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diocese of fall river

t eanco VOL. 23, NO. 46


Secret Meeting Called Fruitful

Racism, Budget Concer~ Bishops WASHINGTON (NC) - The U.S. visit of Pope John Paul II in October as well as concerns about racism, liturgical language, the training of seminarians and a budget for 1980 dominated early· discussion during the fall meeting of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops which ended today in Washington. Both the president of the NCCB, Archbishop John R. Quinn of San Francisco, and the pope's representative to the U.S. bishops, Archbishop Jean Jadot, spoke at length on the impact of the papal visit. Archbishop Quinn said Pope John Paul came to the United States challenging labels such, as "liberal" and "conservative" and proclaimed truth. On racism, the bishops were urged by Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Francis of Newark, N.J. to adopt a proposed pastoral letter called "Brothers and Sisters' to Me" which strongly condemns the "sin" of racism. "I have felt the sting of racism in my own life," said Bishop Francis, one of only a handful of '!black U.S. Catholic bishops. Also given preliminary discussion was a proposal to make language changes in the liturgy that would avoid purely male references. "No O~e can say that all women are sensitive to this question, but we do believe that a sufficient number of good, de,:rurn to Page Seven

Youth Rally Set By 7 Parishes . Who is Jesus? That will be the theme of a seven-parish youth rally, open also to members of other parishes, to be held from 2 to 4 Sunday afternoon at St. Anthony of Padua parish hall at 16th and Bedford Streets, Fall River. John Ghiorse, Channel 10 meteorologist, will be master of ceremonies for the rally, which will feature music by the glee club of Holy Family High School, New Bedford, brief witness talks by six teenagers and a keynote address by' Sister Patricia Harrington, RSM. Sister Patricia, a faculty member at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, was awarded the Father Barry Award earlier this week for her work with Rhode 'Island parish youth groups. The day will conclude with a Turn to Page Seven

20c, $6 Per Year

AREA SOCIAL SERVICES DIRECTORS discuss decentralization with Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan director. From left, Patrick C. McCarthy, New Bedford area; James B. Carson, Cape and Islands; Mrs. Mary Lou !\'Iancini, Fall River area. (Rosa Photo)


Se·rvices Are Decentralized

Catholic Social ServiCeS is entering a new phase in its ministry of caring and justice throughout the Diocese of Fall River. With the encouragement and support of Bishop Cronin, three directors are now supervising a decentralized dutreach within the Deaneries of Cape Cod, New Bedford and Fall River. This new thrust is geared to place diocesan social service programs more visibly and efficiently at the service of parishes and local communities. Catholic Social Services of Cape Cod is operating under the direction of Mr. James B. Carsori, MSW, AGSW. This agency presently has a staff of four workers. It is located off the Mid-eape Highway at 1441 Route 132, Centerville; telephone 771-6771. Catholic Social Services of New Bedford· is functioning under the direction of Mr. Patrick C. McCarthy, MSW, AGSW. This agency has a staff of three

Clear Galileo VATIOAN CITY ~NC) - Pope John Paul II called for a reversal of the church's condemnation of scientist Galileo Galilei' (15641642) in an address Nov. 1 to scientists from throughout the world. The French-language talk was given in the Vatican's Regia Hall during a special session of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, an advisory body composed of 60 internationally known mathematicians and scientists. Tum to Page Seven

workers and is located at 628 Pleasant Street, New Bedford, telephone 997-7337. Catholic 'Social Services of Fall River continues its operation at 783 Slade Street, Fall River, telephone 674-4681. Mrs. Mary L. Mancini, M.Ed., directs the agency. Its current staff numbers eight workers. All three agencies are multiservice. Present programs include: Unmarried Parents' Services, Adoption, Foster Care for Newborns, Marriage, Family and Individual Counseling, Refugee

A New Look Beginning next week, The Anchor will introduce some iJi:novations and changes. In the area of design, oUr masthead has received many compliments since its introduction in 1977. The theme that this masthead represents, our nautical heritage as a seaeoast diocese, will now be carried out in various columns heads. Sports watch, Know Your Faith, Question Corner, Focus on Youth, Steering Points, NC News Briefs and even Necrology will follow· through on the design of· the masthead. Perhaps the most dramatic change will be in the new heading of- our letters to the editor section, now to be known as The Mail Packet. In the area of columnists, new faces and names will appear as we begin earryi~ the writings of two nationally known writers, . Dolores. Curran and Mary McGrory. On the local level, a new Tum ~o Page Three

Resettlement, Information/Referral. According to available resources, expansion of these programs and initiation of new ones is expected. Each area will develop individually as needs are brought to the attention of the church on both deanery and diocesan levels. The work of the agencies. is supported through the Catholic Charities A:ppeal. In the near future a fourth office will be opened in the Attleboro neanery and plans call for an eventual office in the Taunton .area. In the meantime, - residents of the Taunton Deanery will continue to. be served through the New Bedford and Fall River agencies and will soon have the opportunity for service in Attleboro. All three offices are' almost equidistant from downtown Taunton. Catholic Social Services is un•der the overall diocesan directorship of Rev. Peter N. GraZiano,. STL, MA, MSW.

Retardation Aid TORONTO (NC) - A cure for mental retardation may be very close at hand, according to Dr. Jerome Lejeune, chairman of the genetics department at the University of Paris. "We're on the verge of a breakthrough in science, you can feel it ripening," said Lejeune at an international conference on unborn children. "It would take hours to describe the research being done, but I can assure you the disTum to Page Seven

VATICAN CI1Y (NC)-In an historic five days last week Pope John 'Paul II revitalized the College of CardinalS and the Holy - See for the first time revealed its yearly financial deficit $20,240,000 in 1979. The two actions were closely linked. The deficit was a chief topic that the pope requested advice about from the cardinals. It was the first time in more than four centuries that the cardinals-though defined in church law as the "principal advisers and assistants" of the pope were summoned as a group to advise the pope on current church issues. Of 129 cardinals, 123 attended. The meeting was held in strictest secrecy. Only the pope's opening and closing talks and a. final, carefully drafted communique revealed anything of substance about the meeting which participant!! termed positive and fruitful. In addition to finances, ~he cardinals were asked to share their views with the pope on the structure and functioning of the Roman Curia (the church's central administration) and on the relationship of the church to modem culture. Regarding Holy See finances, this year's deficit (the excess of expenditlires over income from property investments and other institutional sources) is· being made up by "voluntary offe-rings" from Catholics, particularly by the annual Peter's Pence collecTum to Page Fifteen

CH DCollection This Weekend The annual Campaign for Human Development collection will be taken up in all parishes of the diocese this weekend. In this connection Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan director. of social services, has issued the following statement: Tragic but nonetheleSs true, the Federal Government has estimated that there are presently over 25 million of our people living in poverty. Not only do they suffe!; daily want, but they· also are immersed in a culture of poverty with its accompanying psychological harm. It is sad to reflect that poverty is not decreasing in the United States, but is on the rise. . Last year, through the generosity of American Catholics, the Campaign For Human Development distribute~ more than $6 million in grants and loans Tum to Page Fourteen


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Nov. 15, 1979

Where's That Good Old Catholk Family? By NC News service Where are the families of yesterday? They are gone and not coming back, according to speak. ers of several recent conferences which took a hard look at the families of today and their needs. Family life has undergone dramatic changes and church efforts must change to_ keep up, speakers told family ministers, teachers; priests and women's council delegates from Kansas City to Canada. ":rhat good old Catholic family doesn't exist anymore," writer Dolores Curran said at the National Conference on Family Ministry and Family Education in Kansas City. She said that family used to be governed by two parents, life revolved around the parish and families were supportive of their pastor regardless of his ideology. With today's Catholic family, none of those factors is certain, and the role of women makes a major difference, Mrs. Curran ,said. . The family of yesterday was a family' which included other relatives and in which the father was the breadwinner and the mother a homemaker. "This family is not coming back," Mary Kenny said. Mrs. Kenny and her psychologist husband, Dr. James Kenny, were the keynote speakers at a - Rockford Diocese teachers' institute at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb..The Kennys, parents of 12 children, write a column, Family Talk, for NC News Service. A more recent model of family, Mrs. Kenny said, is a "tem\ '\ porary" grouping in which tW9 authority figures, the parents,_ are wai.ting for their children to grow strong and independent enough to leave. Many people seem' to have adjusted to this type of family and look to a future "when the children have gone,~' she said. As the family becomes smaller and more isolated, its smaller size "places a burden on the one or two adults in the unit," Mrs. Kenny said. "The mother is expected to be everything to the child," Because society emphasizes self-fullfilment and individualism, "it is likely that family break-ups will continue to increase," she continued. Dr. Kenny called the family "a natural laboratory for Christian behavior. The fami.ly is the best place to teach prayer and love. ' "You don't have to stand up and lecture" to teach in the family situation because children learn by watching their parents," said Dr. Kenny, director of the Jasper Newton Mental Health Center in Rensselaer, Ind. He called on the church to help families realize that family life is "in and of itself holy" and to promote family liturgies.

Mrs. Kenny suggested that transmitting values, family idenMr. and Mrs. Pat Mailloux, parishes draw families closer to- tity and aspirations; rising div- coardinators of the marrillge gether by encouraging members orce rates and increasing Jnstab- and family renewal program in to work together as a unit in or- . ility; and the destruction of the the Diocese of London, Ontario, ganizations like parish coun- "nest notion" of the family and said families can be too involved cils and by involving families in a new awareness of women's in meetings, community work, -overtime and路 driving the 'child-"a common task" determined roles. by the group. "Families need the Father Conroy said the prob- ren to various programs. Christian community because lems point to a need for total "When all these activities, they are too small and isolated family ministry, and that is which are good in themselves, to go it alone," she said. where parishes come in. He said begin to dominate the family, Bishop Kenneth J. Povish told each parish in the country will then it's no wonsler that famidelegates to the National Coun- soon receive a kit from his office lies are falling !ipart," the couple cil of Catholic Women's Pitts- designed to help pastors and noted. burgh convention that the church staff members "listen to famiFamily members need to "come should watch over and support lies." together in the Lord," Mailloux the family. Such' programs can be very said. The couple spoke at the anBishop Povish, NCCW liaison effective, . he said; In Phoenix, for the National Conference of one couple convinced the bishop nual meeting of Canadian SenCatholic Bishops, said that the of the importance to families of ates of Priests. Delegates were urged' to church is determined "to estab- spending an evening together. "support and promote organizalish a family ministry to bolster The Bishop ordered that no parand strengthen the domestic ish, school or diocesan meetings tions of divorced, separated, and single-parent church." or events were to be held on widowed Catholics." They also approved The U.S. bishops are ready Monday nights, "family nights" resolutions calling for more for the challenge, according to in the diocese. clergy support for marriage and, ,Father Donald Conroy, family Such a suggestion might help family life projects and renewal life representative of the U.S. counteract what a couple in Can- of marriage preparation pro. Catholic Conference. ada, called a major obst,ilcle to grams. The bishops list main threats the growth of a happy Christian During the meetings of priests, to family life as the difficulty in family - overinvolvement. presentations were made on the

