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Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Nov. 26, 1964 Vol. 8, No. 48

© 1964 The Anchor

PRICE 10< $4.00 per Yea'

Tenth Annual Charity .Ball Jan. 6 At Lincoln Park The tenth annual Bishop's Charity Ball, where an evening of generosity and enjoyment will provide a year's assistance to the underprivileged and exceptional children of the Diocese, will be held at Lincoln Park on Wednesday evening, Jan. 6, 1965 with music by Ralph Stuart and offer special training and guid­ ance for exceptional children as his orchestra. Bishop Con­ well as hope and encouragement flolly's annu'al Charity Ball for their parents. This past Sum­

has become the outstanding social event of New England. Conducted under the auspices ef the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, the ball provides financial assistance for His Excellency's favorite chari­ ties - the underprivileged and the exceptional children of the Diocese. St. Vincent de Paul Health Camp provides wholseome rec­ reational and camp facilities for hundreds of children during the Summer vacations. Nazareth Hall in Fall River and Hyannis

mer a camp was conducted for these children. Continued help and generosity on the part of the faithful will enable Bishop Connolly to es­ ·tablish additional Nazareth Halls in other Diocesan communities. The need is great and the Char­ ity Ball offers all an opportunity to share in the good work. Tickets may be procured at each rectory in the Diocese as well as from representatives of the St. Vincent de Paul Society and the Diocesan Council of Women.

Bishop Donaghy To Offer' Episcopal Jubilee Mass

TO SERVE LEPERS: Emplaning for Cameroun, West Central Africa, where she win care for religious order of lepers, is Sister Helen Marie of the Poor Clares, right, saying good-by to Sister Mary Frederick, S.U.S.C. Sister Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Cullen of Mansfield, was former operating room nurse at Union Hospital, Fall River, and former member of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts. Congregation.

Pope .Reviews Conclusions In Session's Final Talk In a half hour discourse that climaxed the proclamation of a doctrinal constitution and two decrees and brought to a clo,oo the work of the third session of the Vatican Coun­ cil, Pope Paul referred to many of the topics that had worried, heated. perplexed or interested the world's bishops over the past three months. C H U R C H: The Pope to convoke and to consult at be determined, in order to have praised the bishops for determined times some of your around us the comfort of your having "studied and des­ number, venerable brothers presence, the help of your ex­ Turn to Page Sixteen cribed the doctrine on the (bishops), designated iA ways to Church, thus completing the doc­ trinal task of this Second Vatican Council ... ''This completed the First Vatican Council. SENATE: "The constant l'e­ currence of new problems in the modern world will make us even nlare disposed than we are now

Taunton Assistant Enters Air Force Chaplain Corps Rev. J'ames ;F. Greene, assistant at St. JQseph's Ohurch, Taunton, for almost four years, has been sworn into the Ohaplain Corps of the United States Air Foree with the rank of Captain. Father Greene has already received his orders to report to Kessler late Frank B. Greene of Swan­ Field, Biloxi, Mississippi, as sea, attended St. Joseph's School his first assignment. He will in Fall River, Case High School go through Chaplain School in Swansea, and St. Philip Nert

Most Rev. Frederick A. Donaghy, M.M. New Bedford­ born Maryknoll prelate, will offer a Solemn Pontifical Mass &f Thanksgiving in commemoration of his Episcopal Silver H~lIs Jubilee Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in St. James Church,' New Bedford. M t R J J ~ tioned at Boston College. osV G eVA' ~ml' es B'. h r- . Rev. Arthur G. Considine will d .., UXI Iary . IS op serve as deacon and Rev. Edward Bishop Connolly announced sometime in the futur~ rar, of the Diocese will be pres- C. Duffy' will be subdeacon at· today the purchase of Round Father Greene, the son of Mrs. ent. the Mass. Hills Farm, So. Dartmouth, Anne (Reardon) Greene and the The preacher at the Mass will Bishop Donaghy, Dorn Jan. 13, by the Society of Jesus of'

Jesuits Purchase Farm Round For Retreats

be the celebrant's brother, Rev. William S. Donaghy, S.J., former president of Holy Cross College, Worcester, and at present sta-

Turn to Page Fifteen

Catholic University The annual collection for the Catholic University of America, Washington, will be taken up this Sunday, first Sunday of Advent, in all the Churches of the Diocese.

the New England .Province. . The property was purchased from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and will be used by the Jesuit Fathers as retreat house for men of every age. However, due to necessary renovations, 'it will be 1965 be­ Turn to Page Sixteen


Because of the state of con­ fusion that exists, His Excel­ lency the Most Rev. .James L. Connolly, Bishop of the Dio­ cese of Fall River, grants a dispensation from the law of abstinence on Friday, Nov. 2'7, the day after Thanksgiving.

School in Haverhill. He contin­ ued his studies at Cardinal O'Connell Seminary, Jamaica Plain, and St. John's Seminary, Brighton. He was ordained in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, by Bishop Connolly on Feb. 2, 1961, and has been assigned to. St. Joseph's in Taunton since then.

Put Leper Appeal at Top of Christmas List, Urges Society for Propagation of Faith It's time for the annual flurry of Christmas shopping and happy plans for the holl.. day season. Time also for the annual appeal by the Diocesan office of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith On behalf of leprosy victims throughout the world. Do the two things seem contradictory? They shouldn't because a gift to the lepers has a way of outshining the most gaily a program organized by patients here are bachelors so wrapped package under the port Rev. Joseph Sweeney of the they cook food by themselves. tree on Christmas morning. Maryknoll Fathers, whereby During Winter time they cook And the giving heart has a such children receive schooling, in a room and many of patients

, I J' J 4'




way of being happier on that same Christmas morning. For who can hear without pity of the children of Korea whose parents have leprosy. These tots may have no infection, but they are outcasts. If they go to school, the other parents usually with­ draw. their children. Contributions from the Fan RiveI' Diocese have helped. sup-

food and clothing. They are checked twice a year for possible signs of leprosy and, writes Father Sweeney, "Of all who have gone out, only one has the symptoms. Almost stirely he will clear up with treatment and never know he had it." A typical clinic report from the Korean missions notes "Treated 36 patients. M~ lit

burned their hands when they cook (leprosy destroys sen­ sation). We always give them more medicines and food but still they have many difficulties which is very sad to see. It was severe cold when we visited them but they came to get treat­ ment."

TW'Il to Paf<e SeventeeR



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 26, 1964

Mass Changes On TV Sunday ,

Set First Sunday of Advent For Catholic University

NEW YORK (NC) - '''l''be New Mass," a special demonstra­ tion of changes in the Mass aa a result of the liturgical consti­ tution approved by the Second Vatican Council will be telecast from 1 to 1:30 P.M., Nov. 29 over the ABC-TV network. The program in the DirectiOJi '65 series co-produced by the National Council of CathoUe Men and the American Broad­ casting Co. public affairs depart... ment, will has as host John B. Mannion, executive secretary of the National Catholic Liturgical Conference.

Rome November 16,1964 Beloved in Christ: On the First Sunday of Advent, we make our cus­ tomary offering for the support of our Catholic University in Was'hington, D.C. This is, as you well know, the key­ stone in our whole school system. It was founded 75 years ago as a University in the strict sense of the word. Men and Women were to go there after College preparation to per­ feet themselves in some field of specialization. It is interesting to note that well over 2700 Doctoral degrees have been conferred by the university, mostly on priests, sisters and brothers destined to work in the general field of education. But latterly hundreds of laymen and lay­ lromen have taken their places in positions of importance bringing with them the stamp of approval of our Catholic University. During the past twenty-five years the student body has more than doubled, the number of buildings has doub­ led and the faculty has increased from 270 to 587. These statistics certainly are proofs, or at least indications of the important place held by our University in the hearts of our people, and of the growing prestige it enjoys on the national scene. But the test of worth is not in numbers so much as in the kind of graduate that is turned out. And by this standard we have reason to take pride in the proofs we ha~e of the great importance of what we do in sustaining and encouraging the solid programme for religious, scientific and social education adopted by the Catholic University. With all the expansion there lias been naturally in­ creasing expenditure. Not enough to build buildings, they have to be maintained. Not enough to count comfortably the increase of students and faculty, doubled and more in twenty-five years. They have to be given. benefits of en­ dowment, in one instance,and paid properly in the other. So it is increasingly important for us to support our Uni­ versity; The Diocese has done nobly in the past. I am sure it will continue in loyalty to uphold this tradition of gen­ erous interest in keeping the Church in the forefront in the field of education. Grateful for all you do and with a cordial blessing, I remain, Sincerely yours in Chrr

~~ ~6Zh;;::ff-Bishop of fa,~r :Rive:r

Overwhelming Vote Cast On Nature of Church Alter a vote showing nearty unanimous feeling con­ cerning the nature of the Church-2151 for, 5 against-­ the Pope proclaimed the dogmatic constitution in these words: "In the name of the Holy anq Undivided Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy previously is now expres­ Spirit, The dogmatic consti­ liv:ed sed; what was uncertain and not tution on the Church, which. clear, what was meditated on has now been read in brief and discussed and in some part in this sacred and universal Sec~ ond Vatican Synod, lawfully as­ sembled, has pleased the Fathers. And we, by the apostolic au­ thority given to us by Christ, together with the venerable Fathers in the Holy Spirit ap­ prove, decree and enact this constitution and command that what has been thus enacted in t'he synod be promulgated for the glory of God." It was pointed out that the eonstitution - though intention­ ally not infallible--was the "su­ preme teaching authority." The best' commentary on this doc­ trine is that through it nothing is really changed in the doc­ trine of the Church. What Christ wanted, we want also. What was present remains. What the Church taught for centuries we teach also. The only differ­ ence is that what was simply THE ARCHOI Second Class Postage Paid at FIll River. II1ass. "ubllshed every Thursday at 410 Hlghlano "venue. Fall River MaSs. by tile catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. • Subscription price IIJ mall. IIOS1PIIcI $+.00 Der YUf.

a point of controversy has now reached a calm formulation," the Pope s a i d . ' Decrees Two decrees were also pro­ claimed at ·the final session. The first was that on the Eastern Churches, which was passed by a vote of 2137 to 11. The decrees would be effective in two months (the normal wait­ ing period as established in Canon Law). However, in an obvious deference to the Pa­ triarchs of the Eastern Churches -who are mentioned promin­ ently in the Eastern Church De­ cree--the Pope granted to them "the faculty of reducing or pro­ longing time for a just cause."

Set Consecration

NEW YORK (NC) - Msgr. George H. Guilfoyle, named by Pope Paul VI as Titular Bishop of Marazanae and Auxiliary to Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York, will be consecrated a bishop Monday at st. Patrick's CathedraL


PHYSICIANS' PRESIDENT: Dr. Gerard P. J. Griffin of Garden City, N. Y., succeeds Dr. Clement P. Cunningham, right, of Rock Island, III., as president of the National Fed­ eration of Catholic Physicians' Guilds. NC Photo.

Pope tel Give 20 Speeches On Foul~.Day Visit to India VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI will arrive in Indja on the evening of Wednesday, December 2 and remain until noon of Saturday, December 5, according to the offi­ cial schedule released by the Vatican press office. During the visit Pope Paul is ex­ (Thursday) a reception will be pected to give at least 20 given by civil authorities of different speeches, all in Bombay and another by non­ English, officials said. Christian and Christian non­ The Pope will leave Vatican City by helicopter for Rome's Fiumicino airport, then depart on Air India jet at 5 A.M. About 8 hours later the airplane is ex­ pected to touch down at Bom­ bay's Santa Cruz airport, at 5 P.M. Bombay timE!. After an exchange of greeting with local Church and, civil au­ thorlties, the Pope will proceed by car to the cathedral, stopping briefly at the Congress Oval to bless a group of newly or­ dained priests. In the cathedral he will greet assembled women religious. Reception Planned The official day will close with a visit to the Indian gov­ ernment authorities. The ,following m 0 r n i n g

Necroltc)gy NOV. 27 Rt. Rev. Patriclt E. McGee, 1,948, Pastor, St. Mary, No. Attle­ bore. NOV. 2.8 Rev. Adrien A. Gauthier, 1959, Pastor, St. Roch, Fall River. DEC. 1 Rev. Phillipe Ross, 1958, Chap­ lain, Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford. DEC. :! Rev. Arthur Savoie, 1917, Pastor, St. Hyacinth, New Bed­ ford. Rev. Dennis W. Harrington, 1958, Assistant, St. Mary, ~aunton.

DEC. :J Rev. John W. MI~Carthy, P.R., 1926, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall River.

Catholic groups. Then Pope Paul VI will visit the offices of the congress and the students of the cathedral school, afterward meeting with members of the congress committees and attend­ ing a reception of the diplomatic corps. In the afternoon he will conse­ crate five new bishops in the Congress Oval. The same eve­ ning he will inspect two exposi­ tions at St. Francis' College, one organized by the government and the other by the congress, and then attend the Indian ballet performance sponsored by the congress. ' Friday Schedule The next morning (Friday), after celebrating Mass in St. Paul parish church, he will go to an orphanage, meet high school s'tu den t s attending Salesian schools, and visit a general hos"; pital and an institution for ju­ venile delinquents. In the afternoon the Pope will preside at a Mass in Syro­ Malabar rite, followed by the b1essing of the sick in Syro­ Malabar rite in the Congress Oval. The ceremonies will end with the Stations of the Cross. The Pope's last day in India (Saturday) will bgin with a Mass celebrated by the Pope in the cathedral for seminarians. Then ::J.e will fly by helicopter to the sanctuary of Our Lady of Bandra. Leaving for the airport by car the Pope will again meet author­ ities there, then embark about noon for Rome.

Michael C. Austin FORTY H10URS

DEVOTION Nov. 25-St. Catherine's Con­ Vel'lt, Fall River. Nov. 29--St. Anthony, Matta­ poisett. St. Anne, New Bedford. Dec. 1-8t. Margaret, Buz­ zards Bay. St. Bernard, AE:sonet. Our Lady of the Cape, East Brewste:r. Dec. 4-8t. Stanslaus, F a 11 River.




Mass Ordo :FRIDAY - Mass of previous Sunday. IV Class. Green. Mass Proper; No Gloria; no Creed; Common Preface. SATURDAY - Mass of the Blessed Virgin for Saturday. IV Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; no Creed; Preface of Blessed Virgin. SUNDAY-I Sunday of Aq.vent. I Class. Violet. Mass proper; No Gloria; Creed, Preface of Trinity. MONDAY-8t. Andrew Apostle.' n Class. Red. Mass Proper;' Gloria; 2nd ColI. of previous Sunday; Creed; Preface of Apostles. TUESDAY - Mass of previous Sunday. ill Class. Violet. MasII Proper; No Gloria or Creed; Common Preface. WEDNESDAY-8t. Bibiana, Vir­ gin and Martyr. ill Class. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; 2nd Con. of previous Sunday; no Creed; Common Preface. THURSDAY - St. Francis Xavier, Confessor. ill Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; 2nd ColI. of previous Sunday; no Creed; Common Preface. One Votive Mass in honor of Jesus Christ, the Eternal Higk Priest permitted. Gloria; 2nd ColI. of previous Sunday; 3rd ColI. St. Francis XaVier, Co~ fessor. Mass Proper; no Creed; COIIimon Preface. l

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. New. 26, 1'M4

CELEBRATES MELKITE MASS: Rev. James H. McCarthy, S. J. prepares altar vessels for Melkite rite Mass at St. William's Church, Fall River, as Msgr. Raymond T. Considine, paster, observes. Left, Father

Praises Stand On School Aid WASHINGTON (NC)-A na­ tional spokesman for Catholic education has hailed the action of the American Federation of Teachers in endorsing govern­ ment support for parochial schools. Msgr. Frederick G. Hochwalt said the stand taken by the 100,­ OOO-member A. F. of T. is in line with the argument that "dis­ eriminatory legislation would seriously hamper freedom of ehoice in education." Msgr. Hochwalt is director of the Na­ tional Catholic Welfare Confer­ ence's Department of Education. The A. F. of T. endorsed gov­ ernment aid to both parochial and public schools in a resolu­ tion adopted by its executive eouncil. This· was a reversal of the organization's previous stand. The resolution said Federal aid "must reach the child where he is." Federation president Charles Cogen said that the resolution was dictated by emergency con­ ditions in education. Spokesmen said the A. F. of T. is planning a large scale effort to obtain Federal school aid.

Former Hoop Star

University Trustee

ROCKVILLE CENTRE (NC)­ Thomas E. O'Brien, erstwhile college basketball star and now hean of a fund raising consult­ ants firm, has been reappointed trustee of the Catholic Univer­ sity of Puerto Rico, Ponce, P.R. O'Brien' was a cage star at St. Francis College, Brooklyn. In 1936 he captained a team which reached the Olympic play-off finals in Madison Square Garden New York. He resides here in Long Island with his wife and eight children.

22 New Chaplains In Armed Forces

ROME (NC)-Francis Cardi­ nal Spellman, Military Vicar for the Armed Forces of the United States, announced that 22 priests have recently entered military service, five of them from the diocese of Brooklyn. The cardinal made the an­ nouncement in connection with an appeal for more chaplains made at the annual meeting of the U. S. bishops held here. He stressed that the various branches of the service need 200 priests at the present time.


McCarthy at celebration of Mass. Right, Rev. James A. McCarthy ot St. William's assists in distribution of Holy Communion under forms of bread and wine. The District Council of Catholic Women attended the Mass.

