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Vol. 14, No. 46 Nov. 12, 1970 Price 10c $4.00 per year

Apostolic ~elegate Announces Fifth Ordinary For Diocese




ANCHOR.' Vol. 14, No. 46 Nov. 12, 1970 Price 10c $4.00 per year



Bishop Cronin's Statement It is with my heart's full measure of love that I send

these greetings to the beloved Diocese of Fall River on the occasion of my appointment by His Holiness, Pope Paul VI, as Bishop of that Diocese. These words come from my heart and I hope that they will convey the sincere desire that I have to be among the grand priests and devoted laity of Fall River in order that we may all work together to build up the Body of Christ which is the Church-the People of God. I wish to express my esteem and profound respect for Bishop James L. Connolly, the retiring Bishop of Fall River. He has been a great shepherd of the flock of Christ and through his dedication and Christlike service the Diocese of Fall River has known outstanding spiritual growth in these past years. To the devoted Auxiliary Bishop James J. Gerrard I convey the sentiments of esteem and fraternal affection. To the good sisters and brothers, I send' the assurance of my devotion and my constant interest in them and their religious life. In a special manner I send to the wonderful priestSof Fall River warmest greetings in the Lord. I assure them of my love and esteem and together I am confident that we will labor together in that unity of the priesthbod of Christ which we share, to carry on the noble traditions of service to the people of God which so distinguishes the Turn to Page Three

P,ope Paul VI I

Nam,es N,ew Shepherd IArchbishop

Luigi Raimondi, Apostolic Delegate to the United States, Tuesday announced the resignation of Bishop James L. Connolly of Fall River, 75, and tHe appointment as Bishop of F~lI River of Bishop Daniel A. donin, 42,' Auxiliary of Boston. I Bishop Daniel A. Cronin was born in Newton, Mass. on Nov. 14, 1927, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Cronin who are now living in Cambridge. i An alumnus of Boston College High School, the new Bishop of Fkll River prepared for the ptiesthood at St. John's Semin~ry, Brighton, and the North Ameriean College in Rome. He was ordained a priest in Rome on Dec. 20, 1952 by the l~te Clemente Cardinal Mieara. Upon his return from Italy in 1953, he served briefly as Assistant Pastor at Star of the Sea Parish, Salisbury, and at Sacred Tum to Page Six

Bishop Connolly's路 Statement November W, 1970 Saint Mary's Cathedral Beloved in Christ: Sooner or later all good things come to an end. Twentyfive years ago, when rumors first, then facts, found me assigned to serve in Fall River as an aide to Bishop Cassidy, I was loathe to accept. My roots had been planted in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul. My work was centered around the training of young men for the priesthood. It was, and remains for me, a most stimulating, rewarding activity. It was by no means easy to leave it. But Archbishop Murray, while telling me that he wanted me for his auxiliary, had said in strong terms: "You cannot say 'No' to the Holy Father." So home I came,-and let me say: "The last twenty years have been the happiest and the most fruitful in my life." This is due to a simple, obvious fact that the Faith in Fall River, and the Diocese, has always been constant and strong. And, in this day, when there is faltering and uncertainty among the leaders and professed inspirers, all through the land, it has been a comfort to me each d~y to mount the steps of the Altar, and pray that "we, who are nourished by the Body and Blood of Christ, may become one body, one spirit in Him." This, indeed, we ar'f, since in Holy Baptism we were Turn to Page Three




THE ANCHOR~D.iocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 12, 1970

.Msgr.·' Eid . Gives Family Thank~

OFFICIAL Diocese of Fall River. Rev. Louis R. Boivin, assistant at St. Joseph's Church, New Bedford, to St. Louis de France Church, Swansea, as administrator. Rev. Robert W. Dowling, assistant at Notre Dame Church" Fall River, to St. Joseph Church, New Bedford, as assistant. Effective Tuesday, November 24, 1970.

~~.I'~ .•~. Bishop of Fall River.



<:.J . :

Scripture Scholar to Present Conference for Diocesan CI·ergy Rev. Roland Murphy, O. Carm., Biblical Commentary and partic.' a distinguished Scripture schol- 'ipated in the translation of ~he ar, will present' the Fall Confer- recently published New Amerence for clergy of the diocese on ican Bible. Bishop Connolly, in a letter Monday, Nov. 16 and Tuesday, Nov. 17 at St. Mary's Parish to all clergy .of the dioce~e, Center in South Dartmouth with. stressed the responsibility of all Rev. Msgr. Arthur Considine as, in preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He host. stated, "We should constantly The introduction of a revised' be aware or" new methods to cycle of scripture readings at answer old problems of faith Mass has brought new aware- in our own day." ness of the importance of God's The conference will begin at revealed word in the liturgy. 10 o'clock on' Monday and TuesThe theme for the conference is day mornings. TIu! sessions will "Sacred Scripture:, The Weird of end at 2:30 P.M. on each day.' God for Today's Parish."

Rev. Louis Jt. .Boivin

Rev. Robert W. Dowling

Fr. ,Boi.vin Administrator, Fr.' Dowling 'to' New Bedford'

T\.1e Most, Reverend Bishop to~ Mary's Seminary in Baltimore. day announced the appointment He was ordained by the late of Rev, Louis R. poivin, assistant, Most Rev. James E. Cassidy in at St. Joseph's Church, New St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, .Bedford, since 1955 as '.adminis- ,on May 22" 1948.. trator of St.' Louis de France Father Boivin served at St. Church, Swansea,. succeeding Louis Church in S~ansea from Rev. Msgr. ArthurG: Dupuis wh9 his, ordination until 1952 when has resigned as pastor of the' he was transferred to St. HyaSwansea parish. Rev. Robert W.. cinth Church in New Bedford. He Dowling, assistant at, Notre served there for three years and Dame Church in Fall River, goes went to St. Joseph's in New Bedto St: Joseph's Church, New Bed- ford in 1955. for, as assistant. Father Dowling, son of the The appointments are effective late Reginald E. and Maria Foron Tuesday, Nov. 24. est Dowling, was born in Fall Father Murphy will elaborate Mass Ordo Father Boivin, son of M~thilde River on l'v1ay 25, 1933. Educated this theme in h.is two talks. The. Madore Boivin and the late Eufirst is' entitled "Revelation in FRIDAY - St. ,I~rances, Xavier, clid A. Bovin, was born Nov. I, 'in Notre,Dame School and Msgr.' Cabrini" Religious. (First canPr:evost High ~chool, he att!'!!lOthe Light of Vatican II." Follow1923' in Taunton. Educated at onized saint of the United ed Assumption College in ing this, small group discussions St. Jacques School and Msgr. States of America, who died Worcester and studied philosobased on the talk will be held. attended Coyle High School, in Chicago, II1inois. on Dephy and theology at the seminarIn the afternoon, Father Murphy cember, 22, 1917). Memorial. college at Ste. Anne College in ies of Montreal in Canada. He will address himself to the topic, Nova Scotia, and studied philWhite:' was ordained in St. Mary's Ca"The Old Testament and the osophy and theology in St. ·thedral, Fall ,River, by Mc,st New Liturgical Readings." SATURDAY-St. Josephat, Bi~h­ Rev. James L Connolly on April op, Martyr. Memorial, Red. Presently visiting professor of 25, 1959. Jo.sephite Fathers Old Testament at Princeton SUNDAY - Twenty-Sixth StinUpon ordination, Father Dowday After Pentecost. Grelfn. Superior Resigns Theological Seminary, the Carling served as assistant in St. Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; melite priest has taught at , BALTIMOR¥ (NC) - Father Stephen's parish in Dodgeville Preface of Sunday. (The George, F. o'f-ea, S.S.J., superior until 1963. He then went to Our Catholic University of America, Prayers are taken from the gener,al of th Josephite Fathers, Lady of Grace Church in No. ,at Pittsburgh Theological SemMass of. the Sixth Sunday announced h re he had resigned Westport until 1967. He spent inary, and at Yale, Duke and after Epiphany)., Notre Dame Universities. He because of railing health. a year then at St. Jean Baptiste served as editor of the Jerome MONDAY-St. Gertrude, CisterFather'l\;1'atthew J. O'Rourke, Church in Fall River and bethe soc~ vicar, will serve as came assistant at Notre Dame in cian Nun. Optional. White. acting superior general until an Fall River in June of 1968. Tax Missioners TUESDAY-Mass (Choice of C~I­ election next Summer. Father COLOMBO (NC) - Foreign ebrant). Weekday. O'Dea said the Vatican Congremissionaries in Ceylon may have gation of Religious had accepted . to pay a temporary residence WEDNESDAY -,Dedication :of his resignation. the Basilica of SS. Peter and tax. Finance Minister N.M. Perera Fun,eral Home St. Joseph's Society of the SaPaul, Apostles. Optionlil. announced the reintroduction of cred Heart was founded in En571 Second Street White. the tax in his budget presented gland in 1866. The society headfall River, Mass. to parliament here, but did not THURSDAY -St:., Elizabeth of quarters in this country is loinclude foreign clergy and Reli679-6072 Hungary, Wife, WidoY', cated' here. Some 300 priests and gious among those who would Mother, Tertiary of the Order Brothers in the society in this MICHAEL J. McMAHON be ,exempted. of St. Francis. Memorial. country are dedicated to misRegistered Embalmer sionarY,work among Negroes. White. Licensed Funeral Director


Msgr. Emil Eid, nephew of the late Chor Bishop Joseph Eid of St. Anthony of the Desert Church in Fall River, visited his late uncle's parish last week to express the appreciation of 'the Eid family to parishioners and friends of the pastor who served the Maronite community in Fall River since 1929, Chor Bishop Eid died on November 23 in his native Lebanon where he had gone following the death of his brother. Monsignor Eid is Promoter of Justice in the Vatican at, the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, a positiort comparable to that of Attorney ,General of the United States. He is also procurator at the Maron,ite Patriarchate in Rome. He is a member of the 'Commission on, the Revision of Canon Law. Monsignor Eid came to Fall River from Lebanon on. his way back to Rome to assure the p~o­ pIe 'of St. Anthony of the Deser-t Parish and all the friends of Chor Bishop Eid of the appreciation of the Eid family for the kindness and support shown to the late pastor in all his .efforts over the past 40 years.

Att'end Folk Mass At Holy F'omu!y Bishop James J. Gerrard celebrated a folk Mass for students and' faculty of Holy Family High, School in the first of a planned series of Eucharists. "1lso at ~he New Bedford' school, representatives of various colleg~s and business, schools have addressed senior class members, and preparations for the 1971 yearbook have begun with the taking of senior pictures and candid camera shots.


Day of Prayer


Nov. 15-0ur Lady of the Immaculate Conception, New Bedford. St. John the Baptist, New ,Bedford. St. Louis, Fall River.

NOV. 13 Rev. Louis J} Deady, 1924; Founder, ,St. Louis, Fall River.:

Nov. 22-St. Stanislaus, Fall River. Holy Cross, South East,on.

.. . . ... . . ..

NOV. 14 Rev. Francis Jr. Duffy, 1940, Founder, St. Mary, South Dartmouth. NOV. 15


Rev. Daniel E. Doran, 1943, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, North Easton. '

Second Class Poslage Paid at Fall River. Mass., Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Cahtolic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $4.00 per year. •

Rev. Thomas F. LaRoche, 1939, Assistant, Sacred Heart, Taunton.



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. Thoughts Occupy your minds with good thoughts, or the enemy will fill them with bad ones; unoccupied they cannot be. -St. Thomas More

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Clothing Drive November 29 W'eekend Diocesan Director Rev. John F. Hogan has announced that the annual Clothing Drive will take place in 114 parishes of the Diocese during the week of November 29. Men's and women's clothing and shoes, blankets, and baby clothing will be collected during that week in places designated in each parish. The clothing will be sorted and boxed by parish workers and will be picked up the week of December 6 by Hemingway Transportation Company .of New Bedford for trucking to the Long Island warehouses of' Catholic Relief Services, the world-wide relief ageney of American Catholics. In Long Island the clothes will be prepared and baled for shipment overseas to any place where need demands. Most Rev. Edward E. Swanstrom, director of cns, says that the last reserves of blankets were sent from the warehouses to the victims of .the Jordanian civil war and that the need for clothing is even greater this year than ever. There is no money to buy the great quantities of clothing given out each year through the generosity of American Catholics who donate usable clothing and shoes and blankets to help those in need all over the word without regard to race or creed or nationality. The used clothing is sent to representatives of Catholic Relief Services stationed around the world and this insures that the clothing goes to those in need. Last year the victims of the earthquake in Peru were recipients of huge quantities of Clothing Drive supplies.

THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 12, 1970

D'elegate Insta 115 Bishop Driscoll FARGO (NC) - Bishop Justin A. Driscoll, consecrated as spiro



JUBILEE VISITOR TO FALL RIVER: Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, named on Tuesday as the fifth Ordinary of the IDiocese of Fall River, is greeted by Rev. Msgr. Hugh A. Gallagher, P.A. pastor of St. James Church, New Bedford, on the evening of May 24 on the occasion of Bishop Connolly's silver jubilee as a Bishop. Witnessing the greeting is Bishop Peter L. Gerety of Pottland, centef. I

Bishop Connolly's Statement I

Continued from Page One made one with Him, children of God, heirs of the Kingdom of heaven. We are a curious conglomeration, racial strains from various parts of the Christian world, men and women' used to working manually to provide for ourselves and our loved ones not s.o much accustomed to luxury as to want. Hardly an individual here that has not lived in time of economic crisis, on the threshold of hardship, but hardly a family that has not known the power of Faith and Trust in God. If we have homes for the aged with accommodations far beyond those of more ST. JOSEPH, prosperous dioceses, it is due to ATTLEBORO the vision of Bishop Cassidy, inMembers of the CYO will deed, but far more to the loyalty meet at 7 tonight in the rectory of our faithful men and women, and discuss future projects. A who rejoice now in the' knowflea market will be held on Dec. ledge that we have them. So too, 12 in the parish hall and the with schools, orphanages, accom路 hours will be 9 to 4 and again modation for the mentally and emotionally retarded. These have 6:30 to 9:30 in the evening. The cyo will sponsor a dance grown and' are reaching the on Nov. 28 from 7:30 to II with point that there is no diocese, music being provided by the and but ,few archdioceses, in the United States better fitted, than "Prophets of Revelation." we for the care of the aged, Donald Laferriere and Charles Dubuc have passed their eagle. chronically-ill, and the young scouting awards exam and thus needing wide windows and open become the first from Troop No. doors for Faith and Freedom. But times change,. and we 37 to do so. change with them. Next weck, I will mark my seventy-sixth BLE~SED SACRAMENT, birthday. This is a year in exFALL RIVER cess of the age which Vatican The annual meat pie supper Council sets as the dead-line' for and penny sale under the .spon- residential" Bishops to stay in sorship of the Women's Council office. A year ago, I tendered my will be held in the'. church hall resignation to Our Holy ':'ather, on Saturday evening,. Nov. 14 Pope Paul in the following following the 6:30 Mass. Tickeh will be available at e the door.


Parish' Parade


words: "Today marks my seventyI fifth birthday. In 'keeping with the directives of Vatican II, I am tendering my resignation as Bishop of. the Diocese of Fall River. Since 1951, I have, served the faithful, as their' chief shepherd: It would be difficult to find more loyal, more responsive people, They are firm in faith and zealous in good works. The Catholic population numbers 60 per cent of the whole geographic area. Vocations have, up to now, been numerous. Priests and religious are full of zeal. Whomsoever Ynur Holiness chooses to succeed to the title and responsibility as Bishop of Fall 'River will have more blessings than burdens. "With gratitude to God for His goodness, and to the Apostolic See for constant favor, I remain the devoted servant of Your Holiness, and . of the people of the Fall River Diocese." No sooner done, than I let it known what I had done. 1 be I There was rejoicing in some I areas, where it was said the ! Diocese needed a real spiritual leader, and not a banker. This I.criticism is hardly worth an answer, since it reflects more on I the critics than on the adminis,tration. As many as ten pastoral I letters have gone out each year, built around local and international activities in the Church, I Each of them has been dutifully Iprinted by The Anchor. Defi,nitely, the bulk of them have


BIS h opi e I . ronln




Plans have been formulated for the annual Christmas party and fashion show. Members of SS. Margaret and Mary Guild will act as models.




dealt with the theme of knowing, loving, and living what followers of Christ must be. As I begin to lay down the burden, I look back gratefully to my association with Bishop Cassidy, and with clergy and religious of the Diocese. From them all, I inherited a responsibility that was and always has been more blessing than burden. Words cannot express the thanks lowe to young and old, learned and unlearned, for their constancy in the Faith. Already, today, you know of the choice of a successor. It seems almost a fair exchange with Boston, that we should have given them Archbishop Medeiros, and they should have sent us a new Shepherd in the person of Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, pastor of Saint Raphael's in Medford. It will not be too long before he comes to guide and instruct you. We must all meanwhile pray for God's blessing and inspiration upon him. The clergy of the Diocese are directed to use, under one conclusion, in the Collect of Masses, Oration Number 4, for ordinaries on jh~ir. anniversary of appointment. ,It' may probably be weeks, or more,' before our ,new Bishop comes, but we will all prepare the' way by fervent prayer that he be rich in grace, and strengthen the household of Faith in the Diocese of Fall River. Faithfully yours in' Christ, ~ JAMES L. CONNOLLY, Bishop of Fall River


Inity. My good wishes equaliy I Continued from Page One priesthood' lin' Fall River. .convey to the civic authorities On this occasion also I wish throughout the Diocese of Fall to send my warmest greetings IRiver. May we all work together to the members of the other ! to bring about the fruits of jusChristian Churches and to the itice and peace for our own comJewish members of the cO,J,llmu- munities and for our beloved

natio.n.. I ask the prayers of all the priests,' religious and faithful in the Diocese of Fall River that Almighty God may bless us all and' particularly my episcopal ministry in that great Diocese.

itual head of the Fargo, N. D. diocese, .said today's Church is seeking reconciliation instead of struggling for worldly power. The 50-year-old bishop, a native of Iowa and former president of Loras College in Dubuque, was installed as fifth bishop of the eastern North Dakota diocese during solemn rites in St. Mary's Cathedral. Archbishop Luigi Raimondi, apostolic delegate in the United States, officiated at the ceremonies attended by 34 Midwest bishops, Addressing about 600 persons who attended the rites, Bishop Driscoll characterized today's Chur~h as one striving for understanding and love. He said the greatest challenge Catholics face "is to be persons who truly care . . . to know what we are about." "Our activity binds us to路 gether," he said, "in the oneness of the Holy Spirit. Where instead of concentrating on one another's wrongs, we forgive one another. Where instead of needlessly defending a position, we seek to be reconciled. Where instead of uttering constant criticisms, we strive for an increase of charity. "Where instead of living our lives on a merely humanistic level, we embrace God's law of life. Where instead of struggling for worldly power, we gain the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding."

