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VOL. 48, NO. 45 • Friday, November 26, 2004


Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly • $14 Per Year

Bishops to emphasize marriage and family By PATRICIA lAPoR CATltOUC NEWS SERVICE

WASHINGTON - A sense of urgency about emphasizing the Church's teaching on marriage and family seemed to outweigh U.S. bishops' concerns for their new priority-setting procedures as they voted 195-20 to approve a new pastoral initiative on marriage. The marriage initiative will begin with a survey of bishops about the issues they want addressed, followed by a symposium of theologians and social scientists, focus groups of lay people and sessions with pastoral leaders and bishops' conference committees. A potential national research project through the Center for Marriage and Family at Creighton University also would be incorporated into the planning. After that process, expected to take place in 2005-06, a pastoral letter will be written and approved, probably in 2007. Steps to implement the pastoral letter are expected to begin in 2007. ''We can help to create a positive climate that places healthy marriages at the heart of strong families, a strong nation and a strong and holy Church," said Bishop J. Kevin Boland of Savannah, Ga., chairman of the Committee on Marriage and Family Life. "TIns is a pastoral moment we should seize upon." The bishops voted down an attempt to remand the proposed marriage initiative to go through a newly adopted process of committee review of all priorities and plans. Aday earliera proposal for a pastoral initiative to encourage Catholics to study the Bible was remanded for review. Cincinnati Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk had moved to

put both initiatives back through the planning process adopted earlier. But by the next morning, there was little support among the bishops for taking the same step with the marriage initiative. Bishop Boland said the recent debate about same-sex marriage has shown that while most Americans agree that marriage should be defined as a lifelong union of a man and a woman, many struggle to connect that ideal with what they encounter in daily life. People still tum to churches and faith communities to help them prepare for, to be sustained in and to heal marital relationships, he said. Bishop Boland said the development of a pastoral letter could address such issues as why the U.S. marriage rate has declined by more than 40 percent in the last 30 years; the consequences of delayed marriage and the increase in the number of people who never marry; the effects ofdivorce; the effect ofcohabiting relationships on marriage; and the beliefs and behaviors that contribute to strong, happy marriages. In urging the bishops not to set aside the marriage pastoral proposal, Coadjutor Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann ofKansas City, Kan., said if the bishops get carried away with the idea of only taking up subjects that have been through the vetting process they risk finding themselves "in the position where the only thing we are speaking on is sexual abuse." Bishop Victor B. Galeone of St. Augustine, Aa., said that while he supported pressing forward with the pastoral letter plans in light ofrecent events he fears that a project which takes many years is "too little, too late."

BISHOP GEORGE W. Coleman, center, listens during a session at the bishop's fall meeting held last week in Washington, D.C. (John Kearns Jr. photo)

Bishops end meeting early after votes on marriage, unity, abuse By NANCY FRAZIER O'BRIEN CATltOUC News SERVICE

WASHINGTON - Finishing up their business a day earlier than originally scheduled, the U.S. bishops concluded their fall general meeting in Washington with a flurry of votes on a national catechism for adults, a multi-year pastoral initiative on marriage and a historic decision to join a national ecumenical forum. On a busy final day of their November 15-17 meeting, the U.S. Conference ofCatholic Bishops also voted to gather annual information about new sex abuse accusations against Catholic clergy and other Church workers; approved three Spanish-language liturgical changes; and accepted a proposal to streamline the 2005 diocesan audits on sex abuse matters. But athree-page report from the bishops' Task Force on Catholic Bishops and Catholic Politicians - origi-

nally scheduled for public discussion by the conference - was presented in written form without comment or discussion, at the suggestion of Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick ofWashington, who heads the task force. The report said the bishops would develop a ''Reader on Catholics in Public Life" and that their doctrine and pastoral practices committees have agreed to take up the matter of Church teaching on when it is proper for Catholic politicians, and all Catholics, to receive Communion. The 456-page "U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults," approved by a 218-10 vote, was written in response to a Vatican request that bishops or bishops' conferences develop such catechisms to complement the universal "Catechism of the Catholic Church" issued in 1992 by Tum to page 13 - Bishops

Advent: A time for hope and a season for social holiness By DEACON JAMES N. DUNBAR

FALL RIVER - The first candie on the Advent wreath seen on The Aru:hor sfront page this week - and in our parish churches this Sunday, ushers in the holy season of Advent. While it is a time of preparation to fully participate in the mystery and joy of Christmas recalling Christ's first coming in his birth at Bethlehem, it is also a time to look forward with hope and await Christ's second coming at the end times, when we will encounter him, face to face. It is important to keep in mind

that the two are but one event that extend throughout history - not two different comings, but one. Hope is at the very center ofAdvent. Mark Searle, in his 'The Spirit of Advent," points out that human beings cannot live without hope; that they are "blessed - or cursed - with the ability to think about the future and to fear our actions to shaping it." After all the vitriol, hate and discontent that have formed the nation's climate the past few months in the national election, the prospect of "a season of social ho- .

liness." is "a refreshing counterpoint," says Stephen M. Kent, in an editorial in The Catholic Northwest Progress, newspaper of the Archdiocese of Seattle. . Kent, executive editor of the Progress, points out that "A season of social holiness" is the term crafted by the "philosopher-poetpope, John Paul II," to encourage Catholics around the world to bring Gospel values to the search for justice, peace and respect for human rights. "It resonates with those who have endured a period of political Tum to page 13 - Advent

Friday, November 26, 2004

Catholic Social Services marks ,National Adoption Aware~ess Month By NANCY HARPER, ELAINE ABDOw"

they choose - steps that often pro- help with legalization. Recently, vide comfort about their decision. Catholic Social Services ,has asCATHOUC SOCIAL SERVICES Some choose not to participate in sisted faniilies adopt children from PREGNANCY, FOSTER CARE, the selection process; others are in- China, Russia, Guatemala, Thai, ADOPTION PROGRAMS volved only until their child is land, and the Ukraine. There are FALL RIVER -'--,- This is an ap-' placedwr throughout the years. sliding-scale fees for adoptive famipropriate time for us to highlight the Co~nselors . a~ CS~ respect these ,lies. adoption and pregnancy counseling Ch01C~S, assl~~ng birth parents ~nd . Everyfew months Catholic Soprogram of Catholic Social Ser- adopt:J.ve farniliesas ~ey determme 'cial Services holds an informavices. Catholic Social Services is li- " the degree ofconnect:J.on most com- tional meeting. If you think you' mightbe interestedin becomingan censed iIi both Massachusetts and fortable'for them. . . In ~d~tion to ne~bom ?omes- adoptive parent, the next meeting Rhode Island to offer adoption anci foster care programs. The.program' .t:J.~ adoptions: Cath~~c S~Hl~ Ser- will be held in January .CalI508can assist anyone, regardless of V1C~S can asSI~t families .Wlth mter- 674-4681 for more informotion. Ifyou, or someone you know is race, creed, nationality, gender, dis- nat:J.o~al adopt:J.~ns. Serv!~es to proability or economic status. , ,,' spectlye adop~v~ famIlies range experiencing an unplannedpregLicensed social workers can pro- .fro~ mformat:J.on p~ckets! home nancy. and wants to explore their vide pregnancy counseling for preg-' s!U dies , an~ preparat:J.on for adop- options, confidential decisionnant women who are not sure that tive parentlng, to placement of ~e making counseling is available by they are ready or able to parent therr . .child, post-placement services, and . caUing 508-674-4681. . child. Couns,~IRw,clffi)hep~birth mothers determme if adopHon is the . rightchoiceforthem and their child. There no fees for birth mothers. When parents decide that they or a family member will parent the child, Catholic Social Services can . give referrals to parenting classes and other support services. When parents decide that adoption is the best choice, social workers will help with all steps of the process. When birth parents choose adopSABRINA VEGEZZI was adopted by Enrico and Grace tion, they are encouraged to select Vegezzi of Taunton this past September. Catholic Social and meet ,the pre-adoptive family.. Services assisted in Sabrina's adoption'from Guatemala. . Birth parents are supported through their pregnancy and their loss, es- , . pecially, after th~irchild, has, been _ ; Montie Plumbing' placed for adoption. They may request updates, photographs, and & Heating Co. visits. Birth parents never forget. Over 35 Years Today's adoption practices offer , EVAN SOUSA was adopted by Attleboro residents Linda of Satisfied' Services more flexibility and choice than in and Victor Sousa through the Pregnancy, Foster Care, AdopReg. Master Plumber 7023 the past. Birth parents may review ,tion Programs of Catholic Social Services. Evan was adopted' JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. profIles of potential adoptive famiwithin three weeks of his birth. (Photos courtesy of Catholic 432 JEFFERSON STREET lies and write to or meet the family ,Social Services.) FALL RIVER 508-675-7496 AND


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Daily Readings Nov 29 Nov 30 Dec Dec 2

Dec 3


On December 10,1925, Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucia (seer of Fatima) and spoke these words: "Announce in my

name that I promise to assist at the hour ofdeath with the graces necessary for the salvation oftheir souls, all those who on the first Saturday of five consecutive months shall: 1. Go to confession; 2. Receive Holy Communion; 3. Recite the Rosary (5 decades); and 4. Keep me company for IS minutes while meditati.ng on the 15 mysteries ofthe Rosary, with the intentilln of making reparation to me." In a spirit of reparation, the above conditions are each to be preceded by the words: "In reparation for the offenses committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary." Confessions may be made during 8 days before or after the first Saturday, and Holy Communion may be received at either the morning or evening Mass on the first Saturday.

Dec 4

Dec 5

Is 4:2-6; Ps 122:1-9; Mt8:5. 11 Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19:8-11; Mt4:1822 Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Lk 15:2937 Is 26:1-6; Ps 118:1,8-9,1921 ,25-27a; Mt .7:21,24-27 Is 29:17~24; Ps 27:1,4,13-14;Mt 9:27-31 Is 30: 19-21 ,2326; Ps 147:1-6; Mt 9:3510:1,5a,6-8 Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2,7-8,1213,17; Rom 15:49; Mt 3:1-12

路In Your Prayers Please pray for the follow.i,:g priests during the coming weeks Nov. 29 1965, Rev. Francis A. McCarthy, Pastor, St. Patrick, Somerset Dec. 1 1958, Rev. Phillipe RossrChaplain, Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford ' \\ . 1964, Rev. Edward J. Gorman, Pastor Emeritus, St. Patrick, Somerset' \





1926; Rev. John W. McCarthy, P.R., Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall River'

II1111I111111111111111111111111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-Q20) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River;MA 02722.


1917, Rev. St. Hyacinth, New Bedford 1958, Rev. Den~; W. Harringt6n~ssistant, St. Mary, Taunton



. " Dec. 4 , \ . 1945, Rev. Charles Ouellette, Assistant,'St. Jacques, Taunton 1994, Rev. Edward C. Duffy, Pastor, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis Dec.S 1986, Rev. Eugene 1. Boutin, Manchester diocese 1990, Rev. Coleman Conley, SS.Cc., Chaplain, Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford

the anc

Friday, November 26, 2004


The heart of adult


faith formation




day pastoral visit, the town folk the "definitive aim of catechesis proclaim to the woman, "Now is to put people not only in we no longer believe because of touch, but also in communion Editor's note: This is the what you have told us; we have and intimacy, with Jesus Christ." third part of a four-part series heard him ourselves and we At the heart of adult faith foron the USCCB's pastoral plan know that he really is the Sav- mation must be the realization on adult faith formation. ior of the world" (In 4:42). In- of a "living, explicit, and fruitUsing his environs as meth- deed, that day, the harvest was ful confession of faith." odology, Jesus said to his ripe for the Good News of God's The Samaritan woman, and apostles "Look up and see the reign. Both sower and reaper 'then her town folk, by entering fields are ripe for the harvest; al- rejoiced in the fruit gleaned into dialogue with the Lord, had ready the reaper is being paid his from the harvest. a lived faith, a faith that was wages, already he is bringing in The United States Catholic searching, questioning, and rethe grain for eternal life, sower Conference of Bishops in Our flecting on questions pertinent and reaper rejoice together" (In Hearts Were Burning Within Us to the purpose and ultimate 4:35-36). These words of Jesus write, "God is opening before meaning of life. Theirs became are found smack dab in the the Church the horizons of a hu- '''im e'Xplicit faith rooted in a permiddle of his conversation with. manity more fully prepared for sonal relationship and know1the Samaritan woman at the the sowing of the Gospe1." The edge of Jesus, "He stayed with wel1. This story is a profound sowing of the Gospel happens them two days" (In 4:40) and model of both the "methodol- every time people invite others "we believe because we have ogy" and the "fruit" of adult to "come and see" as they wor- heard him ourselves." Though faith formation - truly all cat- ship, pray, study the Word of the author of the Gospel does echesis. God, share faith, and reach out not bring us back to this SamariJesus meets the Samaritan to those in need. These actions tan town, we can imagine this woman where she is and en- are "facets of Christian life that new community of disciples gages her in dialogue. He ac- come to full expression only by flourished in the fruits of the knowledges her thirst, and tells means of development and Spirit, the fruits of justice, comher of the reign of God. He re- growth toward Christian matu- passion, service and further veals she would never thirst rity." evangelization. again as he promises "living Mature Christian faith blosIn our own time and in our water, welling up to etemallife" soms in those who seek to give own diocese, we see many won(In 4: 14). These actions reveal a generous response to God's derful manifestations of the the methodology Jesus em- call to love him and to love oth- work and fruit of the Spirit ployed in "proclaiming the ers as oneself. The General Di- which surely give evidence of a Good News; God, who is love, rectory for Catechesis states that mature Christian faith. has made us to enjoy divine life in abundance, and to share in the Mobil- Now Hiring very life of God." Busy station is seeking reliable persons for For the Samaritan woman this management, asst. management and other permanent unexpected encounter with the . . positions. Willing to train the right individual(s). Apply Lord affects a change of heart, in person at 408 Rhode Island Ave. (Plymouth Ave.), Fall River, a conversion from those things or call 508-995-8992 to schedule an interview. that take her away from the dignity to which she is called, and into a relationship with the Messiah. She goes in haste to tell the townspeople about her meeting one, "who told me all I have ever done," (In 4:40) and at her insistence the community invites Jesus to stay. After Jesus' two-


St. Rita's parish to celebrate adoration . annlversary MARION - A celebration marking the fifth anniversary of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be held this Sunday from 2-3:30 p.m. at St. Rita's Church, 113 Front Street. Father Roger Landry of St. Francis Xavier Parish, Hyannis, will be guest speaker and address the topic "The Importance of Eucharistic Adoration." Jane Jannell ofHoly Trinity Parish, West Harwich, will also speak about her role in the perpetual adoration at her church. Those who participate in the adoration will be . recognized and refreshments will follow the program.


