An Anchor of the Soul, SU're and Firm-ST.
,Fall River, Mass.
Vol. 1, No. 32
Second Cln•• Mnil Ptivilell'es Authorized nt Fnll River, MallS.
WELCOME NEW PRESIDENT: Msgr. Carl J. Ryan, Superintendent of Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, (left) retiring President of the Department of School Superintendents of the National Catholic Educa tional Association, congratulates President-elect Msgr. Henry M. Hald, Superintendent of Schools, Brooklyn, at the educators annual meeting in Washington, D. C. NC Photo. '
School Buildi,ng Fund Over Million Mark The campaign for funds to build Catholic Memorial High School in Dartmouth - the first of ,five regional high schools planned in the Fall ,River Diocese - has soared above the million-dollar mark. This announcell}ent was (See Archbisho.- Cushing's made t 0 day by General story on Page Three) Chairman Dr. Arthur F. Buckley of New Bedford as reports fro m the campaign volunteer workers from Ware ham on Cape Cod to Westport in Bristol County continued their house-to-house canvass. The Greater New Bedford regional schoo~ will cost in ex
cess of $2,000,000. The present
building fund campaign is aimed at a minimum goal of $1,500,000.
Dr. Buckley explained today that the exact building fund figure was not immediately Qvailable but the returns made by his volunteer-workers-com
mittees were sufficient to permit the announcement that contri butions and subscriptions now total more than $1,000,000. Receiving Reports Two meetings of volunteer workers are being held in New Bedford this week to receive
workers. The campaign direc tors were unable to ascertain the exact campaign total before our press time. Turn to Page T~irteen
Name McGowan
Serran Deputy J. Victor Jaeger, vice president of Serra Interna tional, this week announced from the International of
fices in Chicago the appoint
ment of Robert V. McGowan of
North Attleboro as Deputy Dis-
Turn to Page Five
We invite all regular subscrib ers of The Anchor to notify us immediately when they do not receive their weekly copy. We are most anxious to see that deliveries are made promptly to homes of all of the thousands who subscribe' to this weekly Catholic publication. We suggest you mail a card to Box Seven, Fall River, advising us if your copy does not reach you. We have no other way of knowing of the failure in deliv ery. We also ask our readers- who keep increasing weekly--to communicate changes in address so as to assure regular and un interrupted delivery.
Hierarchy Charts Annual Program at Conference In Nation's Capital WASHINGTON (NC)-The activities of the. Catholic Church in the United States continue to grow in "variety and extent." . Reports of departments and bureaus of the National Catholic Welfare Conference submitted to the annual general meeting of the archbishops and
b ish 0 p s of the country show that many questions, national and international in character, were studied and
dealt wth in the course of the last year. Archbishop Francis P. Keough of Baltimore, chairman of the NCWC Administrative Board, told the meeting at the Catholic University of America here that "as our facilities and services be come more widely known," the NCWC receives more and more "requests for information and service, not only from individu als, institutions and dioceses in this country, but from abroad." The Archbishop reported that "during the year there were many major developments of an international character' which I:equired study, representation, and at times, action." He listed a dozen, including the placement of hundreds of Catholic students who fled to the Uriited States after the Hungarian revolt of October-November, 1956. But he added that "the list could be prolonged indefinitely," and re flected the "forced involvement" of NCWC "in matters not com monly thou'ght of as falling within the competence of any specific department" of the con ference. Turn to Page Ten
Excess in Dress Styles Scor~d By Pope Pius CASTELG AND 0 L F 0 (NC) -"Style must never provide a prox,imate occasion of sin," Pope Piu~ XII has told a group of European fashion designers. The Pope reminded leaders of the Latin Union of High Fashion tha't avoiding the danger of giv ing a proximate occasion of sin is the absolute 'standard which must be preserved by fashion designers, no matter how broad and changeable - the relative morals of fashion in clothes may become. , The Pope's 7,OOO-word dis course covered general consider ations of fashions, moral prob lems involved in fashion design and their solution and also made a number of suggestions to the members of the fashion union. It was the longest speech de voted exclusively to clothing fashions made' by this or any other pope. Use of Clothing The Pontiff said three funda mental reasons govern men's use Turn to Page Nine
Bishop Ahr Hits Atheistic Fools In Universities The Eastern Regional Con vention of the CJltholic Press Association, of which The Anchor is a member, met last Thursday and Friday in Trenton, New Jersey. The of ficial newspaper of the Diocese
of Trenton, The Monitor, acted
as host paper to the convention attended by editors, business managers, advertising and circu lation men and women, repre senting Catholic newspape~s and magazines. " Panel discussions were held on how to improve the Catholic press, criticism of its shortcom
ings, and other topics aimed at developing a more complete and interesting service to the readers. 'Reports were given by Rt. Rev. John S. Randall of Rochester, President of the Catholic Press Association, and. Most Rev. Turn to Page Thirteen
St. Roch's Church, Fall River
Renovation of Fall River Church Is Now Complete Rev. Reginald M. Barrette St. Roch's Parish, Fall River
Cars are slowing down. People are stopping. Heads are being lifted. "Yes," they are saying, "St. Roch's Church looks so nice now. What a wonderful transformation!" Since the 'construction of St. Roch's Church, Fall River, in 1899, the building Pastor of St. Roch's Parish, was has gone through three ma- to be but a temporary school and jor repair phases. The ori- church. It was designed to ginal structure built by, house six classes on the first Father Guigere, the founding
Father H~sburgh On Study Board WASHINGTON (NC) Father Theodore M. Hes burgh, C.S.C., president of the University of Notre Dame, has been named a mem ber of President 'Eisenhower's newly formed Civil Rights Com mission. Turn to p~ge Sixteen
floor, the church on the second, with the parish hall in the base ment. The church itself had a seating capacity of 750, large enough to accommodate its then large con gregation. The exterior was en tirely of small wood clapboard with an external double-stair case in the center, and a small wood steeple containing the half ton bell still heard every day. of the year. In 1920 Father Robert, (later Monsignor Robert of Notre Dame Church) then pastor of St. Roch, realized that the temporary church and school would have to become a permanent struc ture. So he made plans to re arrange the outside in such a Turn to Page Twenty
Another Bonus
The Anchor today commences the weekly publication of a crossword puzzle, "Saints in Crosswords." This is the second feature added within the past month. "The Fighting Chaplain" is now a regular feature.
We are especially pleased we have been able to acquire what is considered the best Catholic puzzle, honoring a requ.est 00: many of our readers. The Anchor is also planning the publication of other features which we· hope will make this diocesan paper one of the leaders in its field.
,Expects to ,See Chur~h Guiding Art of Future
THE ANCHOR Thurs., Nov. 14, 1957
Need for Better Science Program Cited by Bishop
NEW YORK (NG) - A leading Catholic art author • ity has scored modern art's retreat from what he termed
WASHINGTON (NC) Former rector of the Catho lic University of America, Bishop Bryan J. McEntegart of Brooklyn, has been awarded the Cardinal GibJ:>ons medal by the University's Alumni Asso-' eiation. In accepting it, Bishop M~En tegart reviewed his 40 years at the university. He pointed out that when he entered the school in 1917 as a student, were only 17 million Catholics in the nation.. "I found a university 28 years old and comparatively small The student population was rela tively small and exclusively masculine. The number of course offerings and the size of the faculty were in proportion," he explained. University Expands Today, the former rector said, Catholics have doubled in the nation and the univer6ity has de veloped correspondingly. He ealled attention to the current $7 mil~ion expansion' program at the· school and emphasized that such development was depen dent on the $3.6 million Building Development Program pledged by the Bishops of the nation. Bishop· McEntegart said' he foresaw 'a greater emphasis on scientific educational programs at the urtiversity. . The joltof the·Soviet satellite, he said, '~has pushed us to the stark realization that if we are to survive; if we are to escape the slavery of a tyrannous ideol-. ogy, we must have more and bet- . ter scientific education."
AUDIENCE AFTER ATOMIC MEET: Father Theodore M. Hesburgh (left) presi dent of the University of Notre Dame, and Frank Folsom, president of ·the executive poard of Radio Corporation of America, are shown as they were received in audience by His Holiness Pope Pius XII after representing the Holy See, at· the atomic power meeting in Vienna. NC Photo. . .
.Reds Religious Ban , Ends Chinese Custom
Faith O.n~y Answer
Mass Oll'do
"visual glory." _ Henry Hope Reed' Jr. told the annual meeting of the U. S. Cath olic Historical Society that as a result of this retreat "something has gone out of American life. It is as if man were back in a primitive state before there was ·a fire." , Mr. Reed said "we have denied ourselves the fire of ,another kind, the fire of glory, and our art now stands raw about us." Blaming the Modernists. the Functionalists and the notion of progress in art for this situation, Mr. Reed looked to the day that a new Prometheus would "revive the fire of classical beauty on a scale unknown in the American Renaissance." This Prometheus, he said, \ would find support from many sources, sucH as the individual, the government, the corporation, 0 the university, and the Church. "it would appear inevitable," he conclUded, "that the Catholic Church might well have the most active role in guiding the arts of the future."
~<ell:eives FRIDAY-Sf.. Albert Jhe Great, Future Concern . Bishop, .Confessor and Doctor
of the Church. Double. White. ·CASTELGANDOLFO (NC) PD'Odl8~cefj" deMnlle
CHICAGO (NC)-The bodies Mass Proper;' GloI,'ia; Second "It does not· matter what one
of Chinese that normally would CASTELGANDOL.FO .(NC)":' Collect for Rain; Third Collect· suffers, but how one suffers" His be exhumed and sent to, the His Holiness Pope Pius XII· has for Pea~e; Creed; Common· 'Holiness Pope Pius XI'r said here. Orient for reburial are remain received Hollywood motion pic- ' Preface. "He borrowed the ·line 'from''th~ ture producer Cecil B. DeMille I ing in Chicago because of Red. China's ban on religious cere SATURDAY-St. Gertrude the Roman philosopher Seneca to ' in audience.
monies. Great, Virgin'. DOuj:>le. White. ·give counsel and courage ·to 3 Mr. deMiIle praised the Pope
Mass PI:oper! Gloria; Second group of pilgrims who visited for his outlining of the prin-' The local Chinese community Collec·t for Raln; Third Collect him at. his summer hom,e. ' ciples guiding motion pictures has purchased additional ground at Mount Auburn· Cemetery in contained in the recent. papal forPeace; Common Preface. ,']1he pilgrim's came to ,Rome ,nearby. Stickney that is large • SUNDAY...,-Twenty-Third S~n-· from Cordova to celebrate' the· encyclical Miranda Prorsus. . . . enough to receive ,those who die The motion' picture' director
day' Aftex: Pentecost. Double.' 17th centenary of the birth of among the area's Chinese popu Gr!,!en. ¥ass Proper; Gloria; O§ioof ,Cordova, a bishop mar- ' presented the Pope with a re
lation of 5,000" .according to Al Second Collect St. Gregory the tired . during the reign' of the', producJion of the Ten Com
bert Leong, president of the Chimandments ·inscribed in an early
"Wonderworker', Bishop and Roman Emperor Diocletian. . Says Science Offers· nese Consolidated Benevolent 'Confessor; Creed; Preface of The .PoP~ referred' to the, Semitic language on two tablets
Trinity. .. saintly bishop as "that fam~us of stone brought from Mount
Association. Sinai. . Until the communists seized MONDAY ~ Dedi~ation of the figure. ,whose· image rises from FORT WAYNE (NC) - "Sci- China in 1949, it was the custom Basilicas of the Holy. Apostles, the mists, .\?f the first centuries ence provides: a fO,undation upon for relatives of Chinese who died 'Peter ,and, Paul. " Greater li~e a .~e:;tcon at the entrance of which we may· build our faith in . in the U. S. to ship the remains LET· US Double. White. Mass Proper; '. 'a harbor· and which shows the God," Father', J .. William Lester, to their native districts' for Gloria; .Second Collect for' safe passage to. the navigator." Fort Wayne ':diocesan .superiri-· burial, Leong explained. 'Rain.; Creed; Comtnon Preface. Continuing the Pope said: tendent, of schools,' told a ,teach- - '. ers' institute here. . ..' " , An important part of his TUESDAY- ~. Sf.. Eliz~beth of""Beyond the datkness Of the' .' FOR ,AU: Qui ".' ,'. ~ ,. . . peOple's ancient tradition, Mr. lIu'ri~ary;'; Queen arid. Widow.' futu~e, and 'the anxieties of the "Catholic tea~hers and stu- Leong expl~ined, is burial in "a ·'Double'; White. 'Ma'ssProper;; ~ pI:esent, ,without caring for trifles; dents have nothing to fear from . happy land, a choice land," Gloria; . Second· ;Collect St: and pettiness, always remain· , the truths of science.'. All rear: whfch" always h,as been China. Pontian, ,Pop~, . ~nd . J~1fattyr; stea~~a~t,.:.o tp.e Faith, strongly. , ,THE " .' truth is God's truth, and in But since repeal of the. Chinese ThiJ;'d Co~lect f()r Rain;, Com,-. united· 'among yoi.irselves· with knowing JUs truth we have noth- exclusion law and the ascend mOD PJ:'eface. .., , .," the bond of ,sincere char:ity; ing to fear," the priest declared. ancY of the, communists -in the WEDNESDAY. _ St. I Felix of d9cil,e;and obed~ent, to the ~oices Father' riester, ... w'h~also';' is old"country', most 'Orientals liv- . Valois, Confessor.· Double.'. of"your pastors and prelates and' principal' of Central Catholic ing are willing to regard the White. ,. Mass Proper;. Gloria; withYol.,lr.eyes turned toward the ' Attleboro-So~thA.t'tIeb'o~o ' High Seho?l here, pointed out U.S. as their "happy, choice tr;uth that is God." Second. ~ollect, !or Rain; Third that science and religion are not land." Collect for Peace; Common conflicting forces: " ~ The Reqs, Mr. Leong added, . Preface. . , ' _ ' ,I ..
"Rather, science 'helps us' un- forbid any religious ceremony'.
THURSDAY - Pres~ntation . of derstand the physical factors of Brother Pronounces the Blessed' Virgin Mary. the world, While religion an .Greater· Double. White. Mass swers the supernatural factors VOW$ Prop'er; Gloria; Second Collect of the universe," he said. Brother' Bernard Kennedy, BAY' CHiCKEN for ~ain; Creed; Preface of Father Lester told the insti- SS.CC., pronounced his tempo Blessed Virgin. SCALLOPS LOBSTERS CHOWDER tute that science on the elemen- rary v,ows in the chapel of St. , tary school level does more than Joseph's Novitiate, Wareham, Th·eclogy Award Ib~ develop future workers in the Monday. WASHINGTON (NC)-~Can
field of science and engineering. Brother Bernard was· preadian priest .has received the
"Science," he said, ."develops sented by the .Rev. Henry R. 1957 annual Cardinal Spellmari' In young people a way to deal Creighton, SS.CC., Master of with the world· around them Novices, to the Very Reverend Award of the Catholic Theo-, logical Society of America here UNION WHARF FAIRHAVEN, MASS. even if they never become scien~ Columba Moran, SS.CC., 'Vice
tists. Provincial of the American .yesterday. He. is Father Gerard
Yelle, S.S., professor of theology
"This gift of science will prove Province of the Congregation of at the Grand Seininaire, Mont more important in· the future, as the Sacred Hearts. Father Moran real, Canada. science renders greater and received the vows of the newly
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greater influences in our lives," he asserted.
professed Brother. Brother Bernard joined the ranks of his predecessors who labored so diligently in the Hawaiian Islands. When the FORlY HOURS Fathers of the Sacred Hearts DIEVOT~ON first began working in these. Nov. 17-0ur Lady of the Isle, islands, they were forced to Nantucket leave them and go to. the shores St. Anthony, Mattapoisett of California. It was the Broth Nov. 24 - Sf.. Stanislaus, Fall ers who remained·.in Hawaii and· River it was th,rough their efforts'that Sf.. Anne, New Bedford· the "faith of the natives was sus~' St. John the Evangelist,· . ·tained and furthered: Attleboro . ~ .' The newly professed Brother Nov. 2·,-Sf.. Catherine's Con--: was' born in Ballimara County vent, Fall River Killkenny, Ireland.· After his Dec. 1-0ur Lady of the Im .elementary training in Ireland,. maculate Conception, Brother Bernard came to the New Bedford United States to prepare himself St. Margaret, Buzzards. ,for the": religious life in early ,Bay . 1956. ' Brother Bernard will be as 'sign~ 'by obedience to one of THE ANCHOR Seeond-elllBs mail privileges authorised the houses of the Congregation at Fall' River, M/Ul.. Published .ever7 of the' Sacred Hearts. Two nov;" Tbursday at 410 Hh..hJand Avenue. Fall River. Mass.. by the Catholie Press of the ices and three postulants remain Dioeesf! of Fall !th·er. Sul~criptioa price at the .WarebamNovitiate. ... mad, postpaId $4.00 peryelU'. .'
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For Further' Information and Novena Booklets Please, Write to: '
Archbishop Cushing Notes Catholic Education Need
Thurs., Nov. 14,1957
Christianot.y Is
Key to Unity
A1'chb'ishop Richard I. Cushing of Boston noted the med of Catholic school education when he spoke to 3,4001 110luntee1' w01'kers f.Q1· the Catholic Mem01'ial High School drive 'in New Bedford. The following account of the Arch bishop's talk is reprinted from The New Bedford Standard Times t01' those people in other parts ot the diocese. "Tomorrow (Thursday) is the 40th birthday of the Bolshevik revolution, the aftermath of an international conspiracy known as Communism. "1 know of no better way of meeting this than to inaugurate nn appeal for a regional Catholic high school. We are destined to live in a war-time economy whether hot or cold it makes ,no difference. Your children and grandchildren will bear the brunt of brain-washing, blasphemy and other forms of deceit of Commu nism. We must train our children to follow Christ on our side against the anti-Christ repre sented by Communism." The prelate added that Communists fear the Catholic Church more than capitalism. .'irst School Is Home ' The "first school for children" , is the home, the archbishop con tinued. "Long before we send them to school, their character has been formed. In elementary schools, the teachers build. on the best influence of the homes and try to correct any evil tendencies in the child, "The primary purpose of Cath olic education is to train Christ like children, bringing them into the City of God and making them loyal citizens' of the United States of America." Archbishop Cushing described the secondary level of education as "the most critical period" in the life of a child. He told of the adverse influence of some publi cations and broadcasts on the youth of the nation. ' "In providing Catholic educa tion for the training of loyal citi zens for the City of God and of our country we are not in oppo sition to other forms of educa tion," continued the Boston pre late. "We are not opposed to the public schools. The' public schools in Massachusetts are ex cellent insofar as they can, go in educational programs. We c0 operate with them. Their teach , ers are dedicated workers. , Sats .God Needed "On the other hand, we con tend that to educate children for time and eternity, we, ~eed to have God in education." The prelate explained this can not be done in the public schools "because ot the plurl;llistic reli , gions ' we have" in the, public schools. The answer is, said the speaker, the building of Catholic schools: He added the day of institutions and parishes building their own individual schools has passed. Such projects now re quire a broader scope on a dio cesan basis because of the costs involved. Archbishop Cushing repeated that the bishop, there fore, is held responsible for Cath olic education within his diocese. "The bishop is the chi~f teacher and in order to teach children, he must have the facili ties,", the archbishop assured. "In the name of Christ, he gives his mandate to priests and laity to supply the facilities. "You are not collectors, sales men or beggars. You are the hands and feet-the alter ego of the bishop-and your bishop is the successor of the Apostles. You are identified with a great apostolate-the greatest of all phases of Catholic Action, or better, the lay apostolate." Situation Frightening Referring to Communism in contrast with aims of the Cath olic church, Archbishop Cushing said "This diabQlical system al ready controls over one billion of the human race. If you put all the people in a row, every third person ~ould be under Communism. It is frightening." What accounts for the spread of Communism, said the prelate, is "the missionary spirit of the individual Communist. He is an apostle of anti-Christ, and they laave tremendous solidarity. "If we had one-half. of the' Comni'unist solidarity, zeal and lDj'alty. there wouldn't be any
observance of the 40th anniver sary of that system today. We can counteract the zeal of the Communist with the zeal of the lay apostolate of the Catholic Church. . "You have a challenge on the 40th anniversary of Communism. It is to build a regional Ca,tholic high school where the first apos tles will pray for the priests and laity." Not Overshooting Mark As a priest who has collected millions of dollars annually in the archdiocese of Boston and who requires $15,000 daily to maintain institutions of the arch diocese, Archbishop Cushing de clared, "Don't let anyone tell you that you are overshooting the mark. Others have done it in smaller are'as than this." The guest' speaker assured there is no other practical way of raising the fund than by the method Bishop Connolly has taken. Elements needed for its success, he added, are a cause, organization, adequate coverage of the area and a spirit of sacri fice both on the part of the workers and the donors. "The eyes of the entire'Diocese of Fall.,River are on this drive," continued the archbishop. "The eyes of every bishop and all of the well-informed priests are focused on it also.'" The prelate assured there is no profit in building a school and that he would like to see the school paid for "before the first pupil crossed the threshold." Archbishop Cushing closed by wishing the men success, then bestowed his blessing upon them. He was followed by Bishop Con nolly who imparted his blessing. Archbishop Contributes Bishop ,Connolly announced further that the Archbishop has personally contributed ' a sub stantial sum of money to the Drive in memory, of the late Bishop Cassidy. This - is surely another sign of the Archbishop's interest in this, his neighboring diocese.
MADRID (NC) - Europe will recover her lost unity if she will return to Christian spirituality, Spain's former
,DUCHAINE TESTIMONIAL BANQUET: Bishop Connolly is shown speaking with (left) Baron Charles ,E. dePampelone, Consul General of· France in Boston, and Joseph P. Duchaine of New Bedford, who received the Medal ,of Honor for Foreign Affairs from the French gov ernment at a testimonial held in his honor on Sunday at Lincoln Park. Mr. Duchaine, who was feted by 1200 per sons as a civic-minded business man, is Memorial Gifts Chairman of the Greater New Bedford Regional Catholic High School Drive.
Antarctica Winter Nights Fascinating
PITTSBURGH (NC) - "Con trary to what books about-Ant arctica consistently lead one to believe," writes Father (Lt.) Leon S. Darkowski, "the, winter night holds no terror; in fact, it is fascinating." Father Darkowski, a Pittsburgh diocesan priest, is now serving as a Navy chaplain for Operation Deepfreeze II in the Antarctic. He wrote a dispatch on his activ ities for the Pittsburgh Catholic, diocesan newspaper. The chaplain left the United States last January and is sched uled to spend part ,of 1958 in the Antarctic. He is'assigned to the military group assisting Inter: national Geophysical Year scien tists. Father Darkowski' was' sent to the Antarctic for an 18-month tOl-!r, but Says: "The over-abun dance of work makes the time
go by quickly."
