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Charity Heartening
Parish Gifts Near $l.SMiIIion ,
Fall River Jesuit Boys' School Total Continues to Mount Four more parishes in the Greater Fan River area have joined the select group reaching their quota in the campaign for a new Catholic Memorial High School for boya that will be opened in September, 1966. Joining St. Roch and Holy Rosary Parishes are: Immaculate Conception, 'St. Louis, and St. Stanislaus, all of Fall River, and St. John the Baptist, Central Village. On Tuesday night more than 700 solicitors from the 36 participating parishes at
Fall River, Mass'., Thursday, Nov. 21, 1963
Vol. 7, No. 48 ©
1963 The Anchor
PRICE lOe $4.00 per Yee.
Schema on. Ecumenism Seen Counter Reformation End By Rev. JolmR. FoIster
st. Anthony' of Padua - New Bedford
This is the way Cardinal Ritter introduced the new schema on ecumenism - the seeking of, Christian Unity. With only some 12 working days left in this session, the J:'athers of the Counc,il turned their attention from purely professional things (size and endanger indifferentism, and loeation of dioceses, types of danger for the weak of Faith, bishops, retirement, etc.) to they feared. matters affecting the entire The Ameriea:D _Cardinal ~hurch
and the religious life of every individual believer ill the world. Be fore the Fathers debated the schema as a wh 0 Ie, Arch bishop Martin (Fr.) read a re yiew of the lIChema. I:l the ~und of the applause was any measure of general feeling of the Father. it seemed that the majority of Cilose present favored 'it, for DO preliminary report on any IIChema had been greeted with wch a resouding and sustained nation. But soon some Fathers rose to eriticize the draft. Some Fathers thought that there should be DO mention of the Jews whatever in the draft since (a) there is :Do question of their striving for Christian Unity and (b) the of. ficial position of the Church toward them is already well enough understood and preached. Other Fathers also criticized eontemplated aproaches toward Protestants for this would onl,.
. Your Chance
Catholic University of Amer loa in the nation's eapital eny today ranks with the finest ed lIeational institutions in the United States. It Is operated and conducted under the lead ership and guidance of the American hierarchy. The annual collection for tile support of this marveloWl 1UUversity wlll be taken up at all Masses In all churches ., the Diocese OD Sunday. Dec.l.
'li'j· • •Vi. .lifill[IIiUIIIRiMiWM«,.
lJtressed the necessity of stress ing all issues. "The presentation of this texts marks the end of the . Counter-Reformation, and it obliges us to make a thorough examination of conscience. Like wise it puts \U under obligation to hasten the desirable day of Turn to Page Six
tended the first General Phase Reports meeting in the Sacred Heart School Auditorium, Fall River, and saw the score board list an increase of $408,985, thus bringing the total for the par ishes alone - excluding head quarters gifts - to $1,477,808. "The progress of the campaign is in a very healthy condition," lay chairman Atty. John T. Far rell, Sr. stated. "Tuesday night's results in dicate that many more parishes will surpass their quota by the completion of visitations by the next meeting, Tuesday night, Nov. 26," Mr. Farrell added. The complete parish totals are as follows: FALL RIVER St. Mary • $ 71,865.00 Blessed Sacrament 25,950.00 Espirito Santo 9;338.00 Holy Name 165,490.00 Holy Cross 17,570.00 Notre Dame 60,430.00 Our Lady of Angell 52,020.00 Our Lady of Health 10,880.00 Holy Rosary 46,630.00 Turn to Page seventeen
SUCCESSFUL CHAIRMEN: Chairmen of the four parishes attaining their quota at TueSday's Reports Meeting for the new Fall River Boys' High School are congratulated by Bishop Gerrard, left to right: Manuel Leitao, Jr., Im maculate Conception; William P. Lynch, St: Louis; Bishop Gerrard; John A. Murley, St.' John, Westport; Joseph Kosinski, St. Stanislau8.
Reports Meeting
Prelates Ask United Effort To Attain Unfilled Goals
The second Reports Meetine of the General Phase of the
Fund, Raislne Campaign tor
the new Catholie Memorial
High School tor Boys In Fall River will be held Tuesday night, Nov. 26, at S o'clock ID the Sacred Heari School AUditorium, Pine street, FaD River.
WASlliNGTON (NC)-The Bishops of the United States have said that many of America's goals remain unfulfilled, but are within reach if Americans unite in a common effort to attain them. In their annual statement, entitled "Bonds of Union," the B ish 0 p s warned that the nation's people face grave challenges from erroneous philosophies.
Former Colonel-Chaplain in Final Thanksgiving to U.S. Air Corps By Msgr. Henri A. Hamel PastoF, st. .John the Baptist - Fall Rivei'
Rt. Rev. Henri A. Hamel, pastor of St. John the Bap tist Church in Fall River is the author of the following article which appears this month in The Airman, official journal ,of the United States Air Force. Msgr. Hamel was recently i.eparated from the Air F<!rce.. On this Thanksgiving' Day 1963, I join you in singing a llOng of gratitude to Almighty God who sustains you. Acknow ledge your blessings with humil ity, sincerity. Continue to be Inen who look up to the stars and beyond to the Creator of the stars. Continue 'to enrich the human legacy by pouring into it every day the best of your talent, energy, generosity. Thus your every day will be Thanksgiving til Action. Your God will be protected. Your country will be s.afeguarded. Thank God, Air Force. You are the noblest expression of the ,A.merican family. Your heartbeat hI strong. Your leadership is en Jightened. Your dedication is unflagging. You deserve the re .~ect, admiration. and It'atitude
of all who know you. Your con
cern for the welfare of your
children lives warmth to your mission and comfort to the country. Thank God, Air Force.' As. ( member of your family for almost 20 years, I have seen you in action. No task was too difficult. No threat was too powerful. No area was too far away. You have been equal to the challenge of the century. The far-flung outposts of civilization have been your back yard. Your airmen became world citizens. Your presence any w her e has always brought protection and security. Thank God, Air Force. Your military contribution compares favorably with the best in f,ru. history of the world. During I. , very short span of your ~ tence, you have covered yourself with glory. You have died a little every day that others may live. The torch of liberty burns brighter because you carried it 'with honor. The heartbeat of mankind expressed in your American constitution continues to inspire men upward and on ward because you paid the price for its preservation on the altar "l'um to Pue 5eveDieeD
But they said a review of the nation's moral values and "re. newed dedication to our common goals may help us to face the present trials as a people trul,. one nation under God." In their statement, the BishoPi re-studied the nation's heritage of moral and political principles, pointed to threats facing it today and expressed confidence Americans will meet the chal lenge. The statement was released here through the executive de partment of the National Cath olic Welfare Conference. The Bishops said: Secularism, Materialism teA national examination of conscience would reveal today that we are in danger of becom• ing a people weakened by secuTurn to Page Sixteen
Dispensation The Chancery Office an nounces that the faithful are dispensed from the law of ab stinence on Friday, Nov. 39, the day following Thansksgiv Ing Day. They are also dispensed from the law of fast and ab stinence on the Vigil of the Immaculate Conception, Sat urday, Dec. 7.
U~iYersity Opens
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 21, 1963
Italian Extension
Sees Race Question Latent • Next Election Issue In
FLORENCE (NC) - GonzajDa Universit;T of SpobDe, Wash. inaugurated thefint academie 7eal' of its extension here with a :Mass celebrated b7 .t\rchbishop Ermenegildo Florit of Florence. Archbishop Florlt welcomed the American students in Italian and English, and told them there ill need for better understanding among the peoples of the world during these troubled times. Father Harold Small, S.J. a& slstant General of th~ Jesuit I'Btbers and former provincial of the Oregon province, weI. comed students of thl~ Jesuit in .ttitution and said that laymen can no longer expec't to· play a passive role in the Church but must willingly accept the broader responsibilities offered them. Seventy students frclm through_ out the U. S. and Canada are taking part in the Gonzaga pro gram, which' is undeJ1' the direc tion of Father Neil G. McClus key, S.J. The programcm:Dbines two semesters of academic work wi13l a ;year's residence in Florence. Members of the Gonsaga facult, and professors of tbc~ Universit;T 01. Florence join in providing 1:& hours of course work to be taught in English.
By Rev. Andrew M. Greeley It does not seem possible that at this stage of oar nation's history race could become a major issue in a presidential election. Yet religion was a major issue in the last election, costing one candidate as many as five million votes; and .there is every losses by suggesting that the reason to think that the race its opponent was running on a race question will be a latent issue hatred tickel in the next one. At this It would be argued that if a point, however, it does not ap
candidate were to enjoy the ad vantages of racist support then the outcome in he must run the risk of being an;y but the tarred with the racist brush. Southern states. Thus without either side par A Summer of ticularly wishing it, the race racial trouble question would be out in the has not notably ,open as a major issue in the lowered the ~lection. The hatreds and ani prel,iden mosities which have been seeth tJal popularity -ing for several hundred years I eve I outside would be stirred up again with the South. consequences that could be dis While there are astrous for American society. ' certainly large H • candidate with implicit numbers of rac racist support wee to win an ists in the Northern states, race election, it would be the end of does not seem to be ao salient in all moderate leadership among the minds of most Northerners the Negroes. Even a close con 81 to be the decisive factor in test would seriously threaten the determining their vote. position of the Nagro moderates. Thus, though race will loom Messy Possibility In the background and will af On the other hand, if such a fect some votes, it is unlikely to candidate were to be decisive17 be so crucial as to swing the beaten (as is likely) his follow election one way 01' another ers might turn against the gov except in an election which was ernment and the election system already close because of other in a fashion that would not reasons. have been possible if their feel Could Be Bumlul ings had not been stirred by aD While the race question may emotionally charged campaign. DOt be decisive in the election, The only way to avoid this It could nevertheless introduce very messy possibility would be an' element of ugliness in the campaign which could do grave tor both national parties and all candidates to make it perfectly harm to American society. clear that 'no matter who wirrs No candidate for major polit !.cal office on the national level the election there will be a stron.g, nationally enforced civi~ could afford to run on a racist rights program. . ticket. Indeed, it is obvious that Conservatism Is surely a legi none of the men who are being timate political posture in the discussed as presidential candi United States. But on equal dates are racists. Nonetheless, a rights for all Americans, there candidate might fioo it very dif ficult to avoid being captured by can be neither a conservative the racist feelings which lie just nor a liberal position, but 01117 . beneath the surface of American an American one. society. It is clear enough that a R~ publican candidate. whose stand on civil rights was as strong as that of the administration would NEWARK (NC) -The five have no appeal in the South. Catholic colleges in New Jersey H a candidate could equivo cate on the civil rights question plan to spend $30 million in the next seven ;years to increase (and .at this writing there is no definite mgn that any candidate faculty salaries and expand fa will, in farl, do this) to weh cilities. The plans were made known an extent that the South would by the New Jersey College Fund be persuaded that he was a real Associatkln-a fund raising or alternative to the present ad ministration, he would probably ganization formed by 12 priva!e also find susbstantial support colleges. in the North-especially among New Jersey business and in those members of the white low dustrial leaders had asked for a er middle class who are fright survey of planned expenditures. ened by the Negro protest SetoI). Hall University, South movement. Orange, plans the biggest ~pan Disastrolls CODBequenees 'Irion, witlt$17 million. Other However, such are the eom projected expenditures are $5.4 ·p!exities of Ame~can polities million for St. Peter's Colkge, that i1 this course were to be Jersey City; $4.7 million for followed, the admnistration Georgian Court College, Lake 'would certainly attempt to cut wood; $2.15 mmion for College f1f St. Elizabeth, Convent; and $100,000 for Caldwell College for Women, Caldwell. pear likely that it could affect
New Jersey Colleges Planninq Expansion
Nov. 24-St. A,nthony, Matta poisett. St. Anne, New Bedford. Dec. l-Sl John the Evan gelist, Attleboro Our Lady of the Immac ulate Conception, New Bedford. Dec. S-St. Margaret, Buz zards Bay. St. Bernard, Assonet. Our Lady of the Cape, East Brewster. Dec. I~St. Anthony of Pa
dua, Fall River.
St. Mary, Fairhaven.
80mb Cathedral MANAGUA (NC) ~A bomb exploded inside the main door of the Managua cathedral during the Sunday noon Mass, breaking windows but causing no casual ties. Msgr. Felix Andino, who was preaching at the time suc ceeded in t:alming the congrega tion and the Mass proceeded. The incident was blamed on Castroite elements here isl Nic aragua. 11II AIICIlDi second Class Postaze Paid at Fall River. Mass l'ubllshed Ttlursday M 410 NlIltlano ..venue. Fall River 1iIlass. by . . eatholit Prusof -ttle Diocese of Fall IItver. SUbicriptiCII .,Ice " ami, pclItpMII
. . y,ar.
FOR RACE JUSTICE: National CatholieConferenee jeorlnterracial Justice held its annual convention in Wash ::ngton with U'e theme "Poverty; Race and Religion: Chal ::enge toa Catholic Community;' With Father John F. Gronin, S.S., assistant director of the Social Action Dept., N:C.W.C., are, left to right: Mathew Ahmann, executive . director, NCCIJ; Charles W. Wexler of Detroit, treasurer and Dr. C. Joseph Nuesse of Washington, board member. NC Photo. .
Without Compromise . Catholic Peace Association· Urges Passage Of President's Civil Rights Bill WASHINGTON (NC) - The Catholic Association for Inter national Peace has eooorsed the Kennt'>dy administration's civil rights bill and urged its passage by Congress "without cripplin, compromise." The CAIP said In a statement that the rights guaranteed bJ' the legislation pending in C0n gress "derive from the very nature of man." Tbe statement said: The Catholic Association for International Peace supports the civil rights bill, not beeause It will, if enacted, reduce the threat of widespread violence although it ma~ do that; not be cause it will enhance the peel tige of our country in other lands----although it may do that; not because it will inc:reasetbe
stl'engthof our
~nomy -
tltough it may do that. 'The CAIP ~pports tPis bill and urges that it be enacted
without uippling compromise because it is designed to re move from the NeiI'o unjust burdens under which he has !IO long labored, because it is de., ..igned to ensure for the Negre the exercie of rightll which be has been 10 long denied." , :Many other Catholic organiza tiona and individuals have inre eent months endorsed the ad ministration's civil rights bill .·nd urged its speedy passage. The CAIP statement cited the joint statements on racial jus tice issued in 1958 and 1963 bJ' tile U. S. Catholic Bishops. The latter statement referred to the Deed for: "civit:action" to guar antee respect for personal rightL
Mass O.'do
J'RIDAY-St. Cecilili, Virgin aM MartYr. mClass. Red. Ma. Proper; Gloria; DO Creed; Common Preface. SATURDAY - St. Clement I, Pope and Martyr. ill Class. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; Second Collect St. Felicitas, Martyr; DO Creed; Common Preface. SUNDAY-XXV and Last SUD day After Pentecost. n Cla. . Green. Mass Proper; Gloria; Creed; Preface of Trinity. MONDAY - St. ea'therine, Vir gin and Martyr. m Class. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; DO Creed; Common Preface. TUESDAY - St. Sylvester,' Ab bot. m Class. White. M . . Proper; Gloria; Second .CoI lect St. Peter· of Alexandria, Bishop Martyr; no Creed; Common Preface.. WEDNESDAY - Mass of previ ous Sunday. IV Class. Greea. )(asp Proper; No Gloria _ Creed; Common ~Preface. THURSDAY - MailS of prevro.. Sunday. IV Class. Green. M. Proper; No Gloria or Creed; ~mmon Preface.
IG~~~~'" ~ROS.
i~ fl
Excavating Contractors
CROSS ST., fAIRHAVEN WYman 2.....62
Necrology NOV.U Rev. Philias .Jalbert, 194tI. Pastor, Notre ,..an Rivei'.
NOV. 28 Rev. James R. Bur-ns. P. R., 1945, Pastor, Sacred Heart, I"d River. NOV• .!'l Rt. Rev. Patrick E. 'McGee, 1948 Pastor, St. MlU')', No. At
NOV.U Rev. Adrien A. Gauthier, 11)51, Pastor, st. Roch, Fall River.
Legion of Decency The following films are to be added to the lists in their respec tive t:lassificatioDl: Unobjectionable for Adult8 and Adolescents - Chushingara; Nightmare; Sound of Trumpets. Unobjectionable for Adults MurieL
Casey-Sexton, • • • Cleansers •••
Tel. VAndyke 2-0621
944 County St. New.Bedford
Sales & Service
Speaker Focuses Attention On Poverty and Prejudice
Poland Government Drafts Seminarians BERLIN (NC)-Poland's com munist government has drafted ltudents at four seminaries into the armed forces, according to _ports received here. The reports said the four were in Warsaw, Poznan, Przemysl and Tarnow. They added that news of the students' drafting bas been telegraphed by Polish bishops to Stefan Cardinal Wy,s_ aynski. Primate of Poland now at the Vatican for the ecumenical eouncil. In New York, the Inter-Catho Jte News Service, an agency lIPecializing in news from Po land, reported that all but one of the first year students at the
lIeminary in Olsztyn were in
ducte.d into the army, in Octobel~.
'l".he agency also said seminarians trom Warsaw, Wroclaw an,ii ~nvw had been drafted.
ROME (NC)-Minnesota born Archbishop Harold W. Henry, S.S.C.,'of Kwang Ju, Korea, has called for a tith
chanted with technical society
en masse, because that society did not satisfy basic needs of the person."
Pope Paul Urges Youth to Exert Greater Effort NEW YORK (NC)-Pope Paul VI has urged American Catholic youth to ever great er efforts in behalf of the
Mission Prelate Calls forTithing By All Pa rishes
WASHINGTON (NC) - Two "ugly twins" - poverty -.d racial prejudice - came in f-or a searching look at the .nual convention of the National Catholic Conference for ~terracial Justice. The interacting relationship of these two social blights was the does do," Clark said, "is to warn kal point of the meeting, US of our sloth and neglect. It trilose theme was "PovElrty, warns us of the coming tempest .ace and Religion: Chal when men will become disen lange to a Catholic Community." Author and critic Dwight _acdonald, whose essay-review -.rhe Invisible Poor" attrs:cted _racted wide attention when it IIJ>peared"in the New Yorker last ~n. 19, cited studies that put Ibe number of Americans living til poverty or "deprivation" at . , million. The commonly ac ,epted poverty line is a yearly tIlcome of $4,000 for a :family of b1r and $2,000 for a single Derson. Isolation "The poor are really different fJpom the rest of us," he llaid. 'lhey have more chronic illness end poorer mental health ("the lK'0r can't afford breakdowns, IMIt they have them anyway"). Whey live in "social isolation" _d political "apathy," he stated. Macdonald spoke with alarm err a tendency for poverty to be eome "institutionalized or :fro lIeD." The child,ren of the poor lack motivation to improve themselves, they grow up in poverty, marry and raise their
OWn families in poverty, he said. Campaign
Negroes ~y their admirable -.Ilitant campaign" have forced politicians to take note of the ace problem, Macdonald s,aid. aut so far, he added, there is no eorresponding sensitivity to the IJI'Oblem of poverty. At another general session Dennis Clark of the Philadelphia Council of Community Advance lIlent called on Catholics to de 'llelop 'new methods and a n,ew determination" to deal with the problems of the Negro urban poor. Expansion Cilark aid Catholie labor .ools, parochials schools, Bmd !llrnily services all need dramatic expansion and updating if they . .e to be adequate to current Deeds. He said the Negro protest movement lacks for the forSI~e
tIble future the "leverage" to Iorce the "fundamental" social tbanges that are needed. "NegroN eannot get jobs be .use our economy ~ not pro "cing enough jobs :b' imy body," he said" "Negroes ClUUlGt advance rapidly educationaUy because our educational system .. clogged in beauracracy and eonfused objectives. Negroes .nnot attain d~gnity partly be .use the whole concept of per IIImal dignity has been degraded in our society." "Wha~ the protest movement
Thurs., Nov. 21, 1963
MARKS JUBILEE: Rev. William J. Dillon, SS.CC., pastor of St. Mary's Church, Fairhaven, marks 25th an niversary of his, religious profession with Mass of Thanks giving and testimonial dinner. From left. Very'Rev. Daniel J. McCarthy, SS.CC., Sacred Hearts provincial and preacher at Mass; Mrs. Ellen Dillon, Jubiliarian's mother; and Father Dillon.
ing by all Catholic parishes in the world to support the mis sions. "Tithing," he said, "would oblige each parish to contribute 10 per cent of its income each year to a general fund to be ap plied in mission areas. ""Before the Church will be able to effecti'vely preach the Gospel to every creature, it will be necessary to tithe every par. ish in the world, even the poor
est." Archbishop Henry, who went to Korea in 1933 as the leader of a pioneer band of Columban missioners, is a native of North field, Minn., where he was a convert to Catholicism from Lutheranism when he was 13. He was .interviewed here by the Divine Word News Service. Serious Obligation The 54-year-old prelate said that the "Society for the Propa gation of the Faith "was a won derful thing in its day" but that mission support. is a serious per. sonal obligation in justice for Catholics, "not merely a work of charity or supererogation in which little sacrifices are made for the benefit of the missions." The Columban prelate .;aid he receives $16,000 a year from the Society for the Prop agation of the Faith, but that the sum covers only 10 per cent of the annual running expense. of his archdiocese. " "I suppose that 50% of my time is· taken up just with get- . ting enough funds to keep going," he said. The Archbishop mentioned, as an alternative to tithing, "direct assistance by developed diocese. and parishes' to underdeveloped dioceses and parishes."
