.,'II>} ,.~
The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-ST. PAUL
River, Mass. Thursday; Nov. 12" 1959 8econd Clan Mail Privilell'ea PRICE IOc Vol. 3, No. 46 Authorized at Fall River. Man. $4.00 per Year
Feehan 'Drive Starts Door-to-Door Phase , Monday evening saw 1000 men gather at St. Mary's Ch'urch in North Attleboro for the solemn opening of the General Phase of the Greater Attlebo'ro $1,225,000 DrrVe for the Bishop, Feehan Regional High School. The Special Gifts and Memorial Gifts ticipating in the Driye heard Phases of the Drive have al- ,talks by' the Most Reverend ready netted over half a Bishop, Rt. Rev. J.ohn J. Shay, million dollars. Now it re- and the keynote address given mains for this final stage of the -by ,Very Rev. Robert J. Slavin, Drive to bring in the $700,000 O.P., president of Providence that is needed to reach the College. Father Slavin pointed out that minimum goal of the' drive. The collectors from the 12 the '!aims of Catholic education Greater Attleboro parishes par- support true democracy'" and , Turn to Page Eighteen , Turn to Page Eighteen
Over 200 Bishdps to ,Attend National'Shrine~ Dedi~ation
; WASHINGTON路 (NC) - Cardinals from Mexico and ChIna, ai:; well as bishops from Canada, Mexico, Ireland, Lithuania and the Bahama Islands, will join more than 200 U. 'S. bishops at the dedication o{the great i.lpperchlirch LAY CORNERSTONE AT BISHOP STANG HIGH SCHOOL: Bishop Connolly preof ,the National Shrine of ' Th~y will 'b~ j-Oi~ed b~ the pares the cornerstone for .its immemorial setting at the First Regional High School in the the, Immaculate Con~eption four American cardinals and by. Diocese. Left to ri~ht, Joseph Tomlinson; Lawrence lIughes, G~orge Swansea" Rt. Rev. here in the nation's capital leaders in \,government, top-Hugh A. G~llagher, Moderator of the Fund Raising Campaign and Bishop Connolly. on Fdday, Nov. 20. ranking ,representatives of in-', - His Eminence Jose Cardinal 'dustry and labor', heads of reliGaribi y' Rivera, Archbishop of gious orders and congregations, ~uadalajara, Mexico, and His educators, professional men and Eminence Tfiomas Cardinal Tien, women, and hundreds of. priests, ~xiled Archbishop' of Peking, ,Brothers and Sisters. China, will attend the cere-' , It will be one of the largest monies." ' Turn to Page Sixteeu" Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D., Bishop ofFalI' River, officially dedicated the new Say~ Bishop Stang Regiorial High School in No. Dartmouth yesterday'at impressive ceremonies before one of the largest gatherings in thEi history of ,the Dio~ese. Many thousands of per~on~ w~re ,pr~sent from all areas of the Diocese to attend the' dedication program:.-at Twenty minutes private audience with Pope John XXIII, least 1700were,seated in the the privilege of every Bishop visiting Rome, highlighted a.uditorium-and, to make a Bishop Connolly's 'ad limina .visit to the Eternal City,i just tour of the buildin-gs after ' completed. During the audience the Fall River Ordinary,' the' ceremo,riies' which re-' speaking in French, reported American seminarian Jo~ph ceiv'ed full coverage from the to the Supreme Pontiff on Delaney, .to the Pope. press and radio and television ,WASHINGTON' (NC)-President Eisenhower's planthe spiritual and temporal ned: visit wi,th Pope 'John XXIII will be the second audience Previous to Bishop Connolly's stations. Connolly's remarks, in eondition of the Diocese. He , audience, he had formally pre- hisBishop brief talk in' the auditorium with a Pope by a U. S. President 'still in office. The other presented' a spiritual bouquet sented a 'written report on .the after the blessing of the- school, President known to see a Pope while' still in office was from all the area faithful to His . Diocese to the Congregation of were ,chiefly an expression of' ' the Consistory, the body in cordial thanks to His Eminence, ' Woodrow' Wilson, who had Truman Holiness. 'and' Herbert Hoover , Following Bishop Connolly's charge,of the founding, preser- Cardinal Cushing, for the mag- an audience with Pope Ben- also have had audiences with meeting, he presented the Dioc- vation and .administration of. nificent example he has given edict XV on Jan. 4, 1919. Popes, but both men were out esan Chancellor, Rt. Rev. Hum- Dioceses. -the 'Church' and' the country as a Former Presidents Harry S. of. office at the time. Turn to Pag;eEigh'teen berto S. Medeiros, and North President 'Eisenhower anshepherd, of the flock, -a leader I' nounced ,his plans to visit the and forthright exponent of CathPontiff in a prepared statement olic educational ideals, "'''''~re at a' news' conference. He said he leads, we faithful will follow." the audience with the Pope will Turn to Page Eighteen be one stop during a two-and-aSunday, Nov. 15 will be a great day in Santo Christo half, week tour of major cities parish, Fall River. At 3 that afternoon, parishioners.will iiI nin~countries of Europe, Asia gather to honor their pastor, Rev. Francisco Correia Bettenand Africa: Previous chiefs of state to visit court, on the 60th anniversary of his ordination. As they Pope John include President have for several years past, ' Charles de Gaulle of F~ance; the Franciscan Missionaries On the occasion of the Holy President Giovanni Gronchi of of Mary, who teach cateFather's First Anniversary Turn to Page Twelve chism to parish children, as Pope, the Most Rev,erend have arranged a program for Bishop sent him the assurFather Bettencourt. Adults will 'ance of the prayers of the clergy be there too, to express the Rite~ and faithful of the Diocese of affection of all for the veteran Fall River. pastor who has served Santo The Bishop has received .the Christo since 1928. following cablegram from CarHis Exc~llency, the Most Born in the Azores, Father dinal Tardini, Secretary of State Reverend James L. Connolly, Bettencourt was ordained there to Pope John: Bishop of Fall River, accomand served in parishes for 12 His Holiness warmly apprepanied by His Excellency, years until in 1911 he made the ciates the message of devotion , decision to come to the United the Most Reverend James J. and loyalty and the assurance States. Gerra'rd, Auxiliary, will attend of prayers sent to him on the Arriving in the Diocese, DIRECTOR: Rev. Bernard dedication ceremonies路 of the occasion of' his anniversary. Father Bettencourt was introF. Sullivan,. St. Mar y , s new Cathedral of Mary Our He expresses his cordialgratiduced to Rt. Rev. Msgr. Antonio tude and lovingly imparts to ' Cht).rch, Norton, has been Queen in Baltimore, Sunday, P. Vieira by Canon John P. Nov. 15.' , Your Excellency, to ,the clergy named. director of youth acDamaso, who had, been one of The two prelates will then be and faithful of the Diocese tivities'foi'the Greater Attle- present at the annual meeting Father Bettencourt's' seminary , his fatherly Apostolic Bene:. 'Turn to P~~e E1rbteell boro distriCt. Turn to Page Eti'bteen , diction FATHER BETTENCOURT
Stang路 Dedication Upholds Parents' Right . to Educat.e
Qiocesan Chancellor Pope. 'Talks to You Like -a' Father'
Eisenhow,er Se~c;>nd Chief 'Exec:u'ti've' t'o' 楼isit .Pontiff
Father Bettencourt to Celebrate Sixtieth Ordination Anniversa'ry,
~: ~Jr
Pope Johri Sends Papal Blessing In Gratitude
Dioce'so'n, Bishop's 1'0' Attend Of, Dedication
Ra''d·-'· ~i t k'\ " 10 :·I~e wor s Plan Shows On Shrine
' THEANCHO,R"':'OioceseofFallRiver-:Thurs.;Nov. 12, 1959'
Holy See Gives Support
.To Many
NEW· YORK (NC)-The UNITED NATIONS (NC)-The Holy S~e.contrlbuted three major radio networks or pledged, funds to eight United Nations agencies or affilhave sCheduled programs , iates last.year, and was an official member of six bodies, it dealing with ·the dedicati'oB was revealed here. The newly published United Nations of the :National Shrine of ,the 'k f ' h ' Immacu.late Conception , ill .' Y earboo,. or 1958 s O,WS other mitions as Iceland, LebWashington 'on November 20. that' the Holy Seecontrib- anon and Monaco. Thus its ITU Arrangements for the brcladuted to ·U.N. agencies rang- contribution was about $1,000, casts were completed with the ingrrom the (Jnited Nations while that for 'the UPU was networks by the National COUltoChildren's Fund (UNICEF), about $475. • cil of Catholic Men. which works to aid ,needy chil~ipresentatives While the dedication is III progress, the Columbia Broaddren throughout the world and The yearbook also shows that casting System network wiD during' 1958,the Holy See sent promote better , living standards , feature a nationwide program for famil'ies, to the International an official' representative to' Atomic Energy Agency'(IAEA), the U.N. Law of the Sea Conferfrom 12:05 to 12:35 P.M., ES~ which aiins at exploiting the ence, in Geneva, and to the,U.N. with Paul Hume, music critic of , the Washington Post and Tim~ atom for peacefUl uses. Conference on International Herald; . Korea Gift Commercial Arbitration, here at H' hI" ht ,U.N. headquarters. ./ Ig Ig s The largest single contribution While it is not noted in the Later in tlie day, at a time to .made. by the Vatican, a check of be announced, the Mutual the new yearbook indicated, was yearbook of the U.N. itself" the Broadcasting System will fea$10,000_donated to the United Holy See also has pertnane,rit ture a nationwide program dealNations Korean Reconstruction observers for the United Nations ing with the dedication highAgency (UNKRA). The ,Holy Ed~cational, Scientific and Cullights. ' See, gave $1,000 to the U.N. tural Organization (UNESCO), The National' Broadcasting Company has scheduled a naSpecial Fund for. economic de-. and the U.N. Food and Agriculvelopment of' underdevelope~ ture Organization (FAO). ' RELIC ,IN S~RIN~ AL'rAR:. Archbishop PatrickA. tionwide program .on the dedicaceountries, ana llnother $1,000 to p/ O'Boyleof Washington' at' 'the conse~ration of the main - tion for November 24 from' 10:01 :theExpanaed . Program of " nlV, «;Ins ltar' h N 'l.' ISh" ' . ' I ,... to 10:30 p.m., EST. ...,.Technical Assistance.' a ,In t e aLIOna nne of the Imrriacu ate Conception,' In addition,a part of the . While' the yearbook did n o t ' 'Washington. NC Photo. ' ',' NBC':'TV Program "Today," .Jist individual' contributions to", CHI~AGO ,{NC) ...... Loyola ' starririg Da"eGarroway; Will ~eU.N.'RefugeeFund,'theU~N: ·University will 'proceed 'witli 'feature' filmed. highlights , oa "JIigh Gommiss~oner.f()r.Ref.ugee~ . pJansfor'a medical,center on the _' _.. , , ',' , " ,. .. . ' , ' . " ~. '.. . ,November' ~.'.o~:,~~dedic:iti~:~ ,announced last year ~t t?e far northwest sieje 'of the city C -f R Holy See ~ade a symbolIc gift despite the decision of Mercy tuclixt!$ eturn' ':': ' .~f$2,000:"Ip,;~th~h~m.~;war, :~C?~~" <:HoSpital')i'to·.;, withdl'a~\: Faiher,;,.-"O;"'/: "', , ., ' . .' ; .; " . <' " " .' •.", 1'., tr~bution~'<t,olV.~!9.JiI,r.;~.~re :~~t.;.:.j~;n~~:,:r.;:·~~guir~J~!J.:;\~dy.o~, '.:£;!.{} i:;;;~ev~¥ty-year-~I~, Fathe~ Jq~.n. :;~~';Mort:~s -~·M·;has REGENSBERG, (NC) _ C~ listed. B?W:~hf;;H~~~:,~~; ~~!e ~~~sl,d~~~S~s~n'!lo~~ed::ts:,;~:~"tf.~tu.we~~~~ Korea to take .~~~ parIsh. wo.~~ a~ter an abse~c~ cifixes have' been replaced' 011 $1,000 t? :t~at~~~~;flS.~J?~ '?~/'fe!l£ij~tt~rh~~.i~~ki~9L;lie.{))f'~Yc(l,~~sfrom,t~e cou~try. ~efor:pr?C~Ing to a parIS?, ; ihe,,:al1s~of this German dty'S , ,M~mber .St:;t.te . ~.: .,,~~~lt:as.~()on.~s:tpeuQ1vers~~,.~. th.(!:onetI~e,Fall RlverDwcesan prle~twI1I. prush Up on hIS' cOl:lrtroorns; after an absence Of The Ho.b~ ,~ee ·is·:oneotth~ 25;"raIs~s:tl~~e,Plil1i~!Ld:oIl.a~s;t!i.e. 'Kor~ah",which has' gone' a : . " ' . , , ' ; . '. more't;haIi:25 years. .' ' . member.,sfat~~ of'th~'Exec~tive .;~,?,~pt: ,ne~<ied 111'."add.ItlQn:to .. 1iftle '.' tal since he"left ,U':llt~~,,~~ates.. along WIth othe~ ,CrucIfi~es wer~ removed ~ Committ~e.~of' the ,~Progrilm. of. . fu.nds.cJ:1~~~tlY!1vaIla~l~, .Jfath~r.·, ' ,,<~ .. '~" .... .': .;mIssIQn~.rI~s m, ,l~42;" and th.en _Nazi,authoritie~ 'shortly after 1heU.N..·High C.ommissioner for: " :rv.r:!1g~llr~' s~Id:; Thus}ar~!le:u.n.i":_,K~rea, In. ~936~::- P',rgaIl}e<! .. ' workeda~ t1?-~ ,c~mli1 f~r. Jap~,?- Hitler's ~eizure.of power. ThE;ir ,Refugees. '. -- " ,'~ _ ' . ,.y~rs~ty appare!ltly!jas:!1oqo.UIid ':,.fo~' .the", dloc~se, :of. ,;~a,ll '" ese, !1~. GI1,~,: AriZ.. 1I~ was III repla~ement.~ was orderedreIt is also member of the-', an order 'of n~ns" ~o)taff th~;' 'River; Fath,~r Morr~s joil1e~l, the :'Ha~all until' i956; when he centl.y~yihe president of a high lnternationaI Atomic' Energy' ' proposed }~osPItal.· 11 ,~ay~en : .Mary.knoIl~athers 1I~ -19.21. .' . ~oved. to the MaryknQIl house provmcial court. , ' , ' . , ' Tbefirst three erucifixe~ Agency and as such was assesSe,d. ~I!S~ ~e us,~d for the nur,~Ing ~nd. " He we,?po Korea,m 1.923:..and 18 ~e!1ttle.. , $2,090. A ,member of'the Inter-. ~dmm}stratiye sta.ffs,., op~r!1tmg 'w?r~e~ 'm, .~he ,new~y'.acqu!red," '!J1ere ' are , . 5~ ·.~arYkn~n ~arved br im~ates of the StrauJ;>national" Telecommuni'cations ,.~osts ..or t~e .hQspIt~1 c,,:o.uld be. ~lSSion terrIt~ry ()f' Pyopgy~ng \ ·PrI~sts a~d, fi~e Brothers III mg penItentIary, we.re blesseci :' " by a. Regensburg prIest in the Union (ITU) imd ;the Universal mcr,,:as:d tremendously, the ~~:" " ,-n().w the capItal o~ communIst- Kor.ea. '_ Postal uniQn:~ (lJ~t1), it was a~~ P!lrtsaI~,....,,~· ',' " dommated Nor~h .~~re<,l.. He - . :. I ' U' '..:.. 'H" d presence of several magistrates. lessed on the sllllie'level as such .Mercy, operated by· the SIsters was prefect, Apostolic In Pyong- .: HQnor' ,ea , of Mercy, is currently the main . yang from 1931 to W36" when.he . JAMAICA, N. Y. (NC) - Dr. 1 .... "nursing hospital of Loyola's, .left Korea for Kyoto" Japan. . 'Victor Andres' Belaunde- of Peru, Stl'itch' School··of·Medicine; In', .f,He ,was repatriated ·totbe 'presidenf6Ithe'Ui'lited'Nations' · .".. . 1954 Loyola' and . Mercy an'. General Assembly and a well,ELECTRICAL ' nouncedplans ·for. th,e cent~~ . . Columbian Sq~~.~.~S. known Catholic layman, is be'.· "CONtRACTORS , . ,,' . Bids will beoP:en¢d.:·Ttie~... ·l,!o~~l~ bought a 54-acr: tra.ct, Make'Yule Plans<. ,IIig awarded ari.'honorary docday, Nov. 24.to,·r., 'constru.e- . then III suburban SkokIe but" B' h "F h C" 1 " F lltorate': of"la'Ys" by St;-John's Betddentlal - . Commercial' . .:' siQce annexed by Chi~~ago ao(('" " IS op ee. an : . I!~ e~ ", ~' University on November 7, FaI . IndWitrial • . -0 . ,tion o f a ' .'.n~w t"h' J' 'h" 'A' . 'Flynn, 'C .M'... , ,preSI.. . th - k g f Ad t~, er' () n' " ': 1.S-room '. rezoned'.for' ins,titutional""pur- ,~iver 1 d C,C)lu;n~~all.,SqU1res,.~~ll 633 Broadway, Fall River ' " rectory• for S.t.,,'M.aJo,Y's' parposes. La~tMay Mercy 'deCided' mc u e , ..e m!1 In 0 .. ven "dent'of'the Vincentiari' Fathers' _ ii, ., , ',' ' , ' • ' wreaths and the erectIon~ of a ' ' " '.053-1691 '.. Ch .' •..;" ,¥tstitution, announced. ",:' ish FaIrhaven. Rev.' Edmund to-remam .on· the near south s I d e ' , ' SS'C'C' i 'd . ·st' t" and to "w'I'thdraw fr'o"m':':"the' 'manger scene 'among rIs .....as . ' " , .' .,' " ' . Fr~ncIs, . ..' ... s·a . ~~m . ~a o r " . ",' .·...Y; rojects. . . ' , .. :-. ' ".' r---,......._-_...............- .... aSSIsted by Rev. AlOYSIUS Dillon~ '. ·rn,edlcal center agreement. ' , p '" ' ' . ';: .. '. . ,~.' ~ SS CC . ' " ,A membershIp, drIve IS 1Il Ordo. ,,:--:progress a~d',"~h~irman .~ennis , . • ,', , "':,The priests at present reside.,:,.· ,'::". ' :. " ;'.' ,yelozo t3nnounces t~at· ~P!s. be-;., at 382 M:a-in Street;~ F~lirhaven;'FRIDA:Y .St. DI~acu~, Confes-.,twe.en 13. and,'18 are elIgIble to " ·~I~.mbiJ;lg ~. Heating sor... S~.mple. '. WhIte.' Mass. ".join, the grolip.. They,~can: make 'The new 'rectory' will' be on Harding Street, Fairhaven. Proper; GlorIa; Co mm .0., . application ·.onThursday nights , Over 35 Years Construction will be of' Colo-"" "S'A~TrUefRacDeA' "y" ~. : ,.: St . J .. 'h'" . ".' ~t ,~ oj C Home, 209 Fran~lin ~f Sa'tisfied Service . _ . "" , :'" .-. . osep at Str t . ': " '\ Dl~l .desIgp.. ~.I~S~,f,lp()! . x;,ooms ':- Bishop" "and' Martyr.>"Double:- : ': " ee . " . NEW BEDFORD wI~l mcl~de a -dmmg, room,. two Red. Mass" Proper;',Gloi'ia; . ""'""--;,;.,-~ Fall Iliver . OS 5-7497 of~lCes, kItcI:),ep and, study. Th~re Common. Preface. ,;...' INDUSTRIAL OILS WIll. be four b.edrooms, upstaIrs . SUNDAY-XXVI Sunday After ' . ·studmes, a gues\I'0om, and car- . Pentecost. (~ollects, Epistle" UPHOLSTER.ING H~ATING OilS ..Many .'Folks d~ not know ~e port. and Gospel' of'VI Sunday' after AU WORK ~ " . have moved I I Our f D . Epiphimy.) Double. Green. JIMKEN Leglon ~ ec~ncy' . Mass Proper; Gloria; Second CUSTOM MADE New, Location The following 'films at.:e to be: Collee'! St.' A~bert the Great; DAY ....; wY2~2891 On. '~URNERS added to the lists in ·their reBishop; Creed; 'Preface of NlGHT":-' wy .6812 IS Bpective classifications:-Trinity. 248 North Front 81. Service MONDAY ~ St. 'Gertr.ude . the '~ew. Bed,ford Pleasant & Union Streets Unobjectionable for general Great,. Virgin. Double. ·White.. New Bedford patronage: Blood' and Steel; Mass Proper; Gloria; Co~mon 501 ~OUNTY ST. Wreck, of the Mary Deare. . , BEFORE .~YOU Unobjectionable for adults_qnd,TJ:~~~y_ St. Gregory ','the ·NEW BEDFORD adolescents: House of the Se~en . Wonderworker, Bishop' ~and BUY ~ TRY LEATHER~GOODS si!,!ce 1877 Hawks.' . Confessor. Simple., White: WY 3-1751 'Mass Proper; Gloria; Common . ' Preface: 1 '.' " • FORTY ,HOURS THURSDAY -'- St. Elizabeth of' ' , '. . Hungary" Quee~ arid Widow. ' -"'0" LD''S,MOB''ILE', DEVOTION, Double.. White. Mass Proper; >· Nov. 15-our Lady of the Gloria; Second Collect· St. 'Oldsmobile-Peu90t~Renalt Do . You Work in a. Factory, Isle, Nantucket. Pontianus, Pope 'and Mcu.-tyr.;,>,.'6'/ Middle Street, Fairhaven Garage, Ma,chine .Shop· ~ . i St. Anthony, Mattapoisett. Common Preface. " . : Nov. 22-St.Anne'cNew Bed. Gasoline Station? . I ford., We pick up and deliver, clean St. Jotlil ..the Evangelist, .~hlte's farm Dairy and repair overalls. Also. we have , ' Attleboro.: '. . . a complete ~ine 01 Coveralls, Panta ·SPECIAL, ,MILK" ~ Noy. 2~St; Ca~herine's Co.nrruCk ~BOdy ·.BuilderS . ' and Shirts fOr s~. \ · vent, Fall.River.. ,.' From -Our OWn, , '~IDminum or Steel>', Nov. 29---0ur Lady of the 1m;;' We reclQiR' and wash any ally, '944·County'St. " maculate' .'Conception,: .. '. ,":" 'J~sted Herd" ',I dirty or greasy rags~' ' . , NEW BEDFORD. MASS. , New.IJedford. Acushnet, Man. WY 3-4457 Why Buy When We Supply 'WY2~618 " St. Margaret, Bu:iiards Bay. • Special Milk . ' Homogenized Vito 0 Milk THE ANCHOR • .Buttermilk : Second-cl~Bs mail privileg"'! ~uthorized • Tropicana Orange Juice 11&: Fall River. Mass. Pubhshed every ThurBday at 410 Highland Avenue. Fall • Coffee and Choc. Milk River. Mass,. by the Catholic Press of the' I 2" Boward Ave.. New Bedford. • 'Eggs - Butter Diocese of Fan River. Subscription price _ mail, pOStpaid $4.00 ,per l11l\ro , . _ _.'houe WY IHI424 or WY '-6425,• • • • •_ .'
U _. erslty 'I M d- I C e, lea.
Foll·-R·I·ve'r Mar"y'kn'oll Prl·esf Re t urns. t'o. Korean 'M·ISSlon'" '-. " , . · , ' , fo' Cour.froGms : . ,
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Sales ,..
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Attention' Mechanics!
