VOL. 49, NO. 45 • Friday, November 25, 2005
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year
Let there be LIGO=DTt Annual festival begins at La Salette By MIKE GORDON
til January 1, 2006. Illuminations of the more than 250,000 lights are from 5-9 p.m. daily and Christmas ATTLEBORO - For more than 50 years the lights concerts with Father Pat are held at 3 and 7 p.m., ofthe National Shrine ofOur Lady ofLa Salette have Tuesday through Sundays. Servant Song will perform been a part of the Christmas season and this weekend December 10 at 3 p.m., Tom Frederick will perform they will again bring the light of Christ to thousands December 12 at 7 p.m, Tatiana will perform who visit from across "Emmanuel: The Story New England. of Christmas," Decem"It's a work of love ber 19 at 7 p.m. and Phil and it makes usjoyful," and Sue Fortin will persaid La Salette Brother form December 26 at 7 Bob Russell, director of p.m. KARL BUDER, right, a parishioner of Good Shepherd the Shrine, ofits annual The La Salette Shrine Parish on Martha's Vineyard, hands the keys of a donated Festival of Lights. "It is a community ofpriests Nissan Pathfinder to Hurricane Katrina evacuees, from left, promotes the message and brothers founded in Courtney and Bill Hammond. of La Salette and when response to the apparition people come here they of Mary at La Salette in experience the beauty France in 1846. Our of this place. It's a Lady appeared to two pmyerful place to spend children and gave them time with Our Lady and a message to "make By DEACON JAMES N. DUNBAR known to all my people." drove a donated, refurbished 1997 Our Lord." MARTHA'S VINEYARD The theme for 2005 Today the Missionaries SUV loaded with expensive tools The Gospel teaches about using and equipment to Texas, only to is "We Are the Light of of La Salette work to well the talents God has given us. find Hammond had lost his the World," selected to bring her message to the emphasize the Beatiworld. All of us can find a role model in driver's license years earlier. an island innkeeper who salvaged Work on the light disRevisiting his expertise as a tudes and the idea that play was ongoing each the lives of an exiled Louisiana former federal probation officer, "Ifwe feel that Jesus is day up until Thanksgivfamily trying to make a start in Buder, a member of Good Shep- our light, we should exTexas. ing and when The Anherd Parish on the Vineyard, and press that to others," chorvisite<L staffand volBut trying to heap any praise a candidate in formation for the said Brother Russell. unteers were making fion Karl Buder finds him extolling permanent diaconate, skillfully "People come here to nal preparations. the generosity of others in the maneuvered through the courts, . get into the Christmas AI Fuller l)as been at Cape region who made possible the insurance company and Loui- spirit and we want to the Shrine for three years what amounts to a $10,000 ef- siana and Texas motor vehicle promote Christ as our and said that it gets easier fort to outfit down and out New officials to get Hammond back in light. Our focus is on MIKE PIECTOTA, Chris O'Hara and Ken Ross to put up the lights and Orleans electrician Bill Hammond, the good graces of the, law and the Christ child." The Festival of put the finishing touches on the Festival of Lights decorations each year who lost it all to Hurricane Katrina the states and thereby back on thtf. Lights .began on display at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La because they have develin August. job.' . In an adventure story that re"Today is the day we learn. if Thanksgiving night at 5 Salette. Lights are illuminated daily from 5-9 p.m., Turn to page nine p.m. and continues un- now until January 1,2006. (Anchon'Gordon photo) sembles a movie script, Buder, 57, - Festival Turn to page 16 - Pedal ANCHOR STAFF
Deacon candidate puts pedal to the metalfor Kat,:ina victims
Veterans, beloved· Korean War chaplain remembered at Mass
KOREAN WAR veteran Capt. Barbara Knight of Corpus Christi Parish, East Sandwich, delivers the first reading at a Veterans' Day Mass at Our Lady of Victory Church, Centerville, last week. Bishop Francis X. Roque, retired auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of the Military Services, U.S.A., second from left, was the principal celebrant. (Anchon'Jolivet photo)
By DAVE JOLIVET, EDITOR CENTERVILLE - Sitting among the congregation at Our Lady of Victory Church last week were men and women who knew first hand the horrors of war. Some were military veterans of World War II and the Korean War, and others experienced those conflicts at home waiting for loved ones to return. Also sprinkled throughout the dozens attending the special Veterans' Day Mass were those who know of these events only through history books. But there was one common thread - gratitude and respect for those who have served defending our freedoms and those who continue to do so. The Mass, organized. by Al Makkay Sr. of Centerville, himself a veteran, was celebrated by Bishop Francis X. Roque, retired auxiliary bishop ofthe Archdiocese ofthe Military Services, U.S.A., and Bishop Protector of the Catholic War Veterans. Msgr. Henry T. Munroe, retired pastor of Our Lady of Victory Parish, concelebrated.
In addition to honoring our nation's veterans, the Mass was also for the intention of the canonization of Korean War chaplain-, Father Emil 1. Kapaun, who died in a prison camp in Pyoktong, . North Korea in 1951. "Peace isn't just the absence ofconflict," Bishop Roque told the congregation. "As th~ late Holy Father Pope John Paul II said, 'there is no peace without justice. OJ, Offering prayers for veterans who have died in battle and those who have survived, in the past and the present, Bishop Roque said, "Today, terrorism has severely upset peace and order in our world." In one of the Mass' most moving moments, Msgr. Munroe offered the congregation the opportunity to share in the Prayer of the Faithful, asking them to "speak from your hearts." Prayers were requested for fallen comrades, the brave men and women serving in harm's way across the globe today, including sons, daughters and grandchildren Turn to page 16 - Veterans
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Friday, November 25, 2005
Letters to the Editor
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Editor: the Discovery Institute the leading scientific backer In his piece on "The 40th anniversary' of ofthe intellfgent design theory. The Discovery InVatican II" John Thavis states in reference to stitute is the same group, with a different name, the Holy Father: "Likewise" he said, a general that tried to bring into the public school curricureturn to the celebration of the Mass in Latin lum "creationism." At that time the Catholic Church was impossible today; and perhaps not desirable." took a stand opposing the introduction of creWas the Holy Father only referring to the entire ationism into the science curriculum of schools. Mass in Latin? For in the same article, Church They have since,worked to change their appro~ch . historian Alberto M~lloni is quoted as, saying the Basically they are littoral interpreters of the Bible pope ": ..remains a 'son of the council' in many and wish to challenge evolution, which they see ways." Another quote from the pope - when 'as a threat to their beliefs. {n the words of Dr. he was Cardinal Ratz~ger - is: "I am convinced Kenneth Miller, who testified recently in the Pennthat the crisis in the Church that we 'are experi- sylvania court case, '~This (Darwin v. intelligent encing today is to a large extent due to the disin- design) isn't a scientific argument. This is a cultegration of the liturgy." I cannot believe that the tural, political and social battle." Holy Father has abandoned those of us who wait those that propose' intelligent design have an 'hopefully for an honest implementation of the agenda that is more than whether a creator is guidliturgical reforms of Vatican II· as stated in the ing evolution. Let's look ,carefully before we take Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy. Article 36, 1, sides on this issue. is quite succinct: "Particular law remaining in Robert Kitchen force, the use of the Latin language is to be preFall River served in the Latin rites." If Latin is never to return in any form to the Editor: Eucharistic liturgy, then let -it be dismissed I do enjoy The Anchor but I miss Father , openly and honestly without disingenuous state- Dietzen's column, which clearly set out all asments by those who woul~: imply that the cu~- pects of the Catholic faith. Any possibility of its rent liturgy represents the mtent of the Councd . return? F~thers. ' Thomas A. Holden William H. MacLachlan New Bedford West Dennis Executive Editor replies: Editor: In 2006, a priest of our diocese will begin a . Your October 14 editorial on this complicated column simUar to Father Dietzen's, dedicated , supject ofAmerican seminaries was outstanding. to answering questions posed by Anchor readIt is so hard to discuss this very serious problem ers. Stay tuned! without sounding like a Pharisee! But~ as usual, ' you manage to throw a big light on a dark subject Editor: which has to be addressed immediately by the Our sorrow-filled, fragile times! It should be entire universal Church. Thank you so much. known that Catholic Charities of the ArchdioLucUa Roche cese of Boston has allowed, 13 children to be ,Falmouth adopted by gay couples in the past two decades - (Boston Globe, Oct. 25, 2005). Catholic ~o Editor: ' cial Services of Fall River is currently plannmg In reference to your editorial "I~plementing links with Boston in educating health care workVatican II," I am sure that Blessed Pope Jolm ers serving pregnant women, according to The XXIII had very good intentions when he con- Anchor, Nov. 4, 2005. Is there a little "moral voked Vatican II, but I believe the baby got thrown relativism," of which Pope Benedict XVI spoke, out with the bathwater. The participants were so embedded in the thinking of those who made anxious that they denied the presence of the Holy' this decision? Spirit. I was 27 when I saw my Church taken Mary Anne Sheehy from me and I have remained in my Church bePlymouth cause I believe that God will bring it back to me. The primary hope of Vatican II was to return Editor: God's Holy Word, known as the Bible, to his 'In recent days, weeks, months, much has been people. For it was a shortcoming of the Roman' said concerning the "Marriage Amendment" sigCatholic Church that the leaders did not promote nature drive. I am proud that our Bishop Coleman the possession and study of God's Word to each supported this petition drive to ban same sex marand every member ofthe Catholic Church. Vatican riage in our state. n succeeded in banishing all of our beautiful To say that the Catholic Church has no right to ChUrch Latin music and replaced it with Protes- speak out on this issue is ridiculous. God does tant hymns, which are nice in a Protestant church. love everyone and does not discriminate, true, But, Can 'you imagine a Protestant denomination that God is nevertheless a just God. And we read in would all of a sudden adopt any part of Catholic Scripture how God always forgave sinners, but worship? I cannot. God did say, "Go and sin no more." , Ruth Hanlon ' , I signed and circulated the marriage amend/ Brewster: ment petition and wish to thank all who signed in favor of the ban on same sex marriage. Editor: . ' Alice Beaulieu Your recent editorial "Intelligent Design" called New Bedford
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Region's permanent deacons·challenged to c~mmunicate Gospel message better
Father Rohr is probably best journers Magazine, and recently known for his numerous audio published a seven-part Lenten and videotapes, especially "The series for the National Catholic Great New Themes of Scrip- Reportf:!r. ture," and his newsletter, "Radi.Deacon Bill Brown, chairman By DEACON JAMES N. DUNBAR cal Grace." He is a regular conof the conference, greeted the cal moment and psychology that gets right to the heart of the. tributing editor/writer for Sodeacons and wives. NEWPORT, R.I. "Don't can help us see the real social matter. He teaches us and inbe part of a hidden contract on settings of the Gospels and the spires us to transform, exactly as he wants us to do with the both sides of the pews that has Hebrew Scriptures?" Although the series of talks people we serve and preach beyou preaching what people com. fortably want to hear," amounted to nearly four hours, fore." . Deacon JaIJ1es A. Barrett of Franciscan Father Richarq Rohr they were well received, acadvised nearly 500 permanent cording to several deacons who Our Lady of Victory }>arish in . Centerville, said looking at how deacons from across the New talked with The Anchor. England Area gathered recently . Deacon John Welch of St. people in the Old Testament apDecember 4, 2005, 2:00 PM - Our Lady of Victory Church, Centerville at the annual Region One Assem- Ann's in Raynham said Father proached God and their relation. A Mass for bereaved parents who have experienced the loss of a child in pregnancy, infancy, sudden death, illness, bly of the National Association Rohr's style "reminded him" of ship to him and how pertinent it accident, murder or suicide will be celebrated. of Deacon Directors at the Boston Archbishop Sean P. is today "offers us a new apPlease bring the whole family to share the memory. It will be your spiritual Hyatt Regency Hotel. O'Malley, OFM Cap. "Our proach and makes me wonder Christmas gift to your child and yourselves. The assembly included dea- speaker's description of the how I can better prepare my HI am the light ofthe world; whoeverfollows me shall not walk in darkness. cons and wives from dioceses three levels of people in their homilies. I liked Father Rohr's . but shall have the light oflife. .. John 8:'\2 in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, spiritual lives inspires me ~o interesting breakdown of the There will be refreshments served in the Parish Center immediately following Connecticut and from the Dio- want to work harder to get into stages people go through, and the service. For more information call Estelle Stanley 508-775-4319. the heart of the Old Testament how it impacts u.s." cese of Albany, N.Y. "Information alone does not that h.elps get the total Gospel lead you to conversion," he said. message across. I've got to al"You have to experience the in- ways pray that someone gets dwelling presence and then the something out of what I've rd th self is no longer preoccupied in preached - with the help of the Holy Spirit." itself, but becomes transformed. It is in that transformed . D~acon candidate Joseph AND self that we need to preach the Kane from Eastham said he Gospel," said the well-known came especially to hear Father author and columnist, whose Roht-. "In my year of disc.ernFALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS C;Ds, videotapes and media ap- ment, one of Father Rohr's pearances as preacher and books, 'Called, Formed and teacher are the fruits of his time Sent,' offered me important anliving in a hermitage behind his swers ... that I was being called Franciscan community in Albu- to the diaconate, at a time when that was a big question for me. querque, N.M. A native of Kansas, Father His lessons today on the people Rohr, 62, entered the I will some day preach to are Franciscans in 1970 and was very to the point, and offer a ordained to the priesthood in lifetime for study." Deacon Frank D.· Fantasia, 1970, the same year he received 'l.OO\,\\6\10t\S a master's degree in theology who serves at Christ the King E.~ FALLRIVER SCHOLARSHIP.FOUNDATION ~~ Parish in Mashpee, said the talks from Dayton. He made it clear that he con- . "are right on· line for us. They siders the proclamation of the are very deep, very spiritual ... Gospel to be his primary call, and make me think about my and uses many different plat- homily fOr this weekend. Stage forms to communicate that mes- one, our speaker says, addresses· . the tradition from wltich our sage. He said that in "serving the teachings come, and will be grasped by mosfofthe people in G~spel," the themes he addresses come from Scripture, the pews. But he makes it clear the integration ofaction and con- we can't just stop there, but have templation, community building, to go far beyond that, to transform them, to move them. We and peace and justice issues. Billed as a one-day Scripture can't affo!d to· forget that." Deacon Lawrence St. Onge workshop on how to take the information in the Scriptures and of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parpresent it in a way that will be ish at St. James Church in New transforming for others, Father Bedford, remembers Father Rohr's tJ:rree presentations at the Rohr from a gathering in PhoeSaturday convocation keyed on nix, Ariz., when St. Onge atthe question: "What are the win- tended a deacon director's condows of culture, power, histori- clave there. "He is excellent. He
