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I VOL. 41, NO. 44 •


Friday, November 14, 1997




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8 from diocese to be invested into Holy Sepulchre Orcfer Two priests and six laypersons of the Fall River Diocese are among Catholics who will be invested as Knights or Ladies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem at ceremonies to take place November 21 and 22 in Boston. The priests are Rev. Msgr. John l Regan, pastor of St. Patrick parish in Falmouth, and Rev. Paul E Robinson, O. Carm., lC.D., Adjutant Judicial Vicar for the Diocese of Fall River. The laymen and women, who, as members of the order, use the titles Sir and Lady, are Sir E Keats and Lady Ina C. Boyd Jr. of Mashpee; Sir Gregory M. and Lady Marie M. Dunn of Sandwich; and Sir Richard T. and Lady Anne D. Saunders, M.D., of New Bedford. Admission to the order recognizes meritorious service to the Church. It was founded in 1099 by Godfrey of Bouillon and its name derives from the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre, where members were knighted during its early years. In later times national divisions were established in various countries, and were further subdivided into Lieutenancies. Members in the Fall River diocese belong to the Northeastern Lieutenancy of t!he United States. The mission of the order is religious and charitable. Members work to maintain a Christian presence in tht: Holy Land through prayer and financial support of its churches, convents, seminaries, schools and orphanages. They aid in fostering general interest in the holy places and strive to exemplify Catholic ethical principals in their daily lives. Rev. Mark R. Hession, who is the Fall River diocesan coordinator for the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre, announced for Bishop Sean O'Malley, OFM, Cap., the names of those to be received into the order and explained the schedule for the upcoming investiture weekend. The new members will be invested by Boston Auxiliary" Bishop William F. Murphy, STD, KCHS, in the context of a 4 p.m. Mass on November 22 at St. Clement's Eucharistic Shrine, 1105 Boylston St., Boston. The bishop is archdiocesan vicar general and curia moderator. The Mass will be followed by a reception and dinner at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel. Earlier in the day, at the annual business and breakfast meeting, Brother David Carroll, ES.C., PhD., of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association will speak on present conditions in the Holy Land. A scientist and educator, he currently serves as assistant to the secretary general of the Welfare Association, a papal agency om~ring humanitarian and pastoral support. On Friday evening Auxiliary Bishop John P. Boles, KCHS, of Boston will celebrate a 6 p.m. Memorial Mass and vigil service at St. Ignatius Loyola Church 011 the Boston College campus in Chestnut Hill. A reception will follow at BC to honor Holy Sepulchre members who have been promoted in the Order. The two-day program comprises the 17th annual Investiture Weekend for the Order's Northeastern Lieutenancy. George T. Ryan, KGCHS, Northeastern Lieutenant, and his wife Mary are the hosts for the weekend.

252 BISHOPS from the United States gathered this week in Washington, D.C., for their fall meeting Nov. 10-13. They opened the general meeting with votes to hold a national meeting of Hispanic Catholics in the year 2000 and to study ways to revive the penitential practices of fasting and abstinence to support pro-life efforts. (Kearns photo)

u.s. bishops hold fall general meeting WASHINGTON (CNS) - With much of and the proposed text of the first official Spantheir scheduled business already completed, the ish-language Sacramentary for the United States. u.s. bishops headed into executive session on The Sacramentary is the book of prayers used the second day of their fall general meeting in at Mass. Until now, because there was no U.S. Washington. Sacramentary in Spanish, U.S. parishes have been In a tie vote Nov. II that was resolved by a able to choose from among several Spanish provision of canon law, Archbishop Harry 1. Sacramentaries approved by other bishops' conFlynn of SI. Paul-Minneapolis was elected sec- ferences. retary of the National Conference of Catholic Also scheduled before the end of the meeting Bishops and U.S. Catholic Conference. were votes on the continuation of 15 current ad Archbishop Flynn won because he is older hoc committees, in accord with a "sunset" clause than Bishop'Wilton D. under which such comGregory of Belleville, Ill., mittees must be reviewed for value and and the Code of Canon Law says ties go to the eleffectiveness at least der of the two candidates. once every three years. On the second day of On the meeting's the Nov. 10-1,3 meeting, first day, the bishops the bishops also elected voted to hold a national committee chairmen and meeting of Hispanic discussed whethertotransCatholics in the year fer observance of the feast 2000 and to study ways ofthe Ascension to the sevto revive the penitential enth Sunday after Easter, as practices of fasting and is done in a number ofother abstinence to support countries. But a planned pro-life efforts. They also agreed to vote 011 the matter had been removed from the agenda extend for an indefinite earlier. period the national colBISHOP SEAN O'MALLEY speaks lection for the Office to Most U.S. bishops favored transferring the ob- at this week's U.S. Bishops' meeting in Aid the Catholic servance of Ascension to Washington. (Kearns photo) Church in Central and Sunday when the issue Eastern Europe. Only a came to a vote in 1991, but the proposal did not three-year extension had been requested. achieve the twq-thirds approval needed for pasThe bishops' Ad Hoc Committee to Oversee sage. the Use of the Catechism got approval for a fiveThe only other public business Nov. II was year extension of its national staff office for the debate and the first in a series of votes on a plan catechism. that would restructure the bishops' Catholic ComAlso getting the bishops' support was a $44.38 munication Campaign and expand their national million budget for 1998 and a series of priorities communications planning and activities over the for the bishops' conferences through the year 2002. next five years. The bishops gave their unanimous consent to The plan includes detailed year-by-year goals the sainthood cause of Mother Mary Henriette and strategies ot research, development, staffing, DeliIle, who founded the Sisters of the Holy Famtraining and media use through the year 2001. It ily for black women in New Orleans, and approjects a doubling of national funding for Catho- proved English Mass prayers for the observance lic communications work, from $3.3 million in of the feast of SI. Louis Mary de Montfort. 1997 to about $6.8 million in 2001. The latter vote followed up on a 1996 Vatican Consideration of the plan resumed Nov. 12 decision to add his feast, as an optional memoafter Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morn- rial, to the church's general liturgical calendar. ing executive sessions, with adjournment a posOn another liturgical matter, Archbishop sibility for Wednesday afternoon. Jerome Hanus of Dubuque, Iowa, reported at the Other agenda items remaining for debate and meeting that the Vatican has approved the first vote Nov. 12 were documents describing "light volume of a new English-language Lectionary and shadows" in the 25-year batlle against abor- for U.S. use at Mass. A proposed second volume of the Lectionary, tion and urging Catholics to act in greater solidarity with people beyond the U.S. borders; a originally slated to come to a vote this Novemreport on how to better support Catholic schools; ber, has been delayed until the bishops meet again

next June because the final editorial work on the proposed text could not be completed in time for the fall meeting. The Lectionary contains the texts of Scripture readings used at Mass. Last June the bishops approved a first volume of it, including all the readings for Sundays and certain major feasts. Bishop Anthony M. Pi lIa ofCleveland opened the meeting with his presidential address, centering on reconciliation. A church divided within cannot witness reconciliation to the world, Bishop Pilla told the nearly 300 U.S. bishops gathered at the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill in Washington. He challenged those "who claim to be Catholics and at the same time act like bullies." "A church which is not at peace with itself acts as a countersign," he said. Catholic polarization must end because it contradicts the Christian "imperative for reconciliation," he added. One example of a failure at reconciliation was taking place outside the hotel almost as Bishop Pilla spoke. .Angry words were exchanged between members ofDignity, a group of gay and lesbian Catholics, and opponents of the group. Dignity members had convened a press conference in support of "Always Our Children," a statement of the bishops' Committee on Marriage and Family urging parents to love their gay children. The committee statement, issued in October, was not up for discussion at the fall meeting. Meanwhile, an attempt to add a discussion of U.N. sanctions againstIraq to the bishops' agenda was rejected by just five votes. Auxiliary Bishop Thomas J. Gumbleton of Detroit had urged the agenda change, saying that the bishops' own teachings on war and peace would mandate a condemnation of the sanctions against Iraq. Since the embargo was imposed in 1990 by the United Nations, with strong U.S. backing, "more than a million people have died, including 600,000 children," Bishop Gumbleton said. The sanctions are "leaving behind a trail of resentment and hatred" of Americans in Iraq, he said. With 163 bishops in favor of revising the agenda and 89 against, the vote was five short of the 168 needed for a two-thirds majority. But after the close vote, Archbishop Theodore E. McCarrick of Newark, N.J., chairman of the bishops' International Policy Committee, indicated that he would raise the topic again later in the meeting. Preceding the general meeting were two halfday workshops for the bishops Nov. 9: one on science and religion on the theme of evolution, the other on lay ministry in the church.


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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Nov. 14, 1997


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Twelve-year-olds David Munsell of Marstons Mills and Jonathan Hall from Yarmouthport were thrilled to be going on a trip to be Washington, but they got a bigger thrill when they had the opportunity to meet President Bill

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.STANDING BEFORE the poster displayed by Felli River DCCW members at the recent convention of the National Council of Catholic Women is 2nd Diocesan ViCE! President Betty Mazzuchelli (right), presenting a check for the Madonna Plan to Joann Hillebrand, NCCW International Commission chair and incoming NCCW president.

Two boys from Cape Cod enter ~lrt contest, meet the president

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At last month's 48th biennial convention of the National Council of Catholic Women, delegates were encouraged to mount displays highlighting accomplishments of one or another commission in their diocese. Representing the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, Betty Mazzuchelli, second diocesan vice president and chair of the council's International Commission for the past two years, together with a group of council members, prepared a poster with the theme "Catholic Women Make a World of Difference." Including maps, pictures and foreign currency, the poster highlighted ways in which differences had been made. Its message was further highlighted when at a session during which conventiongoers viewed the displays, Mrs. Mazzuchelli presented a check for $2,908.49 to Joann Hillebrand, chair of the NCCW International Concerns Commission and incoming NCCW president, to be used for the organization's Madonna Plan. Prior to the convention Mrs. Mazzuchelli had sent $1,545 to


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tion, David and Jonath.an were invited to a ceremony and cakecutting event in Waslnington. President Clinton gave a speech at the event and the boys were greeted by him as he made rounds following his presentation. Jonathan's drawing was of an aircraft carrier and planes in combat and David drew a fighter jet destroying an al ien ship above the Washington Monument. They made the trip to the capital by train with thl~ir mothers the day before the event.


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Clinton during their trip. The two students from St. Francis Xavier Preparatory School in Hyannis entered an art contest that was sponsored by the Air Force and Air National Guard 50th Anniversary Committee of Cape Cod and although their entries were submitted too late to be picked as winners, they were good enough to be put on display at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. More than 80 pictures were chosen for the Pentagon display and because of their participa-


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MEETING THE PRESIDENT! David Munsell, left, and Jonathan Hall of St. Francis Xavier Preparatory School in Hyannis pose with President Clinton at a ceremony recently at the Pentagon. They were invited to the event as participarits in an art contest.

