VOL. 45, NO. 44 • Friday, November 16, 2001
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year
Diocese's chaplains ready when the local calls come Parish in New Bedford; Father Marc P. Tremblay, pastor of St. Patrick's Parish in'Somerset; Father John J. Perry, pastor of St. Joseph's in Fall River; and Father Michael Racine, parochial vicar at St. Mary's in South Dartmouth. By DEACON JAMES N. DUNBAR Other chaplains inelude Father David A. Costa, pasNEW BEDFORD - The horror 'that was Man- tor of Sacred Heat Parish in North Attleboro, a police hattan and Washington, D.C., and the thousands in- chaplain; and Father Gerard A. Hebert, parochial vicar eluding public safety personnel killed in the Septem- at St. George's in Westport, a chaplain to fire and pober 11 terrorist attacks make the historic, tragic fires lice. in the mill towns of southeastern In recent weeks The Anclwr did a feature story on M~husettspaleincompariDeacon David P. Akin of St. Pius X Parish, South son. Yarmouth. , Nonetheless, when the A former fire chief and now chaplain to the Dennis FIre Department, Akin is a member of catastrophes strike they impact everyone and become the "call team" of Massachusetts Fire Chaplains and ministered at ground zero at a time when whole .families, often whole the World Trade Center in Manhatcommunities are tan after the terrorist attacks. found grieving. Probably the most seaThat's when the ofsoned chaplain is Msgr. Harrington. ficial, --.- and unofficial chaplains to the various fire and po"When the late Falice departments whose members put their ther Thomas O'Dea, lives on 'the line every day, receive the call. New Bedford Fire DeThey are ready to respond at all hours. ofthe day and: .piIrtinentcltliplain for 30 years was slowing down about night to minister as a priest and as a fellow humari ~1975, Ibegariserving there. hvas ordained in 1964. I being. '?'~ • had already been fire chaplain in Taunton for eight In the Fall River diocese, a number of priests - as years, and before that in the 1960s was fire department well as a deacon - are currently dedicated to serving chaplain in Hyannis," said Msgr. Harrington. as chaplains to area fife and police units. He says he also "~ollabo~~-,w,j,$:Jlwlegendary, Among them are Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, pas- late Father JoM R. Folstei,'d~lm.n pf dle Fall River tor of the Holy Name of the' Sacred Heart of Jesus' Tu';'; to page eight~ Chaplains',: ~
.' ,
,Grountlbreaking for "St. Pit,is X 'School" s~heduled!or-lolnrQrrow "\'
Priest-ehaplains self-less service and presence heightened by September 11 ~ tragedies. '
.' ~
_ .. ,'
Diocesan teachers meet, listen and renew "
. New $6 million elementary school in South Yarmouth soon to be built.
By DEACON JAMES N. DUNBAR SOUTH YARMOUTH .Groundbreaking ceremonies for the proposed St. Pius X Catholic elementary school are to be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 p.m., and the public is invited to attend. According to an announcement by Msgr. John 1. Smith, pastor of St Pius X Parish, $4.5 million has been raised in the past year-and-a half ''thanks to the generosity of parishioners and friends. We are now ready to begin the building of the school." Augustinian Father William T. Garland, diocesan director of education, confirmed that about a yearand-a-half ago, Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., requested that a Catholic elementary sChool be built in Yarmouth. "Indeed it has been the bishop's desire to built a Catholic high school on the Cape because many children there have to travel many miles to attend various Catholic high
schools;' Father Garland explained. "But after an extensive study that involved the Advisory Committee on Catholic Education on Cod, it. was found that we ,needed two more elementary schools in that region to make sure we had the student numbers fora Catholic high school;' Father Garland added. ' 'This school at St. Pius X is one of the two schools it was felt are needed, and so the outlook is very bright;' the director said. He told The Anclwr that he and Superintendent of Schools James A. McNamee had visited the parish and met With the parish committee. The task of raising the estimated $5 million to $6 million to build the new school fell to Msgr. Smith. A parish committee was formed whose major responsibility was the soliciting bf pledges to be paid over a five-year-period. After countless hours in meetings, on the phone and visiting businesses and parishioners, the committee reported that its fund-raising has SUPERINTENDENT OF Diocesan Schools James realized $4.5 million. "We invite all on the Cape to McNamee with 'guest speaker Notre Dame Sister Barcome and share this day of great joy bara Markey at the Educational Professional Day at with us;' Msgr. Smith said. Bishop Connolly High School. (AnchorfGordon photo)
FALL RIVER - Hundreds of teachers, administrators, principals, religious education directors and catechists gathered at Bishop Connolly High School November 9 for a Diocesan Educational Professional Day. They participated in focus groups, shared lesson plans and had the opportunity to listen to several guest speakers who addressed the topics of curriculum, respecting life and cohabitation. Notre Dame Sister Barbara Markey addressed the topic of cohabitation. Sister Markey said she was there to show high school teachers how to help students form better relationships with one another as well as address the issue of cohabitation. "One of the risk factors of cohabitation is that the couples who marry and Tum to page J3 - Teachers
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., November 16,2001
Internet as tool of evangelization is Communications Day theme VATICAN CITY (CNS) Pope John Paul II has chosen the Internet as a tool of evangelization as the theme of World Communications Day 2002.
"Internet: A New Forum for Proclairriing-the Gospel" will be the official theme of a papal message written for the annual event, which will be celebrated in most dioceses, next May. "The theme chosen by the Holy NEED A GOOD PLUMBER? Father touches one of the key means of communication developed in I' For your home or business. recent years and one which is of 1 John 1 particularInterest to young people," CHAIRMEN OF committees for the Bishop's Charity Ball include, from left, Hospitality Archbishop John P. Foley, presi- Claire McMahon; Presentees - Vivian Belanger; Decorations - Dolores Ferro; end Ushers 1 1 dent of the Pontifical Council for - Horace J. Costa. Social Communications; said in a : Plumbing & Heating : published in the Vatican 1 Est. 1920 Lie. 10786 1 statement newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano. 1 1 World Communications Day is the only worldwide observance called "The Experienced 1 for ,1 by the Second Vatican Council. ' Plumbing People" 1 It is celebrated by most dioceses on 1 Providing a Full Line of FALL RIVER - Chairmen for Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM for a $250 donation; "Guarantors" 1 Plumbing & Healing Services 'I _ the Sunday before Pentecost, which the principal committees planning Cap., will preside at the ball, ac- for a $200 contribution; and "Spon.. ~L~I~ ...!.w~s~ ~M~S~ ... in 2002 f~ls on May 12. the Bishop's Charity Ball set for companied by Betty Mazzucchelli, sors" for a $100 donation. January 11, 2002'at the Venus de president of the DCCW, and Individual tickets are available Milo Ballroom in Swansea, were Ronald Correia of the St., Vincent for a $50 donation. ' announced this week by ball direc- de Paul Society. Young ladies repTickets may be obtained by tor Msgr. Thomas J. Hariington. resenting various parishes in the contacting Diocesan HeadquarLANDSCAPE SERVICE The chairmen are: Hospitality diocese will be formally presented ters at Po~ Office Box 1470, FaD Committee - Claire McMahon; to the bishop and receive gifts of River, MA' 02722, or by calling 276 Meridian 51. • Fall River Presentee Committee - Vivian 1. rosaries. . the Diocesan Office for Catholic -~ . 508-673-9426 , Belanger; and Decorations ComIndividuals, orgariizations arid Charities and Development at RlCHARDS.AGUIAR.OM1ElI' mittee - Dolores Ferro. parishes will be solicited in the com- 508-675-1311. We are one ofFall River's oldestgardeners. " Antone Pacheco will be the mas- ing days as planners'prepare a meProceeds from the ball form the Let us put over 36 years of experience to work for' ter of ceremonies and Horace J. morial book for the ball, consid- initial sum every year for the Costa will direct the ushers. ered the highlight of the winter Catholic Charities Appeal, the prinyou. Contact us if you have a lawn problem or for a The chairmen were drawn from holiday season in the region. cipal funding source for the myriad free estimate. the ranks of the Diocesan Council DeceaSed loved ones may be re- of agencies, institutions and minisFully insured -No Job Too Big ~r Too Small of Catholic Women and the Dioc- membered in the "In Memoriam" tries serving the needs of residents esan Society ofSt. Vincent de Paul, section of the souvenir book for a throughout southeastern MassachuCOMMERCIAL· INDUSTRIAL· RESIDENTIAL the organizations. sponsoring the $300 contribution. There'.is also a setts, including Cape Cod and the annual event. section for "Very Special Friends" Islands.
