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Memorial· Solicitations For Taunton School Begin Wednesday



An Anchor of the Soid. Sure a,nd fi'irm-ST. PAQL.

Foil Ryver, Mass., Thursday, Nov. 17, 1960

V91. 4, No. 46

PRICE 10c $4.00 per Year at Fall River, Mass.

© 1960 The Anchor

Second Class Moil Privileges


Leggon of Mary Schedules General Reuoion Dec~ 4


Spec,ial gifts for',the new Taunt9n,regional high ,school are so generous and sponta,neousthey indicate a,mol;ltenthusiastic reception ,for parish workers when they begin individual solicitations for memo:rial gifts next Wednesday. "I never appreCiated the depth of the desire for a girls' high school in Taunton until we started contacts for this campaign," Rev. James F. Lyons, director of the campaign declared' today. The altar in the contemplated' oratory and a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the main entrance hilVe already been donated, Fr. Lyons reported , today. "The desire to make the presentation of these two tremendous gifts encourages every :worker in, the task before him," the Immaculate Con'ception curate asserted. ' , . The Queens Daughters of the Greater Taunton' District have presented a portrait of Pope ,John and an anonymous donor has coi1tributed the portmit of Most Rev. James L. ConnollY, Bishop of' Fall River who has been extending the educational Turn to Page, Twelve

_.' The Diocesan Curia of the Legion of Mary has scheduled a general reunion for Sunday Jiight, Dec. 4, at 7 :30 in Ddminican Hall, 37 Park St., FaIr River. It will ~e an open meeting'in order that all potential members might acquaint themselves with the wo~k of the Legion. In addition to the announcement of the re- ' un'ion, the 96th monthly me£ling of the Curia, the foilowing appointments w ere ma.de: Miss Clotilde Nason, Taunton, chairman of pUblicity, and John Schondek, chairman 21, . of extension work in the TauntOI\ area. Miss Theresa Oliveira, Fall . VATICAN Cny (NC)-The f~ River, was elected secretary of 'I :priesthood, teaching and the ';l,', the- Curia for a term of three " years. A letter from the World's J 'practice of medicine are the Central Counsel in Ireland exLAYS CORNERSTONE: Bishop Connolly, assisted by lhighest voc~tions,His Holipl'essed appreciation to Miss Rey. Ubalde J. Deneault, pastor of St. Joseph's, Attleboro, , ness Pope John XXIII said here Nason Ior her work as secretary dul'ing a ,general audience. lays cornerstone for Bishop Feehan Regional High School, for thc past two terms. The Popesaidl"that aU chilAttleboro. . ,dren of God are born to live in Rev. Luke F. Van Helvert, O. Praem., closed the meeting with brotherly'harmony, practice vira description of the work of . 'tue:and charity; and fulfill.God's, wil}. But, he added; priests, Legion of Mary in India during his' 23 years as a mission3l·Y. teachers and doctors hav.e the . ~I , DELEGATE: Msgr. Ray- high vocation of rendering in- ':, I~a Father Van Helvert stated that ,mond T. Considine has' been "d' . bl ,'. f ' Ispensa e serVICes or the GENEVA (NC) - The Archbishop of Paris has there is no language barriet· to appealed for an immediate organized Catholic effort to the. Legion because reg3l'dless . appointed a State delegate' good of human!ty. Hestated: '(It is th~ duty 'of priests to of the country the same .agenda to the White House Conferenlighten souls, to 'show' them -·help solve the problems of the imderdeveloped countries. . ence on t h e A' ,gmg. is always foUowed. .'t"le paths of virtue and: exhort Maurice Cardinal Feltin said here that "under-development ,thenl to live, according' to the is ",a permanent threat to at a public meeting organized in sUblil1,1e' 'pr~cepts of, the Gospel peace whereas development connection with the, European so '·that they may obtain their .: I h ' congress of Pax Christi move. eternal reward.' , . co.vermg a I uman needs, ment which seeks a pe~ce con-' The~selves "Teachers are called upon to wIll ,become a new name for forming to the teaching of the WASHINGTON (NC)-1'he National Office for Decent .instruct and' raise the inteUi- international peace." church. The Cardinal is internaLiterature suggested tha~ distributors and publishers of . ,Turn to Pag'e Twelve Cardinal Feltin was speaking tional president of Pax Christi.' paperback books cooperate The ::;'rench prelate noted that in a pl'ogram of self-regulalack of food and economic undertion aimed at halting the development are aggravated by lack of cultural, development in flow of objectionable publimany areas. He said this of the cations. n e,w 1 y independent nations The NODL, in its report to the which are still underdeveloped: annual meeting of U.S. Bishops. An 11 year old pilgrim, youngest to participate in the just-completed Diocesan Pilstressed that local distributors '/If these ,people al:e left to "must ultimately be the com- grimage, to Europe, - is finding ~t hard to settlE) down to sixth grade studies after her themselves, they risk complete munity force that will rid the whirlwind tour of the holy places of the conti nept. Blonde Elizabeth Eagan, who found out anarchy and are likely to decide racks of objectionable ,publica- in August. that her grandfather, ,William T. Manning Sr., was planning to take her to upon total political isolation and embittered nationalism which tions." Europe On the first such pil., ' . The report was submitted by may prove fatal to them and " f h F'Il R' ~ better traveler than many victim to any digestive upsets Turn to Page Nine Turn to Page Twelve ' gD~lmage .1'001 ht e a h lver grown-ups, Elizabeth didn't fall while on the trip. She' had a lOcese, can ardl y c oose ,touch of seasickness one afteramong the vivid i m p r e s s i o n s , n " : - ' 1 , she said and, smiling shythe trip left on her mind. ' ly, ..she admitted' to' mQre than a She was awed, like aU' . h e r t o u c h of, homesickness now and elders, at sight of Pope iTohn then. . XXIII in Rome and she en'joyed . Fellow ' pilgri'ms, however, ,banished the blues when they AUGUSTA (NC)-Presi- her tours of the Eternal City. MILWAUKEE (NC)-An But perhaps her most striking celebrated her ilth birthday dent Eisenhower, in his memory is of her visit to the education expert has warned wi~h not one but two 'cakes. annual Thanksgiving Day birthplace of a girl in her own ,"Everyone got a slice," said the that "latent antagonisms" YOl,lngest pilgrim. ' proclamation, call e d for age group-little Bernadette of between public and private ' Home again, Elizabeth has told schools will increase unless Amel'icans to give thanks to God Lourdes. Elizabeth told of seeing. the h~f classmates' and her fellow on November 24 for the blessthere is more cooperation beGIrl Scout troop members about tween public and private school ings bestowed on the United humble home of Bernadette then' of assisting at Bishop Cbn~ her trip.. She's got the usual re- officials. . States. turned traveler's stack of photoHe also urged Americans to nolly's Mass at the .Lourdes Father Neil G. McCluskey, graphs, too-.-and most of them 'S.J., said such a development eelebrate Thanksgiving Day by grotto. Other Hi".h Points ca1!1e out pretty well - again, threatened' as a result of relihelping to' supply food to the Another hiO'h ~ point literally m~re than can be said for many gious hostilities sharpened durworld's hungry. He asked for adul~ attempts! " '. additional support for the food- as well as fig~rativ~IY: was Eliing the presidential camp~ign. Ehzabeth had a proble.m ~lOt I But he emphasized that "co· . for-peace program which is zabeth's trip to Switzerland. "I faced 6y any other pIlgrIm, operation cedainly is possible. being conducted voluntarily by .liked the mountains; the scenery, the people, the snowhowever. How. much school We can aid one another and we citizens, and religious groups. everything -" she recounted wo~k had she mH$sed? She was The President ~~;d: can share what can be shared." Turn to Page Two . breathlessly. },LllZAlB"';'FH EAGAN Turn to Page Eighteen Turn to Page Nineteen



Pontiff Praises Three Highest '1' V'ocations



~~ . .

Urges Chiat 0, ICS HIS e p 0 Ive Emerging 't-Ions Pro bl em

Paperback Distributors, Publishers Must Regulate

Audience With, Pope John Awes y oungt}st.. Diocesa~ Pilgrim

President Asks Thanks to God For Blessings'

Public .Schools Are 'Concern Of Catholic's

2 "

THE,.,. ;,:HOtf-Dfocese,of Fall River-Thurs, Nov.l~,J960 . _. :',' . - .- .. ~.

.~.", ,.






Ex-Premier Miro-C~rdon'a ·Predicts B~oodbath in Cuba

Church. Situqt'~on In Lati.n America Causes Concelrn . ,NEW YORK (NCh-The situation for' the priest-shy Church in Latin. America will be discussed by eriti~al

MIAMI· (NC)-The former Prime Minister of Fidel Castro's revolutionary regime predicted here that "terrible ,bloodshed awaits Cuba" but the country "will never tolerate a Red regime." Jose Miro-Cardona, in an exclusive"interview with the N.C.W.C. News Ser- that Castro told him personally: vice here, said communism "I will never have any ties with in Cuba has reached a point the Sovie~ U'.1ion." "One of the most decisive where .it controls the' na-

three experts at the 1960 Na. tional Lay Mission Conference here beginning N~v. 25: " Father John J. Considine, M.M., director of the" Latin America Bureau of the National! Catholic Welfare Conference; Jaime Fonseca,editor of Noticias Catolicas, Spanish anell Portuguese language edition oll the N.C.W.C. News Service; anell Father Eugene Culhane, S.J." managing editor of America magazine, will speak at the first .session. This was announced here bY' James J. Lamb in behalf of the sponsors of the conference" . Manhattan College and. the Committee for the Internat.ional Lay. Apostolate, a group. o~ organizations specializing in: the lay missionary movement. '. '.. Mr. Lamb also said that, a <ii&. cussion on lay mission activitietl in the United States will be a feature of the conference. Emphasis \y'ill be placed UpOll Catholic responsibilities toward ·."America's·Puerto Rican communiUes, as well as toward per:sone

tion's material resources. But he forces in this struggle," he said, predicted the eventual fall of the "will be the Catholic Church. The Hierarchy of the Church Castro -:-egime; "Everything is .already com- blends prudence with valor. The munist in the regime, from the Catholics of Cuba are conducting unmistakable Red jargon to the themselves heroically. This suclosest international ties," Mr. preme test is strengthening and improving the Catholicity of the Miro-Cardona said. "Everything has been put Cuban peopl~." under government control;-'The best known communists in Cuba ~[j'®~@fr~ !Olen~OIf~S' . are pulling the strings from 11'" behind the scenes as well as in the open. Havana is full of Yugo.' slavs, Russians, Chinese and MONTREAL (NC) - P a u 1 Czechoslovlik~, .all of them com... Emi,le Cardinal Leger· deplored PARISH TESTIMONIAL: Members of, Holy Cross munist agentS." . the, fact that lying is used to get parish, Fall River, ·fete their new pastor. and curate at a Mr. Miro-Cardona said he left. votes during elections. . his post as Prime Minister in . 'The A~chbi~hop of Mo~treal . reception in the parish hall. Left to right, parishioners give flowers to Rev. Vincent Wolski, pastor, and Rev. Joachim February, 1959, because of'dif- spoke at the inauguration of ferences with 'the Castro regime newly elected Mayor Jean DraDembeck, curate. over executions of political pris- peau and 53' Montreal aldermen. oners, increasing military inter- ,He said "lying has become a "ference and the suppression of social institution and.also is used the name 'of God from the to falsify contracts and attract · . cO'untry's Constitution. ,. . public attention!' rural So'uth, '. . " . :' He emphasized' that his pres. ,Confuston E:ver)'whe~e : ' ence at the ceremony should not WASHINGTON (NC)-When President-elect Kennedy 'Speakers will' be Fathet'Ale]lloo "~t·tha~ time there was inc~n-., "be 'interpreted' as approval or . "a'nder Sigur, 'editor of the'South'M K d . h' W'h' 'H' d rs. . enne y Jll,ove mto,t e .. Ite' . ouse. following.:· 'west:LouisianaRegister,"new&I grutty,' dIsorder and· confusIOn disapproval' of, the' election' re-' an,. jnauguratiOll ceremonies on Jan. 20, they.will be taking up" . paper of the Lafayette 'dlo:cese. everywhere," Mr. Miro-Cardona· suIts. • , residence "within the- boundaiies· of the cathedral parish of' and national chaplain for' ·-the said, "but there ,<iid not appear "I: have come 'here at the invi. h'Ill.. g t on arc hd'o s ' ., .. Newman' Club Federation,: a'nell · .;to be ...any SE;r~()Us. communist tanon of the municipal' ali thor- th e. Was 1 ce e, ed.'ucation, which was established:, . . . Father J osph Fitzpatrick,' Ford• . ,danger."., ,. . " , ities .to, a~c~ptill,'" the name of S h t. Matt h ew's. St. Mattew's iIi 1789.' . ' . , . ham tJnl~ersity sociologist' and , " ..He said. that, FIdel Castro S God the oath of the elected' , Fathe~ . Sasey .sal~ th~ ,Ken- "expernm Puerto Rican culture• . . trips to th~ lJ'?i~ed. St;I~es and .Mayor of the 'Cityof Montreal; was estabiished in .1840' and Attendance at 'the' 1960,"l co n. to South Aplerlca, shortly. I,\f.ter for this is a religious act," the became the. cathedral parish n:dys .had, no favorIte tI,m~ for>" in • "39. a itendl.n~, Mass on S';lnday.. He ference is expected to totl'· the became to pqwer, hlict..a qUletmg Cardinal ,said. President-elect Kennedy and a. so ,said 'hat before .hls no~ma:,,'. '1,000 persons who wel1e, present e~f:ct. on. ,.the ~''>an ,'eople.·. '. The 'Ottawa' Journal .com-. tIon . for the preSIdency,. th~ at the first conference last 'year "Humanism loomed, as' the ~pre-' inenting 'on the' Cardin~l's re.Mrs. Kennedy· ·are regular and P.resldent-elect went unrecog-. in Chicago according to', ~ sumed theory 0" the revolution- marks said: "Cardinal Leger has 'friendly churchgoers, according ,lllzed by many perscns at church. La b ' ary government," he continl,1ed. never 'been otie to mince 'words to the pastor of' their present "B u t .sn~ce · h e was nommate . d m . organizations which mak~ The "W~th the adoption of two laws and it is pleasing. to hear this the ..<r~,oslty seekers have been up the Committee for the Inter_ whIch I had proposed-one frank talk from one in.a high Washington, D. C. parish. Father Martin J. Casey, S.J. around, , ,he added.' national Lay Apostolate' are: transferring trials of. political', place." '. said' Mr. and, Mrs. Kennedy prisoners to civil jurisdiction and' , "usually walked" to Holy Trinity the Association for In~ernat~o,nal ilnother.in favor of the defense' ,church from their home in the Development, the Grall InstItute ' of the state-i believed that the B capital's historic Georgetown ·for.Overseas·Ser:'ice, th~'!nt~r­ ..I '. natIonal CatholIc AUXIlIarIes, • revolutionary government was' II einb~rking firmly along a path 8~ew section. I?URBAN (NC) - Durban'.S· ·the Young Christian Workerfl '..;of justice" for .lprot'ection 01' Members of the "Scouting Holy Trinity, conducted by' the ..outspoken Archbishop has pro-' 'and the Women Volunreer!i As-all 'citizens." ;' ... , .Family" of St. ''Lnwrence parish; Jesuit Fathers, was. founded in posed" that white people wh6 .' sociations. . "". , I . t.'l.: He recalled that at the time New Bedford, were invested at 1788.' It is locat'ed' a block' from ·want- to assure Negroes .in- South ;'" : .)'idel Castro publicly was dis- ceremonies held at the church. the main campus of Ge~rgetown Africa of their friendlinesS' :,;:; claiming any ties with commun- Girl Scouts, Cubs, Boy S'couts, University, the 'nation's oldest should ~ear a white. badge. ' ... ;,:1. ism. Mr. Miro-Cardona added, Explorers, Brownies and'adult Catholic institution' 'of higher ArchbIshop Dems Hurley,' readers' were' in,cluded .in 'Ii: ,pro-' O.M.I., said such a badge could . INSURANCE AGENClJY Legion of Dec~ncy . '. cessional opening the program•. '. have on it ,the word "Peace," or AU Kinds Of h,surance ',.. . ." ',"'. , ,: The following films are to be . ~ Blessing of ~nii ··.. flag~:: and Continued From P~ge One , FitS Latin 1equivalent "Pax." He ,said the sight of 'such' , ~96 WILLIAM STREET "It is fitting ,.and appropriate : ::' added to the lists in their re- badges highlighted the;:'cereNEW REDFORD. MASS. ," t, spective classifications: monies. ,i\dult leaders we~~'rec~ . at this time of ,national thanks-, badges, 'on other people would . 1 . " .. ,. L Unc;>bjectionable. for' ge,neral ognizedby name and. joi?ed in giving that we should remember also make the courteous white .. , person less 'lonely in his attempt' " ,'.' DIAL wy, 8·5153 Ii patronage: Hand in Hand. ' a prayer for the occasIOn: M~m-, 'and respond to the needs of to be. friendly toward Negroes;' " ,. Personal Service '.i1, ·,1:' Unobjectiimable fo~ adults and bers. of the' youth orgamzatlOns those of other lands. and would help lift "that' incu:" '. ,: adolescents: Counterplot; recefve,d inSignia and reCited .. bus of social fear" which fre.'::.' Unobjectionable' for' 'adults: promises and la'...s of each,unit. Other T·~-.,S ".' North to Alaska. .... Senior "Scouts joined inreci"I call upqn our people, while quently prevents whites from A Delicious ;, Objectionable in part for, all: tation' of the Catholic "Scout giving thanks for our blessings, expressing their kindly feeling toward Negroes. " Vice Raid (suggestive; also gla- Creed andparticipated":In a to direct their thoughts to -the Treat ": I ' Archbishop Hurley said that morizes immoral character); sword ritual. A consecration to peoples of other lands less forpublic cowardice, conformity and Shakedown (excessive brutality; Our Lady and Benediction 'closed tunate than we. " suggestive; too detailed method the services. "In particular I urge my fellow bypocrisy are to blame for "the -:. of crime); Angel Baby (superAmericans to support and assist political doctrine for mer 1 y ': ficial expose of false revivalism Mass' Ordo the efforts which we as a Na- known as segregation, later as' . .,': eontributes nothing to true reli- FRIDAY - Dedication of the tion, working individually and apartheid and now as separate'· . I . . gion and resorts to highly senBasilicas of SS. Peter and' Paul. in cooperation' with ot~er Na- development." " sational sequences). . Greater Double'. White.. Mass . tions, are directing toward the Condemned: Port of Desire Proper; 'Gloria; ,Creed; 'Com-' solution of the world's food Over 33 Years Experience "', (suicide, perversion, adultery mon Preface.' . . ' . problem. SUBURBAN .' and ~xhibitionism·.seriously of- SATURDAY - St. Elizabeth of. "Let 1,l8 hope that some day, .' fend traditional morality). Hungary, Qu'een and Widow; under a .benevolent Providence GAS CORP. Double. White. Ma~~ Proper; and through the best use of the BOnLED AND BULK GAS Gloria; Second Collect St. Pon- world's God-given resources, " GAS APPLIANCES tianus, Pope and Martyr; Com- each Nation will have reason to FORTY HOURS 4 Show Rooms· to serve you mon Preface. _ celebrate its own Thanksgivini Hyannis Falmouth DEVOTION SUNDAY..,-XXIV (Last) Sunday Day." I. Main St. ·696 Eo Main ... After Pentecost. D 0 ubi e. NO',.20-8t. Anthony, MattaSf' 5-G686 KI 8-1560 Green. Mass' Proper; Gloria; .)oisett. .. Orleans Provinceto_ Second Collect St. Felix of C()~REIA St. Anne, New Bedford. Raute 6 115 Commercial St. Valois, Confessor; CreedjPref_ 585 858 St. John ~e Evangelist, ONE STOP , ace of T,-inity. .Harwlch -1494 Attleboro. Ask for Them Today MONDAY - Presentation of the SHOPPING C~EI Nov.. 23-St.. Cat:.erine's ConBlessed .Virgin Mary. Greater' vent, .Fall River. Double. White.. ·Mass Proper;' • TenevlsiOD • Il'urDlture D Nov. 27-;-Our Lady of tbeIm_ Gloria; Creed; Preface 01. e AlltplfaDceII e Groeel'7 maculate Conception, Blessed Virgin. New Bedford. famous ReadIng HARD COAL TUESDAY - St. Cecilia, Virgin 1M Allen St., New Bedford St. Margaret, Buzzards 'WYman 7-93M and Martyr. Double. Red. Mass 'NEW ENGLAND COKE Bay. Proper; Gloria; 'Common Pre£-' DADSON Ott BUR~ERS Dec. 4-St. Anthon,. of Padua, ace. ,' ., Fall River. For your Building Materials WEDNESDAY - St. Clem¢nt X, 24-Hour Oil Burner Service St. Mary, Fairhaven. j. Pope and Martyr. Double: Red. Needs and Choice Building Dec. ll-Our Lady of Health, Charcoaj Briquets Mass Proper; Gl'rla; SecOnd Lots in the Greater Taunton Fall River. Collect St. Felfcitas, Martym; Af'8CI Bag Coal - Charcoal St. Louis, Fall Rivet:. Common Preface. THURSD_' ~~ - St. Jo1m' 01. the THB ANCHOR Cross, ConfesSor and Doctor oi UICORPORATED Second-class mail privileges authorized the Church.. Double. White•. , lilt 'Fall River, Mass, Published every Mass Proper; Gloria; second Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River. Mass., by the Catholic Press of the Collect St. Chrysogonus, M3I'Diocese of Fall River. Subscrlptloa pdae Wti\ 4-7847 - VA 2-4051 640 Pleasant Street Tel. WY '~271 New BedfOrd Ilw maiJ. llllllt.9aid e4.0!1 ~ r.-. e " ~ C!'eed.s eommoo PE-eface.' ,

AlblllJse @f Truth'

· 'Was heIn9 t on . Ca th ed ra I. In

·I{e.,nedys'. New. Parish



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Bless'S' couOOt' Unlets





Thanks, to 'God



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.nstitute Hono'rs Foundress


Of Medical Mission Sisters

Say s Loneliness Is Major Illness Of World Today

Thurs., Nov. 17, 1960

NEW YORK (NC) - Mother Anna Maria Dengel, foundress and Superior General of. the, Medical Mission Sisters, has been named Catholic Woman of Achievement for 1960. She was one of six women who received the Medallion of Honor of the, 37th the Archdiocese 'of New York; annual Women's Interna- the National Catholic Women's . tional Institute. She was Union; Our Lady of Snows Misnominated by the institute's sion; New Rochelle. Coll~ge


CINCINNATI (NC) Loneliness is a major illness of modern society, ac~ording to a Catllolic magazine edi-

Committee of Catholic Lay 01'- alumnae; .the. Ozanam ,GUild; ganizations. and the S~. ElIzabeth GUild. Mother' Dengel came to New Cathohc Hour ~aturday York from her society's general.Mrs. '!'homas J. Wl1son~ of C?late in Rome to receive the award. lege POint, Long J~land, IS chaIrThe Medical MiSJion Sisters, . man of the commltee. known officially as the Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries, conduct hospitals,' clinics and houses of study in the United, States, Englanu, India, Pakistan, NEW YORK (NC),...-The silent Venezuela and Ghana. life of Catholic monks will be Honorary Fellow portrayed over a nation wide Mother Dengel was born od television network on the Lamp March 16, 1892, in Steeg, Austria. Unto My Feet series.' She founded the sistet'hood 'n The half-hour telecast is Washington, D. C. b 1925. She scheduled for 10.a. m,on Sun- . NEW HAI..L: At ceremonies celebrating the opening vf received her degree in' medicine .. day,' November 27, over the . in 1932 from University College,' Columbia Broadcasting System.. St. Eernard's parish hall, Assonet, are, left to right, Mrs. ~rk, Ireland,'and has since re-. Lamp Unto My Feet is carried Benoit Charland, Rev. John E. Boyd, pastor, Mrs. Marianno eeived ~any ?on?r?r y . deg~e~s: .in some areas '~m a delayed basiS. Re'zendes, Adrian Bolduc. from In the Umted t' f' th' e pr'o' ' t umversitIes 'd E . 'Th e .f··t Irs porion 0 -. .' .,, ' . . ,


P TV to ortray Monastic Life

~e~:;~er~~o~:~ B~itish Med-', ,'ri~:'~it~ 'P~:~:~~icth~~~O:~~~:' . '1?C)~'gl~,~ ,.~y~e. S~ys ~hu~ch .Needs Help" to ,.Stem. . ,Red· T.de In Cuba' woman to be elected a~ honorilry and. artistic s~ill-phot~graphs. ., , . '. :. . . , ~l ASSocll~tlOn, she. IS the only. through scores of, ,penetratll1g, .

