
Page 1

Clothing Drive Begins on Sunday The Diocese of Fan River

will be striving again next Sunday to maintain a record

ft has long cherished in asGisting the world needy when it oommcnccs the annual Thanks(Jiving Clothing Drive.

DIOCESE SEEKS, TO MAINTAIN HIGH RATING IN' ANNUAL CORPORATE WORK OF CHARITY The diocesan faithful last year gave almost twice the national avet'age in the weight and value

The ANCHOR An Anch.or of the Soul,

fall Ryver,


Vot 6, No. 47 ©

Sur, attd·Firm-ST. PAUL



1962 The Anch~r

15, 1962 PRICE lOe $4.00 per Year

NEW FRIENDS: On his first day in the United States, Mak Koo Lim 'of Korea gets acquainted with two r11f his'10 new brothers and sisters, children of ,Mr. and Mrs, Edward Caron, South Swansea. From left, Robert, 11.; Mak, eight; Susan, eight.

of discarded old warm clothing for the American Bishops' collection. "A total of 233,000 pounds of usable clothirtg was contributed in the 110 parishes of the diocese last year," said Rev. Francis McCarthy, Somerset pastor who heads up the program in the Fall River Diocese. "The value of this clothing was placed at $332,510," Father McCarthy reported as he expressed the hope that the

parishes will again demonstrate their concern for their less-fortunate brethren in all parts of the world. "Our realization of 233,000 pounds compares most favorably with the national diocesan average of 122,302 pounds," Father McCarthy ~mphasized. "And, th~ $332,510 value of our diocesan collection last year compares with the national'diocesan aver_ age value of $175,865 last year," said the pastor of St. Patrick's

parish in Somerset. "It is most heartening to us who are closely associated with the annual Thanksgiving Clothing Collection to see so many kind and considerate people who are ready to discard warm articles really before they originally intended so as to help the needy under-clothed individuals scattered throughout the four corners of the world," the Somerset pastor declflred. The annual Clothing Drive will commence in diocesan parishes on Sunday. The exact schedule in each parish will be announced at the Masses 011 Turn 'to Page Twelve

'Worldwide Church Gain Catholics throughout the world total some 558,221,000, about 18.2 per cent of the global· population,according to the Catholic Studentll' Mission Crusade. While this figure is a numeri_ cal increase' of nearly eight mil_ lion over last year, It represents a percentage decline of about one-tenth of one per cen·t. The population figures are contained in the 1962 World Mission Map, U. S. Cathoiics number 42,876,665 or 23.4 per cent of the nation's total population of 186,500,000. U. S. ranks third among the world nations in total Cath_ olic population. Brazil has the world's largest Catholic population with 64,171,400-93.4 per cent of the total. Other leading countries are: Italy, 50,211,443 (99.5 per cent) France, 38,398,960 (82.6 per cent) Mexico, 33,984,000 (94.4 per cent) Spain, 30,293,000 (99.7. per cent) Poland, 29,266,854 (96.5 pel!' cent) West Germany, 26,618,935 (47.3 per cent) Philippines, 21,639,181 (87.7 per cent). Turn to Page Sixteen


FALL RIVER ORDINARY AT COUNCIL: Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall River, Peter's Basilica with other members of world after attending morning session of Ecumenical Rome.

The Most leaves St. hierarchy Council ill

.Most Rev.' James J. Gerrard. D.D.• Vicar General of the Diocese of Fall River, in virtue of special faculties from the Sacred Congregation of the Cou'neil, grants a dispensation from the law of abstinence for I Friday, Nov. 23, the day after , Thanksi:"lving Day. Catholics ~I By Patricia ,M~GowaR " may eat meat on that day but I~ex "How far that little candle throws his beams! So are asked to express the spirit VATICAN CITY ,(NO) - The Second Va:tican Ecuof penance by prayers, slicrishines a good deed in a naughty world." The truth as well fices, almsgiving' or other good menical Council will be in recess from two and a half weeks as poetry in Shakespeare's lines' was proved this week in works. ' b e f o r e Christmas until four weeks after Easter. The second South Swansea as an action • ~ session of the Council will bethree ago in California gin May 12 after a 22-week found ltS echo here. The , i n t e r v a l , and 'will last seven action was the adoption of weeks, until June 29, the a K?rean 0l1?han ~Y a Califeast of SS. Peter and Paul. forman famIly wlth seven . . The dates were announced ehildren. They wrote of it in to the Council Fathers by Archa Catholic magazine, which was By JamesM. Johnson. By Rev. Edward. J. Mitchell bishop Pericle ,Felici at the 17th read by Edward and Beatrice general congregatio11 of the Caron of St. Michael's parish, Although 'the fathera Gf' the Second The bishops of' the Coun~i1, despite Council. Ocean Grove. At that time, the Vatican Council' are mos-t concerned with their intensive hours' of work in bringing' The curre!1t sessioJ! concludes Cal'ons too had seven childdren. those internal changes which will enable .the' Church up to date, are able now and Dee. 8,' after eight weeks of (The number has grown to 10). the Church to more effectively ,meet the then to catch their breath with a well- meetings. :For a long time' they'd been demands of the present age, earned rest. Just such a break During t'he five-month absence wanting to increase their family . from Rome of the bl'shops and they also are reminded, almost came last. week, When the by adoption, but they'd assumed . ' 'other Council Fa'thers, however, dally, 0f anoth er importan t Counci' 1 adJourned for th . e 0 bthey wouldn't be considered bereason for the convocation of servance of All-Saints, Allthe special Council commissions cause of their own brood's size. will continue to work, it was this, the largest Ecumenical SOUls weekend, many of the "But when we saw that arCouncil in history. bishops departed the cl,ty for revealed. ' tide, we thought, if they can do This purpose is the reunion a short holiday. Some went to At the 18th general meeting, it, why can't we," recounted of all bodies of people throughLouvain, Belgium, to renew the Fathers of the Council were Edward. The Carons wrote to out the_f1?rld who worship the_ memories of the i r student informed that Pope John has the National Catholic Welfare same liO<l and who proudly days; others t r a veIl e d to ordered the name of St. Joseph, Conference in New York City, bear the name Christian. And Lourdes, southern Italy, the foster father of Jesus, inserted in which referred' their request to the reminder is the presence monastery of Padre Pio, Gerthe Canon of ,the Mass following the Fall River Catholic Welfare of the Protestant and Orthomany, and similar historic and that of the Blessed Virgin Mary Bureau. Wheels started turning. dox observer-delegates at the religious places. in the Communicantes, the third First step was interview , private congregations of the Bishop ,James Connolly, In prayer after .the Sanctus. Thus with Miss Helen Burns of the ta'bel'S m. the basilica of St. Peter. The observers the compall¥ of Bishop Edward Fitzgerald of St. Joseph's name will precede FIl1l River bureau. Too CarOM those of'the Apostles and early Turu to Page Se~ Tum ~ Pale Two Tum 10 Page Fifteen Turn to Page Sixteen

Swan'se'o Parents' 0 f T en . opt Korean 0 rp han Ad

Counci·1 T 0 'Recess Dec. 8 Reconvenes t May 12

Connolly VlSltS .. BlS h on r· A. · COUnCl' .l SSlSl· D urlng



L.oreto ''




Refugee. Priest ,,, Charges Poland Interns Nuns'

THE ANCHOR-Diol!ese of Fall ~iver- Thurs., Nov. 15" 1~962

World on Brink of Mew Era Fee!ing PerMe@~e~ ~@me


Continued from Page One . are 'placed near the cardinals, at the _ ad of the long main aisle, leading from the bronze doors to the Confessional Altar. Several of the observers have remarked that these are the best seats in the basilica. They can see the proceedings much better than many of the bishops, particularly those seated at the back of the tiers of seats. Throughout the week, the observer-delegates attend private meetings where experts on the various subjects under discussion consult with them. In these meetings one of the first prerequisites for ecumenical discussions is being fulfilled - that earnest discussions on what each of the bodies believes be carried out in a calm and thorough man_ ner. There 'has been much speculation upon the results of this first confrontation betWeen Catholics and their separated b'rethren at an Ecumenical Council. Both Protestant and Catholic officials hastened to caution those who wrongly believe that Christian unity will pe accomplished at this Council. Beyond Expectations At the same time, however, both groups have expressed some surprise at the great s'teps already taken toward Christian unity. A few, indeed, have expressed amazement that, when they had stripped off the heavy layer of polemic which has accumulated they found that there was a broader basis for agreement than they had expected earlier. Before recounting some of the views expressed by several Protestant observers, it is necessary to make some distinctions. First of 'all, most of the non-Catholic denominations represented at the Second Vatican Council are of the traditional Protestant heritage. . While the traditional Protestant churches accept Holy Scrip_ ture as the basis for their faith they do not generally believ~ in a literal, word-for-word interpretation of the Bible as do the more fundamentalist Protestant bodies. Fundamentalists CabO And, most 'important of all the traditional Protestant chur~hes regard the multiplicity of Christian confessions as a scandal The fundam_ntalists, generally 'have .no such qualms. In fa~ many of the, latter regard this proliferation as a benefit. ' As a result,there has beenwithin those more traditional bodies which are affiliated with the World Council of Churchesa tendency to draw together and there have been several mergers within those ranks. On the other hand, the more fundamentalist ' gro~ps have organized t-o oppose ecumeniciSin. Most of the impetus for Catholic-Protestant ecumenicism has come from two areas-Northern Europe and the mission fieldsAsia and Africa. In Gefmany particularly, there has been ~ great tide of ecumenism, basically among the Catholic Church and the Evangelical or Lutheran bodies.

FORTY HOURS DEVOTION Nov'. 18-St. Stanislaus Fall River. ' Our Lady of the Isle; Nantucket. Nov. 21-St. Catherine's Convent, Fall River. Nov. 25--St. Anthony, Mattapoisett. . St. Anne, New Bedford. Dec. 2-St. John' the Evangelist, Attleboro. Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, New Bedford. Dec. ~St. ,Margaret, Buzzards Bay. Our'Lady of the Immaculate Conception, East Brewster.

Attending the Council is an Evangelical pastor who is a representative of an active, although not powerful, group of laymen and clerics who are committed to reunion with Rome. However, as the pastor explained, this group is remaining within the Evangelical bodies to work for a return of the entire Lutheran confession to the See of Peter. Catholic Comment Several Catholic clergymen have commented that they were sympathetic with the objective's 'of this group, who believe that their experiences over a period of about 50.0 years have some value and could be fitted into . WOMEN GATHER :D:N DETROIT: Representing every the universality of the Church. nook and corner of United States, delegates jam Detroit The Catholic clergymen note that ~his is not a question of doc- for the 31st convention of the National Council of Catholic trine as much as a matter of Women. The crowd size increases each year. Left to right: discipline and forms. Mrs. Jerome P. Cavanaugh, wife of Detroit mayor; Mrs. But the Catholic clerics beCleve Masson, delegate who is also 1962 Mrs. America and lieve that this effort is doomed to failure and that it would be Mrs. Arthur L. Zepf of Toledo, out-going president. better if the Church, acting in Council, would establish special rites-such as the Eastern rites which today are in communion with Rome-which would facilitate the incorporation of this . C«llthiO>!j~ Uinloveli'sity Cites ConhibutioU1l particular group into the Church. Of N~toOll'il'S 81-YeCifr Old IK C Head It is known that this possibility is being seriously considered at He cited the Knights' Catholic WASHINGTON (NC) the Council. Advertising Program, the s0This group represents the most Supreme Knight Luke E. Hart ciety's construction of the bell favorable promise for the suc- has accepted in behalf of his brother Knights of Columbus tower at the National Shrine of ce~ of the' ecumenical move,the Immaculate Conception and ment. The attitudes of the other the highest honor of the Alumni the library at St. Louis (Mo.) Association of the Catholic Uniobserver-delegates' range from University which the Knights versity of America. this point to one of hope for The St. Louis attorney, head equipped with microfilm copi~s closer relations between the faiths outside the fabric of of the Knights since 1953 and ,of the Vatican Library's contheir· supreme advocate for the tents. organic union. Hart said that the many propreceeding 31 years, was cited 'Observers lEnth.usiastic by the association Jor his work jects performed by the Knights This latter viewpoint was ex_ in behalf of "the spiritual and in behalf of charitable and repressed by a Baptist clergyman, temporal welfare and enrich- ligious age n c i e s' since their who is connected with a state ment of his fellow man." founding in 1882 suggest that Council of Churches. Even he, "the Catholic layman, his inPathway to God however, did not discount the The 82-year-old Hart was terest in his Church, his country possibility of eventual reunion. given the association's Cardinal and the welfare of his' fellow He did remark that it would not men, are not entirely new phecome, in any case, in the lifetime Gibbons, Medal, named in honor nomena, nor have they lacked of James Cardinal Gibbons, ot" any person living today. substantial expression." The reactions of the observer- Archbishop of' Baltimore and one of the' founders of the nadelegates toward the Second Vatican Council generally have tional Pontifical university here. Hart, accepting in behalf of FRIDAY - St. Gertrude been most enthusiastic. They the all Knights, noted tha,t Cardinal remark, without fail, upon the Great. Virgin. III Class. White. kindness and openness with Gibbons praised the K of C in Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; 1904 because they "hold their which they are being treated. Common Preface. ' religion aloft as' a torch to atThey have been most amazed SATURDAY St. Gregory the with·,the openness, the diversity tract wanderers in the dark and Wonderworker, Bishop a'nd and the differences of views to i 11 u min e their pathway Confessor. 'III Class. White. toward God." " which they see in the closed ses_Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; The Supreme Knight pointed sions within the basilica. Most Common Preface. ", out that the fraternal benefit of them have admitted that they SUNDAy-XxIII Sunday After society of Catholic men has came.to Rome expecting to find Pentecost. II Class. Green. the monolethic Church of their carried out many projects in Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; fulfillment of the Cardinal's obimaginations, with all of the Preface of Trinity. bishops "rubber-stamping" all servations. MONDAY - 81. Elizabeth of that was placed before them. Hungary, Queen and Widow. (The term "rubber-stamp" is 'III Class. White. Mass Proper' theirs.) They have been most Gl()ria; Second Collect St: impreSsed by the fact that,there In Drive on Smut PontiailUs, Pope and Martyr; has been considerable disagreeCHICAGO (NC)-5even perno Creed; Common Preface. ment over various matters on sOns accused of selling obscene TUESDAY-St. F~lix of Valois the agenda. literature were arrested here in Confessor. III Class. White: Gap ,Closing a stepped-up campaign againSt Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Only a few years ago, they the sale of smut. Common Preface. were using the term "betterreThe seven were arrested on WEDNESDAY - Presentation of lations. between the faiths." Now, warrants obtained by the police the BlesSed Virgm Mary. III almost to their surprise, they department's organiZed crime Class. White. Mass, Proper; find themselves thinking, of division, directed by James Gloria; no Creed; Preface 01. eventual reunion. The' same is Riordan. He said issuance of the Blessed Virgin. true of many Catholic bishops, warrants was the first in 11 There seems to be a deep and series of steps planped against THURSDAY-8t: Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr. III Class Red. mighty' current flowing in the peddlers of smut. ' Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; affairs of men which is carrying Riordan said a list of all stores Common Preface.' all with it to the final goal of selling books and magazines is Christian union. being prepared for distribution The feeling everywhere in to district officials, ,who will AUB~RTINE, Rome is that the world stands on make periodic checks of the the brink of a new area. The stores. Dealers' will be held reperiod following the Reformation-the splitting of large sponsible for the reading matter sold in their stores, he stated. HfI'on Aubertine Braugh bodies of believers away from Owner and Director the See of Peter and the Catholic reaction to this unfortunate Spacious Parking Area rift among brothers--now apWY 2-2957 IJears to be drawing. to a close. FUNERAL HOMIE, INC. 129 AileD St. New Bedford There are a few glimpses now of R. Marcel R07 - C. Lorraine Roy a new and different time ahead. Rosrer LaFru.ne. It has been suggested-and the FUNERAL DIRECTORS belief is growing daily-that the OIROURKE Second Vatican' Council has as16 IR VINGTON CT. sembled as midwife to this new WY 7-7830 era. But it may be many years 571 Second St. NEW BEDFORD before anyone can truly assess Fall River, Mass. what the Council has done and 111£ ANCHOR OS 9-6072 what this new era holds for the seCond Class Postage Paid at Fall IlIwer world. ,MICHAel J. McMAHON Mass. Published every Thursday It 410 Meanwhile, as one 'bishop reHighland Avenue Fall River Mass by tile llcen.ed Funeral Director Catholic, Press of the Diocese of Fall River. marked: "It's a tremendous time Registered Embalmer Subscription price by mall, pos4laAl $4.01 , to be in Rome." per year.

Hcghest Honor for



Mass Ordo

Make Seven Arrests

,\ FUJrnerOJI Home·


Funeral Home

STEUBENVILLE (NC)A Polish refugee priest said here he has learned of the r&moval of Sisters from convents and their interment 11:\ special camps in Red-ruled Poland. Father Marion S. Mazgaj, now' a professor at St. John Vianney'.!1 Seminary in Bloomingdale here ,in Ohio, made the report 'in am article in the Steubenville Register, newspaper of the diocese. "In September of this year" he wrote, "the Polish comm~ nists began the liquidation of convents and other institutions run by the Sisters. "The Sisters from the confiscated convents and institutions are sent to locations similar to concentration camps, where nuns of various orders are now being forced to live together, separated from society. These camps are actually the remains of ghettos created for the Jewish population under the Nazis during the last war." He call~d it "the kind of persecution that communist Poland manages to a great degree te hide from the eyes of a :free world." He said most of the removabJ of the Sisters have been accomplished by trickery to avoid violence and the possibili ty crl publicity. He gave as an example the removal of Felician Sisters from their convent in Wawer whero communist officials told protesting townspeople, who were armed with sticks and stones, that the Sisters were suffering from cholera and were beill8 taken to a hospitaL

@ives ~(QJtdI o~ et~lJ»@!?fh£

Ollil VlWfroe(QJ1J'i)


NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Arch.. bishop John P. Cody, New Orleans archdiocese administrator. has launched a weekly radio reo: port to the people of this area Oli! the Second Vatican CouncJll directly from Rome. The Sunday afternoon progrlJms have been made possible through the cooperation of area radio stations which arranged for the broadcasts from Rome over long-distance telephone lines.




The following films are to be added to the lists in their respective classifications:' Unob.iectionable for general patronage: The Day Mars Invaded the Earth; The Great Vaa Robbery; Kill or Cure. Unobjectionable for adults and adolescents: All Night Long. Unobjectionable for adult.: Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner.

JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN FuneralO....e ISO Locun S&. Fall RIver. Man.

OS 2-2391 Rose E. Sullivan Jeffrey E. Sullivan

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Fall River, Mass. Tol.


os ~,



UcenGe<. Funeral Dlreclo, and Rogislorod Embalmo,

De D. $eUaVeaD & Sons FUNERAL, HOME 469 lOCUST STREET 'AU RIVER, MASS. OS·2·3381 WIlfred C. Jam. I. DrhceII Sullivan. h.

TtfE 'ANCHOR,",urs., Nov. 15, 1962

Ontario Bishops Seek CathoUc: Educatiorrn A~d TORONTO (NC) - The Catholic Bishops of Ontario have called on the provincial government to give Catholie

u. N.




R~d C~~[]'i1@

schools the same treatment givea. public schools. The Bishops, ina brief distrib.., med by the English Catholic Education Association of On'tario, said Catholic "separate" lSChools have "a right to develop :In the same manner as the seeular schools." .They added~ "There can be no question of our desire to meet tbe highest conceivable stand_tis. Our financial ability to do 1m may soon be called into question if we do not receive the 'financial assistance in the same proportion as that which is given to' the secular public schools." Ask Tax SbaIr<ll Copies of the brief were sent ifn Ontario Premier John Robarts, members of his government and members af the OntaIlia Legislative Assembly. The document argues that in fllct "the Roman Catholic school fs as much a public school as is t:he secular public schoo!." . It calls for adjustments in such matters as the manner in which taxes collected for eduoation from corporations are distributed and the administratron of the new Technical and V1lcational Training Assistance Ad. Largest GI."()UP Under the latter law, the Federal government pays 75 per' eent of the cost of building schools constructed by agreement between the provincial and ll'"Cderal authorities. The ·brief eomplains that up to now "not one cent of this Federal money bas been expended on Roman .",.,.:.««. ,' . '. Catholic institutions." ~ .0",The document points out that , .DAMPENED SPIRITS: Having his strolier blessed with Holy Water seems to dampefficial statistics for 1961 show ilhere are 1,919,914 Catholics ill ell the spirits of Daniel Saldanai. The tot obviously does not share the enthusiasm of Ontario, more than 30 per cent many Salinas, Calif., residents· who had their inanimate objects blessed by Father Humcd: the population of the province, berto Hermoso of Christ the King Mission during a two-week Crusade of Hope in the making them the largest reli- California town. NC Photo. tous group in Ontario. "The principle that these &tholics have the right to their own schools is already beyond Question," the brief says, ading: '"What remains to be settl~d is whether Catholic children are to have equal opportunity with the' BROOKLYN (N C) - ' The .backing of New York's Liberal child in school. The money could other children of the province." be spent at the school of the :DTew York branch of the Citi- party. p'arents' choice. . Larg_ Plurality . for Educational Freedom. claims six of. the eight candiStresses Physica I . "The battle in the Nintb· DisBack 'Rockefeller dates it backed have been trinct," CEF _ supported candidates said Murphy, "was Care Patients elected to Congress. Thiis result purel~ a test of strength be-' who won are: Delaney, Hugh MIAMI BEACH (NC) - A h8s been reported by Mark tween the pUblic-schQols-only' L. 'Carey, James. R. Grover, priest said here that Catholic: MUl"Phy of Flushing, N.Y., na-. forecs of the Liberal party and, Steven B. Derounian, Frank J. physicians and nurses have all tlonal CEF vice-president, non- the POAU and the aroused Becker and William E. Miller. obligation to provide spiritual sectarian organization which parents and friends of children Candidates endorsed by CEF as well as physical care for suf_ favors inclusion of parochial in independent schools." who lost are: Arthur J. Mcschool pupils in proposals for fering and dying patients. 'Delaney, who won reelectiol1 Crossen and James Donovan, Father Charles McFaddea, Federal aid to education. CEF by the largest· plurality in his the Democrat's candidate for the O.S.A., philosophy professor at favors tuitiQ~ grants to parents. career, is the sponsor in the senate who was defeated by Villanova University, spoke to . House of the CEF - backed sen. Jacob K. Javits. Delaney Triumphs hundreds of doctors, nurses, and CEF also backed Gov. Nelson 'N1e New York CEF was the "Junior GI Bill" for Federal hospital personnel at a Comonly branch of the 25,OOO-mem- aid to education. It would grant Rockefeller and Lt. Gov. Malmunion .breakfast after the an, her national organization t-o en- 0; flat $20 to parents for ea()h colm Wilson, both of whom nual White Mass sponsored here were victorious. by members of the Catholie dorse candidates, although other chapters publicized candidate's Physicians Guild. Bedford GMnd "Our Catholic doctors and . positions on Federal aid, espeThe New Bedford Catholic cially in Michigan, Missoud, lIlurses are so often dedicated Guild for the Blind will hold a <to the physical care of our Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, Ken- meeting tonight at 8 o'clock at tueky, Rhode Island, Connectipatients that they frequently the Knights of Columbus Hall, leave much to be desired in cut and New York. New Bedford. . Murphy singled out the reearing for them spiritually," election of Rep. James Delaney Father McFadden said. Catholic !hospitals exist to render needed of New York as a key victory. Murphy said that Delaney, ~hysical and spiritual care to whose vote in the House Rules those entered," he added. Committee in 1961 killed the Famous for our Prime major proposal for Federal aid Remember Aged Charcoal Broiled to public schools, was actively opposed by Protestants and PreBate in Rome Steaks - also Roast other Americans United .for VATICAN CITY (NC) - A Separation of Chureh and State Beef • Sea Food mass was offered in St, Peter's (POAU). He also lost the basilica in memory of a Ukrainian archbishop who had been Dancing Every Saturday persecuted by both the Nazis and The 'KEYSTONE Nite to the Music of the Communists. Office Equipment Henry Cottrell and his The 15 Ukrainian bishops in Orchestra Rome for the Council took part Salesroom in requiem services for ArchNEW AND US~D bishop Andrew Szeptykyj of . Planning A Wedding. Shower. Bon. WooiJ and Steel Desks and cbalrn' Lvov who died on November 2, o •• the extra steel filing cabinets. lockers. sh'lJv. quet or Meoting-Call our Banquo' 1944, at th~ age of 79.. Ing. tnbles. storagG cabinets. safes. in1Jour . Dopartmont for dotaile. ACl Partloo wnrdrobes. etc. The prelate won a reputation 81wpping cart at ,lIIivow our El<port Anont;on-CaO 108 Jam"" lln World War II as a special friend and protector of Jews, ' ~ ~ Jlea~tr~~lon low prices. TOP quality MAVFAItl 4-9888-4-9979 many of whom he kept from i . Y ~.,," Top Value stamps. Extra services imprisonment or death when the ~ NewBedford Friendliest people to serve you • ~U (6i"@ll'tIdJeJ~~ ~e1. 'ii'hf(o)~~@Il\J, CU. ~ WY 3-2783 Nazis occupied thG Ukraine (1941 to 1943).


