teanc Of VOL. 36, NO. 47
Friday, November 27,1992
$11 Per Year
Nov. 29 Advent is a season of both penitence and joy. The focus today is on the Parousia, Christ's second coming. Light a purple candle, a sign of the call to reform.
Nov. 30 The custom of sending Christmas cards began in England in the mid19th century and was introduced to the U. S. in 1875 by Boston lithographer Louis Prang. Over 3 billion Christmas cards are now sent annually in the U. S. And you thought your list was long!
Dec. I On Dec. I, 1955, Rosa Parks exhibited Advent hope when she refused to give up her seat at the front of the bus. Jesus came that all might be one; but we have a long way to go to make his wish come true.
Dec. 2:
Dec. 3 The custom of setting up lighted Christmas trees in public places originated in Boston in 1912.
Dec. 4 Decorating with evergreens and flowers at Christmastime is a sign that Jesus will turn the dead of winter into the spring of new life. Portuguese families have Go custom of growing Christmas wheat during Advent to surround family and church creches.
Dec. 5 Santa Claus from the Dutch Sinter Klass, for St. Nicholas. In parts of Europe, men dressed as the 4th century bishop visited children on Dec. 5, the eve of the saint's feast, bringing gifts. The Dutch brought the custom to New York, where the English changed the visit to Dec. 25 and substituted a nonreligious figure.
On this day in 1980,
fo~r. Am~ican I women
miSSionaries were murdered in El Sblvador. Even today ther¢ will be those who are, like Herod, threatened by Jesus' coming. Pray for the birth of the Savior in their hearts.
Dec. 6 Another focus of Advent is conversion, the coming of Jesus into our hearts. Light two purple candles. The circle of evergreens tells us Jesus' love is for eternity.
Dec. 7 The traditional American Christmas dinner with a main course of turkey preserves the English custom of feasting on a "Christmas bird." Mince pie and plum pudding are also old English dishes. But before you prepare your Christmas meal, remember the less fortunate by donating to your local food pantry.
Dec. 8 Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Mary is one of the preeminent figures of Advent. Her "yes" brought the Son of God into the world.
Dec. 9 The festive use of lights, representi~ Christ as the light of the world, has many manif9tations. In Bra~il, Christmas is celebrated with fiteworks. In Louisiana, people light bonfires. Illumination of streets began in the U.S. after World War I and has since spread to many other countries.
Dec. 13 In Sweden, eldest daughters, crowned with a wreath, celebrate the feast of St. Lucy by awakening their parents with coffeecake. An appropriate start to Gaudete Sunday, when we light the pink candle
Dec. 14 In parts of Europe, ancient fertility lore became Christiani~ed and entwined with Christmas. Lithuanian and Slavic peoples bring sheaves of wheat into the house and also make special Christmas pastries.
Dec. 15 Mexicans celebrate posada (the inn) during the week before Christmas. Families and a priest gather to carry figures of Mary and Joseph in procession, representing the Holy Family's search for lodging.
Dec. 16 Lighted candlfS in the window originatt!p in Ireland during English persecution of the church in the 16th century. Irish families hoped the. lights would guide a Priest to their horne for a secret Christmas Mass, but told the English the Fandles were meant to guide the Holy Family. I
signifying j !
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Dec. 10 In Alpine sections of Austria, girls dressed in white carry a manger fig-
ure of the Holy Child from house to house on the evenings of Christmas week, singing carols and praying with families at each house.
Dec. 17 Use of the a Antiphons begins today. The poetic verses express longing for the coming of the Messiah, addressing Christ under seven biblical titles. See the Dec. II issue of the Anchor.
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JlJL~ Dec. 20 Advent now becomes more closely a commemoration of Jesus' birth. . The green ofour wreaths is the color ofhope. God's : promise will be fulfilled in the humble stable in Bethlehem.
Dec. 21 Exchanging gifts comes from the ancient Roman celebration of Saturnalia, at which people gave each other sweets, bread and gold. Christians adopted the practice when they began celebrating Christmas at the same time of . year. Oftenthegiftbearer was considered to be the child Jesus. (Kris Kringle derives from the German Christkindl, Christ Child.)
Dec. 22 St. Francis of Assisi is credited with originating the Christmas crib at a Nativity celebration in Greccio, Italy, in 1223, at which he used live animals. The crib blessing found in the Dec. 18 Anchor makes a good Christmas Eve prayer.
Dec. 24 The Council of Tours in 567 proclaimed the 12 days of Christmas from Dec. 25 to Epiphany to be a sacred and festive season. Although the observance has been reduced to three days - Christmas, New Year's and Epiphany - the 12 days have retained a character of special devotion,
Dec. II The word "merry" in Old English meant "blessed" j thus the true meaning of the greeting "Merry Christmas."
Dec. 12 "Where are you going?" were the first words of Our Lady of Guadalupe to Blessed Juan Diego. A good question to ask yourself this Advent!
Dec. 18 The Christmas tree originated in Germany in the Middle Ages, when villagers performed an Advent play about the Garden of Eden, ending with the promise of a savior. A fir tree hung with apples represented the garden and was later used in people's homes. See today's Anchor for a Christmas tree blessing.
Dec. 19 The tradition ofpapal Christmas messages began in the early church when clergy would gather to greet the pope at Christmas time and he would reply. The message began to take its present form in 1914 when Pope Benedict XV directed a plea for peace to the entire world.
Dec. 25 Three Masses are to be celebrated for Christmas Day: one during the night, honoring the eternal generation of the Son from the Father; one at dawn, honoring the Incarnation; and one during the day, celebrating Christ's birth in the hearts of men. From the·Gospels for each Mass, they came to be called the Angels' Mass, the Shepherds' Mass and the Mass of the Divine Word.
almsgiving and joy.
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CFM groups study environlnent
Holy day obligation . lifted, sort of
WASHINGTON (CNS) - "Exposure tours" to a pollUted salt marsh and a farm cooperative helped explain environmental issues to participants gathered from all over the work in Merida, Mexico. In early November, nearly 400 members of the International Confederation of Christian Family Movements met to consider a Christian perspective on environmental issues such as those raised by the Earth Summit held last June in Brazil. "At first, members were wondering what this had t,) do with family," said Sue Hamil1.on, an organizer of the event. She told Catholic News Service that by the end of th(: five-day conference, "everyone's aware ness level increased dramatica .Iy. People became more aware of how much the environment affects the family." , Mrs. Hamilton and her husband, Wayne, belong to St Joseph's parish, Dexter, Mich. They are presi. dents of the interna':ional confederation, an ecumenical organization of CFM members. CFM began in Chicago in 1947 as a Catholic apostolate but since the mid-1960s has included couples from all Christian churches.
WASHINGTON (CNS) When any of three holy days of obligation - Jan. 1, Aug. 15 or Nov. I -falls on a Saturday or Monday in the future, U.S. Catholics of the Latin rite will not be obliged to attend Mass that day. Jan. 1 is the feast of Mary, Mother of God. Aug. 15 is the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Nov. I is the feast of All Saints. The change stems from a decision made by the U.S. bishops last year. It was confirmed by the Vatican this summer and formally decreed during the fall meeting of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops by Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk, then NCCB president. The archbishop delayed release of the decree until Nov. 23. It takes effect Jan. 1, 1993. The change does not affect the obligation of attending Mass and resting from work on Sundays or on the other three U.S. holy days of obligation: Christmas, the AS 7 cension (the sixth Thursday.a,fter Easter), and the feast of the Immaculate Conception (Dec. 8).' Nor does it affect Jan. 1, Aug. 15 or Nov. 1 except when th'ey fall on Saturday'or Monday. In 1993 the only day that will be affected will be Nov. 1, which falls on a Monday. In 1994 Jan. I will fall on a Saturday and Aug. 15 will fall on a Monday. In 1884 the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore established the current list of six days of obligation in the United States. When the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, England and its American colonies observed 34 holy days of obligation. The bishops' national liturgy office explained that "at times some confusion arises in parishes...partly due to the present practice of celebrating vigil Masses on Saturday evening for the Sunday or on the evening preceding a holy day of obligation." . "There is often great confusion as to which Mass satisfies which obligation," said the office, adding that "in practice it is difficult to celebrate both Sunday and a holy day with equal solemnity....many people will come either to the Sunday Mass or to the holy day Mass, but not both." The liturgy office emphasized that "parishes should continue to make these days special by scheduling one or more additional Masses and at a convenient hour so that the people who wish and are able will be able to participate in the celebration of Mass."
ADVENT WREATH PRAYER First Week o'f Advent
AT ANNUAL New England Convocation of Permanent Deacons held in Hyannis earlier this month, deacons' wives Carol Welch, left, and Peg Dresser greet Bishop Sean O'Malley; at bottom, from left, Deacon Robert G.L. Normandin and deacon candidates Tom Souza and Bruce Bonneau lead singing at Mass. The convocation included a keynote address by Msgr. Joseph M. Champlin of the diocese of Syracuse, NY, whose topic was Evangelization: Challenge - Don't Crush, and workshops on AIDS and Project Rachel, a program for women who have had abortions. Diocesan priests contributing to the convocation were Fathers Gerard A. Hebert and Thomas E. McGlynn, both members of the diocesan marriage tribunal. Father Hebert's topic was Separated/ Divorced/ Remarried: Walking the Line; and Father McGlynn's was Sacramental Program: Crush or Caress? (Kearns photos)
STIR UP thy power, we beseech the,~, 0 Lord, and come: thaI: from the threatening d:ilDgers of our sins, by til Y protection we may deserve to be rescued an(1 be saved by thy deliverllnce, who livest and reignest with God the Fatl1er in the unity of the Huly Spirit, God, world wil hout end. Amen.
Over 10,6QO PDs serve US church WASHINGTON (CNS) There are more than 10,600 permanent deacons working in 143 U.S. dioceses, Archbishop Patrick F. Flores of San Antonio told the U.S. bishops at their recent fall meeting. The permanent diaconate, which which was revived in the church
PUgrimage to
][,ourdes Nevers Rev. ~W-l1nam Babbitt Plus
less than 25 years ago, "has grown and continues to grow in a marvelous way," Archbishop Flores said. He said the permanent diaconate program in the United States has encouraged bishops in Mexico, Guatemala, EI Salvador and Nicaragua to ordain permanent deacons. He asked bishops to encourage the diaconate, especially among Hispanics, whom he said would rather have a Hispanic permanent deacon than a "foreign" priest. He praised the quality of the men ordained to the permanent diaconate and said it has improved
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over the years. At the same time, he said, there are some problems associated with the permanent diaconate. He cited: - An imbalance that sometimes occurs because a permanent deacon puts wife and family second to his ministry instead of keeping family life first. - Job transfers or moves for family reasons that place a permanent deacon in a diocese without a program. - Pastors who don't give deacons anything to do - a rare occurrence, he said, and one that often is corrected just by informing the pastor of the range of possibilities available. - Deacons who become widowers seeking to remarry. The rules say no, and while some exceptions have been made, most requests have not been granted. I11111111II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111I1111I111 THE ANCHOR (USPS-545-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 887 Highland Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid. $11.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.
UMD will host Advent luncheons Catholic Campus Ministry at the University of MassachusettsDartmouth will sponsor four Advent luncheons featuring speakers on "The Saints of Advent." All of the programs will be held from noon to I p.m. Mondays in the Sunset Room East. Presenters are Father Richard Degagne, chaplain, and Sister Madeleine Tacy, OP, campus minister. Dates and topics are: Nov. 30: St. Francis Xavier (Father Degagne) Dec. 7: St. Ambrose (Sister Tacy) Dec. 14: Our Lady of Guadalupe (Father Degagne) Dec. 21: St. John of the Cross (Sister Tacy) For information call campus ministry, 999-8872.
