()~!. _1 0,1966
Bishop Gallagher ~xplains
u. s.
FORT WAYNE (NC) The United 1?tates must face up "to the threat of world communism wherever W e have the opportunity of coming
to grips with it," Bishop Ray mond J. Gallagher ·of Lafayette told some 10,000 persons here in Indiana. Recognizing "the ideology of communists to be an error and a f.ate worse than death," he said, Americans should lend their support to anti-communist ef forts in "h'elpless nat ion s throughout the world." For this reason, the bishop advised, "the realism which his tory· gives the people of God enables us to view the tragic events in Vietnam as a relative thing, ~ relative modified by the circumstances of history." Bishop Gallagher spoke at. the seventh annual Eucharistic hour in Memorial Coliseum here. Bishop Leo A. Pursely of Fort Wayne-South Bend was the chief celebrant of the Mass. . B ish 0 p Gallagher asserted "there is something distinctive about the procedure of a Chris tian being in pursuit of peace. · Its very character sets it apart from the deJfiUnstrations of the irrational few who seem to spend their time in distorting the re;l1ities which prevail, slighting their responsibility to be truth ful, in the mistaken noti on that the end justifies the menns," PaJ;'ty Line He conceded that there is a · degree of truth in the allegation that profiteering and politicking ''Is, involved." But, he continued, "to say that the entire project .' is an indication of the 'imperial ist aggression by capitalist na tions' is simply to mouth the party line that has been refuted .an·d discredited for a century." Noting the Eucharistic hour's theme of Peace, and Religious. Vocations, B ish 0 p Gallagher eited the necessity of establish :ing "peace between our own na tures, spiritual and material," in · erder to make "our personal 'faith effective within the com · Jnunity. · "The next perimeter of this .' stl'llggle for Christian peace is among nations and' this is what we pray for today," he Sc'lid. . "We seek an honest peace," he' etmtinued, "based on justice, on mutual respect, on the right to bt' le~t alone to work eut our'. own hfe-we who seek this good understa!1 d the abse~ce of peace, the absence of love III those ",:ho are already among the caphve nations on this e th" ar .
Fight on Obsceno~y
Community Problem
DENVER (NC) - A Colorado Supreme Court justice said here :hat the fight against pornogra phy is a 50-50 proposition and Ihatcommunities are not doing heir share. "Recent decisions by the Jni,ted States Supreme Court :ive prosecutors only part of he equipment tpey need to fight ornography," declared .Justice iilbert Schauer. "The commu tty must pwvide the rest." He said the U. S: high court stablished that the legal test f pornography is whether "to Ie average person, applying Illtemporary community stand :ds, the dominant theme of the laterial taken as a whole ap eals to the prurient interest." 'his definition, Justice Schauer aid, contains a "subtle admoni ion" to members of the commu ni t.v to set those standards.
OBSERVE YOUTH WEEK: Brian Pontolillo of St. Mary Church, Norton,Diocesan president of the CYO;' 'seated center, participates in installation cerenwny for Attleboro area officers during theobserv.anc~of CYO ')Veek which opened with a Mass celebration at the Norton p.arish C-enter.With him are Rev. Donald Bovien, area directors; Parbara Mello, secretary for the St. Joseph Church group; Donna Mayer, vice president at St. John the Evangelist. Standing, from left: Betsy McIntyre, ~ultural chairman, St. John the Evangelist Church; J~me DeVine, athletic co-chairman, St. Mary Church, Mansfield; Daniel Blake, athletic oo-chairman, St. John the Evangelist Church; Rogel:' Aehin, pres ident, Sacred Heart Church North Attleboro; John Warburton, soeial ehainnan,' St. Mary Church, North Attleboro.
WALTHAM (NC) - Ricbard Cardinal Cushing of Boston was honored by Jewish-sponsoreel Brandeis University bere to!' helPing establish separate WOlF ship facilities for Jewisb, Cat&. oUc and Protestant students. Dr. Abram L. Sachar, Brandeis president, presented awards te the Cardinal and three othell' · men who "helped make possible a unique experiment in testinil . the validity of religious plura],. ism on our campus." "Others honored were .])~ David D. Berlin, a Boston sur geon; C. Allan Harlan, Detroj~ businessman; and' Louis R. Per ini, Boston contractor and" in dustrialist. Massachusetts Gov. John R. Volpe told more than 400 I'C ligious leaders and scholars' that Cardinal Cushing "is. one of tbe most outstanding public figures that this historic state has given to the nation."
.De. Paul University Gets $1001 000 Gift
CHICAGO (NC)-The Vince.... tian !fathers' De Paul Unive)'sity bas reeeived a gift of $lOO,OOt .for its "Program for Greatnell8 Fund" Col. Henry € r owD, .fuuRder and former chairman fJI. f,he material service di·vision··" General Dynamics. The gift is the latest of sever.] made by Col. Crown, a memool' of De Paul's board' of trustees since 1954 and an active support er of the university's plans aJHi flrograms. . sured either way. But they did The program is a $22,400,000 project of academic and physica] want support in their decision, · expansion scheduled for the uni they agreed. versity's 75th anniversary iR At luncheon the seminarians 1973. In 1961 De Paul conferred sat at the table with former an honorary degree on Chicago teachers and later conducted born Crown. them on walks about the campus. At anothersessi{)n, two nuns discussed means of fostering ~rotect vocations to religious life among elementary school boys and girls.
Students TeU Nuns of. Seminary Life Gratefu,1 for Ed ucation in Spiritual. Values The seminary is not a "hot SAN FERNANDO (NC) 'house" and seminarians do "see Maybe Macy's won't tell Gim life." In the course of seminary bel's, but seminarians do tell life, a seminarian spends about a nuns ho'"" the other half in the third of his time at home, is religious life world get along. able to mix with family, rela Six students in minor semi tives, friends in hi~ neighbor naries spoke to some 200 nuns, hood, the nuns were told. who are elementary. scl1001 He shares common interests teachers, at a workshop here in with the people he will later California dealing with religious . serve, is not overly sec1uded vocations. but he is supported by seminary The seminarians said they be life in developing his vocation, lieved a boy at 14 could show the seminarians explained. vocational maturity and be able to start preparing for ~ vocation. Ask ;Moral Support If a boy knows he w.ants 00 be Moral support w~s the (me a lawyer or an engineer, he . .point the panelists stressed tc picks the school that will best . the teachers. They said they prepare him for this ·career. A were thankful nuns had edu boy who believes :he w.ants to {:ated them. in spiritual v~l ues be a priest picks the seminary. ~nd opened their 'eyes to the This is vocational maturity. It's idea of a challenge wortlt a as simple as that, the seminarians lifetime of dedication. said. The six ~greed they did oot like the idea -of too much en:- . >cour-agement in their vocation, nor did they w.ant diseoura,ge ment-did flOt want to be presWASHINGTON (NC) _ T~he American Jew i shCommittee will express its appreciation of OIKeefe the U. S. Catholic bishops' efforts b h If f the ecumenical DAVENPORT (NC)-Bishop on e a 0 council's declaration -on 110ndesignate Gerald F. O'Keefe of. Davenport will be enthroned Christian religions at ~ cere Jan. -4 in Sacred Heart cathedra! mony here Sunday. Francis Cardinal Spellman of here. The chancery office said Arch New York will accept -on behalf bishop James J. Byrne of Du of the bishops a set of two tab buque will officiate at the en lets inscribed with the Ten thronement, which will be fol Commandments in Hebrew. Commemorative plaques, also' lowed by Mass celebrated by B ish 0 p O'Keefe. Archbishop with inscriptions from the com mandments, will be presented to Byrne will preach the sermon. Bishop O'Keefe is scheduled to the five U. S. cardinals and Archbishop Patrick ·A. O'Boyle arrive here Jan. 3, from St. Paul, where he has served as auxiliary. of Washington, chairman -of the bishop since 1'961. He tllcn will administrative board of the Na present his credentials and take tional Catholic Welfare Confercanonical possession of the dio
ence. cese.
Jewish Committee To .Honor Bishops
Slate Enthronement Of Bishop
. WASHINGTON (NC) - Prob lems of l11usic in contemporary Catholic public worship will be discussed in an open forum on Church music in Kansas City" Mo., Nov. 29 to Dec. 1. Entitled "Harmony and Discol'd," the na tional conference is co-sponsored by the Church Music Asociati~ of America and the Litur,gical Conference.
Norris H., Tripp·
League to Voting Right of All
Adoratiolll Society To Hold" Congress MONTREAL (NC)-A toou~ sand delegates from 25 countries will attend the world congress of the Nocturnal Aooration 50 £iety here June ll-ra, 1967, Can ada's centennial: year. Among those who will take part· are' Bishop Fulton J. Sheen aoo. French philosopher Jean Guiton. There will be sessions at bis toric Notre Dame Church here aoo two of Canada's great shrines, Our Lady ef the Holy Rosary at Cap de la Madeleine, Que., and St. Joseph's Oratory in Mont'real.
PATERSON (NC)-A league te protect the voting rights 01 ~Jl citizens has been organized by an inter-religious group .. elergy and professional'men here in New Jersey. The Honest Election League . . ·Paterson (HELP) will SP6flSW ed'ucational programs te ae quaint .all citizens with their voting rights and' will assist these eomplaining' of persernl t~lnperin.g with such rights. Msgr. William N. Wall, head of -secial service programs I4lI' the Mt. Cannel Guild, Wall c1e£ted preside])t of the league.
Enjoy Dining. IN THE
'Sturtevant 6 Hook Est. 1897
- Builders Supplies 2343 Purchase Street New Bedford 996-5661 .
New Bedford Hotel
."Save With Safety"
SHEET ·M.IETAL J. TESER, Prop. RESID:':NTIAl INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL 253 Cedar St., New Bedford 993-3222 .'
New Procedures for Bishops' Conference WASHINGTON (NC) New eteC'tion procedures have been set up for the an Dual meeting of the U. S. 'bishops, to be held at CathGlic University of America here, Nov. M-18. Each bishop has been asked to select a slate of 10 nominees for the offices of president and vice president. The president of the episcopal conference will be 0tected by a majority vote from among the remaining nominees, with a plurarity of votes cast de ~rmining the result of this sec ond election. 'With Portfolio' The third election will select II group of eight bishops to fill ttle posts "with portfolio" on the episcopal conference's ad ministrative board-the treasu lPer and the episcopal chairman of each of the conference's seven departments. These members will be elected as a group from among all the bishops. They will determine am 0 n g tbemselves "which portfolio each will have. " A foorth election will be held fur bishops of the administrative board "without portfolio." It. is pr.oposed to enlarge the board ~ 40 bishops. Thus 30 additional : , bishops will be elected "without portfolio." , , From their number wHl be ehosen by bishops withoat port f~lio the secretary of the admin istrative board, and assistant and advisor bishops to variGus de partments. Twenty bishops are 'DOW assistants and advisors to the various departments, etc.; tile remaining nine elected will ~ considered "at large." All members of the adminis kative board, with or without portfolio, will have equal veice and vote on all matters under 41eliberation. In the past assistant and advisor bishops had ne vote. Committee Chairmen In a fifth election at the U. S. \1)ishGps' meeting, chairmen wiH . , be chosen for the various epis eopal committees. Each chair man will then appoint the &fuel' llJ\embers of his committee. In a new procedure, the term ., office on the administrative board has been changed f-cem ....e year to three years. Previ ously a bishop could serve five IiUccessive ene-year terms 9ft the board, and then was ineligible ~r re-election until he had been _if tbe board for one year. Ia the new procedure, after the Utree-year term a bishop w&uld be ineligible for re-election f~r gne year. The 4() bishops elected to the administrative board this year wHl serve for three years. After that period a rotation procedure will be adopted so that each year .0 more than one-thire M the members go out of office.
. Begin Pre-Seminary
Training Program .
DETROIT (NC)--'-The Detr&it archdiocesan vocations office nas begun a "pre-seminary training program" for public school boys in grades 8 through 12. Boys in the program will COll tinue to live at home' but will meet regularly with priest "mod erators" for spiritual, vocational and scholarship guidance. They will also be invited to Sacred Heart Seminary several times :Jl' year for days of recollection and other activities. Under the program priest and Sister vocation coordinators have been designated in every parish. Their job is to watch fOI' boys who exhibit qualities needed for' the priesthood and express an interest in it, and to forward their names to the vocations otficP..
5 Young Curate, Himself CCD Product,· Sparks THE ANCHORNov. 10, 1966 Interest in Cape Teacher Training Courses Music WorkshopThurs.,
By Eva Marie Dane
For. the. first time on ~ape Cod two 20 week courses designed to train religious teachers and. to mstIlI new fervor m practical Christian living are being given simultaneously on the pemns~la~. Father ~onald Anthony.Tosti is the youthful instructor of the Confraternity of ChrIstian Doctrme Teacher Traming Program initiated at Otis Air Force Base last month. The group led by the ' curate of Our Lady of the (,;. " programs in Osterville. Assumption in Osterville in- i '. "Recently the Methodist Youth eludes parishioners from \ ;, Fellowship requested an evemany Upper Cape Churches. Those from the Lower Cape meet in Orleans under direction of Rev. Pnilip Davignon from St. Pius X Church in South Yarmouth, the Cape area director of the program. Over half the people gathered at Otis come from the Osterville parish. Father Tosti says, "There was no difficulty'in getting participants. One notice in the weekly bulletin brought 120 from our church to 'a Parents' Night where the purpose and function of the revitalized CCD were explained." Enthusiasm for the courses in practice and theory is shared by people from all walks of life. There are those with doctorates. others who never completed high school, all eager to increase their knowledge and 'make their faith a more visible part of thei r lives. Father Tosti himself <feels especially indebted to CCD. which nourished his vocation and supplemented his home life. Until he entered the seminary he had never attended a Catholic school. Born in Taunton of Italo American parents, Antonio and Norma Ginesi Tosti, he attended St. Thomas Seminary in Bloom field, Conn. and St. Mary's in Baltimore where he received his B.A. in philosophy. He was ordained by Bishop Connolly in May, 1962, and a week later assumed his duties in the Osterville parish. Here, thanks to the incentive of his pastor, Rev, James F. Ken ney, and the generous coopera tion of three teaching sisters of the Missionary, Servants of the Most Blessed Trinity, it has been easy to fire enthusiasm of the la.y people for the work of Christ. This year emphasis is 00 for mation of teachers by planting the seeds of a spiritual founda tion. Within five years Fathers K<'11ney and l.'osti hope the entire CGD program can be im plemented to comprise many phases of community projects
FATHER TOSTI as living witness to the gospels. The people are most ready and willing to give of themselves, they are just waiting for encour· agement and leadership from the clergy, notes Father Tosti. Focus of ceo,' begun in tRe 15th century by St. Charles BGr romeo, during the last 2& years has been on more practical levels than heretofore. "All modern means must be drawn on and utilized fOf' the work of the Church. The wom en's guilds have been' working diligently . towards providing visual aids for the religious classes. Visual aids also play an im portant part in the ecumenical
Ma ryknoll Ends Long_est Chapter
MARYKNOLL (NC) - The Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America (Maryknoll) has a'd journed its fifth general chapter, the longest in its history after nearly three months deliberations here. .After approving mo-ce tbaa 200 pages of majo-c legj.slatioo, ~he 50 members present joined In a concelebrated Mass for Bishop James E. Walsh, the so ciety's first bishop and second superior; a prisoner of the Chi nese communists since Dec., 195ft
Father John J. McCormack
M.M., .elected superior generai
by the chapter, in August said
Bishop Walsh was "witn~ssing Christianity in the classic sense." SPOKANE (NC) A 1967 Not able to preach he is "a liv scholarship in journalism is be ing cosponsored by the Inland ing witness to the Church's mis sion of concern to all men." Catholic, Register, Spokane di Speaking of the chapter meet ocesan newspaper, and the local ing, Father McCormack said the
chapter of Theta Sigma Phi, na entire chapte~ reflected the
tional women's journalism hon Church's renewed teachings of
orary society. "I hope non-Catholic students Vatican Council II. More than
in secular and Catholic colleges 30 papers presented and ap proved offered guidelines in the will compete as vigorously as Catholic students," said Father role and function of the mission· apostolate, social communica Terence Tully, editor of the paper. ' tions, education 'and formation government of the society, rol~ Each contestant will be asked of the Brothers, and vocations. to submit three articles ,of 1,500 Maryknoll's next chapter meet words or less to the newspaper ing will be held in 1972.' from Jan. 1 to March 31. Three
subjects have been selected:
"Ecumenism in My Home Town," deadline Jan. 31; "Is Social Jus SYRACUSE (NC) A 65
tice the Christian's Responsibil member senate of priests has
ity?" deadline Feb. 28, and "Are been established in the Syra
Women Second Class Citizens?" cuse diocese to aid Bishop Wal
deadline March 31. A board of ter J. )foery in administrative
professional journalists will se problems. The members of the
lect the writer of the best arti the senate were selected in re
des as the scholarship winner. cent elections.
ning with our youth group to learn about the Catholic Church. We used our stained glass win dows to convey the message graphically. "There is a wonderful rapPolt among the Christian churches in our community," Father Tosti went on. "Every year we organize UNICEF Hallowen parties, put on Christmas programs together and in the Summer hold joint cook-outs for the youth of the community." Great Future He envisions a great future for spiritual development of Cape Cod. "There are 'so many youthful energies here, matched by the vast number of retired people with experience and wil lingness to give of themselves to the lay apostolate." Though no direct relation to his famous namesake composer Francesco Paolo Tosti, music is a predilection of the young cu rate. He serves on the Diocesan Music Commission and is choir director at Our Lady of the Assumption. Closest te his heart is the eause of vocations. To develop a Better understanding of the calliag, he speaks to parents' groups, and shows slides he put together during his own semi nary days. Only by wider c.om ~unication about tlie religious hfe can we bridge the lack of vocations, he feels. "If the Pope is servant of God we the priests must be the serv~ ants of the people accessible to them at all times." .Fa~her Tosti's philosophy of Life IS summed up in the prayer fur serenity: God grant me the serenity to- accept the things I cannot change, . Courage- to change the things I can, And wisdom to kflow the dif ference.
Continued from Page One ander Peloquin, organist and choir director at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Provi dence. Mr. Peloquin is known nation ally for his career has embraced nearly every facet of musical achievement: composition, per formance, writing and lecturing. As a widely-perfOl:med com poser, his most recent works are "Missa Christus Rex", "Missa Domini" and a setting of Poe's "The Bells" for mixed chorus and percussion ensemble. He has conducted four one hour specials for CBS-TV and appearances on the Directions '64 and '65 series on ABC-TV. The famous .Peloquin Chorale has been heard on the Catholic Hour radio program for more than 15 years. In August, 1964, Dr. Peloquin conducted the Liturgical Confer ence National Choir in the first English High Mass in the United States, most of the music for which was composed by him. He is presently on the faculty of Boston College where he con ducts the University Chorale of 180 members in an extensive series of concerts. The workshop is open to or ganists, choir directors, choir members, priests and sisters of the Fall River Diocese. The program will open with registration from 10 to 11 fol lowed by a coffee hour. At 11 oclock, Mr. Peloquin will con duct a general session in the auditorium of Bishop Cassidy High School on "The American Approach to the New Liturgy." The morning session will con clude at 1 at which the regis trants will have lunch in the cafeteria ()f the high sch'ool. The afternoon session will be gin at 2 with a qu~-'" . _..., . ' swer period. After the discussiOll period, there will be a 1)11"... <>. termission when all will be asked to return to the auditorium fo-c a rehearsal of the music which will be sung at the High Mass. Bishop Connolly will preside at and' deliver the homily at the High Mass at 5 in St. Mary'. Church, Taunton. This will 'conclude the workshop. . Reservations for the luncheOR must be made with the chairman of the Diocesan Music Commis sion, Rev. James F. Lyons, St. Peter Rectory, Dighton, no laier than Nov. 15.
