
Page 1

First Catholic President Martyred


Diocese Mourns John F. Kennedy, Hyannisport Summer Resident The funeral of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the first Roman Catholic Chief E x e cut i v e of the

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Nov. 28, 1963 Vol. 7, No. 49 . ©



196a The Anchor

PRICE lOc $4.00 per Year

Auxiliary Bishop Gerrard Celebrates Requiem Mass At St. Mary's Cathedral

In the presence of a congregation that overflowed into the aiRles of St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River, and onto the sidewalk on Spring Street, Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.D., Y.. G., Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Fall River, offered a Solemn Pontifical Mass of youthful president, the highest Requiem at the faldstool on form of prayer - the unbloody Monday morning at 9 o'clock, Sacrifice of Calvary-was storm­ for the repose of the soul of ing heaven for his benefit. President John Fitzgerald Ken­ nedy, 35th Preshident of the United States and the first Cath_ olic to occupy the highest elected position in the history of the country. In the absence of Bishop Con­ nolly, who is in Rome at the Second Vatican Council, Bishop Gerrard, in addition to address­

ing the congregation, also sent telegrams last Friday to various members of the Kennedy fam­ ily, sympathizing with them, and also assured the new Presi­ dent, Lyndon Baines Johnson, of the prayers of the Bishops, tM priests, and all in the Dio­ cese for God's blessing upon his assuming the presidency. Speaking to the tremendous arowd that turned out to pay their prayerful respects to a be­ ~ved leader, the Auxiliary Bishop emphasized first the need. 01. prayer at this time. Considering the four ends of' ftle Sacrifice of the Mas~Ador_o ~ion, Contrition, Thanksgivinl!: and Petition - Bishop Gerrard. reminded all that in offering the Mass for the universally mournedl

"The consoling element at this Turn to Page :Fifteen m;;;::JZ::~H'::~Zi:I'm:m;;:r;;:K:~':zn::a;;:GEimii;i'l

Statement In the absence of Bishop Con­ nolly who is in Rome, Bishop Gerrard issued this statement on the President's death: In the death of President Ken­ nedy the United States has suf­ fered a great loss. He has given his life for his country. No man could do more. As a statesman, the world will miss his leader­ ship. His interests extended to all men, and he sought always to advance their freedom and well-being. The heavy burden of his office now falls upon the shoulders of another. All citizens should pray for God's guidance and strength. upon our new President. At the same time, the Bishops, priests and faithful of the Diocese of Fall River ex­ tend to Mrs. Kennedy, to the president's parents and all the members of his family our deep sympathy in this hour of sorrow. 1mt~~lWili§i)':&%~;;:-m@~;!$~m:*,::lW;t'f1i.W.1l

Pope .Paul Expre.sses Grief Of Roman Catholic Church VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI expressed his &Tief at the "tragic and sad news" of President Kennedy's assassination in a formal statement and in separate mes­ sages to his widow, his parents, his brothers, President . Lyndon B. Johnson and Rich­ "We are deeply grieved by this ard Cardinal Cushing of execrable crime, for the grief B9ston, who celebrated'MasiiJ which has struck the great and at the President's funeral. civilized country and for the The Pontiff again spoke of his suffering which Mrs. Kennedy, ~rrow when he recei~d dele­ her children and her relations gates attending a Rome meetinl~ suffer. of the United States Food and "We deplore this event with . Agriculture Organization. Our whole heart. We express the Pope Paul said in his state­ hope that the death of this great ment: statesman will not bring damage "We have been greatly strick­ to the American people, but will en by the tragic and sad news strengthen its moral and civil of the killing of the President . sense and sentiments of nobility . , the United States, John Fitz­ and concord. We pray God that ceral!! Kennedy, and of the ser- the sacrifice of John Kennedy . $.Gus wounding of Gov. Connal17 may help the cause promoted .~ ,f!« Texas. Turn to Page Seventeen .'



Assassination Stuns" Cape Friends of Late President By Russell On Friday, November 22, a most terrible act of murder was committed and television, radio, and the press have thoroughly covered the re­ action of the country. We know how the people of Chicago, of Ithaca, of New York, of San

Francisco, of all the thousands

of small towns in all our States, felt about the death of President Kennedy. And by now, most of us know just how the residents of Cape Cod felt-particularly his friends and neighbors in and near Hyannis Port. But not much has been said about Hyannis - the shopping and business center for the smaller communities - and the people who work and live there. Where the connection with Mr. Kennedy, aj President, was almost entirely through the swarming tourists and Summer visitors. Hyannis heard the news and went through the same familiar cycle - shock, unbelief, partial acceptance, and a vague, sad.

M. Collinge numbness. The stores did not close or black out their windows. This was Friday, payday and Turn to Page Five

Cape Cod Pastor Offers Prayers For President Next Summer things will be a little quieter for the Pastor and priests of St. Francis Xavier Church in Hyannis. There will be no special phone connected to Washington. No secret service men in and around the Church, waiting for the word from Hyannis Port: "They're on the way." There will be no need to avoid news men and women looking for an odd or "special" story about the President. All this is over - but it is not a happy thing. The Right Rever­ end Leonard J. Daley, Pastor of St. Francis Xavier, who was Turn to Page '»"


United states of America, was held Monday in Arlington Na­ tional Cemetery following a pontifical low requiem Mass at St. Matthew's Cathedral in Washington. The 46-year old Massachusetts native was assasinated as he rode in a motorcade in Dallas eariy last Friday afternoon by a sniper believed t~ be Lee Harvey Oswald who himself was murdered by gunshot on Sunday last when he was being trans­ ferred from the city to the county jail in the community of the Texas crime which stunned, shocked and grieved the entire nation. Pre sid e n t Lyndon Baines Johnson of Texas, who served as Vice President for the past two years and 10 months, suc­ ceeded to the highest office in the nation. He was sworn in as Chief Executive aboard the U. S. Air Force plane which carried the body of the late President back to the nation's capital. The late Pre sid e n t, who labored in the cause of peace and the dignity of the individual, wall a familiar figure in the Diocese of Fall River where he has spent part of each Summer, in addition to religious and national holy­ days and holidays, before and during his term of office. The late President and his wife, Jac­ queline Bouvier Kennedy, to­ gether with their children, at­ tended St. F. ran cis X a vie r Church in Hyannis.

1'1'1- Eminence Richard Cardi­ nal Cushing, Archbishop of Bos­ ton, a lifetime friend of the slliin President celebrated the requiem Mass in' the nation's capital which was attended by the heads and representatives of countries from all parts of the world. It was Cardinal Cushing who officiated at the wedding on Sept. 12, 1953, of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Jacqueline Lee Bouvier. The Cardinal gave the invo­ cation at the inauguration of President Kennedy on Jan. 20, 1961. Only last August 10 Cardinal Cushing offered the "Mass of the Angels," Requiem for in­ fants, in his private chapel for Patrick Bouvier Kennedy, infant son of the President and the First Lady. The child had died two days· after birth. The Requiem Mass followed a week end of mourning. For the preceding 24 hours the Presi­ dent's body lay in state in the rotunda of the Capitol Building. Thousands of men, women and children of every race, color and creed filed past the bier to paT their last respects. Before being taken to the Cap_ itol, the body lay in the East Room of the White House. The casket was draped with an American flag and the cata­ falque was covered in black. A large crucifix bearing an ivory figure of Christ was at the foot of the casket which was flanked by four candl-es and decorated with a bouquet of white lilies and carnations. When the body was brought to the White House at 4:25 A.M. from the Naval medical center in in Bethesda, Md., a prayer was offered by a priest waiting there. Two priests remained Turn to Page Two



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fa" River-:-Thurs. Nov. 28, 1963

Diocesan Collection Sunday For Catholic University My dear brethren in Christ: By long tradition, we show our support of The Cath~ olic University in Washington, next Sunday, December first. Of all our educational institutions, this is the cap-stone. It makes strong and firm the whole edifice of C'atholic Education in the United States. A large percentage of the sisters, brothers and priests that staff our schools have had their advanced training at the University. And each year, the number of laymen and women attending classes there increases. Last year alone, there were upwards of 16,000 registered students at The Catholic University. To accommodate this ever increasing patronage there is a growing need for class-room, laboratory and living facilities. No more than any other institution On collegiate or post-graduate level, can they carry out their programme for expansion on student fees. As a matter of fact, tuition charges total about one third of what it takes to carryon the work of The Catholic University. And this sad imbalance is even more costly to the University in the graduate departments patronized by priests and religious trying to prepare for and improve their educational activity through­ out the land. So we need to continue our loyal support, and help keep our Catholic University in the forefront. It has and it will promote and prepare the type of leadership needed in our uncertain times. I am sure youwill continue your gen­ erous traditions, and wish to thank you cordially for what you have already done and will do to sustain this noble cause. Faithfully yours in Christ

~----j?~-;;;!i-" Bishop of Fall River.


Episcopal Bishops Agree on Role In Movement ,Toward Reunion LITTLE ROCK (NC) - The House of Bishops of ~he 'Episco. pal Church concluded a three­ day conference here by issuing a 'public statement that' "the goal of the Episcopal Church must be organic unity, not only with our Protestant brethern but also with the Church of Rome and Orthodox Churches." The meeting, held at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral and attend. ed by 133 Episcopal Bishops,was called "to assess the role of the Episcopal Church in the move­ ment toward a united Christen­ dom." The post - meeting statement, issued by the Rt. Rev. Nelson M. Burroughs, Episcopal Bishop of Ohio, said the conferees reached a surprising degree of unimimity regarding the ultimate goal of all current efforts toward the reunion of the Church of Christ." Bishop Burroughs, acting pre­ siding officer of the meeting,



Dec. 1-51. John the Evan­ gelist, Attleboro Our Lady of the Immac­ ulate Conception, New Bedford. Dec. 8-5t. Margaret, Buz­ zards Bay. St. Bernard, Assonet. Our Lady of the Cape, East Brewster. '

Dec. 15--5t. Anthony of Pa­

dua, Fall River.

St. Mary, Fairhaven.

Dec. 22--St. Mary's Home,

New Bedford. St. Helena's Convent, Fall River. THE ANCHOR Second Class Postalle Paid It Fin RIver, Mass. Published every Thursday It 410

~ft:~l::' p:::~u~ ~~I DI::~ '::S~lnb~lv~~

Subscription price by mail. postpaid $4.00 per yelr.

noted that six papers concerning Christian unity were read and discussed. He said they "repre­ sented divergent points of view," but that discussion of them "led • • • to an unusual degree of understanding and a remarkable unity" regarding the reunifica­ tion of Christendom. The statement reaffirmed the Episcopal mind regarding his­ toric creeds, the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion, the Bible "and the overwhelm­ ing necessity for the preserva­ tion of the historic episcopate." , "Finally," the statement con­ cluded, "the goal of the Epis­ copal Church must be organie unity not only with our Protes­ tant brethren but also with the Church of Rome and Orthod,ox Churches."

Necrology DEC. 1 Rev. Phillipe Ross, 1958, Chap. lain, Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford.

DEC. 2 Rev. Arthur Savoie, 1917, Pas­ tor, St. Hyacinth, New Bedford. Rev. Dennis W. Harrington, 1958, Assistant, 51. Mary, Taun­ ton.

DEC. 3 Rev. John W. McCarthy, P.R., 1926, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Fall River. Dee. t Rev. Charles Ouellette, 1945, Assistant, St. Jacques, Taunton.

Stunned Diocese In Mourning Continued from Page One throughout the night to pray" the President. Later in the morning a priv_ Requiem Mass was offered ill the East Room by Father Joba J. ~avanaugh, C.S.C., former pres1dent of Notre Dame Un&­ versitJ· and a family friend. Mrs. Kennedy and the two Kennedy children, Caroline aD4 John Jr., were present, as were family members and close friendll. Soon after President JohIlSOll left the White House for a sp~ cial unannounced service whicll he had requested in St. John'" Episcopal church, a~ross Lafa1'­ ette Square from the White House. The Rev. John C. Har­ per, rector, prayed :for the dead President and his successor. President Kenned~"s body w. borne from the White House to the Capitol tile following day ill - a horse-drawn caisson, accOID­ panied by a military guard of honor and preceded by cler~ men of various faith on foot. The next day, it was takea POPE AND PRESIDENT: The assassinated President from the Capitol to the cathednl met with Pope Paul VI at an historic audience on July 2 last for the Requiem, sigain bor_ at the Vatican. NC Photo. on the caisson. Immediately following radle and television announcement OI! ]i'RIDAY-Mass of previous Sun­ The following films are to be the news of the maniacal crime, requiem Masses werEl celebrated day. IV Class. Grepn, l\tf~ss added to the lists in their reepec­ in thou~ands of CatholJe Proper; No Gloria; Second tive classifications: Collect St. Saturnius, Manyr; Unobjectionable for Adults churches throughout the natioa. no Creed; Common Preface. and Adolescents - Cap t a in The Holy See in Rome auth~ rized the celebraticln of ODe Newman, M.D. SATURDAY-St. Andrew, Apos­ requiem Mass in each chl',:,,:h last tle. II Class. Red. Mass Proper; Unobjectionable for Adults ­ Gloria; Creed; Preface of Love With the Proper Stran-ger; Sunday, a most unusual perm. . sion. Apostles. Man's Favorite Sport. Condemned - Knife in the SUNDAY-I Sunday of Advent. I Class. Violet. Mass Proper; Water. (Objection: Because of No Gloria; Creed; Preface of nudity in the treatment this film, Trinity. which does not bear the Code Where A MONDAY - St. Bibiana, Virgin Seal of Approval of the Motion and Martyr. III C.lass. Red. GOOD NAME Mass Proper; Gloria; Second Collect of previous Sunday; ment purposes.) Tiara Tahiti (Objection: BecaUge of nudity in no Creed; Common Preface. Means A TUESDAY-8t. Francis Xavier, the treatment this. film, which does not bear the Code Seal of Confessor. III Class. White. GREAT DEAL Mass Proper; Gloria; Second Approval of the Motion Picture Collect of previous Sunday; Association of America, is un­ acceptable for entertainment no Creed; Common Preface. purposes.) . WEDNESDAY-8t. Peter Chry­ sologus, Bishop, Confessor and Doctor of the Church. III Class. TAKE TIME OUT White. Mass Proper; Gloria; Second Collect of previous For Personal Inventory Sunday; Third Collect st. ana Renewal Barbara, Virgin and Martyr; Make A Week-End .110 Creed; Common Preface. THURSDAY - Mass of previous Retreat at the

;Sunday. III Class. Violet. Mass , Holy Cross Fathers

565 MILL STREET :Proper; No Gloria; Second Collect St. Sabbas, Abbot; no Retreat House

Creed; Common Preface. BEDFORD Rte. 138, No. Easton, Mass.

One Votive Mass in honor of .resus Christ, the Eternal High Men - Women - Couples

Priest, permitted. Open Evenings Tel. 238-6863

Write: Fr. Kelly, esc, Dir.

Mass Ordo





P4)pe Says U.S. Has D1eep Spirituality

VATICAN CITY (NC) - A deE'p spirituality lies beneath the apparent slickness of contem­ porary American life, Pope Paul VI has told the U.S. Bishops in Rome for the Vatican Council. 1'he Pope said that from a dis­ tan~e America may seem to be all materialism, luxury, speed and gimmickry, but from hia own experience he has seen in America a great depth of spiri­ tua:.ity. He said that American priests are spiritual, well disciplined and hard working. He reported that he had seen evidence. of asceticism in the U.S. l


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Where it PAYS to get together

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Nov. 28, 1963

Over-too-Top Spirit

Council of Men Issues Material On Race Justice

Permeates· Paris.hes In School Dri\)e

WASHINGTON (NC) ­ The National Council of Catholic Men has publish"ed a new kit of program mater­

The Headquarters of the Catholic Memorial High School for Boys in Fall River announced today that the house-to­ house phase of the Fund Raising Campaign is verifying every prediction of a strong response to this $200 catergory appeal. "One parish esti­ Tuesgay night ended while the mates," the office said," that presses were rolling. Howevet, this ANCHOR re­ $18,000 has been obtained in this phase by use .of the porter called some of the chair­

call-back system." "However," men early Tl,1esday and never it added, "the Memorial Phase before had seen such accord among men for an enthusiasm is still very active and the col­ lectors are calling the office for for sacrifice that is the basic memorials. During this period need for in this campaign. "The spirit of sacrifice," said the office will be open every one, "is needed more at this evening, Monday through :rri­ day - including Thanksgiving. moment than in any moment of our history.'~ . - from 6:30 to 8 o'clock to re­ Another w hen questioned ceive Memorial registrations.~' about the campaign stated: "The . Memorial cards !>lave been for­ warded . to all parishes and. events of the past weekend make donors have the opportunity to all shudder - wondering what verify their specifications and this country is coming to wJ:.1en such violence and disrespect are thus all additions and correc­ tions are being made now in so openly -manifested. The need order that Headquarters will of moral' education is the great­ have a completely corrected list est ne-cessity of this day - the of all donations by the end of . building of a high school for boys that will guarantee such an the campaign. education is not 'a nice thing to Due to the fact that Thanks­ do' but a necessity if this great giving coincides with the regu­ lar publishing date, it is -always country of ours is to continue to necessary during this week of be the leader in peace efforts the year to go to press earl~·. As and the symbol of civilization." next Reports Meeting will a result, the Reports Meeting. of beThe held Tuesday night, Dec. 3, at 8 o'clock in the Sacred Heart Auditorium, Pine Street, Baptists Aid Catholic School Fall River.

