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VOL.44, NO.44 • Friday, November 17, 2000.

Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year

.: " :',' FALL RIVER, MASS. "'.


Missionaries at home in Honduras By DAVE JOUVET

The missionaries are part of a most indigent areas in the west- there six months, at which time Presentation Marie Ceballos will ANcHoR STAFF five-year commitment by the Dio- em hemisphere. Father Canuel Father Joseph Blyskosz of Holy join the team next year after comcese of Fall to serve the priestIess will serve the complete five years Trinity Parish, West Harwich, pleting studies in France. GUAIMACA, Honduras According to Father Canuel, Four members of the five-mem- Guaimacan diocese, one of the there, Father Dominguez will be will replace him. Sister of the the inhabitants of the Central ber missionary team from the American diocese are "very happy Diocese of Fall River sent to minto have us here." of Guaimaca ister to the Diocese Father Dominguez has "zeroed in Honduras, have now anived in" on the youth of the area, and and are settling in nicely to their they have taken to him. "Father new homes according to Father Gustavo is like a pied piper Paul Canuel, the former pastor of around here, a modem-day Don St. Hedwig Parish in New Bosco," said Father Canuel. "In Bedford, and the new pastor of fact, right now he is off playing St. Rose of Lima Parish in soccer with them. They are curGuaimaca. rently on school vacation until In a telephone interview with January, and they are spending a The Anchor this week, Father lot of time with him." Canuel noted that, "Deacon James The diocese has two churches, Marzelli Jr. and his wife, Jo-An, St. Rose Lima's and St. Francis just anived last Monday, joining ofAssisi in Orca, two large towns myself and Father Gustavo about 25 miles apart. In between Dominguez. We've just finished ".~. .'t., , there are scores of small Chris.., -'4; showing them around the area. tian communities cared for by a They are adapting very quickly, corps of dedicated laypersons. and Deacon Marzelli's Spanish is i ,...," "The area is very mountainous springing right back. In fact at r"-<':'~~,J' . ti..", " _ : , ....'..,.:••... JI ">'",.. ,....' '~. and weekly Mass is an impossir£1- ;.-!"...~?">~ ,,'; ~.. «Mass Sunday, he was able to pro;:;...._.;..;.., -=.:;...._;..;...::;.::..:::;.z::= bility for these people," said Faclaim the Gospel." Father FATHER PAUL .Canuel shows where the altar will go in the currently unfinished St. John ther Canuel. "But the lay minisDominguez is from St. Kilian the Baptist Chapel in Rio Abajo, Honduras, in the Diocese of Guaimaca. Local residents try are trained to celebrate the Parish, New Bedford and the have raised $3,500 for the project, but another $10,500 is needed for completion. (Photo Marzellis are from St. John EvanTum to page 13 - Mission courtesy of Father Canuel) gelist Parish, Pocasset.

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A Thanksgiving Prayer It is good to give thanks to the LORD And to sing praises to Your name, o Most High. Psalm 92:1-2 THE ALTAR at St. Patrick's Church in Somerset was decorated for the Thanksgiving Season by Pastor Father Marc P. Tremblay. (AnchodJolivet photo)

Church needs religious in different ways BY JoHN NoRToN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE VATICAN CITY - Reflecting on their diminishing numbers at the dawn of a new Christian millennium, religious men and women are confident they will continue to be needed by the Church, but in ways adapted to global social changes. "Before anything else, the emphasis will be on quality rather than quantity," said Discalced Carmelite Father Carnilo Maccise, president of the Union of Superiors General, representing more than 250 men's orders. Though conserving their trademark - radicalliving of the Gospel - religious must tum their energies to the challenges posed by today's often secularized, globalized society, he said as religious communities prepared for their special jubilee day in Rome earlier this year. Sister Rita Burley, president of the International Union of Superiors General, representing 2,000 communities of religious women, dismissed alarmist interpretations of the drop in religious. Compared with average vocation numbers throughout the centuries, "this century was much more normal;' said Sister Burley, a member of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. "The 19th and early 20th century vocations boom was a blip on the graph." Tum to page seven - Religious

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THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River- Fri., November 17, 2000


@bHuary James A. "Jamie" Reis

NEW BEDFORD - James A. "Jamie" Reis, 38, brother of Father Timothy P. Reis, pastor of St. Joseph Church, Taunton, died suddenly on Nov. 7 in St. Luke's Hospital. Born in New Bedford, the son of the late John J. Rei!> and the late Gertrude (Antunes) Reis, he was a lifelong resident there, and was a programmer for radio station WNBH. A graduate ofSt. James-St. John Elementary School, he graduated from the Greater New Bedford Regional VocationalTechnical High School in 1981. He also attended Bristol Community College. He was a Certified Recording Engineer, and had an extensive music collection from the 1960s. He was a mem-

ber of St. James Parish. He was a volunteer at Our Lady's Haven in Fairhaven, where, for four years, he had helped tend his late mother who had been in residence there. Surviving besides his priest brother is another brother, John 1. Reis of New Bedford; two sisters, Ann E. Belliveau of New Bedford and Mary Lou Vaughan of North Dartmouth; his godmother, Emma Chantre of New Bedford; and nieces and nephews. His funeral Mass was celebrated Nov. 11 in St.James Church. Burial was in St. Mary Cemetery. The Aubertine-Lopes Funeral Home, 129 Allen St., New Bedford, was in charge of arrangements.


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HELPING HAND - Bob Egan, owner of Egan's Church Supplies in Somerset, presents a $500 check to feed the needy to Michael Canuel, organizer of a recent Election Day food drive. (Anchor/Gordon. photo)

Election Day food drive helps needy By MIKE GORDON ANCHOR STAFF

FALL RIVER - With the presidential election still up in the air and both sides claiming victory, Michael Canuel, a ·senior from Bishop Connolly High School, knows one thing: "The real winners are the needy.~' Canuel was the chief organizer in a recent Election Day food drive that collected more than 11,000 cans of non-perishable food· items. They were collected at 35 polling stations throughout Fall River and Westport with items later distributed to Catholic Social Services, the St. Vincent de Paul Society, the Salvation Army and the Westport Council on Aging. Canuel, the son of Gilles and

Daily Readings Nov 20


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Rv 1:1-4;2:1-5a; Ps 1:1-4,6; Lk 18:35-43 Rv 3:1-6,14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 9:1-10 Rv4:1-11; Ps 150:1-6; Lk 19:11-28 Rv4:1"-10; Ps ·149:1-6,9; Lk 19:41-44 Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14,24, 72,103,111 ,131 ; Lk 19:45-48 Rv 11 :4-12; Ps 144:1-2,9-10; Lk 20:27-40 Dn7:13-14;Ps 93: 1-2,5; Rv 1:58; In 18:33b-37

1111III1111111 I1111111111111111

THE ANCHOR (USPS-54S.m<l) Periodical lU1age Paid at FaIl River, Mass. Published weeldy except for the first two weelcs in July and the week after Ouistmas at 887 Highland Aveme, Fall River, Mzs. (JlT]J) by the CadIlIic Press of the Diocese ofFaIl River. SuIlsaipion price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS senl address changes to The AD::hor, P.O. Box?, FaIl River, MA ffI7'12.

Rita Canuel of Fall River, established the food drive last year as ~tt of an Eagle Scout award .oject and it .was so successful he wanted to continue it .this year. "The elections are the perfect , opportunity to help people," said Canuel. "It was an idea that just came to me and I followed through with it. It was such a success it was something I wanted to do again. I enjoy helping others." . Between 75 and 100 volunteers 'assisted Canuel with this year's food drive and helped to set up bins at the polls and later pick up and sort items working well into the night. Canuel's day began at 5:30 a.m. as he visited polling areas to make sure everything was in place. "I made rounds early and later, during the day,"· he said, "and people told me it was a great idea." C~uel said on,e ofms hopes is that it will "catch on in other places." o


The 17-year-old works parttime after school at Egan's Church Supplies in Somerset and his boss, Bob Egan, had nothing but praise for him. "Michael shows a great deal of moral character and willingness to help the community," said Egan. "He's a hard worker and isn't afraid of a challenge. We're proud to ·have him working for us." Egan was amazed at the success of the food drive and this year made a donation of $500 to Canuel for food items. "The food drive is a great event because'you have so many people coming together," said Egan. "You can do something for the common good." Canuel said he was grateful for the generosity of Egan's and all those who helped out. They collected about 1,000 more cans of foodstuffs this year and Canuel said being involved with it is an "unbelievable" experience.

In YoZ!r Prayers Please prdy-jor the following priests duritJ,g the coming week \,



./. 1975, Rev. Stephen 1. Downey, ~~red Pas~Qr, HoliGhost, Attleboro 1994, Rev. James F. Kenney, Retired P~or, Corpus Christi, East Sandwich .,.' , (,/0"




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N \23' oV'.

1984, Msgr. 'christopherL. aroderiCk,\rastor Emeritus, S1. Pius X, South Ymoouth· \\ ,



, Nov. 24\ \ . 1991, Msgr. Danie} F. Shalloo, Retired PaS~r, Holy Name, Fall River


Nov.25 \ 1946, Rev. Philias Jalbert, Pastor, Notre DWte de Lourdes, Fall River

1971, R>v.lleMis Spy!=, SS::16 1945, Rev. James It Bums, P.R., Pastor,


Sac~Heart, Fall River


TIffiANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River-Fri., November 17, 2<XX>

'Winter Wonderland' setting to Inark Bishop's Charity Ball SWANSEA - The annual Bishop's Charity Ball set for the路 Venus de Milo Ballroom here on Friday evening, Jan. 12, 2001, will find young women representing their parishes presented in the traditional fashion to Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap. The annual mid-winter celebration of the unity and rich diversity of the diocesan family is jointly sponsored by the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Presidents of the two organizations, Lillian Plouffe of the DCCW and Armand Frechette of St. Vincent de Paul, will escort the presentees as Bishop O'Malley is formally introduced to the young women who will be accompanied by their

parents. In keeping with the practice which he introduced as a personal 路touch to the annual ceremony, Bishop O'Malley will present each of the young ladies with a rosary. According to Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, director of the ball, Bishop O'Malley will greet ballgoers this year in what the planners expect will be a "Winter Wonderland." He said that several categories are available to prospective benefactors who wish to subscribe to the ball. "In Memoriam" listings in the program booklet are available for a contribution of $300. "Very Special Friends" may be listed in the gold pages of the program for a donation of $250. In both categories, bene-

factors are entitled to tickets for reserve seating for four persons. Also available are listings for "Guarantors" from whom a con-

tribution of $200 is requested; and the "Sponsor" category for a gift of $100. Subscribers to these categories will be listed in the program booklet and will receive tickets for four and two persons, respectively. Individual tickets may be purchased at $25 per person.