Thrning beliefs, into action goal of synod By CINDY WOODEN VATICAN CITY (CNS) - The faith of Catholics in the Americas and how well they translate their beliefs into action for justice, charity and the protection of human life will be examined at the monthlong special Synod of Bishops for America, which begins Sunday in Vatican City. The Nov. 16-Dec. 12 synod will bring together representatives of the church from 24 countries in North and South America. The theme chosen by Pope John Paul II for the gathering is: "Encounter with the Living Jesus Christ: The Way to Conversion, Communion and Solidarity in America." The synod is one of a series of regional gatherings the pope has called to prepare the Catholic Church for the new millennium. He has said that key to the preparation is a new evangelization to bring people into the church, solidify the faith of those already baptized and show people how to make their faith make a difference in the world. Cardinal Jan Schotte, head of the general secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, said preparations for the American synod underlined three traits that almost all the countril~s share: - ''The vitality of a young church spread throughout the continent, - "A multiplicity of cultural expressions," - "Common Christian roots, although with various nuances." According to Vatican statistics, about 67.5 percent of the Americas' population is Catholic. According to its regional breakdown, Catholics make up 24 percent of North America's population; 94 percent of Central America's; 64 percent of the

Caribbean's; and 88 percent of South America's. Pope John Paul will open the synod at a special Mass in 51. Pet~r's Basilica and he is expected to attend each of its general sessions. For the first two weeks, participant~ will listen to eight-minute speeches from each of the 233 full members. In early December, they will move into small groups to discuss the presentations and will begin formulating propositions to present to the pOpe. Although the propositions will remain secret, synod delegates are expected to release a message at the end of the meeting. While North-South relations especially regarding economics and Latin America's foreign debt burden - have been highlighted in pre-synod discussions, the mee~ing's working document insist~ that the Starting point of its work is to be a reflection on faith in Jesus. Any activity of the church or its members on behalf of the poor and oppressed must flow from conversion, it said. Concerns about growing secularism and moral relativism are likely to be raised repeatedly as challenges to the church's mission. The bishops will discuss ways to overcome indifference to religious values and to affirm the existence of objective criteria for right and wrong. Within the church, the bishops are expected to look for ways to take greater advantage of what they see as a strong commitment to church involvement by the laity and a growing sense of communion among bishops, priests, religious and lay people. At the same time, they have reported a need for improved religious education and a stronger acceptance of and ad-


herence to universal church teachings. On a social level, they are expected to highlight the need to strengthen families, protect fragile human life, promote economic justice, end racial discrimination and promote the rights of indigenous peoples. Although not mentioned in the working document, the role of women in society and in the church undoubtedly will be raised by several bishops. Ecumenism and the Catholic Church's relationship with other Christian communities is likely to be an area where views of bishops from different parts of the continent diverge. While North Americans are expected ·to emphasize advances in Christian unity and closer cooperation with other Christians, leaders from South America are expected to highlight their concems about the growth of Protestant communities and evangelical sects. "Many feel it necessary to increase the ecumenical consciousness of the Catholic faithfu! in regions where Catholics are the majority of the population," the working document said. "On the other hand, it must be said that many non-Catholic Christians in these areas are part of fundamentalist and militant communities, often using forceful tactics against the Catholic Church and seemingly little interested in unity," it continued. Obviously, differences among the Catholic communities in the regions and countries represented at the synod are not limited to their relationships with other religious groups. While the synod primarily concems the Americas, its interest likely will be broader because so many of the differences, especially in economic terms, mirror the differences between the world's northem and southern hemispheres.

Through the intercession of his mother, Mary, you evangelized the Americas at Guadalupe, planting in our soil seeds offaith in Jesus, her Son. Grant, we ask, that through the Synodfor America that same Word may deepen its roots in us, and

Guide the thoughts and words of those gathered in Rome with John Paul, our Pope, that through the Synod for America they may lead your Church into the new millennium, the Jubilee of our Redemption.

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know your truth and the love to lead us to Christ your SOil, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God,for ever and ever. Amen.

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Bishop Sean O'M~llley, OFM Cap., has asked priests and faithful of the diocese to offer a special prayer for the success of the Synod of Bishops for America, which begins Sunday in Vatican City. He asked priests to offer 'lhe prayer at daily and weekend' Masses and also encouraged the faithful to recite it daily. Its text follows. bring forth in our he4rts the work ofjustice and the fruit of love.

Fri., Nov. 14, 1997

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Bishop O'Malley asks special diocesan prayers

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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Nov. 14, 1997

t.he living word

themoorin~ Life Is Positive Choice This past week's vote at the State House on whether or not to retain the death penalty in Massachusetts. was certainly one of the most emotional and explosive issues ever debated on Beacon Hill. The horrendous crimes of recent times had a dramatic impact on the debate itself and the outcome of the vote. Sentimentality and sensationalism were evident in both the Senate and House, while the agitation of the acting governor was almost beyond reason. Televised politics provides a very poor stage on which to substitute feelings for reason. Granted, emotions should be reported, but not at the expense of intellect and perception. The circumstances surrounding the vote on the death penalty left intelligence with a bad name. Where mind is ignored and feelings take precedence, real issues have no chance to surface. Certainly the ultimate concerns of life and death are such issues. It is sad to' see how poorly life is treated by our democratic institutions. Legalized abortion, the death penalty and euthanasia are condoned. Life is far from being the prime concern of our social order and the morality of a life or death situation is too often governed by the circumstances surrounding it; in fact, situation ethics seem to govern culture. Too many of our public figures, while privately professing grand and noble ideals, live and vote in their public life as if they cared nothing for the real needs of society. The cult of doing my own thing in my own way has had a devastating effect on all our national life issues. In plain words, our insistence on personal satisfaction has legalized murder from the womb to the nursing home, as the culture of death has invaded our way of life. Simply to live, move and have our being is daily becoming a more and more difficult task. It is especially appalling to see so many churches divided on the sanctity of life. The biblical message that life must be respected in all its manifestations has fallen on too many deaf ears and hardened hearts among those who occupy pulpits. Manmade theories have replaced the fundamental truth that all life is from God, the Lord of life, and from its very beginning involves His creative action. Thus no one can claim for him or .herself the right to directly destroy human life. " We must always recall that the inalienable right to life of every individual should and must be a constitutional element of every society and of its legal system. When a state does not use its power to ensure the rights of every citizen, its very foundation is undermined. Too many politicians have acted on the belief that an evil action can be justified by a "good" intention. This is simply wrong. Conscience tells u~ to do good and avoid evil. It bears witness to the authority of truth and' when properly instructed is always rea-



When we enter a debate on ethics, we must remember that the dignity of the human person requires the uprightness of the moral conscience. There is no doubt that everyone at one time or another is confronted by circumstances that make moral judgments less assured and decisions difficult. In such cases, the standard ofjudgment is the divine·law. One may never do evil to achieve a perceived good. Murder in all its forms is evil. As our culture continues to debate life and death issues, it is important for all right-thinking persons to remember that the education of conscience is the work of ~ lifetime. In a world of choices, we need always to renew our allegiance to the divine law as our guideline for right living. The issues that we now face and must decide upon will in time affect each of us and each of us needs ethical and moral standards to guide our judgments. The circumstances exist- . ing at a given moment or in a given situation should not be the sole standards guiding us in making life and death decisions.

. ,,

·~··~'lnt~ln!~ ;'.~'.. .




"I ,wilLannounce your na~e to my brothers,.~ will sing your praise in the midst of the assembly; 1 will put my trust in him." Hebrews 2:12-13

----------------------------------"Parents urged to reclaim pow(~r



SHARON, Pa. (CNS) - Dr. Nicholas Abraham's message to Christian parenls is clear and simple: The kids are running the house and it's.about time parents .reclaim the power and start setting the agenda. Abraham, a Baton Rouge, La., counselor, educator, author and church musician, preached the gospel of good aJ;ld effective parenting at a recent "Up With Parenting" session at St. Joseph Parish in Sharon. . With a forceful and humorous style, Abraham said parents have to stop getting pulled into arguThe Editor ments with their children. "Say 'no thank you. I don't want to go in that direction. What's next?' and move on," he advised. Abraham works forthe Up With Youth Co., which began 12 years in Baton Rouge. He and two OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF' FALL RIVER ago other presenters go around the Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River country giving talks and work887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 shops about parenting, mostly to Fall River. MA 027~0 Fall River. MA 02722-0007 Catholic groups. Telephone 508-675-7151 "We need to set the agenda with FAX (508) 675-7048 our kids," he added. "Wouldn't it 'Send address changes 10 P.O. BOll 7 or call1elephone number above be nice to win once in a while?" Abraham also noted that there's no perfect way to raise children. EDITOR GENERAL MANAGER "There are certain things we Rev. John F. Moore Rosemary Dussault can't fix," he said. "But there is ~ LEA"Y IIIRESS - 'ALL RIYEA God, and we have to put our trust


in him. Surrender it and let it go." quences. Give children a~i many Abraham has do's and don'ts choices as possible, with positive about parenting, and some strong and negative consequences. "We must start teaching personal reopinions: . - He's against spanking, say- sponsibility," Abraham said. ing it isn't effective in the long run. He also had some important "If I could make you do anything, things to say about dealing with I wish you would go home and set teenagers. one house rule - 'we don't hit in He strongly believes that teenthis house,''' he said. . agers need to be given some space, - A favorite tool used by par- and if they make mistakes, "let . ents, time-out, should not be for some of that go," he said. punishment, but rather as a device "Teens are in a crazy time, horto calm both parents and children. monally, academically - they ofThreats to a child are OK, he said, ten can't control their impulses," but if a parent doesn't follow he said, noting that they go from through, the parent has no cred- expressing love for their parents ibility. one minute, to talking abolJt hatAbraham said "Up With Par- ing them the next. ents" sets up a system with the fol"They think you're not going to lowing steps W motivate the child be there for them. They realize that to be responsible .and responsive they're going to be on theit own, to parents: creating their own life. They can't . - A system of discipline for accept everything from you on children with the idea of "helping faith anymore," he said. them to find their bliss." When teenagers are about to - A reward system for doing drive a parent crazy, he said, they the right thing, giving the rewards should look closely at the issue. "Is intermittently. Children will get it a serious issue or an MBA (miinto the habit of doing what's ex- nor but aggravating)? Is it really pected of them if they are re- worth your energy?" he askl~d. warded, but it's not necessary to Ultimately, parents must decide give the rewards every time; that on their approach to par:enting by way, they'll never know when the looking for the best or worst in reward will be forthcoming. their children, and themsl:lves, - A system of privilege and Abraham said. "If we look for the loss. Teach children how to play best, the highest self in our chilthe game of choices and conse- dren, we'll find it," he added.

