Continue War on Poverty .....
WASHINGTON (NC) - The 'Campaign for Human Development, the Church's drive to strike at the root causes of poverty in America, is getting a boost from television programs, magazine articles and fund drives across the nation. CBS television scheduled Ii two-part series on its religious '~LookUp and Live" broadcasts, dealing with topics. of self-help, hunger, and r~cism as they relate to poverty. The Campaign for Human Development will take up its 1971 collection Sunday, Nov. 21. Be.gun last year,' the 1970 cam-
paign has funded over 160 projects. It is sponsored by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Organizations funded by the campaign must be established and controlled by the poor themselves in their efforts to break out of the circle of poverty. Elsewhere, in a move to express their support for the 1971 campaign, . members of ~he' Priests' Forum of the Joliet, Ill., diocese voted unanimously to give 10. per cent of their funds to the campaign, a donatioll of $150. The donation pledge came
The ANCHOR An Anchor of tlie Soul, Sure and Firm-Sf. Paul
Fedl River, Mass., Thursday, Nov. 18, 1971 PRICE $4.00 pe, yea, .VQI. 15, No. 46 @ 1971 The Anchor 10~
with the Priests' Forum's resolution "to show an active con· cern for the poor and to' lead others to cooperate in ministering to the needs of the poor." At Sparkill, N.Y., the National Assembly of Women Religious agreed to place priority of efforts on the 1971 campaign. Im-
Bishop Tells .Of Campaign Proposals
plementation of the assembly's resolution will be carried out at local levels by 40 elected delegates. In New York, the campaign's national director, Auxiliary Bish· . op Michael R. Dempsey of Chicago, announced that the 1970 campaign . has established 23 . more self-help grants totaling ~ver a half million' dollars. The majority of grants were made to organizations in the Southwest and on the West Coast. The programs vary from a mobile unit for health information to special tutoring courses for disadvantaged students.
The 23 grants bring the 1970 campaign total to'188 grants for a total expenditure of over four million dollars. Another $2.1 million has been alloted to diocesan self-help programs. Bishop Dempsey also praised those priests "who made great personal sacrifices and contributed .large personal checks" to the 1970 campaign. In a special statement made' in Priests-USA, the newspaper of the National . Federation of Priests' Councils, Bishop Demp~ sey said that much of the campaign's success was due to priests' love "for the poor."
Bishop'S "Issu'e Plea Fo r :Sch·.o··,01 Sy·st.~. m.
In a letter read at all Masses on November 13-14, Most Rev. erend Daniel A. Cronin, S . T . D . , · 4 P Of. Fall eX ofl.alne .· Bishop the n~~ds and,' the.:'" Campaign for Human Develop- . .' . ment for this year. The Bishop's . The Catholic Bishops of Mas- been 'contributing to American letter follows: sachusetts, Maine, New' Hamp- civilization from the time of the shire and Vermont signed and. first settlers. .Their beneficial Dearly Beloved in Christ, issued a joint statement on the influence has been felt it;levery. The National Conference of plight of the Catholic .S·chool· generation and at· all levels of'. Catholic Bishops established a Systems and their hopes to aile- . program of education, concern viate the crises. Bishoppa'niel society.. Our ~ntire'. nation has been enriched b'ecause of them. and assistance some two years . A. Cronin, Ordinary of·. FaiL At the .pre.sent time, however,' ago, designated the Campaign River; Bishop James J: Gerrard,' their very existence is at stake. for Human Development. Now in Auxiliary of F~ll River; Bishop Primarily, though not' excluits second actual year, the Cam- James L. Connolly, formerly sively, the' crisis is financial. The paign has been called a national Bishop of Fall ·River,. were· situation is serious and will beCatholic crusade against pov- among the signers: come more serious in the ligM erty. . of the recent decisions rendered Foreword The Campaign, which springs Church-related school~ have Turn to Page Five from a desire to manifest coricern for the poor within our own
~~:~tz~~ ~~ra ~~ri~i~;i~~ri~~;
·C·ardinaIDeard..,nOutlines 'UnfinishAd Bu.s,,·,n·e·ss'· .
. of projects. which are calculated .' .',J!l>allElViate'~ot?nl:Y. th.e symptoms; but more unportantly the . ' .. . causes ·of poyerty.·· . WASHINGTON (NC) - Cardi- the NCeB-USCC president, the . ' Turn to PageThree" nal John. Dearden of Detroit, leaders of the Church in. the concluding his . five . years as United. States must: Improve the "interrelationship president of the U. ·S. Catholic Conference and 'the National of persons within the Chl,lrchWASHINGTON (NC) - I t is love God whom he has never Conference of Catholic Bishops, between bishops and priests and impossible to be a Christian with- seen." cited four items of "unfinished between both of these and the Recalling the parable of the 'out caring for people's needs, business" for the bishops to cori- laity. Archbishop Humberto S. Me- prodigal son-in' which an elder sider. "Deepen' and strengthen the deiros of Boston said at a White and dutiful son resents his In the years ahead, the CardiHouse prayer service attended father's forgiving and rewarding theological dimension of what . . by 300 persons,. including Presi- a repen~ant younger son, the nal 'stated in his final address as Turn to Page Three dent and Mrs: Richard Nixon archbishop cautioned the wor~ .and former President and Mrs. shippers. 'not to "become jealous Lyndon B.' Jo~nson. of God's mercy to others simply VATICAN CITY (NC)-Every "Anyone who says, 'I love because we are not 'poor in child has a right to religious edGod,' and hates his brother is a spirit.' " He urged the gathering which ucation, and the lack of it handiliar," said the archbishop. "A man who. does. not love ·the also included cabinet and gov- caps his personal freedom, a papal letter maintains. brother tfiat he can' see cannot Turn to Page Two The letter, written in Pope Paul's name by his secretary of .state, Cardinal Jean Villot, said CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT that "a deep conviction inspires Christian parents and educators: FINANCIAL REPORT every child has a right to reBishop Cronin granted the diocesan share of the funds . ceive a clear 'exposition of what is true and what is good. from the ·1970 Campaign for Human Development to the "Without it, he. suffers a sefollowing projects: vere handicap up'on his freedom." Rev. William Norton, Project Lighthouse $ 200 The letter was addresssed to . Kennedy Center, Rental for Summer Project. .. 400 a congress in Angers, France, of Rev. Ambrose R. Forgit, SS.CC., Summer Project Our Lady of A~sumption Parish, New Bedford 4,600. Turn to Page Three Rev. William Petrie, SS.CC., Regina Pacis Center...... 1,000Rev. Paul F. McCarrick, St. Anne's Drug Dependency .Clinic· _ : , . 700. Rev. Luciano J. Pereira, Immigrant and Dropout Clothing Drive .. 2,500 Project Rev. Leonard M. Mullaney, Wareham Summer Drug . 'Usable clothlDg wUl be coIledProgram : . ed by all parishes in the Diocese 500 Brotl)er He~an A. Zaccarelli, CSC, Stonehill College .. during the·week of November 28 .»%1 Program of Food for the Elderly Poor ~ .. for further distribution to rav500 \:VASIDNGTON MEETING: .Bishop Cronin. Ordinary. Rev. James E. Murphy, Spanish ~peaking Apostolate aged or disadvantaged areas. The 500 .Rev.. James· W. Clark, Taunton Drug Program . packaged clothing will be' gather. of the Diocese, center, accompanied by Bishop Connolly, 500 ed from the parish centers dur- formerly Bishop of Fall River, left. and Bishop Gerrard, TOTAL FUNDED $11,400 ing the week of December 5, . Auxiliary Bishop~ right, leaves. the. Cathedral Rectory for
··~P·.relate '.·:Tel·ls: .Pre$idents ~.
Charity: .Care For Others
Papal' Leller
Abets Stand
Of Bishops
the annual Bishops' Meeting in WashiIigton:.
."Maki-ng '-B·is,hop'·, Executive Mis"~ads True Mission
TIi'urs:,~ N,ov": 18, ",1 ~71
.Care .for Others .... .
·Continued from Page One· ROME (NC)-Making' bishops good'sense." erriment officials to, become "inHe said the Pope, as bishop executive agents of Church comvolved in the now, reai life situ-missions would be harmful to of Rome, could not become a 'atio~ of e'very brother."· their mission as successors of :'superbishop", without, local or Flanked by johnson on one' the gospel,' a Jesuit who has temporal roots, as', some desire side and Nixon on, the other, been one of France's leading who want to have' him elected Archbishop Medeiros later joined theologians' told an audience by a delegation of' the world's a' recepti.on line to greet persons here., ; bishops. the }>ope must be an· who attended the service. In a lecture on collegiality and arbiter as he was during' the , ,Among the dignitaries were the papacy in the chuich of St. . first, centuries of the Church, , . Secretary of State William Rog-, Louis of the French', here, 75- 'the Frencl:i,theologian said. .ers, 'Secretary of, Comrt:lerce year-old Father Henri de Lu'Maurice Stans, Secretary of Hhe" criticized the theological bac asked: "If the, bishop be- ignorance of, a certain number Transportation John Volpe', Sec'coines in smne way, not 'in law of journalists "for cOllfusing the ,retary of Health, Education and but in fact, the executive agent idea of collegiality and' that' of Welfare Elliot Richardson, out,of a commission, would, it not collectivity:" , . , going Secretary or' Agriculture Clifford Hardin 'and' Ambassabe harmful to his mission as The Jesuit said: dor-at-Iarge David Kennedy. successor of the Apostles and to "Saint Augustine saw clearly . Questioned by newsmen, both , the 'Gospel directive?" that nothing could succeed with'Archbishop Medeiros and JohnFath~r de 'Luback, an expert qut Rome. When a grave crisis ,'son -who used to attend up to at Vatican II, criticized those arose, it was not, the bis~op of three church services a Sunday who would like the synod to Rome who sought ,to take sides when he· was president - were transform itself" into a sort of with a majority, 'it w~s the bishnoncommittal. council and becoming against the ops few or many, powerful. or Johnson was evasive when ARCHBllSHOP 'AT 'WHITE. HOUSE: Following White letter and the spirit of 'its in- weak, effectively united by colpressed for comments about his House 'Worship Services conducted by Archbishop Hum- stitution, the regular organ of legial bonds or, not, who ·turned ,new book, "The Vantage Point." berto S~ Medeiros of Boston, the former chancellor' of the the magisterium (teaching au- toward their father in Rome to, Asked about the Vietnam war thority) of the universal epis- call for his decision. Such is beand the crisis in Northern Ire- Fall Riv~r Diocese and pastor of St. Michael's Church met 'copate." He said that step would fore all, in its' unalterable simland, 'th~ archbishop replied, former President Lyndon B: Johnson, lef~, who was ~ g~est disregard, ';~ll tr,adition ~nd all plicity, Peter's service." "Ma'y God help us all to keep us of President Richard M. Nixon, sponsor of the ,serVIces. out .of trouble." Nixon complimented Archbishop Medeiros for his fluency 'in English, Spanish and Portuguese. , . " ,', '. ,,"'" , '. AOd ,,' The archbishop, who was born in 'C' . ' f H D pment IS" ' , the Azores, grew up among. ampalgn or ~man. ,eveI0 , ,ATLANTA (NC)-The Canon 'years of intensive and scholarly Portugue<;e-American fishermen Training Program Law Society of, America has research." It called for an 11in Fall River and served among '. . , called for wider consultation member ~ommittee of- clergy, reCHICAGO (NC) - Catholic , . The cam~alg? gave $50,000 to among clergy and laity in nom- Ilgious and laity in each diocese Mexican-Americans as bishop of , funds al)d lea~ership aim to help fmance thiS fIrst ye~r. of the inating bishops and has outlined to take part in the ,selective Brownsville, Tex"quip;:ed: ' process. ' "I've learned' to spealc Irish in 100 Black, Indian, and Spanish- proje~t so, the assocIatIon ca? a way to do it. speaking men in the, Chicago recrUIt,. screen and I~~d apphBoston." The society also elected the The work of the committees area to' raise their income this cants, t~ltlOn, to. a first woman officer in- its 33- would be repeated every three year.-,. . ' " ' ,scpoo.1 spec~ahzmg m ,teachmg year history at its annual con- years. The lists of candidates , The"men will be participating tr~ckl~g skIlls to members of vention here, attended by almost would' be reviewed by' the ina new job"tr~Hiing'imd'place- mmorIty ,gr01!ps. , , 3 0 0 experts in Church law from priests'senates of the diocese bement· program' called bpportuBo'b Squires, program CO,ordi- the United States and Canada. fore being given to the. lOCal JAMAICA (NC) - U. S. Sen. nity for Jobs' in Trucking. The nator, said- the loans whe!1 repaid The plan to broaden the.selec- bishops and finally' sent to Rome. Hubert H. Humphrey said here program' was' created by the will provide a revolving, fund tion process for bishops was pro• Altnough the plan concerl}!ld in New York that college stu- Catholic Laymen's Associatio l1 to train other· drivers. He, added posed' by a committee headed by itself only with the diocesan den~s should receive direct pubof ChiCago, a group of men from that program graduates will be Father Raymond Goedert of Chi- level, canonists at the meetirig lic assistance "as a matter of 35 inner-city parishes. It was assisted by the association in cago, who was elected the soci- voted to continue their studies right and on the basis of need. " funded by the Campllign for finding jobs. ety's 'president for 1972. to face the question of accountSuch support, the' Minnesota HlJman Development,' the U. S. Self-Hel' Pro'ect ~he selection plan' was' de- 'abil~ty in later stages of the s~· Deinocrat said; should be part Church's crusade against domesP I SCrIbed as "the result of two lectlOn process. of "a decisive new direction in tic poverty. "We haVe commitments at' the higher education," He made his R present time to' place at least 50 plea 'at a convocation'attended' Regrets ejection trainees," he said~ adding '.'that by about 850 persons at St. Of Foreign 'Aid , the trucking industry' has been John's University, where he was WASHINGTON (NC) _ Initial really:receptive'to our program." aWllrded ,an honorary doctor of Senate rejection of the U.S. forSqUires said the 'program W'aslaws degree. 'Humphrey said eMphasis on eign aid program was'disappoint· ,designed' for the underemployed TO individual student assistance, ing but perhaps a blessing,' an 'as' well as the unemployed-~'the official of th~ United States guy who's trying to make it. try~ in the Fall River area. contained in federal legislation Catholic Conference said here. , ing ·to support his family, but he is sponsoring, should be based on "creative' collective 'educa"' "Now the, ~omen~ of tru~h doesn't have a high paying job." tional opportunities for young has come,". saId Msgr.' Marvm The ,drivers in the new proYou may now can our persons from low income Jam- .-'Bordelon" ,dlrect?r of t~e USCC gtam are, only a' few of many ilies," , department of mternatIonal .af- low-incom'e Americans who, acBoston'sto/;'e ,from' the Fall River area. He noted that there will be' be-', fairs. "The abuses, and unc~r·, cording 'to a United States Cathtween 9 and 10 million more, tainties of the, past decade re- olic Conference news release, TOLL FREE students enrolled by 1975 in pub- garding ai~ are, now put out, in ,are improving 'their lives through lic and private universities. This, the open and up for judgment," 'participation in' the 135 self-help he said, comes on top of a' jump " In a statement 1I4sgr: Bordelon projects funded this 'yel,lr by the , by asking the operator for of 163' per cent in enrollments ,called for "honest re-evallJation", Campaign for Human Develop~ between 1960 and 1970. of the foreign ,aid, program re- ment.' ENTERPRISE 0067 The, senator ,urged efforts to jected by a 41-27, S~natevoteon Money for the campaingn was solve immedately the' problems Oct. 29., ,_ " , r!lised last year'in special collec: , of higher enrollments and "po"Our nation ~u~t nQw make tions at every Catholic Church We have been in the, Church Goods tential bankruptcy" facing many up its collective mind as to where in the nation. A second annual colleges. . it stands and what' it wants," he business for 65 years and have , collection is planned for Nov. 21. said~ "But while we debate, evaluate and create anew, it is' sualways endeavored to render Necrology premely iniportant that ~he poor , . QUALITY. VALUE AND SERVICE , of the "Vo.rld are not penalized by , . . NOV. 25 , drastic actions or any reduction Rev~ Pqilias Jalbert, 1946, PasFUNERAL HOME, INCo, tor, No~re Dame, Fall River.' ' , of our ,already inadequate ef· R, Marcel, Roy - Go LOmi,ne Ray ' forts," ,
,'J '. 'b' , e. "T' c,kle'ng o
~a~onists' Call, for. Greater Stres's 0 n Ch urc h Communlty . .' A ctlon · '
'Humphrey Urges Aid to Students
, BROOKLAWN, Roger LaFrance
WlIllIlIll!UlIlIlllllllllllIIIUll"UlmllllllnlllhIlItlUIIIIIlII""UllmlllllmllmUl""III_ _
, ' Egotism'" "
Second Cless PoslaRe Paid' at Fall Illver. , ' My Idea of an 'agre,eable. per~ Mass" Published every ThlH'sday at 410,: son is, a person who agrees with High!and 'A';enue. Fal/River, M8Ss~' 02722: .' .. by the Cithollc Press of the Diocese of Fill me. River, Subscription price by mill, postpaid ~Disraeli ~.OODer Yea'.,
FUNEIRAL DIIRECTOR$ 15 Irvinglo~ .. CI. New Bedford 995-5166 -
,22 Chauncy St., Boston, 02111
THE ANCHORThurs., Nov.. 18, 1971
Advises Chicanos Enter .Politics SAN DIEGO (NC)-MexicanAmericans who can should enter politics and work to improve conditions for all citizens, Bishop Leo T. Maher told a gathering of Chicanos here in California. The San Diego bishop said Chicanos should "combat injustice, tyranny and intolerance, dedicating themselves to the service of all with sincerity and fairness, better still, with charity and fortitude demanded by public life." Bishop Maher spoke at a Mass opening the diocese's pilot project to develop lay leaders and community organizers in predominantly Mexican-American parishes here. He said the diocese was sponsoring the program to help the Chicanos help themselves and so they can retain their ethnic identity. "This involves primarily the sharing of your rich cultural heritage," the bishop said, ··..but it likewise involves greater opportunities in education, in developing the person, as well as an economic and social balance and political life." The pilot program was launched after it received a $20.000 grant from the U. S. bishops' anti-poverty Campaign for Human Development. Father John Hurtado, a Chicano priest and diocese's ethnic affairs director, heads the project.
Bishop's Letter Continued fro.m Page One Next weekend, a special collection will be taken up in all the parishes of tile Diocese of F~ll River.. It is entirely appropriate that this Camp'aign coincide·with the Thanksgiving Holiday season, when those of us Who are blessed by Almighty God with an abundance of the material goods of this world should be minded to share some of this abundance with those less fortunate. I urge you to be as generous as possible. One quarter of the proceeds of the collection will be channeled to self-help projects within "_ the Diocese. Your generosity a year ago helped to finance educational programs in distressed areas of our cities, drug programs, projects for assisting the immigrants, and many other worthy endeavors. The greater portion of the collection will be dispensed through the national office to worthy activities in other sections ~f the country, particularly in the South. Reminding you of the great love which Our Divine Savior exhibited for. the poor, and assuring you of God's blessing upon the generous of heart, I remain Devotedly yours in Christ,
ffi DANIEL A. CRONIN, Bishop of Fall River.
To Aid
A "Las Vegas Night" to be held at 8 tomorrow night at St. Mary's parish center, Norton, will benefit the infirmary at LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro. The center is located on Route 123 four miles east of Attleboro. Rev: Arthur Lemieux, M.S. is in charge of arrangements for the ~vent.
Pontiff's Letter
INSPECT FLOOR PLAN: Committee members inspect floor plan for Bishop Cronin's box at Lincoln Park for JanuC!-ry 14, when 17th annual Bishop's Charity Ball will be held for benefit of exceptional and underprivileged, children of diocese. From left, Antone Michaels, president of Our Lady of the Angels St. Vincent de Paul Society, Fall River; Mrs. John Albemaz, Immaculate Conception parish,' Fall River; decoration committee member; Miss Margaret Lahey, St. Mary's Cathedral parish, chairman of theme and color committee of the Ball; Msgr. Anthony M. Goines, diocesan director of the ball; Mrs. John Jean, Notre Dame parish, Fall River, presentation committee member; Mrs. John Caron, St. George's parish, Westport, hospitality committee member; and Daniel Shea, St. Mary's Cathedral parish, decorating committee member.