Offer Scholarship an Journalism
65 in Senate
675-7829 IRENE R. SHEA, PROP.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-,Thurs.Nov. 10,1966
,Marxist Definition
Parish Boards
Vatican Council II faced issues on, many levels world-wide, theological, diocesan and parish. It called for a Senate of priests in each diocese to convey to the Bishop' the thinking of his priests on many matters touching' the' life of the Diocese. It called for a Pastoral" COllncil com~ posed of laymen and laywomen 'and priests and various . other experts to advise the Bishop On ,matters within ,their' competence and interest. ~, ' ', Both groups in the Fall River Diocese' have 'been \ formed and are at work. The Senate has elected. as' its officers two assistants in parishes and, a, c.haplain 'iJl~ a .high school. Committees have been appointed. and within 'one -month the Senate 'will., present. to, the Bishop . much ' ,information on ,several matters touching' the' life of -the
- , '
10 religious life, Father Vincent McCorrY, S.J., said at 'the anri,~ meeting of the National 'The»-, esian Conference here. . . VOeations, the asSociate editOl' of Ameri~a magazine said, ha_ traditionally been abundant ~ cultures characterized by cle• - ,calism, un-questioning piety, re). ative poverty, strong fam'illr st.ructure,' limited c;1reer oppo..; t:unities, do~ng:r:ading of wor'. ly values, alld restricted pl~. ures. " ,', 'American pulture. today, . • continued, is characterizeq. br. laicis.m and the impaired i~l)ge ,of the priest, uncertainty in be. lief, affluence, family' perm. . siveness, boundless career Gpo. »Ortunities, exaltation of world. values, and a wide range 01 pleasures. Increase in Quality
In this type of culture, he saill, vocations will inevitably decline and the question which must'be faced is: "Is the great age of re ligious life, as we know it, nOw Continued from Page One talents as this cooperative ,would coming to an end?"~ "Offering a clear example of provide. An affirmative answer would the (lay) apostolate on the com Bishop' Connolly noted also -in not n~cessarily be detrimental , munity level is The Parish * * * his letter that even the material to the Church, he said. "All is not lost. Religious vo The laity should accustom them needs" necessary as they 'are, selves to work in the parish in could \be more readily resolved. cations should increase in' qual close union with their priests Just as with' our Diocesan 'ity; vocations from minoriw :) * * As far as possible, the laity Councils, expansion could rea 'groups may increase,' secular in,.; stitutes will prosper and the ought to collaborate energeti sonably take place, with com cally in every apostolic and mis mittees 'ad hoc' appointed, and 't~:mporary' apostolate will help," sionary effort sponsored by their members-at-large elected to. he said. serve the special needs, or even "Christ will be a power in the local parish." The foundation of such a to give pastor and Pastoral .world of tomorrow. We just don't know what working clothes council can readily be accom Council the benefit of their abil ities and dedication. he will wear," he told the plished by examining the mem Setting Dec. 15th as the dead- Theresiaris who are dedicated to bership of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, the Holy Name line for the selection of parish ' fostering vocations to Sisterhood. ioners to serve oJ;1 this Council, Auxiliary B ish 0 p Timotbr Society, Rosary and Altar Soci ety, Legion of Mary, Confrater- , Bishop Connolly closed his letter, Manning of Los Angeles tracecl as follows: nity of Christian Doctrine, Dioc the history of Religious womell "What we seek in setting up the .in the Church from apostolie esan Council o£ Catholic Women ton the parish level), a religious Parish Council in all parishes·.of . times. or two to speak for school needs the Diocese of Fall River, is the Women Religious or problems, a layman and a presence of a well-informed; de 'There have been and will be voted grOUp of men and women, ,laywoman to, represent Youth Even, a casual glance at the front page of The Anchor , Organizations. Here would be a ,to discuss parish and personal many changes in the life of this week would give the' reader 'an idea of the many and kernel for periodic constructive needs with pastor ,and assistants women Religious" the bishop said, but there has DeEm one co» give counsel and t;:lke coun various elements that are ,in a Diocese-the inauguration: meetings with the pastor and -to sel,-to help share' the burdens, stant element which, cannot assistants. of parish boards, the work. of .the DiOcesan Senate, the Naturally; the parish trustees -to enjoy th~ benefits of pr~y change. This, he said, is the li.. '. announcement of a workshop on Church music by one of' a:re to be on the Coilncil. ing of the evangelical perfee ing and working together, in con the nation'~ leading authorities, the valuable work of reli- . A closer cooperation in works fidence that nothing but good tions: 'poverty, chastity,' obedi ence, prayer; mortification, 'si gious education of the me,ntally retarded, a prayer program' of worship, instruction, social will come out of it". , . lence, charity and 'commurlitF weli-being, youth activity, etc.,' for peace, the visit by a Bishop of another rite, the assign would life. be realized from discus ments of priests. ' The bishop said that 'nuRS sions and exchanges of ideas be should constantly return to the This is a Diocese-a family of God with all the con tween priests' and parishioners Gospels as the basis for their re cerns that a family has for its members. The needs are' and thus would p'roduce a deeper newal while at the same time constantly changing but the goal is the same: the spiritual appreciation of all. matters paro~ NEW YORK (NC) - The' remembering the purposes for Hungarian revolution of 1956 welfare of all and that means the involvement one with chial. While concerns for the spiri aroused the conscience of the which their community was another. formed. tual welfare of all parishioners world, Bishop Edward .E. Swan Presenting the viewpoint of a People are individuals and their individuality must must come first, none-the-less , strom, executive director, Cath always be preserved. Religion does not mean making robots a whole community could bene olic Relief Services - National nun was Sister Ann Ida, presi of Mundelein College, Chi of people, puppets all controlled by the same strings. But fi.t from the enlisting of ~o many Catholic Wei far e Conference, dent cago, conducted by the Sisieq said during ceremonies marking of Charity. people are als() members of the family of God and this 10th anniversary of the up:" Sister Ann Ida drew a' careful means concern for one another and working for and with Principals End . the rising., distinction between the two one another, having the family resemblance and spirit that ,Of Released Time Bishop Swanstrom spoke at needs of Religious communitiell mark members of any family. SOMERVILLE ' (NC) - The solemn vespers. at St. Patrick's' -to adapt and to renew. , only public school pupils, in any. Cathedral' here. American, Hun Renewal in :Essentials, substantial, number who attend. gl)rians, many of tpem refugees of . ,Adaptation,; she said, concerns religious instruction classes un.., the revoluti9n, filled the cathe':' 'changes of non-essential areas of 'dral for the occasion. ' der the released..,time 'program . . . , the religious ~ife, whether habits, Despi,te a decade of psycholog here are C~tholics; principals, of
relations' with the laity; internal 24 elementary schools said in icai c9;nditioning by the commu ,petitionii-Jg ,th'at - the, plan be nists" Bishop ,Swanstrom said, practices, in order' to better "it was the youth of Hungary, serve' the world of today. , abandoned here. On the other hand, 'she con the students .l!nd young workers,. The principals told the school r"-=l:lrl~L NEWSPAPE~ OF THE DIOCESE OF FAll PiVER tinued" renewal concern~ itself many of.1pem in their teens, who committee.· the program' has with those essentials which iD Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River ceased to be, successful and spa.rked the revolt. themselves cannot be changed, ,seriously interferes with school 410 Highland Avenue "You, Hungarian exiles," he but can be expressed differentl3l curricula. told the gathering, know that,the She quoted Pope Paul VI • Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 About 2,500 Catholic children, future will be a better one for saying that conciliar renewal. PUBLISHER in the fourth to ninth grades your sacrifice, and. that the not measured so much q" attend religious instruction glimpse of freedom yoU' gave the changes -in outward norms aDd Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. groups one ,hour a week, the people on -the dark side of the customs as it is by a change JIi GENERAL MANAGER ASST. 'GENERAL MANAGER school committee was told. That lJ:on Curtain was only the first certain mental attitudes." Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A.· Rev. JohnP. Driscoll number is considerably smaller' act of a. great and inevitable Religious communities, S'M \ than it was when the program drama to ,come. warned, must both adapt and MANAGiNG E,DITOR , was initiated, several years, ago, ,,"The people suffering in Hun renew themselves or they will Hugh· J. Golden the principals, said. gary ,today know,'it also." disappear..
Individual and Family
DALLAS (NC)-The cmr rent- culture of the Unitecl States cannot be expecte4'" produce' abundant 'VocatioB8
Several parishes .in 'the' :x;>iocese have alre~dy ,. ;had '. , parish boards to advise and assist' the pa'storin thesheJ} , herding of his parish. Now 'the Bishopha~ directed that : all parishes set uP such a board. ' All this is in keeping ,with the, insistence of the Coun~il .. ' that the people be made more aware that they are the' Church as well as ai'e the Bishops and priests' and sisters and brothers. The concerns of the Church are and should be theirs-the work of the Church' does and· must include them-the direction taken by the parishes will benefit from their counsel and 'advice. This works two ways, of course-the pastor is obli~ gated to listen to the advice given him,' and he will wel come it for it will keep him informed of what is going on in the parish and what the needs of the parish are, reliev ing him of the burden of making serious and long-range decisions all by himself; but the members of the parish boards will also be ohligated to consult their fellow parish members, to investigate the whole -parish and assess its needs, to draw up a list of priorities on parish requirements, to get involved with the whole parish family. These parish boards are to be-lik~ the Senate and Pastoral Council on the diocesan level- working boards. There is nothing honorary about them - they are vital elements in parish life chosen to assume a significant share of the parish burden and direction. Their information and advice and counsel should inject new enthusiasm and spirit into every parish. They will bring home tpe message of, the little poem that ha been around for a few years now: The Church
Current' Culh.• r. Causes Declin~·.' Of Vocations
Ordinary Orders Counc,i~ C)f Laity hll An Po rishes of Dnocese
HungariansMark 1956 Revolution
@rhe -ANCHOR
ObserVe Catholic EducQtion Week
At All Diocesa~ HighSchoolsi
,Await Quart"ly Exams:
Plf;ln Experiment ~n Bible Reading
Schools, teachers and students, are spotlighted during this, Catholic Education,Week. Orchids to all, especially OUll', @wn, Diocesan institutions, their faculties an.d student bodies. Reports are still coming in of elections, in school ()rganiz& tions. Senior French Club ,'. officers at Dominican Acad- 'College Entr~nce Examinations emy, Fall River, are 'r.herese Board for th~ee 'years. SisterJ.Vi Chouinard, president; ,De- Consilii, principal, attended! "8 nise Turcotte," vice:president; 'Paulette Rouillier, secretau"y) 'Di-'l!ll'le Ratte 'is Newsette'editdlr. at ','D;A; " ',,':. ,"Heading the Senior' Sc~ence :c:Iub at Mt. St. Mary Academy, ""l:l'lso' Fall River, are Diane,'Viera, president; Jean Miska, ,viee'president; Janice Waskiel:'secre~·tary; Maureen Silvia, treasurer. , ", 'An Athletic C6uncil is''rtew' '8t Sacred Hearts Academy:'; 'Judy Roberts leads the group, with aid
ROME (NC) - The Italian Bishops' liturgy commission has . approved, on an experimental basis, a new selection of reqd ings from the New and Old Tas taments which in the future will ,replace the present texts used for the Epistle' and the Gospel in the Mass. The use of the selections will go j.n~o effe<;t·on the ,first S~ti\ay , of Advent, Nov. 27, in selec'ted parishes of Italy. The texts-tvill 'be used in Sunday and weekday , Masses and have been, prep,lI~ed , by ,the. commi,ssion for, Imple menting the ecumenical council's decisions. . ' , ; '. As they now stand, there 'are to be three readings from' ,t-he Bible instead of the traditional two, that is, the Epistle and the Gospel. Experimentally, it has been decided to continue the readings over a three-year peri od, instead of the traditional one-year cycle now in practic-~. In this period readings wtiuld cover the entire New Testament and parts of the Old Testament. In a few years time it is an ticipated that the proper official reform o~ the entire plan of the Biblical readings for the Masa will be implemented.
meeting of the board in New York last week; while Sister M¥y' Eleanora, head', ,of the'
m~~rc d~partment, :Wi)!'
Thurs., Nov. 10, 1966
give :a ':
of 'Silver}3utcfette piibli~he~.: 1\f~mory bQo'k pictur,es ar~ 'in',', ' the, \Vo"rks at,: ~fIA :and;" :alsG ,at, .' the:,Fall River .school"de,baters' ':" will. jout"Qey",' tciday, tomorrow and', Sattn:4aY"to UN,l:ass fora series ,',of toUrneYSi Feehan:w)il be another Diocesan high.'repre sented at UMass.' ' Math Team Ties At the Greater BostonPublie
and comfort from Mrs. George Snyder, phys. ed. teacher at 'the Fall River school. Members are juniors and seniors, and "their High School Math Meet held at . b d' SHA Stoughton High, Stang's mathe-, JO is to coor mate all maticians tied. wjth " Cardinal I sports activities. They are super vising varsity basketball'trYouts, Spellman High of Brockton for which end today. " , , '" second place. High scorer for Also at SHA newly elected Stang was Paul Smola. student council oficers are Diane And the New England Scho Dziduszko, president; Sandra Iastic ,Press has rated "Paw Sylvester, vice-president; Kattt- 'Prints," school paper at Cassidy . leen Powers, treasurer; Mary High, among top-ranking sheets Lennon, secretary. , i n New England. Of three ranks, high, superior and merit, the SodaUsts Elect ,Cassidy paper received the high BRIGHT BOYS: Among scholars at Coyle High School, College Has ExteJ'ft Senior girl sodalists at Bishop rating. The issue judged was' Stang High in North Dartmouth edited by Anne Silva' and Jane , Taunton, are, from left, Harold CromweH, commended can for Students have chosen their officers" for DaCosta. didate, national scholarship program for Negro students; JliIAYNOOTH (NC)-The fim the year. They are Christine Jesus-Mary student council is Quentin Sullivan, Edward O'Brien and Michael Rose, recip students in a pilot plan aimed at Homen, prefect; Mary Ann Holl- sponsoring a Harvest ,Moon ients of letters of commendation for National Merit Exams; making St. Patrick's Ctlllege land, vice-prefect; Patricia Man- dance from 8 to 11 tonight in the here an open center for hig~er ning, secretary; Louise Cogge- school auditorium. Music will be Michael Felong, semi-finalist in National Merit Exams. studies were welcomed by Wil shall, treasurer. Christine is also by the New Breed. liam Cardinal Conway of Ar president of the Fall River ,And at Mt. St. Mary Academy class took a field trip to the nod from Northeastern Univer magh. area sodality union. Girls will the 1966 House Beautiful raffle Boston Museum of Science, sity. DA students gave a party for The 45 extern students include while musically inclined students have among their projects the tickets are on sale, with pro diocesan and Religious priests, ,their former moderator; Rev. were in the audience at, a perfoi'lTling of such tasks, as ceeds to go to the Sisters of DUllS, Brothers, laymen and lay washing walls, painting and Mercy Building Fund. The house Strauss concert in Fall River, Donald Belanger; It was 'held ,women. ' and HF basketball players have Monday under' sponsorship of gardening for the Carmelite Sis , ters'of South Dartmouth. is in Sleepy Hollow, Cumber They are the vanguard in the been selected by Coach JaCk junior and senior socialists.' Also land. at DA, Nancy Gancarski, Anchor' , plan approved by the Irish bish : .Debate Club officers at, H~ly ,',; Prevost and Jesus-Marymem- ,~obrega for. the coming ~ason. reporter, has been named No , cps last June which is designed Harvest Hop , ..' Family High in New Bedford ,~re 'bers of the Catholic Student Mis to use St. Patrick's Colleg~ f9r: Daniel Larkin, president; Mi- 'sion Crusade lire joining' forces ,Preparations 'are under, way :8t vember student of 'the month~ contributing not only to the fo-r Attagirl, Nancy! ehael Kramer, vice-president; ',Cynthia Rego, secretary-beas- to collect clothes for a' 'needy ,the Mount for the '.annual The Feehan Shamrocks are' motion of students but of pries1s, 'Thanksgiving Harvest Hopfer ,; urer; Louise Cayer, 'clerk,"Gf,~~~rn;o~,l~~~~r:v~;t~~ ,juniors and seniors. The student getti,ng 4t fettle ~or tbciranot,ml Brothers and nuns and to the in tegration of Catholicism wilD committee; and Karl' Fryzel" li- "are responsible forboYs'cloth . council 'is sponsoring the event, , Turkey Day' Game; against secular culture. ' brarian. 'Bishop stang. In '-preparation, 'lOg; and JMA girls 'for girls' , 'and is also organizing a, bowlin.g "'Pep Club members are building . To Perform To~~ht" ,. ·ditto. league. . 'Basketball tryouts at DA are . a ,float. Also at Feehan, -Future SHA Fall River will have two ' Three ,seniors at Feehan' ~ill Students on the program Of' a participate in a new high school slated for next week and ,Teachers Club memb,~rs; wJi1l. att,end, an open house at, URI concert to, be offered tonipt iltqliiz program to appear "~n 'Thanksgiving week. Senior 'sec Dominican Academy audit6ri'um WHDH,.;TV. To be in "It's Aca 'retarial students at the' Fall under direction of modeTator fer' the benefit of Rivier 'Col,. demic" either next month GI' River school took a telephone 'Sister Mary Claude~ 'Reg. Master Plumber 293&
DA junior and senior Ameri lege. They're Kathleen MedeirOs, January are Marian Harris, company tour recently, observ GEORGE M. MONTlE
can History students enjoyed sOprano, and Judith Conrad, Richard MacAdams and Daniel ing the work of operators. Over 35 Years
a field trip to Boston yesterday. Bishop Cassidy juniors re pianist. • Blake. To qUalify for participa of Satisfied Service
Rev. John Moore is neWly tion, the students took Ii 200 ceived their rings this month in Their itinerary included the 806 NO. MAIN STREET
appointed chaplain and religion question quiz at the TV studios, an assembly ceremony. Father Freedom Trail and visits to tlhe Fall River 675-7497
Moore, chaplain, spoke at the Museum of Fine Arts and the teacher at Bishop Cassidy High ,coming through with colors,·tf1y State House. event, stressing school and stu School, Taunton. He is team ing. A solemn closing thought: dent loyalty. teaching religion with Sister Education Week Girls at Feehan and Mt. St. upcoming next week are quar Marking Catholic Education Miriam Gabriel and Sister Mar Mary are invited to' attend a ,terly exams. Supplies of· mid garet Eugene. While the Sisters Week, Cassidy High had an in formal discussion and social hour day of recollection to be' held ,night oil are being replenished. teach units on the Vatican Coun Maintenance Supplies . cll, its actions and resUlts, he for principals and eighth gra,de tomorrow at Mt. St. Rita Novi will present the backgroun.!i and wachersof public and Diocesan tiate, Cumberland. And today's .. SWEEPERS - SOAPS
elementary and secondaor the deadline for memory, book ~vents leading to the con'voca DISINFECTANTS
tion af the council. " .. .., schools. Discussed was "Bri~ging glossies 'at the Attleboro school, ONE STOP ARE EXTINGUISHE~5 , A lecture at Boston's Mt.iseU'm the Gap between Element~ry while all orders for the book SHOPPING CENTBl of Science on "Crackiitg the and "High Schools": Moderators 'thust be in' by Monday, Nov~ 21. Code of Life" was well attended , '!Rere Diocesan and public school , 'Dramatic Club members" at Television _ Furniture Jesus-Mary are preparing' a supervisors. by Diocesan high school repre AppliaMeS _ Grocery 1886 PURCHASE STREET Also at Cassidy, ,juniors and' play" "The Trouble with Moth , sentatives, inclUding 'science NEW BEDFORD seniors' are taking a state lJlath ers." Performance date: Sunday, ' students and faculty members. 104 Allen St., New Bedford exam today; and the National Dec. 18. Other skits are in the Getting civic experiencefi'rst 993-3786 997-9354 . . hand, Problems of Democracy Honor Society held induction works -as 'entertainment' for' an students at Bishop Feehan High Ceremonies Tuesday, also il)st~ll- upcoming parent-teacher meet , ing. The academy also has a col in 'Attleboro were guests at a ing new officers. lege acceptance to report: . First higher education accept selectmen's meeting in"neighbol' Yvonne Berger's received the ing North AtUeboro. And Sister ance for the year has been re , Mary Mercy, principal, attended ~ordedat Dominican' Academy: a Boston meeting for area edu... Jeanne Mancini will enroll at Rt. 6-8etween faD River and New Bedford
,ptots designed to update them "Union Hospital School of Nurs
IlHI prospects for educational 'ing, come next Fall.
OM of the finest FaCl1itiesin Southern New En91and
television in .Massachusetts. :Room 13,a freshman' home
Available for: 'room was high' room in Mt. St. , Memory book staffers at' D0 Prescriptions called for'
minican Academy announces 'a 'Mary's candy bar drive, 'while BANQUETS - TESTIMONIALS hootenanny for' Wednesday" Nov. '. highest sellers for the school and deHvered
FASHION SHOWS and. SPECIALPARTJES a6. It'll feature' local talent -and 'were Janice Griffin, Kathy lOFT
'be, directed by Therese Choui Medonna and Janice Waskiel. CHOCOLATES
fOR COMP1.ETE INFORMATION CONTACT: nard,business manager. Relivard for the ambitious' fcosh: 600 Cottage St. 994~7 4:4~
9994t9M or 636·2744 And Mt. St. Mary's is proud' of a coke and pizza party. New Bedford"" ," ' its selection as a member of tile Holy Family's physical science
• ,'
Montie Plumbing
Heating Co., Inc.
