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Diocese of Fall River

The Anchor

F riday , November 18, 2011

The funeral Mass: Praying for the deceased and the living By Becky Aubut Anchor Staff

TAUNTON — The funeral Mass is regarded as the highest and greatest form of prayer the Church offers for someone who has died, but it is also the most powerful prayer the Church offers in consolation for families who are mourning. “The comfort is found in different ways,” said Father John Perry, pastor of St. Jude the Apostle Parish in Taunton and director of cemeteries for the Diocese of Fall River. “It comes from the words of the Scripture that are read, the reception of the Eucharist, and it comes from the gathering of the people who have come to the funeral.” From the place of the vigil or wake, the body is taken to the church for the celebration of the funeral Mass. At first glance, juxtaposing the words “celebration” and

“funeral” can seem a little jarring, but the funeral Mass is meant to be a celebration of the love of God shown in Christ’s redeeming us from the Cross and our Christian hope in eternal life for those who live and died in Christ. It can also be a celebration of God’s goodness in giving so many gifts to the deceased, beginning with the gift of faith. It can also be a means to celebrate the loved one’s correspondence with those gifts in life. The death of a Christian is “not so much that something has come to an end,” but rather “it’s the phase where they are born into eternal life and that’s what we really want to celebrate,” said Father John Sullivan, pastor of St. Patrick’s Parish in Wareham. “We want to acknowledge all of God’s gifts and what this person has shared with their family and the community.” Turn to page 14

christ around the world — More than 800 artists’ interpretations of the face of Jesus Christ will be on display at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette during this year’s Festival of Lights there. This is a small sample of the artwork, as it was being arranged last week. (Photo by Dave Jolivet)

Christ, as seen through the eyes of the world, is focus of unique art display

By Dave Jolivet, Editor

ATTLEBORO — In some works, Christ’s eyes seem to follow one throughout the room. In fact there’s one that is just an eye. In others, He is a young boy; He is smiling; He is suffering; His is a peaceful countenance. There are sculptures, drawings, paintings, and photographs. Some are made of wood, metal, plastic, clothespins, cowhide and even an old Yoo-hoo soft drink can. In all, there are more than 800 works from artists representing 43 countries and 41 of the United States. No two are the same, and each conveys its own emotion — yet they all share one very common denominator. All of the praying for eternal rest – Father Ron Floyd celebrates a recent funeral Mass at St. Patrick’s Church in Wareham. The Mass of Christian Burial is the fulcrum of the prayers the Church offers for a deceased Catholic and his or her grieving family. (Photo by Becky Aubut)

works of art represent the face of Jesus Christ. The unique “Faces of Jesus Exhibit,” which can literally take one’s breath away, is part of the 2011 Festival of Lights at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette that begins on Thanksgiving night at 5 p.m. This awesome labor of love is a dream come true for professional artist Sharon Silverman from Haverhill. Silverman, a 1981 graduate of the Art Institute in Boston, has longed to host such a display for more than two decades. “Right from the beginning, when I mentioned that I wanted to host a show of artwork about Jesus Christ, I was told by many that

I couldn’t and shouldn’t,” Silverman told The Anchor. “Through the years, I made a couple of attempts and they were disastrous.” Her dream of an art exhibition focused on Christ was put on hold for a period as she concentrated on taking care of her mother when her father became very ill. After her father died, her mother broke her back and Silverman was there for her. “It was around that time that I wanted to start the Jesus project again,” Silverman, a lifelong Catholic said. “I wanted very much to do this for Jesus. I’ve been through so much in my life, yet He never let me down. Turn to page 11

the third edition of the Roman Missal at weekend Masses beginning with the first Sunday of Advent next week, efforts are in place to make sure students in Catholic schools and par-

ish Faith Formation programs are also up to speed on the new translation. “For the past five weeks comparative sheets with the current Turn to page 14

Diocesan schools, Faith Formation students prepare for Roman Missal

By Kenneth J. Souza Anchor Staff

FALL RIVER — As Catholics throughout the diocese prepare to begin using the newlyrevised English translation of

43rd Marian Medals ceremony is Sunday at Cathedral — Page 18

News From the Vatican


November 18, 2011

Embryos cannot be destroyed even for important research

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In rejecting research using embryonic stem cells, the Catholic Church is not trying to impede science or delay treatment that can save lives, Pope Benedict XVI said. The Church’s opposition to the use and destruction of embryos flows from the conviction that all human life is sacred and that destroying the most defenseless will never lead to a true benefit for humanity, the pope said November 12 to participants in a Vaticansponsored conference on research using adult stem cells. “When the end in view is so eminently desirable as the discovery of a cure for degenerative illnesses, it is tempting for scientists and policy-makers to brush aside ethical objections and to press ahead with whatever research seems to offer the prospect of a breakthrough,” the pope said. However, “the destruction of even one human life can never be justified in terms of the benefit that it might conceivably bring to another,” he said. The Pontifical Council for Culture partnered with NeoStem Inc., a U.S. company researching and marketing adult stem-cell therapies, to sponsor the conference, “Adult Stem Cells: Science and the Future of Man and Culture.” The 30 speakers, along with patients who had been treated with stem cells, looked not only

at the scientific progress being made with adult stem cells, but also at the cultural, ethical and political issues surrounding the research, its use and its availability. Pope Benedict told conference participants that “in drawing attention to the needs of the defenseless, the Church thinks not only of the unborn, but also of those without easy access to expensive medical treatment.” “Illness is no respecter of persons, and justice demands that every effort be made to place the fruits of scientific research at the disposal of all who stand to benefit from them, irrespective of their means,” he said. The pope said the Church supports research with adult stem cells, which have the possibility of developing into a variety of specialized cells and can alleviate degenerative illnesses by repairing damaged tissues. Adult stem cells are obtained not from fertilizing and destroying human embryos, but from “the tissues of an adult organism, from the blood of the umbilical cord at the moment of birth or from fetuses who have died of natural causes,” he said. By calling for respect for the ethical limits of biomedical research, the pope said, the Church does not seek “to impede scientific progress, but on the contrary to guide it in a direction that is truly fruitful and beneficial to humanity.”

Be sure to visit the Diocese of Fall River website at fallriverdiocese.org The site includes links to parishes, diocese offices and national sites.

The Anchor www.anchornews.org


Member: Catholic Press Association, Catholic News Service

Published weekly except for two weeks in the summer and the week after Christmas by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River, 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, MA 02720, Telephone 508-675-7151 — FAX 508-675-7048, email: theanchor@anchornews.org. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $20.00 per year, for U.S. addresses. Send address changes to P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA, call or use email address

PUBLISHER - Most Reverend George W. Coleman EXECUTIVE EDITOR Father Roger J. Landry fatherrogerlandry@anchornews.org EDITOR David B. Jolivet davejolivet@anchornews.org OFFICE MANAGER Mary Chase marychase@anchornews.org ADVERTISING Wayne R. Powers waynepowers@anchornews.org REPORTER Kenneth J. Souza k ensouza@anchornews.org REPORTER Rebecca Aubut beckyaubut@anchornews.org Send Letters to the Editor to: fatherrogerlandry@anchornews.org

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children of God — Pope Benedict XVI poses with members of the Israeli Council of Religious Communities during a private meeting at the Vatican November 10. Pictured from left are: Melkite Catholic Archbishop Elias Chacour of Haifa, Israel; Rabbi Rason Arusi, chief rabbi of Qi ryat Ono, Israel; Latin Patriarch Fouad Twal of Jerusalem; Pope Benedict; Rabbi Yonah Metzger, chief Ashkenazi rabbi of Israel; Anglican Bishop Suheil Dawani of Jerusalem; and Sheikh Mouafak Tarif, head of the Druze community. (CNS photo/L’Osservatore Romano via Reuters)

Proposal made at Vatican for U.S. adult stem cell commission

Vatican City (CNA/ EWTN News) — At the Vatican, former U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy G. Thompson recently urged President Obama to establish a commission to support adult stem-cell research. “I want President Obama to bring all this adult stem-cell research together,” Thompson told CNA in Rome on November 7. Thompson says he wants a body created within the National Institutes of Health that will “be able to use the resources that we have in America to really put regenerative medicine into the forefront of therapies creating new breakthroughs in disease control.” Thompson is in Rome for a three-day conference jointly organized by the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Culture and the U.S.-based Stem for Life Foundation which promotes adult stem-cell research. He was joined by over 350 other policy makers, medical experts, educators and religious leaders. Thompson who is a former governor of Wisconsin and planning to run for the U.S. Senate, outlined how a presidential commission could work. The commission would bring together “private sector business leaders,” who would then “evaluate all of the federal efforts to date surround-

ing regenerative medicine,” he said. That group would also make “specific recommendations to our president on how we can better coordinate these efforts and unite them with the best of private enterprise.” He noted, however, that “to date, nothing has been done,” by the Obama administration. Thompson’s idea was wellreceived by the rest of the launch panel, including Dr. Robin Smith, the president of The Stem for Life Foundation. She told CNA that she found the concept “really interesting.” “I think it is very important to get Congress and different political leaders like President Obama to understand adult stem cells,” so that “we can unite to get a more impactful outcome, decreasing needless human suffering by getting these therapies into clinics,” she said. Stem cells are the body’s master cells. From them, all the body’s 200-plus types of tissue ultimately grow. Their incredible versatility means they have the potential to provide replacement tissue to treat numerous disorders. The Catholic Church approves of stem-cell research but disapproves of those cells being culled from the destruction of an embryo or fetus. “Adult” stem cells are taken from the patient’s existing stem cells or from the placenta

or umbilical cord at birth. Dr. Smith explained that the use of adult stem cells avoids “the ethical dilemma posed by the use of embryonic stem cells,” because adult stem-cell research and therapy “allows us to advance scientific knowledge while protecting every stage of existence.” She also explained that there are now over 3,500 adult stem cell clinical trials already creating “therapeutic benefits for things like diabetes, lupus, MS and blindness just to name a few.” The three-day conference was entitled “Adult Stem Cells: Science and the Future of Man and Culture.” “This conference is going to dispel a lot of the old myths and bring in a lot of education , a lot of new scientists and new reports are going to be discussed that is going to help the world discuss adult stem cells in a new and better light,” said Thompson. “It’s an incredibly exciting time to bring together different nations, different political leaders, different religious leaders to help us take adult stem-cell therapy to the public,” said Dr. Smith. She believes that the conference will educate society, advance people’s understanding of the potential the research has to change culture, change lives and decrease human suffering.

November 18, 2011

The International Church Church must combine evangelization and the promotion of social justice. He also said the church needs to help steer globalization toward a more inclusive economic model that benefits all people and not only the wealthy. In Benin, one of Africa’s poorest countries, it will be interesting to see if the pope refers to the recent hardhitting document issued by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, which called for creation of a world political authority with powers to regulate financial markets in favor of the common good. The African synod called for “saintly politicians who will

winds of change — Villagers in Nakupurat, Kenya, gather to explain how they are benefiting from the repair of their windmill. Having a working water source enabled the nomadic community to stay in one place and reopen a school. Pope Benedict is currently making his second trip as pope to Africa, spending three days in Benin and presenting an important document on the future of the Church on the continent. (CNS photo/Patricia Zapor)

In Benin, pope to outline Church’s pastoral direction in Africa

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Benedict XVI is making his second trip as pope to Africa this weekend, spending three days in Benin and presenting an important document on the future of the Church on the continent. Benin is a small West African nation with little international influence. But its 150-year history of Christianity, its multi-ethnic and multifaith identity, and its struggles for social justice make the country an ideal platform for the pope’s message. The November 18-20 trip features meetings with government leaders, a speech to non-Christian leaders and an encounter with children at a local parish. The 84-year-old pope will deliver 10 major talks at 16 events in Benin, spending most of his time in Cotonou, but also visiting the coastal city of Ouidah. The centerpiece of the visit will be the pope’s consignment of his apostolic exhortation to the bishops of Africa during a Mass in Cotonou’s Friendship Stadium November 20. The 2009 special Synod of Bishops for Africa, which brought more than 200 bishops to Rome, focused on “the Church in Africa in service to reconciliation, justice and peace.” The assembly ended with calls for spiritual conversion and social reforms, appealing for a fairer global order and telling corrupt Catholic politi-

cians in Africa to “repent or resign” in the name of the common good. The synod’s conclusions were summarized in 57 final propositions that were presented to the pope for his consideration. Pope Benedict has already indicated some of his priorities for the Church in Africa. Closing the 2009 synod, he said that if the Church wants to change hearts and minds on the continent, it must itself be a model of unity with “no divisions based on ethnic, language or cultural groups.” Benin’s more than 40 ethnic groups have lived in general harmony, but the country is not immune from occasional tension. Neither is the Catholic Church. Last spring, there was public opposition by some indigenous leaders when the pope named Archbishop Augustine Obiora Akubeze, a member of the Igbo ethnic group, to head the archdiocese of Benin City. Church officials say Benin enjoys a climate of interreligious calm and cooperation. The country has escaped the violence that has frequently erupted between Christians and Muslims in neighboring Nigeria. Benin’s population of nearly nine million people is 42 percent Christian and 24 percent Muslim, with the rest divided between followers of voodoo practices and native religions.

One point Pope Benedict has consistently underlined is the need for African Christians to reject traditional customs that go against the Gospel. Speaking to bishops from Angola in October, he said Christians were called to renounce the persistent practice of shunning or even killing people accused of being witches. In Benin, where polygamy is officially illegal but endures in practice, the pope is expected to underline the Christian understanding of marriage as a primary objective for the Church. The Catholic population in Africa doubled under Blessed John Paul II. In general, Pope Benedict has sought to consolidate the gains made under his predecessor, emphasizing religious education as a fundamental element of firm faith. Like many African countries, Benin has enjoyed a boom in vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Here, too, the pope has expressed gratitude for this trend, but also has pointed to the need for careful selection of candidates and better formation programs. Social justice issues will undoubtedly figure prominently in the pope’s post-synodal document and in his speeches in Benin. During the 2009 synod, the pope spoke about the tremendous suffering caused by poverty, disease, forced migration and civil strife, and said the

3 clean the continent of corruption.” Corruption is common in Benin, and the pope will no doubt raise the issue, probably by encouraging the work of the recently formed Network of National Anti-Corruption Institutions in West Africa, which is headed by Benin’s anti-corruption chief. The pope’s visit will include a visit to the tomb of the late Cardinal Bernardin Gantin, who died in 2008. The Benin cardinal, much-beloved in his native country, worked closely with the future pope — then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger — during his more than 25 years as an official of the Roman Curia.


November 18, 2011 The Church in the U.S. Bishop Lori outlines religious liberty issues at fall general assembly

BALTIMORE (CNS) — After a lengthy report from the chairman of a new Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said he came away from a recent meeting with President Barack Obama encouraged about some aspects of religious rights concerns. Speaking November 14 at the bishops’ fall general assembly, Bishop William E. Lori of Bridgeport, Conn., committee chairman, outlined a range of actions by government agencies seen as threats to religious rights. He explained the constitutional and natural law concerns the ad hoc committee aims to address. At a news conference following the session, New York Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan, president of the USCCB, said he came away from a November 8 meeting with Obama “a bit more at peace than when I entered” the Oval Office when it comes to religious liberty. He said he found the president to be “very open to the sensitivities” of the U.S. Catholic Church on issues related to religious freedom that the two discussed. He said the meeting touched on a wide range of topics and that by mutual agreement with the White House, details of the meeting would not be made public, Archbishop Dolan said. He said the current issues related to religious liberty might be an area where there is room for compromise “as long as we’re not compromising our principles.” Archbishop Dolan said it’s

part of the current culture to try to limit the role of religion in the public square as a philosophical shift, “to push religion back into the sacristy” in a way, or in other words, to keep churches from participating in “the public square.” But the Church has faced such efforts since the early days of Christianity, he added. Among the situations Bishop Lori described in his presentation to the bishops are several related to policies of the Department of Health and Human Services. They include an HHS mandate requiring no-cost coverage of contraception and sterilization in most health plans. The mandate is what the federal government terms an “interim final rule” that has “the full force and effect of law.” Religious groups have objected to it, saying that providing the coverage violates their conscience rights and claim that a proposed religious exemption is too narrowly drawn. HHS also recently denied a one-year grant to the U.S. Catholic bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services to aid foreign-born human trafficking victims. The attention has focused on requirements in the guidelines for the new grants that called for agencies to offer the “full range of reproductive service,” including abortion and contraception, to trafficking victims. In 2009, the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for not making

the U.S. Catholic bishops’ agency include referrals for abortion, sterilization and artificial contraception in its anti-trafficking program. That case is still pending. “Contrary to conscience protections that are already a matter of law,” Bishop Lori said. “(Catholic Relief Services) and MRS were told that new condition for the renewal of cooperative agreements was the provision of so-called reproductive services.” He added that the condition “we hope — and pray — may soon be dropped.” Bishop Lori also cited the Department of Justice’s shift from defending the Defense of Marriage Act to opposing it in court “as an act of ‘bias and prejudice’ akin to racism, thereby implying that churches which teach that marriage is between a man and a woman are guilty of bigotry.” He said the bishops see a pattern in culture and law to treat religion “as merely a private matter

between an individual and one’s own God. Instead of promoting toleration of differing religious views, some laws, some decisions and some administrative regulations treat religion not as a contributor to our nation’s common morality but rather as a divisive and disruptive force better kept out of public life.” Bishop Lori was named to head the ad hoc committee September 30. The bishops discussed religious rights issues at their June meeting and the decision to create the committee was finalized by their Administrative Committee in September. Ten bishops and 10 consultants were named to the committee in early November. New members are Bishop John O. Barres of Allentown, Pa.; Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Philadelphia; Bishop Daniel E. Flores of Brownsville, Texas; Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory of Atlanta; Archbishop John C.

