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teanc 0 VOL. 39, NO. 46

Friday, November 24,1995



Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly

Parish lJ~lazes trail for stewarlllship

SI1 Per Year

World AIDS Day Mass Dec. 1

A crowded calendar of activiBishop Sean O'Malley, OFM, ties, beginning last spring, has Cap., will celebrate a Mass of marked the stewardship efforts of Healing and Remembrance in Corpus Christi parish, East S a n d - ' observance of World AIDS Day - ~ on Dec. 1 at 12 noon at St. Mary's wich. It culminated on "CommitChurch, 106 Illinois St., New Bedment Sunday," Nov. 19, when parishioners turned in forms indicatford. Everyone is welcome to ing how they plan to offer "time, ~ attend. talent and treasure" in the service . -' OJl this day o( recognition of of God. ' tragedy of HIV / AIDS in our com"Time, talent and treasure" could "'. . ,. ~ munity and in our world, this 0.... , Mass offers to all the opportunity be called the slogan of the stewardship program how implemented to pray together for those affected in many diocesan parishes. It sigand their loved ones, and for those deceased. Bishop O'Malley initiated nifies the commitment of time, whatever one's talents may be and INDUCTED AS Knights~:and Ladies of the Holy Sepulchre at ceremonies held last this observance in the diocese last a percentage of one's income, both weekend at Boston's Holy Cross Cathedral were Atty. and Mrs. E. Howland Bowen ·of St. year with a Mass of Healing and to one's parish and to other chariCatherine's parish, Little Compton, RI, (left) and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Costa. Mrs. Bowen, a Remembrance in Fall River. ties, such as the United Way, the N B df d . . . f R F f Dr. Krysten Winter-Green, direcCatholic Charities Appeal or healthew e or nattve, tS a SIster 0 ev. John . Moore, pastor 0 St. Elizabeth Seton parish, tor of the Diocesan Office of related organizations such as the North Falmouth. Atty. Bowen practices in Providence. Mr. and Mrs. Costa are chat<~~r HIV/AIDSMinistry,whichiscoormembers of St. Mary's parish, New Bedford, where he is a lector and Eucharistic minister and dinating the Mass, noted that those American Cancer Society or the American Heart Association. she is a member of the parish music ministry. (Kearns photo) whose lives have been affected by Evidencing his trust in the com- I.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.I the illness will participate in the mitment of parishioners, Father liturgy during the preparation of Marcel H. Bouchard, pastor of It'S,) i!1faUible the altar. Among them will be persons living with the virus, family Corpus Christi and I)iocesan D i r e c - · tor of Stewardship, has pledged a members, friends, caregivers of major "stepping out in faith" to persons with HIV / AIDS, and parishioners by promising to e1imstudents of Bishop Stang High inate all second collections as of WASHINGTON (CNS) - A church's "deposit of faith," proIn a commentary issued in School in North Dartmouth, who Jan. I. "1 his will be the beginning new Vatican statement on women's nounced "infallibly" by the pope Washington the same day as the will present a section of an AIDS ofa new era for the oldest Catholic ordination clarifies that the papal and "founded on the written word new Vatican statement, Father quilt made by their high school church on Cape Cod," he said, teaching against ordaining women of God." DiNoia addressed numerous quescommunity as part of the national adding that "we've dedicated this priests is "an infallible teaching," tions about the nature and teachAIDS quilt. work to God and we trust that he notjust"apurelydjsciplinarymating authority of the 1994 papal Parishes in the diocese have will direct our effOrl5." ter," said the U.S. bishops' chief Reacti~g to the co~m1'I,"f of statement and the new doctrinal been encouraged tosend represenAn exploration meeting last staff theologian for doctrinal isMassachusetts Attorney.'encongregation clarification. tatives to the Mass and priests The Vatican "states that the h ave been " April launched stewardship efforts sues . I S tt'. H '~"b tl.· t . mVIted t 0 conce Ie b ra te . f d Domini<:an Father Gus DiNoia, era co, arM.erger ill teaching that the church has no at C orpus Christl. It was ollowe many case!lsubstllntialam0Ws Turn to Page 13 by parishioners joining others from secretary for doctrine and pastoral of the money rahl~1I jn t h e . , authority to confer priestly ordination on women is founded on . . at practices for the National Conferthe dIOcese at a May meetmg of various charl,jes goes ibto' Cathedral Camp, East Freetown, ence of Catholic Bishops. said the th k t " th f d . the written word of God, has been Vatican document issued Nov. 18 e poc e:s 'O~t e un raisers, constantly preserved and applied 13 Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, Turn to P'Lge , "does not say anything new about . in the tradition. of the church and Director ofthe annual Bishop's ' has been set forth in f alhbly by t he the church's teaching" on whether women can be, ordained priests. Charity Ball and the annual ordinary and universal magisterCatholic Charities Appeal, is. ) h f II owmg . statement: ium (church teaching authonty ," But it does rule out sued tel) . a purely disof that Father DiNoia wrote. Ciplinary interpre'tation . "No doubt Atty. Gen. teaching and links it directly to Harshberger's commen~ is Strongest Statement papal "infallibility" and the funtrue and we thank him for The Nov. 18 statement from the his diligence in watching damental "deposit of faith" that Congregation for the Doctrine of over such activities, but we the church must guard, he said. the Faith, is the strongest effort yet In May 1994 Pope John Paul II wish to assure all who supto end a simmering discussion issued an apostolic letter in which port the Catholic Charities inside and outside the church. he said, "I declare that the church Appeal and the Bishop's The brief text book an already Charity Ball that well over has no authority whatsoever to authoritative teaching by Pope confer priestly ordination on wo90 cents of every dollar John Paul II and presented it as raised is: used for the provimen and that this judgment is to be. even more final. It appeared only a definitively held by all the church's sion ofservicesand ofaposyear and a half. after the pope delifaithful." tolic ministry. Donors are vered what he described as the The Nov. 18 statement from the well advised in making sure church's "definitive" position on that their charitable conVatican Congregation for the Docthe matter. tributions go where they trine ofthl: Faith, a formal reply to Why, then, was another statea question about the doctrinal stareturn the 'most bang for ment needed? tus of that papal statement, said it the buck.''' Turn to Page 13 must be understood as part of the


Vatl-can says no women prl-ests 'iST&tEMENf ·,ll

By Pat McGowan Some diocesan newspapers are printed at a run-of-the-mill press. Not this one. It comes to you from a Fall River printshop built around the house where, on August 4, 1892, the world-famous ax murders of Lizzie Borden's father and stepmother, Andrew and Abby Borden, took place at the hands of a still not definitely identified hatchet person. After having many owners and being in turn a rooming house, the site of a small button busines~ and an illegal betting operation (with fireplaces rigged so that if a police visit threatened, incriminatingevidence could be thrown down to the cellar furnace), the present printshop was added to the Borden house, originally as a Kewpie doll factory. In 1948 both the printshop and house were purchased by the late John and the late Josephine McGinn. They lived in the house and moved the c.J. Leary printing business that they were operating at a nearby location to the former factory. There the enterprise developed into a thriving printing and mailing business, serving many diocesan parishes by handling monthly mailing of their collection envelopes. The Leary Press and the Lizzie Borden houst: are now owned by Martha McGinn, the couple's granddaughter, and Ronald Evans, Leary Press president. For years John and Josephine McGinn had refused tourist requests to view the interior of their house, although they were willing

copied from the one that Abby Borden was making when she was killed. McGinn and Evans have already received well over 100 other reTimes Change quests for reservations from as far But times- have changed. Next away as England and the contiAugust 4, 104 years to the day nent of Europe, while a bus tour after the Borden murders, Lizzie's from Minnesota to climax at the house will open as abed and house has already been arra.nged. breakfast with, in all likelihood,. a The two owners are doing their museum component. best to insure that. their B&B will Word of the long-denied opporbe historically accurate and have tunity to not only view but sleep already planned the second B: a and eat in the Borden house has meal much like that the Bordens spread like wildfire and Evans and had on the morning of the murders McGinn have found themselves - sugar cookies, bananas, jonnyon national television and the subcakes and pears - but no mutton ject of many newspaper feature broth the infamous concoction stories in the United States and made from mutton unrefrigerated . abroad. The attention has unfor four days in the sweltering heat leashed hundreds of telephone calls of that 1892 August, and believed from Lizzie aficionados eager to already to have caused food poibe among the first to have the 'soning in some members of the somewhat daunting experience of Borden household. The broth will sleeping in the notorious dwelling. be replaced by oatmeal, served However, if guests lose their with well-refrigerated cream. nerve, they can take comfort from Plans call for two suites and the fact that Martha McGinn often four other bedrooms in the house: RUTH DAILY, left, of Pacific Palisades, Calif., making slept in the house as a child, always one suite made from Andrew and awaking unscathed. She does admit Abby's bedroom and dressing her first visit to New England, admires the 1860 piano t::tat is eerie noises have been heard, that part of the furnishings of the Lizzie Borden house. With hl~r are room, the .other from the beddogs have refused to venture up rooms. of Lizzie and her sister house co-owners Ronald Evans and Martha McGinn. (McGowthe beautiful staircase and that Emma; and four individual rooms, an photo) sometimes the door between Liz- one of which was the third-floor zie's bedroom and that of her fabedroom of Bridget Sullivan, the murders organized by B,)rden ther and stepmother opens and Bordens' maid. Altogether, the 'called poor man's clock, nevertheless beautiful to modern eyes, and expert Jules Ryckebush, a profescloses for no apparent reason. house has 10 rooms which are But there are a lot of brave peosor at Fall River's Bristol Combeing refurnished with furniture of another probably inore in keeping with the upper-class tastes of a ple out there, especially Pam Shelmunity College, drew an attendthe Victorian period, originals century ago. don of Middlebury, Conn., a longance of 500 people. where possible and otherwise repliSupporting McGinn and Evans tim~ Lizzie buff, who plans to be There's even a Catholic ar.:gle to cas. . in their plans for the Borden B&B all this, although the Borden:; were Among treasures already on married in the house next August hand is an 1860 piano and two are members of the new organiza4. Then she and her husband will Congregationalists. When children Victorian era clocks, one a so- tion, The International Lizzie spend their wedding night in a bed in the Highlands took to singing Borden Association, TILBA for the internationally-known" Lizzie short. TI LBA will display artifacts Borden took an ax" jingle outside of the period in. the home and her French Street home, and when members will also help plal)'tours area newspapers yearly rehashed the murders, the late Fall River support to elders and their families Association of Pastoral Musicians of the building for schoolchildren Bishop James E. Cassidy, then a as they cope with the challenges of and the Sigma Theta Tau Honor and the general public and in the search for appropriate furniture. young priest, took steps to h2.lt the aging. . Society for Nursing. There is plenty of evidence of harassment. "Many families do not know Ms. Osuch is available to speak persistent interest in Lizzie Borden. No one who has heard of his what types of services or programs to groups about care management. During city celebrations in the zeal in the causes of temperance are available in the community to For more information about the past few years, many visitors took and of righting social wrongs, help their aging loved ones achieve care management program or to bus tours that highlighted both the causing him to be described by a a greater. quality of life and assist make a referral, please call Ms. murder house and the home in the friendly Protestant minister as "a them 'in their roles as care givers," Osuch at 999路4561. prestigious Highlands section of sort of mixture of Old Testament said Ms. Osuch. Fall River where Lizzie moved prophet and Catholic Puritan." Ms. Osuch can act as a liaison after she was acquitted of the can doubt that objectionable attenfor families and offer assistance in slayings. tions to Lizzie ceased promptly. In navigating the often compll;:xhealth WASHINGTON (CNS) - A And at the nearby Fall River fact, the story is that Lizzie was so care system. By helping to arrange "vast majority'~of married couples Historical Society, which exhibits grateful for the future bishop's and monitor appropriate support who participated in church-run many Lizzie artifacts, curator intervention that she made a large services for elders, the care man- 'marriage preparation programs Michael Martins reports that Lizcontribution to Catholic Charities. .agel' program can decrease stress found 路them valuable, says a new zie souvenirs such as plates, books, And since the Anchor has never on adult children caring for aging national study. Of a wide range of T-shirts and mugs account for experienced any printshop glitches loved ones and their own families, topics covered in such courses, the some 50 percent of gift shop sales. that could be attributed to Lizzie, families who live out of the area, ones "perceived as most helpful Speaking of the plates, this we can reasonably deduce th::lt her and aging spouses or siblings act- were the five C's: communication, reporter bought one some time gratitude continues. !ng as care givers for their loved commitment, conflict resolution, ago, but after some months of ones. children and church," it said. The peaceful coexistence with it noticed Ms. Osuch works within the study was conducted by the Center that Lizzie's picture had separated network of health and elder ser- for Marriage and Family of from the plate. It was returned for vices available in the community, Creighton University i'n Omaha, repair, but coincindentally Ed and as well as with local parishes, both Neb., and the Omaha archdioce- Claire Stevens, a Somerset couple Catholic and of other denomina- san Family Life Office at the that has a cottage industry making Courage, a spiritual support tions.Costs for care management request of the Committee on MarLizzie plates and similar memoragroup for Catholic men and women riage and the Family of the Na- bilia, were at last weekend's Christare based on a sliding fee scale. seeking to lead chaste livt;s in' A Fairhaven resident, Ms. Osuch tional Conference of Catholic mas bazaar at St. Patrick's parish, accord with church teaching on Bishops. It was based on reponses has worked in home health care Somerset. homosexuality, will hold its first to a 132-question mail survey by a and hospice care for several years. Told of the plate problem, they meeting in the Fall River diocese She holds a bachelor's degree in national sampling of 1,212 people, chuckled. "Those Lizzie plates are at 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 9, at Holy nursing from the University of married from one to eight years, the only ones we've ever had trouName rectory, 121 Mt. Pleasant who had partiCipated in a marMassachusetts at Amherst and a ble with," said Mrs. Stevens. She St., New Bedford. master's degree in pastoral minis- riage preparation program between recounted that while she and her The new group will have l\fsgr. 1987 and 1993. Three-fourths of husband were working on them, try from Boston College. Thomas J. Harrington, Holy Name She is also the choir director of the respondents were Catholic. "the radio played without being pastor, as its leader. Courage was St. Joseph's Church,Fairhaven, The 118-page report on the study, turned on, the doorbell would ring founded 15 years ago by the late and a member of the Pastoral released Nov. 7, is titled "Marriage and no one was at the door, and Cardinal Terence Cooke, a.rchPreparation in the Catholic Education Program to the Sick; lights turned themselves on and bishop of New York and now has the 'National Hospice Organiza- Church: Getting it Right." couldn't be turned ofr." She added chapters in some 40 U.S. and Cantion Council of Hospice Profesthat they had lived in the house 29 adian dioceses. A Courage newssionals; the Hospice Nurses Assoyears and never before had such letter is published several times ciation; the Home Healthcare problems. annually by the organiz-ation's New Nurses Association; the National York headquarters and an annual Several television programs have Association of Professional Gerihad Lizzie as their subject and a Courage conference attracts hunatric Care Managers; the National [I 1992 centennial conference on the dreds of participants. to chat with visitors on the sidewalk outside. "It's our home," said John McGinn, "not a tourist attraction."


