Diocesan Holy Year Preparation Concludes With Pilgrimages
The ANCHOR An Anchor 0/ Ihe Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul
His Excellency, the Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River, has designated regional "Pilgrimage Churches" to serve as special focal points for the Faithful of the Diocese in the coming final phase of the time of preparation for Holy Year 1975, the coming Advent Season,
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Fall Riv~r, Mass., Thursday, Nov. 28, 1974 PRICE 15c Vol. 18, No. 48. © 1974 The Anchor $5.00 per year'
Pope Says Essential Concept Is Renewal In his very announcement of the coming Holy Year 1975, His Holiness Pope Paul' VI spoke at some length on the basic aim and goal of the Jubilee: "It is. necessary to stress what is the essential concept of this Holy Year. It is the interior renewal of man': of the man who thinks and who in his thought has lost the certainty of truth; of the man who works and who in his work has realized that he is so extroverted that he no longer fully possesses communication with himself; of the man who enjoys life and who so assumes himself and has so many excitig ways to gain pleasurable experience that he soon feels bored and disillusioned. Man must be renewed from within, This is what the Gospel calls conversion, penance and a
Rome Pilgrimage N'ext Februa ry When the Holy Father Pope Paul VI formally opens the Holy Year on Christmas eve, December 24, 1974, the thrust of the Jubilee observance of the People of God will shift from local, diocesan scenes to Rome itself, the Eternal City. The year-long time of preparation in dioceses throughout the Universal Church will then have ended. The focal point for the reconciliation and renewal of God's People 'Qvill be in the very heart of Christendom. During 1975, as the pastoral document published by the Central Commission for the Holy Year notes, the Faithful will, in great numbers, undertake "the quest for a new meeting with God in the experience of contact with the Tombs of the Apostles Peter and Paul (who sum up also the memories of the other Apostles) whose bodies rest in their Turn to Page Twelve
change of heart. It is the process of self-rebirth. It is simple, like a clear courageous act of conscience, and at the same time complex, like a long, instructive and reforming apprenticeship. It is also a moment of grace, and one usually does not obtain grace without bowing one's head. And we do not think we err in detecting in modern man profound dissatisfaction, satiety coupled with insufficiency, unhappiness produced by false formulas for 'happiness, with which he is intoxicated, and dismay at not knowing how to "enjoy the thousand and one pleasures that Turn to Page Fifteen
Cathedral, Fan River "Pilgrimage . churches" will, during the month of December, be the sites for special religious observances at which participants may gain ·th.e Gift of the Indulgence. Designated as "pilgrimage churches," in addition to the Cathedral of Saint Mary
esan preparatory observance. It is the season of acute longing for salvation and redemption. It is the season of liturgical preparation for the coming of the Savior. The concepts which the Holy Father has designated as Turn to Page Two
St. Mary, Taunton
Community Observances Involve Several Areas
Nursing Homes Have Programs His Exce1lency, the Most Reverend Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of Fall River, has made special arrangements for the intimate participation of the elderly and sickly residents of a number of Diocesan facilities in the final preparation for Holy Year 1975 during the coming Advent Season. Recognizing that many of the good people residing in Diocesan homes for the elderly would. be impeded from participating in local pilgrimages to speciallydesignated churches in the various geographic regions of the Diocese, Bishop Cronin has arranged for Holy Year Servi·ces at whiCh the Gift of the Indlligence may be gained in accord with' the following schedule: First Sunday of Advent, December 1st-Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven Second Sunday of Advent, December 8th --.: Marian Manor, Taunton Third Sunday of Advent, December 15th-Madonna Manor, North Attleboro; Rose Hawthorne Home, Fall River Turn to Page Four
of the Assumption in Fall River, are: 'Saint Francis Xavier Church in Hyannis Saint Lawrence Church in New Bedford Saint Mary's Ohurch in Taunton Saint Mary's Church in North Attleboro The Shrine of Our Lady of LaSalette in Attleboro Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in New Bedford The coming Season of Advent will be the culmination of local, diocesan preparation for the Holy Year. On Christmas Eve, His Holiness Pope Paul VI will preside at the solemn opening of the Jubilee Year door at Saint Peter's Basilica in the Vatican and from that time on the particular emphasis of the Holy Year will be centered in Rome. 'Dhe special themes ·of the time of preparation of the Faithful for the Holy Year, reconciliation and renewal, will be emphasized in the local observances which will be scheduled at all "pilgrimage churches." Weekly devotions will be planned in each regional site. Residents of the various geographic areas will thus have an opportunny to participate in the formal prepartion of the People of God for the Holy Year and to gain the Indulgence associated with the Jubilee. The Advent Season is especially appropriate for the final thrust and climax of the Dioc-
St. Mary, No. Attleboro
To coordinate and facilitate arrangements announced by His ExcelIency, the Most Reverend 'Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop of FalI River, whereby regional "Pilgrimage Churches" in various sections of the Diocese will serve as special centers for the Faith-
Liturgical Readin·gs Give Reconciliation Themes The coming Advent Season will be the final period of local, Diocesan preparation for Holy Year 1975. The public worship of tbe Church, the liturgy, of this Season is.' especially appropriate for the climax of a year's anticipation of the People of God for the Jubilee Year. Advent, 1974, will coincide, in the United States, with the defin-
Gratitude Most Reverend James L. Connolly, D.D., Retired Bishop of Fall River, expresses sincere gratitude to one and all for the outpouring of greetings and prayerful wishes sent to him on the occasion of his eightieth birthday.
itive introduction of the revised Sacramentary, the official book of prayers for the celebration of Mass, Whereas up to now, the use of the revised prayers at Mass has been optional, on Dec. 1, celebrants are required to utilize the official translations in English of the Sacramentary. New formulations are now to be used for the three special prayers or "orations'" of the Mass, the Opening Prayer, which cpmes at the beginning of Mass, just after the Penitential Rite, the Prayer Over the Gifts, which immediately precedes the solemn Eucharistic Prayers themselves, and the Prayer after Communion, which in a sense summarizes alI which has preceded and which seeks the final seal of God's blessing upon the congregation as it de· Turn to Page Thirteen
ful to share in the final phase of t>he Diocesan preparation for Holy Year 1975, a special com· mittee of clergy will assist pastors and priests of the designated churches in planning and conducting appropriate devotions. The Diocesan Holy Year Commission has announced that Father Barry W. Wall of Saint Mary's Cathedral will coordinate Turn to Page Fourteen
St. Lawrence, New Bedford
THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Fall River-..Thurs" Nov. 28, 1974
Apostolic Delegate Praises American Church Concerns
Plan "Dying with '. Dignity" Symposium at Stc>nehill ,
EASTON-The Stonehill Col- . The pack¢t will bemailed.to lege Institute of Justice and each 'reg~strant. . Registrations Peace will present a symposium may be made by contacting the on the topic of "Dying With college's Conferences and InstiDignity" at 8 p.m., Wednesday, tutes Division at 238-2052 (Ext. Dec. 4, in the college's Heming- 258) betw~en 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. way Theater. The Institute of Justice and The . symposium will explore Peace at Stonehill College was the' legal and ethical issues in- established' with a grant from volved in the so-called! "Living the DeRan~e Foundation of MilWill," a legal declaration in waukee, Wisc. The institute which an individual states his brings to the liheral arts college preference to be allowed to die men and wbmen of noted dedicaand not be kept alive by arti- tion to the'advancement of jus. ficial means or heroic measures tice and pJace. , I . if there is no reasonable expectaI tion of recovery from physical or mental disability. Music~I Speakers Among the speakers wili be State Rep. John S. Ames of SPtRINGF]IELD (NC) - "Musil: Easton, who has proposed "Livis absolutely necessary for woring- Will" legislation in the Masship," said IFather Clarence Rivsachusetts legislature. ers, the bl~ck Cincinnati priest Also participating will be who has pioneered the introducGeorge J, Annas, the Director tion of Afro-American culture of Boston University's Center for into' Catholic worship. Law and Health Sciences, He is "In wors~ip we try toreac:l. a graduate of Harvard Law beybnd the, limitations of the School and the Harvard School here and now. We must use po· of Public Health wh2re he was I etry to express th e 'mexpresa Joseph ·P. Kennedy Foundation sible," Father Rivers said. fellow in Medical Ethics and Hu- , Father Rivers conducted a man Rights. A lecturer in Legal three-day rtlUsic workshop at Medicine at -Boston College Law Holy Rosary parish here. The School, Annas is also editor of priest, who IS director of the deMedico!egal New~. 'partment of: culture and worship The panel wlil also include Dr. of the National Office' for Black Edwin H. Cassem, the Director Catholics, taught parishioners of Residency Training (Psychia- his Afro-Artterictan style of try) at Massachusetts General .musiC 'andled the singing at a Hospital and Supervisor of Pas- Mass concelebrated by Archbishtoral. Encounters. with. the Dis- 'op .' Thomas I J. McDonough of abledand Dying at Youville Re- Louisville, Ky., and Father Edhabilitation and Chronic Dis- ward Bramih, the first black ease Hospital, Cambridge. priest ordain:ed for the Louisville There is no charge for the archdiocese. • . symposium. However, particiFather Ri~ers'is the ,author of pants are requested to register , a 'number of pieces of liturgical i in advance in order to receive music distributed by Stimuli, a packet of readings relating to Inc., of whic'h he is president. the concept of the "Living Will."
Mt. Carmel, New Bedford Necessary ~or Worship Diocesan
Monogram Dal!'lcC!' The Monogram Club of Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton, will sponsor a Thanksgiving dance from 8 to 1 Saturday night, Nov. 30 at the school auditorium. Music will be by the Ed Mello Orchestra and a buffet supper will be served. Co-chairmen are Charles Sault and D~>n aId Rose, aided by a large committee.
Continued from Page One characteriz·ing the preparation of the Church-reconciliation of man with Almighty God, with his brothers and sisters, a'1d with his own heart and soul, together .with that renewal which is t.he fruit of reconciliation--are deeply woven into the very fabric of the Advent Season. The extension of the privileges of participation in Holy Year preparatory activities which Bishop Cronin announced is pre-' cise;y to enahle Diocesan Faithful a greater opportunity to share in the rich spiritual benefits of t.'e special season of grace: It will be recalled that during the previous part of the time of preparation in the Diocese, the Cathedral in the See City has served as the focal point for the participation of the People of God. Thus, during the
DEC. 6
DEC. 8 Rev. John F. Broderick, 1940, Pastor, St. Mary, South Dartc mouth
Funet:al Home
1521 North Main Street Fall River, Mass.
123 Broadway
Raymond R. Machado Arthur R. Machado
Second Class Postage Paid at Piv~r. Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall Rliver, M3SS. 02722 by the Catholic Pre~s of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, po~tp~;d $5.00 per year.
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t SATURDAY IS SHRINE DAY AT THE CATHEDRAL Masses: 8:00 a.m., 12:05,4:00 and 5:30 p.m; Expositiolll of the Most Blessed Sacrament: 11 :00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.
l\1anuel Rogers &, Sons
DEC. 8 Edward L. Killigrew, 1959, Pastor, St. Kilian, New Bedford
Knowledge Knowledge provides more of a help toward godliness than does bea~ty, or strength of the body, or wealth. -Erasmus
Turn to Page Three
-Rev. Joseph L. Cabral, 1959, Pastor, Our Lady of Angels, Fall River Rt. Rev. John H. Hackett, 1966, Chancellor of, Fall River Diocese, June-Dec. 1966
he would meet "a great number of active lay men and women, thoroughly dedicated to Christ and His Church." "I confess that the reality is far above my expectation," Arch· bishop Jadot. said. Noting that "the involvement of the laity in the total life of the Church raises some delicate problems," he said that we <:an not expect answers to ,them "without that learning that comes from experiences." In particular, he said, "bishops, priests and lay people all have to learn how to make pastoral and parish councils work." Commenting on priestly formation in the United States, Archbishop Jadot calIed for a greater emphasis on theology .and philosophy in seminary training. "We .need priests," he said, "with a deep theological culture, acustomed to serious thinking, trained to grasp not only. the 'how' but even more the 'why' of human events in the light of revelation." "A solid ~rounding in philosophy," he added, "is required for the development of the ability to make a critical evaluation of the discoveries' in the natural and social sciences."