Refugees From Cuba

BOSTON (NC) - Twenty~two Cuban Catholic refugees were brought here to establish new homes by the Massachusetts. Baptist Convention. The refugees made the trip, approved by Richard Cardinal Cushing of Boston, by plane from Miami, Fla. They were welcomed by Baptist and Cath­ olic officials. Homes and jobs have beeD. found for the eight families by Baptist ministers in Greenfield and Hyannis.

C. U.· Appeal Catholic University of Amer~

lea in the nation's capital city. today ranks with the finest ed­

ucational institutionS in the United' states. It is operated and conducted under the lead­ ership and guidance of the American hierarchy. The annual collection for the support of this marvelous university will be taken up at all Masses in all churches of the Diocese on S1I,nday. Beo. L

PRESIDENT'S REQUIEM: Officers of the Solemn Pontical Mass of Requiem celebrated Monday morning at the Cathedral for the soul of the late President .proceed to the Altar, left to right: Very Rev. Arthur W. Tansey, as­ sistant priest; Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, D.D., V.G., Auxiliary Bishop, celebr;int; .Rev. Peter N. Graziano, sub­ deacon; Rev. John P. Driscoll, deacon.

Await Pope to Proclaim Council's First Fruits By Rev. John R. FoIster

ials "aimed to bringing the po­ tential strength· of parish lay organizations to bear on the race problem." E n tit led "Release from Racism," the kit includes 'pro­ grams in three areas - . parish activities, community activities, and special activities. The materials range from a discussion program suitable for organizations treating interracial justice 'for the first time to materials dealing with such specific problems as delinquency, employment and legislation. InfOrmation and res 0 u l' c e pieces are illso included, among them the Rev. Martin 'Luther King's "Letter' from Birming­ .ham City' Jail" and the News­ week magazine I?oll, "What the White Man Thinks of the Negro Revolt." . The U.S. Bishops' 1963 l}.. storal on racial harmony and ju.Nce is a part of the ,kit.

Dispensation The Chancery Office an­ Dounces that the faithful are dispensed from the law ot ab­ stinence on Friday, Nov. 29. the day following Thanksgiv­ ing Day. They are also dispensed from the law of fast and ab­ stinence on the Vigil of the Immaculate Conception, Sat­ urday, Dec. 7.

St. Anthony Oil Padua - New Bedford

At. the 73rd' General Meeting of the Second Session of the Vatican Council, Nov. 22nd will be a' day to record not only in the history of the Council but of the Church. In that assembly, precisely at 12 :05 P.M. the documen.t for sweeping reforms of public worship of the Church was given complete approval by the Fathers with only 19 dissenting votes out of a total of 2178 votes cast. The second completed schema sent for the

Pope's final ap­

proval was the

one on the

C·o m m u n i­

cations Media.

Many of the provisions 0 f the liturgical decisions go in­ to effect imme­ .diately; others must await the reg ion a I or local episcopal approval. Turn to Page Eighteen





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 28, 1963

Suit to Test

Prayer Ruling

Many Adults Offer Good' Example to Teen-agers

CAMBRIDGE (NC;) - The first court test designed to oveJl­ turn the U.S. Supreme Court de­ cision banning religious exer­ cises in public schools was sche­ duled for a hearing yesterday in Middlesex Co u n t y Superior Court here. Rev. Donald A. Waite, a Bap­ tist minister and Leo Kahaim, Middleboro furniture manufac­ turer, filed the suit which con­ tends that Bible reading in pub­ lic schools is sanctioned by Ma&­ achusetts law. They said they represent the Committee to Re­ store Bible Reading in the Pub­ lic Schools.

By Rev.- Joseph T. McGloin, S.J. Whenever you talk to teen-agers for any length of time about their problems, you always seem to get back to one subject, adults. And when you discuss teen-agers with those most concerned, with them - parents, teachers, counselors - by some coin­ comers into the rear of the audi­ cidence, you come back to the torium. same subject, adults. Ama­ And, seeing him, it occurred to teur psychiatrists find it

convenient to blame teen-aged me that I was missing the boat. troubles o~ middle-aged adults I was trying to bring out the example of great men, true, but ~ -specifically right here before me \';~re, per­ on parents. If haps, even greater Ones. Brooke's Rulill~ a teen - ager Quiet, Heroic Lives' 1 a c k s control Judge Edward Saulnier s'et the sexually, it I S hearing in the case. The peti­ At these annual Congresses­ tioners claim that Bible reading supposed to be known as "The Rocky Mountain is legal in Massachusetts under Youth Congresses" ~ there were bee a use he's Chapter 71 of the General Laws. un 1 0 v e d at always droves of men and Massachusetts Atty. Gen. Ed­ home, or else women willing to give what little ward Brooke previously ruled time they had to seeing that the because temp­ the chapter is nullified by the conventions were a success. tations adults Supreme Court decision. bombard him They didn't know these dele­ The Bible committee, the peti­ wit h are too. gates personally, but they knew tioners claim, has more than much for hu­ the importance of helping them 3~000 signatures of persons who man nature to resist. If he has to get going in the right direc­ support the committee position. no goals, it is because adults tion. These were quietly heroic The petitioners claim more than have held none out to him. If men and women in their daily REQUIEM IN RUSSIA: Assumptionist Father Joseph 80 per cent of the people of he is interested only in money, lives, even though they'd never Rkhard, a native of New Bedford, celebrated Mass for the Mas sac h use t t s want Bible this is because money is the rate a headline, nor even any reBpose of the soul of President Kennedy in St. Louis de reading restored in the schools. only adult pursuit. publicized awards. . The list could go on and on.' France church in Moscow. It was the second time he had They lived full and even And while it might never in­ been granted permission to celebrate Mass at the church '%%%SiSSSSSSiS%%%SSSSS heroic lives, deceptively quiet clude any whole truths, it would lives - as cops, firemen, sales­ aSBociated with the French legation in the communist capital. contain a good collection of half­ men, clerks or housewives. truths. Because it is the adults Fireman Mike who edit the pornography, and Take Mike, for instance - the drf':1m up the crummy ads and BUSINESS AND suggestive shows, the adults who usher my eye had fallen on. obviously care for nothing but Mike is a fireman. He has a nice DUPLICATING MAC:HINES Legal Educator Deplores High Court's

material goals. Adult example family, a lovely wife and six Second and Morgan Sts~ fine kids. He works pretty hard is a factor in teen-age psycho­ Ruling on Public School Prayer

FAll RIVER -24 hours at the firehouse, and logy. means to promote a belief in any BATON ROUGE (NC) - A then eight hours as a carpenter. WY 2-0682 OS 9-6712 Free Will Remains veteran educator in the legal transcendental moral value and And yet, the never misses a !. J. McGINN, Prop. , But while adults do have an the expression of that value," field said here in Louisiana the %%%%%% % %%°% __ %%%'15" effcct on teen-agers, let's not day at Mass and Holy Commu­ said Brown, a former dean of U. S. Supreme Court's latest de­ nion. usually at about 5:30 A.M. imagine that they can steal any­ the Catholic University of Amer­ cision against public school body's free will. Example never on his way to the next job. ica law school, Washington. prayer "brought the United forced anyone to do anything Some years back, .a couple of Sta teg to complete seculariza­ Brown spoke before more against his will. All the crummy Mike's acquaintances had had a than 60 priests who are cfficials tion and endangered the only example in the world can't touch baby. boy who was somewhat juridical postulate which makes of ehanceries and tribunals of your will. deformed, and the poor kid's ex­ Sees in Louisiana, Arkansas, our Constitution different from Some ~reat men and women cuse for a mother hadn't wanted Mississippi and Alabama. tha'; of Russia." for have risen from the slums, while the child around for that reason. Brendan Brown of Loyola

oth~rs, apparently endowed with So Mike and his wife had University law school, New Or­

every material advantage and tnken the little guy into their leans, detailed. to the 13th annual

not a few spiritual ones, have own family, massaged him out con ference of chancery and been too cowardly to cope with of his crinpled conrHtion, and FUNERAL HOME tribunal office of the Province

life. then had borne the heartbreak of New Orlean.; the progression

986 Plymouth Avenue So, blame the adults for all of seein~ him re('laimed by hi~ . of the high court's rulings in Fall River, Mass. you want, teen-agers, but don't m'lther, because they hadn't had three distinct periods of time. T.I. os 3-2271 forget that you always have the a legal foot to stand on .. Religion no longer means DANIEl , HARRINGTON power of choice. The "to-be-or­ chu rch in the traditional sense Too CIO'le to ~ee LicenseL funeral Dir.cter not-to-be" is always your ..ex­ of c. congregation with a spirit­ Wl,en you look at the examnle ...d _.gilt.rod Embol_ clusive right. WYman 9-698-' ual entity in the light of the

of ndults, look at an of it, the Not only that, but while you're cow·t's recent decisions, Brown.

good and the bad. Ann. in the brooding on the poor example said.

line of good example, don't re­ adults give yOIl, look around a "To establish a religion now

rrard only those who rate the little bi.t more, and you'll see headlines by some extranrdinary that there are some adults who contribution to society. Look at are giving you the most wonder­ St. Francis

those who make an equally great ful example. You do have to contrihution. perhans ev('n a Residence

'1ook, though. greater one, by quietly and fOR YOUNG WOMEN

lAJok Deeper 46 Taunton hu~ :bly livin~ thpjr lives to per­ 196 Whipple St., Fall River

You may have heard of a [pction within their own states Green Conducted by Franciscan

couple doctors like Dooley of life. Mary

Missionaries of and Schweitzer? And you're cer­ This is nerfection. after all. ­ Taunton, Mass. tainly aware of the thousands on ROOMS - MEALS

to nerfect oneself in his own OVERNIGHT HOSPITALITY

thousands of heroic foreign mis­ state and not waste his life Inquire OS 3-2892

sionaries who give up their com­ (Ire~HPi'l'r n' ,.... ,. "n might have fort and even their lives for. done in some other. God's very very poor. So when you gripe about the But look a little deeper than poor exa"",.,le of some adl1lts. I that. don't forget to notice the tre­ I was addressing a group of mendous e x amp 1 e of many teen-agers at a ColOl'ado Youth others - who are too close, may­ WITHOUT TRAFFIC & PARKING PROBLEMS

Congress on one occasion, and be, for you to see them. was holding up some of these at the

headliner adults as examples, when I noticed one of my adult ushers quietly moving some late-

Secularized U. S.







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THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 28, 1963

Flash From Dallas StunsFriends

. ·Of President In Hyannisport Continued from Page One shopping night--and the traffic in Hyannis. was normal for this time of year. But, everywhere, in the shopping and other adiv­ ities, there was a quietness, a certain formality, a thin veil of withdrawal covering an und.~rly­ lng unsureness. Even in the places used ·and acceptedi as "clubs" by the younger citizens, the quietness prevailed-and it was noted that, for the first time since they were installed, the juke boxes were silent. The Cape Bowl stayed open because there was no way of notifying the many league t.~ams due to bowl Friday night but Mrs. Charles Pratt said that Dnly a few showed up and they had little interest or spirit and the establishment closed early in the evening. Prayers and Masses Shortly after the first news flashes arrived, radio station WOCB abandoned all local pro­ grams and joined the network for full coverage - breaking in only to give notice of the caR­ cellation of various social and sporting activities: to announce the time and place of prayel' meetings and Masses; and to bring special interviews with local people close to the Ken­ nedy family. Most of the people in Hyannis,. like the rest of us, seel1li!d to be waiting for the voire of some reassuring announcer saying: "We hope this program has. made you think. We must a11 make' sure it can never happen here!" But the numbness wore off, leaving the-sadness and the real_ ization that there would be no. reassuring announcer - that it had, indeed, "happened here." Personal Loss So there was sadness and grief and a dull, gnawing anger. These might vary in degree for the individual- but the people in the stores, in the parking lots, and on the street, had one~ thing. in common, a sense of pe:rsonal loss. Whether they ,knew him or not, whether they agreed with his policies or not, they all had the feeling of personal involve­ ment. And they all thought of him as an individual rather than as "the President." For mos~ of WI­ ftlis feeling is the result of l:he impact of a dynamic and strong; character--of exposure to an in.­ sistence on "individualne~.s" that allowed us no retreat to- a color­ le9S "they" or "him" Ol~ "that guy." Long Known In Hyannis there is a further reason. Hyannis has known the Kennedy family for a long. long. time and the older merchants. and citizens have a clear remem~ branee of the ''Kennedy kids"­ getting haircuts from Costas Sethares and, later, from Nelson Kierstead - playing around. the clothing store of Hyman Burman -sitting on the curb in front of By Hirsch's while waiting to be picked up by the family car­ stopping at the home of E­ Thomas Murphy and asking to borrow a brown derby as part of a treasure hunt. The fact that one of them be­

came President did not really change anything. Except, of course, for the swarms of Sum­ mer visitors and tourists, all bent, apparently, on seeing Jack Kennedy or his wife or his fam_ ily or the fence around his home in Hyannis Port-so that certain restrictiv-e measures had to be taken by the Police to save the fence from being destroyed and to insure some degree of privacy. Next Summer Next Summer things will be different. The Police can assume that they will be relieved of some special assignments--that they will not have to deal with the sightseeing jams at Hyannis Port and at St. Francis Xavier Chu,reh on Sunday mornings. And St. Francis Xavier, in to- insure some degree of privacy. turn, will not have to deal with the throngs of sightseeing "fans" on Sunday morningS'-they will not have the problem of what to do with those who, despite their own. personal beliefs or lack of them, arrived early for· the first Mass and sat stolidly through the President arrived. WOCB can reduce the Sum­ mer staff and relax a bit and re­ call the dayS when the newly elected Senator, Jack Kennedy, would come to the studios for frequent-and at times-infor­ mat-interviews and broadcasts. Old Family Hyannis will miss John Fitzgerald· Kennedy, not only as President, but as a member of' an old, known and well"-liked family.. The shock will wear off, the sadness will f~de, the puzzled anger will die away - but in Hyannis the memory of Jack Kennedy will stay warm and bright and shining in the hearts of old and young. They can re­ call his kindness and his help and they will remember him with affection. The very young wilt remember him with grati­ tude as they test their skill and skates at the Kennedy Memorial Rink.

Decency Legion Places 'Cardinal' In A-III Class NEW YORK (NC):-The National Legion· of Decency has given the movie "The Cardinal" a classification of

LIFELONG FRIENDS: Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston, presented gifts which the late Pope John XXIII had planned to give President Kennedy when he was in Rome this year. The presentation was made by the Boston Prince of the Church at the North American College in Rome. The Hub Cardinal officiated at the marriage of the President, the baptism of his children, funeral Mass of his infant son Patrick in August and the low pontifical requiem M~s~ for the Chief Executive. NC Photo.

Nun Gets Compensation Iowa Court Approves Insurance Payment To Sister Injured in Convent DES MOINES (NC) - The Iowa Supreme Court has approved payment of workmen's compensation insurance to a Sister who fell in a Marshalltown convent, broke her hip and was hospitalized four months. Sister Mary Benedict of the . Congregation of Sisters of Humility of Mary, Ottumwa, is entitled to $17.30 a day for 61 weeks of compensation and $4,588 in hospital and medical expenses, the court said. Sil!ter Benedict was injured on July 29, 1960 in the convent ·at-

CLINTON (NC) - Some 300 Franciscan nuns from religious communities throughout the country are expected at the 12th aflnual two-day Franciscan Edu_ cational . Conference, starting Fri~, Nov. 29. "Elements in Ft-anciscan Formation" will be the theme of the meeting at Mount st. Clare College here in












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BUDAPEST (N C) - Hun­ gary's Catholic Action is plan­ ning a pilgrimage to Lourdes and Rome for the success of the ecumenical council. The group will include priests, laymen and a bishop.


.SEGUIN. 944 County St.


Hungary Pilgrimage




tached to St. Mary's ~hool Marshalltown, where she was a teacher. She fell in the kitchen after cooking breakfast for her­ self and two other Sisters. Compensation was awarded Sister Benedict by the Iowa Industrial Commissioner in the first instance. He. said she was injured in the course of her em­ ployment. The Supreme Court upheld this view. Defendants in the action were the St. Mary's Corporation and the. U.S. Fidelity and Guaranty Company, the insurer.

