Princeton (Jniversitg
And the Priest
(Editorial) The Aquinas Foundation is a religious center provided by the Diocese of Trenton for the approximately four hun dred Ciltholic students at Princeton University. Since its erection in 1952, its Director has been the Reverend Hugh Halton, a Dominican Father who holds a Licentiate in' Sacred Theology and Doctorates in Philosophy and Civil Law, the last two degrees from Oxford. Father Halton was appointed by the Bishop of Trenton to take spiritual charge of the Catholic students at Princeton and to speak out in defense of the faith and morals of those committed to his care. This he did, with intelligenceand wit, in his Sunday talks, through lectures by himself or guest speak ers, through ads taken out in the undergraduate Daily Princetonion. Although there is no official connection between the Aquinas Foundation and the authorities at Princeton, the University did grant Father Halton certain academic priv fleges and courtesies such as permission to march in aca demic processions with the faculty, use of the University bulletin for announcements pertaining to the Foundation, the use of University rooms for lectures and guest speakers, the listing of the Foundation in the University catalogue. Withdraws Privileges On September 23, 1957, Princeton University issued, a statement through its president, Dr. Goheen, declaring: "The university has withdrawn its recognition of Fr. Halton. The courtesies and privileges which have been extended to him, as they are to all denominational' chap lains; have been terminated. He is no longer entitlt~d to claim he has any official standing in Princeton University:' The statement further said: "Under claims of advancing the pursuit of truth, he has resorted to irresponsible attacks upon'the intellectual integrity of faculty members.... His accusations in the past year have broadened into large, un BUbstantiated charges of malfeasance against the admin istration of the university.... " The statement also men tioned that "the offending individual has managed to alienate from himself many of the Catholic students and faculty members.•. :' Dr. Goheen stated that $ince June, 1956, efforts had been made to'reniove Father Halton, and that this present action was decided upon by the :Board of Trustees in June, 1957. N{) instances of Father Halton's "attacks" were given. One Basic Issue The Most Reverend George W. Ahr, Bishop of Tren ton, from whom Father Halton holds his appointment as Director of the Foundation, said this: "The published re ports do not adequately present either the background of the situation or the basic issue involved. The basic issue is the right of a priest charged with the spiritual care of Catholic students in a secular university to speak out in defense of the faith and morals of those committed to Tmis care. "The published reports do not recount the personal vilification that has been visited upon Fr. Halton in the Princeton community since first he undertook so to speak. "For the present, the facilities of the Aquinas Insti tute will continue to be available to the Catholic students at Princeton. Fr. Halton will continue as Director:' Now let us examine the whole situation in the light of the facts. Dr. Goheen said that Father Halton made "irrespon (Sible attacks upon the intellectual integrity of faculty members" and "large, unsubstantiated charges of mal feasance against the administration of the university." These are serious charges. Dr. Goheen does not cite any :7nstances to substantiate his accusations. Father Halton has replied that the purpose of Prince ton's action in his regard was "to silence rational debate and to leave unchalle,nged professional incompetence with reference to Faith and reason in university life and thought...." He said that the President's statement was un "effort to discard intelligent criticism of false teaching ~n a community dedicated to free expression.•••" ' Four Obvious Instances In the history of this matter, there are at least four 8bvious instances of what Princeton evidently looks on as '"irresponsible attacks" and Father Halton calls "rational debate" and challenges to professional incompetence. First: Princeton invited Alger Hiss in 1956 to speak at the University. Father Halton said of this: "In an academic community dedicated to the search for enduring truth, an unrepentent perjurer has nothing to say.", Alger Hiss is a convicted perjurer. The purpose of a university is to seek after truth. Hiss' speaking at Prince ion was, at least, open to valid criticism. Second: Professor Emeritus Walter T. Stace was, r!'om 1932 until 1955, professor of metaphysics at Princeton. I)r, Stace has written that God is a "'blank, void, nothing;" \ ~od is a "subjective illusion." The Catholic Church, accord ltJg, to Stace, "is ultimately pased on nothing else but an iHusion." He defines the Christian concept of God as· "a ,'uperstition, a gigantic and perhaps benevolent ghost, an l;nmense, disembodied and superearthly clergyman:' , Since Dr. Stace had tremendous influence on the un uitical minds of Princeton undergraduates; since his phil.. Turn to Page Six
BIBLE IN EVERY HOME: Officers of the Catholic Bible Society of Dallas, Texas, and Sister Mary Helen, administrator of St. Paul's Hospital, look on as Bishop Thomas K. Gorman of Dallas .. Fort Worth blesses Bibles' to be placed in every room of Diocesan ho&ot pitals and other Catholic institutions.
Regional High Campaign Total- Hits· $1,300,000 .
An An'chor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-ST.
Fall River, Mass.
Vol. 1, No.,33
Thursday, ,Nov. 21, 1957 Second Class Mail Privileges Authorized at Fall River, Mass.
$4.00 per Year
Attleboro Serra Plans Altar Boy Award Program
Name Directors For Diocesan· Clothing Drive
Attleboro District Serra Club this week received per mission from Most Rev. James' ,L. Connolly, Bishop of
Regional directors to con duct "Operation C lot h e s Closet"-the Bishops' Thanks giving Clothing Collection
Fall River, to expand its altar have been announced by the boy program to include am;\Ual Chancery Office. awards to deserving altar boys. They are as 'follows: Details of the award program Taunton :...- Rev. Francis A. , will be revealed at the club's McCarthy, pastor of St. Joseph's annual Pastor's Night to be held Church, North Dighton and dio at Brook Manor on Dec. 12. All cesan director of· the campaign. Pastors from the 10 parishes in Cape Cod - Very Rev. Leon Attleboro, North Attleboro, . ard J. Daley, pastor of St. Fran Mansfield and Norton have been cis Xavier Church, Hyannis. Attleboro - Rev. Henry R. invited to attend. The Attleboro District Serra Canuel, assistant at St. Joseph's . Club received its charter from Church. Fall River Rev. Paul F. Mc Serra International on April 11, 1956, and started its altar boy Carrick, assistant at St. Mary's program in the latter part of the Cathedral. Turn to Page Twelve year under the leadership of the founding president, Raymond Turn to Page Thirteen
Father Gallagher, pastor of St. James Church in New Bed ford and Dean of Lower Bristol County, is the campaign mod· erator. He was named by Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D., Bishop of Fall River, to direct the Greater New J;\edford build ing fund campaign. Catholic Memorial High School will be constructed in Dart 'mouth, close to the New Bed· ford city line. It is the first of Turn to Page Twelve
Two Diocesan Priests Attend Youth Session Two priests active in yout" work are representing the Fall River Diocese at the sixth National- Cat hoi i e Youth Convention in Philadel. phia. Sessions began yesterday and will continue through next Tuesday. Rev. Leo T. Sullivan of New Bedford, Diocesan Youth Direc tor, will assist at as many of the sessions as possible and associate with Youth Directors of other Dioceses to obtain all available information that will be helpful in setting up the youth program here on a Diocesan basis. It is hoped to affiliate the Diocese with the National Conference and have a representative group of adults and youths at future national meetings. ' Rev. William J. McMahon, di rector of Cathedral Camp, will speak on "The Value and Neces sity of Waterfront Safety and Aquatic Training" at the Cath· olic Camp section. Turn to Page Nineteen
Favors Ascribed To Miraculous Medal Devotion
Bishops Outline Freedom Limit On Censorship
By 'Rev. Edward J. Mitchell
WASHINGTON (NC) Freedom of the press is a basic right to be respected and safeguarded. But freedom of expression has social implications, and civil authority "has the right and duty to exercise such control over the various media of communication, as is necessary to safeguard pub lic morals." The Bishops of the United States emphasized these 'points in a statement on "Censorship," issued in their behalf by the Administrative Board of the National Catholic Welfare Con 'ference. The statement was adopted at the annual general 'meeting o~ the Archbishops and Bishops held at the Catholic University of America. Turn to Page Ter
Very Rev. Hugh A. Gal. lagher today announced that the Catholic Memorial High School building fund cam paign has reached the $1, 300,000 mark.
Sacred Heart Church, Taunton
A natural mystery is a truth that can be known but isn't. A fine example of this is the Paris subway. Our 0
JEW E L R Y FOR CHURCH: Mrs. James T. Burns adds her heirloom necklace of' Whitby jet to jewelry collection to be giv en to Bishop Joseph Moo Muelle of Sioux City, Iowa, for church use. Collection is sponsored by Diocesan Coun: eil of Catholic Women.
objective that summer morning was to reach the Rue de Bac, home of the Miraculous Medal. But in the dark underworld of the Paris "Metro," all seemed confusion. "Monsieur, ou est la rue de Bac?" The Parisian gentleman, trim as a Robert Hall advertise ment, studies his American in quisitors and fingers his mus tache. There is a pained look on his face and it is evident that he cannot remember. Suddenly it comes back to him. He sprints to the subway map gesturing furi ously, magnific;ently with the rurn to Page Nine
PORe Asks:Ar~hiy'ists,to Publis~
More Facts on Church's ,Past'
'CASTELGANDQLFO ,(NC)-Keepers of 'Church ar 'chives have been asked by His Holiness Pope Pius' XII to search their "time-yellowed papers" and to publish material on the Church's forgotten eras. . memb~rs. of pontiff, the Holy See, and the
the Itahan EcclesIastIcal Church."
Archivists, the Pope said the The Pope called on the archiv
opening of the Vatican arch- ~sts to material contained
chives to historians was inspired III the .arch~ves .that would be of
by "the quiet consci,enc~ of ,the ,true hl!ltorlcal. Interest and use
Church regarding the past." fulness, espeCially for pastoral
The Pontiff recalled the work theplogy and the welfare of of several popes, who had c'on- souls. .
tributed to the preservation and He eXhor~~d them to. be guided
cataloguing of Church archives, not ,only by the n~~le }~pulse of
and he referred specifically to explorers of erudition but also
Pius V, Sixtus V, Clement VIII, out of zeal for glory of God and
Paul IV and'Leo XIII. honor of th~ Church. .
Leo -XIII's opening of part of O~e may rightfully beheve, he . .. contInued, that much of 'the the Vatican archives In the last tr' th b t d' t t'Il century was praised by Pope .u, ~au y ~n pie yare s I
Pius XII -~s "a courageous ad,. ,hldd~n In ancient rec~rds.. ~on
inspired by the quiet conscience cermng that ?hu~ch which hV~s
, today and Will live eternally In of the Church regardmg the past, th h' t f th ld'" , by the certainty that history, e IS ory 0 e wor ,
studied in its true sources with J"~sllol-ce'
a spirit free of passion and preY 00 I judice, would spontaneously produce in itself the most splendid apology of the Church and the ItPapacy." Pope Leo XIII reigned • 0 CnOO S from 1878 to 1903. ' Y O '' C' -J The present Pontiff, in' a NEW RK (N) us speech on Sept. 7, 1955, promised tice is "entirely on the side, to ,open a further section of the of those who call for public
archives for historians. Vatican support to 'parochial arid officials sai.d work is under way other religious school perform,..
'As'selllfts Decrees Publ.-c A-d' t S I
car~~:~:a:~~t i:::i::.
:~: ~i~~iC function,"
Will Her-
INDIANS GO ON SCHOLARSHIP PATH: Two Indian boys, Winfred Loretto and Mark Cheresposy' of New Mexico get ideas on, how to win their share of 30 scholar ships offered by the Knights of Columbus of New, York State. Value'd at $30,000, the scholarships are usable at' any Catholic college· in the U. S. and Canada. With the, young Pueblos are, left -to right, Emmet Burke, State Deputy, K of C; Frederick Melahn, of Far Rockaway,_Auxiliary State Chairman of Scholarships and Msgr. Bernard A. Cullen, Director General of the Marquette League for Indian Missions. NC Photo.
Cat h'" S hiE nro II' men t Growt h 0 ui c: C 00 Three Times Public Pupil 'Gain
,,"The facts have since completely justified the m:agnanim,- ity, and trusting, confidence of, that great, Pontiff (Leo XIII)," said Pope Pius XII. "Research work conducted in the archives and in publications that followed have not diminished, but on the contrary have increased to "no small extent the respect and the moral ,authority of ,the supreme
struction, staffing inconveni
ences and added financial bur dens," Dr. Sullivan conCluded. Dr. S!1llivan,' who resides in North Easton, had some 30 years, of teaching and administrative' work in the Boston public school sYstem before joining Stonehill' College.~e earned his bache-' lor's, ma,ster's and doctorate de-' greesat Boston College. He also studied" at Harvard's Littauer Center, the Massachusetts Insti tute of Technology and Boston' University. ,He served three years as chief of a research sec": tion, attached to the staff of Gen. H. 'H. (Hap) Arnold during World War II. .
The 'author,:a prominent JewThe rate of, growth "of, the steadY'Tise,of school enrollments. ish educator,asserts "though I Catholic elementary' and 'secoil- He said the attainment of full fully recognize the justice in ' dary school 'system' during the matl,lrity for 'the Catholic schoof principle of the Catholic 'Claim' past ,half 'century outdistanced' system is tied to the solution of to 'public support of, parochial p,ublic school growth more than the rayote~cher problem. ' schools, even to the point of conthree times, according to Dr. Expres~ing 'his view's in' an. tributirig to the tuition oi pupils John p.Sulli:ran, guidance di- article in America, national Ca and the salaries of teachers, l rector .and assistant professor of tholic weekly magazine, Dr. Sul would certainly not think" it educatIOn at St0!lehlll College. livan , ppinted 'out the steady advisable to press such ,claims' Comparing enrollments in Catholic school growth is a at ,the present time or in the Catholic and public' elemeritary boom to the public' sctIOol educa-. 'foreseeable future.'" and secondary schools from 1900 tion system, on the one hand,' Ordo' He expresses this opinion in to the present, Dr. Sullivan re-' while it creates a burden of F~IDAY -St. Cecilia, Virgin ' America, a national Catholic porte,d that public schools doudouble.-taxation' 0 n Catholic arid Martyr. Double. Red. MaSs Weekly review. bled their enrollment, jumping parentS, 'on the other. Proper; Gloria; 'Second Collect Clear Right from 15,500,000 to 32,700,000. Cost Is High' for Rain; Third Collect for An editorial in the same issue' Catholic sc~ools, which carried "United States taxpayers pay .. Peace; Common Preface. of America calls Dr. Herberg's 850,000 pupIls at the turn of t~e anriually $9,500,000,000 for pub-: A Delidous = 'SA'TURDAY-St CI t I article "a statement of immense century, leaped to '4,400,00? In lic school education" he re:' , Trea'" . emen , ' 1957, a growth three times, ". ' " • , Pope and Martyr. Double. Red. consequence." It says, however, ' ported This represents a year- , , Mass Proper; Gloria; Second that "one of the first reactions greater than the public schools. ly ass~ssinent' of $57 on every : : Collect . St. Felicitas, Martyr; to Dr. Herberg's article will pe' 'Cites Comparisons man, woman, child for support , , Third Collect for Rain; Common the recollection that Catholic Dr, Sullivan noted that during of public schools. It is a nation- : ' ': P~eface. <.' ' leaders themselves have on occatwo decades of this 'period _ wide 'investment in the educ;a- , /' SUNDAY _ Twenty-Fourth' sion cl'~arly disavowed all pur- from 1930 to ,1950 ' - Catholic, tion' 'of 32,700,000 children' :' . :' and Last Sunday After Pente- pose of urging a claim for direct school enrollmentS gained more • housed ,in 160,000 elementary', ' ,,~. cost. Double. Green. Mass pub I i csupport of Catholic,' than 600,000 while public schools and'sedmdar'y s c h o o l s , : j; , Proper; Gloria.; Second Collect schools or' Catholic teachers." lost more than 560,000' st'udents. " '''Non-public schools,' rriaih- , " ': St. John'of the: Cross, Confessor ,It adds that "we have asked and' Dr. Suliivan'advanced the theory ly Catholic,'take:care of 4,400,000 : and Doctor of the Church; ,Cr~d; we shall' continue to 'ask for all that the-declining birth rate' of students. About 550,000 more , , , appropria~ 'auxiliary -services', the depression 'years of th'e' 30;s students attend other private or '' . , f P reac!'! of Tr,lmty:.) \ , ,, ,MONDAY _ St. Catherine of that is; for the' Catholic child's and early 40's had more serious denominational, s c h o o l s . : : Alexandria, Virgin and •Martyr. ' just share in benefits-bus rides, impact on public schools, causing. ' "'Double Taxation " , , Double. Red:' Mass, Proper; 'lunch pr?~rams and the like.". the drop in stUdents., ' , ' " "If ,Catholics stoppedb~aring, : : Gloria' Second Collect' for Rain" Dr. Herberg asserts that In, From'1950 to 1957, 'however, a' burden ot'iloubie-taxation and ,.. " , Third 'Collect for Peace' Com~ Great. Britain all;d.. ,the United' both Catholic and public school'; fra'nsferred, their pupils' to the : :' m'on P~eface. .' States, "tpe' government engaged' enrollments increased signific- public 'school system, tax~s, for ' " :TUESDAY-St. Sylvester' Ab- in I?ublic education, because'. e~-' antly in .the, wake of the in- public education, would go up : : perlenee has shown that thiS. IS " creased birth rate that followed at -least $1,300,000,000 a year. ' ,, b t D' u bl Wh't M' . ~. S ' , I ~ Ca~:ec /oCt- the only way to provide 'educa- ,World War I1,he declared. But <;>v,ercrowded pub 1 i c schools :; : o.. ,ecdon. tionalopportunitiesforthemafis the ' rate. of gain co'ld 'per't e er 0OfrIAaI' exan rIa, B?h IS op an d' f th 1'" , was . higher in u not accommo d a t e th e Ca ,' M«ll(l'Je ,~8te Chins, ll'" , Martyr; Third CoIled for Rain' ? d' ~ p~oP e. But '~herever the CatholIc schools With 43 per,-, tholic school population without, , . Ask For Them Toda'j , ~ ' In IVI ua ,or group e ort the cent as compared to 30 percent educational disiocations, con-, - to Commo n P ref ace. proper facilities, 'they have a in the public schools, ilu~ educa ' . WEDNESDAY--:-Mass of Pre- clear rl.ght to compete with' the tor noted. I VIOUS Sunday. Simple. Green. government and are entitled' to Mas~, . Proper; No Gloria .or' recognition and encouragemept Emplo~ Lay Teachers Cr~ed, Second Collect for Ram; , ' by the public authorities." ',Every sixth, staff member T~lr,d Collect for Peace; Comthroughout the Catholic school mon, Preface. ' MOll'ilsigl1'llor Stapleton' system now is a lay teacher, Dr. The Only Catholic College in Ute Diocese of F.all River - THURSDAY-Mass of Previ' Sullivan' reported., He advo ous i Sunday. Simple. Green. To TG~k cit Stoll1lehill cated an'enlistment program for Mass Proper; No' Glori'a'or Rt: R'ev. Matthew P. Stapleton, dedicated and pro~essionally Creed; Second Collect for Rain,' S ,T .D " S 'S, L . traineo 11lY teachers'to meet, "the . , Vice-rector' of St. Third Collect for 'Peace; Com- John's Seminary, Brighton, a _ _=='==-==o""""=-="",,,=---= mon Preface. distinguished scholar of the . ST.· JUDIE NOVENA
Scriptures, will be a guest lecEVERY THURSDAY AT :
tUl'eI: on Friday, Dec. 6 at Stone,"
I hill College. 110 A.M. -:12:10 P.M. - 5:10 P.M·I FORTY HOURS Monsignor Stapleton, profes-. ' 7 P.M. - 8 P.M. . : Broadcast WSAR-8:45 P.M. 'DEVOilON Bor of Scripture at the diocesan· Nov. 24 - St. Stanislaus, Fall Seminary and consultant for the' Q: DAILY MASSESRiver Pontifical Biblical: Commission 7, ~;M. ~ ~ A.M. - 10, A.M.~ St. Anne, New Bedford 'd f t t 'b t t l ,12:10 P.M. an a requen con rI u or 0 CONJliTSSIONS -.: DAILY St. John the Evangelist, Biblical journals, will lecture . Attleboro . 8:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. on i'The Dead Sea Scrolfs".
I No·v. 2',-St. Catherine's Con
iST;· ANTHONY NOVENAI vent, Fall River
, Every Tuesday at " " PRE.MEO',c;:S AT WORK Dec. I-Our Lady of the Im
110 A.M. - 12:10 P.M; -1 P.M4 , Tuning, Repairing , , '" maculate Conception, I , .>:10 P.M. - 8 p.M. " " & 'Rebuilding, , GET ACQUAINTED WITH YOUR COLLEGE New Bedford "", ,," Broadcast· T,ues.- WNBH 101 ." ..; .:(~'.,:,:." :'-:.", St. Margaret, Buzzards A.M. & WALE 7:30 P.M
: CLASSIC ORGAN Visitors A Alw~ys Welcome Bay
••W~d.-WSAR: f P.M. '
Dec. 8--St. Anthony of Padua,
. FOr"Further Information
HELP YOUrf"t'OLLE:GE TO GROW' ,, Fall River onet t ~ove~a BookletS : ,. Designers & Builders = I ,l"Ple~e, Write &0: St. :M.ary,:~~!rhaven , 'of' , . ,
. , ~
ANCHOR Seeond-elass mail' pri~i1eges authorised at Fall River, Mass. Publish'cd evel'1' Thursday at .10 HighJand Avenue. Fan River, Mass., by the Catholie Press of ,the DioeC8p. of 'Fall River. Sub.ou~ription price . . mail, paetpaW '':00 pez :rear.
: '
':P.O. Box 347 New Bedford: . : WYman 3-8683 :
- '- Rev. ~ ~ "-:':~':'':'' -:~ ~'- - --
, 'Director of Building Fu~ '$tonehiU CoUe~
'PHONE.CEdar 8-2~1
_, _' NORTH ~'~!ON, MAsSACHU,SmS
Fall River Diocese Takes Active Part in Sodality Renewal Bis Saeculari-Pope Pius XII - Selectivity - Outstanding de votion to Mary-Federation of Sodalities-the S~cial Apostolate -Should PopeoGregory the XIII, who in 1563 mandated the first Sodalists as the nucleus of the Counter-Reformation, return in 1957 would he recognize the modern Sodality? . The first ·Sodalitie~ were for men so that men and boys of today are only coming into their own when they become Sodalists. But for many years the Sodality has been looked upon as a wom an's world. For many years, too, it has not been the effective in strument for personal holiness
P.repare to
A;U'lfiS To RlW«1)cO'" TV WASHINGTON (NC) Scope of the Bishops' Com mittee on Motion Pictures has been extended to include
and consequent social apostolate to neighbor that Pope Gregory XIII's early Sodality was. The Sodality picture is chang ing. The resurgence slowly be coming a crescendo began in 1948 with our present Holy Fath er's Apostolic Constitution call ing for greater selectivity in the admission of Sodalists. Since then he has reiterated the call to a renewal of spirit in .Sodalities -in 1952 calling for a World Federation of Sodalities, in 1954 convoking the first Wor.ld Con gress of Sodalities. Our own Diocese is taking an active part in this renewal. The Queen of Peace Sodality Union of the Fall River Diocese is the first of it~ kind in New England. It has been affiliated with the Natio'nal Federation of Sodalities_ of Our Lady in St. Louis. Sunday, November 17, saw an other step forward in answer to the Pope's desire for the renewal of Sodalities. A Workshop in Leadership, directed by Father Edward S. Stanton, ,S.J., New England Regional Director of • Sodalities, was held at Sacred Hearts Academy. High were the 'ideals he set for the seventy eight Sodalist-delegates of the Fall River Sodality Union and their priest and sister Moderators and Directc1rs. Their. Sodalities are to be characterized by selectivity, co operation with the Hierarchy, coOperation w.ith other apostolic groups, dedication to the social apostolate. With these standards we shall become, as were' the first Sodalists, a Counter-Reform against modern pagan secular ism.
the media of radio and television. This was announced by Bishop William A. Scully of Albany, chairman of the committee dur ing the annual meeting of the Archbishops and Bishops of the United States ,held at the Cath olic University of America. At the same time, Bishop Scully announced that the sys tem for classifying motion pic tures by the National Legion of, Decency has been changed to in clude three divisions under Section A listings. They are: ' A-I: Morally unobjectionable for general patronage. A-2: Morally unobjectionable for adults and adolescents.