"Besides my ·pastoral duties, I
was entrusted with the base li , brary, public':information office, James H. Reilly of Providence the education program and the has been named chairman of ~e' guidance of recreation and so~ial annual communii>n breakfast of life on the base," he wrote. . the Providence CO,llege Alumni Work Ar9ului Clock
Association, to be held .at the Primary purpose of the expe
collegE! next Sunday, Alumni 'President Paul P. D~nn, ~.D., dition is to establish bases in the
Antarctic for scientists. To com
of Fall River, has, announced. plete the mission, Father Dar The Very Rev. Robert J. Sla kowski said, a six-day working
vin, O.P., president of the col schedule was maintained until
lege, will celebrate the Mass and preach the sermon, while the' last August. Now, with the aid of speaker at the breakfast will be the midnight sun, which gives 24
hours of daylight, work is being
Frank J. Sheed, London and carried on around the clock. New York publisher, and promi nent Catholic layman. For stay-at-homes anticipating Mass will be celebrated at 9 a frigid winter, Father Darkow o'clock in Harkins Hall at the ski gives the reminder that it
college and the breakfast will could be colder. During the past
follow immediately in Alumni eight months at McMurdo Sound,
Hall. • temperatures dipped to a cool minus 42 degrees F. it.. scant two
miles away, on the ice runway,
the tempearture was officially re corded at minus 56 degrees F.
VATICAN CITY (NC) -Se vere criticism' of newspapel'S In spite of the cold and hard drawing "gratuitous conclusions" ships, Father Darkowski said from cOll'\munist propaganda pic that "we live rather comfort-, turing religious freedom in Red , ably. The food is outstanding to satellite nations has been made - a point that it is beginning to by L'Osservatore Romano, Vati show. Some of the men have can City daily. gained as much as 25 pounds."
Alumni Association' Plans Breakfast
Vatican, Daily Hits Red Propaganda
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Foreign Minister told a meeting in honor of St. John Capistrano A number of Church digni taries and' statesmen, many of them from other European coun tries, heard Alberto Martin Ar tajo, now president of Spanish Catholic Action, compare the European situation in the 15th century when St. John Capistran led the Crusade against the Turks to that of our own day. Pointing out that it was the Hungarians who bore the brunt of battle under the heroic lead ersip of John Hunyadi in 1456 and turned the Turks away from Europe, he said that Hungary is again in the forefront of the battle against anti-Christian forces. Quoting His Holiness Pope Pius XII, Mr. Artajo said that only a return to the spirit of Christianity can bring about the unity which Europe seeks on economic and political leveu. today.
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Cites ,Parents~ Obje~.ti@.ns To Teena~e GDf{~S_ [O@1f~B'i),g. "', By ,
Austrian Author Says Reds face
John L. Thomas, S.J.
st. ,Louis University
THE ANCHOR Thurs., Nov. 14,.1,957
Youth. PD"oblem
How can I convince my, pal;ents that I'm old enough to ' go on dates? Although I'm 16, they treat me like a child. , All the' other girls my age are allowed to go out several times a, week. How can I meet people if I seldom go on dates? My parents are kind qu~lirited with eligible boys and bu:t old-fashioned. They say eventually select your future there'll be time enough for marriage partner. Since you are more dates later on. Don't clearly too young to be thinking
LOS ANGELES (NC)-: Organized crime and a rebel- , lious mood among the popu ,lace are plaguing Soviet,'
Russia. Dr. Erik Ritter von Kuehnelt Leddihn said "the communists seriously about marriage, they you think they're too strict? feel that you are too young to' go want their people to behave like * * • out on frequent dates. Although perfect Christians, but without You have a
dating is "fun," it also involves rear problem: I
ALUMNI HONOR FORMER RECTOR: Bishop Bryan Christianity. It is impossible." moral dangers which they feel • don't find it The Austrian author and jour you will be able to meet better J. McEntegart of Brooklyn, former Rector of Catholic Uni hard to un at center on occasion of receiving the versity, is pictured nalist declared "The Soviet when you are more mature derstand how Man," is reacting logically to Cardinal Gibbons Medal from the university's Alumni Asso Value of Objections you feel. Every Soviet training by adopting an Do their objections' have any ciation. At left is John L. Schreder, national president of girl desires to value?' The first one cert:l,inly the association, and at right, Msgr. William J. McDonald, be' popular,. It's attitude of "let's enjoy life." The has. At present you have ari op normal to want Soviets have raised a monster in acting Rector of the University. NC Photo. portunity to get an education and to have dates the Red nursery, he declared. to develop your talents., The'way and to have fun 1\t least two crime syndicates : you do this will pretty well-de';' , with those of cide what kind of woman you" your own age. an end. The,end of life is God' are operating nationally in Rus PITTSBURGH (NC) - There ~ill be in life, If you waste this ' You feel all the sia, he contended. He identified Himself." , is a void in public education be time, what will you have later more'restricted because "all the "Our government rests on them as the Strange Ones and cause it leaves unanswered cer on? You probably want to marry other girls your age"-you really certain ideas which are a part of ' the Black Cats. They go so far tain ,basic question!!, the super some day. What wi!'l you, bring mean some of the. othcr girls, the Judaic-Christian tradition," , as to blow up tra'ins, and they to marriage? The' memory of don't you?-are allowed to date intendent of schools in the Cin-' , he continued. "Yet we have the control entire sections of, some freely. This seems quite unfair youthful popularity or a bal , anomalous' situation that the cinnati archdiocese has said. concentration camps, he asserted. to you because you naturally like anced, mature personality? school system, which enrolls up Speaking at Catholic LaYl1)en;s In the Ukraine the rebellious Your parents' second objection to,think of your,self as one of the wards of 85 per cent of our mood takes the form of partisan is based on experience: Although . Educational Association, Msgr. group. children, is forbidden' by law to forays from forest hideouts, he you and the boys that you would Why do you suppose your par Carl J. Ryan" said these basic teach these truths. Can we con said. date are far too young to think ents take the stand that they do? questic;ms are: What am I? and tinue to preserve our democratic about marriage~ you' are both' What is my purpose? You're sure they love you and way of life if we deprive the physically mature enough to want 'you to be happy. Do you oncoming generation of the basic' "Apart from academic l~,arn have, to think about your feel feel that they are so "strict" be truths on'which it rests?" ing, the goal of public school ings"'and emotions. You may find cause they are old-fashioned? Msgr. -Ryan said that a sympa- : teaching ,is good' citizenship," it" difficult to imagine that these ~t's take a look at d~ting from thetic understanding of the prob ' Msgr. Ryan stated. "The Catholic would ever get out of control. their point of view. Maybe they lem of public education and the! school explicitly and definitely That's because you' have never have something on their side. limitations. under which it must' teaches a child'that good citizen After all, being "old-fashioned" experienced their strength, in work in this area sho,il1d bring a ship is not the ultimate purpose y'ourself or in others. It's not or "new-fa~hioned" aie loosely greater appreciation of the Cath in life. It is merely a means to defined terms. The "old" need not that you' would directly intend to olic school system, "where it is necessarily 'be bad, and the' do anything wrong" but once not only possible to teach the I you 'meet somebody that you like' "new" need not be the best. child all about lhe<world in: Your parents are probably op very much. you have no reason Dame,Trustees~ which he lives,' but also about to believe that your reactions posed to dating on two counts. -the Author of 'this world-God ' I • NOTRE DAME (NC) '..:- Ray~ will differ from those of any First, they feel that you are now himself." , mond Reiff, president Of ,Reiff preparing yourself for life so' other normal girl. Your parents MantlfacturingCo., 'New York, that your interest and energy know this and feel that they have has been elected president of the should be centered on getting an no right to expose you to such associate board of lay trustees'of education and developing your dangers before you are more the University of Notre Dame. mature. talents. Frequent dating takes TAUNTON, MASS. He succeeds John P. Murphy, yo'ur J17 ~I' d from this task; and I know, Janie, growing up
head of a Cleveland, Ohio, de though they want you to be' seems to be it long process. You
1080 Acushnet Ave. THE BANK ON happy and have a good time, are impatient to act like an partment store, who held the NEW ~EDFORD post during the last two years. TAUNTON GREEN they feel that you should do so adult,. But why not take things
wi'th tnem and with your girl one step at a time? Then as life Both are Notre Dame graduates, ' , " ,PRESCRIPTIONS 'Member of Federal Deposit friends.. ' Walter Duncan, a LaSalle, Ill., unfolds, you will be reaIiy' pre
Insurance Corporation Second, they' believe that the pared for each new' venture. banker, ,has been named vice SURGICAL SUPPORTS ty'pe of association with the op What about tl;1e other girls'? Well, president of the lay board. posite sex which 'we call dating they're not adults either. In
has a definite purpose which allowing them to act as, )fthey
need not be your primary con were, their parents are 'merely
cern at your age. Dating is a closing their eyes to the facts of
process by which you, getaclife. Do you think this is fair?
I _
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for _Bristol County
Raymond Reiff Heads. Nohe
Bristol' County Trust Company
"~ y&UIL 'D/tR1lh{. kltcJ!!Jt:: ~TJu.l(!,!
Msgr. John Mo Fearns DsN~med, AuxiHo'ry to CardindISpe;~ma~~
'WASHINGTON (NC)-Msgr. PropagaQda and at the Gregorian John lVI. Fearns, pastor 'of St. University in Rome., Following Francis de Sales Church, New his return home, 'he served as York, has been named Titular assistant pastor in St.Columba's Bishop o'f Geras and Auxiliary parish, New York, ,S1. ,Gabriel's, Bishop to His Eminence Francis New Rochelle, and Resurrection, Cardinal Spellman, ArchbiShOP Rye, N. Y. During the summers of New York, He will be conseand on weekends whiie teaching crated Dec. 10 in St. Patrick's in the arhdiocesan seminary, he CathedraL served in Annunciation and' cSt. Bishop-dellignate Fearns will Augustine's parishes "in' New assist Cardinal 'Spellman in ad.York., He was, chaplain of St. ministration matters and hI Con., Clar.e's.- School, ',Mou~t: Hop~, fitmation, a'nd ordination cere:- : ,N. Y.;' in 1925~~6. ,.::' ',' . .' monies. He will continue as,pas- ' In the curia of the Archdioces'e . " ,tor of St Fran'cis de, Sales o.f New York; Bishop-elect Church., The parish school is - Jfearns has served as ;niember, ' tonducted by Sisters 'of the Holy' of the board of consUJt~s, De Union 'of the Sacred Hearts. fender of the Marriage Bond, a The appointment, made by His judge i~ the matrimonial oourt, Holiness Pope Pius XII, was anand Censor Librorum. nounced by His Excellency Archbishop Amleto Giovanni .Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to the United States. The newly named Bishop was a ,professor at St. Joseph's Sem imiry, Dunwoodie" Yonkers, ' N. Y., from 1930 to 1940, a,nd was
rector of the seminary from 1940
until June, 1956.
Born in New York on June 25,
1897, the son of Robert and Mar-,
garet Ann (McLoughlin) Fearns,
both of 'whom are deceased, he
attended S1. Jpseph·s Seminary,
Dunwoodie, and the North American College in Rome. He S2 Varieties :... HaridCut ! was ordained in the chapel of the Later:m Seminary in Rome,' BUZZARDS BAY February 19, 1922, by Cardinal OPP. B B Theatre Basilio Pompilj. DENNISPORT Following his ordination, - The' Old Post' Office " Bishop-elect Fearns' continued ,8tudies at the University, of the "";;;;;;-;";;-;"';-';';';;;;;.-.-;",._,;;,._ _...;,;.. ,
j',~, ~~~~~
Bra,mi,new home? RemodeDing your kitchen? Neither 'is 'complete without' the modern beauty of aD automatic :'matchless" built-in GAS'ran:-e. The built-i~ oven C0e8 right in the wall, with controls at convenient e)'e' level. The range topfi~, into any counter
toP, puts surfafie burners exactly where, you want them, . Get a GAS built-in cooking' range because: only GAS' gives the speed and flexibilit)': required modern day cooking. It eve~ has a borne'r that "thinks" for itself. Go first class •• ,. Go GAS.
Polish Ordinary Notes Improved Church Status
Name McGowan CODtiDued From Pa~e 'ODe trict Governor for the Diocese of Fall River. Serra Club is a vOluntilry asso ciation' of Catholic laymen who dedicate themselves to a two fold objective, fostering voca tions to the priesthood, and fur thering Catholicism through en
Church's position in Poland has "definitely improved" over the past year and ahould continue to improve, a Yisiting Polish Bishop said here. He is Auxiliary Bishop Karol Pekala of Tarnow, who arrived here on the first leg of a two month tour of the United States. As the representative of His Eminence Stefan Cardinal Wy szynski, Primate of Poland and the Polish Episcopate's Commit tee on Charity, Bishop Pekala will meet with the directors of various Catholic and Polish American relief agencies on taeilitating aid to Poland. Close to Hierarch,. Interviewed in his apartment at the Daughters of Mary resi dence here, the 55-year-old pre late spoke with great feeling of the renewed vitality of his coun try's traditional Catholicism. "The Polish nation has re eeived an excellent mark in its religious examination," he ob served. "Nowhere in the world do people pray as wonderfully as in Poland." He said a .strong bond unites the people and the Polish hier archy, a fact he attributes to shared sutferings since World War II. Asked if last year's "bread and freedom" riots were-as reported in many secular newspaper without religious significance, Bishop Pekala replied: '. Freedom of Conscience : "Nothing could be further from the truth. In the minds of the Polish people, personal free dom cannot be separated from freedom' for the Catholie Church." Since the Poznan riots 'of .June, 1956, which the. ouster of the government's Stal inist clique and the ascendancy of Wladyslaw Gomulka as Com munist Party head, the Polish Episcopate h!ls arrived at a "mOdus vivendi" with the gov ernment, the Bishop said. For instance, in' the critical area of religous education, in struction is provided during the .frst eleven veal'S of school, or through the' equivalent of the second year of college. · The new constitution, how eYer, provides for "freedom of conscience," he explained. As a result, secular schools have been established in' certain areas where the majority of the people voted against religious instruc tion.
during friendships among .Cath olic men. The deputy district governor is responsible for the organiza tion of new clubs within the dio cese, and he assists in the solu tion of any problem in existing clubs. Mr. McGowan is currently serving as president of the Attle boro District Serra Club, and was
THE ANCHOR Thurs., Nov. 14, 1957 '
first vice-president when the club was chartered in April of 1956. He was diocesan lay-chairman of the 1957 Catholic Charities Appeal and has been active in civic affairs for many years. He
is a former chairman of the North Attleboro School Commit tee, was campaign chairman for the 1956 campaign of the United Fund of North Attleboro, and is president of the 1957 United Fund. He is married to the former Evelyn G. Boardman of South Attleboro, and has six children, three boys and three girls.
1649 South Main Street
It's as simple as
to bank in a branch
'01 the Fall River Trust
Neighborhood banking offers the ultimate in convenience - and, to a woman that's a very important thing.
Asks K of C Renew Charity -Program 'ATLANTIC CITY (NC) Bishop Justin J. McCarthy of Camden told Knights of Co lumbus not to be satisfied with past achievements, but to'renew oonstantly their activities to help Catholics and non-Catholics. · The Bishop commended the It of C apostolate of the press. effort to bring non-Catholics to the Church, and "the considerate charity shown by many councila to the poor and the sick.", · He add,ed that "the record of , the past should always serve as'. • stimulus and an inspirati9n to continual activity that will bring blessings to yourselves and to many others, Catholics and non Catholics, who are in urgent _ need of help in these difficult times."
•645 Couat, Street
Her many roles as mother ... wife ••• housekeeper or' business-woman . make her daily schedule 'a busy and varied one. ~ That's ·why·she enjoys banking at th~ Fall Rlver .TrUst. She knows that . wherever she is on a d~ily journey •. ;·downtown ... out South ••• in the Flint or in suburban Somerset ' -she can always ban~ in a: branch' of the Fall River Trust.
.2.9 Plealant Street
First 'Superior " SEOUL (NC) - Father Ken neth Killoren, S.J., of Appleton. Wis., has been named first supe· rior of the Jesuit mission here in Korea. The special work of the' mission, staffed by Jesuits from the Wisconsin Province, ill the establishment oia Ca,tholie uni versity for Kore·a. 0
Conducts Triduums Rev. Joseph Sims, C.SS.R., • native of Taunton, recently con ducted Triduums at Catholie Memorial Home, Fall River, and at Ou'r Lady's Haven, Fairhaven. The services were held in Fall Ri.ver Sunday through Tuesday. and at Fairhaven Wednesda,. tbrough Saturday•.
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Total A.ssets Ot'er $26,000.000.00
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THE ANCHOR Thurs., Nov. 14, 1957
W~ekly Calendar Of Feast Days
Published Weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall 'River , 410 Highland Avenue ." Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 PUBLISHER' Most. Rev. James L Connolly, D.O., 'Ph.D. GENERAL MANAGER 'ASST. GENERAl:MANAGER Rev. John P. Driscoll Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. MANAGING EDITOR , Attorney t:tugh J. Golden
,American Religious' Revival
TODAy-St:Josaphat, Bishop Martyr. The first of the Orien tals to be canonized formally in Rome, he was a native of Vladi mir, Poland, and became a priest of the Order of St. Basil. He worked tirelessly and performed rigorous penances for the extinc tion of the Eastern schisms. He became Archbishop 0 f Polotsk and increased his efforts among schismatics, winning many converts. Although warned against visiting a parish in Witepsk, overrun by schismatics, he faced the danger and was put ' to death by enemies of the Church on November 12, 1623. He was canonized by Pope Pius IX in 1867.
, A current articie in a national magazine 'speaks of the growing doubt about the so-called religious revival' in this country. More than one hundred million Americans 'more than ever befor&--are now members of churche~. TOMORROW-St. Albert the But how religious are these churchg'oers? Great, Bishop-Confessor-Doctor. Most ·of the doubts about the truly religious character· This famous Dominican philos fJf the revival come from Protestant ministers and theo opher and theologian, who was the teacher of St. Thomas Aqui logians and with regard to their own people. The question nas, was a German and one of of why a' Catholic goes to church isa different question, . the . greatest of the Medieval from that of .why Protestants' go to· church. Futhermore, schoolmen. He d'eclined many the doubtful e1f:ments in the current religious revival in ecclesiastical dignities, but at length was persuaded by the this country seem most evident in the suburbs while the Pope to accept the Bishopric of Catholic Church's great strength is in the ~ities. The Yardstick Ratisbon. After three ,years of Still, th~ Reverend Robert Welsh, a. Catholic priest ., able work, he was allowed to return to his convent at Cologne,' and professor at the State University of l,owa's School of where he died in 1280 at"the age Religion, recently .said that in many ca'Ses religion h~. be of 88. His works are published eome "a form of respectability" and that the relIgIOUS in 26 folio volumes. Pope Pius revival was more a social phenomenon thaI,l a true return By Rev. Dennis J. Geaney, O.S.A. IX proclaimed him as Doctor of · to religious principles. - _ ' The Editor of Sign put his fist through the- editorial' the Church. A non-Catholic church hi a mid-west town, 8 "success':' page last month when he scored the enemies of labor for SATURDAY - St. Gertrude, ful" church since ·its membership has grown from twenty making the unions the scapegoat of our creeping inflation. Virgin. She lived in the 14th century and according to tradi five in 1941 to more than two thousand today, explains its Since 1945 there have been 21 rounds of steel price in was a native of Saxony. She beliefs by saying that the "essence of the church ....• is creases and only nine rounds arm-the Federal Reserve· Sys tion was a Benedictine nun and was in its achievement of a fellowship and a spiritual environ of wage increases.. tem':"'has the pQwer to· stop a blessed with high gifts of mystie ment for those seeking to deepen tp.eir spiritual lives and The Sign also noted that general rise in prices. It can do praye,r. Her· work, "Insinuationea meet their religious needs." At the same time .~he church the price increases yielded so with or without the co Divinae Pietatis," is held com-. the industry more than $3 in operation of business and labor puts little stress· on doctrine or creed. unions and it can do so in spite parable to the writings of St. revenue for each $1 in wage in This church has grown and may be considered,'8 ' of all the so-calleq cost-push Teresa. creases. I don't -typical example of the religious revival in Protestantism. -think factors that have been built into that any- . SUNDAY- St.. Gregory the our economic system. It can do And yet the first minister of that 'particul~r church has one can gainsay so by. raising taxes or by cutting Wonderworker. Bishop-Confes this to say: "I have a suspicion that the great freedom that in the late Federal expenditures. It can also sor. He was born at Neo-Caesa
our church has expressed over the sixteen years of its forties particu force the banking system to re rea, a pagan city of Pontus near
'larly the steel organization - when we 'said that there. are no. cree~s companies acted' duce the volume of loans and . the Black Sea and-about the year in this church, that each one may come mand fmd hIS as brokers. For invMtment, and make money 240 became its Bishop. At his and credit as tight as it chooses own way as long as we. believe in God an~ Christ and the every wage. in accession there were but 17 through Federal Reserve poli Church and the Bible - has made it easier for us to crease . the'y Christians in the town and on his cies. In the face o~ these re accept the 'religion of the .American way~ r~the.r tha~ ~he. gave the work strictive pressures inflation can deathbed he thanked God that _ religion of Jesus Christ, to find oU,r salvation m bUlldmg ers they took be brought to a quick halt." there remained only the' same commission; in the way of' up our own prestige and working out our self-sufficiency, •larger There is no' question that the profits. The consumer, government can stop inflation number of idolaters. His title . which leads always to frustration, rather than finding of course, footed the bill for with the tools it has, but would . of Thaumaturgus, or W;onder both. .' our salvation in depending on God.", .. the cure kill the patient? Would worker, came from his gift of' . It is a ~ood sign when our non-Catholic, frien~s start -'Ne'er the Twain .... these controls throw us into a . miracles. He took part in the: .To let the matter drop there period' of large scale unemploy- , to questio,! _the validity of "religious group theral?Y" ~ Council of Antioch in 164 against is no solution of the inflation . ment? . the wc;>rship, of God. It is' healthy for them to ask if reh ' " ' problem. In fact it. only inflame~ . In this case inflation :would be Paui of Samosata. gion be more than superficialwith.out unchanging pre the 'business man who resents the lesser evil. Another unre MONDAY - Dedication of- the' eepts.It advance in thinking when they feel that always being cast i~' the role of' solved question is 'how much in -, Basilicas of SS. Peter and PauL' perhaps they have: used' religion for man and ,not for God. the bete noir. The situation calls flation can our economy' stand? Th~ Basil.fca -(If St. Peter afte~ , . These sincere men' are beginning to see ·that religion for an irenic approach.' We. vi e have had real prosperity· it was enlarged was consecrated .should be as much interested in during periods of mild inflation. solemnly' on this date by Pope must start from God and be centered around God. And -management's answers'to the in One's view on this is usually Urban -VIII. The Basilica of St. ·as God is unchanging, there are principles in'man's relation fla~ion -problem as .we are ·in tempered' by one's, basic eco Paul was rebuilt more beauti . ship to Him that ~ust be unchanging too. Men must wor':' defending labor's position. nomic philosophy. fully a:(ter its total destruction If one searches such publica . ship God in His way and not in th'eir way."One feels" can by fire'. It was dedicated sol Pius Xl's Plan . tions as Steel, Management Rec emnly on December 10 by Pop~ · never take the place of th~ Almighty's "Thou sJ:l.alt." . Orie ord, In any case it seems' to this and NAM literature, a con cannot conjure up his own opinions about God; he must stant refrain can be fo.und. Wage writer that -the problem sholild Piux IX, but the feast was trans search out the truth that God has revealed to ~en about increases, they agree, are not be viewed as something bigger ferred to this eday. TUESDAY - St. Eizabeth of .necessarily . inflationary, but than a feud between the houses Himself. there is' such a thing as wage of labor and management. Hungary, Widow. The daughter' "Religion is not a matter of social acceptability: . It is inflation. This is defined as a Everyone is involved-manage of King Andreas II of Hungary, not a spiritual tranquilizer. It is not a religious feeling general rise in prices that .results ment, labor, the government and . she was born in 1207 and when or emotional reaction. Religion is the Fact of God and from the push of increased labor the public. What we lack: is the only four years old was promised machinery to bring all the inter in marriage to Louis, son of the his revelation to men. And the sooner men put aside their costs rather than' the pull of ested parties together. These Landgrave of Thuringia. She was' own substitutes for the Fact of God, the sooner they seek monetary' demands. groups should be organized and married to him in 1221. Upon Wage increases become infla after Truth with sincerity of mind and heart, then the tionary when they exceed the have a forum where delegates of his death in 1227, she was re sooner will religious revival in America be on a healthy increases in productivity. The the groups can meet and make duced to poverty and forced from pathway to God. And the sooner will men come to know argument is simple. If the in the results of their mature delib her home, with her children, by her brother-in-law. At length crease in production per worker eration public policy. the joy that lies not in using but in serving God, the free This idea is not novel. Weare she saw her son, Herman, re through improved technological dom that comes not from -discarding dogmas and precepts efficiency is passed on to the merely putting -flesh and blood instated in his inheritance. She but from surrendering to these 'principles. that alone can worker on the Industry Council Plan of joined the Thir'd Order of St. in exactly the same pro Pius XI: If the reader wishes to give the freedom of the children of God. Francis, of which she is the portion, there is no need to in pursue the matter, he will flnd Patron Saint. She was noted for crease the price of the product. Catholics can draw much profit from this questioning the plan outlined in Quadrage her charity and good works. She that their non-Catholic friends are doing. They can, with The hard facts point to wage in simo Anno. Like good wine Pius died in 1231 and was canonized creases exceeding productivity gratitude to God and corresponding humility, embrace with gains. ' Xl's proposal seems to improve four years later by Pope Gregory with age. all the more joy the security that their dogmas, their creed, IX. The technique of presenting a their precepts are God's revelation for His glory and their winning argument to the public WEDNE'SDAY - St. Felix of Legion of Decency is to make' it as simple as. a salvation. Valois, ·Confessor. He was the
'Sugges·ts Groups Organize_ To Solve Inflation Problem
is an
Purpose of Catholic Press The Eastern Regional Catholic Press Association Con vention pointed up, once again, the serious duty that the Catholic Press has. to inform about things Catholic, to in struct in things Catholic, and, in the case especially of ~ \ Diocese like that of Fall River, which has corrie to have 8 Catholic newspaper only -:r:ecently, to bring about a stronger bond of unity among all the Catholics of this Diocese, to make them l'ealize their "one.ness in Christ."