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the living word
Following the Pilgrims When the pilgrims lowered the anchor in Plymouth harbor in December1620, they were filled with hope. They had survived a perilous three-month journey on ~n inhospitable Atlantic with only one casualty. Their incessant prayers for a safe arrival had been heard. They had finally , landed in the new world and were ready to begin a newlife. Little did they know the year that would-await them. Of the 103 that di'sembarked, more than half would die before winter was over. Gov. John Carver, their leader, succumbed quickly to fever. Ten of the 17 husbands and fathers died. Fourteen of their 17 wives also perished. The young wife of soon-to-be Gov. William Bradford drowned in Plymouth harbor before even reaching shore': Those who avoided the . grave remained in grave danger because of fevers, famine and freezing temperatures. Yet they didn't give up hope. , With the spring c~me the arrival of Squanto, who taught them various survival tactics, like how to distinguish between' poisonous and good pl~lIlts, to tap maple trees for sap, to ferti~ ize soil with dead fish and to plant com. When that soil produced a modest harvest a few months later, they organized a feast not just to thank Squanto, Samoset, Massasoit and th~ir large families, but principally to thank God for all his blessings since their arrival. The 51 survivors easily could have looked at the previous 1 J months as the worst year of their lives. They had buried almost as many bodies in the soil, after all, as bushels of food they had taken from the soil. The reason they were able to thank God so h~artily, however, in spite of the suffering they h~d endure'd was because they believed those hardships and blessings were part of God's provigential care. , Providence comes from the word in Latin to "fore-see," to "look out for," and therefore, to "provide." And they were confident that God, who foresees everything, who always looks out for his sons and daughters even when it might seem like he's not, would indeed provide, as he did. No amount of personal suffering could shak~ that faith. No amount of personal ' hardship could rock their trust ina God whom they knew loved them and was looking over them. , They convened full of gratitude because they realized they were on a pilgrimage not only to Plymouth but to paradise. 'Everything - adverse or propitious, life and even death 'Y'as part of God's plans for them on their journey not merely to the new world but to aNew World. That final destination, and their faith in the God who awaitedthem, were what gave meaning to all their suffering,s and joys along the way. They had come to our land in search of religious freedom. As they neared the first anniversary of their arrival, they used that freedom to' express heartily their gratitude toward God and to others. We still enjoy that freedom. As we come together with our families during this extended Thanksgiving weekend, it is proper for us to put it to its supreme use in expressing similar grl;ltitude. No' matter what type of year ~e 've had, everything has , come from God's provid~ntia1 hands. And almost everything good has come through a modem Squanto or Samoset.
Published weekly except for two weeks In JUly and thc;lweekaftet '. the catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. 887 van MA 02720, Telephone 508-675-7151 - FA . theanchor@anchomews.org. Subscriptlpn price. by Send address changes to P.O. Box 1, Fair River, MA Member: Catholic Pres,~ Association, New &glandPresSA~ll\tI9!)': Gil PUBLISHER· Bishop Georg& W.99~n% EXECUTIVE EDITOR Fathel'RotJerJ.l.andry , , EDITOR David B. Jolivet
NEWS EDITOR DeaCQl1Jame!lN.Dunllll!'jl~ REPORTER Michael Gordon mi. OFFICE MANAGER Mary Chase Send Letters to the I:dltor to: theanChar@ POSTMASTERS send address changes t,) 1'heAnchor, 1'.0. B~ THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020) Periodical Postage raid
Friday, November 25, 2005
The first step As we approach the holy always the first step. ,This is why season of Advent, to prepare for our Lord began his public ' the celebration of our Savior's ministry and preaching with the birth at Christmas, we enter a words, "This is the time of season ofjoyful expectation. fulfillment. The kingdom ofGod There is a feeling ofjoy that . is at hand. Repent, and believe in hangs in the air during the days the Gospel" (Mk 1:15). It is also' ofAdvent, a happiness that, why one of the central figures in grows inside us, the closer we the Advent readings is St. John get to the great,feast of Christthe Baptist, who came before mas, when we will remember Christ, preaching the iinportance and celebrate the sign of God's love for us in the ~~~T'!!'!"'''!'''rw'!'''''''!'''''''{,!",.''i!''!!,''!'''.",;~---
these words, when he wrote, "as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in every aspect of your conduct, for it is written, 'Be holy because I (am) holy'" (lPet 1:16). The projec~ of sanctification is a lifelong endeavor: In the course of this lifelong project, there may be moments of pain, when we face the truth about our lives and what must be changed. As' the "Catechism" reminds us, is another . "conversion of heart is accompanied by a tone or mood that looms in the Church's liturgy salutary pain and sadness during this season ofjoy which the [Church] By Father David - the mood and theme Fathers called animi of repentance. The A.Pignato cruciatus (affliction of liturgical color retunis to spirit) and compunctio purple, as a sign of cordis (repentance of contrition for our sins, and the of repentance (Mk 1:4)'. heart)" (#1431). But, the sooner hymn of the Gloria, which was Our lives are a time of we pass through this p~in and first sung by the angels announc- continual conversion to God. It is ~adnes!,- in the process of ing Christ's birth, is omitted at the challenge ofevery ChristilU). • conversion, the sooner we move Mass. Although it is a time of continually to move away from , on' to experience the joy that is joyful' expectation, it is also a sin, and closer to God. Even if the reward from God. time of sobriety and moderation, we have left certain serious sins VVithoutrepentance, somewhich are appropriate and proper behind, the project of sanctificathing is always missing. Even if to any period or process of tim'! always requires a concerted we were able to move a,way preparation. effort to purifY our lives, even of from sin and closer to God, The seaSon of Advent also less serious sins, through repeated without conscious contrition for begins a'new liturgical year in the acts of interior repentance and our sins, something would Church's calendar. It is another conversion of heart: always seem lacking, like an time ofbeginning in our lives Never in this life can we rest apology that we might owe to a with God and the Church, a time assured and satis'fied that we friend, but never give. And to to renew our commitment to have finished the project or motivate us to make this act of Christ and to the pursuit of achieved the goal of holiness, repentance and contrition, we personal' holiness. Arid, whenespecially when we remember only have to keep in mind the joy ever we renew our relationship . the words of Christ in his of Advent. For, the greater our with Christ, we always begin Sermon on the Mount: "So be repentance, the greater and more with repentance and conversion. perfect, just as your heavenly .complete will be our joy, as we In the work ofour relationFather is perfect'~ (Mt 5:48). ,prepare to celebrate the coming ship with God, repentance is Years later, St. Peter echoed of Christ the savior.
;'Puftin;g~ Ihto
the ,Deep
Recipe for success The collective sigh of relief turkey wishbone? Could it be was nearly as strong as a that there are only turkeys in our category two hurricane. No, it division? didn't emanate this moming Fowl, I cry. from turkeys all across America that escaped a butterball fate. Rather, it came from the Patriots faithful after surviving the New Orleans Saints at Gillette Stadium last weekend. By Dave Jollvet 'The New England Patriots are six up and four down, and in first The reason that the New place in the AFC East this day England Patriots are division after Thanksgiving. Could it be the handiwork of a leaders at this point is because
My View From the Stands
they are tougher than the skin of an overcooked yam. Week after week, the injury bug that has run rampant on this team, has forced the defending champs to seemingly field a team of leftovers and table scraps. Sure, San Diego mashed us like a steaming heap of turnips and carrots. And Indianapolis knocked the stuffing out ,of us. But, teams of lesser character would have browned up nicely under, such heat.
Yet, here we are, one day removed from the most savory holiday of the year, and the Patriots have withstood a brutal schedule, leaving them with a cake walk for the rest of the regular season. Come playoff time, it's the oven-tested Patriots who'll be licking their chops. They've been there before, and know the recipe for success. Talent is nice, but it's heart (and maybe a gizzard or two) that leads to the feast. So before anyone begins to carve up the Pats and serve them on platter, just remember who
you're dealing with. The Pats have weathered a category five regular season. The rest is gravy.
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The Franciscans Immaculate Conception Province (OFM)
. The artist in everyone, to look outside and believe that there are artists, those who have some special talent, and those who do not. Many can begin to feel that they were just destined to live an average life with no time or talent for personal expression. But experience teaches us otherwise. Often we have witnessed a ''rising up" of the soul. We encounter a mechanic who is also a poet, an accountant who is a tenor, a housewife who is a playwright, a janitor who is a pianist, a maid who is a ballerina, an engineer ,.....--------~""""r-:::::ii;::--_,., who is an actor and a grocery store clerk who is a psalmist and a,prophet. We should not underestiBy Greta MacKoul mate ourselves, for there is an , artist within us - that part of ourselves where enjoyed her art class,'because it was there that they felt a different our souls speak and fin~ expression, that part of ourselves where kind of acceptance, a different God will make himself known to kind of appreciation, free from us by the creativity found within the pressure of academic our own being. instruction and testing. But there is another type of It was incomprehensible. The artist: one who creates with students, had to get used to the God's love. This is one who gives idea that there was no ''Wrong selflessly serving others, where answer." When students said, "I love becomes the art by which made a mistake. I have to start over. Can I have another piece of God's kingdom becomes manifest. In many ways, we are all paper?," she would reply, ''No, it's fine. It's wonderful, just keep called to be artists of love. There are priests, religious and going." those who serve in ministries, No mistakes in art. These whose paintings become their' words tie into the title of this column; the artist in everyone. If parishioners and those whom they serve. There are teachers, there are no mistakes in art, then everyone must have a natural gift. whose students are their poetry. Everyone must have a place from And there are devoted parents and grandparents whose children are which they are able to create. their songs. . And it's more than just Yes, there will always be those drawing or painting; the art may who are gifted as artists, who are be singing or dancing, writing poetry or stories, or creating with able to spend their life as a musician, poet, painter or dancer. .needle and thread. And it is more But for those of us whose lives than just something about may seem more average, we need children. Adults also need this same understanding and apprecia- to find the time to appreciate the artist within us. tion. Everyone, I believe, is an As we begin this holiday artist in some way. 'season we are aware of another But the world can take that kind of artist, the artists in the opportunity away. Smothered by kitchen. Those who year after the responsibilities and expectayear create special meals for tions oflife, the artist within can family gatherings that warm our wither away. Then we can start Years ago, I¡knew a wonderful second-grade teacher with whom I worked in a Catholic school in Los Angeles. She was a very gifted instructor, but especially gifted in teaching art to the lower grades. I remember being in her classroom and hearing the magic words that she would tell her students, ''There are no mistakes in art." How wonderfully freeing her words were. No mistakes, no judgment, no wrong answer. Understandably her students
Our Journey of Faith
hearts and create in us the feelings of love and togetherness. As we celebrate this Thanksgiving weekend, may we be thankful for all of our blessings, for our loved ones and for the artist in everyone with whom we celebrate. Greta MacKoul is the author and illustrator of 'fThe Ocean Flowers, A Parable ofLove" and numerous articles. Greta and her husband George, with their children MaxweU and Marysa, are members ofChrist the King Parish in Mashpee.