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Liberian sl~yin:gs probe asked
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WASHINGTON <¢NS) - The Adorers of the Blood of Christ order has called during congressional testimony for a full investigation of the killing (>f five of its members in Liberia in Octobe:r. The order has als.o urged. an extensive diplomatic apd economic effort to stop the civil war in the West African country and begin i its rebuilding. Sister Margaret M~ry Kopish, he order's provincial councillor Ruma, 111., province, told the House Foreign Affairs Afrita Subcommittee Nov. 19 that there is still some hope of retrievi~g the sisters' as-yet-unrecovered bddies. "We maintain our utgent request for a full investigatioh surrounding their deaths," she ~aid. She also presented an eyewitness account of the Iriurder of the nuns. The account iblamed the murders on forces pnder rebel leader Charles Taylon Sister Kopish said the order was told that two were :slain in an ambush as they drove. one of their security guards to yisit a sick relative. The remaining thre~ were killed at their convent by rebels who had come to commandee,r their car, she said. i Taylor's spokesman, Momolu Sirleaf, has denied th~t his leader was responsible for tHe deaths. Sister Kopish said Ithat Liberia needs a lasting ceasejfire and, at the same time, the beginning of a "multi phased work of rebuilding I the country." She said that would include meeting short-term nebds for medical care, food, clothihg and tools - the kind of work her slain colleagues were involvedl in. In addition she called for programs for repatriating and resettling war refugees; prbviding jobs for demobilized soldi~rs; caring for women, children ano the elderly; and re-establishing education. Sister Kopish not~d that the V nited States has a long special relationship with Libdria and that V.S. firms have profited from exploiting Liberian reso~rces. "It should not be t:oo much to . hope that ... we would as a nation and as members ofth~ world community move swiftlyl to channel needed human, material and fin. I · anclal resources to n,store peace and rebuild Liberia," she said. Subcommittee chairman Rep. Mervyn M. Dymally, p-Calif., repeatedly compared th1e slaying of the nuns to the muroer of four American churchwom1en in EI Salvador in 1980 by Sal~adoran soldiers. "This is what cause1 the demise of the rightist governrpent of Salvador," he said. A similar outcome will follow identification of the murderers of the Ad9rers of the Blood of Christ, he said. The V.S. government is blaming Taylor's "undiscIplined and unpaid troops" for the nun's deaths. Deputy Assistant ~ecretary of State Leonard H. Robinson Jr. told the subcommitte1e that Taylor's forces have exec~ted pri5.oners of war and har~ssed relief workers, foreigners in ILiberia and other noncombatants. I
A PRESENTAnON on the Haitian Health Foundation's work among the needy in Haiti was recently given to members of Fall River District I of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women at St. Anthony of Padua parish, Fall River. From left, dental surgeon and Fall River native Jeremiah Lowney; Ruth Murray, International Affairs Chairman for the Haitian Relief Project; Norwich, CT, Bishop Daniel Reilly; Very Rev. Francis L. Mahoney, DCCW District I moderator. Dr. Lowney and the bishop explained the foundation's many undertakings and accepted financial and canned food gifts on its behalf. (Lavoie photo)
Ball decorations, booklet now in preparation
Fri., Nov. 27, 1992
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Mrs. Aubrey Armstrong, St. Louis de France parish, Swansea, has been appointed to head the decorating committee for the 38th Annual Bishop's Charity Ball by Rev. Daniel L. Freitas, diocesan director of the Ball. Sister Gertrude Gaudette, OP, of Fall River will assist her. The ball will be held from 8 p.m. to.midhight Jan 15 at White's of Westport.. ;.;' A ball souvenir booklet has six categories entitling participants to a varying number of tickets. The ball committe, Society of St. Vincent de Paul and the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, honorary.ball cosponsors, ask that names·for'the booklet be submitted·within the neXt two weeks. Bishop Sean O'Malley will be the ball guest of honor for the first time. Proceeds support summer camps for underprivileged and ex-
Diocese of Fall River -
~:f\ 'Fr~r' .,
ceptional children of the Southeastern area of Massachusetts and other charitable apostolates of the diocese. Father Freitas requests that pas~ tors of the 37 parishes designated to select presentees for the 1993 ball submit names to Miss Claire O'Toole, 3 Forest St., Fall River 02721, as soon aspossible. Names for the ball souvenir booklet may be sent to ball headquarters, 410 Highland Avenue, Post Office Box 1470, Fall River, MA 02722. Tickets may be obtained at all Catholic rectories and from members ofthe ball committee, of the Vincentians and of the DCCW. The ball committee will meet at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 12, at White's to arrange decorations. Presentees and presenters will rehearse at6:30 p.m. the same day, also at White's.
HELPING PLAN the annual Bishop's Charity Ball from the Fall' River area are, seated from left, Mrs. Manuel Nogueira, Fall River Diocesan Council of Catholic Women first vice-president; Joseph Gromada, diocesan president of the St. Vincent de Paul Society; Mrs. Joseph Belanger, viceUnfavorable Im~re.ssiOl~ president of the Fall River District Council, DCCW; standing, "T? cre~t: an unfayorable imLeonard Nicolan, ball cochairman and president of the Fall pressIOn. It IS not necessary that River area Vincentians; Rev. John F. Andrews, pastor of St. certain things should he true. but Bernard Church, Assonet, and assistant area ball director. The that they have been saidl"-William ball is scheduled for 8 p.m. Friday, at White's of Westport. . Hazlitt I I _I
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Diocese of Fall River -- Fri., Nov. 27, 1992
the moorina-., Courageous
the living word
Advent could be one of the most beautiful times in our lives. The wonderful daily prayers of the Church weave a tapestry that brings to life the hopes and dreams that are such a hallmark of the season. Yet there are few who can tear themselves away from the commercial mad ness that perpetuates itself from year to year as Christmas nears. By the time the holiday actually arrives, so . many find them!:elves completely exhausted and wondering where the pre-Yule weeks have gone. Advent has little meaning to a world that revolves around department store sales and Christmas becomes but another measure of commercial achievement. Tht: quest for profit has bypassed Bethlehem. As a result, churches appeal "Come Home for Christmas" and efforts are made on many levels to get people out of the supermarkets and malls and back into the pews. Once standing room only was the norm for Christmas services. Now the day is celebrated with reduced church schedules. Santa Claus is beating out the Babe. But we cannot simply throw up our hands and quit. N or is a mere passive hope for change sufficient. Our world, the world 'of today's America, really needs an Advent and the only way we will get it is by being courageous. We need to be convinced that we are accountable and responsible. This, of course, demands facing reality and living it with moral ~ssurancf'. A society that is strangling itself with indecisiveness and compromise is committing ethical suicide. Values become meaningless when people lose their ability to judge rightly. This unfortunately is the state of the American soul. We contin'Je to plunge into the abyss because we are cowards when it comes to facing truth. Advent people must be faithful people, steadfast in both direction and honor. The biblical characters the Church calls to mind in this season from Isaiah to the Baptist and from Micah to Mary are strong, unwavering people, men and women for whom courage was a given, not an option. They lived in a world of great pressures and difficulties. Their success wa:; measured by their courageous testimony to the truth day in and day out. They stand as example for all who would like to make the Advent journey but lack stoutheartedness. But mere 'platitudes and pious sayings will not set hearts afire. What we r,eed to revive Advent hope is a courageous Church voice convinced of mission and purpose. Church leaders should dare to proclaim the messianic message. Perhaps we have become so caught up in a sociological approach to the Gospel that we have lost our focus on the real story. God help us if we are ignoring it! We simply cannot continue to water down and adjust the hard teachings of the Gospel to satisfy commercial capitalism. We need voices which will be heard by virtue of their competence and courage. Position papers too often do not reflect the biblical spirit. They may not lack in the area of intellectual speculation but they are sadly wanting in convinced faith proclaimed by a bold spirit. As we once agdn seek to move hearts to make the journey to Bethlehem, may we not fear to emulate the strength of purpose we see in the Advent people of the Bible who so singlemindedly sought the fulfill ment of their hope in the Promised One. The Editor
OFFICIAL NEW:;PAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly Jy The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fall River, MA 02722 Telephone 508-675-7151 FAX (508) 675-7048 Send address ch lnges to P.O. Box 7 or call telephone number above PUBLISHER Most Rev. Sean P. O'Malley, OFM Cap., PhD. EDITOR Rev. John I:. Moore
GENERAL MANAGER Rosemary Dussault ~5
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"The blood of Christians is the seed of the church." Tertullian
Some post-Thanksgiving thoughts By Father Kevin J. Harrington Thanksgiving is one of our few holidays that has not been commercialized to its detriment. For most Americans it is a day to be cherished if for no other reason than that it brings together family members who may seldom share a • meal during the rest of the year. .
On Thanksgiving Day we bring out our best. The best tablecloth, china and silverware appear as out of nowhere as the aroma of the upcoming feast tantalizes the hungry. Children help to set the table while adults sip an aperitif and oohs and aahs greet the arrival of the roasted turkey as if it were a fireworks display. These rituals that bind us as a nation become even more important in these times when family life is in such crisis. Not only do we bring out our best; but our best is brought out of ourselves at holiday gatherings. How heartwarming it is to see the increased number of food donations for the unfortunate. Prayers and manners are rarely neglected or ignored at such times and the differences that often divide a family are put aside for the sake of harmony. Thanksgiving Day reminds us of an important lesson learned long ago by the Pilgrims, that the menu is not as important as those with whom we feast. One cannot underestimate the importance of pleasure and good cheer accompanying the ingestion and digestion of food. A few years ago the television program "Sixty Minutes" spotlighted a phenomenon known as the French Paradox. Medical authorities could not understand why the people of southwest France had an extremely low incidence of heart disease even though they
consumed enormous quantities of animal fat and red wine. Dr. Dean Ornish, a heart specialist, ventured this opinion: "Perhaps positive social support systems or low stress could even offset harmful dietary choices like pate de foie gras." Dr. Robert Ornstein, a psychologist, added "those who deny themselves life's pleasures may absorb stresses that impair the immune systems that ward off depression." Perhaps the best explanation of the French Paradox is that the interaction of people enjoying themselves around a dinner table may be of more benefit to one's general health than denial of the
praye~BOX For Families All glory and praise to you, 0 God. Your abundant love is revealed to us in the love of man and woman through which you establish the human family. Your only Son was born of Mary and was raised by her and Joseph the carpenter. Grant that every household may be a place where your children grow in wisdom and grace. Make of all humanity one family to praise you in Christ Jesus, our Lord and brother. Amen.
pleasures of that table, no matter ho'w rich, voluptuous o·r'faHerii"n·g. Certainly the Pilgrims never fussed over grams of fat, cholesterol, sodium or sugar although. they did seem to be unduly concerned with other issues. They certainly lacked the spirit of bonhomie and joie de vivre that we generally associate with Thanksgiving. Indeed, perhaps the killjoy spirit of the nutritional terrorists who advise us to eat only white meat without skin, drink only skim milk, abstain from wine and use egg substitutes in pumpkin pie, served of course without whipped cream, is the heir of the ugly side of the Puritan heritage. Actually, the early settlers enjoyed Thanksgiving because they knew the hard work of the harvest was over and they were assured of enough provisions to sustain them through the long cold winter. They learned to enjoy unfamiliar crops like cranberries and corn while they rejoiced that the new land could also provide more familiar fruits and vegetables. These tenacious pioneers must have been filled with awe of the God whose creation spoke to them of so many wonders. . Americans spend $416 billion annually on food, which translates into $1,664 dollars per person and represents 9.8 percent of personal expenses. This compares favorably to costs for the French, who spend 15.9 percent, the Italians, 18.8, and the Greeks, 31.3 percent of their respective incomes. Thanksgiving Day should therefore remind us of how indebted we are to our environment for our survival and to our friends and families for our happiness and how in turn both our natufal and human resources are indebted to God for their existence.
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Looking to the future Isaiah 2:1-5 Romans 13:11-14 Matthew 24:37-44 True followers of God are never bored with their faith. Those who experience the Lord are always full of expectation, always looking to the future, always anticipating change. Never &atisfied with the status quo, they're convinced God's will has not yet been completely carried out. The first Christians constantly looked for great things. Not only were they expecting the Parousia (Jesus' Second Coming), they were also certain their faith in the Lord would transform the world in which they lived. But delayed Parousia is early Christianity's most famous problem. Anticipation is waning in the middle 70s, when Matthew writes. Many of the faithful have even stopped looking for the Second Coming. This seems to be why the evangelist takes great pains to stress the suddenness of the Lord's arrival. It can be compared to the unexpectedness of the great flood or a house break-in. Both can be prepared for, but neither can be forecast. . Jesus' coming will be as unpredictable and mysterious as each individual's original call to faith. Why is one person a believer and another indifferent? Both can come froll) the same background or be e~g'aged in .identical occupations, yet 'one will hear the Lord and the other not even notice. If we can't explain why we're called, should we be worried because we're not always certain to what we're called? Christians should quickly le~rn to "hang loose." One of Paul's most significant themes revolves around looking at the present moment as a steppingoff point for the future. "You know the time in which we are living," he reminds the Romans. "It is now the hour for you to wake from sleep, for our salvation is closer than when we first accepted the faith. The night is far spent; the day draws near." Even Paul's morality-hisjudgment on what is bad and what is good-flows from his anticipation of what is to come. Because we're waiting for "the light," we should be busy battling the darkness. The "deeds of darkness"-carousing, drunkenness, sexual excess, lust,
DAilY READINGS Nov. 29: Is 2:1-5; Ps 122:1-9; Rom 13:11-14; Mt 24:37-44 Nov. 30: Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19:2-5; Mt 4:18-22 Dec. 1: Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1,7-8,12-13,17; lk 10:2124 Dec. 2: Is 25:6-10; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 15:29-37 Dec. 3: Is 26: 1-6; Ps 118:1,8-9,19-21,25-27; Mt 7:21,24-27 Dec. 4: Is 29:17-24; Ps 27:1,4,13-14; Mt 9:27-31 Dec. 5: Is 30:19-21, 2326; Ps 147:1-6; Mt 39:35-10; 1,6·8
By FATHER ROGER KARBAN quarreling and jealousy-have no place in the life of a disciple of Jesus. Paul might not know exactly what the future holds, but he does know how -to prepare for it. Yet the anticipation of God changing our lives is not just a trademark of Christians. During most of First Isaiah's ministry, the Chosen People are threatened by Assyrian annihilation. And though many of First Isaiah's prophecies turn on this immediate menace, a great number of oracles pull us beyond the difficulties of the eighth century BC and open doors which few could dream of passing through. Today's pericope contains just one example. Like Jesus, Isaiah knows that even if we get rid of the proximate problem, another will quickly arise. So he cuts through the boring solutions which people expect in such situations, and gives us an exciting glimpse at an ideal future. "They shall beat their swords into plowshares," he promises, "and their spears into pruning hooks: one nation shall not raise the sword against another, nor shall thev train for war again." But this glo~ ious day isn't simply going to come floating out of the sky. It will only happen when all people begin to " ... c1imb the Lord's mountain, to the house of God of Jacob, that he may instruct us in his ways, and we may walk in his paths." If we convey our faith as just a constant repetition of well-known events and narratives, we shouldn't be surprised if many people adhere to it only because they're afraid of going to hell. No one likes to be bored. But if we start experiencing it as an opening to a totally different future, we might again see people assisting eagerly at the Lord's Supper.....even if we take away the "mortal sin" obligation.