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New Baltirno're Cathedral Dedication on 'Sunday
Theologians Plan Regional Session
BALTIMORE (NC) - The Cathedral of Mary' Our ,Queen will -be dedicated Nov. 15 when 'Archbishop Edigio Vagnozzi,' Apostolic Delegate'to the Unit~d States, offers ·the first public Mass in the multi-million dollar structure. . Two cardinals, 15 archbish- from His Holiness Pope John 'ops and nearly 100 bishops XXIII and President Dwight D. 'will take part in the elabor- Eisf!nhower. ate ceremonies which will The prelates attending win ,open a week-long celebration in leave here for the annual meethonor of the new cathedral and 'ing of the American hierarchy the 150th anniversary of the in Washington, D. C., November 18 and, 19, but the celebration' premier See of the United States. will continue through the week, · Their Eminences Francis Carclimaxing with a special Mass .dlnal Spellman, Archbishop of New York, and James Francis for the laity of the archdiocese Cardinal McIntyre, Archbishop N ovembel' 22 offered by Archbishop Francis P. Keough of of Los Angeles, will march in Baltimore.• the procession from the cathedral rectory to the cathedral for the Mass. Bishop Lawrence J., Sh,ehan of Bridgeport, former Auxiliary ~~~hs~~~~~altimOre, will preach The Catholic Order of Alham· Music will be provided by the bra, organization for which third choir of St. MarY's Sem~nary, degree Kni~hts of Columbus are eligible, has been activated Roland Park, under the direction on Cape Cod. of Sulpician Father Thomas ' O'Connor and the 120-voice Area chafrmen include Francis ,choir of. boys from Immaculat~ Carreiro,' Provi'ncetown, for the 'Heart of Mary parish under the Lower Cape; Robert· Childs, direction of Norman Sidnor. ' . Centerville, Mid-Cape; ·Leonard. , An:t0ng the .dignita·rfes in the Mar~in, Falmouth,. Vpp~'r· Cal?~' nece~sarily li~itedc~mgregatio~ Sir Noble Jack Heppele, Harwill be, the Rt. Rev. ,N9ble C. .v.:ich, is temporary treasurer 'of ,P()well, Bishop of the Episcopal,,, t~e :group..:'.' ,. Dioc.ese of ~aryland" lead~rs ()f i._...iiII_..._ _ _. . . . the Jewish commu~ity; Gov.,·J:.· .' ,',J .. Millard Tawes' of Maryland and lo'laYor,J. Haro.d:G,r;ldy of B~W~ more.' " ',,' . . . Messages- o( ,congratulations, the' cathedral, built witha' .' bequest ,from· the late' Thomatt f' • O'Neill, have: bee'n' received
Thurs., Nov. 12, 1959
, Rt. Rev. Lawrence J. Riley, Vice-Rector of St. John's Seminary in Boston, and President of the Catholic Theological Society of America, announced that the annual regional meeting of the Society in the New England area will take place Friday, Nov. 27, at Weston College. Papers will be read by Rev. Russell J. Collins, Ph.D. of St. John's Seminary, Boston and by Rev. Thomas McElligott, S.T,D., St. Columban's Seminary, Milton, Mass. . The afternoon conference, conducted by Father Collins, will start at 4, His subject will be "Paul Tillich'~version of Protestantism." The evening conference, to start at 6:30 will be conducted by Father McElligott, whose subject will be "Practical Moral Applications Involving the Principle of the Double Effect." .
Alhambra Order For Ca pe Area'
Dinner will be served at 5:30. All priests are invited. They will be guests of the' Jesuit Fathers. at Weston' C9llege. Those who plan to. attend should nOtif)' 'Rt: ;fte'v.·' La'¥V~ence J. Riley; - S~ John's Seminary; Brighton:' ~ fore N()v. 22. ,. , '
.RECEIVES ,PRESIDENT'S PEN:' Rev. Arthur C. dos Reis, pastor of St. Michael's Church, Fall. River, receives from' Congressman Joseph' W. Martin the' pen President Eisenhower used to sign spe<:iaHaw admitting'Faial refugees United States. ' .. .. ' , 'Into'. the ." . .. . ... ~'
. .__•
. .~--...- . - - -. .~---------IIIIII-I:;
McMQh·o·".·K of C' :Plan,'Break-fast " Novemoer 'activities of -McMahon Council No'. 151, New Bedford Kn~ghts' of Columbus, 'will incl1.ide a' C'aria Conference at' 7:30 Tuesday' evening, Nov•. 17 at the. Council Cpambers,' Pleasant. and Campbell Streets. , The coilference topic' will "Children:: Infancy' to ,Puberty." :Alf married' couples' are' invi'ied' , to 3ttend 'I:,y AIl)ert :A: Catelli; general chairman, who' aniiounc'es' that there be admission fee and refreshments will be served. A Family, Communion Break-' fast is scheduled, to" follow 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morning, Nov. 22 at St. Mary's Church, Tarkiln Hill Road.' Breakfast ,will be served at the Council ~ome, Pleasant and Campbell Streets,. with Rev. Raymond McCarthy, . head of the Diocesan Family' Life Bureau, as guest . &peaker., .. Tickets may be obtained fro.m, Catclli or his committee, also at the Council Home canteen Children Jrlnder eight.will be lid,;, mitted at half pri~e.
Coodbre to·tbe dogie, ill thed--..,I.Leave it to Ford' • ,.. , , '" III sweep that annoying windshield. pmar· forward, out 01 .' yOlK way. No.more.bumpe4 .knees.Of snagged hose! ' ..
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Taunton Veterans Plan Installation , Installation plans, are, complete for FathE:r John ? ,Washington Post 1799, Taunton Catholic War' Veterans.. The program, scheduled for 8 Saturday night, N9V. 14, will be held at Ou'r Lady of Lourdes church hall, Taunton. Rev. Edward A, Oliveira, post chaplain, will be chief speaker and the program will include entertainment ana a buffet. To be installed are Edward P. Cameron, commander; JOhn L. Coady, first vice commander; Anthony E, Thomas, second vice commander; John L. Collins, third vice commander; Edward Andrade, adjutant. Also William A. Brooks, treasurer; William Andrade, judge advocate; Francis Terra, officer of the day; Charles Silvia, welfare officer; John, H. Schondek" historian; Dr. ,GeneC. Rqmano; . .medical officer. ., Trustees include Leo ,Walsh, Hugh Mayher and Robert E. Joy.
Honor Delegate BONN (NO) - Msgr. Guido Del Mestri, Apostolic Delegate to British East and West Africa, bas been awarded the Grand Cross of Achievemen.t of the Federal Republic of Germany by President Heinrich Luebke.
'. "
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Priesthood Proof Of God's Love 'For Mankind
THE ANCHOR~Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 12, 1959
Asserts Kaisers Res'tore~ . Confidence in:Bargaining \
WHEELING (NC)-Borefrustrations and the general gloom of modern life .can be answered by proof of dOIJl,
'. By Msgro George Go Higgins
Director NCWC Social AetioD Department
~ The Kaisers,. father ands~n, are the composite "Man 8 of the Year" for 1959. At, a cruci.aI turning-point in the history of laqor-management relations"in this country they_' 'have demonstrated that where there is a will to make col'Iective bargaining w~rk, pany doesn't belO~~ to me." . there is away~ For'tllis they The latter sentence would' be deserve some sort of public enough to assure the younger service .. award and the Kaiser of a certain measUre .of prayerful thanks of a grateful citizenry. To some of our readers this may sound like e x ag gger ated .praisefor ~enry
God's love for _men, al)d .the priesthood proves this love, act "cording to Bishop John King Mussio of Steubenville, Ohio. The Bishop, in an address to the district convention of Serra International here, praised' the work of Serrans in promoting vocations to the priesthood. Ser·rims, he said, are "men of des:.. tiny" who shoJ,l1d '~keep the 'priesthood high before the eyes of men." . After describing the effects of / thinking such as existentialism -effects seen in a disrespect of
fame in' the' history of labor.management relationS. But even nj.ox:e significant' vias his' reply .to .his colleagues in the. steel industry:who have told him that . his efforts, through .a· second, labor-management committee,to settle' the "work rule" controvetsy are a waste ·of time. For ~e Birds!
and his son Ed'IRON .·CURTA.IN';MODELo..:J... uis' Meyer (righ.t) authority, boredom with life, distrust of reason, and a general gar, but I ,think poses' wit.h Radio 'Free: Europe ,official Ch~rles M~Neill . state of melancholy-the Bishop . ' ' . . . , '. \. • 0 it is richly debefore a model of the Iron Curtain at, Radio. Ifree Europe said the .remedy of the wor~d'. 'served and, if anything, t 0'0 What happens, he was asked in Munich, Germany. Mr: Meyer is manager of "The9fficial grave sickness lies in the 'priestconservative. 'It' by ~e U. S. News and World are not a would be" al- . Report, if you get a vote of Catholic Direclory." Mr.M;cNeill is ·a formerpresidenf of race," Bishop Mussio said.' most' impossithree and three in this six-man the .C~tholi~ Press Association of t'he:United' States. NC Photo. "A Christian knows that God hIe, to exaggercommittee? "You're'· biocked," lO~loved the world that He gave ate the import-·· he. replied. "That's what the in;lnce of .what dustry tells us will happ~n.'They His -only begotten Son. for our I' salvation. He knows that the Son the Kaisers have recently say: 'This is for the ·birds.' Well, 4Ione, in. cooperation with the if faith that you 'can work out of God gave His iife out of love for us -'- ·did this because He Un'ited Steelworkers of Amer- something with' somebOdy else PARIS (NC)- The Holy place. God put the :priest be- ·wanted th'e love·of man." 'lca, to restore some measu re. of is . for I the birds, we had better See's 'recent decision -to end tween h~aven and earth .to be U men could grasP' the signifipublic confidence in collective fold the whole country up," thepriest~workereXP.erinient in an intermediary of grace and cance of it1~ priesth90d as a tesbargaining and labor-manage- /' '. . . . . • ment cooperation as the only Mr.: Kaiser might have added . France has been accepted "with, prayer:·It. is that supernatural ·timony of 'God's love and conforeseeable~alternative to com- that. If l~b?r-manage~en~, coop- admirable docility," His Emi-·· 'aspect of the prit!,sthood that cern for humanity, the~ will be pulsorY"arbitration of one kind er~bon IS for the blrd~, ·there ence Maurice 'CardinalFeltin, tends to, be too greatly neglect- no feeling of abandonment, he or another. Will ,be no need for u~ to fold Archbishop of Paris, stated at ed." added." . . . the whole country up-,-it will a Catholic Action meeting here. In Lille Cardirial Lienart isDifferenCle in ThlDklDK fold up of its own accord or at . Meanwhile 'His Eminence sued a "statement· telling his '" In praising ..the Kaisers for best::will b~ transformed bey~nd A~hille Cardinal Lienart, Bish- priests thllt the worker mission ROME (NC)-The Italian astheir constructive approach to recognition. op of Lilie, announced t~at the in the diocese should continue sociation of the Society of. SL labor-management relations, I apostolate to the working class its efforts with the eiements that·> Vincent. de Paul visited' more Others Like Them would prefer not to c?ntrast in his ·diocese will continue, but now constitute it. He added: 'tpan 'one million hornet; in 1958 . .their colleagues in Big Steel unwill. undergo changes required . Laymen' and aided 97,000 families; giving. This will not happen, h9wfavorably with therrL But Edgar . ever, if we can produce enough by the Vatican ruling. ,." "Workers' Catholic ..Action reabout $1,688,000 in food, clothing Kaiser himself has recently acIn his talk here Cardinal Fel- mains speda~ly responsillie for and money to - needy families industrial statesmen like~ the knowledged that there' is a sigtin explained tha:t the Church's the. evangelization of the work.. during the ·y~ar. Kaisers. But maybe it isn't a nificant "difference in thin~ing" . question of producing them. action" to end the experiment... ing class.' It' is .~ore necessllry between the Kaiser Corporation Perhaps they already exist and 'MEN 17·25. was necessary because of the' than ever, dn view of the r.ole and the powers-that-be in basic are :mer~ly waiting. for history "dangers to their priestly' vocathat the Holy See's decision reJOIN THE NEW steel. tion faced by priest,-workers liv- serves to laynten in this evanto 'gIVe them their cue. , Society of Brothers of This "difference 'in .thinking" ing in' a secularized atmos-. gelization, and I can ollly desire' If sO, the sooner they declare is perhaps best illustrated by phere. . that the numb~r of its militants Our LadyoJ Provide.nee themse!yes,as the Kaisers have Section VI -of the contract which He answered the .quest~on as will, grow. ',For information write; to: the Kaiser Corporation negot-, done, the better it ..willbe·. for. to why the Vatican's ruling had·"The only modification' im- ' iated with the St~elworker.s on l!.l~ of us-includin~ those segbeen made . by saying: . PQsed.(Ol'l the worker m~ssion) FATHER MASTER Oct.-25. This section of ~he con- me,;ts of American industry' - Priesthood. Role· is the resignation of its priests .St. Joseph the Worker which would foolishly like to contract is, to the best of my "Because there are t90 many fr01.D their present jol?s. But ~is .Novitiate knowledge, unprecedented' in see them hold the line against . people who did not adequately must 'only be ,done .~ithpru ~arwick Neck, R. I• . any further advances :in the the history of collective baruriderstand the role the. priest- dence and in a way that will gaining between Big LabOr and ,field of labor-management c0- hood' should play in society and endanger. as littl~· as possible .operation. . Big -Management. attributed to ).t too worldly a the effort ~i~g mad~t . "The parties shall establish," it reads, "a joint-committee, ·consisting of DJ;':- 9eorg~ Taylor, chairman; David 'L. Cole, and -: Mi'. John Dunlop, . and three representativeS' designated ·by ·each party to recommend for the consideration of the parties the establishment of a lorig-range' plan 'for equitable ~haring between .the stockholders, the .employees an~ the public, of the fruits of the Company's progress. Courageous Step "The formula shall 'give ap.propriate consideration to safe·'guarding the employees against · increases in~ 'cost of living, to +vr promoting' the stability of em/l}~ ployment, to reasonable, sharing ot increased productivity, labor cost savings, to providing' for ~EE THE , . necessary expansion and for assuring the Company's and the FRIENDLY FOLKS employees' progress ... ." at · It is safe to assume that the. The Old Red Bonk establishment of this committee , under the' Kaiser contract was Our 131 years of mortnot to 'the liking of Big Steel. • You'll have plenty of leisure timegage experience will Nevertheless, from the point of comfort 'and convenience, toohelp you pick the Inortview of sound social ethics, it is ) when GAS does the big household a courageous and very epcourgage that fits your needs jobs for y~u. Gas cooks meals. heats aging step in the right direction. best. You can choose water, incinerates -refuge, heats And while it would be foolish from Conventional, FHA 'and cools your home, refrigerates I to look for miracles from the .and GI mortgages' .food_ ond'dries C1othes;-entirely committee, it would also be automatically. Just set ... and for., cynical in' the 'extreme to write 0 _ Friday .¥enin". ttl! • it off. as a meaningless or a ge~. shoddy public relations gimmick. Will OpeD: Books The Gold Star . Symbol is your ,The Kaisers 'and the Union guarantee 0 fthe finest quality gas ·have macie it perfectly clear that range. 'they want the committee to succeed and that they are .willing . to give it all the iiuthority it needs to do its job effectively, Tnus, for example, Edgar Fall River Savings Bank Kaiser says in an interview in I 141 NO. MAIN ST. the Nov. 9 issue 'of the U. S. 155 No. Main St. Telephone OS 5-7811 FALL RIVER News and World Report that the committee will be able to see Tel. OS 5-7868 the books of the .~orporation. Why not, he asks? "The comL o ,
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For mortgage a'dvice •••
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'Story of Cardinal Lercaro .Stirs Wonder, Admiration By Rt. Rev.
Dynamic Churchman Ten years later he was named Archbishop' of Ravenna, and in i952 was transferred to 'the see of Bologna. Shortly thereafter, in 1953, he was made a prince of the Church. , It will be remembered that before the conclave of a year ago he was prominentlY mentioned as a possibility for election to the Supreme Pontificate. He is a' dynamic churchman, with many interests. He is a leader in liturgical reform, an effective advocate of the Christianizing of the twentieth cen'tury social milieu, a stout champion of the rights of the poor, a redoubtable adversary of the Communists. A brilliant intellectual, he has the common touch, and is equally at home addressing an inter:hational gathering of thinkers and chatting with the indigent in their own hovels. It is well known that Cardinal Lercaro has· gathered in the archiepiscopal palace in Bologna a company of young men; mostly orphans, many of them delinquents. They are supplied with room and board and made to feel right at home.
They 'eat at the cardinal's table, join him at prayers each evening, and regard him as their confidant in their problems and troubles. Mr. Huber haS himself watched this novel arrangement and gives a moving account of it, . But the· cardinal's door, as well as his heart, is open to all.
Fall River School Schedules Play The Marian Players will present Little Women at 8 Monday night, Nov: 16. It will be of particular interest to sophomores and juniors as Little Women is part of their English course. Other plays will follow during the year but the schedule is not yet complete. ST. MARY'S, TAUNTON Sodalists sponsored a general assembly today to arouse inter-~ est in the re-invigoration of the bonor system. A panel discussion on cheating was one of the highlights. Participants inCluded Ann Foley, Rpsemary Orsi, Jean O'Keefe, Joyce Harnois, Theresa Grant, and Joanne Flynn. 8t. Mary's representatives attended yesterday's dedication of Bishop Stang Regional High School. The Senior class has completed • successful paper and rag drift to benefit the yearboOk:. . s,' b
Warsaw' Church Light Rattles Polish Reds
John S. Kennedy
Last week we reviewed a formal 'aut9biography of one Archbishop of Bologna, Giacomo Della Chiesa, who became Pope Benedict XV. This week we consider a much less 'formal book about the present Archbishop of Bologna, Gia:como Cardinal'Lercaro., It is' . He has sought to reach every 'by George Huber, a news- group and stratum in his diocese. paperman, who never set out He· thought up,' for example, to do a biography of the' the idea of inviting the personcardinal, but whose interest in nel of the city's leading night him grew after' a first interview. club to attend an Easter Mass Called My Door which he would celebrate esIs Always Open pecially for them. This was to (Fides. $3.50), it insure their making their Easter Is a s e r i e s duty. of impressions, Administers See some at' first There have been special servhand, so m e ices, too, for beauty parlor d ra wn from workers, circus performers, etc. other observers, And all the while His. Eminence which give a carries on the detailed and vivid if rather onerous business of administerdiftUse . picture ing his see, supervises a pioof C a ': d in a 1 neering housing project, preLercaro. pares erudite and stimulating Born in Genoa 'in 1891, the cardinal was ordained in 1915. papers on such difficult subjects He then did graduate work at . as sacred art. the Biblical Institute, was a To meet him, even indirectly stretcher bearer in World War as in this book, is to be stirred I later joined the faculty of to wonder and admiration. the major'"seminary in Genoa, , He is in hi~self a demonsttawhere he taught courses in Scripture, the Fathers of the tion of the Church's perennial ability to tackle new situations Church, and Lit)Jtgy. In 1937 he became pastor of and to bring. the spirit and powthe Church of the Immaculate er of the Gospel to bear on a world remote, from that of the Conception, Genoa, and "set to first century or of the fourwork at once building up the teenth. liturgical life of the people."
,Iowa ,Plans Fight On Printed-Smut DES MOINES (NC)-A four'pronged legislative plan to outlaw smut publications in Iowa was outlined by Attorney General Norman Erbe at a joint meeting of the Iowa State Sheriffs Association. and County Attorneys of Iowa~ . Mr. Erbe told the meeting that his staff is drafting the propos~d legislation for introduction at the next session of the Iowa Legislature. He said the proposed legislation will call for: Prohibition of tie-in sales of publications; broadening of injunction powets; a halt to the printing and publishing of smut magazines iIi the state and the broadening of enforcement powers. Mr. Erbe said that many magazine dealers have complained they must buy '''smut'' magazines through tie-in sales in order to be serviced with popular' magazines. The Attorney' General told the meeting that within recent wee~s 42 magazines have been banned from newsstands on grounds of indecency ami he reminded that the U. S. Supreme Court has ruled that possession of two or more indecent magazines constitutes a merchant's intent to sell· such smut.
MODERN FRANCIS XAVIER: Father Paul L. O'Connor, S.J., president of Xavier University, Cincinnati, presents the University's St. Francis Xavier Award to Dr. Thomas A. ,Dooley, 32, "a modern Francis Xavier, whos~ influence for good in the Orient will be felt for endless years to come." NC Photo. (
Anglicans Fight New Divorce Bill
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No matter what &he, Sister says &0 him, the recently-arrived seven-year old relafee in St. Jerome School in the Bronz alway. replies, "SANK YOU VERY MUCH." In anticipation of &he coming of SISTER HELENE and SISTER CLAUDE MARIE to LEBANON, the parents of our refugee children are teaching them &0 say the same. Their words of gratitude will 'be for your ears too if you can !!end $150 • year for the two,-year novitiate of each Sister.
An ALL YEAR ROUND CRIB .for the CHILD JESUS IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT is an urgent need in KAREMLESSE in IRAN. Your gift of $4,OOO-or part of same -will initiate THE BUILDING OF THIS CHURCH . . . Remember your childlike STRAW SACRIFICES? When each piece of un-eaten candy, each unseen movie, each act of self-denial was aSTRA W FOR THE CHR~STMAS CRIB? Your adult "Straw Sacrifices" will furnish this house of God.
A leading Catholic theologian, Father Leslie Rumble, M.S.C., praised the stand of the Anglican bishops. He made the endorse..' ment, he said, after consultation with His Eminence Norman Cardinal Gilroy, Archbishop of' Sydney.
POPE JOHN XXIII is concerned that the' people In the Hoi,. Land-CANA. BETHLEHEM, NAZARETH and JERUSALEM -be especially CHRIST-WISE and CHRIST-CONSCIOUS at Christmas time. YOUR DOLLAR-A-MONTH GIFT to one of our clubs-You can call it your OUTGOING CHRISTMAS CLUB - will endear you to our Holy Father and will make CHRISTMAS A CHRISTIAN REALITY for &hose in need. The BASILIANS Is a Mis,The DA~IEN LEPER FUND sion Club which supports and the ORPHAN'S BREAD schools for REFUGEE CHIL- FUND speak their own needs 'DREN' . . . The M 0 N I C A .-. The PALACE OF GOLD FUND' supports churches and FUND Is for our ELDERS' chapels in the Near East. CLUBS.
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AS HE GROWS IN THE PRIEST:AOOD, a, priest becomes more and more aware of the financial difficulties some youn, men have In their seminary days. He Is Increasingly thoughtful, name by name, of THOSE WHO HELPED 'MAKE POSSIBLE HIS OWN ORDINATION. From the very beginnmg, BECAUSE OF THEIR UTTER I.: DEPENDENCE ON YOUR GENEROSITY, . /,~: " SEBASTIAN and DOMINIC will have your l>.-l~....oo-,,9.::::"~_.;;,....;'~ Intentions in their prayers for your gift of $100 for each year of their six-year seminary course. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING TROUBLES? We have an easy answer. Make all "ur gifts spiritual this year and take care of it all from your armchair. Ask us ,to send &0 your relatives, Iriends; priests or nuns our beautiful CHRISTMAS GIFT CARD with which we enclose PRESSED FLOWERS FROM THE HOLY LAND. It'll say you arranged for • missionary to Mass for them a& Christmas time. Or that In their name you &,ave II sacred article to a Mission ChapelMass Bell . _ ,$ 5 Candles lor yr. $20 Chalice ........ $40 Altar Stone 10 Crucifix 25 . Vestments .•••• 50 Picture 15 Statue '. 30 Altar,., ......., '71
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HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN A· LOVED ONE IN THIS MONTH QF NOVEMBER ... SEND YOUR REQUESTS FOR MASSES TODAY BEFORE THE MONTH IS OVER. Dear Cardinal SJilellman: I am enclosing $10 for CHRISTMAS-WEEK DINNERS fop, my neighbors In Bethlehem and Nazareth. Kindly remember my family and myself in your Christmas Masses. NAME •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ADDRESS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••'
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276 Central St., Fall River·
LONDON (NC) The Polish news agency, PAP, has said popular reaction to a strange light whicb has been seen over St. Augustine'. church in the Polish capital is "embarrassing." Poland's communist government agency said "for almost a month now***gaping and deceived people, attracted by the widely spread news about the 'miracle,' stare at the copper sheets on the tower of St. Augustine's church, slightly glittering or gleaming at dusk and during days of fine weather." The'light reportedly first appeared over St. Augustine's on the night of Oct. 7, the Feast of Our Lady's Rosary, A statement on the light has been issued by the archdiocesan ch,mcery,and read in aU Warsaw churches. It declared the light was "interpreted as a natural phenomenon," and asked the faithful to attend services at their own churches and to avoid crowding about St. Augustine's.
MANANGLE (NC)-The Anglican .archbishops and bishops in Australia have issued a' statement opposing the government's uniform divorce bill, which would override the divorce laws of this country's six states. The prelates issued a statement saying they could not support the legislation while' it contained Ii clause granting a divorce after five years of separation has indicated that the marriage has failed. Their statement called upon parliament to delete that seotion, "even if this endangers U{e bill as a whole."
'Pilgrimage to PASSION PLAY
THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 12, 1959
Mlgr. Peler P. Tuohy, Nat'l Sec'y Send all communications
Made Rite Chips' Ask For Them Today
480 Lexington Ave. at 46th St.
New York 17, N. Y.
of Fall Riyer-Thurs., Nov.
l~, 1959.
Gift of' the People
Weekly Calendari Of. Feast Days
. President and Pope.
