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Mass., Friday, November 12, 1982

20c, $6 Per Year

Spirituality, social witness

Pope's themes in Spain

By NC News Service A weary Pope John Paul II concluded a 10-day, 4,500 mile trip around Spain on Tuesday. In its course his native Poland captured the headlines as it was announced thait he would make his long-awaited visit there next June 18. The pontiff was in Valencia, Spain, when the re­ port was released both by the Vatican and by <the Polish gov­ ernment news agency, PAP. <During his Spanish trip the pope repeatedly emphasized spir­ ituality and the social witness Christians should exhibit in poli­ tics, science. academic life and agriculture. Political overtones, however, were present even before the trip star-ted. It was postponed so as not to interfere with Spain's Oct. 28 elections which gave power to the Socialist Worker Party, which supports aboI1tion, divorce and decreased aid to Catholic schools. All these positions con­ flict with those of the Spanish bishops. At a meeting with Spain's King Juan Carlos and political leaders, Pope John Paul said that even though his trip to Spain was of a religious nature, he wanted "to pay my respects :to the 'legitimate representatives of 'the Spanish people" and "·to re­ move any doubts if there were any - about my respect for the country's freely elected leaders." Meeting with Spain's hierarchy Oct. 31, the 62-year-old pontiff, on his 16th .trip outside Italy as pope; alluded to the Socialist victory and said that Spain was experiencing a "socio-'Cultural transition of grand proportions" and Christians should "collabo­ rate in the buHding of the tem­ poral city." Nov. 1, at Alba de Tormes, where St. Theresa of Avila died in 1582, he told his Hsteners that "you Christians must live your faith valiantly, trying to inte­ grate the judgments and guide­ lines of the current society with Christian beliefs, morality and practices." In Toledo on Nov. 4, during a Mass hOlloring Catholic lay lead­ ers, he said ·that some of the "most important aims of the lay apostolatf' Involve the Christian family, t~e world of work, cul­ ture and the field of politics.

He also condemned political violence and the Nov. 4 murder of a Spanish Maj. Gen. Victor Lago Roman, a poHtica:I kiUing in which ETA, a Basque guerriHa group favoring autonomy for: Spain's IBasque region, claimed responsibility. The pope visited the Basque region Nov. 6 and said in Loyola that violence is never constructive." His comments on agriculture cited the need to assist migrant workers and on Nov. 5, in the SeviHe province, where 90 per cent of the land is cuWvated and two percent of the people own about half the land, he urged government to solve the "urgent problems of the agrarian sector." Visiting the convent where St. Teresa of Avila entered the Car­ melite community, Pope John Paul Nov. 1 told 3,000 cloistered nuns that their "cloistered life, lived in full fidelity, does not keep you apart from the church or distance you from an effec­ tive apostola·te. The world needs ... your presence and your wit­ ness." Speaking at Madrid University Nov. 3, he said scientis·ts who use their talents to further the arms !face are a "scandal" and said they should assure that science is "never perverted and used for destruction." He told theologians Nov. 1 that theology must come from faith. "One cannot believe in Christ without .believing in the church, 'The body of Chr-ist'; one cannot believe witlh Catholic faith within the church without believing in her im!nounceable magisterium," he llaid. On Nov. 3 'he referred to the Spanish -InquisItion, noting that it produced "tensions, errors and excesses" which "the church today evaluates in the objective :light of history." In between comments on the

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Pictures pp. 8-9

role of Christianity in the world, the pope hohored Spanish saints and visited Marian shrines. At a Mass celebrated for 300,­ 000 people Nov. 1 under the tur: rets of the old city of Avila, he praised St. Teresa and her con­ fessor, St. John of the Cross. On Nov. 5, in Seville, he beati­ fied Sister Angela of the Cross, who . died in 1932. She was known for her work among Spain's poor. The trip brought the pope to the Basque region of Loyola and Javier on 'Nov. 6. Javier is the home of St. Fran­ cis Xavier, the 16th century mis­ sionary who died in Cohina. The pope called him "the prototype of missionaries in the line of the universal mission of the church." Loyola is the home of St. Ignatius, founder of the Jesuits, there the pope praised St. Igna­ tius' "absolute fidelity to God, <to an ideal without' boundaries." In Barcelona, where unemploy­ ment is 10 percent, <the pontiff discussed the plight of the job­ less and at an evening Mass which drew 100,000 people he outlined the duties of the daity and called aHention to the "cru­ cial problems" of divorce, abor­ tion, religious education and the battle against "social and eco­ nomic injustices and discrimina­ tions." On Nov. 8 the pope traveled to southeast Spain to visit vic­ tims of heavy flooding and to ordain 141 men to the priest­ hood. He promised substantial Vatican aid to the devastated area. ,Before the end of Ibis visiit during which he averaged five hours sleep a night, the pope was .obviously exhausted, fre­ quently closing his eyes during ceremonies. "He needs a full rest," said Dr. Francisco ViHadel, a mem­ ber of the team of doctors who examined the pontiff after he was shot May 13, 1981. Dr. Villadel saw the pope again on Nov. 7. Meanwhile in Poland, PAP said that the June 18 date for Pope John Paul's visit to his homeland was fixed at a meeting Nov. 8 between <kn. Wojciech Jaruzel­ ski, Poland's martial law leader, and Archbishop Jozef Glemp of Warsaw and Gniezno, primate of Poland. The duration of the visi,t was not announced.




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'Hands to work, hearts to God'

Retirees serve

Retired and wondering what the parish hall, presently only a shell. Anna is tackling a back. to do with your life? Two dioce­ log of office work and when she san couples have found an an­ has it under control will also swer. Both are serving the church begin ministry at area nursing homes and at a skill center for fulltime, Emile and Anna Mon­ fils of St. Lawrence parish, New .the mentally handicapped. ·Both Emile and Anna are also Bedford, in Savannah, Tenn., and Benny and Claudia Levesque of teaching CCD classes, including St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, adult education, and are work­ ing for certification as video in Enfield, N.H,' tape instructors. Parish Helpers Sent off from St. Lawrence's The Monfilses have joined the with a departure Mass, followed Missionary Cenacle Volunteer Program of the Trinity Missions by a buffet in the rectory, the for a year's service at St. Mary's Monfilses were welcomed their first Sunday in Tennessee with Mission in $avannah. The miss­ an after-Mass coffee hour. They ion serves five out-stations, scat­ tered over miles of Tennessee are settled in a four-rqom house on the church grounds, prepared countryside. Emile is undertaking general for them by parishioners. The couple, reports Father L. repair work at St. Mary's and Turn to Page Six will work toward completion of

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ECHO, the Fall River diocese's own retreat program for youth, has passed its lOath milestone. ECHO 100 took place Oct. 1 to 3 at Briarwood Conference Center, Monument Beach, shifting to St. John the Evangelist parish cen­ ter in Pocasset for its gala closing. ECHO, an acronym for En­ countering Christ in Others, was developed 12 years ago at Msgr. Coyle High School in Taunton and is now active in that area and in the AttIeboros as well as on Cape Cod. A similar program, TEC <Teens Encounter Christ), serves the New Bedford and Fall River areas. ECHO, explains Mary Fuller of Buzzards Bay, who has worked with the program since its inc~ption and directed ECHO lOa, is based on th,e Cursillo model. It includes 15.talks, each followed by a discussion and summary. The overall theme is the Pas­ chal mystery: Christ's death, res­ urrection and eventual return in glory. It reflects the joy that "is . the echo of Christ's life in us," Mrs. Fuller said that ECHO of Cape Cod began at St. Francis Xavier parish center in Hyannis, then migrated to Craigville ,Con­ ference Center' and the former LaSalette house' in Bn~wster be­ fore coming to BriarwClod. The retreats could not exist without adult volunteers who care for the nitty-gritties of life during the ECHO weekends, noted Mrs. Fuller. At ECHO lOa, special tribute was also paid to past and pres­ ent retreat leaders, known as rectors and rectoras. Past leaders are Art and Ruth Froslt, Yvonne and John Malloy, Ed and Marilyn Lariviere, Mary FarlE!y, Mary Piersall, Marlene Corey, William Campbell, John Hill lind Ray-' mond Lebrun. Present leaders are, in addi­ tion to Mrs. Fuller, Bobbi Para­ dise, Sara McDavitt, Susan An­ derson, Charles Lindberg, Joe Daigle and Steve Goveia. Spiritual directors for ECHO of Cape Cod are FatheJr John F. Andrews and Father James W. Clark. ,Celebrating ECHO 100, some 200 ECHOites met Oct. 15 for an evening of thanksgiving at St. John's, highlighted by a Mass concelebrated by past ~lDd pres­ ent ECHO spiritual directors. Especially remembered were the late Father Tom McMorrow, ail­ ing Father Francis Connors and Father Jim Nickel, SS.CC., now a missioner in the Bahamas. Pictures are from ECHO 100 and from the Oct. 15 evening of thanksgiving.



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 12, 1982

War, peace will concern U.S. bishops


• Christmas Poinsettia Plants • -<'

Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will be among prelates in Washington Nov. 15 to 18 for the annual meeting of the Catholic bishops of the Uni,ted States.