Bishop's' Charity Ball committees named
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1 Me 1:10-15,4143,54-57,62-64; Ps 119:53,61 ,134, '150,155,158; Lk 18:35-43 2 Me 6:18-31; Ps 3:2-7; Lk 19:1-10 2 Me 7:1 ,20-31; Ps 17:1,56,8b,15; Lk 19:11-28 1 Me 2:15-29; Ps 50:1-2,56,14-15; Lk 19:41-44 1 Me 4:36-37,5259; (Ps) 1 Chr 29:10-12; Lk 19:45-48 _ 1 Me6:1-13; Ps 9:2-4,6, 16b,19; Lk 20:27-40 ' 28m 5:1-3; Ps 122:1-5; Col 1:12-20; Lk 23:35-43
1I11I11111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545..()2() Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July am the week after Chrisnnas at 887 Highlam Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press ofthe Diocese ofFall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS seIXI address changes to The Anchor. P.O: Box 7. Fall River, MA 02722.
will take place Sunday at 3 p.m. at St. Mary's Cathedral here. Bishop Sean O'Malley; OFM Cap., will preside at the 34th annual ceremony. The award was established by BishopJames L. Connolly in 1968 and since then, more than 2,000 men and women have been recipients. The medal, which has a raised image of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, is awarded to men and
women from across the diocese in recognition of service to their parishes and the diocese. This year's recipients: in alphabetical order by deanery are: Attleboro Deanery Mr. Robert A. Araujo, St. Mary's Parish, Seekonk; Mrs. Jeannette (George R.) Blais, St. Stephen's, Parish, Attleboro; Mr. Norman Corriveau, St. Mary's Parish, Turn to page J3 - Medals
In Your Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming week Nov. 19 1982, Rev. Msgr. Lester L. Huli, Pastor Emeritus, Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket 1990, Rev. Philodore H. Lemay, M.s.; LaSaiette Provincial House, Attleboro Nov.2f· 1975, Rev. Stephen 1. Downey, Retired Pastor, Holy Ghost, Attleboro 1994. Rev. James F. Kenney, Retired PaStor, Corpus Christi, East Sandwich Nov.23.
1984, Msgr. Christopher L. Broderick, Pastor Emeritus, St. Pius X, South Yannouth . Nov. 24 1991, Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, Retired Pastor, Holy Name, Fall River Nov. 25 1946, Rev. Philias Jalbert, Pastor, Notre Dame de Lourdes, Fall River 1971, Rev. Dennis Spykers, SS.Cc.
THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., November 16,2001
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A Blessed Thanksgiving from the Fairhaven family of
THE TAUNTON-ATTLEBORO districts of the National Council of Catholic Women recently held their annual Mass and Communion Supper at St. Jacques Church in Taunton. Mass was celebrated by Bishop Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap., and the dinner was held immediately after in the church hall. From left: Betty Mazzucchelli of Falmouth, diocesan president; Mildred Gil, president of the Taunton district; Bishop O'Malley; Father Thomas Morrissey, Taunton moderator and pastor of St. Jacques; and Cathy Massaroco, president of the Attleboro district.
Professor Glendon to speak at dinner following Red Mass' World Made New: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights," tells the story of Mrs. Roosevelt's proudest achievement: the framing of the United Nation's declaration of.rights that belong to everyone on earth sin:tply by virtue of being human. In 1998, Glendon won the Scribes Book Award given by the American Society of Writers on Legal Subjects for "Abortion and Divorce in Western Law," a comparative study that was featured in Bill Moyers' "World of Ideas" series. Another comparative study, "The Transformation of Family Law," won the Order of the Coif Triennial Book Award in 1993. In 1991, she was elected president of the UNESCO sponsored International Association ofLegal Science. In 1994, Glendon was appointed by Pope John Paul' n to the newly created Pontifical Academy of Social Science. In 1995, she was named to the Holy See's Central Committee for the Great Jubilee 2000, and headed the 22-member delegation of the Holy See to the Fourth U.N. Women's Conference in Beijing, China. She has contributed to legai and MARY ANN GLENDON social thought in several articles and The Red Mass, to be celebrated books and has lectured widely in this by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM country and France. Her nine books Cap., will find the honorees offi- bring a comparative approach to a cially presented and the awarding variety ofsubjects including the turby the bishop of the prestigious St. bulence in the legal profession, Thomas More Medals in recogni- changes in legal culture for a demotion of distinguished service to jus- cratic polity, and comparative legal traditions. tice and the common good. Professor Glendon has received F~ther Mark Cregan of Stonehill College, who is himself a lawyer, honorary doctorates from numerous will be the homilist at the Red Mass, universities including the University so named because of the color of of Chicago and the Louvain. She taught at Boston College Law the vestments worn during the Mass of the Holy Spirit, whose blessing School from 1968.to 1986, and has will be invoked upon the honorees. been a visiting professor at the UniAtty. Joseph P. Harrington of versity of Chicago Law School and New Bedford is chairman of the the Gregorian University in Rome. committee planning the Red Mass, She received her bachelor of arts, and Father Mark R. Hession is the doctorate and master of comparabishop's liaison with the commit- tive law degrees from the University of Chicago. tee. During a two-year post graduate Glendon's most recent book, "A
FALL RIVER.- Professor Mary Ann Glendon, the Learned Hand Professor of Law at Harvard University, and an author, teacher and lecturer in the field of human rights and comparative law, will be the keynote speaker at the December 9 dinner following the Annual Red Mass celebrated at 3 p.m. in St. Mary's Cathedral. The dinner at White's ofWestport will honor a judge, attorney and a court employee in the judicial system in Massachusetts.
fellowship for the study of European Law, Glendon studied at the Universire Libre de Bruxelles and was a legal intern with the European Economic Community. From 1963 to 1968, she practiced law with the Chicago firm of Mayer, Brown & Platt, and served as a volunteer civil rights attorney. A native ofBerkshire County, she lives with her husband, Edward R. Lev, in Chestnut Hill. They have three daughters.
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We recognize the generous service of our police officers, firefigh ters and public service workers.
May the Lord w-atchover you and keep you safe. The Parishioners of Sacred Heart Parish North Attleboro, MA Rev. David A. Costa, pastor Chaplain, North Attleboro Police Department
THE ANCHOR - Diocese ofFalI River - Fri., November 16,2001
the living word
Keeping the hope alive There can be little doubt that the events of September 11 will have a tremendous impact on the entire spectrum of immigration. The nations of the West, the European Union, Canada and the United States along with Japan need foreign nations to filI ever-increasing job slots. Birth control and abortion have reduced the birth rate to an unbelievable alItime low. Many nations simply cannot meet job demands from their own nationals. The answer has been to reach out to skilled foreign nations to fill the void. Immigration policies and the issuance of work visas have been reduced to the level of mere routine. Too many people doing a pedantic job have allowed the visa process to become tattered and lax. As a result, millions have been allowed to enter countries without corresponding accountability procedures in place. This will come to a crashing end. First and foremost you 'can be sure that all forms of immigration controls will be put on high alert especially in countries of origin. People who wish to work in this country must get a valid visa from an embassy or consulate. This is the first part of renewed control. The day of merely stamping visas are over. Entering the country with a valid visa will be subjected to greater scrutiny. Tracking systems will be put in place espe~ cially with regard to expiration verification of the visa and to make sun~ at time of lapse the person had actually left the country. The new procedures will also place greater responsibility on the people who hire foreign workers. Employees will be under greater pressure irl validating visa-carrying workers. Visa processing will generate a 19t more paper work and expense. Many jobs will probably not be filled for some time. Production will in tum be reduced. .' ~ There will also be a greater determination to eliminate interdepen! dence on immigration issues with countries whose laws are more liberal tlian those of the United States. For example,Canadian immigratiorl laws that are more porous than America's remain a definite border secuf rity risk. Canadians probably will not change their current policies. So it will remain rather easy for foreign nationals to enter the United State~ from the north. On our southern border it is evident that the new Mexi j can administration has done little to tighten border regulations. In fact, the situation has grown in its lack of control on the other side of the Rio Grande. These are but two examples where international cooperation is needed on this subject. Thanks to the diligent service of our Coast Guard and Navy, many open holes from the sea have been sealed. However, illegal immigration through the water routes is still a concern considering the vast coastline of America. It is thought that a million illegal immigrants are residing in this country. This is double the estimated number. Given the times, this plight becomes even more intense. The events of September 11 will push them into an even more hidden existence. In a recent statement from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops entitled "Welcoming the StrangerAmong Us," it was noted: "without condoning undocumented migration, the Church supports the human rights of all peoples and offers thempastoral care, education and social services no matter what the circumstances of entry into this country." This position will indeed come into question as America attempts to control domestic terrorism. Nations do have a right to control their borders. 'What best can be said for the current situation is that "the Church advocates legalization oppor. tunities for the maximum number of undocumented persons." This will indeed be quite a challenge, yet Olle that should be pursued in order to assure the human rights of all peoples. America has always been a beacon of hope for those seeking the freedom, liberty and opportunities that are offered in this land. We should do everything in our power to maintain this ideal in spite of the hurt that currently permeates the nation. Yes, there are those who will use this freedom to hurt us. However, there are millions who yet want to experience the very special gifts that only can be offered by this country. Let us strive to keep this hope alive.
The Executive Editor
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFTH'E 'DuicESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly 'by the Catho'lie press9f the Diocese of Fall River '887 Highland Avenue " : .. Fall River, MA 02720.'°' Fall River, MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 ,,' FAX 508-675-7048' • E~mail: TheAnchbr@Anchornews.org ,
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EXECUTIVE EDITOR Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore EDITOR David B. Jolivet
NEWS EDITOR James N. Dunbar
OFFICE MANAGER Barbara M~. Rels ,
What makes the morning best? By FATHER EUGENE HEMRICK CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE "What most helps you to maintain your spiritual life amid a busy daily schedule?" This rather straightforward question recently was posted on the Internet Website JKNIRP.COM of the National Institute for the Renewal of the Priesthood at the Washington Theological Union in hopes of identifying particular spiritual exercises that help individuals sustain a relationship with God. A good number of respondents pointed to one spiritual principle above others that they found particularly beneficial: Of all the times of the day to pray, morning ranks first. One person said morning is best because he is freshest then, and his energies are generally at tneir maximum. Interestingly, a song often heard in churches praises this time of day for its freshness and sees God sanctifying it: "Morning has broken like the first morning, ""Blackbird has spoken like the first bird.