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Your a:dvE~rtising in The Anchor is read. You're reading this, aren't you?
~~ !
Nov. 28 1959, Rev. Adrien A. Gauthier, Pastor, St. Roch, Fall River
COR. SEABURY AND PINE STREETS (Enter Pine Street Door) .
Nov. 29 1965, Rev. Francis A. McCarthy, Pastor, St. Patrick, Somerset
Dec. 1 1958, Rev. Phillipe Ross, Chaplain, Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford 1964, Rev. Edward J. Gorman, Pastor Emeritus, St. Patrick, Somerset
Dec. 2 1917, Rev. Arthur Savoie, Pastor, St. Hyacinth, New Bedford 1958, Rev. Dennis W. Harrington, Assistant, St. Mary, Taunton Dec. 3 1926, Rev. John W. McCarthy, P.R., Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall River Dec. 4 1945, Rev. Charles Ouellette, Assistant,. St. James, Taunton ...
The Anchor Fr,day, Nov. 27, 1992
100 passages from the Old Testament, side by side with words from Jesus which are direct or near quotes from these Hebrew sources.
I recently had an inspiring interview with a man devoting much energy to a cause he believes in: "re-establishment 01 Jewish-Christian brotherhood." ' In "You Are Not Far From the Kingdom of God" (Second Creation Press Inc., 2)1) E. 86th St., New York, N.Y. 10028), author Eugene ~chwartz excerpts about
ing connections with passages from the Old Testament that showed up again and again in Jesus' words. For example, there is the passage in Leviticus 19: 18, "you shall love your neighbor as yourself," identical to the words of Jesus in Mark 12:31. "I collected about 150, and felt these should be published so they could be seen at a glance," Schwartz told me. He felt it would be an "evident and powerful" statement' of the connection between Hebrew teachings and those of Jesus. He was' somewhat concerned that his work would be criticized. "I didn't want some dissatisfied person to think that Jesus ... swiped all this. That would be completely untrue. He was following the rab-
perpetual virginity of our Blessed Mother. .
new parents if this is their first child.
We have a somewhat similar Q. Pope Paul VI is frequently idiom in the expression "firstborn quoted in materials we receive ,son," about which I also receive , through our parish from the bishquestions occasionally. ops:"1f you want peace, work for A. The use of the word until in ' The phrase is common through- justice." That is a wonderful this way is an idiom not common out the Bible. In the Hebrew tradi- thought, but we can't find the source. in our language. It rrieans Joseph tion, for example~ every firstborn ' Where did it come from? (Cali"had no relations with her" (the son belonged to God and needed fornia) expression used in the New Amer- to be redeemed, or "bought back," A. The dependence of genuine ican Bible) up tothe time she deli- as Jesus was by his parents when peace on social and economic jusvered her son. he was presented in the temple. tice was the theme of Pope Paul's In itself it implies nothing one (Exodus 34:20; Luke 2:24) address at Boys Town in Rome on Calling a son firstborn infers way or another about what hapNew Year's Day, 1972. The quote pened later. Thus it says nothing nothing about whether or not oth- is a paraphrase of several statethat would affect our belief in the ers followed, just as we might ask ments in that brief address.
Does that mean she had relations with Joseph after the birth of Jesus? (Pennsylvania)
'JOHN J. DIETZEN Q. I am writing in reference to your column aboul Mary being a virgin even after being married to St. Joseph. I believe as you do that she conceived Jesus by the Holy Spirit. But the Gospel of Matthew says he did not "know her until she had
binic tradition, but he added to it," said Schwartz. He also was concerned that some Jews might be offended by his concentration on Jesus. Yet he "was one of the greatest geniuses and rabbis" who ever lived, Schwartz said. "One of the best ways we can be a Jew, and a Christian, is to relate to our Jewish and Christian brothers and sisters," Schwartz said, "and then together we can build God's kingdom." . I think Schwartz has made a real contribution in helping us to see again that the roots of our Christian teachings are solidly in the teachings of those who were ancestors of Jesus - and thus ancestors of all Christians.
Among them, "As sons of the new generation you grasp the intrinsic necessity of combining these two things,justice and peace. They go together. Without true justice there can be no true peace." These ideas were a constant theme of Pope Paul VI's pontificate. A free brochure answe'ring questions Catholics ask about cremation and other funeral regulations and customs is available by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701. Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen at the same address.
Planning for Christmas on a tight budget il ;
Dr.JAMES&' MARY KENNY Dear Mary: We have become very frugal lately since I was laid off and we are down to one income. I am trying to bUll get very carefully for Christmas giving, but I fear it will seem Ine a very poor Christmas, especially compared to other years. I know we can make some gifts, but what else can we do? Adults understand, but I am concerned about the children. - Indiana First consider the good news about you.r problem: You will
Sister Mary Luke Tobin, an eightysomething Loretto nun, is one of the strongeH gentle women I know. She's stror.g in her convictions and gentle :n her love for God, humans, ar d our church. One of four wome:n permitted to attend the Vatican II Council, only as an observer, 0 f course, Sister Luke later founded and still directs the Thomas Merton Center for Creative Exchangl: in Denver. If there's a rally for peace, Sister Luke is there. If there's a Good Friday Way of the Cross walk, she
"I,n the 2,000 years that followed [Jesus') death, many ofthese parallels between the Hebrew Scriptures and the,New Testament have been overlooked. Since I have not found them placed side by side in the literature. this book does that."
Schwartz says his book shows that "much of the love in Jesus' Schwartz said he became ~intense足 words come from the love in the Iy submerged" in the study of the words of Judaism that preceded him, of which he was aferveni ' two religions four or five years ago. As he studied, he began makfollower."
brought forth her son." (Matthew 1:25) ,
"We are brother and sister religions," Schwartz affirms, explaining that he compiled this book to show that "the very elements of Jewishness went into Christianity, and that our celebration of Jewishness is connected to this marvelous religion that grew up alongside it, and that we are both lovers ofthe same Father."
Considering how much is shared between Jews and Christians such as belief in the one God, in forgiveness and in love for one another - Schwartz emphasizes he has published this book to eliminate misunderstandings that sometimes arise between the two religions.
An explanation of the virginity of Mary
Making a case for Jewish-Christian kinship
probably be unabie to buy the expensive toys featured on children's television. These are precisely the toys that have fragile, intricate parts and are broken. before Christmas Day is over. You and your children will be spared this disappointment. It is true that children often have their hearts set on expensive, highly advertised toys. The challenge to you is to enlist the whole family in a plan that involves giving as well as getting. Here are some ideas: 1. Making things. Handmade gifts can be the most treasured of all. For success, start early so you can finish your projects well before Christmas. Do not make plans beyond what you can accomplish. If you are making something that many people can enjoy, do not
hesitate to make the same gift for many people. 2. Set a theme and have all family members participate. Last Christmas one family decided that they would buy all their gifts for each other only at thrift stores, garage sales and the like. For the actual gift exchange, the family arranged a garage-sale setting in the home. 3. Services are often more appreciated than merchandise. Adult children, invite your parents to a concert, museum visit, art exhibit, sporting event or festival. Then invite them back to your home for dinner. Families with children might invite grandparents for a similar outing. After many years of cooking for you, Mom might really welcome your entertaining her. Elderly relatives, busy relatives
and non-mechanically inclined relatives of all ages will welcome the gift of help. Yard work, snow removal, household maintenance and fix-it help of all kinds make welcome gifts. Parents, give your children the gift of time. Perhaps a one-parent/ one-child outing would be especially appreciated. Listen to your child's request and try to find ways to spend time together rather than lots of money. 4. Share what you have: cuttings from favorite houseplants, attractively potted; flowering bulbs that can be divided and shared with others; seeds from your garden. 5. Share your heritage. Make your adult children a family cookbook of everyone's favorite recipes. Write your family history, make copies for each family member
and package it attractiv~.I:Y. fpr giving. , Make your adult child a personal photo album. Get out old family photos from drawers or boxes and select the photos that feature the person getting the album. Complete the album with photos of other family members. Be sure to include Dad, Mom, Grandpa and Grandma when they were young. By giving gifts that take more thought than money, you plan a celebration in which everyone, young and old, can participate as giver and recipient. You may find that you get closer to the spirit of Christmas. Reader questions on family living and child care to be answered in print are invited by The Kennys; 219 W. Harrison St.; Rensselaer, Ind. 47978.
For us men? Among us women? helps carry the cross. When she prays, people listen. Where there's injustice she speaks out, gently and strongly. Not surprisingly, she's come to be nicknamed Cool Hand Luke. She's such a model to me that when I read that sh'e was speaking at a nearby parish on "Sexism in the Church," I cleared my calendar to attend. With both depth and humor, she recounted her experiences as a woman in the Catholic church, revealing to us that she and the other three women at the Council were considered novelties. In a serious vein, she described the final Council liturgy in Rome in which special groups of professions were acknowledged and blessed. Four lay lawyers proceeded up the aisle, then four teachers, four
farmers, and so on. Last came four women. She emitted a gentle groan and a bishop sitting next to her asked why. "Don't you see?" she asked, and explained that while the men were classified by profession the women were classified by gender. They were women. That was their profession. The bishop finally understood what she was saying - that men were being acknowledged by who they were and what they accomplished but women were simply clumped together as women, in much the same way children are clumped as children. He then said to her, and remember this was nearly 30 years ago, "I never even glimpsed this until you pointed it out. You women have to help us men under-
stand these discrepancies and hurts because we have no experience of what it's like to be a woman in our church."
came down from heaven to save us." But for men like the questioner who feel this is all foolish, I have a suggestion to make.
Ironically, after telling this story, Sister Luke was asked by a youngish man, "Why do women object to the phrase, 'for us men' in the liturgy? It's such a picky thing."
If he wants to know how women feel about "us men," I suggest he say the rosary daily for a month but say it with one small change in the Hail Mary: "Blessed art thou among us women." '-f it's as insignificant as he and other men hold it to be, it will have no impact on their prayer or feelings.
She explained more patiently than I would have that each time women or children hear that Jesus came down from heaven for "us men," we are diminished and excluded. He, however, continued to shake his head in annoyance. We have thousands of Catholic men who understand women's pain on hearing this phrase and I'm proud of our American bishops who have petitioned Rome to drop the word, men, in favor of "Jesus
We might all, in fact, try this. I suspect the mere suggestion of this small insertion of will raise male hackles and engender resentment within men who try it but it could also surprise many women, who might experience pride in being valued as a woman in the prayer life of our church for the first time.
v ,. ......
At long last?'