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SWARMS OF locusts obscure the Giza pyramids near Cairo, Egypt, recently. Swarms of pink locusts called to mind the plagues of biblical Egypt, as they swept through Cairo. (CNS photo from Reuters)

National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette I

947 Park Street -Attleboro, MA 02'703

Christmas Schedule November 25 - January 2, 2005 at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette Mass: Monday - Friday 12:10 & 5:30 p.m. Saturday - Sunday 12:10,4:00 & 5:30 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation Every Day 2:00 to 8:00 p.m. No Confessions Nov. 25, Dec. 25, & Jan. 1, 2005 Dec. 24 & 31: 2:00-5:00 Opening Ceremony & Blessing Every Day at the Outdoor Manger 4:55 p.m. Illuminations Every Day 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. Christmas Concerts with Father Pat Every Day - Church 3:00 & 7:00 p.m. No Concerts: 117anksgMng, Christmas, & New Year's Day. There will be guest music artists on Dec. 18 International Display of Nativity Sets In 'Shrine Theater Monday - Friday 4:00-8:30 p.m. Saturday - Sunday 2:00-8:30 p.m. Gift Shop - 508-236-9090 Every Day 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Day 4:00 - 9:00 p.m. Dec. 24: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Closed: Dec. 25 Dec. 26: 2:00-9:oop.m. Dec. 31: 10:ooa.m. -4:00p.m. Jan. 1: 2:00 - 9:00 p.m. Cafeteria - 508-236-9050 Monday - Friday 4:00 - 9:00 p.m. Saturday - Sunday 12:00 - 9:00 p.m. Closed: Nov. 25, Dec. 24, 25,31. Open Jan. 1 & 2: 2 - 9 p.m.

Friday, November 26, 2004

the moorin9-...,

the living word

Renewing the vision For the most part, the secular newspaper world has been more than biased in its reporting the events in the Catholic Church. These are not easy days for the Church as she seeks to heed the call to evangelization and heal the hurts of the past. Last Monday one newspaper indeed was fair in a cover story entitled, "Church Struggles With Change." U.S.A. Today, in its Life Section gave an honest report of the challenges and difficulties based on a study focused on 176 dioceses and archdioceses in 50 states and Washington, D.C. Quite openly, it reported that the Church is changing at its most visible point, the parish church. The Catholic population in America is on the increase in members. However, there are fewer churches and priests than in 1990 to serve its 65 million members. U.S.A. Today found "No statistically significant link between the decline in priests and parishes." The paper noted some very important factors that are affecting Church life. Catholics are moving, not only from cities to suburbs, but leaving the Northeast and Midwest for the South and Southeast. As it stated, Catholics are leaving the cold and the old. For example, Fargo, N.D., will close 23 parishes, and it is short more than 50 priests. On the other hand, Catholics in Dallas more than quadrupled, and neighboring Forth Worth has seen a 153 percent increase. Mass attendance has, of course, fallen across the land. There is no "doubt that recent scandals have given some people - who were already angry for some reason or another - reason to stop attending church services. Many have observed that faith practices have been reduced to cultural entities. Some people also attend church for family celebrations such as ~aptisms, marriages and funerals, but little else. Among educated Catholics, there is little difference in faith concerns than their Protestant equals. Religious observance is not a faith reality, but more of an anthropological status symbol. The concept that one church is as good as another has become a social o,bjective for those who have moved to a certain level of social recognition. Faith values become subjective to one's role in society, not a guideline for living and life. The report also explored another area of concern. It states, "Bishops, trained to bless not to budget, lack the managerial skills to govern multi-million dollar institutions." Poor management compounds bish7 ops' problems. For example, often quoted from the Official Catholic Directory, is that many bishops are reporting the same diocesan numbers as they did a generation ago. It is obvious that there are no nationally enforced management guidelines. On paper, every diocese is to have a fmancial council. Some dioceses have model fmance committees and open reports. Others simply do not have any reporting mechanisms with accountability. One of the reasons given for this is that some dioceses have no history of seeking laity involvement. In such an atmosphere questions and doubts are bound to surface. Facing such challenges in an objective and positive manner is indeed healthy to the good of all. To be sure, there are those who would employ such difficulties to beef up their personal and subjective agendas. Their concerns only muddle the way to objective solutions. On the other hand, those who would wish well for the Church want to work handin-hand with bishops, priests, deacons, religious and laity to continuously renew the mission call to fidelity, to build up the Body of Christ that is the Church. This process should not flow from a secular mode of mfl.llagement or an elitist restrictive mind-set. To help the Church to continue its salvific mandate, all must renew the fidelity call to teach as Jesus taught. This is not an easy task in a sophisticated secular society. Yet, it must be the cornerstone of our endeavors. As the U.S.A. Today summarized so clearly in content, what is needed today is that true believers and compassionate clergy need each other to address the challenges. As we struggle with change, we must renew the vision.






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Reviving the Catholic imagination Bv FATHER


theologians whose fresh insights into life and religion benefited "The Catholic Church many. And we're reminded of thrives on the imagination and Church movements that were creativity of its members. What revitalized by Scripture, the two issues do you think are liturgy and efforts on behalf of most in need of 'the Catholic ' social justice. imagination' - and what Catholic imagination is an imaginative changes would you energizing spirit that says there envision?" is no such thing as living That question is the latest to neutrally; t:ither we experiment be posted for discussion on our and go forward or we go National Institute for the backward. Renewal of the Priesthood If we compare the past to the Website (www.jknirp.com). present, Catholic imagination What do we mean by "Catho- . definitely has diminished. True, lic imagination"? Has the there are more imaginative The Executive Editor . Church lost it? books written today than in the Imagination is the ability to past, and we have outstanding visualize, the ability to form clergy and lay leaders who are images and ideas in the mind, imaginative. It is likewise true especially of things never seen that the local Church has many or never experienced ,directly. fine new programs not even When we think of imaginaimagined before. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER,OF THEOIOCESE O~,FA~LRJVE~;., tive people, we envision those What is missing? We are Published weekly by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall RiVer who "think outside the box" and restless with the status quo, but , . .. ..~ '"' ;:; ~ ~ :",b· 0/0' ,.~&.« "91. t'M't 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX'7 .".. have an entrepreneurial spirit. won't march against it. We have Fall River. MA 02720 : Fall Rivet, MA, 02r722fOOil~%, When we add "Catholic" to enthusiasm, but won't venture Telephone 508-675-7151 . FAX50fJ-675-70Ia . imagination, images of saints into the unknown. Individually E-m'an: TheAnchOr@AnchomeWs.O\'g 'T7 %'1; come to mind - people who we have imagination, but as a Send address changes te:> P.O. Box, callp! u~$l E'p!ail~gqr$~, • founded new religious orders whole we don't spark each.other and took to the streets ·in order with it, creating new moveEXECUTIVE EDITOR to respond to the need for ments. Rev. M$gr. john F. Moo"; ,* greater religious fervor and for At one time it was common EDITOR NEWS EDITOR OFFICE MAN~GeR reaching out to the destitute. We to hear priests and lay people David B. Jolivet James N. Dunbart'~-<>' Barbara M.Rels 'F' AJ''» ~"P0 think also of philosophers and say, "Don't ask for permission; $,







just do it." At present, this spirit is rare. Catholic imagination is needed as never before. The growing number of parishes without a priest is calling for imaginative thinking about the lifestyle ofpriests, the new responsibilities of lay l~aders and ways of operating parishes. The influx of new immigrants calls for a whole new missionary approach if the Church is not to lose them. The Church's efforts in research are inadequate. We have few to no exciting new experiments. With the new age of technology, we have far too few philosophers addressing the impact that the Internet is having on the human spirit and what our information age is doing to our thinking - especially about God and our Church. In the area of bioethics, we could use quadruple the number of moral theologians that we have. The number of critical projects facing the Church is mind-boggling, but exciting. Now is the time to join the discussion on the Catholic imagination and to help the Church get a new life.

Friday, November 26, 2004


Three's a crowd (and sometimes two) When I was a lad, there was a not a hue I want to see on my' mega-hit song by the rock-jazz shoulders after a day at the band Chicago called "Color My beach. World." Believe it or not, I am getting Color has a way of evoking to the point of this week's pleasant feelings and emotions. A splendid sunset, the autumn leaves, the Aurora Borealis, a rainbow trout, or even a a rainbow for that matt produce a sense of By Dave Jolivet happiness and peace. Take a book of drab black and white drawings, add one toddler and one column. box of crayons, and at once the I figure that during the course pages explode with life and of one year, I watch all or part of imagination. Watch a five-yearat least one sporting event a day . old buried in a puffy snow-suit on television, and while the waddle into the house after a games never get boring, the couple of hours playing in the television productions can. white stuff. The cold, rosy In the "old day's," the sports cheeks are the picture of fun and broadcast booth would be home health. And for those of us who to a play-by-play person whose remember black and white TV as sole duty was to provide to the the norm, remember how our listener a picture of what was worlds changed with the advent happening on the field. of color television? Later, the "color" person was By and large, color enhances added, and like a magnificent the things in this wonderful sunset, this addition enhanced world. the broadcast with analysis, But, as in most aspects of life, insights and useless, but fun too much of anything isn't good. information. Even color. The trend continued with the Imagine if you will, that uncle dawn of the television broadcast, who's been a part of most family and it worked well. trees. The one who wears the Fast forward to today. Now shirt with lime green and orange there are three talking heads in stripes, accented nicely by red the booth, proving without a checkered Bermuda shorts, white doubt that more is not better. socks and brown sandals - an Never have I longed for the obvious example of color abuse. old days more than this year. Or think about that crisp white Trios at the mic on NFL shirt you once had and how it football and Major League was ruined by that big blotch of Baseball broadcasts are driving navy blue ink. me nuts. There are some great Red is my favorite color, but play-by-play men out there, but

My View From the Stands

Letter to the Editor Editor: As a member of Annunciation of the Lord Parish in Taunton, I urge the parishioners of our diocese to give their support to our former bishop, Boston Archbishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., with prayers and letters. He has a most difficult task closing churches and dealing with the clergy sexual abuse scandal. Though it is sad that some churches must close, it does not change the fact that we are still a Christian family and must merge together and become strong. My own parish is the result of a merger and wonderful things are

happening through RENEW, Adult Faith Formation, Stewardship and so on. We must keep in mind that when one door closes, God will open another and that must now be the focus. Rather than be consumed with bitterness and grief, 'Iet all rejoice that God promises to be with us wherever two or more are gathered in his name. Now more than ever we need to seek ways to help one another, including our bishops and priests, to show the world that the love of God is victorious and that nothing can stop it.

Claudia Andrade Taunton

St. Ann's Artisan's Fair Rto 104 Raynham

Dave Jolivet, editor of The Anchor, is aformer sports editor/writer, and regularly gives one fan's perspective on the unique world ofsports. Comments are welcome at davejolivet@anchornews.org.