. A-III, morally unobjectionable for adults. It noted that the film, a Co­ lumbia release based in a novel by Henry Morton Robinson, "is the fictional story of an Amer­ ican priest based from the time of his ordination to his nomina­ tion. as a cardinal." The legion's observation said further: 'As a dramatization of the hu­ manity of the Catholic priest­ hood, presented against a back­ ground of richly photographed and handsomely produced litur­ gical ceremonies, and realized with some sensitive perfor­ mances, this motion picture makes for absorbing entertain­ ment. "The theme of the story, how­ ever, involving as it does delicate theological-ethical . issues and Catholic practices, is sometimes treated in such a manner that questions which would require a fuller explanation for the im­ mature and uninformed, may be subject to possible misunde~­ standing and misinterpretation. While noting this. reservation, the legion recognizes that, with proper guidancf' and instruction, adolescents could also find the film of entertainment interest."


Franciscan Meeting






~ ~


Fall River


155 North Main St.

Telephone OSborne 5-7811


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. No"




• "Poured Out m Sacrifice" As for me, I am already being poured out in t'lacrifice, and the time of my deliverance is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith. For the rest, there is laid up for me a crown of justice, which the Lord, the just Judge, will give me in that day; yet not to me only, but also to those who love his coming:' U

These words of St. Paul to his beloved Timothy could well have echoed around the stricken young figure of John Fitzgerald Kennedy as he bled out his life in the tragic moments that followed the assassin's attack on Friday last. There lay a President, a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a friend. The tears 'and hopes and griefs of so very many clustered around his still form in those terrifying minutes when a nation's heart broke and a world was plunged into mourning.


Last Written Words of President Kennedy "Except the Lord keep the City, he watcheth in vain that keepeth it."



Assistant Direc:tor Latin American Bureau, NCWC

Latin America C'alling!

Greetings fro m. Guate­ mala! God created the world in six days and when He had finished He saw that it

was good. He must have bees especially pleased wi1th Guate­

mala, The .beau­

• ty is beyond de­

scription. Today

In the land of the free and the home of the brave, a Ps. 126, V. 1 w h i 1 e serving

lavage abuse of freedom fixed its hatred on a peacemaker, the Mass of an­

other priest I

and. a hero-President poured out his life as its victim. : : : : could see the

Two decades ago, that life he had of~ered for his clouds nestling

in the hills ­

country in a cataclysmic war - but the Providence of God like a giant

had stayed the hand of death - for from him would be snail crawling

asked even more. along the moun­

tain crevkes.

Only after he had been "granted the role of defending The clouds al­

By REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA, Catholic University freedom in its hour of maximum danger" - a responsibility most covered our pueblo here.

from which he did not shrink; only after he had lifted aloft Yesterday I drove here (to the torch of a new generation of Americans; only after Huehuetenango) from. Guate­ production. ~~ODAY-Mass as on Sunday. he had pledged "to pay any price, bear any burden, meet mala City. The plane ride is We hear, happily, more talk minutes but by auto (a Japanese any hardship to assure the survival and the success of The newness, the everlasting newriess of eternal life, has its about the meaning of the incar­ Toyota which is an oversized liberty;" only after he had expended his energy and faith foreshadowings and even begin_ nation, about the "materialism" • jeep) it takes five hours. We arid devotion, to enkindle in this nation and her citizens a nings 'in our sacramental en­ of Christianity, with its God­ out at 8 A.M. and be­ Ijght whose glow would truly light the world; only after cot.nters with Christ and His life, man, its Church, its sacraments started cause of stops at a mission of the he had born for a while - such a little while! ~ "rejoicing from Baptism to Viaticum. and all that goes with them. priests from the Spokane di~ Chdst' new creation is a creaticm Many of us need more of this cese, we didn't arrive here ill in hope, patient in tribulation" - the burden of a long twi­ talk and more of this balancing. Huehuetenango until aiter dark. light struggle against the common enemies of mart: tyranny, of .grace~ Today's liturgy contributes to "Grace is the beginning of poverty, disease and war itself; only then would he be asked hea.ven," someone has said. And the other side of the balance: The road is the Pan America Highway (now called the In1~ to give the last full measure of devotion. the sacraments, are means of salvation is coming to time from American Highway). It is paved outside of time. It is coming in grace, particularly that greatest for slightly less than half the And give he did. of the sacraments, the Eucharist. the power of God, in ways mys­ way and the rest is a series ~ terious perhaps to one who looks His pledge to do this, all this, and more, made when Every time we participate in chiefly at the human side of the ruts. It is a road in the sense we are new creatures, that there are no trees for a teD he dedicated his life to public service and reaffirmed in Ma,;s covenant. sharing freshly in that glorifica­ foot swath (slice) through the Scripture-like phrases on that cold January Inauguration tion of which Christ's Resurrec_ mountains. With the rugged MONDAY - st. Bibiana, Vir­ Day, his pledge was redeemed last Friday. tion and Ascension are causes. beauty of the mountains and gin, Martyr. "I have understood forests, the Toyota bouncinl your testimonies, 0 Lord," the The sympathy and prayers of all go out to his valiant 'I'OMORROW - Mass as on Church sings in the Entrance through the mud and ridges,the wife, to his little children, to his bereaved parents and Sunday. We thank God our Hymn. To be able to recognize dust f1yirtg and in our mountam..­ Father "for rescuing us from the treasure, the fine pearl, to be' climbing clothes, it felt like _ brothers and sisters. the power of darkness and trans­ able to separate the good fish old Clark Gable movie.. And amid the universal sorrow that wells up in the . ferring us to the kingdom of his from the bad (Gospel)-this is Surprisingly, Guate;nala JI hearts of so many at his passing, amid the shocking memory beloved Son" (First Reading). in one sense the reason we quite cold right now. 'I'he ther­ This kingdom will be manifested gather around the altar for of the. circumstances of his tragic death, men are mindful def::nitively and gloriously at the mometer says 48 but it fecla much lower for there are no that the death of one who has loved God and his fellows end of time when Christ will Mass. In hope and prayer and con­ is not a laying down of life but its true beginning. appear clearly as Lord of all. fidence that Christ's Word and provisions for cold weather. D But the kingdom is already here Sacrament as we celebrate them pierces the body. The mouritaiD 'air is clear but cold. Novemb~ Strangers, and pilgrims on this earth, as St. Peter in the Church, however obsc.ure­ here, with more and more atten­ December and January are the. ly. 'rhe Church is a reality whl)se tion to participation and intelli­ reminds, these face death as a going home to God. coldest months. Everything II very being always reminds us of gibility, will give us the under­ quite damp, for a six-montia When John Fitzgerald Kennedy, strengthened in ·the the last things and that consum­ the comprehension of rainy season has jus~ ended. fading moments of his life by the Sacrament of Anointing, mation towards which all of standing, which the Gospel speaks. From now on the dust begins • went home to God,' he brought with him a life whose creation labors. fly. TUESDAY St. Francia standard of duty he had proclaimed in the closing words SATURDAY...,.. St. Andrew, Xavier. Confessor. As the We ate lunch yesterd~y at _ of his Inaugural Address: "With a good conscience our only Apostle. Not only the Apostle, Church is now bursting out of Indian hut - my storr.ach ac>­ sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let but every Christian is a man her European cocoon, we see cepted the stew and jello. and us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing with a mission, is a man who is more easily the great grace pos­ expresso coffee but my ::lead and and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work "sent." "And how are men to sessed by Francis despite the heart couldn't enjoy it with tbit preach unless they be sent?" limitations of his age. Today, fear of all sorts of potential, ia­ must truly be our own." . (Fll:St Reading). Apostle and then, we pray for the Church's nesses. The people are roost cOlI­ bishop and their clergy aids speedy realization of a cultural dial and quiet. Their eyes smile We pray that God accepted him as one who did God's have a special ministry. But we as well as geographic catholicity, and they are very passive - and work on earth.

all share a ministry of witness we pray that Catholics of Africa 'desirous to be helpful. arising from Baptism and Con­ and' the Orient will be making Darki1ess doesn't fall her~ firmation and, indeed, from inc rea sin g contributions to crashes. There just were DO every Eucharist. And to be fully Christian thought and letters. lights to be seen other than ~ Christian our witness must never WEDNESDAY St. Peter headlights. Knowing the imme­ exc:,ude that well-founded hope of future glory which gives the Cbrysologus, Bishop, COnfessor, diate drops that were on either Christian life here and now its , Doctor. All through this Mass of side of the road I marveled .­ a "doctor" or "great teacher" the driving skill of my chauffe. cogency and reason. of the Church, we honor the -a priest from Montana. FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT. teacher as an instrument of God. Guatemala has the lowest pro­ It is God who "opens his mouth," Both the last Sunday of the sea­ portion of priest to people aDd OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER son after Pentecost and today fills him with the spirit," loves, the highest birthrate in 1lbe are impressed with a brand that adorns, clothes him. It is the world. The priests are cominc Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River the Church of Jesus Christ can Lord who sets him "over his in now in great numbers from household." . nev.~r lose. They are stamped the U. S. and other places, but 410 Highland Avenue

However much we may feel the problem is still S{,vere. A with the conviction that the re­ Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151

demption of creation, its being our prll¥ers for such voices to three hour plane ride puts ~ PUBLISHER

drawn to a happy conclusion is have been answered thus far in in a primitive world-a wOJlil an event (II3ther, climax to a Vatican Council II, it has much where the beauty of the m ~ Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD.

yet to do in the way of prophetic tains and valleys is a SJ.'mp~ seril~s of events) which has its GENE;RAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER origin beyond time and space, in utterance for our time and we :fur the eye. Please ke<~p thN. lev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll' God, however much time and might' use the occasion of Peter'. good people in your prayers . . . Mass to make a special lluppl~- sacrifices. spac:e and matter may eoatrib­ MANAGING EDITOR . ute in His providence to this cation. HuGh 1. Goldan

'Thnou.q.h thE WEEk 'With thE Chu.nch



Find Prejudice, Poverty Form ; I,," 'Vicious Circle.

Thurs., Nov. 28, 1963


Asks Tax Benefit For Students In All Schools

WASHINGTON (NC) -­ Poverty and prejudice are like the chicken and the egg CLEVELAND (N C ) nobody can say for sure An educator urged Catholics which really did come first. What everybody does know, here to fight tax discrimina­ however, is that these two phe­ tion in education. Msgr. Wil­ nomena together form a tight, liam N. Novicky, assistant super­ vicious circle. Poverty 'breeds intendent of diocesan schools, prejudice and prejudice or dis­ speaking in 'St. John's cathedral crimination breeds more pov.,., at a Memorial Mass sponsored by erty. the Knights of Columbus, said The relationship between pOVi' ' discrimination against private erty and race is underlined by a ' schools should be opposed with statistic: among the nation's poor,' ; the same vigor as the struggle the ratio of Negroes to wliites is' : against racial discrimination. 2lh to 1. ' ,; He urged Catholics to partici­ The National Catholic Confer-' pate' in "organizations such as • ence for Interracial JustiCf~ spent ,: Citizens for Educational Free­ the four days of its annual con-, dom which is attempting - on vention taking a close ~l)ok a( a non-sectarian basis - to gain these lamentable economIC 'fact$:, for all children the benefits of of life. Theme of the meeting' tax monies paid by all the peo­ was "Poverty, Race and Reli­ ple." gion: Challenge to a Catholic Criticizes Magazines Community." Interfaith Aspect Msgr. Novicky said just as When delegates convened at there can be no place for racial Washington's International Inn, discr~mination in American life, the interracial kettle was still "so there can be no place for boiling throughout the cc)untry. discrimination against a child , PRESIDENT AND CARDINAL: The 36th President of the United States, Lyndon Nowhere was this more so than because of the school his parents in this nation's capital where on Baines Johnson, is a friend of Amleto Cardinal Cicognani, now Papal Secretary of State. choose." Capital Hill, only a hop,' skip Johnson met the Cardinal when he was vice president and the Cardinal was the Apostolic Msgr. Novicky emphasized and a lobbyist away from the Delegate to the United States. NC Photo. that active participation in the convention site, Congrells was struggle against tax discrimina­ going through one of its recur­ tion in education is necessary if rent traumatic experiences of the diocesan school system ill to trying to pass a civil rights bill. continue to grow. The meeting had an interfaith He criticized sharply two re­ wia, president of the New York three Protestants and four Jew.. .. well as an interracial aspect. NEW YORK (NC) - This cent articles in Look and Satur­ Board of Rabbis; and Canon with one vacancy. Meeting in conjunction with the city's two top Catholic school William S. Van Meter of the day Evening Post which claimed Char&'e Discrimination Catholic grOUP was the Episcopal officials have urged aboIi­ Catholic schools are obsolete and Society for Cultural and Racial In their statement, submitted Protestant Council of the City heading for eventual collapse. Unity; many convention sessions tion of the oontroversial to Mayor Robert Wagner's ad of New York. were held in the schools and panel which controls nomina­ hoc committee on educational halls of nearby non-Catholic tions to the New York: City selection boards, the two mon­ OUTSTANDING CREED CHRISTMAS GIFTS churches; non-Catholic r(~ligious Board of Education. . signors .said they did not main­ AVAIlABLE AT FINE STORES THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY groups llent represerrtatives; and Msgr. John J. Voight, secretary tain that equal representation of eeveral major speakers were for education in the New York the major religious faiths should DOn-Catholics. archdiocese, and Msgr. Henry M. be had. Defines 'Povert;,' Hald, secretary for education in But they insis~ed: "No indivi­ How big a problem is poverty? the neighboring Brooklyn dio­ dual should be discriminated New Yorker staff writer cese, issued a joint statement. against because of his religious affiliation." Dwight Macdonald told tlI1e conThey charged that the selec­ vention of studies that put the' , tion panel, previously blasted in The earlier interfaith state­ ment critical of the selection number of Americans living in an Oct. 1 statement by an inter­ panel was signed by Msgr. poverty at 40 million. Another faith group, is guilty of "defi­ Voight; Rabbi Israel Mowsho37 million, he said, live on the ,nite and marked bias" and a sunny side of the poverty line in' ,"definitely secularistic" philo­ • state of mere "deprivation." sophy which excludes considera­ "Poverty" is considered to be tion of candidates representing 'anything below a $4,000 yearly the religious faiths of the city. ' income for a family of four, or The selection panel, a 1961 NEW ,DEEP $2,000 for a single person. DIMENSIONAL creature of the state legislature, is composed of representatives HEAD OF CHRiST Missionary Society ,of 11 organizations, but domi­ nated by the Public Education Plans New Seminat)' Association CITIES SERVICE w h i c h Catholic CINCINNATI (NC) - The DISTRIBUTORS Verona Fathers will build a new spokesmen here have assailed as "secularist and ultra-liberal." seminary in Columbia, N.J. Traditionally, the Board of Gasoline

Father Anthony Todesco, F.S. C.J., U.S. provincial, said the Education has had three Catho­ Fuel and Rang.

lIeminary, slated for completion lic, three Protestant and three in September, 1965, will 'be built Jewish members. However, the selection panel has suggested on a 98-'acre estate recently ac­ candidates which presently give quired by the missionary com­ OIL BURNERS 'munity, formally known as the It • makeup of one Catholic, Sons of the Sacred Heart of G. E. BOILER BURNER UNITS Jesus. Located in the Trenton diocese For prompt delivery

near the Delaware Water Gap, the community's third U.S. semi­ & Day & Night Service


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University has announced in­ WYman 7-915" Taunton creased tuition charges in most colleges and schools of the in­ stitution. Full-time students in most sections will now pay $1,150 a year in tuition, an in­ ON CAPE COD crease of $200.

Educators Hit School Board Nominators




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'i'tH~ ANC'l:fQR-Dioces. of Fan'River-Thurs.,Nov. 28, '963

Ancient Hat Given to CI'othing Drive Will Surprise Recipient By Mary Tinley Daly Somebody, somewhere, is going to get the surprise of his life when ·that portion of the Bishops' Relief clothing emanating from our house lands on his hapless head. And somebody at our house is in for a surprise, toQ, when he finds that, search and moan mas. That beat-up old one is as he will, a misshapen old a disgrace, a positive disgrace!" brown felt hat is beyond his (Far be it from us to remind reach forevermore. "Why, that the new one will immedi­ this hat has character," the Head of the House has stoutly main­ tained for years. "It's a real 're­ porter's hat.' You'd n ever find a newspa­ perman done up in one of those Madison Ave­ nue jobs with a narrow brim and, excuse the heresy, a feath­ er mit.'No, sir, give me myoid brown felt!"