Aid to Catholic schools? The following commentary is by C. Joseph Doyle, executive director of the Massachusetts chapter of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. Editor On Dec.2, the legislature, meeting in Constitutional Convention, will consider an amendment sponsored by Senate President William Bulger to align the Massachusetts Constitution with the U.S. Constitution on the issue of religious freedom. Employing the language of the Bill of Rights, the proposed amendment will mandate that: "The General Court shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." Ifadopted, it will expunge from the State Constitution an 1855 amendment prohibiting aid to nonpublic schools. The 18th Amendment to the Massachusetts Constitution, known as the "Know-Nothing" Amendment after the nativist political party' that sponsored it, was enacted 136 years ago as an expression of bigoted hostility towards the tens of thousands who arrived in the port of Boston, starving and poverty-stricken, following the Potato Famine of 1845. The amendment provided that public money "shall never be appropriated to any religious sect for the maintenance... of its own schools." For more than 200 years, however, from the earliest colonial times to the 1830s, the common, or public schools of Massachusetts were formally Protestant, specifically Congregationalist, and funded by the property taxes of the local communities. The Massachusetts Constitution of 1780 (which prohibited ,Catholics from holding public office) provided for "Protestant teachers of piety, religion and morality." Even after the formal disestablishment of religious instruction in the public schools in 1833, the public schools of Massachusetts, with their prayers, their readings from the King James Bible, and their Puritan version of history, remained, in their character and ethos, essentially Protestant. To protect the faith and heritage of their children, Catholics resorted to the establishment of parochial schools. The same public authorities, however, who had so generously funded the common schools, and who remained indifferent to the pervasive Protestant influence in the public schools, reacted with anger and indignation to the very existence of a Catholic school system in Massachusetts. Consequently, the Constitution of the Commonwealth embraces a far more narrow, extreme and rigidly separationist view of government aid to non-public schools than the U.S. Constitution or the constitutions of the other 49 states. The 18th Amendment of 1855 was superseded by the even more exclusionary language of the 46th Amendment of 1917, and those prohibitions remain in effect to this day. Even the most indirect forms of aid, such as the transfer of used textbooks, are excluded. There have been repeated controversies over the eligibility of Catholic school students for school bus transportation. Until the recent intervention of Senate President Bulger, parochial-school students were charged admission at public facilities, such as parks and zoos, while public school students were admitted free.
A 1986 ballot question to repeal the Know-Nothing Amendment and bring the Massachusetts Constitution into conformity with the U.S. Constitution was defeated by the voters of Massachusetts, by a margin of more than two-to-one. Opponents of the repeal spent nearly a million dollars, while proponents raised only $26,000 a margin of 20-to-one. At the 1990 Convention Senator Bulger argued that repeal would remove the embarrassing stain of bigotry from the Constitution, end discrimination, bring Massachusetts into line with the U. S. Constitution, and cost taxpayers nothing. Spearheading the floor fight to retain the amendment was Rep. David Cohen (D-Newton). The actual opposition was led, however, by the Massachusetts Teachers Association and the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts, who conducted an intensive lobbying campaign. Bulger remarked, "The teachers' lobby and the ACL U live in fear that some day, somewhere, some youngster in some parochial school somewhere might get a break." Despite lopsided Catholic
majorities in 'the m~mber,ship of both branches of the Legislature that repeal effort was defeatl:d. Of the 137 Catholics I then in the General Court, 68 ~embers - or 49 percent - vote4 to retain an am~ndment to. t.he I Co~stitu~ion which had onglOa~ed 10 bitter hatred of Catholic immigrants and has resulted in a cjntury of discrimination against tjatholic school students. I The U.S. Constitrtion permits certain aid to students who attend parochial schools. At least 19 states provide aid to nonipublic 5.chool students. Repeal of the anti-aid amendment will offlh the possibility of tuition vouchdrs, tuition tax credits, and a host bf other alternatives to struggling Catholic parents reluctant to enttust the f:ducation of their children to an increasingly troubled :public scho'ol system. I In 1917, William Cludinal O'Connell; then archbishqp of Boston, described the sponsors of th,e antiaid amendment as a ~'vicious group of bigots." Catholics must now , decide whether the~ will continue to endure the fruits' of bigOl:ry, or resolve to end their long humiliation.
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Logo cl10sen WASHINGTON (CNS) _. A bright Iy colored d ra'wi ng of ::nou ntains. people and a ~imple cross is the logo for World Youth Day '93. The design was chosen for its vibrancy and youthfulness, said Paul Henderson. d~rector ('If programming for the event. The cross, in green. represents hope and the tree of life. The writi1ng. placed offcenter. represents tKat the world is incomplete until all people are reconciled in God's love. The predominant colors. magenta and teal. were chosen for thei:r vibrancv and Southwestern flavor. . World Youth Day. to be held next August in Den~er. will be led by Pope .John Paul II.
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SISTER KIM MARIE Kasakaitis made first profession of vows as a Missionary Servant of the Most Blessed Trinity at ceremonies held Nov. 21 at ,the community's motherhouse in Philadelphia. Presently ministering at St. Francis Xavier parish, Hyannis, where she is religious education coordinator for grades 6 through 9 and a member of the parish RCIA team, she entered the Missionary Servants in 1990. In the past two years, she has served in Connecticut, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Sister Kasakaitis is the daughter of Peter and Colleen Kasakaitis of Goodmen, Wise., and is a graduate of St. Norbert College, De Pere, ·Wisc. Prior to entering religious life, she was a volunteer teacher in Mississippi schools and at St. Patrick's School, Phenix, Ala: The Missionary Servants have priests, brothers and laity as members in addition to sisters. They serve the needy in the United States, Puerto Rico and Mexico.
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Peace still eludes village of Nobel Prize winner
The Anchor Friday, November 27, 1992
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NEW YORK (CNS) - Rigoberta Menchu, a Quiche Indian of Guatemala who won the 1992 Nobel Peace Prize, appealed in a New York address for efforts to draw more attention to the 1993 U.N.sponsored International Year for the World's Indigenous People. "Many of us imagined that it would be a beautiful year," she said in an address in New York. "But we don't see it coming yet." Ms. Menchu, who spoke through an interpreter, said many groups she speaks to seem unaware of the observance. "If it is going to be only symbolic, perhaps it would be best not to have it," she said. Visiting New York primarily for engagements at the United Nations, she spoke Nov. 17 to about 2,000 people, including some Guatemalan exiles, at the Riverside Church, an interdenominational congregation. A young woman of ·self-confidence and humor, she warmed the audience with a broad smile. The
Nobel Peace Prize was not a "personal reward," she said, but the result of collective effort to gain world attention for Guatemala. Ms. Menchu said that when she began coming to New York a decade ago seeking help in the human rights struggle, the first friends she found were· in the National Council of Churches. A Catholic, she taught Bible classes to children when growing up in her home village, Chimel, in the northwestern province of EI Quiche, and through her church ties became involved in social reform, including her work for the National Coordinating Commission for the United Peasants Committee, which she has headed. Her father, Vincent, was a catechist who was among 38 people killed in January 1980 when he joined protesters who occupied the Spanish Embassy, and security forces burned it. Ms. Menchu, now 33, went into exile in Mexico after her mother was killed later in 1980. U. N. Secretary General Boutros Boutros-G hali, accompanied by Undersecretary Alvaro de Soto, who mediated in EI Salvador's peace negotiations, met with Ms. Menchu Nov. 16. They discussed human rights problems in Guatemala, particularly those of the indigenous community, and the conflict between the government and the National Guatemalan Revolutionary Unit, she reported. Meanwhile, in Ms. Menchu's home village of Chimel, as mists rolled over the mountain hamlet, villagers knelt to whisper their confessions and celebrate Mass for the first time in 14 years. Argentine Oblate Father Jose Alberto Ghiglia walked three hours in mud and rain over mountainous terrain to give the indigenous in the area access to the sacraments.
NOBEL PEACE PRIZE winner Rigoberta Menchu, wearing traditional Quiche Indian clothing, weeps during a church service honoring her in Mexico City. (CNS/ Reuters photo) While incense burned, communion was distributed in a makeshift hut, decorated with palm fronds and flowers. Chimel, like 440 other rural communities, was burned to the ground during the Guatemalan military's anti-subversive "scorched earth campaigns" in the 1980s. Scattered Indian communities were relocated in concentrated military controlled "model villages." . "This land [Chimel) was bathed in blood, but it has given strong yields. Rigoberta was part of this produce," Father Ghiglia said. Ms. Menchu's brother, Nicolas, translated the priest's sermon into Quiche for the 80-member indigenous congregation_
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Although few of the six families now living in Chimel remember Ms. Menchu, they admire her strength and determination. "She gave the Guatemalan Indians a voice, and in Rigoberta's own words, while one Indian lives, hope and original thought can stay alive," Father Ghiglia said. Miguel Lux, an old neighbor of the Menchu family, said the Nobel Prize winner was an inspiration for the people of Chime!. Chimel is a picture of serenity, but villagers report that surrounding communities regard them as guerrillas. They said they believe the accusations, which have increased since Ms. Menchu won the Nobel Prize in October, are connected to a campaign of misinformation launched by the arm'y and militarydirected voluntary civil defense patrols. Nicolas Menchu said that he has been threatened by armed men and that he fears for his life. Ms. Menchu's sister, Marta, said she, too liv.es in f~ar. "The security forces murdered my father, my mother and two brothers. I am scared the killing will start again," she told journalists. .
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Jews laud WWII defender NICE, France (CNS) - A French Catholic woman who protested Nazi persecution of the Jews during World War II has won recognition for her stand - 50 years later. Jewish families recently discovered a protest letter written to the collaborationist wartime French government and started sending flowers to the author, who lives in Nice and wants to remain anonymous. Wolf Srafman, a retired dentist, came across the letter in the archives of the Vichy regime, whose militia rounded up Jews and handed them over the the Germans. "To what degree of barbarianism have we fallen when children are snatched from their mothers forever?" the woman wrote in the letter, sent in September 1942 to the Vichy leader, Marshal Philippe Petain.
Merry Christians .1 offer Holy Hilari1ty Letters are welcome but the editor reserves the right to condense or edit, if deemed necessary. All letters must be typed, signed and include a home or business address (only the city name is used in print). Letters do not necessarily reflect the editorial views of the Anchor.
A wider vision Dear Editor: In a recent letter to the editor in our local newspaper, a reader wrote in regarding pro-life groups. The letter asked, "Ifthey are really pro. life, why does it appear that their responsibility stops at the clinic? To me, pro-life means not just at birth but all through life. Go to the hospitals and see the babies born addicted, children that have been abused, the elderly with no one to visit them...doesn't that fall under pro-life? They seem to say, once you are born, our hands are washed of you." This is a legitimate concern! Often when the media portrays pro-life activities they present a sensational, myopic point of view. There is little recognition for the many good works of individuals and groups committed to improving and supporting life from conception to old age. Locally we have two chapters of Birthright, an agency dedicated to serve women who choose to have their babies. The counselors reach out in friendship and love to directly impr.ove the well-being and safety of the mother and baby. The St. Vincent de Paul societies quietly and discreetly aid families and individuals in time of need. Additionally, members serve in food pantries and soup kitchens and visit the sick at horne or in the hospital. The Diocesan Apostolate for Persons with Disabilities provides resources to individuals and families to enable people to enjoy the fullness of their human rights. Catholic Social Services prpvides counseling in time of crisis but also works in foster care, adoption, AIDS ministry, refugee r.esettlement and social advocacy. Noone of us can do all of these things. But as a Church that believes that we are all made in the image and likeness of God, we can creatively and compassionately look at the unborn, the babies born addicted, the abused, the ill, the handicapped, the elderly with no one to visit them, the terminally ill and prisoners condemned to die and say, "you are not disposable and we will help." Pro-life is about more thanbirthing the baby. It is about feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked, caring for the sick and visiting the imprisoned. Often the resources people need are not readily apparent and people become frustrated in their search. It is easy to see why the writer felt that pro-life stopped at the clinic, for there is little media coverage for these other life-affirming activities. As Church we need to continue to speak forthose least able to speak for themselves but also to expand our vision of service. Jean M. Roma Cotuit
W -
PORTAGE. MiCh.1 (CNS) The Fellowship of M1erry Christians, based in Portage. has developed a "PlayshoP"llguidebook called "Holy Hilarity.' The book gives inst uctions on how to plan a playshop, and gives an outline of a typidal daylong playshop, including sobgs, a kazoo concert, talks, and Scri~ture games. "This is a non-denominational, non-semina rial, non-psychological, non-political playshop:which aims to lift the spirits of YOllr congn:gation," said "H oly Hilarity" authors Cal and Rose Samra ih the guide-, book. "Holy Hilarity." ill strated by "Family Circus" cartoonist Bil Keane, has tips for playshop directors. a list of song suggestions, and Hudson Photography short biographies of pl~yshop leadDEACON MURRAY ers. Thev include Cat!holics Don and Ruby Berkoski, wh:o are worldclass clowns; John J. Boucher, director of the Charisln lay ministry and spirituality linstitute in New York; Mercy Sister Mary Christelle Macaluso,la stand-up Permanent Deacon MichaelE. comic known as "The Fun Nun"; Murray has been named vice-presiand Capuchin Father Pfter McCall dent for administrative and clinical services at Cardinal Cushing . and Maryanne Lacy. ~ounder, of the Peace of Christ p[ayer M iniGeneral Hospital, Brockton. In stry in New York. the position he will oversee several clinical and support services deAlso. School Sister of Notre partments of the institution. Dame Monique Rysavy. a Minnesota ed ucator; Cliff iThomas, a Deacon Murray holds a master's degree in pastoral ministry from Boston College and certification from the National Association of Radio and Telecommunications Engineers. .1 As a permanent deacon, he is 102 Shawomet tvenue assistant to Father John F. Moore, Somerset, Mass. director of the Fall River diocesan permanent diaconate program. In Tel. 'addition, he serves at Immaculate 3Vz room Apart~enl Conception parish, Taunton, and 4Vz room Apartment is a past vice-chairman and curIncludes heat, hot wate~. stove re,· rent member ofthe National Asfrilerator and maintenance service. sociation of Permanent Deacon Directors.