South Africa Ousts Anglican 路Priests CAPE TOWN (NC)-Qne of two Anglican priests deported by the South African government has also been deprived of his South African citizenship. Fathers Robert Mercer and Bernard Chamberlain of Stellenbosch were deported after the government claimed they supported grants by the World Council of Churches to organizations fighting racism. The groups receiving the WCC grants include black African nationalist movements engaged in guerrilla warfare.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River'- Thu~!i.· Nov~ 12, 1970

Study Permanent 'Deacon's Role


,NCEA President Asserts Teach~rs

Losing Influence

WASHINGTON (NC) - Teach"Society asked public schools, , ers are losing their influence in for insta~ to be the teacher of the U.S. educational system, and -morals without addressing God the teaching profession 'itself is ,by name," the NCEA presi~ent partly to blame for the decline, said, "and it asked religion-orithe head of the National Catho· ented schools teo teach love i,n a lic Educational Association said vacuum of de facto segregation." , 'here. ' . False Gods Father C: Albert Koob, 0 .. , Schools were asked to teach Praem., NCEA president, made political science without Dienthat observation at a "Christian tioning politics, and to promote Liturgy for American Educators." "a richer futUre of greater prosMore' than ,500 public and non- perity and enlarged freedom public school officials, represent- without disturbing encrusted ,traatives from several national ed- ditions," he continued. ,"Many of us knelt adoringly ucation associations an4 officials from the U.S. Office of Ed- before some educational false ucation attended the NCEA- gods- particularly those of bigsponsored service at St. Mat- ness anq efficiency," Father thew's Cathedral here. Koob told the public and ~onParents' groups, private in- public schools officials, "an4 in dustry and federal and state gov- all of this, society was well ernments' are all assuming larger pleased." ' roles in education "at the exBut after the turbulent and dispense of the influence of educa- orderly 60's, he said, society is tors," Father Koob said. calling on schools to renew them, "To some extent, the teaching selves. ' In assuming their 'rightful reprofession is itself to blame for' sponsibility, ,educators ~ust these developments," he said. In 'education's early days, Fa- "demonstrate the courage and ther Koob said, society asked strength to sometimes bite: the teachers to take the place of hand that feeds us," he conparents in schools, "and we ac- eluded, "to resist the foibles, to cepted this task somewhat reorder the priorities, to calm the aware of a number of unspoken passions, to direct the energies but implied restrictions." of the community we serve~"




Irish Medical Missionary Flies Cessna Over- African Desert

END OF AN ERA: Due to declining enrollment and rising operating costs St., Joseph academy, St. Paul, Minnesota's oldest private school, will close at the end of the current school year. Prevalent" with all the girls in the 120year-old school were looks of sadness such as that expressed by Claire Rossini, president of the academy's junior. class.

For Usual Reasons

CHICAGO (NC)-She's'young, Of the order's 500 Sisters, 50 Irish and attractive - imd she 'are doctors, 200 are 'nurses, and flies a 'single engine Cessna 182 the rest are qualified' deritlsts, . 120-Year-Old Catholic· Academy for ·Girls across some 32,000 square miles . pharmacists, technicians, secreof desert in Kenya's northern taries, and social workers. :To Close in June frontier province of Turkana. Overall, there are now 50 Sisters ST. PAUL (NC)-:-Minnesota's high school in the St. Paul-MinSister Shawn Underwood of assigned to East Africa, seven oldest private high school, 120- neapolis archdiocese, disclosed the Medical Missionaries' of of them in Turkana. year-old St. Joseph Academy for the institution is in se~ious fiWhere the Turkana peoplJ are Mary, spoke of her routine f1ygirls, will close at the end of nancial straits. ing work when she visited here concerned, the Medical Missionthe current school year. He said the school, which has recently. aries of Mary help to take icare The announcement came· from an enrollment of 1,085 students, She is part of a predominantly of their physical needs while the Sister Miriam Joseph Cummings, is operating this school year Irish order of Sisters who are St. Patrick Fahters aid by teach. province director for the Sisters with a $96,000 deficit, due to qualified physicians and trained ing the people how to build, 'how. of St. Joseph of Carondolet, who unpaid expenses and borrowed medical personnel. Her order's ,to ~ake a living, pers'onal' hystaff tJ:te school, and Dr. David funds last year, plus increased superio;, for example, is a sur- giene, and have taught. them Kotewa, school principal. operating expenses this year. . geon. how to fish for food. Reasons cited for the closing A fund drive to relieve the fiShe and her order devote their Sister Shawn was specifically included a steadily declining en- nancial plight of the school has time exclusively to working with the primitive and poverty strick. trained for her work by an: Aer rollment, . spiraling operating been launched by students, faculen in East Africa, Taiman, Brazil Lingils (Irish airline) captain in costs and large scale remodeling ty, alumni and friends of the inand several other places. Dublin. She has logged more :than ' needs for the 109.-year-old cen- stitution, to continue throughout Sister Shawn is assigned to 800 flying hours' since coming tral building. the school year. The enroll~ent dipped from help care for the primitive peo- to Turkana in 1967. Right how, pie in Turkana, Kenya. Turkana she and the order are trying to 790 in 1951 to 719 in 1964 and is mostly desert and the people . find some way to raise funds to to 354 at present. Joins NC Staff who inhabit the land are no- keep the craft airborne, Meanwhile Christian Brother WASHINGTON (NC)~Joseph Basil Rothweiler, principal of McLellan, former editor of A.D, madic. ' Flying Ambulance Cretin High School, largest boys 1970 magazine, has joine~ the "The plane's in fine shape," Missionary work in Turkana staff of the National Catholic is mostly carried out by the Irish. said Sister Shawn. "It's just: that (NC) News Service as the new A . little bit of Ireland can be we're running low on money to, $85,000 Grant Aids director of special projects. Mcfound toiling in that desert re- keep the plane fueled and rhainLellan, who at one time was gion to combat a multitude of, tained." She estimated that the Philadelphia Schools PHILAQELPHIA (NC)':"""The fi- news editor of the Pilot in Bos· diseases, both known and un-" plane's yearly cost run~ to known. around $40;000, much of which nancially troubled Philadelphia ton and later worked for ReCurrently, the medical mis- is donated from people in the archdiocesan school system has ligious . News Service (RNS) in sionary Sisters and the St. Pat- United States and from an or- received an $85,000 grant to help New York as Catholic and forerick Fathers work together and .ganization calle~ Wings: for establish a development office to ign editor, will be responsible organize support for the schools. for development of new proseparately to fight the contin- Progress. uing problems of famine, thirst, . William D. Valente, president grams. and . malnutrition prevalent Most of her flight work' con- . of the archdiocesan board of edamong the nearly 2 million sists of carrying medical Sisters ucation, said the planning and people of Turkana. and supplies to various centers, operational grant was made by carrying the mail, serving as a the local Hass Communit~ Fund. Money ProbUem 'Because of the vast numbers '. flying ambulance, and bringing The development office, VaSHEET METAL of people and .the few medical- patients to towns where' full lente said, .will seek communityJ. TESER, Prop. hospital facilities are located. Religious personnel available, wide support, particularly from RESIDENTIAL Asked how the Sisters handle business and labor, for the school the relief work has necessarily INDUSTRIAL taken on a' bandaid .approach. the spiritual aspects pf being a system, reportedly $500,000 in COMMERCIAL Currently there is one physician \ Religious, Sister Shawn replied, debt. Approximately 256,000 253 .Cedar St., New Bedford available for every 200,000 in- "You just can't preach to' peo- students are enrolled inthe arch· '993-3222 habitants. pie with empty stomachs." diocesan' sch.ools. I

No.rris H. Tripp

WASHINGTON (NC) - The Catholic Theological Society of America, at the request of a U.S. bishops' committee, has begun a study which may help define the role of permanent deacons and answer the question whether women can be ordained for such a vocation. Father William Philbin, direc· tor of the National Conference of Catholic Bishop's secretariat for the permanent diaconate-' here, said his committee had reo . quested the study.. He .sai'd the theological society had been asked to probe four questions: What is the role of the deacon and the extent of his power? What is the theological foundation for deacons serving as ministers of the sacrament of anointing the sick? What is the possibility of diaconal ordination -for a temporary rather than a lifetime commitment? Can women be ordained to the diaconate? Father Philbin said the study, to. be completed by January, would help the secretariat and others concerned with the permanent diaconate to better understand its theological implications.

Heads Archdiocesan Information Bureau BALTIMORE (NC)-A former diocesan newspaper managing editor has been named directOr of the Baltimore archdiocesan Bureau of Information, Cardinal Lawrence Shehan announced. James E. Shaneman, managing editor of the Catholic Witness of Harrisburg, Pa., for the past two and a half years, assumed the information post here Nov. 2.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. ~(}v. 12, 1970

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salvation and s,ervice

"God Forgive My Cowardice"

Ernest Hemingway died in 1961. A previously unpu~颅 lished novel by him is available now, nine years later. It is Islands in the Stream (Scribners, 597 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017. $10). Unmistakably; it is authentic HemI ingway. But. is it first c l a s s 路 . Hemingway? In part, yes. his first wife, and .is. abruPtIr But it is very uneven and as alerted for another mission. a whole, falls far b~low the Th.is por~ion is ma0ed .by best that he did. It tells of a painter, Thomas Hudson, who is living in the Bith bo k m ini rind s a s as e 0 opens, some time before World War II. Hudson has been twice married, twice divorced. He has one son by his first marriage, two by his second. For most of the year, the boys are with their respective mothers.



But during summer vacation, they spend some time with Hud. son. The first section of the book, and by far the best, is entitled "Bimini," and deals with tl)e last reunion of Hudson and his sons. The boys are skillfully characterized. Each has his distinctive realness. Their father's love of them. is strongly conveyed, without any sentimentality and often humorously. The memories, pleasures, and ordeals which he shares with them in these few weeks are admirably described. Wonderfully Done Thus, there is a protracted struggle by one of the boys to land' a gigantic swordfish. Here Hemingway's genius for communicating physical detail is ideally exhibited. The sea, the sky, the heat, the color and might of the great fish, the bodily punishment and elation of spirit which the boy experiences-all these are wonderfully done. Thomas Hudson, in this portion of the book, has more maturity than any other Hemingway character. And since the protagonist in each Hemingway piece is more or less the author himself, we are here shown a side or dimension of Hemingway never previously revealed. But this portion ends all too soon. and near its close there is word that the two younger boys, back with their mother, have, along with her, been killed in an automobile accident. Drinking, Sex


The second and third sections, "Cuba" and "At Sea," are set in the years of World War II, perhaps 1943. The eldest Hudson son has now been killed in aerial combat. And Hudson, it would appear, has married once more, just as unsuccessfully. Hudson captains an improvised Q-boat on the lookout for German submarines in the waters oHI.Cuba, where he' has been m~king' his home. He returns from an uneventful run at sea, re~airs to his" favorite Havana bar, has a brief encounter with


Af~er numerous requests we are again printing this thoughtprovokmg lette'r from a missionary to someone' who criticized his appeal for help. Read it-meditate on it-show it to a friend-then act on it! "A friend wrote telling me that you didn't think much of the Mission appeal J gave recently. Your comment was: 'All Father was interested in was money!' With this YOU damn me as a Heml.ngwa~ s ~reoccup~tl?n with f~lse prop.het. But, even supposing your words were true (and I'd massIVe drmk~ng, as If It werF hke to thmk they aren't), I am quite willing to face God's judgea truly herOic feat. And the ment with this record. . crude sex, meant to be bluntlr 1" 11 b i d ' "Mahatma Gandhi once said: 'If Christ ever visits India, rea IStIC, actua y ecomes u IHe had better visit in the form of bread!" II agr~ with Gandhi. crous. Today under-privileged countries are caught in a pitiful struggle Hero Wounded for survival. Millions upon millions of human being$-made It may be said that Hudson, each to God's image and redeemed by Christ's blood - face grieving and lonely, turns to starvation, live in hovels not fit for dogs. To you these are these excesses for relief or dis~ only words but to me they are men and women of flesh and traction, but none of the strengtQ ~Iood, with haunted eyes, emaciated limbs, with children clingSPEAKER: Rabbi Marc H. and wisdom ~f the earlier Hud~ mg to them, frail and frightful, facing a future where the only son is discernible here. There is Tanenbaum was one of the .certainties are hunger and want. My own eyes have seen them. a reversion to the more stockl principal speakers at the reNot by one's or two's, mind you; not by dozens; but by thoumore primitive, more shallow, cent sands. Calcutta alone has a half million homeless on its streets. special convocation I Hemingway hero. Have you ever seen a starving mother lie down with het baby The mission to which Hudson marking the fifth anniveron the pavement at night; sinking into hte merciful solace that is recalled has to 'do with th~ sary of the Vatican Council's . sleep brings, that brief blotting out of her misery and hopelessness? hunting down of the survivor~ conciliar statement on the of a destroyed German subma. Jews. NC Photo. "If you were :I missionary, what would you want to give rine. A group of about 10 ha~ that starving mother? The love of Christ. Yes. But what form would landed on one of the keys, killed Christ's love take. In the Gospel, did Christ tell the hungry and the the few people dwelling there, sick that He would remember them in His night prapers? Toand made off in a turtle boat~ day the world is weak and feverish with atheistic-materialism; Hudson is to find them. I but the cure of matl'lrialism is not spiritualism. The Communists The search is long and diffi. says that man is only body"':"'and soul doesn't matter., The answer to that lie is not that man is only soul-and body doesn't cult. Finally, .Hudson and his WASHINGTON (NC) - The matter. crew believe they have theit "Remember the Incarnation. God became man; the Word quarry cornered. But the fugi"l .University Professors for Acawas made flesh. We adore Christ, His soul and divinity; but tives put up a more fierce and demic Order charged here that also His body and blood. Mankind is incorporated now nn Christ cunning fight than had been eX-i an essentially radical leftist as it is, flesh anell "pirit. This oneness with Christ promises man. pected, and in it Hudson is mor-, movement is trying to promote kind the only solution to its sin and its sufferings; to its hunger tally wounded., As with all Hem-I revolution by exploiting legitiand its hates. For Christ in love embraces and elevates all; He ingway heroes, he is dying as mate campus grievances. excludes nothing; He redeems in His totality; he preserves carethe. book closes. I Nine UPAO spokesmen, led by fully the hierarchy of value between matter and spirit, but He Fuller's 'Flight' Anthony Bouscaren of LeMoyne repudiates as nonsense any drivel that would advocate loving a Edmund Fuller is no Ernest l College, said that "only a return man's soul while despising and neglecting his body. Hemingway. He has none of the to the true, non-political goals "You imply that I should be ashamed because I begged too intensity or brillance of Heming-I of the university, a clear and much; whereas actually I'm ashamed because I begged too little. way at the top of his form. Butl precise policy of teaching and I didn't have the courage to say what I really think. It is this. he does perceive and takel research * * * can resolve the As long as our youth are spending more on cokes, potato chips, into account aspects of the hU-1 present crisis." dances, comic books, bowling alleys, than they are giving to the man being and the human situa- . UPAO treasurer Dr. William Missions (and God knows they are!); as long as Catholics give. tion, along with virtues and val-I H. Roberts of Catholic Univer- more for cigarettes, golf, magazines, liquor, cosmetJcs, hair-do's ues, to which Hemingway was sity said that college administra- than they are giv~ng to help the world's poor (and God knows apparently blind. I tors must do their best to pre- they are!) then Christianity can never halt Communism because it is a Christianity that has rejected a bleeding, crucified Christ! Mr. Fuller's latest novel, I serve order on campuses. I didn't have the courage to preach this (As Paul would have!) Flight (Random House, 457 Mad-I "Administrators have an obli- and that makes me ashamed .and afraid. Christ's description of ison Ave., New York, N.Y. 100-, 22, $5.95), focuses on a man and I gation to call in law enforce- the Last Judgement haunts me. He is not going to quiz me on his 19-year-old nephew. The man I ment agencies such as the F.B.I., subtle theological doctrines; He is not going to ask me about my is Samuel Tilden, q5, who te'a<;hes I the National Guard or the local mystical experiences. He is going to put to me (and to you and in a boys' prepartory school, police if the public order is real- to all of us) one blunt question: 'I was hungry, did you feed Me? I was riaked, did you clothe Me?' ~here hi~ nephew, Greg Warren,l ly aisturbed," Roberts said. "What shall 1 say then? I, who was so faint-hearted when IS a semor. "The law enforcement agenasking for money to help the poor? 1 had a priceless product "Tilden is a widower. His young-I cie~ are not to blam~ for shootto sell; and yet 1 sold it with less skill, with less enthusiasm est son, Sam, has been killed in ing people who lead these vio" than men show when selling Kraft's cheese, or Buicks or the Vietnam. His two other children I lent disorders. It is the demonlatest wrinkle-remover. And now, returned to a country where are married and live at some, strators who are to blame." millions have been left wounded and stripped naked by the distance. He, like Hudson, has I thieves of colonialism and world-economics, I am like a useDegree Mills his sorrows and solitude. Greg, less Good Samaritan; for 1 have so few denarii to give to the is the son of his mother's first I Major changes' .sought by inn-keeper to care for them, 1 have so little wine or oil to pour marriage; she has had three hus- UPAO members include reduc-' into their wounds. Why? Because like you 1 felt it was shamebands. He has been thoughtlessly I tions in class sizes so professors ful to beg, shameful to ask Christians to share with their. own tossed about and neglected. can meet more .often with indibrothers and sisters the gifts God has given them In 'such full vidual students and "a stop to Generation Gap measure, pressed down and flowing over!' On the day of judgethe degree mills' patterns of our ment, may God for~ive me for my cowardice; and may He have He is in trouble at school be- I ~ajor universities." cause of using pot. Suddenly he I mercy on us both." Roberts said that "young peotakes off for Europe. Tilden, who I has some appreciation of the ple have been left in a psycho- ~ SALVATION AND SERVICE are the work of The Society , boy's anger and anguish, goes I logical vacuum because of inade- , for the Propagation of the Faith. Please cut out this column : and send your offernng to Reverend Monsignor Edward T. , in search of him, in Rome, in quate teaching methods. Then : O'Meara, National Director, Dept. C., 366 Fifth Ave, New : Florence, and successfully in I comes the Pied Piper, the Stu- : , York, N.Y. 10001 or directly to your local Diocesan Director. : Venice. I dents for a Democratic Society , The Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine : Mr. Tilden's story is more than I and says 'Let's change it all,' "If we can make the universi- , adequate. His characters are 368 North Main Street : credible, and his compositions of I ties institutiops in which young , Fall River, Massachusetts 02720 : f place are evocative. But most im- people know that we care for , pre'ssive in his exploration of the them and can. give them atten- , NAME , generation gap, the drug mys- tion as individuals, then the attique, the whole attitude of drop- : tractiveness of the S.D.S. fades," , ADDRESS ...:............................................................................................................................. , ping out. In an unobstrusive way, Roberts, a political scientist at he cites a factor in human life Catholic University, is one of : CITY , r STATE............................. ZIP............ which is generally ignored-the some 500 UPAO members on ,~ 11-14-70 ' : grace of God. I 250 American campuses.

.Suggest Return To True Goals Of University



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New Prelate

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-thurs. Nov. 12,1970


Bishop .Cronin With reverence and anticipation and joy, the People of God of the Diocese of Fall River-faithful and religious and priests and Bishops-salute the new shepherd and' guardian of their souls, the Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin. Coming as father and brother and friend and servant, he .brings the dynamic energy of mature youthfulness, significant attainments of mind an9 heart, proven devotion as priest and prelate, all dedicated to the service of God's Holy Church. He comes, as Vatican Council II says, to teach, ,to hallow men in the truth, and to feed the sheep in the name of the Lord. He will stand in our midst as one who serves, the good shepherd, the true father excelling in the spirit of love and solicitude for all, gathering and molding the whole family of the flock that all may live and work in the communion of love. ,His goal will be, in the words of 5t. Paul" that all men may walk "in all goodness and justice and truth." Bishop Cronin will find, in the Church of Fall River, a people of many racial backgrounds and richness, a people eager to work with and' under his fatherly 'direction" a people asking to be shown the mysteries of God, a people who will look trustfully to' him to feed them on the Word of God, to show them how to enter more fully into Christ that they may grow in grace and be more faithful wit' nesses to the- Lord. • . Thus will he stand in our midst-hopefully for many and happy and fruitful years-as~pastor and father. This is the life and work of a Bishop of the Church of God. It is what four Bishops of Fall River have given to their people. With joy do God's People here look forward to Bishop Cronin's fatherly solicitude and care for their souls.