So.Mueh Charae~

Well, sir, we' did give it to bim, gave it to him when it was a brand new brown felt, beauti­ fully blocked, with snap brim and with, excuse the her~sy, a gay little feather in the hatband. At the time; it replaced its pre­ decessor, an old gray felt, also with "character," so much char­ acter that it literally wore through in the brim where our reporter constantly tugged it over his eyes. At the time we gave him the new - now old - brown felt, fir9t step was removal of the heretical feather which he gave

to Ginny for her doll. (Now you

know how long ago that was!)

So, within a week or two, the hat

blocker would have seethed with

frustration had he seen how

quickly all his efforts were sse­

rificed to "character:'

Maybe it is the newspaperman

in him that causes the Head of

the House to treat hats the way

he does, through we have known a lot of newspapermen who, sartorially, could pass for in­ surance salesmen, politicians or

stock brokers - some of the

younger ones even adopting the

new cult of hatlessness.

Not for our reporter. Like a

fireman 9t rea kin g into his

clothes, our man slaps that old

hat on his head at an oblique

angl,e, rolling brim up on left

side, pulling it down over his

eyes with the right hand, and

h'e's off - not to cover murders,

fires and yoking9 as in the past

- but t!ven on such sedate mis­

sions as going to Mass. The ef­ fect is characteristic; perhaps "swashbuckling" is the best one word description. Maybe it was chicken to keep the old brown felt out of the Bishops' Relief box the past sev­ eral years - or the fact that we are fond of the guy who is fond of the hat. Organize ConsPWaey This Fall, however, a couple of style conscious daughter9 got into the act, even to a financial stake in the venture. "We've bought Daddy a new hat and he's going to wear it right now - not wait till Christ-

ately start on its swashbuckle path.) "The only way we'll get him to wear the new one is to do away with the old - give it to a bishop." We knew what she meant, though for a moment the thought of a bishop' wearing our report­ er's hat was startling. Today we packed: all of us eon t rib uti n g really usable clothing and bedding, the Head of the House adding a suit, coat, 9hoes underwear and., unbe­ knownst to himself, his "trea­ sure," the old felt hat. "I'll lug the stuff over t(l' the rectory," he volunteered., hoisting the heavy box down the front steps, into the car. "Some­ body bring me my hat?" "Your hat is already iR the car," one of the girls said, some­ what ironically. "Besides, it's so mild, you don't even need one." Thus, in a way, the Head 01. the House himself contributed his reporter's hat to someone, somewhere. ' May it descend, somewhere in the world, upon the head of a man who likes "character" in his hat - or at least likes to keep the rain off his head!



Sal•• & Service 501 COUNTY ST. NEW BEDFORD

, CLOSE TO THE HEARTS OF WOMEN: The first Catholic group received at the White House after the election of President Kennedy were members of the Board of DirectolW of the National Council of Catholic Women They are, left to right Mrs. Roland Mc­ SWE!eney of Burlington, Vt.; Mrs. Charles A. Gartland of Charleston, S. C.; Margaret Mealey of Washington and Mrs. Arthur L. Zepf of Toledo. NC Photo.

D of Three circles of the Daughters of Isabella have installed new officers. They include units from Falmouth, Hyannis and New Bedj(jrd. In' Falmouth Mrs. Anthony Dangelo is regent, with Mrs. Jami~s L. Razinha, vice-regent; Mrs. Gilbert Noonan, treasurer; Mrs. Robert Betts and Mrs.

C,ircles Install Slates Thomas J. Keleher, secretaries. In New Bedford senior circle officers are Mrs. Florence M. Fernandez, regent; Mrs. Irene Murray, vice-regent; Mrs. Lucy Bernardo and Mrs. Kathryn Hesford, secretaries; Mrs. Daisy Dauplaise, treasurer. Junior circle has for president Rosemary King with Irene Grif-

fith as vice-president; Patricia Regis and Jean Ann Muldoon, secretaries; Mary Lou Morra, treasurer. In Hyannis, Mrs. Herbert Eo -Coombs is regent; Mru. Mary Santos, vice-regent; Mrs. Alfred Vieira and Mrs. Vincent HostE.-t­ ter, secretaries; Mrs. John Nixon, treasurer.

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. fHE ANCHOR-I;)iocese of Fan Rlver-T~urs. Nov. 28, 1963

,Awareness of"Change Is Key' To Understanding Teen-ager


By Father Walter W. Imbiorski . Dear Father: Three of my children, two boys 15 and 12, and a girl 13, are moving into adolescence and although they are good kids generally, I am puz~.oJed as to what's getting into them lately. There are signs of restlessness, impulsiveness, moodi­ ness, stubborness, and in­ havior and logic of their elders. dependence. The oldest boy They are no longer content with has had angry words with "do this" and "don't do that be­

his father about how late he cause I say so."

can stay out, and the youngest They will argue. They ques­

has grown very quickly and Is tion things previously taken for

acting pretty tough. How do we, granted' and sometimes even as parents, have to readjust to question religion. guide our children through the This questioning is normal and teen years? healthy. It is a breaking away Dear Lorraine: from the picture-religion of The volume of shock publicity childhood and the beginning of given delinquency, the stories a more solid grasp of religious ·of teen-age vandalism, rioting, conviction and truth.

promiscuity, even wanton deEmotional Changes

structlon and murder havePerhaps the greatest changes

frightened many parents. are emotional. The teen-ager

Misleading becomes aware of himself, sensiStop and realize that ado- tive about himself. His lack of lescents are ordinary 'human poise, acne on his face, the beings, quite normally growing change of voice, personal ap­ up. Adolescence is a result of pearance, especially the question childhood and leads to adult- of .popularity are serious prob­ hood. Teen-agers are not in(:om- lerns. prehensible, flying-saucer cirea.· "Will ·the g'ang accept 'me?" tures, but o·r din ar y humah ; "Will they invite me?" "WillI beings with problems,proper to': be left out?" The' fear· of,. nO.t . their age. belonging is a tremendous one. The first requirement. is . to . Teens are often disturbed alld .' TOGE,!-,HE.RN~SS AT MASS: P~esident Kennedy and the first family were an ex­ understand them. Teen-age' in embarrassed about' sex u a 1 ample and msprratlOn tor every AmerIcan household. Here they entered a Virginia Church .itself .is a misleading word.. It ,changes, e.g. new feelings, curio­ can refer to the puny, 75..five sity, guilt, worries about men­ .to attend Sunday· Mass. Caroline is· with the President. John Jr. with his mother Jac­ queline. NC Photo. I . , .pound boy, a child of 13~ OJ~the Struation and nocturnal .emis.­ full-blown 19-year-old mother sion. They are deeply curious, of two. .yet afraid to ask their ~lders. Sources of Anxfet7 ..' In tl:1is area' the parents ~o But in the early. teeas when assume their proper responsi­ the child is undergoing aU sorts bilities as teachers can help their their formative years. narcotics laws and the amend.­ MONTEBEL~ (NC) ­ of .changes and moving into the children avoid many problems. ''That is a constitutional amend_ ment permitting prayer and National Commander Daniel broad world of high school and Normal Confusion ment to permit voluntary Bible Bible reading. dating, one of the chief problems ' Above all, early teen-agers Foley said the American readings and nonsectarian prayer Commander Foley said he is the anxiety of the parents. need t ole ran c e and under- Legion supports a constitu­ in public sehools. We believe favors strong economic meas­ These anxieties come .from standing. The teen-ager feels ti-onal amendment that would such a program would not inter_ ures to bring about Castro's several sources. First, the teen- anxieties, fears, self-distrust a permit· voluntary prayer and fere with the religious beliefs of downfall in Cuba. ager is constantly presenting you lack of confidence. Simul~e­ Bible reading in public schools. lU17 individual. The important "The legion has never advo­ with new decisions to make. ously: he has the feelings of The head of the world's largest word here, is the word volun­ cated war as a means of over­ Secondly, his misbehavior now power~ stirrings of ability a de­ veterans' organization told the tary," Fole)' emphasized.. ­ throwing Castro," he commented. ·with can. money, dating situa- -sire to accomplish and a~hieve N.C.W.C. News Service here the · Foley, 42, an attorney. also tions are no longer childish pec-' i He baS the body desires and legion is committed to the prin_ ; said: "The American Legion, 0p­ · cadinos. They could have se:rious mind of an adult, but the emo­ ciple of keeping the concept of poses the presence of communist · consequences for himself and tions and experience of a ~hi1d. God; truth and justice before the · apeakers at tax supported insti­ ,A JAMaLY fIlA' .. i others. The result Is' confusion ... ,. ·nation':; youth. · tutions because the Supreme BARR~ CHICKENS, Thirdly, as the teen-ager tries but normal confusion. Thus While the legion must accellt Court has held 841 constitutional to free himself froin childhood, walking through. his new world the Supreme Court prayer <reci­ the act which requires the com­ · he turns his back on'hia parents. he tries to hide uneasiness with sion, Foley said, it also "believes · munists to register as agents of : He refuses to accomi>anythem loud talk, flippancy, aggressive­ there is an alternative that will a foreign power. Since they FARMS . , to the home of relatives. He pre-- ness, indifference. The new' permit the concept of God to be · flout the law they have no right .[41 Wuhm.um St., l'airhiinD fers having friends and activities phrase "I couldn't care less"ls . kept before the nation's youth in to offer their wares at a public • JUft ott Route • of his own to life at home. This .typical. It is at this ·point the institution." : .., WY '1-8336 is hard to take. 'gang or crowd comes into the New Habits. for Nuns He asserted all the physical

Exaggerate Faults picture. Wateh for Silna

of America "would mean • At this state many parents Crowd Support Challenge to Designer force nothing without a strong moral • While out for • Orin suffer from frustration and fear Lorraine, if you wanted to SAN FRANCISCO (NC) - A resurgence." In this connection 'lStop at thia 'De1iptfuJ Spot of the unknown. They don't tell the pastor that the color he he advocated stronger anti­ know how to react. "He's- too big chose to repaint the church was sisterhood here has retained Ire­ to beat and too stubborn or abominable, you would probably land's top woman fashion de­

stupid to reason with." not ring the rectory doorbell by signer to turn out new habits for

They exaggerate the tY'Pical yourself, but would gather a the nuns.

Sibyl Connolly of Dublin, on a

faults of teen-agers and attribute committee of like-minded ladies FOR FAMILY BANKING visit here, said she consi~ed

them to perversity or bad will. to join you. the Sisters of Mercy assignment

They ·give way to nag:ging.· T~is committee is your gang. scolding, cracking. down-some- TheIr support and understanding as the greatest cha1lenge of her

times quite unreasonably. give you security and strength. career. She added: "I am sure

And one of the worst ~!Sults So too in his time of change ~that this will be the beginning of too much anxiety is that a and fear, the teenager needs of a revolution in the type of ATTLEBORO wall can be erected between crowd support. This ia the habits worn by nuns." There have been a lew modi­

parents and adolescents. middle step from the dependency Vlriual Revolution of a chna to the independence fications in habib since the

SO. ATTLEBORO -SEEKONK sisterhood wu- founded in 1831.

The teen-ager feels misunder-, of aa adult. . The- Sis.ters of Mercy is the sec­

Wants Trust, Falme8a .stood. He is resentful. He talks MEMBER FDI~

baek or "clams up" arid cub, YoU Two conclusions. Perhaps the ond larg.est community of . nuna

out of his-life just when he needs thing the teenager wants most in ·the world and the U.S. prO­

70U most. from his parents ia trust and vince 11 tile sisterhood"s largesL

The key to understanding your understandiD:g. And' his pareDts . . sa 111'1'11111' FI'.I IS teen-ageristhe word "change." have to realize that with every The teenager is undergoing' what . year. that goes by, as he learns ·Christmas Is Christ's amounts to' a physical, emo- to assume responsibility, the . Birthday' ·tional, and mental revol11tion. . adolescent must be given more.

INC. ·His body grows phenom.e·na,lll.. .llnd. more. freedom. This. is the

LET US KEEP IT THAT· WAYl and rapidly. nature of human development.

· There is great strength and.. The. other great U'T of the


·energy, and an enormous llppe- teenager is for fairness. As


tite. He will eat anything that parents you can and must set

·doesn't m 0 v e. Consequ.ently firm limits on what he can and

there is awkwardness, loss ()f co- cannot do, but the teenager must

;ordination and the need for con- understand that these limits are

Largest Display of Religious ·stant activity to work off rest- Dot arbitrary but reasonable ..:.

Articles in the Diocese less energy. that they do make sense. This Is Bedn to Think where constant communication At this stage teen-agers: dia- ia necessary. cover their minds. The)" I~ In conclusion an I can say Ja begjn to think for the 1intt time. "Good luck" anel "'lb1l 100 ahaJl 4 'l'Ae)" IIpcK IacoDltaDq 1a . . Moo put ..w....

American legion' Chief Supports Prayer Law














THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs, Nov. 28, 1963

_ Indian Archbishop D'Souza Favors Profound Reform of Roman Curia

Council Decree on Judaism

Great Moment in History

ROME (DW) - Archbishop Eugene D'Souza, 46, Indian-born Archbishop of Nagpur and Bho­ pal, India, believes the Roman Curia should be subjected to "profound reform" just as the rest of the Church. On that same day Joseph Cardinal Frings of' Cologne had opened the day's discussion with a severe note of disapproval of certain methods adopted by the Holy Office,

Calling attention to a Schema text which says "The Congrega­ tions of the Roman Curia fulfill their office in the name and by the authority of the Supreme Pontiff," Archbishop D'Souza asked the Council Fathers, "What precisely do these wOrds mean?" Voice of Majority

ROME (DW)-Zachariah Shuster, 60, European Di­

rector of the American Jewish Committee, says the Vatican

Council draft on Catholic-Jewish relations "is certainly one

of the greatest moments in Jewish history," He said he

felt confident "that Jews of

this generation will feel

fortunate to have witnessed Patriarch Notes

this4Pistoric step on the part

of the Church." The draft was officially titled "The Attitude of

Catholics towards Non-Chris­

tians, particularly toward the

Jews," and is to form chapter four of the Schema on Ecu­

menism. Still Being Taught Shuster declared "it has been agreed by all those who deal with the problem of anti-Semi­ tism, that one of its causes is most likely the popular be~iefs about Jews that have been trans­ mitted from generation to gen­ eration in the Christian world." ~e said these beliefs were, itt short, "that Jews as a people bear the responsibility for the erucifixion of Jesus Christ, and that therefore they' were con­ demned to dispersion and per­ lecution down through the ages." The Church has never pro­ claimed these beliefs as dogmas, Sh.uster emphasized, "but they were taught in Christian schools, both Catholic and Protestant, were accepted by .large masses of Christian populations every­ where, and are still being taught in catechisms in use today in France, the United States, and Germany." Ends Charges The initiative for improving Catholic-'Jewish relations and

for clarifying the position of the

Catholic Church once and, for all, Shuster said, "came from the highest authorities of the Church m Rome." He noted it was Pope John himself who got the idea and entrusted the actual work of ,tlidying this problem and de­ veloping a final solution for it to Cardinal Bea ·and his staff at the Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity. ' In the course of this work, Shuster said, the Vatican soli:. cited the views of the most com­ petent scholars imd religious leaders, :both Christians and Jews, and a great body of know­ ledge was accumulated during the past three years. "One can confidently say," he added, "that there was not one Jewish group "or trend or leading Jewish thinker wbo has not expressed his views to the authorities in Rome at their re­ quest." Shuster stressed the Council decree, still to be discussed, con­ tained "a total rejection of the myth of Jewish guilt for the Crucifixion." He said it is hoped that the practical effect of the decree will be "that in the course of time no catechism or textbook used in Catholic schools and seminaries will repeat these charges." Better Understanding He pointed out the decree speaks "with warmth and re­ spect of Judaism, pointing out that Christianity is rooted in Judaism, and that there is a great affinity between these two religions." , Shuster said that "never be­ fore was there such a statement and call issued by the highest authority of the church with re­ gard to Jews and JUdaism," , adding that Jews may now look forward to a new era in which Jews and Christians will begin to understand one another.

Supreme Power

Of Pontiff

ROME (DW) - Patriarch

Ignace Pierre XVI Batanian~ .64, .of Cilicia of the Armen-' ians, with residence in Bey­ routh, Lebanon, has reminded Council Fathers to keep in mind during their discussion of the Schema "on Bishops and the Government of Dioceses," that 'the primacy of the Roman Pon­ tiff cannot be limiied in any way whatever." He also asked that' Council Fathers to be "objective and calm in making their observ~- , tions on the present form of the central administration of the Churcl1, giving due' consider~­ tion to the merits of the Supreme Pontiff's collaborators, and .to the obligation of avoiding scan­ dal." .