WASHINGTON (NC) - Praising what he called the growing concern of the American Cath. olic Church with internatio~al social justice, Archbishop Jean Jadot, apostolic delegate in the United States suggested that "the ministry of justice must also be directed to social, political and economic leaders-to those who themselves do not suffer injustice or who may be the cause of the sufferings of others." "Perhaps, he continued, "we need a special pastoral approach toward those who are privileged because of their wealth, educa.Hon, culture and influence." He made his remarks Nov. 18' at the annual general meeting of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB).Commenting on what he has seen of the Ame:rican Church in a little more than a year here, he said that "the most encouraging impression" he has received· come from letters from "priests, Religious and laity in response to our inquiries conicerning the selection of bishops." In almost every letter, he said, "the same desin~ is expressed, but perhaps most vividly by lay people and Sisters 'We need a bishop who is a man of God.' " He also said that he was "deeply impressed" with the Catholic laity in this country. The' apostolic delegate said that when Pope Paul VI receiVed him in audience in July 1973 before his departure for Washington, he told him that in America
Confessions: 11:00 a.m. until 3:15 p.m.
32 St9res un Southeastern Ma~sachusetts
Devotions: Rosary and Benediction 3:15 p.m.
iOPEN DAILY 8 a.m.· 9 p.m.
The Holy Year Prayer will be recited during Advent in preparation for the Holy Year
Indulgence 'of. Holy Year -
The following Decree, promulgated in Rome 011 September 24, 1973, by the Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary, determines the spiritual works which are necessary to gain "The Gift of the Indulgence" in the various dioceses of the Universal Church on the pccasion of the Holy Year.
The Cardinal President of the Central Committee for the Holy Year has asked this Sacred Apostolk Penitentiary to determine what spiritual works are necessary to gain "the gift of the Indulgence," which the Holy Father has promised to reinforce the spirit of reconciliation and renewal, which are the characteristics of this Holy Year. Charged by the Sovereign Pontiff, the Sacred Penitentiary grants that, from the First Sunday of Advent of this year until the day when the Holy Year is solemnly initiated in Rome, the faithful of the individual local Churches can gain: 1. The Plenary Indulgence, in the times to be decided by the Episcopal ,Conferences, if they go on a pious pilgrimage to the cathedral church, or also to other churches determined by local Ordinary, in which a solemn community function is held; 2. The Plenary Indulgence, likewise in times to be decided by the Episcopal Conferences, if gathered in groups (for example, families, school pupils, workers, employees and professional workers, pious associations), they visit the cathedral or other
churches 'designated by the Ordinary, and remain there in pious meditation for a suitable time, concluding the visit with the recitation or singing of the Lord's Prayer and the Creed and with the invocation to the Blessed Virgin. 3. The Plenary Indulgence 'if, prevented by sickness or any other serious cause, they join spiritually in Ithe pious pilgrimage, offering to God their prayers and sufferings.
Continued from Page Two Now, with lihe designation of special centers in all sections of the Diocese, the availability of the Indulgence is aU the more
broadly dispersed. "Pilgrimage churches" have been selected for their central and' convenient location and for their size. Several are venerable "mother churches" in the regions which they will serve. The designation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in New Bedford as a "pilgrimage church" is motivated by the deLenten Season, throngs from all parts of the Diocese came to special devotions, to join in dedication to the ideals recommended by the Holy Father and to gain the Holy Year, -Indulgence. sire to make services and devotions in the Portuguese language available in a convenient manner for the large number of Diocesan ,residents who are more comfortable in using their native language.
As regards the diocese of Rome, which should brightly be ' ,in this matter an example and stimulus for other ecclesial The Diocesan Holy Year Comcommunities, the same Sacred mittee, headed by Reverend Penitentiary decrees that· the Monsignor Luiz G. Mendonca, times and ways to gain the pastor of Mount Carmel Parish aforesaid 'Plenary Indulgence shall be determined by the Car'St. Francis, Hyannis in New Bedford and' one of the dinal Vicar General of Rome. Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary. . Rome, from the Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary, 24 $eptember PATERSON (NC)-What char- morality." 1913. acteristics do people look for in Somewhere in between were /s/ G. Sessolo a· priest? "warm person," "good liturgist" Regent If you ask the priests them- and "kind confessor." Grand Penitentiary selves, 'the first answer you'll get "It was satisfying to see /s/ G. Card. Paupini ' is "a man of God," according to where the emphasis was placed," an informal survey completed said Father Mark Giordani, who recently by the Paterson dioc- coordinated the survey with esan priests' senate. Not far be- Father Louis Holteroff. , The s\lrvey came abqut through A Vatican spokesman said hind were "a m~n of prayer" and .NOY. 8 the 'new head of the ,Pol- a "community' builder," wnile thesenil,te's Role of the 'Priest ish delegation, ~azimierz Szab- far down ,the line"w,ere '.'author.- Goinm1itee:',whi~h, was asked' to lewski,. would arrive in Rome to iity figure"'a'rid""final judge'of ~urvey' p~iests in the' diocese 'in take up his position "within the next few days." .Creation of these permanent work groups has been Th~s free booklet tells agreed upon; in a protocol last July. why ~very father
Vicars General of the Diocese, will be assisting clergy of the "pilgrimage churches" in planning and executing special services and devotions during the Advent Season,
LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro
Characteristics People, EX'pect
regard to their financial situation. The committee felt the questionnaire might appear to be too materially oriented if limited to that subject. Twenty - three descriptive phrases were listed for respond· ents to circle-in order of prior-ity-following the opening "I want a priest· to be:, ." Of the 255 active priests in the diocese (excluding Religious);.' 115 'il n· swered the survey:
should'make a will even if he's you~g ,.~lnd healthy!
These are trying days. We've known them before as did our Pilgrim Fathers.' Yet they took time to oHer thanks for scant blessings. May we emulate them again. We do have' ~o much to thank Him for - even in the presence of adversities today.
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itizens FALL RIVER
Diocesan Holy Year Preparation Concludes
Name Permanent Liaison Groups VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Vatican has named Archbishop Luigi Poggi to head its delegation for "permanent work contacts" with Poland's communist government. and stated that Arcb~ishop Poggi's group would be in contact with its Polish counterpart {:ontinuaUy "if not daily."
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 28, 1974
...,. ----------
K of CJubilee
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 28, 1974
In Hyannis
New Year of New Beginni~g'
On Dec. 7
The' Church is a great believer in beginnings. Most Rey. Daniel A. Cronin, There is always an enthusiasm about a beginning. There S.T.D.; Ordinary of the Diocese of Fall River, will be present at is .the inescapable feeling that beginning ~ new page brings the Golden Jubilee celebration with it all the ingredients for something 'newer and better. of'the Father McSwiney Council And so the Church year begins next Sunday. No. 2525 of Hyan.nis scheduled Once again the Church asks us to b~gin again and to for 2:30 on Saturday afternoon, live again God's plan for the salvation of mankind. Dec. 7. In conjunction with the anni· Once. again we are asked to go b~ck into the Old versary a special tribute will be Testament, to become a people sitting in idarkness and the paid to all 50 year members. shadow of death, to instill into ourselves the spirit of longing State Deputy Joseph Arena for the One Who alone can reconcile God and man. ' and other state officers will be present. Of course, we must be convinced th~t there is need of St. Isidore Council reconciliation. And so there mu'st be the realistic appraisal The Ladies Auxiliary Council of one's life and the truthful evaluation of what is there, No, 4373, Mattapoisett, will all the plus and minus qualities, all the positives and negasponsor a Ch-ristmas Party at 7 tives, all that needs encouraging and all that calls for o'clock on Saturday night,. Dee. 7 in the council home. Tickets transformation. ' are $3 per person and there will If there is the complacent acceptance of what one is be a one dollar gift exchange. without healthy criticism and the desire ;for change, then The affair will consist of a pot the beginning of a new Church year will mean little or luck supper, an orchestra proI . nothmg. i viding music for dancing and the If there is the conviction that there is rteed of reconciliascrving of refreshments during the dance period. tion-in areas of one's life great or smallt-then there will, The Christmas party for chil· be the acceptance of the first week of Adv¢nt with expectadren will be held on Sunday tion, with resolution, with enthusiasm to; get on with the afternoon, Dec: 15 in the council work of letting Christ be born more fully :Within oneself. home. It is necessary to inform the committee of the number This is what a new Church year brihgs with it. And I of ch-:Idren planning to attend in all the more now since the year is a Hqly y,ear, a year HOLY YEAR WINNER: This is the Holy Year symbol . order that sufficient refreshments of special effort toward reconciliation-ofI man with God, chosen by the diocese of Cheyenne, Wyo., from entries in and gifts will be available. of man to man. ': Buzzards Bay a contest held last month. Steve R. Rodriguez of St. Joseph Bishop Daniel F. Feehan Coun· Parish, Cheyenne, created the design which will be used cil, No. 2911, Knights of Colum· in the Wyoming Register. Father Philip Colibraro, editor, Call to Holiness bus has named Brothers Steven-, All too often--and how human this is,--':'~eople would like praised the symbol for its "definite western flavor." NC son and Santos to the scholar· ship committee in order to in· to have instant solutions or unusual ans~ers to persistent Photo. prob~ms.
But, human nature being, what it is, such is usually not the case. '. ,',' . ' '.:,,'. - '' ' " . , j. . ,'" The meeting of the nation's Bishop$ in Washington , points this up. Many people feel that the practice of religion is not what it was or should be. They! seek for quick answers. If they were told to do something unusual they would listen with rapt, attention. But the l, answer now is what the answer has always been. The practice of religion is based on faith-on the acceptance of God and the things of God as the beginning and the goal and the means. There is no substitute f9r sanctity. A person must be, utterly committed to the fact that his perfectionl is the purpose of his life and in the process of becoming petter he fulfills himself naturally and supernaturally and rpakes better the community in which he lives. ' There are no short cuts, no ea'sy sol~tions, no quick
The elements that have always been ithe basics of a spiritual-a Godly-life are still called for: prayer or communication between God and oneself; meditation or the reflection upon spiritual values so that the:se, form and .inform one's life and thinking and acting; sacrifice or a certain measure of asceticism so that one does hot become enmeshed in things but is able to' live in the higher realms of I one's nature. ! And this is what the Bishops called ~m Ca.tholics to show forth in their lives·-to live their Faith in an efficacious' way by becomong holy, by taking the means of holiness, by accepting the grace that God holds out, by forming with GOd'S, help the more perfect image of Christ within ~neself.
@the ANCHOR .
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER QF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The CCltholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue , Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. GENERAL MANAGER FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Sha:loo, M.A. Rev. Msgr. John 1. Regan ASSISTANT MANAGERS ' Re'l. John P. Driscoll •Rev. John R. Fo!ster
".mo: leary
Pres~-Fall Riv~;
Prayer For Th'e Holy 'Year When recited in public, communal circumstances, the Holy Year Prayer takes on the character of the General Inter~ cessions or Prayer of the Faithful, with the versicle and response added to each element. LORD GOD AND FATHER. In the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, you Son, you willed to reconcile all mankind to yourself and so to reconcile men with each other in peace. Hear the prayer of your people in this year of 'grace and salvation. Versicle: Lord in your mercy or Versicle: Lord hear us. or Versicle: Lord, have mercy.
Response: Hear. our prayer. Response: Lord, graciously, hear us. Response: Lord, have mercy.
Let your Spirit of life and holiness renew us in the depths of our being; unite us throughout our life to the risen Christ; for he is our Brother and Savior. (Versicle and Response are repeated.) With all Christians we seek to follow the way of the Gospel. Keep us faithful to the teaching of the Church and alive to the :needs of our brottie::-s. Give us strength to work for reconciliation, unity and peace. (Versicle and Response are repeated.) May those who seek the God they do not yet know discover in you the source of light and hope; may those who work for others find strength in you; may those who know you ~eek even fU,lther and ex· perience the depths of your love. (Versicle and Resp~nse are repeated.)