A-3: Morally unobjectionable
for adults. According to the report, the episcopal committee during the coming year, will undertake a . study to determine the most suit able and acceptable means of carrying out the aims and objec tives of Pope Pius XII's encycli cal, Miranda Prorsus, and how to apply them to radio and tele vision on the American scene. With the move into the other media of communications, the committee will change .its name to the Bishop's Committee for Motion Pictures, Radio and Tele Vision. The report said that changes , In legion ratings were made to emphasize the real. moral dan gers which are present in films rated in the Band C categories. Bishop Scully said the atten tion of pastors should be directed to the necessity of instructing their people to avoid attending such films since they constitute a threat not only to parishioners' spiritual life but also to the moral behavior, patterns which conditions public morality. During the past year the legion reviewed and classified 418 films, including 335 domestic and 83 foreign. Of domestic films, 111, or 33 per cent, were classified A-I; 114, or 34 per cent, were A-2; 109, or 3~ per cent, were class B, and one film was con demned. Twenty-eight foreign films, or 34 per cent were rated A-I; 17, or 20 per cent, were A-2; 28, or 34 per cent, were B films, and 10, or 12 per cent were con demned. '
Thurs., Nov. 21,1957
Senator Kennedy Urges Students Enter PolitQCS
AT SODALISTS WORKSH'OP: Delegates of the Fall River Sodality Union met at Sacred Hearts Academy for leadership discussions. Shown with Rev. Edward S. Stanton, S.J., are, left to right, seated, Claire Sinotte, Dominican Academy; Ann Delaney, Sacred Hearts Academy; Mary Lomax, Mount St. Mary Academy; standing, Annette Par ent" Jesus Mary Academy; Raymond Robillard, Prevost.
Maryknoller Says New Leadership Aids Church in -South America
WASHINGTON (NC) - Bap tized Catholics in Latin America number over 90 'per cent of total populations, despite sometimes, desperate economic and social handicaps, according to Mary knoll Father John J. Considine, director of Maryknoll publica tions. Father Considine, addressing' the 30th annual conference of WASHINGTON (NC )-Father the Catholic Association for In ternational Peace, stressed the Pascal P. Parente has bee!1" ap pointed dean of the school of -new organized strength of the sacred theology at the Catholic Church in Latin America. Com University of America here' to menting on the establishment of succeed Redemptorist Father the Council of Latin Ainerican Bishops in 1955, Father Consi Francis J. Connell, who will re tire at the close of the academic dine said; "New strong leader ship (for the Church) is promised year. Father Connell will con by,-this move by the hierarchy. tinue as dean for religious com . What Father Considine termed munities. :\VIsgr. William J. McDonald, "a great resurgence of Catholi cism" lies in" the ~apid growth acting university rector, also an nounced that Msgr. John K. of lay apostolate groups, in -Latin Ryan had been named dean of America and these groups have the ·school of philosophy, suc-" been instimmental, he said. in ceeding the late' Dominican increased' frequenting of the Father Ignatius Smith; Father $acraments i"n those countries, Clement V. Bastnagel, dean of particularlY', by men. the school of canon law, suc ceeding the late Msgr. Edward G. Roelker, and Sister Charles Marie frank, deal} of the school , CONTRACTORS of nursing education, succeedirig and Sister Olivia Gowan, who has \'
retired. BUILDERS
Deans reappointed are: George D. Rock, graduate. school of arts and sciences; C. Joseph Nuesse, John B. school of social science; Msgr. John J. Lennon, National School of Social Service; Vernon X. Miller, school of law; Donald E. Marlowe, school of engineering and' Sons, Inc. and architecture; Roy J. Defer rari, university secretary gen OSTERVILLE eral, 'and Father James Marshall GArden 8-6509 Campbell, college of arts and sciences.
Announce New Deans at CU
Though there is still a des perate need in Latin America for priests, Father Considine continued, there has been rapid progreS!;l in some countries to ward stimulating and fostering priestly vocations. With regard to social advances made through the Church in several Latin American coun tries, Father Considine singled out as advances the frequent pastorals of Latin American Bishops on social problems, work done by the hierarchy and clergy to achieve better housing and living cOl)ditions for under privileged groups, appeals for higher living standards for rural workers and a growing under standing on the part of Latin Americans of the Church's con cern for their condition.
WORCESTER (NC) - U. S. Sen. John F. Kennedy of Mas-' sachusetts, has called upon stu dents to "enter the field of politics at sOJ11e stage in your career.", ' Speaking at Clark University, the Senator observed that "pol itics has become one of our most neglected, our most abused and our most ignored professions." It ranks low on the occupa ti~nal list of a large share of the population, Sen. Kennedy said. Its "chief practitioners are rarely well or favorably known," he added. "No education,' except finding
your way around a smoke-filled
room, is considered necessary
for political success,," he con
Sen. Kennedy. reminded the
students. that the mutual suspi
cion between scholar and pol
itician did not always exist.
"I would ask you who look
with disdain and disfavor upon
the possibilities of a political
career, to remember that our
nation's first great politicians
were traditionally our ablest,
most respected, most talented
leaders," he said.
They were men, the Senator
commented, "who moved from
one field to another with amaz
ing versatility and vitality."
He reminded students' "will
ing to enter the abused and ne
glected profession of politics"
that the nation stands in serious
need of the fruits of their edu
He emphasized that the need .is not for political scholars whose education has been so special ized as to exclude them from participation in current events. "What we need are men who can ride easily over broad fields of knowledge and recognize the mutual dependence of our two .worlds," he concluded.
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Mission' Zeal of' Diocesan Priest
Korean Bishop 'Warmly Praises '
Rev. John P. Cla.?:ke was a pri.!!st
0/ this diocese. He was or,dained "in 1916 amd d'ied on May 9, 1.91,1. Fdthe?' Cla'/'ke, a native of New Bed/onl, served as an assistant in Wellfleet, Woods Hole, Nort.h 'D i g h ton, a'nd St. La.1V7·ence Chm'ch, New Bedford. He was past01' of St. Ma1'Y's Chlt?:ch, Heb ronville, f1'om 1931 nntil his death. Fathe1' Cla-rke was" well' 'mown 'jor his g1'eat devot'ion to the Lit 'tie Flower of Jesus. He estab lished in St. Lawrence Chlu'ch a NO'vena 1'n her h01wr thnt still con t-innes. He W?'ote some of the 'first booklets and pa-mphlets on that saint. 0
Thurs., Nov. 21, 1957
On Fire for love
God Love You
that is if he has left this earth." So, dear Father Considine, I hope, that this will not incon venience, You too much.--- Yop, will' 'probably be able, to send me the answer after a couple of telephone calls. It would make our, ,Bishop J. B. Sye' very, Very happy. Father Clarke will get the pray ers too, and so will you - Yours very gratefully in Christ. , Fr. Charles L. Meeus (Auxiliaries of the Missions Louvain)
'By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D;
Our Divine Lord expressing the purpose of His visitation to earth said: "It is fire that I have come to. spread over the earib, and' what better wish can I have than 0 that it should be kindled.". When He sent His Spirit upon the Church it ap peared as "tongues of fire." Fire is a symbol of a quick, triumphant energy which transforms us into His Likeness. This fire of God, if it falls on us, burns our coldness, makes us glow with en thusiasm, making the Creed a living power, the Sacraments a reservoir of apostolate, and our lives a flame of earn est consecration. We are to be set' on fire for the love of God and the Church as fire turns' the wettest and eoldest day into flame! ' .
h N ame NCWC B d " '00 r
Hierarc y
Dear Father Considine: We were sitting at the table having Korean "chow", and the WASHINGTON (NC) _ Three conversation among the Bishop members of the hierarchy join and the priests was centered on ed the Administrative Board of American generosity. . the National Catholic, Welfare , Said Bishop John Baptist Sye . Conference for the first time to his men: "Do you know, that as a new board organized here it might well be that the pastor for the coming' year. _ of anyone amopg these Amer They were among ten prelates ,ican soldiers,' guarding Korea elected to the new board at the 'from the ,Communists, - - is now annual general meeting of the' . waiting for us to be generous Archbishops and Bishops ,of the to him?" United States just concluded at The Korean priests; chopsticks the Catholic University of Amer remained suspended in midair! ica, the largest meeting of its "How and why be generous to kind ever held. The other seven an An1erican pastor?" , prelates had served on previous boards. . The Bishop, then told us the story: how it was an American The new members are Arch priest who paid for his entire bishop WjlJiam O. Br?dy of St. education as a priest. (St. Peter Paul, Minn.; Bishop Joseph'M. 'the Apostle) Gilmore of Helena, Mont.• 'and "I used to be ,told by .the Bishop Albert R. Zuroweste of French Bishop (Msgr. Des Belleville; Ill. manges) when I was in the Sem ' The largest attendance in his: inary to write to this priest in tory, 179 member~ of the hier 'fEN YEARS IN SIBE latin" every year at Christmas. archy, marked the annual gen I llever knew his name - - - just eraI meeting of the bishops. RIA: Bishop Francesco Ra that he'was an American priest. These included the four Ameri manauska, Auxiliary of Tel So I have always prayed for can cardinal~,'21archbishops and s'iai shown at top before him, and will continue to do so. 154 bishops. :Ru;sian seizure of. Lithua I wonder where he is now. . . . The 'general meeting: : Is he still alive? I ' wish I could nia. Sent to the salt mines, Approved, and authorized t h e 'write to him and tell him ~hat NCWC administrative board to he returned to his homeland I am now the Bishop of Taegu! issue in its behalf, a' statement (tlfis year broken in health It might make him happy. The discussing the basic principles (lower photo). NC Photo. generosity I mentioned:' we must underlying freedom of' expres be generous in our prayers for sion. Destroyed by fire those who have helped us. For Issued a statement calling up-' -HOLY TRINITY (NC)-Holy all you know' my friend might be on all who "love justice and hate Ghost Hovitiate here in, Ala in Purgatory." , iniquity" to unite on Sunday, bama, house' of religious' lrain Immediately I proposed to the December 29, in a day of prayer ing' for priests and Brothers of. ;;'Bish:op'that we try to find his the Missionary Servants of the name ih the Archives; if the.' for persecuted peoples. ;'Communists did not destroy Issued a-' statement calling Most Holy Trinity has been de-, them in 1950. " upon their fellow American citstroyed by fire.' ., ' They did ·riot. I found the izens to' "join in crusade to Holy Trinit·y is the foundation Bishop's file of ,1931. keep our highways safe." ... , site of the Missionary Servants.' The American-born con grega The Priest was Rev.' JohnP'Nixon Add'ress , tiem numbers 108 priests and 40, "Clarke, St. Lawrence Church, Brothen who' w":,k in 14, stales 'New Bedford, Mass. 'Catholic Youth and in Puerto Rico. . 'I told the Bishop I would WASHINGTON (NC) -,-- Vice write to New Bedford. • President Richard M. Nixon ""ill "CHOSSUi\'1NEEDAH!" eVery, address the closing banquet of well) he exclaimed. When the the '1957 convention of the Na answer comes I shall finally tiona I Council of Catholic Youth " know· where to na'me my friend, in Philadelphia, 6n Nov.:M. Mr. , be'nefactor: ,at the memento of Nixon is chairman of President ,'the living . . . or. of the de Eisenhower's Youth ,Fitness ',parted!" Committee' and 'is considered by , The Bishop is John Baptist youth leaders to be fully aware Sye, (secular) Vicar Apostolic of of the current. needs of young Taegu, Korea; Ordained in 1938, people. . . for Bristol County, Consecrated September )5, !I 1955. IJ "Tell Father Considine that I want Father Clarke's family to know how deeply I' appreciate : his goodness to me. I shall 'send : them my picture if I cannot send it to Father John P. Clarke - -
But are we on fire? Do we so love the Church that we bring others to her sweet embrace? Do we so love the Vicar of Christ that we fill his outstretched hands with orphanages, leprosaria, schools and seminaries for the Japanese, Indians and Afrfcans lor whom OuI' Saviour died? ' What blessings we have!' One, the 'Blood of Christ in the Sacrament which washes away our guilt; the other, .the fiery in fluence of the Holy Spirit which makes us blazing apostles of the Cross. Lengthen your pra,yers five minutes a day; send the equi,v alent of what you spend on. cigarettes to hire a catechist for a poor Mission in Ocea'nia; cut into, your capital to educate.a native , African priest to prolong Calvary; take your first salary raise and s'end' it to' us and we will send it to the Holy Father as we' do all of your gifts. Do something for God, to catch fire, and arouse your passions for the love of God, Who is a consuming fire. Shall we forget the warning of God: "Thou art neither hot nor col~, therefore will I vomit Thee from My Mouth?" Set yourself afre with love of God and man and the missions! ..
permanent." ... to J.O.O. 'Twas about to send this dollar away, for a pattern, however, I know you will have better use for it." . . • to E.L.K., "Enclosed is an $8.07 dividend, received from my insur ance premium, which I do not need and which is more or less of a windfall." •.. to J.A. '''This is my fourteenth birthday - a won derful day - because it has been 'such a great day I want to share some of it with the missions, so here is half of my birthday money $10." Som'e Africans in the m~st far' distant missions of the wor'ld have probably never heard of television or Our Lady or our statue of OUR LADY OF ,TELEVISION. It is not important that they know of television or even of the statue of Our Lady but -it is most important that they' know OUR LADY herself! They can come to know the dear .Blessed Mother through your generous' sacrifices. The $3 sacrifice-offering' that you send foil' the statue of OUR LADY OF TELEVISION will help us to send a missionary to the Africans to tell them about Mary the Mothel!' . of God. ' Send your re~uest an.d offering to us or to your diocesan director. Cut out this column, pin your sacrifice to it and ~ail it to the Missions. The address is The Society for the Propagation of" the 'Faith' 366 Fifth A~enue, New York 1, N. Y., or your DIOCESAN 'DIRECTOR' REV. RAYMON'D T: CONSIDINE, 368 North Main Street, Fall River, MasS. . ' , " ,., , . . .
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Greg<;)rian Requiem Ref.lects 'Wisdom ofoMother Church By Most Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, D.D. Bishop of ~eno
On June 5, 1826, Carl Maria von Weber, brilliant musi- . cian and forerunner of the great line of 19th century .romantic composers, died while on a visit to England. He was only thirty-nine, in the full flowering of his powers. ,Musicologists of our day de- first' choice before outs;ders light in pointing out how should be admitted. It is inter liberally Richard Wagner esting to recall, in passing, the borrowed from him, or if the peculiar vigor of the custom of term be too strong, how deeply subscribing to pews, now prac the Bard of Bayreuth was intically a vanished institution
debted to his predecessor, both but then in full force as a Cath
for ideas and for thematic mateolic borrowing from the Re
rial. There are hints and recolformed churches.
lections of von Weber all through Blocked by Poynter, the com-
Tannhauser and Lohengrin. mittee in charge th~n conceived
As a Catholic, von Weber was the idea of singing the Requiem entitled to Christian burial, and a.s 'a kind of sacred concert or in vi'ew of his renown, it was oratorio in S1. Paul's Cathedral, decided to inter his remains in prior to the Mass at Moorfields. the vaults of St. Mary's, MoorThe project gained enthusiastic fields, the firs~ Catholic church support, both from Catholics and with any pretensions to dignity ~ Protestants, and was viewed as a to be built in London since the po~s,ible rapprochement in those Reformation. This was a handdays of embittered' feeling, just some neo-classical structure before the final passage of Cath whose architect, John .Newman, olic Emancipation. But alas, the used an elliptical apse with an Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's internal collonade executed in took a long look at such Popish Como marble in the manner of goings-on under Sir Christopher · Canova. For many years it Wren's dome, and pronounced served London as a quasi-cathethe judgm~nt that Mozart's, Re dral, both in the times of the' quiem was not proper music for Vicars Apostolic and after the a Protestant cathedral.' 0 restoration of the hierarchy in Funeral Finally Held ,1850. Cardinal Manning, with So Bishop Poynter had his way his' singular Victorian taste, after all. Qver two weeks had ,abandoned it for a hideous struc . ture in Kensington, and it was, been consumed in the negotia ultimately demolished in 1899. tions, and it was only on July 21 that the cortege was, formed at Inappropriate for Sanctuary the house of Sir George Smart, in For VOR Weber's funeral the Great Portland Street, where the musicians of London aspired to composer had died, and' pro .a display which they considered ceeded to. St. Mary's. There worthy of the occasion." They Mozart was rendered as elegently would sing Mozart's Requiem, as possible and the pewholders, with full orchestral accompaniwho rallied handsomely for' the ment, not unmindful of the 00- occasion, received full benefit incidence that its· composer feo'm their subscriptions. ,They ·dying" at thirty-six, had be~ had deposited the remains of queathed it as his:last testament Carl Maria von Weber in the .of beauty. This, it goes without vaults below, and in the'conse saying, was long before the re-crated phrase, "all withdrew."
,fonn of Church music instituted
by st. Pius X. ,'It was the heyday If any comment is necessary it ,of ornate Masse~ and ecclesiaswould be by way of a r'eflection . on the wisdom of Mother Church tical operas; magnificent music, in our day, in renewing her in~ · much of it, but more appropriate Joe the stage or concert hall than sisten~ on' the "divine, democ for the !ianctuary. racy of death." Accustomed as , The musiCians, however, had we are now to the dignity and · not reckoned with the Vicar 'restraint of the Gregorian Re . quiem we find it difficult to can ,D Apostolic of the London District, ceive a taste which would prefer c. William Poynter. Poynter Mozart for the ultimate solem was a leal'ned and gracious gen- .. nity. 'Think of our exiguous tl en~an who had steered the Eng" choirs worlting up 'a rendition of lish Church through an ex-' tre.mely trying period of her his- Verdi Or Faure for the funeral tory with great patience and of some prominent or near forebearance. In this instance he prominent parishioner! Other times, other customs, but we was not disturbed, as might be h . i.magined, by any disapproval of ave ample reason to be grateful · baroque music at funerals; his to the great Saint and Pontiff own organist and choir":master . who ruled so soundly for the Vincent Novello (whose name i~ restor.a tion of. the liturgy 'and still found on so many of our the redemption of Church music Catholic hymns) was himself from its operatic toils. strongly influenced' by Mozart. ,His objection, rather, was that ANN ARBOR (~C) -:- There the Requiem, sung by Protestants are 3,189 Catholic students at for the edincatioQ or amusement · of a predominantly Protestant the University of Michigan, out · congtegation, would hardi y be of a total enrollment of approxi mately 14,500. fitting in a Catholic chUrch. Conditions Imposed ' Poynter's conditions were that
, the regular choir of St. Mary's
should simply be augmented for
. , the Mass, and that the pewhold Maintenance Supplies ers of the church .should have
L~AD VETS: Officers of Father Washington Chapter,
~athohc War Veterans, of Tau~ton, are, left to right, stand m~, John Gr-ant, Third Vice-Commander; Robert Joy, First
VIce-Commander; Rev. Edward Oliveira, Chaplain" Seated, Hugh Mayher, Commander. -Photo by Calvey, Taunton
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bert, Mrs. Joseph Robiehauct and HOLY ROSARY, Mrs. Walter Delude, handcraft; TAUNTON .Mrs. Eva Lavoie and Mrs. Anne The Children of Mary Sodal Paquin, children's surprise pack~ ity, comprising a 50-girl mem.. ages; Mrs. John Arouth and Mrs. bership under the guidance of Armand' Moreau, parcel poat; Rev. Rudolph Linko, ~s sponsor Mrs. Henry Duffy, Mrs; Ralph ing its·annual Thanksgiving Day Myette, Mrs. Raymond DuclQS, dance at 8 Thursday night, Nov. 'Mrs. George Brillon and Miss 28, in Roseland Ballroom. Yvonne Monast, candy. The committee in charge ·in The December committee in cludes Irene and Evelyn Baran, charge of the food table include: Mary Biedak, Rosalie Digits, Mrs. Doris Tessier, Mrs. Rita Janet Kuszaj, Patricia Rusiecki, Vachon, Mrs. Marie Viall, Mrs. Gail Zaczkiewicz and Diane Za Alice Vieira, Mrs. Dorothy Wild groovy. . A polka band of Meridan, goose, Mrs. Katherine Wnuk, Mrs. Ida Andrews, Mrs. Florence Conn. under the direction of Ayotte, Mrs. Rita Armell, Mrs. Walter Solek will furnish the Bertha Arouth, Mrs. Ire n'e music. !3lythe, Mrs. Irene Boyle, MI·S. ST. THERESA'S, Gertrude Brillon, Mrs. Clare SOUTH ATTLEBORO Boardman, Mrs. Beatrice Bou The annual Christmas sale dreau, Mrs. Florence Barrett, . sponsored by the Christian Mo Mrs. Rosemary· Bleasdale. Mrs. thers will be held from 2 to 10 Inez Bissonnette and Mrs. Lucy on Wednesday, Dec. 4 in the church hall with Rev. Roger Blais. ST. PIUS TENTH, Gagne, curate, as general chair SOT)TH YARMOUTH man. , Attend~nce at Benediction of Members appointed to head ,the Most Blessed Sacrament will the various booth~ are as fol precede the meetings of the lows: Mrs. Adrien Piette, knick Youth Society on the first and knacks; Mrs. Louis Desmarais, third Sundays of each month. jewelry; the Misses Helen and Patricia Wall, dolls; Mrs. John 'The Society wili receive Com munion in a bOdy on ~he first Powers, l\1rs. William Goff, Mrs. Sunday of each month at the 8 ' Nelson Roy and Mrs. Irene Bab o'clock Mass. These .plan;; were bitt, flowers; Mrs. Edward' 'La decided at the Novem'hE>r meet perle and- Mrs. Albina Racine, ing of the Youth, Society. glamour; Mrs. Milton Sawyer, Plans .for a Masquerade Ball Mrs. Joseph Gawlik and Mrs. Anthony Moskalski, plants; Mrs. 10 take place Thanksgiving Eve • Albert Boudreau, religious arti cles; Mrs. Arthur Glode, Christ mas cards. ' Mrs. Ernest Major, Miss Lucille - Major and Mrs. James Mann,aprons, Mrs. FlO rence Ayotte, Mrs. Joseph HeIF WE.