LARIVI'ERE'S 'Pharmacy
1'HE·ANCH0R-Dioces(! oHan River.,-lhurs. Nov. 10, 1966
'Expioins Private Probes Policy
Now~s Time
to Teach Children Haibit @f !Prayer' for Dead
WASHINGTON (NC) Georgetown University has is sued a statement clarifying its policy regarding accessibility of student files to' investigatorS from government and private companies. Father Thomas J. Fitzgerald, S.J., academic vice president, is sued this statement: " If an authorized government investigator requests it, he, may be shown the Georgetown tran scriptof grades. He may also be furnished such information as place of birth, plus home ad dresses. He should not, however, have access to the folders. "Although it is time consum 'ing, a clerk should, in each in . stance, place in his ,hands the , tl'ansci-ipt and read, to him the ,other data of inforjnation :which I have mentioned. The university register of faculties, staff and students should never, be trans ,mitted torion'-universities , sonnel without explicit ,authori zati\>n from this o#ice.", Father FitZgerald also noted that a student's transcript may not be released from an office 10 any investigator without the" mudent's explicit permission.
]By Mary Tinley Daly 'As the well-meaning little lady said, donning black ]hat and gloves, "If I don't go to my friends' funerals, they '\Won't come to mine." It's not quite as simple as that, lllor as impossible.' But there is, as' our faith tells us, an funtei'p]ay between the' dead in n~ed ~f remembrance! WId the living in the Church 'we're And certainly ,in the ecumen :Universal, a communication' ical spirit, this is the time not which acquires particular' only to preach but to carry out
lilignificance during this' month in practice that "holy and, Of November, month of the Hoiy, ,:Wholt;!some thought" o~ prayer for the dead-all the, dead, not Souls. Praying
only those near arid dear to us, Sor the dead.is
the ones' whose names we list ~m one of the
in the little envelop!'!s 'at, Church, riundanien .. '
but' the souls in pU,rgat'ory. tals of ,our rell
Mion, one' of the
, As Father jarn:es' K'eller of the . 1anchanged arid
Christophers reminds"us; "Learn tlInchange ..
to pray frequently' f'for~thers, '. Iirl bl e veriti~s,
especially'those most in need' 'of '~mmed up as ,prayer.." MEMB~mSH'IP 1'EA: Mrs. Jan1es 'Clark, left, 'new ~oiy and' Praying for the, dead can be :w hoI e's 0 m e taught in schools, and and it i~ member,is welcomed at annual membership tea of Cath thought.", Its , , but it does seem to be an inher olic Woman's Club, Fall River,',by Mrs: Michael J. McMahon, , Import::l11ce was oij'iciallY xecog ent part of Catholic home train-. pOuring; Mrs.' John F~ Doyle, tea' co-chairman; and Mrs. ll!lized by Pope Benedict XV who ing, an area where Catholie granted ,priests permissio!,! to parents can excel. They teach Thomas Burke, president. offer three Masses on All Sl;>uls' not only by what they say to , Day; just as on. Christmas Day, their children but the way they Benefit ,Christmas Sale .',' and with an Introit ("theme, live. ' song") reflecting the spirit of Slated by' Missio~ Club': Willis Nutting the day: "Eternal rest give to A Christmas Sale Week will Willis Nutting in "Schools and Sisters of St. Joseph Make' Chan{;Jes them, 0 Lord." be sponsored by St. Cecilia Mis Postulants, Novices the Means of Education," (Fides) lI: sion Club for the benefit of the Moreover, during this entire or II Franciscan Missionaries of Mary .onth of November, comes a points out this difference: , "There, i"s one, thing ~'profes:,,' ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS (NC)-' converse only at evening, recrea- at st. Francis Hall, 196 Whipple ]I e re n n i 1 opportunity to Street, Fall River. To take place' strengthen family tiefl, ,family sional teacher can do sO much The Sisters Of St. Joseph of tion. Monday, Nov. 14 t.hrough Satur ' lIoyalties within all our homes, better' than a parent that, the Newark,' N. J" have revamped Service projects find fledgling day, Nov. 19, ·the sale wiil from generation to generation, parent had better not even try their rules for postulants and professional teacher can novices in line with wishes ,of Sisters going to the Mt. Carmel held from 6 to 8 each evening, with knowledge, ,fondness and it. The ", f u I' 0f 50 res .. tl ess postulants' a~d novices them.,. Guild to help emotionally dis Monday 'through Friday, and k eep" ,a room prayer for the whole family. YOUl1g ones in so~e 'semblance 'selves. turbed chi 1 d r en, conducting from 1 to 80n Saturday. . ii'.~ 'S h ,The experiment' is ,in prepa weekday afternoon CCD classes Remnants, clothing, toys, gifts tDhiidreu'& Cu.rlGS of ,or,der for s~veral, hours. "e (or he) can 'also arrange it so ration for a general ch,apter in surrounding parishes, visiting, and refre'shmehts will be avail Children are naturally curious that each of ,these is able to . t b h Id 'th' th' nearby Holy Name hospital -in able and donations of these items meetmg 0 e e 'WI in e ,eanec T k t 0 f ee d th e. pa t·len's, t and about t'hel'r ancestors - not an ' learnsonlething ev'en though. are 'requested. eaJs eestors as such or the "pointing two ot them have the same ca- n~xt th~ee y' ! ~cc~rdmg to, .. work with brain-da,maged blind witp pride" to worldly accom p'acitY. The parent can:t do that, SIster LigUOrI, prov.mcll:\l secre- children at St; Joseph's School Snowflake Bazaar plishments or wealth of some but the beautifui ihing is that~ry. The resul!B WIll be evalu- for the Blind. Shortly they will The annual Snowflake Bazaar body 'way back there who had he doesn't have to: The lack of ated after the !fIrst year. begin a' program with dependent a lot going for him. What they' this educational technique need ,Also in preparation for the children at St. Joseph's Village, ' sponsored by the Friends 'of the Presentation of Mary Novitiate want to know is about your, not hinder him at all. He is not chapter, a questionnaire has Rockleigh. ' will be held at Marian Manor, father and mother, your grand-' , been sent to all of the 'congre- ' ' . .. Taunton, from 9 to 9 tomorrow. parents, uncles and aunts on teaching a child-but his child." gation's professed Sisters asking . Convent :l~e has been slmplJ both sides, not as pompous patri ,Along this line, Ave Maria about changes they would like fled: permlttmg postulants a~d Saturday and Sunday. Miss Margaret Parker, chair archs staring sternfacedly from magazine has given us the ,fol":' in such things as convent -J.ife, ~2vlces to. perform .many S?U family portraits, but as real lowing "Prayer of a Father or and rules. Experiments will also ltual exerCises on their own tIme. , man, will be aided by commit human beings-good guys. Mother" we found inspiring: evolve from this. Among practices eliminated- tees in'charge of flowers, sweets; Christmas gift offerings, deco They'll get a chuckle out of "0 Father of mankind; Who More lHlome Visits the ringing of bells to announc'e rations, hand knits, chances, -.. various activities. great-uncle ... at who always wore hast given me these children, Changes for postulants and food' and candles. a high, silk hat in the St. Pat and entrusted them to my novices include new contempo rick's Day parades; Aunt Alice charge, to bring them up for, rary uniforms" more freedom in whose, hair was long enough to Thee and, to prepare them for the use of their time, permission 'sit on; another uncle who "al- 'everlasting ,life, help me with to write more letters'" '" * and ways knew 'where the fish were Thy heaveniy grace to fulfill this, make more visits home, partici b~ting in Chesapeake Bay," a ,sacred duty. Teach me what to pation in service projects :which gJ;andfath~r who 10st an election ..:'give, arid to withhold; when to, take them out of ,the convent to bet and had to push -the success- reprove and when to forbear; schools" hospitals, and othl';l' in- , ' :«ui candidate in a whelllbarrow, make me gentle, ye,t firm; con stitutions. down Main' Street. " , siderate. and. watchful;, ~e~ther , ' There are nine postulants and, it's easy to' remember these ,weakly, mdulgent,nor exe~slvel~ ,,'31 'novices in the program. All 'people, als9' rememb~f 'them in seve~e.",<ira,nt;,,' t.h.at, 1?o~~,,' by ~illed out l~ngthY, quesHoimaires ~yisit, &)ur prayers' and, those of our wor4 .3;!l<i,exam.ple, .J .ma~ lead,' anonymously iIi September. ehild'ren. Perhaps as',a result,' them ~n, the ,,,,,ays of true w~sdom, The changes :areso, far-reach lIOme of our own idiosyn'crasies and plet!, ,an~, t.hat I may fmally mg that there's even a plan to
(we won't call 'them peculiad- ,be, adn'utted ,:WIth, them ,to the, permit postulants to invi,te, girl
ties) ",ill become a part of fam-; unutte;able JOY~, of ~~':' kue friends to spend a ().l:\y and night
ily'lore aild'traditi6n for futtre home,mhefven."
at the convent." ,
lei1erations. O,K" we' say, s m a l l '
"And they didn't ,even \ell us enough price to pay for being ,Catholic" As,soc,',iatioR '
' to choose· a friend who's a good remembered at all, during those prospect," on'e poStulant eX-, early American Ranch :Novembers of the future whtlD Gets F~rd ~ront.. , " claimed., ' ' .
House, completely furnished,i,i SLEEPY HOL·, NEW YOI;t:K (NC)-T~ Ford 'Rule of Stlenee '
has 'anrioimced ' a'· Another 'change ~nds the,rule', Lqw,off AbbQtfRun Voney RoOd in Arnold's , ,ToOffe~Travelogue., . Foundation $230~OOO 'grarit to the'Notre Dame •of sllence lifted.' FQrmel'ly the
Mitis, Cumperlpn,d. ~.is ~,ciutifulty, 'construe-: StUdents of :St. Anne's Hospi ,Educationai'- :ASsociatio)}t~ help; Jiovices -ahd' , 'postulants ',eoiild '
, -.al School of Nursing, Fall,River, '-impr(jve'the,training of 't~achers ' ' ,ted by thos,e ,fine builder~, Alphage' Ferla'rld & , will present "And Away We Go," on the j'slandof'Mindanaol'in the' ~lOC)oDCOCN)4x>ociOc)Obaoc:~, Of Pawtucket~ , ' Philippines.: ,," .: IS-country travelQgue featur ~g native ~ostumes, songs arid Th~" ~~sociatiQn, which :~rve6 : dances at ,7:30 MOJ:\day 'night~ MOusE' ,-:AU1rtFUl ii open tlailj f"';' ,1:00 p..... io DUsk,' ii colleges and 37' Nov. 14 In S1; Anne's' grammar a network ,CO~ ,~.~,'''o~ ~.,..i", ,,' school 'auditorium. Proceec:i~ will ; high' scho(jls;,,V-ill use the grant: _ benefit 'the school's ,nilssionand to aSSist expailliion of, ib-Ilervice ;retreat' fund; according to' im~ 'and pi'e-ser,vlce ,teacher ·traihing' ibirec:tioA8 at three colleges-Cotabat(j City, noun~e,men.tq:uideby ~iss Helen IDri~e north frOM P,a~t. ~r Prov; D'iamond Hill 'Rood, K.- 'Sullivan, vice-president of Marbel and J(jlo: • 114, 'til, you" see th_e Sleepy' Hollow sign, Turn right into , the student-faculty organizatiOJi , The grant to the Notre Dame
365 NORTH FRONT STREET \ ~iIIside, right ,again: at tne C~mmunity Library i",to Abbott _,t the ~chool,' wno is d ireciing Educational Association' is' part"
NEW BEDIFORD' the program, ai,ded by class offi~ of a total,of $12,059,250 in grants
R~n Volley Road, thence to SLEEPY t:lOLLOW. .: eel's. Tickets will be available at announced by the',Ford Founda
,,99~-55:W ~e door the night of the per tion. for University development
formance.. in Asia and' Latin America,
Revamp Rules
": ' .
',' .'
. The SISTERS OF MERCY the" ,: ,
'Invite: :' you, to
House Beautiful
" SOns
.", ._ , .' _
and Burners
'Tis the Seas.on to be Jolly·
THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 10, 1966
At Church' 'Bazaars Fairs
New Bedford SoU Social Highlight
By Joseph illlm<Iil Mar.i!Ylll Roderick There is a house I pass every day on the way to school ~at intrigues me. Its owner has tried very hard to beautify his property by planting shrubs around the foundation and m small beds at some distance from the house. He began this project last Spring and but of course I'm lucky if I bas since replanted the area manage to begin and complete again when the first planting even two. However, as I said d.ied en masse. The second before, half the fun is in the planning. Maybe 'y'll make a hostess skirt for my sister-in-law, or a set of pillows for Barbara's new family room. That wall hanging I saw in a certain store would be easy to duplicate and just the thing for the children's room. All these plans enter my mind and fill my days from now until the day ar rives when I realize that if any thing is going to get accomp lished I must sort and choose the few that I really will have time for. I'm sure I have as mllch fun with these Christmas magazines as Joe does in January and February with his seed cata logues. Now is also the time to decide what 'you Intend to' 'do about decorating your home! for the holidays especially if any item of decoration needs such ingred ients as pine cones, seed pods, or other natural material that should be gathered at this, ,time. Our front door always pre sents us with a 'problem in' decorating because of its wide expanse of storm window' glal;i' , and its unsheltered location. A great many of ,the .ideas, for dec' orating entrance ways that I would like to adopt seem more suited to a doorway that is cov ered by an overhang or roof, or one that is located in a much milder climate than our New England one. Any material used on our door must be absolutely waterproof o:r it is reduced to a sodden mess within a few days of being put up and exposed to that inevitable snowstorm. While looking for' ideas for the outside of my house I will also be on the lookout !for items that the children can make to decoratetbe tree. One idea I have so far is to use the old fashioned popcorn balls. These are fun to make and tied with a red bow look pretty on· a tree. They are also a small token that could be given to visiting chil dren. One affair that occurs at this time of year and that is a pleas- ' ant harbinger of the holiday sea son is the church bazaar. An outstanding one will take place tomorrow afternoon from 2 to 8 and Saturday from 10 to 4 at St. Christopher's Church in Tiver In the Kitchen ton. 'The special feature of this Do you realize that there are bazaar will be the sale of a cook only 37 more shopping days till' book containing the favorite, Christmas, 37 more days to make recipes of the women of the lip gift lists, card lists, do your parish and also a few extra "ecorating, clean your house, special ones from some of the' prepare the costumes for that outstanding restaurants in the, IilChool pageant and do the hWl area. The following recipe will deed and one things that are be found in the cookbook that DeCessary. Oh, and I almost for the good ,adies are selling for got, Thanksgiving must be sand-, $1.50. It comes from' the' kitchen wiched in. This 37 day count of. Mrs. Edward Doran, formerly does not include Sundays, as you of Holy Name Parish in Fall do need someti~ .f~ just ,River:" , relaxing and dreaming. In our ~,Iump JuicY Raisin Squares bouse ·the dreaming and' plan Crust Ding for the 25th of December really more fun than the day 1'k cups flour itself, which seems to fly by im 3 teaspoons' baking 'powder .. mad daze of wrapping paper, 1 teaspoon salt l\oys ~~d guests wi~h th~,. oply 3/~ ~P.S qllick coo.ki~gfo,ll~d J!»eaceful moments found at the oats , beautiful Christmas MasS. . .. '. i cup ''brown sugar ,The special holiday issues of Filling the fashion and home magazine's ':th' 'pound raisins tippear at this time and if you're .,% cup sugar " a. do-it-yourselfer, thos'e 37'days' 1 cup water"(hoilingf are needed' to complete aU' the 3 teaspoons cornstarch projects the magazine articles 1 teaspoon vanilla <'idvocate. Pouring" over theSe '. 1') Sift'togethel'; ,the'flour,"bak issues fills my head with millions ing powder and salt and cut in IlfI. i~eaa that I, want ~ execute, ~e sho~ning~ A~d to ~is ~~~"':
1?lanting seems to be taking the !\)ath of the first and I suspect that it too will be dead come I:Nlxt Spring. lam intrigued to the point that I feel like ,stopping some , morning and finding out if the occupant of the house intends to. oontinue planting, no matter, what. Most likely' 'he will throw. UI" his hands and quit. His de~ !lense henceforth will be that ,he SPent untold numberS of dollars to beautify his property, that oU his efforts failed and that llI.e has enough sense to know When to quit. When I mentioned this to a friend he laughed and said that the' man 'must be planting. 'his, greens in cinders, rather than ' soil. In this particular, case there" l:i no question that it is the planting medium which is 'cnus- : An~ the problem. In quite 11 Dumber of cases failure' with plan~ comes mainly' from 'not taking the trouble to prepare Ib~ soil prior to planting. ! have just finished making Ii lImaU bed for a foundation plant- ' lng' which r intend to start in the Sprin'g. I am not sure as yet' what I will grow'in the beet. but there are several procedures which are worth following for almost any planting. The first is to turn over the soil and check ~ consistency. If it is hard and almost impenetrable it might be .. good idea to add sand in such quantities that the soil will be more friable. I usually add sand to my clay soil, as well as quanti tities of manure and peat moss. One thing to keep in mind is Chat if you are going to make Ildditions to your soil, do so in quantity. A bucket of sand in 11 small bed is useless. Anything will be good only if used in large ~nough amounts to have some effect. At any rate, the point is that the soil should be the starting place. Remember that plants need water and nutrients, both of which are absorbed through the root system. If the medium in which the plants are growing lis such that water and nutrients /S!'c not available to the. root llystem of the plant, then it fol lows that it will not flourish.
LOVE OF NEIGHBOR: Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Gerard' J, Gefen, priest of the diocese of Rochester holds one of the 799 young orphans at (j{) Vap Orphanage, Saigon, Vietnam. Father Gefell.is among'benefactQrs of the orphanage, o.per ated by the Vietnamese Sisters, Lovers of the Cross. NC Photo.
'Stresses Women's 'Role New Orleans Prelate Says Influence Necessary to Save Famity NEvr ORLEANS (NC)-"Cit-· ies and towns were built for the service and convenience of man' but now they are mechanical monsters that dehumanize man," New Orleans' archbishop said here. "We must save man from the city. This is the duty of women," Archbishop Philip M. Hannan told the New Orleans Archdiocesan Council Cif Catholic Women. He said changes in society
have destroyed the elements of unity between persons. He added: "To bridge the gaps caused by technocracy, the gaps caused by history or race or social status, love of fellow man is absolutely necessary." The archbishop stressed that
women are important in Chris
tian service because they "are
endowed with the instincts that
judge whether policies and plans
nurture the sacred dignity en
"They ar~ sensitive to the ebb
and flow of man's spirit; for
basically they are more inter
ested. in what a inan is than what
a mall: does," he said.
Extension of Family "A dedicated Christian woman must exert her influence on the community if she is to save her self and her family," the arch bishop said, He added: ''The community is the extension of family life· '" '" her only means of insuring a proper environment for her family is to take III lead ing part in community endeav
Peace Conference WASHINGTON (NC) - T b e 39th animal three-day confer ence of the Catholic Association for Intemational Peace will meet here starting today in coopera tion with the intemational af fairs commission of the NationaB Council of Churches. 1!!,"illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllml~
§ ~
Archbishop Hannan said be
cause this nation was founded
on the principle of the dignity of
man, "we are in a position to 1=_ make a people out of the whole 34-44 Cohan net Street
human race, to give leadership ~ Taunton 822-6161 ~
to the free people of the world." .rnliIllIlIlIlIllIlIlIlHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~,
i,ire the' oats and' brown sugar
and mix well until 'all ingred
ients 'are blended. '
2) q'ne a 8 or 9 inch square'
pari' with lh of 'this mixture' pressing it down firmly. '
3) Cook the raisins; BUgal',
water and" cornstarch until ,the
filling ,is clear and begins to
4) Cool filling slightly and pour into the pan on top. of the
One layer of crust, add the re~
mainder of crust and, pat down
5) Bake in a 350 degree oven',
until brown, about 30 minutes.
"The material ,~or ,the cookbook'
was gathered by Mrs. Russell
,Morin and although I know it, was a labor of love, a great deal·: of'work went int.o this deltghtful ' little book that any food fancier
would find' itapleasure'to own
artd a very good little item to' gi,ve as a Chris'tmas'gift.