"Praise for the singing! Praise for the morning! "Praise for them, springing fresh from the Word." One respondent pointed out that we tend to put off prayer to later, but that later never, comes. ' Another unique reason for choosing the morning is found in a prayer one respondent discovered on the Intern~t: "Dear God, so far today I've done all right. I haven't gossiped, I haven't lost my temper, I haven't been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish or self-indulgent. I'm really glad about that! But in a few minutes, God, I'm going to get out of bed, and from then on I'll probably need a lot more help. Amen." Morning, it seems, is consid- . ered the best time to pray because we wake up with a clean slate. Yet another insightful respondent suggested that morning is the perfect time to consecrate the rest of the day and make it sacred. Morning is the time to set the right tone for the hours of the day that are
about to begin. Early morning also is considered the best time for finding silence and freedom from distractions. Unlike the rest of the day that fills up our space with multiple activities, morning is the perfect time to catch our breath, enjoy its "settled ness," and peacefully speak and listen to God. ' No doubt some aren't morning people. Raising their energy level and getting focused just getting the day under way - are gigantic chores for them at this time of day. As true as this is, it is also true that deeply spiritual men and women throughout the ages were notorious for praying early in the morning. No doubt some of them had been prone to be late risers. All of them overcame this propensity by making early prayer a spiritual exercise in itself. When we add up all of its attributes, morning has an air - a unique quality - that speaks to everything that is alive within us, be it human or spiritual.
Letter to the Editor Editor: We are a diverse community of Catholics from parishes, colleges, universities and other Catholic institutions throughout Massachusetts including laity, women religious, brothers and priests. We write this letter because we share the pain and grief of families who have lost loved ones in the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Our deep anguish moves us to cry out: "What does all of this violence mean?" Because we as a nation are traumatized by the sudden violence of September 1 f, it us understandable that many would see the present bombing attacks on Afghanistan as "just," a war waged on the evil of terrorism. However, a Just War prohibits the killing of noncombatants. While this bombing may be termed "just" such killing of innocents is morally wrong and radically separates us from the love, teaching and example of Jesus Christ. At this time of national crisis, including the introduction of American ground troops, will our hearts become large enough to embrace Jesus so that we can be delivered from the violence of revenge and, at the same time, have the courage to pray for those who hate us? (Matt.5:44) Our bombs cannot bring peace. Dropping technologically advanced weapons of a super power on the poorest people on earth, can only be a cruel and futile retaliation, adding further devastation on an already war-torn land. Are we not stoking the passions of revenge in the young and the poor who will surely retaliate in kind, furthering
Pope encourages praying the rosary
the spiral of violence? Jesus teaches us with authority and truth threugh the centuries: "Those who live by the sword, die by the sword" (Matt. 26:52). We must seek moral clarity by returning to Jesus' message of nonviolence as found in the Sermon on the Mount: "Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God" (Matt. 5:9). As the God of . love is the giver of all life, our Messiah calls us away from hatred and fear of our enemies - to unconditional, nonviolent love. (Matt. 5:43) These urgent times demand that we Catholics Christians summon ourselves and our Church "back home" - home to the oldest and most sacred tradition in Christianity - the truth of the nonviolent Jesus. Please join us as we speak with one voice: "No to war in Afghanistan!" "No to killing of civilians!" "No to killing, period." "Yes!" to the truth of compassionate love, honest dialogue, and genuine forgiveness. "Yes!" to a change in unjust U.S. economic and military policies in the Middle East which will necessarily lessen the causes of terrorism. ' Out of the ashes of these tragic deaths, may we Christians become a new people and proclaim with our hearts and our lives the prophetic words of Pope Paul VI, "War no more; war never again!"
VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II encouraged Catholics to pray the rosary, calling it an effective way of getting closer to Christ. In a message for the 100th anniversary of consecration of a church at the Marian sanctuary in Lourdes, France, the pope said devotion to Mary was an indispensable path to her son, Jesus.
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"I therefore strongly encourage the faithful to deepen their knowledge of Christ's mysteries through meditation (of the rosary), little by little purifying and illuminating their souls in order to become, like Mary, true disciples of the Lord and to conform their lives to the Passion and Resurrection of the Savior," he said.
Have you remembered to include
THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., November 16,2001
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Protecting Families For Generations .,,{1~\-.
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. Taken From The Photo Of The 1897 Supreme Council Meeting Held In New Haven, Conn(:cticut '~K(lfC
THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri.~November 16,2001
God's interventions revisited
Q. I was distressed by your cious and loving God, whose good- clude all natural explanation, are alanswer regarding God's will and ness is manifest in creation itself, in ways possible. And we can surely whether God "interfer,es" with how and why it came into being, pray for them. It is, after all, still nature's laws. I agree that .God not because the maker constantly God's world, his continual re-creworks his will through the laws! intervenes to accomplish his com- ation. Lourdes and some other sacred of nature, and that nature's pre- passionate will. As we human beings continu- shrines offer countless instances of dictability is meaningful and valuremarkable events that conable. tradict all medical and sciATTLEBORO - The last for the needy. For more infor~ But I don't think , . . . - - - - - - - - - - entific expectation of what Bethany Nights evening of mation call 508-993-3547. Jesus' message was sim"ought" to happen. Withsong and prayer with John ply to be good and accept ered arms and legs become Polce will be held at the La NEW BEDFORD - The whatever nature hands healthy and whole overSalette Shrine tonight at 7:30 Daughters oflsabella Hyacinth you because that's God's night. Carcinomic neop.m. in the Shrine Church. It Circle #71 will sponsor a Mass will. Miracles happen evplasms that should inevitawill include a healing service. for deceased members Novem- eryday.Peoplearehealed By Father bly be fatal disappear instanFor more information call 508- ber 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the Holy and helped beyond all John J. Dietzen' taneously. 222-5410. Narne of the Sacred Heart of natural explanation. No A healing service in Portu- Jesus Church. Its monthly situationishopeless.lfwe ....- - - - - - -.....- - These are without quesguese will be held Sunday at 2 meeting will follow. For more pray for miracles for others and ously learn more about reality, the tion God's doing. To seek such exp.m. at the Shrine. La Salette information call Mary Macedo ourselves, we are showing faith, more we perceive the truth of this traordinary blessings in prayer and Father Manuel Pereira will at 508-993-9179. hope and love. way oflooking at the world. People pleading can be good, a sign ofgenu. lead the service. It will include God can also give us Job-like once attributed thunder and light- ine Christian faith and hope. It remains, however, that NEW BEDFORD - Lisa resignation to the evil circum- ning to the displeasure oftheir god(s) the opportunity for persons to be prayed over individually. Gulino, director of adult edu- stances that befaD us, and that's over human infidelity pf some sort. miracles, or instant-by-instant interThe annual La Salette cation, will present a program a gift too. But Christians say: We now have a better and more natu- ventions into the, workings of the world, are not God's usual ways. As Christmas Bazaar will be held entitled "St. Matthew's Bible "Christ's love lives in me. For ral explanation. Novemb~r 23 and 24 from noon Study," November 20 from 7- whom shaD I pray? Who needs a Similarly, bizarre behavior or the Genesis creation story tells us, to 9 p.m., and noon to 8 p.m. 8: 15 p.m. at Our Lady of miracle ofgrace today?" (Wiscon- manifestations - wounds ofthe stig-. God looked at what he had made sin) mata, for example, or floating in the and declared it good, very good. He on N~mber 25. The bazaar Fatima Church. has been relocaTed-to the A. Th~_you for pointing out air, or frothing at the mouth with was wonderfully satisfied with what former chapel. For more infoc:---- -NORTH-FALMOUTH- ----very-well some important and hope- unnatural guttural speech - were he had done. A Cancer Support Group fiJI Christian truths. A number of once automatically assumed to have mation call 508-222-5410.. As far ~s we can tell, it is the meets at St. Elizabeth Seton other readers wrote to me with the . divine or diabolical origins. same wisdom that gave existence to FALL RIVER - Catholic Church every third Wednesday same