Mother Angelica wants Word heard By ROBERT DELANEY DETROIT (CNS) -, Cable TV's Mother Angelica, speaking Nov. 2 in Detroit, called for a crash program to expand the number of Catholic radio stations in the United States. "I propose a vision: that this city and every big city in this country - and I mean like in a hurry has a large radio station," the founder and head of the Eternal Word Television Network told the

second annual Call to Holiness conference. Call to Holiness was founded last year as a responSe to the Detroit national conference of Call to Action, a group that pushes for church changes such as women priests. The holiness gathering again drew approximately ] ,900 people to suburban Sterling Heights, about six miles north of the ,city, Oct. 31Nov. 2. The radio stations are needed for

MOTHER ANGELICA, standing near a large monitor reflecting her image, speaks at the Call to Holiness conference in Detroit Nov. 2. The founder of the Eternal Word Television Network proposed that funds be raised for a Catholic radio station in Hvery major metropolitan market. (CNS/ Delaney photo) ,

Weekly General Audien.ce Message Pope John Paul n Dear brothers al1d sisters, After describing the relationship between the Blessed Virgin Mary and the church, the Second Vatican Council goes on to consider her place in the doctrine and devotion of the other Christian churches and communities. Careful study of the thought of various Protestant reformers has revealed their love and veneration of Mary and their Qwareness of her singular holiness. Today many Anglican and Protestant Christians have come to positions very close to that of the Catholic Church regarding Mary's divine motherhood, her perpetual virginity, her holiness and universal' spiritual motherhood. Among OrthodoK Christians, Mary has always been honored and revered with ardent devotion. All of this is a sign of great hope on the path of ecumenical dialogue. Just as at the beginning of the church the Blessed Virgin supported the Christian community's unity in prayer and the proclamation of the Gospel, so today sbe intercedes with God on our behalf, that reconciliation Qnd full communion may be restored among all believers in Christ. I greet all the English-speaking pilgrims, especially those from England, Canada and the United States, and invoke upon all of you peace and joy in our Lord Jesus Christ.

both evangelization and to keep from losing Catholics because of the influences of secular and even non-Catholic Christian media outlets, Mother Angelica said. "In South America, I went to see the (papal) nuncio. We lose 8,000 Catholics a day - a day! - in South America. Why? Because of the media - newspapers, magazines, leaflets, radio, television," she continued. "The nuncio said to me, 'Mother, come quickly.' Now we're there, but it's not enough. We cannot rest. We cannot take time," Mother Angelica said, adding that the need to get the Catholic message out to mass audiences exists in the United States as well. "We have .<1 future generation coming up. They'll only know Jesus if you tell them about Jesus. You and I have an awesome responsibility to our Lord," she said. Jesuit Father Joseph Fessio, another conference speaker, said there are about 1,200 Protestant religious radio stations in the United States, as opposed to just 14 Catholic stations. One of those Catholic stations is in Ann Arbor, Mich., about 45 miles west of Detroit, but it is a relatively weak AM station that only operates during daylight hours. Father Fessio, founder of San Francisco-based Ignatius Press, predicted the start-up of new Catholic radio stations at the rate of one a month next year. Mother Angelica told the crowd that at least $10 million would be needed to launch a major Catholic station in Detroit, and that she wants wealthy Catholics who can afford it to put up the money - not for people of modest means to start emptying their savings, accounts. "Detroit has to be loaded with people who are loaded. Well, let me tell you, I'm after you," she said. Saying that "big bucks" would be needed to make the station happen, Mother Angelica urged those not in a position to make such large contributions to pray for the project. "I want your constant petition to be, 'Lord, we need radio stations,'" she said. Later in her talk, she added, "If you want to get $10 million out of Catholics in Detroit, you all better pray, because they'll have a thousand reasons why they can't." Despite her call for such a station, Mother Angelica said she did not want EWTN to own it. Although the station could rely on her short-wave radio service for much of its programming, she indicated she wanted financial backers to work with Jesuit Father John Hardon and the Call to Holiness organization to establish it. The organization's executive director, Jay McNally, said Nov. 5 that Call to Holiness was "totally unprepared" for the idea it should start a radio station, but moved quickly to set up exploratory meetings with local media consultants. "Nobody on our board has experience with radio, but we take her proposal extremely seriously and are ,working very hard to research it. We think she's right about the need for one," McNally said. Given Mother Angelica's success in establishing EWTN's international cable TV and short-wave radio operations, any proposal she makes deserves consideration, he


Diocese of Fall River -

continued. "She's probably the premiere evangelist in America today, and in

Fri., Nov. 14, 1997


light of her demonstrated success, she's obviously the expert," McNally said.

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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Nov. 14, 1997


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Extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, PETER DALY

Last month we commissio.ned 26 lay men and women in our parish as eucharistic ministers. Not an unusual occurrence in parish life these days, November 19 1982, Rev. Msgr. Lester L. but one worth reflecting on to see how the Holy Hull, Pastor Emeritus, Our Lady Spirit has been working in the Church, in my parish and in thousands like it. of the Isle, Nantucket Thirty-five years ago, when I was a kid, we 1990, Rev. Philodore H. Lemay, M.S., LaSalette Provin- never would have thought of such a thing. Lay people distributing the Eucharist at Mass or carcial House, Attleboro rying it to the sick in hospitals or homes? UnNovember 21 thinkable. 1975, Rev. Stephen J. Of course, in my boyhood parish on the Downey, Retired Pastor, Holy Southside of Chicago we had seven priests asGhost, Attleboro signed, one for each of the seven hospitals within 1994, Rev. James F. Kenney, our parish boundaries. They visited all the sick in Retired Pastor, Corpus Christi, hospitals and homes. . East Sandwich On Sundays, when they weren't saying one of the six Masses, the priests sat around the dining room table in the rectory, keeping an ear cocked to the progress of the Mass in church over a JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN speaker on the sideboard. FUNERAL 'HOME At the consecration they went over to the sac550 Locust Street risty, put on cassock, surplice and stole, and helped Fall River, Mass. distribute Communion. Those days and those huge Rose E. Sullivan numbers of priests are gone. William 1. Sullivan Today, however, in countless parishes, extraorMargaret M. Sullivan dinary ministers ofthe Eucharist make it possible 672-2391 for the church to carryon. Even flourish .. . In the parish where I am pastor, my situation is common. I am the only priest. I have no deacon. COWNS CONSTRUcnON Priests to help on the weekend are hard to find. We have five Sunday Masses, plus a hospital, a nursCO., INC. ing home, a jail and a senior citizens' complex to GENERAL CONTRACTORS visit. We have about 15 homebound parishioners scattered over 100 square miles. There is no way I 33 Swindells Street could carry the body of Christ to everyone who Fall River, MA 02723 needs it without extraordinary eucharistic minis-


ters. They are called "extraordinary," not because they have special powers or talents, but because they fall outside the "ordinary" categories of ministers of the Eucharist, that is priests and deacons. But sometimes, because they are not priests or deacons, they have an easier time gaining access to the hospital room or home of someone who has been away from the Church. People are not so intimidated by them. Twice this past year I know· that eu::haristic ministers have brought dying people back to the faith in their last days when I could not make the initial contact. In our local hospital, some 20 euchari~:tic ministers are scheduled to visit every Catholic patient, every day. The Protestant chaplain of the hospital said to me, "I wish every church took care of its people as thoroughly as you Catholics." In church, eucharistic ministers make :possible a fuller participation in the liturgy. Without them, people couldn't receive the precious blood of the Lord. Without them we could not even get Mass over in time to clear the parking lot for ithe next Mass. . Without eucharistic ministers, I would not be able to function. I couldn't attend diocesan meetings 50 miles away or even get a day off if they didn't conduct occasional eucharistic servkes, distributing the pre-sanctified hosts. . In many parts of the country eucharistic ministers make it possible for priestless panishes to remain open with a daily reception. of ithe Eucharist. In the current anxiety over the shortage of vo.cations,. we shouldn't overlook the work of the Holy Spirit in the "inspired" development of eucharistic ministers, truly extraordinary peDple.

"Because it's in the Bible..." By



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To summarize quickly, our goal has been to bri.ng ourselves up to spe'ed on words that are found in the scriptural Nativity story - - that is, we loyalist Catholics who attend Mass week after week, Sunday after Sunday, with the remote and rare exception of the few who have missed a Sunday because they experienced an apparition which told them they should be allowed to praise God with a fly rod on the opening day of fishing seasonifthey can't find any place nearby with a Saturday Vigil Mass.. Our goal: Be razor sharp so as to edify chil-' dren, grandchildren or passersby when they have questions. We've already done the good ones, namely "swaddling clothes," "gold," "frankiricense," "myrrh" and "Magi" (aka "astrologers," "wise men" or "ceramic figurine camel riders"). So we are left with the leftovers: "fruit of the womb," "multitude," "betrothed" and "scribes." I know you are thinking I am going to chastise the famous manufacturer of underwear for naming itself in such a way as to rhyme with a biblical passage. Not the case. Fruit of the Loom just gives us a "teaching point" to which our edified children, grandchildren and assorted passersby can relate. In that same vein, remember that your younger readers might pronounce womb as if it rhymed with romp, stomp or bomb. It might hurt their feelings if you laugh so hard that spittle flies all over. Be prepared. Be prepared also for a spontaneous anatomy lesson. "So the womb is the mom's tummy?" our 5year-old daughter asked some two decades ago. "Yes, kinda, pretty c1ose,.uh-ha," I assured my lap-top Bible reader. "And the fruit is like an apple on a tree, only it's a baby." . "Why didn't they just say 'baby' then?" she asked. "Because it's the Bible, and they used poetic language a lot in those days," I replied.

"What's poetic language?" "It's just sort of fancy language or special words to explain something really special," I tried. She squirmed around and looked at me. "Fruit of the womb sounds funny." "Well, yeah, maybe," I conceded. "But it grows on you." "It grows on you?" she asked, now truly confused. "I mean, you get used to it," I explained. [knew she now had mental pictures of an apple growing in Mary's stomach. "Let's rea.d about the shepherds and sh,::ep," I suggested. "OK," she sighed. "I'll ask Mom later." . Maybe it would be good to hold off on scribes, multitude and betrothed until next season. Your comments are welcome always. Please send them to Uncle Dan, 25218 Meadow Way, Arlington, Wash. 98223.