theology of marriage and how priests can be instrumental in strengthening family life from marriage preparation to the spiritual healing required' by separated or divorced Catholics. "The breakdown of marriage is very serious," commented Father Roy Carey. "Our question was: What can we do to prevent marriage breakdowri?" Father Carey noted the need to educate people that separated and divorced Catholics ,are still full-fledged church members. Separated and divorced, Catholics "have a right to receive' all the sacraments," he said. "We need to help the laity understand this." However, serious difficulties arise when a divorced Catholic remarries without obtaining a church annulment of the first marriage. Moves to assist Catholic families with special problems are part of a massive national program which has been growing steadily during the past decade. Canadian bishops have been emphasizing the need to combat the secularization of the family. Last year the bishops voted to orient their work to support family life. Moves to assist Catholic families and new programs for changing families will continue to grow in the United States . d~ring the next decade- the 'decade of the' famiiy, according to family life specialists. Parish level development of efforts on behalf of .engaged couples, married couples, parents and families at various' stages of developments are primary concerns in the bishops' Plan for Pastoral' Action for Family Ministry. "The parish. is basically the first extended family that we can offer to those around to help build community," lecturer Clayton Barbeau said at the family ministry conference in Kansas City. "And it is sharing at the parochial level t~at can help people overcome their isolation." The family is even broader to Father Matthew Fox, director of the Insitute of Creation-Centered Spirituality at Mundelein College, Chicago. "I am convinced that the first. meaning of family proposed in the Bible includes all of creation," he said. "For all of us came from one parent - a single parent you might路 say." Rosemary Haughton, author of books on spirituality and the family and keynote speaker at the family ministry conference, explored changes in the church and family and said that although the form of the new church is not clear, the central force .is evident. "At the heart of th~ new growth are many small groups of people who are discovering themselves as the church. God is calling families to be the church in new ways."


Feehan Sister Gets Award

- - --

Music At



t Choral Liturgy I Sunday 10 a.m.: I



St. Mary of The Assumption l

ANew Look



nan, .Clayton and Roni King, Russell and Claire Bessette. Also Murray and Jean DeCoffe, Mary Ann Landry, Nancy Guard, Nora DeCoffe, Emily Perry, Norma Campbell, Lee Talty. Father Gabriel Healy, SS.CC. is the present pastor of St. Anthony's, assisted by Father Boni. face Jones, S5.CC.

Sister Patricia Harrington of the mathematics and religion departments at Bishop Feehan High School, Attleboro, received the Father Barry Award at a Monday banquet sponsored by the Blackstone Valley Youth Ministry Association. The award is given annually to an individual who makes "outstanding contributions to youth," particularly in the 21parish Rhode Island organization. Sister Patricia's work in connection with youth retreats was the basis for her selection. Monday's banquet concluded a four-day meeting which had as its opening speaker Dr. Mildred Jefferson, head of the National Right to Life Committee.

Continued from Page One article of random reflections will be offered by Father Kevin Harrington, associate pastor of St. Joseph's parish in Attleboro and director of the Spanish speaking apostolate in that area of the diocese. -~ These changes are offered in the spirit of an ongoing reassessment of our paper. It is our editorial feeling that a paper should continuously seek new ways of being readable and reflective as well as attractive and appealing. In this connection, at a reeent Eastern-Midwestern meeting of the Catholic Press Association, . iiiember ~wspaPers, w~re ,'Iit- . vited to submit a random issue • or their journals for a total ~ critique of graphics. The evaluator was Dr. Mario R. Garcia of the Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse UnIversity. Much of our new look conforms with his critique of our publication and it Is expected that other aspects of his commentary wID be incorporated in our pages in the future. In gen.eral, we were encouraged by his overaU comments. As efforts continue to make our diocesan .publication more infonnative and readable, we continue to encourage 'total family coverage In aU diocesan parishes. Seen from the asPect of the dire need of adult education, our paper can fUi the awesome void that currently exists in this vital area of Catholic mission. In a spirit of sincere support, it is hoped that this and future works of the Anchor will help to bring a sense of community and unity to aU areas of c11ocesan life.


Thurs., Nov. 15, 1979




Mattapoisett Parish Is -25 Years -Old



During Jubilee - 75 of our beloved diocese of Fall River, we here at St. Anthony's in Mattapoisett also rejoice in our 25 years as a parish. On May 19, 1905, at the invi· tation of Bishop. Stang of Fall River, thre~ Fathers of the Sacred Hearts arrived from Europe at their first foundation in Fairhaven. One of the first misSions created by the newly established parish of St. Joseph was that of St. Anthony's in Mattapoisett. The first Mass was said by Father Stanslaus in 1906 in the town hall. A short time later, an old Adventist church on Main St. was built on land donated by Mrs. Dennis Mahoney. In 1924 it was enlarged and improved with the addition of a hall. Ten years later, it was again enlarged and renovated. On March 6, 1954, St. Anthony's was established as a parish, and on April 21, 1974, the present church was blessed and dedicated by our present .Bishop, His Excellency Daniel A. Cronin. We rejoice as a parish family, for "together we did it," 'seems to be our theme. By working, sharing, caring and allowing God to work through us, our parish grew. We see in our efforts the proof of God's blessings on our works, and look to the future with confidence that we will continue to grow and share because Christ has truly grasped us." ',' Our jubilee celebrations will be climaxed on Sunday morning when Bishop Cronin celebrates a Mass of thanksgiving for us, at which he will be the homilist. A parish luncheon will follow, with Helen and Len Higgins and

Great Art "To improve the golden moment of opportunity and catch the good that is within our reach is the great ,art of life." - Samuel Johnson

Jacquie and Jack McGraw as chairpersons. Other events this month included a children's party, a dinner dance and a dance for junior high school students. We marked last Monday's holi-

day with a potluck supper and_ tomorrow there will be a pizza and disco party for our high schoolers.

9;., ~S



,Parishioners involved in planning our festive calendar include Nancy Fleming, Mary Ann Bren-



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Nov. 15, 1979

the living word

··th~moori~ Render to Caesar: Render to God I

Well, it's off to the usual puff of pride and rhetoric of redundancy. The candidates for next year's presidential election, be they announced, announcing or yet to announce, are hitting the road with the usual bravado of the ' grand bluff and sideshow showmanship. '" For the next 12 months the public will be forced to read platitudes, hear promises and view self-styled stars. From coast to coast, millions of dollars will be spent to assure election. and American immortality. The tricks of Madison Avenue and the magic of Hollywood will be test- ' ed to the extreme in order to assure the voter that a, particular candidate is the savior of the now. Rallies will be held, labels will be issued and promises will be made, all towards the goal of capttiring the White House. It would be well from the very outset of this national campaign for the Catholics of this country who really care for both their church and their natio~ to keep in mind not the images of personality but the reality of issues.

Some say there is no such thing as the Catholic vote. Would they also say that there is no Jewish, black or Hispanic vote? That would be nonsense, as' the candidates well know. The candidates know too that there certainly does exist a Catholic position on basic issues involving life itself. It would be hoped that the Catholic voter is as aware of these issues as are the politicians. If this is the situation, then.it can be anticipated that the campaign of 1980 might become an issue-oriented: discussion of policy rather . than a mere political harangue. ~~,

And what are some of the issues a Catholic should ~," : keep in mind as the campaign begins, continues and ends 011 voting day?



'In that day the deaf shall hear the ~ords of the Book.' Is. 29: 18


Basically, those that have been reported by the American bishops and reconfirmed in our own land by Pope John Paul II.

Liturgy Should Flow from Cathedral BROOKLYN, N.Y. (NC) - The

Catholics must be aware of a candidate's attitude Vatican II emphasis on the role toward abortion, and all other life-involving matters, in- of the bishop has given' new importance to the bishop's cluding euthanasia. They should be well aware of church teaching on the church, Archbishop Rembert right of religious freedom including the right' of people to Weakland of Milwaukee said. Archbishop Weakland, who educate their· children in church-oriented schools, with chairs the U.S. bishops' Comall that implies from the view-point of the double taxation mittee on the Liturgy, gave the of parents who use their constitutional rights in regard to .keynote address at a cathedral our democratic education process. revival workshop at Brooklyn's In a time when valid questions concerning the environ- St. James Cathedral. Among participants were ment may 'go unheard in the panic of energy demands, Msgr. John J. Oliveira, Fall people must be encouraged to remind politicians that man River diocesan vice-chancellor, is merely the steward of .~reation. and Father Jon-Paul Gallant, asThe poor who suffer from corporate greed; the neg- sociate pastor at St. Mary's Calected elderly; the working man whose union rights are thedral. Archbishop Weakland's ado' denied; those truly in need whose welfare benefits are dress consisted largely of a rethreatened by. the .undeserving are but a few of the many port on his activities in Milwaupersons whose problems have a moral perspective that kee since he was appointed should be understood by American Catholics as they face there two years ago. the'turmoil of the coming year. The election of 1980 cannot be reduced by default to a mere personality tr~p. It cannot be seen as a sectiomd or regional renewal of old wars and trite ideas. It should not be seen as merely another exercise in futility. It should rather provide the opportunity for all America to'face the realities that time and circumstances have forced upon our lives as we begin a new decade on our journey towards the so-called American rendezvous with destiny. On this journey American Catholics must be just that - both American and Catholic. Only in this way will they be able to render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's.

Though his predecessors had . livtld in mansions, he said, his monastic background made him feel uncomfortable w!th such a prospect, so he decided rather to live with the priests in the cathedral rectory. "The cathedral parish has to be the most hospitable parish in . the diocese," he said. Archbishop Weakland said he had looked for ways' to bring more people from throughout the diocese to the cathedral for spec;ial events. To alleviate the burden of confirmation services in Milwaukee's 285 parishes, he said, several confirmation classes are brought together for a joint service at the. cathedral. He also cited special events


OFFICIAL INEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall! River" Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D.

EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore,

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan ~ Leary Press--Fall River

for groups such as charismatics or ethnic groups. "I would like to have more teaching at the cathedral," ArcbbishopWeakland s~id, adding that he thought the bishop's chair, the cathedra from which the cathedral takes it name, should be used for this purpose. He also spoke of increasing cathedral use for commissioning people to various ministries in the diocese, for healing and reconciliation events and for social and cultural activities. "I am concerned about liturgy becoming too isolated from life," he said. "The early liturgists of the United States in the .1930s were very socially conscious. A revival of a cathedral has to inv:olve the liturgy flowing out of the cathedral doors. We haven't begun to touch this, ,but we must." Dioceses represented by speakers at the workshop were Oakland, Chicago, New York and Providence, R.I. OI,tUIllllIIIIIIllilU1UUtlllilUIllIUllllllllllllllmlmllllll1ll1l1ll11lUUlllllllmlml1ll1l1l1l11I11I

THE ANCHOIJ (USPS·545-G20J Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send addre•• changes to The Anchor, P.O. BOK 7, Fill River, MA 02722


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Nov. 15, 1979

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SOMEONE FOR THANKSGIVINB CYNTHIA ARRUDA and Donald Souza of the Permanent Activities Committee of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, make a donation to Sister Marie Claire Salois for the hospital pastoral care program. Gifts were also made to the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home and·the hospital oncology clinic.


You'll be happier this Thanksgiving if you give something of yourself to someone who has nobody. Giving belongs in Thanksgiving.

Letters to the Editor Letters are welcomed, but should be no tIlore than 200 words. The editor reserves Ihe right to condense or edit. If deemed necessary. -All letters must be signed and Include a home or business address.

3 Suggestions Dear Editor: From time to time I have been tempted to write letters to the Anchor, but I thought that certain . issues would quickly fade away if they were merely ignored. However, the letter of Rev. Kevin A. Tripp (Anchor Nov. 8) finally prompted me to send you some of my own thoughts. Father Tripp thought that your note at the end of the letter written by Robert A. McGowan was offensive. ,I thought it was most timely. At one time dialogue seemed to be a good word, but oftentimes over the past few years it has seemed to be only a substitute for the word "confrontation" when used by some of those whose ideas are opposed by the authority of the Church. The Holy Father has spoken. Although his visit to the United States was charismatic, we can stlII be sure that his comments will be misinterpreted, ignored and even opposed Iby some within tpe Church who would like to take his place. 'But it seems to me that all Catholics owe Christ's representative loyalty and obedience. Your editorial on the Anchor being a good form of Catholic Adult Education is well taken. It can help to deepen the' faith of all. Certainly e~en within the Church---there can be two sides to a question. But when the Holy Father speaks I feel that there ar~ no longer two sides - only the side of Christ. For this reason may I respectfully suggest the following:

1. That the Anchor no longer

print photographs of clergy and religious not dressed in the proper habit requested by the Holy Father. 2. That articles such as Greeley's and Carson's which at times flagrantly disagree with the Holy Father and with church teaching be dropped and replaced . by those which give more in'. struction in the faith. . 3. That the Anchor continue to push for a true renewal of the faith which comes from the Bishops and the Pope (e.g. - a renewal of the Sacrament of Penance to be received as the . norm before First Communion - which is stifI being completely ignored by sorne parishes within and without our diocese.) Please do not misunderstand this letter. I do not want to go back to pre-Vatican Council days, but merely to be true to the actual Vatican Council documents and to the legislation given by the Church since their issue. Thank God for Pope John Paul II. May God now give us all the grace to follow his direction. ,

Rev. Gerald T. Shovelton Raynham

An Invitation Dear Editor: I'd like to publicly thank Sister Conrad Mellon (Anchor, Nov. 1) for her courageous stance in voicing her disappointment at Sister Mary Theresa Kane's nationally-televised address to His Holiness, Pope John ·Paul II. Sister Mary Theresa's remak that "the church respond by providing the possibility of women being included in all ministries . . . "is so generally stated that many hearers took it to mean priesthood included. I won't comment on women in the priesthood because I'm sure my opening statement implies enough. However, I'm

sitting here thanking Jesus I'm not one of the women who ha~ "intense suffering and pain" over my ministry in the church. I'd like to invite back into the ministry of teaching those who can once more be thrilled 'by the words of Daniel, the prophet, "They that instruct others ,unto justice shall shine as stars for all eternity." I like to believe that when Jesus said' "I promise you that whoever gives a cup of cold water to one of these lowly ones because he is a disciple will not want for his reward," he was putting an everlasting blessing on all ministries. Sister Mary Jacinta, RSM North Providence

SOMEONE Attend Mass that morning in your'parish church. WHO HAS Take fifteen minutes to visit someone in the NOBODY hospital. Have someone who eats alone join your family for turkey and all the trimmings. Better yet, feed someone who needs food. There are millions of people in the world who have hollow eyes' and swollen stomachs' because they have no food. We 90n't see them because they are overseas. We know they're there, however. Can we ignore them, let them starve? Your $20 by itself will feed a family of war victims for a month. $200 will feed ten families. $975 will give a two-acre model farm to a parish

in southern India, so that the priest can raise his own food and teach his people better cropproduction. ' Assumption Church in Mupliyam, India, is over 60 years old. The front has collapsed. A new


wing is needed to acco'mmodate new parishioners who are mostly poor mountain folk who must work hard and long for their meager wages. Only $4,000 will provide all the necessary repairs and additions.

December 1 Rev. Phillipe Ross, 1958, Chaplain, Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford Rev. Edward J. Gorman, 1964, Pastor Emeritus, St. Patrick, Somerset December 2 Rev. Arthur Savoie, 1917, Pastor, St. Hyacinth, New Bedford Rev. Dennis W. Harrington, 1958, Assistant, St. Mary, Taunton December 3 Rev. John W. McCarthy, P.R.. 1926, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall River December 4 Rev. Charles Ouellette, 1945, Assistant, St. James, Taunton December 6 Rev. Joseph L. Cabral, 1959, Pastor, Our Lady of Angels, Fall River Rt. Rev. John H. Hackett, 1966, Chancellor of Fall River Diocese June-Dec. 1966 Rev. Joseph Welch, 1971, Retired Pastor, Our Lady of Victory, Centerville

Giving belongs to Thanksgiving, it's part of life. How much will you give back to God?



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Nov. 15, 1979

'Simple Gifts' Story of CFM and Its Founders


Gifts" is a much more personal , biography than "The Best of Times, the Worst of Times," his ANDREW M. book about me, which is a more GREELEY intellectual biography.In his new book Kotre is not burdened with a subject who is responsible for several score of books, arid, What do vou say when the hence, could deal more with fellow who has written your personalities than with ideas, biograohy writes the biogra- and personalities are more fun phy of somebody else and than ideas. But I guess the Simple truth it's a much better book? I can think of a number of about "Simple' Gifts" is that explanations for the excellence' Pat and Patty Crowley are far of John Kotre's new book, more interesting people than I "Simple Gifts" (Andrews and was, or am, or ev~r will be. McMeel). First of all I could Kotre's biography of them prokid myself by saying that Pro- vides a much more interesting fessor Kotre' has matured as, a prism to view the changes in / since writer. Surely, such an observa- American Catholicism tion' would be valid." "Simple 1950.' It is a warm,' sensitive; Gifts" marks his aefinitive arriv- honest, 'intelligent portrait, and al as one of the most skillful those who belong or belonged interpreters of contemporary to the Christian Family MoveAmerican Catholicism, a man ment '(CFM), or grew up in CFM whom the American church families ought not to miss Kotre's portrait of two "ordinary" simply has to take seriously. I could also say that "Simple people who did extraordinary



things, and in r1etrospect turned family. It was an immense ~uc­ out not to have been ordinary cess. at all. One can be melancholy when Back in the late 1950s, when one reads "Simple Gifts" and my generation were "young say what a tragedy that the full 'priests," CFM seemed to be the promise of CFM was never most exciting and dynamic achieved. As Kotre notes, "One thing that was going on in the encyclical ignited CFM in 1943, church - "the best thing since another came close to snuffing the seventh sacrament waS in- it out a quarter of a century stituted," said one of my class- later." -From the enthusiasm of mates. It was aiD extraordinary "Mystici Corporis" to the desphenomenon. It is safe to say pair which follOwed, "Humanae that in' the good sense of the Vitae," many things changed word the Crowleys were "whole '-.in the church. But I would 'presou!." Their energy and imag- fer to say that CFM did achieve ination, vision and down-to- much of its promise and then earth humanity provided the was transmuted to other forms basic drive that went into the and dynamisms that continue to flourish in the church. Patty CFM. , ' Sociologically speaking it was ~rowley can look back on an the-right movement at the right extraordinary movement, which_ time, grmying just as the new within its own context was a post-World War II, Catholic, spectacular success. suburban middle-class was apKot-re's book is not hagiograpearing on the scene. CFM was phy. The mistakes as well as the church's first respon~e to the successes, the failures as the changing social and econ- , well as the achievements, are omic situation of the Catholic all carefully chronicled. In retro-

spect the split between Mimiage Encounter and CFM in the United States, however unavoidable, was most unfortunate, as probably was the decision for CFM to go "ecumenic" before the, situation was ripe.r always felt myself as part of a loyal opposition, in the early days. Under Monsignor Hillenbrand's intellectual leadership, CFM and ' the other Catholic action movements lacked the theoretical, theological and sociological depth that they might have had. But these are unimportant matters. From the founding of the CFM to the ill-fated birth control commission and after, Patrick and ,Patricia Crowley symbolized and represented some of the finest impulses in American CatholicisPl. John Kotre's story of their life and "-, work is moving, compassionate and perceptive. It is a chapter in the American Catholic story (and the Chicago story), of' which we all may be justifiably proud.


Pri,estPuts Midl-lif.e Crisis i,nto Perspective By ANTOINETTE


It has suddenly been discovered and named. People have recognized that somewhere between the age of 40 'and 55, most of us undergo a kind of tedium about life, a boredom, a sense being trapped, a tendency to ask, where have I been? Where am I going? This is an inevitable and necessary transition stllge of life that has come to be named in our time as Mid-Life Crisis. Recently, I heard a talk by a Catholic clergyman which made more sense about this period of a person's life than I had heard before. The speaker was a Dutch, priest-psychologist. Father Adrian Van Kaam, Ph.D.,

the Director of the' Institute of Man at Duquesne University and author of many well-known books, including "Religion and Personality" and "Personal Fulfillment in the Spiritual Life." . Father Van Kaam said that, indeed, mid-life crisis is real and called it the most important stage we have to go through, because it is the time of reappraisal of life. It is a time in which we have a choice - to begin a passage to a deeper life, recognizing that ,the core of out lives is spiritual; or to get locked into our desire to be functional, achieving, and powerful, refusing to accept normal decline as we get older, becoming more and more discontented as we enter old age. Mid-life crisis, he said, begins with recognizable signs. You begin to' feel a certain boredom that translates into a feeling of being trapped. There is a crisis of intimacy, a failure to sense a' closeness ,in relating to others.