Vernacular ~iturgy in Apostolic Tradition, States Jesuit Celebrant of Melkite Mass "Our tradition of the vernacular liturgy goes back to the Apostles," said Rev. James H. McCarthy, S.J., after celebrating Mass in the Melkite rite at St. William's Church, Fall River, for the District Council of Catholic Women. The Mass was said in English and Father McCarthy explained that were he inFrance, he would have said it in French and when he goes to Baghdad, his to know what the Catholic mission assignment, he will Masses." Father McCarthy views cele­ Church is," he stated. "I want say it in Arabic. bration of Melkite rite Masses them to realize that it isn't only District Council members for Roman rite Catholics as a Roman, but Byzantine, Alexan­

Pope Lauds Radio During Broadcast VATICAN CITY (NC) -Pope Paul VI, speaking over Vatican radio, has hailed radio as "one of the most wonderful conquests of science, technology and the organizing capacity of man in our times." "It is nothing but an unfore­ seen and happy meeting between the human intellect and the laws and forces of nature-that is to say, that universe which is the work of God the Creator," the Pope continUed.

at St. William's, with but a min­ means of showing the diversity drian, Antiochian, Armenian and imum of instruction from Jesuit of the Church. "I want people Chaldean as welL" scholastics accompanying Father McCarthy, sang Mass responses. Holy Communion was received standing, under both species, that of bread and of wine. Although Sunday was the last after Pentecost for Roman rite 'Catholics, it was the Feast of Philemon for Melkites, said Father McCarthy. There .is a period of preparation for Christ­ mas, he noted, but it is not called Advent. Byzantine Catholics Melkites are Byzantine Catho­

lics, members of one of 11 rites

within the Byzantine branch of

the Eastern Catholic Church. In

the Middle East, the Americas

and Australia, Melkites number

some 375,000.

Father McCarthy, who was or­ dained in June, was assigned to the Jesuit missions in Baghdad several years ago and as a scho­ lastic taught in the Society's Baghdad institutions. Returned to the United States for further study, he is preparing for return to Iraq, where he will teach so­ . ciology at Al Hikma University. Five Jesuit scholastics from Weston College accompanied Father McCarthy to St. Wil­ C~

liam's. They served Mass, sang,

and aided in explaining the lit­ urgy.

Father McCarthy's family is originally from Fall River, al­ though he was born in Boston. "But all my relatives are in this Diocese," he said. Humbly and gratefully do we offer thanks for the blessings The.young Jesuit wears a tiny of faith and health and strength, and for the imperishable Russian cross in his lapel. "It gifts of love and hope ... We give thanks also for our freedom shows my identification with the' lVIelkite rite," he said, "but as a nation •.. for the heritage of liberty, for the tradition of I have permission to celebrate ')ur founding fathers. May God continue to bless us and guide us. either Roman or Melkite .rite


Bless Us,

Lord, and These Thy Gifts.




Guild to Meet Fall River Catholic Guild for the Blind will meet Sunday afternoon in st. Joseph's School. The meeting will follow Rosary and Benediction in the church beginning at 2:15.



Durfee Trust


Fall River •


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 26, 1964

Petition Separate Patriarchate For Ukrainian Catholic Church

The Parish Parade


ST. PETER'S, DIGHTON "A real St. Peter's style sup­ per will be held at the Dighton Elementary School at Segregan­ set on Saturday, Dec. 5 from 5 to 7:30 in the evening," Rev. William O'Reilly, pastor, has an­ nounced. "We will have all kinds of meat for the hungry," he said. Tickets for the affair, which will be under the auspices of the Holy Name Society, will be available at the door. OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION, OSTERVILLE Women's Guild members will contribute articles for baby layettes in place of exchanging Christmas gifts. Items will be brought to the December meet­ ing. Mrs. Philip Bernier and Mrs. Leo Flaherty are co-chair­ men of a greens sale scheduled for Friday, Dec. 18 at House and Garden Shop in Osterville. OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, NEW BEDFORD The PTA will hold a members' Christmas party Saturday, Dec. 12 in the school hall, with the trimming committee meeting the previous day day to decorate. In 'place of exchanging gifts, mem­ bers will bring a toy for distri­ bution to parish children. Next regular meeting will be held in January. VISITATION GIDLD, NORTH EASTHAM A Christmas party is an­ nounced for Saturday, Dec. 5 at Hillside Grill, County Road, Eastham. In charge of reserva­ tions is Mrs. Evelyn Babbitt. The unit will sponsor a Christ­ mas penny sale Friday, Dec. 11 at the church hall in North Eastham. Members are asked to donate two gifts or trading stamp books. HOLY REDEEMER, CHATHAM The annual Christmas fair of the Association of the Sacred Hearts will be held from 10 to 2 Saturday, Dec. 5. A public supper will be served :from 5 to 7. Both events, will take place in the parish hall. Mrs. Jerome Soles is general chairman, with Mrs. Jenie Cordoza in charge of the supper. OUR LADY OF VICTORY. CENTERVILLE A Christmas bazaar is slated from 10:30 to 3:30 Saturday, Dec. 5 by the Women's Guild. Chair­ men are Mrs. Peter Ostrander and Mrs. Donald Nickulas. HOLY CROSS, FALL RIVER The . PTA plans its annual Christmas party for Saturday, Dec. 19. Reservation deadline is Tuesday, Dec. 1, and chairmen are Mrs. Evelyn Szulewski and Mrs. Helen Uchman. ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Women will hold its annual turkey whist Saturday, Dec. 5 with Mrs. Alexander Blanchette heading a large committee. Fudge and Christmas articles will be available and a planning meeting for the whist is an­ nounced for Thursday, Dec. 3 in the rectory hall. ST. PATRICK, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will spon­ sor its annual Christmas sale and supper from 10 to 10 Satur­ day, Nov. 28 in the school hall. Supper, featuring ham and beans, will be served from 6 to 8. Booths will include cakes, white elephant, handkerchiefs, candy, country store, ceramics, handmade articles and aprons, games, Christmas items and a b9ttle table.

DETROIT (NC) - Ukrainian Catholics'of the Byzantine Rite under jurisdiction of St. Nicho­ las diocese, Chicago, are being' asked by their pastors to sign petitions requesting Pope Paul VI to establish a separate patri­ archate for the Unkrainian Cath­

olic Church.

SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER Campfire Girls will hold a Christmas party at 7 Friday night, Dec. 18 in the school ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Women announces its annual Christ­ mas party for Sunday, Dec. 6 at HearthstoneInn, Seekonk.

The petitions were initiated by Bishop Jaroslav Gabro of the Chicago diocese. It is expected Ukrainians in the Byzantine Rite Sees of Philadelphia and Stamford, Conn., as well as those in Canada will also join in the petition drive. According to Msgr. Michael Bochnewich, pastor of St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic church here, there is no set number of signatures being sought nor is there a deadline

ST. JOHN BAPTIST, NEW BEDFORD The CYO will sponsor a har­ vest dance from 7 to 11 Satur­ day night, Nov. 28 at the parish center on County Street. A turkey raffle is planned for December. ST. JOSEPH, FALL RIVER CYO Juniors will sponsor a Thanksgiving dance from 7:15 till 10 tomorrow night. The Women's Guild Christmas sale is scheduled from 6 to 9 Thursday, Dec. 3; from 2:30 to 4:30 Friday, Dec. 4 for children of the parish; and from 10 to 6 Saturday, Dec. 5. Boy Scouts are selling tickets for "Big Mamie" throughout the parish, in cooperation with area efforts to bring the battleship to Fall River. SACRED HEART, NORTH ATTLEBORO A father-daughter Communion breakfast will be sponsored by the Holy Name Society Sunday morning, Dec. 13. The CYO Good Will Club will meet at 4 Sunday afternoon, Nov. 29 in the school cafeteria. SACRED HEARTS, NORTH FAIRHAVEN Corporate Communion for the Ladies of st. Anne will be held at 9:30 Mass Sunday morning, Nov. 29. The unit's monthly meeting will be held at 7:30 Monday night, Nov. 30, in the large parish hall. Brother Joseph of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles will speak. Reserva­ tions for a Christmas party will be taken by Mrs. Ferdinand Auger, Mrs. Leo Fleurent or Mrs. William Centois. Members may bring friends to the party. NOTRE DAME, FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Women will meet at 7:45 Monday night, Nov. 30, in Jesus Mary Audito­ rium. A business meeting and calendar party will be held. In charge are Mrs. Edmour Poirier and Mrs. David Patry. Mr. Poirier will show slides of Council activities. HOLY REDEEMER, CHATHAM The Holy Name Society wel­ comed Rev. Paul Price, SS.CC., as its new spiritual director and pastor of the parish. The officers for the coming year are: Robert Atwood, presi­ dent; William Cotter, vice presi­ dent; Albert Kolodzik, secretary; Joseph Orlando, treasurer. HOLY ROSARY, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will hold its annual Christmas party on Monday evening, Dec. 7, at 7 o'clock in the Church hall. A buffet dinner will be served, gifts exchanged and an appro­ priate program presented. Mrs. August Petrucci, presi­ dent, has announced that the Guild will sponsor a trip to the Don Orionne Home in Boston on Sunday, Dec. 13. Busses will leave the Church at 2:15. Mrs. Petrucci, Mrs. Albert Roy and Mrs. Vincent Staibano are taking reservations for the trip.

set for their compilation. Besides the Western Patriarch­ ate of Rome, there are today

four other major patriarchates in

the Catholic Church - Alexan­

dria, Antioch, Jerusalem and


If created by Pope Paul VI. the new patriarch would -encom­ pass some six million Ukrainian Catholics living in Europe, North and South America and in Aus­ tralia. The Ukrainian Church has three archdioceses, seven dio­ ceses, five apostolic exarchates and three apostolic visitors throughout the world. Bishop Gabro's letter which will accompany the petitions to the Vatican outlines the growth of the Ukrainian Church since its founding in 988 A.D.


PRE S S CHAIRMAN: Archbishop Law:r en c e J. Shehan of Baltimore, new chairman of the N.C.W.C. Pre s s Department, w a's chosen by his fellow Bishops for membership on the N. C. W. C. administrative board at a' meeting of the U. S. bishops in H.ome. NC Photo

Probe Forl'll1otion At Mercy Meet Five Sisters of Mercy from the community's provincial house in Cumberland, R. 1., which staffs Sisters of Mercy convents in the Fall River Diocese, were partici­ pants in a Sister Formation Workshop held this month at Mercy Generalate, Bethesda, Md. The four day workshop con­ sidered broad aspects of Sister formation and provided oppor­ tunities for supervisory person­ nel to evaluate efforts, pool ideas and discuss achievements in connection with preparation of a Mercy syllabus of spiritu­ ality. Speakers discussed psycholog­ ical aspects of Sister formation and the role of Sisters of Mercy in today's world. Qu,estion peri­ ods a::ld group discussions fol­ lowed. Outcome of the workshop will affect some 1500 Sisters in for­ mation in the nine provinces of the Sisters of Mercy and in Jamaica and Argentina, said commanity officials. Privincial Representatives Representing the Povince of Providence at the workshop were' Sister Mary Nathaniel, mistress of novices at Cumber­ land; Sister Mary Emily and Sis­ ter Mary Rosalia, president and dean respectively of Salve Re­ gina College, Newport; Sister Maria Cordis, mistre!IS of juniors at the community'~: house of studies, Riverside, R. I.; and Sis­ ter Mary Ida, mistre:;;s of postu­ lants at Cumberland.•

HER LIF'E IS NOT HER OWN. IT BELONGS TO GOD'S POOR in Karik-kattoor, soutb INDIA. "I am tbeir servant," she says quietly. "To bring them to Christ, one must live Cbrist, not talk about )lim." • • • Prayerful common sense is Sister Bosco's secret wea­ pon:The children sbe teacbes, an of them poor, win help make tomor­ row's India ••. Completely worn out, sbe will sleep tonigbt on a packed­ mud Ooor, (there are no beds) in a tbatcb-roofed, mud but, wltb seven other Sisters of the Sacred Heart. Tomorrow morning, rain or sbine, Th, Hoi, P.th_'s Mission AiJ tbey will trudge to Mass three miles lor th, Orie"t.l Church away ... Tbe Sisters need a convent ($1,600), witb a chapel of their own ($900), of course. Tbey also need eight classrooms ($300 each). Tbe penniless poor they give tbeir lives to can dve the Sisters nothin2" in return . . • Won't you give whatever help you can? You may give the convent ($1,600), or the chapel ($900), or a classroom ($300) all by yourself, if you wish, in memory of those you love, and name it for your favorite saint. No gift is too small ($1, $2, $5, $10, $20). For years to come, the youngsters and Sister Bosco will remember you in their prayers. FOOD-FOOD IS SO SCARCE in India lit's being rationed In Kerala State) the Holy Father's agency is distributing canned foods (2,000 tons), wheat and flour ll,700 tons), clothing ll.OOO bales), and medicines, to the poor .•• Like to help? Tell us to use your gift ($10 will feed a family for a month) "where it'. needed most." VESTMENTS-FOR USE DURING THE EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS in Bombay this week, the Holy Father has donated 500 copes and stoles. They'll be given to poor parishes in India after the Congress closes . . • In memory of a loved one, or as a token of affection for someone still alive. I"ive new Mass vest­ ments ($50), a chalice ($40), a year's supply of candles ($20), or aitar linens ($15), to a needy mission chapel. We'll send a GIFT CARD, It you wish. CARDS-HAVE YOU SEEN OUR CHRISTMAS GIFT CARDS? They combine your Season's Greetings with a gift to the missions in the name of the person you designate. You simply select a gift, send us the person's name and address with your donation-and we do all the rest. We'll send that person a GIFT CARD, in time for Christmas, indicating what you have done . . . Here are some gifts to select from: Mass kit ($100), altar <$75), medical kit ($75), monstrance ($40>, ciborium ($40>, tabernacle ($25), sanctuary lamp ($15), pyx ($15), saint's picture ($15), sanctuary bell ($5). PERSONAL TO R.V.-YES, WE HAVE THE NAMES 01 hundreds of young girls in India. who need financial assistance in order to become Sisters. The cost of the two-year training for each is $309 altogether ($150 a year, $12.50 a month). S~mply write to us. She will pray for you, and you'll be part of all the good she does. TOYS-THE SISTERS AT OUR ORPHANAGE in Bethlehem, Christ's birthplace, need help at Christmas for 42 little girls. Your gift ($1, $2, $5, $10) will fill innocent hearts with happiness. Dear Monsignor Ryan: Bnclosed please find .••••••••••. for ••••••••••••••••• Nama•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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THE ANOfOR Thurs., Nov.· 26, 1964

Pope To Send Golden. Rose To Fatima

Council Communion For Vincentians The annual corporate Com­ munion of Particular Council of Fall River, Society of St. Vin­ cent de Paul, will be held at the 8 A.M. Mass at St. Williams' ChUl:ch Sunday, Dec. 6. Following the Mass breakfast will be served in the parish hall. Many rich indulgences may be obtained by all who attend the annual corporate Communion and the general meeting which will follow the breakfast, Presi­ dent Edouard W. Lacroix points out.

VATICAN CITY (NC) At the conclusion of his discourse after the proc­ lamation of the Vatican Council's doctrinal constitu­

tion and decrees, as enacted

.in the Third Session, Pope Paul paid a special honor to the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal. The Holy Father revealed that

He was about to send a special

mission to Fatima "to carry a

golden rose to the sanctuary * * •

dear not only to the noble Portu­

guese people-always, but par­

ticularly today, dearest to us-­

but also known and venerated

by the faithful throughout the

entire .Catholic world."

"In this manner," he said, "we intend to entrust to the care of this heaveinly Mother the entire human family with its problems and worries, with its lawful as­ pirations and ardent hopes." The golden rose is a traditional sign of personal tribute by a Pope to a nation, organization, or members of a particular Church. The gesture of sending it to tfte Portuguese shrine at this particular time struck many Vatican observers as a gentle answer by Pope Paul to severe criticism fro m Portuguese sources of his upcoming trip to India in early December to at­ tend the International Euchar­ Istic Congress in Bombay.

Delay Dialogue

With Rome

RHODES (NC) - Spokesmen for the Orthodox Churches an­ nounced at the conclusion of the third pan-Orthodox conference here that the "dialogue" to be held with the Roman Catholic Church will be delayed for two years or more. The two-week meeting on this Aegean island closed with a sol­ emn Liturgy (Mass) in the Church of the Annunciation and with the reading of a message to Orthodox Christians through­ out the world. Whereas the second confer­ ence, last Fall, reached agree­ ment that the 0 r tho d 0 x Churches should open a dialogue with the Church of Rome, the message stated that there are not yet "appropriate conditions" for such a dialogue. Unanimous Decision The decision for the delay was said to have been unanimous. It was understood that representa­ tives of Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras I of Constantinople had initially opposed the delay but had agreed to go along with the wait-and-see policy of the Slavic Orthodox delegates. Metropolitan Nikodim, head of the delegation representing the Patriarchate of Moscow, had stated publicly that any formal conversation with the Catholic Church should "await the con­ clusion of the work of the Sec­ ond Vatican Council."

NameThree Laymen To School Boards

BLESSES RINGS: Bishop Gerrard blesses class rings for juniors at Holy Family High School, New Bedford.

Urges Colleges to Practice Ecumenism Cardinal Cushing Stresses Ever Widening Effort NEW YORK (NC)-Richard Cardinal Cushing said here Catholic colleges must widen their contacts with secular in­ stitutions of learning "for our own good as well as their." The cardinal urged what he called "sducational ecumenism" in a speech accepting from Iona College its lay trustees award as "a church leader who has con­ tributed significantly to his fel­ lowman." Iona is located in sub­ urban New Rochelle. "I would hope," the cardinal said, "in the years ahead that all of us would multiply our con­ tacts--professional and personal -with those learned people, who under other auspices see the same truth that is the object of our striving. Nothing but good, as L judge it, can come from an ever-widening effort in educa­ tional ecumenism." Claims of Freedom The cardinal also offered a second consideration for Cath­ olic colleges in "these days of change and development in the life of the Christian Church." He said the "claims of freedom upon the world of scholars" needs to be emphasized. "Just as it is a critical issue in the Church and the world, so also is it vital to the health of sound education," he said. "We cannot, - even with the

Diocesan Visitor New Bishop VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Holy See has announced that Rt. Rev. Ladislas Rubin, rector of the Polish College and Seminary in Rome, has been named a Bishop and appointed Auxiliary to His Eminence, Stefan Cardi­ nal Wyszynski. The new Bishop­ Elect will have as his responsi­ bility that of caring for the many thousands of displaced Polish Catholics in the world. In this capacity he he succeeds Arch­ Josef Galwina, recently de­ ceased. Bishop-Elect Eubin who vis­ ited the Fall River Diocese in July of 1963, is a seminary classmate of Rev. Adalbert Szklanny, assistant at St. Pat­ rick's Church, Fall River.