Care Manager program expands area The Care Manager program, sponsored by Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven, a Diocesan Health Facility sponsored by the Fall River Diocese, has expanded its service area to include Greater New Bedford and Fall River; little Compton and Tiverton, Rhode Island. As care manager, Deborah Osuch, BSN, MA, assists older people 'and their families with health care and related arrangements. The program helps to arrange the high quality, cost-effective services elders need to remain living in the community for as long as possible. She also coordinates services after a hospital or nursing home stay. Through comprehensive assessment, the care manager program ~ffers needs assessment; information and referral; planning, coordinating and monitoring care; advocacy; education; counseling and


Newlyweds helped

Courage sets first meeting

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A SPECIAL MOMENT: Laura Nobrega stands with Boston Cardinal Humberto Medeiros at a 1974 testimonial tendered in his honor by fellow students of Fall River's Durfee High School class of 1937.

North Easton Fairhaven West Harwich Carver Plymouth Bridgewater Taunton East Falmouth

directed by Dee Powell

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday,

November 30 December I December 2 December 3 December 7 December 8 December 9 December 10


8:00 PM 8:00 PM 8:00 PM 4:00 PM 8:00 PM 8:00 PM 8:00 PM 4:00 PM

Easton Baptist St. Mary's Holy Trinity Our Lady of Lourdes St. Mary's Trinity Covenant Holy Rosary St. Anthony's

A/ree-will offering will be taken.

Salve Regina cites alumna Laura Nobrega at reunion Ms. Laura Nobrega, teacher, singer, organist, choir director and devoted memberofthe Dominican Laity recently attained another distinction when she was named to receive the Silver Reunion Award of Salve Regina University. The Newport, R I, university presents the award to an outstanding graduate as part of its annual reunion weekend for members of the class that graduated 25 ye:ars earlier. Ms. Nobrega's career began inauspiciously in 1935 when the Fall River native was to drop out of Durfee High School because of family financial problems. She found a $5 a week job in a clothing factory, where she eventually worked up to the position of floor lady, all the while taking evening courses in dressmaking at Rhode Island School of Design. Eventually she struck out on her own, designing and making clothing at home, both fCJr individual customers and for mannequins at the former R.A. McWhirr department store on Fall River's South Main Street. But ambition still beckoned and she b<:gan attending teacher training classes at Fitchburg State College in order to meet evening school requirements for teaching clothing and tailoring classes. Once that was accomplished, Ms. Nobrega began teaching in area evening programs and substituting in both day and evening Fall River public school classes. But that wasn't enough: she went on to a bachelor's d.egree in home economics and secondary education at Salve Regina, while serving for nearly 40 years as organist and choir director at St. Elizabeth parish, Fall River, and as fnterim organist and choir director for varying periods of time at St. William, Our Lady of Angels and Our Lady Of Health parishes, also in Fall River. Somehow there was also time to be Christian Doctrine coordinator and a teacher in the program at St. William and to tea(:h CCD classes at St. Elizabeth. She retired from teaching in 1990, but is still organist and choir

director at'St. Jean Baptiste parish, Fall River, where she is also a Eucharistic minister and a lector and where she has taught religion classes. ' Nor is that all. MS. Nobrega has been active in the Fall River Pastoral Musicians group, 'the Diocesan Choir and the Fall River Catholic Woman'~: Clu.b; aJ;ld in her spare time has written awardwinning poetry. Especially close to her heart is her membership in St. Rose of Lima chapter of the Dominican Laity, which meets in the chapel of Dominican Academy, Fall River, and has Father Pierre Lachance, OP, as moderator. Ms. Nobrega, director of formation and newsletter and art editor for the chapter, was honored on Oct. 12 when Father Timothy Radcliffe, OP, master general of the Dominican Order, visited St. Anne's Church, Fall River, which was formerly staffed by Dominican friars. At a Mass offered by the master general, Ms. Nobrega represented the Dominican Laity by bringing up the Eucharistic gifts at the offertory. Another special moment in her busy life came May II, 1974, when she and other members of the Durfee High School class of 1937 honored classmate Cardinal Ii umberto Medeiros on his creation as cardinal March 5, 1973. At the testimonial, at the late cardinal's special request, 'she sang "La Golondrina" for him. A photograph of her with him memorializes the occasion, for which she designed and made the blue taffeta and lace gown she wore. Multitalented and deeply devout, it is no surprise that in addition to the new award frolll Salve Regina, Laura Nobrega Is also a 1971 holder of the Marian Medal of the Fall River diocese, awarded for outstanding service to the Church. Information on membership in the Dominican Laity is available at tel. (508) 678-3423. Meetings are held at 7 p.m, each second Wednesday at Dominican Academy chapel, 37 Park St., Fall River, around the cornerfrom St. Anne's Church. Visitors are welcome.

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the living word The All-American Holy Day Thanksgiving Day has come a long way. Fromthe original gathering at Plymouth Rock to the ecumenical services of. today, observance of this national holiday has become an all-American celebration. In a secular and materialistic society such as ours, this might be seen as a miracle in itself, but it should be pointed out that the present ecumenical aspect of Thanksgiving is a recent development. The testimony of history is that Thanksgiving was celebrated by the descendants of the Puritans as a Protestant"Christmas." Only in the second quarter of this century did Thanksgiving 'become a feast celebrated by m'any denominations. But the spirit of that first celebration was quickly lost once prosperity was assured. Native Americans were no longer invited to dinner once the newcomers to the continent were in power. It was really only after World War I that the festivity as we know it today began to evolve. For over 200 years there were many instances of intolerance. Quakers were executed on Boston Common and Baptists had to flee to Providence Plantation, while Catholics were basically a hidden church. There are no Catholic churches on Copley Square or the Boston Common; they are tucked away in back alleys and on side streets. Even in the 19th century, Catholic churches were the targets of vandalism and destruction by the Know-Nothings, an antiCatholic group of militant extremists whose motto was that a good Catholic was ':l dead Catholic. Thanksgiving was not seen as a day for Catholics, nor for Jews, Hindus or Muslims. It was for white Anglo-Saxons. It should be remembered that the Puritans had little regard for the established Anglican church of their homeland. In this country and this state they were a narrowminded group of right-wing fundamentalists. History has shown us what persons of this intolerant mind-set have done in the past in the name of their religious beliefs. The assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel was an example of this type of deviancy in the Jewish tradition, Proponents of the extreme right in any religious group do nothing but destroy and scatter; never do they bring together or heal. Such was the case in our own commonwealth; but once extreme Puritanism lost its hold on government, Thanksgiving became a true festive day for Americans. Now it is perhaps our most completely American celebration, a holiday enjoyed by those of all religious persuasions. In a country that still receives many immigrants, Thanksgiv. ing has become a celebration that brings all cultures together. First and foremost come recognition of Native Americans and of the unjust treatment that they have received at the hands of capitalism. They are again welcomed to the feast. Then there are the non-Caucasian peoples who speak different languages and' who bring to the Thanksgiving table a wealth of new foods and traditions. And finally there are those prayers and rites that honor the Giver of all gifts, the God who has created all in His image and likeness. Yesterday, as we gathered in families and in groups at tables ranging from those of the wealthy to those lovingly set by caring hands at our country's shelters and soup kitchens, let us hope that each of us saw Thanksgiving as an opportunity to bring new people and new cultures to the national holiday and holy day that offers thanks to a loving God who cares for each of His children regardless of race, culture or language. The Editor


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River. MA 02720 Fall River. MA 02722-0007 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address changes to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above



Rosemary Dussault

Rev. John F. Moore ~






CNS/CallaWI.y pho.o



"The Lord'is the keeper of little ones." Psalm 114:6 .


The world can help the Israeli soul heall FORT WORTH, Texas (CNS) - The U.S. rabbi who wrote "When Bad. Things Happen to Good People" drew on themes from his 1981 best seller when he addres&ed a Texas interfaith gathering 'just three days after the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Rabbi Harold S. Kushner spoke to nearly 1,000 people Nov. 7 at Congregation Ahavath Sholom in Fort Worth. The event was hosted by the local chapters of B'nai B'rith and the National Conference' of Christians and Jews. Introducing the program was Fort Worth Bishop Joseph P, Delaney, a Fall River native who served in the diocese until 1967, when he became co-chancellor of the Brownsville, TX, diocese and subsequently Bishop of Fort Worth. "As with events of the past few days, when people are struck down by hatred and violence - especially as Prime Minister Rabin was, while working for peace -we all ask: 'Where is God in this?''' said the bishop. Rabbi Kushner responded from his personal experience of Ii God who is more loving than powerful and a God who uses the language of human compassion, He reminded listeners that in aiding victims of tragedy, "our priority is not to explain why, but to hold the hands and dry the tears of those who are grieving." "What is going to heal the Israeli soul will be the outpouring of grief from people around the world ... [who] say 'We hurt too,'" the rabbi said ..

A native of Brooklyn, N.Y., the rest of the natural wor:td by Rabbi Kushner is rabbi laureate of their ability to know right and Temple Israel in Natick, Mass., wrong, he continued. "We can choose." where he has s.erved for 24 years. His most famous book, which has "One question being asked in sold 5 million copies in 12 lanIsrael tonight is how did our society guages, was written after his 14- come to this point," he said. "But year-old son, Aaron, died of don't ask why God let this happrogeria, a rare disease character- pen.... It's human wickednes!: that ized by rapid aging. did it." In his talk, the rabbi said 'well"I don't believe in a God who is intentioned people offered expla- an absentee landlord," said Rabbi nations for his family's suffering. Kushner, adding that he believes People suggested that God chose God is active in human lives, maybe the Kushners to bear the burden of even more during times of sufAaron's illness and death'to make fering. them stronger, to be an example to "How do we prevent another others, even to teach gratitude. assassination?" he .asked. "Let the "These answers didn't comfort people of Israel realize what us because they were not meant to brought them to this and let them comfort us," he said. "They were change." meant to justify God." "When you cry out to God," the Unsatisfied by conventional rerabbi said, "God answers you with ligious explanations, he questioned good people.... No matter how his own understanding of God and bad the situation, there is al ways returned to the story of Job in something you can do for a peTson Hebrew Scriptures. in pain, even if it is just to cry with them." In the Book of Job, Rabbi Kushner said there are three statements God's presence during human everyone wants to believe: that suffering is also demonstrated, he God is all-powerful; that God is suggested, by "ordinary people dogood and just; and that Job is a ing extraordinary things." The good man.. Israeli' people will endure this But when Job is hit by tragedy tragedy, using "as much strength he said, one can no longer believe and courage as they have, and all three. "You can believe any when they use it up, they will turn two, as long as you are prepared to to God and he will give them deny the third," he added, "But the . more." tension of the whole book is in "Don't expect the world to keep which one to give up," you warm and safe, because the Job's friends deny his good ness, world is not that kind of place." he a classic case of blaming the vic- counseled. Instead, "take the fire tim, the rabbi said, while Job of anguish and pain in what has happened to you and try to make denies that God is good and just. Human beings are set apart from the world a warmer place."


The·'reje·cted' King gained our salvation 2 Samuel 5:1-3 Colossians I.: 1-20 Luke 23:35-43

The readings for this year's feast of Christ the King proclaim the paradox of Christian faith. Jesus, the rejected and crucified on'e, is also the triumphant Messiah who brings salvation "through the blood of his cross." A grateful joy, exemplified by the promise of Paradise to the penitent thief, marks the celebration. Let us e'nter the spirit of the feast in the refrain of the responsorial psalm (Ps 122): "I rejoiced when I heard them say: let us go to the house of the Lord." The reading from Samuel is the joyful climax of a long process by which David rose from being an insignificant shepherd boy to become king to both Judah and Israel (see I Samud 16- 2 Samuel

5). After a bloody and tragic war between David's tribe of Judah and Israel under the leadership of Saul's descendants, the tribes of Israel fi nally decid(: to make David their king by coming to his Judean

By DR. PATRICK V. REID capital at Hebron. Their speech is both conciliatory and hopeful. "Here we are, your bone and your flesh. ,In days past, when Saul was our king, it was you who led the Israelites out and brought them back. And the Lord said to you, "You shall sheph'erd my people Israel and and shall be commander of Israel." The elders anoint David and make a covenant with him in the hope that he will both "shepherd" Israel and bring t~em victory over their enemies as "commander" of the army.