About 20 Percent
Guild members and the parish priests co-sponsored a turkey whist last Saturday night in the parish hall. New members were welcomed at the last meeting by the President Mrs. Thomas Tache. ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, FALL RIVER Mrs. Frank Duffy Jr., presi dent of the Women's Guild an nounces a Christmas ,>ale will be held tomorrow in the s,;l1ool hall. ST. WILLIAM'S, FALL RIVER Mrs. Gerald Holleran and Mrs. James P. McKnight Jr., chair man and co-chairman, respec tively, are members 'of the Wo men's Guild who were appointed to direct a Christmas party which will highlight the next meeting slated for 8 p.m. Wed nesday, Dec. 11 in the parish hall. ,ST. ANNE'S, FALL RIVER Members of S1. Anne's Social Group are making plans for their Christmas party scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 14 at Stone Bridge Inn. Women interested in joining , the group may contact any mem ber during' the membership drive which will end at the January meeting. ST. JOHN'S, WESTPORT A pot luck supper followed by entertainment will highlight the nexJ monthly gathering 0\ the Ladies' Guild scheduled Thurs day night, Dec. 5 in the parish hall. Mrs. Edith Kirby will serve as hostess.
Christmas Parties Planned
The' Parish
in the paI'ish hall were an nounced. A' prize for the best costume will be awarded. A Nominating Committee was elected to submit a slate of offi cerS to the December meetirla and final plans for the Christm:u supper and sale were announced. Mrs. Joseph Slattery, general ,chairman for the supper, ,>tated that a Smorgasbord from 'j:~\0 ,to 7, will be served featuring many different and tasty dishes. A fine selection of Christmas gifts, dolls, children's books :md games, a large assortment of handwork and aprons, Christmas wrappings and ornaments, a White Elephant table as well as candies and preserves will be available at the various booths at the Bazaar which will ('pen at 3 Dec':. 5. ST. JEAN BAPTISTE, FALL RIVER Officers of the Women's Guild will hold a Christmas party Tuesday night, Dec. 10 at the Stone Bridge Inn. Reservations may be obtained by contacting Mrs. Ellery Chace before Dec.
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Weekly Calendart·. Of Feast Days·
.'TODAY-Presentation of the BlesSed Virgin. This feast com the presentation Of OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIQCESE OF FALL RIVER the Blessed Virgiri Mary in the Temple at Jerusalem at the age Published Weekly by The Cath~lic Press of the Diocese of F~II Ri~er of three by her parents, St. , 410 Highland Avenue Joachim and St. Anne.' OSborne ~-7151 Fall River, Mass.. TOMORROW - St. Cecilia, . PUBLISHER . Virgin-Martyr. She lived in the Most Rev. James: L. Connolly, 0:0:, Ph.D. , second century'and is one. of-the 'mostfamous martyrs of the early GENERAL MANAGER ASST; GEN~RAL MANAGER Church. ,The Patron Saint of Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P; Driscoll musicians was of noble Roman MANAGING EDITOR' ·birth. "She is' said to have been Attorney Hugh J. Golqen tortured and martyred for her Faith in her own mansion, which later was converted into a Church. At about the same time Princeton IJniver~ity .in Rome, Valerian and Tibur " this also were martyred, but , '. ConH~ued from Page O~e what. connection they had with ,osophical and theological' ideas. were' robbing students of St. Cecilia' is uncertain. The relics of all' three are beneath the~r religious beliefs; since h~ was misrepresenting Ch:r:is the high altar in the Basilica of tian doctrines, Father Halton held it his duty to examine 51. Cecilia in Trastevere. and criticize Stace's ideas. He did this on a high level of SATURDAY-St. Clement I of Rome, Pope-martyr. A -first scholarship. But to this Princeton s'aid that Father .Halton Q century convert, he was the third ;'does not understand d~corum;" "he threatens' our com successor to St. Peter, who had . ' , consecrated him a Bishop. His ~unal life." 0 , ',. famous epistle to the Corinthians Father Halton's action certainly appears valid. It. does restored order in file ,Church in Corinth. He governed' the 'not seem irresponsible to correct and criticize Dr. Stace. Church 'as Pope for about ten Required Religious Reading Professor Elderkin's books are· displ:;tyedand' dis-. years and died as an exile and ,tributed by the Princeton Univer:sity fr ess . His bigotry has martyr under Trajan about 100. Third:' ,In 1954 the Princeton University Press pub- ru bbed 0 ff on many, .religiously immature 'arid' uncritical : SUNDAY - 51. John of the Inlhed "Morals. and Medicine'; by the Rev. Dr. Joseph F. minds. It i~ not irresponsible for Father Halton to answer Cross, Confessor-Doctor. He was .Fletcher, professor' of Pastoral Theology and. :C,',h~istiaJl Elderkin. ' ' bornwas nearordained Avila, Spain, 'and a priestinin1542 the Ethics at the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge. These are four, instances where Father Halton'has .'Carmelite Order in 1567.· Iri (Herbert A. Philbrick; FBi unaercov~r man in 'the Com.:: criticized Princeton professors' and .the' University: ")3'; fluenced by' St. Teresa !>f Avila, . , " ,he, foimde'd the' Discalced Cai munist Party for nine years, testified' on' July 6, 1953, cause he has criticized misrepresentations of the Catholic melites, and his work was for~ 'that Dr. Fletcher operat~d,under. Communist Party Church's .doctrines,' shoddy scholarship,- teachings '. tinac ,mally approved by Pope Gregory 'discipline. '~io~. Fletcher," he said, "wpr,ked 'with.' . cepta})1e to Catholics, he has been called 'a -"demagogue." XIII in 1580. He underwent To' our' knowledge' the University. has not, cited a single many trials, was'persecuted and . tance 0 f ,ather F H alton's "irresponsible attacks." " 'us on Communist Party proJ'ects and on an enor~ou& Dum- 'InS imprisoned;' He died in 1605, He ' WllS canonized by Pope Benedict · 'b~r . or" tasks.")' The book, "Morals and Medicine/" is ,a .' Distra~ting,Side Issues XlII in i 726.' ' '. .' . . ' defense of .contraception, artificIal insemination; .·eugeni'c - MONDAY _ si. Catherine of. ~terilization, euthanasia and abortion.' Accordi~g to the . There are a few side issues in the case. The f~et that' Alexanq~ia, Virgin-Martyr. She author, alt' of these 'practices are justifiable; at least under Hugh Stott Taylor, Dean, of the Graduate College~ is'a " was put to death by means of an , Catholic and is .displeased with Father' :Halton and trI'ed 'e'ngine fitted with a spiked wheei ~ertain circumstance~. ,Catholics cannot agree, for t h ~ Y a b o u t the year 310 in Alex~ridria. " . I f G d . Th main issue d" th e reIgn . 0 f MaXlmunus . ~. ' , e to h"ave'him, removed has nothing to do with-the ~" urmg ,b,eliev~ these procedures are agamst !he aw,.o .. as stated by tl}e Bishop of Trenton,..'namely: "the right of '~aza. According to legend, be . book was made a required text 'at Princeton in the' Depart- a priest charged with the spiritual care of souls to speak. ~ fore h~r martyrdom she met and· inent of Religion. In the spring of 1957 ~he Princeton . out 'in defens.e of the faith and morals of those com., va,nqulshed .50 pagans ~n argu U.niversity ,Press be,gan a sales p,r9IDotion. o.f ,the' bop,k. .'mitted' to his care." ~ents o.n phII~sophy for this , -, '. ..,:' ,.'': 'reasonlS conSIdered and the patron ~mong doctors and la~yers, , , : , It has also. been' alleged that Father Halton had some:' ,ess of philosophers. .! The Dean of the School of Theology 'of the Catholic ,harsh word.s for Jacques Maritain, a~ eminent C~tholic' TUESDAY-'-St.Sylvester,Ab 'University says' the book violates "the normsofgeilUine 'philosopher, stationed at Princeton as a professor emeritus . bot. He founded the Silvestrine · scholarship" 'in a manner that is "deplo~able,.','. ,O~e . r~,; elf ph,ilosophY.· Father Halton is quoted as saying "b~.·· ,csaocnrgl'f~eClfngation, , Betnedilcti?eS, I I a bV).f rl ll Ian ecc eSIas "flewer found over one hundred errors of fact .In: the bO,ok.. Mari:tain does 'not have a very sound philosophical bii,iik2 ':' 't~cal careel to do so, He over .''fhe author misrepres~~ts ~athol~c ~?ctrine;' for~example,·grotirid."Theanswer to this is simple:' Father Halton::did," c~m.e ma?i.di~iculti~s in ~stab~n 'page' one hundred --andseventy-eIg;ht'he quotes as a ,- t 'k" h ' , ' b' ,'" .....~ :'k'~: ,.. ',' lishmg hiS mstItute, and died at, 'te.aching of. the Church' apropositioii ~that 'the Church no rna e ~suca st~t~men~ a out MarIta.m. When a~"ec;l:: .~the age of .90 in 1267. . ;:~ctually condenu1s. ' A check 'of the book's sour,ces reve~ls to comment on' MarItaIn's,Influenc~:;at':Prmceton he·stat~' '.~' :W~?NESDAY- ~~- Virgi~, ~hoddy scholarship. , , 'that it was little,. because MaritaiiI taught at Ptiriceton':"'~J3.I;sholl-~onfessor. He, was an 'j , , .,.. , . ' .. ·.C ·..•~;Irlsh samt of noble birth, who ': Father Halton' criticized the book for its lack 'of scholar- only a, 'fewyears and only graduate s,tudepts.. Father. "played a prominent part in' the' ~hip, proved ~n~' provable; He, critici'zed' the Universitl< \Halton' furthe'r said that he-was not-altogether displea~ed·,:·?~osto~ate.oq:;er~any: He w~s f, ress for publIshmg a worl!:.Jh;tt does not mee~ (}:Ie scholarly at this indicating that he does not see eye to eye on" all'-; :a~ddedthm h~s work ..>y: Kmg Pep~n t d d f . 't ,:' Th' d t 'to b . ., " .,-- . . . ,. ~ "an e kmg's soni who became' ~ an ar .obl a unhl'yersl Yt press_ IS oes. n~ seem , e matters with Maritain. This is legitimate since, for, -in": ";Emperor Charlemagne. He ,U'responSI e on IS par . . ' . . . . ' , .'" .. ' . . . '. serVed as Bishop of S 1 b d Iltance, MarItam supported the loyalIst SIde In the Sp~nish .died in 784. a z urg an . Professor Attacks Catholic Church Civil War; many people' disagreed with him in this. '. .1
• •
• "
'j Fourth: From 191'0 until 1948 Professor George W. Basic Issue Remains Says American Law, ,Elderkin taught archeology at Princeton: His teachings - Depends on Theology were a continuous attack on the Catholic' Church, her doc But these are side .issues. The basic issue is the right . NEW YORK (NC) - Laws trine, her discipline and her membership. Here are some or a Catholic priest to'answer charges against the Church, shorn of their theological pre . " die, law willthesoon q uotations, from Professor Elderkin: "The real subversives ."t0' " yers attending annual Red gIve t h e C'hurch's side in moral issues, to point out ·and suppositions in the United States are the Catholic clerics...." "The ul correct shoddy 'scholarship, to call attention to dangers to, Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral . , were told. timate responsibility for the frightful religiOlls slaugh.ter faith and morals at a secular university. Princeton Catholic , of P o pe ,
Father John B, Sheerin, C.S.P., (in Yugoslavia) squarely rests. upon the shoulders Pius XII.... He has remained true to the Vatican's tradition' University, through Dr. Goheen, says that Father Halton writer and editor of The Catholic for pious murder." "On April 22, 1957 Archbishop Cush ,does n~t have this right. Fathet Halton and the Bishop' World, said "American civil law definitely ,presupposes a Su ing and the Knights of Columbus, awarded Mr; J. Edgar .of Trenton, from whom he holds his position, say that this preme Being in its concept of Hoover, Director of the FBI, the, 'Lantern of Freedom' at 'is 'the 'priest's right 'academically-and his duty spiritually. civil right" and that tradition of · 'Boston. Thus the bishop posing as,' night-riding Paul 'Jf Princeton professors can make charges 'c v i l rights is "based upon andi allegations, theology," Revere, transferred the lanterns of American freedom, to ' The Mass receives its narrie :the steeple of his un-American ·church." . they are not..immune to criticism ; if th'ey are, free academic' debate is truly dead. If a .university is a cpmmunit'y' ded, j:..' from the color of the vestments . This type of "scholarship"'is surely not above critiCism. worn by priests officiating at the :!Such charges mu~t not go unanswered. To reply to these . eate'd tQ. free expression, then intelligent criticisql is,n~t service. It is offered each year ' I 'Incompe t ence. irresponsible.. of the toFallinvoke term at , ;; statements is toch a II enge prof eSSlOna of the the opening civil courts. Father Halton could not be sil~nt. " Perhaps the only valid' criticism of Father Halton divine guidance. ; FBI Steps Into Picture could be' that he. sp~ke not only with intelligence but with ' Father Sheerin said the signers , .' ' o f the Deelaration of Indepen . " wit. Arid .,tha~ see~s to be the unfprgivabJe, sin in the whole' dence ",believed the ultl'mate , :i ' The F BI appointed Louis B.-Nichols ("born in a Meth ... :odist family and raised in a, ~nd a" mem- affair':' The' resentment'in the Princeton authorities seems purpose of human life was to 'per of the FBI for 23 years") to reply to Elderkin's:charges to pe:;.n;o~ oril y' "that 'Father Halto~ ~~id·they' were wrong ~~:~na:th~~~i::S~~~~~a~~~~:~~ :that the Roman hierarchy is in.filtrating the FBI. Mr:, bu~ !P!1~".he mad~ some of their number appe~r ridiculous; that-'the state's function was "to :Nichols observes that the ,j:irofessor may' at pne'-time have., May~e)f Falher ,Halton had been le.s~ witty, he would have protect the person in his pursuit 'ib,een interested in the. truth, "but. this.' is not the case at been mor~' . ' kil)d. But if. that is Princeton's . .complaint' let 'of They happiness." , believed, he continued, the present if one is to judge from your statements." "You the atitho'iit,'ies sli,y so; let them protest that Father Halton' ·that·the state perverts its func b t ts , ·.of course, are entitled to y'our opinions,but'youare'not'en';':' is unkind;, let t.}l.e.m not talk of "irresponsible attacks" a,nd t·IOn I'f't' I m any way 0 s ruc ,.~itled to m~srepresent the truth..• '. I, for one, would n o t · the person in his spiritual devel ~want to have on my:conscierice the respons'ibility which you then refuse to 'discu~s the matter, further. Let them riot opment. "In other words," said :~~ust assume for the circulation of the falsehoods and half- say, it is not a matte,r of academic freedom and ,expect the ,Father Sheerin, "the state was , under God and subordinate 10 truths which appear in your pamphle~" m'ere statement of that to be its proof too. Bic U"I1."
the"ir .1957 C!ltalog;. ~l:We the are bicreasedby an average of 750/0'•. Ii is'~~w~~'ioo~-'' that some of these, beaU!tiful Interest in the hobby of col lefting Vatican City postage stamps are selling at· prices stamps is growing fast, as evi 'above catalog,' ColIe<;tors are now awaiting a denced by the rapid increase in the price of these stamps.. Tile 35 lire and 60 lire pair,:s<;hed'uled'" 1958 "Sa.ssone" catalog - the for release in October.,. commem-· 'Scott' of Italy - shows a 670/0 oratillg the Poritifi'caf Academy: . of Science. This a6fdemYdates increase in cost of the rare 35 40· set .over prices qlioted in back ~o,the Gal.i)eo period.. .
Vatican Philatelic' Society Growing.
...f fJ·
T~E. ANCH~~.~.··.·:.." . Thurs., Nov. 2J, 1957
tended. a meeting of the Eastern Massachusetts Chapter of the ..,..'......;..."'----.. . . ;. .-'-...;..._.__.._.,;-.-_............ Vatican Philate'Uc Society at, the The Vatica.npliilatelic .Society, . rectoly of St. Mary.of th~'Angels now having over 600 members, Church; Roxbury. Mr. Thomas. -issu~s "VatiCan Notes," the "of- Boland was the speaker and ex ficial organ. ,O! .the. ~ociety, con hibited hiscoilection. taining much" valuable iruormaApplication 'blanks for mem..'· tion. . .. . ..... '. " bership in 'VPS' may be obta:in~d . Persons ilitete~ted.iI).·collect
ing Vatican: 'C:ity.~orthe· much from H. Earl Heron, 113' Perron older Roman. States startrP.s, ~t- 'Ave., Somerset, Mass.
Su~mer Session .
WASHINGTqN (NC) - .To obtain ma~imum family partici pation the 1958 National Catholic Family Life Convention will be held during vacation tim~ July 14, 15 and 16 in Buffalo. . This' decision .has been made by the 50-member advisozy board at its annual November
meeting here.
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At'Our House
'," ~ ·O~dinary: R.aps ".Parental' I.,axity
:See~: An~:lbg}> .Between :'Q'~eeif'
'. ,
.. ,
'Ori .Teen,:,'AgeCompany~Keepirig' ' .
ST. pAUL, (NC)-..:.Arcbbishop ; youth's environment, .be· subjeCt William O. Brady of St. Paul, a . to tlteir parents and learn re~ · native of. FallR,iver, has warned sped (at a distance) for the parents to "ta~e off the blinders' other sex." By Mary Tinley Daly . from their· eyes" in regard to A little late to be wI'itiirg about ,the visit· of Queen · teen-agers and company-keep of to Conduct Elizabeth II? . ing.' . Certainly, miles of typewriter ribbons must have been The Archbishop's admonition Youth Conference His Excellency, Most Rev. was given in his weekly column worn inkbare in spot-news reporting, in features, editorial' in the Catholic Bulletin, news" Bernard J. Flanagan, D.D., Bi eo"mment and encomia. Well, it was a newspaper pic shop of Norwich, will preside at paper of the St. Paul, archdio Her wardrobe has been ture, widely circulated, and per cese. He deplored the fact "that the Daughters of Isabella Ses described from every scarleto haps you saw it,too. ·The picture more than a few parents have sion of the Sixth National Con was of Queen Elizabeth II on her ference on Catholic Youth Work velvet fold of the chic millin refused to take a st'and on teen today at Philadelphia. ery to, the stylish 'by .smart but. first day home in England with age company-keeping." comfortable. shoes. The Queen's. little Princess Anne, ageCiseven. "How .can parents excuse Miss Julia F. M~guire, of To There was the same bright smile smile, her walk, . themselves' thinking that what . peka, Kansas, National Regent, that we had seen, but tl\is time it, goes on is cute?" the Archbishop will be'the chairman of this ses e 0 m pIe xion, was a relax;ed,. motherly smile asked. sion. The speakers win include manner - they asher . arm rested lightly and "If parents' duties must be Miss Mary F. Riley of Provi have all been lovingly around the shoulders spelled out in cietail," he said, dence, R. I., national secretary I Youth of the little daughter. described jour-: .r. "this is the story: Boys and girls' and youth chairman; Miss Helen And we. 'recall seeing the Classroom Club must be taught (and taught by B. O'Donnell of Fitchburg, Mass., mastically from same motherly smile 'on the face the great met
With authorization . given ·by their parents) that boys are boys national director; and Miss Mary of our nECwspap'er .colleague when ropolitan dailies
and girls are girls * '* '* that while Nally, . past ,president Junior his Superior Sister Mary Char the din of the citY room ;is for the young are still children, they Circle No. 44 of Fit~hburg, Mass. ·to the smallest
'lot~e, principal. of St.' 'Louis gotten, the. need for "smart, eounty monthly.
cannot play at being adults '* .. '* Mrs. Gertrude Reitz of Coving School, Fall River, eleven-year writing" Qver for. the day, and ton, Ky., national director, will Like millio'ns
that teen-agers must· live in a she can come home to the small . old Paul Desrosiers, a sixth be the recordy of tpe session'. grade student, took it upon him . two-room apartment-and' her Bishop Flanagan will sum self last year, while attending gan. and activity' programs from· . the Queer and Prince Philip; children. the ,fifth grade, to inaugurate a headquarters were eagerly ac-', marize the meeting. 'Remember the oldie abo(." like thqusands of other news .classroom club together with his cepted and applied.· The unit·. Miss Mary Nally, Fitchburg, Judy O'Grady and the Colonel's paper people, we had the pleas fellow students called st. Dom-' began to function, gathered mo Mass., and' Miss Sheila Degnan, lady? ure of meeting them at the large inie, Savio: . • . mentum and broke out into Southington, Conn., will repre They're "sisters under the press reception in Washington. Young Desrosiers while read dynamic group of active Savios. sent the Junior. Circles of the skin," For more than an hour, they' ing the "Hi!" magazine, a Cath With a twinkle in her eye and Daughters of Isabella as their stood in line meeting the ladies olice publication for interme an Irish twang in her voice, Sis official delegates to the Fourth Academy Alumnae and gentlemen of the press, each diate grades, became: impressed ter Roberta will tell you, "If you National You t h Convention presented by the. jovial Paul To Launch Fund and enlightened by a story given wish to witness a mircle, entrust which begins tomorrow. Wootton, master-of-ceremonies To commemorate the 50th year . by a Sister Roberta in charge of your children to St. Dominic. par excellence. of their organization the Sacred 350 "wild Indians" as she called Savio an enroU' them in the St. Catholic Nurses Plan As the line slowly inched its Hearts Academy Alumnae Asso . them who was in the last stage Dominic Savio Classroom Club." C · way toward the Queen, we had ciation has launched a "gift of desperation. With' a of 40 boys hristmas Social a good chance to study her with fund appeal," beginning· today Here 'it was December, she anp girls of the sixth grade at A Christmas party will high out seeming to stare. We were and ending Dec. 8. Under the stated, and the children were St. Louis par6chia~ School, a light the next monthly meeting · impressed,as were so many· co-chairmanship of Miss Leonora ' still just as. uncouth as 'the day weekly meeting is held at 2:30 of the Catholic Nurses Guild of others, with the sparkle in lier Donovan and Mrs. Veronica Hey-' they entered school in early Sep-' on Friday afternoon in the school' Fall River, on Wednesday, Dec.. blue eyes, at the genuine friend wood Dunn for the local mem- tember. Discipline was obtained and at the home' of Thomas Bevi 11 in St.. Anne's Hospital. Mrs. liness of her sni"ile and the firm, bers,:and Mrs. Angela Coutanche through threats. But. of late lacquaof 172 Ash Street, for all Sabina Wilding will be hostess. handshake and word of' greeting Bohlin for' the PI'ovidence mem:: threats were unavailing. Fervent other youngsters from tli'e fifth Guild meetings will be held ·for each guest.
