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VOL. 43, NO. 46 • Friday, November 26, 1999


Bishop O'Malley says U.S. bishops addressed many issues positively ~

New higher education norms were approached with caution and concern; Bishop O'Malley spoke out on centrality of the tabernacle during the Nov. 15-18 general meeting. By JAMES N. DUNBAR AND CATliOUC NEWS SERVICE REPORTS

FALL RIVER - Just hours after his return from the fall general meeting of the U.S. bishops in Washington, D. c., Bishop Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., took time before the awarding of Marian Medals Sunday to report on the meeting he called "a very good one." "There was much on the agenda but I think there was a good, positive discussion on the part of the bishops and there was a meeting of the minds, particularly on the identity of our Catholic universities," Bishop O'Malley said. "I would say the centerpiece of the meeting was on 'Ex Corde Ecclesia,' ('Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us: A Pastoral Plan for Adult Faith Formation in the United States'); the I33-page document of the Holy Father on evangelization and our implementation of it," said Bishop O'Malley. It was overwhelmingly approved in a voice vote. He said that in essence, it sets out that

the president of a Catholic University and the majority of trustees should be Catholic, and that those who are teaching in the theology departments should have a "mandatum" or recognition from the bishop. The text spells out the appropriate role of a bishop in Catholic higher education in a context of academic freedom and institutional autonomy, key concerns in the U.S. academic community. During a discussion of a current draft of the bishops' document on Church art and architecture, Bishop O'Malley along with the other 30 bishops focused on the subject of tabernacle placement. Most who commented on "Domus Dei" ("House of God") indicated their preference for a central placement where the faithful could easily see it upon entering a church, Bishop O'Malley said. ''The bishops were concerned that the tabernacle no longer has a prominent place in the church. I was trying to point out the importance of underlying eucharistic faith to our people, particularly as the year 2000 is going to be the millennium year and the Year of the Eucharist. We will have a Eucharistic congress in our diocese and I hope this will be a time for our people to reflect and deepen our faith in the mystery of Christ's presence in the reserved sacrament." He added that, "This is in no way in opposition to the Celebration of the Eucharist, but is the same mystery we celebrate. I feel confident that the new document, when it comes out, will stress the prominence the tabernacle should have in our church archi-

UNIVERSAL OUTLOOK - Archbishop J. B. Pham Minh Man, archbishop of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, left, Cardinal Bernard Law of Boston, and Bishop Sean P. O'Malley of Fall River were grouped at a luncheon during the recent four-day, fall annual meeting of U.S. bishops in Washington, D.C. (Photo by John E. Kearns, Jr.) tecture." The proposed document, which the bishops could vote on next year, enunciates principles guiding the construction of new ·churches and the renovation of existing ones. It contains "many of the provisions of universal law governing liturgical art and

architecture and offers pastoral suggestions based upon the experience. of the last 30 years," says the preface of the 100-page document. In essence, bishops used their discussion time to voice their displeasure about the trend Tum to page 13 - Bishops

Advent: A time to rejoice in hope ~

"Advent has a two-fold character: as a season to prepare for Christmas when Christ's first coming to us is remembered; as a season when that remembrance directs our mind and heart to await Christ's second coming at the end of time. Advent thus is a period of devout and joyful expectation." - General

Norms for the Liturgical Year and Calendar. By JAMES N. DUNBAR FALL RIVER - Catholics here and in . dioceses across the world will find the sanctuaries and altars in their parish churches rather bare and without much of the color and ornamentation they are accustomed to when they go to Mass on the weekend of November 27-28, the first Sunday in Advent. . . . . . . . f9~ Ad.v~~~ p\e.n~~ .t?gt?t~~~ ~ .peniten~

tial spirit similar to Lent, a liturgical theme of preparation for the second and final coming of the Lord called the Parousia, and a joyful theme of getting ready for the remembrance of the birth-of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem more than 2000 years ago. As we stand on the threshold of the new millennium and Jubilee Year 2000, dedicated to Christ in the Eucharist, "The Order of Prayer In the Liturgy of the Hours" offers a keen reminder that the birth of Jesus at

Bethlehem "is not an event which can be consigned to the past. The whole of human history in fact stands in reference to him: our own time and the future of the world are illuminated by his presence. He is the 'the Living One' (Rev 1:18), 'who is, who was and who is to come' (Rev 1:4)". The word Advent, from the Latin adventus, or "coming," originally described the whole

mystery of Christ's Incarnation. The conception of Jesus was an Advent, but so was his birth and what will be his final coming at the end-times. In a more popular sense, Advent was first associated with the time of the year now called Christmastime, and finally with the weeks of preparation for Christmas. As Catholics in the final year of this millennium advance towards Christmas, the Scriptures at Advent Masses can be a spiritual roadmap for us. From the first Sunday ofAdvent until Dec. 16, the focus of the season is upon Christ's glorious return at the end time of creation. From Dec. 17 to 24, inclusive, the texts of the liturgy prepare us more directly for the Christmas celebration. "An essential component of Christian spirituality is a living sense of vigilance, a state of being alert for the coming of Christ who is among us, yet who comes in a definitive end time," the St. Andrew Missal says. "The Scriptures recount humanity'S longing, satisfied in the birth of Jesus, who went beyond all human hope in taking upon himself Turn to page 13 - Advent .


Art contest centers on prayer

TIffiANCHOR---.:. Diocese ofFall River-Fri., November 26, 1999


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Day Chapter &Verse

1 John 01 02 03 04

05 2 John 06 3 John 07 Revelation 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 '20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

2:1-17 2:18-29 3 4 5

1 2:1-17 2:18-3,;6 3:7-22 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19:1-10 19:11-20:6 20:7-21:8 21:9-22:5 22:6-21

this year to children in grades from kindergarten through grade 6. In August of 2000, Family Rosary will be moving its headquarters to a building constructed adjacent to Stonehill College in North Easton, Mass. The theme of this year's contest, JAMES HOLMES, Charity Fund Representative for the Knights ''Open Wide the Door;' is based on Pope of Columbus, Damien Council #4190, and Grand Knight James John Paul II's request for all Christians Alferes, right, presented acheckfor $5,000 to Bella Millerof Marion. to "Open wide the door of our heart to in preparation for the Jubilee The funds will be used to renovate her bathroom and make it Christ" Year 2000, in which the pope will open handicapped accessible for her special needs child, Jessica.The the Holy Year doors in St. Peter's Bawork was made possible by the Knights' annual Tootsie Roll Drive. silica in Rome. Contestants are·to use art, prose or poetry in depicting their favorite place ofprayer, such as their home, church or school, including what it looks like and why it is a holy place. Written entries may be submitted in English, Spanish, Portugueseor Tagalong (philippines). All entries must be postmarked by Feb. I, 2000. Wmners will be notified on April 15, 2000. One winner will be chosen from each grade level. Winning contestants will receive $200, and the parish, school ororganization sponsoring the winner will be awarded $500. Entry forms for this year's contest have been mailed to more than 22,000 Catholic schools, parishes and dioceses '. in·the u.s. and other countries through Family Rosary:sintemational-.offices. IN HONOR of Pastoral Care Week at Marian Mano"r, TaunForms· are also available from ton, staff, residents and friends recently celebrated different the Family Rosary, 4 Pine West cultures with its "Diversity Fashion Show." It went along with Plaza,A1bany, NY 12205, or by callthe week's theme, "Diversity of Spirituality," which focused ing (800) 299-7729, and can be downon the various cultures and traditions found in communities. loaded from its web site: www.familyrosaD'.Org. Staff modeled traditional dress of many countries.

Daily Readings Nov29

Nov 30


Dec 2

Dec 3

Dec 4

Dec 5

Is 2:1-5; Ps 122:1-9; Mt 8:5-11 Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19:2-5; Mt 4:18-22 Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 15:29-37 Is 26: 1-6; Ps 118:1,8-9,1921 ,25-27a; Mt 7:21,24-27 Is 29:27-24; Ps 27:1 ,4,1314; Mt 9:2731 Is 30:1921,23-26; Ps 147:1-6; Mt 9:35-10:1,6-8 Is 40:1-5,911; Ps 85:914; 2 Pt 3:814;Mk1:1-8

11I1I1111 I1II111111111111111111

THE ANCHOR (USPS-545.Q20) Periodical Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published weekly except for the first two weeks in July and the week after Christmas at 887 HighlaOO Averwe, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press ofthe Diocese oiFaIl River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $14.00 per year. POSTMASTERS sem address changes to The An;hor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, ~ 02722.

In· Your Prayers Please pray for the following priests during the coming week NECROLOGY November 29

1965, Rev. Francis A. McCarthy, Pastor, S1. Patrick, Somerset \'\

. December 1

1958, Rev: Phillipe Rpss, Chaplain, Sacred Heart Home. New Bedford 1964, Rev. Edward 1. Gorman, Pastor Emeritus, S1. Patrick, Somerset



\ \ December 2

1917, Rev. Arthur Savoie, Pastor, S1. Hyacinth, New Bedford 1958, Rev. Dennis W. Harrington, Assistant, St.' Mary, T~upton

'D~cember3·'· 1926, Rev. John W. McClII1hy, PJ., Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall River ... /~ .~:~.

194~,.Rev~Char1es 1~9.4,Rev. Edward




"De~eTber 4

OuelIette, AS~lstant, S1. Jacques, Taunton C. Duffy, Pastor! S1. Francis Xavier, Hyannis Decen'tber 5

1986, Rev. Eugene 1. Boutin, Manchester Diocese 1990, Rev. Coleman Conley. SS.CC.,\Chaplain, Sacred Heart Home. New Bedford \ '. \ \\,

PRIESTS CURRENTLY SERVING . \ . November 29 November 30 December I December 2 December 3 December 4 December 5

Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev.

Craig A.\Wrgana David A.pregana James Preske'nis. CSC Paul" 1. Price, SS.CC. Michael Racine John A. Rapo~o, Msgr. John J.Regan


THEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., November 26, 1999


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THE VOCATION Awareness Team of Corpus Christi Parish, East Sandwich, visits with. diocesan seminarian Paul Bernier, center, at the Pope John XXIII National Seminary in Weston. He is in his final year of studies and has spent a summer assignment at the parish. The team attended Mass, had lunch with the seminarians and enjoyed a tour of seminary grounds.