Church and of the world's needy. He made the request in a tape recorded message in English heard by nearly 5,000 young people attending the convention banquet of the National Catholic Youth Organization Federation. l FBI director J. Edgar Hoover was honored at the banquet with the 1963 "Pro Deo et Juventute" (For God and Youth) Award of the CYO Federation. Pope Paul said in his message: Material, Spiritual
married. They need this moral DETROIT (NC) - The con training and medical information "The lives and service youth troversial "population explo must give is both physical, by sion" problem was placed under when they are still free, not a microscope here and received when they have become party to assisting those in need of mate rial goods, andgpiritual, through a high-powered going over by a s'a c I' e d con t I' act," Father some 150 Catholic physicians Thomas said. the apostolate of eternal salva _ tion as implemented in Cathglic and clergy. Dr. 'r.homas Burch of George The day-long scientific pro town University's Center for Aclion and all forms of collab ONtion with the Church in the gram was part of the 25th jubi Population Studies, Washington, parish, diocese and universally. lee ,celebration of the Catholic D.C., said there is no certainty "While congratulating you, Physicians Guild of Detroit. standing-room-only signs will your directors and officers on Theme of the meeting was "The be placed on this earth, just be Church, the Physician and the cause demographers predict a the achievements of your organ ization, We urge you to increase Population Expansion." rapid population growth. . Held in conjunction with the your dedication and intensify' "Something will .happen to your preparation for this high local observance was the mid change this si t u a t ion," he mission, and in pledge of Winter meeting of the board of claimed. The more dynamic view strengthening and illuminating the 7~000-member National Fed today, he said, is that man will eration of Catholic Physicians' not sit idly by but will strive to divine graces We cordially be Guilds, at which Dr. Clement P., solve the problenl of over-pop IAow upon all of you and upon 1he members you represent here Cunningham of Rock Island, Ill., ulation. Our paternal apostolic blessing." was elected president for 1964. Discussing the social aspects of population expansion, Father John L. Thomas, S.J., of St. Louis University, said there is a "backlog of bit tel' n e s s" WASHINGTON (NC) - The growing among today's young married couples who have "the Catholic Association for Inter national Peace has urged the right and the obligation" to the senate to' restore $200 million moral principles and the medi In Alliance for Progress funds cal knowledge t:egarding sex and slashed from the foreign aid bill regulating the family size but who are not getting it. by 1he House. Father Thomas said it is The CAIP said in a statement amazing the number of couples that it is "essential that we hon or our commitments under" the who' have seized on the implica tion of change arising from the Alliance for Progress. Second Vatican Council to con At the same time the Catholic vince themselves that the peace group was issuing its Church will somehow ease her statement, the Senate Ji'oreign opposition on such things as Relations Committee was ap contraceptive devices. proving a $4.2 billion foreign The widespread ignorance of aid bill which includes the full couples regarding sexual mo $650 million sought by the Ad
rality in marriage calls for a ministration for the Alliance. "whole new system of education .The House had cut this to $450 and training" as well as a "re billion. The foreign aid bill is thinking" of the moral principle. expected to reach the Senate and premises in this area, he floor next week. said. "We have an obligation to pre pare these young people to make VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope adequate decisions once they are Paul VI will broadcast his Christmas radio message to the Clubs world on Monday, Dec. 23 at 8 P.M. Rome time (2 P.M. EST).
Explore IExplosion
Catholic Physicians, Clergy' Study Population Problem
Urges Restoration
.Of Alliance Funds
Christmas Message
$1 • $2 • $5
Due To A Co'd With
PLUMBING & HEATING. INC. for Dome.tic ~ & Industrial
~ Sales and
OU Burner. Service
WY 5-1631
Now Open t
iotizens :1~I~i so,
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thul'5. Nev. 71, 1963
Open New Office for .Decency SAN JUAN (NC) -
An office
for moral evaluation of motion pictures and television programs has been established here by the San Juan archdiocese. A pastoral letter called upon pastors to instruct parents to be careful about the movies and TV programs their children see. The letter reminded the faithful of an obligation to refrain from at tending movies evaluated as
objectionable. The letter alsG called on civil authorities and theater owners to see that un objectionable entertainment is offered. The letter designated the Of fice for the APostolate of Cine matography as dl:e ,-'valuation agency and also designated the first Sunday of November each year as Cinematography Sun -day.
Canadians Leove for Missions
NEW YORK (NC) - Msgr.
Stephen G. Krasula, who helped
establish the Czechoslovalda na tion following World War I, was honored by Pope Paul VI with the rank of protonotary aposto lic. The monsignor, born in Slovakia in 1887, worked with Pre sid en t Woodrow Wilson, Thomas G. Masaryk, first presi dent of Czechoslovakia, and Gen. Milan R. Stefanik in establishing the nation.
TORONTO (NC)-Two Cana dian school teachers left Maltell Airport here for Southern Rho desia, first members of the new_ ly-formed Canadian Lay Mis sioners orga!lization to under take mission assignments ift underprivileged countries. A farewell reception W38 bela for Jim Slack of Meadow Lake, Onto and Ron Gentile of Tim mins, Ont. at the Catholic Infor-
maiion Center here before tbIIr
-.mun. Both tlnished a three-JnOI6 study period at Wawa, o.L. under direction of Mr. and llIIlL Leip Coop, founders and d~ te1's of the CLM, whose ___ bera Gedieaae their akills fi.. • three-7Mr period and ma7 tha J'etura to normal occupatiOl& The oraanization was organbcecl :md is operated by lay pel'8OM exduaively.
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Lauds Negroes
Thul'$., Nov. 21, 1963
For Leadership In Struggle
Refugee Children Find New Homes In America
NEW YORK (NC) Lead ..ship shown by Negr()es has' been the key force in the Itruggle for equal rights for
NEW YORK (NC) - The Catholic Committee for Ref ugees - National Catholic Welfare Conference placed
.u men, one of two men honored tor mterracial justice
said . This point was made b:f' James '1'. Carey, lecturer on criminal mciology at the Univer'sity of Ollifornia, who with PEU"CY H. Williams, a member of thf! Presi dent's Committee on Equal Em ployment Opportunitie!'" re eeived a James J. Hoey Inter l18eial Justice Award. The silver medal Ilwards, Darned for the fist president of the Catholic Interracial Gouncil of New York, were presented to the two men at a luncheon by Auxiliary Bishop Philip J. Fur long of New York, who repre aented Francis Cardinal Spell man. Carey, who is white, helped found Catholic interracial coun ells in San Francisco and. Oak land. He now lives in Berkeley, Calif. Williams, a Negr.:>, re "'des in Washington,D.C., and .. a member of the Washington arehdiocesan Com mit t I~ e on Human Relations. White Inaction Carey said in acceptin.g his. award: "I rejoice that I livE;.. in a time when the leadership in the struggle for human equality hu passed from white to black bands so that a new people might continue in a new WIlY the story of human dignity and free dom. "I come here today as a pea i tent aware of my own inaction, of the inaction of all White' pe()- . pie, even those who for a few brief dramatic moments affinft their identity with suffering black men." He said "the recognition en ef fort in the field of race rela tions • • • should go increasingly to black men and women who Iltru~gle day by day to speak out. to .tIlnd up while white men MId women quletlystep iDto \be blIIekground and idenW,' in myriads of MIlan wa,.. with that W(),rk
u. S.
Catholics Aid
LEOPOLDVILLE ( If C), wearly half a million persons in 1be Congo are being fed U:[lCier -.e relief program of U.s. Cath olics. These include school pu pls, widows with ,"oung 4~hil dren and about 50,000' lllick .[)er lIOns. Directors of the Conge's IChools and medical institutions laave told Catholic Relief Ser *es - National Cathollc Wel ke Conference, which adminis ten the distribution of the food, " t without it many Congolese would have died and mall)' of the country'. welfare institutions would have closed. In addition to the food, whieh II supplied from U.S. govern ment stores of surplus commodi ties such as powdered milk, wheat and vegetable oil, more than a half million pounds of _00 clothing, bedding and blan kets are being distributed. These 8ft gathered in America through -.e annual Bishops' Thanks J!lTing clothing collection.
Combat Obscenity NEW YORK (NC) - OpeJra tIon Yorkville, interfaith cam paign against obscene literature, II offering a leadership cowrse ~ citizens interested in starting their own area operations against in d e C'e n t publications. The eourse deals with the probltml posed by indecent literatu.re, legal efforts to combat it, lo<:al organization and public rela tions.
327 children from foreign coun tries with U.S. couples during the past year. This figure brings to 5,216 the number of children resettled by the committee in the U.S. from 1946 to the present, according to its annual report. Twenty fi.ve nationalities are represented in the 17-year total. "Thi~ program of the Ameri can Bishops has made it possible for thousands of children to en joy the· happiness of a normal home life through adoption," the report stated. Special Emphasis At present, it said, the com mittee has 264 children on re':' ferral to various agencies in the U.S. for adoptive placement. Of these 112 have been matched with families and are expected to arrive in the near future . The report gave special em phasis to the effort to place Oriental orphans in U.S. homes. It said the Catholic Committee for Refugees conducted a special publicity campaign earlier this year with this end in view. From Feb. 1 to Sept. 30 88 Oriental children were placed in U.S. homes as a result of thi. campaign, the report said.
OPERATION THANKSGIVING DAY: Sister Mary Edward looks on approvingly as her 'student-cooks learn how to prepare a Thanksgiving Day -dinner at Seton High School, Bladensburg, Md. Shirley Fortune uses a hypodermic syringe to inject a sauce made of cooking wine and spices to taste. Injected into the bird, this saves basting and gives a moist meat. Kathy Dimsey holds cooking thermometer and Linda Leone places bacon strips over the turkey. NC Photo.
Warns of INew Note in Rights Crisis
Canadian Anglican College in Merger
WINDSOR (NC) - Canter bury College, a liberal arts school of the Anglican Church of "We should have strong, func Canada, has affiliated with the tioning interreligious committees" new non-denominational Uni in every community that faces versity of Windsor. a problem of racial tension," he Canterbury, which was incor said. porated by an Ontario govern 2) 'Religious groups should ment .charter in 1957, affiliated take leadership in promoting with Assumption University the real dialogue between Negroes same year - the first Anglican IlII.d whites in their community." institution anywhere to affiliate 3) R~ligious leaders "must with a Catholic university. As take definiil;e stands on concrete sumption merged last July with issues, such as civil rights legis the UniverlJity of Windsor. lation and housing integration."' 4) "We must be eager to learn techniques for promoting racial , I harmony." 5) Religious groups must work at "healing the wounds caused by tension and struggle."
Fr. Cronin Urges Forceful Church Ac·tion
NEW YORK (NC)-A Catho lic ilGcial" action l-eader called here for forceful action by the churehes. to cope with a new aali ominous development in the civil rights field. Father John F. Cronin, S.S., assistant director of the Social Action Department, National Catholic Welfare Conference, warned of a recent "new note" intbe struggle for equal rights. "We now hear of resentment and obstruction in areas of our. nation hitherto not associated with racial discrimination and prejudice," Father Cronin said. "There is talk that northern white Americans are rebelling a~inst integrated housing and lIChooling," he added. "Many ex_ press fears that the Negro strug gle for job opportunity may en danger the jobs of those already working. There is the reported sentiment that civil rights pres sures have been too intense, that the Negro and his friends are seeking to go too far too soon." Fight Must Continue Father Cronin said there can be "but one response from or ganized religion in the United States: the fight for justice must go on * * • Here if anywhere lealiership must be strong, de cisive and uncompromising in principle." The NCWC official preached at the fourth annual Civil Rights Mass sponsored by the Thomas More Society, an organization of Catholic professional people. He stressed that words alone will nen be a sufficient response by the churches to the racial crisis. "The task confronting reli-
University Site CHICAGO (NC) DePaul University here has acquired a $750,000 property in Chicago's Lincoln Park conservation area. The University will build a science research center, a li brary, and a liberal arts class room and faculty building on the Bite.
gious leadership today," he said, "is. that of implementing ideals in a practical, realistic manner • * • Fear and prejudice cannot be exorcised by noble principles alone. They must be faced in frank and open dialogue. The priest outlined a five point program for churches in meeting the challenge: Looa1 Level 1) The unity of religious groups on the national level in working for racial justice must be extended to the local level.
Supreme Court Sets Prayer Precedent COLUMBIA (NC) - The South Carolina Supreme Court set a precedent by opening its November term with prayer. The Rev. J. Carlisle Smiley, pastor of Washington Street Methodist church here, at the request of Chief Justice Claude A. Taylor, read two brief prayers from the Book of Com mon Prayer of the Protestant Episcopal church. He asked for wisdom and wise decisions on the part of the court's justices.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 21, 19~
The Crime of Silence
Continued from Pete One 1IDity by fervent ~ , ex8laoo
The head of the National Catholic Youth Organization Federation,' speaking 'to Catholic youth in convention in New York last week, lashed out against "I-don't-care-ism" as "perhaps the most general and widely accepted 'ism' of the American people at the present." People are just too complacent over affairs of both country and Church. They do not feel the pressure to become wholly committed and actively involved in making the world - their own world - safer for democracy or more mindful of God. These are the people who are not evil, not actively en gaged in advocating the overthrow of the country or the abolishment of the Ten Commandments. Their crime is that of doing nothing. This reflection brings to mind haunting words spoken at the giant March on Washington of a few months ago, words spoken by Rabbi J oachin Prinz, President of the American Jewish Congress, who said that the great crime involved in the persecution of the Jewish people by Hitler was the crime of silence. People who knew what was going on let it happen. The fear of committing the crime of silence should serve as a spur for greater personal involvement for God and country.
The Person Counts . Officials in the Soviet Union expressed surprise and astonishment at the protests that came from America over the jailing of a Yale professor. That epitomizes the difference between the two coun ThnOlA.'lh thf. W££k With thf. Chunch tries. <" In the Red state, the individual counts for very little By REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA, Catholic University and is expendable at the will of the powerful. In America, the emphasis is still on the individual as this case showed. There is still concern over what happens to one person. TODAY - Presentation of the complisbed at the end of time. As long as that concern is felt, Americans have not' Blessed Virgin Mary. As Virgin But every deliverance in time, lost the basis of democracy, the sacredness of the individual M01;her, Mary has been hailed every event of salvation-history, sinee the earliest ages of the both points toward and contrib person and his God-given rights.
Church as symbol of the holy utes to that consummation. The community who s e baptismal Mass itself is such a sign, a font is the place of our rebirth. sacrament of the heavenly ban We honor her presentation in the quet. The reaction of the Supreme Knight of the Knights temple as a figure at that pure of Columbus to the rejection of a Negro applicant by wOl"ship which Christ offers tfte '. MONDAY-St. Catherine, Vil' Chicago Council 182 was a disappointing one. ' Fa1her wherever His disciples . lin, Martyr. The First Reading While reemphasizing his previous statement that the are gathered. "'I made Sion my is a lyric of thanksgiving for saving deeds. In this MaIlS Knights make no distinction as to race or color, the Su stNnghold" (First Reading) is God's thE~ affirmation of eve r y of a martyr it expresses 1:be preme Knight went on. to say that the Knights are a fra Christian as it was of Mary. joyous and deliberate yieldlng ternalsociety in which membership is established through of life itself to God which ideally ~roMORROW St. Cecilia, is the Christian's approach 110 the councils whose members pass upon the qualifications of each applicant. He advocated a new look at membership Vi,rgin, Martyr. It is not the ab death~ Is this not the most important sence of a human and proper procedures at the August, 1964, convention. part of that ,vigilance which 'the us,~ of sex which makes virginity Sometimes various groups within the Church have an honored vocation in the Gospel recommends in IlUch a positive genius for missing the point at issue and re Church, but rather the fact that strong terms? !t"hat we in Christ sorting to technical explanations when a wider view is th:is vow is made out of a specific achieve so finn a mastery of called for. No wonder they so often receive a bad press! love for and dedication to God ourselves and the conditions of the holy Community. An our lives that we are able not This was an occasion that called for a clear-cut and and the texts of the Mass reflect the only to suffer death but alalO unequivocal statement on the brotherhood of all men and virgin's witness to the ultimate to offer it. right awai; It was an occasion when the Supreme Knight realities, to the truth that the TUESDAY-Sl Sylvester, A'b should have condemned the action of a few members of de,stiny God offers man lies be-' bot. Today we honor an abbot yClnd time and space in that the Chicago Council if the basis of their rejection of a of which the Eucharist who became a hermit, and we Negro was racial prejudice. This was and is an occasion eternity note the analogy between 11M is pledge. that calls for a statement filled with the spirit of the offering of the religious VOWl!l Gospels - not a legal discourse on the makeup of the SATURDAY - St. Clement. of renouncement and the oI1fl1' Knights of Columbus and recommendation for action in p,~pe, Martyr. ''Upon this rock ing of death. Many of the ser vices of religious profession re I will build my Church" (Gos nine months. fer explicitly to this relation, pl~l). So the worshiping com It is most unfortunate that the Supreme Knight m.unity is only truly itself when seeing in the vows a kind of missed his opportunity. its liturgy is presided over by "little death." And for the same Fortunately, six top officers of the Chicago Counell the bishop or the priest who is purpose as death-to open a per his vicar. Such is the way Christ son in this partieular vocation protested the rejection of Joseph Bertrand by their resigna tion; ~he rejection was criticized by the Catholic Interracial builds His Church. Not only to God's freeing, saving action. Bible and sacrament, but WEDNESDAY - Mass as on Council of Chicago; and the Vicar General of the Archdio with with priesthood, too. A human cese issued a statement saying that "any member who instrument for the order and Sunday. "This generation will not have passed, before all this " voted against Mr. Bertrand solely because of his race protection of the biblical and is accomplished" (Gospel). violated gravely the teachings of Christ and of the Church." sacramental ministry. Then it was the destruction of TWENTY-FIFTH AND LAST Jerusalem, that ,symbol of the SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST. passing of the old order, and the where all things are new. Now 'J~he advent theme of God's "coming," of His 'saving deeds birth of the new order in the wrought within the context of Church, in Christ's kingoom, the world's history, has appeared (for this is a living Word ad dressed to us as well as to the frequently in the titqrgy in re eent weeks. It is strongly in first generation Christians) it is ':oday's Mass, the last before the the perennial newness of Christ'll creation through the sacraments. :four Sundays of Advent. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE 'DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Matthew's description of the I destruction of Jerusalem (painter 10% equiem Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River ed in true prophetic tradition PRO V IDE N C E (NC)410 Highland Avenue . on a heroic scale) is used in the French composer Hector Ber Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 Mass as a sign of God's final vis- lioz's Requiem will have its first PUBLISHER itation in the last coming of our performance in a U.S: church Most Rev. Jamel L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. Lord. Man is in misery (Alleluia, when it is presented Wednesday, Offertory Hymn), oppressed by Dec. 4 in SS. Peter and Paul GENERAL MANAG'ER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER hostile forces, and God inter- cathedral here. Nearly 500 sing Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll venes to set His people free (En- - era and musicians will perform MANAGING EDITOR trance Hymn, Gradual l;Jymn).- the work under direction 01. Co Finally, this deliverance is ~., Alexander Peloquin. ' Hugh J. Golden
Missed Opportunity
Vatican CoIInel
B I·'R
pIe and study. The Cardinal went on to em. phasize the importance of _ official statement on religio~ freedom; inclusion of referenee. to the Sacred Eucharist and U. Liturgy-as symbols of unity_ recognition of the validity of . . Oriental Ohurch'. Sacramena and Orders; purgations of e:z pressions offensive to Protestan. is a must. Like any other nving mov& ment," the Cardinal stat.ed,"ec. . menism is subject to dangers. Excessive intellectualism caD. make it sterile and it can easill' degenerate into indifferentism. This is why we need a hody of practical directives which will provide the necessar;l' satI guidance." Cardinal Quintero bid the Fathers adopt the spirit of Pope Paul VI when, d uri n g hill opening statement for 'the 2nd Session, the Pontiff begged forgiveness for the wrongs done non-Catholic bodies loy the Catholic Church and asked them do the same. A spirit of contri tion and penitence is the on1¥ possible fertile ground in which to sow the hopes of a united Christendom. Ecumenical Schema The schema itself is made up of five chapters: (1) The prin ciples of Catholic Ecumenism; (2) The implementation of ECl! menism; (3) Christians separated from the Catholic Church: a Oriental Churches - ''The Con ditions Necessary for the Resto1'\ ation of Unity"; b-Christian Communities Arising after the 16th Century) (4) The Attitudetl of Catholics toward D{m-Chris tians, particularly towards the Jews; (5) Religious liberty. The schema was composed bF three groups working indepen dently of each other: 'I'he Com. mission for the 0 l1' i e n t ai Churches, the Theological Com. mission, and the Secretariat fow the Promotion Olf Christiall Unity. ' Liturn On Friday, a revised copy Gf the liturgy draft was distributed in ,which are incorporated the suggestions of the bishops wbe had voted "for but with resel' vations." The revised copy was put to a vote on Tuellday mol' ning. . The new vote was not a qUe& tion of approval of the draft since this had already been done by a majority well exceeding the required two-thirds. This was simply to learn the pleasure of the Council Fathers on, the insett tions. It proved a sweeping victo17
for the liturgy draft when 2068
Fathers voted for and only 20 bishops opposed it. TranslatioDll The Fathers will have to listeD to Latin speeches for the r~ mainder of this sessiolrl. Difficul ties have arisen in the technical wireless systems. If it is played loud enough for all to hear, some outside the councfi hall Call listen in. If it is tuned down, many of the Fathers I~annot hear at all. New system of wired receivers may have to be in. stalled. Diocesan Government The discussions concerning the various types of bishops, their jurisdictions, their relationship with the Pope and the other bishpps was brought to a close at week's end (cf Fr. Mitchell'. article, please, p. 20). Parishes Part of the schema concerning the Bishops and their dioceses had to do with the "]!:rection and Reorganization of Parishes. (Chapter V). The matter w_
thought too complicated for d&
bate 0);1 the council :fioor. It w_
therefore, turned <rver to 1be Commission for the Revision Gf the Code of Canon Law for deposition.