The Ballroom of the New Bed ford Hotel will be transformed into a Fall setting for the 19th Annual Charity Ball sponsored by the Ushers Committee of the Catholic Woman's Club of New Bedford. The event, one of the highlights of the New Bedford social season, is formal and will be held from 8 to 12 Saturday, Nov. 12. Ralph Stuart's orches tra will provide music. Proceeds from the ball are dis pensed during the club year to many charitable organizations in the area. Mrs. Thomas J. Long,' chair-' , ma~. and Mrs. George M.' Thomas, co~cbairman, are being " assisted oy a committee of 60' club members. Although this af-' fair is open 'to the public, tickets ", are limited and reservations may; be made by contacting the chair man,' co-chairman or any mem ber of the UShers Committee of the Catholic Woman's Club. To Receive Guests Guests at the ball will be re ceived by Mrs..John W. Glenn."· current president of the CathG-' lic Woman's Club of New Bed- ' ford; Mrs, Edward W. Galligan," club leader in 1921-1922; and Mrs. George A. Green, president·· in 1933-1935. ~ead usher will be Mr. Thom as J. Long. He will be assisted by Atty. George M. Thoma,S, MI;. Willia;'1 N. Whelan ,Jr., ~r. L. Roger Giard, Mr., Emile Camire, Mr. William R. Norris, Mr., George Durant, Mr. Raymond A.', Robichaud, Mr. Edward F. Rose Jr., and Mr. Roland A. Tripp. ' '
PAID' QUARTERLY ON PAID-UP' SHARE, CERTIFICAtES ' 'Deposits W~comed 'in J,\ultiples of $2«)0.00 up to .$30,000-on Single and Joint Accounts
Up to $60;OOO-for Corporations
PAID 4 TIMES A YEAR February, May, 'August and November' ,
Air Oepo~its Insur~d in full
Taunton co-operative bank Main O~ice: '4' Winthrop Street, Taunton Branch' Office: 1400 Fall River Ave., 'Seekonk
Thurs., Nov. 10, 1966
Educators Hear CouncifExperts Exp'ressVie'ws INDIANAPOLIS (NC) Archdiocesan e due a tor s heard the views of five Sec ond Vatican Council experts
Good Will Apo;stlesllt, St.John., .A.ttl~bot(J\,. "p,dicote Airport Catholic Chapel Aid 'in Starting, Ecume":ical,Dia.logues,, By Yolande C. Murphy
The Apostles of Good Will Committee,one phase of the Confr~ternity of Christian Doctrine program at St. John the Evangelist Church, Attleboro,has undertaken its Fall program with renewed vigor. The impetus has come from the laymen's awareness of the ~e,ed to carry out Vatican II's Decree on Ecumenism through the directives for ecumenical activities that have been is sued by the Most Rev. James L. Connolly. In January, the AGW committee carried out
JAMAICA (NC) - The new Catholic chapel of Our Lady ~
the Skies at ,John, F. Kennedy,
International Airport was dedj..,
cated here by Archbishop Bryalli J. McEntegart, bishop, of Brooko;. lyn; , The $1 million chapel is lo cated in the airport Tri-Faith Chapels Plaza, where Jewish ancl! ,Protestant chapels also are be ing cOnstructed in the first reli gious complex of its kind at any air' terminal in the world. With a procession of clergy and an honor guard of Fourth Degree, Knights of ColumbuSt the' archbishop marched to the building .and blessed both the exterior and interior. Mass was offered in the chapell by Msgr. Francis X. FitzGibhon, who has been Catholic chaplain at the airport since June, 1956. Msgr. Charles E. Diviney, vicaJr general of the Brooklyn diocese. preached the sermon. The oval-sh'aped chapel ac commodates 300 persons. The Mass schedule cans for six on Sundays, ten on holy days and one week days.
at an institute here attended by 1,500 elementary, secondary and college teachers- and adminis trators. ' the Chair of Unity Octave inter The council experts including faith program and,. along with Father John Courtney Murray, its missionary study program, S.J., and Father Barnabas Ahern, has continued its Apostolate of C.P., fielded questions for nearly Prayer. two hours. ' The fruits of this latter pro Others on the panel were Msgr. Mat"k J. Hurley, assistant gram are now being manifested chancellor of the San Francisco with the cooperation of the archdiocese; ,Msgr. John S. newly-formed AGW Ecumenical Quinn, ,officialis of the Chicago Committee and communities of other denominations. archdiocese; and F~ther Ray "Di<i'logue ,has been a much mond T. Bosler, editor of the used word among various clergy Criterion, Indianapolis archdioc men to express the hope that esan weekly. members of their respective Trouble, Unrest churches could get together to A wide range of questions as speak of "our common heritage." sailed the group, for example: It was just a case of "who, when, Isn't it true that Vatican II has and where?" stilTed up a lot of trouble and Dialogue Groups 'unrest? Answer: Yes, but this Then came the spark that the "trouble" reflects the "stirrings ecumenical committee needed. Jersey U'nit AgaDrilst of the spirit" in a Church that An invitation was issued to had grown lethargic and com members of the Episcopalian and Pupils' Free Rides placent. Lutheran churches (the two that, Question: Haven't the violent RIVER EDGE (NC) - ,The had shown i/lterest) to gather for and drastic changes provoked by New Jersey chapter of the a fellowship hour in St. John , the council resulted in a large school' cafeteria. A campaign for, American Civil Liberties Union INI'I'[ATE DIALOGUES: From left, Rev. Edward A.' has protested a school bus oper number, of defections from the funds to build' a new church Church? Rausch and Edward Mullowney, St. John Evangelist Church, ation started this year by 'the prevented the Luthel'an group Father Aher and Murray ,re- , from attending the social. Guests' Attleboro; Mrs. Herbert Annis and Rev. Thomas F. Airey,' River Dell regional school dis " plied that there have been, in trict. " were ,asked to consider forming All Saints Episcopal Church, Attleboro, lead scripture read-· " deed losses in. the Church, ,but dialogue groups; to meet at each The regional board partly sup ingat pilot Living Room Dialogues program. Two "living the "qualitative gains have more' other's homes, utilizing as a con ports the plan in which 100 stu than offset the "quantitative will start Friday, Nov. 18 in Attleboro. room" groups versation guide "Living Room dents attending Catholic high losses incur,red." Dialogues," edited by William schools in three communities are Similar losses occuned after B. Greenspun, CSP, national di have expressed the hope that are scheduled to get under way transpol'ted. It is paying. foJ' the Council of Trent (1545-63), other church members will have rectot; . of Apostolate of Good Friday, Nov. 18. part of the transportation of stu": Father Ahern pointed out, only Will, Conft'aternlty of Christian their curiosity aroused enough Recognizing that thi!! is but a dents riding their own schoo] to be followed some years later Doctrine, and William -A. Nor to drop in on any of the seven sma 11 beginning, participants buses along routes paralleling by a remarkable intensification monthly sessions, inquire how gren, executi ve director, Dept. those established by the board (If the faith. , they can undertake a similar of Faith and Order, National for handicapped public school "The 'reform after Trent came Council of Churches of Christ. program, and make living room, students attending special classes. from the top down," Father Mur dialogues a part of their discus- '
All who attended the initial ray added. "til the caSfl of Vati
sion progr"rns.
meeting. in September returned. can II, the reform will come last Friday for the pilot program In the pilot program, the ques- , LUMSDEN (NC)-Greater de from the ranks, from 'people of which included the Litany for tion was asked, "Do you think centralization and flexibility to What About You? God' ~hemselve.s." Unity, hymns, Scripture reading' that a meeting such 'as this
meet the needs of the times are Vow of Obedience
and resp,onses. (mixed denominations) co u I d among the objectives of pro Question: Has there been any Two groups have been formed, have t~en held in this neighbor posed new' legislation for the rethinking on the religious vow and home living room dialogues hood five years ago?" Francicsan 0 l' de 1', Franciscan of obedience in the wake of the The responses were val:ied: major supet"iol's of North Amer ~ouncil? Vatican II's proclamations are ica were told at a meeting here The consensus of the panel Genevieve Caulfield 'challenging"; "Such a spirit of in Canada. was that a careful restudy of the ecumeqism existed on World Gets Kennedy Award The superiors gathered for "exercise of authority" is now War II's battlefields, that many five days of talks .with their going on among R'eIigious orders -DUBUQUE' (NC) --'- A 'living barriers to dialoguiging were let as well as in the ranks of the personification of'the-blind-lead:" order's minister general, Father down." , . secular clergy. ing-the':blind was honored here Constantine Koser, O.F.M.,. of But the most simple yet prob , when' Genevieve Caulfield, 77, ' Rome. The discussions centered, Msgr. Hurley cited the recent abl)' the most thought-provoking on the proposed new, constitu formation of 'priests' aHsociation was' presented with the John answer was, "Not COULD we, in Chicago. He said he expected Fitzgerald Kennedy Award of tions for the order, which will be ' further i.mplementatioll of, the ,Lot'as College. ratified at a general chapter in but WOULD we?" ..... A- Franciscan Sister! new thinking on authority in the Miss Caulfield, who is bliild May, 1967.
GIVING YOURSElf to atife com· Church ,at the' forthcoming and has devoted most of her life
'Renewal within the order be~ oletelv dedicated '0 the salvation of to te'achi'ng the blind, in this meeting of the' U. S. bishops in gan ,some 20 yeai's ago when souls • through prayer,' work, sac· Washington, which he called country and in Asia, was selected Francicsan scholars in Germany' rifice ,and joy "by using your tal· fot" the 'award, hlst May 29. The and Holland began an intensive "tpe mostiinportant meeting of ents as a Nurse, ...aboratory and X·Ray 'presentation was delayed until tl'\e U. S. hierarchy since the study 'of the early l1istory' of the: Technician. Secretary. Accountant, Di· Third, Council of Baltimore in she returned to this country from etitian. Seamstress" C09k. as well as order. The self-examination. was., Vietna'm. " 1884." in other hospital departments and in encouraged :by Pope John X){;I11 a new extension of our work in Cate· Ani'o'ilgprevious honors be_ and by documents of the Vatican , chetical and Social Service Fields. stowed o'ilMiss Caulfield have' Councii. ' CardinalCondlllcts been a decoration ft'om Pope In Februat'y, 1965, all Francis , There No Greater Charity! 'Paul VI; the Medal of Freedom c,ans wel'e,invited to submit sug Conference on TV from President Johnson in 1963, (It you a.e ove, 16: write to Sister Mary gestions for updating the con NEW 'YORK' (NC)-A theo and' the Ramon Magsaysay Clarice. D.S,F, 'Box 111. Catholic Siste,s' stitutions. Last April Father logical conference' for priests of "Ft'eedom award of $10,000 for . College. Washington. D. C. 20017 for fur· Koser appointed an international the New York archdio(~ese was promoting ,'intern'at,ional under 'ther details on this happy IIfe.1 central commission' to' OI'ganize conducted via television. standing between Asian and the proposals' sent in f!"Om Francis Cardinal Spellman in American people; as well as hon around titJe wol"1d. The results' the OPening address told his ors from the Thai and Japanese are now under study by the clergy: "It is a great convenience govet'nments. ' order's 27,000 members. that you 'can participate in the ON CAPE COD conference in a center that is Anniversary Mass close to you." The facilities of the New York WARWICK NECK (NC) ~ archdiocese's educational. TV Bishop Russell J. McVinney of system were used fot, the confer Providence wil preside at a con Paint and Wallpaper ence. The cardinal: observed: celebrated Mas s commemo-' , Dupont Paint' , SPring 5-0700 "This educational'television will rating the 25th anniversary of' cor. Middle St. do great things for our schools. the founding of the Seminary • 422 Acush. Ave. His costly, but worth the price of Our Lady of Providence here -and I don't tilink 'of it as a Saturday, Nov. 19. A group of Q"t::.t1J"l New Bedford luxury because it will bring alumni ,and faculty of the dioc , PARKING AMPLE PARKING about wonderful advantages to esan seminary will be concele:' , Rear of Store , our chiltlren and all of us brants. '
Superiors Study Updated Rules
famous for
Brother' Herman ZaccareUi {;ives Housewives :"1
1i.t!:.. ~n
Battle'. on High Food Costs
'1HE ANCHOil-!>iocese of Fan Riv,er-Thurs. Nov. If), .,.,66
Nun Asserts Non.CotholicColleg~s Treat Religion With Indifference
By Dorothy Eastman· While housewives aU over the country are gathering in council planning further man· eu vers in their war on supermarkets and high food prices, a one-man truce team has en· tered the field of· battle. Brother HermanZaccarelli, C.S.C., internationally known food expert who has his head. quarters in North Easton, has come to the rescue. The man who has helped Catholic
indifference, not hostility to r,ll WASHINGTON (NC) - Many gion. Catholic students enter non "Theil' professors do not chal Catholic colleges "prepared to do lenge the things they were sup battle with a myth" of hostility posed to challenge, that is, the to religion, a nun aetiv~ in the existence of God, the spiritualit:· Newman apostolate has charged. "The antagonism and hostility of the soul; these issues are simply passed over as unim to religion they expeet to find is not there; rather religion is' portant," she says. treated with a polite but very "The result," she adds, is that. institutions all around the world the students' confusion is in real indifference," Sister M. save thousands of dollars on creased and "the breach between J'udine Schaetzl, S.D.S., Newman their food budgets would like to coordinator at the University of religion and their life situation" help the housewife save dollars is widened. .Wisconsin, writes in an article on on her weekly grocery bill. "Catholic High School Grad Sister Judine urged that par "All this boycotting of the ents, educators, and other coun uates: Defietencies and Needs." supermarkets is just a vet'y emo The article appears in the cur selors give Catholic high school! tional thing that may help let students a true picture of the rent issue of the Catholic High off some steam but it isn't going secular uni versity. School Quarterly Bulletin, pub to effect any long range lower Search for 'll'ruth lished here by the National ing of food prices," Brothel' Her Catholic Educational Asociation. They must be "prepared to man believes. take it seriously, not with fear, The current issue of the bulle He says housewives should tin is devoted entirely to the to see it as neither wholly good have the same kind of training in Newman Apostolates and to nor entirely bad, to believe in food purchasing available to in-· preparation of Catholic high it as an academic community '_ stitutional food purchasers at the school students .for life on non dedicated to an honest, uncom Food Research Center in North Catholic college campuses. promising search for truth," she Easton. says. Of some 1.4 million Catholic The rise in food prices has young people now in college, Catholics must approach the been attributed to many things nearly a million are at non secular university, she declares, the war in Viet Nam, the Food Catholic institutions, according "with no ready-made blueprint for Peace program, diminishing to present estimates. By 1985, for action, no condescension, sus food surpluses. We have a lot when 2.9 million Catholics will picion, or fear . • . we are not 4)f company in our misery, too, be in higher education, 2.4 mil simply lobbying at the university says the Holy Cross brother, lion of them or 80 per cent will but in it, immanent but con who has just returned from Eu be on secular campuses, it is scious of our uniqueness" rope. The cost of food is spiral estimated. Pointing to changes that have ~ng there, too. Drawing on her experience in occurred in the Newman Apos What's Solution? MARKET RESEARCH: Doing market research is Newman work, Sister Judine tolate in recent years, Sistel1' What IS' the solution'! Brother Brother Herman Zaccarelli, C.S.C., internationally known says that too often non-Catholic Judine says that Newman is "as Hermail' says that the first thing food expert. His specialty is institutional food buying and colleges are presented to Catho alive, as open, as concerned, as the housewif~ must do is to put cooking, blit he has plenty of helpful hints for harri~d house-, lic high school, students "in a questioning, and as much in need the la'v of supply and demand totally unrealistic manner, sOcle of constant adaptation as the io work for her instead of fight wives caught in squeeze of rising costs. what like a hostile camp. Church of today it is' the ing it. There is nothing compli Church on the secular campus; Indifference Real Problem eated or mysterious about this vitamin C during the ~ld sea keep until Christmas in your it is not a happy haven for fear "They have been warned by DId economic law. Jt simply refrigerator, and a turkey bought son. ful Catholics, a ghetto, a refuge, sincere but poorly informed means this: if apples, for in B rot her Herman cautions on sale in September will keep or a comfortable home." stance, are in good supply (as. beautifully in your freezer until . against use of synthetic orange parents and educators to be careful of the professors, the they are now)-1£ the supply is juices 'which may be a little Thanksgiving. atheists and agnostics, their fel greater than the demand-then cheaper than the real thing but low students who are not Catho Brother Herman believes, that apples will be relatively inex a well thought out grocery, list cannot compare to it in nutritive lic and hence are out to make pensive. They'll be a good buy. is the best weapon in the house value. them lose their faith; this is On .the other h:lI1d, this has wife's arsenal when fighting The beneficial effects of a often eoupled with the advice Dne. been a bad year for the peach sound diet were brought home, high food prices. He contends to 'join the Newman Club,' as crop, so peaches are in short t hat m 0 s t women wander dramatically a few weeks ago to though this would solve all their FUNERAL SERVICE supply and expensive-the de through supermarket aisles with Brothel' Herman when he visited problems," she says. mand is exceeding the supply. southern Italy. He accompanied out a detailed list,leaving them NEW BEDFORD, MASS. But, the nun states, the real So the smart housewife will for his parents to his' fathel"s place selves open to that powerful problem on the secular campus is get about peaches and plan many of birth, the little town of Largo enemy of the budget - impulse 549 COUNTY STREET uses for apples this Fall and in Calabria. "The poverty of the buying. Winter. 7. Buy roasting chickens and people in southern Italy is unbe The f90d exp.ert says that The same principle will apply turkeys when buying poultry. lievable," the Brothel' says, "but Americans spend a lot of unnec for almost all food commodities, the people are amazingly healthy They yield more meat in pro essary money on vitamin pills including meat. portion to bone than do !fryers, and long lived. There are very, and that a well balanced diet How can the housewife find out very few hospitals and they don't etc. for the whole family can be what these "best buys" are'! The 8.. Grade B eggs are just as seem to be needed." easily planned. "Unless a doctor U. S. Department of Agriculture nutritious as Grade A eggs. The people Ii vc close to the soil, has found that you have a spe publishes regular lists that are There is no difference, either, in be says, eating their own fresh printed in the daily newspapers, cific deficiency, you can get all nutritional value of brown and fruit and" vegetables. While their the vitamins, minerals, and pro usually under the heading "Best white eggs., diets are Spartan by American tein you' need daily by eating Buys of the Month." The house 9. Buy fish when cheap. A standards, they supply the essen the following . foods, considered wife should clip these ,items and County pound of fish has as much f009 tial elemel'lts that sustairi good essential by the 'Depat"tment of keep them in her kite her dt:awer. value as a pound of meat. health. Agl'iculture:" ]f enough people stop buying 10. Dried fruits and vegetables . Pope Paul .also eats a sparse Milk, .for a child: ~ to, one the things in short supply prices are more economical than proc-' (>ut well, balanced diet and he 'quart; for an adult: one pint, or . . :tm these items may even drop; attributes his stamina and .good essed foods.. cheese. Leidy 'vegCtables: one , "When' you plan~'our'weekly . 11. Learn to identify different health to this diet. Overfed but· serving 01' ·mOt"e. 'Tom~ltoes, 01'-' menus, try to incorporate menus cuts of' meat. . ' . unde610urished Am ,e ri can s . around meats that are on special 'il'nges, grapefruit: one. serving or Use ,frozen f.oods imme 12. might take not.e. more. Othe1" vegetables or fruit: '. sale. If a sale is exceptionnally diately upon defrosting. )<'ood Rules ,ood and you have a fl:eezer, buy two or more'set·vings. Eggs, lean TAUNTON, MASS. 13. Do not ,cook . vegetables meat, 'poultry or fish: one serv ~xtra quantities for future use. . Othcr rules .Brother Herman' long before serving, and cook' ing or more. Enriched cereals or offers for cutting food costs in start Early in small quantities o~ water to THE lANK ON bread: two servings. Buttel" 01' the home: preserve vitamins. ' The Bl'Other points out that margarine: 2-3' ta,blespoons. TAUNTON GREEN 1. Buy in' bulk: or in large 14. Plan your menus taking ~l'Ocery prices are J'ighest from Sllgar for eneq,(y. packages rathel: than in small into account your family's pref November through January, and Member of Federal Deposit
Vitamins. Not Needed ones. Get a large cheese which erences and storage space. Allow all those goodies that al'e bought Insurance Corporation
for alternatives if your market "Eat a well balanced diet and 'you slice yourself, ,rather than lor the holiday season will rise is Qut of what you have in mind. you won't need vitamin pills or eight small slices, etc. steadily in price as Christmas reducing pills," Brothel' Herman 2. Buy fresh fruits and vege approaches. He urges food pur chaset"s to stm"! in early Fall sa.ys. "You will save what you tables in season; frozen or have been spending on pills and canned foods at other times. stocking up fOI' that season of by eating a good basic diet you 3. Buy sUI"plus commodities cl1eer and good eating. (as reported in radio market re You might start now to pick will have a real reduction in ports) . up a few extra bags of walnuts your food bills, too. You will 4. Buy different grades of t.his week and some' candied have less desire fot· expensive I, Wood, Metal Desks and Chairs fruit next week, etc., while snacks, soft dl"inks, and candy. foods for different purposes. 5. Buy ·anything: meat, pota prices are lower. Irs not that Good basic food is satisfying "JUST GIVE ME A CHANCE TO QUOTE" toes, fruit, with the intended use your grocer is trying to squeeze food. The first step toward wisel' a few extra dollars out of your in mind. (Example: don't make buying is wiser eating." lllr7 SHAWMUT STREET • NEW BEDFORD, MASS. pocketbook at this time of year. Swiss steak out of sirloin.) Citrus fruits will be excep 6. Use non-fat dried milk for U's just that old law of supply 'tionally good buys all this Win P. O. Box 2062 - Hervey L Levesque
cooking, instead of whole milk. and demand at wOI'k again. ter and this will be good news to nutritionally minded mothers (Write to the food processor who Telephone 993-1264
So remember that a canned makes your brand of dried milk ham on sale in Novernber, when who are careful to see that their ~:"'_II._U_O~"-O_"_'I_II_l)_O_'I_~_"_"_'I_ .. _ a__a, -S &lW~l¥ exceeds demand, I will families have a 'good supply ,of for free recipes. \
Michael C. Austin
for Bristol
Bristol County "f rust Compo ny
THE ANCHQR-Dioc;:ese,of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 10, 1966
Laity! ,Priest! lead the Way«
God love 'YOU'
laud~ Dcm~ID1ican School's M~w 1rra[nJ~~~tion of, ~~b~~
By Most Rev. Fufum J7. 'Sheelill, D.O.