Bishop Connolly




'he, S

Rev. John F. Moore, B.A., M.A., M.Ed. , 55. Peter & Paul, Fall River,

k en word

What to say about a priestly life of almost forty-seven rJ'1 '11'"7 years, an episcopal life' of more than twenty-five years, J. ~o nineteen of them ,as spiritual leader of the Fall River DiOne of Cardinal Cushing's greatest moments must be ocese? " in his own passing as eulogized by Cardinal Wright. It is How to evaluate the day by day, year by year service really difficult to think of any Churchman who possess the of God and His children? homiletic ability of this man. In his dramatic and dynamatic How to count. the activities on behalf of the retarded, words he certainly brought the aged, the sick, the student, all the People of God? : the reality of the late Arch- of us can testify from our own Actually, there is no need to try to assess the life and' bishop of Boston into clear personal experience on the perwork of Most Reverend James Louis Connolly as a priest and concise focus for both sonal effect of a sermon that was prepared and studied. To his critics and friends be they and as the fourth Bishop of Fall River. exchange the homily for a movie As he himself has said, so often, the doing of the lay or, clerical. In this day and or readings of modern fiction is deed means more than the saying of the word. And the age of the slick techniques of a devious insult, a mere ex.cuse deeds he has done throughout his priestly and episcopal Madison Avenue it is most re- buried in the trap of modern If freshing to be captured by the i e have been given to God and for God's people and spoken word; in a time when so techniques. It is the substitution speak in ways no person can recount. many have attempted to replace of one bad habit for another; the abusive use of audio visual And he will continue, in that 'vein: the homily with tapes, slides and materials for the abusive diaFor as he lays aside his governing of the Diocese recordings it is invigorating to tribe. of Fall River, he does not and will not and can not lay feel, hear and, understand the The people of God ar~ not aside his vocation as successor of t~ apostles and Wit-·' impact of the spoken word. fooled by .the week·end antics Not every priest possesses the of week-end clerics. In fact they ness to the faith in the Diocese of Fall River. The work of God continues. And Bishop Connolly's 'preaching ability of the Cardinal are growing very restless with work as a Bishop continues, to confirm priests and ,re- Prefect. However every man the ill 'prepared sermon as well who stands before a ,group of ligious and faithful in the faith of Christ. His work con- people on a 'Sunday morning as the substitute ·sermon. tinues-to be a witness to tl;1e life of Christ by his ac- should have a mirtimal amount Today's' congregations have tivity, to be a witness to the suffering of Christ by his of expertise in the art of preach- been exposed to education and sacrifice, to be a witness to the resurrection of Christ: by ing. The liturgy demands of its study as no other in man's hisessence that the Good News of tory. In the matter of the "Sunhis joy. Salvation to 'be preached day in day Sermon" they have a right We pray that his activity for God's Church will cOn- and day out in a few preCious to expect the very best a man tinue f9r years to come, that he will be strengthened by moments of Mass. The people of, can produce according to his God alwa'ys to bear whatever sacrifices he may be asked God who are offering the Sacri- talents and abilities. In' many to shoulder, and that his joy in the service of God and fice demand with every right to, cases they are not getting it. No hear this Good News. as spoken wonder that the church attenGod's people will grow and abound.




PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D."P,hD;



Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shelloo, M.A. . . . . Leary Press-Fall River


by the 'official witness of the Church, with intelligence and meaning. Yet there are many congregations of intelligent laity who are not even hearing the basic minimal on a Sunday morning. They are either being bored to death by the same old trite phrases of a trite mind or infuriated by the sharp click of a substitute ,slide projector. It is about time that we learned that gimmicks ,are no substitute for a good, well delivered, meaningfUl homily. Each


Continued from.Page One Heart Parish in Lynn. In September 1954, he was selected by Richard Cardinal Cushing for graduate studies and returned to North American Col· lege in Rome. Two years later, he returned to Boston, where he was assigned to Our Lady of the Comforter of the Afflicted Par· ish, Waltham. He holds the degrees of Licentiate and Doctorate in Sacred Theology, earned in Rome, and is fluent in several languages. In November 1957, he was appointed to an important post in the Church's diplomatic service, that of assistant to Archbishop Joseph F. McGeough, Apostolic Internuncio at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. December 1961 found the new Bishop of Fall River back in Rome, attached to the Office of the Secretariat of State of Vatican City. On June 16, 1962, the late Pope John XXIII named him a Papal Chamberlain with the title of Very Reverend Monsignor. Bishop Cronin returned to the United States and to Boston where on June 10, 1968, he was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Boston and Titular Bishop of Egnatia. He was consecrated a bishop on Sept. 12, 1968. At the time of his appointme,nt as Bishop of Fall River, he was pastor of St. Raphael Parish, Medford. He has also served the Archdiocese of Boston as Episcopal Vicar for East Middlesex and North Essex Counties and was a Diocesan Consultor.

Boston Prelate Labels Appeal ~: As, Necessity

BOSTON (NC) - Archbishop Humberto S. Medeiros of Boston has hailed the U. S. bishops' Campaign for Human Develop· ment as "a realistic approach to the more pressing needs of· the day." In a statement reieased here, the recently installed archbishop said the effort, designed to help the poor help themselves, should' awaken Americans "to the needless and oppressive poverty which surrounds us." The campaign also received a strong endorsement for Cardinal Terence ,Cooke of New York in a statement released in Washington by the United States Catholic Conference: Cardinal Cooke also said the effort represents "a clear call to all Catholics to join in their efforts to seek out the root causes: of poverty." He said that it aims "to eliminate conditions that deny so many of our fellow Americans their right to live a life of decency and respect that God intends for all men, and for which he has provided sufficient resources." Archbishop Medeiros's statedance is approaching an all-time low. ment was released in conjunc. People are just not going to tion with a news conference at sit and listen to a weekly reci- which campaign plans were outtation of declining income or the lined by Auxiliary Bishop weekly mouthing of pious plati- Michael R. D,empsey of Chicago, tudes. They really want to hear campaign director and other the Word of God, the good news staff officials. First national collection for of salvation, the living word that surpasses all projectors, the campaign will be taken up in all Catholic churches in the cam eras an d Sl'l ver screens. •country' on Sunday, Nov. 22.: They want men" who will use Funds will be used as seed the pulpit and not abuse it. In _ money for a variety of antithis matter, the people should poverty projects an the national get what they want. arid diocesan levels.



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 12. 1970

Social Chang'e thru Courts, Concerns C.U. Law 'School

Harvard Names Two Priests


WASHINGTON (NC)-Even in Ford Foundation-funded projectsI an age when demonstrators shout one setting up a research centet down political candidates and and the other establishing a protesters stone the president's neighborhood law office in ~ car, some people believe that so- poverty. area. I cial' change must come in the Modern Problems courts and not in the streets. Bamberger believes that law One such believer is E. Clinton schools ought to give special at.!, Bamberger, Jr., a former Balti- tention to the problems of mod~ more attorney now in his sec- ern society, particularly thos~ ond year as dean of the Catholic of urban life. .1 University of America's ColumTo do this, he has increased, bus School of Law. the size of Ute faculty from 40 Lawyers, he believes, have a to 56 this year, bringing in pro-II'S special ability to launch positive fessors and lecturers with spe-I social change because. they are cial interest and experience in the designers and implementers the legal aspects of contempo-I of "the system." rary problems, particularly those' Bamberger speaks eloquently of the urban poor. and acts effectively. Since he Racial discrimination, povertyl came to the law school a little among affluence, and the comover a year ago, exciting things plexity of urban society are probhave beg4n to happen. lems which "cry out for a Chris-, Increase tian solution," he notes. "These' E. Clinton Bamberger The enrollment of black stu- are the things that the Catholic: dents has increased from four to University's law school 'ought to!1 30 in a school which has 475 train its students to deal with." Bamberger does not believe I ' students in its day and evening divisions. in cutting back on the more For the current semester, total traditional areas of legal, concen-I Atty. Harold K. Hudner of the applications increased by 50 per- tration, such as corporation or' Catholic Committee for Scoutcent over the previous average tax law. He does feel though, ing has announced a School of 750. Administrators had to that students wishing to concen-i Night for Scouting, to be sponcut off applications in June, trate in these fields may be able' sored by the Massasoit Boy to bring a broader perspective: Scout Council from 7:30 to 9 when they had reecived 1,100. For perhaps the first time in to their work if they have some I Thursday night, Nov. 19 at the the school's history-and it is background in urban law as well. I following locations: celebrating its 75th anniversary An' interdisciplinary approach' In Fall Rivt;!r, the Carroll this year-both divisions are is also being tried. This semester'l' School, St. William's Center and overenrolled. Paul Weiss of the philosophy the Spencer Borden School. In Why the change? school and Father Albert Bro-' Somerset, at the Somerset High For one thing, there are new derick, O.P.,of the law SChOOl'1 School; in Swal)sea, at Our Lady elective courses' in such cate- are offering a joint course in of Fatima Church; in' Tiverton to students in' legal philosophy gories as Individual Rights and at North Tiver(on Fire DepartLiberties and Urban and Social both fields. Next semester there; ment; and in Westport at WestProblems., , will be a course on law and ed-I port High School. For another, there are two new ucation. : Place for AU Under the overall leadership of Paul R. Jasmin, council chair, man of organization and expansion, the meetings will be hosted MANILA (NC) - "Task Forc~ "Trouble, should there be any, by members of the executive Holy Father" is the name given may come from those who have : council and representatives of to the, security unit that will been critical of ,the so-called I units able to absorb new guard Pope Paul VI during his clerical fascists and from other members. visit here Nov. 27-29. leftist elements," Gen. Ordonez" Jasmin stated, "The goal of • the year's School, Nigltt for Brig. Gen. Mariano G. Ordonez, said. chief of the police force in metHe was referring to radical I Scouting is to see that 'there is ropolitan Manila, called the activist groups who have lumped I a place in some unit available Metrocom, h as been named com- the Church wI'th the "establl'sh- for ,every boy 'who wishes to well'l become Cub or a, Scout. In admander of, t he security unit by ment " and tag the clergy, a'" . ,a . ' dentl'fl'ed' wI'th the dition, we wish to interest reas laymen I t he natiQna I committee for t he papal visit, headed by Foreign Church, as "clerico-fascists."· sponsible adults who are willing Gen. Ordonez said, howev.er, 'I to take, on a certain degree of Affairs Secretary Carlos P. Romulo. that the papal security guard I responsibility for the success of will operate with "minimum visi- our Scouting program. Under Gen. Ordonez's command will be 3,000 soldiers, bility." Most members of the'l "Our main difficulty is getting' policemen and agents from the task force will be in plain sufficient qualified volunteers to Metrocom, the various suburban clothes with only a few uni-' contribute a small segment of police departments, the military, formed guards visible to the; their ability and time to helping the national police, the National public. I us create the kind of Scouting Bureau of Investigation, the NaMembers of the force will be program which. will be ,a first tional Intelligence Coordinating undergoing special seminars, line of defense, against the aiAgency, and the presidential briefings and mock operations. I lurement that increasingly guard.' Mass at CathedraU younger children are: beginning Pope Paul will reside at the', to feel toward drugs. I According to the Metrocot;D h' f . . h I k apostolic nunciature on Taft I "We wish to help them avoid c Ie, It IS t e argest tas Avenue (named after William force ever assembled for a vis- Howard Taft, the Ph,iUppines' I getting tempted by giving them first American civil governor I constructive programs to turn itor to the Philippines. The specific missions of "Task after the Spanish-American war) toward which will help prepare Force Holy Father," said Gen., d ' h'IS stay m . Mam'1 a. urmg , them for later life, instead of brdonez, are traffic and crowd He is scheduled to arrive the 'I exposing them to the dangers of control and the security of the . f N 27 F getting hung up with a habit mornmg 0 ov, . rom the they can't shake. We think we Pope's person, the areas he is airport he will proceed in a scheduled to visit, and the routes motorcade to the Manila cathe-' can be successful if the average he will take. father or person interested in I~tr~mdur~s, tbhe khistorhic children will do his small part." Ordonez S'a','d '''Task Force" ~raillind wa e city atmg ac to t e . Holy ,Father" will cover the Pope 16th century, from which modSaint ,round-the-clock and every inch ern Manila grew'. of the way from the moment At the cathedal, started in I To make a man a saint, it he touches down' 'at the Manila 1581 but rebuilt for the fifth' must lndee4 be by ,grac~; and International Airport until he time in the late 1950's, the Pope whoever doubts this does not takes off fo'r Australia two days will offer Mass for the visiting I know what a saint is, or a' man, , -Pascal later. bishops, the clergy and Religious: '

CAMBRIDGE (NC) Two priests-a Canadian Jesuit and a German Dominican - have been named to occupy' the Charles Chauncey Stillman chair of Catholic theological studies at Harvard divinity school here. Fathers Bernard Lonergan, S.J., of Toronto, Canada and Otto H. Pesch, O.P., of Bonn, West Germany will occupy the Stillman chair for the 1971-72 academic year. They succeed Father Joseph H. Fichter, S.J., who vacated the chair in 1'969. Father Lonergan, 66, author of Insight: A Study of Human Understanding, is research professor in the department of theol-


To Seek Helpers At Scout Night


You'll be happier this Thanksgiving if you give something of yourself to someone who has nobody. Giving belongs in Thanksgiving. Attend Mass that morning in your parish church.


SOMEONE Take fifteen minutes tb visit someone in the WHO hospital. HAS NOBODY Have someone who eats alone join your family for turkey and all the trimmings. Better yet, feed someone who needs food. There are millions of people in the world who have hollow eyes and swollen stomachS' because they havs no food.

'Task FOlI'c'e Holy f'ather' Unit To Guard! Pope in Philippines


ogy at Regis College in Willowdale, Toronto, He previously taught at the Gregorian University in Rome. The 39-year-old Father Pesch, a professor at Albertus Magnus College in Bonn, is the author of The Theology of Justification in Martin Luther and Thomas Aquinas and Faith That Speaks: Anthology of Prayer. Named in menlory of Charles Chauncey Stillman, an 1898 Harvard gradate. the professorship is designed to attract distinguished scholars and teachers who can contribute a wider understanding of the theology and closely related studies of the Catholic Church,

, We don't see them because they're overseas. We know they're there, however. ,J

Can we ignore them, let them starve? Your $10 by itself will feed a family of cefugees for a month. $100 will feed ten,families. $975 will give atwo-acre model farm to a parish in southern India, so that the priest can raise his own food and teach his people better crop' produ!=tion. $10,000 will ena~le Archbishop· Mar Gregorios to give a churchless village a church, school, rectory and convent. Nam~ th~ parish for your favorite saint, in memory of your: loved ones. The Archbi~hop will write to you. . Giving belongs to Thanksgiving, it's part of life. How much will you give back to God? -----------'---~--@'

Dear ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND $ Monsignor Nolan: FDR Please NAME return coupon with your STREET offering CITY



_ _ _





TERENCE:: CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secrefa~ Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELfARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue' New York. N:Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840



Laud Mlon'Signor For Youth A'id

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall·River-Thu·rs. Nov. 12,'1970 ' I

Speak Kindly, Darn 'You, Or ,D'on'f Speak at All I cannot stand noise, children or large crowds. Particularly;1 can't stand large crowds of noisy children. So · :'I became "head peacemaker" of my own noisy children. : I keep trying to get them to speak softly and civilly 'to each other. To me, the most tell ·her not to eat grating"noise" is bickering. all"Mommy, the'. potatoes. I want soine I feel strongly that most and besides she's too fat." children's evaluations of "I am not." each other--especially regarding face, figure, intellect and personality-are better left unsaid. I wage a constant struggle to get them either to speak kindly, or forget it.' If they could only be as polite to their family as they are to total strangers, life would be more pleasant, and my eardrums wouldn't be cringing.



"You are so, and if you don't believe me I'll show you in Ply health book. It says how much you should weigh according to how old you are." "That doesn't mean a thing. I'm tall for my age," "That's cause all the extra fat " had no place to go and just piled up on top of your shoulders.'.' "Mommy, make him stop." Since resorting to my own CONVERSATION ALWAYS HELPS Institutional livtemper, or trying to impose silence, never seems to cure the ing is one of the least employed alternatives for the elderly. problem, I decide on the ideal These women residing at St. francis Country House, Lanssolution and am determined; to down, Pa. engage in pleasant conversation which' often try it out on these two. does more for the elderly than all the medicine in the world. Say NiCE! Things ' "A great deal of what we say, and how we say it," I lectured, "is the result of habit. By diligent practice, you two haveacquired the habit of being misty Catholic School Superintendents Association to each other. New habits are Votes ·to Disband developed by repetition. So .'", Q SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-The pressed by other speakers at the you can just sit here and say of opening session. nice things about each other !for " four-year:-old . Association D'Alessio, appointed ;t<> its 'a half hour! It's 6:15. You have Catholic School Superintendents of the United States Catholic present post last month, said he till 6:45. Begin!" I "I'm not going first. She Conference (USCe) met here did not accept the position to started it just because' she's for its biennial meeting, and in oversee the demise of Catholic its first action, decided to dis- schools. "I am convinced Cath~fut." , . olic 'schools will survive this' "That crack," I dictated, "will band the organization. cost you another 15 minutes.;' Functions ·of the assoCiation present crisis," he said. , True Education " ': ,' , "I'll start," she .:volunteers. will be taken over by· the 'suHe pointed out that Catholic "He's. gQt a nice sister-,me;l', perintendents' department of the Once more I judge, "That will National Catholic' Educational educators should view the not do. . Say something t:tice Association (NCEA), also' hold- Church's educational mission as about him." ing its national meeting .here. a total effort involving schools, "Okay. He's good. at footbalL" Membership in the twosuperin- Confraternity of Christian DocEncouraged, I look to her tendents' groups largely overlaps. trine, adult education, campus brother awaiting his reply: ' Dr. Edward R. D'Alessio, di- ministry and youth in their out"All right, but let me 'think. rector of the USCC's elementary of-school activities. "Today's Catholic is free to No, can't say that, you'll make lind secondary education divius sit here for an hour. She's, sion, said the superintendents' opt for any or several of these well, no-that will never do. I association had become "super- agencies,'~ he said. He noted can't think of anything." ' fluous, needlessly duplicating the that true education is a partner"Your sister has many fine work of the NCEA's superin- ship between the home, Church and the school and that there qualities. Think * * * and I be tendents' department." careful what you say." , must be a unity of purpose It was announced, however, among these agencies. "Well, she's a good cook * * * He urged the superintendents 'except when she made 'the that the NCEA's superintendent department would continue the 'to support movements such as brownies with so much salt in practice of joint planning of comprehensive .diocesan planthem we used them to melt Ithe superintendents' meetings with ning, education centers,. standI ice off the sidewalk." the usce's elementary and sec- ardized accounting procedures, "Now cut it out! I'm serious!" ondary education division, and diocesan boards of education, (The rest of the children think would continue participation of parish school boards and conthe whole situation hilarious, U.S.C.C. personnel in its pro- solidation of schools. and encourage him.) "All of you, grams. cut out your nonsense." He said, "The function of the Following the initial action, Catholic school is not to imitate Pleasantly Plump "You say something nice D'Alessio addresse<J the superin- or duplicate the public sector, about your sister, or you may fendents, voicing optimism about but to be a living example of a sit here for the rest of your life." the future of Catholic education. 'Christian community in action." Father Bernard Cummins of "You mean, if I don't ,say That hopeful mood was exSan Francisco, president of the anything nice about her, I don't NCEA superintendents' departhave tQ go to school tomorrow?" Ecumenical Service ment, elaborated on the theme "If you don't watch out, Y9u'll that Catholic schools must "reget a rap in thl~ teeth, and still After Inauguration have to sit there and say hice SANTIAGO (NC)-More than flect the Christian message." He things about her.· Now, I Want 30 priests, ministers and rabbis said it is the only system that you to consider carefully, 'and participated in a thanksgiving combines the "Eucharistic, liturwithout any.nonsense, pay your service at the Catholic cathedral gical and charitable." sister a compliment." here following the inauguration "All right, but give me time of Salvador Allende as Chile's to think of a good one." .' first Marxist president. Minutes pass. The otherchil. The ecumenical service was dreri try to smother giggles.! His followed by a reception at which facial contortions were starting several ,cabinet members reiterEst.-·1897. to get to me. ated President Allende's promises Dramatically, he stands up, of freedom of religion, political Builders Supplies bows. to his sister; then_ to me.' and economic guarantees,. and his 2343 Purchase Street desire to make Chile a country ,"I've thought of one." New Bedford After a long pause, "She's where everyone is "equal, with996-5661 out privilege or paternalism." ple'asantly '" * <I< PLUMP!" -

'N,eedl,ess Duplicatio,n

The bickering doesn't seem quite so bad during the day when it is muffled by the noise of the washing machine or the vacuum' cleaner. There is something about it, however, when it starts knifing. its way through a meal that I find it most irritating. According to all the best recommendations, .mother should ke~p peace at mealtime-if for nabetter' reason, at least as an aid to digestion. She should encourage conversation to be light and interesting, hopefully even educational. ~Critical. Appraisals "Why, when the meal i~ all served, the' family ~11 gathered and there should be warmth and fellowship, why do my children select this specific time to make their most critical appraisals of each other? "Mommy, he's got his big flat feet under my.chair. Tell him to cut it out." "I can't put them under my own chair, because she left her books under my chair." "They're not my books, 'cause 'I forgot, to bring mine home from school." "Well, they've got your name on them." "They must be the ones I couldn't find this morning." "How come you're so stupid?" "'Cause I got you for a brother." I call a moratorium. Anyone with food on his plate is not allowed to speak. It lasts for about two seconds.