TODAY- St. Martin I, .. Martyr. He occupied the Roma. 1 llee anything sinister in th'e scheduled meeting between See froJ:n 649 to 655. His o'pposiPresident Eisenhower and Pope. John. It: i.s wearying to ~on to the' Monothelite 'heresy · incurred the enmity. of the' Byread the endless tirades that. st> often explode when there . ~antine c.~uJ,"t.,T~is heresY, held 'is eve~·. thew~isi>er,of a,: contact br.. agovernme~toff!ci~l . that Christ Vad only a divine , with any, .high-ranking Catholic. prelate in the 'couJitry 'or and not'a human wilL After , /.. . , ", ~, . ' 'severat' att~mpts. on his . 'life ,", ' . ;, ' .' ""ONA.I. S.'HRII{B" -failed; he w~s seized, held pris.the world.. . ' Those who' indulge in such ·pyrot~chnic.s have either .an II (JLATl oner' for' a year' on the Isie of ~x~ggerated andunflatteI'ing idea. of the influeJice. that a THE //rfMAC . . '~axos and sub$equently brought Catholic can exert ina single meeting or else they. have CONCEPr/ON to Constantinople, where he was 'no faith at all in the st~ong-mindednessof those in offi _ s u b j e c t e d to many kinds of ig~ :~ial positio~s in the )iove.rnme~t. . . . ' . ~.'., . nominy He died· in the Crimea. .. P t D b ·. TOMORROW. - S. Didacus, ee . 'When .the President and the ope ':m on ecein er Copf~ssor, A native of Seville; the sixth,. theirs will not be the meeting two s t r a n g e r s . ' 'Spain, who live.d in the 15t~ They' kI).oweac~ other, from former days in France! when century, he was a' Franciscan Mr. 'Eisenhower had wartime heaqquarters in Paris ..and . Brother, who attended'inissionthe Pope w~s Papal Nuncio in France.. ~ries of his Order in the CanarY ,Islands imd aide~ them ip their ". It is altogether fitting that the meeting take place. work. He was noted for h.is No one-by word and example and pleading-has a strong-' . I penance and c!>ntemplative prayclaim to' the' title "Promoter of Peace" than ,those: er, his devotion to Our Lotd in who have occupied the Chair of Peter. The Pope;1'!~desire the Blessed Sacrament and" to fo.r . peace is .completely . sincer~motivated Only ·by 'love' the Blessed Mother. He died in . . ~ ".-. . . 1463 in Castile, The ma.ny mir~ of God and men. '. -, : ~ :\~: " ",' ,,:,., ., ' ac1es 'wrought at his tomb led , FurthEmnor,e, '>it ·is ,'urithinkable that ,·the . to his ~ canonization by,. P~p~ commands "tl}e ~~p(i'itiiai loyalty. of halfabiUiQn p~rsons--:': Sixtus in 1588.' " one-quarter of theworld's'population-=-and ,the resp.ect of . . SATURDAY - ,st. Josaphat, }llany"moFe- Ii}i\lions of~o}i;'Oatholics~' should: he,:by:passed:·· ..~~~~~i~::~~ty:; 'c;~~n~:~ ~~r~~ '01). presidential tour aim~d, ~t promoting 'good 'Y ill ' and ~ ally in 1Iome,'Jiewas a native the:cause ·o'f:peace." . ' '.' .. ' ... : . ..... ,.... . of Viadimir, Poland,. and became " .:.The ·.meeting ~ill be an historic one.:-this will b~ only ~ :.piiest·..of the Order' of .St.
It is hoped that non-Catholics in this country will not
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'., 'the secOnd·time'that a' President of:the United States while . ill officenas talked' with a P'oi>e:Th~ -fiJ::st'<>?;ta~ioil:w~S in .1919 when President Wilson"conferred wItJi::Pope 'Benedict
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's·chisms..: At 39 he became Arch,bish9P of Poiotsk.and increased '. . ':-Perhaps thi~ corning ,c.oJlferen~~',:,,!iU: 00- histode: .in:, ,.11i=_I-;M;=OlIi?"~~=~~~~~~~""~=(=;=::"bII~';i;· ;;I"'" 1&I·.-:lId .; his. ef}'orts .among;~,SCliis~miticS; " h'" "th'" 't'" b"t"h" . ·t' 'f'tn' F: 'th' ' ': :,;. - r " " " · : " , - .',~ . ' , ~a w.inning'many,.converts. . AI.. anot er way--'-In 'e recogiulOil, y.·os.e;no.o; e ;al . ' . . ,By., ~~~'" Ja~es A. M~.car~hy.n· though .warned '8gainsi:vlsitin; :'., ':'l1i~'t'tni's "1s '~n'~ltog~th'er pr6t5er .me~~trrig '6{ ~~er:·. :. -' .r.'.: Holy Name Cbureli~Fali' River' . :, it pafis,h: i'ri 'Witepsk' 6verr\!-~' 'by ., ton~s':of i.i~io:.t .of Church'aJidState tha£:~ome, might·be' . ':. " .. "" .,' schismatics, 'he faced the danger " f ' ;teni~ted·to·:'readinto it:' Perhaps it' wilI.be histoa~ in 'Sh6W:'" ,• J.h~d always pre~~~~d. that' a, re~:UI@r ~eat\irl'!in The Anchor, . imdw~s :pu(to death by, enem ieti ing'. 'that. religious groups in the' United 'States are of age iii .. all.sisUnwere nunS, 'but was. . re~'en~IY" trea!~d the s:UI;>~~~t ~ 'of:the" Church 'on November lZ; '. . r • . . ' , . i~tOl~ :~h.\'t there llVas~ a :d~stin~~ the ,baI4a £chinum.,in !3om~ de- 16?3. He was canonized bypoP4i re~ogniiiI}g.·the 'goOd th~t~o1.!ld~oine from the' meeting" tion' between the ,two titles. tiil. We refer you to this i~ Pius IX in 1867.. ". and.in brushing aside ,prejudices that are unreasonable and, 'When I pressed 'for an-e~pla- . stru!:tf~e arti~le." .\ . 'SUNpAY..:.-· St. : Albert the an~ieties that a~e unnecessar~•. ' . . ' nation it not forthcoming. . '... • • Great," Bishop-Confessor-Doctor• .Ii this is true,' '\'Vbat', is the This. famous Dominican philos. distinction?' . ' ' I· have heard' !»f Manresa oph'er and theologian; who was retreat houses' in different sec-' the teacher of St; Thoma• .' Actually all sisters are not tion!i 'of the country,' Please Aquinas, was a German and' one It is aIllazingto find a inanof such distinguished ,rep- DUnS; 'but all nuns.: ar,e" sisters: . t"ell' me the meaning of Manof the 'greatest of .the 'Medieval utation as Dr. Arnold Toynbee, the noted Brit~sh historian, There isa distinction· in fact . resar: schoolmen, He declined' many: advocat"ing birth ~ontrol as a solution to the world problem 'between a sister. and a, nun, but You' will find that the Man- ecclesiastical' dignities; . but at of the great increase in population. Such an unsCientific common usage in English does resa' retreat 'houses are con- length was persuaded'. by the t'olerate interchangeable use' of' approach is quite unlike a trained and -learned. historian. ' ducted in almost every instance, Pope to accept the Bishopri.c of these terms, . if not exclusively, by the Jesuits. ~atisbon, After three years of propose the use of unnatural or un~cienti~ic means A CONCISE CATHOLIC OIC- MANRESA is a .pilgrim shrine able w~rk, he was allowed to to limit the world's population is to insist on the inadequacy · TIONARY, compiled by Robert near Montserrat in Spain, being return to his convent at Cologne, of science and the impossibility of e~panding the world's C. Broderick, gives a very brief the place of the cave to which . where he died in 1280 at the age economy to' give all men a decent minimum of the good definition of the term SISTER- St. Ignatius Loyola (founder of of 88, His works are published things of life. Perhaps Dr. Toynbee has little faith in ~'a member of a religious 'order the Society of Jesus) retired and in 26 folio volumes, Pope Pius wrote his "Spiritual Exercises," IX proclaimed him as Doctor of science and production. The Catholic Church has much faith of women." ·.A more detailed a work acknowledged to be one the. Church, definition is given for. NUNin the power' of these, to provide adequately for every .per- "a maid or widow consecrated of the greatElst of all religious 'MONDAY-St. Gertrude, Virson born into the world. . . ' by three major r'eligious vows to books, gin,She liveq in the 14th cehGod and living in a convent of tury and according' to traditioR . The world's problem is not one of overpopulation-it is • • a religious order; a lady' dedi~as a native of Saxony. She was rather a problem of underdevelopment and' poor distribu- catedto serve God' in. the reliWhat is the devotion of the a Benedictine, nun and was tion'.' It is ridiculolJs to propose that the va~t. regiol,ls .of gious life; one espoused to fifteen Tuesdays? blessed with high gifts of mystic Africa and A,sia and South Americ~' are .unable to produce · Christ,"· prayer. Her 'work, "Insilluationes The "Devotion of the Fifteen In spite of the interchangeDivinae Pietatis," is. held comthe necessities of life. it is foolish to claim that the world able use oT these two terms, in Tuesdays" refers to the custom parable to the writings of St. cannot s'upport its inhabitants when 'grain is stored away Canon Law definite distinction of receiving Holy 'Communion on Teresa, . and' is rotting away by the millions of b.ushels because it is made between those having fifteen successive Tuesdays be. TUESDAY-St, Gregory the is surplus to the needs of this or som~ oneotl).er country. · solemn vowS, called nuns, and fore the feast of St. Dominic Wonderworker, Bishop-Confes(Aug, 4).in honor of that saint. those having simple vows, called : This 'is not to minimize the pJ:oblem~that'manY~IIiil~ This pIous pi:actic~ originated in . sor. He was born at Neo-Cae!3isters. lions of the world's people ~ill go hungry tonight. But it is Florenc'e, Italy, in 1631 when a sarea, a pagan' city of 'Pontus plague struck that city.. Tues- near the Black Sea and about saying that this need' not be-that if science and distriIs there any difference beday was chosen as the specific the year 240 became its' Bishop. tween.a Catholic' gettin"g marbutionweie to attack the problem with ju'st a percentage day because it was' ori a Tuesday At his 'ascension there were but 'ried by' a 'minister or by a of the money and enthusiasm~xpandedo'n less worthy prothat 'his. body was transferred 17 Christians in the town and justice of the peace? jects, then the economy of· the world could -indeed, support at Bologna; and fifteen was on his deathbed he thanked God the world's' people and the natural birth rate. Cahon Law requires that a chosen as the number because th~t there; remained only the Catqolic contract marriage be- that is the number of mysteries same number of idolaters, His . . . Dr. Toynbee, furthermore, does not s'ee:m to-(ak~':cog- fore a duly authorized priest and in the complete rosar.y;·to which title of Thaillnaturgus, or Wonnizance of the moral evil of birth control. Artificial Or un- two other witnesses. Hence 'in St. Dominic 'had'a great' devo- derworker, came from his. gift natural interference with nature in this regard is a perver- either instance-marriage before tion.. The 'observanc~ of this of miracles. He took part in the sion of nature. This is so unde'rstood not only: by Catholics a miQister or a justice of the practice to implore some.particu- Council of Antioch in .246 aga~nst Paul of Samosata. , but'by many non-Catholics as .well. (Mohanda$ Gandhf.was peace-the Catholic disobeys·this lar spiritual or temporal good WEDNE.SDAY-Dedication of , . . , l a w and commits a s~rious sin; has spread' in a limited way the' Basilica of' SS.· Peter, and one of the most outspoken critics 'of birth control, 'and George furthermore, the marriage is even beyond Italy. . Paul. The Basilica of St. Peter Bernard Shaw said truly that "Birth· control showed no ecclesiastically invalid. birth and ~amn little controL") , .. . For ~ Catholic who knowingly Ohio College\ .,",onor5 after it was enlarged was consecrated' solemnly by Pope Urban. . arid willingly appears before a VIiI. The Basilica of St. Paul But to tamper with nature-no, Dr. Toynbee,·that is .. non-Catholic minister to con- . Form~:r ~Pre~ide~·t.. '~· not: the' answer~ iJ:;act'marriage there is an. addiSTEU,BENVILLE . XNC)-'-The was rebuilt more 'beautifully ·tiona).· maiice. .Such a one per- College of Steubenv'iIle ,: will after its total destruction by mits himself to cooperate in a' award its Pov'erelio Me'dai :post- fire. It was dedicated by Pope '.' humously to: the 'iate' Father Pius IX.'" ilOn-~atho'tic religibuS rite,' and would incur the penalty of ex- Daniel W. Egan, T.O.R.· The communication. . presentation. /will .be made to Msgr.. J. J. Dougherty * • •. members of Father' Egan's fam:" Heads Seton Hall'· ily on Sunday, Dec. 6, What is a "civory?" Is it · SOUTH ORANGE (NC) -,A ·OFFICIAL NEWSPA.,PER OF THE DIOCESE OF fALL RIVER some part of a church? Father Egan d'ied in a fire in priest known for his radjo and Publishec:t'weekiy 'by The Catholic 'Press of' the' Dioce~e of Fall Ri'v~r T~~ CIVORY, also called the Francisc;an Monastery here television work as. well as ·his "cibori," is derive.d ,from th~ on March' 30..He had been. pres- scholarly. achievements has been . , 410 Highland: )(venue Latin "ciborium magnum". It is' ident of the college since it 'named president of Seton Hall .Fall River, t;Aass. OSborne 5-7151 University here in New Jersey. the canopy of wood, stone, or' opened in December 1946. . PUBLISHER , metal which extends above the - The Poverella ·Medal is · . Msgr, .John 'J, Dougherty, proMost Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., Php.. .... : altarimd platform, sl1Pported by awarded· to .the individual or fessor of Sacred Scripture. at GENERAL MANAGER . ASST. GENERAl/MANAGER columns. It is a type of bal~ group "who in our age exempli- Immaculate Conception.' SemiRev. DanielF. Shalloo, M.A' Rev. John P. Driscoll dacchinum of baldacchin. 'The fies the Christ-like spirit of . nary siI)ce. 1937 has been' designated. president to succeed the MANAGING EDITOR ". Rev~ - Roland Bousquet, whose charity. which filled. the life late Msgr. John L. McNultY'. articles 'on things liturgical are St. Francis ,of Assisi," I. Hugh J. Golden
XV.: .: ;".
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How' Unscientific!
* .'.
"~~h" ·'C··H·'OR" ~I e .-A····N' ,......
Director, Asserts Educational TV " "Benefit,s ',All
, , WOODSTOCK, ,(NG) ,Educational 'television,' affords benefits'for persons in ,'. all walks of life, Dr. Frank-
·'lin Dunh'am,' head ~of tele"vision and r'adio 'for the U. S. . Office !Jf Educa't,i'on, toid. a 'Woodstock Co.llege ,audience. lletired persons, and ,adults, 'Dr. Dunham' said, are .provided with a varied fare, including 'leads for reading 'and 'for 'discussion groups, through educa'tional TV. Other' Qenefits' cited by Dr. 'Dunham, are: extension of 'the 'university campus into a wider area; redeployment 'of teachers; wider audiences for professors . who have a' high degree of 'specialization hi a given field, 'and closer co-operation between "parochial arid public schools and teachers. ' " Dr. Dunham, onetime execu,tive director of the National, ,;'Catholic Community Service, also noted that well-known guests visiting city may talk 'to all students in, all schools through one T'Y hookup. n Pre-School Programs "There is a need for pre-school programs-a need which is not being met at the present time," "said Dr. Dunham,' who' is a Knight of the Holy Sepulcher. ""Pre-'schobl kids cim be usefully employed during' the day." .' , ! 'He' conterided this need best 'ean be met through area; rather , than nationaI' levei, programs for "pre-sch'ool childr,¢p: .' , , "Dr. Dunham' said' 'that nuns '''could be utiliz~d' to teach chii'Cfren of all'religio'nli. ''1-Je added: '''Nuns are most' attractive' to all ltids. Their habits alone interest them." ",' ' Parochial schools are combining with public schools to work on education'al TV programs; especially on the gram. mar school level, he noted. ' "Teams of teachers prepare the lesson~," he"exphiined, "and it is presented as part of that day's session." '
U. S. Commun'ists More Optimistic
NEW YORK (NC)-U.S. com,munists are crediting those intrepid Soviet travelers-Sputnik" Lunik and Khrushchev - with ending the party's isolation from the mainstream of American politics. , This was the gist of an open , letter to party me~bers from the group's national executive' committee published in the Worker, the party newspaper. "I'n a number of places," the letter said, "we, already witness significant new signs of br~ak lng our. isolation and beco~ing involved as a significant factor in the mass movement. And the present objective c~nditions offer real possibilities for exvanding this tr~nd." , This is the,most optimistic appraisal of communist, prospects since the party was hit ~ith mas s resignations following Khrushchev's 1956 disclosute of Stalin's perfidy. The letter continu~d: , "The American people ar.e changing their attitude toward socialism. The Sputniks and Luniks, the economic advance and challenge of the Soviet Union, its impressive educa.. tional achievements-these and other developments have produced more than mere curiosity in' this' country. ' , "Americans are examining and weighing the J,'elative merits of the two systems. And they are coming more and more to realize that the socialist achievements offer no threat to them. Hence the lucid descriptions of the Soviet society presimted by ,Khrushchev fell, on interested ears. To these responsibilities our party has already begun to 'respond."
Honor 'Preiate PARIS (NC)-Bishop Maxim~ Tessier of Timmins, Ont., ,was decorated with the French Language Medal of the French Academy at a ceremony here.
Stole. symbolizes,' Dignity o/"Priesihood While p,.~claiming Soul's Immor~aJity , ,"
By ReV'. ,'RQland Bousquet
,,"" ,
St• .roseph's';:ehurch, New Bedford
Last week, merit badge,~?~~r~,'award~d to a few boys ,ourBoY,'S,c~ut'troop. They were quite proud of these siQiPI~ insignia' for these badges &Ymholized,success' for these boys. Insignia are not limited, tP~a bOY~s:Ylorld. Without them, ~chaos' would be the, order of:thedayjn,t.h~armedfor.c~;,Thestole, 'among the sacred 'vestments, stands out ~8 the insignia;, of ,the '~piies'Pl~od. "':1 " ,~' "end of a fraternal meal, ~uch This ,b.ess~d garment eon- ,: like Our Lord did at the Last sists iIi a longn~rtow';band', Supper; I~ was the .d~acon's , '. 'h' .'" ' task to walt on the ChrlstIans:~t of sIlk' w lch matcl;i~, the; , this meal. He also assisted the
THE ANCHOR-' Thurs., Nov. 12, 1959
'Says Catholicism Is Fulfillment Of Judaism
KANSAS CiTY (NC) '''A Jew, is an unfinished, 'incomplete Catholic. A Catholic isa complete Jew." This summation of the relation
. betwee'n Judaism and Catholicism has been given by Father Arthur P. Klyber, C.SS.R., at a maniple and chasuble ,,' ~th i'n', celebrant during, Mass. WhEm meeting,o~ the Archconfraternity color, and style. The ends of the' 'Mass was no loriger celebrated. Qf Prayer for Israel, an organ'stole are usually adorned: with, dUring this fraternal meal it was ization of Catholics' who pray tassels or fringe. rhe priest firs,t , found 'more practical to bring for the conversion of the Jews. kisses the' sm'all cross' emb~oidthe two hanging pieces of the Father Klyber, himself a ered on or ,sewed to the middle deacon's stole to the right side' of the stole. "and fastened together to prevent Jewish convert to Catholicism. explained that Catholicism is After ',adjusting, the stole it from flapping and slipping. the continuation and fulfillment; about his rieck, the '~lebrant Stole at Preaehill&' of ,Judaism. However, he added. crosse!i. the two ,s~ri~s ~n the The northern countries, not the attitude of Jews to both the bre~st. The l~~t h~nd lsbro~ght aware of its origin, associated Church and. Judaism holds back ov~ ~o ,the rIght and. the rIght ,the stole with preaching. Here many of them from embracing band IS' crossed ,over to, the ,~e~t. it became the distinctive mark Christianity. The tw~,loose ends of.the,c1O~-' of preachers. To this day the '!The attitude of the modem lure' serve .to keep the stole 18 priest who ascends the pulpit Jew to the Catholic Church haa place. A bishop due.s ?ot cross 'to deliver on a solemn OCcasion been conditioned by the Inquithe stole. He wears It 10 such a still- wears a stole. sition and the other persecufashion that the' two strip'S fall tions," he explained. "He thinks straiglit down. By the fourteenth century, , ", the custom of crossing the stole the Church is against the Jews." Worn Often over the breast was' practically In addition, declared Father Contrary to the other vestuniversaI.' This· was brought .ments" the stole, is also worn about by the desire to fill the Klyber, the modern.Jew gener,outside of Mass. The priest is gap left open by the opening of ally, "knows almost nothing' required to wear it in,ad~inis- , the chasuble. Bishops did' not about the Messiah" and "has Jering thesacramehts' and in ,,~eed to ,cross the stole since , lost contact with the revelation 'given to his ancestors. "You ::impa'ttingPlost blessings. they' wore t?e p~ctor,al,cross. ' have ,to make a Jew out of him ,: The deacon also we'ars, a ,stole, "The priest,at the vesti~g-case before a Catholic," the priest "hut he wears it in'a special manrecites, this prayer while P4tting said. ,'ner,.,.He places' it on his left "on lhe stole: "Restore to me 0 Father Klyber ,contended that shoulder and lets)t fall ,across, Lord, 'the state ,'of iinmortaiity as result 'of persecution,' the his chest 'and back ,t() the, right which" was lost to me by my Jewish' peopl'e "are twice' as side where it, is jdined 't6g~ther.' ,first parents, and, although un_, ' grateful for a "kindness;' ,They , 11le, ~rigin of the stole ~s ,lost wo~thy, to appr\?ach T~y, sacred want to be understood,' he, said. ,.,~n the I:lbsc,urity, of the history of m~steries grant me neverthele~ "Non-Jews' should not, make ancient Rome. Nevertheless, it. 'eternal joy." . judgmentS. Instead they sh6uld ~ 'p'~ob~bly' derived '~ro~ ' t h e . (Ne~t week - the cMs'uble) regard Jews as individuals." , illlli- - - - - -...- - - - - - - - - - - - - - custom p,revalen' in: the days of the Roman Empire of wearing a protective band of cloth about the neck. This'scarf served as a protection from the cold, in Winter and from perspiration in Summer. Sign of Distinction This practical garment soon gave way to 'a more sophisticated use of the stole 'Or "orarium" as it was called. A ceremonial band THE STOLE of richly decorated linen became a sign of distinction for persoris Fr. Roland Bousquet of high rank and ~ even a, mark gical functions is reserved to the of office for magistrates. The Church, by the fourth Pope. century had reserved the use of The deacon's stole is derived the stole to bishops, priests and from the cloth or napkin worn de-acons. It served as the insigover th~le'ft shoulder and hangnia of their office and was worn 'ing down back' and front. I~ the. by them at all times. Today the early days of the Church the use of the stole outside of litur- Mass was often celebrated at the
~1:! l i ij~I\ \ I\I \fj\ I\I I I I I I I I I\ I\I\I\ 1 \ I!\ \ ~I\ \ I\I\ !\ I\ \I \ \ ~\ \ \ m
'Around the World' Minstrel Show Sponsored by, the Council of Catholic Youth OF SANTO CHRISTO CHURql, FALL RIVER
SUNDAY, ,NOVEMBER 22 ACADEMY, THEATRE, FALL RIVER Featuring' members of the ,s~to Christo C.Y.G. Diocesan Base~all Championship Team. Curtain Rises at 7:30 p.m. TICKETS 9ge .:.... Sold at Bo~' Offi~e
The Answer To Your Frost Removal Problena DISTRIBUTED BY
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Order' ro", Tltanls-' giving Turlcey Now' Plan your holiday feast around a delicious, meaty A&P Turkey. By placing your order now' you'lf be sure to get the size and weight you desire. large or ,small ••• you'll be happier with an A&PTurkey thafs been specially bred, specially selected and specially pricedl
,World's Women Outline Needs .
THE ANCHOR-Dioc,,:se of Fall ~ive~~Thurs.;Nov. 12, t959-
Many 'Arguments Pro :and :COfl Se,parate Dining Roo,rns _,
PARIS (NC) - Delegations from 24 countries in five continents ga~hered here for a meet, ing of the World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations Oil the subjects of aid to under'develop~d countries and the plight of refugees. The women concentrated their discussions on ways of alleviating the following situations: -Of the 600, million Chinese ,-58 per cent of them less than 18 years old. - 60 miliion are mere skeletons of children. Famine is a constant threat; four, million died of' it in 1953. -In Bombay alone, 250,000 homeless persons' sleep in the , streets:' , -Ou,t ,of 2,750,000,000 persons no~ living,' 1,850,000,000 are starving or very seriously undernouri~hed. In Latin America' alone, 50 million. are suffering 'from dietary deficiencies. , ~ne7tenth of the p'opulation' 'of thewor:ld gets four-fifths 01 the total' reyenue. -The average life expectancy ranges down, from 76 years ia Canada, 70 in Europe, 37 ia China, to Z8 jn India. The 'meeting" presided, over by'Marie du Ros~u, president of the World Union, formed special commissions to consider various aspects of the ,problem 'of want.