Father Pregana attends National Vocation Directors Convention FALL RIVER - Father Craig A. Pregana, vocation director for the Fall River Diocese, joined with 118 other directors at the recent, 36th annual Convention ofthe National Conference ofDiocesanVocation Directors held in St Louis, Mo. Theme of the convention of directors from across the United States and Canada was, "Gateway to the New Millennium." Father Pregana reported that there were 48 new vocation directors attending the convention: Prior to the start of the meeting, anew directors' workshop was held, designed to introduce the fundamentals of vocation in ministry and a continuing formation workshop for lhose wilh two or moreyears in ministry. 'The dioceses throughout New England meet twice yearly to review application procedures and plan new ways

to promote the message abOut service Rev. Msgr. George 1. Lucas spoke in the Church;' Father Pregana said. on ''Christ is the Capsto~f'lComerstone" "While there are some who enter at a morning of reflection. He focused ' the seminary formation program fol- on the importance of having a healthy lowing high school, a number of sense of where we have come from as young men in college have stepped we answer the call to serve in the new forward to learn more about life as a millennium. Father Melvin C. Blanchette, priest College years are a time for setting life goals and considering the main s~aker at the final day of the gifts God has given for the building convention, covered self-concept and up of the community of faith," he self-esteem and the human developadded. ment ofcandidates and how it is transThe keynote speaker on the open- ferable to the vocation director. He ing day was Benedictine Father Mark provided guidance and assistance in 0' Keefe, whose talk was titled ''Cross- a worship on "Interpreting Psychoing the Threshold of Hope." He spoke logical Assessment in the Screening ofthe priest as a messenger ofhope for . Process." the future, that through Christ and the Those interested in learning Holy Spiiit the priest finds the cour- more about a vocation should con·. age to face the challenges that lie tact their parish priest, or Father ahead, the vision to see the signs of Pregana at the Vocation Office at hope and the words of hope to speak (508) 990-0371 Email: FRVocationOffice@,Iuno.com. to the Church and the world,


Bishop awards 100 Marian Medals FALL RIVER - The award of embossed with the Miraculous Medal that parish, ~d who is hospitalized, Marian Medals on Sunday and its of Mary on one side and the diocese's was visited by Bishop O'Malley and the award presented to hirri a day earnearness to the Thanksgiving holiday coat-of-arms on the other. "is most fitting because we celebrate' Missing from the ceremonies were lier. The bishop also presented pastors this occasion in the same spirit, thank- two award recipients, Bishop ing God - for all of you who have O'Malley reported. Stanley Killian of at 10 shrines/churches with a special served in generosity, joy, and a spirit our Lady ofthe Holy Rosary Parish in Holy Year Banner designating them ofsacrifice;'BishopSean P. O'Malley, Taunton, died of cancer on Sunday as places where eucharistic devotions will be scheduled during the Jubilee OFM Cap., told the congregation that morning.. crowded St. Mary's Cathedral for the Albert Beaudoin, sacristan at St. Year 2000, which has the Eucharist as annual awards. Mary's Cathedral arid a member of its theme. Approximately 100 parishioners chosen by their colleagues in parishes across the diocese came forward to receive the lay medals for devotion and service, prior to the 3 p.m. Solemn Evening Prayer service, Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction, at which Bishop O'Malley presided and gave the homily. "It is your hard work, goodness and fidelity all kinds of services imaginable that keeps all ofour parishes and agencies going," the bishop said. "And, like Thanksgiving, we come together as a diocesan family to lhank lhe Lord for lhe many gifts ... especially for the gift of the medals . today." The tradition of recognizing men and women for service was established MARIAN MEDAL recipients Helen Purcell of Our Lady of by Bishop James L. Connolly and lhe Lourdes Parish, Wellfleet, and Philip E. Bedard of S1. Jacques Parawards were first presented by him in ish, Taunton, a diaconate candidate, stand with the bishop prior to 1968. The sterling silver emblem is . the annual awards ceremonies Sunday in S1. Mary's Cathedral.

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the living word

Preparing for the holidays - Thanksgiving is considered the traditional. kickoff of the winter holiday season. It is the most trave~ed time of the year. People visiting people and families coming together are a hallmark of the festivity. So often it: is viewed as a periog of commercial abuse and secular extravagance. Admitting the excesses of shop-' ping sprees and the like, one must also point out the c;leep emotional ties that renew the human spirit especially when it comes· to family life. This week and in the weeks to come, most people will gather at the table. Coming together with family, friends and co-work~ ers is one of life's joys. It surfaces the basic need of food -and companionship and so is a profound celebration of life together. , We in fact celebrate the real meaning of the season, namely the goodness of God. Sharing food together, the bounty of His goodnes~ provides a wonderful opportunity to communiCate with each .other. At the table each day we can know one anoth~r and ourselves, if we let it happen. We can also make it an opportunity to strengthen our relationship with our God. Throughout the Bible, .God is present at meals. During this season, Isaiah proclaims a banquet for all in God's holy ministries. Jesus was present at the. celebration meal of Cana. He fed the multitudes as he reflected that he was the bread of life. It is in the breaking of the bread that his disciples recognized him at Emmaus. The meal of the Last Supper becomes the central act' of worship. Th~' dining table meets t,he altar, table. Simple as it may soulld, this is one of the great gifts of the season. The coming together to break bread with one ano~h~r is indeed one of the greatest gifts we can and should give 'to One another. Sure, there will be the hoopla of shopping and giftgiving. Yet we can minimize its effects on our lives if we prioritize. The most precious gift we give is the gift of our God and ourselves. Our coming together is the opportunity to give. this gift to each other with feeling, tenderness and joy. : ". . For some families, getting everyone aroupd the. table' comes without effort and difficulty. For many people it is a struggl~. . There are some who have no loved ones and some with n.o food. .Others get caught up in the hectic pace of their own making. Work schedules in a secular marketplace, long commutes to work, sports priorities and the like often take .precedence over the wonderful sharing that only can come a~ a table. Let's not forget that the constant din of the television and the glare of the computer often interfere with any coming together of a family. So often we ignore the fact that meals eaten together are a symbol of social stability. The lack of social cohesion is mirrored by our fast-food mindset. It is simply tragic to see how many families do not come together in their own homes around the table. Too busy for one another, they drift away from family and all that it should mean in their lives. Is there any wonder why they are· not to be seen at the Lord's table? These holiday times can be meaningful to all in a family, if they take time to come together at the table. When food is not prepared for sharing even in our own homes, we lose' an important, vital way of expressing our social identity and caring for others. When this happens to a family it becomes an act of selfdestruction as a cohesive entity -in our social order. It rips apart; it fails to bring together. As we prepare to celebrate the joy of this specialseasori let the spirit of these days be recognized at the family table where . we indeed .celebrate the- gifts 'of a loving God.




Imagine waking up ~n the morning and looking forward to your work. No doubt many people find great satisfaction in their jobs. It may be that their work invites their creativity, that their office environment is warm and inviting or that the people they work with are like a family to them. , But can you imagine people in our secular society loving their jobs The Editor because those jobs put religion into their lives? Religion in the workplace is becoming much more common than most people realize according to a recent article titled "Religion in the Workplace" in Business Week magazine. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF fALL RIVER It reports that ina poll conducted Published weekly by' The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River by George Gallup Jr. and Tim Jones, 51 percent of Americans said that P.O. BOX 7 887 Highland Avenue modern life leaves them too busy Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722-0007 to enjoy God or to pray as they Telephone 508-'675-7151 would li.ke to. Seventy-eight perFAX (508) 675-7048 cent feel a need in their life to exSend address chang~ll to P'.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above p,erience spiritual growth, and 48 .percent say they have had an occaEDITOR. GENERAL MANAGER NEWS ED.lTOR sion to talk about their religious Rev. Msgr. John F. Moore Rosemary Dussault James N. Dunbar .faith in the workplace frequently. •- ~ L£t:AV "'e:ss - FALL AIVEA These statistics, coupled with a'


.need to improve business, have led on the same commuter trains most businesses like Taco Bell, Pizza men and women take to work or Hut, subsidiaries of Wal-Mart and fighting the same traffic they fight 'a number of other.blue-chip corpo- every morning. It means meeting rations to create God squads for the people on their turf rather than workplace. The role of these God bringing them to the parish's turf. We need to be asking what is squads is to serve as chaplains, visiting employees who may be expe- unique about Catholicism and what riencing marital difficulties, who in its tradition would best speak to are in hospitals, who may be deal- the workplace. How would a Cathoing with emotional difficulties or lic God squad differ from the God , who may even be suicid~I. God squad of another religious denomisquads also make Bibles available nation - and ·are there areas for to them and form them into prayer ecumenical cooperation in the groups that meet on a regular basis. workplace? Although a Catholic God squad One employee sums up the impact this is having on her life: "A would counsel an'd visit the sick, lot of times I feel real depressed, should it go beyond this in the,way and I have to talk to somebody or it ministers? What in the Catholic I'll explode. If I didn't have that tradition of spirituality would be support, I don't know what I'd do." most helpful to the marketplace? When we reflect on how religion Should it include Jesuit, increasingly is being accepted in Benedictine, Carmelite, Dominithe workplace, it raises questions' can and Augustinian spiritualities, about the Catholic Church's role as well as others? What liturgies or there. Should we be developing paraliturgies would make an impact programs and preparing a riew core on the workplace? . oflay ministers whose primary minIt is refreshing to see the business world turning to religion'- I istry is to the marketplace? At the moment, most of our lay .hope this isn't a passing fad and programs tend to be centered within: . that the uniqueness of our Cathoparish boundaries. To venture out lic faith will help keep it from beinto the marketplace means getting coming one.

Hospital offers stress management program FALL RIVER - Saint Anne's Hospital will offer a Stress Management for Parents Program on December 9 from 6:30-8 p.m. in its Nannery Conference Room for anyone who is feeling stressed, overburdened or harried as the holidays approach. Professional staff and area health

care providers will help participants explore diverse ways of dealing with parental stress and it will include guided relaxation, therapeutic massage and aromatherapy. To register call The Center for Children and Families at 1-888-280-5437. The Hospital is also seeking vol-

unteers for its Oncology Center in North Dartmouth and a new adult volunteer position in its radiation

THEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., November 26. 1999 oncology department. The position is primarily clerical and both training and orientation will be provided.


For more information call Elizabeth Novacek in volunteer services at 674-5600, ext. 2080.

Msgr. Fay of Boston wins key post with NCCB-USCC ~

He is elected as general secretary-elect. By CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

WASHINGTON - Msgr. William P. Fay, a priest of the Archdiocese of Boston, was elected to serve what one bishop called an "apprenticeship" as general secretary-elect of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and U.S. Catholic Conference. The bishops had voted the previous day to extend by one year the term of Msgr. Dennis M. Schnurr as NCCB-USCC general secretary. A priest of the Diocese of Sioux City, Iowa, Msgr. Schnurr has been general secretary for five years. Msgr. Fay, associate general secretary of the NCCB and USCC since 1995, was one of two candidates nominated by a search committee. The other was Msgr. Francis J. Maniscalco, a priest of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, N.Y., who is USCC director of communications. No vote tallies were announced on the extension of Msgr. Schnurr's term or the election of Msgr. Fay as general secretary-elect. The NCCB-USCC general secretary runs the day-to-day operations at the bishops' Washington headquarters. Under the new arrangement, Msgr. Fay will train under Msgr. Schnurr before beginning his own five-year term on Feb. 3, 2001. A 50-year-old native of Boston, Msgr. Fay was ordained for the Bos-


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ton Archdiocese in 1974 and held a number of academic and pastoral posts before joining the .USCC as an associate general secretary in . . 1995. Most recently he served as chairman of the philosophy department at St. John's Seminary in Brighton, Mass., 1985-95, and dean of the seminary's College of Liberal Arts, 1991-95. He holds a master's degree in theology from the Gregorian University in Rome and a doctorate in philosophy from The Catholic University of America in Washington. Neither the extension of Msgr. Schnurr's term nor the election of his successor promoted any public debate among the bishops.

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Father McFarland named new president of Holy Cross \College By CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE WORCESTER, Mass. - Jesuit Father Michael C. McFarland, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Wash., has been named president of the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester. He will assume his new duties at the oldest Catholic college in New England in July. He will succeed Frank Vellaccio. acting president since July 1998.