Catholic Agency Brings Relief To 30 Million
THE. ANCHOR7 Christ Great Poet, Dramatist, Says A.uthor lnurs., Nov. 21, 1963 Asserts Attitude In A.ddressing FaU River Catholic Club
ROME (NC) - Almost 30 million people in the world had sufficient food in 1968 because of the distribution
"Christ was a great poet and a great dramatist." With this assertion John Julian
Ryan, author and professor of English at St. Anselm College, Manchester, N.H., ope.ned
a discussion of the Bible as literature before the literature department of Fall RIver cmCAGO (NC)-Father Catholic Woman's Club. The lecturer went on to explain that in his opinion 80 per cent Thurston N. Davis, S.J., edi. of the Bible is either fiction
tor-in-chief of America mag or po~try, and should be read
azine, said here that there as such, with the important baa been a dramatic - and fav difference that in the Bible orable - change in the attitude
Toward Church Is Changing
of surplus food con due ted the relief organization of U.S. Cathollcs. This was only one ot' many Items reported to American bishops meeting in Rome by Bishop Edward E. Swanstrom, executive director of Catholic Relief Services-National Catho lic Welfare Conference. Bishop Swanstrom reported that in the 12 months ending Sept. 30 of this year, the foreign relief and resettlement programs of Catholic Relief Services had a value of '176,525,973. Clothin&, Appeal Foodstuffs donated by the U.S. government and distributed by CRS as a gift of the American
people had a value of $104,6Q6,
654, he said. '"he government,. he added, must be credited with about $26.5 million in ocean freight payments. Bishop Swanstrom emphasized that CRS activities went far be ,yond the distribution of food. 'Fhe 1962 Thanksgiving clothing appeal, for example, resulted. in a series of shipments totalIng . 17.5 million pounds of clothing, blankets, bedding and shoelJ. He said this item alone bas a value of $22 million. "But," Bishop Swanstrom added "one cannot overempha me it~ value to the poor in such J?laces as Latin America, Africa and the Far East, where the goods far exceed in 'value the estimate we place upon tl1em .. the United States." . Startin&' Point The sup ply i n g of food, Clothing and medicine to those in greatest need was only a basic .tarting point, Bishop Swan .trom noted: "These programs are not only helping to establish and strengh ten sound social welfare organi IIations," he said, "but are stimu lating and lJUpporting the de velopment of a continually in creasing number of self-help, projects for the social and econo mic betterment of large number. of people." -Although their emphasis fa basically that of welfare assist- ' pee, many of the programs have le1"Ved to increase and strengh Gl... education and health agen des, particularly as r.egards ele mentary schools, dispensaries, elinics and hospitals." throu~h
" ""ty Rabbi HIts atlvi S· cene Opposition LOS ANGELES (NC)-A past chairman of the B'na! B'rith Anti-Defamation League h a • criticized the League for its opposition to erection of a Nativity IICene on city property. Rabbi Edgar F. Magnin said "'many Jewish people are not ill agreement with the League an,d other organizations that are too frequently objecting, under the lUise of separation of Church and State, to a displa7 of reliaious customs." Earlier City Attorney Rogel~ Arnebergh issued an opinion upholding the legality of tho Nativity scene in the historic old Plaza here. Rabbi Magnin, past grand. president of the area B'na! B'rith and past chairman of ita: Anti-Defamation League, said he "cannot comprehend how a Nativity scene down in the Plaza • any interference with Churdl and State or a threat to &D7body's liberty,"Our real enemy," he. added. ""Is atheistic materialism and DOl each other."
fiction is used to present facts, "a unique situation for which we are not prepared." He characterized Christ as a master poet, reading some of His words in Hebrew to demon strate their rhyming quality and adherence to the stress pattern of Hebrew poetry. "The proper approach to the Bible," said Mr. Ryan, "is one of reverence. Reading it should
lead to prayer, and should make the reader feel gratitude, and the desire to praise God and to increase in the virtues of faith, hope and charity." His hearers, said the speaker, should approach the Bible as something that will lead to such action - an approach quite dif ferent from that made to secular literature. 'Experience of Delight' "This doesn't mean," he de clared, "that the Bible doesn't give the experience of delight other literature can give, but it should cause its reader to glide, almost imperceptibly, from the experience of delight to· the ex perience of prayer." The words to express thi,
prayer are also supplied by the Bible, said Mr. Ryan, recom mending the Psalms, our Lord', own prayer, as ideal for Chris tian worship. "You can read of some great action of Godin the Bible, then express your gratitude for its meaning in your own life by an appropriate psalm." Gives Examples Giving examples of meaning ful sections of the Bible, he said the Canticle of Canticles is one of the great love stories but its deeper meaning i8 that it's a ~tremendous allegory" of loye between God and the eoul. It should make the reader feel hi, own love from God more in tensely. The Book of Osee, said Mr. Ryan, relates the story of a man who continued to love his faith tess wife lespite her frequent betrayals. "It suggests that pat tern of God's love for man." AU our Lord's words, recorded in the Go s pel S, noted the speaker, have been spoken aloud and found to take only two hour. . to repeat, "but none was said lightly. Each had an Important place in His life and in the tremendous sequence of events it. involved." What our Lord said was im portant in relation to what He was doing at the time He said it, and in relation to the whole history of Israel, declared Mr. Ryan. His words must be under stood for their implications as well as their surface meanings. Our Lord didn't explain His parables, said the speaker, be cause He wanted people to "get the point" for themselves. '111e7 may seem like simple stories, but they have many levels of meaning. The parable of the prodigal son, for instance, bas at least four possible interpretations: as a story; as an allegory of the grace given each man by God; as pre senting a moral; as telling us about the next world, to which all penitent sinners are welcome. The whole of the Bible JDa7 not be great literature, admitted Mr. Ryan, but this too Us pur . ·poseful. "If parts of the Bible were too good u literature, we might be tempted to rest in ap.. preciating them as such and not ~ go beyond them.-
ADDRESSES CATHOLIC CLUB: Fall River Catholic Woman's Club members hear John Julian Ryan in address on Bible as. literature. From left, Mrs. Joseph T. Canniff, chairman of club's literature department; Mrs. Anthony J. Geary, president; Mr. Ryan. Returning to the tlOncept of Christ as a poet, Mr. Ryan Said "We read poets to try to get by inference what they mean - not as if we were reading directions on how to polish our shoes. The same is true of the words of our Lord." Speaking again of the Psalms, be noted that "they are the only poetry that loses little in trans lation." He closed by suggesting Bible readings to complement the seasOns of the liturgical year, saying that Genesis may be read during the Septuagesima period; Exodus in Lent; Jeremias and the Servant Songs from Isaias in Passiontide; Acts, the Apocalypse
Asks Law 'to Back
Housing Rights OLYMPIA (NC) - Open housing is a natural right but it must be supported by law, a priest told the Washington State Board Against Discrimination here. Father Jerome Toner, O.S.B., charter member of the board, declared: "Open housing, the right of every human being to buy, rent or lease property with out discrimination because of race, color, creed or national origin, is a natural moral and constitutional right of every person. "But that right cannot be ex ercised in the United States without state or Federal statute positively granting such a right with adequate sanction."
Vestments Prelate's Gift to Chapel SPENCER (NC) - Five sets of Mass vestments designed for the new Air Force Academy chapel at Colorado Springs, Colo., have been completed b7 ·Trappist monks at St. Joseph'. abbey here. This gift of Bishop John J. Wright of Pittsburgh to the chapel includes complete sets of . Low Mass vestments in the five liturgical colors, also a set of Benediction vestments, taber nacle and missal stand covers. The Trappist monks here are experts in the hflnd .ewinl 01. IUch. vestment..
and the Epistle. of Peter, James ilDd John during the Paschal sea 8On.
The historical, sapienUal and prophetic books are appropriate for the time after Pentecost and. Isaias may be returned to for Advent, Christmas and the Epi phany season. St. Paul's epistles are suitable for the post-Epi phan7 period. . Mr. Ryan arid his wife, Mary Perkins Ryan, have long been active in the National· Catholic Liturgical Conference, with Mrs. Ryan writing many books and pamphlets in the field. Mr. Ryan has published two books on edu cation and two work. in the field of literary criticism are due for publication next year. English Experiment
of non-Catholics toward Catho lics. "Two Johns"-President Ken nedy and the late Pope John XXIn - "have changed the public face of Catholicism in the eontemporary world," Father Davis told the 35th annual meet ing )f the National Conference of Cristians and Jews.
While Pope John and the ecu menical c 0 U n c i I have been bringing about an updating of the Church, he' said, Mr. Ken- . nedy's actions as President have -lICotched the old Protestant worry that a Catholic in the White House would bring the pope in by underground fr<>m Rome." Formerly, the Jesuit editor said, "because undeniable road blocks of prejudice stood against them, Catholics did not feel en tirely welcome in the over whelmingly Protestant cultural milieu of this country. "That day has passed. We Catholics should now recognize its passing and live up to the obUgations. that this change ~ atmosphere imposes upon us." Jewish Relations
Turning to Catholic-Jewish relations, Father Davis expressed the belief that "Catholics have some way yet to go in their ef fort to compr.ehend and more deeply sympathize with tIM .Tewillh community." He said Catholics and other Christians should be more vocal in protesting anti-Semitism, in cluding the persecution of Jew. in the Soviet Union. He said it is "most unfair" to blame all Jews for "the cru sading efforts of a few indivi duals and organizations that have been so promment in the fight against prayer and Bibl. reading in the public schools."
Blind Guild
At St. Anselm's he is current 17 experimenting with what he can. a "quadriplex tutorial qstem" with freshman English students. The boy. meet with .him weekly in group. of three or four for a period of an hour, thus enjoying what amounts to a pri Tate tutoring session ill English composition. Mr. Ryan plans to spend the entire freshman year teaching expository w r i tin g. "The students will learn to do .one thing well," he says firmly.
The Fall River Catholic Guild for the Blind will meet in the Sacred Heart School this coming Sunday, Nov. 24, following Ro sary and Benediction which will take p~ace at 2:15 in Sacred Heart Church.
. . CtlU :;~n
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oUan RI~'rhuri.No.,.21, 1963'
School of Nursing
r<> Give Musical
Baby Sitter Finds Schedule A Mus't With Eight Kids
St. Anne's School Auditorium, Fall River, wlll be the scene oia Saturday evening, Dec. 7, of the Ex-Phili-Ac Musical, presented by St. Anne's Hospital School 01 Nursing for the benefit of theJl' Mission and Retreat Funds.
By Mary Tinley Daly Apropos of letters' telling of frustrations while stm rlorYing in woman's greatest accomplishment - rearing a
family - comes one which is down-to-earth in its explicit
directions as to the physical how-to-do-it. It eomes from an adult baby sitter, gradu Twins get up and changed ate nurse and sister-in-law around 4 P oM. Ruth practices 4 ef the young mother who to 4:30; Betty, 4:30-5. wrote it. "While my brother Start dinner about 4:30 ()'OU'J1
and siBter-:in-law were away on • business trip," writes the sit ter, ''I stayed with their eight ehildren.
Frankly, I Wal • bit apprehen IIive as to my ability to handle so many Ilealthy, active . 70ungsters a 1.1 at the same time; agel 12. down to a pair
of 15 - month;' . old twin girls. However, their mother man age s beautifully. Being a. practical person, she wrote for me play-by-play in atructions of the daily routine and taped them to the kitchen wall, high above prying fingers. I thought your readers might ~ Interested." (We think so too. Ed.) Outline of Daily Routine Early morning: (between , and 9 A.M.) Bottles for twins; not necesaary to be warmed. Kids' alarm goes off at '7:30. -Hit the deck" for all bands. Mrs. O'Brien drives Tommy to ·pre-school on Tues., Wed. We drive on Thurs. Put mow suits on over twins' pajama.. Leave for preIIChool at 8:50. " .OtDer kids leave fOr school at 1:30, need money for lunch. ·Teacup, top shelf, 35c each. , Morning eoffee for' yourself'. aild bkfst. (You may not get another chance!) Change and dress twins; then their bkfst. of cereal made with eold· milk and boiling water (bowl divided between them) and fruit (applesauce) boiled eggs, hard-soft:'medium, it mat ters not. Give little juice in cup.
Mid-morning: (between 10 and BOon) Playtime for twins in their room, with gate locked but door open, until lunch. Be sure to push bed across closet. Twins' lunch about noon: soup and fruit. Soup only slightly thinned ( Jf.a can of water). Change, then bottles for naps. Early afternoon: Eddie gets off early and ar rives home at 2:45 P.M.; they Deed only applE' or juice but not a big deal, to whet appetite. · Others get home 3:20 P.M. They ebange clothe&
Study 'State Aid to Schools ( N C)- The General Assembly of the Presby terian Church, New Zealand's second largest denomination, hall ,referred a resolution favoring .tate aid for aid for private schools to a special study com mittee. The resolution, presented b7 the General Assembly's Board of Education, laid .....that "there » DO difference in principle be tween tax exemption· on school fees (there is an allowable ex emption of $139 for private school fees in New Zealand) and an educational benefit, and that both are in harmony with the stated policy of the Presbyterian Church." The board said it agrees "with
the payment of educational
benefits to Darents."
be interrupted).
Twins eat between 5 and 5:30 lJSually. Kids know they are due In
house by 6,' suggest dinner about ~ then or 6:30 so homework rou tine-can begin. Early evening: Kathie clears off dishes and c51der girls take turns on loading dishwasher. Frank. will connect and let up dishwasher. Frank also' emptie. trash any time needed. ,
Kids do homework In rOoms Clr in sunroom. Begin baths at 8, and ali mould be 'in bed b7 9•. No TV week nights. Twins get cranky about '7:30 and ought to be in bed no later than 8. During our dinner they play in room as they did in morning. Be sure bed 1& across closet door. Evening: Read morning paper and pre pare for next day.
As an addendum, the volun teer baby sitter wrote: "This was a wonderful schedule of the highlights of the day and I don't know bow I would have man aged without it as a road map. However, between ea.ch highlight there were ·80 many other adivities. At the end of the first day when I finally got to that "morning 'paper," I won dei-ed'how my siSter-in-law had time even to ·put on lipstick I Second day wasn't so bad and pretty· soon I knew the schedule· by heart and found I was having a wonderful time .with my niece. and nephews!"
Poland Seizes Books Sent to Cardinal PARIS (NC)-The World Un
ion of Catholic Women's Organ
izations revealed here that a shipment of 60,000 published copies of Ste~an Cardinal Wys zynski's sermons--a gift it was sending to the Polish Cardinal were confiscated by the Polisll government. It said it has protested to Poland's communist 1 e a d e r. Wladyslaw Gomulka, but with out reply. The World Union, representing 36 million members of Catholic women's organizations through out the globe, had dispatched the copies of Cardinal WySzynski'.· public addresses ir a special car. The publications, printed .. France, were aimed at' helplna Poland prepare' for the celebra tion 01. the millennium· of P.. land's conver41ion to Cbrlstianit7. WUCWO said the shipment Wall seized and ordered destroyed b7 the Polish' government OIl uri val in Warsaw.
PREPARE MUSICAL: St. Anne's School of Nursing wi:l1 1)resent a Musical Saturday evening, Dec.. 7, for the Mission and Retreat Funds. ,Making plans are, left to right, student nurse Frances Zemba who will play the accordian; Marguerite Desjardins, director of the Rivier College Ex presso-Six singers; Dr. Pablo Cordero, St. Anne Hospital resident, who will head Filipino dancing group; and school president Maureen Griffin.
Damien-Dutton Award W,inner
Fall River Foresters I
Jacqueline McGough is chid ranger for Our Lady of Fatima Court, Junior Foresters of FaU River. She is aided by Kristine Sullivan as head captain.
Add the't,'Holiday Touch" .with
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1'~ a .pll'~ bot cup or black 'coJI'~ with a doD~
of whipPed cream. It makea a fitung tIDale to the
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famous for
at the headquarters here in New Jersey of the Damien-Dutton Society, an organization which, under Catholic auspices, pro vides medical assistance, scienti fic research, recreation and re habilitation on a worldwide basis for victims of leprosy re lardless of race or religion.
NEW BRUNSWICK (NC) - A woman who has devoted her adult life to aiding the victims oj' Hansen's disease in Brazil is the recipient of the 11th annual Damien-Dutton Award. Announcement of the presen tntion of the award in Brazil to lIlr.. Eunice Weaver was mede
Taking part in the Musi~ will be several· groups, among them the Expresso-Six singers ~ Rivier College; a group of Fili pino dancers, all physicians, in cluding Dr. Pablo Cordero, resi dent physician at St. Anne'r, and an accordian group with Frances Zembo, a member of the freshman class at the School of Nursing. The Filipino group will al. present a fashion show of their home costumes. ' The Mission Fund of the School has' been helping Sister Mary Patricia (the former Pat ricia Sullivan) and her new school of nursing in Baghdad. It has been supplying much-need food sUpplements anI vitamin:. for Sister Marie William's apoa tolate in Upper Volta, Africa. It has been sending medical sam ples and medication to 'Sisteso Maureen Thomas, M.D. (the former Anne Marie Hi{:gins) and Rev. John Breen, M.M, for their many tubercular patient. ill South America. The Retreat Fund llllows the student nurses t<> go for a full week in closed retreat at Cathedral Camp. ' Tickets are available at SL Anne's Hospital. '
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Real Cream! And there is
no Real Cream like
TOPPING PARISIENNE Sliver Ievera1 milk chocolate nut bars and fold Into sweetened whip~d cream for a ftulJ'y topping on a plaip cake. It dresses up plain cake JD • delicious and dift'erent wayl
- H~p' maabed tH!tatoea lo~ 6 in baking dish. Fold' lD H cup Hoocl Economy AD.PU!1'ose Cream and' ~rink1e with bread crum~a. Balie at 425° until lirownecl •••• Cl'Cl!my delishtJ .
Apositol:ate- Role Is Compatible With Spiritua~ity' of Family By Father Walter W. IDlbiorski Dear Father: We've been married about seven yeal"8 and two or -.ree times in the last few months priests and other people have asked my wife and me to get involved in church work; to give talks to teenagers on dating; to join the em; to get involved in in (:ommunity. It's rather like llelping the Papal Vola - the pilgrims' bands of the middle teers, ete. I am a little in ages walldng the dusty roads of tere.."ti;ed, bat my Wife says Europe, sharing their food,
Women, Request Council Role VATICAN CITY (NC) - The World Union of Cat hoi i c Womens' Organizations has sent • detailed proposal to the ecu menical council' as to how women might profitably parti cipate as auditors at council MlSSio~
Maria del Pilar Benosillo of Madrid, president general of the women's u.nion. said: "We would never have thought in terms of women being present· in the council hall itself if Catholl(: men had not been appointed as auditors at the council. But with men present, 'it is. only normal that women should also be- present." Miss Bellisillo continued: "I want to make it clear that It is not our intention to im pose our presence on the coun cil. This would be contrary to our spirit. What we have done b simply to eXpress our views . . devoted daughters of the Chur@ and we now hope that FmE PREVENTION: Sisters of Christian Charity on the' competent. authorities will the staff of the Holy Spirit Hospital. Camp Hill, PL. take make the decilion the,- feel Ja time out from regular duties to participate in the observance most opportune." She singled out three cate of Fire Prevention Week with the aid 01 local volunteer gories of women ,who might be , firemen. NC photo. ' admitted. to the council balL , ""In the first place," she said, "are nuns from both contempla tive and active religious com munities because of their out standing contribution to the life Toronto Catholic Hospital to Open of the Church today." The other ea.t-gories would be leading 'per'_ Of Nursing for Older Students
Sf .alitie.s In the' Cat h 0 n c ,TORONTO (NC) - The ftnt to aee<b of student. who InaT '1:. omen's. world and the heads of of ita kind in North America, a haYe responsibilities at home; international Catholic women', new school of nursing exclu- brief refresher eoorses In sub organizations. ldvely far women aged' 30 to 50 Jeets like mathematilS and is being planned at st. Joseph'. .oence may be eonsidered, &nd Cloistered Nuns Plan Hospital to open next Fall. all dasses held during the day. Pending approval by the CotTwe-Year 00ar8e New York Monastery lege of Nurses, the new school At the eDd of two years. a will accept ·SO students wheAl It registered nurse'. diploma would MANCHESTER (NC) - 'nJe open$. bee awarded graduateli. Sisters Adorerlt of the Most Pre ''M)r ph~ hasn't stopped Miss McLean lIllid a growing cious. Blood Will Iiend seven ringing sinee this waa :first an- number of women in the 30-to members of their cloistered com- . Bounced," aid Catherine D. Me- 50 age group are Interested· lJl , mtmity to found a new 'lboDUo' Lean, eoordinator of Qou VadJ.I such nursfng education. ter7 in Watertown, N.Y. It will : Project 01 1be CatboUe HOIIPltal "'Some would be sirigle" or be the fourth community pIG-' Conference of On~ married women working at un- , neered by' the Sisters since the)' came here fn 1898. She ,outlined some. character- skl11ed mt kill d ~ob lsties Of the proposed schoOl: ex- other m'7ghtae be-B m.:::ried :; The other monasteries were e10slvely for women aged 30 to widows or women aeparated established in Portland, Maine, 50 with no restrictions in terms from their husbands and with ill Cuba and China. of race. religion and national limited or no responsihilitiea for origin; a program with a mIni- the care-of children. Many might mum of two years; student.. on never have undertaken educa • fly e - d a J' week with one' tioa for a profession such .. month'. yacation annually; no nuning because of lack of op residence facilities but eveJ'J' ef- portu.Jllt7 or because of unwil tort made to gear ·the prosram IIngness or fear of being in. a 1eanling situation with younger College President Says women," she said.
wr first dUV is to give our . earrying the sick. helping each cib.ildren a good upbringing and other until they got to the shrine DOt interfere with other people. of a saint to get a blessing. She says that lfwe sta)" close Love of Othen .. the sacraments and say our' Spirituality is not a matter of prayers and teach our ehil<UeJ~ hiding away, praying, becoming .. live right and take good care holy and then doing something. ell our own affairs, this Ja ~t ,We become holy also in and b required of us. What do you through our Christian activity. th~? " It is not those things which we 'Peter undertake with a view to our Dear Peter: own perfection (plucking out Your wife Is right and wrong, venial sins 01' practicing humi Your marriage and your cbB- . lity for two weeks) that make ~ are your primary respona~, the greatest change in WI. bility, but unlesa you teach them, . It is rather in the process of .. live, act. and work in tl;le, devoting ourselves to projects wor\d. to :teel~sponsible for, and situations for their own others and to aerve them hi lake, and becoming deeply in -.rity; unless you teach this by Yolved in the love of other peo word AND BXAMPLE. I don't pie that the greatest and most alit~ you havedo~ the job.' formative effect takeS place 011. , Contblual Pressllr~ ULThe famOJ' has a role ~ Ule Thus, when a young man falls epostolate. Ia this da7 fIf. In love with a girl, he ebaDges. crowded cities and mass c:oa- Be ~ comb his hair, work lIlunicatioo, there ill no auch harder. drink less, Cll1"R less, tiling. as a family living· in bo- forget about himself more. aDd lavon. It b Mlbjected to con- all-in-all .. he concentrated tlllUal pressures .from aU sides,. upon her he ehanges ctrastica1l7 ~ple tryiDg to tell you what to without noticing it. . _t and what to drink and where Beiter' for It to live and what to wear and The very performance of an whether or not to have children. act of charity transforms the The faml17 Is confronted b7 person doing it. Thus the f ~ -.e well-intentioned doctor, the that takes warm. food to an aging 1UIl'Se, the IOC1al worker, the inneighbor, exercises itself in nl'ance man, the teacher, the generosity and tact; the husband .:Iesnan. the undertaker. 'l"be who teaches a CCD course, or the whole famil'J". attention k de- couple who ~ at Pre-Cana manded by ttJe TV, the mao- must learn, ~ talk, and medi 1IIne, the newspaper, the bm- tate. board. The couples who 'undertake The things that affect t:be . a complex project fOr en!, or eommunity affect J'ou. When eommunity, or parish orgaDiza housing is too expensive; when tlon will meet more people, will lIIlemployment and layoff OCCta; spend: less time having .their wben batred" or fear ~b1'ai1U,softened by TV. . ibrough a -neighborhood. thea They will be,better for it. ~ threaten your family. Even in will be holier providing the,. tile moments of recreation and have not undertaken the work leisure the young couple caanot for frivolous reasons or .. .: forget the b a It J' It itt 1n II bDl form of escapism, but with dedt aounting up by the hoor. eation and seriousness. WemaIl'. Dut7 hi- on ChrId You've be8rd the old platitude Peter. the love of God Is not 8Ibout "famDies are tbe baste a Rntimental aHair that takes eell of 1Ociety." Well, it'. true. place in the purple twilight of. a The family, through its mem- monastery garden with the organ hers has- to Influence, shape, and mlllic in the background where torm that lOdety. & Pius XII "he walks' wifh me and be ta1laI put it, '"The family must be a with me and: he tickles me under Nuns Deserve Benefits bi~ cell of .ocial regeneration the chin." cmCAGO (NC) - Nuns are _d apostolic penetration." , The love of God is espreued entitled to lIOclal eecurity, fringe To CatholJc women he flIrtber in. the love of neighbor aid, "The destiny of the famil,., clothing for 'he sick, food for benefita, adequate medical care of the community are at fiake. the hungry, shelter for the and provision for old age and In '!'hey are in your hands. Each homeless, friendship for itle tirmity, the president of Mar woman. witbou.t exception. baa " Negr9., unQerstanding ~ the di quette tJDiversity, Milwaukee, , ' tile duty, according to her con.- voreed, the conc:ern. for justice aid heft. timon and means.' to orpnia in local, government,. quality ill Father William' P".Kel1~., and af;£ect ~ restoratU Of 'television pmgrams, and aware S-Z.. ala aid "the, an.swer to
laoIDe' and aoeietJ'. Civte life h.. lI1ea aDd emapauion for ponriJ', problema of CathD1ie education
aeed of ,.aa." ilD justice aDd suff-ering OIl the lies ha tncreaaed munben of YD
eatioJW to- the siSterhood.·
Are t~ activities and wo&'lm farthest bMden of the- world. ~ the apostolate tru1J' eom,. MaDT lJCoff at this. Some hear petible with the spirituallt7 of 1lDd. are interested, but sooa for Fund Raisers IIle f~? .Yes, the famtJ,J get in the comfort and ease of St. ca~ine's Fund RaIsIn, apoaolate is: not a luxury, DOt daily liviDc'. or the eomplex~ Committee 91. Domfnkan Aca _ extra. It .. an obligation and ~ their own private WOfties-. demy. Fall BiYer wiU hold a • responsibilft,-. Others hear, understand, aad. Christm.. party Tuesda,., Dee.