Permanent deacon named hospital VP
- - ·------'1
Fri., Nov. 27, 1992
Diocese of Fall River -
South Dakota Knight of Columbus; Mike Tighe, managing editor bfthe Catholic Bulletin, newspaper of the St. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese; and New Yorker Edward' R. Walsh. who is active in prison ministry. The Fellowship of Merry Christians, founded in 1986 to bring more joy, humor and celebration into church life, also publishes a
monthly newsletter. The Joyful Christian Noiseletter. "Holy Hilarity" is available from the Fellowship of Merry Christians, P.O. Box 895. Portage. MI 49081. .
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri:, Nov. 27,1992
DURING A VIsiT to Catholic Memorial Home in Fall River on Oct. 29, Bishop Sean O'Malley greets Ellen Coughlin and Katherine Sullivan (center). The bishop visited Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven, Nov. 5 and will visit Marian Manor, Taunton, Dec. 3 and Madonna Manor, North Attleboro, Dec. 15.
Book o.n Elders'Rights is available free to seniors
. -'.J
The Massachusetts Bar Association has published a Legal Handbook for Massachusetts Elders, a comprehensive legal reference and resource guide fOJ" older Massachusetts residents. The bar association is sending free copies to seniors who reque~,t them. Eight chapt~rs in the 104-page book cover a wide range of elders' concerns including Social Security, supplemental security income, veterans' benefits, pension benefits, tax relief, age discrimination, Medicare and MI:dicaid entitlements, landlord! tenant law, consumer protection, a !luse protection, health care proxi(:s and wills. A special feature of Legal Handbook for Massachusetts Elders is a 15page statewide directory of agencies and services 0' importance to elders. Legal Handboo\: for Massachusetts Elders was jointly developed by the Massachusetts Bar Association's Elder Law Committee and Young Lawyers' D:vision. It represents two years of work by more than 40 authors and editors. Intended from its inception to be a free resource for the elder community, complimentary copies of the book have bee n sent to councils on aging, elder advocacy groups and public libraries throughout the co mmonwealth. Free single copies of Legal Handbook for Massachusetts EIders may be obta;ned by writing Elder Handbook, Massachusetts Bar Association, :!O West Street, Boston, MA 02111-1218. The bar. association will ;Jrovide, at no charge, unbound copies for organizations that wish to photocopy them for distribution. Following is a se:ection of important legal information for elders from the handbook: I. Most Massachusetts municipalities provide real estate tax exemptions (up to $4,000) and! or real estate tax de'errals for elder homeowners. Check with your board of assessors to see if these programs are av~ilable in your' town and if you q lIalify. 2. If you expect Medicare Hospital Insurance Benefits (Part A) to help pay for your' care in a health
facility, be sure in advance that the facility.participates in the Medi.care program and agrees to accept you as Medicare patient. 3. If you feel your Medicare rights are being violated, ask for a review or an appeal. Very few Medicare recipients seek appeals and those who do are often successful. For help or advice, call the Medicare Advocacy Project, (800) 323-3205, your lawyer or your local legal services office. 4. A hospital must notify you that free care is available whenever it learns that you will be charged for care not covered by insurance. This notice must specify income criteria used to. determine if you .are eligible for free care. 5. It is unlawful for an employer to refuse to hire or discharge or to discriminate against any individual with respect to compensation, terms, conditions or privileges of employment because the person is over age 40. 6. I f you are 62 or older and you own a home, or a mobile home, you may be able to protect from creditors up to $200,000 of the dwelling's value if you file a Declaration of Homestead. 7. If your landlord requires you to pay a security deposit, you must be given: a detailed recei'pt, the bank name and account number where your deposit is being kept and annual interest payments on the deposit. If you move, your deposit must be returned within 30 days. If the deposit is reduced due to your damaging the unit or failure to pay rent, you must be given a written explanation of the reduction, 8. If your gas or electric service is used to provide heat and you are financially unable to pay the bill, the service cannot be shut off between Nov. 15 and March 15. 9. It makes sense to make your funeral arrangements in advance. Funeral homes must quote prices over the telephone. You are not require'd to purchase a funeral package plan. 10. Abuse of elders may be reported to the Office of Elder Affairs 24-hour hotline, (800) 922'2275.
" ,'"
Countercultural SeaSOn When you get to thinking that time is moving faster these days than it used to, is that a sign of old age? I guess so, but you've got to admit, whatever your age, that the days between Thanksgiving and Christmas do seem to get fewer every year. This year the time seems especially brief. The first Sunday of Advent, which opens the church year and ushers in the Christmas season, arrives just two days after Thanksgiving. Some folks are concerned about how close Thanksgiving is to Christmas, and they'd like to celebrate it earlier than the fourth Thursday in November. The venerable Farmer's Almanac launched a campaign to do just that two years ago. Thanksgiving is not even close to harvest time today, the magazine argued; the weather is awful, and the holiday is almost overwhelmed by the expanding Christmas season. Older folks like to go south after' Thanksgiving, it said, and an earlier date would come during better weather. Though letters and phone calls overwhelmingly favored the change, nothing happened. Still and all, the date has been changed so often, who could object? We'd have to be careful, of course, not to move it too close to Halloween.
I think the change has merit; it might encourage the country to pay a little more att.ention to Advent. Aside from a brief mention of Advent wreaths, the media pay little attention to this blessed season. I can remember when Advent wreaths were unknown in Catholic churches. We borrowed this beautiful tradition from our Lutheran friends, and the wreaths have become an integral part of the season in both homes and churches. The observance of Advent to prepare for the coming of the Lord goes back to 360 AD, its length and tone changing frequently across the years. Its major change was from a penitential tone, like Lent, to a time of hushed expectation. It's not surprising when the media ignore a church activity marked principally by prayer and silenceespecjally when it is o.yerwhelmed by the commercial clatter of Christ-. mas. Besides, how many churches buy ads to promote Advent? Advent is the forgotten season for another reason: it's countercultural. It's the time, according to the Metro Lutheran, a Minnesota monthly: "When Christmas carols are sung while you shop, but not in church; When the church says 'Wait' in a world that says 'Hurry! It's going fast!'
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When we are asked to be sober and watchful through a series of loud and giddy Christmas parties; When we sit' in darkness, waiting for the Light of the World, trying not to be blinded by the glow of artificial lights." It's hard to find time for the minimum essentials of silence and prayer during the tintinnabulation of the busy days that suffocate Advent today. But we ignore them at risk to our souls. Sister Lucia, sole survivor ofthe Fatima revelations,s,aid some words about prayer that I find very helpful througliouttheyear but especially as we rush headlong through the.weeks l,lefore. Christmas: " ... [Iln prayer you will find more s'cience, more light, more strength, more grace and virtue than you could ever achieve by reading many books, or by great studies. Never .consider as wasted the .time you spend in prayer. You. will discover that in prayer God communicates to you the light, strength aJ'!d grace you need to do all he expects of you."
Is it necessary to have a living will? By Father John Dietzen Q. Newspapers in our state print many stories about living wills and other documents people can sign to prepare for a serious illness. The more I think about it, the more concerned I am. Do you think it is wise for a person to have such a "will?" (Florida) A. The subject you raise is an intricate one and it is possible to deal with only a few relevant points here. Living wills are one form of advance directives, various methods of determining which types of medical technology and treatment should not be. used if a person suffers a critical, perhaps terminal, illness but is unable to make necessary health-care decisions himself or herself. A living will is a personal document indicating to the physician, family or health-care institution which life-sustaining or life-pro'longing treatments should be withdrawn in a terminal illness. The other most widely discussed advance directive is the durable power of attorney for health care. This names another person as your substitute to make critical healthcare decisions if you are unable to make such deciSIOns yourself. Many states have established additional legal procedures to pro-
VVorkshopsoffered The Southeast Center for Independent Living, Inc. willsponsor a workshop on fitness I to 3 p.m. Dec. 3 in the New Bedford Library (West End), 645 Rockdale Ave. Presenter will be Barbara Curry of Charlton Memorial Hospital, Fall River. A workshop on microwave cooking will be presented by Agnes Doyle I to 3 p.m. Dec. 17 at the Center on 170 Pleasant St., Fall River. For information call 6799210 (voice) or 677-2377 (TOO).
vide a health-care surrogate. In at Second, death is for us not an least one state, for example, if an' absolute evil, to be frantically individual has no living will or delayed as long as possible at ,all durable power of attorney, the costs. We believe that death is,.the hospital or other health-care pro- beginning of eternal life. .' And third, each of us has the vider must find the highest person on a legal list (guardian, spouse, right and obligation to be in charge adult child of the patient and so of the health care we receive, on) to serve as substitute decision whether we. make the decisions ourselves or arrange for others to maker. It needs to be said that there is make them in our stead. no universal agreement on the All these factors need to be value, appropriateness or neces- prayerfully and carefully pondered. sity of these advance directives. The complexity of all this is For one thing, the motivation is multiplied by the fact that most not always pure and good. Some states now have some legal guideorganizations laboring vigorously lines to determine who has what for permissive euthanasia laws and rights and obligations in critical for physician-assisted suicide con- health decisions. These legal guidesider living wills, for example, a lines differ from state to state. first step toward their more sinisState Catholic conferences in many parts of the country have ter goals. The largest concern, in my judg- prepared, or are preparing, explament, is the inevitable confusion nations of these questions in light and fuzziness about what exactly of moral concerns and individual is being signed away. state laws. To discover what is or is not The person who makes a living will is rejecting some unspecified possible where you live, and what future treatment in some unspeci- the consequences of your own adfied future circumstance. vance directives may be, you need to contact an attorney, perhaps a In addition to other obvious difficulties, a legally executed living priest who would be conversant will might force a good physician, with such matters or the chancery or at least lead him to feel forced, office of your diocese. to act against his better medical and human judgment, even one Rehoboth made in consultation with the famSeniors may have their Christily of the patient. mas gifts wrapped at the COA 9 Under any such arrangement a.m. to 1 p.m. Dec. 12. The Walkthe patient and others designated ing Club will hold a Christmas are of course morally obliged to party; call 252-4513 for reservabase their decisions on several tion by Dec. 4. The annual Christtruths. mas dinner for all seniors will be First, all human life is a gift noon Dec. 13, with snow date Dec. from God that must be treated 20. with respect and reverence in every Chatham circumstance. Alzheimer's Caregivers Support Group meets at senior center second and fourth Thursdays, facilitated by Edith Marshall, MSW. "55 Alive" driving skills program will be held 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dec. 9 and 10. To reserve' a space for either call 945-1534.
Christmas trele I. safety t~ps
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 27, 1992
"Nell' England Iw.II'Il<Jlu;, wuh a European Flair"
As Christmas treeslare being set up in diocesan homes, the fo!llowing fire safety tips ate offered by Fall River Fire Chidf Edward l. Dawson and City Ifire Marshal and Deputy Chief Wflliam Silvia:
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Natural trees should be sawed off at an angle at least one, inch above the 9riginal cut. I. d Keep the tree base Imml~rse
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Always unplug I lights. when sleeping and when leavlflg the home.'1
ANN JILLIAN and her husband, Andrew Murcia III, with their son, Andrew IV. (CNS photo) , ,
Ann Jillian grateful for "second shot" at life SHERMAN OAKS, Calif. (CNS) - Ann lillian, whose tale of survival from breast cancer became a top-rated TV movie, is grateful God gave her a "second shot" at life - now that she has an infant son she never thought she would conceive. Ms. lillian, 42, described motherhood as an "incredible experience." She and her husband, Andrew Murcia, had never used birth control but had been unable tb 'conceive before the "surprise" pregnancy. "The thing that made this baby extra special to me was that he's a baby that, after all the things that had occurred, we really weren't quite expecting. He comes with that extra hope for women out there who have gone through the same challenge that I went through," Ms. lillian said. "There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for the life he gave me - the 'second shot' at life - and, of course, for my son who came as a result of that second shot," she told the Tidings, newspaper of the archdiocese of Los Angeles. A practicing Catholic, Ms. lillian said her faith "kicked in - full speed" during her bout with cancer. "Everything I had ever been taught, everything I had ever believed was validated and verified by a moment that was as challenging as that. We wouldn't have' gotten through it without the help of our faith," she said. For now, Ms. lillian has slowed down her career to spend time with baby Andrew. "I want to be with him. I want to see the different developments. We're both having a tremendous time, Andy and I, with the baby. It's remarkable what happens when a baby comes into your life - he takes over, and I can't get enough of it," she said. "I want him to grow and have a good relationship with God," Ms. lillian added. "I want him to respect people. I want him to have a good work ethic - all very possible with a good religious background." Ms. lillian's career got its first boost when she sang on Art Linkletter's "House Party" television show at age 6 shortly after arriving
An investment-in a Connolly Education is an investment in your future!