Father McFlj,rland, a native of Boston, has been at Gonzaga since 1996, where he is also a professor of computer science. He taught from 1986 to 1996 at Boston College, where he developed new courses in ethics and computers, computer architecture and digital systems. He worked as a consultant from 1985-86 at the AT&T Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, N.J., and, in 1990, was a postdoctoral fellow there. Father McFarland earned a bachelor's degree in physics at Cornell University; a master's and doctorate in electrical engineering in relation to computer engineering at Carnegie-Mellon University; and master's degrees in divinity and social ethics at the Weston School of Theology in Cambridge, Mass. A Jesuit since 1975, he was ordained to the priesthood in 1984. He has been involved in pastoral work at several parishes and a convent in Spokane, in addition to offering liturgies and retreats at Gonzaga.


Placement Exam Saturday, . December 4th 8 - 11:30 a.m.


TIffiANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., November 26, 1999

How Advent accents the need for tradition As Advent approachesJ find myself think- that put "Tradition" in lights, "Fiddler on . begins with 路an experience or expression of a ing back to how my children and I used to the Roof." The father sang about the cus- truth that deeply touches or reflects basic meet with other families to make our Advent toms of his people with humor, ~ut no one human values and the needs that people share. So important is this experience that it wreaths. It was another time and antranscends the moment and continues to live other place, but the memories of this - played out again and again by generajoyful camaraderie have remained tions that follow. , with me. ,We repeat the action so as to keep us We did a lot of laughing as we linked to that original, valid experience, and wrestled with wire, evergreens and thus, a tradition is born. In time, the action candles. Never for a minute did we might assume some coloration different from ever question why we made Advent By Antoinette' B'osco that of the original, but in essence it does not wreaths. We all knew that the circudiffer. lar wreath symbolizes eternity and that the candles represent the com- - - - - - - - - - - - -.......:.-~--...... It's not hard to see why tradi.tion is needed. It gives us roots in the past and connects us' ing ot the Christ child to be the light missed the message: These traditions are the to our ancestors, it provides a sense of not of the world. being alone but being part of a people. But why we made them together was force that hold a people together. The same is true for Christians, especially . A tradition makes us remember that there something else. We knew we were carrying . on a tradition with a lot of meaning, and we at Christmas when we are drawn to revive is a larger picture. Remembering that gives felt that by getting together we were empha- traditions that link us to the miracle of the us a certain security. birth of Jesus. The Advent season puts a focus on tradisizing the importance of this tradition. A teacher told me once that a tradition tions that have made us all Plitt of the family I always remember the Broadway musical

The Botto'm Line

of the Lord. These days I am in a new cycle. I still gather wire, evergreens and candles to make an Advent wreath, but for grandchildren. It is something both tangible and mystical that is being passed on to them. . When we complete the Advent journey and' arrive at Christmas Eve, that's when our' traditions really are underscored. We'll be delighted by the Christmas tree and the.Nativity scene we all look forward to seeing each year. We'll eat the traditional foods I make, handed down to me by my Italian grandmother. Then with my daughter Mary playing the piano and 'son Frank on guitar, we'll all sing traditional Christmas carols. We'll be conscious of our joy, our humanness and of the miracle of one birth that led to the rebirth of the world. And we'll be grateful for our traditions, which remind us that we are never alone, that' we belong to the One who came at Christmas.

The "Schadenfreude" way to relieve stress Have you read where German researchers have discovered a new and healthy way' to rei ieve stress? It's called "schadenfreude." My neighbor Bud and I thought that name alone might be part of the therapy. When you are feeling a little down because of the holiday stress, you stand up wherever you are and pronounce in a clear and ringing voice, "schadenfreude." If the first "schadenfreude" does not work instantly, do it two or three more times in quick succession .. Caveat: This does not mean right after the homily during Mass or during the collection'. This makes people think you have either sneezed really big time, or that your two-year-old just crushed your instep with the kneeler, or that Msgr. 0' Kneel's talk on the annual appeal somehow disappointed you. . Here's a better example. You have been trying to order the Harry Potter books "online" and .you finally located a book-

store in the Alps that has the last'two copies of "The Prisoner of Azkaban" on earth. As you tap in your Visa card's expiration date, your "server" does a monster burp, and your screen goes blank. Y~s, stand up and . scream "schadenfreude]" Do it with a 'Colonel Klink fake German accent. See, don't you feel better? . Well, don't. That's not, what the German researchers had in mind.at all. Vat ver you sinking? Yah? One of those sly researchers, Claudia Sies, .says "schadenfreude" is a German word that means "joy over someone else's misfortune." She and her colleagues claim that guffawing at other folks' failjngs or gloating over someone else's bad hick is not only healthy but can give the guffawer/ gloater insights .into their own foibles. Again, Bud and I agreed that the word "foible" i~ another one of those sounds that have latent curative powers - like apo~路 plexy, fa~kle and patueey..

Seriously,路try this: Stop any strangers at random on the street, look them in the eye, and say sincerely, "Apoplexy, farkle. and patueey." Or ask them as a question: "Apo-

The offbeat world of Uncle Dan By Dan Morris

plexy? Farkle? Patueey?" Maybe throw in "Foible"? But Claudia 'says "schadenfreude" helps you relax "because it can lead to a hearty laugh." She says we should stop feeling guilty about gloating over someone else's defeat. . . I am not kidding. I have to confess I

have a hard time finding scriptural support for this kind of therapy. Somehow I have a little problem with busting a gut over someone getting his shoe laces caught in the escalator steps and spewing himself and three hours worth of shopping all over the sporting -goods department when he hits the bottom of the ride. OK, OK, OK, later I might smirk a little in the privacy of the elevator after I've helped that person pick things up, but you know what I mean. My fear is that someone will take this seriously and put together a book of sad anecdotes for people to read to help them relax. The dust jacket might read, "Here, read about the misfortunes of others, gloat and become a bundle of health."

Comments are welcome. Write Uncle Dan at 6363 Christie Ave: No. 222, Emeryville, Calif. 94608; or e-mail: cnsuncle@yahoo.com.

A few kernels of truth in bishops'love of popcorn By MARK PATIISON CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE

WASHINGTON - No meeting of the U.S. bishops goes by without one or two

coffee breaks a day. But not every day do the bishops also get a bag of popcorn, and.they enthusiastically thrust their hands into brown

paper bags filled with it, trying to get every kernel. It was a rare treat,said a number of bishops polled by Catholic News Service, and after a taste, some were thinking it ought to be a littler higher up on their hierarchy of cpmfort foods. . "Every so often I like to throw one (packet of popcorn) into the microwave and feel like a kid," said Auxiliary Bishop Thi;>mas G. Wenski of Miami. "I get to eat it at home," cQncurred Auxiliary Bishop Emilio Allue of Bos-' ton. "It's more healthy than ice cream and things like that." Auxil,iary Bishop A. Edward Pevec of Cleveland was gladly munching away. "Rjght now I'm on a veJ:'Y strict diet and this is one of the few things I can have," , he noted. ' , ~ishop Pevec had undergone heart 'surgery in June and has to avoid. "fatty things," he said. "I can have popcorn in very limited quantities." . Auxiliary Bishop Joseph J. Madera of . the Archdiocese for the Military Services is a big popcorn fan. . , As a youngster growing up in Mexico, he remembered popcorn balls, with the kernels held together by- syrup. "They sell them at the bullfighting and other celebrations," he said. "This is a common food for the poor people in Mexico, and, in Mexico they grow such good corn. It's filling, not fattening."

Bishop Madera said studies have noted how Mexico's indigenous population has subsisted for generations on a diet largely of corn, pinto beans and chilies, "and they have no cancer. It's a mystery," he said in a voice that clearly sug~ gested otherwise. Ukrainian Bishop Michael Wiwchar of St. Nicholas in Chicago was holding court with a bag of popcorn in his hand for himself and to share with other bishops. Cardinal Anthony J. Bevilacqua of Philadelphia passed by and said, "You're handing out popcorn - are we going to see a movie?" "We're in a movie right now!" Bishop Wiwchar replied with a broad smile on' his face. . "It's something, good to munch on, it doesn't gain you any weight," the bishop said in a quieter voice. "The sweet things', as you know, have many calories," he told a reporter who' was dissolving a hard , candy in his mouth . "I'm sharing it with my friend, the cardinal here, because we're (both) from Chicago," he added. That would be Chicago Cardinal Francis J. George, who reached in Bishop Wiwchar's bag once more. ,"Popcorn is important to one's peace of mind," the cardinal said. "Whoever thought of this did a real.service to the bishops of the U.S. conference." .


Is Advent Dluch different froDl Lent? Q. I am writing about a trend ticipating' the commemoration of in our parish recently that has his birth and .::elebrating his conmade Advent almost indistinguish- tinued presence and saving grace able from Lent. Only penitential among us. All this happens under songs are sung, the Alleluia is only our awareness that, by living the recited, not sung, no decorations mystery of Christ, we await with of any kind are allowed until him his final victory over sin and death. Christmas Eve. The Church repeatedly emphaThe homilies are on sinfulness and repentance. Advent Masses sizes that all Advent liturgies are almost like Good Friday. It is all very discouraging and confusing to Q. ourfamily. Isn't the idea of Advent to be a By Father preparation for John J. Dietzen Christmas, with some anticipa- ....- - - - - - - - - - tion and festivity about it? Or is this changed? should reflect this watchful joy. In music, visual environment and the (Illinois)

r----------Questions "JInd


A. Assuming you reflect the circumstances accurately, the observance of Advent in your liturgies is, to say the least, unusual. Whoever is responsible for your liturgical planning seems out of touch with, or perhaps never learned, the Church's tradition and teaching about this beautiful season. Certainly there is a penitential aspect to these weeks, but their framework, spirit and focus differ significantly from that which characterizes the time of Lent. At least since the time of St. Bernard, nearly 1,000 years ago, the time of Advent has focused on the three comings of our Lord: his birth in the incarnation, the final coming at the completion of his work of redemption and, between these two, his presence and saving power at work in the community of faith through the ages. Advent, in other words, is primarily a time ofjoyous waiting, an-

overall tone of the liturgy, it is quite distinct from the penitential time before Easter. As the introduction to the Sacramentary (Roman Missal) says, these weeks before Christmas are a "season of devout and joyful expectation." Throughout the centuries, even before Christianity, the acclamation "Alleluia" ("praise to the Lord") has been by nature a sung prayer. Speaking instead of singing it is like reciting instead of singing "Happy birthday to you." The Church's liturgical documents generally simply asSume AIleluia is always sung. (See, for example, the 1972 decree of the Congregation for Divine Worship governing chants at Mass, No.7). The "Instruction on Sacred Music" of the U.S. Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy says, "If not sung, the Alleluia should be omitted" (55).

Q. Two years ago I became friends with a man with whom I

work. We can discuss anything, and have developed a close relationship. We are beginning to talk of marriage. My question: Is there anything in the Bible that speaks of interracial relationships? I am Caucasian, and he is black, but with each other we don't see color. I'm interested in what God tells us, if anything. Thank you for whatever you can offer. (North Carolina) A. There is nothing in the Bible specifically about interracial marriage. To begin with, you would want to examine carefully all those concerns faced by any other couple preparing for marriage. In addition, of course, you need to ask yourselves very specifically how you would deal together with the social and perhaps economic implications for your biracial family if you marry. Another major factor is how supportive and accepting your families will be for you and your children, and what the "climate" is for interracial families where you will live. You will, I'm sure, be asked by your parish priest to participate in the usual marriage preparation programs for your diocese, which should be quite helpful. Some books and other writings by couples in an interracial marriage are available in libraries and through the Internet. They might suggest some insights to think about. I hope things work out for you.