Daily Readings Nov. 17 Me 1: 10-15,41-43,54-57,62..64; Ps 19:53,61,134,150,155,158; Lk 18:35-43 Nov. 18 2 Me 6: 18-31; Ps 3:2-8; Lk 19:1-10 Nov.19 2 Me 7:1,20-31; Ps 17: 1,5-6,8,15; Lk 19:11-28 Nov. 20 1 Me 2: 15-29; Ps 50: 1-2, 5-6,14-15; Lk 19:41-44 Nov. 21

1 Me 4:36-37,52-59; (Ps) 1 Chr 29:10-12; Lk 19:45-48

Nov. 22 1 Me 6: 1-13; Ps 9:2-4,6,16,19; Lk 20:27-40 Nov.23 On 7:13-14; Ps 93:1-2,5; Rv 1:5-8; In 18:33b-37


A few good slogans By


There are a few sayings - good quotations that serve me much the way slogans serve others - that I call into play in my life when needed. It may be a saying like, "What does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul?" or one less biblical, like, "We cannot really love anyone with whom we never laugh." Some sayings function like runway lights on a landing strip at night that keep us from a crash. Others provide us with a warm sense of security. Still others serve the purpose of a compass in life: We can pull them out of our pocket at a moment's notice when we need a quick reminder of our direction in life. Allow me to share with you some of my favorite sayings. I've found that they playa role in reminding us to do our part to make our lives a little more livable. -"Nurture your mind with great thoughts," by Benjamin Disraeli, reminds us that the mind, like the body, functions best when given good food. But how often do we look for a great thought and make it our own? Disraeli helps us remember at that same time that we need to detour around injurious thoughts, those which function a little too muc:h like bad food. -"He who lives in harmony with himselflives in harmony with the universe." That one, by Marcus Aurel ius, implores those of us who tend to be uptight or depressed to take steps to identify the cause quickly. This advice contains the sort of wisdom needed if we're to be carefree and to meet the day with zest. -"For peace of mind, we need to resign as general manager of the universe." Those words

of Larry Eisenberg are especially relevant for micro-managers or fussbudgets. It is one of those reality-check sayings, a reminder to stop trying to play God because we cannot control everything; we need to leave some things to God. -"We stumble and fall constantly even when we are most enlightened. But when we are in true spiritual darkness, we do not even know that we have fallen." Trappist Father Thomas Merton said that, reminding us of the value of prayer. When we pray often, it is difficult to remain in spiritual darkness for too long because the nature of prayer is to keep our eyes and hearts open to the enlightenment of God. -"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live." Goethe's words point us to the enormous value of self-confidence. Without it, fear can run rampant and make our lives unbearable. Confidence keeps fear at a distance and enables us to move our lives forward. -"Some people say they haven't yet found themselves. But the self is not something one finds; it is something one creates." Thomas Szasz makes good common Sense here. He tells us not to sit around when we are in the dumps, waiting for someone to rescue us. Instead, if we're dissatisfied, we need to remember that we may be the ones who should take steps to rectify the situation. A good saying can possess a sharp, brief profundity that summarizes volumes of wisdom in a line or two. If you don't have a few good sayings and slogans to call into play when you need them, consider starting a collection of them now. They may just change your life for good. .

Diocese of Fall River -


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Coping with college application time AMY WELBORN

The high school seniors are not as nervous as they were a month ago, but they're still tense. It's college application time. A few weeks ago, my little class of honors theology students would come into the seminar room and do little more than slouch in their chairs and sigh. "It's all too much," they would moan, "too many decisions." Teens ask questions like these: Where do I want to go to college? Where can I afford to go to college? What am I going to study once I get there? I go to a small Catholic school now. Do I want to stick with a small school or take the risk and expose myself to the diversity and size of a large university? Do I want to be close to my home or far away? Am I going to have to work and go to school at the same time? And when, tell me, am I going to find the time to fill out all these applications and write all the essays I have to for the various scholarships I need to have? Well, now in mid-November they feel a bit better. Their choices have been narrowed. Some of them have already been accepted to colleges they're excited about attending. The fill-out-theapplication and write-the-essay process is getting routine and a lot easier. But then another question creeps in: What if I'm making the wrong choice? It's called anxiety, and it fills the hearts of high school seniors more than you might expect. Their course work is challenging. Many of them work and play sports. Plus, as they see it, they have to worry about nothing less than their entire future. How can you cope? Well, what I tell my seniors drives them crazy, but they usually admit to me in the end that I was right: Don't worry. First of all, whatever choices you make, you

are not setting an unyielding, unswerving path for the rest of your life. College isn't about narrowing your life - it's about broadening it, and you will be amazed once you get there how big the world really is and what your options are. There's nothing to be fearful about, but ev.erything to be excited about, including the possibility of changing your mind. Many years ago I had a student named Doreen, who was a very serious student and scientifically oriented. Upon graduation she had her path set: She was going to attend a large state university, enter the pre-med program and then become a doctor. She moved on, seriously, purposefully, and with only the slightest smile to leave behind. As we might say, she had it all together. I saw her last year when she came back to school for a visit, now in her senior year in college. Her face was one big smile. Her hair was cut from its previous straight-as-a-board schoolgirl style to a sophisticated flip. Was she still in pre-med? "Nope," she grinned, "I've transferred to magazine journalism. I love it!" See? The best-laid human plans may not be the plans God has for us, and all it takes is fearlessness and an open mind to figure that out. So, as you're filling out those applications, remember that God has great things in store for you. You'll end up at the right place, doing the right things, and you'll meet wonderful people on the way. Remember too what Jesus said: "Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life span?" Or, we might add, a point to your GPA?


Letters Welcome Letters to the editor are welcomed. All letters should be brief and the editor reserves the right to condense any letters ifdeemed necessary. All letters must be signed and contain a home or business address.



Fri., Nov. 14, 1997






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Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Nov. 14, 1997

Belfast-born Catholic woman' elected president of Ireland By CHRISTENA


BELFAST, Northern Ireland (CNS) - Outspoken lawyer and academic Mary McAleese made history by becoming the first Northern Ireland native to be elected president of the Irish Republic. Belfast-born 46-year-old McAleese won the Oct. 30 election as the government's official candidate, beating four rivals, including singer "Dana" Rosemary Scallon. McAleese, a fierce defender of the Catholic faith and a strident opponent of the status quo, has pledged to continue to forge relations across the North-South border. She was the only woman on the Irish bishops' delegation to the government's New Ireland Forum in 1984. As a supporter of nationalism and the unification of Ireland she said, "the real ambition we have is for a peaceful Ireland, an Ireland where relationships are no longer based on contempt, but comfortable, neighborly relationships that a sensible community would want to have for its children." Tipped as favorite to win, McAleese's confidence seemed unaffected by the leaking of sensitive security documents, which showed her sympathetic to Sinn Fein, the political wing of the outlawed Irish Republican Army. Northern Irish unionist politicians seized the opportunity of the leaked-information scandal to voice opposition against the candidacy of McAleese, which they felt would negatively affect ongoing peace talks. McAleese dismissed the issue of leaked information, which she refers to as the "Sinn Fein thing." The Rev. Ian Paisley, leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, refused McAleese's iiwitation to attend the presidential inauguration ceremony held Nov. II in Dublin. Unionists, mainly Protestants, want Northern Ireland to remain a

province of Great Britain. Nationalists, mainly Catholics, want Northern Ireland united with the Irish Republic. Speaking to journalists shortly after the election results were announced, McAleese said she felt the victory "is a very strong message" to those who want to return to violence. "Those days have now got to be firmly past us and I hope that my election will send that message out

strongly," she said. The woman on the campaign posters hanging on street lamps throughout Ireland was virtually unknown six weeks before the election, but voters throughout Ireland heard the McAleese line and liked it. McAleese is former pro-vicechancellor of Queen's University Belfast. She was the first Catholic to hold the post and the highestranking Catholic staff member in



the law on homosexuality, and she does not favor integrated Catholic and Protestant schools, which she doubts break down sectarian barriers. In an interview five years ago, McAleese said, "I hate the idea which some people have that if you are a Catholic you cannot think for yourself, that you think exactly what the bishops tell you. r see the Catholic Church as something which is moving and dynamic."


'.'~(IP •. '. . .• •.~. ~"h . .'

the history of the university. She is a devout Catholic but challenges the church's status quo. Years ago she campaigned for women priests and believes that the introduction of altar girls "was a small first victory for Christian feminists." While McAleese opposes abortion for rape victims and embraces only natural forms of contraception, her Catholicism cannot be pigeonholed. She supports legal reform of



IRISH PRESIDENT-ELECT Mary McAleese leaves church Nov. 2 in her hometown of Rostrevor, Northern Ireland. McAleese, a 46-year-old Catholic, becomes the first Irish head of state born'in Northern Ireland. (CNS/Reuters)

Rep. Hyde to receive 1998 Gibbons Medal WASHINGTON (CNS) - Receiving the 1998 James Cardinal Gibbons Medal from The Catholic University of America, Rep. Henry J. Hyde said a school founded with a religious mission must remain true to promoting the Gospel. "My deepest desire is that Catholic University retain its identity," the Illinois Republican said in accepting the award in an Oct 25 ceremony at the Omni Hotel in Washington. "Too many colleges which began as religious institutions are now not merely neutral, but hostile to religious values," Hyde added. "Our culture is in decline and universities that teach the timeless truths of Christianity can literally save America:' Named in honor of Catholic University's first chancellor, the Gibbons award is presented to an individual deemed by the alumni board of governors to have contributed to the nation and the church by distinguished service. By their selection of Hyde, said Christian Brother Patrick Ellis, president of Catholic University, the alumni board showed "keen awareness" of the tradition of the Cardinal Gibbons medal and the university's philosophy. "Mr. Hyde continues to fight for preborn life," Brother Ellis said.. "He leads where we follow but haltingly after him, and he has surely known a certain loneliness in the struggle. If he has ever felt vulnerable, he hasn't shown it." Past recipients of the Gibbons medal include Cardinal James A. Hickey of Washington; former Pennsylvania Gov. Robert Casey; Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia; and Eunice Kennedy Shriver, founder of the Special Olympics.

Mission workers share prayers, storiees Bv Rov J. HORNER LOUISVILLE, KY. (CNS) Amid business meetings, shoptalk and networking at the U.S. Catholic Mission Association's annual convention, prayer was the priority. The 200 delegates who attended the Oct. 24-26 convention from around the world focused on the importance of every mission worker feeling personally committed to God. "Without prayer we ... can easily lose our complete dependence on God, because it is prayer that keeps us in touch with the very person of God," said Sister Chris Beckett, president of Glenmary Sisters, whose community sponsors the Home Mission Sisters of America in Owensboro, KY. "It's God's mission. It's not ours," she added. The U.S. Catholic Mission Asso~ ciation has 800 lay people, religious and priests as members. The organization is a network of individuals and religious communities involved in foreign or domestic missions or with groups that send out missionaries. At the opening session Oct. 24, Archbishop Thomas C. Kelly of Louisville welcomed the group and acknowledged the need for mission

workers to become more connected to the Spirit. "As we refine what we can do in terms of foreign missions and ... domestic missions, we must become more and more dependent upon the life of the Spirit," he said. . Also during the meeting, delegates approved resolutions to: - Oppose the manufacture, stockpiling, sale or use of U.S. or foreignmade anti-personnel land mines, and to support rehabilitation and other medical care for victims. - Oppose the "growing use of detention" in the treatment of immigrants. They also urged Catholics to volunteer their services to help immigrants and asked the U.S. government to raise its standards for dealing with them. - Support suspending military involvement in anti-drug efforts on the U.S.-Mexico border. - Support debt relief for impoverished countries and changes in policies that cause injustice and lead to further indebtedness. Sister Beckett said the annual conventions serve as a support system for mission workers to share experiences and gain an appreciation for the uni-

versal scope of their work. "It is a time for us to renew ourselves and realize the contemplative element of our missionary vocations and callings," she said. "It is a time for us to get in touch with the Spirit in the contemplative part of ourselves which prepares us to meet the spirit of Jesus in those people (to) whom we are sent." Sister Anna Marie Canary, a Sister of Charity of Nazareth with her community's mission office in Nazareth, Ky:, returned early from an assignment in India to attend the ~on­ vention. She said she and her colleagues gain strength from the annual gathering. "The members look forward to this as a support time, for getting together with other like-minded persons and sharing experiences of the past years," she said. Sister Canary said she was looking forward to sharing her experiences in India, particularly the "simplicity and creativity" she saw among the people there. "They do so much with so little," she said, "whether it's education, social work, hospitals, whatever. It makes me grateful for what we have."