slogan. Labor says the root is' The following -titles of -films son of the Count of Valois and inflationary profits; management are to be added in their respec was born in 1127. He joined the 'says it is inflationary wages. And tive classifications: Cistercians, lived for a time 'as ne'er the twain shall meet. , Unobjectionable for General a hermit in Italy,. and upon his . '•.. Both Your Houses' return to France met St. John of Patronage-Ghost Divers, Invis Actually I think just as good ible Boy, Sad Sack. Matha, with whoin he formed a case, could be' made. out by the Congregation of the Holy Unobjectionable for Adults- saying: "A plague on both your Copper Sky. . Trinity, dedicated to the redemp houses." Professor'Soloman in tion of Christian slaves held by Objectionable in Part for All the October jssu~ of Commerce 18 and Anxious, Escape from San the Moors of Spain and North writes: "The Federal Govern Africa. St. Felix lived to see 600 Quentin, Kiss Them' for Me, ment through' its budgeting pol houses of his community opened. Lafayette Escadrille, Panama iey and throug~ its monetary Sal, Tarnished· Angels. He died at .Cerf-Froid i~ 1212.
Varied Fall Activities.
Spotlighting Our SCh09IS· ST. MARY'S mGB. TAUNTON
With the closing of. the first marking period of the school year, the honor roll was posted, with seniors having the largest number of honor students and the juniors next in order. • As November has been desig nated ;is American Heritage. Month, se~iors are preparing themes on the various important· accomplishments leading to the unification of the United States. Those of °special interest are "'The Emancipation Proclama tion," by Elise Cayer; "Wilson's Fourteen Points," by Coreena Vargas; "The New Deal," by
Elizabeth Tallent; "The Dred
Scott Decision," by Mary O'Dea;
"The Good Neighbor Policy," by
Patricia Morrison; "The Monroe Doctrine," by Lee Jackson; and
"John Marshall's Court Deci-,
sions," by Frances Corcoran.
In observance of American
Education Week, Nov. 10-16, re ports were prepared on the rise of education in America. Included, are Kathleen Corri gan's "Cathot"ics in, American Education" and Linda·Menoche's ''The Rise of Education for Women." The slogan for .the cel ebration of this week was, "As the child grows, so grows the nation." DOl\IINICAN ACADEMY, FALL RIVER
Judith Aubrey, Anne Marie Caron and Janet Champagne are 'this year's newcomers to D.A:'s cheering squad, captained by senior Jeannine Barrette. The three new cheerleaders were chosen recently from among 12 finalists by judges Miss Virginia Frost of Durfee High; Miss Glaqys· Brightman of Colt High, Bristol, and Mrs. Daniel Shaugh nessy of the Fall River Girl Scouts. Thirty-three students atte.nded the Boys Town Choir Concert. Advance notice of the perform ance had been featured in the G~ide to Entertainment, a bulle tin board project handled by the junior Sodality unit. This guide is an announcement of the week's best fare in Fall River'current movies, TV programs and special performances. Basketball tryouts began last Thursday with a record number of candidates.' A'Varsity and a ':IV team are to be chosen be.. 'tween now and the first 'Narry "League game., D.A.'s 'season opener will be a league en counter, Tuesday, Dec.S, with MouiltSaint Mary Academy in' 'D.A. 'gym, . . The' annual Orchestra and 'String Recital will be held Sun
day, Nov. 24, featuring numbers
'by senior and junior orchestras,
ensembles and solos. "
Dominican Junior Varsity De
baters will open their season
Thursday, Nov. 21, meeting a
team from Coyle Jayvees at.D.A.
Five te~ms are taking pa~t in
the volleyball' tourney now in
full, swing under the chairman
ship of senior Diane Lincourt.
Team captains are Jeannine Bar
rette, Catherine Perry, Carol
Kirkman, Claire Reilly and Han
nah Sullivan.· This tournament
is one of the student activities
'conducted. by the Athletic Asso
ciation under the leadership of
president, Hannah Sullivan;
vice-president, Pauline'Letalien;
secretary, Marguerite Demers.
, D.A. members are also com
pleting plans for an 18-team
bowling league which 'will have
the exclusive use of the Fall
River Boys Club alleys the after ~ noons the league teams bowl. The National Catholic Decency
in Reading Drive opened Friday
at a rally conducted by' the
cheerleaders in their firs~ ap
pearance of the year. Claire
Reilly, general campaign man
ager, will be assisted by 'class
captains Madeleine Michaud,
Muriel Thibault, Geraldine Gag
non, Marie Caisse, Beverly Re
bello, Cecile Roy, Mary Martha
Andrade, Jeannette Desrosiers,
Barbara Hart, ,Muriel Thivierge,
Marsha Drape arid .Shirley Bru
A fashion show, ''Winter Won
~ ders," sponsored by the Alumnae
Association 'will be h~ld ill the
THE ANCHOR Thurs., Nov. 14, 1957
Say Churches Here Reds' Target
academy, auditorium next Wed nesday.. F.ashions will be from Reggi's. Senior Elaine Maltais is student chairman of 'the ticket sale. Proceeds will be for· the building fund:
WASHINGTON (NC) Churches have been a prime target of the "present-day pattern' of communist activi
SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY, FALL RIVER The academy will be hostess
ity in the mid-South area," ac cording to two members of the Senate Internal Security Sub committee. Senator James O. Eastland of Mississippi, chairman of the Senate unit, and Senator Wil liam E. Jenner of Indiana, re leased a two-page joint sum mary of their: findings gained from hearIngs in Memphis. . Besides the churches, said the two legislators, other objects of the "communist network" have been Parent-Teacher Associa-, tions, colleges, high schools and labor organizations. They said that from the testi mony of 14 witnesses "certain facts clearly emerge." Among these are, that participants in the communist conspiracy "have taken extraordinary security . measures," and that "members of the network include men and women who are highly educated, efficient and have every appear ance of respectability."
to the Fall River, Diocesan So
dality Union next Sunday. Fif teen delegates from each of the six diocesan schoo}s with organ ized sodalities will attend. Father Edward S. Stanton, S.J., Regional Director, will conduct a series of discussions'on Sodality leadership. By viewing the film, "Tues day's Child," the students gained information and sympathetic understanding of 'retarded chil"" dren. The ,causes of retardedness and the correct approach' to the -teaching of 'retarded children were emphasized· in the film. • ,'''Silhouettes'' has been chosen as the .theme of the first dance' to· be presented by the Seven teeners' Committee .at Steven., son's on Frid~, Nov. '22. JUNIOR FORESTERS INSTALL: Shown at ceremony Operating the concession in Fall River are, left to right, Thomas M. Gemilli, installing stand, selling. mlik, and display officer; Janice Brown, Junior "Chief Ranger of Father ing the latest in the' "sweet" line are the duties of lunch room Lehaghan Court, New Bedford; Rev. Walter A. Sullivan, aides Lorraine Bastille, Marie' chaplain, and Barbara, Gaspar, Junior Chief Ranger of Fortin, Mary' Gallagher, Judith Our Lady of Fatima Court, F,all River. the combined Day of Recollco-' Hunt and Elizabeth Rego. tiop and Leadership Training Forty-five underclassmen have Monika Smith; sophomores, brary. The regular meeting of 'Program to be held on next Sun joined the newly organized Eileen Grillo, Paulette, Charron,' academy sodality was carried on day, Nov. 17, were discussed and C.Y.O. of Fan River. ·Of the Claire Durand and ,Georgette, with a panel discussion on: "The settled. activities offered, ,sewing, cook Sodality in Your Life" as the Nunes. ing, first aid and basketball are Catherine Goulet '58 and theme. A sodality workshop pro
the preferred among these girls. Claire Picard '58· assisted the cedure' was foliowed. In these DURING THE CENTENNIAL YEAR-AN A display of illustrated orig £lP£RIENCE YOU WILL TREASURE FOREVER "Visiting; Day" pr<tgrain at groups the topic considered was: , inl:\lsonnets was exhibited by the . Annhurst College. ' "What do you believe is the , .creative writing unit of the se greatest ~oral danger to teen nior English Class. This project MOUNT ST. MARY ACADEMY, agers, and how does the Sodality
was initiated in connection with FALL RIVER help us to overcome it?"
the study of Elizabethan lyrical At the regular meeting of the Refreshments were served in
poetry. Love, nature and religion Girls Athletic' Association; the the academy 'cafeteria after the were the popular themes. Senior following members were elected meeting. Frances' Thomas, '50, I sonneteers Helen Gannon, Fer to lead the players' during the was chairman of hospitality and "Ylsftill& places of Catholic Interest In [lll'Op8 nanda Carreiro, Ly'nne Collins scholastic year 1957-58: refreshments. Sponsored by membe" 01 tlle Calilollc 'Hi8f81Chy and Joan Morris were accorded President: Mary Margaret Lo A- special meeting of the mod
first, second, third and fourth plan now to AttenO the
erators and directors of the So
awards respeeth'ely. Honorable max, '58; Vice-president, Elea dality Un'jon of. the Diocese was
nor Bedard, '58; Secretary, Caro mention was received by Jacque c€ n t€ n mc\l line 'Bussiere, Pauline Dumas, lyn ,Lenaghan, "58; Treasurer, held at Mount St. Mary Academy
-" last Monday in the academy li ,Judith M~ight, '59; and Pub Mary Costro and Leslie Salvo. . C€l€BRatlon brary. Plans and procedures for licity Chairinan, Kathryn Ma JESUS MARY ACADEMY, , griby, '60. ' At FALL RIVER , The ~heer1eaders voted unani Ten. seniors' will attend open mously for' new attire. This will lOUROes house at Katharine Gibbs School, be'ready in ·two weeks; ': ...... Providence, today. The group in . The Soci~lity" of: the' Imma~u cludes Doris Mathieu, Cecile ;Na 'late Heart of Mary and Mother T.~ird Qrder Regular of' I~rtin& ~arch Ih'OU&.h OctObe.r ~ ,ship 1Ild. Ifr deau, Glaudette Nadeau, Clau<;l Cabrini of MoU'ntSt. Mary Acad An travel arrangements by . St. Francis ' ette .CarOlI, LOrraine Duquette, .: emy was hbstess to the Holy " catholIC mavelleA<jue . Claire Roy, Lorraine St. Geotges, Offe,r to Young Mel} and Boys Jeanine Babin, Jeanne Robillard :Famiiy 'High School SOdality For Complete information write Or ~ IlP~!;~~l, 9PJ?or~upities to '~ast"Fl-iday, in 'the 'academy Ii and Mary Ann Levesque ' . .• " " •~ to',,~: ,~;\ •. ' ..., stUdy for the PrIesthood. LaCk ,FALL RIVER TRA~EL BUREAU , ,ot funds no obstacle.· Candi . Debate'coach David Co~neiI of 'INC: .dates ,for 'the ., Lay Stonehill College selected foUr DeDIT' J. Feitelbera:. T . 'Brotherhood also accepted. members from the debate class Established 1906 For further :information, write . '29 North Main Sf.. ~ participate in the, preliminary to Fall River, Mass. oratorical contest, ''''rhe Voice of Tel. FilII River, Tel. Providenee Dem(jcracy" to take place· on FATHER STEPHEN, T.O.R. OS 5-74011 UN 1-6168 Nov., 19 at Hotel Mellen. P~ O. BOX 289 nqUire Here Regardin/r' They are Diane Caron, Jacque All Pilgrimages ' HOLLIDAYSBURG 12, PA. ._-----_.line Caron, Claire Delisle and I' Pauline Beaulieu. Other' stu dents who competed' as prospec tive candidates were': seniors, Women's Apparel Rachelle Labreche, ' LOrraine Dube; juniors, Annette Desau 262 Union St: New Bedford ,tels, Angeline Howard, Jacque line Plante, Judy Goulart,
pllq'RlmaCj€ S
The Frallciscan Fathers
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Bishop of Fall River,
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Members will visit Lourdes during The Year of Jubilee-proclaimed \:Iy the Holy Father to commemorate
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~t OUf House'
Difficult Choice Be"twe~n"""'Y-' Dinner and r'eleph~ne,'
By Mary Tinley Daly Your house may be different, but'here's the situation at ours: Come dinner time, the family ~ssembled, roast exuding tantaliZIng 'aroma, vegetables hot and 'buttery, quiet descends as the Head of the House blesses himself:, ,"In the Narne of the unwanted calls, the occasional Father, and of the' Son, and' spilled milk caused by a sudden jumping up from the table-:-we of the .. r• .. tolerate them because ... uBr-rr-rr, Brr-rr-rr, Brr I',' Well, maybe it would be ,
rings the telephone. "Dibs on not I' 'Round th e table goes the
non - dibbling and the slowest ' "non - dibbler" among the 70unger gener ation - usually
Ginny-is elect
ed First An ~erer.
i;: I
Bead of the House shouts.
"Sh-h, Daddy," comes a stage whisper from the phone stand as First Answerer puts hand over mouthpiece. "It's probably not for you, anyway."
Whether it is or not for him, the reason why the Head of the
House refuses to let us say he is at dinner is a mystery. More polite, perhaps, to be "not in"? Technically, according to the moral theologians we've read, the "he's not in" is no infringe ment of the eighth command:" ment, meaning simply that he is "not in~ to the' caller' at that particular time. But, morals beside the point, when it is for the' Head of the Bouse and the caller hears that vociferous voice, sure to be 'rec ognized, well"":"it takes a little
explaining.' One Well known ruse is, "Pleace excuse me while
I turn', down the radio," hoping that the one at the, ,other - end thinks' that '8 news broadcaster is a cabinet officer who is no ,longer in~r' something of the ~rt. " , None of the rest of us has the
eourage-or laok of curiosity to give any excuse at all for not answering a phone call specific ally for us. . . , Other Calls Follow The interrupted grace and din ner proceed. Call number two comes almost on the final good bye of call number one. Then follow numbers thl'ee, four and five unto the end of the meal. A rotation scheme that sprang into being almost automatically at our house and is 100 per cent effective is this: The person who received the last call is the one ,who mtist ans~er the next one. It just might be a call we'd hate to miss, though some, we con fess, we could easily live with out:
, "May I put your name down as a committee member?" "Our man will. be in your neighborhood tomorrow and we'd like to 'make an e~timate." "What TV/radio progra~ are ;you watching/listening to?" "Congratulations! Your name bas been drawn to receive a free dance lesson." "We have an unbeatable mag azine subscription offer you can't afford to miss." . "You've undoubtedly heard of Quiet Hill? Well, we have a few choice lots left and every family must prepare for these things..." And for Ginny: "What an swer'd you get to that third problem? Did Sister say we had to do both columns?" For the teen-agersJ any call is better than nothing, and they never are in a hurry to terminate any conversation. Might Be Real So it goes. The phone could be silent for hours, but just let us start dinner-whether it be early qr late-and the jangle begins. The Head of the House is all for pulling out the plug-by infer ence letting people know we're ~not in"-but we talked him' out of that notion. ' Cooling foo~, the annoyance of
Johnny or Lu, asking for a baby sitter or just wanting to say hello;
Aunt Virginia, Aunt Margaret or other'relatives; , One of a' number of young men; One of a number of girl friends, or older friends; A long distance call from out west; -,' A similar call from our bride and-groom, Eileen and Tony, in Bristol, Virginia.
When a real call come~who minds cold food when the heart'. aglow?
Junior Foresters Install Officers
Th~mas Gemelli "of Brighton, junior director of the Massachu setts Catholic Order of Foresters, installed junior division' officers of Our' Lady -of Fatima Court, Fall River.. and Rev. Arthur J; Lenaghan Court, New Bedford, at joint exercises in the Catholic Community Center,'Fall Riv~r. Chief Rangers ins~ll~'were Janice Brown of the New Bed ford, Court and Barbara Gaspar of Fall River Court. Other ,officers installed were as follows: Our Lady of Fatima Court
Carole J{elly, vice chief ral!ger;
Arlene, Gaspar, recording secre
tary; Patrick Dillon, financial
secretary; James Wilcox, senior conductor; Peter Pelton, junior conductor; Carolyn Murphy, in side sentinel, and Loretta Frain; outside sentinel. Father Lenaghan Court-Mark
Munroe, vice chief ranger; Susan
Riley, recording secretary; Susan
Mello, financial secretary; Bria,n
Hodgson, senior ·!=<)nductor;
Charles Newtori, junior conduc tor; Evelyn Newton, inside sen tinel; Maureen Osborne, outside sentinel. Richard Mariel was marshal. Congratulations were extended by Rev. Walter A., Sullivan, chaplain of Our Lady of Fatima', Court, and the following mem bers of the High Standing Com mittee: High Vice Chief Ranger Ed ward J. Roycroft of Randolph, High Inside Sentinel Harold Lee of Wilmington, and ,Edwin 'fur ner of the High' Finance Commit tee.
Entertainment was provided by James Charbonneau, Carole Kelly, Arlene and Barbara Gas par, with James Wilcox 'as mas ter of ceremonies. Miss Gaspar announced the appointment of Sheila Stasiowski as head cap tain. Fall River Foresters ,played an' active part -in the Dessert Fash ion Show held at the Sheraton Plaza Ballroom in Boston. Solos were offered.' by MisS Gaspar" Miss Kelly and, Miss' Mary E. Wilcox, a Boston ,College stu dent. Models included Virginia Howarth and Mary Lomax. Miss Howarth and her mother, Mrs. Thomas Howarth, presented a mother and daughter picture.
WELK ORCHESTRA PLAYS FOR NUNS: Band-leader Lawrence Welk takes time ,for a conversation'with Sister Lucia Marie, C.S.C., Sister John Christopher,S.C., and Sister Alethea,S.C.N., during a special performance in Washington. 'Occasion was a special thank you for Sisters in the Capital City Ar chdiocese for their part in the Catholic' Stan 'dard 'Subscription Drive. NC Photo. ' ,
New Bedford Women Day of RecollectidD F or Sodality·Union Plan Bishop's Night
Girls at Stonehill
To' Honor Mothers
Mary Beth Lanagan gf Fair The Queen of Peace Sodality Union of the Diocese of Fall haven, a sophomore, is a member River will conduct a combined of the committee planning a Day of Recollection and Leader ship Training Program next mother-daughter tea Sunday aft ernoon, in the Administration Sunday. Rev, E.dmUQd S. Stan
ton, S,J., Director of Sodalities Building at Stonehill College, for New England, will conduct sponsored by the Crosier Club. the sessions ,from 1 to 5 P. M. at Carol Braga of Fall River, a the Academy of the Sacred , senior, will be vocal soloist. Hearts, Fall River. Mothers of club officers, in Directors, moderators and ,eluding Mrs. James B. Lanagan leaders of parish sodalities' are of Fairhaven, will pour.
invited to attend. Father Stimton will conduct an institute for priests engaged in
, sodality works next Wednesday
in 'Providence. " Both meetings are planned to lin. acquaint both religious and laity, Mrs. Leo A. Gallagher, Mrs. T; with, the principles and objec "it's a whale of a' drin)l'; Clinton Galligan, Mrs. Joseph N. tives of the sodality movement
17 DELICIOUS FLAVORS Joseph, Mrs. Howland, s. Kir:tg, , which was.approved so firmly by
Mrs. Anthony M. Lima, Mrs. Pope Pius XII in his encyclical, BEST SINCE 1853 "Bis Saecular," and which offers Frank Mahon. " so much spiritually to tliose who WE DELIVER Mrs. Charles D; Phelan, Mrs. live th~ Sodality Way'of Life. CALL
'. Roland Pion, ,Mrs.. James ,M. Quinn, Mrs. Anthony E. Rose,
WY 9'·6264 'Mrs. Edward L. Ryan. &' and _9~265 Mrs. Leo' F. St. Aubin, Mrs.
ONE STOP Joseph D. Saulnier, Mrs. John'
W. ~tewart, Mrs. James' H. Tay SHOPPING CENT~R lor, Mrs. Lawrence A. Weaver.
a~d • Television _ Furniture' Mrs. John W. Whalen, Mrs.
William N., Whelan Jr., Mrs. • Grocery' • , Appliances SCHOOL S1• Harold F. Williams and Mrs. At So. First St. 104 Allen St., New Bedford'
Walter B. Wilson. NEW BEDFORD WYman 7-9354 Also, the Misses Margaret M.