Fo~give us our sins; deepen our faith; kindle our hope and enliven our h~arts with love for our brothers. May we walk in the footsteps of Christ as your beloved sons and daughters. (Versicle and Response are repeated.) With C1e help of Mary, our Mother, may your Church be the sign and sacrament of salvation for all men; that the world may believe :in your love and your truth. (Versicle and Response are repeated.)
Father, of your great goodness, hear in the words of your people the prayer of the Spirit to the praise of your glory and the salvation of men. (We make our prayer) through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, the Way, the Trilth and the Life, for ever and ever. Ame.n. The Holy Year Prayer is recommended for recitation in homes, families, schools and classrooms, religious houses and countles~ similar places and circumstances. When used as a private prayer, the Versicle and Response are omitted and the final prayer, the simple conclusion is used: Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
vestigate the needs and requirements of the local schools. The Score Club Dinner and Drawing will be held on Saturday, Dec. 14. Proceeds will 'be use:! for the upkeep and loan . payment of the,new addition.
Nursing Homes Continued from Page One Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 22nd - Sacred Heart ,Home, New Bedford; Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River On these special days, chaplains serving at the homes identified above wi.1I coordinate appropriate programs fqr the benefit of residents and patients, reli· gious and lay people serving on . the. respective s~affs, and visitors and friends who will be present. The Diocesan Holy Year Com' mission, of which Reverend Monsignor Luiz G. Mendonca is the Chairman, will be assisting chaplains and religious superiors in ,each of the Diocesan homes 'in planning for the devotions and services. With' its network of magnificent facilities for the care of the elderly, the Fall River Diocese actua\.ly ranks foremost among dioceses and archdioceses of the United States in accommoda· tions available on the basis of total population. Over nine hun· dred beds are numbered in the homes. The Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm staff the Catholic Memorial Home in Fall River and Our Lady's HaVen in Fairhavel'\. Dominican Sisters of the Presentation staff Marian Manor in Taunton and Madonna Manor in North Attleboro. The "Gray Sisters," the Sisters of Charity of Quebec, staff Sacred Heart Home in New Bedford and Domiriican Sisters, the Servants for Relief of Incurable Cancer, staff the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home in the See City.
THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 28, 1974
Plan to Televise Rite of Opening The Holy Door VATICAN CITY (NC) - The ceremonial opening of the Holy Door at St. Peter's Basilica on Christmas Eve by Pope Paul VI to inaugurate the worldwide Holy Year will be televised globally under the direction of famed Italian motion picture director Franco Zeff.irelli. Although the full rite of the traditional opening of the Holy Door in the main atrium of St. Peter's has not yet been fully worked out, informed Vatican sources have indicated that the inauguration will be "complete· ly modernized" to meet the time limitations and attention nee1s of the modern world. The actual rite of opening the Holy Door, one 'of the five main doors of St. Peter's and the only door which remains closed for the usual 25-year period between Holy Years, has been cut to half an hour for TV viewing. It will begin precisely at 11 :30 P.M. Rome time. The full televised ceremony of Christmas Eve, beginning with the opening of the Holy Door, will also include Solemn Mass in St. Peter's celebrated by the ·Pope on the high altar. The technical details involved in the opening ceremonies are designed to stress the Churoh's openness to the "Reconciliation and Renewal" theme of this Holy Year, probably the last of the 20th century. The Pope will symbolicar~y tap the massive marble door facing onto the atrium or front porch of St. Peter's.
Urges Christians Fast for Hungry
PLANNING THEME AND COLORS FOR BISHOP'S BALL: Studying the theme and color plans for the 20th Annual Bishop's Ball on Jan 10 are: Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. GQmes, pastor' of Our Lady of the Angels Parish, Fall River and diocesan director of the affair; Norman Hathaway of SS. Peter and Paul Parish, Fall. River; Lester Reed, a member .of the Staff at St. Vincent's Home, Fall River; Miss Margaret M. Lahey of St. Mary's Cathedral Parish and chairperson of the committee.
Emphasis ,o,n Papal Colors at Bishop's Ball
The 20th annual Bishop's Charity Ball of the Fall River Diocese to be held at the Lincoln Park Ballroom on Friday, January 10 is in honor of the Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop. of the diocese, now in his fifth year as bishop of the diocese. The color, theme and decorations will commemorate the ob· servance of the Jubilee Holy Year of the Church. The Holy Father Pope Paul VI in his appeal for the wide observance of the Holy Year called for the faithful. of the Church "to attest to a de-. Mass of Christmas sire to remain united in charity The workmen of St. Peter's with God and to make' progress in that charity." With a knock of will have already uncemented the marble facing from its pres- a golden hammer o? Chri~t.mas cnt solid foundations and it will' Eve, Pope Pa~l will offlclally . . open the massive Holy Door of be removed 10" a matter of mm· - St . Pe t er' s BaSI'1'Ica t 0 s t a rt th e utes. Meanwhile the lOner bronze J b'l Y f 1975 door, behind the marble facing, u I ee ear 0 . wi\'1 be swung back to permit the The Ball' committee will en· entry of a liturgical procession. deavor to capture this glorious Taking part in th~ proce!\sion event with a replica of the Holy will be the canons of St. Peter's, Door in the background of the the card·inals present in Rome Bishop's Box. for the event, the diplomatic The color scheme will be the corps and the Pope. Papal colors; white and gold, Television cameras, mainly with the Pope's coat of arms hav· supplied by the Italian Television ing a special location among the Network, RAI, under the direc- decorations. The white and gold tion of Franco Zeffirelli will be colors will be accented with strategically placed in the atrium the use of green decorations and inside the church to catch throughout the Ballroom. More the details of the ceremony than three thousand yards of which will be carried by satel- cloth will be used. Flowers, founlite and other communications tains,. statuary, straw baskets networks throughout the world. and casks will be used to give a When the Pope reaches the Romanesque motif. high altar of St. Peter's, the Beneficiaries The proceeds from this charMass of Christmas will be begun wifh the intonaDion of the Gloria itable event will benefit the ex· in Latin as a sign of the jubila- ceptional and underprivileged tion of both Christians and the children of the southeastern area Holy Year. of Massachusetts of every race, color and creed. Four Nazareth Hall Schools for the exceptional 800,000 Signatures child and four summer camps for On Pro-Life Petition the underprivileged and excepTORONTO (NC) Almost tional children ·are the benefi800,000 signatures have been ciaries of the funds of the Char· collected for Canada's "petition ity Ball. of One Million'< calling for The color and theme committighter abortion laws. . tee is headed by Miss Margaret The pro-life petition began cir- M. Lahey, St. Mary Cathedral culating last December under the parish, Fall River, who has been sponsorship of the Alliance for a member of all the twenty Balls. Life, a nationwide organization In fact, Miss Lahey is the only of pro-life groups. It will be pre- present member of the Commitsented to Prime Minister Pierre tee who has worked with the Ball since its beginning. Among other Trudeau in January.
committee members are Norman Hathaway of Fall River, Lester Reed 'of Portsmouth and John McDonald of Westport. Names for the Charity Ball Booklet may be submitted to the sponsoring groups of the Ballthe Council of Catholic Women and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul-and to the Ball Committee. Tickets are allotted to the sub·
scribers to the Booklet according to the various categories of the Booklet. Persons desiring listing in the Booklet may write or call the Charity Ball Headquarters, 410 Highland Ave., Fall River, Tel. 676-8943. Tickets are obtainable from members of the sponsoring organizations, Ball Com· mittee, Catholic Church rectories, and at Headquarters.
HORRESDON (NC) - A return to the penitential practice' of regular fasting as a Christian response to the current world food crisis was urged on British churches at the first meeting here of the assembly of the restructured British Council of Churches (BCC). The BCC assembly added this cX:~oJrtation to a resolution call· ing on the British and Irish governments to take steps at both national and international levels to ease the situation of the developing countries. The return to fasting had been proposed by the Student CI.ristian Movement. Member churches of the BCC are urged "to utilize the Christian tradition of self·denial, such as regular fasting, in order to express in monetary and physical terms tbzir deep-rooted involvement with their brethren who are dying because of our society's selfishness." Warning the BCC that they could not afford just to make resolutions and shunt the responsibility for action on to governments when the world had only 285 days' supply of grain, the Student Christian Movement delegate said a group of Cambridge University students had begun fasting every ~riday in memory of Christ's deatb. Money they save on lunch and supper goes to a fund for the developing countries, he said.
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il"~ Holds Child-Care
THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Fall River-Jhurs. Nov. 28, 1974 ,
1i:.af1 . A;!~~~R~7~?IA
Ask R,eaders' Shar~, Hi'nts
By Joseph and Marilyn Roaerick ,
'I :~~:~~~;:t~:~:?:~~~~::&~di
On Fighting Inflati,on I
of which are Catholic.
Thanksgiving Day and the rush tow~rd Christmas. As I write this we are a week away from Thanksgiving and the fact that Christmas is coming is unbelie~able. But Thanksjust around the giving arrives and suddenly Christmas ' corner. Marilyn beg ins and let us :know how they are worrying about gifts and the fighting inflation; especially at hectic pace of Christmas this time of (he year when holshopping begins; the chil- iday buying: and celebrating put·
In New Yor·k state, voluntary agencies, mostly religious, pro" vide the major portion of ser· vices to children who need res· idential care in institutions, fos· ter homes, or adoptive homes. New York law provides that a child's religion shall be taken into account whenever possible 'in child placement.
dren prepare for Advent and be fore one knows it, it is time for the endless round of' Cl:iristmas parties. I enjoy this season because, fortunately for me, my wife makes Christmas her affair. She has long since stopped coming to me for suggestions about gifts or decorating the house. She as, sumes responsibility for the holidays, and I have little to do but enjoy the whole process with just a touch of guilt. So Much Work I am tempted from time ·to
such a terrific strain on everyone's· budget. While wei have our own ways of cutting <;Iown (none seeming to work too effectively) people with larger !families and smaller incomes th~n mine have to be much more clever and. we certainly would like to share any of your tips! with the other peapie' !!cross t!;te diocese. Spiritual Emphasis I It is going to be difficult to keep the Christmas spirit in the holidays thi$ year, but perhaps , ,you're planning to cut down on time to tell her to relax and let commercialiJmand emphasize me carry the burden but I know that sh'e would never trust my the spiritual.. If you'd like to 'share your thoughts on this subjudgment. It is all so much work! 'ject with us! please write to us the cards that have to be se· , 1 . lected as if everyone 'who re- in care of Tile Anchor. Another .request to o,ur readceives, one is carried away in ers is for some holiday recipes ecstacy; the carefully chosen for a Christmas feature. I've aigifts that are meant to show you ready been I,promised some by care; the concern about the house as if everyone who enters friends but I I would certainly is aware of all the labor that appreciate contribution's from has been done in prepartion for our readers lin' all parts of the ! , , h diocese. visitors; t e endless cooIcing to D' h'h' 'II h feed people who have had too. : eS~lte I~ ,pnces Lstl, ave' much to eat and would' prefer; - faith. m ~he, resourcefulness of .' . t~:l' Amencan won~an'd and her nothing at all. All of this makes for a great ~ J It~ to turr out oII ay goo~ deal of frenzied activity over les Without t?O much of a stram which i have, no control and to on ~he bu?g~t., . which I serve merely as an on~ e re~lpe1 for ~hese delIcious looker. From this vantage point ,apr,lcot squares IS from M~s. it is great fun, but [ often won- ,J.osep"h (M.ary>. Krupa o.f St. Wilder why people put themselves lIam s parIsh ~m Fall River. Apri<;ot Squares. through so much for so little that is truly of value. I Y2 P'; cup) sticks of marga., But things' won't change, so rine., gentlemen, join me in, enjoying I ,cup sugar (ouch!) the whole Christmas process. 2 cup!' flour Put up a few lights' and the : pinch ?f salt Christmas tree; make an occa1,Y2" cups c9 coan ut Y2 teaspoon baking soda ;;ional drink for your wife and 'j' h [ . d nuts put on 10 pounds. ',4 cup c oppe In The Kitchen I jar apricot preserves, ' One of tne nicest things about I) Mix to,~ether sugar;~ flolJrr writing a column is that you salt and bakmg soda. , 2) Cut sho~tening into dry in· become friends with so miiny' wonderful people. Whilei~ isn't' gredients, thell mix in cocoanut possible to 'm'eet all the intere,st- . and nuts. Resfrve 2 cups of the, ing people. who have read our mixture', press,ing remainder into columns in ,The Anchor over the' the bottom of' a well-greased 9 . past 10 years; both Joe and I feel by 9 inch pan. 1 that we ani talking to thtml' '3) Bake the! base mixture in a: every time we sit down at the ,400 oven forl·l.O minutes, 4) Re~ove trom oven, spread typewriter. . This time, though, I would like the jam over: all, then sprinkle to turn the tables a bit and ask the remaining 12 cups of mixture some of our readers to write in over all. i , 5) Bake in 'a lowered '(300") Oven 25 minut~s more. ; Queen's Daughters 6) Cool and cut into s'quares. 0
Plan Noel Party The Queen's Daughters of Taunton will hold their annual Christmas Party at 8:15 on Mon· day night, Dec. 2 in St. Mary's School Auditorium. After a business session the Taunton Civic Chorus under the direction of David Wilkinson will entertain. Mr. and Mrs. John Levls of Attleboro will explain the Birthright Program. ' Chairman for the evening is Miss Adrienne Lemieux.