concerns you have. We folMore recent experience has this infinitely complex universe that Social Services seeks volun- of the month at 7 p.m. For lowers ofChrisrare not fatalists who . proven, however, that occurrences allows it to live and breathe and act teers to teach English as a sec- more information call 508- lie down without feeling or passion like these may well have a more according to the "laws" he placed ond language, and civics in the 563 -'177 O. and stoically let happen what will natural, psychological explanation. there in the first place. Attleboro, Cape Cod, Fall A free brochure answering These are among the reason; the happen. River, New Bedford and SWANSEA - Day-long As I said in the column you men- Church has learned through the cen- questions Catholics ask about creTaunton areas. Prior teaching Adoration of the Blessed Sac- tion, in the everyday processes of turies to exercise greater caut; on mation and other Catholic fuexpcrience is not necessary and rament follows the 8 a.m. Mass life the makeup of the world as God before attributing extraordir.ary neral regulations and customs is training will be provided. For every first Friday of the month created it normally reveals "God's events to miraculous divine inter- available by sending a stamped, more information call Areli at St. Dominic's Church. At will " and determines what will hap- vention. self-addressed envelope to Father 6:30 p.m. a holy hour and pen. . Hodkinson at 508-226-4780. Miracles, wondrous events that John Dietzen, Box 325, Peoria, IL Benediction will be held. DeWe believe the creator is a gra- mysteriously but unmistakably pre- 61651. FREETOWN - Mother of votions to Our Blessed Mother the Sorrowful Heart Rosary follow the 8 a.m. Mass every Crafters are actively making first Saturday. and sending out handmade cord NORTH DARTMOUTH rosaries to missions around the As 2001 comes to a close, we will look back at let such evil exist in this world. Philosophers and world. They are available for - The next R~t~ouvaille its. final months as a sad time when we heard much theologians have pondered that question for centuteaching and demonstrations weekend will be held January about how evil had attacked us' at the hands of ter- ries, and no one ever has come up with a truly satfor individuals or groups who 11-13 and offers couples a rorists. It bec路ame almost a mantra from President isfactory explanation. would like to make cord rosa- chance to heal and renew I think that old question bf why God permits Bush that we would defeat "the evil ones.'" ries. For more information call troubled marriages. Redisis not really relevant today. I think we have to evil of us who have been victims of crime Any Carol Spoor at 508-644-2645. cover yourself and your spouse look at the terribly unequal and unfair路distribution of thousands of people in New and the destruction and a loving relationship in York's World Trade Center was certainly a crime of the world's resources to get at the root of why so. MASHPEE - The monthly marriage. For more informamuch hate has surfaced in certain countries: have truly been touched by evil. After my son meeting of the St. John of the tion call 1-800-470-2230 or In a powerful book written 25 years ago - "Jesus -Cross, Third Order of the diocesan Office of Fam- and his wife were murdered by an 18-year-old who Before Christianity," just Carmelites will be held Sunday ily Ministry at 508-999-6420. snuck into their home with a 9mm semi auto, . . re-released by Orbis beginning with 5:30 p.m. Mass matic gun, I went to that Books - Dominican Faat Christ the' King Parish.. NORTH DARTMOUTHther Albert Nolan, servPrayer and study will follow.. A Separated-Divorced Support room of death. I felt the ing in South' Africa, anThe group meets every third Group will meet November 26 chill and reality of deticipated "catastrophe" structive, powerful evil. Sunday of the month. For more from 7-9 p.m. at the Diocesan and the "escalation of vioYet, I could not label information call Mary Good at Family Life Center, 500 lence." He wrote: 508-759-6354. Slocum Road. It will feature a the killer an "evil one." By Antoinette路 Bosco -"More than one billion video and talk about relation- He was a person who had people experience hunger done terrible evil, but .. _..J-I MISCELLANEOUS ships by Andy Morgan. wasn't he, as I and all of for at least part of every Oblates of Mary Immaculate are collecting canceled stamps TAUNTON - Hospice Care us truly are, a child of God? If I denied him his year. They also lack clean water, elementary educato help raise money for the of Greater Taunton is offering humanity by calling him the "evil one," wasn't I tion and basic health care. Only God knows how poor and foreign missions. a volunteer training program demonizing him, dehumanizing him and thereby many millions die of starvation. The system was not designed to solve such problems. It can proClipped stamps can be sent to to prepare individuals to assist saying he was doomed to hell? duce more and more wealth, but it is incapable of I agonized over this, prayed for light and had an Oblate Stamp Bureau, c/o terminally ill patients and their ensuring that even the bare necessities of life are answer. I am to pray for him, that he would someCharles Malachosky, 1669 families. For more information evenly distributed. This is because it is geared to day ask God to forgive him for his sin, so that he Merilin Street, Cayahoga call Linda Silva at 508-822could find redemption and one day be reunited with profits rathe~ than to people." Falls, Ohio 44221. 1447. Father Nolan shows brilliantly that Jesus is "the the Source of his life. true picture of God" sent to show us how to "unof God's As I prayed, I understood that none NEW BEDFORD - The W.EST HARWICH - The students of Holy Family-Holy Celebrate Life Committee of children are "evil ones." They can be deceived ones, derstand the structures of evil in the world as it is Name Sehool invite all to cel- Holy Trinity Church, Route taken over by the evil one, seduced for whatever today." To believe in Jesus, Father Nolan reminds us, is ebrate the Birth of our Lord in 28, will hold its monthly holy reasons to destroy others, to do great evil. They to let go of the hate and fear that keep wars and need to be stopped from carrying out their evil deeds song and tableau December 16 hour November 25 at 1:30 p.m. at 3 p.m. at St. Lawrence Mar- Attendees are encouraged to and must be punished. But we must not demonize violence going and "to believe that goodness can tyr Church. Attendees are bring a friend and pray to end them and in our hearts and heads send them to hell. and will triumph over evil." Can we Christians, Many have expressed confusion about how a good observing Advent in this time of terror, awaiting asked to bring a canned good abortion. God, an omnipotent God, all-wise, all-seeing, could the coming of Jesus, hold to that belief?
Questions d an Answers
Are there evil people?
The Bottom Line
The formation of men's commissions in the Church Help me with this. Why are tion." All kinds of U.S. forma- dee-doo were excited about there so many conferences and tion and education folks piped women's growing role in the studies and pastoral letters and up saying: "Who? Us? No way. Church. In contrast, in most of stuff like that on the role of Nope. Don't think so. They the parishes where I have lived women in the Church? Is this must be 'talking about those men tend to become more exfair? radical Germans or the Swiss cited about getting out of work Can you think of the last one or maybe the Austrians." than taking it on. They stage on the role of men in the None of the news stories re·- "volunteer your friend" conChurch? Oh, one does see the ported if. there was any cross- tests. They prefer parish gathoccasional article about "male ing of fingers behind backs. erings where cracked crab and spirituality." There was the I might be wrong on this, but beer take a high priority. Million Man March, but_----------r--::::=-I~ I'm not aware of that doesn't count. many men's commisAnd, sure, there was sions (OK, like none), just that lengthy assemmuch less a national blage of bishops from 0 l~.,.. '~' ••.'• get-together for us. ~, ~ Maybe it is high around the wO"rld at the Vatican focusing on time we laymen do bishops' roles in the By Dan Morris take ourselves more seChurch - and all of riously and form a them are men. But that commission or somedoes not really count as thing. Sure, I know a conference on men's roles in the role of women in the there is a National Council of the Church. Church sure seems to be typi- Catholic Men. Ijust don't know It does beg the question of fied by the formational process anything about it, including how many women observers of many U.S. permanent dea- whether or not it has taken a might have attended the Rome cons. These men and their stand on eliminating two fransynod, There must be some- wives often study, pray and pre- chises from major league basething to the "women's roles in 'pare side-by-side for ordina- ball. the Church" industry, though, tion. Then the man is ordained On the o'ther hand, maybe because things keep popping up and the woman watches. more of us could join the about it all the time. Still, there are women's com- Knights of Columbus. They In September three Vatican missions in dioceses all over the know about cracked crab and congregations issued a joint country. They even held a na- beer, and there are even swords statement warning against any tional conference in St. Paul, involved. "initiatives" that could be con- Minn., at St. Catherine College. Comments are welcome. Estrued as "preparing female The confusing part is' that mail Uncle Dan at candidates for'diaconal ordina- speakers at the St. Paul whoop- cnsuncle@yahoo.com.