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Convention-goers study exhibit off4!rir-gs

'Only corpse is finished'

"Learn to live with unfinished work. Only a corpse is finished," Sister Patricia James Sweeney, SSJ, admonished her audience of teachers at last week's two­ day Catholic Education Conven­ tion, held at· Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River. The talk of the' principal of Cathedral High School, Spring­ field, was titled "Walking on Water and Other Stressful Situa­ tions." It played to a standing room only audience, in itself a cause for stress, she pointed out. She solved the matter by inviting standees to sit on the floor. A Teaching Events Stress In­ ventory .Sister Patricia distribu­ ted gave a clue as to why her session was so well patronized. It listed stress-causing events nonnal to a teacher's life in any era, such as the first week of school, coping with paperwork and meeting with unhappy par­ ents. But also listed were contem­ porary nerve-shatterers such as verbal abuse and threats of per­ sonal injury from students, teachers' strikes, racial issues and coping with overcrowded classrooms short of textbooks and other basic supplies. Not all situations are that bad, SIster Patricia admitted, but she said that most teachers walk a daily tightrope. To maintain bal­ ance, she recommended medita­ tion on the story of Peter walk­ ing on the water towards Christ, doing fine "as long as he kept his attention on Christ. It was when he thought of Peter and not Christ that he began to sink." . The educator listed "hurry sickness" as another cause of stress and recommended "if you find yourself rushing to go through a yellow light, do pen­ ance. Drive around the block before y~u continue." Sensibl~ use of time is a major stress-reli~ver, she told the teachers. '''Establish priorities in a world of over-choice, learn to

say no and build relaxation time into your schedulE~ without feel­ ing guilty about it." One's day, she continued should be divided into "prayer time, task time, pl~ople time and 'me' time." If you don't plan for the 'me' time, you'll never get it, she warned. Sister Patricia also advocated as a stress-minimizer the habit of "optimal lead timE~ - don't wait until the last minute to do things. "Prayer and meditation are the all-around best WElyS of reducing stress," she concluded. Her talk was one of 10 work­ shops offered to teachers in the second day of the education con­ vention. The first day, attended by 325 catechist!~, offered two presentations by Dr. Dorothy Donnelly of Princ:eton Theologi­ cal Seminary, who discussed the sacraments and the forthcoming world synod of bishops. The second day, with an at­ tendance of 500 diocesan teach­ ers, featured in Ilddition to the workshops' an address by Father Michael G. Foley, youth minis­




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A resolution criticizing current economic policy does not men­ ., tion the Reagan administration by name, but it argues that gov­ ernment "has a fundamental re­ sponsibility" to meet human crisis.




Though attention will prob­ ably focus on the bishops' de­ bate on their proposed state­ ment on war and peace, they will vote on several other matters, including the 1983 budget for their Washington offices.

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Cape Cod....

The war and peace statement is not expected to come to a vote at the meeting. The bishops plan merely to discuss its second draft with an eye toward ap­ proving a final version some­ time next year.





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The meeting agenda also in­ cludes several liturgy-related items. The bishops will be asked to approve a new book for priests containing liturgical norms for the pastoral care of the sick as well as a new com· mon lectionary for both Cath­ olic and Protestant liturgies on an experimental basis.

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Prelate's checkup



BOSTON (NC) Cardinal Humberto Medeiros is expected to leave Brighton's St. Eliza­ beth's Hospital today. He enter­ ed the hospital Tuesday for ad­ justment of medication he takes for high blood pressure, diabetes and arthritis. He plans to leave Boston Sun­ day to attend the annual four­ day meeting of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops' in Washington.

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He was hospitalized last June for high blood pressure and fa­ tigue and in November 1981 for lung congestion and fatigue.

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in attendance. Students of Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, sang for the catechists' Mass and students of Bishop Stang, North Dartmouth, for the teachers'.

Clerical garb














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ROME (NC) -- Cardinal Ugo Poletti, 'vicar of Rome, has in­ structed priests residing in the Diocese of Rome to wear clerical ~ garb as a sign of their distinctive ~ consecration to spiritual values. ~ Most priests in Rome still wear i ~ a clerical collar or cassock when , ~ appearing in public, but some, d ~ mostly non-Italia,ns, have adopt­ ed secular dress. The instruction stemmed from a letter from Pope John Paul II to Cardinal Poletti.






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PETER N. GRAZIANO, M.S.W., Diocesan Director




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 12, 1982

the living word

the moorin&-,


Election Reflections There can be little doubt that the recent election in the Commonwealth will be a source of, much analysis and speculation for the many who attempt to determine drifts, trends and policies. This is certainly true in the area of what-we might term the Catholic vote. In state where the Catholic population ,is so large, politicians cannot ignore it. A successful candidate will never openly oppose such a group nor will he/she try tQ antagonize it. A clever person will try to play along :with it and render it as ineffective and neutral as possible. No one wants, religion involved in an election. This is one fact that has surfaced in Massachusetts politics as a result of the past election. At the outset of the recent political campaign, the bishops of Massachusetts asked their faithful to keep gospel values in mind as they went to the polls. In a joint statement, they brought important moral considerations to the attention of their flock. Somehow the message never sank in. Massachusetts Catholics voted by party, not religious conviction. There was little evidence in the election results that they brought the feeling and teachings of their church to the polling booth. . The major victors on the Congressional as well as the state level have espoused positions directly opposed to church teaching. The abortion issue is but one example of this. The sanctity of human life was the all-around loser in Massachusetts. It is obvious that Catholic voters pur­ posely overlooked the voting records of candidates and cast their ballots according to the law of the pocketbook rather than that of God. Party loyalty meant more than NC Photo church teaching. . Another area, in which the thinking of the church was 'How beautiful are thy steps!' Cant. 7: 1 ignored was that involved in Question No. 1. The defeat of this question by the voters ended hope of "aid to students in Catholic schools. Had this question been adopted it would have prepared the way for eliritination of the"prej­ udice that has been such an i.njustice to Massachusetts Catholic school children. ' By Father Eugene Henlrick on a high-speed printer. The 'pends on' chance encounters ,The election should teach all who care about Catholic­ travel, secretarial services and and a variety of acquaintances to Is the world on the brink of lag time saved were enormous. strengthen our flexibility in hand­ ism that much attention must be devoted to the adult Cath­ creating a Frankenstein capable More important, the text bene­ ling life's situations, could olic community. Too many Catholics have one set of stan­ of destroying many of the good fitted from the uninterrupted weaken. dards for Sunday and another for the rest of the week. things in life? concentration it received. What bothers me most is to should say to those of us, who have the care of souls that Remember that only after the see a healthy 9-year-old playing I have written before about we have a lot of work todo before Catholics have the discovery of gunpowdE!r and a computer game alone or with atomic energy did we come to the use of computers, especially one friend, cooped up in his or courage and tenacity to witness their faith in the market­ word processors, in parishes. I place, the assembly line, the union hall and the polling realize how much they 'would advocated them as a means to her playroom on a clear beauti­ affect our lives, and how much place. ful. day. Is it an old-fashioned we would need to adhere to increase the number of personal­ This election should rescue us from complacency, principles if their destl1lctive­ ized letters sent to parishioners belief that playing outside in the and, in turn; to personalize the sun and fresh air is 'vital to proving to us that we can no longer reJy on numbers, that ness were to be controlled. growing up? parish. the faithful of Massachusetts have lost their numerical The new problem I speak of Is it too academic to believe However, as with everything punch. Their inherent weakness is a lack of the cohesive concerns telecommunications that children go through stages; that has potential for good, com­ faith life that carries from the pews to the realities of daily and the computer. Their potential puters also hav.e a sinister side. that it is important for them to ' life. ' . for good is immense, as BIU con­ get together in groups, choose If working husbands and wives cede. Few persons; ho,wever, , The challenge for the future days is obvious. Those re­ up sides for a team, argue about speak of the destructive course outfit their homes with com­ the rules and learn that living re­ sponsible for the pastoral care of souls can no longer de­ in which they could direct 'us if puter terminals so that all' their quires rules? pend upon effective affirmative support at election used without sound prindples. work could be conducted with­ The column you are now read­ time from the majority of Catholics in this state. This is Soon' it may be possible to out leaving the house, theY' may ing has been produced on a especially true when it comes to important social issues work at home, so long liS you soon learn the value of an old adage, "Marry for love, not for word processor. I'm an admirer espoused by the church. have access there to the appro­ lunch." Will husbands and wives of computers and telecommuni­ The election just past should, in fact, be an exciting priate computer terminal. Bank­ who see each other all day long cations at their best. ing, shopping and cond.ucting challenge for all who care. If it does not prove to be, we business without leavJng the split up faster than those who There is no reason we can't use them at their best, so long can be sure that Catholics will continue to vote with their , house are already on the books" don',t? as we continue to reason' about feet instead of their minds. One commentator on the com­ for the 1990s.


Con.trolling computers


OFF'CIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER, Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 . PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.lO. ~DrTOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. John F. Moore Rev. Msgr. John 1. Regan o

. . . . r.eary Press-Fall River

I experienced this command­ center phenomenon recently and I must admit I was enthrralled, by it. From my computer ter­ minal in Washington D.C., I sent a 30-page study to New York within a matter of minutes. The text was read and edited by a New York staff. The same day it was sent back to Washington electroni,cally, rewritten and produced perfectly

puter age reminds us, "With less physical commuting, street life in cities will diminish and be­ come less varied, criminals will gain' ascendency, buildings will become like fortresses." A negative law of nature could easily reassert itself. Having to use only a telephone or com­ puter terminal, we could become overly selective about whom we see. The social fabric, which de­

all of their effects on us.

Life and Love "It is in this sacrament insofar

as you are spouses, that you turn yourselves into Pllrents and form the fundamental ijuman and Christian community,' composed of parents and children. the com­ munity of life and love." ­ Pope John Paul II




THE ANCHO~-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 12, 1982

Family Night

A weekly at-home program for families

sponsored by the Diocesan Office of Family Ministry

OPENING PRAYER Dear Lord, hear our prayer for all our family members who have died. Almighty and merciful Lord, may our beloved (fill in name) share the victory of Christ who loved us so much that he died and rose again to bring' us new life. Bless us this Family Night. Amen.