'f.he federal court, the U. S. District Court for the Southern -District of New York, held that the state regulati.ons constitute ·a "fair and reasonable accommo· dation" between two' clauses of the U. S. Constitution's Fir:;t Amendment, one forbidding Con· gress to establish a religion as the nation's official religion, and the other guaranteeing free exercise of religion.
judge federal court here has up",
JUBILARIANS HONORED BY PROGRAM: Sr. James Agnes Whelan,Sr. JC?sephine Priscilla Whiting and Sr. Agnes Jerome Kenrieywere honored through the dedication of the program sponsored on Nov. 17 by the Friends ' of the Holy Union of the Sacred Hearts.
Years in the Education Apostolate Given'Recognition in' Progra~ , Three H'oly Union Sisters are marking 'their golden anniver. saries in the religious life this year. They are Sister Josephine Priscilla, Sister Agnes Jerome and Sister James Agnes, all of whom have taught in schools of the Fall River diocese as well as in other areas where their community c~rries out its apostolate of ed:.ICatlOn. Sis~er Josephine Priscilla, a na· lice of Upton, Mass., entered the. Holy Union Congregation on March 4, 1924. During her career as a religious teacher she taught at Sacred Hearts Elementary Academy; St. Michael's and Sacred Heart. parish schools, Fall River; Patchogue, New York; 'Mon Louis, Alabama; $wedes-' boro, New Jersey; Astoria, New' York; St. Anthony's and St. Jo· seph's, Taunton. At present she resides at St. Anthony's Convent, Taunton, and although reo tired from active teaching, is ever busy with various kinds of' needlework.
The New York Civil Liberties Union and the Legal Aid Society brought the suit last year against 77 child-care agencies, including 33 Catholic agencies. The plain· tiffs contended that the child· care system in New York state . was unconstitutional because it discriminated against black Prot· estant children. '
communi:ty June '27, 19~4. She has carried (jut ~ei' apostolate in Baltimore, Maryland; Mon Louis, New York City; Portsmouth, Rhode Island; Sacred Heart, Taunton, and St. Mary, Taunton. At the present time she is the librarian at St. Mary Primary School, Taunton. Last June a parish celebration was held in her honor in St. Mary's Church; Taunton.
Life ,Live as though every day was your last - and someday you will be right. -Anon.
does make a difference"
Sister James Agnes, a native of Limerock, Rhode Island, entered the Congregation of the 'Sisters of the 'Holy Union on December 31, 1924. She taught at Immaculate Conception and St. Mary, Taunton; Baltimore; Havre de Grace, Maryland;' Sa· cred Heart, Fall River, and Holy Name, Fall River. At present she does tutorial. work in reading at ,Holy Name School, Fall River. . Our experience II your luarantee
Attention: Brides-To-Be Perfect .. Happy LIvelY Reception
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Last March a parish celebra· . tion w~s held at St. Anthony's Church, Taunton, commemorating her' golden anniversary as . a religious. Sister Agnes-Jerome, a native of Randolph, Mass., entered the
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THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 28, 1974
Bobbie Gives Lov,e t·o All When She Att,e,nds .Mass Taking my little retarded daughter, Bobbie, to Mass, is quite an experience, There are times when I'm afraid she's annoying the people near us with here fidgeting. There are times when I feel they've shared deep love becau.se she was there. And I always feel I've been to Mass with a up your hearts," and she's al• ready in my arms, there's special little angel . , .with her halo meaning in the response, "We slightly askew. Bobbie loves have lifted them unto the Lord." people ... and can't keep that love contained in proper, adult behavior. So she waves to everyone ... little impy waves with
the back of her hand presse:l up against her nose. ,she feels the sign of peace is the happiest part of the Mass. She can freely grasp someone's hand and share all the joy within her. She has such a charm, such a winning smile, that even the staunchest anti-sign-of-j:>eacers are unfrozen a bit. Love Me? Bobbie has no reservations about throwing her arms around my neck, giving me a hug that takes my breath away, and ask, ing, "Love me?" Her biggest problem with Mass is that she gets sleepy, especially if a homily runs long and dry. She starts by leaning against my arm. Her head slips down as she starts to doze. Unable to get quite comfortable, she crawls into my lap, curls her head into my shoulder and goes sound asleep. This would be okay except that she has a congenital respiratory problem. When Bobbie sleeps, she snores. . . loud enough to be heard several pews away. ,People turn around to see what the disturbance is, and generally smile with a wistful indication they wish they had her lack of inhibitions. She's still quite short, even though she's eight years old. When everyone stands at Mass, she can't see a thing. She immediately asks to be picked up. When the priest .prays, "Lift
Wanted Blessing In preparation for her First Communion, I started taking Bobbie up to the altar rail with me. It takes a long time to teach her anything, and I felt the gradual training that she belonged at the Communion rail would be valuable. A young priest who has worked with her CCD class always stops for her, lays his hand on her head and prays, "Bless this child." She mimics my receiving ... but has been content with his blessing. The other Sunday, a priest who d,idn't know her was distributing Communion. I indicated that she couldn't receive, so he simply skipped her. She ducked under the altar rail and started after him. Grabbing the tail of her coat, I hauled her back. She pulle:l away from me, and sat down in the middle of the aisle, absolutely indignant. "HE FORGOT ME!" She reluctantly returned to the pew with me', pouting over the injustice. Her sulking lasted about two minutes ... until the usher came for the collection. As he handed me the plate, she took his hand, kissed it, and whispered, "Peace." Most of us love ushers when they find a seat for us in a crowded church. How many love them when they pass the plate? From the sparkle in his eyes, I guess the only one is a little retarded angel ... with a halo slightly askew from having just crawled under the altar rail to go after her blessing.
Texias Baptists Oppose Abortion AMARILLO (NC)-The Texas Southern Baptist Convention, the largest stelte convention of the 12.2-million member Southern Baptist denomination, unanimously passed a resolution abhorring "the widespread practice of abortion, its commercializa· tion, and exploitation by irre· sponsible abortion advocates." The resolution was introduced by the Rev. Robert Holbrook, na· tional coordinator of Baptists for Life, and the Texas Christian Life Commission waS supportive of the resolution. The resolution said the Jan. 22. 1973, U.S. Supreme Court deciion overturning most state restrictions on abortion "has made difficult the legal protection of the unborn, and made their deaths possible up to the time of birth." The resolution blamed "selfish sin" for "the taking of many innocent lives simply because they are unwanted" and said the "same ethic, whoich is totally situational, today appeals for abortion as simply another birth control option and also advocates taking of other human lives in HOSPITALRECIPIENT OF SPECIAL GIFTS: Proceeds a blatant violation of the Chrisfrom annual Candlelight Ball amounting to $10,000 and the tian concept of the sanctity of proceeds of $2,000 from St. Anne's Hospital Gift Shop are life." The resolution recognized "that presented to Sr. Jean Marie, O.P., administrator of the Fall distress, unusual circumstances River Hospital by Mrs. James A. Sabra, left, chairman of. surrounding rape, incest, and certhe ball and Mrs. Emile T. Ouellette, right, Gift Shop vol- tain other pregnancy complicaunteer. tion!: exist."
Dr. Christin Named Marymount President
TARRYTOWN (NC)-Dr. Robert E. Christin, who founded the federal government's Upward Bound Program for disavantaged high school students at 300 colleges, has been named seventh president of Marymount College here in New York. Christin, a 53-year-old native of <Detroit who had been president of St. Norbert College in De Pere', Wis., from 1969 until Abortion on Demand he left this year to do consultant work, will take office a't Mary~ Rejected Norway OSLO (NC)-By a single vote mount Jan. 1, said the chairman the Norwegian parliament re- of the board of trustees, Robert jected a Labor government bill E. Ix. for abortion on demand. In a luncheon talk here, ChrisPrime Minister Tryggve Brat- tin indicated his familiarity with teli said after the 78-77 decision the problems of Marymount, a Nov. 1 that his g~vernment 66-year-old liberal arts college would present a new bill as soon for women which was founded as possible to relax the present by the Religious of the Sacred law. Heart of Mary. The outcome in parliament' The college now has a predomwas unsure until the last mo- inantly lay' board of trustees, but ment. 19 Sisters remain on the faculty The governing Labor party of 77. was supported by the Socialist Marymount's enrollment has Union, but one of the Socialist dropped from a high of 1,100 deputies, Otto Hauglin, voted in 1972 to 904 now. The college's against the bill. All the non- . director of public information Socialist parties voted against, said, however, that applications although some membe'rs of the are 40 per cent higher this year Conservative party did so only than last and transfer 25 per cent higher. out of party discipline.
ESTATES/FALL RIVER In the fashionable section of Fall River The Flatley Company has created the most beautiful of the renowned Royal Crest Estates. . Swimming, tennis, billiards, table tennis, saunas, a steam room, an exercise room, squash and handball courts plus a 3 hole gol~ course with a separate putting green will be just part of the features in the $200,000 clubhouse for residents only and, which membership is included in the rent.
The apartments at Royal Crest are beautiful. Two bedroom deluxe apartments feature wall-to-wall carpeting, spacious rooms with walk-in closets, color coordinated baths, private balconies, air conditioning, sound conditioning and, in the kitchens, color coordinated refrigerators, dishwasher and, range featuring gas for the cook of the house to prepare the finest gourmet meals. Hot water and gas heat are also featured. Security is of major benefit at Royal Crest Fall River. An intercom security system and fire detection system have been installed for your protection. Model apartments are open from 10 to 6 daily and Sunday.
675-1355 Take Route 24 south to Highland Avenue and a left at Courtney Street. Heading north, take Route 24 to the airport exit, and re-enter to Route 24 south to Highland Avenue and a left at Courtney Street. Built & Managad NATURALL Y by
\f) THEBf~l~~Xs~~NY
THE ANCHOR·Thurs., Nov. 28, 1974
United States Divorce -Rate Rises Sharply WASHINGTON (NC) - The American divorce rate rose· as much in the period 1970·1974 as it did in the whole decade of the 1960's, according to a U. S. Census Bureau report. The higher divorce rate was l'vcn greater among those under 45. the report said. The report cited an estimate, by the National Center for Health Statistics that 925,000 people were divorced in the year prior to March, 1974, an increase of some 200,000 over the pre\'ious year. The report also found that more young people-those under 35-are remaining single. Partly as a result of these two trends, the percentage of house/ holds headed by "primary indi\'iduals"-persons who maintain their own homes while living alone or with non-relatives-has risen to 46 per cent, an increase of about 25 per cent since 1970. There' were about 2.3 million men and 3.6 million women who were divorced and not remarried 'in'the U. S. in 1974, aecording to the report. This represents 63 divorced persons for every 1,000 persons who were partners in intact marriages in thiJ same year. The rate was 47 per 1,000 in 1970 and 35 per 1,000 in 1960, the report said., . The ratio for' those' under' 45 was 66 per 1,000 in 1974 cam.pared to 30 per 1,000 in I 96~. 0
Heads of Households There were 49 'divorcE'd men per 1,000 married men in 1974 and 77 divorced women per 1,000 married in 1974. The rate was 58 per 1,000 for whites and 112. per "1,000 for blacks and members of other races, the report said. Eighty-one, per cent of divorced women and 61 pE'r cent of divorced men were heads of households, the report said, but four times as many women wert' heads "of households which included children or other relaUves. The percentage of persons under 35 who are single has increased sharply, while the percentage of those over 35 has decreased sharply, according to. the report. . In 1974 54.8 per cent of the men under 35 and 44.5 per cent of the women who had never been married, compared to 50.7 and 37.6 per cent, respectively, in 1960. The greatest difference was an 11.2 per cent increase of single' women aged 20-24.