The tone '01' joyful gratitude'is . THE ANCHOR - Diocese of FaII River - Fri., Nov. 24, 1995 continued in the thanksgiving from the letter to the Colossians. We Christians are to be grateful for their breasts" (see Lk 23: 13-25, like so many sinners in the Gospel, the work of the Father who has 48). Both "the leaders" and "the responds to Jesus with a deep "rescued us from the power of soldiers" give hostile, but ironically faith. He believes that.the dying Jesus is about to enter his Messianic darkness and brought us into the true responses to Jesus. Like the devil in the desert (4: 1- reign and requests, "Jesus. rememkingdom of his beloved Son." This 13), they tempt Jesus to "save" his ber me when you enter into your rescue has been effected by Jesus through whom "we have redemp- life by holding on to it (contrast reign." Jesus, as the new Adam .9:24). Ironically, only as the cruci- who has been obedient and faithful tion, the forgiveness of sins." The main body of the reading is fied one who dies in faith, can (see 4: 1-38) and who will experience a great hymn celebrating the cosmic Jesus fulfill his destiny as "the God'.s victory over death, promises Christ as both the agent of creation Messiah of God" and "King of the forgiveness to the repentant thief and the savior who effected a Jews" (see 9:22; 18:33; 20:27-40; with the words, "I assure you: this second creation by "making peace 22:69; 24:26). The first thief also day you wiIl be with me in Parathrough the blood of his cross." joins in the taunting, but the second, dise." Paradoxically, Jesus is both "image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creatures" and also "the firstborn from the dead" through his cross and resurrection. A fivefold repetition of "everything" asserts Christ's cosmic power, but there is a wonderful incongruity in that the one in whom God's "absolute fullness" resides has reconciled the world as a crucified king. Luke's crucifixion scene exemplifies the divided response that accompanied Jesus throughout his ministry in this Gospel. As the Mobile Mammography Van innocent, suffering Messiah (see The Mobile Mammography Van wl1l be at the following locations: Ps 22:7-8, Wis 2: 18; Ps 69:21). Jesus reigns from the cross and • Friday, December 1, 9:00 a.m. - • Monday, December 18, continues to extend the offer of 3:00 p.m., New Bedford Council 8:30 a.m. - 11 :30 a.m., God's mercy to sinners. The people On Aging, 140 Union Street Ambulatory Care Services at are expectant; they stand there • Tuesday, December 5, saint Anne's Hospital "watching." Later, after witnessing 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Family • Friday, December 15, the crucifixion, they will repent of Health Care Center at SSTAR, 1:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m., and their rejection of Jesus by "beating 400 Stanley Street Wednesday, December 27, • Saturday, December 9and 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Tru Med I, LIGHTHOUSE Wednesday, December 20, 528 Newton Street CHRISTIAN BOOKSTORE 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., Tru Med II, Free services are available 933 Pleasant Street to eligible women. • Cards • Thursdays, December 14 & 28, For more information, call 9:30 a.m. -11:30 a.m., Health 1-800-71-WOMEN. First, 102 County Street • Rosaries •

Communicate: Health! A Month Of Healthy Learning At Saint Anne's.

:~~~~~ .~

. Porn is :poison -

Dear Editor, There is no d(:nying that the spread of pornogra phy is poisoning American socicty. At one time, obscenity was confined to adult bookstores in sleazy neighborhoods of large cities; now it is found in small town shopping malls, on prime time telcvision programs, on the pages of widely sold magazines, and especial:y in our presentday movies released by Hollywood producers. We all know that pornography and obscenity are just plain filth! They are the swampland ofbehavior and are anti-human, anti-family, and anti-society! It is a shameful fact that public decency laws on our statute books are rarely, if ever, enforced!


- .\



This situation: enables pornographers to have an unrestricted market to seek the "dirty" dollar. History has proven that mighty nations have .decayed and died when public depravity was allowed to become uncontrollable! As pornography and obscenity are not protected free speech under our First Amendment, (See Miller vs Calif., a U.S. Supreme Court case) our citizens should begin an all-out campaign for vigorous enforcement! We should demand that TV and radio industries, and the motion picture industry as well, "clean up their acts"! Parents and community leaders should not ignore the danger these evils bring to our families and our society! Thank you! Thomas A. Walsh Roslindale

. ~Gifts


TEL. (508) 997-1165

Open-Mon. - Sat. 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM

282 Union Street· New Bedford

Nov. 27 On 1:1-6.8-20; On.

3:52--56: Lk 21:1-4 Nov. 28 On 2:31-45; On 3:57-61; Lk 21:5-11 Nov. 29 On 5:1-6,13-14,1617.23-28: On 3:62-67; Lk 21:12-19 Nov. 30 Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19:2-5; Mt 4:18-22 Dec.l On 7:2-14; On 3:7581; lk 21:29-33 Dec. 2 Dn 7:15-27; On 3:82-87; Lk 21:34-36 Dec. 3 Is 2:1-5; Ps 122:19: Rom 13:11-14; Mt24:37-44

Dear Editor: Excellent editorial on immigration (Nov. 13). I have seldom seen better on the subject. Congratulations.

• 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required. For more information, contact Ann Mitchell, L1CSW at (508) 674-5600, Ext. 2270.

Diabetes Education And Support Group· • Tuesday, December 12 • 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p. m. • Nannery Conference Room "A Holiday Guide For Eating Wisely" will be presented by Jennifer Jenks, RD. For more information, contact Teresa Ferreira at

And the Beat Goes On·

(508) 674-5600, Ext. 433.

Apacemaker support group for patients and their families.

Sunday Seniors luncheon • Sunday, December 17 • 12:00 p.m. -1:30 p.m. • Clemence Hall, Room #134 Enjoy a nutritious lunch and listen to an educational program. There is a $4.00 fee which includes lunch and the presentation. For more information, please call the Food and Nutrition Department at (508) 674-5600, Ext. 2635.

Therapeutic support group for women with non-metastatic breast cancer disease. • Tuesdays, December 5 & 19

Cancer Education Series· Ageneral education series for patients, families and friends. • Wednesdays, December 6 & 13

The Oct. 27 editorial on the United Nations was rather meanspirited in spots. I will write you a longer letter on this.

• 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. • Nannery Conference Room For more information, contact Fred Barbosa, L1CSW at (508) 674-5600, Ext. 2279..

Keep up your good work. Eileen P. McGrath Nantucket 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River. Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Suhscription price by mail. postpaid $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River. MA 02722.

Breast Cancer Support Group·

• Tuesday, December 12 • 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. • Clemence Hall, Room 120 "The Benefits of Exercise" will be presented by Stephen Wing, MS. For more information contact Dixie Tavares, RN, at (508) 674-5600, ext. 2392.

Mixed reviews Daily Ruadings

The Communicate:Health! Mobile Mammography Van continues to be out in the community leading the fight against breast cancer.

J -800-4 J J- 7355 CAR CONNECTIONS 1821 County Street Somerset, MA 02726

Caring for our community 795 Middle Street Fall River, MA 02721 (508) 674-5741

'Free and open to the public.

6 THE XNCHOR ~ Diocese of Fall River ' - Fri., Nov. 24, 1995

CARDINAL JOSEPH L Bernardin of the Chicago archdiocese had radical surgery in June for cancer, and has since returned to work, but at a much reduced schedule. (CNS / Stephenson photo)

Cardinal Bernardin views his illness as a blessing

'television 'is going too far Because of my work schedule, , of people are starting to judge actually never watched any of the these shows. Among the critics of these shows currently talked-about TV talk shows until a few months ago. To is Sen. Joseph Lieberman (0tell the truth, what' saw the first Conn.). In late October the senatime I flipped the television on one tor appeared on TV news programs to discuss taking a stand afternoon turned my stomach. Sitting in two rows were 12 against trash TV talk shows with topics like" My husband still sleeps adult siblings. Their father was in with his ex-wife," and "( married the first row. You could cut the hositility with a knife. All the dirty my rapist." Along with former Education linen was being aired by the siblings, Secretary Will.iam Bennett. Liewho apparently always felt abanberman announced the start of a doned and hurt by their father. Noone seemed to care about campaign to pressure the shows' producers, advertisers and viewers keeping anything private. I think to say "enough!" Bennett dethe idea of having them on the nounced the talk shows as "a· case program was so they could patch study of rot." up some of their anger. Instead it Opposition to the Bennet-Lieberall got worse. man campaign developed instantly. It ended up with the father about Cries of censorship and claims to storm off the set, shouting at his grown kids. I think a few of his . that they are abusing p~oples' rights popped up first, followed by other children looked really pained. It objections. The opponents said was probably a scene they had nobody is forcing people to watch witnessed many times in their lives. and argued that people have conI guess that's talk-show fare in trol over the remote or can turn America today: ugliness, hostility, weirdness, immorality, all kinds of the set off. Others said the programs are trash. And who's watching? Peoreally just cqrnedY, a charade. Some ple who are in their homes, and maintained it is simply up to parthis includes an a wfullot of young ents to tell their children what they children and teens. They're being can or can't watch. This, of course, fed large doses' of poison from a is a real problem since few parents screen. At least that's the way a lot

I'm not just speaking theoretically, CHICAGO (CNS) - Despite that I'm speaking from my lived being operated on for cancer earexperience. As a result, , jokingly lier this year, Cardinal Joseph L. told people that I've become the Bernardin of Chicago continues to unofficial chaplain for all cancer accentuate the positive. patients in Cook and Lake coun"It's a wonderful thing this happened. I consider it a great bless- ties," the two counties of the ChiThe family may be the last bascago Archdiocese. , ing," the cardinal said. tion of personal relatedness in an "If I can be a source of help, a When it comes to ministry, "my increasingly alienated and impersource of strength, a symbol of first priority is the archdiocese," sonal world. An important family hope for the people who are facing task is to teach basic communicahe said. '" feel that my first obligathese problems in their lives, then tion, particularly those elemental tion is t'o the people' have been I'm happy to do it. I feel that the called to ·serve." IIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111 . , Lord would want me to do it." Cardinal Bernardin said he was rOSaries to people .who a'pproached The 67-year-old cardinal had "in a state'of wonderment" when hi' rit\.:\' .... ,_,1.· ~. .\.radical surgery in June for the first informed about h(s :cancer: When doctors asked if he would removal of his right kidney and' a which has only a 25 percent survito use a side door, he replied: like malignant growth from his pan- val rate after five years. "No, I'm a priest first and a patient creas, 'and underwent radiation "But I immediately' put myself second, so I'm happy to see these and chemotherapy treatments over in the hands of the Lord and said, people." the summer five days a week for 'You have to lookout for me. It's Those who have known fhe c;arfive and a half weeks: what yo.u want. And , must say dinal for years are not surprised'by He returned to work in Sep- that I experienced a peace of mind," his good will. toward other patients. tember, but at a much reduced he said. '" think that' he inspires hope schedule. "He's been an ideal patient," because he has the ability ,to see In the past, Cardinid Bernardin said Dr. Anne McCall, a radioGod and believe that God will take would awaken at 5:30 a.m. and therapist and radiation oncologist. care o-fyou," said'retired Auxiliary pray for an hour before celebrat- The cardinal has followed doc~ors' Bishop Timothy J. L y n e . · ing Mass. He would spend an advice, maintained his weight and eight-hour day in his office, then remained positive in the face of To date the cardinal has received visit his mother in a nursing home. adversity. "He's been extremely 10,000 to 12,000.letters from peo- . Barring no special events, he focused on being well instead of on pie, which he said confirms his would return home to more paper- being sick." view of what people expect of work, said Father Kenneth Velo, priests. Dr. Ellen Gaynor, associate president of the Catholic Church "They don't expect their priests professor of medicine, hematology Extension Society, who lives with and oncology, agreed. "He toler- , to have political savvy... ," he said. the cardinal. "But what they expect the' priest to ated the treatment very well. He Now, he tries to attend fewer be is a holy man.- a man who.is.a really handled it better' than most meetings, He attempts to work symbol of God!s presence in our people because he is healthy, highly only three to four hours, rather lives, a man who is a symbol of motivated and has a positive than those 16-hour days. hope in a world, where frequently attitude," , "I have canceled a' number of thereis so little hope." "His sense ofaccepfance is somemy out-of-town commitments, but what unusual," she added. ''I'm , Cardinal Bernardin, who will., I'm trying to honor most of the sure he feels the same emotions continue to have periodic checkones within the archdiocese in terms ,that we all do. However the inner ups and receive a monthly chemoof liturgical functions and church strength of this man is what you therapy injection, said he has had visitations," Cardinal Bernardin see in dealing with this illness. He's time to reflect on life and death said. been very consistent throughout." from a new' vantage point. "You He has a newfound ministry: The only concern the cardinal suddenly begin to discern more Each day, he writes notes and calls caused his doctors was in his daily quickly and more accurately what's and visits other people with cancer. trip through the waiting room. truly important, what's not· so The night before he talked about They were worried he's become important," he said calmly. his cancer and recovery with the fatigued by spending so much time "We spend so much time on National Catholic Register, a nll;with the well-wishers who apthings that are not so important. tionarweekly based in Studio City, proached him. Within the church even you have Calif., he spent more than an hour little personality cO,nflicts in some "It took him two minutes to be on the phone, talking with five difof the parishes and the agencies. treated and 20 minutes to get ferent people, all of whom have You have other crises that come through the waiting room," Dr. serious forms of cancer. up, which in the final analysis McCall said. '" have found that since the don't make that much difference. cancer experience, I'm much betCardinal Bernardin would spend ter able to counsel and help other 20 to 40 minutes listening to his "What does make a difference is people. I guess I have a certain fellow patients, praying with them whether what is done, whether credibility," he said in the interview. and comforting them. During the what is said, reall.y contributes to "I've been through what they're course of his treatment he gave the well-being of people, whether going through, so they know that away about 100 crucifixes and 50 individually or collectively."