"Having Canon Law the same

for the entire world is the letter

of the law which kills." He then

listed a number of cases for

which Rome now legislates, and

asked "Would not the best

judges for solving many of these

questions be the bishops them­

selves, aided by experts of their

own region?"

Better Arrangement The common good oj~ the Church would greatly profit, he said, "if some Senate, so to say, were formed of bishops from various nations, who might rule the Church with the Supreme Pontiff." But he pointed out it would be even more desirable' 'if on the one hand the powerc,f the Roman Curia were limited, and on the other hand the bishops might be. granted all the :facul­ ties which belong to them by common 'arid divine 'law f(lr the exercise of. their office, while the Apostolic See always rl~tains the right to reserve to itself those things, which are oppor­ tune for the good' of the lmtire Church."

He said "that unless the pow­ er of the Curia is precisely de­ fined, the state of affairs in the Church will revert to what it ARCHBISHOP D'SOUZA

· was before the Council, 8It least after a few years." The Archbishop vehemently opposed those Council Fathers who had suggested that the Forc~see prior votes on five basic prin­ ciples were null and void be­ cause the collegiality of bishops BERLIN (NC) - The had not yet been juridically Bishops of Poland have as­ established. it not seem like an act serted that "thousands, if of "Does derision of the Council," he not tens of thousands," of said, "to say that there is no functionaries of the Polish com­ obligation to take into consider­ "tn his introductory the Patri- munist regime have the sole task ation in discussion thevieyuos l'lrch pointed out that the discus;. of harassing and oppr.essing clearly expressed by vote by 85 JERUSALEM (NC) ~ Israel's sion on the Schema had to rest Church life: per cent of the Council Fathers?" Minister for Religious Affairs on. a dogmatic basis. This basis But the Bishops hold never­ , Speaking as a missionary and' Zerah Wahrhaftig has praised w,as established, he said, by the theless that "the' days of militant representing 12 other mission . the chapter condemning anti­ ,words of Christ himself to atheism are coming to an end in bishops, he asserted, "I adjure 'Sem.itism in the schema on ecu­ Peter and to the Roman Pontiff, the world, and an era of brother­ you, Venerable Brothers, not to menism being debated b)' the his successor: "Feed my lambs hood among nations and races is reduce these matters to a jurid- ecumenical council in Rome. * * * feed my sheep." approaching." ical aspect. What interests Us Patriarch Batanian said this The Bishops spoke out both most of all is the salvation of He told newsmen: dogmatic basis was further ex-. against the regime's tactics and souls, which is the supreme law." "We see an important stl~P in plained in fhe dogmatic defini- voiced optimism in the second . the relationship of the Catholic Local Problems Church toward the Jewish peotion of the First Vatican Council part of a message evaluating the which asserted that the Roman Polish religious and moral cli­ Archbishop D'Souza declared pIe as indicated in· eccesia:rtjcal Pontiff had "full and supreme mate. he did not see how a few bishops circles by the submission of Car­ power of. jurisdiction over the The first part of the message, from around the world "scat- dina! Bea's document to the ecu­ universal Church, not only in drawn up at the Polish pilgrim­ tered amol)g the· various 'Sacred menical council.' We appreciate matters pertaining to faith and . morals, but also in matters per~ age CIty, of Czestochowa last Congregations," as called for by. it ~s a courageous step on the one of the Schema passages, road to eradicate prejudice and ta.ining to the discipline and the' August, was distributed to indi­ . vidual priests in Poland only in could have any real influence,.. correct misunderstanding which .government of the Church dif- October. The second part of the "when 2,200 bishops from. all has ..caused the Jewish .pl~ple fused throughout the world," 'a messagE has only now come to over the world gathered together such, untold suffering throughout .,power which is "ordinary ~nd light hE,re. for an Ecumenical Council find millenia." . . immediate over each and all the it difficult at times to resist cerIn an official statement i!lsued individual Churches, over reacp Undermines tain pressures.'" later' the same day, he said: and all the Shepherds and the In .the first part of the state­ faithfu1." ' "" ment, the Bishops asserted' that He said .that in areas where "The news about·the d<>cu:ment T,his fundamental position of despite the regime's claim that · ~he Chutch is threatened with submitted to the present session ~e Church in the matter of'· there is r~ligious fre~dom in serious problems, "the bis11OPS' of the ecumenical council haa papal jurisdiction,. noted . the' , Poland., T~e war ag~m~t the · are earning more and more to been received here with appre­ realize that the reason why the elation. We are glad about. every Patriarch, requires that "what- Church IS. In fact contInuIng. ever in the future might be laid The ~IerarchY. accus,ed. the problems can hardly be solved manifestation of good will and is' that laws and practice tolerance between individuals down regarding the jUridical communIsts of trYIn~ to drIve a nature of the Episcopal College,' w~~ge betwee.n b1S.hops a~d have not been adapted to local and peoples, and cherish every conditions. idea and action' designed to pro_ or regarding its power over the Prl~sts, of clOSIng mmor semI­ He admitted he was speaking mQte mutual respect among na­ universal Church the exercise nar1es ~Lnd convents, of further of the Pope's' prlmatial power restricting .Catholic publications, verY bluntly when he said, . tions and religions * * *" must in no way be restricted, and of US1?g taxes as part of nor must any limits be set to it." the campaIgn to destroy the . Church. A consequence of thIS, the' Enjoy the Highest Rate on Patriarch asserted is that "it is The second part o! the m~ssa~e ..the business of the supreme Pon-' warns t;h.~t the PolIsh regIme IS your Savings consistent tiff, himself to select collabora- undermmmg .the honesty .of with safetY'4~ tors and to determine the man- the pe?ple by ItS own hypocrISy Your ~avings ner and extent of their coopera_ and lymg. It asser.ts that. g~vern­ are Insured tion in the .government of the ment mllst have .1tS bflslS In the safe by an entire Church without anyone natural law or It WIll destroy agency of the CURRENT else having a rIght to intervene.". the sense of law. U. S. Gov't. RATE He said the bishops of the And it castigates members of Church were free to suggest ,'a new class, the upper few .""""""""~ whatever they felt might be thousan<!s," ~ho seek the high­ more efficacious and more useful est pOSSible Incomes for them­ for the good of the Church, but selves.while neglecting the needs ~ FREE/KIT Send us this coupon for FREE save- : he asked that "while we do this, of ordInary workers and farmers. _ by-mail forms and details on _ we should not give others occa­ : : starting an account. sion to think that the Church Am~mdment Effort : Signed _•._. ._. _._ : throughits present method of ad_ WASHINGTON (N C) - A ministration has been reduced to : St. & No. _._ _.•._ _._._ _.__ : move to force a House vote on a 8 lamentable state." proposed constitutional amend­ . He emphasized a tree must be ment pl~rmitting public school : City : judged by its fruits "and we' prayer ~,nd Bible reading is "at ~""'~""""""""'~"""""~"~ must confess that the Church, the halfway point," Rep. Frank Resources over $27,000,000 notwithstanding the calamities J. BeckE'r of NeW York tOld the that plague the world, is expe­ House. Becker said a discharge riencing a glorious era, if you petition to bring the constitu­ BELFAST (NC)-Bishop Wil_ consider the Christian life: of the tional amendment to a vote had nam Philbin of Down and Con­ clergy and the faithful, the prop­ so far been signed by 108 Rep­ HOME OFFICE 1 North Mail! St.,. cor Bedfonl- Open Fri. Eve. 'till •

nor here in Ireland is giving 50 . agation of ~e faith, and the sal_ resentatives; 218 signatures· are utary universal influence that Mass kits for missioners to....ope SOMERSET OFFICE 149 IU.R. Highway, Route 8

:required. Paul ".n the Church has in the world."

Gives Mass Kits

Polish Prelates End Of ,Atheism

Israeli Official Lauds Statement







THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 28,1963

Says Women Ready to Make Contribution to Council ROME (DW)-Miss Maria del Pilar BeIIosiIIo, 49, of Madrid, Spain, President General of the "World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations," says women auditors at the Ecumenical Council would have a positive contribution to make, and would be well qualified to transmit the message of the Council to the women of the world. Limiti~g money to meet the goal. I Miss Bellosillo noted her inter­ national organization represents 36 million Catholic women in af­ ROME (DW) Alfredo filiated organizations on every Cardinal Ottaviani, 73-year continent, all of whom are old. Secretary of the Sacred deeply interested in the prob­ CongregatIon of the Holy lems and solutions being dis­ Office, opposes an obligatory cussed and offered by the Ecu­ consul'tative organ for the Pope, menical Council. because "this would limit o.r con_ Two- Way Bridge "We n eve r w 0 u I d have dition the universal, immediate, throught in terms ,of women and ,supreme power of the Pon. being present in the Council tiff." "It is one thing for the Pope Hall itself," she said, "if Catholic men had not been appointed to make use of such organs, and auditors at the Council. But with , quite another thing' for him to men present, it is only normal be obliged to use them." that women should also be pre­ Cardinal Ottaviani said that .ent." Christ's words, "Feed my sheep," Miss Bellosillo believes women were said only to the Vicar of auditors :would act as a bond or Christ, "and therefore whoever CARDINAL OTTAVIANI two-way bridge between the wants to be counted among the Council and Catholic 'women sheep of Christ; must be under throughout the world. the universal pastor 'appointed "Women auditors outside of by Chril;t." ~e said there were public sessions could present no exceptions, "not even Bish­ and explain the studied views of ops." Catholic women on the burning Questions Language issues of the day, and then could Speaking on' the five votes I transmit to Catholic women in language that they understand taken in the Council Hall,LIMA (NC) - Two Bos­ the Council's solutions to these Cardinal Ottaviani observed they ton priests are starting a were "only an indication of the parish from scratch for 20,­ problems." ' thinking of the Council Fathers." Submit Proposals He emphasized it was however. OOQ persons living in.a dusty The World Union of Catholic unfortunate "that it was a vote slum area near here where there Women's Organizations on its that had not been prepared by is no electricity or running water own initiative sent suggestions: discussion, but was proposed by and the equivalent of $15 a week touching on problems dealing the four Moderators without first. in the U. S. is considered a with women to the Council Pre­ submitting the proposals to the better-than-average wage. : para tory Commissions, and later' Theological Commission which The two p.riests belong to the was contacted by some Commis­ was' competent in the matter, Missionary Society of St. James sions for further information" since it touched on dogma." the Apostle, founded by Richard , HThis exchange," Miss BellosillCl' Cardinal Ottaviani said the Cardinal Cushing of Boston. pointed out "could become much Theological Commission could One, Father William C. Fran­ more direct by having women have made the language of the cis, who was a curate in St. auditors at the Council." "In the eventuality t h a 11 propOsalS more precise, by re-" Rose's ~arish, Chelsea, for t~ree moving some equivocal formula­ years, IS a nephew of Cardmal women may some day be ad­ tions' or bivalent (having two Cushing. He is now serving mitted to the Council," she said, Hour organization has already soiutions) ones, contained espe~ where the Cardinal asked to serve but was turned down by submitted detailed proposals to cially in the third proposal re­ the Council on how it thinkll garding the college' of bishops' both'the late Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI.' women might profitably partici- ' governing with the Pope.', The other is Father James M. pate." CI~ Sole Example Broderick, who came to Peru ,' But Miss,Bellosillo pointed oU't The fo'rmula votedupoil, was after two years in Our Lady of' that "as President of the World deficient, the. Cardinal noted, the ..: presentation parish, Brigh­ Union of Catholic Women's Or·· ",because'it spoke of ,the bishops ton. 'Both ,priests worked in mis. ganizations, I want to make U 'rulfu'g the' Church 'with the sion,s in the Andes Mountains clear that it is not our intention Pope' but failed to include the befo~ coming to greater Lima. to impose our preseIfce upon thl~ expression, 'under the Pope'." Oblates of Mary Immaculate Council. This would be contra~, He declared the formulas from Canada run two other to our spirit. What we have donl~ voted upon has presumed the parishes in' this area, called is simply to express our view,s Pampa de Comas Alta, where as devoted daughters of the existence, of the Apostolic Col­ Church, and we now hope that lege was said to succeed. "But '10,000 are 'living. Collection $2 the competent authorities will this is a case of confusion on the "But much more help is need­ make the decision that they feel nature of episcopal succession," he suggested. "It is true that the ed," Father Francis said. "There is most opportune." bishops succeed the apostles ,as is a small chapel, seating .less Three Caterories apostles, but they do not succeed than 200 people. The most we've Miss Bellosillo believes' that the College of the Apostles as a received in the total collection three categories of Catholic college, because the College of from the four Sunday Masses women might well be repre­ Apostles as such did not exist, was $2." sented at the Council, "and in at least not in a juridical sense." While income is low, so. are the first place nuns from both Cardinal Ottaviani pointed out living expenses for these former contemplative and active reli­ "there is only one example of city priests now roughing it in a gious communities, because of collegiality among the Apostles, Latin American slum. For ex­ their outstanding contribution to and that was in the Council of ample, a two-day supply of the life of the Church today." Jerusalem." He asserted no one water (which must be boiled The other two categories might doubts that in Council the Apos­ before it is used) delivered by be leading personalities in the tles acted as a College just as no truck to a large barrel outside Catholic women's world, and the one doubts that the bishops to. their door costs about 18 cents. heads of international Catholic day in Council are acting as a The present chapel formerly women's organizations, "both elf College with and under the served a mission, and only occa· whom are in a position to pre­ Pope." sionally did a priest come there sent to the Council a world for Sunday Masses. Now the Basic Principle panorama of problems affecting four Sunday Masses are bolster­ women, not only with the sphere "In this entire matter," the ed by daily Mass which is of the famil-y, but in cultural, Cardinal said, "we must have gaining in attendance. social, professional, civic and confidence in the Pope who will political life as' well." put into effect all prudent meas­ Vatican Pavilion ures which can help in the gov_ ernment of the' Church, without NEW YORK (NC) _. steel Nears 1GOth Birthday compromising the principle of structural work has been com­ ALBANY (NC) - The Civil the unique form of government pleted for the Vatican Pavilion War was raging when Sister constitutionally established by at the New York World's Fair, Catherine Berissmio was born in Christ Himself in which there is which opens next April 22. Next Flint, Mich., Nov. 24, 1863. When one sole head in the universal steps in the pavilion's construc­ she was 20 she joined the Sisters Church who is called the Vicar tion are enclosure of the struc­ of St. Joseph of Carondelet. of Christ on Earth. ture and interior finishing.


Sees Obligatory Organ Papal Power

Boston Priests Building Parish In L· ma SIum


Spanish Bishop Feels Holy Father Should Decide Collegial Action ROME (DW)-Bishop Aurelio they should collaborate ~ith the

del Pino Gomez, 74, head of the Curia."

Lerida Diocese in Spain, feels Collegial Action

the Roman Curia has had "men Bishop del Pino feels an un­

outstanding in sanctity, wisdom, happy consequence of CollegiaL

prudence and charity, among ity, "as it is proposed by some,

whom were many who later is the suffocation of the power

were elevated to the office of of the Roman Pontiff, which ac­

the Supreme Pontiff." cording to them must always be

He also points out that the last exercised within the College of

three Popes, Pius XII, John BishOps, and never independent

XXIII, and Paul VI, had all been from it, which is certainly er­

members of the Roman Curia at roneous."

some time in their lives before He said "the power of the

being elected to the papacy. Supreme Pontiff is above the

Co~cerns Pontiff power of all the bishops put to­

Bishop, del Pino, consecrated gether," and suggested it should

be left "to the wise and paternal

a bishop 16 years ago, told Coun­ cil Fathers he had worked for judgment of the Reiman Pontiff

to decide when collegial action

30 years as a member of a dioc­ esan chancerY, office and thus is necessary, as happens in the

had been in frequent contact case of the convocation and cel_

ebration of an Ecumenical

with the Roman Curia.. "From the bottom of my Council."

heart," he said, "I must confess that . my profound gratitude toward the Sacred Congregations inereasedfrom day to day, as also did my sincere admiration, because 6f their fraternal love MONTREAL (NC). -Paul

and' remarkable ability." Emile Cardinal Leger of Mon.

The Bishop noted the Roman treal will spend a month visiting

Curia iii composed, of men Africa, where he will dedicate

'chosen from ,all nations,' and formally leprosariums which his

,pointed out that "since the archdiocese has established and

Sacred Congregations are the will m~tain. '

instrument used by the Pope in TheC'arcUnal's plans, as re­

governing the Church, we must ported here, call for him to leave

realize that whatever is "said Rome on Friday, Dec. 6, two

against the, Sacred Roman Curia days after, the second session of

is also said, in some way, against the' Second· Va'tican Council is

the Roman Pontiff 'himself." scheduled to adjourn. He' will

Use Nuncios return to Rome Jan. 6 and come

Council Fathers heard him say back here after spending a few

. 'lit is very dangerous to propose days in Rome.