In each instance, the duos bring the right balance of play-by-play, color and humor. But the national broadcasts? It's like watching that uncle with the striped shirt and checkered shorts - way too much color. As fans, we're subject, in excess, to a constant flow of . referee bashing, second-guessing and know-it-all diatribes. We don't even have to think at all anymore - it's done for us. . Networks, please, uncolor my world! And while we're at it, let's eliminate side-line reporters. There is one fresh voice out there that I hope ends up calling professional games full time someday - Mike Tirico of ABC Sports and ESPN college football. And if he does, I hope he's the only mic in the booth.

they're being overrun by a nearly constant flow of gibber-jabber from the "color experts" sitting next to them. Even when only two inhabit the booth, far too often, the color person babbles on and on. Luckily for New England sports fans we still have broadcast teams that know how to call a game - Jerry Remy and Sean McDonough or Don Orsillo, Gil Santos and Gino Cappelletti, and Joe Castiglione and Jerry Trupiano.


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Friday, November 26, 2004

.Alternative Christmas 'stuff' BREWSTER - La Salette Father Richard Lavoie will celebrate a Mass and healing service at Our Lady of the Cape Church, 468 Stony Brook Road, on December 1 at 7 p.m. For more information call 508385-3252.

gion of Mary will hold its annual reunion Sunday at 2 p.m. at St. JosephSt. Therese Church. It will begin with recitation of the rosary and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. A social and lunch will follow. New members are always welcome. For more information call Father Barry Wall at 508-672-7232.

FALL RIVER - A Mass will be celebrated by Bishop George W. NEW BEDFORD - The CourColeman for World AIDS Day December 1at noon in the Cathedral of . age Group will meet this Sunday at .St. Mary of the Assumption, 32,7 Sec- 7 p.m. in the rectory of Our Lady of ond Street. The AIDS Quilt, created Guadalupe Parish at S1. James by students in the diocese, will be Church, 233 County Street. Couron display. age is a support group for Catholic men and women who are confront. FALL RIVER-A holy houris ing same sex attraction issues and held every Tuesday from 7-8 p.m. at who are striving to live chaste lives. Holy Name Church, 709 Hanover Meetings include prayer and sharStreet. It includes recitation ofthe ro- . ing. For more information call Fasary and Benediction of the Blessed ther Richard Wilson at 508-992. Sacrament. Aprayer meeting consist- 9408. ing of Bible readings and discussion and music follows. For more inforNORTH DARTMOUTH mation call 508-679-6732. Father Kevin Cook will be guest speaker at the November 29 meetFALL RIVER - A Life in the ing of the Diocesan DivorcedSpirit Seminar, sponsored by the 'Separated Support Group. It will Diocesan Service Committee, will be be held from 7-9 p.m. at the Famheld November 29 and December 6 ily' Life Center, 500 Slocum Road. from 7-8: 15 p.m. at S1. Anne's He will address the topic "The Church. For more information call Compassion and Mercy of Jesus." Mary Leite at 508-822-2219. Refreshments will follow. For more information call Bob Menard at FALL RIVER - Mass will be 508-673-2997. celebrated at 9 a.m. on the fIrst Saturday of the month December 4, and NORTH EASTON - The pubwill be followed by exposition and lic is invited to participate in the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament praying of the 20 mysteries of the until Benediction at noon. rosary Sundays at 5 p.m. in the chapel of the Father Peyton Center FALL RIVER - A Catholic at Holy Cross Family Ministries, 58 television program entitled "Boa Washington Street. Daily rosary is Nova da Vida," (Good News for recited at 9 a.m. and Mass is celLife) will appear on Channel 20 in ebrated at noon every weekday. Portuguese December 1 and 15 at 9:30 p.m. Sponsored by the CommuORLEANS - A Separated-Dinications Department of the diocese, vorced Support Group will meet December's topic will be "Christians Sunday at 7 p.m. in the parish center Ask: Is It Possible to Live the Peace at St. Joan of Arc Church, 61 Canal of Christmas In Our Times?" Road. The theme for the evening is "Giving Thanks, Even When You FREETOWN - Mother of the Don't Feel Like It." For more inforSorrowful Heart Rosary Crafters are mation call Father Richard M. Roy actively making and sending hand- at 508-255-0170. made cord rosaries to Missions throughout the world and are availSWANSEA-,-AFirstFridaycelable for demonstrations. Individuals ebration will be held December 3folor groups interested in learning how lowing the 8'a.m. Mass at S1. to make rosaries should call Carol Dominic's Church, 223 Ocean View Spoor at 508-644-2645. Avenue. Devotions to Our Blessed Mother follow the 8 a.m. Mass DeMASHPEE - Mass will be cel- cember 4. For more information call ebrated at 8:30 a.m. this Sunday at 508-675-7206. Christ the King Church for expectant families and those who have welTAUNTON - Members of the comed a new baby in the past year. Taunton District Council of the St. A special blessing will be given to Vmcent de Paul Society will sponall in attendance. sor a 7 p.m. Mass December 6 at Holy Rosary Church for the intenMISCELLANEOUS :....- St. tion of the canonization of Blessed Antony's Church, a missionary Frederic Ozanam and in memory of church in India seeks items for its deceased members. Its regular school children and to continue its monthly meeting will follow in the mission. Especially needed are pens, church hall. pencils, markers, magazines, used cards, other school supplies, rosaries, WEST HARWICH - The Prostatues, medals and scapulas. They Life prayer groups of Holy Trinity . can be sent in care of Father Paul and Holy Redeemer parishes are Cruz, St. Antony's Church, sponsoring a holy hour Sunday at Kanjirakodu, P.O. Kundara - 691 1:30 p.m. at Holy Trinity Church, 501, Kollam, Kerala, India. Route 28. It will include recitation of the rosary and Benediction of the NEW BEDFORD - The Le- Blessed Sacrament.

Ladies and gentleman, start your engines. Well, at and in some cases even pension plans. least warm up your credit cards. The race to the Another great idea for some people on your list Christmas shopping finish line is about to begin, and might be a gift to a charity made in their name. .if that fills you with as much dread as delight, you're Granted, not everyone would be thrilled to receive not alone. this in ljeu of something they could unwrap. But It's early November as I write this, but already my maybe grandma has all the knickknacks and lotion Sunday paper is spilling over with Christmas ads. she can use and would be gratified to learn that a It's such a lovely idea, this concept of gifting local soup kitchen would be enriched on her behalf. others as a way of expressing our joy at the gift we In my town, a shelter run by a Catholic agency are given in the incarnation. Unfortunately, we all sends out gift cards to those in whose name a know how sometimes donation is made. this lovely idea becomes For the ardent Proa commercial nightmare. Lifer on your list, a gift to We end the season a charity that helps wondering how many of pregnant women might our gifts really pleased tug at the heartstrings this their recipients, how Christmas. many were a waste of For me, children's gifts By Effie Caldarola resources and if some of are challenging. As them degraded the people L ~ deadlines loom and the whose labor produced mall seems increasingly them. crowded, I have given in to the temptation to grab Sometimes I have a sense that the pifting part of one more plastic toy that probably was made in a Christmas is another cottrl.trY entirely, tawdi-y and sweatshop somewhere by a child not much older wasteful country that I would just as soon be done than the one for whom I'm buying it. with before I move into the Christ-centered country I swallow my conscience and head for the cash where I want to live my holiday. register, trying not to think about that and about the What to do? fact that the plastic molded packaging probably has Catholic Relief Services offers one idea, a the same half-life as nuclear waste and will be lying wonderful catalogue on their Website called Work of in a dump somewhere intact long after I am. And Human Hands (www.catholicrelief.org/work). will the child, who probably has way too much stuff Catholic Relief Services is the official international already, really enjoy it? relief and development agency of the U.S. Catholic I was inspired last year to read a nationally community. syndicated writer say that he gave each of his The Work of Human Hands catalogue is brimgrandchildren, as a Christmas gift to open, a fleece ming with fairly traded handcrafts and gourmet jacket. Period. foods and coffees for all sorts of tastes, all presented Stingy? Bah-humbug? No, on the contrary, his by low-income producers in the Third World. real gift to them is quite generous. He takes them on "Fairly traded" means the artisans and producers trips, outings, adventures that they share. He gives receive a just recompense for their work, without a them the gift of his time. middleman grabbing the lion's share. And in many After all, what we were given on Christmas had cases, the nonprofIt cooperatives to which these nothing to do with "stuff." But it had everything to producers belong offer training, management skills do with the gift of self.

For the Journey


If airlines managed the Church Catholic: Is there a way I can This column has served as a . Catholic: Would your Website platfonn to discuss the pros and find out that the Mass is canceled post any Mass cancellations or cons of having the Vatican without having to show up two time changes? launch a major international hours early? I have to drive an Catholic Air Attendant: The airline, largely in order to beat hour to be there. Website is updated daily. the Lutherans to it. Church Air Attendant: You Catholic: That's not what I However, it appears the could call our 800 number. asked. consensus is that such an .... -{-:--=::"""-... Catholic Air Attenoutreach simply would dant: No need to be stretch Church resources testy. I call give you the t60 thin and that equiWeb address now if you table access to frequentwould like to visit it. flyer miles could open a Catholic: I'm on my can of worms for canon cell phone. I can't write lawyers. in traffic, and I can't By Dan Morris Besides, what if the access the Internet. Can . reverse were true? What. you just tell me what if airlines took over time the vigil Mass is . management of the Church? You Catholic: I tried that. The this coming Saturday? would hear things like: answering system menu kept Catholic Air Attendant: I Church Air Attendant: Hello putting me on hold and making me believe I told you the regularly and God bless you from St. All listen to fund appeals. I was on scheduled Saturday evening Saints Parish where our new hold a half hour before I got you. liturgy is six 0'clock. Please arrive pews provide more leg room and Church Air Attendant: Was . two hours early and keep in mind it's simple and easy to enjoy the there an appeal that particularly there is a suggested 10 percent .benefits of our Frequent Givers appealed to what appeals to you? surcharge on tithing if you don't Club. I can help you with that right plan on returning on Sunday. Catholic: Hello right back. I now. Catholic: Huh? How can you just wanted to know the time of Catholic: Vb, not really. All I surcharge tithing? Why would I your Saturday vigil Mass. wanted to know is the time of the return on Sunday? Church Air Attendant: Our Saturday Mass that fulfills my Catholic Air Attendant: Thank regularly scheduled Saturday Sunday obligation. you for calling. I arn now evening Mass is at six 0'clock Church Air Attendant: The connecting you to our "Tithing and we ask that you show up two obligation to attend Sunday Surcharge in Times of Chalhours early in the event it's a eucharistic liturgies is addressed lenge" tape-recorded message. holy day, or if the pilot - I mean on our Website, including the God bless from St. All Saints. pastor - wants to start early; or sometimes confusing situation in Comments are welcome. Ein the rare situation that the Mass which a holy day falls on a mail Uncle Dan at is canceled. Saturday. cnsuncleOl@vahoo.com.

The offbeat

world of

Uncle Dan


Posture for receiving holy Communion Q. Our pastor has ancommunicant bows his or her brothers and sisters who head before the sacrament as a participate with them in the nounced in the bulletin that same celebration. Thus, says when we receive Commungesture of reverence and the instruction, "they are to ion, we are to make a bow of receives the body of the Lord reverence toward the host from the minister" (No.. 160). shun any appearance of That is the authority. individualism or division, before we receive standing. The document gives at least keeping before their eyes that Where does he get the they have only one Father in authority to do that? Some of two reasons for this and other heaven and accordingly us like to genuflect or are all brothers and kneel when we receive sisters to each other" to show greater honor ;".. . . . .... . ..... • . ,.. .'if' I (No. 95). to the Blessed SacraWhat the bishops are ment. Some people :. saying is that no , 1 pass right by the . attitude of competition, tabernacle after or personal idiosynCommunion without By Father ~~ crasy, or "I'm doing it genuflecting. Is this John J. Dietzen holier than you are" correct? (Louisiana) should ever creep into A. In April, 2003, directions for postures and I the liturgy. the bishops of the United common actions at Mass.''ths-;'J .. "~~ J.J~flliz~Gw.me people feel a States published the General bow is not sufficient reverence first of all "a sign of the unity Instruction of the Roman of the members of the Chrisfor the Eucharist. But what is Missal for this cpuntry, after it tian community gathered for enough reverence? To even ask was approved by the proper the liturgy; it both expresses the question is to answer it. Vatican congregation. This and fosters the intention and There is never "enough." If we instruction provides directions all crawled up the aisle on our for priests, deacons and laity at spiritual attitude of the participants" (No. 42). hands and knees it would still Mass. Second, and perhaps more fall short. It says: "The norm for to the point, all the faithful are Through the ages the reception of holy Communion called on to offer themselves Church has acknowledged that for the dioceses of the United and show their religious sense we can only deal with even the States is standing.... When and their charity toward holiest things in a human way. receiving Communion, the

Questions. and Answers


~.'~ '

,''''' "



Lech Walesa challenges America to .offer:the'world moral leadership By CAROL SOWA CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