~~l?w of the. ~nternatlonal College .of Surge.ons~ , :

.Anarrator w~ll explain the prac- '. ~IAMI ~N<;)-~P,?()Sltl0':l br..., '''There are plenty 'of spirittice of the contelJlplativ~ life in ,th~,C:l),:,-~~ti ~~one ~lIL*ot.!l~7'" ually .hungry people 'iii Latin ,,-he Cath911c lay organizations .the modern world, : fe~t, c~~mums",l. ~n. ,Cuba, a . AmerIca. That is' why the comeoinmittee is compri,!le,d.of alum. . , . Monasticism '. I f,orpler, ~~.mmumst said her~. ' munists can look to 'Latin Ameri".e of .the ":ollege of, Mo,u~t .St. The program's moderator will :. Douglas Hyde, one time editor' ica: TheY believe that of Africa, Vincent; the. alum!'i as:'~clatI9n .. then discuss the theory' of Cath- .. 'of thecom.munist London Daily. Asia .and Latin, .·America-, the ~ .. Fordham V~lyerslty; . .the. olic '.'l!1onasti,cism with, Fath.er., Worker. and now a Lonvert to "greatest hope for communism is . Broo,kl!n. Dioces~n COUl~cIl ?f, Gregory Borgstedt, 9 .. S.B., .as" Cat~ol~cisni, said ,it ·il' "politlrll1 ,in Latin ,.Ameri~a.". , CatholIc Women; the. C~t~ohc sistl;lnt pdor. ·at Mount Saviour '. wishfulthinkin~,to suppose th~t Well Organized Daug~ters ~f .Arnerl(;a, t~e . ~onasteryin ,Elmira, N. Y. Th~th~", C~urch's. spoke;;mel1 have , Kolpmg Society, .the Ca~hohe Benedictine monks at Mount Sa- only to sound a u'umpet f,,~ ... Mr'. Hyde said the Communist Teachers Association of Brook- viourlive according to .:1 very' Castro's 'walls to COil)(- tumbling 'party in 'Latin Americ'a' ~s' "malTn. 'liustere,i~terpretation6fthetti~e' d9Wn." , . : ' ture a'nd well organized," and Also, the Catholic Teachers of St. Blllledict, qn'~ of the found:-' " . It is' a, 'f~lldd;' 'to r~ll~pose th~i that'the Communist party in.' Association of ~·ew York; the ers of mOt'\ast!cism. '.' ~ommunisrri .. cannot succeed i'n'a .. Brazil'is "generally regarded as Catholic Wome,"'s Benev:olent The. Lamp Unto My Feet series .' ,So.,called . !'CattiQli~. country/~, the foremost party in' Latin League; the Ladles of Chanty of isp r 9d \lCe d !?y CBS ~ublic Af-.. Mr. Hyde 'W'arnE:~' in .a talk ..at "America today." " . , . fairs. The ,program 01). monasti- .... Barry College, a women~s scI:tool He said communists ·have in.;. ci,~~ w,as. produced in coopera,7'." conducted by Dominican' .puns. filtrated' communications media tion with the National Council H I R ". in Latin America. Few newsof Catholic -Men. " . '" . 0 Y USS13 . papers there' do not have at C F ty . .. . . "Russia was. ~Holy Russia' for ,least 'one or' twocommtinists on WASHINGTOtN A' .• nia~yyears," .but·that di4no't theil" staffs,- and in Uruguay h ~Nt ) "b o~ . years of grow In 0 Y ar p,reve.nt ...the. ;Bo.lshevi,k,s from the most comprehensive. worldevery radio station in the,counwide CathOlic press agency:~ ~o~in~ to; P9w,~r, .il nd ~oland is try carries a· communist proh t f . a ,Catholic 001-lI1 tr y t1)at was, gram', he said.' were mirrored in t e .repor 0 . '. WASHINGTON (NC) '..:.:..:, The' Jak.~n ovet Q,y' ~he <.;dnimU!lists,': the NCWC Press Department. . work the NCWC Departm'ent he' said. ' '" . Bishop Albert R. Zuroweste o~' of Iminigrafion"~bet\efited from .' .' Be~leville, Ill.,~ the' depa~tment·s". congressional ilciioti.during' the~ . ",There' are, areas. ,of Latin .... :,. '" :. episcopal ·chalrman, ,said t~at. ·Year, itsannUlH repo~t-indicated. Americli·ihat might be describ.ed·· , the NCWc- News Service. which .. The r'epor.t cited a 'substantial the laps.ed' Catholic areas," he is issued by the Pres~' Departnumber of' pi:'ivlite::bills' passed saj~., ·~.'W~en ,..no, ,opp,ortu~itie~ ment, is serving no Cathol~c. by 'Corigress 'aiding', worthy ,are prov,\l:le~ to go forward, the newspapers and many Catholic clients of' the department, .and trend is -to revert to paganism. magazines in the United, States, o~. speciai vallie was the more . In such: 'ar~as the people :a're, ~luS . hllnd.reds of Catholic pU.b- . general legislation granting fur-' v~ry vUI~erable to commUnIsm. hcahons In 63 other coun~ne.s therbenefits to orphans, the _1IClCIC1C~~ and territories .round the world. Dutch Indonesians residing in He added tl)at the growth of the Holland a'nd Portuguese earthNews Service coincided with a quake~ictims, , , strong growth of the U. S. Ca!hSigned by Bishop ,Joseph M. olie newspaper and magazltle Gilmore of Helena, Mont., the. press, which today has,a ~ircula- department's episcopal chairmall, tion of more than 25 mIllion. the report noted a continuing,ex;- , pansion of work accomplishe'd Personalized Heads Educators and persons aided by the departCINCINNATI (NC) - Father ment. During the year, it said, Laurence J. McGinley, S.J., the. department handled 44,036 president of Fordham University. cases .involving a total o.f 51,500 in New York, has been elected persons. Included in this numpresident for 1961 of .the Associa- ber were 3,853. persons in relition of Urban Univel·sities. gious life with immigi'ation, (Daily and Continuous) emigration and travel problems, • Your Name Embossed and 14,346 immigrants and emiin Gold' grants assisted at U. S, ports. • Handsome Plastic Case

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FALL RIVER KNITTING MILLS ASSA lLS CASTRO: Archbishop Enrique Pet'ez Serantes of Santiago, Cuba, has issued a paRtoral letter in which he accused the Castro regime of trying to destroy Catholic influence in Cuba and replace it with communism. NC Photo.

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THE ANCHOR-lJiocese of Fall River-Thurs, Nov.1?, 1960

Ukrainian Priest Says Khrushchev Seeks Dasunity

Pir;e$t §@rs Red TeltS'D[J'llo~l1!J@$ PlUlff' Cliugst Baa::k in Ctli)5'O~U'I1TI'il€:!l$ CLEVELAND (NC)-Communist techniques helped put Christ back in Christmas in England, according to a British priest. Father Bernard Basset, S.J., London sodality ieader, said English sodalists adopted communist techniques in training a small corps of qualified dedicated leaders. The program was under the direction of convert Douglas Hyde, onetime editor' of U'" London Daily Worker. Trained sodalists in turn spearheaded a successful Christin-Christmas campaign which is spreading throughout England. Use Billbloard In 1948, at a time when crib .scenes were almost unknown in . London, six sodalists launched a campaign to put Christ back in, Christmas. Given use of one billboard, they persuaded a famous Jewish painter to do a Christmas scene, of the Holy Family on it. A branch store manager liked the billboard, decided to put a cr scene in his store window and called in Father Basset to help. The store received so much' praise on 'the project that next ......,

Vote to Study Released Time BALTIMORE (NC)-A state committee on religious education has approved a study of the possibility of released-time religious education in pub lie schools. The proposal, adopted' bya '4 to 2 vote, called for a study ..to explore the possibility of pilot programs af released-time education in communities where fluch programs are likely to meet public assistance." The committee, a unit of the Maryland Commission for the Prevention and Treatment of Juvenile Delinquency, also repeated unanimous approval of a recommendation that an interfaith committee "investigate and implement" a factual religion course for public schools. The' recommendation . noted that "all children need moral and spiritual guidance and need to know about the religions of their neighbors." . The released-time proposal, which has been studied by the committee since June, split the group sharply. Under releasedtime religious education programs, children are let out of public school at specified periods during the week for churchsponsored religious training.

year 320 stores in the chain featured a crib scene. Last year such scenes were common all over London, and the original painting was being' featured on Christmas billboards in England, tile U.S. France and Spain. Father Basset used the story to illustrate what a small number of determined persons can accomplish. The Reds have made . good use of that knowledge, Father Basset said. Limit, Meetings He pointed 'out that the Reds li~it most meetings to cells of 10 persons, prefer only five or six. They use question and answer techniques for better participation in meetings, to keep interest at a peak. They also choose an objective that can be NURSES MAKE RETREAT: Spending· the weekend reached within six months· and select injustices like slum housat Cathedral Camp on retreat with the Nurses' Guild were ing or race persecution to create left to right: Mrs. William J. Maloney, Fall River; Miss sympathy for their objectives. Mary Mason, Fall River; Mrs. Frederick J. Sherry, Fall The RE!ds combine' this with River; and Miss Mary C. Halloran, New Bedford. careful selection of personnel and careful training, Father Barret said; The success of the technique has been obvious. ComNEW YORK (NC) - Catholic Rica. munism has sprn"d its dpctrine The U. S. Bishops' overseas across nearly half the world in Relief Services--National Cathrelief agency also announced olic Welfare Conference an40 years. ' Fortunately, the Jesuit priest nounced it received a $5,000 . that a shipment of 524 bales of said, the technique can be donation from Francis Cardinal clothing and 400,000 pounds of copied and used by Catholics to . Spellman, Archbis'lop of New U. S. government surplus food· promote social justice within the York, to be used to aid victims have been sent to the stricken of kingdom of God. , floods in Nicaragua and Costa countries.

Cardinal Assists Flood Victims

BUFFALO (NC)-A priest who fled his native Ukraine when Nikita Khrushchev was top communist boss there warned that the West , would be· foolish to regard the Soviet Premier as a man of peace. "Khrushchev is certainly not looking for peace and friendship," declared Father Bohdan V. N. Ostapowych, pastor of Holy Ghost Ukrainian Rite parish in Lackawanna, N.Y. "All he hopes to do is fonow his previous record of' stamping out all belief :'1 God all over the world and splitting the unity of the free world ;'1 its opposition to communism," he said. Guilty of Butchery Father Ostapowych said Mr. Khrushchev was guil ty of persecution of the Church and "butchery" of the Ukrainian people when he served as first secretary of the Ukrainian Communist party's central commit- , tee between 1938 and 1949. "The crying need of the hour is leadership on the part of the U.S., the free world's leader, to· make the .people understand and comprehend the menace of communism," the Ukrainian priest told the Buffalo First Friday. Club. -'

Stonehill AffiUates With Truesdale Stonehill College has announced its affiliation with Truesdale Hospital School of Medical Tech'nology, Fall River. According to an announce-ment by Rev. Aloysius .E. Cusen, e.s.c., vice-president and' dean of Stonehill, the affiliation is in ·connection with the new medi-" cal ,technology major offered at the College. - Students taking the medical technology course will take three years of scientific study atStonehill and will ·complete their progra'm at the Fall River hospital.

Fall River Hospital Alumnae Plan Dance 81. Anne's Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association will hold its annual scholarship fund dance from 9 to' 1 Friday night, Nov. 18 at New Bedford Country Club. Miss Elizabeth Parent is chairman. Funds raised will benefit an annual scholarship for advanced study granted a member of the alumnae. The association's annual Christmas party is set for 8 Tuesday night, Dec. 3 in the conference room of the, hospital.

1961 Galallie Club Victoria

N. E. F. D. A.


To Hear Attorney New Bedford Catholic Guild for the Blind will hear Atty. Catherine E. Falveyat its meeting to be held at 8 tonight at Knights of Columbus Hall. Mrs. Mae Manning, chairman, is in charge' of refreshments.






BEAUTIFULL r PROPORTIONED TO THE CLASSIC FO'D LOOK' The international lashion authority, Centro per l' Alt. Mod. Italiana, presented this medal to the. 1961 Ford lor lunctional ox pression of r.lassic beauty..