Nienstedt of St. Paul and Minneapolis; Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted of Phoenix; Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki of Springfield, Ill.; Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi of Mobile, Ala.; Archbishop J. Peter Sartain of Seattle; and Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl of Washington. Consultants include Carl Anderson, supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus; attorneys Kevin Baine, Philip Lacovara and L. Martin Nussbaum; Father Raymond J. de Souza, a columnist and priest of the Archdiocese of Kingston, Ontario; Richard Garnett, associate dean and professor of law and political science at the University of Notre Dame; John Garvey, president of The Catholic University of America; Mary Ann Glendon, Harvard Law School professor; Judge Michael McConnell, Stanford University Law School professor; and Mary Ellen Russell, executive director of the Maryland Catholic Conference.

il unions. Peter Breen, an attorney with the Thomas More Society, which represented the charities in their lawsuit against the state, called the news “tragic.” In a November 14 statement, Breen said the situation “stands as a stark lesson to the rest of the nation that legislators promising ‘religious protection’ in same sex marriage and civil union laws may not be able to deliver on those promises.” In their remarks, the bishops noted how the Church has “successfully partnered with the State for half a century” and lamented the fact that “the losers will be the children, foster care families and adoptive parents who will no longer have the option of Catholic, faith-based services.” “We are sad to lose the dedicated employees who have served our Catholic foster care and adoption services so faithfully for so many years,” the bishops added. “We are grateful to them and reluctantly bid them farewell with our prayers and best wishes.” Bishop Paprocki clarified that despite the loss of foster care and adoption services in his diocese, “our Catholic Charities in the Diocese Springfield in Illinois will continue to address the basic human needs of the poor in central Illinois in other ways.” “The silver lining of this decision is that our Catholic Charities going forward will be able to focus on being more Catholic and more charitable,”

he said, “while less dependent on government funding and less encumbered by intrusive state policies.” The news of the decision to close the programs follows the November 11 announcement by the Catholic Social Services of Southern Illinois that will it separate from the Belleville diocese and offer adoptions and foster-care services to same-sex couples. The Catholic Social Services agency, which had been operating at the Belleville diocese since 1947, said that it will now be called Christian Social Services of Illinois. Gary Huelsmann, the agency’s executive director, called the move a “solution” that will be “best for the children” as it ensures “their continuity of care.” The Diocese of Belleville said in a November 11 statement that the agency was unable “to remain faithful to the moral teaching of the Catholic Church” while adhering to the state’s civil union law enacted in June. Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Peoria announced in October that it will withdraw from all state contracts and transfer its staff to a new non-profit organization with no affiliation to the Catholic Church. The new organization, titled the Center for Youth and Family Solutions, will take on the caseload of foster children from Peoria Catholic Charities starting February 1.

Illinois bishops announce shutdown of adoption services

Springfield, Ill. (CNA/ EWTN News) — Bishops in three Illinois dioceses announced November 14 that they have dropped their lawsuit against the state and will shut down their adoption and foster care programs, after a civil union law required them to provide their services to same-sex couples. “The decision not to pursue further appeals was reached with great reluctance, but was necessitated by the fact that the State of Illinois has made it financially impossible for our agencies to continue to provide these services,” said Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki of Springfield, Bishop Edward K. Braxton of Belleville, and Bishop R. Daniel Conlon of Joliet. “Since we now need to close offices and lay off employees, further appeals would be moot,” the bishops said. Catholic Charities branches from the dioceses of Belleville, Springfield, Peoria, and Joliet had filed a lawsuit in June against the Illinois Attorney General’s Office and the state’s Department of Children and Family Services to prevent them from ending state contracts for foster care and adoption programs with the charities. The department told the agencies that it was ending their contracts over their alleged refusal to obey the 2011 Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Unions Act, which established legal privileges for same-sex and opposite-sex couples in civ-

November 18, 2011

The Church in the U.S.

up-to-the-minute coverage — The proceedings of the U.S. bishops’ annual fall meeting are filmed and streamed live for cable TV and the Internet November 14 in Baltimore. (CNS photo/Nancy Phelan Wiechec)

Catholic Church must renew its appeal, Archbishop Dolan tells conference

Baltimore, Md. (CNA/ EWTN News) — The U.S. bishops must work to “renew the appeal of the Church,” which has wounds, like Christ did, said Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan in his first presidential address to the bishops’ conference. “Christ and His Church are one,” said Archbishop Dolan. “Perhaps, brethren, our most pressing pastoral challenge today is to reclaim that truth.” Archbishop Dolan gave his first presidential address to the United States bishops at their three-day fall General Assembly in Baltimore on November 14. In the address, he emphasized the “sacred duty” of the bishops to shepherd the Church and encouraged them to lead their flocks to embrace “Jesus in and through His Church.” Archbishop Dolan pointed to “chilling statistics” that show fewer and fewer Catholics believe that Jesus and the Church are one. He said he is concerned at the growing number of people drifting away from the Church and warned that the problem must be taken seriously. The U.S. bishops must “reclaim the role of fishermen” as they carry out the work of the New Evangelization, inviting the world to see Christ and His Church as one, he said. The archbishop explained that the mission of the New Evangelization requires an authentic turn to the Lord. “Jesus prefers prophets, not

programs; saints, not solutions,” he said. He recalled the exhortation of Pope John Paul II, “Love for Jesus and His Church must be the passion of our lives.” Archbishop Dolan also spoke of the sins of Church members. “Since we are a spiritual family, we should hardly be surprised that the Church has troubles,” he said. He acknowledged that in a world fixated on the sinfulness of Church members, temptations might come to run and hide from sin. But the bishops must fight this temptation and instead lead the faithful in acknowledging their sinfulness and recognizing their great need for the Church, he said. The archbishop explained that the Church has wounds, just as Christ did, and must show them as Christ did on the first Easter night.

Despite the threats to the Church, Archbishop Dolan also noted that glimmers of hope can be seen in young people, new converts and Catholic immigrants. He encouraged the U.S. bishops to reach out to these and all people, strengthening “the Catholic conviction that Christ and His Church are one.” To do this, he explained, they must lead people into an encounter with the person of Jesus. Archbishop Dolan noted that the world sees the Church as an outdated organization, but the bishops must work to show the truth that “the Church invites the world to a fresh, original place.” The Church must not be viewed as a mere “system of organizational energy and support,” he said. “The Church is Jesus — teaching, healing, saving, serving, inviting.”


New nuncio says pope places ‘great hope’ in U.S. Church

Washington D.C. (CNA/ EWTN News) — The new apostolic nuncio to the United States extended Pope Benedict’s love and greetings to the Catholic Church in America in his first address to the U.S. bishops since his October 19 appointment. “Despite the many challenges you may encounter today in modern society, the Holy Father is putting great hope in the Church in this country for the future of the Universal Church,” said Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on November 14. The pope’s new representative to the U.S. made his remarks to the country’s conference of bishops at their fall General Assembly in Baltimore. Archbishop Viganò told them he was looking forward to working with them and growing in friendship with them, and that their first meeting has brought him “deep joy.” The nuncio said that Pope Benedict’s hope in the American Church presents “a very encouraging and challenging mandate.” “I know that the Church has exercised a unique influence in the formation of American society,” he said. “This nation, at its very core, maintains the very notion of trust in God.” The archbishop also spoke about his predecessor, Archbishop Pietro Sambi, who died on July 27, 2011, after serving as apostolic nuncio to

the United States since 2006. The new nuncio reflected on Archbishop Sambi’s death, which he described as the “great loss of a good friend.” He recalled Sambi’s “great love for the Church, particularly here in America.” Archbishop Viganò also reflected on his new position and described the United States as a rich and diverse nation, “filled with vitality, with a spirit inherited from its forefathers.” He invited the U.S. bishops to take part in the Year of Faith proclaimed by Pope Benedict as an opportunity to explore the deep roots of the Catholic faith, and to do so with their eyes “fixed on Jesus.” The nuncio thanked the bishops for their warm welcome and their continued prayers and good wishes as he begins his new mission in the United States. As apostolic nuncio to the U.S., Archbishop Viganò is the Holy Father’s personal representative to the country. Ordained a priest in 1968, Archbishop Viganò entered the Holy See’s diplomatic service in 1973, serving in diplomatic missions to Iraq, Great Britain and the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France. In addition, the archbishop served as the nuncio to Nigeria between 1992 and 1998, and has worked for more than a decade in the Vatican’s Secretariat of State.


The Anchor Igniting a counterrevolution of faith and love

Last month Pope Benedict announced a “Year of Faith” to begin next October in order to strengthen the faith of Catholics across the globe in the midst of an increasing secularization. Last Thursday, Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia came to Worcester’s Assumption College and gave a very candid address on the history, present and future of Catholic faith in the United States. The weekend’s celebration of the Solemnity of Christ the King — instituted in 1925 as a response to communist pretensions that the ultimate authority is not God but the state — make Archbishop Chaput’s words on the importance of Catholic men and women publicly living by faith in an age where secularists in government are moving to restrict our religious freedom even more timely. “The United States was never a Christian nation,” the Philadelphia prelate stated at the beginning of a crisp historical summary that every Catholic citizen should know, “but it didn’t need to be. Its public life and civic institutions were deeply informed by biblical thought, language and morality. More importantly, most Americans were Christians; most took their faith seriously; and many tried to live it, to a degree that astonished Alexis de Tocqueville. … God was left out of the U.S. Constitution, but not because He was unwelcome. In effect, God suffused the whole constitutional enterprise. Nearly all the founders were religious believers, most were Christians, and some were quite devout. … In practice, John Adams and his founding colleagues were men who … could blend the old and the new, Christian faith and Enlightenment ideas, without destroying either. The founders saw religious faith as something separate from government but vital to the nation’s survival. In his farewell address, Washington stressed that ‘religion and morality are indispensable supports’ for political prosperity. He added, ‘Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.’ For John Jay, James Wilson, Alexander Hamilton, Charles Carroll, John Adams, George Washington and most of the other founders — including Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin — religion created virtuous citizens. And only virtuous citizens could sustain a country as carefully balanced in its institutions, moral instincts and laws as the United States. The American experiment — a nonsectarian, democratic society, sustained by a strong, implicitly Christian worldview and moral vocabulary — worked well for nearly 200 years.” In recent years, however, that American experiment has started to unravel. God, Archbishop Chaput asserted, “has been less and less welcome at the center of our common life” and the America “emerging in the next several decades is likely to be much less friendly to Christian faith than anything in our country’s past.” He predicted that in the years ahead, “we’re going to see more and more of this trend, along with attempts by civil authority to interfere in the life of believing communities in the name of individual rights. We’ll also see less and less unchallenged space for religious institutions to carry out their work in the public square. It’s already happening with state pressure on Catholic hospitals and adoption agencies, in lawsuits attacking the scope of religious liberty, federal restrictions on conscience protections, attacks on charitable tax deductions and religious tax-exempt status, and interference in the hiring practices of organizations like Catholic Charities. It’s no accident that America’s bishops established a special committee on religious liberty earlier this year. Freedom of belief and religious practice used to be a concern that Americans had about other countries. Now it’s a concern in ours.” Archbishop Chaput pondered the roots of the revolution that has occurred from a nation that sees religious faith as an indispensable foundation for our nation’s survival to something that is unwelcome in common life and even a threat to the nation’s flourishing; from an America in which everything used to cease on Sundays to worship God to an America that worships consumption and the libido. The principle cause, he said, happened when the notion of the individual — crucial to the Protestant theology and Enlightenment ideas on which the nation was built — became exaggerated and separated from a “common moral consensus animated and defended by a living religious community.” Once uprooted, it devolved into a “destructive individualism and a hostility to any religious authority outside the sovereignty of personal conscience.” When this occurred, freedom became a license for selfishness, morality got relativized, and society gradually became a “collection of disconnected individuals whose appetites and needs are regulated by the only project they share in common: the state.” This regression to an America “ignorant or cynical toward religion in general and Christianity in particular” was able to happen for two reasons, he said: first, because many who did not live by this destructive individualism nevertheless abdicated their thinking to a public opinion shaped by those who did; and second, because Christians and Catholics “helped create it with our eagerness to fit in, our distractions and overconfidence, and our own lukewarm faith.” He elaborated on the causes and consequences of that tepidity. “Too many people who claim to be Christian simply don’t know Jesus Christ. They don’t really believe in the Gospels. They feel embarrassed by their religion and vaguely out of step with the times. They may keep their religion for comfort value. Or they may adjust it to fit their doubts. But it doesn’t reshape their lives because it isn’t real. And because it isn’t real, it has no transforming effect on their personal behavior, no social force and few public consequences. … Instead of Catholics converting the culture, the culture too often bleached out the apostolic zeal in Catholics while leaving the brand label intact. Plenty of exceptions exist to that trend, but so far not enough of them to make a difference. This is why the large number of Catholics in political and economic leadership in our country has such limited effect on the country’s direction.” If lukewarmness on the part of Christians has contributed so much to bringing about the present crisis, the response of the Church must be a fire for the faith that comes from a counterrevolution of love for Christ. “Nobody cares about embers,” Archbishop Chaput noted, “but everyone pays attention to a fire, especially when it burns in the hearts of other men and women.” He referenced Jesus’ words, “I came to cast fire upon the earth and would that it were already kindled” (Lk 12:49), and described the task of Christians as to “start that blaze and help it grow.” For those who might think his candid diagnosis of the society’s present ills sobering and pessimistic, his prescription is full of hope. “We make the future, not the other way around.” If Catholics are going to be the salt, light and leaven of the future of America, Archbishop Chaput indicated, then two things are needed practically. First, we need “young adults on fire for Jesus Christ and deeply committed to their Catholic faith” who can help form the new America. Second, these young adults need to have that fire ignited and fanned by Catholic leaders on fire by parishes, schools, colleges and universities that “radiate confidence in the Word of God, fidelity to the Catholic faith, and a missionary zeal to make all things new in Jesus Christ, including the public square.” The future of America, he concluded, will be decided principally by whether Christians are formed and inspired to live their faith as more than a brand label, but as something that defines their entire life, both private and public. “If we do not know and love Jesus Christ, and commit our lives to Him, and act on what we claim to believe, everything else is empty. But if we do, so much else is possible — including the conversion of at least some of the world around us.” Everything comes down to a question of faith, faith that is real. Jesus once asked whether He would find faith on earth at His return (Lk 18:8). Archbishop Chaput said that “the only question that finally matters to any of us is the one Jesus posed to his Apostles: ‘Who do you say I am?’ Everything depends on the answer. Faith leads in one direction; the lack of it in another. But the issue is faith, always and everywhere…. Do we believe in Jesus Christ, or don’t we? And if we do, what are we going to do about it?” The Solemnity of Christ the King is an opportunity to make the public profession of our faith anew. And the upcoming Year of Faith is an opportunity for the Church in our country to commit itself to reigniting the bonfire begun on Pentecost one person at a time.