Retired to Azores, Santo Christo .Pastor Sehds Greetings to Dio'cesan Friends
Committee Asks Bishops' Pastoral
CHARLOTfE (NC) The Catholic Committee of AppalaIn 1960 the pastor was trans- chia (CCA) at its annual meeting Greeting~ to his many friends ferred to Santo Christo Church, here voic~d strong support of a in the Fall River diocese have where he headed the parish until proposed pastoral letter' by the been sent from Ponta Delgada, his retirement. St. Michael, Azores by Rev. bishops of the region on the In 1956 he was awarded the subject of powerlessness in ApArthur C. idos Reis, pastor· of Military Order of Christ by the palachia. Santo Christo Church, Fall government of Portugal in recogRiver, for '12 years before his More than 90 participants, innition of his outstanding work cluding field workers, Religious, retirement in 1972. . among Portuguese immigrants' bishops and priests heard Bishop Owen T.!McGowan of St. -!o: to the FalI ~iver diocese. Michael J. Begley of Charlotte, seph's parish, Fall River, in Pon· ' N. C., chairman of the CCA, Devout Catholics ta Delgada ;to complete research assure the group of positive refor a docto~al dissertation on ed· McGowan commented on the sponses by many bishops to the ucation of: immigrant <;hildren. strong faith displayed by Azoproposed pastoral. said that Father dos Reis heard reans, most of whom are Cathof his arridl in the city and im"As soon as we hold a hearing olics. He said that daily Masses mediately offered him his assis· are thronged and, contrary to for the industrial and managetance. I U. S. experience. the practice of ment people and the bishop:; confession has not fallen off. have an opportunity to complete McGowari visited the retired Long lines at confessionals are their individual critiques," Bish· pastor's hofue and reports that 01' Begley 'said, "we will ask fOl~ commonplace, he noted. he is happily established in. a signatures and approval of the sma II house ion Rua Sta. Caterina 'final draft." in Ponta De/gada, where he does Academy Observes The final draft is proposed to his own cooking and cleaning be presented. to all 45 bishops and tends ~ flourishing flower Marconi Centenary of the Appalachian region during garden. I VATICAN CITY (NC)-The FATHER dos REIS the annual bishops' meeting later Pontifical Academy of Sciences Holding a place of honor in this month in Washington. Father dos iReis' liVing room is Padua as pastor, remaining commemorated the centenary of Appalachia has been defined a smalI altar at which' he cel- there 22 years, then assuming the birth of Italian inventor by Congress as including all of ebrates daily Mass, said Mc- the pastorate of St. Michael's, Guglielmo Marconi at the Vat- West Virginia and parts of Ala· Gowan. He is in excellent health where he served five 'years, duro ican Nov. 13, in the presence o~ bama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryand enjoys daily walks in and ing that time supervising con· Pope Paul Vol. land, Mississippi, New Yorlc, about the ci,ty, as welI as visits struction of a new school buildThe ceremony, held in the North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylfrom many of his relatives. Synod HalI, was also attended vania, South Carolina, Tennessee ing, still in us.e today. . ! by the Cardinals present in and Virginia. Recalls Old Times Rome, the diplomatic corps ac. Several community workers Father dJs Reis reminisced Cathol'ic Population credited to the Vatican, and sur- expressed concern that the bishwith McGo~a~ about his 46 678 Million in 1972 viving meinbers of the inventor's ops would give preferential years in Fali -River. Born in the family, including his widow, chil- treatment to management. VATICAN CITY (NC) - The' Azores, 'wh~re he began his Marie Cirillo of the Rural Life Vatican has released statistics dren and grandchildren. studies for }he priesthood, he showing there were 678 million Marconi, who helped Pope Office for the diocese of Nashwas ordaine9 in St. l'ytary's CaCatholics in the world at the end Pius XI establish Vatictan Radio ville, Tenn., suggested permitting thedral, Fall I, River, in 1926. of 19'72. in 1931 after the Vatican became representatives of poor people's I .. , groups to present their' views at ; After a sport 'assignment at This figure represented an in- a sovereign state two years earthe hearing. w,as a member 'of the Ponlier, Holy Family 1Church, East Taun: crease of 25 million over the ton, the rem~inder .of Father dos worldwide Catholic population tif,ical Academy of Sciences, Reis' active \. priestly life was for two years earlier, as pub- from 1936 until his death a year Joins OSV Staff spent in FalI River. He served lished in an earlier edition of the later. HUNTINGTON (NC) - Dale as a curate' :at St. Michael and same Statistical Yearbook of the Addresses were given by Prof. Francis, former editor and pub· Es,irito Sarito churches, then Chur::h. Carlos' Chagas of Brazil, pres- lisher of the National Catholic was named ladmiriistrator, first Th~ yearbook, published by ident of the PontificaJ Academy, Register and nationally syndi.. of St. Anthorty of Padua, then of the Central Statistics Office of and by ~rof. (}iovanni Battista cated columnis't, has joined the Our Lady Of\ Health parish. . the Church, listed 16,951,316 Mariri Bettolo of the medical staff of the national Catholic In 1933 I Father dos Reis Baptisms in 1972.. Prepublication faculty in Rome of the Catholic weekly, Our Sunday Visitor returned to; St. Anthony of ex~racts were released Nov. 14.. University of the Sacred Heart. (OSV) as executive editor.
CI?rist11?8S at La Salette Sl?ril?e is It?Clre tl)a., a display' ()f ligl)ts Christmas at La Salette is a manifestation. of faith in the Christ Child . born amongst us. ~NtA
CHRI"· .
c£LEBRAT'E Christmas illuminations:' Dec'ember 1 to January 1. 5:00 to 9:00 P.M. nitely except Mondays I
Elect Maryknoller MARYKNOLL (NC) - Maryknoll Sister Joan Chatfield was elected vice-president of the Eastern FelIowship of Professors of Missions at the society's an~ ..nual meeting at the MaryknolI Sisters' Center, held here recently. The purpose of the ecumenical society is to promote fellowship, spiritual life and professional usefulness among its membe'rs, who represent mission study centers and missionsending groups located in the eastern United States.
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Pope Paul Asks Catholics Trust In Holy Year vATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul has suggested that reluctance to enter into the spirit of the Holy Year is due to an identity crisis among Catholics. "Happy are those who enjoy normal self-mastery and can. unhesitatingly. undertake the ascetic effort proposed by the Holy . Year program," the Pope told a weekly general audience. "But not all, even in the heart of the Church, are in such a favorable state. It seems that a state of uncertainty, an inner bewilderment, a lack of sureness about one's' own person, prevents an easy and trusting welcome of the Holy Year's spiritual program." The Pope called such uncertainty "a fairly common phenomenon today," and noted that it had been given the name "identity crisis." He said: "When doubt is not simply methodical and hypothetical, that is to say a method of research and a process of reasoning, but rather an internal and pessimistic battle with one's normal certainty, it can become a whirlpool undermining and engulfing the logical and moral fortress of the mind." The Pope said doubt "has become common and even fashionable today." 'Torch in Hand' He said contestation of social structures by today's youth "can perhaps stem fr-om the discovery of the logical weakness of modern lay thought and of authority usurped through false and facile dogmas." He continued: "}<or that reason we now are anxious to recall how contrary to the genius of Catholicism, to the kingdom of God, to indulge in doubt and uncertainty about the doctrine of the Faith. "Faith indeed invites us to a continual and progressive study, but starting from sure truths to arrive at other truths." He called for a restoration of confidence in the meaning of man given Catholics by their faith. With that confidence Catholics can enter the Holy Year "torch in hand, that is .with confidence in ourselves, in who we are, in whence we came and whither we are going."
Native of St. Michael's Parish, Fall River, Publishes Study of Portuguese Pioneers Miss Belmira E. Tavares, a native and lifelong resident of St. Michael's par.ish, Fall River, has written a book on the Portu· guese contribution to American life and culture. Titled "Portuguese Pioneers in tbz United States," it concentra,tes on the New Bedford and Fall River areas. without neglecting such nationally famous men and women of Portuguese descent as John Philip Sousa, "the march king," U.S. Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Cardoso, and author John Dos Passos. A feature of the 180 page book, which took Miss Tavares four years to write, is an indepth study of Portuguese churches in the Fall River diocese. for which Miss Tavares spent many I-.,ours studying parish records. After a chapter devoted· to St. John the Baptist Church, New Bedford, mother church of the Portuguese in the United States, Miss Tavares records the histories of Fall River's seven Portuguese parishe~, including ~nec dotes and biograryhical notes about m.any members of each. Longtime Educator Born in ,Fall River "just prior to the 20th century," Miss Tavares left scbool at age 14 after completing the ninth grade, to work in a cctton mill and aid in supporting her family. Nevertheless, she continued to desire further education and eventually was able to return to high school, graduating in 1919 with honors. the first girl from her parish to complete 'her secondary education. Continuing her education at Pembroke College, Harvard, Columbia University and the universities of Coimbra and Lisbon in Portugal, she earned a master's degree from Columbia and certification as a Portuguese language expert from Coimbra. In the Fall River scbool system. Miss Tavares taught French, Latin and social studies at Morton Junior High School for nearly 30 years, then was named principal, first of the John' J. Doran and then of the Charles V. Carroll elementary school. Meanwhile she was also teaching Por-
lHE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 28, 1974
Cardinal Resigns University Post
deira, Cape Verde and ContinenSANTIAGO (NC) - Cardinal tal Portugal." Raul Silva of Santiago has reHer book has been distributed signed as chancellor of the Caththroughout the country since its olic University of Chile here publication and she has been . after the government-appointed pleased by many comments she rector dismissed two key offi· . has received, including one from cials without consulting him. Dr. Francis Rogers. of Harvard "Under the present circumUniversity, an authority on Por- stances I cannot discharge my tuguese immigrants, who term, duties as chancellor, nor can I it "a gold mine of information." act as the moral authority for Rev. Ernesto Borges, a priest appeals in solving any conflicts of the island of St. Michael, within the university," Cardinal Azores, wrote to her declaring, Silva told faculty members ill "It is replete with much infor- his letter of resignation. mation concerning the economic, The rector, Vice Admiral Jorge family, social and religious life Swett Madge, was appointed at of our people scattered through- the end of last year when the out -the great and powerful Unit- military junta decided to take ed States of America." over all Chilean campuses. He dismissed some time ago Father Anglican Synod Raul Hasbun, who headed the MISS BELMIRA E. TAVARES communications department and Backs Statements LONDON (NC) - The two its powerful television station, tuguese at Brown University and agreed statements on the Eu- Channel 13. during one summer at the Uni- charist and on ministry and orFather Hasbun had been one versity of Hawai'i, and she also dination drawn up by the Angli- •e-f the most outspoken critics of wrote and directed a Portuguese can and Roman Catholic Inter- the Marxist regime of the late correspondence course for the national Commission of Bishops .President Salvador Allende, who state of Massachusetts. was toppled by a military coup and theologians have received Although she retired in 1968, the firm backing of the General in September of last year. Miss Tavares continued to teach Synod of the Church of England, an evening course in 'Portuguese the democratically elected asat Durfee High School. In rec- sembly that is the Church's ognition of her many efforts in "parliament." this field, she was in 1958 named Without any dissenting vote, a "Grand Official ,in the Order the synod welcomed the two , J. TESER, Prop. , of Public InstructIon" by the Por- statements. It commended them : RESIDENTIAL : tuguese government. to the study of the church at : INDUSTRIAL : Peace-Loving People large, "particularly at parochial : COMMERCIAL: Discussing the contribution of level, in the hope that such study ,, 253 Cedar St., New Bedford' her people to America, Miss Ta- will help forward the cause of , 993-3222 , vares notes that Portuguese Christian unity." .~~_.~--"~-~""-"-,_. brought "to these shores' unforThe so-called Windsor agreed gettable traditional customs and statement on the Eucharist was. "Portuguese Pioneers a simple philosopby of life en- published at the end of 1971 and joyed by contented and peace- the Canterbury statement on In The U. 5." . 'loving people of the Azores, Ma· ministry at the end of 1973.