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy A new translation of the entire Bible has, just been published. It is The Jerusalem Bible (Doubleday,277 Park Ave., New York. $16.95). It is so called because it derives from a French' tramdation produced by the Dominican Biblical School in Jerusalem. 'proposed by Father ,John L~ McThe-English version was Kenzie, S.J., in his new book done by a group of scholars Mastering the Meaning of the who either worked from the B,ible (Dimension Books, Box' ~l" oriip,'nal Hebrew and Greek and Wilkes-Barre,. Pa.' $3.50). The
. h th layman who would familiarize
compared the results WIt e' himself ,with, the Bible; says Fre'\lch, or m a d e ' 'Father McKenzie, wIll' need to.
II draft fro m " consult books and articles' which
the' French and then a word for I ,give its 1?ackground.:, .B't,tt .the, word comparibasic req,uireincint is getting ,·to. son; with the "know thete~t i~self, by ·readi!lg· Hebrew or AI';' and re-reading it. . , " " ,',', amaic: The 'aim' A guide to reading the Bible VINCENT LOPEZ has. ,been to put is offered by the author' in··the first chapter of this book, ,Ii col the ,Bible in lection of articles which has language '~used by men of ' been given'too ambitious.a.title. our ._ own day. It is a minor item, in the growing There is a dancanon of McKenzie's works, but b even minor .McKenzie is, 'vell. The 12th Annual Bishop's ger that Christianity may e ~-' worth close attention. garded either as a relic or, as, a Charity Ball in January will l!Ilytpology, says Father. Alex:,,: Theology of, Laib' have Vincent ,Lope~ and,' his ander Jones in his editor'~fore;' It, .is~rtainly bibucalto say , noted Qrchestra fordandng., Mr. word. , ' , ' ". ' .' ',' something about ,the last being Lopez said" "It is ,ll1Il honor to As a meanS of combattHlg the first. One would prefer ,that the come again to provide the music double, danger, the sacred text last two essays in' this' 'volume' , for th,e Bishop's Charity Bailon sho~l,d be given a rel'idition" had been put first. The;very last 'Wedn'esday, January ll, at the which sets no archaic obstacle deals with the biblical movem~nt ' Lincoln Park Ballroom.·1 will be in the way of the ordinary Perand"the ,l~ty and the ~co~d l~st, ' there in person with ~y Hotel son's reading and grasping it. with the Bible and cO,ntemporary Taft orchestra and it will be a And at the sametiIlle"there Catholicism. pleasure to be with Bish~p Con mould, be supplied explanatory Father McKenzie makes Clear,' 'nolly again.", ' '
notes 'and other aids to' fu~l ap-: the need of a theology of the
Committees are currently at predation of God's word. laity, since "a theological struc- work on decorations, and a more Has Noies; MapS ture with a clerical orientation elaborate ceremony of introduc The Jerusalem Bible has an can ne'ver be.meaningful 10 ing the presentees at the Ball ia Introduction to each· of the laymen:" In a theology of the anticipated. St. Vincent de Paul books, and an" abundance of laity, the biblical approach ia Societies and the councils of Botes. Following the text are a particularly advantageous. ' Catholic Women of the 'diocese number of 'maps .and suppleBut this should be in the light ments. The latter include a most of the best of present day bibli..: are ,the sponsors of. tpis gala' useful and enlightening index cal scholarship. In' a masterly social event. Proceeds from the Ball will of biblical themes" which help' way, Father McKenzie distin ooe to discern the continuity of guishes such scholarship from benefit the Bishop's fund for the Bible. Fundamentalism the' one underprivileged and exceptional
, The translation seems to hand, and Modernism on the children. achieve its purpose. It is impres- other. We have never encoun..: sivefor clarity and grace. It falls ,tered a clearer and. crisper ac-' Su'ggests Members pleasantly on the ear, and most count of the development, char agreeably on the mind. A read- . acter, and thrust of the new. U d t Th' d 0 de!' iug of many of the Gospel pas- biblical scholarship than that ,p ae , I f r. sages proclaimed at Mass on the so ,succinctly given by Father. GREEN BAY (NC) -;- Some Sundays of the year shows that McKenzie.'·' . ' 245 delegates representing parish the barbarisms and incongruities Of the three either essays, one fraternities' of the Assumption nQw inflicted on the people have deals with God's love of man as province of the Third Order of " been skillfully avoided, as have progressively unfolded in' the St. l~rancis were urged to update the orotundities, obscurities, and Bible, another with sex in the their organization by speakers antique express'rons of earlier Bible (which maintains that the at a regio'nal congress here in translations. Song of Songs iS,n,ot allegorical), Wisconsin. Delegates from 'Illinois, In !The volume itself is sturdy, and the third with the Gospels handsome, easy to handle, beau- as the definitive life of Christ, diana, Michigan, Ohio and Wis tifully arranged. It is a book rich in homely detail., eonsin participated in group dis which one would gladly and unReading Father McKer'lzie is eussions after hearing the feat apologetically carry into the a special sort of pleasure. He has ured speakers. . '-sanctuary, enthrone, and use at an encyclopedic knowledge of' the lectern. In short, this is in his' subject,' yet' he writes-in a ,Father Bhise Karas, O.F.M., every Tespect a gratifying suc- way.. ~hat is attractive ,and read-', director, spoke on "The Evalua- ' eess. By qnd~rstood by the non-expert. "tion of the .Present Third Order, , Meaning of Bible What hEr-says glows with hon- Rule" and Father Gordian Stry. ; iAn unusual method of learning. esty. His manner .is' forthright kowski, O,F.M., provincial direc- ; a' foreign language was recom- but never overbearing. W9u ld, tor, on Updating the Third, mended by W. So mel'S e t there welte more of his kInd. Order in Light of Vatican ~I." Maugham (of whom more a litMaugham Talk tIe I ate I' in this piece). t" " D· .... Maugham suggested that one get We referred above' to, Somera Ion In . ,Ire ~ee a: daily paper: in' the la.nguage set Maugham, His prescription, "Of' M.ed'ical . One desired to learn, arid each for, mastering an alien tong~e day read it aloud for an hour. No is set forth in Garson Kanio's TROY (NC)' .:.- The pr~sident matter one's initial comprehen- Remembering Mr.' Maugham of Georgetown University,
&ion of the sense, no matter one's (Atheneum, 162 E. 38th St.; New Washington, D.C., underscored, mispronunciations. In a' shorter York. $5.95). Mr. Kanin the here the "dire need" for more'
time than would be believed American playwright' and direc- medical schools throughout the' pI:lssible, one will have acquired ,tor, had many' meetings with nation. ' grasp of the language. Maugham over a period of many , .. ' Something of the same genm;al years, 'up until " . Father Gerard J. Campbell, Maugham died; . 1965 . 5.J., in an interview, estimated;' 91, 10 so!·rt in the case of the Bible is at Mr. Kanin's record is oneol only half of today's medical
Noted Orch'estre, At Charity BaU
laymen 'on Counc51 TOLEDO (NC)~Sixteel) lay. men will serve with 'eight' priests ' ahd five Sisters on' the dioceHan pastoral council, Bishop George J~ Rehring has annotill~ed. The Ohio See Ordinary hils also' in creased 'the Council "of Priests £tom 17 to 31 to achieve wider, II'epresentation.
dinner parties and other 'social applicants can be accommodated' ,occasions, conversations, exam- because of ,lack" ,of 'space and pIes of the, Maugham wit"not facilities" in pre'sent medical, very're'vealing 'glimpses 'of 'other: schools. . ..... stages in Maugham's life,' not The Jesuit univerSity in the' . is' capl · t a, I w h'IC h h as one' very fresq bits of his philosophy. na ton 'It "is a facile apd superficial "of the nation'$top rated' medical " 'sketch of it ,writer :who "was' schools" can accommodate, only enormously successful but not of about 117 oUt of every 1,200 the .first. ,ra,nk, or ..P.erhaps.e:ve~,applic~nts., each year. Father the second. Campbell said.
r k~ow two' priests who have caught the spirit of our times. One a pastor takes no meals in his rectory but dines in nearby rest~urants. Here· he meets a few of his parishioners but comes into contact with those who are empty of faith but full of prob lems. They visit him at table, unburden their heart and have their first encountl~r with a shepherd among lost sheep. The other priest goes to the railroad station every night where he meets the lonely the lost, the home1l!ss and those who are just waiting. Some are ~o through their own fault, others through "someone else's fault," and still others through the harsh, vicissitudes ox life. There he brings the Church to the un-churched; he has be come the ambassador of, Christ to these souls. This is Mission in a Don-Mission ,land, the techniques oil,' Africa and Asilll put into use on Broadway and, Main, 8 treet. !ImI our new age. inste:UJ. of waiting Jlor others to come to us, we must go 'to ,them;' moderllll souls do not knock at our, rectory doo,rs. Lost sheep do not wandler' back into' the sheepfold, they fall among wolves. 80 oft'en we regard the aimless souls outside the Church as having fixed characters and trade labels, like shift less, ,"not us," neurotics, bigots; instead - of see'ing them as those. whom Christ can make new creatures. We make be ing a Catholic seem so easy: attend Mass on Sunday, say a few prayers, be moral and fill' up' 'the . envelope. These two priests and our missionaries preach, 'a' , " different Gospel--the two-edged sword which cleaves'the Chris tian away from the idols' 01 'the' tribe' and the mob. They see and this is the secret of Christian Ufe-Mission as PaSsioJl: tIMl InflueneiJig of others as ~eparable from union 'with the Cross. Our Lord. united both when He .said that Be caine (Mission) .. trlve His Ufe as a ransom for m~n:r (Passion). 'Our missionaries ' earry about' with them the "marks of 'the Passion of Christ!' Why do so many' of them average 'over a 'htmdred eonverts a year, if , it not be that for them the. Gospel is not the "honey" but the "s.alt of the ea~h'" M.ilY you laity ~bo a~e 9~intlY and' y~U priests who ar~ 'Christ~ l1ke help the rest of us mortals to lift our Church from adminis tration to shepherding! May you point the 'way by 'your sacrificea the imitating of the missionaries so that 'we may that God is' dwelling with men for their saving~where'they work, ,where theY grope, where they fall! The Church is not a Sunday-gathering 04, faithful, but a barracks where the Commander in Chief sends us' but to do the :Lord's saving work. May we not be blind to the' Presence of God in the world of bunger and want. And 'may we not be blind to the Presence of God. in the world of hunger and want.. And may' we not be blind either to the presence of the Tempter in the Church-tempting us to take short cuts away from the Cross.
If 'we can keep the missionary spirit alive in our Church, we ean make ourselves more worthy of the grace given to us. Every llIay pray for sinners, pray for the world, deny yourself for the hungry, self-discipline yourself for the erring, and see that yo• . give not your alms to those who have but rather to those who have not. Ever~' cent you give to The Society for the Propagation of the Faith the Hob Father distributes to the poor within lZ months. God Love You! /
Think ahead to Christmas and order a OOD LOVE YOU medaL toda'y. In classic Florentine gold finish ..or pure sterling silver, ,this lovely cameo medal of the Madon'na of the World is one you would, . be proud to give or be delighted to receiv~. Designed by the world renowned jeweler, Harry Winston, and blessed by Bishop Sheen, the GOD LOVE YOU medal may be 9btained by ,sending your request and' corresponding offering to The Society for the Prop- . agation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York. N. Y. 10001. $Z. small sterling silver, $3 small 10k gold' filled, $5. large sterling silver, $10 large 10k gold filled. , . . . . .. Cut out this eonuliUl, pin y&ur sacrifice to ,.It and, mail It to , • Most' Rev. Fulton :J. Sheen,' NatioDaI,;Director 0(. The Society for, " the Propagation 'of the Faith, '366 Fifth. Avenue, ,New,.York",New, York 10001, erto your Dioeesan'Director, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Ray mond T. Considine, 368 North 'Main Street, Fan River, Mass.
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YOURS TO LOVIE AND TO GIVEI the' 'life 'ot '3 DAUGHTER OF Sf: PAUL lOve God" more, and ~ive to souls knowledge and love;"ot God by servmg Him in a Mission which uses the '" Press;.. Radio. Motion Pictures, 3ndTV. to .bring , His' souls Interested, everywhere. IIIZealous young, girlS',wQrd .14-23.to yeats" this unigull Apostolate ,mall write t o : ' , " , , REVEREND MOTHER SUPfRIOQ " ',DAUGHTERS of S1.~PAUL' '" 50 ST. PAUL'S AVE. ,: 8O$TO,"'''' 30. M~.
Nuns' Expulsion Ended 17 Years Of Suspense
'FtIt ANCHOR ,Thurs., Nov. 10, 1966
Final Hearings On Will Case
SAN FRANCISCO (NC) -The superior of a group of Sisters who experienced the terrorist· activities of the Chinese Red Guard la$t August said the nuns' expulsion from Peking ended 17 years of sus pense. "During all those years we thought we would be leaving from one day to the next," Mother Mary of the Cross said. "We were always wondering what was coming next. It was a genuine miracle that we were allowed to remain so long." Mother Mary was a teacher lilt Sacred Heart school which educated the children of em bassy personnel in Peking. Took Control The nun explained in an inter view that when the Reds firSt arrived in Peking in 1947 they took control of a school which the Sisters conducted for Chi nese youngsters. They also said that no Chinese children could attend Sacred Heart school. But, for reasons still not clear to Mother Mary, they allowed the school to stay open - under strict surveillance. "Government officials would visit us asking to see the text books, question us about OUT· passports, examine the wiring and the heating systems. This would give them an excuse to explore the school and the Sis ters'residence," Mother Mary explained. She said that the nuns experl enced no serious difficulties through the years when they purchased food and other neces sities in Peking stores: Children would greet them pleasantly as they walked. The Red Guard appeared In Peking sometime around the beginning of May, the nun re lated. Most schools closed at that time and have not been in opera tion since, the nun related. Damage School, ·Convent "On Aug. 24 they came and demanded that we take down the statue of the Sacred Heart in front of the school. The figure of Christ was very high and dominated the school and cam pus. We told them that we could not take down the statue." That night the guard, boys and girls from 15 to 20 years .of age for the' most part, came to the school, rang th~ bells· and en tered. The nuns had gone. to the ehapel to pray,. b~t\ ,,;hen th~ guard arri ved they retired in twos and threes to their cells. Damage was done to the school and cOl~ventdurin~ the 'next four days. Then the Sister's were ac eompanied by memb~rs of the Buard on trains to Hong Kong.
University Honors Anglican Prelate
ST. BONAVENTURE (NC)~ An honorary degree was confer red upon Anglican Bishop Joha R.H. Moorman- of· Ripon, En' iland, on behalf of .Chrlst the King Seminary faculty of St. ~ona·venture'll University here in New· York. The bishop, one of the worid'iJ leading authorities on Frand.-;' ean history, ·presented with ... hoDorTue$dllY..by. William Kearney, O.F.M., pNei dent of the university conducted by C;atholie Franciscans heft. Bishop Moorman, an. official epokesman for the· 'Anglican Chftrch at the Second Vatican Council, is In this country on a lecture tour: He came to the unl -.erslty to visit his friend, Father Alcuin Coyle, O.F.M., acting Me tor of $be seminal'JI.
TO SING TONIGHT: The Little Singers9f St. Anne wilt prese.nt a concert at B tQ.. )light in Dominican Academy auditorium, Fall River. Also on the program will be mem bers of Fall River Junior Music Club. The event will benefit the Rivier. College Chapel Fund. The Little Singers, directed by Normand Gingras, ehoirmaster at St. Anne's Church Fall River were heard at the consecration of Bishop Humberto S. Medeiros and have a~peared. at. inany other area functions. Others on the program are Miss Jeannine Grobe, St. Anne's School, pianist; Miss Kathleen Medeiros, Sacred 'Hearts Academy, se prano; Miss Rochelle Vaillancourt, Westport Junior High, violinist; Miss Judith Conrad, Sacred Hearts Acad4miy, pianist; Miss Cecile Laliberte, Katharine Gibbs" School, ProVoi dence,soprano. .
ROCHESTER (NC)-The Uni versity of Notre Dame and! Georgetown University, Wash ington, D. C., ,bequeathed $8.5 million each for scholarships by a retired bank secretary, may have come a step closer to real izing the inheritance. The will, which has been con tested, was drawn by Florence M. Dailey, a spinster who re tired from her bank secretary job 47 years ago. She died Feb. 9 at the age of 87. Her estate, es timated at $19 million, was built mostly on purchases of Eastman Kodak stock. A will, dated 1933, named the universities as' chief beneficiaries and left two nephews and 2 niece sums total~ng $1 million. Contending th~y are the sole legal heirs, the relatives filed suit based on a second document, "a mutilated will" found at Miss Bailey's Summer home in Lud low, Vt. They claim this second document, bearing no date, was a later will. Monroe C 0 ant y Surrogate Judge Michael. L. Rogers, ruled here that the relatives have not submitted any evidence to sup port their 'claim and gave them 10 days in which to file obje... tions to the 1933 will.
Requests Stamps
St. Michael's Stamp Bureau. St. Elizabeth's Motherhouse. Allegany, N.Y. requests domestic and foreign cancelled stamps. The stamps are sold and pro ceeds support· missions .In Bo Jivia, Brazil and Jamaica., The Sisters of St. Francis, in charge ganization ourselves to know of the project, ask that about z what is going on in upper· eche· . quarter inch margin of paper be lons," . he said. left around the stamps.
Laity Heeds Advice, Comments Aplenty Workshop at Harrisburg Offers Suggestions HARRISBURG (NC) - Bold "go in one diocese and not an and searching comments on the other." "We need to have more 011role of the laity and clergy in the Church were voiced here at the Harrisburg diocese's third annual lay conference. "Don't be restrained In your. Glomments," delegates were told u at one of six workshop sessions. They followed the advice to the fetter. Comments included: How do we get through to a pastor the need for setting up a lay board when he, does not seem to agree with this? The Holy Name Society should be studied and if it'll no good, get rid of It. Priests must go out to people in the homes and learn· what it is to be a Negro. The participation 'of Catholics In race riots boils down to a question of economics. To what extent does our bishop feel the'laity should be.in\iolved in· run~ing 'a 'p~risn?' . ., . Are pastors afraid of one flock and one shepherd?' . At one wor){shop, Mis; Wil liam Rombin of ·Fairfield, Pa., l18id: "The ·thing that bothers me is that there i.s such a parallel between lack of dia~ogue be
twe~n paren~.
an<l betwe~n 4:lergy an~ laity,"
She said· the .clergy; just. as pa~ents,. ~o~'t, "",an,t. t,o, .lleel they're relinqui8hing their au thority.':' ..She ~d~ ~h~t. l~y ~rsons !feel they· are truly the pastor's spirfillal 'chii~ren;but "06t their 'imbecilic' children." : '.JoDn Balshy Oi Palmyra,Pa:, 'luestiohed W.b~ .' s~akef . eafl.~
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THE ~NCHOR";"OioceSe of Fall Rlver..:..Thu.... Nov~ 10;·1'"
" ~ .....
'FreedQm :_udget' 'Sfresse~\ ",Full Employme'nt' Policy'" ,':'
. ".'
,. !