Proceeds from the ball benefit the Charities of the Diocese of Fall River.

Tickets may be obtained from local parishes or by con路 tacting the Diocesan Headquarters, P.O. Box 1470, Fall River, MA, 02722, or by calling 675-1311.

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Now! Visit Citizens-Union at our newest address: www.cubLink.com EVENTS - Coordinating activities for the annual Bishop's Charity Ball, are, from left, St. Vincent de Paul Society President Armand Frechette, Director Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, and DCCW President Lillian Plouffe. !


Workshop to key on being a better parent FALL RIVER - Religious of Jesus and Mary Sister Kathleen Scanlon will address "The Active Parent" focusing on styles of parenting, including learning new skills and making changes at a talk, Nov. 29, 7:30-9:30 p.m., at the Thevenet Center, 632 Highland Avenue. It is sponsored by the Religious

of Jesus and Mary. Sister Kathleen is from the Archdiocese of New York where she facilitated the Active Parenting program for many parents groups. She has a wealth of experience and training in helping parents enjoy their roles. For more information and to register, call 672-7952.

New deadlines Because of a change in production time, The Anchor has set earlier deadlines effective immediately. All copy for .Steering

Points and school news must be received by Fridays at noon. All other news copy must be at The Anchor on Mondays at 10 a.m.



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TIffiANCHOR-DioceseofFall River-Fri., November 17,2000

the living word



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Vocations: in His name The world in which we move and have our being is one full of conflicting sounds and signs. So many people and families are caught up in this imposed confusion and are either unwilling or refuse to take time to prioritize their life's goals, objectives and values. In the quest for the so-called good life they simply have left the God life. So many of the ethical and moral problems that have imploded upon our social order flow from a materialistic view of life devoid of moral principles and rules of conduct. As a result, so many of the important aspects of right living are simply put on hold or completely ignored by a large segment of the population. In such an atmosphere, religion ,becomes irrelevant and meaningless. Life loses its sense of a precious gift. Because of this so many have chosen to live a culture of death. In this man-made darkness so many have lost their way. The things of this world blind them. Churches of all denominations have suffered because of this reality. Many have become mainstream, which basically means they have compromised their belief to fit in with the times. Some have chosen to 'become fundamentalists putting on blinders which restrain their vision of life. There are others who yet preach the Good News with a positive sense of faith and hope. Given this setting is it any wonder why we have young people choosing to ignore or even refusing to respond to the call of a vocation? More and more young' people are unable to make a life decision until they're in their late 20s or early 30s. Those in their teens are often in an educational setting that by law never mentions the divine and as a result forms minds but not souls. However, there are millions of young people who are still searching for truth and meaning in their lives. There are some who are indeed disceming the call to the priesthood and religious life. But, this number lessens each year. In a growing Catholic population, this is becoming more than just a difficult situation. With fewer clergy, the very structure of parish and diocesan life is changing. But even in the midst of this change, there is an always hopeful possibility that the Church, both local and national, can meet this crisis with a sense of prayerful optimism. Ina recent diocesan pastor letter entitled "Vocations, Everybody's Business," Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., offered many insightful reflections on the issue. "Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest" is not the sole responsibility of the ordained. All Church members should place the subject of vocations in a priority position. The family is so very often the place where the seed of vocation is planted. Parents should nurture vocational discernment as a very special gift of God to them. Priests and religious must joyfully witness to the reality of their own vocation to everyone. Unhappy and disgruntled people make very poor salespersons. People do not like the product they witness in such a situation. Priests need to encourage vocations and not De a source of discouragement. Parishes have a true role to play in the vocational discernment process. The bishop has requested that each parish form a Vocations Committee in conjunction with the Parish Council. Under the guidance of the Diocesan Vocation Office, suggested forms of implementation have been offered in order that such a request becomes a reality. In this way the parish family becomes practically involved in the vocation process. These and other programs developed in the Church to stress the need of the entire family to pray for vocations are really not optional. They are necessities that should surface in an atmosphere of faith, hope and love. When done in His name, nothing is irnpos- . sible.

The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P,O, BOX 7 Fall River. MA 02722-0001 Fall River. MAl 02720 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P,O,


7 or call,telephone number above

EDITOR GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore Rosemary Dussault PRODUCTION MANAGER Dave Jolivet

NEWS EDITOR James N. Dunbar







What's behind 'the':'crisis in the priesthood? By FATHER EUGENE HEMRICK CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

"Do our bishops and priests, our lay and religious leaders, have the will and courage to address this crisis (in the priesthood) candidly and confidently ... inspired not by fear and suspicion ... but by the openness and trust that marked the papacy of Pope John XXIII?" , That question was raised by Father John Cozzens in the Nov. 4 edition of America magazine. The question not only raises eyebrows, but more important it encourages us to raise our inquisitive powers to a higher level in order to be able to respond to the challenge we face. The philosopher Seneca tells us that whenever we speak of courage, anxiety and fear are implied. Another philosopher, Epictetus, takes this idea further when he says, "For it is not death or hardship that is a fearful thing, but the fear of death or hardship." Applying these insights to Father Cozzens' question, we end up with another question: "Do we know exactly what we fear when we fear a crisis in the priesthood?" Do we fear that with fewer priests, the priests we have will be overworked, thus smothering their space, leaving them no free

time and leading to burnout? Is automatic anymore. Even when that it? Or is our real fear based priests fully accept this developon an apprehension that fewer ment, they may wonder whether priests means less time to produce the misdeeds of some others make quality work? And do we fear as it all the more difficult for them well that second-rate work will to be respected no matter how lead to discontent and that this-in well they do; tum will lead to disillusionment Could it be that, for a variety and depression on the part of of reasons, the greatest fear of all priests? is that the priesthood as it once The greatest fear about priest- existed is dead? Alt,hough the substance of the hood among many in the Church could be that we won't always priesthood is still intact, many of have someone to celebrate the the less essential elements that Mass. once tended to be considered esYet again, our real fear could sential to it are gone. Once, for be about disunity. Is the priest- example, priests were expected to hood trapped between those want- be the parish's official counselors. ing to return the Church of the Today professionally trained past and those wanting to create a counselors often take-on these new Church? Polarization creates duties. In the past, too, priests the uncomfortable feeling of be- were supposed to-be set apart from ing .at odds with those we should: . th'e laity. 'Today the expectation be working with. is very different.' .', . . . Again, nottoo long ago priests .Is .the death of such elements a were much m6r~ sure of what.it cause of fear and anXiety - as meant to be a priest, they received though to saywe..once felt we much more support from the gen.~ . :k.n~w the priest's identity so fully eral public, andthey were highly .' in-so many regards, but today are respected. But the d.alt.ed posi-' " less clear? ' tion priests once held by,. virtue Fear by its nature kills the simply of being a priest no longer spirit. Unfil we know exactly what is the reality they experience.' we fear w~~q we speak of a crisis Priests are expected to earn' in the priesthood, we will never respect and honor. The support be able to bring into play the they once received from Catho- courage needed to overcome that Iics and non-Catholics too isn't crisis.

Senior issues Many elders are diagnosed with tor with your doctor's equipment. high blood pressure each year. If you .Check to be sure you are operating have high blood pressure, you need the monitor properly. Even though to work with you doctor to help get you track and record your blood the condition under control. pressure at home, it is important to If you want to keep track of your schedule recheck visits with your progress, you might want to invest doctor and remember to bring your . in a home blood pressure monitor. home tecordings. There are several new types and they *** all have features that make them A forum, entitled "Paying for easier to use or more reliable than Long-Term Care: Is Private Insurother models. ance an Answer?" will be held at the The Mayo Health Clinic suggests State House GardnerAuditorium on that you consider the possibilities Nov. 30 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 available for home use. These in- p.m. clude: The United States faces major - Electronic models, referred to challenges in financing long-term care for the elderly. Increased life expectancy and the aging of the baby boom generation will create substantial demands on LTC financing. The expansion of private long-term care as digital monitors. They are easiest . insurance has been held out as a new to use, but they tend to be more ex- source of financing for long-term pensive. Depending on their features, care services. The forum will disdigital monitors cost from $40 to cuss the issues related to increasing $160. the LTC insurance market, includUsing this type of monitor re- ing the creation of public incentives quires proper placement of the arm for the purchase of individual and cuff followed by, on some models, employer-sponsored policies. It will the push of a button to automati- also address initiatives and strategies cally inflate the cuff. On other mod- that attempt to deal with the probels, you manually inflate the cuff lem at the federal and state levels. by pumping a bulb. Built-in sensors The forum, sponsored by the detect your blood pressure and the University ofMassachusetts Boston's measurement is displayed on a Gerontology Institute and the Masscreen. sachusetts Legislative Caucus on Digital monitors should be . Older Citizens' Concerns is open to checked for accuracy once a year. the public. There is no charge to atDo not use an electronic monitor if tend, but advanced registration is you have an irregular heart rhythm. required by Friday, Nov. 24. The monitor may give inaccurate Speakers at the forum includeJane readings. Tilly, Senior Research Associate, - Spring-gauge models referred Urban Institute, Washington, D.C.; to as aneroid. These monitors fea- Katy Cushman, president, Senior ture a round dial with a needle that Insurance Solutions; and State Reppoints to numbers corresponding to resentativeNancy Flavin,co-chairof your blood pressure reading. They the Joint Committee on Insurance. A require using a stethoscope and a question and answer session is bulb pump. You need good hearing planned after the presentations. For and hand dexterity. They cost as littie more infonnation and a registraas $30 for a standard model. tion fonn, caD 617-287-7361, You can purchase blood pressure *** monitors at medical supply stores, Internet users now have a onepharmacies and somediscount stores. stop connection to state and local Before buying one, talk with your services for elders and their famidoctor about which type is best suited lies. The new website, to your needs. www.800a~einfo.com. offers a diCheck with your doctor after you rect link to local information about purchase amonitor to compare blood prescription drug assistance, health pressure readings from your moni- insurance, home care, housing,

Nancy Boland Johnson

(\ .-

transportation and other consumer issues. Sponsored by Elder Affairs and Mass HomeCare, this resourcejoins the existing 1-800-AGE-INFO tollfree telephone line in providing families, advocates and professionals with help and information. Lillian Glickman, Secretary of Elder Affairs said, "This new website, coupled with its companion tele-

phone line, delivers access to information and services to elders 24 hours-a-day, seven days-a-weck."