A free brochure outlining basic Catholic prayers, beliefs and moral precepts is .available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father Dietzen, Box 325, Peoria, IL 61651. Questions for this column may be sent to FatherDietzen at thesame address, ore-mail iidietzen@aol.com.

When a child nags Dear Dr. Kenny: My eightyear-old son pesters me until I give in. He whines, tattles on his little sister, begs and won't let me alone until I can't stand it. I've told him that it's very annoying, but he keeps after me. How can I get him to stop? (Ohio)

tering most annoying. If he persists, you are going to walk away. Go to the bathroom or for a ride in the car. Tell him you have another plan. One way might be to suggest that he write down his problem or request, or speak it into the tape-re-

I'm smiling as I answer you. Every family has someone like this, a , _ - - - - - - - - - - child who pesters you until he gets his way. His nagging will continue as long as it pays off. What you need is a game plan, an effective strategy to combat your son's persistence. Here are two "don'ts" and a "do." With Dr. ·James & Don't argue with him. Your atMary Kenny tention is rewarding to him. The longer you take to argue and explain, the more attention he gets. corder. You will then read or listen Why should he stop? Don't give in. By giving in after to his concern and respond by writhe wears you down, you are teach- ing or audiotaping. Give him a small reward for playing him to wear you down. He is being rewarded for the v~ry behav- ing the game your way. Each time he writes or records his concern, he ior. Psychologists refer to the way earns a token payoff. The payoff might be a small you are responding as an "intermittent reinforcement schedule." food treat -a handful of trail mix; That's the most effective way to a quarter slice of bread with peanut teach a habit. Reinforce it (give in) butter and a cherry on top; one shiny new penny; a piece of bubble every so often. Reward an alternate behavior, ·gum from your bubble-gum bank. one that cannot coexist with the If he can guess the right color, he pestering. To teach your son a dif- may win an additional 25 cents. Points are another effective payferent response, you must have a plan that is primarily nonverbal. off. For every five points he earns, he may select a slip from your "love Here are a few possibilities. First, explain to your son that jar." In that jar, you have slips of you find whining, tattling and pes- paper with small rewards, such as

Family Talk

"breakfast in bed," "one video rental" or "stay up one half hour later." Another plan might be to play the "Quiet Game." Whenever your son whines, tattles or pesters and you can't stand it, you will blow a whistle or say a magic word like "frumpy." Set the oven timer for three minutes. if he will go to his chair and remain there quietly for three minutes, he can earn a small reward as above. If you prefer, play the "Fitness Game." When he nags, you say "Michael Jordan." On this cue he must do five push-ups or run around the outside of the house. If he does this, he earns a small reward. Make it a game. Blow the whistle. Reward compliance with • the new behavior. If that fails, you get away without giving in. This may take up to six weeks to lessen his nagging, but the nagging will stop when it is no longer successful. Good luck!

Reader questions on family living and child care to be answered in print are invited. Address questions: The Kennys; St. Joseph's College; 219 W. Harrison; Rensselaer, IN 47978.



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PLACEMENT EXAM - SAT" DEC. 4th, 8:30am - 12 noon Makeup Date - SAT., DEC. 11th, 8:30am -12 noon




THEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., November 26, 1999

Bishops endorse sainthood cause of 19th-century priest ~ Redemptorist Father Francis X. See/os served in American parishes prior to


A NEW marble sculptur~ rises above the interior back wall of the Upper Church of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. (CNS photo by Nick Crettier courtesy Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception)

Cardinal blesses shrine sculpture By NANCY HARTNAGEL CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

to the United States. Also participating in the Mass and WASHINGTON - Calling the rite of dedication were more than 50 massive marble artwork "a proclama- priests'and deacons, including Msgr. tion in stone," Cardinal James A. Michael 1. Bransfield, rector of the Hickey blessed 'The Universal Call shrine, the largest Catholic church in to Holiness" sculpture at the Basilica the Americas and .eighth largest of the National Shrine of the Immacu- church in the world. The huge high-relief sculpture late Concep~on in Washington last measuring 50 feet by 15 feet and week. It was Cardinal Hickey, archbishop weighing 37 tons-was carved in 16 of Washington, who suggested the pieces of Botticino-Classico marble. theme of the sculpture to evoke a cen- It finishes the interior back wall of the tral message of the Second Vatican Upper Church. In the sculpture, created by artist C<?uncil, stated in the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, ·that "all in George Carr of Silver Spring, Md., the Church ... are called to holiness." light rays fan out from a dove that On the brink of a new century and signifies the Holy Spirit. Mary is a new millennium, "human progress central figure in the six groups of has accelerated but it is accompanied people from different social classes by fear, anxiety, division and sinful- and ethnic backgrounds who are beness," said the cardinal in his homily ing drawn to the Holy Spirit. Among the 4Q-plus figures deat the noon dedication Mass. "Inspired by the call of Pope John picted are easily recognizable images Paul IT for a fresh, hopeful and coura- ofPope John Paul IT and MotherTeresa. The marble panels were carved by geous proclamation of the Gospel," he said, "this Basilica of the National 22 artisans at the· studios of Franco . Shrine tcxlay dedicates a monumen- Cervietti in Pietrasanta, Italy. Engital sculpture that depicts so nobly that neering for the intricate installation great conciliar theme, the universal was handled by the Bethesda, Md., call to holiness." architectural firm ofAnthony Segreti. "It is more than a work of art," Car- Rugo & Carosi LLC, aVIrginia-based dinal Hickey said. "It is a proclama- natural stone and mosaic firm, acted tion in stone that we are gathered to as general contractor. bless." The seven-year project was funded The two-hour liturgy was entirely by a $1 million gift from JO~ . concelebrated by nearly 60 bishops seph V. and Bertha Braddock of~ex­ and archbishops, including Cardinals andria, Va., through theirfarnily'sAzAnthony 1. Bevilacqua of Philadel- tec Foundation. The Braddocks, their sons, Anphia, Will.iam H. Keeler ofBaltimore, Adam J. Maida of Detroit and Francis thony and Robert, and other family E. George ofChicago, andArchbishop members took part in t}1e liturgy and Gabriel Montalvo, apostolic nuncio dedication ceremony.

WASHINGTON - The U.S. bishops have endorsed the sainthood cause of a Redemptorist priest whose cause was officially opened 87 years ago. Father Francis X. Seelos, who ministered throughout a young arid growing United States, mostly before the Civil War, was enthusiastically recommended by Archbishop Francis B. Schulte of New Orleans, in. whose diocese the priest had served. "It seems New Orleans is becoming notorious for its sanctity," he said during the recent assembly of U.S. bishops. Two years earlier, he successfully sought the bishops' endorsement of the sainthood cause of New Orleans native Mother Henriette Delille, who lived and worked roughly during the same years as Father Seelos.

In February, the priest's body was exhumed from the sanctuary at the Redemptorists' St. Mary's Assumption Parish in New Orleans, as Archbishop Schulte and representatives of the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints looked on. Giving a brief biography of Father Seelos, Archbishop Schulte said the priest had been ordained in 1844 and served 10 years in the Diocese of Pittsburgh. The bishop there wanted Father Seelos to succeed him, but Father Seelos wrote his superior, St. John Neumann, in a successful attempt to stave' off such an appointment. Father Seelos then worked 12 years in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. "His last year was in New Orleans, where he died serving people in the yellow fever epidemic," Archbishop Schulte said. Cardinal Adam J. Maida of Detroit supported the bishops' endorsing the cause and said Father Seelos' canonization could have the same effect on Catholics' spirituality as the current U.S. tour of the relics of St. Therese of Lisieux. "They tell me it was one of the

greatest spiritual celebrations since the Holy Father visited our diocese some 12 years ago," Cardinal Maida said of the relics' visit to Detroit. Bishop Alfred C. Hughes of Baton Rouge, La., noted that Father Seelos served in cities found in six modern-day U.S. dioceses, and gave retreats in cities found today in 24 dioceses. And by being involved in priestly formation, "that has to be a sign of holiness," he said to laughter from his fellow bishops. According to a biography on a Web site devoted to his sainthood cause, Father Seelos was born in southwest Bavaria in 1819 and left for New York in 1843. While serving in Pittsburgh, he earned a reputation as a confessor who could read people's hearts. He also won a reputation as a healer. It is that reputation that could have him declared a saint. The Web biography also reported that a New Orleans woman, Angela Boudreaux, who was told by her doctors in 1966 she had liver cancer and had only two weeks to live, prayed for the help of Father Seelos, and "she is still hale and hearty today, 32 years later," it said.

Bishops approve adding Blessed Damien feast to U.S. calendar By NANCY FRAzIER O'BRIEN CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

WASHINGTON - The U.S. bishops overwhelmingly approved the addition of an optional memorial honoring Blessed Damien of Molokai to the U.S. liturgical calendar. The addition of the May 10 feast of Blessed Damien to the national calendar was one of several liturgical actions taken by the U.S. bishops during their Nov. 15-18 general meeting in Washington. They also approved a Spanishlanguage translation of 42 original U.S. blessings included in the U.S. Book of Blessings and a new introduction to the Book of the Gospels., replacing a .f984 version. Each of the liturgical votes required a two-thirds majority of the 265 Latin-rite bishops in the United States, as well as subsequent confirmation by the Vatican. On the optional memorial honoring Blessed Damien, the vote was 235-1, with one bishop abstaining. The addition had been proposed by Bishop Francis X. Dilorenzo of Honolulu. . In a letter to the bishops' Liturgy Committee, Bishop DiLorenzo said Blessed Damien's life "beckons us as Americans, back to the loving heart of God, by bringing compassion,'healing, hope and love to our society, which is experiencing many spiritual, social and moral ills." Father Damien de Veuster, a Belgian missionary priest who served the leprosy patients on' Molokai more than 100 years ago, was beatified by Pope John Paul II in Bel-· gium on June 4, 1995. , Since his death in 1889, "the




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cultus of the Blessed Damien of Molokai both in the United States and internationally" has grown, especially in the 44 countries where· the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts or" Jesus and Mary - the congregation to which Father Damien belonged - are working, . the Honolulu bishop wrote. He also noted that since part.of Blessed Damien's remains were reinterred at Molokai the month after his beatification, the number of pilgrimages to the site has doubled. On the Spanish-language translation, the vote was 233-0, with one abstention. The bishops received only a few pages of excerpts from




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the 300-page text, which features prayers for such events as the blessing of a parish catechetical center or the blessing of a Christmas tree. If approved by the Vatican, the blessings will become part of a U.S. edition of the "Bendicional," which will also include already approved texts of the Mexican bishops' conference for the translation of "De Benedictionibus," a 1986 Vatican liturgical text. . The brief introduction details how the book is to be carried in and out of church, when and by whom it is kissed, the words to be used when the Gospel is proclaimed, and other liturgical matters.