Presentations at Bishop's Charity Ball Pres'entees to Represent 38 Parishes in Diocese Mrs. James A. O'Brien, Jr., St. Mary's -Cathedral parish, Fall River, has been ap!Jointed chairman of the Presentation Committee for the 17th annual Bishop's Charity Ball by Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the social and charitable event to be held Friday, Jan. 14 at Lincoln Park Ballroom. The ball honors the Most Rev. Daniel A.. Cronin, Bishop of Fall ~iver, and proceeds be~efit the four Nazareth Hall Schools for exceptional children and the four Summer camps for underprivileged and exceptional children. Thirty-eight young ladies from 38 parishes of the diocese 'will be presented to Bishop Cronin on the night of the ball. . Assisting Mrs. O'Brien will be Mrs. Thomas Cahill and Mrs. William Murphy of· Fall River;· Mrs. Vincent' A. Coady of Somerset; Miss Adrienne Lemieux of
Fall River Area: Blessed SacTaunton; Mrs. James Leith of New Bedford and Mrs. John rament, Espirito Santo, Holy Mullaney and Mrs.· Adrien Piette Cross, Holy Rosary,. St. Eliza. beth, St. Joseph, SS. Peter and of Attleboro. Under the new plan of the Paul, St. Roch, St. Stanislaus, presentation, every year one third Fall River; St. John the Baptist, of the parishes of -the diocese will Central Village; St. John of God, be represented. UnQer this plan, St. Thomas More, Somerset; St. . assurance is given that every Louis de France, Swansea. parish of the diocese will be honTaunton Area: Holy Family, ored with a presentee every East Taunton; Immaculate Conthird year. ception, St. Anthony, -Taunton; St. Ann, Raynham; Holy Cross, This Year's Parishes South Easton. . The parishes selected this year New Bedford Area: Immacuare: Attleboro Area: St. Joseph, Attleboro; St. Mark, Attlebor9 late Conception, Our Lady of Falls; St. Mary, Seekonk; St. Fatima, Our Lady of. Perpetual Help, St. Anne,' St. Hedwig, StTheresa, South Attleboro. Cape Cod and the Islands: Our Mary, New Bedford; 'St. Francis Lady of the Cape, Brewster; St. Xavier, Acushnet; St. Joseph, Ant!tony, East Falmouth; Our Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven; St. Lady of the Isle, Nantucket; Anthony, Mattapoisett. Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs; AsPastors of the parishes sesumption, Ostervi1Ie; Holy Trin- lected are· requested to send the ity, West Harwich. names of their presentees to Mrs. O'Brien at 37 Forest Street, Fall River, as soon as possible. traordinary both for is rapidity The young ladies selected will hold a rehearsal for the cere"and for its radical character." mony Sunday, Jan. 9 at 2:30 The word "crisis" has freP.M. at Lincoln Park. quently been applied to the
Cardinal Dearden at M'eeting Continued from Page One we do." Develop further the principles of openness and collaboration "both among ourselves and also betw.een ourselves and others." "Take a fresh look at the question of when and how we communicate to the American Church and theAmerican nation." Balancing the four items of unfinished business, Cardinal "Dearden cited four "positive achievements .... of special significance" made by the bishops' conference in recent years: reorganization to deal with appropriate issues more effectively; closer relationships with other Catholic hierarchies, particularIy in the Western hemisphere; the adoption of conciliation and arbitration procedures within the Church; "deep concern for human dignity and the cause of it:!stice" shown by the Campaign for Human Development.' Past Years "The past five years have not been ordinary ones," Cardinal Dearden said. It has been, in the Cburch, a period of change "ex-
Church, he observed, but he insisted that the crisis is one "of transition, of adaptation, of growth," one that holds "great hope for the future." Among the key problems facing the American Bishops, Cardinal Dearden gave epecial attention to "the tension in the relationship between bishops and priests that so often exists at the present time." Such tension, he said, "hamper all of us, priests and bishops, and draw off time and energy which could be better expended elsewhere." "No doubt mistakes have been made on both sides," he said. "But no doubt, too, this situation is at the bottom the result of changing circumstances in society' and the Church over which none of us can pretend to exercise total control. "The time· has come to heal any breach that may exist, to close any gap that may be present in the relationship of bishop and priests."
Continued from Page One the National Union of Associations 'of Parents of Students of Free (non-state) Education. Theme of the congress was "the Child's Right to Moral and Religious Training." "The child, the untried youths, have need of attentive and sure guides. They need precise and unshifting landmarks. Aware of their' duty', parents and educators furnish these in the very measure of tlleir love.' "This need makes itself felt today more than ever, in a pluralistic and often secularized world that is hesitant about its own· reasons for living." An education "worthy of the name," the letter said, must help youths "establish a real hierarchy of values. It must help them acquire a veritable conception of life. "Now a Christian knows that truth is not invented, but is given in a revelation. Salvation is not achieved; it is received. It is received in faith in Him who is the way, the truth and the life. And this truth, far from putting reins on liberty, on the contrary brings it liberation."
Relief Agency Aids Cyclone Victims NEW YORK (NC) - Catholic Relief Services, the overseas aid agency of U.S. Catholics, has airlifted by charter jet 37 tons of supplies worth $245,000 to aid victims of a cyclone and tidal wave in India's Bay of Bengal ,_ area. Some of the supplies are to be used in the CRS relief program for East Pakistani refugees in India. Reports from the cyclone-struck area indicate that from 5,000 to 20,000 lives may have been lost in the storm. Some five million persons live in the stricken area and officials state that most of them were affected by the storm. CRS has provided over 65,000 tons of aid supplies valued at $8.7 million 'to the East Pakistani refugees. The CRS emergency program is providing the basic necessities of life on a regular basis to over one million refugees.
Fr., ·8onnike, NFPC '~ead . Gives Synod 'a plus' Rating
T~EANCHO,~...,.D~oces.eof Fall; River-Thurs ~ov.18/,19~.1:,
P'--r-'e'·s'· s-·· . ~C·o··~r_v_·~;~g- e of·, SynQd ' - AdFa.-Is ,to Impress u _.tor
CHICAGO (NC)-Eight leaders recommendations will be made of the National Federation of . for more productive, professionPriests' Councils who were in al synods in the future. There were no propositions Rome during the 1971 synod said To read the press of this last month, one. would' have in a statement here that the that received unanimous votes, to conclude that nothing at all was accomphshed at the synod was a plus for priests- pr?ying there is room in Christ's Synod of Bisho,ps,. Whoich ended oli NoY. 6,. an~ t~at the not an A-plus but a plus." priesthood for all types of an. I h d t t were "Only single-concern priests swers to non-doctrinal matters tentative hopes' which so many peop e .a pu m 1 " , would write off the sy 9 entire- concerning the priest,hood. If the n d completely shattered in' - .. Iy or cail it a success/' bishops can trust one end and came' to absolutely little too seroiusly (and are not, said Father. FI:ank Bonnike, enough to openly contradict each NFPC president wlwwas there other and, s~ill remain brothers, . h I taking the synod quite seriqusly nothing. So says Fr. Mlc e enough), I am not dispc;>sed to with seven executive 1>oard and they should be able to do so at Ricquet, S.J. in a roundup quarrel with inthis staff members. home and so should all involved After all, who knows? Perhaps Father Bonnike, continued:. in decision-making. article on 'the synod in the Nov"We .had, hoped with Cardinal The frequent use of inductive 9 issue of the Paris daily, Le history will demonstrate. that. Figaro. their unrelieved pessimism about, Marty (Archbishop of Paris) and reasoning and of hard economic the synod was closer to the truth NAMED: . Bishop Cronin' several others that justice might and sociological facts was much tI1e matter than my own qualhas 'appointed. Rev. Thoml;ls have been discussed first .in in evidence in the justice theme. of By Only time will E. O'Dea, assistant at S t. order to produce discussions and Theology cannot provide the antell. . ' propositions on ~he priesthood swers to all the practical quesMSGR. What I 'am saying, in effect, is Lawrence's Parish, New which would have been more re- tions in the Church. that I dm take' almo~t any Bedford, Diocesan Coordina- sponsive to the needs and rights The comparatively ,better unGEORGE G. amount' of pessimism in stride. tor of Project Equality Mass. of the laity and of priests. derstanding which ReligiousBut pessimism one thirig, and Inc. Father O'Dea succeeds '!As it turned out, the work order superiors had about HIGGINS else again. Rev: John F. Hogan who has' completed on the justice .theme priests reinforced the need for cynicism is Frankly, I find it rather hard to may' prove more .b~nef.ici~1 for a plan for the selecton of b1shdeal with, the latter aberration. held the post since Septem- priests and for their parishIOners ops which would involve more than the statements made about laity, Religious and. priests. It For example, I ·don't mind ' ber, 1970. Father Ricquet may have been being told th!lt the synod was a the priesthood. So the over-all also bespoke a strong need' to exaggerating a bit in this regard, disappointment from this or that ~Iel·ghbor effect can only be considered a have diocesan bishops serve for but in general, his point is well particular' point of· view, but I I~ plus.". . . . a fixed period of time. taken. The fact is that a good gag at the charge....:.w~ich I have t He listed these as other pOSISmaller dioceses, pastoral number of the reporters who read in at least one American tive things about the synod: councils, priests' councils and covered the synod' (riot· ·all of rouridcup"--that the ~ynod was a WASHINGTON (NC) m , The greatest plus w~s that even supra-diocesan involvement them by any means, but far too complete fraud, that it was de- health has forced Msgr. Russell .priests were told that concern of priests in provincial and namany for comfort) took an ex- Iberately rigged and manipu- J. Neighbor, 50, to resign as for justice is to be an integral tional episcopal conferences, ceedingly dim view of the meet-, lated from ·the very beginning by director of the National Center part of theirpriesthoood, that such as the NFPC and its provining while it was still in ses~ion the Pope ·and the' Roman curia, of Religious E;ducation-C;:~nfrater- preaching justice and developing cial federations have been trying and now that 'it has passed mto, etc. ' n i t y of Christial) Doctrme. action programs to rid their city, to do, were called for at t~e ' history, 'are inclined to dismiss The announcement was made state, nation and church of 1njus- synod. 'Mythical Synod' by Bishop Joseph L. Bernardin, tices is their proper work and Father Bonnike said the NFPC it rather curtly as a miserable failure or, worse than that, to This kind of cynical :reporting. 'general secretary of the U. S... not'merely that of their diocesan was proposing that the th'eqte shrug it off rather :fIippantly as strikes 'me, incideJ;1tally, as being Catholic Conference, of whiCh or Religious-order social action at its 1972 national meeting ne"t a non-event which is hardly, a perfect argument in favor . of' the' religious education center is. chairman..The call .was given to March be "the Search for Jqsworth writing about any longer. admitting the press to future a unit. ' , '. .re'\writecatechisms .and re"think, :tiCe;". ' . Impression ·of Failure ,.' synods "and similar' Church :as.-,· .MSgr. Neighbor, who 'is suffer-' homilies' ill order to include the "Particularly 'impressive was semblies. It is .my impression; in ing from a virulent form of late~- justice· dimensions; to stand up the fact' that, although we have Their lowopinion.of"thesynod, ,other' words,tllat the"more jauJ;1- . al sclerosis;. will return to hiS 'to the government and the rich long heard Popes'Sf)eak on these comes thro~gh loud and clear in ,. ·diced -'reporters who go in -'for' home ,:diocese of "Manchester, when necessary.... . . .matters, we now heard the bish. the round-up. articles' which, this kind of sensational reporting ,N. H., toi'ecuperate. Most.. priest~andsomebishops . ops speaking, and ourU. S. bishmany of them filed for pUbli~a. inightllave .temper~dthe~r ~yni<~:' .i30m ::i,n New ,Bedford, he wa~. would give the .'synod ~ minus ops in 'particular," concluded tion on the day the meetmg cism iLthey had been permitted ,., gradu~ted·from Dartmouth Col~ for i~ lack of appr~iation that '. Father BonRike. "Priests can be adjourned.· Before leaving Rome to '.coverth~. synod frem'· the··l~ge.. -~t¢r,ser;vic~ ~;n. th~U:'~. ~ceiibacywould be :strengthened more confident today of receiv"." -' ' . . . ' : Navy'ne. studied at St. "Pllul s 'if it ..were optional' befere and ing support trom. their -bisllGf>s for. the United States (via LOll- inside. ;:. vain. Belgium" where ,I -met with .' . it .may,themythieal:.· '. ,was:?r- , it. is .a. plus 'when.. t:l!ey . "onr:n at a group of ..priests,. and semi- $yh~~ which ·the cynicsaresay:"·damed;m.l~5~. ~ , . " .. that ,the s~n~~c:I J~thers openly teI'S mvolvmg InJ,ustlce:. 'n~ans' to talk -a:bautthesyn~~). ' .ing' wasEl:eliberately :r,igged and.. . '.'He ,serye,d' In . tp~ Manche9t'er '. exp,res~ed ,th~lr, .views.. on.the r.....;.;-.;....;.;,------~.., I chpped,Jorfuture refel'ence,\~., ·manipulfjlted··th~.very :be~ ,: dl(~<;e~~ _al)-a~ . assistant: .pa~tor , matter::-eepeclally :after a ,five-., " . ; ' . ATrWBORO'S baker's doz.en .f)f.~b,es.e ..Pf>st-. ; :'girini~g "'7."·an4 Who are.:saying·,. ~n,~~~s,: the', ~Iac~~an SUp~rvIS~! . year .e,m~argo.Th~:vot~ C!f .~e... Gclrdeil: C.n_ mortem aJtlcles,. ,eQ.!tenals thi,S•..unfortunately,.· ..:coUld,re.sult m, ordlD,a· '. :'oma ,Varle~'y at..En outsideJaoking.1n-isMt the·named~lma'_manslg~or m. 1965' tlOn .qf"mamed'men, -gre!lter . " ._ ,'~ glish, French ~na. Jtahan news-- syiIod I ebserved Jrom the inside ... He ca~e to the. natIOnal eenter . utiIjz.atien af wome~'s' taleIJt, p~pers and ,m~gazmes.· ..... an;alierage' ot5Y2 ho'urs a d'ay',' as'. 86Soclate ,director and, was an4p~hap~ sgmeday m partner-. .' . ' . ' Frankly,'when'I had fmlshed _for a ,period of. a:pproximatelymlme~" direCtor' in . Navember ship of men arid wame!l an or. South ·MtrIn & .W.II,SII. reading.t~em, haU 'way across· five weeks. "," ,'. , 19~7. '.. . .... . . , .daine~ missi~n.. . ' . ' . the ~tlantlc, I was Sg ,depressed .Ta -be ~u(e there 'is ~uch to .Msgr. !'le~ghbo~ f04nd~ng Synodal procedures. and r e p . . , that I' had to a,sk the Sabeaa be said in criticism .af'the I), edi~or .of ~hereh~l~us ,~ucat,~anresentation,. reViewed and 222'"1234 stew~r~ss to brmg :caricature' it, with a .!!narf 'periodical "Th~ LlVlng Light. . . to .lift my nermally ; ., one' ,S '.volce . , 'as a . deI'b't He, was of.·P."'lgr."ms, Blessed martim " ... . I ' 9Ptih In I .era e . " a member. , mistic SPlfltS. On the wha e, ,to ey f' d' d 't' I're 'at 'b'es't 'and . mission set up by the Vatican s . " h' h d ... rau IS oc rma ' , . ,. I' 'JERUSALEM (NC) __ More" left the at t - . r ather ·mean-spii-'uedaL,worst. 'ofthe In than '10,000 J' 'ewI'sh: Pl'I'gr'"I'm's from' Or More was notnnpresson only a dlsappomtment . - . . '1968 to 'produce theC"ergy General o~ Equity In Your Home from this or that particular Wishful Thinldng . Catechetica:I' Directoi'y,--<the En- all parts of the 'world,traveled You May Use The Money' point of view but, on 'balance, .' glish ver~iCin of which'isdue for here recently to receive' the . However You :Wish. was a disastrous failure. . . This is admitttedly a ··hard say- .' .publicat~on this month. priestly blessing of. some, .. 600 Strangely enough~r perhaps. ing'and, frankly, it is meant to . . . . . . " .. , . "cohanim"-members of Jewish. AVC() FINANCIAL not so strangely at that ~ some be just .that. It is. m~ant. to sug- '""""m",,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,.,:,,,,,,,,....,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, '.priestly families that ~race their SERVICES _ .. th'e b ro th er 0 f . ds, ,'1hat thO of the American post-mortems gest, in other .wor ,IS o,t thelist~., r· so they have led .. descent to .Aaron, 71 William' St., New Bedforc$ On thesy'nod were among the writer, for one, has had 'all the me to believe. . Moses-in a mass ceremony be994·9838, ' h 'IS. To .be very' blunt abou,t the low. the Temp . I'M" t ' e' oun. most pessimistic of the' lot. See, cynicism he ·cantak e' f rom for example, Kenneth Wgod- friends in the Fourth ,Estate. It matter,' I fuJly intend, t<! take .' .' . , 'ward's lI\iece in the Nov. 15 issue is a Iso meant to sugges t , as In' . dl's- ',them their word. toInbelieve·. "other of Newsweek l' and Mayo Mahs' cated above th at,th' e, F. ou rt'hE'· 'words, at· I am prepared essay in· Time magazine of the tate some . the I'mpres .. ,them whoen they., -say -th,at the . t'Imes gives ON THE CAPE THE MERCHANTS IS YOUR same date. sion of taking itself a littl,e too Fourth Estate is riot. and should HOMETOWN BANK AWAY FROM HOME seriously., -, . not· be immune from objective Pessimism, Cynicism . Let's face it very frankly. The . criticism. . the best thing that ever. happened to Cope Cod Both Woodward and Mahs and -Fourth Estate is not a sacred 'In 'conclusion, let' me say that a number of their American' col- cow, a It hough , un f0 rt una t eIy, I't .' while I. have great, respect for glvese leagues from the Fourth Estate sometimes , '. . t h 'Impre ss I'on. newspaper report~rs and columhave concluded that the synod that it foolishly expects to be nists and really enjoy working Co~panyof 't treated as such. That's what I with them, I. was not greatly . im-) , . S0 be 1. was a total bust. , , Everyone is entitled to his own wou Id ca II WIS u thOmig . hf'l k'n of pressed (with notable exception . Youn, ••• Established Ju'ne12, 1969 opinion :about the synod, and the most naive sort, and yet, of' by their coverage of the synod. . urry liskey, President while I happen to think that all the people who pride them- . And if that be treason, my IlOUTE 28. in. "ori_ Hyannis 775-4500 Woodward, Mahs, et'al are prob- selves on not ......... uemg re- frl'ends in the Fourth Estate will . naive, . _ head have to make the most of it. ably taking themselves just a pOlters are genera IIy a't the
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Cal'e Cod.
Bishops' Education Statement Continued from Page One by the United States. Supreme Court regarding aid to churchrelated schools. ' , As the sponsors of the largest number of such schools, we are intensely concerned with the crisis. We do not view our, Catholic schools as something historically interesting but presently irrelevant. We see them as vitally relevant and extremely important for today's society. It is the purpose of this statement, therefore, to assess where we are, what we must do and where we must go in planning for the immediate and long-range future of our Catholic schools. The Supreme Court Decisions The United States Supreme Court in its decisions of June 28 has ruled that programs which provide public aid to, churchrelated elementary and secondary schools according to the provisions of the Pennsylvania and Rhode Isiand statutes are unconstitutional. These decisions do not mean that any or all aid to such schools is unconstitutional. The Court specifically ruled upon the two forms of aid in question outlining the guidelines which must apply. In deciding these two cases, the Court cited "excessive entanglement" of the State with religion as the key factor for declaring the two statutes unconstitutional. In effect, the number of possible ways to assist church-related schoofs to continue in existence has been reduced. ne right of parents to choose for religious reasons' the school 'which thE'ir children will attend has been traditional among us a1\9, wC9t.,l;!!H:h~:llenged through m'wh~.o(. Qur: hi~ory. When·challenged, it· was clearly ~vindicated by the Supreme Court of the United States. . Justice McReynolds expressed this eloquently, in delivering a majority opinion on the Pierce Case in 1925 "... the fundamental theory of liberty upon which all governments in' this Union repose excluded any general power of the state t.o standardize its children by' forcing them 'to accept instruction 'from public teachers' 'only: 'The child :is not the mere, creature of the State; those who nurture 'him and direct his destiny have the right, coupled with the high duty, to recognize and 'prepare him for additional obligations." .This parental right is, taken for granted in the Gourt's ~ost recent decisions. , What is at stake here goes far beyond the question of dollars and cents. 'Although the operaton of our schools over the years has saved taxpayers billions' of dollars, public economy is -not the' key issue. It is mainly a question of parental rights and freedom. This issue might best be ,defined· in the words, of The Second' Vatican Council in its Declaration on Christian Education: "Parents who have the primary and ,inalienable right and duty to .,educate their children must enjoy true liberty in their choice of . schools. Consequently the government which has the obligation to. protect and "defend the rights of citizens m~' §e'e to it, in its conC;ern for 'distributive justice, ttJ,t-,public assistance is given ,~!,',,~.l\:way that :parents are truo/.';fFee .to cboose accordins to', .their conscience the .; .... I
schools they want for their children." But a right which cannot be exercised with a reasonable degree of freedom is in effect a right denied. We are graveiy concerned about this question because we see the parental freedom of choice in education rapidly going beyond the reach of all but the affluent. The issue of governmental assistance to church-related schools is far from settled; differences of opinion still abound. As Christians we are committed to settle disputes on the basis of fraternal love-and this spirit must always be our guide. As Americans, we hold that there should be unity-but this does not'mean uniformity. Along with millions of others, we firmly believe that nonpublic schools and particularly churchrelated schools have contributed immensely to our nation's educational system precisely because they add a dimension of choice, diversity and healthy openness in education: The task ahead is to determine what other programs and forms of aid are possible besides auxiliary services, such as buses, textbooks, school lunches and public health services. We must . use every available and responsible avenue to pursue what. we strongly feel to be a matter of plain justice - governmental aid for children attending church-' related schools. Now is the time for dispassionate discussion, careful .evaluation and creative proposals. Almost every other Western democracy has' been able to find a rational and workable solution to this 'delicate and, important issue.. Can· we not do the 'same? Ail cit.ii~ns ,- coric~~ea· With protecting the right of parents to freedom of choice in education must become interested and involved. We call' upon our 'fellow Americans not only to acknowledge this right but to provide ways which will eD'able parents to exercise this, right. At the beginning the 1970~ 1971 school ' year, for example, . ,4,367,322 elementaryan'd secondary students attended 11,351 Catholic schools throughout the United States. Close to a half million children attended other schools under religous auspices. The, rights of- so many students· canno~ be taken lightly. The Catholic School 'Crisis
Without any exaggeration, Catholic SChools ip the -United States ,are now ,confronting 'a' crisis situation. The crisis is largely, though not exclusively, a problem of economics and the . reasons for this are many. The costs of American: education generally have skyrocketed in recent years, due, to inflation, parental and public demand .for quality . education, increased teacher salaries, and other factors.. In· addition, Catholic schools in recent years have experenced a rapid decrease of religious teachers with a corresponding increase of lay teachers. In the seven dioceses of this province religious teachers have , declined from 7,192 to 5,951 (17 per cent) and lay teachers have Jncreased from 2,155 to 3,016 (39.9 per cent) just within the iast three years. The result of this change is that many schools have closed down and others are on the verge of doins the same.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River.,...j'hurs Nov. 18, 1971
/ . Contemporary Man Seen Developing Renewed Interest in Religion "
MARYKNOLL (NC)-Contemporary man has a renewed interest in religion because he wants a deeper and more meaningful understanding of himself and his ~xistence, a theologian from India said here. "I would say religion is becoming more 'relevant,~' especial" ly among the younger generation, said Dr. John B. Chethimattam, who teaches at both Fordham University in New York and Dharmaram College in Bangalore, India.