Austin, Kathleen Downey, Rita T. McGlynn, Emily C. Perry,
Josephine Perry and Estelle
servais. '
Arrangements are now under way for' the annu,al Bishop's Night Dinner of the Catholic ,Woman's Club, New Bedford, to be held at 7 Thursday night, Nov. 21, in the New Bedford Hotel. This dinner in honor of His F,;x cellency Most Reverend James L. Connolly,. D.D., ,is, being planned by Mrs. Charles Reck ordsand her hospitality committee. ' Working for the success of the event are Mrs: Thomas P. Barry,
Mrs. Eric lj:. Besso, Mrs. T. Wil liam Clynes, Mrs. Manuel O.
Correia, Mrs. David Costa Jr., Mrs. James 'I). Dunn, Mrs. Ed ward, J. Fisher, Mrs. Frank T.
Francis, Mrs. Frederic J. Frank;'
Hilram Wheaton' Sons, Inc. 45
FO~ 1958"
See CIInd Drive h ,
54-56 Court Street
' Taunton~_Mass.
Ia Stoek h..medtate DdiYell7 • DESKS • CHAIRS
Fanevil Hall, Basta!" - a large market building, dur ing the Revolution the Whigs, or Patriots, met there.
fFALL RIVER 5·7838
Alumnae Association Plans Luncheon To provide Alumnae-spon-, sored scholarships to Salve Re';' gina College the Alumnae Asso-:. ciation is conducting a luncheon and hat fashion show Saturday,
Nov. 2,in the Hotel Viking,
Among the members serving
on the committee are Miss Irene
Reese and Mrs. Edward Sba7 ~,
Fall R i v e r . , ' , ,
.A Qmilui;.At1fk
8peeial Arraogemeota 'FGI'
Moral Problem
In Modern Women's Dress
Continued From Page ODe of clothing: hygiene, modesty and decorum. He declared that these three principles are so. deeply rooted in nature that they cannot be disregarded or con tradicted without creating re pulsive. results. By hygienic requirements, the PQpe said, he meant those con siderations concerned mostly with climate, its variations and .other similal> external factors. Even here, he said, climate con ditfons must not be used as a pretext to justify license. By tile "natural demand of modesty," he said he referred to the obvious 'necessity of covering the body out of consideration for the sensitiveness of others and as a "shield against disordered sen auality." The third reason governing clothing fashions, which is de corum, he said, responds to the innate need, especially felt by women, to enhance the beauty and dignity of the person.. The Pontiff attacked the no tion that modesty is merely the result of a particular kind of education. He said: "The singular opinion that at tributes the sense of modesty to this or that education • • • is a false product of civilization, a stimulus for dishonesty and a source of hypocrisy, and is not supported by any serious rea·son. "On the contrary, it (this theory) encounters an explicit condemnation in the resulting repugnance in which those are viewed who dare to adopt it as a way of life. Thus the rightness of common sense, manifest in universal usages, is confirmed." The Pope took note of the great influence wielded by fash ion designers and called on them' to use it for good. He reminded that their influence has a social impact which can actually shape· public habits. Theater and Films He told ·the designers that "in .tyle, more than in any other activity,. the' people wish to be guided·· * • It is necessary there fore that your actions should be proper. "Among those,' furthermore, who at present time are with great effectivene&ll guiding pub lic tastes, are celebrities espe cially in the world of the theater and films." The Pope urged the designers to try to bring at leas' a few of the top personalities over "to the 100d cause." Some challenge the fact that "such an exterior contingent and relative fact as fashion" could 'really involve a moral problem, the Pope noted. But, he coun tered, in fashions, as in art, sci ence, politics' and similar activ ities, the subject is man, who cannot escape from directing these activities to his ultimate and supreme end. He added:
"There is, therefore, a moral problem of styles, not only in that they constitute a generically human activity, but more specif ically in that this activity is carried out in a field which en tails, or is at least very close to, evident moral values and even more in so far as the' aims of styles, honest in themselves, are more exposed to being confused by the wicked tendencies of a human nature degraded by orig inal sin, and of being changed into occasions of sin and scanda!. "The Church, however, does not censure or. condemn styles when they are meant for the proper decorum and ornamenta tion of the body. But she never fails to warn the faithful against being easily led astray by them," the Pope said. Immodest Styles "This positive attitude of the Church derives from reasons far' higher than the mere esthetic and hedonistic considerations which have been elevated by a return of paganism," he said. "She knows and teaches that the human body, Which is God's masterpiece ili. the visible world, and which has been placed at the service of the soul,"'Was ele vated by the Divine Redeemer VOICE OF DEMOCRACY SPEAKERS: Jesus Mary to the rank of a temple and an instrument of the Holy Spirit, Academy, Fall River, students chosen to participate in and as such must be respected. the preliminary oratorical contest Nov. 19 at Hotel Mellen "Its beauty must therefore not are left to right, .seated, Claire Delisle and Diane Caron; be exalted as an end in itself, . much less in such guise as will standing, Jacqueline Caron and Pauline Beaulieu. defile that given dignity." Academy Students
Somerset Women Among the sources of im modest styles the Pope listed Planning Bazaar Oratory Contest
three· in particular: evil inten1 . Four' J.esus-Mary· Academy st. Patrick's Circle, Daughters tions of the fashion designers; of Isabella of Somerset, will con-. immodesty of the one who wears students will compete in the Na the garment and an inordinate tional Oratorical Contest "The duct its annual bazaar from 1 to Voice of Democracy" next Tues desire for luxury. day at Mellen Hotel sponsored 10 Saturday, Nov. 23, in the Old He said the restoration of mor Town Hall, under the general ality to fashions must Pegin with by the Fall Riv:er Junior Cham chairmanship of Mrs. Alice B. those who design and those who ber of Commerce. The· program is open to all Costa. wear the fashions. He added 'that the cut of a garment mu'st not be high school pupils of the nation.. A snackbar of ham, beans, suited to the taste of an already Six schools from Fall River are potato salad', coffee· and desserts corrupt society but sbould be listed . among the prospective will be featured. Other booths based on' the aspiration of a competitors. Prizes for the city will provide a sweet shop, trea winners will be announced in ure chest, white elephant, hand- . society which prizes the dignity and seriousness. of its public the near future. kerchiefs, glitter shop, handi morals. The top ranking student in· the work, tiny tot and winter gar:den. city will be considered for selec Style Excesses , Mrs. Costa requests that pas-' UNo less .harmful," the Pope tion as the representative of the tries and articles be delivered to continued, "are the excesses of state' in the eady part 'of Decem her home at 1264 Riverside Ave style when it assumes the task ber. The highest ranking candi nue, Somerset. The following of satisfying the thirst for lux da.te among all the local winners articles are needed for the white ury • * * where moral conscience in the state will receive a $100 elephant ~ble: Books, vases, does not succeed in moderating Bond, with $50 for the second pocketbooks, toys, odd jewelry, . the use of riches, even if they . place winner. small picture frames,' gloves, are honestly acquired. Either From all 48 states, the state odd dishes and china and plants. frightful barriers will be raised winners will meet in February A "bean guessing'" contest will between classes or the entire to compete for the National society will be set adrift, ex Award. A scholarship will be take place and a white crocheted hausted by the race toward the announced to the winner of the stole will be awarded. The affair utopia of material happiness... · National Oratorical. Contest by is open to the public free of So style might "follow the the repres~ntatives of the Cham char/{e. right road and attain the e~d of ber of Commerce. being th'e faithful jnterpreter of The selection will be made on civilized and Christian tradi the basis of elocution, theme, tion," the Pope suggested the presentation, delivery appear following guiding principles: ance and perso':!ality. 1) One should not attribute too little importance tc the in fluence of style either for evil or for good. 2) Style should be dominated: TEDDY KALISZ and controlled instead of being 314 Church St., New Bedford abandoned to caprice and ab jectly served. WY 4-0421 WY 3-7342 3) Moderation should be exer cised in the entire field with the conviction that sobriety is the best quality of art.
INSURANCE WY 3-5762 136 Cornell St. New Bedford
U.N. POST: Elected chair man of the Non-Govern mental Organizations Com mittee of the U.N. Interna tional Children's Emergency Fund is Miss Alba Zizzamia, representative of the World· Union of Catholie Women's OrganizatIons at the United Nations. Miss Zizzamia is a member of the National Catholic Welfare Conference Office staff. NC Photo.
Thomas F. Monaghan Jr.
Thurs., Nov. 14, 1957
Dr. Joslin to Speak At Club Meeting Dr. Allen P. Joslin, noted au thority on diabetes, will speak on '~Diabetes and You" at a meeting sponsored by the Franco-Amer ican Woman's Club, Inc., at 8 P. M. Wednesday, Nov. 20, in Old Town Hall, Somerset. The meeting is· open to the public, without charge. . Members of the club will at tend a business meeting in the afternoon, with pad-making for the Cancer Home to follow under the direction of Mrs. Yvonne Roy.
New Bedford Nurses To Hold -Breakfast . The Catholic Nurses' Guild of New Bedford will receive cor porate Communion at the 9 o'clock Mass Sunday morning in St. Joseph's Church. Follow ing the Mass a breakfast will be served in the new CYO Hall, County Street, with Rev. John P. Driscoll of SS. Peter and Paul's Church, Fall River, as guest speaker. , Members have been .requested to attend in uniform. Invitationa have been extended to the Taun ton, Attleboro and Fall River guilds.
Rededicate Historic Cincinnati Church CINCINNATI (NC)-Historie St. Peter in Chains Cathedral, originally consecrated by Bishop .John B. Purcell in 1845, will be rededicated Sunday, Nov. 3, by Archbishop Karl J. Alter of Cin cinnati. A four-year program of reno vation and enlargement of the 112-year-old cathedral will be completed just in time for the lO-day celebration, which will open Nov. 1 with consecration of the new altars.
464- Second St. FALL RIVER
')Sborne 2-2143
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Milk 0
Sales & Service
. '. Dial OLdfield 4-8711
OSborne 5-7856
630 County St.
Christmas Shopping - Club Dates - Emergencies
,OlL CO., INC.
ROMPER • ROOM New Bedford
Lie. to
Ages 3 - 5 Years In the Heart of St. Lawrence Parish
ATTENTION MOTHERS ELIZABETH FLINN, Supervisor reI. YfY 3-:0880 Cifte,'12 Noon
man of Dallas-Fort Worth de Bishop Walsh noted in the re WOMEN'S COUNCIL clared in his report as epi~copal DECADE 100% GROWTH 'port that the bill containing a chairman of the Press Depart provision ,for the exemption of During the last decade, the Continued from Page One ment. private, non-profit schools and National Council of Catholic He also reported that prob FAMILY BUREAU colleges from Federal excise Bishop Gorman told the gen lems in great number and com Women achieved a 100 per cent , taxes has passed the U. S. House AND POORER NATIONS plexity continued'to arise on the , The •tenet that "the United eral meeting that the actual growth, it was disclosed in the of Representatives and is now national scene. States has a moral obligation to voice of His Holiness Pope Pius before the', Senate Finance Com organization's annual report sub assist underdeveloped nations" XII was heard in this country mitted by Cin'cinnati's Arch Archbishop Keough said the' !D:itte.e, lluring the last 12 months, "in a was recaiIed in the Social Action report on NCWC activities for gracious paternal tribute to the bishop Karl J. Alter, episcopal Department's report on its affili 1956 had been sent to the Holy SOC"L ACTION .....
work of the, Catholic press"; . chairman of the Department of ate, the Catholic Association for See arid that,.Jn acknowledging RACE TENSIONS
r.3y Organizations. that with five more diocesan or International Peace. receipt' of it for His Holiness The NCWC Social Action De ,gans established during .the year ' 'Capping the expansion, the re The Family Life ,Bureau,be Pope Pius XII, Msgr. Angelo 'partment deplored what it called sides rep,orting on the wide scope only 10 Sees in the United States port stated; the NCCW organized Dell'Acqua, Substitute Vatican the "marked decline in commu Secretary of State, called it a' nication between the races" in , ,of its activities during the year,' and island possessions are not' the Military Council of 'CatholiC: Women~Europe. Composed of "volume replete ** * with, evi the areas of the United States made a number' of cpmments now served" by their own dio ' service wives' organizations ami dence of meritorious work ac-' where the greatest racial tension and recommendations. Among cesan publications. them:'" , complished." eXists. ' Turning 'to achievements' in groups of civilians working with ,-"There is an, obligation for ,another "vein, Bishop Gorman, , the,military, the European coun In another c()mmunicatio~, St~essing ,the race problem Msgr. Dell'Acqua praised "the 'along with thQse,of inflation, the a father to take out an adequate said the_serviCe had been able cil has nine area councils-six ill Germany, one in Italy and two eager fraternal charity" which 'world march of communism and lIfe insurance policy ,as a Safe in the last year to sned the light in France. Groundwork for the guard to his children until he is inspired the Archbishops and labor:"management relations in Bishops of the United States to itsannual report, the department sure that' they are sufficiently of corrective truth on a number, council was laid with the co secure and can take care of of stories attacking the Church operation of the National Cath send medicines and drugs to the' said: olic Community Service in Octo themselves." ' and Catholics, and that its fac Holy Father - for distribution "The mediators Qf the p;st are 'ber, 1956, and the council Wall among the needy in Poland. The' silent today. The result is a ten -:A ,survey of, prospective tual reporting of the widespread Monsignor called this a "gift of dency to depepdexclusively. family education in the nation's fight against obscene reading established in March and April, 1957. brotherly love." , upon law in a field which should Catholic. se,condary, schools re:' matter had contributed much to ,The report disclosed that the Archbishop Keough said that 'be handled 'from many sides. It 'vealed that'''less than 10 per cent many of the problems confrorit would be a tragedy if the leader ,had acceptable courses in this the'defeat of this old enemy on NCCW' now has 10,763 affiliated organizations, which include 22 I ing the NCWC in the last year ship of individuals, particularly field." several fronts. became the specific responsibil of the do~inant white- popula';' '-"rhough the percentage of Turn to Page Eleven On 'the administrative side, tion, and the action' of voluntary, divorces 'was apparently on the ,Bishop Gorman said the NCWC ity of one department of the con ference, but required the collab 'groups, were not to manifest increase during the first half of News Service had strengthened oratiop of other departments and itself in "bringing harmony and' this year * .. * we still have rea its Rome Bureau; expanded its bureaus dnd the continuing at justice in' racial relations." , sons t6 hope that though the first' Rome coverage, and generally half of ,the century saw the tightened and improved 'news ' tention of the Executive Depart The report, presented by Arch ELECtRICAL
ment in order to be handled most bishop Patrick A. O'Boyle of greatest decadence, in Christian coverage both at home and CONTRACTORS
effectively. Washington in 'his capaCity 8S history of our institution of mar- ' abroad., The service employed 95' riage, the next half may see its "foreign an'd 56 domestic, cor , EDUCATION DEPARTMENTepiscopal chairman 'of the de Residential - Commercial
STUDY OF LAY TEACHERpartment; said tliat current ex- greatest uplift." respondents in the last year, and The Bureau of Health and, its dispatches were going to pub A large-scale study of the sta'- posures of ,trade union racket 633 Broadway" ~all River Hospitals reported ft had had "its lications in 60 countries and' de tus of the lay teache~ in the ;,':eeringprobably will prove "ben . OS 3-1691 Catholic school system has been eficial' 'rather than' harmful to usual' ,busy year." The bureau 'pendencies, in ever1 continent. under~a\<en by, the NCWC De- ' the' labor: movement 'and' to 'tiie 'acted ,as a liaison between the . partm~nt of Education, Arch- ",cause ofcoHective' bargaining 'Ford Foundation and, Catholic institutions sharing in the fouri bishop. Albert G.Meyer of Mil- and labor-management coopera ".dation'ir. ','unprecedented gift" to waukee, its episcopal' chairman" ,tion.'" ' ' nqn-profit hospitals. The foun said iQ his annual report. ' Court Decisions . Preserves and Candies Truck BodyBuilders
,dation, it re¢alled, ,has made the As an indication of the signifi" , ", Aluminum or Steel
cance of the project, the Arch-, The" report cited It, as the, ,final 'payments" with Catholic Sold at hospitals receiving $60,385,400 as' bishop noted that in 1950 there' }hin~irig 'of Fat.her fohn f· 944 C,ounty, St.
were 13 Religiolis teachers for' ,,'Cronm, ~,S'" assocIate dlI:~ct?r .of " their :share of the total grant of.' NEW BEDFORD. MASS.
$250,000,000. . • every"lay teacher, but' that in, '~he d~partmentand ,a specI~hst , , WY 2-661'8 1957 the ratio is 5 to 1 , ' , In the, prOblem ,,~f commuDlsm, of New Bedford The bureau also cited its "very , He said the deparb~ent's staff, ' . ,that. ~~~le .tthh7rethare "gemli?e ,active~' study ~f the special train .' . A few doors fr~m Our Lady'. C~apel t is being' assisted by a ,special" ,enslOns" WI In, e c0m.mums t ing needed for hospital chap committee of school superinten-' world" none of ~hese ~Igns o~ lains, "with particular reference dents in its study. Sqme of the' ,u~rest, spould b 7 mterpre~ed' as, to, Catholic chaplains' in ' men Farm subjects' under survey are: an- . portents .of a ~aJo~ ~evolt 10 any tal 'hospitals." And it said' it ' iooks forward toward full co nual salary, group insurance, re-' commumst nabon.
IISPECIAL MILK tirement plans, contracts and reAccordmg to Father Cronin, operation in making a' success of From Our Own lationship to the' Religious 'fa- the serili!s of decisions .issued by the First Catholic. World Health culty. , the U: S. Supreme .court last Conference, which will be held' ,Tested Herd" in Brussels in July, i958. The ,'department, 'he added June' on internal security, mat ,Acushnet, Mass. WY 3-4457 helped "iii the organization 'of ters "de~ighted" the, American' CATHOLIC PRESS ' "orientation centers" for the' Communist party and "may nar:-' POWER'HiGHEST " ,~ Special Milk Hungarians 'where 'they 'were" row any, g()vernmental' attack ., Homogenized vIt. 0 Milk .•.; '& , , ; The, NCWC News' servi~ has' taught English. arid 'other sub':';' ,: Communism to' areas that el~arly 'carrie~ :for~,a:rd : the r~porting • Buttermilk ' , jects. " i n v o l v e '" espionage, sUbversion;, , power, of the Catholic press "to • Trppicanci Orange .Juice It ~lso made ,an appeal for ,and', t~~ason against the United :8 highe~degree than ever be .'·Coffee, and Choc.· Milk llcholarships for these' students.' States., ,fore," ',Bishop Thom~s K. Gor': • Eggs -:- Bufter . , Thirty-three Catholic colleges Father Cronin holds, however, and universities' for men that ':i~ d~fending, the right of, ~"'~""~"~,-~~~----" Falmouth to Chatham
awarded 91 scholarships and 63' the go~ern~entto fight commu- , ~" ~'f ~ Sagamore to Orleans
colleges for wome, offered 'U8 nist subversion, we ,must not scholarships in the response to blind o~,rselves to excesses per and. Points Between'
& the department's appeal, he said. "petrateq, by individua'ls'· and : '" LEGAL DEPARTMENT. _ groups carrying the banner of ~~ Big 'Values in' Used" CarS : 62 Barnstable Rd.
~ ~ ,~ INDECENT LITERATURE ' 'anti-c~mmiJnism."· :Thc J report : J,O,HN FIGUEIREI)0 : ',: "795 COl,JNTY STREET' :
Hyannis, Mass.
,. . " A statute or ordinance de ~ys als.~thathe <lQes not'bli!lie:ve ~ , MANNY MONIZ ' ~, ~" , NEW BEDFORD ~ ,
~ . ~ ~' .. ~ signed to curb the distributi~n the ,Supreme ,Court rulings i~will tel. Hyannis 4275 , of obscene literature must be necessarily obstrul;t the most· ~ 1640 Cove Rd., So. Dartmouth , ~, WY 7-0381 : ' : ' Industrial Oil Burners: carefully' drawn to survive a ,vital ~reas of anti-communist ': You won't be sorry
cour,t test, tile Legal Deparbnent activity in the United States." ~" ............" .. ~~ .., " ".....! : Sprinkler Systems ,: tomorrow if you call
noted in its report. '~s today
: Piping,' Contractors : The number of court decisions ~, ". demaq.d~ng exactness of the laws DO NOW! INSURANCE; : WYman 7-91~O :' ,indicate the need for careful Service Station preparation, Bishop Emmet, M. ~---~----,~---~-,-~,--~ APPRAISER Wals~ of YoungstowlJ, Ohio;' GAS REA~To.R' episcopal chairman of the, de ,Tune-ups and, Brake Work
partment, said. ' 807 Ashley Blvd." eor. Tarkiln
However, he added, the U. S. I OS 2-2000 Hill Rd~; ,New Bedford' , Supreme Court "settled the mat-' Gilbert J. Costa, Prop. 1320 No. Main St. ter" of whether or not salaCious WY 6-9276 FALL RIVER 880 SOUTH MAIN ST~ -, FALL RIVER literature falls within, the' scope of the First Amendment when it ruled in three cases in June that obscenity is not within the area of constitutionally protected FLOWERLAND speech or press. , ' formerly Tiberii Shop Salety-T~sted In regard to Sunday shopping, Floral Arrangements the Bishop declared that "the 1'726 ACUSHNET AVE Under per8~nal supervision of Telephone OSborne ,8-5236 open sale of automobiles has Fred Sowle and Doris Sowle , NEW BEDFORD
become an increasing abuse,." 811 Ashley Blvd. Electrical Contractors
New Bedford WY 3-2613 WYman 5-7555
Rita and ,Eddie Galligan, Prope.
/' 1 0 Thur5.~~~~~~~~9~7I,
Chart Program
". S',E'G'U IN.'
TV SALES 'SERViCE $erving Cape, Cod
: ~ ,LY~~N BA~ER: CO. :
Gilbert ,C. ' Oliveira
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and Sons, Inc. OSTERVILLE GArden 8-6509
~ ~
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John B.