Unnecessary Law LISBON (NC)-A proposed religion freedom law now before Portugal's parliament was greeted with reserve by Lisbon's Catholic daily. The paper, Novidades, ·said that the absence of any major interreligious conflicts in the country. was evidence that Portugal already practice~ religious, toleration and does not urgently, need new laws in this field.. ,

SturteVG.nt & ,Hook

MIAMI (NC)"":"'An Irish-born priest who since 1960 has aided more than 15,000 Cuban youngsters sent here from the island by their parents has been cited as "Big Brother of the World" by. the local Cuban Big Brothers. Msgr. Bryan 0, v Walsh, now episcopal vicar for the SpanishSpeaking in the Miami archdiocese, started a program of care 10 years ago for the sons and daughters of. Cuban parents who wanted to send their children to the United .States although they could not leave the island themselves. With the approval and help of the State Department, the project known as the Unaccompanied Cuban Children's Program was begun. Some 150 youngsters are still under its care in the United States, Msgr. Walsh said, until they become 21 or until their parents are able to leave Cuba. "For 10 years now I've been telling these youngsters that, I was their Father," Msgr. Walsh jested. "Now when they di§cover that right along I have been ,their Big Brother it's going to complicate my life. It's another thing to take orders from a big brother, you know."

Pope Stresses .Nuns Rol~


VATICAN, CITY (NC)-With.' out nuns the Church' "would no longer be what she is or .what. she would be," Pope Paul VI told a group of, them, "You play.... tt pe!7J.:\ess and irirreplaceable role iil'the Church," he sidd in his addr~ss to' about 2'00 Sister-delegates of the Union of Major Superiors meeting in Rome. "That is why the Church insists' on emphasizing on every occasion the excellence that, she recognizes in the Religious state. "She appreCiates it for itself as well as 'for the functions it fills within the people ,?f God. "Especially today, she has a compelling need of it for the devotion it renders to higher values that are often misunderstood elsewhere: prayer, virginity, spirit of sacrifice, the search for holiness, and so forth; alsQ for the service it renders in eminent forms of charity and of the apostolate; and finally for the example that you give th~ Church and the whole world. "The Church would no ionger be what she is or what she should be, without your presence and your witness." •• 1


Loss-Gain He who quits himself an" cleaves to virtue, loses his ow~ and gains what is eternal -St. Ambrose








.Clothes R,efle,ct Pe,rsonality; ( ,



Of' Thos,e Wearing Them

Univ,ersity Head Resigns· Post


"Ma, can I have a new pair of dungarees? Fridayi we're going to have slob day," asked myeleven-year-older. Somehow I felt that she missed the whole point of the day~ but perhaps it's more than that-probably just the facti that she is a woman com' pels her to feel that any cummerbund and tied in a huge I event needs a new item of bow in the back (in those days clothing. From the time that I had an 18 inch waist). I she poses for her first picture' with her ruffled skirt buoyed up by a multitude of petticoats through the party years of organdy and yelvet a little girl associates pretty clothes with "fun times."


You may not (if you're a woman) remember what year in high school Hamlet was taught but I'd be willing to accept any wager that says you'll remember your first prom dress. Mine was yellow organdy in a strapless style (it was constructed along the lines of a design for a teenager of Marilyn Monroe proportions when I was more in the Twiggy class, but still I thought it was the most beautiful dress in the world) and I can still remember the shopping trip that we took to buy it. Favorite Dress Don't you have a favorite dress back in your memory book? I do. Mine was red silk with a very full skirt and .a 'simple jeweled neckline. It had a wide sash that wrapped around my wai~t like a .


legislator Proposes' 'Death With Dignity' TALLAHASSEE (NC)-A Miami pedi.atrician serving in the state legislature has prepared, for the third straight session, a "Death with Dignity" bill that would let incapacitated persons die if prolonging their lives would give them "meaningless existence." Dr. Walter Sackett's proposal, twice before unsuccessful in reaching the House floor, has been attacked by the Florida Catholic Conference as a dangerous euthanasia measure. "The· continuous refinement and effectiveness of the means .of preserving life has brought on a situation that could pose a serious problem in this coun· try," Sackett said. "Economic and emotional bankruptcy looms for not only the family unit but for government at all levels." The Sackett bill would allow life to expire in four ways: a person could sign a document providing for his death if he felt his existence had become .. meaningless; the spouse of a person incapable .of making decisions could agree to have the person's life ended; two close relatives cOUld make the decision if there .",ere no spouse; three physicians could agree to let the person die if he had no close relatives.



Thurs., Nov. 12, 1970

SEATILE (NC)-Seattle University's president announced l1is resignation in the face of a $700,000 budget deficit and student dissatisfaction over campus regulations and administrative procedures. Father Kenneth Baker, S.J., who headed the Jesuit university for eight months, in a letter of resignation said he "did not have the support of the community." University trustees and regents named Father Louis B. Gaffney, S.J:, Seattle's academic vice president. as acting president. At the same time Father John A. Fitterer, S.J., associated with the university for the past 15 past years, resigned as chan· cellor. He was named to that post last February when Father Baker was appointed president. Observers said the financial problems and the campus unrest caused the shift in the top executive posts. Robert D. b;Brien, chairman of the board of regents, said a campaign to stabilize the. university's fiscal policies, aimed at balancig its budget, would be put into effect.

Every time I wore that dress I I had a fantastic time, it was almost a good luck talisman; and I I would be wearing it still (be· I cause the style was timeless) if I the silk hadn't rotted. In talking to some of my i friends about their memories of, items of clothing, I found every· I thing from fur collars to a certain' color of stockings. One mention· i ed that she can't think of high school without remembering a i certain green winter coat. Said coat must have been: made of iron (I guess the thread ' was firmer back then) because I no matter what she did to it I . no signs of wear were ever ap- ' parent. She practically cleaned the s~udy halls with it, she dragGOD AND FLAG: Clad in shorts. and white shirts, ged it up and down stairs as we changed classes Upperclass- Thai students, in Bangkok pray while the flag is raised at men had no lockers so our very their school. The rite is performed each morning before the heavy winter coats had to travel Men's Night students enter their classrooms. with us, there were even days "Your Theatre" will entertain that we stamped on it; but the at tonight's meeting of the New darned coat seemed made out of Bedford Catholic Woman's Club. some miraculous fiber that deThis annual Men's Night will fied destruction. be held at the Southworth Tanzania President Warns Revolution Library in South Dartmouth. Thus it occupies a large porticn Following the program, refreshof her memories of high school - Part of Development and even today all that is needed OSSINING (NC) :- Th~arted committed itself to justice here' meI:lts will be served by the Hospitality .Committee. to send her into gales of laughter hopes of developing nations on earth." is my cOJllment-"Do you re- could lead to revolution, TanWork With· People Risk member that green 'coat you zania's President Julius Nyerere , In his plea for such a commit· What is more elevating and had?" warned the ninth general as- ment,' Nyerere niade frequent the generostransporting, than sembly of the Maryknoll Sisters references to the gospels, Pope Personality Clothes I here.. .' Paul VI's encyclical on the De~ ity of heart which risks everything on God's word. Clothes very often take on pervelopment of Peoples, and the -Cardinal Newman . sonalities. There's the dress that , "My purpose here today," Ny- works of· Father Teilhard de you wear when you need cheer- I erere said, "is to su~gest that S.J. ing up. This is a blue Monday I the Church should accept that Chardin, He stressed that while Tantype and generally comes in I the development of' peoples zania's Church is no longer misvivid, spirit-lifting colors. Other • means rebellion." sionary, it welcomes missioners clothes have a dowdy personal- I Describing the injustices and to share in its work. These misity that tends to have a quieting inequalities ~alling for rebellion, sioners, he said, "must work DRY CLEANING effect on their wearer. ! Nyerere observed that "the real with the people, not for them; and One young mother mentioned · problem of the modern world is sharing with them in equality FUR STORAGE ~ that the dark brown shirtwaist ! not poverty, for we have the and common humanity." 34-44 Cohannet Street she was wearing was her PTA 'I knowledge and resources to overHe asked them to .accept simTaunton 1 822-6161 dress or her "blend into the back- come poverty. The real problem pIe living conditions and urged !~~~~~~~~~~-~~ ground dress" for those affairs I of the modern world is the divi- missioners to work through inwhere she just wanted to be one I sion of. mankind into rich and stitutions owned and controllof the crowd. I'm sure we all' •poor." ed by the people themselves. have one of these in our ward- ! Only a new soci~l order based Presently, 100 Maryknoll Sisrobe. Ion equality and human dignity ters and 100 Maryknoll priests And then there's. the outfit I can prevent a violent explosion and Brothers are working with with the "Grand Entrance" per- among the poor' of the world, the Tanzania's local Church. Marysonality. This is often the outfit ITanzanian .leader added. knoll has been participating in Tanzania's development since WYman that you bought on an impulse "To work for the development 1948. and it requires a double helping 3-6592 of man means also to work for of courage to wear. This type ~ the development of the kind of has to be worn to affairs where CHARLES IF. VARGAS Salvation society which serves man . It you want to stand out or where Divine care supplies every254 ROCKDALE AVENUE I means creating the conditions, you don't mind attracting a bit NEW BEDFORD, MASS. both material and spiritual, body with the means necessary of attention. jwhich enables man to become for salvation, so long as he on Political Outfits his part does not put up 'his best," Nyerere said. Political candidates or wives I "Until recently," the president obstacles. -St. Thomas Aquinas .of political candidates have to noted, "the Church was silent take into consideration the visi- Ion the great issues facing sobility of their clothing. One very I.ciety. Even now," he observed, lovely wife of a risillg young !uthe whole Church has not yet politician told me that she bas what she calls her parade clothes. ~ T~ese are outfits in bright colors that will make her stand out in a crowd. Clothes can be fun, they can provoke nostalgia and memories, they can raise our spirits or low245 MAIN STREET er them, and while to 'many they FALMOUTH - 548-1918 may be nothing but a necessity, ARMAN.D ORTINS, Prop. to others they are part of their personality.

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THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 12, 1970

Jesuit Suggest's Indian Controlled AmericanCollege \


Language School Promotes Arab, Jewish Peace NEW YORK (NC)-:-A Frenchborn nun who's been working 18 years to bring peace and understanding among the peoples of the Jerusalem area said here: "It was easy for nuns to take a hand of a Jew and a hand of an Arab and put them together." Mother Aline of the Sisters of Sion of Jerusalem said the period from 1948 to 1967· "were years of a propaganda of hatred to an extent you cannot imagine." "It is only through personal contact that this education of hatred may disappear," she stressed. To promoote persoonal contact between Jews and Arabs; Mother Aline ,with Dr. Kalman Yaron,. adult education director at Hebrew University, Jerusalem,. founded a language school at CHILDREN NEED HELP: Eskimo children face a barren future in their lands which Ecce Homo Convent there in are harsh but rich in res'ources. We can help our neighbors set up their own community 1967.

SPOKANE (NC) - A ' former Jesuit house of studies here may become one of the first Indiancontrolled colleges in the nation if Father Armand M. Nigro; S.J., can bring his dream to a successful conclusion. Father Nigro, president of the Spokane Human Relations Council, outlined his plan to turn Mt. St. Michael's Scholasticate' into an American Indian collleg'e at a recent HRC meeting. He. said that the Jesuits' Oregon provincial had already given him permission to pursue the idea.. He said the schOol would be a major development for Indians, staffed by Indians and controlled by Indians, "the 'only school like it in the nation," , The priest's plan calls for. setting up, an institute for Indian studies as well as living facilities for Indians attending other professsional schools and colleges in the area. . Has Facilities The initial goal, Father 'Nigro explained, is to enroll 100 freshman students and hire a faculty of four Indian administrators and instructors.

The "ulpan," as she calls the development organizations to break the cycle of poverty by remembering our blessings school, teaches' Hebrew to on Sunday Nov., 22. NC., Photo. Arabs, Arabic to Israelis, and • both langu!!ges to Christians. Friendship Develops . Speaking at a news conference Robert Beusse, director of What can the Church do about But the bishop calls it "seed at the American Jewish Commit- poverty? communications of the U.S. "I have met with SOllie Northmoney." tee headquarters here, Mother west Indian leaders, !lnd they Catholic Conference, has designIn the past, it's done a lotIt can help organize a housing Aline said at first it was difficult several generations of immied a year-round information pro- have shown much interest in the project, a neighborhood council, to get teachers for the school. grants achieved political power, gram. The most visible aspects plan," Fther Nigro explained. He or a job training program. .The first teacher was a priest are te.levisi6ri spot announce-' said that the scholasticate alsocial status and wealth largely "But if others with real money' who began his classes simply by because the Church sheltered -like the goverliment-don't ments and an eight-minute film ready has comPlete facilities for stating: "I am a Syrian, I am an them, fought for them, .and, ed- come through with the funds to designed for both broadcast and such a school and added that· it Arab, I am a Catholic, and I wouldn't necessarily be Iimited'_ ucated them. really do the work, it will go group showing. would like to teach you." to Indian students. But there's more: the Curricunowhere." ' That's past tense. The w~ves In the three years since, the He said it would. be up to the The fund-raising aspect of the lum Development Center of "ulpan" has been attended by of Catholicimmigration-or .any more, than 1,000 students. The immigration, for that matth- campaign will climax Nov. 22 Catholic UniversJty is preparing Indians to decide if they would with a special collection in all an in-class p~ogram for element- open the school to non-Indians. demand for classes became so stopped a half~century ago. ~ His o,?>,n involvement in the proObviously, the Church cali do . U.S. churches. And what happens ary and high schools. . great that it has been necessary to open" ulpanim" in a Moslem something. The question is: What then? College involvement is being gram would last only until the school across the street from the can it do now? One-quarter of the funds raised developed by Father James Ryan, Indian staff could take over com"The Church can educate peo- in each diocese will stay right director of social action programs pletely.convent, and in Bethlehem and Hebron, two primarily Arab ple," said Auxiliary Bishop Mich- there, to be used as local needs at Villanova University, and by The Jesuit's dream has three ~ ael Dempsey of Chicago, p!!stor demand. cities on the West Bank. the USCC Campus Ministry Div- stages: college, boarding school For Mother Aline, the most of a ghetto parish and director and a national convention center "Each diocese has differellt ision. important consequence of the of the U.S. Catholic Conference's needs," said Bishop Dempsey, for Indian meetings and conferAnd parish agencies, such as ences. "ulpan" classes is the friendship Campaign for Human Dev~lop­ "and each diocese knows best parish councils, are being asked and uQderstanding that develops ment. how 'it can help meet those to initiate local adult education between Arab and Jewish stu"It does have the means to needs." programs. dents and teachers. change people'~ hearts ; and Those priorities will be deter"The import of the campaign," On Neutral Ground minds," he said.. mined and funds channelled said Bishop Debpsey, "should be "An Arab student will invite The poor 'today are not, by through diocesan Human Devel, apparent. The Church has put ithis Israeli teacher to his home" and large" Catholics. So. the opment offices. self squarely behind. efforts to she explained. "In the typic~1 Church's daily routine is n~t, as The rest of the money will be help people realize their potenOriental manner, his entire fam- it once was, among the poor. It ily and friends will also be pres- is among the American middle administered by a National Com- tial. ent. The teacher will reciprocate class, which has a stake, too, in mittee on Human Development "I must say 'self-help' 10 times by inviting the student to his eliminating poverty, and has the consisting of four bishops and 17 a day," he said. "And that's what priests, religious and laymen. home, also presenting his fam- means to do so. we have committed the Church ' 365 NORTH FRONT STREET Their priorities, said Bishop to doing: helping people help ily and friends. The ever-widenBut it has to be' made aware ing circle produces a' climate of of that stake, and it must be Dempsey, "hopefully mesh with themselves out of what the NEW BEDFORD understanding heretofore almost given the help-and here the the local priorities." 992-5534 Pope called 'the hellish circle of unknown in Middle Eastern , Church carnes in-to do the job. What are those priorities? Bish- poverty,' " OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooo society." The Campaign for Human De- op Dempsey sees them this way: Mother Aline has lived in Is- velopment that Bishop Dempsey "Employment, job training, rael since 1952. She· went to heads is its latest-and some housing, medical care, and eduJerusalem' from her native might say, first full-scale-Jffort cation in the broadest sense-litRATES!':' France to prepare for her doceracy programs, classes for dropto do this. ' " torate at the French School of outs and so on. SuperfiCially, much of the em6% -Term Deposit Certificates, two-three years Bible and Archeology.. "I do not· mean Catholic parphasis is on fund-raising-a year 5%%-Term Deposit Certificates, one year , Asked why her work in proochial schools," he noted. 5%%-90-Day Notice moting friendship between the ago the bishops committed themThe Human Development Comstarkly divided people. of the selves· to raising $50 million to. mittee will not undertake projects 51;4 %-Regular Savings Middle East has been so success- fight poverty-but the real em- on its own. It will fund the proj*Daily interest on all savings pians ful, she explained: "We (nuns) phasis is on education, ects of other~, with emphasis giv"The money," said Bishop Dividends payable monthly. were a neutral people on a neuDempsey, "is important, but its en to experimental, pilot projects tra~ ground, and. we were the th!lt, hopefully will prove out only ones idealistic enough, or real purpose is to give tangible and then receive more money proof. that the Church means daring enough, or mad· enough from other sources to continue what it says." to try· this." CAPE COD'S LARGEST • ASSETS OVER $117 MILLION "If we raise $5 million this their work. year," he added, "it will sound While money does talk-and 307 Main Street,. South Yarmouth, Mass. 02664 Enemy . ,. , The great enemy of the soul is like a: lot, but if, you divide that Bishop Dempsey is the last perYarmouth Shopping Plaza Hycmnis by 50 states, you see how little son to' deny it so do other not trial but sadness, which is things. As he said, the campaign's Dennis Port th~ bleeding wound of self-love. it is." Osterville The money will do some :good. major goal is education. -Ullathorne