SERRAN: Rev. John J. Smith, Delegate of the Bishop for Seminarians and Diocesan Director of Vocations, has been named by Bishop Cronin as chaplain of the New Bedford Serra Club succeeding Rev. John F. Hogan, who has served in that capacity since the founding of the New Bedford club in
He said in an interview at the Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America' headquarters that modern man has become "dis· illusioned with all the havoc done by science and dissatisfied with philosophy which has be-' come mere linguistic analysis."
The search for deeper meaning, Dr. Chethimattam said, explains the recent upsurge in in· terest in Eastern philosophy aM theology. Eastern philosophers, he said, "are not dealing with mere mythology or ritual, they are dealing with the actual, liv· ing problems of man.
Asked if he thought a series on India.n thought would have relevance in modern America, Dr. Chethimattam replied: "Definitely. America is trying to achieve in the course of a few years what India achieved in 2,000 years. The-whole history of India-the encounter of races and nations and philosophies - is being repeated in America today. "So it is our feeling," Dr. Chethimattam added," that if the We!ltern (philosopliical) approach of wonder and the emphasis on being and the Eastern approach of consciousness and experience were brought toget.her in a useful encounter, contemporary man can better evaluate his experience."
The theologian added that man is "looking for a different understanding of his own life, his own experience."
Episcopal Visit
Bishop Cronin will offer Mass at 11 o'clock in the chapel of This is true even though our Catholic people in general earOur Lady's Haven, Fairhaven on Sunday morning, Nov. 21 and nestly desire to have their chilgreet the home's guests followdren enrolled in Catholic schools. ing the Mass. Need for Reorganization We believe firmly in the role of Catholic schools. We believe that they are as necessary now as they were at any period in our history. But we also believe DES PLAINES (NC)-In mark- location and the theatre wherein that we must face our problems honestly, openly and realistically. ing Nov. 7 as annual Cemetery the motions of life are projected ' To dp, so, mus~ not be confu.s.ed S~,:,day" _the. _. Natic;ml!-l Catholic so vividly yet still! What a scene! with pessimism. It is precisely. Cemetery ConferenCe got right What . an adventure of love because· our schools are' imper- into the spirit of' the Church's reaching' down' 'to the depths' of iled that we must consider care- newly revised funenll rite with the earth and' vaulting to the fully what must be done. its stress on joy and hope. heights of heaven and God Him- . We must 'begin to. plan for The NCC president, Father self . . . . organizing our schools in differ- Francis H. Niehaus of Cincin"Every man !leeds ,encourageent ways to achieve -the flexibil: nati, said in a news release from ment to give his whole heart ity and adaptability which ouf. the organization's headquarters rapidly changing- conditions de- ,here in Illinois that Cemetery and soul. ~o, this greatest show on earth . . . at the end of our man~. Many of the possibilities Sunday is "a memorable happen- . perfC?rmance what childlike joy we have long discussed theoret- ing" and explained: . will be yours when yoi, get His ically must now be car.efully an"The . quiet cemetery is o.ur autograph." alyz~d and implemented 'where. possible: regional schools staffed by several religious' communities, consolidation of schools to pool financial, material. and A human 'resources, . dual enrollmimt programs where feasibie; " . SUBSCRIPTION AU these and many other pas; TO sibilities m.ust now become our' -concern as we look ahead and realistically plan ':our, course:' of action; '. Programs for seif assessment of schools and parish educational struCtures' will be initiated. As . For Only $4.00. (Mailed anywhere in the' United States) soon as possible specific direc;.,." _.........•..•.............. ........•..••.•.•..•.• tives arid programs based' on these assessments will be forth1 'ml,r ~\nc~01'4'0 HIGHLAND ,AVE., "ALL R'\lER, MASS, 02722 coming and implemented accord-. : for Gift Subscription for: ing, to local need. . " , Enclosed find S PLEASE PRINT PLAINL.Y The schools we retain must,be . good schools, sensitive to' the Name _ needs of young p'eople in today's world, models of. what a true Address. Christian community can accom.Zip _ City State plish even in the midst of a world preoccupied with selfish GIFT CARD SHOULO READ: and materialistic concerns. From The goals \Ve seek. here are Street City-State lofty and difficult; with good will and the spirit of Christian Parish to recei"e credit love, they can be reached. In addition, we must always remember that our schools must serve FOR ADDITIONAL GIFTS USE SEPARATE SHEET AND CLIP TO ABOVE all, the rich, the poor, and the For each l-yeor Subscripl ion to. average c.itizen. Canado. Mexico. So. America. Centrol Amurica and Spain odd $1.00 fo; pos'age We must take it as our goal Turn to Page Six
'Cem®tery Sunday' Has New Spirit
. .
THE ANCHOR-Oiocese ofFaJl River-Thurs Nov. 18, 1971 :: .~! ~~'. ;':f-. ~;-.7
,0,,::· ~_B~h~lj
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FACT: The Poor Do Work ··l. ·/Hard~.~nd la.hi)
. . .;.
'with '~bfhiiig fo:sh~~~'hior if! :'.Re~fusal t~"Sign
:W'~ r'S'tate'me'nt . ~'
All too 'little 'publicity has been giyen 'to the. talk; given' at Boston"s' annual March of Dimes Conference 011 ,Birth Defects by the distInguished chief qf ~Genetic. Coun-: seling Service of the Mayo ~linic,.,D~. 'HymieGordon: . ,
,'ST:; PAUL (NC)-As much as he would' like to,. Auxiliary ,Bishop John R. Roach of St. Paul-Minneapolis said .he cannot sign a "statement of conscience" opposing further U. S. military In a deminciation' of abortion, .D.r.· Gordon said, "No involvement in Southeast Asia. human being, be he geneticist' or generaiissimo, has the The bishop wrote in the archright to destroy human life before or after its birth. I diqcesan newspaper" The Cathabsolutely reject abortion irithe ethicatpractice of mediolic Bulletin, that substantive ,reservations prevented him from cine. I will not destroy 'any human life :at any time after signing the statement along with its 'conception even if there is ·the possibility that the in1,700 Catholics, including 239 dividual will be less than perfeCt mentally or physically. priests, nuns and seminarians, And I will not put the mother into the ag'onizing position from 30 parishes in the archdio· cese. . ,where she must decide whether her unborn baby shall be In the statement, issued to cokilled' or allowed to live ... " . incide with National Peace Day , Here is a distinguished physician, an expert, in a field activities, signers pledged their "solidarity with Catholics and • that is concerned with genetic characteristics and defects, other religious groups in South· and a man who has the deepest respect for human life in east Asia who oppose the con· every phase of its being from the moment c;>f concep~ion; tinuation of the war." He is a man who knows that life must be ,protected and That paragraph bothered the defended from; the .moment of conception., just because bishop, he said, because he "would argue that there is anthat life may be a source of inconvenience or difficulty. other and much larger group of to another person does not cancel its right to exist. . Catholics and other religious groups in Southeast Asia who This is at the heart of the issue. Once a life is. conhave stated over and over ceived it has 'the right to exist. No matter what the dragain that our past presence, if . cumstances of its beginning, no matter wl1at. the' likelinot our present presence, has hood of its physical or mental condition at or after birth, ... For God's Sake Support the Campaign for Human Development been the difference between the the life must be held to be sacred. ' , &k*~~,*,~1$(wr~i(@'Em~m!~~n,m'rul~l!Ilimmmlii!!ii!1!I1 ability to maintain a functioning Church in that area and not The vocation' of the 'physician is to safegu,ard life. ' " ' doing so." Once he abandons that value th'en he hecomes ~techBishop Roach said his second nician and nothing m'ore, and shares., in fact~if', not' in Continued from Page Five those in positions of civic re- reservation about the ,statement intention-the same status of the Naziphysida'ns who ' to see to it that their d<?ors are sponsibility, to join with us in was· its' praise for those who gave their expertise to the~limination ,of life. and the open, insofar as possible, to all. planning and working together have refused to participate in experimentation with it that took place just" a generation ,}llis specific responsibility is a toward this end. military involvement in Southo '. ", . ' , ' burden which must be assumed As we survey our problems east Asia. The bishop wrote: by the total Christian commu. and assess our resources, we call "I do not quarrel with the ag . Thank God t.hat there are me!1 lik.e Dr;' 'Gordon speak: nity. ~ , . upon Almighty God for His help. right of a man to state his con· Need for Planning Together In the past, HI's help 'has made scientious objection to this war ing up on behalf of life. :..' , .' '' . ' , " " . ' , • " "~' ,,': '. 'J ' • • .;.: ,,' ' ' , ' ..'" "Success in',resolvjng,the prqb- it. possible for those who went ... I ,am distrubed, however,' at " :,"';~"'~ ',.'-,', ':, lems of. Catholc' education 'will before us in this country to meet the faetthat this" stat~ment of . ' ." ..' d . upon, our 'b'l' ,... 't", ,,'.: mainly a Iity the ed~catl'onal' prOblem's of, thel'r ,conscience' " ,"canonizes . 'those . ,......' :toepend' pllin~ and work together; the day 'which were, at least as great whose consciences refuse to ~l. D eve l opmen·'. . ' , ' '.'' . task cannot be accomplished by as the problems we, are facing .. ~ow ~hem to. serve our coun~ One of the ImpreSSIve aspects of the Human Develop- diocesan 'authorities alone. First now. With His help they estab. m Vietnam, and says. nothmg ment CampaigIl is, the information it·gives. ~n the w~lfare :·.an4, fore~ost, -we turn, to the re- lished a system. of schools which " about the' hundreds of thousand.s person or the poor person in the country. ' , l,igious ,'women and men,' who was a major force in the forma- whose consciences .diCtated some . . .. ' . ' . . have been the very he~rt and tion .of millions o~ young· people. ,res~on~~b~lity of servic~ to their All too many .people' have ·the Image of the person soul of Catholic education for· We ask His blessing and: begin. nation., , .!, ' . on welfare as: a robust individual sitting around: watchittg . the,' past 100 .year~ ~ for ideas our work with an attitude' of' He added that despi~e his· reo television. and collecting a w~lfare cl;1eck' while' th.e .solid and,alternatives, goals an~ .gui.d- great Christian hopefulness. To spect··..for the efforts of, the 'peo. . . . begin <in . any other way would . pie who worked to prepare the ',.' :"1 I' h 'h be unworthy o.f our:m,issl'on"'as t.he.statement," he feli' an'obli. citizens' of·the community work hard 'to support his lazi- .. ~nTceh··I·' . ~ Th' . h' d d b h' f h' h h :., " e., alty, p;lrtICU ar y t ness: IS, myt . IS.. estroye,. y ;t,. e ., act~ ~ w ,l~ . S ow, their represent!ltives on C~tholic the followers of Jesus Christ the' . gatIon to those who' served in that the vast majority ,of. people on welfare are too young school, boards'and parish coun- 'source and fulfilhnent of' all the war and their families "to to work, too old to work, too handicapped to work~ or ,cils;mustin"a very special way hope...·· ' " recognize the sacrifices' they , '. .', have ~ade for all of I,1s." , jus.t incapable of working. pr of being trained', to: work. . s?are i':l the' planning. and deci-, . (Signed) There' is a tiny percentage that' perhaps SIO~~. to be made..The Mo'st' Rev. Humberto S. Me. ..""""""'"""'"""""""""'."""""'"""""""""'""""'."""'.",,,,,,,,,,,,"',,,, . . : ''take 'advantage ., , . rehglous leaders of theclergy,as commuof welfare-:-a '~Imscule nU?1ber ·of the tot~l. But; the" 'nity, must make 'their own vital deiros, Archbishop of Boston; Most Rev. Ernest J. 'Primeau, three per cent of peopl~· on welfare are SImply m an : contribution by their interest arid' Most Rev. Joseph Tawil, Melkite Bishop of Manchester; Most Rev. unfortunate condition where they must look to the rest. involvement.' . ' Apostolic Exarch; Most Rev. Jer- Peter' L. Gerety, Bishop of Portto help them li:ve in some degree of. dignity. . ,We are, very much aware of 'emiah' F.', Minihan, Auxiliary land; Most Rev.. Edward 'C. " 'the serious implications for our Bishop 'of' Boston;. Most· Re,v. , O'Leary, Auxiliary of The number of poor' in the nation c~n once again., towns, . cities' ·and states as', we 'Thomas J. Riley,. Auxiliary Bish- Portla·nd. ' Most Rev. Christopher J. give the lie to myths about them. The, vast majority",of '~Ia~ new structures a~d organ- op of Boston; Most· Rev. Robert these are white persons, 'almost a third of them living. in .~zatlOn for .our Cathohc. ~cho?ls F. Joyce, Bis~op of Burlington. , Weldon, Bishop of Springfield; I db" .. . " m the commg years. We· deSire MO'st Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, .Most 'Rev. Bernard J. Flanagan, rura an su 4 areas.' Many of., them ~r~ already, to work with other'responsible Bishop of Fall River; Most Rev. Bishop of Worcester; Most Rev. employed but theIr wages do not reach' the mmimum ,set gr.oups in trying tq, bring about Jame~ J. Gerrard,AuXiliary Bish- Timothy J. Harrington, AuXiliary for' the support of a family according to. government better education for. all. '. . . op of Fall River; Most Rev. Bishop of Worcester. ' s t a n d a r d s . W e , therefore, call upon all' James L Connolly, Formerly people, of, good will, particularly Bishop of Fall River. ' No Longer Isolated . The Human Development Campaign aims at using ROME (NC)-Dutch Cardinal Bernard Alfrink said that the refunds to he,lp P,eople h.el P th,emselves. W,hile it"S title. talks cent Synod of Bishops has shown of "human" development, it must always lJe remembered that "the' Church is' no longer ,that huma~ ...beingswerecreate~ in the~~age of God:: : . . , .isolated." ,The cardinal,· who. is' They ar~ made by God and destmed by·H~m to live fo~- .~ " '. '. . '. " . archbishop of Utrecht, said that 'ever:" Those who contribute to the campaign : ate urged .-. '. the bishops "are now meeting to be motivated by spiritual goals, by the desire to help .0!1e ano.ther and can talk about OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 'OF. THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER a brother or sister in need for the sake' of God Whose Published weekly by The Catholic 'Press of the Diocese of Fall River and learn about the various problems" facing the Church in image must' be seen in every person. .The motive of 410 Highland Avenue different parts of the world. Fall River, Mass. 02722 675·7151 humanitarianism is good; that of Christ-like concern is PUBLISHER . more S9. There is really 'no such person as a "human" Truth Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. person-onlya person called to be God's child who either Be yourself. Ape no greatness. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER succeed~ or' fails. He should. be helped to attain his goal , Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Be wiIling to pass for what you Rev. John P. Driscoll are. . in dignity. ~l'llJ Preu-FIU River '
Bishc;».ps' Education Statement
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Taiwan Remains Member of UN SpeciaI Agencies UNITED NATIONS (NC) Taiwan has been expelled from the United Nations, but is still a member of the specialized agencies affiliated with the UN and is likely to stay a member despite Red China's opposition. In a message from communist China's acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Chi Peng-fei to UN Secretary General U Thant, Peking said the General Assembly vote ousting Taiwan-also reo quires the various agencies to expel Taiwan. The wcrding of the resolution introduced by Albania and 16 other states and adopted by the General Assembly specified that "the representatives of Chiang Kai-shek be expelled forthwith from the UN and all the organizations affiliated with it." Determined to 'Continue In its quarter century of participation in the UN, Taiwan became a member of all the specialized agencies, except the Food and Agriculture Organization. These include the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Health Organization, International Atomic Energy Agency, UN Children's Fund, International Labor Organization and others. . The agencies are a valuable source of technical and financial assistance to any member nation, and' Taiwan's spokesmen have already indicated their de'termination to continue membership. The agencies are autonomous, with their own executive boards and budgets, and their own policies, although they are associated with the UN and report an" nually to the Assembly. A 1962 agreement to "take no note of" Assembly votes, is their only commitment to accept such decisions are binding on them. It is unlikely that all UN member countries participating in the agencies will sl:1are Peking's view that the Assembly vote requires the expulsion of Taiwan from all agencies. Other Non-Members Another detJrrent to the across-the-board! expulsion of Taiwan is the membership in a number of the agencies of states that are not members of the UN, such as West Germany, which has been a generous contributor to the work of several of the affiliates. Some agencies financing I aid projects in both UN member countries and non-member countries can be expected' to retain Taiwan as a member. Among these are the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), which has a $500,000 health services, family planning and education program on Taiwan, and the UN Development Program, which has pro·· vi~ed $1~.3 million t?ward industrial projects on Taiwan. . F.urthermore, the weighted votmg system of the World Bank suggests that the support of the United· States and Japan would be able to prevent Taiwan's ouster.
1H!\l!lmnllnty When a man realizes his littleness, his greatness can appear.' -JIi, G. Wells
THE ANCHORThurs., Nov~ 18, 1971
,Bishop Walsh of Maryknoll Receives, Catholic University's Highest Award
Education Group ."a5 New Office
WASHINGTON (NC) - MaryWASHINGTON (NC) - The knoll Bishop James E. Walsh American Federation of Teachers told a hushed audience of Cath(AFT) has created a special deolic University alumni here that partment for nonpublic schools, he was surprised they had chosen and a former Catholic high to honor him with the universchool teacher will direct it. sity's highest award. John Murray, the director, a "I am not aware that I ever teacher for 10 years 'at Bishop did anything to deserve such an Kenrick High School in Norrishonor," the 80-year-old missiontown, Pa., also served as presiary bishop said in a halting voice dent of the Association of Cathwhen he was given the Cardinal olic Teachers, Local 1776 of the Gibbons Award, named for the AFT in Philadelphia. famous 19th-century archbishop The new department will be of Baltimore. responsible for union matters "True, I did spend '12 years affecting nonpublic school teachin prison in China, and that is ers in local AFT affiliates. A • something unusual, no doubt. handful of cities-including New But in my case, the experience York, Chicago and Philadelphia was just a routine part of my --currently have Catholic teach,profession, and therefore I coner unions, and locals are also sider it no great credit to mybeing formed in other areas. self." Bishop Walsh spent half his "Teachers in our nonpublic life in China. as a Maryknoll schools need the AFT as much missionary. In 1958 the Cqinese as our nation needs these nonCommunist regime conviCted him public: schools. "Murray noted, of spying, for the United States adding that the 25Q,OOO-member and the Vatican, and he :was im- ' union is "the only national orprisoned in Shanghai ,until July ganization offering these teach-, 1970. ers the assistance and expertise "I was a Catholic priest and they need in their relations with my people were in trouble," he their employers ..." told 550 persons attending CU's Murray said this expertise is annual awards dinner, "So I especially needed "in collective simply stayed with them, as all bargaining, where they face the priests should at such times." same problems as their counterBut though they embarrassed parts in public schools." him, the compliments flowed. "To Bishop Walsh, a man- of Vietnamese Priests peace and love; a servant of the people of God, a lover of his Serve as Chaplains brethren, a witness to our com- ' SAIGON (NC)-Qf the nearly mon faith, we present the Car2,000 Vietnamese priests in dinal Gibbons .Medal;" intoned South Vietnam, 104 serve as 'John F. ',Slowey, alumni presichaplains to the armed forces. BISHOP JAMES E. WALSH dent. The dinner guests gave the There are some 200,000 Cath.'frail prelate a thundering fiveolics in the South Vietnamese Father Stankard, who knew nually on the basis of outstandminute standing ovation. one-million-man armed forces. ing service to the country, the the bishop before his -imprison'Beautiful Man' The military chaplaincy was ment, said he "seems the same." Church or the university. founded during the presidency A CU alumni panel chooses "You are a beautiful man ... The priest also repeated what the Gibbons medal receipent an- what you went through is far Bishop Walsh has said many of the late President Ngo Dinh Diem, a Catholi~ above and beyond the duty of times since his return-that his There are also 16 Protestant any priest," said Comedian Dan- love for the Chinese did not Lists Opp~)rtunities and about 100 Buddhist chapny Thomas, guest speaker at the waver in prison. lains. The salaries of chaplains For Lay Personnel banquet and a former recipient "If 'anything," Father Stan- are paid by the Ministry of NEWARK (NC) - The Re- of the medal. , kard said, "it got stronger." Defense. sponse, a hooklet listing various "Your humility, your goodness, missions and volunteer agencies your holiness-I pray to God it seeking qualified, lay personnel will touch us all." for work in underdeveloped The bishop seemed a bit overcountries and the United States, whelmed at being the center of so has been published her~. much attention during a formal ..~* n ~a.WU\" The booklet was published by· reception before the dinner. Nathe Newark archdiocese's- Inter- tionalist Chinese Ambassador 210 WEIR STREET, TAUNTON, MASS. 02780 national Liaison Office, in con- James C. A. Shen, May.or Joseph junction with the newly founded Colin of Cumberland, Md., the Telephone 617-822-2898 Opposite Somerset Ave. U. S. Catholic Mission Council)n bishop's home town, and several Washington, D.C. It provides in- Walsh relatives attended. formation concerning -36 volun~ Bishop Walsh chuckled at A pretty centerpiece of artificial flowers teer service opportunities in the Danny Thomas' description of United States and 51 abroad in his mishaps at a Catholic grade or a candle arrangement will add warmth Africa, Asia, Canada, Central school in Toledo, Ohio, and he and charm to your festive Thanksgiving and South America, India, the 'spoke with emotion when he table. PaCific and Caribbean islands. .It said the Gibbons Medal "is also gives information about doubly welcome and precious to training programs. me because it e'mphasizes the The Newark liaison office has mission work of the Church, and also established contact with the I am a missioner." "YHOUGHHUL GIfTS ' archdiocese of New York and the TO PLEASE THE Bishop' Walsh said he was dioceses of Dubuque, Iowa; Kan- "too tired" to talk, with reportHOSTESS" sas City-St. Joseph, Mo.; Madi- ers during the evening, but a son, Wis.; and Winona, -Minn. in Maryknoll priest who, accoman effol't to make the-laity of the panied him described the bish. United States aware of the needs op's 'activities since his release for personnel in the missions from prison a year,ago. Please feel free to browse in a friendly atmosphere throughout - the _ states -and' , .Though' he spends much ,of abroad. his time resting at Maryknoll - 'W~ iGDIF'ii' ,W~AP .tr~l:~ Founded in 1965, the office headquarters inN.ew York, BishMon. 10-6 ': TU,es. thru Sat" ,10-9 Sun. 1-5 has placed 500 vplunteers with op Walsh has also "gone to visit various agencies and mission all 'olJr missions' in Latin AmerMaster .Charge Bank throughout the United States and ica and Africa," said Fathedohn abroad. Stankard.
