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The ANCHOR An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Flrm-St. Paul

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Nov. 14, 1974 PRICE 15c Vol. 18, No. 46 © 197,( The Anchor $5.00 per year

Pastoral Concerns Highlight Bishop's Visit to Holy See The Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River, has returned to the Diocese from the "ad limina" visit to Rome. The special visitation to the Eternal City which the Bishop made is one which diocesan ordinaries are required by ecclesiastical law and custom' to make at periodic intervals, at which time they' are to visit the tombs of the Apostles, Peter and Paul. A comprehensive report on the status of the Diocese was presented to Vatican authorities by Bishop Cronin on the occasion of this visit. In the course of the visit to Rome, Bishop Cronin enjoyed the privilege of being received in private audience by His Holiness Pope Paul VI. Commenting on the audience, Bishop Cronin noted that the Holy Father manifested a great interest in the apostolate of the Diocese and conveyed, through Bishop Cronin, his Apostolic Benediction to the clergy, religious and laity of the Diocese.

lengthy report, replete with statistics and commentary, to the Sacred Congregation for Bishops in the Vatican. He visited the Church's highest tribunal or court, the Apostolic Signatura, in order to present a comprehensive report on the activities of the Diocesan Tribunal during the past five years. While in Rome, Bishop Cronin also had occasion to visit othe.r ecclesiastical offices, including the Sacred Congregation for Sacraments, where he inquired

regarding certain local matters presently under study by officials of the division of the Holy See. Accompanied by his Secre· tary, Father John J. Oliveira, Bishop Cronin Visited both the ,Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican and the Basilica of Saint Paul, outside the walls of the ancient City of Rome, where he cele brated Mass and signed the formal register which is kept in each Apostolic shrine for ordi· Turn to Page Four

Fall River High Schools To Meet for Discussion

A study to determine the best alignment of Catholic high schools in the city of Fall River was announced today by Reverend Monsignor Patrick J. O'Neill, Diocesan Director of Education. "We have received a number of inquiries and suggestions regarding the possible merger of Bishop Cronin 'reported that our high schools, and we want to the Pope was especially desirous do what seems most suitable for of transmitting to the clergy of our young people," Monsignor the Diocese, "The Presbyterate" O'Neill stated. as the group of priests united With this in mind, the princiwith the Bishop is called, a spe- pal of the Academy of the Sacred cial message' of encouragement Hearts, Bishop Connolly High and paternal concern. His Holi- School and Bishop Gerrard High ness took great delight in learn- Scl-,-ool will be meeting with the ing of the blessing which the' diocesan education staff and surDiocese enjoys of many sem- veying the thinking of parents, inarians now preparing to join students and teachers. the priestly ranks serving the "No final decision has been faithful of the area. made regarding the schools," Bishop Cronin presented a Monsignor O'Neill explained,

"but we feel that we should be continually alert to the needs of our students. We certainly intend to retain our high schools, but we are prepared to adapt to changing times." Among issues to be considered are the possibility of co-education and the merger of some of the schools to provide the best use of facilities. Monsignor O'Neill stressed that the purpose of making this announcement at this time was to allow all who wished to offer suggestions to do so. "We hope that this will not cause unnecessary concern or uncertainty, but we would like to hdvean open discussion of what heretofore has been in the realm of speculation and rumor," he concluded.

Two Great ,Ways to Say Thanks Most Reverend James L. Connolly, D.D., D.Se.Hist.

Bishop James L. Connolly Observes 80th Birthday The Most Rev. James L. Con- been studying the writings and nolly, former Bishop of the Di- rules of Saint Benedict. An hisocese, will observe his eightieth torian by training :and by preferbirthday tomorrow, November ence, Bishop Connolly composed an anecdotal, history of the Di15th. ocese since retiring. Bishop Connolly plans to Two Sisters of the Community spend his birthday rather quietly at the Highland Avenue res- of Saint Joan of Are, Sister idence where he has lived in re- Clara and Sister Neree, provide tirement for some four years for Bishop Connolly and for his now. Likely there will be a pri- pet poodle, "Dandi." On pleavate celebration of the birthday sant afternoons, he enjoys a in the evening. Yesterday, Bishop walk through the neighborhood Connolly was feted at an inti- with an old friend, Mr. John mate party given by his succes- Burke of Fall River. In retirement, Bishop Connolly sor, the Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, at the Cathedral has administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to thousands of Rectory in Fall River. Relieved of the pressing bur- •youngsters in Diocesan parishes, dens of administration, Bishop a pastoral activity which he has Connolly has, in retirement, had found most satisfying. A persisvirus prevented him the opportunity to pursue favor- tent ite diversions. An avid reader, from undertaking Confirmation he keeps abreast of current puh- "rounds," as he calls them, last lications, books and periodicals, spring. The Bishop enjoys occasional and has re-read many of his preferred volumes of Christian his- television viewing, preferring tory and literature. Lately he has Turn to Page Three

In order to help relieve the for the needy of the Third World. Last year over 11 million people plight of many of our needy both in 72 countries benefited from at home and abroad, the Fall River Diocese will be conducting this drive, which ran to 1,192 two major appeals during the overseas shipments. The theme of both drives is Thanksgiving season. The first appeal, the Campaign simple yet of profound worth. for Human Development, will be operative in all parishes during the weekend of Nov. 23-24, 1974. This campaign was started in 1970 and to date has raised over $22 million for use in 500 communities throughout the country. The campaign's outreach has encompassed a broad social spectrum on the national level: from health and legiil aid to transportation for the elderly. On the local diocesan scene, 25 per cent of the collection, which to date has amounted to over $,\0,000, has been used for local self-help projects, such as Birthright, Alcoholic Deto~ification, and regional programming for the Deaf. The Thanksgiving Clothing Drive will run from Nov. 24-30, 1974. Area directors are Revs. Normand J. Boulet (Attleboro), Michael Nagle (Taunton), Ralph Tetrault '(Fall River), Thomas O'Dea (New Bedford), John F. Andrews (Cape and Islands). This year's appeal is for sum· mer weight clothing, shoes in good repair, and blankets. For years Catholic Relief Services has operated this drive, so that presently it bo'rders on a technological wonder. On an average of every five hours, a shipment of supplies leaves an American port

The Campagin for Human Devel· opment looks to "monetary" help on the home scene for our local people in need. The Thanksgiving Clothing Drive looks to "in kind" help on the foreign scene for the needy of the Third World.


THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 14, 1974

Expect Congres1s To Back Nationa I H'ealthlnsurance


Food S(ore Heads ,.at· Stonehill IDinnerBenejiting Library Wing

Prayer$ Touch, Irish Hearts J


By Marion Unsworth Curran Food shain heads Joseph E. Fernande$ and Ralph D. Tedeschi , WASHINGTON (NC) - The were hon'oredat a fund-raising 94th Congress elected - Nov. 5 dinner atl Stonehill College last wiJI be more receptive than the 'week for their continuous service old .congress to National Health and supp6rt of the college. Insurance (NHI) and other social Tbz diJner, held at the College prQgrams with Catholic Church Center, rJalized over $50.000 Itobacking, according to Church ward a ne:w wing on the Cushirlgand political observers. Martin Library. The addition will The Democratic sweep and the double th~ present book' capacity reelection of moderate·progres- and provide needed reference sive Republicans have resulted and meeting rooms' for the stuin a Congress expected to be dents and faculty. more liberal on social programs, Ralph J. Lordi, vice-president altp.ough observers' were cau- of Stop _~nd Shop, chairman of tious. ' the dinner committee, served as Jesuit Father Robert Drinan, toastmast~r. Acting Dean C. elected for' a third term as a James Cl~ary read the citations Democratic Representative from for the Outstanding Service Massachusetts, said- Democratic Awards presented to Fernandes I leadership expects to pass Na- _ and Tedeschi. tiona I Health Insurance and tax Fernandes, Chairman of the reform packages in the next Con- Board of !Fernimde's Super Margress. kets. has served as President of Msgr. Laurence' Corcoran, ex- th.e International Association of ecutive director of the National Chain Sto~es, Special Food Con, Conference of Catholic Charities, sultant oJ world feeding proband the staff of Network, an 01'- lems to tbe International Bask ganization of nuns a-cting as lob- Economy ICorpol'ation, and Spebyists on social issues, also said 'cial Consulting Representative to the chances for passage of a· the U.S. IState Department on more comprehensive National food problems in the Alliance for Health Insurance ,program than Progress, las well as sponsoring the one. proposed by the Ford Portugues I cultural ' programs in y administration seemed possible. the United States. TaX Reform A mem~er of the Board of AdA poll by the CBS television visors at, StonehillCollege since network of congressional candi- 1963,and\ its chairman for two dates before the election indicat- years, FerJ;landes in 1971 became ed more'support in the new Con- one of tHe first laymen to be gress for an NHI program admin- eleoted to Ithe College's Board of istered through the Social Secur- Trustees. 1nhis citation, Stone.. ity Administration, as opposed to hill acknowledged "its own debt administration by private insur- of gratitude and the high esteem it! which 'he is held by h,is asso·· ance companies. The CBS poll also indicated ciates andlcompatriots... the new· Congress will be more receptive to public service em- Need for Values Tedesc:hi, who has served as ployment programs and a more Board Meritber of Suffolk Univer. generous form of amnesty than sity and Rbgis College as well as: President Ford's clemency pro- Stonehill,!is also a Knight of gram. It will also be more opposed to the President's pardon Malta, Knight of the Holy Sepof former President Nixon and ulchre, K~ight of st. Gregory, , against wage-price controls. and Com~ander of Italy's Order The U.S. Catholic Conference of Solidarity. Tedeschi is presil and Catholic Charities have both dent of tbe Angelo's supermarket supported public service employ- chain. ment and tax reform. Observers agree that other social issue pro- Asks Nomill1ations grams backed by the church 01'I , ganizations will fare better in ~or '\\'!ho's Who' the new. Congress. WASHINGTON (NC) - U. S. ' elections rrlay he over, but it is nominationl time iJ;l Washington. Necrology A final Icall is going out for nomination1s for the Bicentennial NOV. 25 Edition of ih~ Arrlerican Catholic Rev. Philias Jalbert, 1946, Pas- Who's Whb. tor, Notre Dame, 'Fall River . AnybOdYI may be nominated for a biog~aphical listing in the NOV. 26 next edition of the biennial book, which is pLblished by NC News' Rev. James R. Burns, P.R., Service. N6minations may be in 1945, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall the fOorm ~of a short note to River American, ICatholic Who's Who, 13 12 Mass~chusetts Ave., N. W._, NOV. 27 Washington, D. C.. 20005. Nomination forms also -are Rt. Rev. Patrick - E. McGee, available. There's no charge. 1948, Pastor, St. Mary, North I Attleboro



NOV. 28 Rev. Adrien A. Gauthier, 1959, Pastor, St. Roch, Fall River .._,IIl"""'",,,,""'''''''Ul'''''IIl''........''''''''''l'''''''''lllll'...IIlI.....AOO.-...-

THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at .111 River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall Rliver, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Prets of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postp~;d $5.00 per year.