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THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 12, 1970

Says Bible Key To Relations With Jews SOUTH ORANGE (NC)-Relations between the Catholic Church and Judaism cannot be understood without the Bible, .a Vatican official said here. This view was voiced at Seton Hall University at a special convocation marking the fifth anniversary of the Vatican Council's declaration on the Jews. The influence of the Bible on Catholic-Jewish dialogue was also stressed at the gathering by It German nun. She criticized those interpretations of certain New Testament passages which are used to support the idea that the state of Israel has no right to exist. Father Cornelius Rijk, director of the Vatican Office of Catholic-Jewish Relations, noted l~;~ in his \talk that Christian think- ~~ )~ ing and theology are becoming ~.~~ more biblical. He maintained WHAT IS THIS BOY'S FUTURE?: Education in rural areas and big city ghettos must that Tenach (the Hebrew Bible), be innovative and involve parental interest if children are to learn well. Open schools that together with the New Testament, is the basis of the Church. serve poor communities are an apostolate that will die without private support such as the proposed aid to be giv~n by results of the Campaign for Human Development schedValue of Tradition uled for Nov. 22. NC PhotQ. Father Rijk pointed out that the New Testament contains three different views of Christian-Jewish relations. One can If poverty is bad-an unvim~The trends seem to be tell- ed to each. find, he said-depending on the It's hard to say why we book, chapter and verse-that ished evil-why don't we do ing us several things. haven't succeeded-or is it? That government alone has something about it? the \Churc~ is "in a special way, Maybe we haven't tried The truth is, we are doing large, but limited, power to reala continuation of Judaism," or enough. There is, for example, a "a break with, and opposed to something. Federal, state and 10- Iy help the poor. That handouts alone will not nationwide housing shortage in Judaism," or "the fulfillment of cal governments last year sperlt which the secure middle c1assmore than $126 billion on social help anyone for very long. Judaism." and therefore the poor - are welfare programs nearly 45 That there is no single soluAll three elements - continufinding it nearly impossible to per cent of. all government dtion to poverty. People are poor ity, fulfillment and discontinuity I for different reasons in differ- find adequate housing they can -are true, the priest explained. penditures. What that number doesn't tell ent places, and a variety of pro- afford. However, "all playa role in the Yet new housing is being us, however, is .that th~se p~dgram!,. f!lust be devised .if real preparation of the final kingdom buiit slowly than at any of God in a new heaven and a grams affect all Americans-nQt progress is going to be made. time inmore the last decade. Money just the poor. That real progress is goirig new earth." For example: to cost money. For half a cen- for housing is tighter than ever "It seems to me," he con$43 billion is for education for tury in America, 80 per cent of -despite people's willingness to tinued, "that God acts through •everybody. the people have controlled 20 pay more than ever for it. the permanent value of the HeAnd the government has, so $48 billion is for retirement, per cent of the wealth;. another brew Bible and Jewish tradition, far, set large goals without makdisability and unemployment pay20 per cent control 80 per cent in order to establish his kingdom ments, programs workers conL of the wealth. The proportion of ing the means available to meet fully." tribute to. I rich to poor has remained con- them. State of Israel The unfortunate truth is that $8 billion is for veterans' pro.. stant. Dr. Charlotte Klein, German grams. "The simple fact is," said one the situation is commonplace. nun who is a professor of scripAnd only $13 billion goeS economist, "that if we want to For every person assisted by a ture at Frankfurt University, toward public aid programs.J. bring the poor into the middle government program there is at urged a change in certain pre- welfare, job training, surpluk class, we are also going to have least one more who is not helpconceived Christian notions food and food stamp programs~ to bring many of the rich into ed. which argue against the right of Job Corps and the Neighborhood the middle class. That's what Some do get help-churches, the state of Israel" to exist. Youth Corps. I makes it very, very hard to real- foundations, universities, and She 'observed that it was not There are at least two ways of ly attack the problem." other private organizations have mainly in the field of catechetics looking at the figures: not ve~ Fashions change in the world in recent years put more of their where those misconceptions much is being directed toward of anti-poverty action. Not too resources behind finding ways exist, but rather in Old and New the specific needs of the poorl long ago, the poor were to be to really help the poor. Testament studies on an aca- and an awful lot is being directed charitably pitied, and were to What is "really helping" the demic level. at social needs generally - and receive nice baskets of food at poor? Whatever makes them Dr. Klein cited in particular what's wrong with that? Don't Christmas and Easter- the"de· stop being poor. It may be job what she called the pseudo- many of those programs keed serving ones" anyway. training for unskilled workers. psychological argument current other people from being poor? I As the population has grown It may be education for the unin the Church since the first cenYes they do, and that's the -and with it the number of poor educated. It may be job placetury-that in the year 70 A.D. point-public programs seem t9 -and as, society has become ment services. It may be comthe Jewish people had lost, with be (and not many would argue more complicated, so has our munity organization, credit the Temple and their indepen- otherwise) aimed at the largest approach to poverty grown more unions, small business loans. dence-the land for all time. number of people. The result: complicated. And helping the poor also Our Christmas baskets are now means taking the edge off the The establishment of the State Many people who are not in of Israel, according to Dr. Klein, desperate need do receive aid! food· stamp programs; We have pain-building better housing, is "the required sign of the God- and many people who are need~1 added job training, health pro- starting health programs and grams, remedial education-the enticing doctors and nurses to willed perpetuity of Jews and d"on't get help. Judaism." In recent years we have talk~ list can go on and on. help them, improving schools, ed most about the very poor, . But we haven't solv~d t.he opening day care centers for but acted most to help the maJ problem: the poor are sttll With the children of working mothers. . Looking Ahead jority who aren't poor. Social us. Many of these activities-as UNITED NATIONS (NC)-The Security, unemployment and It's hard to say why-we know elementary as they may seemworld's population by the .year other insurance-type benefits that migrant workers have dif- were either rare or non·existent 2006 will be over seven billion, double what it was in 1969, ac- have risen more than $11 bil-, ferent needs than Puerto Rican in the not-so-dim past, The movcording to estimates in the UN lion since 1967. Aid aimed di·' city-dwellers; that landless ten- ing force behind them, the force rectly at the poor has increasedl ant farmers need one kind of that proved the ideas workable, D~mographic Yearbook. In July, by less than half that. . I help while the assembly line that gained acceptance for them, 1969, the yearbook reported, the And yet there are more poor worker ousted by automation that proved that they do help, world population was over 3.5 has been private organizationsbillion, an increase of 69 million people than ever in the United needs another. I And we have programs gear- among the churches. over the preceding year's figures. States.



PovertY-rWho Helps, and How?





Supreme Court Reserves School p'rayer Decision TRENTON (NC) - The New Jersey Supreme Court has reserved decision on an appeal to make voluntary prayer possible in public schools. The appeal, filed by the Net· cong Board of Education, is against a Superior Court decision which ruled that Netcong would have to discontinue the practice of permitting students and faculty to attend a reading of prayers taken from the Congressional Record. Superior Court Judge Joseph M. Stamler ruled against the practice last February in a' complaint brought by the State Board of Education. Because of the public interest in the question, the Supreme Court certified the case to itself, bypassing the normal appeals channel. Questions fired by the members of the seven-man Supreme Court at Stephen C. Carton, attorney for the Netcong board, indicated that they take a dim view of the practice. Commenting on arguments advanced by Carton, Chief Justice Joseph Weintraub said the purpose of the program was "to advance religion." Devotional Exercise Carton had argued that schools which do not permit prayer on a voluntary basis are in violation of the constitution. The constitution, he said, demands neue trality by the state in religious matters but there is no "neutrality" where the opportunity to pray is not available. Carton described Netcong's pre-school session as a "devotional exercise" centering on the invocation offered to open congressional sessions. He said the five-minute program, in which the student or faculty reader offered a brief personal statement on "love, brotherhood or anything else that moved the speaker at the time," took place before school officially opened. In his brief, Carton stated that neutrality as interpreted by the Supreme Court favors atheism. He also stated that without religious principles "our national morality cannot prevail."

See Us First See Us Last But Sete Us


CHEVROLET 7007 Kings Hwy.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of


River-Thurs. Nov. 12,1970

Are We"Breeding ,World Guerrilla 'Movement? ,Nobody thought very much about the Arab refugees, until they began hijacking planes and conducting a.' bloody civil war in Jordan. For 20 years, they had lived under canvas, fed on U.N. rations, educated for no future, without a society, without citizenship, without a country The industrial "mix" is inap. they could call their own. propriate and leads, all through Latin America's cities, to unemBut now the seeds of despair ployment rates which can equal

are sprouting into violence. Boys of 12 join the guerrillas. Those who have nothing to lose except their lives are beginning to feel that their lives are worth losing



one-quarter of the labor force. Do we imagine that thes~ families, under-nourished, illiterate, trying to keep alive by odd jobs and petty trading may not unleash in 10 or 20 years time, the vengeance of an urban guerrilla movement? Or take the peasant masses of the Indian subcontinent. Here again populat~on grows by at least 12 million every year, at least half of the increase in the rural areas. But the land is already full up. The only, hope for better diets and incomes and fot more work lies in the so-called Green Revolution based on new hybrid grains, fertilizers and water. 04tput can double and triple and be the basis of a gen~ uine revolution in rural well~ being and urban food supplies. , But this gain could equally be reserved for the larger farmer~ who have the capital to invest in the new methods. There is disturbing evidence of precisely this development. Modernizing landowners, using new techniques and machines, may actu-. ally be decreasing rural employ,ment and adding to the abjec,t misery at the base of the village, pyramid. ,The so-called Maxalbarite movement of 'despairing Indian laborers seizing tpe landlord's acres is still'scattered and spasmodic. Will it remain so if numbers and despair rise ih equal proportion?

provided the sacrifice brings them out of the hateful vacuum of a suspenCled, pointless existence. ' How many other groups, living not .much better tha~ the Palestinians, are we also forgetting? All round the world today there are societies in which' the lot of at least a quarter of the people is growing worse. Take Latin America, for instance. The big, cities are, expanding at four and five times the speed of population growth, even though the' average annual increase is three per cent and the number of people doubles every 20 years. The reason for this exceptionally rapid growth in the urban areas is in part population increases. It is also due to infernal migration. But this migration is not caused by the pull of new industrial jobs. It Lack of Education is the utter misery of the agriOr take South Africa. It is ail. cultural sector that pushes peobut impossible to enumerate all ple away from the farms. . the forms of gross injustice and Cities Are Unready discrimination to which the AfHere, over the last two dec- rican majority is exposed. Let Os 'ades, 65 million more people single out one only-in the vital have tried to enter the rural field of education upon which labor market a,nd only 11 mil- all hopes of. advance in a modlion more jobs - have become ern society depend. available. Feudal agriculture is "In South Africa, the Governeither so inefficient that it does ment spends an annual average not expand employment, or the of $327 a head to give white more modern owners of great children a free education. Afr,i~ estates mechanize farming, en- cans receive about $16 per head gross the gains, and leave their per year' and must pay schobl landless peasants to fend for fees. As a result, out of an Afthemselves. rican school population of 2.5 On the average, between 70 million - four times the white and 80 per cent of the land is figure - less than 2,000 finish own,edby 20 per cent of the high school, fewer than 200 go people. The men without land or on to college. Do we imagine work move in the millions to that the millions thus deprived the cities. of all' future prospects will reBut, the cities are not ready main quiet? I for them. Beyond a certain point, In the 1840's when the neW' local manufacturing expands cities of industrial Europe start-' only with difficulty. The mass ed to seethe with revolt and to of people in' the villages an.d the reveal "the savage classes" at cities are' too poor to provide the base of society, enlighten~d a widening market. Manufacleaders like Shaftesbury or. Distured exports have to compete raeli 'began the efforts of social with established, efficient, giant justice and reform which, over producers like Mercedes-Benz or the ,century, restored social Mitsubishi or IBM. peace. Today, shall we do the In any case, 'modern technol- same in our shrinking ,world ogy invents large high-cost ma- society? Sh~l! we do so in time? chines and s,ets a pattern of efficiency depending on a lot of Victory' capital (which poor countries lack) and, very .. little labor" Nothing conquers except which they have in increasing truth; the victory of truth :is and embarrassing abundan'ce. charity. -St. Augustine

MAY 24th VISITOR TO FALL RIVER: Among the members of the hierarchy who at-_ tended Bishop Connolly's 25th anniversary as a Bishop were: Most Rev. Daniel A .Cronin, newly named OrdInary of Fall River; Most Rev. Ernest J. Primeau of Manl;hester; Most Rev.John F. Hackett, Auxiliary Bishop of Ha-rtford; Most Rev. Christopher J. Weldon, Springfield.

Survival of Jews Theological Reality -!

Must Become Part of Our Textbooks" Prelate Sa,ys SOUTH ORANGE (NC) - The ,survival of the Jewish people through the centuries was' called a "theological reality'" at a convention here marking the fifth anniversary of the Second Vati-, can Council's statement on the Jews: The gathering at Seton Hall University was .sponsored by the , school's' Institute, of JudaeoChristian Studies and the Amer, ican Jewish Committee. Msgr. John M. Oesterreicher, institute head, in' his lecture 'at the opening session of the four, day convocation, reexamined the 'conciliar statement on the Jews, and urged' recognition of the Jewish peoples' survival. "Israel truly is (the home of) the people of, anguish, and. yet the peQple of merriment," he said. "It has died a thousand ~eaths! and yet it is alive. "The. survival ~f, the Jewish people through the centuries is not only a physical or biological fact, it is, a theological reality," he said.' "This reality a, Jew "experiences in his innermost being. It ought' to', be, as much as humanly possible, the experience of Gentile Christians too. Jewish survival therefore must ,become pari: of our theological textbooks." Sees God's Presence Chairman for the opening session was Msgr. Bernard Law, executive director of the U. S. Bishops', Committee for Ecumemical and Interreligious 'Affairs. He read a message from Cardi-

nal Jan Willebrands, president of the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting' Christian Unity. "God has bound us together," the cardinal declared in his greetings to the Catholic, Protestant and Jewish participants at the convocation. When Christians and Jews enter into dialogue, the cardinal continued, they deal "not only with relations between men but with God's, own acting in history. When we Christians and Jews try to understand each other, we touch something of the' Lord's presence in human history." Study Together ~, "We are linked together by the same Lord who has chosen us to manifest His master路 plan of salvation for mankind," Car~.

.. ... .... .. """


dinal Willebrands added. Deep faith in God, and deep respect between the two communities are necessary for such convictions as the one at Seton Hall to be fruitful, the Vatican official explained. "In seeking to understand each, we try to understand God ~etter and become faithful and obedient to his revelatio'o," ,the cardinal added., In his reexamintion of the conciliar statement on the Jews, Msgr. Oesterreicher maintained the gathering of Church Fathers hoped that the document would enable Christians and Jews to "learn to know one another; that, they grow in respect; that they study together the Scrip. tures, seedbed ,of both their lives; and that they engage in brotherly conversation."

".' ',' ""

. "... ... .. "" .. "


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NC Establishes

New York Bureau WASHINGTON' (NC) - The National Catholic (NC) News Service has established a news bureau in New York ,City, the agency's director, Richard M. GiJilderson, Jr., announced here. The new NC~ unit will be headed by Gerard J. Hekker, a staff writer the past four years with Religious' New, Service in New York City.

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Intellectual Comp'eten.cy Of Theologians Limited

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 12, 1970



I" i

One of the results of the recent World Conference on the Future of the Church, sponsored by the journal Concil~ ium, is that it is now clear that theologians are not going to save the Church. For the last decade an extraordinarY aura of romance has surI rounded the theological pro- of professional groups of scholars fession within Roman Cath- .ought to take stands on contro~ olicism. Many of us permit- ve.rsial political issu~s, ?ne woul~ . t ed ourseIves t 0 be persua ded Implicitly if not explicitly that the.

REV. ANDREW Mj{} r~:'


ologians were a charismatic class, and that we could look to them for the ideas and the leadership that would see us through the awesome crisis in which the Church presently finds itself. Nor were we lacking reasons for such enthusiasm. The Second Vatican Council was fo a considerable extent a council of theologians. Even though they were not permitted to join the debate (as they were at the Council, of Trent), it was nonetheless their ideas which shaped the principal conciliar texts. Furthermore, some of the world • famed theologians like Yves Congar and Hans Kung are unquestionably charismatic human beings (though Herr Kung insists "!Vit~ c~mplete sincerity that he is' not' a prophet but orlly' a scholar). Finally, since so many members of the hierarchy lack the , capability of communicating enthusiasm or even credibility to their followers, it was natural that we should look to the theologians for vision. Like Everyone Else The Concilium Congress came as something of a shock to the many Americans in attendance. The great heroes could make mistakes in organizing and running . a meeting. Some of them lack skills in group discussions, and others could get so involved in minute technical problems as to completeiy miss the point of the whole discussion. In other words, much to our surprise, we discovered that the theologians were pretty much like everyone else. Within the theological profession-as within every profession-there are some prophets, some charismatic leaders, some towering intellectual giants, and some profoundly dedicated scholars. There are also, alas, others of modest abilities and still others who are only too willing to substitute naive and militant enthusiasm for competence and re.' sponsibility. Controversial Issues Thus, one resolution presented at the. floor. of the conference (why a theological. conference has resolutions is something that escapes me) proposed that the conference declare ·its solidarity with (among others), the imprisoned Berrigan brothers.' Even if one concedes, as I am not prepared to do, that meetings

stIll be forced to mSlst that If .. I the scholars are gomg to ta~~ such stands they at least owe It . to themselves to be adequately informed as to what they are supporting or condemning. I The point is not that I happen to disagree with this particular stand; I would take exceptio~ to scholars pronouncing in favor of a matter I happen to support if they were not informed about the issues. I could not find at the Con" cilium meeting a single European theologian who had anything more than the most rudimentary notions about the Berrigan case. Human Inclination • One of them observed to me that from what he personally knew of the matter he did not want to declare his solidarity with them, but that once the issue was proposed he felt he had no choiCe but to vote irt favor of it lest the newspaperS of the world proclaim the Com gress had refused to declare its solidarity with those who were "fighting for freedom." I do not think I am being harsh when I say that this is not exactly what one would call responsible behavior. Obviously, theologians are not the only ones who engage in it, but neither, are they immune'. from the human inclination to speak warmly and vigorously on things about which they know nothing. This Concilium Congress was, by and large, moderately suc· cessful. It was in a sense the first time a meeting like it had been attempted. If 'mistakes were made they were inevitable, and on balance many of the paper~ that were presented-particularly those by Fathers Kung and Cont gar are very important; but thos~ of use who had hoped it woul4 be a decisive event in the history of the Church stand exposed as quite naive. It was a good thint for us to be stripped of thi$ naivete. I ' Prophecy, Scholarship Perhaps now those of us whq are "consumers" of the product of theologians will more firml~ and insistently demand of them that they be theologians; that i~ to say, that they will engage irt the exercise of the intellectual competencies of their discipline~ I am not suggesting that all a theologian should do is engag~ in theologizing. Quite the cont trary. He ought to be as free as any man to engage in political criticism or be active in vigorou~ campaigns to restructure th~ Church. '. I But in his political and reform activity he mus~ not be per~ mitted to pleaa the charism of the theologian' as a substitut~ for competency at political criti L cism or ecclessiastical reform.I None of the great theological names of the last decade ,havb succumbed to this temptationl,. but some of the lesser lights, t fear, have; in substantial part, t think, because so many of u$ t I


HARLEM PASTOR: Father Lawrence L. Lucas, 37, born and raised in New York City's Harlem, and pastor of Resurrection Church there, shares a laugh with a first grader in the parish school. Father Lucas tells his feelings of "Black Prie~t White Church" in a ' book recently published. NC hoto.