I'm1plement Study
ANCHOR-Dioces~ of Fall River~Thurs'Nov .. J8,),~7.1 . .' .
Of Priestly Life
Blazier Is Importa,nt News. In Wint,er, S,pring Fash'ion
WASHINGTON (NC)..,. A 51year-old pastor from Manchester, N. H., will serve as liaiso~ between American priests and bishops "to r:elieve certain tensions" among many priests over their ministry, it was announced here. Msgr. Colin A. MacDonald, founding president of the Manchester diocesan priests' senate and a former vice-president of the National Federation of Priests' Councils, was named executive director of a new secretariat that will assist a temporary Bishops' Committee on Priestly Life and Ministry. .
Blazers are still blazing 'and the fire that they set shows no evidence. of relinquishing its title of "the hottest item to hit the fashion scene this year". While our thoughts are turned more toward' what ~e'll buy, a~d' wear for the .' . holidays, trade papers are. Velvets, brocades, quilted cotfilled with the styles that the women of the world will tons, double knits" or beautiful wools are all lendinE themselves be wearing as cruise wear in well to' this elegant classic. 'If January and February. and right into the Spring and Summer months' of '72. Just a' peek at these prophetic fashions' reveals
you haven't glimpsed the glamorous theatre suits that utilize either a blazer over either.a long dress or a matching long skirt, then you're really not watching fashion '71. One of my favorite little stores has one in a dusty mauve pink that can be combined' with a' deep pink satin blouse and the outfit is really breathtaking-.,.I only wish r could squeeze it in- . to my clothing budget.
SIGNS OF THE TIMES: This rosary "Taxiposter" is part of a campaign in Philadelphia to get pray the rosary daily. NC Photo.
His appointment was announced by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. The committee, headed by Arcli· bishop Philip M. Hannan of New Orleans, will be, responsible for implementing on a pastoral level the U. S. bishops' study of priestly life and ministry.
Hepburn,Loo~ Archbishop Hannan described Msgr. MacDonald as a priest With interest· in s~ch actresses that .the blazer will suffer no as Katherine Hepburn and her with "broad pastoral experience loss In popularity but instead contemporaries on the rise, the who can relate well both to will climb in favor for your clothes that they made famous, oth~r. priests and the bishops." wardrobe when the sun shines a such as the casual blazer and the New York Pa,rish Nets $50,000 Annually The archbishop said Msgr. lot closer than it's d~ing now .' wide-bottomed.'dancirig slacks; MacDonald has the ability to " From' Weekly Ga'mes' . (or you venture to travel d_own' are also 'becoming popular. identify areas where' "steps can the equator way). However; the fashion-minded NEW YORK' "(NG) ~ "Ladies program. Volunteers .to ~ super- be -taken to relieve. certain tenBlaze~s are not cheap.. They girls of the seventies will have a and gentlemen hold onto your vise the games are' hard' to find, sions which a t:lumber of~ priests range anywhere' in price from ~ lot more going' for them ~an cards until we verify the num- so a lot of the clergy's valuable are experiencing today." minimum of $25 up into the those of .the Hepburn' era be- bers. B-7, 1-18, G-34, 0-47. We' time is taken up worrying about hundreds; with the average re- cause they will realize that clas- have a winner." such personnel. tail cost hovering somewhere be- sic elegance is not only a chic Three times a week those But ask the pastor of this Uges Catholics Rescue tween $40 and $55. While this look but one that ca'n be achieved sounds "replace the shouts of Capuchin Franciscan church, Thanksgiving Day may put a considerablk dent in by mixing and matching'and end- boys grappling for a ·basketball Father Vincent 'de Liuzzo, and he WORCESTER (NC) - Bis~op your clothing budget, the versa- ing up with many outfits from on the floor of the gymnasium at will tell you that without bingo Bernard J. Flanagan has caJled tility of this garment WIll pay a few separates. .' . . Immaculate Conception parish. "our school would, close tomor- on Catholics to rescue Thanksrow... · . for itself in wearabilityand comMen realized the versality of At Immaculate Conception the . giving Day from "secular and'pliments, especially if you choose the blazer ml,lny years ago and hero is not 'some player with a, Immaculate Conception is' nei mundane obserVances." :, " , a very basic shade' that will 'go have demand'ed that it. take', Ii deadly jump shot. High finance different, from many other Noting that Thanksgiv~ng orig. ' with a variety of your outfits. place in their wardrobes ever and the fight for economic sur- churches that .have to rely on , since, especially for casual a~- vival dictates that the hero is bingo to make ends meet. Father inated as a day to gather' toFor Evening Wear tire. The blazer look for mens- Bingo-"St.. Bingo," that old De Liuzzo traces the 'parish fi- gether -and acknowledge Go~'s Three years ago at this time wear has become even more im- standby of a patron saint, as nancial woes to a steady decline goodness, Worcester's . bishop asked that Catholics gather in there was a death in my family - 'portanC recently, though, since has sometimes been said. ,in Sunday Mass collections. church on Thanksgiving. day fo and I found myself buying, very menswear designers have discov- " , Financial Salvation Many priests and parishioners "We have about 2,000 families celebrate the Eucharist. quickly, the only black and white ered the marvelous properties of outfit that I could find with long double knits and the navy blue here say it would be more real- in this parish," he said, "but our Eucharist, he noted, actually sleeves. The ensemble consisted blazer now ·has double-knit add- , istic to call Bingo a necessary weekly donations amount to means "thanksgiving." evil, Ii can of worms. ' less than one dollar per family. of a black and white long torso ed to its tag: . The bishop,' who is ~ational Bingo ties up the gymnasium I'm sure these people can atdress topped by a black blazer. Classic looks have arrived on clergy consultant for the 200,and threatens the parish youth 'ford more, but they're used to Little did I realize when I bought the scene and they appear to OOO-member Catholic Da'ughters this dress, at a time of deep sor- have entrenched themselves firmreaching into their pockets for of America, made his observarow, that the blazer would be- ly in the fashion world if for no . Charge Prisoners available change." • tions. in a message published in come one of the most important other reason than the fact that Loose change evidently is not parts of my' evening wardrobe they make women look good-a Treated Brutally :enough to keep the parish to~ the Thanksgiving issue of that three years later. ' fact too long neglected. LONDON (NC)- The British gether. ,Located in a lower mid- organization's national magazine, I've 'worn the. blazer with a army in Northern Ireland has in dle class ,neighborhood, Immac- Share. long plaid skirt, a shorter plaid some cases treated 'internees ulate Conception consists of a skirt and a pair of grey pants. Diocesan Task' Force with the harshness used in war- church, hall, convent, rectory I may even get around to wear- Aids Community Action. time to obtain information from and school. . ing it with its own dress one of ffilt066 But bingo is the real financial ROCKVILLE CENTRE (NC)- prisoners,' government sources ' salvation for' the parish, where these days. Three local community action admitted here. But the same sources denied each week 250 to 300 patrons groups have received grants Excommuni~ates Police totaling $10,050. from. the Rock- there have been any efforts ~t play the game for a yearly gain ville Centre' diocesan Task Force "brainwashing" - attempts to of $50,000 for, the parish. Father .De Liuzzo ,said he For Raiding~ Cloister on Poverty, Race and Allied convert an internee to a different , way of thinking. The' army in ' would' scrap bingo except that SANTA CRUZ' (NC)-Bish- Problems. op' Luis Rodriguez of Santa Cruz A community action center . Northern Ireland simply' needs such a move would prove a fi,365 NORTH FRONT STREET said "the main persons involved was given $6,000 - to hire two better military intelligence, they nancial catastrophe. "I don't NEW BEDFORD in the police raid" on a Carmel- nuns who will seek jobs for said; and the techniques used are know what we would ,do if we 992-5534 ite ,convent here have been 'ex- unemployed persons in a town intended only to elicit informa- lost our bingo. clientele/' he said. communicated. on eastern· Long Island. A tion. The bishop filed a protest-with neighborhood center in another the . newgovemment. of Col. town' was granted $2,450 for ad- Oblat~sto .Meet Hugo Banzer in La Paz and was . ministrative purposes.· An interbacked~p by the Bolivian, Bish-' faith housing committee was aiOn November 20 ops' Conference:' 'located $1,600 for the commitThe Oblates of St. Benedict The conference asked for "an' tee's stl:\ff expenses. will hold a chapter meeting' on exhaustive investigation until. Since it was set up last Feb-' Saturday, Nov. 20, at the Portsthose' involved. in ordering and ruary, the task force has funded mouth Priory. Mass will be ofexecuting the ;aid 'are indicted." 19 projects with $35,924. The fered' at 4 o'clock and it will be The Carmelite convent, located task force's' funds come from followed by a conference. nine miles from here; was ,raided the· New York diocese's share Oblates planning to stay for by police in civilian Clothes. The of money it collected for the the 6 o'clock dinner are reOpen 9-9 Ample Parking police said t~ey were 's~ar'ching 1970 U.S. bishops" anti-poverty quested to contact Mrs. Frank S. for communists and subversive campaign for Human Oevelop- Moriarty at 672-1439 for reserED. COUGHLIN,' Prop. , literat-uFe~c.....""",.r...... .> ...... _' ,. . . . , ' . ~ c.,;ment. . , vations.
ea. ~
Heating Oils and Burners,
THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 18, 1971
H,o'w"Can Olnle Lone M,other Get ;Fo,ur PI,aces at Olnce?
Join to Support Day Schools
A local newspaper decided to do an article about my family imd assigned a photographer to take pictures. He asked me, to get all eight kids home at the same time to pose for the photos. His deadline was Wednesday., Our only available night was ' I decided to go to our paroTuesday. Not one of the chi!dren had any commitments chial school because. the younger kids were there. I figured, the for Tuesday and neither my others had had the benefit of husband nor I 'had to attend any meetings.
my presence at their Open School Nights in previous years. When I got to the school, I met one of the sisters inv.olved. I explained that I was due in her room, in another sister's' class . . . and in two other schools, all at the same time. She thought it over for a minute. "Look," she said, "you.'ve had five kids go through this routinc. What can we teU you that you haven't heard before? Forget about us.' Go to one of the other schools." I wish she were running aU the meetings. I can appreciate the problems of the organizers, and the difficulty they have getting parents to attend. But I wish more of them would appreciate that when' I must ,be in more than one place at the same time. I'm just not going to make it . . '. no matter how. critiCal, urgent or absolutely necessary it is.
NEW YORK (NC)-The three branches of American ·Judaism
have joined in a declaration of
, NOVITIATE BENEFIT: Principals participating in the
The next day a notice came Snowflake Sale scheduled for Nov. 26-27 in Marian Manor, home from' elementary school. .Taunton for the benefit of the Novitiate of the Dominican "Urgent C C 0 meeting. All Sisters of the Presentation are: MrS. Alice Smith, Mrs. Kit 'mothers must attend. Tuesday Mrs., Noella Rivard, Mrs. Anna Cullinan and John Conlon, evening." L'Heureux. But'there was. nothing I could do to change the previous date. Then a nou'ce, from the diocesan' high school: "There will be a Mother's Club meetine Tuesday night. We will ,discuss a Organization for Religious and Lay VQcc;Jtions matter 'of' vital importance~ Your Plans Expansion attendancc' at thif. meEitine is Not Meeting Type critical to your child's future in NEW ORLEANS (NC)-There- women who are hungry for what Ol~r school." I have the feeling that some Since I have three sons in that of the secretaries of those groups sians of America, an organiza- we claim to provide," he said. "We have reached a certain school, my attendance must have have . little .black books in tion pr9moting lay and religious to go plateau. Now our priority will be vocations for women, plans been critical, critical, critical. which they record big black given to expansion. We have deThe next morning's mail "X's" next to my name. I'm un- interna~ional. The 6,OOO-member organiza- veloped something truly great. brought a post card. "Tuesday doubtedly categorized as a "disevening. Mothers' Meeting. If interested parent," one of those' tion, headquartered ·in Colorado Now let us offer it to others," you expect your daughter to con;... City, Colo., is ,a spiritual, intelthey are referring to when they tinue in Girl Scouting; you' absolectual and apostolic organiza-. Catholic Schools Cure say, "What can you expect when tion concerned with the vocalutely must attend'" 'the mother doesn't care enough At that point I didn't expect 'to show up for a meeting?" tion to Christian womanhood in For 'Moral Bankruptcy' to continue with my sanity, so EMMITSBURB (NC)-Catholic Somehow, I just don't seem to both religious and lay states. I really wasn't too concerned At the close of their national schools can help cure "the moral be the meeting type.' When I whether .or not my daughter make one I spend half the night conference here, the Theresians bankruptcy facing our nation," continued Scouting. trying to remember the names of announced they have begun op- the president of the National How, in the name of common faces I recognize, and the other erationin Toronto and Hong Catholic Educational Association sense, could I "absolutely" be said here. half trying to remember which Kong. in four places at once? And I kid I was supposed to attend In addition, the Theresians Speaking at a recent educawondered if the tone of the the meeting for. they are establishing a tional conference attended by said notes was accurate. Would the In God's plan for things, He small religious community whose 300 Daughters of Charity of St. world come to a screeching halt should have either given me bi-, members. will work in various . Vincent de Paul, Father C. AIif I didn't attend? location, or only one child. Even apostolates within the Church. bert Koob urged his listeners to No Alternative transmit the changeless values of then, I'll bet that one child would The Theresians' founder and the Christian ethic in a society belong to three organizations Since I had made the date national director, Msgr. Elwood that is constantly changing. with the photographer first,' and I would get three notices: C. Voss, told the conference "It is precisely because of this "Momentous Meeting Monday; there was no alternative. I de· "there have been Theresian wo- rapid change in the values soci. cided three organizations were Mothers Must Materialize!" men as long as there have been ety offers that we must redissimply going to have to struggle astronauts. Each has accomplish- cover the value of Christian edualong without my attending'their Organized Delinquency ed much in a rather short time, cation and build a Christian meetings. in .a different manner and with community,~' the Norbertine Lamented by Pope Our children are in four difa different objective; one is outer priest said. ferent schools. One night last, VATICAN (NC) - Pope Paul space, and one in spiritual week was Open School Night ... VI laments "organized delinspace." , in three of them! quency" which he ,.;aid seems to Msgr. Voss said the Christian Says Man, Not State, be overtaking the world. woman of today is' no l~nger Must Solve Problems The Pope spoke from his winCesar Chavez Approves dow to thousands gathered in St. judged in the same manner as WHEATON (NC) - Mankind's ten years ago. . Peter's Square for his Sunday Washington Dinner problems must be solved by man Now the movement must ex-' himself rather than by'. the WASHINGTON (NC)-If Cesar blessing. He noted 'that while 'it tend itself to "the millions. of state, veteran social activist Dorto work is better for Christians Chavez came to dinner, would for the real' principles of life,' othy 'Day said here. you serve non-union grapes? "But you cannot respond in The Calfiornia farm workers rather than sit in judgment on Unearth Monastery tension or fear," the leader of organizer, who has been called others, there are today "crise,s " the Catholic Workel' movement everything from a saint to a of a moral sense, which seems to Ruins'in Hungory communist, opened an, after- have yielded to ,permissive inVIENNA (NC)-Archeologists told Franciscans ' attending a dinner speech by telling his difference which accompanies of the ,Budapest Historical Mu- workshop here. "You must want 'and pro,motes gross' habits and seum hav'e unearthed the ruins to do it. In fact, you must deamused audience: ' "We checked with the chefs, growing .organized delinquency." of Hungary's largest known light in what you are doing." He said the moral crises fac- monastery near the capital city. and the vegetables you ate here About 220 Franciscan religious tonight are kosher." ' . ing the world are leading per, Many important finds have men and women from 26 states The dinner was held at a sons' to forget the "supreme' been made in the l2,000-square- were at the session. They pro· Washington hotel to raise funds rights" of justice and peace. His yard area once covered .by the duced a position paper calling for the Council for community comments followed almost two monastery, and it seems certain on Franciscans to develop a act!on, lo!>bying arm of some 30 weeks of debate in the Synod the buildings, which accommo- deeper sensitivity to the meanof Bishops here on the subject dated some 300 to 500 monks, ing of poverty-one of their re-' nationwi~e anti-poverty organ· izations. ' of justice in the world. ligious vows. . extended far beyond this area. . , :,:..'-:. '.. ~ :.,~ ...... : .... : ..... ~ ..... : ~:.--.:: .. ";, .... ;.:.: ~'~''''.:-:':.-.-'~.,.....'''.- .... ~ ......-~ ... ~. ""~, ,
support for Jewish day schools in the United States. The unprecedented unity statement, issued by the Synagogue Council of America, was {;alled "a development of historical sig· nificance" by Rabbi Irving Lehr· man of Miami Beach. He is pres. .ident of the council which is the coordinating agency for national Jewish organizations. In the past, the Reform, Conservative and Orthodox branches of Judaism have differed sharply in their ilssessment of the day school movement, but now they have agreed that "few causes have contributed so largely and significantly as the Jewish day' school to the survival of the Jews as a distinctive religio· cultural entity in the challenging circumstances of American freedom." The statement calls on the Jewish community and particularly on Jewish federations aM welfare funds to increase sub· stantially their support of day schools. Despite increased allocations for some communities' schools, they added, federation and welfare support for Jewish day schools .remains by and large woefully inadequate,"
Puerto, Rico Women Aided' by Campaign BOSTON (NC - The fO~f' story row house at 10 Pembroke Street in Boston's South End looks no different from the dozens of others on the block. It is old and rundown and the tiny backyard is filled with trash, but when eight young women moved in, neighbors began to sense that something was changing. The women, as the neighbors soon learned, are three nuns and five Catholic, lay women who have come to blend into the neighborhood, to find out the needs of the Puerto Rico women, and work with them to meet these needs. Their project is being supported by a $7,000 grant from ,the bishops' 1970 Human Development campaign. A second an· nual (:ollection is planned for Nov. ~:1, 1971.
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famous for QUALITY and SERVICE I
,10 'THE ANCHOR-DioCese :~LFali
River-Thurs Nov. 18, '1971: .
AT REGINA PACIS: Drug abuse comes in for serious discussion' by from left Damon Borges, Robert B~ptista, Rev. William Petrie,' sS.ce, director of Regina Pads Center, New Bedford. Center, Si~ter' Elizabeth Anderson, D.L.V.M. aids area residents to solve problem;, right Miss
Church Pro~ides' Neutra I Ground . NOTRE DAME (NC) ~ The
"~*.! p~, .i# '
Barden conducts reading class for Jaime Gonzales and Rosa Sanchez. An after-school tutoring program is important. part of center's activity as well as the six-week educational, recreational and cultural summer project. .