You begin to identify persons and things in your life with this overali dismalness and blame your spouse; your job, or something else for your negative feelings. You feel physically let down and professionally threat('ned as younger people come "" ,:I') most everything better than you can. You start to get depressed and feel anxieties, though you can't :Jut your finger on why you should feel this way. You also have strange feelings of false g\Jilt and shame. This is the onslaught of midlife crisis, and it can be explained, said Father Van Kaam. What is happening is that you are experiencing a strong awareness of your own finiteness, of your limitations and your losses. Looking backwards, you are aware of all our unachieved hopes, all your unresolved problems; looking forward, you see the end of your life; and so, internally, there is a cry - a cer-

tain mourning for what you are Ibsing. At the' same time, the negative feelinO"~ roan "'rine you to a new threshold, where the spirit announces itself and forces you to ask in a critical way - What is my life all about? This is the crucial question. If ou't response is to ' deny what is happening to us, to repress our mourning, to escape by any means possible, to stagnate by refusing to go deeper into our spiritual core to seek the meaning of our life, then the mid-life crisis can deform us. The result is bitterness, where you become an old person with no graciousness, only frustration, who labels life itself a disappointment.

On the other hand, if you make a value shift now, to seek and express a real, generous caring for society and those around you, to open yourself to the holy and the sacred, to be no

longer frantic about achieving to enjoy moments of aloneness and solitude, then you become "a blessed presence to others" in your old age. .Father Van Kaam brought out so beautifully that while, decline begins to set in at about midlif~, and, .p.uts ..9ur , functional, vital life on the downhil~, path, with the descent out of our control, there' is one area in which we can soar and grow in strength - the spiritual. The mid-life crisis gives us the chance, to make the most important breakthroughs a person can make. It puts us on the rim of a new function - the spiritual - and gives us the choice of turning to more inward values, to reconciliation, and to the discovery of the mystery of our life direction. I came away from the lecture saying yes, and determining to work to become personally "a blessed presence to others" as I grow old.

In Winter Dark and Cold, You Can Still Garden By



Now that the weather is making outside activity less and less inviting and' the clock has been turned back so' that it seems we no sooner get home from work than we are faced with darkness, our activities as gardeners tend to be more and more related to the indoors. I have mentioned in this column at times the fun that can be derived from setting up a fluorescent light garden

and in this week's column I seeds should then be stored in should like to discuss another a dry place until after Christinteresting aspect of gardening, mas. that is, hybridizing. At that time, using six inch For those readers who grow plastic pots or one pound coflilies, I will outline very briefly , fee cans as containers, I fill a method of growing them in each to the top with prepared the house from seed. ,Seed tan- 'potting soil or a mixture of equal still be gathered in the garden. parts of peat moss, sand and from the late blooming lilies or garden soil. They are given a it may be purchased, from any good watering, allowed to stand of the good seed houses. Rather overnight and then sowed with tlian collect seed randomly, I the lily seed. try to make crosses while the lilies are in bloom, but -:crosses Normally I spread the seeds which occur naturally may re- on top of the soil and cover sult in equally good results. them with a very thin layer of The collected seed 'should be the soil mixture. One seed pod placed in envelopE;!s and label- may yield as many'as three conled as to type if the names of tainers fairly thick spread, the specific lilies involved in which I label permanently with the cross are not known. The metal tags. 1


" •

The seeded containers are then placed, under lights for 14 hours a day' and are moistened daily until they germinate. They are kept .moist until mid-May, when they are transplanted into the garden. The seedlings grow vigorously during that period and may reach a height of two to three inches. I plant the container as a whole by inverting it and taking out thE:1 solid potting soil which is then planted as is, that is, without trying to 'pick out the individual seedlings. These ,are allowed to grow intact the first year in the g;irden and are kept weed~free and watered. In the falL they are lifted and given a new planting- with sufficient

room to allow them to grow unhampered. With luck, the seedlings begin to produce recognizable flowers as early as the second season after seed was set. In most instances, however, flowers will appear during the third season. This may seem an eternity, but the thrill of seeing one's own crosses in bloom is worth the waif. Once the method of setting and growing seed has been mastered, the amateur hybridizer will want to learn q:loreabout the genetics of hisjher crosses and as a result improve their quality and increase the possibility of producing really worthwhile hybrids.

THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 1S, 1979

Area Superiors At LCWR Parley Sisters Marilyn Spellman, SUSC, Bernardette Hemingway, SS.CC., Joanne Bonville, OP and Barbara McCarthy, OP were religious superiors from the Fall River diocese attending the fall regional meeting of the Leader- ship Conference of. Women Religious, held recently at Mont Marie Center, Holyoke. Delegates discussed "Steps in the Journey: The Contemporary Theology Project," an ongoing study of the theology of religious life in relation to the call to bring the gospel message to society. Other sessions considered the process of change as it involves leaders, consciousness-raising with regard to social justice issues and national programs of the LCWR.

Youth RaUy Continued from Page One commitment service and a social hour. All high school students are invited. Sponsoring parishes, in addition to St. Anthony's, are Espirito Santo, Immaculate Conception, Holy Name, Notre Dame, Our Lady of Health and SS. Peter and Paul, all in Fall River.


'Continued from Page One covery (of a cure) will be easier than it was to put a man on the moon:' he said. Lejeune is known internationally for his genetic research and discovered the cause of Down's Syndrome (mongolism). Supporting scientific research . on the unborn is the "qJ.ost pressing duty" for pro-life groups, he said, because those who would abort defective fetuses will not try to find cures. Lejeune said he welcomed the birth of the first test-tube baby because it proved that human life begins at conception. "There was never any question in their .(the doctors') minds that it was a tiny human being they were dealing with," he said.

Galileo Continued from Page One' The session had been con_. __ v_en_~_t<? ~~k_~~ lQOtJuID._ntve.rsary of the birth of Albert Einstein, the U.S. physicist who formulated the theory of relativity. The pope devoted much of his speech to Galileo, .an Italian who proved that the earth revolves around the sun. "The greatness of Galileo is known by all, as is that of Einstein, but the difference between the two is that the first had much to suffer, we cannot hide it, at the hands of men and the agencies - of the church," the pope said. Galileo was condemned by the inquisition of Rome and placed under house arrest in 1633 because his teachings regarding the earth revolving around the sun were called a denial of the church's views. He spent the last eight years of his life under house arrest. The pope noted that the Second Vatican Council- constitution "Gaudium et Spes" reiterated the criticisms of Galileo. He expressed hope that "theologians, scholars and historians will thoroughly examine the Galileo case and . . . make the suspicions disappear that this 'affair' still stands in the way of fruitful concord between science and faith, between the church and the' world." The pope made several arguments in defense of Galileo, saying that the scientist "felt in his scientific research the presence of the Creator who stimulated him" and that he "enunciated 'Some important' norms of an epistemological character which were indispensable in reconciling Sacred Scripture with science."


They're the Key ST. PAUL, Minn. (NC) - Lo_ --'-'-- -----~--._cal.parishes- and -parish-priests CAPE COD COMMITrEE members working on plans for the annual Bishop's Charity ar.e ':the key.to acting ~~ values Ball to-be held Jan. 11 at Lincoln Park Ballroom North Dartmouth are from left Miss Ethel wlthlO a ne~ghborhood as d~. . ' '" . velopment changes land use 10 Crowley, West Harwich; M~s. Gllbert J. N~onan, Fa~o~th; Mrs. James H. QUIrk, South the 'cities, a paper by the ArchYarmouth; Mrs. Edward Well, Falmouth; MISS Anne Vieira, Falmouth. diocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis says.

Bishops; Continued from Page One vout and seriously-minded women are disturbed to warrant this pastoral action," said Archbishop Rembert Weakland of Milwaukee, chairman of the bishops' liturgy committee. Any language change would need the approval of the Vatican before it could be implemented. The 250 bishops also spent much discussing a program of priestly formation to be voted on in November 1980. They discussed the use of seminaries for purposes other than priestly formation, and raised no objections to the large percentage of men and women enrolled in seminaries for lay ministry purposes. They also discussed the special needs of vocations from older men. The potentially thorny issue of the budget for the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and U.S. Catholic Conference was also brought up. The bishops were to consider the 1980 budget and vote on a proposal to raise by 25 percent the amount individual dioceses are assessed for the support of the NCCB-USee. Archbishop ,Quinn justified the increase. saying it was needed' so NCCB-USeC could continue its national presence in responding to complex issues. Bishop Warren L. Boudreaux of Houma- Thibodaux, La., said he det,ected that-the bishops were being asked to change their philosophy from one of doing , ariything that could be afforded to one of "making our presence felt at 'any cost:' He added that he was enough of a "romantic" to go along with the idea that the bishops' conference should do as much 'as it can even if the cost is high.

"I was hungry..• thirsty••. a stranger. •• naked..• sick..." Christ is still suffering the same forms of human misery He enumerated 2,000 years ago. And we are still called to help Him in our brothers and sisters. How? By keeping missionories present to mini~ter to His spiritual and physical needs around the world. Can we turn away from Him? Our help is speeded to missionaries serving Christ in His brothers through the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. I

In return, may all of us hear His "Come, you whom my Father has blessed... "

In the spirit 01 Thanksgiving, I want to belp CbrisI in His sullering I I~-----------~-----------~ larothers. Enclosed is my sacrifice 01: .' I


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FALL RIVER. 673-7780

/ CELEBRATING STANG'S -20th anniversary, George Milot, present principal, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and Sister Ann Denise, SND, first principal, gather under portrait of Bis40p Stang. (Sister Gertrude Gaudette Photo)

Twenty Golden Years Last weekend Bishop Stang with the cards she's received High School, North Dartmouth, from all those she's helped with marked its 20th anniversary with a listening ear or a friendly a g~la program, including a word. When she goes shopping, homecoming football game, an . she's hailed on just about every anniversary ball and a Mass of corner by someone who'has fond . thanksgiving, followed by a re- memories of her," ception. Mrs. B's school spirit shows Many friendships were re-_ itself in many ways, including newed and memories rekindled modeling in the annual style but perhaps the two people who show. After her years in the figured in most reminiscences role, she's gained a reputation were a pair that has been at as Stang's "professional" model. Stang for 19 of it~ 20 years: Refle~ting on her 19 years, 'Roseanne Barker . and John Mrs. B commented, "Basically, O'Brien., the students haven't changed too Starting as the school's first much. Nor have the dedicated secretary, under Sister Anne' parents who cooperate because Denise, Stang's first principal, they want the best for their chil"Mrs. 'B" has worked for five dren, academically and spiritprincipals. ually. She's been known and appre"Over the years, I've seen ciated by hundreds of students many more girls participating in for her helpfulness in "the little sports. I've also seen a greater things." number of students and parents "It's a kind of ministry for her involved in school activities. -and they all know she is there "Of importance too is our for them in any need," said a dedicated faculty - more like. a faculty member, adding, "She family all working together. could probably wallpaI>er a room When students graduate from

Stang, they leave knowing that nowhere could they have received a finer education." Equally full of Spartan spirit is John O'Brien. Originally an English teacher, he now also teaches history and Latin. Besides discharging his classroom duties, he has found time to act as athletic director and coach of the basketball, cross-country and baseball teams, plus now and then donning his chef's hat to cook for special Stang occasions. Speaking of him, ·a' colleague' said, "Each student that has attended Stang has had the opportunity to meet and learn from John O'Brien. Each has become a better person for it. "The effect the school and its students have had on Mr. O'Brien can be seen in his ever-enduring involvement in campus activities and functions. . "In truth, the partnership formed almost two decades ago and nurtured to the present, ,has been one which has helped make Bishop Stang what it is tOday."

adults, we should develop a mature understanding of what rivalries are all about, whether with Taunton, Stang, Feehan or any other school.