By Alice Bough C~hill ' The.russet of trees, the gold o,f pumpkins, the sight of :,football practice turn our though;ts to ,Autumn and llOjne entertaining. From now on, we ar~ bl)und to use,our dinin,g rooms'more and more, for we've given tip picni~kirigout of , doors; and look forward to some of the new' plastics ~hich 'winter holidays. May b, e 'are so func~ional for this 'sort of your entertaining is nothing · u s e . , ' more than asking a neigh- ' The' furniture needed for a bor who walks home with you from daily Mass, to drop in for' Ii cup of cof,'fee, , or ' your ,child's doughn,l.i t par t y, n eve r t h eless - you want' your dining room ,to look, as attractive as possible. 'We' never talk abo1,lt ,dining rooms without : ihe query from ,llO m eone, "What about the new combination livjng-dining roo'm?" There are, of course, pros and cons. Those fa\tOring a separate dining room adhere' to 'the idea that family manners slip when eating isn't kept dignified; it is good living. One advocate of a separate din-"
traditionat' dining ,room ,.doesn't vary much '-, ta,bl~, chairs', and server.' To, this might be added : a china closet; ora buiit-in ~or: rier cupi:>c;iari:l. Use 'your chiQa closet to di,splay your prettiest china; stack other pieces In' Hie section with solid: doors,- If you have, a' drop leaf table that takes 155th IN HONG KONG: Bjshop :Lawrence Bianchi, up a lot of roomj' drop the -leaves. P.I.M.E.,la~s the corp,erstone of the new Maryknoll convent A,- ,iresh, 'plant' will' always ,make an attrac't~ve centerpiece schooL It will provide se'condary edu'catioh for 800 girls, . and, even 'if yoU' dirl,e in candleand will be Uie ~55th Catholic school in Hong l{ong. NC ' ,. light, you'll pro\)ably· want 'a Photo..' center fixture. The child who had the privilege of lighting candles' for festive occasions is undoubtedly the,person who now Worl~wide', thinks that the dining room has ROME (NCr--Th'e worldwide tralian-born Rosemary· Goldie, a definite place in her scheme Catholicism is the special conexecutive secretary of the comof living. ' However, times change and cern of' a small office tucked mittee; "We have no members. customs too. We're more, in- away in one of the Church's ,'We can suggest ideas, draw 'up possible' plans but it is up to formal today. In most ,house- large office buildings here. holds the brunt of the cooking Catholic organizations we serve ing room was heard to say, and household tasks falls on Hobby Classes Start It is the Permanent' Commit- , to put them into' action." "People are right in not wantIng, a living-dining' room. Ar- Mother's shoulders: Why should tee ,for International Congresses At St. Mary's Home chitects and magazine people ,we deny, her" say the proponents, of the Lay Apostolate. The comMiss Goldie is assisted by, four Cooking, knitting and. basketcan talk all they want, but the of the livin'g-dinin,g' room, the mittee not ,only organizes world full~time workers and seven ball classes have started for dining room is good for more 'fun of being part of every, 'home congr,esses 'such as the one' held part-time employees. Her office,· children at St. 'Mary's Home,' function. here in 1957, but also seeks to maintains day-to-day work of, ,New Bedford, under auspices of th~n show, as, one soon finds, ' ' ,' out in 'a combinatioriroom when In' the home with the living-, coordinate lay Cathoiic effort~ the committee which ,has set up , . the Imant of :prague Guild. IlOmebodyspills milk and jam dining room, she can' arrange in ,va.rious. parts of the world on 'a Roman:'center 'to handie 'aU' the' Plans for a Christmas party: all, Over the' living :room rug:" 'the iable and prepare, meals in an international level. ' are under ,way. Mrs: _ Amelia: , , problems' a~d ' i4eas ,~hl1t com,e , It'slyour Decision full view of her guests: Guests. ,~ariteau 'heads the group. , to t1?e committee. ," 'Arguments for b()th sides are even' help -in ,many ,instances Xo ,consolidate, recen't gains convincing - and -rightly so, 'with preparatory tasks,aQ,9 cer"; , ma4e, 'in, developing the iay, 'hiinly this is much easier if IjiS 'T'IME TO ORDER for 'there's a great deal to ,be the 'table 'Is 'right 'there in 'the ap,ostolate, Pppe JohnXX~II has' "';,l'd for either arrang'ement. B,ut set' up a sI'X - membe'r d'Irec t·m g .... li,ving room" or" exposed 'alcove. . ~,e a'r'e" not takl'ng' sl'de" the . 'c'ounCI'l headed by ' P ro f essor ' -, ~ , "Peo,plle who like this inethodsaw " decision is yours: Since inform- that while-the elem,ent""of pri: Silvio Golzio. ,The' Pope ha~ left \ . ' , , " aiity has become' part of our "the,' o,f,fice' of 'sec,re,tary 'general v:acy is gone,- entertaining,' is ' 'Now-while our :'selections' eire largest 'and most' complete, American way of,li'Ving, the :d~n- . '-less' taxing. ',v~cant following the resignabee,n in aS,tate .o,f tion of VI't'torl'o Vero'nese who "m g' room',has, . ~y~u c'an sel~~t·frC;;ri;. ~he", moat. beci~tif~1 ,a~~ " m~st ap-, :, , ' Such, rooIils 'inay ,be' separated .' , constant change, . disappearing ,.' . . resigned t() beco.me<iirector gen- , propriate Christmas "cards: available • '.. 0, '. e6mpietely in many homes, con- . by bookcase parti~i()n~;by,'grill, eral"of th U 't d 'N t· Ed. , ," ' ._'work; or a ban-kmg of potted .. '.' ," e: m.e., a Ions uden-sing to alcove size, in " ' 'be' 'pus - h'e dO ,cahonal, , most , p'Ian t s. T ,a bles' can', ' ' ;, '.SCIentifiC " ' , and 'Cultural '. .' ,. '. . ethers. 'to the side , wall 'and "eha,i,rs, that 'rgamzahon a year ago., But there are those who in ' ',;.hl'l'd'hoo''d' and youth grew up , . ,are ' used,:' ill, ~l;1e livi~g rooln, , '? , , 206 . . . . MAIN~ '0$3-2661 . , . STREET' . \ . '. .... . FAll RIVER, MASS." ~ , ,(particularly' host and ' hos~ess ',"We. are strictly a, service to 'expect a separate, dining chairs) b,rougnt'-in, and used" at Org!lniZ,ati~n,'!. :~:r:cplained ,Ausroom' whe,'re tables were" set in '. . . the dining table:' ' ' , pr\vacy aM quiet. There was If you feel' that the fuss and no rattling of silverware and, bother of meal preparatio~'~re china to disturb the master of' the house and those waiting for ' ~::::~n1;n:e~~ ~~;:~t Y::se~~~' , ''dinJ;ler, Someho"" there was an", a separate dinin'g room; but -, element of surprise for hungry youngsters waiting for dinner should you ,prefer sharing hou~eand arguing whose turn it would' hold ta!lks with ,others, enjoying, ' ~- ~" be' to say grace.' ,'" . company while you work, 'you'll 'want a ,living-dining room.: ..' ,. ..' There was' also a spirit ot expectancy for mother who ,had' I I arranged an artistic centerpiece' y~eri-ans and a surprise dessert. Many" '1 of us have come to think of , dining rooms with their quiet MIAMI (NCr-Presbyterian charm and dignity as part of women \ have petitioned' Dade our tradition.. ~ Courity Public' School superinIf you have such a dining tendent, Joe Hall, to ,"exert your room and wish to refurbfsh it,~ influence in coiitinuing ourtlmestudy what, must be done. If" honored traditions of praye,r." woodwork is dark; con'sider' Women of, the Church' of the painting it a ,bright shade. It Presbytery of' the ~verglades tis' a sin' a shamQ, to treat such precious ;'ourishment ' \0 could be white or a color to:', termed efforts: to remove these as"Guimond Farms 'A Quality' milk with such ,neglect as match your wallpaper. Hang practices from the,sdi.ool' sysnew curtains at the windo",:stem as i'un-American, un-Bib-" .to spill one single drop. and if your chairs have, slip lical, and undesirable." ..: '--, \ seats, it is .not a major job to ,Communist Russia Guimond ,Farms.'A Quality' -milk is deliyered at the peak reupholster them., Ask to see They added that the removal of farm fresh goodness, quality, and flavor different of "simple Christmas and Easter CovingtonWomen Honor observances, and non-sectarian from,ordi,nary milk as night is differ~nt frorp day. B~ble, reading . in' 0llr . pu,blic National Council Head , school classrooms" would be '''in COVINGTON (NC) - Mrs: the direction of communist Try Guimond Farms 'A' Quality' milk and dairy products Mark A. Theissen of Covington, Russia." at your doo,r or at our stores! .j , president of the National Coun,. A suit 'charging' violation of cil of Catholic, Women, has been Federal and state constitutions named "Apostolic, W9man of the by religious'observances in Dade Year" by the Covington Dioce;" County ,PJlplicSchools ,was resan Council of Catholic Women cently dismis'sed' here by a Cir-convention.' , cuit Court Judge. Another suit Mrs. TheissCiln, former dio(~e which brings 'similar charges is san counci,l president, is in still'pend~~g, ' • , Europe, representing the NCCW at the international study days' of the World Union of Catholic _Women's Organizations. The honor was accepted' for Mrs. " MAKE A' BIG HIT Theissen by her sister, Rosemary - -~PARTY FAVORS:"'" McNeeve, !irst vice-president of -CHRISTMAS SAtESthe COVington DCCW. ", CORY'S More than $100,000 has been collected during the' !list seven AFRICAN 'VIOLETS years by the DCCW Seminary Guild for the Seminary of St. Tiverton, 'R. I.:' OL 4-8781 Pius X, Covington diocesan semGroup Prices We Deliver inary.
Small Office in 'Rome "Organizes Lay Apostolate Role
Personalised 'Christmas Cards
"-·F: ~A~'FOREST"
Wh',o 'Spil-leJ
p res b
A' s k ,Pr'a'ye,rs n Scho',ol
. M,y
Africa n ''Violets
OS 8-5286
..A Qualm;.;!Hlik.
~lirry-Up' Pace of Modern Life
~~~rtN~~~R12, 1959 9 Program Tonight Honors Bishop
Leaves No Time for Dea'd By Mary Tinley Daly Invention of the" wheel-recognized as the greatest 'boon to living man .•• Multiply that wheel by five, four of them covered by rubber tires, the fifth attached to sleering gear, a,nd you have' standard Equipment for Americans. Perpetual use of cars and their' " could do the same today, the effect on the way-of-life, at hills having grown steeper beour house came' to mind tween our house and the w'h e n we noticed that church! Later, when the economy of November, "month of the Holy Souls," is slipping by, that. we ,the country was somewhat rehave not paid covered, there was a family car, as much attenbut it was used by the Head of tion to our bethe House. No' longer did the loved dead as daily trek to'the gr8t:ery store formerly. mean carrying hom'e comestibles. Ho~ever, a walk aftet naps pad We go to Mass for their become a part of daily life. intention, of, Pre-schoolers and I would walk course. Their over to meet the elder children names are on after school, around the neigh~ the altar. What borhood to see the pretty leaves is' missing? It's iJ;l ,the Fall; the flowers, in the t~Qse '~pop-in" Spring, the trees aglitter with visits to church sn0':V in the Winter;' , we used to ~ Now;' I wo~der,liow there make. was so much time? There was The "Pop-In" 'Visit plenty- in those days. And inWhen the children were little, variably, during those afternoon· we did not have access to a walks, there would be a pop-in ear. Accompanied by a band of visit to "say hello to God." small children, one in a baby Needless to say, our dead were carriage, I'd trek to the groc-, always remembered on those ery store each afternoon. Pass- visits. ing the parish church, 'we'd al:1. Moreover, there was to be pay a "pop-in" visit. ("One found, for an adult, enlightennever passes the house of the, ment' unobtainable elsewhere. Lord without stopping in" had In tJ;1at quiet church there ,was been instilled into' me as a adVice, guid~I1ce, counsel. child.) , The· cynic might say "All you ,There, in the quiet, of. after,. .need is solitude, a chance to' noon darkness; our children be-, search the depths of your· own came acquainted with ,the llanc- being:'" . tuary lamp and what it means, This we disavow. in the presthe bapiismal font at which each ence of the . Blessed Sacrament, had, received the First Sacra- we· flnd answers to' mahy· of ment. Voices' were ',hushed,' even: life's problems, courage 'to car"; ~abies catching the reverent atry on in spite of dismaying adtitude. versities. In privacy" toddlers, .learned No Parkiq to genufl~t, with nobody iaughiDg as first attempts reSulted in Nowadays, ~e are "a-,wheel." genuflections toward the "church Everybody seems to be~ We zip door rather than the altar. They past the church guiltily, ,haunted , aaw the Blessed -MQther's statue, by thatbuilt-iri 'fEiE~ling of "One that of St. Joseph and questions, never passes" the ,house of the' that arose were answered nat- ' Lord ", '. • ,.. We, ~can, tile, stre~ts urally, without embarraSsment: ' near the church. There are big, During November,' I'd, tell the signs: "SCHOOL ZONE - NO: children of their departed rela:' PARKING. . tives and we'd all pray for the ',. Driv:e aroundthe',corner"park: repose 'of their souls,'; , ," , I ~ouldn't take a solid gold and walk back? Pay that visit? Cadillac as replacement for Pray for' the dead? Sometimes those baby-carriage' pushing we do, too often we don't. The days - ,thoug,h I doubt if 1, 24 hours in each day seem to have shortened for some unaccountable reason, just' as, the hills have grown steeper. Invention of the wheel, boon to living man, may very well ; OTTAWA (NC)-A "woolpor:' . have a sad effeCt on the, dead, trait" of the late Pope plu's XII 'unless Ii conscious effort i!! m.ade has been: presented to Arch- to remember those who have bishop Sebastiano Baggio,· Apos- gone before. tolic Delegate to Canada, who As our descendants take to will send it to Pope John XXIII. The portrait is by' Elizabe~h ou1er space, will they forget Lefort, 9f Point Cross, Cape even more? Breton, Nova 'Scotia, whose h 0 0 k w 0 r k tapestries have Toledo Ordinary Urges achieved international fame. Her Women Aid Migrarrts t::.pestry portraits of President TOLEDO (NC) Bishop Eisenhower and Queen Eli,zabeth hang in the White House and , George J. Rehring of Toledo pas urged the Toledo Diocesan Coun-. J;luckingham Palace. The hand-woven portrait of cll of Catholic Women to help Pope Pius XII is about a yard Spanish-speaking migrants reliquare. It required some 200,000 ceive the benefits of education Stitches and about three quarters and opportunities in America. of a mile of two-ply fine yarn. While working on' t~is portrait, Miss Lefort also did da Vinci's "Last Supper." She completed the two works within two months. She was offered $10,000 Est. 1897 for her portrait of Pope Pius XII, but turned it down in order Builders Supplies to present it to the Holy See. 2a43 Purchase Street Miss Lefort, 45, leaves shortly New Bedford ~r Phoenix, AriZ., to start work on a huge tapestry of 1,750,000 WY 6-5661 ~titches. This work will include portraits of all 33 U.S. presidents. This 'will require some R. A. WILCOX CO• • ix miles of yarn and will take ~bout six months to complete, OFFICE FURNITURE ~e said. .. Stodr for Immediate OeIIYft7
New Bedford Catholic Women's Club will hold its annual Bishop's Nigltt program and dinner at 7 tonight in the NeW' Bedford Hotel. Mrs. Herman Z. L. Roy, musie committee chairman, has arranged a program by William Metcalf, singer and televisioR performer. Dinner music, by the Pilgrim Trio, is in charge of Mrs. Leo F; St. Aubin: Other committees inclUde hog.. pitality, headed by Mrs. Vincent J.' ,Worden, and ushers, witll Mrs. Joseph C. Motta as cha~ ~~n.
Mo~nt ,St. Mary SeniorS R~ceive, Commendation
PARENTS MUST BE TEACHERS: Sister Mary Richardine, B.V.M., associate secretary of the National Catholic Educational Association, is interviewed' by members of the Parent 111formation Committee of the Denver. Chapter of Kappa Gamma Pi, publishers of the boo~, "Parents Must Be Teachers," a guide for programs at parents' meetings. NC Pho,to. ,
,Three seniors at Mount st. r.,:ary·Academy, Fall River, ~ave r~ceived letters of commendation from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation in recognition of outstanding pel"forma,nce in its qualifying test. S~ster M. Carmela, R.S.M., primcipal announces.
Petitions School Board to Accept Daughter's Grad~ in Religion
The group, includes Louise Jeanne Boulay, Margaret Mar,. Griffin and Frances Ann Moson. Letters of commendation are being' awarded to 27,000 stUdents in the United States. Ap.proximately 550,000 high school juniors in 14,500 schools took the test last Spring.
STOCKHOLM (NC:)~A CathoUc ,?arent has petItIoned the ~\Y'edlsh State Board of Educab~n to have. the .mark~ :her ~a\l~ht~~ re,celved In rehgl~us In~trl.l~tI()n. ~rom her .. Pllr1sh , pr~est ,recogmzed by the board. ,Jleasop for the petition is that the girl may qualify for admission to a gymnasium, the equivalent to an 'American, bigh school The' principle of 'lreleased time" applies in Swedish elementafY ~chools for pupils who" at' their parents' request, are exetp.pt from the, obligatory religious instruction which is Lutheran. In 'generlll, religious instruction of Catholic children is handled by, priests and nuns after'scnool hours. Bunt is pos"sible;to arrange for this instruc-' tion to begive1l during 'school' hours•.
Entrance' to Swedish high schools 'is determined by averaging grades received in each subject,' inclUding religion. Catholic pupils' are exempt from biking this subject but are encouraged to receive appropriate religious instruction tor which they· 'recE!hre' .no' grade. Their average of credits beCause af this can, and often does, work' otitso that they do not qualify for the limited nurriber' of places now available in the over~owded high schools. ' ....- - - - - -
Holiday Benefit
DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL invite ,0Ullg ai.... (14-23) .. !abN .. ' Cltris"s ".It vineyard . ' _ ApOltl.' .... ~ition.. Pr..., Radio. Movi.s attd , ' visiOtl, With mod.m meanl. th... Miuionary Sisterl bring Christ'l Doctrine te aU. r.gardl... of race, color or' CI'MCI. JlOr "'formation write tol lEV. 'MOTHER SUPERIOt 10 n .. ,PAUL'S AVE- IO~TON 10, MAn.
Canadia'n 'Gives 'papal" Portroit""
Sturtevant & Hook
, Holy Cross Auxiliary , The Lay Family of the Holy Ca'ou, auxiliary' group to the Holy Cross Fathers of the Diocese, will hold a chicken pie supper at 6 Saturday night, Nov. 14 at Elmer Poole School, North Dartmouth. Also on the group's agenda is a Christmas party Sunday, Dec. 13.
• •
'Alumnae of Mt. St. Mary Academy, Fall River, will holcl a holiday dance Saturday night, Dec. 12 at the Hotel Mellen, witll proceeds to benefit the school building fund. Mrs. Helea Viveiros Is chairman•. ..
Help your family swi'ng int{) falll with a sunnier disposition. Serve them a big glass of refreshing Hood Orang~ Jui~ at least
once a day.
Hood Orange Juice is a "gold mine"" of health-building vitamin "C". And there' a no messy mixing or thawing with J{ood Orange Juice. So, why wait~
'10.,:., p::: "~ . ':.:> .• "-Di(),~~,~r'?f Fa)1 R!v~r-Thurs~~,~~v~
·,publishers '-Fight'J .:Iowa's Drive . Agai'.,sf Filth
12,l9~9 .