A. great as the faJDlq- ..... Iespoad. The)- put OIl Christ. 10. In cbal:ge of arrangements happen that Ita- memben '!'!lese are tile heart of the are Mrs. Leo Gariepy and Mrs. lIrYe it too- 1lIUICh. 11 can become Church. ~ know that accord NormaDd Thiboutot. eIosed in upon ibel1, excluaive ~ to their talents and means .-d unconcerned. they must get up and involve BeIpIn~ Each otIter theDisel.-es in bearing witneu to the- 'world. I think one of the core ldeaa
Office· Supply, ·Inc. III the thought of good Pope .John '
Alumnae Convention was that you do not become holy . TYPEwimERS WASHINGTON (NC) - The ~ hating the world or with ADDING MACHINES Federation of drawing from it. You do not International Sales • Service • Rentals • Supplies Catholic Alumnae will hold its «et to heaven by yourself. It • not .like going to the moon. one Golden Jubilee convention here 32 Weir St. Taunton, Mass. man alone in a rocket in space. Aug. 18 to 23, Mrs. John F. Hen Tel. VA 4-4076 Christians work out their nessy of New York, FCA presl FRANK s. MACHADO,- Sales destiny and salvation together dl~nt said here.
For Women
S U L L I V, AN· S
) co. , , Heating Oils , ,~ and Burners ~
Assumption D of , Mrs. Frank B. Silvia has been ~ regent of Assumption Circle, Fall River Daughters. of Isabella:' ,Next reguiarmeeti;Dg of 'the circle is set for MondaJ', Dec. 8 at whleh time a collectioft will be·· taken forSt. Vmcent'; Hame. .
1365 NORTH FRONT SlaEIT ~ ) NEW BEDFORD , WYman 2-55~
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YOURS TO LOVE AND TO. GIVE! ,the 'Iif~ of Cl DAUGHTER OF ST. PAUL".". eiMI ' ...... ·_d give to .auls knowledge and love of God by serving Him in a Mission which uses the ' ·~ess Radio Motion Pictures and IV,' to bring His Word te souls everywhe.. Zealous ¥Gung ;.,ms. 14-23 pan iftteres_ in this uniqlHl ,Aposfolate may write to: REVEREND MOTHER SUPERIOll DAUGHTERS OF 51. PAUl '50 ST. PAUL'S AVE. .OSTON 30. MASS.
WY 4-7321
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 21, 1963
Sees Leba nese Religious Plan Pluralistic Society Answer
Baton Rouge Bishop Reveals Story Behind Council Move , ROME (DW) - Abundant reports hit the press each
. day with a Rome dateline, telling the world the substance
of interventions made 'by Council Fathers, but the inter
esting story. that lies behind a Council intervention goes
untold. Bishop Robert E. Tracy of Baton Rouge; Loui- keep in mind that we are dealing siana, who requested a clear with a doctrinal treatise, and so statement by the Vatican had better stick to the basic Council against racial inequality, concept of race." has told the story. behind his Amasses Signatures Council intervention which made But bj, this date the debate front page news around the on Chapter Three had gone on world. for three days, and by Council Explicit Language regulations it would have been Bishop Tracy, a Southerner at least another three .days be born in New Orleans in 1909, fore Bishop Tracy coul~ get to revealed the aim of his inter- speak on the Council floor. vention was to make tile lanWorried that the debate might guage used by the United States be cut oU before that time, he Bishops in their 1958 statement hurriedly passed out' two sheets which said: of paper at the meeting and col "Discrimination based on race lected the signatures of 147 alone, without regard for an American Bishops in about 15 individual's personal qualities, minutes. There were 178 Ameri cannot be. reconciled with the can Bishops in Rome at the time, truth that God creates all men but not all attended the meeting. with equal rights and equal dig"These signatures I attached to nity." my petition to speak, and handed The passage in Chapter Three it in the next morning to the on the People of God which Secretary G e n era 1," Bishop' Bishop Tracy felt needed amend- Tracy said. "The 147 names rep ment.read: "Therefore in Christ resented a complete cross-sec and in the Church there is no tion of the United States, with inequality on the basis of nation, Bishops from North, South, East aocial condition, or sex * * *" and West.Right Word Matter of Concern The problem originally came Bishop Tracy was in fact ad to the attention of Bishop Tracy vanced ahead of many other when he heard Father Gustave speakers. Although speaking for Weigel, S.J., tell American Bish- all the American Bishops, he ops that "People of God" was aD. said he was speaking for 147 80 excellent Biblical image for ex- there would be no apparent con pressing . the equality of the flict between his presentation members of the Church. and his petition for precedence "I immediately began thinking 4lt the microphone,' which had ID terms' of racial equality."·' carried '147 signatures. Three Bishop Tracy declared, "and speakers later - the debate on closely examined the Latin text . Chapter Three was discontinued. of the schema only to discover Since only countries ,like the that the word used for race Wa.l Uriited States, South Africa, 'natione', which Anglo - Saxons Rhodesia,' and' to some extent without a Latin background Australia, are generally affected might more readily translate as by racial problems, Bishop 'nation' or 'nationality., And 80 Tracy admitted in the Council I began searching for a' Latin Hall it was ·true that racial prob word for race." lems were restricted geographiBishop Tracy reported he cally, "but their' repercussions wanted a word which no one in and effects· today are interna the world could fail to recog- tional and therefore are proper nize as the word 'race,' or else matter for Conciliar concern." back in the United States "some Bishop Tracy told Council might get the mistaken· notion Fathers that mention of racial that, in speaking of inequality, equality by the Council would mention of race was 'being de- . bring . consolation to p eo pIe liberately avoided." around the world who are' being U.S. SpOkesman deprived of rights and liberties,
But it was difficult to find a and who are being subjected to
Latin word for 'race,' since the 'sufferings and discrimination,
ancient Romans never made a not because of any transgression,
distinction based on race alone. nor because of any lack of per
A#er l1eciding against 'gens' aonal ability' or qualities, but
which be said had more a con- simply because they belong to I notation. of 'ancestry,' Bishop certain race. Tracy decided to use 'stirps,' a Enthusi~stle Backln« Latin word which means 'trunk' The Bishop also said that sueb. or 'stem,' but can also mean a sta.tement, "coming out square., race.' 11' against racial inequality" "It is the word actually used would greatly. strengthen thfl by most modern Latin writers," hand of those Bishops activeI)' Bishop Tracy said, 'and Cardinal teaching about social justice and Ottaviani when writing in Latin charity, and would' provide Il on the race theories of Hitler foundation for future decrees re,· garding equality of all peoples. also used it." The American Bishops had Bishop Tracy mentioned th,! told' Bishop Tracy they wanted word 'race' in his intervention ill to hear the substance of his pro- five languages (Latin, Italian, posal at their next regular meet- English, French, German) anli ing at the North American Col- concluded with the words: "We lege, and it was here that Arch- therefore ask that a sOlemn dog bishop Lawren.ce J. Shehan of matic declaration on the equa Baltimore made the motion that lity of all men, with respect 10 Bishop Tracy be commissioned nation and race, be included in to speak in the Council Hall for the chapter on the people (If all of the American Bishops. The God". The Council Hall broll:e motion was seconded by Bishop out into spontaneous applause. Christopher Weldon of SpringLater B ish 0 p Trac" tol.d field, Mass. and a show of hands ~ followed. Not a dissenting vote friends, "Not only were the U.S. was seen. Bishops united with me in my effort to· get their own 1958 e,[~ Basic Concept pression included in the Schema, Some American Bishops had but the applause indicated that suggested that the word "color" I also had the enthusiastic be included in the presentation, backing of Bishops at the COUlrl but Bishop Tracy replied, "Color cil generally, from every pa,rt is only an accidental manifesta- of the world and from every tion of race, and we r h,ave to nation and race.-
ROM E (DW) - Arch bishop Ignatius Ziade, head of the Beyrouth Archdiocese of the Maronite Rite in Le
"These facts provide a read,. impulse for the establishment of official dialogue, between :tbe Catholic Church and representa tives of the Moslem Religion," the Archbishop pOinted out. The dialogue should be initi ated, he said; by the Secretariat proposed by Pope Paul. VI f« the major. non-Christian reli gions of the. world, "amoD' which the Moslem Religion' oC cupies an outstan9i~g position." Such official dialogue, the Arch bishop stated "would prove aa added defense for the princiJillet of religion and mOI'ality in the world today."
banon, feels his country is a test case for the peaceful coexistence of Moslems and Christians. "1n Le~anon," he noted, "there il an equilibrium of the two reli~ gious groups, and Christians en joy substantial advantages with out in any way infringing' on the rights or liberty of their Moslem brothers." ."Today Lebanon has a demQr cratic constitution which is the result of the combined efforts of Christians and Moslems," the Maronite Archbishop revealed, "and which without exaggera BI'E~sses tion can be considered unique in the Ot'ient." He said that both groups, so to say, "had made a pact before VATICAN CITY (NC) BISHOP ROBERT E. TRACY God obliging one another." As Pope Paul VI has given hia Bi\TON ROUGE, LA. . a result, Christian minorities in other Moslem countries around blessing to the whole scope of the Newrnan Apostolate the world "see in Lebanon's ex ample a possibility and hope for in its work on American college campuses and with alumni.
e e their own survival." Peaceful coexisfence between He paid tribute to the NeW' ROME (DW) _ His Eminence Moslems and Christians has man Apostolate during an audi ence to Archbishops John J. Ernesto Cardinal Ruffini, 75, many causes favoring it, Arch Archbishop of Palermo, Italy, bishop Ziade declared. "First Krol of Philadelphia and Paul and high ranking member of of all, the Moslems in the Middle J. Hallinan of Atlanta and New' the Roman Curia, today called East have their origins' as we York banker Andrew P. Ma the laity the Catholic Church's' do in the Semitic world, and loney. connecting link with modem both of us having a Mediter In the 20-minute audience society. ranean culture, hold in common Pope Paul was presented with • innumerable cultural elements." . "Modern society," the Cardinal Over and above these temporal letter from the Newman Foun asserted, "has become highly or- values, the Archbishop said, dation of which Maloney is the ganized in every sector: in "there are many spiritual values president of the board, explain in~ it:; purposes, The purpose, politics, . in scientific research, which both Moslems and Chris saId Maloney, is to raise five in general culture, in commerce, tians hold in common." million dollars to expand the industry, and labor, in entertain Newman Apostolate. ment, and in the publishing Seek Closer Ties field." He noted in each of these He emphasized. that Moslems Archbishop Krol was present fields "you find an incalculable "are very close to us, because at the audience .as . episcopal number of· persons who live they adore the one true God chairman of the Youth Depar~ their entire lives without hardly whom we' adore; because they ment of the' National Cathol. ever coming into contact with -a hold numerous truths of the Welfare Conference, and Arch priest." natural law made sacred for us , bishop Hallinan-himself a for by the Decalogue, truths' which mer Newmar Club chaplain-.. Laity Collaboration both of' Us defend against in episcopal moderator of the New Cardi~al RuUini bl~m~d thIs tellectual and'moral license; and man Apostolate: Pope Paul WM , .tate of affairs on what he called because they venerate as saints al.:;o presented with a brochuH "two parallels running side by many' of our prophets." He of the foundation's program. , side: The Church on one hantl, . stressed above' all that "they The Pope recalled his experI : with its ministers and its rites; honor the Virgin and her son ence working with universiq arid society on the other,· with :.Jesus as the two most pure students when was a youn. its hundreds upon hundreds of beings that ever' existed." priest in' the 1930s. He expressed diverse. ramifications." Coexisten.ce is further possible, his warmest apprDval of Uae }Je said. a "connective force" .he said, "be'cause Islam is en Newman Apostolate. was needed to make the two gaged in the same combat with liries converge into a single us. to .preserve the profound ideal: Christianity known. and sense <!f adoration toward God lived. "But how make known the in a world of technical progress word of Christ to the world to- where souls run the risk of be FUNERAL HOME, INC.
day," he asked,' "with6ut the coming barre'n, arid where the collaboration of tl/,e, l~ity.?'" ,increase of atheism makes ·Mos-
L lIaroel RoJ' -- C. Lorraine . . , Rolrer Le.JPraB.e . He point~d out that bisho~s lems ask of themSelves the same , and priests were not customarily . questions that we are asking .UNDAl DIRECTORS -' -, found - in parliament, in' the ourselves."' , I, .ntVINGToN CT. . sports world, in agriculturll1 '.' He asserted th$t he hoped the WY 7..7i30
pursuits. and in offices," "but it . rapprochement between' Mos NEW' BBDFORD
ia precisely in areas lik~. this '·lems· ilDd Christians in 'Lebanon
that th~re is noticeable 'a greater' . woul~ dra'Y'~ven closer, and that
need f~r .the apostolate.'; He Said Lebanon's example of peacef~ the apo!itolate in fields was i're_ coexistence might be followed TAKE: TI.ME OUT ser:ve~ ~pecially for laity:- 'wherever Moslertts' and ChrisFor Personal Inventory Sacred Ricbt _tiimli.~ve together. '.
,Pontiff Newman Clubs
e Lalety Connec t Ive LIn k to SoClety
The Cardinal stressed that the whole Church had been told by Christ to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. "But how can the world ·be illu minated," he said, "and how can the wisdom of Christianity per meate all peoples of the earth, without the apostolate of the laity?" The apostolate, he said, '"il an obligation incumbent upon good laymen in virtue of their baptism, by which they became Christians, and in virtue of their Confirmation, by which they were enrolled in the army of Christ." He said ''this most noble obligation becomes in many in stances a sacred right." . Needs Harmony Because the Church is an hier archical society, the Cardinal declared, "it is clear that the apostolate of the laity must be carried on always in harmony wit h legitimate ecclesiastical authority."
and Re!1ewal
Funeral Home Helen Aubertine Braugh Owner and Director
Spacious Parking Area
WY 2-2957 at. New Bedford
11. Allen
Make A. 'Week-End Retreat at the Holy Cross Fathers Retreat HQuse Rte. 138, No. Easton, Mas," Men - Womfm • C.oup,les Tel. 238-6863 Write: Fr. Kolly, csc, Dir.
BISAILLON'S GARAGE 24-Hour Wrecker Service 653 Washington Street, Fairhavp.n WYman. 4-5058
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 21,1963
Two Views on Method of Treatment Of Blessed Virgin Mary Schema ROME (D W ) - Archbishop Costantino Stella, 62, head of L'Aquila Archdiocese, stated the split in voting on the schema' of the "Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Church," does not indicate discord among Council Fathers on the doctrine and dignity of the Virgin, but is only a sign of . disagreement over the method of treatment to be given to the schema. Archbishop Stella was one of 1074 Council Fathers who voted in favor of keeping the tract on the Blessed Virgin Mary separate from that of the Church, a position which came only 23 votes short of being carried. The tract or schema will now be in"'corporated in its entirety all Chapter Six of the Schema on the Church. Stress Position
Spanish Prelate Gives Meaning Of Faith, Sense ROME (D W) - Bishop Pedro Santero Cuadrado, 61, Bishop of Huelva Diocese in Spain described what he
'Urges Example From the time at the Council of Trullanum, Bishop Francis all lerted all Bishops of the sepal' ated Orthodox Church before
Minister Lauds Popes' Efforts WASHINGTON (NC) A Protestant miJlister said her4~ that the late Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI helped creatl! a "beautiful climate of friendli ness" toward Protestant and other non-Catholics. Dr. David Colwell, president of the Council of Churches 01: the Greater Capital Area, told some 500 Catholics at a luncheon that he hopes the Second Vati ean Council will foster "giant mides" toward ehurch reunion. He said Pope John and Pope Paul have led the way in Cath olic "renewal, rebirth and re form."
meant by 'faith sense,' a topic he has discussed at the Seco.n..-d Vatican Council. He said: "The supreme teaching autho rity of the Church has never treated of 'faith sense' directly or explicitly but it might well be considered part of the theo logical foundation for the col laboration of the laity in the apostolate of the Church." Supernatural Gift Bishop Cail'tero pointed out that just as in the natural order we speak of "common sense" and of ,things being the result of common sense, thus in the super natural order of revealed truth a ''faith' sense," or "faith in stinct," or 'faith intuition," 18 'at work. He called this' "faith' sense" a supernatural giftcomhig from ~e' Holy Spirit and found in the 'people of God considered either in their collegiality or indivi,;, dually, bE! they' bishops; priests, 'religious, or laity. The function of this 'faith sense', Bishop Cantero 'said, "is to serve as a kind of 'truth in stinct' in matters of faith and moral, by avoiding eriors, by . making errors in matters of faith recongizable, and by examining 'the truths of faith more pro foundly and applying them more' readily in the life of the faith ful. 'Taste for Truths , Bishop Cantero believes that 'faith sense' being subject to special gifts received from Holy Spirit did not operate the same 'way in, everyone. "It might therefore prove lellll effective in a thefore prove than in certain other members of the Church, like lI8ints and founders 'of reli gious, orders," he, asserted. A!! a result of this 'faith sense,' he ~d members of the Church would be able to acquire a more profound understanding and in tuition regarding matters of faith,would get a sort of 'taste' for the truths of faith, and would even be enabled to discover truths still hidden in the collec tion of truths revealed by God,. The Bishop declared this 'faith sense' would heJp repair the divorce so evident between the sacred and profane sciences, would aid in the cultural apos tolate of the laity, would help promote dialogue among profes sors of State and Church uni versities, and 'would guarantee that "the public opinion" of the Church itself would be given due consideration. Modern Life ' Bishop Cantero fee III that through the help of this 'faith sense': new truths would be un covered, or would be more pro foundly perceived, and the Church would be able to propose these truths more accurately and apply them more fittingly and thoroughly to the exigencies of modern Christian life.
IN ROME: The Most Rev erend Bishop is shown en tering St. Peter's on his re turn to Rome after a brief interlude in the Diocese. He, -will remain until this session :of Council ends next month.
The Archbishop of L'Aquila pointed out that he favored separate treatment of the Blessed Virgin schema for several reasons. "First of all, it would be a more scientific approach to give
separate treatment· to such a vast theme," he said. "Separate treatment, at least in my opinion, would also give more external importance to the schema." He noted that Church Fathers, as the history of Patrology shows, have always given the Virgin Marya unique position in their writings. "Treating Mariology as a separate schema would be in line with this tradition," he assei-ted. "As a unique member
of the ChUrch, the Madonna should also get unique treatment through an independent
schema." .Those "Yho voted for inclusion of the Blessed Virgin schema in 'the schema on the Church, the Archbishop said, ,believed they
would in this .way place more
stress on the position of the
Virgin Mary in the structure of
the Mystical Body.
Greater Import
Archbishop Stella stressed the
fact that the two currents of
th9ught manifest in the voting
"concerned only two different
ways or methods of giving due importance to the Blessed Vir gin, neither of which detracted in any way from her dignity or
prerogatives;" ,
He said that "each of the two
schools of thought was convinced
that its method was the one
which gave more stress and
hence more importance to the
position which the Blessed Vir
gin has in the Church."
Even from the voting itself,
the Archbishop feels "with'"the
majority being carried by only 17 votes, you ean see that 'the Council Fathers as a body were
hesitant or even undecided as ,.
to which of the two methods of
treatment would give more im portance to the Virgin's role."