No. AttlebCllro K of C: The ThJmas P. McDonough Council No,! 330 of No. Attleboro will spo~s6r an Old Timers Dance on Saturday night, Nov. i1

~~~n ,::,

t: d~:~::nw:~i:

served at 8:15 an:! dancing to, the turn o~ the c:entl\ry strains of Joey Germaine's band willi continue until 1 o'clock. I I



AWARD RECIPIENTS: Ralph D. Tedeschi, chairman of the board of Angelo's Supermarkets, Inc. and Joseph E. Fernandes, chairman of the board of Fernandes Supermarkets, Inc., received Stonehill College's Outstanding Achievement Awards at a testimonial dinner that channeled its proceeds to the college's Cushing-Martin Library. Very Rev. Ernest J. B~rtel, Stonehill 'president, stands with award recipients before a portrait of the library. Rev. Ernest Bartell, C.S.C., president of Stonehill College, speaking to the' over 600 people assembled at the dinner, noted the parallel careers between Stonehill College and the two l


Pri'ests s Mother s Mass Today Most. Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of the Diocese of (Fall River performed' the final commendation ri·te today at the conclusion ,of the Liturgy of Christian Burial for the late Mrs. David J. (Mary V. Curley) Thomson, mother of Rev. Msgr. William D. Thomson, pastor of St. Francis Xavier Parish, Hyannis. The, Funeral Liturgy was held in :Immaculate Conception Church, Taunton. Mrs. Thomson, who was 93" years of age, died on Monday. The principal concelebrant was Rev. Msgr. Joseph C. Canty, pastor of SI:. Paul's Parish, Taunton. A close personal friend of Monsignor Thomson, Monsignor Canty offered the Mass due to the fact that, the priest son of Mrs. Thomson was -in a Boston Hospital undergoing surgery. Present in the, sanctuary was Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, V. G., Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese. In addition to Monsignor Thomson, the widow of the late David J. Thomson - is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Alfred (Marion) Leonard and Mrs. James (Mary) David. Interm"ent was in 'St. Joseph's Cemetery, Taunton. S:~.D.,

CINCINNATI (NC) - An ecumenical service for "reconciliation in Ireland" held in St. 'Peter in Chains Cathedral here last summer has ,brought expressions of gratitude and hope from some of Northern Ireland's church leaders.. The Council of Christian Communions of Greater Cincinnati and the Catholic archdiocese of Cincinnati sponsored the service, and the Ancient O'rder 'of Hibernians, an Irish fraternal society, served as host. Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin of Cincinnati and the Rev. Tecumseh X. Graham, executive director of the Council of Christian Communions, sent copies of the order of the service to Irish c~,urchmen. In a letter to the two Cincinnati churchmen, Cardinal William Conway of Armagh, presi::lent of the Irish Bishops' Conference, said he was "most grateful for your prayers in this terrible situatiun" and "greatly encouraged by your genuine interest and concern." The Rev. A. J. Weir of Belfast, general secretary of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, wrote that "we are indeed encouraged by knowledge of the way in which 'many of our brethren throughout t.::·e world have been remembering us in their prayers in our difficult situation. While at present it is not easy t-o say what is the right way forward it is all the more important that we should be sustained in our Christian faith and vision so that we do not lose hea'rt."

honored guests, all of whom started their careers in the late 1940's in the same area of Massachusetts. "We have all grown together," he said, "and all realize the importance of young people being trained to cope with this topsyturvy economy of today. And we all recognize the need to give them values which will lend honor and dignity to their lives.


WINTER SCHEDULE Sunday Masses: Saturday Vigil: 4:00 and 5:30 p.m. Sunday Morning: 8:00, 10:00 and 11:00 Sunday Afternoon: 5:00

t Daily


8:00 a.m. and 12:05 p.m.

t SATURDAY IS SHRINE DAY AT THE CATHEDRAL Masses:: 8:00 a.m., 12:05, 4:00 and 5:30 p.m.

Manuel Rogers & Sons FUNERAL HOME 1521 North Main Street Fall River, Mass. Raymond R. Machado Arthur R. Machado

Tel. Office 672-3101 Res. 673-3896 - 673-0447

Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament: 11 :00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.

tConfessions: 11 :00 a.m. untjl 3:15 p.m.

t· Devotions: Rosary and Benediction 3:15 p.m.

All are invited to participate in the Cathedral's spi,itual program.

Holy Union Sister At Finance Meet Among. participants in th~ first meeting of the National Conference of RetTgious Treasurers (NCORT), held recently in Cincinnati, was Sister Mary Jean Audette, SUSC, treasurer of the Immaculate Heart Province of· the Religious of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts and chairperson of Region I of the treasurers' organization. The three-day conference, h~ld at the College of Mount St. Joseph on the Ohio, included three general sessions and sev~r· al mini-workshops. Three officers of the Continental Bank of Chicago discussed various investment programs geared to specific needs. The theology of corporate responsibility was presented by Rev. Joseph O'Rourke of the Corporate Information Center in New York and the question of who owns religious property was addressed by the legal counsel of the Diocese. of Pittsburgh, Rev. Adam J. Maida, J.D. Mini-workshops in the areas of corporate responsibility, retirement funding, budgeting, .and creative reporting were conducted by Sisters having special competencies in these areas. The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) was represented by Sister Mary Assunta Stang, S.C., President of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, and Treasurer of LCWR. Rev. Neil Parsons, C.P., represented the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM). He is a member of their finance committee. The Canadian Religious Conference (CRC) was represented by several delegates. The Conference of Religious Treasurers (CORT) was organized in various regions of the United States during the late 1960's to assist the LCWR in financial areas. Fifteen regional units were established across the country to coincide with the fif~ teen regional units of LCWR.

80th Birthday Continued from Page One sports and news shows. He derives considerable enjoyment from a stereo player-phonograph. Occasional visits from relatives and friends, for a chat or a game of cards, please the Bishop. Bishop Connolly celebrates Mass daily in a chapel in his residence and of late has been becoming acquainted, as he say!>, with the ,revised Sacramentary. He follows events in the Diocese and the community with interest and maintains contact by correspondence with old friends both in the Fall River area and in the Saint Paul, Minnesota, area, where he served for many years before returning to his home city first as Auxiliary Bishop and eventually as Ordinary.

Thanksgiving Show More than 300 radio stations, including Attleboro station WARA, will broadcast a Thanksgiving show sponsored by the internationally known Sacred Heart Program. Attleboro air time for the program, featuring music by the Naval Air Training Command of Pensacola, Fla. and the Choral Society of St. Dominic, will be 8 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 24.

THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 14, 1974


Hyannis Speaker Will Discuss Pentecostals A series of discussions on the Charismatic Renewal in the Catholic Church will be offered Sunday through Tuesday, Nov. 24 through 26, at St. Fran· cis Xavier parish center, Hyannis, by Brother Pancratius Boudreau. C.SS.R. General programs will take place at 7:30 each night and a special meeting for priests is scheduled for 10 a.m. Monday, also in the parish center. Brother Pancratius, a member of the Redemptorists for over 40 years, was among founders of a charismatic prayer group at the Catholic University of America, and since then has been instrumental in the formation of over 60 prayer groups in the Philadelphia area. Seminar Speaker He has spoken in' many nonCatholic churches and has appeared on radio and television as well as participating in the international Charismatic Conference recently held at Notre Dame University. He is active in ilational and regional charismatic organizations. ' P~ntecostal

CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: Economically more secure because of aid from the Campaign for Human Development to a cattle cooperative in Sisseton, South Dakota, this Sioux family reflects deep pride in their Indian heritage. One result of the co-op: Sioux youth are more readily choosing to stay on their reservation and are learrl.Lng successful ranch management. Remember the poor Indians, who will benefit from the appeal on the weekend of Nov. 23-24.

One of Seven. Britons Regular Churchgoer LONDON (NC) - Only 14 per per cent fewer people than in cent of the population of the· a survey taken in 1963 are preUnited Kingdom attend church pared to declare their belief in once a week or more, according a personal God, down from 38 to a survey by the British Broad- to 29 per cent. But only six per casting Corporation. cent compared with nine per cent Only 10 per cent would turn 11 years ago claim definitely not to a chmch minister in time of to· believe .in any· sort' of· God personal trouble, the same sur- or life force. The survey reveals a wide vey found. The poll taken from a cross· gap between formal religious section of 1,093 people through- conduct, in terms of regular out the country shows that nine membership of a Church and

Golden' Jubilee of Sr. Consolata Sister Mary Consolata Nolan, RSM, will celebrate her golden jubilee as a Sister of Mercy with a Mass of Thanksgiving at 3 o'clock on Sunday ·afternoon, Nov. 17 in St. Mary's Church, No. Attleboro. ' Following the Mass, an informal reception will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Smith St., No. Attleboro. A native of No. Attleboro, Sister attended the Catholic Teachers' College in Providence following graduation from Bayview Academy'- At the completion of her course she received a Master's degree in Education.

She attended the Pius X School of Liturgical Music in New York and later received a certificate of supervision of music from Rhode Island College. All of her years in education were spent in schools of the Fall River and Providence Dioceses. Sister is presently a member of the faculty of St. Mary-Sacred Heart School, No. Attleboro.

Hypocrisy Hateful to me even as the gates of Hell is he that hides one thing in his heart and utters another. . -Homer

regular church attendance, and a continuing' sense of the religious element in life. With atheism appearing to have declined over the period the majority seem to have some sort of belief but to be out of touch with- the churches. ' , ' Of the 42 per cent who said they never attended church the most common reason given was that there was "no need to go to church in order to be religious" and the respondent was "too busy." . The poll appears to show that churchgoing in this country is not governed by' fashion, since no one admitted to not going to church "because my friends would think it strange." Of those questioned by the pollsters 29 per ,cent said they believed in God' "as a person" while 35 per cent preferred to describe their convictions as faith in "some sort of spirit -or life force." This was interpreted as meaning that these 35 per cent are non-Christian or non-Jewish and/are in fact pagans. Many more women than men -47 per cent to 29 per centsaid they believed in life after death.

Night Personnel Aid Hospita I The Night Staff of St. Anne's ijospital in Fall River sponsored an "Evening With Carolyn Lee" for the benefit of the hospital's rebuilding efforts. The affair, attended by nearly 700 people at Bishop Connolly High School Auditorium on Sunday. Nov. 10, contributed $1,900 to the hospital. St. Jean Marie, O.P., Administrator of St. Anne Hospital commented that true aid to the hospital was more than the monetary gift. "The effort to help realize a truer family spirit at the hospital is appreciated and welcome," she stated in gratitude. Entertainment was provided by Mrs. Carolyn Vadeboncoeur and the Lowreyettes.

Says Bishops Synod Unique. Success VATICAN CITY (NC) - October's international Synod of Bish· ops was "the first real postconcilar . synod," Vatican Radio quoted Cardinal Francois Marty, Paris, as saying. "Some have written that the synod was a stalemate," Cardinal Marty wrote in a statement reported by Vatican Radio Nov. 7. "I am of the opposite opinion. I can say that, in my opinion, it was the first real postconciliar synod. ' "The bishops did not limit themselves to a desire to preach the Gospel but, in preaching it, to bind together the pastoral lives of the different local Churches."




THE ANCHOR--Diocese of


Fall.River~Thurs. Nov. 14,.1974

Priests' Senate Reviews Goal'S For ,Clergy



. i

Hopeful Sign

. .

One of the more hopeful signs coming out of the World Food Conference in Rome is the fact that, representatives of many nations arewill.ing to face realisttcally the fact that there is hunger in the world and that something must be done now to face it and overcome it. ! '

In recent years there have been tool many times whel1 political considerations have caused nations to neglect .01' even deny the fact of hunger in their lands. Thi~re have been too many instances where food supplies Isent with all good motives to those in need have bogged pown in ports enmeshed' in bureaucracy or have found their way into the I black market. There has been too' often the", cry of great disaster when none in fact was presentl and the presence of great tragedy when none was report~d or believed. Now there seems, to be the honest intent on assessing I the world for its need and for its supplies. And hard figures are being presented to document the ne~d and to estimate , the amounts of food required to meet it) It is a fact that the world can to feed all its people.

pr,odJce~what is



It ~s a fact that this might call fo~ some measure of restraint from the more affluent countries of the world but this is little to ask of those who have too much for the benefit of those who have all too little.

It is a fact that there are ecbnomic considerations enter" ing the picture, but with all due attention! paid to these they cannot take precedence over the humJn rights of other I ' peopIe. i

The measures taken at the 'confer~nce must not be allowed to remain in a beautifully prep~red text but must be implemented on a global scale. And then indeed the words of the British historian, Arnold Toynbee, might be fulfilled-that the Twentieth Century will go dOwn in the history of humanity as the Century ,*hen men becaine~ aware of the needs of their neighbors and did something about it. ,







Thankfulness· Thoughtfulne:~s

t~o ~plendid 10P'p~I'tunities'

The community has. this, year to observe ThanksgIVIng In a' trul~ fIttIng way. The Campaign for Hum~n Development and; the Thanksgiving Clothing' Drive give occasion for people to think and then to thank in effective ways. It is never enough to reflect on what God has given and to be grateful. This is good, of c04rse, but gratitude should be more on-going. It should overflow, in tne interest of others, should make itself felt in -What is done for others. Gratitude should be infectious ~nd want to give I itself on behalf of those in need. ' ,


, I '


That is what the Campaign and the Clothing Drive I are all about. , People are 'given the opportunity 10f thanking Gqd for what they have by sharing what they have with those i ' less fortunate than themselves. ,


This is thankfulness based on tholightfulness. , '1 I,


Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the piocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue! Fall River Mass. 02722 675-71.5 1 PUBLISHER I Most Rev, Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.TfD. ,


GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Msgr.. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.II.


Re". John P. Driscoll




Rev. John R. Foister

At the regularly s::heduled meeting of the Fall River DIocese Senate of Priests which was held at the Catholic Memo· rial Home in Fall River, Friday, Nov. 8, Senate President Rev. Walter A. Sullivan reported on , the first meeting of the newly composed personnel board. In his remarks, Father Sullivan inclicated that the board will con· cern itself with the needs of the priests of the diocese. Although there have been no guidelines set as yet the board hopes to be involved in a consultative way regarding trans· fers, new assignments and new apostolates. The personnel board which meets monthly, also discussed the areas of hospital and prison chaplains and decided to send a questionnaire to all the priests in the diocese regarding their' goals and priorities for the future. The results of the New .EnAn gland -Area Regional Meeting of Priests Senates held in Holyoke on October 21 and 22 were re· ported to the senate by Rev. James F. Lyons, its representative to that organization. The theme of the conference was with an emphasis on grant-dona· Reconciliation between priest and laymen, priest and priest, tion aid, not sales. and priest and bishop. -Heigb~en sensitivity to conIn other business the senate cerns of the Third World, of de- , veloping nations, including atten- heard reports from four standing tion to the use of food as a politi. committees. The Committee for cal weapon, the call of a' recent Peace and Justice listed four UN special session" for a new in- possible areas for discussion in ternational economic order which the coming year: the establishwould distribute the world's ment of a policy and a board of wealth more equitably and" the appeals for the lay employees close relationship of trade nego- of the diocese, greater involvement in local prison reform, destiations with the food question. ignating an officia.l arbitrator for The group also expressed conthe diocese in settling local labor cern about the U.S. image being disputes, and joining national projected by Secretary of Agriprograms for the Bicentennial culture Earl Butz, whose removal along the lines of peace and jus, as head of tbs U.S. delegation tice. has been called for by several Pension Plan religious groups, including Bread The Temporalities Committee for the World. presented an actuarial valuation -Announce a quantitative for the diocesan priests' pension pledge on a world grain ·reserve. plan. Much discussion followed regarding the source from which ~Prepare a concrete set of proposals on the food question 'the funds to establish and confor Congress. to consider when it tinue such a plan would come. "There was also some concern ends its recess Nov. 18. -Exercise moral leadership in expressed regarding the adminischallenging the American people tration of 'such a plan. The Constitutional Committee, to respond to the world food crisis through thanksgiVing, state which is studying the possible of the ,union and bicentennial revision of the present constitution, suggested changing the messages. present senate year from a September to June session to' a January to December session. Also discussed were possible revisions ican College, the :5pecial national in the length of term for the' seminary' which the American senators and the officers of the hierarchy maintains in Rome. senate and their possible method Bishop Cronin is, Chairman of election. of the Episcopal Committee for A final report was heard from the North American College in the Priestly Ufe and Ministry Rome of the National Confer- 'Committee. In its lengthy report ence of Catholic Bishops, and many areas for discussion were he took the occasion to discuss listed including: team ministry, the College with the' newly- pern:tanent diaconate, and better appointed rector, Monsignor distribution of personnel. A pro· , Harold P. Darcy of the Newark posal was adopted regarding Archdiocese, and with faculty the staffing of diocesan parishes. members and seminarians, in- Further proposals were sent back cluding a group of five students to the committee for further enrolled at the North American study. College from the Diocese of Fall A representative from the River. United Farm Workers of AmerLater this month, Bishop Cro- ica was invited to address the nin will p'resent a. report on the senate at next month's meeting North American College to the which will be on December I:J, American Bishops, at their annu1974 at 11 A.M. at Catholic Meal fall meeting in Washington. morial Home.

