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Friday, November 17,1995


Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly


$11 Per Year

At meeting:

Bishops gather to act on packed agenda WASHINGTON (CNS) - At their annual meeting, held Nov. 13-16 in Washington, the U.S. bishops faced their usual packed agenda. Among their first actions 'was the holding of elections, which named Bishop Anthony M. Pilla of Cleveland pre&,ident of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and U.S. Catholic Conference. From a field of II nominees, Bishop Pilla was elected overwhelmingly on the first ballot, receiving 170 votes to a total of 68 votes scattered among the remaining 10 candidates. His three..year term of office began with the close of the bishops' national meeting Nov. 13-16 in Washington. Bishop Pilla, 63, has been a bishop since 1979 and head of the Cleveland diocese since 1980. He heads an NCCB subcommittee preparing for U.S. Catholic observance of the 2,000th anniversary of the birth of Christ. Serving with Bishop Pilla as NCCB-USCC vice president will be Galveston-Houston Bishop Joseph A. Fiorenza.

Eleven bishops, among them Bishop Sean O'Malley, were named to head NCCB-USCC committees", for the next three' years. Bishop: O'Malley will head the Missions Committee. Among others elected were Boston Cardinal Bernard F. Law, Committee for Pro-Life Activities; Nashville, TN, Bishop Edward U. Kmiec Permanent r Diaconate; Ogdensburg, NY, Bishop Paul S. Loverde, Vocations; and Rockville Center, NY, Auxiliary Bishop John C. Dunne, Women in Society and in the Church. During the Nov. p to 16 meeting, the bishops reaffirmed the principles of their 1986 pastoral on the economy and harshly criticized welfare reform mea$ures pending in Congress. Unanimously approved was a LIVEL Y AND enthusiastic, Father Dave Costa explains the day's schedule to 625 youth brief letter to Catholic college students that urges them to "create a violence convention participants. (Vieira photo) climate of hope and a community of welcome" on the :nation's campuses. The bishops approved a $41.8 million budget for 1996, new guidelines for the retirement of bishops,

Turn to Page 12 ... C:ampaign for Human Development collection this' weekend

On the weekend of November '18-19, members of diocesan parishes are invited to join with Catholics across the country in responding to the annual appeal for support of the Campaign for Human Development (CHD), which this year marks its 25th anniversary as a significant force in the battle against poverty in America. CHD is the U.S. Catholic Church's effort to fight root causes of poverty through promotion and support of community-controlled, self-help organizations and through education. Ina letter to parishes, Bishop Sean O'Malley reported that in the last 10 years two organizations within the diocese were aided by funds from the national CHD office: the Cape Organization for the Rights of the Disabled and Massachusetts Senior Action. Both groups aid the disabkd and elderly with advocacy where needed and with transportation. Also assisted over the years have been halfway houses, pro-life organizations, the Hispanic Apostolate, Boy Scout programs, alcoholism support groups and various agencies assisting youth groups, the elderly, and the handicapped. Twenty-five percent of funds

collected within the diocese are retained for local self-help initiatives. Recently such undertakings included funding of a community outreach worker's activities on Cape Cod and an English as a Second Language program, also on the Cape. Functioning at several diocesan locations is the BELL (Basic English for Lifelong Learning) program, which serves immigrant workers with nighttime classes. Several religious women are active in the BELL program, for which funding has been arranged by Arlene McNamee and Craig Gaspard, director and assistant at the Diocesan Department ofCatholie Social Services. Among them are Holy Union Sister Anne Marie Phillips and Notre Dame de Namur Sisters Ellen Dabrieo and Mary Alice McCabe. Gaspard noted that C H D nation~l funding is available to groups meeting four criteria: nonprofit status, providing b'enefit to lowincome participants, offering a nontraditional approach to alleviating poverty or aiding the disadvantaged; and not offering direct services such as casework or therapy. Turn to Page 12

Convention charges youth to end verbal violence

by Christine Vieira Fall River's Bishop Connolly High School auditorium looked as if the Victory Garden had met the Wizard of Oz as giant orange, fuschia, and'yellow paper flowers and palm trees decorated the stage but, more importantly, set a festive mood for "Celebrate YOUth" the recent diocesan convention on violence. "In decorating the stage," said Father David Costa, better known as Father Dave, director of Youth Ministry Services and the conference, "we really wanted vibrant 'splashes of color to illustrate the whole idea of celebrating youth." Teens from all over the diocese, 625 strong, gathered with great excitement to celebrate the energy, enthusiasm, faith and gifts that young people give the Church. Evidenced by their participation in the opening ceremony, keynote address by Sheryll Hirschberger' on verbal disarmament and the closing Mass, the students were eager to be an important part of the daylong event. "It's very timely," said Father Stephen Avila, one of the many priests in attendance, "in the wake of the Rabin assassination." The convention theme focused on the rainbow of which no separate color could give the same effect; nor could the rainbow exist without each of its components. Students learned that the colors, like people, are interdependent and, while they can look good and survive separately, they thrive when working together.

"Violence isn't just physical," said Jason Gleghorn, a Bishop Connolly senior and part of a student committee that assisted with the convention's activities, "it's insulting words too. This type of thing [the convention] gives everyone a greater appreciation of people." Upon registration, students received a ribbon representing one of the colors of the rainbow, on which they wrote their names. During the opening ceremony, selected students explained the theme to the audience. Listeners were to wave their ribbons when they heard their color mentioned and to wave them in unison in a flutter of color at the work "rainbow."

Sheryll Hirschberger, MA, author of "Poised Power" and the convention's keynote speaker, discussed verbal disarmament. She explained the five verbal weapons used to inflict injury onto others. "I call these weapons shame, blame, judgment, begrudgment, and the need to be right," she said. "These weapons hurt people. When we have different points of view, we all need to learn to communicate without violating." "Shame," she said, "is used when we pick on another person's weaknesses. This can be called teasing when we act as if we don't mean to put the other down. It's easy to shame someone who is different Turn to Page 13

SHERYLL HIRSCHBERGER, keynote speaker, involves youth volunteers in her presentation. (Vieira photo)

. Bereavement services ,":"",



offer strength and courage By Jean Judge


Sunday, November 19 10 a.m. Mass The Complete Gregorian "Missa de Angelis" (~ass of the Angels) will be sung by the Cathedral Choir and Congregation ALL WELCOME

8 P.M. Concert of Sacred Music Choral Group "Sine Nomine" and Instrumentalists Glenn Giuttari, Conductor "Missa Pange Lingua'" (Des Pres) Cantata 140 (Bach) Ave Vernum '(Byrd)



forgets the details of that last day of a loved one's life, and most need You have lost your wife of 40 to talk about it. "It's part of the years to a long, lingering cancer, healing process," Good says. and life has lost its meaning. You She listens to participants, talks wish you had died with her. fo them and reads to them, disYour strong, apparently healthy, tributes written material, suggests 40-year-old husband dies suddenly books and recommends keeping a after a heart attack. You can't journal. believe he's gone; you never even But always she is aware of the had a chance to say goodbye. sorrow and the pain. Everyone You are lost without your moth- wants to know when this pain will er. You are thirty-something and end; "I wish I could tell them, but I have a family and a job, and ev- can't. No one can." eryone, including your husband, "Grief is a process, and the only says "It's time to get on with life." . way through it is through it," she But you can't stop crying. has learned in her four years of An accident has taken the life of work for Hospice. But eventually, a teenager. You can't bear to hear there will be a "moving on" for the birds sing, or look at flowers in most people. bloom, because he loved nature A therapist in private practice so. with a master's degree in counselA child commits suicide and ing from the University of Rhode you will never understand why; a Island, Ms. Good deals with many young ,nephew dies with cancer of the same issues in both her and you feel you can't bear it; a roles. But, to her, the work with. grandmother dies and you have Hospice is the most meaningful lost the only person in your life for "nowhere are people as honest who ga've you a sense of "belong- and open as they are in grief," and ing." that makes it possible to help All of you are in pain. them. This is grief; this and strong, When the griefstricken realize sometimes overpowering, emotions that their feelings are normal, "that and memories. And this is what they are not crazy," and not isobereavement counselors like Rita lated, she observes that they can Good d~al with. begin to interconnect with others. People of all ages, from young The Hospice counselor sees wisadults to senior citizens, come to dom in the Buddhist concept of the grief education series she coor- life as. preparation for death, and dinates and leads for Hospice Out- has learned from people in the reach. The four-session program is. program "how precious and how held in Clemence Hall at St. Anne's difficult life is, and how it can Hospital and is a' free community change in the flick of a sw1"tch - at service. any age." Ms. Good is sustained in her For those dealing 'with grief, this is a "safe place," where they do not, work by the people she counsels, have to "prepare a face to meet the she says. Her approach is reflected faces that they meet." They can in the Serenity Prayer that hangs talk freely and cry freely. No one on the wall in .her office, but her here is going to tell them to pull inspiration comes from them. "I am inspired by each of you," themselves together and stop crying. ' Good wrote in a Hospice rememThey can tell their stories over brance book. "I am inspired by and over again. No survivor ever "your courage as you face an un-





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known life without your loved one." Hospice exists to help patients with a prognosis of some six months to live who want to spend that time at home. In addition to the servi,;es and helps available to patient:;, Hospice offers varied bereavement services to family members and the community, free of charge.. These include a correspo ndence program with a monthly mailing for 13 months; one-on-on,; counseling; a bereavement companion telephone support system conducted by trained volunteers; a grief education series for adults; and similar programs for children and teens. Annual events include an ecumenical bereavement servke Dec. 14 at Notre Dame Church, Fall River, publication of a memorial booklet in remembrance of loved ones and an April speaker's program.

Further information mav be obtained by contacting Hospice Outreach at 673-1589.

St. Anne's hosts Mass for expectant fa.millies



RIT A GOOD, MS, is the Bereavement Coordinator for Hospice Outreach in Fall River. (Viera photo)

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GETTING A briefing from Rev. George B. Scales, assis:, tant director, on the annual Bishop's Charity Ball are, from left, planning committee V. Vincent Gerardi, coordinatOr of ushers; Mrs. Gerardi, both of New Bedford; and Mrs. John Spellman, Attleboro. The Ball will take place from 8 p.m. to midnight Friday, Jan. 12 at Venus de Milo restaurant, Swansea. M"Usic will be by Studio One. Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, Ball chairman, will discuss the charitable event on Nov. 21 on the 'Donna Sprague talk show on Attleboro radio station WARA, which airs from'lO to II a.m.; and on Nov. 28 on the George Colajezzi talk show on Taunton radio station WPEP, which airs from II a.m. to noon. (Gaudette photo)

The Pro-Life committee of St. Anne's parish in Fall River hosted a Mass for expectant families and their unborn children last S·:.mday. During the liturgy, these families received blessings from celebrant Father Marc Bergeron and the parish community. Members of the Confirmation II class served as lectors ar..d presented the offertory gifts. A choir of first through seventh graders from the parish provided music for the Mass. In his homily, Father Bergeron reminded everyone how fragile life is, ~specially the lives of young people who feel as though they are invincible. He asked that we respect life in all stages, and appreciate the great gift Goll has given us. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week (If July 4 and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 'O,Z720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, r,ostpaid $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River, MA 02722.