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Do not permit s:mokingnear the tree and place the tree 'away from sou!rces of heat I such as stoves, fir1eplaces, heaters or open flames.
in Los Angeles with her parents , Remove the tree promptly from Massachusetts. after the holidays, before the She continued to sing and act. needles dry out. At age II, she was cast as Dainty Restrictions on the U8e of lune in the film version of "Gypsy" natural trees and decorations: with Rosalind Russell and Natalie under Code of ~assachusetts Wood. Regulations 5271 CM R 21 :00, Ms. lillian got rave reviews' in use of natural t~ees, wre:aths, her Broadway debut in the 1979 garlands, and/ or other natumusical revue "Sugar Babies" with ral decorations lis prohibited Mickey Rooney and Ann Miller. in the following places of pubThat propelled her to regular telelic assembly: stores, theaters, vision work. . auditoriums, night c1ub8, resShe has been nominated for taurants, churches, schools, Emmy awards for her performannursing homes, hospitals, hoces in the TV movies "Mae West" tels, motels and linns. ' (1982), "Ellis Island" (1984) and Further information on fire her autobiographical tale "The Ann safety is available ftom the Fall lillian Story," the highest-rated River Fire Departm~nt, Bureau of two-hour made~for-TV film in the Fire Prevention, telephone 3241987-88 season. I 2740. "All of my films have always been within the boundaries of good taste. As an adult, my agent knew I not to send scripts over that had anything to do with nudity," Ms. lillian said. She acknowledged it may have NEW YORK (cJS) - Presihurt her career in terms of quandent Carlos Salinas tle Gortari of tity, but she feels she has done well Mexico said that diRlomatic rela"without having to resort to that." tions with the Vaticari took amend"Faith is the underlying strength ment of his nation'sl constitution where you can't be budged or to affirm the right I to religious moved to do anything that is against freedom "a step furtner." your will," she said. "When you New relations we~e announced have a good, strong faith, it makes in September soon after Popelohn it easier to say no and to feel very Paul 11 named ArcHbishop Girogood about yourself." lamo Prigione: 71, tp be the first apostolic nuncio to Mexico since 1865. The archbisho~ has been the apostolic delegate in the country EL MOZOTE. El Salvador since 1978. Mexico ~as apP9inted (CNS) --- Forensic experts have former Interior Minister Enrique unearthed skeletons of children Olvaires Santana aslits ambassaand babies in the remote hamlet of dor to the Vatican. El M ozote. uncovering evidence Salinas. whose New York apwhich supports the claim that pearance took place ju1st days before soldiers killed hundreds of civilians in the largest massacre in El the ambassadors wert named, said Mexicans were alreatly exerc:ising Salvado(s civil war. Twenty-two battered skulls and religious freedom, b~t that there skeletons were exhumed from thc was a need to give ithe principle ruins of a church building where constitutional recognition.
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V.S.-trained soldiers of the elite Atlacatl Battalion.allegedly began a three-day slaughter of more than 800 people in December 1981. "They are all children and several were babies. At least one of the skulls shows bullet holes. most of the others are in pieces;" said Patricia Bernardi, one of four Argentine forensic anthropologists leading the excavation work.
The Sairtts "The saints havel no need of honor from us; neither does our devotion add the sli~htest thing to what is theirs. Clearly, if we venerate their memory, it ferves Wi, not them. But I tell you,lwhen I think of them. I feel myself1inflamed by a tremendous yearning."-St. Bernard • I
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· opens t·les M eXICO with Vatican
Tots massacred
~ 662·3700
. ",
.. Pope makes· people /think,. he. says. . I
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 27, 1992
around the church world with catholic news service BISHOP EGON KapeUari of Gurk, Austria, has given a replica of a statue revered in his country since 1157 to a new Austrian chapel at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. The original statue of Our Lady of MariazeU, at the Benedictine monastery of MariazeU, Austria, is regarded as a symbol of peace, freedom and solidarity. The chapel, which took a few months to build at a cost of about $700,000, is one of 57 chapels within the basilica. Nearly 30 of the chapels have been dedicated by ethnic groups or religious orders. It was built during 1992 to coin<;ide with the quincentennial observance.
* * * * THE PONTIFICAL Oriental Institute's work to increase Catholic understanding of the church's Eastern traditions also has helped efforts toward Catholic-Orthodox unity, a Jesuit theologian said. "By unfolding the riches of the East and the authenticity of its traditions," the institute helped open "Catholic minds to the realization that these same rich traditions belong to that vast majority of Eastern Christians who were not in communion with the Church of Rome." said Jesuit Father John Long. Father Long, a professor at the Oriental and rector of the Russian College, was one ofthe speakers at recent celebrations marking the 75th anniversary of the Oriental Institute. Pope Benedict XV's establishment of the institute was part of official church efforts in the early part of this century to develop and foster respect for the traditions of the Catholic Eastern-rite churches, Father Long said. For the last 30 years, Orthodox students have studied alongside Catholics at the institute. Last year 18 Orthodox students were enrolled. Through research, teaching, writing and' participation in academic and generalllleetings, the Oriental Institute "continues in its effortsto
foster an authentic knowledge about and love for the many traditions of the entire Christian East," he said.
* * * * THE HONG KONG diocese is reorganizing in preparation for the British territory's reversion to Chinese ~ule in 1997. Two key appointments were of Fathers John Tong Hon and Dominic Chan Chi-ming to the offices of vicars general. Father Ton, a specialist on mainland China, will head a newly formed central secretariat to streamline administrative work while Father Chan will focus on pastoral ministry. He was the first clergyman appointed by a governor of Hong Kong as an adviser on social policies,
* * ** IMMIGRATION "is the growing edge of Catholicism in the United States" much as it was in the 19th century, according to a priest who oversees the V.S. Catholic Conference's work with migrants and refugees. The influx of 10 million immigrants since 1980 is "the key to our future and the key to why the church is going to be very healthy in the 21 st century," said Jesuit Father Richard J. Ryscavage, executive director of Migration and Refugee Services. The 19th-century wave of immigrants changed "the entire face of the church," he said. Most immigrants in the current wave are Catholic and many are resettled with the help of MRS, the largest resettlement agency in the country. Of the 120,000 refugees taken in by the United States last year, the Catholic Church resettled about 40 percent.
* * * * AFTER A 45-minute meeting with Pope John Paul II, Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres predicted a strengthening of official Vatican-Israeli contacts and said he invited the pope to visit Israel. . A Vatiean communique on the
WASHINGTON (CNS) - In Father Richard John Neuhaus' view, Pope John Paul II is a superb teacher who is badly misunderstood by many American Catholics. "This pope, unlike many popes, is not so much given to issuing pronouncements as to making arguments and asking his hearers or readers to join him in a process of reflection," Father Neuhaus said in an interview with Catholic News Service. Father Neuhaus is a former Lutheran pastor who became a Roman Catholic in 1990 and was ordained a priest of the New York archdiocese in 1991. The head of the Institute on Religion and Public Life and founder of a new journal, First Things, he has been a prominent national figure since the 1960s, when he was active in the civil rights movement and was a cofounder of the anti-war group Clergy and Laity Concerned originally Clergy Concerned About Vietnam. He was interviewed in Washington on his latest book, "Doing Well and Doing Good," published by Doubleday. Subtitled "The Challenge to the Christian Capitalist,". the book is mainly an analysis of the· social teaching of Pope John Paul's 1991 encyclical, "~entesimus Annus" (The IOOth Year). "The essence of what I believe is the argument of 'Centesimus Annus' that freedom is fundamental to the human enterprise, and if we understand freedom rightly, we will understand the ways in which cultural, political and economic market freedom are intertwined," Father Neuhaus said. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
private meeting did not mention the invitation nor a strengthening of official contacts. "When I gave him the invitation, he was almost moved to tears," Peres said after the meeting. The Israeli official said it was up to the Vatiean to determine the timing of the visit.
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In the interview Father Neuhaus traced his background from inner-city pastor and civil rights and anti-war activist in the 1960s to Catholic priest identified with neoconservative movements in the '90s. "The main thing that has changed in the last 25-plus years has been the definition of politically liberal," he said. "And the key turn, which I believe was a very tragic turn, in the definition of politically liberal was already in the 1960s, in the early debate over abortion law. "That's when I first broke ranks with the left and first experienced the enormous opprobrium and flak
eNS photo
FATHER NEUHAUS that you receive when you break ranks ... In 1966 and '67 I first began speaking out on the question of abortion and making the argument that the liberal position ought to be that of protecting the unborn'. And that's an argument' that I've been making for 25 years since then." Butit was the violent 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, "where I was a delegate and was arrested," that marked "the breakup of the coherence of what was vaguely the center to left-of-center cultural, political and intellectual life in America," he. said. In 1975 he again broke ranks, this time with the theological left. He convened some of the nation's most prominent, ecumenically minded Christian theologians for a meeting to reassert the fundamental transcendence of God.
A statement from that meeting thundered against "false and debilitating" themes underinining theology and pastoral. practice. One sentence concisely summarized its perspective: "We did not invent God; God invented us." When asked about the fact that some key moments in his life seemed to involve breaks with groups or movements he had been part of, Father Neuhaus said. "I do have a great aversion to groupthink of any sort. ... but I do not go against the grain because I enjoy going against the grain." He said he thinks his dissenting "from the dominant view" at those key moments in many ways was "a movement, especially through my years as a Lutheran pastor and thinker, toward full communion with Rome ... and I feel magnificently grateful that God has brought me to this point in my life." He argued that critical thinking and obedience to church authority are not contradictory. He noted that he went into a detailed discussion of"what it means as a Catholic to think with the church" both in "Doing Well and Doing Good" and in "The Catholic Moment," his 1987 book asserting that the Catholic Church in a special way has the intellectual and spiritual resources to save America from itself. "As I say in 'Doing Well and Doing Good,' thinking with the church begins with thinking," he said. "One does the church no favors, one does not honor the magisterium [teaching authority) of the church by surrendering one's obligation to engage thatteaching." He said' he is "utteriy' persuaded that this understanding of obedience is what this pontificate is trying to cultivate" and called it "an unspeakable sadness" that "a good many Catholic academics, theologians and lay intellectuals make no secret of the fact that they view this pontificate as an aberration. "And ... there are those who make no secret of the fact that they are simply waiting for this pope to die and for things to go back to 'normal.' This is simply awful. "This is a pontificate of extraordinary providential moment for the Catholic Church and for the world."
Dominican master general first Briton in 777 years you find that some of the b,rethren, MEXICO CITY (CNS) - The with the best will in the world, new master general of the Dominicans is a man with outspokenly shared the mentali'ty of the conliberal' political views who ~Iso quistadores," he said. "They automatically accepted; assumptions considers himself a traditionalist when it comes to essential Catholic . about the superiority of Western culture." doctrine. Father Radcliffe,' who joined Father Timothy Radcliffe, the first' Briton in its 777"year history· the order at age 19 attracted by the to head the Order of Preachers, as Dominicans' humility and its motit is officially known, won the o to, "Veritas" (truth), has engaged unanimous backing of provincials in social issues for years. 1n the early 1980s he was one of from around the world at the community's general chapter meet- the first British churchmen to draw ing of elected representatives held attention to the' plight of AI DS victims who were dying alone and recently near Mexico City. uncared for. His appointment comes exactly For the cause of nuclear dis500 years since DominIcan priests armament Father Radcliffe made first splashed their way onto the headlines by attempting to scale a beaches of New Spain, hard on the fence outside a V.S. air base in heels of Hernan Cortes and his England, only to be hauled away conquistador army. by police officers. According to Father Radcliffe, Having already angered some some of the "fundamental blind- members of Margaret Thatcher's ness" that marked the evangeliza- government, the tall, lean priest tion of the Americas continues to sent them into a rage by publicly afflict the church today. denouncing as unjust a highly "I think wh,eJl ,you.. l.opk ,back. unpopular. tax the .Conservative J
Party pushed through Parliament. Father Radcliffe' continues to work with the poorest communities in Britain's inner cities and is .regularly lambasted for his views on political and economic issues by right~wing newspapers which argue a priest's job is to look after people's spiritual needs, not get involved in politics. . "To want to separate the spiritual from the political, from the social, is like trying to send God back up to heaven," he said. Father Radcliffe, the son of a former deputy chai·rman of the London stock exchange, makes no attempt to hide his left-wing views and says he is saddened by the shift
away from the left among Europe's have to do is take part in' the socialist parties. arguments and debates of society Despite·his left-leaning politics, and try to win those arguments he considers himself a traditional- rationally, through discussion, like ist when it comes to essential human beings." Catholic doctrine. But he said he' would not hesi"If you take the fundamental tate to urge inner city youngsters belief of Christianity, that Jesus to use contraceptives if they were was truly God a'nd truly human, obviously going to have sex. that is a mystery which, if you Father Radcliffe said h:e also explore, blows your mind," he hopes to promote the voiCe of said. . women within the church during "It's in no way progressive to his term as master general. ' say, 'oh well, Jesus was a decent It remains to be sa'id howhe will bloke who talked to people,''' he adapt to his new life. continued. "If you take the funHe has never visited Rome, the damental beliefs of the church, in city where he will spend the next the Eucharist, in the Resurrection, nine years overseeing' the vast in the sacraments, it seems to me Dominican family of 5,000 new that they offer wide open spaces, friars plus another 155,000 nuns, they lead beyond man's pettiness," sisters and members oflay fraternihe said. ties. On abortion, Father Radcliffe "It's daunting," he said. "You believes the right of the unborn suddenly find you're responsible child comes first. for a great deal of people." "But I don't believe that you "But the brethren are very unpretentious," he said. "They don't go . . should fight for that right by accusing people of being murder- around falling on the ground sayers," he said. "What. ChrisHIl..n..s....~ng,~l}1llster.' You.are..a brother."