BISHOP SEAN P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., addresses fellow U.S. Bishops last week in Washington, D.C. (Photo by John E. Kearns, Jr. )


-----------------------------THEANCHOR-Diocese ofFall River-Fri., November 26, 1999


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MOSES PARTS the waters of the Red Sea in a mosaic designed by Jesuit Father Marko Rupnik for the Vatican's Redemptoris Mater Chapel. The newly decorated chapel in the Apostolic Palace was recently dedicated by Pope John Paul II. (CNS photo courtesy Libre ria




Editrice Vaticana)


New Vatican chapel brings East, West together in mosaics By CINOVWOODEN CAlliOUC NEWS SERVICE VATICAN CITY - East and West meet in a burst of color and stone in the newly decorated Vatican chapel that Pope John Paul II recently dedicated. "Here East and West, far from opposing one another, exchange gifts with one another in order to better express the unfathomable riches of Christ," the pope said during Mass in the "Redemptoris Mater" Chapel. The chapel, named after Pope John Paul's 1987 encyclical ,on Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, had been closed for three years while artists covered the walls and ceiling with mosaics. The mosaics, which use scenes and symbols common in Eastern icons, were designed and executed by Slovenian Jesuit Father Marko Rupnik and Russian Orthodox artist Aleksandr Kornooukhov. In the tradition of the artists who decorated rooms in the Apostolic Palace over the centuries, Father Rupnik put the face of Pope John Paul into his mosaic. The pope represents all priests in a scene depicting the resurrection of the dead at the end of time. The pope holds a church, the symbol of how priests express love during their lifetime, Father Rupnik said. Another figure in the scene carries a laptop computer, while a little girl carries a ball and a married couple hold hands. The scenes in "The Parousia," the second coming of Christ, also include martyrs who were victims of 20th-century persecutions and violence. Among the martyrs processing toward Christ at the end of time are Trappist Father Christian de Cherge, prior of the community of monks killed in Algeria in 1996; Elizabeth von Tadden, a Lutheran killed by the Nazis; and Maria

Ahveda, a Ukrainian Catholic, and Pavel Florenskij, an Orthodox theologian, both killed by the Soviets. The project was paid for with money given to Pope John Paul in 1996 by the College of Cardinals on the 50th anniversary of his priestly ordination. Vatican officials would not say how much the project cost, but they said only the lay artists and workers were paid. Kornooukhov, the Russian artist, designed and executed the mosaic of "The Heavenly Jerusalem" behind the altar. The colors of the hand-cut stones are dusty, muted greens, blues and browns with touches of sparkling gold. The wall stands in sharp cdntrast to Father Rupnik's work on the ceiling and three other walls, which are a startling riot of shiny, bold primary colors and sweeping curves of red, white and gold that move the eye around each scene. The wall depicts people's final home with God in heaven, the place where they participate in the personal love of the Trinity, Father Rupnik said. In the center of the wall is Mary holding the child Jesus, the symbol of the perfect openness to God which allows Christ to live on earth, he said. Groups of three saints, two from the East and one from the West or two from the West and one from the East, sit at 12 tables around Mary and Jesus, showing love and communion among people and between East and West. Father Rupnik's design for the ceiling shows Christ in the center of a white cross that stretches down to each wall. The depiction is a vibrantly colored interpretation of the standard icon of Christ the Pantocrator, ruler of the universe. One side wall depicts "The Descent of the Word" - Jesus' birth,




baptism and descent into hell to free all humanity from the power of death. The wall opposite is titled "The Return of Man to God the Father" and includes Mary's dormition, Jesus' ascension and Pentecost.

~ Walsh








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TIffiANCHOR-DioceseofFallRiver-Fri., November 26, 1999

Postal Service unveils new Madonna stamp WASHINGTON (CNS) - The followed. prompted an about-face, image of the Madonna and Child and there has been a Madonna and symbolizes "hope, renewal and Child stamp each year since. This year's 33-cent vertical family - values we cherish most at this season of the year," said Mary stamp, with the word "Christmas" S. Elcano, the postal official who in capital letters across the top, was dedicated this year's traditional designed by Richard Sheaff of Scottsdale, Ariz. Christmas stamp. According to the Postal Service, Elcano, general counsel of the U.S. Postal Service, presided at an this is the first time a holiday stamp unveiling ceremony in late Octo- is being issued in a self-adhesive ber at the National Gallery ofArt in booklet with stamps printed on both sides, eight on the cover and Washington. Other 1999 U.S. holiday stamps 12 on the reverse. include, a ,contemporary holiday More than 1.5 billion copies of design - a block of four stylized the "Madonna and Child" stamp deer - and stamps commemorat- were to be printed. ing Hanukkah and the AfricanThis year's contemporary holiday design - a block of four sty1American Kwanzaa celebration. The 1999 Madonna and Child ized antique-gold deer set against stamp is the latest in a line of holi- deep red, green, blue and· purple day issues featuring Mary and the backgrounds - was released in late Christ Child that began in 1966. It October in Rudolph, Wis. During the ceremony at Rudolph depicts a detail of Venetian artist Bartolomeo Vivarini's 15th-century Elementary School, students were masterpiece "Madonna and Child." given special envelopes bearing The tempura-on-wood-panel the stamps and first day of issue painting, consider'ed one of cancellation. Santa Claus also made Vivarini's more important works, a visit. has vibrant colors - including The deer stamp, which carries magenta, yellow and cyan"":'" and a the word "Greetings" in capital letsculpture-like quality. It is part of ters across the bottom, was the first the National Galle~y's Samuel H. stamp design by artist Tom Nikosey Kress Collection and on display in of Bell Canyon, Calif. He said his one of its galleries. . inspiration was holiday designs Vivarini, also known as that foundries made available to Bartolomeo da Murano, was influ- printers in the 1930s. enced by his brother and other 15thThe Postal Service also reissued century artists. After opening his its Hanukkah stamp marking the own studio and achievjng fame, he eight-day Jewish festival of lights. relied on assistants to complete This stamp was first unveiled in many commissioned paintings. 1996 as part of a new series called His work "St. John Capistrano" Holiday Celebrations. hangs in the Louvre Museum in The Kwanzaa stamp commemoParis: rating the African-American holiIn late 1994, when the post of- day also was reissued in October. fice displayed designs for its 1995 It was released originally as the commemoratives, a Victorian angel 1997 stamp for the Holiday Celhad replaced the Madonna and ebrations series, intended to reflect Child as the traditional Christmas different cultural or eth'nic holistamp. The negative reaction that d~ys.

KIDS we Presents releases "Pokemon: The First Movie." (eNS photo from Warner Bros.)

'Pokemon' sends mixed message clone of the rarely seen pokemon NEW YORK (CNS) "Pokemon: The First Movie" Mew, createdby mad scientists and (Warner Bros.) is the latest entry in christened Mewtwo. Enraged to the kiddy craze for pocket mon- discover he is just an experiment, sters, or its shortcut name of Mewtwo vows revenge on humans pokemon. The Japanese cartoon and destroys the lab. Setting up shop on a remote isTV series has spawned an army of merchandising items including land, Mewtwo lures pokernon maspokemon toys, clothes and trading ters such as Ash to a contest to decards with the animated movie set termine who is the greatest of them all. However, by making stronger to further cash in on the fad. For the uninitiated, ppkemons clones of the masters' pokemons, are the size of small balls, but when he intends to vanquish and enslave they open up they 'transform into the humans. Action, as in shoving and stompcolorful creatures little or large. From eggshell babies to snarling ing, (pokemons can't be killed but dinosaurs, they are ready to do only knocked 'unconscious) is the battle with one another as taught 'meat and potatoes' of the movie by their young human trainers which seems like a stretched-out called pokemon masters. TV cartoon' episode. The human hero of this story is It's strictly for kids, but its mixed Ash, who aspires to become the message is problematic. On the one greatest pokemon master. His favor- hand, it's all about aggression, but ite pokemon (there are more than a preachy voice-over also intones 150 of the critters) is a cute yellow that violence is wrong and that real fellow called Pikachu, whose tail strength comes from the heart. ' Nonetheless, the fighting concan shoot lightning bolts when in tinues, building up to an uninspired combat. The villai,n of the piece is a showdown in which Ash is willing

to sacrifice himself to save Pikachu. The filmmakers (the Japanese director is Kunihiko Yuyama; the dubbed American adaptation is directed by Michael Haigney) want it both ways - show aggression'as exciting, then mention it's not the way to go. The animation is colorful but crudely nondimensional. Some creatures, however, have amusing shapes combining various animal features. One tiny pokemon capable of weeping sudden geysers is adorable. Yet the m<)vie doesn't give any discernible personality to its characters aside from meanie Mewtwo, perky Pikachu and able Ash. All we· can do is hope the pokemon craze will burn itself out before the title "Pokemon: The First Movie" becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. The U.S. Catholic Conference' classification is A-I - general patronage. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is G general audiences.

Disney plays it 'Straight' By CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE NEW YORK - Following are recent capsule movie reviews issued by the U.S. Catholic Conference Office for Film and Broadcasting.

''The Straight Story" (Disney)


. When an ailing 73-year-old Iowan (Richard Farnsworth) learns his es" tranged brother (Harry Dean Stanton) in Wisconsin has had a serious stroke, he sets off driving a lawnrnower along the highway to make peace with him before it;s too late. Directed by David Lynch, the result is a c'ompelling char-' acter study of an elderly man whom Farnsworth's convincing performance makes as real as the photography of a part of the country where neighborliness is considered a virtue. The U.S. Catholic Conference classification is A-I - general patronage. The Motion Picture Association ofAmerica rating is G - general audiences.

"Anywhere But He~e~' (20th Century Fox) Heartfelt drama in which a levelheaded daughter (Natalie Portman)

struggles through her teens with a are strongly cautioned that some selfishly free-spirited mom (Susan material may be inappropriate for Sarandon) who has impulsively children under 13. ''The Bachelor" (New Line) moved them from their Wisconsin Lightweight romantic comedy in roots to Beverly Hills with self-delusional dreams of fame and fortune. which acommitrnent-shy bachelor's As directed by Wayne Wang, the (Chris O'Donnell) reluctant proposal finely acted film sensitively explores is rejected by his girlfriend (Renee the unhappy daughter's love-hate, . Zellweger) after which he must find relationship up to its deservedly sen- someone to marry within 24 hours timental resolution. An implied af- or he will lose a multimillion-dollar fair; sexiJal references and'occasional' inheritance. As directed by Gary profanity. The U.S. Catholic Confer- Sinyor, the remake of the Buster ence classification' is A-III - adults. Keaton silent film has appealing The Motion Picture Association of characters but its depiction of a priest America rating is PG-13' ~ parents (James Cromwell) willing to marry two strangers moments 'after they meet cannot be taken seriously. Movies Online Some sexual references, occasional profanity and an instance of rough Can't remember how a recent language. The U.S. Catholic Confilm was classified by the USCC? ference classification is A-IV Want to know whether to let the adults, with reservations. The Mokids go see it? Now you can look tion Picture Association ofAmerica film reviews up on America Online. rating is PG-13 ' - parents are Once you're connected to AOL, just use the keyword CNS to go to strongly cautioned that some mateCatholic News Service's online rial may be inappropriate for chilsite, then look for movie reviews. dren under 13.