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Friday, November 25, 2005
Breaking news alert! , details, and when we want going anywhere without a fight" something we want it on our terms "It's inconsiderate ofhim and and want it now. God doesn't work rude to come now," said one . that way though. protester. "I have this week off, . As for our spiritual preparation from work and I'm on vacation all for the coming ofour Savior, we week. He's got bad timing and a lot must take an active approach, but ofnerve. Gone for 2000 years and also act in a way that requires us to then suddenly decides to show up. be pati~t and also not forget all Who does he think he is?" God has done for us in the past, One person who wished not to present, and promised for us in the . be identified, told us, "I told you so!" I'm not as crazy as people said1am. Hor:ni, ' of the Just look at everybody complaining about Sunday}ttn~ needing more time. They should have been a lot of Advent more prepared Don't people realize that his By Father coming is a happy time? Thomas E. Costa Jr. The most glorious ofall times! Atime ofjubilimt future. celebration! It's a good thing he's a We begin another liturgical year compassionate and loving Ggd, this weekwith the season of . . because we've all got some serious Adventand celebrate God's explaining to do." continuing saving work in the past, More details as they become available, stay' tuned for any new present and future. But Advent and . the start ofa new liturgical year developments. does not mean we start all over As far fetched as that scenario again and forget the past This seems, when it comes to our season continues God's love for us spiritual preparation it probably is as we reflect back on all GOd has not all that far from the truth. We're dIme in the past, as well as what is .not a very patient society when it being prepared now, and all ofthe comes either to not knowing something or having to wait for pro~ glory that.is to come in .the future. Although we are anything. We like to know all the
!.:ate Breaking News! Officials are onthe lookQut for the long awaited return ofthe "Lord ofthe House" who has been spotted . heading towan!s the Fall River diocese. We've been told he was last seen between Main Street and Government Avenue heading north in a White Toyota pickup with a license plate that says, "Now is the Time!" Ifyou notice someone driving in the breakdown lane and waving to admirers it's pro~ably him. Be alert! Be watchful! He's armed with the pOwer of salvation! HiS arrival is putting residents in a panic. They never thought this day would come in their lifetime. Swprisinglymany people are actually.furious they weren't wamedthat the Lord was coming and are upset because there wasn't enough time to prepare. ' As one angry neighbor commented; "I was in the middle of wrapping Christmas gifts and preparing a lavish dinner when 1 heard the news alert on the radio. 1 dropped the Chris1:maS goose and burned my hand," ~d the woman. "He couId have told us ifhe was coming in the evening, at midnight, dawn, or in the moming," said one frazzled onlooker. "I just ran out ofthe shower and 1stiIl have curlers in my hair. I'm I}ot
soul and ask am 1prepared and primarily focused on remembering alert? and celebrating the birth of Jesus As it is written in the Gospel, it this season, we must not forget is like a man traveling a~road who that God has been continuously leaves home and places his active in the lives ofhis people servants in charge. He will throughout the entn:e past as well eventually come back when he is as the present. And he will continue to be with us in the future ready, and on his terms so in the meantime do what has been asked right up until the end oftimes. by the Master. The readings are from Mark's The master is Our Lord Jesus Gospel but start at the back . Christ and we are the servants ofthe Gospel rather than awaiting his return. Make sure the the beginning. At first house remains clean in his absence glance these readings may . seem to have nothing to do ' until his return. The house is God's dwelling place in our souls. with Christmas. But there is We are all expected to keep our a strong connection to . souls prepared in great anticipation Christmas associated with and hope for his coming. On that the readings today. God's day the Lord will come in an instant love for us is th~ ultimate and change everything, freeing the purpOse why Jesus took world from sin and death. flesh and became a human Hopefully upon his return our being and lived among us. So that faith will reveal that we are thankful for our salvation we could be fully prepared to come face to face With . people who are well prepared May this new liturgical year continue the .our Lord when he comes again. joyful hope and glorious anticipaBe watchful! Be alert! But also tion ofour Lord as we look back on be patient! Don't stop the preparation! Even though we don't the past and give thanks for.all he has done for us and is doing for us know when the Lord ofthe house now. May this Advent season be a is coming and exactly what we are supposed.to be watching for. Don't time ofactive,conversion. May our souls be filled withjoyful preparalook for Him to come like aboltof tion ofhis promise to come again. lightening in the sky or in some Father Costa is a parochial sort .ofhorrible destruction as vicar at St Mary's Parish in eVidence he is on the way. Look Mansfield. , within yourselfand search your
Liturgy ofthe 'Euchar~st -' Canon (continued) offering his Body and BloodLast week we observed the 15 prayers; which can ~e thought salvation histOry. Like Eucharistic brings salvation to the whole general structure of the Eucharistic ofas tiles in a splendid mosaic; sacrifiCed on Calvary, glorified in Prayer II, this canon has its own world' (EP IV). By uniting our heaven, and sacramentally present worship with .the Savior's Prayer or Canon, the great prayer· some of these have variants for preface;'but since this preface after the consecration - to our certain occasions. . of thanksgiving, remembrance, permits no substitutes, the Fourth sacrillce, we are prepared to and intercession. Eucharistic Prayer is not heavenly Father for the salvation partake of the 'fruits of that .' Incidentally, we're used ofthe living and the dead: " ... we used in Masses having offering, especially Communion, to hearing the priest pray offer to you, God ofglory and their own special with all that this implies for our Lovirig~:~ the canon aloud, but that prefaces (e.g., feasts and . majesty, this holy andperfect personal destiny and our relation to ,IT- _ was not always the sacnifice"(EP I)', " ... we oJJer the days ofAdvent and the whole Church case. From the seventh you, Father, this life-giving bread, Lent). Father Kocik,·an author of . cup"(Epm" century, or p~rhaps .....J; ... we Each canon expresses thIS· savlng two books, one on the liturgy, is t;arlier, until the latethe truth that the Mass is offer you in thanksgiving this holy chaplain at Charlton Memorial I96Os, the priest said . ·By Fr. Thomas M. Kocik and living sacrifice" (EP III); "... . Hospital, Fall River, and resides not merely a conglommost of the canon we offer you his body and blood, eration of prayers or a at St Thomas More Parish, inaudibly while the sacrifice which Somerset . Communion Service, but the acceptable . people either followed along in Eucharistic Prayer II is the the most holy and sublime act of their prayer books or said other shortest and most ancient. It 'is .which a human being Is capable: prayers of their own. Now the substantially the canon used in. the the offering of God to God! We . canon is routinely said aloud and ordination Mass ofa bishop, as join Jesus our High Priest in may even be sung in its entirety. recorded in the Apostolic Trodition The. present Roman Missal, the ofSt. Hippolytus, a Roman priest Please pray for the following Daily Readings priest's altar book containing the martyred in 235. The Sanctus priests during the' coming weeks Mass prayers, features 10 canons, ("Holy, holy, holy...") was added Nov 27 Is 63:16b-17, each having a unique style and 19b;64:2-7; Ps to it and its consecration narrative Nov. 28 80:2-3,15-16,18appeal. Let's consider the frrst was edited to match that of the 1959, Rev. AdrienA. Gauthier, Pastor, St. Roch, Fall River 19; 1 Cor 1:3-9; four, since these are used most Roman Canon. Although it has its ov.29 Mk13:33-37 frequently. own preface, other prefaces may 1902 Rev. ,Thomas H. Sh , Former Pastor, St. Mary, Taunton Nov28 . Is 2:1-5; Ps Eucharistic Prayer I is called be used instead 1965, Rev. Francis A. McC rt,hy,.Pastor, St. Patrick, Somerset ' 122:1-9; Mt8:5-11 the Roman Canon because it Eucharistic Prayer ill is a . ~o\.30 ~ .. 29 Nov Is 11:1-10; Ps originated in Rome at the end of completely modem'composition' '1895 Rev. William 1. M,cCoo ~~P tOf.)nlrrlaculate Conception, 72:1-2,7-8,12-13, the fourth century and came into with connections to the Gallican North Easton" " Lk 10:21-24 ' 17; its present form during the (old French) and Mozarabic (old . D~.. .. Nov 30 Rom 10:9-18; Ps . pontificate of St Gregory the' Spanish) rites. It highlights the 1958, Rev. Phi lipe-Ross, Chaplain, Sacred Heart Home, New 19:2-5; Mt 4:18Great (590-604). For many link between the Eucharistic Bedford . . \ \ 22 centuries, this was the only cailon Sacrific~ and the Holy Spirit who· 1964, Rev. Edward 1. Gorman, Ret1r~d Pastor, St. Patrick, Somerset Dec 1 !s 26:1-6; Ps used in the Western Church until gathers us in worship, transforms .118:1;8-9,19Dec.2~~ . the other three were introduced in bread and wine into Christ's Body . 1917, Rev. Arthur Savoie, Pastor, St yacinth, New Bedford 21,25-27a;Mt 1969. It remained untouched until and Blood; andjoins together into 1958, Rev. Dennis W. Harrington, A\ istant, St. Mary, Taunton 7:21;24-27 .1962,when Pope John XXIII . 1970, Rev. Stanislaus Basinski, FOrm;r\~tor, Holy Rosary, Taunton one body those who share in the Dec 2 Is 29:17-24; Ps . . . ,Dec.3 ) added St Joseph's name to the sacrificial-meal ofholy Commun27:1,4,13-14; Mt 1926, Rev. John W. McCarthy, P.R., Past r, Sacred Heart, Fall River first of the "two lists of saintS ion. 9:27-31 . Dec. 4 mentioned. A masterpiece of Eucharistic Prayer IV is also Dec 3.·- Is 30: 19-21,231844 Rev. Patrick Byrne, Pastor, St. Mary, New Bedford theological depth and literary modern, though patterned after the 26; Ps 147:1-6; 1945, Rev. Charles Ouellette,Assistant, St. Jacques, Taunton excellence (in its original Latin, that . Eastern rites. It gives a detailed Mt9:351994, Rev. Edward C. Duffy, Pastor, St. Francis Xavier, ~yannis is), the Roman Canon consists of and richly biblical account of 10:1,5a,6-8
and Living the Mass
·In Your Prayers
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What priests do for fun Saturday 12 November - PortO-Cali-High Desert, N.M. Here I stand in the plaza of Jemez Pueblo. Hundreds of costumed Native American men, women and children are dancing around me. In a serious fashion faux pas, I am dressed as a cowboy. Well, we all make mistakes. It's the annual celebration in honor ofSt. James. Moments ago, his statue was carried from the mission church to a lean-to at the edge ofthe plaza. Hung with pinion pine tree branches, this will serve as his temporary feast day shrine. The Pueblo patron, in the form of a wooden santQ, stands on a makeshift altar covered with colorful hand-woven textiles. Other important saints surround him, including images ofOur Lady of Guadalupe. Overhead are prized hunting trophies - mounted deer heads, festooned with fine silver and turquoise jewelry. I stand beside the friar as he blesses the shrine and then proceeds inside to greet the governor and Tribal Council. After the receiving line, the dancers climb down from the heavens, descending from the roof of the kiva by way of a ladder. When all the dancers are on the ground, the Corn Dance begins. The ritual involves the entire conimunity. First come the "Pumpkin Dancers," so named because the men are smeared with ochre. Some of the dancers seem to be in an altered state of consciousness. As they work their steps to the rhythmic beat ofa drum, they are in a world oftheir own. Religious trance-states are universal. They are also biblical. We high-techies, however, have been disconnected from this realm ofreality. After 45 minutes ofdancing, the Pumpkin Dancers are exhausted. In come the Turquoise Dancers. Then back come the Pumpkin Dancers. And so it goes from dawn to dusk. I am in Santa Fe for the national convention ofFriends ofthe Creche, a society dedicated to furthering the tradition of the Christmas Nativity scene. I am serving as convention emcee. Here at the end of the Santa Fe Trail people now call me the "Cape Cod Cowboy." This is a working vacation. Collecting Nativities from around the world is one of the things I do for fun. Pueblo potters are into Nativities. Father Bruce Neylon comes to mind. He specializes in collecting Pueblo Nativities. Like everyone else, priests need an occasional vacation. Seems the late Pope John Paul was displeased that some clergy in Europe were taking longer vacations, so he ruled that only four weeks were permitted priests worldwide. American priests were delighted, having previously been allowed only two weeks. The pope himselfalways takes a summer vacation, but priests don't always use their four-week vacation time. We are responsible for finding our own replacements - a problem the pope doesn't have. There is no temp service we