Novices' Record Solves Problem Little Tommy Tucker of nursery rhyme fame sang for his supper, but novices of the Con-

~~~at~:ad~~a~:~~si~ndH~:;:ville, Md. are singing for something more important-a new , home. The girls, among whom are six from Fall River, "are literally singing for a home," said Mother St. Martial, mistress of Novitiate, the number of applieants has doubled and the new eonvent is bursting at the seams. Unless we expand present facil. ltles within the, next few months, we will have to restrict the number of applicants next July." The novices and nostulants most affected by the space shortage'have recorded 15 selections in a long playing album, "Patterns in Song," to be released tomorrow. They hope that proceeds from the album's sale will help solve their buildfog problem. Members of G!'oop Claudette' Lapointe, Michelle Authier, Marie Anne Guertin, Mather St. Leo (Simone Caron), Mother Marie Constance (Ther: ese Michaud), Mother St. Den-

Acushnet Native, Now White Father, Returns from British East ,Africa The Rev. Paul SoreIIe, W.F., son of Mrs. Clara SoreIIe, of 24 Slocum Street, Acushnet, has returned from Uganda, British East Africa, and has been named assistant master of novices at the White Fathers Novitiate in Franklin, Pa. Father SoreIIe, who spent three years in the African missions, was at Katigondo Seminary for a year and a half before returning to the· States. He he received the American Legserved as treasurer at the ion's outstanding citizenship medal and was already thinklarge 'major seminary where ing of plans to enter the priesta total of 220 priests have completed their training since the seminary OPened its doors in 1911. Two of these priests have been made bishops and recently one, Laurian Cardinal Rugambwa, became the first negro cardinal. There are two secular priests and 10 White Fathers on the seminary's teaching staff, Father Sorelle states. "The W hit e Fathers 'are Dutch, German, French, Canadian, British and American," Father So r e 11 e points out-ua' United Nations organization of our own." In addition ,to his duties as procurator, he taught philosophy, giving five lectures a week. Balancing the books each month was oBly one of his du-, tics as :he supervised cooks, catered to 122 seminarians, and ,managed a DOO-acre farm and property, which included supervising, hiring, .firing and paying of some 50 employees. Cooks on Strike

(se (Muriel Renaud), aU of FaU River, make up part of the reeording group. The Congregation of Jesus and Mary has its'motherhouse in Rome. The Hyattsville novitiate serves the Eastern United When he first arrived at the FATHER SORELLE States establishments of the seminary, Father Sorelle reorder, among which is Jesuscalls, he did not know the lanWhen he first went to Africa Mary Academy in Fall River. guage but had to start immed_ in 1957, Father Sorelle was assigned to Bukoba, Tanganyika, Religious at the Fall River - iately on bookkeeping and rehouse arc forming a committee lated tasks. Suddenly at Easter where he was at the Kashozi to aid in the record selling time, the cooks for the seminary mission, the oldest station in the started a strike. Bukoba area, founded in 1892. project. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Alfred There was no soup for the stuHe was there a year and three Jr. E. Bonneau, pastor of Notre dents, no tea, and other annoy- months, learning the language Dame Church, is h 0 nor a r y ing incidents were reported. He and engaged in general mission «:hairman. started an investigation into the work before he set off for KatiRelease of "Patterns in Song" "strike" and found the source of gondo Seminax:y. climaxes four months of re- the dissatisfaction. In his hurry St. Francis Xavier hearsing and recording at Em- to work on the books and learn pire Records, Tacoma Park, Md. the language, he had neglected /' Born in Acush:let, he was a Mother Marie Laetitia, R.J.M., to pay the cooks at the proper member of St. Francis Xavier's the former Muriel Blain of time and they had not received parish and attended the parish Woonsocket, is director of the customary "extras" given at grade school. In the eighth grade group. Before entering the con- Easter. gregation she sang with the The situa~on was quickly Alexander Peloquin Chorale. remedied, pay distributed and At present, she and two other the soup and tea went back to ROME (NC)-One of ItalY'l1 members of the group, Mother normal. I , foremost Protestant leaders has Mary of Joy, of North AttleThis is but one indication, praised the Anglican Archbishop boro, and Mother St. Denise of notes Father SorelIe, that the of' Canterbury's forthcoming visit "all River, are pursuing the women of Uganda, who a few to His Holiness Pope John study of music at the Catholic years ago would kneel when XXIII. University of America. they talked to a man, are beDr. Mario Sbaffi, president of Dr. John Paul, head of the coming more independent. , the Federal Council of Evangelimusic department there, comcal Churches in Italy, attributed mented after hearing the choral the coming meeting between the group: "They are a very inspir-, New officers of the Catholie Pope' and the Primate of All lng group in their disciplined Pharmacists Guild of St. James England to "the new climate musicianship and seriousness of include Nonnand H. Menard, which John XXIII is trying to purpose. Anyone with the op- president; Joseph Perry, vice create in regard to the 'sepaportunity of hearing the m president; Miss Janice E. Nowak, rated brothers'." should do so. They bring joy to recording secretary; Nestor MesArchbishop Geoffrey Fisher the heart." quita; treasurer; Rev.•\lbert E. will visit Pope John early beVariety of Numbe1l'S Shovelton, moderator. Timothy tween Dec,em ber 1 and 3 on his The album contains a variety P. Keating is permanent execu- way back to England from a trip of numbers including, "The tive secretary. to 'the Holy Land. Happy Wanderer," UThe Little Dr u m mer Boy," "Mamselle Marie," "Lift Up Thine Eyes," Qnd "What Child Is This?" Types of music ·range fl:om Gregorian Chan,t and polyphony to Negro spirituals and songs for children. The cover of the album features a four-color photograph of Ii Religious of Jesus and Mary kneeling at a wayside shrine. A teaching and missionary community, founded in France during the early part of the nineteenth century by Claudine Thevenet, the Congregation of Jesus and Mary has establishments on five continents.

Praises Primate's Plan to Visit Pope

Druggists Guild

France Honors Two Prelates in Korea SEOUL (NC) - France has honored two bishops, in Korea with the rank of knight of the Legion of Honor. Bishops Paul Ro, Vicar Apostolic of Seoul and Adrien Larribeau, Vicar Apostolic of Taejon, received the decoration from French Ambassador Roger Chambord. Bishop Ro is the first Korean ever to become a bishop. Bishop Larribeau, a member of the Parish Foreign Mission Society, was vicar apostolic of Seoul from 1926 until the appointment of Bishop Ro in 1942.

hood. While on a visit to Canada, he made arrangements to enter the seminary, Sainte-Anne-dela-Pocatiere. ,After completing his studies there he ente.:-ed the White Fathers' Novitiate in Montreal, Canada, in 1948, before the society opened its novitiate in this country. The following year he entered the White Fathers' Scholasticate at Eastview, Ontario, and four years later on Jan. 25, 1953, he was ordained a priest. The following summer .Father Sorelle was assigned to the house in Franklin, Pa., at that time the White Fathers' seminary. He was there only two years when he went to Romp to continue his studies of philosophy at Gregorian University. While there he recalls he had an excellent opportunit.y to see somethiM of Europe and visIted' Switzerland, Germany, Belgium, France and England. Biggest Adventure Two years later, after receiving his licentiate, he set off for his biggest adventure-the Mfrican missions, sailing to Mombasa, Kenya. "From there by train, it took us 36 hours to reach Kampala, Uganda," he states. "It was a1' the cathedral of Rubaga that I celebrated my first mass on African soil." His trip to the mission was completed by steamer across Lake Victoria and then by jeep until he finally saw the welcome buildings of the mission. In 'addition to his mother in Acushnet, Father Sorelle has 11I brother, Donald, who resides in that community, and a sister, Mrs. Germaine Bussiere, of New Bedford. His two other brothel's are Roland Sorelle, of Stowe, Pa., and the Rev. Ernest A. SoreHe, S. J .. of Montreal, Canada. "



THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 17, 1960


Congo's' Catholic Un~ve[j"s;ty Stcrt$

Academac Ye@w LEOPOLDVILLE (NC) ...... Lovanium University has opened for the new academic year despite upheavals and chaos in the Congo, with Msgr. Luc Gillon, 40-year-old rector, celebrating a Solemn Mass of the Holy Ghost. Archbishop Gastone Mojaisky Perrelli, Apostolic Delegate to the Congo, attended the opening ceremonies, along with Archbishop Felix Scalais of LeQPoldville and other bishops of the Congo. Albert Ndele, a graduate of Lovanium University whe» has been made minister of finance under the Congo's military government, also attended. Msgr. Gillon said the university's enrollment of 500 should triple in two years and rise to ·3,000 in four years. The major obstacle to development of the six-year-old university is the Congo's lack of sec 0 n dar 'T schools, he said. The vice rector, Father Vall de Perre, said the university was opening "with an almost intact professorial body, for students who have put their confidence in this institution despite innumerable difficulties." He pointed out that the university would bestow its first doctorates in medicine and law at the end of the academic year, as well as its first degrees ill civil engineering. He thanked the Ford Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation for substantial contributions to Lovanium University. BUC~


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THE ANCHOR~Diocese. of Fall. River-- Thurs,.Nov~17; 1960


""\.' -',.

Gratitude in Action"-'

Thanksgiving . .



Weekly 'Calendar' Of Feast Days


," TODAY.."..St. Gregory the Woaderworker. Bishop-Confessor. He was born at Neo-Caesarea, a pagan city of Pontus near the · Black Sea and about the year · 240 became its Bishop. At hi. ascension there were but l'r Christians in the town and oa · his· deathbed he thanked God that there remained only the same number of idolaters. Hi. title of Thaumaturgus, or Won· derworker, came from his gift of miracles. He took part in the Council of Antioch in 264 against Paul of Samosata. 'TOMORROW - Dedication of the Basilicas of SS: Peter and Paul. The Basilica 'of St. Peter .. "'~'" after it was enlarged was consecrated solemnly by Pope Urball VIII. The Basilica of St. Paul was rebuilt more beautifully after ihi total destruction by fire. It wu ~ dedicated by Pope Pius IX. . SATURDAY-St. Elizabeth 01. Hungary, Widow. The daughter .....,/ of King Andreas II of Hungary. . I she was born in 1207 and when' ~I only four years old was promised This is the middle of. Children's B,ook Week. The pur:. I~ew. in marriage to Louis, son of the , pose of the week is to stimulate reading in children of all Landgrave of T~uringia. She wu ages, 1::leginning with the big print picture books. for those _ '0' him she in 1221. hi. , . married death in to1227, was Upon reduced . B M tR R b t'J' D D D' ,', ';to poverty and forced from her - just able to make out the lettersl,lnd.!angi~g thro.ugh to 'c s" ",. " . , ' . . I ' y. ' .os' ev, 0 er .' . wyer, " b"'-. the classI ' . • ,'. ., • . Bishop of 'Reno' . h ome, WI'th :h er ch'ld 1 ren, y,. There are many r~~ction~thath8,:v~.gre~ted.this. w~e_1(. ".:SO t went to my ~ompUterand':it told me what . brother-in-law~ A~ lengtb she Some' have lobked at the various. special Childr~n Bo.ok saw her son, Herman, reinstated .' . . . . .' . . to do/' Here, for the improvement' of the race; the elimina-'ln his inheritance. She joiiled ·the: Sections of ne'wspapers and. have commented only that tion of error, and the prevention of cruelty to the 1;>rain, is Third Order of St. Francis ol' eliildren's boo~s: are expensive-which. ··tJ'tey are. Perhaps the deus ex niachina, or more properly, the god dwellinidn . ,which ,she is the Patron Saint.' there shouia be· more done in the lille of paperbacks so that the machine. We are told on ' She .was 'noted for her char,(ti' there could be a savings on hard covers.' But the reply is the surriptuous laboratories next and good works. She died in 123l' . the sober authority of '~en door: and. was c~nonized four yea., 'that the book must be made as attractive as possible to like Dr. 'Edward Teller that We have taken it for granted . later by Pope Gregory IX. . entice the c'~iid's attention.' '. the computer of tomorrow that the scientists, our benefacSUNDAY - Twenty - fourth . Others have said that when the child is ready to read will be able to reason, to think tors in so many ways, would. Sunday after Pentecost. Genet;" then it is up to the school to bring him along aQd ~ofeed his creatively, thus saving at a never dream of carrying their ally this date. is the. feast Of: interest. Actually,' if the child never sees an appreciable single stroke odd notions of materialism and St: Felix o(Valois,.Confessor. He determinism too far,' that' they.. th f th C t fV • amount of reading by parents' and older children .in the, and all. the anguish labor e son e oun 0 a..might play with these ideas by' was ois, and was0 born in 1127, ·He home, he will have neither the example nor the books them- occasioned by way of harmless intellectual joined the Cistercians, lived for selves. I t his process. recreation but could be depended a time as a hermit in Italy, and . A sad reactiori\.to the whole idea is that children, far We can hardly upon to come down for ,the upon his return to France met St. . II A f wait until we eternal verities when the chips John of Matha, with whom he' too many qf them, . fell. We have no one to blame f ormee d th Congrega t·IOn of. the . do not read at a .~ . mother went so ar have . one inas to. comment reGently that-she had no problem of unfit stalled at our but ourselves. Holy Trinity, dedicated :to ·the. eomics and literature with her . children-they simply did elbow. Think· . Present Concern redemption of Christian slave.. not read anything' at all. That is, ~fcourse, <me.· way 'of of the e a s e We die laughing when we read held by the Moors of Spain. and solving the problem of indecent re.ading mat.erial, but hardly wit h ich of. the oid medieval philosophers . North Africa. St. Felix. lived .t., even sO. negwasting their: lives 'and reams' see 600 houses of this commun--: the preferred y.oay. and hardiy' the 'inteliigeJitway. " ligible a, t h i n g , of paper on forgotten' controver.i. ' ity opened.' He died a; Cerf-'Froid Children must develop a taste for reading. Th~y do tlii8' . as this column' ",jili'be written! sies;: sometimes·.carrying· their in: 1212: . , .' in ih~ 'very sam~ way' that eve~y·.(j.~~~r v~hie' js. given to ·.No, 10~g~;l-: tpe. tedious 'hou~s ,?i!lPut¢s'.fr!l~ th.e ~~!ljr~.ha:llil '.' :~ONDAY ~':. Presentation .~ them..:...c..by what they see and he~rl:ijiht.jn.:t.neir.own.~omes- . sp;ent.. s~al'l!1~:!l~ a.~l~nk s.he~t .. ?~ .. mto. ~he_ s~r~ets, Jhere.to .~ttle,,~.~~... BlesS~d /'Virgi~,.·This }e.ali!&. '. , '. II" A .' . I f 00<1"00 k -".,_ .. f' .}.. '1 .. f. ~a,,?er, ''oW Q n d ~ll ~ g. .,..tIat ,,1ft .• '. the ~lffe~enceswlth .swords .llnd " .com.memorate.s th_e presel'!tatioa. prm~lpa y. supp y o g.. '. 0 _s, a: ~mI y ~lr:c,e 0 ,b~aven's name OU~l:It, to,.cojn~ . clu.b~. ,H?w ru~e·they were ~.nd . 'of the "Blessed ViI:gfn'MarY.a readmg out lo~d, the ~xampl~ ~a~~~Js!, lnterestmg CQn~ ." ·next. ,No more misery of ass~~s7' how: unmannerly..' ". . ...." , ~ tn4f Timiple- at: Jerusalefu ·ad'" c' ": versati?Ji·. at·.m¢als"7'"aJI_~the8,e~a~,.9P'~P.:J;0;;·.th~ chHeJ tl,i~i' '~~~ f~~tJ~~afJ4·:f,ifoppinJt}~gic., A! ..I,t ~i~ht'.sUgg~l)t,th~t,w~:.~evi.~··~ ~~~e91' ~hree"'I?Y;.;her'.parents; _ ... . /wotiderlul world ·of·tiooks.··A quiet. :supervision. over and.'.: ~~ISt ;?~the.wqs~ an~ .tl}~!e: you .e,tul' thl~,kl~,. ~ ,n.ot 'l?~' th~lr' 'JOachim 'and St:Anne.· . .;.: '... ' . . '... . .';........ , . . ... have It.. '. '" . ' '. ' '" manners' at'least· on their' prill.:.··· ". ", . - , .' . ;, . . . :. . ' . . ," " : . . _.'"" ~tl...~ . ~ncou~ag~~~n~ .:all~~ g;l,lI<l~nCe 10' t~llS. world o~: ooo.k8::':\,' A .grelll ~eafi9t fUll" #{fgii(be. i:i~le.s~ H'-we. rec~ll that '~'uct(l~f' .'" .~E~l?DA:Y ~~.J~~clha, ,V.lr~~ ." . "call, ,g~ve . ehI~dr.e~ ~. hfe~lo,nJf :gOO? h~~It },;~d.~~n .assll~:· extract~.c;I :)~~'il} \ ~~e }l~~l!t~~n . ~he grou?:d the;r. ~.oug~t.·~ver ''i~. ,"~~;~rr, ,~~~ IlIt~:'~ot~:~~o:j, . parent13 t,hat ;th~yare.h~lplp~..thelr .chl\~ren J~.a~ure ~long .thenaJur(l ~n~ c,orcelv~bl~.~seS .. ~h~ . prec~se .~rea of ..o~r ..pre~~~ ~ iaiiu~u: .mlirt'yr's ~f 'the' earq. '.: . health·y and advan'tageous' ·lln..... · . 9f·the·.computmg machmes.now con,!:ern.s:.t.he..llature an.d oper.aC".h urc, h 'nih' "tron.' sam ...... ·t····..:. t' .. "f the'.. ....'t····· . . ;..... .... . . . , •c . . ' . c" . . . . " . · · , c o m i n g on the market were' it . Ion o· mi nd" " th··· e na ure"and "'.' • 1: ...e:. pa •f' bl :ft.".- . Thanksgiving is associated with appreciation ·for blessings and family reunions-with all those sentiments of the heart that deserve praise and credit. . But such· sentiments usually involve on,e person and those near and dear to him and-in many happy in,stances~ God, the Giver of all good gifts. That is why it is of great advantage to' schedule the clothing drive for the needy of the world during ..Thanks.;. giving week. It reminds people that their gratitude must not be simply an outpouring of their own hearts among themselves and in relationship to God-it must show itself in works of charity. Noble sentiments should be productive of benefit not only for the persons involved but for those on the fringe-for those who may not· be directly known or considered. So the Thanksgiving Clothing Drive is gratitude in action. It has side benefits, to be sure-cleaner closets,:firesafe attics, stronger reasons for more shopping sprees, encouragement to buy new outfits without having to face accusing full drawers. . But fundamentally~it is appreciation flowing over into benefits for others'.

Wonderful World of Books


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Mass'in81. .Peter"s'~ .:-; " . . ' ~ notf~r'~~.ef~ctfh~dher.~is ,ro·:',~~owa~i~i~y~~f}rl;1th,.~· :._.': :': ~ ~rl~el~~~ '7sa·~~fd.~ h~v/=' , - ' '. ... ' .' ','".'" ... :.' ' . ' < ' , . . ' humor in the situation for those'" 'For It IS'precisely the psych01:. t"t: ed . d " " t " d "W f



~~t them·all be Catholics but'l1;0tali ~atin~."... :: who beli~v'e' i~' t.he.mm?res~ri~: ogyo~~man as'a think~n~ ariirri!l~, " ;';:ii'::'iri~~lie~9;·6~~e. in~~'sio ThIS statement of· one of the recent Popes was strIk~. ouly thall- theY',be.heve tn th~tn:.;. the ~~llstemologY"ofhls qu~.st .~or. '.. hi' h . i t 'r,..•,. ,.' ,. " 't 'd:' ."~ selves. .' .' .. " . . ~ertItud~,· ..the 'metaphysIc'S of:- ~.C ~ e was conver ~ . ~n~ .





' .



mgly brought .out last Sunda~.~?en,.:ropeJo~n aS~Isted at -. WhEmwe get'to 'the end of ihe : reality, ·that are atthe'r'oot.of . ~chureh. ·At al>?ut the sa,?e tl~ .' :M.~ss 'o!fered lD~t.Pe~er's,.~asIlIca ~n the :Byzantme :Slav~!. toad with'·those ~h~ ac~ep{ the' this whole business of the com- , 11\ Rome, ValeJ.:lan aryd :Tlb~.rtb: .. w ome RIte. Mass m thIS RIte ·h~s been, SaId before m St~ -closed 4'niverse o'f ~atteras 'tile' puter, .... , . "; . " ':~~new:~e .~:rtyr~dd bU\h l Peter's but only. rarely, and, ll.lst .Su:nd.~t the I:Ioly.Father .' solea·nd. s~fficien~ ~xplanati0il· ..... C~e~tive. Thinkinc .,' .: Cecili~'\sn'unc:~t~i: T:'e rellee participated fully :in the' MaSs by his· use of .the Slavonie dO~. the totahtber. ~fthll1tghS, lau~hte~ is FnOorthlfl'n'lgt Ims oargereethdatha~thh.ous.lrhtl'.ofaU.three ar~ b~neath the ·hi.1ta , . . . . ." les away cause ere IS' no nap y lea· Ita . h - ... ., language In the process. . " : ' . ' ," ' , , . one to 'laugh b~c~, arid' it is& '. proc~ss, a questio~ of . the me- , .a . ~. 1~ .t e ~" a.sIllca. o~ . ~ Such an event should be greeted by Cathohcs throughout . dreadful thing to laugh' alone.·.· chal1lcal· arrangement of certain' fe.cI~I.a I~ ~ra"tevere, . ,.. the world with' an . acceptance joY.'fitlbutea:im: The'verY' . 'lnd; ·d·; 'I C . . cells 'guarallteed toproduce.cer.., ,. ..wEDNESD~Y-'-~t. C.leme~.1 . " '. . ' ',' . ;' '., "".' . . . , . "VIua ases· tain results. under . the proper ·",of ·Rome, Pope-Martyr. A fIr. fact that It actually was ha~led Wlt~. S()methI!1g, aklllto .We have always found it·diffi.. 'sthnuli;' the tropism'of' certain' . century convert, he was the third . " amazement. means' that rnany"Cathohcs. have httle under- c~.Ilt: to take th~ al:isolute·mate- nerve endings;, 'then there' is 'no ..successor. to "S~. 'Peter," who had ' iltanding' Of th'e.many 'millions of' their "brotherswho' arerlahsts at face va1ue~ We .have reason in the world why a com- ' .~~nseerated: him, a'bishop;' H. "Catholics 'put 'not Latin~who' belong' to of the' many . n.oted how they talk out.of~?th. ,pl,lter .shou1d·not·dq ,the job'. famo~s:epistle t?:the Corinthia~ " . ' . ·h'.· . C" ", . ' . , . :'.' ." ,.' " . .' "','" :"'.,," .sli:le~,.?f ,the 1Il0uth ,. professmg" ··more' effecieritly.' -: . , . . , i . ,- rflstored Qrder m· the .Church: ~ other RItes WIt m th~. hu;ch. I .• ~ .. i ,,~, ": .. ,; ,'.' .: >.·.momstI~ deter)Tlinism as though " If is only a question of-build-' CorinthtHe goyerne,' ·the 9hu~ . ·For the Church IS qUlteproud_ .of: the .many' RItes, she . they. J;"e~lly, belie:v:ed \t, yet pra-is- ,ing the computer"to 'eJtact'speti- ":·as.Pope for about '·10 years _a.nd 'embraces' and of the many: Catholics '-who·:'hold' fast· to· the i~g.~r.~l,tl1,an.dv:irtueand.freedom .. ,fications;·turning on the current,' d~ed. as.,~n,·.exile. and. rna'" "one ~aith aJid 'sacramentsand atit.h.or.i~Y 'wpile:' ,using: <Iif-' ,as thou~h they w~re th~,,·dedi-,. and waiting ,for; the answers. to" .u~derTr~Ja~ a.bounoo. . ..... llle. °ti~t~ th' k' ,,: w·:'h' .. ' '. t' '. computer: l.et' it be deveW"~ fereJit languages .'and ritual cu~torris:.l~·:·their "·l~tal·teesd .defender~ofthese quaI- .coc . '. . . liturgy':<This: .... . ," .. , . rea ve m mg' y 'no ",... . .... .~ variety surrounding the ~nity shows. awigorous vitality,. ·;It is, true that we have begun What is there' to prev~nt a highl; ,a.s. s~ie.ntifi£~l~~ ..~~d: perfec.tly: ~ ., . , . ..... . to wonder a ·little'. of late· when organized .mechani m fr _ pOSSible. I~ .. W.1ll ~ndou~tedJr h ' answers'beyc.ld . s om,scope pro save' '." we h ave· f oun d' .so. many h'Ig. y. .i ducmg the' .".', mankmd :.' . , a."'great deal' .' ....Of. . trained scientists .and .. exper,t.. of the'original' questions?', .' ~ll;ne,. m~rease ~IS prospects}~ technicians so shockingly unable . , .... . leisure,. ms.ure a muc? gr~a.~ · t·mgUlS . h th' ' . . accuracy In to d IS elr 1oya Iyt.as .. .,EhmlDates .Truth . . . accounting'. ' ariel' . between' freedom and the utter' ThiS, of course, elImmates trl,lth . might evef!. mduce a certaia . enslavement of humanity. . no less surely than it ~liminates "crea~ivity" in exten.ding tM But we have tended to dismiss freedom. But these thmgs ;have. frontiers of .mathematIcs, exal1lpll:is as cases of indi- been eliminated already, and the: It is not the computer that ill OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER .these vidual aberration not as symp- computer does no' more than a to be feared; it is the monistle Published :.veekly by The Catholic Press ol the Dioce!!e of Fall River toms of a general'treason of tpe reflection on the sloppiness of scientist; the .technician, who ae. intellectuals. ' our thinking;' a sloppiness of tually believes that the compu"ter 410 Highland Avenue . .. which no well-constructed com-· is greater than himself. . Fall River, Moss. OSborne 5-7151 Disregard PhIlosophy puter, put out by a reliable firm, This may be the dawn of the PUBLISHER Our fault lies in our casual would ever be guilty. . new idolatrY,the worship of the disdain for philosophy. We have 'Why should we complain if the machine as God. It is rather Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. dethroned it, relegated it to a logic of the machine shows up touching to see Dr, Teller in Ilk GENERAL MANAGEri ASST, GENERAL MANAGER room in the basement of the uni- weaknesses of a logic dependent . role as the computer's hieroRev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll versity library, and hired for its upon the rather messy arrange- phant. He'needs instruction from MANAGING EDITOR teachers men who would never ment in the human cranium? a practiced liturgist. Computers Hugh J. Golden dare to question what goes on in Certainly there are uses for the may be sensitive about rubr~·



@ ~he ANCHOR

", I .

St. Vincent'de Paul Human Person, Prodigious Sai.nt


'Plan Press Day At Stonehill

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy In St. Vincent de Paul (Regnery. $7), Leonard von Matt and Father Louis Cognet provide us a candid, vibrant likeness of the Apostle of Charity, the tercentenary of whose death occurred this year. This is the latest in the series of books in which Mr. von' human ambition, and for a long Matt, by means of his limpid time to come we shall see him photography and with the eager in the pursuit of position assistance of a collaborator \lnd benefices." who writes a succinct account of the subject, intimately ac.. quaints us with' the saints by showing us the set tin g s of the i r lives, work, and advance in holiness. I should not rate the


Thurs.• Nov. 17, 1960



More than 300 high s,..,",,1 newspaper editors :I"" th,,;,. '''culty advisors from three state' are expected to attend the Stonehill ColI e g e S('''-l''~tlCl PreSlS Institute this Saturday. Newspapermen, educators, and 1urists will address the day-long conference, which will be high_ lighted by a panel discussion during the afternoon session, on the topic "How Should the Newspaper Treat the Juvenile Offender?"

Questions Capture After ordination he opened a school for boys and soon was deep in debt. To try to collect a legacy, he went to Marseilles, and it was supposedly on the return trip that he was taken prisoner by the Turks and sold into slavery in Tunis. . This dramatic episode figureg prominently in the usual synopsis of the saint's life, but Father Cognet is inclined to dismiss it as fictional. He asks whether it may not be attributable to Vincent's "brilliant meridional im-

The morning program will feature seminars for the student journalists and their advisors. Leaders will include newspaper_ men and members of the college journalism, English and business faculties. '