Wreath pins help Christians 'take 'back Advent' RENSSELAER, N.Y. (CNS) With small hand-crafted Advent wreath pins, parishioners at St. Joseph Church in Rensselaer are helping Christians across the country to "take back Advent." In the process they are restoring funds formerly generated by bingo for Rensselaer's Catholic school, St. Joseph's-St. John's Academy. Wearing the wreath pins, which feature one pink ribbon or flower and three purple ones, can serve as a reminder that the weeks before Christmas are a time of waiting for the coming of the Savior. Mercy Sister Julia Mary Werner, pastoral associate for administration, began the project two years ago when she and two parishioners made 300 Advent wreath pins to sell at the parish's annual Christmas craft fair. At $1 apiece the pins quickly sold out - and the following February Sister Werner began recruiting,more parishioners. "I thought if, this can work for 300, maybe itcan work for 20,000," she said. Since then, more than 70 parishioners have been working on the pins, some at home, some gathering one night a week at the parish hall. Once a month they gather for an all-day marathon session. _ Before each work session they pray, "Bless those who will wear these wreaths. By wearing them, may they enter more deeply into the Advent season and may they encourage others to travel with them the Advent

road to Christmas joy and peace." In 1997 the wreath pins, which are a little over two inches in diameter, came in only one style, featuring three purple bows and a pink one attached to the green circlet of artificial fir. Last year they added a second style, with pink and purple silk flowers. Some gift shops and fund-raising groups from other parishes and schools began buying the. pins in bulk for $1 apiece and reselling them for $2, expanding the market. By Advent last year, the group had made nearly 24,000 pins and sold more than 5,000 when The

Evangelist, Albany diocesan newspaper, did a feature story on the pins. Catholic News Service picked up the story and it was carried in other diocesan newspapers around the country. When that happened, "we were deluged with more orders than we could fill," Sister Werner said. Orders came in from at least 20 other states and as far away as Italy, Peru and Taiwan. Interest was not confined to Catholics. Orders came in from Methodists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians. This year the parishio'ners have 30,000 pins ready to meet the demand. "We're getting orders now from

They're everywhere they can be to offer distractions.


people who clipped the article out. through the Advent season and help of their paper last year and saved it," them prepare for Jesus' birth. said Jean Nolan, parish secretary. The wreath pins are attached to a JEFFREY E. SULLIVAN card with the message, "Christmas. FUNERAL HOME Let Advent take you there!" 550 Locust Street The card also has a short prayer Fall River, Mass, that wearers may say as they put the pin on, asking God to guide them Rose E. Sullivan WilIiamJ. Sullivan MargaretM, Sullivan



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A MODEL displays miniature Advent wreath pins that encourage Catholics to take back the season.

.Bishops say they're turned off by sounds of cell phones ~

lHEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River-Fri., November 26, 1999

then a cell phone is not an appro- anybody, or anybody to be in . priate object. It is a distraction," contact with me, with that (level he added. of) urgency:' He said there was a need "to Bishop J. Kevin Boland of Savannah, Ga., said he has never develop an etiquette on cell By MARK PAmSON heard the electronic chirping of a phones, just as we've developed CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE cell phone at Mass. He noted that an etiquette on other subjects." WASHINGTON - When it doctors often use beepers that stay Bishop-designate George J. comes to the information super- silent but vibrate when a caller's Lucas, a St. Louis priest named in highway, America's Catholic bish- phone number is entered and mid-October to head the Diocese of Springfield, Ill., said he has a ops would prefer that cell phones those "are a good thing." pull off to the side of the road. He also recounted being at the cell phone, but "not on me. I tend Cardinal James A. Hickey of Kinsale Golf Club in County to think of telephone conversaWashington had weighed in on Cork, Ireland, where he saw a sign tions as a private thing. I don't the subject in a column earlier in at the first tee warning: "No cel- like to speak on the phone when other people can hear me." November in his archdiocesan lular telephones." Auxiliary Bishop Patrick J. newspaper: saying that church was "Obviousiy, you don't want to not the place for cell phones. be caught in the middle of your Zurek of San Antonio said that During the bishops' annual backswing when a cell' phone when he's heard cell phones ring fall general meeting in Washing- rings," he said. "If it's that signifi- during his homily, he used to tell ton, nearly every bishop infor- cant in golf, it should be even the congregation, "That gives me mally polled by Catholic News more significant in the context of five minutes more." "Of course, I never did," he Service had something to say the Mass." about -them, a sign that cell Auxiliary Bishop Nicholas J. added in an interview. "But that phone usage has grown to ubiq- Samra of the Melkite Diocese of usually stopped it. I think people Newton, Mass., said he's not only forget." uitous levels. Bishop Donald W. Trautman of heard cell phones ring several . Bishop Zurek used to have a Erie, Pa., a former chairman of the times at -Masses, but "it's even cell phone but no longer does, and bishops' Committee on the Lit- - happened during a synod of our now when he's on the road in a urgy, agreed with Cardinal. bishops. We had to ask them to small town, "I miss it," he said. shut them all off." . Retired Archbishop Daniel W. Hickey's view. "It happens all too often," la- Kucera of -Dubuque, Iowa, said "I know that they're becoming a problem in restaurants," he to.ld mented Bishop Donald W. Wuerl having a cell phone might have Catholic News Service, although of Pittsburgh, himself a cell phone been useful for safety reasons when traveling in a rural diocese. he's never heard a cell phone "go user. "I don't take it with me to meet- But with so much commuting off' during Mass. _ "If we are to have full, con- ings and events," he said. "I never time, he said, "car time is time to scious and active participation, felt I had to be in contac~ with be with the Lord."



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... 12

THEANGHOR-Diocese ofFall River-Fri., November 26, 1999

New prefect of Congregation for Catholic Education named VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul n has named a Polish archbishop to succeed Cardinal Pio Laghi as prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education, Archbishop Zenon Grocholewski, 60, was prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature, the Church's highest court, until his

nomination last week.. Archbishop Grocholewski has worke,d at the Vatican for 27 years, always ilttheApostolic Signature. He was named secretary of the court in late 1982 and was ordained a bishop by Pope John Paul the following . January. The pope-gave him the personal title of archbishop in 1991.

The Youth Apostles Institute presents a seminar entitled: .

"Breaking Open the' Scriptures for Youth" "" Where: Dolan Center, . St Mary's Parish. Taunton When: Tuesday, Dec. 7,1999 7:30 in OlUrch Cltapel . 8:00 Seininar in Dolan Center Presenter: . Father David Sharland, Y.A. Parochial Vicar, St Mary's, New Bedford For:' Youth Ministers, Teachers, ReI. Ed. Volunteers, ParentS, Priests


THE DOME of St. Peter's Basilica "is seen from the end of the "passetto," a hidden escape route that runs from the papal apartment to Castel Sant'Angelo in·~ome. The passageway, used by former popes to flee the Vatican from hostile forces in. the Middle Ages, will be opened to the public in January. (CNS photo from Reuters)

Italy to open ancient papal .escape route to public By JOHN NORTON,


'Marchetti; the architect in charge. of King Charles V" The pope and 13 The restoration of the ancient wall cardinals fled along the passetto to the VATICAN CfIY -A hidden es- has cost Italian taxpayers $4.3 million .safety ofCastel Sant'Angelo, while the cape route for generations of popes to plus an additional $504 million to equip . mercenaries mercilessly sacked Rome. an ancient Roman fort will be opened it for visitors, according to Ruggero After a 1991 8ccord with the Vatito the public at the beginning of the Pentrella,the director of Castel can, Italy took possession of most of jubilee year, Italian authorities ~d. Sant'Angelo.· . the passetto. TheVatican still owns the The "passetto," a covered corridor In mid-November, asmall group of section inside its border, as well as the running atop a high medieval wall be- journalists was led along the entire first' 88 yards in Italian territory. tween the papal.apartment and Castel length of the corridor after a ceremoOnly the Italian-owned part of the Sant'Angelo, has been shrouded in scaf- nial opening of the passetto by Cardi- passetto will be open to visitors. folding for more than 10 years, after nal Angelo Sodano, Vatican secretary Despite the corridor's seven centuchunks of mortar and stone began fall- of state. ries, restorers said they found little of ing on pedestrian passages below. During the sameceremony, the car- major historical importance after unNever before opened to the publiC, dinal blessed the newly restored chapel clogging the passage of weeds, debris the mile-long "cOrridor of the popes" of the Swiss Guard, located near the and wiring. is tied to some of the most dramatic passetto's Vatican entrance. . 'The biggest curiosities are modevents in the Vatican's history. The histQry of the Swiss Guard in- em writings, from the '405:' Marchetti Guided tours of the passetto, tertwines with the passetto's mostdra- said. The ~'traces make one think of built by Pope Nicholas ill in 1277, matic moments. In 1527, some 150 those clandestine guests who took refare expected to begin in January at g~:- about three quarters of their uge in the Vatican" to flee the Nazis the end of a massive six-year resto- total number -.,... died to protect Pope and fascists, "and who maybe used the ration project, said' Patrizia' OementVII from the mercenary armies passetto for refuge, for shelter." CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

. Info: Youth Apostles (508) 672-2755 Mr. Michael Miller, Director (617) 641-9561 .


"In the beginning was the Word, and,the Word was with God, and the Word was God." (John 1:1)

Consecration to the Divine Will Oh adorable and Divine Will, behold me here before the immensity of Your Light, that Your eternal goodness may open to me the doors and make'me enter into It to form my life all in You, Divine Wl1l. Therefore, oh adorable Will, prostrate before Your Light, I, the least of all c~tures, put myself into the little group of the sons and daughters of Your Supreme FIAT. Prostrate in my nothingness, I invoke Your Light and beg that it clothe me and eclipse all that does not pertain to. You, Divine, Will. It will be my Life, the center of my intelligence, the enrapturer of my heart and of my' whole being. I do not want the human will to have life in this heart any longer. I will cast it away from me and thus form the new Eden. of Peace, of happiness and of love. With It I shall be always happy; I shall have a singular strength and a holiness that sanctifies all things and conducts them to God. Here prostrate, I invoke-the help of the Most H<;>ly Trinity that They permit me to live in the cloister ofthe Divine'W111 and thus return in me the first order of creation, just as the creature was created. . Heavenly Mother, Sovereign and Queen of the Divine Fiat, take my hand and introduce me into the Light of the Divine Wl1l. You will be my guide, my most tender Mother, and will· teach me to live ill and to maintain myself in the order and the bounds of the Divine Will. Heavenly MotJier, I consecrate my whole being to Your Immaculate Hearl. You-will teach rp.ethe doct:rin~of the Divine Will and I will listen. most attentively Your lessons. You will cover me with Your mantle so mat the infernal serpentdare not penetrate into this sacred Eden ;to en~ tice me and make me fall into the n1aze of the human wiij. '. Heart of my greatest Good, Jesus,.You will give me Your . -flames that they may bum me, consume me, and feed me to form in me the Life of the Divine Will. Saint Joseph, you will be my protector, the-guard,ian of my heart, apd will keep the keys of my "will in your hands. You' will keep my heart jealously and shall never give it to me again, that I may be sure of never leaving the Will of God:My guardian Angel, guard me; defend me; help me in· everything so that my Eden may. flourish and be the 'instrument , that draws all men into the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Amen.