can telephone. With our aging Disney World. Our "Mousketeers" clergy, it's getting more difficult to are many. Others relish going to find a replacement. I have discovRed Sox spring training in Florida. ered some faithful friars who are willing and able to assist, but don't tell your The '8 Log pastor or he will find them . and snatch them up. Then there are the details that need to be taken care of before departure, not to mention the bags ofmail upon return. Some ofour poorer parishes can't afford a week's salary for a visiting Still others enjoy the occasional priest. It's much easier to just stay cruise. . The Lifetime Achievement home. When priests can get away, the Award for Well-spent Vacations primary vacation destination is goes po~thumously to Father
George Daigle. George once went on vacation to the Grand Canyon. The travel bug bit him. Thereafter, whenever he returned from Europe or South America he would say he had been on vacation to the Grand Canyon. It was the truth and nothing but the truth - but not exactly the whole truth. St. Thomas used to call this a "mental t reservation." A mental reservation sometimes comes in useful. It sure beats having to drag out all your vacation photos to show to folks who are less than mildly interested. Archbishop Jean Baptiste Lamy taught me a lesson. When this first bishop came to Santa Fe, his church was a simple adobe
structure looking nothing like the cathedrals of his native France. In 1869, he had a European-style church literally build around it. The adobe structure was encased in a Romanesque building. To me, this represents the genius of Catholicism. Missionaries preserve what is good and strong in local tradition and incorporate it into the Catholic faith. This explains a Corn Dance in honor of St. James. Back in homeport now, I've got to take off these dang cowboy boots and get back into my boat shoes. My feet are killing me. Father Goldrick is pastor ofSt. BernardParish, Assonet. Comments are welcome at StBernardAssonet@!loLcom• Previous columns {Jre at www.StBernardAssollet.onf,
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Friday, November 25, 2005
BISHOP GEORGE W. Coleman recently attended the annual Top Hat Awards ceremony for the Fall River District Council of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, held at Santo Christo Parish in Fall ,River. Council President Raymond Jussaume, left, presented awards to, from left: Joe Correia, Santo Christo Parish; Amy Caron, St. George Parish, Westport; Nelson Charpentier, St. Louis de France Parish, Swansea; Carolyn,Boff, Holy Trinity Parish, Fall River; and Bill Phaneuf,' St. Thomas More Parish, Somerset. The Top Hat Award recognizes . extraordinary community volunteer efforts. (Photo by Eric Rodrigues)
Uphold riaturallaw, pope tells new U.S. ambassador VATICAN(CWNews,com)- sador Rooney praised ,the Holy ftrmed by the Senate on October Pope Benedict XVI emphasized ~ee for its promotion ofpeace and . 7. A prominent businessman from the "respect for -the universal· . hwnan rights, and for its condem- Oklahoma and generous supporter of the Bush election cammoral law" as he met on Novem- nation of religious terrorism. ber 12 with a new ambassador The American envoy also paigns, he replaced James R. fro'm the United ,States. As he ac- voiced appreciation for Vatican Nicholson, who left Rome in cepted the diplomatic credentials . efforts to advance the fight January to become a member of ' of Francis Rooney, the Holy Fa- against poverty and hunger. In his the Bush Cabinet. ther said that the ''rich patrimony oWn bid to advance' U.S. policy The American ambassador, of values and principles" derived proposals, he suggested that the whose audience with the pope . from natural law is the best guar- prudent use of biotechnology was on the Vatican calendar well antee ofhwnan rights and, iffol- would be an effective step toward in advance, arrived at the Vatican lowed by national leaders, can providing adequate food for the on Saturday amid unusually heavy . create ''t;he conditions of justice world. security. Italian police blocked off and peace in which individuals and Francis Rooney was named by the Via della Conciliazione - the communities' can flourish." President Bush on July 29 to be- main road leading into St. Peter's The pope explained that while came the U.S. ambassador to the Square - for the six~ar Amerithe Holy See cannot become in- Holy See; his nomination was con- can diplomatic convoy. volved in partisan political debates, the Church will always work to uphold the natural law. Pope Benedict saluted the "generous charitable outreaCh" ofthe American people, and the U.S. government's efforts to confront ''the scandal of widespread hun- . ger, grave illness, and poverty in large areas of our world." , Gently alluding to one initiative for which the Vatican has lobbied, he pointed out that this effort coUld only be enhanced by mea~ sures taken to ease ''the crushing debt that feeds the spiral of poverty in many less-developed nations." . The pope sent his prayerful best wishes to, those Americans . still working to recover from the devastating effects of hurricanes in the southern states earlier,this autumn. And he saluted,the THE NEW U.S. ambassador to the Holy See, Francis "fruitful cooperation" between Rooney, presents his credentials to Pope Benedict XVI at the the U.S. and the Vatican since the establishment ofdiplomatic rela- Vatican November 12. Rooney told the pope that the United tioJis under President Ronad States "looks to the Holy See as a partner in efforts to spread peace, encourage democracy and to defeat terrorism." (CNS Reagan. In his own remarks, Ambas- photo from L'OsseNatore Romano)
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Friday, November 25, 2005
Father Pat brings Christmas spirit to Shrine visitors By MIKE GORDON ANCHOR STAFF
FATHER MANUEL Pereira created this handcrafted village based on his hometown village in the Azores. It is featured with more than 200 Nativity sets at the Shrine this year.
Continued from page one
oped a good plan to prepare for Christmas. "We have four full-time people, part-time workers and many volunteers," said Fuller. We start our planning in July and everyone gets involved." Of the Shrine, Fuller declared "It's an incredible place to work. The La Salette Brothers and Brother Russell are tremendous." Fuller said his favorite part ofthe Festival ofLights is the rosary pond and with its new decorations, its what he is most looking forward to seeing lit up. First time volunteer Rene Gaboriault ofPawtucket, R.I., said he always noticed the people who worked at the Shrine and wanted to help. He's been spending his days replacing light bulbs and assisting wherever needed. . "I really enjoy volunteering," said Gaboriault. "It gives me a good feeling and I know the children really love to come here for the Christmas season." And come they will. The Shrine expects to welcome one-half-million visitors this holiday season from all over New England, the Tri-State area and Canada. "Its huge," said Brother Russell. ''We have more displays and lights than we had last year and we've added a train so folks can ride around the grounds." It will tell the story of Our Lady ofLa Salette as visitors view the lights. Among the new displays are two large globes that will stand beside the sign "Peace on Earth," atop the hill behind the church. ''That should be our focus every day and we wanted to bring the message of promoting peace to our visitors," said Brother Russell. At the train station stands a beautiful wooden clock constructed by artist AI Lapierre that will give visitors train schedule information. Lapierre has done many projects for the Shrine over the years including new reindeer found near the Garden of St. Francis. Dominican Sister Gertrude Gaudette is another artist whose work around the Shrine has drawn praise
THE SHRINE added atrackless train this year as a new way for visitors to view the lights. Director of the Shrine, Brother Bob Russell stands nearthe dock created by woodworkerAI Lapierre to announce the departure schedule.
from visitors. She was on hand recently to do some touch up work and Brother Russell. said the Shrine is grateful for her generosity and the generosity ofall the artists, volunteers and visitors. ''People have been good to us over the years," said Brother Russell. ''They've been very generous and we are grateful." Artist Rob Roy does all the metal work for the Shrine, constructing the wrought iron displays that are eventually painted and strewn with lights. He created 50 Christmas trees in 2004 and Brother Russell praised his work. . ''We're thankful for all the volunteers," said Brother Russell. ''Without them, we couldn't exist. They make all our works possible." The Shrine is in need of volunteers Jor the holiday season and beyond. Available positions include bus greeters, working at the outdoor booths selling hot drinks, and bell ringers. For staff member Ken Ross, the job of putting together the Festival of Lights is a big'endeavor, but he said, "It's all worth it. There's a lot of new things going up and it's going to look great." Ross pointed out some new lights around the rosary pond including some snowflakes and stars and said he will be bringing his son to see the display this weekend. ''The kids really enjoy it," he declared. Chris 0 'Hara recently startedworking at the Shrine and enjoying his role putting up the Christmas displays. ''I think it's great to be helping out here because it's something that I looked forward to when I was a kid," said theAttleboro native. "People might not realize how much work goes into it, but it's all worth it," O'Hara added. For the members of the La Salette community, Christmas is an opportunity to share the message of Our Lady of La Salette with visitors and bring them closer to Christ. ''The Festival of Lights is something outside the ordinary," said Father Pat. ''It's very spiritual." In addition to the lights, the Shrine also features a collection of Nativity sets from around the world. There are more than 200 sets featured and visitors to the display will first travel past a handcrafted traditional Portuguese village created by Father Manuel Pereira, which represents his village in the Azores, . volcano and all. ''The International Nativity sets are a big attraction," said Brother Russell. Each year, Brother Russell is amazed at the nwnber of families that come together to see the annual display. "Too often you see parents without their children or children without their parents, but this brings families together. It gets them in the holiday spirit." Mass is celebrated at the Shrine Monday through Friday at 12:10 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. and on weekends at 12:20,4 and 5:30 p.m. The sacrament ofreconciliation is available every day from 2-8 p.m. For more information call the Shrine at 508-222-5410.
ATTLEBORO -Christmas at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette wouldn't be Christmas without the music of La Salette Father Andre Patenaude, betterknown as ''FatherPat." This year he will again bring his unique ministry to visitors of the annual Festival ofLights. Father Pat said he is looking forward to the Christmas season and on a recent visit to the Shrine, observed that everything FATHER ANDRE was in place PATENAUDE to celebrate the birth of Jesus. He's been perfurming concerts here for more than 20 years and said Christmas is his favorite time of the year. ''It's ajoyful time and I get very enthused about it," said Father Pat. ''What l enjoy is that it's the perfect occasion and season to share the meaning ofAdvent and Christmas with people through music. It reminds people ofwhat the season is all about." Father Pat perfonns twice daily at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m., Tuesday through Sunday. His 40-minute performance focuses on Christmas and Advent music, but will also feature some songs'from his
latest CDentitled"A JoyfulNoise." ''I speak between songs and try to help people get into the spirit of Christmas," said Father Pat. "1 think people this year are looking to be uplifted spiritually. They are looking for peace." When asked what its like to be Father Christmas for so many visitors to the Shrine, he laughed and said he never thought about himself that way. "1 do know a lot of people come out for the concerts. They really get me into the spirit and that energizes me," he said. ''It's a season ofjoy and a season of hope," said Father Pat. "People should remember it's a joyful preparation." Father Pat celebrated his 40th year of religious lifu in 2004 and has no plans to slow down. ''I began singing when I was very young at my parish in Fall River and Irecorded my first albwn back in 1967. Its a gift the Lord uses and I feel grateful for it. Sharing music with people moves me. It rejuvenates me." Father Pat said sometimes when he performs, he feels the Holy Spirit working. ''Part of the ministry of singing involves healing and music can be a healing force. It's a soothing thing for people. That's the gift of song," he concluded. Fatller Pat will be performing daily at the Sirrine except Mondays when visiting musicians will be filling in. For more information CJl1J 50Pr2225410.