N~_edS~{ill Plus ,Ing;redients '
To Bake. Re.al Good Coke
DES··MOINES (NC) Eighteen. publishers of 20 magazjnes have filed.an. action here in Federal court . seeking to prevent Iowa At:-torney General' Norman Erbe by' an . ugly- ciack. Then and there the distraught owner from interfering with the sale decided she must have it BRAZIL Nl!T of 20 magazines. in his' drive perfect again .. So she sent' FISH FILLET ROLLS against· pornography. the rare vase to a fine' old '.4 cup butter or margarine. . The Attorney General had house of and' ordered not 2% cups soft bread crumbs ordered 42.magazines Off 'newsone 'but . five replicas of it. ¥.J cup finely diced celery stands, stating that the maga-' Never again, spe thought, would I teaspoon salt zines were printed "solely' 'for . 2 tablespoons finely chopped onion the purpose of distributing filth she be saddened' 3 tablespoons water , d t" H by the break'h cup chopped Brazil nuts an . smu. . e said such magaihg of her che'r2 tablespoons choppe'd pa~sley zines' have been "a contributing' ished vase: 'AI teaspoon pepper factor' to' juvenile delinquency." Time passed; 6. fish fillets (about l'h 'pounds)' The publishers .asked for. an her order was ~eIt ,butter, 'add ~p.iQI1 a~d: '. order to enjoin' the Attorney' p;a i Ii's taldngly . " cgok untir~'bnion:,is' t e r t M r ; . ; b u t " ) j G e n e r a U r o m terIriing the,maga.·· . not brovN}i A.M;Drell~;·~rwnils;· .. z!ne~ ',~~oQscene,arid' indec~nt,". · filled, One day her' .new 'va'ses;~ , Bra7;il nQ'~s;;'cefe~Y;:;Pllrsley ;ia:~«( '. " i n s i s t i n g 'that, coimty attorri'eys were delivered; seasonirjgs:""Cook:::'stirring" ~ori:' . " prosecute:;' dealers' handling the' Each one'an e*'act'coPy·of:the·. s~ntly,about fivemihutes'over. FIRsT FRIDAY CLUB' P 'P t""'t'th f' t" ·:t·,,;magazines;'aild"prej'udging,pre- ". old - even to the ugly: crack!' "medium heat:.Add.,:watet;, Spread " " . . .," . . , ' . ' ".' : : :. ,re~en,,~. ~. e ~rs, m~e}ng" 'c~nsorinif'ilnd' blacklisting" 'the, : This "little story. illustrates', shiffing:over'" each"filiek, ·Roll. a. ~F.)rst FrIday QI,ub . sl>ont:lor~d, by )tev. :Feh'kS. ·:Ghllds,: 'publications. .. . the need .of ,a perfect model, - ' and '. skewe-r·· or' 'iie" 'securely.' ',pastor .Qf. InlIli'a~ull;lteConcepti9n- Chill:ch,F'all ~!ver,were'!:.', The publishers" suit. asked for · in ,the pattern of our. own lives.' Place"lri .shallow.' pan 'and bake: left to ·right, Manuel J. 'Viveiio~, Grand Knight,' K' of C tem'porary,and, pernianent inAnd. we all know'. that· that is . ip. moderate' ,oven ~50:, degi'ee.:. Cou'n'c"l'l' 8,6' .Fa'ther Childs and No~mand Char:land 'C"atholic' juncti'on. ,agains't the· At.tor.ney D' .Buono:· Signor.e," ·the; Good F . )"30 . mmu . tes, · ·or un t'l ' ..' , . . I t. en der. Actio~ Chairman for the' K Of d' ". ~:ene.ral. . T?~ : petition accused' Lord, Jesus. " .. ' Remove skewers or sti:-ing. Serve' • hIm 'of trymg. to, suppress the' Most homemakers will agree with· sauce. Yield: .six s~rvip.gs.. ' . . ., magazines without a "fair trial. that this .same logic applies to before an impartial tribunal." their everyday activities~ A' BRAZIL NUT SA,UCE . cake is only as' good as its in,';" ~', cup butter or. margarine "'. ~,.·.:e·· Thedeprived"1>f publishers fsaid had ..,.. 'been their they constitugredients 'and the' skill with . %. cup sliced Brazil nuts . ' . which. they are "combineCl; .a '2·tablespoons'lemon.juice . '. ". .SAVANNA~ (~C)7An Irish; tl~eir religion in pUbllcas' well tional rights . of' "freedom of' swept house must know"a busy' . Melt butter' oVer)ow heat. 'bishpp said h~rethe" comple.te, as private~"" " , ' " speech, freedom 'of the press and' broom. It is logiCal-also' to' think" Add Brazil nuts'and coQkslowlY. re.ligious·and_.P91~t.ical fre.edom, The Bishop also 'pointed' Qut of property" without ,due process we won't',wake' up' in Heaven . five minu~~s.,or·:until. butter is., of, p~otes,t'aI1ts'aI.ldJews,'i~ Ire~ tha(Irish'rion-Catholics are 'free 'of1aw. ',.:: wondering how 'on' earth we got·' slightly browri: Add, lemon,lan.dJsar~f~tat~opof tpe chllrge. to 'maintain their oWJ:i schools," " AccOJ:din'g..'to;: attorneys, a '. tl;1at where Catholics are a .IPa-anddo so>Ailin the caseofCat.h.;;'· 'hearing 'before Federal' Judge 'there. . juice; serve hot.'. ,. In our; blessed 'AmeriCa few . Here's "'a 'novel'. . confection, ,JOiity: they,p~rsecuteother olic schools;' he "said the gqvern'..:·Edwin R: Hicklin' on a request Gf us wonder' 'how on' earth; .we ' . "Fruit Mallow Slices," arid' nQC r~ligions ..·" "men~ pays two-thirds ofthe'con:" for~' ,temporary injunctio'n has' are. going; t9' eat;· for most it's .. at all. difficult· to'prepa're:, !i's,.' ,Bi$hop " Cornelius, Lucey ofstruction'cost, of .such' institu- •'be'en senor~l6mo'rrow rt.'orning.' 'What on:earth' li're we 'goirig to .. : a' truly. dt;!liciotis. iwee.t . given' Corl< and Ross, Ireland"declared tions, but. 'their' supporf'thl:!re: . Attorney GeneralErbe said that e~t -(,for theh6m.einaker .w,ho pleasingchewihess and'-flavor: that: :the,.relatioris -betw~~n the after is the responsibilityi'6f th~'he "vigorousIYoi>pose" the: is seaI:ching ·for"s6methiiIg'aif.:'·· with· suc'cylen{ ·liglit'·or dafli:" Ca~l)olicp1aj()rity in ,Irelimd",,", . particular Teligious group "In';"·: . reqtI~st for a Federal.court inferent,' she .will be pleased to raisins. This is . th~kind 'of con:'" some 95 per .cent of. the popula;". volved. '. ., junction against· him. find "Brazil Nut Green Bean fection that can't be bought over' tion~and the Protestant and rp;:~iP·;;;r·T~~p::.;j;:::;j;:::;P~~:;P::~p::.;j~;:::;P;:::;P:;;j;T~;P::;;M;:::;j;:::;p;;;rT;;P::~1 Medley". Toasted Brazil nut the counter'and -ins well worth' Jewish minorities are "most slices in a lemori-butter sauce the little effort it takes for happy ones;'" perk up vegetables and green .. prepa~ation. He pointed ouHhat Protestants beans are ,no exception. A tip This recipe is truly excep-~ and Jews have held many high' to remember is that Brazil nuts,' tional; you might like to pass elective. offices on both the i \ . .. seeds of'the hard shelled fruit" it along ·to your friends. You'll: natioJ,lal and loca'l levels iIi. Gf the p'arent tree,' easily yield find it makes a thoughtful and . Ireland. .. "EMBEZZLED HEAVEN"~I:saw the picture, the·photogtheir nutmeats .when boiled in: much appreciated gift for .Christraphy. is magnificent;.the theme ~s unique;, Those Who would water' b~fore cracking. Cover . 'mas, and ,those' other ~special' Free to·Practice·,· , ,·not reacithe novel from which it has' been taken should' not the unshelled Brazils with', cold '. days. ' . . ... '''W~ are' proud of our'democ~ . miss' the: picture. Every rt,,'emhei: .of the family will 'enjoy it. :water; bring to a .boil· and"boil . . racy,'~ Bishop Lucey said.. "AI·:I hope and pray that 'it will be p~trQnlzed, We w!ll get better three to fi.ye ..Illinutes;' 'Drair:I; FRUIT.i'MALLOW; SLICES though the Catholic Church :is,' . motion pictlires 'when:'vVe'support"the good',ones~ This· is cover 'With~water.a minu.te· I . cup: light. or dark raisil1ll:'; officially' recognized:'asthe certairi'ly 'one that' 'meritS extensive patronage..; ", then drain· 'and . crack.lp. 16 marshmallows, .... . . ' church. d~ the majority, no, re., .. '::...' '. . RICHARb CARDINAL CUSHING, large nlitmeats' are 'obtained' this" '.: 1. cup brok«:~ pecans. ' .strictionsii are placed". 'on .the " :,.... ARC~BIsHqP,.OF.~OSTO~ easy way 'and"fhereis less loss . 4. (I-ounce) squares dipping ,chow- ;religious activities. of. non-Cath., of nutrileat$clipging . to, tl~e~;, ~)~~ble~'~'n~'ciea;'< "',,olics.,'Thtly are~ree to ~,ra,ctic:e. shell. A pound of in':shell nuts '." Few 'drops oil or extract of pepper. , yields abolit 11,2 cups of shelled mint . nutmeats;·.·. ,. , .(".,""" .Toast6d, " flaked,,;or" shredded'coco.: , ;BRAZIL NUT> ;nut' :. :" GREEN' 'BEAN MEDLEY .'. Rinse r~i$ins, draUl·' and 'dry ,: ":~ ~..+ :, '" . • ', -. '" cup butter or margarine: '. ith<iro~glily/ C.tIti"chocolate-fine '. :" .•;F..;:GOODRICH, Di,$t. I ,. " :RECAPPING DONE ' 1 tablespoon .lemon juice and melt over- ·warm, (riot hot>,' % cup sliced Brazil ·nuts· . water.:MeU"·marshmallows ov'er. .IN··OUR OWN PLANT' 3 cues hot coo,ked b~a'nsJ,l-pOund) 'hot water,.;adCi" CI:eam. and ,stir .'365 'MAIN' STREET· Melt; butter; add Brazil nuts until smooth ·andcr~amy. Stir FAIRHAVEN and cook until· lightly browned. in raisins, nuts; flavoring and WYmqn 74501 Stir in' lemon juice. Pour over melted chocolate, mixing well. hot cooked beans. Yield: 4 serv- Pour out onto waxed paper and' ings. . form into long roll.about oneChopped Brazil nuts with inch'in diaineter;'Roll in coco- . diced apples and c~lery proyide nut. Let stand :overnight: Slice ' ':varia'tionof popular Waldorf into thin slices,'.lising a heavy ,salad.' . ,knife, . cutting ,.' with'a quick BRAZIL NUT.:APPLE SALAD . downward motion,"Makes' about' . 2 cups 'diced u~peeled7.apple60. slices; , ...:. . .• .:"., . .' 'I." cup mayonnaise (optional) ..... " 11." cup diced celery ,,(, cup chopped Brazil nut!! .,'. ' Salad greens' .' "" · Mix toge~her apple, celery and Electrical aUlhor ~, "Song 'efnodelle if a' dressing is desired, mayonnaise. Turn onto greens in salad .' ContractOrs bowl. Top with Brazil nuts. Just before serving, toss lightly.' NOW AGREAT OIL BURNERS ; Brazil nuts are not only good Also COmple&e Beiiler-Bumer ! . 464~nd St. MOTION PICTURE . with fruits and vegetables; they 'or Furnace UnUs." Efficient .• ! "give. a' wonderful flavor. boost tow'cOs& bea&lng. Burner and \·I.IM.iflcenl (o~'" .:':..:~::., ~fALL RIVER fuel oil sales i&lid senlce. .. ) .. ~o bread crumb dressing for fish
By Joa~ Meadows ,
," There was once a certain woman who owned a'beautiful Chinese vase. And she valued it highly.' One day: the ~ase , toppled from· its show place accidentally. and was marred
F,. ree,'dom' of .Religion ·in Ir.·eland 'fu"t.es·. ·Cha·.'r,g'.e··s ·.-o·f Persecu'.t.·on
Wed.thru S·at. Nov. l8 19,20,'21
The,·:·Re.ma,rkable',cStory ~o':·:'.a,Yi~man '"h'otried' ".~Io~'·~hri·be.God "
11, FRANiw£RFEL .
fillets. '1 ·
Recite· Mass ·Pr<Jyers
LONDON, (N:C )-S,Umtay Mass In their own language is the highlight of' the week for people-ofa·vil~age in' southern India, according to a' prominent: . English Benedictine mopk who leads a new' monastic community there: · Father Bede Griffiths, O.S.B., . 'said .here that the villagers of' Kurishumala participate in the Mass 'in their own tongue, .. ~alayalam, with the ,greatest _ enthusiasm. He S:l~(f that in the · Syro-Malankara lr t e, the people' '.. .,r~~jt~·. .' 'hre~"'pi: . , ,:"c;. p~ .the' ' .. '.~: .Mass:. P;:":,f~.r~\'74'~:. "c."~ ,p.t'i.e~L,
St~"I,ey .QiI.Co., Inc. . t80 Mt Pleasan&. Stree&
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City's Ca.mpci,ig~n 'on: Smu·t·, Aims to S~ve Deee'ney
THE ANCHqR~_ ',. . .. Thurs., Nov. 12,1959'
,Supreme Pontiff Announces Date Of Rome"Synod
PORTLAND (NC):-:-A public meeting of 200 representatives of civic and religious' groups, called by this Oregon city's Mayor Terry D. Schrunk launcl;1ed 'a ~oinmunity-wide drive against obscene literature. Attending the meeting iii. the city co~mci.1 chambers funds to buy indecent literature. were representatives. of the have been stealing it off racks. Archdiocesan C 0 u n c i I of P bl' h . 'K . . u IS ers now Cat,hohc Wo~en" the. par"Thep'ublishers 'of tJiis vile-
VATICAN CITY (NC) Pope John XXIII has ari: nounced that the Rome diocesan synod will open ori
Jan. 25; 1960.. ness know full ~ell what they He made the announcement are selling and how," the Mayor during a general audience In St. declared. "They know the prog.;. Peter's basilica on the first anfive serVIce clubs. ressive nature of this evil they niversary of his election to the papacy. In an opening statement Mayspawn; tha.t when they have, in or Schrunk said he is ~lextreme- . the parlance of a narcotici hookThousands cheered as memly concerned on viewing a recent cd a youth, he or she, once inbers or the papal household read report of an investigation which itiated into aknovirledge of .the a brief message ejcpressing their' showed that many clearly obunnatural,,"with ~the unsatiable good wishes to the Pope and jectionable publications are \>e- . curiosity which is' charactedstic their hope that he may have a ing sold in our city.". ,.,J :of youth, ~ill continue to delve long and happy reign; . , , ·'Coupled with this filth being,. deeper :;uid. deeper,.into :this' il~ . After thanking,' all for- their, sold. in obvious <Usreg'ard. for·.·licit course of, i'1strudii?n. in , 'good wishes, the ~ope announced, human decency, is t~e low,~·qua.l..,perveJ.;Sion;" until ,their, utter· de- ' the;,:date of the synod and then, , ity and.~ontent of,som,e ..pf:,the, ,Pra'!'ity is complete. delivered a homily on the ','Our, .. . , . . . " , . , . ,. ;. :.' ::. . :--:: :. Father.", ,.', motion Picture ~dver-t\siQg'l!P"':', ';'c~nsors~ip)s.~ot th,e,', iss,ue pearing ,in, our publi~ ~ me<lia;~,' ,::here. The :Is~ue IS .the, .legahty, , .~~ARM~PS'rS:!\f~~: New: officers ()fthe:Cath~lic:,. Earlier,' the 'Pope' had sent a he said. . .•.• '; ,,; of t1)is m~teri.al, and '~hei>e<iple Pharmacists Guild meet" at aJ:in~ar'g~the'ring:; Left' to. rig-lit, .... lett~~ in his'own handwriting'to ' .. I, who make the laws.' We' ,have ' Vletlms ot Mania "lawsd'ealing with obscenity on Timoth;VP.·-Keating; secretary; -Normand H.Menard, presi-' Archbishop Luigi,Traglia, Vice"These two .alarming situ~.. levels "of' iwvernnient -.:.. dent; Rev. Albert F. Shovelton' spirituaL director.' Nestor reg~nt of Rome, announcing' the: ' "t t' ,'...' , .' date for the opening of the tions, plus the added ·dosag~.~f, - loca1' State and ,mitfonaI:'" ..' M esqUl a,' reasurer. synod. sex and crime treatinent· in 'tele'~The Constitution': does not vision arid radio ,programs and, protect obscenity;" he ·said. Priestly Ard,or:' . popular songs, 'with which the . , . The letter stated in part: ~nts clubs of prIvate schools, the Portland Council of (~r?testant) Churche~, school offl.clals and
:~~f:ntl~reda;e:~ga~~O~a~~~~~,'Must Promote,
Church Image
Says It's .tiigh Time for Parents To Speak Up AgQinst Immorality cl6:e~; s~:~~:~:d0n~~~wf~r~~~~ : LOS.ANGELES (NC) - Var"Those who want to live in work of preparation for the . ents have a right to protect· c'esspools claim' this' as aright synod pe.rfoz:med by the (syn""
certai~IY .validate .the ,recent ob_ servabon of the world-renowned, ., . Harvard· sociologist·, ·Pitirim' . AI..,BANY (NC) - The "es",: their children from immorality; "'to which 'the eritirecommuriity o<rs) commission and the eight Sorokin,-:-in which 'he:,stated .. sence" o~ .~atholic public rela":'cz:iminality·and'pornography. It must be subjected," the police . subcommissions, exercising ad'Americans are becoming vic:' ,·tions activ,ity ~s "concern .fo,Z: the. ' is their duty and it's high time chief' safd.'''It's high' time for . mirable intelligence. and edifytims of a sex mania as malig- ,ill)age of the Churcl:J., in the .pop- they spoke' up. This view comes' .' parents ttl'· speak up." . iz:!g priestly ardor. 'nant as ",cancer and 'as socially . ular.mind,"an, Albanydiocesao', from Salt Lake City Police Chief . . The 16-year veteran of the "All this opens Our. heart to. menacing'. as commun~s.m"':",·., :.,' .public re!atio~s institllte - was : W.. Cleon . ~kousen,former ad:.. FBI said' parents' should have 'greatest confidence in the happy Mayor. Schrunk s~id:,\t.,',\Y~!l " .told. . . " ' , ' ' . ' ~inistrative assistant to FBI a'sense of God-given stew~rd_ ·success.of the extraordinary reported -that children lacking· ,Msgr. TlmothyJ',Flynn, dl-Di~ect?r J. Edgar. Hoover. . . sh~p' over. their, children. Par:" ' . af~irmatiQh of religioull. 'vitality .' . :. . . ' • " .. ,,) ,':rector of, in~ormllt!o"n ~or, ~the ,We ve allowed people to say entsshould 'realize ·he. emplla-. thllt Will mark ~cir Rom~ a memNe""Yor!l:archdiocese, ~.llde'the·. th,at', their,' .'ri.,ght',' 'to prod.u.ceo ,siz.ed,' tha,'t·.' it i.s 'the.i,r 'd'u"ty'. 't'o, orable J·oy··of hea:venly.graces.. '. ,: ,,,'.', . ' "'s't'atemerit ..·.in a·n.· ,a(idress. :.to' 27.0'. ' " P9rnog~aphYsuperse,des the right 'raise good 'e:;itiz'ens~' This - duty. "We have 'three m,Pnths'before representative~ 'o:freligious:'~nd, o,f pare.nts to have their children he stressed; belongs to parent~ us. It is,only natural that they lay . groups who attended·' the ~rotected," Mr. Skousen told _ not to the. police" the courts, should represent for all the .inSEATTLE (N:G)-Death holc;ls Institute. 1,400 members of the Archdiothe schools,' 'the Church' "al- tensification of the most vibraJ;lt no terror. for a 47-year-old Jes"Public good willis 'impor-, cesan Council of Catholic Wom-' , though th'ey'll 'ali help." ' a'nd trustful prayer." uit priest wh~se life' is slowly tant to' all our undertakings,": en. bciIlg snuffed out by cancer. he declared. "This' is' a world· .' Greets. Pontiff . Father James U. Conwell, S,J., and an·.age of communications.: Free Delivery 3 Times Daily TJ\IPEI(NC) . _: President until a few days ago, was s!J-peWe of all people; with,our~divine.: rior of Alaska's Copper Valley. , mission, cannot neglect to use Chiang Kai>-shek of, China 'sent SHEET METAL School and. Chancellor·of. the" all the'means at 'our'disposal for gJ'eetings to the Vatican on the J. fESER, Prop. Vicariate of Alaska. He stopped spreading the word of God.",' , fi:rSt anniversary of the corona- ': Compiet~ .Selection of RESIDENTIAL. at Seattle University, which, is' . P 1 F G" ;·bi·· 1 t~on of. Pope,John, XXIII, conducted by the Jesuits, and , ..... a~.... ,av~g an, a. pu . IC .MEATS • GROCERIES INDUSTRIAL , ,.relatlOns ~x~cutlve, tol,d the 111-' th en fl ew' to .h'IS S po k a he h"me .~.,. .'" th·.. 11" . d PROVISIONS" COMMERCIAL b bi to die. At,the:uni,.. .,,_$btu!e,at';any.w~.,-concenz.e,: ,249 Ada",s ·Sf" Fairhaven. ·253 Cedor St. New Bedford pr~ a y ., $hould y. pubhc relabonsprogram verslty he. ,was IntervleWeQ:', . d" ol;l' a . ,soun .- .. , 'd ,- Inl . "t'1.a1 .. " -WYman 4-6441 wy' 3.3222' , . . . ' :b '. "." .' ,b'~ 'base MI,ss Walli Zlm~er~an~ a.JunI()r. '., stock ':taking of non':' Catholic of Seattle UmversIty, for.• the. . '.... " tt opinIOn. h S schoo1 paper, t e pec a or. -He said members of,:Catholic dlIh T d1lhTliIIhT dlIh d!,IhTd1lh . , .BOYS': WANTED for 'the ~ F~ther Conwell walked, I institutions:. and . organizations 'PriesthQo,d ·and BrotherhOOd. n ~. .. . :c4 br~skly ,lI~to the. Oc.tober su -:-; planning pUbli.c _relations': pr.o..; ~Lacl,c, of_'funds' NO, impedl~ sh~ne, hiS expr~sslOn. showed ,no 'grams should begin by._ Ilstmg", 'ment. . ' , eV~dence .of ~aln. HIS face ~a~. ."the major;, facts they wish~',; to' '<. re brIght" h~s, flglf · ~re.ct. To.. 11,' convey to" the 'public. ) "... :> ;\" W~it'ii-"to.:· , ' Cost Easy Ter.ms . pa~ser-bY: ~e was Just anoth~r George ,~. Ryan, ~gi~ecfot;.I,)~:- .. p~ O. 'B~x_57.42 p!:lest:,on hIS ~ay to, clas,s. HIS the'. Boston' archdiocesan_ tleW~..: ~ . :c4 words told a different story. 'bureau 'also addressed <:the' in~ , Baltimore 8,:" Md.· ", Here to Die stitute.' He described: the" oper- ;' " "I'm down here to die," the aUon of a bureau :,such a,'s, "'his . for the purchase of , IT'S 'ALL RIGHT· TO priest said, without a change of own. countenance. "I have cancer." _ , . ~ NEW OR USED CA~S ~ SHOP AROUND. FOR He sought no sympatIiy. He, . . ' . SOME THINGS', BUT spoke of pain in a way' that . , , . ., ' : many would speak of class o r . . "D' . what they had for breakfast. He "ffollO:.::::,.~ g.~'" :.... : .', ~ :c4 ~.said: "Pairt? Sure. I take a p~in ; ~ pill every few hours. It's riot. '~. ~ 202-206 'Rock Str~et.: really ,a burning ... well, ~t Bowling & ,Sk.ating ,, Fall River ,'. ~ :c4 hurts." . , ., ,'. ~ ~, IS THE PLACE I'D "Death?: No, it doesn's'scare MillionDol,lqr:~aUroorn· ~~, :c4 ~, . 'GET -A PRESCRIPTION me," Father continued. "I kno~ .A V A I LE ~' lIt takes only a few minutes to arrange :c4 _' . . FILLED.! there are: only three .places T can go when 'I die-heaven, he!1. ' For Your' , " ~for 'your Auto Loan.'at any.. of our ~, or purgatory. I have hopes that • TESTIMONIAL DINNERS I won't, deserve hell, and. I • BANQUETS' . know I don't have the sanctity • FASHION SHOWS of soul which would meJ,'it. i~ .: :c4 mediate entrance into· heaven. •. ANNUAL DANCE PARTY ~ .• ~ :r~Q~~t,. -CoIifidentia~ Service ~; Purgatory remains as a.' place , • CHRISTMAS pARTIES . where I can make reparation ,fpr •. ' -You-do 'not' need to be-,a' Depositor : For inf~rr:nation call ' sin and be ready .{or heaven: ~ .~ ~. The more I suffer on eatth, the Roland Gamache'or ' ~. Place Y9ur ,Insurance· With" Your Q~. AO'p'nt- S" . less I will 'have to suffer in . "Frah~' ColI!ns' . .: 'the~man-bestqualifiedto give you service when ~, puriatory ~nd Ule soonei'· I will \vyrT,Ian,' 9~'6984 ~ ,y()\i need it>' , .. :c4 get to hea:ven."
Pr.-es't .Faces".', " '; .."" Cancer Death" \. .
'h' .
, Norris H_ Tripp
.:Trinitarian .
~: _: f~f~~~S,:
.r~~ T~T~T~TdI!h dlIhY~T~T ~
~; ~ ,
~, ~
Formosans Indicate' Interest in Church,
TAIPEI (NC) During a week-long· Catholic exhibition an average of 200 Formo'sans' registere'd daily to take instruc-, . tions in Catholicism. Displays gave Ii panoramic view of the origins, extension and works of the Church with emphasis ,on the spread· of Catholicism in' China. Pictures",: maps and charts gave non-Catholics a clear and COmprehensive idea of the' Chui:c~ ,
~ .... ,--.
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Federal ~ep","it
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 12, 1959
Ready for.. Greater Sacrifices. ,
Explains Church's Position On Sterilization .Agents
God Love You" By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D• . . His name was Paul,his homeland Korea.' When· the Communists came into the country, he went to· every Catholic home· saying: "Say thelRosary! Die for yoW' faith, if'need be''. The Com~ munists saw him visiting these homes and sentenced him to death•. A young Communist soldier assign"ed to kill him said: "You look like a holy man. I will fire a shot in the air. YdU go into the woodS ' and I will say ~hat you were killed". .'
By Father John L. Thomas, S.J. Ass't Sociology Prof.-St. Louis' University .