SAN ANTONIO - The struggles of early Polish settlers in Texas and Poland's struggle for freedom both occurred "under the banner of Our Lady," said Lech Walesa, former president of Poland and Nobel Peace Prize winner. He was referring to the Polish immigrants who responded to the call of Father Leopold Moczygemba to leave their native land for Panna Maria, Texas, in 1854. Walesa, who recently was in Texas to attend the Polish American Congress in Houston, visited Panna Maria. Located in the San Antonio Archdiocese, it is the oldest permanent Polish settlement in America and home to the first Polish Catholic church in the United States. Three biIsloads of congress attendees. accompanied him, filling the small Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church to' overflowing for a special Mass. "In Poland~ Panna Maria, Texas,}s very famous," said Bishop John W. Vanta of Amarillo in his homily. It:l a speech after Mass, Walesa, who founded the Solidarity labor movement that helped to topple communism in Poland, urged that people in Poland and Polish-Americans continue the close ties they have with the Blessed Virgin. Noting that·the original goal

of freedom had been won, Walesa said through an interpreter: "Today we must realize that technological advances and development have led us into a situation in which we can restructure the world differently, in which we can globalize the world. Very shortly we won't be divided ... we will all be just humankind." Referring to the United States as the world's only superpower, he noted that, while there was no doubt of its military and economic leadership, its moral and political leadership was in doubt. "That's why, from the very, . very beginning," Walesa said, "I have been pleading (with) you ... all the people who are people of faith, all you people representing the 'superpower,' to realize that new solutions need to be implemented in the world.". He urged solutions based on faith, values and the human conscience and said he and Poland would like to see the United States lead the world in that di. . rection. "No other generation before has had such a wonderful opportunity that we are lucky enough to be witnessing," he said. Walesa said he sees the old era of blocs and borders slowly coming to an end, but he also foresees new dangers lying ahead, including complacency. Reminding his listeners of the importance of every vote in a. free society, he noted that

people's children and grandchildren may come to reproach them in the future if today they do not attempt to "re-orientate" the world. He issued a challenge. "If the 'superpower' does not take over the .moral leadership in the world, or if the 'superpower' is not willing to take over this moral leadership ... Poland can cope with such a challenge," he said. "It will become the leader." Before the election of a Polish pope, Pope John Paul II, Walesa said he could find few Poles willing to oppose communism. But when the pope visited his native land in 1979, millions flocked to see him, and afterward millions wanted to fight communism, said Walesa. He quoted the pope telling his countrymen, "Don't be discouraged. Transform the face of the earth." "As a man of faith, I know, however," he said, "that all this . occurred and happened as it did because the end of the second millennium was approaching, the second millennium of Christianity." He attributes Poland's, final victory to "our faith and the faith of many other people." "We have this new third millennium started·. with a clean page, and it is up to us now what we will write on' this. page," Walesa added. "Let us all move ahead together and reform the world.'"

When we try to become too "holy" or pious, we easily become eccentric and strange. Our conviction is that God is honored most of all by our sense of caring solidarity with each other, that our bodily posture expresses our desire to be a community of believers praying and worshipping together; to be in other words a people who support and love one another and God, and who reflect that unity of faith in our communal praise, especially in the Eucharist. This is why the instruction cautions against any attitude of individualism or division. At Mass, the faithful "form a holy people, a people God has made his own." They should "endeavor to make this clear by


their deep religious sense and their charity toward brothers and sisters who participate with them in the Eucharist" (95). As for passing the tabernacle without genuflecting, after Communion we are all tabernacles, holding within us our Lord's eucharistic presence. Maybe the people who don't genuflect realize that.

Afree brochure answering questions Catholics ask about receiving the holy Eucharist is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Box 325, Peoria, IL 61651. Questions may be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address, or E-mail: ijdietzen@aol.com.

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La Salette Retreat Center 947 Park Street Attleboro,~ 02703-5115 508-222-8530 December. 2004


Grief Education - Special Family Occasions - Sr. Judith Costa 3-5 Advent Weekend Directed Retreat - Fr. Fern Cassista 13 Grief Education - Unexpected Reminders - Sr. Judith Costa 16 Grief Education - Holidays: How to Cope - Sr. Judith Costa 17-19 CInistnuti Famlly Weekend - Fr. Dan Bradley & Karen Laroche 19 Recollection - "Behold I Come Very Soon" - Fr. Fern Cassista

GriefEducation Program meets on Monday mornings @ 10:30 a.m. and Thursday evenings @ 6:30p.m. Afternoon Recollection starts @ 1:00 p.rn.

For more information, please call or write Retreat Secretary

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F.rntay, Ncwember 26, 2004 '.

At 29-percent of 109th Congress, Catholics still largest faith group By NANCY FRAZIER O'BRIEN

the 109th Congress. The 540 members of Congress WASHINGTON - Catholics include 100 senators, 435 reprewill make up 29 percent of the sentatives and five nonvoting 109th Congress when it convenes members, who include four delin early January, with a slight rise egates, from the District of Coin the number of Catholic Repub- lumbia, Guam, American Samoa licans and a similar drop in the and the Virgin Islands, and one number of Catholic Democrats. resident commissioner from With 128 voting representa- Puerto Rico. After Catholics and Baptists, tives and 24- senators identifying \ ... \ themselves as Catholics in a sur- the most-represented denomina\ vey by Congressional Quarterly, tions in the 109th Congress are \ Catholicism remains the largest Methodists, at 63 in both houses; single religious affiliation claimed Presbyterians, at 50; Episcopaby members of the new Congress. lians, at 41; and L,utherans, at 20. Baptists were second, with 65 Another 38 members of Congress House members and seven sena- identified themselves as Christians, without specifying a detors. According'to an analysis of the nomination, and seven listed no data by the U.S. -Conference of religious background. \ \ Catholic Bishops' Office of GovEleven senators and 26 House .-'\.-1'-' - ,e. 81'路 ernment Liaison, the number of members identified themselves as FRANK SCHIEFELBEIN gives some painting tips to grandson Zack, three, as his son Catholic senators was unchanged Jewish, while 11 representatives (Zack's father), Tom, watches. The three were painting the post for a new sign on the family at 24. But the defeat of Sen. Tom and five senators said they befarm in Kimball, Minn. Schiefelbein and his wife, Donna, who attend St. Anne Catholic Church, Daschle, D-S.D., and the election longed to the Church of Jesus have eight sons, 27 grandchildren, 1,500 head of cattle and 4,000 acres of farmland. (CNS win of Republican Mel Martinez Christ of Latter-day Saints. Photo by Dave~r~acek, The Catholic Spiri~ of Rorida left the Senate numbers Other faith groups represented at 11 Catholic Republicans and 13 in the 109th Congress include the Catholic Democrats, compared to African Methodist Episcopal 10 Republicans and 14 Democrats Church, Christian Reformed in the 108th Congress. Church, Christian Scientist, ComTwo other new senators munity of Christ, Disciples of Democrat Ken Salazar ofColorado Christ, Eastern Orthodox, Penteand Republican David Vitter of costal,Quaker, Seventh-day By CHRISTINA CAPECCHI and brides. ried. All the wives work at home, Louisiana - also are Catholic. Adventist, Unitarian and United CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE 17 years Son Tim ieft Kimball and all are now Catholic. "I didn't Similarly, the number of Church of Christ and CongregaKIMBALL, Minn. _ Frank ago and hadn't planned to stay push any of them to become conCatholics in the House of Repre- tionalist. Schiefelbein路had no farming expe- away so long. "I'm always going, verts," Donna said. ''They ha~e to. sentatives increased by four, from In its analysis of the ethnic rience when he' and wife Donna to make more away from the farm, want it." 126 to 130, according to the makeup of the.109th Congress, The Schiefelbeins tried to' preUSCCBanalysis, which included Congressional Quarterly said the ~:~t~i~;~~e plot of land in' but you get to a point where you put a lower priority on money and pare all their sons' wives for life nonvoting delegates Luis Fortuno, number of African-Americans in The neighbors did a lottery on put your family first," he said. you on the farm. "It's a give and take," a Republican representing Puerto Congress had increased by four ,how long they'd last. "Their ''The reason we put the family Donna said. "We tell them that beRico, and Madeleine Bordallo, a with one in the Senate and 42 in of ahead," Tim added, "is because they get married." fore the House. All are Democrats. guesses ranged from a week to Democrat from Guam. But the The farm's men operate The number of women sena- three years," said Frank, 71. number of Catholic Democrats like a fmely tuned machine, "Now we own their propdeclined by one from 73 to 72, ac- tors remained the same at 14 _ erty." Son Tim left Kimbal/17 years ago meeting each morning at 8 to cording to the USCCB analysis. 10 Democrats and four RepubliEven Donna wasn't conCatholic Republicans in the cans- while the 65 women in the and hadn't planned to stay away so set the agenda and then House increased by five, from 53 House _ 42 Democrats and 23 vinced they'd make it when long. "I'm always going to make breaking up to do the work. couple and son Frank ill They raise registered breedto 58. Catholics make up 30 per- Republicans - represented a net the moved into the "cardboard more away from the farm, but you ing stock, with the lower end cent of the House membership of increase of five. box" house. "I sat down and get to a point where you put a lower for the commercial market. cried," said Donna, 71. "Oh, priority on money and you put your They also run a unique we'll fix'it up," she recalled family first, II he said. buyback program, selling Frank saying. breeding bulls to farmers in Fix it up they did. Frank exchange for the promise to and Donna now have eight sons, the faith we have in God. Family buy or bid on those farmers' calves. refj~ous 27 grandchildren, 1,500 head of ties into that." His family is planAfter working side by side, famcattle and 4,000 acres. ning to return to Kimball within a ily members also relax together. And it's only the beginning, ac- year. When they gather - almost all the cording to the Schiefelbeins' farmFrank and Donna Schiefelbein grandkids live on the farm - they ing slogan, "in it for the long haul." have built a lot on the foundation share family news and prime rib. Congress Said son Dan: "None oius plan to of their 51-year marriage. They ''That's the glue that melds the sell it." have witnessed growth and loss, crew together," Frank said. "I feel as close to heaven in including the deaths of a son and a When Tim's family returns, the these surroundings as I could be grandson. But their faith got them Schiefelbeins will constitute 14 on earth," Donna recently told The through, said Donna. "As you look percent of Kimball's population. Catholic Spirit, newspaper of the out and see God's creation, you And that number may increase Archdiocese of St. Paul and Min- know there is a wonderful God out now that two granddaughters are neapolis. Her home rests on a hill- there, a good God. He's always married. Their summer weddings 'top overlooking two lakes and a been there for us," she added. marked a satisfying milestone, said stream. It is four miles from downTheir faith makes them ethical their mother, Cathy, wife of Frank town Kimball and 60 miles north- farmers, said Dan. ''There's a lot m. west of Minneapolis, where 'she of temptation to say what custom''That's the most that we can and her husband were born and ers want to hear," he said. "For us, say," said Cathy, who has lived on raised. They attended Catholic what we say is what you get. And the farm for 27 years. ''That we've schools and met at a school dance. in the long run, it's made us more done well with the next generation The Schiefelbeins sent their successful." we've been put in charge of. sons away to college to study aniThe Schiefelbeins are members ''This is all part of the big dream mal science and gain life experi- of St. Anne Catholic Church in that Frank and I had, to be around ence. But even after achieving cor- Kimball, filling five pews each to see your children grow up, and porate success, the sons have been Sunday morning. where they venture out, and who drawn back, returning with degrees Seven ofthe eight sons are mar- they turn out to be," she said. CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

Catholic Minnesota cattle farm family 'in it for the long haul'

American Faithful

Here is abreakdown of the affiliations of Congress as compared to the u.s. population

General Population



Friday, November 26, 2004



u.s. diaconate directory gets Vatican approval . By JERRY FILTEAU CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

E.NTERTAINER~ FROM Cirque du Solei/pose with Pope John Paul II following his general audl?nce ~t the Vatlc~n recently. The pope focused on Psalm 62 during the audience, $aying that 'trust In the Lord IS the source of eternity and of peace." (CNS photo from Reuters)

'Church is in dire need of renewal,' says Cardinal Dulles By TRACY EARLY

run Fordham University in New York. NEW YORK - Catholics are TItling the lecture "A Eucharistic entering the 2004-05 Year of the Church: The ViSion ofJohn Paul IT," Eucharist with an awareness "the the cardinal noted the theme of the Church is in dire need of renewal," pope's 2003 encyclical, "Ecclesia de Cardinal Avery Dulles said in a re- Eucharistia," on the Church and the Eucharist. cent lectUre: Although ''holy in her head and He also recalled that the Year of in her apostolic heritage," the Church the Eucharist, announced by the . remains "sinful in her members and pope last spring, began October 17 in constant need of being purified," and is scheduled to conclude with a Synod of Bishops dealing with the he said. The cardinal said many Catholics Eucharist in October of next year. are ignorant of Church teachings, Cardinal Dulles said he was fo!U1d a few even reject the teachings. cusing on the pope's "eucharistic "Some of the clergy are not ex- ecclesiology," but would go beyond empt from grave and scandalous the pontiff's treatment to deal with sins, as we have learned all too well all four marks of the Church. in these recent years," he said. And though unity is listed first in As a resource for renewal, he the creed, the cardinal began his discalled for an emphasis on the Eu- cussion with holiness because withcharist, and seeing in it the same out it "all the other attributes would marks used by the creed in describ- be valueless." ing the Church as one, holy, catholic The Eucharist is "quintessentially holy" because "Christhimselfis suband apostolic. Cardinal Dulles, a Jesuit theolo- stantially present in it" and in it pergian named to the College of Cardi- forms ''his supreme redemptive act," nals in 2001, made his comments in Cardinal Dulles said. ''To be made holy by the Euchadelivering the annual fall lecture of his McGinley professorship at Jesuit- rist," he said, worshippers must go CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

Postage stamp sought to honor Polish-American Catholic war hero BROOKLYN, N.Y. - The Polish American Congress, based in Brooklyn, has stepped up its petition drive to convince the U.S. Postal Service to honor Lt. Col. Matt Urban, a Polish-American Catholic who is one of America's two most decorated World War IT heroes. Born Matthew Louis Urbanowicz in Buffalo, in 1919,he earned 29 decorations in the war, including seven Purple Hearts for being wounded in action. He died in 1995 and is buried at Arlington National Cemetery in Vrrginia. The Brooklyn organization wants the Postal Service to honor

Urban with a postage stamp, as it did in 2001 for legendary World War IT hero Capt. Audie Murphy, who earned 33 medals and decorations. Like Murphy, Urban received the Medal of Honor, the nation's highestrnilitary honor. It is awarded by the U.S. Congress for a soldier risking his or her life in combat beyond the call of duty. . Copies of the petition are available online at: www.paceasternmass.org, by clicking on "Links," or at local Polish American Congress divisions and chapters.