A TREE featuring ornaments from around the wortd stands in the International Nativity Sets display at the Shrine. It was created by artist Maureen Miconi-Ross, coordinator of the display. (Anchon'Gordon photos)
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Friday, November 25,
'Have No Fear: The Life ofJohn Paul II,' to air December 1, on ABC By DAVID DICERTO
pope, is only briefly illustrated by a scene of him watching aghast NEW YORK - In his first as a fellow student is' carted off broadcast to the world in Octo- to a concentration camp. ber 1978, the newly elected Pope Karol Wojtyla's rise through John Paul II boldly declared, "Be the church ranks, from parish not afraid." priest to auxiliary bishop, archThe hopeful proclamation set bishop of Krakow and then carthe tone for an extraordinary pon- dinal, as well as his years under tificate that lasted more than 26 communist oppression, are years and seems to have inspired treated in a similarly cursory the title ofan adulatory two-hour manner, as is his participation television movie" - "Have No during the Second Vatican CounFear: The Life of John Paul II" cil, with the movie sometimes - premiering Thursday, Decem- leaping as much as a decade at a ber 1, 8-10 p.m. EST on ABC. . stride. The first of two competing His relationship with Cardinal papal biopics - CBS also will Stefan Wyszynski (Bruno Ganz) air a two-night, four-hour ~ primate of Poland and one of miniseries - "Have No Fear," t4e pope's most ardent supportfilmed on location in Lithuania ers starting when he was a young. and Rome with an international bishop ~ is'more fully sketched, cast, stars German-born Thomas while other important influences, Kretschmann as the 264th pope, such as . lay mystic Jan playing him from his student days Tyranowski, are given no mento his 'death at age 84. (The CBS tion. , movie splits the young-old du-' The pace 'slows once he is ties between Cary Elwes and Jon elected pope, but such touchVoight, respectively.) stones ofhis papacy":"'- his globe~ Biopics are tricky, given net- trotting travels, involvement with work time limitations and the de- the Solidarity movement in Po-' mands of storytelling. But when' land, his role in the fall ofthe Sothe subject is a towering religious viet Union and the attempt.toasand political figure such as·Pope· sassinate him ~ unfold in flipJohn Paul, the challenge is even book fashion. The American sex more daunting. abuse scandal is addressed, with With mixed results, ABC an uncharacteristically 'acrid avoids trying to cram an excep- Pope John Paul expressing zero tionally full life into two hours, tolerance of those who would deciding instead to structure the harm children. ' film as a series of snapshots, reWhile presenting an oversuiting in a less than fully whelmingly positive portrayal of fltlshed-out picture of Pope John Pope John· Paul as a messenger _Paul. Yet, despite the hurried pace of love and champion of human and roug~ strokes, what emerges dignity, it's not all hagiography. from the.tableaux is a beautiful . At one point; the pope expresses mosaic of -courage, -conviction regret for an earlIer tongue:'lashand compassion., . . ing ofmartyred Sil1vadoranArchDirected by Jeff Bleckner, bishop Oscar Romero (Joaquim "Have No Fear" opens with Pope, de Almeida), over Archbishop John Paul's historic visit to Romero's support of the MarxJerusalem's Wailing Wall in 2000. ist-flavored "1.iberation theology." Later, praying in private at the Registering his deep sense Church of the Holy Sepulcher, of spirituality and humanity, he begins to recollect his youth. the ruggedly handsome A sequence offlashback vignettes Kretschmann resembles the vigestablish young Karol Wojtyla, orous young Wojtyla (less con(played successively by Jasper 'vincing once, aged) but comes Harris and Ignas Survila), or ' off a lit(le bland and never re"Lolek" as he was called grow- ally conveys the charisma that ing up in his native Poland, as a catapulted Pope John Paul onto normal child - athletic and de- the world stage. vout, but not overly pious. Reverent throughout, the film , He becomes acquainted early presents Pope John Paul as a man on with the "mystery of suf- of profound faith, by turns trafering" - a central theme of ditionalist, revolutionary, poet the film - losing his mother and mystic. It also shows him (Inga Sakalauskaite) when he as a flesh-and-blood man, re-' was nine, followed by the death sponding to a comment by his of his older brother (Paulius personal secretary (John Ignatavi) when Karol was 12. Albasiny) that the pope is a sym-, He would find himself com- bol by reminding him, "I am also pletely alone by age 20, when a human being." his father (Petar Goranov) dies Near the close, a frail and inof a heart attack. firm Pope John Paul, quoting St. "Have No Fear" races through John of the Cross, reassures an his formative wartime experi- attending nun that, ultimately, a ences during the Nazi occupa- person will be judged on love. If tion of Poland, including his in- the same measure can be applied volvement in an underground to television movies, then - octheater and clandestine studies casional dramatic license asidefor the priesthood. The Holo- "Have No Fear" should be apcaust, which left such an indel- preciated as a loving portrait of ible impression on the future a spiritual giant. CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE
WILLIAM MOSELEY, with sword, Skandar Keynes and Anna Popplewell star in a scene from the movie ''The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe." The movie, which has a Christian the~e, opens in theate~ December 9. (CNS photo courtesy,of Grace Hill Media)
'Narnia' film may signal greater acceptance of·faith-themed movi~s By GUY Frrz
describing how the "The Lion, the· Witch and the Wardrobe." can be incorporated into local outreach PLANO, Texas - The Dece~ber 9 release of activities. "What I found interesting was'the number of im"The Chronicles ofNamia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe," the potential Christmas blockbuster portant figures from Disney and Walden Media that based on a novel by Christiarl writer C.S. Lewis, were there to court the Christian market," said John may signal HollywoQd is focusing Illore on audiences Reis, national ac<;ounts director of Good News Advertising, a Dallas-based company. Good News Adfor ~hom religiqn is important. David DiCerto, a movie reviewer for Jhe U.S. vertising was hired to-put ''Namia'' advertisements Comerence of Catholic Bishops, said he has noticed in 64 Christian newspapers nationwide, including 46 a greater number of movies being targeted toward: Catholic newspapers. "The sneak peek gave me the sense that they realChristian audiences.' , ,This can be seen.as "an economic byproduct of ize the viability ofthe Christian market," Reis said. the success of 'The Passion of the Chri~t, '" he said. '.'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" is the story With Mel Gibson's film grossing more than $400 of four children growing up in World War II-era Enmillion in worldwide box office proceeds, a~cord gland. While playing hide-and-seek one day, the chiling to an Associated Press report, Christian audi- dren stumble upon a magical wardrobe that transports ences are establishing themselves as a lucrative market them to the world ofNamia. A mystical cast of charfor Hollywood producers. Grass-roots evangelical acters alerts the children that Narnia is a cursed realm, campaigns are starting to grow around religious- doomed to a state of eternal winter by the evil White themed movies being released. Witch. The children embark on a quest to save the In October, Stonebriar Community Church in land with the help ofNarnia's noble ruler, the lionAsian. Plano hosted about 300 moviegoers excited to get a Lewis wrote "The Chronicles of Narnia" as a sneak peek of "The Lion, the Witch and the Ward- seven-book series, published between 1950 and 1956. robe." Attendees were selected as local faith leaders. The faith of Lewis, who died in 1963, often played a The event was one of 140 held across the United part in his writing. He was Anglican. States by Motive Entertainment, which· also con''We're interested in telling great stories and being ducted similar events for the "The Passion." true to the original themes ofthe author," said Flaherty. The event at Stonebriar was billed as' an "exclu- "Many times these great stories we want to tell will sive experience for leaders of faith in thecommu- have elements offaith in them, and we don't shy away nity." It was attended by Michael Flaherty, president from that. Ifpeople interpret the origiruil themes 'ofthe of Walden Media, the Namia film production com- book to have elements offaith in them, then they will pany, and Doug Gresham, co-producer of the film probably see those same themes in the movie." and stepson of Lewis. Some say the story is an allegory in which the lion For Flaherty and Walden Media, attending the AsIan represents Jesus Christ, because the lion dies outreach-oriented sneak peek was just one part of and is resurrected in the story. The White Witch reppromoting the movie. resents evil. Many other Christian lessons and sto~ "We're willing to talk to almost all audiences that ries develop throughout the four children's journey. want to hear about the movies we make," he told the With such strong faith-based themes, it seems Texas Catholic, newspaper ofthe Diocese of Dallas. natural for a movie such as "The Lion, the Witch and "People seem to be interested that we're going to the Wardrobe" to be aimed at Christian audiences. churches to promote this movie, but we're also go- Dtlpending on its success, a greater number of moving to schools, libraries, Boy Scout and Girl Scout ies may be released with similar elements. groups. We're going everywhere." . DiCerto could not attest to the fact that more Once inside the event, the audience was treated movies are coming out with Christian themes, to a range ofNamia-related sights and sounds. They but "keep in mind," he said, Hollywood producsaw exclusive clips of the film and heard Grammy- ers "are going to be open to any audience that winning Christian musician Steven Curtis Chapman can make them money. If it helps sell tickets, performing songs from the "Inspired By" Namia al- moviemakers are going to emphasize Christian bum. Audience members also received free material elements in movies." CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE
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and even revolution. But I think he did a good job. He went ahead with the liturgical constitution and, in fact, he authorized that the reforms go far beyond what the council text itself proposed. I think he tried to carry out the dialogue (with other Christians), and he established a secretariat for dialogue with non-Christians and nonbelievers, and he wrote a couple of important social documents. He presided over the Synod of Bishops in a way that was far more open then than it
The .40th 'anniversary of
Vatican II Pope Paul VI directed, implemented Vatican II Editor's Note: This is a continuation ofa major series ofarticles this fall to mark the 40th anniversary ofthe end ofthe Second Vatican CounciL The stories are meant to show that the implementation of the Council and their effects are ongoing.
WASHINGTON - When Pope John XXIII died in June 1963, the Second Vatican Council had barely begun. The 80 cardinals who gathered to elect his successor could have chosen a man who would suspend or dissolve it. Instead they elected Pope Paul VI, who immediately declared his intent to see the council through and reaffirmed Pope John's goal of making it an instrument of Church renewal. The council's first session, October II-December 8, 1962, had produced no major documents. The day before it ended the bishops voted on the first part of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, overwhelmingly approving principles ofliturgical reform that included the possibility ofliturgical worship in local languages and adaptation of liturgical rites to local cultures. Meeting the next three autumns under Pope Paul, the council issued 16 constitutions, decrees or declarations, many of them carrying far-reaching implications for the Church. "He brought a better sense of organization to the task than John XXIII had," said Father Joseph A. Komonchak, a theologian at The Catholic University of America and English-language editor ofthe five-volume "History of Vatican II," a definitive study by an international team ofscholars. ,In an interview, Father Komonchak' said' that after the council's first session Cardinal Giovanni Battista Montini, who would soon become Pope Paul, gave a talk in which he said the council needed a unifying focus. Father Komonchak added, "In his opening speech at the second session, which was the first that he presided over, he made the Church the central theme of the council: What is the Church's selfawareness, what does it think of itself, what· does it think of its relationship to the world?" The priest said "Ecclesiam Suam." Pope Paul's first encyclical, "was a pretty strong promotion of the idea of dialogue.