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WATERFORD CRYSTAL 1995 F ATHER HORACE Travassos, director of the Office of Family Ministry, and Jerry and Scottie Foley, co-directors of Family Ministry Programs, welcome participants to the first diocesan convention for divorced, separated and widowed persons Nov. I I. (Vieira photos)

Di.vorced/separated/ widowed offered "Fullness of Life" By Christine Vieira On Nov. II, America remembered the many brave men and women who served in the armed services during times of war. Also suffering from personal wars and struggles, more than 50 men and women gathered at the Family Life Center, North Dartmouth, some laughing and among friends, others alone, some teary-eyed, but all seeking emotional healing for the personal turmoil they have endured at the loss of a spouse through death, divon;c or separation. This was the first time that the seventh annual Divorcedl Separated conference was extended to include widows. "Every divorce is a death, and every death a divorce," said Father Horace TravassQs, director of the office of Family Ministry, as he welcomed the participants. "All of us have been wounded in one way or another, so all of you here have something in common." The group was also welcomed and given the day's schedule by Scottie and Jerry Foley, Family Ministry program directors and conference coordinators. "It's very rewarding to be part of this ministry," said Mrs. Foley. "It is with the help of the Attleboro, Cape Cod and New Bedford Divorced I Separated support groups that we come together to promote health and healing." She and her husband also mentioned the many resources and types of literature available at the conference to aid participants in their quest for peace in their lives. The day began with a prayer service and time of reflection and continued with keynote speaker Dorothy J. Levesque, director of the Ministry with Separated, Divorced, Remarried and Widowed Persons in the Providence diocese. She addressed the program theme, "Fullness of Life," with sensitivity, experie nc:e, humor and the acronym LIFE, standing for laughter, intimacy, freedom, and empowerment. "Laughter," she said, "is the ability to find the 'wow' in life again. It happens after the sadness and tears." Ms. Levesque spoke of intimacy as being able to trust someone with feelings, while freedom is the willingness to do so. "Empowerinent," she continued, "is claiming the strength of the Holy Spirit received in Confirmation. I need to take the hearttwisting pain and discover that I can do it alone. The anger, depression and pain allows me to know

the happiness, joy, and freedom of a full life." .. . . The speake:r stressed the impor~ tance of finding the "who" in oneself. "So many times we are caught up in what we are: someone's mother, someone's wife. It is often simultaneously a harsh reality and an enlightening experience, when we find ourselves alone and need to find out who we are." She added that, because we are made in God's image, God is discovering and rediscoving self. She pointed out that healing comes to those who search. for it. "I take what I need tt;> make myself come back to balance. Be selfish in a healthy way." Ms. Levesque added that those who h~ve been alone longer can be signs of hope for those recently bereft.




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. She concluded with a charge to her listeners, many nodding with smiles of understanding, to see everyone brought into one's life as a well.

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"Drink from the well," she said. "It's easy to close in and not Ie't anyone get to you, but you will soon live again. It's all part of the journey." The day continued with 10 workshops, of which participants could choose three, on topics such as single parenting, annulments and depression. The convention ended with Mass and a final activity. Perhaps the feeling and purpose of the day were .best expressed in its opening prayer: "Lord, embrace me with your regeneration so I may begin agai~." .

that the Lord will be good enough to explain to our founders that one celebration every 150 years probably will not gi\e their followers big heads." he said. "We celebrate the poor themselves - not in their poverty, but in their dignity." Citing the convention's third theme. the bishop said he and other society members are believers in God. in the church and in the "consistent ethic of life that confronts the social injustices. the sexual self-indulgence and the casual killing of a culture of death·." He called the society's service to the poor a privilege and a gift for the givers. "God has shown himself to us in the faces of the poor." Bishop Steib said. "and has given us the grace to respond to him there." Delegates participated in social analysis sessions. a youth service program. and workshops on subjects such as AI DS ministry and welfare reform. The societ y bega n in Paris in 1833 when Frederic Ozanam and his associates organized the first conference of Catholic lay volunteers to serv(: the poor personally through the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. Today, there are4JOO U.S. conferences, .active in every diocese. a nd over 61.000 members. The society has reported annual expenditures on charitable works exceeding $100 million. with more than 750.000 households receiving assistance.


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15 from diocese at parley of Vinc~ntians in St. Louis ST. LOUIS (CNS) - Service to the poor "requires nothing more than a committed Christian or group of Christians who take seriously Christ's command of love." said Bishop J. Terry Steib of Memphis, Tenn. He spoke at the 81 st national convention of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. held recently in St. Louis and attended by 15 delegates from the Taunton. Fall River and New Redford a~eas of the Fall River diocese. heaqed by Father Daniel L. Freitas. diocesan director of Vincentians. The gathering marked the 150th anniversary of the formation in St. Louis of the first St. Vincent de Paul confcrence in the United States. A conference is a parish unit of lay women and men who carry out the socicty's mission of helping oth(:rs. Bishop Steib is the society's national spiritual adviser and a former auxiliary biShop in the St. Louis archdiocese. The convention theme was "Remember. Celebrate, Believe," and thc bishop urged some 1,500 delegates and affiliates to do all three. "We remember a tradition of quiet. unassuming. but loving serving." he continued. "carried out unobtrusively. often anonymously. in hovels. hospitals. tenements and public squares. by Vincentians." Bishop Steib said it was time for members to celebrate their inheritance even thougl\ they are encouraged to work for the poor without recognition. "I am sure

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the living word

The Budget: Balance People First Americans have long been mesmerized by tax issues. From Patrick Henry to Newt Gingrich, taxes have provided a rallying point for politicians. Unrest over taxation fueled the Revolutionary War; today's taxation controversies are also unsettling. The present Republican effort to balance the budget spells human路 disaster. Reducing taxes and balancing the budget have' become an excuse to inflict real pain on the elderly, the sick and the unfortunate. There are few in this country who would deny that we need a complete monetary and welfare overhaul. The abuses in'these areas are scandalous. Welfare has long been an undue drain on public monies and there are other monetary issues that plague the nation. But to attack Medicare and Medicaid as the prime targets of budget reform is a distortion; and it should be noted that this particular campaign has nothing to do with the overall effort to reform the total health care system. The losers in this one-sided reform effort are people and the health support systems the need. Hospitals, home health care, . nursing homes and such services as home-delivered oxygen are at risk if the Medicare program is cut back. As for Republican plans for Medicaid, the health care program that cares for the poor, they are, in a word, heartless, and have been described as un-Americans. M'illions offamilies and especially the children in them will be at risk. Without federal funds, the poorest of the poor in inner cities and in isolated rural areas will be without the care they need to survive. We need a tax reform program that will not endanger lives. The fact that little or no other reforms in national health care have been proposed by the present Congress is disastrous. The deal struck with the American Medical Association was an affront to the honesty of budget reform. Under the present Congress it seems that the rich get richer and the poor poorer. It is interesting to note that many areas of government spending, especially with regard to defense, are yet to be discussed. Weapons of destruction are still being developed, along with. their very sophisticated delivery systems. Billions of dolla~,s still now apl!ually to_many..for~ignnattons,while. pork

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to Interest groups from farmers to factories are a litany of monetary payback. In short, government waste outside the area of health care services is horrendous and seemingly unstoppable. To make Medicare and Medicaid the whipping boys of fiscal reform is deceitful and merely indicates that those who have power, who flourish on the fringes of uncontrolled capitalism, can and do control those ostensibly elected to serve all the people, not just the favored few. As the budget debate continues and the politics of tax reform reigns supreme, it is imperative that we do not lose the human perspective that should keep us from greed and abuse. People should not become the object of fiscal reform. Rather, it should be the Washington bureaucracy. It would be well for all o( us to heed words of the Second Vatican Council: "Every social group must take account of the needs and even the general welfare of the entire human family. There must be made to all everything necessary for leading a life truly human, such as food, clothing and sl)elter. The social order and its development must unceasingly work to benefit the human person; it must be founded in truth, built onjustice and animated by love; in freedom it should grow every day toward a more humane balance." Let us hope that the institutions of our government will labor for the benefit and dignity of all citizens, not just the favored few. The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River. MA 02720 Fall River. MA 02722-0007 Telepho'ne 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above



Rev. John F. Moore

Rosemary Dussault ~


eNsl Desau',ds pho.o


"And now there remain faith, hope and love, these three: but the greatest of these is love." 1 Cor. 13:13

Advent is a season of patience and hope By Rev. Kevin J. Harrington , As the Church's liturgical year down with, reaQings con: cernirig :~he e'nd' Qf the world, we " pr'epare':~new 'fot' f1ie' se'!ison of hope'l~iiownas Advent. itseer'n's as if the Church does not want us to dwell unduly on the end times. Advent is a season of waiting with patient endurance. Waiting is never . a popular activity, however. The grocery aisles are filled with microwave goodies and we live in the days of "calling waiting," where people who call you are not even expecting to wait their turn if they reach a busy signal. Personally, I will never subscribe to that service and I find nothing more annoying than a telephone conversation initiated by someone who subsequently puts me on hold while he or she chooses whose call is more important! Advent's wait involves not only patient endurance but joyful hope. 'Children a waiting the joy of Christmas are excell~nt role models. A child's expectation is usually pure, ' in spite of advertisers' attempts to commercialize Christmas. Children are usually unaware of price tags and their attention is intense but fleeting. Time has not dampened their enthusiasm and simple belief that some material good can bring all the happiness that they will ever want. A walk .down memory lane should convince us that our happiest Christmases were those that revolved around a minimum of material goods. Father Joseph Gallaher, a priest for 40 years in the archdiocese of Baltimore, taught a poetry class at St. Mary's Seminary 22 years ago that had a very positive impact upon me. He is a true lover of words who has long enjoyed .the pleasure of writing poetry and prose. His poem, '.' Against Cynicism," is a wonderful antidote to that destroyer of hope. With Advent 禄,i~ps;

approaching, it is well worth pondering. Nothing is everything, noth.', ing here for sure ( ... Nothing, in fact, is even ev:ery- . thing路 You might have thought it could have been ... not, at least, for very longno select applause, lakeside cabin, no lingering in the longed-for bed, no gourmandizing, no sight of your name in boldface, no view beyond the danger of needing change, no effort absolving from the call for further strain. Some people take this discovery bitterly. Once so dogged in their quest to do-



For Sufferers Lord Jesus, because you suffered and died for us, you know most intimately how intense is the shock and'how unique is the grief when one dies by violence. In the face of so much tragedy in the world, may our hearing of it inspire us to pray regularly for all who experience this trauma and for those who are dear to them. Like your own allembracing love, may our charity extend to every person responsible for these affronts to human dignity and God's honor. , Amen.

mesticate here the Absolute, they let the memory of that mistaken hope dog them now, make them snarl, turn cur~ , rish, curse. In their rage of revelation that nothing is everything they take the antithetical view that nothing is anything. They are so outdone by the shadows they can't forgive the light or those who find the partial gift enough for now. And so excess begets eXCI~SS. Creatures thus ill-used are sure to disillusion. Hopes subjected to such extreme gymnastics pull ligaments, can't even suffer normal exercise. Things perform more agreeably, are more inclined to be generous when not required to be everything. When something is enough. A lot then depends on not . demanding too much, not even of poems, not even of these, not even you of these, eve'n I of even you. As our days grow shorter, it is easy to become filled with gloom and doom. Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's are for many more a burden than a blessing. The great Carmelite, St. Theresa of Avila, was fond of sayin:g that sadness is preoccupation with lWeself. If we all expected less of our holidays, we would learn th,: simple wisdom that something is enough. Then we would all perform more agreeably and we would all be inclined to be more generous. I think that is some:thing worth hoping for as we journey through our holidays in the hopefilled season of Advent.