TO THINK ABOUT The Church encol,lrages us to remember and pray for all those who have died in Christ. Death is never an easy thing for the loved ones who are left, yet we all are comforted by our Chris: tian faith that gives us the assur­ ance of eternal life with God .himself.


covered with aluminum foil. Place the box in an important place for the week and try to pray each night for the person or persons you are remembering.

Middle Years Families Give all the family members an opportunity to share thoughts and feelings about death. Go through the family photo album reflecting on thE: pictures 'of friends and 'relatives who have died.

Adult Families Read aloud 2 Corinthians 4:16 to 5:10. Share thoughts about the Scripture. Share some favor­ ite memories of a loved one who has died. Answer aloud: 1. I fear most about my death 2. Death to me means ...

Young Families Talking about death with young children is extremely diffi­ cult. Share some memories of a loved person who has died. Gather some old photos or other mementoes of family ancestors and display them on a shoe box

SNACK' TIME Hot apple cider and popcorn balls.

ENTERTAINMENT Make some Thanksgiving cards to send to favorite family mem­ bers or friends.

SHARING - Someone tell about his or her favorite day since last sum· mer. - Each share his or her favor­ ite time of day and teU why. - Someone tell of a time of' discouragement from last week. - Each share a time when God was especially close this past week.

CLOSING PRAYER Dear Lord, thank you for this Family Night and for the great gift it is to be alive. You have promised us that in Christ we will live forever. Thank you. Lord, not only for the life we live now, but also for the new life that will be ours forever. Amen.

Let kid:s do it

plan a bake sale. The .mothers By bake, set up, sell and buy from each other. DOLORES There are fundraisers that put the kids to work but I've found "Fundraising and fighting the they aren't too popular with the CURRAN establishment." kids~ About the time I was disli­ Pastoral staffs are painfully ing up hotdogs for the tennis aware of both. And so are par­ fans I read an ad begging for ents. I don't know about fighting kids to drop leaflets and adver­ the establishment because I'm tisements on doorsteps in our and magazines. Parents trying to usually on the other end there, community and I called it to the support a school could set up a but as a parent I put fundraising attention of one of my kids and seryiCe agency where residents right up there with annoyances his friends. "Hey, here's a good could call to get work done and like balancing my checkbook and idea for band members," I said. the kids could be required to "You could really cover this work (and effectively) a certain giving up coffee for Lent. suburb and make some money number of hours or pay someone My children have sold candy for your band trip." to work for them. for soccer, magazines for band, They looked at me like I was and tickets for everything. We Let's say a school or parish are caught up in that familiar crazy. "You mean do it for becomes known as a place to get nothing?" they asked incredu­ plight of buying from other peo­ temporary youth help in the ple's children so that they will lously. above services plus special occa­ buy from us. "Why don't YCIU parents do it sion help like harvesting, haul­ My major complaint, though, while we're in school?" asked ing, loading, helping people doesn't concern the need to raise one who will never have an ulcer move, cleaning up homes for sale, from overwork. I realized then washing windows and the like. funds for a school or organiza­ tion; it lies with the means. Why that as long as parents continue If they do a decent job and are to do the work the kids will con­ reliable, people will soon get' in is the job turned over to the par­ the habit of calling them. ents instead of the kids? To mind tinue to allow them. comes a situation a few years Some kids do, work hard at It sure beats the spaghetti din­ back when the band parents were fundraising. Car washes', Girl struggling to come up with Scout cookies, and old paper ner and bazaar which become money for the kids' band trip. collecting are excellent examples. the parents' responsibility in the Traditionally, groups of kids But too often 'it's a minority of ,kids' eyes, and the kids would supervised by parents chose members who show up for the be more appreciative of their school or organization once shifts to sell hamburgers and actual work. they'd put their hearts - and such at the local sports center, If we must have fundraising muscles - into it. during professional sports ev~nts. - and we must: - let's search Sounds good, right? for ways that involve most of __q",,"","""m,.,",,"__• ,_"_ Except that in practice more the kids who do most of the ANCHOR (USPS·54S.Q20). Second. Class parents were required because work. Besides leflflet distributing, THE Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published beer was sold and large amounts I suggest lawn care" snow weekly except the week of July 4 and the after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven· shoveling, leaf raking, trash week of money were collected. Re­ ue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Cath· ollc Press the Diocese of Fall River. pickup, and other activities that Subscription ofprice sponsibility for expensive equip­ by mall, postpaid $6.00 ment was also a factor. The homeowners welcome. Let's deal per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fill River, MA same thing happens when kids in services rather than candy 02722.

"If you want to unite par­ ents, there are two sure ways," a professor in par­ enting education told us.


Abo·ut Jean's face' Last July the Public Broadcasting System pre­ sented a documentary film about the life and death of Jean Donovan, a 27-year-old woman from Connecticut who was the sole laywoman among the four women missionaries al­ legedly slain by government security forces in EI Salvador on Dec. 2, 1980. The film was called "Roses in December," its title coming from a passage in Jean Dono­ van's diary in which she spoke of her fear of violent death, a quite justified fear since a young man who was her best friend in EI Salvador had just been shot down outside of the house in which she was staying. But she went on to write about how beautiful El Salvador was: "Where else can you find roses in December?" I reviewed the film at the time of its broadcast, calling it "al­ most unbearably moving" and urging parents to have their teen-agers see it "not despite the grim sections but also be­ cause of them." How does a film like this get made? I put that question to Ana Carrigan, who with Ber­ nard Stone, was primarily re­ sponsible for this courageous documentary. "I desperatedly wanted to do a film about what was happening in Latin American," she said, "and I felt that I was better equipped to do it than most of the people running around down there with cameras." The single N in her first name, in fact, hints at her Latin heritage. She was 'born in Ireland, but her mother was from Colombia and she is f1uE;lnt in Spanish. "Then in March of 1981, I read an article in Harpers by T.D. Allman ab'out EI Salvador. One paragraph in' particular seemed to leap out at me. It was headed 'Jean's Face.' Allman had ,met Jean in EI Salvador, and he wrote that after the tragedy he remembered her cheerfulness and how in a land of despair her ex­ pression seemed made up of 'bright, pastel colors.' This cheer­ fulness, he said, seemed to him to be linked to the Christian be­ lief in the resurrection and was what enabled her to feel that it was possible for her to do some· thing to alleviate the misery she sawall around her." It was Miss Carrigan's friend, John Houseman, the disting­ uished teacher and actor, who confirmed her feeling that she should make her Latin Ameri­ can film about Jean Donovan. "John said that Jean was the story I wanted - this blonde, smiling American woman who had put aside a good-paying job and a bright, secure future to

work for the poor and outcast in a dangerous, faraway country. "Jean was everybody's daugh. ter, everybody's sister, every­ body's sweetheart. To me she represented all that was good about the American character. And her sto'ry would, I thought, be the means of opening the door on a people and a culture that have been long misunder­ stood by her fellow countrymen." Miss Carrigan then went to Bernard Stone, her associate on "20-20" at ABC, and he readily agreed to work with her. The next step was to approach the family - Jean's brother, Mi­ chael, and her parents, Raymond and Patricia Donovan. Though many other filmmakers' were eager to obtain the rights to the story, the Donovans agreed to cooperate with Miss Carrigan and Stone, due in no small part, Miss Carrigan said, to the integrity represented by John Houseman, who would narrate the film. Money, of course, was needed, and here the Corporation for Pub­ lic Broadcasting came through. "They gave us all that we asked for, but unfortunately we didn't ask for enough," said Miss Carri­ gan ruefully. Thus "Roses in December" was launched, and Miss Carrigan left for EI Salvador with a cam· era crew of precisely two to do the interviews with those who knew Jean Donovan there. Why, I asked, does somebody give up the 'security' of a well­ paying job as a television pro­ ducer to make a film like "Roses in December," a risky venture that promised little or nothing in financial terms? "Well," she answered, "when something like this comes along, you simply must do it. You by­ pass something like this, and you bypass everything." As I heard her answer, I couldn't help thinking that Jean Donovan herself made much the same kind of response to those who asked her a similar question. Neither woman was the sort to think in abstract or theoretical terms or, far less, to view her­ self as idealistic or self-sacri­ ficing. Ana Carrigan, alienated from Catholicism when she was 16, had, I knew, confessed herself changed by what she experienced in making "Roses in December." How had she changed, I asked. "I have a lot more hope," she said simply. "Roses in December" should, I think, be shown in every Cath· olic school, every Catholic par­ ish in this country. Information on renting or buy­ ing a print of "Roses in Decem­ ber" is available from First Run Features. 144 Bleecker St., New York, N.Y. 10012.



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Charity ball aids camps

THE ANCHOR­ Friday, Nov. 12, 1982



The 28th annual Bishop's Charity Ball of the diocese of' Fall River, to be held Friday, Jan. 14, at Lincoln Park Ball­ room, North Dartmouth, will . benefit four summer camps for underprivileged and exceptional children of southeastern Massa­ chusetts. They are Nazareth Day Camp, St. Vincent de Paul Overnight· Camp and Catholic Boys' Day Camp, all in Westport, and Camp Mashpee on Cape Cod. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, di­ ocesan ball director, has an­ nounced that two television Masses will be offered for ball supporters and beneficiaries. Rev. Richard Chretien will be seen on Channel 6 at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 5. His homily will be on the Nazareth Hall schools. Rev. Norman Boulet will be the celebrant for Mass at the same time Sunday, Dec. 12. His topic.will be the summer camps.