"Who Needs ,


Ten Member Interreligious 'Group Seeks Food Aid from President .WASHINGTON (NC) - A 10member interreligious group accepting an invitation from President Gerald Ford outlined a suggested American response to the world food crisis to a White House aide. The' invitation came in response to a letter to the President from Dr. Eugene Carson Blake and Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Gumbleton of Detroit, president' and vice-president, respectively, of' Bread for t.he World, a Christian citizens lobby on world hunger. Neither Dr. Blake nor Bishop Gumbleton attended tbs meeting with Norman Ross, assistant director of the White House Domestic Council., The group expanded on the recommendations in the Blake,Gumbleton letter. Ross said he would relay the recommendations to the President 'and to the U.S. ' delegation' at the food conference in Rome. The group said the president should: Political Weapon -Announce a 100 per cent increase in current U.S. Food aid,

.Bishop's Visit to Holy See Continui:!d from Page On£' naries making the special visitation to the "thresholds of the Apostles:" Bishop Cronin visited the special office which has been estab· lished to plan for the Holy Year ceIebration scheduled for 1975, and spoke -with officials there about the Diocesan pilgrimage planned for February of next year. ,It is anticipated that a large group of pilgrims from theDiocese will accompany Bishop Cronin back to Rome at that time to participate in special programs associated with, Holy Year 1975. Some preliminary planning was accomplished regarding the pilgrimage. Bishop Cronin and Father 011' veira stayed at the North Amero

Catholic Press World Meeting In Argentina NEW YORK (NC)-At least U. S. Catholic journalists will take part in the 10th world Congress of the Catholic Press this month in Argentina. James A. Doyle, executive director of the Catholic Press Association (CPA), said the congress is eX1)ected to establish a world federation of Catholic press associations when it meets in Buenos Aires Nov. 17-24. The federation would become part of the International Cath· olic Union of the Press (UCIP), which sponsors the World Congress once every three years. The last Congress was in Lux· embourg. "The federation of associations similar to the CPA is some· thing delegations from the United' States have promoted in previous congresses," Doyle said, "There are important Catholic: press organizations in Germany. Italy, Belgium, Australia, France. Belgium and other places-per.. haps 12 potential members of such a federation." Common Front Tbz proposal was approved at UCIP board meetings in Madrid and Milan, Italy. The Buenos Aires congress is expected tn give final approval. Sponsors of the federation idea feel it will provide facilities for the exchange of information and personnel, and a common front in economic and political matters. In addition to Doyle, the U. S, delegation will include Floyd Anderson, editor of The New World in Chicago; John F. Fink, president of the CPA and exec· utive vice president of Our Sun· day Visitor; Capuchin Father Hugh Morley, UCIP representa· tive to the United Nations; and A.E.P. Wall, director and editor.. in-chief of NC News Service and vice president of the Intern a.. tional Federation of Catholic Press Agencies. five

Creator of Spiritual Development Program Speaks to Area Priests By PAT McGOWAN

Yesterday and today, priests of the diocese have the opportunity of making a day of recollection at St. Mary's parish center, South Dartmouth, under sponsorship of the Committee on Priestly Renewal of the Priests' Senate. To many of them the priest conducting the program will b~ no stranger. He is Rev. Vincent Dwyer, 'a Trappist monk on medical leave of absence from his community's monastery at Spencer, Mass., and the subject of a long profile in the current issue of the National Catholic Reporter (NCR). The NOR article discusses a unique program of spiritual development which has been presented by Father Dwyer to hundreds of priests across the nation, combining "insights from saints who lived centuries ago with those of living psychologists." Started Here The Trappist's method combines an initial two or three-day workshop at· which spiritual principles are explained, with follow - up sup port group sessions with eight to 10 members who agree to hold monthly overnight meetings to develop "priestly fraternity." The follow-up program, which Father Dwyer calls "critical to continuing development," had its origin in the Fall River diocese in 1969 when a group of some 20 priests who had participated in a workshop decided to continue regular meetings. Father Dwyer remained in close contact with them and described the experience as "a major turning point in my life," as he realized the importance of the follow-up technique and set about incorporating it into his spiritual development method. In 1971 he came to Immaculate Conception parish, North Easton to aid the 20 priests in Say Investigation conducting a unique five-day mission dubbed "Mission InWas Inadequate credible," which left a lasting WAsHINGTON (NC) - Reliimpression on parishioners. gious supporters of the United As described in an Anchor Farm Workers of America (UFWA) have charged that an article at the time, "the mission Immigration and Naturalization band of 20 priests was inspirService (INS) investigation of ing. From the recently ordained the E.&J. Callo ranch in living- men with long sideburns to the silver-haired pastors-they were ston, Calif., was inadequate. INS investigated the Gallo everywhere all week performing ranch, wine growers, on Sept. 20 every kind of job-leading the because of charges the ranch singing, playing. piano accomwas hiring illegal aliens. The paniment, leading the discussion USWA, which is striking the groups that followed each of ranch and boycotting Gallo Father Dwyer's talks, composing wines,had charged Gallo with and conducting the para-liturgies hiring illegal aliens to break the that ended each evening's session, conversing with parishiostrike. Gallo denied such hirings and ners in the refreshment period." Moral Development the INS gave Gallo a "clean bill At the mission the Trappist of health') after the investigation. But a priest and three nuns gave those in attendance the conducting an independent in- same message he gives at his vestigation claim INS Border workshops' for priests: "that repatrol agents did not do their job newal in the Church must begin and that Gallo knowingly hired in the spiritual life of man in illegal aliens, employed iIlegals relation to 'the comm'itment of at the time of the INS investiga- baptism. "It must invqlve the interior tion and continues to hire illegal life' of man in relation to the aliens. A spokesman for INS said the commitment of baptism." gervice would look into the "It must involve the interior latest charges, but that such life of man and this interior recharges should be reported to a newal must come before the U. S. attorney because of Justice renewal of externals."· Father Dwyer!s program is Department investigations into currently available only to INS performance.

THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 14, -1974

Kissinger Visits Holy Father

The workshop and follow-up sessions are based on an amalgamation of spiritual principles enunciated by Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross with a six-stage progression of moral development described by Lawrence Kohlberg, psychologist on the faculty of Harvard University. Father Dwyer says Kohlberg's lowest stage is that of "an eye for an eye" morality. It progresses to the sixth stage, rarely reached, at which universal ethical principles of justice and of the reciprocity and equality of human rights are recognized.

ROME (NC)-U. S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger pledged at the opening meeting of the World Food Conference here Nov. 5 that the United States would make a major effort to "more than double world food production and increase its quality" in the next 25 years. Before going to the conference hall on Rome's outskirts, Kissinger visited Pope Paul VI privately in the Vatican for almost an hour. Accompanied by Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge. special U. S. Presidential envoy to the Holy See, Kissinger arrived at the Vatican under heavy security. The visit was announced by the Vatican simply as a papal audience, without any additional comment. Neither Vatican nor American sources had any immediate comment to make on the content of the conversation between t.he Pope and Kissinger. However, it was thought probable that the two discussed probIlems of, peace and war in the Middle East, as well as world food problems. After a similar visit last July 6, a brief summary of the conversation was released. The Vatican visit was made without the presence of Mrs. Kissinger. After the U. S. Secretary of State's car left by a side gate, it made a detour around St. Peter's Square and then sped again to a luncheon appointment.

Surface Needs

REV. VINCENT DWYER priests, but he hopes eventually to extend it to the general public. It is operating in nine dioceses and one religious order, where it will be refined and reach final form.

Archbishop Gives Views on Synod CINCINNATI (NC)-What the mare than 200 bishops at the recent synod in Rome talked about proved to be, often enough, what Catholics in his archdiocese have been talking about, Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin of Cincinnati said at [l news conference here. He told reporters that "many of the things I heard at the synod were ideas we've been trying to develop ,here in the archdiocese since Vatican Council II and especially since the archdiocesan synod of 1971." One of the major trends of synod discussions, he said, concerned the work of the Holy Spirit and the deepening of spiritual life in the Church. "I see this in our own archdiocese," he said, "where there is a new emphasis on prayer, meditation, and prayerful reflection on Scripture ... An intensification and deepening of spiritual life is taking place here." On evangelization, the synod's theme, the synod empha .. sized that making the Gospel message heard was the work of "the whole Church," Archbishop Bernardin pointed out. Noting that the synod bishops ,spoke of the need' for "adequate spiritual and doctrinal formation" of Catholics so they can fulfill their evangelizing role, he said, "To me,. this sounds like the adult education we've been talking about here." He cited the synod's call for the laity to assume greater responsibility for the work of the Church, and commented that "we are making an effort in this archdiocese to bring the laity into positions where they can influence the decision-making process." He mentioned' the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, the parish councils and education boards and commissions as instances of ~his thrust here.

As he studied modern psychologists in the light of Christian spiritual tradition, Father Dwyer said he "began to feel strongly that we had to help priests-everyone-surface their needs. This jargon is the same way the spiritual masters taught 'about the need of self-knowledge. H's critical." In 1972 the priest founded the Center for Human Development in connection with an undergraduate formation program he introduced at St. Mary's College, Winona, Minn. From the center he conducts his diocesan priests' programs, with the aid of three full time priest· assistants and several part-time consultants. He is also preparing a "multimedia package of cassettes, films and workbooks for use by retreat houses, parish and Ciimpus ministry programs. It's a modern approach to the gospel command to preach the Good News from the housetops.

Battle Life is a battle in which we fall from the wounds we receive in running away. -William L. Sullivan

Confused? We don't blame yC!u...





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THE ANCHOR~Diocese oJ Fall River~Thurs~ Nov. 14,1974

Back.s Poverty A'gency Hi II

N,o Tension, Turmoil Fou'nd I In Oldfa,shio,ned. Novels By Joseph and Marilyn R~derick The days when we had the leisure to read and spend our time as we pleased are far behind u~, but nothing makes us feel better than a good book, even thougll. our moments . I ·. may b~ crowded. ~s time has passed apd the opportumttes for leIsurely readmg have diminished I find myself Instead: we'll do what I saw a woman doing the other day at tending more and more. to the market-hoarding'-her basread the books I thoroughly ket was filled with at least 10 I

enjoy. Not for me the how-to book. or the psychological novcl, or the tense and pedantic modern history; rather I find myself reading and rereading the' novelists of the last century with whom I can relax and enjoy myself. Thackeray, Dickens. Reade, Trollope, Melville, Hawthorne, Collins; all rather old-fashioaed but very entertaining. I still chuckle over Pickwick and Dickens' ridiculous caricatures and' worry over the loves of the Trollope women who always manage to do well in the end. Thackeray's satires and spoofs are still fun to me; aU in all. I fear that I have become a romantic. No Tension Actually, reading anyone of these novelists is just fun and relaxing. There is none of the tension and turmoil of the modern novelist or playwright. Rare is the mov-ie or play one can thoroughly enjoy. Whenever I go to the theater of ·Iate, I fin,d myself squirming nervously in' my chair. feeling thoroughly un; comfortable and often embarrassed by what I see on the stage. Movies have taken on the same sort of motif as the stage; an aJtempt is made to eniighten the audience with poor taste or poor art and all the subterfuge of smut are used to shock and sway the audience into a feeling of being "with it." Rare are the good lines, witty thoughts, or beautiful language that one can still find in the older books. So I will slowly craw) into my shell and be "out of it" with my longwinded'novelist friends who entertain me' with some wellchosen words or an unlikely comic situation while they describe' a world' long' since gone. When one ·finishes reading one of their novels one realizes that nothing much has been learned, no new light has been shed. nothing exciting has occurred; only a feeling of having been entertained remains and that is good enough for this reader. In the Kitche'" "Do you know that a large jar of instant coffee and a five pound bag of sugar cost five 'collars?" asked my mother-inlaw the other evening. While I knew that both items were skyhigh, the lumping them together and coming up with a five dollar price tag for two items left me slightly agog. This information was underlined by a picture in this evening's newspaper showing signs in a supermarket urging customers not to buy sugar, and of course this is what we really should do, boycott the item and see how fast the price comes down when bags of sugar remain on grocery shelves or in the manufacturer's warehouses.

of the five pound bags of sugar and I found the sight frightening. I'm sure this woman is not aloll1e for I hav¢ heard many stories recently about the need for ra- . tioning of, this overpriced commodity because of the hoarding instinct of, the public. What kind of people are we becoming? Greedy Public The ful'l impact of what a greedy public will do was clearly iI"lustrated', the other week when an area c~ain store had a riot on its hands when it offered antifreeze at k sale price. Personal injuries. animalistic behavior and . a complete ignoring of basie manners r~sulted. It is frighten· ing to cbntemplate what the same mOb!would have done had the item Qeen a necessary food commodit~. Obviously the store owners are trying to point up their lack of involvement in the rising cost of food by urging the sugar boycott and we certainly should work hand in hahd with them not only to ppint tH,e finger at the people who are imaking astronomical profits from the pocketbooks of the little p~ople but also to make sure that our government takes' measures to stop it. And if a sugar boyc!>tt is necessary to aecomplish this, then so be it. \

St n.t C~le IJ.. M' d I . a Winner NQ'med I

MAYWOpD (NC)-Albert C. Esposito, noted ophthamologist and medical leader' from Huntington, W.! Va., has been named to receivel the 1974 Stritch Medal. Jesuit Father Raymond Baumhart, ipresident of Loyola University, I will make the presentation a't the annual award $250-a-plate dinner for the Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine Niov. 1 9 . . . A 1938 'graduate of the Stritch School of Medicine, Dr. Esposito .