WASHINGTON - The Vati~ can has given its approval to the "National Directory for the Formation, Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States" that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops approved in 2003. Bishop Wilton D. Gregory of Belleville, m., out-going president of the USCCB, announced the Vatican action on the second day of the USCCB fall meeting November 15-18, in Washington. He said the Vatican decree was signed by the heads of the Congregation for Clergy and the Congregation for Catholic Education. 'Approval was granted "ad experimentum" (on a trial basis) for five years, he said. He said the U.S. decree implementing the directory will be issued December 26, with Aug. 10, 2005, as the date it takes effect. The new diaconate directory will establish, for the first time, comprehensive national norms for preparing for and living the permanent diaconate. It will replace national guidelines, in effect since 1984, that did not have the force of norms. The Second Vatican Council called for a revival of the diaconate as an ordained ministry in its own right. Before that, for centuries the Church had ceased to ordain deacons except as a final step before priesthood. Since the Catholic Church restored the permanent diaconate in 1967, the U.S. Church has been a leader in developing that ministry. It now has about 15,000 permanent deacons, about half the total worldwide. The new directory sets out the requirements for their human, spiritual, academic and pastoral formation. It also spells out, for the frrst time, norms for the "as-

pirant path" - the procedures and formation and discernment process to be followed before an applicant is accepted into a formation program as a candidate for the permanent diaconate. Deacons, who together with priests and bishops form the Church's ordained ministers, assist at the liturgy, preach on the Scriptures and do charitable works in the name of the Church. Most U.S. permanent deacons are married and many have full-time jobs in other fields, devoting evenings or weekends to their ordained ministry. The bishops discussed the new directory at their June 2003 meeting in St. Louis. Those attending the meeting voted on it at that time, but the vote came up late in the meeting when a number of bishops had already left, so a mail ballot was needed to complete the voting. It was approved by a vote of 235-2. The 217-page text the bishops adopted in 2003 reflected extensive revisions requested by the Vatican in a proposed set of directives the bishops initially approved three years earlier. The Vatican did not confrrm the 2000 document but instead made more than 200 observations on ways the text should be changed. When the bishops originally voted on the directory in June 2000, it was their frrst attempt to move from national guidelines for the diaconate to national norms, and it was their first attempt to translate into U.S. norms two major new Vatican documents on the subject. The Vatican documents, both issued in 1998, were "Fundamental Norms of the Formation of Permanent Deacons" by the Congregation for Catholic Education and "Directory for the Ministry and Life of Permanent Deacons" by the Congregation for Clergy.

beyond mere physical presence at Mass and ')oin in the Church's selfoffering, entering in spirit into Christ's own redemptive work." Then, as they come closer to Christ in the Eucharis~ they draw nearer to each other, and better manifest the Church's unity, he said. The cardinal said that while the Church needs renewal in holiness it is today "likewise feeble in herunity." He said that in the Eucharist worshippers became like the many grains of wheat united in one loaf of bread or the many grapes that make the wine of the one chalice. Cardinal Dulles said, however, that" If anyone were to receive this sacrament of unity while intending to remain apart from the body and its head, in a situation of heresy or schism, the meaning of the action would be contradicted by the contrary disposition." It would be wrong, he said, if anyone were to say, "I don't accept your pastors and doctrines, but I want to partake of your sacraments." He said some Catholics contend that the Church was not constituted hierarchically from above but by the action of believers from below, and that every local cominunity has the right and power to designate one of its members as presider at Mass. But the eucharistic prayers ofthe Roman Missal, he said, show that "every legitimate Eucharist is celebrated in union with the whole body of bishops and the pope, for otherwise it would be deficient in catholicity." In conclusion, Cardinal Dulles said the "prevalent secular and democratic culture" tricked people into thinking they did not need the kind of connections represented by POPE JOHN Paul II addresses the faithful from the winthat fourth mark of the Church. dow of his apartment at the Vatican recently during his Sun"But the Eucharist reminds us .day Ange/us message. The pope spoke about giving thanks that grace and salvation come from on high, and that they are channeled to God for the blessings of the earth. Italians celebrated through Christ and the apostles," he Thanksgiving November 14. (CNS photo by Alessia Giuliani, Catholic Press Photo) said.



.Friday, November 26, 2004

Catholic media honors 'The Passion,' TV's·'Joan,' and Jane Wyatt Ward By ELUE HIDALGO CAT1-IOUC NEWS SERVICE

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. Mel Gibson's film, 'The Passion of the Christ," and the CBS television show "Joan of Arcadia" received awards at the 12th annual Mass and awards luncheon sponsored by Catholics in Media Associates. Also honored with a lifetime achievement award for her theater, film and television career as well as her charitable work was Jane Wyatt Ward, best known for her role as Margaret Anderson in the popular 1950s' .television show, "Father Knows Best." Catholics in Media Associates, or CIMA, annUally recognizes film and television that uplifts and inspires. 'The Passion of the Christ" also defied Hollywood expectations and broke box office records for religious films. Jim Caviezel, who portrayed Jesus in the film, presented the award to producer-<!!rector Gibson and producer Stephen McEveety. Gibson said the movie was for him "a meditation on the Stations of the Cross which I wanted others to visualize to change hearts, to change minds, to reawaken people - even to incur their wrath. That is a reaction, and not always a negative one." During his remarks, Gibson also expressed dismay about the passage of Proposition 71 in California to fund embryonic stem-cell research. "Peoples' voices need to be raised against it because the surest ,sign of any civilization that crumbles is when they begin to commit. human sacrifice beforehand," said the director. More than 500 people attended the luncheon at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills. Tom Dreesen was master of ceremonies for the awards presentation, and Los Angeles Auxiliary Bishop Gabino Zavala presided at the MaSs with 12 priests' concelebrating. The work of the award winners "has struck a chord in our consciousness," said Bishop Zavala. 'They have brought God, moral and ethical questions and the impact of

human behavior into the public forum in such a way as to invite indepth conversations and dialogues about what really matters." Joe Mantegna, who plays Will Girardi on "Joan of Arcadia," presented the television award to the show's ~reator and executive pro-· ducer Barbara Hall. In 2002 Hall was honored by CIMA for producing the television show "Judging Amy." She returned to TV last year with a hit Friday night show about a teen-age girl who frequently talks to and sees God. . Hall said she felt compelled to SCENE FROM the animated underwater adventure ''The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie." create the show to "initiate a con- .. CCNSphoto from Paramount) versationwith the rest of the country or the world to begin a dialogue ',' ":"f\(l about the possibility of God. This is a show also for the disenfranchised, the alienatfid,the hopeful but doubting public." Stories, said Hall, have the capacity to reach people deeply. "People hunger for honest storytelling," she said. "Jesus told stories because he understood their elasticity, their longevity, but also because he believed in feeding the poor. He understood that there are . many ways to be poor and many different ways to starve. Stories feed us. For whatever reasop;,(~~ s~e truth in them more acutely than anywhere else." Mantegna said he w¥ proud to work on a unique show about a ''functional family:" Although the family has its trials, their commitment to one another is resolute. "At the end of the day, we're all still together and we're still trying to make a go of it," said Mantegna. 1\vo of Wyatt Ward's "Father Knows Best" children were present to celebrate her honor. Billy Gray (Bud Anderson) called.his TV mom "curious, witty, candid and caring." And Elinor Donahue (Betty "Princess" Anderson) said Wyatt Ward served as her sponsor when she became a Catholic 11 years ago. "My religion has always mattered a very great deal to me, so this is really an honor," said Wyatt Ward, 92, who also raised two sons and was married to Edgar Bethune Ward for 65 years.

NEW YORK" (CNS) metropolis of"SharkTale," the eye- very young children. Also, viewers Everyone's favorite bright-yellow poppingly colorful, hand-drawn catch a glimpse of both sea sponge makes a splash on the "SpongeBob" has. a much zanier SpongeBob's and Patrick's bare big screen in the animated under- absurdist look - more nonsensi- bottoms, which only the crustiest of water adventure 'Th~ SpongeBob cal than nautical; . Krusty Krabs would find offensive: SquarePants Movie" (paramount). The movie features several As in the TV show, the clever .Based on the hugely popular TV catchy, plot-padding tunes, among humor is never mean-spirited and cartoon and directed by them the whistle-worthy "Goofy refreshingly cynicism-free. Under"SpongeBob" creatoJ; Stephen Goober Song." Mixed in with the neath its looney-tune silliness is a· Hillenburg, the wacky and whim- animation are several live-action positive believe-in~yourSelf mesi-'lJusing e 'that' eXtijis' th~ ~irthes~of childsically appealing feature-length film sequences, irtclud'ing" 't, . ',IH1 !J:,!o,g !' "It' 'in .. , ·'''i,.rtf'('t'·,' ~I uses much of the show's original opening mimber sung bya shipload ":'hOOd. Iri it world'where kids grow . voice talerit and remains true to the of pirates. up' way too fa:s~ it's IDce to see a · series' light-hearted, kid-friendly Loyal fans - many ofwhom are movie that actually celebrates innotone. OK, so it is like watching an adults --::-: will go home happy, and cence. Not a bad lesson to absorb. extended episode - at times, over- even those not particularly fond of In spite of a few scenes of menextended - but as its tag line the spunky sponge may find them- ace and some mildly crude humor, proudly proclaims, the movie ver- selves Cracking a smile. the USCCB Office for Film & sion is "bigger, better and more abParents should be aware that the Broadcasting classification is A-IOn the second count, film contains one scene where general patronage. The Motion Picsorbent." • • JtJ • • • 0pIDlons will vary. SpongeBob and Patrick are cap- ture Association of America rating UrJess you've been holed up in tured and roasted under a sunlamp, is PG - parental. guidance suga hermit-crab shell for the past few which may prove a bit upsetting for' gested. years, you probably already know that SpongeBob is an incurably opJulie Christie and Freddie timistic litt1e.sea sponge, who lives in a pineapple'house in the backHighmore as the boy who became · water cove ofBikini Bottom, where the inspiration for Pe~er Pan. he works as a fry cook at Krusty Some thematic material :.- mariKrab's (voiced by Clancy Brown) tal discord and the mother's tragic fish joint. illness - and some mildly coarse In the film, the porous protagolanguage. The USCCB Office for nist (voiced, as in the TV series, by Film & Broadcasting' classificaTom Kenny) andhisdimwitted startion is A-II - adults and adolesIt~~ cents. The Motion Picture Assofish pal, Patrick (voiced by Bill Fagerbakke), must undertake a perciation of America rating is POilous quest to recover K i n g : Ita.IJ)~UIII(e parental guid~nce suggested. Neptune's (voiced by Jeffrey "I Am David" .(Lions Gate) Tambor) crown which was stolen Thefollowing are capsule re- .. 'Life-affirniirig'familyadven· by Plankton (voiced by Doug views of recently reviewed mov- ture seLin'1952 about a young Pittsburgh Pirates, Chicago Cubs Lawrence), a microscopic megalo- ies by 'the Office for Film & BUlgarian' boy (Beri: Tibber) who and New York Giants. . maniac who uses the theft to set in Broadcasting of the U.S. Confer- escapes confmement in· a brutal After his pro career ended in . motion his diabolical master pian ence of Catholic Bishops. . communist labor camp and'must1954, he became a broadcaster for to subjugate all of Bikini Bottom.' ''Finding Neverland;' make his way acr:oss Europe in the Cardinals and the Yankees beAlong the way, SpongeBob and (Miramax) ,. order to find refuge in Denmark. fore co-hosting the ''Today Show." Patrick wiggle 01,lt of some close: . Beautifully crafted and affect- As directed by Paul I:'eig, the wellCurrently; he does TV baseball scrapes with deep sea monsters and ,ing - if.occasionally sohtoor..:.- . told, visually pandsome ,tale is broadcasts for the Arizona Dia- a hired.hit man (voiced by Alec . fictionaliz~cl story alJout the fond- ' both engagingand edifying, and ,mondbacks. Speaking in Albu- Baldwin), aided in their effortS by ness of 'playwright J,M. Ban:ie ' its simp'~e:gentleme,~sage'-,that querque at a fund-raising dinner for NeptUne's kind-hearted daughter, (Johnny Depp) for a widow (Kate 'life is a gifl' ---: is .fullof hope. Catholic elementary and second- Mindy (voiced by Scarlett Wiilslet) and herfour young sops . Mature'them~s aria ,some ,brief . ary education in the Archdiocese Johansson). They even get to hitch who iiispire him to write his great-' v~olence. The USCCB Office for of Santa Fe; Garagiola told of his a ride aboard "Baywatch'" star est success, "Peter Pan..'~ M¥c " Film & Broadcasting dassificayouth in St. Louis, when life con- David Hasselhoff. . Forster deftly -captures ~e 1903. tion is A-II - adults arid adolessisted 9f the "great triangle - not , Compared to the computer-gen- p~riod ambience, and has drawn cents. The Motion Picture Asso-· necessarily in that order - of fam- erated, painterly seascapes of''Find- . fine performances from Depp. (in ciation of America rating is PGily, Church and sports." ing Nemo" and the manic marine one of his finest roles), 'Yinslet, parental guidance suggested.