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Jesus W=lrns follower's of trials Malachi 3: 19-20 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12 Luke 21:2-19 At the end of the Church year the liturgy focuses on our Christian hope for the coming of God's kingdom at the final judgment. In this Sunday's readings we are called to prepare for that.i udgment with lives of justice, fruitful work, and patient endurance. With fervant hope, we pray for the coming of God's kingdom in the refrain for our responsorial psalm: "The Lord comes to rule the earth with jusBv DR. PATRICK V. REID tice" (Ps 98). The prophecy in the Book of Last of all, those busy being "busyMalachi ("My messenger") is adbodies" are enjoined "to earn the dressed to those who have lost food they eat by working quietly." faith in God's justice during the depressing years after Judah's The Gospel is taken from Luke's return from exile (c. 450 B.C.). We version of Jesus' apocalyptic serhear of priests offering shoddy mon predicting the destruction of worship and neglecting their duty the Jerusalem temple and his comto instruct the people in Torah ing as the Son of Man with power (Mal 1:6-2:9). Many men have and glory. In Luke's account, Jesus broken the marriage bond by makes a clear distinction between divorcing their Jewish wives and the fall of the temple and the marrying foreigners (2: 10-16). Finalevents associated with "the end." ly, some, when they see the apparent prosperity of the wicked, ha ve given up lives of justice and begun to ask "Where is the just God?" (Mal 2: 17). I n the midst of this moral malaise, the prophet proclaims that the fire of the Lord's by Christine Vieira justice will come. For the proud Out of breath; Sister Lorna and wicked, it will be "blazing like Riordan, OP, ofthe Pastoral Care an oven ... leaving them neither Department of Saint Anne's Hosroot nor branch." But for those who fear the Lord, "there will arise . pital, Fall River, gratefully sat in a chair to discuss her upcoming the sun of justice with its healing educational session. She had just rays." ' come from the emergency room We saw last week that 2 Theswhere a young man had died. Her salonians is written to a communjob, along with several other reliity confused by the belief that "the gious and laity, is the difficult task day of the Lord is already here" (2 of comforting the sick and dying Thess 2:2). Apparently, some and their families. equated this event with baptism To be hdd Nov. 22, "A Spiritual and reasoned that, because they Response" is the title of the fifth already enjoyed the benefits of oncology educational session in a salvation, they were free to live series of eight running this fall and lives of disorder and idleness. In winter at the Hudner Oncology today's selection Paul reminds the Center of Saint Anne's. Thessalonians of how he and his Offering both a male and female co-workers lived among them. perspective, Sister Lorna and Rather than being parasites on the Deacon Michael Murray will cocommunity, they"worked day and present the evening for anyone night, laboring to the point of touched by the diagnosis of cancer. exhaustion so as not to impose on "We are offering it for family any of you." To prod the idle to members as well ~s patients," said resume productive: lives, Paul reSister Lorna. "Our aim is to give calls his rule "that anyone who participants a variety of ways to would not work should not eat." get in touch with their spiritual selves." Although Scripture passages will be read, she added that the session is not a religion class or a support Nov. 20: 1 Me 1: 10-15,41group. Their goal is to help people


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Wars and insurrections associated with the fall of Jerusalem to the Romans in 70 A.D. fired many with the expectation of Jesus' return, but in Luke Jesus warns: "These things are bound to happen first, but the end does not follow immediately." . Jesus goes on to prepare his disciples for the trials they will expe~ rience before his final coming. As Luke recounts so dramatically in the Acts of the Apostles, Jesus' disciples can expect to be persecuted and summoned for trial both in synagogues and before kings and governors. When they are called upon to give witness to Jesus' name, he tells them not to worry, "for I will give you words and a wisdom which none of your adversaries can take exception to or contradict." They can expect to be hated and may even die because of their witness to the Gospel, but Jesus assures them "not a hair of your head will be harmed." Although Jesus' followers will be persecuted by the world's powers, they can expect his assistance in time of trial and the ultimate triumph of God'sjustice. For all of us who wait and struggle for the coming of God's kingdom, Jesus' final words are a source of hope: "By patient endurance you will / save your lives."

Spiritual Response provides cancer education

Daily Readings

43,54-57,62-63; Ps 119:53, 61, 134, 150, 155, 158; lk 18:35-43 Nov. 21: 2 Mlc 6:18-31; Ps 3:2-8; lk 19:1-10 Nov. 22: 2 Me 7:1,20-31; Ps 17:1,5-6,8,1!j; lk 19:11-28 Nov. 23: 1 Me 2:15-29; Ps 50:1-2,5-6,14-15; lk 19:41-44 Nov. 24: 1 Me 4:36-37,5259; 1Chr29:10··12; lk 19:4548 Nov. 25: 1 Me 6:1-13: Ps 9:2-4,6,16,19; lk 20:27-40 Nov. 26: 2 Sm 5:1-3; Ps 122:1-5; Col 1:12-20; lk 23:35-43 00 • • • 00


find their own source of strength, whether music, nature, art, humor, or meditation, that will encourage them to persevere. "The group is always invited to share experiences," said Sister Lorna, "but it is certainly' not a' requirement." She stressed the confidentiality of anything said during the session. "Michael and I don't talk at people or just hand out readings," she said. "It's so important to relax the whole being. We can't teach spirituality and peace. We can only offer them ways others have found it." Other upcoming presentations will include: the Emotional and Psychological Impact of Cancer on the Individual, Family, Intimacy and Communication on Dec.6; Financial Avenues and Medical Coverage upon a Diagnosis of Cancer on Dec. 13; and Reentering Mainstream on Jan. 3, 1996. All presentations will be held at the Nannery Conference Room from 4-5:30 p.m. at Saint Anne's. For more information, contact Fred Barbosa, MSW, L1CSW, or Ann Mitchell, MSW, L1CSW, at 674-5600, ext. 2270.

The Anchor Friday, Nov. 17, 1995



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Call Citizens-Union Savings Bank at 50867543]6 DEACON MICHAEL Murray and Sister Lorna Riordan, OP, will offer "A Spiritual Response," part of an educational series offered by Saint Anne's Hospital, Fall River. r.,.Jy'j~ir.~.P.~9~~>'


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Don't' mess with my Jesus There was a woman I just loved for her blunt way of spelling out the truth. "Don't mess with my Jesus," this old friend would say. Well, in recent years I've se,en books by authors who have formed what has become known as the Jesus Seminar. This group of scholars holds that Jesus did not actually say about 80 percent of what has been attributed to him in the Gospels. When I hear this, 1 find myself quoting myoid friend. Fortunately, there are respected New Testament scholars who take issue with these doubters. One of the best is 'an Anglican clergyman, the Very Reverend Tom Wright, dean of England's Litchfield Cathedral. Dr. Wright, author of "The New Testament and the People of God:' counters the positions of the Jesus Seminar. This year he 'has conducted a series of one-day seminars in 20 U.S. cities onthe topic, "Who is Je~us?" I attended one bf these seminars,' , Dr. Wrigllt is adamant on the importance of studyi'ng'the historical Jesus. He says' the greater problem w.ould be to av'oid history' and thereby run the risk of creating a Jesus in our own image to affirm our own ideologies. "I take. the Gosp~ls extremely seriously," he says. "They're talking about something'that went on in the, real world." The Gospels, says Wright, are "really biography" as w~lI as "fait~ documents."

eNS photo

Madonna and child '95 stamp -debut~ stamp'for 1995 and replace it with WASHINGTON'(CNS) -- The Madonna and Child Christmas a Victorian-era angel, but a flap stamp that was in danger of disap- ',ensued over the' decision and pearing for 1995 has riot only been 'sparked a quick reversal by Postmaster General Marvin Runyon. unveiled, but is now available in This year's Madonna and Child post offices throughout the United States. And there should be plenty stamp image is from Florentine painter Giotto di Bondone's l4thof them to go around, too, with 700 million of the 32-cent stamps century work "Madonna and • for sale. La~t year the Pos~a\ Ser- Child.:' It is available insheets of books ,ono. "~ ",: vice decided to drop the religious' 50 . an'd , .. , -.


Share a Great Compassion Sr. Brigid Native of Chicago, Illinois Prior Experience: Medical Technologist

We ~eek women,who ure growing in their love of God, and desire to join a community with a strong spirit,ual, apostolic and community life. "Even tllOugh I was vel)'

ltapp), Ileit . lItat Go was calling me to a different life. Tile emphasis on cOlllllluni.

t); pra),er, sac· rifice, obedi· I . . , - - - - - - - . J ence to the HoI)' Father, a unified apostolate based on radical tnlst ill God and lol'in[! care of His beloved children, and the visible witness of a religious ltabit, drew Ill)' mind and I.eart to the Ha1l111OI"lIe Dominicans. In God's Will is 0111' peace; I wish ItO other life than ti,e one God has offered me in the preciolls gift of Ill)' mcation,"

FOR MORE INFORMATION: 51', Marie Edward Dominicall Sisters of 1'lawt/lOme 600 Li'lda Al'ellllC Hawl/lOme, NY 10532 (914) 769-4794

Living our vows and participating in the life of the Church by prayer and .sacraments, gives us the ability to serve God in this apostolate. We nurse incurable cancer patients in our seven free, modern nursin~ homes, located in Ohio, New Yor , . Pennsylvania, Georgia Massachusetts; and Minnesota. Many who enter our community have no rior nursing experience, b I h ut we a s are a great compassion for the suffering poor and delight at being able to help them. '



Dear Dr. Kenny: Our 3-yearold has temper tantrums when 1 take him shopping, and ,I 'don't know what to do. He makes a beeline for the toy department or the candy section and then throws a fit if 1 won't buy him what he wants. 1 have tried reasoning with him, spanking him or forcibly picking him up and carrying him past the toys or candy. The only way to get him to stop is for me to give in, and 1 know that's not right. Help! ...;. New Jersey You are right about not giving in. Don't, not even once in awhile. Giving in occasionally will only teaeh him to try harder, to prolong his tantrum, thinking that he may eventuallyg'et:his way. , rhett:, 'are two basic types of temp~r tantrums: "the conjob" and I


the "berserk" tantrum.< With the' berserk tantrum the child loses control of his own behavior. He may thrash and flail around, the victim of his own rage. Since your son's tantrums occur in public when he is near something he wants. they appear of the "con job" variety. He is using them to try to manipulate you. In a public place your son has a: major advantage. You cannot, ignore or punish him without causing a worse scene. He probably realizes this. The most obvious solution is not to take him shopping with you. Get a baby sitter or leave him with a friend. Try again in six months. If you'are in a public place and he starts 'his: tantrum' behavior.