Continued from page one pierre Hissey, ST, St. Mary's pastor, "look forward to their weekly copy of The Anchor to keep up with home news." They also eagerly anticipate taped communications from their three children and .five grandchildren. At LaSalette . To LaSalette Shrine in Enfield, N.H., Benny and Claudia Leves­ que have brought a spirit of Christian living garnered from years of giving and service at St. Mary's Cathedral and Cur­ sillo activities. Both are involved with the care of Shaker Hall, the shrine's large retreat house. LaSalette officials say the Levesques embody the original spirit of Enfield, one of 19 Shaker communities established in the United Slates in the 18th and 19th centuries. The Shakers, led by Mother Ann Lee, were noted for their simplicity of life. They came to the United ~tates to "put their hands to work and their hearts to God." The Levesques, who have been' at Enfield for two ye~rs, embody the same attitude. Thirteen Shaker buildings re­ main on the LaSalette property. Officials say they are "open to the W_orld's People (as the Shakers called the general pub­ lic) so that they might come and share in the beauty and simpli­ city of the 'Chosen Vale' of the Shakers." Shrine accommodations in­ clude Shaker Hall, six chalets, a family campground and avail­ ability of meals. The Levesques participate in a year-round pro­ gram, including summer water activities, winter snow sports and a Christmas illumination, such as draws thousands of pil.' grims annually to the LaSalette Shrine at Attleboro in the Fall River diocese. The Enfield heritage is further preserved at a visitor's center, which features a slideltape pre­ sentation on the Shakers, an arti­ facts room and a book and gift shop. But, say the inheritors, of the Shaker legacy, "the heritage is not solely the furniture left in this museum, nor the simple bulidings that dot the property. These are but a byproduct of a society that had its allegiance to God, a group of mystical people with deep Christian beliefs. "Yes, the good work of these . people is continued by the many who labor still, with hands to work and hearts to God."

WITH HELP from Jennifer and James Perrault and Nicole Frazier, groundbreaking for additions and alterations to St. John the Evange1ist parish, Pocasset, was no problem at all for Father-James W. Clark, pastor, and Bishop Daniel A. ·Cronin. (Rosa Photo)

Extensive changes f~r F·ocasset church Bishop Daniel A. Cronin broke provide space for a vestry, bath­ room facilities and storage and ground last Saturday for an ex­ ' tensive additions and alterations . mechanical areas. Interiorly and exteriorly, the project at St. John the Evangel­ ist Church, Pocasset. He was as-­ additions will harmonize with the sisted by Father James W. Clark, existing church. 1\. new metal pastor, ·and by Msgr. John J. roofing system will match that Oliveira, episcopal secretary and of the, adjacent parish center. St. John's will be eq'uipped vice-chancellor. St. John the Evangelist was with new pews, altar furnishings and stained glass windows, built in 1931 to serve the grow­ while the grounds of the parish ing Pocasset community. Origin­ ally a mission of Corpus Christi complex will be fully landscaped. <:;hurch, Sandwich, it was erected a parish in 1969. Over the years its membership has increased to the point where the existing fa­ cility is overcrowded, necessita­ ting the present construction pr:oject. Additions of 28 by 41 feet on both the north and south sides of the church will increase its seat· ing capacity from 300 to approxi­ mately 525 persons. Folding par­ titions will separate the new wings from the existing church, conserving energy when the addi­ tional capacity is unneeded: The existing sanctuary and sacristy will be demolished to provide space for a larger and more beautiful sanctuary. A third addition, this of 24 by 40 feet, will hOlise an enlarged sac­ risty which will also- serve as a daily 'Mass chapel for tip to 30 people. The addition will also

Optimistic China - watcher ROME (NC) - Pope John Paul II has predicted that the Vati­ can's difficulties with :the Chin­ ese government can be seWed so ,that "aU Chinese believers will be able to feel at ease both [n the national community and in the church." At ceremonies in Rome's Gre­ gOl'ian University maTking the 400th anniversary of the arrival of Jesui-t Father Mateo Ricci, the pope said. the 16th-century Italian priest "managed to ,estab­ lish between the church and Chinese culture a bridge that ap­ pears still solid and secure, des­ pite misunderstandings and diffi­ culties occuring in the past and still taking place." "I am convinced that the


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Handicapped access will be achieved by means of ramps from the parking lot, handrails, wide doorways and elimination of entrance steps. Work began on the project last 'Tuesday with completion expected by the end of next August. The architect is Owen Hackett Associates of New Bed­ ford and the contractor is Per­ rault and Son Building Corpora­ tion of Monument Beach.



church can find its way without fear along this road, with its gaze fixed on -the future," Pope John Paul said. '

Frank 'Murphy A 'Mass of Christian B~rial was offered Nov. 4 at the Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River, for Frank Murphy, 82, the father of Mother M. Cecilia Re­ gina, O. Carm., adminstrator of the home. Born in New York City, where he was head porter at Trinity Church in the city's financial district, . Murphy resided there for 70 years, moving to Framing­ ham 10 years ago. He is sur­ vived by his wife,Helen (Leahy) Murphy, ' three' other daughters besides Mother Cecilia, two sons, a brother and a sister. Interment was in St. Patrick's Cemetery, ·Fall River.

First Educators "Since parents have conferred life on their ,children, they have a most solemn obligation to edu­ cate them. Hence parents must be acknowledged as the first . and foremast educators of their offspring; Their role as educa­ tors is so decisive that scarcely anything can compensate for their failure in it" - Second Vatican Council

Assignments His Excellency, the Most Rev­ erend Daniel A. Croriin, has ac­ cepted the proposal submitted by the Very Rev. William B. Davis, SS.CC., Provincial of the Con­ gregation of the Sacred Hearts, in reference to the following as­ signments: Father Columban Crotty, SS.CC., associate pastor of' St. Mary's Church, Fairhaven, on a temporary basis. Father John Fee, SS.CC., asso­ ciate pastor at Holy Trinity . Church, West Harwich.

Stonehill College The evening division of the North Easton college is offering a parttime program for regis­ tered nurses wishing to earn a bachelor's degree in nursing. Information: 238-1081, ext. 377.

Multiplication "The priesthood has been given for the spiritual multipli­ cation of the whole church, prin­ cipally through the Eucharist." -Pope John Paul II


November 13 Rev. Louis J. Deady, Founder, 1924, St. Louis, Fall River November 14 Rev. Francis J. Duffy, Founder, 1940, St. Mary, South Dartmouth Rev. William A. Galvin, Re­ tired Pastor, 1977, Sacred Heart, Taunton November 15 . Rev. Daniel E. Doran, Pastor, 1943, Immaculate Conception, North Easton Rev. Thomas F. LaRoche, As­ sistant, 1939, Sacred Heart, Taunton November 17 Rev. Henry R. Canuel, Pastor Emeritus, 1980, Sacred Heart, New Bedford


'THE AHCIfOR ..... Friday, Nw.t2, 1982" . ,

~DivelSary Father RicJ1ar4,I..,.CJiretien of

st. Joseph.p" New.~dford,

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w~ the celebtUt 'of .S ,recent h~me Ma$lccm.rkingU- ~d

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tl1anJ£'yoU for


wedding ~e~ 0{ Mr__d Mrs. NapO~§pJfQ~~tte, N!" Bedford. 'l"bj~ple.·''w.ere ... parents ot,I,S'~. ,Of, whOm " .• J . sevell survl"e~ They ~ hav~ '13



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IN BYANNIS, BiShop Daniei A. Cronin:w~, cel~b~ 'ij, ,:tbe _iOf'Ii ' at the fetent convention of the Chief AdmiiWtratorS.,;of Catholic Educati~ . ~ ':A'" Msgr. Mark Schommer; Msgr. John A. Mihan; :Very Rev. Edward C. Duffy; the, bisb:Of} , Rev. James F., Hawker; Rev. George W. Cole_no Bottom, the bishop at annual commu" . nion supper of the Attleboro:-Taunton Distri9.t, of the Diocesan Council of .Catholic Women. From left, Miss Margaret MCCarthy, Mrs. William Grover, Mrs. Gregory .Pion, Mrs. David Sellmayer. •

Iteering pOintl

ST. JOSEPH, FR CCD classes follow 9 a.m. Mass each Sunday. Coffee and doughnuts are available for par­ ents in ,the ,school hall. D OF I, NB Hyacinth Circle Daughters of Isabella will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at K of C Hall, Pleas­ ant and Campbell streets. A jewelry demonstNition will fol­ low a business session. MEMORIAL HOME, FR Reception of a greeting from President and Mrs. Ronald Rea­ gan highlighted the 90th birth­ day of Ca1lhoHc Memorial Home resident Mrs. Josephine Dery. Resident Council president John Wardle and vice-president Gabriel Roy have been reelected to office. SEPARATED/DIVORCED, NB A support group for separated and/or divorced Catholics meets at 7:30 p.m. each Sunday at Our Lady's Chapel, 600 Pleasant St. This Sunday's program will con_ sist of Mass, followed by a coffee hour. Nov. 21 will feature a question box session directed by John ColHer. "Dating 'aUer di­ vorce," a talk by Tony Oliviera, is scheduled for Nov. 28. An annulment clinic is held at 10:30 a.m. each Saturday at the chapel. Information: Father Holleran, OFM, 996-8275. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, HYANN~

A week of prayer for peace will begin tomorrow with arrival of the Cape Cod Pilgrim Virgin at the church. At 7:30 p.m. Fri­ day, Nov. 19, the closing evening of the program, members of par­ Ish organizations will participate ina candlelight living rosary ceremony, followed by Benedic­ tion. During the week, in addi­ tion to regular rosary devotions, the litany of Our Lady and the prayer of consecration to her Immaculate Heart will be re­ cited prior to 12:10 p.m. Mass. CAMP MARK SEVEN Father Thomas Coughl'ln, co­ ordinator of Camp Mark Seven for deaf you·th, ,invites those in­ terested in the project to con­ tact bim 'at Christian Deaf Min­ istry Office, PO Box 531, Owings Mills, MD 21117. SAORED HEART, FR Parish children are invited to participate ina Christmas pro­ gram to be held Sunday, Dec. 19. BL. SACRAMENT, FR . A CCD teacher is needed for sixth grade. Volun'teers may contact the rectory.