bers :tl;le appeai a.tms 'at raising a . ': vIsits' to the Blessed Sacrament, grade' to second y~ar high who in St. Anne's Hospital hence Gruelling -' E·xhausting
substalltial surri to'be contributed . and Holy Mass, had 10I:lg ce~sed' are interested in. being better forth, it' was announced" by •Aside: from the pomp and towa'rds tJ:if'!,. reqecorating of the to be d;1ily endeavors of the' Cath~lics, the purpose 'fif the President Mrs. Oscar J. Dube. '. eere~ony of the surroundings, Convent chapel.' . . ~'~ittle Indians," and now orily a · c l u b . · . The n~ses' f~rmerly met in ,this might have been any gra 'of The St. Dominic. Savio Class- th e C a th~ l'Ie Community Center, , SHA .will , .gradu'ate ' , be' m.iracl.e could set things rl"g~ht, · eious, poised young matron , EV'~r'y · Yisiting a sti';mge to'wn and sin:" . cont~Cted QY letter, by phone, or and it would, have .to be a great rQOnI Club hold~ its headqi)arters now headquarters for the Girls' person'ally 'and asked: to ·donate· miracle. . in p'aterson, N. J. , CYO eerely happy to meet friends-of friends. ' her iarge 'ot'small to this proje~t:' :Assisting' the' co-chaii'-' The miracle finally happened From the' news' reports and ·men. is' the :£Oliowing committee .when Brother Michael, director from all TV and radio coverage, of helpers:' . of the. St. ,D~minic Savio Class-. we feel that the sam~'happy and Mrs. Patricia H:luisonDelaney, romp Club was distributing club Grants ha!'C MORE relaxed attitude' prevailed literature. far and w;ide, at the Miss' Margaret, Donova"" Miss opening of the. club term. Like throughout the state: visit with Ann' .punn, Miss' Maryellen many busy superiors "she read CHRISTMAS· GIFTS a, tightly packed schedule even Grace, Miss Eillien Higgins, Miss' though it must have 'been phys Regina Higgins, Mrs. Helen. Mc- and i'e-read the instructions, said .fervent prayers to S't. Dominic ically gruelling a~d nervously Mahon Lawlor, Mrs. Margaret. Savio and tried to' interest the exhausting. : .. . . Croft Leger, Mrs. Dorothy Coyle' boys. in organizing a unit at the Not.for Me ; When we saw Queen Elizabeth Leary, Mrs. Helen -Reinhardt: school. The boys took to the club Morley, Miss Elizabeth Neilan,' right from the start and the club " at that press recepdon, we won dered if, in like circumstances, Miss' Nancy Neronha, Mrs. Jean was organized; A new life pe Monarch O'Brien, Mrs. Mary' we could turn in anything, ap Louise O'Sullivan,' ·Mrs.. Mary , proaching as good a' perform 'Legion of Decency ~ Fitzgerald Root, Mrs. Helen Sul ance. Definitely no, we adm·itted. livan Sampson. . . The following titles of films The newspaper woman behind The committee will meet at 3 are to be added in their respec 'us, a brilliant writer, voiced the o'clock next Sunday afternoon in ' tive classifications: same thought: . the convent. .0 , Unobjectionable' for Adults "How would you like to go Hard Man. through this?" sh~ ·.asked. "I'd Proposes. Catholic hate it. Away from your' chil Objectionable in Part for' All dren." - Affair in Havana, Baby Face Scholarship' Plan . . . 'It's Take It ,Nelson, Decision at Sundown, Get $25, $35, $50 or more , Her. voice drifted: off and we "NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Mayor lIell Bound, ~an ~n ,the Sha<:!ow. to spend without putting a kne:w that 'at 'this very moment Joseph ·H.· Langan. of Mobile' she would' rather be' home with urged members of Catholic' ~~~~!~~~ single penny down~ Payout ,-"----.- . - - - - - her own two than standi;'g in school, cluos to set upa'system . DURING THE CENTENNIAL YEAR -AN of in·come. Do it to-day I the line awaiting the Queen. of scholarships for outstanding I :I~.PERIENCE YOU WILL. TREASURE FOREVER , She had been busy 'all day and high' school students' to enable . 860 Purchase st. fa~ed a night assignment "cov:' them' to attend Cathpl,ic colleges.. .l'!ew ~ed'ord,. Mass. ering'" the state dinner for the "Even a :.few decades ,go," he.' . to' , . • Queen' and Prince .Philip. said,'~'a"persoh who had received: '§S' , Yet both of these young the equivalent of your course of, · .:. .;. ..;.. ~...;. ~ ~-,;, ~ .;. WQmen were. carrying' on the' i~structio~ ,in. your grammar and, . ~. d,~ties which ~eir. state of life .. high" ~hools.. ~ou~d . ha,:e ~.n !' ..... " . . , I ;, '. ~a9~imi>osed' upon them,' and c~ns~~e~~d,ad~l1'abl~tr~llned ~or . ' '. Y1sitinl pllen of Catholic Interest In (ur. ~~i~g. it gallantly. ., . .h~s t~e. m.the .~orld pro . l~iored by ~~~er~ ~ "'!,Cathollc Hierarchy ". ltimany a Ci(y room in a mul .vlliefor·hlmself and famIly. We' ~ .: ti.tude.of offi~es, behind counters have, seen ··many:changes:'.:"e '. 'I pUn now to attEnb thE in stor¢.s', we h;1ve seen the same ?ave, becom.~ a na~on .ofspecla.: ej:iiritin women as'that evidenced l!;tS. !;Ev.en, our coll.eges and uni . 'centenmaL · by the Queen. Through one cir vers~ti~s ~retrainingIiersonsfor' cumstance or another, they have sp~clahzed t~ades or professions. ! ceLeBRation to lead a public as well as a pri As many of the average' and vate ,l~e. It's no "Take it or a~ove average students as pos
at' ~, leave it" proposition-1t's take it. s~ble sh()uld endeavor to go to
~ © ' Cold Truth . ., . college, and every effort ·should
SoC. .= ; = •~ == ,' Too often, to our way of think be made to see that those i,n the
~ Called For and .Delivered : ing, a working wife is con up~er 20 per cent. of high ~chool " ' 0demned and belittled by un-: semors should attend ~ol1ege. We : 6 TIMIES DAiDlY IN ALL RIVER Depa;ting March through October by shi~ and air thinking, misunderstanding crit have a yery great responsibility , All travel arrangements by ~ Once-A-Day in SomE~rset and Swansea' at 4:30 P.M. : ics. She is accused of wanting. t~, the students.~' 'catholiC tRavEl ~€aCjU€' 'a "career," oftentimes when she : :SpecicifAttentiolfl' Given For complete information write or call, is merely selling stockings or' . . : To JEmerg,ency Prescrip'ftions' ..: working as a file. clerk, and. out . lF'ALL RIVER ~~~ VEL BUREAUi of sheer. necessity. Her chiidren are dubbed "neglected" by the : ~~.. i Surgical Appli'ance Co. : Benry. J. Feitelberg. Treaa. . Established 1906 armchair moralists, although Joseph A. Charpe';tier"
Pharmacy , 29 North Main St. Reg. Pharm.
'!he is making every possible " . Fall River, Mass. provision for them, viewed. in 1902 ACUSHNET AVEo
, Hearing Aid Co. , I d. F.U River Tel: Pro"idellee NEW BEDFORJ) . the cold light of reality. i ' OS 5-7408 liN 1-6158 : . . Art~,)r: J: ~he~, ;rop. ,' : 'What prompted this· late ,TEL WY 6-0772' '[" Inquire Here Regardla•. "'. :202 and .206 ROcic ST.. ::",. ' . OS 5-7829 , l'eport 'of the QUeen'~ viSit, and." ' A l l PilrrlmaCerI:" .' .PlESCIIiPnONS: . . , . .. ~ . ~ -. .' .. --.. -' .. , ~ , ' ~ ~ admiration for heJ:. QUiU
.And Working News' ,Rep9rter
'. D
;:a::~e~;uns:~ lii;'\
I .
IJllqRlmaqes I
"" : :,, ,, , ,,,
_ :..:..
'/ ~ .'
. 'd
heaven triumphed over pastoral pruderice.. '. "" ' ,
, The confessor believed arid
told the Bishop. The Bishop be •)leved 'arid told the worid.' When the" apparitions beca~e, public through: tl1e disclosu,res of the" Bishop, Sister Catherine's name was, never mentioned in connec,": tion with· them. For ,46 years, she tended old men in the hospital, fed the chickens, "scrubbed in the laun dry, cooked in the kitchen. No, one ever knew. It was not until after her death that the world discovered the name of this to tally unknown nun. . But we are getting ahead of our story. It is now 5:30 on Sat urdayevening. The date is Nov: 27, 1830. Sister Catherine is kneeling at prayer with the other sisters' in the chapel. On this spiritual island in the heart of Continued from Page One the Latin Quarter, Our Blessed eoint of his umbrella. An'ex Lady is about to inaugurate the press train tQ, Montmartre devotion of the Miraculous drowns out every word he says. Medal. " , It is no matter. He has pointed Our Lady Appears tq the Latin Quarter. To: the tight of the sanctuary, , Locale of RevefatioD The g~ntleman's umbrella' a' little above eye-level, Cath thumps away at the sight of one, erine suddenly beholds Oui of Our Lady's best-known and' Lady. Mary is standing on a best-loved apparitions. The Le'ft gl()be~ holding in ,her hands a'n..; , Bank of Paris (commbnly known' other globe which Teflects rays of great brilliance. "These rays are as the Latin, Quarter)"was the locale of the Blessed Mother's' the graces that Mary obtains for revelation of the Miraculous men," a voice says to Catherine.' Encompassing the white-robed, Medal. blue-mantled Lady are the Outside the convent of the Sis ters of Charity on the Rue de Bac words "0 Mary, conceived with out sin, pray for us who have (founded by St. Vincent de recouse to Thee!" Paul), pulses much of the intel ,The,Blessed Virgin explains to lectual and artistic life of Paris. Catherine that the globe repre Students on their way to the Sor sents the' entire world, France in bonne chatter llway <\bout philos particular-but especially every ophy; old men on the street cor single, person on whom she ners sip at red wine and discuss the merits of Picasso; children would bestow grace. The vision wrestle on the sidewalk while alters, and the young novice sees a letter M surmounted. by a their m~thers wrangle, quite vo Cross, standing on a bar beneath eally, the price of'squash: ' This is the Latin Quarter. It' which are two hearts, the Sacred lfea~~s of Jesus and Mary. , has traditionally been the breed-: A ,crown of thorns surrounds ing ground of great',saints and great sinncrs. And whatever else ~ one; a sword pierces the ,other. ' Promises Indulgences can be said aboutit, this,much at The voice speaks again, "A least is certain: naturally and (in many quarters) supel'naturally, medal must be struck on this pattern; the, persons who shall it is bristling with life. wear it with indulgences at Inn Waitress tached to it, and shall offer the This off-beat locale, however, above prayer, shall enjoy a very Is not the only remarkable detail special' pl',ote~tion from the of ,the Miraculous Medal appari Mother of God:" 'And with that tion. The subject of the appari . tion, Cat!}erine Laboure, is even , Jhe vision. ended. The vision ended, the 'devotion' more striking. She was a wait began. As soon as the medal was resS in a Paris inn. , the 'inn' struck; 'the MiraculoW! Medal· : 'She was a ~aitress devotion'spread rapidly, through of' hcr uncle, that is, until she France at first, then throughout entered thc Sisters of Charity. J:n the world Catherine (Chris.. the entire' world. The most won tian name: Zoe) was an ordinary, derful conversions' and cures cried witness to this heaven;;' healthy, even robust peasant blessed devotion. girl who felt very early in life , The very first medal was taken the desil'c to dedicate herself to the Archbishop of Paris, who eniirely to God in the religious life. Her family offered strong not only confessed his belief in its miraculous powers, but actu ~pposition. She finally prevailed on them, however, and in April ally carried it to an unlikely of 1830, entered the convent on enough devotee: a notorious apostate priest. Archbishop Pradt Rue de Bac. of Malines, Belgium, had de A few weeks after she had begun her novitiate, on the night serted the Church during the French Revolution. Up until of July 18, 1830, something strange happened. It was strange now he had firmly refused to even for a convent in the Latin Q'uarter! Catherine's guardian a~gel led her into the chapel. There the Blessed Mother ap p¢ared to the novice in great' splendor a,nd dignity. 0 ' , Confessor Conivinced " ~'726 ACUSHNET AV~. On 'this' night and during th~ NEW BEDFORD ' two apP3.r it,ions Which followed, 1 the Queen of Heaven confided 'Electrical Contractors " secrets to Catherine Laboure and gave bel;" specific' or~erli., ~er:; , ,~',:::,:"'W,Yman 5-7555 ~l ~nfes!ioI' a~ first did ,not ,pay ~
Thurs., Nov. 21,"1957
,.Theatre Guild ;' ro,'Giv~' Play , A r.adio, play with a message 9£.hope \)Till; l:ielh~ard,over r.~dio station WNBH at 7 next Sunday night when the Catholic' Theatre'; Guild presents "The Flaming Cross." "Unlike the souls condemned
to hell, the souls in Purgatory
are certain of one day seeing
The play's subject, centered around the Catholic view of the purifying process of Purgatory, is in keeping with the month of November, which is religiously dedicated to the Holy Souls: The program is directed by Christopher Best. Agnes Ellison will be at the organ. The Flam ing Cross is the fifth play in the current series of broadcasts by the Catholic Theatre Guild.
Favors Ascribed
CO, T" E' '5- ---"
Electricol Shop
Urges,' Nuns Ret~in" : Virtue of Charity
JUNIOR DAUGHTERS: Past and present presidents, left to right, respectivelY,of Junior Daughters of Isabella, Hyacinth Circle 71, New Bedford, are Ann Marie Splaine and Charlene Weaver. submit to the authority of' the Holy' Father. When, the Paris prelate visited him at his. death-, bed, Archbishop PraQt imme diately humbled himself and be- , came reconciled with the Church. Body Preserved T1).e Miraculous Medal was a world deVQtion by the time Cath-' erine Laboure died in 1877. She was b'eatified in 1933, imd canon;' ized in1947. When her body was exhumed in 1933, 'nearly 50 years after her death, it was found to', be in a perfect state of preserva-' tion~ Even today it can be, seen and venerated at the side altar at 'Rue de Bac, under the very spot' where Our Lady revealed the Miraculous'Medal to her. St. Catherine Laboure: Paris waitress,belated vocation "'on~ of the' nuns at Rue de Bael/ intimate friend of the Mother of God. Her greatness came not. from striking a medal but from striking Sainthood. Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, lead us 'on to Sainthood, too.
B1,It in' th~ end,
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Perpetual Novena t,ooOur Lady of LaSalette every evening at, '7:39 P. M.
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THEY'LL ADMIRe YOUR TASTE! You've trained your family t~ 'be ' pretty, good :,; judges"of aakedGoods! " But 'when they'ye e1ean~, ed up every last crumb, ". '0(' that cake "or pie you'; ;', b r 0' ~ g h thorne from" . 'Stop '&' 'Shop .,. 'they'll , think' you're a pretty smart cookie 'for having thouj!ht of it. For much as "they like your home baking .' .. they like your company much better. So why not go out with them more often ... and pick up a fancy or a fav orite dessert at the Stop & Shop Baked Goods De partment on your way home! The variety' •.• and the low prices of these luscious - looking, luscious-tasting' t rea t s will s~rprise you. ri
CHRISTMAS ,ILLUMINATION December 8, to January 12 5 to 10P.M.
Guild To Meet '.. Members of the Infant, Jesus of Prague Guild of, St.' Mary'. Home, New Bedford are ,sched uled to meet on Monday; Dec. 2 in the Home, at which time, aU ' members are requested to 'bring a 50-cent Christmas gift, Presi-, dent Mrs. ,Pauline Bertho!d an nounces.
.'....era. Home
So. Oartmouth and Hyannis
CHICAGO (NC)-Visiting this city's downtown section for the first time since she became a cloistered nun 45 years ago, Sis ter Mary Johanna, 69, ,watched people rushing to work in the Loop., ,,"My, my, i'm glad we're in the convent," she said. She was one of three nuns from the ,Convent' of the Poor Clares who were sworn in as new American'citizens in a group, of 137. With Sister Mary Patricia, 50; and Sister Mary Joseph, 47, she received spccial permission from Pope Pius XlI to leave the clois ter for the trip to the U. S. court house." •
young nun.
Cloistered Nun Glad She's in Convent
TORONTO (NC)-"While you implement the new techniques:, and skills which are So vital; keep before you the old tech"; nique of charity," Auxiliary Bishop F. V. Allen of Toronto told 250 nuns attending the Cath olic Hospital Association con vention. Bishop Allen said it was the spirit of charity which had prompted, the, Sisters' predeces sors to establish their works for the sick and infirm, and that this spirit has characterized the Cath olic hospital through the ages. "It is this spirit that more than ever must prevail in this age, given so much to materialism , and secularism. ,We must ,look to you Sisters to keep burning the flame of charity;" he said.
386 ACUSHNET AVE. ,Near Union St. New Bedfordj _ For Res. WY 2-1703 .-J
'J B
attention to the recitals' of .the /'
FARMS, Fa~~~en
,,' . WY 2.6473 ,
Th F e
11 0
·1 CI··
·e's -W' ,-f~_ . Mft.k p.'0'5:&"-.On U.rg n . L P bl II n-... ow ro 'em ~
Clear on.
A6l ~
. Thurs., Nov. 21, 1957
Bishops Outline
Continued from' Page One of ~~: ~~;lt~V;;:~;t/s the f~ll text
By Rev. John L. Thomas, S.J. st. Louis University.