Role in Church
The schema on the Blessed
Virgin will now be discussed in
the Council Hall, Archbishop
Stella said, "and from the dis
eussion there will certainly
emerge a convergence of both
method and doctrine, which will
have the common objective of
making the faithful better un
derstand the function which the
'Blessed Virgin Mary has in the
life of the Church today."
Anti-Smut Group ,
S Y D N E Y (NC) ~ Catholic
priests and 'Protestant leader. here in Australia; have indicated SlJpport Qf a new nationwide movement to combat obscenity and indeceney in literature, and advertising.
.Methodist Bishop -Favors Dialogues .By Leaders NEW ORLEANS (NC) The Methodist Bishop of Philadelphia said here that both Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI told him the way to promote Catholic-Protestant understanding is through "dialo gues." , Bishop' Fred Pierce Corson, who "headed the official Metho dist observers' at' the Second Vatican Counc,il, said both Popes "asked me personally to pro mote Catholic-Protestant un derstanding on the dioceSan "level." , All Time , The president of the World Methodist Council, who took part here in a Festival of Chris tian Faith and Witness, said if it were possible he would spend 'all his time participating in Prot estant - Roman Catholic dialo '~ues. , Such discussions, he added, should be carried out carefully and "by people who know what they are talking about." He said such, dialogues should be conducted on the diocesan or 'community level between church leaders. In the past year, Bishop Cor son stated, he has participated in eight dialogues with Catholic Bishops.
At ...this time of Thanksgiving,'
We pause to give thanks . .' for our many blessings; Quiet thanks, for Ame~ica and all' she stands for; Hum.ble
for the occasion to b~ of service to you May your Thanksgiving be abundant
Near Fairhaven Drive-In
C/YaiiotuLe BANK
Italian Dinners Our Specialty
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Service On Patio
12 ' 'THEANCHOR-:':Oio'cese' oNeill River~Thurs. Nov. 21, 1963' .,
':fonds 'ReachingOU't:~
.Fr. Borelli's Autobiography
God Love You' By Most
Highlights Poyerty's 'Effect
Fultoll J. Sheell, D.D.
ROME -Looking over' St. Peter'. while .the CouneD. '- In session. one cannot help but notice the make-up ,·of thJ.s Vatican Council as compared to Vatican I In 1870. Then there wu DOt a single bishop from Asia .or Africa. In Vatican n over 30 per cent of the Counciliar Fathers are' from Africa and Asia. What . a long way from the beginning of the: Church, whe!\ 81. Paul wrote to the. Church of Rome, D7ing: "Salute: Epaeaetus, beloved., who is the first fruits of Ama UIlto Christ." Who the first one from Africa wu we do not lmow-possibq StmoD ot Cyrene,. who helped Our Lord an;, Bia Cro-. .
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy "Goodness in a vacuum of ignorance is of no value at all. For me, goodness is a physical force which must be harnessed to life as we find it." So writes Father Mario Borelli at about the half-way mark in his autobiography, A. Street Lamp and the Stars among workers who were des (Coward - McCann. $4.50). perately hard up. . While on vacation in Matese, Father Borelli is internation ally famous as the founder north of Naplt!$, he made the
Diverse as the DUHlem reIQ'eSeDiaUves et Epaendlw ...d Simon are, all of them have ODe tIdDc· III OODUDeu: abeT an poor. TheT pass notes to me throacJl'iIl. meaengers' 01 the Co8Dcll or else vtsl* personally begging a little for tIaeJr .pooIr priests. . Yet,. whenUleT arfse in C01lllcii. theT never speak of their needs! TheT speak of ~ Cburcll. not ef' their Dation. They remind as a leper woman ill Upnda,. whose anna' and legS 'were eatell off at ~ eibo_ ...d the. knee&.' She . dragged hencH four mUes oa the. lltampa to & bush ehueJiou morniDg to receive Communion. De missional')' told ber tIlat he would' brin&, her' Communion. III her hut the next 1IlOI'Ilfn&', alter his MaM. Bui; she was there at Mass the followlnr da.T. "Did I noC; ten TOil I would brm.· TOW Oar Lord In HolT Communion?" he· .k.eeL, "Yes. Father." ... repUed. "but I' did Dot WlIDtto be 'a trouble to ~OL.. ·
acquaintance of the forest dwelling charcoal burners who were alienated from the Church Naples. He pre and reputedly Communist.. pared for this He went among them in lay work by dis clothes, won their confidence, guiSing himself made some progress with them, in rags and and. this was the lIeed of the grime and scheme he was later to imple going () u t to ment in the city. live among the XAVIER AWARD: Fr. Led Doable Life ~ugnizzi. Michael' J. Lies, pastor of As the plight and the needs He is a Nea of the street urchins came home Ho~V Savior Church, Wichi politan by birth. ever more demandingly to him, ta, Kans., and assistant Da Naples he un he decided that there was only tiOJ:lal director of the Papal derstands and one way to gather them. in. That Vol u n tee r s for L a tin loVes. He points out that it is an ancient city wu to become one of them. For Am:erica,. received the 1963 (there is a street called "Old this he secured Cardinal Asca Xa'ner Award, ('for out Town" which probably is named lesi'. permission. dedication Thereafter be led a; double staJ!lding zeal and Bow much we griev~ and rig}rtIy .a. at coatempt. for c::hastity for '. Cuman city destroyed by life. By day, he kept at the to 1~ mis:sions.N NC Photo. la tlte modern. world, bm how few of 11& grieYe at aVarU:e or iDe the Greeks). It is also a re several taslr.:lt regularly aaigned peatedly invaded eity. Many cen refWlal to share even a little with the· afflicted. Hse in. Rome we turies ago the Pboenicians eame, him. (teaching in. a 8ehool. for have banch reached out to us from all ~ M~ J'O'l help 'f)J)e fiU them fOt' the hundreds and htmdreds of~. suffering bdboPlJ an.d the Egyptians, and the . example.) B~ n.lght, he roamed, Saracens. The invaders of more in disguise, the areas where the and the fl:ocb the)" shepherd. Send 70ur sacrifice to The Society for the Ploopagation of tIM! PaitlL reeent times are too numerout lCugni%zi congrega~ ate, slept. Soon he was accepted lUI' a . to mention. l' ATICAK CITY (NC) member of one gaDg..' He de.. The Neapolitans, then, are dIf GOD LOVE YOU iG T;D. 1'_ $1' "1 clectdett --*' t. .~ & . Blessed Leonardo lluriaIdo' es feren t from all their fellow erlbes its members and their lIlIICh-wanted swe*r 10 that some little one .co". u"Ye. wanD em:~lified the Church's concern countrymen in Italy. "Besides activities. 'Fhe,r were not. Pl17 eloth1nc this Winier/' ••• to Mr. u A..J.B. tor $10 '"We for the, "still unsatisfied and the creative impulse of the ,ieally tough, as might be ima are n.ot going to exchange Cf1risCmu cUt. "ear, .. perhaps ur~:ent. needs of our society." Greeks you will find in us the gined. But they were precocious this will make It possible for aaotller .. 1m whal Cbrbtmaa POl[)e Paul VI declared at the .entimentality and arrogance of in many waylf. none of them Ile&IQ' means... . . . . to lin. J.C.T. for $13 "This Is a. J'e&n beatification ceremony in St. good, and ingenious i~deed lD the Spanish, a poor man's fa -vIDe of Z5c week. I cltd not join tit. office: Bb'thdaT Club Pe!er's for the Church's newest talism akin to that of the Arab, their pursuit of survival. m OI!der to scad It to JeML" Blessed. Meanwhile. he bad been fixing the vivacity and quick-wltted ~rbe. Pope, la cardinals, n.u up an old, abandoned church as Ilealt of the Frenchman:' etc. WonderiDg what to giy'e. for Clarbtmas? Wlq not lJe1ect our a &heIter for these bo;rs:. When DlE:roUS bis¥Ps and 20,000 pil VictimS 01 Poverb' ' .mart cuff-l:iDk. sets (oval. or square). tie clasp or ladif~ c:banB. It was ready, there was the prob:' grims from allover the world The beauty of Naples is legen lem .of getting them to come to filLed a good part of the aple of Made of gold:..eoloted lIamil1;on tinis:D 'with. the raDed' insign.ia et St,. Peter'.. for the concluding '!'be Society fcc the ProPagation of 1Ihe Faith. these items make dary, as is its ugliness. If it It. Ideal presents. S~, tile item.. you: desift. eneIOlIe a. minimum • city rich in history, its poverty ceJremonies marking. the beatt .. as notorious. And, tbe scugDramatic Acco~t. fic::atl.oa of· the 19th century offering of $3 tor. ea£h piece and send your name and addres to n.lzziare the victims .of thi", ~- . This involved allaying their Italian priest who devoted his . The Society fDl:the Propagation ol the :raith,.S64l Fifth Avenue, treme poverty, boys either: with- . sulJl)icions and.. in some cases, li1e to the education of working' Mew. York, If.Y.-IOOol. -at faniilies andho~s.~having their actual preference. t.or tbe class youths. to .fend for themselves from ~n life: .they were Ieadinl; It in Present allO . ia the basilica ea, 0_" eoluma.· 'DIa' 1'0'" Mel'1ftce til, I~ aDcI loan 1&. extremely early age becauge of.. ,. volved, too, his disclosing that wl~re 450 membeJrs oftbe. PioUi &he JricMat ae FaUon. J. Sheen, Natt-al Diredor et tile 80deQ iIleir parents' inability to pro- he. was a. priest and thelr ac,. Society of St. Joseph of Turin, fee til. ~ atlon of tile Faith. 3M nUL A.veaue. New York yide even a roof for them. ceptance of him in that capaciq. Itlly, which wu founded by 1, If. Y.,· or TOur Dioceaaa' Director, aT. BE'9. KA:Y1IIOND To. Father BoreDi's people were .The .work for the street ur Blessed Leonardo ~ carry on h¥ CONSIDINE, 181 North .Main S~ Fall 1Uver~ II-. poor. Not destitute (they were chins has Since progressed fair1)r work. Turi.n·, maj.or and the all hard ·workers). but living on well. But only a relatively small city'. standard bearer &lao the edge of destitution. Born in proportion of the three or four given places of honor at the tHE SISTERS OF THE SACRED HEARTS 1922, he went. to work at the age thousand of· these half-wild eElt'emony. ANI.' OF PERPETUAL ADORATfON of eight, fetching refreshment" creatures has been touched. Extended I.oviq Aid _118 ... . - JIIlHII ........ IHL ..... .. s.utD& • for the waiting patrons of a barHis is a dramatic (if rather relillaa Dr.. ., lewe, lIIIantr., ... ~ "" . . Referring m Blessed LeoDar tile 11"'1 dftata tbllr ...... 1M ~ .. V-. ber shop. In that shop he met a elliptical} account of an unusual ell)', work with JlOWlg bo7a who ..............c tIII.tfU. priest who greatly impressed enterprise carried out· by una had to support themselves and F.- fvItIIIr IftfDl'lMtl-. IJIIIIJ .. him. To the priest he confided sual means. It abo highlights the their families at very early ages, Sisters of .... Sac:Nd Hearts, Faidlaven, Ma.a.. his wish to become a priest. problem of poverty and it. the Pope said the BlesJledS, ef WU-a Herron dreadf'a! effect on human being). forts should be "viewed apiut At 18 young Mario was ready The problem is: DOt confiDed to ~~ hisrork ~ound of the tID enter the major seminarY Naples. It exillta tbroughout the l~ century, which applielt Ja overlooking the bay of Naples. world. It is a; reproach and a our century, since it showa 111 Be was a student .there' when challenge. to the Cllristian. once more the social charity of World War n came, ·violently· On Pn.J'er. f:t1e Church. and destructively, to the city. A series of books under the "With the development at Its horrors he recaUIt vividl'y, es- general" 'title, of· "In' other JlI10dern indU8trJ' aDd the come,. pecially those which'were visited Words,'" all writtea by' Dam f;Luent forination cd • "'" on the poorest quarters. And in Hubert van zener, has been an- . .nd. proletarian class, the Churdl the wake of the war there was nounced. The &st • DOW pub 'lid not issue clamorouamani IIUch corruption.as even. Napl.ee lished, .Prayer mOther Wordol 1estoes (M did the Mattisb} ' Open WecIRMcJay" NOvember 27 till 6:30 P~M.' bad not. seen previously. JaftlmOte a.mbyenive. emancl.pa. Mario Borelli was. ordained In (Templegate. ~.95.). and it ¥ 1-10n of the aeec1J' and auftennc 1946. His appointment. took him a gem. The s:t:·~e. COIlcise.. direct, 'lrork.ers." UNlON WMMP~ MIIKA.~ Instead,. t&e Pope .-idi,. the penonal. There in no loftJ'theo
t ~ immed:iaiel7, ill tbe ~ riziDg. ~one who . . !lad eM
Franciscans Planning . fieulti9 suCh as Blessed 1M ia. PI'a7~ (SDd. who has lIOn of not?), win ftDd tbat tlUs book IMrdO, exteaded "ber loYing, Honduras Seminary NEW YORK (NC) - U.S. is for Dim, and tllat it will Do :posiUve and disinterested aId. .. the lOllS 01 the people. She...a Franciscans will build a $500,000 sist him in a pJ:eciousiy practi .rounded them with 1H1deIr . . leminary in Honduras next year. cal way. . IttliDding, . affection, '. educatiOD ,Father Matthew M.. De Bene Prayer.· SQIl the author, UI and love, 'andhe paved the ...nq' dlctis, O.F.M., provincial o~ the , God's revelation of Himself to . for their scicl.alprogress." us, and our revelation of our Franciscans' Immaculate Con selves to Him in return. Did you ception privince, said constrUc 'Half w.oy There ti.on will probably begin next ~ ever think of, it . like that? ROGKVILLE cEN'i'E~ (1'JC) Praying, we come tG know God March on the seminary in Coma better. Truly praying, we ex- . - The half-way mark has been yagua, Honduras, near the Hon press our real selves. We may reached in the recently laUnched diJ.rar capital of, Tegucigalpa. In Honduras there are fewer think of prayer as primarily our $20 million campaign in Nasseau th· . 200 priests to serve the doing something for God. In and Suffolk Counties to build four new Catholic high schools spiritual needs of the country's fact, anq much more important in the Rockville Center diocese two million people, almost all ly, prayer is God's doing some 640 Pleasant 5trHt Tel. WY 6-1271 here on Lon~ Island.. . thing fur us - if we let Him. catholic. of a shelter and school for the or street unchins, of
Italian Priest
.Oosed .All Day
Conventions" Sod~lity Meetings, ," Stamp Contest Among Actiy'ities.' Of Diocesan High Students
..... ab" ..... ftW. . . . ~
Our Lady Cause of Our Joy Sodality at Bishop Cassidy High in Taunton welcomes 42 new sodalists this afternoon. The new candidates, all juniors, will take the Act of Con secration for one year. Among candidates are Anchor re porters Nancy Fornal anel American History students at Joanne Gregg. The ceremon~, Holy Family High in New Bed at which 24 seniors renew ford are studying propaganda the i r Act of Consecration and its effects on the American will be presided over by Rev. way of life. Also a,t Holy Family, Beatrice Francis B. Connors. In attend·· that the ance will be Rev. Joseph De·· Abraham reports laney, assistant superintenden·t Writers Club, newly formed at of schools, members of the fac.. the school, is planning a school ulty and student body of Cassid~' newspaper. At a recent meeting High and many parents anCl1 the club discussed the origin of the essay. ' friends of the candidates. Meanwhile, plan,s are under·, Lady Day way at Mount St. Mary's Acad·, At Sacred Hearts Academy in emy in Fall Riv~r for sodalists Fall River Lady Day will be to entertain the sodalists from celebrated Dec. 8,' with alumnae Holy Family High in New Bed and seniors uniting to praise our' ford. The purpose .of the meet Lady. The ceremony will be held ing, which will be held Monday, at three o'clock in the convent Dec. 2 is to give the' members a ehapel. Parents of the senior. chance to exchange ideas and to are also invited to attend. get better acquainted. One of the first activities of Sodalists at the Mount wll1 the newly formed alumni asso
continue to sponsor the practice, ciation of Bishop Stang High in
begun last month, of saying the North Dartmouth will be the
rosary three times daily in the Christmas Cotillion, a dance to
chapel. It is possible, they feel, be sponsored for the benefit of
for any girl at the Academy to the scholarship fund to be insti
be present for at least one of tuted for the class of 1964. Offi
the recitations. cers of the group are Raymond
Regional Convention Sherman, Holy Cross, president;
Stephen Nolan, student council Diane Riendeau, Emmanuel,
president at Bishop Feehan High vice-president; Margo Dionne,
in Attleboro, presided at this Newton, recording secretary;
Elaine Banville, Bryant; Peter
week's assembly and gave a re Lawrence, New Bedford Tech,
port of the senior council's at. tendance at the student council treasurer.
More than one third of the
regional convention in Scituate. Stephen spoke on the general student body at Prevost High in
meeting and the other council Fall River have attained honor
officers reported on the sectional roll distinction. Congratulation..
LAY FACULTY: Lay faculty members at Dominican Academy, Fall River, include, meetings.
Debate Clubs
from left, Mrs. Denise Corey, Mrs. June Roberts, Misa Nancy Walsh. At the same assembly Sister
The Douai Chapter of the Mary Urban, R.S.M., principal, National Honor Society at Sa presented gold student council cred Hearts Academy in Fan lege was feature. spOOker. Rep dents wW prepare speeches and detaned report on the results 01
pins to the senior council and River has recently tackled the resentatives from a number of practiCe delivery under 1be the lTED Achievement -tests ad_
to each homeroom representa . problem of bulletin board news colleg~ attended and spoke lUidance of Mr. Thibault. ministered to seniors and fresh
tive. The pins show the steeple casting. Marybeth Donovan and about their' particular colleges. . Mock Trial men.
and cross wbich rise over Feehan Kathleen Raposa handle "What's The National, Honor Society Next week juniors and seniors ' Sister' Mary liortense, princi~
and the .dove, symbol of the New?" while Margaret Donnelly spotlighted the week by spon in the French class at Sacred pal, will discJ;lss in a' separate
Holy Spirit, echoolpatron. Offi_ prepares' "seniors News." An 'soring an essay: ~ntest for Hearts Academy in Fairhaven 'session for seniors and· juniors ears received an additio:p91 pin Ecumenical Council bulletin freshmen and sop,homores and wUl commemorate the feast dey the process of college adm-ission. naming the office. Members of bOard is the result Of the joint a poster contest far juniors and of Mother Henriette Aymer de from the viewpoints of College the Itudent patrol received a efforts of Mary Kelly and Mary Ileniors. The theme of the con ]a Chevalerie by viewing a film Entrance Examination Board green enameled pin with a sham tests is ''Catholic Educ&tion strip on her life. Mother Che .lICOres, rank hi class, principal'. Lou Sullivan. rock superimposed. yalerie is revered as the found. recommendation, overall marks The St. Anthony High School Strengthens the Nation." Advent Wreaths ress of the' Sisters oJ: the SaCred in grades nine through 12, the .Library Drive debating society in New Bedf9rd At Dominican Academy in FaU continues with its program of record of scores on achievement ,Members of the National Hearts. River senior sodalists will be training and experience far the In connection with their study and intelligence tests, and extra Honor Society at Cassidy High making Advent wreaths to be oncoming tournaments for the of "Macbeth," seniors in the curricular activities. The pur displayed in their homes. This season 1963-64. This coming have begun their program of team teaching program at Mount pose of the meeting is to discover project will give the sodalists Saturday the society will send tutoring underclassmen. Student. St. Mary's Academy .enjoyed strengths and weaknesses of the, an opportunity to participate in four varsity debaters and four desiring additional help in math, recordings of their favarite oollege~bound studoent and to the lay apostolate by bringing members of the junior varsity languages, and science receive scenes in the play. 'The records coordinate the efforts of faculty the meaning of Advent and team to the Melrose High school private coaching at a time con venient to them, either after featured Paul Rogers, Maurice and parents to guide the student. Christmas to their family and tournament in Melrose. Evans and Julie Andrews. school or on week-ends. And today at Holy Family
friends. And American History classes The debate team from Prevost Confraternity of Christian High seniors listened to an' ad
Suzanne Chandler, Anchor re have been attracting a great deal will meet teams from Bishop porter at Sacred Hearts Academy Hendricksen of Warkick, Sacred Doctrine officers heve been of i~t~rest lately at the Mount. d:ress by Mr. John Madigan, •
elected for the coming year at representative from Boston Col
in Fairhaven, informs us that a Students of Miss Ursula Jarusz Hearts of Pawtucket and Mount mission stamp contest is now st. Mary'. Of Fall River. The Jesus-Mary Academy. They are: reski's history classes ataged lege. He spoke- on the values of
Louise Demers, president; Lor college life and answered ques
underway at the Academy. The varsity recently a1ltended a de raine Yokell, vice-president; mock trials complete with tions.
girls are collecting cancelled . judge, lawyers, a defendant, a bate elinic at Tufts University. Pat,ricia Dumais, secretary; Lea stamps which are later to be They were first entertained b7 plaintiff, witnesses and a jury. packaged and 1lO1d. Proceeds wiU the Boston College debaters who Laflamme, treasurer. The cases tried included aD The officers and approximate be donated to the toreign miI automobile accident, a libel ease de1eated MIT representatives. 17 25 other students at the acad and a malpractice suit. 8ionil. The Prevost six then were ad At Feehan High :a series of emy. ,give religious elasses to Convalescent Home. Inc.
dresSed ~ Mr. Bernard 'M. Open House talks is being given over the Kramer, professor at Tufts public school children, grades 109 GREEN STREET FAIRHAVEN
Sacred Hearts Academy m P A system encouraging visits to one through eight every Monday WY 4·76"43
School of MediCine. After lunch Fall Rilver is planning an educa the Blessed Sacrament and clevo. afternoon. . announce. additional 'accommo
they participated in group work tional double header, reports The library drive at Feehan tion to the holy lOuIs. dation. for men and women
Special Diet.