Be thankful everyday


. daily contacts that are the ground of human interaction. Four essential daily contacts constit'ute the essences of good manners. The first is "hello," an important recognition ritual. We routinely acknowledge one another in passing without much thought until s.omeone fails to say "hello" back. Then we may be very angry or hurt. The second essential daily. 'con~ tact is "I love you" or some similarly positive upbeat comment. ."Looking good!" "You're wonderfu!!" "I like your T-shirt!" Even a simple thumbs-up or a smile serve the purpose of tell.ing our neighbor lthat he or she is a good person. The third essential daily contact expresses remors'e. All. of us offend, ·most often unwittingly and sometimes unavoidably. To give tosomeone we may have toneglect,someone else. Saying "I'm sorry" is a good way to 'set matters right again.' , Finally comes gratitude. Others do well. by us, a thoughtfulness, a gift. a service. Those of us with grace will. say "thank you." Learning to say "thank you" is basic good manners, a proper, foundation for good communication and relationships. Giving thanks is also ajoy. By making the one who is thanked happy. the thanker feels good as well. Thank~giving is a family feast, a day for individual family members to renew their awareness of mutual need. We need one another. As the pilgrims professed, we survive together or we flounder separately. Without help from the native Americans, the pilgrims would have starved during their first winter. The pilgrims recognized their dependence and threw a party to say "thank you." Gratitude is humbling for proud individualists. That may be why it is so unfortunately rare. To say "thank you" requires an admission of need. an acceptance of the fact that we are not sufficient unto ourselves. We certainly need one another. Our soc,iety has become more and more specialized, a world of skilled


are home in the afternoon to enforce any rules they may set. But Lieberman made a most important point, I though I:. He said trash television teaches ,:hildreO' that "perversion" is normal and that the way for adults to solve problems is to engage in shouting matches and emotional cruelty. While I have always opposed censorship because of the extremes to which it can lead, , think something has to 'be done about TV programming because of its enormous potential to influence viewers, particularly the young. , feel that if the TV industry won't clean up its own act, perhaps it is time to apply some pressure. We have to find ways to make the industry accountable for allowing itself to deteriorate into a cess:pool. This campaign courageously started by Lieberman and Be:~nett should be one all. decent people can support.


MARY' KENNY technologists. Ther~ are few jacksof-all.-trades. Factory workers need bakers, who need electrici.ans. Mothers need domestic help, who themselyes need groceries. Ideall.y we all fit together in a social internet. We each do our part in a mystical body of mutual need. For"the branch to say "thank you" to the vine is a good way of making sure that the cooper~,tion is appreciated and continues. So celebrate and acknowl~dge the fact that we need each mher. Be grateful for your neighbor. Say "thank you" to someone ,this Thanksgiving and Advent season, perhaps to the person sitting .hext .to you at the Holiday table. Reader questions on familJ -liv-, ing and child care to be answued in print are invited. Address questions: The, Kennys; 219 W. Hlnrison; R~nsselaer, Ind. 47978. I : •

prayer~Bo '\;/ For True Worship Father, you sent your Word to bring us truth alild your Spirit to make us hoily. Through them we come to know the mystery of your life. Help us to worship you, one God in three Plirsons, by proclaiming and living our faith in you. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and tll1e Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

All marlriages should be well thought out Q. I just had an opportunity to read your two columns of some weeks ago concerning high-schoolage girls who become pregnant. I consider m}' church to be loving and compassionate, and would want to go the extra mile to include these young women in this most difficult time. I think of the }oung couples who are pregnant before they get married. In some dioceses they are permitted to marry in the church only after a waiting period of four to six months for counseling, Rather than waitt, they go to a non-Catholic minister, get married and do not come back to the Catholic Church. We are losing a lot of good young people by not hurrying things up for them. Ilook forward to }'our thoughts about this. (Missouri) A. I'm not exact;y sure of your point, but if you are suggesting that we should exempt couples from appropriate preparation for marriage because of pregnancy I heartily disagree. A number of sl:rious matters need to be consider,ed in determining how we respond to these situations. First. the months required by nearly every diocese in the United States before marriage are not simply a waiting period. They are intended to providcadequate time for thoughtful participation in one

Much ado about nothing Perhaps I should have suspected something 20-plus years ago when my new bride stayed up until 3 in the morning to finish painting the ceilings of our new apartment. I honestly thought she was just excited about our first and "new" home. I hadn't felt compelled at all to continue painting beyond the Johnny C~rson monologue. "We can finish that tomorrow, ya know, honey," I said. "Just a little longer," she said, 'Tm'almost done.''' Little did I know ",";'had cpntracted marriage to a 'compulsive project completer. Little did shoe suspect she had recently promised to love, honor, ell:., a person who respects the time it takes todp a job well. .' OK, sht; might phrase it a little differently. She did last weekend: ''I'm surprised you finish a sen'tence." . This came in reflecting on a little leak from an upstairs bathroom over our basement laundry area. I cut a hole into the ceiling and repaired the leak a while back. She pointed out she had taken a child to full term in less time than I considered "a while back" and that the remaining hole in the ceiling was getting on her nerves. I explained I wanted to make sure the leak was stopped before fixing the ceiling. She claimed the "gaping hole" had been there so long the bottom of the tub visib1l: from the basement had faded from exposure to "laundry fumes." I said I'd do it on the weekend. ,



or more of the excellent premarriage preparation programs available now all over the country. We need, I believe. to remove ourselves from the feeling. perhaps held by some parents today more than by their children, that getting pregnant creates a panic requiring a rush into marriage. We priests. and wise parents and other counselors, try first of all to calm things down and help the pregnant coup'le . , realize there are more important tasks at the moment than being sure they marry before the baby comes. Five or 10 years from now, the kind of home the child is born into will be of far greater value and significance to the child and to its parents than the dates on the wedding and birth certificates. Some reasonably relaxed months to think and pray about their life together provide an immeasurably valuable investment, even if some of that time comes after the baby arrives. Every new baby deserves to be prepared for well. and to be cared for and anticipated with as much love and attention as possible. That should be a large task, filled with affection, whether the parents are married or not.


. ,,

She said, "Of what week, month and year?" I said, "Hah, hith." She said if she had known she would have to stand under a "chasm" with a view of the bottom of a bath tub for a year every time she did laundry, she would have preferred to put up with the leak. I ,told her that mad.e about as much Isense 'as her driving faster when she's low 6n gas so she'll get to a station before she runs out. " ~he charged that if it was I,. I'd pullthe,car-ov.er. to,the side of the -wad and,;wait"f<:>r"thc"statlon .to .comelo me~: ~Il':; I said I didn't know.what that had to do with a hole in the basement ceiling. . . I She said she was tired of me taking out the garbage and forgetting to put a new liner i,n the can. I said she keeps putting knives into the dishwasher upsidedown. Then she really hurt me. She said she thought I was putting off finishing the ceiling job because I would be forced to tape sheetrock joints. She said I always screw 'them up and I was in denial. I said there was not a reason in the world why a reasonable person would not stop painting at 11:30 p.m. and watch ~ohnny Carson. She smiled and told me she loved me. I broke out the sheetrocking paraphernalia. Your comments are welcome always. Please send them to Uncle Dan, 25218 Meadow Way, Arlington, Wash. 98223.

Attempting to add on to all this the simultaneous huge project of making arrangement and preparations for a wedding almost certainly assures that neither task will be done well or happily. Unnecessary tensions will normally be enormous. If. after our best efforts to help the couple as wisely and caringly as we can, they decide to be married Ollt of the church, again I don't think we need to panic. Opportunities will come later to remedy their spiritual situation; from my experience they will do so if any genuine faith is there in the first place. Apart from all else, as time goes on it is possible that such an approach will give both of them more confidence and courage about their own and their partner's commitment to be with each other for life. I hope it is clear that nothing said here implies that we should never allow a couple to marry if the woman is pregnant. Every situation must be judged on its own merits. It's simply that most priests I know feel we too often tend to


Diocese of Fall River- Fri., Nov. 24, 1995

start with the wrong mind-set in these circumstances and miss what is most important. A little tranquil and gentle encouragement to patience and to slowing down the rush can be a precious gift to young couples and their families in a very painful time of their lives.

Coyle and Cassidy High School Taunton, Ma~usett.



A free brochure answering questions Catholics ask about annulments is a vailable by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Church, 704 N. Main St" Bloomington, 111. 61701. Questions should be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address.


A Reco~nized

.:Q ..... 1';

Sh c 00 I OF ,.' 7, Excellence \~. ~;'

._Where you know



Catholic Memorial Home to host Alzheimer's speaker Gerry Flaherty, director of special programs for the Alzheimer's Association of Eastern Massachusetts, will present an informational session on the Safe Return Program Nov. 28, 12:30 to 2 p.m, at Catholic Memorial Home, 2446 Highland Avenue, Fall River. The event is sponsored by the greater Fall River Alzheimer's Support Groups. ' The program was created to promote the safety of individuals in the community with memoryimpairing illnesses. Flaherty has implemented the program in communities and police departments throughout the state. Admission is free and refreshments will be served.

Recognized as an "Exemplary School" by the United States Department of Education -1991 Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges National Catholic Education Association Member Institution Adams and Hamilton Streets Taunton, Massachusetts 02780-2483 Tel. (508) 823-6164 • Fax (508) 823-2530

Inform Your Faith

For more information, ~ontact John Rogers, LSW, a sociaJ'worker in thehome's Alzheimer's unit, at 679-0011, or Paulette Masse MS, LSW, co-found~r of the greater Fall River Alzheimer's Support Groups, at Blair House 997-9396.

Weston Jesuit School of Theology offers a wide variety of graduate-level courses in Church History, Biblical Studies, Systematic and Historical Theology, Moral Theology and Pastoral Studies taugh~ by a world-renowned faculty. Work towards a degree on a part-time basis or take courses indiVidually: exploring and enriching a(eas of personal interest. This spring's evening courses include: Ignatian Way II: The Spiritual Exercises

;" ..




George L. Drury, SJ· Tuesdays 6:00-8:00pm


.. ': . Nov. 25 . 1946, Rev. Philias Jalbert, Pastor, Notre Dame. Fall River 1971, Rev, Dennis Spykers,


Leadership and Spirituality

Katherine Clarke/Brian O. McDermott, SJ Wednesdays 6:30-8:30pm


Seminar: Casuistry

Nov.26 . 1945, Rev. James R. Burns, P.R., PaStor, Sacred Heart, Fall River,

. James E Keenan, SJ· Wednesdays 7:00-1O:00pm Franciscan Spirituality

Nov. 27 .1948, Rt. Rev. Patrick E. McGee, PaStor, St. Mary, North Attleboro

Weston Jesuit

Nov. 28 1959, Rev. Adrien A. Gauthier, Pastor, St. Roch, Fall River

School of Theology

Nov. 29 1965, Rev. Francis A. McCarthy, Pastor, St. Patrick, Somerset Dec. 1 1958, Rev. Phillipe Ross. Chaplain, Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford 1964, Rev. Edward J. Gorman, Pastor Emeritus, St. Patrick, Somerset

A National Theological Center

Classes Begin January 29th


Margaret Eletta Guider, OSF Thursdays 7:00-9:30pm For information on these or any of our other courses and programs, please contact:

Mary Ellen Herx-Morrill, MDiv Direclor oj Admissions Weston Jesuit School of Theology 3 Phillips Place, Dept. Q5 Cambridge, MA 02138-3495 Phone: (617) 492-1960· Fax: (617) 492-5833 Registration Dates:

December 4th-8th from 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00pm-4:00pm

8 THE"ANCHOR'~:Dioces·e·ofFall·Rivef··"::':"·Fri., Nov.·24,·l99S·;-'

CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS Daily through January 1 Sun. - Thurs: 5:00 - 9:00 PM Fri. ~ Sat.: 5:00 - 10:00 PM

POPE JOHN Paul II is surrounded by some of the 600 chefsfrom Italy's southern Campania region who attendedhis weekly general audience recently at the Vatican. (CNS/ Reuters photo)

Call for schedule of services & concerts.

The.' Enola Gay e~hibj~.: a missed 0Jlp.ortunity:

CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Nov. 24-25-26 ~ Alongside Cafeteria Fri. & Sat..: 12:00 - 9:00 PM Sun. 12:00 - 8:00 PM An outstanding selection of crafts and decorative holiday items.

Women Religious ARE YOU WONDERING.•. How is God calling me to live out my baptismal commitment?

ARE YOU CONSIDERING... Am I being called to share the mission of Jesus in Community?

WOULD YOU LIKE TO MEET OTHERS WHO ARE REFLECTING ON THESE QUESTIONS If you answered YES to any of these questions, COME and join us for a reflective INFORMATION EVENING. . .

Single Women in your 20's, 30's, 40's - You are Invited: TO REFLECT ON THE BASICS OF RELIGIOUS LIFE: Nourished by PRAYER; Supported by COMMUNITY; Energized by MINISTRY.

Information Evenings: Wed., Nov. 29,1995 Wed., April 10, 1996

6:30 P.M. St. Mary Parish 330 Pratt St., Rte. 106 Mansfield, MA

6:30 P.M.' Christ the King Parish .The Commons Mashpee, MA

Pre-registration is helpful/or planning, but registration may be at the door.