ST. JULm, NO. DARTMOUTH First communiolll candida,tes will be received in the parish program at 9 'a.m. Mass Sunday. The theme for the, liturgy will be "The Eucharish: It's about Belonging." Parishioners who know of persons in need of a Thanksgiv­ ing food basket are asked to contact the rectOIjr or a mem­ ber of the St. Vincent de Paul Society.. ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA The first parish rtmewal week_ end will be held this weekend. To accommodate the program, Saturday Masses will be held in the church at 4, 5 and 6 p.m. ST. MARY'S CATJIIEDRAL, FR The parish CYO girls' basket­ ball team will be coached by Christine Lacroix, the boys' by Bob Watson. The parish council will meet at 7:15 p.m. Sunday at the rec- ' tory. ST. JOHN OF GOO, SOMERSET Flower arrangements will be demonstra,ted alt the Women's Guild meeting set for 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 17. The fellowship group will meet for Mass at 7 p.m. T,hurs­ day. Father Ed KE~lly and youth group members from St. John Evangelist 'parish, SlaterSVille, R.I., wHl present a program fol­ lOWing the liturgy. Canned goods, for the Rose Hawthorne Home are being col­ lected by CCD students. ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET Advent wrea,ths of parishion­ ers will :be blessed at 10:15 a.m. Mass Sunday, Nov. 28. Reservation deadline for the parish's free Thanksgiving din­ ner is Monday. FAMILY LIFE CENTER A weekend retreat for di­ vorced and separated persons begins tonight at ,the North Dartmouth center. Family Ministry leadership couples will meet at 7 p.m. Sun­ day; a Life in the Spiri,t seminar for priests will take place at 1 p.m. Monday and an evening of recollection for Vincentians of St. Anthony's parish, Matt,apoi­ sett, is set for Thursda,y. .DOMINICAN LAlITY, FR St; Rose of Lima Chapter will meet at 7:30 toni{rht a,t Domini­ can Convent, 37 Park St., for Mass and a spiriltual conference. ST. LOUIS, SWANSEA Ladies of St. Anne will meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the par­ ish hall. Lorraine Tetreault will present a. seminar on holistic skin care and choice of fashion colors.

ST. VINCENT de PAUL The society's.annual corporate communion breakfast will be held at White's restaurant, North BLUE ARMY Westport, Sunday, Dec. 5, im­ The Blue Army of Our Lady mediately following 8:15 a.m. of Fatima will ml~et at 2:30 p.m. Mass at Holy Cross Church, Fall 'Sunday at Our Lady of Fa,tima River. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin Church, 4254 Acushnet Ave., will be principal celebrant and New Bedford. !homiUst at the Mass. ST. MARY, NB SS. PETER & PAUL, FR The CCD board will, meet at The CYO Council will meet at 7:15 p.m. Monday. Parents of yOlmg people in­ 7 p.m. Tuesday in Father Coady volved in parochial school and Center. Parents of 8th gr.ade students CYO sports programs will meet will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday for at 7 p.m. Sunday' in the school. Cancelled postage stamps are a discussion of hi~ school study being collected by Girl Scout skills. . Sixth and seventh graders will Troop 130. They may be left at the church entrance. ' host senior citizens at a lunch­ eon at noon Tuesday, Nov. 23. ST.ANNE,FR ST. ANNE'S HOS,PITAL, FR Folk singers and musicians are In cooperation with the Amer­ needed for the 6:30 p.m. Sunday ican Cancer Society, the hospital Mass. Volunteers may contact Father John FoIster, pastor, is sponsoring the Great Amer­ ican Smokeout Thursday, Nov. tel. 674-5651, or Bill Parent, 18. Tho~e wishing to forego 673-7313. Exposi,tion of the Blessed Sac­ cigarette~ for 24 hours may call ,the hospital, 674-5741, ext. 411. rament wHl follow 11 :30 a.m. "The Srilokeout offers you a Mass today and an hour of ado­ well-deserved holiday-day off ration will take place from 2 to from smoking," say off,icials. 3 p.m. in the shrine.

ST. JAMES, NB The Ladies' Guild will meet at 7:30 'p.m. Wednesday in the lower church !h'all for a business session followed by a leoture on "How to Trace Your Roots" by Paul Cyr of New Bedford Pub­ lic Library. . ,

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 12, 1982

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ST.STANISLAUS,FR The parish's family Mass will be taped for the national Cath­ olic Telecommunications Net­ work a,t 11 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 21. It will be shown on cable tele­ vision during J'anuary. Instead of Advent wreaths this year, parishioners will be offered Advent Mary candles in keeping with an ancient Polish tradition and in honor of the 600th ,anniversary of Our Lady of Jasna Gora.. The candles will be lit at the first Mass of Advent. at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 27. Czestochowa Confraternity members will receive spiritual direction at ei,ther of the daily Masses Wednesday.



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Jesuit mood









CINNCINATI (NC) - When Pope John Paul II named two temporary ,leaders to head the Society of Jesus it caused some pain among the world's 26,000 Jesuits, but it has been also "a moment of grace," said Father Giuseppe Pittau.

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Father Pittau denied that some Jesuits in Latin America are operating as guerrillas. On a re­ cent visit to Central America, he said, he had "never seen Jesuits so' much involved in direct pas­ toral work as there."

"My life is in Japan," he said, adding that "Jesuits are free men" and cannot be counted on to vote for any particular candi· date.

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But Father Pittau, in Cinncinati to address area Jesuits, said the mood of the society was "peace­ ful" and morale was "very high." The polarization of a few years ago has almost disappeared, he said. "Differences of opinion reo main," but are overridden by a "sense. of dialogue and respect," he added.

Father Pittau was provincial superior of 350 Jesuits in Japan before becoming Father Dezza's aide. To some this suggested that he is the pope's choice as suc­ cessor to Father Arrupe when the next Jesuit general congregation eleCts a new superior general, probably in fall of 1983. Father Pittau dismissed such speculation.

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Father 1>ittau, 54, was one of the Jesuits named by the pope. Since October 1981 he has been assistant to Father Paolo Dezza, the papal delegate to the Society of Jesus, who was appointed after Father Pedro Arrupe, Jes­ uit superior general, suffered a stroke. Some Jesuits subsequently criticized the papal appointments as superceding the normal Jesuit chain of command.

At the same time the Jesuits are committed to social justice a.nd "in order to evangelize we also have to uphold the rights of the people," he added.

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THE ANCHOR­ Friday, Nov. 12, 1982


By Father John Castelot

Imperfection By Nell Parent


The sequence of events after Mark's second version of the feeding of the multitudes with ,the few 'loaves and fishes (Chap­ ter 8), is strikingly similar to the earHer account: a ~ake crossing, a conflict with religious meaders, an instruction to the disciples, a retU'l'D trip, and, fina'lly, healing activity. In 1lhe second series, !however, ,there is a decided emphasis on those who do not recognize who Jesus really is. Mark has the disciples and Je­ sus land in Dalmanutha, an un­ identified town. There some Pharisees demand that Jesus pro­ duce a sign to authenticate his mission, even though he has al­ ready worked many miracles. StiH, from tlleir point of view, these people were not completely unreasonable. They' were asking for a def,initive sign, some cosmic portent that wouid defy explana­ Ition and clear'ly mark Jesus as God's messanic agent. Jesus responds with an exas· perated sigh. If they do not yet understand what he has been doing, there is nothing further he can do for them. . Tum to Page ThIrteen

Although considered one of the greatest U.S. presidents, Abra­ ham Lincoln was dogged by fail­ ure most of his aduLt life. At age 23, he was defeated in his first try for off-ice. Then a store that he and another young man had purchased on credit failed. Later still, dn the Illinois legislature, he. was twice defeat­ ed for the role of speaker. Lincoln even promoted an lim­ practical dmprovement project whiicll almost bankrupted his state. When he moved to Spring­ field, m., in 1837 ,to begin a law partnership, he was so poor that h~ traveled on a borrowed horse, carrying all his belongings in his saddle bags. In 1846 Lincoln was elected to the U.S. Congress, but failed to Ne PIIoto gain distinction and later with­ drew from politics. When he ran . 'it is painful to come in second when one hoped for first place.' again for public off.ice in 1858, he was defeated for the U.S. Senate by Stephen A. Douglli"s. Yet he came back two years later to defeat Douglas for the presidency. There is something very ap'" One mother was undone by her It is painful to come in. second By Katherine Bird ,pealing about Lincoln's story. when one hoped for first place. 17~year-old son's refusal to take In the recent movie, "Chariots But is coming in second fl failure school seriously. He was flunk­ Born in poverty who, without benefit of fOrmal education, he of Fire," champion runners Eric or merely a disappointment? ing subjects and sk,ipping school. struggled against aU odds to Liddell of ScotIapd and Harold Jnitially, the mother felt she ,Wlhen.· we are disappointe~ Abrahams of Britain are pitted achieve his nation's highest off­ was failing as a parent. Then, how can we coPe? Sometimes we By Janaan Manternach against each other. Both want in­ ice. after consulting a schOOl counsel­ can review· some of four ap­ Simeon was a I'ich young man What is more, he excelled in tensely to win the 1924 WOI'ld proaches to daily Hfe to see if or, She decided to change her but he was not happy. leadership during the most sev­ Olympics in Paris. Coming 1 sec­ . any changes ought to bt~ made. handling of her son. "Life is surely a more than ere crisis his nation ever faced. ond isn't good enough. She altered her work hours During the years of child-bear­ 'Winning for the g'lory of Cam­ n is ironic ~at even among ing, for example, parents may in orner to arrive home earlier just having fun," lie thought. "I people who benefit from lin­ bridge University and Britain' is feel paralyzed by their seeming and tightened her son's sche"ule. want to do more for others and coln's 'legacy of determination, Abrahams' main aim. To attain faHures with children. for God." Tum to Page Thirteen failure and disappointment· are it, he puts eve~ing else aside.' One day Simeon saw Jesus often scorned. Today, it appears, setting out on a journey. He ran Liddell, however, juggles his