Prayers, Donations Urgently Needed

Indian Mission Director Pleads for Help Speclal to The Anchor THOREAU,NM"Lord, when did I see you hungry and feed you?" "When you did it for one of the least of my people, you did it for me." Ma1l25:40

As Catholics around the globe prepare to celebrate the holy seasons of Advent and Christmas, the director, priest, sisters, lay missionaries and staff of a New Mexico Mission school areconcerned about urgently-needed help. They work daily to make quaUity Catholic education a reality for American Indian children in their care. These children "do without" as a way oflife ... will you help them? For many ofourstudents, the school at St. Bonaventure Mission is their "last hope.;' Trusting in God, everyone at the Mission prays for help to pay our month to month bills. St. Bonaventure Mission started a school more than a decade ago when the founder realized the

Indian children in the Mission's CeD classes didn't have even the most basic reading and writing skills. Today over 300 children, most of them Native American, join in prayer to keep their school from closing. Mission staffbelieve education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. The Indian boys and girls attending St. Bonaventure Indian Mission and School live with the following realities: • 55% of the Navajo population cannot read or write; • McKinley County (where the Mission is located) has the highest poverty rate (43%) in the state; • The suicide rate among Navajo teenagersisten times higher thall for their age group in the population at large.


__--.-'--'-':= Sf. Sotl"uetlfu,e JtI.

• McKinley County has the highest alcoholism rate in the United States. Thirty,dedicated lay missionaries teach and carry out the other work of the Mission. This "other work" includes maintaining the buses and vans which travel the remote mesas to bring the children to school; preparing two nourishing me-.als daily for the children; and bringing both food and waterto aging Navajos living inpoverty in remote areas of the barren Reservation. New lay missionaries often ask, "Can this be America?" They've experienced failure in other schools or inability to get to school from great distances. Will you help'! Gifts made to St. Bonaventure Indian Mission and School are taxdeductible. The school also qualifies for "Matching Q!l1s," f: t "'>


missiotl "tieL School ' .


~ ~J:~,~ ~~~~. , ;~ I.,J,~. _ 1:. I. J.]


Clip and Mail Today

Here's my sacrificial gift of love of $

The shining eyes of these three Navajo "angels," part of last year's preschool pageant, reflect the hope of all at St. Bonaventure - to keep the school open ... to give 300 children the skills they will need to break the cycle of poverty and to live a Spirit-filled life.

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• Dear Anchor Readers, • • I'm turning to you for help. My concern is for the children and elders served by St. Bonaventure Indian ••• Mission. Without caring friends like you we can't exist. Please help make quality education a reality for needy ••• Navajo children. •• Also, with early cold weather this year, families need • • warm clothing, blankets, heating fuel and repairs to their • •• homes. Yl>ur generosity and love will bring love and hope into struggling lives. ••• In this special season of gratitude and giving, I want to be sure each child receives at least one gift at ••• Christmas, and that elders in need will have good food • •• for a holiday meal. I can't meet these needs without your help. Please become part of this life-giving work! I don't want to have to say "no" to even one child or one elder who needs help. Will you join in our love for these First Americans who live in such difficult circumstances? In Christ's Love,

~?!~. Bob O'Connell, Director St. Bonaventure Indian Mission & School P.S. Please be generous. Give hope to these Navajo children!

•• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,c: : IMf'l: !;, I ,: . , '.. ~


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Please clleck liere ifyou would like to receive a paperback copy ofTony Hillerman's book, Sacred Clowns, wllicli is dedicated to tlie loy missionaries serving at St. Bonaventure Jndian Mission and Scliool, as a token ofappreciationfor your gift of$J5 or more. 9825REWOO7

Send to:

Help from Anchor Readers ,St. Bonaventure Indian Mission and School Eastern Navajo Reservation, P.O. Box 610, Thoreau, NM 87323·0610

, 10


Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Nov. 14, 1997

SISTER GONZALES St. Denis, center, 103, marking her 80th anniversary as a Oominican Sister of Hope, had one request: the largest possible wall clock. Here'she is with the clock, flanked by Sister Mary of the Cross (left), who handles her correspondence and Sister Mary Jeanne, among the community members who care for her. The picture was taken by Sister Gertrude Gaudette, director of the Creativity Cen----tâ‚Źrat the Fall River Dominican convent.

News' fro~ area 'Councils on Aging~ , Provincetown The Senior Training and Job Opportunity Program of Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands currently has openings for incomeeligible persons aged 55 years and older. The program also offers special job skills training courses and enrollees are paid a base wage with some benefits. Seniors interested should contact Betty or Mary at 1800-244-4630 or (508) 394-4630 for further information. Eligible seniors are also encouraged to sign up for the Senior Pharmacy Program which provides up to $500 for certain prescription drugs. Recently legislation was passed extending the open enrollment period through the end of December. Program applications are available through the Council On Aging (COA) and further information is available at tel. 1-800334-9999. Forthcoming trips include a Nov. 20 bus tour of Cape Cod outlets, leaving from the COA at 8 a.m. From Nov. 28 through Dec. 28 there will be shopping trips to Orleans on the Plymouth Brockton Bus Line, running from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 7 days a week. Further details are available from the center. A Dec 5 trip to Boston is also being offered to hear a matinee performance of the Boston Symphony Orchestra including Shubert's String Quartet No. 4 and Coriguano's Red Violin Fantasy. For information on transportation and cost, call the Senior Center at 487-7080. Marilyn Grove, who has been singing and entertaining at Musical Cabaret lunches, will be back at 11 a.m. every Tuesday beginning Nov. 18 to conduct singalongs. Experience is not necessary and all are invited to participate. A Lyme disease support group will meet at the Senior Center on Nov. 16 from 4:45 to 6 p.m. All welcome to attend. Individual computer lessons for beginners are now being offered at the center to familiarize seniors with the operation and use of a computer. Those interested in learning the basics may call the center to set up a lesson time. The Cape has been trying to improve and expand its transportation system to meet senior needs. Those with disabilities and seniors in need of a ride may call CORD at 508775-8300 or 1-800-541-0282 to find out what is available in their area.

Rehoboth The second annual Christmas dinner for seniors to be held at noon Dec. 7 at the Beckwith School is right around the corner, sponsored this year by the Lions Club, the Police Association and Friends of Rehoboth's Elderly. Those wishing to attend 'may get their tickets from the Rehoboth COA and may caB the Council at tel. 252-3372 for more information. The next meeting of the Senior . Citizens Club will be held Nov. 20 and will feature a speaker from the United Health Care Health Maintenance Organization who will discuss Medicare and senior. services offered by United Health Care's plan. The meeting will also be the deadline for members to sign up for a Christmas dinner to be held at noon Dec. 9 at the Venus de Milo restaurant, Swansea. On Nov. 19 the COA will sponsor a trip by van from 9 a.lll. to 3 p.m. to the Christmas Tree Shop and the Cape Cod Outlet at Bourne. Those interested should sign up by noon on Nov. 17. Also scheduled on Nov. 20 is the annual DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America) program's spaghetti supper to be served from 5-6:30 p.m. at Dighton Rehoboth Regional High School. Door prizes will be awarded and entertainment will be provided by students. Tickets are available at the COA. "Celebrating the Holidays... in Grief' will be presented by John Tormey from 7-8 p.m. on Dec. I. He will offer helpful suggestions on coping with the loneliness and pain that arise when a loved one is missing from the holiday festivities. Those planning to attend are encouraged to bring a friend. A new program for Meals on Wheels recipients has recently been made available by the COA and the Blanding Library, allowing people to select books or tapes to be brought to their homes. Large print books, tapes for the hearing impaired and voice-over videos for the visually-impaired are available from over 24 local libraries through the ABLE (Automated Bristol Library Exchange) Program and eligible persons are encouraged to take advantage of this service. East Sandwich seniors Jan Richards is once again planning the town's traditional Thanksgiving dinner to begin at noon Nov. 27 with a social hour followed by the dinner. Seniors wishing to have

BES appoints senior pharmacy program liaison

MOUNT ST. RITA HEALTH CENTRE presented two awards for community service this year, announcing Rita M. Murphy and F. Francis Gallogly as recipients. John Gallogly received the award on behalf of his father who passed away recently. Joan Bailey, far right, RSM, administrator of the centre, presented the honors which are awarded for service to the centre and to the community as a whole. Also pictured (from left) are Barbara Riley, RSM, president of the Sisters of Mercy, Regional Community of Providence; Rita M. Murphy, Fall River native; and John Gallogly.

Nancy R. Munson, executive director for Bristol Elder Services, Inc. has recently appointed Adrienne Goss to be the agency liaison for the Senior Pharmacy Program. Ms. Goss will be responsible for informing elders and elder advocates in the greater Fall River, Taunton and Attleboro areas of this new program that makes free prescriptions available to elders. "In spite of all the publ icity about the Senior Pharmacy Program, we feel that there are still many elders who are unaware of the program," Ms. Goss said. "We are currently working with Councils on Aging in trying to reach elders. Now we need to join forces with

churches, businesses and other community groups so that every eligible elder can access this important benefit." Under her direction, the BES Intake Department responds to Senior Pharmacy Program inquiries and assists elders with the application process. Applications and flyers describing eligibility criteria are available singly to individuals or in bulk to organizations interested in helping to publicize the program. Materials are available in Portuguese and Spanish as well as English. Those interested in obtaining materials may contact the BES Intake Dept. at 675-2101 or 1-800427-2101.

the dinner should conta,:t Jan at tel. 477-0859 to sign up and to let her know if they will go to the Human Services Building or ne,~d the meal home delivered. Jan is also looking for volunteers to help prepare, serve and deliver the lTli~als. A yoga class is being considered for 1: 15 each Friday at the COA building, but eight people are needed to start a class. If you are interested, call Jan at tel. 888-4737 for more information. For uninsured people age 65 and under there is a new nongroup health insurance available. No eligible individual or dependent will be excluded on the basis of age, health, or a pre-existing condition. Open enrollment is scheduled to end Nov. 30 and coverage will become effective Jan I. For information regarding eligibility, please contact regional SHINE coordinator Beth Fletcher at tel. 1-800-3349999. Outreach assistance is available by appointment through the COA and those interested can call tel. 888-4737 to schedule a confidential meeting with the outreach coordinator at which que!;tions will be answered about resources and programs seniors may be entitled to. Beginning at 1 p.m. Nov. 21,' hearing tests will be available at the COA. Seniors can call the center for more information or to schedule an appointment. Home visits can be arranged for the he mebound. The COA is teaming up with local schools to begin a volunteer program and is looking for assistance. Pen pals are needed to correspond with students in various grades ,and there are also plans to inv:ite seniors to visit a local school and explore further volunteer opportunities. More information is available from the COA office.