in 1972. th~ Distinguished Service Awardi from Marshall University (Hu*ington) in 1973, and the City of Huntington's "Appreciation Awa'rd" in 1974. Dr. EspoJito has been active in the' AmelricanAssociation of Ophthaimoll~gy 'from its inception and b~came president-elect of the organization this year. The Stritch Medal is named after the I~te Cardinal Samuel Stritch of Chicago. . The Swotp of Loyola award, named aft~r Ignatius Loyola, founder ofihe Jesuits. who operate Loyola University.' this year will b~ given to John F. Smith Jr., chairman of the board 'of trustees 6t Loyola University and former ipresident of Inland Steel Co., Jho has been active in many c1~ic, charitable and service organizations. I


PRINCIPALS IN CONNOLLY HIGH PLAY: Leading the cast in this weekend's two performances will be Chris White as "The Miser" who is surrounded by Nancy Dupre, Bob Bernier, Bob Perry and Paul Sicard.

ClonnoUy Players Prlesent 'The Miser" This' We,ek1end

WA!SHINGTON (NC) - The U.S. Catholic Conference (USCC) . is supporting a Senate bill to reo tain the Office of Economic Opportunity (OED), the major U.S. anti-poverty agency, as an independent agency. 'Frank Doyle, assistant director of the USCC Office for Govern'ment Liaison, asked for support for the bill in a memo to state Catholic conference directors and other socially oriented Catholic organizations. The usce Division for the Spanish~Speaking sent out a similar memo to agencies dealing with the Spanish-speaking because of migrant and bilingual provisions in the bill. The Senate bill is a stronger measure than an OED bill passed by the House last summer. Tha Senate bill would extend the Economic Opportunity Act of 1974, which created OED and which expires on June 30, HI75, through fiscal year 1978. The bill would leave OED in charge of community action and community economic development pro· grams until June 30, 1975. when it would be renamed the Community Services and Community Ec.onomic Development Administration. The bill would also set the percentage of federal funds used to finance local community action agencies at 80 per cent, the current level.

The' Miser will be presented Last year the Connolly Players of Bishop Connolly High Scho,ol, at the Connolly auditorium at Fall River, took their audiences 8 P.M. Saturday, Nov. 16 a.nd to Germany in Stalag 17 and I to SUflday, . Nov. 17. Tickets 'are Japan in The Mikado. Laying available at the school office or aside their army fatigues and . at the· door. floral kimonos, the Players are currenty donning the ruffles and periwigs of the court of Louis King's College Honors XIV as they rehearse for the Author Dorothy Day produc~ion this weekend of the Wi~LK'£S"BARRE (NC)-King's classic French Comedy, The College has selected Dorothy Miser, by Moliere. Day, noted Catholic author and The Miser tells the story of social activist to receive its first the penny-pinching Harpagon Civitas Dei (City of God) award. whose life, loves, and family are The award will be "presented dominated by money. When father and son fall in love with annually to' that man or woman the same young lady, complica- who exemplifies in a clear and tions abound. And when his be- singular way those principles loved money is stolen, there is of which Augustine wrote so elno end to trouble. HarpagOJ1'5 oquently." one-track mind makes him a Because of. Miss D.ay's inabilsitting target for all sorts of adventureJ:s, including suitors, ser- ity to travel at present, the vants, and even members of his award will be presented to her at her New York residence. family.

Reports Tonight For SHA Girls The Parents' Association of Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, voted to make contribu· tions ,io the academy library and to the annual dinner-dance sponsored by FrJends of the Holy {J'oion Sisters .at its monthly meeting 'held at the academy. Association board members will be hostesses tonight' when parents meet faculty members and receive first quarter report cards. Family Mass The association' is currently aiding students in organizing a cookie sale and it will sponsor a Christmas bus trip to New York, open to. the public. Planned for after Christmas are a family Mass and a fatherdaughter dance:

Leading Role The role of Harpagon is played by Chris White, who starred as Nanki-poo in last season's The Mikado. Other leading roles include Robert Perry as Harpagon's foppish son, Cleante; Nancy Dupre as his 'daughter, Elise. The love interest is provided by Robert Bernier as Valese' and Denise Berube as Mariane. The wily match-maker, Frosine, who, "lives by her wits", is played by Gail Mattos. Michael Hoar is Master Simon, and Brian Ribeiro is Anselme, who makes all things right. Servants include Paul Sicarp as LaFleche, and Paul Grillo, Mark Travers, and James Martin as the incompetents in the house of Harpagon. Edward Lambert is the irrepressible Mast.er Jacques. who gets a beating no matter what course of action he follows. Daniel Lachance rounds out the cast as the Magistrate.




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 14,1974

Tiny Individual Actio,ns Can Affect Lives o路f Many


It's hard to imagine how the individual actions of one can change the course of major events. Huge social and economic problems face our country and the world. It's easy to believe that as individuals we can do nothing. It's hopeless. But some very minor events I witnessed re- an helped a business man trying to pull down the seat divider. cently started me thinking The business man later hf'lped a about how one person's ac- little boy reach a suitcase at the p~rson

tions affect another's. My husband has a small advertising business, employing four people. Work usually flows along rather smoothly.


One of tb~se employees is a grandmother and last week her liaughtt:>r was hospitalize,d to have her gall bladder remowd. It was necessary for the grandmother to take an extended, indefinite "vacation" to care for her very small granddaughter until her daughter recuperated. Tht' circumstances were ordinary. But it is interesting how one person's being ill affected tht:> lives of so many others. Obviously the baby and h<)r fatl)er were under stress worrying about Mommy in the hospital. Grandma was suddenly taking care ofa year old toddler full time. She was also taking home some of the office work to keep my husband's business flowing smoothly. To top it off, a new client, which my husband had been after for over a year, suddenly came in, causing further pressure in, the office.

baggage pick-up. Good Works Multiply One small incident leads to another, good or bad. An angry word could cau'se a "bad day" for many people; because it risks being spread. So too, our good works are multiplied. A smile, a thank you, an enthusiastic responst" help. little kindnesses are all pass,,-:! on and on. Little sparks can spread and ligbt a whole community. I believe that if we knew the extent of the effects of our actions it would be awesome! And I cannot think of any instance where the action of one person affects only the person involved. Even an action that apparently is related entirely to yourself, in some ways affects your own ~ersonality, which will rub off on the next _person you meet. There is tremendous power in the everyday "little" things we do, We have the ability to change our wb::>le world with them. Whether that change is for the better is up to US!

Cardinal Sees Men's Domination Ending

VATICAN CITY (NC) - The domination of men over the world and the Church is reaching its end, according to Cardinal Vicente Enrique y Tarancon of Madrid. . But he added: "The promotion of women within the Church and in the ministries remains as 'before. As yet there is no solution Extra Work to the practical and theological ' The other three employees role of women." were all affected. Each of them "There was talk of women Reworked extra hours, pushing ligious playing a larger part in the themselves to complete the work, Church because of the lack of already short 25% of the staff. priests," he said, referring to disThey all could have said, cussions within the international "That's not our problem" and synod. just continued doing their nor"The synod reached no conmal work. After all, the illness crete solutions but it stressed the of a fellow-employee's daughter need and the urgency, and the shouldn't affect them. They impatience of women to achieve could have refused to work over-' an active role." time because they had their own lives to live. But instead, they all over- Msgr. Breslin Named extended themselves, pulling to- Cincinnati Pastor gether with an enthusiasm and CINCINNATI (NC) - Msgr. determination that was admir- Lawrence K. Breslin, Cincinnatiable. born vice rector of the North And so one girl got sick . . . American College in Rome, has and my husband's staff and their been appointed pastor of St. Barfamilies were affected by it, tholomew's church here effective bringing out the best in all of Dec. 2. them. Msgr. Breslin will succeed There are ripples of effect from Father Francis J. Flanagan, who everything everyone does. One organized St. Bartholomew's and little kindness, passed to another, who will become pastor of St. and another. . . . Who knows Remy's church, Russia. how far it will go? Msgr. Breslin, who also is asI saw a commercial on TV the sistant chaplain delegate to U. S. other night illustrating the same Armed Forces in the Mediterprinciple. A 'woman shared her ranean area, has been on the umbrella with a business man staff of the North American Colentering an airline terminal in lege' since the spring of 1968 the rain. He then helped a young and vice rector for the past five girl struggling to get a knapsack years,. He formerly was head of on her shoulders. She tb~n hel:-ed the religion department at Archa mother getting a coat to stay bishop Alter. high school, Keton the overhead rack. That worn- tering.




'" .~

SPECIAL COMMITIEE FOR BISHOP'S CHARITY BALL: Members of the Presentee 'Committee for the Jan. 10 social benefiti!1g the underprivileged children of the area are: seated, Miss Angela Medeiros, OurLady of Mt. Carmel, Seekonk and Mrs. James L~ith, Hol.y Name, New Bedford. Standing, Mrs. Nestor Robidoux, St. Patrick, Falmouth; MiSS Adnenne Lemieux, St. Jacques, Taunton; 'and Mrs. James A. O'Brien, St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, chairman.

Cho:ose Pres!ent.ees from 38 Pa路rishes ,Thirty-eight young laides representing thirty-eight parishes in the diocese of Fall River will be presented to the Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of Fall River, at an impressive ceremony at the 20th annual Bishop's Charity Ball at Lincoln Park Ballrom, North Dartmouth, on the night of January 10th. The Ball is in honor of Bishop Cronin, now in his fifth year as bishop of the diocese. It will also commemorate the Church's Jubilee Holy Year observance. Committee chairman of the Presentee program is Mrs. James A. O'Brien, Jr~ St. Mary's Cathedral parish, Fall River. D!ocesan Director of the Ball, Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, made the announcement today. The proceeds of this social and charitable event will benefit the four Nazareth Hall Schools ,for the exceptional children and the four summer camps for the underprivileged and exceptional children. . Assisting Mrs. O'Brien are Mrs. William Murphy and Miss Claire O'Toole of Fall River; Mrs. Vincent A. Coady of Somerset; Mrs. James Leith of New Bedford; Miss Adrienne Lemieux of Taunton; Miss Emily Medeiros of Seekonk; and Mrs. Nestor Robidoux of Falmouth. Under the new plan of the presentation program, every year, one third of the parishes are represented. Every parish of the diocese is honored with a presentee every third year, Parishes selected this year: Attleboro Area St. Joseph, Attleboro; St. Mark, Attleboro Falls; St. Mary,

Seekonk; St. Theresa, South Attleboro. Cape Cod rt:ld the Islands Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster; St. Anthony, East Falmouth; Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket; Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs; Assumption, Osterville; Holy Trinity, West Harwich. Fall River Area Blessed Sacrament, Espirito Santo, Holy Cross, Holy Rosary, St. Elizabeth, 'St. Joseph, SS. Peter and Paul, St. Roch, St. Stanislaus, Fall River; St. John the Baptist, Central Village; St. John of God, St. Thomas More, Somerset; St. Louis de France, Swansea. New Bedford Area -Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St. Anne, St. Hedwig, St. Mary, New Bedford; St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet; St. Joseph, Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven; St. Anthony, Mattapoisett. Taunton Area Holy Family, East Taunton;

Immaculate Conception, St. Annthony, Taunton; St. Ann, Raynham; Holy Cross, South Easton.' Pastors of parishes are requested to send the names of their presentees to Mrs. James A. O'Brien, Jr., 37 Forest St., Fall River, Mass, 02721. The presentees with th'eir escorts will hold a rehearsal for the ceremony on Sunday, January 5 at 2:30 P.M. at the Lincoln Park Ballroom.





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Urges Serrens Be Concerned With Mankind

THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 14, 1974

Plans Continuing. Aid to African D~ought Victims PITTSBURGH (NC)-The con· tinuing "Friday fasting" driv(~ begun here several months ago by the diocesan mission office to aid drought victims in Africa -afready totalling some $40,000. -will expand to. include a special Chiistmas aid project. The mission office announced a "Stop Starving for Christmas" effort which calls on persons to begin . considering their Christmas gift-giving in light of the ~fate of African drought victim~. Citing the tradition of giving "to those we love and appre'ciate,", Father Carl J. Gentile, mission office director, has suggested that this year gift money be donated to the starving in the name of friends or relatives. Same Sentiments A note to those remembered in this way "will carry the same sentiments as in the years past and certainly cause the same joy and happiness of the holy season." he said. Funds gained in this effort would be,. added to the "Friday fasting" monies. Donations are' going out regularly to missionaries at work with the starving in Africa. The "Friday fasting" project calls upon persons to fast and abstain from meat on Fridays and forward the money saved to the Mission Office. These funds have already financed construction of' wells in Kenya; aided an Ethiopian program designed to reunite families separated by the drought; and aided a White Father working among the destitute in a hospital and saintorium in Upper Volta.

DIOCESE REPRESENTED AT CONFERENCE: Representatives of Dominican communities in the Fall River diocese attend annual Dominica~ Leadership Conference meeting, held last, week in Springfield, Ill. Representing Dominican Sisters of the Presentation are Sister M~rina Mejia and Sister Marie Ascension, third and fourth from left in first row. From Ddminicans of St. Catherine of Siena, Sister Anita Pauline, far right in first row; Sister ci~rtrude Gaudette, far right in second row; Sister Joseph Marie Levesque and Sister Louise Synan, second from right and far right, fourth row; Sister Barbara McCarthy. and SisiJr Joanne Bonville, seventh and sixth from right in top row. '1l

Sist1r Marie Ascensio;' Speaks at Meeting Of D()min:i{~an Leadersh:ip Conference.

Among participants in the an· nual meeting of the Dominican I . Leadership Conference held last week in S~ringfield, 111. was Sis.. ter Marie Ascension, vice-provin·· cial of thJ Dominican Sisters of the Presehtation who staff St. Anne's Hdspital, Fall River.. I Her topic was the· "role of Dominicads in developing th~~ wisdom ahd contemplation and . I ' passion for truth needed to :sus.. tain man lin his present search for peace in the midst of techno.. ' logical gr~wth and social chaos." Also at the meeting was Sister Vivien JeJnings, outgoing chair.. man of the Leadership Confer,· HOLLYWOOD (NC)--"Wheth- ence, who! will be in ·Fall River er they know it or not, young Thanksgiving week to chair the people want' from the Church final sessi~>n of a chapter to be what the Church has to offer, held by tbz Dominican Sisters. and they want it desperately," of St. Cattlerine of Siena. Sister Vivien was among 11 delegates to the 15th National· Dominicanl Sisters present for the Conference on Youth Ministry first time Iin the history of the were told' here. . 700-year-old Dominican Order at . Msgr. Thomas J. Leonard, dia general thapter of friars of the rector of the Division of Youth Activities of the U.S. Catholic order heIdi in Naples, Italy. . Other delegates from the Fall Conference (USCC), warned the River' d10bese included Sister delegates that if young people do not get what they need from the Marina MJjia of the Dominicans: . Church, they wiil turn to "East- of the Pr~sentation; and Sister ern mysticism, drugs, alcohol, or Anita Pauline Desrosiers, prior.. ess genedl, and Sister .Gertrude other ·substitutes." Gaudette, ISister Joseph Marie Young people, he noted, are Levesque, Sister Louise Synan, complaining to the Church less . Sister Baroara McCarthy and Sis· and crying for help more. ter JoannJ Bonville, all of. the "These cries for help are. not Dominicanb of St. Catherin'e of rejections of the Church," he ex- Siena. f , plained, "but affirmations of the Increa~ing Collaboration. Church on a most basic level." The LJadership Conference They look 'to the youth work- .. comprises !major superiors of 34 ers for guidance to "see us as congregati6ns of Dominican, siscourageous, spiritual people who, ters and three provinces of Doin their words, have put it all minican priests and brothers,emtogether." bracing aritong them more than Robert 'Beusse, secretary' for 16,000 Dorbinican men and womthe Department of Communica- en in fortyfseven states. The. contion of the USCC, called on the ference program, which explored Church to hear yOl,lth "on such the present and future impact of matters as the lifeoostyle of the Order lin the United Sta.tes, Church members, the impersonal showed a pattern of increasing image of the Church and the per~ collaboration between Dominican I . ception of the Church as just an·' men and women in the work of I ' other power bloc:' evangeliza~ion.

Asserts YoLit-h' Needs Church

The four-day meeting cullninated in presentations by iFr. Albert Moraczewski, O.P., of the Pope John XXIII Medical Moral Research Center, St. Louis, and Sister Marie Walter Flood, O.P., doctoral candidate at St. Michael College of the University of Toronto. The speakers projected a future world culture that is mbre sensate, technological, affluent, urban, changing, and interde-' pendent, . demanding of ! its preachers a deep commitmeni to the mesage of God's love, cOncern for this world, and res~on. sibility .for the .shape· of 'the future. In the course of the conference, Dominican leaders hekrd members affirm various elements of the Dominican charism, ~n.d ~xplore ways of implementing tbzse together.