We have been married six years and everything was going well until his mother 'came for a visit and just stayed on. .She's a widow and cIa.ims she has no money. Her daug'hter ;will have nothing to do with her. I don't mind having her here but lately she has With a little planning and per, been making insinuating resome sacrifice on all sides, marks. about my family haps provision can be made for sup":und, my housekeep 'porting the trouble-maker with backgrv . -
. dom of the press is patently a key. safeguard of civil liberty. Democracy does not exist without it. The day free expression of opinion is extinguished and all are constrained to fall into a single pattern of' political thought and action, democracy has died. . As indispensable as is freedom of expression to us as citizens, it is no less indispensable to the Church in carrying out her mis,siQn to preach the gospel. The content of man's knowledge of God derived through the use of his native powers has been immeasurably enriched and 'perfe"cted and has been given c~r:" t . t b th 1 t' d' . am y y e reve a IOn rna e by God to man through Jesus Ch' t Th' k I d h b rIS . IS now e ge as een attained not through man's ef f t b t th h th d' or, u. roug e goo ness and mercy of God It is accepted b t f f ·th·· d 'th th
cent decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States: "We hold that obscenity is not within the area of constitutionally pro.. tected speech or press." (Roth "4 United States, 77 S. Ct. 130.... Alberts v. California, 77 S. Ct. 1304 June 24, 1957) The decisions touching 'on this subject are encouraging to those who have been deeply concerned over trends that threatened to de stroy . the traditional authority exercised by the State over el' pressions and displays of obsceno ity: ., SUDREME COURT' _ .. RULES ON OBSCENITY
CENSORSHIP IN WAR AND PEACE Censorship is today a provocative and sometimes misleading word. It generates controversy by provoking those' who would deny in fact any restrictions, legal or moral, upon freedom of expression. It 'misleads, since few approach the problems of jng, and even my' friendliness out running the danger' of break- censorship without emotion. Contrary to this trend, the . ' t ing up the family. .In the: long. Court lias held that there is such with the neighbors. I don t wan Obviously the State does have my chi I d r e n rl,m, it will be cheap at any price. some power of censorship. In a thing as o1;>scenity susceptible In dealing with similar cases, of legal determination. and de lis ten i n g to times of war or great national such remarks. Marge, I have found it is al- danger, few' will deny it a premanding legal restraint; that ways better for the wife to put laws forbidding the circuhition My husband is I ' ventive power. In normal- cirafraid of her. her cards on the table. Other- cumstances, however, the State of obscene literature are not What I do? wise she runs the risk of. losing exercises only a punitive funch~l;nO~c d~vi:~ gr:a~e~ ~f thi~ such in violation of the Conso * * * the respect of her 'husband and tion, placing restraint on those. <iep9 sit of revealed truth the tution; that the Federal GoverlP I' fear.' your,. children and may be ·tempted to. who misuse liberty' to deny equal Ch' h' th d" I . ment may ban such publications '. r!!tali~te by beco.mingo . a.·s vtcious urc IS e Ivm~ y appomted .'from the guest' has' al.. , or'. greater. rights to others. The c~stodian. . , mail', that a state m" ..... ready' ~. tarried, 'as the one she is fighting.· I think '. State's power of censorship is not .. , 'Without a~ unfettered means . act'" al?ai?st ,obscene literatu:a:. too long, Marge. ' . you had best make your pbsition" unlimited.. f' .' t· th" . t h ' ' ' ; ' ; and· pumsh those who sell or . clear right now 0 commumca Ion, e eac mE; d t· 't Th d .. You are not. . Morally, the Church can' and office of the Church is sorel , aver Ise I.. e.. eClSIOns ~ going to gain . ~. does exercise whatis called cen-' , h"" . e'd' Sh 't -... Y. asserted the tradlbonal convle verY much by' ..... sorship. This right is hers from'" aJ!lper . . . e:co,u?S among'tionthatfreedomofexpressioll ::"0 . .~ her. speCIal blessmgs m our own . . '. d 'th' th d f' d adowing the situation to' co.;-' . her. office' as teacher of morals" , cou'ntry the important and fruit.... I~ ~xerclse WI m .e e me tinue longer. When two women' and. g,uardian .of divine' truth. . ful'Catholic press.' . ' limIts of, law. pbscemty cannot are'm competition' for the con.... Her· ·decisi~ns binc;l' her pepple EXERCISE LmERTY _ b~ 'permItted. as a. proper exe.... trol' of one defenseless male'; -the . WASHINGGTON (NC) but her sanctions upon them are' "wiTIiIN BOUNDS cI~e. of a baSIC human freedom. situation can get pretty rough~ There is a continuing need for. only spiritual and moral. She' CIVIl enactments as well as the of the press Once . the' battle starts, no holds the assignment of priests to min- d oes, ..never th e I ess, express h er . :aecause b ' freedom . ht t be t' d' moral'law both indicate that the .are barred. . ister to military personnel and judgments to' all men of good ]8 a !lSIC rIg ~ respec e exercise' of ·this freedom cannot , It-will be of iittle avail for others under the spiritual juris-' '11 l' 't' th' . d and safeguarded, It must be un,: be unrestrained . . WI, so 1~1 mg elr rea~one un- derstood not as license, but as '. . you to submit meekly or to strive diction of the Military Ordinari- d~rstandmg and theIr !reely .. true rational freedom. The kind., I~eally, .~e could WIS!I that ~ for ,p~aceful ~o-existel)ce. Your··, ate. '. gIven, acceptance and· support.·. '. of .uncritical .claims for and de':.' man:..made legal restramts w~re mother-in-law is evidently. out This; is stated in. the" amiual FREEDOM "OF PRESS _ fense of liberty which so often ever necessar~. Thus, restramt to ,strengthen her.. position and report of the Military' Ordinarl:- IN ALL' MEDIA . , .' . . .. have geen made' in our day actu- , ~n any hulDan freedo~ would be weaken yours..She is not likely· ate.'submitted to the Archbishops. . Most. commonly in civil affairs' ally places that liberty. in jeop- Imposed rather by one s own r~a to '~e discouraged ,by what she, . an((Bis\16ps.of the Unit~dStates' ,the particular freedom that 'is' ardY. For this reason we feel : son ·than by exter?-al autho~lty., wiM, interpret. as weakness· on.. at their annual conference at involved in discussions of !he, that· light must .be thrown not. I? an~ ca~e, rest~a~n~'sbest JUS7°W: p,ar.t. " 'the Catholic University of Amer:'" . subject is freedom of' the. press, . only' on its meaning, but also on : bficabon IS that It IS Imposed for. ". Like Other. Mothers' " ica ~~re." ··not only in newspapers and" its limits.' . . ., t~e . sake of a gr7at~r, freedom. I·' must confess, Marge, 'I'm Ii Hi$ ~minence Francis· Cardi- other publications, but also such To speak of limits is to indi~ ,Smc.e; ho~ever, I~dlvlduals do little hesitant to take up a prob:" . .' nal Spellman, Archbishop of. dramati~ expression as is repre-·. cate that freedom of'expression '. act· m an IrresPo?-slble way and lem' ,dealing with mothers.!.in- ':'New .York, who is the.military ,. sented m the theater, motion . is not an'absolute freedom. Not do ·threat~n. SOCIal and ,moral, law, Sad experience has taught·, Vicar, or head of the ordinari~te- pictures, radio .and .television. infrequently it is so presented. It' harm,. ~o~lety must fa,ce ~ts re me; that every attempt to "dO' So' signeQ. .the report, as ,did Bishop . B.ecause in modern times the is alleged' that this freedom can spon.s~blhty and, exe~clse Its a~ rouses' a hue and cry' right' . WilH~m, R. Arnold'an,d Bishop '. press' has· been a major 'instru- suffer no curtailment or limita- . thorlty. The. eXIgenCIes of SOCIal across' the country; EvidimtIy;' "Phiiip J. Furlong, the Military ment in the development of tion' without .being destroyed. living demand it. mothers-in-law are on the de- Delegates. . knowledge and the chief means The traditional and sounder un- . In his recent encyclical of fensive and are in no mood to be The report 'noted 'that even of its diffusion, freedom of the derstanding' of freedom imd September 8, 1957, our Holy studied·. I had best make my though the Armed Forces soon pres~ is. closely bollnd up with specifically freedom of the' press, Father has spoken not o~ly of position clear from the start! • will be reduced to about 2,500,... man s rIght to knowlege. Man's is more temperate. It recognizes the competence of pubhc adFrankly, ·1 feel that mothers';' 000 men, "there will be a'n esti- patient plodding. ascent to the that liberty has a moral dimen- ministrators, but also of their. t,l-law are just like any other mated 800,000 Catholics in uni- heights of truth evidences the sion. Man is true to himself as: strict duty to exercise supel'7 mothers--no better and no worse. form and to this number we spiritual powers given him b~ a free being when he acts in ac-: vision· over the more 'modera, The .only.difference is that the must immediately add the f.act God .and at the'same time their . cord with. the laws of right rea- media of communication and en in-law situation offers ·more that most military installations wounding by sin. His search for son. As Ii member of society his\) tertairiJpent - radio and tele frequent opportunities to show resemble parishes, and the'num- . truth is an enriching and en- liberty is exercised'. within..' .vision. He warns public offifials . their good points. and their ber ,of wives and' children ,bring' ;c,··nobling· . experien~e?'uniqbeIY '. 'bounds fixed by the multiple de': .. th;:tt .they mlist'lo?~ '?n ·.this .~a,t~ 'bad If. they are really.·good, another million Catholics under ,;"proper, to .. man,' .' ". 'mands of, social living.·Jnthe· ter not from a merely pohbcal mothers, they will become·goQd', . the .,care ,of. the -,chaplains.'" "',, .. The right. to know the truth is concrete this means' 'that the' 'stan'dpoint-b~t'alsl?frpm that ~ in-laws. If they have: weak:" To, this tota~, the report con-' "evidently. broad, and. sweepin~. ,common good is to be served: It' ~ublic ~o~;:t~s, the. ,sure founda": nesstf~; certain i'1-law situat~olis .. tinued' must be added al'so "the' Is the rIght. ·to express thIs will entail, among other things 'bon' of whIch rests on the natural will'bring them 'out clearly. . thousa~ds of Catholics'who are' knowledge, whether through .a respect for the rights of others: ·la~. What he ',has said applie~ Now that I have made myself patients or permanently 'domi- speech or press, e~ually br?ad? ,a regard for public order, and a' ·wlthever. ~eater force to the clear on that point, let· us' look ciled personnel of the Veterans' That,' man ~as. a' rIght to co~- . positive deference to those hu- ,o~der ~ed18-th~press and mo at' your ·problem. Ftrst,for.' 'the Administration Hospitals," as mUDlcate hIS I~eas t~rough the .' man, moral and social values bon' plctures-;-smce they h~ve time being,. let us suppose :that well as others, including U.· S. spoken or wrItte~ IS' beyond ..which are our common Christian been and contmue to be subJect your' mother-in-law has :no civilian employees overseas in cha~lenge. And yet It can be rec- heritage. It is within tHis con- to even greater abuse ?nd supp~y. money' and is really incapable military bases. . oglllz~d at the outset tJ:lat extext that freedom of expression so much of the materIal used m of earning her own living.' UnIII t t' g th k f h preSSIOn adds a new element to is rightly understood. the programs presented through P e wor o· c a der ,these circumstances, it seems l ' u~ rafm knowledge. Directed. as it· is to This recognition of limitations the more modern media. "Nor fl d alns In ld ar-th ung, areas others't" ' I . c I ear th a t h er ch IOld ren h ave th e th t ' taroun d th ,I IS an ac t th a t h as socIa has been given statement in re- " ' Turn to Page Eleven obligation to help her in as far ,e wor, e repo~ CI e e, implications. Society itself must'
as they can. 1?lstant Early Warn~ng ~DEW) take cognizance of it. Although
line above. the ArctIc CIrcle. man must claim and hold to fre'e-
All Have 9bligation Because of the distances and dom of expression he must also
It is equally clear that all her tr.av,e.ling difficulties in.volv,ed, in recogn,iz'e his duty'to exercise' it
children, .both sons and daugh- VISI t mg th e ra d ar s t a t Ions m th e with a sense of responsibility
ters, share this obligation. Some ~,I,OO-mile .line, it takes a Cath- DEMOCRAC'Y NEEDS ._ •
parents thoughtlessly settle on I h I b t th th one child for emotional or finan- 0 IC C ap am a ~u ree mon s CIVIL LmERTY , This is a feed . tl ~
cial support. This is unjust and to cover t ' d each sIte once, the rer om th a t·IS m can have serious consequences por sal . , mately bound· up with other
for that child's later life.,' The report also noted that .freedoms that mali prizes. Free-
Second, it is .easy to ·.'under- priests with :::7:=-=-=-='~:-:-=-=-------c..,. 't' are i th A the t t'Navy exII ,. ped stand that your husba'ndfeels he I Ion n e narc IC as we ., . , is in adlfficult position; He'rec- . as'in Greenland and other out.,. , ognizeshis obligations 'to you, of-the-.way stations. . : '.' . .:
yet he fears to offend his ' mother who probably has a D'·OA E BE"A''1:,' :. - .~ I sharper tongue 'and'has the bene:. . . , .' : '. "fi~est since 1877" .:
fit of long years of experience & AM jn learning how to deal with· h i m . : Same day se,';iee :
Caught in this situation, most Incorporated' , if desired! ., men tend to do nothing. In the FUNERAL SERVICE : : Plaster vain hope that things will turn . ..' _.: . . out all right in the. end, they try Serving Cen'trol Cape , ,
to placate both sides~ : 6 CAMPBELL ST. : f~r Tel. Hyonni$, ~ass.: NEW' BEDFORD. :
SuggestS Ultimatum. Third, it follows that you must .. . 4.,~ ... , .. , ...... _ .. _ ........ ~ .. " ... ~ 20 piece se.1s
: )2 piece sets , ::take' the Initiative. In a sense, " " ........, ....., .. , ..... , ....." .. "
,$16.00 .5.inch. $11.50 you 'will have to give your hus-' '. . , . . .. ,
19.50 7 inch,· .' :-13..50 band an ultimatium: ddes' he ; . . 'want you or his mother? This r r ' . ,9 inch 28:50 '19.00. BOunds' harsh, I;>ut experience '. : . . ." :. . ~tI(lI.,. t· 12 i~ch. '·34;00 45.00 shows .there is no other way of : l 80.00 16 inch·, ~4.oo dealing with the situation. . " , . ,
You cannot fulfill your role as : , ,
150.00 .. 21 ineJo wife and mother if present con- . : East' Taunton's :
stABLES EXTRA . ditions' persist. They. ar.e not : ,. :
going to change by: them~elves., d Sh '
The head of the family must act.·: Foo opping -: When it is put squarely to them , . . , Women's Appar.el', in this way, husbands realize: .-. Boston, Mass 22 Chauncy St., .262 Union St. New Bedford that they can avoid the issue n o ' . ,
longer. ~ .. ~ .., ...... ~ ........... ~ ...?'.~ ......... .!
·e··e··d. ;'Con·t·.e·n···u'·e'··s· For ,Chap' loins'
LA·U .....DRY I ne.:'
Wy· 3-5528
.··EDDI.·E·"5 "",."
;,". .-.' -:
'fH , fe'
"'........., '
NATION'S .HIERARC~Y DEMANDS CIVIL AUTHORITY PROTECT PUBLIC MORALS: One hundred seventy-nine members of the United States hierarchy, meeting in Washington, have issued a statement which says, while freedom of the press is a basic right, civil authority should exercise such control_ as is necessary to protect public morals. -His Eminence Edward Cardinal Mooney of Detroit is showri (extreme left) as he raps gavel at opening 'session of hi~rarchy. His· Eminence Samuel Cardinal Stritch of Chicago is second from left. The group in the center of the layout is (left to right) Bishop John M. Gilmore of, Helena, NC Episcopal Chairman of Immigration'; Archbishop Will~am O. Brady of St. Paul, a Fall River native, #~w 'Freasurerof the NCWC Adniin~~trativeBoard and;JJishop Alb¢:r;t.R. Ztiroweste of-Belleville, new NCEpiscopal Ch'air man of the Press Department; His Eminence Fra;ncis Cardinal Spellman of New York is secon<:lfrom right and His Eminence James Francis Cardi ' ." . ' , . nal McIntyre of Los, Angeles l~,';~t.J;"ight.
B.-s' ho' pS Outl'.-, ne.
inoffen'sive all that is legally change of juvenile delinquency able contribution to the com- of evaluation will'no longer be. purtishable, we have lowered from the thoughtless and mis- ' ' munity. ' called for. Far from curtailing Continued from Page Ten greatly our moral standards. It chievous' acts of children into It is in full accord with this the w;ork of these agencies we can it be asserted," Pope Pius I must" 'be recognized that civil" crimes of, ,violence, armed rob- "tradition that the work of the must have them continue. NOJ', XII writes, "that this watchful legislation by itself does not con- bery, rape, torture and even Legion of Decency and the Na- can we fail to be watchful over care of the State's officials is an. stitute an adequate standard of' homicide; when the New York tional Office for Decent Litera-. the fields of radio and television.. unfair limitation on the liberty" morality. , State Joint Legislative Commit- ture is carried on. The rights Meanwhile, our existing agencies of individual citizens, for it is An understanding of this tru'th " tee at the end ·of its five-year these agencies seek to protect must be prepared to meet a con-' concerned not with the private together with the, knowledge ' survey assures us that by actual are among the most important j tinuing evil with an unremitting citizens as such but rather with that offensive materials on the count trash and smut on the and sacred-the right of parents effort. the whole of human society with stage and screen and in publica- news stands have the advantage to bring up their children in an FREEDOM MISUNDERSTOOD who in these arts are being tions have a harmful effect . of nu~1:>ers and that those same . atmosphere reasonably free from _ RISKS LOST FREEDOM shared." moved the Bishops of the United . stands reflect an acceptance of 'defilEitnent,'the right of children As a nation,. we are intensely JU~DICAL SYSTEM, _ . , States to set up agencies to work and growing concentration on to be protected from grave and jealous of our freedoms. We are' FOR MINIMAL RESTRAINT in the field'-for motion pictures, lewdQ~ss-in the face of all this insidious monil danger, the right filled with' pride that they have Although civil authority has" the N~tional Le~ion. of Decency;, we, can only say that we are ,of all not to be assailed at every been so fully assured to us in' the right and duty to exercise . f?r pr1Ote~ publIcatIons, th~J:Ila-, . confronted with conditions which ,turn by a display of indecency. our democracy. The reverence such control over the various tIona1 OffIce for Decent Lltera- are 'fraugl).t with peril., Through the worK of these agen- in which, we hold our constitu media of communication as is ,ture. , GOOD MORALS DO NOT 'cies, the Church is able to give tion is due in great part to the" necessary to safeguard public . T~e .functi.on of these agencies:. CHAJ"LENGE DECENCY 'concrete' exp~ession of her con- ,care 'with which it has set down morals, yet civil law, especially ,IS related 10 character. Each, Through the National Legion cern. for all to know basic human in ,those areas which are cpnsti- J', e:raluates and o.ffers the evalua- of Decency and the National Of- UNWHOLESOME SITUATION freedoms that are inviolable. tutionally protected, will define. i tl0ll;' to tho~e l~t~rested. Each fice for Decent Literature, we - GRAVITY OF PROBLEM From childhood, these tru ths are , as narrowly as possible the limi-, .' seeks to enl~st 10 ,a proper ~nd Catholics give public expression The evaluations of these agen- taught us; they become the sup tations placed on freedom. The.,. lawful. manner the cooperatl(~n to our opinion on this subject. cies' have been a guide to our port of 0!lr adult ·life. one purpose which will guide, of thos.e ~ho can curb the .evl1. Through these agencies we" voice Catholic people. At the same . A freedom perceiv.ed in -its legislators in establishing neces,. Each I?Vltes the help .of all our concern over conditions time, they have enlisted the sup- true essence, in its exact limits, sary restrains to. freedom is the ~eo~le 10 the support of Its ob- which, tolerated; merit expres-. port of many others who share in its context of responsibility, is securing of the general welfare Jec~l'~es. Ea~h endeavors thr.ough sion of public indignation. But our concern. No one can fail a freedom doubly secure; a free-. through the prevention of grave pos.1t1:v e action to .~orm ~ablts of we assert that our activities as to be stirred by the evident de- dom misunderstood risks be-' and harmful abuse. Our juridi- artistic taste WhICh w111 move carried out ,by these organiza- sire of so many people to remedy coming a freedom lost. cal system has been dedicated people to seek o~t and patronize tions cannot justly be termed an an unwholesome situation. And Signed by the Administrative from the beginning- to the prin- the gOQd. In theIr work they re- attempt to. exercise censorship." surely all those .who are con- Board, National Catholic Welfare' ciple of minimal restraint. Those flect the ,mo~al teaching. of the The right to speak out in favor scious of the gravity of the prob- Conference, in the name of the who may become impatient with Church. NeIther agency e,xer-. of good morals can hardly be lem will applaud the efforts of Bishops of the United States: the reluctance of the State dses censorship in any true sense challepged in, a democracy such the Church to safeguard the through its laws to curb and cur- of the word. " :as ours. It is, a long-standing' . moral standards of the society in taU hUman freedom' should bear. :iNATioNALDISGRACE ~, tradition of this country that 'which we live. in mind that this 'is a principle ,,.MENACE TO WELFARE groups, large, and small have·" It wolild be most gratifying to which serves to safeguard all T~e competence of the ChurchgiveQ expression of their con- ·" unnecessary to carryon our 'vital freedoms-to curb less, •. -in this field comes from herdi- cern. over injustice, political, this, 'work. One could wish that rather than more; to hold for ,vine commission as teacher of social 'and economic. Their ef- 'the, sense of responsibility of liberty rather than for restraint., morals. Moral values are here forts, put forth within the frame- 'those who write and those who FOR aVB" HA.... A CIINTUR'f In practice the exercise of any", clearly' involved. Her standards work,.Qf the law, have been di- produce motion pictures would such curbs by the State calls for, "of evaluation are drawn from rect~<I ,toward dislodging evils make superfluous action of this the highest discretjon and pru-, ' revelation reason and Christian against which ,the law itself' is n~ture.· Past experience, how dence. This is particularly true ,trad'ition 'and from the basic powerless. In many instances ever, does not permit us to look in the area of the press. For norms of the moral law. These such efforts have made a valu- forward to a day when this sort here an unbridled power to curb, . are 'the standards on which our and repress can make a tyrant" ,nation was founded and their of government, and can wrest preservation will be a safeguard from the people one by one their to national integrity. A judg most cherished liberties. ment of moral values is these
Prudence will always demand, areas 'is of prime importance to
direct on the fast and popular 21,000-ton vessel as is true under our govern- the whole nation. mental system, that the courts be Although the Church is pri from Ne~ York April'16 in a position to protect the people marily concerned with morals from Boston April 17 against arbitrary repressive ac- and not aesthetics the two are tion. While they uphold the au- clearly related. A;t that is false for thority of government to sup- to morality is not true art. While press that which not only has no good taste cannot supply the social value, but is actually norm for moral judgment on harmful, as is the case with the literature or art, yet it must be obscene, the courts will be the admitted ,that good taste will in traditional bulwark of ..the evitably narrow the field of what people's liberties. is morally objectionable. MORALITY STANDARD _ Who' can deny that in modern CIVIL LEGISLATION American life there are many Within the bounds essential grave moral problems? This is to the preservation of a free not the judgment solely of the press, human action and human Catholic Church. When a Select .':".' -::;': . ~' :::: " expression may fall short of Committee of the U. S. House what is legally punishable and of Representatives calls por may still defy the moral stand- nography big business, a national ards of a notable number in the disgrace and a menace to our community. Between the legally ,civic welfare; when the National •. This magnifiCent transatlantic liner offers comfortable punishable and the morally gooa Council of Juvenile Court Judges accommodations in first and' tourist closs; beautiful air: there exists a wide gap. Uwe' attacks vicious and e,v-il publica
conditioned .lounges; Dining Salons; Sports Decks., Enter are content to accept as morally' tions· as a major cause of, the . You will enjoy '70 tainment, lido Swimming Pool. The finest in Continen beautiful d!'ys on the . tol Food;. Inco'!'parable Service.' We're Proud to Be Your EDSEL Dealer for
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which will leave Ponta Delgada on July 1, 1958. Arri~al a.. New York on July '1, 1958.
For Information and Reservations SEE your TRAVEL AGENT
GENERAL AGENTS, 476 Boylston Street, Boston 16, Mass. FRATELLI COSULICH, European Genc1'al Agents _ . _• • • •
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to·'·:·,Prod·u'c~e~~;;: ~::~:
Stron'g'er'Lcibor :,M'ovem'cin't:"':': ".': .
ByMsgr:'GeO'rgeG;"HigginS "; .... . \ , . j " . DirectOr NCWC Socia~ Actio~ Dept. '. What to write about in this first column as we reluc tantly get back to the 'old ~~~'tine after trav.elling in Europe for 'approximately two' months? A welcome-home letter from Father Dennis Geaney, who served as guest cQlumnist 'for us during our absence of the labor movement. are pre from Washington, .suggests pared to do their part-which
logical topic. "You brings us to our third and final·
tice." he writes, "that in my point, nameiy that~the current
several guest columns I kept crisis in the labor movement is
away pretty Iriu"'- ·t.. . ~, th~ trade basically a moral and religious
union . picture problem. If the average union
and stuck' to member is unwilling to make the
integration and . sacrifice invplved in attending other general union meetings and playing an topics of that active role in union affairs, there nature. .,Conse is something wrong with his quently you can spirit of dedication. He doesn't go :full - steam have the proper motivation. ... ahead on the . ,The problem of. how' to supply happenings" in. the' right kind.' of motivation to MASS ONWHEELS·FOR;MIGRANTS: P~ri8h on ,wheels is' a way of life for- Fran the' American the average trade unionist· isa labOr movement· real stickler, but i..mlek ··this: ~iscan .Fathers Rafael ,Marti"ez:(l~ft) and ,A,rtul'9 Liebrenz;" as they' offer Mass and:. during the past problem is solved, there. is a travel in'specially made 'altar - tralIers among Mexic~n laborers in :Monterey-Fresno' few' months'. In danger that we might wake up . Diocese.: . NC Photo.. , " . . fact, I am sure your readers sOme day with a trade union' ~anksgiving c;:lothing col1ectio~ are,waiting for just that." movement of' 30' or 40 . million a 'mitional drive that will reach' Our readers mayor may not members which will not have into the homes acrOss the coun New Bedford .' Continued from Page ODe be 'Naiting 'for' a column on~ the much of, a soul. trY.' . , $133,573 St. James' sUbj~ct. of labor racketeering. This would' be a great tragedy' Mansfield - ·Rev. Edward O. In the pas~eight campaigns, 112,673 . ~aquet~, assistant at. St. Mary's not only for·th~ working'"people. St. Lawrence 87 million pounds of clothing or But, In any event, here's the_war' .of the United States but for the St. Joseph 86,242 Church. the labor situation looks to us' a total of approximately 210 mil- . 69,825' JIoly Name . New Bedford - Rev. Justin J. as 'Ae take a fresh look at it nation as a ·whole. 66,160 Qui.nn; assistant at, St. Lawr~nce lion garments ...:.... were collected St. John the Baptist afte! being cut off from' our' reg-. and' .distributed solely on the' 40,440 Church. Mount Carmel . . , ular sources of information since basis' ol need, without r'egard to 38,238. St. Anthony of Padua North Attleboro. . Rev..F.:d the Erst of September. 37,340 'win 1'. Loew, assistant at· St. race; color or creed. St, Theresa Continued from Page One Fust 0"£ all, we are even more The 1957 coilection is directed. '34,715 St. Mary Mary's .Church. . regional .. high schools eonv inted ihan when we left for five 29,608 .. ' Somerset and Swansea - Rev. to every American who would Sacred Heart planned in the Diocese by the that the Senate investi 28,830 PatrickJ. O'Neil, assistant at lik~ "to. do something" for the' Immaculat~ Conception Most Reverend Bishop. . ga~ic.ri· of labor racketeering waS valiant refugees who faced Red' 2~,296' St. Thomas More Church, Som St. Anne Aiming .at goal of $1;500,000, a goasend. That is to say, it's' a Army gunfire ainied only WIth' . Our r.adY of .erset. blEis&ing to the labor movement· Father Gallgilher jlaid. the re Perpetu:-.l Help 17,01:& . The drive, organized by the fai'th and courage, others who' 16,18'4 . Catholic Relief Services of the fight the'devastation and ravag~.s· th~t the investigation came· in sponse. of the Faithful in the St. Hyacinth 1951 rather than 10 or 15 years 'G~ater' New Bedford': area is St. Kilian of ftoods, storms' and earth-' 16,008 National Catholic Welfare Con 'from now. The labor movement most gratifying. He. indicated' . St. Francis of Assist' ., . 11,776 ference to send clottti,ng: and' quakes, and for' the shiverh'lg' is teasonably 'w~ll able to.ha~"le .today that . lie 'expects the cam Our'Lady of PurgatorY '. 10,500 blankets to ttie needy of the waIfs \.iho' seek .proiectionfrom· tM! situation today; with theas-' paign will achieve its· goal. St. Hedwig 8,128 • world, will be. conducted ,next ttle' biting cold in such areas as' Viet:'Nam and Krirea. sist;lOce o~ gov.ernment..Fran~ly.. Father expressed the hope that' St. B'oniface 4,480 week~ Nov. 24.- 30.:. . . .. BPttaking, however, we are not it will go over the top, noting St. Casimir 3,960 Outgrown clothes for men, .., Award Winner 80 'sure that the labor movement women and children,. bhinkets that Catholic Memorial High will Our Lady of the' . 3,388 and s~eeiS.. wearable .but." no wJul.d have been able to clean . cos~ in exc;:ess of $2,000,~00. NEW'YORK (NC) -Father" A'SSumptiori house effectively if theinvesti Holy Rosary ~4O longer-used shoes, stockings, Edward Lodge Curran; president' Meanwhile, the corps.'of 3,400 gaHon had been delayed for an socks, mufflers.' a,nd gloves.' that o of" the 'Inter~ational Catholic .i\.cush~ei" ., other decade:·: .' . . men-volunteers is continuing.' its .Troth.:Society, has' been named clutter"Closets and bureau draw 12,400 work as the drive begins to move St. Francis Xavier :: COUrageOUs ~del'Ship reCipient of :tlle 1957' Thomas ers can be America's way of: alle toward its final phase. FairhaveD" .' Walsh' Memorial Award for his' viating .the misery of unfortu In ,saying· this, w:e do not mean. '. Over the Top St. Joseph '43,782 nate 'victims of persecution and efforts in' combatting commu to !exaggerate or over-dramatize. 6,560 poverty.. The highlight of this week's SacJCed. Heart niSm's ·propaganda. .' . . . , .•.. th~· extent of. corruption in the 5,460 c·· :Against a backdrop of human labor movement at the pre~nt report is the fact that St. James: .. St. Mary parish surpassed. its mi~imuin suffering and degradatio!l', the Mattapoisett . ti~e, Corruption 'in the ranks of .organized labor is limited to goal of $110,000 in the first week . St. An'thony ". ". 4~;726, Catholic Bishops in America are launching their ninth anriual • ;'relatively . small. group' of as the workers reported a total . .' . South Dariu:.-~uth unions and union leaders. It is of $133,550. Father Gallagher St. Mary 38,874 ! . not a general disease. It is not complimented his men for their . Wareham something that pervades the efforts, 'and told· the men 'from St. Patrick 25,875 O~KEEFE · whole labor movement. Never the other 29 participating par .\ ishes that they can and certainly Westport theless it is sufficiently exteri
Funeral Home: 35,126 .sive that had it continued for will surpass their minimum goals St. George .' . another decade without public by showing the same enthusiasm 70 Washington Street notice and without a determined and zeal that 'has been demon effort on the part of the labor strated to·date. Father Gallagher . TALJNTON movement itself to corJ:ect the urged all' the pastors 'and team situation, '. the cause. of trade captains to',contact the men reg VA 3-3371 unionism in the United States ularly and make sure they are .Helen Aubertine Brough · might have suffered irreparable. 'making their calls. He repeated harm. the warning issued by' ArchOwner and Director . . . bishop Cushing at the' solemn Spacious Parking Area This is what we said, in 'effect, opening of the drive November , WY 2-2957 ~~~~: ~al~re ~~.~P::::df~~~o~l; . 6th that, to be successful; every 129 Allen St.· New Bedford opinion about the' McClellan wage-ea~ner in every'. parish hearings. a blank must be solicited, .: . .~80 SOUTH .MAIN ST. - FALL . RIVER ,check of approval to the Senate i investigation and··.while main-. CQRI,tEIA &
Parish Totals' .Clothing • Drive
Regional High
AUBERTINE Funeral Home
~j:~~t~~: r~ghittstoi~;:~~~Zg~t~~" . ..
g~ts out. of line, we said we.. thought the Committee, up. to" uii~ point, had :done a 'tremen d~'us .ser.vice to 'the iabor move:';". ment. ., ~'. .... :.::, -, ... '.'