pre sen t volAT INSTALLATION: Somerset and Swansea members ume the best in of the Daughters of Isabella at installation ceremonies. Left the series; sevIn conjunction with the Instito right, Rev. Joseph K. Welsh, chaplain; Mrs. Harold tute, eral others surthe Stonehill department Creamer, Regent; Mrs. Thomas F. Charron, State Vice of journalism is sponsoring a pass it. But it affords us a view of St. Vincent agination.~ Regent; Mrs. John Lawton, Marshall. newspaper contest. Prizes will such as no other book can apbe awarded at the program. proach. In 1608 Vincent was in Rome, Father Cognet's text is a quite still driven by ambition, and for lipecial achievement in itself. St. the same reason he shortly Vincent's life spanned 70 years, thereafter settled ,in Paris. In abounded in incident, and. was the latter place he became one SEATTLE. (NC)-'-The conflict ings," Bishop Dibelius added. occupied with a. considerable of the ohaplairui of· Margaret of between Christianity and comOak Bluffs Knights of Colum"But Cltristianity has overcome range and variety of endeavors. Valois, whose marriage to' King munism .in East Germany was so. many other ·ideologies in the _bus will i!1stall officers Sunday, ,I To cover it concisely, while. H;enry IV had been dissolved. describedbya German Lutheran past2-,OQO years; there is no dout>e . Nov.. 20 at Sacred .Heart parish keeping all. its elements ,:in . ~onetheless, the move to Paris . bisliop before' a' capacity audi-" that it will triumph over: com- hall. Members will participate ploper balance and conveying: was. providentia~, .In that it ence' of, studentS and faculty at munism,': skid Bishop Dibeliu8. in a retreat the same weekend, together with members of the the color and the human juices,' brought Vincent 'in totieh with a Catholic university here. "Eventually~ dialectical mateHoly Name Society and other of, the striking personality in- some remarkably. holy' people The communists in East Ger- rialism will pasS away/' he pre- paris~ioners. volved, is a difficult task, but. and this marked a turning point many openly assert that "the dicted. . . . . . Father Cognet has: brought .it. in' his life~ .. church must disappear," the Rt. ,An,outspoken cntlc of nazism, It is planned to organize a off. Double Life· Rev Karl Frederich Otto Dibel- the 80-year-old religious leader unit of Columbian Squires on "Besides, he shows critical acuWhen, in May 1612 he was In- ius, 'Lutheran BishoJl of Berlin- was arre~ted thr~e times. the' Island with Jesse Morgan i.D. men and honesty in discard.ing ducted into the pastorate of Brandenburg, declared in a specharge. ~e saId h~ IS often asked nlatter which, if edifying and Clichy, then rural, he launched ciallecture at Seattl'! University whlch·he conSiders more danger_ b-aditional, now seems without: upon a priestly ministry which which is conducted by Jesuits.' ous-~azism o~ communism.. fac,tual basis. was not merely correct but of a Th ' Dish h 'h . 'sd" Unbke naZIsm, commumsm . e' op, w 0 faSt ]Ur~u,lc- "is not merely a German affair," Solid Realism high order. t IOn fIVer more th an or y ml Ion he said. FUNERAL HOME, INC. Vincent de Paul was bom in Here, for example, he began German Protestants, had come to " . . Ute French village of Pouy on his work' of properly preparing Seattle" to be the principal L Marcel ROF - C. LonalDe a.. Commumsm has spread over . Roaer LaFraraee April 2( 1581. He was of peas- youths for the priesthood, and speaker itt a Lutheran Reforma- half of the whole inhabited earth ant stock, and all through ·his here his first confraternity of tion Day rally. . .: and the whole. of the world FUNERAL DIRECTORS life'manifested "the robust tem- charity came into existence. .' . WIll have to face Its onslaught." Muat Den~ God 1& IRVINGTON cr. perament, the solid realism 'and From this time on, Vincent the shrewd, sometimes sly com" led a double ,life, both parts of WY 7-7830 Eve'ry .school. teacher in 'East mon-sense" characteristic of his which were most 'creditable, He Germany offiCially is' forced to NEW BEDFORD ancestry. formed a connection with the indude hi'his teaching the denial ¥incent's father, was ready to prominent, powerful;: and weal- . of God's exiStence, he said. FUNERAL HOME sacrifice in order. to enable .. his· thy de Gondi. .family, whose ~86 Plymouth Avenue' "This is .'a ch.a.lIenge to all ot son to study for the priesthOOd,. members he persuaded' to sanc... Fall Riv",r. Mas.. - . . ,J~ut ,Vincent, once he :was Se~- tHy,generosity.to the poor,·and those "":ho'have the responsibil-, .- lei. OS "3,2171 . . ity ~O~.t~~~o~ls. of ~u"!an. t>e-_ tt~<i with the" J!'ranc;is~ans at· the active sponsorshi:> of, many Pa1t,w'as rather ash!1~ed.,.of;,tl:u~. , good works beneficial to the un-' DANia c. HARtiNGTON ','. .UCeniK F~~' Oir• . P9verty 'and homeJiriess of.. his I fodunate. . .". , . ABC" -.. ,' and' Registered" En\baiPC9ple.' : .. , , ,. It was his close·.association' . lIn addition· to being asham~ wjth de Gondi, who was Gener31 'Nu·~sery. of his falher.,Nincent was,qul¢~. o~;the Galleys, that·made'itpos.. ....., -';.', '(Licensed) .' atARl.ES :F~"VARGAS " to attach himself to a mon,:lyed Sible.. for Vincent· to· bring·.the ~, ,254 ROCKDAlE A YI:NUI ~ 211 WilbU1'" Ave.• 5wanMa ~,,~fl,,~t9~'.: secu~il}~ . ,,,. P,osi'U?O :"~~ I m inis~rations'" Of,' the· Church to ,TRANSPORTAnoN· , NEW ~.' MASS. ", 1U.f#.~ in. t~e ~~,P1,i'r ~ a. ~udge" . the hldeously.~altr,:ated·gall~y ~~'" ~,e ~ome~. ·'.l:his. ,deslre. ...a'.'.d.. slaves and, toameho~ate their Morning ond aftemOOfl '. ·:'····"·F~~iI . . • lertness for. worldly. adval1t.~~ l o t . . . " , . -. " '.,' Sessions'" . Yf~{l "t9..·mar~ ,Vlncen,t ~ox:. ·.~ro~ , ' " Framework, oIcba"Uy . 550 Locust lH. Teleph~. Fall River...... time to com~. , H~s task,' .~~ 'Father' C~gnet . ,Jeannette Dugal 05 4-8225 Priest· at 18 pOints out was ''to lead the rich ,05 2~2391· Christine D'Ambrosio . His father, not soured by his to make a'large plaCe f()'r: charity Rose' Sullivan 05 3-2729 lIOn's . attitude, made' furflher in their lives." With. their help 'Jetfrey' E. Sullivan sacrifice to finance Vince~t's he created the framework and enrollment as a student ot the the organization' ot' charities faculty of theology at. Toulouse, which we now take for granted. O'ROURKE but before Vincent had c.omplet- Before him, these, as we know ed .. his studies, his father. had . them, simply did. Jt<)t. exist. ,Funeral Home clie-d, , " "In 1625 Vincent' founded the .' ;" 571 Sec:Ond 'S,." . '~n 1600, Vincent was ordained, Priests of 'the'Mission, the mern. 469 LOCUST S.TREET: . Fall River, Mass~ a priest. His age was but:l9lk.' bers of which.' were .to apply , FALL· RIVER, MASS. ~If, ..Council of Trent ha~, atthemselves excl\lSi~ely to _the . "OS9-6072" wmpteq to' eliminate the! libuse I salvation of simple country folk -05-2-3381 . ". 'MICHAEL 'J. 'McMAHON w,h;e~eby o.rdination, 'Y!1S con~, who had long be~n ,neglected. ..• Licer\s'ed' Funeral 'DirectOr Wilfred Co .James E. . ~tr~~q, on P:tose too yo~ng aflQ.., One closes this .J>Q.ok feeli.,g . Driscol,l' Sullivan', " Registered 'Embalmer ... Un~easoned for the prlesthooa\. that he knows Vincent de Paul

Lutheran Bishop Cites Red Threat In Jesuit 'University.Address .' ,

Oak Bluffs K .of C Installation Sunday


r-----' _ ·C.P. HARRINGTON


YOUR Oil HEAn ,:.'.·..t~!1 ~~'.'






.... , . '



, . . ,';..JEF.FREY, ·E." ":,,SULLI·VAM'





b~r Uii.s regulation was .st,i~ r~ally well~ Th~ tex't;.is, frimk, bem,g clrCUl:nvented, although. a the pictures pel\etrjlting. Tocensure was attac~ed to· its .in- . gether, they P,u.t,in foctis. for wi ~a~ti~:m. .' '. . ,:. . a very human character and l!: O'f Vincent's act~on in t.his re- prodigious -saint.' . . Spect, Father, Cognet re",arks,' .', . _.. - "We must not be afraid of ad~itting it fr.ankly: St. Vincent de Paul was '1)ot always saintly._ There is a conversion in his 'life, end this conversibr:J comes after. hiS ordination to .th.e ,priesthood. . .Md.n Aubertine Braug~ A,t, tl:te time when he was made' a OWUel' aDd Direc&or P:J:iest he was still the slave of..

:AUBERTINE: ,Funeral. Home

A. ·D. McMULLE.N Inc.



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,::7;8,:,:,,,<:(,1.:,,::;,,. ;,~',:..';9~"",Diocese','o'f,,all!'I,.v~'Th.Y";~~;,l7, l'60,' ,":

~ ~ T'~istefuf U:s~:: of

'Ace::e:ssories' ,',

"! '

I',,{: r.~ase, ,iin "Year

, WASHINGT'ON'(N€)':;"'An,lncrease of 964 affiliates during the , last year was noted in the annual report' of 'the National Council ,of Catholic Women. , , By AHce', Bough Cahill The report submitted by' Bish7 . Perhaps one. of the things which 'wakes you say of . op .Allen J. Babcock, episcopal chairman of the Department :of some homes, "That house' has personality", is' the tasteful L'ay Organizations, 'said that the way iIi- which the owner has, displayed accessories. There is additions brought the total numno denying a home takes on personality with acc~ssories ber of NCCW affiliates to 12,478. The report noted that the addithat fit the individual.- Dec- it to blend with y~ur room's tions' came during a year when , orative 'and useful acces- colors. You don't have to use it there was no intensive organizaBories are the, finishing for wood, of course-it can be tional activity. Two of the new touches for a home. ,We a catchall for toys, or a huge' affiliates are national organizaknow'a lady who is deeply in- wastepaper basket. tions while four are located in terested in historical things, but Perhaps I'm partial to baskets, the new state of Hawaii, the whose family but I found a nice shallow one, report said. wants the most almost a tray, and I use it for Summer Institutes ultra in con, perfume bottles, Bishop, Babcock reported that some 1,400 women took part in. ,temporary livChild-Pleasers , ing. She has inseven Summer institutes, conherited _ Ii 0 m e He're are some interesting acducted by members of the NCCW interesting porcessories that will please a child. headquarters staff. These insti- ., traits- of ancesSuppose he has a collection, of tutes along with the council's tors who, have small animals. He wiJl enjoy biennial convention and its anm if de history, them more and it will be easier nual programs have intensified and old maps 'for you if he has a spec!al place interest in, the'work of NCCW.. and" dee d s . ' to display them. Invest in a cutthe report said. Lucky is she lery tray and hang it lengthwise A need for more intensive to 'have these to hold his treasures. Here's programming was recognized iii lovely art treasures, which she something else a child likes-a TO DIRECT CONCERT: Sister Stephen Helen (left) the report. It said: "StruCturally.. has wisely combined - the old hanging world globe. will direct the Sisters', Glee Club and Sister Stephen Mary the organization and the comand the new. ,!ho,se h~a\,y porcelain mortar, th orchestra for a concert by Religious of the' Holy Union munication channels of NCCW 'The house is contempo,rary, and pestles you see make wone K . h' J . H' h are good, but the structure and 'the furniture is "onteJ11POral;y, ',derful and unusual nut'bowls'for - to be presenteq !3unday, Nov. 27 at ,elt ,~~llor Ig 'the channels are not always but her portraits .and other ac:" ,a,snacktable. Add a tall apothe-, School, New Bedford. ' , reaching enough women with the ' cessories are skillfully grouped cary bottie filled, with ti,dbits proper materials." Programming in a contemporary, asymmetI:ic .. and you'll have ,something a arrangement. Here's the secret:7"'" ',' little different from the conThe programming is done when you're'pla:'ning accessory', tainers com~only used. Hunt ,principally through the NCCW'. treatments, don't overlook fam- through your kitchen shelves, 17 national committees. The reily interests or hobbies. Often. if you. have an interesting old A repeat performance of the Bach to Leroy Anderson, inch.ld- port said that ,lone of the prime ing classical, semi-classical, reU- requisites of program expansion" these can be used to help ,you mold, it is lovely to use at' this Immen'sely popular con ce r t decorate.' time' of ,the year as a 'container offered in September by over gious and contemporary selec,:, is an increase, in professional Take, for inst~nce, the woman. for rosy apples. 100' Sisters of the Holy Union . tion~. Sister Barbara Thomas personnel and an additional budwho likes ~o collect pl~tes. You, Adding new accessories doesn't 'of the Sacr~d Hearts will be will be featured as soprano get, to carry, out the expanded", . .. " will enjoy your coll:chon. mo~e mean you have to spend'lots Of. giir~n at 2, Sunday a~erno~n, soloist in glee ciub numbers arid, work. ," " The report note.d that tl.ie if you share it .by dlsplaym~ It.. money; The corner hardware Nov. 27 at Keith Jumor Hlgh, Sist~r Ja~es Alberta ~s trumpet . NCWC has completed its 40tb, A plate collection adds a b:l?ht ; 'store may ' provide you with 1,111- ,School ilUditoriu~, New Bedford, solOIst wlth ~he ,orchestra. , ,_ ~USIC ~e~rees :C, ,Year of se,r-vice to. the Catholie to';1ch, to ~'corner' of a llvmg usual things" or you may have ,under sponsorship of the New- , , Bc;>th Slsters leadmg the group women of the nation. It recogroom, a dimng room, or a man~el. something out of the 'ordinary man Club of the New Bedford pold ,degrees in music, Sister nized that additional sources of Assuming you .have 'a c9ll~chQn. , on' a: 'kitchen shelf such' as the institute of ~echnology" . of 'plates, .hang them in an ap- mold for apples. 'Many loveiy 'Under direction of Slster Stephen Mary from the New, revenue must be found'to further propriate spot. . accessories that are' real eye- Stephen Helen, glee, club direct- England Conservatory of Music ' the rapidly expanding work of ' You should treat them the catchers startedout'ser-ving dif;. ress; and'Sister Stephen Mary, anq. Sister Stephe~ Helen from the NCCW. " • ,; same way you would pictures, ferent purposes. ' conductor' of the orchestra, 70 Pius X School 'of Music 'a,t Man" thing , ill 0 ffer hattan Colle~e of 'theSacr~ 'January Session , · .' th' by p I acmg em at eye level ;for The first is, to , consider Sisters will sing and,32 w, Heart. ' . :rri~nds of St. Anne's Hospl- _ all to see. White plates look ~est what :iour home needs in the orchestral selections. " Sister Maurice Louise, director tal, Fal~, Rl~er, will hold th,e,ir , , can dirrie~ay: fmd 'f '. '.. TaunOn . a dark ' wall. . YO\~ in the 0 .accessC!rles. Maybe some.. " Coming f rom F a 11 R'ver 1 , adJustable hangers... ,,' thing you have has' good lines ton,' Tiverton and Portsmouth, , of music at St. Mary's, Taunton, annual meeting !n January stores and we sugge,~~'You exper-. and, iii the right size but the ,the Sisters, who ",=i~, be heard will be concert' mistress for the ': when the nominating commitof plates ,... ' ., , . " 1 t hers Thanksgiving weekend eve it t." tee will' ami.ounce a new'slate Of gr'ouplng. t w ith a . 1m~[\,; .. .. cQlor is: wfong. A coat of paint' are mainly c assroom eac ,officers. Recent· projects have abC!v 7 ~ bookc.ase or a c~mfort. can chimgecthat in a jiffy. Here's. "who have had some imisical Sister Stella Marie will be' ' been a successful Christmas sale, " able wmg chalr. For.a .dlffer,ent , where' your imagination comes 'training and who enjoy playing companist for both groups. Some' Sisters have learned ,participation 'in a sale for the " arrangement on the mantel, s~r,;, iD' and it pays off when you' sit and singing together," according round your mantel clock Wlth back and listen to the compJ.,i.. to provincial house authorities. musical in~truments especially blind and a tea for new mem- ;" bers and n'ew student nurses. plates hanging on th,e wall. ments of friends. The program will range from for the concerts. The group has beell practicing as individuals - .... _ Open Cupboal'd since last Easter and complete Are 'You Wearing A An open c'upboard is a good Assign~ent ,rehearsals were held throughout Pretty Hat? place to display plates, cups and ' l the Summer. ' It's saucers. Invest in stands for Tickets for the New Bedford' them. Racks come in sizes to fit SEATTLE (NC)-A nun who dreamed -that Maryknoll had concert are available at Pat either regular or demitasse cups was "on cloud nine" when her doctors," she said. '''But when I McKenna's, LaFrance Jewelers, and saucers and you can get them supeI'iors told her she was to was asked, after my profession Gollis, Apparel, Bowen's FurniSouthern New England'. in wire, wood, or durable, studyinedicine today is her com- of vows, if I'd like to study ture Store, Keating's, Center Largest Millinery Fashion Store mahogany-colored plastic. mU'nity's first Sister-surgeon. medicine, I was on cloud nine." Jewelers, Duclos Pharmacy and 134 SOUTH MAIN STREET Naturally, accessories can' be New Bedford Institute of TechFALL RIVER On Cloud Nine very inexpensive like the won- , Sister Ann Veronica of the nology, all in New Bedford. derful wastepaper basket made Maryknoll nuns, who holds that Sister Ann Veronica is one a(l out of a metal clothes hamper distinction, stopped here en- 17' Maryknoll nun-physicians. (you can discard the lid). Paint route to Pusan, Korea, where She received her medical degree the inside a bright, gay color and she will serve at the Armed in 1956 at Marquette University. cover the outside with a lovely Forces Memorial Hospital. ,Milwaukee. She then spent a old map. This will cost you less Going' to Korea will be "tiM year's internship at st. Mary's than two dollars. fulfillment "of my vocation- Hospital, Rochest~, N.Y., and Do 'y,ouhave a contailler~f?r something ·I've been looking for- two yea,r~' res~c;i~ncy, in. ~urg~ry annl!~ fireplace logs?, Get a' doll~r ward' to for 14 -iear~~, She d8-. ~it 'Slo Vincent'. HOspital. New • YOrk,-' ' ' ,clothes basket and,:'spray ~,aint ',~~r~.,' , -,. , ",'

:G'i,ves'~ H"o'me 'Personality

Hol.y' Union Sisters Wi II Offer Repe'at Show in New Bedford



to Korea Fulfillment Of Maryknoll Sister s Vocation

THE SISTERS OF MERe,y annouilce tlteir

' ',~.,. 'I M' ,. 'h 'N' . '"."" 'Sisteli,,;An~,'Veron~a wilt bel uen~', ew:, ,one . of' ,three :'Maryknoll ,DUIllCaroma

Protector of Religious

Mother Mary Helena, R.$~M., Mother Provincial' of the Sisters of Mercy, announces that Aloisius, Cardinal Muench has been appointed Cardinal Protector of the ~ ....stitute of the Religious Sisters of Mercy of the Union. ' He suceceds the' late Pietro Car din a I Fumasoni .. Biondi. \ Word of the appointment was reeived at the Cumberland, R.I. provincial house from, Mother' Mary Regina, Mother General of the community.

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the 169~bed'hospi.o ~l, which'ls an outgrowth of III plo?eer Mar~knoll clinie ~ , BUSINESS AND ed I.n Pusan In 1951. SIster had wanted to be a d~ DUPliCATING MACHINIS tor since childhood. But eve=. Seeond and Morgan SIs. mo~e she wanted to be a Dun. FALL RtVER She joined the MaryknoH community in 1946, a year after W'f 2-0682 OS 9-Stl graduating from high schooL I!. J. McGiNN, ,fj)r~ "When I entered I never eYall . ~..............~~........~.,..~~...........~~~. . . . . . .~



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Slate Book Talks In Fall River

By Mary Tinley Daly .. Several weeks ago one of these columns, written about Fall housecleaning, mentioned the fact that severl;l.l pairs of "painting pants" plus one "wedding garment" were eherished and preserved at our house. Since then, we have heard from various parts of York dock where they were pre-

the country tbat Durs is nDt

pared !or their mercy trip. From watching the wholesale operation, I can' tell you please tie pairs of shoes together firmly. Can you imagine anything more discouraging than to receive one shoe? Also, don't bother pressing garments, but mending them and replacing missing buttons is a real act of charity. At the point of embarkation, there is a general assembly: men's shoes into one big bin, women's shoes into another; the same for men's and women's outer clothing, underwear; children's clothing, boys' and girls'. From then on, it's a matter of conserving space. A huge press packs down the garments, a con_ veyer packs them into huge drums and they are loaded onto the ship for their mission of mercy. At various ports around the world, they are unpacked, resorted and given to those in need. This part we don't see, but it takes only a brief exercise of the imagination to envisage the joy they bring to those who are cold and in need. Personally, we have never heard from anyone who has received such garments---the very anonymity is part of the charity. However, I did read one letter sent to a point of distribution in this country. A woman wrote. of her delight in receiving warm garments for her husband and children. Touching sidelight Will

the only such treasure-trove. To the nostalgic delight of the owners, to the irritation of the keepers, to the hungry joy of the moths, wch garments abound in your elosets and attics. They certainly do i D ours, but they won't much longer! From Rochester, N.Y., Mrs. B. W. writes: "'Your Head of

:O~~dS H~:~:


like mine, Mrs. Daly. A pair of "ousers goes from business to golfing, to gardening, to painting, growing shabbier at each stage. When doing the Fall bousecleaning, I counted exactly six pairs, about all of which my busband declared, 'I've got to keep these to wear around the bouse!' "With the Bishops' Relief Drive coming up, I'm going to pitch four of these-the best four -with their coats, into our parish box. Four men overseas will have warm and fairly preeentable suits from Rochester. One man in Rochester-a relative to me by marriage-will be clad when I tell him, but not Wltil after the package has lORe."

LoIIIII'btI' . . . Lettel' from a Maryland reIld..: "Our problem concerN sboelI. My husband has scads of 'J.ounctag shoe.,' If I venture 10 put two or three pair in 1IlF Bishops' box be eXpoAuJatea, 'But dear, thOle ' . ~ !or louqging, _d the others are k chance off while lounging!' And the, ..,. women are the saver,'" And from lllinois: "We hay. a 1M of hodge-podge Cluiltll and. blankets accumulated oVet" the ,.ears. Since the children have lOne to their own home. and Dad and I moved into an apart.ent (which they keep too, too warm) we really don't need ~ things. foThere's the down quilt, warm .. can be but with a corner chewed off by a cocker spaniel; a blanket which has become IlOmewhat stiff after being SUbjected to a too-hot bath; a cotton quilt frayed about the edges but, eut up, would serve to snuggle babies. I don't :mow why I've hung onto these-sentiment, perbaps---but I'll keep them no longer." All of these .pare items, ....om your house and ours, are tlBable and real godsends to those Ofi.. the receiving end of the Bishops' bundles. Embarkation Proeed.... Perhaps you have never seen the. way your gifts are llent' abrOad? Some years ~o, I had tile privilege of visiting the New


"The shoulder pads ia the oeata and suits I sewed toaether and they made a love1J' war. blanket for the new baby," So, let's tl'ot tIlem out-at! those "painting pan"," the spare coat laved to "D\8Tbe wear to the grocery store ill the rain," the outgrowns, and the "lounging shoes to change elf. 1r0ill the loupging shoes." How about it!

Mother of Nine Tokes Child Care Course PAMPA (NC)-Mrs. Majaunta Hill has just completed a Red Cross course on "Child and Baby Care" here. She is the mother of nine children. A member of St. Vincent de Paul parish in this Texas community, Mrs. Hill, a former nurse, explained why she took the course. "It's simple. God has been more than generous with me," she said. "So I want to help other mothers learn how to give better care, for babies deserve the best care possible." Mrs. Hill now conducts a class il\ baby and chi14 Cal'e for parishioners.

Reds in Colleges BUENOS AIRES (NC) - A five-day Latin American re~ g10nal conference on communist infiltration in universities, colleges and youth groups will bEi held in Mexico City Marting Sunday, Dec. 4. .

Sacred Hearts Alumnae Pla'n Dance Nov. 26 The Alumnae Association of Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, will sponSor an informal dance from 8 to 12 Saturday Bight, Nov. 26 at St. Andrew'. Memorial Hall, Ocean Grove. Retreshments will be served. Co-chairmen are Jean Mon..ch O'Brien and Elizabeth Connefy Burns. Their ticket eommittee includes Elizabeth Darcy Jette, Veronica Heywood Dunn, Elizabeth Eagan Donllelly, Marjorie Hall Tokan and Mary O'Nell Melker.


POWERS Insurance Agency 43 PURCHASE ST•

BISHOP'S NIGHT IN NEW BEDFORD: Sharing the spotlight at the annual Bishop's Night of the New Bedford Catholic Women's Club were left to right: Mrs. Vincent J. Worden, first vice-president; Bishop Connolly; Mrs. Louis L. Dumont, president; and Bishop Gerrard.

SULLIVAN'S Office Supply, Inc.


STEUBENVILLE (NC)-Mrs. Emma Carter Zeis, a Steubenville community worker for more than 50 years, will receive the College of Steubenville's Poverello Medal on Sunday, Dec. 4. The medal is named for the College's patron, St. Francis of

Paperbacks Continued from Page- One the Episcopal Committee on the NODL, whose chairman is Archbishop William E. Cousins of Milwaukee. The report stated that "prudent commllllity action" is the "most efficacious" approach to the problem of objectionable literature for youth. It said it based its opiniol\ on "the continued extremely liberal attitude of the higher COUI'tc toward obscenity ea8e• . . . UM comparative lack of new au elfecth'e legislation on the *:ate and local level., and the strikinc down by the courts of IOlfte 81[itlting evaluations," Turning to specific eategOl'ietl, tbe NODL offered the follctwinc legislation." Cemie Beeb -Comic books. The self-reeulation program of the Comic. Magazine Association of Amer. ica, now completing its lixth year, is "generally recognized for its achievements H\ the maintenance of high standards." -Magazines. Since its 1959 report, the NODL found 39 magazines "objectionable for youth." Twenty-five of these were in the categories of "adventure," "men's," or "girlie" magazines. Paperbacks -:"Paperback books. The office reviewed a monthly average of ill books of which 52 were found objectionable; figures for 1959 were 88 books reviewed and 36 found objectionable per month. While well established publishers have with some exceptions issued unpbjectionable boola, "marginal" operators "almost without exception ... appear to be morally irresponsible ~nd contemptuous 0 f communitt standard~;" the NODL said;






Open School in Korea's I Most Cathol ie' City MOKPO (NC)-Four American Sisters of Charity have arrived in this most Catholic city in Korea to open a school for girls. It will be the first Catholie school in Mokpo, where one of every 16 persons is a Catholic. This is the first foreign missiOil. accepted by the Sisters of Charit,. of Seton Hill. They came at the request of Bishop HaroW Henry, S.S.C., Vicar Apostolic 01. Kwangju.

How About Trying

Theresa Matthew?


AZUSA (NC)-The Robert N. Smiths have eight sons. When Mrs. Smith went to Santa Teresita Hospital in this California town for the birth &f her ninth child, everyone naturally assumed it would be a boy. I The family had even picked a name. This one would be Matthew. L _ So the ninth baby arrivedI pounds, 9 ounces of girl. --....,r---~-Iu Mother, Dad and the 8 boys were elated-but stumped for a _--l~----r- jlJ name. What was the feminine form of Matthew? Here the Carmelite Sisters of the Third Order, who conduct Santa Teresita Hospital, obviously came to the rescue.

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Assisi, called "il Poverello" (the poor little man) by the people of Assist Mrs. Zeis began social work in this Ohio community in 1917 by helping distribute relief materials to flood victims. She also o~erated a h<lme for working girls in Steubenville. Rector's Widow She was instrumental in starting nursing service in pUblic schools here, was active in the Red Cross and Community Chest, and is a charter member of the Family Service Agency. Mrs. Zeis' second husband, who died in 1942, was rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church here. Mrs. Zeis will receive the Poverello Medal at the founders' day dinner of the College ol Steubenville. The college is conducted by priests of file Third OrGel" Regulae of St. Franc...



flO Mt. Pleasant Skeet Mew IJedfl'l'd WY J-*,

VATICAN CITY (NC) - St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac will be commemorated in a new series of stamps to be issued by Vatican Cit,. State on Tuesday, Dec. 6. The stamps, marking third centenary celebrations in honor of the two saints, will come in three values in three designs. The 40-lire (six-cent) stamp will bear a portrait of St. Vincent, a 70-lire (ll-cent) stamp will bear a portrait of St. Louise, and a third stamp of 100 lire (16 cents) will picture St. Vincent giving a child to the care of St. Louise.




Stanley Oil Co.,lne.

Vatican Stamps Honor St. Vincent, St. Louise

Name Veteran Community Worker For Steubenvi lie College Honor



"Everything for the Office" TYPEWRITERS, FURNfTURE . ADDING MACHINeS 19 Weir St. Taunton, Mots. Tel. VA 4-4076

Forthcoming on the calendar of the Fall River Catholic Woman's Club is the first of a series of book reviews, to be given at the Highland Avenue clubhouse this Sunday afternoon at 3 by. Rev. P. ' Francis of the Boston Archdiocese. The annual Bishop's Night will be held Tuesday, Dec. 13 and will have Bishop Connolly as guest of honor. The Empire Opera Ensemble will be featured as entertainment.




,Tlwrs.,Nov. 17, 1960




, '.;'

T, : :,NCi-:OR-Diocese of Fall. River-Thurs, Nov. 17,1960

NCWC Report to Bishops Cites' -Growth of Activities


Youth Section Adds Members To Program

NCWC Observes Four Decades Of History