Baseball, broadcast legend talks about his Catholicism


ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (CNS) - Although Joe Garagiola . is famous for his quiCK wit, Major' League Baseball days.as a catcher; . his ''Today Show" tenure as a,cohost, his. baseball commentaries, and oppositio~.to chewiJlg to'bacco, few know oJ his deep, Catholic. faith. . . . . That he always carries a rosary in his pocket is aInongthe lesser-· known, aspects of it man long in the' ·publiceye. At age 16 he was signed to play for his home-town team, the . St. Louis Cardinals, for five. sea: sons, inClUding' a 1946 championship. He also was,a catcher for the

• "$.







"'''''C'NSmovie review - 'The SpongeBob 'SquarePants Mov'l-e'











Friday, November 26, 2004


11 I

Rainbow Sash group receives Communion; opposition prays By JULIE CARROLL CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

THE U.S. Supreme Court justices are, back row from left: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, David H. Souter, Clarence Thomas and Stephen Breyer. Front row from left: Antonin Scalia, John Paul Stevens, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, Sandra Day O'Connor and Anthony M. Kennedy. (CNS photo from Reuters)

No high court vacancy yet, but battle lines are now being drawn in Senate By PATRICIA ZAPOR

with who chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee, even if it means an intraparty fight for the RepubWASHINGTON - There isn't licans over denying a chairmanship a vacancy on the Supreme Court to someone who is in line for it. yet, but battle lines over who Mark Thshnet, a Georgetown might be named to fill an opening University law professor who are already being defined over the once clerked for the late Supreme chairmanship of the Senate JudiCourt Justice Thurgood Marshall, ciary Committee, which will vote said. Those who are worried about any nominees. Specter stacking the deck against Chief Justice William a nominee who was expected to Rehnquist, 80, is thought to be the reverse Roe are making their point most likely justice to step down by raising the issue now. soon. That attention should put Rehnquist announced in October that he is undergoNo matter whose name is on an Specter on notice that ing treatment for thyroid eventual announcement from the "people are watching," and that he will be held accountcancer. Though he continues White House, Dobransky said, the able if he seems to oppose to work from home, doctors who are not treating confirmation fight "will surpass the White House nominees, Rehnquist have said the nastiness of that for Robert Bork and Tushnet said. Dobransky and Tushnet treatment he has received- (Justice) Clarence Thomas." cited some of. the same a tracheotomy followed by people commonly named as chemotherapy and radiation - suggests an aggressive type of over as chairman of the commit- likely nominees. They are, current White House counsel Alberto cancer that can quickly prove fa- tee. Operation Rescue, the Chris- Gonzales, a former Texas Sutal. But other members of the court tian Defense Coalition and other preme Court justice and longtime also may retire during the second organizations are collaborating in Bush friend; two judges from the Bush administration. Justice John mid-November on what they were 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals: Paul Stevens, the longest-serving calling a "Stop Specter Pro-Life J. Michael Luttig and J. Harvie member of the current court, is 84. Pray-in" that will assemble out- Wilkinson ill, both on the RichJustices Sandra Day O'Connor, side the Supreme Court and pro- mond, Va.-based court; Emilio 74, the next in seniority, and Ruth cess to the office of Senate Ma- Miller Garza, a member of the 5th Bader Ginsburg, 71, have both jority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn. U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals; and There they hoped to prevail on Janice Rogers Brown of the Calibeen treated for cancer. There has been speculation him to block Specter from chair- fornia Supreme Court. Dobransky said the test a nomiabout who might be named to the ing the committee. The organizers were opposing nee will have to p~ss with the court under President George W. Bush since he took office nearly Specter on the basis of comments White House will be less about four years ago. The last member attributed to him in the Philadel- promising to overturn Roe than seated on the court, Justice phia Inquirer daily newspaper, in his or her belief in judicial reStephen Breyer, was named in which he said he would block any straint, which in turn might trans1994 by President Bill Clinton, nominee who would overturn Roe late to reversing Roe. No matter whose name is on who also appointed Ginsburg in vs. Wade, the 1973 Supreme an eventual announcement from Court ruling legalizing abortion. 1993. Bernard Dobransky, dean and the White House, Dobransky said, In the decade since, court president of Ave Maria Law the confirmation fight "will surwatchers have paid close attention for rumors about whether anyone School, said it is perfectly reason- pass the nastiness of that for Robplanned to announce retirement at able for people who are worried ert Bork and (Justice) Clarence the end of the court's term in June, about judicial nominees to start Thomas." CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

a traditional point for justices to' step down that allows a replacement to be confirmed during the summer recess. Before things progress to that point again, however, abortion opponents already are working to shape who runs the Senate Judiciary Committee that gets first crack at confmning nominees to all federal judgeships. Specifically, they're trying to block Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., from taking

ST. PAUL, Minn. - A Catholic gay-rights group wearing rainbow sashes attended Mass and received Communion at the Cathedral of St. Paul November 7, while an opposing group demonstrated by praying the rosary on the church steps. It was the second time this year that the Rainbow Sash Movement and Catholics Against Sacrilege had clashed at the cathedral over Rainbow Sash members receiving Communion. Meanwhile, the archdiocese reiterated that the celebration of the Eucharist should not be an occasion for protest or judgment. '~Holy Communion ought not to - be used as a form of protest nor as a litmus test," said Dennis McGrath, archdiocesan communications director. "It's up to people's individual consciences. They are supposed to be in a state of grace." In early June and then again in a September column, Archbishop Harry 1. Flynn of St. Paul and Minneapolis said he did not believe "that it is my responsibility or anyone else's responsibility to pass judgment on Catholics as they proceed to the Communion table." The archbishop added the sacrament should be "a source of healing and unity and that it should not be an occasion for political scrutinizing and judgments." Rainbow Sash leader Brian McNeill said his group was at the cathedral in response to a call by the national interfaith group Soulforce for local gay and lesbian groups to "take action" prior to the meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington. McNeill said he hoped "to draw the bishops' attention to the fact that the language used to describe homosexuals needs to be changed and to let the bishops know that they need to reconsider their approach to sexual ethics in the Catholic Church." The Catholic Church teaches that homosexual acts are immoral

because they are contrary to the natural law and exclude procreation. Homosexual people are called to chastity, according to the "Catechism Q.f the Catholic Church." Specifically, McNeill said the group objects to the catechism's use of the language "intrinsically disordered" to describe homosexual acts. But he stopped short of calling the group's actions a protest. ''This is not a protest," he said. ''This is a symbol of celebration of our gay sexuality, and we are just here as part of the community of faith, the people of God." While some' bishops have denied Communion to group members, Archbishop Flynn has said that, because the Rainbow Sash group assured him in writing that their attendance at Mass is not a protest, he would not judge them unworthy to receive Communion. During the Mass, Rainbow Sash members sat at the front of the church wearing the sashes. Before the Lord's Prayer, Father Ralph Talbot, associate pastor at the cathedral, said the Eucharist should not be used for protests and asked Rainbow Sash members to remove their sashes. He also asked people not to block others from receiving Communion. Three people removed their sashes; all six Rainbow Sash members received Communion without incident. On Pentecost Sunday, when Rainbow Sash members lined up to receive Communion, a group calling itself Ushers of the Eucharist blocked the aisles. The group was not present at the November 7 Mass. About- 60 people representing Catholics Against Sacrilege and other groups joined in prayer. Jack Peterfeso from St. John Parish in St. Paul said he believes it is inappropriate for people to wear rainbow sashes in church. "If you want a gay pride parade, go down Hennepin Avenue, not down the middle of the church aisle," he said.

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Friday, November 26, 2004



; : 0.

Health workers find affirmation of life in care of the dying By



ROME - Every once in a while, Baroness Bora Finlay is reminded why she supports what she calls the right to die with dignity and not simply the right to die voiced by proponents of euthanasia. Finlay, a physician and pa~liative care expert, told a Vatican conference in mid-November about working with a 35-year-old man diagnosed with a tumor near his spine that left him a paraplegic. It was only a legislative obstacle that kept him alive: He wished to die after a prognosis of three months to live, but euthanasia is illegal in the United Kil1gdom. Eleven years later, Finlay said, when the man's condition began deteriorating and his two children were grown, he wanted surgery and chemotherapy. Soon thereafter, his wife was diagnosed with pan-

A BOY who fled from the battle-torn Iraqi city of Fallujah carries bread at a temporary camp in Baghdad. Thousands of residents fled Fallujah in advance of an offensive by U.S. military forces aimed at driving militants from the city. (eNS photo from Reuters)

Hotel owners hope Bethlehem initiative drums up Christmas business By JUDITH SUDILOVSKY CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

JERUSALEM - Palestinian hotel owners said they hope a new Christmas initiative will return pilgrims to Bethlehem, West Bank, for the holiday. Nine Bethlehem hotels will offer a special deal for Christmas and the two days preceding it, offering double rooms and breakfast for $99 per person, with a $49 single supplement. The cost also includes Christmas Eve dinner. , "Bethlehem has been almost completely closed for the past two years, but now the borders are a bit easier for tourists to cross," said YusefDaher, executive director of the Arab Hotel Association, adding that Bethlehem has always been safe for pilgrims. "(The hotels) generally have had low occupancy, with only two percent the whole year, and during Christmas last year there was almost no movement at all." Although some of the public celebrations normally held at Nativity Square may be canceled or more subdued this year due to the November 11 death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, Daher said it would be a good opportunity for the serious pil-

grim to have a prayerful, spiritual Christmas experience in Bethlehem. "T~is Christmas will be meant for pilgrims coming to ' pray in the city," he said. The Vatican's representative to Israel and the Palestinian territories, Archbishop Pietro Sambi, and the custodian of the Holy Land, Franciscan Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa, were among Christian leaders who signed a recent proclamation pledging to commit themselves to promote pilgrimages to the . Holy Land. "Pilgrimage to the Holy Land is as safe as to other parts of the world.... (It) constitutes bridges of peace among nations," they said in the proclamation. At the signing, Israeli Tourism Minister Gideon Ezra said he plans to meet the Palestinian and Egyptian ministers of tourism in the coming weeks to promote travel to the area. Ezra has already met with his Jordanian counterpart in London, according to a Tourism Ministry press statement. More information is available by E-mailing the Arab Hotel Association at: info@palestinehotels.com.