F================... SONS,,'::, .
ONE STOP: .. ,'. :,:';' , . R. Marcel Roy ~ C.o1'~r~~iDe' Ro7 SHOPPING"'CENrER.!..·., .', .,,' R~gertaF'ranee . ';.'. ; • Television ··it lF~rnitur.e:· .. •. Applia'nces • c;rocery ,':::.. 104" Allen St'.: New Bedford
~!:,~~~Al Q!R~pqRS ; .
IRVINGTON ,or. .~:~·NEW BEDFORD '. . . ' ..~. WY 5-7830",
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:Secondly, we··-are :how even t·.;. more convinced than when we left for Europe that AFf.-CIO WYman '7-9354 .. . .. A)j, ~ .. .r.' / .. president George Meany.- who,. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;UiEi....OiiIiiIiilil_;s;.--_~ ,;,.~ :.~ . .g 7V~ . t" M· incidentally, is highly' respected ,.. ~tt41 in Europe - ~as taken the right . 16 a stand with regard to the prob-' '::J'J • 11 t30G .. ;. . .....llll i.' le.m of labor racketeering. If he o· C k'l .. . ., If' G' f'· .. yster o.c tal ~3 .00.' plus Ha rape nllt an'd his colleagues had ducked Chilled Tomntq Juice M.O.A.T. Litleneck Cocktail the issue of corruption; if they Fresh Shrimp C o c k t : i h . . Golden Fruit Cup had refused to cooperate with Henris of Celery and Queen Olives' the Senate invest~gation, or if Bisqu;e of F~h. Toma~ 'Clear Green Ttirtl~ Soup they had compromised with the Roast Stuffe4 VermOi1tTurkey Your Orange Blossom Ring with · racketeers, the labor movement . . ... , Cranber~y. Sauce _. would ha,ve been in very serious, diamonds from the fa·bulous trouble: As it is" there is .every • Candied Sweet, Mashed '!r Parsley BuiledPotAb>eo o Mashed Turnips' Mashed Squash New ~ason to believe that under the Boiled Onions String Beans Green Pe"" ~urageQ,us leadership of George, English Plum Pudding, Hard or Foam" Sauce Meany, the labormove1Jlent will Frt"Sh App"le, Squa~h' o~ Hot Mince- pie eome' out of. the c~i-i-ent ~isis:a F~n lee Cream Pulf, 'Chocolaie Sauce little 'bruised;perhap's, but a Parf~hs. Sundae or Sherbet m,uch stronger and a much better .. Sweet Cider ., Coffee· labor movement. ,:: Members Must Sacrifice,::.' "." ,.' ~.EW. .• ~his presupposes, of cour~~"" , ..." c, ·f.;Ott~RE~R¥,~oA-ii:..w.£.6'~8521~~·''\· ~ ""'~ .. -.,... J".... ot~~.-O"tiCi ..,;., ".'. -! S... 'Malio~' ... r"'8prl"li "'-' tliat~ihe-.:.riUik::arta::file:·:met'iibei'a·-·:= ."..-:::::::.7::.--,,;",-,,=.,,:"'--',:,r.. ,.!.:;"':.:.-••::.:.-.::::::..~=.-~.". ----. .. .__._ _.. • .. =--~~~ ....;..;;..-!;:..---~~~~~~. _ _ .-... ~.... ..~----- .. , ii" ....... ..; '''.'
. . =============::i Thanks' tfff,·V·'•."g. .Men'
.... . "
= ='=
__ • _._
~ittee ehalrman ~ clubs in New England to put ' K.S.G., International Presid-mt, .. , 'THE ANCHOR IIinee July 1. Both men have Thurs., Nov. 21, 1957 ' ' on the' altar· boy panel at the requested the Attleboro group to Continued 'ro~. Pa«e 0_ been assisted by a dedicated annual regional conference held submit a summary of its program ,Brennan. Because Serra has 81 'group of Serrans who comprise the Attleboro District's program in New London, Conn., on ,Oct. to the international offices in its primary objective the foster the lO-man committee. may be gained from the fact that 25 and 26. At the conclusion of Chicago for circulation throug~ ingcof priestly vocations, and be Some idea of the evaluation of the club ,was selected from all the panel, Joseph Cunningham, out the country. cause an overwhelming majority of ordained priests are' former altar boys, the club members felt that their first vocational project should be the encouragement of _c --:;=o:::> -/ present day altar boys. After obtaining initial permis V sion from Bishop Connolly, the club contacted all 10 pastors in its district, informed them of the objectives of the program, and asked their assistance and cooperation. Members say that J ... the benevolent interest and un qualified support of Bishop Con nolly, coupled with the complete cooperation and assistance of the pastors of the parishes involved, provided the inspiration which got the program off to a flying start. Mass Meeting The next step was a mass meeting of ,175 altar boys and their parents in St. John's school hall in Attleboro. All curates hi ", charge of parish altar boys were invited to this meeting, Club Northern Broad Breasted Plump Meaty Grade A officers outlined the history and purpose of Serra, and Rev. James McCarthy, assistant at St. John The Evangelist Church and club LB Avg. chaplain, addressed the boys. , LB Following the meeting, club members served refreshments. Ideal for Small Families The next project was a cor LB Oven Ready porate Holy Communion of all altar boys in the district and of Choice Grade - For Oven or Pot Roast '- Boneless LB S9c lean Meaty Flavorful the members of the Serra Club, which took place at Sunday Mass LB 'lB Fresh in St. Mary's Church, North Attleboro. Communion was re ceived by 243 out of a possible 250 altar boys, and by 50 out of a possible 53 Serrans. The boys marched to the Churehfrom St. Mary's School in their casso<;ks Cra~berry SaUCt llB and surplices followed by the Strained or Whot~ CANS men of Serra. The impression that this picture created, is still llB Strained CANS Last Chance For Big Extra Savings talked about in the area. After Mass the boys adjourned to Elks FROZEN .FOODS' SPECIALS oz Community Hall . where they « Pwnpkift CANS were guests of the Serra Club at Make Yaur Own A.sortment a communion breakfast. All 902 transportation was provided ia PKGS the private cars of Serra mem bers. llB JARS Last September, an altar boy outing was held at Cathedral Juntble'Pac 100% Camp. This was the first club large or Small JAR project in the term of President " Bob McGowan. Again all trans Fins.' - Sailed 6%oz ,','.. portation for the 210 boys who Fancy Mixlure CAN MAK,E YOUR
attended was furnished by mem REG OWN
'Heavy Duly Roll bers of the club. An intensive 12" IS".,. SOc program of softball, swimming, ASSORTMENT ROLLS basketball, races, etc., was care '" APPETIZERS : TURKEY FIXINGS fully organized beforehand so that the entire day went off Apple Cider ~~o~~c' . ~~~ 69c Turkey Bread 5'u;;n9 L~:f 15c without a hitch. With the co Tomato Juice Fono.. o~~~~' 19c Bell' 5 Poultry Seasoning 2. ~T';:'S 23 c operation of Father William Cocktail BlaonJdul'cOo', 1 °cT~~ 0. '3 9c Sage Fino.. 10' 15 C McMahon, camp director, re G,ound CAN freshments were provided.
AttlebQro ::Se'rra
)au been
Cood Food~ .. Cood Friendt-~
Bn. ~aving!!
'Check These Big Week - End Meat .Savings!
UP~o43 C
Chuck ROeis' Bone.l~
' : Ocean S.pray, Finast C~an~erry .Sauce ,One~Pie Squash Finast ·Pie Crust fl:~ ~~~:ts Boiled .Onions ,'fina~hOr:an Stuffed, Olives Mixed Nuts Reynolds Foil: v-a
To Establish Ratings The communion breakfast and the outing will be annual events. The club now' feels it is on sufficiently firm ground to de velop an Altar Boy Award. In determining the boys entitled to the awards, the rating of the priest directing altar boy activi ties in each parish will«:ount 50 per cent, and scores on c()mpeti tive examinations based on ma terial sup'plied by, Serra Inter national will count 50 per ~lmt. The Most Reverend Bishop has graciously agreed to: present the awards at an evenin~ Mass t~ be held on some week ,day In May. This Mass will include the' an nual corporate C~mn:'l,lnion and will be followed by'a communion' supper.
Considerable credit for the
success of the program so far
goes to J. Harry Condon, first
chairman of the Altar Boy Com
mittee, and to John Ahern, who
:45c Shoulders
"Yor" Gard'en SALE
2 2 '2 ,,,'/0 2 2.
39c CANNED AND FROZEN 'FOODS 35c 25c 25c STRAWBERRIES 43c ORANGE JUICE 49c 49c ASPARAGUS' 4FOR~I·00 51c 2 SWEET PEAS BROCCOLI SPEARS .:\:i~~ ~:G' 39c Poultry Stuffing >~'C;::; 2 ;KG 2.9c So,don·,. 29c Bread Crumbs Finoat 19c LIMA BEANS 10:~G' 59c Onion Flakes 'Nylo,'. ~AN 13c
(ream Cheese C. tam Cheese ~J: ,~AC;: Potato Chips , Educator Crax PK~ 3 5 c DESSERTS Anchovies Ro:I::':::11II 2. C~~5 2.9c ~~~ 45c MAIN COURSE ' R,; RPlum Pudding ~~~ 49c I.B I C& BPlum Pudding Fruit Cocktail :=~ 1 CA~'" 3 7 c C& BHard Sauce t.:~ 49c ',no.. 11.B130' 43 Pears _" Holv.. CAN C 'Mincemeat' Fi.... Dolo ' 2 LB1~0. 69 c Mincemeat Gtend_....·• :XCi 2.3c P•meappIe Chunt C"'N~' 1L~::,o' 407c • PINT ', Fimast Mayonnalse JAR 35 c Mincemeat' OM,'" I~~O' 2.9c rmastCorn ~'i:';os~~~~ 2. c~~~ 2.9c '. String Beans :~:~ ,2 'tZ'NS" 3 'c . FRUITS II NUTS FinastPeass~~';cli'. 2 '~~~': 39c Walnuts' :' w:::c5i~ 'C:l~O 49c Sweet Potatoes ,,- I~A~0' 25c Mixed Nuts "R1,.:::"" ~~. 59c Heinl Sweet Gherkins 7n:-, 3 1c Almonds " ~ ~h~~ C:l~~ 59c Strawberry ,~~~~~~~~5.. J~~' 3 5cBraliiNuts A"la~:"" ;'LJ 49c Florida Juicy - Good Size
Oraonge~ Cortland - U,S, Fancy - 2'/2" and up,
5 5
B~G '39c
Crisp Pascal - Low in Ca;oroes
. Plump. Meaty and Sweet
'.' I ' ; •.
Plus Many More' ,Values'
car~-~~!sh T~9~T~~~
Apples CEl~O 39c' '2.3° C, Celery Grapes ': 2. 29C
Pumpernickel Br~ad Devils !Fudge RoU' CoHee Ring Favorite 'Anytime '. LET
21 C 39El:
You'll 'never ,taste beller pi,es oHered this holiday fresh frOfll First National ovens. Old Fashionep mince pies al'!d deliCIOUS spicy squash pies,
3lime Low' gll·Service Prices in All Stores In This'Viciniiy .:. We Reserve the Right to limit Quantities
BOWLING • SKATi,NG Special Arrall&'emen&8 I'or
- ,~oilywood in F<Olcus:":.,. ,·;f/;<.;..
·/ .. .:» . . ; ,·1.4 THEANCHOR-;"-:" k' " p' · '.; ..'. . Nov: 2( 19St· 5 ~~mar.···· ·O:u~ts··.·up '.,:d Jr'uge ~·u . ~n "" 'd' T' Le" ~_'.' ~a~se.· . n~u ~W.w. 09-' ,.,: ...~In. ~·u~g .'~.".'" .~w. ~"",ftls.' " ..,: , .. By WIlham H;·Moorm.g ... ' . . ' ' ~e«J]son ~)j ~ I
J •••.
Ord'in~ry Emph~siz..e.s U,rg~n~. ,.Ne~d; To Keep ,Fc;B,rm Famjlie$onLand··,
B@n$Re;ogkn,IS"LASALLE(NCj:'-An'IllinOis""'TOday," bishop. bas called . upon a rural r.l Il/;l9V life convention here to empha~ '(NC)-It is" "pos.': siZE! the need't6 'keep farm iaIil.-
"Don't' eat potatoes"; warn-ed' Judge 'Harold "ScnweTzer -. 'cFiicACio of Los AI)-geles Superior,Court. He had 'j~st approved a. sible". th:~~ wHlbe so~e wreat~s.
ilies on their land.
o~ dIsplay at LakeVIew: PublIc Bishop Albert R. Zurow.este Qf sev·en':year·. contract under which 18-year-old actress. D.ian.a High School, here, dupng t h e ' FranCIS g\:lts $120 rlsmg to,$1,250' a' wee~ ·froIll. ABPT, PIC-·· Christmas season, but there 'will Belleville said that "not. .only tures Inc. His honor had . play, about our o. w~ times. What definitely be no reiigious deco- must this problem be considered . d some . " smaII t ype" exactly does this line of'reason' t' an academic discussion, but some . no t Ice ra IOns. . , practical ways 'and means prowhich said t h e company iog., say for sophisticated AmerSo ruled School Principal J. posed to keep on the land Cath might cancel any tinieon. icans? That they have become . Tr.imbl.e. BoYd,afte.r consulta.tion olics who are .there." , th hi th Ch .'
" .
'. c .
continued, "we
find that thousands whose roots. we~e in th~ soilha~ left· the~r ~::~:~ habItats for: greener pas Sad But' True I "But are these. pastures greener? Do they give' that ap preciation of the good things ot life? Do they te'd to t b'l' . n S a I lze the'family? Do they offer more
opportunities for living a truly Christian life?" No, indeed not," grounds' of "disfi.gurement". if so all-fired artificial they cannot WI • S superIors m e Icago he said. Miss Francis' w",;~ht goes over face, up with resignation and publIc school system. Ghost Towns 130 or below . courage to the tests and tempta,The decision to eliminate He· delivered the. sermon at a 'Bishop Zuroweste said that "it 105 pounds. Sh€ tions of life; 'nor bear to see on Christian symbols was made Solemn Ponsifical Mass in St. is stl d, but true," that Christian 'now tips the the' movie screen, . characters after the s,chool came under fire, Patrick's Ch,urch, opening a refamilies have been' greatly in 's'cales at 117 so. who fl uence d by modern trends. " remind them of the fact?· from the Illinois division of. the' gional convention of the .Naallowing for How many . women. who are American Civil Liber~ies Union tional Catholic Rural .Life 'Con 'th h' t· t d d st' f "Passion for pleasure, love. of 'potato or two, .nel er unsop IS Ica e orne IC and six Jewish organizations for erence. now and then, drudges, nor artificial home dec"violating separation of Church Bishop William E, Cousins of money, easy divorce, equal par she should be orations, stay away from movies .and ~tate." Peoria, host to the gathering, tfcipation of women in every all 'right. because they an~ tired ot HollyFor' 30 years the high' school was celebrant of the Mass. Nine phase of business and social life, ". A~ong 'the "small type" in =:::c~~b~~~~na~o~~~bellingof had . e~couraged' its art students. bishops were in attendance. the natural result of employment this, or any standard Holto design and erect life-size ,Bishop Zuroweste pointed to of women, h.ave destroyed the ·- con t rac, t the JU . d Would Ban 'SP' . ~ood act mg ge " Nativity scene' at Christmas. A· the exo d us 0 f'f armers to CIT les wtIolesome atmosphere of Chris ly might haye found another clause. . While movie and TV spokes., . . and the resultant disappearance , This says the film company may m~n continue to argue that crime scene dIsplayIng the JewIsh: of small family-operated farm' . tian family life," he declared. terminate an actor's contract any and violence on the screen do Memorah (candelabra), symbolunits. "Rural parishes are dimLeast capable of coping with time scandalous. behavior re- ,not suggest imitative behavior izing the Hanukahholiday, was inishing in numbers and' the these conditions, declared the duces his potential appeal at the . to, any but border-line youths also built. small towns and villages that prelate, are "young men and theaters. No one in HollyWood who would go wrong anyway, ' But, Kenneth Douty, executive' formerly were the trade cenwomen reared in the security of mentions the "morals clause" the p'sychologists of the theatri-' director of the Illinois branch of ters of the surrounding rural rural surroundings and suddenly these days. It seems aO coon's cal business are busy exp~i- the Civil Liberties 'Union, wrote communities are fast becoming. finding themselves' face to face · age since 'any film company took menting'with "sublimal percepin a letter to Superintendent of ghost towns," he added. . with this new freedom." ~dvantage of it or even threa~-. . tion,.." '''SP,'' in case you have~chools Benjamin Willis that the ened to do so. not heard, involves the flashing . two scenes violate the policy of . ,I do not suggest that MiSs' across the screen of. ideas, usu- church-state, separation. .~~ancis is lil{ely to give ABPT or ally with a "message," which i'The fac't that the two major. any Q.ther Hollywood company are too fast for the eye to catch' 'reiigions . were . . represented' AU of Wi ~Ving' in Amel'lca. have mUCh W be g~a~erUl, fOf•. God ,tpe slightest trouble, either.'on but :which make an impression, 'equaily' makes no difference," has blessed Us abundanti; with the ti~~ic necessiiies ot life. Thill th,e. score of measure!llents or subconsciously, on. the vie\ver. Mr. Douty told newsmen. .. is. not :so at the pr'esen" tilDe in' 'the llt!'ife' morals, The 'judge's reqJ.ark, The efficacy of "SP" has already . torn Holy Land, made sacred'b,the fGo& 'however, although illtendedhu-: .been tested in TV commercials: Arab steps of O~.Lord and Our L.~d,. CI(!.~e to m,.·.or ...ously, underscores' fallaci.ous Rep. William· . thA.', Dawson t' h ' 'YVA,.S~.NG';£'ON (NC) Un. . one··oiillion. pii!estiDli refugees hil\'e Buf .1;!.:9.11ywood thinking these days, .(Utah) ' . , proposed a t e Fedless the plight of 933,556 Pales "fered :greatlY;-~d'they .mow Illost. viv 'N'.0..matter how bad the mo.vie it eral: ComnlunicationsCommis:':, , .• ·.,Arab, re,fugees. is solv.e,d, . . t,inian Idly' ~e P~NGS, OF. :HUN,GER.· Be . :An 11l to.pu.. ll in'the. crow.,;(s sion advise TV stations' and . the, Middle East will slip behind ,'h;:e.,xpec.te.d. • "'I . t' ks' thallt'" +' ,other' Christ! In thanksgiving f~r aU YOUI' '~/l)on~. as. th~re is a· "~easure-: ,ne wo~ . a sublimal per':, the IroQ Curtain; the' presid~nt " gl'rl I'n I·t...'. ' . '. ception," in theory' and ,practice, .' ." .Relief ' .' Mission .' . . . ble~~ings., give a· $10 gifa which will buy of... the.. Pontifical ,KP-..ent .,,' "W.ell, the late Marl'e Dressler is under' FCC' . told the American . . a FOODPACKAGEwbich· will feedaa . investigation' and for, Palestine :'Jw,:elghed a; 'good 160. when she its' iuseshould . meanwhile' be :aishops. :'.. . '.' ". .entire family for 'a week. As a token of
· 'won 'the best actress Oscar·.in barred.. ' . . • . Tht Holy Falhtr's MiIJion Aid our ·.gratitudeto you, we' will send YOll, ' 11' d " . From 1948 to October '30, i957, 1930-31. Today sev~ral of the . Th IS so-ca e new method" • beautiful, OLIVE-WOOD ROSARY from the Holy Land. most popular female stars tip . o~suggestion, which aims at the the .Pontifical Relief Mission for
over 120. Yet to make a start movies these days, a girfhad' · b,etter have shape than. talent. ".rbiSmay be, one reason why the box-office .take· has been slim·'D;ing lately. .'.. '. . 'Artificial' Americans Another Hollywood fallacy is ~hat sophisticated peop~e (which 'is' understood to,·, mean .most · Ainei'icans!) are not interested in "~re;en plays' 'about unsophisti,;. , eated 'charac:te'rs. l'rue or-false'! · i:' Webs(er"defines'asophi'stieate
: ~s .ope wh() has ."changed from.a · 'na't~rai, ,simpl~s.iate" to'~ecome '. ~artificial . or worldly::'wise." :Suppose. we agree.. that more ,ipeople', theese. d~y!>, .be~me· arti:: · :ficililF'How many aiSo beCome !, .fwor.Idly.:.wis'e?h. ~",<.". :. There is a, world of ~isdom
..:to be i:lr'awn' f~om some unsophis /ticated" movie characters,' of ,:na:tural,simple estate. Take (a · loo~. ~t Dorothy McGuire's' piG ,.neer, American wife 'and mother · in Disney's "aid Yeller," 'soon .'. coming your way. Left with her two young sons on an isolated ,Texas ranch' in the hard 1860s, ,this woman was equal to every 'emergency and there were many. Her resourcefulness and indus : try ought to amuse' if not put fresh heart into countless house ,wives of today who, with gadg ets on hand for every chore, often are thr()Wn for a loop by the sin1P1est domestic crisis. Compare this Texas pion~er with the wives in "Until They Sail." When their men were away at war and Marines struck camp nearby, they could hold on to neither: their homes nor their morals. These were typical' of ,what the Hollywood movies pro ducers consider "modern;" they would interest and entertain up to-date, .sophisticated audiences. 'The woman in Disney's film was , .a kind of relic of the past. You' , rarely see her kind in any screen'
Residential -
633 Broadway, Fall River 05"3.:1691 ' "
sub-conscious and ·by-passes the Palestine refugees has rendered
vie~er's sense of judgment, .$33,900',OQO in ,relief services to eluding his critical analysis, islPe ·refugees. This sum repre-' really.not so new at. all. It ·has sents the value of all, goods, been'known and practised for'a money, service and personnel 'long tipte' by communist propa- given by: the pontifical mission gandists. They use crime, sex, to the refugees in the Holy Land. ' even. at .times religion, through 'whic,h to launch their ideolQgical ;-~~--'-'~'--'------~-; ai;Wi psychological SPutniks.. :., ,'Com.plete :
". .