Plan To


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Good Pope John; however, brought it back into our thinKing in bold Christian terms, remind­ ing us of its central place in au­ thentic Catholic teaChing." "We know that liberty is not li­ cense, and no one urges anarchy in education or elsewhere; but we have, if experience is a test, a good deal less to fear from that direction than from its opposite. Anyone of us, if the occasion re­ quired, could fill in the blanks here without going very far back in our own history," he said. lona, operated by the Chris­ tian Brothers of Ireland, is a lib­ eral arts college for men mark­ ing its 25th anniversary this year.

best intentions,put forms on the intellectual life which keep it rigid and controllable; its nature is to be free, and unless it is gen­ uinely free, it is a mockery of its true self," he said. Central Place "For a long time," he saId, "we have been afraid of the word freedom and its implications.


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BELLEVILLE (NC)-Laymen were named to advisory status on two diocesan Catholic high school boards as Bishop Albert R. Zuroweste adopted a new policy for the Bellville diocese here in Illinois. Three laymen were named to Assumption High School board of East St. Louis and three to the newly-opened Althoff Cath­ olic High here. Catholic Charities of the dio­ eese also has a layman, James Maue, as its director, succeeding Father Edward Reeb of Hecker,



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THE ANCH()~-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 26, 1964

Advent Offering



Thinking and Thanking The "thinking person" is the "thanking person" not only at Thanksgiving but every day. The Vatican Council's Constitution on The Church dis­ cusses in beautiful and pastoral language the nature of the Church and of the various members of it-Pope, Bishops, laity, Mary. Some non-Catholics have expres,sed disappointment that the role of the Pope was set out with emphasis on his place as Vicar of Christ and successor of Peter and-hence--as the one possessing full and supreme and universal power over the Church with full freedom always to exercise this power. Some have expressed dismay that the Pope chose to use his power to proclaim Mary as Mother of the Church and in other ways in the course of the Council's deliberations.


Assistant Director

Latin American Bureau, NCWt


"WHAT CAN I DO?" What Can I· Do: Ray Shcroeder of Texas asked himself this question and he found the answer by becom­

ing a Papal Volunteer CYO di­ rector in Lima, Peru. WHAT CAN I DO: Brother And yet,. the Church must be true- to herself, to the Phillip Harris of Brooklyn asked nature given to her by Jesus Christ. And the place of the himself this question and he Pope in the Church cannot be watered down or disguised found the answer in organizing if truth is to be served. Nor would non-Catholics wish it a training school for Franciscan Tertiaries anxious to do overseas this way. They donot want the Church to do anything but mission work. to tell them, in language that they understand and fully WHAT CAN I, DO: Marlene appreciate, what she is. The rest, the hope that there might O'Brien of Maine asked herself be the eventual reunion of all Christians, is the work of the this question and she found the Holy Spirit acting in the minds and hearts of men. answer in gathering groups of women to wrap bandages for the Men can remove prejudices. Men can set forth clear Catholic Medical Mission Board. explanations of doctrine. Men can distinguish the essential WHAT CAN I DO: Father that cannot be yielded from the non-essentials that admit Michael Lies asked himself this question and he of compromise and change. Men can both give and receive found the an­ expressions of charity and brotherhood. Men can agree on swer in giving common areas of activity. By REV. RO:BERT W. HOVDA, Catholic University up his Kansas pastorate and But men cannot change what God has ordained. And giving himself the roles of the various members of Christo-Pope, Bishops, TODAY-St. Sylvester, Abbot. kingdom of God, makes some of to full - time laity, Mary-must be what Jesus Christ wills them to be. "And what of us who have for­ us Christians uneasy. Our hope PAVLA re­ A fuller appreciation of the various roles can always be had, saken all, and followed thee?" and expectation has too .often cruiting. These but there can be no essential·change, no departure from the (Gospel). Whether "forsaking" been caricatured, made to ap­ f 0 u r people­ means to divest oneself of things pear as an escape from this laywoman, Will and command of Ch'1-ist. or to see things in their true pro­ world and this worid's affairs. layman, priest, Yet nothing is more essential to brother - from This may be a h~rd saying many, indeed most, non­ portions, the difficulty of wrest­ . a. genuine Christian life and to f 0 u r different ing this kind of freedom out of Catholics. But they neither want nor expect Catholics to .an existence threatened by in­ genuine Chrisiian thought than locations' in our country found . water-down their beliefs. And Catholics cannot do this. a keen appreciation of our doc­ numerable slaveri(~s and servi­ four different answers to the trine of the "last things." tUdes is obvious. question many people ask them­ This should not cause hard feelings or resurrect past' So it is with us j,n the Church­ selves: what can I do? There iI!l MONDAY-St. Andrew, Apos­ memories of unkindnesses on both sides. It should rather today. Freedom to follow Him tle. We honor another of that something everyone can do-and make all men more convinced that the work or reunion is is obtained only by self-disci-· first group of highpriests in the do it within their own present a work of God to which men must give themselves with pline, an asceticism of reform. priestly Church of Jesus' disci­ small or large world. The Council'shows us the way. What can I do resolves itself ples-those who received the purity of purpose and holiness of life and the utmost, respect in its constitution on public wor- . charge bf ministry from Christ's' ' into: what ne~ds to be done. The for truth. . ship, by forsaking some ofihe­ own lips and mind and heart. needs of, the rest of the world trapRings of centuries and po~nt- , So the Mass is particularly present a vast, unsurveyed field ing up the essential Gospel 'in concerned with preaching and sprinkled with dazzling oppor­ ,clear and simple t(!rms. tunities for those who wish' to teaching, with that function TOMORROW - . Mass as on which belonged to the apostles' help. .The' Peace Corps, the 'A wise man once said that a "thinking person" was Sunday. The Christian's sense· in so, special a way but also be­ Thanksgiving Clothing Collee­ also a "thanking person." Thanksgiving Day gives proof· of history, his awareness that longs to the bishops who come' tion, the Care Packages, the Ship Hope-all are an answer to our ' the future is mOore important after them. of that. The use of English as the for- . question; all mean of a giving of than the past, should help It is easy at this time of year to give a litany of reasons him, make that contribution to mal language of worship for' ourselves of our goods. Any for giving thanks-reasons in the ,realm of bOth the spiritual the future which is demanded ' much of' the Mass is new to us talent, any interest can be fo­ cused on the needs of the world. ' by the Church's present will to. these days. and the material. But is seems hardly necessary. WHA';l' CAN I DO: the ques­ reform and renew itself. TUESDAY-Mass as on Sun­ tion resolves itself into .what The Christian looks toward day. In the Gradual and Offer­ Any pers<>n who thinks finds for himself the reasons the last coYhing of the Lord,· tory Hymns we hear that "there must i do. In'light of the Council to gi~ thanks to God and to those around him. no one can' belOlig just to his toward the completion of time, are many who are waiting for The important element in any Thanksgiving thinking and of history (Gospel). It is a your .c~ming, and none shall be parish,or his. diocese, but we an of fruitfulness and growth. difjapp,Qinted." It is not an idle belong to the world Church. H is that thanks should be effective. Simply to acknowledge vision (in the language of the First waiting to which the Christian' the Church suffers in Latin that God has g·ranted favors can remain only a ritualistic Reading), enamor,ed of coming is calied by tile season and by. AmericaIt Buffers in New York; thing unless the thanks shows itself in present and future fulfilment rather than past the Gospel. It.is not 'a matter of if it suffers in .Tennessee it suf­ conduct. A thanking person thinks of God often and shows achievement. sitting around \ whiling~away fers in Rome. If the people next door had ST. MARY ON SATURDAY. time. An active expectation is· it in the course of his daily life. . Perhaps we can hear this Gos­ what Christ expects of us, what no place to sleep, no food to eat, no clothes for w.armth or The same is true of the thanking person's family. He pel lesson as a contrast, too, be­ he demands of us. This is precisely why the' personal privacy, no electricity appreciates them not only in the sentimental setting of a tween satisfaction with past achievement - "Blessed is the Council's reform of our public for heat or light-if they had Thanksgiving Day family scene-good and praiseworthy womb nothing would there be a see­ that bore thee, the breast worship, beginning with these and delightful as this is-but throughout other days, when which thou hast sucked" - and slow steps of vocal participation ond's hesitation on your part as kindness and understanding and patilmce are a great deal living, vital response to present and liturgical English is so con­ to what to do. What you would do then you must do now. and future challenge-"Blessed cerned about animating us, harder to come by. Whether on the next continent are those who hear the word of. about building up our faith or the house the neighbor is through understanding and par­ God, and keep it." As the English words echo un­ ticipation, about engendering in still our responsibility. Prayer (our first oblig:j.tion familiarly but meaningfully to­ us a real commitment and a and our greatest gift); personal morrow, it is not satisfaction but missionary spirit. responsiveness we need. WEDNESDAY - St. Bibiana, involvement (can open your FIRST SUNDAY OF AD­ Virgin, Martyr. An investor home to a foreign student); aid (Catholic Relief Services feed VENT. "The night is far on its lookin'g for land, a trader millions with your monies); in­ course. Day draws near" (First searching for pearls, a fisherman terest (get accurate information OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Reading). We enter upon four working at his trade-these are about Latin America and don't weeks of intensive advent hope the figures proposed as examples . repeat the old ·cliches); enthu­ Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River and longing, four weeks which to us who honor the saints. In­ were once considered the end of dustry in terms of the world's siasm (do any of the programs 410 Highland Avenue

the Church's year. As the year work is no handicap to our that you assist have a Latin Fall. River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151

American theme).· began, in that ancient view, with growth in holiness. We must in­ , PUBLISHER These are some of the things the feast of Christ's birth, so it deed be able to discriminate must end with this season's em­ between what is more important you can do. Latin America is the Most Rev. Ja".'es L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. phasis on his comIng at the end and what is less important-we one Catholic continent in the GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER of time. must be able to recognize "the world. When you help Latin Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll This focus on the last things, kingdom"-but it- is here in· America you help the Church, MANAGING EDITOR on creation's fulfilment in the work and life that we find it' . the Latins' and as in all giving Hugh J. Golden you help yourself/ realized and fUlly manifest • • 4< and nowhere else.

<ThnO'lA.CJh the Week With the ChlA.nch


The Church



Stang Students Observe Kennetlv

Assassination Anniversary

With Day, of ' Prayer

Thurs., Nov. 26, 1964


Offer Preparatory

Training by Mail

Joining worldWide observances of the first al1ntve~ry of the assassination of President Kennedy, students and faculty at Bishop Stang High School in North Dartmouth dedicated last Friday as a day of prayer for the repose of hisdsoul.h Appropriate prayers T be 'h d aunt on a t an a 11-school assem­ an a ymn gan tear. bly. ,They included Paul Guay, Report cards are much In ,senior class president· Albert the news just now and at Pepka, student coun~il vice­

DEDHAM (NC)-You would not call it a correspondence school for future priests, but a new plan of preparatory sem­ inary training launched by a missionary group here uses monthly correspondence for stay-at-home students. Conducted by the Society of African Missions with seminary headquarters here, the new Stu­ dent Missionary Program leaves boys at home where they receive handbooks and special prayer books to chart their growth in the ideals of the missionary community. Participants correspond once a month with priests of the so­ ciety who are their personal directors. Each Summer each boy meets with his director and other boys taking part in the program for a week-long retreat of intensive training.

~gr. Coyle High in Taunton president; Thomas Ross, student the honor roll lists as recipients council president; and several of high honors seniors John class representatives. Following Holgerson, Michael Toolin and the ceremony, Mayor Friedman Albert Pepka. ' spoke on the responsibilities of Walter Sylvia and Ed~ard public office. "Silvia are junior high honors Junior sodalists at Mt. St. students, while Michael Folong, Mary's will visit nursing home Kevin Hart, William Holgerson, patients "in keeping with the ';William Mansfield, Michael Rose spirit of Thanksgiving." Juniors and Richard Tonry represent the also visit St. Vincent's Home in sophomore class. Fall River every Saturday, playMost numerous are freshman ing and talking with the young high honors winners. They are residents. ' Lawrence Costa, Jerold Pepka, Nancy Cornaglia heads the Ronald Silviera, Paul Kings- Cassidy High Sports Club, which bury, Ro~ald Rusconi, Emile has intermural and varsity bas­ Davidzok, Stephen Bandlewicz ketball, volleyball and softball , Coyle's junior prom is an­ ,fohn Hurley, Stuart Silliker: on its calendar for the year. 11 nounced for Tuesday, Dec. 29 at Mark Viveiros, Thomas CouFeehan students are hearing -the Cotillion Ballroom in Taun­ lombe and John Zrebiec. speakers from nearby colleges ton. Additionally, two seniors, six an? universities as a part of the And Fee han basketball WHAT OF FUTURE? Guidance material is perused players juniors, two sophomores and gwdance department's compre­ will meet Prevost Tues­ seven freshmen merited honors hensive program. Already heard by seniors at Bishop Cassidy High School, Taunton. From day, Dec. 1, then challenge St. and 18 seniors, nine juniors, six have been representatives of the left, Mary Holmes, Theresa Stankiewicz, Susan Rayment. Xavier's of Providence on Thurs­ sophomores and eight freshmen U. S. Coast Guard Academy, day, Dec. 3 in a home game. were on the honorable mention Providence College, the Frank­ ast. lin Institute, the U. of Mass., gridsters, and the seven who'll juniors, 12 sophomores and five Both girls' and boys' teams from both schools will compete Dec. 3. Science Club Boston College and Bryant Col- be doing it today are Michele freshmen. Freshman student councillors Koehler, Ann Reilly, Jane Mc­ Science Club officers at Mt. lege. In charge of seeing that Latin Scholars at the. Attleboro school are 'St. Mary Academy, Fall J;Uver, seniors in particular consult Govern, Bernadette Murphy, SHA Fall River is proud of Kathy and Brian Frost, James ,are Elsie Pelton, president; Pa.,. with admissions directors of as Nancy Cornaglia, Betsy McCar­ Ellen Demetrius, Nancy Regan Capaldo, Donald Joubert, Jeff thy and Joan Griffin. tricia Selleck, vice-president; many institutions as possible is and Mary Anne Demetrius, , Mules and Michael Whalen. Cassidyites also attended the ,Kathleen Flanagan, secretary; Sister Mary Frederick. ' who've merited trophies for , Cassid3/' Mission Club presi­ traditional Thanksgiving assem­ Visit Wareham . Nancy Picard, treasurer. de~t is ~ancy Vogt and sodality bly at Coyle, which featured a their scores in a national exam offIcers mclude Lucille Brennan, And at Bishop Cassidy In National Honor Society chap­ sponsored by Auxilium Latinum. tribute to President Kennedy, . Taunton debate club officers in- ter representatives from several ~refect; Jacqueline Cabral, jun­ glee club selections, a skit and a They gained 115 points of a pos- I~r prefect; Denise Courcy, seriior ,clude Pauline Lee, president; Diocesan highs were in Ware­ sible 120. ' Cornelia Duffy, vice-president; ham last week for a regional ' band feature, "Sixty Years of VIce-prefect; Danielle Guay and Pop Music," Band director is Honor Society students at Janice Masse, secretaries' and ,fudith Keefe, secr~tary; and meeting. Among them were Ger­ Brother John Niedl, C.S.C. Holy' Family have sponsored a Susan Larivee, treasurer. ard Goulet and Roger Lizotte of Andela King, treasurer. " Mt. St. Mary sophomores made lunchtime cookie sale and have The entire faculty of Attle- Prevost and Paula Powers and Back at Feehan, faculty and also prepared a school calendar students will offer Mass on Fri­ boro's Bishop Feehan High is Ellen Demetrius of SHA Fall Thanksgiving happier for sev­ for the benefit of everyone. eral needy families by prepar­ planning attendance at the ail- River. Plans were made for a day, Dec. 4 using the new ru­ nual Mercy Education Confei'- Spring meeting and for projects ing and distributing baskets of _ Monique von Trapp is stude~t brics. Msgr. Thomas F.' Walsh ,ence at Bay View, East Provl- on which several schools 'could food. Sophomores organized the of the month at' Dominican will be celebrant and' Rev. Joproject, but every homeroom Academy, selected by the stu­ 'seph Powel'S, Feehan chaplain, dence this Saturday. Each year work together. more than 900 Sisters of Mercy Several freshman homerooms participated, each being respon­ dent council and approved by will p~each. Twelve priests, rep­ sible for one basket. At Feehan t~e fa:ulty. A sophomore, Mo­ from the Providence and Fall at Bishop Stang have' named of­ resentmg all area parishes, will River Dioceses meet at this: con-' ficers, completing the roster of a similar project was sponsored mque IS a grandchild of the fa­ surrollnd ,the altar. by the sodality and baskets were mous Baroness von Trapp. Her ference to discuss and consider' " class leaders. professional progress. Partici':' Holy Family debaters traveled distributed through the 12 area father, who used to sing with parishes. ' pants are teachers, nurses arid to a Melrose' tournament recent­ the Trapp Family, is a physician social workers. ly, winning 17 debates and losing Sister Helen William; fornier ~n Adamsville, R. I. :following Maybe Sister Mary Urban and seven. Members also attended a Holy Union Sister who is join­ In the same line, Monique would Sister Mary Frederick know the tournament in Shrewsbury. And ing the Poor Clares in Africa, like to be a medical secretary. secret of bilocation, for they are SHA Fall River defeated Case 'spoke to Cassidy students re­ Also at DA, Cathy Sullivan',s also listed to attend the New High on the currently-in-the­ cently, explaining African cul-' England Conference on Educa,;, news topic of Medicare. Nega­ ture and demonstrating singing GTO team defeated Arline Bel­ tional Research, to be held to- tive winners were Margaret and dancing Used at MaSs in the anger's Mustangs ,to win the an­ NEW BEDFORD morrow and Saturday at Rhode Pruitt and Mary Ann Demetrius, community which she is joining. nual volleyball intramurilI tour­ ney. Island College.' while affirmative champs were Some 30 Feehan students will 'INDUSTRIAL OILS Joint Meeting Susan Nunes and Leslie Bishop. take the annt,lal Betty Crocker Sodalists from Prevost High Nine Dominican Academy stu­ Homemaker test Tuesday, Dec. 1. HEATING OILS and Jesus-Mary Academy, both dents are "sharpening pencils They'll compete with students Fall River, are planning a joint and wits," reports Lucille Boil­ throughout the state and 'nation TIMKEN meeting to which parents will ard. They're preparing to enter for top awards of college schol­ be invited. Recent changes in an oratorical contest sponsored arships. OIL BURNERS' the Church and the reasons for by the VFW and will speak for Highest honors at Prevost them will be discussed. three minutes on ''The Challenge Tomorrow the Seventeeners' of Citizenship." Eliminations at have gone to Geriird Goulet, sen­ " Sales & Sery.;ce Club of Sacred Hearts Academy, DA will narrow the field to one ior; Roger Lizotte, Leo Talbot Paul Blais, Robert Lacourse' Fall River, will hold the first girl, who'll represent the school juniors; Paul'Dextraze, Robe'rl SOl COUNTY STREET AND WEEKLY BUDGET of its annual dances; Theme will' in area competition., Lambalot, Edmund, Tremblay, be "Betwixt." President of the Tests of another kind occu­ ENVELOPES NEW BEDFORD club and dance chairman is pied DA commercial 'students, Gabriel Andrade,- Paul Carrier, Write or Phone 672-1322 Susan Reid. who took aptitude tests recently. Normand Martel, sophomores·' Paul Lizotte, Gilbert L'Italien' WY3-1751 South of the border music has Purpose was employment place­ Wilfred Michaud, Jean Poisson: . 234 Second Street - -Fall River been floating from Holy Family ment following graduation. Ronald Petrin, freshmen. High in New Bedford lately, Parents' Nights High honors went to two sen­ where Sister Marie Bernarde's Faculty at Coyle and' Prevost Spanish students made Spanish Highs recently met stUdents' Ors, three juniors, four sopho­ mores and six freshmen; while musical instruments. ''They had parents at special programs dur­ to be workable," notes Reporter ing which new teaching and honors were merited by four Gloria Harrington. Senors y se- marking methods were ex­ , Rt. 6 at The Narrows in North Westport Iloritas also had to report on the plained and individual students history of their chosen instru- weI' e discussed with their ments. mothers and fathers. State Senator Mary Fonseca ,And Derby Day was held yes­ Where'l'he addressed students of Dominican terdayat Coyle, with students Entire FamilJ' Academy, Fall River, at a recent wearing the distinctive hats all assembly, answering 'questions, day. Purpose was boosting of Call Dine on mechanics of,government, the school spirit for the' annual Commercial • Industrial