WASHINGTON (NC)-Archbishop Leo Binz of Dubuque attributed this year's growth of the NCWC Youth Department to needs arising from two factors on the American scene: the increasing role of organization and an awareness of the usefulness of youth development programs from grade school through college. The Y')uth Department joined with the National Conference of Catholics in Youth Serving Agencies to start a professional periodical, The American Journal of Catholic Youth Work, in January. The circulation of Youth, a NCCY-Diocesan Section publication issued monthly during the school year, doubled to just under 10,000. Newman Program A National Newman Foundation has been incorporated. It will seek funds from other foundations and gifts from individuals to help the Newman Club program. Archbishop Binz said that the work of Newman Club aims towards a new prestige to further its goals. He reported that the National Newman Club Federation sponsored and helped subsidize five Newman Schools of Catholic Thought during the summer of 1960. More than 10,000 copies of "You Are Entering College" were distributed to college freshmen by the federation. The federation accepted 23 new clubs during the year, and sponsored regional leadership weekends and seminars. Revisions in the dues system and in the national executive committee of the National Federation of Catholic College Students, which were approved at the federation's 16th national congress in St. Louis in August, 1959, were put into operation during the year, the report noted. Lay l\Ussioners The federation also undertook to encourage the lay mission movement. Sixteen young people are now serving in Latin America as a result of the federation's program. The National Catholic Camping Association now has a membership of 226 Catholic resident and day camps, an increase of 45 over the previous year, the report said. Exchange Students During the academic year 1959-1960, 100 high school seniors were brought to this country from Europe and Latin America under the International High School Student Exchange Program which the NCWC conducts in conjuction with the U.S. Department of State. The Youth Department began administering the exchange program in September 1959, the report stated.

Catholic Education in the United States grew vigorously in the last 40 years, the NCWC Education Department reported. This is the period over which the department has been making studies. It noted also that coincident with this growth, many and varied activities in the field of general education have touched upon Catholic educational work at many points. These have included the increased interest shown in education by the Federal Government and actions and proposals by private agencies. The report recounted the efforts of the NCWC department to keep up with and to participate in these . developments. Marking the 40th year of itl operation, the NCWC Press Department reported another "tremendous news year," surpassing any that has gone before. The Press Department Said its News Service, which has been called. "by far the most comprehensive world-wide Catholic pre s s agency," met the challenges of a very busy year by expanding its network of correspondents at home and abroad, and by strengthening its bureau ill Rome. Youth Department

BISHOP RECEIVES AFRICAN STUDENTS: Catholics among the 282 East African students flown here recently by the Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation to attend 150 American colleges were received by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, at his New York office. The priest is Father Gordon H. Fournier, W.F., one of the five ad visors who went to Africa to select the students. NC Photo.

Catholic Church Works Gain In Country During Past Year WASHINGTON (NC)-Work of the CatholicChurch in this country moved forward soundly in many directions in the last year. This was reflected in the reports submitted by departments and bureaus of the National Ca tholic Welfare Conference to the Archbishops and Bis"hops of the United States at their annual general meeting here. The NCWC is a vol u n tar y organization . through which the Bishops of church and state are ener- its files on request, and codeal' getically challenging laws and ordinated the activities of 70 of the Unl'ted St"'t'eg diocesan information bureaus. q customs in which the state cowith matters of common operates with religion in any The NCWC Business Management office reported that the interest on the national level. way. There is evidence of a new addition of the NCWC Establishment of the Latin strong secularist thrust emergheadquarters building will be American Bureau in NCWC was ing, the report said. completely finished by Decemthe most significant developThe National Council of Cathment of the past year. Through olic Men reported that last year's ber. It also reported that it had this bureau, the U.S. Hierarchy activities featured a continued distributed 360,509 copies of vacooperates' with the papal pro- growth in the field and a re- rious NCWC publications durgram to aid the Church in Latin organization aimed at greater ing the past year. The American Board of CathAmerica. efficiency at its national' head... olic Missions reported that reThe NCWC Social Action De- quarters. It reported hu'merous ceipts and dis burs e men t s partment continued its efforts new affiliations. to bring Christian social pri n The National Council of Cath- reached new heights in the ciples to bear upon "the great olicWomen reported 964 new' course of the year. , United Nations social changes of the day." Usaffiliates joined the federation New international trends, ining the papal social encyclicals during the last year:' This cluding the emergence of newly and the statements of the U.S. brought the total number of afindependent countries in underBishops as "the principal tools filiations to 12,478. Steps toward of its trade," the department mol' e intensive programing developed areas, were noted in the report of the NCWC Office sponsored writings, talks, con- within the organization were infor United Nations Affairs; ferences, short-term schools and dicated. pamphlets, and worked with The NCCM and NCCW make which said these trends have other groups to advance the up the NCWC Department of brought increased visitors to its office in New York. ideals of justice and charity. Lay Organizations. The Confraternity of ChrisLegal Departm~nt Information Bureau tian Doctrine announced that The interests of religion, morThe NCWC Bureau of Inforthe fourth volume of its transality and religious institutions mation report cited evidence lation of the Old Testament will are impinged upon by public that the bureau has won a repbe published in February, 1961. questions at many different and utation among newsmen for The new volume, fourth of five unexpected points, it Was indi- professionalism and reliability. on the Old Testament, will cover cated in the report of the NCWC The bureau distributed 296 gen18 books of the Bible, from Legal Department. At the same eral and specialized news reIsaias to Malachias. Still to be time, persons and groups dedi... leases, provided special backdone are the historical books of cated to the absolute separation ground articles and data from the Old Testament.

·THE ANCHOR-Oiockse of FaU River-Thurs, Nov. 17, 1960

The NCWC Youth Department reporting impressive growth in the year attributed it to twe fatcors: the increasing role 01'ganization plays in the United States and an appreciation of the value of youth development programs. Diocesan and parQchial affiliations with the National Council of Catholic Youth increased "significantly," it Wall stated. A total of 51,500 persons were involved in 44,036 cases handled by the NCWC Department, of Immigration, its report said. The department revealed that the U.S. State Department is helping it with its' appeals for persons trying to get relatives from Iron Curtain countries to the U.S. The State Department accepts the 'appeals from the NCWC department to transfer to authori- ' ties in communist countries. The NCWC Family Life Bur- : eau reported growing interest ia training for marriage and family living: The NCWC Bureau of Health and Hospitals said the National Federation of Catholic Physi. cian's Guilds now has more thaa 6,000 members and that 121 dioceses are represented in the organization of Bishops' Representatives for Catholic Hospitals. The National Council of Cath- olic Nurses reported 104 diocesaa affiliates, seven of them 0btained in the last year.

Church/sN'ational Depa'rfments Increase Scope and Work Military Diocese Reports Serious Chaplain Shortage WASHINGTON (NC)-An already serious shortage of Catholic chaplains in the U.S. armed forces threatens to worsen, according to His Eminence Francis Cardinal Spellman. But the Cardinal said at the same time that "our obligations to our own serfor local Catholic schools, hosvicemen should take pre- pitals and orphanages throughcedence over our desires to out the world. Another $75.159 provide priests for other was donated to mission collections. needs of the Church." Annual Report Cardinal Spellman made this point in his report to the annual meeting of the U.S. Hierarchy WASHINGTON (NC) ~Con­ here on the Military Ordinariate, the diocese which has tinued growth in the field plus a reorganization aimed at pro spiritual jurisdiction over Cath<11'- servicemen and women and . moting greater efficiency at the their families living with them. home base featured the past The Cardinal Archbishop of year's activities of the National New York is also Military Vicar Council of Catholic Men. Bishop Allen J. Babcock of for the U.S, Armed Forces. Grand Rapids, Mich., episcopal The report reveals that there are only 311 Catholic chaplains chairman of the Department of Lay Organizations, said in the on active duty in the Army-91 short of the ·...,inimum require- NCCM annual report: "The year ment. The Navy has 261 priests under report has been marked on active duty as chaplains, 33 both by consolidation of previous below the quota. "The situation progress and continued growth, particularly in the areas of orin the Air Force is less critical. While 333 chaplaincies are au- ganization, development, programming, training and apostolic thorized, 311 are assigned. The shortage of priests in the formation." Additions services is further highlighted The report noted the addition in reports by the chiefs of chaplains of the three major services. of two diocesan councils and one national organization to the Only Denomination NCCM during the year. It listed The, Navy situation is grim: the following status Of NCCM "The Catholic Church is the affiliates: national organizations, only major denomination that is 17; diocesan councils, 54; parish not filling its established quota and interparochial organizations and it places us in a very un:- in, affiliated diocese, 7,885; dif.avorable position with the mili- rect parish and interparochial tary. Further, every unfilled affiliates in unaffiliated Sees, Catholic allowance is given to 486, and state organiiations, 19.the denomination that can proPrograms v·ide the caliber of clergymen NCCM's regular schedule of we require for our global com,radio and television network mitments." "As we consider the number programming during the year included 121 ,half-hour radio of chaplains who have been serving since the early years of programs and 50 half-hour television programs on the nation's World War, II it is apparent that , in the next few years there will three leading networks - NBC, be many vacancies in the chap~ CBS and ABC. The report also noted that lain corps because of normal retirements," Cardinal Spell- negotiations are under way with man said in assessing prospects the ABC-TV network to pl'ovide for the future. . free time for Catholic religious programming and said "barring Records unforeseen complications the The military Ordinariate re- ABC series will be added to , port said its records for the past NCCM's growing TV apostolate year show 40,899 baptisms, 15,- in the fall of this year." 376 first Communions, 9,264 Confirmations and 8,148 marriages. It said that American service pen;onnel and families contribReceipts of the American uted $313,283 through the chapBoard of Catholic Missions durlains in the course of the year ing the last year totaled $3,075,887.17" Archbishop Joseph E. Ritter of St. Louis, board treasDE KALB (NC)-Bishop Lo- urer, disclosed in the board's annual report. ras T. Lane of Rockford, 111., blessed the new Christ the "I am happy to state that the Teacher Chapel and Newman receipts and disbursements of Center at Northern Illinois Uni- ' the American board reached new versity. The new $400,000 faciliheights during 1959-60;" Bishop ties will serve the spiritual needs Ritter reported. He said that the disbursements amounted to of 2,000. Catholic students at.:$2,891,193.76. tending the university.




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Mission Board Has . Record Receipts

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WASHINGTON (NC) _ More than 4,700,000 services of various kinds were provided to members of the U.S. Armed Forces in 1959 by the National Catholic Community Service, a member agency of the USO, the NCCS annual report stated. These services inclUded counseling, group activities, informa_ tion and religious assistance according to the report, Which' was submitted by Msgr. Paul F. Tanner, secretary to the NCCS board of trustees. An over-all armed force of 2,500,000, including 32,000 'Nomen, was maintained (he past year, the report noted. Special tribute was paid in the report to the late Bishop Howard J. Carroll of AltoonaJohnstown. "Through his tireless efforts," the report said, "the NCCS came into being." Bishop Carroll was one of the original members of the NCCS executive committee. Clubs The report noted that in operation during the past year were some 68 NCCS-staffed usa clubs, offices and extension units, and USO-type NCCS independent units. Fift.,y - nine NCCS or NCCS-affiliated fUll_ time professional staff m;mbers were serving in these operations on December 31, 1959. The report stated that in 1959 the NCCS distributed almost 300,000 religious pamphlets rosaries and medals to armed forces personnel, and that the number of these items given out during the first three months of 1960 was over 60 per cent higher than in the first quarter of 1959.

The broad and vigorous growth of Catholic education in the United States in the past 40 years was outlined in the report of the N.C.W.C. Department of Education. The Department presented a "cross section" of the many activities of its staff members in possible. the past year, and also takes The report praised Catholic a quick look at the numerolls participation in a national effort " . . aimed at identifying the kinds of speCIal developments In the talents-aptitudes and abilitiesgeneral field of American edu- present in the nation's populacation." It particularly notes the tion. influence the s e developments The department shares the h ave h a d on th e C a,th 0 I'IC f'Ie Id t" . t t . 9f d t· na IOn s meres III problems pre;iS~~~ I~~~rence J. Shehan of sented .bY t~e dilemma of college . ' . educatIOn m th·~ future. The Bru;Igeport, Conn., epIscopal report cited studie b ' t chairman of the department, re. s y a prIva e ported that while the U. S. popu- agency ~hlCh. ~how that costs . . . are steadIly rIsmg and parents lahon Increased 70 per c,:nt ~n of the country expect their chilthe last 39 years-the period In . . . HOSIlitais which the NCWC de artment dren to receIve college trammg The report revealed that the · p , th but fewer than half of 'he famh as b een ma k mg surveys e '1' k'" NCCS-VA Hospital Service proCatholic population increased I les ar~ ma mg ~lI1ancIaI 'plans gram is now operating in 171 120.9 per cent; while the general to prOVide for thiS education. VA hospitals, 96 Sees and four U. S. school-age population (5 to . The department showed deep types of VA institutions. 17 years inclusive) grew 59.6 per mteres~ in studie~ and experiA significant contribution, the cent the Catholic school age mentatIOn that aim to lift the report said, was that during 1959 pop~lation increased 164.2 per level of American education. more than 6,600 volunteers per cent; while the Catholic elemenThe report stated that the month donated their services to tary and secondary schools en.,. NCWC Foreign Visitors Office USO-NCCS operations. and averolled 7 per cent of the total U. S. received more than 100 foreign raged over 100 hours each for school-age population in 1920, leaders and dignitaries during the year, compiling a total of they enrolled 11.6 per cent in the year, that the Office reported \ 672,125 hours of service. 1959. that 48,486 foreign students were The report noted that the prin, The report dealt with national enrolled in U. S. colleges and cipal means of financing USO developments in education, in- universities during the year operations comes from the naeluding the expanding interest 1959-60, and that 4,872 were in tion's Community Chests and of the Federal Government, Catholic schools exclusive of inUnited Funds, and it urged conthrougr the Department of stitutions for Women Religious tinued support by Catholics, so Health, Education and Welfare only. that the NCCS can continue te and other agencies; ahd with fulfill its responsibilities to U.S. studies and projects originating miiltary personnel. with large and important private WASHINGTON (NC) - The agencies. Where and how these Catholic Committe for Refugeesdevelopments to U c h e d upon National Catholic Welfare ConThe National Council of CathCatholic educational work in the ference has since 1946 assisted olic Nurses reported that it now U. S. is discussed, and Catholic in the resettlement of 3,877 chil- has 104 diocesan affiliates, seven participation is sketched in cases dren, exclusive of, Hungarian of which became affiliates bewhere such participation was' refugees. tween July, 1959, and July, 1960.


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Catholic Education Growth Vigorous Over Years


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AT JUBILEE CELEBRATION: At banquet feting Rev. Joseph S. Larue, pastor of Sacred Heart Church, North Attleboro, on the golden jubilee of his ordination are, left to right, Rt. Rev. Alfred J. E. Bonneau, Bishop Connolly, Father Larue, Bishop Gerrard.





Catholic Groups Provide Services For Forces

Council of Men Reports Growth







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The ;~,ntft6lic:inAI1'l,Ci'r:i~g~ ';,/\\;:,'b;:~~,

Cathol'ic W orld~s"Y'~u "gest Bishop Writes Best Seller

Catholic America loves novenas. It is a fact that some novena services will draw a greater attendance during the week than the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Piety is in danger of being reduced to petition. "Give me" takes the place of "Make me." When the Prodigal Son left home he said to his father, "Give me my share," but humbled and purified, he returned to his father saying "Make me one of thy servants."

By Rev. Peter J. Rahill. Ph.D. One author's first book did as much for the Church as all other American publications of the 19th century combined. The keen bright eyes of James Gibbons were aided by the salutary as~iO'Tlmont<: he had filled. As a young priest he had been a country pastor sured the nominee from Maine in Maryland. When l"atner that we "don't propose to . . • Gibbons became the young-- identify ourselves with the party est bishop in the entire whose antecedents are rum, Catholic world in 10Ui3 ii.S charge was the State of North Carolina. At his episcopal censecration it b.ad been called a "d e s e r t of Catholicit y." But Bishop Gibbons 10 v e d and was loved by his people, and the same was true after his transfer to Virginia as Bishop of Richmond. The consequence of these years of thinking and preparation was the publication in the last days of the centennial year of The Faith of Our Fathers. S'lCcess was both astonishing and immediate! Within six months after publication the book already had sold through the fourth revised edition. In the introduction the author !lad declared: "Should the perIlSaI of this book bring one soul to the knowledge of the Church, my labor will be amply rewarded." Be8& Seller J:ven more than in the number 01. copies was the work in this respect a "best seller."In receiviDe the Cardinal Gibbons Medal at the Catholic University OIl. America, historian Carleton J. II. Hayes recalled that 50 years before he had been guided into the Church by The Faith of Our Fathers. An Irish well-digger gave a copy to a woman for whom he was working, and she, too, joined the faithful. Ascribing his conversion to the same source, the fonner Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Delaware said: "I have come to see that the Roman Catholic Church is the best guarantee for preserving the Christian ideals of American life." The appeal to the people of such wide diversity of tastes and training is best accounted for by the compliment from a South Carolina pastor: "Everything in the book is as clear as a sunbeam." In all, more than 2,000,000 eopies ' 13ve been sold. Like Old Man River, The Faith of Our Fathers keeps rolling along today 85 years after its initial release. Named Delepte Less than a year after the publication of this book James Gibbons became Archbishop of the original see in this country, Baltimore. :ie left Protestant Virginia convinced, as he said, that the state W"lS blessed with people who had "a broad religious toleration and a social fraternal spirit." Not many years after his elevation Archbishop Gibbons was appointed Apostolic Delegate for the III Plenary Council of Baltimore. It opened less than a week after Grover Cleveland was elected the first Democratic President since the outbreak of the Civil War. But a few days prior to the voting an incident had occurred which proved two things. First, the anti-Catholic spirit was not dead, despite Gibbons' pleasant experience in Virginia. Secondly, American Catholics had lost some of their submissiveness and when provoked were ready to assert themselves. 'Rum, Romanism .. .' The occasion arose when a group of Republicans was presented to James G. Blaine, the confident G.O.P. candidate. Acting as spokesman, Presbyterian ~ter l:!am,uel T. Burchard as-

Romanism, and rebellion." Blaine did not repUdiate the linking of Catholics with drunkards and ::evolutionaries, and Democrats immediately capitalized on the remark. A great-aunt of the writer related that handbill reminders were distributed outside St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York the following Sunday morning. With its important Catholic population that state was carried by Cleveland by a little more than 1,000 votes, and thereby he became the national victor. Catholic Schoo.. The voice of the people having been heard, the 300 churchmen who conven 0 d in Baltimore the following Sunday ignored the incident completely. Among the 319 decrees of this Council, those on Catholic education showed the determination of the American hierarchy to expand and improve despite any opposition. In this year of 1884, 500,000 children were attending parochial schools. Readers will recall that this was the total Catholic population in the United States but 55 years before The assembled bishops told the people that "no parish is complete until it has schools adequate to the needs of its children." They urged the faithful not to "relax their efforts til their schools be "levated to the highest educational excellence." J_es Cardinal GlbboDB America had been honored ia 1875 with the appointment 01. its first member in the College of Cardinals, Archbishop John McCloskey of New York. Too ill to attend the council iR Baltimore, he died within the year. There could hardly have been a dissenting voice among the 9,000,000 Catholics then in the United States at the choice of his successor. The slight form of James Gibbons, a bit less than average in height, had grown in the mind's eye of the faithful to something akin to King Saint Louis IX astride his charger. For 35 years His Eminence wore the red hat, gently but firmly guiding the Catholic Church in these United States. Next week: APA Causes Violent Outbreaks.

AUXILIARY: Msgr. David M. Mahoney has been appointed Titular Bishop of Ruspae and Auxiliary to Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of Denver. Bishop-elect Mahoney, who has been chancellor of the Denver archdioecse since 1954 was ordained in 1936. He holds a doctorate in canon law from Rome's Apollinare University. NC Photo.

Assist Nations Continued from Pa&"e 0_ jeopardize their chances for complete emancipation." Aid to underdeveloped countries must be based on moral principles, he said, and above all must take into account the dignity of man. It was then that tIM Cardinal called for a major Catholic effort on behalf of the peoples of the underdeveloped regions of the world. He said: "It is our duty t.o participa" itt. this development campaiga which was started, without _ if not against lIS, a long time ago. If we do not immediately tackle this problem as a whole, with aU itl! material and spiritual impUcations; we may, once more, be too late in offering a solution for this 2Oth-centurr lOCial IIUe.tion." The 71-year-old Prince OIl. the Church urged Pax Christi it8e1f "first of all to inform those whO are active iIi this field that development should not just be agricultural, industrial or social, but concerned with men witll bodies and souls." He added: "Pax Christi does not intend to ignore or duplicate the existing iJl.ternational organizations which have assumed the task OIl. assisting underdeveloped countries in their own efforts to impjrove living conditions. But we must vivify these organizations and their activities througll our presence, our testimony, our prayers and our readiness to assume part of the burden wit• an apostolic spirit."

Taunton Regional High School Contin.ed FrOID Pace ODe system through the constructiOil of ,regional high schools. The Sisters' lounge in the convent constitutes another big gift for the school. Meanwhile, the secoild major phase of the fund drive got unq,erway last night at the first meeting and training session of the memorial gifts committee held at St. Joseph's School Hall in Taunton.. More than 600 men, representanng the 13 parishes which will participate in the drive, attended the session. Rev. William D. Thomson, director of Bishop Feehan High School drive in Attleboro which was most successful last year, and Robert McGowan, who served as memorial gifts chairman in the Attleboro drive, were guest speakers. Also speaking to the large group of workers were Father Lyons and Rev. Cornelius O'Neill, who explained the mechanics of the mem()rial donations. 8eeond SessioR A second training session of the memorial workers will be held Tues., Nov. 22 at St. Joseph's hall, with Dr. Clement Maxwell, general chairman of the drive in the Taunton area, as guest spea~~. Worket'J will

begin solicitations Nov. 23 after receiving individual cardS for their respective parishea. There are 1750 listed as possibleaOn-' ors to the school. Tlle· :rp.emorial, gifts drive will be carried on from Nov. 23 through Dec. 7. First official reports are due at a meeting Noy. 30, with second reports _ Dec. 7. Tonight at the CYO hall, special gifts committee workeN will make their first reports. Starting Nov. 25, Father Lyons reports, a committee of women, under the 1irection of Mrs. Timothy Neville, will man the phones at campaign headquarters nights and Sundays taking returns as they are called in until the drive is completed _ Dec. 1.

Three Vocations Continued From Pace ODe gence of their students with _ honest cultural and civic eHcation. ''Doctors - iR the same war that priests care for souls-are expected to take care of bodies, treat them, cure them, relieve suffering and ellcourage a1sG tho s e Christian Rntimen. which make one accept pai, th\is_ \!nnobJ~ !t.~

It is not desirable or wise to do away with novenas, for Our Blessed Lord after His Ascension kept the Apostles to a novena of days in expectation of the Spirit. But it IS desirable to correct certain abuses, namely that our prayers should be for our own intentions exclusively, that our repetition of the prayers becomes automatic, that a ilOvena imposes no asceticism, self-denial, or thanksgiving on our part, and finally that it is divorced from the general intentions of the Church.

To remed~ this situatioR, iu· the Jul,.. August issue of MISSION we wrote a new kind of Novena. It was new: 1. Because the prayers changed frOIll lIay to day.