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., November 16,2001 FERTILIZER & TREATMENT Programs Custom Tailored ForYour Lawn
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THE ANCHOR - Diocese ofFal! River - Fri., November 16,2001
Continued from page one
Fire Department." I talked to have truly been touched As he completes his seventh by it ... as has been the entire world, year as fire chaplain in New and they want to talk about it:; to Bedford, Msgr. Harrington says he get it out, and that's when the chap. can look back on a chaplaincy ca- lain can also be an important presreel' ''that found me in many situa- ence." tions; none~. catastrophic ofcourse . Asked wgether serving as a as wQathapPened in September iQ chaplain was a satisrymg; fulfilling Manhattan, but serious none the ministry"Msgr. Hlijrington said, less." . ' "Yes, ~ think so:There ares(fm~y One of the most dreadful disas-' facets to the duties; For iris:tance; I all tershe recalls respondlngto was the: make .it 'a habit to. death of.a family of five in The, those'injured right into the emerWliaImg City in a housej,!ire"As at'· "gency arid' ',re..main with most: fa(al fires, the chapHun is them until they carl. contact their called on to minister not only to the- faplili~ to come and be,witb them." grieving fapiilies and friends, but Father Tremblay, pastor of St. also to give needed grief counsel- patrick's for the past five years~ is ing to the firefighters. . chaplain to the Fall River Fire De"What we do is to hold a ses- partment. " ." It is a position he was unexpectsion with personnel later to replay the circumstailCes and reflect on it," edIy asked by a department memMgr. Harrington reported. 'Things bel' to take on in August 2000 belike"that'forge a bOnding' between cause 6f afanlliy tradition. "My father, Roger Tremblay, the personnel and the ,chaplain." Some years ago he accompanied was a firefighter in Fall River for' area firefighters "at the very solemn 39 years, serving in the Globe Staliturgy in Worcester when that com- tion on a pumper before retiring," munity lost six firefighters and we the pastor said. . processed through the city and to "So whenever I'm at something the Centrum. And I thought at that with firefighters they frequently tell time that it would probably be the me: 'I know you,' because I lookjust worst thing to happen ... until last like my father;' Father Tremblay reSeptember in New York." ported. ''I consider it an honor to be Msgr. Harrington said New askedbecauseofwhatmyfatherhad Bedford firefighters went to Man- done during his service. hattan as members of the FEMA "While I'm called to respond team to help in rescue and recov- regularly, it's not too bad," he said. ery, while others were assigned to "I was summoned recentJy to a fire on Middle Street in Fall River take part in crisis counseling." He added that: "All those locals where a woman was badly injuredJ
MEMBERS OF the Falmouth Police Department are shown with Father.Gerard A. Hebert in this file photo from a Mass at St. Elizabeth Seton Church a few years ago. and had to be hospitalized. rve only been to one fire where there was a fatality. In those tragic circumstance we do the best we can in a difficult, complex situation. There is no way one can be prepared for something like that." Father Tremblay said that in a city like Fall River where most of the people are Catholic or have Catholic backgrounds, it is consoling to them to have a priest there when catastrophes occur. "A stranger might be talking to ... an afflicted person ... and when I approach and tell them I am a priest, you can see a difference in them. I can approach them easier because they are more likely to trust and open up to a priest." He said he has been at fire scenes involving people of Portuguese heritage and although he speaks no Portuguese, "there has been an automatic response because they have
a priest come to be with them,;' Father Tremblay noted. He too finds that public service personnel call on their chaplains to ~ ,with them at many other occasions. "It is a most comforting ministry and different enough from being a pastor, and it briOgs me out of my ordinary routines," he added. FatherGer3rd Hebert has been involved ~,chaplain for ~ 10 years.· Currently,he'servesas 'chaplain for the Falmouth Fire and Police departments, the Westport Police Department, while alsO being available for the Somerset and Dartmouth areas. "I see my job as ai)nnistry to . the fire and police perSonnel," he said. "I am there for support, to lend and and to be a sounding board for them. I've enjoyed this work, being a support system for these individuals for the last decade." Father Michael Racine finds
himself unofficially the chaplain' to both the police and fire departments in Dartmouth. "We're working on making it official," he said with a chuckle. While assigned to Notre Dame Parish as a parochial vicar he was the official chaplain to the Fall River Fire Department for four years. Being on~all to meet the unexpected ''provides quite a challenge," he said. ' '''There are all kinds ofsituations,: even including sudaeD deaths deaths of loved' ones and a lot of the time therelare. no given an-; ,swers,". he explained.' "Frequently it isJust ap~senre,that makes the difference ip ·~(jw.·people are com'-, forted. It is'ilotalways a case Of' using the right words or at:Iy words at all, but simply a presence that makes all the difference." While the occasions of acciden-
Continued on page nine
§ IDllIffi fr IEllllLZIDllixp; frIID § ~ fr([]) Iffi IPIDIfll§IID . ,
N((]) ILfrlln IF21llIITffi((])Dllfrlln Rev. Msgr. JohI1l F. Moore, PASTOR ·DeacoI1l WiUiam A. MartiI1l, PASTORAL ASSISTANT DeacoI1l Pauli K. Roma DeacoI1l ViI1lceI1lt J. Coates Jr. "
Continued from page eight
tionships that stretch out to more gotoclassesinlegallaw,self-defense tal death are times when the chap- than just the incidents ofsorrow and and defensive driving and r d even lain always gets the call, he is also we get involved in their lives ... their take my tum with the shotglinon the requested for a variety ofother rea- relationships, their weddings; fam- rifle range like everybody else." ily life and other sacraments and it \ Because he. kpeyv them as posons," said Father Racine. "Last week it was a case of an is a good thing;' said.Father Racine. . lice candidates, ''there seemed to be Father Peny says much of his a deeper relationship with them afelderly woman in a suicide attempt. and the impact was on others who priesthood has been sPent as a po- ter they became members ofthe department." Father Peny recalled. resided with her; and so more than lice chaplain. . As chaplain for four years here, just one issue and just one person .' "But right now I'm probably the路 least active of the group of chap-. his duties "are really the nitty-gritty were involved." '. ... basically fullerals ofdepartment He also spoke of the bright side lains;' he said. He began as the polite chaplain pe~onriel and their families. But of chaplain's duties which center on weddings involving public safety per- in New Bedford, serving from 1986 frequently the chaplain becomes sonnel and eventually infant bap- to 1989 and commented that those the clergyman that policemen redays the appointment was "more for- ally get to know best and so they tisms. "By virtue of being there when mal than it is tOday. I was路 very ac-turn to their chaplain first." The relationship often shows these public safety and law enforce- tive. New Bedford had its own poment people need us we form rela- lice academy at the time and I would when he sees them coming with their families to Mass at his parish. "Many ofthe policemen are parishioners ... and other policemen attending are not." Father Peny said one of the big pluses in recent times for him was the appointment ofPoliceChiefJohn M. Souza, who was one of Father Perry's classmates at Bishop Corinolly High School, Class of 1975. "John (Souza) is a fine man, a great guy, and sees the need for a chaplain to be more present with p0licemen ... who, I must say, have a terrible job. They are always on the. road and see the worst of the worst all the time. They never see the solution; they are only called to the crisis. If anyone needs a chaplain it is the policedepartment;' said FatherPeny. He says he is also asked "to come by and bless new police cars, and to attend promotion ceremonies LIEUTENANT BRUCE Giourard of the Falmouth Fire De- and offer a prayer, and those have partment carries an axe in a past ceremony at St. Patrick's been the nice things." Unlike Father Tremblay, Father Church, Falmouth.
THE ANCHOR - Diocese ofFall River - Fri., November 16,200I Peny said he refused a job as fire department chaplain "because it is too close to home. My father,
brother, brother-in-law and cousins are or were firemen. I'll stick with the police."
Start A Family Tradition With Fontanini. Over Two Dozen Pieces . To Choose From
The faith family' of this parish gives thanks to God for the women and men who are our Jljrpublic and safety personnel: :;;??
To our dedicated fire, police and rescue officers and EMT's please know you are loved not only for what you do but who you are!
THEANCHOR - Diocese ofFall River - Fri., November 16,2001
(:CIIViUlllei· NEW YORK (CNS) - Following are recent capsule reviews issued by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Office for Film . and Broadcasting.
"Heist" (Warner Bros.) Betrayals proliferate in this icy crime drama focusing on four thieves (led by Gene Hackman) who are forced to partner with the nephew (Sam Rockwell) of their boss (Danny De Vito) on a major heist. Writer-director David Mamet's intricate plotting telegraphs its many double-crosses while the soulless greed of every character leaves the viewer unengaged by their murderous mission. Some intense violence, benign view of theft, fleeting sexual innuendo and constant rough language. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops classification is 0 - morally offensive'. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R - restricted. "King of the Jungle" (UrbanWorld) , Fragmented drama set in Harlem about a mentally challenged young man (John
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Eucharistic Holy . Hour and devotions to Our Lady of LaSaiette and Divine Mercy are held every ~ednesday evening at 1: I 5 p.m. in the Shrine Church at LaSalette Shrine .94' Perle St.• Attleboro
Leguizamo) who, after witnessing the murder of his social activist' mother (Julie Carmen), roams the streets looking for the killer, attempting to take justice into his own hands. Writer-director Seth Zvi Rosenfeld's film initially works well as a character study, but then succumbs to melodramatics producing a thoroughly uneven piece. A live-in lesbian relationship, some bloody violence, fleeting drug use and much rough language and profanity. The U.S .. Conference of Catholic Bishops classification is A-IV - adults with reservations. The Motion Picture Associatipn of America rating is R - restricted.
"Shallow Hal'" (20th Century Fox) A superficial guy (Jack Black) is temporarily hypnotized to see an obese woman as a slender beauty (Gwyneth Paltrow), with whom he falls in love, but he then must come to terms with her actual appearance. Director brothers Bobby and Peter Farrelly turn in a goodhearted moral tale but the one-joke situation is stretched to tlie limit as it walks the fine line between com~dy and poor taste. An implied sexual encounter, a few sexist wisecracks, fleeting nud!ty and some crass phrases and profanity with an instance of rough language. The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops classification isAIII - adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 - parents are strongly CilUtioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under .q.
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December 2, 2001, 2:00 PM - Our Lady of Victory Church, Centerville A,Mass for bereavep parents who have experienced the loss of a child in pregnancy. infancy, sudden death. illness•. accident, murder or suicide will be celebrated. Please bring the whole family to share the memory. It will be your spiritual Christmas gift to your child and yourselves. "I am the light ofthe world; whoeverfollows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light oflife." John 8: 12 There will be refreshments served in the Parish Center immediately following the service. For more information call Estelle Stanley 508·775-4319.