Name: _-.,. Address:

Program Date:

'. cCatholic do-ct(]~rS . . discuss care of terminally ilJ

_ .:....-



Mail to: S.M. Noel Blute, RSM 500 Slocum Rd.· No. Dartmouth, MA 02747-2930

NEW YORK (CNS) - Catholic physicians need to let people Imow more about alternatives to physician-assisted suicide as well as its dangers, speakers emphasized during a recent panel discussiclO in New York. Msgr. William B. Smith, professor of moral theology a'~ the New York archdiocesan seminary, St. Joseph's in Yonkers, said that the Catholic Church supports "palliative care" to ease the pa.in of the terminally ill, even if it includes pain killers that have the llOdesired effect of shortening life. This comes under the traditional moral theory of "double effect," he said. The panel discussion was presented at the annual meeting (If the National Federation of Cat:!lOlic Physicians' Guilds. Msgr. Smith warned that a strong movemenf in favor of physi,;ianassisted suicide was developing. "Legally, we may have a breathing space of about two years," he said. But he said public trust would

~~~~ct;:~~rtsi~~~~~wb;:r:kce~ar;~~ vidually whether they supported

eu.~~::a~:; i have to ask you,that

By Father Eugene Hemrick .! mahd as they once did. War and question, our society is in very bad On Aug. 6. 1945. Col. Paul Tib- all the support systems it requires trouble and so, I'm afraid, is 'four · bits and his I O-man crew flying the ,depend much more on the minds profession," he said. . He said the Catholic position on Enola Gay demolished H iro~hima . of computers than generals' minds. with "Little Boy" and the wor'ld The advantage .is that human euthanasia was not ,a "sectl!,rian _awoke to the realization it CQuid error can be reduced and innocent scruple" comparable to questions destroy itself. . lives saved. The disadvantage is about what could be eaten on Fri- . that human involvement needed days during Lent. Rather, he !:aid, The quietness of visitors to the new Enola Gay exhibit at the to make moral decisions can also it is in line with the tradition of National Air and Space Museum be reduced. Christian thought in other church.in Wl!shingtp,!;)"C'_7' h()~sing, Vail! Creveld speculates. "Given' es, with Orthodox Judaism and the.:plane's fuselag~.a,nd a:replica. r the law 'of 'percentages':;w'hich' ;with historic U.S. civil law. · of the bomp - is more powerful' . modern science tells us goverrisall Msgr. Smith said the Cath.~lic than the most well-chosen words seemingly random events, one Church favors giving good medifor expressing the catastrophic might argue that (the possibility of cal care to patients who cannot be meaning of nuclear weapons. nuclear war) is bound to arise cured and does not insist on I:onWhen I visited the exhibit. I .sooner or later." tinued use of "extraordinary" overheard spectators argue the This possibility places a heavy means such as respirators and merits of using nuclear force. One responsibility on us. We must take dialysis that patients and their spectator. whoraised doubts about every opportunity to raise the level families decide are burdensome its morality, was immediatelycounof moral discourse and to create a out of proportion to any fores~eatered by another who told him. "If moral sense of responsibility about ble benefit. nuclear warfare. The responsibilHe said, however, that the "Ethyou sa w all the dead we were shipping home. you would have no ity applies in a particular way to ical and Religious Directives for doubt that we did the right thing." museums which are vehicles for Catholic Health Care Servi,;es" With the exception of comments education. approved in 1994 by the U.S. As such. they have an obligation bishops went too far in listing by spectators, the exhibit is, completely devoid of moral commen- to provide in(ormation that at "excessive expense" on the comtary. It concentrates soley on how times should be disturbing, but munity as a reason for withhold~ the United StatesbuilttheB-29and whichcanhelppeoplemakemoral ing treatment. He noted that how the Enola Gay was restored decisions. We would all be much "Evangelium Vitae" cites only · by the Smithsonian Museum. better off if the Enola Gay exhibit "excessive burden on the patient We see a movie of Tibbits and could capitalize on the initial and his family," and questioned who could decide what was ex,:esothers explaining how they per- hushed moment it creates for visformed their mission. and the itors in order to build moral sive to the community. The bishops' directives brought closest mention of any moral issue awareness. in it is when the bombardier says together in one document church he knew the bomb they were carrythinking on a wide range of ethical ing could kill more people than questions. They serve as a national any bomb in existence. code to guide Catholic health c:are As I left the exhibit, I felt it CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy facilities. (CNS) ~ Pope John Paul I I told Another panelist, Dr. Thomas missed a big opportunity by failing to address the moral debate on Brazilian bishops their church Fahey of Memorial Sioan-Ket';er~ nuclear war. must do more to fignt the influ- ing Cancer Center in New YNk, Today nuclear bombs are much ence of religious sects and the said many doctors needed bel:ter more powerful; they are still being "serious damage" such groups are training in pain management. He causing the. Catholic faithful. The also said some do less than they stockpiled despite talks of disarmamen!. pope also warned against overly could because they apply '~he When "Little Boy" was dropped simplified ecumenical dialogue, general precautions against patients it weighed 8,900 lbs. and had a saying it sometimes led to'a muti- getting addicted to drugs to the lation of the faith. He commented special situation of the terminally yield of 15 kilotons of TNT and the capacity to destroy a city.' in a speech to bishops making ill. Today we have devices that weigh their "ad limina"visits, required of He said the most important po int bishops every five years. As in pre- for physicians was toassure patients 500 kilograms that can yield 200 kilotons. These new devices can, vious talks to other Brazilian pre- they would never be abandon~d, easily be moved and positioned. liltes, the pope minced no words in and that it was ethical to provide' Martin Van Creveld in the book identifying pastoral problems and sedation to those who requested it. "War and Technology" points out suggesting remedies. He noted the But Fahey said that in response that we have entered a computer value of ecumenical dialogue, but to a request for help with suicidl:, a age which calculates victory or said there was a tendency among doctor should say that "we va'lue defeat in terms of maihematical some to promote agreement by .their lives and their worth and formulas. Generals do not comignoring basic church teachings. therefore cannot kill them."

Bishops cautioned

Vincentians begin season of giving


Oiocese of Fall River -


Pri.: N6V: 24,'1995

By Julie Santos Reardon Taunton Gazette


. . .J J: ..... '<i< .. 4.A. ..

SISTER ELAINE Heffernan, R.S.M., right, director of pastoral care at Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River, shares a moment with Non~en Shea, a resident of the nursing home. Ms. Shea and SI'. Elaine's mother are first cousinS.

Sister Elaine Heffernan provi~:les pastoral care The motto of Fall River's Catholic Memorial Home "Love Made Visible," could have been written for Sister of Mercy Elaine Heffernan. Asa former elementary school ' teacher and principal, Sister Elaine ministered to children. Today, as the Memorial Home's new director of pastoral care, she ministers to the nursing hom(:'s 300 residents and the staff who cares for them. Sister Elaine was lTIost recently director of religious education fOf the Fall River diocese. Along with Rev. Arthur Wingate. chaplain of Catholic Memorial Home, her efforts are now channeled into helping to make the nursing home a happy, comfortable place for residents. "Working with the elderly gives you a lot to think about. This is their home and it's so important that they're happy," she said. In nursing homes, pastoral care addresses the spiritual concerns of residents and is part of a holistic approach to their care. Pastoral care providers offer friendship, counseling and spiritual support to residents, their fa milies and staff. Continuing the mission of their founders, the Carmelite Sisters of the Aged and Infirm have staffed Catholic Memorial Home and provided pastoral care to its residents since 1939. "Fulfilling spiritual needs is a nec,~ssary ingredient of healing, good health and quality care," said Sister Sean Connolly, O.Carm., administrator, adding that providing pastoral services is a fulltime job. It's a job Sister Elaine tackles with pleasure. "My door is always open. I'm available to everyone," she said. Throughout the day, she visits residents, comforts the sick and prays with the dying. She also visits residents who have been admitted to the hospital. "Pastoral care means beingaware of residents' spiritual needs, being available at all times and being a good listener. Listening skills are important because people need somebody to talk to. Sometimes we can't do anything, but they know they can talk and have an ear that will listen," she said. Another aspect of pastoral care involves working with residents and their families to smooth the

transition between home and the nursing home. "As new residents are admitted, I meet with them right away to let them know that I'm available if they would lik'e to talk. I also meet with their families," said Sister Elaine. She has found that although residents engage her in a variety of topics, spirituality is often an underlying element. "Residents might talk about their familY, children or physic~l. needs, not pnly spiritual needs.:Spirituality otten comes out through just talking," she said. "Residents see me as a representative of the Church and feel comforted in knowing [,'11 remember their intentions in my prayers." Serving as a link between residents and their home parishes, she contacts pastors to arrange for visits to the home. ' Sister Elaine has completed one unit of the clinical pCl.storal education (C.P.E.) program offered at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, and is pursuing the second unit this year. Each unit, lasting several weeks, teaches advanced pastoral care techniques. The Sister of Mercy also holds a bachelor of science degree in education from Catholic Teachers' College, Rhode Island; and a master's degree in education from St. Michael's College, Winooski, Ver\llont. She has pursued advanced studies at Boston College and Emmanuel College, Boston; and American College, Louvain, Belgium. She is a member of the National Catholic Educational Association and the New England Directors of Religious Education. ' During tlle short time Sister Elaine has worked at the Memorial Home, she has found the staff and residents caring and welcoming. "Residences and staff know that if they call, I'll come," said Sister Elaine. "Sometimes a floor nurse will ask me to talk with a resident. It makes m'e feel good that the staff seeks me out to help the residents."

The Taunton St. Vincent de Paul Society is helping kick off the season of giving by placing barrels in public places where people can leave nonperishable goods now through December. The Taunton Credit Union on Route 44 has a barrel in its building loaned by St. Vincent de Paul, the top of which reads "Help us to help others." "If some other organizations would like barrels to put out, we can give them out," said Roland Ducharme, coordinator of the St. , Vincent de Paul Society. All goods collected will be shared among the St. Vincent de Paul Society, -St. Francis Samaritan House, Our Daily Bread soup kitchen and the Coyle-Cassidy food pantry. Food will be used for food baskets for the needy at Thanksgiving and Christmas. "We all work hand in hand," Ducharme said. Last year, Ducharme said, his parish alone, St. Joseph's, distributed 90 baskets at Thanksgiving. Members also provide food for people throughout the year and expect the needy for the 1995 holidays to be at least equal to last '. year's. . . I. "I would say that there's going to be' more of.a demand because of -Weld's programs," Ducharme said, referring to Gov. William F. Weld's plan to cut money from numerous social programs. He has already received calls from people requesting baskets. 1 . For information-about obtaining a food ba'rrel, contact the 8't. Vincent de Paul Society at 8236676.

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Cardinal Gibbons medal awarded to former govern~r Robert P. Casey, former governor of Pennsylvania and current Chairman of the Campaign for the American Family and Fund for the American Family. received the James Cardinal Gibbons Medal from the Catholic University of America Alumni Association at a recent homecoming and reunion banquet. The Cardinal Gibbons Medal. given for service to the nation, the Roman Catholic Church or the university. is named for the ninth bishop of Baltimore who was Catholic University's first chancellor. Past recipients of the Gibbons medal include President John F. Kennedy, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen and U.S. Speaker of the House John W. McCormack. Casey was elected governor of Pennsylvania in 1986. and reelected in 1990 in the biggest landslide in Pennsylvania history. He is a leading advocate' for women. children and families. As Governor. he enacted historic pro-family reforms, and his fiscal policies resulted in Pennsylvania having the lowest per capita state and local tax burden and the highest personal income growth rate of any state in the region. Through the Campaign and Fund for the American Family. Governor Casey promotes policy changes that strengthen the economic and moral health offamilies.


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THE ANCHOR-:-Diocese of Fall River---,-Fri:, Nov. 24, 1995

champion poor

Strong ties .exist between colleges in Dhaka, N. Easton