Asks Attention to Fatima Message USIA Director Talks to Catholic Ed itors MIAMI BEACH (NC) - The American government's. top distributor of news and information overseas finds it tragic' that, in a nuclear age, the United States cannot bear arms for the people of Soviet-dominated Eastirn Europe. "What can .we do?" asked Frank Shakespeare, director of the United States Information Agency, in a dinner address here before executives of Catholic diocesan newspapers in the South. "I don't know what we can do as a government.· Certainly, in a nuclear age, we can't bear arms for them. That's a tragedy, but that's what it is. "As Catholics, we can give some special consideration and attention, I think, to the message of Fatima." . He. did not elaborate. One of the messages which three ~ortuguese children reported they were told in apparitions of Mary in 1917 was that" people must pray for the conversion of Russia. Shakespeare, a CBS television network official who took leave to help run the 1968 Nixon campaign and was named USIA director by the President, urged that all citizens "keep in all ways the light lit" in hopes that Eastern Europeans might even· tually find their way clear of Communist;, control.

The USIA director was keynote speaker at a banquet concluding ·a three-day southern regional' 'meeting of the Catholic Press Association. The region includes more than 24 diocesan weeklies in 12 states from Virginia southward and from Texas eastward. There are 120 diocesan newspapers in the nation. Took Hard Line Shakespeare's talk came four days after the Washington Post reported that Secretary of State William Rogers had sent him a memorandum reminding him that the USIA was not empowered to go out on its own in foreign policy. The Post said Shakespeare had taken a hard line against the Soviet Union in the Mideast crisis, and in USIA policy guidelines for his domestic and foreign staff. VOA ActivitieS Shakespeare traced in his . Miami address the activities of

Others He causes his prayers to be of more avail to himself, who offers them also for others. -St. Gregory I

the Voice of America, an arm of the USIA, responding "definitely yes" in answer to his own question whether the $35 million an: nual cost of VOA to taxpayers was worth it. He described the Voice, which broadcasts on shortwave daily in foreign countries. "News is played sraight," he "News is played straight," he can present it. Pragmatically, that creates credibility." VOA also broadcasts commentary, and music ranging from traditional to jazz and rock. Religious news .is not segmented into a specific and clear category, he said, "but we do stress religious freedom and values" in American life.

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have romailticized them. Prophecy is one thing, scholarship is something else, There is no reason why a man may not engage in 'both so long as he keeps clear in his own mind the distinction-and so long as the rest of us do too.





1343 PLEASANT SiREfET ~7~-7780 I'



Relations' Appea, Cordial in Chile,

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Rive.r'-Thurs. 'N~v. 12, 197p

,·Deplores Loss of Personal Touch in FoodShoPI~ing :,

SANTIAGO (NC) - Churchstate relations appear cordial in Chile, even though the new Marxist president has said he will nationalize Catholic schools. Shortly before he was installed as the nation's 27th president Salvadore Allende visited Cardinal Raul Silva Henriquez of Santiago at the chancery office 'here and received the cardinal's promise of help from the Church. The day before, both Allende and Cardinal Silva had attended the funeral of Gen.. Rene Schnei, der, the commander of, the Chilean army who was killed in an apparent attempt by rigiltists to stir up the army and block congressional confirmation of Allende's 'election. ) Allende met for 20 n;:tinutes with Cardinal Silva and Auxil-' iary Bishop Carlos Oviedo Cavada of Concepcion, the head of the Chilean Bishops" Conference. After the meeting the cardinal escorted ,Allende. to the door and told him: "Mr. Presiqent,· I am at your service." Then he told reporters that, the Church in Chile and the archdiocese of Santiago "are willing to give al1 the help they can to the. president in his labor of public service. "We are servants of the people and we must express their will, expressed in this case by a .presidential election."

By Marilyn and Joseph Roderick There is nothing more Autumnal'than mums in the garden. Chrysanthemums go with New England crisp wea,ther like poinsettias with New Orleans and fuchsia with California. We always have a profusion of mums and even though we dQ not give them ' the care they deserve they refrigeration era when we had produce a mass of color in no alternative but to buy our produce fresh., Now we have the Fall. Actlially 'mums frozen' food that tastes like should be divided each Spring frozen cardboard, goodby to and started anew either by root- freshness. ' ing cuttings or by taking root We're a wee' bit: fortunate bedivisions and starting them' for cause there is a small grocery transplanting later in th¢ season. store nearby that sells 'J'ust' beau,We do this on occasion arid each tiful meat. The manager (and Spring dividing is high on our meatcutter) is one of the kinde~t list. men I know and it's a'pleasure . However, ,it' is one of those things that we never s~em to get. just to talk to him. Needless to to 'and' so the' mums "grow from say nothing that you ask hh'n to do with the meat is ever an old, o'vercrowded roo~s. ,The re- effort and' though his variety js suiting flowers are not as large limited the quality is very high. or well shaped as better cared Many of my friends also haVe for plants, but theY are' excellent ' a small, or medium sized family , for cutting and make a good' store where they buy their'meat show in the garden. and vegetables and while they, Brighten House like myself, buy their' canmid Inside they last quite long as and packaged 'goods elsewnere a cut' flower and add a good because of the 'lower prices in touch of color to offset the grey- the large markets they will only ness of the Autumn weather. buy their meats from their ¥arilyn does a good job mixing favorite butcher. them with dried wildflowers and Personal Touch odds and ends and they brighten I do hate to see ,the personal up the house considerably. touch disappear from food sho~Those of yo'u who purchased ping. I know that ill the states potted: mums may feel free to we do not have' the time ~o set them out in the garden when spend a whole morning strollin'g they finish blooming, possibly from fruit stall to vegetable stall providing Ii little mulch of straw. and then down to the docks for They will winter well and' send our fish - but wouldn't' it be up shoots in the early Spring. lovely! Let's hope competition When they are about two 'and high prices do:not force the inches high they can be separ- little man out of the groce& ated and the root divisions business so that we can still enplanted. A small dose of fertil- 'joy the personal touch at least izer will help them along after on a small scale. , they take root. From then on in I made this stew with beef they should be pinched back from my neighborhood meat .mari from time to time to get them to and results were that you could branch' out and produce a pro- have cut the meat with a fork. fusion of blooms. While this stew is a bit exotic We pinch ours back right up it might be just the thing to perk to the end of July at which time up your 'appetites that haVe we let, themgr:Qw .undisturbed palled over the same menu each until" they bloom in the Fall., week. Everyone needs a litt'le Just before blooming time we change in this life: often move, .them to a place in Louisiana B«!ef Stew the 'garden where they can 3 Tablespoons flour bloom to advantage an'd have the greatest effect. I teaspoon salt Yz teaspoon celery salt In the Kitchen 'l4 teaspoon garlic salt , Recently while interviewing 'l4 teaspoon black pepper .an exchange teacher from Yz teaspoon ginger , France the subject of shopping 3 pounds chuck, cut in 2 inc~ came up.' She felt that her cubes mother's leisurely way of shop2 Tablespoons shortening ping each day for fresh· vege3 medium onions 'sliced ta!:>les was the type of grocery I can (I pound) tomatoes ,i shopping that she would enjoy 1f.J cup red-wine vinegar I .ra~her than our fast-paced, . ~ cup molasses· : : supermarket style. 8 carrots, cut in diagonal ~ The young mademoiselle also', inch pieces deplored; the impersonal' atmoYz cup· raisns 'Hot cooke<;\ rice or orzo sphere that goes haild in hand with shopping in' huge grocery I) Combine the flour, salt, stores 'rather than' in small celery salt, garlic salt, black peP1 neighborhood markets where' per, and ginger and sprinkle 011 everyone knows' everyone else. beef cubes. (I put the flour miX!'In the latter stores (a fast dis- ture in a paper bag and shook a appearing breed in the United few pieces of cut beef at a time ~tates) the meat cutter would in it to coat.) dave your favorite cut of meat 2) Brown the meat slowly in and you could depend 'on it be_a'iarge, heavy kettle or' Dutch ing fre,sh. He might even save o v e n . : , I :you a nice meaty soup bone and 3) Add, onio~s, vinegar, mo" a few chicken livers for the cat. lasses 'arid tomatoes and sim~et,,' about two hours or until' m'eat Progressive Cardbomrd . is almost tender.' Add the cari But we ate so much more rots and raisins, and simmer 30 progressive 'than that. We've more minutes or until carrots .come ~ long way since the pre- ar etender., Serve over the rice.. ,




CARDINAL'S FINAL RESTING PLACE: SHREWSBURY (NC) - All cula Chapel at S1. Coletta's School in Hanover was the 'Cliristians are,'called to a kind burial place for Cardinal Richard Cushing after his funeral ot..conscientious objection,. ii. Saturday., The Church, dedicated by the Cardinal ·as -he' U. S.' Catholic Conference official called for "a' return to the virtu~s of S1. Francis, simplicity said here. and purity," is a replica of S1. 'Francis of Assisi's 700~year"What.is implied," said Father' old Chapel located in Italy. NC Photo. \ Patrick McDermott, S.J., assist-·

.Pad:re' Joe Nondenominational Horse's Winnings Aid Catholic Parish




Sees New ConceptThe Portiun- Of Patriotism



. ELKHORN (NC)-Qwner Bob Clark described Padre Joe, a sentimental favorite whenever he's entered in a harness race hereabouts, as "a nondenominational horse." Clark explained: "He was raised, by a Congregationalist, who was married to a Baptist. Later he was trained by a Catholic who was a convert from the Episcopal church. No;w he's being trained by a Methodist." During the annual' harness races at Elkhorn Fairgrounds here) 'in Wisconsin, Joe had a new driver - Father Joseph F. Hanauska, pastor of St. Patrick's parish here. Padre Joe breezed to wins in two events with Father Hanauska. Not only that, but 10 per cent of the purses Padre Joe wins go to St. Patrick's parish. Whenever the nondenominational horse goes to the post, he's well backed by hard cash-plus plenty of prayers. Padre Joe's winnings last year netted $200 for the Catholic parish coffers. "I named Padre Joe for Father Hanauska because he's a nice Preachi~g

,Preaching is hea~y- wine. It is pleasing to ·tell people exactly where they get off. -Arnold Lunn

guy and takes an interest in the horse,", Clark said. Father Hanauska chuckled that it would have been nextdoor to a sin if he had not driven Padre Joe to the two wins - considering what the horse. is doing for his parish. '

Laymen to Meet COCHIN' (NC)-India's Catholic professionals, such as lawyers, doctors, and professors, will meet here early next near to discuss ways of increasing lay participation in Church activities. The meeting will be sponsored by the Newman Association of India'. ,

ant director of USCC's world· justice and peace division, " is a wholly new concept -of patriotism based on preservation of the planet rather than on national defense." The priest made these observatjons during a seminar on war and conscience at the annual meeting of the New England Conference of Priests' Senates here. Priests from all II New England archdioceses and dioceses attended the tWO-day meeting, along with 16 bishops.



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' ..."'''.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 12, 1970

The Parish Parade Publicity ganizations news items Anchor, P.

chairmen of parish orare asked to submit for this column to The O. Box 7, ~all River

02722. ST. MARY, NORTON A turkey whist at the parish center sponsored by the Catholic Women's Club will be held at 8 Friday night, Nov. 20 instead of on Nov. 16 as previously announced. OUR LADY OF FATIMA, NEW BEDFORD St. Anne's Sodality will hold a whist party at 7:30 tonight in the parish hall. Refreshments will be served and tickets will be available at the door. ST. PATRICK, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will sponsor a public harvest whist at 8 Saturday night, Nov. 14 in the school auditorium. Mrs. Donald Jagmin, president, requests that gifts be brought to the school from 2 to 4 Saturday afternoon. She also notes that helpers will be needed for the evening. Refreshments will be served. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, CENTRAL VILLAGE Sophia Oliveira, chairman has announced that a turkey whist party is planned for 8 o'clock on Saturday evening, Nov. 14 in the parish hall. Admission is 99c.


Fall Ri.ver Visitor Serves _~anhattan Parish Jr1ithout a Single Member

ST. STEPHEN, AITLEBORO The Women's Council will sponsor a card party and penny social at 8 on Saturday nigh~, Nov. 14 in the church hall. The council's board of of(icers will head the various committees. i He and five other priests are Reservations may be made by the only residents of their parcalling Mrs. Julien Marquis at ish, although it has five Masses 761-5687. . every day of the week and 18 to Mrs. Alfred Ladabauche is in 20 on holydays. He locks his charge of door prizes, while th church doors at 6 every night, refreshment committee is COj almost never has a sick call, h~~ed by Mrs. Russell Dugas and hasn't got a women's guild and Mrs. Eugene Landry. or men's club to his name. Who is he, other priests may ask, enI ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, vious or horrified according to FALL RIVER their nature. None but Msgr. The Mothers' Club will hold John F. H.anley assistant pastor its second meeting of the yea~ at Our Lady of the Rosary parat 7:30 on Tuesday evening, ish at the very tip of the island Nov. 24 in the Cathedral Schooll of Manhattan. 'I HOLY NAME" His "parishioners" number in : FALL RIVER the thousands by day, but empty The annual bazaar will take their skyscraper offices by night, place Saturday, Nov. 21, leaving the streets of commerce Chance book stubs are return~ ,deserted. Occasionally, he said, able this Sunday. • he's summoned to the scene of, PareEts of first communicants an accident or sudden illness to will meet at 7 Tuesday night, administer last rites, but he conNov. 17 and 24. fesses himself rusty as to baptism, marriage and funeral cereOUR LADY OF ANGELS, monies. He used the new order FALL RIVER of baptism for the first time The parish council will meet last week, when he came to Fall at 7 Sunday night, Nov. 22. AI River to christien the infant son pre-Advent malasada supper andl of Dr. and Mrs. John P. Malloy dance will be held this Saturday, of St. Joseph parish. night at the parish hall. Supper Meet in Army will be served from 6 to 8 and dancing will follow from 8 to 11.'1 Msgr. Hanley met the Malloy family when he was an Army chaplain stationed at a Washing· ton State military hospital and Dr. Malloy was, serving in the same hospital. After that, the conditions of the ghetto werel Army sent both him and the destructive of everything caught. Malloys ~o various parts of the within it; and that the incredible globe, and as their paths crossed housing conditions of the com- from 'time to time, their friendmunity had to be changed before ship deepened. So it was natural lives could begin to change. The that when little: Patrick Malloy ghetto had to be replaced with arrived on the scene his family, now settled in Fall River, should something drastically different. "Alongside this objective," he ask Msgr. Hanley, retired from said, "Sursum Corda had the the service and again a priest of belief from the very beginning, the New York Archdiocese, to do and it was five years ago that the baptismal honors. the idea for the project was Our Lady of the Rosary parborn.. that the people who lived ish, although now without memin the ghetto should not be dis- bers, had tenement houses withplaced, but rather should be the in its boundaries until eight to first to take part in the planning 10 years ago: said Msgr. Hanley. for the development, and the The church building itself has a first to benefit from what they long and interesting history. In helped create. "The r~sult is that now with' Declares Education ' all the homes and apartments f' I d . II e , 80 per cent of o~r resl- Moral Enterprise dents are people from thIS very NEW YORK (NC)-New York . hb orh00d" Mos t ur ban 're- archdiocesan board of education nelg . ' t t h ave affirmed here that American ednewa I proJec s, '10 con t ras, tended to displace-not help- ucation, in and out of religious those whose economic conditions schools, is basically a moral enwere worst. terprise. In an ~ight-part statement, the Long Cooperation board's 14 member also pointed '"Father Curtin's co-worker, out that New York's Catholic Sister Frederika Cartwright, schools have traditionally had a R.S.C.J." "Sister Freddie" to special role in the care of the Sursum Corda's 700 children, poor, especially immigrants to pointed out that as a direct con- the U.S. Presently, the statement said, sequence of giving preference to long-time residents, "we now New York's Catholic schools edhave .the advantage- of a fairly ucate 25' per cent of the city's unified community. Most of the elementary school children. It people know one another, and added that some 56 per cent of they have formed their own com- those presently attending Cathmunity organization to solve olic schools in Manhattan are either black or Puerto Rican. whatever difficulties arise." After outlining the ~ontribu-' Sister Freddie is one of five nuns who live within Sursum tion made by Catholic schools Corda. She is responsible for co- to the city, board members also ordinating youth activities, tu- praised the educational efforts of toring and library programs, and New York's vast public school dealing with the entire spectrum system. They suggested that the of human problems that confront two systems cooperate for the i city's children. inner-city residents.