U Hour Care Also at Feehan arrangements ;lhops. Most of the other schools ' has. given many extra houl'fl of Kathleen Silvia, at its Ope~ ,and academ.lesthroughout the, house on next Monday evening, Open for in.pedion alway.
work' to Sister M. Thomas are being completed for formal Prop. Lena M, Pilling
Aquinas and the members of the Nov. 25. Mr. Robert Hoy, New distribution of lOdality rule :Diocese abo attended. and Joan Larrivee
The newq arganized debating library club.' It iii • lab'or of England staH director of Science books. Father Steakem will pre 8ide at the ceremony. Moderator. club at Sacred Hearts Academy love, bowfilver. More tlian 60() Research Associates, will give a In Fairhaven will hold a practice books have been processed thus of the sodality are Sister :M817 debate with the novice debaters, :Iar and are now on the shelvei Angelica and Mr. Bartek. R. A~ WILCOX CO. from Holy- "emily High on Sat CYO Convention IllS a result of the drive and the larday, Noy. 28; The elub h8~ alSo Office 'Equipment
'111e following stu~ents from work of the librar,. staff. OFFICE FURNITURE '11he final step in the drive to, Jesus-Mary Academy .. "an had aeverel -debates with the ....... f.w 1__Mla" o.UT."
River were among thOR attend Iw>viee debaten frQPl a AD add 6000 books to the shelves of • DESKS • CHAIRS 1bon7'. High. NEW AND· USED
ing the CYO Ililtional convention·
Feehan library will be held iJl FILING CABINETS Wood and Steel De.... and u.1n March when the Feehan Frolic in New York: Patricle Laberge, CoUeI'e Da7 .teeJ filina cablneta. locken. .he~. Yice-president of the Fall River will be presented. Proceeds from • FIRE FILES • SAFES Both the National Honor 80 Ina. table.. .tonae cablneta. . f•• wardrobe.. et.I. area CYO; Marie Mellen, Yiee eiet:r and ibe Student CouncU 1I1is dramatic event, it is hoped, FOLDING TABLES president of the Notre Dame !lave been active In connectiOll w.lll bring about this happy re 108 Jam. AND CHAIRS Dear UnlOIl parish CYO; Helen Ameen; with National Education Week. 8Ult. , , _ Street R. A. WILCOX CO. And beginning next week, Elaine Nasser, lIPiritual ehair 'rhe .t1HieDt eouncll .sponsored a man of the CYO at st. An~ college d8:r program at which Feehan students will present NewBed10rcl 22 BEDFORD ST. another "first," initiating broad_ of the Desert parish; and L)'DIIIe Sister Anna Therese, SUSC, pro FAll RIVER 5-7838 1VY a-UBa KuIOuQ. . 011 bIlItoq iii BoatoD Col- CI6Sts over atation WAHA. Stu
THE ANCHOR-Dioc:eee of FaR River-11tur'I. Nov. 21.1963
Chicago; Hospital Seeks $24 MilliC)ft
Boys School Special Gifts
$7• • I'an River Herald News $5.000
Rt. Rev. ~ed ~ Bonneau at. Rev. Henri A. Hamel Rt. Rev. Raymond T. Considine Rev. Felix S. Childs Rev. John E. Boyd Rev. Joseph A. Cournoyer 1964 Feast Committee of Santo Christo Parish Rev. Anthony M. Gomes Salvo Machinery, Inc. Salvo's Golden Fooda Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Regaa $4,000
Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev.
Arthur W. Tansey Edward Dowling Daniel F. Shalloo George E. Sullivan $3,000
Rev. Arthur C. dos BellI
In memory of Rey. Raymond
H8JIlel $2,500
J &; J Corrugated Box Corp., Rev. Alfred J. Gendreau, Rev. Laureanno C. dos Rels, Rev. Henri J. Charest, Rev. George Daigle.
Rev. Maurice Lamontagne, Rev. Augusto Furtado, Rev. I'rancis A. McCarthy, Rev. -Jo lIeph K. Welsh, Rev. Ar1t1ur Dupuis. In memory of Rev. Joseph M. Silva, In memory of Rev. Joseph L. Cabral, AnonymoU& $%.000
Rev. Joseph R. Pannonl, Rev. William R. Jordan, Rev. Joao V. Rezendes, Rev. J oao de Medeiros, 1a memory of Rev. Joseph Bourque. $1,500
Poirier Buck Inc., Alden Char Ities, First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Fall River, St. Vincent de Paul Soc~ of Notre Dame Parish, Mr. Patrick ~. Phelan. Miss Helen V. Shay, Mr. &; Mrs. William T. Manning Jr., Dr. & Mrs. Richard Donovan, Anonymous, Robert A. WilCOE Company. . Miss Helen Sullivan, Mrs. Arthur A. Plante, Dr. '" Mrs. Hilary White, Mr. &; Mrs. Charles Lapre, Mr. &; Mrs. An thony and Mr. '" Mrs. Thomas Terpak. Rev. John G. Carroll, Mrs. Leo LaCroix, Dr. &; Mrs. Roland Chabot, Dr. &; Mrs. William H. Langfield, Dr. &; Mrs. Roger E. Cadieux. In memory of Mr. '" Ml'L Ovila Desmarais. $1,200
10 memory of Mr. ward McMahon
_ &;
Mrs. Ed
Mr. & Mrs. James O'Brien Jr.• Mr. William P. O'Brien, Mrs.' James O'Brien Sr., Mr. &; Mrs. John Maher & Family, Misses Kathleen & Mona Kennedy, Mrs. Donald L. MacDonald. $1,000
Rev. Joseph Eid, Mr. &; Mrs. George Hurley, Anonymous, James T. ,Diskin, St. Vincent de_ Paul Society of St. Mary'. Cathedral. Hurley Family, Lionel Beau doin and Sons, Inc., Mrs. Francis Doolan, Barney Levesque, Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph F. Phelan. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Burke, Mr. & Mrs. John E. Connolly, Mr. & Mrs. Eugene _Pontiff, The Misses Anna, Gertrude and Mary Kelly, Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Shea. Dr. & Mrs. James Sullivan II, The Devine Family, Mrs. Mich ael O'Rourke and Maureen, Mr. &: Mrs. Leo Berube, Mr. & Mrs. Noel Giard. Mr. &; Mrs. Chester Nuttall, William Nuttall _and Chester Huttall Jr., Roland Desmarais, Michaud & Poirier Insurance Co., Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Boyko Sr., Albert Petit. Ladies of St. Anne Society of
Notre Dame Parish, Mr. Ie Mrs. Rene H. Bernier, HolT Name Society of Notre Dame Parish, Children of M8l'T Sodality of Our Lady of Angels Parish, St. Vincent de Paul Conference of .. Our Lady of Angels Parish. Our Lady of Angels Holy Rosary Sodality, Mrs. Philo mena Pannoni Germane, Mrs. Maria Raiche, Women'. Guild of Holy Rosal'7 Parish, Mr. &: Mrs. Mariano Pimental. Dr. James Sabra, Mr. &: Mrs. Antonio DiRuzza, Mr. &: Mrs. Peter Patota, Mr. &: Mrs. Frank Mazzoni, Mr. Ie Mrs. Salvatore Carpinelli. SEVENTH SON: Louis E. Holy Rosary Parish Men'. Scerri, who is from Malta, Confraternity of the Rosary, Mrs. Genevieve Hennessey, has pronounced vows at Misses Margaret and Adelia West Baden College in" in Connell, Rev. Paul G. Connolly, diana where he is studying Dr. Ie Mrs. Raymond B. Four for the priesthood. He is the nier. 3eventh son in his immediate Mr. &; Mrs. Roger LaFrance, family to become a . Jesuit. Rev. Luiz G. Mendon~, Jane G. Broderick, Dr. &; Mrs. Robert NC Photo. Hackett, Edward M. Corbett. William F. Fitzgerald, Mrs, Lucian D. Cardinal, Mr. Ie Mrs. Anch'e G. Giroux, Mrs. Cora H._ Giroux, Mr. &; Mrs. Nannan R. Boule. WASHINGTON (NC) - Cau Miss Cecile A. Sutton, Mr. a: tious optimism is the current at Mrs. William Hurn, Mrs. Mar·, titude of Brazilion Church garet Casey, St. Joseph'. Parish leaders toward the clergy situa Men's Club, St. Joseph'. Parisb tion there, according to a new Women's Guild. report on the vocations picture MIss Valerie Foley, Atty. in Brazil Francis Meagher, Mr. '1'homa. Enrollment in Brazilian semi Conroy &: Katherine Conro)'-, naries is now nearing 18,000 Mrs. William Chippendale, MI'. but at least 60,000 priests are im James Whalon, Miss Margaret mediately needed to care for the R. Sullivan. spiritual needs of Brazillan Dr. &: Mrs. Paul B. Lamber1" Catholics, the report says. Mr. &; Mrs. Edmour Thibaul'" The report was prepared b,' Joseph Cayer, Mrs. Anna Hamel, Father Edmund H. Lei sin & Dr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Dionne. O.M.I., Catholic Relief Services Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel D. PerI1f, - National Catholic Welfare Sheila Higgins, In honor of Msgr. Conference director for Brazil, and was made public here by the Edmund J. Ward, Miss EvangeJl ine C. McDonald, St. Vincent die NCWC Latin America Bureau. Paul Society of St. Patrick'. Population Gl'owth Parish, Fall River. Efforts to change traditional Mr. &; Mrs. Charles Veloz.. ideas that militate against voca Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph C. Keefe, tiOn.l to the priesthood are a Holy Name Society of St. Pat major part of the Brazilian rick's Parish, Fall -River, Co:r Bishops' vocations program, the nelius Cahili, Mrs. Thomas J!L atudy says. Cahill Sr., Thomas Cahill J:r., One of these a· the idea that _Joseph P. Conaty. It is easier and less expensive 'Iio . Mr. Daniel J. Lynch and MiSSel import priests than to obtain Catherine A. and Helen C. S. them from among the native Lynch, Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas Co1te, population. The results are re Mr. &: Mrs. Roger Valcourt, Mr. flected in the makeup of the &: Mrs. Herve Lagasse, Mr. '" Brazilian clergy today - ap Mrs. John Brilliant. proximately 6,000 native and Manuel S. Martins Jr., Mr. & 6,000 missionary priests. Mrs. John P. Costa, Atty. &: Mrs. The report says the need for John J. Harrington, George A. clergy is increased and under Graham, Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph P. lined by Brazil's dramatic popu Costa. lation growth. Some 2.5 million Mrs. Mary Thomas, Mr. & Mrs. people are added each year to Joseph Botelho, Mr. Alfred Mon the current population total of teiro and Mr. Richard Martin, 80 million. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Benevides Sr., Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Jacome Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Sousa-, JVIr. Vermont Educators & Mrs. Joseph Coray, Rev. Pat rick J. O'Neill, Atty. &: Jlflrs. Favor Amendments MONTPELIER (NC) ..:... The James W. Killoran, Mr. &: Mrs. Vermont State School Directors' Harold W. Meehan. Mr. &; Mrs. Pierre Picard, Association adopted a resolution favoring an amendment to the Mrs. Gertrude and Miss Veron U.S. Constitution to permit res ica Apps, Mrs. George Goolfel low, Dr. & Mrs. Leonard N. :Bil_ toration of religioull exercises ill odeau, Miss Margaret C. Lynch. public schools on a voluntar, basis. Mrs. Agnes and Ruth S. Munro, There was opposition to the Mr. &: Mrs. William R. FllrIlD, Mr. & Mrs. Roland J. Mart(~lly, resolution from the Norwich Charles F. Kinnane, Dr. &: Mrs. School Board, which said it wu "not sure that, under existing Robert Dufour. circumstances, the (praver) 're Mr. & Mrs. HeDr7 FOJ:1ier citation' and appropriate obser Frank B. Souza, In memor;y of vances' of the resolution would Mrs. Arthemise Goyette, M:r. &; be effective in the public Mrs. Manuel Travers, Mr. &: Mrs. schools." Frederick Badwey. -The adopted resolution recom Atty. & Mrs. J. Edward Lajoie, mended "adoption of an amend Atty. &: Mrs. John F. 0':000 ment to the Constitution of the oghue, Mr. Napoleon M~lrier, United States specifically per Students of -SS. Peter &; J~ul, mitting, on a voluntary b.... CathOlic Women's Club Oj~ St. the . recitation of the _ Lord'. Michael's, Ocean Grove. Prayer and other appropriate In memory of Rev. E\l,gene observances recognizing the
Dion. existence of a Divine BeinJ,"
from the Frank J. Lewa Foun dation. New buildings planned are a 500-bed, 12-atory hospital, two research buildings, a nurses resi dence, a nursing home for the elderly, and an intern-resident building.
CHICAGO ( If C) - Merq -Hospital, Chicago'. oldest insti tution for care of the sick, hal launched a $24 million building and expansion program. _ The 114-year-old institution'. fund raising campaign got un derway with a $1.2 million gift
Brazil Vocations Total Increases
.. Redee. tile 9dI W.ek Coupal
"at '011
received in tile ...
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Sweet Peas RNAST FlNAST - Field Fresh Flavor Corn Whole Kernel FIMAST - Boiled Whole' Onions
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....! AHCHOR-DioeeIe of Fallti¥er-Thurs. Nov. fl, 1961
NEW BEDFORD FRANCISCANS: Our Lady's Chapel in New Bed ford offers variety of services to area residents. Left, Brother Bonaven ture, in charge of pamphlet room, aids in selection of religious reading. Right, it's a moment 6f relaxation for 'Rev. Charles B. Hayes, who conducts
Cardinal Urges Efforts to Aid Equal Rights
St. Anthony Novena at Chapel, as he watches Rev. Jordan F. McGrath put finishing touches to self-sculpture which will be Christmas gift for his parents. Franciscans hear confessions daily, all day, schedule many Masses on Sundays and weekdays for convenience of their mobile flock.
Our Lady's Shrine in New Bedford Thriving Urges Hospita I" Prot·ect Image L I T.T L E ROCK (NC) '-"- A Cell of Religious Activity in Diocese public relations specialist told Catholic hospital administrators here that no one on a hos'Jital staff can afford to neglect his institution's public image. "If any hospital person says 'I don't care what the public thinks about this hospital,' that person - whether an administra!or, . doctor, nurse, board member or employe - is a liability to: all ing Japan, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, hospitals," said Robert J. O'Con Brazil and Bolivia. nor of Ridgewood, N.J. The priests also operate a O'Connor, president of the seminary, a"university, a college,· public relations firm of O!Con houses of study, retreat houses nor and Flanagan, Inc., said any and two high schools. hospital that allows itself tq· be As for information about the "misunderstood or public dis tertiary arm of the Order, those trusted" does harm to the interested in the Franciscan standing of all hospitals. priesthood or brotherhood may apply to Our Lady's Chapel, 572 Pleasant Street, New Bedford.
NEW YORK (NC) _. A thriving cell of religious activity in the Fall River Diocese is Our Lady's Chapel in Francis Cardinal Spellman New Bedford. From eight priests in 1959, when The Anchor's last series of articles has called on the country to on religious communities in the Diocese was running, the Shrine has grown to the extent "move rapidly ahead"· in that it is now served by 13 Franciscan Fathers as well as a Brother. Confessions are giving all citizens equal oppor heard daily from 6 :30 in the course of study, including one Holy Name Province staffs 38 tunity in jobs, housing and edu morning until 9 at night, year as novices, four years of parishes in 21 Dioceses and eation. with a priest on duty at all study beyond ~ollege and an Archdioceses and Las missions in "A momentum has developed; times; and there are numer other year of pastoral theology many parts of the world, includ It must not be allowed to lag," the Archbishop of New York laid.
"Not content with mere gen eral declarations of principle, we must involve ourselves with all men of good will in specific efforts to advance the great cause of equal rights," he added. Cardinal Spellman's remarks were contained in a letter sent to the Thomas More Society here in connection with its fourth annual Civil Rights Mass. The Mass was offered in St. Francis Xavier church. Praising the observance, Car dinal Spellman said it is "most fitting that the great prayer of the Mass be offered that true human dignity and due civil status be properly recognized and accorded to every person."
Holy Cross Brothers College Gets Loan WASHINGTON (N C) - A U.S. college housing loan for a men's residence hall at St. Edward's University, Austin, Tex., bas been approved by the Community Facilities Administration here. The new, three-story builcUng 1rill house 150 men and have lounge, laundry, and fiorage lirea-. The college conduded br Holy Crose Brothers, had Ie ported 113 OIl ita students live .. _bstandard facilities. Tbe eoI
lege bu
daily and Sunday Masses, scheduled with the convenience Of New Bedfordites. in mind. :In cluded is a "printers' Mass" for" late workers at the nearby New Bedford Standard Times build ing. The Blessed Sacrament i.s ex posed daily, there are several continuous novenas, and rosary and Benediction are also sched uled daily. The Chapel opened in 1956 and is one of a number operated by the Franciscans in New York, Boston, Providence and other large cities. Other services provided by the Fathers for their ever ,ehanging congregation include a well-stocked religious articles store, an always manned infor mation booth and the opportu nity of entering religious in 11truction classes at any time. Present superior is Rev. David l1'leming,O.F.M. Old, Famous, Large One of the oldest, best known send largest Orders in the Church, the Franciseans, 01' Order of li'riars Minor were founded by St. Francis of Assisi. The gen eral motherhouse is in Rome and the New Bedford Fathers belong to the Holy Name Province, with headquarters in New York City. The Province· counts nearly 800 priests, with an additional 595 clerics, novices and semi narians in training. There are 1'26 Brothers and 11 oblates.· leminarians follow an intensive' 0\16
following ordination. . Brothers receive two and a half years of training, are novices for a year, then make their first vowa. Final vows are made three years later. The picturesque. Franciscan habit includes a brown cowled robe, cinctured with a white cord, a large· rosary and what is virtually the Franciscan "trade mark," open sandals. Third Order Laymen and Diocesan priests may join in the good works and merits of the Order by becoming tertiaries. There are chapters affiliated with the Chapel and Bishop Connolly 1$ counted among clerical members. For in_ formation about joining, one may see any of the New Bedford Franciscans.
Sees Family Concern Key to Democracy MONTREAL (NC) - Concern for the well being of the family is the criterion of a truly demo cratic government, Quebec Pre mier Jean Lesage has told 2,000 delegates to the annual congress of Les Foyers Notre Dame here. "A government is good, bad or indifferent in the measure of its service to the family," he stressed. Les Foyers Notre Dame is an association. of young married couples seeking to" perfect the Christian· family. . "
GONDOLA RESTAURANT and LOUNGE on Lake Sabbatia I II. 1094 Bay Street II t TAUNTON
VA 4-8754
WY 2-6216
Complete Line Building Materials
Fall River, New Bedford
Cape Cod Area
WYman 3-2611
Nation-wide Moven
WYman 3-0904
304 Kempton St. New
THE AN":: 'OR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 21, 1963
Supreme Court Studying Birth Control Law
Congress Speaker Scores Peculiar Idea of Freedom
HARTFORD (NC) - The '"sweep of the 'statute" was ~mphasized by Chief Justice John Hamilton King as he
NEW YORK (NC) - A "peculiar idea of freedom" in lIDs country has resulted in placing American 'you th in a dogmatic but morally precarious position, a priest-expert 011 family life said at a Catholic youth convention here. -one of America's sacred "If the world and its institu eows is its youth," Msgr. tions are to be saved," he stated, Ceorge A. Kelly, director of "they will be saved by laymen. lite New York Archdiocesan If a new social order is to be l'emily
J'OWlg adult session at the Na
tional Catholic Youth Organiza tion Federation convention. CYO members from Fall ~, Attleboro, Norton, Taun tea and New Bedford were emong 6000 delegates to the Mtventh national CYO conven tion, held last weekend. "'In no other country are the ~ung better washed, more inoc ulated, better understood," Msgr. Kelly said. "And yet nowhere else are they so much a problem. .Amost everywhere else young fiers are afraid of their parents, 1he cop on the corner, the priest • or out of the confessional Learned Lessons -But in the United States, the minority called 'youth' runs al most everyone else. Certainly our 80cial workers and our courts blame juvenile delionquency on ...eryone else but the juveniles," he added. "'Nor do I blame American JIOUth," he continued. "The only troUble with our boys and girls • that they are too smart, they bave learned their lessons too well. ~ sat sometime ago in a ~ical American home. The mother gave an order. The son ftplied: 'I don't have to do any Ibing I don't want to do.' He was eight." Msgr. Kelly asserted that "all 01. this is a result of our peculiar Mea of freedom: anyone has the perfect right to do what he wants to do, and the more that people want to do something, au. more this makes it right." ReSlJonsipilit,. "'We have our American Civil LIberties Union but no Ameri ean civil responsibility union;" be added. ''We have our societies to protect rights, but societies to eliminate wrong are considered iMcist." Msgr. Kelly said that "even !Ill Catholic circles" there is beard "so much of such plati tudes as 'youth must decide for themselves.' " "'Law, order, right, even God," be stated, "must wait upon ac eeptance even by the eight-year-· old, or the 18-year-old, for that matter, who could well destroy bbnself-and often has-by tak the magazines, the educators, . . the politicians too seriously." LaT Apostola&e Particularly needed in these 1Imes, the monsignor said, ia a Rong lay apostolate.
Thanksgiving Award For 'Hope ' Director DUBUQUE (NC) - Dr. Wil Dam B. Walsh, director of Pro ject HOPE, will receive the first annual Thanksgiving Award of Clarke College at a convocation bere in Iowa next Tuesday. Tohe award has been estab Bahed to honor an American "'whose service to the country and its citizens merits distinc tion." Project HOPE is a privately JlUPport~d pro g ram bringing medical care and training to persons in underdeveloped re gions. In 1961 the hospital ship HOPE visited 11 ports in South east Asia. From May, 1962, to June, 1963, it was stationed at Trujillo, Peru. Dr. Walsh is a professor at the Georgetown Un iversity medical school, Wash iDaton, D.C.
constructed, it is going to be built by laymen. This is not work that can be done by priests." . "It is my opinion," Msgr. Kelly continued "that single Catholics are not carrying their weight in the lay apostolate. Perhaps my day-to-day experience with fam_ ily groups biases my judgment, but my impression is that the identifiable American lay apos tles are more often married than single. This should not be." More and Better He said, however, that 'he wa1, not calling "for the apostolic involvement of the single juSI; because they are single or Cath.. olic." "It takes more than a Catholie family background or a Catholif: college education to provide the lay leadership we need," he said. "To undertake apostolic work in the world, you must have proper motivation, spiritual ;for mation, technical skills and th,~ ability to work effectively with others." "What we need then," he con cluded, "is more and better Catholic action groups of sin~le people."