Eider Affairs' Reading Institute is recruiting and training elders to mentor volunteer reading tutors for community literacy programs. The elder volunteers will be trained at wOIkshops thatprovide skills needed

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to work with children from kindergarten to grade three. Aftercompleting the workshops, the volunteers will train other elders to serve as reading tutors in local schools. For more information, call Sheila Donahue-King at 617-222-7421.





lHEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River-Fri., November 17,2000



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lHEANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River- Fri., November 17,2000

Iteering pQintl . Publicity Chairmen are Daughters of Isabella Hyacinth asked to submit news items for Circle #71 will hold its annual Mass this column to The Anchor, P.O. for the deceased Nov. 21 at 6:30 Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name p.m. at Holy Name of the Sacred of city or town should be in- Heart of Jesus Parish. The regular monthly meeting will follow in the cluded, as well as full dates of ' ' parish center. all activities. DEADLINE IS NOON ON FRIDAYS. NORTH DARTMOUTH Events published must be of The Catholic Student Organization interest and open to our gen- at the University of Massachusetts eral readership. We do not nor- Dartmouth is sponsoring a lecture mally carry notices of fund- entitled "The Fathers ofthe Church," raising activities, which may be' Nov. 20 at. noon. It will be held in advertised at our regular rates, the campus center. For more inforobtainable from our business mation.calI999-8872. office at (508) 675-7151. ORLEANS - The SeparatedEAST FREETOWN - The Divorced Catholics Support Group fifth annum Bread of Life Retreat will meet Sunday at the parish cenwill be held Nov. 24-26 at Cathe- ter of St. Joan ofArc Church. Gathdral Camp. It is sponsored by the ering time will be 5:15 p.m. lUld the office for Youth and Young Adult meeting will commence at 5:45 p.m. Ministry and is open to single and An ecumenical Thanksgiving Sermarried people ages 20 to 40. It will vice will follow at 7 p.m. For more include music, Mass, prayer'and sev- information call Father Richard M. eral talks. For more information call Roy at 255-0170. Bud Miller at 675-3847. TAUNTON - The Fall River FAIRHAVEN - The Spiritual Diocesan Vocation Committee is Life Commission of Saint Mary's sponsoring a program for men and Parish will sponsor anAdvent Prayer women interested in learning more Service Dec. 3 at 2 p.m. Refresh- about a call to priesthood, diaconate ments will follow. For more infor- or religious life on Dec. 3 from 1-7 p.m. at the St. Anthony's Parish mation call 992-7300, " Center. It will include the opportuFALL RIVER - A holiday nity for dialogue, liturgy and refreshconcert will be held on Dec. 3 at 2 ments. For more information conp.m. at Holy Name Church. It is tact your local pastor or Father Craig sponsored by the Interfaith Council Pregana, Director ofVocations, P.O. of Greater Fall River and features Box 2577, Fall River, MA 02722, the Somerset High School Music Tel. 675-1311, Ext. 240. • Department. For more information TAUNTON - A Catholic call Anne Pacheco at 673-9605. Men's Conference themed "Seize FALL RIVER - The Diocesan the Hope," will be held Dec. 2 beOffice of AIDS Ministry is spon- ginning at 8 a.m. at Coyle and soring a Vespers service Nov. 30, the Cassidy High School. It will feaeve of World AIDS Day, at 6 p.m. ture the music ministry of John at St. Louis Church, 420 Bradford Polce and keynote speaker Father Avenue. Music will be by Glenn Philip Merdinger. Mass celebrated Giuttari and Sine Nomine. by Bishop Sean P. O'Malley OFM Cap., will conclude the day at 11 :30 FALL RIVER - A program a.m. For more information call entitled "Making Sense of Health Msgr. Thomas Harrington at 992Care Proxy, Comfort Care Orders 3184. ,and OtherHealth Care Choices," will be held Nov. 20 and Nov. 27 from SOUTH YARMOUTH - The 7-9 p.m. at the parish hall of St. next meeting of Pax Christi-Cape Stanislaus Church. For more infor- Cod, themed "Voluntary Simplicity," mation call 678-2828, ' will be held Nov. 20 from 7:30-9: 15 p.m. at St. Pius X Parish. For more NEW BEDFORD - The information call 771-6737.

Food Insecure

Nearly 10 percent of all U.s. households did not always ,hove auess to enough food to meet basic needs in the mid- to late-1990s.

Households rated 'food insecure' by region:

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below 9."]0/0


Reader confused by document Q. Like the writer of a letter in our diocesan now at work in human hearts through the strength of paper, I am saddened by the recent Vatican decla- his Spirit" (No. 12). Secpnd, Pope John Paul II has taken the opporturation named "Dominus Jesus!' Several of my Prot· estant friends at work have asked me what it is all nity more than once in recent weeks to alleviate the hurt caused by the language of the document and to about, and I don't know what to say. As I understand, it says, among other things, explain its meaning. His purpose in approving the that other churches are not really churches at all, declaration, ,said the pope, was to invite all Chrisonly the Catholic Church is. Also, that people who tians to renew their fidelity to Jesus the Lord. "Dominus Iesus," he contin'ued, "does not deny belong to these other denominations are somehow , deficient in their religion and that their salvation ' ,salvation to non-Christians but points to its ultimate source in Christ," who gives graces for salvation to is in jeopardy because of it. , Is this really what we are supposed to believe everyone "in ways known only to himself' (Midday today? At best, such things are very difficult, if not Angelus blessing remarks Oct. I, 2000). Above all, the pope impossible, to explain seems to wish strongly to and defend. Can you emphasize that the ecuhelp us understand? menical directions and (Maryland) successes of the past sevA. You're not the only eral years are here to stay. one who is wondering. As he told Queen ElizaMany priests and bishops beth when they met in have been trying to put By Father October, "There can be no that document, released John J. Dietzen turning back from the by the Congregation for ecumenical goal we have the Doctrine of the Faith set ourselves." in September, in the conIn other words, the Catholic Church's teaching text of the remarkable, officially approved, understandings and agreements with other Christian com- about salvation of people in other religions of the world, as expressed for example in the Catechism of munities over the past few decades. Even Cardinal Edward Cassidy, president of the the Catholic Church (Nos. 846-848), has not Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, changed. Nor has its commitment to hOJ:lest dialogue reportedly remarked that "neither the timing nor the with other religious communities. We believe as Catholics that the fullest saving language of the document were opportune." It will be important and helpful, I believe, to keep gifts of God are present in the spiritual resources of a few basic facts in mind. First, a clear major intent of the Catholic faith. But as Pope John Paul wrote in the document is to insist on the Christian belief that his 1995 encyclical "Ut Unum Sint" ("That They all saving grace of God comes to the human family May Be One"), speaking specifically of other Chrisin and through Jesus Christ. There is no salvation , tians, elements of holiness and truth ~e present and active in these different communities. outside of him. "To the extent that these elements are found in This does not mean explicit and conscious faith in Jesus is necessary for salvation. The declaration other Christian communities, the one Church of repeats the long-standing Catholic belief that the Christ is effectively present in them" as well. The Holy Spirit of Jesus is active everywhere, "not only . Christian life al!d witness produced over the years in in individuals, but also in society and history, these communities is the ultimate proof that the Spirit peoples, cultures and religions." "The risen Christ is' is there and accomplishing its saving work.

Questions and Answers



S.ad anniversary A sad anniversary is coming up, a time to remember for human rights, many were targeted for assassination. four women who dedicated their lives to God working This saintly priest was killed by one single bullet while for the poor in El Salvador. For this they became vic- saying Mass in the chapel of a hospital he had built. tims of the notorious "death squads" in El Salvador God's work continued to be very dangerous in this during a civil war that went on from 1979 until 1992. country. In November 1989 another monstrous crime I still cringe in shock when I remember the awful took place when eight people, six of them Jesuit priests, news we got about what happened Dec.. 2, 1980. In were murdered, allegedly for fostering revolutionary ideas nervous, agitated voices, - such as wanting no more news broadcasters reported hunger and encouraging the deaths of two land reform, the construcMaryknoll Sisters, Ita tion of a sewer system in a Ford and Maura Oarke, an slum and an end to terror. Ursuline nun, Dorothy Before this civil war was Kazel, and a lay missionover, more than 75,000 ary, Jean Donovan. They people had been singled told us the four women out and killed - mainly By Antoinette Bosco were abducted while drivpriests, doctors, political ing' from the airport, opponents, villagers acbeaten, raped, shot to cused of being commudeath, with their bodies then thrown into a shallow nists, and,yes, even four Christlike women. . grave. What still blows my mind was our involvement. It had only been nine months earlier that the world What was the U.S. role in El Salvador? Why did this got the news ofanother martyrdom in El Salvador. Arch- tiny country, the size of Massachusetts, with only 4.8 bishop Oscar Romero, working for human rights for the million people, receive $3.6 billion from us during the poor in his country, was also the victim of the "death Reagan years? There is sufficient evidence to show squads." He, like the four women, had been labeled a that, deafened and blinded by ,our fears of a "commu"communist," as were all the people in that small coun- nist takeover," we supported a right-wing government try who worked to aid the poor. riddled with corruption. El Salvador's problems grew out of longtime injusAs we approach the anniversary of the deaths of the tices, such as the land imbalance, which meant that 50 four Churchwomen, a new trial has just ended in F!orida. percent of the land, worked by dirt-poor peasants, was While five National Guard members were convicted of owned and controlled by two percent of the people. the crime, the spotlight turned on two high-ranking This was a condition which ensured a miserably poor officers. life for so many of the people and eventually led to Family members of the four women brought a suit their quiet revolution. against these two generals on grounds that they knew The military forces that held power justified their that "death squads" were killing people suspected of killings, saying they were putting down communists. opposing the government, allowed this and were never Others maintained the military was trying, rather, to punished. On Nov. 3, a federal jury cleared the two Salvadoran protect the economic power of 14 families that owned and, in effect, ran the country. generals, retired and living in Florida. The families of Since Church workers, like Archbishop Romero, the four Churchwomen will probably appeal. May jusidentified with the poor and joined them in their struggle tice one day be done!