By Patricia McGowan

r II


Catholic Institutions, Laymen Sponsor Urbo n Renewa I Project WASHINGTON (NC) - The words of the Latin Mass-"Sursum Corda," "Lift 'up 'your heatsr"-mean something new in the nation's capital. They are physical reality in ,the form of bricks, mortar, green courtyards, a complex of welld~signed townhouses, kids cyc1mg on glass-free lanes, and 1,100 people ~ho have moved f~om poverty mto a healthy envlronment. The~. are also tangible proof that cItIes may not be dead, and that ~hurche~ can play.a crucial role 10 makmg them hve. S~rsum Corda is t.h~ name of an Important, $4 mllhon urban renewal project, sponsored by a group of Catholic institutions and laymen, that has transf th t forme d 5 1L 12 acres 0 nor wes Washigton's most blighted area . . mto an oasIs . of hope, and has won the . praIse of redevelopment experts 10 the process. Out of land that once had rows and rows of dismal tenements, a "village" was created with architecture similar to Swedish "new towns," and 199 fully airconditioned homes and apartments, equipped with modern kitchens, garbage disposal units, private backyards and entrances, balconies and garden plots. It is still partially under construction, but two of the country's major housing journals already have devoted considerable attention to its esthetic, social and engineering sticcesses. First to 'Benefit clts main prpblem is the length of its occupancy waiting list: 700.applications over c·apacity. "Sursum Corda began;" said Father Vincent Curtin, S.J.; its full-time . administrator, "with the basic realization that the

Msgr. Hanley' with Newly-Baptized Patrick Malloy the late 18th or very early 19th wise the parish functions self century it was for two years sufficiently. 'Paper Boy' the home of Blessed Elizabeth Msgr. Hanley enjoys his unAnn Seton, foundress of the first native American sisterhood, the usual assignment, he said. He Daughters of Charity of St. retired from the Army in 1968 Vincent de PaUl, and of the first with the rank of LieutenantAmerican parochial school. In Colonel after 20 years service,. 1875 the parish was formed and during which he was in Africa, in 1890 the present church ~>uild­ Germany and France as well as ing was partially used as a tem- in many stateside assignments. porary shelter for Irish immi- "I first noticed him delivering papers to hospitalized soldiers· grant girls. "We have record books with every morning." said Dr. Malloy. the names of thousands of girls, "I thought this was unusual for their countries of origin in Ire- a chaplain, and wanted to know land and their destination in the him better." Msgr. Hanley had United States," said Msgr. Han- been buying the papers himself ley. "They would be a treasure for the men, he recalled, "but when I was on vacation and the trove for genealogists'" Today the church includes a papers didn't arrive, they comshrine to Mother Seton, often plained so much .that the Army visited by members of her com- started supplying them'" While in Fall River, Msgr. munity. It stands by Battery Park and a stone's' throw from the Hanley celebrated a Sunday Mass at Holy Name Church, thus Staten Island ferry. briefly experiencing life in a Of its six priests, said Msgr. Hanley, three are students and 'parish with a full range of orthe others form the regular par- ganizations and activities. 1hen ish staff. Help is needed on holy he returned to Our Lady of the days when the schedule expands Rosary, in "the quietest. part of to 18 to 20 Masses, but other- New York City." .I.I.IDI.I.I.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of -Fall River~Thurs. Nov. 12, '1970

Church Needs Missionaries With Minimum 'of Rule$ There is a new mood barely perceptible in the Catholic :::hurch in the United States. Traveling recently with Bishop \1ichael Dempsey in his meetings with diocesan director~ :0 organize the Bishop's Campaign for Human Development, heard it being softly ver>alized by many people in pick himself up, dU!it himself nany places. It· is hard to off, and go on to t.he next town, is "a very liberating attitude. ' solate a mood, but you could This new mood is not, .howlear it at times in the' style of luestions asked and in the qualty of answers given'. This mood or consciousness nay well be a counterpart· to "'hat has been going on for sev-



eral years in schools, law firms, industry. advertising agencies, nedidne, architecture. A new :evolutionary movement for so~ial change may be evolving which will make obsolete the all too present alternatives of bombs ) f bureaucratic bushwa. It may also be just a romantic fad. Time will tell. . The thing that is exciting to "me about this incipient mood among some clergy and lay people is what I call its "missionary" spirit.. I~ produces that same feeling in my chest that I remember from my youth when [ re~d of the exploits of people like Francis of Assisi, Thomas More,' Isaac Jogues, Edmond Campion, Mateo Ricci, John Henry Newman. It was that feel. ing that made me want to be a priest. Share Good Thing Whatever contemporary critics would say with hindsight of the cultural and ecclesiological weaknesses of these men, they were men-tough, responsible, daring, imaginative, and eventually recognized as saintly. They wasted little time on battling against bureaucracies or institutions" church or state. All were suspect; 'some were killed. The most benign interpret~tion of their actions by their peers was that they were a little crazy. Others saw them as dangerous to church or state, or both. - These men possessed some good' news. They had experienced a new knowledge of reality. They decided to share their "good thing" with society whether peopl~ would accept it, or not. Unwilling to drop out in the face of resistance, or blow up the rickety structures of the time, they overpowered society from within by playing the game according to new rules. Change Institutions In all the talk about reform, retraining, renewal, that spirit seems to be what we really need to change society. We need people who will change their behavior within the· system, ignoring ,the threats to career or status that may result. To know like Paul or Francis that if worse comes to worse, one can always

ever, a process for apocalypti,c loners actively seeking martyrdom by ill-considered rhetoric or action. Little change is brought about by instant revolutionaries. Even Lenir. wanted the suicidal anarchists put away so that they couldn't harm the revolution. ' What is needed are effective priests, teachers, lawyers, doctors, industrial workers, Indian chiefs who want to change the .~ institutions and decision-making processes that are effective for URBAN RENEWAL DAMAGES CATHEDRAL: Subway constructio,n work in front only some' of the people some of of the Cathedral of Mexico, with heavy equipment ,and vibrations responsible for damthe time. age to the church.. NCPhoto. . Do What Is Needed Teachers will change education not by arguing with administrators but by teaching differ- . ently and encouraging other teachers to do the same. Priests will overcome their identity criEDMONTON (NC)-Mlirder of for Liberation of Quebec, it blow at the Church." The edises by working for change with Canadian labor minister Pierre added, "has spelled out that torial added that the Church in people within whatever commuQuebec "can be a strong agent nities they happen to live. It is Laporte was "a direct blow at hatred:" for peace, justice and reconciHathe Church," according to' an not responsible to be forever The Reporter, Alberta diocesan tion if it rises to the challenge editorial in the Nov. 1 edition of awaiting new instructions from weekly newspaper edited by the Western Catholic Reporter D~lUglas J. Roche, advised the hurled by the Laporte murder." overburdened superiors. A recent article by Max Ways published here. Laporte was kidnapped by Church to "react by doubling "Strangling the victim with and redoubling its efforts 'to win FLQ members who offered his in Fortune magazine discussed the style of the Israeli army dur- the chain and religious medal he social justice for all the people freedom in exchange for money, ing the six-day war. The indivi,d- wore around his neck was not . of Quebec so that modern Que- safe conduct out of Canada anc.! ual units moved with such speed only blasphemous," stated, the bec will respect the integrity of release of political prisoners. During negotiations,Canadian and initiative that far from cali: editorial, "but it revealed the the gospel message. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau ing headquarters at every turn killers' contempt of the Church." "The special problems of the The manifest of the Federation ordered suspension of civil liberfor fresh orders, the General Church in Quebec," the editorial ties and mobilized the nation's Staff had great difficulty even continued, "engulfed in a torrent armed forces to find Laporte and finding out where the army was. of secularism and public rejecWe need missionaries in the tion of the paternalism of the the kidnapped British diplomat Church today-men and women past, need to be understood James R. Cross. who will go where they' are needShortly afterward, Laporte's across Canada." NEW YORK (NC)-Con~erva­ ed with a minimum of guidelines body was found. In the case of the Laporte a.nd regulations. The heroes' in tive party Senator-elect James While supporting Trudeau's murder, "we Catholics must L. Buckley received heavy supchurch history usually began decision to invoke the War their journeys without "script port from his fellow Catholics in summon extra reserves of char- Measures Act, the editorial acity, for ·the sacrilegious method his successful bid for a Senate or shoes." They were sent out of killing ... 'was also a direct knowledged that the liberation to impossible situations with 'no ,seat. movement from all forms of op,Metropolitan area pQlitical anmoney, no organization to repression will continue. "Chris~ ceive them, no return tickets and alysts have listed his appeal to tians must lead in the awakenNo Military Honors told to do whatever needed do- his co-religionists as one of the ing of consciences," the Reporter MANILA (NC)-Military honing. If enough people decided, to major factors in his election day ors and a 21-gun salute normally stated, adding: live that way again, good things vic~ory. "Mr. Laporte will not have accorded visiting heads of state As was expected, Buckley will be dispensed with when died in vain if more Canadians just might begin 'to, happen' in America the Beautiful and built up heavy margins in the Pope Paul VI comes here Nov. now revise priorities, share renormally 'Republican suburbs. 27. Informed sources told NC sources, animate fellow citizens, around the world. At the same time, he cut into News that the honors, which the and initiate new coalitions to usually heavy Democratic mar- government had originally sched- seek social justice in the whole Australia Insuring gins in New York Ci.ty and the uled, will be omitted at the of Canada and especially in the Pope's Plane Safety other big cities upstate. Pope's own request. Province of Quebec." / In the city, Buckley carried MELBOURNE (NC) - An Autwo of the five boroughs: Queens stralian civil aviation department officer will join Pope Paul's and Staten Island. In a Queens HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE MEN, flight enroute to' Sydney to, in- district having many residents of Irish, German, and East Eurosure the safety of the plane. When the Alitalia jet carrying pt!an extraction and regarded as the Pope arrives at the Sydney heavily Catholic, Buckley carc/o Brother Guy, C.F.X. :::::,.:::.:::.... .'.:'..i/I 704 BRUSH HILL ROAD MILTON, MASS. 02186 .:~.:::tt . . airport Nov. 30, there will' be ried the area with 56 per cent ............ ' no other aircraft within 10 miies of the vote. of it and other aircraft operaIn that same district two years tions will cease until the papal ago, when Buckley was the Conplane has landed.' The same con- .servative candidate against vetdition will apply when the Pope's eran Republican Sen. Jacob K. plane departs the morning of Javits, he.. received only 32 per Dec. 3. ' cent of the vote. The only change in planes the In -a further survey 'of voter at Pope's party will make in :the patterns published by the New nearly 25,000-mile journey will York Times, Buckley appeared take place after the gaint Alitalia to carry those election districts jet lands in Pago Pago, American in upstate cities heavily popuSamoa. .A smaller Polynesian lated by Catholics. In past balAirlines plane will fly the papal loting, these have shown a pref115 WILLIAM ST. NE~ BEDFORD, MASS. party to independent Western' erence' for conse~ative DemoSamoa. crats.

Laporte Murder 'Blo'w at Church'

Reveal·ed Killers' Contempt, Editorial Says

Catholic 'Voters Backed Buckley


;n you, yo".

~::~n~~::o:::;~~t:~e X:::~::NB:~;~:::.



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 12, 1970


KNOW YOUR FAITH . ·Politics and Christian Responsibility

Political Realities During a pleasant evening at the home of friends last week, I had an interesting conversation with one of their four chil<!ren: Michael, age 9, a fourth grader, was telling me about his campaign for the vice-presidency of the Student Cooperative Association at his school. I asked him why he thought the students should vote for him, and what he promised to do if he were elected. He said he promised that if elected he would deal with everyone fairly. Today I learned that he did not win the vicepresidency, but came iii secon~


f'R. CARL J.


out of four candidates. Michael's involvement in a mini-political campaign is a part of his conscience formation, a meaningful 'aspect of his education for Christian responsibility. By teenage Michael may be more seriously involved in the politics' not only of high school or college, but in broader political activities of the city or state. Even if further' political involvement does not lead to running for office, Michael will continue to be exposed ill religion class to the political implications of Christian conscience. Parental DIsturbance Some parents are disturbed when they find that the religious education of their youngsters includes discussions of political issues like Vietnam, and read· ings about men like Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy. The parents question why the children are not spending more time learning the Ten Commandments. Greater parental concern is evidenced when the young actually become involved in political movements or causes. Parental concern is understandable because recent trends in religious education do show a shift in emphasis from the approaches to conscience formation experienced by most of us Catholic adults in our youth. Unlike most recent developments in the Church a change of emphasis usually brings into sharper perspective traditional teachings that, for one or other reason, had not been sufficiently stressed in the recent past. An overly legalistic moral formation during the past several .centurie~ 9f Church history cast a shadow over the traditional, biblical understanding of conscience. as openness to God's commands that may be recognized in human' experience, as well as through law and authority. Likewise overshadowed,

but never fully forgotten, was Though there was no presithe social dimension of Christian dential election this year, elecresponsibility. i tion fever ran high in the United For several centuries too States. Issues such as peace, the much emphasis was placed or war iIi Vietnam, and the high an individualistic understanding co~t of living were discussed exof conscience. I was· taught t9 citedly by candidates and voters. obey the commandments in or- National, state, and local elecder to save my soul and be tions attracted intense attention. happy with 'God forever. Social Sincere Christians realize their responsibility was never denied, responsibilities to vote in imporbut tended to be displaced by tant elections. They acknowlindividual pre-occupations. i edge that they must contribute Restoring the Balance to good government by choosing Vatican Council II attempts to conscientiously candidates who., officially -restore the balance to will be honest and sincere office B more soundly traditional periholders. spective, one more vital to oui' But when the ballots have times. "Profound .and rapid been cast, does the political rechanges make' it particularly ui,- . sponsibility of the Christian gent that no one, ignoring the cease for the next two or four trends of events or drugged by years? Our recent' history, and laziness, content himself wit~ our present political problems a merely individual,istic moralit~. indicate that even when "the bet"It grows increasingly true tha~ ter man" has been elected' there the obligations of justice an~ is a continuing political responlove are fulfilled only if eac~ sibility for the Christian. Christians must not only vote person, contributing to the common goal, according to his own conscientiously, they also have abilities and the 'needs of the responsibility to work for others, also promotes and as'- the reform of existing political . sists the public and pri'vate insti:- institutions. Political institutions, like hututions dedicated to bettering the conditions of human life.\' man beings, can become weak (The Church in the Moder~ or corrupt. If a political institution, such as a local, state or World, 30). I A significant part of Christian national government loses sight moral living is enabling love t9 of its goal, or misconstrues its become effec~ive through socia,l priorities, then it is corrupt. It and political structures· and no longer serves, but controls~ strategies. i the community. According to the Council an Common Good important part of the moral for" "The Political Community exmation of the young is education ists," the Second Vatican Counl to social awareness, social skillsI• cil states, "for the sake of the "For a true education aims at common good, in which it finds the formation of the human pert its full justification and signifison with respect to his ultimate cance, and the source of its ingoal, and simultaneously with herent legitimacy. .Indeed, the respect to the good of those common good embraces the sum societies of which, as a man, he of those conditions of the social is a member, and in whos(! life whereby men, families and sponsibilities, as an adult, he associations more adequately, will share" (Declaration o~ and readily may attain their Christian Education, 1). : own perfection." (Church in the Training in social skills is part Modern World; n. 74.). of Christian conscience formar If a goverment, then, exists tion. That is why new texts and for the perpetuation of a particother religious education medi~ ular political party, or for the direct attention to social prob~ betterment of a particular seglems and issues, to outstanding ment of the people, and not for leaders in combatting social ills~ the betterment of all the people, and to effective methods of im" then the political institution in proving human society. I question is corrupt. Role In Political Involvement I To say a political insetution is Surprising to some and a scanj corrupt does not necessarily imdal to others is the important ply that the people who control place given to politics in the de~ the political institution are corvelopment of social conscience. rupt. On the contrary, the people For many Catholic adults poli- who direct political institutions tics carries with it connotations are seldom corrupt, but they of graft, corruption, and expeL very often lack vision. In one diency. In their religious educa~ large American city, the main tion, little attention may have political leader is an exemplary been given to the political realJrt Christian. His political, personal beyond the individual's obligaL and family life shows forth his tion to obey the laws of the Christian commitment. Yet the country, state and city. , political party which this man Aware that in the complexity . controls is corrupt. of contemporary life, Christiart Needs of People love cannot be fully effectiv~ The practical goal of this powithout skillful political action:, the bishops at the Second Vat- litical party is to continue in ican Council encourage renec" power. Loyalty to the party, not tion on the political aspects of service to the people, is the i slogan. Politics and programs in Christian responsibility. . Christians more than others this city are judged by the have a special role in political criterion, "will it help the party." The Christian principle Turn to Page Eighteen



~_ FAMOUS "DEWEY" HEADLINE: Political activity at all ages and levels means involvement and sometimes leads to humorous situations as this 1948 Pulitizer Prize photo attests. President Trueman shows headline which proclaimed his defeat although late returns proved he had won and also proved his ow.n faith in himself. NC Photo. .

of good government, "will it help the people, especially those who cannot help themselves," is seldom invoked. No matter how much lip service is given to honesty and good government by politicians in this city, an unbiased evaluation of the activity of the political party in power suggests one conclusion: the party first, the people second. This city government has everything, save Christian Vision. The duty of Christians then, is to make sure that political institutions have the proper vision of what they are about. Christians should forcefully remind political leaders, political parties, and office holders that their first responsibility is to the needs of the people. "In the conscience of many," states the Council, "there arises an increasing concern that the rights of minorities be recognized, without neglect for their duties toward the political community," (Ibid. n. 73). Racist Society This desire to help minorities is present in the minds and hearts of many American Catholics; there is a growing concern about the black, the poor, and other people in our society who cannot help themselves. And yet, the Kerner Report, when discussing the causes of racial violence, states that one of the basic causes is that the United States is a "racist society." Thus, the very political institutions which are supposed to help the black, the poor, and other underprivileged people, are governed by attitudes and goals which are primarily designed to help the educated, the white and the comfortable. Christians cannot stand idle

in the face of this situation, and maintain that they are trying to help. their fellowman. We must help our political institutions formulate a vision that respects the rights of all, especially the underprivileged, and then we must insist that the leaders of our politicals institutions pursue these goals in a realistic



manner. In short, the goals of many American political institutions must be renewed, just as the goals of the Church were renewed during the Vatican Council. This can be accomplished most surely and quickly by Christians who are active members of political organizations. Renewal We live in an era when politIcal institutions are subject to great criticism and even revolution. The answer to this series of problems lies not in the ·destruction of our governments or political par~ies, but in their renewal. Many men of good will serve in our present political structures. Yet many of them serve with a vision that is out of date for the problems that beset our time. As a result, mallY political institutions are corrupt and dying; they bring misery and depair, rather than life and service, Turn to Page Eighteen



THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 12, 1970

Director Stresses Edu..cative Role . ,

Realities Cqntinued from Page Seventeen inyolvement. "Let all Christiar;ts appreciate their special and personal vocation in the political community. This vocation requires that they give conspicuous example of devotion to the sense of duty and of service to the advancement of the common good." (The Church in the Modern World, 75). Not all are called to full time political dedication, but all Christians are called to responsible involvement in political life. The Church considers those dedicated ,to political service and bearing the burdens of political office as worthy of praise and consid'eration. Art of the Possible Political education is an important part of the work of helping the young develop mao. ture Christian consciences. This implies that our children and our youth be exposed--according to their age and maturity-to the values and risks of political life. They need to appreciate that genuine love requires translation into political action if it is to adequately benefit the poor, the hungry, an'd the victims of injustice., As John F. K.ennedy once stated, "Politics is the art of the possible." Charity that is not rendered possible, realistic, effectivethat is, social political, organizational, economic-may well be little more than wishful thinking in the face of the vastness and complexity of today's social problems. For this reason the - Council affirms unambiguously that "civic and political education is today supremely necessary for people, especially young people. Such education should be painstakingly provided, so that all citizens can make their con· tribution to the political community. Let those' who are suited for it, and can become so, prepare themselves for the difficult but .most honorable art of politics" (The Church in the Modern World, 75). Following the Council's direc~ tion religious educators encourage the young to reflect on and discuss' political issues, political leaders, and political strategies, arid learn, like Michael, the basic skills of political activity. Discussion Questions 1. How can political issues be

related to religious education? 2. What do the Documents of Vatican Council II say about political involvement?

Archbishop HaU1nan Endorses Campaign WASHINGTON (NC) - Archbishop Philip Hannan of New Orleans strongly endorsed the U.S. bishops" Campaign for -Human Development as a "fitting response" to Pope Paul's plea to Christians to .help "break the hellish circle of poverty." In a statement released by the United States Catholic Conference, Archbishop Hannan hailed the campaign, a nationwide effort tq, help the poor develop selfhelp projects to fight poverty. The campaign's first national collection will be taken up in all Catholic' churches in the country on 'Sunday, Nov. 22.