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siah" to the people of Jesus' day, so why wasn't Jesus buril:d and forgotten, as were so many sages and self-proclaimed proph(:ts? He would not agr~e with the Jesus Seminar, for which much !,aid by Jesus at the time of the re:lurrection and afterward is a fabrication or beyond any historical assessment. For Dr. Wright, Jesus was indeed the Messiah and proof lies in the resurrection. "The tomb was empty," said Dr. Wright. "Jesus' body had been transformed, ... there ",as no precedent for this and there n~mains n~ othe~instance" of this happening to.spme.one else. , . Thai something ,Ilappened is .e,vident in how the apostles changed from'cowards to courageous Christians. As Dr. Wright points out, "Uniess he was raised from the dead, why would anyone persist in spreading that message?" This doesn't even skim the surface of the incredibie day spent with Dr. Wright. He deserves thanks for caring enough to shine light on the serious question of who Jesus is.

Don't give in to tantrums




A recent book by one of the most prominent members of the Jesus Seminar, John Dominic Crossan, is "Who Killed Jesus?" Crossan holds that the crucifixion was an accidental happening and then goes on tp dispose of the resurrection. ,"His reading of why Jesus died," said Dr. Wright, "is historically speculative, ... unrooted in anything we can check on.... I found it utterly extraordinary and unbelievable." Dr. Wright added, "I disagree with him on everything." Dr. Wright says the approach of the Jesus Seminar has been "to make Jesus a rather folksy, savvy sage who peppers the air with cryptic sayings," eventually getting himself killed by the authorities, whereupon his followers start telling his story in a totally different way.. ., This is vastly different from the Jesu~ oqiistory; who was r,e,d'efining the kingdom and was critical of the ,co~p~i-tment of many reli,gious leadt<rs of the' time, saying in effect that they were "go'ingin the, wrong direction." .' Jesus told those who heard him preach that they must bt<come the people of God in a nidically new way. He told them that the king,dom of God was being established here and now, "and anyone who comes my way is welcome." This was good news, not sound bites. Dr. Wright pointed out that "a crucified messiah is a failed mes-

orca/I . ..


By Dr. JAMES & MARY KENNY. your shopping trip ,is over. Pick him up, leave your groceries, carry him out and go home. Don't stay around to get embarrassed and then angry at him. One alternative is to shop with a friend. This allows one of you to take him out to the car if he starts and ,the other to complete the shopping trip. If you still plan to take your son shopping, do everything you can to get matters working in your favor. See that your son is rested and fed before you leave. Being hungry and tired obviously makes tantrums more likely, Plan your trips after his nap or a': least when he is not cranky to start with. Also a small snack before you leave might help. A nutritious bit to eat is a good mood elevator. Finally. do not slap or spank, certainly not in public and not in private either. Physical punishment is generally a poor way to motivate behavior and not at all appropriate in stopping·tantrums. If the tantrums do not work for him. if they fail to "force" you to give in, then he will eventually stop. Behavior only continue:s if it pays off. People stop doing what does not work . Prepare for your next shopping trip by taking a rested and tappy son. If he still throws a tamrum. take him out of the store at once. No more joint sh'opping trips for awhile. Good luck! Reader questions on family living and child care to be answered in print are invited. Address questions: The Kenny,s; 219 W. Harrison; Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.

Post-ab(»rtion questions can be painful

the same as suggesting that they consider deliberate killing of any By unborn human life anything but a gravely wrong and sinful action. All over the United States today, FATHER the church expends huge personal and financial resources to help JOHN J. heal and reconstruct the spiritual Q. I need to know my standing and emotional lives of women after in the church. I am the mother of DIETZEN an abortion. two beautiful children and am apThis says simply that judgement proaching 40 years of age. and punishment are not ours to About a year ago nfound that I right for my family and son. If I inflict. Those belong to God alone. was pregnant. Becalllse of my age listened to my heart I would still In this as in all other areas of the doctor suggested amniocentehave been pregnant. faith and life, ours is to teach what sis. I had to put my refusal in Am I still a member of the we believe as clearly as we can, and writing. Catholic Church? I don't feel right then try to reflect the kindness and Weeks later a routine blood test going to confession and asking for goodness of Christ to "sinners," indicated a higher than normal forgiveness, when I feel that if those who for whatever reason risk of Down syndrome. My docfaced with the same circumstance I have not measured up. tor insisted on the amniocentesis, would make the same decision. Again as with our Lord, that which confirmed our fears. Please help me. (New York) compassion may never be misunMy husband and I went to a A. I was deeply moved by your derstood as compromising what is genetic counselor. We explained letter, to the point where I had to taught to be. right and wrong ways that we were always against aborre-read and reflect on it several to act. tion and that I partiicipated often times before attempting a response. Your counselor was not only in pro-life rallies. Your kind of story and' your wrong about the church's teachThe counselor didn't suggest feelings are repeated countless times ings. Her suggested manner of abortion, but did tell us that some by women who have, or have not, reachingadecision might be acceptpriests do not look harshly on decided to abort their children. able if you're wondering whether women who han terminated a Lots of things could be said, but to vacation in Alaska or Cancun. pregnancy because of genetic abtwo I believe are most critical. It is an extremely poor and dannormalities, and under the circumFirst, assuming you reflect her gerous one, however: for arriving stances the church would accept words accurately, you were grossly at life-or-death moral decisions the decision. misled by the individual you ap~ such as you faced. proached for counseling. And I She suggested we write a list of Are you excommunicated? Sevthink you know that. pros and cons. After soul searcheral conditions must be fulfilled ing, the only reason I found for not For starters, not only some but for that to happen; by this time it's most priests, I hope, do not "look , probably impossible to unravel all having an abortion was to save harshly" on women who have had myself living with the guilt. the emotional and other strands I did what my brain said was an abortion. That is by no means involved to arrive a't a clear' and certain answer. As a practical matter for you how, the answer to that question is not really relevant and would be By taken care of anyway when you go to confession. DAN What is important is that you get back to the full practice of your MORRIS faith, including penance and the Eucharist. If you had been really, really, You say you would do the same really trying to kel:p up to date thing again. But you don't really with all the national efforts of the know that. God's grace can do church. (aimed at us locally, of this fundamental relationship wonders. and your letter shows course) last month, believe me, that you already have grave doubts' deserves. I you would have shot into Novemabout wisdom and good.ness of We read stories about the dediber like a moral spit wad wetted what you did. cated missioners serving in Tanwith social and spiritual commitOne thing is sure. Without prayer zania, Peru and the Bronx. We ment, energy and ideas. and the sacraments you are much drop five bucks in the Mission We are talking Respect Life' more likely to act in the future in Sunday ellvelope, nod our respectMonth, Vocations Awareness ways that will make you very ful approval, and go home and Week, Mission Sunday and more. unhappy, ways you know are turn on the Lakers-76ers game. Radical stuffactually. And Gospel wrong. Argh. readings that tell us things like St. Please talk to a priest soon. You Lest this deteriorate into just Paul writes to Timothy: "The spirit have waited long enough. another wheezy"mea culpa," let God has given us is no cowardly A free brochure answering quesme tell you what Uncle Dan is spirit, but rather on(: that makes us going to do this next few days - as tions Catholics ask about Mary, strong, loving and wise." the mother of Jesus, is available by a result of October's urgings. Then why aren't more of us First, I am going to corral our sending a stamped self-addressed zinging right along, making great envelope to Father John Dietzen, inroads to all the gazillions of 90-mile-per-hour offspring and Holy Trinity Church, 704 N. Main establish dates and times to be things that we could be? St., Bloomington, III. 6170 I. together to review family movies, Hmmmm? "plan" Christmas, bake cookies, Here's a theory: We are - as construct gingerbread houses and that fast-food TV ad points out prove I can whip 'em in Scrabble. -in a rut. We are lassoed, bound And sneak in questions about God's up, confined, tangled and downcall. right hogtied most of the time by Nov. 19 Second, I will write a Peace decisions we've made without 1982, Rev. Msgr. LesterL. Hull, Corps volunteer we know in South making them. Pastor Emerit us, Our Lady of the America to (I) let her know we are We move from walking to work Isle, Nantucket thinking about her, and (2) ask to home to bed, from day to day 1990. Rev. Philodore H. Lemay, how we might support her work. and from week to week, without M.S., LaSalette Provincial House, Third. I am 'going to buy a quart serious thought ~ or prayer - as Attleboro of authentic chocolate milk and a to how we might jump the tracks package of macaroons - maybe and crash off the trestle into a Nov. 21 even snickerdoodles - and talk resurrected lifestyle:. 1975, Rev. Stephen J. Downey, my wonderful spouse into climb-. Retired Pastor, Holy G host, Attle- As a wise pastor once told me, ing onto our roof to enjoy them we become preoccupied with the boro and each other. "important" details of life and put 1994, Rev. James F. Kenney, OK, OK, so it ain't exactly radithe "essentials" on the back burner. Retired Pastor, Corpus Christi, cal. But if we're hogtied by past So we work extra hours to assure East Sandwich decisions we've made without really a good Christmas (translation: lots Nov. 23 making them, who knows what of nice stuff), but we take scarce to 1984, Msgr. Christopher L. might happen if we decided no time with our families to celeBroderick, Pastor Emeritus, St. really decided - to move life's brate that very family. Pius X, South Yarmouth We remember our wedding essentials off the back burner? Your comments are welcome Nov. 24 anniversary with a card and maybe always. Please send them to Uncle 1991. Msgr. Da niel F. S halloo, a movie, but we put off finding Dan, 25218 Meadow Way, ArlingRetired Pastor, Holy Name, Fall ways to put a new shine on the ton, Wash. 98223. River romance, passion and excitement

Moving life's essentials to the forefront




Diocese of Fall River -- Fri., Nov. 17, 1995



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HealthWise FRO [vI

Women Religious How is God calling me to live out my baptismal commitment?

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WOULD YOU LIKE TO MEET OTHERS WHO ARE REFLECTING ON THESE QUESTIONS If you answered YES to any of these questions, COME and join us 'for a reflective INFORMATION EVENING. . .

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Pre-registration is,helpful/or planning, but registration may be at the door.