,The Bottom Line


Continued from page one

Religious women have experienced a particularly severe decline, dropping by almost 35 percent in the past three decades. Numbering more than one million in 1970, they were reduced to just more than 650,000 by the end of 1998, according to as-yetunpublished Vatican statistics obtained by Catholic News Service. In the same period, religious priests dropped by more than 20 percent, to just more than 130,000. The total worldwide number of Catholics, however, has continued to grow. Since 1970, their number has increased by 35 percent to 1.02 billion at the end of 1998, or 17.4 percent of the world's population. Religious orders also have benefited in regions where the Church is seeing the most growth, particularly in the developing countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. "Many new (women's) congregations have been founded in the developing world," said Sister Burley. "There, religious life is alive and young." The new growth has also

changed the face of international orders, which several decades ago were predominantly made up of Western Europeans. "When I entered (the Carmelites) 40 years ago," said Father Maccise, "almost 90 percent of the members were Europeans. Now more than half of us are from the Third World, and some other orders are closer to 60 percent" non-European. The trend is likely to continue, given the stea~ily rising average age of European and North American religious - about 65 years old, according to Father Maccise compared to their relatively youthful counterparts in the developing world. While drops in religious life in the past sometimes owed to laxity or unfaithfulness to religious ideals, Father Maccise said the current decline had far different roots. "I don't think religious orders have ever made such a great effort to get vocations and to renew themselves," he said. "The problem now comes from a culture which is facing an exis-

TIffiANCHOR - Diocese ofFall River- Fri., November 17,2000

tential crisis and uses a language in which consecrated life is not easily understood," the Carmelite said. He said that another factor, especially in Western countries, was low birth rates. "It's numerically impossible to dream of having the same number of vocations as before," he said. In addition, the Second Vatican Council's promotion of the laity gave other opportunities to committed Christians, who in past centuries would have naturally turned to the priesthood or religious life, he said. Nonetheless, religious men and women will continue to have a unique and irreplaceable role to play in the Church, the priest said. "Religious orders have always prodded, pushed the Church to the frontiers," he said. "For example, the religious were those who kept open the Church's preferential option for the poor - and they were even persecuted by a part of the institutional Church because of it." In the new millennium, the increasingly international member-

ship of men's religious orders will require greater attention to inculturation, Father Maccise said, which means "a shift from unity as uniformity to unity in diversity." "To do this, however, there needs to be a clear identity, a return to the origins and to the essential: a profound experience of Jesus Christ, an incarnate and inculturated spirituality, a witness of fraternal life and community, and witness to the possibility of dialogue between people of different mentalities, cultures and ages," he said. With the traditional apostolates of religious women, like hospitals and schools, moving increasingly


to state and private business management, religious women are also asking fundamental identity questions, said Sister Burley. "Instead of asking how we can better do what we're doing, we're asking 'Why are we doing what we're doing?'" she said. As religious women explore the meaning of their vows and community life, "we are very conscious that (religious life) is a builder of an alternative future," she said. Renewed focus on the needs of people in areas of impoverishment and witness to the transcendent in a human and personal way "communicates life," she said.

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2000 North American vocations congress planned for 2002 By ART BABYCH

vocations and leaders of religious orders of men and women. The congress on vocations will OTTAWA - A vocations conbe held in conjunction with the gress initiated by Pope John Paul Vatican's Congregation for II will be held in Montreal in ·2002 to lay the groundwork for a Catholic Education. continent-wide pastoral plan to The three episcopal advisers for the event are Auxiliary boost vocations to the orBishop Richard Grecco of dained ministry and consecrated life. A diocesan official said the London, Ontario, Auxiliary More than 1,000 del- churches were ''iam-packed,'' but Bishop Andre Rivest of Montreal and Coadjutor egates from Canada and the United States are expected there just were not enough priests Archbishop Roger L. Schwietz of Anchorage, at the Third Continental to go around. Alaska. Congress on Vocations to In a letter, the bishops the Ordained Ministry and Consecrated Life in North the 1997 European Congress in said they are "grateful to His Holiness, Pope John Paul II, for seAmerica, April 18-21, 2002. Rome. The number of diocesan and lecting North America for the site The congress was originally planned for October 2001 but was religious priests in Canada has of this Third Continental Conchanged after the Vatican an- dropped from about 14,000 ac- gress on Vocations." They also asked for prayers nounced that the Synod of Bishops tive priests in 1970 to only 9,700 would meet in Rome during that in 1998. Some dioceses, includ- and support~ "asking the Lord of same month, said the Canadian ing the Archdiocese of Winnipeg, the harvest to bless our efforts in have shut down some churches working for the success of the Conference of Catholic Bishops. "The purpose of the congress and cut service at others because congress on vocations and to open the hearts of many men and is to establish a positive environ- of the shortage of priests. A diocesan official said the women to courageously consider ment within North America for promoting vocations to the or- churches were "jam-packed," but a vocation to the ordained minisdained ministry and to the vari- there just were not enough priests try or consecrated life." Co-chairmen of the congress ous forms of consecrated life," to go around. Among those expected to at- are Father Raymond Lafontaine said the bishops' conference. "It is hoped that the event will unify tend the congress are the presi- of Montreal and Father Edward and guide the Church in North dents of the Canadian and U.S. J. Bums, executive director of the America in its commitment to bishops' conferences, heads of U.S. Bishops' Committee on VoVatican offices concerned with cations and Priestly Formation. foster and nurture vocations." CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE'

The Montreal meeting's closing date, April 21, is the 39th World Day of Prayer for Vocations.This will be the third such congress to be held within a decade, following the 1994 Latin American Congress in Brazil and

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- ord~rs most frequently cited the "general public" as their priWASHINGTON -Aresearch mary intended audience, followed project dubbed "Holy by "potential members," with curCyberspace" has found that more rent members of the order comand more U.S. religious orders ing in third - meaning that relihave their own World Wide gious orders use the Web to reach ·websites. out to others more than to comIt found that the number of municate among themselves; such sites roughly doubled in two - the frequency of hits, a years and will continue to grow rough measure of how often a site rapidly in the near future. Men's is visited, varied widely, from orders were more likely than r----------.--------, fewer than lOa month for women's orders to have a some sites to 12,000 a month Website. for one men's order and 25,000 The average site gets about a month for a women's order. 1,000 hits a month and the'orThe average among men's der uses it mainly tocommuorder's was 1,124; among nicate to a wider public and to women's orders it was 970. recruit vocations', the study The study found that men's found. orders tended to have more The Commission on Relitechnically sophisticated sites. gious Life and Ministry, which Video was a feature of 27 persponsored the study, also tested or 51 percent replied: 56 percent cent of the men's sites and 20 perthe 17 most frequently visited of the respondents reported hav- cent of the women's. Men's com.sites with a class of computer-lit- ing websites. munities also had a higher pererate sixth-graders at a Catholic ' In five cases, including centage of sites featuring audio school. ,Maryknoll, men's and women's or interactive possibilities. The students rated the comhlunities answered the survey Three-fourths of communities Maryknoll site together because they share a with websites said they promote www.markynoll.org - as the single website. them in some way - most com"most attractive" and the site of Researchers regarded the 13 monly by listing the site on all the Precious Blood Sisters responses from secular institutes the order's publications and ma, www.bright.netJ-cppsnews - as as too small a number for reli- terials. . the "most useful." able reporting, but within that To test the response to sites by The commission is comprised group four said they had websites, youngsters, the commission seof representatives of the National nine did.not. In the United States lected Mary, Seat of Wisdom Conference of Catholic Bishops,' there. ar~ about 30 s~:cul¥. ·insti- SchqOI in Park Ridge, Ill., recConference of Maj()r Superiors of tutes, whose member:, take vows ommended by the National CathoMen, Leadership Conference of . bufdo-riotlive-iii'areligious-com-:'- -lic~ EClucaii'onaf Association beWomen Religious and Council of munity. ca~se of its state-of-the-art comSociologists Dean R. Hoge and puter lab. Xiaoyan Wang of the Life Cycle The sixth-grade students reInstitute of The Catholic Univer- viewed the 17 most frequently vissity of Americ;a analyzed the sur- ited religious order sites over a vey responses. three-day period and evaluated They reported that among com- each on eas~ of access, attractivemunities which said they did not ness, usefulness, creativity and yet have websites, nearly three- other qualities. fourths said they plan to develop "Maryknoll won top honors one. hands down," said Scott Rosinski, Other findings from the sur- their computer teacher. vey included: He said the students were - information on the history "very critical viewers." of the order, vocation It''ecruitment ''They were surprised at how information and information on good some sites were compared ministries were by far the most to others, how inviting some were common elements to be found on and how stale others were," he the orders' websites; said. .



'Htlld't'C1I, )'ti\it1\tfl ndults '. v Ttltg16t·§ '€dlleatitltl dflO IlUfill:lfill rninltlti'y = '#eitving pan&lierJ amI ditltlesi!tl

v :pltfH€:l't iitlWrl in j1rOjeelfJ In ueveh'l!jing (l(JUfllric§


Holy Cyberspace! Nuns on the Web!

THEANCHOR - Diocese ofFall River- Fri., November 17,2000

Major Superiors of Women Religious. 'It surveyed all religious communities of men and women and secular institutes in the United States between May and July 1999. Of 340 men's orders contacted, 113 or 33 percent responded; 81 percent of respondents said they have websites. Of 820.women's orders, 419

First member of new Nebraska religious order takes vows ..~

~..~ Qft~ B.PhU. lil ~hU@eophy MQ~te(1' @f Dh:lnlty

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OMAHA, Neb. (CNS) - The the idea to then-Archbishop Sisters of the Annunciation, the Daniel E. Sheehan of Omaha. fIrst religious order formed in the' Father Gass said they think the Archdiocese of Omaha, is wind- archdiocese needs its own order ing its way after welcoming its of nuns to be present in its Cathofirst member, Sister Maria lic schools. Gabriel. . Father Gass said he hopes that After studying in the novitiate the presence of nuns in full reliat the Carmelite convent in Pasa- gious garb in Omaha Catholic dena, Calif., for three years, she schools will not only help deliver professed her vows at St. Cecilia the Christian message to students, Cathedral in Omaha. Archbishop but will also encourage students Elden F. Curtiss administered the to consider religious vocations. vows. The archdiocese has 12 CathoThe new religious order has lic high schools and 60 elemenbeen in development since 1991, tary schools run by the archdiowhen Father Robert Gass, direc- cese or by parishes. tor of Catholic Cemeteries, and The name for the order, SisFather Matthew Gutowski, a the- ters of the Annunciation, came out ology teacher at Kenrick-Glennon of a desire to honor the Blessed Seminary in St. Louis, suggested Virgin Mary, Father Gass said.