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- DuringtheirNov.13-16fallmee:tingin Washington, members of the National Conference of Ca.tholic Bishops and U.S. Catholic: ConDHAKA, Bangladesh(CNS)Michael Novak, author of over ference declared themselves solidly Prominent U.S. lay theologian 2S books and former U.S. ambason the side of the poor and re:jected Michael Novak has inaugurated a sad'or to the United Nations' comattempts to make the working poor library in his late missionary broth- mission on human rights, was in and children bear the brunt offeder's honor at Notre Dame College Dhaka for the dedication cereeral budget cuts. in Dhaka. Novak also made a mony. In a last-minute addition to the donation, to cover construction The Novak family has longagenda, they made t.heir own apexpenses'of the new facility. standing connections with Banglapeal to national leaders from their To be called the Father Richard desh. Another Novak brother, president, Cardinal William H. Novak Memorial Library, it is James Jeremiah, served with ASI, Keeler of Baltimore. ,The docudedicated to the Holy Cross priest a foundation in Dhaka, and a ment, called "A Catholic Appeal: who was killed by brigands in 1964 nephew who worked at the U.S. Leadershi'p for the Common at age 28 and his body thrown i.nto Embassy in Dhaka married a Good," said that budget debates a river ,while on a mercy mission Bangladeshi. "have fundamental moral ~Iimen­ Himself a Holy Cross seminarduring communal disturbances in sions and human consequences." ian at Stonehill College before Bangladesh. "We do not think we can come In his remarks at the award deciding to leave studies for the. to Washington at this critical time ceremony, Novak said that "the priesthood Michael Novak won and remain silent as our II~aders most important resource is not the 1994 Templeton prize, awarded face policy decisions that will affect land but people," and thai the for advancing mankind's un,derA FARMER and his wife dressed in traditional costumes everyone' of us, especially the "worst poverty is a poverty of standing of God and spiritu·ality. make their way through deep snow during an annual celebra- poorest members of our country," ideas; the main cause of develop- For years has been helping Notre tion of the feast of St. Leonard in the Bavarian town of Bad said Cardinal Roger M. Mahony ment is ideas." Dame College financially and he Toelz. The sixth-century saint is' remembered each November of Los Angeles. Father Novak, a 1958 graduate also donated a portion of the By a 236-2 vote Nov. 14, the . in a horse procession to a small church at the top of a mounofSto,nehill College, North Easton, Templeton Prize to the institution. bishops approved a pastoral meswas a member of the Notre Dame Novak's books, manuscripts, tain. (eNS/ Reuters photo) sage marking the 10th annivl:rsary College faculty, and a scholar and reviews, letters, newspaper columns of"Economic Justice for All." In graduate in Islamic studies from and other materials are preserved the new message the bishops call Dhaka University. He was aiso a in the Michael J. Novak'Collecfor "greater economic justice: in an key contributor to the Notre Dame tion at the Martin Institute for economy with remarkable strength library. ' People facing death sometimes talk to him or has already died. Law and Society on the Stonehill The library plaque commemo- campus. Novak graduated from feel the need to make peace with a Suggest your father write a letter and creativity, but with too little rating him was unveiled at a recent the North Easton college in 1956. fr.iend, with a relative.or with God. to that person, saying all the things economic growth distributed too And just as they may have sought he would say if they were face to inequitably." event headed by Archbishop Nowa resident of the WashingMichael Roz Ario of Dhaka, pres- ton, DC, area, where he works at. your help' with physical needs. so face. Even if it is never mailed, Near the close of their meeting, ident of the college governing the American Enterpri.se Institunow they may also seek your help writing the letter can be a way to' the bishops heard a joint report board, and Bangladesh minister of tion, Novak is the husband of in preparing spiritually for death. say "please, forgive me. I forgive from several committees u,rging planning Moyeen Khan, a gradu- Karen Laub Novak, an artist and Catholics to "take positive st,~ps to That can seem like an over- you." ate of the college and Father N 0- sculptor. He is a member of the , - Sometimes people feel that promote reconciliation" in li:~ht of whelming task. one for which vak's former student. Stonehill board of trustees. talking or writingjust isn't enough. the current racial divisions in the neither of you feels equipped, Mom has to do something more. United States. especially if the person is one of Maybe it's going to her parents' or But the bishops also founc! time your parents. But helping a moth-, spo-use's grave ~'nd'pi-aying,'~ryi'ng: to look at some pressing matters of er or father find peace, helping her yelling and apologizing there. internal church business, such as or him turn or return to God, can Maybe it's compiling a list of regrets vocations, liturgy, lay ministry and make such 'a difference for all and then burning it. The point is to the election of new officers. concerned. help her let go of the problem by The bishops acted on: COVINGTON, Ky. (CNS) group of young people gathered in These are suggestions for how - A national strategy for vocafinding a way to ask and to accept the center of Tuzla. A grenade to help someone heal old wounds Even though she is now far ,hom forgiveness. tions, approved unanimously by her wartorn homeland of Bosnialanded in'the midst of them, killing by admitting mistakes, offering - Your parent may need to cry voice vote, that calls on each Herzegovina, 15-year-old Ajla 70 people and wounding 200. They apologies and accepting forgivea lot or to turn more to prayer. Be Catholic to take seriouslv the Hadzimehmedovic still tries to were "kids my age;" including his ness. open to both. "privilege and responsibilit:f" of avoid being in large groups of . two best friends, he said. - Yo'ur parent may need the - If there are big issues you inviting others to consider a 'Vocapeople because back home that School is a precious commodity opportunity to talk about serious can't help with, Mom or Dad tion to the priesthood or reli,gious made people an easy target. .to all the teens. "The best way I can matters that weigh heavily on the might benefit from talking with a life. "I feel like a grenade can fall in ';; help my country is through educa- mind' or burden the soul. Some counselor. Hospice social workers - A pastoral statement on "The the group and that shelling will tion," Dropic said. There are few things may 'need to be said' out have the, skills to help a person sort Hispanic Presence in the' New start," she said. "When we go teachers left in Bosnia, leaving loud. Getting to that point might Evangelization in the United across a bridge [to Ci'ncinhati] and youths without access to educa- depend on yourwillingness to'spend' through alife review. I hear a 'boom,' I duc~ ~own a~q • tio'n. : ,,,,., time 'with your- parent and your' - Finally, encourage and ar- States." Passed on a 224-4 vote, want to run away."'" S.everar' houis eac::h nigh't~~e'openm:ss' t~ l1sten to what he or , range for Mom or Dad to take the document says the linkage of ;.' Ms. Hadzimehmedovicta,native ' ',spent doing h6mework wii'h 'lhe ~ '~h~'has ,to S;iY· , advantage of the sacraments of :.faith and culture that historically ()f Tuzla in the former YugosJa:.. aid qf Bostlian.::'~ilislid,i~tio~a;ies.""~S.o~~tlme~sa~ing.somet~ingout': reconciliation and anointing of the has helped define the' U.S. Hisvian republic of Bosnia, is'niow,a'';: Courses such as:'sCienci:' and 'fnat'h.. I~y,d ~n.d bringing It out Into the: sick. No matter how long your panic·conlm.unity holds lessons for f,~eshmanat Notre DalJl~_Ac~den1Y are easier':fo~ the ~'tudents b~cause...op~~helpsto show it in a different,';' parent may have been away from the entire l}.S. church. in the Diocese of Covington. they are based on numbers.' but Cll<t\rerlighL Ir~e~sierto see ,what i: the church, no matter .what he or ':'- "Called and Gifted for' the i: She an'd other Bosnian students religion. history ana: E'nglish are happen~dana why rio 'one p~:son'~ she may have do~e, in all-Iovjng' Th.if~ Milll;nnium," a pastorHl re~'~e in"the United StatesthrolJ~n" ,-' mQre qjfficl,Il,t.': i ,,':1"<,:, ',,', :•.;., "'w~s ~~ntlrel~.t~ .. b.lal1)~ or enprelt:: God ,is ~aiting ,With op,en, arrils'·:.to·- 'f!ecti9n 9rllay l1)ini~trY,thatl!]arks lhe efforts of Operation Protect. a , Religion classes pose a sped-al Without blame.. Talking about It: offer forgivfnes~ an"d ip{ade: '(~r:n : 'fhdOlti aR'rii~ersary'of the Sel:ond , " . '" ,.' Vatican Council's Decree ob the prognim,w~ich hrings.R'osnian·stu-, '-challenge'" to MU'slirh'- teens;;who' rha~ m~ke.i~,~~~ierto.co~e to the:, qents 'of high-school age to the said they find Chr.istianity interest- realIzation It s time to forgive others" Apo,stolate of the Laity and the United States to study and finish iog ahd th'at the' Koran, 'file sacred'" and' oneself.· . , 15th anniversary of the U.S. bisht:heir e,ducation. ,,' text of Islam and the 'Bible are - Your mother may need to get·, Op!/ earlier statement on lay minis;, Almost 20 Bosnia'~S'arl: ilttend~" : sfmilai. '''Ea~h'ha~ iules like don't' , in tou'ch with someone. Often the try, "Called and Gifted." It passed i,pg Covington Cathol'ic' High kill. tell the truth, don't do'vio- 'other'party wants to make peace on a 224-2 vote. Schpol anq NQtre D~meAcademy. .lence," sai.d one,student... too. Let Mom kn<;>w that you can,,~ - The Pastoral Introduction to They 'act much like typi'cal teens, " help arrange the chance for them. the Order of the Mass and U.S. but their stories are dras'tically dif" to talk to one another. adaptations to it, as 'well as the fourth segment of the seven-part fcrcnt from those of iheir peers.' Maybe the person with whom "The days and nights of our· your' dad wants to reconcile won't Sacramentary. Both passed easily, lives have caused us to age overWASHINGTON (CNS) - The but Vatican approval is still needed. night," said Ajdin Dropic. 18, also Catholic Communication CamCardinal Keeler, ending his term from Tuzla. "I saw my two best paign has launched a nationwide as NCCB-USCC president, defriends die right beside me. You toll-free movie review line. It came· voted most of his final presidential ' have to become older in your mind after a pilot program in four U.S. address Nov. 13 to an assessment [to deal with what you see]. . dioceses attracted over 20,000 of Pope John Paul II's Oct. 4-8 Some of t'he students can recall calls. The number is (800) 311visit to the United States. , no life other than running from 4222 or "(800) JI'I-4CCC." It Echoing the pope's call to "Be mortar shells and living in base- offers reviews of six current topnot afraid," Cardinal Keeler !iaid, ments, often without water, elec- 'grossing movies, plus a recom"This antiphon of Pope John tricity, food or heat. mended "video of the week" Paul's pontificate ought to im:pire But young people get restless selected by the U.S. Catholic Conwhat we bishops do and say as and can't stay in basements all the ference Office for Film and public witnesses to the truth here in the United States." ti·":!e,. s.ai~ .!?ropic, S? I~st ~ay?~ ~ . ~r,o,ad~~!!J%,.~.,.. v.v..... " , "" v •• " . , . , ••• , ,.4''',.,

Making Amends

US Catholic schools· welcome Bosnian students

TolI-Jree fl,. hit line


PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN arEl asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included, as well as full dates of all activIties. Please send news ,)f future rather than past events. Due to limited space and also because notices of strictly parish 811alrs normally appear In a parish" own bUlletin, we are forced to limit Items to eloents ot general Interest. Also, we do not normally carry notices of fundraising activities, which may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business offlce,telephone (508) 675-7151. On Steering Points Items, FR Indicates Fall River; NB Indicates N,!w Bedford.

SERRA CLUB, NB Father Craig Pregana will speak on vocations at the Serra Club meeting Nov. 27, 7 p.m. at White's of Westport. FALL RIVER WIDOWED GROUP There will be a meeting Nov. 27,7 p.m. at St. Mary's School, Second St., Fall River. All widowed welcome. Information: Annette, tel. 679-3278.


CATHOLIC WOMAN'S CLUB, NB There will be a meeting Nov. 29, 7 p.m. at St. Lawrence rectory, I IO SummerStre~:t, New Bedford. Information: Joan Sylvia, tel. 993-8825.

First Friday adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be Dec. I after the 7 a. m. Mass until the following morning prior to the 9 a.m. Mass. Evening prayers at 7 p.m. Friday and special prayers Saturday at 8 a.m. Informatioll1: Joan Provost, tel. 699-2430.

HOLY TRINITY, WEST HARWICH "Christmas Fantasia," a new musical story of Christmas is presented by Saints & Si.nge~s Chorus, an ecumenical 45-member mixed chorus, Dec. 2 at 8 p.m. at the church.

ICDA marks 30 years Rarely do arms, hands and fingers move in such graceful unison as evidenced by the members of the International Catholic Deaf Association in song and prayer. The ICDA, chapter 91, celebrated their 30th anniversary with a Mass and banquet, attend<:d by several diocesan chapter groups.

Joseph Costa, executive director of St. Vincent's Residential/ Special Education Treatments Center, Fall River. The bishop's homily focused on the upcoming feast of Christ the King. "We are a people waiting for our Master to come back," he said as Father Viveiros translated in sign language, "waiting full of "We strive to meet the needs of hope." the hearing impaired," said Father He spoke of the afflictions faced Joseph Viveiros, chaplain of chapby many such as deafness or blindter 91, the Christ the King society. "Many members from other chap- . ness but offered Jesus' message of hope to all: "Jesus came to cure us ters have come to cdebrate with of therdeafness that keeps 'us from us." head~g His Word of love in our The Mass, held at St. Vincent's hearts and the blindness that keeps Chapel and attended by hearing us from seeing God,'s love in othand deaf, was celebrated by Bishop ers. In the midst of1all the sufferSean O'Malley and concelebra'ted ing, God's love will bring vindicaby Father Viveiros and Father tion."

LEGION OF MARY The annual reunion will take place Nov. 26 at 2 p.m. at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, New Bedford. It will begin with rosary and Benediction followed by the social in the church basement. All Legion of Mary members, family and friends are invited. MEN OF THE SACRED HEARTS The Feast of Christ the King will be celebrated at Holy Name Church, New Bedford with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 2 to 3 p.m. and Mass immediately following. Concelebrants will be Msgr. Thomas J. Harrington, and Fathers Mathew Sullivan and Albert Evans of the Sacred Hearts community. ST. THOMAS MORE, . SOMERSET The St. Thomas More vocations a ware ness team invites everyone to a prayer service for vocations Nov. 30, 7:30 p.m. It is an evening of prayer and song before the Blessed Sacrament. Refreshments will follow in the main church foyer. DIOCESAN OFFICE FOR RELIGIOUS An informational evening is planned for Nov. 29 at St. Mary's parish, .Mansfield, for single worrien who are seeking information on religious life.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 24, 1995

OUR LADY OF VICTORY, CENTERVILLE A Mass for all parents who have lost a child due to illness, accident, miscarriage or stillbirth will be offered Dec. 3, 2:39 p.m. All welcome.


SAINTS PETER & PAUL, FR SO issues of Glory & Praise Vol. III are available to any person or organization who wishes to pick them up at the school. Information: Joe Stoddard, tel. 672-7258, between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., M-F.





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ST.ANTHONYOFTHEDESERT, FR Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Dec. 3, noon to 6 p.m., at St. Sharbel Chapel, 300 N. Eastern Ave., Fall River. Holy hour from 5 to 6 p.m. Exposition every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to midnight. All welcome. FIRST FRIDAY CLUB, FR Mass will be Dec. I at 6 p.m. at Sacred Heart Church, Fall River. Rev. Larry Jerge, CSC will be the celebrant and will speak after the dinner in the church hall following the Mass. Area men wishing to attend can contact Paul Dumais, tel. 6737675. . ST. PATRICK, WAREHAM 24-hour Eucharistic devotion Dec. I at 8:30 a.m. Adoration occurs every First Friday. TAUNTON STATE HOSPITAL NEEDS Among holiday season needs at Taunton State Hospital are carolers for various programs, donations for a giving tree and carpeting and l\imps for a new patient/family education center. Further information: Sandy Epstein, tel. 824-75~ I, ext. 127.


PAULINE RAICHE, a member of Notre Dame Parish, Fall River, and officer of the International Catholic Deaf Association, signs Scripture passages and Father Joseph Viveiros translates for the hearing. (Vieira photo)


Take a look around. Notice those who demonstrate these qualities. Now go and ask: "Did You Ever Think About Being A Priest?" Then offer your support through your encouragement and prayer! FOR MORE INFORMA TlOS ABOUT HOH' l'ou OR l'oeR I~·\RI.'"H I CAN ENCOURAGE VOCATIONS, CAtt OR WRITE:

FATHER CRAIG PREGANA MEMBERS OF the International Catholic Deaf Association "sing" together during their 30th anniversary celebration Mass. (Vieira photo)




Priests' support groups needled, says cardin:al

THE' ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River:'-FiL, 路Nov. 24, 1995