That was one of the main characteristics of the council doc~ ments on dialogue with nonCatholics, with other believers, with the modem world. People old enough to remember know there was very little dialogue going on between Catholics and nonCatholics in this country. Ecumenism was actually kept under very tight control by Rome. As for dialogue with th~ modern world, the dominant attitude was far more one of suspicion and even condemnation." Pope Paul also "gradually began to take more ofa leading role, so that when a persistent minority was expressing reservations about the doctrine of collegiality in Chapter 3 of 'Lumen Gentium, ' he ordered that a .... preparatory note be included and made the basis on which the bishops were to vote on that chapter," he said. "He also intervened toward the end with regard to the Decree on Ecumenism." Those actions helped mollify a small but powerful minority, led by some top officials of the ,Roman Curia, who thought the council was going too far on some issues. "I think he was determined that the council not be followed by a schism," Father Komonchak said, "and he did not want the minority, in this case the conservative minority, to be able to complain about the way they were treated at Vatican II in the way in w4jch the liberal minority at Vatican I complained. So }:I.e did whatever he could to win as large a consensus on controversial issues as he could." Fatht<r Komonchak said Pope Paul also intervened in the drafting phases of the council's Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation. "He insisted that they come up with a text on the relationship of Scripture and tradition and another one on historicity (of Scripture) where he felt the earlier texts were ambiguous," the theologian said. "He wanted a formulation that would leave the question whether tradition contains truths ihat Scripture doesn't - unsettled, which the final text did. "The other question was with regard to inspiration," Father Komonchak said. "He wanted it said in'such a way that you would maintain that the whole ofthe Bible is inspired, but that it is to be read in terms of a document that God has brought irito being for the sake of our salvati.on - in other
words, so that when you're reading it, you're reading it for what it has to say about our salvation, not for what it has to say about the ancient Near East and botany." In implementing the council in the 13 years from its end to his death in 1978, Pope Paul "was severely criticized by left and right, which for me means he must have been doing something right," Father Komonchak said. "Certainly he was not entirely happy with everything that happened after the council - who could have been?" he added. "I think that he was very distressed by the signs of a kind of rebellion'
became under his successor." On the ecumenical front, Pope Paul made "magnificent gestures," such as his embrace of Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras ofConstantinople on his 1964 trip to the Holy Land. Pope Paul inaugurated the modern·papal practice of world travels and made ecumenical m~et ings a regular feature of those trips, he said. He added that Pope Paulinaugurated many of the bilateral and multilateral ecumenical dialogues that continue today.
On December 10, 1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "Announce in my nam'e that I promise to assist at the hour ofdeath with the "graces necessaryfor the salvation oftheir souls, all those who on the first Saturday of five cOllsecutive months shall: , 1. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Communion; 3. Recite the Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me company for 15 minutes while meditating on the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me. " , In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary," Confessions may be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at , either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday.
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Friday, November 25, 2005
Former psychic (0' speak on dangers .of New Age, WEST HARWICH - Moira In 1993, after ~ serie~ of powNoonan, an author and natiomil erful experiences, which she atspeaker on the Catholic response' tributes to Blessed Virgin Mary, - to the New Age, will be 'spea1}ing :she gave up the practices she had at two parishes in the diocese in . been engaged in for two decades. .she returned to the Catholic the upcoming week. On November 27, at 2 p.m. she Church, and is now a popular will be speaking at Holy Trinity speaker in the Catholic commuParish in West Harwich. On No- nity,' explaining the deeper meanvember 29 at 7 p.m., she will be irig and harmful influences of the speakipg at St. Patrick's in New Age movement and such Wareham. popular cultural phenomenon as Although Noonan was raised, "Harry Potter" and "Charmed" to . in a nominally Catholic family, she . adults and young people around naively began to dabble in New the country. Age practices and ideas as a colNoonan has also told her story lege student. That led to 20 years on'EWTN television and radio staof work in the "R~ligious Sci- clons worldwide. She is the auence" ministry, as a psychic coun-thor of "Ransomed From Darkselor and a therapist. She became ness: The New' Age, Christian certified and developed expertise Faith and The Battle (or Souls," in such areas as hypnotherapy, which details the story ofher conpast-life regressiori, astrology, the . version and describes, from excourse in miracles, Reiki, chan- perience; the dangers ofNew Age neling, crystals, goddess spiritu- practices.' MSGR. RONALD A. Tosti, pastor of Christ the King Parish, Mashpee, reacts to the burnality, clairvoyance, and other ocHer talks at both parishes are cult practices. open to the public. ing of the mortgage pf the parish complex 16 years after construction began. (Ph9to by Don. Parkinson IMashpee EnterPrise. Used with permission.)
. Cape Cod parish rejoices at mortgage-burning ceremony MASHPEE - With great re"So much has changed over into a community ofloving people joicing, a large group ofparishio- the past 16 years," adde,d working to build the Kingdom of ners of Christ the King Parish Giddings. "Many ofthe long-time God." gathered last Sunday, the feast of parishioners who helped me in my In a letter read to the gatherChrist the King, for a Mass of faith journey have gone. Now, I'm ing, Bishop Coleman wrote, "This Thanksgiving and the burning the one of them. I look back fondly accomplishment is a testimony to mortgage. , on those who helped me and oth- the dedication and commitment of The pastor, Msgr. Ronald A. ers .so much. It's still a great you, the parishioners, who have so generously supported Christ Tosti was the prinCipal celebrant honor to be part of this." of the Mass. Msgr. John 1. Perry, "There are those who said' it the King Parish since its beginvicar general and moderator ofthe couldn't be done," said Msgr. ning. . curia, represented Bishop George Tosti in his homily. i'This was, at "It is likewise a sign of the exW Coleman. the time, the most ambitious traordinary pastoral leadership Concelebniting with that you received through Msgrs., Tosti and Perry, the work and service of were Fathers Edward J. "TherearethosewhosaiditcoLildn't Msgr. Tosti, to whom I am Healey, GregoryA. Mathjas, be done, "said Msgr. Tosti in his hom- most grateful for his dediand James F. Lyons. Percation to you, his parishiomanent Deacons Robert ify. ."This was, at the time, the most ners." Lemay, Frank Fantasia, and 'ambitious project ever undertaken by Last Sunday's procession Gregory Beckel, who serve a parish in the Fall River diocese. But included th~ pastoral and fithe parish, assisted. they didn't know the people ofthis par- nance councils; adult and . It was on May 31, 1988, ish community. They went to work. This yoimg altar servers; Knights of Columbus; Knights and when parishioner Dwight . h b 'd & b .,1' . Giddings carried a large, pans was uift and pal ,or y oru/- Ladies of the Equestrian Orplain wooden' cross he n~ry people wit~ ordinary'!leans, but der of the Holy Sepulchre of made, in a procession witha.nextraordmarydevotionandloy~ Jerusalem; and representathrough the woods on par- '. alty to the Chureh and 'extraordinary tives of the parish's many' apostolates and organizations. ish grounds, inaugurating the gene;osity. " The four parish secretarMARIA ANDRADE, Therese Macleod, Katherine Trainor, ground-breaking ceremony -.--.......:-------....;.,,_...:...._ _ for the new church complex. ies presented the gifts and the Courtney and Ellen Driscoll gather for a photo following the "I was only a member of the project ever undertaken by a par- register ofall who have died in the retreat "Seasons of the Heart," held at The Brian Center in Catholic Church for about three ish in the Fall River diocese. But 21-year hi~tory of the parish. Mashpee earlier this month. The event was led' by Peggy. years then," Giddings told The they didh't know the people of. Sister ofMercy Shirley Agnew Patenaude. ' . . Anchor. "Msgr. Tosti asked me this parish community. They led a prayer of,thanksgiving and to build a cross, but completely . went to work. This parish was a joyful psalm following Msgr. surprised me when he asked me built and paid for by ordinary Tosti's homily. . . In honor of Sister Lucia dos Santos, to carry it in the procession. It people with ordinary means, but . The actual mortgage burning seer ofFathna, who died was such a great honor." with an extraordinary devotion took place at the altar in a brazier It took 18 months to complete and loyaltY to the Church and ex- used for incense at the groundFebruary 13,2005, age 97. the 40,000-square-foot parish traordinary generosity. breaking 16 years ago. Lucia pr~y for us. compleX. It was dedicate,d by then "In the last 16 years, never The sustained applause was a Bishop Daniel A. Cronin on the was a monthly payment .missed clear indication of the joy the feast of Christ the' King in No- or delayed a路nd. the monthly whole parish experienced at this St. Anne~s Prayer vember of 1989. The total cost amount began at $38,000 and momentous event. "Good St. Anne, Moth~r ofMary, and was $7.1 million. . ended last October with $28,000. Christ the King Parish seryes Giddings ~arried the same But the important :part of all this more than 2,000 families in . Grandmother of Jesus, Iiltercede for me and my cross in last Sunday's mortgage is notthe building, notthe money, Mashpee, Cotuit and Marstons petitions. Amen." burning procession. but the gathering of God's people Mills.
EUCHARISTICADORATION ATTLEBORO- Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is held at St. Joseph's Church, 208 South Main Street. For more information call 508-226-1115.
World J\IDS' Day hopes to • Increase awareness, concern By JOHN E. KEARNS JR.
Street. For more information call 508-972-0971.
ATTLEBORO - The National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette, , 947 Park Street, will hold its anCHATHAM - A holy hour will nual Christmas Bazaar this week, be held Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at end in the chapel. For more inforHoly Redeemer Church, 57 High- mation call 508-222-541 O. land Avenue. Rosary will be folFALL RIVER - The Fall River lowed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. The Pro-Life Area Men's First Friday Club will prayer groups of Holy Trinity and met December 2 at Sacred Heart Holy Redeemer parishes will spon- Church, 160 Seabury Street. A 6 p.m. Mass will be celebrated by sor it. Augustinian of the Assumption FALL RIVER - A holy hour is Father Eugene Laplante, who has held every Tuesday from 7-8 p.m. a doctorate in canon law and has at Holy Name Church, 709 been serving in a mission in MosHanover Street. It includes rosary, cow. Father Laplante is also the Scripture reading and Benediction guest speaker. A meal will be of the Blessed Sacrament. For served following the Mass. For more information call 508-679- more information, contact Norman Valiquette at 508-6726732. 8174. NEW BEDFORD - Adoration INDIA - Father Paul Cruz of of the Blessed Sacrament is held each Monday at St. Joseph-St. India seeks donations of rosaries, Therese Church. It follows the 8 statues and holy pictures for St. a.m. Mass and continues until 2 Antony's Church. They are also p.m. For more information call 508- seeking pens and pencils fortheir school children. Send items in care 995-5235. of: Father Paul Cruz, St. Antony's WEST HARwiCH -Our Lady Church, Kanjirakodu P.O., of Ufe Perpetual Adoration Chapel Kundara 691 501, Kollam, Kerala, is in need of volunteers. Consider India. signing up to spend an hour with NORTH ATTLEBORO - St. the Lord. Empty slots are: Monday at 2 a.m. and 9 a.m.; Wednes- Mary's Church is holding its 25th day at 11 a.m.; Thursday at 3 a.m. annual Christmas 'Bazzar Saturand 2 p.m.; Friday at 10 p.m. and day from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Saturdayat6a.m., 11 a.m.,3p.m., parish center. It will feature crafts 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. For more infor- and baked goods. For more information call 508-695-6161 . mation calI508-43Q-4716.