Pope Lauds Family' Rosary Crusade NEW YORK (NC) - Pope Paul VI has praised the Family Rosary Crusade for its wide spread i n flu e n c e since its founding in 1942. He said in a message to Father Patrick P e y ton, C.S.C., the crusade's founder and director: "Weare pleased to note that i,n the past 21 years the Family Rosary Crusade has carried the message of family prayer to the peoples of 32 countries, bringing together approximately 20 mil lion persons. "To achieve the lofty ailll8 of the crusade, you and your t81 ented collaborators have used the mass media of communica tions effectively, an'S the 15 films and radio series that tell the story of the 15 mysteries of the Rosary are indeed worthy of praise."
See Sudan Easing Missionary Policy WASHINGTON (NC) - The Moslem government of Sudan seems to have softened its atti tude toward Christian mission aries, according to advices re ceived from Catholic observ,~rs in neighboring African countries. Reports said no missionaries have been expelled from Sudan in the past five months, althou.gh more than 150 missionaries, in. cluding 110 Catholics had hf:en expelled earlier. Also reported wa·s lifting of restrictions on travel between the southern provinces, where most of the country's Christians live, and the rest of the country.
Clinic To Expand. ROCHESTER (NC) -An eight-story addition to the sur gical unit of St. Mary's Hospital here is being planned, Sister M. Brigh, administrator, announeed. The hospital, staffed by the Sis ters of St. France~ works c10llely with the world-famed Mayo Clinic here in Minnesota.
NEW LOOK IN CHURCHES: Gleaming glass and sleek lines of concrete shape the new St. Florian Church in Vienna, Austria, located across the street from the old baroque structure which serviced the congregation before. It was built to replace the old church which was standing in the way of through traffic in Vienna's fifth district. NC Photo.
Unified Action Needs United Effort Continued from Page One ism may, please God, result in larism in our social philosophy, a renewed commitment to spir materialism in our concept of itual values, tw-ning our search the good life and expediency in for wealth into a vocation of our moral code." service," they said. The Bishops said secularism, As for the "sad controversy which regards God and religion over civil rights;" the Bishops as irrelevant to everyday life, is said that the desire 'for a more enjoying "increasing establish perfect union "can yet rally the ment as an official American moral energies of the nation to view of life." They said it can complete the 'unfinished busi be found in education, marriage, ness' of the Emancipation Proc business and recreation. lamation by full recognition of Materialism, they' continued, an their rights for millions of is reflected increasingly in mor Our fellow citizens of the Negro al values. "Security in the com race." forts of living is too often our The prelates also discussed the major, even our controllin£ courts, saying that while tribu concern," they said. nals must be vigilant to protect Use Expediency justice, "the people must be vig They added that "as an aUlu 'ilant too, lest the courts· • • an em nation, we are unfortunately nul the original determination acquiring the vices associated that ours be a government of with irresponsible materialists; laws, not of men." over-indulgence, excessivc gam bling and the insatiable demand for .excitement." The third problem they char acterized as "the frequent use of expediency rather than prin ciple in meeting our social prob lems." Typical of this defect, they '!laid, is the "confusion and ten sion surrounding the so-called 'race question'." . Social justice, they charged. under the influence of secular ism and materialism, "becomes merely political matter and we remain as a nation morally tor- . tured by racial injustice in schools, 'obs, housing, communal facilities, even in the most ob vious area, of democrati<: 1Uf frage." The proper approach to the race issue, they said, 'is to treat all men and women as persons, without reference to pattern. of difference." Unless the Declaration 01. In dependence is taken to mean what it says about inalienable rights and their divine origin; unles the salute to the flag in cluding Lincoln's phrases 'under God,' is uttered without tongue in cheek; unless the plain intent of the Constitution is whole. heartedly endorsed-any talk of 'law and order' is worse than poor policy; it is hypocrisy, they said. "Men of good will are finding that they must work together to 'stem the march toward secular ism. Reaction against material-
questioned counsel for both sides at a hearing by the state's high est eourt on Connecticut's 84 year-old birth cc:mtrol law. Chief Justice King presided at the hearing in the state Supreme Court of Errors on an appeal by two officials of the Planned Par enthood Association. Mrs. EstelieT. Griswold and Dr. C. Lee Bu.xton of New Haven are appealing their con viction on Jan. 2, 1962, on charges of advising married women on the use of contracep tives. Each was fined $100 in New Haven Circuit Court. This is the fourth time in less than a quarter of: a century that the birth control statute has come before the state's highest court. The law has been upheld on all three prior ocasions. The Chief JUHtice raised the question of the law's reasonable ness when he noted the difficulty of enforcing a law that prohibits the use of contraceptives. He said the test of reasunableness eould be used in declaring a law unconstitutional. 'Dea.d 'WorcJ8' The two appellants were acting director and medical di rector, respectively, of the Planned Parenthood Center in New Haven. The center opened Nov. 1, 1961, and closed 10 day. later with the arrest of Mrs. Griswold and Dr. Buxton. Five months earlier the U.S. Supreme Court had declined to issue a ruling on the birth con trol statute on 1;he grounds that no one had been jailed or fined for violating it and that, since the law was generally disre garded, it consisted of mere "dead words." The present challenge of the statute's eonstitutionalit,. differ. from its predeceuors in that it ia the first time an actual criminal conviction under the law hu come before thl! Supreme CAlurt of Errors. After hearing arguments, the court continued the case until Tuesday, Dec. 3.
THE ANCHOR-":"'cese of Foil River-Thurs. Nov. :-:1', 1963
Nears Goal Continued froa Paee ODe Immaculate CoaceptiOD 70,430.00 Sacred Heart 81,075.00 St. Anne 33,370.00 St. Anthony of Padua .~1,880.00 St. Anthony of Desert 23,622.00 St. Elizabeth 18,300.00 St. Jean Baptiste 30,386.00 St. Jost"'uh 56,260.00 St. Louis 42,260.00 St. Mathieu 26,200.00 St. Michael 44,610.00 St. Patrick 60,060.00 SS. Peter and Paul 31,690.00 St. Roch 55,040.00 St. Stanislaus 31,800.00 St. William 45,650.00 Santo C'hri~to 31,260.00 ASSONET 8t. Bernard 8,230.00 CENTltAL VILLAGE St. John Baptist 22,150.00 NOR.TH WESTPOR.T Our Lady of Grace 27,340.00 OCEAN GROVE St. Michapl 26,1150.00 SOl\-IERSET 48,000.00 St. .Juhn of God St. Patrkk 53,547.00 St. Thomas More 44,780.00 SWANSEA Our Lady 'of Fatima 35,915.00 St. Dominic 20,280.00 St. Louis 26,950.00
Denies Vietnam Crisis Religious VATICAN CITY (NC) Commenting on the situation in Vietnam, L'Osservatore Romano noted again that the internal situation of that country has been given an unfortunate and unjust "religious coloration." The Vatican City paper said that "like other members of his family, Diem was a Catholic. Opposition to his system of government had taken on, in the
Msgr. Hamel Continued &0_ Page 0 . . of patriotiSM. Thank God, Air Force. You are America in action. You are the Free World in evolution. You embod,. the noblest upiratioM of mankind. You enrich the legacy of humanity. Together with the Army and Navy, :rou safeguard the precioutl freedom. that give men dignity. Future generations will • i D I your praise.
which are now universaDJ' recognized even on the BuddbAli side," the paper said. "The Church has in fact lIP peared in the eyes of all in htw true light of independendeDce from any political link, motbel' and teacher of justice and cal charity, the protector of the ~ pressed without any discrim& nation of religious creed 01' ell poltical opinion," it added. -""i~.S :CU=-IlI. -.i~
Save Cash on A&pls Thanksgiving Values' Super-Right Qual'"
AWARD: Jacques Mari tain, a convert to Catholi cism, has been awarded France's nat ion a I grand prize for letters. At 81, he is living at his retreat near Toulouse, France. NC Photo.
Cut From Fresh Young Corn-Fed Western Porkers
Super-Riglrt Quality, Grade A
Ready-to-Coolc, U.S. Goo/t. 'nso.
Church Building All of $500 A&P Super Markets Open 'til 9 p.m. Tu••., Wed., Next Week
George Nolan, C.P., of Bos
8 to
ton showed them they didn't know which end to hold. But with 100 such primitive tribesmen of the Philippines called Bila-ans, the Passionist missionary has built the first concrete and wood church in this mountain region. It seats
LB43 ;:1: LB39
Construction lasted 10 months.
Thanks to American benefactors,
the volunteer workers received adequate living salaries for the entire period. Total cost of con struction - $500. All materials for the church were taken directly "off the mountain" except the galvanized iron sheets which the worken carried on their heads from the lowlands.
Super-Right Yellow Ripe llnd Nutritioua
A tabernacle and stations of
the Cross were donated by Bos
ton's Society for the Propaga ti~n of the Faith. A life-size, hand-carved wooden altar-cru
cifix was a gift of the provincial of the Passionist Fatheps in
America. After its blessing this Christ mas by Brooklyn-born Bishop Quentin Olwell, C.P., Prelate NuUiu8 of MarbeI, the church
will serve as the central church for the Marbel prelature's mill SiOL'l for the 100,000 mountain tribesmen. 'I'he mUlSlon now include.· three free schoole for over 400
Bila-an children, eight make shift chapels in various scattered areu and 1,000 baptized Catho lies.
Priest Spurs Bolivia Cooperative
Grapes 2 29
I .... 29'
4 rOIl 19'
- Tangerines
.. 49'
4 '01 ~u 49'
Calrt Mix..
hnqu.t Proz.n ..". 1.. Your Chol::
Meat Dinners
II 01 ,..
Thill Mints
I' 01 PIli
s.c. t ~ If' Cheddar a..... ,m.... 69' CraIllMrry
t .... U
..vy...... .. ·MAKft' GOOD -.v.VY.
Nr , , '
t •• aMI r
Cat 'ood IANQUn
Meat Pits
I .., St..
•.... - I"
100 rT ROLl.
Instant COHN 7;A':tt. '; aac YOUI'
CANNED HAMS ~l~ 3.99 ZAl~ 2.59
Rib Roast·
SWllt Potato..
7" Cut, 3rd to 6th Rib
25 C
NEW YORIC (NC) - Under FJidance of a U.S. missional')' prie..t, the credit union mov... mer..t ill Bolivia hall growll In thre,e years from one grout> with 11 members to a country-wide movement of 80 credit uniol'ltl. Three years ago Father Joseph
W. Beausoleil, M.M., of New Haven, Conn., started a small eredit union in his mission parish in Bolivia. NEW ORLEANS (NC) - .A. Today Father Beausoleil ia telephone information aerviee man;llging director of the Boli here on Legion of Decency movie vian Fed era tl 0 D of Credit classifications has received 195, Uniona, whose 80 member grou~ 000 phone calls over the put two iJIl parishes, factories, c0m years. Calls to the Dial-A-Movie munities and labor unione service totaled 105,357 in the put have total aavU1gs of $144,000 12 months. Some 300 penGna and have made almost .,000 call daily. loanI· totaUnl. IIOme f245,OOO.
eyes of superficial observers and contrary to the statements of the government itself, a religious sll}Tlt which, at a certain mo ment, appeared to involve un justly Catholicism itself. "Public and private state ments by the Holy See and by the Holy Father Paul VI per sonally and by the Vietnam Hierarchy have served to under line the necessary distinctions
(NC) - They General Audience' had:\fARBEL never seen a hammer in their lives. When Father Gratifies Pope VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI expressed joy, gratitude and affection at the sight of the many thousands of people who attended his weekly general audience. Pope Paul made the occasion almost a family one as he spoke to visitors from all parts of the world, not about the momentous
events taking place in the Church but about themselves. He told them: "We rejoice because you are 80 numerous yet all members of one family, the Church; because you come from so many differ ent countriell; because you come great distances in order to meet Us, and especially because you are Christians and Catholics united in the same Faith and living the same life of grace..
Manifests bevotion "We are filled with gratitude you and Our desires for your
devotion to the Pope, your af
fection for him and your fidel ity to the Vicar of Christ, all of which you express by your fer
vent prayers for the Pope, for the Church and for the. world.
"We feel great affection for youan d Our desires for your
good are like those of a fa<ther for his children: that you should be strengthened in your Faith,
filled with good rellOlutioDfl, de termined to give good example and blessed with many divine graces of consolation, llanctifica tion, guidance, !M!I'enity and happiness."
eOllle 11'11"
JMle P.rk., llle 8" 1 Ib 8
OK . . . . . .
PUMPKIN or SQUASH PIE 4~ Wonderfoil AlU~:2~~~AP 2 PKOS 4' Tomato Juice ~:A ~~~Ol 29' JiHy Pie Crust Mix '::1 4 :K~ 4' Ann Page Brownie Mix ~~: 'ruit Cocktail GR~ A 2 1 ~A~~l 4'Danish Cookies ~:;O~~~~R :~~ 8~ Instant Potato ~~~~El ~~~ lOC Marvel Ice Cream ~~~~~~f v~;: Winter Hill Sweet Cider l~~aAL 4~ Mixed Pickles ':'~~~~s J~~ 3.. YUKON-&ALlOTHER 71PT1201 . . G·.nger Ale fLAVORS, CONTS. ONLY 80TS • A&P Mixed Nuts S~~lL P~U:D 4~ Large Eggs SUNN~~~~~~fRESH DOI54)C
_ _ _ III Ii]' '" ...... Iotd Ihn Sol., II... 11 l ,fftCII" It ALL AlP Super MarkelS I. this co,".""lr 01 flcl.'.... '-et ..-.1..11 MIl _ ""hlbll'" ly law nompl f,oll Plaid 51a"", off...
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. Nov. 21, 1963
ST.. JEAN BAPTISTE, FALL nIVER The Council of Catholic Women plans a Christmas party for Wednesday, Dec. 4 at Stone Bridge Inn. ST. ANTHONY, MATT .\.POISETT A Christmas auction and sup per are plaimed for Tuesday, Dec. 10 by the Altar and Rosary Society. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP, NEW BEDFORD Members of the Women's So eiety will view travel slides shown by Rev. Fulgence Gor ezyca at their meeting Sunday, Nov. 24.
SACRED HEART, OAK BLUFFS New Women's Guild officers are Mrs. John D. Sylvia, presi dent; Mrs. Arnold Muckerheide, vice-president; Mrs. Charles Davis, secretary; Mrs. Nelson· J. deBettencourt Jr., treasurer. . They will be seated in January. The unit's Christmas party is set for Monday, Dec. 9. Gifts will be brought for the Rose. Haw thorne Lathrop Home instead of for exchange between members. HOLY GHOST, ATTLEBORO The Mothers' Club will spon ~r a cake sale in the Cenacle on Sunday morning after all of the Masses. ST. ANTHONY, TAUNTON, Members of the parish plan a buffet supper for 8 Saturday night, Nov. 23 in the school hall. Rev. Maurice Souza, pastor, an nounces that advance ticket sale . .Is gratifying. ST. MARGARET, BUZZARDS BAY SS. Margaret-Mary G u i I d members will attend a Comun nion suppe~' Sunday, Dec. 15 at Bourne Mill. Judge Beatrice Hancock Mullaney will speak. The unit's December meeting
'will feature a gift exchange, • ehowing of a religious film, and ClOllection of funds to finance a
charitable Christmas project. ST. ELIZABETH, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild announces • turkey whist Saturday, Nov. 13 at the parish hall. Mrs. Giilda Ferreira is ticket chairman. An nual Christmas party will be held Saturday, Dec. 14, also at the hall. Members' husbands are invited and the program will in elude dinner and a gift exchange. , New officers of the unit are Mrs. Laura Mello, president; Mrs. Gilda Ferreira, vice-presi dent; Mrs. Irene Petisca, secre tary; Mrs. Delores Amaral, treasurer. ESPIRITO SANTO, FALL RIVER The PTA will sponsor a chil dren's Christmas party Sunday, Dec. 15 and hold its own party Tuesday, Dec. 10. ST. MATHIEU, FALL RIVER . The parish choir will prelPent a public concert at 8 Sunday night, Dec. 8. Program will consist of Christmas carols, traditional and foreign. Miss Elaine Kltrcher will direct the production and Roger Dufour will be organist. Moderator is Rev. Thomas E. Morrissey. ST. LOUIS, FALL RIVER Mrs. Fred O'Neil is chairman for the annual Women's Guild Christmas party, to' be held Monday, Dec. i.
ST. MICHAEL, OCEAN GROVE Parishioners will sponsor their annual Thanksgiving whist party at 8 Tuesday night, Nov. 26 in the church hall. Proceeds will benefit the church building fund. Door prizes will be awarded and there will be refreshments. Tickets are available from mem bers of the Women's Guild or at the door. ST. PATRICK, FALL RIVER A Christmas sale is planned for 5 Monday afternoon, Dec. 2 in the school building under sponsorship of the Women's Guild. A supper will follow at 6:30. The unit's Christmas party will be held Monday, Dec. 9, also in the school.
ST. PAUL, TAUNTON The following slate of offic~rs for the Women's Guild has been installed for the coming year: lVIiss Barbara McMann, presi dent; Mrs. James Lamb, vice ;;>resident; Mrs. Paul Michney, treasurer; Mrs. James Ramsay, secretary. ' Mrs. Walter Drewniak and Mrs. Albert Audet are co-chair men for the Christams scheduled for the Dec. 12th meeting.
ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER The Social Group will hold a whist party and pre-holiday sale Saturday, Nov. 30.
ST. THERESA, NEW BEDFORD The Couples' Club will sponsor a dance, "The Gobbler's Trot," at the Polish World War Veter ans' Hall on Saturday evening from 8 to' 12. Mr. and Mrs. Allain Lareau, gene~al chairmen, have an nounced that the affair is open to the public and tickets may be purchased at the door. Proceeds will benefit the school fund. Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Arsenault are serving as ticket chairmen.
ST. JOSEPH, FALL RIVER A Christmas bazaar and spa ghetti supper are planned for Tuesday, Dec. 3 by the Women's Guild. A turkey whist will be sponsored by this grouP. at 8 Thursday night, Dec. 21 in the Brightman Street parish hall.
BLESSED SACRAMENT, FALL RIVER The Council of Cat hoi i c Women will hold a Christmas party Sunday, Dec. 8 at Jean's Farm. ,Chairmen are Mrs. Bar bara Leboeuf and Mrs. Pauline Boissonneault. Reservations will close Sunday, Dec. 1.
SACRED HEART, ~ORTH ATTLEBORO A whist party and "slave aue tion" will be sponsored at 7:30 tonight in the parish hall. CYAO members will receive corporate Commu·nion at 8:30 Mass this Sunday morning, as will all parish youth groups. The CYO Good Will Club will meet at 4 Sunday afternoon in the school cafeteria. The Holy Union Sisters will sponsor a Christmas sale Satur day, Nov. 30.
The Ladies Guild announces its annual installation and Christmas party for Sunday, Dec. 8 at White's restaurant. Mrs. Doris Souza is in charge of arrangements. Gifts will be exchanged. A Mass for deceased members will be offered this month and a Christmas basket for the par ish Sisters is being arranged. Donations may be brought in Monday, Dec. 2. New officers are Mrs. Hilda 'Pacheco, president; Mrs. John Espinola, .' vice-president; Mrs. Gilbert Brazil; secretary; Mrs. John Pateakos, treasurer. NOTRE DAME,
The Holy Name Society will sponsor its annual turkey whist at 7:30 Saturday night, Nov. 23 in the school hall. Tickets are available from committee mem bers and will also be sold at the door. Rev. Adrien Bernier, chap lain, is honorary chairman with Gerard Roussel as chairman ex officio and Joseph Valiquette and Paul Dumais general coo, chairmen, aided by subcommit-, tees in charge of tickets, hall, s tag e , prizes, refreshments, punchers, finance and raffle. Over 50 turkeys will be awarded in addition to many door prizes. The Council of Catholic Women will hold its seventh anniver,· sary meeting at 7:45 Monda), night, Nov. 25 in Jesus-Mar:, Academy auditorium. Mrs. Ray mond Boulay, chairman, an nounces the evening will feature a calendar party. Mrs. Wilfred Garand, president, will give plans for the unit's annual Christmas bazaar, to' be held from 1:30 to 4:30 and 7 to 10 Fri._ day afternoon and evening, Nov. 29; and from 1:30 to 10 Saturday afternoon and evening, Nov..31), in the Notre Dame school hall. Since a dispensation has been grantee' for Friday, Nov. 29, hot dogs will be available, together wi,th coffee and soda. A meat pie supper will be served from 6 to 8 Saturday evening, with Mrs. Edmour Poirier ap-' - -"", David Patry acting as en. A special rate will chil dren under 12. 'I e on , sale now and will ... ..lilable at the door.
OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER Council of Catholic Women members will participate in a living rosary at 7:30 tonight at Blessed Sacrament Church. The unit plans its second annual Christmas bazaar· for tomorrow night and Saturday afternoon and evening in the parish hall. Booths will include handiwork, pastries, aprons, C h r i s t m a I novelties, plants and surprise packages. There will be refresh ments and door prizes. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, NORTH EASTON Members of the Women's Guild will meet Monday night at 8 o'clock in the parish hall. A cake decorating demonstration will be conducted by Mrs. Neville.. Refreshments will be served.
Refuse Residence ·Permit to Priest BERLIN (NC) - Communist municipal authorities in Cracow, Poland, have refused to grant a residence permit to a priest as signed to St. Ann's parish there, reports here state. . The Cracow archdiocese pro tested against the refusal to the government Office of Worship. The office replied that while the action of the municipal officials was illegal, it would not overrule their decision because the arch diocese had named a priest to another parish against the office's wishes. Authorities have also refused to allow the Cracow seminary of the Salesian Fathers to register priests or seminarians for per manent residence. They may ,register only on a temporary basis.
MORE'S 'UTOPIA': Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stark of San Francisco, gaze at the exhibit case displaying a first edition of St. Thomas More's "Utopia," published at Lou vain in 1516, one of only 13 known copies in existence.
"Even The Hindus Have Much Confidence in the Sisters," writes a member of the community at ANIKAD in southern India. "ID delivery cases they aret much relief when enkusted to the care of U1e Sisters. Many patients are cominar daily and ll"eUing medicine. Many must re ceive special attention. Bl1t without a place to put enough beds, it is dif. ficult. There are man)' diseasell such aa tuberculosis and dysentery, ete. among the villagers. Jl year age we opened the dispenSal')'. At pres ent in cases of urgent De4lessity, we keep. patients in the comer of the dispensary. A building with :w or Til. Hoi, PIl,b.,', M;ss;OfI Aitl 30 beds is badl, needed. 'rhe peopl. 1M ,b. (J,.;.",td C"Meh will' do the manual labor. We need $2500 for materials. Benefactors are our sole hope." . • • The Archbishop warmly adds his plea. WUl you help these *online Sisters'! ~ amount will be appreciated.