By' IMs~l'~_, George C. Higgims _ ' (Director, SoCnan Actioltll Dept., N:CWC) , On Oct. 26 an impressive coalition of civil rights, :, '!business, religious, aca~einic, and labor leaders launched a , .drive to end poverty. in' theUrtited States' by, 1975. The in an 84-page "Fr~dQm :.. group's 'proposals· are spelled, "Budget' .. for R' all Americans ·th th ' b' t - ds" " , " t d' I h I"" wI e .su Jec rea m par , (A. P h1hp an 0 P., ns .1- "as follows:' Jiite, 217. yv: '125th S't;',~,e~ ""':'''The gmii'ante~d ~firiat:"~ .'York N. Y. '10027' $l')"'J'r}I.e·C'ome is if highly. des~rable" ~otll, " , ';progr~rp.s :urged, in this" bUdget·.tlesi~ne.? to aBsUrea, 'rla~~ihvi~e"
r'" ". .
cover all of the m,ajor cau~~s ,of ,i~nd. urnversallY. ;~ua:a,nt~~,~e ,peverty: upem."c~~c~ stan~afd",~( itl~~ef,o,r ::ployment and, 'tHos7 .~ho legItim~t~!y',,~a~ot ,'u,n d e r.em _ obtam It through theIr O'Wil'ef .. lployment~ .. sub-. :ior-ts:-It is b~d onthe'inesc~p . standard p a.y; 'able,factthat'an economy as:nch in a d e qua t e 'a~d powerful :as ours"cann~t ....social imd welcountenance WIdespread depnI7J 'i' fare payments to vation • much less widespread to those who can 'poverty * ., * * not . or should . "But this proposal for a guar not be employ.'anteed annual income becomes ed' bad hous., ,excessive and unattainable when ;ing; deficiennot founded upon recognition . .mes in health that it should be sUpplementary aervices; education and t~ning; ,~rat~er than in place of a ~ ,and fiscal and monetary pqli,cies ,tio~wIde full-employment policy which tend to· redistribute in- whIch embraces 'both adeq\late ClOme regressively' rathe~ than earnings when employed and, ad. progressively. equate so~ial insurance, pay 'Utopian Talk' 'meJ.lts durmg such temporary 'The Wall Street Journal has ,p~mods of unemployment as.may characterized the F r e e·d 0 III oc~ur.. • Indeed, It is even more ,1m . Budget, with its stated aim of portantthat the Federal' Govern · end mg pove ryt 'In theUrn·ted · t .. States as "utopian * '" >0 t a I k men guaJ;'antee sust~med full . ' .. employment than that It guaranWhIch bespeaks a rare umocence te . f 11 T t th" of human 'nature" The Journal e Incomes or a . 0 pu IS In ~doesn't question the motives of a preferable way, a federally the ,budget's sponso~, but it has ~aranteed full-employment pol no hesithation in sayitn g thafltetchteiar ~~Ya s:::::n:::_~r:::m~e;~li~~rt approac appears 0 re 'poverty of thought." Wages. Insurance , The Journal also states that This Federal full-employment
'the sponsors 'of the budget are .policy should 1,lJldertake forth
. deluding "not only themselves rightly and immediately to ,pro
,but the very people they proteas :vide jobs at adequate wages (ac . ,to. want to help." companied by. adequate . social
,.,As one of the dozen,: or, se insurance coverage) for all tb.ose
,Catholic sponsors of the,Free;- ,who should be participatiI:J,g in
,89m Budget, I welcome t2J.is kind gainful employment, but,. wbo
, :.f criticism, despite its emotiGl).al ,cannot be or, are not gain~Ui}.ly overtones. Hopefully it will. help ,~mployed at' other levels of: p~:- .,:. , : .to, stir up public interest in, the Vl;lte, and public responsibility,'! ,budget. In, other words, I,.would The guaranteed.annualincome ; much prefer to have the docu- ,is, not .being proposed, tl1en, 8/J,8' ,ment criticized-however point- .substitute for gainful. employ: ,;edly-than to have it completely .ment, but only as a supplemen,. I ; ignored, .,. :' tary measure to "g'uarantee .,8 "" . Misleading Criti(jlsnn .minimum adequacy-level ,of inOn the other hand, I· regret come to all, those w~o cann,ot er that, in one respect at least, the should .. not be gaInfully em Journal's criticism of the Free- ployed, , Glom Budget is !lomewhat, mis- ,. Th~ budget estimates that ap-' leading. The Journal's editorial proXImately 40. per cent of all seriously questions the advisa" U. S. poverty IS 8mQng those bility of '''rushing through" the who cannot or should I).~t w~rk guaranteed annual income "as because of age or other d.i:s~blfug part of a crash program to end' factors and, more specifically, poverty." , , that approximately 13. per cent While not flatly rejecting the, of ~1!- U. S. povel'o/ 18 among ... concept of the guaranteed annu- famIlIes headed by women who al income as' a desirable social: should not work. goal, the Journal raises the 'Cautious Thought' specter of government coercion. The Wall Street Journal con of the poor and then goes. on to 'cerned as it is' about the, danger say that "instead of restoring'· 'of"destroyiilg the' perSOnal initia the poor to useful roles, ,in, soci- ,Aive of able-bodied work~rs, says ety * *., the guaranteed' in- tliat the concept of th~tguaran eome might well destroy the 'teed annual income i'deserves will' or' incentive many of.'thtml ~. cautious thought," , had."' , ' . ,;. Again, the point is well taken. Strictly Supplementalll7. ,,0bviously 'there, is 'much to be The poi!'t is well t~~en! ,b.~t, . s~i~. ,for "cl!utio,:,s . thought" 1!Infortunately the Jo,!rnal ne-, ~hen we ,are considering. major . glected to report that the' 'au- changes in the' field of: Socio thors of the budget went out of econowc reform.' . ~heir way to emphasize ~ not It seems to'me, however, that once but several times -,,:, th~t· we have alread,y ,had more. than they are proposing a guaranteed enough "cautious' thought" about annual income only for thoSe 'the tragic plight of those who who cannot or should' :IlOt, be ''either cannot or should not, be gainfully employed. The key gainfully employed. The time passage in the budget 'dealing has come to provide them with a . guaranteed annual' income as a " matter of right Plan Senate . After they have been provided NEWARK (NC) - Archbishop for, there be ample time to '1'homas A., Boland of' J:ol'ewark.. .think through-,as' cautiously as has called on' clergy of the arch all get out-the further implica diocese to help him draft regu.. tions of the concept of guaran 'etions for a senate of priests. ' teed amiual income.
.....;.-;:... .\
.11 ,
, '. ~
:. ~. •
.. .":
Rave you"ever
boughtale8lGB ,,' a,a, tray 01 tOlDatoed
That . over';ripe tomato that, squished when: you' took. It: out . .
of .th~ ~rE~y.'~~de you mad didn't it? ~ersiface rt" that-was, a, "lemon.... And you get one: of these' only too often' when you thill1k the pr'ice is right-but the; prodU~ isnin
You dona
A~ ,First NationaLwe get rid of the "femons"so
have ~o., We tIY tohahdt:e our fruits arid! v~gefabb~s; so care:' fully th~t s~ldom have to discard anY~, This;' is,jmpot:1a-nt to
because,it me.ans.we~alnl always ofter you'·q(Jalify' wilb S'O, if· you should realistic value~ Mrnd'you, ~e ar.en't 1 J)ver get a "lemon'" in!your First N1'afional fruits or vegetables, just teU our produce manager., He~lI, make it ri.ght illli any way yOU!
you please.
'You-coDle lir_:
"at First National '-,'
Sees Convergence As Key to ,Tie With Lutherans LANSING ~NC) - catho lic-Lutheran hopes for unity :re&t in convergence rather than in compromise or con version, Father Kenneth J. Pov ish has told ministers from 1"1 ehurches .of the Lansing Confer;' ence of the American Lutheran ehurch. ' Father Povish, former viee rector of St. Paul Seminary in, Saginaw, noted that "compro mise is out since we both feel we have the full truth", and "conversion seems out." Father Povish said ,"hope lies in convergence." He recalled the suggestion Of Bishop Hans Lm~' of Hanover that "we go forward together in our tracks till they mee.t with the Holy Spirit." : Closer'Ties ' The Catholic priest contended that Vatican Council II effected three things to bring the Luther an and Catholic churches closer together: 1) New attitudes toward Prot estants. "After Pope John we began to talk with ministers and discuss with them'" 0) 0) after the Declaration on Religious Liberty we began to regard non-Roman Catholics as our brothers in reli gion." 2) Presentation, of Catholic doctrines in scriptural language. Prior to the Council, Catholic documents had always been pre sented in scholastic terms but the 16 major documents of Vatican II are full of scriptural references. 3) "We acquired a liturgy that Protestants can understand." Ideas for Lutherans Father Povish had some sug gestions as to what the Luther ans themselves might do to bring the two churches closer together: 1) "Watch your language." Ecu menism, he observed, starts with small things. He suggested call ing Catholic priests "Father" and skipping references to "Mariol atry." , 2) "Study Catholicism thor oughly (0 Q Q hear it from us.'" 3) Take the sacraments more seriously. "Lutherans in a sense have neglected the Eucharist to stress the Word of God • • • while we have perhaps stressed the Eucharist while neglecting the Word of God." 4) Consider having bishops. He pointed out that Lutheran churches in Europe have bish ops. 5) Clarify Lutheran thinking on Church and State matters. "Catholics are puzzled when Lutherans seem to be trying to get along with us'" ... Q but fight school bus rides."
Prelate Says Unity Force for Survival NATRONA HEIGHTS (NC) Religious unity can bring Chris tians together as an unyielding force to withstand the anti Christian forces that are batter ing decent, respectable human life, Bishop Nicholas T. Elko said here. The spiritual head of t he Pittsburgh Byzantine-rite dio cese spoke at the "Convocation of Faiths" program sponsored by the local Council of Churches in collaboration with Catholili. par ishes of the Latin and Byzantine Rites here in Pennsylvania. "Unless we align ourselves to gether against the evil alignment of atheism and agnosticism," Bishop Elko said, "our very sur vival is threatened. Thus, we Deed the unity in Christian ,liv ing because these perilous times eannot be' contained by the ex ternal policing of men, but only ~ a deep internal respect Dlat man must have :lor Christ and Bis teac:bings.'!'
Fr. Murphy' Describes Work with Children ' As
James Missionary
• In
Rev. J~mes E. Murphy, first Diocesan priest to serve in South America as a member of .the SOCIety of St. James, missionary organization founded by Cardinal Cushing, is a faIthful report~r 1:? "the folks at home" of his activities in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. In his latest commun~catlOn, he describes his work with village schools near Santa Cruz: It is Tuesday mornmg and the Soccer Game ,day has begun quite a bit After' a few more visits it is earliel" than anticipated.. We time .to meet the Mlidres and go have just finished another to the 'next village-El Torno.
sunless three-day storm from tJ.1e South so for i,he first time in 2 few days the viliage alarm . clock was working. The sunshine was partly the reason for our ~arly ,rising. The main' reason, however, ,was ~he aitar' boys. When an altar boy has an ex ,pla,nation of 'anything, I ',have found that, it ,does not make much sense-neither in English nor Spanish. Early Sunrise With this in mind, I will sim ply state the explanation that the five altar boys gave for arriving at the rectory at _ 4:30 A.M. "There was a full moon during, the night, the sun came up early and we thought that it was time for ,Mass." Since these boys live four kilometres from the Church and knowing the speed at which they travel, they must have left their homes at 3:00 AM. I am sure that the sun does not come up that early in any country. That was no consolation, how ever, at 4:30 when the boys knocked on my bedroom window and on the window of Father Tom Delaney (a native of Med ford, Mass.). "Padre, is it time to ring the first bell for Mass?" The first bell for the 7 :00 Mass, is rung at 6:15, the second at 6:30 and the third at 6:45. If the sun is slow in rising-so are we., Regular Schedule After Mass and breakfast our regular Tuesday morning sched ule begins. At 8:30 the two Mex ican sisters and I (and the altar boys) start out for the school in, the village of Limoncito. ' The school system in Bolivia, is quite different than at home.' The schools are owned by the, , village. The men build them and maintain them. Hours of classes' and number of teachers are' de-, termined, by the size' of the' village.' , In LaGuardia' is a very nice six room brick school, built with some help from the Peace, Corps and with some financial assistance f r o'm the parish through the gerterosityof the people at home.
It is necessary in LaGuardia for the girls to attend school in'
the morning and the boys in the afternoon. This school has six
grades which accounts for the high enrollment. Many children have to come quite a distance
since their own village 'school has only two or three grades. Age is not-too important in these' different classes.' There are an ages in all classes. High Illiteracy We feel that it is important to:
work as Closely as we' can with' the schools since the future of the country., depends on these" , children. At present, a conserva tive estimate is that 75 per cent of the population cannot read or' write. I ain' getting ,very g'ood at taking fingerprints for marriage forms.
Thurs., Nov. 10, 1966 '
Scores Catholics On Rac'e Bias
HARRISBURG (NC) -A Pennsylvania realtor urged Catholics to examine their con
sciences with regard 'to discrim
ination in housing because the
problem of racial bias is "a
spiritual one"':- putting Christ'. principles 'to work." B. A. Wagner of York, :ra., Here there is at present a three told a meeting of the Catholie room mud school, but the men Human Relations Council of have joined together and are Greater ,Harril?burg that "we building Ii very' nice four room discriminate because, we are brick school. There will evert' bfi . afraid," reacting "by trying W a Small office' for the Director: exclude the Negro from om meaning t h' e Anyone who is not busy on his neighborhoo_d, neighborhood I live in." ~arm for the day will help out at The council has sent a lette!' the schooi. Today there are live to Bishop George L. Leech of men, working. Harrisburg recommending that 'We each have a ciass in ihis the designation of the "'annual village and so' the hour and II Negro and Indian collection" be half taken up in the class changed because it is a "a pain room and perhaps 10 minutes ful reminder" of segregationist afterward playing "fu~bol" (wilat policies of "a less enlightened we call soccer). I play goalie so age." I will not have to run. Besides The letter said announcements that, all the kids are better than of the collection "are embarras I am and I don't dare get in sing to our Negro parishioners," the middle of the field with recalling to them past "unjust them. and obnoxious policies of segre Our third village is San Luis. gation and rese:tvation." Here there is only a one room Wagner, who employs a Negro mud school but we divide the salesman, said "we can possibly children into three groups. One accept the Negro moving his Madre stays in the school, the family inte,:> a better neighbor other takes her class to the home hood if it is someone else's "next door." Each child carries neighborhood, but my neighbor. his own tree stump. hood is different." My class is outside. There are about 17 boys in this class-ages C@lWnd~ ©tpl®D1S Door 11-15. By the time these classes CrnG'riu@Dsll: GrOMps are over it is time to return to LaGuardia for lunch and the BURLINGTON (NC) - The sacred hour of siesta, The after Vermont Council of Churches noon will mean three more vil voted a new constitution, open 'lage schools. ing the way for Catholic groups to join. San Juan Tomorrow will be a little dif The Rev. Roger Albright, VCC ferent. I will go to the village of executive minister, said "speci San' Juan for the day. San Juan fically, it is our hope that' this is about 8 kilometres off the might be one way in whiCh Ro "main highway." The road is , man Catholics might become ac not too good and it will take tive in the council, through the some time to get there. First will affiliation of orgainzatioris like be the school and the rest of the the,Council of Catholic Worrien, day will be in the homes. the CYO, St. Michael's College (Winooski Park, Vt.), and sim Lunch ,is no problem. The ilar bodies."" ' Padre' is always welcome to share whatever 'is put on the He also expressed hope that table. The food is BOt too bad the Burlington Catholic diocese , but I am sure that it is not on might become a member. ·He the meliu at White's. Our said: "In this way (associate adult programs are 'carried on membership), exploration might in the eve'nings, but since that be implemented that could lead is' another story 'it will 'be better to the diocese becoming a full member of, the council." to leave it to some other time.
To get back to our Tuesday morning schedule-our first vil lage this morning is Limoncito. Here the men have built two small one-room mud schools with straw roofs. The straw for the roof has been woven toget'her in two layers and even with the most intense rain storms not a drop leaks through. We arrived at Limoncito at I} o'clock-after the children and before the teachers. The girls were busy cleaning the school. Little Asunta was sweeping the dirt floor with a couple of leafy branches from a smali bush. Seven, year old Miguel was di-, recting the setting in order of ,tree stumps and planks which' serve as chairs apd desks. Since the Madres will teach the two classes in this, village, ' I have an hour and a half free to visit homes. The' Padre is al ways welcome. ' I am told--that there is a wom an in the village who is quite' sick and so one of the men takes me through the woods to
her mud home. The woman is
just down from the mountains and unfortunately for me speaks
only Quecha, the laI).guage of the Incas.
Any communication in Span ish must be done through an in
terpreter. With the poor fellow
trying to translate my bad, Span i~h into Quechua we end up put
ting on a real comedy act. The woman is anointed, however, so we will leave it in the hands of God.
Prelate to' Bless Me'dicalCenter
, OMAHA, ,(NC) - 'The Ifirst two units of the Criss Medical Center at Creighton University here wiIi be dedicated Sattlrday
and blessed.' by Archbishop Gerald T. Bergan of Omaha. The first unit containing five floors of research facilities was Holds Two Posts opened in 1963. The second unit, ERIE (NC) - 'Fhe president a five-story building housing of Gannon College here has been medical : school administrative offices as well as medical class
named to offices in two state wide educationil1 organizations. rooms and laboratories, opened
Msgr. Wilfrid J. Nash has been , this fall.
Guest of honor at the dedica
named president of the Pennsyl vania Association of Colleges tion ceremonies will be Mrs.
and ~versities. and was elected Mabel'L. Criss, widow of Dr.' C. C. Criss, whose gift of over
vice _airman of 4le Pennsyl vania Foundation lor Indepen-, $4 million enabled Creighton *'>
deD* .llegea. eonstruct the facilitieP'
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen's
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Inspirations" This book, will be 81h x 11" in size-80
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photographs, arid classic art, with beauti fully lacquered cover. "CHIUSTMAS INSPIRATlONS"1s a collectlo" of essays', and' IOlplrational ar1Je1es which are apropos for the Chrl.stma~ ,Season. This book, although it bears, the title MCHRISTMAS INSPIRAT10NS"-1s most appropriate for Its .plritual content and message for each and every day of the year.
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Paymelll enclosed _Cosh _Check. _MoneJl Order
Coadjutor Archbishop of Toronto Stresses Need of Communication
THE. ANCHOR-Diocese ofFal! River-Thurs. Nov. 10, 1966
Latin Communists Errndeavor To Win Workers, Peasants Edited by John J. Considine, M.M. From "Social Revolution in the New Latin America" The representatives of communism in Latin America today, writes Rev. Hector Samperio, are. a :qlinority but an impressive' one-dynamic, well organized" well trained and equipped. They are for the most part dedicated to their IWbversive ideology. There During World War II th~ peak are many more' followers was reached both in party mem who are not party members. bership and in rommunist influBeginning in 1918, com-. ence among the workers, At that munism in Latin America was directed by the Soviet Union. Later Chihese 00 m m u n ism arrived. Castroism is the new form .of marxism to become popular. In every country the llinks of commuI!lication. t l' ace t h
1" 0
the embassies '.t these communistic governments and ,through direct orders from the Red Bloc. . In order ,to operate in Latin America, even marxism, w~ich aims toward a society without classes, must depend upon the power and potential &f the working classes. Communists in La~in America are workers, peasants, litudents. They come from the lower, middle, and upper middle ·<lllasses. Some are professionalsartists, journalists, teachers and politicians. Of special importance ore tlie lJRiddle classes, from which cOlnl!Ilunism has regularly drawn iti> best leaders, either in terms of .,:ganizers, agitators-those who move the masses and propose is~ sues to arouse the interest of the masses--or propagandists, who provide the answers ~n the. is.. lMles and the basic doctrine to the masses. . In the strategy of intt~rnatioHal .• marxism for establishment 8f , ··the- marxist order, il'lfiltI'ation and domination of the ,political system is the primary aim. But M Latin America other objec~ves are considered important: '., First, infiltratien an& eventu 8\'control of the workers' unions
and peasant ol'ganizations ifi erder to quicken the class . struggle ~that will result in early chaos and thereby facilitate seizure of power: Prafes,,: sieHals and politicians are iRIportant to this effort. Second, they aim to ·make the best possible use of transitional periods needed to move from a eapitalistic society to socialism and finally. to communism. Third, to suppress 01' ,render in e f fee t i v e any resistance, whether from native structures 'such as the Church or 'frem a foreign country. Fourth, to infiltrate and cen-, trol the social communications' media and increase. marxist propaganda. Other strategies are used by the communists in Latin Ameriea but these four 'are the most important.. Tactics employed to implement these strategic moves are varied according to national and international circumstances:The' approach to the workers and peasants is almost always . the first step. Birth of Party Following the Russian Ilevolution of 1917 arid the establishment of the Communist International, the party was introduced in Latin America by a membership drawn from Brazilian al)archists, Mexican revolutioliaries and socialists in Urugua;r and .. ChU~. , ....,..