FALL RIVER - December 1 is World AIDS Day, a day set aside each year since 1988 to foster a greater exchange of information on HIV and AIDS and to strengthen global efforts to address the challenges of this pandemic, which continues to spread throughout the world. Toward raising awareness of this day and its focus, the Office ofAIDS Ministry ofthe Fall River diocese has produced a'card which offers, on one side, perti. nent statistical information on the state of AIDS in the world today and, on the other side, a prayer for all people whose lives have been touched by the virus. It reads, in part, as follows: "World AIDS Day that occurs on 1 December each year is about raising awareness, about education, and aboutfightingprejudice. "WorldAIDS Day provides all people with the opportunity to remember in prayer those who have died, those who live each day with HIVIAIDS and those affected. "We invite you to join us in prayerfor all people whose lives have been touched by HIVIAIDS and for the discovery ofa cure." The following prayer was written by Dr. J<rysten Winter-Green, who has directed the AIDS Ministry Office in the diocese since , its establishment in 1993. Beloved Lord, Almighty God Mos.t Gracious, Most Compassionate
For those who have, died TAUNTON - The Religious ~pray. Medal Program forBrownie andjunBREWSTER - La Sarette Fa- . ior age Gir1 Scouts will begin DeFor those who now live ther Richard Lavoie will celebrate cember 3 at 1 p.m. at the church We pray. Mass December 7 at 7 p.m. at Our hall of Our Lady of the Immaculate Lady of the Cape Church, 468 Conception Parish, 387 Bay Street. . All belong to you. Stony Brook Road. A healing ser- "Family of God," is offered at the vice will follow. For more informa- Brownie level, "I Uve My Faith," for ~ seek refuge in the light of Gir1 Scouts. For more information tion call 508-385-3252. your face call Susan Rogers at 508-823Heal all bodies, hearts and FALL RIVER - St. Anne's 9448. souls broken by HIVIAIDS. Church, 818 Middle Street, will host SUPPORTGROUPS . ahealing Mass December 1at 6:30 Fora cure p.m. The rosary will be recited at 6 We pray. NEW BEDFORD-Courage, p.m. Benediction and healing a support group for those dealing prayers follow the Mass. Beloved Lord, Almighty God with same-sex attraction issues Most Gracious, while trying to live· chaste lives, LECTURES! Most Compassionate meets Saturday at 7, p.m. in the PRESENTATIONS rectory of St. James Church, 233 The AIDS Ministry office is ATTLEBORO - A lecture se- County Street. The meetings comries for Catholics who would 'like bine prayer and sharing as mem- housed in Clemence Hall, whieh to know their faith better is pre- bers strengthen and encourage is adjacent to St.Anne's Hospital sented on the second and fourth each other to walk together with in Fall River. Friday of each month at 7:30 p.m. the Lord. For more information call The card has been distributed in the school of religion at St.· Father Richard Wilson at 508-992- to 1,200 contacts on the AIDS Joseph's Parish, 10 Maple Street. 9408. Ministry Office's mailing list, inAttendees willieam how to defend cluding ·diocesan parishes and RETREATS theirfaith following approved guide, schools, clients living with the lines of study and become apprenvirus and their families, and local MASHPEE - "Hope for the and national service providers, tice apologists. Wor1d," a mini-retreat in preparaadvocacy agencies, and related FALL RIVER - A grief educa- tion for Christmas, will be held De- governmental departments and cember2from 10a.m. to noon and tion program for those suffering the , loss of a loved one will be held De- December 4 from 1-3 p.m. at The programs. Educational Endeavors cember 3 from 5-6:30 p.m. in the Brain center. For more information On World AIDS Day, two high conference room at Good Shep- call Peggy Patenaude at 508-548schools in the diocese, Bishop herd Parish, 1598 Sotlth Main 9149.
Stang in North Dartmouth, and the father due to her comproCoyle and Cassidy in Taunton, mised health and scarce rewill offer AIDS awareness pre- sources; sentations led by peer educators. - younger male client living These peer educators are stu- in supportive housing constantly dents at these schools who have has health issues related to HIV, participated in the Peer Education very isolated. Positive social supProgram launched over the past port would greatly improve his year by the AIDS Ministry Office. quality oflife; The program prepares selected - mother ofthree children and students to lead AIDS awareness victim of domestic abuse. Coninitiatives within their school com- sistently terrorized by husband munity and to become resources who was recently released from on the subj ect to whom their jail. Has little support in the compeers can direct questions and munity. Recently convicted of concerns. Participants in the pro- crimes that her husband forced gram receive comprehensive her to commit. Now serving time mv/AIDS education and training and has lost custody of her chilin interaction preparedness from dren; AIDS Ministry staffand carry out - a 39-year-old black woman their responsibilities under the who is living with my. She has guidance of a school staff Peer had a stroke as a result of her Education coordinator. drug use. She is said to be one of AIDS Ministry staffwill be in- the most inspirational people. She troducing the program this year does not let her handicap stop her in an additional high school, from taking care of herself and Bishop Feehan in North Attleboro. giving others support. She uses With the support and coopera- herself as an example to others tion of. the Diocesan Education as to what harmful effects drug Department, AIDS Ministry has abuse can have; expanded its educational compo- a 40-year-old white woman nent across the bQard. During the who lives in a program for people 2004-2005 academic year 2,070 who are terminally ill. She doesn't students received age-appropriate tell anyone that she is living with HIV/AIDS education at several mv because she is afraid ofwhat Catholic high schools and elemen- people will think of her. She lives tary schools, as well as in some in a place of isolation, loneliness, parish religious education pro- and fear; grams. - this 50-something-year-old Reaching Out man is an active alcoholic. Even At the heart of the mission of through he is in a day treatment diocesan AIDS Ministry is its out- program his addiction is still conreach to those living with and af- suming his life. Having HIV and fected by mv/AIDS. through an dealing with his addiction keeps array of services including fam- him from being totally healthy; ily and individual case manage-,..- nearly 30-year-old man with ment, counseling, pastoral and HIV/AIDS,hasbeendealingwith spiritual support, emergency·as- addiction and mental health issues sistance, and information and re- for most of his life. In and out of ferrals. jail. Homelessness has become a Over the past 12 years, Dr. way of life for him; ~ young woman in her 20s Winter-Green reports that her offlce has directly ministered to a has supported her drug habit population numbering in the high through prostitution since she hundreds whose ages ranged was just 14 years old. She was from newly-born to 87. put out to work the streets by· Their circumstances are diffi- her foster mother who was also cult, their challenges immense. As a prostitute and drug .user. Rethe world sets aside this time to cently lost custody of her daughbring to light to the reality ofHIV ter who was put up for adoption and AIDS in our· communities, by DSS; . AIDS Ministry staff thought it - this couple are in their early appropriate to offer a brief pro- 50s. They met in jail while servfile of a sampling of those they ing long sentences. Both are live' serve: ing with HIV - their place ofresi' - male, about 40 years old, .dence is a car during the winter suffering from AIDSlHepatitis C months when the campground is - low t-cells, always ill from closed. medication side effects and cur- . Dr. Winter-Green is assisted rently trying to cope with wast- with cases such as these by a ing disease syndrome. Nutrition small staff and a network of voland support are key needs; unteers. The Office of AIDS Ministry - mother of two children recently raped on her way to a medi- is funded by the Catholic Charical appointment. Tries to work as ties Appeal and a variety of corshe is reluctant to accept disabil- . porate and private foundations. Anyone seeking more iI,/ority and related entitlements. Due to failing health and trying to cope mation about its services or who with HIV she is frequently hospi-' might be interested in volunteertalized, cannot attend her job and ing opportunities should contact consequently gets fired. Forced the office at 508-674-5600, ext. to give custody of her children to 2295.
. ··Friday; November 25, '2005 . :... " ~:.
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KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Council 2525 presented a check
FIRST-GRADERS from St. Jo~n 'the Evangelist School, Attleboro, were among many stu-
den~ to help contribute non-perishable food items for basketS to be distributed to underprivileged
families. They completed the project in conjunction with the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
for $300,000 to the Pope John Paul II High School Committee for unrestricted use in their efforts to open the school in the fall of 2006. The PJPII Committee continues their efforts to'raise the $5 million dollars needed by December 1, to guarantee the opening of the school next fall. Currently the Committee has raised $4,146,000. The school is open daily during the restoration phase, visitQrs are encouraged to stop-by and take a tour. Daily tours are available .from 4 p.m. - 7 p.m.., Monday through Friday. Entrance exams will be held on December 3 in the high school cafeteria. If you have questions regarding admissions or the entrance·exam please call: .508-862-6336.
STl.JDENTS F~O~ St. Mary-Sacred Heart School, North Attleboro, were receotly installed THE BISHOP FEEHAN High School Outreach Group as Student CounCil officers. Front from left: Conner Reilly, eighth-grade rep.; Christina Caruso, made this year's Halloween special for the residents of seventh-grade rep.; Andrew Payne, president; Elizabeth Gingras, vice president; Kathryn Maqonna Manor. More than 20 students from the Attleboro Reynolds" secretary; Jo~eph McConville, treasurer; Elizabeth Howard, fifth-grade rep.; and' school dressed in costume for the residents. From left: Mary Kate Petterson, Sixth-grade rep. Back row: Mary Clausius, Student Council advisor' Carla Disisto, Elise Stiener; Colleen Casey, Erin Casey, '. . 'and (\Iexandra Dainis. . Father David Costa, director; and Denise Peixoto, principaL
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CANDA~E WHITE and her parents share a momen~ with ~haplain' Father Jeff Cabral and Principal Dr. Mary-Pat Tranter and student tour guide McKenzie' Lawton ~unng a recent o~en hous~ ~t. Coyle ~nd Cassidy High School. ~ore than 400 students and their families toured the Taunton school learning about academiCS and extra cUrricular actIVIties. At nght, students check out the technology in use at the school.
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More than 2,500 Scouts participate in Year ofthe Eucharist program DODGE CITY, Kan. (CNS) - More than 2,500 scouts in 35 states participated in the Year of the Eucharist religious activity program initiated by the Diocese of Dodge City's Catholic Committee on Scouting earlier this year. The program, in which Scouts worked to earn the Year of the Eucharist patch, was initially started as a way for Scouts in the Kansas diocese to commemorate the church's Year of the Eucharist, obsetved from October 2004 until October 2005. Soon after the patch was introduced, the diocese immediately started receiving inquiries from Scout troops in neighboring dioceses. ''The wide appeal of this program is evidence of the benefits ofCatholic scouting,"Tim Wenzl, religious emblems coordinator, said in a statement. "We really saw an increase of interest after the death ofPope John Paul II. I think the tremendous response to this program is a tribute to the legacy of the late Holy Father." To earn the patch, Scouts in different age groups and adult leaders were required to complete specific religious activities. Younger Scouts in first through fifth grades were asked to define the words Eucharist, chalice, tabernacle, ciborium, monstrance and pyx, and learn how these sacred vessels are used. The Scouts then had a choice ofcompleting three other requirements that included: reciting the rosary using the luminous mysteries; spending an hour in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament; writing a short prayer of thanksgiving to be used for meditation after Communion; explaining what occurs during the consecration of the Eucharist; and receiv-
ing Communion during a Scout Mass or during summer camp. Older scouts in sixth through 12th grades were asked to read one of the three documents written by Pope John Paul II for the Year of the Eucharist. These Scouts also had a choice ofcompleting three requirements that included: reciting the rosary; spending an hour in eucharistic adoration; learning the meaning of the feast ofCorpus Christi; making a list of words and phases used by the church to identify the Eucharist; and receiving Communion during a Scout Mass. Adult leaders were asked to read Pope John Paul II's 2003 encyclical, "Ecclesia de Eucharistia" (on the Eucharist in its relationship to the church), complete the same requirements as the older Scouts and help a younger Scout with the requirements for this religious activity program. ''The comments we received throughout the year were very rewarding," said Wenzl. ''We had Scout leaders 'and parents thanking us for creating this program and sharing it with Scouts outside our diocese. "We heard from many troops who spent an hour in adoration and recited the rosary as a group. Some groups actually used the requirements of this program as the basis for Scout retreats in their diocese," he said. Wenzl added, "Parents wrote to compliment us on the attractive patch and to let us know their Scouts are now ,proudly wearing them. This just seemed to be a program that Scouts were ready to embrace. The response is an obvious indication that there is a real hunger out there for religious activity programs of this type."