November 18, 2011

A sacred anointing

ach year during Holy Week, anointed Me to proclaim good news to the Catholic priests from around the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim liberty world gather in their cathedral with the to the captives and recovering of sight to bishop of their diocese for what is called the blind, to set at liberty those who are the “Chrism Mass.” One of the highlights oppressed” (Lk 4:18). of this special Mass is that all the priests Our Lord is clearly indicating that He renew the promises they made on the day is the Anointed One, the One who was of their ordination. This is also the Mass in sent by the Father, sent on a mission — to which the bishop blesses the oils used for be the Savior of the world. It is from this the celebration of the different Sacraments perspective that we can come to understand throughout his diocese. that an “anointing” is the commissioning This solemn celebration of the Mass of one to carry out a particular task or misclearly gives us insight into of the different sion. This naturally leads us to the question dimensions of the Church. For example, of what one is being commissioned or in the gathering of all the priests with the consecrated to do when they receive the bishop we are reminded that priests are Sacrament of Confirmation. the co-workers of the bishop, working To answer this question, we need to with him to carry out the work of Christ turn back to the Chrism Mass where those and of His Church. This can also be a very who have been ordained as priests gather sentimental and special moment for a priest with the bishop. It is during this Mass that who recalls the day of his ordination when priests are reminded of their mission to his hands were consecrated with Sacred teach, to shepherd and to sanctify the peoChrism. ple of God, those who share in the “comAnother mon priestinsight into hood” of Jesus the nature and Christ. This mission of the Putting Into “common” Church that priesthood in the Deep we find at the comparison to Chrism Mass is the “ordained” the blessing of priesthood By Father the Holy Oils, is made up Jay Mello where we see of all the that the work faithful, those of Christ and His Church is carried out who have been baptized, confirmed and primarily in a sacramental way. have entered into full communion with There are three oils that are blessed the Church through the reception of the by the bishop during this celebration of Eucharist. the Holy Mass. These oils are, the “Oil of This idea of being part of the “comCatechumens” which is used in Baptism; mon priesthood of the faithful” helps us the “Oil of the Sick” which is used in the to understand why we are anointed in the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick; Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. and finally “Sacred Chrism,” which is used “The post-baptismal anointing with Sacred in Baptisms, Confirmations, in the ordinaChrism in Confirmation is the sign of tions of bishops and priests, and in the consecration. By Confirmation, Christians dedication of churches and altars. share more completely in the mission of The Sacred Chrism (or “Oil of GladJesus Christ and the fullness of the Holy ness” as it is sometimes called) is made by Spirit with which He is filled, so that their mixing olive oil and a perfumed balm and lives may give off ‘the aroma of Christ’ as is easily recognized by its fragrant aroma. St. Paul describes in his second letter to the At the Chrism Mass the bishop blesses this Corinthians” (CCC 1294). oil and then it is distributed to the priests so In concluding this reflection on the Sacthat they might use it in their sacramental rament of Confirmation, I once again want work of sanctifying the people of God. to stress that this pivotal moment in one’s In this week’s article, I conclude the life should not be taken lightly. In deciding reflection on the Sacrament of Confirmato be confirmed in the Catholic faith, one tion by focusing on the “Anointing with must first be sufficiently prepared for what Sacred Chrism.” Very much connected is being asked. One should be properly with the choosing of a new name that I educated in the faith of the Church and addressed last week, the anointing of those given everything needed to fulfill what is being confirmed signifies that they are bebeing asked by the Church, namely, to be a ing consecrated and commissioned to carry witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. out and fulfill their role in the Kingdom of One being confirmed is consecrated and God. commissioned to carry out this important We can trace the idea of anointing back and noble task. This is why it is so vital that to biblical times where it was understood in we not let the celebration of the Sacrament of terms of this consecration for a particular Confirmation be reduced to a mere ceremomission, whether that is religious or secular ny or a graduation from a formal Religious (the anointing of kings). The “Catechism Education program. More properly underof the Catholic Church” further explains: stood, it is not the end of one’s education in “Anointing, in biblical and other ancient the faith, it is really just the beginning — the symbolism, is rich in meaning: oil is a beginning of one’s life as a full initiated and sign of abundance and joy; it cleanses and active member of the Church. limbers; oil is a sign of healing, since it Let us remember to pray for those being is soothing to bruises and wounds; and confirmed in our own diocese and for all it makes radiant with beauty, health, and our young people. The challenges that they strength” (1293). face are great, the temptation to put the Perhaps one of the most profound pasthings of the world before their relationship sages in the Sacred Scriptures in regards with our Lord is very real and they need to anointing comes from the mouth of our the support, encouragement and example Lord Himself. In referencing the book of of each of us. the prophet Isaiah, Jesus says, “The Spirit Father Mello is a parochial vicar at St. of the Lord is upon Me, because He has Patrick’s Parish in Falmouth.

November 18, 2011



The Anchor

Holy Communion and taking Christ to the world

t the conclusion of the Sign of Peace, the supplication “Lamb of God” begins as the priest breaks the host. At this moment, we focus on the altar and the Holy Eucharist seeking to more fully encounter Christ Himself, who by offering the sacrifice to the Father, now offers Himself to us in Holy Communion as the living bread that came down from heaven. In this moment, heaven and earth are truly being united in a visible and supernatural way. In the hymn “Lamb of God,” there are no changes in the text of the new translation. The words themselves are based on those of John the Baptist, who in seeing Jesus approach, proclaims “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world” (Jn 1:29). His title for Jesus, “Lamb of God,” contains both the allusion to the Passover sacrifice of the “unblemished lamb” and the prophecy of Isaiah 53, who prophesies that He will be “like a lamb led to the slaughter.” Furthermore, the Book of Revelation testifies to the “lamb that seemed to have been slain” to whom all worship and honor is given. In this proclamation of “Lamb of God” and our final preparation for Holy Communion, several beautiful meanings are present. At one and the same moment we proclaim the Lamb of God in heaven, who was “broken” for us in His saving sacrifice, and the Lamb of God who is “re-presented” for us in the Eucharist. Our proclamation places us in an encounter with Christ in His sacrifice at Calvary as the true Lamb, now worshiped and glorified with the Father and the Holy Spirit by the saints in heaven. Simply put, all time (past, present, and future glory) are present as one. As the supplication “Lamb of God” is sung, the priest prepares for Holy Communion by breaking the host, placing a small piece in the chalice. At the conclusion of the fractioning and the “Lamb of God,” the priest genuflects, then takes part of the broken host and presents it (he may hold it over the chalice, or simply over the paten [the plate with hosts]). He echoes John the Baptist in proclaiming the Lamb of God, and joins in the response of the people to the Lamb. This is the new translation of these words. “Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.” The people will respond to

proposes for belief. Proper rethis, “Lord, I am not worthy ception of the Eucharist places that You should enter under my us in communion with Christ roof, but only say the word and and all the saints in heaven, my soul shall be healed.” The new translations of these through His sacrifice. Indeed texts are very faithful to biblical how blessed we are to be called to the true supper of the Lamb. sources: Having received Holy Com— Jn 1:29 – “Behold, the munion, we draw near to the Lamb of God.” end of the Mass. We should — Rev 19:9 – The angel take what moments of silence proclaims, “Blessed are those are given after receiving Holy who are invited to the marriage Communion to give thanks to supper of the Lamb.” God for the gift of Holy Com— Lk 7:6-7 – The centurion says to Jesus, “Lord, I am not worthy to have You come under my roof.” The words, “The supper of the Lamb,” connect us to heaven’s By Father worship — at Mass, we Joel Hastings participate in heaven on earth. The expression, “under my roof,” does munion. Such thanksgiving not literally mean the “roof” of prepares us to be sent out to live our mouth, but can be thought this gift of communion with of in reference to our bodies as Christ. “temples,” where God desires to As the fitting conclusion of make His dwelling. The reference to “my soul” highlights that Holy Communion itself, we all the Eucharist is truly food for the are invited to stand and pray. The priest offers the Prayer soul — in need of healing from after Communion, asking God sin and its effects. Of particular note in the new that the mysteries of Christ in the Eucharist may have an aftranslation is the fidelity to the fect in all our lives. Following biblical sources of all these the “Amen” of the people, the words. What is equally imporMass is brought to its proper tant is the clearer expression of conclusion as the priest blesses humility that the new translathe people and then either he or tion yields — that we are not the deacon dismisses them. worthy of the Eucharist. Yet, The dismissal of the people God in His mercy still offers us of the Mass is best understood Himself so that our souls may as the “sending” of the people be healed. to live more fully in Christ. The When the time comes to new translation for the concludapproach the Eucharist, we ing rite makes this truth of being receive the Lamb of God who “sent” very clear. Pope Benedict takes away sins and brings us to everlasting life. Hence, when XVI himself has given us three new formulas for use in dismisswe receive Holy Communion, ing the people from Mass. as in times past, we give our The Latin text of the dismissassent through our “amen.” al is “Ite, missa est.” Literally This “amen” is an expression translated, the words are “Go, not only of faith in the Eucha[it] is sent.” At the heart of the rist, but a humble profession of statement is the word missa. Catholic faith and a full assent Taken from this word are sevto the whole truth that God has eral familiar words in English, revealed and that the Church

Praying the Mass Anew

ing t a r leb ur e C O

including “mission,” “missal,” and of course “Mass.” Hence, if we took the most literal translation of this phrase as “Go, it is sent,” the “it” may be understood as not simply the people themselves, but the “mission” task that they are sent to live. In the new translation, given that we take the word “Mass” from missa, the words of the deacon or priest have been rendered “Go forth, the Mass is ended.” Note that the text says “go forth”: we are to go forth to live what we have just offered and received in the Holy Mass. All are entrusted with taking the gift of Holy Communion with Christ into their lives, to offer themselves more perfectly in all that they are called to be. Hence, we have a new beginning from every Mass. While the word missa contains the root of the English word “mission,” the connection of these words has universal significance. Pope Benedict himself observed in 2007 in his exhortation on the Eucharist called “The Sacrament of Charity” that while the word missa originally meant “dismissal,” it has grown to contain this character of “mission.” Accordingly, he has given three additional formulas for dismissal from

Mass that express this truth of mission. These texts of Pope Benedict are new and will be officially used for the first time in this latest edition of the Roman Missal. “Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord”; “Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life”; “Go in peace”; All these formulas emphasize that we “go” — we are “sent” to live. Each formula offers a distinct aspect of evangelization and mission. Aware that the priest or deacon may choose from the four options for dismissing the people, the verbal response of the people is unchanged. After the dismissal, the people will still respond, “Thanks be to God.” This does not mean, “Thank God it’s over,” but rather, “Thanks be to God for the call to be your witness, O God!” We give thanks both that we have not only partaken in the Mass, and that we have been entrusted with the mission that we are now sent to live. Hence, the true response of the people is not merely in words — it is by living the mission of charity that we have offered in the Eucharist and are called to live as His disciples. Father Hastings is Director of the Office of Liturgy and Worship of the Diocese of Duluth and pastor of St. Rose Parish in Proctor, Minn.

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10 A.M. — 4 P.M.





November 18, 2011

The Anchor


his weekend we celebrate the feast of Christ the King, the last Sunday of the Church’s calendar. As we hear the words of the Gospel today, we can immediately recognize the paradox of Christ as a king and the Christ who calls to serve and not be served. Our usual image of Christ the King is the one that we see presented in paintings and stained glass windows of the Lord adorned in flowing robes with a scepter in His hand. In many ways this is the Jesus we understand to be the king of Heaven, but certainly not the Jesus who walked the earth, or the Jesus we understand from today’s Gospel. The Jesus we hear of in the Gospel today is the Jesus of service, who tells us that God will judge according to the ways that we have treated and been present for others, and in the ways that we

Christ the King

have not. At the beginning of the punishment for the good Mass we often say the Conand the evil we have done in fiteor at the penitential rite. The our lives. Like the Confiteor words we profess acknowledge expresses sorrow for that which our sinfulness as we express we have also legitimately failed our sorrow for “what I have to do as a member of Christ’s done and in what I have failed to do.” As we start the new liturHomily of the Week gical year next week Feast of the translation of the Chist the King Confiteor will change a bit but its sentiment By Father and meaning really John J. Perry take on a greater sense of the depth of sorrow that we bring before God, and a realization of the Body the Church. If we have depth of forgiveness that only a relationship with Christ then God can grant to us. we are compelled to put that The image of Christ as King into action. To be a disciple of is also that of Christ as judge, Christ here and now means that judging us at the time of final we must at times be still and at judgment, with the imagery other times we must be active; of the shepherd who separates we must be contemplative at the goats from the sheep. The some moments and contagious judgment will be the reward or with zeal about our faith at

others. This story of the final judgment reminds us of the corporal works of mercy, and in doing so that we are indeed responsible for the well being and care of one another. This week as we gather with family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving, one of the things that we can truly be grateful for is the gift of our faith, and even more so the promise of eternal life that has been made to each of us personally by the waters of Baptism. As we sit in the presence of those who are most important to us, we can give thanks for all that we sometimes take for granted, for our families, friends, the people who care for us and do so many things great and small to make our lives easier or more enjoyable.

During this month of all souls it is important that we don’t forget those who have gone before us through the mystery of death and thank God for all that they were to us. For many the first Thanksgiving after the loss of a loved one is a very difficult time. It’s a time when the loss is especially noticeable. For those who face this difficulty the most important thing is not to forget, but to be grateful for what we had. We can rejoice in hope that this year will be the first year that Thanksgiving is celebrated by our loved one at the heavenly banquet in the presence of Christ the King. May God’s blessings be with you all this week as we give thanks for all the blessings that we enjoy. Father Perry is pastor of St. Jude the Apostle Parish in Taunton.

Upcoming Daily Readings: Sat. Nov. 19, 1 Mc 6:1-13; Ps 9:2-4,6,16,19; Lk 20:27-40. Sun. Nov. 20, Feast of Christ the King, Ez 34:11-12,15-17; Ps 23:13,5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26,28; Mt 25:31-46. Mon. Nov. 21, Dn 1:1-6,8-20; (Ps) Dn 3:52-56; Lk 21:1-4. Tues. Nov. 22, Dn 2:31-45; (Ps) Dn 3:57-61; Lk 21:5-11. Wed. Nov. 23, Dn 5:1-6,13-14,16-17,23-28; (Ps) Dn 3:62-67; Lk 21:12-19. Thu. Nov. 24, Dn 6:12-28; (Ps) Dn 3:68-74; Lk 21:20-28. Fri. Nov. 25, Dn 7:214; (Ps) Dn 3:75-81; Lk 21:29-33.


n December 1980, I spent several hours talking with Mike Hammer, a field representative in El Salvador of the American Institute for Free Labor Development. AIFLD, an overseas development affiliate of the AFL-CIO, was trying to bring some sense into the polarized politics of El Salvador, a country coming apart at the seams. A few weeks after we met, that violent polarization cost Mike Hammer his life. When Hammer and two of his AIFLD colleagues were murdered in El Salvador in

Remembering Bill Doherty

that CISPES was a front created January 1981, I wrote a memoby the KGB, the Soviet secret rial essay in the Seattle Weekly, intelligence service, to advance praising these martyrs for communist interests in Latin decency and democracy. Such America.) The memory of those were the politics of the time that this tribute to three good men got me into the hottest of hot water with the Seattle-area Left, represented by the Committee in Solidarity with the People of By George Weigel El Salvador. (Thirty years later, when the Mitrokhin Archive, a debates is not what I cherish, huge cache of KGB documents, however, in thinking back on was published, it was revealed this episode. What I remember is that my memorial essay was reprinted in AIFLD’s newsletter and became the occasion for meeting William Charles The Post Office charges The Anchor 70 cents for notificaDoherty Jr., who died this past tion of a subscriber’s change of address. Please help us August 28. reduce these expenses by notifying us immediately when Bill Doherty was one of the you plan to move. great Catholic laymen of 20thPlease Print Your New Address Below century America. A bear of a man who had been a defensive NAME: lineman at Catholic University during his student days, Bill STREET ADDRESS: dedicated his professional life to trade unionism as an instrument CITY, STATE, ZIP: of democracy-building (and hence peace-making) in Latin NEW PARISH: America. Free trade unions, he believed, were crucial compoMOVING DATE: nents of the civil society that made democracy possible. By Please attach your Anchor address label so we can update helping build those kinds of your record immediately. worker associations, Bill and his AIFLD colleagues were not Clip and mail form to: The Anchor, only giving the poor the tools P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722


The Catholic Difference

by which to pull themselves and their families out of poverty; they were giving democracy a chance in places where it had never taken root. When I brought Bill Doherty to Seattle to speak, some of the salient aspects of his singular personality became evident. The first question he asked me, on arrival, was, “Where can I go to Mass tomorrow morning?” A daily communicant, Bill prepared for political combat by prayer and the Sacraments, his deep faith nourished intellectually by his fidelity to Catholic social doctrine. Then there was his contempt for the juvenile leftism of CISPES and its fellow-travelers, on whom he heaped scorn and ridicule with relish. Having fought communists for the control of trade unions throughout the western hemisphere, Bill Doherty wasn’t about to take any guff from the pre-grunge, pre-Starbucks radicals of the Puget Sound area. They tried to call him a tool of the propertied class. “How dare you call me an oligarch?” he roared back. Bill Doherty was an equal opportunity opponent of tyranny, whether it was the communist tyranny threatening El Salvador and Nicaragua or the rightist tyranny entrenched in Chile, Ar-

gentina and Paraguay. He fought them all and he enjoyed the battle. He never hated markets; he wanted them to work fairly, for everyone. He didn’t believe in class warfare; he believed in building the infrastructure of freedom. He cheered John Paul II’s assault on communism in central and eastern Europe, just as he worked to help give organizational expression to the democratic revolution that John Paul encouraged in Augusto Pinochet’s Chile. Like others of his generation of lay Catholic leaders, Bill Doherty was a political liberal who believed in the widest possible participation in government, an economic pragmatist who wanted to open networks of productivity and exchange to everyone, and a Christian radical who believed that the Gospel was the truth of the world. The stupidities (and worse) of many Catholic activists and journalists in Central America in the 1980s grieved him. But he never lost faith, and he was always willing to welcome converts to the prodemocracy movement. He was a big man in every sense of the word; the biggest thing about him was his big heart. He now lives in the embrace of the divine solidarity. George Weigel is Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C.