Propo~ents Back Victors Claim Six Wins in, Eight Contests

School ,Aid





WASHINGTON (NC) The specter of a truculent eommunist China holding a, second communist veto in the United Nations Security Council has been fended off for another year. Much to the relief of Washington, the United Nations defeated for the' 13th consecutive time a move to give China's UN seat to the communist government of the mainland. The United States, which had led the fight each year against admission of the Peking govern_ ment to the world organizati9n dedicated to peace, expressed "gratification" at the 56-to-42 vote of rejection. Twelve nations abstained. Outright Refusal This year, as in the session of the past year, the vote wac outright refusal to seat the communists. In 11 previous sessions, the assembly had voted, with a dIminishing margin between yeas and nays, to postpone consideration of the question of seating. Those in favor of seating Red China were mainly the communist bloc, including Cuba, the Asian and most of the Arab countries, joined by the three Scandinavian countries, the United Kingdom, seven African countries formerly under British administration, and Guinea and Mali. Opposed were the U.S., the Latin American countries, the rest of Europe, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, and }5 French-speaking African countries. Portugal - which has not hidden its disenchantment with its NATO allies since India's invasion of Goa and the belaboring it receives in the UN OIl the subject of its African possessions - was among those abstaining.

FaH River K of C Fall River Council, Knights of Columbus, will hold annual me_ morial services for departecl members at 8 Monday night, Nov. 26. The council announee. a meat pie supper at 6:30 Saturday night, Nov. 24. Both activities will take place in council headquarters

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.~ "j

THE ANCHo.R,...D,focese,of Fall; Riv.er,-Tlhu rS'1I Noyl.. 1,5), 1:9-62~


C@rro~J~f~; Cat~wOgc; ,(lJJ lfi)a~~(f1~o,lilI H@~

] D@~,O)$~n.a~e.~t$, By' Father' JoHn L.. THomas;,

lJEOPOLDVII!.J:,E; (N~ -A. thousand; students. from' three continents, have. enrok: led: at, the: G:atholic~ UniveJ1:lo~


A:sstt SooiologYI ll.'li'of,-Sti. lDouis_ lUhiv.ersitYJ

sitY. of; Lo:v:anium, here, in· tho, Congo. : "Yom: view:s on dating' donft. make! sense:. MY.' class;. Msgr. Luc.. Gillon,; the, univei!'-' mates and' I'. often talk: about youn' anmcle$ andl ~e~v.e: i,usti. sitY-,'s rector; formally openecll, a:Bou.t' reached'. the conclusion: than y'oum~ like? iti if[ ~e, nev.e!'.' the, institution:s. ninth academw; year at, lL con:v:ocation ceremo~ ~ted~ at alL Our. par-ents. read ~hat: y.ou: w.r:ite~, and' tliis, on. the, camp.us. here attended bv' makes it very difficult. for. automatedl socie.l;iy; 1'~q!lll'es; long, Gongolese Prime Minister CY1""' us; Don:t Y.OU know that yeal'S; of; form all edilcatiim, and: ille Adoula, Chief United N~ dating is' here' to stay. 1i training;. togetlier, witli. tHe, detions· Representative,· Robed K. What's so wrong' with it?'" velop.mentt of; a' sensel oE resp'on;.-· Gardiner of.: Ghana" members 0:2,. One of.' the marks of' maturity,. sibility,;. sel£.:.oont1'o11 and: disci;'· the diplomatic. corpS) and gov,;., Karen, is the ability to. grasp. pline.. ernment' officials· .' distinctions. If Dating. is, ve1'y: attbactive; y;et·: Sixteen. countries- are. rep~ you and your youthls, available time;. ·energy; .sented, on. the; 171~member' fa~, classmates will andi scope- of:' inter.est~ al'e, necesulty, which,includes;two,Congo-' reread what I sarilY-,' limited, so, matt anytliing: . lese lecturers. Five. Americaoo, more' tlian' casual: Ol'" random. h a v e written will teach, in, the fields,o£' medL. about. dating, r dating: up.; thl'Ough~ highl schooh cine, sociology', economics anell think. y.ou will mustt liinder' adeq)late' develop'i-' English. Lovanium's, first AmEn?discover that I ment'o fon modenn life:. lean. woman' instructor' will teach distinguish . beVariety;, of! ~atter.nsc mechanics'. and higher rna the.-' tween various' 'IlliirdJ. because·altimnate·for.msl matics: wpes; of dating: off seek-ing; entertainment! are' no: Amit Women.. andldating p1'ac10ng!ID' sUlmliedj. thel patt'er-n. oF Msgr. Gillon announced that twes! pointing: early'> and; tool fteqllentt dating; for; the first.time. Afnican:w.omeu~ out! that some~ inevitaOlYI Ie'8ldlsl ttJ> steady; ,-_. d d t . .NJID~' MiEMBF>m:. HolY,· Name~ SOcie-Hw memBers' <YfJ students;, two1Congp!ese'and twO) are' useful,. some- may. u= ani- . a m g ! . " 3 J geFOUSj andl some- are' do.wnnightl Y;oung~ p.eop'lel feeH tliey't' must! Saer.ed; Erear.t:; nanisnl' Nontn1 .A\ttlebono;. make~ nome! visit Nigerians" hav.e' beenl admitted: to,:fu.lL.time~universitystudy. He immoral: Since: I apparently' hav.e, dates~ if.' tHeyI ar~l to' share:. to~ l1eaeiMe' in:v.alii:U as, ne'-\\' memBen;. R'rom; le£t}; R"ev:: E}ilrnond also· said, that~ more~ than 150. haven!t succeeded; in; making' my! im sociill life;., and; smc,el tHeYt . no. Dic}{.ihsonl, cnanlailr;, Ge:mrd~ D'esile1!sl;; Ni>rman~ Quellette"; Africans}fl'Om, outside, the. Congo: osition clear, I'll. restate: my? . nomnalIYi lack{ 5elffassurance, T, ~ P Uvuis R"OM.:" have enrolleIl: He nredictcd Ii' IWneral. v:iews, on, the' subj~cto. andi p'lrto)fii.c:ile~l1lc=y';rin. maK·ing; totaltenrollmenti of.::3,OOOJ by. 197W. ,1:0, lendt some: perspective, to· friends;, they'l find! itt safer- andJ . The' rector, outlined: in' His ad,l., what 11m' going, to, saY', I shall. less; bother-some- to, fix, om one' dress· the: university's, mul$. begin wHh an historical note,. padnen: million dollar building program\ Cur-rent. dating{ pattenns are, 'llli~ temm steady.' dating, has:, which includes1pr-ep.aratbry cenneither universal nol" inevitable: several; meanings, A)mong, young; terS" p'lannedl fOl!, Stanleyville, Dating, especiallyI teen _. agj!' peop'le' whO! canlhave'no; thought: ~@lMm@17.ll~e@~] !f1if@rY ~~S) 5t:l1Jl:@l@;mrtf$3 t~ ~<dnm:Il?,t! . Bukav.u andl Leopoldville: dating;, is' confined. chiefly., to) ofl immediate· marl'iag~i, it.' lias;

~:rn~~$) l~i~~:[fm1 cm.mrdJ ~@m~e~~(r1d}

America. and is, of relatively, re".· cent origin. Porior, to World. W:ar I,. dating actiyities, wel'e generally. asso,.. eiated only with coUrtship, or. the p'1'oximate occasion of. S&!ecting a. ma1'riage· partner.. . ~'I1est. Flights'. As entertainment, and social life- became less, family-centered· during the p'eriod, betw,een. the two world, wars" the unmarried, began to dev:elop; thein o.wn. pat,.. tern. of l'ecreation. outside the: liomej and this increasingly, took, the form of dating aimed chief:1y at entertainment and companionship rather than mate aelection. Following' World, War. II" this, new form of dating gained: l'apid. acceptance among~ ev:en younger" age gJ:oup's, so that it is· now tIle· maj.or means· of. p.ai'ticipating, in. social: life from, g1'ade school 00. marriage.. Considered in terms of. our.' present social structure, dating may serve several useful p'ur,.. ROseS:, companionship, entertain_ ment, participation in group activities; andt "social" education, inasmuch as' it offers young people the opportunity to associate on a familiar sooial basis with: a gradually. expanding circle of acquaintances. In this sense·eanlY.' dating may be thought of as' a series of trial runs or. test flights preparator.y to fun; adult. participation in social life. OR,en, to. CrJtioism Now; K'aren;although dating eould serve such', highly useful purposes, I think, y;ou, will' have to agl'ee that. sever-ali features of the currentl pattenn are open to serious, cr.iticism, In the' fir.st, place,. dating is initiated· tOOl early in', the lives of most y,oung p'eople. Itt frequentl~ oegins im grade school, being accepted and: oftem en;" eouraged. by.· shallo.w.-minded parents and'teacliers, sa that by , the time boys and! girls are sophomol'es· in high, schooL they are,expected to be dating~rather eonsistently;, , Second, young people date. too frequently, Adult success. and happiness in our complex technically advanced, incre~singly

New Mo.the.r.h(!)use Y0UNGSmOW-N' (NC),- Con_ otruction, has started on' a, $1 million motherhouse and educational center for the Ursuline Sisters here! in' Ohio:' It is, expected the l:iuilding will be completed within 18' months., The new structure will replace two ursuline· convents here.

come' ttll inclilde' al var.ie1:J'; ofi patterns;. rangj,n~ £floml thE!' con,. venientl agreement\ thatt a: gj,vem pair' cam safE!l~ relYI om each.:!, other. for.: datesj. to, the! ex:clusiv.e;r affectionate;. andi intiinate· assaiciation· on a' coup.le, wHich: differs in' no' way· from) steady: dating; during, courtship. This latter form' of' steady' dating: is psycliologiCally. and. morally dangerous, fan', normal: y';olingste1's. cannot. engage,. in, such dating activities without becoming emotionally and sexually involved. ' Disregards FactS Finally', an anal'ysis of. the, modern dating system as here defined reveals an amazing. diS:':. regard of the knowmfilctl:l<of'life, of the fundamental needs of adolescence, and. of; tHe' oBvious demands ofr €hrJ.stdall' morality·. We may assume that! A:mericam youngstens are sexually, normal. We must also· acknowledge that 8 technically' adyanced 00ciety. requires. botH boys, and. girls·' to· undergo, an. ever.' in,.. creasing p.eriod of serious formal: study. and training, I;>efore they. are' prepared; to, take' their- placein· the' a~ult.. community.. We do not need'. the. lea·rningI of, a skilled, theologian' to l'ecog;-. nize that the willfUl exposure: of. youth to: pr.olong\'!dj relitti'vely" unsup.ervised, intimate: cross-· sex associations, is monally evil;. Yet premature. and, frequent'! dating, together with the. p'rac". tice of" steady dating, clearly ignore' alh these' fads; and prill'. cip.les. . r think, Karen, that if. you. and.Y,:our classmates take, a, more , adequate. v~ew, off present. dating( p'ractioes, considering them il1l terms· of meaningfill' life-goals} and ChrJ.stian. moraI: principles ~ou'll be less inclined to di8~: agree wJ.th my' p'osition..


Deni.es) He:'p, fo,r? €hu:r.ch Rep:airr

QUEBEC, (NC»)- TJ1e,Q!lebee~ government' does not' subsidize! the' buildingT or- repair' of! churcheSj. vjllagersdn the' Gaspe! a1'ea have, been informed1. Fishermen of the, villag~ of! Gros Morne, too poor. to finance: such work, had appealed for' helt)' to' QueJjec Premier J'"eam Lesage. Condition. oft the, church. was stated, to, be. denlorable.. A. woman parishioner, req!lestedl that the government build a new churcH for tHe village or at least, repair the. existing church. Premier Lesage said ilie gov-· ernment~does· not! andi could notl begin to subsidize churches.

~illJ[(li'.@'lrll:ll'I WCri'nfir~n) ~CU~:~:nll @:~IllLil"[(<i1IB] lJlieJi'll'il'$) .


MffiW.1\!UroEID; (INC)~Student> j,our:nalists, ha:v:el been: ur,ged. to make' tlie' centrall tlieme' of: the' Viaticam C::ouncili--"reform' and, renewaIt'-tlie;Ul1gent concer.n· adr tHeir; o:\W1lliv.es.. . . The app.eal. came~ from) James O'Gara, managing. editor' of; the Commonweal magazine, NewYork, speaK.ing; atl al three day oonfel'ence: oft students, and' their advisers frop} high schools and colleges throughout the United States. The assembly was sponsored by the.MarQllette. Univer.. sity College of,' Jounnalism, and the Catholic School Press Association.. Slow Application O'Gara, said;that, if there- is' to· be reform and renewal, informed· Catholics' mush particip.ate in ciyjc and. political affairs; applying Catholic social. principles to. the complex'problems.of modern. life. Too. manY" Catholics; journalists included, OlGara said, have' I'!efusedl to, heed papal, guidance· in the social, field. Some of "the loudest· voices, on. the Catholic j.ournalistic scene often. did· not, ih. fact, a~curately reflect papal teaching" in, the last two deeades," he charged. O!Gara told! the' students, that. the· Catholic. iOUl1nalist .who. tries' to make his thinking on temporaL affairs conform. to that. of

26,.26:5 l:n'

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M:ADRID, (N<i:);-Spanisli- Re... ligious throughout, tlie' world· now number 26,265, according to the Spanish Catholic news agency, Prensa A:sociada: In Europe, tliere are 847 men Religious and, 4;7.75 Sisters; iIa Asia, 1,044 and:. 701; in Africa, 403 l\nd 798;. in, America, 8,116 and 9,449; and in Oceania, 5-1 and 81. In all; Sp'ain has 10,461 men and 15,804, w,omen in religious life,




S,[l).f:1l1l1 i ar-dls



!L'a ; ~1N.elr, 'rore,$ter~, . New officer$ oft o.im' Lady, ~ EatimlU <i:ount,. Ealll Riv.er Fopfeelimosttatthome~ esters;, will~. be installed1 at lib CaUiolicS·J have? beenl slow" lie Chl'istmas, pant~· slated for: Wed;Baid:, Un ap'p'IYf €liristian' prinoi;' nesday' Dec: 51 at!: the~ CMholm: pIes, tol concrete" events e~en €ommunitY., Genter:. TJIey< intliough. the ChtHolic position clude,M8llY. BetlllEteemanj chi0f1 might> De' qllite' clear- on such prol:ilems, as. integration' or tHe· ranger; Daniel, MCDonald I viee-, dutieS' of, the! rich, nations· of thtP. chief rangilll; ~thleen. Pache~, wor1d~ toward· the, have-not', n~ . secretlll'Y.; William~ Cote; treIP SUl'8£'. tions. Vital" Foree He· urged the students to make room' im them p'ublications, 'for commentl on raciill~ iustice" on liturgical reform, on the Peace Corps, foreigm aid and obligations tol the·' underdeveloped areas of the world. A\ €hicago' newspaperman, John' K'uenster' of; the· Daily Ne.ws; told· the' students: tliatf Southeaster:nl Massacl1usetts' newspapers will continue as' ll; Largest Indep.endent. Chain' ,) vitar force' in AnteriCR .even, though Uiey are figliting'for:life' ~~G) $l'TO~[ES in an,economy'where only U the' large, the> strong' and the diverI:We.G.iveo·Gold~ Bond'Stamps~ J sified sur.vive;"·

the' Church; willi often; findl Hiin.. self; a1 strang~. wlierel he' shoulii


I iAsks Ita.ts LegaI ':'-' . . I (,1lJ.Uppo r. rt .' Of.1llC.e.rs ~On IPray.er :Issue ANNAPOLIS

II a ry I'a n d

J N.C ) -


Gen. Thomas B. Finan has urged theattom~ysigeneralat the other 49 states to join him in ·.king <the ·.'UiS. 'Supreme Court 'to upholli (the constitutionality of reoiting the Lord's 'Prayer and reading "from :theBlble in IPUblicschools. Finan, In 'Q personal letter to each attorney ·general in the cation, ·said 'ilhe ··threat Of war b. the Ouban crisis "has made .iU moreappareI\t than ever that the world Is dependent on God's . !help if we are to survive." He asked the attom~ys gene:ral to "urge on the Supreme '~urt the proposition that the ~luntary use of prayer in the ::::ation's public schoolo la not til violation of the Constitution d the Uni1:ed States." iOe:Je Penelling Finan's letter invited the state liegal office:rs to join .with him. :l:n an amicus curiae (friend of fhe court) brief in Bcase no.w f!)ending before the high court. In that .case, a Baltimore woman is, challenging the concrtitutionality of Bible reading ond reoitation oftbe Lord's ~rayer in public schools. The SupremeCow.:t agreed to consider the .case. At the same iiline, it a~eed .to consider a .I?ennsylvania case centering on a challenge to Bible reading in ~blic.schools.

.MUlions Disturbeil The court's decision '.iD. these cases (ani perhaps in a similar .ase fron I Florida, which it has ~een ask.ed to :review) kI ex~ted to OOlp clarify its (deci~~n of last June ,25, 'when 'it .~ledagainst :a. prayer 'pre~ribed fQ1' public· school reci'btion .in New York ~State. Reforringto that case' in his (~ttor, Finan saidfue .couct's :ruliM had "disturbed· millions of Americans." He noted, however, that in the (New York case "the .court has ~pressly held .unconstitutional .EmIy a prayer compoCfld by [;Nblic oMicials."

U~.@~s ~eeach~rr~ H@V'"S~~odl F¢!]at~ LAFAYETTE ,(NC). The .~tholic -school teacher must 1'90ssess a knowledge.of her Faith as thoroqgh ,asher professional ittainil'lg, some.650 jeachev8 were ~ld here. Father Peter Dunne, ·O.P., Q teacher .a,t Mount Carmel Aca. demy, New .Orleans, told the onnual institute of :teacheJ:s in 'ilie Dioce::e of Lafayette here in ,I:nuisiana: "Unless the Catholic teacher, ttaligious or .1aY,has SI thorough knowledge .of his ,faith, com:Elarable .in ,:extent to his profgssional tr-8ining, ·119 .eannot perform 'his .task. "More importantly, spiritual eompetence ,demands the .exemIillary practice. of. one's faith, ac.cording .to.one's ·state in life, and a sincere and continued effort .to stt'ive after pel1fection,particulalllythrough ,the apostolate ,0£ teaching."

-Says S,econd ~Co.uncII To cClariry IDoctrine

North Attleboro Mother RejJorts on ,Journey To .See M~ssionary Son in ,Philippine Islands

:THE ,ANCHORThurs., Nov. '15, 1962

By Marion Unsworth "'They "have ,so 'little. Ifon],y I could'helpilhemmore !"are .the comments of Mrs. Albert Uaboury (of ·North .Attleboro.followjJ)g ,a visit with herson, .Rev. 'Vincent Gabo~ry, a ~olumban missionary ,in the Philippine Islands. Mrs. Gaboury -already has done' qUIte a bIt, for uponherre.turIl .-she held a sale of the many gifts she had received from the people there .ana sent over $500 back ·tothe mission. Father .Gaboury, who has been in the !:Philippines four year(l, is stationed -at Biwangonan, Rizal ·P.rovince, 'S ;fair-sized tow.n which 'h8s a cement factory .which .emplo.Ys many of the population. 'Thi~ Mrs. .Gaboury (e~plains,maken the town,a little :more JprOlJperous .than some, for 'most .communities make·their living'from fishing. Each Sunday ,Father Ga'boury must go,bY' jeep, 'horse or by foot, to two 'barrio missions, Pilla-Pilla and Dur!!gon. 10 Bewangonan :there is .a high school with an enrollment of some 700 wliich is administered by the Columbans, but since there are only ,two priests in ·the parish moot cof .the teaching ia done by laymen, although 'Father Vincentgivea theology instruction there. All ,Giv.e Gifts The picture which Mrs. Ga'boury.br.ought ,back .with .her bears slight resemblance to parish life.in .the United .states. "An the buildings are in need of xepair, especililly :the barrio .missions," she sliid, '~and F.ather holds raffles .andso forth to get the people interested. Th~y .are good people' .and· Nery de.vout although th~ do not attend Sunday Mass asth~yshould, but they do not understand why an American priest 'should ·have need of mO,Dey. 'llhey 'believe Americans :are :all·rich." ''The Filipinostwere very'kind to me,. even (though they are very 'poor and have 'suffered a great deal," she added. "!Every ,single person I :met ·gavemea gift of some kind, no' matter ·how small or large. "They work ,very' hard in the fields, even (the women, 'and 'because they marry very ·young, they look'old ·when they are 35," l'JIrg, Gaboury said, 'as she described some'of ·the weddings. "Weddings are held at a~y time and 'are rather 'helter·skelter. The ·bride and groom, and often there are three.or··four Qt the same 'time, stand 'at the pews and the attendants sit 'anywhere in 'the 'church. 'Mass is celebrated <first and after that ·they move·up,tothe altar. Baptisms are even'more 'heciic," she added,"fO!' they are 'held on fiesta days and ·all the ·babies born since 'the last 'fiesta are brought to 'the :church, 'hundyeds in one dllY." In Father Nincentts church, only about 76 people attend Mass and "the 'peQple readi!y furnish excuses, ·including .Jack of proper <clothes, ·for ·their absence. Mrs. Gaboury ,visited .the Islands. during .their coolest season,.in Janum;'Y, and ,was ,there for nearly .a month. She visited Baguio, where ,the American John Hay Recreation \Base ,was located, se.ven ,miles·~p on .a 'mountain. '~he ride .up, ·.with Bataan on cone side and .Corregidor on the.other, .is,~pectae­ ular, but frightening, .with ·no ,guard rails ,b.etween ,the .naJ:1!'OW ·road ,and the ,hIgh .oliffs." There is. a residence for .priests .At -the .Base, 'as well -as .sf. :Lows school, run ~nuns Ito ,teach trades to children.

.CHICAGO .<NC) - Augustin eardinal.Be~, S:J" saldhe believes the. Second Vatican Council will ,provide.a '~clear. exposIWar'Da~e tion" c' Catholic doctrine in the Although Fhlliippine housoo ligbt of.modern.needs,according to a national :P.rotestant .maga- :where two ~O'l' more ;-families ,reIYne. side, are on stilts JOlprotect :the inhabitants·.fromtorrential rains, The Christian .Century, Protthe churches are.onground lev:eL estant ,weekly .published .here, 'Iluoted Cardinal Bea.as saying in Many of the :churches in the on interview that the Council Islands were built centuries ago ""will seek ·to give explanations not in old theological language Ho~yfamliy ,but in,modernlanguages.~ Alumni ,af . Hob' l.E'amilyJUgh "It will 'not present· new. tJ[og,mas ,but will examine existing .School, N.ew ;Bedford, ~will hold (dogmas according'to,t'he.formers, their. annual ChristmaB scbolar·now living can.understand," said ,ship .dance 'fr.om 9.to 1 'Fridily ;Ql.e CaJ:dinal, .who ispreaident might, Dec. /28, :at ,New tBedforrd 'crf the Vatican's :Secretariat 'lor ,Oountr.y Olub. ~tti!'ewW :be Promoting Christian.l.lldQ:. aemi-i'iO£.m8l.