to him. . success ,is everything: Winning is devotion to running with his

a must. "Good teadher," he asked, work as a CongregationaHst

There is also a tendency to . missionary. For a time he tilts "wh,at must I do to share in Iidentify sucaess wiJth worldly towarn racing, letting his stricrtly everlasting 'I,ife?" By Louise Des Marllis chen I had ever used. achievement. How mudh heed is 'l'eHgious work sl,ide to pursue his Jesus replied: "You know ~he Then, o~er a glass of sherry, commandments: paid to growth of soul, mind and ambition to win glory for God A few years' ago, there was an the couple explained they were character? But Lincoln was a by runping. "You shaH not kill. unexpected knock on my door. enroute home from a trip t!hey great man apart from his'success "You shaM not commit adult­ :But when the IOO-meter race A young woman stood on my had taken after the ~oss of their in the presidency. ery. doorstep beside her husband. She he is favored to win'iit the Olym­ Thankfully, Jesus does not pics is scheduled for the Sabbath explained she h.ad lived' in my first child, an infant. .' "You shaH not steal. view failure as many of us do. when he will not: race because of house while growing up and "You shall not bear fa1se wit­ IJmmediately, I felt they had In fact,' in the Beatitudes, he his strict religious beiiefs, Lid­ been sent to me for a pU'l'pose, ness. would like to show it to her hus­ ~audsthose who haven't experi­ "You shaH not defra'ud. I sa'id, quite simply, ilfhat I could band. dell must choose between bis re­ enced worldly success: theirs is oJigion and his olympic team. "Honor your father and your I welcomed them and toured appreciate how they felt since I the kingdom of heaven. mother." had had the same· experience the house. She was pleBtsed to ''Chariots of Fire" tells a rivet­ And his own "fai'lure," rejec­ "Teacher, I have kept the com­ hear that some prennials l>lanted t.....ice. For them and me, the ing story and also proV'ides les­ tion and death as a common mandments since my childhood," problem had been hereditary. mo1lher sHU came up each by her crimina1, turns into the silccess sons in how to' deal with failure We spoke gently, 'all three in said Simeon. year in the garden. and disappointment. of resurrection and redemption. Simeon was not boasting. He pain. I pointed out that often not In one closely fought race, for She spoke of the many months As Christians, of course, we was just letting Jesus know that ali children in such families are ,want to succeed in seeking the instance, Liddell and Abrahams !her family had spent planning afflicted." I. think I said that he wanted to be even closer to kingdom of God and building up are first and second, with Liddell the kitchen and I told her I God:· Just observing the com­ the wJnner. Tum to Page Thirteen found it the most effoioiEmt kit~ sooiety. mandments was not enough for Nonetheless, failure is an in­ his generous spirit. escapable fact of 'life. We must Jesus -looked with ~ove at Sim­ either learn to live with it and eon. Simeon could feet that Jesus grow from lit, or we W1iU suc­ really cared for h:im. But he was cumb to it. not prepared for what Jesus told Fortunately, most people have him: "There is one thing more some successes in life's course you must do. Go sell what you giving them courage to kee~ have and give to the poor; you going. wiH have treasure in heaven. Chl'istians should proclaim 'the After that, come and follow me." GosPt:I, lJlodel Jesus' ways and Simeon's faoe fell. His should­ pursue Qis goal of establishing ers sagged. God's kingdom. But such activi­ "Give up what I own?" Simeon ties inevitably mead to failures or questioned himself. He was ,in a disappointments. They cal'l for state of Shock. "Give it to the us to seek the divine while being poor? I don't think 'I can do that! limited by the human. . That isn't what I expected Jesus to ask." Turn to Page Thirteen


Coping with disaIJ_pointment


For children II


Chanee. encounters


know you7faith


Continued froll" page twelve strength comes each day af we ask God for dt. Before they left, we agreed to keep in touch. The young woman had read my books, which came out of my experi­ ence. She hugged me, grateful for support. 'Perhaps she knew I needed support too. During the following year, the young wife and I corresponded, she expressing beautiful and steadfast confoidence in God. A year later she sent a card announcing the birth of a son. I held my breath that all would be weH with him. Life moved along and after a while I realized that I had' not heard from them for many months. Then I received a letter. Not only was their 2-year-old son thriving, but they also had a daughter. My friend's ietter helped me to see how much peo­ ple offer eaoh other. We give each other strength to be and to do - to choose me - to Ihave confidence that an win be weH in the long run.

Imperfection Continued from page twelve The Christian wlho actively seeks justice and peace may not feel like a total success. What matters, however, is that the ef­ fort be made. Success is God's work: Trying is ours. Intense moments of struggle and courage calI forth our best efforts and deepest faith. They are moments in which we find God as weH as ourselves. Let us retain the courage to be imperfect!

Prelate discusses Philippine trials MANILA, Philippines (NC ­ "The lessons of history are clear. The church thrives under perse­ cution. The more she is persecu­ ted, the stronger she becomes," said Cardinal Jaime Sin of Manila in a recent speech to Manila Rotarians. The cardinal, spiritual leader of 42 million Filipino Catholics, spoke after the killing of one priest by the military, the post­ ing of $15,000 reward for the capture of another, and a wave of arrests of priests and nuns since September. Cardinal Sin urged that those arrested on suspicion of subver­ sive activity not be jl1'dged too harshly, even if they have "abandoned the cross in favor of the hammer and sickle. "They would have been derel­ ict in their duty to bring God to the people" if they had aban­ doned their ministry among guerrilla forces, he added, stress­ ing however that he thought it improbable that priests had be­ come Communists.

Tlte Only Place "The family is the only com­ munity Where every man is loved for hims~lf, for what he is and not for what he has." - Pope John Paul II



1. Tho Do"U (Revelations 2.9) 6. In the mid.t (E..a 6.2) 8. At that 111&0. (Acta 21.) 9. lIri898d (:Ja...18 40.6) U. An artlola (Galatiano ):7) 12. The Ae~adian Ielande

JS. An anc.ot.r or Je.ua (Ilatthev 1.)

17. A Kbrata (08..01. 10.1) '19. To IllI1ka tid7 (llatth... 2S.7) 20. A t1ma pisce (Isallh )8.8) 22. Son ot"_ (1 Chronicl•• 8.)7) • 24. <:Met 01t1 on Euphrata. (2 ICing. 18.34)

2S. llake oalltortabla (Isaiah 1124)

26. Son or Ea.r (Genesis )6.27) 27. Cbiot EQpt.ian God 28. Work oqui_nt tor' an1lllal (Jerom1ah 46.4)

)0. North East

)1. line or Judah (1 Kl,ngs lS,8)

)4. Lead alloy (lllmIberl' )1.22)

)S. Miraclo (Matthew 24.24)

)8. A gitt (Ro.... 10.6)

41. 9)'rian Leper (2 Klrl(lll S11) 42. To go on (1 Samuo1 6.12) 43. Near (Geneois )9.10) 44. An articla 46. A h:fpothetlcal tor"e 47. A 1I1xacI race at JOIIlI (Luke 10 I))) $2. Cit1in Benjamin (.Ioeh"" 18.27) $). A Gadl te (1 Cllron1"lao 8122)


JS. Conaplracy (1 Klnga 16.20) 16. A aon at "arah (1 ::bron1cloa 8,JS) 18. Purpea (1 Corinth11DS 14,U) 19. To thwart or truotrato 21. Greok tor A.hor (Luko 2.)6) 23. Concerning 29. A LevItical city (1 ::bronloloa 6.7) )2. A canaanite olty (Joohua UI)l) )). BebJlon1an god (lIaiab 46.1) 34. To care tor )6. Unlta ot a ....k (Revelations 2110) )7. 4th .on or eu.h (Oonoa1o 10.7) )9. ::bi.t Egyptian god 40. Prea.ntl3' (Act. 12.18) 44. City In Judah (Joshua JS 148) 4S. Ell7Ptlan ,rl".. 48. Naar (Ioalah 28.1$) 49. To be (Miaah 6,10) SO. Pitoh

S1. CCIlIPlalnt (Jarom1ah 116)

THE ANCHOR ­ Friday, Nov. 12, 1982

Coping Continued from page twelve For example, she insisted his Sundays should be reserved for homework and family activities. Were her efforts a success? That remains to be seen, for the situation is still in process. But, regardless, the situation was one in whidh the mother's sense of disappointment became a chal­ 'Ienge to action. The mother keeps in mind a previous experience: several years ago, an 18-year-old daugh­ ter seemed headed for disaster. But over the course of a year, 'after aong conversations and much compassion on the mother's part, tlhe daughter's be­ .lhavior changed greatly. Though ·iot is small present comfort in dealing with her son, the mother realizes situations can change with time. Failure and disappointment are facts of Ufe most people face. In Christian terminology, death and pain are recurrIng themes. !But so are hope and resur­ rection.