November 18, 2011

Your mission, should you choose to accept it ...

Tuesday 15 November 2011 and a broad-brimmed straw hat — at home on the Taunton in the heat of the day. I never River — I Love to Write Day travel with more than a carryixteen people have on bag anyway, so that wasn’t chosen to accept a week spent in the diocesan mission to Honduras. Now our bags are packed. We’re Reflections of a ready to leave. PackParish Priest ing the bags was an By Father Tim interesting experience. We would each have Goldrick a small carry-on bag for our personal use — just some light, practical clothing. There would be no a problem for me. On the other need for dress clothes, jewelry, hand, however, we would each or electronic devices. Maybe a lug a 50-pound bag containing sweatshirt would prove useitems needed by the Honduran ful in the cool of the evening mission. The mission had sent


The Ship’s Log



The Anchor

Blessed is He

any history about our Catholic he Sanctus prayer, or forefathers, however, you will the “Holy, Holy, Holy,” discover that many truly came which is sung in Mass during intending to be a blessing to the Eucharistic Prayer, is my the natives, and that they often personal favorite. As I preendured great hardship and pare for the upcoming holiday martyrdom for their efforts. season, one particular phrase The story of one Spanish Jesuit, from the Sanctus helps calm my Father Eusebio Kino, especially nerves about getting together with family, friends, and/or co-workers who may not share my Catholic faith. That phrase is, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord,” and it helps By Heidi Bratton remind me of what I am called to be — a blessing — even if others at captures my imagination. the gathering act hostile toward Father Kino was an Italianmy faith and my Church. born missionary during the late The holiday season starts 1600s to early 1700s. He minwith Thanksgiving. It is a istered to native tribes in what national feast day recalling the is now known as the American three-day celebration that the Southwest, founding 29 misMayflower Pilgrims had with sions in 25 years and travelthe Wampanoag Indians who ing thousands of miles across had helped them survive that desert wastes. Following the first grueling year in the New standard Jesuit plan of evanWorld. Some of the Pilgrims, gelization, Father Kino would known as “Separatists” back in first come into a native village England, came to this country with armed guards and request in search of religious freedom permission to live among the as well as economic opportupeople. If permission were nity. As Catholics we also have granted, he would move into spiritual forefathers who came the village and spend the next to the New World for religious several years learning the and economic reasons. native tongue. After he had About a hundred years learned the language and the before the Pilgrims arrived in customs of the tribe and had Plymouth, Catholic religious gained their trust, he would orders began sending priests to begin to share the Good News. the New World to administer Father Kino’s plan of spreadthe Sacraments to the Spanish ing the Good News is one we and French explorers, and to can emulate when gathering teach the native people about with the potentially hostile Jesus Christ. Hindsight benatives of our own tribes this ing 20-20, we can see that the holiday season: intentions of the Europeans – 1. Enter peaceably, but missionaries included – were armed with the knowledge of not always pure, and that the rethe truth of the Gospel, and be sults of their efforts were somecapable of defending yourself times a mixed bag. If you read

Homegrown Faith

us a list of its current needs. The needs are many. The group wanted to include all parishioners in the preparations for the mission trip. We called for supplies. We decided to divide the list and announce a different needed item each week. A huge woven basket was placed in the sanctuary and another container in the Pastoral Life Center. Signs were posted announcing what type of item we would be requesting each week. We started off with school supplies. The timing was perfect. Parents were then

and your faith if necessary. 2. Send your ears to the gathering before your tongue. Listening before talking builds others up and paves the way for trust. 3. Finally and over time, your actions will open the door for you to share the Good News. When that door opens, don’t get on a soap box; simply share the blessings of the faith life as you know them from your personal experience. St. Francis, founder of the Franciscan order which sent hundreds of missionaries to the New World, gave some of the best advice on how to be a blessing to others: “Preach the Gospel wherever you go; if necessary, use words.” In other words, at holiday gatherings, seek to be a blessing by your actions. Help with the cooking and cleaning. Get up a game of ball with restless young natives and give their mothers a break. Realize that, since few families, neighbors, or co-workers are completely united in their faith lives, holiday conflicts are inevitable. Also realize that, just like our Catholic forefathers, your own motives for interacting with the assembled ‘tribe’ will be mixed. Consequently, your results will be mixed too, but don’t sweat it. Just keep reminding yourself, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” Heidi is an author, photographer and mother of six children. This article is excerpted from her latest book, “Homegrown Faith: Nurturing Your Catholic Family,” available from Servant Books.

buying back-to-school supplies for their kids. Perhaps one or two extra items for the mission wouldn’t be too much of a bother. Over the next seven days, school supplies flooded in until the basket was filled to overflowing. Then we moved on to “white socks week.” It was an item on the list provided to us by the Honduran mission. More than 300 pairs of white socks were received: men’s, women’s, boys’ and girls’ socks. We learned too late that the socks were intended for use by the girls in the mission’s high school. Oops. We packed all the socks anyway, figuring somebody in Guaimaca could use them, if not the high school girls. Then we held “vitamin week.” That, too, received an overwhelming response. I had no idea that vitamins came in such large bottles, and in such a wide variety. On we went to “toothbrush, toothpaste, and bar soap week.” Again the response was most generous. That’s when we decided to take stock. One night, we gathered in the Pastoral Life Center, packed our bags to the brim, and weighed each bag carefully on a bathroom scale to make sure that none exceed the 50-pound limit. We discovered we had already packed 800 pounds of supplies for the mission. We had reached maximum capacity. The announcement had to be made verbally at Mass that weekend, asking parishioners to please stop bringing in items for Honduras. We simply couldn’t carry any more stuff. The filled bags were locked away for safe keeping until our departure date. There were other matters that needed to be addressed that night as well. The devil is in the details. We were able to get discounted air fare rates because the group applied early enough. One member of our group arranged for our flight tickets and

transportation to the airport. In order to cut expenses, volunteers would be driving us in vans to the TF Green Airport in Providence. There would be a separate van for the items we were bringing along with us. We would have to leave Dighton in the middle of the night. You have to allow at least three hours for security checks on international flights and the plane was scheduled to leave at 6:15 a.m. Someplace down there in Guaimaca there must be a huge pile of empty suitcases, considering they welcome groups of 15 visitors every two weeks or so and all of the visitors are carrying extra suitcases they don’t plan on taking home with them. If all went well, we would land in Tegucigalpa at 1:06 p.m. There would be a reception committee waiting for us — Father Craig Pregana, pastor, and Janet Kirsch, coordinator of volunteer groups. In the airport, we would have the opportunity to exchange U.S. dollars for the local currency, lempira. There aren’t too many places in Guaimaca to spend money anyway. We wouldn’t be doing much wandering around outside of the mission compound, for security reasons. In Guaimaca, no respectable person goes out at night, and even in the daylight, nobody goes out unaccompanied we were told. From the airport, we would board a school bus for the twohour ride from Tegucigalpa to Guaimaca. The road would be rough in spots. A few of the bridges might not be all that sturdy. There would be military security check posts along the way. Upon our arrival, after a supper of rice and beans, there would be an orientation meeting. The next day, at long last, our week-long mission would begin. This ended our briefings before departure for Honduras. Got to go. Catch you later. Father Goldrick is pastor of St. Nicholas of Myra Parish in North Dighton.

Deposit due by Dec. 2


The Anchor

November 18, 2011

Home and Church are inseparable for longtime parishioner

By Kenneth J. Souza Anchor Staff

NEW BEDFORD — Theresa Quintin remembers one couple that recently joined her beloved St. Anthony of Padua Parish in New Bedford and later told her she was the first one who spoke to them and welcomed them to the parish. The simple, friendly gesture is not uncommon for Quintin, who was baptized into the parish 86 years ago and continues to be a prominent fixture at the New Bedford church. “It’s the only parish I ever belonged to,” Quintin said. “I was born two streets over on Coffin Avenue, and now I’ve lived here (on Nye Street) for more than 60 years. Sometimes I walk to Mass; it depends on how I’m feeling.” It’s no coincidence that the three places Quintin considers home are located within a small, two-block radius. For her, church and family are one and the same. “I won’t ever change my parish — it’s a beautiful church,” Quintin said. “So many people tell me that, but I sometimes take it for granted because I’m there all the time.” For years Quintin has devoted her time and talents to assist St. Anthony’s Parish. She just completed sewing handmade craft items for the recent parish bazaar — a task that continues year-round. “I’m doing a lot of sewing

right now,” she said. “Our crafts ers such as the popular ham and guild meets once a week and bean suppers. “I’ve been here for 63 years sews all year long for our annual parish bazaar. We’re all el- and I’ve seen a lot of changes in derly — we don’t have any younger members right now. And there are even a few who don’t belong to the parish, but they still help out. One is my sister: she used to belong to St. Anthony’s, but she still comes to help us. My daughter and her friend also pitch in.” Quintin was thankful for the good weather during the bazaar weekend and said they had a good turnout. But they still ended up with leftover items that they hope to sell after Masses next month. “We’ll set up the craft tables after Masses,” Quintin said. “We’ve still got a lot of stuff left, so every weekend beginning after Thanksgiving we’ll be there.” Anchor Person of the Week — Over the past eight Quintin. (Photo by Kenneth J. Souza) decades Quintin has been involved with the parish the parish,” she said. “But I try to Bingo games, she’s served as den help as best I can. Of course, it’s mother for the Girl Scout troop, tough for those who work during and she’s assisted with fund-rais- the day, because we do a lot of

our work then. Some of the older folks can’t drive at night.” Despite difficulty in recruiting new members, Quintin’s pastor, Father Roger J. Landry, credits her with keeping the crafts guild alive. “Theresa won the Marian Medal back in 1970 as an indication of how exemplary her dedication to the parish was then. She’s never stopped,” Father Landry said. “She’s the reason why the crafts guild continues to thrive here and her leadership there is just one way she invests the talents God has given her for the building of His kingdom and this parish.” Quintin also helps to make Rosaries that are distributed during October and will often assist with serving coffee and donuts after the 8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass; although she said she regularly atTheresa tends the 4 p.m. vigil Mass on Saturday. “Sometimes I help out with the (New Bedford Symphony Orchestra) concerts at the church, too,” she said. “I also count the collections money after the weekend Masses.”

Quintin also attended the former St. Anthony’s parochial school, as did one of her two daughters. She stressed how important it is to pass on her faith to her children. “That’s the way I was brought up,” she said. “My mother was always involved in the Church. In fact, she bought one of the Stations of the Cross inside St. Anthony’s Church — and she had nine children. They were renovating the church at the time and she donated it. That’s the way we were brought up. She was a great inspiration to me and taught me about faith.” Noting that she used to be more involved years ago, Quintin said she gave up some of her activities seven years ago when her husband passed away. He would often be involved in similar parish projects such as coaching the basketball and baseball teams. “Now, there’s only so much I can do,” she said. With many older parish clubs and organizations falling by the wayside, Quintin encouraged others to step up and get involved. “I’ve been trying to get people involved, because we really need the help,” she said. “There are only seven of us now who are working year-round for the bazaar. We need some younger people to get involved.” To submit a nominee, send informationtofatherrogerlandry@ anchornews.org.

November 18, 2011

The Anchor

the light of the world — La Salette Brother Bob Russell, right, and artist Sharon Silverman hang a piece of artwork illustrated with LED lights. The piece is just one of more than 800 renditions of Christ to be displayed at an exhibit called “Faces of Jesus,” at the 2011 Festival of Lights at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette. (Photo by Dave Jolivet)

La Salette art exhibit features ‘Face of Jesus Exhibit’ continued from page one

We live in a time when people are filled with fear and losing hope. I thought this may be a good way to bring people back to spirituality.” Silverman is a member of the International Union of Mail-Artists, an organization that was formed in 1988. Mail art was a movement that began in the 60s where artists from across the world would send their visual arts in the mail to be collected and shown in exhibitions. “There are more than 1,700 artists worldwide who belong,” said Silverman, “and they all share their works for free. It’s a free giving of ideas in art.” Despite past negative comments, Silverman chose to solicit works for her “Faces of Jesus” exhibit from her IUOMA colleagues. “I planned on having an exhibit at my gallery in Haverhill, and I asked the artists to send works depicting Christ, with only one stipulation,” she said. “The pieces could be creative, but had to be respectful of Jesus and illustrate no hate about other religions.” Again Silverman experienced several roadblocks. “I realized that I couldn’t do this on my own,” she said. “Then I put it all in God’s hands. As soon as that happened, everything fell into place.” It took one year to collect the artwork through the mail. In all, Silverman col-

To advertise in The Anchor, contact Wayne Powers at 508-675-7151 or Email waynepowers@ anchornews.org

lected more than 300 pieces, which she displayed in an exhibition in February of this year. “The response was great,” she relayed. “There was some negativity. But it was very well attended, and people from ages five to 90 loved it. All of the artists agreed to let the works be photographed. There were teen-agers who attended the exhibit, and many pulled out their cell phones to take pictures. The artists really put their hearts and souls into their works. “In fact there was one man, an atheist who attended and he was very cynical. But he kept coming back every day the exhibit was open. Eventually, he, too, submitted a piece for the exhibit. Others were moved to tears. God is awesome.” Shortly after the successful launch of the exhibit in Haverhill, a friend told Silverman about the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette. “I called Brother Bob Russell to see if he would be interested in the exhibit for the shrine,” said Silverman. “When Sharon called me and told me about the Jesus display, I got cold chills, in a good way,” Brother Bob told The Anchor. “We talked about hope. That is what this shrine is about. I felt that this is what is most needed at the shrine. All that is here is hope. I gave her an emphatic yes.” Silverman had even less time to arrange the La Salette exhibit than she had

with the Haverhill showing. And it turned out that there were 500 more pieces to display. Yet she approached the endeavor with the same faith in God, placing it all in His hands again. “The response has been phenomenal,” said Silverman. “And in the 600 pieces that have come in since, I’ve only had to take four out for not having met the criteria. Some have sent work on loan, but 90 percent of the La Salette exhibit is mail art.” The display is located in a passage between the shrine cafeteria and book store. With only about a quarter of the display in place, the hallway was filled with artwork pieces on tables and on the floor. Despite the helter-skelter appearance, all is in order. “Each piece is placed with a purpose,” Silverman added. “And each piece has a tag identifying the artist and where he or she is from.” Helping Silverman with the daunting task of hanging the artwork is her longtime friend Ginny Messmore. Like Silverman, Messmore is touched to the soul by being involved in the La Salette exhibit. Messmore’s journey of faith, which has led to her having a hand in the “Face of Jesus Exhibit,” has been filled with turmoil. Born a Catholic, she was the victim of date rape as a young woman. The trauma shook her faith life to the core. Later she would be struck with breast cancer and another life-threatening illness. Yet all the while, she felt a calling to come back to the faith. Messmore, who pursued photography,

11 was forced to give up her passion, yet she, too, has a work in the exhibit — the culmination of a 20-year effort. The piece, consisting of a series of photographs over that two-decade span, illustrates the life of Christ during His earthly ministry. “I shouldn’t be alive today,” Messmore told The Anchor. “I am so grateful to God. My struggles and joys have been a gift to me and I wanted to give back. I want people to know that they, too, can overcome great difficulties with God’s grace.” “This has been amazing,” said Silverman. “With all the submissions, no two are the same. I didn’t tell people what to do, yet the whole life of Christ is covered. It’s beautiful to see that people look at Him in different ways. “People see art in different ways, yet, art is for everyone. In art everyone is treated the same, just like Christ treated His Apostles. And the fact that money is not involved in all of this blows me away. It makes for a much better message.” Silverman added that there will be a large map of the world depicting where all of the pieces emanated. “It gives the viewer a greater perspective just how wide ranging this exhibit is. I am most grateful to all of the artists, Ginny and to Brother Bob for helping to make this happen for the glory of God.” The “Face of Jesus” display and the 2011 Festival of Lights will be at La Salette from Thanksgiving to January 2, 2012. For more information, call 508-222-5410 or visit www.lasalette-shrine.org.