,SALAD LOVERS: To juqge ,from giant size salad set, people in .the .:Bhilippines must be .great .lettuce lovers. It's demonstrated thy Dennis .andEaul .Gaboury, ,brothers of ·Rev. Vietor 'Gaboury, 'S;S.C. p missioner to the Island, and David Gaboury, an~phew. ,Qy the Spanish ~and have ornate statues anda:rcliitecture. In recent ,years 'much work has been .done 'to restore these -historical edifices and preserve them as much as possible. Damage from World War U i3 both physiclil and mental. People .are :still living in what .were erected. as gun emplace.ments,:and ,many ,are leaving the :countr.y 'sections to make 'more money in the cities. MaQY of these rural .areas .are .almost .inaccessible. One ·that rFather (Vincent visits .whenever ,he 'has .the ,0ppOI:tun- . ity can· be 'reached ·.only .bY boat, 'and ,then only,dulling the season \when the d:v.er is low. His ,mother ibraved this treacherous . .river during 'her 'stay :tosee the

Germa n ,Diocesan ·SociaISe:minars iAtt",a,ct

'seven German dioceses. The diocese o.f Muenster set "p .thefirst seminar in 1950, and the others have been patterned on its model. During the first 10 years the social seminars'graduated2,500. The program is a comprehensive study of sooiety .and the principles of Catholic social teaching spread over a threeyear period during which the 'participants attend a two-hour meeting each week. Lecturers for the program are specialists in history, economics, industrial and business manage_ ment, employment laws, sociolQgy and Christian social teaching. They include lawyers, business men, economists and priests. Forty-nine per cent of the graduates hold .active positions in Church and charity organizations, 21 per cent in secular bodies such as political parties and trade unions; 17 per cent have honorary positions in Church life; 6 per cent have such positions in the secular sphere.

JJer!5~Y H!@sgJJDU'@JB Ge.ts I$~~~~~~r:llil~


PASSAIC (NC) - St. Mary's HOfjpital here has received two $1,000 State of Israel bonds in payment of a 26-year-old "debt." barrio on .the 'other side. Many Frederick J, Kaiser of 'Passaic of the barrios see ,a ,pniest only who ,promised to assist the hosat fiesta time, for they are 20 pital in 1936 when his s'on WaD and 25 miles away from the main born there, gave the bonds. church. Sister Eileen Teresa, administrator, said the bonds will not be Father Vincent has an unexredeemed, adding the hospital pected assistant in a little old .lady "who must be nearly 90," , "is pleased to have a share in LMrs. Gaboury explains. She the development of Israel.'" comes 'for him whenever ,there is a sick call, and ,wades thro~gh mud and slush with him to the G~O~GE 'M"'MOM1r~~ family who needs him. With all her impressions of the missions and the Philippine people, it seems two are predom_ inant for Mrs. Gabour.y; the goodness of the people, and the desperate needs of the missionaries who must work against such odds to bring 'Catholicism to them.

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Dup.licatir,g Methods

ALBANtY (NC) - Gov. Nelson A. Rocke'fElller ..ofNew York <commendei:!. the 'Catholic Yolith 'Organization 'for 'Preparing its -members ,for '~oitizenship .and leadership" as 'he ,proclaimed 'this week'Catholic 'Youth Organization ''Week in :New York 'State. ,R 'o'c,k e f.ell e r 's proclama:tion saii:!. theOYO program dewe!ops in :young.people the "high ideals .and principles ·that lead them ito !!Ilpreciate their civ.icand social responsibilities." uMore ,than :two million CYO .members ..in the Empire State .have ,benefitted ,from .this g,reat ,and .enlightened program," ,he ,said.


BONN (NC)---"Some 3,500 men and women are taking part in 130 social seminars ·which have been started in

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.Life and Death

of Fall

River-Thurs., N9V. 15, 1962




A matter of life and death. How oten the words are used-and how seldom do fhey really reflect the facts. They are used to dramatize a situation, to express a critical s-tate of affairs, to call · attc jon to a serious matter. But rarely do they tell the literal truth. But here is one instance where they do-the Annual Thanksgiving Clothing Drive. . Strange, isn't it, to think th3lt someone has the means of saving a life thrown in an attic or tucked away in a doset or jammed into a trunk? But it is the literal truth that a blanket, a child's coat, · a few yards of remnant, a worn pair of shoes-these ,can · mean literally life or death to some person in a refugee eamp of Europe or on a sampan in Hong Kong harbor or on the chilly slopes of a mountain in Peru., ' There is really very little necessity of stressing the importance of the Clothing Drive. Through the years the Catholics of America-and their non-Catholic neighbors as well- have donated old but usable clothing and shoes and · blankets for the benefit of the poor of the world. These _clothes are sent to centers where they are sorted and · cleaned and sent by the bail overseas.' And then they are · distributed by workers of the Catholic Relief ServiceNational Catholic Welfare Conference to men and women and children possessing' only one qualification, the only one asked of them-need. \fhnOlA.Clh the uk With thE But it is good for the donors to know exaetly what their gift accomplishes-to try to visualize the smile on By REV. ROBERT W. IiOVDA,·Catholie University the face of an African mother as she is given a bright piece of remnant goods that will mean night-time prot~ TODAy-st. Albert the Great, these draughts, these sips and tion for her children and a sense of dignity for other Bishop, Doctor. Another Mass morsels, when it teaches us that - members of the family. with an appeal for the interces- they do not quench the human It is heartwarming to picture the relief in the faces sion of a great and holy bishop. thirst, that only God as death of Chinese refugees. in Macao as tl1ey are given the blan- Today we pray for our bishops and resurrection bring us to Him kets that mean the difference between life. and death. It particularly in their role as can satisfy our hunger. The ~ is with a sense of awe that the realization comes to the teachers and as judges of ortho- pel is a lesson of His power, and ck>xy and faithfulness., . of the lifEl He promises to those average American Catholic family that Johnny's old shoes Both First Reading and Gos- who make of death a' truq and Jane's last year's sweater will tell some boy ·and girl pel imply that the Christian human act and offering. of another race and color and creed that some Catholie' minister does not fulfill his MONDAY - St. Elizabeth 01 function by condemnation O!' Hungary, Widow. ~'In Your truth boy or girl in America thought of his neighbor in need. negative criticism of doctrine You have humbled me," we sing A matter of life and death. Literally yes. which is incomplete or even in- 'in the refrain of the Entrance



correct. It is by preaching Christ's truth, by holding up high the lighted lamp, that he serves well Reports on National Children's Book Week are telling TOMORROW - St. Gertrude, bow the children are being pushed out of the sections re- Virgin. Though tlfe .Entrance Hymn and Gradual speak served for their books by their parents who are attracted .again of justice and of faithfulby the bright colors and interesting title~ that children's fullness, it is the context whicb books have today. , gives this emphasis its uniquely That is not such a bad thing, either. For if the parents ' Christian characted. The faithare interested in what their children should be reading, fulness, the "justice" required is the children will become attracted also. Every child always not that of a subject toward his but rather that of wedded wants for himself what he sees his parents show an in- master persons toward one another. The terest in. Maybe it is the power of example or just the notes of betrothal and jealousy contrariness of childhood but that isa fact. So the parents (First Reading), of marital should not be ashamed to be found looking at children's union (Gospel), are the domibooks and marveling at how much effort goes into making nant ones. The Church is the .bride of Christ, as her dedicated these attractive. virgins remind us in their way. The high school and conege cry is still. being hear<l-:SATURDAY-St. Gregory the why don't children read through grade school. And the Wonderworker, Bishop, Confesstudent's success and happiness in upper grades still seems sor. The ancient and (to us) to be measured by his desire and ability to read well and strange lesson of the Gospel to-' day is basically only that of fast. . For we humans tend to be Bishop'Wright of Pittsburgh once remarked that next faith. even more o'verwhelmed by our to his baptism certificate he considers his library card personal experience of pain, sufthe most valuable document he owns. For while the one . fering, confusion and complexgave him the Faith, the other has given him the means ity, than we are by the apparent of reading about the Faith and delving deeply into the permanence and stability 'of the mountains. In both cases the anriches of the knowledge of God and man. . swer is not in locomotion but in There is satisfaction and joy in such knowledge. Chil- faith's acceptance of an ordered dren must be drawn gently and quietly by their parents harmony and meaning. to discover such riches in books. . 23rd SUNDAY AFTER PENAnd they are drawn by the example of their parents. TECOST, The' other-worldly. em80 mothers and fathers should look around' the house, phasis and the true mystery of should scan the magazines and books that they themselves Christian public worship does depend on its being celebring in and read, should ask themselves how much like not brated either in a strange tongue themselves they want their children to be-or how dif- or in an unintelllgible way: In ferent. Children's minds and characters are formed by their fact: if we do not immediately home environm~nt-what they see apd hear and absorb, hear and understand the Bible lessons, if the prayers do not both good and bad. elicit by their intelligible content our "amens," if the other texts do not move easily from hearts to lips, we may quite possibly miss the whole point. . The spirit of today!s liturgy and of the coming Advent is captured (and taught) in the First Reading. "We eagerly await a Saviour." Entrance OFU:UCBAL NIEWSIPAPlER Of 'lJ'HIE DiOCESE OIF FAll RuvteR Hymn, Collect, GraduallIymnall pound that other-worldly Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River affirmation into our worldly 410 Highland Avenue heads. Fall R!ver, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 We can .understand so great a PUBLISHER message only because already, in this good space-between, we Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D" PhD. have tasted freedom and we GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER know degrees of liberty and of RGv. Daniel F. Shellaa, M.A. Rev. John P. Driacoll bondage. ' MANAGING EDITOR The liturgy does not encourHugh J. Golden Ilge us to think any the less of

Book Week






,St. Alltllcov's Churell, IteIJ Bedford

I always thought that thai Church was the' one u.... changea.ble thing In this tUIIbulent world. Now everyday'S newspaper refers to all kinds of changes. Why is everyone, the Bishops included, so eagellP to change our religion? Mr. L.n.

So far, the Bishops have only discussed liturgical problemt'l that the Church may face in a changing world. No th i n g has been definitely changed as yet. But let's say that there are changes ·t hat come a -b 0 u t , what wil1 be changed? The essentials!! Of course not. No one can change what God 'hae decided or what our own natuio demands. ,': For instance, no matter whafl we shall always adore God through the Sacrifice of the Mass because this is God's e:.pressed Will and our only truly natural way' to express adequately our adoration. However, how can this esse&tial thing ever be meaningfu'l and available for us? Well, we have greatly changed in the last 2000 years. The essentials aPe the same but the methods used to make this essential something real and vital to our live. must bridge the gap between the essential and our changes. Here, however, there is a danger. Because there are external and secondary adjus~ ments; because the Church hal used every available means to study God's revealed truth moN · deeply and fully, this is not su&. ficient to think that the Church is being swung about like • weather vane.' , . We cannot reduce our religioa to the practice of certain exteri.01' rites or rubrics. ReligiOll would then' become only OU!' habitual way of thinking 01, doing, or repeating certain set actions. Such a traditionalism would become a oomfortable - escape, but not be religion. . Religion is our relationship • God. By revelation we have learned that such a relationship - is that of an adopted son to His 'Father. Yet the conne"ction m ,even more intense for this Father · of ours' gives us sustaining life which an adopted Father cannoL Further, this life 'as a chiH .of God, fellow brother with eveq other creature on earth, is goVerned only by love of God ancl · love of neighbor. Whatever CaD. 'better stir up and express such a love is good. But since we u" ceasingly' change in what we call progress espeCially in education, we must f'md recently adaptive means to express and live our love. . The greatest danger that the Church faces' is that of being rejected because it is thougbll some old, archaic institution made for men a long time ago. It is the Church's work-everywhere, all the time, to' present and live the essentials revealed by the Divine Teacher. For thi1J she must use the means and methods ·that are natural for a particular people, culture, time. Religion must ever.be something real, motivating in everyone'. · life and never something put on, make-believe. The change? Yes, in not what God has said but in how we caB answer better to God's call.

Hymn. Actually, of course, in most of our parishes we do not sing, and the Introit is not iJsed as an ,Entrance Hymn. And this is only one sm.all aspect of the confusion and misunderstanding and hopeless habits which haw reduced Catholic public worship to the level of pious formality. In any case, it is ·the intentioa of the Church to place those words on our lips as we begin the celebration of the Eucharist · today. They express so beautifully the great benefit 01. liturgy. Here God humbles us in :m. ·truth. We fiild our human plaee, . our bearings, our direction whell we turn to Him' as we do ill , public worship. Such a humbling is an elevating of man and not a depression. It is every time a rediscovery of the true dimellsions of human life. . TUESDAY-St. Felix 01 Valois, Confessor. It is in the house · of the Lord, in our public worship; that we grow "like a cedar 01 Lebanon" (Introit). A strange contrast '00 the commonly accepted notion that religion stunt1s human growth and puts an end to human advancement But the Christian insists that it is true and the. liturgy supports him. He insists that without the "open end" of which God's Word assures us (victory over death) even our tremendous advances in science and technol_ ogy are an illusory "growing." But with an open sky and 11 transcendent goal every step on the path of man's earthly domin_ ion over things and nature can be true growth, true offering, a true advance toward the consummation of the kingdom. WEDNESDAY - Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is the presentation of ourselves (and through us all creatures) in the temple of His glory, now in sacramental worship and ultimately in the Beatific Vision, that is the key to worth and value. Only what is offered to the T<aJOIk. ~1J'll Coundl Father, through and with and in VATICAN CITY (NC)-Eng.. the. Son, shares in the blessing of Incarnation and Redemption, Ush-speaking bishops are broa~ possesses its true beautY, its casting talks on the Ecumenical proper goodness. Today's Mass Council over Vatican Radio 0iII reminds us that the glory of Wed n e s day sand SundaYlilt Mary's humanity is in her full through Dec. 5. Bishop John ;r. offering of herself to divine Wright of Pittsburgh will speak: . on December 2. wisdom and divine purpose.



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NOW WE'RE ELEVEN: Th~ 10-child family of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Caron, South Swansea, expanded last Saturday to 11, when eight year old Mak Koo Lim, Korean orphan, arrived by air from his native land after three years of negotiations. Front, from left, Susan, eight; Carolyn,

four; Donna, six; Rosemary, five; Robert, 11. Rear, Lorraine, 16; PeteX'D one and a half; Mr. Oaron; Mak; James, six months; Mrs. Caron; BaX'~ bara, two. Edward Jr.• 19, is serving in the Army. The Carons are tho first family m the Diocese to adopt a Korean youngster.

Caron Family of Ocean Grove Exemplifies Real Charity There/s. Alwcaws Enough in the Kitchen to Fill One More Stomach Continued from Page One passed that with :l;lying colors, then their application for a' Korean boy went to New Yor,k, then to Korea. The family had' a visit of inspection from a representative of the Department of Immigration and Naturalization, they paid for their prospec- ' tive ,son's plane fare from Korea to New York, they they settled' down to wait for him. Meantime their own family had increased to 10 children. They knew their Korean son's name--Mak Koo Lim-his birth_ day-April 4--and even exactly what he looked like. The Fall River Catholic Welfare Bureau. had been sent a snapshot of eight year old Mak at the beginning of negotiations. The Carons borrowed it and had an enlargement made. For months before Mak's arrival it occupied a place of honor in the living room. As a result, when seven of the Caron children accompanied their parents to Idlewild Airport b 'New York last Saturday to meet their new brother, all recognized him with no trouble. Mak was scheduled to arrive at Idlewild 6:30 Saturday morning, :18id Edward, but plane trouble, delays en route and bad weather delayed him until 5:30 that night. As a result, he was almost in a stupor from fatigue. So Many Cars Ris new family was pretty tired too. They were on hapd at the airport at 5:30 in the morning, spent the day sightseeing in Manhattan when they learned there'd be a delay, and finally

Research GII'~n{' WASHINGTON (NC)-8istei' Joan, history professor at Trinity College here, has received an American Philosophical Society :research grant to study the impact of government on Roman Catholic schools in England, during 1870-1900 period. Sister Joan will go to' London early next year for her study.

got home to South Swansea at. 11 Saturday night. Mak sat on the edge of the front seat of the car for the first hour going 'home," said Beatrice Caron. "He couldn't take hill eyes off all the cars on the highway-but.then he kept dropping off to sleep." Seen the day after his arrival, . however, the handsome' little' Korean already seemed well ad_ ; justed to life in Massachusetts.. Although he speaks no English ' at all, he romped' happ'ily with the young Carons and was par- . ticularly fascinated by the youngsters' toy cars and trucks. He attended 'Mass with the' family and "seemed right at home with everything, blessing , himself, using holy water and genuflecting," said Beatrice. She dressed him in some carefully saved clothes of her 11 year old son Robert to go to church. "When he was dressed, we took him to a mirror and showed him what he looked like. He just gasped, he was so pleased with his appearance." Mak's new brothers ·and sisters are James, six months; Peter, one and a half; Barbara, two; Carolyn, four; Rosemary, five; Donna, six; Susan, eight; Robert, 11, and Lorraine, 16. Another brother, Edward, 19, is in the Army, stationed at Ft. Dix, N. J. Legally, the little Korean will be known as Mak Isidore Caron. Isidore is his baptismal name, given him by the Sisters in Korea. Mak is Eurasian, explained Edward-half American and half Korean. "We wanted a Eurasian child because -neither the Koreans nor many Americans want such youngsters." . A Few Marbles "Also, we wanted to give another Korean' a chance at a place in Mak's orphanage. There are so many homeless children in Korea that the orphanages can't accommodate them all-so when one child leaves a shelter, it means that another can be taken


Mak looks well-nourished and is in good health, a tribute to the care 'he received from the Sisters at his orphanage. 'He can't seem to get enough milk, . .though," said Beatrice. "He' drinks glass after glass." She said he arrived with no luggage at all, just the clothes on his back '~and six marbles, two balloons and. two toy cars in his pockets." Beatrice and Edward Caron, soft-spoken and relaxed in the midst of their active brood, aren't the least dismayed at adding number 11 to the family. "We spend between $50 and $60 a week on food," said Beatrice. Weekly consumption of milk runs to 60 quarts and 20 loaves of bread are used for sandwiches, breakfast toast, and the snacks and nibbles beloved of growing children. Fifty pounds of potatoes disappear every two weeks. Edward and Beatrice,are good managers, however. Edward himself built the family's neat and cozy home at 27 Maplewood Avenue, directly across the street from the South Swansea. postoffice where· he has been. postmaster 14 years. Some of the children attend St. Michael's parochial school' and some the nearby public school, while Lorraine is a junior at Mt. St. Mary Academy in Fall River. Mak won't go to school until he's picked up a bit of English. In Korea he completed two grades, but the Carons don't know as yet where he'll be plaCed in school here.

Vatican TV Show NEW YORK (NC - A one hour television documentary on Vatican City is being prepared by the American Br~adcasting Comp~ny for showing on Easter, April 14. The program will tell the Vatican's story through the lives of people who live and work there. It will be shown as part of ABC's "Bell and Howell Close-Up" series.

What has been the reaction of friends and neighbors to the Carons' new son? "When we told peOple what we were going to do, most said God would bless us, but some thought we were crazy," said Edward. " 'Ten children, and you want more!' they'd say."

Moral Obligation ''We look at it this way, though-we're trying to follow Our Lord's ·teaching, 'Suffer the little children to come to Me.'

What we do for youngste1'9 \b done for Him. Also we read io St. James' epistle that we havo a moral obligation to care foli' orphans-and St. Paul tells, ua that we must love our neighboi' -so .we feel we have lots a1 Quthority for what we're doing." The Carons are the first family in the Fall River Diocese to adopt a Korean youngster. They hope they will not be the last.


Pope's Parents


SOTTO IL MONTE ,Italy (NC) -A new school named in honor of the parents of Pope John was opened here in his home town on the fourth anniversary of hiB election to the papacy. The opening ceremonies were attended by the Pope's brother, Zaverio. The school is named for Battista and Mariana Roncalli whose son was born in the . tiny farming village.



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'Advises Adults M-inim,ize War Fear for Sake of Childrer. By Mary Tinley Daly

Dea:.: . Mrs. Daly: What do you think of a teacher who scares children half out of their wits? Our George, eight years old, came home in absolute terror, saying "Teacher said we'd all be dead in two weeks anyhow, so why bother with homework." He couldn't eat his dinner, had nightmares and years my father was overseas. I listen to the radio (it was has been. asking over and would before the days of TV) and over again, "Is it true that would become terrified at what we're all going to be killed?" My husband 'and I have tried to reassure the boy but it does no good. I spoke to the teacher and she said that George had exaggerated the whole thing. She admitted that she had been extremely nervous aft e r the announcement of the blockade of Cuba and "perhaps it was reflected" in :ler attitude toward the children. Don't they teach teachers to keep control of themselves and not let their emotions color the lives of the children in their charge? Mrs. R.B.H. Dear Mrs. R.B.H.: You are right. Teachers have DO right unduly to upset their charges and undoubtedly the teacher in question did reflect her nervousness. She may 'Oll' may not have used the words your son reported, but he got 'the gist of what she was feeling. Certainly they are "taught'" In their teacher-training not to frighten children, but it Is pretty hard to "teach" poise, common lllense and compassion for the feelings of young children. , I rather imagine that you are Dot the only mother who called on this teacher, and that ·by this time she has learned to be a bit more temperate in letting heJl' own fright show through. What to Say Dear Mrs. Daly: I surmise that. your childreB were quite young during World War II. I wonder what you told· them of war? At that time, I was a child o!l 10-12 and during those two