The four leper colonies were

to make laws in matters pertain­ to the exercise of the full and established through the Cardi­

supreme power of the Roman nal's "Croix d'Or" '(Cross of

Gold), a charitable organization

Pontiff," since "all the assem­ bled Bishops can do no more he founded. They will be main­

than present a humble and filial tained though "Fame Pereo" (I

request, completely subject to am Dying of Hunger), the an.

the superior judgment of Our nual Lenten collection he inal.lg­

urated two years ago.

Beloved Pontiff Paul VI." Cardinal Leger will be accom_

He added that he was "not very well pleased" with, the panied by Father Gonzague

Langevin, W.F" Provincial Su­

Scl\ema text which ,said Nation­ al Conferences of Bishops might perior of the Canadian White

designate certain Bishops, whom Fathers of. Africa. The Cardinal

,the Vatican, would then name 'worked with the White Fathers

Members or Consultors of the in establishing the four lepro.

,Sacred C~mgregations of the sariums. There are 350 Canadian


Rom,m Curia, to aid in the gov­ , White Fathers serving.in ' ernment of the Church. Heads Society ,HIt would' be more ,becoming , and more #fiCient," he declared, LONDON (N,C)' - Sir John

"for the ApostOlic See itself to Whyatt, ,58, a judge, has been

inquire through its Nuncios as named chairman of the' Swo.rd

to who the more qualified men .. of the Spirit, a British Catholic might be for carrying out the Society for promoting interna. , abOve mentioned tasks and also tional cooperation. Archbishop it should. be left to the Apostolic John C. Heenan of Westminster See to determine in what way is president of the society.

Cardinal Leger

To Visit Africa


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THE ANCHOR-~iocese of Foil River-:Tfwrs•..,..,ov•.28,1963 '

Whalen1s B'ook on Religious 'Bod'ies'ls'Co'ncise, Readable

God Love You

By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen,

' B y Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy Probably you have had Mormon missionaries come to your door, have seen Jehovah Witnesses offering their literature on a downtown street corner,have been ap­ proached by Seventh Day Adventists seeking a coin contri­ bution, have read the Rosi­ reviewed, inevitably there is crucians' aavertisements ,in much about previous pontifi­ the press, and have looked in cates. But this, is not 5terilerepe­

the window of a Christian tition; rather, it represents dis­



Queen's Daughters

The Coyle Glee Club will en­ tertain and residents of Marian Manor will be guests at the Christmas meeting of Taunton Queen's Daughters, set for 8:15 Monday night, Dec. 2 at the Manor. Members are requested to bring a gift for a child at st. Vincent'a Borne, Fall River•

MOURNED: Rev. John La Farge, S.J., noted author, editor and champion of inter­ racial justice was buried Wednesday from St. Ignatius Loyola Church, New York. HH was born in Newport in . 1880. NC Photo.

We then told them that Christ has various kinds of presence In the world: one is in the Church, another is in the Eucharist. another in the poor '(Leon Bloy. unable to receive Communion one day, asked that a pOOr person be brought into his sick room), and the other presence of Christ is in the suffering of His bishops. priests and people who are "witnessins- to Christ" by their lives. Millions and millions of our faithful CatholicS live in a state preparatory for martyrdolll. Youths in many countries think not so much of living but of dyin&' for the Faith.

Won't you identify yourselves with these holy men and women by little acts of self­ denial, so that you may at least have pin­ pricks to set alongside their scars? One of the great advantages of fasting.' is that by doing without llomething ~'onsignor you want, you become one with those who are in need. St. Paul says that if one member sufferS, for example the hand the whole Continued from Page One . body .suffer~ with it. So it i,s' in the Church; the pC:OI' and the close to the President, his As­ 'suffermg are Pilrt of our body.· Il you denied yourself just one sis1;an19, and the entire Parish, cig~rette a day. you could .. send ~he, Holy Father, ,through his would gladly double and. triple' Society for the Propagation of the. Faith, about $6 a year, or thE! previous burdens if omy $5.73 more than the average" per capita contribution of United thE!re was no need to ease condi­ States' Catholics to the' Vicar of Christ for the Missions and mis­ tions next Summer. Because the ilionaries of the world. May the Holy Spirit inspire YO'Ll to love easing is a grim matter of sad­ ~tho~ who love unto death.· .' . .' ne!1S and loss and shock-of un;. believable violence - and sor­ . GOD LOVE YOU to· .I.A.B. for $1 "I am It, Tears old an4 row will replace the minor an­ am sendin&' you four week." allowance; ho'ping it- will. help .• no:rances contingent on the of:' UUle." •• • to ILR.K. for $10 "In ·thanksgivinc for the short wait ficl! of President of the United in the expectant-fathers' room for number six to anive." ••• Sta,tes. -to Mr. and Mrs. F.E.O. Jr. for $100 ''We could have paid a lew ,]~here will be no need to re­ store bills with ·this, but the stores will be paid in tbne anyway. serve a pew at St. Francis Xavier The poor and sufferinll of the Missloll.l, -on the. other hallld, have neJ:t Summer - foul murder has been way overdue for a 'p&;rment' from us!' made sure that John FUzgerald Ke:nedy will never return to Why not give a WORLDMISSION ROSARY blessed by Bishop Hy,annis. Not as President, nor Sheen for Christmas this year? Each decade is a' differlmt colOI"' as private citizen. John Fitz­ representing the five continents where missionarieS are labor gerald Kennedy is dead. . to bring Christ to the pagans.. send your request and an, offering On Saturday, November 25, of $2 to The Society for the' Propagation .of the Faith,:l66 Fifth 1963, Monsignor Daley issued the i\venue, New York, .New York -10001. . foUowin!( statement: ..[ am deeply shocked. and , Cut out UtJa eohlDUI, .. TOur sacrlftce to " aDd mall" to stwmed by the death or our il-. the Mo. Kev. Fulton .I. Sheela. NatlonaJ Dfrectorof the Soclel7 lusl~ious parishioner and Presi­ for the PropapflOn of the Faitb; 366 FIfth Avenue. York dent of the United States" John J.. N. Y.. or TOur Dloeesau DIrector. aT. REV. RAYMOND T; Fit:geraldKennedy. I voice ~ 'CONSIDINB, 368 Nol1b MaID Street, Fall .Rlver, Mass-. symphathies of the priests and parishioners who have joined YOURS TO LOVE AHDTO GIVEI me in the celebratton of the Holy

Sacrifice of the Mass for the re­

.... Uf. . . . DAUGHTU Of ST. 'AUL Love OlNl _ .., aINI gift Ie bo. . . . . . . . t.v .. poSI! of his noble soul. He died OM ~, ........ tfiM Miaioa· . .fclt u . a martyr to the cause of peace ~. lalfi•. Mo"- Plctv,.. CUI. TV. Ie ~rIfte and equality for all mankind. . . War. .. ..ut. .".rywhoN. z.a YHftI "It is our prayer that his wife lir'" , ....U ,.... ...,..... • 11III ..... and family may be consoled by Apettolato may wri.. te, . the prayers of a saddened nation, UVEREND MOTHII SUPUfOI and the world, in this hour of DAUGHTIRS Of n. 'AUL extreme sorrow." . . ST. 'AUL'S AVI. IOITON •• MAli. It was Msgr. Daley and his assistants who celebrated masses attended by Mrs. ROlle Kennedy mother of the murdered Presi: dent, on Saturday morning. and again Sunday. U.s. Senator Edward M. Ken­ ned:" and Mrs. Eunice Schriver ,brother and sister of the Presi~ dent, also attended the Cape chw~ch service. along with their mot:l1er. Open Wednesday, N~vember 27 tiD 6:30 P.Nt. Former Ambassador Joseph P. ,K e 11 n e d'y , suffering 'from ; the sequelae and ~duahof a .so-c;!llled shock, was :unable '­ UNION WHARF, FAiRHAVIN attend eitber the ehurch serVice.. eithl!r on the Cape or in the na­

tion'. Capital•






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MICHAEL J. McMAHON llceAHdFu-nerol Director l .....rect·Emilalmer


ROME - The other night, as we dined with about eight~n bishops from behind the Iron Curtain, we asked seven of them who were near us at table to add up the number of years they ha~ spent in pris?n and in concentration camps because of their Faith. The total was twenty-six years! We then told them that they were "dry martyrs," explaining that a "wet martyr" was one w:ho shed blood for his Faith while a dry martyr was one who died a thousand times through suffering. They answered: "We are all potential wet martyrs," adding that they had either just gotten out of prison or were getting ready to be sent back.


Science reading room. And you criminating and often illumi­ have been .curious concerning nating appraisal. Finely nuanced, too, is the portrait of the Pope the s e' people, , which emerges. It is not a syco­ the i r .beliefs, phantic misrepresentation but a the size and ac-' probing, objective attempt at a tivities of their true likeness. r'e s p e c t i v e Of immeasurable value are churches. You the many and' often lengthy ci­ ean learn a tations from the writings of the great deal about spee<;hes of His Holiness before them, and about his election. Those, for example, many other un­ which dealt with the council usual religious WOUld, had they been generally groups, in Wil­ available, have prevented any liamJ. Whalen's doubts as to the new Pope'. Faiths for the Few (Bruce. $3.75). In this book, views as to the character, objec­ tives and continuation of the ;Mr. Whalen is considering de:­ nominations fairly or very well council. This admirable book, excep­ ,known in :America . but not :really fitting into any category tional of its kind, concludes with :of the varieties of Protestantism. the following significant words of the Holy Father: "The' ChriS­ :They ilre exotic growths, differ:­ tian message is· not a prophecy ent in origin and in appeal. , : Some have swelled notably cd condemnation. It ·calls to pen­ 'and are still doing so. Others ance in order to call to salvation. .have never achieved a 'sizeable It is not bitter; it is not ill-tem­ 'membership but solllehow: per- pered; it is not discourteous;, it is not ironic; it is not pessimistic. 'sist fu' being. ', ' It is generous. It is. strong. and Most are active iit proselytiz­ joylul. It is full .of beauty.and ,ing, some aggressive in this re­ 'spect. Two sects which proslytize poetry. It is full of vigor and relentleSsly, .the Mormons and majesty. Indeed, it raises the the Jehovah's witnesses, report Cross: suffering, sacrifice, death, ever large numbers in 'their but only to bring comfort, re­ demption, life." ranks. . Our Historian On the other hand, the Swe­ "On the contemporiuy scene, denborgians, of w:hom Helen

Keller is one, count fewer than no writer or teacher of history has greater stature than John '7,000 adherents in their Amer­ Tracy Ellis." Such is the impres­ ican branches. sive tribute paid to Monsignor F~ Word for Most Here you will· learn that Ellis by Archbishop Paul J. :a m 0 n g Christian Scientists, Hiillinan in .the foreword he has women outnumber men by' at supplied for Perspectives in American Catholicism (Helicon. :least three to one; that 4dven­ .. tists give the church a double $ ~ . ' The book is' the fifth volume ,ltithe,.20 per cent of their. income, .• averaging $238 a year; that the in the series of . BenediCtine Studies and comprises. papers 'lChismatie and heretical Agli;. :payan church in' the Philippines which Monsignor Ellis has Writ_ ten over the' years. ;won many recruits by putting These compositions are ar­ the liturgy in the Vernacular; that the Masons have abetted ranged under four categories in many of these sects and have a the make-up of the- book. The first section is entitled "Catho­ Rc ·.icrucian degree in the Scot­ lics in America" and considers tish rite. And so on. Mr. Whalen's account of each their history 'and contemporary of the 22 religious bodies which role, the question of church and he discusses, is concise, packed state, and some related subjects. Education in It&eU with statistics, and highly read­ able. He does not profess to say The second is largely a por­ the last word on any, but for not trait gallery, featuring studies a few of us his presentation may of lead.ing churchmen of the be the first word on most. past, a piece on Blessed EJiza­ Pope Paul VI beth Seton, consideration of the Biographies of reigning popes, First Plenary Council of Balti­ especially those still in the early more and the First Vatican .' stages of their pontificates, have Council. • way of being hasty, wordy, The third is rlevoted to educa­ dull and superficial. A happy tion, and 'the fourth has to do exception is Monsignor' John G. with specifically Benedictine oc­ Clancy's book. abou~ Pope Paul casions and achievements. Perspectives in American Ca­ VI, Apostle for Our Time (l<;enedy. $4.95):, '. tholicism , informative and en­ EvidentlY it hasbeell sOme joyable,.is a compendious edu­ time in preparation, and was not cation in itself anyone who -quickly thrown together after would know basic elemeDtaJ in the progress of the election of Cardinal Montini. the story The sources on which it draw. the Church in this country, and

. are impressiv>e in their nUlliber can serve as a model in assessing and, quality. The writing is.' of. ·.successesand' failures of the notable exCellence, not aback past,.present attitudes and pros­ job but done with care, taste, pects. and ve..-ve. Z As the Holy Father's career is


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,- rHE~NCHOIt- , Thurs., Nov. 28, 1963


Begin Christmas Preparations With Advent Wreath Ceremony Next Sunday will be the first Sunday of Advent and schools throughout the Diocese are making preparations for this important liturgical season. At Bishop Cassidy High in Taunton the Advent wrl~ath ceremony will take place on Monday, Dec. 2. The wreath t~nsion Magazine. All Catholic will be blessed and installEld high schools are allowed one' in its prominent place in the staff representative who is also center of the lobby as a dafly a contestant for Guest editor. reminder to the student body al. the importance of Christmas. At Dominican Academy ill Fall River a number of students worked most of an afternoon preparing Advent wreaths to be taken home. A wreath will also be lighted at the school each week during the season. Other schools throughout the Diocese will have wreaths a:tld appropriate prayers in prepar'ation for the coming of Christm:as.


Journalism Club The journalism club at Mmmt St. Mary's Academy in Fall River will present their second issue of the "Mercian" in the near future. Under the direction of Sister Mary Flora, R.S.M., the staff is now working full speed ahead on the Christmas issue. For the junior-senior pr,:>m held last night the juniors chose the theme "Rendezvous of the Stars." In choosing the theme the juniors considered the class motto, "Excelsior!" and followed through with decorations ~U1d favors of the space age. Lea Laflamme reports from Jesus-Mary Academy that the student council is putting on a one-act play entitled, "Herbie Goes to the Prom." The event is open to parents and students. On the same program will be a talent show, including a ski entitled "Sob" to be acted out by seniors. Proceeds for the event will be used to pay transportation costs of the basketball tE:am to games. Radio Club The Radio club at Bis'nop Stang High in North Dartmouth is one of the most active organizations at the school reports George Niesluchowski, school reporter. Under the direction of Sister Mary St. Michael and Mr. Jesse Fernandes, the chief aim of the club is to interest :!rtudents in amateur radio. The chief interest this year is the S-S contest, the object of which is to make as many radio (:ontacts in various parts of the country. "The Night in the Villllge" will be the theme of the :first Seventeeners dance of the season. The dance will be held on Friday, Nove m b e r 29. The Seventeeners is one of the most activ~ social groups at Sa,c:red Hearts Academy in Fall River. Also from SRA in Fall River comes the announcement that the members of the National Honor Society have been 'Very active posting signs all over' the school. All signs bear on the theme "courtesy" which is being stressed at the academy this week. Members of the society inclUde Margaret Dormolley, Marybeth Donovan, and Kathleen Raposa all of whom 'fashioned the posters. Extension Magazine Laura Desautel, a junior, has been chosen by Sister l\Jary Urban, R.S.M. to represent Feehan High in AtUeboro in the 'reen Board C::ontest,.sponsored b)' Ex­

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Laura was chose on the basis of her 500 word essay, "Don't Judge too Quickly," along with her answers to specific editorial questions posed by the 'contest editors. Also from Freehan comes the report that Kenneth Phipps ad­ dressed the student body over the public address system this week. He urged the students to participate in the sodality cam­ paigns for this month. They are more frequent visits to chapel and contributions to the Thanks. giving baskets. Sodality Meeting Members of Our Lady Cause of Our Joy sodaility at Cassidy COYLE SENIORS: Senior class officers at Coyle High High look forward to a meeting School, Taunton, are from left Ronald Richard, treasurer, with Mr. William Barnett on parish; Gerald Puccini, president, St. Joseph's; St. James Monday, December 2. The topic of Mr. B'arnett's talk will be the John O'Keefe, secretarY, St. Mary's; Brian Friary, vice­ Enthronement of the Sacred president, Sacred Heart. All parishes are in Taunton. Heart in homes. The annual Forty Hours De. Laberge; secretary, Jeannette Science and Chemistry classe. votions opened today at Domini. Robidoux; treasurer, Lorraine will see "Cosmic Rays" and "Mr. Sun." Yokell. can Academy. The closing cere­ Meanwhile the junior science On the same day the girls from monies will be held on Friday, November 29. All students wiil club at Mount St. Mary's Aca­ the senior class at Holy Family make a holy hoUr today and the demy announces the following will take the Betty Crocker seniors in groups of four will slate of officers: Janice Bisko, Search for the American Home_ president; Joy Lacombe, vice­ form an honor guard all day. maker of Tomorrow test. This president; Patricia Selleck, sec­ same test will be administered Art Forms An interesting filmstrip en- retary; Sandra Thibutot, trea­ to the seniors at Dominican titled "The Purple Turtle" was surer.