The Anchor

CNS Movie Capsules NEW YORK (CNS) — The following are capsule reviews of movies recently reviewed by Catholic News Service. “J. Edgar” (Warner Bros.) Clint Eastwood’s polished but taxing biographical drama recounts major events in the long public career of famed FBI director J. Edgar Hoover (Leonardo DiCaprio) and attempts to reconstruct his enigmatic personal life. As scripted by Dustin Lance Black, the film informatively chronicles Hoover’s rise from obscure bureaucrat to power-besotted keeper of the nation’s secrets. Yet its exploration of the three main relationships in Hoover’s life, with his domineering mother (Judi Dench), his girlfriend-turned-secretary (Naomi Watts) and his number two at the bureau (Armie Hammer) feels sensationalized at times and will prove uncomfortable viewing even for mature audience members. Brief intense but bloodless violence, a scene of semi-graphic adultery, homosexual and transvestite themes, a same-sex kiss, at least one use of profanity, a couple of rough terms. The Catholic News Service classification is L — limited adult audience, films whose problematic content many adults would find troubling. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R — restricted. Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian. “Jack and Jill” (Columbia) Half-witted comedy in which Adam Sandler plays both a successful Los Angeles advertising executive and his well-meaning but irksome, Bronx-based twin

sister. When Sis comes to town for her annual Thanksgiving visit, the ad man can hardly wait for her to leave again — until, that is, she artlessly wins the heart of Al Pacino (playing himself), whom he’s been trying to convince to appear in a Dunkin’ Donuts commercial. Director Dennis Dugan’s grab-bag of potty humor, harsh slapstick and pop-culture gags is too crude for kids and too puerile for their elders. Much violent slapstick and gross scatological humor, brief implied nudity, some sexual jokes and adult references, at least one crass term. The Catholic News Service classification is A-III — adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG — parental guidance suggested. “A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas” (Warner Bros.) Consistently vulgar, intermittently loathsome comedy sequel in which reformed pothead Harold (John Cho) and unrepentant stoner Kumar (Kal Penn) go in quest of a replacement for the former’s family Christmas tree which the duo accidentally burned down. In its largely vain pursuit of laughs, director Todd Strauss-Schulson’s insult to the season stoops not only to sexual excess but to anti-Catholic animus and even blasphemy by portraying pornographic images of lesbian nuns, pedophile priests chasing choirboys and a playboy version of Jesus accompanied by topless angels. Sacrilegious humor, graphic nonmarital and aberrant sexual activity, full nudity, a benign view of drug use, about a half-dozen instances of profanity, pervasive rough and crude language. The Catholic News Service classification is O — morally offensive. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is R — restricted. Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian.

Diocese of Fall River TV Mass on WLNE Channel 6 Sunday, November 20, 11:00 a.m.

Celebrant is Father Rodney E. Thibault, Chaplain at St. Luke’s Hospital in New Bedford

November 18, 2011

one of the good ones — Catholic cartoonist Bil Keane is seen with characters from his comic strip “Family Circus” in this undated publicity photograph. Keane died November 8 at age 89 of congestive heart failure at his home in Paradise Valley, Ariz. His kid-friendly comic gave readers a funny version of his own life at home and became one of the most widely syndicated cartoon panels in the world. (CNS photo/King Features Syndicate, handout via Reuters)

Bil Keane, creator of ‘Family Circus’ comic strip, dies at age 89

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Bil Keane, the Catholic cartoonist who originated the comic strip “The Family Circus” more than 50 years ago, died November 8 at age 89 in Paradise Valley, Ariz., near Phoenix. The cause of death was given as congestive heart failure. Born William Aloysius Keane in Philadelphia, he taught himself to draw while a student at Northeast Catholic High School in Philadelphia. He got his first cartoon published in 1936 on the amateur page of the Philadelphia Daily News. But the urge to do cartoons started even earlier. While a sixth grader at St. William School in Philadelphia, Keane drew a picture of his teacher, an Immaculate Heart of Mary sister named Sister Ann. When she caught a glimpse of his art, though, she responded in a way no one expected: She decided the class needed its own newspaper and Keane should be editor. Sister Ann also told Keane that she’d pray for his future success as a cartoonist. He omitted the second “L” from “Bill” early in his career “just to be different,” he told Catholic News Service in a 2002 interview. Keane served in the Army 194245, drawing for Yank magazine and later for the Army’s newspaper, Stars and Stripes. While serving in Australia, he met his future wife, Thelma, the inspiration for “Thel” in “The Family Circus.” Returning to Philadelphia after his military service, he got a job with the Philadelphia Bulletin daily newspaper, first doing a comic strip called “Silly Philly” and later “Channel Chuckles.” After the Keanes moved to Arizona, Bil Keane came up with

the idea for “The Family Circus.” Originally called “The Family Circle” until Family Circle magazine objected, the single-panel comic retained its circular shape even after the dust-up over the name settled. Keane counted fellow cartoonist Charles Schulz of “Peanuts” fame, and Catholic syndicated humor columnist Erma Bombeck among his closest friends. In 1992, Keane won the Elizabeth Ann Seton Award from the National Catholic Educational Association for his “steadfast commitment to a Catholic way of life and his steadfast promotion of strong family values to his 100 million daily readers.” He returned the favor by illustrating Catholic Schools Week posters for the NCEA in the 1990s. Even now, a 2011-12 NCEA calendar features a dozen Keane “Family Circus” illustrations from past NCEA national marketing campaigns. The NCEA’s poster for its 2012 convention also features a Keane illustration. “Bil never forgot his roots,” Karen Ristau, NCEA president, said in a November 10 statement. “Bil was determined to do all that he could to help the Catholic teachers who had given so much to him.” Ristau added, “Bil Keane was a family-centered man with a subtle sense of humor, whose lifelong Catholicism added a special depth and insight to his work.” Ristau said she thought Keane’s old sixth-grade teacher might be “among the first in line to greet Bil ... to award a celestial A-plus for a job well done.” Keane illustrated the 1992 book “Holy Hilarity” from the Fellowship of Merry Christians. He also

made “Family Circus” illustrations for the annual student subscription campaign of The Catholic Standard & Times, newspaper of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. “I’m always happy to do it because I feel I’m using my God-given talent to help others (and) convey to people the benefits of a good Christian life,” Keane once told The Catholic Standard & Times. “The Family Circus,” long known for its squeaky-clean humor, has been satirized. “The fact is that ‘The Family Circus’ is popular and has such wholesome, family values. So if you’re going to satirize those values, ‘Family Circus’ is the one to pick on,” Keane told St. Anthony Messenger magazine in a 2001 interview. The comic also is known for its occasional religious themes. While the worship depicted in “The Family Circus” is of a generic Christian nature, Keane told St. Anthony Messenger it came from the family’s long connection to the Catholic Church. “I draw out of my lifestyle,” Bil said. “I grew up Catholic, my kids grew up Catholic.” Keane and Thelma, who died in 2008, had five children. Son Jeff, who collaborated with Keane in the early 1980s on a comic strip called “Eggheads,” later worked alongside his father on “The Family Circus,” first completing his father’s sketches and now drawing the strip from start to finish. Bil Keane said “The Family Circus” was based on his children’s antics. But as they grew up, Keane told the NCEA in a 2002 speech, he looked to his nine grandchildren for inspiration. “My kids and grandkids think I’m following them around lovingly, but really I’m out to exploit them,” he joked.

November 18, 2011


hen Jesus talks about the end times, as He will in this Sunday’s Gospel, He presents a scenario in which we will be called to account for our lives by answering five questions: “When did you see Me hungry and feed Me?” “When did you see Me thirsty and give Me something to drink?” “When did you welcome Me when I was a stranger?” “When did you see Me naked and clothe Me?” “When did you see Me ill or in prison and visit Me?” This is not exactly an exam we can cram for, but one that will take a lifetime to master. It would be a very worthy exercise to turn all of our spiritual attention to just those five questions for which we will be held accountable at the end of our lives. It would be rare to find a Catholic who hasn’t heard this piece of Matthew’s Gospel; it is the foundation of every act of service we have ever performed. Those of us who have had the responsibility of running



The Anchor

Having the ‘roof ripped open’

daughter will instead buy a catechetical programs usually bag of bagels and give them found ways to teach this lesson about the end times in a system- to a homeless person that she atic way, highlighted by “service encounters on the street. At the time I thought the woman was projects” to drive home the point. Sometimes in our effort to crazy (the 7 a.m. call confirmed this). Using my best Catholic teach we run the risk of leavapologetics, I explained to the ing the essential message in the heads of our students without allowing it to transform their hearts. I spent 25 years teaching high school youth to think and act like Catholics, but oftentimes I was guilty By Claire McManus of focusing too much on the program and not on the process. woman that what her daughter With more than 200 youth to is learning by doing this service usher through their preparation project with her class is Catholifor the Sacrament of Confirmacism 101, in which we are taught tion each year, I made sure that that we can extend our works of there were ample opportunities mercy to the multitude by our to “do service” in a quantifiable collective effort. Looking back system of projects. One time on this exchange I can see seva mother of one of the youth eral flaws in my argument; havcalled me to task for requiring ing missed the point the woman that her daughter take part with was trying to make. her class in bringing a meal Jesus tells us that we will to our local homeless shelter. be judged not so much for the She called me at 7 o’clock in doing of the works of mercy, the morning to tell me that her

The Great Commission

It’s all about numbers

hey can throw a ball into math. All that, for being able to a hoop; and sometimes throw a ball into a hoop. they just drop it in, or slam it That’s what the players are in. They have been blessed with walking away from. It’s simply the God-given ability to play not enough. a game a bit better than most. But wait, there are some They must be God’s gift to more eye-popping numbers. humanity. During the same time period, Yet, these magnificent crea2010, the World Hunger Educatures are being short-changed. tion Service estimated that there How dare they? Yesterday (Monday), the NBA players rejected a proposal from their employers and the 2011-12 season is in jeopardy of never happening. By Dave Jolivet Regardless of which side one is supporting, if any, one thing is clear — it’s all about the numwere 925 million hungry people bers, and how many of those across the world. The term numbers belong in the players’ “hungry” used by the WHES is camp and the owners’. the Oxford English Dictionary To put things in perspective meaning: “The uneasy or painjust a bit, I’d like to provide ful sensation caused by want of some numbers regarding those food; craving appetite. Also the special “gifts to humanity.” exhausted condition caused by These are the salaries made want of food.” And “the want or per game by the top five money- scarcity of food in a country.” makers in basketball last year: That’s like the entire popula$302,515; tions of three countries the size $250,170; of the U.S.! $229,268; In the United States alone, $228,048; it’s estimated that 43.6 million and $223,170. people lived below the poverty That’s per game! Move down level in 2009. And last year the food chain a bit and the 30th there were 13.9 million Amerihighest paid player earned a cans out of work. measly $164,634 per game. The So, let’s see if I have this corseason is 82 games long. Do the rect: earning (and I use the term

My View From the Stands

loosely) more than $100,000 per game to throw a ball into a hoop is not enough? That’s cause enough to walk away from a job and hold one’s breath until they turn blue? Let them try to explain that to the little boy in Africa whose belly is swollen from lack of nutrition; the little girl in Honduras who won’t live to see her eighth birthday; the five children in a family in the Appalachians who are so hungry when they go to bed at night that their tummies hurt; the woman in New Jersey who can’t find a job to help feed her hungry one-year-old; or the unemployed father in Michigan who lives with the shame of not being able to put food on the table for his wife and children. Those numbers don’t come up in the negotiations between the NBA owners and players, do they? I’m by no means saying the owners are blameless in this whole mess. They, too, are looking for the biggest piece of the pie possible. I’ll bet the collective bunch has a wonderful Thanksgiving next week. They all have the numbers on their side. A stark contrast to the victims of another numbers game — living lives of poverty and misery.

but for seeing Jesus Christ in the person to whom we extend our care. When we don’t see and hear and touch and smell the person in whom Christ resides, we risk becoming too sterile in our relationship with Him. Although the kids would indeed come face-to-face with the people whom they served in the homeless shelter, the act of seeking out a person on the street because our hearts are moved with pity seems to make the exchange of food from our hand to the other more in line with what Christ asks of us. Could it be possible that the thousands of kids who went through the Confirmation program never learned that they can be compassionate to the marginalized without a planned activity to back them up? A faith community that performs acts of service becomes a sign of Christ’s presence in the world. Even though we can do great things to transform our community when we combine our efforts, each individual within the faith community must also seek a personal encounter with Christ. An extension of compassion must transform the

giver and the receiver of mercy. Father Dennis Boyle, S.J. wrote about his effort to rescue youth from the gangs of LA in his book “Tattoos on the Heart.” He said that when there is an exchange of authentic compassion it becomes an expansive place of fellowship. “Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. It’s a covenant between equals.” Father Boyle describes what happens when true compassion is at the root of our acts of service as having the “roof ripped open” to let God in. We have a great opportunity to rip the roof off of our parish service activities. It happens when we come face to face with the people with whom we have entered the covenant of compassion, and it happens when we ask each other, “When did you see Christ, and what did it do to you?” Our lives are a continuous process of preparation for our final exam. Isn’t it nice of God to give us the exam questions ahead of time so that we will be ready for the test? Claire McManus is the director of the Diocesan Office of Faith Formation.