"they were doing to Daddy." Then, .too, there was the fear of being ''bombed.'' Many a night I would hide under my bed" thinking that the air raid practices 'meant we were being bombed. • Mom tried to pretend there was nothing to be afraid of but I often found her crying and P ARENT·STUDENT-TEACHER DAY: Rev. Bertrand Chabot, Sister Mary of Pep.. this scared me more than anypetual Help, principal, Richard Beaulieu, student, and his parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. OctavEl thing else. It's a period I wouldn't want Beaulieu participate in the annual Education program at St. Anthony's High SchooJ,. . to live through again or have New Bedford. Parents saw the opportunities offered their children. . my children live through. Now that we are all in. II period of tension, what do you recommend that we tell our curriculum for 'physically anell CLAYTON (NC) - Parochial' he was prohibited by law from children? giving an opinion unless he was mentally handicapped children. Mrs. K.L. schoo) pupils in St. Louis CounSpecial buses from the distrid ty are being denied admittance requested to by the head of a Dear Mrs. K.L.: to the Special School District state agency or a member of take each pupil to and from The other evening on TV, I the legislature. classes. heard a child psychiatrist take for Handicapped Children, an Baine represents a group of up this subject-perhaps you did .attorney has charged here. parents of handicapped children Robert P. Baine, Jr., the attoo. It was sensible. Theme was, Aid 160,000 Childrern· attending parochial schools. The don't stick your head in the sand, torney, has asked Missouri AtQUITO (NC)-Catholic Charparents say they do not want let children know that there ia torney General Thomas F. ities (Caritas) of Ecuador will a world crisis (which they know, Eagleton for an opinion on the to '.'Jithdraw' their' ch'ildren from distribute to more than 160,000 these schools. anyway), but let them not be stand of county school officials The Special School District children during the nine-month afraid to go about the daily tasks that parochial school children serves children throughout the school term that began in Octomust withdraw from Catholic of living. ber a total of 2,709,950 pounds of county bordering the City of St; Children become frightened,- schools and enro~ in public corn flour, 1,800,000 pounds of Louis. It offers a complete school schools to attend the classes for really frightened, when their powdered milk and 1,440,000 elders seem to go off the beam. handicapped children. pounds of lard. The food is being But, Eagleton, told newsmea Medical Students Help . donated' by Catholic Perhaps the best thing to do Relief Servis to keep the home life as norices-National Catholic Welfare Koreans fight 18 lOOth Birthday mal lMl possible,' tend to the Conference, worldwide· relief PAENGNYANG ISLAND duties of the day, trust our NEWARK (NC) Anna (NC) - A team of five doctors agency of U. S. Catholic~ national and international lead- Theresa Moore brushed off all ers to handle the situation and, the fuss over her 100th birthday and 15 medical students from by all means, pray that they with a sage observation. "After the eatholic Med-ical College in may be guided to do God's wilL all,l.didn't have anything to do Seoul is campaigning to elimi. ONE· STOP And DON'T PUSH THE PANIC with it," she said. "God just de_ nate unhygienic practices which are conducive to tuberculosis BUTTON AT HOME. SHOPPI.NG CENTER cided to leave me here." The on this remote island, 21 miles The above letters were ftl- celebration took place, at the from Inchon and just off com• Television .• Furnitul'tl eeived during the recent threat Little Sisters of the Poor Home munist-held 1Il'0rth Korea.. • Appliances • ·Grociery of ·war. By, the time they are for the Aged, where she has The medical task force, which 104 Allen St., New Bedford printed - who knows? Mean- been a resident since Januar~ started operations last year, has. WYman 7-9354 while, tension has somewhat made a socio-hygienic survey, abat4;!d. For the welfare of chilresults of which have- been_' Feill River Nurses dren, here's hoping that parents The Fall River Catholie published in a 123-page booklet. and teachers will· keep their own The team was invited to the Nurses' Guild will hold its anfears' tlll a realistic minimum. ,islands by Father Edward J . . Dual Mass for deceased members c~ at 6:30, Wednesday night, Nov. Moffett, M.M., the only priest 21, in the Chapel of St. Anne's among 13,000 inhabitants of the island. Hospital, Fall River. The uniform dress kl. not ~lrnC. . Dames Patronesses obligatory. 94 TRI!:MONT STREET DETROIT (NC) - The theme these mea who llUifer, we wm 'During the business meeting Dames Patronesses of Sacred of service to society was recurknow that we mum act, in eHi- . that will follow the Mass, a Heart Home; New Bedford, will TAUNTON, MASS. rent throughout sessions of the cient ways, in planned ways,' in . radio will be awarded' for the meet at 7:30 Tuesday night, Nov. Tel. VAndyke 2·062W National Council of Catholic socially effective ways, in brave, benefit of, the scholarship fund. 27 at the hqme. Women's 31st national conven- patient, generous ways, which tlon. , w e ne"er give up until we have . Father Dennis J. Geaney, accomplished our task. This b O.A.S., of Fort Wayne, Ind.,'· what it means to be a Christian theologian and author, told a in our kind of world. co workshop session on spiritual . development that "the one in- Great-Grandmother, 9811 WILL HOLJI> THEIR ANNUAL fallible way of developing spiritually is to come in contact with Makes. first Commuf'1lioll'll . human need, to come in contact DAVENPORT (NC) _ Mrs. with Christ in person." Matilda Miller, 98, a greatFather. Geaney added that grandmother, made her first·· "'many want to find Christ in the Communion in St. Mary's church tabernacle. But they cannot un- here in Iowa. She had been re0 'itroMr~cdl@ g $~ff'IUHf~«tJy less they first find Him in other. ceived into the FaIth earlier by people." ~ather, Edward U. Rub,l, with' Sister Mary Emil, president of' Mrs. Robert McCloskey, her. !N@W.. 8 ~5o ~(5,GB'Dd ~1 tbli'@~ Marygrove Coli e g e, Detroit" granddaughter, acting as her. noted at a general session that sponsor:. . \ Do. your Christmas shopping at one. stop. PARKING PROBLEMS-Every "it's pretty hard to get excited' Mr:s.. Miller, who has three over s.uffering if it isn',t right children, four grandchildren and ' ~eed. on yOur shopping list can be satisfied-novelties; men's, women's, chilm front of you." But she added: four great-grandchildren, resides 'dren's wear; TOYS of all kinds; APRONS a~d FANCY WORK; RELIGIOUS "We must leave room in our with her son, Ira, also i1 convert. ' bnaginations for the suffering She is a native of Stoickholm, ARTicLES; HOME.-COOKED FOOD. ', people for whom we are indiviSweden, but has lived in the dually and as Christians responU. S. since she was 12. sible. As these nameless ones ExquisitelY:dr.essed OOLLS--a speciall feature begin to acquire fleshy counienHoly Union Concert ances, we will see the features SNACK BAR open afternoons and evenings The Holy Union Orchestra and of. Christ 'in'the face of each suf- . Choral Group will give·a conferer. Saturday evening, HOUSE' BEAUTIFUL 1962 ~d other Special Prizes cert at 8 Sunday night, Nov. 18 . "And when we see Christ in at Rogers High School, Newport, will be awarded. sponsorship of the ColumNew'''Bedford Women under ban Fatliers' Mission Society. New Bedford District of the . Tickets will be available at the:' ~T" M~J~YoS ACA(O)~M'Y, ~AY VB~W Diocesan Council of Catholic door. The musical units are comWomen will meet at 8 tonight posed of Religious of the Holy . ~0'10 [F>@.Pwtw]C~~~ AV@ffiHVJe, ~Q'W®U'~D©Je' ip St. John Baptist hall. Rev. Union ·of the Sacred Hearts and Edward Rausch will conduct a have appeared in many area panel discussion. concerta,

Charge Catholic School Pupils. Denied Admittance




Women/s Council Speakers Stress

••• CDeansevs • " •

Them~ of Community Serv~ce

W@«Blme$d@y U4

Yo If [TOc&@y TIOA"M,,-TIO 1?.. M. Nq


THE ANCHOR,-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., Nov. 1-5; 1962

-Women', ,to;'"Extend" 'Services

Civic Leader Heads NCCW

Nationaf Council Delegates Stress Obligations As Individuals, Members of Community DETROIT (NC)-The National Council of Catholic Women wound up its five-day organizatlonal examination of conscience here with a firm resolve to become ever broader in ,outlook and in service. It was the NCCW's, 31st con?ention. The biennial session dresw delegates and guests from a11 over the country and from abroad. Some 5,000 delegateB rt!gistered. But that figure was more than doubled for some functions of the convention. The theme was "The Christian tn a Changing World," and the stress was on responsibility-not only as individuals, but as members of the community. The community angle loomed large, and the presence of Catholie women's leaders from Europe end the Americas gave special stress to the world community. Sister Dulce The international scope of the NCCW's work was played up by the presence of Sister Dulce, the tiny Brazilian member of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception whose aid to the needy in the povertywicken city of Bahia has even earned lier the respect 01. BraaUian communists. Sister Dulce in her efforts to rescue children from garbage dumps has taken over chicken coops and empty hovels and

Syria Bans Reopening Of Catholic Schools DAMASCUS (NC)-The reopening of Catholic schools above the elementary level for the present school year haa been forbidden until further notice by Syrian Minister of Education Bashad Barmada. The reopening of Catholic prI.mary schools was postponed until Oct. 1. The same order also applied to religious schools ~ erated by the Orthodox.

made homes of them. For this she has been nicknamed "Sister House Breaker" and "the Chicken Coop Nurse." x She has received' aid in the past from NCCW programs. But she said here frankly she "came to touch your heart and your pocket. But the outlook on service to the world was only part of the convention. Current problems within the United States, and how Catholic women ought to deal with them, were also part of the examination. Race prejudice was generally viewed as a key problem. ,

Asks Catholic Schools To Hold Open House

ST. PAUL (NC) - Catholic: elementary schools here. were urged to hold open houses to acquaint the general public with the aims of Catholic education. Msgr. Roger. Connole, S1. Paul archdiocesan school superintendent, made the recommendation in a talk to some 2,000 supervisors, p r inc i p a III and teachers in archdiocesan grade schools attending their annual meeting. Magr. Connole said the school open houses "should show clear11' how the curriculum of the Catholic school is grounded on religion as an antidote to the secularism of our {lge."

Bishop Weldon Family life Bureau Adviser

San Franciscan Is Worcester College Graduate; Has Boston College Advanced Degree

NEW PRESIDENT: Mrs. Joseph 'McCarthy of San Francisco is the new president of the 'National Council of Catholic Women.

DETROIT (NC)-Mrs. Joseph McCarthy, prominent San Fran_ cisco civic leader, was elected president of the National CounelI of Catholic Women here at its 31st national convention. Mrs. McCarthy, who has served on the' NCCW Board of Directors since 1960, succeeds Mrs. Arthur Zepf of Toledo, Ohio. The organization representing nine million American Catholic women had its election in Cobo Hall. Banquet speaker was Mrs. Esther Peterson, Assistant Secretary of Labor, who brought a hush over the hall by announcing the death of Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt. Mrs. McCarthy, the new pres_

ident, is a widow who has three daughters. She is a graduate of Worcester State Teachers' College in Massachusetts and earned a graduate degree from Boston Coliege after study there and at Clark University in Worcester. Before coming to the NCCW board in 1960 she had served as president of the San Francisco Archdiocesan Council of Catholie Women. She was a membei:' of President Eisenhower's Committee for Safety and was named by the Mayor of San Franscico to his Citizen's Committee. She has served as a vice president of the San Francisco Women's City Club and as treasur.er of the Northern California Catholic Library Association.

IUinois Nun Is Only American Swansea Women All-Chinese Congregation Set Parent Panel inKIAYI (NC) - How does it After she had decided to join

Women's organizations representing Our Lady of Fatima, St. 'Dominic, St. Michael and St. Louis de 'France parishes, of Swansea, will sponsor a panel discussion on "Parents, Children and the Facts of Life" at 8 Sunday night, Nov. 25 in Knights of Columbus Hall, Old Warren Road. Moderated by Rev. James A. Clark, New Bedford, the panel will have as members Dr. William DoV\!ney, pediatrician, and Dr. Arthur Buckley, obstetrician, both also of New Bedford. The program will be open to the public, with parents particularly invited, and there will be no admission charge. A question and amwer period will tollow the panel.


feel to be one American Sister in an all-Chinese congregation?

"Fine!" sayS Sister Mary Paul of the Chinese congregation of

Our Lady: of China. But then the former Gloria Watts of Decatur, Ill., speaks fluent ,Chinese, enjoys Chinese food and except for blue eyes looks for all the world like any of the more than 30 Sisters of the congregation. Sister Mary Paul is a trained nurse with a degree in public health. "That's how I heard about this congregation," Sister Mary Paul, who graduated from the nursing school of S1. J()hn's Hospital, Springfield, Ill., explains. "I met two Sisters of Our Lady of. China while working for my public health degree at Marquette (University)." Sister Mary Paul was convertedto Catholicism ten years ago. She has long wanted to be a missionary to China and thought that training in nursing and public health would be W1eful in the mission field.

the congregation and the Mother Superior had assured her of a welcome, she spent a year in public health at Chicago's Michael Reese Hospital. She came here to Formosa four years ago, and last year she took her voW!!.

Mission Sisters Train Medical Technicians NEW DELHI (NC)-Missionary Sisters have started the first course for medical technicians to be accredited in a Catholie hospital in India. The Punjab State Medical .Faculty has recognized the twoyear training course for medical technicians at the Medical Mission Sisters' Holy Family Hospital here. The course is accredited with the University ot Punjab. , The course will be directed by Sister Francisco .Fernandea. head of the pathology dep~ ment at the hospital, and Sister Michael Ann Schaaf, medical technologist.

WASHINGTON (NC) -BishChristopher J. Weldon of. Springfield, was renamed an episcopal adviser for the Family Life Bureau of the Nationel Catholic Welfare Conference, the NCWC Executive Department stated in a clarificatiOll Hyacinth 0 of I issued here. Hyacinth Circle, New Bedford An earlier report had stated Poor Clares leave that Bishop John L. Morkovsky Daughters of Isabella, announces a Chrisbnas' bazaar and supper -For Bolivia Mission of Amarillo, Tex., had been named an episcopal adviser for Tuesday, Nov. 2( at the organBORDENTOWN (NC)-Tbree the Family Life Bureau after lation's clubhouse, 11 RobeSOll Poor Clare nuns, led by Mother a meeting of the U.S. Bish~ Street. Mary ConSolata Vormwald of in Rome. Cortland, N. Y., their superior The becutive Department here, left New Jersey to estab- pointed out that Bishop MorkovIIsh a new monastery of their sky bad aetually been chosen as oommunity in Coroico, Bolivia., an episcopal adviser for rural The nun-missioners are Sisters life for the NCWC Social ,Action Mary Agnes McCourt, Brooklyn, Department. The earlier report N. Y.; Mary Raphael Mallon, had erroneously stated that Haddonfield, N. J., and Mary Bishop Leo A. Pursley of Fort Michael Scarno, Cortland. Be- Wayne-South Bend, Ind., had fore leaving to emplane at Idle- been named to this post. Bishop wild Airport in New York Morkovsky succeeded Bishop Mother Mary Consolata said: Pursley in this post. "'Many feel that we are making • great sacrifice but we see nil) Installatioh sacrifice and feel it is a privilego to have been chosen· to go." Mrs. Charlotte Charron, No. The Poor Clares were invited Attleboro, State vice-regent eI. to establish their cloistered com- the Daughters of Isabella, premunity in Coroico by Bishop sided at the installation cereThomas Manning, O.F.M., Premonies of junior and senior offifect Apostolic there. The four cers of Hyacinth Circle No. 'R will be joined early next year by of New Bedford. two other Poor Clare nuns--SisMrs. Florence Fernandez was ~rs Mary Redempto Henry, installed as regent of the senior Trenton, N. J., and Mary Joseph circle, while Miss Mary E. Go&Valimont, Frenehville, Pa. selin became president of the junior circle. Rev. John 3. Hayes, Circle Crowds Delay Closing Chap\a.!n and Mrs. Carolyn B. Of Carmelite Cloister Manning, Supreme Past National CLEVELAND (NC)--TheDb- Regent, were among the IUest8 present. ealced Carmelite Sisters finally moved into their cloistered monastery in nearby Cleveland Heights. The move was delayed NO JOSTOO ... bf three open house weekends during which some 17,000 perNONE rOo SMALL lIOns toured the unoccupied cloister. About 5,000 persons showed up for the first Friday-to-Sanday open house, SO the S1sten PRINTERS arranged for a second open 'house the following week end. TheN . . . Offtae anti PIaIII Was a six-inch snowfall J'rida7 LOWIU., MASS. and Saturday, rain on St1IldQ, bat 6,000 visitors toured the DeW T...,ha•• loWen There is no substitute for the holidays - and there's no monastery. OL U3U ... GL 7-7_ substitute for real cream. Hood Economy All-Purpose The SisteN were swamped with requests to extend the opee Plantl Cream does all the things only real cream can do, because house for one more week ea4 IOSJON it is Cl'eaID -- fresh cream. Keep plenty on hand for your '" those who had been UDabIe to make the tour. Another 8,000 OCEANPORT, N. At persons made the thlr4 toaw, MWIUCICII', .. L then the DUDII took 0'Nr tl"* aoister. op


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10'" . THE ANCHOR-Diocese offal! River-Thur.s'iNov.·15, ~ 962

, COUNCIL TYPICAL WORKING DAY: Dressed in purple, red and black robes, half hidden, beneath flowing capes,. more .than 2,000 Council Fathers trudge back and fqrth across, the expanses',of. St. Peter's Square each Council working day; At left, bishops climb, the stairs ,leading to the Vatican- Basilica as they head for a general session in the huge chur<;:h.

At upper right,. the Fathers,' divided into myriad groups, discuss the various questions covered at the prev.ious session~ Lower' right, their' .day's work completed, .they head for buses parked in the .Square waiting to: take them back to their respective quarter~. NC ,Photo.

Nature of Lay Apostolate Eastern Church Leaders Cite Under Council. Scrutony Unity Aims VATICAN CITY (NC) The assembly of churchmen now deliberating in St. Peter's basilica in Rome is the first of the 21 Ecumenical Councils to consider the lay, apostolate as a separate matter. How free is the "free lay apostolate?" How strictly deative lay apostolate" as the pendent is "Catholic Action" answer to the essential unity on the teaching authority of and coordination that is required the' Church? What consti- in the' lay' apostolate.


Scandinavians Seek' More Region Leeway From Rome

COPENHAGEN (NC) - The tiny but alert Catholie ROME (NC) ~ The way the Church as a.whole treats communities in the Scandinavian countries are at one in its Eastern Rites' can pro- hoping that the Ecumenical Council will result in greater mote or obstruct efforts ' regional leeway in carrying out the Church's mission. The. tovvard Christian unity, Melkite whole Scandinavian Cath~ priest-if the Protestant partner Rite Patriarch Maximos IV .lie viewpoint in regard' to .. desires it. They see the current 8aigh of Antioch said here. lIe listed what he deemed' the the council is to a large ex,:, res~rictions as, a. discipline denying the Protestant partner ' principal problems vvhich· the Easiern Rite Council Fathers tent bound·. up· with the' the spirituafassistance of hi.

tutes'both? lIovv do they relate? In the' United States,'· the What' of the permissive 01'-' Bishops 'seem to have '!lntici,; vvill bring before the assembly demoCratic .outlook held in comganized apostolate? pated ',this" development vvhen of the ;w:orld'sbishops: . ' . . monby northern peop'les of These are basic questiors they established' the National A better definition Of the E~rope ,and North America.' . troubling laymen today, and the · Co'uncifof eatholic.·Men and .the divine . origin of theepisoopate Denmark's. '26,600 . Catholics Council is. considering them in .National' Council, of.' Catholic arid of itS PovverS. " . constitute .6 per cent' .of. the Its discussions. ' . , . Women" as' federations of " the ", Greater -disciplinary autonomy' Danish, population and the 27;There are many distinctions. lay 'apostolate' organizations- ill . for the. Eastern churches.. 500 Catholics of Svveden are only to be made on the degree of de- this country. :. , A re-evliluation of the role .3· per cent .of Svveden's total. pendency in all areas of the Will the Sec 0 n dVatican. of the patria,rch within Catho- But together these Ca.tholic apostolate, from the "free" in- Council encourage this same ,de- licism. bodies make ).lp· better th;lll 85 dividual apostolate to the 01'-· velopment th r 0 ugh <> u,t the II.'he use' of Hving languages Rer cent of the Cathoiic Church ganized efforts of Catholic Ac- 'WOrld? Whatever the' form, in the liturgy. 'In, the ~ordic countries of the . tion organizations, mandated by unity and coordination. of all Unity in regard to the date 01. European continent. Their vievvs local bishops. can generally be taken as repapostolic move~ents they are Easter. Will the council reinforce the certain to be encouraged by the Creation vvithin the lIoly See's resentat'ive of the vvhole. They concept .of a tightly organized Council findings.' . central administration of a per~ are' ,colored by their circumCatholic Action vvith limited Women e~gaged in the lay manent body dealing: vvith Ecu- stances including the fact that freedom and scope of activity? the bulk of the Catholic body apostolate are deeply concerned menical problems. Or vvill it accent the importance Decentralization 0 f the in Svveden is made up of immiabout the role of vvomen not of the apostolate of individuals grants, mostly emigres from t'he Church's administration. . in the complexity of modern only .in the apostolate but in communist-controlled countries; Revival of the diaconate.' the Church itself. Do Church life? Bringing the Eastern Catholic and that virtually all the little policies satisfactorily reflect the What kind of unity is best churches into missionary vvork, band 'of native priests are conBuited for the full development 20th-c;entury demand for "equal especia'lly in North Africa verts. vvhose heritage is Luther-· rights equal opportunities"? ari~ . ' of the lay apostolate in the Ethiopia and India. ' Church? In recent years, be- Will the Council take cognizance .. A bigger role for laymen in ·;Corice.rning mixed marriages ginnirig vvith the last World of the growing influence of 'edu_' the Church, not oilly for their - the vast majority of Danish' Congress' of the Lay Apos~olate, cated, dedicated 'WOmE!D and sanctification but to make theni Catholics perforce, marry, 'nonpotential' in the mission 'Off churchmen all over the vvorld · 'their ...:.real co-vvorkers in the'Chris- cathQlics,,":- the hope is for.more the Chu'r~h?"' . . .' . have begun to speak of a "federtianizationof the world." . leniency. Some suggest that the In re¢erit .months· there have. Catholic Chureh should not been a number of'recon\menda,;, .st'and in'the way Of newlywe'ds; -tions made about theestablisli-' seeking 'the blessing' of a Pro": ment of a 'lay bOard of 'consul,",' testant minister ..:-' aitef 'their VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope · tors indioc~ses, to whom the ·marriage . b e for II! a .Catholic 'John can listen to Ecumenical bishops could turn for an ex:' NEW' YORK (NC) - Father' ,.. .. ..". . Council debates by' turning on pression 'of,lay' opinion: In many John:A. ·Klekotka,O.S:A., pres- . a speaker located' ri«ht on, .his . dioceses: the -N.e.C.M.-· and the ident of Villanova (Pa.) Univerdesk. ' N.C.C.W.' are serving this .funcsity, left here with a group of 55 The Pope revealed the exis- tion; in others, special lay com';' U~ S.educators for a three-week tence of· the' speaker, but ,told mittees have Deen' established. study tour of European educaa recent visitor that he vvasn't Archbishop Paul J;'lIallinan tional systems. making much use of it... has made 36 lay 'appointments to The party' emplaned at IdlePointing to a stack of papers various diocesan' committees in wild. Airport for an overnight' 46 "Taunton on his desk, .the Pope' said: "lIovv the first three months of !his in-' flight to Edinburgh, Scotland. Green can I keep track of all t~ese re- stallation in the arehdioees'e' of The group, traveling.. under ports they vvant me to read?"· · Atlanta. There is a definite trend sponsorillhip. of the Comparative Then, he pushed the docu- in this direction' in the United· Education Society, also will visit . Taunton, Meiss. ments aside, got up and vvent . States. 'But it is doubtful that Amsterdam; Frankfurt, Vienna to the vvind<>vv to pray the An- the Universal Churl:h vvill legis- and Kiev, Russia; in the study. 2-2-282 gelus vvith thecrovvd gathered' late this specificall)' at the·, The party ,will return- to the in St. Peter's Square below. CounciL U. S. Saturday, Dec. 1. .

Speaker ,Lets POpe Listen to Debates

'Priest Visits Russia 'On Ed'ucation Study


ovvn religion. .. An, inquiry by the Copen.hagen Catholic, vveekly, Katolsk . , Ug~blad" . r~vealed w,idespreadhopes that. the Church will re- . stQre the ciiaconate as a' permanent order.· They believe deacons vvouldhelp the Chu.rch . in' her mission, and feel that· there should be no question that in Scandinavia, at least, deacons should be able to marry. Some suggestions vvere also made that' celibacy on the part of diocesall priests be made voluntary rather . than manc;latory. Nordic Catholics in general have a deep appreciation for the beauties of the liturgy. The extent of active congregational participation 'in the Mass, espe- . cially in Denmark, is often II surprise to foreign visitors.