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1. Vominino pronoun (llatthew 26.12) 2. P.rtaining to the RIlIW\ trooour)'

). A large plant (Job 40 121)

4. ()Ie (Soottiob)

$. lat Hobrev month (llohem1ab 2.1)

6. Plural pron...n (lktthev JS 1)0) 7. Oldest aon at Aaroo (Exodua 6.2) 8. A retamee (Eara 2.5) 10. Tho aot at dot\Y1ng U. Le,n (Oono.lo 41.27)

1). II18h vi ad.

14. Go down (MatthBV 14.)0)



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. Continued from. page twelve At this point, the rift between Jesus and ,the authorities is wid­ ening beyond repair. Mark's com­ ment il:hat Jesus "left them" im­ plies more than physica1 separa­ tion. Once again Jesus and the dis­ ciples journey a,l:l'OSS the lake. The trip is the setting for an even mQre amazing display of bHndness, this ,time on the part of Jesus' own foUowers. 'It begins WDth the saemingly casual remark· that' "they had forgotten to bring any bread aIong, except for the one loaf they Ihad dn the boat." In the Christian conteJet that one loaf, of course, is Jesus, the eucharistic loaf. It :is downright astonishing .that the disciples shouId worry at a ~ack of bread when he who had just fed 4,000 people was with them. Here Mark uses a saying of Jesus whidh seems abrupt and confusing: "Keep your eyes open! Be on your guard against the yeast of the PhaTisees and the yeast of Her,od." Yeast was a common symbol


for corruption and' evil. Jesus was warning his disciples not to blind themselves to his signifi­ cance. But the disciples don't under­ stand. They think he is taIking about their lack of bread. As exasperated with them as with the Pharisees, Jesus fiires seven S!harp questions at ibis fol­ lowers. "Have you eyes but no sight? Ears but no hewing?" he de­ mands then concludes with one sad query: "Do' you still not un­ derstand?" ,In the context of the Gospel, perhaps these questions are also addressed to Mark's community of Christians, at least to those members who do not grasp the implications of the Lord's eu­ charistic presence in their midst. They have the "one loaf" that counts, but are stUI fearful.

Intimate Sharing "Every priestly vocation must be understood, accepted and ,Jived as an intimate sharing in the Eucharistic .mystery of 10ve, life and fruitfulness." - Pope John Pau1 II

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 12, 1982


~~ . . . . . . ..• . . •­ j ........... "~'~ ..:. ~





THE ANNUAL JOGATHON at Stang High, North Dartmouth, drew enthusiastic participation, even from Daniel King, who. took part despite a broken leg. In its aftermath freshman Gerald Charest, among top jogathon fundraisers, took over the Stang. principal's seat' from Th?mas Donahue.

About friendship By Cecilia Belanger

recognize that pursuit of a new truth or one goal lin life can be as haunting and possessive and destructive of friendship' as the quest for money or satisfaction of' passion. As Emile Chartier said: "Nothing is more danger­ ous than an idea, particularly when it is the only one we have." Let us :take the Sermon on the Mount as a model: it is like a door for reentering the Garden after the Fall. People must seek, knock and do - and then the door will open.

Friendship has to be one of the most important topics we could discuss. From many such discussions, one of the overriding features to emerge is that friend­ ship without freedom is impossi­ ble. And of course the anti­ thesis to freellom is possession. "My friends act as if they owned me," said one young fel­ low. To curdle a relationship, just act as if you owned someone. Many marriages break up for this reason. People don't own people. Our souls' belong to God alone; Nearly 200 Jesuits involved in "Opeimess" is a term that has secondary education in New Eng­ accumulated many connotations. land, including 20 from Bishop People are often asked to be Connolly High in Fall River, are open, not in the old-fashioned meeting today for their annual sense of displaying reserved hon­ apostolate .day, taking place at esty, but in the more burden­ Boston College High School, some sense of "letting it all hang Dorchester. The program in­ out." There are those who do not cludes addresses by Jesuit Pro­ wish to be the recipients of such vincWal, Rev. Edward O'Flah· openness. It embarasses them'and erty and Rev. Eugene O'Brien of so they run. the Jesuit Secondary Educlltion I asked a young friend, "What Association Office, Washington, does openness conjure up for D.C. you?" Her quick answer was "A A film on the Jesuits will'be door." Good answer, since one prev.iewed and ,the day will con­ thinks of doors, and .people, as clude with a concelebratedlitur­ being open or closed, accessible gy. or not. In a sense each of us is Rev. Frederick O'Bri~n, S.J., both the. door and. the person Connolly principal, was recently using it. We have something to among educators attending a say about whether we shall be Washington dinner honoring the open or closed. British Ambassador to the We should explore this part of . United States. our lives: how open we are to Community Service Program God, to people, to nature. We directors at Connolly recently cannot reason ourselves into organized a benefit dance to help openness, no matter how reason fund their activities. Father Paul may counsel it. We have to feel Carrier, SJ, the program's mod­ its rightness. W~ cannot order a erator, has been named' to the person to be open any more than board of directors of the Greater we can Qrder him or her to re- Fall River Big ·Brothers and Big lax. ' Sisters. People are a complex of ideas, ·Christian Life Community compulsions, limitations and con­ members are conducting their victions and these are sometimes annual collection for Thanks- . the things that have their foot giving food baskets. against the door. We should Ski team members are plan-

.Bishop Connolly


. .


Othe:r students, including top fundraiser Carol Arruda, took over other faculty slots for a day, while teachers assumed §tudent roles, complete with detention slips. Freshman Marc Bileau; among "teachers," even gave an exam to classmates. (Sr. Gertrude Gaudette Photos)

ning a midwinter vacation trip school's annual corporation to Utah, while the Drama Club meeting. Grow-Nt ,in the compu­ is polishing a production of ter science depal'tment and the M*A*S*H for presentation this 'successful programs of the iMath weekend. League, the Feehan Theatre Company and the Adult Chorus Faculty member Wayne Brooder heads the list in a "top were noted as was aid given by 10 teachers" poll conducted by two diocesan priests to the Fee­ han retreat program. the Connolly newspaper. . At Feehan's recent Homecom­ Last -Monday saw language students traveling to Bo.ston for ing, the junior float, "Full Steam a cultural program, followed by Ahead," took first place, closely a dinner featuring Portuguese trailed by the sophomores' ~'ET, Extra Terrific," the seniors' pea­ specialities. cock, "We're Talking P.roud," and the freshmen's camera, ",Feehan in Focus. Reigning Juniors at the New Bedford over activ.ities was Johna Rear­ school .recently received their don, Homecoming queen. Com­ class rings at a Mass during pleting the festive mood was a which they were blessed by Very Feehan football victory over pre­ Rev. John P. Driscoll, school viously undefeated New Bedford director. A buffet lunch hosted Voke. by HF seniors followed. The day closed with a memo· Sophomore Kathy Cioper rial Mass .for deceased faculty walked off with the top prize at and alumni. the school's annual walkathon, amassing the highest number of sponsors for her efforts. The class prize was won by the "Schoo. spirit," Principal Mi­ freshman, who will get a free chael J. Donly of the Taunton day. school reminds students in their weekly newsletter, "is not only shown by yelling or cheering at a rally or football game - it's "Shaman," the Attleboro shown by planning a rally, school's annual spring litera,ry building props for a play or a magazine is now preparing its float for the parade, rehearsing fourth edition. Named :for the for a play or a band performance, high priest of a religion which taking part in math competitions, blends acting, dancing, singing etc. The CC family profits as in­ and magical powers, Shaman dividuals and as a co.mmunity seeks "tlirough magiCal ways the from all of your involvement, !hidden ta:ients of Feeha.n stu­ " regardless of how much 'notor­ dents.,f Art, prose and poetry iety' your, efforts receive." are accepted for publication. CC Latin Club officers are Sister M. Rosaire Gofolth and Julie. Rogers and Lisa Smith, co­ Mrs. Marie Hopkins repI'l!sented consuls; Mike Wilson, vice-con­ Feehan !it a recent convention of sul; Mary Bettencourt, treasurer; the New England Business Edu­ Kathy O'Connor and Mary Fig­ cators' Association, while Sister lock, secretaries. ' Margaret Wa:Ish, Mrs. Joan Drob­ Taunton United Way poster nis, Mrs. Linda Ausiello and Mrs. contest awards were merited by Eleanor Kenney were at the students Janna Murphy, Laurene Massachusetts Foreign Language Vieira and J'ane Foley, who took Association parley. first, third and honorable men­ Past activities and futurt~ plans tion places respectively. Toni Silveira is s~hool 'winner of Feehan were reviewed at the

Holy Family



Bishop 'Feehan

of the annual Century III con· test and will continue to state competition.

Bishop Stang The annual Homecoming pro­ gram will take place Sunday, be­ ginning at 9 a.m. with a Mass at St. Julie's for athletes, and members, auxiliary units and their families. A breakfast will follow the liturgy. A Stang-Cassidy football game is scheduled for 1 p.m., preceded complete with pregame and half­ time ceremonies. A reception will immediately follow the game and the day will close with a Home­ coming dance. Stangites meriting U.S. Achievement Academy mention for mathematical ability are Joseph Medeiros and Marjory Gomez. Statistics: 10 new members have. joined the faculty at the North Dartmouth school, serving the English, religious education, mathematics, computer and sci­ ence departments. Stang's 869 students represent 2 towns and 68 parishes. Thirteen percent are non-Catholics. Parents are urged to notify Stang if they know of anyone in need of one of the school's Thanksgiving baskets. A February trip to France is under consideration. Students interested in the project should contact Donald Costa. Peer tutoring as well as teach­ er assistance is available to stu­ dents encountering course diffi­ culties. Andrew Provencher is student coordinator for such aid. The Parents' Club is headed by Mrs. Barbara Clements and the Booster Club by Art Rebello. Upcoming on Thursday, Nov. 18, is a prayer vigil in support of the Oxfam American Project in aid of world hunger. An open house for incoming freshmen will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 1 and the entrance exam is set for Saturday, Dec. 11.