Economieally part women play in the legisla- Thanksgiving Day football game, Institutional

ture, the system of checks and between Coyle and Taunton Painting and Decorating

balances, reapportionment, and High. other matters political. Excitement over the game ,is Fall River OSborne 2-'1911

For Reservations Student Council officers at Just as high at Bishop Cassidy Coyle High were Installed by as at Coyle. Girls there provide Phone OS 5-7185 135 Franklin Street Mayor Benjamin Friedmaa oi the cheerleading impetus to the



Now' Printing






Family Restaurant


,lHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fat! River-Thurs. ,""ov. 2', l'96'4

Red Cross . Louck

-Real Friends Exchange Favors

Gladly, Not 0_" Tit-for-Tat Basis

Louis1iano Nun ABBEVILLE (NC) - Like all answer to the bewhiskered "it.'lI an ill wind" adage, Sister Anne Catherine of the Dominica. Rural Missionaries has endeared herself to inhabitants of, this rural area recovering from ~ fury of Hurricane Hilda which stormed through Louisiana iAo late September. I One of few nuns employed bY, the Red Cross, Sister Anne Catherine has been assisting with relief work in Vermilion Parish (county). Abetted by her knowledge of French plus her social work background, the nun has helped process some 5,000 cases involving assistance tota1-o ing some $30,000 to needy fam­

By Mary .Tinley Daly A politician said recently, "I never ask, or grant a ~aIl favor." This is understandable, propably, from' a s~1f­ seeking point of view': i.e. "If I do something for you by George, it will be something you'll remember-reme~ber well enough to pay back in . kind." In other words, it is new project we are undertak­ sort of like a bank deposit, ing?" or "Would you come and to be dra}Vn against "upon meet a group of recent con­


request," a tit-for-tat arrangement. Unfortunately, this carrieS over to a certain ext e nt, in t 0 .:elations most ,of us have with relatives, friends, associates, neighbors: "She borrowed a cup' of sugar from me, so I fee I perfectly free to ask' her for a couple of eggs"; "They invited us to a dinner party so we must ask them to dinner, not a cocktail party mind you, but dinner"; "Uncle Pete borrowed money from us to get his business started but do you think he'd ever offer to lend us money now that he's doing well? Not on your lif.e!"; I wouldn't ask her for a favor if my life depended en it. "1 don't want to be under any obligation!" 'Real' Friend On the other hand, we are' all blessed with a few-for some of us, a very few-real friends, whether blood kin, business associates or whatever, where this tit-for-tat arrangement is utterly disregarded on both sides. One of these friends, rarer than rubies, more precious than diamonds, happens to be a priest with whom we have exchanged favors for many years. If books had been kept, we are sure we'd be on the debit side of the ledger, all down one page and well into another. Somehow, though, we never think of "being under obligation" to him when we call him up and ask, "Father, please pray (or say a Mass) for a special in­ tention"; "Father, will you speak at a Communian Breakfast for our daughter's class?"; "There's a young couple having trouble, Father, and we think you might help straigten them out. We told them you'd see them. When may they come?" Or, "Father, I'm stuck on a piece I'm writing. Any ideas?" And even, "Father, you know ears. ".What do you think of ...... ?.. If, it is humanly possible for Father to say yes, he does so gladly and joyously, almost as though we were doing him the favor by this assumption of his willing friendliness. This really is assuming of friendship, not presuming thereon. On the other hand, now and then Father will ask, "How ~ould you like to write a little piece for the papers about the

World Organization To Hold Conference PARIS (NC) - The World "nion of Catholic Women's Or­ ganizations will hold a confer­ ence in Bombay, India, Monday, Dec. 7, following the 38th Inter­ lIational Eucharistic Congress, it was announced at its headquar­ ters here. WUCWO is a federation of

Catholic women's organizations on five continents. Each national organization has the approba­ tion of its hierarchy, and the fed­ eration has a cardinal protector and chaplain appointed by the Holy See. The National Council of Catholic Women in the United States is an affiliatfo


Happy to Have His Trost

We are happy to be asked, to

realize that this is a two-way

street, that we may ask or grant

favors of all sizes and kinds

favors balanced or uneven.' ,

This is how the dictionary

defines "favor": "Benevolence

shown by word or deed; an act

of grace or goodwill as distinct

from justice or remuneration."

Matter of fact, this priest has

the same happy relationship

with literally hundreds of other

people: young and old, high and

low as the world regards status.

"We're all just folks" is the

matter-of-fact way he passes it

off when any of us try to thank

him. Not for him the high­

sounding phrases to describe

true Christian charity and love

for one's fellow-man.

We have all heard the phrase,

"a sermon in stone" applied to

architectural excellence; and a superlative piece of music de­ scribed as "a sermon in sound." Father, though he delivers many a pulpit sermon in the ordinary course of his ministry which cover a quarter-century, nevertheless immensely' aug­ ments his "sermon in friend ship" by a cheerful answer over a telephone: "Why, sure, I'll be glad to (whatever it is)." Not all sermons begin with, "Dearly Beloved" and end with "May God bless you." Some start with "Hello" and finish with "0. K.!" This is the way our friend, Father Sebastian, O.F.M. Cap., performs. He is "a truly happy man" as Mrs. Valerie MacNees writer for The Catholic Stand~ ard, commented. . We , and hl'S coun tl ess f' rlendB, add our "Amen!"

Completes 50 Years­ As Church Organist NEWARK (NC)-Fifty years of service as an organist in the 'same church is, to say the least, a noteworthy event. That's the record Mrs. A. Frank Aloia has achieved at St. Rose of Lima Church here ift New Jersey. As a girl she was encouraged by her uncle, a Benedictine priest, to study mu­ sic. She began her service at the console of the church organ in November, 1914. Through her world of sharps and flats one daughter followed Mrs. Aloia's lead, and now Mrs. Andrew Huber has been the or­ ganist for 23 years at St. Joseph's Church, Maplewood. Another daughter, Mrs. Owen B. Mc­ . Nany, tried, but after five years of piano lessons her dream of being an organist went flat.

ilies. Top needs ar-e relief for re­ building or repairing houses damaged in the storm and re­ placing household furnishiD31 "gone with the wind." Her work has drawn high praise from Robert Hotop, Red Cross area director, and Mrs. Eileen Wolcott, case superviso.. Said Mrs. Wolcott: "She haJf added zest and, life to this office. We are fortunate in having her.-

MARK SHAKESPEARE ANNIVERSARY: Marking the 400th. anniverllary of Shakespeare's birth, students at St. Joseph Preparatory School, Fall River, present scenes from selected plays. Portraying roles in Hamlet are, from left, rear, Denise Dufour, King Claudius; Gertrude Fragoza, Queen Gertrude; Pauline Gagne, Guard; front, Pauline Lamgert, Ophelia i SimQnne Dufour, Hamlet.

Years Nebraska Nun, 81, Attains Citizenship

Following Many Delays

OMAHA (NC) - Sister Anna Bohn finally made it--she's now a full-fledged, A No. 1 citizen and just as American as apple pie. Ever since she came to this eountry 60 years ago, fell in love with it and decided 1.0 stay, she intended to become a citizenbut one duty after another in the Religious of the· Sat:red Heart deterred her until now. The 81-year:'0Id nun is supervisor of housekeeping at Duchense College for women here. She directs a staff of 4 nuns and 20 lay women in the job of keeping the college clean--and when needed she frequently pitches in with a dust mop, a cloth or a can of wax, and works. Nun Since 1!105 In her native Austria back in 1904 she became acquainted with

Offering 'fOU

3 Savings Itlans

Home Financ:ing



Famous Reading HARD COAL


640 Pleasant Street

NOTRE DAME (NC)-Fathet' Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C., president of Notre Dame Uni­ versity, set the cornerstone of Lewis Hall on the universi't7; campus. The four-story building, a gift of the Frank J. Lewis Founda­ tion of Chicago, will accommo­ date 140 nuns studying for ad­ vanced degrees here. The build­ ing .will be completed ned spring, it is expected.

Rivier Alumnae New Bedford and Fall River alumnae of Rivier College wi. meet Jan. 14 at the home of Mrs. Octave S. Pimentel, 137 Deane Street, New Bedford.


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a group of American children who were attending a school operated by the Religious of the Sacred Heart in Vienna. When the Americans started home, they brought her along as a traveling companion. First there was a trip through Europe in­ eluding Russia, then on to Cali­ fornia. She intended to go back to Austria, but fell in love with America and stayed. She joined the sisterhood in 1905. On several occasions, espe­ cially during the World War, she applied for citizenship but, somehow, never got around to completing the process.

Notre Dame to Build Nuns' Residence ' •

~R~'" ~~ $. e\~ J,,_:,

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Tel. WY 6-8271


New Bedfonl


. .


quickly available to people· who are buying or building a home and want ...ortgage loan suitable to their requirements.

Why not stop in and let ws give you the important details. at will cost you nothing to inquire or ~Ie an application. NEW BEDFORD

FIVE CElTS SAVINGS BAlK Purchase Street, Betweeri: WjJliam & Union Streets

~o~'sJImeto T~ink ~f Bi~~t . :. rlari' Baking of H,r~', ~ '<' ~"~j}~'


Thurs., Nov. 26,

. ByM~ and lo~e"f . ~.

ma4.•,:.1il-....,..... rn..' .

Father McSwiney. Circle, Hyannis Daughters of Isabena, will have as regent for the coming year Mrs. Herbert Coombs. She will be assisted by Mrs. Mary" santos, vice-regent; Mrs. AlfrecI Vi.ua and Mrs. Vincent HOstetter, secretaries; Mrs. John Mc-

(Note to ill... plallDiDc te 'Cake for whieJI the reeIpe was )tvea. " 'DIe' 'ADehoi- for Nov. the correct _unt ef _tier . . . . iII',-..-,rier pound. The amount of I/C lb. was ~ . " " , )



There is no accurate way to determine the ~ value fIf birds to a gardener, but,there is no question that birdsdo play a 8ubsmntial role in insect and weed control At a ~rne when the use of ehemical cont1"OlB is being questioned. the practical value of natural . :':' ' agents is 'WOrth Considering. cooking. TIle homes In BrenI try to use a eombination of thaDha 011 the Island of at. both in my garden.

Connell, treasurer.

Kother Cabrini Circle, Buzzarda Bay area Daughters Of Isabella. has named Mrs. Hazel

regent., She u mpported by Mrs. ~I'raher, treasurer amfMrs. Diane Cremonini and Mrs. Ida Gigson, secretaries. New Beaton! tJDlt Hy8clnteh()racle, New Bedford Daugh.teis of Isabella, will hold aChri$nas bazaar from 1:30' ~ 7. saturday, Dec. 5 at :a~ly Name'Hall. Also on the cil'ele'~ agenda are a bean mpper add -. ClftistDlas party for children of St.M'ary's Home, New Bedford. A, business session is set for Tuesday, Dee. 1 and a s0cial gathering for Tue8dq, Dee. 15.


Michael,. ~ ;Joe'. people co~ ~ have .. huge ~ OvellS bum into the wan. and they. do Df)t ~ a ~ poundll oflJ,our When,doJDtr the baJdD& as_ 00,- bUt ,fD8tead 1iae lIaeb of ,it. TIle eustom. of Ii~ ~. breads to friends ~ neJlbbon has earried over to

Birds are easily attracted to a .-Men. All tbat is needed is anacceptable food supply, water Itild a reasonably conststent ~g BCbedule. I begin feeding blrds as -«IOn as it getll cold, usually in late October or November, and continue until frdrly warm weather arrives in ~~try. tile Spring. 1 mix wild bird aeed"- reeipe was given to me aacl sunflower' seed with stale bY~. Mary Fari_ of st, bread and table scrap! and occa- John s Chureh In- Central ViITO MISSIONS: Students at Anne·s School of aiODally raiJdns and peanuts. Not !age, Weiltport. If any reactera NUl'8ing, F~ lUv«, ~heane for program, "Through the having feeders. I throw the food of ~ Anchor 'Would.like to Ages:' to be presented at 8 Tuesday night, Dec. 1. in St. en the lawn about 20 feet from sendm their favorite recipes we tile house. Fortunately, no eats wouJ;d be glad to try them and Anne's a ~ From left, Carol Cizek; Lucille Thevierge, Patricia Ellen, Dolores Costa. Program will f~tu,re dances;' ave bothered the birds. publUb as DUID7 - we can. folk singing by student nunes, Polish specialties. Proceeds' Birds also like suet, which I 5 ~ benefit miss-jons in Latin America, Africa and Iraq. pt from the comer grocery at 1 ¥.r .o.cost. I melt the suet and. poUr 6 eggs • Ng&r It mto ~aper cups contai~ a 1, qt. milk ' II,ttle bird seed, After It has ¥.r 1b butter Ilardened sufficiently in the re,,~ , . ..... fr' 1~ T: salt u-.gerat or, I remove it ',om 2 '<iak:es 01. ,.-east Negro Educator Charges IndiHerence ~ cups an,d add small amounts 11 . cu'p' 'of '-"';;" ter (105- ' , Toward National Problems to the food dally. ;~) -ou&U wa ,. 111, Every moming during the The Nia"ht before Baklaa' 'ST. LOUIS (NC) ,- ' A Negro " "'College adminlstrators mmrt Jrmter I plaee some water In a 1 Di 1 educator said here AmeriCan become more courageous in their piastic basin on the lawn throw . ISO ve yeast in warm water. . th .a__.. ., 2. Melt butter In a saucepan, college students, on the whole,- relationshipS' With' the - comtIown e ...uuu. and watch the, eet aside to cooL ' are apathetic to national prob- munity," Ervin said. "Students C:ti='to~ 3. Beat the eggs and sugar to- lems like povefty, the Negro re- must accept some of the chal. during tbegarden season if they ~her until light and lluffy. volt, education in depressed lenge, too." ate fed consistently during the 4. Sift Bour and BaIt together areas and, the radical right. -rakeD to Clawreh' Winter. Do not begin to feed and put In the largest bowl John B. Ervin,' dean of inErvin, a Baptist and a mem• you do not plan to continue you ~ave, an old enamel disbstruction at Harris Teachers throughout the Winter because pan IS excellent for this purCollege here, told a student as- ber of the executive board of . IIeIIlbly at Femtbonne Colle,e. it the St. Louis Metropolltan tile birds become- dependent on ODe feeding site and will starve I. dd the dissolved yeast. the is up to the colleges to correct ChurCh Federation, asked his ,.., the feeding is discontinued. egg-~ mixture and the this aWtude. Fontbonne, a Catholic audienee: "Do you un_ _ _ "'U_Wo e001ecl melted bll~ to the women's colleit'. is condueted by derstand what it me~ t? be ... .-. ......_en dry ingredients. the Sisters of st. Joseph of religioua, 01' are you still being 'taken to church?' Can you take Now that the hoRday seasoa. is 8. While mixing well with your Carondelet. yC!ur religion full-strength or Ilere we begin to prepare for hands (here's a chanee realq Ervin, who holds a doctorate must you be spoon-fed? Have aose eelebrations and custo~ to get a feeling of the dough) that make each_ Christmas a very, "slowly add tepid milk to from Columbia University, New you reversed' the theological personal one. In a previous col-, the 'flour mixture until the York, and ill nationally known as precept to love people and use -.no I spoke of native customs dough u of working coturia- a speaker, listed three basie things, by using people and loveauses for student indifference-- ing things?" and recipes being discarded,' tency. a widespread climate of non" well, now. u the time to revive' '.Mix and knead In the bowl involvement; a continuing prethem. It IS especlally during a, for about 15 miuutes occupation with material sucIlolida~ season that the lack of. Cover and let rise o'vemight cess, and a strong desire for NO JOB TOO BIG a speCial sense of preparation in a warm place. Dough should respeetability rather than 'the leaves a void. double in size. If you cover chanenge and strain of being NONE TOO SMAU , Florenee Berger In her e~- dough, dust the top lightly with different. . eelleD:t book Cooki!lg for. ~rlst flour to prevent sticking to the • Apathy among students," he explains the loss this way. Most ClOvering said, "suggestll the irrelevancy .American families threw their . lIPiritual and social traditions The Next MomlDe: of organized education. In far PRINTERS Into the sea when they left 1. Preheat oven to 400' too many institutions, there 18' Main OHice and Plant aurope. They no longer wished J. Grease pans wen. Round Blore concern for content thaD. . . appear Dutch or French or cake pans could be used. for human beings. In our ,devo95 ...... St., LoweR, Man. Swedish----eo they left you ancI I. Put dough in pans and brush. tiOD to ac!ademic prerequisltes, Tel. 458-6333 IDe witbDut a backgrotmil. We top with sHghtly beaten egg. we have lost touch with the real did get 'l'banksgiv;lng for • feat 4. Bake at 400' for 15 min,. problema of life and living." Auxiliary Plants _ , but look at what we gave, Lower heat to • • and bake BOSTON lIP." , about 40 min. lODger or until . Mrs. Ber&er's statement ~; " top i!l • golclen brown. CAMDEN, N. J. Iilt8 home and as m~ as we do , OCEANPORT, N. J. aot wish to lead a ghetto exis- : New Bedford Distr~ct MIAMI tenee in America, we can save' New BedfOld Distriet 01. the abd ...vor the. best of each coun,.AWTUCKET; 1.1. .,., that we claim aneestl7 .to Dioceun Cound.l o!f CathoUe ftfB..ADElPHIA ed adopt a few otben. M7 ehI1- Womea wiD meet orue.dq, Dee. , , 'Over 35 1 lit St. ADthooT. CharcIa, .~ are a; ,eombinatiOll at Ir.tsb. of· SatkfIed: Service xettapoiBett. AU affUiaw. 1ft ~, Prench, and PoItucue8f 806 NO. MAIM 51'III!EI' J'eQ1Iesteci to lend repre.e ma. . we haw qui~ a becIqrround Uves. .. draw ClL ' Pall ltv. OS 5-7497 II,l PoJ'bM[al at ~ and -..er'the:women of tbe~