time there were some 150,000 more party members than there are today and the Latin Ameri can Confederation of Labor. known as CETAL, !flourished. Since t!le war,. open commu nist unions or confederations have been organized wherever possible. The most recent conti nental effort in this line was the N A M ,E D: Bishop-elect creation in 1962 of a center for Latin American· workers with James L. Schad has been ap headquarters in Chile. pointed by Pope Paul VI to be titular bishop of Pana In addition they seek to infil trate the existing unio!1s. They toria and auxiliary Arch look for the man with leadership J. Damiano, bishop Celestine potential. 'They then trllin him bishop of Camden, N.J. NC and help him obtain the top of fices in his union, after which Photo. they can direct or influence'the unions' policies. This tactic of infiftration is widespread in Latin America but perhaps most common in Bolivia and·Mexico, in spite of the fact OTTAWA (N C) - Canada's that most unions in these coun greatest hope to survive as a tries are affiliated with the anti"" nation with its own character communist ORIT, the Inter American regional labor organ-, istics is to resist the uniformity that has resulted. in other coun ization. tries, Justice l!:mmet M. Hall of The peasant classes have been the Supreme Court ()f Canada neglected until recent years, the told University of Ottawa grad only exception being the Mexi uates. can Ligas de Communidades Justice Hall, one Gf Canada's Agrarias back in the early thir . leading Catholic laymen,. said ties. Rural communist groups the industrial environment of have since appeared in Brazil,. such countries as the Soviet Peru, Chile, Columbia and Mex Union, Great Britain and the ico. Their main tactics have been United States tends to produce invasion of the latifundias,' with, a person geared to a work pat experiments in a kind of social tern resulting' in uniformity of ism and, as in ,the case of Colom such other. human. traits as be bia, the use of violence. havior,attitudes and language. "But in Canada these pres . p ene t rat'10D V·la St .. u d en ts' ,Among the students similar sures for uniformity are, offset tactics have been used quite by the opposing tendencies te openly. With a potential force of diversity, which lessen the lev some 500,000 people in Latin eling effects of industdalizati.en and the emergence ·Gf a mass America, the students are a society with little, if any. prime target. Among them are uniqueness. Some actual party members .and "In this. opportunity t& resist a large group of marxist ,follow the melting pot of unifor-mity lies er*he university student, ideal~ our greatest hope to survive as istic and generally unprepared a nation with distinct character- . istics of our own-not as an imi by insight or experience for tation of England, or the Unitell. realistic analysis of social prob lems, is ready prey to the easy States or of France, but with solutions and rousing slogans charcteristics which will serve offered by the ,corJ;1munists. The as examples to the emerging na students are easily incited to tions and to some of the older action.
ones which themselves have cul Alberto Campos, a communist· tural and language pro!?-lems." at San Marcos University in Lima, Peru, told a gmup of stu dents in 1962: "Peru has many PHILADELPHIA (NC),-The problems. We must have an . agrarian reform. We must, na- AFL-CIO has pledged solid sup port for the '$2.5 million fund tionalize our industries. raising .campaign of the St. I' am only working with stu dents now, but in a few months Joseph College Institute of In I will go to the mountains to dustrial Relations here. AFL CIO president George Meany, in educate the peasants.. They do a 'letter to Father Dennis J. not yet have a 'revolutionary consciousnesS. I will gi ve them Comey, S.J., director of the in stitute, lauded its contribution that." "to better relations between He made good his pledge. To labor and manag'ement in Phila gether with Hugo Blanco he was delphia." . responsible for. the Indian up risings around Cuzco. The de-' . such as the Brazilian architect mands of the Indians were, of Oscar Niemeyer, the Chilean course, quite. just, as has been poet, Pablo Neruda, and the remarked many times. But the, Mexican. painters, Diego Rivera, ' Cuzco revolt serves as an exam Clemente Orozco and Alfaro Si pIe of how the' comm"mists use queiros,. have given considerable demagoguery to capitalize on prestige to the communist cause. the real needs of the people and For obvious reasons, teachers to promote their own aims and are regarded by the party as goals. especially valuable. Infiltration . Professionals and politicians of the teachers is perhaps the are prized communist recruits. greatest single communist threat Philosophers, artists and writers, in Latin America.
TORONTO (NC) -."There is greater need for communication in the Church today than ever before," Coadjutor Archbishop P. F. Pocock of Toronto told 300 diocesan priests who met here to elect their representatives to the archdiocesan senate of priests. He sai~:
Bishops to priests and vice versa. Pastors are, like Bishops, il!ll danger of poor communications. Through parish councils, this can be avoided and the tremendous resources of the laity made available, the Toronto prelate stressed.
"A person who does not com municate today, operates in a vacuum." This feeling; the Arch bishop added, was at the origin of the Bishops' decisions in Rome which led to the setting up of the synod of Bishops for the entire world.
Say Fish on Friday To Remain Popular
TORONTO (NC) - While fish on Friday no longer is required by Church law, it may remain a popular custom among Catho lics in Canada. A survey of restauranteul'S - Archbishop Pocock believes conducted by the Globe and MaiU the s~me principle has contrib uted to an up-grading of the newspaper revealed there was Canadian Catholic Conference. no noticeable drop in the num He said the new archdiocesan, ber of fish orders the first Friday "senate" will prevent the Bishop following abolition of the FridaJ' from acting in a vacuum; ideas abstinence rule by the Canadian will flow through from the bishops.
Urges Canadians AvoidU ll'Iiform,ity
Backs Institute
SNARE In the Holy Land today, refugee. cMtdren have.
SOME'IltIHG bell for milk, food,elothin" someone to GIf'e.
WITH The Holy Father asks your 'help••• ".More.ttlaR
CHIlDREN half Of the 1,20&,000 Arab re'uaees In ttle.Ho..,
WHO 'Land are children-innocent the WlH" that
HAVE 'made their 'amities -homeless 18 years ago.....
HOlHING 1!149"the future ·PQpe-PauI \If fOunded the Pon·
tiflcal MissiOn 1M "Palestine (lristei" qenc:r ,of catholic ·Near East Welfare Auociation) to de liver bread and hope. lethe ~ 1l1ePope WMlts to free these chitdfen front beggary 'by training them • usefufness and dlgnlf¥. • • • BIh1d children are now learning basic sIdIfs at the Pontifical MissJOIt Centre 'or the Blind In the Gam Strip. • ~ • Father Roberts is skIUfuUy re". habilitating deaf· mute boys .at his sehool in
lebanon. In Syria and Jordan, teenage refup8lI
are 'In job training and, everywhere In the Holy land, exne youngsters can now have the· prom• lse Of health ancJgrowUl if•••• After'taldng these children into ~own·arms,the HolyFather;askS you to care. He asks you ·now·to,be ttNlnflfuI that your child has nwer had to;beg.
THANKSGIYfHQ You can Orlgllten YOUI' dinner l'tlankqiving'.,.. 1HOlIGI+T by feedi"1I hunlfYrefugees lit Ute Holy 'Land. $10 will feed a family for a monthf In tt'lllfib, we'H send you all Olive Wood Rosary from the . ~Land.
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NEAR EAST' MISSIONS FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President MOOR. JOHN Q. NOLAN, National SecretaI)' Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WEt.FARE Aasoc. 330 Madison Avenue' New Vork, N.Y. 10017'
.Telephone: 2121YUkoa 6-5840
THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 10, 1966
Calif. Catholic Bishops ,Urge Free Farm Worker Elections
Cathol~Ce Jewish Leaders ~'O Meet
LOS ANGELES (NC)-Roman Catholic Bishops who head the eight Sees in the State of California have joined. in a plea to growers and unions to agree on free elections "as a pledge of good faith" in settling farm labor prob lems. The eight Bishops de cided upon a statement call in the Constitution on the Church ing for the free elections in the Modern World: ' the basic rights of when they convened to con the.. 'Among human person is to be num
sider social-moral problems con fronting the people of their Sees. The Bishops' farm·labor state ment follows: "We note with approval the settlement of the strike at De lano through free, supervised elections whereby the worker . himself decided on the union of his choice. "This one election, however, ,has not settled the problem. Many farms are still being struck and there is the ever present danger of incidents that will prove harmful to all citizens of the State. "Justice and equity demand that every reasonable method be employed to bring this matter to a peaceful and just solution. Certainly, free elections have
much to recommend them .as a first step in the right ~irection. Wherefore, we earnestly ask
the growers and the \H1ions to agree on free elections as a
pledge of good faith itI. effecting a peaceful solution in this most serious situation. "Once again we would recall the words of Vatican Council II
Maronite Exarch Continued from Page One all members of the Fall River Catholic clergy at the. Blessed Sharbel Center from 5 to 7 to morrow evening; a tour of the U.S.S. Massachusetts on Satur day; and a banquet at 12:30 Sun day aftenlOon at the Venus de Milo restaurant, Swansea. The prelate will celebrate '8:30 Mass -on Friday and Saturday morn ings at St. Anthony of the Desert Cnurch. Born in Cuba Bishop Zayek was born in Cuba, and studied at St. Joseph Catholic University iR Beirut, Lebanon, St. Maroon Central Seminary in Ghazir, Kesr-ouan, Lebanon, St. F,rancis Xavier,
Oriental Seminary, and again ,at
st. Joseph Catholic University.
He eatered the Catoolic Insti tulle -of the Pr-opagation -6f the FaitR in Rome, I-talY,and was erdained to the priesthood ~ March 17, 1946. He obtained doc torates in Philosophy and Di ,,~ne Theology i-n 11K'7. After at taining the degree ,of Doctor of Canon Law at the Lateran Uni \.'Cfsity, he was .assigned as Rec tor of the Maronite Cathedral of the Holy Family in Cairo, Egypt, and as Oriental Secretary to the Vatican Apostolic' Internuncia ture, as well as a 'member of the Archdiocesan Tribunal. In 1956, Pope Pius XII recalled him to Rome to serve as Promoter of' Justice in the Sacred Roman Rota. Pope John XXIlI appointed him Auxiliary Bishop to His Eminence James Cardinal de Barros Camera, Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, for all the Mar onite Catholics of Brazil, on May 31, 1iJ62. First Exarcb € ) n March 9, 1966 Pope Paul VI, Ilrcated the Maronite Exarchate and appointed Bishop Zayek the first Maronite. Exarch ,af the United States and North Amer ica. He was installed in Detroit, see city of the Exarchate, on June 11, 1966, by the Most Rev el'end Egidio Vagnozzi, S.T.D., J,C.D" Apostolic Delegate to the United States, and tae Most Reverend John Francis Dearden, D.D., Archbishop of Detroit. .
bered the right of freely found ing unions for working people. These should be able truly to represent them and contribute to the organizing of economic life in· the right way. Included is the right of .freely taking part in the activity of these unions without risk of reprisal. "'Through this orderly par ticipation joined to progressive economic and social formation, all will grow day by day in awareness of their own functions and responsibility, and thus they will be brought to feel that they are associates in the whole task of economic development and in the attainment of the universal common good according to their capacities and ,aptitudes,' " \
Priests' Senate Continued from· P.age One
category, al1.d two priests ordain ed less than five years. The Most Reverend Bishop accepted and approved the resolution and 001 lotting for these four new Senate members ,is presently taking place .and' wi'll be completed by Nov. 18. Committees appointed and their members are: Constitution committee: Rev. Edward J. Mitchell, Committee on temporalities: Rt. Rev. Thomas }'. Walsh, Rt. Rev. Alfred J. Gendreau, Rev. Cornelius J. O'Neill, Rev. Walter A. Sullivan. Committee to study sick bene .fits: Rt. Rev. Raymond T. Con':' ,sidine; Rev. John E. Boyd, Rev. Reginald M. Barrette, Rev. Al bert F. ShoveIton. Committee to consider care of 'sick: Rt. Rev. John A. Silvia, Rev. Lester L'. Hull. Committee to (X)nsider Clergy Personnel Board: lRev. Columba Mor.an, SS.CC., Very Rev. Robert L. stant~, Rev. Bento Fraga.
CCD Education Continued frem
ceived .a ~ree in Elementary Education from state Teachers College, Boston. From 1900 to 1965, the CCD chairman taught in the Public School system {)f Medford. Since June 1960, Miss Sullivan has been a member of St. Ther ersa's parish and entered the Bourne School system in Sep tember of the same year. In 1963, sile was appointed teacher to the primary special class for the Bourne School system and now serves as Ad-' justment Counsellor for the ele mentary sch~ls in Bourne.
Sodality Federation Gets $1,000 Grant PHILADELPHIA (NC) - The board of directors of the Notre Dame des Malades Foundation has voted to aw.ard the National Federation of Sodalities (NFS) a '$1,000 grant to support itsacti vities in ecumenism, race rela tions, {>everty and peace.. Charles J. Kelly, executive director ,of NFS, said in accept ing the donation: "We're confi dent that this initial grant will inspire the more than one and one half million soda lists in this country to SUPPOl't all of the programs we have undertaken." ,
NEW S1'AMP IN PORTUGAJ~: The government of Portugal has issued a new commemorative stamp, bearing the coat of arms of the Congregation of the Holy Ghost, observing the 100th anniversary of the establishment of a mission of the Holy Ghost Fathers in Angola. Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, superior general of the Holy Ghost Fath ers, will conclude the centenary observance at Nova Lisboa on Nov. 19 with a Pontifical Mass. There are 1.5 million Christians in Angola among a total population of five ,million people. NC Photo.
Flays Disrespec;:t Calif. Supe:rior Court Judge Sanchez Scores . Attitude Toward Low and ,Its Enforcement LOS ANGELES (NC)-Lack the poli(:eman is falsely accused." respect fOl' law and law en Judge Sanchez said that in six years on the bench almost f-or.cement officials ~s one af the gl'<Ivest problems oonfronting every charge 'of "pelice brutality and misconduct" has proved this city and the natien, acc()rd iog to Superior' Court Judge' , false. , Leopoldo Sanchez. The' jurist said'Ofle' of the major problems here is sehool "We want police 'topr.otect us, van~lism, narootics, pornogra-' but we -don't want te help them," phy 41nd irresponsible use of be told members o&f the Los An geles Archdiocesan Council -of automobiles by juvenil~s. He said "the bigges.t problem Catholic Women here. Little heed is given to the of all is the desire of people to have others solve their prob risks taken by police to protect the public, Judge Sanchez said, lems," "and rarely does a citizen (X)me
t~ a policeman's assistance when
White's Form Dairy
New Headquarters
SPOKANE (NC) ' - Ground breaking ceremonies for the $2
,million headquarters building
for the Washihgton provinee of the Congregation of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary were held here.
The multi-level complex is
being constructed on a 75-acre
site in the historic Fort George
Wright area. Completion is ex
pected November, 1967.
From Our Own Tested Herd"
SAN ANTONIO (NC) - Ail! estimated 200 Jewish and Cath olic religious and lay leadenJ 'will meet at St. Mary's Univer sity here Sunday, Nov. 6 to e:li-o pIore ways of bringing about closer Iilonds between the two faiths. Sponsored by the Anti-Defa mation League of B'nai B'rith and St. Mary's University, the all-day convocation is intended to implement the Vatican Coun cil's declaration on non-Chris tian religions, according i@ Father J. W. Langlinais, S.M.. dean of St..Mary's school of arts and sciences and co-chairman oR the planning committee. Father Langlinais announced that two authorities on Jewish Catholic relations will addreSB the conference. They are Dr. Jf)e> seph Lichten, director of inter cultural affairs of the Anti-Def amation League of E'nia B'rith, .an official observer at VaticaJ:l II, aHa Bishop Francis Leipzig of Baker, Ore., chairman of the sub-commission for Catholie Jewish l'elatioos of the Americ3lll Bislwps' Commission for Eeg.. m~ni(:al Affairs. Serving with Father Lang)..
naisas 4:O-chairman of the plan-
ning committee is Bernard Frej,..
'berg -of H{)uston, regional diree
tor 4)( the Anti-Defamati't)ll)
Fordham to Expand
Ecumenicag Center
NEW YORK (NC) - A new $756,000 building for the Pope John XXIII Center for Eastern Christian Studies will be built at Fordham University, Fathell' Feodor Wilcock, S.J., center di rector, has announced. The 15-year-old center, whic'tl operates independently of the univel'sity, is a community 01 Jesuit priests of the ByzantiJl€ l , rite devoted toa study of east,.. ern Christianity and Byzantine Slavic eulture and history., Ii pubHshes a quarterly, journal! called Diakonia. The new building wiH, tie three stories high and will ia c1ude a Hi:)rary of 30,000 book!!, a chapel, living quarters for ... J)riests, and conference rooRlll.
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= ~
997·9351 §
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of-Fail River-Tnurs. Nov. 10,'1966
'Clergy Urge Reaffirmation OfCivil Ri·ghts Commitment
The Pari5h Parade
SACRED HEART, NORTH ATTLEB01RO , A harvest bazaar sponsored by the Ladies of st. Anne sodality will be held in ,the parish hall Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. i5 and 16. A meeting of' com mentators and lectors will be held at 7:30 Thursday evening, Nov. 17, and a preparatory 'Bourse for new commentators :will be given at _the end of November. A Holy Name father-daughter 'Communion breakfast will fol 'low 7 o'clock Mass Sunday 'morning, Nov. 13. From 2 to 4 Sunday afternoon a Sisters' Tea will be held in the parish hall, 'sponsored by the Home and School Association. All parish ioners are invited.
WASHINGTON (NC)-Religious leaders here ha.w asked for a reaffirmation of the commitment of the religious community to full attairiment of equal rights for all citizens. .The call for "a society of equal opportunity" in the areas of housing, employment and education was issued by the out the country, Bishop Spence Greater Washington Inter said, and thus "right now" minds the people are "open to accept religious Committee on Race of or reject" the morality of civil
ST. BERNARD, ASSONET A turkey whist sponsored b,. the -Women's Guild will be held on Tuesday night, Nov. 15. at 8 in St. Bernard's Parish Hall on South Main Street, Assonet. The public is invited and tick ets will be available at the door.
Relations and read and distrib xoights. uted in Catholic and Protestant Rabbi Solnic told the confer ST. PATRICK, churches and Jewish synagogues ence that the statement was at weekend services. SOMERSET timed to "call people back to the Although the committee dis moral responsibility" of civil The Viliage School on High claimed any "political" purposes, rights. There has been, he said, Street will be the location of a -the statement was released "a kind of lull" in religious sup parish-sponsored turkey whist at shortly before the Nov. 8 elec port -for the movement as a -re 8 Saturday night, Nov. 12. ·tions. A large part of Washing action to extremism on both ton area churches are locatea in sides. Maryland where tne Democratic ST. MARGARET, The joint statement said that nominee for governor, George P. following the rise of "black BUZZARDS BAY Mahoney, has campaigned chief- .power" movements, "many in lyon an anti-open occupanc~ the religious community failed The SS. Margaret-Mary Guild slogan. ,ST. JOSEPH, is in process of holding a cookie to distinguish between the slo -FALL RIVER sale', with Mrs. William Brady in Leaders of the committee, in gans and rioting on the one hand, EDITOR: Father Augus cluding Episcopal Bishop Wil and religion's moral mission on - CCD executive board! members charge of the project. A turkey 'will meet in the rectory 'at 6:45 whist will be held at 8 Saturday tine P. Hennessy, C.P., has liam F. Creighton, of Washing the other. 'Sunday night, Nov. 13. night, Nov. 19 at St. -Margaret's been appointed editor of The ton, chairman; Catholic Auxil lResponsibmty Remains The Women's Guild will meet Kindergarten. iary Bishop John S. Spence of" "Many in -the religious com Sign, national Catholic mag 'at 8 tonight. Members will participate in a Washington and Rabbi /Samuel munity too," it continued, day of recollection Saturday, azine, published by the Pas Solnic, co-chairmen;' and Dr. ".judged a whole race by the ill ST. KILIAN, Nov. 19 at "Our La'dy of Round sionist Fathers. NC Photo. Isaac Frank, secretary. They considered and tragic acts of a NEW BEDFORD Hill" retreat house, South Dart shied away. from the election few members of that race' in ~ A giant penny sale will 'start mouth. Reservations close Tues connection at a press conference their anxiety to achieve the full at 7:30 Saturday night, Nov. 12 day, Nov. 15.. Information is at which "the' statement was re benefits of American citizen ,in the school hall, with proceeds available from Mrs. Beverly leased. ship. .benefiting the school fund. Cummings. Yet the moral responsibiity of "It has been our concern. for a , Mrs. - Leo Blaise is general Women will attend a Mass for the religious community remains great manS' months," Bishop chairman of the annual Christ deceased members at 7 Saturday ST. AUGUSTINE (NC)-After unchanged, no matter how much mas bazaar to be held Friday morning, Nov. 12.' A Lutheran minister and an _Creighton said, that the churches we may deplore the maimer in and Satur'day, Nov. 25 and 26 ill Episcopalian priest led prayers,- have been losing their "deep in the school. basement. Friday Archbishop Sasimiro Morcillo of volvement" in the -civil rights which some persons and organ evening hours will b~ from 6 to ,ST, MARY'S CATHEDRAL. Madrid· dedicated' a 208-foot movement. He_. added, however, . izations pursue legitimate goals.... The statement- called both vio ILand the Saturday hourS will' ~ALL RIVER . 'stainless steel crosscommemo- that the "issues have been lence and white backlash."po _rai~d in the political campaign." - be fr.om 10 to.5. Handmade arti~ The Women's Guild -exeeo'tive- rating the introduction of Chris te~tially destr.uctive t.o o~c 80-,_ Later to a question regarding the cies· and -a variety of foods will bOard will at' 8 'i\ionday - tianity -to -the North 'American application of -the statement _to ciety, our nat~on and. the f\iture 'be 'on .sale. Sponsoring', unit - is . ilight; Nov. 14 in the·school. Mi~s continent. . -the eiec~ion he said, "Wher:e the of free men." It called upoa :theLadies Guild. Helen Goff is' chairman of the Thim Archbishop Joseph P. Shoe fits it must be worn." "eyer» God-fearing person" to :SANTO CHRISTO, unit's an~ual Christm'as' sale, Hurley. Catholic bisl>.op of St. stamp out such evil "by consc,:' Moral IssUeS .FALL RIVER scheduled for December, w:i~ . Augustine; Bishop Henry - f. ~ntious conviction, bY' organiza Bishop Spence stresse.d that in _ tion, by ballot, by personal' iii.;, , .The Council Catholic Women date to be announc~!i. Louttit of the Episcopal diocese announces a public penny Sale' of South Florida, members of the "the. educational process there volvement, by voice, - by every at· 7:30 tomorrow night in the HOLY GHOST, Catholic and Protestant clergy are times whim people's minds legitimate means." parish hall: Donatioris" are ATTLEBORO of North and Central Florida, are more receptive." Among the signers· of the' There - are "moral issues'" in requested £.1' 0 m parishioners. c i vi I dignitaries including statement was _. Washington's volved in the elections through- Archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle, Chairman Mrs. Mary -Medeiros The Women~s Guilci will meet Spanish ambassador Marques AI . will be assisted by Mrs. Margaret tonight, with a penny social fol fonso Merry del Val and some past chairman of the interreli Dyl, co-chairman. Door prizes lowing a business session. Mem 20,000 guests participated in a gious committee. Reorganizes CCD
will be awarded 'and refresh bers are urged to bring guests. Mass celebrated by -Archbishop ments _served. Plans will be made for a Christ Morcillo at the base of the cross. Program at Base
Award . The next council' meeting has mas party.-to be held in lieu of It marks the spot where Span . DOVER (NC).-"I felt I owed PHILADELPHIA' (NC) .- The peen .'postponed until Tuesday, ~he .regular December meeting. - ish missionaries and explorers something to the Church," is the 15, due to elections occur prayed -after their arrival on th'is unassuming way MrS. Norbert 25th annual Signum Fidei Medal of the La Salle College alumni - nng on the regular meeting ST. LOUIS, continent some 400 years ago. Graczyk explains why she be association will be. awarded night. . FALL RIVER "We render homage to that came involved in Confraternity here to Frank M. Folsom, formel' of Christian Doctrine work' at - president of the Radio Corpora HOLY N.j,ME, The Women's Guild announces little band of explorers who in Dover Air Force Base here in tion of America. The award is FALL RIVER a ham and' bean supper to be troduced Christianity to these given for "distinguished ach.ieve A Mass for deceased memlJers served at 6:30 Wednesc,tay 'night, shores, Archbishop Morcilfo said. .Delaware. Mrs. Graczyk has completely ment in the advancement Of of the Women's Guild will be Nov. 16 in the school hall. A "It is with deep emotion that I 'offered at 8 Saturday morning, bazaar will follow.