World Press Meet.: To Study Ethics BUENOS AIRES (NC)-Some 200 journalists throughout the world are converging upon this Argentinian capital to take: a good look at the ethics of report~ ing a troubled world. They are participants in the 10the World Congress of the Catholic Press being held here Nov. 17 to 24. They will aleo evaluate problems of religi6us publications and their impact on society and politics. 1 The triennial congress: is sponsored by the International Catholic Union of the Press, ~ith headquarters in Geneva. !



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ATLANTA (NC) - Members of Serra International should be . less concerned with the Church and more concerned with "mankind and its share in God's love," a priest-member of the group told its Southeastern convention here. Father John F. O'Donnell of Pine Bluff, Ark., called on his fellow Serrans to "address our· selves to our responsibility to allow God's love to enfold all men, .then we would be quick to find that conversions, vocations, .md a }-.·ealthy Church would be necessary by-products of our world over-view of love:' Serra is an international organization to promote ·vocations to the priesthood and Religious life. Auxiliary Bishop Rene Gracida of Miami said that "no new gim· micks or theology" is needed in the Church. What -is needed, he added, is the application of evangelization and the need for models for young people to follow. Christ's Virtues Young people, Bishop Gracida said, look for someone who reflects the virtues which they see in Christ: joy, love, kindness, pa. tience, tolerance,and open mind, a willingness to listen, a spirit of compassion and concern, a sincere and honest simplicity and directness.

Related to the issue of collaboration, and suggested by the International Women's Year in These qualities, he said, are 1975, the role of women in minlike the fruits of the Spirit of istry emerged frequently- in disLove as listed by St. Paul and cussion. Of special interest to which include the roles of apostle, this gathering of Dominicans was the place of women in the tradi- prophet, pastor, evangelist, and tional preaching ministry of the, teacher. Order. John Donabue, interna'tional Problems of poverty also assistant executive director of claimed the· attention of the Con- Serra, told the S'errans that as ference, as members assessed im- long as the Church had ministries plementation of a Statement of of service, the Holy Spirit will Poverty made hlSt November. A see to the functions of the sacstatement calling for ,simplicity raments by frui,tful vocations~ of life was added to the original resolution by unanimous vote. God Dominican Leadership ConferThe Christian' revelation picence officers for the 1974-1975 year are: chairman, Sister Peter tures God a,s sovereign and maDamien Lang, San Rafael, Calif.; jestic and holy. When He unveils vice-chairman, Sister Melissa Himself, "The Lord lays 'bare Waters, Sincinawa, Wis.; secre- . His holy arm." To suggest that tary, Sister Irene Garvey, Amity- He is a sort of folksy dodderer ville, N.Y.; and treasurer, Fr. sitting in a rocker upstairs is the Paul Scanlon, Holy Name Provo height of. blasph.emy. ince, San Francisco, Cal. ~Martin E. Marty

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..... Prelate '~sserts Catholics Must Demand Rights

Retired Physician Becomes Full-Time Apostle to Poor of Desert Village

PARAMUS (NC)-"We must ENCINITAS (NC).- A retired start to demand what is our physician and member of St. right in the law," Archbishop John's parish here is a "One-man Peter L. Gerety of Newarlt told missionary team," said his pas500 parents and educators at- tor, Msgr. Michael J. O'Connor. tending the first convention of The physician, Dr. D. A. the Newark Archdiocesan Fed- Guida, has made a full-time eration of Home-School Associa- . apostolate of relieving the plight tions. of nearly 300 impoverished famArchbishop Gerety was one of ilies in a remote desert village four speakers on the program at about 70 miles south of the MexParamus Catholic High School ican border. here, where federation officials Msgr. O'Connor said Guida were installed and participants spends four or five days south were briefed on school problems. of the border every two weeks In his address, Archbishop in addi·tion to "the time he Gerety also stressed the constant spends collecting food, clothing teaching of the Church regard- and shoes for the villagers." The 64 - year-old physician, ing the primary rights of parents in education. He also said that with the appearance of a man 20 in working for their rights par- years younger, has launched a ents should make it a point to construction project to replace act in concert with public school the villagers' mud huts with conparents so that school assistance crete block duplexes. "The duplexes aren't much by is given to children "across the American standards," Guida said. board." The archbishop said that he "Construction is very simple and is convinced, as the result of his each unit has three rooms, each own pastoral experience, that 12 feet square. Six of the buildCatholic schools are the best ings are now completed and 60 way to instruct children in their to 70 more must be built to complete the project." faith. . Guided by Guida, who appren"All other efforts are wanting in many ways," Archbishop Ger- ticed himself to a contractor ety told his enthusiastic audi- friend to learn how to construct ence. He cited lack of time and the buildings, the villagers do competition with other interests most of the work. "The villagers as reasons why other approaches are all willing workers," he said, "but they have absolutely no idea are not as effective. how to do things and can do Demands on Parents nothing unless someone is there "Under our constitutional sys- to show them how." tem, it is very difficult for parWater Supply ents to obtain suitable time for Another project, now nearly the religi'ous instruction of chilcompleted, is a water supply sysdren who attend public schools," tem. Previously the village had he said in a reference to sharedno source of water and the peotime programs. ple carried what they needed for At the same time, he criticized drinking, cooking, cleaning and what he called the "parochial bathing from a distant canal. school" syndrome that has deA source of fresh water was veloped in this· country. He de"ONE-MAN MISSION TEAM": Dr. Guida loads his van found, a well was dug, a pump scribed the syndrome as the atinstalled and pipe layed to bring with supplies for impoverished families in a Mexican village titude that would leave religious the water into the village. For 70 miles south of the Mexico-California border. NC Photo. instruction entirely up to the the first time the people can Sisters. draw fresh water from faucets in $3 or $4 a day during this Each of the duplexes costs "We cannot leave it all to the different parts of the community. about $850 to build, said Guida, period." school staff," he said. "They are As a, result of the plumbing who donates $400 a month of Rosary Devotees the technicians, they can set an project, the people also have a He said. every family has a his own money to raising the" example of Christian living to building equipped with toilets rosary, and the people have a villagers' standard of living. the children, but so much deand showers, also a first for pend on the parents." rosary service each night. "They the village. "I'm not all that religious," have a special devotion to Mary As for assistance for paroBrother Kevin Giuda said, "but I do feel that and have dedicated the work bechial schools, Archbishop Gerety The credit for this work, ac- ing done in thz village to the it is God's will that brought me said: "We must stop being apolcording to Guida, goes to Paso, Blessed Virgin. ogetic when we approach the to that village." sionist Brother Kevin O'Malley "The village church is simple public authorities; we must defrom Chicago and bis corps of and has only a large cross and mand what is our right in law." Passionist Volunteers, a group of two angels. We would really like Catholic college students be- to get a pair of statues four or tween the ages of 18 and 25. Calves Slaughtered five feet high of the Blessed Vir"Brother Kevin came to me gin' and the Sacred Heart for In Price Pr.otest two years ago and asked if there the church. DUBUQUE (NC)-More than was some way .they could help," "Once the statues have been 45 MAIN' STREET 500 calves were slaughtered and Guida said. "It was agreed that· donated, the people plan to hold FALMOUTH - 548-1918 processed here and sent to aid his group would come down for a parade and Mass of thankgiv::hurricane victims in Hoduras as two weeks in the summer and ing to Mary for the work that .ARMAt"'D ORTINS, Pror~. part of a National Farmers Or- help with the construction. has been done for ·them." ~-~ ganization (NFO) protest against "He 'has been coming down declining cattle prices. every summer since then and his The calves, from Iowa, Wis- people have done much of the consin and Minnesota, were work on the water system and slaughtered at the Dubuque have donated more than $7,000 Packing Company at the com- for the project." Describing .the living condipany's expense following the slaughter and burial of 636 tions of the villagers, Guida said, calves in Curtiss, Wis. The cost "The principal diet of the people (OMPLETE HEATING SY~'EMS is estimated at between $8,000 is beans and tortillas. They do SAm & INSTALLATIONS "'~~ raise chickens, turkeys, some and $10,000. The NFO said it was slaugh- pigs and goats for milk and meat tering the calves to draw atten- for big celebrations. 24 "The only source of income tion to declining cattle prices. A HOUR SERVICE the people bave is picking cotton year ago, the NFO said, farmers 465 NORTH FRONT ST., were getting $80 to $125 for for three weeks or a month once NEW BEDFORD calves that today sell for $15 a year. And ·they think it is really something if they can earn to $25.

r U

THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 14, 1974

Jesuit Receives Campio., ~ward NEW YORK (NC) - German theologian Jesuit Father Karl Rahner, 70, became the 18th recipient of the Campion Award of the Catholic Book Club at a reception in his honor here. The event WU3 sponsored by the book club, a joint venture of Catbolic Mind and America magazines, a monthly and weekly, respectively, published here by the Jesuit Fathers. In announcing the laureate, Jesuit Father John B. Breslin, literary editor of America, noted that the first recipient of the honor was Jacques Maritain, who, like Father Rehner, was a European philosopher and theo· logian particularly inspired by St. Thomas Aquinas. The awardgiving also marked the 50th an· niversary of the start of Father Rahner's publishing career. Jesuits at the reception described their guest of honor, a short smiling man in a grey suit, as the foremost Catholic theologian of the 20th century. He is a scholar who has produced more books "than many others have articles," Father Breslin observed. Scores of seminarians and scholars have been influenced by his thinking. He served as personal theologian to Cardinal Franz • Koenig of Vienna at the Second Vatican Council 'and later as an official peritus (expert) at the council by papal appointment. As the council ended, Pope Paul VI appointed him a o!:'arter member of the newly formed papal Theological, Commission.


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'Bridge Too Far' Explains Failure of Allies' Plan

Publicity chairmen of parish oreanizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P, 0, Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events.

The mightiest airborne force in history was launched from England against the Germans in Hol,land in Sept. 1944. Three months earlier, Allied forces had stprmed the beaches in Normandy,- established a toehold on the continent, and set the stage for a drive ' across France and Belgium a high price for this ill-fated ven.. which sent tlie German ar- ture in the months between it ,and the Na~i defeat in the spring mies reeling. How long of 1945.



would it take the Allies to get into Germany and bring the European phase of World War II to an end? '




•. _."

The Parish _Parade

THE ANCHOR-Dio(ese of Fall River-Thurs.. Nov.-U, 1974

The British commander, Field Marshal Montgomery, had a plan which he' believed would achieve final victory by Ohristmas. It called for the dropping of a vast expedition at points in Holland from which bridges over rivers including the Rhine could be seized. This airborne assault would be coordinated with an, armored drive 64 miles up from the Belgian border. For the plan .to work, the main bridges would have to be taken. Most essential for all was capture of the Rhine bridge at Arnhem, a main gateway into Ger-many. No less imperative was it that the Allied ground elements arrive in time to secure the targets on whoich the airborne forces would have pounced. The plan was put in oper~tion. But it fell short of complete success. Its implementation and its failures are depicted in Cornelius Ryan's "A Bridge Too Far (Simon and Schuster,630 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10020. 670 pages. IHustrated. $12.50). Mr. Ryan's method is. fammar from his earlier books, "The Longest Day" 'and "The Last Battle." Some 1,200 people have, in one way or another, contributed to its contents, and 600 ofthem were interviewed. These include many participants in 'the 1944 events-British, American, Polish, and German military personnel, and Dutch civi~ians. Of" ficial records and personal diaries have ,been consulted, and books a,nd other publications have been ransacked. Writes Fluently This insures that Mr. Ryan knows as much abOut his subject as anyone possibly could. What use does he make 'of his knowledge? He marshals detail with exceptional skill and clarity, and writes fluently. One gets fromhim an almost hour-by-hour account of one of the most dramatic episodes of the war. The key to ,the whole scheme (called "Market-Garden") was the Rhine bridge at Arnhem. One end of it was taken by airborn forces and gallantly held for four days. Prodigies of heroism were performed at Arnhem, but they availed nothing. The position was lost, and the Dutch had to pay



The reasons for the failure were many, One was the hasty preparation: of the expedition. PAUL A. SICARD Only seven days were allowed for readying it, once Montgomery had won General Eisenhower's approval. The airborne project involved 35,000 men, almost 5,000 aircraft, and thousands of glid. ·ers carrying vehicles, artillery, and other: equipment and supAt an assembly on Tuesday plies. An iQtricate system of' de-. morning Rev. Thomas J. Giblivery had to be precisely implebons, S,J., Principal of Bishop mented ov~r a period of thr~e Connolly High School, announced days. i tha'~ one senior had been nam~d The sch~ule was disrupted by a Semi-Finalist and six seniors bad weather after the first day have been named commended of operation. But far worse was the effect of bungled inteliigence. students in the National Merit For example, it'was assumed that Scholarship Program. ;Paul A. Sicard, the son of Mr. the Germany 15~h' Army was bottled up at •Antwerp, whereas it and Mrs. Alfred -J. Sicard of 122 had actuaUy made good its es- Rodney St., New Bedford has cape and Was available for use been named a Semi-Finalist in in Holland.! It was also assumed the National Merit Scholarship that there were no Germany ar- Competition. With the recommored units anywhere near Arn- mendation of his school he will hem, but in fact Panzer forces advance to the stage of Finalist were close by that city. An area in the competition. Paul is one thought to be lightly held by the of the 375 students in MassachuGermans was quickly swarming setts who have been so designated. He has already been acwith them. I cepted by Stevens Institute of Meshing of Efforts Technology as a civil engineering Radio communication between Allied units did not work. Its major next year. functioning: was vital' both for In addition to the one Semithe exchange of information and Finalist, six Connolly Seniors are {or the meshing of efforts. ,But among the 1746 students in Masunits coul~ not raise one an- sachusetts who have been desigother, 'althOugh some could pick nated "Commended Students"; up maddingly cheery broadcasts Gerard A. Gabriel, the son of Mr. & Mrs. Aloysius J. Gabriel from the BBC. of 89 Wilder St. in Swansea; Dutch rrlilitary pl~lIlners who I had invalullble knowledge of the Thomas E. Joaquin of 128 Ray terrain and the people, had of- St., Fall River. "fered their advice in the planning Also commended were: Timstages of the project, but it. had othy J. Logan of 215 Stetson St., been refused. When the battle Fall River; David P. Lyons, the was joined, the Dutch under- son of Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Lyons ground was ignored. Their assist- of 568 Harvard St., Fall River; ance was politely declined, and Stephen J. Macedo, the son the,if ingenious ~lIld productive .of Mr. and Mrs. Celestino means of Icommunication were - D. Macedo of 379 .West Clinnot used. ! ton St., New Bedford and Casualties High Chris A. White, the son of Mr. ,Besides, :'a copy of the com& Mrs. John C. White of 979 plete plans of "Market-Garden" Stafford Rd., Tiverton. fell into the hands of the GerThese results are based on the mans. After being originally dismissed as mere fantasy intended student's performance in the to mislead,: the plans were taken National Merit Qualifying Exseriously and their fulfillment amination which they took -as thwarted at cruCiial points, hoth Juniors in October 1973. 41,568 at the brid~es and along the COI'- students in 417 High Schools' in ridor used iby the Allied ground Massachusetts took the examination. All of these students are forces. , The casu~Ities were appallingly in the top four per cent of High high. The destruction of Dutch School Seniors in Massachusetts. homes and !historic buildings was enormous, i'as was the suffering inflicted on Dutch civilians. The war drag~ed on long. after minimum. A British casualty told her to give his portion to anChristmas. ! Bravery, i sang-froid, generos- other patient nearby. But the ity; humor":-there was plenty of latter, the woman said, was a each, as th~ narrative shows. But German. The Britisher replied, what remains in the mind is an "Give him the food anyway. I incident toWard the close of the ate yesterday." The woman stared , then asked, "Why is i book. .. A Dutchlwoman was assisting there a war on, really?" The question went unanin the care of the wounded of both side~ in an improviSied swered. It may -have 'been unhospital. F'ood there was at a answerable.

Name Con'nolly-' High Seniors As Winners