Academy on Monday, Dec. 2. shown at Cassidy High. The film New Lockers ,

Research Topics gave the Art I class an insight The Alumnae Association of

Research topics have been an­ into the creativity and spontane­ Sacred Hearts Academy in Fair­ nounced for the members of the ity in child art. haven will benefit from the sale sophomore class at Saint An. Also at Cassidy High the art of charms now being carried on thony's High in New Bedford. students of Sister Mary Teresita at the academy under the direc­ These topics, all in the area of have completed their papier tion Joan Reinhardt, senior class science, are given early in order mache turkeys which will adorn president. Personalized charms, to· stimulate active participation the dinner table tomorrow. representative of the school or in the science fair to be held Paladin Award of graduation are on sale. later in the school year. Several members of the MisCharms are not the only ex­ The freshmen music classes at sion club at Holy Family High citement at Sacred Heart Aca­ in New Bedford are undertaking demy. Students are eagerly Cassidy High are enjoying a a study of the mil!sions in CQina showing their class pictures series of demonstrations by their to qralify for the Paladin award which were reached this week. classmates as they are being in­ given by the Catholic Students' And new lockers were recently troduced to the family of orches­ Mission Club. Three students installed at tM Academy for the tral instruments. Thus far the follOWing have been in the spot­ must have ten hour of stUdy entire student body. light: Marianne Scherben, violin about this subject and plans are Betty Crocker Contest and bass violin; Helen Hayes, being formulated for an open Yesterday the physics class at discussion later in the years. Sister Mary Leander, R.S.M. is Holy Family High saw two movies: "Safety in Driving" and moderator. Students from Holy Family "7/10 of a Second." Both movies have been taking their Virgil were enjoyed by the class. And on Dec. 3 the General seriously. During the past week the students produced tiny cups Unity Commission of apple juice' to reproduce the festive scene of the banquet BATON ROUGE (NC) - The when Dido, the Carthaginian Baton Bouge diocese has estab­ queen, offered a libation to the lished a 16-member Commission gods. StUdents, however, re- on .Unity to assemble a library frained from pouring the juice on Christian unity and conduct on their desks which served as discussions on unity develop­ banquet tables, as Dido did. ments. Junior Science Club The National Honor Society at Prevost High in Fall River held DRY CLEANING elections recenUy. Anchor re'" and porter, Regi Cardin was elected FUR STORAGE president, Carl Erdman, vice­ president, Gaston Plante, secre­ tary and Arthur Desrosiers, treasurer. And National Honor Society

34-44 Cohannet Street officers at Jesus-Mary Academ,,­ are: president, Pauline Benja';' Taunton VA 2-6161 m,in; vice _ president, P~tricia ,. ----_----------------.



violin; Janice Spinelli, Virginia Fornal, and ?I"argaret Whitters, clarinet; Rosemary McKenna, bass clarinet; Judith Assiran and Valerie Paulus, flute. All are members of the school orchestra. On Monday, Dec. 2 Miss Mary Sullivan, president of Katherine Gibbs Secretarial Schools, will address the students of Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, on the topic of "Manners and Dress" in relation to careers. Glee Club The Bishop Stang Glee Cllm, under the direction of Sister Patricia GertrUde and Sister Winifred, has been busy with preparations for coming events. The group will sing the televi­ sion Mass on Sunday, Dec. 1. .They will also perform in the annual Christmas concert sched­ uled for early December. In­ cluded will be a cantata and religiou,s and popular numbers. The glee club is planning to re­ cord selections from the cop­




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tHE ANCHOR-DIocese of foR Iiwr-Tbur.. No,," 28.1963


_Announcing aspooial sel~ies of Christmas programs



The Five Joyful Mysteries



SUNDAY-NOV. 24' 3:00-3:30 PM


1 SUNDAY-DEC. 16 • 3:00-3:30 PM



, SUNDAY-DEC- " 3:00-3:30 PM

3:00-3:30 PM



3:00-3;30 PM





Tefls of the m'IIJ~'l'$ tll,t tilt , people of Israel prayed for the S3vioUl

TIle angel Gabriel also had told Mary that her cousin Elizabeth would soon !lear a SOIl. Mary immediately joined a caravan aIId trave'-d with it to the city where her cousin lived with her husband. lachary.

When Joseph and Mary heard .. Caesar's decree that every man .. the family of David must register it the city of BethleheM they set out. 'rheir child was due soon and findine 1'10 'place to stay in the crowded citJ, it kind inn·keeper gave them crude lluarters in a stable. It was here tIlaI 1!tle child Jesus was bonI ••• and heIt 'that the Three Wise Men and the Sh. herds came to kneel and adore HilL

U1at God had prlllJlised redeem the werld.

to send to

Ther~ was a young gr. named Mar;y who lived in the city of Nazareth. One night God sent the angel Gabriel as His ~essenger to announce to Mary that she was to bear a child ... a son _ • • and His name would " JesU$.


The child was 'born and named John. He was destined to announce the com­ ing of the long awaited Saviour. Mary returned to her home and married her betrothed, Joseph, • carpenter ia Nazareth.


to JeMe. IellI to present their fllst-bonl SOIl to God ill tile Temple. One attendant at , the Temple was Simeoa an .aged and ; 'holy .... who had beeft told in a prophecy he would see the Redeem. before his death. When he saw i IIId MaIJ approach with tile Christ Child. God enabeIed hiln " recogni1e lie child Jesus and be rejoiced. $If" ....'lIlessedbettlelontGodofisraeL.. Joseph IIId MarJkaveled

i "










WEDNf:SOAv-otC. ~

2:30-3:00 PIt

Jesus is now twelve years old, At ttris time Jesus traveled with Mary and Joseph to Jerusalem to celebrate tbt feast of the Passover. It WClS on~ , when the boIy dayS were over IIId lhey were retll'ning Ilome that they , discovered Jesus was not amell'lg the friends and relatives ill the C;alavatl, They returned to JenJSIlem and aft. , four dayS of frantic searching they found Jesus in the Temple speaking to the Priests. All were amaze~ at "" WdoII of a boy so JOIIRI. ,








; 1 I

I -- ;

ttoty., ·01.... ",",lIment

. ,propJl-,-Il"'-otott bJ tJmg CroebJ

of •



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. ~ :cv. 28, 1963

Requiem Mass for President

Continued from Page One The Bishop requested the con­ time for every Catholic i6 our gregation to pray for both the doctrine of the Communion e)f President and "those who must Saints," the Bishop stated. "A now shoulder the responsi'bility doctrine that manifests the mu­ of pres.erving the peace of the tual help of all through praye!r world and the welfare of man­ is so necessary in this period l)f kind." grief." The following telegrams were Departing from the classic sent by Bishop Gerrard in the form of a eulogy, Bishop Gex­ name of the Fall River Diocese: rard stressed the ideas and ideals that have appeared so November 22, 1963 often during the president's Mrs. John F. Kennedy brief term. White House "At the outset of President Washington, D.C. Bishops, priests and faithful of Kennedy's term in office," the Vicar General of the Diocese Diocese of Fall River extend continued," he reminded the deep sympathy to you in this world of the need of recognizing sorrow and pledge prayers for OUr late President and for con­ God's work as our work. . Quoting the words from tl:ie solation of his bereaved family. Bishop Gerrard inaugural address, Bishop Ger­ Vicar General rard selected the following pas­ Chancery, 362 Highland Ave. sage: Fall River, ·Mass. "Now the trumpet summons us November 22, 1963 again a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year Ambassador and Mrs. Joseph P. Kennedy in and year out, rejoicing in Hyannisport, Mass. hope, patient in tribulation: a Bishops, priests and faithful of struggle against the common Diocese of Fall River extend enemies of man-tyranny, pov­ deep sympathy to you and your erty, disease, and war itself." family in this sorrow and pledge "In the long history of man­ prayers for our late President kind only a few generations' and for your consolation in loss have been given the role of de­ of dutiful son and brother. fending freedom in its hour of Bishop Gerrard maximum danger. I do not Vicar General shrink from that responsibility. Chancery, 362 Highland Ave. I welcome it. I do not believe Fall River, Mass. any of us would exchange places with any other people." November 22, 1963 Expressions of great men ha.ve Senator Edward M. Kennedy Washington, D.C. lived after them, but while Bishop, priests and faithful of many of John F. Kennedy's will be repeated in the coming years, Diocese of Fall River extend there is one that Bishop GertCird deep sympathy to you and your singled out in a special way: family in this sorrow and pledge "Ask not what your country can prayers for our late President do for you, ask 'what you can do and for. your consolation in the 1098 of your brother. for your country." Bishop Gerrard "He asked for sacrifice," Vicar General Bishop Gerrard said, "and sac­ Chancery, 362 Highland Ave. rifice he gave himself. Gave to Fall River, Mass. such a degree and that he lay down his life for his· friends­ November 22, 1963 he gave his life as a martyr." President Lyndon B. Johnson Washington, D.C. Concluding his allocution, Bishop Gerrard recited the con­ Bishops, priests and faithful soling prayers from the Roman of the Diocese of Fall River ex­ Ritual that petition God for press our deep sympathy in this mercy for the departed and . tragic hour and extend assurance Divine Grace for "Thy servants, of prayer for God's guidance as upon whom Thou hast laid the you assume office of President of United States. heavy burden of sorrow." Bishop Gerrard Vicar General Chancery, 362 Highland Ave. Fan River, Mass.

Housing Committee Has Lady Member

NEW YORK (NC) ' - Robert Paul, 31, an attorney, has been appointed technical coordinator of the New York Archdiocesan Committee on Housing .and Urban Renewal. Paul is a former project cO­ ordinator for the city's housing and redevelopment board. Auxi­ liary Bishop John J. Maguire, committee chairman, said Paul will advise the archdiocese r-e­ garding current and planned programs of urban and commu­ nity renewal in this city and the seven upstate counties of the archdiocese.

Michael C. Au.tln



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$16,000 or the equivalent of only 10 per cent of the annual running expenses of his arch­ diocese. "I suppose that 50 per cent of my time is taken up just with getting enough funds to keep going," the archbishop pointed out. adding his experience is shared by every mission bishop in the wo;ld. Archbishop Henry declared the doctrine of the collegiality of bishops, if drawn to its logi­ cal conclusion, would have a tre­ mendous effect on the mis­ sionary role of the Church, "be­ cause it means, in short, that the bishops as a body are respon­ sible for the entire Church." An alternative to tithing. Archbishop Henry said, "would be direct assistance by developed dioceses' and parishes to under­ developed dioceses and par­ ishes." In order that as much equity as possible might be reached in both systems of sup­ port, there would have to be national and international com­ missions· composed of represen­ tatives of existing episcopal con­ ferences, to which bishops in need could make application. Spreading Gospel Archbishop Henry explained that such a program would go a long way toward destroying the patronizing attitude found today in the Church toward missionary work, and would make bishops, priests and laity realize that missionary work is not identi­ fied with running orphanages. hospitals and leprosaria, but consists in firmly establishing the Church in a given area, be this in a so-called mission coun­ try or in the homeland, wher­ ever the Church is being spread.

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Honor Leaders CHICAGO (N C) - Loyola University here will confer hon_ orary doctrates of law on Presi­ dent Antonio Segni of Italy and Giovanni Gronchi, former presi­ dent, at its branch in Rome next month. Father James F. Maguire, . S.J., Loyola president, will pre­ sent the degrees.



CM _

LAST RITES: Rev. Oscar L. Huber, C.M., of Dallas, leaves Parkland Hospital af­ ter administering last rites of the Church to Chief Ex­ ecutive. NC Photo.

ROME (DW) - "Before the Church will be able to effective­ ly preach the Gospel to every creature, it will be necessary to tithe every parish in the world, even the poorest," said Archbish­ op Harol W. 'Henry, 54, who has spent 30 years in Korea as a Columban Father and today is head of the Kwangju Archdio­ cese there. Archbishop Henry, benn In Northfield, Minn. and a convert to Catholicism, believf:os "tithing would oblige each parish to con­ tribute 10 per cent of its income each year to a general fund to be applied to mission areas." 'Crumbs from Table' The Society for the Propaga­ tion of the Faith, the Church's official fund-collecting organi­ zation for mission areas, "was a wonderful thing in its day," Archbishop Henry said, "but the basic idea behind it falls far short of the mission apostolate of the Church." He feels mission support is a serious personal obligation in justice for Catholics, "not merely a work of charity of supereroga­ tion in which little sacrifices are made for the benefit of the mis­ sions." The Archbishop said the atti­ tude of some bishops, priests and laity in various parts of the world, "that the missions ought to be satisfied with the crumbs which fall from the table," is an attitude incompatible with Pope John XXIII's declaration that the propagation of the Gospel among men is the most impor­ tant work of the Church. Bishops Responsible Each year the Society for the Propagation of the Faith gives Archbishop Henry a total of


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1'tfE ANr'··I')It...,..Di~se offall River-Thurs. Nov. 28. 1963

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Sister .Marie William, at her African Mission


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• This M essage is Sl~nsored By Th. following Individual. •• • • : anti Business Concerns ;n• Greater Fall River: .


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Ann Dale Products, Inc. Brady -Electric Supply Co. Cascade Drug Co. Enterprise Brewing Co. Gold Medal Bread Globe Manufacturing Co. Hutchinson Oil Co.

Interrlational Ladies Garment Worken Union MacK:enzie & Winslow, Inc. Mason Furniture Showrooms Geral'd E. McNally, Contrador GeOr!ie R. Montie, Plumber R. A. McWhirr Company .

• • • • • • • III1.Jiiillll • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~• • • • • _

Plymouth Printing eo.. lac.

SobiloH Brothen

Sterling Beverages, IRe.

Textile Worken

Union of America, AFL-CIO Y.llow Cab CompClllf • • • • • • • • • •_


: : : • : • :



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall RI~er-Thurs. ,,~::v. 28, 1963




t>t'· .: ·1'


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",/1" THE CHURCH MOURNS: The Papal flag at the Apos­ tolic Delegation headquarters in Washington flies at half­ mast during the national mourning for the martyred first Catholic President. NC Photo.



Holy Father Offers Mass in Rome For American Chief Executive


Continued from Page One and defended by him of the lib­ erty of peoples and of peace in the world. "He was the first Catholic president of the United States. We remember that We had the honor of his visit and that We JWted in him great wisdom and high purpose for the good of humanity. We shall offer Holy Mass tomorrow, Nov. 23, for the peace of his soul, for the comfort of those who mourn his death and so that, not hatred, but lo,ve shall reign in humanity." The Pope's message to Presi­ dent Johnson said: "To Your Excellency and to the beloved American people We offer the expression of Our sin­ cerest prayerful condolences on the death in particularly tragic circumstances of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, whom We had known personally and whose intrepid character and high qualities We admired. We pray God 1<> grant Your Excellency as you accede to the presidency of the nation His choicest graces of guidance and strength." The Pope lold Mrs. Kennedy: "We hasten to send you, be­ loved daughter, the assurance of Our heartfelt sympathy in your deep sorrow, and of Our fervent prayers for the eternal repose, of the soul of your husband, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Upon you and your children We bestow in pledge of sustaining and Clm­ IIOling divine graces Our affec­ tionate pat ern a 1 apostc)lic blessing." Pope Paul told the President's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J'Oseph Kennedy: "Our paternal heart shares in your immense sorrow on the tragic death of your son, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and, in as­ IIUring Our prayers for the el er­ nal repose of his soul, We Im­ plore from God abundant gra,ces of consolation and comfort for )'Ou both and for all the family, imparting to all in pledge of that divine solace Our most affec­ tionate apostolic blessing." The Pontiff's message to the President's brother, Atty. Glen. Robert Kennedy, said: "With deep sorrow We send Otll' cordial condolences to you, to your parents and to the family OIl the immense loss-suffered in the death of your brother, Preld­ dent John Fitzgerald Kennedy, )M'OJDiaiq our ftlDembrance OIl


the altar of ~d for his eternal repose and for the consolation of all his .loved ones on this tragic bereavement." To Cardinal Cushing he said: "We share in your loss, beloved son, on the sad death of Presi­ dent John Fitzgerald Kennedy and We assure' Our prayers for his soul and for your solace and that of all who knew and loved him:' At the reception for F AO dele­ gates, Pope Paul said: "We cannot commence Our discourse without reference to the tragic death of the President of the United States, John Fitz­ gerald Kennedy. We wish to reiterate here the sentiments to which We have already given public expression; of deploring the criminal action; of admira­ tion for the man; of Our prayers for his eternal' repose, for his country and for the world, which recognizes in him a great leader, and finally for a prayerful wish that his death may not hinder the cause of peace but serve as a sacrifice and example for the good of all mankind."