'Something Beautiful for God' Is Possible Because of B.ishops.' Campa·ign
Says' Paraguayan Courts Failing
. ASUNCION (NC) ~ Paraguay. ans, need justice, not expensive In the South end of New Bed· son between landlord and tenant, such as the placement of an palaces built with their taxes, ford, at 610 S, First Street, there consumer .and merchant, police evicted family or the taking in, said Archbishop Ismael Rolon of as is presentl); being done, of Asuncion in opposing a rise in is "Something Beautiful for and community. Ap 'imp.ortant phase of the youths attempting to shake the' court costs. Gqd," the ReginaPaci~ Center, . located ina low .income area prognirrl is the "expanded school drug h~bif Aides to President Alfredo populated by members of many day," which offers tutorial aid ."The variety of .cases handled, Stroessner of Paragu'ay 'said new ethnic groups. to children haVing difficulty with the constant series of emergen- taxes on all court procedures Dr. Richard Gordon,' head of The center"s keyrlOtes are love schoolwork. In Summer children cies that articulate t'he needs of will be used to build a Palace of an urban training center in' Chi-, and .service, expressed through are offered a six-week educaJustice "worthy of the riation." cago, . also' told the 120 priests,' tne ~edicated and collective ef- tional, recreational' and cultural the poor all make the challenge . of Regina Pads 'Something' This is .only adding to the peoreligious and laymen at a recent '. forts of Rev: William Petrie,. program. Beautiful for God,' '; said Father ,pie's already heavy tax burden, CCUM' conference to' "think posi- SS.CC., director;" Brother NorThe chief 'objective of the cen- Petrie. the ,archbishop said; tively" in their efforts' to bring man Gonsalves, ·SS.CC., adminis- ter; says Father Petrie, "is to enArchbishop Rolon, who earlier He added' that the work of·the about reform in society. . trative assistant; Sister Rosellen, abh:i the people to recognize the center, i~ made possible through , had opposed other Stroessner acTheme of the three-day con- RS.M" expanded school day dignity, individuality and' infinite tions as violating human rights, ference . at the University of coordinator; Sister Elizabeth An- value .of every human life. All', Catholic Charities and the Bish- said that under Stroessner the Notre Dame campus was "Chris- ders,on, O,L.V.M.! social wor~er;. programs, projects, .assistance ops' Campaign for Human Devel- courts are failing to fulfill their opment. . tian commitment and the social and Mrs. Dorothy, Kallevik, ex- and .counseling are ,geared to basic functions. revolution:" -' ' " 'ecutive' ~ecretary 'al}d liaison for this ,goal, 'liimin,g .to ,encour:age "Rather than costly palaces -to '" . the Puerto Rican coinmunity area residents to advance them- ',' O pposes Transfers' . be paid for'by the people,what Feature~ wer~ ~alks by urban with the Mayor's office. . selves .and 'all city minority . experts, dISCUSSIons on the spe· " , 'To Ca.tholic Schools Paraguayans need is, justice in groups.." clalized problems of urban min. ~,r~ Areas the enforcement Of the laws,all Thunderous activity besieges The, center works in three inistry, and workshops in "com-, DETROIT. (NC) Catholic laws," he said. "They need courts munity organization...,.... uniting vital ~reas: spiritual, social and the'center daily, say its workers. schools i!1 the Detr()it archdio- that operate with honesty, speed residents of a given area on a educationaL "In practical terms, New crises arise continually, . cese will not become havens for and clarity. They need justice in specific issue. ' ,this means that Regina Pacis is segregationists, Cardinal John, the free exercise of their consti. . .. cO!1tinuallydealing .with prob· Scores Suppression Dearden said here after a federal '-tutional rights, as well as their . . P~rtJclpants. adoPhted aNre~olu-I' lems involving inadequate hous. ·Of Mag,az.·n.e IS$Ue .judge ruled that public schools natural rights," tlOn supportmg t e, atlOna I'ng ' 'unempl'oym en, t d'Iscnmma.. , . 'in the' Detroit metropolitan area Black Cler~ Caucus call for a tion, drugs, marital problems and ARLINGTON (NC)-The ed· are racially segregated. Negro archbIshop to replace Car- health Workers are often r·. itor of a Baptist teen-ager's magThe cardinal's order in effect dinal Patrick O'Boyle of predom.· alaI & azine quit his post after churc\1 bars parents' opposed to the in~ntly black Washington, D. C. officials suppressed an issue that court ruling from transferring The cardinal recently submitted Methodist Wome·n. contained a picture of a young their cliiIdren from public ,to his resignation to·the Vatican, Over 3S Years black man talking to two white Catholic schools. . but it has not yet been accepted. Oppose Amendment of Satisfied Service MINNEAPOLIS (NC) - The girls. Reg. Master Plumber 7023 A second resolution endorsed women's division 0 the United "In no way can' I personally In a memoracjum sent to Cathf JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. a National Council of Churches' Methodist Board of Missions or theologically align myself olic pastors and school principals 806 NO. MAIN $TREET . statement urging that a federal the in the archdiocese, Cardinal with this ce.nsorship," said voted to oppose the so-called 675-7497 Fall River grand jury reopen investigation ...................... "school-prayer amendment" here Rev: Frank Grayum, editor of Dearden directed "that all of the shooting of four' students the magazine Becoming. schools freeze their enrollments at their annual meeting. by Ohio Nationa( Guardsmen at " ,s The magazl'ne I'ssue was sup. insofar as accepting any students IVlSlOn reso Iut'lOn, Th e, d , ,Kent State University in. May ressed by the Southern Baptist from outside the parish. passed on beha If 0 f some 1.6 P the case of' application to the 1970. million Methodist women in Convention. An· article, entitled Dr. Lucius Walker, director of churches throughout the country, . "A Ministry of Reconciliation," school from people in the parthe Interreligious Foundation for declared that the proposed said "young people need to ap- ish, careful examination should Community Organization in New' p.rayer amendment would "seri- ·ply· Christ's teachings to . their be made of some parents' sud· York City called it a "serious ously jeopardise the traditional relationships with peopie of oth- den decision to enroll their child responsibility" to wed theology separation'of church and state." er' races." , . ina- Catholic schl;loI." 273 CENTRAL AVE. and community organization' in Such an amendment, the" The Virginia Baptist organizaFederal District Judge Stephen meaningful ways. women added would also "erodetion . backed Grayum and con-. Roth, ,who issued the Court nil992-6216 "New values are needed in the guarantees of' the first· deemed the suppression by. the ing, asked that Detroit public community institutions, and they amendment and cause substan- Southern Baptist.convention, the' school officials, submit to the NEW BEDFORD can come from new exposure to tial and necessary divisiveness in parent group of the Virginia 'or- court within 60 tol20 days plans . the religiou~community;': ,ganization,' to achieve ·school. integration. theologicatthinking," he said.. l!:::::='='':'.:'.:'':'.::'='::'::-'::'=-':!:!:'::-'::"::::"::::''::::.':::.'~v,,, v \-\ . Church can be the "great neutral ground" where many kinds of forces can gather to solve human problems, an urban expert told members of the Catholic Committee on' Urban .Ministry (CCUM) here. .
Montie Plumbing .Heating Co.
_THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fqll River-Thurs Nov. 18, 1971
DRUG COMMIITEE: Planning, season's' progrl;lm are Dr. Elizabeth Gleason, chairman, and Mrs" Constance Ikela" coordinator of Wareham Drug Committee. Center, high school students Barbara Landis, left and Stephen Knight, right, chat with Stephanie, Balboni, committee member, .
Church Has 'Task Of Motivating For Justice HARTFORD (NC) The Church's task. in the area' of world peace and justice is to educate governments and people, to inspire arid motivate them, said Arc;hbishop John F. Whealon of',Hartford,' "The Church's task would seem to be more in this direction than in dispensing material aid, though of course we must do that," he told the Catholic Transcript, archdiocesan newspaper. The archbishop was interviewed here after his return from Rome as an alternate member of the U.S. synod delegation. "The Church is not wealthv." Archbishop Whealon said. "And ,while Catholics' of the archdiocese re~ponded most ~enerously to the Campaign for Human Development last year, I think probably the biggest benefit of the campaign was the motivating of our people to understand the pli~ht of the poor and to sympathize with them and try to hp,1" the",. It was a sort of education of the heart." The archbishop said'he thought one of the most· important effects of the synod would be to renew the Church's determination to persuade governments to cut arms spending and turn their efforts to helping the world's poor. Noting that much has been said about the "identity crisis" of priests, Archbishop Whealon said the synod document on the priesthood "should tell us pretty clearly what the priest is to be and what he. is to do in the modern world." He said he expected the document to dispei some of the "negativism" and contention that has surrounded the priesthood in the recent past' and "enable us to roll up our sleeves and get on with ~he work of spreading the king(\om of God and forming the people In Christ.:' \ • ,1,1.',:. \
at open meeting. Right, adult advisors Albert Palmieri, Wareham High School athletic director; James Lanagan, Wareham High coach; Raymond D. Cardoza, town selectman. Selectmen organized drug committee two years ago to combat problem among youth and educate parents.
Diocesan Human Developm ent Campaign Aids Wareham Drug Committee Among agencies that have received grants from the Diocesan Human Development Campaign, working in cooperation with the U. S. Catholic Bishops' antipoverty program. is the Ware- . , ham Drug Committee. Selectmen of the Cape' Cod community formed th~ committee two years ago to educate citizens regarding the problem of drug abuse and to assist involved youngsters. Rev. Leonard M. Mullaney, priest-in-charge of St. Rita's Church, Marion, representing the 'Cathoiic .Church on the commit'tee, notes that "since its inception the organization has done 'everything· 'possible to inform. parents about drug abuse." ,The program has taken two forms, he said. Ma~y meetings have been held imd educational literature has been mailed to the homes ot all, Wareham parents. Last year the committee sponsored a series of seminars for parents at which speakers included a clergyman, a state police detective, directors of a drop-in center and the father of a former addict. This season meeting,> will take the form of small group gatherings to be held in various areas of Wareham for greater convenience of ~hose attending. Drop-In Center During the past Summer the committee sponsored a drop-in center in Onset,. open every evening and equipped to aid youths with a wide range of problems in addition to drug-related situations. For next Summer members are considering the use of a van which would visit beaches and parks. in order to distribute literature and offer youth the services of trained counselors. "We have' more of a drug problem in the Summer, when we experience an influx of seasonal residents," noted Father "
, •• \'J\"' • •
Mullaney. But he added that he felt the Cape situation was not so serious as that in many large cities. Since Spring the committee has sponsored a "Help" line, ,in service' s'evera'l nights a week at this' time and every evening during the Summer., By dialing a widely advertised, number, a teenager can speak to a trained volunteer who can give on-thespot c;ounseling or arrange for more extensive assistance where needed. And in recent weeks Drug Committee members' have been active in transporting teenagers to. Marathon House in Attleboro, where Saturday night.sessions are held at which ex-drug addicts speak on their experiences. "This gives Wareham area teenagers' a chance to speak on an informal basis with people. close to their own age who have used drugs and decided to try to break the habit," declared Father Mullaney. "Members' of the, committee,
including housewives, professional people, clergymen and high school students, are not naive enough to think that they know all there is to know about drug abuse, nor: .do they think they can solve all the problems that drug abuse causes. But they do their best," he concluded, "hoping that sorite parents will be better informed and some youngsters helped and grateful to the Human Development Campaign for the. assistance it has given them."
Hits South Africa Police Methods
DURBAN (NC)-The methods. of the South African security police are like those of the Gestapo and the Communist secret police, Archbishop Denis Hurley of Durban said. After talking to Col. F. Steenkamp, chief of' the security police in Durban, on behalf of five new detainees, Archbishop Hurley told a newsman he felt "imApprove P'CJn,ama's mense sadness that the sense of duty and dedication of men like Sovereignity Claim Col. Steenkamp had to be wastPANAMA CITY (NC) - Four- ed on the effort to· maintain an teen U. S. missionary priests impossible political system. here asked President Nixon to "Also that this same sense of accept Panama's claim to sov- duty' and dedication had to be ereignty over the Panama Canal associated with methods remiZone. niscent of the Gestapo and ComThe group said a 1903 treaty munist secret police and with giving the United States perpet- procedures within the police ual sovereignty over strips of force that have resulted in the territory on both sides of the death of so many political decanal is unfair to Panamanians. tainees." Archbishop Hurley, who has . In a letter to the President, the priests asked: How would Amer- repeatedly opposed South Afriicans feel if nation ex- ca's policy of apartheid or strict ercised control over the Missis- racial segregation, asked: "How sippi River miles on each side, long is it going to take the govflying its flag and running its ernment to see what an immoral own schools, police force, courts task they are imposing on their police force? Our sense of shame and post offices?" "This has been the ca'se'for .is now so profound that only Panamanians for the last 68 a full and open inquiry can expiate it." year," they adde~t. ,.,
Scolres Church's ~Male
GENEVA (NC)-Liturgicai and ecumenical movements "are somewhat bogged down because the Church's approach has been typically male," the head of the National Council of Catholic. Women said, here. Margaret Mealey, council executive director, told an international ecumenical women's group the "male" approach means making decisions through committees and "abstract theologizing." "The Church is not aware of the particular talents women have for what is most necessary today - creating community," Miss Mealey' said. Liturgy and ecumenism are both "basically communal, familial social events," she said. "Women should and need to be in the forefront." Speaking· at a recent meeting of the Womep's Ecumenical Liaison GrQup-a multi-faith organization first initiated in 1967 by the World Council of Churches and the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity-the council, director also described discrimination against American Women in education, government and industry. She noted some colleges limit the number of women students "or even' place entrance require. ments ata higher level than for men."
Calling In every society some men are born to rule, and some to advise. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
LEMIEUX ·ENGINEERING, INC. Mechanical Contractors Sales and Service . for Domestic ~ and Industrial ~ Oil Burners' 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE
995- "631
New Bedford
12, .
:The Parish Parade
,THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall· Ri,ver-:Thurs Nov. 18,,1971 ;'
Says U.S. Unit 'at Co~gres,s .
Publicity ganizations news items Anchor, P.
Formed 'Cohesi,ve.,G'roup ,
02722.' '.
(Third in a series of a :house~if~'s' eiperi~~ee" at;' the Vatican' a~ the only, mother in the: "American delegati()D to the International Catechetical, Congress in ~Rome, Sept. 71) , ' ",
chairmen of parish or· are asked to' submit for this column to The O. Box 7, fall River
OUR LADY' OF PERPETUAL HELP, NEW ~EDFORD' The annual pa'rish dance'will be held Wednesday night" Nov. 24 at Roseland Ballroom, Route 138, Taunton; with music, by _ Danny Ciemara a~d ,the Merrymakers Orchestra. In charge of arrangements are' AlfriedCioper, aided by Mrs. Helen Bpbrowiecka. Rev. Joseph Trawinski, OFM. Cdnv. 'is treasurer and Mrs. Stephanie Smith is handling publicity.
,Last .week 'I got sidetracked into some" comments on theuse:and misuse of the new Catechetical Directory. Three days.: before I left for Rome, the galleys of the English translation of the Directory arrived. Our ,American Qenter for ,Religious Education' \ had exercised: superhuman extremely fortumite' in 'number- ' effort, under the capable di- ing two bishops "~ho cQunted', themselves as equal parts of our. rection of Rev. William To~ group. Bishop McManus was a
The parish CCD chose, as theme for its first meeting of 'the year "VIe can progress only by uniting." Faculty, and advisory board members dscussed aims and ideals of the religious education pr.ogram and viewed a film, "The .Supper," then participated in a session at which , Sister Theresa' O'~eil, parish co- , ,ordinator, reported on results of small group discussions. The , meeting closed with celebration of the Eucharist.
OUR LADY OF !'\NGELS, FALL RIVER' W%j;m:;:;:;m::@:@W@~llKF~ great aid in' ~xplaining, Vatican . Thanksgiving Day Masses will politics and strategy. Without be.celebrated at 7 and 9 A.M. ST. KILIAN, him, I don't think our dei~gation and at 4 P.M. NEW BEDFORD' would have had the impact it, , ELECTED: Rev: Nicholas A pre-Advent malasada supper By The parish will hold an old-' did. ',Gorman, S.A.C., 41 years fashioned turkey whist at 8 'Sat- and dance will be held at the DOLORES ·.watch ~im old, a graduate of the Gre- urday night Nov. 20 in the school parish hall on Saturday night, Nov. 20. Supper will be served ~ishop Lucker is probably the gorian University in' Rome basement on Earle Street. Ten from 6 to 8 and dancing will folCURRAN turkeys will be awarded and a foremost proponent among the 'anq former vicar ,p~ovincial low until 11. door prize will consist of a comheirarchy on the need for family- of the irish Province, has The Council of Catholic Women plete turkey dinner., ' ' centered religious education. He been' elected superior genand the Holy ~osary Sodality . , possesses a, good deal of vision' ST.- PATRICK, will cosponsor a malasada' sale .htmm.:~$.mr$;~'1'1r:mw . . . on family problems and realities " eral of the Pallottine ,Fathers FALL RIVER in the haH beginning at 2 Saturbin' to translate this important frequently missing from'the celi- and Brothers. The two AmerA spaghetti supper sponsored day; afternoon, Dec. 4. dodument in time for us to study bate ranks, Watch him, parents. ican provinces' of the' order by the parochial school board of it. The yard·long galley sheets I don't want to put him on the' are Baltimore and Milwau- education will be' held at 6 Sat- ST. GEORGE, contained so much material that spot but I have a feeling that 'kee ' urday 'night, Nov. 20 at the ~STPORT I spent several hour.s 'between sOJ1lething, good w,ill ',becoming, 'A public whist will be held at : schOOl cafeteria on Slade Street. packing lists' and back-to-school out of Minneapolis for today's 8 on Saturday night, in the A penny sale will be held in the nights studying it witl,J. an eye families. ' auditorium immedJately follow~ school hall on Rte.. 177 in Westtoward the two-day discussion , port. Refreshments will be We discovered later in the ing the supper. our American delegation ~was to week that' some of 'the other served and door prizes awarded 'have ~n' it 'in Rome prior' to the delegations were simply taken , ' , ST. JOSEPH, in addition to the regular Whist NEW ROCHELLE (NC) opening of the Congress. prizes. ' over and dictated to by their ,Mother Judith Mietzelfeld, a ATTLEBORO By the time you read this, the bishops. Not once did "I :have the , The turkey whist and car rafOUR LADY- OF FATIMA, ,final edition in English should feeling this was so in our group, graduate of tpe College of New fie will be held at 8 o'dock on , NEW BEDFORD. ' Rochelle and a 'former faculty _Saturday night, Nov. 20 in be available through ,the USCC although I disagreed with both The Women's Guild will hold ~upechurch haH. ' , ,member, has been elected pubiications Office 1312 Massa- bishops at times. One of the prea Kitchen Goodie sale in the p~r rior general of the Ursulines of Th b t' d f . I chusetts Ave., N.W., Washing- vailing attitudes of our group the Roman Union. She' is the' ree, ~y scou s ~n lYe glr ish hall following all Masses' ton, D. C. 20005).· Unfortunately, was that disagreement 'was wel- . f t' A . t h Id th' . , scouts . wdl receIve Catholic', IS pOSI- :' Scouting Awards on, Sunday in Saturday evening and Sun9-ay many of the d~legates from other comed with,out ~ndangering per-, t~rs qlencan 0 0 morning" 'Nov. 20' and 2'1.: ~y' . . New Bedford. , " , , , IOn. countries weren't able to get the sonal frien'dships. one wishing to donate hQme' Born in Brooklyn, she has After the Mass we broke tradocument translated before the baked ,items may bring contrib.u-' ST. RITA, graduate degrees from Fordham Congress so ,that if they couldn't dition by eating breakfast in the tions, to. hall after 2 Saturd~y read Latin, they were left out of formerly priest-only dining room.:, University and Providence Col- MARION afternoon or. before any Mass on lege. ' the discussions,on it. It was'one It didn't seem- to destroy any The women of the parish will Sunday. . ' She went to Austria iri 1956 to sponsor a club party luncheon at of the real pities of the Congress one's appetite and we ended up that th.'e document came out al- eating ,there most mornings .teach English in an Ursuline the parish center at noon on after Mass, a good deal of Con- , school in Salzburg. Eventually Thursday, Dec. 2 with the main Committee'Rejects most simultaneously with it. I don't think it was planned that gress business being conducted receiving a permanent transfer course being Beef Stroganoff. to Austria, she become provin- Games will be played and prizes Ward P'roposal way, but it happened. We did over the breakfast table. ROME (NC) - , A proposed awarded. ' not travel to Rome as a team beAfter breakfast, 'we began our cial of the Austrian province. . Tickets will not be sold at the' synod proclamation to the world cause some, of the members were first day-long meeting with inThe Ursuline Order was foundgoing earlier, some· stllying on troductions. Although our offi- , ed in the 16th century. In 1900 door and so all wishing to attend that would have encouraged rein Rome, and all coming from cial delegation numbered 15 ,a number of independent con- are asked to contact Mrs. Mary sponsible parenthood in the different .parts of the country. It (that is.. our National ',Center was , vents joined to form the Roman Mead, Bayberry' Lane, Marion, midst of a population explosion ' ,has been "killed in committee," • wasn't until later that Bishop picking up our expenses), there 'Union of Ursulines with head-, ticket chairman. mainly' because 'it _raised the William McManus from Chicago were eight others whose reli- . quarters in Rome. This group spectre of birth control, accordand I discovered we were on the gious orders, publishers or dio- has convents in North and South IMMACULATE ~ONCEPTION, ing to an informed source. same plane going over but since ceses sent them. They were in-, America; Europe, Asia, Africa NEW BEDFORD we didn't know each other then, vited to become part of the offi- and Australia. The Holy Name Society will The proclamation was a fourwe couldn't' search for each cial group and from that time 011, sponsor a Cacoula Supper and page synthesis of the world's other.' D!lnce in the school hall on Sat- major problems drawn up by" we numbered around 25' as a Defines lFirst Role urday night, Nov. 27. Donations British economist Lady Jackson voting delegation. Get Rested are $2.50 for adults and $1.50 for (Barbara Ward) at the prompting Later on in the week, 'we dis-, ,Of Mass Media We h,'ad been instructed by the cover'ed sma II groups 0 f Amer- ',HONG KONG (NC)-The mass children. of an Ellglish-language synod National Center to arrive early Ican . ' a'I so mVI . 't'ed media should be the advocates of Supper will be served from 6 group under Cardinal John Dearnuns wh om we ' 'th enough to get rested because the to part'c' us ',10 our Ia t e the masses and the servants of to 8 and Jose Vieira's Orchestra den of Detroit. I Ipa t e WI first two days were going to be nl'ght strategy mee t'mgs.'Many their ,development; a Filipino will 'provide music, for dancing One justice expert who is inlong and intense as our Amer- of them' did, . and' in spite of labor leader told a meeting of scheduled from 8 to midnight. ,,' volved with a committee preparican group worked its way I'deolog'c . we Christian mass media representaTickets are av:ailable from any ing the official synod document I a I d'ff' I erences agam, thro,ugh the Directory. Believe had a'sense of cohesion and pur- . dves here.' ' , member of the society 'or may be on justice said the proclamati<;m me, 'they were. pose which was lacking from " '. , obtained by contacting the pres-' draft was killed primadly beMy first introduction to the many delegations. ' The first role of mass media, iqent, Mr. Eugenio, da Camara cause it mentioned responsible group came after Mass on Sunsaid Dr.' Jeremia U. Montemayor parenthood. day morning at the graduate One 'group, included theolo-; of Quezon City, pre!!ident of the at 997-4349. house, Casa Maria, of the North gians from Catholic University, 'Federation of Peasants and American College in,' ROlJle Providen.ce, ~an ~r~nci,sco' 'and ,Farmers" an,' agricultural ,workELECTRICAL where our ,American males 'were ' Mundelem. In a?dltl.on, we ha~ ',ers' union, "'is to help in'the re~' Contractors people' from our NatIonal Center ',formation o,f "socI"al-eco'nomicd d' ff' stayi,ng and wherE: our'm~etings topk. place. Four nuns' and I an IOcesan ~ Ices' p~us sCa,t-" 'political' structure a,nd in the ~~ stayed at a pensione around the tered people I 11 mentIOn next promotion of mass organiza-. , corner'~,overlooking Trevi Foun- week. tions. tain but we had little time to , "I do not mean that mass methrill to it. The Mass was simDecision dia 'people as such 'should bepie: but profound, conceiebrated When you determine what you come labor leaders, politicians or by 12 of our delegation, chief want, you have made the most businessmen. I mean that they celebrant being-Bishop Raymond imporfant decision of your life. should put themselves in the serLucker, a bishop of only' two You have to know what you vice of good social reform moveThe FaBmouth National Bank 944 County St. FALMOUTH. MASS, ~_ weeks. want in order to' attain it. ments,good politics and good 'BY~he VlllaR~ ~reen ~i~ce.l~21 •• ' • New B~~.fC?,rd :.;,' ..... ,~, ,,' o~. ~.... ~_"",,~N:4""':"';.H~H.,;H""...l '~r,~i~~;~.~i?~ .. ~r~~lh'I),X1-1. .:~~,~e, \,' (,"; <1 ,y ~~.. ,y ~;" <l ~ I~ :;1' ,,~~~rf~,~ :" ec~n,Q~~c[Pr.9gr,aws/~ 1,-: ~'!f;J', ,:'", .... TJ.. l.. ... ,. I .... .... - . . . . " .