rN~;;i~~H~.~T~~ip~p"·: , , :, SHEET METAL :,
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...................... By
Miss Belmira E. Tavares'
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THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Fall River!Thurs. Nov. 28, 1974
Spark Novel Is Ingenious Duplication of Wbtergate What is she up to this time? Tha< question probably occurs to anyone who is familiar with the work of Muriel Spark when he or she takes up a new n6vel by this author. does the same Miss Spark, unlike most novelists, never , I thing twice'. In her last book, .' The Hothouse by the East begin to blackmail the abbess. I
RIver, the problem for the reader was whether the leading characters were living or dead. A different problem is set by her latest. The Abbess of Crewe (Viking, 625 Madison
. '
They demilnd large sums, of money, which are' delivered surreptitiously~ thanks to the use of diguises, WIgs, and unlikely, drop spots. : The abbe ss also seeks to bring home a nurt who has become famous throligh her international A FAMILY AFFAIR •.. AND THEN SOME: About 150 second and third graders travels in the cause of ecumen- from St. Helen School, Louisville, Ky., take part in the Baptism of Kevin Maticola, whosle ism. The ~un is, for sxample, brcothers, Chris, 8, and Billy, 7, are in those grades. The second graders had been studying working out a modus vivendi bethe sacrament. The children's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Maticola. Father William tween two 'hostile tribes, one of which is c~nnibalistic, the other J. M:artin presides at the ceremony. NC Photo. vegetarian. :She is so busy wi~h her peace~aking that she re.. fuses to ret~rn. Eventually the abbess takes to television to explain away the LOUISVILLE (NC) Kevin day and the "big family" that with "Dear Baby Kevin." One letter said: "I like you. scandal. She does a masterly job, Maticola slept through most of took part in it. Tohat large family-an adopted I hope you will be a son of God. being cool, poised, and marvel.. it, 'Jut one day when he's old ously misl~ading. Her elegant en'Ough, his mother and father one, you might say-c(msisted of I know you will like it. Love, speech on the air gives no hint can tell him about his Baptism second and third graders at St. Kenny." Another, which had a larg.~ of the vulgarisms which she uses . Helen school. They were all in private. ' present last week when one- heart drawn on the cover said: month-old Kevin received the "I hope ·you will have a nice Summone;d to Rome to give an time all your- days." "new life" of Baptism. accounting.: the abbess busies Others said such things as "w.~ Kevin has one brother, Chris, herself with getting out tranwill pray for you and we love who is a third grader, and anscripts of her tape recordings. 8, ST. MARY - OF . THE - WOODS Certain deletions are to be made (NC) - What can women Reli- other brother Billy, 7, who is in you" and "we pray for you. in the transtriPts. This done, she gious do to effect responsible the second grade. So this pro- Jesus loves you and me, too." confidently faces the Roman in- ,chal\ge in the area of world hun- vided one link between Kevin Third graders signed their quiry. and the two grades at St. Helen. names on another card which ger? . But for the second grade, Kev- had written on it, "Welcome to Writes Brilliantly That question was one of the in's Baptism me,ant something God's Family." The. parallels with the Water- main topics discussed by 84 gate affair' are' obvious. There members of the Leadership Con- more. The pupils ,have been Janette Kleusner, one of the: are many m9re of these than' our ference of Women . Religious learning about th~~ sacrament of second·grade teachers, said beBaptism during the past month, ing able to see an actual Bapsummary suggests. But the ques(LOWR) who met here recently tion is why Miss S.park has con· for a regional parley :hosted by and Kevin's reception of the tism enabled the students to sacrament gave them a. chance better understand t'he sacrament. trived this 1ngenius duplication, the Sisters of Providence. ParIs her purpose to indicate that ticipants from throughout Indi- to witness a real Baptism. "You can tell them about BapOne of the second-grade deception an:d hypocrisy are pos- ana and Michigan attended. tims, what it means and how teachers aS'ked Kevin's mother sible in a religious house? If so, important it is, but it means "When will we learn to live and father, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy more to them if they see it," she she could m10re effectively have more simply sl? that others m,ay done this by! confining herself to simply live?" asked Sister Joan Masticola, if the Baptism could said. take place, on a school day so terms plausible in that context. PuIs, staff memQer of the Mil1 ' The tape reFordings, for exam- waukee Peace and Justice Office, the children could witness it. . pie, are hard to accept as likely in a presentation on the prob· And the parents obliged. BEFORE YOU . lem of world hunger; in her choseh setting. Take BUY':""TRY But it may be wrong to fuss But the students did more She urged that concern for the about detailS.I Rather, one'should than witness Kevin's Baptism. poor be expressed in practical judge the ~ork as a whole. It They took part in it-by singing terms and action. "We must seems to De saying that the songs, reciting prayers, making raise the consciousness wherever wrongdoing! associated· with a banner and writing letters to we minister," Sister Puis said. Kevin. ' Watergate is not unique to the OL.DSMOBILE "If we consume less meat, ';"e politics of public affairs, but may The letters, printed in large 67 Middle Street, Fairhaven shouid explain why." be found, a~d is just as repreletters on school paper began " She noted that the World Food hensible, in Ithe politics associConference meeting in November ated with any other form of ELECTRICAL communal activity, religion in- in Rome was an opportunity to highlight the increasing threat cluded.: . Contradorl Miss Spark writes as lucidly, of world famine. Women Religious, said Sister leanly, and ,brilliantly as ever, 102 shawomet Avenue with a wit Which is the genuine Jobn Miriam Jones, Vice-"Provost Somenet, ,Mall. of the University of Notre Dame, article and very ,rare. I "are called to be a part of the Behin4 the Scenes Tel. 674-4111 struggle for liberation, wherever In The Palace. Guard (Harper and whenever human' struggle 3V, room Apartment and Row, 49 E. 33rd St., New exists, but especially when it 4 Vz room Apartment York, N. Y. :10016. 326 pages. deals with the half of the human' Illustrated. $8.95), Dan Rather Includes· heat, hot water, stove, re'race with whom we share our and Gary, PllUl Gate's examine frigerator and maintenance service: feminity." what led up to Watergate. Already th~re have been sev- "'".,1" .<., " , "1.' .•..•.. ;I:..1lI ,"-.a,".lll"''',.llll,,,mlti,'lIh,IIII'',,I' eral books dn Watergate, and they are but :first trickle_ of the Watergate come about? Various flood that is to come. So far, at investigations and trials have least, the Rather-Gates book is brought out a plethora of facts. unique. It dO¢s not deal with the But one has been intrigued and fateful burglary and its after- puzzled by what underlay and ,,7 Perry math, but addresses itself to the produced them. Messrs. Rather \1i~ conditions which set the stage and Gates have supplied at least Avenue ~~-;,-"-' _ _ III a partial answer. for the disaster. This book does something to Their book is lively, but solid, TauntonMass. AMERICAN explain what, despite a series of offering some fresh material, ~III~ Warm Friends' revelations,' h~s remained a mys- plenty of revealing incidents and 822·2282 tery: namely,' how could any- comments not previously pubthing so weir<l and monstrous as lished, and objective analysis. 1
Classm,ates Se,e -Baptism of Bab'y Brother
Ave., New York, N. Y.· 10022.. 116 pages, $6.95), which she caBs "a modern morality tale... The scene is an English nunnery. The abbess has lately died, and a successor is to be elected. The candidates are Sister Alexandra and Sister Felicity. Sister Alexandra seems the certain choice, She is an aristocrat who speaks exquisitely of traditional values. Sister Felicity is said to have wild ideas; she does not "see the point of faith unless it visibly benefits mankind." To make her election doubly sure, Sister Alexandra has bugged the nunnery. There are hidden microphones all over the place, What they pick up is recorded in an electronics center. which Sister Alexandra blandly explains as an experimental laboratory for developing new and better lightning rods. Burglary Arranged In her campaign of trickery, Sister Alexandra is assisted by Sister Walburga and Sister Mildred. Everything that they do is at her suggestion or by her orders . Yet she. carefully provides deniability for herself; no one will be able to trace the tricks to her. Sister Felicity is known to be carrying her "love theme beyond the realm of the spiritual or the sentimental into that of the carnaL" To discredit her, a burglary is arranged. 'Two intruders are to be admitted; they 'will rifle her sewing box and procure evidence of her dalliance. The burglary takes place, and Sister Felicity raises an outcry. When Sister Alexandra is elected, Sister Felicity leaves the convent and takes her story to the newspaper and the broadcasting media. A scandal ensues. The nunnery is beset by .reporters, and has to be guarded by the police. Abbess Alexandra and her two confederates discuss means of defusing the scandal. They search for a scenario which the public will buy. It is 'not facts which matter, says the abbess, but mythology. How to devise a mythology which will 'be acce,pted? She reads Machiavelli. Wigs, Drop Spots Meanwhile, the two intruders
Religious Discuss World Hunger
'Our Heating Oils Make
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 28,1974
Government and Business' Undermine Cities Health Africa Churches Ask More Responsibility l
It isn't only the Church that doesn't appreciate the neighborhood, no one else in the city does, either. Neighborhoods are at best irrelevant and at worst an obstacle to progress. The city government, the banking and lending institutions, the planning experts, the professional "liber- to destroy themselves. What if it racism? Don't racists have huals" are all indifferent to the is man rights? And whether the fate of the neighborhood. So people in the neighborhood are as one neighborhood after another h eaten away, the city feeds on its own flesh and slowly destroys itself. Then everyone wonders
where the slums came from. Take now the famous Forest Hills case in New York. Read Mario Cuomo's brilliant and sensitive book, "Forest Hills Diary." Forget the foolish foreword and the pompous afterward, which ,the editor-the ever "with it" Jason Epstein - added to the hook. Study Cuomo's agonized account of how one tries to shape a compromise when urban government makes a foolish decision from which it can't back down. The unique thing about Forest Hills was not that it was the first nei~hborhood to be threatened with destruction by a combination of liberal ideology and central planning indifference: It was rather the first Jewish neighborhood where members of the middle class responded to city hall decisions the way Catholic ethnics responded previously (and the way South Boston is responding now). Cuomo's portrait of the complexity of urban life, the charade of the democratic decision-making process, and the dangers for the man caught in the middle is enough to make anyone hestitate before entering a career in urban politics. Form of Racism? Or visit the northwest Bronx where a cluster of Catholic parishes under the leadership of Bishop Patrick Aherne are trying to stabilize what is left of their neighborhoods. One would think that the city and its financial institutions faced with the prospect of all of the Bronx hecoming a ghettoized jungle would warmly support such efforts. In fact, the financial institutions continue to redline the community, and the city government continues to pressure landlords to convert their apartments Lo welfare usc. The short-run goals of the hanks and the government become a threat to the long-run health of the city, which neither the bureaucrats nor the bankers seem very worried about. When the neighborhoods are gone, the Bronx will be gone. Then what? But isn't all of this concern about neighborhoods just a subtle form of racism? As long as liberal ideologues and their Catholic allies repeat this mindlesss question the cities will continue
racist or not, the fundamental problem still remains: keep on destroying the neighborhoods and you will destroy the city. People Are Frightened I make no case for racism; but a moral denunciation of it is no substitute for actions to save the city. In fact, there is undoubtedly some racism in the northwest Bronx (though most of the neighborhoods there are already integrated by middle-class blacks), some very ugly racism in South Boston, and some racism in Forest Hills. But most of the people in such neighborhoods are not pathological or idological racists. They arc simply frightened, and they have good reason,to be. To refuse to listen to their valid fears is a sure way to drive them into the hands of the tiny hard core of real racists in the community. This, o( course, is just what liberal suburban judges and liberal city planners who live in high rise fortresses are doing. Property value insurance, safety on the streets and in the schools, neighborhood stabllization, peace with one's neighbors, someone downtown who really listens-that's all the people in the neighborhoods want. If you could guarantee them that, there would be little resistance to integration. It's a funny thing, but that's what most blacks want, too. They want it a lot more than they want bussing or scatter-site ' public housing. 漏 1974, Universal Press Sy'd'c't
ROME (NC)-At th.e end of October's international Synod of Bishops, participants from Africa and Madagascar published an appeal for "co-responsibility between churches" to meet problems of evangelization. The African and Malagasy statement drew attention to "the aspiration of Africans to take into their own ,hands from now on their own destiny in the development of the continent." But Cardinal Maurice Otunga of Nairobi, Kenya, emphasized in presenting the declaration to the press Oct. 26: "We still need and want missionaries and mission assistance in personnel and material aid."