Program Date:



Mail to: S.M. Noel Blute, RSM . 500 Slocum Rd.· No. Dartmouth, MA 02747-2930

;,;=:;=:;:;:::===============~ ord, help me this Lent to stand by the cross y of Your suffering poor in the Missions. With my prayers and my sacrifices, let me reach to them and tell them: "You are not alone. You are my sister, my brother. And 1 am with you. "



t\ NNE . S

I I () S I' I T t\ I

Saint Anne's begins


Wed., Nov. 29,1995 6:30 P.M. St. Mary Parish 330 Pratt St., Rte. 106 Mansfield, MA




parish nurse ministry Extending its mission to provide a place for healing and to foster caring for oth~ ers, Saint Anne's Hospital, Fall River, recently instituted a Parish Nurse Program pri~ marily focused on but not limited to the elderly and their families in the Greater Fall River community. The program is an inter~ faith community service project which invites regis~ tered nurses from parishes and synagogues to offer their . clinical services, spiritual guidance and education to members of their congrega~ tions. According to Father Rob~ ert Rochon, director ofPas~ toral Care and Education at Saint Anne's, "Parishes have historically been a place of healing. Our goal is to take healthcare outside the walls of the hospital and into the community - bringing ho~ listic care into parishiopers' lives. "

Participating nurses are volunteers· who assess the needs of a congregation and act as ministers ·ofhealth. Their services may include at~home visits for patients recently discharged from local hospitals and ho~e~ bound elderly, transporta~ tion to and from office vis~ its to physicians, facilitation ofsupport groups and organ~ ization of health clinics. A nurse· may also train and supervise other volunteers within a congregation. In an era of managed care, the Parish Nurse Program fills an extremely important role for patients who need additional care after a short hospital stay. "The program is also beneficial to nurses within a parish who have a unique opportunity to use their talents and gifts by offering assistance to mem~ bers of their congregation," said Sister Carole Mello,

Iteering pOintl DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA, NB There will be a meeting Nov. 21 at 7 p.m. at Holy Name Church, New Bedford, where a Mass will be offered for all deceased members. Regular meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. in the church center. OUR LADY OF THE CAPE, BREWSTER A healing service with Mass will be held Dec. 6at 7:30 p.m. Celebrant will be Father Dick Lavoie, M.S. Information: Sue, tel., 432-4934.

ST. ANNE'S, FR The newly formed youTh ministry will meet Nov. 19, at 7 p.m. in the school cafcteria. All youth. grade nine and abovc are welcome. CHRIST THE KING, MASHPEE A 5-week adult Bible study series begins Nov. 22after9:15·a.m. Mass in a religious education classroom. The meetings will be on Wednesday mornings. Bring your own Bible or borrow one at the church. All welcome. Information: Millard Cramp, tel., 477-3672. . KIRSTEN SWEDBERG LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO, John Poke will be at the last of the 1995 Bethany Night presentations tonight at 7:30 p.m. in thechapt:!. It will be an evening of prayer, music and reflection. Members of the LllSalette prayer group will offer individuals the opportunity to be anointed and prayed over. Handicapped a,;cessible. On Nov. 18 at 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria, the final coffee hou!e of the season will feature Kirsten Swedberg,who is known throughou': the Boston Christian music scene. Ilandicapped accessible. Informat ion: tel., 222-5410.


The Society for THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH Reverend Monsignor JohnJ. Oliveira, Y.E. 344 Highland Avenue. Fall River, MA 02720 "Attention: Column." No. 101 ANCH 11117/95


o $100 Name Address




$40 ... $1 for each day of Lent $50 0 $25 0 $10 0 $_ _ (other)

_ _




Please remember The Society for the Propagation ofthe Faith. when writing orchangingyour Will.

For more information on the program plc~ase contact Sister Carole Mello at (508) 674-5600, Ext. 2061. "


his Lent, won't you "stand by" the suffering poor of the Missions... in Rwanda, in Sudan, in war-tom Liberia? Through your prayers and . sacrifiCes, offered through the Propagation of the Faith, you can be with them. Won't you help those who serve the poor of the Missions today? .,

coor.dinator··of the I. new program. Through Saint Anne1s on~ going educational lectures and workshops parish nurses are made aware of phii!oso~ phies of pastoral and spirit, ual care and the important relationships between life, styles, attitudes, faith and wellbeing. "The program is a minis, try based upon a per~on's physical, psychological and spiritual wellbeing. It en~ courages all to work toward health and wholeness," said Father Rochon. Currently. 29 congrega, .tions are participating in the program in Fall River, Taunton, Swansea, Somer~ set, New Bedford, Westport, Fairhaven, Dighton, Assonet and Centerville. Saint Anne's Hospital receives partial funding for the project through a Faith in Action grant from the Robert W'ood Johnson Foundation. The foundation is the nation's largest private philanthropic. organization dedicated to im, proving health care through grant,giving.

FATHER JOSEPH F. Viveiros (center) was installed as the 13th pastor of St. Dominic's parish, Swansea, by Msgr. George W. Coleman (right) last Sunday. Rev. Bernard Vanasse (left), parochial vicar at St. Dominic's conceIebrated. (J olivet photo)




pastoral statement on life. I found it very disturbing. I don't know what a pastoral Dear Editor: statement is supposed to do, or to The letter to the editor of Oct. whom it is addressed, and the 27 shows how good people can be actual text of the statement was duped by the enemy. not provided, but the explanation As an Independent, I have of what it contained was an excelsearched for the truth and from lent example of obfu~cation. what I know, Americans United At the same time that the Holy for the Separation of Church and Father was here, denouncing aborState has for its goal not the freetion and euthanasia,and with the dom of religion but the freedom new Catechism, which condemns from religion. Its aim is to take abortion as a vile sin deserving of God and religion out of governpossible excommunication, readment and our schools, our media ily available, the interpreter, Ms. and our social life, one step at a Helen Alvarc, eleva~es choice to time. It believes religion is danthe level of a debatable item. gerous. How can this be? Actually, the Quite the opposite is true. It is only choice involved is whether or the lack of religious principles that not to engage in procreational has led us into the unprincipled activities. Once the deed is done, and violent society we have today. there is no choice. What Americans United members This appears to be just another fear is that all Christians will unite example of the "Lite" Roman Cathbecause that would be a formidable force to put an end to porno- . olicism which is plaguing the Church today and causing more graphy, child molestation. adulproblems than it is solving. If the tery. violence of all kinds. etc., etc. bishops would stop pussyfooting They know that the grassroots around and call a spade a spade, as majority of our people believe in the Holy Father has done, there what is right and just, whether would be no confusion and no they are Christians • .Jews or any debate and, possibly, fewer "cafeteother people of goodwill. Heaven ria" Catholics. forbid that we should ever unite Robert C. Rehm and change our violent, out-ofEast Dennis control society. Why, that would be the most dangerous thing that In the article discussed, Ms. could happen to America. Can Alvare's point, as a careful reading you see their agenda? Can you will disclose, is that one's "choice" perceive how false their premise is? should always be for life. Editor Thomas Jefferson expressed his opinion and time has proven him wrong, for it was in separating church and state that we have come to where .we arc. Our reli, gious forefathers produced a unique government wit h the Bill of Rightsand the Constitution acknowlDear Editor: edging their dependence on God. I want to express my deep appreDo we want to destroy that? ciation to you and/ or anyone else Janet Nerhonne responsible for printing in The Attleboro Anchor the article I sent you on the 150th anniversary Mass in memory of the victims of the Irish Famine. Because of this article many people from the Fall River area Dear Editor: did come to the cathedral in ProvFirst of all, let ml: say what a idence last Sunday for this very wonderful house of worship Holy special and historic occasion. If it Trinity Church is. All the people at had not been for your paper some Holy Trinity, West Harwich, arc of them would not have known exceptionally fantastic and very about it. and I think they would warm They all work ,"cry hard at ha ve been sorry to ha ve missed it. what they do. When Very Rev. M assach usetts, I know, had Gerald Shovelton was appointed many different ways of marking dean on the Cape and Islands, they the 150th anniversary of this terrimade the right choicl: because evble occurrence, but when Iapproached eryone speaks very highly of him. Bishop Gelineau in' March about When my parents and I started observing it by a concer.t and Mass, attending Holy Trinity, we didn't nothing seemed to have been slated know anyone at first. But now we for Rhode Island.' Knowing the know everyone, especially the deep faith of the IriSh through the secretary and the maintenance centuries, and their devotion to man. The parochial vicar also does the Mass, I thought a Mass would a great job at what he does. The be an appropriate way of recalling deacon at Holy Trinity is so it here. vibrant. The priests are really close The cathedral was filled with with everybody. Whenever anyone people from all over the state and is sick, the priests visit them. nearby Massachusetts. including Let me say in general how grateBoston·-all of whom found out ful and thankful I am at how close from newspapers like yours and everyone is at Holy Trinity. . flyers-because we did not have Alison Oickle the money for paid ads! There South Dennis were four bishops and about 20 priests concelebrating, and Consul General Conor O'Riordan was here from Boston to deliver President Mary Robinson's timely message, Dear Editor: and an excellent one of his own. The lead story of the October Our new coadjutor, Bishop Mul6th Anchor was on the bishops' vee, gave a great homily, so we

Another "'oice

Famine Mass drew many

A wonderfulparish

Statement t.tisturbs

were blessed! . Everyone.'there"::" bishops, priests, and lay peopleseemed very moved by the services in memory of the famine victims. some of whom most likely had been their own ancestors, so that was very gratifying. Thank you for the part The Anchor played in letting them know about it. Anne M. Burns, President R.1. Irish H istorical/ . Genealogical Society

Poem/or Tierney Tierney, you were chosen to be One of Jesus' special children. You came into this world to suffer And bear the cross he ga,ve you. For the 14 years you were on Earth The cross you carried was heavy But you were loved by Jesus And your family. When Jesus called you home. I believe you saw him and the angels Because he 'Iifted your cross. You died. Tierney. with a smile on your face. By Aunt Sally Feijoy Tavares Fall River

Power and light Dear Editor: One night recently we were besieged by heavy wind and rain.



Diocese of Fall River -

Their force knocked down trees and power lines. I rose in the middle of the night to howling winds, pelting rain and complete darkness. I groped my way to shut windows and to find candles to provide some small illumination. Not wanting to leave the candles . unattended, I did not return to bed but sat in the dim light awaiting the return of electricity. As I waited, I reflected on how certain I was that the power would return and wished I could always have such faith in the fa~e of other life-storms.

Fri., Nov. 17, 1995

Soon the power worker knights arrived. clad in foul weather gear and pressing through the still sheeting rain and gusty winds. I watched from my window marveling at their dexterity and sense of duty. I thought about how God gives us light and power in this storm-tossed world and prayed for the wisdom to remember that God will always lead me to the light and give me the power to pray and wait. Jean Quigley Rehoboth



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Sponsor 3G~ild

at aeatholic mission for just $10 amonth

his is Conchita. She lives in Guatemala in a one-room house with a tin roof, a dirt floor and no electricity. Only four years old, she must help her mother carry water for cooking and bathing. She gets very tired but finds little comfort on her stiff wooden bed with a straw mattress. Because her father earns only $25 per mO{1th as a day laborer, there is no money for playthings, and even basic necessities are a luxury to ner family of six.

But there is hope! You can help one very poor child like Conchita through Christian Foundation for Children and Aging (CFCA), a Catholic sponsorship program assisting needy children at .Catholic mission sites around the world. For as little as $10 a month, only 33 cents a day, you can help a poor child receive nourishing food, medical care, the chance to go to school and hope for a brighter future. You can literally change

Through CFCA, you can sponsor a child with the amount you can afford. Ordinarily it takes $20 a month to provide a child with the life-changing benefits of sponsorship. But if this is 110t possible for you, we invite you to do what you can. CFCA works hand-in-hand with dedicated, trusted Catholic missionaries and lay leaders who know their communities and labor tirelessly to improve conditions for needy children and their families. Your sponsorship dollars help them do the work Jesus has called us to do. When you become a sponsor you receive a photo of your child, their personal family history, a description of the country where your child lives, and the CFCA newsletter. Your new friend will write you - and you may write them as often as you like. But most of all, you have the satisfaction of helping a child in need. Please don't miss this opportunity to make a difference.

a life!