What does tHe' Church say about the use of .so-called birth control pills?Jf one '<;an trust the popular reports, the discovery of these pills represents a major breakthrough in the' efforts to c()ntrol population. C~n such •pills ever 'be u'~ed? How .does· their us.e conseqw,intly may allow individdIffer from the use of ordl-, - ual parts' to be 'destroyed or nary contraceptives ?In'' mutilated when and to the exo spite of the popular reports: t~nt n~cessary for the good of
Paul was uneasy in the woods; for he knew how much 'his faithful were suffering under the Reds. He came out of hiding after one day; was arrested again by a Communist . captain who said: "I will shoot1you myself". Taking him .behind the ·jail the Communist raised his revolver. At .that moment an American Mustang' fighter ,flew over, ma'chiqed .gunned the Communist positions, and . the captain fell dead.
hIS bemg a~. ~ "!hole. . '. ~he C?pd~tIOns. requIred for liCIt mutIlatIOn; whether by the removal of..an .organ or by' the suppression of its functions, are these: '. .' Paul has two sons: 'studying for the. (a) the preservatIon of the ,NEW AUXILIARY: Msgr. priesthood and one 'SOD' who is already' a orgail.:or its functio~ing must be ThomasJ. Riley of" Cam.priest. It is from such families that VQcations;:@:\ a .source ·of. actu~l harm or .con- . IN stI~ute athreat to the total well-, bridge, rector of theBQston ..are born. ~mg of th,e, person; . archdiocesean major ,semiPersecution of the faiihful, not only)n (b) ·there must bea weU" nary, has been named Titu. ea,' but in Hungary and Poland, separates if fO~,nde_d ~~su~~~ce ~hat-.the .pro" lar.Bishop 'ofRegiae'and "the wheat from the chaff. The weait fall . ~", posed. mutIlatIOn WIll'. eIther reaway; ·the strong' become' stronger. Those' who never made a moveo.r notably'" diminish the' Auxiliary ~o RichardCa,rdi:. ~sacHfice in their-lives, can nev.er bring themselves to risk their harm, and that this etIe9t. can- . nal Cusqing. NC. Photo. liyes for the sake' of Christ. If the Reds ever c~me to 'America, it not. be. ' ,?btained' without the . would be safe to say that no· one who has ever received a "God mutIlatIon; 'Love You" letter, would ever deny the faith, for two reasons: and (c) t,here must be a rea- First, as the Cure ,of Ars said, those who aid the Propagation of sonable estImat; ~hat, the g~od ContInued. From. Page One the Faith will never lose the faith; second, sacrifice made for the to, be effected; e.g:, by r~movmg Italy; President Aclimed Sukarno Holy Father proves that the donors are ready· for greater sacrith: harm, reducmgpam,. etc., of Indonesia; President 'Celal fices. ' WIll compensate for the evIl ef- 'Bayar of Turkey; President . ... fe~ts consequent on the loss of Habib Bourguiba' of Tunisia; . If you would like to be put'on the "God Love You" honor roU. the organ or function. King Hussein of Jordan; Mosend the. Holy Father an act· of self denial ·and we will send yOIl 'Sometimes Permissible ., hammed Reza Shah Pahlevi of a >letter of thanks.' : ". _ Applying .these principles to Iran; King Paul and Queen . . .. Frederica of Greece' and Prince the' pills in· question, we see' that .'~.' the' RaInier and· Princess Grace of· GOD .' " "L,ittle .. . Helper" in Christ, K.M. for $1'"1' u .~'se :of ··a '·... l '1·11 co'nMonaco.' ~ . ·Lo:'r v E YOU,to stitut~s. direct .~t,erilizatio~ as. Other notables received" by, realize how, little this is,'1;>ut I am sure it will help some poor soul defined. a?o"e, ;,ItS' use, is.' iril-.· the Pope included Queen'. Mother' who. do.esn't eyen have that much" . '.• to' H.T. 'for $5 "i drive a moral; if ItS use resulted in in' tr~c~ :her~ at the monastery and don't make any Salary, hut from direCtste.rilizlition,. the Elizabeth and Princess Margaret· t'I~e ·t0 t'!me d'0 get"sp~nd'mg money. H ., ... to Mrs. J.D.fot . "'p'rinCiple' , of.Great Britain. ere 'It IS' 'PhYsiciansL~it Use . of' 'totality would apply. .' '. 'At his press conference, Pres$3 uIhave been praying to our. Lady for employment for my son•. Research ~iscloses some ~_ ~t ,f~~l.ows that such,. a }~dl ident Eisenhower 'was asked if' This is in thanks for Her goodness" .•. ·to· Tommy's ,Parents for'$~ mediate undesirable' sille . ef- could .h~Itly be us.ed to alle\1'Iat~'he had any recent communica-. "In thanksgiving to God for the gift' He' gave us in allowiJig our fects such as, nausea, though it o!,. elll~mate var~ous, ma~~nction from Soviet Premier Nikita·.. son. to. live long enou'gh to be baptized" ..... to C.F. for $230.51' is~believed that these may. be. ~Ions or pathologIcal condItIons .Khrushchev, who had Said it "The enclosed represent!;. the loose cqange I have saved from my" eliminated eventually. ~n,;t!te ~uman syst~m: ~urther, might be possible for him to pocketbook every day for .the past several years" ••. to Mrs. ·J.B. The 10Ilg' range .possible· ef..... if.' a sUItable. means c~uld be. intercede with Red China on for $10 '~I decided to turn my di~appointnient into some good, when fects are ,not known At pres- discovered to control'dlsorders .b h lf f th 'f' A.J· my'husband forgot to get ,the tickets for the: football game. It 'is • ent the drug is to 00" ~sed only or" marked irregularities in the '. e d' 0 C e hl~e B' merlcans;' very small offering for one who has had 00 tra'iniilg in c}larity" .••.' , ...... menstrual cycle its· use' for ·this· mc u mg a at 0 IC Ishop, held To Mrs.' R.D'.S. for. $5 "My. checking account 'is very low this montl.,· under a phYSICIan s dU'ecb 9'!" . . . .. . . as pri.lloners.' . :" ... arid it· is recommended that its. purpo~ would be permIsihble. . . bur I so"want· te? help tl,1eLel!ers who have' n? account at' all" ~ .' use be limited to cases suffering I thmk'yo~ can now see how Nothing on Prisloners. . -...., . ' positive menstrual disorders. the use o~ these. pills differs ,Ti!~, Chief Executive said he, . ' .. Television is the projection of the human -Word to the world. .. ,i However".consi,derable ... J;e-:-. mor.all~' ~?m.. the use !>~ con:-. r~~llsed ,to discus!?communicaThi§i .s,represent~din the statue 0(' the Madcuma who by givinlt . search on 'its' use' as anti-·· tracept~~e~. Smce thesepIll$ act· hons betw~en hea.ds of g~ve'i'l1~, birth to the. Divine Word gave. Him to the world. The worid is ' fertility. piu hils. been':con'du'cted' as, st.erIbzmg agents" ,their licit' merit, but that ...v.oUld 8,ay' surmounted by. a .Cross. symboUzing"our World Mission Societi in' Puer~Rico,~~th,~?re ~r' US?· ,)~, governe~ by the ,??ral. that. ,he'. doeS ~o~. bc:he"e tliat 'for the .Propagation tbe' Faith. The:hand of the 'Word Incariiale. less satisfactory results .lD ,thIS: ~nnclples relatmg, to stenbza- Mr.. Khrushch~v, . ~elt al}Y per-. Christ, and thehaud of. His Blessed' ~oiher both touching the . ~gard. '. .' bon." , : . . SQnal responSIblhty about the world, indicate the Divine and huma;n' 'infiuence with which It Is . • Amer.~c~n, physlqial!s, tl'l..,n<l_ to . . The use ofwha.t IS, c~mmonlY'.. matter, ev:~n ,though' h~knew , hoped television will elevate its moral tone 'and lift iiself'to God. regard the ext~~si'ye use of the' called co~tra~~ptIves Is,wrbng ?f :h,~. subJect and my mterest Unbreakable reproductions of OUR LADY ,OF TELEVISION are pill with disfavor since the, bec~u~ It vltI~tes or renders 10 ~~~. . . ..'.. . now available of.pure white ,with gold~cc)lored cross and halo and question of such therapy acting. intrmsIC~lly,eVIl t~e ver~ act, ~Is~opJames E~ Walsh, l'4,M... measur.ng 10' inehesfro~ the. base to the cross. Send a $3.00 an 'inciting factor· of carci-· of conJu~al re~atIon.s Itself. the ~~st ~'. S.· C.athol~c m~ssion.,.,. offering for the poor of tbe world: along with your request, and n~ma of the' breast 'or.' genital ~en~~ th~U' u~ 1$" ~~!1 ~wa.ys art I~ mamland Chma, IS'.ol}e • we ;will' sendyoll this'stat.ue.. ..," , .. ' tract is widely disputed. among' a~d under all condItIons. of those he~d by the comm~Illsts.. authorities;·;.';····...,"",, :<,. : c . Othe'r Types" The 67 - year - old Maryk.noll : Cut out this column, pin your sa~~Uice to It and mail'it to the Church Teachin~ , For tii~' 'sake of completeness, .. Bi,shop, a ?~tive of .cumberland, Most Rev. Fulton J.Sheei:I; National Director of Th'e Society for Since the pill,acts as a steril- Bill, I should mention that.. other Md., was arrested,m December, the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, N~wYork 1, N. Y.. iii'ng agent the Church';s' posi- type~ of pills may be discovered~ 1958. No charges were an.. or your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, 368 North Main Street, Fall River, Mass. . tion on its 'licit' use follows the A; few year~ ago a sterilizing nounced. . . general moral laws regulating pIll (phosphorylated hesper~din) The questIon. on the prISoners '1' t' was advocated for preventing was t!I e second one on the matter " teDirect n Iza Ion. , . d' t 0 P reSl'dent E'Isensterilization, whether conceptIon"but subsequent tests a ddress~ permanent or temporary per'" proved it ineffective. ,hower I~ as many weeks. At ~n Famous· Reading HARD COAL' ~""D ri~ formed for eugenic or ~ontraIt .is possible that 'pills may October 28 confer~nce, he saId .' t' . 11 be dIscovered to destroy or ren- he had heard nothmg from Mr. NEW. ENGLAND CQKE . ~'\ij "O~~ eep IC . DP';lrpotse:, ~lS' tmiora y, der non-viable the fertilized egg' Khrushchev on the prison.ers. . wrong. Irec ".erllza on,' a s . ," , . . DADSON OIL the term is used here includes TheIr use would, of course, con- . Big Cath()lic Increase 24.Hour Oil Bu~ner Service ~~ ~~LL ..... every interference. .~ith :the stitute aportion.. '.' . -. .'l'AIPEt(NC)-The Apostolic. ~ ~" generative function in which :ou may JVonder why I mai?Charcoal Briquets .. ~ ~ ~ . ~ sterility itself, either' perPetual tame? .·that the p~esent I?Ill Prefecture of Taichung has alor temporary is intended' as an constItuted no maJor break-, most twice the number of CathBag. Coal - Charcoal. . ... ehd in itself ~r as a means to a through'. The reason is that the . olics it had. three ye~rs ago. 'j further end. . . . "pill" the .planned parenthood- . . Direct sterilization is wrong ers 'desire. m~st be cheap, saf~, : because it represents an unrea- and effectIve If taken only every . Successors to DAVID DUFF & SON sonable mutilation. . few days or so. The present pill New Bedford . 640 Pleasant S.treet Tel. WY 6·8271 'Sterilization is termed indi- lacks such qualities. r-ect when the resultant sterility Philippine 'Rule is an unintentional by-product of DAGUPAN (NC) Bishop a genuine therapeutic procedure . - for example, when a cancer- Mariano A. Madriaga of Linous uterus is remov'ed. Indirect gayen-Dagupan has issued" a sterilization is judged morally pastoz:al letter reminding Filipermissible' under certain con.. pino Catholics' of the,Hierarchy's 'prohibition against Catholics ditions. joinhlg ,'the Y!-\'ICA and YWCA. Totality Principle A widely used principle in '. medical ethics, ~ometimes called .' A lOAF OF MONK'S,BIlEAD IS the principle 'of "totality," ap,e'CH ENOUGH TO. f$E A ••• plies here: the individual has the ·right to use the services of ~ organis~ as' a who,le, an~
that you mention; Bill, ·there has been no major breakthrough in.' the .area' of birth con~ trol pills. It has b ~ ~ n known for some time. that ovulation ean be block": ed.in many speeiesby the ad:', ministration of . eertain h ormories or their aynthetic chemi cal equivalents. . The anti-fertility pill that has 'beenreceiving a great deal of publicity recently. is of. this nature. It is a synthetic chemical steroid that can be taken .orally and acts to .stimulate the endoretrium or lining' of the ·uterus. It was developed to control" menstrual disorders and. its .effects in blocking ovulation, if its use W'ere ·started early. ··I·n. the cycle, was discovered later. The pill is relatively.. expensive,.,md must be taken daily to. prove .. . etIe"ctive" I'n b"l'ock'm''g ovulatio'n.
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Kidnap, .Escape '. BERLIN (NC)' F'ather Hieronim' Gozdyiewicz, secretary . to His Eminence Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski, Primate of Poland, safely escaped a street,'···· att~ck by men who tried to 'pull hiIfi into a waiting car, a report from Warsaw said.
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Sunbeam BREAD
Evening Classe's Most Popula r At Stonehill While approximately 240 adults are busy participating in evening courses each Tuesday at Stonehill College, North Easton, Henry Cruikshank, director of the program, already finds his, time Q..ccupied with planning for the Spring semester. ' "The eight' courses being given this Fall have been very enthusiastically received," Mr. Cruikshank, chairman of the college business department, explained, "And we are using this as a criterion in plannning future courses." The Adult Education Committee, which consists of Rev. David J. Arthur, Rev. Ernest P. Royal, Edward' Wagner and Mr. Cruikshank, also has another means of gauging student preferences. This year questionnaires were sent to all enrolled, asking what cOllrses they are interested in and for suggestions and comments on 'those being given. Enrollment Jump "We received wonderful rel!Ponse," the 'program director said, "particularly for the How to Bolster Your English, Public Speaking and Real Estate courses." "Mr. Cruikshank took over the Institute of Adult Education last July. "I contacted all kinds of organizations, parish and_professional groups to get a nucleus for each course we were offer, Ing," he said. The result was the highest enrollment the Stonehill program has ever had. Some courses, including ,Secretary, Refrel;lher and Real Estate had a variety of speakers who work in the field. SprlJ1&' Term "Students receive one eredit for the course if they submit a, term paper and pass an exam, Ination," he added. "We find the greatest interest in what I call the 'bread-and-butter' subjects, those that have a very practical application." , The tentative schedule' for the Spring term includes a continuation of the Professional Secretary Refresher Course; Real EState and Great Books.
Legion Classifies Soviet Film A-3 NEW YORK (NC)-The National Legion of Decency has announced that it has evaluated the Russian-made movie "The -Cranes Are Flying" in Class A, 'Section 3, morally unobjectionable for adults. This is the first of seven Soviet films which will be shown in this country in an exchange program under whicl:l U. S.-made movies will be shown in the Soviet Union. The first U. S.-made movie to be shown in Russia under the program is the Academy Award winning "Marty," which was rated Class A, Section 2, morally unobjectionable for adults and adolescents, by the lll€ion. ,
THE ANCHORNov. 12, 1959
Native of ,Fall Rlve,:'O'!tstanding in Field' Of Juvenile Catholic ,Literature'
A nativ~ of the Diocese who has made a n~me in the field of 'juvenile Catholic literature return.ed 'last w~ek to speak at a book fair sponsored by, Morton Jun~or High Sc~ool, ~all RIver. She .IS, Eva Kelly ~etz, a uthor of nine publiShed and two forthcoming chIldren s books: ~orn In St. Mary's Cathedral parish, Fall River, she attended St. Mary's School and DOmInICan Acad' emy, later teaching in the city's public' school system for some years. Her father, Dr. Michael F. Kelly, was well known in the area as 8 pioneer pediatrician with a crusading interest in the ,reduction of infant mortality, at that time exceedingly high, One of his vigorous' campaign~ was in support of compulsory smallpox vaccination. That Famous Case The Kelly family lived _next door to the home of Lizzje Borden on Second Street, Fall River, and Mrs. Kelly was among the last to see Mr. Bor-' den alive. For years she' was sought after by students of the famous 'murder case to furnish details of what she had witnessed. ' "That was before I was born, however," admitted Mrs. Betz. Her literary career began at the age of nine when she contributed to the Fall River Globe, and continued by way of book reviews and lectures. for many years. For some time she conducted a children's story telling program on the radio. Youthful listeners wou'ld write in,: asking her to make up a story about "a , cat and an old man and' a rowboat, for instance," and it would' be her assignment 'to weave a tale about whatever the children suggested. ' ': " This miide-to~orcier storytell:" ing led to the writing of fulllength books. Mrs. Betz's, subjects included the Cure of Ars, Damien of Molokai, and . many-historical personages. "I ,pride myself on historical accuracy,'~ she says. I~mense research goes into, her books; even in cases' where little of the mate- ' rial· gathered is actually used. She told of a 'case where she went from her New' Jersey home to Washington to spen~ a we'ek in the Library of Congress track'ing down informatiort' that was covered in only two paragraphs in her book on John Bannister Tabb, Civil War priest and' poet. , "I wanted to know for my own satisfaction," she declared. \ Compartmented Mind How does Mrs. 'Betz fit writlllg into her busy sch~,gl,l.le; wh,ich includes care of a home and family imd the holdi,ng down of 'a fuJi time job as publicity director of St. Anthony Guild Press? , "I'm fortunate in that I can compartmentalize my mind," she said. "If I'm cooking, I can switch 'my thoughts away from whatever book I'm working on at the moment, and similarly,
Fordham Students NEW YORK (NC) - There are 10,243 students enrolled at Fordham University" according to a final tabulation released by the university. "
AT BOOK FAIR: Miss Sheila Higgins (left) discusses, book with author Eva Kelly Betz, Fall River native who returned to city to ad<iress book fair. Miss Higgins is Bookmobile Librarian for the state division of library extension. problems of housekeeping don't· worry me ,when rill at my typewriter." ", • While in Fall River, M~s. Betz stayed With cousins, the Misses _MargarEit,and Frances Cummings of Sacred, Heart parish. She recalled ties with, St. - Mary's Cathedral at the time Fall River became a Diocese. Pastor then was Rev. Christopher HugheS; her grand-uncle. ," ,A sister, Philomena aaJ:t, was also w,ell known in Fall River and Providence as, a ',columnist on 'the Providence' ,Journal ,and a ,frequent lectur~J: ·on. ,8, ~oi~ec , tion ofc:ild etiquette ,books ,which "w~re amol1g her pri~ed posse/!sio,ns. , .' ' . , " " . "My interest, in books dates from my childhood h~re,"re-' couriteciMrs. ,: Beti.' ,"The ,big ,eventot our week was, a trip to the public library. I am glad," she told her Morton junior high school audience; "to, return to the town where I learned about · books to talk about 'them to 'the young 'people of today." She'said that, more, books are ,available.' to young people today · than ever before in ihe history ,of literature., Her own interest in the field of historical fiction _was - sparked when a librarian , friend' told her theI:e were al'most no books available-on the 'part played by' New Jersey in the American Revdlution. She ,told the young Fall Riverites that their city had played an important part in history and that it was' a real challenge to eXplore its past for themselve's. ' Varied, Work 'Mrs. Betz's work at St. Anthony Guild, Pres~ includes con-
Implores Public Demand Good Social Order MARTINS FERRY (NC) -Americans have a dangerous tenqency to "allow every kind of rapacious ,crime te flourish in fear of being called enemies of liberty," Bishop John King Mussio of SteUbenville, Ohio, has warned. "Liberty, has no meaning unless it gives man the freedom t. work out the divine will in bit life," 'Bishop Mussio declared. ,"Obscenity, le~dness, commercial fil~h in all' its varioul "'Categories, and the whole kennel of civic abuses-graft, bribery, extortion, misuse of public 'funds, harassment of crtizens for rack~t cO!1trol, public authority used to promote illegal and private interests:""-all have no part in or claim to any true liberties of man,", he told a, regional Knights. of Columbus Communion breakfast. Confusion Confounded "To allow any of these monstrous social evils to continue Oft the ground that only thus can we preserve the great libertiel of our American life is a confusion confounded by confusion," ,he stated. "For if these evils long continue in the civil life of a people, that people will'soon be without any liberty ,at all. Liberty and ,God are inseparable." ,
tact with Dioceses throughout the country in the course of ,promoting and 'pUblicizing the , The Bishop added "Good orCatholic books issued' by the der comes from proper law enorganization. forcemeiit. 'If the law doesn't , She sends out review copies, 'cover the situation, make it sO. writes 'advertising and jacket ,If the la'w enforcement officers copy, and has much contact with don't apply pertinent law, throw . authors. . them out. Don't be content with Her own writing plans! Her anything but the ingredients 01 forthcoming, books deal with social good order. Start witb Archbishop Carroll and St. yourself in this crusade for BO'David, but her pe't project at , cial and, personal discipline." the moment is a book, as yet unwritten, to relate the history : of' the :grandson'of Paul Revere, , 8 swashbuckling young, hian who' : was, in, command of' his own 'Plumbing - Heating: 'sllip at age 17., 'Ac~shnet Ave. , It's' a safe bet ,that the book, At' Weld Square ' when. pJlblished, will have' an :eager audience· among the New Bedford 'youngsters who heard Mrs. Betz New Bedford" Leading speak last, week;