High . ,School Sports

Q. What do you see as the role athletics at Coyle and Cassidy?


A. The athletic program at C-C is intended to provide opportunities for developing the value of teamwork, cooperation, good sportsmanship, learning while having fun and caring for one's physicai well-being while enjoying the excitement of competition. While every coach and player likes to win, winning at all costs cannot be the basis for judging a program's success. Success in high school athletics should be based on genuine and healthy competitive spirit, good sportsmanship, opportunities for as many people as possible to participate (while staying within operating limits) and complying with the spirit as well as the letter of the rules, just to name a few things. The old adage, "It isn't if you win or lose, it's how you play the game," is really not outdated.

A. C-C offers girls' volleyball in the fall, basketball in the winter and softball in the spring. Girls are also eligible to join track, golf or tennis teams if there is enough interest to field such a team. There is a growing i~terest in Young people learn a lot from girls' athletics here at C-C and watching how adults react and we will continue to do all that behave. If adult fans act within we can to develop such interest, the confines of good conduct, it within the limits of our finances. is far easier to enforce acceptRecent rulings regarding boys able behavior on the young. However, when students see playing on traditional girls' coaches encouraging one stand- teams have caused some conard of behavior and other fans _cern, but I'm hoping that we will (too often supposedly mature be able to do what is best for adults) continuing to "do their the majority of students inown thing," they are confronted volved- in athletic programs, with conflicting signals and both boys and girls. wonder why we get upset, at their imitating what they see A Mystery _ other adults doing. "It is on! of the many things in God's dealing with us, that seem so very mysterious, that he should have made suffering a condition of sanctity." P. A. Sheehan

I think fan behavior is something that has' to be constantly monitored and reveiwed . . . not to restrict enthusiasm, but to channel that enthusiasm into constructive and socially acceptable types of conduct. good Again, - encouraging ,sportsmanship, self-respect and Q. What is the importance of respect for other, fans, and a coaches in a school program? healthy attitude toward rivalries A. Coaches should not only with other schools is something be qualified in their areas of that should concern everyone. int~rest, they should also reflect Q. What' about interschool the philosophy of the school. rivalry? Coaches are special people whom student athletes respect, A. The rivalry between Taunnot only for their expertise, but ton and Coyle, for instance, has also for their qualities as men developed over many long years and women, and their encour- and -extends to every sporting agement of common sense, good event in which we compete. I sportsmanship and fair play. think it should be encouraged, We need only look at a pro~ but level heads and mature gram like "White Shadow" to thinking must also prevail. get an idea of the things coaches Adults usually can handle a rican do on and off the plaYing valry without resorting to namefieid. In actual practice, the calling or antagonizing the oppocoach, is often a surrogate sition, and a good debate over guidance counselor, or a Big the relative merits of teams and Brother/Big Sister type of per- individual players is fine foradults. - -. son. It is very important, then, But remember, the young imitha't coaches be familiar with tate adults, and because of inexthe school's philosophy and that perience do not always apprethey reflect that philosophy in ciate consequences that could their lives and work. result from their. actions. As Q. What is the role of fans in the sports picture? A. In the eight years that I have been at C-C, discussion of fan reaction and support has been a perennial topic. Some fans '(both students and adults) have a tendency to become very enthusiastic ... and that's great! Spirit and enthusiasm are fine, but common sense and respect for other fans' sensitivities arc also important. We might say that the fans also must develop good sportsmanship.


'Q. What about girls' sports?

By Fr. Richard Beaulieu The following question-andanswer interview reflects Father Beaulieu's views on high school, sports in general and especially on the program at Coyle-Cassidy High School, Taunton, where he is principal.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-:thur. Nov. 15, 1979

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall, River-Thur. Nov. 15, 1979








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THE ROGER DUGAS family of New Bedford has welcomed two foster children in addition to their own four. (Rosa Photo)


".",."""."""."", ~~

Jimmie, 14, is small for his age. His social worker describes him as somewhat immature, but a lively, nice youngster. But he is one of the youngest in a large family of boys and his normal exuberance was the last straw for his harried mother, raising her children singlehanded. She asked that' he be placed in a foster home and Jimmie liked the idea too. But, recounted Carla Lyman, homefinder coordinator for the New Bedford regional office of the state department of public welfare, "every time I mentioned his age, people lost interest. I tried for eight weeks to find him a home. Week after week, he'd ask, 'Doesn't anyone want me?' Finally he ran 'away. When we caught up with him, he was in Tennessee." Jimmie finally got a home but Mrs. Lyman is still haunted by 'thought of the damage done his self-image during those weeks of rejection. There are many ~immies, basically normal kids in need of. a helping hand over a rough spot in their lives. For their sake November has been designated Foster Parent Recruitment Month in Massachusetts. Mrs. Lyman said children of all ages need foster homes, but heading the list are teens and children with mental and physical handicaps. Most in Southeastern Massachusetts are Catholic, reflecting the proportion of Catholics in the general population."What we need are really' good homes," she said, noting that many youngsters are in lessthan-ideal situations because there's no place else to put them. Foster care regulations have been eased, she said. Families where both parents work may be eligible to give care, as may separated or divorced parents or single adults. "The kind of person you are is what really matters," she said. Noone gets rich on the program, she added. Board and

In this connection an appreciation day for foster families and those interested in the program will be held in New Bedford Sunday, Dec. 2. Information about it and about foster care in general is available at the regional welfare ofA prerequisite for foster parfice, 399 Acushnet Ave., New ents is a 12-hour training proBedford 02740, telephone 997gram available at Bristol Com3361. It can also be had from munity College, Fall River;.Maslocal welfare offices. soit, East Bridgewater; and Cape Mrs. Lyman said that foster Cod, Barnstable. Home interchildren, like any others, can views, including tal~s with a:. give their guardians hard times. family's natural children, are But sl:)e pointed out that the joy also a must. of seeing a neglected child blos'Mrs. Lyman said that although som can make up for a lot. foster children can be expected The previously childless foster to have some emotional proolems parents of Rita and Mary, teendue to their troubled back- age twins, can testify to that. grounds, they are in most ways The twins, taken from their home pretty much "like the kid next at age 5, had been so neglected door." If serious difficulties they were thought severely rearise the welfare departm~nt of- . tarded. The foster parents litfers emergency backup care, she erally showered them with lovsaid, and there are also plans for ing care and eventually adopted organizing foster parent groups them. Today they're honor stuthrough which experienced par- dents, outstanding athletes and ents could offer support to the light of their new parents' novices. lives.

room allowances vary from $103.50 per month for children from birth to' 6 years to about $200 monthly for teens. Additionally, clothing allowances and all medical and dental care are provided.

FATHER BENTO FRAGA visits 4-year-olds in new program at Holy Ghost parish, Attleboro, where weekly sessions seek to develop tots' appreciation of self, others, Jesus and God the Father. Sister Elaine Heffernan is program director, aided by Mary Ellen Matrone, Patti Kettle and Betty DeMatos.


steering points PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news Items for this column to. The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundralslng activities such as bingos, whlsts, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetings, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundralslng projects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675-7151.

ST. JOSEPH, NEWPORT, R.I. The Boston Conservatory Chorus and Wind Ensemble will offer a Christmas concert at 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 9 in the church. Denis Tetrault is organist and music director at the Newport parish. ST. JOHN BAPTIST, NEW· BEDFORD A Cursillo Holy Hour will be held from 8 to 9 tonight. All are welcome.

HOLY REDEEMER, CHATIIAM . "Growing with the Community" will be the year's theme for the Association of' the Sacred Hearts. Members presented $1000 to Father John J. Brennan, SS. ce., pastor, as a contribution towards construction of the church reconciliation room. A total of $11,000 has been donated to the fund, which memorializes association members, past, present and future. New officers are Mrs. John H. Clavin, president; Mrs. Ed-. ward Acton, vice-president; Miss Margaret Martin,. treasurer; Mrs. Joseph O'Keefe and Mrs. Edward J. Fenton, secretaries. ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH The children's choir rehearses each Sunday, folIowing 11:15 a.m. Mass, at which the group sings. New members are welcome, as they are in the senior choir, heard at 10 a.m. Sunday Mass. Seniors are presently preparing for Advent and Christmas services. Monica Dickens of the Samaritans, a suicide rescue group, will speak for the Women's Guild at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the church haIl.

JESUS MARY FRIENDS, FALL RIVER Friends of Jesus Mary will hold a Christmas luncheon and . ST. FRANCIS OF ASSrSI, party for the community's re- NEW BEDFORD tirement center at 1 p.m. SunThe SIGN group y;ill serve day, Nov. 25 at Jesus Mary Con- coffee and doughnuts folIowing vent, FalI River., " Sunday Masses. Members will Music will be by the Allegro assist in presenting a Day of Singers and reservations will Devotion Sunday, Nov. 18 for close on Saturday. confirmation candidates.

XAVIER SOCmTY, NEW YORK CITY The Jerusalem Bible is avail~le toth~, yisu!lIly j~paired on tape arid' in large print at no cliarge through the Xavier Society for the Blind, 154 E. 23 St., New York, N.Y. 10010. Other translations are offered in Braille. Information on the society's other free services will be sent on request.


ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed after 11 :30 a.m. Mass and an hour of reparation and adoration will take place in the shrine from 2 to 3 p.m. The 10 a.m. Mass Sunday will welcome a large group who participated in a GIFT retreat last weekend. Parents of confirmation candidates will meet at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 2 in the school cafeteria.


ATTLEBORO The annual Christmas ilhiminations will hegin Sunday, Nov. 25, continuing through Tuesday, Jan. 1. The 1979 theme is "It's a SmalI, SmalI World."