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II Centenarian honored at Our Lady's Haven Rhoda Pate, a resident of Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven, recently celebrated her 100th birthday at a

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party with family and friends in the nursing home's dining room. A native of Burnley, England, Mrs. Pate lived in Fairhaven for It's time for older Americans to 20 years before coming to Our Lady's Haven. She has one daugh- lake precautions against the pneuter, two grandchildren and one monia and flu epidemics that great grandchild. Her grandchild- accompany the winter season. ren, who live in England and llIiMedicare Part B (Medical Insurance) may cover the cost of both nois, attended het' party. pneumonia vaccinations and flu Prior to her retirement, Mrs. Pate worked as a nurse at the Ash- shots for those age 65 or older. ley Sanatorium and as a private Medicare Part B pays the readuty nurse. She was president of ' sonable approved amount for either the women's club in Acushnet, and shot. If the cost exceeds the apan active member of the Veteran's proved amount, the beneficiary is of Foreign Wars and American responsible for the difference. Legion also in Acushnet, and par- Generally, the cost will be paid if ticipated in the Garden Club of the vaccine is provided at a docPocasset. tor's office, or by a hospital, skilled A resident of Our Lady's Haven nursing facility, home health agenfor 15 years, Mrs. Pate enjoys the cy, rural health clinic, federally home's coffee cart and voting dur- qualified health cetner, outpatient ing elections. physci~1 therapy provider, or a comprehensive outpatient rehabil-' itation facility.

Medicare helps pay costs of vaccines

MR. JAMES Seneca, Fall River, had the privilege of performing under the direction of famous American bandleader John Philip Sousa, while playing with the Santo Christo band. (Jolivet photo)

Area man performed wi1th legendary bandleader

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Cardinal Hickey's retirement on hold

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Sat., Nov. 18 - 6:00 PM Fr. Phil.ip Salois, M.S.

When Washington's Cardinal James A. Hickey turned .75 Oct. II, he dutifully submitted his resignation to Pope John Paul II. Less than three weeks later he got an answer from Archbishop Agostino Cacciavillan; U.S. papal pronuncio: "The pope wants him to stay on the job 'until other provision is made.' " Cardinal Hickey, archbishop of Washington since 1980 and cardi'na(since 1988, is the second-oldest of the nation's eight, active cardinals. New York's Cardinal John J. O'Connor, who was 75 last January, has also been asked to continue in his post. I n a brief statement, Cardinal Hickey said, "I am deeply grateful to our Holy Father for his kindness and confidence in me, and I renew my pledge to serve the people of the archdiocese :ovith all my heart for however long I am asked to serve."


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By Dave Jolivet Very few people can say they've had the pleasure of making music with an American legend. James Seneca, who was baptized at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, and has been a member of St. Anne's, Immaculate Conception and Holy Rosary parishes in Fall River, is one of the few. Seneca, now 93 years old, played a brief stint with John Philip Sousa, the renowned American band leader who composed the beloved "the Stars and Stripes Forever" in 1896. Sousa and Seneca hooked up in Coney Island, New York, when Seneca was 24 years old and a member ofthe Santo Christo Band, a Portuguese musician's club. "European dignitaries used to come to Coney Island and spend a couple of weeks there. The Santo Christo Band was asked to perform for them, and Mr. Sousa

cond ucted us. I sat number one chair and played the trumpet," said· Seneca. Seneca doesn't simply'live off the memories of playing w:.th this great musician, he's actively trying to commemorate the 100th anniversary of "Stars and ~;tripes Forever" by having a U.S. postage stamp issued for 1996. "I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing this for the l! nited States of America," says Seneca. The nonagenarian has employed the assistance of several area members of Congress, and has written numerous letters in his quest to have the stamp issued. Seneca speaks with pride of the time he spent with John Philip Sousa, a man who left such a lasting impression on him; that he has given a great deal of time and effort attempting to ensure that Sousa's legacy of American music and patriotism is not forgotten.

Sister Denisa says goodlty Sister Denisa, s.c.q. (born Jul- past years being in contae:t with iette Leblanc) is returning to Can- families of the residents, I was ada after having been a fixture at always touched by the goodness of Sacred Heart Nursing Home, New their hearts and the expres!iion of Bedford, for 32 years. During her their gratitude for the care giiven to stay, Sister Denisa forged many their loved ones. These are prestrong friendships, and will be cious souvenirs that I will treasure sadly missed by the staff, residents for years to come. and their families. I understand that there is a time In keeping with her quiet and for everything in this life and, for unassuming way, Sister Denisa me right now, with my heart, eyes has offered the following reflec- and ears not in perfect condition, I tion: shall return to the motherhouse in "To all my dear residents and Canada, bringing you all in my their lovin2 families, my nursin2 heart. staff, all tile personnel I had the I am sure that our dear Lord will joy to work with, follow me there all my 200d as He had folfriends of the lowed mt, here United States, a from Can:llda in fond farewell. 1963 and iltayed For 32 years, at my side to I have taken care help me fulfill of my dear resimy everyday dents. I can truly duties until 1995. say that I was From the bottom really happy to of my heart, I do so. say thank you, Now that my each and every health condition one of you, for forces me to your help" your leave, I feel that attention and a part of my your kindness. heart wants to Lovingly stay here. I know' and I will miss you prayerfull:1, all. But it's God's Sister Dlmisa, will. For, all those SISTER DENISA, S.C.Q. s.c.q. , ,..

~~ • • • • • ,







Sponsoring needy children is inv«~sting in treasure By Barbara MaYllr, OSB When Estela Chacar was brought. to a Christian Foundlttion for Children and Aging nutrition center in Patzun, Guatemala, she was 2 1/2 years old and weighed only 9 1/2 pounds. Her mother had died during childbirth and her povertystricken father fed her only water, salt and tortillas. She looked much like a newborn baby. The doctor at the center prescribed a drop of milk every 10 minutes for the first week. Gradually her diet was ineH:ased and by the end of the year she could eat by herself. She soon reached the normal weight for her size. Today, at age seven, Estela is still small for her age and also has some difficulty speaking and seeing, but the ophthalmologist thinks that she will improv,~ with time. She began school this year and has learned her colors, numbers, letters of the alphabet and how to play with other children. Estela. true to her name, is the "star" among all the boarders at the center. She has found a new home and the staff says everybody loves her. Her recovery is greatly due to the love and carl~ she receives at the center and from Dan and Melanic Noe of Cincinnati. OH, who began sponsoring her in Feb~ ruary 1994. Her survival is truly a miracle. In general she seems to be a normal. happy child, although she may have some learning disabilities; but hopefully, the care and attention she is receiving will help her develop her full potential. But there are many Estelas in Guatemala and other developing countries who will not survive because help will not reach them in time. Only through organizations such as the Christiar. Foundation for Children and Aging that provide funding for nutrition centers and clinics at Catholic mission sites can there be hope for all the other Estelas. Many problems vie for our attention and concern today. No one can respond to them all. But, as the "State of the World's Children 1995" report reminds us, "protecting and investing in the physical, mental, and emotional development of all children is the foundation for a better future. Unless the investment in the children is made, all humanity's long-term problems will remain fundamental long-term problems." Sponsors Dan and Melanie Noe feel privileged to help make a difference in the life of Estela. They

The Anchor Friday, Nov. 17, 1995

End of tests asked

know they cannot help all children in need, but they can help one child. As someone once said, "We cannot do everything, but we can do something." A national campaign coordinated by the Christian Foundation to raise a ware ness of the needs of the poor will take place in many parishes this weekend. People in participating parishes will have the opportunity to hear more about how they can sponsor a 'child like Estela. Christian Foundation for Children and Aginl~, One Elmwood Ave., Kansas City, KS 66103 or call 800-875-6564.


ESTELA Chacar, who weighed only 9Y2 pounds at age 2Y2, is now a healthy 7-year-old thanks to a Guatemalan nutrition center funded by the Christian Foundation for Children and Aging.

UNITED NATIONS (CNS)-The Vatican has appealed to the United Nations for a treaty to "end all nuclear tests by all countries in all environments." Speaking at U.N. headquarters in New York, Archbishop Renato R. Martino said the Conference on Disarmament, which meets three times a year in Geneva, should produce such a treaty next year. "Such a Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty would augur well for the fourth special session on disarmament in 1997," said the archbishop, who is Vatican nuncio to the UN. He also called for efforts to stop production and use of land mines.

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Spiritual aid needed CHICAGO(CNS) -Instead of longer Sentences and more prisons, inmates need more spiritual care, said an elder .stateswoman in good works. Trinitarian Sister Peter ClaveI' Fahy, 96, urged assignment of fulltime priests and lay volunteers at prisons to spiritually and morally convert inmates. Sister Fahy, who has taught literacy and subtly preached the Gospel at prisons in the Philadelphia area for the past 15 years, received the Good Samaritan Award at a meeting of the National Development Conference. The a ward recognized her 69 years of service to the oppressed. She has assisted Choctaw Indians in Mlssi.ssippi, opened a health clinic in Atlanta and begun houses of prayer in three states.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 17, 1995

Strength "Nothing is so strong as gentle-

ness; nothing so gentle as real strength."-St. Francis pe Sales



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CHD.weekend Continued from Page One He said tha.t at the present 'time applications are being accepted for projects in the field of economic and business development, with a deadline of Dec. I. Catholic Social Services offers assistance in completing the needed paperwork.

National Level On the national level, in the past quarter century, the Campaign has become the country's largest private funder of programs empowering the poor, donating over $200 million to over 3,000 communitybased projects. A recent study indicates that CHD-funded projects have touched one in 10 Americans, nearly half the poor persons in the nation.

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Pope John Paul II indicated his support for CHD in a letter on the occasion of the Campaign's 25th anniversary celebration last August. The letter said the pope "joins the church in the United States in giving thanks for the fruits of justice and solidarity which have taken root in communities throughout the United States" due to CHD. It said the decision by the U.S. bishops to establish the campaign 25 years ago "was a clear res'ponse to the call of the Second Vatican Council to advance Christ's kingdom."

Cal's role model

1 •

WASHINGTON (CNS) - Cal Ripken's record-breaking 2,131st consecutive baseball game holds a lesson in character and strength for the whole country, President Clinton told Catholic and other religious le~ders at 'rece~t prayer' breakfast. "N ob6dy resented Mr. Ripken's success - not a person in the country," .Clinton said about the Baltimore Orioles shortstop, "because it was about more than talent, success and making several million dollars a day. "It was about showing up for work every day and sticking with your team. It wasn't about who got the best contract, or makes the best deal. It was about keeping your end of the bargain." Ripken's accomplishment of breaking Lou Gehrig's consecutive games streak stands apart because people all over the country can relate to that kind of success, the president said ..