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To whom was the body of Jesus given for burial?:-(a) Nicodemus? (b) St. John the Beloved? (c) Joseph of AriI}'lathea? (d) St. James the Greater? A Holy Year is customarily held every:-(a) 50 years? (b) 25 years? (c) 100 years? ' , The Last Gospel said at the end of Mass is that Qf:(a) St. Luke? (b) St. Matthew? (c) S1. Mark? _(d) St. John? Who was the eminent Dominican known as the Angelic Doctor?:-(a) St. Thomas Aquinas? (b) St. Dominic? (c) The Venerable Bede? (d) St. Luke? What is a canticIe?:-(a) A sacred candle? (b) A hymn? (c) A church building? (d) A choir? On November 2nd, the church ordinarily commemorates:(a) All Souls? (b) All Saints? (c) Holy InnocentS? Who were the early missioners to California?:-(a) The Jesuits? (b) The Christian Brothers? (c) The Franciscans? (d) The Dominicans? ' Who was struck dumb for disbelieving the Angel Gabriel's message?:-(a) .St. Peter? (b) St. Joseph? (c) Zachery? (d) St. Thomas? Give yourself 10 marks for each correct answer on Page 18. Rating: 80-Excellent; 7G-Very Good; 6O-Good; 5G-Fair
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.THE' of Fall.' River-:-Thurs.;Nov. 12, 1959 ;. ANCHOR...:.n;ocese >., :' -'., . .'~
'The Pa~lsh'-Par~d'e"
O.UR LADY OF~ATIMA,··ST.pros X, .. . ST.IOllN mE BAPTIST. " ."' ,SOUTH YARMOUTH, NEW' SWANSEA , ' BEDFORD' . , . ' .' ", The Holy Nain~, Society will St. Pius X Guild will' hold a' : Folio~ihg .the society's Com':" ,"sponsor a, turkey' ~'party at· 7:30 ,Winter bazaar and :,spaghetti 'In!ln1Qri Breakfast, the new, slate Saturday night, ' Nov. 21 in the supper tonight,tlnder chairman~ off.offieers for' the Holy.'<Name" 1 church hall. William R. Flynn is <ship c;>.f¥r~.",~J,~hh· Crawford., ,S9ciety was installed ~or, ttie i 'chairman, Members- wi1lb~y;,new hymn-cQming .year. The board 'consists· ' ST. ST~NISLAUS. ,.... books' for the,~~';1r,ch choir.: ,_?fJames SilVia, president; Map-::FALL ,RIVER The annual communion break-, ,.'uelCardoza, vice-president; :. T h e'Parent":Teacher 'a ri d fast is set for, 'Sunday, :Nov. '15'" "'Dohald'Mello, secretary; Edward, . Ahimni AssClci'ationwiJi h9Ia its A dessert card -party 'will be ,I.'erry, ~easur~r, and 'Joseph', aimual Christmas 'partySunday, : held in December. ' ..., ' Rebello,,"publicity chairman. ,'; :Dec. 6 at Pollsn' National Home. ST. LOmS. ' During the Forty Hours:i>ev~ A catered 'supper will be served, FALL RIVER,', ._" . tion, members took part in'nOc~ "and reseivations shcnild be m~de The annual Chi-istmas supper turnal, adoration of the Biessed by Thursday, Dec. 3~ , ..- and sale will, be' held 'by the Sacrament. ' ST. ~AMES. , Mrs. Sue, Petres is in charge Women's G~ild.at 5;30 Wednes:of the Thiuiksgiving o'asket; and day afternoon, Nov.:. 18.· The NEW BEDFORD ,Mrs. Helen Bedncirzwill conduCt aimual Christmas 'party .is Msgl'. Noon Circle will meet ~a, survey.of the school library. planned for,T~esday, Dec: 8, arid 'a1'7:45 We(lIiesday evening, Nov. ST. ANTHONY OF D~SERT., a. bC!ard meeting f.?r s., Tuesday 18, in the lO,wer chur'ch, ':wilh, . ' ' . Dlght, Nov.; 24., , Mrs Ann R 'd' FALL RIVE~ .'. . ST. JOHN BAPTIST, . a yan preSI Ing. The Womens Guild will hold CENTRAL VILLAGE. Rt. Rev. Hugh, A. G\lllagher a Ch~is~mas party at ~ T.uesda y ~he Ladies' Guild ~ill.hoid· 'Il will. address .. the meeting and everung, pee. 15. It Will lDcl~~e turkey' whist at .8 SatUrday p~ns for the annual penny sal~' . FIRST BLESSING, IN BURM, A, : Rt~ Rev. M,sgr, John b ff t per and 'entertaln ' to be held Tuesday and Wednes'~ u e sup night, Nov. 14, ih the par~ph halt day, Dec. 1 and 2, will be, made. J. Howe of the Cohimbari "FatherS' gives ',his blessing at his ,ment.,. Mrs. Emily Costa and, Mrs. Ge,ne' , " ' ',,' , '" . , A church SOCial to be held at vieve Whitty are. co-chairmen. Also on the progl'amwill be . first Solt'imn Pontifical'MaSs when he was installed recently T~mple Ifall,.~~nday. l"fo~. 29 An open meeting wi.ll ,be held movies of a recent trip to.Rome Prefect, Apostolic 'of ~urma."Ran~ed as one of will feature.,Leban~se~<:'Od. The: tonight, als6 in the pari$ hall, by Rev. Edward Mitchell of'; the toughest miSsions in th,e .Orient, this' area was called 'next_r.egular m.eet,In.g, IS set fo,I' wI'th 'a rep/re'se'n'ta'tl've- of th'e' ,Fall Sacred Heart Church, Taunton." . "Gree,ri He,ll" by some of' the GI's ',(Merrill's, ,Marauders) who ''1:30 ,c 'Tuesday, Nov. ?4. _ . River Serra Club' as main M rs., Sab'Ina C orreia and Mrs. [ST. JOHN'S,' speaker: Alina Collins head tthe 'refresh- . Were' there 'dur-ing World. War Ii. NC PhotO. ', 'ATTLEBORO. ' SACRED HEART ment committee.' , . .. ' . ' '. " . :: The FALL RIVER' • ST. PATRICK'S;' 'il Christm~s'sale 'and coffee hour ~' '.'A previously 'p'ostPQq,~':ru~- FALL RIVER' . ; '. ' '. ',Hall; 'will. be dedicated after the from 2 ~o ,~ Wednesday aft~~:" ,'mage's!ilE(wiIl be sponsored by A tUrkey whist will be held ~chblShop .Egldlo ,Vagnozzl, "cOnvocation. ' , ·noon; Dec. 2. The event ,Will ,the Women's Guild rrom:9: to 4 'at 8'tonightbythe' Women~s ",Apostolic Delega,te'to the United ,continue at:' thegroup'sne~t , ' in the sthobi'hall·t()ni~rrow';;Tli.e . Guild in the school hall. 'Decem- eStates, will ~peak·at:ari academic, :re,gular', even.in~; meeting,: .the :' .annu.'al. Christmas,' par.tY'i'isched,. ber events' include a'Cii~istinas ," ',' ," ,.,,',. lost sur . convocation 'at Providence' 'Col...'~,',We$l. ~~~~yry, '!',~~~. .sa~e d ~y .an.d a parcep, ,-, 'tl1eq for;. 8,. Wed~esd~Y:; night, party Thursaay;' Dec,.;3 . lin(l ~an' ,', ,;:: ',;' ~ ,'. ' 1 ',' '" , ',';' Conducted by , ,'. prise sale Will also be featured. :..Dec.,.2, inthe'scnoql'lfa'Q,instead ,Ir~sh ,progr,am ;'af',8 Sa't'urday .lege on, Sunday; ·~ov.,29. > , ,. 1807 Brothers of Charity 1959 ,ST.: JAMES, . ,. ' . 01. pec.. ,9" .~previ9tis~ '. nigHt, Dec. 5. ..~:. ", .. >\", The ,convocatio~ commemo-' NEW BEDFORD ' " 'nounced"" ",", '."," "," .', "," . ' , ...... ' .,'. ~ .t' "",rates the 40th anniversary of the Private Boarding School . '. -Our 'LadY of 'Purgatory prae-" 'ST;:,jOHN';:BAPTIST~"'~,;....:.' ST. WI~LI~~S,. " , " 'founding of'the College. 'A n'ew ... ::for 'Boys Grades 5-6-7-8 )idium 'o(the :Legion of ,"Mary ,FA~t"RIV·Ejt.':,~.:.. ~<,.;;,.: - ' , FA~L RIY,~R',·.,.... ', , " . . . . " ' ,', ' ,. ,,' fWrite. 'Call or come for . is . distrib. u,t~~g holy.. cards:; de,- :,,'A 'pub,l,.,ic :,t..o,,rkey' ,'w,hisf. will be The Women's Guild'wilLhold ',d~ing-ha:~l dormitory; Raymo'~d' ':, ' ,Information .. ' a . Christmas p~rty ,WecineSd, ~y, ·picting tl,l~ :Boy Christi,~ith'a' '.s,'ponSored.: .3t,.7:30: . Saturday . " .. ' " ,Dec. ,9, "with entertainment' to Jet' HOmeste'ad·.. 2-4663 ,printed remirip.~r on the reveri:le 'night, N.ov.Il,· by: the Women!s 'to bow the head when hearing ~r' , Guild. """"" be provided by the glee club 'The Family That :Saytng the .name of Jesus:';~ "EspiRIT(j $ANTO,.' ..pf Mt.~St.' Mary!s Academy. .reque~ 'for . prayers for t~e 'FALL RIVER' '. ;MemB~rs will supply, gifts to ~-:ays Together", Legi.on of Mary is also· inc~ud~d. :; ~'supper aill;( soci~! 'iVil~ be' ,iJ.~t::;;ts'. .at., Rose, Hawthorne Stays Toget(1~r" ST: MARY'S,' ,Spo~!l.or'ed,1>Y the, pa.rish fro~ 6 ST:"DOMINIC'S. ' NEW BEDFORD ,to' 8 Saturday night, Nov. 21, at The Women's Guild .will pre- .P~CL Hall,' t9 b,enefit the school 'SWANSE~ 'sent' a holiday fashion show at ~uilding ·fUl~d. Mrs. Josep\t MeThe Woineri'sGuild will hoid •8 Mo'nday night, Nov. 16 at Keith de~o!l arid Mrs. Alice Medeiros its regular monthly' meeting 'Memorial Junior High School. are co-chairmen., Monday night, Nov; 16, in the :Mrs. 'John Pisarczyk and Mrs. ST. ,ROCH'S, rectory hall.' .Miss 'Jane Borden, Attleboro-Sooth Attleboro Francis Hanrahan are·co-chair- :FALL RI\;,ER • pre'sident, will conduct 'the busiSeekonk men. ' The Council.o'f Catholic Women ness 'session and a motion picST. MICHAEL;S, ,~ill. hold a Christmas party' ture' on 'television communicaFALL RIVER Monday, Dec:, 28,: .with Mrs. tions will be shown. A commitThe Council of Catholic Women Hector Belisle as chairman. tee Will serve refreshments. will donate :'$100 towards the 'Members .will assist in th,e sale SACRED HEART, annual'Bishop's Ball. A variety for the ~hnd sc~eduled for WedNO:: ATi'LEB0I!-0 -. , show IS scheduled for, 7:30. Satnesday and Thursday, Nov. 18 . S~. Ann~'s ~odality will spon19 urday night in the school hall" and MA . , sor a Christmas Sale on Thurswith Mrs. Mabel Oliver as ST. RY S, , day, 'Nov. 'i9. ''J;'pere will bea director. " FALl' RIVER CITIES SERVICE Members will assist in ChristJl..'Iembe.rsof ,:,the Women's , toy table; booths with homemade ,items,"jewelry and a white el~DISTRIBUTORS mas sales of anti-tuberculosis Guild· Will attend a Mass for phant table. The main award' is stamps 'Tuesday, Dec. 22. 'A deceased ~ssociates at 8, Satura~asher-dryer. , J.·be IrrlW\:Ui~ ;)UiLo,n are Christmas party is planned for daymornmg, Nov. 28. The anGasoline, lOOking fOl' ·g1rla who are wiDA chicken dinner will be Wednesday, Dec.' 2. Under the nU~l Christmas sale is set .for IDgto serve God as nurses. O'W'lIdirection of Mrs. Agnes':"Pires, FrIday afternoon a.nd evemng, 'served at' noon "and a bean sUpFuel and Range LOg instrl,lcton. supervisors,. adper" in the evening. A special president, a series of monthly' Dec. 4, from 2 to, 9. . utntstratora,- technICIan!' dieuchildren's lunch will be serVed whists 'is being planned in the ~rs. Andrew .J. FafflSSey: is ililna, medlcaJ librarIans mob, at noon., " par'ishhall for the new year. chairman for the annual Ch~lst;eamstr-esses, sacristans. and ID the man" othl!l departmenta ill NOTRE DAME. mas part~, to ~ held ~onday, MrS. Paul Paquette, vice-presOIL BURNERS ,whIch the, are Deeded. FALL inVER Dec. 7. Gifts will be exchanged. ident" is i'n charge of arrange, . . . ,IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. rbe-oeed tOI 'Sutera .. great. ments. The Council of CCithohc Women FALL RIVER _ G. E. BOILER BURNER UNITS More hospitals' could be opened - is IIlponsoring the sal~ of multiWomen's Guild mem~rs will ST. DOMINIC'S. if there were enough Sisters to For prompt. d~livery . colGred plates depicting the join in 'a triduum WednesElay ·..,sWANSEA. ttatf them. II our Lord callin. rou? ' church. and giving, on the re- through Friday, Nov. 18 to 20 & Day & Night Service Parish CYO officers installed U you are Interested to beverse SIde, names and terms of to commemorate the dedication for the coming year are Gerard Rural Bottfed, Gas Service com1Dg '. Sister to ·the fteld 01 office'for all pastors. Mis~ C:ecile of the shrine of the Immaculate ~,aradis, ,president, Mary Lou nursing. write today for }n1orGend:eau has" been ap~mted Conception, Washington. 'Babiarz, vice-president, Lorrie mation to: 61 c'OHANNET ST. b~ MISS ,Helen Ch:u: e , ~resldent, A harvest supper is, slated for Santos, secretary and Claudette Reverend Mother General TAUNTON to head the com.mltt.ee In charg.e saturday. Nov. 14 and a turkey ~ Mar~in, tt;easurer. ST. MARY OF mE &NGELS of the ~le, WhICh IS to benefit whist Tuesday, Nov. 1'1. DeAttleboro No.' Attleboro Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, Fall CONVBNT the parISh. . . . _ ceased mempers win be com, Taunton 1000 80th Street River Area CYO· director, \ _ A turkey ~hls.t WIll. be, spon- , memorated at a requiem high , blessed the medals and installed Roell 1.land, Ollno" sore~' by council, oUlcers and ..Mass at Ii Wednesday morn[n~ the board. Rev. Geo'rge E. Sullibowll':1g te~ me~bers Satur~ Nov. 25. "' van, ,pastc;>r, preached the serday mght, Nov., 21.In the ~hool S8. PETER AND PAUI,.,. 'mon. " , •. , .' hall. Returns on tickets are to FALL RIVER . , ,Following, the Church cerebe made following 8, 9,:30 and The Women's ,Guild will hold ~1 o'clock.Ma~ses Sund~y.morn- a Christmas partyc'rWednesday; 'mOllY: refreshments were served mg, Nov. 15 In the 'chOir of the Dec: 9 with Mrs. CharleS Holla'rid , to the,members and their invited low,er chwch . aiId Mrs. William ,F. o'Neil'aS " g~ests; Fall'River Area officers. '/ ST, JOHN BAPTIST. co-chairmen.NEW BEDFORD HOLY ROSARY,, \' The Ladies' Guild will have a TAUNTON , . rummage sale frolll 9010 '1 SaturSodality members have conda'y,' morning, Nov. ~4, .in ,the tributedto a.Christmas spiritual' church hall on" the corner of .bouquet for Bishop .Connolly.. County and Wing Streets. Miss ,~lans 'for'a Christmas party will Emma Correia ,is chairman. be completed at a meeting' set ST. KILIAN'S, . for Sunday, Dec. 6.' GEO., NEW BEDFORD ST. MARY'S, The Women's Guild will spon- . NE~ BEDFO~D . SOl' a public whist ,partY.,at ,7:30 Mrs. John PiSar~yk;"hl!adll..a: Monday night, Nov. 16; in the . Women's Guild committee plan565 MILL ST. ,_Open,Every,EVening, 'WY7-9486 .,chool, hall. Door prizes and ning a Winter' style' show at·· .' ' . ' . . . grocery 'baskets will be awarded. Keith'Junior High' School at 8 Mrs. Stella Balut is chairman. Monday evening, Nov, 16. ' 0 '
P'royldetl.ce Co.ll..~ge', Arin'iversary "
'an- _
'FOR' '.THE,', BESl: TRADE' EVE.R New' .Bedford's Newest Dealer_
THE ANCHOR-Diocese'of Fall Ri~er~Thu~s.,Nov. 12, 1959
I Working
for Success of Feehan School Drive in Attleboro
JH*..oc;hlal.s~hoot . . • I~ ~~'~~or~ I R.S.M. The "tud$nt$¢;Qf~rttf(fQ' . Is a membei' ,of ~h~.$l$t.1'$ ~f M.I'~.W . }'p.,
of Feill River;Thurs"Nov. 12, 195~ .
Priest· and' Nurse, Both Converts, To Beco~e Formosa Missioners
Priest.Arbitrgtor Favors Commi,ssion on Strikes
SEATTLE (NC)-Two CathMiss Watts, 27, a Catholic olic converts who for years have since 1952, said she has wanted. shared. a dream of., becoming to be a missionary since she wu missionaries to the Chinese nine years old. . ST. LOUIS (NC)-,-A nationalJy 'knownpriest-arbitiapeopie have been assigned to "I made the decision after I tor called for creation of an independent commission 'as a mission posts in Formosa. heard a Methodist, ,missionary 'means of avoiding future strikes 'such' as the embittered A Benedictine priest, :rather speak about ,her 'experiences in ~teel industry shut7dow~.·Father Leo C. Brown, S.tT., head Ambrose' Joseph Wong,. and a China at church one~ Sunday,lay missionary, Gloria Watts, a she said. of the' Institute of' Social subjected' to compulsory arbitraMarquette Graduate pubqc health nurse, arrived here Order here, derided the use I tion, there would be advance. Miss Watts, of Decatur, ·m., to sail aboard the Chinese of any government' controls agr~ement upon, the criteria freighter Hail Min for F0t:mosa. was graduated from Marquette · ttlement of such which the arbitrator ·should t o f orce se apply and some assurance that " .Father' Wong; 'last assigned to University. She will help run a , th ose d'I~I'd'In g l a b o r ' opinion would' .force ' the dispensary conducted' by Our ISSU~S as public St. Procopius' abbey, Lisle, Ill" an~ ,management In the steel parties to adopt the arbitrator's has wanted to serve as a mis- Lady of China Sisters on For. strIke. .. decision," he said. sionary to his own people ever mosa's central west coast. Instead 'the Jesuit prIest urg.ed But he looked askance upon Besides completing his priestCOLLEGE HEAD: 'Rev. since he was ord'ained in 1952. establis~ent of. a~ ':~mpar~lal recent proposals that the, govS· J "f' W 1 Now 45, he became a convert at hood studies in the'United States. · P John' . Banks, .., 0 . a - 17 while attending the Catholic Father Wong has been' taking economic commisSion whl~~ ernment adopt legislation callcould arm itse.lf with. "the baSIC ing for compulsory arbitration, tham, .a graduate of Boston . University of Peiping. ,Father courses in agriculture. He hopes . facts" underlymg a dispute, 'and and abolish industrywide bar- CQllege, is the new president ~ Wong fled Red China in 1947 to use his agricultural training then bring pu?lic opinion ~o gaining. . as an adjunct to his priestly Al-Hikma 'University~ while a seminarian. bear upon th~, disputant;;. In thiS' Serious 'Problems ' Baghdad. Now in its fourth "I . haven't heard' from my duties in Formosa. way, .settlement frequently cO,uld Abolition of industrywide / Father Wong will be assigned or other relatives in be reached without a strIke, bargaining might avoid crises Year, the University has a / mother' Red China in 11 years," said to a Catholic mission about 15 Father Brown said. such as the ciIrrent steel strike stu'dent body of 40% M'os- Father Wong. "I don't know if miles from the dispensary where "What we need is not crea~ion he admitted, but other problem~ lems. my mother is alive or dead." Miss Watts will serve. of a fact-finding body which, just as serious would be created. compelled to wOI:k. un?er .the "We might be substituting a pressure of a CrISIS Situation, series of protracted smaller l i : ~ ' must try to find some method strikes for the one big' strike". " ~ ~ for settling an existing dispute," he pointed out. "Instead of ha~•• Father Brownsaid. " . . ing .ito production for' five ~ ,THE~.TRE, '-; Tltis Pictu;e Rated By The Legion'of Decency "Rather, we ".ee~ an I~parh.al months, we might have 60 per economic commiSSion which Will cent production for 15 months 1363 PlEASANT STREET keep the public informe~ about or lo.nger. economic issues aild their con"There is question, too; , sequences. " .' . whether companywide bargain- ,. ','If such a commiSSion were I~ ing would .give us better or operation, and 'a dispute were worse w~ge bargains than we (> . , now get. The mutual-aid pact made last year by six major airline comp~nies is Prophetic Continued From Page One of the kind of situation which and most· colorful gatherings could develop. There would be ever to attend a religious cere- maneuvering on the union side, The Fabulous mony in this country.. to 'strike first the. company ~east His Eminence Paul-Emile Car- able to hold out against its· de, FABIAN dinal Leger, Archbishop of Mont- mands. There could, and pr<;>bably· would be some. agreement real, Canada, will send,his Al!x:" in . iliary Bishop, the Most Rev. on the companies' side to assist the struck company. Lawrence Patrick Whelan, as his "j. delightfully warm "Instead of one protracted personal representative. Presand' ~uman story apout strike there could be many. Or ent also will be representatives real people." of two of Canada's great shrines,_ if we tried actually to break up the union and forbid any kind St. Joseph's Oratory, Montreal, "A Pleasant Surprise" and Our Lady of the Cape, Three of mutual assistance among , companies, where would we end John E. Fitzgerald Rivers. , Bishop . Cornelius Lucey of and where would the resulting Catholic Visitor policing problem take us?" Cork and Ross,. Ireland,' will at. tend as the representative of the Bishops of Ireland. , ' /'The world is full of Archbishop Miguel Dario Miin 'sun-bursting TilORNS 'randa y Gomez of Mexico City, We just don't have to sit COLOR.., DELUXE Primate of Mexico, within whose _ THEM. " See'is the world-famed Shrine and of Our Lady of Guadalupe, will .horizon -sp~nning REYNOLDS-DEWALT be present as well.- Bishop ~aul Leonard Hagarty, O.S.B., VICar CINEMASCOPF , . Willia~ & Second Sts. Apostolic of the Bahama Islands, . New Bedford WY 6-8234 and the Most· 'Rev. Vincentas . Brizgys exiled Auxiliary Bishop . , of Kau~as, Lithuania, will also
01 .
National Shrine
\ attend. . Archbishops and bishops from all parts of the United States will be present, as will Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, Apostolic Delega~e to I the United "For Your Protedion States. Buy From Represent Benefactors Luke E. Hart, supreme knight, and his fellow members of the' stipreme board of directors ~f "132 Rockdale . ,the Knights of Columbus, Will -New Bedtord occupy places of honor near the san'ctuary. The bell tower of the WY 5-7947 national shrine is known as the, ........h .............·,...O+.........oH-... Knights' Tower, in honor of the K. of C., who gave a million-dollars for its construction. . Groups representing other. benefactors of the national shrine, including "the Catholic Daughters of; America, the Ladies Catholic Benevolent Association and the International Federation of Catholic Alumnae, will occupy other places .of CHARLES F. VARGAS honor. 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE Heads of diplomatic missions NEW' BEDFO~, MASS. accredited to lWashington will be sea-ted in a special section of the church. Justices of the U. S. Supreme Court, judges of the courts of the District of Columbia, high officials of government, the commissioners of' the District of Columbia, senators and representatives, and leaders/ in the civic life of the nation and ~..-~ capital will attend. 'George Meany, president of the AFL-CIO, heads an imposing group of labor leaders who have accepted invitations to be. pres'ent. General Alfred M. Gruenther, president of the AmeI:ican National Red. Cross, is~mong the important public figures who will attend"1' ...
JERRY WALD'S...........
YOUR Oil HEAT! . ' , ttlll ~;'~
The "Pink SIloe ~
sensolioJl,in lIer screen dellatl
Directed by
IfJ'fuick 'eOvelJl fJ!
...THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., Nov. 12, 1959
NITED â&#x20AC;˘
This Timely Message Is Sponsored By The Following Public .sp irited Individuals and Business Concerns Located in Fall River Ann Dale Produds, Inc. Brady Eledric Supply Co. Cascade Drug Co. Enterprise Brewing Co. Globe Manufaduring Co. Gold Medal Bread
Hutchinson Oil Co. Internationa'i Ladies Garment Workers Ut:tion Mason Furniture Showrooms ~ George M. Montie
MacKenzie & ~,inslow, Inc. Gerald E. McNall.y Contrador
Stafford Fuel Co., Inc. Strand Theatre Sterling Beverages, Inc. Textile Workers' Union of Plymouth Printing Co., Inc. America, AFl-CIO Sobiloff Brothers / Yellow Cab COl1;lpany
Msgr. Medeiros
THE ANCHOR-pioceseof Fall River:-Thurs.,Nov. 12,1.959 .
B·IS hOp Stang H.igh· D.'e.dlcation.·.