Schedule Catholic Book Week Feb. 23 HAVERFORD (NC) - Arch­ bishop John F. Dearden of De­ troit will serve as honorary chairman of the 24th annual Catholic Book Week starting Feb. 23, the Catholic Library Association announced here. Theme of the week will be: "Read and Unite OU1' Changing World." Cosponsoring the week will be the Catholic Press Association, National Council of Catholic Men, National Council of Catho­ lic Women and the National Office for Decent Literature.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 28, 1963

ST. JEAN BAPTISTE, FALL RIVER­ .'r.he Council of Catholic Women announces its Christmas party will be held Wednesday, Dec. 4 at Stone Bridge Inn. ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA. FALL RIVER Annual Christmas party for the Council· of Catholic Women is set for· 7 Sunday night, Dec. 15, when 40 Hours Devotion opens in the parish. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER The feast of the Children of Mary Sodality will be held on . Sunday, Dec. 8. A preliminary meeting will beheld Sunday morning at 10 o'clock by the Sodality for final preparations. The CCD wm hold a meeting Monday night at 7:30. .


SS. PETER AND PAUL. FALL RIVER Troop 17 will hold an over­ night camping trip at Camp Noquochoke next weekend. The senior CYO group have scheduled the following activities for .the month of December: Sunday morning, Dec. 8, Rev. Maurice R. Jeffrey will be the guest speaker at the first annual Communion breakfast; a spir. itual - pilgrimage to LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro; Winter out­ ing to Diamond Hill during the Christmas vacation.

Bishop rh~rayilof K~itayam, India, Writes

CIVIL RIGHTS MASS: Father William Houston celebra'~ed the fourth annual Civil Rights Mass at St. Francis Xavier Church, Manhattan, N.Y. More than 400 persons at­ tended, with aU· three m_ajor faiths represented. The sermon was pre~ched by Father John Cronin, S.S., assistant director of the Social Action Dep.artment, National Catholic Welfare Conference. NC Photo.

Await Pope to Proclaim Council's First Fruits·


ST. ROCH, FALL RIVER . Officers and 'executive board members of the Council of Cath. olic Women will be hostesses for a meeting at 7:30 Monday night, Dec. 2 in the parish hall. A Christmas celebrmion will be featured and gifts will be ex­ changed.

Continued fmm Page Three Some 'of the Fathers com­ Bishop Gorman .(Texas). saw plained that there was not tha t, as regards to use of the enough said about the meaning· vernacular in the 1iassand the of the third step; others ex­ Sacraments, in many cases there pressed fear of "interconiession­ alism," indifference, etc. All would be no need to wait for insisted on a greater emphasis new translations. He said that several Eng 1 ish translations on religious .education. could be put to use, at least for Jews the time being. It was pointed out that the A program of liturgical re­ chapter concerning the Jews newal in the U.S. will be an­ was not initiated by the Secre­ nounced as soon as the Constitu­ tariat for Unity but because of a tion is promulgated. The Ameri­ can bishops are scheduled to specific request of Pope John meet in the Spring to take XXIII. Some bishops ol;>jected to the further decisions on both a short term and on a long term basis, . inclusion of this chapter because they could not see how it could he said. not be politically misinterpreted; Commissions Reorganized In a surprise announcement, . 0 the l' s pointed to possible strained relations with Arab Pope .Paul ordered are-organi­ countries; others thought that zation of the conciliar commis­ sions Why? It was reported that the 1ioslem religion should also be mentioned in the same chap­ reasons were: (1) to hasten the ter. Insistenc:;e on its adoption task of re-writing the schemas that have been returned to the and its retention in this schema was also strongly reflected. commission by the Fathers in council; (2) (less certain, to fore- . Religious Freedom stall a delaying action, which, The introduction of this chap_ reports say, is holding up the ter at the Nov. 19th meeting was revision of certain highly con­ more emphatic in presentation trover,sial schemas, and reception than the speeches Accordingly, each commission of the Fathers discussing the will be increased to a' total of 30 topic. It was longer than the members; some appointed by the other entire schemas. Holy Father and the majority Some suggested th~t the sub­ elected to the positions by the ject should be better treated in Fathers. The Presidents of the a later schema (The Church and national assemblies were to the World). But the Fathers' draw up a list of eligibles for emphatic applause showed that each commission. the vast majority welcome the Each commission will hence­ chapter. forth be able to elect its own Bishop De Smedt defined reli-. Vice-P.resident and Vice-Secre­

tary (who will thus represent

the position of the majority).

Ecumenism in General ~ Electrical Archbishop Heenan, speaking Contractors for all the English'· Bishops,'

stated that "the immediate ob­ ~r..(;

jective of Ecumenism is the mu­

tual understanding and love

among those who are united by

Baptism but divided by doc­

trine." 1iore is needed than a

simple union on a level of char­

ity or sociology. 944 County St. The steps for unity have been New Bedford pointed out as: (1) Charity, (2)

Dialogue, (3) Internal Renewal.



~4t •

gious liberty as: "in positive it means the right to free exercise of religion according to the dictates of conscience; look- . ing at it. negatively, it means im_ munity from coercion." The bishop pointed out that this was not a dogmatic treatise but a pastoral decree intended for the men of today. Why need we such a chapter? The Bishop answered: (1) For the sake of truth (the Church has always taught the principle of religious freedom); (2) For defense against materialistic atheism (which deprives half the world of religious liberty); (3) . For peaceful co-existence (we are all in one human wei- ' ely); (4) For ecumenical consid­ e;~ations (many non-Catholics hold the Church in aversion and suspect her * * * for asking ,reli­ gious freedom when she is in a minority and ignoring it when she gets control).

"KUTTUR MISSION in the midst of the Jacobite's was started 21 years ago on March 1st, 1942 with the reunion of 50 families st' rh received .into the Church by the late ~~.'bo ~'J,. MAR ALEXANDER CHULUPA­ 'V \I'd' RAMBIL, Bishop 'of KOTTAYAM. ,;~. A Mission House was built but still Qi 0 &he .people have only a chapel ill ~ ; &he building, too small for the pres· ent congregation. During the mono + liIOons, water often enters into &he ehapel and the faithful eannot come to Mass. I am appealinc to the generosity of -our dear beneTb. Hol, P4/1Hr's Mission AU factors to help os buy land oa a , higher level and to build a Church. . for Ih. OrienItJ Church The cost would be $5,000. May God bless our benefactors with His choicest gifts.' This is my heart.

felt prayer ••• Will you help this dedicated Bishop in " land ot

such great poverty? Any amount is appreciated.

+ .


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THE BEAUTIFUL POINSETTIA So many Christmas· legends concern f1owe'rs and childrel Recall the story of the little Mexican girl on her way to visi Baby Jesus on Christmas Eve. With no gift to give, her sadnes! increased with every step. In dismay', she knelt and prayed. Lol A beautiful crimson poinsettia bloomed before her eyes "Flower of the Holy Night," the Mexicans call it ... We'll lend .a card of PRESSED FLOWERS from the Holy Land and r CHRISTMAS GIFT CARD to those in whose name you wish t send a gift. Suggestions: A Mass said for them by one of our ·missionary priests. A membership in our Association. Single person: $1 a year Family: $5 a year. They share in the graces of 15,00( Masses every day. Perpetual Membership: Individual $20; Family $100. A STRINGLESS GIFT for a most needed missionlU7 work A MEMORIAL GIFT' for a chapel: Mass Kit .. .,$100 Chalice ...... $40 Stations .•••••.$2

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THE A N C H O R - 1 9 Thurs., Nov.' 28, 1963

J.F.K.: Advocate of At'hletics Apostle, of Sportsmanship

Pfeffer Predicts Prayer in Public Schools to End

By Jilek Kineavy "He was the 35th President of the United States, per­ sonification of youth, by word and act an ardent advocate of athletics, and" by example, an apostle of sportsmanship." The above is taken verbatim from Frank Lanning's moving tribute to the late President, lSimilarity 'between these two' John F. Kennedy. It epito­ vigorous personalities hardly mizes succinctly the lifelong ends there·but suffice to say they relationship of a vibrant were both staunch exponents of personality to the world of athle­ tics which he loved and upon which he pIa c e d great value. Widely circu­ lated on the sports pages of a grief-stricken nation was the nine year old Jack Kennedy as he looked when he quar­ tered the foot­ ball tea m at Dexter School in Brookline. From there he went to' Choate where his slender frame belied the physical requisites for the tackle position which he held. Courace at Convictiona It was at Choate that Jilek Kennedy was picked "Most Likely to Succeed" by his c,ir­ cumspect fellow members of 'the class of 1935. His prep school coach and housemaster, Earl Lienbach, recalls him al • youngster "who had the courage of hill convictioNl and if be thought he was right, he stood up for them with all his might." Competitive athletics w ere very much a part of the late President's life. At Harvard he continued to play football on the freshman and junior varsity level and though he was a mem­ ber of the varsity swimmimg team, the gridiron sport :re­ mained his favorite. Only last October 19 he made an im­ promptu appearance in the Sta­ dium at the Harvard-Columbia game. Earlier in the day he had cle­ livered a major foreign poliC7 address at a special convocatlon at the University of Maine at which he was ~ recipient of the honorary doctor of laws de­ gree. We recall vividly how he captivated his Maine audience that day-as he did so many others on so many and varied occasions. 'In Sound Body' Away from the arduous duties Bnd responsibilities of the -of­ fice of the Chief Executive, Kcm­ nedy spent many relaxing mo­ ments, sailing with his familly, or playing a few holes of golf with close friends. In both sports he was proficient, through a back injury sustained in Naval combat service in World War II placed limitations on his linkJ aetivities. In many respects Jack Kcm­ nedy's love of sports was :re­ miniscent of an illustrious pre­ decessor, 'Teddy Roo s eve 1 t, during whose tenure the White House was an open sesame :for leading figurell of that time. 'I'he

French Philosopher Gets Literary Prize PARIS (NC)-French Catholic philosopher Jacques Maritain has received France's national grand prize for letters. Maritain, 81, professor at the Institute of Medieval Studies in Toronto and professor emeri'tus of Princeton University, received word of the honor at his retrl~at with a community of the Little Brothers of Jesus near Toulouse where he was in bed with the grippe. "I am surprised and very grateful," he said. "I was not a candidate for this distinction. My whole life is now oriented toward silence and recollection."

the sound mind in a sound body way of life. A strong bond, of mutual re­ spect and admiration existed be­ tween President Kennedy and a legion of sports luminaries. One of these was Stan Musial who re­ cently retired after a long and distinguished bas e ball career with the St. Louis Cardinal. On the occasion of their first meet­ ing at an All-Star game a couple of years ago, the President witti­ ly observed to Musial, "There are many who -think me too young and you too old for our jobs. We'll fool them." Youth Fitness Program The late. President delighted 'in sports both as a pal1ticipant " and a spectator but he was ap­ palled by the failure of Ameri­ can youth to measure up to ser­ viee induction minimum physi­ cal standards. A Council for Youth Fitness was subsequently established and the celebrated Bud Wilkinson of Okl~homa grid fame was named chairman. The development of a youth fitness program saw many of the nation's sports figures in­ vited to the White House for consultation. The end result of their collaboration was a pro­ gram which has gained wide-, spread acceptance in the schools throughout the nation and which in the years to come will con­ tinue to function as a vital me­ morial to the young President whose concern for the physical well-being of the youth of the United States caused it to come to reality. "Fortunate is the man," said the Roman historian Pliny the Younger, "whose deeds are wor_ thy of being recorded; so too he who has the ability to write that which ought to be read. But most fortunate indeed is he to whom both talents been given." In this latter category history has al­ ready reserved a place for our late beloved President under 'whose inspired and courageous ' leadership the cause of human dignity has been advanced.

Entire Town Backs Prayer Amendment SEAL BEACH (NC) - Con­ gregations of every churdi in this California town signed a statement urging 'public support of the City Council's resolution upholding prayer in public schools. The pastors and a rabbi of 10 c h u r c h e s and one synagogue along with every member of their congregation, signed the statement which was presented to the City Council by the Seal Beach Methodist Commission on Social Concerns. The council resolution asked for an amendment to the U. S. Constitution permitting recita­ tion of non-denominatimil prayer in public schools.

MIAMI (NC)-Leo Pfeff­ er of the American Jewisla Congress said here religious practices in public schools

IDOL OF YOUTH:' The late President Kennedy, who joined his family for holydays and holidays at his Hyannis­ port Summer home on Cape Cod, surprised the national CYO last week when he appeared to talk to them at their New York convention. NC Photo.

Praises Canadians Holy Father Lauds Brotherhood, Unity

Of English-Speaking, French-Speaking

ROME (NC) - Pope Paul VI praised the "happy spectacle of unity and brotherhood" between English-speaking and French­ speaking Canadians during a visit to the Canadian college here. The Pope visited the Canadian College to marl~ the 75th anni­ versary of its founding. Welcom. ing him were James Cardinal McGuigan of Toronto, Paul Cardinal Leger, S.S., of Montr­ al and' Msgr. Romauld Bisson­ nette, S.S., rector of the college. After a prayer in the college chapel, the Pope went to a hall where all the Canadian Bishops attending the Council and the students at the college were gathered. Replying to addresses by Car­ dinals McGuigan and Leger the Pope spoke first in Frencl1 and then in English. 'Great Patrimony' He recalled having visited Canada briefly and said that he had had a glimpse "of 'your sanc­ tuaries, your varied educational, charitable and welfare institu-

Study Expansion NEW YORK (NC)-The New Yorlt archdiocese has named an eight - member committee of laymen to advise on expansion of its specia~ education program for retarded children. It was begun in 1957 and now enroll. 160 children in 11 classes.



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tions, your flourishing religious and missionary congregations and the spectacle of your family life." He told the bishops and the students that the traditions of their Faith, their faihfulness 0 the Holy See and "the whole present impulse of Canadian Catholicism in the social, intel­ lectual anti educational spheres" are a "grea~ patrimony to pre­ serve, to defend, to deepen and to develop."



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Mter praising the brotherhood "between the two great races and languages," the Pope added: "We exhort you always to con­ serve and strengthen it, to give ever more impressive testimony to two marks in particular of the true Church: her unity and her Catholicity."

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are on the way out. Pfeffer is general counsel for the New York-based Jewish organization and prominent ia legal attacks against religion ia public schools. Pfeffer will be spokesm~n for five Miami parents who are challenging Dade County's prac­ tice of Bible reading and prayer in public schools on Tuesday, Dec. 10 before the Florida Su­ preme Court. 'Religious Freedom' The American people, Pfeffer maintained, recognize that U.s. Supreme Court decisions against _"," :-eligious exercises in schools do not "reflect hostility to religion, but a deep regard for religious that when the issue 'of religion freedom." Pfeffer also said he thought in public schools is finished, the the next major Church-State struggle will be over the consti­ tutionality of Federal aid to parochial schools. "The cause of religion is best served by total separation of Church and State," he said.

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TH! ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. Nov. 28, 1963





Young Navajo Hopes to Return Home as Tribe's First Priest DETROIT (N C) David Charlie, a young Navajo Indian studying for the priesthood at the Franciscan Fathers' Duns Scotus College here, expects to . be the first of his tribe to be. come a priest. He's Friar Alonzo Charles now, with seven years of study be­ hind him. There remains another seven year'S before he call achieve his ambition. A hard-riding, straight-shoot­ ing hunter, it was a long way __ both in distance and time from the Navajo reservation to the Franciscan Seminary. The reservation is 20,000 square miles of arid, rocky land_ scape in Arizona and New Mex. ico, where many Navajos still herd sheep and horses, weave blankets, grow corn and peaches in the thin soil, and retain the close ties of a large family which fears all "foreigners." David's mother died when he was a youngster. He was brought up by a grandmother until his father remarried, this time with a Catholic. David's Catholic stepmother encouraged him to attend St. Michael's school. David entered the Church

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when he was nine, and met the Franciscans for the first time at the school, where a friar taught religion and supervised boys' sports. David Charlie's goal is to re­ turn to his own people, preach in their language, and help them in every way he can. Modem civilization has brought new problems to the Navajos, he said.

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­ In Memoriam

JOHN' FITZGERALD KENNEDY 'Beloved 35th President of th, United States

Wherever men cherish liberty. and coura­ geously hold high the flaming torch of freedom, President John F. Kennedy' will be loved. respected - and remembered always.

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