5 from diocese to attend youth parley
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri.,Nov. 27, 1992
WASH INGTON (CNS) Youth ministers nationwide will meet in Houston Dec. 2-5 for the National Conference' on Catholic Youth Ministry. I "Same Journey, New Paths" is the theme of the conference sponsored by the Nation~l Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, which is celebrating its IOth lanniversary. Attending from the Fall River diocese will be Lis. Kelly and Chris Tanguay, associate direl~tors of the Diocesan Office for Cfltholic Youth Ministry. Also attending will be youth ministers Diane Zine and Carol Ducey of;St. Patrick's parish, Wareham, and Chris Coons of St. John Neumann, East I~reetown. I Father Len Wenke! the national federation's director, said the conference's theme reflects the goal of youth ministry and qew styll~s of ministry developed I in the last decade. I • • Keynote speakers Will Inc:lude Tom Zanzig, an author who will review youth ministry; Rosa Guerrero, a teacher and performing artist who will dis'cuss ethnic diversity; Father John Shea, a theology professor wh6 will explain how sacred stories can linspire youth ministers; and Nathrn Jones, a professor and former diocesan leader, who will indic~te how youth ..' ministry can build on ~he strengths of the church. : Conferees will also attend workshops on topics suc~ as teaching sexuality, avoiding bprnout, ministering to at-risk YOl,lths and networking with other ~inisters. During the conference, five people will receive th~ Yo~th Ministry Award for outstanding contributions to Catholic'youth ministry. I
'sCULi'TOR DA:iiLamphere puts finishing touches on statue of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha at National 'Shrine of Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC. (CNS/ National Shrine photo)
Kateri Tekakwitha statue unveiled at National Shrine WASHINGTON (CNS) - With the aroma of burning sweet grass in the air, nearly 100 Native Americans in traditional dress joined the nation's bishops in Washington Nov. 16 for the blessing of a statue of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha. "We, your bishops who bless your statue, feel humbled and privileged that you, by your birth and heritage, permit us to share in your culture in a special way," New York Cardinal John J. O'Connor said at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, where the statue was recently installed. The church blesses images "of those who have followed Christ faithfully" to be examples "as we struggle" and reminders that "they are joined to us," said Cardinal O'Connor, chairman of the board of the Catholic Bureau of Indian Missions. The bureau donated the statue to the shrine to recognize Native Americans' cultural and evangelization contributions to the church. As the blue velvet draping was lifted from the marble statue, many of those crowded into the shrine's basement gasped and applauded. A peace pipe was held aloft in each direction as a Native American prayed and others used feathers to fan the traditional burning sweet grass, symbolic of lingering prayer and purification. A choir of six sang in Mohawk, the native language of Blessed Kateri. "This is a great day for Indians," Joseph Two Rivers, a Mohawk Indian from Kahnawake, Quebec, told Catholic News Service. H is sentiment was reflected on the faces of Native Americans from Crow, Sioux, Laguna and Nez
Perce tribes, many wiping away tears, who lined up to reverently touch the statue and pose for pictures. "We're very proud of her because she's one of us," said Vera Goodleaf, a Mohawk. Blessed Kateri is the first Native American to be declared blessed, a title given to her by Pope John Paul II in 1980. Known as the Lily of the Mohawks, she was born in what is now Auriesville, N. Y., and she died at age 24.in Kahnawake. Quebec. She was baptized at age 14 and records for her sainthood cause show she suffered much for her faith. Margaret Cardinal, a Mohawk who wore a pin of Blessed Kateri, called the blessing of the statue very touching. "It makes you want to cry. We pray to her and she helps us. You have to believe, eh?" she said.
Montie Plumbing & HeaHng Co. Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service Reg. Master Plumber 7023 JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. 432 .JEFFERSON STREET Fall River 615-1496
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Begging ban rapP,ed NEW DELHI, In~ia (CNS) Jesuit theology studen;ts are among the Indians protesting a government move to ban begging on the subcontinent. The students led some 1,500 victims of Hansen's disease in an early No:vember rally in New Delhi against the proposal, demanding guarantee,s that the afflicted beggars will h\ive an alternative livelihood befpre the proposed ban takes effect. Mother Teresa of Calcutta sai~ the government should find i'alternative means of livelihood"l before punishing beggars. I
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NOTICE PARISHES OR BUSINESSES wishing to place greetings, Mass schedules or, announcements of holiday festivities in the Christmas issues of The Anchor, to be .published Friday, December 18 and DecembeT 25
CALL 675.. 7151 or FAX 675.. 7048 DEADLINE: 12/18/92 ISSUE .. TUES., DEC. 8 12/25/92 ISSUE .. TUES., DEC. 15
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 27, 1992
By Charlie Martin
By Linda Rome In other words, teens want the Shopping for school is behind way they look to reflect themselves us, but not far enough that most and who they're trying to be - not. teens and parents have forgotten their parents. And that sets the what a difficult arid treacherous stage for a power struggle, that time shopping together is for famneither teens nor parents relish. Here are some possible soluily harmony. After the first foray into the tions, addressed to teens with notes stores with my teenage son the, on the parent's role. (I thought week before school started, I swore them up when I cooled down and I would never go into another' realized I don't ever want to store with him. Not for any rea- embarrass myself again like I di~ son. Not ever agai'n. in that sneaker war with my son.)' I affirmed this loudly to a store I. To avoid an argument about full of shoppers after my son unreasonable costs, make out a list of the clothing items you want. rejected another pair of sneakers Parents pencil in the top limit. with a flick of a look. It was pair 45 (I swear I'm only exaggerating by 2. To minimize style arguments, 10 percent)! have your mom or dad drop you He refused to tell me what was off.at the mall to'buy it with your wrong with them. Was it the color? own money. The design? The lack of .design~ 3. To compromise on a must-, , Did he want a particular brand? have item your parent detests, get No路answer. Did he'want'\vhite or . .h '. permission to bUylt Wit your own black sneakers? He didn't know. money. He'd know when he saw them. 4. Go shopping with a family Or so I surmised. He was too friend, an aunt or' an uncle _ angry with me to be speaking. I'm someone you can be yourself with sure teens and parents reading this and whom you parents'trust. Just have all been there - on one seeth- being one step removed from your' i~g' side or the other. And no' one . . parents can defuse the situation. enJoys It. .' G . d h . . h . f'" h 5. 0 wm ow s oppmg Wit Psy~holo.glsts s~y .Ittm~ 10 Wit .: 'your parents. This takes the pressure off making it'decision about peers IS a high pnonty w~th teens a.Tid that the cloth'~sy~u,we~( are a buying a pa'rticular item and gives: Sign of an e~ergmg Identity. (I.n you a chance to scope out 'each, t~e sneakers w~r t~at means If otl)er's tastes. Remember though: . ~Iack s~oes are I~ thiS ye~r, own- Buying is strictly off limits. 109 white ones IS a social catad h'" strophe.) 6. 'Yhl;:n you 0 go s oppmg, . Clothes are also the perfect tool keep 'It u.nder two hours, .then for rebellion. Nothiflg ticks par- break for Ice cream or a movie:, ents off. more than fashions they Believe it or not, I've used all of perceive as a slap in the face to t~ese strategies since the sneaker their own ideas of what is proper. fllpOUt, and they actually work. If parents are arty and casual, . So if. you dread the next shop- ' teens wear super-straight preppy. pl.ng tnp, appro~ch your parents clothes. If parents like their teen:s with one of these Ideas for the ,sake' curly hair; the'y'll buzz off .thelr ,of '~eace - yours anl;! mom s or locks to,a half-inch all around. dad s.
It's late at night and Neither one of us is sleeping I can't imagine living my life After you're gone Wondering why so many questions Have no answers I keep on searching for the reason For why we went wrong. Where is our yesterday? You and I could use it right now But if this is goodbye Just take my heart when you go I don't have a need for it anymore 111 always love you But it is too hard to hold you Just take my heart when you go. Here we are about to take The final stand now I just can't fool myself I know there's no turning back Face' to face, it's been An endless conversation But when the love is gone you are left With nothing but talk I'd, give my everything If I could turn you around But if this is goodbye Take my heart Just take my heart Written by Eric Martin, Andre Pessis and Alex Call. Sung by Mr. Big (c) 1992 by Atlantic Recording Corp. LAST WINTER, Mr. Big hit the top of the charts with "To Be With Vou." Currently, they are back on Billboard's ranking with "JUst Take My Heart." The song describes a couple 011 the verge of ending their relationship. Apparently, their
Questions :cate~hism skipped
':~y rian Morris " ..:....:- would you be older than your I have been following with mothei in heaven? What language interest news of the church's pub- do they speak in heaven?" lication of a new universal,cateAnd then there were these chism.- My secret hope is that it classics: "If God created everything, who might help parents of future generations answer questions from .their created God?" children that my wife and I have "If Adam and Eve were the very first people and they only had two left hanging over the years. For example, "Why can't pets sons, where did the rest of us come' go to heaven? Would God let from?" Leaky [our dog] go to heaven if I "Can you go to confession over prayed and asked him to?" ,the phone? What if you tape" Our answers never seemed to recorded it?" "Why do they take- saints apart fully satisfy our children, ,like, "Don't ask questions with your ,so people can have pieces of their mouth full." bones? Who does itT' Maybe the new catechism will "Why do Catholics kneel in address this one, asked by our old- church and Protestants don't?" est when she was 10: "If you die "Could Jesus have flown like' when you are 10, do you stay 10 all Superman if he wanted to?" your life in heaven or do you grow "Do you think Mary or Joseph up? What if you die when you are ever spanked Jesus?" 100 - can you choose to go back (Holding a picture of a starving to 17 or 25 instead? mother and child): "Do you think '. "What if your mother died and we should invite these people over she was 40, but you lived to be 90 to our house for Christmas?"
SMALL WORLD: SS. Peter and' Paul School,' Fall River, principal Kathleen Burt waves from a Columbus Day float on which she portrayed Queen Isabella, while costumed students await their part in the parade. Students researched various countries during the summer and put the knowledge to use for a Quincentennial celebration, which also included production of a musical, "It's a Small World," and a school open house and potluck dinner. Recipes for the international foods served will be compiled in a cookbook for Catholic Schools Week in February.
life used to be enjoyable, but now much, has changed. . The guy in the song lies awake a~ right, "searching for the reason for whY,we went wrong." He longs for "ouf yesterday," because "you and I could use it right no,w."
We are not told much about them, what went wrong, only that they are "about to take the final stand." If you follow this column, you know that some of my articles have explored reasons for' leaving a relationship. Yet, without minimizing the seriousness of the situations described in past columns, sometimes couples give up too easily. While it is important to talk about problems. it does little good to make them the sole focus of attention. This seems to be what has occurred for the couple in the song. Talking about their problems has been "an endless conversation." Yet, they discovered that "when the love is gone you are left with nothing but talk," This couple needs a break from their non-constructive dialogue. Ooing so is not so much avoidance as a chance for some 'fresh air to enter their love. They need to rediscover the, fun that initially brought them together. , , When we pay'attention only to problems, then trying to be in love seems at best all work, and at worst an exercise in hopelessness. Overcoming problems depends on the willingness of both individuals to grow and change. However, when both people still want the love. they once experienced, and when both are willing to understand how each of them contributed to the pr.oblems, there is genuine h~pe. Don't make the mistake of focusing solely on proble.ms. Instead, resolve to find, what first brought you toget~t:r.,l:he'1. enter intocrn honest'Ai~logHe'" about how both, o( yo~ Clln,., change. , Your comments are always welcome. Please address: Charlie Mart,in, RR 3, Box 182, Rockport, IN 47635.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 27, 1992
St. James; - St. John School Willow HOagland,: an eighthgrader at St. Jamt;s-St. John School, New Bedfor<J, wrote the following poem fora Veteran's Day observance at the school: Forget Me Not Forget me not, For I have done a great thing.