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Healing the hurts By CHARLIE MARTIN - CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE FIX YOU more mellow tracks. It invites www.catholiccharitiesusa.org). When you try your best but reflection on times of disappointClearly, the generosity, you don't succeed kindness and concern expressed ment - times "when you try When you get what you want your best but you don't succeed for those afflicted are part of the but not what you need ... when you lose something you. healing process. When you feel so'tired but can't replace, when you love Notice my emphasis on you can't sleep someone but it goes to waste." healing, not fixing. Nothing can Stuck in reverse Facing disappointments can' fix the ache that these members And the tears come stream- leave us feeling empty and of God's family encountered. ing down your face Rather, Jesus' teaching asks us broken. Often it is hard to see When you lose'something how to move beyond disappoint- to assure that those who suffer you can't replace do not face their loss alone. When you love someone but We cannot give back to it goes to waste hurricane victims the life they 'Could it be worse? had. But we can pledge a Lights will guide you home sustained commitment to help And ignite your bones them rebuild a new life. Our love And I will try to fix you and openness represent a And high up above pathway of God's healing in the or down below face of devastating loss. The events of Hurricane When you're too in love Katrina are just one example of to let it go that which cannot be fixed. Most But if you never try you'll suffering is not public. Rather, it never know resides deep within someone's . Just what you're worth heart. When we perceive that Lights will guide you home ment. Instead we loss and grief are occurring, we And ignite your bones need to activate the full power of need to live temporarily with the And I will try to fix you our prayer, friendship and Tears stream down your face grief that accompanies such understanding. Further, when painful experiences. When you lose something The guy in the song offers required, as in the case of this you cannot replace year's hurricane, we must do Tears stream down your face another approach. He says, " what we can to help with others' Andl Lights will guide you home ..., and I will try to fix you." Perhaps physical needs. We cannot fix Lights will guide you home he means well, but his promise to what has occurred, but we can And ignite your bones fix the pain cannot be kept. Most make sure that another knows And I will try to fix you disappointments cannot be fixed. we care. Sung by Coldplay Follow your heart's instincts Loss is real. It always hurts. Yet, Album:X&Y about how to reach out to true caring from another can Copyright (c) 2005 by make the difference for how life's others, whether these individuals Capitol are your brothers and sisters on I keep hearing music reviewers pain heals. the Gulf Coast or people who For example, last August our proclaim Coldplay the best band whole nation watched Hurricane have needs closer to your home. on the planet. I remain a disbeFixing is not often possible; Katrina harm thousands of our . liever. In my perspective, those healing is God's gift. Many times fellow citizens in New Orleans rockers from Dublin, U2, are still and Mississippi. Many lost loved the pathway of this grace comes the kings of today's pop/rock. through you. ones, homes and just about , Even so, I have to say Your comments are always everything in their lives. Since Coldplay's new disc "X&Y" welcome. Please write to me at: .that time, many efforts have desetves its place at the top of chmartin@Swindiana.net or at been initiated to help these the album charts. Their latest 7125W 200S, Rockport, IN people. One of the leaders has release off this CD is "Fix You." been Catholic Charities USA (see 47635. The song is one of the disc's
There are numerous skills-and-drills books on the market for sports enthusiasts, mainly for athletes in high school. The books begin by explaining how to complete a skill in one's sport. For example: To execute a float serve in volleyball, the setver stands with upper body facing the direption the ball will be setved and with feet positioned to allow the upper body to rotate easily thro,ugh a throwing motion. This motion of throwing or ' "torque" is performed more easily if the feet are positioned with the left foot , forward and the body and feet pointing toward the right. The reader is then . directed to notice "in Figure 1.1" how the weight of the body is distributed and how the ball is held in the non-hitting hand with that arm slightly extended."
Then there is a figure (photos) that shows the athlete how to float setve. Thi's is great for sports: Read how to do it, and then see how to do it. After the skill is explained, drills are provided for practicing the skill. In this situation athletes.will practice the float serve over and over until they get it right. _ , The Bible is the ultimate skills book, but I feel that it lacks a drills section' at the end of each chapter. Jesus, Mary, the apostles and all the saints in the Bible gave us examples of the skills to imitate. For instance: I need to know how to look upon those in our society who have chosen the wrong path. On the cross Jesus welcomed the thief crucified next to him into the
kingdom of heaven because he asked for . forgiveness. Skill: Forgive those who have stolen from me or others, and give them a second chance. The Bible is a great skills book, but what' about the drills? I Coming thought about this for a while (a day too long of actually) and realized that we have to create our own drills. Our ' lives are not as cut-anddry as a float setve, but like a float setve, each toss of the ball will be different. So we must continue to practice the skill involved. We will never hit the same float setve and we will never have the exact same reason to forgive. So, back to my example. When others steal from us we may not treat them
correctly the first time. We may ostracize them from our group. We may judge them without giving them a chance to give back and ask for forgiveness. But then they apologize. Then what? It's hard to forgive because it's so easy to get hurt and feel betrayed. It may be that developing the skill to forgive takes a lot of drills. Looking around, you can see that people twice our age, mine and yours, are still practicing this skill by completing drills. The old saying is that practice makes perfect, but we will never be perfect at the skills that Jesus, Mary, the apostles and saints hiid out for us, just as professional athletes never will be perfect at their skills. But we can always get a little better, and since I consider myself still an amateur I can get a lot better. Practice makes better. Practice loving skills with loving drills.
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Friday, November 25,
JACK AND CHRIS D'Ambrosia and their children stand in they donated to Hurricane Katrina evacuee Bill Hammond.
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the effort paid off," Budertold The Anchor in an interview on Monday.
If not,we have to wait another week for the license renewal," Buder said at the Thorncroft·Inn, he and wife Lynn have operated for more than 25 years, Karl Buder's story began after his son, Hans, I9,amemberofthe Island parish and a sophomore at Duke University in Durham, N.C., teamed with a roommate to bring 12 cases of water to aid thousands ofdisplaced Louisianans lingering in miserable conditions at the (;onvention Center inNew Orleans this summer. Among two families the younger Buderand friend rescued and drove to safer settings were Hammond, his wife and lI-year-old daughter. But it wasn't until later that the Buders leamed from Doctor Phil - who had sought to reunite rescuers with the rescued, an invitation the younger Buderturned down - that the Hammonds had taken refuge in the Dallas ReunionArena in Dallas, "It was fortuitous that God puts these people right in our path again," Karl Buder asserted. "We had to do something, My wife and I sent them some money and the Red Cross also helped to get them out ofthe Arena and into a furnished apartment. But we thought, we have to do more." The deacon candidat~, in the third of four-and-a-half years of study for ordination as a permanent deacon, then asked his colleagues and his program directors for input. ''I got a call from Deacon Frank D. Fantasia who serves in Mashpee. He told me that Jack D'Ambrosia, a Scituate banking consultant, wanted to donate his Nissan Pathfinder to a Katrina evacuee." D'Ambrosia, "a Notre Danle alumnus and former CCD teacher; wanted to use the donation of the car as a learning experience in charity for his two, grade school aged children," Buder explained. When the owner brought in the car to be spiffed up at Cohasset Collision!Atlantic Tire and Repair, the $700 work was done gratis by
the owners, "That b.lew my socks off," Buder exclaimed. ''What's more astounding is that, Jack D'Ambrosia's I).eighbor owns the Granite City Electric Chain, an electrician's supply house on the Cape and South Shore. The owner donated a serious amount of professional electrician's tools and equipment and loaded it in the car." More of D'Ambrosia's friends "also packedall kings ofgoodthings into the car;' said Buder. "So there were all kinds ofcharity workpeople don't know about, that went into
this. " But when the planning to get the car to the Hammonds in Texas ran into a dead end, Buder knew he had to drive it down there himself. "We realized we had to get the car inspected, registered and insured, and rather than to lay it on the Hammonds, I cleared it to be away from two deacon-training classes with Msgr. John 1. Oliveira, director of the diaconate," No stranger to travel, Buder commutes two nights a week from the Vineyard to New Bedford to attend the classes. Because the sessions end later than the last returning ferry, Buder'drives to Mashpee to spend the overnights at his mother's home. Another instigation came ''when a fellow parishioner at Good Shepherd Parish offered to buy the ticket for my return flight from Texas." Buder left Scituate on Monday, October 10 at midnight and on Wednesday, October 12, after stops in Pennsylvania and Tennessee, was in a hotel in Dallas. "I put on a bunch of Christian rock CDs, turned the volume to nuclear, prayed on and off and cruised on down. It was enjoyable," Buder said, laughing. Meeting with the Hammonds in the Dallas suburb ofBuckner ''was ' like Christmas morning," Buderreported. "We had all kinds ofthings for everyone. It was cooL" Bill Hammond "is a funny guy, very interesting. He once played basketball for Grambling University. He is a Pentecostal, and his wife
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of some of those attending the rifle, or fired a shot, his captors Mas's, in gratitude for safe returns, knew he possessed a power they and in one case for the soul of a couldn't understand," added the young local soldier recently killed bishop. in Iraq, Currently the Church officially Makkay, Commander of the recognizes Father Kapaun as a Cape Cod and Islands Korean War Servant of God. "The sainthood . Veterans Association, relayed to cause for Father Kapaun is furthe congregation a history of Fa- ther along than years ago," said ther Kapaun,. calling him "a true Bishop Roque. "But we need a American hero; who achieved crusade of your prayers to furthree ofhis most cherished goals; ther the cause of this humble tento be a priest, a missionary, and a ant-farmer's son from Kansas." chaplain." For dozens offaithful who atThe army veteran recalled Col. tended the Veterans' Day Mass Filmore A. McAbee, a here last week, the miles between Cummaquid resident who passed the battle fields of Europe and . away earlier this year. McAbee Korea, and the years between the was captured with Father Kapaun 1940s and 50s and the present, and,witnessed the priest's extraor- disappeared for a short while, as front of the Nissan Pathfinder dinary concern for his fellow cap- they invoked the protection and ' ' blessings of the Prince of Peace tives as well as his captors. "Everyone who ever knew upon the men and women, past Father Kapaun loved him," said and present, who have sacrificed Bishop Roque, who has inter- some or all of their lives, for viewed several men held captive ''peace with justice:" With Father Kapaun. "In each of To learn more about Father and daughter are Catholics." Buder then learned. that their testimonies there was one Kapaun,'his biography is available Hammond had lost his license in common bond. To a man they in the book, "The Shepherd in 1979 foilowing. an auto 'accident. said Father Kapaun was so good Combat Boots," by William L. "But he had continued to drive: In and selfless to all." Bishop Roque Mather, available at amazon.com Louisiana, a very loosy goosy, also told the gathering that Father and fine bookstores. ' friendly place to be, apparently all' . Kapaun's co'mrades respected For more information about the one has to do is put a couple ofBen him to the utmost, and that the sainthood cause, visit the CathoFranklins in the hands of the of- North Korean soldiers were afraid lic War Veterans of the U.S. ficer ~ho stops you, and you're of him. Website www.cwv.org/kapaun/ "Although he never carried a kapaun.htrn. on your way." He added, "What's interesting is that in Louisiana, one doesn't have to have a license to register a car!" Having registered and insured the car, Buder's next stop was at the Department of Public Safety. Louisiana had a block on Hammond's license, so Texaswouldn't issue a license until that was resolved. But having to return to the Vineyard, Buder put his federal experi-' ence, which he calls "all this administrative court gobbledygook," to good use, when he returned home. It wasn't easy. The court records in the New Orleans Parish were all' under water. No one f::ould help. But Buder received a great deal ofinformationfrom Louisiana State University Law School, which was help- I ing the evacuees. Finally he contacted the attorney for the insurance company that withdrew coverage in a 1980 suit against Hammond and held a $1 ,092 defaultjudgment ''but which now had granted the driver a new coverage," he added While the total assessment on the electrician was over $2,000, Buder said he offered $250 f::ash, and it was finally accepted. A recent fax from the insurers to the state paves the way for the new license. Ifthe computers make the link, Buder says he's ready to send the $145 to resolve the matter. "I'm anxious to hear the final message ... and I'll let you know," he added. All in all, the endeavor cost approximately $10,000, said Buder, who quickly added, ''it came from MEMBERS OF the Cape and Islands Korean War Vetermany ... the charity and generosans Association attended a Veterans' Day Mass at Our Lady ity of so many people, not just me of Victory Church in Centerville last week. The Mass honored ... and discount mine." all U.S. military veterans and was celebrated forthe intention The Buder's have another son, Alex, a junior at George Washing- of the sainthood cause of Korean War chaplain Father Emil ton University in Washington, D.C. J. Kapaun. (AnchorlJolivet photo)
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