Dighton Entertainment and a traditional Thanksgiving meal will be offered Nov. 25. Those interested should call for reservations at 823-0095 or 669-6272 by Nov. 21. Planned for Jan. 21 at 9 a.m. is a free continental breakfast at the Prime Time Day Care Facility in Dighton. Registered nurse Jane Bilodeau will speak on I:he latest changes in Medicare. Seniors interested in attending may register in advance by calling I:el. 6696272. The COA offers superv:.sed adult day care weekdays from 8:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. The program incorporates arts and crafts, light exercise, field trips, a light breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks to provide a stimulating and supportive environment for seniors. Transportation is available through GATRA. For more information call Cathy at tel. 669-6272. Denise Hincken will give a presentation on the Elder Law Project at 10 a.m. Nov. 24 at the COA. Seniors with a legal question or a personal problem can make' an appointment for a private half hour consultation. The Hands at Home groJp seeks help in making hats, mittens, baby sweaters, and lap robes for the needy. Yarn is supplied and those wishing to join the project may call tel. 823-0095. All articl~:s go to Citizens for Citizens for Christmas giving and to area nursing homes at no charge.

fteering pOintf . PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news items for this column to The Alllchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 027'22. Name of city 'or town should be included, as well as full dates of all activities. Please isend news of future rather than past events. Due to limited space and also because notices of strictly parish affairs normally appear in a parish's own bulletin, we are forced to limit items tl() events of general interest. Also, we do not normally carry notices of fundraising activities, which may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, tel. (508) 675-7151. On Steering Point!> items, FR indicates Fall River, NB indicates New Bedford. All telephone num- . bers without area codl!s are (508). ST. MARK, ATTLEBORO FALLS The 1998 Adult Confirmation Program for any baptized Catholic who has received First Communion but not the Sacrament of Confirmation will be held Jan. 18 and Feb. I. The two four and a half hour programs will be offered hy deacons and deacon candidates. To register or for more information contact Deacon Walter Thomas: 339-2981. VOCATION OFFICE College and high school students are invited to a gathering for young men at Sacred Heart Rectory, Fall River, on the Friday after Thanksgiving, Nov. 28, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Evening prayer, dinner and a brief sharing about vocations and our Christian faith lives are planned. Newcomers are welcome. Contact Pather Craig Pregana: 675-1311, or Email: FRVocationOffice@Juno. com. MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT PROGRAM A program designed to improve communication for married couples and to renew the values of marriage, family and faith, sponsored by Worldwide Marriage Encounter, will take place Nov. 2123 at the Hampton Inn, Natick, MA. Information: 1-800-3670343 or (617) 242-0190. PAX CHRISTI, CAPE COD All who are searching for peace are welcome Nov. 17 from 7:30 to 9: 15 p.m. at a meeting in the Religious Education Center of Our Lady of Victory parish, Centerville. "Leo. Tolstoy: Yesterday's and Today's Issues of War and Peace," is the theme, continuing a study of the lives, deeds, and works of peacemakers. BISHOP CONNOLLY, FR Open house from 6:30-9 p.m. Nov. 19 for potential students and parents. Meet faculty, coaches and administrators and learn about the school. Infoqnation: 676-1071. FOOD PANTRY Many parishes throughout the diocese are collecting canned food and toilet articles to give to families and individuals in need. Contact your local parish to find out how you can help and what items may be needed.

MARCH FOR LIFE A pilgrimage with ;Bishop Sean O'Malley to Washington D.C. for the annual March for Life is being organized by the Pro-Life Apostolate in the diocese for Jan 21-23 1998. The pilgrimage will include Mass at the Basil ica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and a group Mass for diocesans with the bishop. A special youth bus is being arranged to accommodate young.persons at a reduced fare. Information: Apostolate office 997-2290. DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA, N.B. Hyacinth Circle 71 Daughters of Isabella will hold a business meeting at 7 p.m. on Nov. 18 at the Holy Name C.C.D. Center, N.B. SECULAR FRANCISCAN ORDER Our Lady Queen of Angels Fraternity is having a gathering of all District Eight fraternities for a Thanksgiving celebration on Nov. 16 at Our Lady's Chapel, New Bedford. Madeline Nugent, S.F.O., an author, will be the guest speaker and registration will begin at 9:30 a.m. Mass. will be celebrated at II a.m. and dinner will follow. All Franciscans and inquirers welcome. VOCATION COMMITTEE The Diocesan Vocational Committee will sponsor an afternoon of Advent reflection for women in initial and ongoing formation and for those interested in or considering consecrated life at St. James Conference Center at Nanaquaket, Tiverton, RI, from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday Dec. 7. All welcome. Information: Office of Religious 992-9921. ST. VINCENT DE rAUL CLOTHING CENTER, COTUIT Christmas is coming and we're ready with gift items, toys, and holiday decorations at bargain prices. As always, we have clothes for the entire family; We are open Tues. through Sat. from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and are located on route 28 just 2.8 miles east of the Mashpee Rotary. LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO The shrine finishes its 1997 Coffee House Series on Nov. 15 at 6:30 p.m. with the musical group Brethren. Beverages and snacks are available at tht:; coffee house and a good will offering will be taken. Those wishing to be on the mailing list for the. 1998 Coffee House Season are asked to call the Shrine Program Office: 222-5410. A Portuguese healing service will be held on Nov. 16 at 2 p.m. Led by Father Manuel Pereira, M.S., the service will include Mass, music and the opportunity for people to be prayed over and anointed individually. Confessions will be heard in Portuguese on the preceding day, Nov. 15, from 2-4 p.m. The next Tri- V~lIey Marriage Encounter Weekend will take place

Nov. 28-30. It is an opportunity away from everyday cares and distractions to examine married life together and renew your marriage. It is presented by married couples and·c1ergy. Information: Dick or Sue (401) 765-1426. STONEHILL COLLEGE, N.EASTON Michael Dukakis, former governor of Massachusetts and Charles Baker, secretary of administration and finance for the Commonwealth, will debate "Where is Health Care Going?" at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 17 at the Joseph W. Martin Jr. Institute for Law and Society. Former Massachusetts Commissioner of Public Health David Mulligan will serve as moderator. Admission is free, but seating is limited. Information: 565-1000.

Diocese of Fall River -


Fri., Nov. 14, 1997



1998 LOTTERY CALENDAR $20.00 each BE A WINNER EVERY DAY OFTHEYEAR ranging from $25-$50-$100-$250-$500-$1000 "Your gift will help support the students'education" at

ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL 35 KEARSARGE ST. • NEW BEDFORD, MA 02745 To order: Please mail your check, name and full address for each calendar recipient to the above address or call (508) 995·7233

CATHEDRAL CAMP, EAST FREETOWN The second annual Bread of Life Retreat will be held for young people in their 20s and 30s on Dec. 5,6, and 7 at Cathedral Camp. The theme is "Spirit of Truth" and participants will have a prayerful, educational, and recreational weekend. Information: Bud Miller or Lisa Gulino 678-2828. ST. PIUS X, SOUTH YARMOUTH A support group for divorced and separated Catholics will meet at 7 p.m. on Nov. 16 at the parish Life Center. Jean Holmes L.C.S.w. will speak on "Coping with Depression During the Holidays." New members are welcome but should arrive at 6:30. Information: Father Joe 398-2248. CHRIST THE KING, MASHPEE The Cape Cod-Islands Chapter of Catholic Nurses will hold its next meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 19. All Catholic nurses, members and non-members, are invited to a discussion of "Catholic Nursing in the New Millennium." Information: Deb Searle 420-1387. The young adult prayer group meets the Ist and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the chapel. For information: Heather Kirby 548-2346. PRO-LIFE ROSARY, HYANNIS Prayer vigil and recitation ofthe Chaplet of Divine Mercy for unborn children is held 10 to I r a.m. every Wednesday at 68 Camp St. Hyannis. Please join us in public expression and support of the right to life of all unborn children. CITIZENS FOR LIFE, HYANNIS The Life Issues Resource Center provides educational material regarding abortion, adoption and legislative issues, also pamphlets, videos, speakers, and referrals for anyone needing help with an unplanned pregnancy. Open on Tuesday through Thursday from I I a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sat. II a.m. to I p.m. Information: 771-2255. CURSILLO An in formation evening for men and women interested in learning more about the Cursillo movement in the diocese will be held at 7 p.m. on Nov. 16 atthe St. John of God parish center in Somerset. Information: Claire Stevens 678-3831.

JOHN POLCE: BETHANY NIGHTS Friday, November 14 - 7:30 p.m. Good-will offering

COFFEE HOUSE: "BRETHREN" Saturday, November 15 - 6:30 p.m. PORTUGUESE HEALING SERVICE Sunday, November 16 - 2:00 p.m. Father Manuel Pereira

Portuguese Confessions Sat., Nov. 15 - 2-4 p.m.

GRIEF EDUCATION SERIES Thursday, November 20 - 1:00-2:30 p.m. Call the Counseling Center (508) 226-8220


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Sunday, Nov. 30, 1997 Doors open at 4PM Games begin at 4:30 PM Kennedy Center I CYO County Street, New Bedford Donation Adults $3 Students $2



Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Nov. 14, 1997

North Americ~n College is setting for new book By CINDY WOODEN , ROME (CNS) - The North American College, the U.S. seminary in Rome, has its highest enrollment in a decade and is the setting for a new book on the lives of six seminarians. The book, published Oct. 13, is called "The New Men: Inside the Vatican's Elite School for American Priests." The seminary rector, Msgr. Timothy M. Dolan, said the book's subtitle is unfortunate since the college is sponsored by the U.S. bishops, not the Vatican, and "we are anything but elite." However, he does praise the book's author, Brian Murphy, for his "rather accurate" presentation of the six seminarians as "very wholesome, balanced, healthy men of strong faith who sense a call to serve the Lord and his church as priests." Msgr. Dolan said the 1997-98 academic year opened with 150 seminarians resident in Rome and another five NAC seminarians spending a pastoral year in their dioceses at home, the highest enrollment in 10 years. The students come from 87 dioceses. The rector said he would like to hope that the increased enrollment reflected an increase in vocations to the priesthood in the United States, "but the statistics don't say that." "We attribute it to the fact that the image of the college is good -,... and I certainly hope not harmed by this book," he said. In addition, the college has a good reputation among the bishops, most of whom stay at the NAC when visiting Rome, he said: "They like what they see, they like the guys and they like the program. They want to send people here." The seminary on the Janiculum Hill overlooking the Vatican and St. Peter's $quare is not the only NAC-related program with a high enrollment. The Casa Santa Maria, a residence for priests doing graduate studies in Rome, is full with 90 priests. And 38 priests, ..:..... again, the maximum - have opted to spend their sabbaticals at . NAC's Institute for Continuing Theological Education. •