( In Honor of Luisa Piccarreta 1865-1947 Child of the Divine Will)

Nuncio urges bisho'ps 'to _promote vocations, use of confession. WASHINGTON (CNS)-Arch- . "The magnitude of this problem . ity of U.S. priests deserve "immense bishop Gabriel Montalvo, papal is augmented by the fact that the gratitude" for their lives of dedicanuncio to the United States, has number of Catholics in this coun- tion to Christ and their people. 'urged the U.S. bishops to encour-' try is increasing," he said. Speaking of "the power of the age vocations personally and proHe' noted that Catholic immi- great sacrament of reconciliation," mote more'frequellt use of the sac- grants continue to arrive fromCen- Archbisho'p Montalvo said, "I have rament of reconciliation. tral and South America; Asia and ~he impression that' more can be . In his first<iddress to U.S. bish- . parts of Europe. "These people done to encourage· the faithful to 0P.S gathered for a national general need to. receive spirjtual assistance approach the sacrament of reconmeeting, the nuncio also high- in ways that are ongoing and ap- ciliation with greater frequency lighted the central ecclesial role of propriate," he said. and regularity." the bishop.in· his diocese.. ' "A \:>ishop cannot fail to be per- , At the conclusion. of his address . "Every initiative and activity in sonally involved in the promotion he touched only briefly on what he a (fiocese must necessarily refer to . of vocations to the priesthood," he called a "question of a canonical' . the bishop ofthat diocese;" he said.', ',said: nature which pertains to the priestHe added that "O!1e can hardly Archbishop Montalvo said that hood," which some' observers took imagine a situation in which" the in traveling around the United tobe an allusion to pressures in the bishop's exerCise of his teaching . States'since his arrival as papal, nun- United States for ordination of . authority toass':'fethat pastoral cio in January, "I have the impres-- women. activities'are faithful to the Church .sion that generally there are excel-. _ He 'said it would be "superflu"cari be cpnsidered illiCit or inap- lent relationships between you and ous" to address the question at propriate interference."· your prie~ts." . . length w~en "speaking to you bish...He decried the lack of priestly He urged them to maintain those' ops, whose devotion to the vocations :'in many countries, par- .relations and "always strive to have magisterium of the Church is and ticularly in Europe." a' greater understanding of your -must be complete." . "In your country, fortunately, priests, to always be ready to listen "Therefore, I limit my remarks .there still" are steady immbers of 'to them and support them." to recall, with Pope John Paul, that candidates," he added. "However, I He said despite "isolated" cases the priesthood is a gift ~nd a mysthink we can all agree that ye'ars of priests "who have placed them- tery, and. that no individual can ago most ofthe seminaries enrolled selves in positions incompatible claim the right to be ordained a . larger numbers of seminarians." .' with priestly life," the vast major- I?riest," he said.


Continued from page one

everything that is truly human," it on to say. ''Christ is among us. Christ adds. will come again in glory to be recogA spirit of expectation begins to nized only by those who keep watch pick up momentum, says Greg Dues, in the growing darkness and cold." in his "Catholic Customs and TradiThe pU'1'le-blue ofvestments woin tions." There is a different kind of mu-' .by priests and deacons and altars bare sic and song, and towards the end of of flowers and decorations clash with Advent an avalanche of decorations. It the red, green and glitter seen outside. is obvious that something wonderful But with its many emotional overtones, is about to happen. Advent ushers in a season of happy But now, the congregation is called expectation. to remember the cry of the early Chris"Human beings cannot live withtians:'Maranatha- ''Come Lord Jesus!" out nope," it is pointed out in 'The The rising chantof" o Come, o Come, Order ofPrayer." The people ofthe Old Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel," Testament prayed and waited for a savis heard as the entrance hymn atMasses, ior to come. We differ from them in that for a penitential celebration is one way Jesus has revealed to us that God is not of assisting the people of God in pre- far off, but is already in our midst. paring for the solemnity of the NativAt first, from the early 4th century, ity, 'The Order of Prayer In The Lit- the feast of the Nativity on Dec. 25 urgy of the Hours," reminds us. began the Church year at Rome. When For in the midst of this welling ex- Advent evolved, it ~ook this position citement of Christmas coming, seen and since the 900s has been considthroughout the contemporary society ered the beginning of the Church year. and culture, worshippers are reminded This does not mean that Advent is the most important time of the year. The' to repent, to do penance. 'The world around us will rush the Easter cycle has always had that honor. Christmas season and clothe itself in The distinction happened from the tinsel while Christians find themselves early practice of placing the liturgical wrapped in a deep spirit of hope re- texts for Advent at the beginning of stored," says the "St Andrew Missal." hand-copied books used at Mass. 'The world will tum on twinkling Once Christmas had becomeapopulights while Christians fling the light lar feast throughout the world after the ofChrist into the teeth ofdeath," it goes 4th ,century, Advent evolved as a dis~





Some actions taken by the U.S. bishops during their Nov. 15-18 meeting:

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General interest


• Adopted aset of norms to implement -Ex Corde E((lesia,· Pope John Paul II's 1990 exhortation on Catholic higher education • Approved -Blessings of Age,- apastoral message about ministry involving the elderly • Agreed to release -In All Things Charity: APastoral Challenge for the New Millennium,- calling Catholics to greater involvement in charity and justice • Approved a pastoral plan for adult faith formation • Agreed upon messages for the jubilee year • Moved to establish May 10 as an optional memorial for Blessed Damien of Molokai • Discussed a proposed new document on church art ond architedure • Endorsed efforts for the beatification of Archbishop Oscar Romero orSon Salvador and Redemptorist Father Frands X. Seelos, who ministered in New Orleans

Internal maflers • Approved a$52.7 million budget for 2000 and adiocesan assessment increase of 1.6 percent in 2001 • Sent revised guidelines for concelebration af the Eucharist and on norms for admission of seminarians who left other seminaries for final approval by the Vatican • Discussed adraft of a pion for ongoing formation of priests • Eleded Bishop Henry J. Mansell os new NCCB-USCC treasurer, ond Msgr. William P. Fay os general secretary-eled ©1999 eNS Graphics


THEANCHOR-DioceseofFalIRiver-Fri.,November26,1999 Advent, but without a predominant tinct liturgical season and a time for focus on a penitential spirit. However, the spirit of expectation fasting before the feast. Seasons like Lent and Advent were is reflected in churches and homes by set up to remind us of the need for acts theAdvent wreath. Its four candles repof penance to serve as punishment for sins and acts of charity to make up for UNLOCK TIm EQUITY . them. Basically, the idea is to do good IN YOUR HOME things to balance out all of the bad, well as avoiding more bad things, Dues Payoff debt, do home points out. Improvements or lower' By the mid-6th century, the Church Your current rate and in Rome had begun to focus on the Payment. December Ember Days that occurred on the Monday, Wednesday and SatCoastal Mortgage Corp. urday after the feastofSt. Lucy on Dec. (800) 262-7828 x125 13. It seems that the Church set a peniAlrate.com tential theme, to offset the influence of MA Lic. MB0246 the popular pagan harvest festival of Satuinalia from Dec. 17 to 23. By the end of the 6th century, during thereign ofPope Gregory the Great, a briefpreparatory season offour weeks .Sales And Service had evolved to thejoyful remembrance of Christ's birth on Dec. 25. Fall River's Largest The penitential theme became less evident in recent times. The tradi(i.on of . Display of TVs fasting continued until the Code of Canon Law of 1917-1918 was instituted. ZENITH • SONY However, there carne restrictions on using musical instniments, decorations, 1196 BEDFORD ST. recitation of the Glory to God at Mass FALL RIVER as well as the Alleluia verse during 673-9721 Advent. With some' modifications, these traditions continue today during

resent the tension between darkness and light The candles recall the long time when people lived in spiritual darkness, waiting for the coming of the Messiah, the light of the world.



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673-4262 936 So. Main St., Fall River

Bishops Continuedfrom page one

over the past 3Q years of tabernacles being removed from the back of the sanctuary, visible tb nearly all, and placed in side chapels. O'Malley told his fellow bishops, ''We've all heard these comments: 'ThiS place dgesn't look like a Church.' There's been a certain suburbanization of the heavenly Jerusalem." He traced it to a series of separate actions which he credited with de-emphasizing the importance of the Eucharist. These included eliminating the midnight fast before receiving Communion; removal of Communion railings; and the lack of genuflection before the Blessed Sacrament. "Changing all of these signs is changing the meaning in the people's minds," Bishop O'Malley said. "It's very damaging to the faith of our people." , Archbishop Michael 1. Sheehan of SantaFe, NM., said that the week prior to the bishops' meeting, he had asked one congregation what they thought about the Eucharist being more present to them. 'The church burst out in spontaneous applause," he added. Archbishop Elden F. Curtiss of Omaha, Neb., complained that liturgical development in the United States places "more and more emphasis on the assembly, and less and less on the reserved species" of the Eucharist. "Eucharist is the primary way Jesus is present," Archbishop Curtiss added. 'The fact that so many bishops are saying it is a sign.a1," said Cardinal Anthony 1. Bevilacqua ofPhiladelphia People in his archdiocese, he added, "want to see the tabernacle immediately" upon entering a ch~rch. Bishop Gerald A. Gettelfinger of Evansville, Ind., noted that access to .the tabernacle is restricted in most churches. "Mostofthem (churches) art locked for insurance pUqJoses, so they can't get in" except weekends, he said. He indicated his preference for building chapels accessible to the faithful 24 hours a day "so people can worship the Eucharist."


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1HEANtHoR-DioceseofFalI.River-Fri.,No~ember26, 1999

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THE FRESHMAN class of Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River, recently announced its class officers for the sc~ool year. They are, from left, President Jonathan Karam, Vice President Jessica Kirby, Secretary Kathleen Sullivan and Treasurer Katie Sarna.


LEARNING IS FUN Students from Our Lady of Mount 'Carmel School, New Bedford enjoy a field trip to the New England Aquarium, Boston. Above, sixth-graders get ready to take in the . sea lion exhibit.' At right,' chaperone 80bert Arruda stands with his son Robert and first-graders Craig . Soares, Nicholas DeFrias, Henry Ventura' and Jared Ferreira.


DOMINICAN SISTER Joanne Bonville of the Holy Family-Holy Name School, New Bedford, is congratulated by students on her 50th anniversary of religious life; A Mass was "', celebrated at St. Lawrence Church and a reception in her honor followed. With Sister Joanne are, from left, Becky Braley, Amy Mitchell, Daniel 'Freire and Sarah Freire.


~' I



SENIOR CLASS officers were elected recently at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth. They are, from left, Trea, surer Jeff Oliveira, Vice President Katie Crofford, Secretary , Kate Manning and President Bryce Guilbeault.

LIVING ROSARY - Students from Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, New Bedford, gather in the auditorium to make a living rosary. Each person represented a bead of the rosary and as the prayers were recited, stuc;tents reflected on the Joyful Mysteries.