As the time pa,sses, The winds have plown. I fought a mighty wdr for you, To make it so all yohr dreams would come ttue. Dreams of bein~ free, Dreams of not living in poverty!,
STUDENTS AT St. James-St. John School celebrated Veteran's Day with a ceremony at which Philip Pereira was master of ~eremoniesand led students in prayer. Eighth-grader Danielle ~ill led singing of "My Country 'Tis of Thee," and several students read poems.
Coyle-Cassidy High School TAUNTON - Coyle-Cassidy High School celebrated its annual Spirit Week with activities sponsored by the C-C student council. Spirit Week kicked off on Nov.. 13 at the annual Homecoming football rally when the nominees for Homecoming King and Queen were presented. The student body chose Joy Cabral of Taunton as queen and Anthony Maffini of Plymouth as king. Miss Cabral was crowned in , ceremonies held at halftime of the Warrior-Bishop Stang football game Nov. 14. In the annual Homecoming game, the Warriors, paced by Chris Pabst's and Mark Doherty's twotouchdown performance, knocked off the Spartans, 33-21. In that game, Stang head coach Jim Lanagan returned to his alma mater to face one of his former students, Coyle-Cassidy head coach Steve McGonigle, and his son, Warrior assistant coach Matt Lanagan. Spirit Week activities included Clash Day, Hat Day, Coyle-Cassidy Sportwear Day, College Sweatshirt Day, "Dress to Kill"
Day, and Blue and Gold Day. The classes were in fierce competition in decorating the school hallways and the gym in preparation for the Thanksgiving contest between the Warriors and the Bishop Feehan Shamrocks. The class with the most participation in Spirit Week activities was awarded the coveted Spirit Bowl trophy and a cash prize. The school, before the Thanksgiving Eve football rally, celebrated the annual Thanksgiving Mass, at which each of the school's outreach programs was honored and the seniors, who are enrolled in the Coyle-Cassidy Community Service Program, were commissioned.
Bishop Connolly Bishop Connolly High School 1992 graduate Rob Pereira of Fall River is a member of the 1992-93 Rivier College basketball team in Nashua, NH. At the Fall River high school he was involved in basketball, cross country, baseball and golf.
LIMO TO LUNCH: Bishop Stang High School students Danielle Drabble, Maja Cordeiro and Joanne Shea received a limousine ride to lunch at Freestone's restaurant as top earners in the North Dartmouth school's recent magazine drive. They were accompanied by principal Theresa Dougall, science teacher Pamela Baptiste and three guests. The drive raised $20,000 for the school. Pictured, from left: Ms. Dougall, Ms. Baptiste, Maja Cordeiro, Jessica Torres, Danielle Drabble, Victoria Lussier, Leanne Boucher and Joanne Shea.
Be thankful for th~ people who fought fori you, Because what I say is ever so true. Don't let . it just be,one day I out of the year, That you remembet me and shed a single lonely , tear. After reading the folktale "Stone Soup" by Marsia Btown, firstgraders made their owrt version of the soup in class, fohowing the recipe in the story and even including a few smooth ston~s. The soup was tasfed by the whole class, and ther~ was more than enough to share with Market Ministries of New Bedford. The children al~o made festive patterned placemats to ,accompany I the donated soup.
ALL J~ THE FAMILY: the high school football teams of Bishop Stang coach Jim Lanagan (center) and his son, Matt Lanagan (right), assistant coach at Coyle-Cassidy, faced off at Coyle-Cassidy's Nov. 14 homecoming game. Steve McGonigle (left) is C-C head coach. The C-C Warriors were victorious over the Spartans, 33-21. Homecoming queen was Joy Cabral, below, with "Warrior" Michael Dickinson, the son of Brian and Sue Dickinson. Brian is faculty moderator of the C-C student council. (Breen photos)
CYO awards trophy for sportsmitnship
I Father Jay Maddock, director of the Fall River Are~ CYO, has announced that the Annual Umpires' Sportsmanship Trophy has been awarded this year to Steve Fortin of St. Anne's.! This is the only individual awa~d that the CYO Baseball League presents each year. Each team manager nominates a player he feJls has best displayed sportsmansHip throughout the CYO baseball keason. The league umpires then ~ote for the recipient of the award! . Fortin has been playing for St. Anne's for five years'. He is an outstanding defensive d:nterfielder and swings a potentc!bat. HI: is particularly an asset to his team as a starting left-handed' pitcher. In the finals of this year's playoffs, he started and won the first game of the series between St. lL\nne's and Our Lady of Grace and then ca.me back to pitch game thtee, only to lose a thriller in the la~t inning. Said Father Maddo~k, "Steve is the ninth recipient ofl this award and he joins a group o~young men who have played thelgame with great intensity but always with the right sense of sportmanship. Win or lose, Steve maintains a kvel head and is a great example for his teammates and opponents alike. It is an honor to be able to present this award to him." I Fortin will receive a trophy and his name will be insc,ribed on a permanent plaque displayed at the Anawan Street CYO Hall. I
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$10 Testing Fee Bring two # 2 pencils with you No pre-registration necessary Admissions materials will be distributed at the test. Today's Catholic Education...For Tomorrow's Leaders
THE ANCHOR-':":'Oiocese 'ofFall'River~F'iL;Nov.'ii:'f992" "O.L. CAPE, BREWSTER " , 'I.EGION'OF'MJ\RY' Healing Mass celebrated by Father Legion of Mary of the Fall River diocese annual reunion 2 p.m. Dec, Dick Lavoie, MS, 7:30 p,m, Dec, 2, D. of I., ATTLEBORO 6, Immaculate Conception parish Alcazaba Circle 65 Daughters of hall, FR. Rosary and Benediction Isabella meeting and roast beef din:-viII be followed by social; lunch Included. Bus transportation will be ner 6 p,m, Dec, 3, K. of C. Hall, provid~d from St. Joseph's Church, Hodges St. Gifts for shut-ins will be NB, with reservation by Nov. 30. collected in place of usual Christmas gift exchange. Information: Alice Beaulieu, 9952354. WORKSHOP ON ST. PATRICK, FR ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH HOLY GHOST, ATTLEBORO Volunteers needed at Fall River FORGIVENESS To celebrate feast of St. Nicholas Margaret Whitbread, chairperson Maria Rocha will present a workDec. 6, there will be a family Mass at Community Food Pantry 10 a.m. to of Attleboro area Massachusetts 12:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays; shop on forgiveness 10 a.m. to 3 p,m, Citizens for Life, will speak on par- 8:45 a.m. and a rectory open house Dec. 5, St. Ann's Church, 660 N. at 6 p.m. Those attending either are information: Veronica Urban, 678enting with Christian values and 8880. Main St., Raynham. Sacrament of asked to bring a toy donation for influences on young people today in reconciliation will be available. ParFalmouth Service Center. ' adult enrichment session 7 p.m. Dec. ST. MARK, . . k db' b ATTLEBORO FALLS tlclpants as e to' nng ag lunch; NIGHT OF PRA YER FOR LIFE 6. some refreshments provided. 8 p.m. to midnight Dec. 8, Our Mass for expectant families 11':30 ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON Lady of Victory Church, Centera,m. Dec. 6; reception will follow in ST. JULIE BILLIART, T!W., parish adult and children's N. DARTMOUTH ville. During four hours of eucharischwff will be joined by the Conchurch hall. Families planning to A new Support and Faith Group tic adoration, 15 decades of the attend should call Fred and Diane cordia Brass Quintet for a concert of rosary will be prayed and there will Mor~e, 695-0996, no later than one for men will meet 7:30 to 9 p.m. sacred music of the Advent season 4 be time for silent meditation. The week before the Mass. Tuesdays in St. Mary's Church basep.m. Sunday. final hour will include Benediction. ment, S. Dartmouth, until parish All are invited to any part of the renovations are complete. InformaWIDOWED SUPPORT, vigil. tion: 993-8919. ATTLEBORO ~ 234 Second Street Support group meeting 7 p.m. SEPARATED/DIVORCED ~ Fall River, MA 02721 Dec. 4, St. Mary's parish center, N. CATHOLICS, ATTLEBORO ~WebOffset Attleboro. Father William Babbitt Support group meeting 7 to 9 p.m. _ _ Newspapers will celebrate Mass. Those attending Sunday, St. Mary's parish center, N. BROOKLYN, N,Y, (CNS) ~ Printing & Mailing are asked to bring a gift for a shut-in. Attleboro, Information: 695-6161. ~(508) 679-5262 "Education for chastity is absolutely essential," Bishop Thomas Now! V. Daily of Brooklyn said at a New Computerized Mailing press conference introducing his new diocesan "Sexuality EducaFirst Class Second Class tion Guidelines." First Class Presort Carrier Route Coding The guidelines were published LANDSCAPING 36 Years of Service Third Class Bulk Rate Zip Code Sorting in a 66"page booklet intended for Third Class Non Profit List Maintenance Catholic parents and the teachers LANDSCAPE SERVICE of some 110.000 students attendAll TO USPS SPECIFICATIONS ing Catholic schools and r.eligious WE ARE EQUIPPED TO MAINTAIN ANY Cheshire labeling on Kirk-Rudy 4路up education programs in the Brooklabeler. And Pressure Sensitive labeling SIZE LAWN OR ESTATE. lyn diocese, Inserting, collating, folding, . Curriculum guidelines for New COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL - RESIDENTIAL metering, sealing, sorting, addressing, York City's public schools refer to No Job Too Big Or Too Small sacking, completing USPS forms, condoms as an "effective" means direct delivery to Post Office Bus. 678-8224 Fully Insured Res. 673-9426 of reducing risks of pregnancy and . . , Printing, . , We Do It AliI AIDS. WE HAVE ONE MILLION DOLLARS IN LIABILITY INSURANCE! But the new Catholic booklet Call for Details (508) 679-5262 says bluntly. "There is no such thing as safe sex .... Condoms are not theanswer. ... Condomsdo not make sex 路safe.'" "The church must become much more actively involved" in sexuality education, the booklet says, in part because "the efforts of the public schools to undertake this responsibility are proving to be disastrous." Bishop Daily said the Catholic guidelines "offer specific moral considerations on contraception, masturbation. premarital sex, abortion, medical and scientific intervention, so-called 'safe sex' and condoms, and homosexual activity." "Our young people are receiving mixed signals about these questions," he said. The booklet condemns sex-education approaches which 'present Catholic moral teaching on sexuality as only one of several positions from which' a person may
ST; MARY, FAIRHAVEN Cub Scout Pack 52 will host dinner for the needy 2 p.m. Dec. 13; persons interested in donating or volunteering may call John Marcelino, 9992439. O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE New toys and clothing for children with HIV / AIDS and children of families affected by AIDS are being collected in a box at back of church until Nov. 30. Donations will be distributed for Christmas through the Cape Cod AIDS Council and Pediatric AIDS Centers of Massachusetts. HOSPICE OUTREACH, FR Annual Remembrance Service for deceased hospice patients 7 p.m. Dec. 10, St. Anthony of the Desert Church, 300 North Eastern Ave., FR. Ribbons will be tied on a remembrance tree in memory ofloved ones; music will be provided by St. Anne's Chorale. To register call Hospice Outreach, 673-1589, by Dec. 5.
Bishop urges education for chastity.
choose. "Moral subjectivism is inherent in this tYPe of prese!Jt~tion," it says. '. , " , . Bishop Daily said'the'guideqnes are meant first of all to assist arid support parents, "the first and foremost educators of their children." ' :', '. The booklet enc.ourage'~'parents to discuss sexuality with their children and outlines differences in approach that are appropriate for children of different ages. It says parishes should provide programs and resources to educate parents in sexuality as well as to assist them in educating their children in sexuality. Bishop Daily said that education for chastity is an essential component of sex education because chastity "is a virtue that develops a person's authentic maturity."
Racism condemned VATICAN CITY (CNS) Anti-Semitism and every other form of racism are sins, Pope John Paul II said at a recent general audience on the 27th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council document dealing with relations with the Jews. Ending the Vatican audience, the pope said he wanted to express his "fraternal solidarity" with the Jewish people. The pope explained that the day was the anniversary of the promulgation of the Vatican II declaration "Nostra Aetate" on the church's relations with non-Christian religions, "and, in a special way, with the descendants of the 'stock of Abraham.""
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.~:'~.. QUADRUPLETS Chelsea, Kyle, Taylor and Kaylyn Grimes are baptized by retired Msgr. Francis X. Canfield at St. Isadore Catholic Church in Macomb Township, north of Detroit. The foursome are the childen of Randy and Sandra Grimes, standing at Msgr. Canfield's left. (CNS photo)