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ftffANCHOR-Dioee.e of Fall River-,",urs., Nov. 15, 1962

Vatican Council Tie With La ity Coted by Pope


VATICAN CITY (NC) The Ecumenical Council is Toeing held for laymen even ~hough they have no direct part in its meetings, Pope Jooo , oaid here. The Pontiff speaking at 11 general audience explained why persons visiting here cannot be allowed to attend Council SellDions. He said: "It is not a matter of the laity not entering into the things of the Church. On the contrary, it is for them that these meetings are being held, because it is a question of bringing the substance of Christianity more into conformity with the grace of Christ." Only bishops and other autho rized persons are admitted to Council sessions, he said, because "everything must be done in good order" and because the bishops are the custodians of the Christian truths which 8r<il under discussion. '

[?@~@[1'~ ~@@~\fO@n @~ W@[{~d M@~~ VATICAN CITY (NC) - Why Dhouldn't the greatest Ecumenical Council in the Church's history create a new rite - an ecumenical or world Mass - to which, Catholics· could invite their Protestant brothers who MASS OPE:NS DAILY SESSIONS: Bishop James L retain a love for the Eucharist? Connolly of the Diocese of Fall River assists at Mass which This was the question posed opens the· da.ily sessions. of Ecumenical Vatican Council to newsmen by a German-born' missionary bishop shortly after he had raised it at the Council itself. Bishop Willi a m Duschak, S,V.D., Apostolie Vicar of Calapan, the Philippines, suggested that the Ecumenical or world Mass should be in the common VATICAN CITY (NC) - Two ment It will be 140 feet long, 40 language of the people wherever it is celebrated. It would be, he new museum buildings are feet wide and 31 feet high. By said, "simple, grand and monu- 'planned for Vatican City to adding the collections of the mental" and composed in Rome. house the valuable collections Lateran Palace to the already Bishop Duschak said he spoke now preserved in the Lateran e;x:isting museums, libraries and not as a liturgy expert but as 11 Palace which is soon to be re- archives of the Vatican, there "practical missionary.'" He has modeled for offices 'of the Rome will be completed one of the world's greatest amassings of spent more than 30 of his 59 diocese. The two buildings, to be cultural and historical heritage. years In the Phl1lipplnes. In the meantime plans are The Bishop emphasized that erected in the Vatican gardens, being drawn up to remodel the win accOmmodate the colleche is not against Latin. Lateran Palace, which adjoins "I love the Latin language,· tions of pre Christian Roman. the Basilica of St. John Lateran, antiquities, qf early Christian he ~ated. "It is and should rethe cathedral church of Rom'e. main the language of' the monuments and the ethnological This palace, as it exists today, m-useum which is compose~ of Church." items'collected from all over' was begun in 1585 and was exBut he' said that an unfamiliar the world illu~rating the cul- tensively repaired in 1683. 1>e~ language such as' Latin or any ture' and life of ~any nations. , tongue other than that of the One of the buildings will be Metho~ist Newspaper people "deprives the people Of 300 feet long, 45 feet wide an'd P,aises' Pope John their right to participate in the' .35 feet high. It will house' the MasSo" LONDON (NC) - A 'Methoethnological mi,sslonary collection which 'was assembled' by dist publication here has lauded Msgr. Angelo Roncalli, now the warmth with which J;>ope H@pe for Orthodox Pope John has welcomed non-CathoJohn XXIII. The other building will have lic observers at the Ecumenical ~@1Presentation Cou!1 cil . . . VATICAN CITY (NC)-There two stories and a semi-baseAn article in the Methodist are still hopes the Orthodox Recorder said that the "most churches will send observers to Sepa,ate Questions, exciting" experience for the obthe Ecumenical Council, accordservers was their audience with In Latin Debate ing to the head of the Secretariat the Pope. ROME (NC) Controversies for Promoting Christian Unity. The Pope spoke to and shook over the place of Latin in the Augustin Cardinal Bea, S.J., hands with each and all, leaving, liturgy and its place in education told newsmen here that despite as ever, the impression of unthe failure of past efforts to have are two "distinct debates," II assuming, kindly brotherliness, U. S. bishop said here. the Orthodox churches repreSpeaking on contemporary an impression deepened by the Dented, "one must hope that education to parents of children fact that he gave his brief something may be done, since from 30 nations, Bishop John J. message from a chair on the this would doubteless be more same level as his. guests, and Wright of Pit~bUrgh said: useful for' both parties (Catholle "The case ·for Latin in studies that its tone was that 'of a· stateand Orthodox) and for the cause and in the formation of liberaliy 'ment of', Christian· experience of union.· educated persons· is quite dUfer- and call to preach. , Cardinal Bea told reporters ent from that of the case for that "if the work of the secretar_ Latin, in the' litUrgy,' the pubiic . Canadian Bishop iat has had such a widespread community prayer of the Rom,a'n VATICAN C IT~ (NC) impact on ~or:ld p~blicopinion, Rite." Father Remi ,De Roo, pastOr of a considerable part of the, merit The Bishop spoke at' Notre ' Holy "Cross parish in the St. belongs'to your profession." Dame school, 'international insti..; , Boniface archdiocese, bas been Answering a question about tution operated here. by the ap'pointed' Bishop of Victoria, non-Catholic reaction to the Brothers of Holy Cross. He B.C. Council, Cardinal Bea said· that stated: the "union in prayer" among all . ,"Whatever ·the outcome of the confessions has been nothing present widespread discussion of SERVING short of miraculous, if one com_ the future respective places of FINE ITALIAN FOOD pares present attitudes with Latin and verna"cular languages those regarding the First Vatican in the liturgy, the cultural'vitalCouncil (1869-1870). ity of our civilization will continue to require full, perhaps He spoke of the appeals for RESTAURANT and LOUNGE prayers for the Council's suc- even greater emphasis on the on' Lake Scibbatia cess made by Protestant leaders liberal arts and therefore on 1094 Bay Street classical languages, specifically all over the world. This, he continued, 11 a "first Latin, in our educational sysTAUNTON VA 4-8754 tems," the Bishop said. beginning of uni~."

II. The Fall Fiver ordinary i8 seated near the aisle in the third pew in the right center. The Council will recess early next month~ Thi8 session will close Dec. 8.

Vatican' Now 'Is Expanding Museum Facilities New Buildings to,- House Valuable Collections signed 86 a residence for the popes, it was never permanently occupied by them since they chose to live at the Vatican or at the Quirinal Palace, which today ill, the official residenc;e of the President of Italy. In the 17th century the Lateran Palace was used as a hospital. Iii 1805 Pope Pius VII a!?signed portions of it for the archives of ,the ,Plipa! States. Shortly

after, however, it was turned into a barracks and was used for this purpose throughout the French occupation of Rome. Pope Gregory XVI was the first pontiff to use the immense building as a museum when he ordered the papal collection of pre Christian Roman antiquities to be pl~ced there. Pope Pius IX then added the ChI' i s t ian Museum lind Pope Pius XI conthe missionary ethnoloNon-CatJ,olic Group signed gical collection to the same building. Visits' Monastery When remodeled,on the or.siJB'IACO (NC)' Twenty ders of Pope John, 'the Lateran non-Catholic observers· at the' Palace will be occupied by ,all EcumenicaiCouncil visited the the administrative offfices, of fa'med.- BEmedictine Monastery, the' Rome diocese, which now here. Their esscort was Msgr. are partially located in inadeJan G. M. Willebrands, secretary quate quarters in several buildof the Secretariat for Christian ings throughout the city. Unity. The monastery is where St. Benedict began his religious Over' 33 Years Experience life. Also accompanying the obSUBURBAN servers 'were Abbot Benno Gut, GAS CORP. O.S.B., Abbot Primate of the Benedictines, and Abbot General BOTTLED AND BULK GAS Celestino Gusi of the Subiaco GAS APPLIANCES Congregation. 4 Show Rooms to serve you Special permission was given Hyannis ' Falmouth the observers to eat at noon in II. Main St. 696 E. Main St. the refectory, which is usually SP 5-0686 K' 8-1560 closed to all outsiders. They Oroeans . Provincetown also visited the adjoining St. !15 Commercial ~. Route 6 Scholastica monastery, ·where 585 858 Harwich -1494 they met with the Benedictine monks. Be Thrifty - Be Wise Ask your Meatman for a DAVIDSON'S , (MacGregor Brand)

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THE ANC~O~-Diocese of Fall ~i·'er-Thurs., Nov. 15, 1962


Rule, of Secrecy Protects Full Freedom 'of Council

By Most Rev. FuItOlll J. SheeR, D.D.

By Most Rev. Robert J., Dwyer, D. D. Bishop of Reno

Have you ever noticed 'the gesture of the priest at the' Hane Igitur of the Mass, which immediately precedes the Consecration? The celebrant extends his hands 'over chalice at this moment. It recalls' a similar gesture that was used in the Old Testament, which prophetically referred to the Sacrifice of Our Lord. In the Book of Leviticus we read: "The man who would win the Lord's favor with burnt sacrifice of cattle must bring a male beaSt, without blemish, to the door of the tabernacle, and lay his hand on the beast's head, and SO it will be accepted, and will serve to make atonement for him."



In the heart of Rome, just off the Piazza Navona, to rear of the gloomy Palazzo Brasehi where lived the family of Pope Pius VI, there stands the battered remnant a group statue of Menelaus and Patroclus, seemingly tl. copy of a Greek original. ' f have to say today, with the · 1 Among so many re les 0 thousands of tourists trooping antiquity it is unremarkable,' daily, to be harangued by a save for the circumstance dozen guides in a dozen languwhich has touched it with spuri- ages, all at the same time and ous fame. For this, is the tradi- all at the top of their lungs. tional place of Sympathetic Treatment bus in e s s of Nowadays Pasquino is only a NEW B ISH 0 P: Father that peculiarly legend; if, occasionally, some Roman instituwit pastes a pasquinade on the Thomas W. Murphy, C.SS.R., tion known as ancient statuary, the fame there- rector of St. Joseph's minor pasquino, and of is limited to his intimate cir- seminary'in Edgerton, Wis., of his stock-incleo trade, the pasThe newspapers have taken has been named Bishop of quinade. _ over. It is undoubtedly signifi- the new Diocese of J uazeiro, Considerable cant of the change which has Brazil., NC Photo. d0 ubt still come over the spiritual outlook clouds its beof Europe in the past hundred ginnings, but it years that the newspaper treatis' generally acment of the Second Vatican Continued from Page One eepted that during the early Council is immeasurably more Renaissance a Rom a n tailor sympathetic than it was in re- Sunday and the priests will innamed Pasquino found it a re- gard to the Council of 1869-70. form the laity when and where lief to vent his spite (quite conThen, so far as the English- they may contribute their ofceivably on his wealthy debtors) speaking world was concerned, ferings, by affixing to the old statue the only newspaper to maintain ' This annual national corporate squibs arid insults of the most a regular correspondent in Rome act of charity last year resulted Ubellous kind. was the London Times, and his in the collection of 17 million Once launched the custom function seemed to be largely pounds of clothing, shoes, blanflourished~ to be later improved one of finding as much to criti- kets and bedding. This gift was by providing a companion piece, cize as the traffic would bear. valued at $25 million. the statue of Marforio in the The American papers of the The collection will benefit impeccable' precincts of the day seemingly considered that needy through the Catholic ReCapitol, on which to paste the the event was of too little im- lief Services - National Cathoanswers and ripostes. , portance to merit anything more lic Welfare Conference, the larPasquino and MarforIo were than an occasional reference, gest private· voluntary agency in • precious pair of rogues; in aa largely done by re-writing what the world. age which, fortunately or un- had .appeared in the Times. CRS-NCWC officials ret)9rt fortunately, lacked the benefit Red Line Clever IJf the newspaper carton, the,. One notable exception to the last year's 13th,annual collection' provided something of that re- current tide is, of course, the produced the highest gross total lease' from: pressure which unre- Communist paper of Rome, since the effort was begun. Last year clothing was sent generate human nature, in all 1 'Uniat. It is pretty widely read, ages and under all forms of dill- for whether the Italian Commu_ to 58 countries, and in keeping eipline, :~eems to require in 01'- nists are whole-heartedJy with with CRS-NCWC's policy, was der to breathe. the movement or not, they go distributed without regard to Mildest Government through the gestures, one of race, color or creed. which is SUbscribing to the' offiFor example, officials cited · It goes without saying that the cial organ. the tragic earthquakes in Iran Papal government of Rome, in Even, here, the Party line is September. More than 100,000 the old days.; did not take kindly, clever. Pope John XXIn is per- in pounds of clothing and blankets to Pasquino, especially as a good sona11y exempted from vllificawere sent to ·the scene by CRSshare of the barbs were directed tion. It is 'recognized tha.t most NCWC. Shipments were on their against the, Pontiffs of the time party members would object to way 24 hours after the quakes. and their minions. attacks u?on so popular a Pope, Catholics in the United States ·It is told of one somewhat in- or at leaSt that their wives and nocent disciple of Pasquino that· families would make home life also made possible the sending ():!l -hearing that a suitable resomewhat difficult if the pape2:' of one million dollars' worth. of fooe:l, clothing and medicine to ward would be given into the were left, around. hands of anyone who, would But so far as the Bishops of the victims of severe floods in furnish information on the the CO,uncll are concerned, the the Mindanao area of the Philauthorship, or who would con- sky is by no means the limit. lipines. More than 170 inches of. fess his own part, he went to Ridicule is daily poured out' rain fell there within 90 days the Prefect with, his story, only upon the "political maneu- early in the year. In a let~er to U.S. Bishops to have his hands cut off. verings" of the prelates of But this smacks too much of the "left" and those of the asking support for the collecill-nature to' be even remotely "right". tion, the chairman of the NCWC , true. Papal Rome may not have To read 1 'Unita the morning administrative board, Archbishbeen the best-governed of the after one of the, sessions is to op Patrick A. O'Boyle of Wash' nations, but it was justly cele- discover that one, quite un- ington, said: brated as the mildest.' wittingly, was in the midst of "There is no measuring the Reason to Complain the most des pic a b 1 e cabal. value of the clothing collected, · Not too many of Pasquino's, against the welfare of ,the each year in our annual Thanksjibes are quotable in a pious human race that has ever been giving appeal as far as the poor column like this, dedicated to conceived. This is, to say the 'and needy in distressed areB6 the moral' uplift of its readers. least, instructive. of the world are concerned." Of poor Pope Innocent X, who Good Feeling Prevails came late in life to the Chair The rule of secrecy is still im- . of ,Peter and allowed himself posed upon the Fathers of the. to be led around by the nose by Council, and holds for all the his obnoxious sister - in - law, procedings of the closed sessions. Olympia Doria" Pasquino re- Whether this can be maintained FARM marked that the Holy Father, or not, in an age when the' deFRESH instead of tending to Olympus, mand. for full paraliamentary Was tending to Olympia. publiCity is so insistent, and ,Much later, in the 18th cen- when the newspapers, sympatury when the crowds of Eng- thetic or bitter in their opposi-, ~ FOR THE lish visitors on the ,"grand tour" tion, are clamorous for detils , WHOLE FAMILY began to swarm through the facts and figures _ especially Sistine Chapel to the detriment· the figures Of, those who speak BROS~ of the devout Romans them- and what they say ._ is diffiselves,Pasquino announced that cult to know.' Quality Controlled the only way a person could get Certainly, immediate publicity TAUNTON a good view of Michelangelo's could work to the detriment of VA 4-6984 Last Judgment was by becoming· the full' freedom of the Couna 'heretic. cU, which it is essential to preATTLEBORO :If he found reason to com"; serve. CA 2-0292 p.ain so long ago, what would he But on the other hand a .policy so little understood Itnd appreat ciated by modern neWs organs HONG KONG (NC) - Some and newsgatherers might result 40;000 persons participated in a in ~ definite cooling,. of that dialogue Mass in the Hong Kong good feeling which has so far government stadium offered by obtained in the public relations ' the Apostolic Internuncio to of the Council. Chi n a, Archbi!lhop Giuseppe It would not be a happy thing Caprio, to mark the feast of if Pasquino were' suddenly to Christ the King. ' c:ome back alive.



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The laying of the hands ove:r tbe animal to be sacrlfleec! was a gesture indicating the laying of sins, upon that animal, which became the substitute for surrendering one's own life because of slm. The sacrifice without blemish iB the New Testament is Our Blessed Lord. The priest " laying his handS over the chalice is equivalently laying our sins UPOD Our Blessed Lord, Who 'offers Himself in sacrifice that we may be released f1!'Om our sins. Our true place is that of sinners: we plead guilty to the dread indictment of God's Holy Law, and Our Blessed Lord's death on the Cross becomes our shield against the terrible justice we deserve. The, Lord "hath laid on Himself the iniquity of us all," for He bore oUr sins in His Body




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Herein Is the reason why the Gospel 01 the Cross mast be brought to all the peGples of the world. There is no other Saviour for sin than Our Lord; only a God Who became Man 'and took upon Himself their sins oan· open .Heaven to them. If you rejoice in the Redemption which you have, why not make sacrifices to give it to Asia, Africa,. Latin America? The Directors of The Society for the Propagation of the Faith throughout the United States, who are the Holy Father's own representa-. Uves, are opening their hands that you may fill them with your sacrifices. They, in turn, will deliver them to the Pontiff that the peoples of these continents may lay their handa upon the Cross of Christ and thus be saved.

GOD LOVE YOU to C.B. for $5 "I promised God an offering of $5 lf my prayer was answered. Half of the favor was g-ranted, but I send the Whole amount hoping the· other half will be answered later on." . . • &0 the Towermen, N.Y.C.T.A. for $12 "In memory of a friend. II • • • to a Servant for 51 "That life may forgive me my lack of Faith and show me tile way to regain it, 1I offer my sufferings." Send us ·your old gold and jewelry - the valuables you no longer use but w~ch are too good to throwaway. We will resell . the earrings, gold eyeglass frames.; flatware, etc., and use the money to relieve suffering in mission lands. Our address: The Society for the PropagatioD of the· Faith. 3~ ,Fifth Avenue; New York 1, New York. '

Cut out this column, pin YOUr sacrifice to It and mail it to the Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, NaUonal Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y.. or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE, 368 North Main Street; Fall River, Mass.



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,New' 'Reports ill' "Dioce'san,'Schools'-, Strive to Keep Parents Informed @~ Sons' and Daughters' Abilities The school year is now officially one quarter over and at aN 12 of our high schools are experiencing mixed emotions. There is the feeling of relief at the end etl1lden~

@f quarterly exams coupled issuing of report cards. This will be the first quarterly report in the schools of the Diocese, replacing the former six week report. The new marking system will give parents a clearer picture of the progress or lack of it o:f their Gons and daughters. Also in line with keeping parents inf<lrmed about the W<lrlt being d<lne in our schools, n parent-teachers' meeting was held at St. Anthony High in New Bedford. Its purpose was to give parents the chance of meeting teachers and discussing with them the grades, difficulties and achievements of their children. The 120-v<lice glee club entertained and Sister M. Perpetual Help, principal, thanked the parents f<lr their oooperation. Sodailty Union Mr. Robert Hoye of Science Research ASS<lciates was main speaker when parents were invited to an evening at Mt. st. Mary Academy, Fall River. He interpreted student ,scores on the Iowa Tests of Educational Development taken earlier iln the school year. Nine of the 12 Diocesan high . ochools have united in the formation of Our Lady Queen of Peace Sodality Union. Its pur-. pose is to facilitate the planning of common training days, days of recollection and other affairs. A day of reoollection will be held at Bish<lp Stang High' School, North Dartmoufu, Suoday, Nov. 18. Its theme will be "'Apostolate for the Year." This year the union has cOOsen the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart as its vehicle fur ap<>stolic work. A oonference and panel discussion will be foll<lwed by 0 social hour. Program will begin at 11 and end at 4:30 with Benediction. Delegations from Mt. St. Mary, st. Mary,'s, Tau n ton; Holy FamUy, New Bed ford; and Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, will be am9ng those attending. Student Councils Student Councillors have been installed at Sacred Hearts, Fall' River. Rev. John Hackett, chaplain, led students in prayer, then addressed the leaders. Sister Mary Hortense, princip,al, congratulated the councillors and School Captain Diane Dube lI'eminded them of their motto, "Noblesse Oblige," after which she conferred, badges.' Meanwhile the student government at Stang listened to an address by Theophile J. DesRoches, recently re-elected state representative from New Bedford Ward One. His topic was the Catholic Church and G<>vc:mment. At St. Mary's in T.aunt<>n the Student Cou'ncil is· using the school library as scene of one of their endeavors..To help, combat the spread of pernicious reading material, the council is sponS<lring a weekly book sale. Paper back classics, n<lvels, and other types of b<>oks are being sold. The senioI' class sponsored a "Clothes Basket' Upset," for which girls brought in clothes that were S<lld in the auditorium. Proceeds went to "Corona," the yearbook. The St. Vincent de Paul Society also received some of the clothing items. Spiritual Activities Spiritual activities are high 6'ii the list of events taking place at our Diocesan high schools. Mass is celebrated each First Friday in the auditorium Olf Bishop Feehan High in Attleboro. A requiem Mass was offered :l:or the repose of the soul of Sister Ignatius, late principal, and for the' souls of, students' relatives at Dominican Academy, Fall River. Juniors and seniors formed the choir. ,~

with apprehension over the The Mission Club at .resusMary Academy, Fall River, has been active both spiritually and materially. SpiritUally,' they have been adopting a missionary and offering all their spiritual works on a particular day of the week for his intention, while materially, they have been sending stamps and stuffed toys to a missionary in Peru. Members of CCD continue ttl teach catechism on Mondays. At St. Mary's, "The Fighting 69th," ail organizati<ln of Catholic youth working for the vir- ' tue of purity in every day life, was formed by the senior class. n is anticipated that the entire student body will join thW group. School Pla.y Seniors at St. Anthony's are hard at work rehearsing their senior play, "One Family Sings," based on 'the Trapp Family Singers. Several seniors, in preparation f<lr the production, interviewed Dr. Rupert von Trapp, one of the original family group, who lives in nearby Adamsville. Meanwhile, the orchestra lilt Domiq.ican Academy rehearses for its annual Fall Concert, set for 8 Friday night, Nov. 23. Aspecial feature will be selections by the Anth<lJ1¥ Imbriglio' Accordion Band. The orchestra is under the di-rection of Sister Mary of the Sacred Heart, with Mr. Edwin' Gardner conducting. And finally, the Coyle studem theatre in Taunton will present a musical, -"Whatta Blast!" on Sunday, Monday and Tues-' day, Dec. 2 through 4, under direction of Brother James Derrig, C.S.C. and B l' 0 the l!' Robert Antonetti, C.S.CO Sports Scene On the sports scene, a pep il'ally was held at Feehan High' to introduce students to the new' freshman and sophomore cheerleaders. They were chosen from ' among more than 100 applicants after many weeks of professional directi<>n. bw Miss Apr!! Meyer. Basketban tryouts fur tile '62-'63 season beg,an at Dominican Academy this week. Practice wiH start next week. Miss Nancy Walsh, basketball coach, is n<lW teaching the girls new regulati<lns, which include a ''roving player" on, the team. College BounOl Seniors at all Diocesan schools are making plans for entering vari<lUs colleges. Twelve Holy Family High, seniors took Iil scholar&b.lp test sponsored by the American College Testing Program at Bridgewater State Teachers' C<>llege: This is an '. admissions, scholarship, guidance and placement test batter:y designed to pr<lvide helpful information and service to 001leges, to high schools and to'the stUdents themselves at a time when it will be most useful. Future teachers of America came to the fore when Beverly Francis, Joan Camara, Bernadette Lima and Anne Louise Biggons conducted math classes for Sister Barbara Mary at Sacred Hearts, Fall River. All plan to major in ma'th at college.


TH£ ANCHOR~ T-hurs., ~ov. 15, 1962 of Sister Mary Lois. An amateur radio club is now underway . with Allan Moulton as leadez.· He has applied for a station license and hopes to be opereating by December. New mem~ bers are eager to obtain their licenses and have begun study of electronic theory and MorS8 code. Feehan's Parents Parents of the :"eehan studenttJ were given an explanation of the policies and plans of the school at a special American Ed~ ucation Week program. Follow~ ing a musical program by the Feehan chorus and Sister Mary Urban's address, a buffet lunch was served. ' Parents were then given the opportunity to meet the members of the faculty in an infor~ mal, social atmosphere. During this week, concentration on choice of courses for freshmen and sophomores was held in order that attainment of one's goal in life might !xl furthered by the selection of tho CLASS OFF][CERS: Officers at Jesus-Mary Academy, proper school subjects. The faculty held a tea an<J Fall River, are from left, Diane D'Amour, secretary; open house for all principals and Claudia Regan, treasurer; Claudette Nadeau, vice-president; teacher~ in the parochial schoolv ".Claire Amiot, president. in the Attleboro deanery. The occasion was used as am opportunity to exchange ideas Social events have not taken Also, Sister Mary Noel, Sister between elementary and second,.. li\ back seat during this Fall seaMary Frederick and Sister ,Mary ary teachers. lion. A Freshmen thank-you to Thomas Aquinas of the Sisters Senior big sisters took the form 'of Mercy visited St. Mary's Col~(2ge StUldlBe~ of a delightful party held in Academy, Bay View, to confer the school cafeteria of Mt. St. with English department mem- At Mexoltc C®rJ1{f@8' Mary's Academy. ' bers. ST. PAUL (NC)-The College Latin Paper School Parties of St. Thomas here has anSch<lol newspapers figured m The sophomore class at Stang nounced it will conduct an edsponsored the first school dance the neWs this week with the first ucational program at the Centeli' issue of the school year of the, to be held there this year. Freshof Intercultural Formation m man Dolores Hummel of New Stangscript. The editors doubled Cuernavaca, Mexico, from Feb. the joy of their readers by Bedford was the winner of the 19 to May 29, 1963. theme contest. Her winning' putting out an eight page spread Main purpose of the progr~ entry was' "Harvest Melodies." as compared with the usual four. ' b to give undergraduate stu'And Feehan· High is to be And at Sacred Hearts Acadents an opportunity to take aD demy in Fall River, oommittee congratulated for having edited intensive semester of spokel!1 'a Latin newspaper called "Latiheads f<lr the Seventeeners Spanish and specialiZed courses Dance to be held Frida.y, Nov. nus 'Nuntius." To translate this in Latin American history, litwould be to trespass on your in23 include Peggy Connors, Doris erature and cultural anthropoJ,.. Hebert, Joan Camara and .Ellza- telligence. The paper made it5· ogy. be'th La Salle. Alana Almeida debut this week under direction will act as charm consUltant to of Sister Mary Angelica and the oopOOm<lle students of Caesar. St. Francis the freshman claSs. The paper will not only At C<>yle preparations are unResidence' der way for the annual Alumni feature news· of interest to· FOR YOUNG WOMEN Latin scholars but will also redance .on 'T,hanksgiving Day. 196 Whipple St., Fall Rival' They hope to make it a cele-- p<>rt on sp<>rts, plaiYs, club new'fl Conduded by Franciscan bretion dance in honor of their. and world events. More ·Congratolations Missionaries of Mary expected victory in the CoyleCongratulations are also m Taunton j<lust at Hopewell Park. ROOMS - MEALS order f<lr six Girl Scouts from in Taunton. OVERNIGHT HOSPITAUTV Inquire OS 3-2892 Teams from Mit. St. Mary'o St. Anthony's. All received the will be include~ in a jay-vee Marian .Award, highest honor debate tournament to be held for Catholic Scouts. They are Doreen ~"""'"'I"~, at St. Catherine's m Newport Jeannette B I' e ton, and the debate team of St. Mar:y . Boucher, Florence Gerard, Paul- ~ ~ High School in Taunton will be ette Bousquet, Suzanne La'badiil represented at the Shrewsbury and' Rachel Bernier. ~ ~ The science club at Feehan tournament to be held SaturHeaft'o~g ~ continues active under direction ~ day, Nov. 17. ' A number of up~rclassmea at Coyle will participate in II New York outing under the direction of Mr. Thomas Whalen, NORiTHI F!'<ONT Social Studies teacher there. # NEW BEDFonD Ii\) MAKES YOUR Teachers in the news this week include Sister Mary Hor.CA. RUN BETTER ~ WYman 2·5534 ~ tense and Sister Rose Angela, I,,,,,,,,,,,~ b<>th on the faculty of Sacred AI New Car Dealera Hearts Academy, Fall River. and Service StatiOM Sister Mary H<lrtense will serve . hei,where as an evaluator at Sacred Heart '7 m High in Waterbury, Conn. and ~~'B Sister Rose Angela will serve in the same capacity at Notre Dame A cad e m ~ Tyngsboro, New England's PlaY91"oll.!ncll Mass. Feehan faculty' members who spent a day observing in nearby COMPANY schools last week are Sistell' @ Mary Sheila and Sister Mary Rochelle. The Sisters visited St. Complete line Xavier's Academy, Provide~ce, .~llIliidung M«:nteria~s to compare notes' with tlhe French department.