Used Cars
, ,~------------------"" : HATHAWAY1S:, EDDIES , , 1inc.: ,, SUPER MARKET : lAUNDRY "finest since 1877" , .,, , , ,Same day service East Taunton~s , if desired! , , , 'Food Shopping: , , WY 3-5528 , ., 6 CAMPBELL ST. CENTER ,, , , NEW BEDFORD ~"""""~"""'~"~ " ~
~ ,
~ ~
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1343 ptEASANT ST. OSborne 3-7780
11 I
1956 BISHOPS' STATEMENT -In September, 1957, NCCM's THE ANCHOR CIRCULATlON OF 82,000 publication, Catholic Men, com Thurs., Nov. 14, 1957 The 1956 statement of the pleted its 10th year with an Continued from. Page Ten annual circulation of 550,000 Massachusetts, last September Bishops of: the United States, national and 10 state organiza which became Public Law 85-316 printed by the NCWC Publica tions, 23 groups in "unorganized" reaching about 1.5 million per showed "the sincerity of the tions Office, reached a circulation dioceses and 10,708 parish and. sons. Senators in their expressed de of 82,000 copies. local organizations. There now YOUTH DEPARTMENT sire to alleviate inconsistencies This was revealed in the yearly are a total of 99 diocesan coun- HANDBOOK ISSUED cils, the report disclosed. One of the steps taken in the of present law," the report report of the Business Manage stated. ment Office submitted by Henry NURSE'S COUNCIL field of youth work during the P. Lefebure,' business manager, 12 NEW UNITS year 1956-1957 was the publica- BUREAU OF INFORMATION and was in addition to wide cir Twelve new councils of Cath- tion of a handbook containing SECULAR PRESS RELEASES
culation in the Catholic and sec olic Nurses were established in a history and description of work The NCWC Bureau of Infor the past year to give the National . among Catholic young people in matian spent more time this' year ular press. The report stated Council of Catholic Nurses 9'1 the United' States. in getting Catholic information that' the Bishops' message, en diocesan councils throughout the The handbook's publication is out to secuiar communications titled "Peace, Unity-The Hope United States. noted in ilie annual. report on media, according to its annual 'of Mankind," wpuld continue to have a wide circulation in No Membership in the NCCN to- the work of the Youth Depart- report . . vember and December. taled more than 19,000, according ment of the National Catholic The rePort was submitted by Continuing interest was evi to the organization's annual re- Welfare Conference by the deBishop Lawrence J. Shehan of port which was presented by . partmeilt's episcopal chairman, Bridgeport, assistant to the . denced 'in the papal encyclicals' Archbishop Karl J. Alter of Cin- Archbishop Leo Binz of Du- chairman of the Administrative in pamphlet form, according to the report. In the past year the cinnati, episcopal chairman of buque. Board for the Bureau of Infor the NCWC Department of Lay Other significant achievements mation, which is directed by Business Management Office printed' four papal documents in Organizations. • of the year included in Arch- Father JQhn E. Kelly. this form. The NCCN encouraged its bishop Binz's report include: According to the report, the affiliates' to develop a program 1) An over-all gain of 27 new bureau's Bulletin to affiliates was CCD COOPERATION ' the I'ndigent sick. m em b'ers, mc .' 1u d'mg 18 new camp reduced from 12 issued to less LATIN-AMERICAN of care for Cooper~tion between the Con Some 30,000 hours of nursing members, by the National Cath- than six per year, to have more care have been given in the past oUc Camping Association. The time and resources available for fraternity of Christian Doctrine in the U. S. and Latin American year, the, report stated. . association is now able to list as releases to the secular press. countries was strengthened by The. Council of Nurses has members 177 of the country's planned for the development of 298 known Catholic camps. The A total of 193 news releases scholarships for Latin American student!! to the CCD leadership Junior Associate Memberships association also saw the estab- were issued to the general pub on a diocesan level to include lishment of two aquatic institutes lic, television and radio net- ' course. at the Catholic University student nurses working in non- during.' the past year, at camps works,' professional magazines, of America, Washington, D. C. Catholic schools of nursing. Such in Missouri and Massachusetts. Prote!!tant and Jewish groups This is noted in the annual report of the CCD by its epis memberships would not be affili2) inauguration of a new mag-' and government agencies. ated with NCCN but only with azine by the National Newman Of these, 77 were general news copal chairman, Bishop Matthew the diocesan councils. Club Federation. Called."New-. releases, such as the refutation' F. Brady of Manchester. Arrangements have been made The aim of the associate pro- man," the magazine is edited by of Hungarian government gram is to instruct Catholic stu- students of the Boston province charg~s!·against His Eminence . to have an American priest as sist in .the work of the Confra dents in non-Catholic hospitals of the federation and replaces an Jozsef Cardinal Mindszenty, Pri in moral questions, the baptizing earlier; newspaper-ty'pe publica- mate of Hungary, who now is ternity, of Chr.stian Doctrine in of persons, care of dying patients· tion, "Contact" receiving asylum in the S. Latin, America with offices in and other Catholic matters. :U Raising of over' $10,OdO by legation in Budapest: Of the 116 Bogota, Colombia.. The arrange Subscriptions to the .Catholic the National federation of Cath- special releases and background ment was made between the Nurse magazine total 23,500 in olic College Students for the aid materials distributed, 41 were episcopal chairman for CCD 1957. It now employs a full-time of Hungarian refugee studeT\ts. . fuIl or partial texts of encycli-· Inter-American Relations, the editor, the report said. The federation called on every cals and allocutions of His Holi- Mission Secretariat, and the gen Catholic college and university ness Pope Pius XII. Others were eral secretary of the Council of MEN'S COUNCIL - to sponsor a special day of prayer newsworthy decrees of the Holy .Latin American Bishops.. Latin American scholarships CONSOLIDATION NEED on November 19, feast. of St. See, and statements ot individual in 1957 were awarded to 10 During the past· year the Na- Elizabeth of Hungary. or. groups of bishops. prfests appointed by the hier tional Council of Catholic Men held its first national moderators' IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT .NTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY-. . archies. of' 1(j Latin American meeting at' Notre Dame, Ind., - AssiSTANCE TO 52,000 NCWC UN OFFICE countries. The' priests studied and further developed its trainThe NCWC Immigration De-.. A detailed outline of Catholic methods and. techniques of cate ing of lay leaders at its biennial partment gave technical assist- . activities on the international chetical instruction in classes convention at Cincinnati and at ance to more than 52,000 per- , conducted at. the Catholic Uni severa1 regional leadership insti.- sons "I'n a wI'de varl'ety of prob- level is contained in the annual versity of America Summer tutes. ' . lems" during the fiscal year, report of the Nation~l Catholic School and Incarnate Word Col
The NCCM report was pre- which ended last June 30, it was' Welfare Conferlmce's Office for lege, San Antonio, Tex., the re port said.
sented by Archbishop Karl J. 'reported by Bishop Joseph M·.United Nations Affairs. AIter: .of Cincinnati, episcopal Gilmore of Helena, the depart. In the past year, Religious ment's assistant episcopal chair'7 Issued by the Bishops' Com- Education, the bulletin of the chairinan of the NCWC Depart- man.' mittee for·thePope's }>eacePlan, Religious Education. Association., ment'of Lay Organizations. . h eaded' by His Eminence . I , • ; "He,lpful. were .the less rigid, Samuel 'published an article' showing the The report 'also showed th'at aqministration or'the.reglllations· Cardinal Stritch; Archbishop ot' use of the Confraternity Edition during the past year NCCM en- by' Federal authorities, their Chicago,'the report highlightS ~f the ,Bible in religious educa rolled two new national affiliates greater 'sympathy in cases in"- work 'done by the NCWC's UN" tion, it added. . . . ' 1 Catholic . a nd ;nl'ne' addl·tl·onal dl'ocesan' vl?lving family unity and' a wel-" 0 ffi ce an d mternationa counc'ils. The number of affill'ated' come willingness to expedite .orgamza . t·Ions in . connection with l\.POSTLESHIP OF SEA organizations was increased from petitions filed in behalf of those the developments in various UN SERVICES TO SEAMEN Eightpermahent clubs of the 6,858 'to 7,539. At the request of aliens eligible for the skilled and agencies and commissions. National Catholic Apostleship of the cnaplains of the U. S. Armed re,labve ' . preferences," the report Through the NCWC's UN of the Sea conference' in U. S. port Force.s, NCCM formed a Military Council of Catholic Men and stated. . fice, material outlining the Cath cities recorded more than 220,000 . .It noted that Bruce M. Mohler, olii:: view on various subJ'ects has visits' from 'seamen of 45 coun assigned a staff member tempo- d ~par t men t d'Irec t or, on two un- been .distribuledto UN dele tries during the past year. rarily to' Europe. The N.ational usua 1 occaSIons, . was invited to gates during the, past year. In.In its annual report'. presented Catholic Community Service appear ., b e f ore U. S. Senators '" in- cluded in this' .material were by Auxiliary B~shop L. Abel sponsored the NCCM military t eres 'te d'm ImmIgration . . to dis- copies of the 1956 Christmas' program. cuss "must" legislation "to elim- message .. of His' Holiness Pope An assessment of the year's mao . t e th e 1ong standing hardship 'Pius XII, the U. S. Bishops' activities by NCCM Departments ' d e1y recogmzed ' . showed: an dWI other de- Statement on Peace-Unity-The ficiencies in present law." Hope ot"Mankind, and the Cath -The radio, television and film "W· Inc.
e were able to explain the olic Associaton for International apostolate continued to grow c h anges f or w h'IC h , m . our opin- Peace's pamphlet on. the inter during the past year with t h e ' th FUNERAL SERVICE
total number of half-hour net- lon, ere was' urgent need, natiollalization of Jerusalem. . stressing in. particular the many work programs reaching the 176 thousands of 'separated family 549· COUNTY ST. mark. These programs reached a tragedies," the report said. "We' .' weekly audience estimated at also pointed out the need for a NEW BEDFORD, MAS$•. give and take attitude and the 10 million. -Of the 176 programs, 46 were importance of not insisting on FUf.eral Home television programs on NBC and the inclusion of recognized con- . CBS. ;A program on the Judeo- trQ,verllial proposals such as pre . 550 Locust St. Chris~ian Heritage, entitled vented the passage of excellent Fall River, Mass. "The Bridge," received more remedial legislation in the pre OS 2-2391 mail than any other television vious Congres~." Rose E. Sullivan progr~m in the six-year history Passage of the bill introduced Jeffrey E. Sullivan UFor Your Protection
o!- CBS religious programs. by: Sen. John F. Kennedy of -One of NCCM's most ambi Buy Fram
tious projects, the filming of four, half-hour shows depi<;ting the "Rome of the Popes" has been 132 Rockdale Ave. completed. For this project the New Bedford . Holy See gave the NCCM special FUNERAL HOME permission to 1m for the first· Funeral WY 5-7947 time the important excavations 986 ·Plymouth Ave. Directors under St. Peter's Basilica. 'Fall River 469 Locust st., Fall River OS 3-2272 FRANCIS J. . OS 2-3381
Chart Program
Caillouet of.New Orleans, epis copal moderator of the group, it was noted that the eight clubs provided dormitory facilities for 21,246 seamen for the year and distributed 15,404 religious ar ticles and Catholic publications. The clubs are located in Mo bile, Ala., New Orleans, Newport News, Va., Portland, Ore., San Francisco, Wilmington, and San
Pedro, Calif., and Seattle, Wash. The clubs conducted 571 recre ational group activities in which 18,531 seamen took part and 151 . religious. group activities in which 4,374 seamen participated. Eigh,t converts entered the Church during the year, In addition to the services and activities mentioned, the clubs and their chaplains handled such problems as distributing sea men's mail, interviewing sea men, providing ship libraries, visiting hospitalized seamen and providing Catholic instruction for seamen. The national organization re ported that 34 chaplains are active in U. S. ports and that the Apostleship of the Sea is being continued actively in many cities without clubs. In 13 cities without clubs, chaplains distributed 12,214 reli gious articles and pieces of Cath-.. olice literature and held 78 reli gious group activities with 4,008 seamen attending.
LAUNDRY 591 SUMMER ST. New Bedford WY 3-1346 All Bundles Insured While
in Our Possession
MURRAY'S CURTAINS DRAPES RUGS LINOLEUM' 1636 Acushnet Avenue New Bedford, Mass. WY 4-3861
D. D. Sullivan & Sons
~~ ,,~~t4 ~()p
~41 944 County St. ~( New Bedford
.William ,B·~l~ftg:er·;; .
TEL.. WY 6-9784
CATHOLIC MISSIONS DISBURSEMEN'rS LARGEST The income and disbursements of the American Board of Cath olic .Missions for the fiscal year ending· July 1, 1957, were the' largest in its history, 'according to a report submitted to the an nual meeting of the Bishops by Archbishop Leo Binz of Du buque, the board's treasurer. Receipts ~ere $2,605,735.00, and .. disbursements totaled $2,631,140.17 • .In a foreword to the report, His Eminence Samuel Cardinal Stritch, Archbisho'p of Chicago and chairman 04' the mission board, fauded the contributions made by archdioceses and dio ceses throughout the country. But he said: "The applicatiollll
for grants which come from our
bishops in our home missiolll
areas ~ake us realize. that, de spite the increase in our grants. we ar~ far from satisfying press ing home.miSsiop. needs."
Michael· C. Austin
Funeral Home J
571 Second St. Fall River, Mass. OS 9-6072
. Monument Services Serving the Cape and Surrounding Co munities CAPE COD '~SS.
. ;"Regi$tered 'Prof~isj'~nafE~9.inee:r .. ,~,~:
. ".
'". HEATING _.
. ~A"R:CONDITIONING ~'S'P,~I~i<l,~RS '., Design . .. .:Supervisio'H·· "
12 Th~rs"THENov~ANCHOR 14, 1~57:.
':COll\'.dina,1 o,Mooney Asserts Church:0 Authoritative' and; Democratic
God 'Love '.you
CINCINNATI, (NC)-In the exercise of, her teach ing office, the, Catholic Church is authoritative and dog tllatic, His Eminence Edward Cardinal Mooney stated here. "In other respects, indeed, the Catholic Church is atterly pemocratic. She is of Christ, the Church does not rce ::he people, with the people 'ognize the unseript.ura~ popular :md for the people-just as . vOte~ It is true, . indeed, that in the process of defining doctrine ~hrist 'was," the Cardinal
By Mosi Rev.'Fi.dton J. Sheen, D.D.
the Church inquires into the b,e .\rchbishop of Detroit said in his sermon at a Solemn Pontifical lief of our Catholic' people as reflecting the teaching they have :lIass which climaxed 10 days of received. in widely differing cir ~:eremonies,attending the resto :'ation of 'the Cathedral of S~. cumstances of tifne and place. But ess~ntially that teac)1fng is :'eter in Chains as the mother authoritative, emanating from church of the Cincinnati arch those to' whom, ~s successors of diocese. the Apostles, Christ entrusted Stressing the spiritual signifi both power' and, resPonsibility. , canee of the cathedral rededica "And rightly so, for a divine :i6n, Cardinal Mooney said: "This church is a monument of 'revelation could not be safe:-' guarded down' through the cen religion because it fittingly en turies by the democratic pro "hrines an altar of sacrifice." He e:mphasized 'that "the sacrifice ~ess," the' Cardinal added. 'which 'Christ consummated Oil' "Surely we iri America need no further proof of this statement· Calvary is an ever 'present real than to look about us and see the :ly." ~ ''This church, then, centers"on heartache of good.' men who are striving to repair the religious ~be altar as all,Catholic churches do," the Cardinal said. "But disunity which, for this very rea son, they have inherited. ,here is in it a special feature ",'Unfortunately, a sorry tradi- . which sets it apart as the cathe tion . that comes down to' them dral of this archdiocese. In front of the altar' on the Gospel side from the confusion of the 16th century closes their minds 'to o'f the sanctuary, is permanently the basic scriptural requirement (rected the bishop's chair (cathe Lira)-the age-old symbol of his of ll.uthoritative Christian teacl;1 ing. The Catholic ,Church goes authority to teach, to rule and to iead in the ministy of prayer and back to Christ Himself for the pattern of her teaching. And sacrament." The Church through her popes Christ in the Gospel, at.,the end of the Sermon on the Mount, was :lnd bishops in teaching what haiied by his hearets.because 'He ever touches Christian faith and :noraIs, has been ever "clear, was teaching them as one having consistent, definite and, to use a authority.' (IVIatt. 7, 29). So too, ',vord which sectarians and secu the pope and the bishops of the :arists alike find repugnant, dog Catholic Church, sustained, by Chr:ist's. own promise of unfail :natic." , "Indiscriminate controversial ing assistance of the Holy Ghost. :3ls today accuse' the Cath.elic teach as having ,authority." Church ,'of being totalitarian or :luthoritiu'ian - overlooking ,the :'"ct that these terms, in their :,roper' sense, apply to goverl1 CASTELGANDOLFO'(NC) :11ents which usurp power to en Two Americans ,who represe~nted force decrees that are not rea the Hoiy See at the International sonably within' their compe -Agency for Atoinic Energy meet :ence," Cardinal Mooney said. ing at ,Vienna" have been, re:" ' .Authority From Christ" ceived in audience by' Pope Pius "Bilt let us readily admit that t XII. The Americans are' Prank : he Church' in the exercise ()f tt,er . Folsom, former chairman· of the :~ching 'office is ajlthoritative. Board of ,RCA, and Father Theo Christ, as we have ~n, made dore Hesburgh, C.S.C., presi 'ler that way. In other respects, dent of the University' of Notre :ndeed, the Catholic Church is Dame. utterIy democratic. She is of the Mr. Folsom represented .the :Joople, with the people and for Holy See as its, chief delegate the people-tust as Christ 'Him and Father Hesburgh served as' ;;elf was. . an alternate delegate in the "Certainly she is not aristo meeting, of the agency which is ('catic," the Carid.nal continued. helping to develop and control .. Any man from whatever social peaceful uses of atomic energy. ~;:vel-like the Apostles them
American Delegates· Meet Holy Father·
rise to any position
, f trust, even the highest, in
. rganization. But in handing ,':own from generation to genera . 'on the doctrine and precepts of
Emphasizes C'ritical Shortage of Priests
FORT WAYNE, (NC) A diocesan-wide program for vo cations has been launched to meet a situation which Bishop Leo A. Pursley of Fort Wayne terms "critical." During the year-long program Bishop Pursley will visit each of the diocese's 80 parishes to of fer a Pontifical Low Massfor vo cations. All youths from sev enth grade through high school are expected' to attend the Masses.' , Father James P. Conroy, di ocesan director of vocations, wiiI 'visit each parish to speak about , vocations. Bishop Pursley, called the di ocesan outlook for new priests "dismal." He said he had to . seek additional priests from out side the diocese. He warned he may have to reduce the number of priests working in individual parishes.. "It is not exclusively the Bishop's problem and it' cannot be ,solved by him alone,'" the Indiana Ordinary remarked.
RADIO CROSS: Only ...·Ldio antenna in the world : lade in the shape of a Cross :; that of the new Vatican -:adio. Pictured 'is the one .,)w~r which'stands out from ':' lyriad towers that comprise :ile 24 directional short-wave ",tennas that, carry news .. .'om the Vatican to all parts "Z the world including .be :,ind the Ir,on Curtain. iNC . hoto.
Our Blessed Lord summed up His mi!ision on earth In these words: "The Son of Man came • • • to give His Life as a ransol for" the iives of many." Why did Eternity 'become Time? Why did the Son of God
become also the Son of Man? In o'rder to
'GIVE. The 'word "came" marks His en
trance into this earthly life,' and the, word
"give" marks His departure from this
earthly life. But to "give" what? His Life!
For our redemption! In other words, His
miSsion was SACRIFICE,
"The servant ,is not above the Master," said He. To be Christlike then, we must be interested in the redemption of the pagan world. But to achieve this goal we must not merely give; we must sacrifice. And how our Catholic people are learning this lesson! Each GOD LOVE YOU in this column tells.the story of a Catholic "who came to gi';'e • • • for the ransom of the lives of ,many."
'AUTHOR TO SP ~ A K: Ann e. Cawley Boardman, noted author of Such, Love Is Seldom 'and GoodShep herd's Fold, will be featured speaker' at the 12thimnual Book Fair of the College of St. Teresa, WInona, Minn. NC Photo:
Warns of' Timidity In Smut Struggle CHICAGO (NC) - A "Mr. Milquetoast" attitude ')f parents is keeping publishers, of inde cent publications in business. John T. Curtis said parents take a "muscle-flexing Super man approach" with civic and police officials' when there is a threat of physical harm to', chil- ' 'liren. _ "Bur when they face the moral danger of, printed filth, many grow meek as .Casper Milque toast,'" he said. , Mr. Curtis declared manYPllr ents are ignorant of ,the contents of' certain maga'zines and' they grow discouraged over ,the- size imd power of the publishing business. "Fortunately," he added, ac tion gro:.ns such as the Chris'tian 'Family Mo~ement give'COUrage' to many who would hesitate. to stand alone for'- ~ency."',
Budenz' to Add res! Youth Workers'
,As you know, we do not hand your sacrifice over to the missionaries diteetiy. We send them all to the Hoi, Father. He knows better than we the needs of ·each mission, and CaD therefore make 'an equitable' distribution., Every day of eve..,. week there come,to us stories of 'the poorest of the poor, as. for instance, .the story' of the refugees from, the Com'munists who sleep on the porches of the, Church and in the garden. Men, women, and children huddle-in whatever cover they can find until the rain passes. In the evening they say thcir prayers together and sing songs in the evening when the Church doors are closed. At daybreak they all attend Mass, babies and old folks, and sing an4 pray together for another hour. Their Faith is their strength in exile! If Our Lord gave His 'Life to redeem them, will you "give up" a good dinner or a luxury or cut into your capital. because you too, in the spirit of Christ. "came to give."
GOD LOVE YOU to R. T. "I've been betting on the ponies and losing and I think it's about time I tried to win-so here's $50. Maybe·it can help to win a pagan soul to Christ." . • . to L. J. "I'm Ii camera fiend and I was going to have enlargements made of a few very. good color slides. The work would have cost about $5 and I think it ,would be better to enlarge my sacrifice' to the' missions, so here's the $5." . . • to H. G. "I'm not rich and I'm not poor; I'm'in the middle and I'm happy to be able to send a tiny sacrifice , of' $9 from little savings here and there." How many continents' are there in the world! Can. yo~ name them? There is an eas,., and ,beautiful way to remember all the 'peoples of' all 'five continents. You can remember them, in. your prayers on the'WOLRD MISSION ROSARY, which we will.send at y'our request accompanied by your $2 ,'sacrifice-offering. Cut out this col1Jmn,pin your' sacrifice to it and mail it to the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National' Director Of The Society for the Pr9pagationof the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue; New York 1, N. Y., or' your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, '368 North Main Street, Fall River, ~ass. "
Research Grant' OMAHA (NC)-Dr. Robert P. Heaney, assistant professor' in the Department of Medicine at Creighton University, has been awarded a research grant from the Atomic Energy Commission for study of disease in bone growth. ,
"WASHINGTON (NC) -Louis Budenz, 'former editor of the Daily 'Worker, will address the Conference on Catholic Youth Work to be held in Philadelphia next month. From Nov. 20 to Nov. 25, three ,The grant is valued at $11,300 Ca'tholic youth groups will have national conventions in Phihldel for the first year, according to phia. Dr. Frederick G. Gillick, dean The Conference on Catholic of the medical school. Youth' Work, for lay adults and members of the clergy, will open, Nov. 20. It will be followed by the National Council of Catholic, When Ws time Youth (diocesan section)' co'n vention ,opening Nov. 22. The to retire • • • Bu) National Catholic Camping As sociation will begin on Nov. 24.
P~iest 60 Years'
NEW YORK (NC) - Father Joseph McSorley, 83, who served as seve'nth superior general of toe Paulist Fathers from 1924 to 1929, ,quietly marked his 60th anniversary as a priest.