The Anchor

November 18, 2011

The funeral Mass: Praying for the deceased and the living continued from page one

The funeral Mass is rich in imagery and tradition and is intentionally evocative of the deceased loved one’s baptism, which began his or her Christian life. “The symbolism at the funeral Mass always ties us back to Baptism,” said Father Perry. “The two are intrinsically connected. Baptism is the beginning of our journey of faith. At Baptism we are offered the gift of eternal life and salvation, and so the signs and symbols of Baptism are recalled for us again in the funeral Mass itself.” The funeral Mass begins when the casket carrying the remains is brought into the Church and sprinkled with holy water, which calls to mind the person’s Baptism when, according to Christian theology grounded in St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans, the person died and rose in Christ. Normally, the casket is then draped with a white pall, reminiscent of the baptismal robe placed on the child at Baptism. A crucifix may then be placed on the casket, evoking the time when the parents, godparents and priest or deacon made the Sign of the Cross on the baby’s forehead. The draped casket is then brought near the lit Paschal candle, a sign of the triumph of Christ over death and His light over the darkness and sadness of death. “The Paschal candle ties us to

Easter,” said Father Perry. “It’s blessed at Easter time very ceremoniously and it is lit throughout the year for Baptisms and funerals. The symbolism is not a funeral symbolism. It’s a baptismal symbolism found in the words of the parents as they receive the lit candle from the priest or deacon; ‘Receive the light of Christ.’ At the funeral, we look at that same light of Christ to lead us through the darkness of death to everlasting happiness in His kingdom. Those symbols of Baptism — the water, candle, baptismal robe, the Sign of the Cross — they’re all recalling for us Baptism and the offer and promise of eternal life.” Another ancient custom that fewer today understand is the incensation of the altar and the casket at a funeral Mass. “It’s a very ancient symbol going back to Old Testament times,” explained Father Perry, “that our prayer rises before God in a very fragrant way as does the incense itself. As part of the funeral ritual, the altar would be incensed, the casket would be incensed, all with the idea of offering our prayers as they rise before God for the deceased.” The rising of the incense around the altar and the casket is a fitting summary of the whole Christian funeral Mass, in which the Church

prays that the deceased will be united to Christ’s prayer from the Last Supper and the Cross which made salvation possible and which is re-presented each Mass. Since the Christian’s whole life of faith “was begun in the waters of Baptism and strengthened at the eucharistic table, the Church intercedes on behalf of the deceased because of its confident belief that death is not the end nor does it break the bonds forged in life,” said Msgr. Stephen Avila, pastor of St. Mary’s Parish in Mansfield and director of the diocesan Office of Worship. “The Church also ministers to the sorrowing and consoles them in the funeral rites with the comforting word of God and the Sacrament of the Eucharist.” Father Sullivan said that the meaning behind the traditions at funerals is not always lost on people, but can be overshadowed by the emotions of the moment. One area where the family offers its own personal stamp on the Mass occurs when priests help them to choose the readings from Sacred Scripture for the funeral Mass. The most commonly chosen reading from the Old Testament, he said, is from the Book of Wisdom (3:1-6, 9). “The souls of the just are in the hand of God, and no torment shall touch them,” Father Sullivan cited, “but they are in peace … Because

grace and mercy are with His holy ones, and His care is with His elect.” “I think it’s a beautiful reading,” said Father Sullivan. “I think that for people, it’s a real sign of hope. Some people may not be overtly tied to the Catholic traditions but in the subconscious people are naturally inclined to that. I think the choice of that reading speaks of that because right away it’s hope. That’s the desire that everyone has, that there is something beyond this life, beyond this world of suffering and pain.” Given the hope of eternal life, music often serves as a comforting way of remembering the deceased. Father Sullivan says that lifting up our voices in song, as is commonly done with hymns like “Ave Maria” or “On Eagles’ Wings,” is similar to the rising smoke of incense. “I think it serves its purpose,” he said. “It gives that sign of hope and trust in God that the deceased is being brought up to a loving God and into His bosom and the glory of Heaven. It’s a way of lifting our spirits and through song lifting the soul. Music is a comfort, even if it’s a sad song.” It concerns the priests interviewed that an increasing number of families are opting to skip the Catholic funeral Mass altogether. Those making the final prepara-

tions for the deceased may have some reasons for wanting only to have a graveside service, said Msgr. Avila, but they often fail to appreciate the meaning and importance of the Catholic Mass. When families make this request, he will then offer up prayers for the deceased during a regular parish Mass and inform the family so that if they would like to attend that Mass, they can. “Sometimes it’s very difficult to explain to people, to those who are making the decision; it isn’t part of their experience,” said Msgr. Avila. “There is no higher form of prayer that we can offer, and all that goes with it — the presence of Christ in word, in Sacrament; Christ among us in a very concrete way. We believe that Christ is within the midst of His people. It’s an opportunity lost if someone says, ‘Father, say a few prayers.’ Certainly we believe in prayers, that Christ is present when people gather in His name, but there is no comparison in what the Mass offers us.” This article is the third in a four-part series that will offer as a guide for Catholics to help explain the symbolism found in, and the importance of, the rite of a proper Catholic burial. Next week’s article will feature the final of the three stations — the committal.

so they can go over the changes with their parents prior to changing to the new Missal,” she said. Hammarquist said the changes have provided a great learning opportunity for her students. “The younger kids are fine with the changes, especially second grade because it’s all new to them anyway,” she said. “The older kids are asking questions and that’s a great time to really go into what Mass is all about, why we’re doing this, what is the Latin translation, and why are we going back to what it was. So it’s been a wealth of information for them in answering their questions.” In fact, Tina Labossiere, secretary for the Religious Education program at Our Lady of the Cape Parish in Brewster, thinks students will more easily adapt to the changes than their parents. “Children, you know how they are, they can absorb information like crazy,” Labossiere said. “I think it’s the rest of us that are going to have problems. Because kids are just learning all of this information, they haven’t been saying it as long as the rest of us. I actually think it will be harder on the adults than it will be on them.”

Labossiere said students in grades four through eight in their Faith Formation classes have been using the textbook “What’s New About the Mass” by Maureen A. Kelly and teachers have been introducing the changes gradually. “This month our director of Religious Education, Priscilla Silva, did an hour-and-a-half presentation for the parents about the changes coming up as well,” she added. Like many priests, deacons and lay people in the diocese, Bill Runey, principal at Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro, said he attended a workshop detailing the revised Roman Missal changes. “I attended an outstanding workshop put on by Msgr. Steve Avila and received excellent resources that I shared with our Theology teachers at their October meeting,” Runey said. “I asked them to use some of these resources daily to familiarize the students and to increase their understanding of how this new Missal is so closely tied to Scripture.” Runey said he welcomes the changes and sees it as “an excellent evangelization opportunity

that could get our young people excited about Mass.” Dr. Lincoln DeMoura, principal at Our Lady of Lourdes School in Taunton, said they’ve been practicing some of the new Mass changes everyday in classes as part of their daily prayer sessions. “We practice changes in the ‘Holy, Holy,’ ‘Lamb of God’ and the response ‘And with your Spirit,’ which are repeated several times a week,” DeMoura said. “Students in grades three to five practice with the new pew cards. Our focus is to have all the students ready for the first week in Advent.” Likewise, Kathy Burt, principal at SS. Peter and Paul School in Fall River, said they’ve been working to introduce the revised Missal to students at the parish school and in its Faith Formation classes by adding some of the key changes to daily prayers. “I’ve asked the teachers to make sure they begin the morning and afternoon prayers with the greeting, ‘The Lord be with you,’ so the students can respond with ‘And with your spirit,’” Burt said. “I think the new changes will enrich the Mass be-

cause they are more connected to the Scriptures.” At St. James-St. John School in New Bedford, teachers have been working within their religion classes to assist in the transition, according to principal Cristina Raposo. “In addition we have also informed the parents of the changes so they as the primary teachers can work with their child,” she added. Older students, like those enrolled at Bishop Stang High School in North Dartmouth, are being taught about the deeper meanings of the new translations and how they better reflect the original Latin Scripture texts. “At Bishop Stang we view the changes in the Roman Missal as an opportunity to more deeply reflect on the meaning of the Mass and its centrality to our relationship with Jesus Christ,” said principal Peter V. Shaughnessy. “We are actively preparing our students for the changes through their Theology classes and have invited Father Dave Pignato to speak with our students on the meaning of the Mass when we celebrate the Eucharist together during Catholic Schools Week.”

Diocesan youth prepare for new Roman Missal English translation continued from page one

translation and new translation have been sent home for review by students and their families,” said Gregory Bettencourt, religion teacher at Holy Name School in Fall River. “Every student in kindergarten through grade eight will receive new Mass booklets to aid them in participation at their weekly Mass.” Bettencourt said middle school students will also have a week’s worth of classes leading up to Advent devoted to learning and understanding the new changes. “Thus far, most students seem unfazed by it, but I’m willing to bet this will change once the normal rhythm of prayer at Mass is changed the first Sunday of Advent,” he said. “It is then that we will see young people trying to ‘catch-up’ to be able to participate fully at Mass once again.” According to Janine Hammarquist, Religious Education coordinator for St. Francis Xavier Parish in Acushnet, they have been utilizing the pre-printed pew cards highlighting the changes to the Roman Missal in their classes. “We’ve provided copies for our Faith Formation students

November 18, 2011


The Anchor

Catholic college sues federal government over contraception mandate

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (CNS) — Belmont Abbey College is suing the federal government over a new regulation that requires employer health insurance plans to provide free coverage of contraceptives and sterilization, even if it may be contrary to their religious beliefs. The civil lawsuit was filed November 10 in U.S. District Court in Washington by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, a Washington-based nonprofit, public-interest law firm that is representing the Catholic liberal arts college in Belmont. In its lawsuit, Belmont Abbey College argues that the contraception regulation forces it to violate its religious beliefs or pay a severe fine. Named in the suit are the federal departments of Health and Human Services, Labor and Treasury and their respective heads: Secretaries Kathleen Sebelius, Hilda Solis and Timothy Geithner. “A monk at Belmont Abbey may preach on Sunday that premarital sex, contraception and abortions are immoral, but on Monday, the government would force the same monk to pay for students to receive the very drugs and procedures he denounces,” said Hannah Smith, senior legal counsel at the Becket Fund, in a statement issued November 10. The new contraception mandate is part of implementing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, which sets up new preventative health care coverage specifically for women at no cost. That coverage includes services such as mammograms, prenatal care and cervical cancer screenings. But it also mandates free contraception, sterilizations and drugs (such as ella and “Plan B”) considered by the Church to be abortifacients — all of which

are contrary to Catholic teaching. The mandate is what the federal government terms an “interim final rule,” which has “the full force and effect of law.” A 60-day comment period followed Sebelius’ August 1 announcement of the mandate and proposed exemption. That period ended September 30. After such a comment period, a federal agency could issue a revised final rule “or confirm the interim rule as final.” For a religious employer that does not want to offer such services, the regulation written HHS sets out a religious exemption: An exempt religious employer is one that “(1) has the inculcation of religious values as its purpose; (2) primarily employs persons who share its religious tenets; (3) primarily serves persons who share its religious tenets; and (4) is a nonprofit organization” under specific sections of the Internal Revenue Code. Catholic leaders across the country have decried this exemption as too narrowly drawn — particularly parts two and three — and violates the Church’s religious liberty. During a 60-day comment period that followed the regulation’s announcement August 1, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and Catholic universities and schools, hospitals and charitable organizations voiced loud objections to the mandate, which is expected to go into effect in August 2012. The Church’s ministries do and should go beyond serving and employing Catholics, they say. From food pantries to adoption services, refugee resettlement and more, the Charlotte diocese does not scrutinize clients’ religious tenets before they help them. The diocese also hires people of all religious faiths, and diocesan

This week in 50 years ago — A $2 million development project at La Salette Shrine in Attleboro was announced that would include a new retreat house, monastery, religious articles store, cafeteria and Sisters’ novitiate. Bids would be opened in January with construction starting soon thereafter. 25 years ago — Bishop Daniel A. Cronin welcomed the religious community of the Faithful Companions of Jesus for the first time to the Fall River Diocese, where they opened a new convent on Robeson Street in Holy Name Parish.

schools enroll non-Catholic students. Belmont Abbey College has 1,700 students and more than 200 full-time employees, not all of whom are Catholic. So, unless the college restricts its enrollment and hiring to only Catholics, it would not qualify for the religious exemption to apply to the health services and health insurance it offers to those students and employees when it renews its health insurance policy in January 2013. Abbot Placid Solari, chancellor of Belmont Abbey College, said in a written statement November 11 that the college’s board of trustees “voted without dissent” to sue the federal government because the contraception regulation “is in direct opposition to the public and authoritative teaching of the Catholic Church. We therefore believe this is an egregious infringement on the part of the federal government of the right of free exercise of religion guaranteed to all American citizens by the Bill of Rights.” Added the Becket Fund in its statement, “Belmont Abbey, as a small Catholic liberal arts college, teaches that contraception, sterilization and abortion are all against God’s law. The government mandate forces Belmont Abbey and others to make the Hobson’s choice of either violating their deeply-held religious beliefs or paying a heavy fine and terminating their health insurance plans for employees and students.” In its lawsuit, the college states: “The government’s mandate unconstitutionally coerces Belmont Abbey College to violate its deeply-held religious beliefs under threat of heavy fines and penalties. The mandate also forces Belmont Abbey College to fund government-dictated speech

Diocesan history

10 years ago — For more than a year, students in a dozen Catholic schools in the diocese worked to construct a large quilt to commemorate World AIDS Day. The completed quilt was displayed at St. Mary’s Cathedral during a special Mass celebrated by Father Edward J. Healey. One year ago — Dan Shaughnessy, nationally-renowned and award-winning sports writer and columnist for the Boston Globe, was the keynote speaker at the annual St. Mary’s Fund Fall Dinner at White’s Restaurant in Westport.

that is directly at odds with its own speech and religious teachings. “Having to pay a fine to the taxing authorities for the privilege of practicing one’s religion or controlling one’s own speech is un-American, unprecedented, and flagrantly unconstitutional.” This legal battle over health insurance coverage and religious liberty is not new to Belmont Abbey College. The Becket Fund also represented the college in a 2009 dispute with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Com-

mission over whether denying to pay for birth control in its employee health plan constituted gender discrimination. The EEOC initially ruled in March 2009 that the complaint by eight faculty members over the health insurance policy was baseless. In July 2009, the EEOC reopened the complaint, prompting college president William Thierfelder to vow he would close the college rather than be forced to offer or subsidize health services that contradict Catholic teaching. The case remains unresolved.

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Youth Pages

November 18, 2011

Jason Evert to speak in New Bedford

NEW BEDFORD — On December 3, Jason Evert, a well-known chastity speaker and author from San Diego, will be leading a night of recollection for Confirmation students and teens at St. Anthony of Padua Parish in New Bedford. He will be giving two talks, one entitled, “The Gospel of Chastity” and a second, “What’s so great about being Catholic?” He will also lead participants in prayers of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament and in an examination of conscience be-

fore the opportunity for sacramental confession. The night of recollection lasts from 5-9 p.m. It is being sponsored by parishes in the New Bedford Deanery but youth groups and Confirmation students from other parishes in the Diocese are welcome as space permits. Those youth groups or Confirmation programs interested in coming or in finding out more are invited to email Father Roger Landry at fatherlandry@ saintanthonynewbedford.com.

Capital campaign — Middle school students from St. Pius X School in South Yarmouth recently visited and toured the Massachusetts State House while on a field trip to Boston.

on track — The boys and girls cross country teams from St. Mary’s School in Mansfield defended their titles for the 2011 Cross Country season in the Catholic Athletic League. The boy’s team, led by captains David Carchedi and Kevin Crowley, defended their league championship title by running their best races of the season. The team accepted the league trophy for the second year in a row. The girl’s team, led by captains Kathryn Heavey and Aria Joseph, displayed tremendous strength with a race to the finish to secure the number one slot in the division.

that’s the spirit — In conjunction with Bishop Feehan High School’s 50th anniversary activities and its All Souls Day Liturgy, three “Spirit of Feehan” medallions were recently presented posthumously to major benefactors of the school. Bernard “Barney” Doyle (19061991), Eugene “Gene” Farrell (1911-1980), and Dr. and Mrs. James DeWitt were honored. President Chris Servant presents a Spirit of Feehan medallion to Pauline DeWitt who contributed to the campaign to build Bishop Feehan High School. The DeWitts sent their six children to the Attleboro school, in addition to four grandchildren and they remain strong supporters of the school today.

looking ahead — Eighth-grade students at St. John the Evangelist School in Attleboro recently participated in a week-long “Career Exploration” program. Facilitator Carolyn Gayton, right, explained, “The purpose of the program was to increase the students’ awareness of values, interests and skills and understand the importance of these in choosing a career and increase their knowledge of the world or work.” The sessions will continue in the spring with a panel of speakers discussing their careers.