'Harry Potter' is a well-woven tapestry of entertainment By ANNE NAVARRO CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
little lights and surrounded by dark waters. In the huge, cathedral-ceilinged hall where the NEW YORK - Vividly student body gathers for celimaginative, director, Chris Coebrations, lit candles float in the lumbus' fine adaptation of J.K. air as sumptuous feasts magiRowling's popular children's cally appear. And the strictlynovel "Harry Potter and the business goblins who run Sorcerer's Stone" (Warner Gringotts Bank are fiendishBros,) is likely to please the looking things with long pointy book's many fans as well as any noses, huge flapping ears and uninitiated moviegoers. warts and bumps all over. British author Rowling capDisappointingly, some of the tured the imagination of milclever nuances from the book lions of kids - and adults don't come through in th'e film. _with her amazing stories about Harry:s miserable home life, Harry Potter, an orphan who which was vibrantly written, is discovers he is a w.izard. Coforgettable lumbus' fanhere. Had it tasy film been better about magic, developed, villainy and Harry's final friendship adline about heres pretty Hogwarts beclosely to ing his real Rowling's home would words. And have resonated where narra, tive points more. The downplaying have been of Harry's dropped, beschoolboy guiling visual competi tion details and with a fellow special effects classmate is a make up for mis~ed opporthe loss. Howtunity for ever, the film younger audioverreaches in ence members . including so to relate to a much, and a common stronger editschoolboy ing hand ACTOR DANiEL Radcliffe stars as the title character in a situation. should have Parents been used to scene from the film "~arry Potter and .the Sorcerer's Stone." concerned trim the (eNS photo from Warner Bros.) 'about the nearly twoand-a-half-hour film. has to stop him. Luckily, Harry film',s sorcery elements should For the first 10 years of his is gifted with an invisibility know that it is unlikely to pose any threat to Catholic beliefs. life, Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) cloak. The film's casting is superb. "Harry Potter" is so obviously has lived in a cupboard under the stairs in the house of his Maggie Smith blends strictness innocuous fantasy that its ficawful aunt and uncle. But on and reserved enthusiasm to tion is easily distinguishable his 11 th birthday, he receives a near-perfection as headmistress from real life. Older children mysterious letter from an enor- Professor McGonagal1. As should be able to handle it, almous hulk of a man, Hagrid headmaster Albus Dumbledore, though it is too long and in(Robbie Coltrane), inviting him Richard Harris' role is small tense for younger ones. And the to study at the Hogwarts School but mertlOrable. Radcliffe, a· film ends with a very upbeat, of Witchcraft and Wizardry. virtually unknown actor who positive message about sacrifiHarry, Hagrid explains, is a landed the plum role, mugs a cial love. For those who didn't read the wizard whose parents, sorcer- bit more than needed, espeers themselves, were murdered -cially with his surprised looks book, the details get a little by an evil wizard named and ear-to-ear'grin, but is en- sketchy at the end. But no matVoldemort. Unable to eliminate dearing nonetheless. Watson's ter: It is still an enjoyable mixHarry, Voldemort etched the Hermione, though she is sup- ture of fantasy and comedy. distinctive lightning-bolt scar posed to be a goody-two-shoes, For those who did read it, part on Harry's forehead, making is a tad too unlikable. But the of the fun is in guessing what Harry known throughout the magic wand goes to Alan was left out and what stayed in. Ultimately, despite its shortwizard land as "the boy who Rickman. What his Professor lived." Much to his surprise, Severus Snape lacks in char- comings, "Harry Potter and the Harry discovers there are actu- acter development, Rickman Sorcerer's Stone" is a magical ally two worlds: the dreary makes up for with his creepy ,adventure few would want to world of the Muggles and intimidating screen pres- miss. (nonmagic folk). where he's ence. Rounding out the cast is Due to some menacing situbeen growing up, while the the always-good Ian Hart as ations and scary images with an other, a realm of magic and fan- stuttering Professor Quirrell. instan<;e of crass language, the tasy, is where his destiny lies. The costuming 'and special U.S. Conference of Catholic At Hogwarts, Harry learns to effects, though not especially Bishops classification is A-II fly on a broomstick, cast spells, innovative, are wondrous just - adults and adolescents. The and create potions. But more the same. Hogwarts Academy Motion Picture Association of importantly, and for the first is first seen at night, an im- America rating is PG ""7-".parentime in his life, Harry makes mense castle lit by a million tal guidance suggested. friends. Copper-topped Ron (Rupert Grint), a third-generation Hogwarts student, and know-it-all bookworm Hermione (Emma Watson) join Harry on his amazing adventures. The three first-year students chance upon one of Hogwarts' best-kept secrets: the sorcerer's stone. Guarded by a three-headed dog and many powerful spells and incantations, this powerful jewel gives its possessor the elixir for everlasting life. And Harry is sure that the dreadful Voldemort is after the stone, which means he
Cardinal Law speaks on Catholic education, religion and terrorism By JENNIFER DEL VECHIO CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
INDIANAPOLIS - Boston Cardinal Bernard F. Law said if he were to write a motto for a political party, it would be "ProLife, pro-family and pro-poor." But since no political party seems to fully promote that vision, Cardinal Law said that Catholic schools need to instill youths with the knowledge of the inviolable dignity of every human being, the sanctity of family and the need for solidarity with the poor and suffering of the world. "Catholic education, if it's doing its job, is forming the lives and hearts" of children to live those three values, the cardinal said at the Celebrating Catholic School Values Dinner in Indianapolis last month. "Wherever we are that is the vision that is beheld," he said. "It's what Catholic. schools are unabashedly abou t." Since September II, Cardinal Law said he heard the "pundits who say all manner of evils are a result of religion and view religion as divisive and violent." To do this, they cite the conflict in Northern Ireland, the Holy Land and now terrorist Osama bin Laden, who has applauded the attacks on America in the name of Islam. Cardinal Law said that people
can claim "religion is the cause and Cardinal Law said he is more of all the problems in the world." attentive in his own prayers. However, he said, "in my perspecAs questions about bombing tive, it's the men and women who Afghanistan arise, Cardinal Law have deep religious convictions said he feels that America is folthat are the most effective in lowing the Catholic Church's building the kingdom of justice guidelines on what should hapand peace." pen in a just war. But he rejects Cardinal Law has been at the the notion that the terrorist attacks forefront of many of the discus- against the United States have sions following the terrorist attacks. risen out of the conflicts in the The two airliners that crashed Middle East between Jews and into the World Trade Center wet;; Palestinians. hijacked from Boston's Logan He said the Muslims he knows International Airport. He also was one of 27 religious leaders who JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN met with President Bush shortly FUNERAL HOME after the attacks. 550 Locust Street "Think about that," the cardiFall River, Mass. nal said. "The president, with all he had to do and about to address • Rose E. Sullivan a joint session of Congress, inWilliam 1. Sullivan vited a group of religious repreMargaret M. Sullivan sentatives to meet with him, to 508·672·2391 pray with him and to off~r coun- _ sel.-· -~ ....- - - - - - - -.... "I find that most reassuring," he said. "Where else in the world would that happen?" He said he's witnessed the virSales and Service for Domestic and Industrial tue of patriotism and how tragOil Burners edy can bring unity. "Never be508-995-1631 fore September 11 have I seen 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE such a diverse group of religious representatives coming together NEW BEDFORD to work and pray," the cardinal said. In the wake of the tragedy, people have returned to church,
say that bin Laden's views are not a "true expression of Islam." The cardinal, who is also the chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on International Policy, said that
dispensing or administering federally controlled substances. Pain management is a legitimate use of substances that fall under the federal drug control laws, he said. Bishop Fiorenza's statement issued the same day said that "suicide among the sick and elderly is not a 'medical practice.' It is a tragic public health problem that deserves our concern and caring response." The bishop said practicing good medicine means physicians "kill pain, not patients." "President Bush and Attorney General Ashcroft should be thanked for affirming this vitally important principle,"'he added. Ashcroft said he based his decision about drugs for assisted suicide on a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court earlier this year. The high court unanimously ruled that there is no exception from federal drug laws to allow the medical use of marijuana to ease pain from cancer, AIDS and other illnesses. The National Right to Life Committee, the Knights ofColumbus and Rep. Chris Smith, R-NJ., chairman of the Congressional ProLife Caucus, all issued statements hailing Ashcroft's decision. "Euthanasia should never be considered medicine, and a decision by a state to rescind its own penalties for assisting a suicide cannot supersede federal laws," Smith said.
Christians and Jews have a "special burden to reach out to their Muslim brothers and sisters," and said that America can be an example to others on how to live in peace.
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Bishop praises decision against assisted suicide WASHINGTON (CNS) - The president of the U.S. Conference ofCatholic Bishops has praised Attorney General John Ashcroft's decision to give permission for federal agents to enforce drug laws against doctors who use medication to help patients commit suicide. Bishop Joseph A. Fiorenza of Galveston-Houston said the directive "not only ends the federal government's involvement in assisted suicide, but also promotes improved pain management for patients near the end of life." In a letter to the Drug Enforcement Administration Ashcroft reversed a June 1998 order by former Attorney General Janet Reno that prohibited agents from enforcing federal drug control laws against doctors who prescribe lethal doses under Oregon's assisted suicide law. Oregon's Death with Dignity Act allows doctors to prescribe a lethal dose of medicine to terminally ill patients who qualify under the law. It requires the consent of two physicians who concur that a patient has less than six months to live, has voluntarily chosen to die and is able to make decisions about his or her own care. Doctors are not permitted.to administer the drugs. In his letter, Ashcroft said assisted suicide is not a legitimate medical purpose for prescribing,
THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., November 16,2001
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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., November 16,2001
Salt Lake City Catholics will welcome Olympians SALT LAKE CITY - Maps of the Wasatch Front, the mountain . range to the east of Salt Lake City, cover the walls of Monica HowaJohnson's office in the Catholic pastoral center. On the maps, the Catholic churches closest to 2002 Olympic Winter Games venues are flagged in red. Howa-Johnson is organizil)g the Diocese of Salt Lake City's Olympic effort, and it's no simple task. "One of our biggest challenges is that the Olympic Games open on February 8, and Ash Wednesday is February 13," Howa-Johnson said. "AU of the visiting Catholics will need to know where and when they can go to Mass, and how they can get there. Just making sure we have enough ashes is important." . Six parishes near Olympic venues will open hospitality centers during the Olympic Games and the March 7-16 Paralympics, the competition of premier international athletes with disabilities. Howa-Johnson said the welcoming centers will be at the Cathedral of the Madeleine in Salt Lake City; St. Catherine 'of Siena Newman Center, the Salt Lake City church nearest the Olympic Village; St. Mary of the Assumption Parish,
Park City; St. Francis Xavier Parish, Keams; and the churches in Ogden and Provo if they are needed. The cathedral will be the site of a pre-Olympics interfaith music event February 3, and the newly remodeled Bishop Hunt Center east of the cathedral rectory will host a display of art from the Vatican. St. Catherine will offer sessions in Taize prayer, which is popular all over the world. Msgr. 1. Terrence Fitzge"rald, the diocese's vicar general, assembled an Olympic task force in early 2000. Task force members asked Catholic dioceses in cities that had hosted Olympic Games for advice. They added that information to their own belief that the路 Salt Lake City diocese, headed by Bishop George H. Niederauer, could not miss the opportunity to offer Catholic hospitality to athletes, their families, the media and fans. Three Olympic issues of the diocesan paper, the Intermountain Catholic, are planned; the paper will include a sp'ecial issue on the, Paralympics. With Bishop' NiederaueJ's support, Msgr. Fitzgerald obtained an $85,000 grant from the U.S. bishops' Catholic Communication Campaign to help with the task force's plans.