Union-Truesdale Hospital, ,1820 Highland Ave., FalI River. Barbara Zink, RPT will speak on "Keeping the Spring in Your Body Through Winter." Persons with alI types of ostomies, including colostomies and ileos· tomies are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served and literature distributed. Further . information is available from Mrs. Rose Harrison, 674-9364, or Mrs. Germaine Gaudreau, 995-2740. ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD A triduum of prayer for the people of Cambodia will take place from 1 to 2 p.m. Monday through Wednesday at the. church. The Legion of Mary will hold a holy hour at 3 p.m. tomorrow, also in the church. The public is invited. SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER New senior CYO officers are Robert Boulay, president; Kenneth Souza, vice-president; Mary Dalton, secretary; Steven Cobery, treasurer. Junior officers are Kim Aguiar, president; Evelyn Albernaz, vice-president; Chris Howard, secretary; Linda Costa, treasurer. CHARISMATIC SERVICE COMMITTEE, FALL RIVER DIOCESE Leaders of charismatic renewal prayer groups will meet at 10 a.m. Saturday at St. Stanislaus school halI, FalI River, for a teaching, to be given by Father George Harrison.

CLmNT ASSISTANCE, COMMISSI9N FOR BLIND The Massachusetts Commission for the Blind has inaugurated a client assistance project to handle problems encountered ST. ANNE HOSPITAL, by the visuaIly handicapped in FALL RIVER A conference on ovarian can- obtaining benefits to which cer· will be presented at 11:45 they are legalIy entitled. Further information is available from a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 20 by Dr. Jose Lopaz of University Hospi- Philip Phenix at the commistal, Boston University Medical ' sion's FalI River regional office. Center. The program is open to The 'FaIl River telephone is 676doctors and other medical pro- 1056; and 800-393-6450, Ext. 0577 is a tolI-free number which ,fessionals. may be used by residents of Sr. JOSEPH, other areas. WOODS HOLE CCD students will sing the ST. STANISLAUS, annual Thanksgiving Mass at FAL RIVER 9:30 a.m. Sunday. They will The parish council will meet prepare a holiday basket for a Monday night after 7. o'clock needy 'family. Mass. OSTOMY ASSOCIATION, Parishioners are asked to-bring FALL RIVER-NEW BEDFORD their Bibles to Mass this weekMembers will meet at 2, p.m. end for a scripture blessing cereSunday at MitchelI House, mony in observance of National

Bible Week. A Family Christian Living Class will be held at 9 a.m. Sunday in the scho<?I. Families are asked to bring their Bibles.

KNIGHTS. OF COLUMBUS, FALL RIVER COU.NCIL 86 A memoriar Mass for deceased members will be held at 8 p.m. Monday, Nov. 26 in the council home. Services honoring Our Lady of Guadeloupe' will take place at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 19 at St. Dominic Church, Swansea. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER The parish choir will travel to Malverne, N.Y. in early December to perform Handel's Mess~ iah with the Grace Lutheran Church choir. Dec. 8 and 9 the Malverne choristers will join the Holy Name and Cathedral choirs in a performance at Sacred Heart Church, FalI River. The intercessory- prayer group will meet at 1:30 Sunday in the church.

THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 15, 1979


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ADORERS" COMMITTEE, FAJlUIAVEN The monthly Mass and meditation will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Sacred Hearts Church, Fairhaven. Refreshments will follow and the public is intvied.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil Riv'er-Thur. Nov. 15, 1979




II Bible Marriage By Father John Castelot

The ideal of a monogamous man-woman relationship was expressed in one of the earliest of the Old Testament traditions, that of the Yahwist, and was repeated again and again up to and including New Testament fimes. In the Paradise myth, when the man first caught sight of the' newly created woman, he exclaimed ecstatically: "This one, at ,last, is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; This one shall be called 'woman,' for out of her 'man' this one has been taken" (Genesis 2,23). The author had cleverly set the psychological scene by having the man review the parade of animals, in the course of which he became increasingly and painfully aware of his uniqueness and consequent loneliness: "but none proved to be the suitable partner for the man" (2,20). And the author likewise followed up the man's delighted THE FIEDLER FAMILY reaction with a pointed observation of his own: "That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his .wife, and the two of them become one body" (2,24). children and had opened her By Angela Moo Schreiber This ideal is thus presented , love to take two more - a as part of God's intention for auThe house was strangely quiet. handsome American Indian boy thentic humanity. The union of The older children were keeping and a little black girl with man and woman is an integral the little ones busy. The father dancing eyes. element of perfect humanity. . attempted light conversation' For all of them, the waiting According to another creation from time to time. In between, tradition, "God created man in he and the children prayed to- 'became bearable. Ten weeks later; Mary carne home. But his image; in the divine image gether. she was a still Mary, paralyzed he created him; male and female Finally, the telephone rang. he created them" (Genesis 1,27). "Mr. Fiedler, this is the doc- on one side and barely able to ' And immediately, almost by tor," said the voice on the other fipeak. In her nearly silent, slowedway of defining their being "in end of the wire. "I'm sorry. the divine image," the author We've done everything we can down world, her own hope grew goes on to remark: "God blessed for your wife," He paused a dim. The therapy sessions were them, saying: 'Be fertile and moment. "It's just a matter of grueling, and oh, so slow. How multiply. . ,''' (1,28). There hours," have "been many different interJim Fiedler had known it 路pretations of the "image of might turn out this way. His God" idea over the centuries, , lovely Mary had undergone surbut one of the most convincing gery for a brain tumor. But to is the one which equated being lose her, how' can one possibly By Janaan Manternach in路 the image of God with shar- prepare for such a thing? His Long, long ago, there were ing his positive, creative love. Mary was joy, beauty, all that . two remarkable people, Hosea There is nothing technically was wonderful in life. "religious" or "sacral" about Quietly he said, "I'll go to her and his wife, Gomer. Hosea was a good man, very sensitive and this view of human sexual love, right away," any more than there is about He calied' the children and caring. His wife Gomer was路 \1umanity's dominion over the told them, "I'm going to see good too, full of life and fun. They had three children, two animal kingdom (Genesis 1,28). Mommy for a little while." It is quite simply and wonderThe oldest child asked, "Daddy, boys and a girl. . For a long time Hosea and fully human-the God-intended how is she?" Gomer lived happily together. natural situation of man and Jim put his arm around him. woman. It is rather significant "Son, it's up to God. He hears They seemed to have. an ideal that the first effect of hu~anity's our prayers. And while we don't marriage, but then Gomer began alienation from the Creator is always understand, we can al- to spend more and more time away from home. She found portrayed in terms of alienation ways trust his judgment. other men more attractive and of the man from the ~oman. The drive to the hospital interesting than Hosea. When God confronts the man seemed interminable. At first Hosea hardly noticed with having eaten the fruit of Finally he walked into her 'how Gomer was changing. He the off-limits tree, the man answers: "The woman whom you room. Her breathing was irreg- loved her so much that only put here with me - she gave ular. But she lived. How could slowly did he begin to realize that he was no longer the only me fruit from the tree, and I he not hope? Hours passed, grew into days man in her life. ate it" {Genesis 3.22). The image has been tarnished; tension now - and Mary was on her way to Hosea was deeply hurt and recovery. threatens creative love. sad. He did not know what Mary, who had borne him two to do. Turn to Page Thirteen

Love Can Move Mountains could she try so hard and .seemingly accomplish so little? Jim was patient. But working full time, then coming home at night to another day's work was difficult. There were lessons to: listen to, meals to cook, cleaning to be done. The two older children quickly learned to 路heip, but weren't old enough to do much. All their lives had undergone abrupt change. Each of them had to become more self sufficient. ' Turn to Page Thirteen

For Children


Gomer seemed hardly to care. She came and went as she want,ed. "Finally she left Hosea and the children. She lived with another man. .Hosea was crushed. He ,prayed at home and in the synagogue, and discovered something very important' about God and about his marriage. He learned that God was faithful to his people no matter what they did. God's love for his people never changed, even when they turned to other gods. Hosea thought and prayed, prayed and thought some more. He loved Gomer. At their wedding he had promised to love her, no matter what. She had broken her promise. Now he was beginning' to discover what he would do, what God wanted him to do. Hosea felt God wanted him to act toward Gainer just as God Turn to' Page Thirteen

at the end of World War II I returned home from overseas after three years, I took for granted my wife would be waiting for me. She was. Our first child, born shortly after I ,had left, was there too, well cared for and well prepared for my homecoming. It had been a long, lonely wait for us but we never doubted each other's love and faithfulness. The meaning of marriage is love and faithfulness. One morning when I was praying, it came to me that the God who created me out of love is faithful to what he has created. He never deserts me. There is truly a kind of marriage, as the mystics say, between God and every man, and the essence of that marriage too is love and faithfulness. Because God loved us, we are. He looked at everything he had made and said it was very good. In a way of speaking, he fell in love with what he had made and took responsibility for it in love and faithfulness. Because a man and a woman love each other, they marry. They create a marriage with their love. They are true to what they have created . by their faithfulness, and they build a hOqle around it. In all the vicissitudes of life I have never questio'ned that marriage means faithfulness, to use a more contemporary word, commitment. What kind of love is it that does not talk like that, think like that? The "I love you" of marriage is a single-minded love - you alone and always. That is also what the, sex act says in which all is given, nothing is held back, and the meaning is deep and full. What a marvelous thing we have done in creating a marriage with the help of the Lord! All around me I see the faithfulness of nature and nature's God. God speaks to us through everything that he had made, and one of the words he speaks ,over and over ~gain is faithfulness.