The public is invited to a dance to be sponsored by the Couples' Club at 8 P.M. Saturday, Nov. 16 in the school hall. Music will be by the John Sowa orchestra and the theme for the evening will be "Turkey in the Straw." Refreshments will be available, according to announcement made by Mr. and Mrs. Roland Thibault, chairmen, who will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. John 'Figueiredo HI. HOLY TRINITY, WEST HARWICIII Mrs. James Blackmore and Mrs. Norman Dagenais are chairmen of a Christmas bazaar to take place from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. Saturday, Nov. 16 in the church hall under sponsorship of the Ladies' Assn. of the Sacred Hearts. _ ' Tables will include Christmas items, food, aprons, knit goods, toys, white eleph;lIlt, chance books, gifts, hats and refreshments. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP, NEW BEDFORD The parish will sponsor its annual buffet supper and dance from 6:30 P.M. to midnight Saturday, Nov. 23 at the Mickalewicz Club, Purchase Street. Musk will be by the Merry Falcons - of Providence, and the affair will be open to the public. Tickets are limited. SANTO CHRISTO, FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Women will be ho'stess to a District council meeting at 7:45 tonight, preceded by a presidents' meeting. A pre-Thanksgiving dance will take place at 8 P.M. Saturday, Nov. 16 in the renovated parish hall, with music by the Jardin'ieres. The event will be open to the public, with tickets available at the door. The Council will hold a membership tea honoring new members at 3 Sunday afternoon in the hall. Chailmen are Mrs. Mary Alfonso and Mrs. Lorraine Lima. ST. STEPHEN. ATTLEBORO Mrs. Janet Daneau and Mrs. Dorothy Gorman, co-chairmen, have announced that the annual Christmas bazaar of the parish will take place today, tomorrow and Saturday from I until 9 P.M. in the church hall on South Main Street, Dodgeville. Setting for the affair is a Christmas Village with "shoppes" filled with home made linens, knits, foods, holiday items, toys, gifts and jewelry. Specialty booths will inclu\de games and raffles and a snack bar will serve sandwiches and a daily special, featuring for tomorrow New England clam chowder and clam cakes. ST. PIUS X. SOUTH YARMOUTH The Women's Guild held its annual _Holly Tt~a yesterday afternoon in the church hall.

HOLY NAME, NEW BEDFORD, The Couples' Club will sponsor an Autumn Harvest dance from 8 to midnight Saturday, Nov. 16 at the Polish-American Club, Acushnet Avenue. Refreshments will be served and music will be by the Ray Besse Orchestra. Tickets will be available at the door. Chairmen are Mr. and Mrs. Clinton J. Rimmer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rousseau and Mr. and Mrs. Paul E.J. Richard. The unit will hold no regular meeting 'in November. A Christmas party is scheduled for December. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER 'Final preparations are being made for a bazaar scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 23, from 11 A.M. to 7 P.M. Returns on books of chances may be dropped in the receptacles provided at the rear of the church; and parishioners are requested to make donations of items for an auction that will climax- the event. Women's Guild members will meet at 7:30 P.M.' Monday, Nov. 18 in the. rectory. Rev. Lucio B. Phillipino will speak on the Care of the Aged in the Diocese of Fall River at the regular monthly meeting of Project Leisure scheduled for 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon, Nov. 21 in the school auditorium. A coffee hour will follow. HOLY REDEEMER, CHATHAM Sparkling Christmas angels, unique handcrafted gifts and tempting gourmet delights will be among attractions awaiting early holiday shoppers at the holly-decked church hall from 2 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. Saturday, Nov. 16 and from 8:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. Sunday, Nov. 17. The annual Christmas fair will be sponsored by the Association of the Sacred Hearts under the chairmanship of Mrs.' Frank Maloney. Articles on display are - the work of the Happy Tuesdays Handcrafts ·a Bridge Group of the association, and other fair features will 'include a "This and That from Here and There" section, an apron booth, and "Lovable Huggables" for infants, as well as crocheted caps, mittens, scarves and afghans and jewelry, boutique, toy and book tables. Coffee and doughnuts will be served Sunday morning. ST. MARY, NEW BEDFORD A New Year's Eve buffet and dance are planned by the Wom: en's Guild to take place at the school hall on .JIIinois Street. Music will be by the Steve Derrick Quartet and reservations will close Monday, Dec. 16. They may be made with Rita Lizotte, telephone 995-1972 or Frances Desmantis, 995-2137. Turn to Page Twelve

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• Foresees Massive Positive' Influence of Vatican II

THI: ANCHORThurs., Nov. 14, 1974

Help Prisoners Of Conscience

I have felt great compassion for the Pope in his recent cry of anguish over the Church. As his papacy comes to its end, he seems greatly troubled about where the Church and world are going. Perhaps he is worried that all he has worked for will be lost, that his immense efforts have been judgment of history than is the present strongly negative one wasted, and that he may that one !:tears in many Catholic have made mistakes to cause circles. We may wonder, but ·will

LONDON (NC) - A national Catholic committee to help prisoners of conscience throughout the world has been set up in London. The committee formed from a group of Catholic 'Societies, will seek to push the Pope's appeal for a selective amnesty of Sl\ch prisoners during the 1975 Holy Year.

great harm in the years ahead. I do not believe in psychohistory or in trying to analyze the emotional state of a given leader.

never know, how a more enthusias,ticand less anxiQus response to' the forces let loose by the Council would have worked. If any inteq:retation at all is to be made of the anguish recently expressed, Paul VI must wonder the same thing. How could he not wonder? By Utterly Honest How could any man in his REV. position (or in 'any position of great responsibility) not wonder ANDREW M. whether things would have been GREELEY different and better if he had taken exactly the opposite steps than those he in fact took? As Gus Weigel remarked near I don't know how the Pope feels the end of his life, all human or what he thinks. I fear that all efforts given sufficient time,_ go of us must come to the end of badly. Often it doesn't take much our lives with feelings of frus- . time at all. .' , tration and failure. If Paul VI A cry of worry and pain is not feels U·.'3t he has failed, I can the kind of be:.<lvior we expect understand the emotion because from a pope - any pope. But I feel the same way· myself. somehow I find it admirable. He My colleague Eugene Kennedy. said what he thought and felt in has recently written in "Atlanthe depths of his soul. By so tic" a "revisionist" analysis of doing he may have lost a little the reign of Paul VI. He sees . bit of the aloof dignity that is the Pope executing a "grand de- supposed to be a"'propriate for sign" for modernizing the Church >the papacy. I think that such while keeping the ancient reli- dignity is a small loss. We are gious symbols alive. Within this well rid of it. A pope who can model much of the criticism dibe so utterly honest-even only rected against the Pope from in a fleeting comment at a pubiic "i=rogressive" Catholics would audience-is more human, more indicate a profound misunder- attractive, and more effective as standing of the Pope's goals and a pope. It might have helped both purposes, a misunderstanding him and us had he spoken thus wbich history will presumably much earlier. . correct. If he is worried about the future of .the Church, then he is Kennedy Theory surely welcome into the club. Father Kennedy's model is an Short Range Mistakes interesting and useful one. It fits The gates of hell will not prea lot of the data. I am not totally vail against the Church. But that convinced, however. The secret consolation does not guarantee trial of Hans Kung, for example, us protection from terrible loss. doesn't seem to fit (although Maybe mistakes have been piled Father Kennedy has suggested on mistakes during the last fifin conversation with me that teen years; maybe the price will there may well be a failure of have to be paid for generations; communication between the Pope maybe the Council was a mistake and Kung so that the Pope does to begin with and the implemennot understand that Kung is in tation after it ·a compounding of fact a conservative who is trying the error. Maybe Pandora's box to protect the power and influ- (or 'Pope John's window) ought ence of the papacy.) I also won- never to have been opened in der if the too hasty-and unsuc- the first place. Maybe .the imps cesful-attempt to end the birth that have been let out (or let in) control debate can be made to will work havoc for decactesor fit the model. centuries. Still, the Kennedy theory may .I don't think, so. Over the long well be closer to the ultimate haul, the Council will have a massive positive influence in the Religious Leaders Church. Short range mistakes or misjudgments cannot prevent the Protest Decision immense long run benefits that WASHINGTON (NC) - Ninestill seem likely. There is no way teen Catholic and Protestant reyou can have an easy transition ligious leaders in the. United from a counterreformation to an States have protested against the ecumenical ·age. Maybe the hisUnited Nations' decision to in- torians will be astonished, not vite Palestinian Liberation Or- - over the chaos and the loss, but ganization (PLO) leader, Yasir the relative ease of the transition Arafat, to address the UN Gen· compared to what it might have eral Assembly. been. The religious leaders questioned I don't know for sure, but I tb~ appropriateness of singling suspect the Pope feels this way out the PLO, "a terrorist organiza- most of the time. too. Still, if tion" that ~'is publicly 'dedicated he suffers moments ,of deep -and to the destruction of the state painful doubts, I don't blame of Israel, a member of the United him. Who in his right mind Nations," as the representative of Palestinians before the UN. -. wouldn't?


Known as the Prisoners in Holy Year Committee, it has the backing of Amnesty International, which campaigns for the release or fair trial of political and other special prisoners. Amnesty International representatives told the meeting at w~ich the new committee was formed that such prisoners are now estimated to number about half a million around the world.

CONTROLS ARE URGED: A Baltimore police official takes inventory of the more that 3,000 guns turned in to authorities in the first week of the city's gun bounty program. Police pay $50 for each weapon turned in. Respect Life observances sponsored by the U.S. Catholic Conference support registration and licensing of guns in an effort to take weapons out of the hands of those who use them to rob or kill. NC Photo.

Legislate Gun Control Firearms Are Fifth Most Common Cause Of. Accidental Deaths in U.S. One of the aims of the 1974 Respect Life program sponsored by the American' bishoes is stringent gun control legislation. There are more than 170 million guns in America-more than triple the number of families in the c.ountry. Firearms are the fifth most common cause of accidental deaths in the ~nitedStates. Ninety-five per cent of the 621 policemen killed from 1966 through 1972 were killed with firearms. Handguns were used in ne'arly 9,000 murders in 1971all other weapons added together did not produce that many murders. .Controlling guns does not mean outlawing guns. It means registering guns, licensing their owners, and banning the importation, manufacture and sale of the "Saturday Night Specials," cheap handguns with no sporting purpose, which figure in so many armed robberies and o'ther street crimes. The bumper-sticker propagimda of anti-control groups - "If guns are outlawed,' only outlaws still have guns," or "Guns don't kill, people do"-fIies in the face of the facts. The serious proponents of control legislation are not trying to "outlaw" guns but to control them by registration and· licensing. And the people who rob and kill with guns would certainly find it far more difficult and dangerous to do their robbing and kilHng without guns or with guns traceable through syst,emat'ic controls.

Hunters "A strict gun control law," says the Respect Life program, "would not impede the hunter or sportsperson, although' it might require registration of firearms intended for such purposes. Nor would' a strict gun law prohibit persons from owning guns. However, the premise that everyone should have a gun for selfprotection - is a basic error that helps create confusion about the problem ... Following the shooting deaths of two young Chicago patr~lmen, Cardinal John Cody of Chicago called for "vigorous public support" to "establish realistic gun controls." Gun Control Polls The . Chicago archbishop, chairman of the U.S. bishops' Committee for Population and Pro-Life Activities which sponsors the annual Respect Life observances, noted that a concern for control of guns is basically the same as a concern for unborn life. "It is a concern for human life wherever it is under attack," he said. Poll after poll has shown that most Americans favor strong gun control laws. IBut the well organized anti-control lobby has consistently succeeded in defeating or drastically weakening legislature. proposals. . One legislator summed up the situation: "The opponents of strong gun laws are very wellorganized. ·But the proponents who far outnumber the gun lobbyists, don't band together. They just don't get excited."

The committee will encourage the general public to help by writing to and on behalf of such prisoners and giving financial support to campaigns for their release.

Experts Skeptical About Conference LONDON (NC)-.Christian experts in the United Kingdom have expressed skepticism about the prospects of the November United Nations World Food Conference in Rome, criticism of public apathy in the rich countries and warnings of a massive \"/orld famine within the next yea,r. Prof. George Allen, agricultural economist, told a London meeting backed by the Catholic bishops' Justice and Peace Commission that developed countries have the resources but not the political will to solve either the short-term or long-term crisis within the next 10 years. Allen, a leading British food expert, added. that compared with the reaction to 'past crises, this time "nobody-seems to care very much."



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I THE ANCHOR-·Diocese of Fall River-~hurs. N~)V. 14, 197.4

ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, FALL RIVER The annual Christmas bazaar sponsored by the Council of Catholic Women will take· place at 7:30 Monday night, Nov. 18. Booths will feature Christmas items, handmade. articles, white elephant articles and refresh· ments. A penny sale will also be held in conjunction with the event. . Together with the Holy Name Society, council members will receive corporate Communion a,t 8 A.M. Mass' Sunday, Nov. 24. Breakfast will follow.

Drinan1s Christian FlI'usade No Guara.ntee of Succ:ess i ,Father Robert F. Drinan, S.J., the first Catholic priest to be elected to the United· States Congress (our only other priest-Congressman was appointed; not l elected), recently accused the nation's Christian leaders bt neglecting their duty by failing to get in- critical, ad8ress," according to volved in politics. Speaking Marjorie HYer, "was interrupted in Washington, D.C. on Oct. ' several times by applause and 26 to the American Academy theaudienc~ gave him a standing of Religion, Drinan said: "I am not calling for any crusade by clergymen in the political order. But lam urging that the Chris-

By '


MSGR. GEORGE G. HIGGINS tians of America and, in particular, the post-Watergate clergy of America, recognize that something appears to have gone wrong in the politics of this country and that nothing short of a massive infusion of funda'mental morality can rectify it." In reading Marjorie Hyer's extensive summary in the Washing Post of Drinan's angry address, I couldn't tell exactly what he was driving at. While I agree with his emphasis on the need for more' effective action on the part of Christians (and other Americans) in the political arena, I sincerely hope that his' exaggerated rhetoric will not have the effect 'of persuading any substantial number of "post Watergate" .c1ergymen to drop what they are doing at home and run for political office. With, all due respect for Drinan's person'al perform-· ance-I sincerely doubt that a massive escalation in the number of priest-clergymen would necessarily result in "a massive infusion of fundamental morality" in the Congress. To put it bluntly, if I thought for a moment that the reform of the American political system depended ona massive (or p-ven a slight) increase in the number of priests elected to the Congress, I would be strongly tempted to cash in my American chips and emigrate to the South Sea Islands. Rhetorical Exaggeration It's possible that Drinan really wasn't urging the post-Watergate .clergy to run for public office in substantial '·,numbers, but was simply urging them to get out of the sacristy and playa more prophetic and courageous role in "giving ,adv.ice and criticism to the king." If that's all he meant to suggest, I think he could have made his point with greater clarity. I also think that, without weakening his case, he could have given a little ,more credit' where credit is due. In'stead, he went out of his way to create the impression that the U.S. clergy and the eccelesiaistical Establishment have been completely silent on amnesty, the world food crisis,. and almost evel'y other major socioeconomic and political issue. This kind of rhetorical exaggeration serves no useful' purpose-although it may help to explain why Drinan's "sharply