n:0=:-&weet ...... Ibs


College Stud'e'nts -Apathetic

=:;:: ::e

Bis~op Schexnayder Lauds Lay Teachers LAFAYETI'E (NC) - La7 teachers have become an integral part of the teaching .;... tem of the Church, Bishop Maurice Schexnayder of Lafayette said here. _~ The Louisiana prelate told 1M teachers who received diplom,u .. and service pins from the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine in ceremonies in the, Catkedr8I of St. John the Evangelfst.. "You are not a substitute for priests and reUgious. You have a Divine ~date to share in the teaching , mission of the biSliop aad priests."

Cerde Litteraire Cercie Litterafre of Dominfca&i SisteJ3 Conwnt, Park Street, Fall River, wiU meet WecineIIday, Dec. Z.




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-.ere to bOe'i1ot lor OIle''II tam-

_aIetie- but for the neighborIIlg ones too, and of cotD'8e your,


J!l!eighbors in turn must reclpro. . . 'tV~ they are .d0in8 tile

:~ Cape, Islands Board i: Cape and Islands District ll'iw til the--Dioeesan Counell of Cath-

elic Women will hold • board a.teeting Thursday, Dee. I at St. Xavier Church. :B7amUao



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9 zr-

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, ~






to -

'led Diplomats Abuse Status, FBI Says

WASHINGTON (NC) , A new battle looms over the use of Mexican nationals as seasonal farm laborers in the United States, with church' groups on one ,side and growers _ on the other. "It is now becoming apparent that the growers are determined . to continue to demand and get the equivalent of a slave-labor force," charged Father James L.. · Vizzard, S.J., director, of the Washington office. National Catholic Rural Life Conference. ' Mexicans were imported by' the tens of thousands annually ~ for' many years under Federal law. But continuing protestS' about the program from Catholic groups and others, such as the Njitional Council on Agricultural Life and Labor, resulted last year in the defeat in Congress of legislation to extend the Program beyond its Dec. 31 deadline. 'However, Fat her Vizzard charged that plans are now under way to substitute another U. S. law to authorize iipportatioD, of Mexicans. He said the' Labor Department has scheduled a series of hearings on the matter. Father Vizzard'. group anel,. its allies, have charged that, the low-cost Mexican workers depress American workers' pai and living conditions to the point ofpove~y,

"'When we succeed in killin, _ the 'bracero' program?' ,he said, "\Y.e th,ought that at lest Arner- . ican faJ;Jll employers would be , forCed-to join the 20th centuJ7'" economy. , "We thought that finally they would have to offer American standards of wages III1d workina eonditions ,in order to 'get an. , st. Anne's Church is nearing adequate and dependable Arner- completion in the North Holly- ican work force. But it .is now becoming apparent that the' wood aection. ' James Francis Cardinal Mcln-" growers are determined. to contyrt of LOs Angeles will be tinue to demand and get the guest of honor and speaker at equivalent of • lI1ave-Iabol' the banquet. force."

BISHOP CONNOLLY AT COUNCIL: At the conclusion -of one of the last sessions , of tbe €ooncil,Biflh<1p Connolly "COnverses with Sister :Mary Luke, one of. COuncil auditors.




of the Rochester Taxpayers' Association, as "grossly unfair" in distribution of the' $2,768;000 revenue from this state's newly legalized sweepstakes this year. G 0 u P i 1 claimed parochial schools should have shared in distribution ~f the funds. Gov. John W. King insisted "that would be unconstitutional." Rejecting the Governor's. argumcmt,. Goupil said the current situation "slights and hurts~' a large percentage of New Hamp1l~ citizens, including parents of both public and parochial sc~ool children. lie eited Berlin, where the total school enl'ollment is 75 -per cent ,parochial, and cities like Manchester and Somers-., worth, where enrollment is 50 per cent parochial. Major Contribution MOur parochial schools are a ma)or contribution to New Hampshire . education," Goupi1' 'declared. "Governor King should have done something about this· situation. Since he wants us to . believe that the sweepstakes measU1'e is hili own idea, then let _him also take the responsibility M the Wlwarrarited dlscrimina..;· . tian agalnst patents of paroChial ' 1ICIlOO\ children in distrlbutiori 'cd' the·1JWeeps revenue. . " •'At present, the distribution; of 'aweep' revenue is based on t~ nwnber of resident pupils ill the public schools and leaves out the parochial pupils.

nounc~ by Very l\ev, Paul W. Romley, pastor of St; Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral, and Very Rev. Archimandrite Michel Bardaouil;pastor of St. Anne's, Melchite Rite CathC1lic Churcb, the benefieiary. Anew


College Officials Criticize StQte Educatipn Report

ROCHESTER (NC)-New Hampshire's Catholic Governor was criticized' by Raymond Goupil,' chairman

NEWARK (NC) - Officials of two Catholic institutions took issue with a report on higher education in New Jersey because it ignores needs of students attending non-state colleges. . The criticism came from Msgr. Edward J. Fleming, executive vice-president, Seton Hall University, and Sister Hildergarde Marie, president, College of· St. Elizabeth, conducted by the Sisters of Charity at Convent Station. The report was made to Gov. Richard J. Hughes by committee he appointed last Spring to study needs of higher education in New Jersey.


. r , , THANKSGIVING: HI lik-e the leg!" sa-ys Teresa, as Siater Frances shows Janet and Jay, how the ·Thanksgiving turkey will look at St. Ann's 'Infant Home, 'operated by the Daughters of <;Jha-lity of St.' Vincent de Paul for the Archdiocese ~ Washington, D. C. l




Teal" Rebqtes Bus. Rides Are Valid

Main basis of the criticism was the report dealt mostly witl\ public colleges, while the project was designed to embrace the total college picture in New Jersey. Asks Recognition Bister Hildergarde 'Marie said she would have liked "a clea:rer recognition and more forceful expression of the important role of private education in preserv- ' ing the. essential freedom of our ctiizens in regard to education."

DENVER (NC)-,.A law" schooJ' ganization on Legal Problems, chial bus transportation and tax dean insists tlial:bo~Aax rebates; 'One of the most influential rebates are rights of all parents to parents of parochial school groups in IJChool legislation in 'who have children in private stud,nts, and pU,blic. bUS- trans~' the nation, emphasized that be- and parochial ilch.o~ls; Mllgr. Fleming s81d the repOrt portation :lor the students are cause tax rebates for tuition Teacher BI~lat. does not "face squarely the edconStitutional. ' payments and public bus trans.Commenting on the subject of ReynQlds C. Seitz, dean 01. the portation for parochial students collective bargaining for pUblie ucation and econo~c advants.e. to th~ state in making grants ift Marquette University law school are constitutional, this does not school 'teachers, 'Dean Seitz con- 8u(ficient number and sufficient in Miftlrmlkee,·saiel: !'If the state malle'thema nlht" ' tended the teachers haft the sire to enable lar;er nUnlb'el'll ,Of right and Ithouta eontinue' to New Jersey itudents to attend" ~ants to provide bus transporta-: '"Providing, these, serv1ee8 is • tion, it is not unconstitutional lUI' matter' left to the individuai have it. BoD-tax' supported·. instit\ltion... He criticizes the eontentton far as the 'Feeeral IOYel'DJDent ill s~tes" he asserted "and if' ~ Visit Fatima ,The report criticized admineemcemed;" state 'doesnot'want 'give them, of school' bOards that' once theY J'ATIMA (NC)-sev~ral hunLeft to sta_ or if it has statutes specifically sit down with teachers to discuss istration of state schools; sugd~ U. S. Navy officers and men their grievances the school board gested broadening ,of teacher '~ U: ~. Supreme C~urt ,has: ptqhibiting them, then 1t. doe. participated in Mass and· re- not md It s a right. It JUllt hlUl net ha'\reto grant them " is delegating its authority. ' college Qurriculum; advised state ceived Communion at the Mar- i sali! it's not unconstitutional...' . ''This is not a sound p0si- schools be guided by a special ian shrine here when their shipe . Seitz added. Seitz declared that he tion," he declared, "because board of trustees not under concalled at Lisbon following the Dean Seitz, addressing 120, does not believe the U. S. 8u- those who hold this position trol of the state board of ednaval man.euvers oil the south-, specialists in education at the· preme Court will rule "in the don't Wlderstand collective bar- . ucation, and blade other far. . ~ of Spain. convention of the National 01'- foreseeable future" that par... gaining. reaching recommendations.

Orthodox To Aid Melchite Catholics luUd Church LOS ANGELES (NC) - The congregation and pastor Of an Orthodox church is sponsoring a benefit' banquet SatW'day to aid the building fund of a Catholic parish. The good will gesture was an-

THE ANciiOR ~ Thurs., . Nov. 26, 1964'

Schools Slight:ed By Governor

Farm Labor

WASHINGTON (NC) Many diplomatic representatives of communist - bloc countries are makinJ{ use of t~eir privileged status to gather 'intelligence information in the United States, the Federal' Bureau of Investigation reports. This is an ,ever present danger to national security and .one which, because of its very nature, the FBI cannot go into detail in describing, the report says. However, it adds FBI findings are given to appropJ;"iate U. S. agencies and last year the data resulted in the deportation and ex~ elusion of dangerous aliens and in four Soviet diplomats being declared Persona non grata by the State Department. "The communist-bloe nations have hundreds of official representatives in this country serving the diplomatic establishments, United Nations missions and various delegationS," tne FBI states. "The United States being a primary target of Soviet and satellite espionage, many of these officials are involved in the illegal gathering of intelligence information. Friendly Contacts "Exploiting their privileged '" status to the fullest, these diplo,;, , mats 'have endeavored, by Various means, to make friendly. a,ltd per'sbnal,contacts with American bU8~nessmen, 'scientists, engi:' neers and others who they hoped might be develOPed as sources 0(. infol'mation." FBI investigatIons of foreign intelligence activities are concerned with identifying persons engaged in espionage in this country, disrupting these operations and securing legal evidence of ~olations of Federal laws. At the same time, the FBI laYs, ~he Communist Party, US.t\, has stepped up its programs on all domestic fronts during the last year.

t;tt••• Catholie

.~,~DispU"'Looms ".~ Ove" Mexican'

THe ANOiQR - , , Thvrs.,Nov. 26, 1964



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12 '

THE A!'!CHOR-Diocese of Fan River-thurs. Nov. 26, 1964

RCldica' Changes Ne~


~od .Love, -

Of Traveling ComPanion'

By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen. D.D.

By Rev. Joseph T. McGloin, :,-'. ~ Unless you travel alone thes,e days jntbe.Dl8I'Yelo~ meditative privacy of your ear, you're going to eDeounte!' 4lUite a variety of fellow travelers. They look olct young, t.t, tall,' short, black. and white. But lOu can' oDly guess . at what they are like by their actions. There are times at· large, til wish she'd kee,t when one is extremely proud quiet and quit dJsturbiDg Die of his country and of his fel- whole ear:' They didn't ask low Americans. It Is, however, pretty hard to be consistently proud of some .travelingAmerieans. Your first encounter with this breed may


The .hour hall struck for all Americaris 8J1d. bl particular American .Catholics to ask themselves If'the7 have a right to 10 mQCh when the rest ~. the world has so little. Do the-poor have lIllY claims against Us? Do the 80,000 living In the slums of Peru. who ~ve to PIQ' 1& cent. a week for a keg of water have aD7 e1aim ' 01):, Am.erlC8DII who average $1.10 per week on· alcohol? Does a • ~in ~ big ettY have a right t6 build. million dollar church .. ~.etiool ;withoutglving at 1eut $1;000 to build a small bowie for &be Eucharistic I:lOrd In Ni~. or New" Guinea? ..

We: In tile'

opiDioll or I w~ ~ ~ve pvea it, thus doing ID7 'little bit ht. the eauaeol antl-derlcalism.·

.'t'. " . . . ~ ,

Oddl;y'enough, or·not 80

UDHed States ..;;;-;;per eellt of tile werl4'. 1reaIaa

. . . ,J'~t we . .


ocldl7, .

perhaps, tbe ~ .traveling with a floekof little kids and maybe' a baby bl lIJmII IS the nicest. '" ~:h:" traveler You nm Into. Bow siMt'::'.' before ;( winmanages to ~ this way. ,dow to buy a s~ and even peaeelu1b', ru ticket. You find never know . • . that you must No" trip ... ·complete·.w!thout pracb.Ca11y g1~ the ''compl8ining:.to-tIie-Dilui-' ,OARTFORm·,AUX. yourself to the ageJl1el1t " types who J:'ide the ILIARY::, ,Bishop..elect Joone ahead of condUctor and porter, 'blaming you. or someone Will edge. in the former tor the crummy train 8eph F. Donnelly, pastor of St. John the Baptist church, ahead of you. Later, when you're and the Iatter-who may have • waiting for your train or bus or million jobs to do--lor the louq New Haven, Conn.• has been dog sled, someone ill, sure to . semce. named by Pope Paul VI to . come along and step in front of Go out of our cOuntry and 70U be titular Bishop of Nabala you. Then, when six people at stin meet these types, the loJlda time start to jam through a mouthed tourist who asks, "How and Auxiliary to Archbishop gate built for two or lesS, you m.uch is that in real money?" or H~nry J. O'Brien of ltari.ret jabbed by thesUttcases of the type who seems to think hi. ford.. NC Photo thOse behind you, a JJ1y maneu- good old·American will be unver calculated to prevent an70ne derstood In a~en country if else from squeezing in ahead. he only yells a little louder. In fact.. the boorish traveler For Lo'Ye of God seems to have one of the attriMaybe it's because I still have butes, of God Himself - he ill a high pedestal reserved for fe- omiiipresent. .NEW ORLEANS (~C) -'- The' male types that it seems to me .Ap1erican Cancel': Society has that the rudest trav.elers in the Pleaaan&ColD.P&DT world must be women. Or maybe But what about that species of renewed a grant to assist a study of the health of nuns. it'. objectively true - I don't occasional traveler- you eneoun,The $28,000 gift was made to know. ter-the teen traveler? In an Dr. James T. Nix, N~ Orleans I do' know that, whereas' I honesty, and with due respect UBed to and still do stand to for the percentages traveling and surgeon, and Con Fecher, a statoffer my place to a lady of what- so on, I'd. have to say that most istician from Dayton,' Ohio. ,Nix is chairman Q1 the joint ever age, admitted or' only ap- teen traveIeri rve encountered parent, on a crowded bua have beep a lot more pleasant eGmmittee on medical care of clel'gJ' and religious of the Cathtrain or anytbing else, my mo- compan7 than many of their oUc Hospital Association, and'· tive for so doing has changed. elders. is a consultant' , It used to be out of respect May~ they haven't learned Fecher. Their studies of morbidity and,' for woman as woman, even yet to be individually boorish. woman traveler typeB. Now, it is Or maybe they haven't reached mortality rates amGng Sisters,. done, at least very· often, as an the adult misapprehension that CQmpared with other' women, la. ad of the love of God, with the somebod7 owes them serrice and based on the theory that' a persilent prayer, "Lord; I wouldn't adulation, or that you have to'. SQD'S health is aff~ by en- .• vironmental conditions. get up for this female type clod step or or be stepped on. Nix's study has placed much if You hadn't said something Whatever the reason, teens are about 'What you did to them, charming travel companioN- emphasis on cancer, and~­ cated that controlled. dietary and you did to Me.' But you watch- with one big quallfication. I she'll take the place as though have traveled with large crowds Uving habits affect cancer. Fecher hopes eventually to it were only her due. And she'll of teens when they were courconsider me a fool for offering teous and enjoyable, though al- effect a low-cost medical insurit." ways livel7, traveling compan- ance plan for Sisters based on . their superior health and longer . Mother, Children ions. But rm afraid that ver,. life expectancy. . .often a crowd of teens, traveling On one occasion, I found my- or anywhere else, can make a self between two very different collective nuisance of themselves. types of traveler in a train coach. Directly in front of me Immaturity Cause were two middle-aged women This COIneS down, of course. ROME (NC)-The eornerstone who were really yacldng up a to immaturity, to the fact that storm in the loud, strident tones some of you teens feel you have for Rome's first institution devoted entirely to the mentall7 of the habitual gossip e~ry- to be crowd pleasers, that you where. don't dare risk seeming "square" and physically retarded was laid To the rear of the car, and by being polite or quiet or even b7 Archbishop J'oseph T.Keof san Francisco. behind me, a young Negnt a normal human being 'ina mob. . :9ucke~ The worlt is scheduled.. to bemother, whom I guessed to be You have to show off, because lin soon on what is· destined. to the wife of a GI was reading the loudmouthed propagandists a 8chool and • fu117 parts of a book to her two little tell you you're a square unlea become equipped rehabUitation ,prIs, in the soft, .deep tones of you do. some 200, retarded ~ the N e g r o . . ' . I've ridden buses in Mexico for ranging in age frem 2. to 18. Now and then one of the Uttle City, and around the Mexicau1 The home is beiDC built b,. prIs would ask, "Ma.na. how do'· countryside. Some of these coun- the order of "'!'be :Little Works . you say that in trench?" and try buses were really loaded' of. Redemption" . near ita semi.. her mother would teU her. Or down-with little kids and big DII1"Y just outside ~ clQ- at ali she'd be asked, "How would yell kids, and whole families. There eetimated cost of $33;000. aDd is ' say that in German?" and again were chickens and even (a few lIChedu1ed for completion in two she'd oblige. dogs .on some 'of these' buses. And 'yet, 'never once did. I en- J'e8l'S. It win be the order's all Gossip Broadcast counter rudenesS or even griping well as the ,city'. first home for If'I could only have shut off about the service. Come to retatded bo7" the strident static <ahead, ~ would think of it, I neve~. ran into the have enjoyed the reading im- "'loud 'di-wik who is invaiiaoly mensely. To my. relief, ·there drawn to my Roman collar In finally was a IuK in the 'gosSipour own depotS,· eitner. ., :. • broadcast. They had run out of Which is not to say that I FOR YOUNG WOMEN neighbors. prefer Mexico or 'any oth~r Soon, however, these two country to our own. But I would 196 Whipple St., Fall River town criers became restlesS, like to make the point that we Conducted by Franciscan shifting in their seats and look- U. S. type Americans do have Missionaries of Mary ing over their shoulders, sneak- something to learn by way of ROOMS-MEAU U7 at first and then with open courtesy and culture and simple OVUNIGHt HOSPITALITY Indignation, until one of them good manners--at least some of '"quire 05 14192 finally remarked to tile world us when we travel.