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Says American Religious Pluralism Is Problem Yet to Be Solved NOTRE DAME (NC)-A point has been reached on the Amer ican scene when the conflicting view of Protestants and Cath olics toward religion in a plural istic society must be worked out. Jesuit Father Joseph H. Fich ter, head of the sociology de partment at Loyola University of the South, New Orleans, made this point while speaking of reli gious pluralism as a "distinctly American problem." . Except Religion Speaking at a symposium on "Roman Catholicism and the American Way of Life," spon sored by the University of Notre Dame's history department, .. Father Fichter said: "American Catholics seem to accept a notion, 'pluralism in everything except religion. American Protesants seem to say "pluralism in everything includ ing religion.' " "A free society like ours," the sociologist continued, "resists authoritarian coercion to a basic, integrating, and over-arching value system such as the Cath olic Church claims to. possess. We are now at a point in history when this conflict of viewpoints has to be worked o~t, and the continued Americanization of
Catholicism . will. depend upon the way in which the solution is attempted." Striking Similarity These were the conclusions of Father Fichter's paper entitled "Americanization of Catholi cism" in which he traced the his torical processes of sociocultural integration of Catholic imIP.: grants into the American :;.:ene. The priest did not otf-::.r an ex plantation as to ho';" t.he solution must be reached. The Jesuit scholar said, that· "becoming American does not mean dissolving all differences, losing identity, and melting into the general masses of the ~popu lation. Catholics do not cease to be Catholics when they be come Americans; they cease to be Irish, or German, or French, or Polish." . "There is an interesting simi larity here," Father Fichter said, "between world-wide Catholi cism and culture-wide Amer icanism. The Catholic Church embraces people of all nationali ties, . who are Catholics despite their national and ethnic differ ences. The United States em•. braces people of all religions, who' are Americans despite their religious differences."
Each week, starting with an ,set out to realize $1,500,000," initial announcement of $91,000 Father Gallagher stated today, Continued <From Page One in advance gifts, the building adding "and we expect to reach Very Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher, fund total has pushed up and that goal. The people are most campaign moderator, and Jo-. up until today's announcement enthusiastic about the school seph P. Duchaine, gifts commit that it ha~ now passed the program. The spirit of the tee chairman, both expressed volunteer workers is tremen their "nplete satisfaction with $1,OOO,OOO-mark, approximately dous. Everyone has been c0 the progress ('~ the campaign, one-half of the anticipated cost. operating to the fullest extent. the first l",;:<tlicted in this dio Meanwhile, the directors of This whole attitude certainly cese w r...,lly for~.ucational pur the Greater New Bedford cam assures the success of the C8ID paign are most optimistic. "We paign." pos~.s, -""',
Building Fund '
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Bishop Hits Atheistic Professors
Continued From Page One Thomas K. Gorman, Honorary President. Speakers at the convention in cluded William A. Murray, sub scription manager of ,the New York Times; Thomas A. Bren nan, attorney' for the Hearst Publications and Counsel for the C.P.A.; James D. Alberse, circulation promotion manager for the Time-Life Corporation; Charles Kiley, feature editor ot' the New York Herald Tribune. Atheists Fools Principal speaker at the Con vention banquet was the Hon. Robert Morris, chief counsel for the U. S. Senate Internal Secur ity Sub-Committee: Mr. Morris spoke of the role of the Catholic Press in the battle of words where the Communist war is being waged more effectively than in any other section of the struggle which is, essentially, an ideological one. The Most Rev: George W. Ahr, Bishop of Trenton, spoke of the Catholic journalists' obligation to the Whole Truth. His talk follows: "As Catholic journalists you have an obligation to the Whole Truth.. I mention this because for some time now we have been 'subjected to a rather pronounced propaganda of silence. We are being told that we should not speak about certain things lest perchance we offend someone. The latest manifestation of this mentality was an invitation that was issued to us recently to inaugurate a kind of permanent "Be Kind to Atheists Week." Now, I have no great difficulty or hesitancy about being kind to anyone. (I am even kind to ani mals.) But I wonder sometimes where the real kindness lies. The Holy Spirit did not think it unkind to call atheists fools. "The f<;>ol hath said in his heart there is no God." But even so, il anyone wishes to be a fool that will be no reason for me to be unkind to him. .God-Given Rights "But suppose a particular fool, a professor of political science, on the first day of class in laying down the 'presuppositions' of his course, says to a group of gulli ble, uncritical, hero-worshiping freshmen: 'Gentlemen, if any of you have any delusions about God-given rights, you might just as well put them aside right now. There are no God-given rights because there is no God to give them.' Is it unkind to point out that this gentleman is destroying the foundation of all religion? Is it unkind to point out that he is also undermining the founda tions .of our government? It seems that I have heard that our government is founded on the 'presupposition' that all men are created equal and that they are
endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights. Inconsistent Intellectuals "It is a strange anomaly that if you dare to present the truth -the whole truth, you run the danger of being charged with anti-intellectualism. For years now I have been living in a fool's paradise. I used to think that to be an intellectual all that was , necessary was to have an intel lect and to use it honestly and fearlessly in the pursuit of truth. There were moments when I toyed with the'idea that I might even be an intellectual. myself. But now I have it on the highest authority that I am wrong on both counts. To be anintellec tual I am informed that you must not be intellectually committed to anything. In English that means either that there is no truth or that the inteilect cannot discover the truth, or that it cannot know it with certainty. As an intellectual you may have an opinion. But you may not say that you are right. And above all you may not say that anyone else is wrong. This kind' of intellec tualism is the equivalent of uni versal skepticism. "I could not possibly be an in tellectual because I am com mitted to the' Apostles Creed:. Neither can any other Catholic be this kind ot' an intellectual because presumably they too are committed to the' Apostles Creed. And conversely this kind of an intellectual cannot be very much of a Catholic!"
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RAISED')[N RANK: Dr. Thomas W. Mattingly, a graduate of G~orgetown Uni versity Medical School and clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine there, has been raised to the rank of Briga dier General. He is Chief of the Department of Medicine at Walter Reed ArmyHospi tal and eonsultant to· the White House physician. NC Photo.
.. QIIIlll ",-Illrougn
Volume No. I Now on Sale·· only, 49c Save money on scores of do-it-your self-ideas. Twelve wonderful volumes -a new one, on sale each weeki 1iooI. l6 & .IItell" ot AlP Super MarlOll IIllllh ....m.. 11I & ,1.lollJ
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./. '1' 4",:": THE ANCHO~ ~: \'-/;~::-.:. .". --, •.._. :'. f'ihu;~:i'Nc;v:14;T~§'i-~ iesuit .Says Purpose of-, Catholic·; 'Is to Teach Way. of Life to }Iri~h,· be believed,' no paragon ,of' Schools ST. LOUIS (NC) -..:.. Contrary set of formuw, but to impart
, " •...
'OWe'S' Conversion ,F~mily Pray'ing 'in' Hov~l.-".
' ... .'
c ~as
Christian charity.- His consum: to what many American Catha way of life - an ·attitude - a ing purpose was to bring his' own olics believe, the main purpose culture." family through unharmed, and if. of Catholic schools is to. teach He said that more than a ceo it meant refusing food to others . By Most Rev. Robert J~ Dwy.~r!. D.D•. in 'worse shape, why; so be it.. an Em:dre way of life, not just tury of exp~rien~e with the U.s. Bishop of Reno . . . religion; bl' ' . h' .J ,", t" rti'J h~d con His wife" Peggy, like, any Irish the' Catholic . . . _ pu lC SC ~~ J srs. ~ •, .From our study windows here in Reno yOll l~ok West.. mother, have kept the .' JesuIt· Fathe~ Nell ~. Mcvinced the American peopfe 'tOward the towering ra:mpart of the. Sierras. Your eye. slender flame of love alight. It Cluskey, aSSOCIate edItor of that education should be follows the canyon of the Truckee. River, paralleled' by was to the Breen's shack that'the IAmerica, weekly maga~ine, said . "something more than teaching rail'road and highway, until they all curve around a moun- . fourteen:-year.,old, V;irginia Reed · some staunch Cathohcs occa- children to read write and cipher." ' would come 'creeping through sionally wonder if .their parochitain shoulder and are ,lost prepared to give him battle, 'and the winter for a glint of comfort al school s:>:stem IS really necBut because of conflicting re to view. As dusk falls and by all the auguries they knew and to hear Patrick lead the fam., essary, or if some other tax1" b l'Ief l 'm III . t IglOuse s, peop e are the lights begin to gleam they should still have had time ily in prayer. supported, non-sectarian sys em d'l h ' d Th ···t I e~ma, e sal. ~y mSls you can count the automo- to win .through to safety. But ~lis .' The Breens have been charged might not be better. . public schools should gIve char biles rolling in from California, demo~lc laugh!eI:, ro~red ,wIth with . eating the' flesh of the Many who have at~empted to. aeter education, "but they have dead during those last terrible and ill' the thin, impalpable air the blizzard, WhICh SWirled down answer. those questions have conflicting views on what this the shrill gossip of the diesels is upon the llelpless encampment days of Spring, -after they had fallen short of the target, he entails," .the priest-editor said. staggered over the summit and observed, with the result that .. borne with startling clatity.· For by the lake. / ,:were floundering in the wastes you it has all the accustomed ,Thrice Told T~le the question grows whether ape erVlce n 5 of soft snow. We can still hear . Catholic schools are really necfami~iarity of home, But tonigh~ rie Donner' . tragedy . is a the late. Bishop Robert Arm essary. BURLINGTON (NC) - Wed you are thinking l;>ack well over thrice-told tale, wi'th its echoes "The real failing in the annesday morning chapel services ·a hundred years, and y~u are f h' ism and cowardice its strong of Sacramento, who knew the Donner story in rich detail, tru!iging up that canyon WIth the, 0 . , ero .,' , swers to the problem is the aswill be dropped at the Univer Donner party and it is Novem- overtones of Christian charity I deny that charge with vehement sumption that the main purpose .... sity of Vermont, terminating one indignation. And it is certainly 'of Catholic schools is the formal ber, 1846,' . and of rank ca~nibalism. ,It has of its oldest traditions, President .. been told straIght as hIstory, odd, if the Breens'were as heart 'teaching of' the Catholic reCarl W. Borgmann has 80 It IS not often, these .days, that with statistics of those who sick less' as they have been repre ligion," Father McCluskey 'said. nounced. winter closes the Sierra passes. ened and died, of those who were sented, that Virgini;1 Reed, in "u this were true, there would 'He told the university trus 'Certainly not so early, as the be- killed and eaten, of'those who later years, should have recalled 'be no need for Catholic schools. . tees that the university had been ~~nning, of November. Once. in inana~~d to Survi~ean~ .~ho them with such warmth 'and Any' kind' of released-time or given legal ad'vice to end the a decade or so the Storm Kmg crept mto Sutter s Fort like 'should have 'ascribed her own dismissed-time classes' could re- chapel services because the' ques takes it into his to prove ghosts from the Storm King's conversion to, the Faith to the place the Catholic school systion of religious use of state sOmething to these impertinent cemetery. And it has l;>een told memory of an Irish family pray tern. owned pI:operty. had arisen. A htmians and unleashes the might as literature, in the. effort, al ing in a snow-bound hovel. "The true 'function of the convocation 'period will' replace of his f~ry. Then, from Novem- most as harrowing as the realJty, Tonight the cars stream down Catholic school is not to teach a the traditional chapel service. ber to March it is a battle, be- to live through the empty days Highway 40 to Reno for a week tween man's ingen~ity, with his and hopeH~ss nights .with those end rendezvous with Lady Luck.' stubborn -rotatory plows who waited and starved. Who cares about the Storm' King or the' ghosts of the .Donner into the drifts, and the unreasonThere were a few Catholics' in ing omnipot~nce of the weather. the party. There was Patrick· party?· , . Tbe latest appeal tbat we ba,ve received ,, Storm King Rides' Breen,. from. Ireland by way of ,from tbe office of, our Holy Father ill Keokuk, who had joined· the The Donners had no rotatory -,Donners at Independence, wJth Rome Is for a Cbapel in tbe' mission ter plows: They had little ~noug~ of 'his wife, Margaret,his six boys, 'ritory of' PONNAMPU, SOUTH· INDIA. anythmg, ~ven o,f the WIll to !lve, his infant daughter, and:' his Tbe people in the village are. Christians after _ t~elr ·gnm trek' across ;friend .Patrick Doland. These but not Catholics, arid they have asked m~untams and deserts from Fort were' no . refugees' from .the : the local Arch~isbOP to b~ their spiritual' .Bridger. They· should, have Famine but successful farmers , father, instructing them and then bring reache1th~ Truckee Meadows lured Westby,the stories of Cali ing them into the irue chur~h of Christ. some tIme .m early Augus.t, and fornia's bounty.' What about There is no Chapel in" the v'lIlage;' but we however dl.fficult the scalIng of James Frazier Reed" born in Ire . cHARLES·f.·VARGAS ....... H Iy f, her' M" A'tJ ean bnild one for $2,500. Every donatioD
the pass mIght have b~en, they land of reputedly noble Polish . '254 ROCKDALE AVENUE UN 0 at, I tlSmt I for this cause Is precious to DS--no mat should have straggled Into Fort ancestry? The name should have . N~W ,BEDF(>RDt,MASS. Sutter before the end of Septem- been'Reedowski (at least that is ter bow sm~ll! Won't you help in the name of the Lord? ber. Yet h.ere they were, t~o the suggested 'spelling), and the '~ .' MASS OFFERINGS months behInd schedule, pullIng likelihood is that he was not too It Is difficult for one to picture the utter poverty of our mlssion up the canyo:n und~r .sullen No- far removed from the. Faith, . ary priests in the Holy Land and through9ut the' Middle East. The, vember . skies. Whe~ they though he had become a Mason. reached l~tO the lake WhICh now But ,he was not, with the party at live on the Mass offerings that we are able to give them. So far we 'b~ars t~elr: name,. a st~el-grey the' lake' he had been expelled have been abl~ to give too few stipends to each p~lest every month. mIrror m Its settIng of snowy. ' ' . . . . 10 consequence of a fatal quarrel; We pray that ,You will remember them with your MASS OFFER pmes, !hey were numb WIth had left his family with the INGS. exhaustlOn and a nameless fear. t . h d 'dd h d to S t . . .. . d ram, a - rl en a ea ' u CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR YOUR FRIENDS , That mght the Storm Kmg ro e teO , d ld be the h'ef · the mountains. r s'}ln wou .c I AND RELATIVES . orgamzer of the rescue. "Arrange through us to have Mass offered by missionaries. It was as though he sensed t h e ' . ·end 'of his domain; that after ,Breen's DiarJ' in the Holy Land for' a friend or relative. Or' gl~e to' a Mlssi9n ,these pitiable waifs would come. .:The . Breens came,'" through Chapel a sacred artiCle ill: their name ... a Mass'Bell, $5.00; l\1-ass · the road builders, the men with alive, 'the only 'family .to make it -,,:~ ... Book~ $25; Altar ,Stone,' $10; Holy Picture: $15; Ghallce $40; 'Altar . their picks and shovels, and soon intai:l" It is upon Patrick's " ,$75.' We ~ilI send our .NEW CHRISTMAS GIFT CARD telling them. enough their rotatory plows; bid-. diary, elementary recital though . . . . . . ".' .. .·of yo!u-·gift.' PRESSED, FL(~W'ERS'FROM T,RE HOLY.LAND will . 'ding him defiance in his ultiQ:late· it is;'that historians'.and'romanc :F :,~',~,:: ". ..... " ,be encio.sed ,with -ih~ ~.if~.:C~~d... ~ " ' , . J ',. ' . " ,. ',' , : 'citadel o'f··the Sierras.. Yet he ' ers largely rely to reconstruct '. might 'have" had mercy' "'upon ~'the ghastly story. Breen him THANKSGIVING'OAY AND" HUNGRY. REFUGEES. ~. these a,t least.· They were so illself",if: the other accounts are ~ '.CO· "The're' ire t»vei' 900:~~O Arab Palestine refu~ _ ........:..--.-~....;;_
....,." .'" .... ,_." .. ". '~es iritheH6b "'and,. ~Ost' of them 'hungry
"uei' c»ld; Won;&' io'u .givei'~ur thanks to God·
· for your blessl~gs 'by cion~ting $10: for a FOOD' PACKAGE. which will last a. family' one whole week? Ingratitude. to you, we will send 'to you direct on the fast and' popular 21 ,000-to~' Y~sel ,~. a HOLY,LAND ROSARY made of olive seeds ~rom the Garden of Gethsemene.
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SISTERS FOR THE MISSIONS SISTER LOUISE of Lebanon has jUst begun he'r two year tralD ing as a Novice before she becomes a Mission ary 'for souls. She need;s a benefactor who will· give the $150 for each year of her-trainlng-: $300 in all. We·also must help Sister Georgette . in. Iraq and Sist"rs Infant Mary, Mary Gabriel, ·M. Camills and M. Michael In India. Can you "adopt~ one of these young novices?
In time lor the 'great .,.... ";.
JOBRAIL has just entered the Latin Sem
Inary in Jerusalem to study for the Priest
hood. We need $100 a year to train him' for
'tile next six years. Our biggest problem Is to·
provide priests In all the villages of the vast
Ne~r f,Ild Middle East. Can you give this. yearly
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NOVEMBER AND HOLY SOULS THERE IS STILL TIME TO REMEMBER YOUR- .BELOVED DEAD. Our new PURGATORIAL MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATE for' those permanently enrolled is a work of art. Those enrolled - share In 15,000' Masses each year and in the prayers and sacrifices of thousands of Near East missionary priests, nuns and brothe·rs. · Individuals. are enrolled· permanently for ,$20, year17 $L FamilT membership $5 yearly and $100 PerpetuaL
You will enjoy '70 beautiful days on the Azores Islands. Re turning on the sa~e, ship, which will leave Ponta Delgada on' July 1. 1958. Arrival at New York on July '7, 1958.
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17, N. Y.
Balancing' the Books
THE ANCHOR Thurs., Nov. 14, 1 ~57
Traveller in Rome Fluent Account of City's History'
Lourdes Pilgrimage Aids Handicapped
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy No city in the world has as much to offer the intelli gent traveller as Rome. No writer of travel books has as much to offer the intelligent reader as H. V. Morton. It was inevitable, then, that when the latter undertook to write of the former, the $3.95), Beth Day rehearses the result would be memorable. story of Vincent Tracy who at Such is the case, as a fascin- 30 held a top position in a lead ated persual of Mr. Morton's ing New York ~tore; at 35 was a A Traveller in Rome (Dodd, Mead. $6) proves. The boo k' s title is modest. It might imply that the author did hardly more than pass trippingly through the E t ern a 1 City. But evidently he has visited it often over the years, and he spent leveral months there before attempting the present work. Besides, it is obvious that he read' widely and wisely in preparation for his task. His is not a systematic guide book brisk, impersonal, and exhaustive. There is a great deal in and about Rome on which he does not touch at all. Rather, he roamed the city, week after week, early and late. He successively took rooms in four very different quarters. He observed, conversed, read, reflected, And out of all this comes a personal account. flu~nt and highly readable, on WhICh ~e character and history of the Incomparable city are effortlessly c~rried home to the reader. Steeped In History "To live in a permanent state of historical or archaeological areness in Rome would be to : : mad," Mr. Mort~n rightly remarks: Every inch of the city is steeped in history. Or it would be more precise to say that every i h of the city, has beneath it s~:atum after stratum of the past, in continuity. In another place he says "Everything in Rome stands ~pon something older.", This is almost daily verified whenever excavations for new buildings are made. , Of a' visit to the Passionist monastery and the Church of St. John and St:Paul on the Caelian Hill, Mr. Morton writes, "Side by <, side with the monastery is a glorious mediaevel bell tower 'erected upon the titanic arches' of the temple of, Claudius, ,there is also a church whose porch was built by the only English Pope, Hadrian IV, eight centuries ago, and the facade has been restored recently by Cardinal Spellman of New York, who is the titular Cardinal. .. Within a few yards, side by side, are the arches of the Claudian temple, the graves of two martyrs, an ancient Ro man palace, a mediaeval cam panile, the bones of St. Paul of the Cross, the restorations of an American Cardinal, and - a film studio!" Mr. Morton tells us of churches and palaces, of fountains, 'steps, and piazze, of the remains of antiquity and the window dis plays of clerical tailors, of statues centuries old and the roar of motorbikes, of the catacombs and Trastevere restaurants, and so' on and on. It is all knowl edgeable and vivid, and although his is a very long book, ·one is sorry to ~ome to the end of it. For it brings Rome alive-or, rather, Rome after Rome. It is packed with detail about pagan Rome of the Republic and the, Empire, about the beginnings and development of Christian Rome, about Rome repeatedly sacked by barbarians, about mediaeval Rome, Papal Rome, Rome as the capital of a united Italy. Mr. Morton is not a Catholic, but appreciates Rome's place in Christiandom arid can alinost never be faulted for misinter pretation. He has written a book teeming with information, rich in charm, and sure to spur many on the great adventure of discovering Rome. No Hiding Place In No Hiding Place (Holt.
sodden wreck In the gutters of the Bowery; thereafter ,conquered alcoholism; and fo~ ~ome years now has devoted hImself to reclaiming men and women from the depths he once dwelt in. It should be noted that the National Clergy Conference on Alcohol FOR MISSION-LAND CHILDREN: School children ism has several times vpiced dis in all 48 states will shortly begin' t;:tking part in a giant approval of Tracy's claims and drive to sell 250-million Holy Childhood Christmas seals methods. Tr.acy was the older of two which will benefit neglected children of all Catholic mission sons in a Catholic family of lands. With more than four-million children in Catholic means. His brother became a schools, young boys and girls under 13 will ,ask their "cus priest. But Vincent, handsome tomers" to. use Holy Childhood Christmas seals on all their and ~lever, began drinking in his teens, while at boarding school. holiday cards and packages. This year's design is by He went on drinking heavily for Andre Kovalik of Pittsburgh. NC Photo. two decades. During that time he got through college, began graduate work in medicine and law, turned to trade, and was a brilliant success as a principal PITTSBURG (NC) The entation, sacred furnishings and executive. For a long time he somehow Apostolic Delegate to the United so .forth." One Purpose succeeded in preventing his States said here a church' may drinking from ruining his career. be described as "the reception "In church," continued the But as it grew worse, a crash was room where God, the priest and Apostolic Delegate, "we are inevitable. None of the cures the people meet," anti because of treating with God and therefore which worked for other people this, "the good priest cherishes everything that pertains to the
his church, just as he cherishes church, whatever it may be, is helped him in the least. Finally, I;lfter the second of his faithful." of the utmost importance. , Archbishop Amleto Giovanni two aborted attempts at suicide, "Every appurtenance in a he was shocked into facing the Cicognani spoke a.t ceremonies church and every function facts about himself. This crisis marking the golden jubilee of therein, has but one purpose: and change is not fully exthe Pittsburgh diocese's St. Paul our spiritual betterment and the plained. It is ~erely said, for lifting up of our minds and Bishop John F. hearts to' eternal things." example, that he reali~ed "he Cathedral. Dearden heads the rfiocese. had always looked at hte sub Archbishop Cicognani- praised Speaking of the respect due the cathedral here as "among jectively, seeing it through the distor,tions of self-pity, resen~ a church building, the, Apostolic the more beautiful and more ments, per,sonal problems. ThIS 'Delegate pointed out that "it is spacious churches in the coun'" was why he made use of alcohol the sacr~d duty of the shepherd try." He said it is "a tribute to to get away from what he sa,w. of souls * ...... to observe the law God from the entire diocese, and Now he must learn to look at hfe and rubrics given by the Holy stands as a glorious monument as it" was, objectively, for all See and by the bishop relative to the good will, and generous to the church, its form and ori men.' devotion of the people of the Diocese of Pittsburgh." Rehabilitate Others, ,The cathedral is Pittsburgh's
He returned to the practice of told, "He confessed to the Paulist his religion, abandoned years Fathers last night. They called
before. He straightened out, me." In the, first place, no one
married, worked for some time. confesses "to the Paulist Fath
Then he and his wife decided to ers," but to a single confessor.
devote their lives to reaching In the second place, it is sug
"Follow and rehabilitating people in his gested that the confessor imme former fix. They now run Tracy diately disclosed what he had me." Farms, near Albany, where, it is been told under the 'seal. What asserted, hundreds have been happened was surely different Mark: ~:14, brought back' from disorder and from what i$ here said to have, happened. degradation This is in some aspects a horri JEWELED CROSS f ying book, especially in its pro Maintenance Supplies COMPANY D MO. ATTU tORO. MA$$. t racted depiction of Tracy's alco • . MAHUfACTUlflS,Of LAWN MOWERS holic career. It is heartening in CRUOFlXES """ ARTICLES Of DEVOTION i ts evidence of the possibility" of SWEEPERS r eform a case so extreme. I t is less than satisfactory in its . M ILORGAN ITE rather brief description of the work the Tracys are now doing. Fire Extinguishers There is one reference to con f ession which, as it stands, gives a very bad impression. The hea'd 1886 PURCHASE ST. of the store informs Tracy that a recent theft has been solved. NEW BEDFORD He identifj.el! the thief. Tracy WY 3-3786 asks how he knows this. He is
Asserts Good Priest Cherishes Church as. He Does Faithful
LONDON (NC)-An English orthopedic' specialist has ap pealed for help to take a pil grimage of severely handicapped children to Lourdes for next year's centenary. Dr. Michael Strode said that the greatest difficulty in treating the crippled, blind, spastic and otherwise handicapped children in his care was their lack of will power-till he got the idea in 1954 to take four of his worst cases to Lourdes. The results were so successful that he has taken a party there every year since then, the number this year being 43. Dr. Strode said a trust has been set up for the purpose, spe cial traveling equipment bought and volunteer nurses enrolled to travel with the invalids.