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Consecration to the "Divine Will Oh adorable and Divine Will, behold me here before the immensity ofYour Light, that Your eternal goodness may open to me the doors and make me enter into It to form my life all in You, Divine Will. Therefore, oh adorable Will, prostrate.before Your Light, I, the least of all creatures, put myself into the little group of the sons and daughters of Your Supreme FIAT. Prostrate in my noth.ingness, I invoke Your Light and beg that it clothe me and eclipse all that does not pertain to You, Divine Will. It will be my Life, the center of my intelligence, the enrapturer of my heart and of my whole being. I do not want the human will to have life in this heart any longer. I will cast it away from me and thus form the new Eden of Peace, of happiness and of love. With It I shall be always happy. I shall have a singular strength and a holiness that sanctifies all things and conducts them to God. Here prostrate, I invoke the help of the Most Holy Trinity that They permit me to live in the cloister of the Divine Will and thus return in me the first order of creation, just as the creature was created. , Heavenly Mother, Sovereign and Queen of the Divine Fiat, take my hand and introduce me into the Light of the Divine Will. You will be my guide, my most tender Mother, and will teach me to live in and to maintain myself in th~ order and the bounds of the Divine Will. Heavenly Mother, I consecrate my whole being to Your Immaculate Heart. You will teach me the doctrine of the Divine Will and.I will listen most attentively to Your lessons. You will cover me with Your mantle so that the infernal serpent dare not penetrate into this sacred Eden to entice me and make me fall 'into the maze of the human will. Heart of my greatest Good, Jesus, You will give me Your flames that they may bum me, consume me, and feed me to form in me the Life ofthe Divine Will. Saint Joseph, you will be my protector, the guardian of my heart, and will keep the keys of my will in your hands. You will keep my heart jealously and shall never give it to me again, that I may be sure of never leaving the Will of God. My guardian Angel, guard me; defend me; help me in everything so that my Eden may flourish and be the instrument that draws all men into the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Amen. ( In Honor of Luisa Piccarreta 1865-/947 Child ofthe Divine Will)

A COPTIC ORTHODOX priest blesses Catholics with water from the Jordan .River Oct. 30 near Kaser EI Yehud, Israel. More than 1,000 believers joined an annual pilgrimagf~ to the place traditionally believed to be the site of Christ's baptism. (CNS/Hill photo)


Pilgrims flock to the Jordan the Greek Orthodox, once for the Coptic Orthodox and on the last . KASER EL YEHUD, Israel Thursday of every October for the (CNS) - Some 1,000 Catholic pil- Franciscan Fathers. Catholic pilgrims can only reach grims - - mostly locals with a few the river by using the landing on the tourists sprinkled among them made their way on Oct. 30 down to Orthodox-owned land; the the'Jordan River, where tradition Franciscans' property along the holds that Jesus was baptized by river is believed to be full of land mines. Even there, though, pilgrims John the Baptist. Some in the crowd were Latin are not allowed into the water for Americans who work illegally in security and health reasons. "If Jesus were here today he Israel. Parents came dressed in their best clothes, with babies in white would be very sad to see the land mines all around," said Niveen chris~ening gowns clinging to their Nwasseh, 16, who traveled the few mothers. "This is the water ·where Jesus short miles from her home in Jeriwas baptized," said Bolivian cho, Jordan, with a group of friends. Pilar Sanchez, 52, of Spain, said: Froiland Lazarte, 34, after his twomonth-old daughter, Cynthia, and "If Jesus were here, he would say 2-year-old son, Erland, had been the same thing he said before. He splashed with "holy" water from the would call for peace, lots of peace, especially in this area which is in Jordan. "We belie~e that the union and so much need of brotherly love." When the Catholic pilgrims arconnection with Jesus will be stronger. It is a symbol of our hope that rived, the Franciscans celebrated a Mass on the Catholic-owned land. it will bring !hem luck," he said. But it is a very different scene Then, to access the water, they than that when Jesus is believed to walked to the Orthodox area. A Coptic Orthodox priest pulled have walked on the hot sand down to the river. The area on the border up plastic buckets from the river, no between Israel and Jordan is littered more than 20 feet wide, and with land mines put there during the splashed the murky brown water . 1967 war and is kept closed most over the heads of the faithful. He of the year. Barbed wires mark off filled plastic bottles they held out the danger zones, and warning signs, to him. Franciscan Father Claudio hang on the fences. Pilgrims must stay only in des- Baratta said some of the pilgrims ignated sections because the whole would carry the bottles of water area, which belongs to the Catho- . home with them and have their parlic and Orthodox Churches, is now ish priests baptize their children with it. a demilitarized zone. The sprinkling of the water near The area is opened only three times a year to pilgrims: once for the river "is a sentimental union



with thememory of the baptism of Jesus," he added. Juan Carlos Assaf, 36, ofColombia did not have a plastic hottle, so he emptied out a whisky flask to fill with the water. "I won't use this flask anymore," said Assaf, wearing a red bandana on his head, as the meandering river was mirrored in his sunglasses. "I will take it home and give it to my mother." School groups and famil ies gathered at cement tables undf:meath a shelter and munched 011 picnic lunches, making a festive day out of the outing. "For me this is a very heautiful moment," said Angel Kiro,~a, a 38year-old Catholic from Ecuador, his black hair wet and gleaming from the water the priest had just poured on him. "I feel a lot of happiness in my soul, ~nd I wish the whole world could come to this place. My heart is given more to God now:" "I came here to pray wht:re Jesus was baptized," said Shireen Atari, 16, from Jericho. "I am happy to see all these Christians here." Before 1967 people could come here all the ti me, and the Franciscans used to come by themselves to celebrate Mass. But after the war the pilgrims could not visit freely. . So eight years ago, the Franciscans decided to invite the local parishes to join them for the Masses, said Franciscan Father Justo Artaraf. Catholic tourists and pilgrims who happen to bl~ in the country at the time are al;>o welcomed, he said.

A look at Holy Year traditions VATICAN CITY (eNS) - Vatican planning for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 began six years before the event. By contrast, the first holy year developed almost by accident. The church's tradition ofjubilee celebrations began in the year 1300. Around Christmas of 1299, thousands of pilgrims flooded into Rome after hearing rumors that a plenary indulgence would be available for the centennial year. Pope Boniface VIII looked out his window and was amazed at the

spontaneous pilgrimage, according to a recent Vatican book. The last thing he wanted was to disappoint the crowds, so over the next two months he drew up a papal bull granting the indulgence to visitors who prayed IS times at the basilicas of St. Peter and S~. Paul. The papal document declared that holy years would thereupon be held every hundred years. But subsequent popes, seeing the jubilee's success, abbreviated that pe-

riod to 50 and then 25 years.

Officials plan high-tech litter removal





The National c.thoIc Phannaclstl Guild of the Unitld Stat"

Fri., Nov. 14, 1997




202 Rock Sf. Fall River



medieval calendar, he started with I A.D., which stands for anno Domini, "the year of the L:;::::::::::::::::==:=::::::::::==:::::~ ~ Lord." . The trouble was, Dionysius Exiguus was off by a few years; chronology or calendars. However, Cardinal Joseph most historians now say Christ was probably born in the year we call 4 Ratzinger has lIsed the discrepancy B.C., "before Christ.'! to deflate millennial fears and Does it matter? Not to the Vati- prophesies. Put no stock in apocacan, which says the message of the lyptic forecasts for the year 2000, millennium does not depend on he said, because it's already over.

Bell bearing pope's image to ring in 2000 VATICAN CITY (CNS) When Pope John Paul II rings in the coming millennium, hell do it with a six-ton bronze bell that bears his portrait.

Diocese of Fall River -


Experts say Jubilee will be a belated celebration VATICAN CITY (CNS) Church officials are keeping it quiet, but the celebration of the millennium will arrive: about four years late. By most experts' calculations, we're already living in the year 2001. The first to date the calendar by the birth of Christ was a sixth-century monk who worked in Rome, Dionysius Exiguus. Backdating the


The Pontifical Marinelli Foundry in the southern Italian city of Agnone, bellmaker to the Vatican since the year 1000, recently started work on the jubilee bell, which will be hung in St. Peter's Basilica. The bell, one of t~e largest ever made by the company, will be more than six feet in diameter and about 20 feet in circumference. Its tone: 10wG.

Plans call for the pope to ring it shortly before the new millennium arrives at midnight Jan. I, 2000. The sound will set other church bells pealing throughout Europe. The jubilee bell depicts the pontiff walking through the holy door, surrounded by symbols of peace. A Marinelli spokesman said the sculpted portrait was a sign of confidence that Pope John Paul will usher in the coming millennium.

VATICAN CITY (eNS) Rome's street-sweepers will be equipped with cellular phones to help them deal with garbage "emergencies" during the· year 2000. It's one of the unusual measures adopted by city officials as they prepare for an estimated 30 to 40 million pilgrims during the Great Jubilee for the Year 2000. In theory, the stwet-sweepers will use the phones to signal overflow trash containers and pilgrim litter, especially around Rome's major basilicas. Sma.1l "garbagebusting" trucks will then swing into action, and the rubbish will be shipped quickly out of town on special rail lines. The projected cost of the 'roundthe-clock clean-up plan: $240 million. Experts have said each Holy Year pilgrim will generate about two pounds of refuse per day. But that could increase greatly if, as expected, the Eternal City's fastfood restaurants multiply for the millennium. •••••••••• 0 ••••••

As preparations continue in Rome and throughout the world for the Jubilee year 2000, The Anchor will periodically feature stories, such as A PROTOTYPE of the bell being cast to mark the year these by John Thavis, on 2000 is imprinted with an image of Pope John Paul II. The their progress. Watch for Pontifical Marinelli Foundry in southern Italy has begun work "Sidelights 2000", up- on a larger six-ton bronze bell which will hang in St. Peter's dates in this and future is- Basilica and be rung by the pope shortly before the new milsues. lennium arrives Jan. 1, 2000. (eNS photo)


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Catholic Schools •


THE SAINTS COME MARCHING IN! On October 31 st the students at St. Francis Xavier Preparatory School in Hyannis celebrated a Mass for All Saints Day with Father Robert Kemmery. Ma~y c~me dressed as familiar saints.

Students busy at Taunton Catholic Middle Cheering advisor Mrs. Barbara Connors and a panel of judges including physical education teacher Thomas Thompson and cheering assistant Ms. Stephanie Reorden made selections for Taunton Catholic Middle School's 1997-98 cheering squad. They are Asleigh Allison, Michelle Morrison, Ashleigh Cornell, Katie LeBrun, Roberta Silva, Sarah Rodrigues, Tracy Victorino, Jamie Navarro, Jenn White, Jenn Good, Jamie Devlin, Tavia DeLisle, Danielle Stigh, Katelyn Reorden, Jessica Stigh, Seanna McRae, and Melissa Carter. This team will cheer for the boys' basketball squad. It holds practices on Mondays and Thursdays. Members of the pep squad this school year are CherI Bezok, Melissa Benjamin, Casey Long, Tift'aney Gonsalves, Christine Barros, Christine Vurpillatte, Jackie Grundy,

Catholic Youth

VARIED ECOSYSTEMS! Shane Dumont, a sixth nrader at St. Joseph's School in New Bedford, explored an eBtuary for life and learned about several different ecosystem:) on a field trip to Barney's Joy in South Dartmouth. He was one of many students from the scho?1 who participated.