: , crSl{fiejeancep'~I" "She went into hospice care and three months later died, with him in his wheelchair by her side," said Finlay, dean of the Palliative Medicine Departm~nt at Velindre Hospital in Cardiff, Wales, 'and a fife member of Britain's House of Lords. Many people involved in palliative care say working with the dying is th~ greatest affirmation of life. ' Father Tullio Proserpio, chaplain',of the National Tumor Institute in Milan, Italy; recalls an experience of visiting a 36-year-old woman at the insti-' tute. "She told me that she'd had nine operations, lost one leg and was back in because the tumor had metastasized to her lungs," Father Proserpio said. "I didn't know what to say. You cannot ask banal question~ to someone like that, so I asked her,

'Maybe the struggle is also giving meaning to all ofthis?' She said, 'Well, Father, there are a lot of bad things in the world. Someone has to suffer to contrast all of this badness,'" Father Proserpio said. "She had expressed to me a theological concept without ever having studied theology: the death on the cross. It is often the sick that give meaning to death and to life," the priest said. "Some patients have the ability to appreciate simple things that escape notice by most people," he said. "A 50-year old man said to me, 'I never understood how beautiful the sunrise was before.' This helps me regain my own footing in life." Dominican Sister Fernanda Nodera of Rome recalled a recent experience at a cafe in Turin, Italy. "When I was about to leave, one of the waiters asked me to put my hand on the photograph of his nine-year-old daughter, who three years earlier had a cerebral hemorrhage that left her in a coma for eight months," Sister Nodera said. '''Now she smiles,' the man said. 'She's in a wheelchair, but she smiles, and we're happy,'" Sister Nodera said. "Unlike supporters ofeuthanasia, they are happy with a spark of life," the nun said. Working with doctors can also be a difficult part of this therapeutic approach, said Francis Sullivan, director of the Catholic Health Association of Australia. "One of the greatest challenges is convincing doctors and nurses to make the transition from acute care to palliative care," Sullivan said. "There is a tendency to deny death, to continue to resuscitate instead of allowing people to die with dignity." "A conference like this is important in making the big shift to admit the death process ,and not consider it a failure," he said.

Vatican meeting reinforces Church commitment to palliative care By KRISTINE CRANE CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE ROME - A parent's worst nightmare, may be to watch a child's life slipping away and not be able to do anything about it. It is this situation that actor Robin Williams, in the 1998 film "Patch Adams," tries to relieve. The comedian plays clown and doctor deftly acting out a growing field in medicine: palliative care, a therapeutic approach to terminally ill patients that aims to dignify their final days and support their families. Scenes from this film and others dealing w~th death were shown at an international conference on palliative care sponsored by the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers last week. The Vatican conference brought together doctors and nurses, bioethicists, psychologists and social workers, along with representatives of nongovernmental organizations from 76 countries. Palliative care has roots in the Catholic Church, .said Father Jesus Conde, director of archdiocesan health care services in Madrid, Spain. "It must be clear that Jesus Christ is the prototype of a caregiver," Father Conde said. "No area of medicine is closer to the creed and practices of the Catholic Church than palliative care." The therapy, based on a multidisciplinary approach involving medical experts, social workers and'spiritual guides, does not aim to stem disease progression, but to ease pain, treat symptoms of serious illness and ensure patients a peaceful death. "Palliative care affirms life and considers death to be natural," said Dr. Cecilia Sepulveda, coordinator of the World Health Organization.'s Program on Cancer Control.

Cardinal Rodolfo Quezada Toruno of Guatemala City said: "Part of the duty of those who care for these patients is giving them the right to sacraments. We know from experience that a very simple prayer such as the Hail Mary is very comforting." "A person who experiences faith will find an authentic meaning in both life and death. Faith is an important element that allows transcending these (last) stages. It is not necessary to limit yourself to anger. This only guarantees a sad and angry death," the cardinal' said. Bishop Jose Redrado Marchite, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers, agreed, adding that the conference underlined that this the,rapeutic approach and the Church's role in it dignify the death process. "Medicine has its limits. The touch of a hand, look into the eyes, simply staying in silence with the ill person provide a lot of healing," Bishop Redrado said in an interview following the conference. The Church's own support of palliative care has been accompanied by clearly stated opposition to euthanasia. Pope John Paul II, in his 1995 encyclical, "Evangelium Vitae, " warns that in the eyes of many death has become a convenient option to a pain-filled life. After some training in palliative care, most health care workers no longer support euthanasia, and many who have assisted it actually have regrets, speakers reported. This is true of patients as well, said Pierluigi Zucchi, professor and director of the Institute for the Study and Therapy of Pain in Florence, Italy. He said in a study of 900 cases only one person asked for euthanasia after treatment with analgesic drugs.


Friday, November 26, 2004


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Continued from pgge one

contention in this country, and points out. ism, described by one theologian as worse, war, famine and ethnic ''First, the coming ofJesus in his- "the Trojan horse in the City of tory, as a partial fulftllment ofGod's God" has taken the place of faith cleansing in others," Kent states. He recalled that last month the promises ... confirms and strength- beliefs in countries once considered pope told nearly 300 representatives ens our hope," says Searle. "Sec- the backbone of the Church. of justice and peace commissions ondly, we differ from the Old TesCardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefrom 92 countries: "This is a time tament people because Jesus has re- fect ofthe Congregation ofthe Docfor a renewed social holiness, of vealed to us that God is not afar off, trine of Faith says the power human saints who show to the world and in but is already in our midst." beings now have to create, manipuAdvent, which marks the end of ' late and destroy human life in the the world the perennial and inexhaustible fruitfulness ofthe Gospel." Ordinary time in the Church calen- laboratory "is becoming a greater And in what seemed a message dar, heralds a beginning time to re- threat than weapons of mass defor Christians heading into Advent, , solve to do better. It is a time of mild struction." a compendium of the social doc- penance, vestments ofa more-bluer While the Church's faith and trine of the Church, dealing with the purple, less music and altar deco- hope is unchanging, the issues they complications of living a moral tife rations; of more fervent prayer. It address do change as the world in today's world with rapid changes invites us to live in an atmosphere changes, Kent asserts. "Stem-cell in environment, war, politics and offidelity and sacrifice. It opens up research, cloning, globalization, the business, among others, was re- a time to focus more clearly on our effects of a wired world; all were own faults and limitations, as we not thought of a decade or two ago. leased at that meeting. It could come at no better time, ready to welcome Jesus with joy Solidarity and social justice in the when hum,mity is called to not only and trust. era of globalization, the Church's In Sunday's second reading, Paul commitment to peac~,. J:19111~n reflect on the coming of the Son of God to redeem all mankind, but calls for action, "It is the hour now rights, consumerism.aa~l-lwmgeli­ how each of us, in "our generation," for you to wake from sleep. For our zation will not disappear by magic is to take up the responsibility given salvation is nearer than when we first from the world's agenda." Advent is the time to amend our at baptism to help forward the believed." He urges us to "put on the Savior's mission to the world in armor of tight; let us conduct our- lives, working to bring the Beatiselves properly as in the day." tudes to life in what we do, thereby which we live. But our world, wounded by hate affecting and bettering the lives of By reading the Old Testament we learn how much we are like the and violence, reveals its immaturity those around us. Sunday's Gospel people of the old covenant who had for recalling Christ's first coming as tells of two men (and two women) the courage to hope for big things, well as a fear of facing him at his doing the same task, one of whom like the unification of their people, second. Christ is no longer the main is taken to heaven and the other sent a fertile land, a healthy environ- focus, no longer the priority ofmany to eternal damnation. Love of God ment, peace, and an end to suffer- who claim to be among his faithful. and love of neighbor is what made In·the newly-drafted European the difference. You can't have one ing and misery. But they differ from us - with Charter, all history ofChrist and his without the other. And you need two notable exceptions, Searle Church have been erased. Secular- both to change the world.

At their November general meeting in Washington. the U.S. bishops... • Adopted "U.s. Catholic Catechism for Adults," sentto Vatican for confirmation. • Agreed to begin a National Pastoral Initiative on Marriage. • Accepted a proposal to join Cbrlstian Churches Together in the USA. • Received a report from their Thsk Force on Catholic BJshops and Catholic Politicians. • Decided to gather annual information on the number of.new sex abuse aDegadons against clergy and other church workers, the resolution of existing cases and the costs involved. • Approved streamlining the process for the 2005 diocesan audits related to sex abuse. • Ok'd changes in Spanish-language liturgical texts to incorporate important Latin Amerlcan rituals into U.S. church services for infant baptism, marriage and the "quinceanera>l

• Elected BJshop William S. Skylstad ofSpokane, Wash-, new USCCB president, and Cardinal Francis B. George ofChicago vice president. • Approved serles ofrecommendations aimed at limiting conference projects. • Agreed to an ad hoc committee to aid the church in Africa. • Approved a $129.4milllon budget for 2005. • Marked the 25th anniversary of their pastoral letter on racism. • Authorized a statement calUng on the United States and the intemational community to help stop tb.e violence in western Sudan's Darfur region. • Launched a $25 million capital campaign for the North American College in Rome.


Source: CNS l'llpOlt$

0 2004 eNS GrIphIa



Continued from page one

Pope John Paul n. The adult catechism must receive "recognitio," or confirmation, from the Holy See before it becomes official. The marriage initiative, approve~ by a 195-20 vote, will begin with a survey ofbishops about the issues they want addressed, followed by a symposium of theologians and social scientists, focus groups of lay people and sessions with pastoral leaders and bishops' conference committees,and lead to a pastoral letter on marriage in 2007. The proposal to join Christian Churches Together in the USA, which passed 151-73, marks the first time that the U.S. Catholic Church will be a partner church in such a national ecumenical body. The bishops also took up two proposals related to their "Charter for the Protection ofChildren and Young People." The gather-

ing of armual data from dioceses was approved by a 137-85 vote, while a related proposal allowing for fewer on-site inspections and more self-reporting in diocesan audits passed by a vote of 189-35. The Spanish-language liturgical texts approved were designed to foimally incorporate important Latin American rituals into U.S. Church services. . These include a blessing ceremony for the "quinceanera," a popular celebration among Hispanics that takes place when a girl is 15 to mark her passage from childhood to adolescence; an infant baptismal rite; and additions to the marriage liturgy that incorporate traditions popular mostly in Mexico, Central America and Puerto Rico. The bishops approved a $129.4 million budget for 2005 - 1.8 percent higher than the previous year's budget - and agreed to create an ad hoc committee to aid the Church in Africa. Bishop William S. Skylstad of Spokane, Wash., was elected to a three-year term as the new USCCB president, and Cardinal Francis E. George of Chicago was elected vice president. Opening the meeting, Bishop Gregory called the clergy sex abuse crisis "the greatest scandal that the Church in the United States perhaps has ever confronted," but he cited several "very ARCHBISHOP Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap., right, and healthy forces" that have Bishop George W. Coleman meet at the bishop's fall resulted from the bishops' meeting in Washington last week. (John Keams Jr. photo) handling of the scandal.

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Friday, November 26, 2004


TCMS students hold mock election TAUNTON - One of the computer labs at Taunton Catholic Middle School was recently transformed into a polling place for mock elections and students' from the school were among millions nationwide to participate in such a program. Technology coordinator, Rosemary DaSilva and some of her students decorated the area with political posters and bunting. Red, white and blue banners and streamers marked


the location where each student would come with a polling ticket to register their vote. Informational posters on all major candidates were on the walls just outside the lab. The results at the school for the Presidential race were as follows: Bush, 143; Kerry, 87 and Nader, 14. Prior to voting, students researched critical issues of the campaign and were given time to reflect on their own positions.

THESE STUDENTS, above, were among 75 from St.路Mary's School, Mansfield, who recently helped prepare a meal for the Pine Street Inn in Boston. They joined with parishioners to make the meal and because of their efforts several hundred hot meals were served to the homeless. Their teacher is Teresa Murphy. Below, first-graders show Teacher Teresa Murphy, their outfits for All Saints Day. Students from grades K-6 did reports on saints and many were in costume for a school Mass.

TAUNTON CATHOLIC Middle School students Abigail Alegi and Cameron McDonough debate the candidates for president prior to voting in the school's mock election.

. STUDENTS FROM Holy Trinity School, West Harwich, got a first-hand look at how .cranberries are grown and harvested during a recent visit to the Grew family's cranberry bog in Yarmouthport. Students, parents and teachers observed a wet harvest of the cranberries and heard several presentations. Pictured with studems are teach.ers Linda Sullivan and Anne Quirk.

FIFTH-GRADER Alexandra Mendonca of SS. Peter and Paul School, Fall River, displays a food box she helped decorate for food collection. Students collected food for the Fall River Community Soup Kitchen and Mendonca said she was happy that their efforts will help other children ~njoy a Thanksgiving dinner. ''There's nothing better than having dinner with your family. I am very lucky and I want others to feel lucky too."