A few months ago, Gov. Jessie Ventura of Minnesota made some interesting comments about religion. "Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers," he said in an interview in Playboy magazine. "It tells people to go out and stick their noses in other people's business." Now, you know who Ventura is, right? Before he entered politics he was a professional wrestler. Wore a feather boa, I believe. . But never mind about that. There's no reason a professional wrestler can't be intelligent or even a skilled politician. And everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. But is organized religion what Ventura says it is? First, is it a sham? What is a "sham," anyway? It's a lie, but a particular kind of lie. It's a falsehood perpetrated on the unsuspecting for the liar's benefit. Let's think about organized religion for a moment, concentrating on the Catholic kind. It's a beliefsystem

rooted in the life of Jesus, whose teachings center on integrity, faithfulness and sacrificial love. He lived out those teachings as he taught,

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preached and spent time with the marginalized, and ultimately through his own willingness to die. The belief that this man was more than a man - that he was, in fact God, was spread in the decades after Jesus' death by his apostles, who died martyrs'deaths. So there's our "organized religion": a Church, the body of Christ, built and sustained by sacrifice for the truth and expressed through thousands of years of faith, prayer, song, arti~tic expression, spiritual reflection and valiant lives. Sound like a sham to you? Or is it

maybe the case that Ventura, in passing judgment on religion's validity, has entered a subject to which he hasn't given much thought? Let's look at the second point: that religion is a crutch. Yes. That's it. Moses. Jesus of Nazareth. St. Paul. Mother Teresa. Martin Luther King Jr. Mahatma Gandhi. Pope John Paul II. What a bunch of wimps! The fact is, anything in life can be a crutch if you choose to approach it that way. Sports, academic success, work, music and even family - all good things - can be used as an escape. If we're weak people, we can hide behind anything, refusing to deal honestly with our fears and emptiness. So if the fact that religion can be used as a crutch makes it one, then everything else in life is a crutch too, and we know that's not true. No, religion isn't a crutch. It's an answer to the most important questions that people ask. And what takes more strength? Seeking the answers to those questions or avoiding them? Who's weak-minded: the person

Our Rock and Role How to deal with self-doubt By CHARLlE,MARTIN • CATHOLIC N~ws SERVICE

She's So High She's blood, flesh and bone No tucks or silicone She's touch, smell, taste and sound But somehow I can't believe That anything shollid happen I know where I belong And nothing's gonna happen Refrain: 'Cause she's so high High above, she's so lovely She's so high, like Cleopatra,

Joan of Arc or Aphrodite She's so high, she's so high First class and fancy free She's high society She's got the best of everything What could a guy like me Ever really offer? She's perfect as she can be, Why should I even bother? (Repeat refrain) She calls to speak to me

WHEN I first heard Tal Bachman, I suggested that teens could tease their parents about their age by mentioning this son of a well-known rock star from their generation. Now the young Bachman has his first big hit, "She's So High." The song relate~ to a question that most teens, and their parents in their own youth, have faced: Am I good enough to date "X"? Clearly, the guy in the song is struggling with this question. He wants to approach a girl and perhaps, ask her out. However, in his opinion she's "first class," "high society" and has "the best of everything." Consequently, he asks himself, "What could a guy like me ever really offer? She's perfect as she can be. Why should I even bother?" These comments reflect his self-doubt. He uses some inner yardstick to decide that he doesn't measure up to her standards. While his feelings are real, I wonder how he concluded he was so deficient. Dealing with self-doubt is a common challenge. In fact, it is likely that if this guy could share his feelings with the girl she would understand. No matter how good looking or talented, most of us go through times when we wonder if we measure up in others' eyes. When dealing with feelings of selfdoubt, consider these suggestions: I. Accept your feelings, but know that they are just that - feelings. What we feel is important but it is not the sole determinant of who we are. Just as important is how we act, and how we act is always a choice. Feelings can seemingly come out of no-

I freeze immediately 'Cause what she says sounds so unreal 'Cause somehow I can't believe That anything should happen I know where I belong And nothing's gonna happen (Repeat refrain) Written and sung byTal Bachman; Copyright (c) 1999 by Sony Music Entertainment Inc.

where, but actions flow from thinking and values. 2. Share your feelings with someone you trust. Almost all emotion is a wave of energy that, like any wave, rises, crests and then fades away. When we express what is happening within us to another, this natural flow of energy moves more quickly. The guy in the song might still feel some doubt, but as he externalizes his doubt it will lessen in intensity. 3. If you want to feel different, act differently. I am not suggesting that the guy in the song pretend that he doesn't care whether the girl goes out with him. However, he could put dating as a goal aside for now and just act in a friendly and caring way toward her. 4. A central belief from our faith speaks to selfdoubt: All of us are made in the image and likeness of God. Nothing can erase this great truth, no matter what measure we use. Value your own personal way of reflecting the Creator. No one is "so high" above you, because God's presence gives you infinite value. , If the guy in the song follows such suggestions, will he end up with the date he seeks? Well, not necessarily. Yet, when he relates to the girl with genuine interest and concern for her well-being, she will encounter a man who appreciates the value of being himself. Your comments are always welcome. Please address: Charlie Martin, 7125 W 200S, Rockport, Ind. 47635.

THEANCHOR-Diocese ofFal1River-Fri., November 26, 1999 willing to engage reality at its deepest level or the one who depends on easy answers and entertainment? What's the sham? Is it a body of belief, rooted in centuries of truthseeking and sacrifice, that assures us that life's meaning is rooted in the unchanging God who loves each precious creature he has made, or is it a culture that tries to persuade us to put our ultimate hope for happiness in things that will fade, die and eventually let us down? I'm sorry. When I think ofthe word "sham," religion isn't the first thing that comes to mind. What does? Oh, I don't know, maybe an activity in which people pay money to watch men in tights pretend to hurt each


other. What would we call that? Oh yes, I remember now. Isn't that particular sham called "professional wrestling?"

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A Palliative Care and Pain Management Evening Thesday, November 30,1999 -7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Catholic Memorial Home, Highland Ave., Fall River Presenters: Anne-Marie Kelly, RNC, BSN Nancy DeSousa, BS RNC 2 Contact Hours Granted for Nurses This evening addresses, pain management and symptom control in the palJiative care patient. Practical suggestions will be offered for healthcare providers in hospitals and skilled nursing facilities in doing patient assessment, symptom management and pain control. Also discussed will be a holistic approach to pain management (pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic methods).


For more information, please call Lisa Gulino at (508) 678-2828 $20 for the evening

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December 5, 1999 • 2:00 PM . Our Lady ofVictory Church, Centerville A Mass for bereaved parents who have experienced the loss of a child in pregnancy, infancy, sudden death, ilJness, accident, murder or suicide will be celebrated. Please bring the whole family to share the memory. It will be your special Christmas gift to your child and yourselves. "[ am the light of the world; whoever follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." John 8: 12 Refreshments will be served in the Parish Cente,' immediately following the service. For more information, call: Estelle Stanley 508-775-4319

ttop on. There are plenty of winter events going on in the diocese. Advertise yours. or locate one for the family.

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This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River GILBERT




THEANCHOR- Diocese ofFall River- Fri., November 26, 1999 .

Iteering pOintl ASSONET ~ St. Bernard's Parish will sponsor an Adoption Awareness Day in celebration of National Adoption Awareness Month, Sunday from 2-4 p.m. Members of the parish who are adoptive families will discuss the adoption process and options.Refreshments willbe served. All welcome.

St. . FALL RIVER Vincent's Home will hold its memorial tree lighting ceremony on Dec. II following a 4 p.m. Salette Center for Christian Liv- Mass in the chapel, 2425 Highing, 947 Park Street, will present land Avenue. Lights can be an Advent day of reflection en- placed on the 40-foot Christmas titled "Waiting with Meister tree and will be included in a Eckhart," on Dec. 5 at I :00 p.m. . memorial book of loved ones by Come and reflect on the meaning calling Karin Dejesus 'at 679of the Christmas season. For more 8511 ·ext. 328. All welcome. . information and pre-registration' MATTAPOISETT - St. call 222-8530. All welcome. Anthony's Church will host the CENTERVILLE - The lOth Saints and Singers Chorus on annual National Night of Prayer Dec. 12 at 4 p.m. as they present for Life will be held on Dec. 8 a Christmas musical entitled from 6 p.m. to I a.m. at Our "The Greatest Story." All welLady of Victory Parish'. All wel- come. For more information call 755-3735. come.

ATTLEBORO - Bishop Fee-' han High School is collecting new toys for its annual Toy Store' Project. If you would like to make a donation ca\l' Carla Tirrell at 226-6223. The school will also hold its annual winter concert and FALL' RIVER --:A Christmas art exhibit on De'c. 14 from 6-9 talent show entitled "The Music p.m. All welcome. of Christmas," will be held at Notre Dame de Lourdes Church ATTLEBORO - The La on Dec. 19 at 7- p.m. Auditions




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NEW BEnFORD - The New Bedford Catholic Women's


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Club will meet on Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. at the Wamsutta Club. Entertainment will be traditional Christmas carols sung by Shirley Guerreiro and friends. For more information call 992-0 I 07. NORTH ATTLEBORO -A First Friday Celebration will be held on Dec. 3 at Sacred Heart Church, 58 Church Street. It will begin with intercessory prayer in the chapel at 6:30 p.m. and include Mass and Adoration through the night. David Thorp will be guest speaker and will speak on the theme "Open Wide the Doors to Christ: Celebrating the Jubilee." All welcome. For more information call 6998383. . SOUTH YARMOUTH The next meeting of the Separated-Divorced Catholics Support Group will be held Sunday at the St. Pius X Parish Life Center.

Welcome is at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting begins at 7 p.m. All welcome. For more information call Father Richard M. Roy at 2550170.' TAUNTON - The Office of Adult E9ucation is sponsoring an evening of prayer and reflection entitled "The Millennium Moment: A Catholic Reflection on Y2K and the Great Jubilee on Dec. 2 from 7-9 p.m. at St. Joseph's Church. Director of AdultEducation Lisa M. Gulino will be the presenter. For more information call 678-2828. WAREHAM - An open house will be held at the Sacred Hearts Retreat Center, 226 Great Neck Road, on Dec. 19 from 4-6 p.m. It will include music and choral groups, hot chocolate and cookies and the joy of being together. All welcome.

Pope canonizes new saints, including 10 Spanish Civil War martyrs ~ It marks the final


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for the show will be held Sunday at 6 p.m. in the parish center. For more information call 679-1991.

martyred in Spain, was born in

canonization ceremony Buenos Aires to Spanish immigrants who later returned to Spain. of the 20th century. By JOHNTHAVIS CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

VATICAN CITY - Pope John Paul II canonized 12 new saints, including 10 victims of the Spanish Civil War, and said they offered spiritual lessons for all modern Christians. The pope appeared tired as he presided over the two-hour-long liturgy in St. Peter's Basilica on Monday, the last canonjzation ceremony of the 20th century. With the latest group, the pope has named 296 saints in his 21-year pontincate, almost as many as were named by his predecessors combined since modern saint-making rules were established in the 16th century. The 10 martyrs were all priests or brothers working in Spanish schools during the 1930s when extremist members of a Marxist rebel movement led attacks against priests and religious. St. Cirilo Bertran and eight fellow members of the Christian Brothers, and St. Inocencio de La Inmaculada, a Passionist priest, were all shot to death. In a sermon, the pope said the martyrs were not war heroes but witnesses of the faith, who with their deaths gave "the last lesson of their lives." The pope also. canonized St. Tommaso da Cori, an Italian Franciscan well-known as a preacher and confessor until his death in 1729, and St. Benedetto Menni, an Italian member of the Hospitaller Order ofSt. John of God, who in the late 1800s founded an order of nuns who worked in hospitals. Among the 11,000 people attending the Mass was Argentine President Carlos Menem, who traveled to Rome for the canonization of the country's first native-born saint. St. Hector Valdivielso Saez, one of the Christian Brothers'

The pope, who has walked with increasing difficulty in recent weeks, proceeded slowly up the aisle of the basilica at the beginning' of the Mass. He looked fatigued and coughed several times during the liturgy.

Later, addressing pilgrims from his apartment window above St. Peter's Square, he appeared frustrated that a costumed group of musicians and flag-wavers continued their performance as he was trying to speak. He rapped his lectern twice and raised his voice to a shout in order to make himself he¥d.

ARGENTINE PRESIDENT Carlos Menem prays while his daughter, Zulema, looks on during a canonization service at St. Peter's Basilica Nov. 21. Pope John Paull! proclaimed 12 new saints at the Mass, including Hector Valdivielso Saez, who was born in Argentina. (CNS photo from Reuters)

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