Men with hope to bring:. Holy Cross· priests and brothers gation of Holy Cross under the patronage of Our Lady of SorC.S.C. rows, Mary who stood at the foot "We must 'be men with hope of the cross of her son. Within a to bring." The Constitutions, or few years of its foundation, rerule of life, of the Congregation quests for Holy Cross religious of Holy Cross Priests and Broth- came in from all- parts of the ers describe the mission of Holy world. This small but growing Cross religious to be "men with community quickly spread to hope to bring." This spirituality other parts of Europe as well as flows out of the motto of Holy to Africa, Asia and North Cross: "Spes Un ica, (the Cross) America. It was in 1842 that Fr. Edward Sorin, C.S.c., and six Our Only Hope." Fr. Basil Moreau, C.S.C. Holy Cross brothers arrived in the founded the Congregation of United States and founded a small Holy Cross in 1835 to provide school for the Native Americans Catholic education and pastoral of Northern Indiana, now known ministry to devastated countryside throughout the world as the Uniareas of France after the French versity of Notre Dame. Today, the Holy-Cross Sisters Revolution. A charismatic priest and leading educator of his time, exist as three separate international he gathered men and women congregations headquartered in around him who shared his en- the United States, Canada and thusiasm and zeal. They became France. The Congregation of the priests, brothers and sisters of Holy Cross Priests and Brothers the "Association" of Holy Cross, are 1,700 strong in 15 countries founded in Sainte-Croix (Holy in North and South America, Cross), a suburb of Le Mans, Asia, Africa and Europe. The France. Fr. Moreau wished them congregation's Constitutions also to be united in their lives and in describe Holy Cross religious as their work as "a visible imitation "educators in the faith, supportof the Holy Family," and they ing men and women of grace and became known as the Salvatorists, goodwill everywhere in their efJosephites and Marianites of Holy forts to form communities of the Cross. He saw their union as "a coming kingdom." For many in powerful lever with which to Holy Cross, this mission expresses move, direct and sanctify the itself in the education of youth in . schools, colleges and universities. whole world." Fr. Moreau placed the Congre- For othe~, it is fulfilled in par-



lHEANCHOR- DioceseofFallRiver-Fri., November 17,200)

ishes, foreign missions, retreat houses, hospitals and health ministries, social services and many other ministries in which Holy Cross religious strive to respond to the needs of the Church and the world. The Eastern Province of Holy Cross Priests and Brothers sponsors two colleges, Stonehill College in Easton, Mass. and King's College in Wilkes-Barre, Penn. Several province members serve as campus ministers, professors and administrators at other colleges. The province staffs a retreat house and several parishes, while some priests pastor or assist in diocesan parishes. The province sponsors the missionary District of Peru, while some members serve in other Holy Cross missions throughout the world. Others minister in the Eastern United States as hospital chaplains, social workers, high school teachers and in many other ministries. Holy Cross Family Ministries coordinates such province apostolates as Family Rosary, Family Theater, the Fr. Patrick Peyton CSC Pastoral Institute for the Family, and family spirituality ministries in Latin American and Ireland. Holy Cross is a growing international community, with dozens of young men entering each year from all parts of the world. In the

United States alone, several dozen young men are currently studying at King's, Stonehill, Notre Dame, St. Edwards's University in Austin, Texas, and other locations in preparation for ministry as priests and brothers of Holy Cross. The Holy Cross Constitutions assure us, ''The footsteps of those men who called us to walk in their company left deep prints, as of men carrying heavy burdens. But they did not trudge; they I >.,!

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strode. For they had the hope. It is the Lord Jesus calling us. "Come. Follow me." Fro Jim Fenstermaker, C,S.C. is the Director ofVocations for the Eastern Province ofPriests and Brothers ofthe Congregation of Holy Cross. He can be cOlltacted at the Holy Cross Vocation Office, Stonehill College #1962, Easton, MA 02357. 508-238-5810. Website: www.holycrosscsc.of&. ,

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.j.-\.~S \VER THE C1UL For more information, ront2ci'::' Fr. Jim FenstermakH, C,SA::~, Holy Cro'is \DcntiriTJ tltIkili StonehnT Cfllh::gt. :=1 :.c Ea~twL\i'!..


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10 THEANCHOR-DioceseofFalIRiver-Fri:,November 17,2000

Religious brothersfocus on their role in the Church ~

Their vocations are not of telling the stories of their comwell understood by munities to help the broader many Catholics. Church understand their commitBy JEAN M. SCHILDZ CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE



ST. LOUIS - Current and future roles of religious brothers in the Catholic Church were explored in the keynote address and sessions of the National Association ofReligious Brothers 29th Annual Assembly in St. Louis. Christian Brother Armand Alcazar encouraged religious brothers to learn to love themselves first before they can help others. "Once we can allow for love and loving others we can begin loving the stranger, the foreigner, the rest of the world," he said in a keynote talk to the gathering of nearly 100 brothers representing some 20 communities. "How can we love someone else if we cannot love the person who we are?" he asked. "As brothers for brotherhood, one of the first stands we can take is to do whatever it takes to first learn, next model and then instill a healthy self-love." Fellow Christian Brother Jeffrey Gros joined Brother Alcazar in the keynote address, focuc;ing on brotherhood as a model for the Church. Brother Gros, associate director of the Secretariat for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs for the U.S. bishops, said brothers have had to address three levels of responsibility since the Second Vatican Council: "the religious life and ministry to which our vocation calls us"; the implementation of council changes, including renewing catechesis, liturgy, fo~a颅 tion, engagement with the poor, justice education and commitment to Church unity; and institutional maintenance. . Brothers should make a point

ment to Gospel values, Brother Gros said. Brothers' interdependence with one aM.ther in their communities' spiritual lives and ministries, and the variety of ways they relate to other elements of Church life "can . disclose to us and to the wider Church what communion might mean," he said. Marianist Father Joseph Uvietta, director of the Marianist Retreat and Conference Center in Wildwood, said many Catholics simply don't understand the vocation of religious brothers. "A lot of people have not met any brothers," he said. "Sometimes they'r~ left out because (others) talk about vocations to the priesthood ... or a nun, or married life." Like priests and sisters in religious orders, religious brothers take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Unlike priests, they do not celebrate Mass or confer other sacraments. he said. Unlike deacons, they cannot be married and often live in a religious community. Father Uvietta said that their communal identity is one great value brothers bring to the Church. "When we talk about the group, there's something about working together, living together," he said. Brothers are in many different ministries, such as teaching, hospital ministry and social work. Father Uvietta also lauded brothers for their call "to witness and proclaim the message of Christ." He noted that in his apostolic exhortation "Vita Consecrata," (Consecrated Life), Pope John Paul II said "a particular duty of the consecrated life is to remind the baptized of the fundamental values of the GospeL" ",


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Eleven parishes currently have seminarians studying for the priesthood. By JAMES N. DUNBAR

FALL RIVER - Having ordained 22 men to the priesthood over the past four years, the Fall River diocese ranks 16th among the 20 top dioceses nationwide providing needed priests for its people. But even with that, it means the ratio of Catholics to the newly ordained is 16,425 according to the statistics that report 361,000 Catholics in this diocese. Holy Trinity Parish, West Harwich, and St. Thomas More in Somerset, each have two men currently at college and theological studies. Other parishes with seminarians fnclude: Holy Name, Notre Dame, St. Joseph's and SS. Peter KARL BISSINGER and Paul, all in Fall River; Holy Ghost and St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro; Our Lady of Fatima, Swansea; St. John Neumann, East Freetown; and St. Julie Billiart, North Dartmouth. "There is a common thread in every vocation journey," said Father Craig A. Pregana, director of the diocese's Vocation Office, as he talked with The Anchor as it focused on religious communities in this week's edition. "Every time a young person described how they think God may be calling them, it is easy to see the subtle ways God extends the invitation to service," he said. "It's easy when listening to anther's story; however, it is more challenging when you are the one who is con-路 sidering a vocation. The best way to discern if you are being called to the priesthood or religious life is to talk to someone, your priest, a religious in your parish, a catechist in religious education. Sharing the journey with someone can help when lisETHAN MCCARTHY tening for God's call." Father Pregana said that Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., in his pastoral letter on vocations this year, wrote that "Vocations are everybody's business." The responsibility for fostering and praying for vocations indeed rests with the parish community, said Father Pregana. "If the parish is not supporting vocations, who will?", the director asserted. "It is not the responsibility of . our schools, our society or our government. The Church must continually ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest!" He called for people "to support those who have stepped forward and. ac- . knowledge that they feel God may be calling them to a life of service and sacrifice. Let REV. MR. us encourage the young RODNEY THIBAULT people we know in our parishes and schools so that we can be the voice of Christ inviting them to consider serving the Church." "You know, Bishop O'Malley expressed it so well when he said: 'Vocations come out of Catholic fami-

lies and parish families. It is the young man in the wligious education class, the Confirmation candidate, the altar server, the member of the youth . group, the lector, who will be tomorrow's priest. The parish community needs to be very attentive to its responsibility to make use of every opportunity to promote vocations. We need to storm heaven with our' prayers.''' . Father Pregana called attention to several seminarians who offered thoughts on their vocations. Karl Bissinger of St. Joseph's, Fall River, a pretheology student at Mount St. Mary Seminary in Brighton, said: "I was motivated to enter the seminary by the persistence of a feeling of a vocation, other people asking me to consider a vocation, as well as hearing prayers for vocations at Mass." Jeffrey Cabral of St. Julie Billiart in North Dartmouth, in fourth theology at St. John Seminary in Brighton, noted: "Two factors helped me with the decision to enter the seminary. The first was my involvement in my home parish which helped to enhance my prayer life. The second was personal contact with my parish priest. If you are in college and considering the priesthood, consider visiting tht: seminary and talking with others who also may be considering a vocation to the priesthood." Peter Fournier of Holy Ghost, Attleboro, a college sophomore at the Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio, said that "The aspect of a priest's life that appeals to me is the spirituality and happiness of priests I have JEFFREY CABRAL met. Also, helping people come closer to God is an aspect that is appealing." Jay Mello of SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River, also at Steubenville with the "Living Stones" formation program, said: "The priest is called to share ministry with lay people who are an active part of parish life. They develop a stronger faith life and share the responsibility of serving God's people." Ethan McCarthy of Holy Trinity, West Harwich, in his pastoral year at Notre Dame Parish, Fall River, said: "What can parishes do to support vocations? Pray! They can also encourage young people to answer their calling from God. Young people also should pray - and step forward." Rev. Mr. Rodney Thibault of Notre Dame Parish, Fall River, a transitional deacon studying at the North American College in Rome, stated: "Many parishes have Vocation Awareness Teams whose responsibility is to pray for vocations and encourage vocations in the parish. This is one of the significant ways a parish can support vocations." .

For Qlore information on how you can animat,e your parish's vocations efforts, contact Father Pregana in the Vocation Office, 450 Highland Ave., P.O. Box 2577, Fall River, MA 0272:2-2577; or phone (508) 675-1311, ext. 240; and by E-mail at Vocations@dioc-fr.org and wwvv.FallRiverVocations.org.