By Father Cornelius van der Poel The word caring has many meanings. In our context I like to describe it as "the active expression of loving concern." This is what we mean when we speak Of the caring of spouses and of parents. Their caring touches both the human and the divine. Let us first look at the human dimension. Caring is a tendency to reach out and enrich another. To care means a readiness to forego certain personal satisfactions to Turn to Page Thirteen

A Verdade E A Vida Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego Fonte da


A 'Santa tussa

Ha duas nOfoes fundamentais para entender a Santa Missa: Sacrif{cio e Corpo H{stico de Cristo. Sacr{ficio. 0 homem n~o fala s6 com palavras. Os gestos sao ainda mais expressivos. Abel e Cairn ofereceram a Deus sacriftcios; Abel, 0 melhor cordeiro do rebanho, Cairn, os frutos da,terra. E to~os os povos manifestaram com as suas ofertas a sua adora~ao a di- , vindade. Sobre 0 altar de pedra colocavam a sua oferenda e sacrificavam os animais, queimando-os em parte ou totalmente em honra do Senhor. Alguns chegaram a imolar os seus pr6prios fUhos. Tamb~m, por Heises, Deus regulou os sacrif{cios do Antigo Testamento: bois, cordeiros e cabritos eram oferecidos no Templo. Nao deviam ter defeito e serviriam para representar a oferta de si mesmo e do seu cora~lo, que era 0 que Deus pedia. Por isso os profeta~ falar~o contra 0 culto puramente exterior. Ao entrar no mundo Cristo diz: nao qUiseste sacrif{cio nem obla~ao mas preparasteme um corpo. Os holocaustos e sacrif{cios pe10 pecado nao Te agradaram. Entao Eu disse: Eis que venho, como est escrito de Him .no livro, para fazer, 6 Deus, a tua vontade. Em virtude desta vontade, continua, e que n6s somos santificados pela oblasao do corpo de Jesus feita de uma vez para sempre. Jesus ofereceu-Se uma s6 vez e toda a Sua vida, desde a lnc~rna~ao, foi sacrif{cio, oferta de Deus, atingindo 0 seu coroamento , no cimo do Calvario. ' E um sacrificio dum valor infinito porque, se Jesus se oferece enquanto homem, a verdade e que as Suas acsoes sao divinas por serem da Segunda Pessoa da Sant!ssima Trindade. A mesma Esp{stola aos Hebreus desenvolve esta ideia comparando 0 sacrif{cio da Cruz com os do Antigo Testamento. Jesus quis que esta oferta se tornasse presente, se renovasse em tod0 9 os lugares e em todos os tempos, realizando a profecia feita por ~~laquias: Eu j~,n~o encontro em vos o Heu comprazimento, diz 0 Senhor dos exercitos, e nenhuma obla~ao vinda das vossa~ m maos ja Me agrada; porque, desde onde 0 sol desponta ate onde se poe, grande e 0 Heu nome entre as na)oes, e em todo 0 lugar se oferece ao Heu nome 0 perfume do incenso com uma ob~a· cao pura. Na ultima Ceia instituiu a Santa Missa, memorial e renovacao misteriosa da Suamorte. , , J "" Todas as vezes que comerdes deste pao e beberdes deste calice, anunciareis a morte do Senhor, ate que Ele venha. lsto e 0 p~u corpo , por vos , .•• Este " d0 meu sanentregue e 0 calice gue derranado por vas ... Fazei iste em mem6ria de 1'lim. As duas consagracoes tornam presente misticamente a rbrte do ~enhor e sem uma e outra nao ha missa, apesar de na hostia consagrada, como no calice, se encontrar Jesus toclo. As palavras corpo entregue, sangue derramado fazem notar esse. caracter de sacrif!cio. , Comemoramos a Sua morte e esta e uma so, nao muitas. Como ~ uma s6 e nao muitas? Porque foi oferecida uma vez, como a obla~ao no Santo dos Santos. -lsto e uma figura daquilo e esta uma figura daquela. Com efeito of erecernos sempre 0 mesmo, nao agora uma ovelha amanh~ ou t ra, ~~ l~aS sempre a mesma. D a1 que " e urn" so a sacrif{cio, por esta razao. ' Vale a pena fazer esforfo para entender, amar, e viver melho~ 0 acto mais santo da nos-. sa fee "

lHE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 15, 1979

Caring Continued from Page Twelve contribute to the happiness/ and well-being of another. Think about' the relationship between husband and wife. In normal circumstances each of. them wants to contribute to the happiness of the partner. They develop an alertl)ess to each other's wishes and needs. Caring is more than giving a present. In true caring the one who cares becomes a gift to the other. -Caring does not ask for a reward, but the happiness of the other contributes to the growth of the giver. Husband and wife become more aware of their personal value through the experience of mutual care. Caring is a growth process for all who are involved. The caring in the parent-child relationship expresses this . growth process even more clearly. The baby cannot give any reward. Its' being and its trust is the reward for the parents. The attitude of unselfishness in the parent is experienced by the -child ~nd promotes his or her happiness and self-acceptance. 'Caring is an expression of divine goodness because the human being is created "in the image of God." This means being called to live the qualities of the divine life in created dimensions and human limitations. It does not take much imagination to see how the love relationship between the spouses shares in the active expression of God's creative love. The po-


tential of each individual is called to maturity by the care of the. other. The ability to love more deeply increases the sense of gratitude to God and thus the mutual care of the spouses is a source for wholeness and holiness. This is even more so in the parent-child relationship. Parenthood is not only a life-giving self-expression of mutual love, it is also the continued support of new life, telling in human language the story of the most generous expression of God's infinite love. Caring is the place where the human and the divine meet in created visibility.


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Bible Marriage


-Continued from Page Twelye In many ways the earliest' .- - ~~~ Yf biblical traditions hold up as' a l God-intended ideal the mutual, • . .0~, stable union of one r:nan and one . U.S. Stamps Bought l woman in intimate creative love. And Sold It is also clear from Scripture P. O. BOX 2558 that this was considered an FALL RIVER, MA. 02722 ideal, not universally realizable, I Evenings Telephone . and concessions were made to (617) 674-9090 the weaknesses inevitable in ) alienated humanity: Both polygamy and divorce were counteMontie Plumbing ~ nanced under certain circumstances, but the ideal was never & Heating Co. abandoned. Over 35 Yeers So highly regarded was it, in of Satisfied Service fact, that the prophets did not Reg. Master Plumber 7023 hesitate to portray the marital JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. union as an image of God's rela432 JEFFERSON STREET tionship with his people: He Fall River 675·7496 was the groom, they were his bride, often faithless, but still ardently courted. In the New Testament, St. Paul; urging Christian husbands HALLETT and wives to love and respect each other unselfishly, proposes Funeral, Home Inc. .Chrisf's love for his church as 283 Station Avenue a model, and he brings us full South Yarmouth, Mass. circle by citing Genesis 2,24, as Jesus had done (Mathew 19,5), and by adapting to his own pur.Tel. 398-2285 poses the imagery of the prophets: "This is a great foreshadowing; I mean that it refers to Christ and the church" (Ephesian 5,32).

7 ...,

Continued from Page Twelve Patience was not always forthcoming. And Mary had to fight depr,ession. For many months,' each day was a new challenge, tiring, sometimes disappointing, sometimes fulfilling. But little by little, Mary, improved. ' What a joy it was when she could take care of her home and family again. She still could not drive, but their lives had come back to normal. Then Jim was suddenly taken Continued from Page Twelve ill with diabetes. His hospital stay was several weeks. Mary acted toward his people. Gomer had no way of getting to the was unfaithful. God's people st9re, taking the children to had also been unfaithful.' But schOOl and doing the countless God remained faithful to his things that require transporta- people. He continued to love them. tion. She realized that things were Hosea now knew that if Gomer reversed. She would have to would want to come back to him, take care of Jim for a while. he would take her. Even thou'gh And she would simply have to she had left him for other men, learn to drive again. Mary h'e would: keep his - promise to managed it all._ love her alone as long as they All this happened nine years lived. He would watch for her, ago. Since then, the, Fiedlers just as God watched for his unhave struggled, wept, felt great faithful people. joy. In some ways, the children Then one day Gomer did come are old beyond their years for back. Hosea threw open the they have learned compassion, known exasperation and much door and put his arms around has been expected. But they Gomer. He took her back and have lived in a home filled with loved _her as if nothing had happened between them. great love. I When Mary needed Jim, he From Hosea and Gomer everywas there saying, "Yes, you one in their town came to know can." And her love for him en- more about God and more 'about abled her not only to respond 'marriage. They. saw that God but to reach undreamed-of new was as faithful and forgiving as Hosea. goals.

For Children.

679-5262 LEARY PRESS




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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Nov. 15, 1979

By Charlie Martin



BISHOP DANIEL A. CRONIN meets with young men attending an information day on the diocesan priesthood at Holy Name parish center, New Bedford. From left, James Hebert, --St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis; James Calnan, 81. Lawrence, New Bedford; Robert Franco, Holy Rosary, Fall River; Barry Goodinson, St. John Evangelist, A!tleboro. (Rosa Photo)

focus on youth ... - By CeciUa Belanger

Some comments by youth about Pope John Paul's visit: "You feel at home with him and you trust him." "He knows where he stands, where the church stands and he sticks with it." '''He~s a strong person and it's good to see someone in power with such convictions." "I kept wondering, if Jesus had been on the other side of the street, riding on a donkey, would he have been noticed?" "He certainly rememb!lred us young people and spoke directly to us." / " Arid no one did more than the pope to make it clear that the Name ,of Jesus is above all ,names. He did all he could to deflect human adulation from himself to Jesus Christ. It is

CHD Collection Continued from Page One to various self-help groups. This substantial amount of money has enabled countless numbers of the needy to stand 'erect and recognize their Godgiven worth. All of this activity sponsored by ihe Campaign for Human De~ velopment is faith in action. For living the Gospel means "thirsting for justice" and only "the just man lives by faith." Pope John Paul's recent statement that the "Campaign has been a witness to the Church's living presence in the world among the most needy" is a call to "all of us during this' Thanksgiving Season. I pray ,that 1979, our Jubilee year, will <be the best year ever within our Diocese.

only the immature who wish to worship those who represent Christ on earth. There is only one Name, and it is not Paul, Peter, John or Pius. It is Jesus. That is the centering Name. , I think the pope helped many people get over moral fatigue. He proved that "those who wait upon the Lord shall re. new their strength. They shall rise up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall walk and not faint." It was a grueling week for the Holy Father and he stood up under it to the very end.

I thought of the many to whom he spoke as he passed by, perhaps people who had never been addressed by a man of God before. This is to celebrate the world as communion - not to leave out anybody. This is the fullness for which we yearn, the Christian's vision of the kingd6m wherein Christ transfigures the created order by his indwelling presence.

Massachusetts. Paula will be attending special workshops in anticipation of participating in this program. As class president, Paula has been involved in numerous student activities and programs during the past three years. Having been elected by the students at -large to represent" them, Paula, "like hundreds of other school representatives from across the state, will be eligible for a special drawing to be held Feb. 1. At that time, a student governor and other state officials will be selected in a random drawing. Once-'these key offices are filled, all the other representatives will be assigned to various committees and offices. Paula is the daughter of Mrs. Paul Zopatti and the oldest of five children. Mark Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnson, was appointed as alternate to the Student Government Day. He is vice-president of the student council and president of the National Honor Society.