Z. Because prayer without -sacrifice is not as potent as prayer with sacrifice, a union which is complete in this novena. Our Lord told the Apostles that certain types 01 evil are driven out only ''by prayer and fasting." 3. Because it put no roof or limit on the way we would reproduce Christ's Cross in our souls durin&" the Novena. . 4. Because' our petition is not selfish or individualistic, b.t _ited to the general mission of the Church in the world. We have received many letters of approval and have been deluged with requests for extra~pies of MISSION. The supply is already exhausted. One priest wrote, "At last this is a real novena, but I have not yet had the courage to start it." We have decided to publish tile Novena in pamphlet form. ,.0. would be willing make a small sacrifice, we will forward til. to yo•. Send saerifices and requelRs the Father






throu&"h hla Societ,. for the ProPa&'ation of the Faith. In Ute JDe&Iltime ,join with .. fa prayer that the Catholics of Ameriea _,. think "first and prineipall~" of the Hoi,. Father ""heu tlleF tlaiuk ., tile Missions. GM Love Y... GOD LOVE YOU to M.T. f.oI' $5 HI enclose thi8 analt lIIlCl'ifice ill honor of Our Blessed Mother since I was not able to receive HolJ' Communion on the first Saturday of the month." ••. to Anon for . . "I have never made a sacrifice that hurt. This HI for the PropaI&tion of the Faith in the hopes that the spirit of Iel1 denial will eome to me." ••. to H.E. for $2 ''I have just completed your new DOvena. This amount w,hich was not easy to part with, repreeen. the "required sacrifices." . . . to Mrs. T.M.Ie. "Encloeed Ie a check fOl' $12.70. $2.'70 is for the desserts I gave up durin« the Novena. The rest is in thanksgiving for bleHin18 I have received."

Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to the lIoet Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y.. or your Diocesan Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINZ, 368 North Main Street, Fall River, Mass.

DAUGHTERS OF, ST. PAUl 1"..ito,OVlI1I ..... (14-21) to .. ct.ri.t'...... viII.,ard •• _ A ef .... Editiofts, Radio. Mo..i.. and r... risiOIl. Whit th_ ....... _ . . ..... 'o\ission." Si.te.. Itrine Chritt'. DoctriM to all, ,...reI.." of race, co'" or ..... For illformatiOll write to: IlEV. MOTHER SUPERIOR Ie M. PAUl'S AVE. BOSTON 10. MAH.


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FULL PROGRAM: Girls belonging to the Greater Fall River CYO with headquarters at the Catholic Community Center, Franklin Street, enjoy a full sports program. Left, roller skaters prove they can dance on wheels. Left to right, Ellen Tobin, Margaret Goulet, Geraldine Rapoza, all of St. Mary's Cathedral. Center, basketball is popular as girls practice for

Faith, Charity Basis of Work Fo.. ,~eunion FERRARA (NC) ...... The. head of the Holy See's new secretariat on Christian un;, ity has counseled a middle'

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league competition. They represent many parishes of the Fall River area. Right, bowlers have their time in the sun too. Bowling is Phyllis Baiocchi, St. Mary's Cathedral; right, behind her, Agnes Desnoyers; Immaculate Conception. Seated, left to right, Janet Dussault, St. Jean Baptiste; Carol Graci, Holy Rosary.

Bright "Pinnies" Herald League Basketball For Girl Members of Fall River CYO

. CommUDl'ty Center, F a11 R'Iver, these days. It ' Th ere ' s a dd e d co1or at th e c' at h ohc , comes from bright "pinafores" worn by members of the newly organized CYO basketball, league for' girls. Santo' Christo girls wear 'bl u~ and gold' "pinnies" and Sacred Heart is gay in red and white. St. Patrick's lassies are in green and white' (what else?) and the Cathedral team wears white and blue. Other choices are bl k d h't f St J ac an' w 1 e or . ean Baptiste gold and blue for

course between optimism and pessimism in regard to the possible reunion of the Christian churches.' . ' ,s.and blue, and ,whIte , Augustin Cardinal B,ea, S,J., St. MIchael said here in Italy: that "one for SS. Peter and Paul. Other must certainly have no illu-. parishes have colors equally sions" about the prospects of gay., . " achieving Christian unity. "It is Tile girls are practicing bas~..., a task which will require much ketball' techniques this month time, much charity, and much under direction of Miss Mary patience," he said. Cronin and Miss Gertrude 0'The' German-born Scripture,· Neill, coaches. On the F,east of scholar heads the secretariat the Immaculate Conception the charged with keeping non-Cath- first league game will take olic' Christians informed of per- place. t me? ' t ac t'IVI't'Ies. concern i ng. th e Girls are divided into junior co~mg ec~m~mcal.counCil;, He and senior leagues, The "little t saId of ChrIstIan umty tha: one. ,leaguers" ar~ seventh and eighth mu~t n?t lack that confIdence graders, while seniors comprise WhICh ,~s based above all on the four years of high, school. prayer... About 200 girls -representing The JeSUIt CardlI~al said t~at more than 12 parishes are alin the work of achieving umty ready participating in this newthe Catholic attitude contains two essential elements: 1) belief in personal. salvation through faith, accompanied by maximum c·-· to safeguard the complete integrity of Catholic dogma; and 2) an attitude of understanding and of true and active charity toward those of other faiths. Necessary Caution . The first element, he, declarea, ,does not, as might seem, place a limit on charitYI but is a necessary caution for charity to 'remain genuine. It is a fact, Cardinal Bea said, that "an everincreasing number of Christians of all denominations are associating themselves with the prayer (for unity) of Christ, the High Priest at the Last Supper." He added, quoting from St. Luke, that "things that are impossible with men are possible with God."

~: j~

Deplore Racism In School Fight, , DETROIT (NC)-A Catholic 'agency has entered a commu ity - school fight by condem~ing racial integration. ' The Detroit archdiocesan Committee for Human Relations ' quot,l;!d. a 1958 state~ent of the u. S. BIShops that saId: 'ILegal segregation, or ?ny form, of compulsory segregatIon, in itself and by its very nature imposes a stigma of inferiority upon the' segregated people:.• We cannot reconcile such a judg, ment with the Christian view of man's, natul'e and rights." Th '. 'tt' , e commi ee was commenting on a controversy that erupted over plans to transfer pupils,' most of .them Negroes, from overcrowded public schools to three Detroit. less crowded ones in nortnwest



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Catholic' Ull1iversity Honors Physicists

WASHINGTON (NC) - A. Catholic physicist and his onetime pupil and collaborator have been honored. by the Catholi~ Unlversity of America. ' .Dr, Karl F, Herzfeld, professor of physics at Catholic University, received the Cardinaf Gibbons Medal for 'lervice to the nation, the Church and the university. William -J, Thaler, an alumnus of Catholic University who, produced a system of monitoring nuclear explosions and roek ~ firings anywhere in the world, received an alumni ae8Ociatioll science award.



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THE ANCHOR....:Di~eseof Fan-River..:...rhurs, Nov. 17,'1960.



Study W r.itings in Beatification Cause 'of .Archbishop Cieplak

.' ,

House and Book Fair

VATICAN CITY (NC)-The and-by Pope Pius XI. Sacred Congregation of, Rites Archbishop Cieplak was bom has studied the writings of .the in 1857 at Dombrova in the first Catholic archbishop se.n- Diocese of Kielce, a' part of tenced to death by, a Soviet Czarist Russia that later became court as a counterrevolutionary. Polish. However, he spent the The study was made with a greater part of his life in Rwr,. view to the beatification of sia. Archbishop John Baptist CiepAt the time of his arrest and lak, who died in Passaic, N.J., trial, he was Auxiliary to Archin 1926. bishop Edward de Ropp of MoArchbishop Cieplak became hilev, the leading Russian See. an international figure in 1923 When the latter was' forced to when he was the center of' a~ leave Russia due to communist antireligious trial at Moscow. persecution, Archbishop Cieplak He was charged with "having became administrator. protested the confiscation of ecComes to U.S. clesiastical property and with After Archbishop Cieplak was fomenting counterrevolution' by released from the Butrika prison superstitious acts." in Russia, he went to Rome. He Death Sentence remained there fo:: more than a The then head of the Catho- year, recuperating from the eflie Hierarchy in Russia was sen- fects of his experiences in Rustenced .to execution. But world- sia. 'wide protests, spearheaded by Archbishop Cieplak landed in the Vatican Relief Mission and New York on.Nov. 10, 1925, and the Polish government, resulted then went to Washington, where in the sentence being commuted he was received by President to 10. years' imprisonment. Calvin Coolidge. He was released from prison The Archbishop died of pneu,:" ' . a year later in a prisoner-ex- monia in St. Mary's Hospital, change' deal on condition that Passaic, N.J., on February 17.. he leave Russia. 'He died in' the' 1926, at the age of 69. His death '. United' States in 1926, . shortly '.' came on the ,eve of his projected after, he .had been named Archdeparture for Poland to ta~e po.. bishop of \Tilna-then in ;Pol~ session ofthe Viina See.. ," . ' :-.,' , '!', .' ;':.,;

.T heParishParade

ST. PIUS X. ST. P' 1"ICK, SOUTH YARMOUTH FALL RIVER A turkey whist wl't be held in A Christmas bazaar and gift the school tonight with parish raffola will be held in the church priests and' "IffiCials of the hall from 3 to 10:30 Monday, Women's Guild in charge of ar- Dec. 5 by the Women's Guild. rangements. The guild will hold A chowder bar, home-baked its annual Christmas sale in the food, gifts, handwork, religious school hall Monday and Tuesday, articles and white elephant Nov. 28 and 29. The yearly tables will be featured, also chilHOLY NAME, Christmas party is set for Mon- dren's games. FALL RIVER day, Dec. 12. . A silver tea service will be The unWs sewing group meets awarded as a special prize, and Mrs. John J. Neilan will be president of the Altat and Ros- on the second and third Mondays another tea' service will be a ary Society for the coming sea- of each month. bonus at the raffola. Mrs. John son, aided by Mrs. Bernard Sul- llMMACULATE CONCEPTlON...- ·F. Martin and Mrs. Dennis J. livan, vice president;· Mrs. NORTH FALMOUTH O'Connor are co-chairmen. Thomas F. Higgins Sr., treasurer; The Altar Guild will meet Members are participating in 'Mrs. Thomas P. McNally, secre- Wednesday, Dec. 7 ,t the home a spiritual bouquet to be offered tary. of Mrs. Frank Miller, Pine Street, Bishop Connolly at Christmas. A bazaar will be held in ·the North Falmouth. The unit contributed to, a School aUll.itorium from 1 to 9 OUR LADY OF ASSUMlPTION, Newman Club chapel fund for Saturday, Nov. 19. OSTERVILLE Bridgewater State Teachers ColThe Women's Guild will hold lege and has also made aprons HOLY CROSS, a Christmas bazaar from 11 to 3 for the Sisters at Rose HawFALL RIV~R Saturday, Dec. 3 in Veterans 'thorne Home. This will be a . . Mrs. Stella Jennings will head Hall. j will benefit the continuing project, with the at committee in charge· of a tur- church'Proceto: building fund 'md Mrs. sewing group to hold its next key sOCial, with ,date to be an- Robert Sims ill be general meeting at the ho.me of Mrs. nounced soon. . cha ···man. Jerome Canning. ' Booths will include gifts, Election of officers is sched8T. MARY'S CATHEDRAL. foOd. .. white· elephants, grabs, . uled for the 'next regular guild FALL RIVE~' greens 'and religious' .articles. .·meeting. 'The Women's Gulld will make . ( $100 donation to the BiShop'. Other, features ,will' include' a· ':~~L~N~~ER" Ball. The annual Christmas party snack bar aI1.d "peclal prizes.,., HOLY ROSARY, is planned for Monday, Dec. 5, Boys of St. Anne's parish wishwith, Mrs: Charles Richards ·,as ' FI - l.. Rr',~R ' The. Women!s Guild will' hold' ing to' become c: ub ' Scouts are chairman. Gift::: will be given to invited to attend an open house, first grade students of the parish its annual Christmas' party Mon- roundup and parents" r~view to the Priesthood aDd to the ~eliglous Life have marked lb. school' instead of being ex-' day, Dec. 5 with ~-:'s. Armand party to ,be held in the school 'reiurn of many people 01' Ki\TTANAM In SOUTH INDIA to changed between guild members; Rousseau and Mrs. Emile Durand . onion wi'h 'I.e Hoi" See. Separated recreation hall at 7 tomorrow to ) ' on , . The annual Christmas,sale will . as co-c h airmen. Mrs. Alphonse . . ~I'to.~.. • :from Rome centuries ago, these peobe held from 2 to 9 Friday; Dec. Saulino and Miss Rose Saulino "night. Den skits and games will ,'''' I..... ,pl_ .'are, '''--i--I-- •• r,e&una ~ t.'11 be' h be featured·'and parents 'are inu~ v 1106 ........ .., 2 at the parish school. A requiem WI . ~.. ,Church In sizeable Dumbers. Whea _.r.. or D 10 ~ barge of t:.le altar vited to accompany their lIOns, Mass for deceased members is d urmg. ecem er. ~ '!.! 0 ~issioD""" according to Cubmaster R e n e · J . . . .." - , work begaD here • few scheduled for 8 this Saturday. ST. JEAl'- BAPTISTE. Tremblay Jr. ~ : s years ago, • simple shed was erec&ed morning. FALL RIVER :~ (I' .for the celebratioD of Mass aDd for .. The Council of Catholic Women ST. ROCR, + + otber religious services. TbJs a&ruoIMMACULATE CONCEPTION, will hold a Christmas l'arty 'FALL RIVER tore Is DOW totaDy Inadequate a1D~ FALL RIVER The Woinen's Guild will sponthe number of "reWmees" ~ Ioc~ The Women's Guild'will hold Monday, Dec. 12 in the parish . sor'a bridge and whist party at log anOuaDy. To build a Chareh will a day of recollection from 1 to , " hall. 7:30 Saturday night, Nov. 19 io., .71Jt HDJ, PIIIhri MissitItt Aid eoai $4,000. . TbJs Mission Field··1s Sunday afternoon, Dec.· 4 in the ST. CASIMIR, the parish hall, 889 Pine S t r e e t . k a l y : "ripe UDto· the harvest.~ YOUI' church. The, Annual Christmas· NEW BEDFORD St. Casiinir Circle will hold a Proceeds will benefit the convent '{or tht 0ritRIa/ CJJlml1' help In' the form of a doDaHoD, DO··, party will: be held' at 7:30 card party Satiirday;' Dec. 3 ,in building fund..Mrs. Manuel·~. matter how smaD it· ma, be, will give'lIlJ the meana Deeded .. .M onday night, Dec. ' 5. in the the church hall. The unit will Soares,' chairman, ailOounceil that· , . •aiber &Ids parileolar h a r v e s t . . · ' ' church hall. ,. sponsor '.. Christinas carol sing- gift· donationS or canned goods . " . ." ---:.,',.,.'--~-....;;....:-SACRED 'HE:ART, ing group. Next regu18r'meeting riiay'be'l~ftat the rectorj atllDJ' GRATITUDE TO GOD MAY BE' EXPRESSED AT THANKSI"ALL RIVER'" is set for Monday, Nov. 28. time.'." ,) ""', ,', ,.,,', " ':"" . '" . GIVING BY':A:GIFT TO' HIS·MISSIONS...... ' ' ",. '~<The Women';s'Guili will spon-, ST•. JOSEPH",: , ... ' ' 'Slate<l fQrMonday, 5"" ,", ,,,.' \. : i ' : . • . ,...... • . . . ,,'." , : , ' . , ,,'. " , - - .. 'sOr a parish ·library to be"open,; FAIRHAVEN':.' ":.'. , " ' " m:eiii.ber~hi~:··Potllicksupper'at'· . '.': iN GOD'S 'PROVIDENC£' there wiD alw~ be 'reael'01lll';"; b-om4·. tQ!6 on Saturday after-:-,: The Association of the Sacred: whichfi.'iElndship'giftil 'wilFbe" ". *~u.n:g people' wU1IDi:'to 'Bl)8DClthelrdivea lIi··Blsservicle:• . ,~oons.'in the lower ·vestry of the'. Hearts will, hQld,.a .,whist at, 7:30' exchanged. 'This will·be the' Iilst . ":.'"PriestS; 'brothersiuul sls&ers;".i'tn H18' PROVI· ,. ~ church. The, Mad9nna..Group of. Sunday, evening, Nov.·2()·,.fn\tbe' mee'trng'he~:bi ih~ 1nci.[m~n~ " . DENCE;"toO, there. WiD"uwah 'bt·· renerous tlie guild has t>een active in knit- . church·;hall,w.ith Mrs.LeoMon~'. officets"and' a' 'new :ex'ecutive" '. i: J'beh"e'tac\oh; wllUnc 'to 8ld.'these you)lg":men tlitg bandalteil·'ft>r under r ty, and. Mrs. iy,incent Bonszek lUI l>oard will' be 'pteSented 'by'.'" '0: "'iDd'womell bi ilUaiiJJil, their coaL' It ".k dkection of the' SoCiety for the ~ co-::chairmen. '.' ' '.. " committee he8.dlld by Mrs.' Em'ile , . $GOO to ediJeate.. boy for" the· ,Priestbood\ \') ", 'Ptopagatid'h"O£" the'Fa'lth. . ST.ELIZABt;Tu. ... / ; '. -. COllsi'neau:"New 'offi~i-i ·wio...· . ~ '"$300 io'·tribl·. girl for"the Sisterhood.··'In ' •• f. • FALL: ,RIYE& ,'" .- . ,'then~' .iiist811ed' in 'J'anua:q" 'INDIA:,SISTE& FLORA "'aild' SISTER 'M:AR~ ';~r'JOSE~H:;;' ",.~ . The Women1s Guild ,~iU' hold a (irider" cliairnuinship .'of . !lIn.. " . 'lHA" "are 'novices' of·the ADORATION', SI~: '. ATTLEBORO',",";': turkey whist ,at ,8 Saturday night, ·PiliirGiroux. ' . , . : . , ' "'TERS' JOSEPH' AKACK:A:PA.'RAMPIL aDd SEBASTIAN ARA.·, , .';JRev. ,John, 'Berube, M,S. wilt in the:·parishhaU.:<Mrs.Manuel " . , ' . , ,'J " CKA,,;'are' lItudeDtIi, for'UIe ·DlOCESAN .PRIESTHOOD;' Could give a'n lIiustrated. letture Oft Oliveira is.in ~rge...... .ST.:·.~KY'S.·" :" ' ,"~ .~~~8PO~';""';·0I·'·Uie~::~~.· j:\~'}:.~;" ~r~":'.· 'JMi' 'Ufe :of .£l1e: .p3·gilii'ii ;:ol'Mada::' A Christmaspar.tY will be held. NORTON " ... ga~c~r ,at 7:30 S\l,nday. evening, Saturday, Dec., 17,. also in the .' ...., ; .' " MASSES FOR THE POOR 'SOULS, __ ARRANGE FOR. THEIR, No·v'.20 'in 'the parish hall.. Chan- . hall. Mrs.. Mildred Cantin and' Mrs., BUT ESPECIALLY DURING . . .Clarence.', Ric,h' .and , MI. ' '' CELE BRATION " AT A'LL TIMES' " a,re co-ehair~ eellor of the diocese ··of. Moiari- Miss R.ose',M,a,chado. are ~ charge Aurore ' Lamothe , " ,NOVEMBER. . men. of. theannua1 turkey whist .:..). davll in Ma'dagascar, Father Ber- . io bespon~red by. tbe Catholic, uoo" is in this country on Sa~ of arrangements.. ". . " OUR HEAVENLY FATHER'S ,LOVE .' Women~s . ClUb ,at.8. Monday batical leave. He will return to SANTO CHRISTO, J is .ever mademanifesi' In' giving-'--aU tbat we bave or ever boPll ' night, Nov.2i in the school cafe-,. his missim P9st" shortly af~r. FALL' RIVER . teria.PrOceeds will benefit the . ".' '. U. have comes oltlmatel'· from· Him. We retum His love 'wbea' • Christmas: His· Attleboroialk'is· 'The Council ofCatholfc Women .'we try &0 Dve tbe MDd 01 life tbat He 'bu commanded· IIlJ to·. ho, iii a, .turkey ,h. I. ' st aL7,.:30 ' . h'';', 'bUI 'Id;In'g' f' un"""". d' ..' sponsored" by the ,parish' Holy paris .. 'Uve-a"life that shows real' evideDce 'of ·boih, love" of, God and this Saturcia;r ~ight.in t~e,l9.W'er: The Catholic Women's Club>, ,NameSocie~y." . love of ·Dei8'htlor.· Saint John 88yS;' "He who .has the Coodsof; .. church hall.,],\frs: Emily aorges wilL 'lio i<.;:1isannual . turkey ·this'world· and sees' his 'brother In' Deed and' closes his 'bean to·· ST., BERNARD'S;' " , l.!nd lVIrli. .l\n~~F8ria ,are ·chair:..., whi$~Mp~day, No~'. 24 'bimiboW' does·the love of God abide in him?~ .... ". ASSONET,~;··' ~', '> .. ' men.' . :.,.' '" ., . .. . :" Many' are the' areas'of ,'Deed In' tbe· world., Our appeals .are ' ·Th.,e WOnleh"s'Guil((will spo~': ST.MICHAEJL.", ,;. '·o~:iR:···L~·D~-··.; , . ,. ..\ . ' '8xclilSively·for .the ,Near: and Middle' East.· We' are . In .CODStlint.. 80r ~a public. Whist· Party and FALL ):UVER .. ;· OF 'TRE~ASSUMPTlON: Craft Sale Moriaay night at ~, . The Council of Cat~olic Women OSTEaVILLE.·..'~ .'" : ' ; ,.' ,: ,. need' of' finaDciai 'llSSisiaDee forPalesHDiaa Refugee famiUes and . for· all tbe iDsUtuUODS'·of . mercy··' earlntr for. PalestlDianfJ. ' A' o'clock in .the new Parish HalJ will hold· :aChristmas party for A discussion on ,the Christmatl ' .. ~ ·.Ift, 01 $10.00· seDt· to.,1IlJ for these poor people Is·of4remeDdo...·, . on So. MalO St., Asso~et.· members .and guests .Thursday" ,Bazaar .to be' held on Dec; 3, waS '. ,. '-,elp In. takiDC eareef their neecls-Guell, a donaUoD will bUY"J . ,', pec. 15. Mrs.. Anthony Cordeiro led by Mrs.. Robert F.' SIms. ST. THERESA, soJIicient food for an ..entire family for a· w~ole month; it' ea•.. is chairman. ... . chairman . of the affair to be SOUTH' ATTLEBORO· ~. .. also serve tobUf ODe .or, more 01 ·the hUDdred aDCl ODe Wnp' '. ST. P,ATRICK~S.. sponsored' by .the . Women'. The parish wiUl sponsor fb . ·that we .are ·asked &0 IUPP'" for them. As a token of. our grad-. '. " Guild.. annual Christmas sale Wednes- FALL. RIVER, ",.' : tude for,. glftof: $10;00 we wiD be pleased .to. selld 'OD .·OUv. ·The·annua.I turkey whist spon. ;Itwasvoted at 'the November day a'nd Thursday, Nov. 30 ana Wood RosaQ.from the· Holy Dec. 1. A moneY'raffie will be sored by priests of the.par'ish,and meeti4g to purchase a box at the Women's Guild, will.. be held the ' Bishop's, ' Charity . Ball for drawn on Thursday evening. ' .. THOUGHTFUL' GIFTS' . '. at 8 tonight in the school, audi- Exceptional Childrell to .beheld .. 'Arrange DOW' for a' Christmas 6l1t that wW ihow .' toriull} on. SladeStreek. Jan. H. ' Priests Protest 'real Catholic though~ Mass for' tbe intention' of ST. GEORGE; r Ten new members"were. weIoo a relative 'ora .friend, an Enrollmeat In our AssoeJaWESTPORT. ., ",. corned .into ,the, Guild' and ,Mrs. tloa, . a sacred· Article- ·Ior·. Mission Chapel In bW ' MONTREAL (NC)' - Thirty Marion McMahoft and Mrs. The parish will hold a ham 01' ber bonoI;'. Sucb gifts manifest your regard for• parish priests representing some arid bean. supper,Saturday; 'Nov. . Claire Beecher and a 'large com- . and bring spiritual beDefits ·to,the· recJpienti. pro200,000 Catholics have protested 19' in the parish hall. Proceeds mittee served refreshment&.· vide belp, for Missionaries, 'and' give bonor anel t to Quebec authorities a'gainst 'the will benefit the school fund. , gl0l71o God. If you wish 10 give' sucb Christmu ; granting of additional tavern and A meeting 'of the Women'. ST. 'MATIDEU'~' ' ,Gifts. we will II8Ild &be reclpleDta Gift Carda t.elIiq of yOUI' nt;, grill licenses in their district. Guild will be held at 7:45 Mon- FALL RIVEIt membraDce. l.·' Father Simon Chenevert. day night, Nov. 21, also in the The annual bazaar will be ,. O.M.I., spokesman for the priests, parish }fall. held at 7:30 Saturday night. said: "We already have six or ESPIRITO SANTO. Nov. 19 in .the parish hall. ". seven licensed groceries" and a FALL RIVER o , Quebec Liquor Commission The Holy Name Society will fRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN. PretJd..... ~{ store." He said additional clubs, sponsor a smoker in the church ST. ELIZABETH, MItt. Peter'. Tuohy; Nat'I Sec'!J . Send 011---.1_ _ ~, grills and taverns may cause hall at 7 Saturday night, Nov. FALL RIVER f{;t . break-ups in the homes of his 26. Edmund Pavao Is chairman A turkey whist will be held at CAtHOUCNEAR EAST WEl.FAU ASSOQAnON ::·C: parishioners, 65 per' cent of and announces that the program 8 Saturday night in the parish 480 lexington Ave: at 46th 51. ~ew York 17, N. Y. whom are couples married less will include a film on soccer hall, under sponsorship of Uw than 15 years. and refreshments. parish guild. OUR LADY OF FATIMA, SWANSEA ··The Holy Name Society will sponsor a turkey party at 8 Saturday night, Nov. 19 in the parish hall. Refreshments and admission will be free and there will be ample parking available. Door prizes will be awarded."






. ' ,




















Night Clubs, T(iverns








THE ANCHOR-Diocese 'of Fall River-Thurs, Nov.17,1960


THEY LABOR FOR LOVE OF GOD: Missionary Cenacle Apostolate . Bottom left, left to right, Faye Kiernan, St. Patrick's parish; Jeanne members from the New England Region meet':at St. Patrick's auditorium, Hession, Regional Custodian of the organization; John Trocchi, St. Francis Wareham. They are associated with the Missionary Servants Of the Most Xavier, Hyannis. Center, seated, Claudia York, Anna Houle'; standing, · Blessed Trinity in work for the salvation of souls. Top left, left to right, . Michael-Sullivan, John Barrows, all of St. Francis Xavier, lIyannis. Right, :Harris Charles, Otis Air Force Base; Rev. AJ.1gelo Liteky-, M.S;SS.T., Christine Atkins, St. Patrick's and Dennis Nixon, St. Francis Xavier, chat spiritual director, Rev. John A. Chippendale, pastor of, St. Patrick's. with Father Angelo. . .

· · Cenac1'e. A pOSt 0 l't I . M tSSlonary a empresses With Christian Zeal, Joy of· Members

ary. But no ot~r' apo!!tolate Sacrifice, Patie!1ce and Selfmember thought it unusual-it Denial. was something normally ex- . There are Junior Cenacles for ·those between the ages of 13 arid the work with these 17. After 17, membership is in & By Russell Collinge children is a special field-most senior group.. Memb~rship in the Missionary. The .annual New England Regional Meeting of the Missionary Cenacles Apostolate, of the apostolate i~ by giving example, not always easy-by Apostolate is nothing to held this year at St. Patrick's Auditorium, Wareham, began like any other formal gath- calling on people and calling Cenacle be lightly undertaken-it is not ering. There was an opening prayer, then a few words from Miss Jeanne M. Hession, again and again and talking and something you join because yoa Regional Custodian of the organization. Then came the difference. No last meeting min- listening and getting to know really ought to belong to someh them and gently urging that they thing, But if you do join and this utes, no report from t e But, just as obviously, it does are aware of the frightening and get back to the sacraments-and turns out to be your vocation ][ treasurer, no committee re- envelop you and makes you sure growing lack of faith in God; the in doing the unspectacular things. can thirik Of no better place 'or ports, no papers by various that this apostolate is different neglect and abandonment of reli- like taking care of,· the children way to spend yourself as al'il members. Instead, Miss Hes" from any other you have en- gion by Catholics and others. and driving people to Mass and . apostle-nor any group that can sir :1 announced that the meeting countered-'-that the individuals Why not? That's their business. even cleaning up a room or house - o:~fer more for your spiritual would break up into workshops accept completely the conditions Retarded Cbildren for someone. And, of course, . formation. Membership has no for discussion of the suggested of membership and tbat the' And they know, ~~o, the heart:- listening to endless tales of trace of grimness, but seems to theme: How can YOU save souls? apostolate is not ·just a pl\rt of break that can be caused by a tro.uble and endless reasons why .Pe--'-as it llhould-:-a joyOUS thing. However, all groups were free their lives, but .tbeir entire way retarded child-and they know the talker should not give up a to talk about anything they of life. . . .. about the callous indifference to way ~f lif~: wished-particularly individual . Earlier t me~tione'd personal the~ children in' somehomesi' . Qu.ie~ Persistent problems or difficultie~ and pos- sanctity. As Catho'lics,' we'- aU' B~cause. wor.it with' ,retarded' A d thO t . te t ., know a.bout person"a-l' sa··nctl··ty--" ' , ,. n . __ e qUle ,persIs n ~ns.ible solutions. . . . and backward children . dermining of defenses '~hat have Ther.e wer-e Junior· gl'oupsand . it.. is' ~ineihing 'we .should· al~ major" program for' ALL 'Cen~ .' been::built 'up" for years froJ:Yi Senior groups and discussions : str!ve toattilin~ sOJnething that,i. . . .cle·s. • .... suchbeginhlngs as "I just didn't " " .. ·'Sur,e.Y right .pi~iful a.bout.. like the .way Father spoke to me~'. .,; ·:,So~· ;Dartmovth: ranged from spirituai. attendance ."ctually our onl~. r.e.llfi.OJ!,~9r,~ at Mass 'to cheaiingat.:e,xamina- , ~g. here at al~. ,B\jt'.somehow, \~hose ~ids: .S~Jn~thing'9ugh~.~ and .'-'Jerxy ismore'Chtistian' ._~ Hyannis . tlons. The llackground ·k,il.o~le<ige.. Ipost of us don t do muc!) abqut be. done, all fight. Blit lthere's no than . A 'lot 'of 'Catholics I ·kno.w, '" , '. displayed by all grt!ups ,was' it: ." '. ' , " " " " . . apecial'sdlool around here' and and' I'm ~hid i married him." _ :·,..Dai1m~.· 'amazing ~vidence .of Soul)d in- . TheCeriacle ,members ,not onl,." . who's ,got· -.time to work.' with . 'A~d':there is always the h-eCe~";', ,; .::~ struction aQd reading in, the 1It-. Jmow'a~out it-:-t!ley ,y.'ork at)t. .them? And even with thtr time.' stti' of helping to paSs cmthe :': "'. ' ..wy. 7!"'384 l;1rg,. and. teaching:s:: 01. Uw And they are completely unself- . ho wo Id' Boy of those . ,. . . " .