Edmundites Expand MYSTIC (NC) - A new no viatiate for the Society of St. Edmund is under construction on Enders Island, near this Con necticut community. Father Jeremiah T. PurtH!, Society Superior General, an nounced the 25-room novitiate will be completed early next year. He said the increasing number of vocations for the par ish, educational and mission work of the Edmundites made the expansion of facilities nec essary. third. The first was a church built in 1834 and designated all the cathedral in 1843. This building was destroyed by fire in 1851 and a second cathedral
was built on the same site in
1855. This was razed in U'03 and the present cathedral was dedi cated in 1906.
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:Hollywood in Focus
16 Thurs.,THENov.ANCHOR 14, 1957
St. Catherine Of Siena
Movie-TV Discussion Clubs Need Definite Objec.tives
Saints In Crosswords
.Communist Tribe Ru.les in Kerala
By Henry Michael
By. William H. Mooring If we ate to set up Movie discussion clubs as recently proposed by Bishop' William A. Scuily of Albany, how best ~) go about it? . From various quarters my suggestions have been in vited. Some readers recall on morality and the moyies if that the group idea has been these are given official reeom bruited in this column for mendation. several years; To help this along, discussion
MALAPPURAM, India (NC) -In its first SIX months of rule .the communist regime in Kerala has appointed 'more than 9,000 communists to government com mittees, a Catholic politi~ leader reports. P. T. Chacko, Catholic leader of' the opposition in the Kerala legislature, said. that the commu nists have created about 460 cofnmittees during its first six months in power. Ruling by committees is one .of the prin ciples of administration adopted . by Kerala's· Red government. Mr. Chacko said that, beyond providi!1g employment for some 9,000 communist party members, the new government. has done nothing tangible to improve the lot of the people and that unem ployment generally is still as acute as ever.. The Indian state's opposition. leader said the communist ap pointees have immense potential to influence voters through their strategic positions.
Meanwhile, the Catholic Stu dents' Union of Kerah has warned its members against c0
operating with the activities of
the' communist-sponsored Stu dents' Federation. The Catholic student group said that the federation is the "mouthpiece" of the communist .' 'party in the student world. It banned CatholicS'from becoming members of 'the federation.
While lhave little to add to leaders might bring up ,one 01' plan outlined here in June, more movies or TV shows cur rent or due in the 'locality. Why 1956-especially now the subject had' the Legion objected that is on the official Bing Crosby's "Man On. Fire" agerida-I think ~ reflected' the acceptibility of that to be of divorce? Why did the Legion .8n.·y real value object to "low moral tone" 'in Elvis . Presley's "Jailhouse the discussion Rock!" Can a prison story. re group idea must flect anything but low life! What appeal prima about the new horror films and rily to Catholic students and those now building homes and the many stories about juvenile raising families. delinq'uents on screen and TV? 'Whflll I made cross country Are they genuinely entertaining speaking tours from 1946 through Do any pander to sensationalism 1954 what impressed me most and so insult the intelligence of was the lively interest of young well-balanced, educated young Catholics in all the communica Catholics! I tion arts. As to the Legion of ,Suggested Topics ACROSS 62 SHE 18 i ElooCl'ical nnlt &3 ",ooraa! Decency I found them curious How did "The Ten Command 1 Harasses PATRONESS (abbr.) &II Kind of beer 7 Cit, In B zlI OF __ • IIEB' HOMB &6 Unlu of IIqnld
or critical, sometimes quite a bit' mentS" stack up artistically? 11 One of S..nta'. 6S ConOneci . II Sea e&ll'lo measure bewild·ered.. This was because What made this and reindeer 54 Burial 8 Fixed 17 Esteem ceremon,. 7 Plelure :~ ~:r"l. their curiosity was unsatisfied "Around the World in 80 Days" . 18 Portent 68 Kind of be.... 8 Wltboat mo'" Calkin 19 Chant 69 Transaellon. ~rloclple. . and their criticism l~rgely un the two big box-office successes 110 MasenUne pel'loD.
~~ ~ remor.. ~ ~eorfbb~er 9 DBS alon. answered. of the year? What does "pay-to lit Tabes
aa C:[~elded 88 Depression. '::'ka~n Bomi; 'IIS Time • .,b..4a1e At the high school level;. the see TV" really 'involve? Do some ~ as Compass polo' 6& SHE TOOK A la Made ·Irate 114 Basla. . Legion list in Mother:'s. liariqs newscasters "load" their com M Stalk of naln OF IS S'r.ln 56 Tear .p.rt . ali Shelter VIRGINITY .. Farm 1001 1I8 Pr.....n'IT :" often r.~pI~esented a blank threat' .. ment! Is there continuous and, 57 .. uchloa .' .~ ;~~:f (:::::) ~ ~~~:.e':.0ldin.. ~~ ~o:f::. polo' 110 to innocent pleasure. At the ·col-.. deliberate disparagement of re PI• .,., . 80 Abandon 67 Fb ·M Boaod Dlar'" IIlI Dr, pi...... . lege level, the high school cry: ; ligion . on network TV? The S' Comr."s. poln' . 88 Dasll a8 Tableland 62 Slrok.. lr"aUr ",Johimy.and Joanie can. go; why questions are endless. 6S Deb.... ' . ~~:!d::~:r', 89 f:..~~rti wi" n ~:::er 00' Tel..vlslo. ean't I?" seemed to change· to: . 'Queries as to Legion objec .'17 SHB WAS' 70 Male' :ea Canv':s shetter· &7 SHE WAS ., KNOWN FOR' 71 Deeapltate .18 SHB WORB A . KNOWN AS'
'''What ~xactly' is so wrong with tions might be answered by dio-" HEB _..__• ,. Germ.n r1vew HAIB . ............ TORKR
the film asJo endanger my moral cesan Legion representatives or lilt Fak.. ry . 76 Member o. SO D ....r _ FOLLOWERS &0 Floral ......... IIll1'hes' .,Ia.... SI Book o' ma... : A Delicious . , • SHB WAS., l~e!'" Af!'long young married' by the Legion's New Yorkexecu &1 Writer. ver'ebr.'" n nnder THE MODKL Catholics the tl:Iought generally . tives. Constructive criticism and ·.a Pack ." .Brls'lelik. .'radn",s FOR ST _ Treat:· : U Ma.s obJee' .ppeada,r. II Boman' pnilUs ,. Yonnlr . ran ~?: "If we mayn't take 'our:. hone:;t curiosity should' be eil .. Scrap of food 10 Cbalr works 01ft,,1.1 n Babyloal.n ... .-,.~ungsters to anything .but A.-I. coulaged. Artistic values should &6 W".vla. 81 Kind of".. . II Bnslo... pl_ Befor. fram..s n 8mall"r !Ill Kind'" pl.,. 'rlI POlsessiv.· Dclovies we ~ight as well, stay be examined squarely' beside . , '&8 Obsol,,'" .8lI P ..rlods 0' '1_ sa R..'rld proaoun t'r Mal.. duel, lit EKell.nlre4 p....C.. home with TV and save ' our· moral ones. New life will come . 71 Eneonnte"" Ie Food from DOWN sa Pal.. I..... 76,ADlonir . ·lROney." to the Legion movement when beav~n 1 Slallor . U Taperlnjt 77 \'arl.n' 11 PinG.. • CltT In HolI_4 "'Ih.....n 78,D1...... te4 Plan Needed more young Catholics come to' ·;The discussion clubs, by taking understand its ·objectives. and (Sohatioa 'on Page 18) ,- In TV ·as .well as movies; might·, its problems. There might even' . 'develop interesting' answers. to 'be an official paper to keep the . lIUch. questions .and at. the same clubs informed, perhaps' to'. an- . . . . ·ttine provide good communal swer criticism or Occasionatly . - Continued. from Pa&,e O~ recreation. First need is a single spark united Catholic Action . ~'. ........:.:.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.y.:.:.:.:.:.:.... .plan and well defined objectives. sUpport of some particularly The commission is composed of ' . Subj'ect to official approval in' .good movie.' or rV series,. or . .siil: members, with former U. S. against a morally offensive one. Supreme 'Court Justice Stanley . oeach diocese or archdiocese, a . central group might first be If we start right these 4iscussio.n ' F. Reed as chairman. It is au formed with leaders who are in-· clubs' can do a grea't-work~ They tliorize'dby the 1957 Civil Rights 4 , terested in, and know something'· can be lots of fun, too. " Act"to make a two-year investi about the theater, movies and gation of civil rights violations. and to make an appraisal ofdy-il TV. Local drama teachers, Cath-. rights legislation~ The appoint oUc writers, 'perhaps even crit les, migl1t help here. Well mean- . ments require Senate' confirm'a lng people who "never go to the:' ROME (NC),- Bishop desig;. : Ask For Them Today : tion but' the cQmmission may , movies, or see TV, because they· nate Frederick W. Freking will start work immediately:. are so' bad," had better listen, be consecrated Bishop 'of Salina, . The commission i$ composed . not talk. Kansas, on Nov. 30 in the North' of thcee Democrats and two Re:" 'Catholic Youth Movements, American College. Chi Rho Clubs, high schools and Consecrator 'will be Giuseppe publiCans. Father Hesburgh, who . eolleges should be recruited to Cardinal Pizzardo, Secretary of is 40, is'~he'y'oungest and a polit begin with, with the Catholic the Sacred. Congregation of the. ically independent member 'of PTA, Veterans, 'Holy Name Holy Office'. Co-c(>flsecrators'will the 'commission.· Unions, Knights of Columbus, be c Archbishop Luigi Traglia, Catholic . Men and Catholic .Viceregent ·of Rome, and Bishop, Women and other mainly adult ·Martin J. O'Connor, rector of" groups lending inter~sted' sup-. the Nort.h American College:'.·. . port and encouragement. " , Msgr, Freking plans to leave: ,MAKES YOUR ~ .. FriJm such a/'central discusSion .... Rome in early December andex-. ' 'lI"Oup, district. clubs, ·eachem'-. peets to ;be installed at: Salina l' CAR RUN BETTER bracirig several parishes (or .in-: . 'early in ·January. .. clividua~ . ones), might soon be '.: . . He:' Car Dealers " NORTH EASTON''.RANDOLPH formed in close 'liaison with the . antf Service .Stations :.iocesan one. PAKISTAN (NC)...:-American . Everywhe;. . National".Network >. born Father CharlesC. Houser, .. ." From the start - and 'clear C.S.C., has .been appointed vicar E. BRIDGE'WATER NORTON " 1IC£OSS' the country - the same general of the Dacca archdiocese. ,format should ·be followed so He'succeeds Father 'M.J. Norc- . that a !'lational network of these kauer, C.S.C., als~ a native 01. clubs is gradually evolved. To the United States. this end' a single, official. text . Father Houser,' a native of' book or plan ·of, action' is indi Youngstown, Ohio,. arrived in ~ ~ ~. ,cated·. This might be based on Dacca in 1946, six months after Anthracite & Bituminon material now In the hands· of his ordination. in Notre Dame, Do You Work in a Factory,
the National Legion .of Decency, Ind.' The Dacca archdiocese· is A~L··, Garage,- Machine Shop or
'-although it may be preferable, manned by ~he Congregation' of both psychologiclly and practi Holy. Cross 'of ·the United State~. Gasoline Station?
cally, that the Legion act as an .Aufomatic Coal Stokers We pick up and deliver, clean information center, ratIter than Bag Coal - Wood and repair overalls. Also, 'we have: as an official monitor. Pastoral Charcoal :J complete line of Coveralls. Pants inspiration, an obvious essential ,'. ~nd Shirts for sale. flo success, can be no 'more nor less than .. a reflection of such We reclaim and wash any oily, , enthusiasm as may ~e expressed, dirty or greasy rags. 111' the respective Ordinaries; .. Why Buy When We Supply Basie Coverage So. Dartmouth First groundwork' to be laid and Hyannis . .might iflclude pasic coverage 0'£ the Legion of Decency, the Papal 50. Dartmol,lth 640 PLEASANT ST~ 'encyclicals on entertainment, the WY 7-93$4 NEW BEDFORD .' 'Hollywood Movie Code, the NARTB radio and TV Code and, %0 Howard Ave.. New Bedford ,·WY 6,8271-,-28-3 . Hyannis 2921 '".'hone 'WY 9-6'1%4 or WY ·9;.6425 .... . ·:.perhaps, seyeral available books . /I
,, , : , ------------ , , F~t'her.·Hesburgh ~ , ,, , , , , , ,, , , , , , , 0' ._
Rome Consecration· For Kansas B.·shop
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Attention Mechanics!
'This Timely'Message Is Sponsored By The. Fol lowing Public Spirited Individuals and Busi ness Concerns .Located in Greater Fall River
Bove Chevrolet
Donnelly PC:Jinting Service
John F. Doyle, Contrador
Duro Finishing Corp.
Enterprise Brewing Co.
The Exterminator Co.
(Leo LaCroix)
Fall River Buick Co.
Fitton Movers
Globe Manufaduring Co.
Gold Medal Bread '
A. G. & W. J. Howland, Inc.
Henry J. Holland Eledric Co.
Hutchinson Oil Ca.
Lafayette Shoe Store
MacKenzie & Winslow, Inc.
Maple Street Laundry
Gerald E. McNally,
George M." Montie, Plumber
Newport Finishing Corp.
Frank X. Perron, Insurance'
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Sobiloff Brothers
Stafford Fuel, Inc.
Sterling Beverages
Sullivan Sig~s
Textile ·Workers Union ,
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~€C£!VE~ A LONG-DtlE: vACA770N AFTtiR.
I-IAPPEil/{! liPON A f;ceA/E: OF VIOLENCE•• .~~~~
Hlu§etp ATrACKED .~_ •.
.....:;:a. --.'tt.
~tU1ud Alett WeeK .' ANCHO~
18 Thu~s.,THENov. 14,' 1957
Thanksgiving Parties
The Parish SANTO CHRISTO, FALL RIVER Rev. Raymond W. McCarthy, diocesan director of the Family Life Bureau, and Rev. Anthony M. Gomes, assistant at' Santo Christo, will conduct a Cana eonference for teenagers at the church at ,7:30 P. M. Friday, Nov. D. Services in the church' will precede the session. Members of the parish Council of Catholic Women will be in charge. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, FALL RIVER Mrs. George Charbonneau, o Catholic Youth chairman, has ; been appointed'to direct a senior bigh school da'nce tomorrow IIlight at 7:30 in the parish hall. OUR LADY OF HEALTH, "ALL RIVER A turkey supper ,sponsored by membt!rs of the Women's Guild will be' held' at' 6 next Saturday Dight, in the church, hall,' fol lowed by a dance with the Kingsmen providing, the ,music. , 'The committee in charge com prises: Kitchen, Emma Pereira~ , chairman, Marianna Rego, Maria Mon.te, Ma~ia Soares, Maria Mo niz, Maria Pontes, Idalina Cor ,. 'reia, Irene Almeida, Emily Me .: . . deiros,' ~ella'. "l'IIello, ~ary Al , ',meida and Deolinda' Viera. ' Table's' 'arid' decorations: Bella Andrade, Hortense'Furtado, Rose Aguiar, Adeline Garcia, Mary Pontes, Mary Ferreira, Ida La roue and Alic'e Rapoza. Tickets: Laura Mello, Mary Couto, Ro~e Freitas, Rose Bulhoes, AIda Fa ria and Mary Perry. Hospitality: Ann, Morais and Lena Camara. p
Cross Word Solution .\
HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER Mrs. Elmer Stafford Jr., chair man, and Mrs. Arthur Donovan, co-chairman, assisted by Mrs. Raymond Conboy· are members ,of the Women's G~ild appointed to head a military whist at 8 next Wedrresday night in the parisi). hall.. A turkey raffle will take'place.
ST. JOSEPH'S, FALL RIVER The public is invited to attend a turkey whist sponsored' by the Women's Guild at 8 Wednesday' night, Noy. 21, in St. .Joseph's Hall, Brightman Street. Mrs. James Bradshaw, chair man, will be assisted by the ·fol lowing committee: Mrs. Charles, Wallace, Mrs. Joseph J. ,O'Con.,. nell Sr., Miss Elizabeth Flaherty, Mrs: Hannah Gardella, Mrs. War lace Fairbanks, Mrs.' Frank Gar._' della, Mrs. Thomas J. Harring 'ton, Miss' Alice Doolan, Mrs. Mary Lenehan, Mrs. Stella Me-' deiros, Mrs. Thomp' Hannofin and Miss Ann Borden. '
,reanne Lamothe, Claire La po~nte", Hector Lapointe, Lor ,~ahie Lap~e" Leonard Lavoie, Georgette LeComte, Pierre Lus~ sier, Cecile Nadeau. Glaudette Nadeau, Leo Na-, deau; ,Ronald Nadeau, Annette 'Parent, Ovila Parent, 'Alice Gad bois,'Wilfrid,Lavoie and Organ i~t Roger Dufour. . . ' ,
WELLFLEET \ .. , " Members, of the .Junior: Guild held their first meeting in the church basement with ' Rev. Den .'J1i~ ~pykers" pastor, offering the opening prayer. Father, Spyker, , also delivered a brief talk. '
S',l','JAMES,' NEW BEDFORD , ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, , :Mrs. Doris England' anll Mrs. FALL:RIVER .. , . ., Nora, Feeley, chairman and" co Atty. 'James W. KillOran wili chairman, respectively, are iii ,charge of a social which will , be guest speaker at·. the com follow the next monthly meeting' munion breakfast of the Wom- ' 'of the Ladies of the Monsignor en's Guild following the 9 o'clock Noon Circle to be held at °7:45 , Mass' Sunday morning in St.' Wednesday night, Nov. 20, in the Mary':;; Cathedral. Breakfast will lower church hall with Pre'Sident 'be served in the Catholic Com Mrs. Catherine Clark presiding. munity Center, with"Mrs. James A film on "retarded children" O'Brien Jr. and Mrs. Fred Sulli will be shown by Arthur Sequin van as co-chairmen. Mrs. Frank Duffy Jr., presi by request of Mrs. Arthur Se 'quin, and a lecture will be given dent, announces a Christmas on a film called "Tuesday's sale to be held Sunday, Dec. 22, in the school hall. ' Child." ... Plans for a sale' to be con ducted on Dec. 3 and 4 in the ·1"""-------~-------~ lower parish hall will be com I?leted during the meeting.
ST. MARY'S, NORTON Twenty-one turkeys will be . awarded at the parish turkey whist sponsored' by the Catholic Women's Club at 8 next Monday night in the elementary school cafeteria for the benefit of the ST. MATTHEW'S
school building fund. FALL RIVER
Mrs, George Bauza, ways, and ,Revived interest is being means chairman, and Mrs, Clar shown in the parish choir by the ence Rich, hospitality chairman, addition of many new voices. have enlisted the following com Miss Grace Parenteau has been mittee workers: Mrs. Gerald ,director for 29,ye?rs. Rehearsals Bernier, Mrs, Odias Guevrernont, are held after High Mass on Mrs. Shirley McPhee,Mrs, Mary _ , S~ndays for the Christmas Mid Murphy, Mrs, Mary Hunt, ,Mrs. mght Mass when the Missa James Johnson, Mrs. Nelson Choralis by Refice will be sung. Patenaude, Mrs, William Foun The came Mass will be sung tain Mrs, Robert Melanson Mr's. when Rev: Clement Dufour, a Fra~k Texeira Mrs. James'Pon native of the parish~ celebr'ates tolille, Mrs. Americo Camara his First Solemn Mass·' Feb, 2. and Mrs, Joseph Belt. . Officers are Leo'Nadeau, presi Also Mrs, Cornelius McCarthy, dent; Pauline LaIIl,ontagne, vice Mrs. Charles Drane, Mrs. Leo president; Cecile Nadeau, treas Yelle, Mrs, Ernest Precourt, urer; Arthur Charland, assistant Mrs: Homer Simmons, Mrs. Flor treasurer. Rev. F. Anat()le, Des ida Lamothe, Miss Aurore La marais, pastor,' is spiritual' ad-' mothe, Mrs. Florence Car visor. ' michael, Mrs. Albert Thibeaulf, ' ' "Members include' Normand, Mrs. Oliver Bro-.yn, Mrs. Joseph Berube, Theresa Boulanger, Ar Thibeault; Miss Florence Thi- thur Ch'arland, ..Lillianne 'Char beault; Mrs, James Cray, Mrs. land, Paul' Charland;: Joan La 'George Charette and Mrs. Ed., fond,' Louise Lamontagne, Paul ward Smith. ine Lamontagne. '
, :'P,ofecf ,
: What You Have
Members of the Couples Club Chosen by Miss Angie Vas who were appointed in charge, of concellos, presideI;lt of the Con the next meeting for Tuesday, fraternity of Christian Doctrine, Nov. 2Q, in St. Anne's Hall, Davis to assist with arrangements for Street, are the following: Mr. a turkey supper to be served at 6:30 next Sunday night in the and Mrs. Abel'Rebello, chairmen, assisted by Dr. ami Mrs. l\.IIanuel parish' are the following: Bar bara Medeiros, ,Marguerite Leite, ' G. Camacho, Mr. and Mrs. Cesar A. Mendes, Mr, and Mrs. William Madeline Carreiro, Patricia Car Furtado and Mr. and Mrs. SimOD reiro, Joyce Leandro, Marie H. C. Tenreiro. Leandro, Nancy Cabral, Beverly Banquet ,and installation of Fragoza, Mary J. Ferreira, Bea officers marked t\J,e first ;lnniyer trice 'Souza, . Natalie Araujo, sary' of the club at White's Res Geraldine Farias and Patricia taurant with Rev. Luiz G. Men Rapoza. doncaacting, as installing mar Mrs. John Silvia, president of shal. The new slate of officers the ,W?men's Counci,l, announc;:es comprises Mr. and Mrs. Frank Abreu, presidents; Mr. and Mrs. a meet,ingfor. next Tuesday night in the parish· hall, when 'an "old Manuel, Rodrigues, vi~e-pres~~, fashioned" fashion show will be' ': dents; Mr. a.nd Mrs. Furtado, sec ,fetaries, a~dMr. and Mrs. .John presented. The executive of FrIars,' tre~surers. ficers ,are, in charge.