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GUESTS FROM the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women met with Springfield Bishop Thomas L. Dupre and members of the Springfield DCCW on the occasion of the Springfield council's second annual convention.

Bishops meet in Washington Continued from Page One a 28-page list of priorities and plans for 1996, and extension of the collection for retired religious until the year 2007. In its first seven years the collection has brought in about $180 million. Another question the bishops face is the ecclesiastical equivalent of rewriting the tax code - a proposal for a new formula to determine how much each diocese contributes to the operation of the bishops' national offices. How mUCh each diocese owes is currently based on a straight per capita formula - so many cents for each reported Catholic in the .. diocese. A 'proposed revision would base half. the assessed amount on net parish offertory income in .the diocese. Thirty percent would be based on the number of registered Catholic households in the diocese. The remaining 20 percent would be assessed on the basis of each diocese's contributions to three of the annual national collections.

If approved, the plan wi:.! mean negligible changes in some dioceses but others will face huge increases or decreases, in some cases more than double or less than half the current asst:sment. Large changes are to be phased in at a rate of 20 percent per year. Among major new projects, the bishops approved a $180,000 program to research the attitudes of Catholics regarding evangel.ization of the unchurched and a $]50,000 study of leadership for ecclt:siallay ministry. Both projects arl~ being funded by outside grants. They have also approved a statement on the value to the church of the Hispanic combination of faith and culture and a national !,trategy for vocations and elected Archbishop Harry J. Flynn of St. PaulMinneapolis as conference secretary. As the Anchor went to pl'ess, the bishops' meeting was still in ses-. sion. Further reports will appear in next week's issue.

Diocesans received into Sepulchre Olrder Three residents of the Fall River diocese and a New Bedford native are among outstanding Catholics who will be inducted as Knights or Ladies of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem at ceremonies to take place today and Saturday in the Boston archdiocese. Atty. and Mrs. E. Howland Bowen, Rear Admiral Donald Corrigan and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert J. Costa will be received into the order by Cardinal Berna.rd Law, Grand Prior of the Northern ,Lieutenancy of thl;: order in the context or' a 4 p. m. Mass tomorrow at Holy Cross Cathedral, Boston. Tonight they will particip!lte in a vigii service iwd Mass at .St. . Paul's Church, Cambridge. Admission to the. 896-year-old Equestrian Order, founded in 1099 by Godfrey of Bouillon, recognizes meritorious service to the Church. Its name derives from the Basilica. of the Holy Sepulchre, where members were inducted during its early years. Members take a special interest. in the Holy Land, expressed by prayer and financial support of its churches, convents, seminaries, schools and orphanages. Atty. and Mrs. Bowen are active members ofSt. Catherine's parish, Little Compton, RI. Mrs. B9W~~,

a New Bedford native, was a founder of Our Lady of the Lake day camp in East Freetown, a forerunner of the present Cathedral Day Camp, and was also the first laywoman to teach in a Catholic school of the Fall River diocese, serving for many years on the faculty of Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth. Rear Admiral Donald T. Corrigan, a member of St. Patric:K's parish, Somerset, serves on tht: board of directors of Providence College, Providence, RI, and of the Catholic Charities Appeal of the Fall River diocese. At pres,ent out of state, he will be unable to attend the induction ceremonies. Mr; and Mrs. Costa have b<;e n members of St. Mary's. parish,. New Bedford, since its founding in 1953. They are the parents of ninl: children and have 20 grandchildren. Mr. Costa has served asa lector and Eucharistic minister at St. Mary's and his wife has .been a member of the parish music ministry for 15 years. Both are licensed insurance agents and are co- Dwners of the Gilbert J. Costa Insurance Agency in New Bedford. Mr. Costa is also a board member of Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford, ~nd Bishop Stang High School'and is a past presidt:nt and past governor of District 40 of the Serra Club.

Youth conv,ention Continued from Page One because his or her weakness is so obvious." Ms. Hirschberger spoke of blame as the weapon of making someone else solely responsible for something gone wrong without taking any responsibility for creating solutions. "We judge others when we forget to have compassion," she continued. "Many times we forget that everyone has different strengths, weaknesses., and lessons to be learned." The weapon of judgment is used when one be- : . i - . - - ........... comes an authority on another person, thinking that he or she ·.·.1: knows what choices the other person should make. FATHER DAVE Costa prepares for Mass at Celebrate The speaker called begrudgment the act of withholding what some- YOUth, the diocesan convention on youth' violence. (Vieira one else needs, that can easily be photo) given, in an effort to weaken. "We hold back out of spite," she said, "to put the other pe:rson down, and to weaken their sense of themselves. The idea is to feel stronger by comparison." Finally, denying that someone else has a worthy point of view is the weapon of being right. "We don't even listen to what others have to say because we feel that we know more than anyone else." Ms. Hirschberger also shared with the group her own tale of two I ., cities: the black and white and the .. rainbow city. She spoke of the '. \ black and white city as a place where people try to g,ct each other to lose and will go to any lengths to win. Conversely; the rainbow inhabitants saw each person as a potential source of awakening. MARY NOONE, a Connolly junior and member of St. "We make a greater whole when we work together," she said. "How William's parish, Fall River, sprinkles holy wat~r .on her peers we perceive communication dic- during the yputh ;violence c()nvention Mass. (Vieira photo) . tates hOW 'we' behave." It's easy fo compromise about something that we don't care about." I. Student committf:e members, with enthusiastic volunteers from the audience, then created and acted skits further explaining the five verbal weapons. The speaker concluded her presentation with a charge to the teens gathered. "Every time you communicate, you have a choice," she said. "You ca n aim at the heart to violate people or, with an awareness of others' worth, you can be a role model to youth and adults and behave with integrity." Students then exited the auditorium and entered the gymnasium where peace cards were distributed calling on them to be apostles of peace and to overcome violence day by day, choice by choice and person by person. They were THE GROUP from Santo Christo parish, Fall River, invited to sign a statement on the poses for a picture at the beginning of the convention. (Vieira cards: "I believe each person is created in the image and likeness photo) of God and is a gift' from God ... 1 accept our Holy Father's challenge ing the sycamore tree in order to "The root of salvation is ·salve.'" to be a communicator of hope and see Jesus. he concluded. "Can't we be an a worker for peace." The cards "Youth is not just the future," ointment to bring about health?" were later sent to the: U.S. Confer- said Father Dave 'after he was ence of Catholic Bishops in Wash- serenaded with a rQund of Happy The violence convention conington, D.C. Birthday, "you are the now. You cluded with a food court and a At about 4 p.m., !ltudents came can make our world better by dance. Father Dave was enthusiback into the auditorium to see the working and serving together. The astic at the success of the convenstage transformed into an altar sycamore tree spreads its branches, tion. "Young people never let me complete with a rainbow back- let's spread the good in ourselves." down,"he said. drop, a 30-member dlOir of youth volunteers, and all the colored ribbons with the students' names on them attached together and hung around the perimeter of the auditorium.


The lively Mass included complete student parti<:ipation, dancers, blessing with Itoly water by students, and even a play to illustrate·a modern-day version of the Gospel story of Zacchaeus climb-


i. !



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Our Catholic Schools • Our Catholic Yout Stonehill announces pa~el disussion The Catholic-Jewish Dialogue Committee -of Stonehill College North Easton, announces the second in a series of programs entitled "Afraid of the Dark?" to take placeat4:00 p.m. on Nov. 19 in the Joseph Martin Institute on campus. The session will focus on religion and psychology and feature a panel moderated by Father Anthony DeConciliis, e.S.e., of Stonehill's department of psychology. Panelists include Reva Castaline, Chair of the Education Committee at Temple Beth Emunah (Brockton), Dr. Steven Ott, Director of the Center for Career Development and rvtinistry (Newton) and Stonehill Professors Tom FEEH,AN PRINCI~AL George Milot congratulates Clarke (religious studies), Rose SENIOR CAPTAIN Derek Chaves goes up for a header senior Kristen Yngve on being selected the Daughters of Amer- J'erkins (psychology) and Micha'el in Coyle-Cassidy's playoff game with Dighton-Rehoboth. Tirrell (psychology). The panel and ican Revohitionaward winner. ' audience will view short excerpts from a diverse group of films. followed by a panei discussion with The Warriors of Coyle and Cas- and Tom McGarry of West Bridgethe audience. sidy High School, Taunton, have Principal George Milot has enter the state competition which water were among the conft:rence The series will continue in the finished another successful fal1 announced that the 1995-96 DAR leading scorers.' Erik Johnson of includes monetary rewards lead- spring with a program on March sports season, minus the annual (Daughters of the American Revo- ing up to the national first place 3. 1996, dealing with Religion and Bridgewater joi'ned Chave:; and Thanksgiving football game with lution) award winner at Bishop winner Hager as all.-stars. who willreceive'$2,OOO. the Arts, and a final session on - . . -I Bishop Feehan. Senior captain Feehan High School, Attleboro"is With captains Art Silva of RaynApril 21, dealing with "Religion Two Bishop FeehanJligh Scho,oi Kem Nwosu of Bridgewater is senior Kristen Yngve, daughter of seniors, Eryn Barlow (Seekonk) ham and Rich Aaron of Middleand Politics: among the state's 'leading football Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Yngve of and Heidi Harl-is (C;umberlill1d), ooro, th'e boys cross country team "Afraid 'of the D~rk?" is the North Attleboro. rushers with 15 touchdowns scored again'won the City of Taunton were recently selected to partici- third annual'series of this type and 983 yards gained through nine The DAR Good .Citizens Pro- pate in, the Los Caminos del championship after itsannlial trisponsored by the Martin Institute. games. Seniors Ryan Crandall of gram and Scholarship Contest is Espanol, a program sponsored by meet with Taunton Higb and with the support of the Dr. and Taunton, Marc Ferreira of North intended to encourage and reward Bristol-Plyinouth, Mrs. William Winick Symposium MCET, an electronic satellite broadDighton, and Mike Metzger of the qualities of good citizenship: cast originating from Cambridge, In girls cross country, :;enior on Catholic-Jewish Relations. An Taunton are having fine seasons The nominee must be a senior pos- Massachusetts. Patricia Murphy of Lakevill.e and earlier series entitled "Changes. for the Warriors. sessing the qualities of dependabiljunior Stacy Aaron of Middleboro Challenges and Choices" focused ity, service; leadership and patrioh , The students ~erechosen to on prejudice and problems on ran strong to lead the team, For the second straight year, participate in a talk show with the ism to an outstanding degree. .' ,'The volleyball,team had a good ageism, " both the' girlS"andboys soccer theme "The Day of the Dead," a Kristen Yngve is presently ranked teams qualified fOf the state tourna- ' year, winning nine matches. Seniors All of the programs in the series holiday like All. Saints Day, cele5th in her class of 178. She has a Sheryl Marshall and Kelly Doyle men!. are free and open to the public. brated in Mexico, Nov. 1st and lengthy list of accomplishments of Middleboro, Kerrie Robbins of There is ample free parking at the , The girls, with captains Allyson Taunton and juniors Taryn Carwhich include four years partici- 2nd. Martin Institute located near the Powell and Beth McGarr of North' bone and Desiree Perio of MidThe girls read letters that they pation in the environmental dub, Route 123 entrance to Stonehill Dighton, were led by team leading dleboro led the way. had written in Spanish to departed and peer' counseling team. She is Col1ege. For more information, scorer Shaina Zamaitis of Midrelatives and shared moments of the student council secretary, call (508) 230-1120. dleboro and fellow conferen'ce all- , their relationship with the deceased Theater Company member, a yearStonehill has been elected to the stars Erica Fitzgerald of Middlerelative. The program was entirely book artist, 'the National Art 1995 Templeton Honor Roll for boro and Katie Morgis of Rayn'~ Honor Society treasurer, the Home- in Spanish. Their classmates Character Building Colleges. a poll ham, watched via satellite from the coming Chairperson, the vice presiof colleges and universities which The boys broke the school record dent of the National Honor Society, school's library, and had an oppor- recognize those institutions that St. Joseph School, Fairhaven, for the most win,S in a season (10) the co-president of the French tunity to call a'nd interact with recently installed members of the promote the development ofcharacHonor Society, the school coordi- their peers via live cable hook up. and most points earned (24). They Father Damien Student Council,' ter. nator for Habitat for HumanitY"a Spanish teachers throughout the Class Officers, Safety Patrol and The Honor Roll is comprised of finished in second place in the Eastern Athletic Conference and Big Sister and a member of Who's department also participated in in- schools who meet the following National Junion Honor Soc:iety. Who Among High School Stu- class projects in some cases con- criteria: encourages students to won the Taunton Cup a's city Brother Christ Santangelo, SS. dents. ' champions. ' structing small "shrines" with sym- explore'individual moral reasonCe., principal, led the installation Kristen will receive a DAR Good bolic representations of lost loved Captains Derek Chaves of Assoceremony of a total of 36 students ing process, fosters positive attiCitizens pin, certificate, and will ones. net, Eric Hager of Middleboro. to their positions. tude and overall well-being, encourages spiritual growth and moral values, promotes community building values. and advocates drug-free lifestyle. Stonehill College and Boston University were the only two schools in Massachusetts out of 124 schools in 33 states elected to the Honor Roll.