Youth Pages

November 18, 2011


ith all the talk of, “Was it real or was it just a publicity stunt?” gripping the headlines, internet and airwaves, the iconic words “love is a many splendored thing,” from the 1955 film and song of the same name, runs rampant through my brain. It simply will not stop. It has become one of those pesky little ear worms that will probably last longer than Kim Kardashian’s marriage to Kris Humphries. And in case you were wondering … or have been living under a rock in recent weeks … this is the event that resulted in this article. Unfortunately, earlier this summer, millions watched as the two “celebrities” tied the knot in an over-the-top lavish ceremony that cost millions of dollars. (Just imagine the areas of social concern that could have benefitted from a donation of equal proportion. But that is the topic for another article!) The wedding … OK, let’s call a

Love is a many splendored thing

lack of faith in God and a lack spade a spade … the television of faith in our fellow human extravaganza that played and beings. re-played over and over again Advertising campaigns and rivaled any normal cost of a wedding hundreds of times over. even television programming bombards young people (and But there are a couple of issues older ones) with a “get this,” that arise from this Kardashian-Humphries temporary union. First, the materialistic hunger that consumes far too many not just in areas of weddings but life in general; and second, the By Crystal Medeiros disposability and lack of commitment that this generation (and I do “buy that,” “you need this,” and include myself in “this generation”) have adopted for the most “this model is better than the one you bought less than a year part. This wedding debacle was ago” mentality. It is one that a spectacle to the umpteenth is far too easy to get swept up power but what clearly was lacking was a committed, loving into and in a society where the divorce rate is higher than that and mutual relationship. of successful marriages, the Now this article is not going same principles can be applied. to place a magnifying glass The question that begs asking, onto their marriage, for only they know what truly happened. especially using the KardashiInstead, their wedding is symp- an-Humphries 70-plus day nuptials as an example, is do tomatic of the bigger picture: a

Be Not Afraid

Seton Hall pilot program to cut tuition by 60 percent for top achievers

SOUTH ORANGE, N.J. (CNS) — When Joseph Testa of Cedar Grove was in high school, he dreamed of attending Seton Hall University, but he also realized the tuition was going to present a financial challenge to his family. That meant he had to work diligently in high school to achieve the academic scores needed to compete for an academic scholarship to the Catholic university in South Orange. Seton Hall officials wanted to give more students like Testa, who is a senior at the university this year, the same opportunity. So, they’ve initiated a pilot program for next year that profoundly restructures the school’s tuition, cutting costs by 60 percent for incoming students who are top academic achievers in high school. “We recognize these are very difficult economic times, families are really struggling,” said Alyssa McCloud, vice president for enrollment and management at Seton Hall University. “Students are working hard and have dreams and maybe feel that a Catholic education is out of their reach. “We wanted to be able to reward those students, but also help the families who are struggling and let them know that a value-based Catholic education is available to them,” McCloud said in an interview with Catholic News Service. Some national education experts have expressed concerns that Seton Hall’s plan could speed up


what they say is a national trend to shift the focus of financial aid from awarding scholarships based on need to awarding them on merit. Patrick Callan, president of the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education, told The Wall Street Journal that he was concerned the move by Seton Hall will contribute to a trend of schools moving further away from the original intent of subsidizing higher education by providing financial aid packages to students who otherwise couldn’t afford college. McCloud said Seton Hall’s goal of the pilot program is twofold: to reward more students who have earned high marks in high school and to help financially strapped families afford a private college by giving them education at a stateschool price. “We have a lot of scholarships for students who don’t qualify for the public tuition-rate program,” she said, “and that commitment is not being changed or altered by the introduction of this program.” Currently, Seton Hall’s annual tuition is $31,440. Students eligible for the pilot program can attend a year at the school for $10,104, which is in line with tuition at New Jersey state colleges. For students to be eligible, they must graduate in the top 10 percent of their high school class, and score a combined 1,200 minimum on their math and reading segments of the SAT. If students enrolled in the program maintain a minimum 3.0

grade-point average, they will be able to pay that tuition rate all four years at Seton Hall, McCloud said. “There is an incredible diversity among Catholic colleges and universities, and a similar diversity among their tuition policies, which vary at different times to meet different needs,” said Michael Galligan-Stierle, president of the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities. “For many institutions, offering merit aid generates sufficient net tuition revenue to allow them to more fully fund need-based aid,” Galligan-Stierle said. “You don’t have one without the other. The mix is an integral part of an institution’s efforts to balance mission-based values with market realities.” University officials will evaluate the program next year to see if it’s financially sustainable for the future, McCloud said. “It’s our hope that we will be able to continue it.” Seton Hall junior Kelsey Lazaro said she was motivated in high school to achieve the grades necessary for an academic scholarship, and said she hopes the university can continue this program to encourage more high school students to work toward that same goal. “I think it’s a concern of all students, whether they are going to be comfortable when they leave college,” Lazaro said. “The lower tuition will mean lower student loans when they graduate. That will equal less financial stress.”

we give up too fast? Instead of first rolling up our sleeves and seeing how things can perhaps be mended, do we sprint toward the fastest, and often times easiest, solution of divorce when things start to get a little bumpy? This does not mean that some marriages do not fail, but are too many people treating marriage as a commodity rather than the loving covenant and Sacrament that places faith in Christ and faith in each other at the center? There are no easy answers except this: the choice to follow Christ and His teachings are our own. Following Him, whether it be in marriages, relationships with family and friends or even a relationship with Him will not be easy. Matthew’s Gospel reminds us of this in the parable of the “Rich Young Man” (19:16-22). Jesus tells the young man what it takes to

gain eternal life and the solution, though simple in telling, is difficult in practice: give up what you have to the poor and follow Jesus. Simple. Yet difficult. Faith and love of our Triune God is not easy. Faith challenges us to become better people not just for and to ourselves but for and to God. Faith brings hope and faith and hope bring love. Love truly is a many splendored thing, but it takes work no matter the relationship. How can we continue to live faithful to the Good News in a disposable society? Our hope lies in our young people. Live the Word of God. Love the Word of God. Love your neighbor as yourself. Crystal is assistant director for Youth and Young Adult Ministry for the diocese. She can be contacted at cmedeiros@dfrcec. com.

New Catholic iPhone app ‘ignites’ prayer communities

Dallas (CNA) — A new iPhone app called “Ignio” is designed to help Catholics deepen their faith by featuring a digital flame that grows and shrinks according to how much the user prays for friends, attends Mass or reads Scripture. “It enables Millennials and others to connect, ignite and unite their faith through a technology portal,” developer Andres Ruzo told CNA, adding that it will help give the younger generation “a better connection with their faith.” While Facebook allows its users to have thousands of virtual “friends” around the world, Ignio designers intended to create a different “spiritual community” that allows real time connection through prayer. To light the candle and activate the app, the user must physically bump iPhones with someone else who has the program. After activation, users join small prayer circles no larger than 12 people. They can “check in” each time they participate in religious activities, notifying those in their circle about their actions. Each action grows the digital candle’s flame by a preset amount. Users can also share prayer intentions on a prayer wall and read a private report about their past actions. Ignio, whose name comes from the Latin word for “ignite,” is the project of WeDoBelieve,

an organization of Catholic businesspeople that funds trend savvy evangelization efforts and products. The app development team included the organization’s five co-founders: Roberto Skertchly, Andres Ruzo, Flip Caderao, Jonathan Ogle and Brandon Copely. Ruzo — CEO of the telecommunications company LinkAmerica — explained to CNA that the virtual candle’s changing size is “a way to tell you if you’re really engaging with your spiritual life, and if it’s really an important enough priority.” “It keeps you accountable,” he said, noting that the program is intended to reach out to the “Millennial” generation born after 1980. “What we’re trying to do is bring to this material world a connection to the virtual world that is more connected to the spiritual side. How do you do that? Through creating communities,” Ruzo said. Bishop Kevin J. Farrell of Dallas formally launched the app on August 21 at Dallas’ Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe. The app was released to the public on October 21. There are about 5,000 users of the app so far, Ruzo reported. The iPhone app is available free of charge in the iTunes app store. A version for the Android operating system is under development. The app’s website is http:// www.ign.io.


The Anchor

November 18, 2011

Bishop Coleman to confer 43rd annual Marian Medals Sunday

By Kenneth J. Souza Anchor Staff

FALL RIVER — When Sylvia Eighmy returned from vacation recently to sort through the mail that had piled up while she was gone, she never expected to receive a letter from the Fall River Diocese. “I opened the letter from the bishop’s office and I just couldn’t believe it,” Eighmy said. “I was so surprised. I immediately called my husband. I just didn’t expect to receive it at this point in my life. There are so many other people I know who deserve it. They’ve been doing just as much as I do.” A devoted parishioner of St. Mary’s Parish in North Attleboro for the past 33 years, Eighmy will be among 79 people at the 43rd annual Marian Medal Awards ceremony to receive the distinction given for devotion and service to the Church from Bishop George W. Coleman Sunday during a 3 p.m. prayer service at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Fall River. Having been active in the Church since her teen years at St. Mary’s Parish in Mansfield, Eighmy has served as an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, as a Faith Formation teacher, and as president of the parish Women’s Guild for the past five years. She’s also been involved with various fund-raising events such as the St. Patrick’s Parish Dinner and the annual Christmas dinner for the elderly. “I love the Church and I love what I do,” she said. “We’re like one big, happy family.” Philip Robillard, a parishioner at Christ the King Parish in Mashpee since 1987, was just as surprised to be singled out to receive the award this year. “I was just floored by the whole thing,” Robillard said. “I’m in a parish where there are maybe 400 volunteers in all kinds of ministries — everything from a thrift shop to a food pantry to sacristan work to teaching Faith Formation — and they picked me? I was taken aback, but at the same time I was quite honored.” Among his many contributions, Robillard has for the past 14 years served as sacristan at Christ the King Parish, setting up for daily and vigil Masses, serving as lector and extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, and filling in as altar server for funerals when needed. He’s also a member of the parish Finance Council and currently serves as treasurer for the St. Vincent de Paul Society. “It’s a great variety of things with a great variety of people with different needs and different personalities,” he said. “It’s a very interesting parish world.” Unfortunately, Robillard died shortly after the Anchor interview. The award will be given to his family. The tradition of recognizing laymen and laywomen for their outstanding volunteer efforts to the local Church was established in the Fall River Diocese by Bishop

James L. Connolly and the awards were presented by him for the first time in 1968. “When you’re given this award, you’re obviously not aspiring to it, but you know what it is and suddenly you get a feeling of awe and humility at the same time,” Robillard said. “It’s a really special honor. I also have a deep devotion to Mary, so that adds another dimension to it.” Knowing about the Marian Medals’ rich history, Marilyn V. Lafond became emotional when she learned she was to be this year’s recipient from Sacred Heart Parish in Fall River. “I received the letter in the mail from the diocese and I cried all afternoon,” Lafond said. A parishioner since 1965, Lafond admits to doing “a little bit of everything” at Sacred Heart Church, from helping with the weekly soup kitchen to sorting out clothes for the needy. What’s more impressive is that Lafond remains active despite being legally blind. “I don’t have the ability to read anymore … and I can’t really serve meals, but I take care of other things,” she said. “My distant vision is a lot less than what it should be; but it’s something I have to live with.” Like Lafond, Eugene McCaffrey of St. Andrew the Apostle Parish in Taunton was humbled to be selected to receive the Marian Medal for his parish. “I received the letter and I had to re-read it twice,” he said. “The first thought that came to my mind was there were other people in the parish who deserved it more than I did, to be perfectly honest.” Previously a member of St. Paul’s Parish since 1974 until it merged with St. Joseph’s Parish to form the new St. Andrew the Apostle Parish three years ago, McCaffrey has been active as a lector, extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, and Faith Formation teacher over the years. “You don’t expect validation for what you do,” he said. “You don’t think of it, you just do things to help the parish.” McCaffrey said he’s honored to receive the Marian Medal, especially as a representative of the newly-merged parish. “Our parish is not rich in terms of money, but it’s rich in other ways,” McCaffrey said. “The merger, I think, created a much stronger parish. I love being a parishioner at St. Andrew the Apostle Parish.” As a parishioner at St. Rita’s Parish in Marion for more than 40 years, Robert Demeo said he knew several friends who had received the Marian Medal in the past and he was honored to now be counted among them. “I guess deep down I wanted one,” he said, “but I was quite surprised. My wife is ecstatic that I’m receiving it this year.” Demeo was the parish’s first extraordinary minister of Holy Communion, was founder and longtime

president of the parish’s Catholic Men’s Club, was a member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, and taught Faith Formation classes at St. Rita’s and nearby St. Patrick’s Parish in Wareham. Sunday’s Marian Medal recipi-

ents will join more than 3,100 dedicated representatives of a variety of parish agencies and ministries, who have been nominated by their pastors. “I’m privileged to be a member of the Marian Medal group,” Eigh-

my added. “I know a few people who have received it in the past and they’re all wonderful people and I feel honored to join their ranks. We do things for our parish because we want to, not because we’re waiting to receive an award for it.”

2011 Marian Medal Award Recipients

First Name

Last Name



Robert Paula John José C. Karen Diane Helene Darlene Maria John V. Claire E. Carol Simone Mary Antonio Dionisio John Robert Catherine Doris John Sylvia P. Eva Marie Maria Isabel Edward Nancy Helen E. John A. Eileen Marilyn Jack Maureen Virginia Sharon Cathy Ann Marilyn V. Elizabeth Rene Charlotte Elaine P. Nancy Carolyn Maria Leslie B. Isolina do Carmo Sheila M. Eugene John J. William Carol Antone Rhody Elizabeth Edward M. Doris José Andrew Linda Marie Robert Osvaldo Roger R. Donald Roberta M. Normand Gilda Joseph S. Eugenia Louanda Philip Marieanne Lucille Maria F. Paul L. Gilbert James Aldina John G. Henry Louis

Adams Amoroso Araujo Arruda Ashworth Auger Blair Boroviak Canto Carvalho, III Cing-Mars Cioe Conlon Correia Costa DaCosta Deegan Demeo Donnelly Downey Eighmy Fernandes Ferreira Gage Goulart Goulet Grenier Hadfield Henderson Howarth Hughes Jacques Koloski LaCroix Lafond Langfield Lavoie LeBlanc Lipp Louro Malchodi Martins Mathis Matos Matthews McCaffrey McDermott McGlynn McKay Medeiros Medeiros Mello Mello, Jr. Michaud Moitoso Murray Nolin O’Toole Pacheco Paille Palladino Paradise Patnaude Pedro Phillips Pierce Reade Robillard Romanick Silva Silvestre Tomasik Travers Ventura Vital Viveiros Welch Yokell

Saint Bernard Parish Immaculate Conception Parish Parish of the Holy Trinity Immaculate Conception Parish Saint Lawrence Martyr Parish Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish at St. James Church Saint Mary/Our Lady of the Isle Parish Saint Mary Parish Saint Anne Parish SS Peter and Paul Parish Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Parish Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption Saint John the Baptist Parish Saint Michael Parish Our Lady of Assumption Parish Saint Anthony of Padua Parish Saint Joan of Arc Parish Saint Rita Parish Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Saint Mary Parish St. Mary Parish Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish Saint John of God Parish Saint Peter the Apostle Saint Nicholas of Myra Parish Saint John the Evangelist Parish Holy Family Parish Saint Stanislaus Parish Holy Cross Parish Saint Margaret Parish Saint Pius X Parish Saint Jude the Apostle Parish Corpus Christi Parish Saint Mary Parish Sacred Heart Parish Saint Thomas More Parish Holy Name Parish Holy Trinity Parish Saint Patrick Parish Saint Louis de France Parish Saint Anthony Parish Saint John the Baptist Parish Saint Francis Xavier Parish Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Saint Patrick Parish Saint Andrew The Apostle Parish Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus Parish Saint Mary Parish Saint John Neumann Parish Saint Mary Parish Saint Joseph Parish Good Shepherd Parish Saint Joseph Saint Therese Parish Our Lady of Grace Parish Annunciation of the Lord Parish St. John the Evangelist Parish Sacred Heart Parish St. Elizabeth Seton Parish Santo Christo Parish Saint Joseph Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Our Lady of Victory Parish Saint Francis Xavier Parish Saint Anthony Parish Saint Mary Parish Saint Mark Parish Saint Anthony Parish Christ the King Parish Our Lady of the Cape Parish Saint Ann Parish Saint Anthony of Padua Parish Saint Julie Billiart Parish Saint Dominic Parish Saint Francis of Assisi Parish Espirito Santo Parish Holy Ghost Parish Holy Redeemer Parish St. Joseph Parish