Senate to hold hearings on new abortion bill WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Mil- same penalties, but stipulates that lions of Americans will be edu- use of the procedure to save the mother's life would be an acceptacated as a result of the Senate's decision Nov. 8 to hold public ble defense in court proceedings. The recent House vote marked heari ngs on a bill banning the controversial partial-birth abortion pro- the first time Congress has tried to ban a specific abortion procedure cedure, said the National Right to Life Committee. . in the years since the 1973 Supreme The right-to-life organization Court decision, Roe vs. Wade, made the comments in a statement legalizing abortion.. Opponents of the bill say this after the Senate voted 91-6 to send the bill to the Judiciary Commitprocedure was done only in cases tee. The following day committee where the woman's life was enchairman Sen. Orrin Hatch, Rdangered or where extreme fet'al Utah, announced the first hearing abnormality had been determi!1ed, but in a Nov. 6 statement, the would be Nov. 17. The vote delayed action on the NRLC's Johnson rebutted those bill itselffor at least 19 days. It will claims. Citing the transcript of a 1993 be automatically returned to the Senate calendar at the end of the taped interview given by Dr. Mar19-day period. tin Haskell, a partial-birth abortion specialist, to American MediA similar bill was passed overcal News, Johnson quoted Haskell whelmingly by the House of Representatives Nov. I. The House held as saying that 80 percent of the a full day of hearings on its bill extraction procedures he performs during the summer. are "purely elective." During Senate debate Nov. I, Johnson also said detailed materSen. Robert C. Smith, R-N.H., ials submitted to the House Judisponsor of the bill, reversed his ciary Committee by Dr. James McMahon, another doctor who position on holding hearings. "Sen. Dole and I have discussed performs the proced ure, demonthis and while neither one of us strated that he used the procedure thinks this is necessary," Smith for a broader range of indications, said, "we do think it may not be a including maternal depression and bad idea in that the more one cleft palate in the fetus as well as learns about this horrible procewhen the mother is young. dure, the harder it is to oefend it." At first the NRLC had urged the Senate to simply pass the House bill and send it to President Clinton. But "it became clear ... that a UNITED-NATlbNS (CNS)':number of s路enators.with mix~d路 The Vatican nuncio to the United records on abortion were confused Nations has protested new direcby conflicting claims regarding partives from the United Nations tial-birth abortions, and felt that High Commissioner for Refugees the bill deserved a public hearing," to require abortion counseling for 'said DouglasJohnson, NRLClegiswomen who become pregnant as a lative director. resurt of rape. In a statement at In a partial-birth abortion, acU.N. headquarters in New York cording to materials cited by suprecently Archbishop Renato R. porters of both the House and Martino said: "It would be exSenate bills, the doctor grabs the tremely unfortunate if individuals feet of the fetus with forceps and and humanitarian assistance pulls the body, up to the head, groups were to be restricted or through the birth canal. The docprevented by the UNHCR from tor then punctures the skull with providing general health care and surgical scissors or some other other necessities to refugee and device and suctions out the brain. displaced p,opulations solely beThis causes the skull to collapse cause they object on moral, ethical for easier removal of the head and and health-related grounds to the completion of the procedure. This method of abortion is usu- ' provision of contraceptives and ally perfo~med at 24 weeks of abortion services." He expressed hope that the needs of refugees pregnancy or later. would come to "take precedence Under the measure approved by over an ideological preoccupation 'the House, doctors convicted of with a limited concept of reproperforming the procedure would ductive health care." The archbibe felons, and face fines and prison shop made his statement to a coI1}terms of up to two years. In addimittee of the General Assembly tion they would be liable for damreviewing the work of the U.N. ages in civil lawsuits. refugee agency. The Senate bill provides the

Directives deplored

IN AN, EFFORT to promote racial harmony',"the World Apostolate of Fatima is handing out white and black rosaries and asking people to pray for people of other races. (eNS Finke) .

Blue Army fosters racial harmony through rosary 's1: LOUIS (CNS) - The Blue Army is fighting for racial harmony, and its weapon is the rosary. Members of the World Apostolate of Fatima, also known as the' Blue Army, give out rosaries 'as part of their pledge to honor Our Lady of Fatima. ' , Recently, the St. Louis .branch of the apostolate began giving black rosaries to white people and white rosaries to black people, asking each to pray for a person of the opposite color "and .leave it up to God to decide where he will apply the spiritual ,grace," said Mary Broome, a 19-year Blue Army member from St. Bernadette Parish in Lemay. "It was j\Jst a thought that came to me;" said Leo Putney, president of the Blue Army in St. Louis, who had the idea one day while driving his cab and carrying separate containers of white and black rosaries that he intended to give out. Putney, of Holy Innocents Parish, told the St. Louis Review archdiocesan newspaper that he and his mostly African-American customers often talk about religion, sometimes prompted by the statues of Mary and St. Michael the Archangel in his cab. ' ''I'll always remember the first president of the Blue Army in St. Louis. Michael Kocisak - such a good man," Putney recalled. "He said if we Catholics could ever get the black people and the white people in St. Louis together, we'd have a 'veritable explosion of spirituality.''' The group began rosary marches in North St. Louis in 1991', after Ms. Broome. whois white, and Dorothy Owens. who is African-American. attended a Blue Army event at which Ms. Owens prayed about the violence and crime on the , north side. The marches were suggested as a way to bring peace. Since then. Blue Army members have walked,

VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Support groups for priests are a necessity from a spiritual point of view, says Cardinal Miloslav Vlk of Prague, Czech Republic. The Second Vatican Council's call for priests to'form a brotherhood among themselves and with their bishops was an inspired response to the "signs of the times," the cardinal said at a recent Vatican meeting on priestly life and ministry. "Before teaching other:; to become one in love, priesl:s must have their own experience of this, to be witnesses of this unity which follows the model of the Trinity," he said. Cardinal Vlk said he learned firsthand how important a community of priests was "after 10 happy years of priesthood." when the communist government of Czechoslovakia withdrew his permission to minister. The cardinal said that he and other priests decided the danger of losing their priestly identity was more serious than the danger of being sent to prison if thl~y were caught meeting, so they risked meeting together regularly for prayer and discussion. The danger of losing ,one's priestly identity is just as serious today for many priests, he said. "Despite the awareness of being ordained for service, thf: priest expects to be a leader because of his position, then later he becomes aware that he is not a leader if he is not listened to and followed," Cardinal Vlk said. " ~'.\\Ihat. frequently, follows is. l!n attempt to compensate with a quantity of activity in order to feel useful," the cardinal said. "But when he realizes he is spend ing 100 to produce one, discouragement and stress enter and the doubts begin: Was I wrong about my vocation? Is celibacy really a value? Why aren't priests allowed to have a family? But with the help of his underground community, the cardinal said; he focused on the fz.ct that "Jesus reached the height of his priesthood when, fixed to the cross, he could not walk. do miracles or preach." ' Cardinal Vlk' said that priests need a family. "If God, who is love. ~reated matrimony as an expression and image of his trinitarian life. why do we deprive priests of something good? The truth is that rather than depriving his priests, God has sent them to live in a more beautiful family, more similar to th,: heavenly state which marked the family he f()rmed with his Apostlc:s," the cardinal said.

through North and South St. Louis neighborhoods, praying an~ giving out rosaries. ,. "Many people on the route have expressed a need and desire for God's love," said Ms. Owens, a parishioner at Most Blessed Sacrament. "Catholic or non-Catholic, we give out rosaries and miraculous medals." . "It's a very happy affair," she added. "And we feel it's very spiritually beneficial to the northside." Ms. Broome said that people almost never refuse the rosaries and oftenjoin the march with their children riding along on bicycles. The first black and white rosaries were distributed at two 'northside events - an Oct. 8 march with members of the Missionaries of Charity and an Oct. 27 all-night vigil at St. Charles Lwanga Center. People of both races have, been very receptive to the idea, said Blue Army members. "When Leo mentioned this, people said 'wow,''' noted Ms. Owens. "I believe Leo's inspiration came from God." ' Building, race relations might not seem to fit the Blue Army. but Ms. Broome said it was a logical extension of their work. "In the Blue Army we believe p~ople's VATICANCITY(CNS)-- Pope minds and hearts can only 6e changed through a conversion of John Paul II thanked the Knights of Columbus for the organi2ation's heart," she said, so prayer is a way for them "to accept people of other good works and generosity on behalf of people around thf: world races." when a delegation. led by Supreme The World Apostolate of Fatima, Knight Virgil Dechant. wa:; at the with millions of members around Vatican to present the pope with a the globe, recently became an check for $2 million. the proceeds official aposto]ate of the church of its Vicarius Christi fund. Durunder the Pontifical Council for ing the ceremony. Dechant also the Laity. told the pope about the Knights of Editors: Readers may receive a Columbus' recent pledge to confree black or white rosary by sendtribute $5 million toward construcing a stamped, self-addressed envelope to: World Apostolate of tion of a new international Pope John Paul II Cultural Center in Fatima, 3353 Roger PI., St. Louis, , Washington. MO 63116.

Pope thanks K of C

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 24, 1995


World AIDS Day Mass

A FILIPINO baby lies in a bin next to tomatoes, onions and potatoes at a public market in Manila. The baby's parents, who own the vegetabJe stand, said they do not have enough money for a nursemaid to look after the baby while they operate their stand. (eNSj Reuters photo)

Parish blazes trail for stewardship Continued from Page One ish bulletins and several mailings, sively by office staff to preserve utmost confidentiality." with Father Thomas McGread, the most recent of commitment pastor of St. Francis of Assisi forms for all parishioners, adults Father Bouchard expects to Church, Wichita, KS. At the meet- . and children, listing parish activireceive a preliminary stewardship ties and including a chart outlining report by mid-December. "The ing. Father McGread described next project," he said. "will be the outstanding success of his par- sample tithing figutes. The forms ish stewardship program. noting were returned at Masses last weekpublication of our first quarterly newsletter in January, which will that the average Sundaycollection end and brought to the altar in large baskets at the time of the is over $62,000. focus on a stewardship report for parishioners... June brought an organizational presentation of the gifts. Ms. Cambonc has organized a meeting to Corpus Christi at which The indefatigable pastor looks forward to the newsletter as being it was decided to hold a parish group to handle data input for a vital link with all parishioners, cookout. The event brought hun- commitments of time and talent. especially those unable to get to dreds of families together for a She stressed that "all information pleasant afternoon and the plant- on tithing will be handled exclu- church. ing of the first seeds of stewardship, said Father Bouchard .• Following on that beginning, many committees, coordinated by And by saying the teaching was Continued from Page One parishioner Kay Cam bone, met founded in Christ's own words One reason is th~t the teaching during the summelr to develop and actions - and not just a papal stewardship strategies and pro- has continued to be openly quespronouncement - it set up the tioned by many faithful and some grams. natural consequence: No dissent is theologians. A prayer committee developed allowed. In recent weeks, for example, a stewardship prayer. to be coupled with the prayer of St. Francis of more than a million (Jerman CathoAssisi. Both were recited at every lics signed a petitipn calling for. women priests and other changes meeting and all parishioners were WASHINGTON(CNS)- Parin the church. Opinion polls elseasked to say them daily. ishes can playa crucial role in prewhere have shown that substantial Meanwhile other groups drafted venting child sexual abuse and percentages of Catholics support a booklet listing all parish organihealing its wounds. says a statethe idea of women priests. zations, their purposes and needs; )TIent recently issued by two comprepared time. talent and treasure Meanwhile, there have been mittees of the u.s. bishops. The commitment forms; and made plans increasing calls by cardinals, bishstatement urges parishes to create for "Tent Sunday." ops, canon law experts and the an atmosphere of trust and safety This event featured two huge faithful to explore the possibility that encourages victims. abusers tents. one at Corpus Christi parish of ordaining women as deacons. or those who know of abuse to center and another at the parish The Vatican considers this a sep- come forward. Parishes should arate issue that merits careful study, mission, St. Theresa's in Sagamore. establish procedures to respond to but in the minds of some it would Rain on the appointed Sunday reports of abuse and develop probe an opening toward ordaining grams to teach people about sexfailed to dampen the spirits of hundreds of parishioners who women as priests. , ual abuse issues, it says, also sugFaced with all these questions visited the tents after Masses. gesting mentioning sexual abuse and challenges, the Vatican could enjoyed doughnuts and coffee. in homilies when appropriate and talked with leaders of parish organi- either ignore them or spotlight its regularly printing in parish bulletmessage. It chose tbe spotlight. zations and picked up flyers askins the name and phone number of "A lot of people have come to ing them to consider donating time an expert who can be contacted believe that until it is defined as for help in dealing with a situation and talent to the parish. infallible by a sol~mn act of the The pace p.icked up during subof child sexual abuse. It discusses pope, a doctrine octhe church can some of the signs of sexual abuse sequent weekends. On Oct. 28 and be subject to any type of interpre- and some of the characteristics 29, two couples from Father tation," said Father Rino Fisichella, McGread's parish in Wichita spoke often found in abusers, but warns a professor at Rome's Pontifical that "it is impossible to reliably at each Mass on their stewardship Gregorian University. efforts. The following weekend. identify potential abusers." He said that critical reaction to Father Bouchard spoke at all the pope's 1994 apostolic letter, Masses at both churches on the "On Reserving Priestly Ordinatopic of sharing one's treasure. tion to Men Alone," was worriwhile on Nov. II and 12 parisome for tha t reaSon. With disshioners Marian [),~srosiers, Art senting voices echoing loudly in Lachance. John Sullivan and the mass media. a climate of Louise Graven gave moving tesuncertainty was being kept alive, timonies on how stewardship has affected their lives. he said. The months-long effort also In contrast, the doctrinal conincluded distribution of two book- gregation stressed that the all-male lets on stewardship, inserts in par- priesthood could never change.