How do you take your prayer books stark or gilded? REVIEWED BY MAUREEN



Here are two books that are carefully written and exquisitely designed; they are also art books with flawless full-color prints on highquality paper. But they are so distinct in style of art and prayer that very few would love them both. "The Bride: Images of the Church" is a modem visual litany with icons painted by Jesuit Father William Hmt McNichols and poems and commentary by Jesuit Father Daniel Benigan. An introductory essay explains the ancient use of icons as aids to meditation and prayer. The 27 icons in this book were all painted by Father McNichols in the last 10 years, many of them commissions. All are painted in the classic icon style of bold black outlines filled in with planes of solid color. Some are ancient and familiar images, such as St. John the Evangelist as a sorrowing young man, his sad face propped on his right hand. Others are classic images used in new ways. For example, the pelican feeding her young is an ancient symbol of the Eucharist. In the icon "Padre Pio, Mother Pelican," the symbol glows from the chest of this 20th-century Italian priest. Father Berrigan's poetry and meditations accompany each icon. His poem for the icon of St. Maria Goretti (1890-1902) casts new light on what might have been a hackneyed subject. It begins: "Virtue

knows both good and evil; evil, only itself." It ends: "The year, 1902. She is portal and portent of a bloodshot century. Maria, first of the children of war, children of sanctions, children unwanted, children aborted, children falling to hunger, children tortured and disappeared. St. Maria, pray for us." Meanwhile, the holy card reproductions that illustrate "Novena: The Power of Prayer" will give many readers "the shock of instant recognition," write Barbara Calamari and Sandra DiPasqua. They are the devotional cards from the Peka Verlag company of Germany, designed in the late-19th and early-

"Men of Honor" (Fox 2000)

M()vle tCaaJ)SLJle§

NEW YORK (CNS) - Following are recent capsule reviews issued by the U.S. Catholic Conference Office for Film and Broadcasting.

"Blue Moon" (Castle Hill) Slender romantic fantasy in which a long-married couple (Ben Gazzara and Rita Moreno) on a weekend away to recharge their relationship magically encounter themselves 40 years earlier (Brian Vincent and Alanna Ubach) when they were contemplating marriage and each couple is able to help the other move forward. The veteran'actors outshine their counterparts in writer-director John Gallagher's sweet but sluggish story that more resembles a stage play. An implied affair, minimal profanity and an instance of rough language. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-III - adults. The Motion Picture Association of America

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Fact-based drama about a sharecropper's son (Cuba Gooding Jr.) determined to become the first African-American master chief Navy diver despite a vicious instructor (Robert De Niro) and racist attitudes of fellow seamen and those in command. While the diver's story is stirring, even inspirational, George Tillman Jr's. heavyhanded direction backed by swelling patriotic music reduces a complex struggle to simplistic terms. Some intense peril, drunkenness, frequent profanity and much rough language. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is AIII - adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R - restricted.

"Red Planet" (Warner Bros.) Tepid sci-fi drama set in the year 2050 in which a team of astronauts (including Val Kilmer, Carrie-Anne Moss and Benjamin Bratt) is sent to Mars to set up an alternate place for humans to live since Earth is an environmental mess, but their crash landing leaves them without a viable means of escape. Director Antony Hoffman's predictable plot is mixed with mumbo-jumbo scien-


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20th centuries and widely distribAdvertisil1g & Promotiol1s uted in American churches and Weed, Insect & Disease Control Calendars, Pens, Mugs, Gifts, Etc. schools. They are, as the authors (Pesticide FREE Programs Available) Special Awards, Commemoratlves write, "as familiar to us as old fam• Dethatchlng' Slice Seeding Shop 24 Hours - Visit ily photographs." Calamari and • Aeration • Soli Testing www.edgaradv..com • Season Long Grub Control DiPasqua admit these cards "may • Lawn Renovation Showroom: 297 Columbia SI. Fall River seem gory and bizarre" but find the 'Wl~"PafafzTgTtrXii;d/..aMl;" pictures "exude a dreamy mystery." Email: edgaradv@/nterserv.com L.ainsed& Cer1lied il TtJfl7t Depld Food &~lunl FAX 508 / 324-9242 One might at first be repulsed Fall River ~UllylnSUred by the sentimentality of the pictures Tel. 508 I 677-3820 Environmentally Responsible Lawn Care and a spirituality that seems to glorify submission. But on closer look one has to admit that the book is beautifully put together and provides a real service in printing the texts to many traditional prayers. One hopes readers are sophistileader, catechist cated enough to separate faith from and father fantasy - that St. Barbara is the patron saint of artillery men be- ' Moses is a leader cause her father was struck by lightamong his people, ning immediately after he beheaded the Masai tribe of her. One also hopes they can recTanzania, Africa. ognize magical thinking and not use novenas as the authors say some do: Each day he travels "people who led totally secular ,,' on foot or by bilives, even sophisticated,lives, who cycle some 15 or 20 never set foot in a church for Sunmiles simply to tell day Mass yet would constantly appeal to their patron saint for favors." people about Jesus. Moses with his wife and child. Novenas call for repetition nine Moses and others times. "Perhaps by repeating a relike him are vital to the future of our faith; quest for a solution over and over catechists step in when full-time religion we are taking the fear out of a problem," they write. Novenas are not teachers can't be found. And someone must be magic formulas, but discipline, a doing something right - in the last 10 years habit of prayer and openness to the number of Catholic Masai in the diocese grace. That said, use with care.

Meet Moses...

has quadrupled. Please, won't you join Moses in sharing the "Good News?"

Daly is associate editor of Catholic Trends, a Catholic News Service biweekly newsletter. rating is PG-13 - parents are strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate forchildren under 13.


lHEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., November 17, 2<XX>

tific chatter and gimmicky special effects which add up tQ a dull, tediously paced film. Some sci-fi violence, brief nudity, an instance of rough language and minimal crass language. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is Ali - adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 - parents are strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.

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1lIEANCHOR-DioccseofFall River-Fri., November 17,2<ro




Bishops' statement decries ruling on partial-birth abortion By PATRICIA ZAPOR CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

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Consecration to the Divine Will



Oh adorable and Divine Will, behold me here before the immensity ofYour Light. thatYour eternal goodness may open to me the doors and make me enter into It to form my life all in You, Divine Will. Therefore, oh adorable Will, prostrate before Your Light, I, the least of all creatures, put myself into the little group of the sons and daughters of Your Supreme FIAT. Prostrate in my nothingness, I invoke Your Light and beg that it clothe me and eclipse all that does not pertain to You, Divine WIll. It will be my Life, the center of my intelligence, the enrapturer of my heart and ofmy whole being. I do not want the human will to have life in this heart any longer. I will cast it away from me and thus form the new Eden of Peace, of happiness and of love. With It I shall be always happy. I shall have a singular strength and a holiness that sanctifies all things and conducts them to God. Here prostrate, I invoke the help of the Most Holy Trinity that They permit me to live in the cloister of the Divine Will and thus return in me the first order of creation, just as the creature was

created. Heavenly Mother, Sovereign and Queen of the Divine Fiat, take my hand and introduce me into the-Light of the Divine WIll. You will be my guide, my most tender Mother, and will teach me to live in and to maintain myselfin the order and the bounds ofthe Divine Will. Heavenly Mother, I consecrate my whole being toYour Immaculate Heart. You will teach me the doctrine ofthe Divine Will l;IIld I will listen most attentively toYour lessons. You will cover me withYour mantle so that the infernal serpent dare not penetrate into this sacred Eden to entice me and make me fall into the maze ofthe human will. Heart of my greatest Good, Jesus.You will give me Your flames that they may bum me, consume me, and feed me to form in me the Life of the Divine Will. Saint Joseph, you will be my protector, the guardian ofmy heart, and will keep the keys of my will in your hands. You will keep my heart jealously and shall never give it to me again, that I may be sure of never leaving the WIll ofGod. My guardian Angel, guard me; defend me; help me in everything so that my Eden may flourish and be the instrument that draws all men into the Kingdom of the Divine WIll. Amen. ( In Honor ofLuisa Piccarreta 1865-1947 Child of the Divine Will)

WASHINGTON - A proposed statement from the U.S. bishops decries last June's U.S. Supreme Court ruling 'striking down Nebraska's ban on partial-birth abortions and says the decision has brought the legal system "to the brink of endorsing infanticide." The statement, which recommits the bishops and the Church to protecting human life, was introduced Monday, the first day of the bishops' fall . general meeting in Washington, by Baltimore Cardinal William H. Keeler, chairman of the bishops' Committee for Pro-Life Activities. The statement, "The U.S. Supreme Court and the Culture of Death," follows the history of abortion-related decisions of the Supreme Court since its 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling legalizing abortion. "This ruling has helped to create an abortion culture, in which many Americans turn to the destruction of innocent life as an answer to social and personal problems," says the draft. Although the court in 1997 overruled attempts to legalize physician-assisted suicide, "any hope that a majority on the court might return to legal sanity on abortion itself was shattered this year" in the decision in Stenberg v. Carhart, the Nebraska case, the draft said.

"This decision has brought our legal system to the brink of endorsing infanticide," it continued, noting that the logic of the court's ruling has already been used to attack congressional efforts to legislate legal rights for a child born alive. "The .euphemism of 'the right to choose,' routinely used to avoid mentioning abortion, is now being used to justify killing outside the womb," it said. The draft statement said that, as religious leaders, the bishops "know that human life is our first gift from a loving Father and the condition for all other earthly goods. We know that no human government can

legitimately deny the right to life or restrict it to certain classes of human beings. Therefore, the court's abortion decisions deserve only to be condemned, resisted and ul~i颅 mately reversed." It concludes with declarations of commitment to reversing the Supreme Court's abortion decisions and to other efforts. "Building a culture of life in our society will also require efforts reaching beyond legal reform," it said. "We rededicate our Church to education, public policy advocacy, pastoral care and fervent prayer for the cause of human life, as articulated in our "Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities."