GLASTONBURY ·HAWTHORN , This hawthorn of England blooms twice yearly, ;an unusual thing, once in May and once around ChristIna. time. Legend 'haa it that Joseph of Arimathea and his 11 companions were sent there by St. Luke. Joseph's staff, placed in the ground, bloomed. • •• Sorry we .cannot send you slips from it but we wUl IOnd a card ~ pressed flowers from the Holy Land and a· GIFT CARD to anyone in whose name you send a missioD gift. Some SUg· gestions; . $15 $40 Stations Mass Kit $100 Chalice 20 .Altar 75 Ciborium 40 CeDser 15 Vestments 50 Statue 30 Sanc'y Lamp Confessional 40 Tabernacle 25 Altar Unena 15 25 Sanc'y Bell i , Monstrance 40 Crucifix
OTHER GWT SUGGESTIONS 1. Perpetual membership ($20) 01' annual membership ($1) in the CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WElLFARE ASSOCIATION. 2. A DONATION for the eare of the' aged, orphans, lepers or refugees In our care. FOOD PACKAGE costs $10. 3. A STRINGLESS GIFT for aD urgent mission need.
RING THE BELLS AND TELL THE PEOPLE &be words of the popular song. Doesn't NOVEMBER-the mona. of the Holy Souls ring a bell with you. Our priests will remem ber . your loved ones in Masses if you wish to send MASS STIPENDS.
MINE DlSASTF.RS These recurring disasters and rescues of the last five yean draws our mind to another miner-8t. John, once condemned to the lead mines of Patmos where he wrote the A:pocalypse ..-. Perhaps we should p'ray to him today ... One thing that certainly would please him is to sponsor the training of a Sister-to-be or a seminarian iD his beloved Middle East, a student or Sister such as JOHN SOUDI SANSOUR or SISTER MARY ELAIZ. Cost: for the seminarlan-$100, a year for six J'ears. For a Sister-to-be: $150 a year for two years. Dear Monsignor Ryan: Enclosed please find ..•••••... for ...••••• '0 •••••••••••• Name Street City ••••••••••••••• -.••••• : .. Zone·
State ...••••••••••
-~'l1ear f8st01issions~
MI4J', Jos.p.· T. 1;-.' 'Nat' s.c',
480 Lexington Ave. at 46th St.
New York 17iN. Y:
Only Two Games Scheduled
On Local School Gridirons
Thurs., Nov. 21, 1963
Asks Government Aid to Education Include Arts
By Jaek Kineavy
New Bedford Vocational at Bishop Stang and the re JlCheduled Billerica-Attleboro clash have the scholastic grid !Cene an to themselves Saturday as the majority of teBJDIJ in thi! area enjoy the annual "{)ff" weekend prior to meeting tz:a«!itional. riva1sOD Thankn- l'eIRI1'W of games in this circuit glVJl1g Day. Both Voke ~d durin,g the 1963 season, I'm im Stang will complete theIr pressed with. the balanced com 1963 season at Dartmouth's petition whicb is characteristic
WASHINGTON (NC) Speaker of the House John W. McCormack of Massachu setts said here that aid to
education should assist the arts and humanities as well as the sCiences. Memorial Stadium and off the of the league. It's 80 close that McCormack said that as the Trade's mowing in their last two given the right set of dreum nation m a k e s "incomparable outings th i • trtances, a four-way tie could StrIdes" In science, "it must might 'just be' conceivably bee 0 m e reality. move forward with equal steps a f<lOtball game. Right now Case is alone atop the toward a broadening and a C 0 a c h Ton y plle but the Cardinals have a deepening of its cultural and in A bra ham's date with Somerset coming up tellectual life." squad winless and this wiU tell the story. But "There is only disaster in in league more of this next week in our e ncO u n _ pre-Thanksgiving game obser. closing our eyes to the arts. as we concentrate on the sciences," 1ers, turned in a vations. he declared. IUperlative efHeading ,up the fare on the fort a I a i n 11 N. E. colegiate gridiron this SatThe House Speaker made his New Bedford a urdq is the 80th game in tbe comments as he received the oouple of weeks Harvard-Yale series which be-, 1963 Cardinal Gibbons Medal ago -then folgan 'way baek in 1885. Described HIGH PAPAL HONOR: Leslie Kirkley, right, director presented by the alumni associa low~ 8rls up with an explosive .. -rile Game" .everal wean of the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM) is tion of the Catholic University .'7-12 win ooyer Bishop Feehan ago by Yale publicist, Charle)' of America. invested with the insignia of Knight Commander of the last Saturday. It was Vocation.. Loftus, it ia expected to attract Need Spiritual Strendb al's first successful foray in ,al·, • capacity crowd to Yale Bowl, Order of St. Sylvester by Msgr. John F. McCarthy, as": He described as "most con most three years and brought tel weather and T.V. notwithstand sistant executive director of Catholic Relief Services structive .. a suggestion ad an end a victory drought that lng. Harvard, despite a lengthy National Catholic Welfare Conference. The honor was had extended through 22 games. injury list will enter the game conferred on Mr. Kirkley, a Quaker, by Pope Paul VI, in vanced last June by Msgr. Wil liam J. McDonald, rector of the Quarterback Jim Ruel zeroed bl the favorite but this in itself is, Catholic University, for' creation recognition of ~outstanding contrik 1•. ., to the welfare Feehan's end zone, but good, often a liability. of a national foundation modeled of humanity." NC Photo. logging l-our toUehdoWDI to B.C.-B.U. on the National Science Founda lead Voke's .ass.ault.. Boston College has a Saturda7 tion to assist graduate students Stang, en.Joytng • third IUC- date with downtown rival Boston In the arts and humanities. cessful season under the guid- University and the Terriers Bl McCormack said the proposal ance 01. Carlin L7DCh aad his ways come \IP with a good ef il "worthy of ~ every consider.a able staff can solidif7 its runner- fort against the Eagles. B.C. had tion." up pOlition in BrUtolCounty itl hands full with Virginia last "WhUe we must be powerful by takinc Yoke mto camp. The week while Steve Sinko's squad l militarily, we must also be Spartans edged a .tub~ AttIe_ had a much needed respite. Holy patent 011. "a large twin-hun strong spiritually • •• For deep boJ'o club, '7-0, and Ibis !lOupled Cross tunes up for B.C. against WASHINGTON (NC)-Sever N with Coyle's 1081 to Durfee gave . Connecticut a club which pve al years before the Wright seaplane. An examiner in the faith is the affirmative tltrength U. S: Patent Office wrote: that eould well be the difference them IlOle title to tbe league's evidence of' reaching its full ,PO Brothers made their first suc ''There ill a ruling of the Patent between victory and defeat," he second spot. Their oye-all rec- tential but never quite made it. cessful airplane flight, the Cath said. ord read! 8-1, the .angle 10SlI a ,Hig'h School basketball practice olic University of America here Office whim classes with per He paid tribute to the Catholic: 8-0 .etback "y J>urLee. RSSions are underway in most had an aeronautical laboratory. petual-motion machines all de The UDdefeated-unt:l.edHill- schools and if our weather at It was the first in any school in vices for navigating the air University for providing a "well without the aid of buoyant gas. balanced" education in which toppen dosed out their BrUtol present isn't a harbinger of the world. A patent can be granted only both science and the humaniUea The university, which is ob County League season with a Winter, we may regard the be II included.. ' well.earned 14-8 victory over a ginning of hoop drills as such. serving its 75th anniversary., just when a working model is ex Coyle team. that jut never did Man7 clubs have key players recently established a Division hibited." stop trying. A two touchdOwn who will be involved in football of Space Sciences and Applied Backers of Mattunath's inven tion supplied funds to build the second period spelled the differtil Thanksgiving, but the interim Physics in its school of Engi C.U. Aeronautical Laboratory, ence in this one as the Warrior. period affords coaches some op.. neering and Architecture. NAZARETH (NC) - The Sla Orville Wright flew an air to demonstrate the technical ters of st. Joseph of Nazareth emerged for the 8eCOnd half uortunity to look over new plane near Kitty Hawk, N. C., feasibility and practicabilit,' of are observing the '75th anniver loaded for bear. A ~ained aspirants and get some condi drive put the Warriors on the tioning work in for non.footban on Dec. 17, 1903. Aerodynamic Mattullath'. airplane. Unf-ortu llRl'y of their foundation here in research began at the Catholic scoreboard in the third quarter playing veterans. natel7 Mattullath died in De Michigan. The '7'79 nuns are sta University here in August, 1895. cember, 1902, and the seaplane tioned at Nazareth College here, but it took four eradu starting The C.U. research in this field on the one-yard Hue to break studies ended. Aerodynamic re six hospitals, 12 schools and in wu begun by A. F. Zahm., then Rarch eontinued at C.U., how the Taunted Durfee defense. stitutions in the Chicago .and a physics instructor but later in ever, under Zahm. l>etroit archdioceses and ~ D8rfee ChampioD charge of mechanics. Working Lansing,. Saginaw and Grad 'n1e victory br.()Qght with It SAGINAW (Ne) - All inter Rapids diocese•• the coveted Briato1 County aa t ion a I organization which for his doctorate. which he re ceived from .Johns Hopkins Uni-' crown won by Stang last )'ear. transforms tr'anIoceanic, ehess versity in 1898.Zahm established KANSAS CITY (NC) - A ~ The HUltoppers now 1rI.Ill'k time b1' mall games into •• -fonn -of the air resistance to sphezoel Catholic priesteonduc:ted a Bible competitively until their holi A FAMILY fltEAT
praTer bas extended an invita moving at speeds up to 1,000 feet service in a Protestantchun:h day eneounter with New Bed tion to American Catholic chess a second. BARRB-Q CHICKENS
he~e. Father Thomas E. Leavey, ford at Sargent Field. Under tbe players to join. , He did his work in McMahon assistant Confraternity of ChriII point-'rating system, it appears Hall In the center of the univer The invitation eame from tian Doctrine director in the unlikely that Coach Don MOD- . tIe's C2'eW will unseat MarlboN F.U.J'.H. Witte of Rotterdam, sity campus, stlQotingspheres Kansas City-St. Joseph diocese, from a specially designed can read from the Bib 1e and FARMS for the Class C tiUe, thou~ thiI Tbe Netherlands, in a letter re .l411 Wa.hington St.• l'aJrhaven non. They passed through a dark eeived by the Catholic Weekly, preached a homily in the Coun should aearcely dampen their room, breaking thin ribbons of trTClub Christian church as part • SI1ginaw, Mich., diocesan news .Jut off Route • ardor against the Crimson. light enroute. Mirrors and cam paper. The club's name in Catho of a series of prayer services The picture is anything but lici ad Latrunculos Ludentes, eras measured the velocity and bein~ conducted in the chureh : WY '1-131. settled over in the Tri County which boils down to CALL and deceleration, thus establishing • Wale!" for Siena by clergymen of various denom Conference. Lookinc over the roughly translate. into Chess the resistanee. • While out for a Drive inationa. Playing Catholics. • Stop at tb11 DelilbtfuJ Spot America's first wind tunnel Witte said the society was laboratory 'for aeronautic re l-ormed in 1953 and approved in search was built 'On the C.U. ATTl.EBOItO'S 1955 by Bishop Jan P. Huibel"l campus in the Winter of 1901. l.eacfing Garden Center of Haarlem, DOW retired. Each This is how the wind tunnel NOJQI TOO" NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Cath came into being: Hugo Mattul year. he detailed. a MJlBs is of oUc, Jewish, Orthodox and Prot NONE TOO SMAll estant congregations here are fered for CALL members in SS. lath of New Y«k was seekinC • Laurentius and Ignatius cathe cooperating in a "P1'opect Under_ standing" program, dedicated to dral, Rotterdam. South Main & WailS'" the memory of Pope John XXIII,
Councit to further the ecumenical effort PRINTERS among the various faiths. . MIAMI (NC) A .lewis' CA 1-0234 At the invitation of Archbishop Fall River District Council of group here has hailed the draft Main OHice and Plant John P. Cody, archdiocesan ad- the DiocesanCouncll of Catholic proposal submitted to the sec ond Vatican Councll on proper ministrator, Jewish, Orthodox Women will hold an open meet LOWElL, MASS. and Protestant groups will at- ing and night of recollection at attitudes toward Jews as a "his 01852 tend "open house" at 10 Catholic 7:30 this evening at Blessed toric" step toward dissolving 'elephonea..well churches in the greater New Sacrament Church. Services wUl age-old misunderstandings. Orleans area OD Sunday, Dec. include a livin~ rosary. sermon The proposal was "put 1or 458-6333 and 457-7500 aOIlCE •. IIOIIllE 29. Rabbi .lulian B. Fibelman, kif Rev. Thomas Neilan, curate ward in a spirit that recognizes .... tIaster ...... 2131 acting for the Rabbinical Coun- at St. Ann's Church, Raynham, the historic values of Judaism Auxiliary PIontl Over 35 Years cil, announced that BJDagogues and benediction. A coffee hour as a living religion and creed," BOSTON of Satisfied Service
and temples of the Jewish de- wUl follow. Participants in the said David N. Fleeman, chair OCEANPORT,N. J. nominations will be, -open to living rosary are requested to man of the Greater Miami chap ao6 NO. MAIN STRHT
Catholics, Orthodox and Prot- assemble in the church basement ter of the Americaa Jewillh PAWTUCKIT... I. FaU Riv... OS 5-74"
esiant. on Sunday, .Jan., 12. at 7. Committee. ......-
Aviation Pioneer
<:atholic University Began Aerodynamic Research in August 1895
Diamond Jubilee
Transforms Chess Game Into Prayer
Bible Service
City's Major Faiths Plan Open House
Open Meeting
Jewish Group Lauds Proposal
Montie Plumbing &
Heating Co., Inc.
,. 20
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 21,1963
I Council Debates Nat~oll1al Conferences, Size of Dioceses By Rev. Edward J. Mitchell After last week's squally debate on the Roman Curia, a relative calm has settled over the preceedings of Vati can Council II. This week the Fathers discussed, among other things, the re tirement of bishops, nation al episcopal conferences, and the c rea t ion and division of dioceses. In the total picture of the Council, it was a week of capital impor tance. The second chapter of the draft, which deals in general with Coadjutor and Auxiliary Bishops, lays down the principle that residential bishops should resign their sees at the age of 75. One of the most telling arguments in favor of this proposal was made by Arch bishop Corrado Mingo of Mon reale, Italy. "It is true that there are many men who can still rule il diocese after the age of 75," admitted the Archbishop, "but there are many more men who cannot. Church law obliges pas tors to give up their duties when they become incapacitated, and it will be useless for bishops to try to urge the observance of this law unless they first give the example. This law is called for by the salvation of souls. If a Shepherd is under obligation to give his life for his sheep, with still greater reason is he bOund to give up his office." Disagreement In sharp disagreement was the Archbishop of Malta, Michael Gonzi, who warned that "im posing an obligatory retirement age on bishops would put them in the same category as civil ser vice officials. This would be an affront to their dignity. Nothing should be done to oblige a bish op to server the bonds uniting him with his beloved diocese." Many Fathers expressed fear that the retired bishops would suffer want in their retirement. They cautioned that, while it.iI true that bishops from wealthy dioceses may have saved enough to see them through their final years, bishops from poorer re gions face a bleaker prospect. Perhaps this threat to security ill the reason why a number of
Council Fathers are presently supporting the idea voiced by Fernando Cardinal Cento, 80, who heads one of the Roman tribunals. He has suggested a worldwide bishops' fund to en abl n bishops to resign at the age 'of 75. With the creation of such a fund, the bishops could look forward to enough to live on in their old age and not feel they have to cling to their dioceses simply for material support. Responding to the argument that bishops are "married" to their dioceses and therefore could not separate through re tirement, Leo Joseph Cardinal Suenens replied that "the Coun cil is full of 'divorced' bishops, that is, bishops who have been transferred from one diocese to another." National Conferences Cardinal Suenens called for a precept with binding force, and warned that a pious exhortation would be next to useless. The needs of a diocese demand a man's full strength, he said, and . "the accelerated rhythm of modern life calls for youthful vigor and a ~ung mind and heart. Old age puts a gap be tween the bishop and the world in which he lives, as also be tween him and his clergy. In governmental, university, in dustrial, and diplomatic circles a retirement age is mandatory." What are the chances of a mandatorY retirement age being approved by the Council? "Prob ably very small," confided a Vatican observer this week. "De spite the schema and the oratory, the term of a bishop's reign will probably continue to have an open end." The central issue of the week, however, was the debate on na tional conferences of bishops. This is a key part of the Coun cil'!! masterplan to decentralize the a d min is t r a ti 0 n of the Church. At present there are 47 na tional and regional' episcopal conferences around the world. While they bring national groups of bishops together, their deci sions are not binding on the pre lates. The schema would make such decisions mandatory under certain circumstances, thereby enabling bishops to deal directly through them with the Pope. At present bishops must deal in dividually through the Roman Curia.
Cardinal Meyer, while rullnl out binding power for all the decisions of an episcopal con ference, did advocate leaving the door open for decisions that would be referred to it by the Holy Father. Such obligation OIl the individual bishops, he coun sels, should be hnposec! only when this is necessary to fulfill the wishes of the Supreme Authority in the Church. The Council this week also got around to debate the size of dioceses. One prelate pro posed that the maximum number of Catholics should be 500,000, and the min i !l1 u m 200,000. (There are about :!50,000 Catho lics in the Fall Rivf~r Diocese.) Key Schema It was brought to the attention of the bishops that some dioceses are so small that they are con stantly threatened with a critical shortage of vocatio::ls, and there fore cannot suitably provide for the proper administration of • FRIENDS MEET: O·utside of St. Peter's in Rome after their dioceses. . Said Bishop Aurelio Sorren a morning Council session are the Most Reverend Bishop, tino of Bova, Italy: ''In Italy left, speaking with Most Rev. Jeremiah F. Minihan, Auxi there are too many small dio liary Bishop of Boston. ceses. The redrawing of diocesan lines is essential be~cause nothing The American cardinals, once A mic;l.dle road was taken by substantial along this line has again taking the leadership, Albert Gregory Cardinal Meyer been done in Italy since the year clashed on this controversial of Chicago. He spotlighted the 1000." In Italy there are over proposal to enable national bish chief aim of the conference as 350 dioceses. Germany, by con ops'conferences to deal more an assist to the bishops in the trast, has less than twenty, On Friday morning cloture directly with the Pope. The point spirit of fraternal cooperation. was voted on this schema dealinl at issue is whether these con He then expressed the fear that , ferences should have binding "in the present text this aim is with the government of dioceses, too juridical and seems to run and on Monday morning the force over the individual dio the risk of restricting freedom draft· on ecumenism wlll be ceses. brought to the Council floor. In Differing Views of individual action. The Coun the two weeks that remain, cil must beware of undue in James Francis Cardinal McIn tyre of Los Angeles denounced a trusion into the government of prime consideraUon will be move to give such conferences individual dioceses, lest it set up given to this key' schema. And juridical power and saw in these • new kind of centralization the eye. of the world will be efforts "an attack on the Roman which might be too vast and following the work of the Coun Curia and thus as an indirect more complicated Ulan before.It cil Father. more intent17 than ever. attack on the infallibility of the Pope." He maintained that "juri dical authority is not necessar,. to enable a Conference to pro vide for national needs." Joseph Elmer Cardinal Ritter, on the other hand, disagreed with the idea of a non-binding conference and stated that "at tributing juridical binding force to the decisions of these confer ences seems necessary," His rea soning was' this: unanimity 18 required to achieve a purpose and to provide support for in dividual bishops not only in things directly concerned with the salvation of souls but also in regard to social and moral prob lems.
Dry Air Means
TROUBLE.. at Home ,and in Church
Integration Required for Federal Aid Court Insists Private Hospitals Desegregate RICHMOND (NC) - A Fed eral court ,has ruled that private hospitals seeking Federal con struction funds must desegre-. gate their facilities. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit held that a "separate but equal" provision of the Hill-Burton hospita~ con struction act violates the equal protection provisions of the 5th and 14th Amendments to the Federal Constitution. The "separate but equal" pro vision has permitted segrated private hospitals to receive Hill Burton funds so long as equal hospital facilities are available for both races in the same area. The Court of Appeals decision overrule~ a North Carolina court
Hyacinth D of I Hyacinth Circle, New Bedford naughters of Isabella will hold a bean supper and Christmas bazaar from 1 to 9 Saturday afternoon and evening, Nov. 23 at HoJy Name Hall, County and Studley Streets.
and also went counter to other rulings in state and Federal courts. The case involved two private hospitals in Greensboro, N.C. It was brought by a group of Negroes aided by the NationaI Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The Justice Department intervened in the case on behalf of the Negroes.
Interfaith Dialogue CHICAGO (NC) - Four ex ponents of interfaith COOperEl tion took part in a dialogue on the ecumenical movement at a meeting here Sunday. Partici pating were Father Thurston N. Davis, S.J., editor - in _ chie,f, America magazine; Dr. Martin E. Marty, associate editor, Chris tian Century; Rev. John S. R.) manides, professor of theology, Holy Cross Orthodox Theolog;i cal School; and Dr. Samu.el Sandmel, provost of HebrElw Union College.
Chief Judge Simon E. Sobe loff, speaking for a three-man majority of the five-member court, stressed the involvement of the state and Federal govern ments in the policies of the pri vate hospitals under the Hill Burton program. The two dissenting judges said a Federal gra~t is a gift and does not give the government the right to exercise control over the hospitals' policies. The 1946 Hill-Burton program has been used to build more than Z,QOO hospitals and other medical facilities in the South. It is charged that many practice segregation either by excluding Negroes or putting them in " separate wards.
Racist Unit CHICAGO (NC) - The U.S. Court of Appeals for the seventh Circuit has ruled the Black Mus lim movement is a "racist organ ization" and not entitled to con stitutional guarantees of reli gious freedom.
to You.r Health, Furnishings, Comfort
_~HuMiDiFiERs Protect Church Organs and
37 Benton Street, Fall River
Telephone 677-9505