Take a stress break By CHARLIE MARTIN OVER IT How could you know That behind my eyes a psycho'cried? And how could you know That I hurt so much inside? And how could you know That I'm not the average girl? I'm carrying the weight of the world, So can you get me out of here? Retrain: Take me away We'll jump in the car SECOND-GRADERS at St. Anthony's School, New Bed-. Drive 'til the gas runs out and I ford, above, work on a math project. The students in Cristina w~I~.soJaL.~路~: ,.; L Raposo's class estimated the weight of each pumpkin and . And we can't see this place how many seeds were inside. After the calculations, the stuanymore dents roasted the seeds for a tasty snack. Below, the same Take a day off class poses for a photo upon completing the maze at Escobar Give it a rest So I can forget about this mess Farms in Portsmouth, R.I., during a recent field trip. If I lighten up a little bit Then I will be over it. I'm playing the role of the happy girl, but no one knows Inside I'm alone, but I will never let it show I dread every day Too much work and not enough play Over and over ifs always the same But you can make everything OK. (Repeat refrain) Bridge: And when the world is closing in I can leave it all and just walk away I can always stan all over again I am closer to a better day. (Repeat refrain twice) Over it Over it I am over it (over it) Sung by Anneliese Van Der Pol Copyright (c) 2004 by Disney Lots of people give me suggestions for these columns - includ-


ing readers, teens I know and even my children. This week my preteen daughter gave her fatherwriter some guidance. She asked me to write about Anneliese Van Der Pol's "Over It." Van Der Pol appears regularly in Disney movies. This year she released her frrst recording. "Over It" is off the soundtrack to the Disney movie "Stuck in the Sub-

But just sitting around feeling bad is not likely to bring her fresh insights for solving her problems. . Her no-agenda, no-destination approach might leave her more lost than relaxed. She needs a more definite plan for her break I would encourage her to consider what kinds of activities distract her from doubt and worry. She needs to do something that she knows will renew her. For example, my daughter who suggested this column often t~es off for the stables to spend tIme with the horses. She knows that being with the horses helps her "lighten up." It also gives her time with an activity she loves. You might not be into horses, but pick something that fills you with positive energy when you take a break. When you feel "the world is closing in" you need to shake up your perspective. Then new ways of understanding are more likely to surface. What felt like "the weight of the world" might then seem manageable or at least much less overwhelming. urbs." Taking a break also allows you The character in the song says she is not an "average girl." She to acknowledge other important feels as if she's "carrying the parts of your life. Even when you weight of the world." She says, face a hurtful event, other benefi- . "I'm playing the role of the happy cial aspects of your life most girl, but .:. I will never let it show." likely remain. Getting some disHer solution to the situation is tance from your pain can help you to take a break from everyday re- rediscover what is working well. So, yes, take Anneliese's ad-. ality. She tells a friend: "Take me away. We' Il jump in the car, drive vice. Make a change and get past 'til the gas runs out and I walk so that bad mood. Ask God to guide far and we can't see this place you toward choices that lift your anymore." She wants to "take a soul, offering satisfaction and reday off' and ,"give it a rest." She newal. That might be just what believes that if she can "forget you need to get "over it." Your comments are always about this mess, if I lighten up a welcome. Please write to me at: little bit, then I will be over it." Her persistent painful mood chmartin@swindiana.net or at seems to have become a real funk. 7125W200S, Rockport, IN 47635.

a ",.. ... R0" ....J'k

My kind of deity By KAREN DIETLEIN CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE Want to understand God? Try being him yourself. I'm a devotee of "The Sims," a computer game that allows me to play God to entire neighborhoods worth of tiny virtual humans. Load up this fancy dollhouse for adults, and you're an instant deity, creating your chosen people out of bits and bytes instead of dust and ribs. In the game, you set them loose on a green suburban Eden complete with sylvan lawns, perfect forests and a bubbling brook (with appropriate sound effects). As art imitates life, so does the Sims player. The way we deal with our Sims in the game reflects the various ways our society thinks about God.

You can be Micromanager God, directing every movement of the Sims' lives with the agile hand of a puppeteer. Choose their job, their spouse and their furnishings, and then control everything down to how many seconds your Sim spends in the bathroom and whether or not he talks about politics or soccer at the dinner table. You can be a God of vengeance, meting out punishments to sinning Sims with a stem, unyielding hand. Did your Sim get demoted? Don't give her anything to eat! Stick her in a room without a'door, and start a frre - blammo, Sim cinders. You can make the Sims so tired that they collapse to the floor. You can be spectator God too. Stick them in a room to let them hash things out with no

guidance from you while you titter from the sidelines. If they starve, get into a fight, get divorced - whatever - it's

Coming of Age their fault. If their kids are marched out the door by the social worker, the parents deserve it. right? Of course, you can be Santa God ---,- otherwise known as Jeeves, the Divine Butler. The closest any of the Sims get to praying in this game is turning, looking up at the player and

waving their hands petulantly, with a little thought-bubble appearing over their heads depicting what they need. It could be entertainment, a new kitchen counter or a good night's sleep, but they expect you to provide their exact and every desire as Santa brings toys to children at Christmas - and, right away, thank you very much. Sometimes, it's easy to pigeonhole God, sticking him into little boxes to make his infinite mystery easier for our mortal brains to understand. And we want to understand God, almost more than anything else. I don't fully know God yet, but I sure know what he isn't: a dictator, a slacker, a butler or a scowling school principal out to bust me with a divine lightning

bolt for walking in the halls without a pass. Next time you're wondering how God works, try this one on for size: "Abba" God. This is the God Jesus knew - the God to whom he prayed when he was happy as a clam and the God he called upon at his lowest, darkest times. Abba God, whose name in Aramaic means "daddy," won't treat you like a marionette, but he'll never let you walk a hard, cold road alone. He has given you free will to make your own decisions. He will always be there to forgive when you mess up. He never will give you everything you want, but he will give you everything you need. Speaking personally, that's my kind of deity.

Archbishop says serving'in the,'military 'more than a'job'



Recalling the story of the good NORWICH, Conn. (CNS) ''Yours is more than a job," Arch- Samaritan, Archbishop O'Brien bishop Edwin F. O'Brien ofthe U.S. wondered how the good Samaritan Archdiocese for the Military Ser- would have responded'had he arvices told representatives of every rived 10 minutes earlier, while the branch of the anned services gath- victim was still being beaten. ''Would he have the obligation to ered at St Patrick's Cathedral for the Norwich diocese's Mass for military do what was necessary and only what was necessary to put an end to personnel. . "It is a call from God, a true vo- that unjust aggression?" Archbishop cation, a call to imitate the very life , O'Brien asked. ''Pacifism has never been a mainof Jesus Christ," he said. , ''Didn't Jesus Christ define him- streammovement in our.2,OOO years self as one who serves, not one'who ofCatholic tradition," the archbishop (is) to be served? And when you are said. ''Every war bespeaks a tragic outfitted in that unifonn this is your failure of humanity. Every human being - friend and foe alike - is vocation too," the archbishop said. He prayed for all military men made in the image and likeness of and women and thanked them. for God and to take a life leaves lasting DR. LAWRENCE WOLFE, chief of pediatric hematology/oncology at Floating Hospital of scars on the human psyche. their service. "The Church has always,chal<:Tufts-,New"Eng!§.nd Medical Center, Boston, will oversee the new children's cancer outpaAbout 700 people attended the diocese's 13th annual Red, White len~ed every p~ to re~ from tient services at Saint Anne's Hospital. Saint Anne's specially trained pediatric nursing staff and Blue Mass, celebrated by Bishop taking arms every. OPlIO~ has includes. Rebecca Moreira, RN, who also has painted the walls of the new sl:lite with childMichael R. Cote of Norwich. The been explored, he contmued. The friendly motifs and characters. . liturgy honored service men and Church sadly recognizes, however, women, on active duty and retired, that war is sometimes necessary. "And when all is said and done, as well as veterans, military auxiliaries and their families. It also com- the Church recognizes that the final memorated the lives of those who responsibility rests on the goodjudgdied in the line of duty, particularly ment of those who have the responthose from Connecticut killed in Af- sibility for the common good," he FALL RIVER - Citing the one of the "Best Doctors in pediatric oncology p~gram due to added. ghanistan and Iraq. need to provide area children with America" from 1997-2003. launch in early December will The archbishop also noted that he During his homily Archbishop "nurturing, patient-centered pediThe agreement is an enhanceserve many purposes. was unaware of any Mass in the naO'Brien explained just-war theory. Saint ment of the two institutions' longatric oncology services," "Our collaboration will allow us Whether in Iraq or Afghanistan tionsimilartoNorwich'sRed, White to utilize Saint Anne's community- . Hospit~J..has announced a . ,standing collaborations in pediatAnne's ' today, orin past wars, St Augustine's and Blue Mass. collaboration with the Floating ric care, as well as Saint Anne's based services in conjunction with ''Tap~'' The liturgy began with philosophy of''benevolent severity" Hospital for Children at Tufts-New 28-year comprehensiv~ adult can- the Floating Hospit&l for is as necessary now as it was in the followed by "Reveille." A p~s­ Children's Cancer Center's valuEngland Medical Center to provide cer care program. For many years, early centuries of Christianity, the sion featured bagpipe mUsic from the Anne's Hospital and area able cutting-edge therapies and outpatientservicesforGreaterFall Saint archbishop said. The idea behind the Mystic Highland Pipes Band. Next River children who require cancer- pediatricians, many ,of whom are gifted caregivers," he said. ''The phrase is that goodness can come- the Veterans of Foreign Wars .and on faculty at Tufts University dramatic success of Saint Anne's related care. and at times can only come - out military auxiliary groups processed . The collaboration the first of School ofMedicine, have provided Hudner Oncology Center over the of violence that is used as a last re- into the cathedral along with color its kind in southeastern Massachutraining for pediatric medical in- past two decades creates a similar guards, bishops, priests and deacons. sort to defend and protect others. setts - will enable area children terns and residents from the Tufts vision for our Pediatric Services." requiring diagnostic, weekly, or University School of Medicine and Saint Anne's adult oncology profollow-up cancer and hematology the Floating Hospital. The training gram, which began in 1976 as a care to receive comprehensive out- has allowed these students to leam one-room satellite office of the 1l0={][ED[Q)[E~[L patient diagnostic services and on- about caring for children in the fonner Boston University Medical site complex day therapy. The part- community inpatient, outpatient, Center and served 68 patients in S)u(Q)(C~DW~ nership will allow the Floating emergency, and medical office set- its first year, is now a comprehenHospital Children's Cancer Cen- tings, with special emphasis on the sive community cancer program ter to utilize Saint Anne's commu- medical and social issues that are offers complete medical oncology, 6 nity-based services, including its unique to community hospital pa- radiation oncology, and support A YEAR. $ emergency services, local doctors' tients. Many fonner Tufts medical services for nearly 2,000 patients $UJlBSCi.RPTIOW 11'0 offices, laboratory and imaging students have established practices each year. services, counseling, and trained in Fall River after completing their Wolfe also notes that the new oncology nursing, in conjunction own student rotations at Saint program will utilize Saint Anne's with Floating's advanced therapies Anne's. strengths in caring for children, and expert caregivers. Likewise, Tufts-New England including oncology-trained pediFill out coupon (enclose payment) and mail to: The first phase of the new col- Medical Center's Floating Hospi- atric nurses and experts in diaglaborative services will be a one- talforChildrenhasofferednumer- nostic imaging (including the The ANCHOR • P.O. Box 7 • Fall River, MA 02722 day-a-week comprehensive clinic ous specialty medical clinics for area's only positron emission tothat will offer diagnostic and fol- children at Saint Anne's. The clin- mography, or PET, imaging), 1 year $14.00 0 Foreign $25.00 low-up laboratory services; weekly ics, many of which have been of- emergency care, and clinical sochemotherapy treatment; one-day fered for nearly 20 years, have ex- cial work. PLEASE PRINT PLAINLY transfusions; radiologic studies; panded to include cardiology, deSaint Anne's Hospital President Name -:-_ and follow-up appointments after velopmental pediatrics, endocri- Michael W. Metzler also said that nology, gastroenterology, genetics, the new collaboration is a win for completion of treatment. Address _ The program will be overseen growth and nutrition, neurology, the children in southeastern Masand staffed by Dr. Lawrence C. pediatric rehabilitation (occupa- sachusetts. City State Zip _ Wolfe, chief of Pediatric Hematol- tional, physical & speech-language "Both Tufts-New England ogy/Oncology at The Floating therapy), urology, and weight man- Medical Center's Floating HosGIFT CARD SHOULD READ: Hospital for Children at Tufts-New agement. Since 1997, these ser- pital for Children and Saint England Medical Center. A gradu- vices have been offered through Anne's Hospital have long been From _ ate of Harvard Medical School, Saint Anne's Fernandes Center for committed to caring for patients Wolfe has been widely published, Children & Families, which pro- with cancer," said Metzler. "By Street City & State _ including The New England Jour- vides ambulatory evaluations, di- providing Floating's pediatric Parish to receive credit _ nal of Medicine, The Journal of agnosis, and treatment services to oncology services on an outpaClinical Investigation, The Jour- children with special healthcare tient basis, close to home for chilnal of Biological Chemistry, and needs, including complex medical dren who otherwise would have This Message Sponsored by the Following Cancer magazine He has also been problems, developmental disabili- to travel 50 miles to Boston, we Business Concern in the Diocese of Fall River the reapient of many awards and ties, and chronic diseases. hope to make their care and treatGILBERT C. OLIVEIRA INSURANCE AGENCY honors, including being named as According to Wolfe, the new ment a little easier."

.. ~\


Hospitals collab.orate on all-new local pediatric' oncol,ogy program

s)llilll [f[f [E[R(






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