Mass for Deceased,
A teen-age dance scheduied " The annual 'requiem mass' for for ,7:30 Saturday night,. Nov. 23, in the 'church hall was an deceased members of the Cath nounced' at, a 'meeting of the olic 'Women~s Club,. ,Fall-River, '.Junior StUdy Club by Miss Lean will be celebrated at 9 ,Saturday, dro" president of Oui' Lady Of morning in the ,Sacred Heart Fatima Sodality. A movie was 'Church., ' , shown followed by a talk" on "Creation a~d the Angels" by', Rev. Laureano c. dos Reis; mO<;l erator.', ,',"
.' j
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Dor()thy Cox HO'me made
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KEATING'S' 'Emily C. Perry
Opposite St. Lawrence Church
New Bedford, Mass.
Visitors Are Always Welcome HELP YOUR ,COLLEGE TO GROW
Directcn: of Building Fund StonehiU Colleg~ PHONE CEdar 8-2221
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Sports Chatter
Coyle High Gridmen Aiming For Class C Championship By Jack Kineavy Somerset High School Coach
The int~rscholastic football season is now well into the stretch and headin' home. Saturday's program is the last regularly scheduled set of week-end competitIon prior to the annual Thanksgiving Day games on Nov. 28. Traditionally. ~os~ schools The Durfee-Wareham game prefer to remam lqle the was quite a tussle. Coach UJ'ban's Saturday before T u r key team was really "up" for this Day. In this area Dart one and until the Capester's mouth vs. New Bedford Voca tional was the lone contest orig inally scheduled. The "flu" and inclement weather raised havoc with the schoolboys this Autumn, and it may well be that some of the schools involved may choose to play their postponed games on the off-weekend. Foremost in the list of. post ponements are Coyle-New Bed ford, Somerset-Falmouth, and Case-Falmouth. The New Bed ford game could mean a great deal to Coach Jim Burns' War riors who are very much in the running for the Class C title. By what means the dilemma posed by Falmouth's having yet to play both Somerset and Case will be resolved-short of· ex tending the season that is-re mains to be seen; 'Narry oper ates on the point system, two for a win, one for a tie. Conceivably, the unplayed games with Fal mouth may have a real bearing on the determination of a league champion inasmuch as Somerset and Case, together with Dart mouth, are prime contenders. Warriors Favored This week's Bristol County schedule lists all teams in action though only three league tilts are carded. The circuit's number one attraction is the Coyle-Durfee clash at Alumni Field,' Fall River. Historically, this was for merly the County's stellar Vet-.. erans' Day attraction, but with the holiday falling on Monday this year and subsequently dur-' lng the week for the next few years, it was decided to move the game back to a Saturday date. " Coyle undefeated and untied in six starts should rule a pro hibitive favorite' over Durfee which' boasts but one .victory in five outings. But again this is one of, thosetraditiorial games in which anything can happen. Coach Urban's team is much stronger than its record indi cates. The Hilltoppers lost their last two starts (Fairhaven and Ware ham)·after leading in both games well into the fourth and final period. The loss of quarterback Stan Kupiec, injured in the late stages of the Fairhaven tilt, has been a severe blow to Durfee. However, his understudy, Char ley . Carey, performed creditably t f I ' . agams power u Wareham, plck . i ng off. an errant Capeway aenal h tdo register t e first Durfee touch own. Home~oming Day For Warriors Tony Correia and Ted Reilly it'll be Homecom ing Day in a 'tense. Both boys are Fall River natives. Tony splits the quarterbacking chores with Brockton's Bob Freccero, while Ted hold~ down a starting job at end. Among other local personnel on the Coyle squad are the Barteks, Fred and Peter, who hail from Somerset. Both have played vital roles in the War riors' successes to date. Fred's interception of a Fairhaven pass on Coyle's one-yard line stopped an imminent Blue score last Sat urday. At the time Coyle had a slim 7-0 lead. The, ranks of the unbeaten, un tied schools in the area now number only Coyle and Ware ham. The Warriors personally accounted for the thinning of the files, first downing North Attle boro 36-0 then belting Fairhaven 35-0. Against the latter, Coach Burns' team again' displayed a versatile. scoring punch. George Arguin, senior halfback from New Bedford, led the foray with two touchdowns. Boyle, Freccero and Gazzola each" scored one. The Fairhaven- shutout was the fourth of the year for the stout Warrior defense w~ich has al lowed its combined opponenu eDly two touclldoWDa a1l7ear.
aerial circus began to click in the fourth stanza, it appeared that the Hilltoppers were about to pull off the upset of the sea... son. , However, Coach <?lem Spil lane s crew reacted With a ven geance 'when faced with a 13-2 fourth period deficit ·much as they had the w~ek previous when Attleboro had them 13-0 with slightly more than three minutes remaining. Wareham won that one 14-13 and they turned on Durfee to register a 21-13 victory. The running of Tom Eccleston spear headed the Capesters attack. Tom also demonstrated passing finesse as did his lefthanded counterpart, Ken Borsari. These boys. combined to pitch Wareham to a 19-0 baseball record last' Spring. Their catcher, Gene Lopes, center and co-captain of the grid squad, proved himself ·thebest' defensive lineman' on the field. For Durfee, Dick Bona lewicz and Gerry Elias did yeo man jobs and the interior Hill topper forward wall outplayed the visitors throughout most of the afternoon. City Title Taking a' look around the county, New Bedford has a,fine attraction Saturday in the an-, nllal High versus Vocational tra-. ditional tilt upon which hinges ' the city title. Yoke is winless to date but their .explosiye offense has worried all opponents thus far. "Scooter" Morris and George Harrison are a dual threat and the passing tandem McMullen to GOqles presents constant harass ment to the enemy .secondary. The Crimson, on tl\e other hand," will enter the game with a fine 4-1-1 record. Their only loss was' a 7-0 affair at the hands of Fair haven in; the Stadium' mud a' couple of weeks ago," Des'pite the reversal, the High School' offense jelled in that game and the boys continued 'their over";' whelrriing ground superiority agairistAttleboro on'Saturday," winning 20-18. The running 6f Duncan MacDonald and Tom Eck. Jr. has .spiced the Crimson attack,' and these two boys, along with quarterback Ernie Torres; are expected to bear the offen sive brunt against 'their cross town rivals. This should prove to be a real thriller. I n 0 th er games involving C oun t yearns t N or th Attleboro WI'11 be a t T aun t on, Attl e b oro g oes t 0 Stoug ht on an d F air . h aven entertains undefeated untied Wareham. Fairhaven which has lost only to Coyie has the per
NEW BEDFORD YOUTH! AT ALTAR: Members of Mount Carmel CYO receive Holy Communion from Rt. Rev. Msgr. Antonio P. Vieira, their pastor, in observance of Catholic Youth Week.
THE ANCHOR Thurs., Nov. 14, 1957
CQJrmte~ CVO Chapter. Communion BreOl~~~~t
19 1 200 Attend Mount
House Ru les Adopted! At Kennedy· Center The Joseph P. Kem"ledy Jr. YC;lUth and Community Center will be open.every evening from 6:30 to 9 p. m. beginning the week of Nov. 25, Rev. Leo T. Sullivan announces. The gym, however, will continue for bas ketball until 10 P. M: The regular CYObasketb'all season ~ill start on that date, with 12 teams signed· to date. The Council has adopted some house rules which will be posted on the bulletin boards for. ,the guidance of the youngsters. Several members of the Youth Council have volunteered ,their services 'as supervisors at' eve ningprograms. . Girls' basketball' was played Tuesday evening for experienced girls from 7 to 8 and novices from 8 to 9. There was also a meeting of the Commi~tee on Culture' under Mrs. Gerald Mor rissey the same night.' Tonight there will be a ,panel discussion under the direction 'of teenager Robert Conway. . About 400, young . people danced to the music of the Sky liners ,at the first dance in the Centet-. ..
Nearly 200 members of Mount Carmel CYO Chapter . of New Bedford and their invited "buddies" concluded Catholic Youth Week by receiving Holy Communion and attending a Communion breakfast. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Antonio P. Vieira, pastor of the par the ga~e with everything you ish , was celebrant of the have, . "but play it fair and Mass square. '. . . Mr. Ferreira, former director Spea~ers at the breakfast and organizer of the Mount Car
were Rev. Joseph Cardoso, Ste-' mel CVO Chapter lauded the phen P. Downey and William J. members on the' impressive, Ferreira. William Baroa, chap affair. ter treasurer; was toastmaster. "The spirit found in this or Father Cardoso, administrator ganization is incomparable" he • of Jesus Saviour' Church in New said. "This is the finest tu;nout port; R. I. and former director of of this type I have ever seen in CYO for Newp'ort Cou!,!ty; told my many years in CYO." ~heg;oul? to have a goal .in life. CYO President Raymond Syl Don t thmk along the hnes. of via concluded the speaking pro what you. should get out of hfe, gram by thanking all those who but what you can put into it," helped to make the affair a suc-> he said. "Being a priest isn't the cess. Among the invited guets ' only way you can .serve G~d. were professional boxer Jimmy You can also serve Him by bemg Connors and professional soccer goo~ fathers anc! useful citize'mt". player Joe Ferreira, a former Mr. Downey, a popular retired member of the Mount Carmel member of the New Bedford. CYO. Chapter. ' Police Department, related mallY The breakfast was served by , amusing stories of.his experi the Children of Mary Society. ences. In a mQre serious vein,'he Adrien Mello, chairman of the told the boys of the job that t~e affair, was assisted by Charles, CYO pr~gn~m, .was doing in R9 dri gues, John De Barros,' building yout~ ,physically and Richard' Dias and Antone Pa meptally in order. to, m'old them c h e c o . ' . into us~ful men and women. ~. , . 'impress'ive. Affair " Coy,le a~'ti .Ma~sfield: clubs are' unu~ually strong,'however. ' "You' have.,such a program:, ..nO JOB TOO BIG .' Predict Close One" , , here' at Mount, Ca'rmel,' he said. :.DONE TOO SMALL . Taunton,: on .the other hand, "Follow .the·' counselling of· has a two-game skein going, your parish priests and you will having defeated D~rfee 19-0' and' also become useful' men. Play. Somerset .20-7. The Herrings have size and power. In Ken, Asack they ,have one of the Main Office and Plant Coul1ty'S best linemen. Backs George Hodgson and Jack Car lOWELL, MASS•. valho excel and have Tel_hone Lowell given an. otherwise inexperi enced team t1)e lift that it has Gil 8-6333 Ilnd GL 7·7500 needed. Your pick. FOR All BUDGETS Cape Attraction Auxiliary Plants ~ Action on the small school
level is light this weekend. The
BOSTON headline attraction is the Yar
OCEANPORT, N. J. 586 Pleasant Street mouth-Falmouth game .on the
PAWTUC&{!2T, R. &. sonne1 to make things interest Cape. Yarmouth, off its season's
New Bedford ing for the visitors. In addition, record, will enter the game the
the Blue, hurting from last . favorite. In Narry play, Dighton week's humiliation, will be out is at Case and though a short to salvage something of a shat trip as the crow ,flies, it will un tered reputation. Hard luck Attleboro will be hard pressed doubtedly prove a long afternoon , for the outgunned Lions. Som to get back on the winning track erset, meanwhile will be on the against powerful Stoughton. prep school circuit travelling to Your nearest mail box is a rirst Coach Bill Madden's Jewelers Marion for a game with Tabor Federal "branch office" lhat's have lost' three ball games but· Academy. The Raiders sank the open 24 hours a day to make two were by the slimmest of Middies last year, but this is another campaign. That's. the saving easy for yOll. No tratTlc. no margins, the point after touch scholastic grid picture for the down. The Taunton-North Attle parking, no wealher problem~. boro game looks like a toss-up; weekend. With a smile from Mr. \X'jthdrawals are JUSt as sj'mple North has experienced rough Weatherman, the schoolboys will as savings paymeOls. going the past couple of weeks have at it. Why not get out to dropping successive d~cisions to see your favorite team in action? iii i l l . Ill.'" lD • • ----------------:-------------- . . . . . . . . . I!!l for fREE sove-b y-li
": OF
·WM. T·. MANNING (0.
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Cardin(t1j~ Sfr[l"otch,Asserts" No One Ever F~U1a~h~~ Cathechism Study EAST ST. LOUIS (NC)-The CardinaJ-Archbishop of Chicago stressed her,e that no Catholic ever finishes his catechism les sons, be he bishop, prie'st, Reli gious or layman, ' Speaking to a regional Con fraternity of Chrisian Doctrine congress, .Samuel Cardinal Stritch urged adult CCD cate chism courses, spoke on the rela t"ionship of liturgy and cate chism, and cautioned that indi rect teaching of religion through good family atmosphere is not a substitute for direct teaching. Sad Thing "I have come across people who somehow feel that· when they .finish the Baltimore cate chism that they, used in grade school, they have finished the study of catechism and they know all about their religion," the Cardinal said.
Calling this "a sad thing," he said Catholics must keep work ing to increase their knowledge of religion, "particularly in these days when .we 'can o~ly ,with difficulty live what we believe." , "Because this is so, it would be a sorry mistake to exclude adult catechism instructiop's from the whole work of catecB'ism instruc tion in the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine," he commented. . Turning to the catechism liturgy relationship, the Cardinal said that the meaning of the form and content of the Church's pub lic prayers' cannot be known "unless more and more we come to know our catechism." The catechetical work of the Church in its early ages, he con tinued, anticipated the life of the liturgy of the Church. "It would be a mistake to identify the lit urgy w'ith the catechism of the Church, although, certainly in the liturgY.Jhere is doctrine of· ~eds. the Church," he said. .. Turning to private devotions, With~n the Cardinal declared that "as WASHINGTON (NC )-Auxil there is in the liturgy that first iary Bishop Fulton J. Sheen of element of living out the manner New York has told the House of praying, there are also extra Committee on Un-American Ac liturgical devotions, private tivities that Russia will be "one ·prayers such as the Rosaty." of the greatest spiritual and Living With, Christ moral forces in the world, within The many approved private 50 or 100 years." devotions, he said, have a role in the Catholic religion. "All of The Bishop was one of three clergymen consulted by the com these have a place in bringing mittee on the subject of "The us fuller i11 grace and living with Ideological' Fallacies of Com.-' Christ," he said. As for, indirect teaching, he munism." The others were Dr. S. Andhi! Fineberg, community said, "it certainly is true that there is a great deal to be said relations consultant of the Amer in teachi'ng through atmosphere, ican Jewish Committee, and Dr. though family atmosphere, Daniel A.' Poling, editor of the Christian Herald. school atmosphere." "But we must not forget that Bishop Sheen was consulted by this indirect teaching of religion Richard Arens, director of the House Committee on Un-Amer was ever correlated with 'direct ican Activities, and Col. William 'teaching of religion in the mind of the Church' down through the' F. Heimlich, committee consult ages." , ant on international communism. The Bishop said comm~nism will disintegrate in Russia, and. CHICAGO (NC) ' - Samuel that when this happens "Russia Cardinal Stritch, Archbishop of will be. one of the great spiritual . and moral nations of the world." Chicago, has been honored for This will come about, he .his efforts on behalf'of Hunga rian exiles.' stated, because communism has done one thing 'in Russia: re He was awarded the "Pro .tored a sense of discipline and , Hungariae" Medal of the Knights of Malta.' ' , dedication. .
Sees COIfilWlelf$BOn Of, Soviet C®!fatha.ry
Honor Cardinal,
St. Paul Prelate Plans, Extensive School Program
FALL,RIVER CHURCH RENOVATED: Interior of St. Roch's parish church on Pine Street has been almost completely transformed. L.
. Fall River Church· Renovated Continued from Page One
way that the chu):'ch would look' bigger and be more secure gainst . the weather. , The front of the church wa's ,widened and a new .copper steeple was erected, which is still ,to be seen today. At the two front corners yellow brick pillars were constructed, and along the side wails buttresses of the same type brick broke the mon,otony of the long straight walls. The clapboard gave place to stucco, so popular then in the"20s. The, outside entrance was changed to an inside one with a Spanish bal cony over the central door. Renovation Dela~ed But what was not foreseen was thal' with the changing climate 'conditions of Fall River, stucco would not stand the test of time. So as years went on the stucco deteriorated so fast that the ap pearance of the church had lost its beauty. The depression of the 30s hit. SOt. Roch's Parish very hard. AI through the pastor realized full well the necessity of doing some thing to protect and beautify the church, the heavy debt made
. the cost prohibitive. Fina~ly in 1954, after the, m~rtgage 'had
Asks HoiJ'~e of Lords -Seats for Catholics
LONDON (NC)-Offlcial rep resentation for the Catholic Church and other non-Anglican bodies in the House of Lords has been urged by the Rt. Rev. G. K: A. Beil, Ang'lican Bishop of Chichester. . , Bishop Beli's suggestion, which privileged as' ourseives and re goes a step further that a ,gov member the undoubted needs ,of ernment recommendation for underdeveloped nation!"," House of Lords reform, would . !Ie criticized as "unfair" the reduce the number of seats held system, of paying a basic wage which is intended to allow the . now by Church of England bishops. The Archbishops of worker to supplement his needs Canterbury and York, and 24 by working overtime ana sug senior bishops are among the gest~d it would "be more equit upper chamber's 872 peers and able to raise the basic wage and represent the mind of the Angli reduce the scale of payment for can Church in matters of state. overtime work." Worker's 'Rights While agreeing that higher grades of workmanship should CHICAGO (NC)-Since 1940 receive higher pay, the Arch the _Chicago archdiocese has bishop said that man ·has an in more than doubled its facilities born right to improve his posi for care of the aged, Samuel tion and all should have an opCardinal Stritch said here. At portunity to do so. , the same time, Msgr. Vincent He also noted that "in her Cooke, executive director of anxiety to promote' industrial Catholic Charities in the arch harmony, the Ch~rch undobut diocese, said that more than edly blesses those systems whil;h' $7,500,000 had been spent re seek to prom9te a sense of part cently for the construction of nership in industry between em homes for the aged in the arch ployer and employed." diocese. '
'Archbishop 'Notes Duty of Union Members to' Attend , Meeti~gs
LONDON (NC)~Union mem. bers who are too lazy to attend meetings whEm great issues are at stake run the risk of "failing to keep an appointment" with God, Archbishop William 'God frey of Westminster told a group of trade unionists. Addressing a night· Mass ob serving "Industrial Sunday,'.' the Archbishop warned Catholic trade unionists that "everyone should feel it his bounden duty to resist with all his might the maneuvers of those who would win them away from their loy alty to God and to their nation.. Attend Meetings "It follows that you should all be true members of your union and n'ot fail to be present at, your meetings. You should be determined to· use your vote as your conscience tells you. "One might almost say that a union member who is negligent about his attendance at his meet
ings, ' particularly . when great
issue~ are at stake, is by his
apathy or sloth failing to keep
an appointment with his Maker."
Archbishop Godfrey also ad
vised that "class warfare can
have no part in any Catholic so
cial program." He called for
good will on the part of both
management and labor. '
Living Wage
"This means that neither the
employer nor the employed
should live in the past and that
the old rancors and difficulties
should be set aside," he said. The Archbishop noted that
though, in general, extreme pov
erty has been e~adicated in Brit
ain, "still we are members of
the human family, a world com munity, and * * * must recognize
the legitimate natural aspira-'
tions of thos·e who are not as
THE ANCHOR Thurs., Nov. 14,1957
Double Facilities
ST. PAUL (NC)-A lO-million dollar building program here is expected to provide new high school classrooms for more than 3,000 students by 1958, Arch bishop William O. Brady an nounces. The plan calls for addition's to three boys' high schools in the Twin Cities: De -La Salle in Min neapolis, Cretin in St. Paul and .Benilde in St:-Louis Park, a sub urb of Minneapolis. All are con ducted by the Christian Brothers. Construction is already under way on one new girls' high school in St. Paul, the John Gregory Murray Memorial High School, and an additior. is being built to Our Lady of Peace ~igh School. After 1958 it is e~pected that the following high schools will be ready: a new high school for boys in north St. Paul, a new St. Margaret's Academy, in Min neapolis, and possibly .three . other high schools in Minneap .olis. Msgr. William Brand, pastor of St. Peter's church in Richfield, is the chairman of a committee set up to promote the expansion program and its financial cam paign, which will start after the new year.
been paid off, efforts were made to tackle a complete renovation of the interior and e~terior of the church. The antique lights gave place . to new modern fixtures with floodlights in the sanctuary. The long high retables crowded with statues on the altars were cut down ,to give them the new table liturgieal look. The- dark oak stained ·woodwork was stripped and finished in it light blond natural finish. The walls were stippled in a light rose-tan color with white trimmings, -so that on entering the church one has the immediate feeling of peace and prayer. Chalice Design DefenS3' The exterior has. been done entirely but for the, copper A~airllst steeple. Once again· on the three ROME (NC) - The 20,000 sides WIde white clapboard re members of Italy's civic com mittees "stand ready for battle" plac~d the stucco. The outmoded balcony was taken off, and the against the Reds, delegates to entire front was done in a' beau the organization's national con tiful yellow brick to match the vention here declared.
already existing pillars. A new . The civic committees, made up
sidewalk nicely graded without mainly, of young Catholic men~ steps was designed in form of a actively interested in. politics, chalice, so fitting a commemora are regarded as one of the
tion of the 50th anniversary of Church's major aids in holding
its pastor which will be cel back the constant communist
ebrated on Dec. 8.
threat in this country. The people of St. Roch's Par '~is Holiness' Pope Pius XII ish are more than proud of the received memoers of the ·civic 'wonderful transformation that committees at the end of, their has taken place within the last convention and expressed his ap two years. Indeed we can apply proval of their work "for the the woriIs of the prophet .Aggeus propagation and defense of the who. foretold, the beauty of the Faith among all Italians." He reconstruction of the temple of added that members must 'always Jerusalem, '~The glory of this be prepared "in the struggle last house shall be greater than . against every form of material the fiirst." (Aggeus 2, 10). ism."
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