You "

Sisters Health· Study Ccmtittues .


American Prelate Lays Cornerstone


St. Francis Residence

011I7 six.... eeIlt of the world'. populatlolL ....... II '1Ik~ df"f'lcllu tIae werlc'rs weaWa, dvln&-' __ Amedclaa#l.50 . . . tIlese in the rest . . , the worN ODIJ' 51 eeIlte. 011 .,.est Two ot ,. three· eolledlelis are taken . . each year fer ~-mI1IIfts .... iIlUUons 1vbo;Starve, 'bat ,are not aaeeelllle eraaba '.!deh faD froID tile table? s06utJilft&1: __ 1Ni . . . and.


tfutWrecb or

not Jast _:

In LaUn:.&mertea.· AsIa anti ~ ~ to .ve o_Iv.!

.. Wee, need help more tb8n they do. Certainly. the)" neecl bread for their bodies, d ~ for their backs, education for their minds, inediclne for their iDs, but we need to justify our blessings. We need to prove . ourselves stewards of God's wealth. We need to be Christians not en Sunday oqIy but everyday because the burdens of others must be carried daily,

Two r&aIeaIcJaaDgetJ are ~ecL The first Is an ln~aI (!ont.,.lssioil·ln. .Ilome '~:with the MissIoDII. The are not ~rritoriell that onee were colonies, but-areas where there Is need-whether it lJe-;m Cbliaer In Angora. The seeoni c~e . . . II JIeCleSSlir7 Is a wOrld-Wide system of adoption in wldc" evOl7 diocese In the United States andJa proSperous parts of the WlWId, as we~ . .eve~:~~school,~taL fraternal orpnlQtion _d r~soeiet".~ a poer iJ,rea or par:lsh of t1Ie worItL This eannet be done ~~~rlb- ~. otherwise we w:l1I Jaave .aopt!on In .one plaee _d povert1 In ihe-other. It Is for the Church or ~'lnternat1oDa1 Comml$sloD .to decide on adoPtlollll -not a bishop or a prl~ EfllIaUty mnst be preserved an4 tIds ean be done. enlJ' b7 the Ch1ll'Ch aCttnc as ChrIst.


Until these two -chan~ come to pass we hope that you wIJl nGt8leep welL We-hope you will worry about how much you cou1d do for the Holy Father 'arid The Society for the Propagation of the Faith. Begin to share with the poor! God love you. _ GOD LOVE YOU te E.N.H. for $I" ........... II beta&" .eat _ _ act of 10" for God.-' ad of than."" tor Ills .11. . . . . .. me. all act· or ameniIIDeat for ofteJYllnc 11Im. anti _. aet or Pet1tIOR for IDs Chureh aiMl DIs MhsioIls.H ••• to a ~ for"

"Here Is a· mORey order tor the Hob' Father's Missions. I' have _med IIlJ' baR OR Chrild DIAD7 I pray &n4 IIepe that· 1aever do

.t acam."


ua.e.. .


.Solve 70ur cift prob1em with a,' IlUbscription to MISSION magazine. Those to whom you have tIPs pocket-sized hi-monthly sent, will, have a new visiotl of the Chu'rch and her Missions spread :before them. Send your list of'names an~ addresses and $1 for each subscription to: Order ;Department, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10001. , .Cut out this coupon, pin your sacrifice to it and mall It to the' Most Rev. Fulton' J. Sheen, National Director of the Socie~ for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N. Y., .9l' yOUr Diocetl8D Director, RT. REV. RAYMOND T. 'CONSIDINE, 368 North MaiD street, Fan River, lila. . I

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Riyer-Thu.r!i.



Lauds Encyclical As Program For Unity

Lauds Professor Baltzell's 'Protestant Establishment'

ROME (NC)-Pope Paurs encyclical, Ecclesiam Suam, was praised as a program for Christian unity and the role

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy E. Digby Baltzell, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Pennsylvania, has written an original and provocative book entitled The Protestant Establishment: Aristocracy and Oaste in America (Random House. $6.95). It is a history, a critique, a The aristocracy thereafter be­ warning, and an exhortation. came a caste which monopolized It spins an interest-compel­ status and rigidly exclud~d those ling thesis which is illumi­ of different background. It could nated by fresh interpretation of facts and trends in American an­ nals, and illus­ trated by doz­ ens of capsule biographies. It is extraordinar­ ily captivating for a piece of argumen­ tation w h i c h runs to about 380 pages; dull­ ness and cant nowhere g a i n entry. "It is the central thesis of this book," Pro­ fessor Baltzell writes, "that no nation can long endure without both the liberal democratic and the authoritative aristocratic processes." . By the democratic process he means the working arrangement under which able and ambitious men can rise into the elite, re­ gardless of their background and solely on the basis of their achievement. By an aristocracy he means a eommunity of upper class fami­ lies whose members have be­ longed to the elite for at le~st One generation. These families have authority because their views and ideals command the respect and loyalty of· all the population. This authority must .constantly be justified. The aris­ tocracy must always provide leadership, and must continually assimiliate people of proved merit. Lincoln's Career . He submits that such an aris­ tocracy has long existed· in this . country, and he cites numerous examples from variouS periods. Given the way in which our na­ tion and society developed, that aristocracy has understandably been predominantly Protestant, or more exactly, white Anglo­ Saxon Protestant. But Professor Baltzell main­ tains that an aristocracy can be:. . come merely a caste, and that this happens when. it .ceases to deserve popular confidence, to provide leadership, and to assim­ ilate new membership, primarily on racial or ethnic grounds. Such, he declares,. is the case with the white Anglo-Saxon aristocracy in the United States. The Emergence of the WASP .aristocracy he find in America's Victorian age. Its openness to new membership, he says, is ex­ emplified in the career of Abra­ ham Lincoln, who rose from the very humblest beginnings, won acceptance on merit, and attained a very high place in leadership. But it was his multi-millionaire son, Robert Todd Lincoln who led the life of a typical WASP aristocrat. Mass Immigration The Lincolns, of course, had the great initial advantage of being white Anglo-Saxon Prot­ estants. But Professor Baltzell shows that the American aris­ tocracy was not, at least before 1890, closed to those of other breeds. For example, . German Jews were not excluded, nor were Catholics. A great change came with mass immigration. After the Civil War, the ethnic composi­ tion of our society was radically affected by the enormous num­ bers pouring in from Europe.

not monopolize power but it could and did shut out non­ WASPS from its social privi­ leges. It ceased to be representa­ tive and open; it ceased to lead; and its principal concern became its own success and exclusive­ ness and the safeguard of these. It was turned on itself. Professor Baltzell gives a fas­ cinating account of the fashion­ ing of caste-protecting devices in the 1890's and thereafter. Such organizations as Daughters of the American Revolution, for example, came into existence only then. Saw Danger, Tragedy There were people of aristo­ cratic qualifications who per-· ceived great danger, if not trag­ edy, in this WASP isolationism. Among them was President Charles W. Eliot of Harvard. He recognized that the character, the welfare, and the future of the nation were imperilled by the caste system and the alien­ ation it entailed. Theodore Roosevelt took a somewhat sim­ ilar attitude. Woodrow Wilson represented a determined, if finally unsuc­ cessful, attempt at aristocratic assimiliation and reform. And the battle over Wilson's nomina­ tion of a Jew, Louis D. Brandeis, to the Supreme Court in 1916 dramatized the pretensions of the WASP caste and the opposi­ tion to these in the other ranks of American society. Professor Baltzell sees the 1920's as "the Anglo-Saxon dec- . ade." It was then that. the no­ torious immigration acts, rankly discriminatory in nature, were passed. Typical was .the publica­ tion of an article on the dangers of race pollution,. written by none other than the President of the United States, Calvin Cool­ idge, and published, ironically, in Good Housekeeping. War Brought 'Chan!:"e Franklin D. Roosevelt, accord­ ing to Professor Baltzell, was a true aristocrat who sought to open up the old aristocracy again. And he quotes one ob­ server's analysis of the upper­ class hatred of Roosevelt:· "I am convinced that the heart of their hatred is not econQmic. The real source of the venom is that Roosevelt challenged their ·feel­ ing that they were super.ior peo­ ple, occupying by right a privi­ leged position in the world." The need and the· possibility of a new aristocracy, op·en and assimilative of the finest people of any and every background, were brought home by the Sec­ ond World War and its revo­ lutionary aftermath,· Professor Baltzell insists. And the Ken­ nedy administration he inter­ prets as an attempt to build a new and ethnically heteroge­ neous establishment in this country. This he finda • very hQpeful sign. "The New Deal revolution marked the beginning of both an ethnic democra<. . and an ethnic elite in this country. The Ken­ nedy administration brought to Washington a talented and ex­ tremely ambitious group of leaders and their families who represented the beginning of an ethnic heterogeneous establish­ ment." ".

FOR CHAIUTY: Pope Paul carries his coronation tiara

to altar as his gesture of having given it to charity. Arch­ bishop Enrico Dante is at right. Emulating Pope's concern for the poor, other council Fathers will contribute to Holy Father's charities. NC Photo

Just Beginning Jesuit Edi,tor Avers Unfinished Business

In Racial Work Is U.S. Problem No.1

NEW YORK (NC) - The Church's "unfiniHhed business" in the race question is stagger­ ing. It is "U. S. Problem No.1," according to Father Thurston N. Davis, S.J., editor of America, weekly magazine. He cited the roster of things to be done, including "truly equal education, job tr~ining, free ac­ cess to jobs and the opportunity . for jobs, housing programs, wel­ fare and guidanc:e projects, an end to the humili.ating rebuke of db,crimination and segregation, the inculcation of corifidence, and a vast outpouring of a love which is· the overflow of plain ordinary justice." Sermon Subject "We have only begun our pro­ test," Father Davis said. "We . have only made the first. small beginnings of a peaceful but effective revoluti,:>n whose effect will be to cancel out 300 years of error and prejudi.ce." . "Nineteen states in our Union still prohibit marriage between

Carroll University Seeks $19•.5 Million CLEVELAND (NC) - John Carroll Univemity has an­ nounced it will seek $19.5 mil­ lion in the next 10 years to ben­ efit chiefly its science program and raise enroUment by 1,000 from the present 4,292. Father Hugh E. Dunn, S.J., president, disclof:ed the plan for a "decade of prol~ess" to a gath­ ering of some 350 top businea and civic leaden;.

• SEGUIN. Truck Bod"





Visits Nazi Camp MUNICH (NC) Twenty bishops from Brazil, Lebanon, Nigeria and the Philippines took advantage of a council weekend recess to visit the former nazi concentration camp of Flossen­ burg· near here. At the place of execution they placed a wreath inscribed to "the martyrs· of in­ humanity."





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persons of different races," he said, with punishment for a vio­ lation of these laws ranging fro~ a $100 fine in Delaware to as much as 10 years imprisonment in several other states, he added. "A recent poll of churcb-going people throughout the United States," he continued, ·"revealed that only 26% of those ques­ tioned could say that they had ever heard a sermon on the sub­ ject of interracial justice." Faee Obligations Catholics must understand "that we are face to face here, not simply with a political ques~ tion, as some have said, but with· a true moral issue that will not go away IDerely b~cause we choose not to confront it and to take on tl;te obligations that it lays upon us," Father Davis said.

women in the Church was stressed at a reception held by the Paulist Fathers for the U. S. bishops attending the ecumeni­ cal council and observers at the council. "The vision projected in Ec­ clesiam Suam is one which in its main outlines could well be the program not only of the Roman Catholic but of all churches as we seek to recover the unity of the church in Christ." This statement came from Rev. Warren A. Quanbeck of the Lutheran Theological Seminary of St. Paul, Minn., who is a council observer for the Lu­ theran World Federation. He also spoke of what he termed "the painful conse­ quences of the divisions in the church of Christ, which harmed the cause of the Gospel, hindered the work of the Church and caused offense to believers." In discussing his topic, "The Council, Ecumenism and Sem­ inaries," the clergyman also re­ marked that "our Protestant books dealing with Roman Cath­ olic doctrine, worship, piety and government must be revised or rewritten, for the council has shown many of us that it is not enough to know a body of facts and doctrines. "One must grasp the inner character of a community or movement before one really knows it. We have all been guilty in varying degrees of a kind of honest but shortsighted misrepresentation."

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Catholic Service Resettles ·50,000 Cuban Refugees

Thurs., Nov. 26, 1964


MIAMI (NC )-The 50,­ OOOth Cuban refugee reset­ tled by the Miami office of ­ Catholic Relief Services ­ National Catholic Welfare Con­ ference left here en route to New Orleans and a job at a resi­ dence for young men. Mrs. Silvia Brooks, 53, widow of a Cuban mechanical engineer, was accompanied by her daugh­ ter, Mariana Luise, 28, who has suffered from a chronic disease of the nervous system since childhood. The exiles, who came to Miami in 1962, studied English while here and will be assisted in New Orleans by the Catholic Cuban Center. Hugh McLoone, director of the Catholic agency's resettle­ ment office here said the girl has improved as a result of treatment here and expects fur­ ther gains in New Orleans. A former social worker in Cuba, Miss Brooks has been doing vol­ unteer service at a Miami hospi­ tal as a nurse's aide and expects to get a job in New Orleans. Almost 85,000 Cuban refugees now have been resettled through the combined efforts of agencies at the Cuban Refugee Center, McLoone said. Church World Service, the International Rescue Committe, and United HIAS of­ fices have resettled some 35,000­ exiles. CRS-NCWC has resettled Cu­ ban exiles in 129 archdioceses and dioceses in the U. S. and in 23 .1oreign countries. Some 80 per cent of the 50,000 persons have gone to New York,New Jersey, California, Illinois, MllS-. sachusetts, Texas, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, OhIo, and Puerto Rico.

Tribal Drummers To Escort Pope

SALVATION THEOLOGY COURSE: Rev. Edmund T.-Delaney of St. Joseph's parish, Fall River, addresses salvati{)n theology class for adults. In front row of audience is Rev. George E. Sullivan, pastor. Directly behind him are Sisters of Mercy from St. Joseph's School.

Biblical.Religion Approach, of Deep Interest To Members of Salvatil!": Theology ,Course

How, did 'the Apostles teach people? They talked 00. them. What did they talk abOut? They brought them the Good News of the Gospel, explaining and illustrating it with plent­ BOMBAY (NC)-Tribal drums iful references to the Old Testament. This technique, now christ-ened the "kerygmatic beating for 300 tribal dancers of approach,'" is coming; into increasing use in today's Ohurch, and one of its most dynamic' India will lead Pope Paul VI as . exponents in the Fall River' be travels a two-mile route to considered the Book of Exodus From' this ancient dream has make his appearance at the In­ Diocese is young Father Ed­ arisen the Christilm season of ternational Eucharistic Congress mund T. Delaney of St. Jos< as one of many foreshadowings of Christ' in the Old :Testament. - Advent which, properly speak­ here next month. eph's parish, Fall River. "Christ didn't fulfill signs and 'ing, is not a time of anticipation Drums of all sizes, up to 10 feet in diameter, will be brought here by members of India's tribes. The dancers are expected to be accompanied by about 1,000 members of their tribes. A highlight of their participa­ tion, in addition to the parade appearance with the Pope, will be a tribal dance by performers· from· the Ranchi district. This performance, at a cultural pro­ gram which is part of the reli­ gious observance, will mark the first time the exotic dance has been witnessed in Bombay. Pope Paul will be guest of honor at a lavish Indian ballet on the grounds of the Cricket Club of India pn Thursday, Dec. 3. The ballet portrays the spirit of the Old and New Testaments, its theme being "The Eucharist and the New Man."