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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FaA River-Thurs., NO¥. 15, 1962



- Says Laity Still Resents Cr~tricB~m





By Rev. A,wdrew :tW. Greeley Geoll'ge G. Eiggins hma been appointelll ~ assM mill of the Second Vatican <DoWlcn and has asked lFi'. A\ndi'ew M. Greeley to write this column whAle he is in Rome. !Fn'. Gi'eeley Ia well qualified. Be has mdocto",te in sociology fll'om the lITniversity of Chicago and is the author of thlOO books: "The Church and the Suburbs"; "Strangero in the l8IouS0"; lIInd "Religion' and the College Graduate." 18Ie has also writtellll wellll oveli' 50 magazine articles. At the present time, among many othel? duties, lFi'. Greelev is-editoll' ~ J.\.postolato (Catholie J.\.ctAolOi Journal). lWSgi'.


To play the role of a critie is at best a dangerous game,; to be a self-critic is apparently even more dangerous; but to be a self":critic of the self-critics is to invite trouble. In an early column in the present pinch-hitting series, I raised some questions about ,gating educated laymem. fOli' the current outburst of, self- speaking their minds! ' criticism. In reply I received New Oi'thodoxy laB angry letter from an exOne ca? un?erstand the prob-



ANS: Sister M. Emmanuel,. director of social service at, St. Philomena's T r a i n i n g School, Brooklyn, was a principle speaker at the Na.ti9nal Lutheran WeI far e Conference meetIng in New York yesterday. NC Photo. '

tremely respected and conipe- leffi: ~f thIS edItor, of c~urse. The! tent Catholic journalist who position of the self-critics is by accused me of, no means secure yet in the a) denying any American Church (though per[I u g ge s ti 0 n haps not, as in~ecure as they of mediocrity in would like to thmk). Catholic scholEvery time they open their m'ship b) view: "mouths someo~e on the.right at. ing ali lay crittempts to clobber them; so.they icism as negaare not prepared for SnIping U'(c)l®~ ~®UVilU [Ji)@ U'~ tive, c) denying from, the left. .' , ' . t2J _ laity the right Any~ne who dISagrees With tryr;;"\' rc;'r;;"\~\v,rr>n~";'@' n to constructivethem IS automatically lumped \8Iuu LSuu~y~UU~O U th those who ar~ denying their ly criticize,. d) ,'}," CINCINNATI (NC)-An edt. ,telling laymen: rights-and there IS no real need tor and author recommended that they have ev.e? to rea~ carefully what the that Catholics organize "rocking duties, but no rights, e) implycritiC has sal~. chair seminars" with their non- ing that laymen are not fun Such reactions are, I ~ppose, Catholic neighbors to discuss members of the Mystical Body, ~derstandabl~. But it is md~~d Pope John's Mater et Magistra f? suggesting that the writern u~ortunat~ that the New C~lti- ,encyclical. m. Commonweal Symposium Clsm can In such a short t~e Philip J. Scharper, editor for wish to usurp the teaching au~ecome a ~ew o,rt~odoxy which ,Sheed and Ward, publishers of thority of the bishops, and g) ~ every bit as rigid and inflexNew York, told ,a Xavier Uni-. castigating these writers simply Ible as the Old Orthodoxy and versity Forum session here the because they speak their minds. per?ll;ps even more sensitive 110 encyclical is "almost as impor, e'l'itlclSffi. tant as the ecumenical council iD Denies Charges Repeat OUches its intrinsic significance." Now, gentle reader, if you dig, :n is, even more unfortunate "It is a charter of Christian out your scrapbooks of old Yard- , that many of the critics are nat 'revolution that could change. stick columns, you will note that able to profit from criticism to our world"":""if taken seriously," I said none of these things,. broaden and deepen their analScharper said. He charged that. either explicitly or implicitly. yses. It seems much easier to American Catholics "by and And let it be noted for the record repeat ·the tired cliches of II large have not taken this docu-, Chat the reason I did not say. decade ago and not ask the quesment of human dignity with real. them is because I do not believe tiona which would be relevant seriousness." He said "the most. ~em. ' to the contemporary situation. practical thing that all of us can . What I did was that I. n might be interesting, for ex- do would be to read the encyfOund much of the current self-. aJP,ple, if the critics began to clical and, make every effort to, criticism unbalanced because It examine their allies in the litur_' understand it." ,does not take into account the gieal and Catholic Action move"By Mater-et Magistra,"'Schar_ rapid change which is going on ,ments and ask what failuroo per said, "Pope John made ~ in the American Church and have these ,movements experi-' quite clear that the Church untends to generalize from one enced'in the last decade and how derstands the grave problema' .local situation to the whole' they might improve their apposed not only by the Church church. proach. But to ask theSe quesbut to mankind in 'the present I also suggested that selftions, I suppose is dangerously world, in whicli one out of every eriticism is tending to tum Into close to heresy. ', four perS9ns, is Chinese; one of', a new conventional wisdom' There is still considerable every two ChrIstians is not a which permits purveyors of the' reaSon to debate' whether the" Catholic, two out of every three party line to see nothing but the American ChUrch is . mature' persons have not had the Gospel most gloomy trends in Ainerican enough to' accept friendly criti-' preached to them, and one out Catholidsm. cism of the clergy from eduCated - of every three persollD live and sincere laymen; but there 19 under communist rule." Statement Distorted not much question as to whether Now'it may be naive, clericai we have come far enough on the bias on my part, but it seems fA) ~<cIJu@@~ §@fI' SB$\fte~ road to maturity where the edu- . me that to say a given proposi- ,cated and sincere laity can acELIZABETH (NC) - A twotion is too gloomy or does not cept friendly criticism from tho year institute for teachers' traintake into account processes of clergy. We haven't. ing has been opened here in New change is rather different than Jersey by the BelJ.edictine Sisto say that' the one who writes ~a$!hl@~ MO~lm'r)g ters of Elizabeth. It will offer £1 the proposition has no right to re n . two-year' college program with express it or is trying to usurp 1t'«l)1l' ~1!B«lJ[],@mlG'DI1il~ accreditation to confer 65 credits the authority of the bishops fir MIAMI (NC) - The presito Sister-students. The Siste1"l3 is not a full-fledged member of dential proclamation, ordering a, - then may transfer to four-year the Mystical Body. colleges to earn bachelor's deIndeed I would have thought quarantine of Cuba was comgroos. The 'institute is affiliated before this irate letter that it mended by BishopColernan F. would be possible to agree with Carroll of Miami "as necessary with the Catholic University o:f much of what the self-critics had and wise and as representative .America. . been saying and still think that of the minds of the America'il they had not said enough for a people." The Bishop telephoned his balanced picture. But, alas, it does not seem message from Rome ""here he possible if you mutter a word is participatipg m the Ecumenfr- ' against the content of self-criti_ cal Council. His diocese is only cism, you are obviously cast!-, 90 mile from Cuba. "The mere presence of communist Russia on the doorstep of the United States has-been intolerable to Americans who Wyatt realize the extremely dangerous (\!DU$iIltIAL OilS STEUBENVILLE (NC)---Movie threat such penetration oHet\'l and television star Jane Wyatt to our own country and indeed H~ATING OILS .will receive the Poverello Medal, to the _ e ~ t ire hemisphere," highest non-academic awaid of Bishop Carroll said. TOMKIN "It is my fervent prayer the College of Steubenville, Dec. 2. during these days when both the OUI. BURNERS The medal will be presented news of the Ecumenical Counby Father Columba J. Devlin, cil's, activities and thiB new $ra!lvneO T.O.R:, at the college's annual world crisis occupy the minds of Founders Day dinner. men, that this strong and posi3@~ (()UN1Y $'f. Miss Wyatt's selection recog- tive American stand will aet ,as a means of deterring comnizes her support of many charNrnW ~~IOl~©~[i} ities, her work with "the Hour munist leaders from further of St. Francis" program, and her rash steps endangering the peace WV ~Q1U'~U contributions to the Rosary Cru- of the world." Bishop Carroll sade and Family Theater, declared.











OhQO College Award For Jane


SQ110eS '&



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Rivei'-Thurs., Noy. 15, 1962

Church's Future In Latin America Rests with La ity


SAN JUAN (NC) - Catechetical teaching looms large in the future of the Church in Latin America, a papal diplomat asserted here in Puerto Rico. Archbishop Emanuele Clarizio, Apostolic Nuncio to the Dominican Republic whose jurisdiction extends to Puerto Rico, told the annual Confraternity of Christian Doctrine here: "The Church is in danger in Latin America due to the lack of religious instruction. Will they be truly Catholic or will the Church lose them forever? It depends on catechetical teaching." A total of 864 delegates attended the convention in Our Lady of Guadalupe parish here. 'Fundamental Importance' A message from Archbishop James P. Davis of San Juan, who is in Rome attending the Second Vatican Council, asserted that the future of the' Church in Latin America is in the hands of the laity. He stressed the ''fundamental importance" of the apostolate of the laity, "the apostleship more intimately joined with' the mission of the Church, which is the continuation of Christ our Redeemer's mission."

C@Uege Teachers

1'«) Mee~ at Regis The Society of Catholic College Teachers of Sacred Doctrine will hold its annual regional meeting Saturday, Nov. 17 at Regis College, Weston. Speakers will include Rev. Ernest L. Fortin, A.A., Assumption College, giving a paper on "The New Moral Theology: Gen_ esis and Pres~nt State"; Sister Rose Eileen, C.S.C., Cardinal Cushing College, Brookline, discussing the training of college students as Confraternity of Christian Doctrine workers; and Sister Mary Thomasina, R.S.M., Mt. St. Mary's College, Hooksett, N. H., speaking on co-curriculum problems associated with college C.C.D. work. Father Fortin holds ti doctorate in letters from the University of Paris and a licentiate in Sacred Theology from the Angelicum, Rome. He is a contributor to many scholarly periodicals. Sister Rose Eileen received a doctorate from St. Mary's School ~ Theology, Notre Dame, and has written for Worship, the Catholic Biblical Quarterly and the Religious Educational Association Journal. Sister Mary Thomasina holds a degree from Providence College School of Theology.

MARYKNOLLER SERVING IN AFRICA: SisteroMar- Rev. James A. Dury of St. Vincent's Home, Fall R~verp ian Teresa, the former Mary Dury of New Bedford, looks received worldwide publicity when she was luncheon l!Oston at the outdoor, water tap, Marian College, Tanganyika, ess to G. Mennen Williams, during his tour as America.!) East Africa. In 1961, the New Bedford nun, a sister a.f Assistant Secretary of African Affairs.

COMnc~~ .R@~e CJ)~

Yie~d for (6@frDlolics SepaFOJtted Brethren One of Outstandiiillg Achce~®01fil®[)1)~S

Ho;ds Promise of Rich

seeing that the resolutions of fheir priests. Never before, it Cardinal Bea revealed that the Trent were quickly, put into would seem, have the needs of observers were "truly pleased" the Diocese of Winona, Msgr. pra<:tice in his diocese of Milan. the universal Church been so with their reception at the CounHumberto Me de i'r 0 s, and Nearly every Council Father well represented and voiced at cil, and that the freedom of disthrough the kindness of the was present in St. Pet~r's for a Council. cussion in the Council made a Bishop, your correspondent, fo1- this liturgical tribute to Pope great impression on them. He Although this Council is not IQwed the route that Pope John John XXIII-a man whom his- a eon g I' e s s democratically said the observers were startled had taken before the opening tory will remember as the into see cardinals arguing reform chosen by the people, it would of the Council, to' Loreto and spiration for the Second Vatiin the meetings, bishops taking be hard tQ find a more demoAssisi. This group offered Mass can Council. diametrically opposed views, ,cratically-run legislative body, on the feast of All Souls in the and complete freedom of discus_ During this anniversary Mass, and one that so admirably repsmall stone house in Loreto that Pope John looked drawn and sion prevailing at all times. They an old traditiQn says wae the tired. But as someone remarked resents the 'People. Catholics were used, he said, to a picture - have reason for deep pride in house of the Holy Family in following the Mass, "The Holy of the Church as a monolithic the Second Va~ican Council, and Nazareth. The shrine was Father seems to be the personi- ,high hop~s for its rich yield of authority which brooks no freecrowded that morning with lit- fication of the Council: old m harvest. dom of opinion. The cardinal . erally hundreds of bishops who years but dynamically alive jp concluded that the Council hall Two Sources were,also in Loreto for the holi- spirit." "already borne great fruits ill A clear indication of this day. the cause of Christian unity." High Gear harvest and the new tempo of Fraternity Pope Pleased .!hIs dynamism of the Coun- the Council came this week from . The religious guest house at eil was spotlighted when the two sources: Pope John and Evidently pleased with the Loreto, where Bishop Connolly Second Vatican shifted hito Cardinal Bea. In his regular first successes of the Council, and his party were staying, had high gear by passing a resolu- ,Wednesday audience, the Holy Pope John set Dec. 8, the feast the flavor of a small United Na- tion limlting the number of Father tQld a throng of pilgrims of the Immaculate Conception, tions. There were bishops from s pea k e rs on each subject. that the Vatican Council is esas the closing date for the first France (inclUding the bishop of Calming fears that the deHbera- sentially forward-looking and , session. The next session wiD Lourdes), Portugal, Mexico, Le- tions of the Council woUld be should not be regarqed as, a 'convene on May 12, 1963 and banon, Italy, Canada, and the long and repetitious, the Prae- "museum of antiquity." The will last Ul)til June 29, the United States. The dining room sidium (a steering committee of - pontiff counseled that "we must Feast of 55. Peter and Paul. provided the scene for ,a real ten cardinals), through the in- - live as if the past is really past, When the Council Fathere demonstration of international tervention of the Pope, was - because we are going ahead." return, they face a mountain of relations, with a fraternity that - authorized to decide when a hard work. But if their moun,The second important baromwas truly remarkable. question had been. sufficiently eter reading of the Council's tain climbing of the past month At the Loreto guest house, discussed by putting it to a 'progress came from Cardinal is any indication of the future, language was no barrier for the stand-up vote of the bishops. the peak of Vatican II will be Augustine Bea, the head of the bishops. The Bishop of Fall In the first application of this scaled in good time and the C@nvention to Hear River, Church's new Secretariate to reflecting the national new ruling, it was reported that Promote Christian Unity. 'It is Church's flag of conquest firmlw [Pli'(1)testant Laymen origins of his flock, conversed 2,300 bishops rose to their feet, planted in a new age. a miracle, a true miracle," said CINCINNATI (NC) Two in three languages, and some of unanimous~ showing their, dethe carqinal, referring to what Protestant laymen will have the non-American bishops spok~ sire to move on with the agenda. he considers one of the outstandprominent roles at the biennial English quite well. ing achievements of the Vatican Next Seetfcm From Loreto on the Adriatic q:onvention of the Archdiocesan Council-the participation of the The quickening pace of the Council, of Catholic Men here coast, the group moved north Protestant and Orthodox 'obto Assisi, that charming medi- Council has given rise to hopes Home modo Sunday, Dec. 2. that the present discussions on servers. eval city of St. Francis. After CANDIES Members of a panel discussing Drawing Together the liturgy will soon be con"Christian Unity" will include offering prayers at the tomb of eluded and put to the vote, and CHOCOLATES The 81-year-old German JesPaul Momberg, a Methodist, and this great saint, the party of that the next section on Scrip- uit, formerly the confessor to 1SO \f(!)lrieties Ray Clift, a Presbyterian. Both four headed back to Rome, Jure and Tradition can be Pope Pius XII, told at a press are active in lay organizations of stopping along the way at the started before the Christmas reconference how the experiment towns of Perugia, Orvieto and ROUTE 6 near their churches. has thus far fulfilled his hopes cess. The bishops have less than Viterbo. Preceding the discussion :will Fairhaven Auto Theatre two chapters to discuss on the and definitely favors the mutual Fourth Anniversary be an address on unity by Father liturgy. drawing together of the Catholic FAIRHAVEN, MASS. Their holiday over, the bishVincent C. Horrigan, S.J., chairThe Com m iss ion for the Church and the separated brethliiIhan of the Xavier University ops returned to the Eternal City Litur,gy, composed of 25 mem- ren. for Sunday morning's special bers (16 nominated by the bishtheology department. Mass in honor of Pope John's ops and nine by the Pope), has tI'tf[;U~ (;!R.OWING fE5~fNJ!X°6 fourth anniversary as pontiff. been meeting each afternoon to [g]@@d$lEduc~t;clll Urroit Over 10,000 people jammed into' compose a draft that will be D QUITO (NC)-Father Luis E. St. Peter's basilica to partici- acceptable to the majority of the Orellana, S.J., has been elected pate in the Holy Sacrifice which Council Fathers. If their draft SOMIERSIE"I', MASS. . president of the Inter-American Cardinal Montini, the Arch- does not get 'a majority, it will Confederation of Catholic Edu- bishop of Milan, celebrated in have to be returned to them for the Ambrosian Rite Following revisions. $200.000 to $2,000,0(0)0) DI1'\l ~ \f<e<l:U'5 ~tion.· Father Orellana, who is preparing for the upcoming the gospel of the M~s, the Holy Pastoral Approach 1I'1I'ea~ VOll<lll'se!~ io, COi1lveniei1l~ laanltill\llBJ' Qighth congress of the confeder- Father del!vered a ~oving talk The treatment of the liturgy in ation, succeeds Msgr. Manuel on the saint of the day, Charles in the large morning sessions Somenef Shopping Area 1tII~ ~he Bridge Borromeo. Praising the brilliant Andrade Reimers, president mnce 1960, who resigned because work of this saintly bishop in has been decidedly pastoral in Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. approach, with bishops giving of ill health. Msgr. Andrade, the Council of Trent, the Pope top priority to the needs of their All Deposits Insured Up To $10,000 Reimers helped set tip the con- underscored the later accompeople 2nd the difficulties of plishment of St. Charles in :t!ederaUwl .b:1 1946. Continued from Page One

SLADE $ ,fER~Y TRWJ~1 ~@~PA~1f.


\ )

THE ANCHOR...,Diocese,~ :FelR River-iTihul's., IHov•. ~~, '~962


ILauds F.rankSheed s· Book !u'UnfDagging 'Wonder l

India Bishops A'sk. Sup'po'rt For Govel.,n·men't 'in War BlOME i(iNC) ' - lnCWi's Bishops .have .called on t1leir' Catholics in :a joint paBtora11etter to support :the


:gov.emmentin !the iundeclaredwar between ''India and Red Gr~ ArChbish.op .ofiBomba,y:;iBish.op .ste:ph.en!F1er.r.ando~ ,S.® .R, (of Challenge offered by :6 ,pow.erShillon,g., andiBiBho;p \(i)xeste8 .fu! ,ad:veI'saq. We ,are .sure .that ,all of .you w.ill .collaborate to IVIarengo, ;g.O.B., <of®lbr.u- fbe £ullest with .the ;go:v:ernment

,China. At:the :BRIDe iiime, Wa1erian 'Cardinal

By Rt.~. MsgT• .Jolm S.K1mD.edY

1l.\Iany :readez:s. -of ~ks byF:. I • .she~, <observing 1lis tnsightand skill me1ucidauOll of the Gospels, have wished lI;bat he would doa book primarily devoted til that.UTpGn taking up ibis latestpublicatwn,ToKnow 'ChristJ'esWJ lSheed and Wani .$5), they Peter . gets but passin.g attention may :BUpposevhart he haair.omMr.. Sheed,yet his crisp finally got round to it. ·!But ,occasional commentsontibe iihe supposition willbeshor;t- cl1iefof .:the~0s.tiles do .moreto

,garh .!hav;e TI.eft 'there to :MlH!D 1110 in 11 .spirit ,of lQyaltyaBd ,true ;their ;Sees. patr.lotisnL'" 'The ,decision .toi5sue :the ilet- .. 'The BishQPS .added .that "we iter :and 'for 1thepr-eIates'retunn wish .to express .to kthe ,armed w:astaken :ala .meet'iIlg ':here <Of .Iorces) our Jldmiration .andour -all Indian Bishops ,at:tendingthe ,gratitude ,for ,their ,courage and Ecumenical :Council. sense of .du~ and we assure them that we pr~y constantly .for' 'iIP-oweriWl&lllIverro!!T 'The spor.adicborder <claShes them .and .their lamilies." Prey fOl'*Peaee whiCh :ha;v;e -:taken ,place ~bet:ween :the Indians ;and :,Chinese :com'11he letter stated that ''prayers iIIlunists ;along ·.their :!IiIinuUay:an :and functions 'should '.beorfrontier fors·e,v·er,al ,gamzed lin -all ,churcheg 'm ·the ·erupted mto a major :armed 'con- success of ,army :andfor'Q ,quick flict :inO.ciob,er when :the .and lasting,peace.based ,on jus'Chinese launched ian :offensiv.e. tice ,and mutual understanding. :India~s ,go:v:ernment 'has pro"We ,pray with .redoubledlerclaimed a :state :of :national vor that .the ,prince of Peace, ,emergency and ·.IsgettingU;S. through the intercession ,of Our aid. Lady, Patroness of India, [grants The lndim 'Bishopa ,said :'in the ineffable blessing ,of !peace, their Jetter: .not only lor us :but ,for the whole '"Ulhe ,g,ov~rn·m,e·lll·t ,of ,ou.r world. In .all.of your prayers and -oountrY 1lIl.der ·the leaders~p :of ,supplications, we, ,your Bishops, our :beloved Prime :Min1ster .are with .you in .mind 'and .heart, I(JawabarlalNehru) 'is ·taldng above .all.now in the :hour ,of energetic :steps ttl confront the .daily .sacrifice."