Heads'" Ursulines ,Of ,R,oman Un'ion
,t ...
A , .. ~· . . . . . .
. '
• • •'
Says' Sociai Action Groups 'Chanceryitis' Victims
,THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs I/'llov. ~ 8, 1971
Help break the hellish"'Circle of Pc)verty"
He's been a leader in Catholic social action for years. He's written frequently on ~he subject. He was a founder of the National Catholic Social Action Conference. When it comes to Catholic social action, Ed Marciniak is a pro. So. when Ed says, as he did It is perhaps in this framing in a recent AMERICA artiof the question that Marciniak 'ele, that Catholic social ac- exposes his dilemma and that of tion is dead, you have to sit . the institutional Church as it up and listen.
attempts to engage meaningfUlly in Catholic social action. To pose the question in such terms is to suggest a vision of the Church that is blurred by a bit By of romanticism. Consider a Catholic social action movement JAMES R. "roomy enoughr, to include such publicly identifiable Catholics as JENNINGS a William F. Buckley, Jr. and a Dorothy Day; or, to shift to clerical ranks, a Daniel Lyons and a Daniel Berrigan. Noting the death in recent The question is not whether years of a number of once flourthese Catholics of widely divergishing national Catholic social ing viewpoints could worship toorganizations, Marciniak lists gether (although that, may be tlie National Conference of questionable in itself), but rather, Christian Employers and Manwhether they could work toMalnut;i.fion • Poor Shelter • Lack of 'Education agers, the Association of Cathgether in Marciniak's terms, to olic Trade Unionists, the Young U~e""p/~ytjlent • Sickness • Lack 'of Opportunity "steer the attention of the entire Christian Students and the CathChurch-and the nation-to a olic Association for International national problem of concern." ... 'For God's Sake Support the Campaign: for Human Development Peace. He suggests that one of To expect such a development the causes of this situation is that, since Vatican II,Catholic is to lapse into a nostalgic social action has become the vic- . reverie about the good ,old'days of the monolithic Church. If the tim of chanceryitis. During the 1940's and 50's, the old Catholic social action movemore active social grou~s oper- ments died because they failed to J ' ated at a' comfortable distance be this "roomy," then, perhaps "It's contrary to basic animal NORFOLK (NC)-"Abortion on sible in, cases where t~e mothfrom chancery offices. In this we should say ~'good riddan~e." demand, is the greatest con er's life is in danger, in preg- behavior to kill the unborn," he way, bishops could enjoy the Catholic Pluralism : game that has come to this gen- nancies caused by rape or in: said. "No animal does this exbest of both. worlds, and the For social actionists to strive eration," a physician told a cest, and where it is certain the cept ,civilized man and rodents, groups could function with a fair degree of freedom. If a group for some euphoric union of the group of coll~ge students here child will be be born monstrous- and it can be considered abnor- \ ly deformed. But he added that mal OJ' schizophrenic when rogenerated popular accl!iim ·for' Catholic' Knights 'of "Cohimbus' in Virginia.' ' Dr. William Reingold made the it is almost impossible to deter- dents do it." rooting out some social injustice, and the Catholic Left is to divert the local bishop could easily energies that could otherwise be charge in a talk ending a three- mine to what extent a child 'will He said people working in share in the glory. But if the ac- used to attack the injustices af- day anti-abortion information be deformed, hospitals and, abortion referral Dr. Reingold characterized agencies act as if they are doprogram sponsored at Old Dotion got controversial, he could flicting the human family. abortion on demand as a re- ing a great social service to help the Newminion University by conveniently dis-as~ociate himRather than hoping for an self, noting that the group was American melting pot in which man Association, Catholic stu- version to infantile behavior on women have abortions. the part of people for their own not "officially" Catholic. divergent colorations of Catholic dent group. As competition in performing Tomorrow's Christian ' He said that some old laws seIfgratification. views are bleached' white and abortions increases, he said, hosCorners" Cut Today, however, as Marcinialt neutral, it is perhaps precisely in prohibiting abortion are not perpitals and doctors cut corners to , documents the scene, social ac- the emergen'ce into public view fect, but that the liberalized laws He said women have come to tion has become an officalpart of distinctly different expres- allowing abortions on demand him for abortions because they keep down costs, at, the risk of the woman's health. of the Church's bureaucracy. sions of Catholic pluralism that are far worse. are planning vacations, or makThere are almost 1,000 persons Catholic social action can revive "There's a very real danger "I'm speaking 'from my own' ing additions to their homes, or working fUll-time on the dioc- and make its contribution. that girls may become sterile, experience," he said, "I'm talk- are in a fina~cial pinch. esan and national levels in' offiHe said such women are al- depre8sed, or sick,'" he said. "It The Second Vatican Council. ing about women who come to cially Catholic social action of- not only accepted the presence- see me." most always well able to afford is not a trivial matter to have a fices. Dr. Reingold said it is. his own having a child but don't want pregnancy terminated, even in even the frequency-of differing Despite this evidence of ap- opinions among Christians, but view that abortions are permis- to be inconvenienced. early stages." parent vitalitv, Marciniak con- clearly stated the legitimacy of cludes that Catholic social ac- such disagreements. In his recent tion is dead. He asks: "Where is Apostolic Letter, "A Call to Aca mobilization, a movement, that tion," Pope Paul attempts to put WASHINGTON (NC)-Defeat God, and I call on this House is both national and local, to rest the lingering notion of of a proposed amendment to to affirm it." whole-heartedly ecumenical, and some Catholics that the Vatican permit voluntary prayer in put?Offering support for the conroomy enough not only for con- will deliver some new interna- lic schools was considered a troversial proposal, opposed by servatives and liberals, but espe- tional Catholic plan for social blow against Godby Rep. John more than 38 religious denomicially, roomy enough for those action. Because of the diversity Buchanan, a Baptist minister, . nations and groups, Rep. Samuel radicals and innovating elites of the pressing social problems but not by Rep. Robert F: Dri- L. Devine (R-Ohio) ()bserved: who have begun fashioning a in the world, the Pope admitted , nan, a Jesuit priest. "The courts say you can read style for tomorrow's Christian?" that "it is difficult for (him) to dirty books, but can't pray in In a stormy House session the utter a unified message and to two clergymen were' pitted schooL" Apathy Big P'roblem put forward a solution which has against eac/1 other on the quesuniversal validity." . ton of prayer in schoois and or ew ouncil It seems that he is calling not othe'r public buildings. RepresenST. PAUL. (NC)-Apathy is only for diversity, but even for tatives voted 240-162 to overone of the biggest problems fac- controversy, when he asks that turn the Supreme' Court's antiing a new pastoral council 'being Christians "have the courage to " prayer rulings of 1962 and 1963. formed here, Auxiliary Bishop undertake a revision" of relation- But the tally was 28 votes short ROUTE 6-between Fall River and New Bedford John R. Roach told an adult ed- ships in such fundamental and of 'the necessary two-thirds ucation group. potentially explosive areas as the majority for 'approval of a conOne of Southern New England's Finest Facilities. He said that several years ago control of multi-national corpor- stitutional amendment. the idea of such a council was ations and their profits,' and legwell received, but since then en- islation affecting women's rights. Rep. Drinan (D-Mass.) opNow Available for thusiasm has waned. . The monolith is dead; what is posed the measure on the i "We have to give it a charice," not so evident is the viability of grounds that it would create "an i the bishop said. The council, those Christians courageous ersatz religion" dictated by govscheduled to begin meeting next enough to challenge the serious ernment. Buchanan (R-Ala.) faFOR DETAILS CALL MANAGER-636-2744 or 999-6984 ~anua~, will have 32' members injustices which plague men vored it, saying: "This nation In~!1:1.~J~i.,.~O'" ~~e~~~sIJa.-.j~:J ~,'.9 0 ,,"': th~~J1.8?~ut VIe, )V,orl<l~ ,' ...:..__ ;~. __ , was fO\~nded as" a· nation' 'under '
on Demand
Doctor Sees Reversion to Infantile Behavior
Clergy Divided On Amendment
h*nd 1tendrtes
'. THE ANCHOR~Diocese of Feill River.....rhurs; , -. ". Nov: ,18;, 197~r. . '
: ...... ·'4
':. \ " Is 'Gross Evil ,
But J.oe Can't Stop
' B y Joseph and Marilyn Roderick'
With the first blast of cold weather not two days behind me, I find' myself already in possession of '. the 'first cold of the winter. Now, I know everyone gets colds, but I always manage to get those which linger for months. I have no one'but myself to ... blame for these, not because When we were adding a large , h room to the back of our house I get chills, don't wear t e, our architect recommended that clothes, etc., but be- we open up ,our kitchen so that cause I am a heavy' smoker, I an adjoining family room could am convinced that the main rea- be incorporated into it, As the son 'I get every respiratory ail- main room progresssed we realment in the book is because I . izecf that such a venture at ,that have always got 'a pipe or cig- time would be,~oo costly, but arette' in my mouth. Smoking is: while I don't regret our decision the bane of my existence. not to expand:the kitchen at that And let the cigarette smoker time, I do keep ,those plans in .who switched to the pipe not de- the back, of my mind. ceive himself, smoking is smok- ""; TooCo~~y . ing, and it makes little difference 'if the- smoke emanates from a, And I still cut out plans of big bowl' or a thin tub'e oJ paper, it family kitchens, complete with enters the lungs. 'w~akens the' huge beams, warming ovens and throat tissues and irritates' the all the trappings' that make up nasa,l ,passages,,' so that' at the' ,a re'al New,England kitchen. ' , first 'sign o'f a cold virus, they all ' Pre-central heating made these 'react like· fertile ground in the rooms the, center of the home , presence' of ,a seed.' as all the family spent their , Can~t Stop " . evenings around the kitchen fire" place 'to' keep :warm;,' but, they Granted . cigarettes 'are the lost their charm when kitchens worst -poison 'available to the' were r~legated to the rear of the JOINT ENCOURAGEMENT: Bishop John J. Russell of the Roman Catholic Diocese smoker, but no smoking is good. house and live-in cooks became 'of' Richmond, right,' and Bishop William R. Cannon of the Virginia United Methodist ConAnd it is a difficult habit to the thing. ference Joined o.n the steps of the:'Catholic C.athedral of the Sacred Heart, Richmond to overcome. I find' that I have all Now the popularity of both f h S ,. d sorts of self-control when it creative cooking and family urge members of their' faiths to support respective und drives on t e same un ay, comes to dieting, fasting, pain' kitchens has returned and I Nov. 21. On Sunday, the Methodists are conducting a' United Methodist Fund Appeal and other bodily ailments, but,' can't think of anything nicer to while the Catholics will appeal for the Campaign for Human Development. NC Photo. smoking isa habit, I ,have the happen to a house that you love. ' ,greatest-difficulty iq.overcoming. I ,have a dreadful habit ot try, lJiis is' why it 'pains me' so ing out a' new" recipe' on ' guests ,much' to see young boys and '(frequently ~ith strange results) girls walking down the street and the following pie recipe was with cigarettes in their hands. no' exception. I did try it ma,ny .: . They are exhibiting the lemming years ago when I first got mar- , ,'SAN ANTONIQ(NC)-Don't Bishop Swanstrom said it is to get' the message' across to the instinct, like the lemmings com- ried but' it ,wasn't until the other, sell the American' Catholic short 'important to 'get the idea:. of people that without money there mitting suicide-in a pre-arranged evening that I unearthed, it again when it comes to extending a Christian stewardship a,cross to ' is little that can be' accomplished instinctive march toward even- and gave some company a, .sam- hand to the poor and the~ needy,' both the clergy and laity. "It is in emergency relief yvork. said the director of Catholic.Re" cl,ear to me that the absence of tual illness and, in some cases, pling.Luckily they enjoyed it. . He said he' finds it especially d e a t h . " " , In fact"J,ason was so ,ups~t lief Service's, overseas aid agency Christian stewardship 'in the disheartening to hear' that 'hearts of many ultimately leads But I should talk. Here am I 'that there wasn't, any for him,to ,of- U. S. Catholics. priests, especially the younger at this: writing sitting 'at my try th7 nex~ Illorning that aft~r ' in an address to the National' 'to an absence of funds to carry ones, do not want to ask parishtypewriter br~athing with diffi· school I'wh!pped up another one, Catholic Stewardship ,Council's 'out,' what is necessary at all , ioners for money. culty, nose dripping,.but with for my family. It's that easy. ' , conference here, Bishop Edward levels," se haid. "Take anything we, are doing, my tr~sty pipe clenched between Angel Pecan, Pie E. Swanstrom sad, "I am con"I realize that' there are still my teeth. Not even in :desperate vinced we are doing an injustice many individuals in parishes in education, in charity and destraits, can I give up the habit. 3 egg .,whites to ~our people." , U who object to professional velopment, in the care of the .1 cup" plus 2 ,,'!'ablespoons The Christian Stewardslifp fund raisers or to spending 'poor and the sick-you just can So another Winter is ,here and I will spend it reachUlg for tis- sugar',,' , Council is a professional fund ,money in order to,raise!'," not do 'it if you don't have the money," he said. sues, handkerchiefs, cough drops, 2 t~aspoons vanilla' raising organization which offers Need Professionals nasal spray and' all the other ·1 cup crisp round RitZ crack- its services to various'levels of' remedies which ,could beelim- er crum~s ' But Cit should be understood, inated by not lighting my ,pipe. 1 Y2 -cups chopped pecans the U. S. Cathqlic Church. 'Bishop' Swanstrom said; "that , , I cup he,avy cream, American Catholics will 're- just as we have to use profesIn the -Kitchert lA '!e~spoo!1 almond flavoring , spond with donations even when sional ,builders, electricians and I) th~ e'gg, whites until they are not asked, said Bishop plumbers in the erection and Whiie I certainly don't welcome the first blustery, winds of foamy. Add 1 cup sugar, a little Swanstrom who cited the Pakis- care of our pa,rishes and instituComplete Line pre-Wipter, I must?dmit the ata tim~, beating after 'eachao- t~ni refugee crisis as an exam- tions ... we also have to use proBuilding Materials 'fessionally trained people in our cold outside' makes, our cozy dition. Add 1 teaspoon of vanilla. pie. Continue beating until I!1ixturE:,' '" The plight of the Pakistani fund raising activities." kitchens all the more jnviting. 118 ALDEN RD. FAIRHAVEN refugees in India has touched the The bishop sai,d that ultimateholds softpeaks. ' While the sun is shining 993-2611" 2) MiX cracker crumbs and'l 'hearts of, ,aimost everyone, in ly it is the parish priest who has .............. brightly the temptation to leave cup pecans, Fold intomeririgue' America, he said. "It is true that our kitchen and enjoy its mixture,S little at a time.' Spoon ,there have been a number of , warmth, is t,oo enticing; and we mixture into peaks' around edge diocesan appeals, but every day 1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~111111 find ourself relegating our cookof plate v.:ith th~ ba~k -of, a," we receive 'letters from priests' ing chores to those 'quick and spoon. Spread evenly and bake, ,;md people. from all over ,the easy-to-fix dishes. "Oh" it's too in a moderate oven (350°) for' country offering' 'special gifts to NATIONn BANK hot to cook," "No one cares for 30 miilUtes. Cool thoroughly on'" help in the situation." anything but salads in' this a'wire cake rack. of JmRJI§T@IL<C~ID~'E1Y '.', ' , weather," and other such ex3) Mix cream, 2 Tablespoons ' cuses fill our conversation and sugar, 1 ,;teaspoon 'vanilla ,and .!JCJ)$* lbe~<OIIl.!J$e a' b~lnl~ ,@nell'S )f@CJ) while we ,still feel a bit guilty, at almond" flavoring. Wh'ip until " ~ SaVOlJ'il~$ ,A~~@\VJllilfr ~@ ~®~o~®~li'@liD 0 taking shortcuts the sunny thick and shiny. . r' .',' , ' weather woos us outside. ~@esll'il/t mSlOllJ'il o*~~fl'il' @ffer ,)f@CJ) 4) Spoon into cold pie ·shelL llun~o Well, no one who has ever ,Sprinkle, ' re,maining .Y2' cup ~ tl:lhe<i:~Ofl'il~' ~ll::©@CJ)fl'ilfr ' o '~O@rcl[fiJ$e£l$ experienced a New England Win- chopped pecans' round .edge ,of ter will disagree whim we state cream, (~~rve with"str~w,berries) . 94 1i"RIEMONY SlI'lltlElE'ii' ~OJ]o(t W~ that once Jack Frost' nips int<? , : Nex('time, F~ ,going, :~,!, omit ...; . iAUNYO"N,-MASS.. · town the favorite spot for all the the cream and put in a lemon NORna A'ii'nlE8tORo (2) MANS¢lfE~ri (2)' A'ii'Yl\.ffi~dRO I?AU~ Yel. 822-062~ family is the kitchen. filling instead.