By Bill Morrissette

portswQtch Champion St. William Honor4!d Coaches and players of the 5l. William basebalI team that cap­ tured the championship of the . FalI River CYO BasebalI league were honored last Saturday evening at a Banquet of Cham­ pions in the Msgr.Considine Center at St. William's Church. Presented jackets were players Norm Rego, D. J. Saunders, Dave Pingley (the team's leading hit­ ter with a .349 average), Dave Proulx, Bob Shea, Roger Arsen­ ault, Dave Sherwin, John Bosse, Tom Coute, Gerard Roy, Mark Shea' and John Medeiros, and coaches John Powers and Don Karl. Dan Saunders "was chairman of the banquet committee and Dan Pingley was the master of ceremonies. Russ Gibson, former Durfee High School and Boston Red Sox catcher, was among the speakers. Father Jay Maddock, CYO di­ rector for the Fall River area, reports that approximately 600 youngsters, ages 10 through 21,

have signed up to play on teams of the Fall River CYO Basketball League which has 74 teams operating in six divisions this year - three junior boys divis­ ions, a junior girls division, a prep division and a senior divis­ ion. The girls opened their season yesterday with S1 six-game card, beginning at 9 a.m., in the Ana­ wan Street CYO halI. They will play again tomorrow morning and at noon Sunday the regular season will get underway with games in all divisions. The CYO is open for games every day of the week. Meanwhile all junior teams will participate in the annual CYO basketball jamboree with a 14-game program starting at four p.m. today. Games are sched­ uled at 25-minute intervals until 9:25 p.m..Additionally, K & B Express will provide music and a light show in the downstairs hall.

Diocesans Clash For Title The Bishop Stang Spartans stable and New Bedford at Fal­ and the Coyle-Cassidy Warriors mouth in division games tomor­ will meet tomorrow afternoon in row. Idle in ,conference play to­ Dartmouth with the winner be- morrow Durfee treks to East coming the champion of Division Providence for a non-league en­ Three in Southeastern Massa- counter at 10:30 a.m. chusetts Conference football. Bourne, setting the pace in Each is undefeated in confer- Division Two with three wins ence play and boasting three and no losses, is host to the wins and one tie. Other games Bishop Feehan Shamrocks to­ tomorrow in that division list morrow when New Bedford Seekonk at Case, in a contest Yoke-Tech is at Fairhaven and that could determine third place . Wareham at Dennis-Yarmouth. in the final standings, and Old This division's season finale on Rochester at Dighton-Rehoboth. Thanksgiving Day has Bourne at The division schedule closes on Wareham. Thanksgiving Day with DightonSeason finales in Division One Rehoboth at S·eekonk. have Falmouth at Barnstable and Dartmouth, which has already Durfee at New Bedford on clinched the Division One crown, Thanksgiving Day. is at Somerset, Attleboro at Barn-

New Bedford Still Undefeat,ed New Bedford nipped Fall River South, 2-1, last Sunday, and remained the undefeated pacesetter in the Bristol County CYO Hockey League. The Whale­ towners kept their win streak intact on Dennis Sylvia's goal 40 seconds before the end of the game. Bob Rodrigues scored 30 seconds after the opening buzzer for Fall River South but New Bedford closed the gap on Eric Smith's goal. Chris Ripley scored the only

goal of the game as Marion de­

feated Mansfield, 1-0, in the com­ panion game. Tonight's games in the Dris­ coll Rink, Fall River, are Fall River South vs. Seekonk at 9 o'clock, IYIansfield vs. New Bed­ ford at 10. The standings: New Bedford 6-0-0 (won, lost, tied), Marion 3-3-0, Mansfield 2-3-0, Fall River South 2-3-0, Seekonk 0-4-1. Goals for and against: New

Bedford 40-16, Marion 15-18, Mansfield 14-18, Seekonk 13-31, Fall River South 17-16. Continuing his winning ways New Bedford High's Joe Rocha won the Division One junior and senior class championship in the state's High School Coaches' Cross Country Meet at Franklin Park, last Saturday. Rocha ran the course in 14,:59 equalling the record set last. year by Chris Gorman of Weymout!t.

Eternal Alliance "The Spirit writes God's law on matrimony in your hearts. . . . This is the new and eternal alliance, of which the prophet speaks, replacing the old one and giving back its ancient splen­ dor to the original alliance with the creating wisdom, inscribed in the hl!manity of every man and every woma.n." - Pope John Paul II

tv, movie news

"National Lampoon's Class Reunion" (Fox): The 10th annual reunion of the class of '72 at Lizzie' Borden High School is enlivened by a prowling homi­ cidal maniac. Some' nudity, low coarse humor, including an es­ pecially offensive sequence in­ volving confession. 0, R.

sional violence is restrained. Aa, R Films on TV Sunday, Nov. 14, 8-10 p.m. (NBC) - "The Blue Lagoon" (1980) - Two marooned child­ ren grow through puberty to the discovery of sex and parenthood on a deserted island paradise. Coy nudity and georgeous na­ ture photography but innocence lies only in the romanticizing of life in the tropics. 0, R Monday, Nov. 5, 9-11 p.m. (NBC) "Dressed to Kill" (1980) - A young prostitute witnesses a murder and with the help of the victim's young son searches for the transvestite killer. Sex, violence and grave moral failings. 0, R Religious Broadcasting - TV Sunday, Nov. 14, WLNE, Chan· nel 6, 10:30 a.m., Diocesan Tele­ vision Mass. "Confluence," 8 a.m. each Sunday repeated at 6 a.m. each Tuesday on Channel 6, is a panel program moderated by Truman Taylor and having as permanent participants Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan di· rector of social services; Right Rev. George Hunt, Episcopal Bishop of Rhode Island; and Rabbi Baruch Korff. This week's topic: Reader's Digest Con­ densed Bible. "The Glory of God," with Father John Bertolucci, 8:30 a.m. eacbSunday on Channel 27. "Spirit and the Bride," a spirit­ ual growth program with Dr. William K. Larkin, a psycho­ therapist, and Grace Markay, a recording artist, 7 p.m. each Monday, Fall River cable chan­ nel 36. "MarySon," a family puppet show with moral and spiritual perspective, 4:30 p.m. each Mon­ day, Fall River and New Bedford cable channel 13. Sunday, Nov. 14. (ABC) "Di. rections" - "Hands Across the Border: To Help or To Hinder" deals with the concerns of reo settling immigrants. Sunday, Nov. 14, (CBS) "For Our Times" - Human sexuality and the theologicaL perspectives of Catholics, Protestants, and Jews. On Radio Charismatic programs are heard from Monday through Fri­ day on station WICE, 1290 AM: Father John Randall, 9 to 10 a.m. and 11 to 12 p.m.; Father Edward 'McDonough, 8:15 a.m.; Father Real Bourque, 8:45 a.m. Father McDonough is also on WMYD from 1:30 to 2 p.m. each Sunday. . Sunday, Nov. 14, (NBC) "Guideline" Sacred Heart Sister Mariella Frey talks with Father Fenton about women in the church.

"Split Image" (Fllmways): Bright young student gets en­ trapped by religious cult, and desperate parents hire seedy "de­ programmer" to rescue him. Melodramatic, highly superficial treatment of a serious social problem. Some vulgar and, ob­ scene language, but the occa-

"God will reveal the path to heaven to each of us. We must be constantly alert to the signs he offers. He has not prepared heaven without providing the means by which to arrive there. ~Jean Quigley

NOTE Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local list· ings, which may differ from the New York network sched­ ules supplied to The Anchor. Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen­ eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug· gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens: Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation!; O-morally offensive.

New Films "Halloween ill: Season of the Witch" (Universal): This attempt to cash in on the previous "Hal­ loween" films is about a fiend­ ish toy manufacturer (Dan O'Her­ lihy). intent on providing a bloody Halloween. Because of some nudity, but mainly because of violence and gore, it is rated O,R. "Monsignor" (Fox): A young priest (Christopher Reeve) with a graduate degree in finance,. which he apparently. earned while cutting moral theology classes, becomes right-hand man of the papal secretary of state (Fernando Rey) and before you can say the-end-justifies-the­ means, has persuaded his men­ tor to let the Holy See become the silent partner of a Mafia don with millions to be laundered. This enterp:lising young man also has an ill-fated love affair with a Carmelite postulant (Genevieve Bujold). This su­ premely simple-minded film is grossly insul~ing to the church.. Because of this and because of gratuitous nudity, it is rated 0, R. "The Sender" (Paramount): The hero of this incoherent mess of a movie is a young amnesiac (Zeljko Ivanek), who, after a failed suicide attempt, comes under the care of a pretty psy­ chiatrist «Kathryn Harrold). He has a spectral mother (Shirley Knight) and he's a' "sender," with the power to transmit his nightmare to otl1ers. Because of nauseating closeupsand be­ cause it flirts with blasphemy, it ' is rated 0, R






THE ANCHOR 15 Friday, Nov. 12,...:..19;..;8:.:2~_ _



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