Pastor Offers Mass In Parish Homes HAYFIELD (NC) - They're really bringing the Mass to the people here in this Minnesota community. Father Peter Coleman, pastor of Sacred Heart church here and Our Lady of Loretto church, Brownsdale, offers Mass each Monday night at 8 in the home of one of his parishioners. The plan has the approval of Bishop Edward A. Fitzgerald of Winona. The home Masses are attended by nuns and several other fam­ ilies in the neighborhood in ad­ dition to the host family. Father Coleman offers Mass facing the congregation on these occasions.

"The week after I was or­ .events," Father Delaney redained, I was asked to speak on minded his audience. "They the Mass," he said, "and 'I just were, rather, arranged in view of ' never got through." Thus began his coming." , a series of Bible-oriented lec­ "We live in the time of the' tures that started with Holy Union Sisters at St. Helena's New Exodus;" he said, empha;' Convent in,Fall River, proceeded' sizing the "eternal contempora-' , with a Saturday morning course neousness of Jesus Christ." for Sisters of the Diocese and "God is always present in time continued with a course now in and with his people," he con­ progress at Bishop Cassidy High tinued, noting that this dwelling School in Taunton for both is known as the Shekinah by the Brothers and Sisters. Jews and is an extremely im­ Concurrently, Father Delaney portimt concept, one emphasized has offered a series of lectures and re-emphasized by the for adults on salvation theology. prophets. Death, he said, is the final first at Holy Name parish in Fall exodus. River, where he was' formerly a curate, and now at St. Joseph's. God the Lover Thirst for Knowledge Discussing the symbolism of The impressive turn-out for the time spent by the people of this weekly course testifies to Israel in the desert, Father Delaney said that the "great the thirst of today's layman for theme of God the Lover, purim­ an adult knowledge of his faith. ing his beloved, runs through Also included in St. Joseph's au­ the Old Testament." dience are the Sisters of the pa­ rochial s c h 0 0 I who obtained God, he noted, brought Israel special permission to attend the out of Egypt and in the desert evening series. the period of "engagement" be­ It will continue indefinitely, gan, when God gave his chosen said Father Delaney, interrupted people love tokens of manna, only during the Summer months. quail and water. Israel, he con­ cluded, was wedded to God at This year's theme is Christ, the Center of History,. and lectures the foot of Mount Sinai. Just so, will be based on the liturgy of as St. Paul points out, Christ is each part of the ecclesiastical the spouse of· his Church. year and on the Bible. Turning to the season of Ad­ At a typical evening session, vent, Father Delaney said that sneakered young adults and the Exodus from Egypt came to grey-haired members of the be the most wonderful event in parish shared the school hall Jewish history and the hope of with the Sisters and numerous a sec.ond Exodus arose-this one guests from other parishes. They to be a deliverance from all eviL

of the Babe of Bethlehem but rather of the "second coming of Christ in glory and victory, Which ,comes f~r each of us at "death and for all men on the last day." In reading the New Testament, we should remember that the Evangelists were' steeped in the Old Testament,', said Father Delaney. "When they wrote of Christ, it was in the light of the Exodus. Simila'rities between Christ and Moses are magnifi- . cent: As the Israelites were bap­ tized in the Red Sea, Christ was' baptized in the Jordan; both the Israelites and Christ fasted in the desert; both the old and new laws were given on a mountain­ side. "Moses and, Christ confront one another," he concluded. HA cloud overshadowed Moses in the Book of Numbers and over­ shadowed Christ, the new Moses, in the New Testament. Both Christ and Moses delivered through water. God has mea­ sured past and future to his Christ, from whom the past takes meaning." . Fat her Delaney's course proves the interest of laymen in "salvation theology," he says, and he is sure that other courses would arouse' equal interest wherever. ,offered. At present the only similar progr!lms are being conducted by Rev. John R. FoIster at St. Anthony's' Church, New Bedford, and Rev. JosephP. Delaney, Fat her, Delaney's brother, at Sacred Heart, Taunton.



Continued from Page One 1903 in New Bedford, was edu­ cated at Holy Cross College, Worcester, St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, and Maryknoll Sem­ inary, Maryknoll, N. Y. He was ordained Jan. 27, 1929, at Maryknoll. On Sept. 21, 1939, Bishop Donaghy was consecrated in St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, by the late Bishop Cas­ sidy. Seven years after his appoint­ ment as Vicar Apostolic of Wuchow, China, his title was changed to Bishop of Wuchow. He was house prisoner for many years under the Communists in China. Following his release from house arrest, Bishop Donaghy was appointed to his present po­ sition as Regional Superior of the Maryknoll Fathers in the Mialoi section of Taipei, For­ mosa. While attending the third ses­ sion of Vatican Council II, the '.­ jubilee day of his consecration was celebrated when he was the celebrant of the Mass that opened the 84th general congre­ gation of Vatican Council II in St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City. Bishop Donaghy was honored Monday night, Sept. 21, at a din­ ner in Rome at Collegio Mary­ knoll. Among those attending were: Bishop Connolly, Ordinary of the Diocese, and Rt. Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros, Diocesan Chancellor, and a peritus at the Council. Following the jubilee Mass in New Bedford, a luncheon for the clergy will be served at 1 o'clock at the ......ew cBedford Hotel, and a public reception will be held from 3 to 5 at the Kennedy Youth Center, County Street, New Bedford.

Hong Kong Catholic Population Grows HONG KONG (NC)-Mission­ ary work during the past year here on the doorstep of com­ munist China' has resulted in an increase of 16;758 ,Catholics, bringing Hong Kong's CathQlic population up to 220,780-or 6.5 Per cent of the ,people currently estimated as living here.

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of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 26,


Stresses Youth's Duty to Fight Social Evils

Pope Reviews Session


Continued from Page One perience, the support of your counsel, and the assistance of your authority." ROMAN CURIA, REORGAN­ 1zATIoN OF: "This (idea of senate mentioned above) will be useful also because the reorgan­ ization of the Roman Curia, which is now undergoing caref'-ll study, will be able to profit from the experience and help of dioc­ esan bishops, thus integrating its organization and drawing help from their wisdom and their charity." DIFFICULTmS: "This plural­ ity of studies and discussions will undoubtedly entail practical dif­ ficulties Collective act ion is always more difficult than in­ dividual action. But we shall endeavor in a spirit of charity and mutual collaboration to overcome all the obstacles." C H U R CHIN MODERN WORLD: "The Church is for the world. The Church seeks no other earthly power for herself than that which will make it possible for her to serve and to love. As she perfects her thought and her structure, the Church does not aim to separate herself from the experience of indiv­ idual men but rather endeavors to understand them better while sharing their sufferings and their aspirations. This place of the Church in the world, studied and discussed already in this session, will find its complete development in the next and last session." RELIGIOUS LmERTY: "Only because of lack of time at the end of this session, (the religious lib e r t y text) could not be brought to a conclusion." Turn­ ing to one aspect of religious liberty, the Pope paid tribute to those suffering persecution: "We are consoled by the thought of those of our brothers and sons who live in areas where they are denied sufficient and dignified liberty of religion, to the point that they must be numbered in the ranks of the Church of Si­ lence and Tears. TheiIl" suffer­ fngs and their fidelity offer a stupendous witness to the Church as they imitate Christ, the Victim for the salvation of the world." ECUMENISM: "We trust this doctrine (on the Church) win be kindly and favorably received by Christians as yet separated

Maryknoller Heads World Press Group ROME (NC)-Father George F. Heinzmann, M.M., of Union City, N. J., director of Fides, mission news agency operated by the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, was elected president of the Interna­ tional Federation of Catholic Press Agencies at a meeting here. Father Heinzmann, who has been serving as acting president, succeeds Frank A. Hall, former director of the N.C.W.C. News Service, who resigned his posi­ tion as president of the inter­ national federation upon his re­ tirement as director of the news service. Father Heinzmann will serve as president of the federation until the next general meeting which is scheduled to be held in New York next May at the World Congress of the Catholic Press.

Marks 25th Year NEW ROCHELLE (NC)-Iona College conducted here in New York by the Irish Christian Brothers will hold a series of academic ceremonies to com­ memorate its 25th anniversary. George Meany, president of the AFL-CIO, was awarded an hon­ orary doctorate of laws todav.

from us. May it have for them the role of a stimulus to that revision of ideas and attitudes which may bring them closer to our communion and finally, God willing, make them one of us. In this doctrine they can know that the Church, as she traces the outlines of her own image, does not restrict but rather widens the confines of her charity and does not slow down the march of her progressive, multiform and inviting catholicity." COLLEGIALITY: In speaking of the Pope when introducing each document, Archbishop Fel­ ici always referred to him as: "Paul, Bishop, one of the Council Fathers." Then, repeatedly, the Pope makes references to col­ legiality. "We cannot thank God enough for having granted to us the hap­ py lot of honoring the sacred character of your mihistry, 0 venerable brothers, the fullness of your priesthood, and recog­ nizing the solidarity that exists between you and us. "We have been edified to read how the primary, singular and worldwide mission entrusted by Christ to Peter and to his suc­ cessors, the Roman Pontiffs, has bE;en amply and repeatedly recognized in this solemn docu­ ment on the Church. "This is not because of the prestige thereby deriving to our poor person, but because of the honor rendered to the word of Christ from the coherence man­ ifested with the teaching and tradition of the Church, and from the effective harmony and government of the Church. "It was important that this recognition of the prerogatives of the Sovereign Pontiff should come at a time when the ques­ tion of episcopal authority was being discussed in the Church, in order that this authority would not be in contrast with the power of the Pope but should stand out in full harmony with the Vicar of Christ as head of the Apostolic College. "Thus the power of the epis­ copate finds in the successor of St. Peter, not power diverse and extrinsic to its own, but rather its center and head. This in turn makes us anxious to laud your own prerogatives and to set them off in their proper light, so as to integrate them with our own. In this we fear no dimin­ ishing of our authority. Rather are we strengthened in the task of gove,rning the Church by knowing that you are closely united with us and that all of us are closely united in the name of Christ." AN 0 THE R SE8SION(S): When speaking of the work yet to be accomplished the Pope re­ ferred to the "fourth and last session". No date for such a ses­ sion was revealed. OUR LADY: "This is the most solemn and appropriate moment to accede to a desire which has called for an explicit declara­ tion during the council of the maternal role of the Virgin over ­ the Christian people. To achieve this end we have felt it oppor­ tune to consecrate in this public session a title suggested from various parts of the Christian world and which is particularly dear to us, because in a marvel­ ous synthesis it sums up the privileged position recognized by the council for the Virgin Mary in the Holy Church. "For the glory of the Virgin Mary and for our own consola­ tion we proclaim Mary the Mother of the Church, that is of the whole People of God, of the faithful as well as of the pas­ tors, as we wish that through this title the Mother of God should' be still more honored and invoked by the entire Christian Deollle."

NEW ORLEANS (NC)­ Oatholicism can be made relevant to modern youth by forming a social conscious­ ness which will alert them to social evils and their duty to fight such wrongs. This was the message of Fr. Louis J. Twomey, S.J., director of the Institute of Human Rela­ tions at Loyola University here, in the keynote address at the 10th National Conference on Catholic Youth Work. "This generation is seeking desperately for guide lines in the building of a society in which political, economic, racial, na­ tional and international relations will provide an environment equal to the demands of the dignity, the supreme value and the sacredness of the human per­ son," Father Twomey said. "If religion fails to meet this challenge of today's youth," he warned, "the young people will pledge their loyalties elsewhere." Youth, he said, must clearly understand that being a good in­ dividual and a good family man or woman is not all that is meant by being a good Catholic. Social Consciousness "If the Catholic faith could claim validity only on the level of individual and family living­ private living-it would in ef­ fect be surrendering, to the sec­ ularist, the vast complex of human relations which constitu­ tes society-public living-and in which man spends most of his waking hours," he said. He said that for the faith to be relevant to modern youth, "they must be formed in a social consciousriess which will alert them not only to the social evils which plague society, but also to the obligation of making their full contribution to the remedy of these evils."

CAMPION AWARD: Barbara Ward (Lady Robert Jackson), distinguished author and economist, received the 10th annual Campion Award of the Catholic Book Club for eminent service to Christian letters from Father Harold C. Gardiner, S.J'., founder of the club and now literary editor of the new Catholic Encyclopedia. NC Photo.

Urges le«:lders Find New Ways To ChallE~nge Today's Youth NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Cath­ olic youth work leaders were told here they must "find new ways to challenge" the youth of today. "If we open our big ears and listen to the lay people, they will tell us that many, many times we have not touched llhem," said Msgr. Alexander 0, Sigur, chap­ lain of the Newman Apostolate at the University (],f Southwest-

Indian Missi'onary Has 100th Elirthday MANIWAKI (NG) - Father Joseph Guinard, O.M.L, who has spent the 73 years of his priest­ hood working amo:rJ.g Indians of Northern Ontario and Quebec, has celebrated his 100th birth­ day here in Quebec:. He was born Oct. 16, 1864 at Mas:<inonge, Que.., studied at Trois Rivieres, Que., and at Ot­ tawa, Ont., and was ordained to the Oblates of Mary Immac­ ulate priesthood in 1891. He helped found the Oblate mission post at Albany, James Bay, and has been attached to the Oblate community in Maniwaki for the past 65 years. He still enjoys comparatively good health. A special Mass in honor of the centenarian was offered by Archbishop Joseph Eigene Li­ moges, 85, of Mont Laurier.

Norris H. Tripp

ern Louisiana in Lafayette, La. A featured speaker at the Tenth National Conference on Catholic Youth Work, he said that the first quality of the nun, priest or lay person working with youth is that they "be themselves"-be willing to com­ municate rather than to steam­ roll or bulldoze. The approach must be sincere, he said, adding that "the youth of our time can spot a phony a mile off." Often, said Msgr. Sigur, "we present programs to keep thsm busy, and many times fend off successfully the giving of our­ selves."

Jesuit Retreats Continued from Page One fore retreatants will come for their spiritual exercises.

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Borrow Hall SANTA CLARA (NC)-Trin­ ity Methodist Church here is holding services in a hall loaned by St. Justin's Catholic Church.









• "

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Nov. 26, 1964

Leper Ar;,2al


BEFORE, AFTER: Leper child before and after three months of treatment with :Marianum Antigen, drug developed by nun working in field of leprosy control and named it in honor of Our Lady.

·Dogs Patrol Shrine Morally Unobjectionable for Everyone Apache Rifles Battle Hymn "rass Bottle rheyenne Autumn , rcus World '1Y Mars Imiaided Oream Maker Drum Beat Duke Wore Jeans East of- Sudan Emil and the Detectives Fall of Roman Empire Fate Is the Hunter Father Goose Finest Hours rirst Men in the Moon Four Days in November Godzilla vs. The Thing

Guns of August Hamlet Incredible Mr. Limpet It's Mad Mad Mad World Lillies of Field longest Day Modern Times Mouse on Moon Murder Ahoy Murder Most Foul My Fair lady Never Put it in Writing One Man's Way Only One in New York Papa's Delicate Condition Patsy, The Pepe Ride the Wild Surf

Romeo & Juliet Sampson & Slave Queen Santa Claus Conquers the Martians . Secret of Magic Island Sergeants 3 Summer Holiday Tattooed Police Horse Those Calloways Unearthly Stranger Voyage to End Univ~rse When the Clock Strikes Who's Minding Store Wild & Wonderful Windjammer Yank in Viet Nam, A You Have to Run Fast Young Swingers, The

Unobjectionable for Adults, Adolescents Act I I\dvance to Rear


Qehold A Pale Horse q'ack Zoo Blood on the Arrow Captain Newmlln. MD r.halk Garden f'~ildren of Damned rlJarade "itizen Kane Come Fly With Me Distant Trumpet Donovan's Reef Fail Safe Evil Eye

Hamlet Horror of It All I'd Rather Be Rich King of Sun lawrence of Arabia M~n From Galveston "ry, Mary 'l~ac'e WorJler Moro Witch Doctor >'Iscle Beach Party Night Walker "omt of Order Ring of Treason Roustabout Sanjuro Satan Bug

Sing and SwinR Secret Invasion Shock Treatment "3 Squadron ,th Pacific ·f Party 'ggart Twenty Plus Two Twice Told Tales Unsinkable Molly Brown Voice of Hurricane Walk Tightrope Walls of Hell Weekend With Lulu Wheeler Dealers World of Henry Orient

Morally Unobjectionable for Adults America, America Goodbye Charlie Andy Horror Castle Ape Woman Hud ll~dtime Story Hypnotic Eye Pikini Beach Loneliness of Long Blind Corner Distance Runner - 'ddha Los Tarantos Bus Riley's Back iA ToWII Luck of Ginger Coffey 'e Bye Birdie Mafioso r.~rdinal Mail Order Bride Cartouche Man's Favorite Sport Code 7, Victim 5 No. My Darling Daughter Crooked Road Pillow Talk Darby's Rangers Pink Panther FI i".ht from Ashiya Rio Conchos Goldfinger Rounders


Soft Skin Term of Trial Thin Red Line Third Secret Three Penny Opera Thunder of Drums To Bed or Not to Bed Town Without Pity Two Are Guilty West Side Story Hard Day's Night Where Love Has Gone Woman of Straw Young Lovers Zulu