CC fall season ,.winds 'down

Yngve lionored at Feehan

, Officers installled

BC gets new head

BISHOP STANG High School, Dartmouth, sophomores elected their class officers: (from left) secretary Shannon Rodrigues of Dartmouth, daughter of Kathleen and George Rodrigues, treasurer Miles Flynn of Acushnet, son of Richard and Jane Flynn, president Reagan Barrett of Dartmouth, daughter of Kevin' and Nancy Barrett, and vice-president Michael Sullivan of Westport, son of Daniel and Ellen Sullivan.

BOSTON (CNS) - Jesuit Father William P. Leahy, executive vice president of Marquette' University in Milwaukee, will be the next president of Boston College, succeeding Jesuit Father J,' Donald Monan, BC president for the last 23 years, who will become university chancellor.. Father Leahy will assume the Boston College presidency next July 31, Fathe,r Monan , has been the longest-serving presi-' dent in Boston College history,

Stewardship. ,


THE BOYS cross country team won the City of Taunton championship for the second straight year. From left are Coyle-Cassidy senior captains Rich Aaron, Middleboro, Art Silva, Raynham, and coach, Father John Denning.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 17, 1995

By Charlie Martin

TILL I HEAR IT FROM YOU I didn't ask You shouldn't have told me At first I'd laugh But now it's sinking in fast Whatever you sold me Well bilby, I don't want To talke advice from fools 111 jll!.t figure everything is cool Until I hear it from you It get!. hard The memories faded Who gets what they say It's lil(ely They are just jealous and jaded I can't let it break me up Break up my train of thought As far as I know nothing's wrong Until I hear it from you Still thinking, Not living without it Outside looking in Still talking about Not stepping around it Written by Jesse Valenzuela/Robin Wilson/Marshall Crenshaw Sung by <an Blossoms (c) 1995 by A&M Records Inc.

OFFTHEsoundtrackofEmpire Records comes the Gin Blossoms'latest hit, "Till I Hear It From You." Thl: disc also inc1udes new music by The Cranberries, Toad the Wet Sprocket and Better Than Ezra. Ilike the Gin Blossoms' rock style. This release also offers listeners an interesting question: Should you believe what others tell you about someone important in your life? The guy in the song hears

rumors that everything in his love relationship is not good. Yet he wonders if what others are telling him is trustworthy. Perhaps "they are just 'jealous and jaded." He decides that "as far as I know, nothing's wrong until I hear it from you." He makes a good decision. Nothing replaces straightforward communication when it comes to understanding where a relationship is lieaded. This is true for any type of

relationship, not just romance. If two friends react to what others say about each of them, their friendship could easily get hurt. Friendship is too important to allow others' words to determine how the friends will treat each other. Of course. you're going to take notice of what is said to you by others about a friend or someone you are dating. However. don't overreact. Instead, , ask yourself: Does this comment seem to hold true based on what I know of this person? Trust your own answers. If you still feel uncomfortable, it is time to talk directly with the other person. Tell this individual that something you heard is bothering you and that you need to share your uneasiness. Take full responsibility for these feelings. Make clear that your purpose in speaking about these feelings is not to put the other on the defensive. Rather, you want to keep the emotional "air" between the two of you as clear as possible, devoid of hidden fears or questions. To take such a risk is a genuine act of caring. In such a climate of concern, trust deepens. If there is something that needs to be talked about, it is much more likely to be addressed successfully when the discussion is based on caring concern rather than on rumors. Don't allow rumors to direct your responses in a relationship with a friend. parent or dating partner. But dopay attention to 'your feelings about what you hear. Decide how you can respond in a loving way toward the person you care about. Your comments are always welcome. Ph:ase address Charlie Martin, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport, IN 47635.

Hootie drummer says faith helps him CHARLESTON, S.C.(CNS)Jim "Soni" Sonefeld has come a long way from mimicking drummers he heard on the radio. Now the Midwest Catholic is a drummer for Hootie & the Blowfish, one of the hottest rock groups in the country with a No. I album and a top-selling tour. Sonefeld, the middle of five children, says his Catholic faith has played a part in his profession from the composition of soulful and hopeful tunes to the desire to help his community and to keep a steady head amid I,he turmoil of newfound fame. In the seventh grade at St. Raphael School in Naperville, Ill., Sonefeld began taking drum lessons. He was influenced by the music of his parents, from classic rock and Motown to the Christmas hymns his mother played such as "Go Tell It On t:1e Mountain." "That was one of my favorite songs as a kid," he told The New Catholic Miscellany, Charleston's diocesan paper. A strong soccer program and its distance from Illinois brought Sonefeld to the University of South Carolina in Columbia. "I knew there was some life oui there that I hadn't seen yet and I wanted to discover it," he said. For Sonefeld the college years were a time of "discovery" and enlightenment that gave him a new perspective of his Catholic roots.

One thing he discovered was that he was a "little bit like a foreigner" as a Northern Catholic at a large, primarily SQuthern Baptist university. But he describes the pope's visit to the university campus during his 19$7 U.S. trip as "one of the coolest things ever." "I felt like that was something special for me because I was a Catholic," he said. While in college, Sonefeld took up guitar and piano in addition to the drums and eventually met the friends and classmates w.ho would form H ootie & the Blowfish. After

Jim "Soni" Sonefeld

graduating in 1989, they spent several years traveling and touring. Their album "Cracked Rear View" was in July, 1994, and has since made a slow and steady climb up the charts. In contrast to the angst-ridden tunes of musicians tortured by their success, the songs of Hootie & the Blowfish stand out for their simple and straightforward declarations oflove and loss. "We just write about things that happen to us in our lives," said Sonefeld, adding that religion and faith have influenced the group's song writing and its emphasis on hope even in desperate situations. He said they have received letters from fans who have been encouraged and were able to get through similar situations through the music. The band plays for several fundraisers to benefit local charities and all its members plan to purchase homes in South Carolina and live fairly modestly. "It doesn't take much to please us," said Sonefeld. He credits his family and upbringing with helping him to keep a level head. "I think there is a reason why I was put in this situation of being so fortunate. It's up to me to discover what it is and try to either share it or learn a lesson out of it," he said. "It means a lot to me, and I think it comes across to other peo-

By Amy Welborn On a recent Friday I had some of my high school classes view a segment of the documentary series on the civil rights movement, "Eyes on the Prize." These teens of the '90s were amazed by the sight of black high school students of the '50s being insulted and abused by mobs as they struggled through their first year at Little Rock High School. My students scoffed at an old newscast in which two white girls allowed as how "it might not be so hard to get along with a Mexican or Chinese person, since they're not what you'd say so different from us." Isn't it amazing, my students marveled, that civilized people actually once thought that way? On the following Saturday I strolled around a local county fair, waiting for the advertised concert to begin. As I watched miniature stock cars race around a track, a trio of teen-age boys caught my eye. They were all tall and skinny, sporting cowboy hats and matching T-shirts. The T-shirts were black, imprinted with the vivid image of a hooded Klansman and a burning cross. Splashed below were the words, "The Original Boys in the Hood." Three cheers for progress, right? My students can't imagine a world in which racism is institutionalized in segregated schools, restaurants and waiting rooms. But is racism totally absent from their world? It is true that I've witnessed students literally turning their backs on a classmate who tried to tell a racist joke in the lunchroom. No one thinks twice about an interracial couple. Teenagers say all the right words about equality. But the boys I saw at the fair unfortunately represent a stream of racially based resentment that sneaks into the conversations of my politically correct middle-class teens, albeit in a milder form. . Much of what I hear is based on concepts about racially based quotas and preferences in the college admission process. Space is hard to come by, and scholarship money is harder yet. And the white students' impressions (their parents', too, I'm sure) of how that affects them infects their racial attitudes with a negativity that is a real challenge to combat. ' Unfortunately, stereotyping is still a part of many teens' thinking. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

pie ... that you're still carrying on the traditions of love, giving, caring and hope and faith." He says ever-present symbols of his faith are "my Catholic dudes" - two Catholic medals he always wears around his neck. "It is always a reminder to me that I am a Catholic and there is some responsibility that goes along with that."


I have no doubt that much of this is rooted in what they've heard at home, so parents and teens need to take a close look at how they speak about persons of different races and ethnic backgrounds. We have a large Hispanic population in my part of the country, and you wouldn't believe how many teens sit in my classroom and share how in this progressive era they have been called "Spic" and "Wetback." They tell you quite clearly that they bear a burden of living under the various stereotypes of Mexicans, Puerto Ricans and Cubans that their peers express either seriously or in odd attempts at "humor." The same is true of blacks, Asians, Native Americans and even of the opposite sexes. This prejudice is far more subtle than that of those Klan-flaunting boys, but is it any less destructive of human relationships? We may all sit together on the bus now, but teens would do well to examine their ways of thinking to see if they've advanced all that far from those laughable girls in the grainy black-and-white newsreel footage. Have you yet reached the point where you can acknowledge that all of your classmates, no matter what their race, are your brothers and sisters in God's family? Think about it.

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