AFGHAN REFUGEES wait for rations of wheat to be handed out at a camp near Peshawar, Pakistan, recently. In a message to a U.N. conference on food and agriculture, Pope John Paul II said food shortages and hunger affect millions and have serious consequences for global peace. (eNS photo by Martin Lueders)
Crisis in .Afghanistan p~ovokes pope's warning on global hunger BVJOHNTHAVIS CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
VATICAN CITY. The chronic problem of hunger in the world and the specific humanitarian c'risis in Afghanistan drew AVAILABLE ON VHS VIDEO FOR HOME VIEWING! . words ofwaming from Pope John Historic Mass Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Paul II and a papal envoy in PakiConsecration of St. Mary's Cathedral in Fall River stan, Archbishop Paul Josef Enjoy all the beauty - in sight and sound - of this specia(.Ma~"cel- .. Cordes. ebrated in September by Bishop Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap. to''obser\ie In a recent message to a U.N. this centennial milestone in the life of the diocese's Mother Church Food and Agriculture Organization Video cost is $19.95 (including postage). To order, please send check conference in Rome, the pope said made payable to the Diocesan Office of Communications to: Office of that, following the September 11 Communications, Diocese of Fall River, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722 terrorist attacks, the moral debate over rooting out injustice must not forget the most obvious injustice, Catholic Social Services is looking for donations of global hunger. turkeys for Thanksgiving. Anyone interested in He pointed out that food shortages affected the lives of millions giving donations can bring the turkeys to any of our of individuals, with serious conCatholic Social Services offices at these locations. sequences for global peace. His message was delivered to the inThey are: New Bedford, 238 Bonney Street ternational conference by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the Vatican Attleboro, 10 Maple Street secretary of state. Hyannis, 261 South Street "Following the terrible events Fall River, 783 Slade Street of September II, a vast debate has arisen about justice and the urgent need to correct injustices," the pa.Thank you for your as.sistanc~ pal message said. . in this most needed help. God bless. ,- "In a religious perspective, in, justice is the radical imbalance in which man rises up against God and against his brother, so that disCHR5T1AN PRO-UFER order reigns in human relations," ~. he said. . HaPER APosTOLIC "The injustices of the world ADVISOR transform the earth into a desert, TRUE and the most striking of all these RfSroRER injustices is the hunger which milHOLY MEDICATOR lions of people suffer, with inevi, table repercussions on the probANn-ABORfJONJSI" ONE lem of peace between nations," CAREGIVER THOMAS PAlliBCAIC he said. loviNG IIfttInnadIt INSTRUC10R The pope encouraged the interINFALUBLE national community to take the 202 Rock St. SPEOALIST' concrete measures necessary to Fall RIver CHARrrABLE- THERAPEUTIST wipe out food shortages through508-679-1300 out the world, even when international events seem to discourage all efforts at relieving hunger. The FAO's Global Information
~ Walsh
and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture has said the situation in Afghanistan is catastrophic, with 7.5 million people "extremely vulnerable" and virtually the entire population of 23 million facing a shortage of food. The current conflict has disrupted relief, commercial imports of food and local farming, it said. In a recent letter to the bishops of Pakistan, the pope called for practical relief for the countless number of refugees threatened by events in Afghanistan and prayed for a return tQ.peace in the area. Archbishop Cordes, who took the pope's message to Pakistan and visited refugee camps there, told Vatican Radio that the Church is among those trying to provide aid and encouragement to the suffering. Archbishop Cordes said that when he visited a camp holding some 35,000 Afghan refugees, a
sense of depression was palpable among the inhabitants. Many were afraid of the onset of cold temperatures and were uncertain whether they would ever get back to Afghanistan, he said. "The painful situation of numerous refugees demands immediate efforts on tre part of. those who are'able' to'offerl{,')~He Archbishop Cordes also said he had met with foreign missionaries in Pakistan following the killing of 16 people in a Catholic church and found that the missionaries wanted to stay in the country. "Often the families of missionaries tell them: 'Come Qack home, it's dangerous there.' But they want to stay. I encouraged them in this, saying that only mercenaries go away. If the missionaries go away, certainly the very, very small number of Catholics (in Pakistan) will be even more discouraged," he said.
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., November 16,200 I Continued from page two.
NOIton; Mrs. Theresa J. (Roger) Corriveau, Sacred Heart Parish, North Attleboro; Mrs. Elizabeth Enright, St. Theresa Parish, South Attleboro. Mr. Robert Leo Fox, St. Mary's Parish, Manstield; Ms. Nora Frens, St. Joseph, Attleboro; Mr. Howard R. Gaudette, St. Mary's Parish, North Attleboro; Ms. Ruth Ann Santos, Our Lady of Mount Cannel Parish, Seekonk; Ms. Barbara H. Sheehan, St. John the Evangelist Parish, Attleboro; Mrs. Patricia Young, St.Mark's Palish,Attleboro Falls. Cape Cod Deanery Mr. Philip Baroni, St. Pius X Palish, South Ymmouth; Mr. Thomas Brennan, St. Augustine Parish, Vineyard Haven; Mrs. Noin (Timothy) Brenock, St. Anthony's Parish, East Falmouth; Dr. George Christman, St. Joseph's Parish, Woods Hole; Mrs. Pauline R. (Martin) Hiltz, St. John the Evangelist Palish, Pocasset. Mrs. Theodora (John) Koepper, Holy Redeemer Parish, Chatham; Mrs. Barbara (Richard) Sylvia Kotalac, St. Mary/Our Lady of the Isle Parish, Nantucket; Mrs. Janet Rita (Frank) Kowzic, St. Margaret Parish, Buzzards Bay; Mrs. Cecilia (Herve) Lajoie, St. Patrick's Parish, Falmouth; Mrs. Claire (Howard) Lane, Christ the King Parish, Mashpee; Mrs. Grace McGroarty, Sacred Heart Parish, Oak Bluffs. Mr. Herbert Mercier, St. Elizabeth Parish, Edgartown; Miss Jeanne Ann Miller, Our Lady of the Cape
Parish, Brewster; Mrs. Mayrose T. (Alfred) Medeiros, St.Joseph's Par(Edward) Neally, Our Lady of Vic- ish, Fall River. tory Parish, Centerville; Mr. WilIMr. Donald A. Maynard, Our iam Nowicki, Our Lady of Lourdes Lady ofGrace Parish, Westport; Ms. Parish, Wellfleet; Mrs. Katherine M. Elizabeth Murray, St. Patrick ParO'Brien, St. Joan of Arc Parish, ish, Fall River; Mrs. Dorothy Orleans. Pacheco, Our Lady of Angels ParMr. Donald 1. Spaeth, Our Lady ish, Fall River; Mr. Henry Sidok, of the Assumption Parish, St. Dominic Parish, Swansea; Mrs. Osterville; Mr. Asa H. Stanley, St. Eugenia (John) Silva, St. Michael Francis Xavier Parish, Hyannis; Parish, Fall River. Mrs. Patricia F. (John) Stebbins, Mrs. Mary Silveira, St. John the Corpus Christi Parish, East Sand- Baptist Parish, Westport; Mr. Paulo wich; Mr. Joseph V. Voci, St. Eliza- Tavares, St. John of God Parish, beth Seton Parish, North Falmouth. Somerset; Mrs. Roberta 1. Trainor, FaD River Deanery St. Thomas More Parish, Somerset; Mrs. Fernanda Almeida, Our Mrs. Denita C. (Kenneth) Tremblay, Lady of Health Parish, Fall River; St. Stanislaus Parish, Fall River; Mrs. Mrs. Alice Amaral, Espirito Santo - Anna (Wright) Turner, Immaculate Parish, Fall River; Mr. Gerard A. Conception Parish, Fall River. Comeau, St. Anne's Parish, Fall New Bedford Deanery River; Mr. Ronald Correia, HoI Y Mrs. Marie Antoinette Boyd, St. Trinity Parish, Fall River; Mrs. Julie Billiart Parish, North Whilamena (Albert) D'Ambrosio, Dartmouth. Mr. James H. Brogioli, St. Holy Rosary Parish, Fall River. Mrs. Carol (Gerald) DiChiara, St. Patrick Parish, Wareham; Mr. Betnard Parish, Assonet; Mrs. Rodney Cejka, Our Lady of PerJeanne Dionne, St. Louis de France petual Help Parish, New Bedford; Parish, Swansea; Mr. Charles Doctor John Fletcher, St. Lawrence Hodkinson, Holy Name Pari'8h, Fall....Parish, New Bedford; Mr. Peter J. River; Mrs. Margaret (William) Giammalvo, Holy Name of the SaHyland, SS. Peter and Paul Parish, cred Heart of. Jesus Parish, New Fall River; Mr. ~ward A. Kerr, St. Bedford; Mrs. Stella L. (Byron E.) Patrick Parish, Somerset. Haskins, St. Peter's Parish, Dighton. Mr. Ai me A. Lachance Jr., Notre Mr. Henri Joseph Hebert, St. JoDame Parish, Fall River; Mrs. seph-St. Therese Parish, New Lucille Laferriere, Blessed Sacra- Bedford; Mr. Joseph Lewis, St. ment Parish, Fall River; Mrs. Elsie James Parish, New Bedford; Mrs. (Edmond) Madore, St. Mary's Ca- Shirley (Alvin) Magnett, Our Lady thedral, Fall River; Mr. Manuel of the Assumption Parish, New Cabral Medeiros, St. Anthony of Bedford; Miss Maria Angelina PaduaParish,Fall River; Mrs. Stella Medeiros, Our Lady of Mount