BISHOPS ANTHONY M. Pilla of Cleveland, Ohio, and Gerald F. Kicanas, auxiliary of Chicago, look over papers at the start of the U.S. bishops' annual fall meeting in Washington Monday. (CNS photo by Bob Roller)

Bishop Friend is new NCCB-USCC secretary; committee posts filled ~

Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., elected to chair Committee on Consecrated Life. By CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

WASHINGTON - The U.S. bishops elected Bishop William B. Friend of Shreveport, La., as secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and U.S. Catholic Conference on Tuesday.. Bishop Friend, a 69-year-old native of Miami , defeated Bishop Robert N. Lynch of St. Petersburg, Fla., 160-97. The post of secretary was the only one of the four top NCCBUSCC positions up for election this year. Archbishop Harry J. Flynn of St. Paul and Minneapolis had served as secretary since November 1995. The new conference secretary was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Mobile-Birmingham, Ala., in 1959 and was named an

auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of Alexandria-Shreveport 20 years later. Appointed bishop of Alexandria-Shreveport in 1982, he became the first bishop of Shreveport in 1986 when the diocese was broken off from Alexandria. A past chairman of the bishops' Committee on Science and Human Values, Bishop Friend has continued as a consultant to that committee. He also serves as chairman of the board of the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate. In their morning session Nov. 14, the bishops also elected a number of committee chairmen and members. Here are the results: - Consecrated Life: Bishop Sean P. O'Malley of Fall River, Mass., over Bishop Donald E. Pelotte of Gallup, N.M., 136-120. - Church in Latin America: Bishop Edmond Carmody of Corpus Christi, Texas, defeated Aux-

i1iary Bishop Thomas G. Wenski of Miami, 168-88. - Home Missions: Bishop Paul A. Zipfel of Bismarck, N.D., defeated Bishop Sam G. Jacobs of Alexandria, La., 136121. - Priestly Life and Ministry: Bishop John R. Gaydos of Jefferson City, Mo., over Bishop Gerald A. Gettelfinger of Evansville, Ind., 136-120. - Catholic Relief Services board (two elected): Auxiliary Bishop William J. McCormack of New York (l8I) and Bishop John W. Yanta of Amarillo, Texas (146) defeated Bishop Donald W. Trautman of Erie, Pa., (Ill) and Bishop Lynch (76). - Catholic Legal Immigration Network Inc. board (two elected): Auxiliary Bishop James A. Tamayo of Galveston-Houston (208) and Coadjutor Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted of Wichita, Kan., (166) over Auxiliary Bishop Thomas J. Flanagan of San Antonio (127).

lHEANCHOR-Diocese ofFall River-Fri., November 17,2000


Verdict in Salvador generals' case brings mixed reaction

THE EXTERIOR of the unfinished chapel dedicated to St. John the Baptist in Rio Abajo, Honduras. (Father Canuel photo)


Continued from page one

Liturgy of the Word with the people, and that usually takes place in a different home each week." Father Canuel reported that the villagers have begun construction of a chapel dedicated to St. John the Baptist in Rio Abajo (the river below). "I feel a connection with this village and Fall River," said

Father Canuel. "When a river falls, it falls below, right? , "The townsfolk, who mostly live in homes of adobe brick with no plumbing or electricity, have scrimped and saved and raised $3,500 toward the chapel project," he reported. "But another $10,500 is needed for completion. We're hoping folks or orga-

FATHER PAUL Canuel, left, is installed as the new pastor of St. Rose of Lima Parish in Guaimaca. With him from left, are: Father Ovidio Rodriguez, vicar general, Archdiocese of Tegucigalpa; Father Pierre Marion, former pastor of Guaimaca; and Father Roberto Almendares, dean of Northern Zone of Tegucigalpa. (Photo courtesy of Father Canuel)

nizations back home can help us finish this much-needed facility." The faith of the community is evident everywhere. Masses, when possible, prayer services and retreats all serve the needs of the Guaimacan people. "The retreats are very important to the people here," said Father Canuel. "They have no electricity, so we lend them our gas generator for their weekend retreats in the villages." Also in the mountainous villages is a ministry geared toward women, tackling problems such as health, hygiene and domestic abuse. "Jo-An Marzelli falls right into this 'ministry to women' ," said Father Canuel. "The women villagers have readily accepted her." Everything seems to be a winwin situation with the Fall River missionaries in Guaimaca. "We are quite happy here," reports Father Canuel, and the Guaimacan community is equally pleased to have them there. If anyone would like to make a donation toward the completion of the St. John the Baptist Chapel in Rio Abajo, they should send it to the Fall River diocese Propagation of the Faith Office at St. Mary Rectory, 106 Illinois St., New Bedford 02745. Msgr. John J. Oliveira, diocesan director of the Propagation of the Faith said, "Donations for the Guaimacan chapel should be clearly marked 'For the Guaimacan Chapel.' That way I can see that the funds go to the right place."

SAN SALVADOR (CNS)- A Florida jury's decision to clear two retired Salvadoran army generals of all responsibility for the 1980 murder and rape of four U.S. missionaries provoked mixed reactions in EI Salvador. . Auxiliary Bishop Gregorio Rosa Chavez of San Salvador said last week that he regretted the verdict, but added that the ci vii case had been "an interesting lesson" for those accused of human rights violations. Bishop Rosa told a local newspaper, "Personally speaking, I am not satisfied (by the court's decision), but that's the way with the worldly affairs, you have to learn to respect the judicial procedures." On a more optimistic note, Bishop Rosa said: ''The two men accused felt safe in that country (the United States). This has been an interesting lesson showing that human rights violators have nowhere to hide." Echoing these sentiments, the head of the archdiocesan human rights office, Tutela Legal, Maria Julia Hernandez, said: "I am sorry for the relatives, and I want them to know that we support them. Today

they have experienced in their courts the impotence that we have experienced here. "We will not stop our struggle," she added. Retired Gens. Guillermo Garcia and Eugenio Vides Casanova, who have lived in Florida since 1989, were cleared of all blame for the death of the churchwomen: Maryknoll Sisters Ita Ford and Maura Clarke, Ursuline Sister Dorothy Kazel and lay missionary Jean Donovan. ' Five guardsmen were convicted of the crime in 1984, but a 1993 amnesty law prevents any further investigations into the intellectual authors of the murders, a role of which the generals were accused. The Salvadoran government tried to distance itself from the issue during the four-week trial,. Consulted by a local paper over the verdict, Rene Figueroa of the governing party's national directorate said: "We celebrate the fact that they have been freed, since they had nothing to do with these crimes."

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FATHER CANUEL walking to "take control" of the Parish House in Orica, Honduras. (Photo by Rigoberto Rivera)


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< 14 1lffi~CHOR-DioceseofFalIRiver-Fri.,NovemberI7,2(xx)



... CHILDREN FROM St. Mary's Church, Fairhaven, dressed up for a recent Halloween party in the parish hall. Many children of all ages participated and trophies were awarded for best costumes.

..... FIRST-GRADE teacher Margaret McCormick of Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, New Bedford, and parent volunteer Michael Ferreira recently supervised a field trip for students to the local fire station. Firefighters reviewed safety rules, gave equipment demonstrations and children had a chance to sit aboard a fire truck.

... CHILDREN FROM Holy Family-Holy Name School, New Bedford, were all smiles when they attended the wedding of their fourth-grade teacher Daphne Conto to Tony Valenzuela at the Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish. They took part by singing at the ceremony.

..... STUDENTS, PARENTS and teachers of St. Anne School, Fall River, give their all at its 2000 walk-a-thon. Following the walk participants enjoyed music, food, face painting and a show by a magician. Brenda Gagnon, assistant to the school's principal, said the event was one that "parents really enjoy and is always successful." ... STUDENTS IN Joseph Salerno's fifth-grade class at St. Margaret's Regional School, Buzzards Bay, planted spring bulbs and set up an area for a future garden as part of a class project. Alexander Salerno and Aidan Crowley dig while Alexandria Stafford, Ryan Krystopolski, Amy Duggan and Jade Mulligan get instructions from their teacher.


..... A MEMORIAL walkway was dedicated at St. Mary's School, New Bedford, last month to the Blessed Mother. From left are: Howard and Craig Forgue; Richard Racine; Albert and Sarah Forgue; Father Paul Fedak; Msgr. John J. Oliveira, pastor; Cathy LaCroix, principa.l; Brian and Brianne Pepin; and Diane and Kimberly Pepin. I




It all started out normally enough. Mike and Lisa were both sophomores, they went out a few times, then they became a couple. From the beginning, Lisa made Mike feel special and strong. She was an anxious person, and said again and again that Mike made her feel secure and happy - as nobody else ever had. How did it get so messed up? By the time I talked to Mike in my office, he felt like a prisoner of Lisa's moods. If he called her late, she'd be frantic that he was with another girl. If he couldn't spend all day with her Saturday or Sunday, she'd get depressed and threaten to break up with him. Lisa would call Mike, sobbing about how terrible her life was, and more than once he had fights with his parents when he insisted on racing over to see her after 10 at night. He admitted to me that she'd call up and say she wanted to hurt herself. Frantic, feeling responsible for her well-being, he'd leave the house against his parent's wishes. He wouldn't tell them why. Lisa threatened suicide. When she got too unhappy, she'd sit in the dark thinking about ways to kill herself. She said she did it when she felt depressed - Mike thought maybe she did it when she felt ignored. .

Mike's relationship with his parents fell apart as he lied and sneaked around to be with Lisa. He fell asleep during class because he was up all night talking to Lisa. Untangling Mike's own emotions took months of therapy and support from his family. He finally broke up with Lisa because he saw that their relationship was too destructive, and he had the courage to tell her parents what was happening. They took her to see her own therapist, and she was getting the help she needed. What Mike learned - arid I hope Lisa eventually learned as well - is that it's entirely possible to love somebody too much. When you make another person responsible for your sense of value, well-being and happiness, you both become prisoners. Lisa demanded that Mike spend his life taking care of her emotions. That's an unreasonable de-

mand. There are some warning signals. If a girlfriend or boyfriend says, "You are my world," be careful, because there's no way you can live up to that expectation. If you feel it's your job to make sure somebody else doesn't get too angry, too sad or too lonely, be suspicious. Finally, if anyone ever says to you something that translates "I'm going to hurt myself physically because you hurt me emotionally," there is a bigger problem than you can possibly handle by yourself. That kind of emotional blackmail places you in a terrible trap. If Mike did nothing, and Lisa hurt herself, he'd feel guilty - but if he spent the rest of his life trying to stop her, he'd end up angry and resentful. If you care about the other person, tell his or her parents or a school counselor exactly what's going on. The person making those threats needs professional help. This isn't a time for doing things on your own. Carstens is writing a book for parents about kids and television. He is doing phone interviews with parents who have chosen to limit their children's TV viewing. If yc;Âťu would like to be part of this project, contact him c/o Catholic News Service, 3211 Fourth St. N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017.

Adopted as an infant by Jewish parents, Wasser-Kiessling said she first heard the Gospel when she was 15. But she had not been fully close to God until she was beaten by a boyfriend while in law school. She said the experience "brought her back to God" and gave her the realization that God is the driving force in her life. "Apart from him I could do nothing," she said. She became involved with Collegians for Life and soon became a formidable foe to abortion advocates. She explained how hurtful some of the debates could get for someone who so nearly came close to being aborted herself, especially when abortion advocates would insist that women should have the right to an abortion in cases of rape or incest. "When someone says they are pro-choice, what they are really saying is, 'I think you don't deserve to live,'" she said. But her battles with abortionists seemed to empower her, she said, like a true femi-

nist. She also had the power of God on her side. "I think it's pretty cool that God is using me" to protect life, she said. She added she has a stronger appreciation for the blessings she continues to receive. Two years ago she married a "godly man" who honors her, she said, and they have adopted two children. Their son, Caleb, was conceived through a date rape when the birth mother was only 16. Their daughter, Cassandra Grace, died unfortunately from a health disorder. But Wasser-Kiessling described holding her daughter as one of the greatest moments of her life. Wasser-Kiessling described the coincidence of her son also being conceived by rape as an incredible legacy that she looks forward to sharing with him. "Not the legacy of being a child of rape," she said, "but to teach him that the reat" deal is that he is a child of God and that he has value because God created him and has promised to be a father to the fatherless."