ovation at ithe end." I think I know exactly what Drinan wa~ saying about Catholic-laity's r61e in t.he political order (and t~e role of the institutional 'Chul-ch in preparing the laity to fJnction in this area) and on th~s matter I disagree withbim qompletely. According to the Washington Post, Drinan, in the counse of his address, referred obliq'uely to the controversy in' CatJ10licciircles over his serving in! Congress when he spoke of "cardinals and bishops who draw :back and say 'leave politics to ;the laity.''' He challenged his 'ecclesiastical' critics as follows: ('Where are the laity'? Where in the name of God are these people? I can't live ina world that Igoes on this way," Then he Iproposed tha t the churches search out and train persons of Iintegrity and ability to function lin the political arE~na. "Just like they piek out. missionaries and sbd them to a foreign land, they could send them·. to Washington insteald. They should be picked ih each legislative district. I havJ a list of people that could be d~feated and should be defeated." I Third Ipolitical Party? . I doubt that Father Drinan has seriously thbught t.hrough the implications {)~ this bizarre proposal. Does hel really mean, for ex· ample, that'll the churches should transform themselves into a third political party? From the practical P6int of view, does he honestly think the churches are politically bapableof doing so? If his answh is yes, ,why should . I he, of all people, .want to entrust the choice Jr political candidate!; to the very! ecclesiastical leaders whom he. criticized severely in hisWashin~ton address for being politically apathetic and irrespon.. sible? Doesl he really think that Christians or, more specifically, Catholics Have a monopoly 'on "fundament~ly morality" in the political order-or is he seriously suggesting I that suitable non,· Catholic or non-Christian candi-· dates for office would apply to the local Catholic diocese for a canonical !mandate to engage in missionary I seJ0'ic:e on Capitoll Hill? More facetiously (but not entirely so), I might also ask wheth~r 'or; not Father Drinan., really thinks that the eccelesi·· asticalauthorities in' his, own Congressio~al district woulctgive him the nod over his opponents: if he himse'lf were to apply' for such a mandate. I hope it Igoes without saying that the foregoing criticism of Father Dtinan's' Washington · not [ meant to suggest speec h IS that the inhitutional Church or individual qatholic:s are living 'up to all of their obliga,tions and capabilities lin the political order. It is meant to suggest tb3t if we have a ~roblem in this are~, F~ther Drinlin'S proposed remedy would only :make matters worse.




TO AID MOTHER TERESA: From left, Sister Gilmary Harten,' Rev. William Petrie, SS.Ce., Sister Therese Mary Delisle, at slide lecture on work of Mother Teresa of India presented by Father Petrie at Bishop Gerrard High School, Fall River. Students previously viewed film on Mother Teresa and her community and after discussion of personal experiences of Father Petrie with'the Missionaries of Charity are planning group projects involving personal sacrifice to raise funds for sick an<~ starving poor of India.

Archbishop Stresses Continuation Of Christian · Marxist Dialogue CHICAGO (NC)-Archbish9P Helder Camara of Olinda-Recife, Brazil, called here for a contipuation of the dialogue between Christians and Marxists, and challenged" Marxists to' revise their dogma that religions are an alienated force within society. "Not only in Christianity, but in all great religions, there ate groups which, far from accepting religion as alienation, seek ,to live and bring religion to lifi! as a oJiberating force for the oppressed and as a moral liberating press.ure exercised upon the oppressors," Archbishop Camara said. The prelate, who is well known as an advocate of nohviolent revolutionary change and for his defense of the poor and oppressed in Brazil, delivered a lecture on \'Thomism and Theological Liberation in the Conte~t of Marxian Revolution' in the Modern World" at the University of Chicago here. The lecture opened a fourweek Celebration of the Medievall Heritage with 'lectures' and cultural events interpreting the contributions of medieval thought to contemporary problems. Similar Challenge . ArChbishop Camara compared the chaUenge posed by Aristotelian thought to Christian teachings in St. Thomas Aquinas' tirrle (13t.h century) with those pos~d by Marxism today. The greatest lesson of St. Thomas to humanity to to have fearlessness and courage in studying and dea-ling with Aristotelian thought, at a time in, which an~­ body who did this faced exco.qlmunication and reprisals by the Church's temporal power, Archbishop Camara said. Christian Truths Just as St. Thomas discovered Christian elements in Aristotelian thought, today's theologians will have discovered Christian truths in the Marxist philosophical system, even in its analysis' of the relationship of production "which generate classes, tensions, exploitation, revolt, class struggle" and other social ph~­ nomena,Archbishop Camara said.

The dialogue between Chris·tianity and Marxism started with visits by Communist leaders to Popes John XXIII and Paul VI and meeting between Marxist and Christian philosophers in the late 1960s, he said Although the usefulness of this dialogue' with. Marxism poses serious questions when dissenters. in Communist countries are suppressed and Communist superpowers show the s,ame greed in exploiting underdeveloped raw-material~produc­ ing countries as the capitalist. superpowers do, "the dialogue between Christians and Marxists must proceed," Archbishop Camara asserted.

Tb.e Parish Parade. ST. JAMES, NEW BEDFORD The Ladies' Guild will aHend a Mass for deceased members at. 6:30 on Wednesday evening, Nov. 20 which will be followed by a barbecued ehicken supper. Tickets are $2.00. The Guild will sponsor a penny 'sale at 7:30 on Monday night, Dec. 2 in the church base· ment. Refreshments will be available. ST. PETER, DIGHTON The Women's Guild will hold a thrift sale, along with a white elephant table, from 1:30 to 9 in the evening on Friday, Nov. 22 and from 10 to 1 in the afternoon on Saturday, Nov. 23.

OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, NEW BEDFORD The parish P-TA will hold a dance from 8 to midnight Saturday, Nov. 30 in the sch<lol auditorium, with music by the MoonGlows. Tickets are available from members and at the school. ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO Beano workers and their spouses will attend a dinner at the Plainsman restaurant at 8 P.M. Saturday, Nov. 16. Prospective CYO members in the 9th to 12th grades will attend a meeting at 7 tonight in the school buliding. Knights of the Altar will meet from 7 to 8:aO, also in the' school. The Junior Corps will attend a Patriots football game Sunday,. Nov. 17, leaving at 11:30 A.M. Donations are requested for a turkey whist scheduled for Saturday night, Nov. 23. They may be brought to the rectory or deposi,ted ina collection barJ'el at the door of the church. ST. LOUIS DE FRANCE, SWANSEA Ladies of St. Anne will hold an open meeting at 8 P.M. Wednesday, Nov. 20 in the church hall. Mrs. Thomas Donahue and Mrs. Russell Partridge will present an explanation of the Birthright organization and Mit's. Judith Kusinitz will be progra.m chairman. The unit will hold a Christmas party at 8 P.M. Wednesday, Dec. 4, also in the hall. Reservations must be made at the Nov. 20 meeting. ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH "A Tour of Scandinavia" presented by Miss Koletta Kaspar, a Falmouth High School graduate who spent her senior year in Europe as an American Field Service student, will highlight a meeting of the Women's Guild scheduled for Monday, Nov. 18. Miss Kaspar will display i,tems representative of the countries she visited. ST. ANNE, NEW BEDFORD The annual penny sale is scheduled for 7:30 on Saturday night, Nov. 23 in the school basement. Doors will open at 7 o'clock. In addition to many valuable prizes, there will be a special raffle on $500.

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r THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 14,1974




Man's Obligation to Nature

WILIAM E. MAY life, including our own, is depenRecently t-he social philosopher and psychoanalyst Erich Genesis tells us that God, in dent. What is wrong? Cause of Today's Conditions Fromm was interviewed by a making man, alone of all living Reconciliation between man New York newspaper. He had creatures, His own image, gave him dominion over the created and nature differs from man's come to this country in the early world: "Be fruitful, multiply, fill - reconciliation with God, his fel- 1930s, an exile from Hitler's Gerthe earth and conquer it. Be low men, and himself inasmuch many, hopes high for life and masters of the fish of the sea, as nature, unlike God and other work in a vibrant America. Forty the birds of heaven and all liv- men, is not a personal being. But years later, he fears for his ing animals on the earth" (Gen. the need for man to become rec- adopted country. "The United 1:28). Because of sin, however. onciled with the world of nature States is not yet entirely in hell. we have become strangers not is only too- evident in the stink- There is a very small chance of only to God, but .to our brother ing cesspools that we have made avoiding it, but, I ,am not an men and to ourselves, I:>ut also of our rivers and lakes, the poi- optimist." to the world in which we live. sons we have put into the atmoInstead of being "at home" with sphere, and the near panic we nature, we frequently are :It a: experience because of the energy loss in our efforts to relate our- crisis. Some see the root cause of selves to it. We speak of the By "hostile" environment and are the mess we experience in the terrified by many natural events very words from Genesis cited such as thunderstorms, earth- above, for they think that these REV. WALTER J. quakes, hurricanes. Nature, red words gave man a blank check, BURGHARDT, S.J. in tooth and Claw, is our com- as it were, over nature, making mon foe; either we vanquish it him its lord and masters. Aland bend it to our wIll, or it will though this is surely a terrible Why this gloom? One reason mistaken reading of Scripturedestroy us. In many ways we have "con- for in the Bible man is not the ,is what Fromm calls our "unrequered" nature and brought it Lord of creation, for there is strained industrialism," After. under our command. We have only one Lord, namely the loving World War H, America's induschannelled its forces and used God who made man in his image trial machine spewed an endless its resources for our own pur- -it is possibly this way of un- flow of motor cars and pleasure poses; the fish of the sea and all derstanding man's place in na- boats, refrigerators and air conthe living animals on the earth ture that is at the heart of the ditioners, barbecue pits and have become one vast source for matter. For on this understand- heated swimming pools. Such inhuman food and clOl!hing the el- ing nature is simply something credible excess of material ements of nature are at our dis- there for man to use as his plea- things, Fromm claims, the maposal for building the city of sure; the universe, of which he chine process, has minified man, J11ade his own life seem unimporman. Yet as we make ever great- is tl-.'e center, is his plaything. tant to him. "We have grown Trutli Shall Free Us er strides in bringing the world We differ from other animals soft from it at a sacrifice of, of nature under our power we discover that our conquest is not and from the rest of nature in what shall I call it, the soul," without a price: the polluting of that we really are the living And, on the whole, we "have acour planet and the growing ero- images or words of God. Alone cepted the logic of machinery, which is to demonstrate how sion of the basis upon which all Turn to Page Fourteen machinery works. The ultimate purpose of making a gun is to fire it,"


Dominion or Stewardship

The proper relationship between man and nature, in God's plan, is sketched briefly but clearly in the first chapter of the Book of Genesis. "Then God said: 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominnion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the cattle, and over all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawl on the ground' ... God blessed them, saying: 'Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it,''' The human race is meant to have "dominion" over nature, to "subdue" it and place it at the service of human purposes. Such dominion, however, is not absolute. It is not limited only by human ingenuity and prowess. Rather, it is conditioned by a: second concept - tohe idea of stewardship. Human beings rule and control nature as God's representatives. In exercising their dominion over nature, they are accountable both to God and to one another. When this principle of stewardship is lost sight of, man's dominion is in danger of becoming tyrannical and abusive - as in many ways it has become today. Disclosures of environmental abuse, prophecies of doom concerning the depletion of natural


resources - these and other reflections of the fact that all is not well in contemporary man's relationship with nature have become the stock in trade of journalism. Even so it is possible to wonder how much impact they have had on the minds and hearts of most Americans. Turn to Page Fourteen


In consequence, "America has become the world's most destructive society," Not only have we bombed Vietnam back to the Bronze Age. "Our society is also internally destructive. In l!he last decade or so, a million people have been killed in highway accidents. We produce cars with built-in obsolescence. Knowing ·the possible dangers, we continue to pollute the environment.

Learning' About Liberation

A young, about-to-be-married woman from Montana wrote me recently with some bitterly crit~ ical remarks about my book, "Together for Life," a text used rather extensively in the United States by couples in preparation of their wedding ceremony. She commented: "I have been a Catholic all my life; yet your book makes me wonder if I should consider leaving the Church, as most of my educated women friends have. I am very much in love; yet your book makes me wonder if I should abandon my plans for marriage in the Church," This angry critic, apparently not one of my fans, had written an earlier note fa the publisher and concluded: "If you do not

revise this book, you are' encouraging the already huge flow of educated women and fair-minded men from the Church ... I found it the most unfair presentation of marriage in the most blatant chauvinism I have yet encountered," Every author expects and must cope with a certain amount of criticism. However, after five years and a million copies, the letter objecting to all or part of "Together for Life" have been minimal in numbermostly from ,a few who felt I was too liberal\ or progressive in a certain area. In the view of that generally favorable response it would be easy, therefore, to discount this woman's negative comments as the unTurn to Page Fourteen

MAN AND NATURE: "I looked at human excrement pouring into the Hudson River, and I smelled not waste but death. I breathed deeply, coughed, and no longer found humor in the joke: 'When does the snow get dirty in New York City? At 10,000 feet.' " Youngsters in the West Farms section of the Bronx take a close look at the Bronx River, oblivious to the litter and junk polluting its banks. NC Photo. And we subsidize violence on the screen-movies in which human life is depicted as brutish and cheap" (cf. New York Times, Dec. 15, 1973, p. 33). I have analyzed three ruptures that call for reconciliation: rupture between man and God, within man-himself, between man and man. Now I take up a fourth facet of human disunity, a rupture Dr. Fromm has in mind, the rupture between man and nature, between man and things. I -shall probe two problems: (1) what this rupture does to us, and (2) what this rupture asks of us. Horrifying Headlines First, then, what is this rupture between man and nature? By "nature" I mean all that is not man or God. Till recently, you and I have pretty much taken nature, things, for granted. There they were-air and ocean, coal and natural gas, aluminum and oil, steer and salmon, wheat and milk and eggs, cars and boats and planes, drugs and electric lights - there they all were, in their natural state or the fruit of American knowhow, at our disposal now and forever. Oh yes, much of it was hostile, had to be subdued; some of it belonged to others, had to be carried enslaved across continents; but when the chips were 0

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Ame~ican ingenuity. What we

wanted we could have. One tradition even boastedthat such consistent success, such material prosperity, was a si~n of God's election: we were a chosen people. All enemies would fall before our blessed might: not only ensouled peoples hut the soulless soil, the bowels of the earth and the limits of outer space. Suddenly all that changed. No longer could we take nature for granted. Each day a new headline horrified us, terrified us: "Last pocket of Clear Air in United States Disappears"; "World Oxygen Level Threatened by Pesticides"; Air Pollution Will Require Bre,athing Helmets by 1985"; "World Losing Water Pollution Battle despite Stepped-up Control Efforts"; "Chemical Fertilizers Called Threat to Water Resources"; "Millions Face Threat of Starvation"; "World Food Supplies Seen Running Out by Year 2000':; "Experts Say Human Race May Have Only 35 Years Left" (Cf. Karl Menninger, Whatever Became of Sin? p. 121). Waste in America In fear, we looked at nature Turn to Page Fourteen 0



• 14


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall • River-Thurs. INov. 14, 1974 I

Learning About

Continued from Page Thirteen