In its stead they adopt the theology of incarnation." (The theology of adaptation is understood as an attempt to adapt' the theology traditional in the West to other cultures. The theology of incarnation is understood as a more radical attempt to explain the basic teachings of the Catholic religion in terms of habits of. thought traditional in each culture.) "The young Churches of Africa and Madagascar cannot refuse to face up to this basic demand. They accept the fact of theological pluralism with the unity of fait:h, and constantly they must encourage, by all means, African theological research."
OFFICIAL DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO ROME Under the Leadership of His Excellency
Plan Enforcement Of Anti-Smut Laws ELIZABETH (NC)-Most law enforcement officers in New Jersey apparently intend to wait ,for citizen complaints before taking action against pornography, but officials in Union County have mapped a concerted program to eliminate as much obscenity as possible. They are acting in the wake of a federal court ord~r lifting an injunction against enforcement of the New Jersey antiobscenity statutes. That' ruling' was followed by a meeting of the state's 21 prosecutors to develop a uniform approach toward enforcement. Under the plan developed here by representatives of most of the 20 municipalil!ies in Union County, warnings will firs,t be issued to store owners and theater managers believed to be in violation of 'fhe law. Where the warnings are ignored, summonses would be issued and processed by a specially designated officer in each municipal police department. This would be followed by a review by assistant prosecutor Elson Kendall, presentation to a grand jury and review by the state attorney general's office.
The bishops pointed to an insufficient integration of Christianity "into African ways, customs and tradition." They - stressed a need for' greater Africanization of the Church's structures. "Our theological thinking must remain faithful to the authentic tradition of the Church, and, at the same time, be attentive to the life of our communities and respectful of our traditions and languages, that is, of our philosophy of life. '\Following this idea of mission, the Bishops of Africa and Madagascar consider as being completely out of date the socalled theology of adaptation.
SECOND CLASS -'- Hotel Nord Nuova (or similar) $544.00' 路FIRST CLASS - Hotel Metropole (or similar) 583.00' DELUXE - Hotel Mediterraneo (or similar) 630.00' Note: For superior deluxe - Hotel Grand (or similar), rates on request. -Air fare included in tour price $390.00 (subject to change), plus $3.00 tax
$ 28.00 43.00 70.00
For Complete Information Write' or Phone REV. MSGR. ANTHONY M. GOMES Director, Diocesan Travel League P.O. Box 1470, Fall River, Mass. 02722 PHONES 676-8943
This Message Sponsored by the Following Indiv,iduals and Business Concerns In The Diocese FALL RIVER
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River':-Thurs. Nov. 28, 1974
The Parish Parade
Urges Catholics ~upport Two Weekly Publlications I . There are those who say that Commonweal magazine, now celebrating its 50th anniversary, hak lost its old sparkle and would not be missed if it were to go out of existence. I don't agree with them at all. Commonweal, like any other weekly, admittedly has its in the last release of ups and downs, but when thought) this column. it's up, it's still in a class all I was si'mply trying to have a by itself. Witness, for ex- bit of fun with NCR when I ample. it's combined November 8-15 special anniversary issue on the subject of "Faith: The struggle to Believe." This one
issue is almost worth the $15 price of a year's subscription which, though steep -enough. is not at all prohibitive by today's inflated standards. Silnce Commonweal has no' endowment and no' financial "angels," it needs thousands .of new subscriptions just to, keep up with rising costs and thousands more to enable it to face the future with some sense of financial security. Why not take out a Christmas gift· subscription for your favorite relative or friend? " Birthday 'Plug' This is the second time in recent months' that I. have used this column to put in a "plug" for Commonweal. I do so this time with a certain note of- urgency. Now is the time-two or three years from' now it may be too late-for all good men to come to the assistance of a periodical which has served us well for 50 years and, in my opinion. would be sorely missed if we were foolish enough to ~et it go to the wall for lack of adequate funding. Commonweal's mailing address is 232' Madison Ave.• New York. N. Y. 10016. ' Another Catholic weekly, Na. tional Catholic Reporter. also needs and deserves the support of the Catholic community as it celebrates its 10th anniversary. I am doubly pleased to put in a birthday "plug" for NCR this week if only to take the sting out of something I said abollt it mis.takenly (humorously I
Parish Starts High School for Dropouts NEWARK (NC) A high school for inner-city school dropouts' has been started 'at St. Ann's parish here. ·Fifteen students are now being tutored by two volunteer teachers in' the church basement in a program devised by Father John P. Nickas. ,Father Nickas, who is seeking federal and foundation funding. launched the program as an answer to what he calls a "way of life" in the inner city in which youngsters enter the high school system lacking directi.on, motivation or money and abandon schooling as soon as they reach the age of 16.
twitted it Ilast week for being a wee bit stuffy in its 10th anni.. versary of! its own editorial im.. age. That Iwas a blunder on my part. I sOQn discovered that my DIRECTOR: Msgr. Harrold awkward attempt at humor fell A. Murray, secretary for socompletely; flat with some of cial development and world NCR's' admirers. They thought I was being: rather snide and that peace of the U.S. Catholic. I was deli~erately trying to hurt Conference, has been named the paper. rather than help it. on director of planning and dethe occasion of its anniversary. - velopment for the ArchdioStr~ng Supporter cese of Newark. NC Photo. I am sorry about that and. cross my heart, I promise not to do it agai~. The fact is that I am a stro~g supporter of NCR, Continued from Page Ont" have read' almost every single baEilicas. but whose faith lives issue of the paper from cov'er to in Rome and in the universal cover.· and~ would be distressed Church even in our own day." to see it gb out of existence for The commission speaks of "the lack of a~equate support from wish of the People of God to the Catholic community. The see the successor of Saint Peter...· best way to prevent that from and' identifies the pilgrimage to happening ,n this period of dou- Rome as the sign, par excellance, ble-digit inflation is for its of the Holy Year observance. friends to: solicit thousands of In keeping with this lofty exnew subscriptions for the paper. pectation, H s Excellency. the If any of o~r readers would like Most Reverend Daniel A. Croto lend their support to this nin, Bishop of Fall River, will worthwhile: effort, NCR's ad- lead a Diocesan Pilgrimage to dress is P.O. Box' 281'. Kansas ROr.:1e in February of 1975. Coor' City Mo. 64141. The annual sub.. dinator of the Pilgrimage. Reverscription rate to the paper is $12. end Monsignor Anthony I'yf. I am not: going to pretend. of Gomes, reports a lively interest course. that I have agreed with already evident among residents everything I have read in NCR of the Diocese in the planned during the past 10 years. To the trip. contrary. t~ere have been times During his recen.t "ad Iimina" -especially: in its early days- visit to Rome, Bishop Cronin when I thought the paper took conferred with officials charged itself too ~eriously, and was a with preparing for the pilgrimage trifle sophomoric (and, at times. visits of thousands of Ca.tholic a wee bit self-righteous to boot) faithful from every part of the in its blundhbuss attack on the wor:ct. Preliminary plans for the ecclesiastical Establishment. Be Fall River Diocesan Pilgrimage that as it mho NOR. in my opin- were discussed. ion, has performed an indispenBishop Cronin noted that spesable servide to' the American cial visitations will be made by Catholic community during the Diocesan pilgrims to the great past decade. I hope and pray basilicas of Rome. an integral that. like qommonweal. it will part of the Holy Year trip. By survive to celebrate its Golden happy coincidence, five semJubilee. :: inarians from the Diocese are enCri~ics Read It rolled at the North American I have .the' impression, inciden- College in Rome. and it is extally, that ~CR, under its pres- pected that these young men will ent editor. Donald J. Thorman, be able to make "on the scene" is more popillar with the Estab- arrangements for appropriate lishment than he and his asso- services. including the celebraciates might l be inclined to sus- tion of Pilgrimage Masses. for pect. Grousing about the frank- the Diocesan travelers well in ness and irr¢verence of NCR is, advance of the arrival of the of course. a favorite indoor sport pilgrims. Further information on the in certain ec~lesiastical (and lay Catholic) cir~les. Curiously. how- Diocesan Pilgrimage may be obever. many! of its most vocal tained from Monsignor Gomes' critics contiilue to read it reli- office, 410 Highland Avenue. giously-if they will pardon the Fall River. Massachusetts 02722. expression. I Moreover. though they would never admit it even to their cortfessor, they would VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope probably. be ;sorry to see it go Paul VI has named three cardiout of existence. As in the case nals, including Cardinal Humber· of its more venerable jubilarian. to Medeiros of Boston, to the Commonweal, now is the time Vatican office that deals with . for all good men to come to its the naming of bishops and the aid and assistance. division of dioceses. The other To Don Thbrman, and to' all of two Gardinals named to the Conhis associate$ in Kansas City- gregation for Bishops were Raul sincere co?gratulations and Primatesta of Cordoba. Argenmany happy:returns. tina, and Eugenio 'de Araulo (© 1974 by :NC News Service) Sales of R.io de Janeiro, Brazil.