" . in.,'200 Years"
REMEMBER YOUR .LOVED.ONES? "Be mindful, 0 Lord. 01 t~ servants and handmaids, ·who will come before you." This beaD . tifuI prayer, reminds u.s to ·have the 'Holy Sacrifice of the Mass of fered for the repose of the soul of ow: loved ones. By so doing '011 belp your dear departed and also o~ missionaries' who depend com- . . pletely on Mass offerings for ·their dally suppoH.·· " .. .f·
, '.' "SA'....1'lIIIIIII1 K 11• .....1 .G .:,., . 1'lIIIIIII ;
" . .,'
SION' AID FOR· THE CHURCH IN THE NEAR EAST COUNTRIES ,'. ,BOSTO,N; (NC) - ArchbishOp !ljcp,ard.,J. Cushing' of. Boston"is "R'- V. GIFTS? E'NROLL'"" ., 'how' an honorary' Brother in the : " " ,I.", " ,,". ,(:, LOVED' ONE, LIVING 'OR DECEAsED; iN'OUR .~ Order ofthe Hospitalle:' Brothers . " , "'80€ I ATION ANDHAVE"THEM SHARE 'INPRA'YERs of St. John .of God. The cere.. ", , ~OriY at'Wl!ic.h. b.e'.:.receJved his :',.. ·"Fo~r GREAt~R. ' .. ,,'.,;,: . "lUm"MASS~' (15.000' iea~lyj OF oUir MISSIONAR-' ' : NEW.JlEDFORD' :'I~!?! Yearl, enrc!ll~~tls$l!.PerP~,tuai,$20: Tbe'e&' . document of affiliation with the "., , ", ; ',; '~~ fil~il~$~ teari)' Bnd' $l,OO.'perpetUaU':· '.' .~ .. ; . 42o:.yero;:-old·.order,,is believed
.'=':~'. . ... 'to be ~e first of its kill,d .in two; :iTHE, ·cent~ries.:.', .. ' " .; '. , .. r. . . : Fi" t' . D' e.pos·.t·': '",,' JQH~- VARG,aESE- CASSIANO-YOUR PRIEST? ,These .three young men are studying for . .... SOR"RY! No' Herring ~ the Priesthood In India and Eritrea. Future ,or Lobster .Stew New Bedford, Mass. : apostles of God-the,'need $100 'for eacb "BUT you;re s'ure' to
.~: of t~~ir sill ,ears' training ~~f~re' the~ Fall' in Love. with
, Main O f f i c e , b . is i . , Union. a~d Pleasant Sts. ' ecome m. s on priests. They have noth : _ Norih:' 'Ei1C; . Branch : ing but their zeal to work for souls. CaD at the NlEST : 1200 Acushnet, Ave. : you adopt one? The Lord wi" bless ,IOU.
~:; .S'E··
"'IC··Oo·.'E· '. ':~., .:CUlST~AS·,
"WH~ ~OT
S' f" , rs a e, ,National Bank .:
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Membef, Federaf'Deposit , . . Insurance Corporation
Mattapoisett, Mass.
'New. Bedford & Acushnet" ~perative Banks .115 WlllIA", .ST.
, . 'THAN EVER BEFORE see us for t.,e BEST DEAL in a h
Ford Car or Truck
'. •
. '..FORD DEALERS FOR OVER 38 YEARS" ' . 1 ,. . •
:·".l;J+4,:IJ~"~"t:~tt~s.e $t., '~'" .
SISTER JOSEPHA-SISTER STEPHANE-AND . ' IN NEED These two Sisters plus Sisters Agnella. Sis, ter Savina, Sister Dalmatia an'd Sister ()a. mund and beginning their tcalnlng as novices in Leb¥!>9n, Egypt and (ndia. They Deed $150 for each of ibelr two yearS' training bef~re they become missionaries for God. Could you adopt one ·of these young novices? You can pay tfte. amount In installments. God· will bless you,
'MORE FORD ·in: '1958, ,:.
ONE MISSION CHAPEL NEEDED! $2;000 is all we need to build a Mission Chapel in Aiga, Ethiopia. The former chapel in the village lies in ruins. It was built in 1914 of baked. mud with a roof of t1Iatched leaves. The rains and humid Ity have ruined it. The poor Catholics in the village will bless you by their prayers of gratitude for any little thing that you might be able to do for them. $2.000 will give them 8 House of God. WHO GIVES TO THE POOR MAKES' A LOAN TO GOD
.~,~w ~~~,!o,rd, Mass.
t:h'l2earFitst OlissioosJll
. Magr. Peter P. Tuohy, Nat1 s.c-, 'Send all communications to;
CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WElFARE ASSOCIATION 480 Lexington Ave. at 46th St. New Yorlc 17, N. Y.
THE ANCHOR , Thurs., Nov. 21,1957
Adivities in Full Swing
will be ordained next February; Robert Vanasse and David Me deiros, studying in Rome. slides on the British West In , A}so Denis Goulet, Agostinho dies where he was stationed 'Pacheco, Thomas Morrissey, doing mission work for a num Henri Roy, Robert 'Dowling, ber of years. Roger Levesque. In response to a letter received Also Michael McPa~tland, from the Catholic Laymen's So Adrien Picard, James Murphy ciety of Kannapolis, N. C., the and Richard Rivard. sophomores have sent a carton "ST. LOUIS, of religious articles which will FALL RIVER be distributed to the Catholics of Our Lady of Mercy Civics Club. St. Joseph's Parish in that town, has received its official charter and also to converts in the sur from the Commission on Amer rounding area. The class was ican Citizenship in Washington, able to collect some 50 pair of D. C. very fine rosary beads, together The charter formally recog with hundreds of medals, ,reli nizes' affiliation of the local unit gious leaflets, and pamphlets. with the national organization This is the fourth consecutive headquartered at Catholic Uni year in which the sophomore versity of America. Pupils of' class has generously helped to grade eight and seven comprise spread the Catholic Faith among the local club membership. those poorer than themselves. The officers of the newly 01' DOMINICAN ACADEMY, are: Rodney Pavao, FALL RIVER president; Wanda Cordeiro, vice Carol Kirkman, chairman of president; Mary Brum, recording the bowling league, reports that and corresponding secretary; and six teams, of three divisions Raymond St. 'Michel, sergeant each, have been formed and will at-arms. begin competition next Monday, Our Lady of Mercy Civics Club, at the Fall River Boys Club. In is one of the thousands of Cath keeping with the yearbook olic civics clubs chartered in the theme, "It's American, it's Mari United States for the express an, it's Dominican!",' the names purpose of "fostering training for of the ,teams are Lincoln, Madi good citizenship." son, . Immaculate Conception,
Through monthly projects and Assumption, Albertus Magnus,
study of articles featured in The Thomas Aquinas. CONTEST P ARTICWANTS: These Jesus Mary Young Catholic Messenger-the Fifteen sodalists attended the national Catholic weekly for students participated in a French Oratorical Con Academy leadership training program con test at New Bedford. Left to right, seated, are Seniors students of the upper elementary ducted at Sacred Hearts Acad - these young citizens' emy by Rev. Edward S. Stanton, Lorraine Dube and Annette' Jusseaume. Standing are grades learn in a practical way the S.J., New England Regional So Paulette Beaulieu and Phyllis:McMillan, eighth graders. meaning of Christian social liv dality Director. Sodalists pres ing based on principles of justice MSGR. PREVOST HIGH, ent at, Sunday's program in- SACRED HEART ACADEMY, and charity. FALL, RIVER eluded officers and unit leaders FALL RIVER ' This year the program of study who recently entertained dioce-, Conducting a ,food drive" for , 1957 marks the founding of and action will develop the 'this school by 'the Brothers of san union delegates at a pre':', thel;Ioly Union Colored mission timely theme, "Your Freedom election acquaintance party held" in North Carolina is the latest 'Christian Instruction. In connec at the academy. project of the sodality. The 'tion with the observance, a list Under God," The program will explain the menace of, material has bee~ compiled of all former Clair'e Sinotte, Claire Reilly, drive is under the chairmanship ism, contrasting the operation of Prevost students who have been Hannah 'Sullivan and Elizabeth ,of Helen Gannon, as!!isted by the materialistic way of life witln ordained priests or are now Mena.rd are Sodality officers; Alice Branco, Rita Faria, Bar that of a genuinely Christian and studying for the priesthOod. unit leaders are Catherine Perry, bani' Garvey, Carol Jerome and ,democratic society. Mildred Midura and Agnes 'Gal- Mary Lou O'Neil. The list of priests includes Rev,' OVER 50 PER CENT ,lagher. Othe.r delegates to the During November, offerings Fathers Arthur Levesque, Roland WHEELING' (NC) Arch union-sponsored training' 'pro- dropped I'n mI·te b' oxes,, w h'IC h are Bousquet, Reginald 'Barrette, bishop John J. Swint, Bishop of gram were Rochelle Olivier, placed at strategic points Edmond Levesque, Norman J. Wheeling, officiated at the Con Geraldine Moss, Winifred Ver- througho u t th e sc h 00, 1 WI'11 be' Ferris. ' firmation of the largest class. mette, Judith Aubrey, Joan used as donations for Masses to Also' Fathers William H. 72, ever confirmed in a single White, and the unit secretaries: b e 0 ff'ere d f or d ecease ' 'd re 1a t'Ives Crane, Alfred Desautels, Rene senior Pauline Letalien ' junior day in Wetzel County here in Gauthier, Lionel Bourque, Nor Jacqueline 'O~iveira, so~homore and friends of the students. 'West Virginia~ It included 39 mand Hardy. . .. Cecile Roy. ',. Under the supervision of Sis converts. , Student' councillors Muriel tel' Albina Marie, S.U.S.C., the , Also Fathers Eugene Boutin, 'Boutin, Sheila DeMoura and ,French II class is constructing a Lucien Lussier, Robert Lussier, Anne Marie Ouellette: and 'com- three-dimentional, map.of Paris. Wilfred L. Vigeant, Edward mittee chairman Elaine Maltais With tbe materials ,supplied by Mitchell. ate working on a code of con-' Rita Faria, I..ouisa Carey and The seminarian alumni group duct, "The Dominican' Way," Lucretia, Carreiro have laid' out . includes Norman Methe and 'Which will be ,the foundatio~ ,the map of the: city while the Clement Dufour, both of whom for a student handbook.' The ' Eiffel Tower is to be modeled by ~ jlA" WYman' , code wIll cover all areas of stu- 'Dawn Smith. Janice Faria and ~e 3-659~ ': dent activity-in school andout JOlin Sequin will Contribute · , ' . " . 'obelisks', as' their share of ,'the· , Accor,dmg to Claire Sinotte CHARLES F~ VARGAS :,odal~(y "pryfe~t;'!iPp'ro?,imaiei;' project.' Pauline' Galland is 'in 85 percent of the ~tudent body " charge of the makirig. of street 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE participated' in' the' Nation8I ,signs. Th~ Arch of Triumph will NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Catholic Youth Communion Cru:.. be ' . carved . 'by . 'Louisa Carey. . Sade for the week assigned DA '"it's a whale of a drink'" , by the Fall River Catholic 'Stu dents Council. Sponsored by the 17 DELICIOUS FLAVORS National Council of· Catholic CO. Youth, this Crusade, extends BEST SINCE 1853 from the Feast 9f, Christ the WE DELIVER King to Pentecost Sunday. All the youth from a group partici CALL pating in the Crusade are asked WY 9-6264 to receive Holy Communion and and 9-6265 attend Mass each day of the week assigned them.
Spotlighting Our Schools ST. MARY'S HIGH, TAUNTON The' Student C,ouncil will choose committees at the No vember meeting to decorate the school auditorium, for the an nual bazaar. This' will be the first 'year that the high school will participate actively in deco rations for the popular affair. The Student Council was asked because of', the success of the Hallowe'ert dance decorations. Keen competition among the classes will take place to which class can "reach the moon first." Tickets for the bazaar have been distributed and each class will 'be represented by a missile. Daily returns will be tallied and the class nearest the "moon" at the end' of the con test will be declared the winner. Elizabeth Tallent is in charge of the ticket committee. Many of the seniors are plan ning to take advantage of "open house" at the various colleges, nursing r.nd secretarial schools. Emmanuel College was visited by Claire Ducharme and Kath leen Corrigan. Regis and Alber tus Magnus attracted Judith Megan, Elaine O'Keefe and Nancy Griswold. Shirley Custer explored the possibilities of fered at Katherine Gibbs School. Mary Lou Doyle visited Sturdy Memorial Hospital and also Newton-Wellesley School of Nursing with Nancy Griswold.
JESUS MARY ACADEMY, FALL RIVER Seniors Lorraine Dube and Annette Jusseaume and eighth graders Claudette Beaulieu and Phyllis McMillan participated in a premilinary French Ora torical Contest at New Bedford Driving Club. The program was sponsored by the Franco-Amer ican Federation of Acushnet with Mrs. Cecile Plaud as Vice President and Mrs. John Sirois, as moderator of the local con test. Three prizes of $25 each will be offered respectively to the elementary, high school and college divisions. ' The local winners from each divisiort will take part in finals in Worcester next Tuesday. The final winners of the three divi sions will be the recipients of $100, $75 and $25 prizes, respec tively. The prizes were donated
by the New Bedford ,Standard
Times, the Chamber of Com-' merce and Mr. Antonio Lemieux. JMA Basketball team. has joined ,the Narragansett Basket
ball League for the 1957-58 sea
lIOn. M. Mary Mediatrix, coach of the team, announced the fol':' lowing schedule for the acade'my: Wednesday, Dec. 4, Jesus-Mary vs. Durfee, away; Friday, Dec. 6, Jesus-Mary vs. Fairhaven, away; Monday, Dec. 9, Jesus-Mary vs. New Bedford, away; Friday, Dec. 13, Jesus-Mary vs. Taunton, away. Wednesday, Jan. 8, Jesus-Mary vs. Dartmouth, home; Friday, Jan. 10, Jesus-Mary vs. Somer set, away; Wednesday, Jan. 15, Jesus-Mary vs. Mount St. Mary, away; Friday, Jan., 17, Jesus Mary vs. D. A., home; Wednes day, Jan. 22, Jesus-Mary vs. Case, home; Wednesday, Jan. 29, Jesus-Mary vs. Westport, home. ~riday, Feb. 7, Jesus-Mary, vs. Dighton, home; Wednesday, Feb. 12, Jesus-Mary vs. Yoke, home. The above varsity games are scheduled to begin at 3 and will be followed immediately by the junior varsity games. MOUNT ST. MARY ACADEMY, FALL RIVER Students and faculty members will be given a le<;ture by Rev. Harold M. Sullivan, S.J., of Boston College next Wednesday Nov. 27, in the school aUdito~ rium. Father Sullivan will also show
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the Books
:Lay W@wke·ts for Christ 'Should. ~rM$pire Reade'vs
5~~nf§ ~n
THE ANCHOR 16 Thurs'i Nov. 21, 1957 1
.281,322 Catholics in Capital Archdiocese
By Henry Michael
By Rt. Rev. l\'Isgr: John S. Kennedy Father George L. Kane haS edited a series of popular ,books in which priests" nuns, and religious brothers have 'supplied brief 'accounts of their respective vocations. He now turns to a wider field, and in Lay Workers' for Christ (Newman. $3), has~athered vout' Life and woven them to autobiographical sketches by gether in a small book called 19 people who have given Letters from a Saint (Holt. 'their lives to some form of $2.50). The merit of this work is ·the lay apostolate. This readable , ,volume should show many thou . san d s _ one 'hopes, millions _ how ,to use their s't a t ion :and c i I' C U m stances to bring Christ 'to the world. Some of the contributors are 'f'a mo u s; the 'names of others are less famil · iar. Some are converts; others have been Cath olics from infallcy. But all have in common a strong sense of vocation and arqent' enthusiasm 'for apostolic work. David Goldstein spent decades' .going up and down the country · conducting open air meetings in 'which he presented the truths of the' Catholic religion to people ,who either knew nothing of them, or had fantastic misconceptions of them. Mary Ellen Kelly, on the other hand, is a total invalid who, from her home; has organ 'ized and carries on the League , of Shut-In Sodalists, which helps people'in a like situation conse- _ · crate their sufferings and offer
that it may well give their first taste of the saint's inimitable wisdom to people who' would never think of reading one orhis bOOKS through. Having sampled and enjoyed the passages con~ tained in these pages, they will undoubtedly want more. ' . More is provided in -A Diary of Meditations' (Regenery $4.75). Dom Cuthbert Smith, O.S.B., the editor, has culled short sections of the Introduction to a Devout Life and the Treatise on the Love of God (more from the second ~han froni the ,first), and ap pointed one for each day of the yea'r. This provides not only a much fuller acquaintance withl the writings of St. Francis de Sales, but, encourages a daily bit of spiritual reading and, one hopes, meditation. Progress in holiness is impos sible without prayer. The latest English translation of a book by Monsignor Romano Guardini is Prayer in Practice, (Pantheon. $3.50). This is no primer: that is, itrequires seriou~, sustained at tention. ()n Personal Prayer It
is principally concerned withperso'1al prayer, as 'distin guished frbm liturgical ,prayer these, together with prayer, for and popular 'devotions., Somethe good of souls. thing is said of the latter two at ygluntary Poverty the close of the book; arid the reFloyd Anderson's apostolate is lationship of the three to one ,in journalism; James M. O'Neill's anotherds defined. But the main is ia, lecturing and writing books; concern is with that prayer' in James B. Carey's is in the pro- 'which the individual faces God _motion of ,justice; Eugene Mc:'" , alone. · earthy's is in politics~ In contrast It establishes .the necessity of , to the prominence and patent in.. 'such prayer. It takes full cogfluencc of these, is the endeavor nizance of the difficulties both of Margaret M. Thompson" a ,those which arise from th~ siug- , .government employee, who pracgishness and superficiality char tices voluntary poverty and gives 'acterizing all of us, and' from the money for the education of can-' mysteriousness of 'God. It pre didates for the priesthood and scribes a method, a discipline of· other worthy causes. prayer.', . . " Elizabeth Reid, who is a ~emStressed at the outset is the · bee of th,e Grail, ,and Violet need of preparation: prayer is as Neyile, who is a member of the good as our preparation for it. International Catholic AuxiliaWe must ,bf,l collected, not, dis ries, belong to lay institutes with tracted.'We must seek out the ,.specific missionary tasks which reality of God in silence. We 'absorb the whole life of those must bring ourselves face to fac:e joining them. But without joinwith Him. 'How all this can be ing any institute, A. Dorothy . done, is shrewdly indicated. Arthur, for example, 'gives a , T h e various components of great deal of time to Catholic prayt: r are analyzed in,' depth, programming for radio and tele and their .'necessity~indeed, in 'vision, and Pat and Patty Crow evitability-demonstrated. Prac ley play a leading role in the tical suggestions are numerous. Christian Family Movement. There are unhackneyed and very There is represented in this valuable comments on prayer to volume a wide range of talents Our Lady and the saints. opportunities, undertakings'. No; The person willing to take ,this • do the vocations here instanced' book slowly and refiectivelyjwill' even begin to exhaust the possi be marv~lously assisted in per bilities. But the writers succeed fecting :1is prayer. But there is in rousing intere'st alid kindling , little to be gained by -just skim zeal. No reader but will ,ask ' ming it. It is packed with treas "What, in my position, might ur~, but has to be gradually, and should I do'?" : pamstakingly opened up. In her essaY, DorothY'Doben says, "The true apostolic mission Electrical of the Christian can' never be .. divorced from his personal Contractors growth in holiness." And Cardi nal Gracias, .who cont~ibutes the introduction, quotes the' words of Pius XII, "Give the very first 'place to the formation of the interior spirit, without which all exterior action is futile and must be looked upon with SUspicion." New Books 944 County St. There are several new books New Bedford which can help the layman enter , and progress upon the path of growth in holiness. Two marshal .excerpts from' R. A. WILCOX CO. the works of St. Francis de Sales OFFICE FURNITURE a great master of the spirituai fa Stock for Immediate DeI.h:eJ"7 life who, happily, is getting more and more attention in our day. • DESKS '. CHAIRS
This IS a splendid development,' ,FILING CABINETS
and surely providential, for this • FIRE FILES • SAFES Doctor ,of the Church. while FOLDING TABLES l,lOlding 'firmly to integrity of AND CHAIRS
doctrine, has' a most attractive gentle, persuasive manner CO~, PUtting it before one. George T. Eggleston has 22 BEDFORD ST. chosen certain passages from St. 'FALL RIVER 5-7838 reancis' 'Introduction to the De,
WASHINGTON (NC)-There are' 281,322 Catholics in the Washington archdiocese, final tabulation of a survey discloses. , The survey was the largest single project ever attempted by 'the men of the archdiocese.:More than 23,000 volunteers took part. ,The results, a~nounced by Arch bishop Patrick A. O'Boyle of Washington, showed 111,442 Catholics in the District of Co lumbia. There are 72,930 Cath olice families in the archdiocese and 72,577 Catholic children at;. tending schooL There are 44,143 students in the archdiocesan school system.