:IU d [n ihiBforeword' he dis- ;make him .11 .livm,g .fl,gure :than . ~. any. such .intention. Ele oo the incomparably longer talls us that :the :treatments. :i,book not a Fore lit a m ;p 1. ;Sheed ,... . . 1 comwonders why 1ihe DlJXaculouB U' 0 :~~ ':1\."ckaugiht <Jf fishes made an. imRESCIHEID: Father R-obert <ZIlen""",.:r' ..'IV .• .' +.. ~ a p:r.essron . ,on .... r.e",,!l', en;gen d el'ed L. Depinent, NLl\!L,an Amer.~l'e 1.s. . "" ".an ~citement,and a fear in him, 'lllllography, and 'i'''*(,';.<t*'.' ,~~ .. 1 had faiJled ican missionary lost in the mus bee au .se . >"l1 'm~" ,,:, which .0 1lher Il1ll':aC es Philippme Sea tforf.ourdays ."'there . ~ too 4':0 {./;{;; ;to do. , , ' . , . Cl U c h ·of ',~lb':' ~t~a Mr. ;Sheed .!llemaI'ks, 'Reading with three ~ino com:' ....,...:st' 1i f e . ..<#f," ~ imlndsand .healing hodies, eV.en panions, was rescued ~ya ~;~ '~ch11Q ".' t;~~'?~~. 'mutsa'k!~,g ~e- sue.h things !lay U.S. Air ·F-or.ce seaplane light faili;f-or 'x '0. lue ~exqllerlence:. -even " d;the acwifhout miracles these' were south ,of- CaPe San August:Ja, ant w'e .... -ve ' mysteries wi:llhPeter. But £ish. tin. NCPhoto. ~s the~ d the ;two~orfuree luminous were.~ .. er~:.. ' .;w 4 ' are wrl1lten by men notabou± !fJish. This nnracle ihit .home '/i6) ;ff l"::. 0 %~:;:ap1uieally ._ minded." !In- w.him:as theo1lhers ihad not.... 1ir ~[p)lliJ1J@J.dl@ml dl;eadihe wants to help .~ Differem.t .'IFooe Continuedfr-om :P.agla ,One 'J?eade'r :see fue iliace <Jf 'Christ as So i~ is throughout ilbe ibook, Among geographical regions, lI:l looks out upon us from the . which follows Christ from the pages of the Gospel, to enable [ncar~ati()n to His sitting at ·.the 'western and southern Europe ffile reader ·to meet :Someone 'right hand of the Father in 'leads in ,the .number of Catholics .about whom, although devoted glory. Whatever .is touched on with 190;064,000. -Other regions with l~ge Catholic .populations ¢o him the reader may know .shows a different face from are South America, 132,448,000; very little. those previously seen. Continued from Page One al90 made to reduce :further the Fr,esb ObservatiOllil In writing of the Incarnation, Eastern Europe and the Soviet liturgical rank of 'some saintEI' martyrs.of the Church. ·First use Union, 57,616,000; Nornh AmerAs is his wont, Mr. Sheed ex- for example, Mr. 'sheedhaa days for this purpose. o! the name will be in the Mass peets the -reader ,to work. One is something to say ·of Our Lady. ica, 51,1121000; :Middle America, '"The opinion was e~pressed 45,421,000; Southeast' Asia, 25,':' for Dec. 8, Feast of the ImmacuIIl.Ot to 'read this book passively, He wond~rs whether she real:.. <that traditional "forms Of penance late Conception. 380;000; the' We s t In die s , but to linger thoughtfully overized that she had always been, and Central Africa, The Council Fathe1'l9 devoted <eaUld be 'adapted 'to the reguiren. And one is also to go to the from the instant of ·conception, 15,248,000; 1'1,286,000. most of the ,17th general con- 'll1ents of -modern -life .and to the Gospels themselves. wholly free from the least trace Behind JIron Curtam gregation to the fifth chapter conditions of particular regionss The author does not .pretend ·ofSin. Greenland has the smallest ·01 the prqject ··.ouilineon ,the :making .use .of ,forms 'of openance ta have exhausted these, and 'he Reasks wllethel' 'her parents cwhichwotild seem 'to correspond insists that the reader delve were !living at the time of the 'Catholic population among the Church\s public worship. A ,better .to the needs ,of ·souls." . nations of the world-seven out .:0aw -r.efer.enees -were made to the mto them with "a totlilconeen- Annunciation, and concludes ·CoUllcil lfi)eakers .also touched of a total population of 31,000. remaining ,three .chapters ,of :the tration -of the mind;'" that they were not, 'Since "'parAndorra, located between Spain. project. Chapter five ,deale -with br'oad!ybut 'not in detail on An example of 'how the Gos- -ents, especially :fathers,were far what ·the 'Communique described and France,is the only countzy the liturgical ;year. ~els ought to 'be read, and with tooimpor.tant among the Jews claiming 1GO per' cent Catholic what profit they can be read, to be 5implyigno:r-ed .lake ,this.'" 'The 'regularCouncl1 Ibulletin as "the -rather complex guestion 'lh affClt'ded by the yield from As he takes -up feature after '-population-6;OOO out ofG,OOO. stated that ''much 'was said of of 'a perpetual calendar and of Among countrieslisted.as hav- the :need f-orreaw.akeningln:the n fixed 'date for Easter." ~em whiCh fbi:!; book evidences. feature of il:he. Saviour's 'niiIiising Catholics .in their' popula- faithful respect for hol;y: ,days By concentration, by reflection, :try, Mr. Sheed has apt and enFather·Frederick:R. McManus tions, Nepal'has the lowest .per- 'af obligation;'" The Council <afthe B,os t,o 'n ,archd1o,cese, and by putting together what is lightening ithings' to ·say. He dialOOund in the various parts of .cw;ses, for example, the objee-. eentage-.007 .per cent ar 700 Fathers .also :noted, the bulletin .American ·bishops' ~ss panel out of a.popUlation total of :said, ,that .respect. for the ,Sun- member -w;b;oas .allturgical lfue New Testament, Mr. SheedfJionto 'Ohrist'smiracles 'ilihat out of a population of 9,407,127. . day observance iamade ·diffi- scholar is one of ,the 'papally apeomes up with an manner of they violate the 'laws ·of nature. Catholics in the .Soviet Unioli eWt by' ·.the :necesSity to .W!Ot!k ,pointed ueJ;Perts" ,of the Coun~esh observations. "A miracle no more· ~olates Manner of 'Speech the laws .0fnatl.U'e;" he says, -are said ,to 'number 10 million- . <ra :Sunday.ll-.not .only :in cl1, saidtbat ,the guestion (of re4.7 per cent of a'· total population highly industrialized Christian f~.the general calendar T() take a sma'll but signal ".than a fieldsman violates· the of 215 million. example, lVIT. 'Sheed has ·studied law of .gravity by catchio,g.a .ball COUlltries, ,butim 'IlOn-Christian and that ,oJ. fixi~ .the date for Canada ,l!I.&nlm mg~ Our Loncl~smanna''Df speech as on its way .to the ground. .He haG eDUlltries too. Easter are quite separate. Be On a percentage basis tbG repor,ted in the ,Gospel, and simply brought into .action ,an'1'Ihe bulletin rej)Ortedsug- ,said .the ,problem of ,a calendar '!points out that no .sentimental o.ther law. That .i..l what ,Good !leadin,g ,geographical ,regiollQ gestionsthat Advent and Lent for universal use is "largel'Y a .from the :standpoint of ,Catholie be restored to their odginal civil question on ,which 'the ,utterance ,can be found in it. The does." Saviour was a ·cool realist. The whole book, .in shod, ;fa population are Middle .America. significance and penitential Chureh might indicate its 'feelWhen, after themir.aculous an unflagging wonder, ·com- 94 per cen~; South America, 92.4 ~araeter. 'TbeJlUggestion WaD ·ings;'" .feedin,gof the .Live thousand by· pound ,of learnin,glight\y worn !per ,cent; West .Indies 74 per the lakeshor.e, the multitude but .shrewdly used, brilliant· .cent; ;western :a '0. -d southern ,Bought him lOut in ,his ,seclusion, common sense, a·grasp ·on ,the , EUl'ope, 5Vl per ,cent; :and East "his manner was not that ,of a mentaU'ty of the typical ·con- A£r:ica, 29.9 per .cent. Nor.th miracle-worker modesUy re- . temporary readet" in its capa- .American Catholiesrepresent 24.9 per ·cent. ceiving congratulations . . . He ,bUities, Interes~, prejudic~, for,Canada ·has ,a <Catholic poputold them that they had come midable skill .in e~planati()n, Iliimplybecausehe 'had filled '8ndmastery of a stYle which, 'lation of ,8,230;000, ·44.2 ,percent of the total population of their .stomachs with .bread." plain 'and 'brisk,is extraordi...1-6;62Q,OOO. There are other instances cited narily powerful. ~ "Jesus' ,l!peechbeing brief, . Excellent 'll'eacbezo to the point, unsentimental." In commenting ,011 the ,wffer.If(J(>>rJ) C£DlJi'il@(BHmHfil JP>Il'Ji~ztt A5@]~ 'Whol1yJudged' ence between St. Mark~s narra,But Mr. 'Sheed observes a dif- tive of the healing tOf the woman 'S~O~@liil Ul1\l'~@fl'Il'\!!l!i'\l@fr® :ferenceoncetheP.as!!i~is'en- ,with .a nux of ,bloo~and ,8t: SAIGON (NC) -A Canadian tared llPon. Thus, durtng the ·LuKe'·s version .of ,the same inRedemptoristhas built up an public miniStry,Judas had been cldent, ,Mr. ,sheed .notesi'hat ,spok«:n to t~rsely, ~ever~ly. .st. .Mark ·reports ,that .af!t.er· organization ·that ·helps 1,200 ThIS was m k-eepmg WIth Our spending all her money ,on phy- '~nmarried 'mothers, deserted whr,es 'and :abandoned ,children Lord's r::£usal to use gentle siciana, "she was .nothing the 'words WIth men hardened in better but rather the worse" 'm Hhouses :1n and near ,this .citY. evil. But when . the . same Jlidas while 'St. ItUke 'simplyputs 'FilltherLuclan 0liv.ier,C;SS.a, consummated hIS :WIcked COU1'5e that '''she 'coUld not be l1ealJ.ed" by betraying his 'Master with a 'Mark, 'he 'says ta:'lks as the re~ who ~starned ,the or,ganizatioll (fouryears'!\go, ,provides ~ kiss, he was greeted :as "friend." -of men have tJ'1ked about doc:some 700 .of ,these ,unfortunatetll Why? .B e c.•~ use, says .Mr.il;onl from -thebeginniqg. Luke? ,in .one ·centerwhich :sells lIigB, S?ee~, -:resushas ,entered Into He was 'a . doctor. And Mr. chickens and fish. In .another his vIctim-condition, .he goes to 'Sheed? 'He ls the teaCher ,par ,center, ,a ,pagan :woman cares for. the slaughter 'lamb-like: there ,is -exce'llenee. . tlOOchildr-en. Trhis w:oman,who lIlO rage :in ihim, -no :!iuclging ,even. was deserted 'by ber 'husband, He is wholly judged." I'N""e'~e§1 Retrea.Ilt ,is under ,instt-uctions for BapMiracle flIits Home 4ism. Many a writer has done a poriB'tnl 'l«:ll!lll@Jl11IlIl'I$)& IDhere have heen 400 Baptisms trllit !of .St.P.eter, on ,the basis ~0ND0N (NC)-A,special ne,in ,the H ·houses since ;the ,organof the IGoSpel ,data. .Some of treat.has .been given for [30 deaf these have been book-length. mute Catholics in the London ization :started and ,11 number of iUnmarriedmothers ,and deserted area in sign language. . wives have returned 'b 'tho jt took :p1ace at ·the Sisters tof sacraments. NOTRE DAME (NC)-Twenty 'Charity convent near Westminpaintings from iIlhe 1liJliiversity .ster cathedral and was ;lHI@!m@IfM@fi't(.yU'$ of Notre Dame gallery will be "preached" by Father W. J. Hayw:ard" .'8 .convert, .who lost biB seen in museums throughout the NAGASAKI -(NC)-Five htmcountry during the coming year hearing while serving in Franee 'red Australlanpi~grimsattended in an exhibition circulated iby in World 'War '1. He received 'ceremonies '<here marking 'the the American ']1edera'tioB ,of :llPe cia1iaciIitiea to be ordained ·centenary·at. 'the canotiizatiOll'c:f a!\a.1ta. JJa a.~ '26 'Nagasakimartyr4i,




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M-F'lrlest, ~nu)ter

'rNiEANCHOR-DtoceseofFan Kiver-Tl>tui's., Nov. 15, 1962


Sif1res$ C6'1lG~il'J Ke-y to: Uriity SACRAMENTO (NC)' Charity;- and Wlderstanding are the- keys to Christian unity, a; priest and an: Angli.-

can minister ~d here. m un interfaith dialogue; Taking: part m the fl:rrt Catholic-Episcopalio.n public dialogue in the history of this area were Father EymlU'd Gallagher, editor of the Catholic Herald, newspaper of the Sacramento diocese, and the Rev. Ken,neth Samuelson; canon cf Trini~ cathedral. Rev. Mr. Samuelson Slid there are fuur points af reference "in our unity, talks: the ministry, the sacraments, the creeds and tltc Holy Scriptures."" '§Gri~1lllG l]rnwoo~1t'

"Most Roman Catholics;" Iw. mated, "have been taught to ~ gard fue Episcopal Church IW &Dother Protestant t:2Ct:. or' denomination. This, of course" han been a serious drawback in the development of that kind of climate of mutual respect, let alonn fur unity." , "Anglicanism," he stressed., stands midway between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, so our eoncern lies in two directions. Rev. Mr. Samuelson' said he believes the· most: effective patli to unity is througJi the method. of mass eonversions. Father Gallagher said the Catholic Church eould advance the cause of unity by revamping its sYstem of teaching theology in seminaries so as to include a course in the fundamental tea~ ings of other churches, and by spelling out more clearly the essential nature of the Church, especially in relation to, the pope and the. bishops. J::>oge's' Role "The' w,hole question of authority; in, the Churcn can be, properly; appreciated," he said, "if the pope's role is.looked upon as a primacy: of. serVice; a9 an authority; not simply; ov.er the' Church, but in the' Church, Christ's institution: of an S!'b~ trator and mediator in the· service of unity." "Our call for' unity,". Father Gallagher asserted, "is to removo any obscurity, to make truth and practice so clear that we will invite recognition, not submission."

Leg:fron' €Vf Decency R~ft"as Ma:ttie- 'e',

NEW YORK (NC)-The National Legion of Decency is making a special effort to call attention to its "oondemned" rating of an Italian film because the movie is being booked illl major th€ater circuits. Msgr. Thomas F. Little, executive director of the legion, has Dsked diocesan legion. directors to persuade Catholics that the movie, "Boccaccio '70," is not worthy of their suppjort·. The legion's, objection to the· movie· reads: "This film is It trilogy which purports to be styled after Boccacclo. The vfsu,.. alization of this type stol'Y be-. eomes in the present. film l!l grossly suggestive eoncentration upon indecent eostuming; situations and dialogue."

Prelates fo Opelt' NC~A\ CO'n.ventron WASHINGTON (NC)-.Toseph Cardinal Ritter will celebrate a Pontifical Mass to open the National Catholic Educational Association's 60th annual eonvention in St. Louis- in April, 1963. Archbishop John P. Cody, Apostolic Administrator of theNew Orleans archdiocese and president general of the association, will preach l!l;' the Mamr offered by the St. Louis arch,.. bishop, the NCEA announced here. Msgr. Frederick: G. Hochwalt, executive secretary' of the NCEA, wUl deliver the convention's keynote address at a session after the Mass on April 16The convention wiD. end April


AUXILIARY:: Msgr. Cial"cmee E. Elwell, superintendent <If: schools for;"' the Dio-· eese of Cleveland. since 1946. has been n a. m e d Titulaz Bishop of Gone' and Auxiliary to' Archbishop Edward F. Hoban of Cleveland. NC Photo.




Set Space Theme,

Fo!l' Book Week Cathollc Book Week will- be celebrated February 17-23\ 1963, it is announced' by the CathoDe Library Association. The theme is "Books Transcend' Space &Dd Time.'" James Francis: Cardinal McIn_ tyre, Archbishop of Los. Angeles, iG honorary chairman of this week devoted to pllomoting publication, distribution o:n d reading of good literature, Sister Perpetua Marie, OP., librarian at HolY' Rosary Academy, Louisville, Ky., is; national chairman of the celebration, which has been sponsored by the Catholic- Library Association for the past 33 years. Over one mil1.100 pieces ot literature' were distributed throughout the United Suites. and, Canada last year during Catholic Book Week. Book Week Kit The Catholic Library Associa_ tion will be aided by four other national organizations, in promoting the aims of Catholic Book Week. The Catholic Press Association, National Council of Catholic Women, National Council of Catholic Men and the National Office for Decent Literature are co-sponsoring, CBW, the largest positive effort to' promote good literature ever undertaken by a Catholic grou.P\ To aid in the celebration of Catholic Book 'Week, posters- for children and adults, book marks, seals and readin-g'lists are· available. The reading list this year is designed for the family and includes all titles recommended by the CBW book selection committees. These Catholic Book Week aids are included in a sample kit which can be ordered from. the Catholic Library Association, 461 W. Lancaster Avenue" Haverford, Pli.


Rul ing A'b~idges Freedc.m


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COU rt

NEW YORK (NC)-The former president of the New. York City BOard of Education said here, that. the U~ S. Supreme Court, by its school prayer ruling of' last. June" did. not intend to. "abridge our religious freedom or its expression, in the wider' sense;" Charles H. Silver told the annual Communion breakfast of the Catholic Teachers. Association of the New York archdiocese·that those' who· would "taKe comfort from our 'temporary eonfusion" over the decision should "read the exact: intent and limitation ot the ruling." Silver, now executive assistant. for education to. Mayor Robert F. Wagner' of New York, lI8id the court's decision was II "'precise objection to to particular phases of worship preacribed by go.vernlng authority" and was not intended: to abridge religious liberty.

RNASl - Whole- Kernel





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan, River-Thu~., Nov. "5, 1.962

The Parish Parade 8T. PATRICK, FALL RIVER A Christmas bazaar and supper are scheduled for Monday, Dec. 3 in the school by the Wo 's Guild. ROLY ROSARY, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will take l!i trip to LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro, Sunday afternoon, Dec. 9. Bus transportation will leave the church at 3:30. Annual Christmas party is planned for ., Monday night, Dec. 3 at the church hall.

ST. HEDWIG NEW BEDFORD Members of the choir win hold a card party Sunday, Nov. 18 in the church hall, with proceeds to benefit the new church. !Plans are. also under way for a Christmas party.

ST. MATHIEU, FALL RlIVER Future plans of the Council of Catholic Women include· a Christinas and cake sale Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 24 and 25 at the parish hall; an open meeting and cooking demonstration Tuesday, Nov. 27; and the annual Christmas dinner party Monday, Dec. 3. llMMACULATIE CONCEPTlION, :fALL RiVER The Women's Guild will sponsor a Christmas sale starting at 3 Saturday afternoon, Nov. 17 in the church hall. A supper wHI 'begin at 6, with Mrs. James Bentley in charge.


NO. WESTPORT The Council of Catholic Women will hold its annual Christmas bazaar Saturday.J Nov. 17 from one o'clock in the afternoon until 9 o'clock in the evening, in the church hall, Sa:nford Road, No. Westport. Ml's. Mary Walsh and Mrs. MarYI' Graham are serving as co-chairmen. A ham and be~n supper wilt be served during the bazaar in the evening frOm\5 to 6. The Council will h<>ld its Christmas I>arty Monday night, Dec. 3, at 7 o'clock. Reservations may be made by t:ontacting .Mrs.. Marie .Danis, 5271 Sanford Road, No. Westport.'


OUR LADY OIl" THE ANGELS. HOLY NAME, .lFALL RIVER . FALL RIVER . The Knights of the Altar will The Holy Name Society installed the following officers at hold a cake sale Sunday mornits annual Communion Break- · ing after all the Masses in the altar boys' .sacristy. fast:· John C. Kirkman, presiST. STANISLAUS, On Saturday eVening, Dec.!, dent; William Renaud, viceFALL RIVER president; Timothy J. Murphy, a ham and bean srpper together The Parent - Teacher and with a bazaar will be held in the Alumni .Association will meet treasurer; John J. Neilan, secreaa; Wednesday, Dec. 5 and will hold tary; Raymond McGough, mar- . parish hall at 61 o'clock. Free prizes will be awarded. .a Christmas party Sunday, Dec. shall. The annual mystery ride will Members of the board of direc9. be conduCted SatUrday evening tors for one year are: .Anthony OUR LADY OF F A ~ at 6 o'clock. LaWrence Beneb'Ambrosio; Dr. Paul P. Dunn; SWANSEA and Cornelius Lynch. vides, chairman, bas announced The Holy Name Society plans that cars will le~ve from the Rev. Donald A. Couza is the 1\ turkey party for 7:30 Saturday _ moderator. corner of Dwelly and Kilburn night, Nov. 17 in the church Streets. hall .on - Gardners Neck Road. ST. JOSEPH, About 5{) turkeys in addition to IFALL RlIVER five complete turkey dinners PUY.e~@te M~Hj'~~ Boy Scouts will receive cor. I will be awarded. Admission- is porate Communion at 8:15 Mass free .and there will be door this Sunday morning. They will prizes. sponsor abean supper from 5:30 I to 7:30 in the school hall SaturVATICAN CITjY (N C) OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, day, Nov. 17. . Archbishop Alfonso Carinci NEW BEDFORD Junior CYO members will marked his 100th! birthday by A testimonial dinner honoring Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca has been hold a roller skating party at . ce.lebrating the 27,~00th Mass of Lincoln Park this Saturday his nearly 77 yea~s as a priest. postponed to Sunday, Jan. 6 due afternoon, with a bus leaving · Pope John and many high to a death in Father Mendonca's the 'schoolyard at 1 and return- ·ranking Vatican ptelates joined family. ing at 5. Juniors will join Boy in congratulating \ the prelate Scouts of the parish win . Scouts at Communion Sunday who is believed to be the 1P0nsQr, the Harpoon Harmomorning and Senior CYOers will Church's oldes.t bisrop. A special nizers in a program at 8 receive Communion at the 9:30 program was telecast by the Sunday night, Nov. 25 in the Mass. Italian television network in school auditorium. Tickets are his honor. available from the Scouts NOTRE DAME, Archbishop Carinci, secretary and leaders and proceeds' will FALL RIVER · emeritus of the Sa1cred Congrebenefit the troops. The Holy Name Society will gation of Rites Was born in sponsor its annual turkey whist OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION, ~me on Nov.' 9, 11862. He enat 7:30 Saturday night, Nov. 17 JOys good health and has attend_· OSTERVILLE in Notre Dame school halL ed all sessions of tlle Ecumenical The Women's Guild plans its Tickets are available at the recannual Christmas bazaar for Council. . \ . tory, and from committee memSaturday, Dec. 8. in the church The Archbishop, who was orhall, under direction of Mrs.: bers, and will be sold 'at the dained Dec. 19, 1885, remembers door. . . . J. J .. Callahan. President Paul A. Dumais is the First Vatican C6unciI (18691870) which openkd when 'lie ST. ROCH, publicity chairman and program was'eight years old. Since ordi. FALL RIVER coordinator. General chairman is nation, he has kept' a iist of. Doors 'will open at 1 Friday Eiiouard Lacroix, aided' by fihis Masses and the churches in ~nd .Saturday afternoons, Nov. nancial secretary Heru:y Tremwhich he hali offeted them. ~6 and 17, for the annual bazaar . blay; Donat Goyette and Romeo planned by parishioners. To take When Pope Johri visited him Parent, in charge of prizes; Alplace in the parish hall, the bert Petit and Roger Fournier, while he was a patfent in a hosevent will feature a ham and pital in 1960, ArchbIshop Carinc1 ticket chairmen; Raymond Roy, bean supper from 5 to 7 Saturin charge of the hall; Alcide was able to tell th~ Pontiff that day night. Mrs. Claire CarbonChouinard, stage chairman; Fer- he had celebrated 27,246 Masses. neau is in charge of supper resdinand Francoeur, in. charge of ervations and Mr. Leonel Lavoie punchers; Lucien Roy and Gerheads the general committee. In' ard Roussel, handling a raffle) charge of the bazaar are Mrs. and· Norman Clement, Albert I I Donald Domingue and Miss Richard and Raymond MorrisFlorence Boullard. YOU'ae 1.00"'1". • . I sette, refreshments. Over 50, $WEU., J'M.'~ MADIl turkeys and 50 door prizes will VISITATION GUILD, " AGiii'CK. IU:COVIR.Y.' be awarded. I EASTHAM: I A turkey social will be held SACRED HEAR'!', ••• MV W1fl 'TOOK. tonight at 8 at the home of Mrs. NORTHIATFLEBORO GOOD CAllE Of' Mit , SO .James R. Davis, Eastham. The DID MV DOCToR.. A"NO Parish Cub Scouts will holo. guild will hold a business meet_ Twa ·fl£.OP\.lt ~TI an outdoor meeting at 8' this . ing at 7:45 Tuesday night, Nov. Saturday night at the home of 27 at the home of Mrs. John F. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Deschenes. Connors, North Eastham: followA bonfire, cookout, 'songfest and ed at 8:30 by a toy, kitchen and PHARM~CY Indian dancing are on the agenjewelry demonstration. The latda. The Cubs will receive corI ter will be open to the public. TOOK CAa.1. OF porate Communion in' uniform THE PR.£ftCR.\PTION5. at 8:30 Mass Sunday morning, BACRED HEART, Y\!.S. I'1Jl!\ ntitu... VI"'! Nov. 25. The pack is issuing a FALL RIVER I . . Seventh grade members of the monthly newssheet, ''Cubber,'' to go to all parents and other parochial school form Our Lady interested adults. I~ of Good Counsel Civics Club, .St. Anne's Sodality will hold whiCh has received its charter from the Commissioo on Ameri- a chicken dinner and Christmas sale on Thursday, Nov. 29. The can Citizenship, Washington. sale will open in the morning at Officers .are 'I'holll.as· Rogers, 10 o'clock .and dinner will be president; Ann Dolan, viceserved at 11 :30. president; Madeline Lindsay and Mrs. Albert Davignon is in .John Demetrius, secretaries. This charge of arrangements. year's program will develop the theme of building better local ST. IlIYACINTH, government. NEW BEDFORD A ham and bean S1:lpper f06r .ST. ELllZABETH,. the benefit @~ the Church 0 is IFAlLlL lItllVElIl . scheduled for the Rivet Street . The Women's Guild will hold parish hall on Saturday night ~ turkey whist in the parish hall from 5:30 to 8 o'clock. ~t 7:45 Saturday night, Nov. 17. Tickets may be obtained at In charge is Mrs. Alice Oliveira. the door.