and works enerhuman relations I geticl!lly in Oklahoma politics. these four edited I then took . I copies of "Tpgether for Life" and began the I task of rewriting. changing a ;word here, a phrase there, several paragraphs in one section, ·sorhe examples in another. Wherl the process was finished I had; revised 75 per cent of the commentaries. I Danger of Stereotypes The entir~ process turned Ollt to be a "cJnscious raising" ex· perience fO~ this writer. I found myself becqming more sensitive to words that irk those in the liberation trtovement. For example. Why, they argue, do people speak of the bride as a girl? They never 'talk about the groom as a boy, d,o they? TERRIFYING NATURAL EVENTS: In the path of I also discovered within the Hurricane Carmen, homes of sugar plantation workers in text· an unconscious tendency to slip into stereotypes. Thus, to Louisiana show the effects of the storm. Roofing, tin and illustrate, not all men want· to boards (foreground) were tprn from one house. In the backbecome . f~thers or women, ground, the remaining wind inflates a tarpaulin which covers mothers; n~r are all women. sensitive or is every man insensitive; part of a house ripped open by the hurricane. An uprooted tree narrowly missed hitting one of the homes. NC Photo. nor is the wife always passive in love makin~ and a husband, the active initiator. My comments· either main~ained those positions from the creative word of God is Continued from Page Thirteen or implied they were true. This wri~er has not suddenly of all creatures we can come to in a significant· sense a bearer become a: spokesman for the an understanding of the world of rights. Every being, for inwoman's liberation movement. and of ourselves; alone of all stance, has the right to be recRather, he I is basically a male creatures, moreover, we can ognized for what it is and for chauvinistseeki!1g to grow, to communicate and share life, the role that it has to play in cast aside personal prejudices, to even God's life, by freely giving the universe as a whole. Because sift out the !true and the false de· ourselves away in love ~nd re- we, alone of all God's creatures, velopments lin feminist proposals. ceiving, in turn, the life a?d are capable of coming to underHowever, Ii do feel more "free" love of. others, including th'at stand what things really are, we as a result iof the updating pro- Other who is our loving Lord. have the corresponding obligacess whic.hl began with a .letter But we are one with other ani- tion to find' out what they are from an irate woman in the mals and the world of nature: is are and to lefthem be what they west. being created, and our life is are and are meant to-be, both in .1 linked to the life of other ani- themselves and in their relation. I mals and to the world. But how ship to ourselves and to the rest are we to become reconciled 'to of the· created universe. Continued from Page One· the market - yes. If it means that world, to the natural uniImitate St. Francis stewardship - accountability to verse in which we live? Starving Peoples What reconciliation between Because we are, alone in crehuman beings Our richness tends to insulate God and tdi other man and nature involves at root, . the living words or images ation, us. Only when we are pinched - the answ~r IS no. consequently, is a willingness on Stewardship and accountabil- of God, we have a ·vocation, a our part to be open to the truth ourselves do we awaken to realWe are sumsummons, a call. ities which dominate the lives of ity have ilnPlic~tions not only that the created world of nature, millions of people the world for the pre~ent inhabitants of the mO:'led to choose life. But our simply. by being, can communiover. In the winter of 1973 rising world, but also for the unborn choices are not to be blind, irra- cate -to us, for this truth is one gasoline prices and long lines at and for fut\lre generations. Here, tional, unthinking responses. way that the living Lord uses the pumps sensitized Americans too, the clJrrent record leaves Rather they are to be intelligent for telling us something imporand free acts of self·determina' to the fact that the world's sup· much to b~I desired. tion. We are called, in short, to tant about oursdves and about ply of petroleum is not limitless. _ The subduing of nature has shape our own lives inwardly by Himself. Our reconciliation with When the lines disappeared, now reach~d the point at which, nature can begin with our adopthowever, most .lapsed back into· for the fir~t time in' history, :the choosing to do what we come ,to ing the attitude sO magnificently know we ought to do if we are their customary complacency. exterminati'on of the human race embodied in the life of St. FranNot many Americans grasp by all-out ~uclear war isa real to be truly men. By questioning cis, who with the poets could our experience we can come to the implications of the fact that possibility. Yet the response of see a heaven in a wildflower this country dominates·· the the superpowers is to haggle know the meaning of that expe- and a world in ~l grain of sand. world's most· precious resource: suspiciously over limited arms rience and we can test that Our reconciliation with nature food. While millions in sub- control -,. inot disarmament- meaning we discover for its trJth can begin with our reconciliation and act responsibly in accord Sahara Africa and other parts of while developing new weapons. with ourselves for what we are: the world face the threat of im· At the saine time other ambi- with our true understanding ,of creatures unique in the world betruth, we are experience. The minent starvation, Americans tious natio~s begin to edge their cause of our powers of mind and struggle with. a national crisis of way into the nuclear dub, im- told, shall set us froee. will, but with the rest of creTrue to Reality overweight. The possibility of a pelled by the consideration that ation one in being totally depenWhat has all this to do with paradoxical connection between a first.clas~ power today needs dent on the Lord of creation and the two things occurs to very nuclear weapons at its disposal. our reconciliation with nature? dependent on all of creation in' Perhaps it has everything to do few. .Somethirlg ie wrong some~ living out our summons to beThe problem is not limited to where. Inl the contemporary with it. To be true to ourselves come truly what we really are: Americans. By dramatlcally in- world hun\an beings have ex- and to the God who wills to hearers of the word that God creasing the price of oil, the oil- tended their dominion over na· share his life with us, 'we must speaks to us through His cre· producing countries created a ture to -ah unprecedented de- be true to reality. That is, we ation and, in particular through desperate situation for the poor gree.. Yet I they have done so must be open to the world in· those created images of himself nations of the world, forcing with little ,reference to their rt!- which we live. We must be ready that he has personally become them to cut back on develop- sponsibility to other members of to recognize this world for what in our Brother Jesus. ment plans in order to pay the the humari race - present and it is, the gift of a loving God, skyrocketing bill for the oil they future - ahd with little visible and' a sign of his presence to us. Too frequently we believe that need. The only operative princi- sense of a~countability to God. Plum~ing only persons like ourselves are ple seems to be: Charge what the subjects of rights. Dominion divorced from stewthe market will bear. .> Do resources like food and oil -ardship dm be a nightmare. . Although we are, as persons, I ! Over 35 Years "belong" to particular nations Man's fulfillment of the biblical that is, as God's ima~es, uniqueof Satisfied Service and peoples in an exclusive command to subdue nature to ly the subjects of inamissible Reg. Master Plumber 7023 sense? Is this what it means to human purposes stands in danger and transcendent rights that JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. exercise "dominion" over na- of bec0nling a catastrophic make us to be infinitely precious, 806 NO. MAIN STREET . ture? mockery. If it does, the joke we are not the only bearers of Fall River 675..7497 rights. Everything that issues If dominion means cornering ultimately .may be on us. Continued from Page Thirteen reasonable rantings of a feminine revqlutionary. Diversity of Opinions Nevertheless, I took her observations seriously. The day after receiving this letter, I had appointments with two couples, both completing the final 'details of· their own nuptial services. The four persons involved were college graduates very much in the main-stream of modern American life. Without mentioning my crit· ic's note, I read to them the passages she found so chauvinistic and asked, "How do you feel about those thoughts?" Both couples replied that my commentary exactly expressed their own attitudes on the subject. .I do not think this single interchange proves the rightness. of my views or the wrongness of the woman's objections. The event certainly does, however, indicate a diversity of. opinions still exist on the relationship and tlfe roles of men and women in today's society. After another crrtical letter quite' similar to that note from the Montana woman, I decided to revise my commentaries. To do so, I asked four very liberation minded women, one married, one engaged, two single college girls, to read through the text and mark up passages they found offensive. Their. correc· tions were most· helpful, espe· cially the incisive, but well reasoned and balanced suggestions from the wife, a mother of three, who serves also as a professor of

Man's Obligation to Nature

- Dominion or StewClrdship


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with new eyes, fresh awareness. I looked at human excrement pouring into the Hudson River, and 1 smelled not waste bl,lt death. I breathed deeply, coughed" and no longer found humor in the joke '_'When docs the sriow get dirty in New York City? At 10 thousand feet." I read that autos occupy more space in America than do people, and I felt strangled. 1 saw a tree felled in a few short moments, and I remembered that the tree had been centuries a-growing. I watched the Arab-Israeli crisis unfold, and realized that this winter our children and our aged might be cold, might freez.e. I saw a lady look wistfully at chuck beef in a market, and the ceaseless surge in living costs became more of a statistic. I heard that, to power western cities, Navajo land would be strip-mined, and I thought of the horror that is Appalachia. Appalachia ... Is it possible that Appalachia is, in miniature, America in the year 2000? "Every year Americans junk 7 million cars, 48 billion cans, 20 million tons of paper. Our industries pour out 165 million tons of waste and belch 172 million tons of fumes and smoke into the sky. We provide. 50 per cent of the world's industrial poilu· tion. An average of 3,000 acres of oxygen-producing earth a day (1,000,000 a year) fall beneath concrete and blacktop. The average American puts 1,500 ~pounds of pollutants into the atmosphere each year. Furthermore, there is no end in sight" (Richard A. McCormick, S.J., "Notes on Moral Theology: AprilSeptember, 1970," Theological Studies 32 (1971) 97). Fear for the Future In all these facts and figurel:\, what I find frightening is that we are enlarging the enmity that exists - between man and his earth. It is as if we began with the curse of God in Genesis, "Cursed is the ground because of you" (Gn 3: 17), experienced how reluctant nature often is to serve us, vowed that with our know-how and our power we rational creatures would enslave the irrational, and then carried our vow relentlessly to its logical conclusion. We have conquered the earth; it is subject, or soon will be, to our every will and whim. Only ... the slave has turned on his master; cold reason is no longer in control; out of the nonhuman we have fashioned a monster, and the monster threatens to strangle us. The· rupture that sin spawned, hostility ·between man and his en· vironment, is reaching .the point of no return. I can only hope that you are as frightened as I am.


944 County Street NEW BEDFOItD, MASS. 9~2.~618

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 14,1974



Schoolboys Begin .Str~tch Run Championships Still In Doubt Area schoolboy football coaches have to agree this season has been a strange one. By now the favorites should be well in front of the pack. But, such is not the case as the schoolboys enter the final two weeks of the campaign. The results of all league Coach Jack George's Capesters championship races being will tangle with Attleboro Satcontested within diocesan urday at home. Thanksgiving territorial limits are still in morning the leaders meet rival doubt. The only pattern established thus far is that you can count on one or two major upsets each week. The present pacesetters can only hope they are not vic· timized in the stretch run. In the multi·school Southeast· ern Massachusetts Conference Falmouth needs only a tie in one of its remaining games to win the Division I crown. The Clippers received a little help from Durfee High of Fall River on Saturday last when the Hilltoppers toppled Taunton 21-6. Falmouth now holds a two game edge on the second place Silver City Tigers.

Barnstable. ,Both games are important in the league race but carry more significance as Falmouth challenges for a berth in the state playoffs. If Falmouth concludes the season with an un· defeated season there is still no guarantee of a playoff spot. In order for the Clippers to qualify, they will have to finish in either the first or second position. Attleboro could give the divisional front 'runner a battle. Coach Tom Crowe's Bombardiers beat Dartmouth 29-16 a week ago. The young Attleboro eleven has been up and down all season. When they're up they are tough. Falmouth can not afford a let down.

"Upset Division" May Crown Titlist Saturday Durfee will be at Dartmouth, Somerset at New Bedford and Taunton at Barnstable in the other Division I games listed for Saturday. Division II of the Conference continues to be the most competitive bracket in the circuit. Fairhaven maintained its slim lead by beating Bishop Feehan High of Attleboro last Saturday 29-6. However, Bishop Stang High of Dartmouth kept pace, with a 14-12 win over Wareham. Predicting the outcome of any Division II ,game is risky business. How do you explain Fairhaven losing to Division III opponent Dighton-Rehoboth who in turn lost to Feehan by a wide margin and then Fairhaven beating Feehan easily? Or Stang beating Durfee of Division I and losing to New Bedford Vocational of III? The "Upset Division" may

crown a champion Saturday when Fairhaven .entertains Stang. A Blue Devil victory will assure Coach Jim Lanagan's charges of the Htle. However, if Stang wins the Spartans' game with Feehan a week from Saturday becomes the championship game. Division II games slated for Saturday include Bourne at Msgr. Coyle-Bish.op Cassidy in Taunton, Feehan at Seekonk, and Wareham at Case High in Swansea. Balance has not been a feature of Division HI competition this season. New Bedford Vocational has not really had a serious challenge within the loop. The' Artisans edged Old Rochester Regional of Mattapoisett 12-2 last Saturday but controlled the game. On the other end of the scale, Diman Regional of Fall River has yet to win a Conference game in three years.

Oliver Ames' Task - To Halt North Express The season is not over and there may still be a few surprises. New Bedford Vocational will win the divisional crown Saturday if it beats DightonRehoboth. Norton defeated Dighton a week ago 20-6, which would indicate that Voke who defeated Norton 38-7 will have an easy time of it. Don't bet on it. Dighton is one of those strange teams. How could the Falcons beat Fairhaven one week and lose to Norton the next? Is Vocational this week's upset victim? While that issue is being decided Old Rochester, Diman and Norton will wait in the wings enjoying a day off Saturday. Dennis-Yarmouth meets Marshfield in a non-league contest. In the northern sector of the

diocese the Hockomock League showdown will be staged in North Attleboro' Saturday. League leading North Attleboro will tangle with once beaten (in league play) Oliver Ames High of North Easton. Coach Bob Guthrie's unbeaten Red Rocketeers' rolled over Mansfield a week ago 34-7. OA lost to Cardinal Spellman of Brockton 16-6. Coach Val Muscato will have .to have his Tigers in great shape to stop the North express. For starters the OA defense will have to halt Mark Rioux who has scored 114 points in eight games. North is a well balanced club bent on repeating as both Hockomock and Massachusetts Division III champion. Oliver Ames' task appears to be awesome.

"CHANGING NEIGHBORHOOD" SCHOOL: Passionist Father William Murphy explains vestments and vessels used in Mass to a happy group of children in St. Francis de Sales grade school in a "changing neighborhood" in West Philadelphia. NC Photo.

Inner City Parish Revitalized PHI-LADELPHIA (NC) - City planners and real estate agents have' a name for the area around St. Francis de Sales parish in West Philadelphia. They call it a "changing neighborhood," Maybe "changed neighporhood" is a better phrase. Although 60 per cent of St. Francis parish is still whrte middle-class, almost 80 per cent of the total community around it is nonwhite. People of every race had moved into many areas within the parish boundaries, then in some cases were themselves moved out as nearby Drexel University and the University of Pennsylvania groped for room to expand. With the growing schools came new neighbors for the priests at St. Francis - college professors and students - mostly whites, but mostly non-Catholics. How could a Catholic parish serve an inner-city community like this? It was already distrib· uting food and paying an occasionalelectric bill, but how could it do what a parish should do best-save souls? Father Francis J. Fitzmaurice was not sure himself, but he knew some kind of spiritual program would be a good place to start. St. Francis had not had a mission, a retreat or a novena in eight years. He decided on a four-week renewal that would include the young, the old a'nd the forgotten people in between. "I suppose the whole thing stems from the fact that in my 14 years here I've seen the parish go from hig~ to low," the parish administrator said.

"There was a time here when we had 13 Masses on Sunday and the church would be 'filled for 10 of them. Now there are only six, and the church is empty. "We used to have seven priests hear confessions on Saturday afternoon, and they'd be busy from bell to bell. Now one fellow can handle all the confessoions. But we're a lot like other parishes in that respect," With the help of the other priests at the parish and four Passionist Fathers, Father Fitzmaurice worked out a program to draw the various parish groups together. The Passionists, whose training was geared to youth work, visited the Catholic grade school. and high school children in the area, offering liturgies and holding group discussions and coun· seling sessions with the teenagers. ,For the elderly' of the parish there was a week-long mission and the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Reaching the adult population,

however, was a little more difficult. "Fourteen years ago everybody knew everybody else up and down the block," Father Fitzmaurice said. "Now people don't know their own neighbors because they're afraid to' step out of the door. Regardless of race, they don't know if the guy next door is a pusher or a racketeer," The parish was broken down into 16 geographical divisions, and each division then broken down into four separate units. The priests visited the homes of about a third of the Catholic families in each unit, and asked those people to contact their neighbors and invite them to a Mass in their home. From there the lay leaders in each of the 64 smaller units picked up the ball. Too many adults work during the day, and many considered the streets unsafe at night, so home Masses were the answer.

Thanksgiving No duty is more urgent than that of returning thanks. -St. Ambrose


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