Of Catholic 'Hospital. Associ,ation the Sister-coordinator of home WASHINGTON (NC) - The care programs who visits conCatholic Hospital Association valescing patients after their recan help educate others to release from the hospital. spect human life, the organizaSister- Maurita believes those tion's executive director said who work in Catholic hospitals here. have a unique, role 'to play in Sister Mary Sengelaub, R.S.~., patient care. noted the association's house Of "I began as a nurs'e and I dele'gates had passed an antihave a deep feeling about, the abortion resolution at its June special contributions that we convention '''to support and ascan make as Christians toward sist membership in protecting the healing of the sick," she their right to refuse to cooperate said. "I would stress the need in the termination 'of innocent for the message of Christ to be life," brought to the bedside of "I think CHA has another re: patients." 'sponsibility," Sister Maurita said, "to help individuals, both in the profession and. out, to understand this concept of right to life. There is an educative role involved here." Sister Maurita,' former assistant to the director of the U. S. TRENTON (NC)-New Jersey Catholic Conference health afGov. William T. Cahill signed fairs department, is the first into law a bill to assist the woman to head CHA. The assostate's hardpressed private ciation is a non-profit group of schools, fulfilling a campaign 874 Catholic sponsored hospitals pledge made a year ago. and long-term care institutiorts Sister Maurita,' R.S.M. The governor's pledge, which founded in 1915. became a matter of controversy She noted CHA's purpose is ' manage Catholic' hospitals. She in the final week of his campaign enhancing the dignity of man also said new ways should be against former Gov. Robert B. , through health care services discovered for Sisters to serve Meyner, was instrumental in his which contribute to the physi- within these institutions. election in this heavily-Catholic cal, psychological, emotional arid One possibility, she said, is state. spiritual well-being of the p eoHe indicated that he would pIe ~nd communities served. fulfill it early this year when he called for state assistance for In an age of increasing technology and scientific research private schools in the annual into patient care, Sister Maurita message to the legislature. SubDRUMSNA (NC) Bishop sequently he nurtured the measaid, hospitals sometimes forget relationships with people. James Moynagh, who resigned in sure through both legislative spiritual well-being of the people Mayas the first bishop of the houses. "Service becomes impersonal," Nigerian diocese of Calabra ,in 'Although the $9.5 million to she said. "This is the very thiqg the former secessionist Republic be provided· in the first year has of Biafra, has fulfilled his desire been called insufficient, the aid we want to counteract." The Sister of Mercy said she to return to his native diocese in formula could provide up to $30 feels strongly that Religious Ireland as a parish priest. million in future years if fully should continue to operate and Bishop Moynagh, who headed implemented through approprithe Nigerian diocese for 23 years,- ations. The new law will provide has been appointed parish priest monies in this order, starting here by Bishop Cathal B. Daly with the 1971-72 school term: Continued from Page Seventeen of Ardagh. Payment of administrative td the people. Christians can Bishop Moynagh was appoint- costs (estimated at $1 million). help bring about the necessary ed prefect apostolic of Calabar Provision for the loan of text renewal of vision. in 1934 and in 1947 became first . b'ooks to students, with up to We have the principles, do we Catholic bishop of that diocese. haye the courage? When the He consecrated the first Cath- $10 expenditure. for grammar Conciliar Fathers advocated ,a olic Nigerian bishop, who later school pupils and $15 for secmore active participation by became his auxiliary, Bishop ondary school pupils (about $1 Catholics in political life, they Dominick Ekandem, now head million). Subsidization of teacher salwere calling us to give our po- of the Ikot Ekpene dio~ese. aries at a 20 per cent level for litical institutions a Christian Bishop Brian Davis Usanga, a instructors in secular subjects. Vision. Provides Subsidy One phrase Of' the Council Nigerian and auxiliary of Bishop keeps ringing in my mind: "We Moynagh, was chosen to succeed The latter formula is the one can justly consider that ,the him as head of the Calabar dio- which could provide substanfuture of humanity lies in the cese. tially more funds in the future hands of those who are stro~g because it is not being fully enough to provide coming geri- Illinois Chaplains funded this year. In addition, to erations with reason for living give greater assistance to and hoping." (Ibid. n. 31). Form Assocnation schools catering to disadvanIn our society, we see all SPRINGFIELD (NC)-:-A new taged students, a subsidy of up kinds of people, especially the ecumenical association of chap- to 60 per cent is to be provided young, who do not seem to have lains replaced the Illinois Prot- when the number of educationala reason for "living and hoping." eS,tant Chaplains' Association ly deprived children enrolled Can we give them a reason? Not after a unanimous vote here by passes certain percentages. through platitudes or parabl~s, chaplains of the state instituThe'legislation also contains a but only through the existence tions. provision excluding from the of political institutions which program private schools where The ne"Y organization, called. demonstrate concern, a genuine the annual per pupil cost exceeds concern for peace, equality and the Illinois State Association of the per-pupil cost in the school .Chaplains, includes clergymen justice. In short, we shall not district where the student regive future generations much :to administering pastoral care ser- sides. The purpose of the exclulive .and hope for unless we start vices to various' state institu- sion to' prevent the flow of renewing our political institu~ tions. It also includes clergymen funds to schools catering to the training others to work in pas- rich. tions. toral care of institution residents. Discussion Questions Administration of the funds' is Primarily a .servlce organiza- to be in the hands of a director 1. What responsibility doesj a Christian have to participate in tion, the association will work to of non-public education within the governmental process? increase the proficiency of chap- the 'State Department of Educa2. What attitude should a lain members and help maintain tion. In applying for payments Christian take towards political an effective relationship with in- schools will have to divulge their change? stitution administrators. financial records.

Governor Signs Bill to Assist Private Schools

Bishop Becomes Parish Priest

Know Your Faith

Starts Marr,iage Service Program SPOKANE (NC) - A Jesuit teacher at Gonzag'a University here has fulfilled a 12-year dream by launching MATCH, a program to help interested adults· meet congenial marriage partners. MATCH stands for Marrfage Association Toward Con~enial Homes, arllJ is a. "non-profit Christian enterprise" to help women over 21 and men over 23 meet the right mate, said ,Father Armand Nigro, MATCH founder. Father Nigro, who is also president of Spokant's human· rela: tions council, said the problem is that millions of marriageable people would be excellent spouses-if they could just meet the' right person. If they do not meet that person, he said, the result is "a panicky settling for second best in marriage or remaining single." MATCH will then provide the inquirer with the name and address of a prospective partner who seems suitable. All informa~ tion is confidential and when members withdraw or are dropped, their questionnaires are. returned to them. "With prayers and help," Father Nigro told NC News, "this important and badly needlld Christian service will benefit many people."

Blind Experiment With Sonar Glasses BOSTON (NC)-Newly developed "sonar eyeglasses" will not enable a blind person to see, but are desinged "to give a blind person a better idea of his surroundings and help mobility," said Dr. Leo H. Riley, research director for the Catholic Guild for All Blind Persons. That's why the guild with a grant of $29,500 from Seeing Eye, Inc., Morristown,N.J., famed for development of guide dogs for the blind, has launched an experiment here among 40 blind persons with the "sonar glas~~s-:' The glasses were developed by Dr. Leslie Kay of New Zealan'd, The glasses, worn like a pair of ordinary spectacles, weigh less than a pound. High frequency sound waves are sent out by a transmitter and reflect off objects, it was explained. The sound waves are picked up by two receivers and altered so they can be heard and i~terpreted. '


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of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 12, 1970


Landsvik, S. Dartmouth - Kimball, Somerset


Colby Mules Look For Strong Team in 71


Both Plan to Attend Graduate School After Colby

By PETER J. BARTEK Norton High Coach

. - - ..

. - _ ... - .. . ... - -




Two Major Hurdles Confront: Barnstable High Footballers Barnstable High is only two steps away from comr pleting what could be the most successful gridiron camt paign in the history of the school. The undefeated ancl untied Red Raiders currently lead the pack in the race for the Capeway Confer.ence championship and· are in a formidable opponet for th I contention for Class C state Capesters. Coach Charlie Benoi~ honors. Coach John Cheska's has brought his club back from



men have met challenge after challenge in compiling their 7-0 record but still have two difficult a~signments ahead of them,' before the curtain falls on the 1970 campaign. Last Saturday the Raiders were put to the test by Chicopee Compreh~nsi~e,Who held the Cheskamen 10 tact for three periods. Hbwever, in' the final canto it was all Barnstable as quarterback John Kenney broke loose for touchc1own runs to ice the decision for the Capeway Conference leaders. The 23-6 victory set the stage for this Saturday's encounter with Bristol County League foe Taunton. The Tigers should prove to be

tw~ early season set~ack~ ~o the pomt .where many thl~k I~ IS the best 10 the County cIrcuIt. The Tigers sparked by the running of halfback Dan Enos knocked Durfee High of Fall River out of the County race last weekeno when ,they defeated the Red and Black 20-6. . I . Lawrence High of Falmouth wiIl present the Raiders wit~ I ano.ther, challenge Thanksgivin~ morning. Since this weekend's' contest is a non-league game, Coach Cheska's club will enter the season's finale with a share of the title already in hand. Both contests are scheduled for Leo Shields Memorial Field in Barni stable. '

Old Rochester Ready for Cranberry Bowl Defending league champion Falmouth'must get by Fairhaven this Saturday if it is to enter the holiday game in contention to hold on to a share of the title. The Clippers were shocked by Dartmouth a week ago 36-8. By virtue of its impressive win Dartmouth also remains in position to share in the spoils. However, Coach Carlin Lynch's lads must defeat Bourne Saturday and Fairhaven on Thanksgiving and, at the same time, hope for l\ Falmouth victory Turkey Day. Without doubt the Capeway Conference race is again going down to the wire. But, if Coach Cheska's Barnstable Red Raiders have their way, all the "ifs" in Hie world will not help either

Falmouth or Dartmouth. The crown is their's for the taking. I Seekonk of the Narraganset loop wiIl be at Dennis-Yarmouth and Wareham will travel to Mad tapoisett to meet Old Rocheshtet also a Narry club in non-leaguJ Cape contests. On the surface the Wareham+ Old Rochester is somewhat int significant as both are out of their respective league racesl However, this game is a seasorl in itself for the competitors. I For, Saturday these two rivals will clash in the ninth annual Cranberry Bowl game. The neighbors will battle for th~ "bowl" in the afternoon and then join together for a ball that evening.


Robert Landsvik (S. Dartmouth, ·Mass.) anell Luthene Kimbanl (Somerset) By Luke Sims For the Mules of Colby College, the 1970 football season is history. And for the second straight year CQach Dick McGee's Blue and Gray suffered through a losing season ...' although the 1970 campaign wasn't as painful as the previous year. Thanks to impressive victories in its final two games (41-0' over Maine Maritime and 14-7 over Bates) the boys from Waterville, Maine were able to salvage three victories in eight outings. In 1969, the victory meter never passed two.

For Bill Agrella' and Danny Blake, there will be no more losing seasons. Both have played their final season ot:-varsity football. But for Bob Landsvik and Luke Kimball, each has two years to experience a winning campaign. Agrella, who hails from Somerset, and Blake, a native of AttDiman Voke Seeks First Varsity Victory I ttIeboro, have played four seasons of varsity ball while KimCoach Jim Cassidy's Attleboro and Durfee on Thanksgiving to ble and Landsvik have just comJewelers can annex at least a tie Attleboro. I pleted their second fling. Feehan has been impressive in portion of the Bristol County Agrella, a 1967 graduate of League title with a win over its last few outings with decit sive triumphs over Coyle and Somerset High School, was a Durfe~ High in Fall River on Saturday. The league pacesetters , New Bedford Vocational. The starting defensive end on this overcame a 14-12 halftime defi- Whalers who are in a do or die year's squad and although only cit to defeat Msgr. Coyle High situation will host the Sham1 5-10 and 185 pounds, was one . ' of the finest tacklers on the of Taunton 35-14 last Saturday. rocks Saturday. Elsewhere in County' action squad. Bill started his varsity With only Durfee and nonleague opponent North Attleboro New Bedford Vocational will be career as a tackle and lineback: er but made the switch to the remaining on the docket, Attle- in Taunton to play Coyle. boro with a victory this weekThe crucial game in the Narraj end when graduation all but end will finish with a 6-1 league ganset League Saturday pairs wiped the Mules' roster clean of • I record. New Bedford would then Somerset and Dighton-Rehoboth experienced "anchors." be'the only club that could catch Regional. Both clubs enter the Agrella is the son of Mrs. the leaders. . contest with perfect 3-0 Narry Coach Joe Bettencourt's New records and must win in ordet Bedford Whalers narrowly es- t~ earn. the title of Narry Cham 1 Vocational High of Fall River made its varsity debut on Saturcaped being eliminated from the pIOn. Coach Jim Sullivan's Somerset day last and performed well berace last Sunday when they edged Bishop Stang of Dart- contingent has' to be considered fore faltering in the second half mouth 6-0. However, the Crim- a slight favorite on the basis of and losing 36-14 to Blue Hills son and White is still in the performances to 'date, but the Regional of Canton. The Artithick of the title chase, but must Falcons are ready and know sans will play Southeastern Regain victories over Bishop Fee- there is no tomorrow if they lose, gional Saturday in Easton in anCoach Jim Ashley'S' Diman other varsity contest. han High of Attleboro Saturday



Florentine DeCesaro, 99 Ivanhoe Avenue and is a communicant of St. Louis DeFrance Church. His sister Sharon, the only other member of the AgrelIa family, is a secretary at Truesdale Hospital in FalI River. A psychology major, Bill is a member of the ROTC and plans to enter the Air For~e in June. In addition to football, the Somerset native was a starting secondbaseman on the Colby baseball.squad a year ago and hopes to gain a similar berth this Spring. Blake, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blake, 70 Knott Street, Attleboro, is a graduate of Bishop Feehan High School where he was a top student and athlete. As a footbalI player, he guided the Shamrocks to a Bristol County League championship in 1966 with outstanding work at his defensive end position. At Colby, he was switched to the tight end slot to take advantage of both his size (6-4, 200-pounds) and speed (he runs the 100 in 9.8). Blake is one of four children and a communicant of St. John Evangelist Parish. Brothers Kevin and Thomas and sister Pamela are all members ot'the Attleboro school system. In addition to footbalI, Blake is . an outstanding member of the Colby track team. Two years ago he was the State of Maine dash champion and placed second in the 220 competition. He also qualified for the IC4A National Intercollegiate Meet in New Jersey as a sophomore with a 9.8 clocking in the 100-yard dash. His classroom achievements include his selection as Sloan Scholar at Colby . . . the only member of his class to be so honored. Landsvik, a 1969 graduate of Dartmouth High School, was a starting defensive tackle this season and one reason for op-

timism in the next few years. At 6-5, 245, Bob ranked as the biggest Mule on the Colby line this season and with two years of varsity play remaining . . .he may still be growing. Landsvik is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Landsvik, 11 Thatcher Street in South Dartmouth and is the lone youngster in the Landsvik family. Majoring in economics, Bob hopes to further his education by entering graduate school upon his graduation from Colby in 1973. KimbalI is a graduate of Barnstable High and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Luthene G. KimbalI, 547 Main Street in Centerville. He has just completed his second year as a starting offensive tackle. One of four children, Luke would also like to further his education at Graduate school although his plans, at the moment, are somewhat incomplete.



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THE ANCHOR~Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 12, 197Q

INITIATES SPANISH MASS IN ATTLEBORO: Rev. James A. Clark, chaplain at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro and former assistant director of the Latin America Bureau of the USGC discuSses the project ,before Mass, with Rev:' Roger P. Poirier, adniinistrator pI' St. Joseph's

Church, Attleboro, where the Mass is being offered. Center: Pedro Alicia .lector reads· the first lesson. Right: Father Clark distributes Holy Communion. '

- Lay OrganizOJtion ' Nelt~ Supports Pope LONDON (NC)-A new Catholic lay organization called Pro Fide (For the Faith) has been started in Britain to uphold the authority of the Holy See and, support the traditional doctrines of the Church. Chairman of the mov:ement and the man prin,cipally responsible for organizing it is Patrick Wall, a Conservative party member of Parliament. He is supported by 60 prominent Catholics and timed the inauguration of their campaign to coincide with the canonization of the Forty English and Welsh Martyrs in Rome. The campaign is addressed to ~atholics who have "suffered silently through recent crises and who oppose present tendencies to reject ecclesiastical authority "and the substitution or seIf"interest disguised as conscience." Pr9 Fide was welcomed by the Catholic Priests' Association, a national group of clergy who uphold the traditional authority and teaching of the Chuhch and also oppose modernistic trends. The new group is seen here as the opponent of the Catholic Renewal Movement, which seeks a complete "renewal" of the Church. The Renewal Movement has opposed Pope Paul's encyclical on birth control, Humanae Vitae.



Whenever your, soul, begins to be disturbed and anxious, put yourself in His hands, and refuse to decide for y<lUrself. It is so easy. -R. H. Benson

York Delivery ,Roo~ Nurses ,Quitting, Throwi.ng ~~w~y .~~tu.ses ,Revolting .

NEW YORK (NC)-'-Resigning her job in tlw. delivery room ',of' a hospital where she' has' assisted with aborti6ns~ 'the young nurs~ said she fQurid' "throwing awa~ . perfectly form~d fetuses revolt~ ing." . ' • I "No matter what anyone tells , I you, and no matter what your religious beliefs," she said, "it's a physically grotesque thing to work at for eight' hours a day." Legalized abortion has been in effect in New York since July Guidelines have been issued and some restrictions adopted, De~ bate still goes on in some seg~ ments of society, but one thing is certain: business is booming. I Disenchanted with the pres~ sures brought about by this boom, and torn by their own ambivalent feelings some nurse~ are reacting. They are quitting and seeking jobs in hospitals where abortions are not performed. Catholic Catholic hospitals have not changed their policies, nor have they been adversely affected.. In fact,hosphal administrators said .they have never before had such a full' and respon'sible comple:ment of nurses in both operating ' and delivery rooms. NC News talked to nurse~ throughout the state, many of whom considered the demands made on nursing service by in:creased abortion· cases "out'rageous." Some hospitals are boo'ked months ahead and work , sev~1?


days a week.' "They' don't work on' ,weekends' here,"': 'one nurse s'aid, "However, thi,s works out fine for the out-of-towners. They come in on Friday, are injected with saline solution which takes about 24 hours for labor to start. "By the· time it's over, they're out and back to work the first part of the next week-if they're lucky," the nurse said. What did she mean by that? Risks' "There are risks depending on how far along the pregnancy is. Some girls don't really know. Others lie." ' Most protesting nurses considered the emotional stress worse than the physic,al de.. mands. "It's emotionally demanding and draining on all of us," explained a nurse who is planning on a family herself. "No matter how carefree, or disinterested or callous a woman is about her abortion, there comes a time in the procedur!'l when she goes through some grave doubts. Maybe she's okay right up until the time the doctor injects the saline solution. "Nurses are there to sustain her, to give her support as they would for any patient," she continued. "And it's difficult not to let her see our own non-verbal reactions. Very often she feels she is not doing the right thing and she looks to us as women for encouragement which we cannot give." A re~istered nurse who had

just left another hospital said: "I couldn't possibly go on ignoring th~ live fetuses; or even putting the dead ones' in buckets to be sent to the lab. One day when I came on duty the nurse going off duty pointed to the table on the other side of the room where the fetuses were placed. It was easy to detect from the way across the room a visibly strong heart beat. "The .other nurse was timid and she asked me to speak to the doctor," the nurse continue,d. "When I pointed it out to him he said, 'For all intents and purposes, it's dead. Leave it there.' I told him I couldn't do it. He could have my job on the line, but'I wouldn't do it. This time I was going to bring it to the nursery. I knew the fetus would probably die, but I had to give it a chance. I had to treat it as a human being." In most hospitals each fetus, depending on size, is placed in either an individual carton or buckets containing a formalin solution and then sent to the lab for pathological examination. Most labs do not remain open on the weekends. And according to one nurse, "you could populate a whole village with the fetuses in cartons lined up on the table on Monday morning."

Expect .Approva I Of Laity Council , WASHINGTON (NC)-A longtime plan to combine the memberships of two of the largest national Catholic lay organizatoins may become a reality here' at the .National Council of Catholic Men's general assembly meeting, tomorrow and Saturday. Joseph Carroll, NCCM's new executive director, said the men's council had hoped for several years to - unite the efforts of NCCM and the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW). He said he hoped NCCM's vote on a National Council of Catholic Laity "wil be a fruition of that effort." NCCW, reluctant at first to support a combined laity council, warmed up to the idea when' it was agreed the two organizations would retain their separate identities up to the national' level. A task force of NCCW and. NCCM members began hammering out a plan for the joint laity council in February. The plan was adopted by deleglltes at NCCW's national convention in October, and now awaits confirmation by NCCM. r-

As tentatively conceived by the task force, the national laity council would be governed by a national assembly consisting Thanks of NCCW and NCCM's general One act of thanksgiving, when assemblies, and representatives things go wrong with us, is . from other qualified national worth a thousand thanks when Catholic organizations, diocesan things are agreeable to our pastoral councils and diocesan inclinations.-St. John of Avila counci.ls of the laity.

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