Profess'ional", Fund "Raising :Is -Necessa'ry. Bishop Swanstrom Lauds American' Catholics
'Rosary Priest' Plans Campaign For Prayer LONDON (NC) - Father Patrick Peyton, the famed "Rosary Priest," said here that he is planning another 10-year campaign to save what he calls "AmeriCa's disintegrating families." "Psychologists and psychiatrists say it is because of 'inability to communicate' and the 'generation gap,' but in plain English the reason for this disintegration is spiritual bankruptcy," he said. "God has been shut out." The American Holy Cross priest said he is convinced that the enthusiasm of the 50's and 60's that took him around the world collecting millions of Ros-, ary pledges still exists in the 70's. Father Peyton stopped here for two days after talking with American and other bishops at the synod. He then flew on to Mexico. "A prayer campaign is what people are looking for," he said. FamUy Rosary The priest, gray-haired but still full of energy at 62, spoke with all the old fire that 19 years ago packed London's giant Wembley Stadium, drew another 100,000 to hear' him in Hyde Park, and attracted similar crowds of non-Catholics as well as Catholics throughout this country. His catch phrase, "the family that prays together stays 'together," is still remembered and often quoted. He recalled that next Jan. 30, wherihe"plans to start( his"new ' Rosary campaign is the 30th anniversary of the day when as a young priest he resolved to spend his whole life working for the restoration of the pra~tice of the Family Rosary.
Fall River Native' Named Fi'rst Archivist', Of Dioc~se,QjProvidence- -, The Diocese of Providence has opened an Office of Diocesan Archives and has appointed Joseph A. Cichon, Jr., a Fall River native, now a resident of West Warwick, as diocesan archivist. The archives will, serve a dual function. First, they will provide a central records management system to assist the diocese, its offices, agencies and parishes in daily' administrative functions. Now nearly 100 years old, the diocese did not have a central records bank until formation of this office. The project is of particUlar interest in Fall River, which formed part of the Providence diocese until it was established as a separate see in 1904. Secondly, the archives will collect and maintain historical data for the study of church history and immigration in the Southern New England area. At the present time, several histories of the diocese are being prepared for its 1972 centennial year. The office will provide a research center for historians and students interested in studyi~g history of the church.
Gets, New Name LAFAYETTE (N C)' - The Southwesl Louisiana Register, Lafayette diocesan newspaper, will be renamed The Morning Star in January, 1972, when the paper's printing operations are moved to a plant within the diocese. Msgr. Richard Mouton, the paper's editor, said rising costs in postage and printing made the rn~v~ ,neCe,s~ary." He _ad4~d .th;it the paper has 'never been: printed' within its own diocese before.
At the present time, the office is conducting a records search in Diocesan agencies, offices and parishes and hopes to relieve these units from the necessity of maintaining their own records. It is asking pastors, for example, to forward old records to its office for' deposit. Mr. Cichon expects to visit all parishes and diocesan units within the next 12 months as part of his search efforts, which will eventually encompass all clubs, committees and organizations at both the parish and diocesan levels. Classification of Records
. THE AN,CHORThurs.> NoV':. 18; '1971'
...~.15 Williams Lauds Chairman Mao
WASHINGTON (NC) - The way Hosea L.' Williams sees it, what is', good for the people of Communist China should be good for curing what ails the black civil rights movement in America. Seeming at times ecstatic about his recEmt visit to Red China, the former aide to the late Dr. Martin Luther King had nothing but the highest praise for the way the Chinese treated him during his visit. Williams, program director of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, spoke to a group Donors of records will have of about 50 students at the Amerthe right to classify material ac- ican University's school of intercording to the following cate- national studies here. JOSEPH A. CICHON, JR. gories: sealed, such material Repeating what he said in would be unavailable, even. for Hong Kong at the end of his Mr. Cichon, 23, received the processing, for a specified num- China tour,WilIiams praised A.B. degree in history education ber of, years; closed, category Chinese Communist Party Chairfrom Providence College in 1970. would be processed, but could be ' man Mao Tse Tung as "the greatThe following year, he was examined only by scholars who est revolutionary who ever awarded a master's degree in have written permission of the lived." history by PC. He served as a donor or office of origin; restrictIlJlack Opportunists graduate research assistant while ed, this category would be availworking for his master's. able for research, but users Sporting a closely cropped would be required to obtain perSt. Stmdslaus mission of donor before citing beard and wearing a tailored Mr. Cichon attended St. Stan- or quoting in publication; opened, blue denim jacket and pants, Wil- ' islaus parochial school, Fall access to such records would be Iiams said his trip to Communis"t River, and Monsignor' Coyle controlled only by physical con- China made him realize more High School, Taunton. His par- dition of the records and by clearly than ever some shortcomings within the black .civil ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.. "scholarly courtesy." In a letter to all of its units, rights movement in America. Cichon, live at 234 Center Street, He said the Chinese people Fall River, and are members of the diocese is asking all pastors St. Stanislaus parish. and office heads to become themse:lves deal harshly with The new archivist is married "records-conscious" and to con- any public officials who betrays to the former Pauline Doucette sult the archivist "before any them. "It's off with their heads," of West Warwick. They live at material is deemed expendable," said Williams, who quickly qual26 Leaf Street, in that town. He The archives offices has been ified his remark by saying he is a Second Lieutenant in the established on the second floor wouldn't expect punishment quite Rhode 'Island Army' National of the Diocesan Office Building, so severe for black "Uncle Toms" Guard. Cathedral Square, Providence. who betray their fellow blacks.
,r-----------attention I
I '.'"
Prayer ,NegleCted
!thanl(ful people
He said 'that, the ~philosophy behind his crusade is twofold: concentrating on prayer and on 'said ,he feels the family. strongly that too' many pe6pie, including priests; have been 'neglectingprayer.' ,', "Those priests' who have done this have either kicked' in the'" priesthood '.or . returned to prayer," he said.. ' was , Accompanying, ,him Father Ftancis La~~in, ,who promotes the enthronement of the Sacred Heart in 'the' home: Father Larkin, one' of the', Sacred Heart Fathers' 'of' Jesus and Mary, has beenspreadirig this devotion for ~5 years; Both said they saw signs of an increasing groundswell of opin- , ion throughout the Church that recognizes that prayer, particularly private prayer, has been increasingly neglected in recent years.
"I I, I I I
In gratitude for my many blessings, I ~ish to share this month of Thanksgiving with the world's poor and ~he missionaries serving them. Enclosed is my special sacrifice for the missions.
~--------------------------------~ Salvation and Service are the work of I
Fishermen Leaving
HONG' KONG (NC) -Lures ranging from educational opportunities to indoor plumbing are enticing Hong Kong's fishermen' to become landlubbers. Some of them are settling at a new fishermen's village organized by Hong Kong Catholic charities at Saikung in the New Territories, the section of this British colony that is on the Chinese mainland.
The Soelety for the Propagation of the Faith' Send your gift to: The Rev. Monsignor Edward T. O'Meara National Director Dept. "C, 366 Fifth A venue New York, New York 10001 ,I,
The Rev. Monsignor Raymond T'. Considine Diocesan Director 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720
THE ANCHOR-Diocese ,of ,Fall River-Thurs Nov. 18~ ;971 '
Living .the· Law . of 'the
"Help carry one anotlter:s bur- ings, it has the limitations of a , dens, and in, this way you will mere s~mary. , To find the "law of' Christ" fulfill the law of Christ" (Gala- ' spelled out in, some detail, we " tions 6, ~): , This text is the only one in the have to turn to the long teaching New Te!!tament which explicitly sections of LUke:s gospel (espenames' "the law of Christ." Even cially chapters 6 through 18) and here' the content of that law is to the teaching sections of Matnot spelled' out ,for us. W,e are thew's gospel, especially the told only that helping carry one great sermons: 'Chapters 5 t6 7; another's burdens will fulfill it. chapter 10, chapter 13, chapter This sounds like one of those 18, chapters 23 through 25. If we do so, we find that ,Matthew likes to, present Jesus' teachings as if they were a "new law," ',while Luke tries to stay By away frQm this notion. Matthew's position gradually' becomes the more popular in the FR. QUENTIN' church. We all remember how he 9UESNJ:L~, S.J. closes his gospel with Jesus', charge to "make disciples of all nations. teaching them to observe all that I have commanded one-sentence summaries of Christian morality which were you" (Matthew 28,19f.) , Meaning of the Cross ' popular in New Testament times. Matthew's wor,d for wicked For instance: "Whatever you people is "lawless ones" (ano-' want, ,others to do to, you, do ,He ,draws a direct parallel moi). first to them: This is the Law and the Prophets"(Matthew between Jesus' teaching and the 7,12); "All 'commandments are commandments of. God from the summed up in this saying: You Old Law in his Sermon' on the shall love your neighbor 'as your- Mount. Fo'r instance: "You have self: ... Love is the fulfillment, heard, 'do not commit adultery of ,the, Law" (Romans 13,9f.); ... But I tell you ..." (5.27ff.); "the whole Law is fulfilled by "You have heard. do not swear the observance of the one pre- falsely ... ~ut I tell you ..." cept::yo.u. s!lal1'loy~. your neigh-' (5.33). , Of course,even c:in' that ser·', bor as yourself" '(Galations 5,14); Turn to Page Eighteen etC. ,Still, ljke these other say-
Christian ,Morality ,and, the .Law ,ofCh.. ist.
One of the most fascinating developments' in the youth cuI· ture is the growing, abandonment ,of )iberal sex. drugs. and violence'in favor of a fresh concern for the person and teachings of Jesus. Although "Jesus people" may not have much time for organized religion, they are nonetheless inclined to accept some of its more basic premises.
They are not satisfied, for example, with an overly humanized Christ like that of the "secular city", enthusiasts and the "death of God" theologians. They want an aWf;lsome. transcendent Jesus -the 'God-Man of traditional Christianity. .In turning to Jesus, these youthful cultists recognize him as one who makes certain moral demands on his followers. There is much in his teachings to commend him to their taste. Reli, STATUIE~ OF CinUST HN WARSAW, POLAND: 'New , gious authenticity. as in the Sermonon the Mount' (Mt. ·6:1 ff,);:: stan,q~r9.-: <;!lJ;i~~ian '~~.J;l~y'jor ,m\l~J be ~i~\\:'~<J, in, .~~rlll~:J ,community 'concern (Mi. 18:20);', of friendship with Christ: ~'if any man would come after, ' generosity and self-sacrifice, the .me, let him take up ,his cross and"follow me." NC Photo. ' taking up of the cross (Mk. 8:34); non-violence. the condemnati.on of "the sword" (Mt. :26:52); love "May your will be done in' all ship, an estrangement from a things." This response of loving" lovjng' Father. '",' ancipeace tow~rd one's neighbor gratitude to a benevolent Father " lit this positive view of Chris-' , , _" (Mt.5:23 f.), no rash' judgment exemplifies in practice the "Law tian morality, are we justified in "I wish the ,priest would an- Catliolic for wanting his ot her (Mt. 7:1"5). love even of one's of Christ...• Conversely.', sin: al>-' , labeling it Ii "law" of Christ? ,nounce in the beginning which ' way in thiS, matter: After all, f~r " enemies' (Mt.5:44 ' ff.);..... these' pears not simply as' a'violation' Certai!11y Christ did not bring'an , eu~haristic ,prayer intends to years we" taugljt that. the most. ethical' imperatives'maybe said of law; but a breach', of,'friend~ Turn to Pag,e' Eighteen' ' 'read so we wouldn't have to perfect way to participate at' tC) constitute' 'the' heart of the search atotlnd in :our niissalettes " Mass was 'thro~gh' careful read-' , ':'Law of Christ',' (cg: GaL. 6:2,1 ,until'.we figure otit,the'mie he is ing in English of th~ Sunday or Cor. 9:21')." using." , " ,daily miss'al while our, priest, r~~ Way of Life 11--, That. not' infrequent 'complaint cited the, parallel Latin words:' For all Christ's moral teach~ or request leaves,me al)d many '~oreoyer;,' ~y limit~~, ~bs~rVa~ ,'Jngs, it would be:W'rong! howIf the Law of Christ" (Gal 6:2) , attitude: 9f open~ess t~ God ~~(f , other priests awkwardly speech- tlC~,ns a!o~d tQ~!latlon md~ca~e" ever, to view him merely as, an were simply a set of rules: ora ' others in faith an(llove (Gal ,5:6). ' , " "less. People like this wish, to fol-' that:,:"~y)~~riS~~s~s~ill:have)n-' ethic~l ~reformer. Jesus' primary , ' low along word' for v.;otdwith', adequate,'p.ublic address systems ",work' was' to reveal a loving , list of commandments. education', ,How tlIen ~~n':, CIne Jearn" , the ceiebrant and such interest, 'arid well.intentioned, 'but poody Father who summons' all men in' Christi~n inorali~y; woul~', be.. ,Chdst's'law? How' allow one's attitude to' gfadually: be: ,iilto commlinity with him. 'Death- relatively simple: The lisfof laws in t~e liturgy or attenii~eness'to' "perf~rming 'lectors. : ", '" ' could be printed i,n :onept ~o~e' come that of Christ? How guide: the rite naturally pleases'us. But ' : ',the few times I have had the,.resurrection"was the means of books for :handyreference. Par· others to acquire Christ's way of. " we ,reaHy' woiild prefer to have "oPPClrtun~ty"tq ',,~it out h~ the "opening to"'ail men this commu. 'them watch and IJsten during, pews I c,ould scarcely hear 'the "nal life in God, and establishing ents and teachers couid explain responding? An appro,ach to' an, ' that p'art of the Mass: : reader, much less catch the the' Nazarean prophet' as' Mes- the l1Jles and: ccimmaridments swering these questions may be and try to inotivateth'e young to sketched in terms of the PROC, laD1m11 i~i'iU'9:'"'. of a: p~ssage he. waspr,O~siah, Savior, risen ,~ord" "Th~ , observe them. - ' ESS, DATA, and CONTEXT of . [ " clalmmg. Fmally, :m', large Way, the Truth, the -LIfe." Christian moral formation. : ':R, churches, the celebrant and lecNew life-standards would have ; . tor are barely visible, to a major- to be ,vie:wed in terms of fellow" Ptoeess By', ity of the congregation. 'ship' 'with 'him; "if ,any man 'Because the Law of Christ is By In, the face of that evidence" would come .'atter me, let him 'dynamic rather than static, an FR. JOSEPH M.i one easily can argue for the con- fake up his cross an(follow me" attitude"rather than 'a code, it' .. FR. CARL J. tinued p,ublication of eucharistic' (Mk. 8:34); ':by this will all men CHAMPLIN involVes learning a process ' of prayers and biblical texts in par-know that you are my disciples, " responding to reality, only part PFEIFER, S.J. ticipation aids. However, I,see if you have love for one another" ' of which involves laws or comthis only as a crutch durhlg, an (In, 13:35). mimdments. The process' is one Being with Jesus is a total way We hear similar objections interim period and, in fact think of discerning in one's life what when a pastor shifts from misal- such a practice-:may even retard of life, not just observing a code it is that God wants you to do ettes or leaflet' missals with the liturgical renewal in a, commu- of do's and dont's, If we commit lJut if-as the New Testament (Rom 12:2). scriptural passages, included' in' nity. There are two'resasons for ourselves in confidence to him The process of discernment is makes clear-the Law of Chri!>t he "shows us the' Father;' (faith);' cannot be reduced to 'a code of learned only by actively respondUtem to alternative publications my position: without the biblical texts. Our ,Uv~ng with him in grace-union commandments, then the,process ing""':"'with mind, heart" feelings---:Listening reactions are, the same. We feel prompts us to admiring love of, Christian conscience forma- to the Word of God wherever it 1) The Church's latest teach- (sacramental worship). ' uncomfortable, u'nwilling to damtion becomes 'more difficuit. is to be heard. The Second Vatipen' enthusiasm, 'but mourning ing. The Roman Missal's .General Global Directive Christ's law? How allow one's can, Council suggests that this ,such emphasis on the printed Instruction states: "When scrip- ' To such a privileged friend- the heart and mind (Heb 8:10) process' is learned by respon~ing page over the spoken, living ture is read in the Church, God _ ship. what other response can of the believer. It involves mak- to the' needs, opportunities and 'word., , speaks to his people, and it is we make than to echo the' Son's 'ing one's own the attitude or values experienced in daily life I can't blame, the average Turn to Page Seventeen own great "Yes" to the Father: mentality of Christ (phil 2:5), an Turn to Page Seventeen
II "
,Attentive Listening' he
Learning: the', Law, ',of Christ own
THE ANCHORThurs., N4)V. 18, 1971
Priest Tells Experience In Menta' Institution
Attentive , ContlnUl~d from Page Sixteen Christ, present in his word, who proclaims the gospel. The readings should be listened to with respect ..." A later paragraph directs: "T~e pre~idential prayers should be spoken in a loud and clear voice so that everyone present can hear and pay attention." . It seenls to' me these norms explicitly calI for attentive listening upon the part of the congregation (and the celebrant when a lector reads the biblical excerpts).
Ab~ut six years ago, Father William J. Collins, C.S.S.~ suffered a breakdown and had to enter a mental institution, where he was confined for some 20 months. !:Ie gives a candid and e~austive account of this eXperience in his book Out of the Depths to a process of forgiveness (Doubleday, 277 Park Ave., going both of self and of others, is also New York, N.Y. 1001? $5.- more lengthily set out in the 95), which has an introduc- book.
tion by Dr. Francis J. Braceland. Father Collins was about 50 years old when the breakdown occurred. It was not his first.
It is generous of Father Collins to have written this account of the suffering and the release which were his. He intends it not simply as autobiography, but also and especially as a help to others, Father Collins' frank acknowledgement of his own trouble and his proof of the possibility of a cure should encourage others to take cognizance of disorders in their own case and use the necessary means for their correction. To advise the mentally ill that they should just forget their trouble is patently wrong. But quite as harmful can be the counsel that prayer will set them right,
Double Impact
Long before, as he was 'approaching ordination to the NEIGHBORS IN NEED: Eager hands stretch for' sacks priesthood, he had undergone Time of the Fugitive of potatoes being distributed by a "Neighbors in Need" one less severe. Somethow he had come out of that and had Some of the symptoms in food bank in Seattle. "Neighbors in Need" is a 'broadly gone on to a busy priestly career. Father Collins" case are touched ecumenical voiunteer organization 'founded in the faU of Before his major breakdown, he on in Carlo Weber's The Time 1970 to help families hit by the city's economic crisis. It had been under a strain and had of the Fugitive (Doubleday, '277 operates 34 food banks in the area. NC Photo. been seeing a psychiatrist, but in Park Ave.; New York, N. Y. a desultory way, and without 10017. $5.95), where, for examremission 'of his many tasks. ple,the author speaks of selfPills which had been prescribed depreciation and compulsive acContinued from Page Sixteen " t t' Ch . t . . h's 1011 a 109 rIS, acquIrIng I for him he was using rather tivity in the lives of many niliand assessing or interpreting sense of values, within the conirresponsibly. gious whom he, as a psychother- them in the light of the Church's" text of contemporary reality. He went to Halifax to give a apist, has treated. living tradition (Church in Modretreat to nuns. The first two His purpose in writing, he ern World, 4). ' Context days of the retreat passed says, is "to place the contempoMany Catholics have learned Perhaps the most important smoothly. But on the third a rary experi~nce 'of "many, priests and' still-' learn' this, process of factor in learning Christ's law is small, insignificant-seeming inci- and ministers, Sisters and Broth~ discernment in Catholic Action the Christian community of dent threw him into a kind of ers into ... historical context." which one isa part, It is in the groups who fOnnulate' their apf panic. He w~s hospitalized' in , H'e, go'e's 0'n' '0 "The growth 0'f offi- proach as SEE; PUDGE, ACT. context of a community 0 Halifax, sent home with the rec- cial churches in the last eight or Contemporary experience is re~l- Christians struggling together to ommendation that he see his ten centuries follows a' pattern istically and compassionately ex- discover, and respond to God's psychiatrist, and by him was ad- Ofa,~~e routinizin,g, of a charis- plored, then judged, with honest word that the individual Chrisvised t6 go to the "Institute of d' h' tian can find the most help in , , In the process, he maint,ains, dialogue an prayer, in t e Itght . h l' d . d Living, in Hartford" for treatof. the Gospel. Once a judgment learmng ow to Ive an JU ge . ment: human, beings have, been saCrI- or decsision is reached, it is, as a Christian. I d . ... All ,too, 'often this aspect of ficed to institutions. For the sake 'lherap.yDet~ed . 'b'l de - trans ate mto actIon, t 'tut' of th'de in ' IOn Impossl e , practJ,cal d . the 1oca '1' h s I 'be" d' p'er ,later to be evaluated and recon- bw'lding an d ,eepemng He expected to stay only brief- man s ave en rna e on , "d d S' ,' 1 . Christian com,,mun.ity is forgotten ' 'bl th t i ' . th路 ,Sl ere., Iml ar str~~egles are, 1y at the Institute; he believed sons..'JmpOSSI e, a s, 10 err suggested 10, . conte~porary . ' re l'I- or even hindered in discussion 路 he would be ,an ol.!tpat,ien~. But ex~ct Ions, an,d '10 th e dam age' 'gious education programs., about teaching Christ's law. Too he'was to be a full-time patient. done. ' ' " oft~n 'considerable energy is deHe was assigned to a 'staff psy'His historical survey Is more Data flected through arguments about chiatrist who was also a Jesuit g~ancing th~n penetrating. and ,In this approach to Christian the Ten Commandments and priest (his name like most ethers, hIS ,conclusions have conslder- moral discernment the data to be new textbooks; rather than look; in the book is masked by a able validity" although h.e te~d.scorisidered 'obviously includes ing realistically at the family, pseudonym). t~ be, too . sw~ep~g. HIS CI?tJ- the legitimate laws of both 'school, or parish community in' Instead of q}.lick' recovery, clsms of mstltutlOnal requlre- Church and State as well as which moral education ,is taking there was quick deterioration. Its men~s . and p~ac~ices have ,Point legitimate rules l~id 'down by place. rigors and terrors' are described and. bIte, eve? If here agall~ he other authorities such as parYoungsters best acquire the with shattering vividness. The decltnes at ~Imes to overstate- ents. ' So-caned 'modem ap- mentality of Christ, the process anguish this patient ,. endured m~nt. " ' , proaches to Christian moral for- of moral discernment, by grow-, touches and shakes th te reader. At any rate, he sees. th,e mation do not encourage people ing up within a group of ChrisBut recov~ry finally began, to bre.ak-up o~ lo?~-acc~pted, I~StJ-, to ignore, much less violate, just tian adults who are seriously proceed slowly and not without tutlons as lDevltable 10 the hght commands of legitimate author- grappling with the issues of life reverses. of the. discoveries a~d the gen- ,ity. But the data goes far be-' in the light of Christ. Adults, The therapy by which the eral clt,mate of our times. yond these legal prescriptions. too, grow, in Christian moral transformation was wrought is Because God's word can be en- judgment and the courage to detailed in these pages. The countered in "the signs' of the make decisions and engage in Ecumenical Edition roots of the disorder lay, of times" (Church in Modem activities based on those judgcourse, far back in the past. Of Bible P'ublished World, 4) and in "the voices of ments, when they share with Anger and anxiety had to be CHICAGO rNC)-An ecumen- , our age" (No. 44), the events and others in the difficult process of accounted for, as well as the icaleditionof the, Bible with in- experiences of life need to be seeirig, judging and acting refeeling of not being much good. troductions to' each book by seriously responded to. The val- sponsibly according to the menFather Collins came to realize Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Jew- ues, opportunities, and needs ex- tality of Jesus Christ. that while, on the one hand, he ish and Protestant scholars has perienced in contemporary life had little if any, conviction of been published here by The are important data for coming self-worth, on the other hand, Catholic Press. Fast for'Refugees to a' Christian moral choice in he was trying to play a role of CANBERRA (NC) - Roman Issued initially in, Spanish, the response to God's word. such perfection as to be impos- ecumenical edition includes in , Singularly important as data Catholic Archbishop James Gleesible of human achievement. four parallel columns the intro- are the life and teachings of son of Adelaide' and Anglican ductions to each book by inter- Jesus as recorded' in the New Bishop David A. Garnsey parHelp to Others national teams representing the Testament. 'It is, after alI, his ticipated in a fast outside ParliaThis summary is absurdly in- four faiths. Translations of the attitude, his mentality, his way ment here in Australia to try to adequate. but it does indicate the introductions are being prepared that we are attempting to open get the government to increase elements of the problem. The for English, Portuguese, Italian ourselves to. Learning the Law its aid to East Pakistani refugees SOlution, with great importance and French editions. of Christ is basically a matter of in India.