Continued from Page One with Bishop O'Malley. Seventh and eighth grade students from Catholic schools in the greater New Bedford area will be in attendance. Music for the liturgy will be provided by the fifth-grade section of the St. Mary's School choir, New Bedford, under the direction of Jacqueline Vardo, along with .I oan Cuttle as cantor, Madeleine Grace on organ, and Jane Murray on oboe. Following the Mass a reception in the church's parish center will be hosted by St. Mary's parishioners who have lost children to the disease, assisted by members of the parish's St. Vincent de Paul Society and parish volunteers. Dr. Winter-Green has been assisted in planning this World AIDS Day observance by a committee composed of representatives

of several diocesan offices and ministries and of staff arid members of St. Mary's Parish.

Heaney a Nobelist DUBLIN, Ireland (CNS) Winning the 1995 Nobel literature Prize "is a great personal joy and deep satisfaction," said Northern Irish poet Seamus Heaney. Heaney, cited by the award committee for speaking out as a Catholic about the political and communal violence in Northern Ireland, said the award is also a recognition "of the extraordinary achievements by Irish poets over the past three decades," Heaney emerged from a group of Catholic and Protestant poets who sought to go beyond sectarianism in understanding the culture of Northern Ireland.


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students have much to offer WASHINGTON (eNS) - In an effort to reach what one bishop called "a tremendously important generation," the u.s. bishops have sent a personal message to the nation's 400,000 Catholic college students. Bya unanimous vote Nov. 14, the bishops approved a letter urging college students to help "create a climate of hope and a commuiity of welcome" on their campuses. "It is a fact of campus life and, life in general that there is uncertainty and confusion today about what is real and true," says the SISTER BERNADETTE Sullivan, SUSC, principal of brief letter. "Your example as a St. Michael's School, Fall River, and Father Michael Camara; Catholic Christian offers the gifts' OFM join students during a prayer service on National Day of of hope to everyone you meet." Introduced by Bishop RobertJ. Appreciation for Catholic School Principals last week: (J olivet Banks of Green Bay, Wis., chairphoto) man of bishops' Committee on Education, the letter marks the 10th anniversary of the bishops' pastoral letter on campus ministry, "Empowered by the Spirit." Bishop Banks, who called colh:ge students "a tremendously By Dave Jolivet young people at St. Michael's for important generation that we are 'For nearly a month the,faculty, 16 years. working with," said the 1995 letter staff and students of St. Michael's Following the service, she was was drafted at the encouragement School in Fall River had been showered with gifts from students; of the National Cath.olic Student secretly writing cards and prepar- parents, faculty and staff. Among Coalition, the Catholic Campus ing an assembly to honor their gifts presented to her were cards Ministry Association and the Nabeloved principal of 16 years, Sis-, created by each student, flower tiomil Association of Diocesan ter Bernadette Sullivan, S USC, on baskets, roses and a watch with the Directors of Campus Ministry. Nov. 16, the National. Day of NCEA logo. A grateful couple Catholics make, up about 35 Appreciation for Catholic School' even provided donuts for all. . percent of the approximately 14 Principals, sponsored by the Na"I would like to than'k everyone million undergraduate college stutional Catholic Educational Asso- for this beautiful surprise, and it's dents in the nation's 3,700 colleges ciation (NCEA). School s<,;cretary not easy to surprise a principal," and universities. Mary Wick was the mastermind of said Sister Bernadette. "All the In their letter, addressed directly the celebration. ' gifts are lovely, but I especially like to the students, the bishops had The entire student body gathered the,cards, and I'm going to spend a several specific suggestions about in the auditorium for a prayer ser- lot of time reading all the messages." how students can minister on vice led by Father Michael Camara, NCEA instituted Natio.nal Day SECOND GRADER Dennis Malloy received St. Ma.ry's, campus - inviting friends to Mass, OFM, and Sister Bernadette was of Appreciation for Catholic School New Bedford, first Good Samaritan Award from principal community service, participating in greeted with applause as she entered Principals five years ago. Dr. becoming involved in peer minisAngela L. Stankiewicz (top photo). Below,' MatthewMagahathe gathering. In his opening Robert Kealey, N.CEA executive lacs, grade three, portrays young Jesus as students dramatize prayer, Father Camara invoked director, said, "Everyone recognizes' try or tutoring, setting up small prayer or faith-sharing groups. ' God's blessing on Sister Bernadette, that Catholic schools are schools the Joyful Mysteries of the rosary on the 30th anniversary of "By your words and actions on asking the Lord to continue to you can believe in. Much of this the school's dedication. In adpition to the other events at St. behalf of life, you can remind othguide her as. she leads the St. trust is due to the uns~ng heroes ,Mary's, including a Halloween family dance, students colers that a lived Christian faith beMichael's family toa knowledge and heroines who are their princigins with a profound respect for lected eight boxes of non-perishable food items for the parish of the world and of God. pals." human life from conception to St. Vincent de Paul food bank in honor'of World Food Day. The selected reading was from NCEA is the largest private pronatural death," the' letter said. "You the book of Sirach, advising a fessional education association in young person to '''Be ready to the world. Foul1ded in 1904,its can choose to. simplify your life-' style because you ~elieve that our路 listen when religious people speak, memqership representS more than resource& are not' without Ii'mit' and don't miss anything that sho~s 200,000 educators serving 7.6 milarid ought to be used,wisely." insight." An appropr'iate verse, lion students in Catholic schools "You have, so many gifts to offer since Sister Bernadette has been at all levels. St. Michael's School is the church: 'your faith, your desire providing' insight to 'uncouJiied' an NCEA member.' . : to serve, your spiritual hunger, your vitality, your optimism and idealism, your talents and skills," the letter says "We can all learn from you. We ask you to expand your leadership role in building up the kingdom of God ,on your campus."

St. Michael's School thanks devoted principal

Child trafficking

THE FACULTY and staff ofSt. Michael's School gather around their principal, Sister Bernadette Sullivan, following an assemblY thanking hcr for her devotion to the school. (Jolivet photo) .

VATICAN CITY (CNS)- The trafficking of children for adoption. organ transplant and sexual exploitation is increasing as migration makes monitoring of abuses more difficult. These relatively new forms of exploitation illustrate the vulnerability of uprooted children, said Francois Ruegg of the International Catholic Child Bureau. He spoke at a meeting of the Pontifical Council for Migrants and Travelers, which was seeking ways to better protect the rights of highrisk migrants and refugees, particularly women, illegal immigrants and children.

St. Joseph's Uturgy, party The annual Halloween liturgy was held at St. Joseph Church, Taunton. Over two hundred attended with children and parents in costumes from angels to devils. At the entrance to church, everyone was given a paper pig to hold. During the liturgy, a play entitled "The Prodical Daughter"

was performed. Every timf: the word pig was said, everyone would raise their pigs and say "oink, oink." Following the liturgy, a pa.rade of horribles was led by a giant caterpillar (photo above) to the church hall where refreshments were served.


By Charlie Martin

)['LL BE THERE FOR YOU So no one told you that life Was going to be this way Your job's a joke You're broke Your love life's D.O.A. It's likl~ you are always stuck In second gear When it hasn't been your day Your week, your month Or even your year But 111 be there for you When the rain starts to pour I'll be l:here for you Like I've been there before Becaul;e you are there for me too You're still in bed at 10 And work began at eight You 'n" burned your breakfast So far things are going great Your mother warned you There 'Would be days like these But shle didn't tell you when The world would drop you Down to your knees That No one could ever know me No one would ever see me Seems you're the only one who knows What it is like to be me Someone to face the day with Make it through all the rest with Someone 111 always laugh with Even at my worst I'm mr best with you Written by Phil Solem Sung By the Rembrandts (c) 1995 by Atlantic Recording Corp.

HERE'S A challenge worthy of the season. Take a couple of minutes. Write down all that you're grateful for this Thanksgiving week. Friends are likely to be found on everyone's list. What a positive difference the gifts offriend-

ship make in our lives! While reflecting on this, I found a special message in the Rembrandt's big hit, "I'll Be There for You." Not surprisingly, the song doubles as the musical theme for the popular TV show "Friends."

The cassingle speaks well of how friendship enriches our lives. Good friends are there to help us "face the day" when challenges arise. A friend is the "someone I'll always laugh with," and gives us a way to heal life's pains. And as the song says, even when we are at our worst friends can help us rediscover the best in ourselves. In my work in a parish as a pastoral counselor, I've noticed this about people's friends: Long-term friendships become one of life's greatest treasures. When people come to me in a time of crisis or"Ioss, I often try to help them tap into sources of strength and support. As we do this, people often begin to name their longtime friends. Reconnecting with friends helps people get through whatever the current situation may be Many times people identify friendships first made as teens or young adults. Those who go through these early years together often share a Iffelong bond. Consequently, if you are in middle school, high school or college, you need to realize how valuable your friends are. They not only laugh, cry, celebrate and dream with you now, but they are likely to be valuable sources of support for your whole life. I encourage you, the reader of this column, to tell your friends how much you appreciate them. Allow this Thanksgiving season to be an occasion .when you tell others how they affect your life. Thanksgiving is the day we pause to remember how God's goodness touches our lives. Be sure to say "thank you" to those who show in action as well as in words that ''I'll be there for you." Your comments are always welcome. Please address: Charlie Martin, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport, IN 47635.

Notre Dame reaches out Notre Dame School, Fall River, is involved in a Community Outreach Program that will benefit several causes in Fall River. Pre-K through Grade eight made Thanksgiving placemats to decorate tables during the free Thanksgiving dinner at the Rocking Horse Restaurant, Fall River. Grade 3 is busy making

and filling candy baskets, recycled milk cartons, using their own Halloween treats. Notre Dame students and parents, took part in "The Great American Smoke Out" when students and parents are asked to give up one snack and to donate canned foods which will be given to "The Fresh Air Kids."

The students are also collecting can goods to make Thanksgiving baskets for the needy of the Parish. During December, pre-school, Kindergarden and grades 1-3 will collect personal items while grades 4-8 will collect small games and toys which will be donated to Our Sister's Place.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 24, 1995

By Christopher Carstens An important part of getting into college is a good recommendation from a teacher who really knows your work. Every high school class has one or two stars, outstanding students everybody in the school knows about. Those kids have teachers lined up to write their recommendations. Other students risk blending into the crowd. They need recommendations too, but sometimes their teachers haven't got much to say about them. If you aren't the class genius, a very good recommendation reads something like this: "He's' an active participant in class and is really involved in learning. It's a pleasure to have him in class." If you want some solid recommendations for your college application, you need to learn to get noticed. Obviously, you can get noticed by dying your hair orange or setting a fire in a teacher's lounge. That's not the kind of "getting noticed" we have in mind. Let the teacher know you aren't just sitting in class, filling up a chair. But how do you communicate interest without being a "total kiss up?" . There's a simple rule of thumb, and it works. Each week ask at least one good question in each class you're taking. Your teachers will start thinking of you as one of the really interesting students even if you aren't the one who gets all the As. "But Dr. Carstens, what makes a good question?" I'm glad you asked. First, a good question shows that the . questioner has been paying attention. It has to fit the flow of the class. Let's imagine that your English teacher has been talking about the use of colorful figures of speech in poetry. Ben's hand goes up. "Mrs. Til-


lotson, are we gonna have a band assembly fourth period or what?" She will certainly remember Ben. Her recommendation will say, "Ben spent his senior year on another planet." You can tell you've really tuned into the teacher's flow when you ask about something and she says: "That's a good question. In fact, I was just going to talk about that!" Even if you got a C in that class, the recommendation might say "Sally sometimes struggled with the examinations, but she showed a really lively interest in the class discussions." One good question a week is all it takes. It's also important that a good question allow the speaker to show you what he or she knows rather than that it demonstrate how smart you are. There always seems to be one kid who needs to prove that he's smarter than the teacher. (Girls do this too, but guys make it an art form.) "Mr. Davidson." Sam begins, "you said the Civil War was about slavery, but don't you really think it was actually caused by the British cloth merchants who just wanted to ensure that the South could provide them with a steady supply of staple cotton?" Sam then turns to the rest of the students, expecting applause. Of course, they all think he's a dork, and his recommendation from Mr. Davidson will read, "Sam came to our school sure he already knew everything, and none of us have been able to shake his confidence in that opinion." If Sam were really smart he'd ask the same question this way. "I read that English cloth merchants were supporting the South because they wanted a steady supply of cotton. What do you think?" "Excellent question, Sam," Mr. Davidson replies. "I wasjust going to address that very subject!"

THIRD AND FOURTH graders at St. Joseph School, New Bedford, (left) recite the rosary using a giant replica made of paper plates. Matthew Demelo, Ashley Baron and Allison Lizotte, with their seventh grade class, spent the day at Bristol County Agricultural High SchoO'l, Segregansett. Second graders Tara Reusch and Erica DaSilva with first grader Seth Perry pick apples in Acushnet.

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