~ , -wnscious iii. their 'discussions----' ow. . u ,:.. : ,,$O~~ _. .' "teachings'ofthe,Church to prac- Hyannis '2921. Church: . kIds gIve you the creeps Just to .ticing Catholics who may t>e .t· . :2 Worchl of M.. there \lre .no sly:glances to· see " look' at them. Let .their familY 'llttie confused or carelesS-the ·· .The freed~m of' expression how something, ,is going over,' look out for them. Ought to be .in . f t' ld 'd d never any ·"n·ow'\ here" is ,a' holy', " ". . - ,.,. . work 0 ~orrec mg 0 I eas an and the ease of 'speaking were -' . _. . ·liome kind of a home; anyway.",' misapprehensions. The work of unusual. One phrase" caught at. thought." ,,', That might sum up the attitude . I to d 'I , . ' But i'n' listelll'ng to' the' dl'sc'u· s~ . of qUl'te a 10't o'f ·u·s-wl·th, p'er-' Mass g~tting morepeop e: ..', alY' "It often shows ·the end of.a remark, staye~ with and,to Communion. .. a fine' commaOd me: ..". until the words of the sions you find yourSelf i>egin- 'haps, theadd.ed charity of don-' '. of language ' Mass become a fire." Ding to'realize that'without God: ating a quarter or' even a who~e ' All of wltich will 'play part . to say ~othing.." And I was sharply struck by . we are ·nothing.And,faintly re-'buck to "help 'em out.'.' . in 'your personal sanctity, the maturity of the problems membered teachings. begin to rise. But the members of the. CenJu~t what is the Missionary and ideas of the younger groups. to the surface-you want to jump acle .'Apostolate deiiberately Cenacle Apostolate'? Well, it was No mention of the need for' hav- into' the' discussion; to pass on choose' to involve ttlemselve8 . founded on April 1909 by ing television while doing home- your ideas, to·· urge someone with these children, Not'just'cer~ , Father Thomas A. Judge, C,M., work. -"- no ' petulant remarks to gQ further with what they are tain members - saintly women because .he found that most .of about the use of. cars. Instead, aaying...,..there is a feeling of ,'!me, . with overflowing, mQthet love,., those ,who. returned to the sacrathe danger of Communism, the.' too," a' somewhat .disturbing .gentle men who are truly saints mentii had receiyc'd a. pusJ::! from need for c!>urage in speaking out realization that ,this is What you ~socialspecialist!;who do extra '. ·"the' fellow:' who ~ives upstairs" for the right-the ·need for moral -want-this' ·is .",hat you would work-but run-of-the-m'illmem- ., or "a girl who works ,with me"standards.··. like "to-. do-,-this is ·,what ' you' bers, and some ·unlikely··ones,.at ' and he felt th,tif so ,mllch 'Yas As with"the older groups, these· would like to ,be, .. that,.. . accompJished by a .few!. good young people were seriously . You areq'uite 'free 'to jump into .... One in particular~': normal . pe.ople pri'their.ow,n, tllen a gfeat working out their own personal . any discussion at a meeting such· . high school, boy; activ~ in sports deal could bedof\e by a,lot .of sanctity through an apostolate of as' this"':"in' fact "y6uare'wel-and the social life· of his age people with the proper training active work, help and charity as ·comed. But how' much· better to . gr-o,Up, ·with 'nothing' i>ddball. or- ,and .guida~ce. . . . ,_ '. . ;t' . . Christians. have your own g~oup:..,.;.your own "holy", about.him..Unless you " The· special purposeQf the · Let me quote. ,Father Judge, Cenacle.: To start one 'it . is best· consider it oddball that be de- . ,Apostolate is the preservation of foun\ler of, the Cenacle Lay to write to the 'Region'al' Custo~ .. votes a part of his life to retard- -the faith with a prudent and Apostolate: " .... a distinct type .dian of. the' Miss-lonaryCenacle '. ed children and has' helped a zealous interest in the welfare in the Church of God; so distinct Apostolate' Miss Jeanne M. Hes,- 'number ·of them' to make their '. of one's' neighbor; There .is .a _ definite program ·of spiritual de- , . that' if you were among thou- sion 64 Harvest Street .Dor- First Communion;. sands of ,people' you would be chester, Mass. She will· 'supply Admiration is a mean and in- velopment and the ·practice ·of' · picked out, and they would say, 'detaile<;l information and explain adeq?ate ex~re,ssion for w~rk. the virtues Qf Simplicity, PrU'• FREE Mail Forms he or she is a member of the the requirements. ' . that IS so ChristIan and unordm- ' dence, Humility" Charity, Self• FREE Postage Cen~cle."· . . It might 'be well to make it With, serious reflectIOn and clear ,that the apostolate is most sober JUdgment, I mus~ agree certainly of 'this, '$,odd ; _, the that Father Judge was right. 'members are an active part of Distinctive Quality the routine of w'ork and play, of There is a distinctive quality happiness and sorr()w that make that becomes a part of every up the daily life of any communmember-it is not obtrusive, it ity: is not a flaunting of any claim In addition, because of their 141 No. Main St. /Fall Riv.er to special virtue, it i~not an atti- special training, they know about tude of otherworldliness, it has the continuous struggle of so no part of the dynamic slap-on- many against sordid surround653 Washington Street, Fairhaven the - shoulder - let - me - help ings and manifest temptationsyou-brother. Obviously if you they understand the desperation WYman 4-5058 try to pin it down it just isn't that can go with little money and there. piled-up obligations - and they


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THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 17, '1960

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ment and war. If Montreal is not • converted it will suffer the same fate as Sodom. , This grim warning was given before 25,000 persons at the ahrine of St. Joseph's, Oratory here by Paul Emile Cardinal Leger, Archbishop of Montreal, who led a large group of pilgrims up the steep ascent to the shrine carrying a life-sized wooden cross. "Montreal has become a city of taverns, a city of clubs, where lOuIs are lost. Last week there were eight murders in 24 hours In the province, and the newspapers say these murders were premeditated, and carried out carefully," the Cardinal said.


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BURLINGTON (NC)-Authorization to mail material at a nonprofit rate has'been canceled for Alvin Jennings, minister of the South Burlington Church of Christ. He reputedly mailed . thousands of copies of a pamphlet entitled "A Roman Catholic President" in connection with the Presidential campaign. Postmaster John J. Burns of Burlington said Mr. Jennings . had admitted to him that the . pamphlets were "actually political mail" rather than religious mail



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NEW BRUNSWICK (NC) Dr Kensuke Mitsuda, worldfa~ed Japanese authority on Hansen's disease, has been named recipient of the 1961 Damien Dutton Award for service in behalf of victims of leprosy. . The society, which under Catholic auspices provides research, relief and recreation, for leprosy patients, regardless of race or creed, distributes all of its funds through the national office of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. . Dr. Mitsuda, 83, retired in 1957 after serving many years as director of Nagashima Aisei-en, Japan's national hospital for leprosy victims. He continues to serve as honorary director. He is the originator of the lVIitsuda test, found to be of value in the diagnosis of leprosy.



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MONTREAL (NC) - If mankind does not return to God it will know famine, economic crises, unemploy-

Sinful Cit~ He re~indedthat the city ,had been founded as Ville Marie, dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, but added it has become a sinful city. . , The Blessed Virgin had de'dared at Fatima that if the world did not pray, Russia, then In a state, of revolution, would apread its devastating action 'through the world, the Cardinal , llaid, In .the wake of World War I the world' had been guilty of ,.U kinds of folly, had forgotten and scoffed at God, he said, and World War II followed. The Cardinal reminded that In the World War II era many nations lost their independence while communism spread its ravages. Fate of Sodoro "If man is not converted it will mean the end of the world, with war, famine, unemployment and economic crises . . '. Montreal will suffer the fate of Sodom," Cardinal Leger said. , The attendance filled the great basilica. Most of the 25,000 present went to Confession and received Holy Communion. Confessions were heard and Communion distributed by a score ,of priests. The atonement processions to the shrine and the Mass at which Cardinal Leger officiated at the shrine were in re.ponse to an appeal by the. Bi~h­ op of Leira, Portugal, in .whlch Fatima is located, for a tnduum of prayer and penance throughout the world.



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'--'hrist and Religion Offer Solution for Difficulties

THE ANCHORThurs .• Nov. 17, 1960

.----.~-.-....,;"".~=i:""':%~""~ .... ,4rr-<-- - - ~.:'




C~OJrges ttastrro SefJks C«»rmtro~


By Father John L. Thomas, S.J. Ass't Sociology Prof.-St. Louis University

Of Children

"What should parents do when one of their married enildren stops going to church? We raised our children in Catholic schools and, tried to give them a good example. Recently one of our daughters quit attending Mass, and though I've talked to her, I you can't discover the r;)ason for can't learn the--!eason. Her her defection. husband is a poor Catholic, As I have indicated, people but she knows better. How may allege many different reashould we handle this situation?" Although this is no consolation to you, I suppose that most family trees harbor a certain number of "falIen·-aways." . Sometimes factors related to their defpction se em clearpoor religious training, bad exampl., secular companions, i n val i d marriage, refusal to accept certain norms of the Church, and so on. In many cases, no apparent cause other than indifference can be discovered, and even when "reasons" are given, it is well to recall that they may be little more than conscience-soothing rationalizations. Mystery of Faith There is a mystery in the gift of faith. Some people are raised in apparently good Catholic homes and receive their entire education in Catholic schools, yet the faith never seems to "take" in them. They regard religion as a set of external practices, something one does more or less faithfully because there appears no good reason for not doing it. If the practice of the faith comes to require real personal sacrifice or if they find themselves among those who have little esteem for religion, they may proceed to "lose" their faith very quickly. Personal Acceptance In such cases it is difficult to determine what they have "lost" because we don't know what they ever actually possessed. Obviously all Christians receive the supernatural gift of faith at Baptism, but it is also clear that once they reach the age of reason, they must personally accept Christ as their Savior and acknowledge their total dependence upon Him or they are not likely to persevere in His service. Apparently some cradle-Catholics grow up without ever making this personal commitment to Christ. They memorize the correct answers at school, go through the customary external rites of worship, perhaps even experience a considerable "lift" from group participation in ceremony and ritual, but they never seem to grasp the reality beneath the externals. ' Rationalize Position How can they be so superficial? Experience shows that some people show little concern for the real meaning or significance of anything. As long a8 their immediate needs are reasonably supplied, they never ask themselves, Where do. I come from? What am I? What is my destiny? Wh:lt is the meaning of pain, sic;mess, and death? Because they are shallow in their approach to life, they are shallow in regard to religion. Hence neither love for Christ nor fear of eternal damnation affect them deeply, though they may rationalize their position by maintaining they have lost their faith. Allege Reasons How can you help your daughter? You say every discussion ends in an argument, yet

MIAMI (NC)-The Cuban ministry of education is preparing laws to place children between the ages of 5 and


under state control, accord109 to the weekly Cuban newspaper Avance, published in exile here. The purpose of the laws i~ to give the regime of Cuban Premier Fidel Castro the right to '~educate" indoctrinate and mold the childl'en along Communist lines," Avance said. Reports from Havana indicate that many textbooks ,are being replaced and that teachers who do not listen "to their communist bosses are being replaced," the newspaper stated.

sons for leaving the Church. If one disc_/ers that they are poorly instructed or misinformed, the remedy is simple and discussion becomes fr'1itful. Your daughter probably knows as many "answers" as you do, so further arguing won't help mat_ ters and may make her even more defensive.

Essential ~uestions What can you do? First, since we must assume that she is sincere and in earnest, and religion is an important element in men's lives, you should suggest that she consult her' pailtor or any pro - -t she feels free to talk to, in order to larify her position. She owes this to herself, for the decision she is making has' tremendous consequences. Second, without arguing, but as the occ. sion offers, you should raise the essential human questions enumer-te' above and ask her how she answers them for herself. Whether one, likes it or not, these questions must be answered by every thinking person sooner or later. All Must Die Modern medical care can keep sickness at a minimum; it can dull pain, but .t can only postpone death. 'Man is a creature who knows he must die. Disguise this painful fact as he may, he must live with this thought, and if he gives himself half a chance, it is bound to imp'!l him to seek for meaning and significance 'n life. But only 'religion can answer the questions he then raises, and only in Christ will he find adequate solutions to all his difficulties. Direct your daughter's think_ ing along these lines-she will probably try to avoid it-and she may discover or rediscover what she is giving up.

Advises Prayer Finally, you must continue to pray. We can only guess at your daughter's problem; but we know that in the divin." plan of salvation, she has been privileged to be united to Christ in Baptism. Surely He who would leave the 99 saved to search for one that was lost will hear your earnest prayers in her behalf.


PROMOTE HEALTH PLAN: A copy of the Christmas eard currently being promoted by the National Council of Catholic Women is admired by Mrs. Margaret Zemo, staff secretary. The card will be used for the Madonna Plan project which supports matern~ty clinics in under-developed areas of the world. NC Photo.

Prelate Says American Moral Prestige Overseas Decreasing SPOKANE (NC) - America's to Europe he heard criticism of moral prestige has slipped in American films "from Lisbon to the eyes of other nations, a Rome" for the "false picture" Catholic bishop has warned. they give of this country. Bishop Bernard J. Topel of ~@t])~ John 1'0 Receove Spokane noted that there was much discussion of U.S. prestige M~<tmHlan Nov. 23 during the presidential camLONDON (NC)-British Prime paign, most of it, centering on miiltary and scientific strength. Minister Harold Macmillan will be received by Pope John on "I do not remember hearing Wednesday, Nov. 23, during his anything about American moral state visit to Italy. The Prime prestige. Yet in many ways . Minister's visit to the Pope has moral prestige is more import- no connection with the visit to ant," he said in his column in the Vatican a few days later of the Inland Register, diocesan the Anglican Archbishop of Cannewspaper. terbury. Divorce, Delinquency Bishop Topel stated: "The The KEYSTONE freedom of divorce and the resulting juvenile delinquency Warehouse Salesroom are tragically with us. These New and Used things are' to our shame. They OFFICE EQUIPMENT are known throughout the We show a large assortment of used lind new desks, chairs, filing cabworld. They hurt our moral inets, lables, clC., in wood and steel. prestige-greatly." Also metal storage cabinets, safes, America's moral prestige is shelving lockers. etc. harmed not only by the real I08James evils of U.S. society, but by the near Union false image conveyed overseas NewBedforc _. _ : by some U.S. movies, the Bishop WY 3-2783 said. He said that on a recent visit



Candy From Castro "Hundreds of Cuban children are arriving at Miami's airport daily because parents fear their .youngsters will be taken from them," Avance said. The newspaper told of a school inspector who entered a classroom and asked the children if they wanted some candy. When the children said "yes," he told them to close' their eyes and ask God for the candy. When the candy did not come, the pupils were told to cloSe their eyes and ask "Little Father Fidel" for the candy. ' When they opened their eyes, the candy was there.

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18 ' THE ANCHOR-[)i~cese ~~ Fa.1I River-T~urs,No.v,.l7il.960·· ·~·"·Says. :Bible,Urges


Orgonizotionforlntegration 'MarksFirst Ann'iversa'ry'.

DURBAN (NC) The Bible does not support race segregation but rath~r the


By Rev. A~drew M. Greeley' Msgr. George G, Higgins \Viii be in Europe .for the next 'several' weeks. During that time F:tther Greeley will be his breaking down of race barguest columnist. Father Greeley is the author of the book~e riers, the Archbishop of Durban Church and the Suburbs. (Sheed and Ward, 1959). A. ~econd said her~. book oil the problems of American young people is scheduled Archbishop Denis E. Hurley, for publication in early 1961. '.' '. .'' '. O.M.I., said that everywhere in One of the most important orgamzabons III the Umted the New Testament "it is union tes is celebrating its first birthclay this month. Without and . not separation that. is Sta . . d stressed ... the hreaking down a doubt the biggest don1estic problem facing the U?it~ and not the erecting of barriers, States today is the race question; and on the Southwest love not hate." ·Side of Chicago a dedicated They believe that cultural acThe South African prelate was group of men 'is trying t.o. tivities can be 'promoted, .and addressing a meeting called to the problem of reSl- that all kinds of other t.hmgs protest thl' government's decisolve k d tS sion to mo' t the Indian populadential segregation in keep- can.be done to .m~ e reSl en d tion out of Durban's Cat!> Manor . of the Southwest SIde so prou ing. with the dIctates of pruof their community that the district. dence .and ju~tice. If theysuc::- Negroes who move 'in will be Against Justice cee.d m their received as fellow Americans "We are convinced," he said fight, the wh?le and not foreign invaders. "that the removal of the Indian . of our ~atl°tn . Narrow Path . population from the part of Cato may begm 0 . . ' h M th t .t . I' an sc'e 'a way out OSC must tread a narrow pat anor a 1 "lccuples s f the confubetween extremes; It dare not offense against lov;) ~nd an in:ion which resbecome segregationist, if f!Jr. n() . ' fringement of justice. The govq·ther· reoason t.h;an. .the fa.ct. that. HOLIeS IN JAPAN A hb' h . D . E .. ernrnimt of this country does not iden' t'lal segret ' ..C~r r~. IS. Op' omemco nrlCol , thiiJ'k·so.·!t·,believesit is doing gatio!1 . i~ caus:- i segregation sl.mplY.' .wlll no ..Apostolic Internuncio to Japa.n; ~'eflter., a,dmires a' copy f the right thing' and acting in the ' fug in' our' big work. Nor can It permIt the. rat~ , eities·. . of in-migrati~n tobeco"?,e so the Cathoiic Encyclopedia.' or .Japan. Father' Nicholas best intereSts of the country, The Organizarapid that pamc and~espl11r. ~e::-Luhmer: S,J ~ . rector' of Sophia University; and' Kiichj Saka- '. "If St. Paul were writing to . . tion f'CH the. stroy the morale of the whIte moio' of the" Fuzanbe Publishing. Company" looko~. NC Chri!ltians i~ Sout~ Africa; he 'Southwest Community has had ·popula~ion.. I~ .. ~ust.. car.efull Y · 'ph to" -' . \".' .. ' 0 · . · ; • • " ' : . . . . . . - .... ' . ' • • . would' say., there IS no more d .. : stOrmy time in its brief.. life.. balance confhctmg. goods. an," O. " .' : ;. . .. ", .... '. ' . ' , ... :African .01.'. Colored, no more The week of its organizing con- .bear the' brunt ofa~~acks ,()!. ex~' ~ ·Indian or. European; no one is ... · vention it· found itSelf' con:.. tremists from botl:t s~4es. '. .' On' .n:noun~.es ~.n·, civilized 01.'· uncivilized; no one· d~mned for exactly oppOsite . Yet . the Negroes . and . the ~I is a -slave' or a free man;· there 'reasons: A group of' people in whites in: the OSC are ,conf~dent I~ational%e ·COO 5.: . is nothing ..but Christ in any of the 'community published a that they have a good .chan~.~~,. COLOMBO .(NC) -'-The Cey:-:. Bill-i~aranaike,· attefl.ded .a. Cath;;' us.' '! . ." ; ' · pa'mphlet accusing OSC of. being.. suc.cess,· The ·first ,y;eachall,· ~ad, lo.nese . gover-nment ... has· an- : olic '~choor in C.91ombo. Her two Alluding'to the theory that the a commimist· ,plot. to inte~rate its pt6b~ems,.lbut.-the· ()rgal}l:i: a ;- '<rlouriteed"it'wiU introduce legis-· daughters .now are' .pupils at the Old Testament upholds segrega- ., the southwest side, .. tion' 'has· grown' . stronger.,,; ~hf!;, 'latio~tonationalize the build.." .sclio()I,.. St. ~r,idget's.COf!~ent. Uonj Archbishop Hurley said: Contradictory Attacks .. .fFg~f from ·the ,·co~munity.ha.s' ings .and.:land· of private llchoo.ls... . .' ' .Forego .Benefits ,. .. . Historical Context' At' the s~me time 'a "non- . slowe'd,down;some of thos~ .~.~~ . :Thi~wotild complete the gov- . .More. than teachers met· :.." There m'ay be wo~ds to j'u~: denominationai" .weekly de- ha4 ..run have. no~ return,ed. ." ernn{ent's take...over of private.'; at St. Joseph's ,CollEige here, to;, .. tify separation' of people and noui\(~ed the organization. as .a· Has Fighting Chance ... · schools'- includin'g Catholic' voice objections against th'e gov.:. , races in the earlier books of the Catholic tool to 'contin~e seg re - .. Negroes have.l;>een peacefully:' scho()ls~n·the islimd of, Ceylon .. : ·eriim~ni's.:pta~ to" manage ·J)ri-:. Bible; but .these must. be undergati'on on the Southwest' Side. inte~rated into .. sever.l;\l· sch~ols '. A: bill putting management.·of vate' sch,ools,' Among them wer:~ . stood"in th~ir historical context. The local community. newspaper' in' the area and ~9ral~haslm;-. private' schools' in ·the hands qf r~pr~sentatives .o~ .C.a.t h 0 l·i e' They: refer to a time when the· ·chose. to' print both attacks in proved. The peopI~ hay;e ~e~.~n .. the' 'government has ~lreadY:' s",hoolsth~oughouqhe.island', . . ;Hebrew people, privileged recip- . adjoining' columns with the mild to feel that there IS. n~pom~, ~n·.. passed the House' of ,Represen. ':-The 'teachers unanimously de-' ie nts of God's revelation, were suggestion. that an qrganization running, th~ta ~o~ul1.c.?n \V}llch . tativesand.. its 'approval by' the :. clared- 'themselves prep·area·to.: 'holding precariously to their' ·.which merited such opposed at-.. w.ill save nelghborh?ods,th~~,.~!l, Senate is it' foregon ~ conclusion:'" forego· any.' ben'efits !that would· trust' and were constantly in . . t fl " t th roug h tack's' m'llst be worth supporting. love, .a.nd yet not. YlO.Ja.te Chns- . . Ed t" ' M' B d' dd' . '. come· t0 th em· th roug h govern- d anger'o, osmg.l ~. It was not surprising that these .. thin principles! ·is.. possi~le.: . . uca Ion Ims e~ a 10 In. t '. t' 1" tr ,.... I I" 1 . d It 1 Mahined announced the govern:' ..m.en.'na l~na ~za on.. . . . ~owe~fu po 111~a an cu ur~ cOntradictory attacks· .~hc:)Uld ' There have been <l1lllJly.JrQU:-. t;": 't' .... t' :." . f" ·.t· 'd' .' g' ,., ,'The chairman -of thoe.·:meetmg,·, mfluence ,bearmg down upon . . A b rave·young . men s m ·d· en... Ion M: F·ernan . 'd0;· sal· 'd ·ca th OlCi' I:' . t "em' . "f "d e' Llo come," For' the ··c1ergy, CIVIC bIes.·· .. M e thodist .. Ii' .... b.ll O.f In 1'0 . ucm It·· e .... rom a 11 Sl leaders, and' businessmen'who·minister lost his·.jol> for .asso.... .1 '~t. s.ecl?"'t'':·· ~ <f °trh" cO~hP.. e e , would·appealto>.Governor'7Geri'-· 'But as the years went by, th.eir t·0 f'm d a :ciatmg. .. th orgamza . t'on A Th' na lOna IOn O. d in e . sc . I S'11""01'Iver,· G oone . t"II'" · lead 0 SC are t rymg WI·th 'e' 1 f'" lza C·l.hl'·" 'H'00:l s.,: i ' e~a I' . e k e ..or prop h ets· I00 k'd e f orwar d to . the~ e s men : '44' e ..,oul!C.~. even. to 'Queen:' Elizabeth since 'day when' 'idolatry would cease' middle' path where most ·peopI~ . group of .Catholic lar were. 'b :. e. lrs ."'~ refuse to believe a middle· path repudiated by their civ~c .group Y. a ,vo.te,o.· o. "': their-'appeals to thegovernmen·t· 'among their neighbors and' the,. , is possible. for: participation jnthe OS~... .Hold·Protest·~eetings. ' ,' .. ~·had.. been·rejected. (Ceylon is a., would'be'join'ed in the worship '. ", Big. pity. neighborhoods fe~l... "Despite t.he backing: of )~c~~ .. -This' new 'blow' to the'-ruition's' ;,' member of '~he ·~r.ltishGommon-; of' God .by.' :the Gentiles around· thatif·afewNegroe!lmove.int~ pastors, many...Catholics have private'schools'fell while Cey~ ·.wealth.)~: '!:"', ... ;. them," Y,· .. · · . . · : . comm.unity ~!le .entire nei~h- held back from such>a,' "co~tr9- lori's ·C.a.tholic' Billhops 'were t~y- . ..' . .' . ;'i'~.i ' . . -. . .. . .. ... . borhoorl will shortly be d~serted.vet:sial'~ 9rganizi!-tion..Tl)~y.•.fq,:,- .. ing to 'feild' off'the old' o.ne.··lt·~T'dIDiT dlIh'tdlti.TdlIhTIIIIhT dlIhT dlIhTdlIhTdlIhTillIrIT dlIhTdlIhTdlIhT dlIh~ by ,whites. ·f.he ·alteI,"na,tiyesget· that 'th?se-who)iave :the came·des~ite. massm·eetings.of··· ~ ... ~. Seem.' to be complete segreg~tlOn courage and discroeti°rl. to tread. p~otesft':troughoutthe island arid~' . L' ".~ ~'t' . '. w' .Ot L . or total' collapse of a commun- .. the middle path mustalwaY!l be mime.rolis editorials condemriin.g. . ~ . : .. OO~i wnayou.· n. ~ , ity .and . t.he: enlargement of ·t.he controversial. .. th t' t t k ,...::. ~ e governmen . s· moves 0 ae" "i, 'i ~ Negro ghetto. . For all its obstacles-and they over ·the· admiriistration of .pri- '.. ~'..... ',' . . ~ ". Vicious Segregation are 'many and great~the OSC vate schools." ..: . '. 'i,,:···.· .' . .~ Th'e .process grinds irresist- has at least a fighting ;chan~e.. :. The'Bish0p's had ?l~a'ded .i?a. ~. EME~IT ~ ably on and whole' cities aJ;~ And the rest.of t.h~ country WIll letter to 'Pl'lme Mlmster Sm- r : ' . .," 1 destined to become massive' watch its work .with ,eager in:- mavo Bandaranaike: "OJ:lly' gi~e .:.~.. . ',:i! ~ ghettos with the Negroes living terest. . .... us this one thing: the means' of ...:', :::'1'' 1 ·in the 'center of the metropoli. -", realizing a Cath(llic at~osPhere'~ . iii . .~ tan region and the whites scat- Continue English under competent Catholtc super- ~.. . ., ~. tered around !he suburban Bible Translation vision in, schools frequented by ~ ~ fringes. Such vicious segre~aWASHINGTON (NC) _ The Catholic children." . ~. e;;:t tion would destroy the _vitalIty . Mrs. Bandim:lnaike, widow of ~ ~ most of the cities of the fOUI'th volume of the Confra-. l' S I . r: ~ of ternity of Christian Doctrine the lat~ Prime ¥inister 0 omon ~ ~ cO~~~~en of the OSC refuse·to, translation of the Old T~stam'e-ilt ~ :.. believe that the spreadi~g ghet- will be published in ·.February, ""l ~ to is iI-resistible. They thlllk that 1961. the "block-busters," ·the merThe Episcopal Committee of ~ ~ chants of panic, the speculators the Confraternity of Christian r: who frighten whites out of a . Doctrine said the fourth of five . ~. ,~ neighborhood so as to buy volumes of the Old Testament ~ 1 homes cheaply and then sell translation will cover 18 books of . COMPANY ""l ~ them to Negroes at inflated the Bible, from Isaias. to Mala•~ ~ profits, can be stopped.'. . chias.. Still to be done are the Complete Lin' ~ E;>' historical 'books of the Old TesBUI'Id'm9 M a t erla . Is . ..~ Th'ey think that communitY tament. . .' ""l ' ~ ties can be forged among. the ~ I' with an ~ 200000 people and 125 organiza8 SPRING ST., FAIRHAVEN ~ ~ tio~s of the Southwest Side WYlTlan 3-2611 ~ EASY TO COST ~

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Continued from Page One grateful to find that,it had been


review of fifth grade

"The only new thing was division of fl'actions," she said, "but I managed to pick that up." That off her mind, Elizabeth