am on the 'ground hallowed by restructured the CCD program Christian principles." on the base since her arrival . -Guild members will be host Nov. 12. their memory." here nine years ago with her The CCD executive board will esse-s at the annual sale for the'
I' 7 t meet at 7 tomorrow night. - . The g earnIng, 0- on cross, husband, a staff sergeant. Her Mrs. William A. Renaud and blind to be held Thursday, Nov. which is floodlit at night, is work, which has earned her the Cornelius Lynch will serve as' 17 at Fall RiverWoina._n's Club, lo-cated on the grounds of th e nickname "Mrs..CCD," has been eo-chairmen of the sixth annual Walnut Street.
Mission of -Nombre de Dios. In the pattern for' CCD programs 1565 Pedro Menendez de AvilEis at 13 other military bases. bazaar to be sponsored from noon to 8 on Saturday, Nov. 19, IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, founded the Catholic mission at Her work also earned her a _ in the- school auditorium, by the FALL RIVER, St. Augustine, the nation's oldest papal honor the Benemerenti _ city.· • WYman Medal. Holy Name Society and the The First' Friday Holy Hour 3-6592 Women's Guild. of December under the auspices Mrs. Frank M. Kingsley and of the Holy Name Society will . Umprove Teaching CHARLES F. VARGAS Miss Helen M. Crotty will serve have as its speaker Rev. James LOS ANGELES (NC)-Twenty as treasurers and John F. Mc254 ROCKDALE AVENUE Mahon will head the hall com W. Clark, assistant--at St. Jo -parochial' schools are participat seph's' Church, Fall River. -ing in a program to irriprove America's Economy King
NEW BEDFORD, MASS. mittee. Mrs. Anthony Geary. is science instruction with the help For the Best Deal Come To
in charge of special awards. of federal funds: under the Ele ST. ANT~ONY OF PADUA,
Raymond A. McGough, publi Broadway mentary and Second-ary Educa city chairman, has announced NEW BEDFORD ~
INC. tion Act. An in-service training that large committees will man The annual parish bazaar will program for science teachers is 768 BROADWAY age the many booths.. again be held during the two also being conducted at the RAYNHAM, MASS on Rt. 138 , middle weekends of November expense -of the .-archdiocesan ST. JEAN BAPTISTE. CHARLES J. DUMAIS. Pres. with many parishioners exhib FALL RIVER school department. The Council of Catholic Women iting the year's fruit of their tal will hpld its annual turkey whist ents and skills. They will join 11I111I1111I1011I11I111I11I1111I11I111111I11111111I11111I11I11I1111II at 7:30 Saturday night, Nov. 12 the parish societies in presenting OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION, POLISH-ENGLISH MASS BOOKS with Mrs. Stanley Bielusiak as days of 'fun, good eating, chance OSTERVILLE PRAY THE MASS contains complete skill and· fortune. - _ _ - The annual parish Harvest chairman and Mrs. Aldrich Bam Ordinary·Canon of Mass, 120 Polish ford as co-chairman. Tickets will The bazaar will be held in the Smorgasbord supper will be English· Hymns, Stations, Gorzki Zale, bc available at the door. church b.asementbeginning· on held starting at _5:30 Saturday Confession·Rosary Guides. The monthly council meeting, Veterans' Day, Friday, Nov. 11 -evening, Nov. 12 in Osterville 160 pgs. cloth $2.85 . 160 pgs. paper $1.75 Monday, Nov. 14, will be fea (6-11 P.M.) and, Saturday, Nov. Elementary School. Sponsored tured by a travelogue shown and 12 (l-11 P.M.). The following by the Women's Guild, the event At your religious dealer or write: narrated by- Raymond Gendron. weekend will -have the same will ,have' as chairman Mrs. Ed REV. PAUL P. WYSOCKI Chairman of the ..program wi.ll schedule: -Friday; Nov. 18 (6';'11 mund Grafton. and - Mrs. Sher It. Adalbert Church, Thompsonville, Conl1. .be Mrs. Thomas Tache, aided by :r.M:) and Saturday. Nov. 19- wood Tondorf, aided by a large liree Descriptive Literature 0608! _1-11 P.M.).. J¥1cs. Bamford. committee. -.uuWWlllllllllflllIllUlllllllflIlHlIlIlUllWll
Dedicates Cross At Mission Site
To Folsom
.. lHE,AN~HORTPjoc~sclofFolI ~ive~-:-T/l~rs. Nov. 10, 1966,
Cape CoIsC,anIJ,," Bow'
• It
Somerset Is Chasing Case Wareham's AI Borsor; 01 B. C. ,In Narry, Loo'p Grid Race Line Backer Fin'e More and more, it now appears that the Bristol County scholastic football league championship will be decided on Thanksgiving Day morning when Bishop Stang High of North Dartmouth invades Attleboro to clash with its dio cesan rival, Bishop Feehan straight conference victory by High. Both are 5-0 in league besting Dennis-Yarmouth, 23-14, competition. last Saturday. And while the county loop The annual Cranberry Bowl
Special Education Major on
Alan Borsari of Wareham
is a returning letterman and
starting member of the var sity football team at Boston
still nip-and-tuck, similar game between Wareham (2-5) College. tight competition is going on in and Old Rochester of Mattapoi A junior, Alan is enrolled in
" the Narragansett League where sett (3-2-2) is Scheduled Satur the Boston College School of
classy Case High of Swansea is day. Each has won the silver Education and is well adjusted
,, perched atop the circuit standing bowl, emblematic of victory, to all phases of campus life,
by itself at the moment. twice. spending much of his spare time
It's all over but the' shouting Fishennen Increase Catch participating in extra curricular
In the Capeway Conference. Although both are out of the activities.
Well-balanced Lawrence High of Capeway pennant fight, SaturDean's List Student Falmouth Is showing its heels day's game offers an opportunity The 220-pound lineman came to the other clubs as it widens to salvage "a taste of glory." to Boston College following an Us first place lead weekly. The bowl trophy will be pre- outstanding football career at Experience Factor sented the winning coach and Wareham High School where he Schools . located within the team captain at the Cranberry captained the- Viking gridders confines of the diocese in the Bowl Ball Saturda3' night at the during his senior year. Hockomock League and Clover Wareham Town Hall. Since entering BC, Borsari has \ Valley Conference are out of the Old Rochester prepped for the gained an excellent reputation running. Oliver Ames of North, encounter by running roughboth on the gridiron and in file Easton will spend the remainder shod, 28-8, over Barnstable last class room. He is majoring in of the campaign striving for the weekend while Wareham edged . Special Education, has partici Hockomock second place spot Cardinal Spellman High of pated in practice teaching trips while inexperienced Mansfield Brockton, 14-6, in its last o~ting. and is a Dean's List student. High, with only two seniorTomorrow's holiday action also The younger son of Mr. and regulars in its lineup, flounders finds Dennis-Yarmouth at, Prov Mrs. Attilio Borsari of 73 Marion .. •n one of its poorest seasons in. incetown and Bourne at Fair Iload; Alan was preceded on the years. The Green Hornets be- haven. The P-town Fishermen gridiron at Wareham by an older lieve things will be a lot differ- ''topped Martha's Vineyard, i6-0, b'rother, Ken who went on to the'!' AL~N BORSARI ei:lt next year. 'iast SaturdliYto register their' University of tonneeticut. ," " ," ,~orton High of the Clover, fourth straight wi'n ~the c!>m . ' 'l\ticmber at .St. Patrick's .. ; . . Valley loop, riddled because of p,aigJi. ":" The young St. Patrick'spa la~-'year wh~n h~ ~as chOsen;" having groWll to 215 POt1n.:.J. the loss of five regulars due to Dioeesans in Tie ;r.:ishi~ner was just another foot- ' as the best actor:' ' . , .'During,' that season, BOrSari scholastic ineliglbiltieS and inFairhaven let .its season's third ball ,player at BC following an' '. :aQrsari bad ,an 'impressive 'gained a reputation as a fierce jUI:ies, is doing veJ;Y well in iUl. victory slip from its grasp last, outstanding freshman season in academic, reco~ ,at Wareham:' -tackler and the best blocking tirst season of varsity play, con-" Saturday when Stoughton High' 1004, but his hard work and' where he was president of his' lineman in the conference. ,~~dering its adversities. ,The of the Clover Valley competition determination gained him a let-' cl!1Ss liS a sophomore, junior and Plays Other SpOrts Bartek-coached Lancers, mid- tallied In the last two mintes to' tel' last year: and a starting berth senior.. He was also. a member of His talents were not lim,ited way in the standing, ,hav~ been gain a 12-12 deadlock. The Blue' this campaign. ealled upon to battle oppon~nts Devils, who, on the whole per ' 'Bonari is 20-years old, six' the Key Club, and a finalist in to football at Wareham, as he with much greater depth, and' formed well against up-and-" feet, one-inch tall and ,plays of the American Exchange Student, was the Vikings', first baseman in baseball for four years, and experience since the opener. down Stoughton, could provide " fensive center and middle guard competition. The Eagles lineman first. ap- described as an excellent hiUer. The Bristol, Narry and Cape- the Bourne Canalmen with an- with the defensive unit.' He peared on the grid scene as 8 He also participated in basket . "way league leaders were all vic- other rugged week of action': " wears uniform number 53. ',' .,~rious in their last contests. Stang and Feehan are loc~ed-'" . Last season, Alan was behind freshman at Wareham High ,ball during his junior year.' . During his Summers, Borsari , Raiders' Late RallY up 'in a first place tie iri the . some solid and proven veterans School and, managed to see lim-, played for the American Leg-ion Case took over sole possession Bristol County pennant race.' 'in the' BCpicture, but he man . ited varsity service. All-Tri-County team in Wareham and helped of first place in the Narry circuit Stang toppled another diocesan aged to see enough service with his, teammates with a Zone with its one-sided 42-0 triumph foe, Msgr. Coyle High of Taun- both offensive and defensive By the time ;Alan reached' his championship. Among his favo over. Seekonk. The Swansea ton,· 6':0, last Monday while·' 'teams to earn the tag "veteran" sophomore yea;r he was playing ,Cardinals, who have recorded. ;Feehan walloped New Bedford .. ,when Fall practice started this .', an important role for Wareham,' ,', ,rite ,sports, football' and baseballl breaking into the starting liiieup , ; rate high, but swimming' Tates 74 points in their last two en- "v'ocational, 33.,0, last Saturday., -' year. gagements, will host Barnstable .. U~beaten,Feehall now has a"sea- ,:!Eagles' coach Jim Miller used and coming into his own during ,on: t9p., - ~aturday in a non-league affair. ,son'/I recQrd of 7-0 while Stang Borsari to back up Mike Evans the second half of the season..... ' The Wareham athlete ,alS() works during the out-of-schooll _ Somerset High will ,endellvor is 6-1. The latter is ,all-winning earlier this campaign and when As a 192-pound' junior guard, months. Last year he worke~ a!l ,to improve its season's record 'in le{lgue play. . . the'latter was injured during .the Borsari led Wareham to the 1962 a dl"iver for a trucking firm and (6-1) when the Blue. Raiders' 'Coach Don Montle's Durfee . v'Mi contest, Al stepped in to 'i'ri-County Conference cham prior to that he was employed journey to nearby Dighton- High ..ggregation of Fall River, take over the job. pionship andw8s rewarded 'for by it national food chain. Rehoboth tomorrow to take on the only club which has been' Good Actor his efforts with a berth on the In the University of Buffalo Coach Ed Texeira's Falcons. a.ble t~ penetratte Fe~h~n'~ goal ,His performance in the second All-League team. He was the 'game three weeks ago, the Ware Coach Jim Sullivan's Somerset Im~ thiS seasof' ;ave:o 0 aun half of the VMI game so im biggest player selected to the ham product preserved the one lads spotted Mansfield six points ~n 1 next Sa ur ay oppose pressed Miller that the BC men club. 'point lead of the Eagles by hill. in the first half last weekend oy e. tor gave Borsari the starting. as Borsari was a one-man gang excellent play diagnosis. and then rallied for 20 points in Costly Tl"iumph signment against Penn State, and. as a Wareham senior, sparking' Following the Buffalo score, the second half while holding Coach Charley Connell's Stang his efforts in that game earned coach Bill Maxwell's Vikings to the New York State team elected the northern-county Green Hor- Spartans will entertain Taunton him considerable praise from'the iii four-way tie for the Tri- to go for the two points, but the nets scoreless. High tomorrow at Dartmouth' entire BC coaching staff. County title in one of the best 'Cape Cod youngster slanted over One of Borsari's non-athletic balanced campaigns in the con-' and caught Mark Murtha, ,the . A Somerset win will throw' while Feehan's Shamrocks face the Narry League into' a tie a more formidable opponent in hobbies is acting and he showed ference's history. Buffalo quarterback, on the one which will be settled on Thanks- Attleboro at Hayward Field in his prowess as a stage hand dur , Alan was selected to the All- 'as 'he was attempting a roll:"out giving Day when the Sullivan- the Jewelry City on Saturday. ing the annual Education Skits Conference team at guard and which could mean two-points coached combine tackles Case, Attleboro was a one-sided win again he was the biggest player,' and a' victory. unbeaten in league play. ner over Taunton, 26-7, last logical frame of mind for their rion-league fray with St. Peter'1l Falmouth Widens Gap weekend. Injuries incurred in the Voke - High of Worcester at New Bed Seekonk (0-5), which was idle tussle pose a problem to Coach· ford on Saturday. last Saturday, .has a Veterans' Chet Hanewich of Feehan in the Nantucket Marches On Day encounter scheduled with cross-town rivalry. Records and Olives Ames of North Easton, JPonagansett Regional High of past performances mean little or a' 40-20 loser to Canton last Sat Rhode Island. nothing when the Shamrocks urday, plays State Class D leader Falmouth, which extended its and Jewelers clash. This contest Foxboro at the latter's grounds winning streak to 11 straight looms as the No. 1 area school this weekend while Mansfield AND games last Saturday, moved boy attraction Saturday after hosts King Philip. closer to the Capeway Confer- noon. Undefeated and untied Nan ence crown' when it edged a North Attleboro, which tangles tucket continued along its merry stubborn' Bourne' club, 16-12. at home with New Bedford Voke way last Saturday when it top Undefeated Falmouth (7-0), led Saturday, wilted before King pled Medway, 28-0. The Island IN THE
by Quarterback Paul Ingram, Philip of Wrentham in its last ers should have little trouble ranks fifth in the State Class C encounter. The Hockomock handling Martha's Vineyard this GREATER
ll'atings. .League team exploded in the week. '" TAUNTON AREA
Bowl Presentation second half to rack up a 21-18 Norton, which taltes to tbe Coach Kevin Caieux's Dart- victory over the winless North road Saturday, held Dighton Open Evenings 'til 9 except Saturday mouth Indians have the unenvi- eleven. .' Rehoboth of the Narry circuit to able task of trying to up-end New Bedford High's surprise a .6-6 stalemate last weekend. Coach Bob Yates' pace-setters 20-14 victory over Newton .last The Lancers will meet favored IllUTHOAIZEO at Falmouth tomorrow. Dart- Saturday, has put the Crimson Medway in a Clover Valley Con- , RT. 44 NEAR TAUNTON DOG TRACK, TAUNTON OlAL£R terence tilt Saturday. ' ~ut!' easily clinched its second 'giidders in t1lle proper psycho is
'Ulurs., Nov. 10, 1'966
Diocese Brings Mass to People' I~
•• j'
'"'~ ,Fumiture WQnderlal,d
Of the
PATERSO~ (Nd)~F"our ~rishes i'n'the PatersOJ1Dio ~8e are holding, or planning
'flo hold, Masses outside of
·...dinary lo~ations in experi
lltl(mts desig'ned to bring the
Mass to the people.
At Our Lady of Lou r des
parish here the effort is aimed
at people in the inner-city.
Father Francis' X. McCllrthy is
&ifering Masses in a dingy alley,
in. backyards andcramped,living
rooms. .. "The Mass is a livinl-{ th·ing.
And this has made the people
more at home with it," he said.
But· in Chatham, Towllship,' a
rich suburban commuter com
Rlutlity, -the at-home'Mass is aI -most a necessity. Corpus Christi P3dsh there was organized only last June "and as yet Father Stephen J. Patch doesn't have a it 1 ac e' for regular weekday Masses. " So "to make the Mass more
available and to build up the
body of Christ in the neighbor
hood," Mass is being said at least
once a week in different homes, he said, bringing the community
of newcome:.:s togethel·.
St. Christopher's. Parsippany, N. J., will begin 'neighborhood
Masses next month, According
to Father Lawrence D~ McGin
ley, the purpose will be to pro
mote discussion of the decrees of
the Second Vatican Council, be-:
cause each Mass will be followed
by a discussion 'session,
At Holy Trinity pal'ish. Pas
saic, the purpose of the at-home
Masses is to bring the Mass to '
shut-ins. Msgr. Henry Veith,
pastor, inaugurated the program.
Mrs. Joseph Bleier, at whose
home the first Mass was said,
wept gratefully at the conclu
sion. Confined to a chair' in her
home .with arthritis, she had not
been able to attend Mass fOl' six
.veal's 'until it came to her.
Open Daity 'A.M. to.M
In~l~ding Saturda~s,
I SAVE $40,1
o,n this
Davstrom5 Piece Di,nette
. ,
Announces Project
Equality Directorv
employment analysis forms are
being mailed to more than 1,500
firms which had previously sup
plied local Catholic pal'ishes,
schools and institutions with general goods and services, the
Hartford archdiocese announced.
At the same time, the archdio-· cesc called on all firms which .... do not now supply local Catholic parishes and institutions, but which are now practicing equal employment opportunity, to send their names, addresses and type
of business to the Archbishop's
Committee on Human Rights, to
be listed in a forthcoming
Project Equality dir'ectory of "participating suppliers." ' The present mailing of forms is part of the Project Equality program announced last Novem ber by ArchOishop Henr~' J. . O'Brien to promote equal em ploymEmt opportunities for mi
norities in archdiocesan hiring practices a'nd purchasing poli
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