For Adults (With Reservations) This classification Is given to certain films, which, while not morally offensive in themselves, require caution and som e analysis and explanation as a protection to the uninformed against wrong interpretations and false conclusions. Best Man Martin Luther This Sporting Life Black Like Me Organizer Tom Jones Divorce: Italian Style Nothing But the Best Under Yum Yum Tree Cool World Pumpkin Eater Victim Dr. Strangelove Servant Visit, The 8Y.! Sky Above & Mud Below Walk on Wild Side Girl With the Green Eyes Strangers in the City Young & Willing Lilith Suddenly Last Summer

Morally Objectionable in Part for Everyone Americanization of EmHy Black Sabbat" Comedy of Terrors Curse of Living Corpse Diary of a Bacllelor Female Jungle 4 for Texas Frightened City Get Yourself A College Gill GI Blues Honeymoon Hotel Horror of Party Beach House Is Not A Home Jessica Joy House

Kitten With AWhip

Strangler' Sunday in New York love, the Italian Way The Devil and tile Man In Middle 10 Commandments Masque of the Red Deatll Three Fables of l.owte Nutty, Naughty Chateau .Tiara Tahiti lBrJ Papama Party Time Travelers Psyche 59 Under Age Racing Fever Vice and Virtue sex and the Single CIrI Viva Las Vegas Shock Corridor What A Way To Ge Small World of Sammy ue Where Boys Are Soldier in the Rain Yesterday. Today and Some Came Running Tomorrow Splendor in Grass

IOmpty Canvas


Lady in Cage

Condemned ~t'$

Talk About


Employ Prowling Police Animals to Halt Vandalism at Place of Worship DENVER (NC)-Police dogs prowl the Mother Cabrini shrine near here, where a few short weeks ago pilgrims wended their way in prayer and meditation. When weather permits, a chain-link fence topped with barbed wire and an electronic alarm system will be installed. The security measures were de­ cided upon after repeated acts acts of vandalism caused clos­ ing of the 900-acre shrine situ­ ated in a paroramic setting high above this city and dedicated to the first U. S. citizen-saint, Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini. Several weeks ago minor dam­ age was wrought on the grounds. There were attempts to start fires in the area. The heaviest damage was inflicted by vandals with sledge hammers who dese­ crated the shrine. The shrine, built in 1947, a year after Mother Cabrini was

Omaha See Plans School Expansion OMAHA (NC) - The Omaha archdiocese has announced a $13.6 million Catholic school building program aimed largely at doubling -the enrollment ca­ pacity of high schools in the archdiocese to 10,000 by the­ 1971-72 school year. Archbishop Gerald T. Bergan said it would include 38 current, recently completed or future projects, among them the con­ struction of three new high schools and improvement in 25 or more parishes. "Our high school need is most urgent," the Nebraska prelate said. "Since 1948 the enrollment in our elementary schools has almost tripled. Presently there are 20,000 boys and girls in our parish schools. We must proceed to make room for them at the high school leveL" A key factor in the building program will be a $7.5 million fund drive known as the Arch­ bishop's Education Fund which will be conducted over the next several months. It will be the first area-wide effort of its kind ever conducted by the Catholic Church in Omaha.


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canonized, was closed down Nov. 9. It is expected to open before Christmas, with a kennel of at least three police dogs and a night watchman on the grounds at all times. The Sisters of Queen of Heaven Orphanage in Denver, who care for the shrine, were reluctant to remain on the grounds unless security meas­ ures were improved. This marks the second time in three years that vandals ravaged the shrine. In the latest destruc­ tion at the shrine a life-size statue of the Italian-born saint was thrown from its place on a chapel altar to concrete pave­ ment, a vault beneath the flood­ lit Sacred Heart statue at the summit of the shrine was smashed open, terracotta benches at 14 levels on the steep Way of the Cross leading to the summit were chipped and the mechan­ ism which operates the shrine's $25,000 electric carillon of bells was damaged.


Continued from Page One Another mission station is lo­ cated in an orchard, and nearly all treatments are carried on outdoors, no matter what the weather. The report from the orch2rd states: "In spite of heavy rain all o~ paEents'were treated at ope~ road tc:. the orchard at three places. We didn't expect but they care at last, they are so anxious to get our treatment." On another occasion the Ko­ rean doctor making the clinic reports noted "It was very cold and strong windy day and hard to keep eyes open but all of our patients came to get treatment. We did our best for them." Last Winter, said Father Sweeney, brought a month-long cold spell, and patients waiting outdoors for clinical treatment were miserable waiting for de­ layed ambulances. "Our urgent need is for treatment stations for the isolated groups who lack them." Fire by Road Again and again the necessity of treating seriously ill patients ~n the Winter cold is mentioned. It is hard for us to imagine being ill and being treated in the midst of snow and ice, but this is what the lepers endure. "Many patients are ulcerating and very sad to see," reported one Sister. "We made a little fire for them at the roadside." Let us make a big fire for the lepers, a fire of charity and gen­ erosity. When the "leper appeal" arrives in the mail, let us put it at the top of our Christmas list.

Brazil Thanksgiving RIO DE JANEIRO (NC) ­ Brazil will observe a national day of· thanksgiving on Nov. 26, the fourth Thursday of the month. Originating in the pro­ posal of the diplomat Joaquim Nabuco, this religious-civil holi­ iday was established on Al ,g. 17~ 1949, by national law.



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 26, 1964

This Messoae is Sponsored by the Following Individuals and Business Concerns in Greater Fall River:




Ann Dale Products, Inc.

Brady Electric Supply Co.

Cascade Drug Co.

Gold Medal Bread

Globe Manufacturing Co.

..... Hutchinson Oil Co• International Ladies Garment Workers Union MacKenzie & Winslow, Inc. Mason Furniture Showrooms



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George R. Montie, Plumber R. A. McWhirr Company Plymouth Printing Co., Inc.

A Face of Love and Despair

Sobiloff Brothers St~rling

Beverages, Inc.

Textile Workers Union of America, AFL·CIO


Yellow Cab Company

, THE CHRISTMAS APPEAL FOR THE LEPERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

There are over 15 million Lepers in the world today.

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,rhe Han"ds of Tenderness and Suffering

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. Nov. ~'. 1904

Traditional Football Games Wind·Up Schoolboy Season


Chapel at Northshore )ping Cent:er Shut Tighton SU~':~~Y

By Fred Bartek Throughout the area, Seniors this morning are don­ ning their football uniforms for the last time. For a few there will be other games in college, but for the majority it will be the end of another phase that a high school boy endures in his growing-up English to end Mike Travis process. And we dare say could be Somerset's big prob­ that despite the injuries and lem. Another tough one to pick. hardships that these athletes We'll take the Cardinals by a might have incurred they will be better men for it and will ha ve learned valuable lessons that will enable them to face problems in their future lives. In the only area games played last Sat­ urday it was Fairhaven over New Bedford Vocational 12-0, Province­ town and Nantucket finished in a scoreless tie. In a battle of the winiess, Fairhaven, a team that had been battered and trounced upon in its first seven games of the sea­ son displayed a spirited brand of football in achieving its victory. Nantucket Improves The Blue Devils survived two early fumbles and followed their leader Steve Desroches into the victory column. Desroches inter­ cepted a key pass, returned punts, made his own holes in the Voke defense and scored the game's only two touchdowns. The Artisans tried in vain to crack the Fairhaven defense and, after joe Gonsalves was injured in the second period, Yoke never seriously threatened. Nantucket scored a "moralW victory over Provincetown in the scoreless tie. Two weeks ago, the Fishermen romped over' Nan­ tucket 28-0. However, neither really threatened this time as the whole contest was played be­ tween the 20 yard lines. 93 Yards for Naught Apponequet Regional High will host Dighton-Rehoboth this morning. The two are evenly matched, and, it should be a close contest. The Dighton Fal­ cons have impressed this writer and, for that reason, we chose Dighton-Rehoboth. Las t week the Falcons lost to Bourne 7-0. Falcon QB Jim Martin raced 93 yards for a touchdown only to have the score nullified by a penalty. If Apponequet contains Martin it could be victory num­ ber five for the Lakeville-Free­ town combine. Fairhaven will be right back in the wars today as they visit Dartmouth. The undefeated Dartmouth Indians are enjoying their most successful season in years. Fairhaven, with its first win last week, could be inspired, but we don't think that will be enough. Mark Devitt, Wally Farias, Dave Kiaris and Bobby Shorrock will be too overpow­ ering for the Blue. Devils. The Indians will remain unbeaten. One of the keenest rivalries on tap today is Case of Swansea at Somerset. Both have struggled this season. Each considers to­ day's game as the key to a suc­ cessful season. The Blue Raiders feature fullback Joe Silva, half­ back Dave Thornton and QB Paul Houle. The Cardinals' passing com­ bination of signal caller Bobby

Faculty Has First Lay Theologians DAYTON (NC)-Thomas and Dorothy Thompson have joined the theology faculty of the Mar­ ianist Fathers' University of Dayton, fulfilling a common am­ bition neither expected to real­ ize ''for the next 20 years:

whisker. Britto Is Key The championship will be de­ cided in the "game of the year" in the Tri-County ranks as Wareham High hosts Bourne High. Both are undefeated in league play. Bourne is currently riding along in second place in the State Class D ratings while Wareham is sixth. The name Britto is the key in this impor­ tant contest. Manny Britto of Bourne is the Cape's leading scorer and the hard running fullback is the most important link in the ex­ plosive Bourne offense. Tommy Britto of Wareham (no relation to Manny) is Ware­ ham's leading scorer. This fleet­ footed . halfback scored three TDs in his team's recent con­ quest of Somerset. Likewise, it was Bourne's Britto that scored his team's TD that brought a 7-0 victory over Dighton-Reho­ both last week. This is a must game for both aggregations. It is most difficult to make a choice. We will go with Bourne because of its seemingly un­ touchable strength. . Back Atop Class D Two more Cape Cod rivals are squaring off today as Falmouth invades Barnstable. Both have come on strong in the last half of the season after slow starts. Of the two, the Clippers of Fal­ mouth have perhaps looked more improved and, for that reason, we will take them over the Red Raiders of Barnstable. The Green Hornets of Mans­ field clash today with Foxboro. It is .a tough assignment for Mansfield as Foxboro was the only team to beat Oliver Ames of North Easton. An interesting note is that that game has been forfeited to Oliver Ames because Foxboro used an ineligible player. Thus, Oliver Ames moves back to the top spot in the State Class D ranks with a 7-0-0 record. Forfeit All Games Revere High School has had to forfeit all of its games this season because it, too, used an ineligible player. Revere, which was leading the Class B ranks with a 7-0-1 record, now falls to last place with a 0-8 record. One of their victories was scored over New Bedford High. The Crimsonites move from a 2-4-1 record to a 3-3-1 mark. There­ fore, if New Bedford should win against Durfee today it will end the campaign with a winning season, something that was an impossibility until a few days ago. To quickly review the slate in today's encounters in the Bristol County League: Stang is at Feehan (Community Field North Attleboro), Taunton at Coyle Hopewell Park), North Attle­ boro at Attleboro (Hayward Field) and New Bedford High at Durfee (Alumni Field). All games are scheduled for 10:30 A.M. 'Th~

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ON CYO STAFF: Gold Medalist Vlis Williams, (Yf the winning U. S. 1,600­ meter relay team at Tokyo Olympics has joined the Los Angeles CYO staff as a group social worker. NC Photo

PEABODY (NC)-The Chapel of St. Therese conducted here by the Carmelites is most likely the busiest everyday place of religion in the Boston archdio­ cese--yet it is shut tight every Sunday. It's perhaps the only church in the world where finding such items in tl1e pews as a head of cabbage, a woman's handbag, a frozen turkey, a package of men's shirts, or even a girl's bathing suit occasions no sur­ prise. Father joel j. Schevers, O. Carm., chapel director, who is fast becoming known as the "pushcart padre," said it's all be­ cause his "bargain basement of religion" is located in the North- . shore Shopping Center, one of the largest in the world. And because it is operated in the shopping center, that's why it's a "never on Sunday" opera­ tion, Father Schevers added. "We distribute more than10,­ 000 Holy Communions a month and Communion recipients rep­ resent only a small part of those who attend our daily Masses," Father Schevers said. "We never have made an actual count and only the Lord knows how many people come to us each w~ek." Cheaper in Basement St. Therese's, a chapel without a parish, is staffed by priests from the Carmelite House in nearby Hamilton. It is geared to the operation of 60 stores in the big center and open only when the stores are open. The chapel, located in a base-

Invalidates State Censorship Law

NASHVILLE (NC)-The State Supreme Court has held that Tennessee's 106-year-old anti­ obscenity law is unconstitutional. The court held that the law did not specify that' an accused PAVLA Volunteers violator must hav~ knowledge of the presence of obscenity in To Have Chaplain a challenged film. CmCAGO (NC)-Father Ed­ The decision upheld a Mem­ ward Steichen, Salina (Kan.) di­ phis criminal court ruling. Mem­ ocesan priest, has been named to phis police had seized in Decem­ serve as spiritual director for 35 ber, 1962, a film entitled "I Spit Papal Volunteers in Brazil, on Your Grave," alleging its ex­ Father Raymond Kevane, na­ hibition in the Studio Theater tional director, Papal Volunteers violated the anti - obscenity in Latin America, announced· state. The theater manager was here. arrested. With the approval of Salina's Bishop Frederick W. Freking, r-----------~/Father Steichen will leave in January and establish his head­ quarters in Belem, the port city of 400,000 at the mouth of the Arthur Janson, Reg. Pharm.

Amazon River. He also will work DIABETIC AND SICK ROOM

as liaison between North Amer­ SUPPLIES

ican PAVLA and the North Sec­ 204 ASHLEY BOULEVARD

retariat of Brazil, plus in-service training for volunteers. New Bedford

Father Kevane noted that so WY 3-8405

far 40 U. S. bishops have as­ signed clergy of their Sees to work in Latin America.



ment,."because the rent is cheap­ er," is normally staffed by two priests and four Brothers. When more priests are needed, and they always are when sales in the stores attract great crowds, they quickly are ob­ tained by a telephone call to the seminary. "We have to watch the ads to figure out how many priests we will need," Father Schevers said.

Gregorif'!I Opens. Scholas~G~ Year ROME (NC) -The Pontifical Gregorian University officially opened its scholastic year with ceremonies in Rome's Church of St. Ignatius. Although the opening Mass of the academic year was cele­ brated Oct. 15, the official cere­ monies were deferred to give them more solemnity, a spokes­ man for the university said. They were dedicated to Pope Paul VI and to the council Fathers who are alumni or who have students attending the university; In his letter, read by Giuseppe Cardinal Pizzardo, the Pope said the students should "fill their squls with heavenly wisdom, adorn themselves with every manner of virtue as befits min­ isters of God, and endow them­ selves sincerely with the 'sense of the Church.' "Much is to be expected of their ingenuity," he continued. "Indeed we are confident that each of them will bring into ef­ fect in. their own dioceses what the Second Vatican Council de­ cides and decrees, so that the sp.iritual good of civil society WIll be promoted with greater zeal, and the human race at last will find its firm base in truth and in the life of the Divine Savior." .







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THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Nov. 26, 1964

Archbishop Cody Continues Fight For Justice NEW ORLEANS (NC)­ Archbishop John P. Cody of New Orleans has indicated he will carryon the policies of the late Archbishop Joseph F. Rummel in the field of inter­ racial justice. Archbishop Rummel publicly began his fight against racial segregation in the New Orleans archdiocese in 1956 and capped it in 1962 with a directive for racial integregation of archdio­ cesan schools. Archbishop Coady, who be­ eame Apostolic Administrator of the archdiocese in 1962, imple­ mented the late prelate's pro­ gram. In his tribute to Arch­ bishop Rummel, the new spirit­ ual head of the archdiocese said: "I can follow in his footsteps, but never fill his shoes." The archdiocesan Bureau of Information asserted that the records of Archbishops Rummel and Cody dispute charges of, "pussyfooting" on the racial is­ sue made in an article which appears in the December issue of Ramparts magazine. The ar­ ticle was written by John Beech­ er before Archbishop Rummel's death. "Only one side of the 'coin' is actually shown and a cursory reading of the article discloses numerous errors of fact and de­ liberate slanting in Beecher's re­ porting," the bureau's statement asserted. The bureau said racial inte­ gration in New Orleans now is a positive fact, and the policy set forth by the archdiocese has . been implemented emphatically "'in the face of tremendous op­ position of racial extremists." Seminaries, elementary and secondary schools, and organ­ izations like the Holy Name So­ ciety, St. Vincent de Paul So­ eiety, the Council of Catholic Women, physicians, lawyers and pharmacists guilds and other groups have been integrated racially, the bureau said.

Sensational Carload Purchase

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DINETTES Wittl Your Choice of Chairs


Where else but at Mason's in Fan River would you have a choIce I)f two nationally famous 5-Piece Dinettes al; one low, low price. The Rectangular Dinette (35x50x60) and the Oval Dinette (42x42x60) come with generous size extension leaves. The table tops are mar-proof Day­ stromite that resist stains, scu:ffs and burns. The Chairs are luxuriously upholstered with fabric-like vinyl that cleans with the whisk of a damp cloth. Choose the set you like best at this OI'1e low price.



Says Ecclesiastical Cold War Is Over


LEONIA (NC)-"The eccle­ siastical cold war is over," a Methodist minister told a Cath­ olic meeting here in New Jersey. The Rev. Charles H. Post of the Leonia Methodist Church spoke at the monthly meeting of the Holy Name Society 'at St. John's church. He was the sec­ ond in a group of five ministers invited to address the men at their meetings. Rev. Mr. Post said "we have reached the state of spir­ itual maturity where we have ceased calling each other names and ceased being suspicious of one another's motives, and we have come to recognize that we are followers of Jesus Christ together. We have common re­ sponsibil'ities in this world."

Shared-Time School Construction Starts CHICAGO (NC)-Ground has been broken here for St. Paul High School, the Catholic school system's contribution to a four­ year experiment in shared-time education scheduled to begin in September, 1965. Students at St. Paul's will divide their days between it and a new public school, John F. Kennedy High, being built three blocks away. Msgr. William E. McManus, superintendent of Chicago Cath­ olic schools, presided at the groundbreaking ceremonies for the $700,000 catholic schooL




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