~~~~~:ie ~~:ce~::P

had been a




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",Dennis-Yarmouth D Titlist; Coyle Prime C Contender . By Jack Kineavy There may yet be two State grid champions from Southeastern Mass., as was the case in 1959 when Coyle took C honors and Mansfield led the pack in D. DennisYarmouth is the 1960 D titlist. The Green capped a fine undefeated-untied sea son expired. Stang will conclude its with a victory over Fal- season at Cardinal Spellman this mouth on Saturday. Oliver week. Ames, currently in second Yoke at Dartmouth

place, has one game to go but Only one varsity game is slated though it remains undefeated this Saturday. Dartmouth will and untied, the Muscato-coached be at home to Vocational in the eleven cannot Trade's last grid appearance of better Dennisthe season. Voke turned in a Yarmouth's finstrong first half performance in al 5.25 average. the New Bedford tilt last week Coyle's 1!l- 8 before bowing to the Crimson's ups e t victory superior forces, 28-0. What toll over previously the rugged encounter took of the unbeaten-untied Bettencourt forces 'remains to Durfee, coupled be seen but Dartmouth also is with the defeats coming out of a bruising contest. of the ranking It could be close. Class C leaders Lowney Testimonial over the weekAnd, finally, a reminder conend, boosted the defending cerning the Ed Lowney Testichampions from sixth place into monial to be held this Sunday prime contention. The Wardors· at 6:30 P.M. at Gaudette's Pavilsuccesses against the two Class ion, Acushnet. The affairs is B schools on ·their schedule, under the chairmanship of AtStoughton and Durfee, has very torney Ferdinand Sowa, assisted nearly compensated points-wise by the Rev. Edward C. Duffy, for the loss to Attleboro and director of Greater New Bedford the stalemate with North. Coyle CYO, Charlie Luchetti, New will 'close out the campaign Bedford High baseball coach, against intra-city .rival Taunton .,J:ohn Langlois, Bill Chapman, 'on Thanksgiving. : Art Sylveira, Bill .Doyle, and . Wareham assured itself' of no Dennis Sherman. A banner turnW()'rs~ than a tie·for Tri-County out of coaches and officials is laurels by beating defending ·expected to pay tribute to the ohampion· Somerset 16-0 last, 'former Holt Family all sports Saturday in a battle of theCon-'··: mentor who earned the respect ference unbeaten. The big Blue, and admiration of all with whom coached by Frank Almeida, ef- he came· in contact during his ,fectively ,muff~ed' the Raider . ,long tenure .at the New ,Bedford attack, something that . only, school.. Mansfield had ,. heretofore' 'been' . ablEi ·to dO.· Wareham· ~osts , Bqurne on Thanksgiv~ng and 8 . '

H. onor Diocese Champs


:~~~~tl:'~ll clinch

the Confer-


a ras



THE At' -I-!ORThurs.• Nov. 17. 1960

BROOKLYN (NC)-Floyd 'Patterson, only man in history to regain the world's hea~yweight boxing championship. was honored by the . Catholic Youth Organization in Trenton, N.J. at a ceremony before 5,000 persons whl'n Bishop George W. Ahr of Trenton presented the champ with the Pro .. Deo et Juventute (for God and Youth) medal. Patterson, who now resides in the Rockville Centre diocese, did not forget his old Holy RosaI')' parish here in Brooklyn. It was about five years ago that Father Archibald V. McLees, the pastor, gave Patterson religious instructions, and received him .into the Church. On his way back from the 'rrenton' ceremony, Patterson stopped off at his old parish FOR SERVICE TO YOUTH: Nearly 6,000 teenagers hall, where the annual bazaar was in progress. He ·fbund watched Bishop George W. Ahr of Trenton present the For Father McLees in the crowd and God and Youth Medal to Floyd Patterson, world heavy- presented him· 'with $5,000 felr weight champion, and the Don Bosco Award for service to the bazaar· fund. Father McLees introdut"-d the . ' youth to Father Richard Madden, Q.C.D. of Youngstown, distinguished visitor tie the Ohio. NC Photo. crowd. Patterson, always lI\ man or few words,said: "I'll· never forget this parish. I recei""d'my . instructions and was baptJ:'iled !n During the past week at Mon- . egard. (Attleboro) .and· Treas-Hoij Rosary church. I'd Jfke to signor James Coyle High School urer; Jeffrey Mansfield (Taun-" make'this contribution ttl' 'HO]y the students· held nominations ton). The .Freshman .Class has' Rosary' church and schooP ....'· , ,.and the subsequent election of selected· ·for --fficers: President,: . Father McLees said it 'ialm't their class of~icers and the of- .David Gonsalves (Taunton); the first contribution to tlf'l pall'. ficers of the varsity, .band.. The Vice-president, Joseph O'Boy; ish from toe j:hamp who ~esn't students elected for .the Senior (Taunton); Secretary,P a u I forget.' .. Class offices· were: President,. stevens··· (Taunton); Treasurer" "'.ew York Drifi.'e .Albert Cwikla· (Fall' River); Gerald Puccini . (Taunton). "~ Vice-president, Richard Souza - The 'newly elected Band Offi-" ' NEW YORK (NC)-Mol"',; than (Taunton); Secretary, John cers for the 1960-1961 school. $8 ·riiillio·n has been slibf·;dbed 'Smith. (Attleboro); Treasurer, year: President Thomas Jones fu a $25 million campaio;f'n for Fra?CIS Mello (~aunton). The (Mansfield); Vice _ president, a new'seminary and sever~ high JUnIor Class offIcers for the Barry Mulhern (Taunton)' Sec- schools in the New York arch196~-61 schoo~ year are. the fOrl- retary, Tho mas McD~rmott diocese: lowmg: PreSIdent, RIC had (Taunton)' Treasurer Frank Brezinski (Taunton); Vic e - Farinella (Mansfield) ~nd Manpre s i.d en t, Geoffrey Kane ager Antone Rosa (Fall River). ~' Eledr~al (Mansf~eld); Secretary, Gerard ' . Contradol'S Kelly (Mansfield); 1'''',~ Treasurer, William Desmond (Fall River).

, Coyle High School Elects Officers

Mansfield, Upset Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Schoolboy footba~l.is at best Bishop of the Diocese of Fall ,. uDpredict!lble and results of the RI",er,· will head the list of in. past couple of weeks bear this vited guests honoring St. Patout. North Attleboro after drop- rick's Parish Baseball teams of . ping" a~4-12 decision to. Dart- . Fall River, Diocesan Championa mouth rebounded with a ven- of 1960. geance against Mansfield which The Parish won both the Juna: week· earlier had pulled off a . ior and ·Intermediate Divisions . The . of~icers elected to head 20-16 ',coup against ,po\\!{!~ful of ,the CYO Baseball League. the Sophomore Class ar~, the , .Attleboro. To .complete, tne ,con- Players of both teams will be folowing: . President, ' Michael: .. fusion, Attl~boro. annihilated... awarded jackets in recognition Carroll· . (Taunton); ; Vice-presi"par~mouth, 44::-14., Sic semper,. of their accomplishments on the, ·..dent, John Doyle .(North Attlecomparative scores! . .. diamond. Bili Monbouquette' of boro); Secretary, Robert Beaur-' Bishop Stang made its varsity the Red Sox pitchin~ staff and ' :~~but a.,;.succ.essf!!l. ope. '0n.· ~~,e ;;i:S ~ormer CYO .plaY¢~b,in .the holiday mormng With a thrilling Archdiocese of Boston will be NEW ENGLAND 12-6 victory ovet: a courageous the guest speaker. Apponequet team. With only 45·· . . . ' . . ., M d 1 ft' the game Stang TIckets may be obtamed from secon s . e ~n. . the players or at St. Patrick's co-captam Constant mtercepted R· t 1598S M' Sf·F 11 ec ory, o. am ., a gg ed it to the Every SllInday ~ $2.95 a fl a t pass an. d 1u River.' Reservations close toApponequet SIX .whence the P~r- night for the testimonial. including - A Live Lobster ochials banged It over. The VISitors were far from dead, how'THE Junior Foresters ever. A running play and two CASA BLANCA New officers for Our Lady of passes moved Apponequet to the (oggshall Bridge, Fairhaven Fatima Colirt, Fall River Junior Stang one yard line when time Foresters, include Margaret Connors, chief ranger; Joanne Davis, vice chief ranger; Judith Taylor, Continued from Page One recording secretary; Jamell Father McCluskey, dean of the O'Brien, treasurer. education school at Gonzaga University, Spokane, :Wash., said the campaign may have given Catholics a "broader awareness" PWMB1NG & HEATING, INC. . BOYS WANTED for the of what they must do to change. Priesthood and Brotherhood. I ~. for Doines&ie the unfavorable attitude which Lock of funds INO impedl Industl1llll many persons have toward CathSales ~ mem. olic education. Oil Burners Serviee .. The former associate editor of Write toe WY 5-1631 America magazine, national p, O. Box 5742 1283 ACUSHNET Aft weekly pUblished by 1Ihe Jesuit NEW BEDFORD . Baltimore 8, Mel. Fathers, called for a working' partnership between Catholic .... and public schools. ........~~.............~~ ~~.............~~.............~~.....'S He said in an address at Marquette University that such a of partnership would i n vol v e Catholic support for public school bond issues and for higher public school teachers' salaries. Wish to Improve Catholics must make it clear to the people at large that they are interested in the public schools and wish flo help improve them, he said. He also noted that Catholle schools sometimes are guilty 01. turning over problem pupils to the public schools and said flhu Norton No. Easton E. Bridgewater is a ''burr under the saddle" for Randolph Plainville public school officials. On the other hand, he said, it and the. new Brockton East Shopping Plaza fa rare to £fnd a publie school ALSO VISIT OUR NEW STORE IN NEW BEDFORD administrator who is interested in Catholic scllools.



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