Learning the Law of Christ
2) The principles of effective communication. True enough, I can listen with my ears to the reader and follow with my eyes the printed word. But I cannot watch the celebrant or lector and read the published text. Some insist, nevertheless, that this combination of hearing and reading forms the ideal communication " process. It involves, they midntain, two senses and hence the message makes a double impact upon us. Hut that line of reasoning ignores a critical point. The celebrant or lector communicates with his or her total being, not just by the tongue and lips. Eyes talk, the face says somethitig, gestures, add meaning.
Watchlng In addition, the Church hopes the personal faith of an indiyid-, ual who presides or procla~s will shine .forth to all those pl1esent for the liturgy. "By his actions and by his proclamation of the word he should impress upqn the faithful the living presen~e of Christ." When the ey~ is riveted to a lifeless" ,printed page, it cannot see the live' and believing pe~on who speaks. Christ is present, surely, when ,we read along 'by ourselves. But he comes more fully into our midst,_ I think, when we watch and listen to one who 'proclaims God's message clearly' and audibly, wIth meaning and faith.
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THE ANCHOR-Dio~ese of .fall River-Thurs'Nov. 18, 1971
'Democrac'yin Church~ Let'us supposejhat you're Thomas Jefferson. You, are engaged in a conversation with Joruf Jay, Ja~es ~Qnroe, and James Madison. Monroe asks Madison what the basic responsibilities of u.s. Senator, are to be.)d~dis.!J~ re:', plies: "'I.'he duties of a s e n - " ' " ' ator will' be to share in the understoodncithirig~ of <the ~is principal concerns of his tory of, the, theory ,a'od ~pra:ctice .. , o f American, legislative aemocconstituency, to remain in racy, an~l had little i<iea of what,
close contact wth his constituency, and to be accountable to it, effectively ,to represent the mind of his constituency to the Senate and to keep his constitu'ency informed of the ,activities of the Senat~." Now, Mr. Jefferson, ,what do you think of that? Well, there are a number of thoughts that might occur to you in rapid succession: 1. Your colleague Madison no longer writes the ~lear, effective, resonant English he used to write. 2. He has become compulsively' concerned about the possibility that a senator miglit take an extra breath without clearing it with his constituents. In five different phrases he ,says exactly the same thing: a senator is responsible to his constituency. and ' he better 'not forget it. ' Indirect Plebiscite 3. He. has not mentioned a single thing about insight, knowledge, wisdom, or vision. A senator is not to be a wise man, or a leader, or a visionary. He is to be a technician who runs, 'back' and forth to his voters before he utters a single word or casts a single dubious vote. . 4. It also occurs to you that no legislature so constituted can possibly govern. All it will ,be is a clearing' house for mass democracy. There will' not' be a periodic plebiscite in which it is determined whether a senator will . coqtinue to represent his district.' Rather, every single issue will, be subject to indirect plebiscite. ,Why, you wonder, bother with a senate? ' 5. You finally conclude that poor old James doesn't think there is enough trust in 'this, new country to try anything else but indirect plebiscite. Too bad that he doesn't believe in the possibility of pa~liamentary democracy. Basic Concern . The quote, of cour~e, is not from James Madison but from the constitution of a certain diocesan senate and emphasizes the melancholy prospects for the emergence of democratic forms in the Catholic Church. The men who put together the constitution of which the above . article is a central point had never read the Federalist Papers,
, it takes to make ;representative democracy work. With the' oldest 'and' richest tradition ,of democratic: government in: the world available' to ,them, they' created a g6vernmental form as though that tradition had never existed. Their basic concern was not that wise; talEmted, visionary men be 'elected 'to office; their main fear wa's rather that no one could possibly accuse any senator of doing a single thing that had not been ratified by the men who elected him. If the framers of that constitution were aware of ,the age' , old democratic dilemma of fidel- ' ity to one's voters versus-integrity to one's ,principles ' and , vision, they certainly didn't show, it. No "profiles in courage" ,needed in this senate - ~mly minds representative of the .constituency. ~'
. Lack 'Trust
ARCHBISHOP AIDS POOR: Archbishop Evaristo Arns of Sao Paulo has signed over his estate to a housing project of the poor. Over 280 families are benefiting from the move. 'The bishop is now living in a low income section of his see. NC Photo.
Cpn~inued from Page SIXteen mon, the "law" jesus propounds is a law ultimately of b~ing like himself, to the extent of being ready to lose all' our limbs (5,29f.), our property (~,40.42), our rights (5,38f.41),' our reputations (5,10.12) for, him and for our fellow man' and for peace in the world, just as he: actually gave himself up to be unjustly condemned, 'stripped, nailed to a cross for us. Thus the meaning of "th~ law of Christ", is clear. The law of Christ is "the law of the cross." It is living in the faith that the evils of this world can be transformed" by men who are willing to face in faith the worst that the world din do. Those who live that way can, like Jesus, transform those evils into good by the power of their selfsacrificing love. Such men in • faith can rise from the dead. Life's Pattern The law of Christ is the law of the apparent contradictions: that to die is to live, to give is to gain, take the privation and sufferings of others on yourself in love instead of imposing your own on others and you will find happiness-for yourself and for them. This is carrying out in life what we believe in the gospel and say we believe in the creed; that Christ suffered and died and rose from the dead, and this is our salvation. The law of· Christ is Christ himself as the pattern for our lives. "The attitude you should have is the one Christ Jesus h~d, - ..." (Philippians 2,5); "He ",ho says that he always lives in God, should live just as Jesus Christ , did (I John 2,6); for "Christ himself suffered for you and left you an example so that you 'WOUld follow in his steps" (I Peter 2,21).
Under such circumstances what is required is not a mature, sophisticated deliberative body; Morality~ what is needed, rather, is public Continued from Page Sixteen ing Spirit he bestows. The promopinion polling. I am not without institutionalized, structured, and , ised Spirit dwelling within us yested interests in the latter, but detailed code of requirements for unlocks the deepest meaning of it is no substitute for govern- membership, like the constitu- the "Law" of Christ. Jeremiah of ment. tion of a country, or by-laws of old (6th' C. B.C.) had prophesied But perhaps the framers of a fraternal organization. that God would one day grant a this particular constitution knew To speak of a "law" of Christ new covenant, a new law to his what ~hey were doing. Maybe 'in could be misleading. What Jesus people, and h~ would put his Protest Refusal the present state of clerical cul- did bring us was a kind of global "law" within man and not be ture is is impossible to have . directive, an over;arching prin- satisfied with mere external To Allow Vote anything else but indirect pleb- ciple of life: "This is my com- rules and regulations (Jer. 31: PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Cathiscite democracy. Maybe there mandment, that you love one 31·34). . olic teachers' union members and . isn't enough trust in the body supporters held a weekend rally With the gift of the risen clerical to make senatorial another as I have loved you." 'here to protest what they called democracy work. The old en- (In. 15:12). Here we have some- Lord's Spirit upon his followers the refusal of Philadelphia archemy of invidia clericalis (clerical thing simple enou~h ~o touch the prophet's word comes to ful: diocesan offic~als to allow a vote every act of our dady hfe, from fillment. We now have Christ's envy) is still with us. on .union membership among mother'~ getting ~reakfas~. f~r "Law" within us-the Spirit who Any clergyman who stands the, famdy, to dad s sweatmg It stirs us to act freely out of love grade school teachers. During the halt-hour rally, at'out of the ranks, such as any out at the. office or the factory, rather than under threat of law.tended by about 50 teachers, an senator who is more than' a mir- to Mary or Johnny's helpfulness ror for the highly ,particularistic at home and dilgence at school. It is the presence of this Spirit archdiocesan representative disneeds of his constituency, will Everything human gains a new ,that enables Paul to equate tributed a statement saying u~ be cut d?wn to size. The Jesuits value when it is done out-of love Christian freedom wilth the law ion's action was "very puzzling." were proud of 'John Murray and in Christ. Archdiocesan officials had ofof love. "You were called to Gustave ,Weigel,' but only after fr¢edom, brothers; through . . . fered last January to allow a Act Through LOve they were dead; 'and the Jesuits .. . , ' through love be servants of one unio'n vote among, the 1,900 ~Id .<:htlst slaw, of love mark another. For the whole law is teachers in archdiocesan grade ' probably gave more support to their outstanding personnel than a slgmflcant. departure fro~ the fulfilled in, one word, 'You shall schools, the statement said, but narrow legahsm of the Phansees, love your neighbor as yourself' " the union had rejected the terms do most groups of priests. whose "theologians" spelled' out (Gal. 5:13 f.) of the offer. Long Way to Go in painful, detail the restrictions they felt were imposed by the Any priest who writes knows Torah or, law of Moses. ' that he is in trouble with his colChrist's way directed man to leagues and 'dreads reviews writlOOK to the law's spirit and purten by other priests. (The rule of pose rather than its 'literal forthjlmb is that non-Catholic re"THE DIFFERENT 90 DAY ACCOUNT'~ mulation. His way pointed to a viewers are generous. Catholic new freedom - "the truth shall laity are patronizing, and priests make you free" (In. 8:32). ' per annum mi~.$500. .are nasty.) The freedom ',Christ brings ulNo Notice required after 90 A priest who does anything timately flows from the liberatdays on withdrawals made without of the ordinary. is dismissed in 10 days of each interest . as a climber or a 'pusher and period. runs the risk ,of having his per- an affront to ourselves "Who sonal life and motivations psy- does he think he is?" DMMEDIATE INTEREST - COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY choanalyze? in great detail. ' Under such circumstances of (interest exempt from Mass•. Income tax) Instead of supporting our col- distrust, envy, and cynicism, repleagues who display courage and ' resentative democracy cannot vision, we do our best to force function. It worked once in the them back to the level of medi- Church, but we've come' a long ocrity. Instead of taking pride way since then. And it is to be 149 GAR Hwy, Rte 6 North Main St• ' in their accomplishments, we feared we-have a long way still, Somerset Fall River view such accomplisrunents as to go.. " .. ~ ", 00_-. • . . ,_.
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,Law of Christ
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Thurs~, Nov. :18, 1971
SCHoo~~qy ',SPORTS
Says .Big L~gal Firms Aid Poor
IN THE DIOCESE By PETER 1.' BARTEK Norton Hl,h Coach .........
First Cape~ay. League Title Within Grasp .for .F~irhaven Fairhaven High has never won a Capeway Conference football championship. However, the Blue Devils find them,selves in position to corral that elusive' crown in this the final year of 'Conf~rence competition.- All the Kevin Cadieux coached Devils have 'to do is beat or tie rival $aturda~ iast,. when it was deDartmouth' on Thanksgiving , feated' by' Bourne 13-12. However, Coach Carlin Lynch's Indimorning.',But" this has been ans can never be taken lightly. Ii season of st}mning upsets, not only in', Cap~way Conf~rence play; but throughout the dIOcese. 'Lawrence High of Falmouth 'entered last Saturday's game against Fairhaven as the only unbeaten combine in the diocese. The heavily favored Clippers fell victim to an inspired Fairhaven eleven and were edged 6-0. The victory, fought for and deserved, leaves Fairhaven as the only unbeaten club in Capeway, play. Fairhaven will enter, the, holiday clash with a 6-2 over-all ' record. Both losses came at the hands of non-league opponents Bishop Feehan ,High of Attleboro and Somerset.' Dartmouth was mathematically eliminated from the title picture
Although Fairpaven has prognosticators proven' the wrong and taken the limelight ~way from· pre-season favorites Falmouth and Barnstable, Coach Cadieux will have to have his charges in top form to insure that that first Capeway 'ConferencefootbalL championship will not have to be shared. Likewise, Coach Don Ruggeri's Falmouth Clippers will not be given the luxury of sitting home hoping that Dartmouth upend Fairhaven so that they, at least, will reap a portion of the title. For while the battle is being staged in Dartmouth, Falmouth will have a fight of its own against visiting Barnstable.
County Champ Attleboro Set for North Falmouth must win its Thanksgiving game and Fairhaven lose in order that a tie result. Barnstable defeated Taunton 26-6 i~ last Saturday's nonleague contest. The Red Raiders would like nothing more than to eliminate their arch-rivals from the title race they themselves cannot win. Bourne will attempt to keep its winning streak alive Turkey Day when it meets Wareham. The Canalmen's'win over Dartmouth should give them added momentu'm if any is needed for a Thanksgiving game. Old Rochester of Mattapoisett trounced Wareham last Saturday 27-14. ' Dennis-Yarmouth, the only Capeway Conference team not scheduled to play, a league game on the holiday, will host' Old Rochester. . The Bristol County League , race is over thanks to Attleboro and Bishop Feehan. Attleboro needed a victory last Saturday to insure itself of
at least a tie of the County title. The. Bombardiers who have been up-and-down lately proved they could come up with the big effort w?en it .wa,s e~sentia1. Coach JIm CaSSIdy s bIg Blue tu.rned b~ck a. stubborn Durfee HIgh of Fall RIver last weekend 12-6 to finish its County campaign with a 6-1 record. Meanwhile, acros~ tow~, New Bedford wh~ was tle~ WIth Attlebo~o for fIrst plac~ In the loop standIngs was stagIng, a come from b~hind. battle. aga,inst Feehan to stay In the tItle race. But, the Whalers could not come all the way back and had tQ settle for a '14-14 tie. Second place 'New Bedford is 4-1:1 in the circuit. Attleboro is home-Bristol County champions. Since Attleboro plays North Attleboro, a non-league opponent on Thanksgiving there is no way for the Joe Bettencourt coached Wh'alers to finish any better than second. New Bedford will entertain Durfee on the holiday.
S'aturday's: Docket 'Lists 'DiocesanRivals The city championship will be· will be in their eyes when they at stake when ,Msgr. Coyle- take the field. Bishop Cassidy High and TaunBut, on the 'other hand, Coach ton meet in their annual Turkey Jim Ashley's Artisans from Fall Day affair. Both have had mo- River have also taken. their share ments of glory during the past of lumps during the course of County season, but the season their first full season of varsity will be a success only for the competition. The winless Fall vic~r. Riverites battled Southeastern New Bedford Vocational, which' Regional Vocational down to the )ost to Coyle U:O Saturday last, wire last Saturday before being will meet Diman Regional Voca-' edged 14-12. tional Technical Thanksgiving Although both clubs are winDay. Coach Jeff Reilly's Artisans less and there is no championhave only .a ti~ with Bishop ship on the line, the game will Stang of Dartmouth to show for be a fiercely contested event. their efforts thus far. There is no It's been a long season for both; doubt that they will be fired-up a final game victory would help ·~~~a,~~~~.~~J~& ~.r,nP!<:~Q~... ,~$?~<?l?.~he some of tQ~ p~l~, . w.
SAN FRANCISCO (NC>-:-It is unfair to assume that big ~uSi-' ness has' enticed most of tHe nation~s"Jegal taJent into its cor: ner, vJhilEl the' poor and the disadvantaged have to take what is h:lft over, an attorney' told a Catholic' .lawyers' " convention here. ' Washington, D. C. attorney Lloyd N. Cutler told some 400 attorneys at the St. Thomas More Society's annua:I Red Mass and banquet that such an assumption is open to challenge. Cutier argued that government lawyers have been of high qual,ity for more than '.8 generation, and tl}at ybung lawyers. lepre-. senting the poor. are displaying more legai talen~. . Cutler.. said the. legal profession deserves credit for the in-' crease in the "quality and quantity of legal talent arrayed on the side of social change." He argued that some of the big legal firms, normally associ, , ated with big business, devote as much as 15 per cent of their legal time to the good of the public interest. Under Attack He said the poor and disadvantaged have been helped by HOLY SMOKE: Father William Kozar, fireman: Father the big law firms which have William Kozar is not only pastor of 51. Mary Catholic stopped con'struction of unChurch in Herminie, Pa., he is also a fireman. on the day wanted freeways; filed antiwatch on the volunteer fire department there. Father Ko- pollution suits and recovered overpayments. zar, above, in the work clothes of both vocations gets ,.rent Cutler accused some critics of ready to answer a call. NC Photo. judging business firms without exploring both sides of the question. He said that during the 1950's it was the individual who was accused'of being a security Pupil Suggests Vocations Solution risk. "Today it is business firms To Unemployment Problem that are l.lnder heavy public at"God, please help. the Fathers tack. Ringing denunciations have SYDNEY (NC)-A pupil at St. Mary's school here in Australia to learn how to serve Mass." their place in achieving social came up with a solution for the Another pupil wrote her own change, but so do careful, reunemployment problem in an Vocation Prayer: sponsible presentations of pracessay on religious vocations. "0 God most wonderful and tical problems," h.e said. "When people can't get some kind, work please make .them a Sister I'm sure it must have crossed $30 Million Due or a priest," the pupil suggested your mind to God.' • UNITED NATIONS (NC) That nuns and priests are hard Another pupil in the Vocations to find, Members of the Red Chinese delWeek essay contest said: "Broth- Give some of us this great idea egation to the United Nations ers aren't such bad chaps either." We know we need some nuns arrived here amid speculation as One youngster's prayer asked: down here. to whether their' government "Pl~ase give some of us this vaBut. the thing, we need 'so very will assume the $30 million in much . . . cational fever." assessment arrears left by the And one· child begged the Is the priest's most welcome ousted Nationalist Chinese. Those touch . Blessed Mother to "help people who maintain that communist to become nuns" Brothers and When things we do are double-· China should assume at least priests" because '''it is. a very Dutch $18.6 million of the overdue ashard job because people have to Like calling people names and sessments on the China memberleave their family and live with such. ship argue that the dues were other nuns, priests and Broth- Please think of my prayer now assessed on China as a whole ers." and then and should be paid by China's Other contributions from the For us down here on' earth." representatives. pupils included: "Dear Jesus, help children to be vocated and, help them to reach heaven. And, dear Lord, help me to reach heaven and to be vocated also." "God, send the world more vocations. We need them more than we need another car or money."
Es!say Contest
One game is scheduled to be played in the diocese this Saturday. That is the annual meeting between rival diocesan schools Bishop Stang and Bishop Feehan. Like all Thanksgiving games this traditional battle should prove to be an interesting affair. Feehan has to be rated the favorite; but, especially this year, that doesn't mean much.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs Nov. 18, 1971 ... ;,,-
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Business Concern's' 'In Tlie Diocese,'of Fall ,River
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