Assonet North Easton Fall River New Bedford New Bedford New Bedford Nantucket Norton Fall River Fall River Seekonk Fall River Westport Fall River New Bedford Fall River Orleans Marion Osterville South Dartmouth North Attleboro New Bedford Somerset Provincetown North Dighton Attleboro East Taunton Fall River South Easton Buzzards Bay South Yarmouth Taunton East Sandwich New Bedford Fall River Somerset Fall River West Harwich Falmouth Swansea East Falmouth New Bedford Hyannis New Bedford Somerset Taunton South Attleboro Taunton East Freetown Fairhaven Fairhaven Vineyard Haven New Bedford Westport Taunton Pocasset North Attleboro North Falmouth Fall River Attleboro Wellfleet Centerville Acushnet Taunton Mansfield Attleboro Falls Mattapoisett Mashpee Brewster Raynham New Bedford North Dartmouth Swansea New Bedford Fall River Attleboro Chatham Fall River

November 18, 2011

Eucharistic Adoration in the Diocese

Acushnet — Eucharistic adoration takes place at St. Francis Xavier Parish on Monday and Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.; Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Thursday from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.; and Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Evening prayer and Benediction is held Monday through Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. ATTLEBORO — The National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette holds eucharistic adoration in the Shrine Church every Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. until November 18, 2011, and from January 7 to November 17, 2012. ATTLEBORO — St. Joseph Church holds eucharistic adoration in the Adoration Chapel located at the (south) side entrance at 208 South Main Street, Sunday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Brewster — Eucharistic adoration takes place in the La Salette Chapel in the lower level of Our Lady of the Cape Church, 468 Stony Brook Road, on First Fridays following the 11 a.m. Mass until 7:45 a.m. on the First Saturday, concluding with Benediction and Mass. buzzards Bay — Eucharistic adoration takes place at St. Margaret Church, 141 Main Street, every first Friday after the 8 a.m. Mass and ending the following day before the 8 a.m. Mass. East Freetown — Eucharistic adoration takes place at St. John Neumann Church every Monday (excluding legal holidays) 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the Our Lady, Mother of All Nations Chapel. (The base of the bell tower). East Sandwich — Eucharistic adoration takes place at the Corpus Christi Parish Adoration Chapel, 324 Quaker Meeting House Road, Monday through Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday, 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. Also, 24-hour eucharistic adoration takes place on the First Friday of every month. EAST TAUNTON — Eucharistic adoration takes place in the chapel at Holy Family Parish Center, 438 Middleboro Avenue, Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. On First Fridays, eucharistic adoration takes place at Holy Family Church, 370 Middleboro Avenue, following the 8 a.m. Mass until Benediction at 8 p.m. FAIRHAVEN — St. Mary’s Church, Main St., has eucharistic adoration every Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to noon in the Chapel of Reconciliation, with Benediction at noon. Also, there is a First Friday Mass each month at 7 p.m., followed by a Holy Hour with eucharistic adoration. Refreshments follow. Fall River — Espirito Santo Parish, 311 Alden Street, Fall River. Eucharistic adoration on Mondays following the 8 a.m. Mass until Rosary and Benediction at 6:30 p.m. FALL RIVER — Notre Dame Church, 529 Eastern Ave., has eucharistic adoration on Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the chapel. FALL RIVER — St. Anthony of the Desert Church, 300 North Eastern Avenue, has eucharistic adoration Mondays and Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. FALL RIVER — Holy Name Church, 709 Hanover Street, has eucharistic adoration Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. in the Our Lady of Grace Chapel. FALL RIVER — Good Shepherd Parish has eucharistic adoration every Friday following the 8 a.m. Mass until 6 p.m. in the Daily Mass Chapel. There is a bilingual Holy Hour in English and Portuguese from 5-6 p.m. Park behind the church and enter the back door of the connector between the church and the rectory. Falmouth — St. Patrick’s Church has eucharistic adoration each First Friday, following the 9 a.m. Mass until Benediction at 4:30 p.m. The Rosary is recited Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. HYANNIS — A Holy Hour with eucharistic adoration will take place each First Friday at St. Francis Xavier Church, 347 South Street, beginning immediately after the 12:10 p.m. Mass and ending with adoration at 4 p.m. MASHPEE — Christ the King Parish, Route 151 and Job’s Fishing Road has 8:30 a.m. Mass every First Friday with special intentions for Respect Life, followed by 24 hours of eucharistic adoration in the Chapel, concluding with Benediction Saturday morning followed immediately by an 8:30 Mass. NEW BEDFORD — Eucharistic adoration takes place 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 233 County Street, with night prayer and Benediction at 8:45 p.m., and Confessions offered during the evening. NEW BEDFORD — There is a daily holy hour from 5:15-6:15 p.m. Monday through Thursday at St. Anthony of Padua Church, 1359 Acushnet Avenue. It includes adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Liturgy of the Hours, recitation of the Rosary, and the opportunity for Confession. NORTH DARTMOUTH — Eucharistic adoration takes place at St. Julie Billiart Church, 494 Slocum Road, every Tuesday from 7 to 8 p.m., ending with Benediction. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available at this time. NORTH DIGHTON — Eucharistic adoration takes place every First Friday at St. Nicholas of Myra Church, 499 Spring Street following the 8 a.m. Mass, ending with Benediction at 6 p.m. The Rosary is recited Monday through Friday from 7:30 to 8 a.m.

OSTERVILLE — Eucharistic adoration takes place at Our Lady of the Assumption Church, 76 Wianno Avenue on First Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and every Friday from noon to 5 p.m., with Benediction at 5 p.m. SEEKONK ­— Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish has eucharistic adoration seven days a week, 24 hours a day in the chapel at 984 Taunton Avenue. For information call 508336-5549.

Papal trip to Mexico, Cuba being studied

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Vatican officials are at an advanced stage in studying the possibility of a papal trip to Mexico and Cuba in the spring of 2012, the Vatican spokesman said. Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, the spokesman, told reporters November 10 that the nuncios to Mexico and Cuba have been told to inform those governments that “the pope is studying a concrete plan to visit the two countries, responding to the invitations received” from them. Father Lombardi said a definite decision regarding a trip in the spring should be made within a few weeks. The fact that the nuncios were asked to inform the governments demonstrates the advanced nature of the planning, he said. The Mexican government and Mexican Catholics repeatedly have said they’d like Pope Benedict to visit “and he is happy to finally be able to respond,” the Jesuit said. The pope went to Brazil in 2007, but would like to visit a Spanish-speaking country in the region and Mexico is the largest of them. “Cuba is another country that really wants to see the pope,” he said, and a papal visit could offer great encouragement to the people and the country “in an important period of their history.” Father Lombardi said the timing would be related to the 400th anniversary of the discovery of the image of Our Lady of Charity of Cobre, the patroness of Cuba.

In Your Prayers Please pray for these priests during the coming weeks Nov. 19 Rev. Msgr. Lester L. Hull, Retired Pastor, St. Mary, Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket, 1982 Rev. Philodore H. Lemay, M.S., La Salette Provincial House, Attleboro, 1990

Nov. 21 Rev. Stephen J. Downey, Retired Pastor, Holy Ghost, Attleboro, 1975 Rev. James F. Kenney, Retired Pastor, Corpus Christi, Sandwich, 1994

Taunton — Eucharistic adoration takes place every Tuesday at St. Anthony Church, 126 School Street, following the 8 a.m. Mass with prayers including the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for vocations, concluding at 6 p.m. with Chaplet of St. Anthony and Benediction. Recitation of the Rosary for peace is prayed Monday through Saturday at 7:30 a.m. prior to the 8 a.m. Mass.

Nov. 23 Rev. James E. Smith, Retired Chaplain, Bethlehem Home, Taunton, 1962 Rev. Msgr. Christopher L. Broderick, Retired Founder, St. Pius X, South Yarmouth, 1984

WAREHAM — Adoration with opportunities for private and formal prayer is offered on the First Friday of each month from 8:30 a.m. until 8 p.m. at St. Patrick’s Church, High Street. The Prayer Schedule is as follows: 7:30 a.m. the Rosary; 8 a.m. Mass; 8:30 a.m. exposition and Morning Prayer; 12 p.m. the Angelus; 3 p.m. Divine Mercy Chaplet; 5:30 p.m. Evening Prayer; 7 p.m. Sacrament of Confession; 8 p.m. Benediction.

Nov. 24 Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, Retired Pastor, Holy Name, Fall River, 1991

WEST HARWICH — Our Lady of Life Perpetual Adoration Chapel at Holy Trinity Parish, 246 Main Street (Rte. 28), holds perpetual eucharistic adoration. We are a regional chapel serving all of the surrounding parishes. All from other parishes are invited to sign up to cover open hours. For open hours, or to sign up call 508-430-4716.

Nov. 25 Rev. Philias Jalbert, Pastor, Notre Dame de Lourdes, Fall River, 1946 Rev. Dennis Spykers, SS.CC., Retired Pastor, Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet, 1971

WOODS HOLE — Eucharistic adoration takes place at St. Joseph’s Church, 33 Millfield Street, year-round on weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. No adoration on Sundays, Wednesdays, and holidays. For information call 508-274-5435.


The Anchor

Around the Diocese 11/19

St. Margaret Regional School, 143 Main Street, Buzzards Bay, will host its Craft and Vendor Fair tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. featuring holiday crafts and shopping, baked goods and concessions, gift raffles, children’s raffles, and a sing-along with the children’s choir. The fair is sponsored by the St. Margaret Regional School ParentsTeachers Organization.


The Women’s Guild of St. Elizabeth Seton Church, 481 Quaker Road, North Falmouth, will host its annual Christmas Fair tomorrow from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Features include ‘The Country Store’ with Vermont cheddar cheese, apples, handmade wreaths, knitwear, jewelry, antiques, bake table, and white elephant table. Coffee and donuts are available in the morning and a luncheon will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. featuring lobster salad rolls. The hall is handicapped accessible and parking is free. For more information call 508-563-6820.


St. Jude the Apostle Parish, 249 Whittenton Street in Taunton, will have its annual Penny Sale in the church hall tomorrow at 6 p.m., with doors opening at 5 p.m. In addition to three regular series, there will be specials, roll-ups, refreshments, a raffle for 15 turkey dinner baskets, and a money raffle with $1,000 as the first prize. For more information call 508-824-9650.


A meeting of the Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women will be held tomorrow at St. Mary’s Parish, Tarkiln Hill Road, New Bedford. Registration and coffee will begin at 9:30 a.m. The meeting will start at 10 a.m. Diane Bolton, head of the Baby Project of New Bedford, will be the speaker. For information call 508-6726900.


The Women’s Guild of St. Elizabeth Seton Church, 481 Quaker Road, North Falmouth, will host its annual Christmas Fair tomorrow from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Features include ‘The Country Store’ with Vermont cheddar cheese, apples, handmade wreaths, knitwear, jewelry, antiques, bake table, and white elephant table. Coffee and donuts are available in the morning and a luncheon will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. featuring lobster salad rolls. The hall is handicapped accessible and parking is free. For more information call 508-563-6820.


St. Mary’s Parish, 41 Harding Road in Fairhaven, will host a special Parish Community Mass for Thanksgiving on November 21 at 7 p.m., followed by refreshments in the church hall. All are welcome to gather around the Lord’s table and give thanks for our bountiful blessings.


Courage, a welcoming support group for Catholics wounded by same-sex attraction who gather to seek God’s wisdom, mercy and love, will next meet on November 26 at 7 p.m. For location information call Father Richard Wilson at 508-992-9408.


The 25th annual Christmas Bazaar will be held at Our Lady of Grace Parish Center, 569 Sanford Road in Westport, on November 26 and 27 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. both days. The event will include crafts, food and raffles along with photos with Santa from 11 a.m. to noon and live music by Pat Cordeiro and Judy Souza from noon to 2 p.m. For more information call 508-674-6271.


St. Mary’s 31st Annual Christmas Fair will be held November 26 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the parish center located at 14 Park Street, North Attleboro. The fair will feature the popular “Festival of Trees,” which will open for a preview on November 25 from 6 to 8 p.m. There will also be crafts and handmade items to buy along with food including the traditional favorite French meat pies. For information call the church office at 508-695-6161.


St. Louis de France Parish, 56 Buffington Street in Swansea, will host weekly Centering Prayer gatherings using a Lectio Divina format on every Monday in Advent beginning November 28 through December 19 at 6:15 p.m. in the family room of the church. Prayer begins promptly at 6:30 p.m. For more information call 508-264-5823 or email forums4ami@gmail.com.


A Day with Mary will take place December 3 from 8 a.m. to 3:25 p.m. at St. Brendan’s Parish, 284 Hartford Avenue in Bellingham. It will include a video instruction, procession and crowning of the Blessed Mother along with Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and an opportunity for reconciliation. There will also be a bookstore available during breaks. For more information call 508-996-8274.


The Anchor

November 18, 2011

Senate requests details on HHS denial of grant to bishops

Washington D.C. (CNA/ EWTN News) — Twenty-seven U.S. senators requested information on how the Department of Health and Human Services graded applicants for anti-trafficking grants and asked why the U.S. bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services was denied one. CNA obtained a copy of a November 9 letter — signed by legislators including Sen. Roy Blunt (RMo.), Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.)— which gives department secretary Kathleen Sebelius until November 18 to ensure that the department respected the bishops’ conscience rights “and did not violate current law in awarding this grant.” The senators asked for “a full explanation of your department’s decision” and whether the bishops’ “position regarding abortion referrals was a factor in your department’s decision making.” They also requested a list of grant applicants, their applications, scores and comments from an independent review, as well as all department documents and communications related to the funding decision. From 2006 to 2011, the bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services held a federal contract to provide food, housing, medical services and other aid to trafficking victims in more than 44 states. The bishops’ group was consistently given excellent ratings. New instructions for grant applications in 2011 indicated that the grant program would give “strong preference” to applicants that would offer referrals for “the full range of legally permissible gynecological and obstetric care.” In keeping with Catholic teaching, Migration and Refugee Services does not offer referrals for abortion or contraception. The group was denied their bid for a new contract, and questions were raised amid allegations that the grant process had been manipulated. A Washington Post article on November 1 suggested that senior political appointees at the department awarded the grants to other groups, ignoring the recommendation of career staffers that an award be given to the bishops’ group,

based on its excellent scores from an independent review board. According to the article, some staff members in the Department of Health and Human Services had protested that the process was “unfair and politicized,” saying that it was “clearly and blatantly trying to come up with a certain outcome.” Sister Mary Ann Walsh, SM, director of media relations for the U.S bishops’ conference, told CNA that the bishops’ group was passed up for funding while two others that received grants had “scored so low they did not make the cutoff when evaluated by an independent review board.” Sister Walsh said that Migration and Refugee Services met all of the required criteria laid out by the Funding Opportunity Announcement explaining how the selection would be made. In addition, she said, the group met the criteria to be given special preference, based on their experience and ability to serve under-

served populations in a variety of locations, including those with high incidences of trafficking. The only specification that the bishops’ group did not meet was a willingness to offer referrals for abortion and contraception. However, Sister Walsh explained, that element was not a requirement, but rather a matter of “strong preference,” meaning that the Migration and Refugee Services should not have been disqualified because of it. In a November 7 blog post for the bishops’ conference, Sister Walsh charged that the department’s action violated an executive order issued by President Obama in 2010. The order stated that decisions about federal aid awards “must be free from political interference or even the appearance of such interference and must be made on the basis of merit, not on the basis of the religious affiliation of a recipient organization or lack thereof.”

Officials at the Department of Health and Human Services have denied charges of manipulation and said that the department followed standard procedure in awarding the grant. George Sheldon, acting assistant secretary at the Administration for Children and Families, said that the awarding of grants is based upon a number of factors, “including, but not limited to, the scores given by reviewers.” He said that according to standard protocol, the review scores are merely “an advisory factor for the consideration of the program and agency leadership who always

serve as the official decision makers on grant awards.” Sheldon said that he is “fully confident that the organizations best suited to provide comprehensive case management to victims of trafficking were awarded the grants for these services.” Sister Walsh responded to Sheldon’s assertion by maintaining that “experience indicates that career staff generally make awards pursuant to the recommendations from these review panels.” She noted that career staffers had been upset by the decision and indicated that it had deviated from the normal procedure.

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