Continued from Page One in Rome he aiso had renewed his Quinquennial Faculties, episcopal powers enabling " bishops to dispense from certain impediments. During their three weeks'
Continue~from.Page One ands listened to the progra~ ary Cardinal Cushing has lak!!n a it was relay:ed.· through the personal interest in this new loud-speaking' system to those school from its planning days, outsipe, who were. una.ble to and has contributed to the buiId-' gain entrance to the auditorium. lng of the Cllapel in the school Those in attendance included In 'memory of the late Bishop paren.ts ..of thestud~nts, the' stay in Rome, Bishop Connolly . 'and Msgr. Medeiros saw the . Cassidy. . . architect, contractor and. subP b f t' . . The Bishop then thanked the contractors of. the buildings, ope anum er 0 lmes 10 genmany whose help made Bishop scli'ool and civ,fc officiais. of the. eral and special audiences. '. Stang. High possible, noting-:esarea that the school. serviCes.. "He is a simple man who lives 'peciaily the 'loyal' cooperation The d'edicatory address' of" in God's. pr,esence all thl! time," of the priests .and laity in the Cardinal Cushing was .delivered said Msgr. Medeiros, commentGreater New Bedford Area:"" by Most· Rev. Je'l:emiahF. Mini:' ing that the Pope had declared As the Bishop said, "Our han, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop' of . on one occasion that he was faith is essentially a matter, of Boston. Due. to' the Diamond ready at any time to "live and thanks. It is also grounded .in a . Jubilee of St. John's 'Seminary to die and to work for God." willingness to sacrific'e oneself in Boston' yeste·rday,. Cardinal Bishop Connolly and Msgr. for the 'glory of God and the Cushing's' presence at the_Stang Medeiros attended two. general good of one's neighbor. Stang. dedication was physically imaudiences, at both of which the High will be'for generations to possible. • . Pope spoke on the day's saint. 'come a living testimony to the - . The right of Catholics to Cath-. "H~ talks to you like a father," fine faith, the heartfelt gratitude olicEducation was ~he theme said Msgr. Medeiros. and the will to give generously permeating the Cardinal's disAt a special audience for even to the point of sacrifice course. "The 'State has no right , North American College alumni, 'for the benefit of the young boys to make a monopoly of Educathe Pope commented enthusiasand girls we love." . Jion" was the manner .in which tically on how "wonderful and . Just preceding the ceremonies the Carq,inal worded his thoughts alive" he found the Church in in the aUditorium" the :aishop in his desire to impress parents America. He told the priests that ,- blessed and laid the cornerstone • with their basic right to educate although there was m~ch evil of the school, :"'assisted by the their children. . . 1 th ld .'. 10 the wor d, ey wou accomS'tudent b'ody. He pr'esl'ded !Is the' . ' "Publ~c .schools", he contin,ued, plish more by emphasizing the students posted the colors at "have performe~ a great ser.vice f d' I the main' entrance of the adl1}inin thit. nation. There is no quesgood to be oun everyw lere. . . b tii l'd~g and' .. then .' that Uiere is . a 'need for .. Other Countries 'Istration, tion blessed the' new school outside'. '··them 'wheri . we consider the'· Before reaching Rome,:Bishop . and .inside and 'hung the crucifix physica1.' ·:incapability'·'of:, the' . Connolly··' ~nd Msgr.Medeiros ·.:. ~ the' iibrary. r _ Church'to'provicie"·edtlca'tioilill·.,. made' a: brief stop in 'Portugal, .. ~ After these brief. ceremonie's, facilities"· for' alL"·" ., ,, . '.' .' '.' . -DRIVE" CEREMONY :'Speaking'at the opening Monday saying Mass .'at the shrine of .. the . main .:dedication ·program ' ..: '''There, are' (,:ertain. instances' "., .-. '. of' 'f' t7't;; ," '- hI"" h'" '. f' th' BI'S'ho'p' Fe'e'ha''n' HI'g'h' Fatima ,a,~d; visiting, 'the Apos,'. t?ok " " ··to· the' ·evenmopu IC p ase 0 e t0 l'IC N" . _ L'IS boon.· .Th ey place in'.. the . .ai.tdit~rium . . when' 'parents must 'look ".",.. . Q . •'0 ; " ue • • .. . . r..• _..." • . unclo In before a capacity audience of state for ,the' education'()f,'tl1eft Schopl prIye. II) i).ttlebor~ .were,. left to r~gh~,..M9st Rev. went' by, boat ·to Naples. where ~ "'-~;: ~.bC?~t,.-1 M~Iij' .moJ.'e·, t~quJ:",.~; r~.u~~r~} ~1f~~%~i;' '~j?~f~.::, ~!iJ~;2:re1~~.~~.)~~·~~~!r~r~;,.,y-;g:.: *tl?f.i.~~~~Y:~ ~~~llqp, :~~s·~ ..Re:v. J.~me~~_~~hey 'vis.it~d ~lie ~ity:s"Cardina~ F~' I • -I" I"~ , . ',' i" .:. ':. OCC~~I~?-~ '. a~}~C}t,: ,I~.~ ~~I~~::·!.l).;.t;·;.; ~~~.~~~!!~~Jlr: -~IS~?,P::9t ~~\h.RIy~r,;.~nq· ~ry ~~~_ R~oert J. an.d we:~: prese~.f?1' the :Y'earlY pa:~.~ts rI~~~ .t.l:'."d~te~m..I.e~':·,!~~;'\)Slavm,,0.l?,;·pre~ndent.of,~rgvIdence ..College. \ ' . " . ' .m.~racl~.. 9~ !he liqu~f~ctlOn of "f ' Continu~d"Fr' m' p~ . '0 ", 'pa~h~lfra,!-',.c!r.~u~s~.~c~s~~ft~t;,.... :,~~~<~ :::';",~"::')':. ,.,.;.. ".'" .: ...::.., ~'::~'. ~':::,,~,,~ .:" '~"".;''' '.. . :. tHe bl~od of·St. J~nu~r:lu~. ' " " .. ,. ..,.0 !,g~. - n~ . tra1OI9.g : l~tO:- '6e~, .offered'~:." ,. . 'I .f:,\:PI'/Af,'it'l"'~t::· "'.1 '\':. ,1::;, ;, : t· :.. En rqute· to .Rome, ,they als~ •. ,:' " ',:(~~~:~~~~r:t a;t.M~t:~~~~~~k :'>;:·'~t~~·f>E~~,9~1~~f·;f..', ,§,~.... ·'~,c, ..... ~~Or(r~,·· ,I.S,~«?~. '.::,~~ ~n. ~ ',·p~u~ed·. at:~Mp?te :·Ca!lsi~o,. ~ol.'< : Church, New Be~ford., \~ ':..._' ::'. : .T~~:. nam.e i an~ .:wE~t!n~s,.: ~(;.:"".l~'·,~·.~o:ntin~,e,tFr0!D:.~ag-.~_ :~~C;:;: < up~N:'}:>~<:" 9 ,v.vhe!, t.he. ~rive . ~ow~ng. the.r.. st~y .Itt ~?~~;. the~ · '.' ~ Msgr!" Vieira,' ,wh~,:h~4 .b;eK·:::~IS,ho~:S!a,'1~.;~~r~,·1Ot;9rS?{~!e~ . l!!l~,~re~ ,~l\e".e~t~'\lSI~stIc .~ro~p.·. o~~lc~al~~>clo~es ....\ ..... . ... : . : (t~u.red ~t~er ,I~~Ian CItIes,. thc:: n .. ...s k d' h .. B" h .' 'F: n' .' th" In the,. text m'~sl1ch a, ,manner .. that '. the presence of Bishop' 'A deSIgn of the new BIshop VISited -:Vlenna, Brussels, Lon· '.! 't1th' e·,o';' .' IS O?t'" ~~ ~·tn,· ··t..e~\ ~-·th~·t:'all . reaiized·"ih.t{ ~~lictio~ :Feehan High School would pro':"', Feehan Regional iIigh School in 'ireland: · e rulnary . 0 InVI e wo ' -" . .,' . \: , .... ' .". • '. . ' . " don iind: . pOiqts . ' '. ~'Portuguese pri~sts.to· ·th~ Diocese ". of· t?~ ~~~e'S)~!1g:~~..~er.t~1Oly .... dlice ·not on~y' b~tter ,Cat~olics ',h.~s, alread~ been s~qmittei:l.~~ , . '.' ~m-o?g.. ~eligiotis· ~~inm~n~ties '.' ' ~~ ..assist" ·.in ,\vor.k'. ame?ng- ''the'..\. :lPI?~~~t:lat~ fOf a~ 1O~tI~U~101) 9f '" a~d: better Catholic ~o~es.,m~tl:i~' the ~o.ted ~Ir~. of Bostpn archI- aC~Ive m. the Fall RIver DlOc~se ;~.' 'immigr.ants I'n' his turil\ intro-.': ,lear.mQ.~.,.,.. . i " ;:' .; . : . . llrea,' but. 'betMr . CItizens and. " teets, .¥ag1Omll, :\Vals/) &. Ken- - whose houses. I abroad Wey d'uced the~: newconier.~ to l·the"· ... Al.l.P?ren~s W~~~.l,l~~~r~d t~a.t.:"",,:orkers f<?r·democracy. He ~old. nedy.. ';"PI'el~mJnary plans have' 'visit~d were the Sisters 9! St. - .. ' Bishop,. Wh~. 'as~iiriea '''hf~ ",t9 :' ~h~ typ~,.o~·e?~~~t~.?,n~;t.~~~,c~l.!,s.~d~ '.' :th~'grouv th~t <;ine of .their rig~.t,s· ,~ al~.~~dY:_ ?ee.n .~raw.p ~p and are"· Dor«;>thy, whose motherhou~e i.n · . Esp~rho' .Sarito:; chii'rch'; ·,rall!. t~e~.~~ .~~ct:tf!~e ..to:<?u.~I~,.:sl!cl~-:·:;!r?lI). God'~all t~e ":ngh~.to .gl,lI~r ~. l:!eI-!lg.~~~s~us~ed,~· so. that bids· Rome. they saw an,d the SIsters .• ' •. ;')tive.(as .ap assist.ahr·:; ,.l ::; ~ ;' '. ~ .I:n~.~~~lsen~ st~!l<:tu.~~;,i~:~~l:. ~'. ", a.,~:,.:E;?ufa~I.~~" lll:,,Is.e,~, wltb;:. ;t.~'!~' ',' ::1~ar bE:::su.~.nlltte~' fo~ thE; scho<?l, . o.f Mercy... , . , . ~ Father Betteri'coiirt· serve'd-' at ,rea~Ize.d'~~: placmg:· their bQYs ·',teachlpgs '::of~ rehgH>n."· ThIS IS . "by .January. Work' IS . expected' In Ireland, ·,BIShop Connolly. " , ; Espirito' Sarito for'severai yeai's,,·_..·a?d glrls ,In".th!l;t h,al.1d.s...of··.•th.e '.:. ,wha!::the_"new" High ,School. wilL: to .begin in March·and the school , and ;,Mllgr.. Medeiros ·visited.tl1e ... T thengolhg to se 'John' the Bap!:' " SIst~rs Qf lIJotr:e ,pame.de Nam~~..·provide~'";"·,;:·'.·,'V:" '. ' . ." -will, be opened ·in·. the'. Fall ·of ,first convent .and the tomb of· , .:; tis't .New"·:Bedford· he r~:" . TheI!, r~p.ut.ahonas-:-te~cl:lers·~s", ...;:."rTheseJcol1ectors are ,no~w. busy' ·1961. ...., .' ·.Mother ·McAuley.; .foundr!!ss. of i Ptained foui' yea;s;' " '.. w()r.ldWlde. ' .. :.'. ...,..... .' ·c()ntact~ng_,every'Catholic. fam. Dedi~ation .of.the Bishop Stang the Sisters of Merc}' and the 192i"Bisi:iop'~eehan built . .BIShop:", M,lnlha~ii" e~ph,a.cI2ied; '~l~'" ·.~n ;.the; aJ::E;a,' .~ac?f~~': High School in North' partmouth ~rogh~da. hos'?ital, of' the., M~~:-, · : Holy Ghost Church'in'AttieborO', \<'~,heCard,111l,ll.~.app.~iH~,\?\allth~~· .dIy·,IS :-as~~g;':t9;,.c'on.tqbute·.a . yester~ay has spurred the' res,:", c Ical'Mlsslonarles o~ M~IrY. . . · i aild .assigned -'Father Bette'ncourt l' tp.ey, l!1:t0u~d. be:mQst,:grat~fu:~t9.' -!f1inimIiJjl of $20Q'which 'may !>e." idents of" the Greater Attleboro ;~s·, its "first pastor. remaIned':: l~hspop·Sonnoll~.~~ho.'iha.~.st:r~~~ \. p~id. over a :two'-yea'~ period.o£,: ~Ar~a ~ t~ .. ~ great,. enthusiasm. . ' ," . ','.", ".,..... ' .. ,,' .. ..' .somarvellously·.1O OOIng the<'m.: t' . . . . . . '. ..,.. . ···M· "f th "t 1 d t th , :'.It.here.until'1924,whenOurLa~y .,.,""'U,""-: ·.,: ..... ,·:· ... ·P.. • .. Ime.. -.,'," '.' c' , • . . •- .a~Y?,e~ .rllvee o"~ .' .. :-o'fHealthpaiish was foundeajn'·st~~~.e.nt of .GQd '1Oc.p~oyl.~h~g. !l:1~.,f,lI"St. rep?rt of t.qe.Gen- .,.~~dlcatIon ,to see, as one,put It, . ':" :F,'a'l( River, and ~n,ce'~gain 'he' '..;,thIS. sfhool .fo,r the yout~ ·ol,:;,~l~e... ~r~q~!lase of:, U~e Dr~v!!, wilJ~' .~:~~at Qther.s hav~ dpne to, g~t. "f' 'was:riIade fitst pastor.-;' ',::·,.9~~a~.er,NewB~d~o~d ar~!l:,..;., ~~d~ ~n .Noy.17. ThIS Pl1ase o,f. ii. I}I~h' school' and to .see what ,,' ' Iil'1928,'Bishop Feetfanmoved '" .. <~lshqp:C;;.onnolly,.I~. ~o~!!,>yvmg ·tll~;lPr~v~ is scheduled ~,·tun. we a~e .going to have ourselves ..,. 'th' B t't t · · · · · · ";.' .th.~. plans ofF!!ll Rlyer'!J ,flI'St., ' ",.". " ,,'." ... ' . . ·;cdn such".a short time" ." .a, e~ . e e~cour once ~ga1O,. BishoJ) . and his . 'Pastoral.' on "'F'- '.. 'd' '. :C·' , . d . '. ,...'~.:, ." .... .c. -." : to S.antoChnsto, .wher.e he ·ha.S' ·c t'h"l" .. E"'d' ·'t·.·\)·.. · N"·;··· ..·' B " 'd: '. ; ree. Qm. rusa e., '.' .'b . , . • .• " . .., , < .. a 0 Ie ." uca IOn ew· e .. remained for'the past. 31 years 'f""-d'""h:' ....,. :'-'/5"ecome .,:.. "'t·h:~. . 't' :;. ". , . '. . ". . . '" . .. -- . ! , or·. as : now. e f'Irs· .. Bl1~qNG:T0N,(NC)-:Bishop ' . . . ", .' . '.' . . . . .' . ... c .bemg l.~ fourJI1 p~st?!":' " ..' '. ~thread;'in-Jhe~·;te1ttire'0i::hve·. ..;Ito\?ert F., .(oyce o.f B.url1Ogt~,Il·. . ". '. . ?nce the. ()nl!. p~~Ish for. ~.~t;~ 'Regiorl~i iligh . s~hbo1~:illrough·~a.~,qeel1"named as.a VICe c~alr--. . t!1gue~.C~t!t~lI~:'l In Fl;ll~ R!v;~!", :' Ui'e' ~ bi6'c~se;';:: ...::.. ,,'c ~ \.~ <;; '. .• :- ~an,~~ ~t~e V ~fmont ·comll1.l tt:~ . Mainte.nance Supplies ThoniasF. Monaghan Jr. Sapto·.Chnsto,has.seen.slx other·' ":.: ,. "i'" ~ 'i.,~,··, ," : ·,.'.:-"f " ,.c" of'the·.erusade for. Freedom In SWEEPERS - SOAPS C'
Y F' h' ", H·' h ',' . I.g :
' '.:. ,)-"B"'')
. r•. , ettencourt· ,.' ..
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"r::Ls~~:_~;r~~d't~~i~\;i:,~f~~~) :riioc~~:c.if5~·ish'Cip~··· s~~P.:!..t:~,o~, ~:.~!~~~ree .. Eu!:ope~ · 3,500 ·members, but )200 fflmilies: Continued From.Page One .~ .•", .NICKERSON .
:~;.DISINFECTANTS . ,'):~~~"EXTIN'GUISHE~S ft . ' C' :vA·H ILL . O• .'. '
Treasure~ {'
were recently",lost to the ·parish•. of~..the· ;Bishops'.of.the\'United ., " . . d' 142 SECOND 'STREET -' .through .moves·.necessitated· -by . States; tob'e"held'in Washington; ., , . '1' .FUNERAL .an . .,,, :" 5-7856 'the .Pe!!rl Street· Redev~lopineht' Tue~day, th'rough Thursday; Nov," ..j ' . " . ···MONUMENT ,''-86 PURCHASE ST. Project. '7 . 17 to 19 . . .' FALL RIVER· To .many, Santo Christo :is' '.. : 'Befor~ leaving. the ~aticin's " , SERVICES .NEW BEDFORD. synon~inou.s with chainpionship.· capital they - will al,so.· littentf 8~URH£';~SA:NDv:.IC"CMAss..:., ., I· VlY 3:.3786 calibre ·athletics. The CYO prosolemn' ceremonies.markirig the' 'l.. ..__.... ...:. gram of the parish has been. in dedication.: of . the . National . SCrvln, . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Q~~~~~~~Q~~~~...:'.'! high gear for the past four years ShrI.ne of the ,Ill].maculate~eon:.;,·;.','" "".' CA~,COD . CARNATION (pre-cooked) FISH STICKS '49c lb.' under-· the direCtion ofRev"c~I>tion'on·F'iidaY,·No~:-i20':'.,':,' :.nd:Su""u~dln9 Commuriiti.. Anthony M. Gomes, assista'n't. . Its most recent accomplishment' has' been ....the winning ..of the :Au~fin -M~K·Resfaurant ... Dioce~an baseball tropny for the second 'straiglit year: . .. ',. .' featJ~ing . -In~~' With pride, Father Bett.imcourt ''The Room," . lookea about his:par!or, crowded :FUNERAL '. SE.RVICE' with shining' trophies of' all . Ideal' for Communion Breakp~g shapes and sizes' won by' 'pa'ri'sh .'fasts,: ()rganizati.on Banquets youth. "If the boys continue to 386" Acushnet Ave. ~4?q:~U~TY S!;: win. trophies, I'll have to build". New Bedford some more shelyes!" he said. NEW BEDFO~D,MASS. UNION' WHARF , . FAIRHAVEN, MASS. 'Call WYman 2-1703 The pa'stor is proud too of the fact that yearly missio,ns in: both English and Portuguese' 'are a tradition at Santo Christo. Other · parisli.a<;tivitieii: oif~r~something : . for e.veryone,and no member need feel.left out .of a' c.oristantly . :'INQUsiRIALpridI>OMESTIC busy calendar.' of events.. · . So it's' with feelings of honest accomplishment. that pastor and .,' ~"""'~~Distributed by parishioners will salute each other this Sunday. .And the rest of the Diocese, too, joins in , good wishes to Santo Christo. .Beverage Co.
;'rANDERSO~·&··O·LsEN··l. f: '; 1 :
Rod'mqn Club'.
Facts of Faith' .
ANSWERS: 1 (c); 2 (b); 3 (d); 4 (a); 5 (b); 6 (a); 7 (c); 8 (c).
944 County St~ New Bedford
331 Nash Rd., New Bedfor"d
WYman 7-9937
i. s~ONT~~~6~ORS "ew i ••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••J 312 Hillman
List Crim.son and 'Warriors As Saturday's Victors
, THI(ANdfOR'-
Thurs., Nov. 12, 1959
Current Convert Movement Needs Active La ity
.. By Jack Kineavy
Somerset High School Coach
Old Man Weather threw a third consecutive curve ban ' at New England football la~t Saturday and though the inclement conditions workeq a hardship on players and fans alike, no major upsets were recorded. On the local scholastic scene there were three post- . game. They, too, converted sucponements and one cancella- cessfully and that's the way it tion. X'ed from the schedule ended, 8-S. The stalemate leaves Somerset was the Mansfield-Attleboro
WASHINGTQN (NC) _ It's mainly up to the laity.. That's ,'Father John A. O'Brien's answer on how to
achieve succe~s ~ith the current convert movement in the Caih.olic Church of this country. The veteran of 40 years in the convert field said two of the foremost means of attracting non-Catholics to the Faith are inquiry classes and census pro-. jects, known in some Sees as • "Crusade for Souls." Upon the laity-a "prayer, work, sweat and strenuous shoe leather apastolate"-depends the success ~ each project, he said. ' Father O'Brien; director of the bureau o~ convert research at the University of Notre Dame, told the second National Con.. ference of Convert Work conducted by the Paulist Father. at St. Paul's College here in the nation's capital, that "the most difficult, important and crucial part of convert work ill getting non-Catholics to the . inqu~,. class or the rectory parlor." "Once' that has been accompliShed," he stated, "the batt.. is more 'than half 'WOn. Until that is. achieved, nothing :happehli. Wlthout'instructees 'the most brilliant teacheris'Uke a migl1~ .vessel fill~' With a preciou. cargo unable to la.nd."· ,'
in undisputed possession of first place in the Conference with a 3-0-1 record. Case is 2":1-0 and Wareham, 2-1-1. Anything' caR :~~;al ~~a~~~~ r;'!:,iiI'rf;,~p{';;ii,'I:'11 happen, but if Case gets by Barnstable on Saturday, the title giving Day c o n - ' ? " ' , ! will hinge on the outcome of the tests, a number Thanksgiving Day game with of keen rivalSomerset. ries are on tap. " In New BedCounty Teams Lead ford, the powGrid ratings after Saturday's erf!.!l Crimson, play still show Bristol County undefeatleadership in three classes. New "NICE GOING, FELLOWS" Bill Monbouquette (center) ed Class B leadBedford, 12-0 .victor over North Boston Red Sox pitcher, congratulates Bob Mello (left) and ers, will play Quincy l].~ads the B list; Coyle Bill Freitas of Diocesan champion Santo Christo baseball host to intrateam as he ad~ires the trophy presented the Fall River nine city rival Vocational and Alumni rules the roost in C and the Warriors have an opportunity t ban S Field, Fall River, ",!,ill be the to solidify their position with a a, quet undar night. aite' of the Coyle-Durfee tussle. Cynosure of Cape competition victory over Class B Durfee this will be the Yarmouth-Falmouth weekend. Mansfield surveys all game at Gov. Fuijer Field, and in D competition but the Hornets Ui the Attleboro area, the Mims- have their work cut out against WASHINGTON (NC) - ' A n ' '~'. field-North Attleboro clash is pOwerful Class C North Attleo! the diplomatIc . corps' and bOro on Saturday. American Cardinal has been ,~xpecte~ to draw" a, . cap.ac~ty friends of the Cardinal attended crowd at Community Field. Som- ...., New:Bedfordts defensive unit': awarded the French Order of ~rset, .TJ:i-Cou!lty ..'pacesetter;s, ,continues to plague allopposi- ,.,tlleLegion of Honor with rank ,·the~luncheon ceremony, 'Accepting the honor,' the' Carwill invade the prep school ~~m. North Quincy·, was . the~ ...of, Grand Officer,~n~:,of .the dinal 'called for contiriuedcoranks at Tabor Academy' i1ild fifth consecutive shut-out victiin. highest award~ bestowed by the "operatioh between the 'United DigMon will concllide its 1959 Only Providence Central 'b'as French government.' ' 'Ri~h~rd Cardin81 'Cushin:g , . States and the governmeilf"()f campaign with a home date· with been ablE! tc cross'the Crimson's lJourne. . final white stripe and 'that came" 'Archbishop of Boston, received . Charles de Gaulle. He also cited in the opening game of the sea- the award here from French ·'the· 'close ties between France Bristol County Tide and the origins of' his Boston Only Durfee and Taunton son: This record doesn't. augur "Ambassador Herve. Alphand. .stand in' the way of another well for Vocaiional on 'Saturday,' Government officials members archdiocese. '!. .,,' . :", "My thoughts turn alm()st inBristol Courity title lor Coyte. but"the Trade has proved'a good Pr,scriptions called for The powerful Warriors pum- competitor in the clash doWn : stinctively' toward the' origins . and delivered 'of the 'Archd'iocese of Boston meled Fairhaven,34-8" last .through 'the .years. Saturday to run their season's The likelihood is that Dighton where" two natives of France, HEADQUARTERS. FOR "record to 5-0-1 and extend their will seek entrance into the TriFat~er~Matignon,and Cheverus, DIETETIC SUPPLIES Stonehill College Saxon Honor planted the seed of the£atholic unbeaten skein through ten County .Conference when its 600 Cottage Sf; WY 4-7439 'Society will sponsor a lecture games. Jack Phillipe and Bob Regional plant is in operation faith in the Puritan city of BosNew Bedford by Dr. Eugene G. Laforet; teachton," the Cardinal stated. Fioretti had two touchdowns next year. The Lions were for apiece against the Blue. Phillipe years a power in the now defunct ing fellow in surgery at Boston University Medical School and . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... proved himself a real mudder Narry grid loop. Reduced enon 48 and 24 yard scoring jaunts. rollment impelled Dighton"au- a practicing physician at 11 Fri" thorities' to drop Somerset and day morning, Nov. 20. He will An eyebrow lifter was the New Bedford' VocatIonal:"Fal- Case, both 'traditional rivals. speak ,on "Boxing: Medical and ,mouth game which saw the Under the Regional set-up, Moral Aspects." .. , . Dr•. Laforet has' done extenhome forces run wild in the sec- Dighton will again be on equal sive research' on the" injuries ond half to scuttle the Trade' by footing, "population-wise, and a 'I and a wide 36-14 margin: Big'man 1960 -renewal of grid' relafions suffered by prizefighters and in Faimouth's attack' was.' half- with Somerset arid Ca'se 'wouldn't ,hiS article "Is Boxing Immoral?" , i n the. Linacre' Quarterly reback Art Robesa who'registered 'surprise. ' , '. , , ·ceived a yearly award as. the three times to run 'his season's Rounding . out this week's best contributipn to the maga• GENERAL TIRES • DELCOBAnERIES' aggregate to 44 points. Quarter- schedule, Attleboro .goes to zine. back Art Rabesa who registered Dartmouth for a Bristol County .. PERFECT CIRCLE RINGS to duty seems to have provided tilt. The Jewelers with their , FAll RIVER - NEW BEDF()RD - HYANNIS - NEWPORT Falmouth with the life the club best club 'in. years has had the sorely miSsed in the early stages unfortunate 'experience of havof the' campaign. ing lost two games through Barnstable Win 'cancellation. New Bedford VocaIn another 'award winning' tional and Mansfield .were the 24-HOUR WRECKER performance on the Cape, B;un- teams involved. Coach Bill SERVICE 'stable edged Taunton, 16-8, to' Madden's team has a 4-1 record. 35 HILLMAN STREET desert the ranks of the winless. Dartmouth is 1-3-2, but the The jubilant Barnstable squad Indians have done a tremendous NEW BI:DFORD carried coach Chet Hanewich job all year. Y(Y 6-8343 from the field on their shoulders, In another County engagewhile frenzied partisans were ment, Fairhaven (2-4-1) is at making short- work of the goal- Taunton (1-4). Both will be IPostS. The Raiders' record 'now looking for a return to the vic... reads 1-6. The loss was Tauntory trail after last week's de"; ONE STOp·, ton's fifth;. they've' won one, a feats. Silver Lake' goes against SHOPPING Cl:lNTER 14-0 decision over Durfee. Wareham in a non-league game All the scoring in the top 'at Wareham. Foxboro travels to • TelevisioD • Furniture Conference game of the day Oliver Ames; Barnstable is at came in the last two minutes Case and Somerset tackles Tabor • Appliallces "•. GrocerJ of the ball game. Somerset, end Academy, a club that· has won UK' AileD· St., New Bedford Manny Silvia made a' circus five straight after droppirig the WYmaD 7-9354' catch in 'Wareham's' en!! ,zone. first two. The conversion was good' and Somerset "led, s-o. Wareham took the ensuing kickoff,_ drove down the field and scored on a SCRAP METALS beautiful forward pass ' play WASTE PAPER - RAGS with only ten secon~s left in the TRUCKS' AND TRAILERS FOR Peter Poulos, 'Manager PAPER DRIVES Registered Pharmacist CHURCHES, SCOUTS and We will pick up and deliver CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS your prescription at no charge SOUTH ORANGE - Vic De10S0 Shawmut Avenue 253 Uriion St., New Bedford • SAVINGS ACCOUNTS • AUTOMOBILE LOANS Filippo, physical education de- ' Ne",:,l. Bedfor~ WY 2-7828 WYman 7-4152 • REGULAR CHECKING • APPLIANCE LOANS partment head at Seton Hall ACCOUNTS • HOME REPAIR LOANS •• SPECIAL CHECKING University, has been nominated • COMPLETE TRUST ACCOUNTS DEPARTMENT SER~ICES for coach of the United States ~.""""""""""; • BUSINESS LOANS • SAFE DEPoSIT BOXES boxing team for the 1960 Olym• DRIVE·IN, BANKING • PERSONAL LOANS pic games in Rome. Mr. DeFilippo, whose daughter, Mona, has hopes of making $eNJlng The Community Since 1821 the Olympics as a swimmer" FALL RIVER' served as a referee at the 1948 Olympics fa London. He has J\{ational 142 Campbell $1. been head coach of the New New Bedford, Mass. York Golden Gloves boxing • ~~~I'~' team for the last 15 years and :-365 NORTH FRONT STREET: . WYman 9-6792 -~. has conducted boxing clinics for :-NEW BEDFORD : HEADQUARTERS FOR 55 NORTH MAIN ST. the Army and Air Force in Eng, , COLONIAL AND Look for thIs sIgn for modern bankl"ng servlc. land, Germany,. Korea and = ' WYman 2-5534' ~, TRADITIONAL FURNITURE .t a." ~... • Japan. ...... ---........ . fray. As the season moves into the final weekend of regular play
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