In 1814 Timothy Dwight, then presiClent of Yale University, gave the baccalaureate address at commencement exercises. He said, "Jesus Christ is the true, theliving way of access to God. Writing Awareness Weeks Commit yourselves therefore to' him with a cordial confidence 'are in prayers at Bishop Feehan and the great work of life is High School. The Literary Club, directed by Sister Agnes Therdone." rien, has orchestrated a 10 day This is the rock upon which sequence of student writing disw.e build, the Name in which we plays, intercom announcements trust. and English classroom discussions, intended to stimulate interest in writing by increasing student awareness of scholarParent-teacher conferences ship opportunities and vocational will be held Tuesday. diversity in the literary field. Congratulatoins are extended Faculty members at the Atto Yong Soon Choo, a 1976 graduate, who is a postulant tleboro school recently particiwith the Dominican Sisters of pated in the annual Massachusetts Foreign Language Associathe Presentation. Junior Paula M. Zopatti will tion convention and a conferrepresent C-C at the Annual ence of the College Board AdStudent Government Day spon- vanced Placement Programs in sored by the Commonwealth of English.

Bishop F'e'ehan


Have you heard about the. lonesome loser Beaten by the Queen of Hearts every ~e Have you heard about the lonesome loser He's a loser but he still keeps on trying Sit down, take a look at yourself Don't you want to be somebody Someday somebody's going to see inside You have to face up, you can't run and hide Unlucky at love, at least that's what they say He lost his head and gambled his heart away He still k~ps searching but there's nothing left Still his heart is lost And now Ile' must pay the cost It's OK, he smiles and he says Though this loneliness is driving him crazy He doesn't show what goes on in his head But if you watch him close.you will see it all Written by David Briggs, sung by Little River Band, Š 1979, Capitol Records, Inc.

"Lonesome Loser" has a familiar theme, the pain of being t:ejected in love. The song suggests that the loser has not admitted this rejection of himself. His feelings are so strong they are visible to others, but he "doesn't show what goes on in his head." Others realize that we must "face up" to reality, and stop "running and hiding." The song says this person has lost in love but "still keeps on trying." This kind of attitude has .to exist if defeat is to be overcome. We may not reach our original goal, but what we learned can guide our new plans. By thinking about why we failed, we gain the insight to achieve suc.ces~ in future endeavors. In th~" song's story, the loser is "lonesome." Often our pride limits our desire to share our disappointments with others. Society tells us to play it cool but loneliness is the reward for such isolation. We can find healing for our hurts if we open ourselves to sharing them. ,God created us with abilities to rise above failures. We are called to be alive, learning individuals. Once we believe this and apply it to our own lives, our failures will become points of growth.

Holy F'.Mily A recent field trip at the New Bedford School included a tour of literary New England by freshmen and sophomore English students who visited Salem's House of the Seven Gables and the homes of Emerson, "Hawthorne, Louisa Mae Alcott and Thoreau in Concord. A stop at the Old North Bridge was also on the itinerary. The Ohio Vocational Interest Survey test was administered to seniors recently. Student Council officers for the year are Pauline LaPerriere, president; Gordon Goes, vicepresident; Lucy Oliveira, secre'tary; Raymond St. Amand, treasurer; Jeanne Racine, chaplain.

Bishop Gerrard Last week the Christian Life Committee sponsored "Chat 'n' Chew," an evening for mothers and daughters to celebrate together. A pot luck" supper was held in the cafeteria followed by music, chat, line dancing and fun. This week, the Christian Life Community is sponsoring a canned food drive for area needy.

Today students at the !Fall River girls' school will participate in Oxfam-America's Fast for a World Harvest. The program will. include speakers, films, discussions, a "hunger banquet" and prayer. Tonight at 7 there will be an organizational meeting in the school cafeteria for alumnae who would like to help plan an Alumnae-Varsity basketball game during Christmas vacation. Tomorrow juniors will receive their class rings which will be blessed at a Mass. The event will be further celebrated in the evening at a junior Ring Dance.

China Exchange MARYKNOLL, N.Y. (NC) The Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America, better known as the Maryknoll Fathers and Sisters, has proposed an exchange program between its seminary in New York state and universities in the People's Republic of China. Fatl}er John P. Meehan, president of Maryknoll Seminary, asked two visiting Chinese Protestants to explore the possibilities of student and faculty exchange when they return to China.


:i~ Interscholastic




Stang, Feehan Meet Saturday A highlight of the sparse high school football program next Saturday is -the Southeastem Mass. Conference Division Two game in which the Bishop Feehan Shamrocks will entertain Bishop Stang High's Spartans. Neither team is in contention for the division crown but that does not mean the contest will be dull and uninteresting. History shows that those end of season "traditonal" games often turn out to be humdingers. It is the only conference game scheduled for Saturday. The Mayflower League has four games listed for Saturday with Blue Hills at Southeastern Regional, Bristol-Plymouth at Norton,' Old Colony at Manchester, and Nantucket at Martha's Vineyard. That league winds up its season with a single game West Bridgewater at Apponequet - at 1:30 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day. The South Shore League has a four-lJame card on tap for the holiday. In the 10 a.m. contests Cohasset will be at Duxbury, East Bridgewater at Middleboro, Norwell at Hanover, Holbrook at Hull. Greater New Bedford VokeTech and Old' Rochester close their seasons with a non-league game in New Bedford Satur~ay. Then come all the "biggies" on' Thanksgiving Day! It is, of

course, a matter of personal opinion and one of loyalty to one's alma mater as to which of the' "biggies" is the biggest. Of-a certainty, nearly all of them attract the largest attendances of the season. Of ,special interest this year is the' "granddaddy" of them all - New Bedford vs. Durfee. The special interest is in the fact that the game will be played on the gridjl'on at the new Durfee High School, the first time for the HilUoppers at their new field. At ceremonies before the game the football field will be dedicated to Malcolm Aldrich, former Durfee and Yale University football great. B~tween halves, Aldrich will be inducted in the Durfee High School Sports Hall of Fame. Ald!,ich and Luke Urban, the school's former basketball coach, are charter members of the Hall. Urban was inducted. when the 'field house at the new school was dedicated to him last winter. The game is a Division One conference tilt and could be a factor in determining the divisional titlist. Another big Thanksgiving Day game is' the Division One contest in which Fairhaven is host to Dartmouth. In Division Two, Somerset is at Case while in Division Three Wareham is at Bourne, Seekonk at Dighton-Rehoboth.

Hockomock Winds Up Thanksgiving The Hockomock League rings down the curtain on its season with a four-game program listing Mansfield at Foxboro, Stoughton at Canton, Oliver Ames at Sharon, King Philip at Franklin, on Thanksgiving Day. North Attleboro already having finished its Hockomock season will be host to .Attleboro.

Other non-league games on the holiday have Coyle-eassidy at Taunton, Old Colony at Rochester, Barnstable at Falmouth. The Coyle-Cassidy vs. Taunton game decides the city champion. All games on Thanksgiving Day are morning games starting at 1 o'clock or thereabouts.

Secret Meeting Continued from Page One tion for the' pope, said the final communique. U.S., West German and French cardinals, according to some sources, were among those pressing hardest for public revelation of the Vatican's financial situation. Many observers believe that the revelation of this year's deficit, while not enough to give the world's Catholics a full idea of the situation, marks the beginning of a ,gradual process of making the books more open. The cardinals were given more details. One cardinal said afterward he was surprised to learn that $6 million out of $10 million for one year's Peter's Pence collection came from the United States. 'He said that most of the rest came from West Germany and France. The most common speculation by observers was that solu-

tions to the. financial crunch would include ~xtra yearly collection around the world or some kind of diocesan tax to help the Holy See meet expenses and gradually increase its investment base. The closing papal talk and the communique indicated strong agreement over the basic structure and direction of Curia activity. Another key topic was the church and modern culture. Pope John Paul asked the cardinals to focus especially on the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. He suggested that he was thinking of broadening this international membership body of distinguished research .scientists and mathematicians to include specialists in such fields as anthropology, psychology and sociology.


movie news

Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for general viewing; PG-parental guidaoce suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable .for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone;, A4-separate classification (given to, films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation): C-condemned.


On Television "The Dionne Qulntuplets," 8 to 9:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 19, PBS, is a captivating, haunting documentary of the five baby, girls who captured America's heart in the 1930s. It details their cloistered early lives, their difficult return to their parents and their exploitation by the media. The program depicts the futility of replacing parental love with sterile care and the human tragedies that can result from governmental and media manipUlation. "Birth of the Beatles," 8 to 10 p.m. Friday, Nov. 23, ABC, is' a ie-creation of the Beatles phenomenon, including lots of the distinctive Beatles' sound. Getting to the top was apparently more .fun for the group than learning to live with success. At the film's end, just before their 1964 U.S. tour, Lennon wonders if it was all worth it, when "half the world think we're bloody jokes and the other half think we're God." SulKhiy, Nov. 18, 4-5 p.m. (CBS) "Gulliver's Travels." The Lilliputian portion of Swift's ever-popular satire is presented on "Famous Classic Tales," a series of cartoon specials for young _viewers. .Sunday, Nov. 18, 5-6 p.m. (CBS) "Why a Conductor?" Bev'erly Sills is hostess-commentator for this New York Philharmonic Young People's Concert with Zubin Mehta as conductor and guest violinist Isaac Stern. Sunday, Nov. 18, 7-8 .p.m. (ABC "The 13th Day: The Story of Esther." Olivia Hussey and Tony Musante star in a dramatization of the biblical account of the woman who risked her life to save people. Tuesday, Nov. 20, 4-5 p.m.

THE ANCHOR" Th urs., N ov. 15, 19'79

(NBC) "I Don't Know Who 1 Am." On her 16th birthday an

adopted girl decides she must search for her roots and discover who her natural parents were 'in this Daniel Wilson production !or the "Special Treat" series. IFriday, Nov. 23, 11-12 noon (CBS) ''The Year of the GentIe

Tiger," A story of racial prejudice set against the backdrop of r the Junior Olympics and the disciplined sport of judo is a special "Afternoon Playhouse" presentation. Saturday, Nov. 24, 1:30-2 p.m. (CBS) "The Invisible Children." Hosted by Gary Burghoff, this children's special features The Kids on the Block, a unique group of puppets who teach children to understand the handi. capped.


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Films on TV Monday, Nov. 19, 9 p.m, (CBS) -"The Turning Point" (1977)Shirley MacLaine and Anne Bancroft are rival ballerinas who renew their feud when Miss MacLaine's daughter joins Miss Bancroft's troupe. 'An entertaining film set against the glamorous and exciting world of ballet. The adult nature of some of therelationships make it mature viewing fare. PG, A3 .- .

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"This Campaign ~as been a witness to the Church's living presence in the world among the most needy . . . The efforts aimed at establishing selfhelp projects deserve praise and encouragement, -for in this way aneffective contribution is made to removing the c;auses and not merely the evil effects of injustice. The projects assisted by the Campaign have helped to create a more human and just social order, and they enable many people to achieve an increased measure of rightful.self-reliance. " Pope John- Paul II



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