Carmel Parish, New Bedford; Mr. Louis David Melo, St. Mary's Parish, South Dartmouth. Mrs. Elizabeth (Donald) Messier, St. John Neumann Pa-rish, East Freetown; Mrs. Doreen Ann (Wilfred) Ostiguy, St. Francis of Assisi Parish, New Bedford; Mrs. Joan (David) Pepin, Our Lady of Fatima Parish, New Bedford; Mr. Raymond E. Pepin, St. Francis Xavier Parish, Acushnet; Mrs. Rita Pires, St. Anne's Parish, New Bedford. Mrs. Evelyn S. Pursley, St. Anthony Parish, Mattapoisett; Ms. Mary Ellen Ribeiro, St. Kilian Parish, New Bedford; Mr. Gerald Southworth, St. George Parish, Westport; Mrs. Jackie (Charles) Vardo, St. Mary's Parish, New Bedford; Mr. Antonio J. Vasconcelos, Immaculate Conception Parish, New Bedford. Taunton Deanery . Mrs. Dominga (Ricardo)
Barros, St. Joseph Parish, Taunton; Mrs. Catherine M. (Joseph) Bettencourt, SI. Ann's Parish, Raynham; Mr. Paul Dufrense, St. Jacques Parish, Taunton; Mrs. Terralyn Ann (Robert) Hill, SI. Paul Parish, Taunton; Mr. Thomas C. Hoye, Immaculate Conception Parish, Taunton. Mr. Robert 1. Kane, Holy Cross Parish, South E(lston; Mrs. Helen Lichacz, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish, Taunton; Ms. Bernadette (Belthao) Masterson, St. Anthony's Parish, Taunton; Mrs. Noreen (Richard) Mendes, St. Mary's Palish, Taunton; Mrs. Sadie M. Motta, Holy Family Parish, East Taunton. Mr. Robert E. Peterson, Immaculate Conception Parish, North Easton; Mr. Carlos Wharton, (Spanish Apostolate) St. Mary's Parish, Taunton; Deacon James Marzelli, Diocese of Fall River.
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Continued from page one
have been cohabitating have a 50 To the teachers the bishop said percent divorce rate," said Sister "we face great challenges, but Markey. She added that cohabi- know you have our friendship and tation can be prevented by talk- support. I hope this day is a reing to students when they are in newing one for you." high school and "giving teachers Superintendent of diocesan a background and helping them schools, James A. McNamee also in the formation of students." thanked Father Garland and iniThe day opened with prayer tiated a blessing upon him with led by Augustinian Father Will- all those gathered. Father Garland iam T. Garland, director of edu- said "the last five years have been cation, assisted by Deacon Bruce a wonderful experience. A deep Bonneau, director of religious blessing." He received a rousing education. . round of applause from the teachA video taped message from ers. Dr. Armand Desmarais, a proBishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., who was attending a bishop's fessor of education at UMassconference in Washington followed. Dartmouth, gave a presentation "We express our profound ap- entitled "Curriculum Delivery in preciation for the marvelous work a New Education Era: One School of our teachers, administrators, at a Time," that was well received. He spoke about curriculum, directors of religious education and all involved in Catholic edu- major paradigm shifts in teachcation," said the bishop. ing and learning as well as teach"Our schools must prepare our ing styles, classroom activities and young people for their vocation assessment. He encouraged teachin life ... we need to prepare them ers that "if students can't learn the for marriage and parenthood ... way we teach them, we must teach and Catholic schools must be a them the way to learn." Coyle and Cassidy High School place to foster vocations ... to help young Catholics consider the history teacher Michael Watson possibility," he said. The bishop said he learned much from Dr. also added there is a need to con- Desmarais' presentation and was tinue to promote chastity and glad to be at the professional day. "Dr. Desmarais is an unbeliev"make a difference." Bishop O'Malley thanked Fa- - able guy. I had him at UMassther Garland for his dedication Dartmouth and he turned me onto and deep and abiding love of teaching as a career choice." Catholic schools during his tenMcNamee said the profesure as director of education and sional day is "extremely imporwelcomed George Milot to his tant" for teachers. "It's a chance new post. for them to network and it's a good
opportunity for everyone." McNamee added that it's a wonderful and exciting day and could not say enough about the great job teachers and all those involved in Catholic education are doing. "Our teachers are the best," he said. "They are outstanding." Christopher Godfrey, CEO of Life Athletes, Inc. and a former professional football player with the Super Bowl champions New York Giants, was on hand to give presentation entitled "Life Athletes Curriculum," and addressed the gathering twice during the day. His group champions respect for life and encourages young people to follow several commitments: to try and do what is right even if it's difficult; to give oneself only to that special person they marry; to respect the lives of others especially the unborn and the aged; and to not quit or make excuses when one fails, but to try again. Godfrey urged diocesan teachers to take that message back to the classroom and he encouraged all to "make wise choices, remembering that G9d has a plan for our lives and we are made in his image." Religious of Jesus and Mary Sister Diane who works as support staff at the Catholic Education Office said that the day was a "great opportunity" for teachers to share a wealth of kilOwledge with one another. "We hope they get a lot out of it and can enrich one another," she said.
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Diocese of Fall River - Fri., November 16,2001
Coyle and Cassidy students earn awards
SECOND-GRADERS in Cristina Raposo's class at Saint Anthony's School, New Bedford, share some laughs as they enjoy an estimation activity with pumpkinseeds. They tried to determine the number of .seeds in a pumpkin and enjoyed toasting and eating them afterwards.
... OUR LADY of Mount Carmel School, New Bedford, students gather with Father Kevin Cook ~fter praying the rosary to honor Our Lady and in memory of those that died September 11. . ..... FIRST- AND SIXTH-GRADE students from Our Lady of Mount Carmel participate in the Pledge Across America program. They gathered as a. school to say the Pledge of Allegiance and sing a patriotic song at the request of Rod Paige, secretary of education. Fourthgrader Andrew Vieira is the flagbearer.
TAUNTON - Senior Sean Cantwell of Coyle and Cassidy High School was recently selected to attend the National Young Leaders Conference this December in Washington, D.C. Cantwell will be among 350 outstanding national scholars participating in the leadership development program and will have the opportunity to interact and meet key leaders and newsmakers from all branches of government, the media and diplomatic corps. The six-day program, themed- "The Leaders of Tomorrow Meeting the Leaders of Today," will begin with welcoming remarks from the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives and offer participants a
chance to meet with senators and representatives. Cantwell was selected because of his leadership potential and scholastic merit. Two Coyle and Cassidy 200 I graduates were recently named AP Scholars by the College Board for their exceptional achievement on the college level AP Exam. Eric Robens and Nelson DeBarros of Taunton were both honored for earning grades of three or higher on their AP examinations and may receive college credit for their efforts. Only about 13 percent of the more than 840,000 students who took the exam performed at a sufficiently high level to merit such recognition .
... THIRD-GRADE students in St. Mary's, North Attleboro, religious education class dressed as their patron saints recently. "Who's Who" was the topic for class discussion as the students gave a brief background of their saint. ..... FIRST-GRADE students of St. Mary-Sacred Heart School, North Attleboro, dressed as saints at a recent Mass. With the students and some of their teachers is Fattier David Costa, pastor of St. Mary's. Following the Mass, Father Costa presented each student with a scapula, with the image of Mary on one side and the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the other. The scapulas were blessed by Pope John Paul II when Father Costa obtained them on a trip to Rome this past summer.
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., November 16,200 I
Look closely and you'll find 32,000,000 trapped inside. Here's a souvenir from a place the good times left behind. Where one out of every six children - and one out of every 11 families - still struggles to survive. It's the state of poverty in America. And for more than 32 million people, it's a cold, hard place to live.
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f Fall River
You have the. power to make a difference for the poor of this country. Please. give generously on November 17 and 18. CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES P.o. Box M • South Station • Fall River, MA 02724 508-674-4681
16 THEANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., November 16,2001
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