Tiana Baroni, Allison Rice, Fay Perry won a special pen for her sugBoivin, BrianneBradshaw, Allyce gestion of playing basketball. In Sullivan, Lindsey Bettencourt and grade seven, Emily Dufresne's card Kristen Braga. The pep squad cheers was selected and she received a for the Lady Crusaders' basketball basketball for her suggestion of Third and fourth graders at St. Barney's Joy in South Dartmouth on team and practices every Thursday. dancing; Eric Martin won a teddy Joseph's School in New Bedford a field trip to explore four of New Both squads are anxious to begin bear for his idea of studying and recently learned about harvesting England's varied ecosystem1:. This their season and have been putting Jarrin Manganaro got a pen for his cranberries, equipment used to do four-hour educational and flln proin many hours of practice. suggestion of playing soccer. so, bog animal life, and cooking with gram offered by Lloyd Center enThe school held red ribbon week Grades five and six also partici- the berries. Their studies were high- gaged and captivated the students. recently and students focused on pated and four students won prizes. lighted when teachers Ms. Camacho Staff members led small groups of positive alternatives to doing drugs. Brooke Texeira likes to go shopping and Mrs. Carrier brought them on a . students through the site's four staThey took part in a voluntary pledge ·and she won a trick or treat bag field trip to Cranberry World. From tions: salt marshes, sand dunes, day and filled out cards with ideas filled with stickers; Bret Medeiros their experiences the students beaches and estuaries. At e~:ch staof things to do and many students who thought playing soccer was a worked together to write a book en- tion the students had hands-on perhad good alternatives. Names and good alternative to drugs, won a titled "Our Cranberry Adventures." sonal experience in learning a'bout its suggestions were read at random basketball; Natasha LaCroix was .Grades five through eight went to ecosystem. during the day and prizes were .the recipient of a teddy bear for her awarded to several students. They idea of dancing and Tirone McCray are as follows: In eighth grade, won a pen for the suggestion of . Gretchen Perry who suggested go- playing basketball. . ing roller skating as ~ good posiOn one of the days everyone at tive activity, won a stuffed gorilla; the school was treated to a McInCheri Bezok, who suggested watch- tosh apple provided by Trucchi's ing TV, won a basketball and Alison . Supermarket and a large basket of them was placed in the main office for visitors to enjoy. Every day durHe has been the head coach of eight State! ing the week, members of the Peer New England championship lacrosse teams. Leaders and Student Council were He has twice been named the in homerooms to lead discussions New England Coach of the Year by about positive alternative activities the U.S. Interscholastic Lacrosse Association. to doing drugs. In finding those He has a B.S. in Biology from Holy Cross alternative activities, students enand a MAT. in ~hemistry from Indiana U. joyed a fun filled week and the program, which is sponsored each year He is vel}' proud of his 7 handicap in golf. by the Student Service Office and He teaches Biology and AP Biology its director, Daniel Thompson, and coaches Varsity Lacrosse at made a great impression on them. Bishop Connolly High School. I Students in Thompson's seventh ,/" grade mini-course have been studyHe and his colleagues at Bishop Connolly I: , are committed to educational excellence ing about the state of Massachusetts in a values-centered environment since school opened and as the culminating activity for their course, William McCullough they held a Bay State Bash, a party One of forty reasons to send your child to: to celebrate all the great things that make up the state of Massachusetts. COYLE AND CASSIDY High School, Taunton, students Students were encouraged to wear the state colors of gold and blue or Kristin Gay and Jennifer McKay have become eligible to parclothing advertising Massachusetts ticipate as cheerleaders in the London, England, New 'tear's attractions such as Cape Cod or a . Day parade. Every year, the Universal Cheerleading J\SSOsports team. Teams of students ciation (UCA) holds summer camps and thousands of cheerplayed a game called Searching for Come to our Open House • Weds. Nov. 19th • 6:30-9:00 pm Plymouth Rock and they also en- leaders vie for the honor of becoming an all-star. Thosl3 becoming UCA all-stars become eligible for the trip over C!hristmany different foods made in Pltu:ement Exam • Dec. 6, 1997 • 8:30am-12 noon • $10 fee joyed mas vacation. The cheerleaders are judged on cheer and or native to Massachusetts. .

St. Joseph School News

dance ability, precision and gymnastic/acrobatic ability.


Our Rock and Role How do you show love? By CHARLIE MARTIN

Show Me Love

I. Be observant. Many times, opportunities to be loving toward Always been tctldlThat I've got too much pride others spontaneously appear. You Too independentITo have you by my side notice a classmate struggling to But my heart said/All of you will see get a program to run on the comJust won't live for someone/Until he'll live for me. puter. Sure, class is over, and it's time to meet your friends in the Never thoughtll would find love so sweet. cafeteria. Forgoing this social time Never thoughtJ1 would meet someone like you. to be of service to a classmate Well now I've found you,/And I'll tell you no lie brings love into his or her life. This love I have for you 2. Be affirming. While there Could take me around the world. are overabundant opportunities to Now show me love evaluate ourselves and others critically, each person also needs to Refrain: hear appreciation for his or her Show me love. Show me life. successes and efforts. Be on the Baby, show mE! what it's all about. lookout for the good that others You're the only onelThat I've ever needed.. do. 3. Be anonymous. Do kind, Show me love/And what it's all about. considerate things for someone, even if these actions are not noSo don't waste this lovell wanna give to you. ticed. For example, wash your Show me wha1: you've got. parents' car or rake up the leaves. Tell me what you can do. Maybe your parents will see that Show me love. Show me everything. these tasks have been done, and I know you've got potential, ' maybe not. Regardless, your So baby let mE~ in,lAnd show me love. choice lovingly supports their lives. (Repeat refrain) 4. Be challenging. This takes some skill and must be approached in the spirit of non-judgShow me love ment. But pointing out to a perShow me everything you've got, son - in a caring way - that he And show me life/Show me love, baby or she can be much more is reachShow me everything/And what it's all about. ing out to that person with love. You're the one, the only onell've ever needed. We need each otll'er's support and Show me lovelAnd what it's all about. challenge if we are to attain our I'll love you.ll'lI miss you. promise and potential. I'll make sure/Everything will be all right. 5. Be prayerful. This could be I'll give you my heart/If you show me love placed under my suggestion about anonymous love. Yet, I wanted to Every day and night. emphasize this: Praying for someone is a powerful way to love. Written by Rolbyn and Max Martin; Sung by Robyn I especially encourage teens to Copyright (c) '1997 by BMG Entertainment pray for those in their families. No "SHOW ME LOVE" is the independent to have you by my matter what one's age, life is a current chart hit off the debut CD side." However, she "never learning lab. Sometimes our misby Robyn, the singer, not the bird. thought I would meet someone takes hurt us or others. Your prayer So what would you do if some- like you," and asks her new boy- for those you love is an added one said to you, "Show me love, friend to "show me love and what pathway for God's healing. Be that avenue of God's love for othshow me life"? What responses it's all about." would teach another the essence I suspect the song refers to ro- ers. of love? mantic love. HoweVer, love is Your comments are always The young woman in the song more than romance. It is also comsees that her attitudl~ has been a mitment, trust and open-hearted welcome. Please address: block to love: "Always been told vulnerability. Consider these im- Charlie Martin, 7125 W 200S, Rockport, Ind. 47635. that I've got too much pride, too portant ways of loving:

Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Nov. 14, 1997


Stonehill College awarded $50,000 grant The George I. Alden Trust recently awarded Stonehill College, North Easton, a $50,000 grant to assist in the construction of the college's new Library and Networked Information Center, slated to open in September 1998. The $50,000 grant will help Stonehill meet an $800,000 Kresge Challenge Grant, which it was awarded last December by the Michigan-based Kresge Foundation. The evolution of Stonehill has placed tremendous demands on

the current Cushing-Martin Library, built in 1962 when it housed 110,000 volumes and served only 1,400 students. Today, the library houses 180,000 volumes and serves 2,000 undergraduate students, almost 1,000 evening students and more than 4,000 visitors annually from surrounding communities. The new facility will incorporate the latest technologies and provide more space for stacks and seating, benefiting the entire Stonehill community and other users.

Students experience a wealth of foreign cultures Students from Holy FamilyHoly Name School in New Bedford recently visited the Bayside Expo Center in Boston to experience the International Festival. Many countries were represented through various displays showcasing aspects of their cultures: good luck charms, dances, instruments to name a few. The experience of the festival was highlighted by amazing performances by Libyan drummers and Hawaiian dancers who per-formed throughout the day. Students enjoyed learning

about the various countries and their cultures. Many of the countries had set up their own mini-restaurants and the more adventurous members of the class sampled delicacies from around the world. With all the costumes, music and dancers from around the world, students got a taste of the beauty and richness of other cultures. Their experience at the festival will be brought back to the classroom where they will continue to study countries and cultures around the globe.

A Faith That Shines Brighter Than Gold



hey have been driven from their homes. Their animals have been poisoned. All for the sake of gold. Yet, the people of the Luzon region of the Philippines have not lost their ' most precious possession - their faith. A local priest, Father Father Ben (striped shirt) sticks with Ben BeImer, his community through thick and thin, has helped make sure of that. Despite the continuous gold mining that threatens their land, prayer and the Good News of Christ has given the people of Luzon strength and hope for the future. Your gift through the Society for the Propagation of the Faith can help Father Ben and others like him continue their mission ofhope... 175TH Anniversary of The Society for THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH Reverend Monsignor John J. Oliveira, V.E. 106 IIlinois Street • New Bedford, MA 02745 "Attention: Column." No. 101 ANC,H. 11/14/97

STUOENTS FROM Our Lady of Mount Carmel School of Religious Education in New Bedford recently honored Mary with a living rosary. They were led by pastor and director, Very Rev. Henry S. Arruda, and teachers Christopher Oliveira and Carolina Macedo. Nearly 400 pupils from grades 1-4 sang, recited, and meditated on the Glorious Mysteries of the rosary.

0$100 o $50 a $25 o $10 0 $ _ _ (other) Name - - - . . . : . - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - - Address _ City State Zip _ Please remember The Societylor the Propagation 01the Faith when writing orchangingYOllr Will.



Diocese of Fall River -

Fri., Nov. 14, 1997



It's yours to give.

The Molavey family and 24 others in Brockton, Mass., have realized their dream of homeownership thanks to the Brockton Interfaith Community (BIC). With support from the Campaign for Human Development, BIC has found creative ways to make homeownership possible for families like the Molaveys through lower mortgage interest rates and municipal subsidies.

The Catholic Church Working to End Poverty and Injustice in America

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