NEW OFFICE: Rev. Arthur G. Dupuis of' St. Louis de France .parish, Swansea, director of Notre Dame cemetery, Fall River, stands before the cemetery's new office. The. red brick building has four rooms. and' includes a built-in record vault. Notre Dame cemetery was 1~8tablished in 1888. . '


!{OlIJ DON'T KNOW THIE.1IllAL1F OlF HT! That familiar saying originated in the Holy Bible . • • When the Queen of Sheba . heard of King Solomon's wisdom, she made a great journey to visit him ... After he had answered her hardest questions and shown her the magnific'ence of his court, she' exclaimed in wonder: "The report of thy wisdom is true. I did not believe thE;m that told me. But I had not heard l;he half 'of it! ..• The Queen of Sheba came from ETHIOPIA. Today her legend· ary descendants live so often in buts . of straw . . • ETHIOPIA is trYing Very Tht Holy Pathtr's Miuion AiI1 bard to make a better life for lts peofur tht Oriental Chllrch pie bot ec1ucation is very poor and the problems immense. Roads are 80 bad it takes weeks to go several huildred miles . . . Fat'mers consequently have difficulty in finding markets for their produce. Income. is exkemelf liDlaU • ;. [n the ~ion of ENNEMO~ Province of GUItAGBE, there are 500 parishioners ••• Their tiny church of wood and straw is in miserable condition, Wlflt for diviDe worship. These poor peasants are willing to give their work to building a new one, but they can do so little financially. $%,000 wUl help them complete their work. Can you give something to this worthy work? Any amount--a few dollan 01' a larger amo_t--wUl be deeply appreciatec1 by them. .


] OOth ~Dli'irDlld@J



· DO

YOU REMEMBER seeing our foldel' about the blind cbB. dren of Arab refugees in the Holy Land? Two little boys, one serious, one smiling~ sitting at their desks in school loarning to read with their fingers. Two others behind them, in the shadows . . . A generous priest lo.oked at the picture, lIent us this thoughtful letter: "The two little fellows in the first row, I!m sure, helped you to get a number of dollars for thll cause of the blind. And 90 I'm not so worried about their food and clothing, the claSRroom and transportation facilities the,y need • •• I'm worried about the two little fellows in the back row • ; .' and about aU those who never get into the picture. I should like my tiny contribution to help one of those to have something to eat for the ·rest of the year .. , Be assured of my prayers that you may gather more thaD YOII might' need, if that be possible, for these unfortunate little people who shall walk in the shadows of learning because you have helped them to 'see' through \ Braille." Yes, Father A;P., there are many ways of seeing. First with our eyes. For some with the fingers. And a third way. Seeing with the heart. Seeing the sufferings of others, stranl:ers on the other side of the world, and doing something for them. That kind of seeing is precious-to lIB, and to those we help . . . Your gift and those of others-the $1 or $5 or $10 aDd even larger amounts-can do 90 much: Feed a blind child; put gas in bus to take him to school; buy him shoes or a warm sweater; give him a Braille book to "read": build or equip a special classroom for him, or a workshop where he can learn a useful skill. THE BEST WE CAN' DO IS THE LEAST WE CAN' DO.


. I


.. the


WHEN YOU READ THIS you wiD be preparing for a joyful Thanksgiving, we hope. We wish it wlll be a wonderful day of happiness. The CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION is most grateful for the .oontinuec1 help given its mlssioDaries. May we ask YOU to continue to remember them ill your prayers aDd with Y6'1Jl' MasS offerinl:fl and other&,ifts'l



Dear Monsignor &:va:

Enelollec1 find .••••••• for help for the Palestine rel'ugeea Name .•••••••••• '• •••••••••• ~ •••

Address ••• City


0 •••••• '•••••• 0

; • • • • • . •.


O ••

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•••••••• : •••••••••••••••••





Says Cramped Concept of Faith

Viii: ANCHORThu'rs., Nov. 15, 1962

Clouding' Duty to Fellow Man


NEW YORK (NC)-A priest- . editor said here that the "very personal religion" practiced by many Catholics is obscuring their spiritual obligation to help transform the world. "Our people by and large do not see any social implications in their religion," declared Father Albert J. Nevins, M.M., 'editor of Maryknoll magazine. He spoke at the Peace Award luncheon of the Catholic Association for International Peace. In his speech, Father Nevins stressed the following three points: The apathy of the American p e 0 pIe, including Catholics, toward main issues, largely because of their materialistic outlook. The failure of many Catholics to recognize that they must assist mankind as a whole. The need for Ca'tholic leadership to formulate programs emphasizing the responsibility Catholics have toward their fellow men. 'Spiritual Midgets' "While we have become a nation of technological giants," Father Nevins said, "we are also rapidly becoming a nation of spiritual midgets . . . We have become smug, fat, rich and spiritually flabby. Our scale of values ia structured on material comforts and not, as it should be, on the spiritual." After quoting a former president of the United Nations General Assembly,. Charles ]

~QIf~~r O~d Ski~fPJ@r

!for $e~~@gi?l~ P~5@$U'




FORT MYERS BEACH (NC) Father Miguel Goni is a seagoing priest who commutes each Sunday by boat to offer Mass in his new 'ission. Father Goni, administrator of Ascension parish here in Florida, inaugurated Masses on Sanibel Island and found himself with a transportation problem. Since he celebrates Masses at 7:30 and 9:30 in Ascension church and must be on Sanibel Island at 11, he accepted the invitation of a local family to make the trip in their motor launch. Eight minutes is the best time in which Father Goni, a native of Spain, has made the crossing with 12-year-old Patrick Blaney as skipper.

All Their Figuring, And They Missed

Help Refu®~'® [families StairI' N®w LBfe

Malik, on the need for a "spIritual offensive" to "put the material in its place," the Maryknoll priest stated: "Yet any spiritual offensive would be greatly handicapped by the very personal religion practiced by so many of our Catholic people." "Our people by and large do not see any social implications in their religion," he continued. "Our children are still being taught that the most important thing is the salvation of their individual souls ... In today's compressed world, men must relearn the truth the Church' has always' taught: The doctrine of human interdependence is based on the Christian brotherhood of man under the Fatherhood of God,"

WELLINGTON (NC) Five wayworn Catholic families have started a new life here in New Zealand after

Husband-Wnfe Team To Work Mission PHILADELPHIA (NC) - A husband and wife medical team. Drs. Francis and Pauline Goyeau, have left here for a two-year tour of mission duty in Uganda. The Goyeaus win work at Holy Family Hospital in the Diocese of Fort Portal in the western part of Uganda. The new hospital already has a staff of 10 Medical Mission Sisters. The doctors are residents of Ontario province in Canada and received their medical degrees from the University of Ottawa in June, 1960. They came here to visit Mother (Dr.) Mary Benedict Young, provincial of the Medical Mission Sisters in Philadelphia, prior to their departu.re.

rLe<mv@$ ~Mfi~9ll' lJ'@ Au@! fHj~<mli'i!' All'il'cm<e~ VO«:fi'Otro1l MARYSVILLE (NC) - A 72year-old man, stricken with 11 heart a,ttack during Mass, was revived by the pastor who left the pulpit to aid him. Father Joseph P. McElgunn, pastor of S1. Christopher's parish, in this Michigan community, had just completed his sermon when Henry F. Rutkauske was stricken. The p r i est administered mouth-to-mouth respiration until a resuscitator squad from the local fire department arrived. The parishioner was rushed to Mercy Hospital, placed in an oxygen tent and later was reported in fairly good condition. The pastor returned to the altar and completed the Mass.

ST.LOUIS (NC)-:Just before Religious Services the 1962-63 school year started Mark Anniversary at S1. Louis University, the school deans sat down in a calQUANTICO (NC) -Catholte, culating session, drawing a bead . Protestant, Jewish and Greek on the probable enrollment. Orthodox services at this Marine' They added, subtracted, multIbase marked the 187th anniverplied and divided, and came up sary of the Marine Corps. with an estimate of 8,491 stuThe Catholic observance was dents. a High Mass offered by Msgr. (Rear Adm.) George A. Rosso, When the actual enrollment was completed it showE!d 8,492 Chief of Navy Chaplains. The sermon was preached by Father students. The deans still are trying to figure out how they Joseph Manton, C.SS.R., of Boston. missed that onP'

SOCIETY SPONSORING LIBRARY: Participating in the establishment of the French section of the Feehan High . Library, Attleboro, under the sponsorship of Duvernay Council No. 42, St. Jean Baptiste Society of No. Attleboro, are Carol Varone, student; Sister Mary Urban, R.S.M., principal; George Vandal, chairman of the council's committee; Ronald Cauley, student.

[DlOf/'@<eil'Cli' $@@$ N®e@] (J'@ C@MIlilll'@!?@<eil' SG'<mInl<cl!@!?<dlo:g@il'o@tn] @f IE~ M<e@f1'U@1lil CHAPEL HILL (NC) - The role of American Catholic schools as an antidote to standardization of education was stressed here by the director of the first national study of these schools. William H. Conley, who Is heading up the $350,000 research proje'ct sponsored by the Carnegie Corporation, New York, spoke at a Newman Club lecture at the University of North Carolina. "A unitary, monolithic school system," he said, "is out of place in America." "A monopoly of education," he added, "whether in the hands of the state, as in Russia, or by an

Underground Church T.o Open Holy Week BILBAO (NC)-The fonnal opening of this Spanish city's first underground church has been set for next Holy Week. The parish church of Our Lady of the Magi and S1. Ferdinand will have a standing capac. ity of 1,700 persons when it b! completed. The parish, which was established in 1956, decided on an underground church because the price of land above ground in the center of the city is so high.






t_ .145 Washington St.. Fairhaven:

established church as in the early 19th century in the United States, is contrary to our Amer_ ican ideals." Conley, who has taken leave of absence from a post at Marquette University, Milwaukee, to direct the study which has headquarters at Notre Dame University, said that the right of parents to choose freely and without financial penalty the schools they want for their chll. dren is as sacred a right as any in the Constitution. Speaking of the Carnegie stUdy, Conley said that it will provide a profile of elementary and secondary education in terms of objectives, scope, or. ganization, administration and supervision. Final compilations, he said, may provide answers as to average class loads, teacher-pupil ratio and broad answers to the eontribution Catholic schools make to the community.

years of unsettled existence in European refugee camps. The . families - two Polish, two Yugoslav and one Hungarian - arrived at the airport here after a trip financed by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The families, sponsored by the Catholic Immigration Committee here, are staying in hostels of the St. Vincent de Paul Society until they get settled in new homes and jobs. James R. Gaynor, chairman of the Catholic Immigration Committee and national president of the S1. Vincent de Paul Society, welcomed the families when they arrived. He said that some of them had been lingering for years in refugee camps because of physical disabilities caused by wartime privations and ill- treatment. Among those who at'rived were a Hungarian widow, Mrs. H. Veres-Klement, and her two children, Ferenc, 17, and GizeIla, 16: The father of the family,' a taIlor, has not been seen since he was taken for police questioning on the night of Dec. 16, 1946. The three escaped from Hungary into Yugoslavia during the 1956 revolt. It was only after J:l1any efforts that they finally reached the West.

TI 5> [P«1JlfUSrJiJ $<eIli1@(f\I~$

/Q)11'@lQ) [fO!1'~il' ~!?@<h~~ GREEN BAY (NC) - The number of grade schools in the Green Bay diocese which have dropped first grade has reached 15. Five schools cut out the grade this year. In addition, two others eliminated the second grade and one school closed entirely. A lack of teachers and faciliUE!8 was to blame. In announcing these developments, a diocesan school official said that nevertheless, Catholle school enrollment was at an alJtime high of 50,443 pupils, an increase of 1,007. '

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BIG MOMENT: Visitors to the Green Bay Pack;; practice field, members of the Boys Town Choir meet Coach Vince Lombardi, left, and Jim Ringo, right, all-pro c~nter of the world champion Packers. Msgr. Francis P. Schmitt, choir director, looks on. NC Photo.



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20 . THE ANCHOR....,.Oiocese of Fall River-Thurs., Nov. 15,1962 .

Sacred Scriptu'res and Tradition Stlidy Next on Agenda \

Holy F@i"her listens to Every Word ~eir?lg Said at Council S'essions By Rev. Bertram Griffin the personalities, work and Portland, Oregon problems of the Church's ShepLast Sunday, Nov. 11, the Secherds. . . . . on Vatican Ecumenical Council, RAI (RadlOt~levlsl.one Itahor Vatican 11 as it will be refer_ ana) recenUy mtervlewed the red to in Theol~gy manuals -for M,ost Rev. Ge?rgeKammerer, centuries to come,' was one BIShop .of the dIocese .of Posadas, month old. Now, perhaps, is as Argentma, a land w~lch saw 300 good a time as any to look back y.ears ag? th.e. arn,:al of: the and review, what has been first JesuIt ~ISSlOnanes. BIshop dOlle, and look forward to the Ka~me:;.~ ~ ltl~e a.rde~t profuture and the mass of work stil ~ol~r a e, e IraclO n ' ~l~ten-t to b ccomplished lca -an examp e f mI I an , Soe tar the Coun~il has been participation of th: la~ty in the discussing the schema on ,the ~ork of ev~nge~lzabon. Few liturgy; ahead of the Council VIllages of .h~s dIocese can, be Fathers are theoretically at least regularly vIsIted by a ~rIest. ten more vast subjects ranging And so not ~o leav.e the faIthful f theology to the missions for long penods wIthout contact f~~: movies to the Apostolat~ with the ministry. of the Church, of the Laity, from the law on he selected and mstructed layreligious to the discipline of the m.en to act, as dele?ates of the ,clergy, from Catholic schools to BIshop hand o~dtheltr paSstordsthe unity of Christians. "Theo- men. w 0 preSI e. a a. un ay reti~llY" because no one knows' serVIce cel~brated m the vernacyet whether all the work of the ~la~, treadlIng d.texts from th~ preparatory Commissions will ' crlp ure: ea Itn g pra~ers.t anIf t h commen appear on the ' floor of the Coun- T h "mg on e serVIce I se . . cil itself. Many seem to think . e openmg ce~emon~ IS re~llthat the Holy Father will have nIscent of t,he Xlte WhICh be~ms to make a selection of those . every meetmg.of the, Cou?CII: a to ics which are considered Gospel Book IS placed m the p t rgent center of the altar between two mos u . lighted candles, signifying that New Factor Christ is present through His All sides of the liturgy have Word,. though He may not be been discussed. Questions in- present sacramentally, on the volving the very nature' of the altar through the ministration liturgy have been 'accompanied of His priest. by talks on the sacrame!1ts, But The rite is divided into six last week a new factor arose. parts: preparation, celebration As'could be expected when over of the Divine Word, Prayer, two thousand men from all c~r- final admonition, blessing and Del'S of the world gather to dls- dismissal. The celebration of the cuss problems of ,vast impor- ' Word consists in' two Biblical tance, the Council began to find readings separated by a mediitself bogged down in intermin- tative hymn, and ends with the able repetition and even verbos- 'recitation of, the Creed as at ity. So the Holy Father, hoping' Mass" The Prayer' includes a to 'bring the discussions as litany' for the specific needs of quickly as possible -to a point the Churcl;J. and of the world, an where a vote could be taken, act of thanksgiving for the wonauthorized the President of the dedul works of creation a comCouncil to stop debate when a memoration of the celeb;ation of ,topic is considered sufficiently ,the Eucharist, and at the end, a examined and to begin discusmoment of silent prayer in prep_ sion on the next subject on the aration for the recital of the Our agenda, The Council Fathers ap_ 'Father. pear delighted by the decision, Word of God and it seems that the pace of dis_ Bishop Kammerer explained cussion has quickened considerin detail the "Celebracion Doably.' menical" to the Liturgical ComScripture-Tradition mission and hopes that "the ,It has just been officially an- Church will give to the CeleDounced that the schema to be . bration a truly liturgical chardiscussed following the liturgy 'acter, thus contributing no little ,is that on Sacred Scripture and ' to a re-evaluation of the Word Tradition-the "Fonts of Super- ' of God as irreplaceable nourishnatural Revelation." This pas- ment for faith and indispensible 10ral Counc~l, then, as it has 'preparation for the Eucharist been term~d by the Holy Father itself." himself, is beginning with two We often hear the question: movements which have done so "Does the Holy Father actually much to revitalize the mission of attend all the meetings of the the Church to the modern world, Council?" He does attend the the Liturgical movement and solemn public sessions or when the Biblica,l renewal. his presence is reguired to apIt was also officially anprove decrees voted on by the nounced that the first session of Council" blJt for obvious reasons .the Council will close on ' the' .he ~oes not attend the general feast of the Immaculate Concep- work sessions. If he did attend, tion, Saturday, Dec. 8. This will the liberty of the assembly give the Bishops time to return would be seriously restricted, to their dioceses and prepare for for any intervention on his part the great feast of the Nativity. would put an end to all discusWhat occurs in the Council sion. But apparently he sits in itself of course is protected by his study in the Papal apartthe ~ath of ~ecrecy. Official ments and listens to every word, news releases and the work of ' probably by a radio hook-up. huildreds ot' reporters here in' He recently tol.d a large,group of Rome cover what can be told. the faithfti~: "This morning, as But the· presence of virtually the' ,,on "other mornings, the Supreme entire Episcopacy of the Church Pontiff ,was able to listen to and in one .city provides a wonderful to follo:w whatever was, said in opportunity for insights' into the Council Hall. The Fathers , . expressed their opinions"" 0 and ev~ry particular will later farm Burre«llll8 Hots, be minutely studied to arrive at perfect harmony'," The Pope Antipll'oyeD' RulDng noted' that the Council is proTRENTON (NC) - The New ceeding at a resolute but calm Jersey Farm Bureau, represent- ,pace. "This is good," he added: ing 6,000 farm families in the "The Christian life is not a restate, has criticized the U. S. view of antiquity. We are not Supreme Court's decision outdealing with the examination of lawing the state-approved prayer a museum or an Academy of past history .. 0 (0 we live to adfor New York public schools. The bureau called for "unity vance, making our own whatamong the people of New Jersey ever the past 'has to offer us in in resisting the efforts of sothe way of practical experience, ealled civil liberties groups and in order to go ever forward in any other organizations which the path which Our Lord has ,would attempt to outlaw a opened for us." The oldest .of theCoUncU pra,yer to God in our schools."




Advocates More Loca I. Cu:stoms 'In S,ervices

ROME (NC) - An IndI. an prelate has expressed a :hope that local customs can be made part of Church rites. ' / , Archbishop ,Eugene D'Souza, ,M.S.F,S., of Nagpur, .India, told ,a press conference here that "the -marriage'rite as it now' stands is completely unintelligible to many of our Catholic people .living in "rural areas." "Many a missionary com,plains of the delkate situation ,created by some of our people who get married in church and afterwards have their marriage performed according, to local custom," the Archbishop said at n press conference. The Archbishop ~:aid that, because of this practice, "in certain regions of India some local customs of the people have been ,added to the existing liturgical rite. For example, since a ring means nothing at all to some of our people, a dish called the 'thalaee" is handed over by the husband to the wife." , He said that. in other places' the "marriage knot" is used as the external sign o:r symbol of the marriage contract. He exI SILENT WITNESS: This 15th century New Testa... plained that in this practice the 'ends of a woman's sari (dress) ment, ensconced on a special throne, is a silent witness to and a man's dhoti (garment) every session or the Second Vatican Council held in St. are ·tied together in a knot. The Archbishop noted that Peter's Basilica,1 Rome, where it is solemnly enthroned in ,the bishops in his province have a place of honor. NC Photo. formed a Liturgical Commission \ which has made a study of, the rites and customs of the people of North India to see if some of them can be ulled in the liturgy.


Favors Parish Paida.Help Jesuit See~ laoty Increasing EffociencY/1

Re~eQlson~ Clell'gy for Priest~y Dutoes I . CHICAGO (NC~ ParISh employed lay persons to assist priests with paid Help from the laity could do a better job, a Jesuit priest-sociblogist contends. ' .\ Father Joseph H. Fichter, S.J., head of the sociology department at Loyola University in New Orleans, estimates ~7 per cent of the Catholic parishes in the U. S. do not'have paid fuU,-time'secretaries, \ ' "I see nothing un-clerical to the human approach ·of running a parish. Parishe~ would be run more" efficien'Uy if they


in some of the work," the Jesuit declared. Father Fichter emphasized a parish priest today "is a church builder, fund raiser, mo~erator of ,lay societies and runs, the 'parish school" in addition, to ad-: ministering the' sacraments. - "The priest should-be'a,ieader 'in the community and should not be limited to his own parish," Father 'Fichter'said. "There is a new ~inage of the priesthood arising today, Ii better socialized priesthood," he added..

F'8thers, Moot ReJ. Alphonso ,II. He was seven years old when Carinci, former Seetetary of the Vatican I ended; he 'has tried to Sacred Congregatidn of Rites, attend all the sessions of Vatican celebrated his lOOth birthday U. Tall and dryas a century old last week, ,Nov. 9. The tradition- olive tree, Carinci has'lived for ,ai' Italian birthday greeting' over thirty years in Trastev:ere, , '''Cento 'di questi giorni,,-,iMay the heart of his beloved Rome, 'you' hav,e a hundred ~uch days"- where everyone claims to be de, was verified in ,£till for this 'scended from,' the Caesar; and prelate whose ' l~fe spans two where some"of the most' colorful Councils, Vatican I and Vatican people in Italy speak a dialect





'which would be the Italian equivalent of Damon Runyan's Broadwayese. He attributes his 'long life to the fact that he has rarely travelled outside of Rome. , Words do not come easily at a hundred years but in an inter_ 'view on his birthda~', he made '8 plea for the family rosary as an antidote for the world's troubles, denied the story cur:rent' in Rome that he refused three times to don the Cardinal's scarlet. In the' evening, his living room saw the continual coming and going of lay and clerical friends who came to wish him 'well. Amid the flash, of press 'ca'meras and the hum of telecameras', the century old Bishop recalled his 7{i years of priesthood. That morning, as usual, he was on his feet at five. A reporter, on saying good-by, noticed that Carinci had difficulty rising from his e:hair, and asked' him: "Rheumatism,' Monsignore?" "Rheumatism, nothing!" , Carinei . snorted, almost offended, ' "I only feel' a little weak at times."

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