"It scares me to death," said Mike. Whenever they weren't together.he'd worry about what she was doing.

"~-~:?11 Coming of




THEANCHOR-DioceseofFallRiver-Fri.,November 17,2000





LESLIE PAHS and Kelly Cochran celebrate their championship title in Nobelsville, Ind. The Marquette High School volleyball team of Michigan City, Ind., took its second consecutive state title. (CNS photo by Karen Callaway, Northwest Indiana Catholic)

Gym-less Catholic Abortion issue hits close to home' school wins consecutive state titles for attorney born of rape By GREG MCCANN CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

SAGINAW, Mich. - Few understand the evil cruelty of abortion better than Rebecca Wasser-Kiessling. When she was 18, she learned she was conceived from a violent rape at knife point. Her birth mother informed her that she would have been aborted had it been legal in 1968. Because of that close call, Wasser-Kiessling has dedicated herself to promoting life. Wasser-Kiessling shared her experience with more than 650 guests at a right-to-life benefit dinner in Saginaw. She urged "everyone to be those heroes that we are all called to be and vote Pro-Life." A Christian attorney with a certification in adoption, she is vice chairwoman for Mother and Unborn Baby Care in Southfield, Mich., and is on the advisory board of Nurses for Life. She has made appearances on "Good Morning America," "CNN Talk Back Live" and on CBS News.


MICHIGAN CITY, Ind. Athletes who use the excuse that "we'd be a great team if we had a better place to play" may want to talk to the Marquette High School volleyball team in Michigan City. They have lost only two matches in two seasons. They have won two consecutive Indiana Class A championships. And they don't have a gym of their own. "We are the only Indiana High School Activities Association school that doesn't have its own gym," Linda Milzarek, vice prin~ cipal of Marquette, told the Northwest Indiana Catholic, newspaper of the Diocese of Gary. "It's amazing." Marquette, with an enrollment of221, rents the National Guard Armory for practices and games. Since the building, which is located two miles from the school, lacks adequate locker rooms, the players change in storage rooms or entry ways. "They practice at all hours,

too," said Patrick Cannon, principal of the school. "But they did what they needed to win." In October the school broke ground for the $5 million Scholl Student Center, which will house a commons, a media center, and a 1,SOO-seat gym. The timing in trying to raise money for the facility could not have been better, according to Cannon. "God is smiling on us. Last year, when they won the championship, we kicked off the campaign," Cannon said. "On the Friday before this year's championship game, we sent letters to 3,000 prospective donors." The building will open in August 2001. According to Kathy Wentland Lubeznik, a 1976 graduate of the school and a member of the steering committee for construction of the center, the facility will be a boon to the school's athletes. ''That our athletic program has survived is a miracle in itself," she said. "We may be able to train and develop better athletes."


TIiEANOiOR- DioceseofFall River-Fri.,November 17,2<XX>

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Church ·officials express sorrow at Siamese twins' separation • Medical procedure Bishop Terence Brain of results in death of ont;J; Salford said in an interview with the other critically ill. the Manchester-based national

Papal visit ·:to ··U'kr·aine ··will· se.ek for ecumemcal :,~provem'ents VATICAN CITY (CNS) Where patience has not paid off in Catholic-Orthodox relations, the Vatican apparently hopes boldness will. . After years of waiting for the ecumenical climate to improve, Pope John Paul n has decided to visit Ukraine, the focal point oftensions in the mind of the Russian Orthodox patriarch. The June trip to the former Soviet republic will be Pope John Paul's third visit to a country with an Orthodox .majority, a series of trips he hopes will lead to Moscow, home of the world's largest Orthodox church. The pope and Vatican officials believed the ecumenical success of his 1999 trip to Romania, marked by joint prayer and obvious papal deference to the Romanian Orthodox patriarch, would show other Orthodox leaders that the pope had no intention of usurping their role as the spiritual leaders of their people. Pope John Paul even made a donation, reported to be $100,000, toward the building of a new Orthodox cathedral in Bucharest, R9mania's capital. But the timid Orthodox reception of Pope John Paul in Georgia six months later showed years of tensions and hurt feelings would require time to heal. It seemed the Vatican was Willing to wait, to keep up a guiet dia-

199ue andlefOrthodox invitations . perSecution. .arrive'in their own time. . ' :The magazine said one must be .Talk of a trip·to Ukraine· kept' Vt;i'y careful when making such a being put on' the back burner in the: .serious accusation and must provide . hopes that relations ,with the Rus-: ,'~historical and objective data" as sian Orthodox Chuieh would 'im-. proof. .. . prove. \ ~ The UlCrainian catholic Church, BuUn August:. Russian Ortho-; a BYzaritine:-rite church in commundox Patriarch Alexei n of.Moscow: iori with Rome,",vas forcibly liquiclaiined his faithful were'being per- . datedby'the Soviet government in ~utedin Western Ukraine and that . 1946. All church property was conCatholics were trying to'steal'be- .fiscated and buildings not used by lievers. the government were given to the The patriarch's interview ·with Russian Orthodox Church. .When the Eastern Catholics were an Italian newspaper·set· off alarm bells at the Vatican; despite the ef- 'allowed-to worship publicly again forts of the Vatican ·and of the ; beginning ,in 1989, they began reUkrainian Catholic Church, Ortho- claiming their' churches. ~'In many cases there were tendox complaints continued and even grew stronger. sions, sometimes even excessive," "Who knows when conditions . Civilta Cattolica said, refet:ring to will improve?" the thinking went. cases.of violence when Catholics Pope John Paul is a frail 80 years and Orthodox believers tried to old and Ukrainian Catholics, who claim possession ofthe same buildsuffered terribly for decades be- ing. But, the magazine said, "this torcause of their union·.with Rome, want to celebrate their rel;Jirth with bulent period virtually ended in him. 1991. One cannot deny that in that The Vati~an's early November ,period injustices were committed announcement that PopeJohn Paul . by both sides." As the Russian Orthodox Church will travel to Ukraine coincided with an article in an influenti·al· Je- struggles to rebuild after Soviet resuit magazine saying Patriarch' pression, it faces the loss of mil- . Alexei's claims of ecumenical dis- lions of members in Western putes in Ukraine were exaggerated. . Ukraine: Many of them have reCivilta Cattolica, a Rome-based turned· to the· Eastern Catholic Jesuit journal reviewed by the Church; and the Orthodox cornmuVatican before publication, said nity in Ukraine has splintered into Vatican officials wereo"discon- . three groups, two of which claim cert~" by the p~march'~ from Moscow. '. . c:l~ Rf ~d~~nde~ce . .


MANCHESTER, England British Church officials expressed sadness after an operation to separate Siamese twins resulted in the death of the weaker one and voiced support for the twins' parents in their grief. "I have already said that this operation sets a very disturbing precedent," said Archbishop Cormac Murphy-O'Connor of Westminster. "Now it has taken place' and Mary is dead. All I can say is that I hope Jodie· makes a full recovery, and I pray that their parents may be strengthened and comforted at this time." The 20-hour operation that began the morning of Nov. 6 followed a series of court battles in whiclr tlie parents of the twin girlS·--- ages three months at the 'time of the surgery' - opposed the hospital's plans to operate. The parents had said they did. not want one of their daughters to die to save the life of the other. Doctors had warned that both . girls would die unless the operation went ahead. The twins were joined at the abdomen with . arins and legs' at right angles to their joined upper bodies, while their spines were fused. The court gave the twins the names Mary and Jodie to protect their identities.


British Catholic weekly, the Catholic Times, that his heart went out to the parents as they struggled to make sense of their grief. . He criticized the fact that surgeons at St. Mary's Hospital.in Manchester, in the Salford Diocese, were permitted by the c~urts to overrid~ the pare?ts' NEWYORK-EmmyawardHickey debuts on "Christopher WIshes by.separating th~ tWInS. . winning newscaster Magee Hickey Closeup," the week of December "We .1ll1~ht have.achIeved a is joining "Christopher Closeup," 3, when she discusses her career great thIng In a medIcal theater, the nationally syndicated weekly. as a television journalist with but we've missed the opportu- public affairs program, as guest Msgr.. Tom McSweeney, former host and correspondent. nity to trust God," he said. director ofThe Christophers, who Bishop Brain said the twins' . parents, devout Catholics from the Maltese island of Gozo, had both of their daughters baptized. He said that Mary's funeral would be an opportunity to "beg God's forgiveness" for those who brought about her death. British Catholic Pro-Life activists criticized the legal sys-. tem that permitted the operation. Dr. Tony Cole, chairman of the Joint- Ethico-Medical Committee of the Catholic Union of Great Britain, warned that a fault had entered the British legal system and it would spread "like a . n I U.SI' computer·virus." He said the appeal court judgment, which finally gave /' the go-ahead for surgery, had ... shown the lack of protection in ...... British law for the weak and the vulnerable. "This was a case of illegitiEMMY AWARD-WINNING newscaster Magee Hickey mate means being used toward an otherwise acceptable end," he joins "Christopher Closeup" as guest host and correspondent on Dec. 3. said Nov 7. . ,




Veteran newsca:ster joins 'Christopher Closeup' .has ·hosted the program for the past four years. A veteran of IS years covering local news in New York, Hickey. won an Emmy in 1992 · for her investigative report on problems in New York City's Emergency Medical Service. During 10 years at NBC's flag· ship station WNBC-TV, she was the ,first ·anchor of the station's long-runni~g "Weekend Today in · New,,york." She .currently produces and reports on "SheTV," a · daily program on women's health that.airs on·the Discovery Health channel. The following weeks will be devoted to holiday programming: Dickens', story "The Chimes".and Tolstoy's tale "Mic~ael the Visi'tor"·will be featured 'in clay-animation. Starting on New Year's Eve, Hick~yretums with a series of.aIl-new !'quistopher Closeup" programs. .The Christophers, founded in ·194S,..uses the media toencourage individuals to raise the standards o(.ptiblic life. This non· profitorganization.shares its positive 'mess~ge with people of all faiths ·and of no particular faith. · It's motto is: "It's better to light one candle than to curse the darkness."

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