Catholic Educat'ion :Brings Vocations
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BALTIMORE (NC) -An em phasis on Catholic education haS brought about a plentiful har vest of religious vocations in a section of Tanganyika, Africa, according to a veteran mission ary priest who is Visiting here. ' Holy Ghost Father Joseph G. ,Noppinger, Yicar General of the Moshi diocese in Tanganyika, said the vocations "are so plenti -ful that we do not have the room for many more applicants." "Already we have 24 native priestS and 120 professed nuns," he related. "This has been ac ,complished, of course, through an emphasis on Catholic educa tion. We have some 11 high schools, 75 grade schools, one senior high school ant" two teachers' training colleges. This may' sound .ike quite a lot for a misSion area but it still isn't enough to m,eet the needs of the -.people."
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113 Mlltl"" lIlI Bbll'lbm 1I8 Bul""'n 111' lipread eat ll8 To.....b. ." .... 80 HI' WAS KJI. NOWNEU J'OIl - ' - WORK"', 8.1 KIDd 01, I...... . III Used, _ ......
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Colleg iate Network' BURLINGTON (NC) A tri-college netwo'rk linking the student radio stations of St. ~ichael's College in ,Winooski, the University of Yermont. and Middlebury College in Middle bury has begun operations.
81 A......
(Solution on Pace Eichteen)
More' Fak~' Reports Due LONDON (NC) -The Daily Express of London, secular newspaper, predicts that the " oommunists will soon be spread ing fake report;; of conspiracy between His Eminence Jozsef Cardinal Mindszenty, Primate of Hungary, and the American Le gation, in which he' is sheltered in Budapest. ' Under the' 'heading: "Why I .think,you~ll be' hearing more about Mindszenty,," the news-' .pap~r's star reporter, Sefton Del': mar:, wrote: ,"U., s. diplQmats fresh out of Hungary have revealed that the B4dapest secret' police have managed to 'mike' the rooms oc cupied by Cardinal Mindszenty in Bu~apest's American Lega tion, "He has been living there' ever since he took refuge in the lega ,tion when the Hungarian rising was put down just • year ago. "The 'se,cret police, ~y the
dipolmats, manage,d to piace one of those new Soviet 'Super Hear ing Aids' .in the chimney and re corded the Cardinal's conversa
'DAVID DUFF AND· SON Anthracite. & Bituminous
"If I were, in the shoes' of the · Americans I ~ould not' have re ,vea1edthis discovery. For .now the field is cl~ar for the com · munist police to' publish to the · world a faked'-up recordirig of : conspiratorial conversations ,be tween the Cardinal arid Amer ican Legation men. Watch' out for it." -:
Lending Library
,AufoinaticCoal Stokers Bag Coo, - Wood Charcoal
FITCHBURG (NC) - A lend , ing library has been established · in this city by the Daughters of 'St. Paul,' a religious' cominunity of women which 'spreadlJ the w~rd of God through the press,
· radio, 'television and movies.
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,St. Joseph's Cathedral Rebuilding Fund Archdiocese of Hartford $5,367,360 Raised
Diocesan High Schools Diocese of Bridgeport
Bridgeport: $4,004,688 Raised Stamford: $1,901,292 Raised Norwalk: $1,300,175 Raised'
Sl Mary's Hospital Waterbury, Connecticut $759,308 ~alsed
Father Gillis Catholic Center Boston, Massachusetts $375,943 Raised
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Rutland, Vermont â&#x20AC;˘ Diocese of ,Burlington $385,715 Raised¡
Norwich Diocesan Funds Diocese of Norwich $1,455,016 Raised
CCS has been privileged to conduct sixty-six campaigns,
in New England which raised $27,500,0001 Our continued success in
New Engl~nd was most recently dramati~ed by the successful conclusion
of the Hartford Archdiocesan Appeal for St. Joseph's Cath'edral. We art!.
presently on our way to new success in directing the New Bedford
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Catholic Memorial High School
CCS is a completely Catholic organization with local New England staff, a New tngland area office and wide-spread national experience. We invite your inquiry for free consultation and analysis regarding your parochial or institutional fund raising problems
New Bedford, Massachusetts Diocese of Fall River Goal: $1,500,000 Raised to date: $850,000
Raymond J. McEnerney, Area Manager 240 Fairfield Avenue, Bridgeport, Connecticut
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EDison 4-1771
Community Counselling Service, Inc.
N. Y.,
YOH ARE AM£:£ICAN, YE~ ~. AND 1111: ~W~~ VqV1 wEAR
Academy Award .Winn.ers Ludicrous in Retrospect
THE ANCHOr Thurs., Nov. 21, .1957
CrossWord Solution
By Joseph A. Breig Cleveland Universe BUlletin
I saw some excerpts the other day from movies which had won Academy Awards iIi the past, and I must say that I was moved to give· thanks for my own occupation of writing. I mean no offense to any body when I say that these 'old and once highly. ho'nored films, which .millions paid
Great Books Last
millions to see, were ineffably atny and funny. The more se
ri~:lUsly the y
originally were
Intended; the
more ridiculous
they were. This
Is' not a mere_
personal opin
Ion. The audi
ence howle·d
• with, rriirt~. The scenes devoted to what Hollywood ~alls. love were the. most The obvious reason for this was that love is beyond Hollywood's grasp. Hollywood's attempts to por tray love are almost invariably· caricatures and burlesques. Only ',the glitter and glamor of the mo ment prevents audiences from realizing the fact when the "films .are first released. Absordity Remains Let a few years pass, let the eostumes become a bit outmoded so the superficialites· are stripped away, and what remains is absurdity. Nevertheless, year after year, solemn ceremonies are nation ally televised in order that the absurdities may be celebrated in the awarding of Oscars. Writers, producers and play- . ers, Overcome with emotion, hasten forward with bated breath to receive what must surely be the most ephemeral honor in the history of human expl·ession. As remorseless time passes; lIUrely the winners do one of two things. Either they reso lutely- refuse ever to look at :a' re-run of the film for which they were honored, or they hand their awards to the nearest trash man. • Oh, .all right, I'll modify that statement. I suppose what the . pla)'ers really do is to keep the . -Oscars as a sentimental gestu're, while rueing the way in which they were won. -.. One-Time Toasts Indeed, in all honesty I sym"'. patliizi . with these one-time toasts of· the entertilinment· '. world. ·1 -think I understand some· of what they stiffer :Wheri they hear a theater fulloh>eoplEt guffaw;ing.' at their ancient at tempts· to express deepfeltltu::,... man emotions. But :really, for' the honor of their craft, they ought to begin to take steps to see whetller it is not possible, somehow, to pro-
Lay Ap~stolate
·Meets Obstacle
SAN FRANCISCO (NC) The lay apostolate's job of bring ing Christ into the world is find ing . its most serious obstacle within tl).e Church itself, accord ' ing to the man who headed, for all practical purposes, the re-' cent Second World Congress of the Lay Apostolate held in Rorrie. Dr. Vittorio Veronese, pro-· fessor of, social science at the Atheneauin Angelicum in Rome, surveyed· .the global apostolat~ picture and concluded: . 1). A deep-rooted apathy grips Catholics,' both high and low, regardfng the urgency of the lay apostolate. 2.) Catholics should take time, ,now, to reflect on the diversity of the apostolate al: its' exists among peoples of diverse na tions and cultures, and· of the diverse needs this apostolate must meet. 3). TlJe success of the lay apostolate's urgent job of bring-. ing Christ to the. world lies on the conscience of Catholics themselves. - a conscience that "needs stirring: ,
Fordham Fund NEW YORK (NC) - F:ordham University has received· $7,086, 501 in contributions ·and grants in its 10-year program to raise $11 million for a Greater Ford ha,m.
Ask Prayers for Persecutees WASHING~ON
(NC) - The Bishops of the United States hllVe called for S,unday, Dec.,29, to. be ItIade a day of -prayer fox: persecuted peoples. Reminding that "in ·the arsenal of Christianity, in reach of. all men of good will,'~ there is "the invincible ,weapon of -prayer," the Bishops in a public declaration declare "it is unthinkable that we should in our day neglect to petition the Infinite· Creator and Ruler of. the universe in behalf of these modern martyrs." "We, the Catholic Bishops of the United States, with profound reliance on the unfailing power of prayer, call upon our people and .upon all who 'love justice and hate iniquity". to unite on Sunday, Dec. 29, in a day of prayer.
I;~~~"".~. ;'.
: "- .'.
LEO H. BERUBE. Mgr. 1951 Slade St. 'Tei. OS 5-7836
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"Let us all beg God, our Cotnman Father, to stretch forth His Mighty Arm, to restrain those who have' so long crushed His children, to strengthen and console the heroic souls who have endured so. much. and .to lead them speedIly to the enJoyment of t~e f.reedom .of the sons of God.
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Sports Chatter
Commie Traces Loss To Catholic Church
Yoke'$ Win Over Whalers Among Outstanding Upsets By Jack Kineavy Somerset High School Coach cheer for Old Notre l?ame !Th~
Cheer, Irish, under youthful coach Terry Brennan, engineered the upset of the season, derailing the Oklahoma Express that had rung. up a record 47 consecutive victories. Texas A. and M., the nation's No.1 ranked ~eam, run. Paul Levesque rushed the also went "south," dropping winning point and Gus DiRubio's boys had their fifth win in seven a 7-6 decision to Rice Uni versity. Here in ·the East, starts. Attleboro went doWn, ,
it was Yale over Princeton, and 25-0, at Stoughton. On the small-school scene, underdog Holy Cross failed by Case bad an easy time of it just a matter of inches In a de termined bid to wrest a probable . against Dighton, rolling up a Gator Bowl Invitation from Penn 33-13 advantage. The' victory boosted the Cardinals into a sec State. ond place tie in Narry: with Som But the surprised were by no erset, both with three points. means restricted to the colle gians. There were upsets galore Dartmouth currently leads the in the schoolboy ranks, most of league with four, offa win over which took p~ace in metropolitan Falmouth and two successive ties with Somerset 'and Case. Boston. However, since neither Som The game of the day in South erset nor Case has played Fal- . eastern Massachusetts; however, ranks well up in tlie realm of mouth-both games having been pigskin phenomena. An aroused postponed-the opportunity of New Bedford Vocational eleven, acquiring two points is lacking winless in its last 13 starts, rose both schools. This would mean that a Dartmouth victory on up to smite the Crimson of New Bedford, 13-6, in a thrill-packed Thanksgiving -would . give the encounter played at Sargent Green the title, regardless of the outcome of the .Case-Somerset Field before' a large partisan contest. Narry officials were enthusiastic crowd. scheduled to meet on'Tuesday, Team Effort Nov. 19, in an attempt to resolve Essentially, the Voke victory the problem. . was a team effort. The big Green Somerset' met and defeated' had demonstrated a potent scor": Tabor Academy, 42-20, in a high ing punch all year long but sec scoring contest at· Marion, .Sat ond-half defensive lapses proved urday. On the Cape, Yarmouth their undoing time and again. overwhelmed Falmouth, . 25-0: Such was not the case Saturday. The Mackintosh-Janiak coached Mansfield belted Westwood, 45-6,' eleven hung in there all the way and Oliver Ames levelled Fox boro, 33-2. Dartmouth was idle. to register the upset of the local scholastic season, annex the Whaling City title, and break a SeS5;QOn long losing streak, all in one fell Continued from Page One
swoop. Varied Program
Pandemonium reigned at the First two days are being de final whistle with jubilant Yoke voted to adults working with' fans pouring onto the field to youth, the next two to the young congratulate their ecstatic he people themselves and the final roes. Standouts for Vocational two to camping. Invitations to were giant end Martin Gomes, participate have been accepted who scored one touchdown and by Vice President Nixon, Irene was instrumental in the other; Dunne, Brig. Gen. Patrick J. "Scooter" Morris, diminutive Ryan, Jir;n Crowley, Floyd Pat back, who indeed lived up to his o terson, Louis Budenz, Ron De nickname in rambling 55 yards to paydirt with a Gomes' lateral; laney, Danny Thomas and many George McMullen, versatile other prominent personalities. Archbishop Cushing will quarterback, who ran his team well particularly in the opening preach at the Solemn Pontifical Mass to be held in Convention two periods, and Co-captain Hall. Cardinal Spellman of New Mike Dodge who played a whale York and Cardinal Stritch of a game at center. Chicago,' together with Arch , For New Bedford, Tom Eck Jr. bishop O'Hara of Philadelphi:i; literally played himself off his will 'be present at the Mass and feet. Brother Carlton turned in at the closing banquet. a good job at tackle and Duncan The number of separate ses:': MacDonald, Crimson power run sions arranged for the conven; ner, again demonstrated superla tion is more than 50. They iii:':. tive ball carrying ability. elude panel discussions, forums;' Coyle' Downs Durfee In other games throughout the workshops and demonstrations, area Coyle, the County's No.· 1 covering orgilliization, adminis tration of Youth Council and team, hUmbled Durfee 23-0 at program development and other Alumni Field. Fumbles and a phases of youth work.. blocked punt proved costly to the Hilltoppers. Quarterback Freccero scored three .times for the Warriors, and te'l:mmate Gaz zola continued to excel in the points-after-touchdown depart ment, converting all three. The Savings Bank SerVOiCe victory advanced Coyle's stand CIInd ing in Class C, Durfee being a Class B school. Low Cost Wareham, the only Class C power, put on another explosive Life Insurance late game offensive to register a AT 25-13 victory at Fairhaven. As in the Durfee game a week earlier, Co-captains Tom Eccles f~n ton and Gene Lopes were the key men in the Wareham cause. The Taunton-North Attleboro game couldn't have been much £avi~g$
closer. The Herrings, a touch down in arrears throughout 79 NO. MAIN ST., 'cor. Bank most of the game, scored' with Next to F. R. Electric Co.' less than two minutes left on the clock on John Cullen's "bootleg"
ERNAKULAM(NC) -A de feated communist candidate for India~s Parliament has contested the election of his opponent on the grounds that the Church co erced Catholics to 'vote for the victorious Catholic candidate. The communist candidate has asked the 'Ernakulam election
F~ve (5c) Cel?Bts
THE ANCHOR Thurs.! Nov. 21, 1957
l ·A 'SH'AVE!
Now try &his re\>olutional"J' rawr blad40' ~t our risk. One hundred .moo&h .bnvesto the pack GUARAN'f~;~;D'or your money cheerfully refunded. Hotrritz Blades are DOUBLE FmGE, STAINLESS STEEL - rustproof. SoleI in burgundy plontie. selt-Sf'TVing ~ase.
HOFFRITZ BLADES -15 for.$l Ask Your Barber
for communists, and a sermon by Father T. C. George Joseph, ~icar of St.. George's Church at· Aruvithura.
tribunal to reverse the election of A similar case arising out of ' George T. Kottukapilly to the Parliament's lower house. the last general election was Charging "malpractice," the decided against the defeated can communist candidate cited as" didate on the grounds that Cath evidence of Church interference olic' bishops, as citiZens, had a a pastoral letter written by right to state their views in elcc Bishop Sebastian Vayalil of Palai warnin~ Catholics.against voting: .tion campaigm and to guide tbeir
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~ray~r ~~d Good·Example.
By Donald McDonald Davenport 'Catholic Messenger
I was happy to note, in Pope Pius XII's recent addre8s
to the Second World Congress of the Apostolate of the Laity, the Holy Father's observation that "not all C)1rist ians are called to engage in the lay.apostolate in the strict sense." '.. . learned with pleas"We have To be a formal "lay apos- ure that the (training) meeting tie," to be a chosen ~'collab- Kisubi emphaticaliy stressed orator" with one's ·b.ishop,. intellectual formation." "willingness alone," said the . And so we must have leaders Pope, "is not sufficient. One must and we must have the led. And also have the for many who might well have ability and the leadership' ", qualities, circum requisite; p e 1'- stances of work or family life sonality quali': may prevent a sustained, organ ties that make ized exercise of a.postolic~leaderone cap a b 1 e ship. Are we thus shed of our FOUR! FOUNDERS .OF RELIGIOUS ORDERS: Four Knights of Christ are shown of attracting . apostolic responsibilities? If we in -historic photographs;from left, Blessed Peter Julien Eymard, founder of 'the Congre lng and influ- . are neither leaders nor in a posi gation of the Blessed Sacrament; Bishop Martin Marty, founder of the Swiss-American encing others." tion to exercise leadership, is Congregation, O.S.B.; Rev. Thomas. Frederick Price, c~-founder' of Maryknoll; and Cardi In other ad-' apostolic lethargy permissible? ' Lavigerie, founder of the White Fathers. NC Photo. ' dresses op.' the . Hardly. The Holy Father has nal' Charles Martial Allemand , sam e subject;. spoken repeatedly of the apos the .Pope. has tolic effectiveness of prayer and noted other cir-.. '. good example, neither of which CLEVE:LAND (NC) succeed. He detailed the prodicted, "will not only accomc cu'mstances that may. limit, or is as pa'ssive as we sometimes' even prevent, organized lay' think. . 'Apathy, on ,the part of the. . gram: " plish the negative result of de 1) To arouse the public from apostolic action for some indiI think few Catholics, if they its apathy to a recognition of the stroying the profit and the prod viduals, On one occasion he said are honest about it, will assert public a n 9. law enforcement . ...,,:. agents has permitted a bil- flood of-obscene literature and uct of the p6rnographer, but that parents may find the tasks of that their prayer life is 'as effec its frightening effects._ This' is ,will also have the positive raising arid' training the children tive as it should be or as ·they lion-dollar-a-year printed smut carri~d out'by qualified speakers.' merit of instilling into' each of they have been called upon to know it can be. Contemplatiye 2) By' asking members of us a finer sense of moral values, ereate so absorbing and' time- prayer, which contains powerful traffic '·to mushroom throughout groups addressed by'.t~e speakers·' an appreciation of sex as a won consuming that they would be personality forroatives, remains the nation. seriously negligent of their pri- something th~t' many of us asso " ,,'Speaking to·the Catholic Fed-. to "write and encourage their, . derful gift of God, and hence a eration of "Women's Clubs, law. er:f~rceme~t, prosecuti~e,· -fairer, clelmer breeze through mary duty were they to join' ciate only with, c~oistered' Regi Charles H. Keating Jr., chairman and.Judlclal offiCIals to recogmze the minds of our countrymen some apostolic organization at gious life. . of the Cincinnati Citizens for and stamp out the crime of ob- affecting the most-basic values of the expense' of their children's. PrOfessional 'Competence our existence and, among other guidance, ' And' good example demands Decent Literature, said·that "this scene publications." . is volume enough to pervert an 3) To let the judiciary know by' things, stabilizing that much ._ It is difficult, I think, for not only powerful effort of the letters, by reports, and by resoabused and maligned institution Americans who are constantly will, but 'also-and this 'is ofteri entire generation." He added: lutions, from groups a'nd indi-' American family life the reai hearing "and reading about de-' forgotten, I think-professional "No child from college age down viduals, that the "manners and· answer to the great' American mocracy and the democratic way . competence in 'the performance' to the age of five is safe." The Cincinnati attorney esti- morals of the community are' problem." of life, to recognize and in a . of our d~ily worlt. In consider practical manner to acknowledge ing the apostoiic effectiveness .of mates 75 per cent of the printed contravened" when obscenity·' r::::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;=; that some people are more gifted ,good example, I believe there is filth "reaches the hands of juve-' floods the minds of children. Test Case' than others, that some people are a tendency to separate one's niles." He said "it' invades Mr.. Keating cautioned that leaders and others are followers daily work from moral conduct schoolyards" and even "breeds involvement of the children "when approaching an elected and that "democracy" insures and consequently we pay only themselves in the racket." . public official, who holds office equality of opportunity and jus- enough attention to our work to Major Crime by your sufferance, you should
tice, not equality of talents, "get by" and to continue drawbe complimentary and charitable
We Americans shy away from ,ing our paycheck. "When dealing with obscenity, -never critical or disagreeable." using the perfectly good, precise Now I think that in the ordi':' Citing. the effectivenes of the wOI;d that Pius XII frequently ,nary psychological processes, ad~ we are demanding its recogni. ,tion as a major crime against Cincfnnati group program, he uses-"elite." 'We tend to equate miration is first awakened in an society," the attorney declared. said: "We have run several test "elite" with "snobbishness," and other by the professional compe "We are not asking for censorcases in Cincinnati without a los in so doing we tend to become tence and the dedicated service ship nor trifling with free press. ing issue; we are testing . the
snobbish about our comfortable that 0Ile puts into 'his work, We are demanding our rights to various city ordinances and state
low level of democracy which whether that work be of a that other Constitutional guaran- statutes."
by that or any other name is still mother raising her children a tee-that stanchion of our so mediocrity. 'It is true that the physician practidng medicin~ a ciety, the right to protection of We Hope So
elite .can become snobbish, but professor teaching or a politici~n police power.'~ . "All of t.he cases," he added,
"are being' defended by 'pub:'
so can the sub-elite. Snobbery is conducting affairs of state. This Mr. Keating said that "this is lishers' money .from the East,'
a moral stain to which the me- admiration n,aturally. leads' the . not a group or religious fight or and the promise of each defense diocre are not immune: one who admires into a deeper Misguided "democrats" may more intimate scrutil}Y of th~ problem,'~ but an issue that calls is that each shall go to the U. S. not like it, but God has not. competent, dedicated individual. for. all citizens of all denomina Supreme Court. We hope so!,
~~~~e~nd walks of life t~ join the For it is our purpose to patiently
poured into every human being Moral conduct is then seen, and mathematically equal. amounts of religious motivation is noted and and thoroughly build up in the'
Plan of Operation courts of this national recogni..
talent, and it is just as despiClible "good example" beg~ns to bear for the ungifted to despise the fruit. ., . The attorney explained 'that tion of pornography as a major
gifted as it is for the gifted to The converse of this process is . the Cincinnati group' he heads crime against society as a mass,'
show contempt for the ungifted. evident. Even the most zealous has adopted Ii three-part pro-' and as individuals" and to create,
Penalty of 'J!:xtremism would-be "apostle of good ex~' gram which has been in opera- a body of law which will clearly
ample", will not have much tion for two years but which define the offendIng materia!."
In recent years, particularly in grounds for hope if his daily "may take 10 more years" ~ Such a body of law, he pre-'
lOme' of the Seamier 'political work is slipshod, ·culpably in
circles, we have seen just how competent' and thereby an object
~-,'---I extreme has been the hatred and of contempt. We need zeal, yes;
suspicion of demagogues for, but we also need steady, quiet their intellectual betters. What. competence, day in and day out.. this extremism has meant to the 11. S. in terms of loss of scientific
research, to take just one area,
is incalculable. But we are now THE ALL NEW CAR hearing rumblings that if our FOR ALL BUDGE:rS ·FOR 1958. scientists had not been treated in Join Our the last decade as a colony of ,See and Drive It pariahs, the gap between Soviet at· I Russia's missilry and rocketry . South Sea Sts. 586 Pleasant Street iALBERT E. SMITH program and ours would not now New Bedford Hyannis Tel. HY 81 be so perilously broad. . , 54-56 .Court Street Enjoy a wonderful, worry "Elite," let is be understood,' ~ Taunto"., Mass. ' / means more to Pope Pius XII
free, carefree Christmas feel than, superior intellectual gifts.
ing. Join Santa's own Christ It means that, but. primarily it,
mas Club now at THE OLD means moral and spirtual and re
NO JOB TOO, BIG RED BANK and spread more ligious 'stature. And: yet, even NONE. TOO SMALL here, the Holy Father, speaking che,er next year of the necessary train,ing of lay apo'stles, said last month:
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