Rome Pilgrimage
Cardinals Named
Publicity chairmen of parish orlanlntion. OUR LADY OF' ANGELS, Ire asked to submit news Items for 'lhf. be included as well as full dltea of III FALL RIVER . a£livities. Piene send news of future nther The parish council will meet cOlumn to Tne Anchor, P. O. Box 7, FI" 02722. Name of city or town s!1(luld at 7 P.M. Sunday. Dec. 8. In River, than put events, other organization news. Holy Rosary Sodality. members will ST. JOSEPH, attend a meeting following 8 NEW BEDFORD A whist party' will take place A.M. Mass Sunday. Dec. I; and in the school hall at 7:30 P.M., the Council of Cabholic Women Tuesday. Dec. 3. Refreshments will hold a Christmas party Thursday. Dec. 19. A penny sale will be free. ST. JOSEPH, is slated for Friday, Jan. 1'7. . The Holy Name Society will AITlLEBORO A Mass for the Deaf will be hold installation ceremonies at a breakfast meeting following celebrated at 2:30 on Sunday 8 A.M. Mass Sunday, Dec. 22. afternoon, Dec. I. The Parish Youth Choir will Reservation should be made as· present a Christmas Concert ,at early as possible. 7:30 on Friday night, Dec. 13 in ST. ROCH, the church. Tickets are .75c and FALL RIVER Council of Cabholic Women may be obtained from any memo officers will be ·hostesses for the ber of the choir. The outdoor Advent Wreath unit's Christmas party. to take ,place in the church hall begin- will be blessed on Saturday eve· ning at 6:30 P.M. Monday. Dec. ning following the 5 o'c1ock 9. A social hour will be followed Mass. The indoor wreath will be by a buffet dinner and gift ex- blessed during the 10:30 Mass on change. Reservations may be. Sunday ·morning. made through Thursday. Dec. 5 HOLY NAME, with Mrs. Rita Reney or any FALL RIVER council officer. A Christmas meeting of the Members will visit the Rose. Women's Guild will take plaee Hawthorne Lathrop Home in at the school hall Tuesday night. Fall' River at 7' P.M. Monday,· Dec. 3. A floral demonstration Dec. 16 to distribute gifts. Mrs. will be featured. Amelia Dwyer, chairman, anA folk group from St. An· nounces that members needing thony of Padua parish will sing transportation' for this event at 10 A.M. Mass Sunday, Dec. :I. may contact her. ST. ANNE, ST. ANN, FALL RIVER RAYNHAM The parish choir, directed by A Christmas party and Yankee Normand A. Gingras. will preSwap are slated for Wednesday. sent a concert at 4 P.M. Sunday, Dec. 4 in the church hall by the Dec. 1 in the church. Music for. Ladies' Guild. A buffet supper chorus. organ and trumpets will will be served 'at 7 P.M. and be presented. with Christl1)as semembers are invited to bring lections featured. Soloists will guests. Mrs. Helene Telesmanick be Barbara Owen. soprano and heads the hostess committee for Lucien Olivier. baritone. No the month. The guild will spon' tickets will 'be needed for the sor a whist party in the church program.' and all are invited to hall at 8 P.M. Friday, Dec. 6. attend. • with Mrs. Eileen Alden and Mrs. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER, Anna Keough as chairmen. ACUSHNET HOLY REDEEMER, . The School and Home Assn. CHATHAM will hold a Christmas festival Mrs. Andrew J. Mikita. chair- from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. Satur· man. h.as announced the guild day. Dec. 14 in the new school will sponsor a Dessert and hall. Features will include enter· Ohristmas F'ashion Show at 8 tainment, special foods, raffles,' o'c1ock on Thursday night. Dec. handcrafts and a magic show, 5 in the church auditorium. and Santa will be on hand for Guild members will serve as children throughout the day. models and Louise' Weston will ST. ANTHONY, serve as commentator of the . MAITAPOISEIT styles. Outfits for all ages. an "Old fashioni'd low low prices'" sizes and all budgets will be fea- will be the theme of a Country tured. Door prizes will be Christmas Fair to be sponsored awarded. from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. Satur' Tickets are $2.50 and reserva- day. Dec. 7 by the Women's tions may be made by contacting Guild in the church hall on BarMrs. Mikita at 945-0613 or Mrs. stow Street. Booths will feature Robert Ericson at 945-2897. hand knits. baked goods. canGuild officers are serving as dies. attic treasures. Christmas members of the planning com- greens and decorations, and chilmittee. dren's items "geared to their IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, taste and pocketbooks," FALL RIVER A chicken luncheon will be Mass for the deceased memo served at noon and coffee and 'bers of the Women's Guild will doughnuts will be available durbe offered at 5 o'clock on Sat- ing the morning and tea and urday evening. Nov. 30. cookies in the afternoon. The annual Christmas Party of the Guild wiU be held at 6:30 on Monday night. Dec. 2, Members are reminded to bring an "Exchange gift". SINCE 1898
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We must install or remodel Twenty bathrooms by Jan. 1 to keep our men busy. At our Lowest Prices ever. Fully Guaranteed, No Money Down, will take weekly or monthly payments. Call Dick at 673-8872 anytime
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Nov. 28,1974
DIOCESE HOSTS MEETING FOR NEW ENGLAND CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES: St. Vincent's Home,' Fall River was the center of the New England Regional Meeting of Catholic' Social Services that was attended by representatives from nine of the 11 New England diocesan departments. Among the 30 attending the day long conference were: left, Rev. Msgr. Philip J. Kenney of Manchester, N.H.; Mr. Neil D. Michaud,
Portland, Me.; Sr. Mary Reilly, RSM, Providence; Rev. Peter N. Graziano, Fall River Diocesan Director of Social Services and Coordinator of Special Apostolates; Rev. Paul F. Bailey of the Archdiocese of Boston. Right photo: Rev. George L. Frappier, Providence; Mr. John M. Clements, Director of Case Work in the New Bedford Catholic Welfare Office of New Bedford; Sr. Eiizabeth Cyr, Lewiston, Me.; John Kenney, Portland, Me.
Litu'rgical Readings Give Themes of Reconciliation and Renewal Continued from Page One plead with those who await sal- anxiety to come to the final moparts from the Church and the vation to "make straight the way ment of the Advent season's Eucharist to "go in peace and of the Lord," echoing the meso preparation, the celebration of love and serve the Lord." sage proclaimed in the first Les· the coming of the Savior. There As is noted, the special goals son of Ma~s by the' Advent is the suggestion within the Ad· of the r::reparation of the Church "spokesman," the prophet Isaiah. vent celebration, beginning to befor the coming Holy Year b:we Once again, in calling upon the come a prominent element by been renewal and reconciliation. 'People of God to prepare for the this mid-way point, that, in adThe prayers, the scriptural read· Holy Ye~r, tbe Holy Father has dition to recalling the first com· ings, and themes and the season- urged that the renewal occurring ing of the infant Savior, the al motif in Advent lend them· within the very depths of hearts People of God are anxiously selves to the attainment of these and souls would manifest itself awaiting His fbal return, as goals in a most persuasive man- in a reconciliation among "broth- Savior and Lord, to once and ner. ers and sisters" wherein all for all make all things new. On Dec. I, the First Sunday of breaks are mended, all obstacles Speaking of the gradual renewal of the Faithful which is elemen· Advent. the readings of the are removed. Mass, from Isaiah, from Paul's So important does the Church tary to the preparation for Holy Letter to Romans and from the consider the lessons contained in Year 1975, Pope Paul has likened Gospel account of Matthew re- the liturgy of the Advent Sunday it, in some measure, to a long, fleet the longing anticipation of that although Decemper 8 is or· instructive and reforming apthe People of God for the coming dinarily observed as the Feast of prenticeship. Thus the eager zeal Savior. The prayers, especially the Immaculate Conception of of God's people must be temthe Opening Prayer, which is the Blessed. Virgin Mary, none· pered by that patience of which formulated in two alternate theless the texts and prayers of both James the Apostle and Pope texts, speak of Advent as a time .the Advent Mass take prece· Paul speak, with a gradual "conof longing and waiting for the dence. The celebration of the version" in mind and heart and coming of the Lord. The Advent Feast of the Immaculate Concep· soul as the result, not of a single Preface used in the first part tion has, this year, been trans- moment's diversion, but rather of the Season echoes the longing, ferred to the preceding day', Sat· as the culmination of a long and the watchfulness, experienced by urday, Dec. 7. As will be noted devoted process of interior renoGod's people. This definite theme below, however, the presence of vation and change, accomplished of yearning and longing for re- Mary, the Mother of God, is very step by step with patient deter· demption coincides' with the much noted in the further un· . mination and with God's all powerful grace. pre~aratory concepts associated folding of the Advent Season. with Holy Year 1975. Pope Paul A gradual crescendo can be By the Fouth Sunday of Ad· VI h3S identified the ennui, the noted building up in the liturgy vent, Dec. 22, the Church 'is dismay of mankind, so rich in of the Third Sunday of Advent, praying confidently for "... the material possessions, yet so Dec. 15, as the Church begins clouds to rain down the Just to be swept up in the hope and bored and disillusioned, as symptom pointing to the press- the joy which the impending One," for "the earth to bring ing need for renewal, internal coming of the Savior 'provokes forth a Savior." The festive na· renewal. which the Gospel calls among men. The orations speak ture of the presidential prayers, conversion. As a goal of the sea· more now of the joy and festivi. as tbz principal orations of the son of preparation for Holy Year ty which has subtly replaced the 1975, this coincides precisely yearning and longing of the earwith the pastoral and liturgical lier Masses of this Season. John ALUMINUM aims of the Advent Season's first the Baptist and Isaiah remain the Windows & Doors Sunday. tutors of the Faithful in lessons RAILINGS-DOOR HOODS-AND GLASS REPAIRS AND SCREENS Prayers for the Second Sunday proclaimed in this Mass. They of Advent implore the Lord to are joined by the Apostle James, MORRO'S send wisdom and to remove all who. in the second reading of ALUMINUM CO. obstacles to the joy of receiving tt.,;s Sunday's Mass, calls upon Open Monday thru Thursday Christ. John the Baptist appears'; the listener and reader to be 5·7:30 p.m. Saturday from 9 to 3 p.m. in the principal reading, the Gos· patient, like the farmer waiting 992·4036, 61 Crapo St., New Bedford pel, of this Sunday's liturgy, to for the crop to blossom, in our
Mass are called, is now com· pletely apparent. The solemn Eucharistic Prayer of Mass is now immediately preceded by a beautiful Preface which speaks of love with which Christ has filled us with jpy. It so happens that the scriptural lessons for the Fourth Sunday of Advent for this year are profoundly influenced by the role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the great mystery of salvation accomplished 'in the ,coming of her Divine Son. The Old Testament reading for this Mass tells of the foreshadowing of the .Incarnation in the Isaian prophecy of ". . . the virgin who will conceive and bring forth a son ..." The Gospel passage for this Sunday, taken from the ac-. count of Matth-ew, tells of the virginal conception of Jesus by Mary. The renewal of mankind and the reconciliation of men with Almighty God and with one another stems, of course, from the redemptive intervention of a loving God in. our history which came at the Incarnation. These goals of Holy Year 1975 are the fruits of the Incarnation, hopefully to be I"ichly and widely shared by the :FaitMui. The in· tercession of the Blessed Mother is most profound in obtaining
these graces, as .pope Paul specifically mentioned in a formal address which he delivered a year ago on the Feast of the Ascension. Speaking of the Holy Year, and identifying Mary as the "collaborator of reconcilia· tion," the Holy Father sought her powerful intercession for the Jubilee Year, praying that she would "... ask her Son to grant to all our brethren and sons and daughters the grace of this Holy Year, to renew and preserve them." Thus it will be that in the Diocese and throughout the Universal Church, the Advent Season will be the final stage of prep· aration for Holy Year 1975, a time t.hat will be as rich in graces and blessings for God's people as was the very season of the Incarnation itself.
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Vatican- Makes Symbolic Gift To Food,Fund
Thurs., Nov. 28, 1974
Community Continued from Page' One activities in, the Fall River area, with Father James F. Greene of Saint Francis Xavier Parish, Hyannis; serving in the same capac· ity in the Cape Cod region.' Father Normand Boulet of Saint , Joseph's Parish in Attleboro and Father Raymond P. Monty of Saint Paul's Parish, Taunton will be liaison priests in the Attleboro and Taunton Deaneries reo spectively. while Father Antonio dos Santos and Father Roger D. LeDuc will function as coordinators in the greater New Bed'ford area. . Regional coordinators will work closely with pastors of !i~signated churches which will serve as "pilgrimage~enters," at which the time of a concerted Diocesan·wide effort to conclude the season of preparation for the coining' Holy Year. Reverend Monsginor WilHam D. Thomson is Pastor of Saint Francis Xavier' CENtENNIAL DINNER: Celebrating 100 years of service in United States are Parish in Hyannis, where Cape Cod residents will be able to Sisters. wpo staff St. Stanislaus School, Fall River. At centennial dinner and reception share in special devotions. Rev' are, from left, Bishop Louis E. Gelineau of Providence; Rev. Anthony D. Iwuc, Rhode Iserend John P. Driscoll is Pastor land brarlch president, Polish American Congress; Sister Mary Bernard, St. Stanislaus of Saint Lawrence Parish in New School; Mother Mary·tandeline, Felician Sisters provincial superior; Archbishop John F. Bedford, Reverend, James·F. Lyons is Pastor of Saint Mary's Whealon, :Hartford; Aunxiliary aishop,John F. Hackett, Hartford. Among other awards, Par-ish in Taunton, and Reverend the Polish American Congress made a donation 'to the Sisters in recognition of their-' Cornelius J. Keliher is Pastor of century of se.rvice to Polish Americans. Saint Mary's Parish in North Attleboro. All three churches 'have been selected as "pilgrim· 'age centers" for residents of the respective, regions. Reverend I ' WASHINGTON (NC)-"Soci- of November as National RetardThe gifts of the retarded Giles Genest, M.S., is director of "should give society the 'impetus. the Shrine of Our Lady of LaSa· ety very much needs" the men- ed Citizens Month. Simplicity of spirit. unques- to make available to all retarded lette in Attleboro, designated for tally, 'handiC:apped. according to tHe Advent Sea,son as a "pilgrim· Sister Virgi~ia Schwager. direc- tioning faith. openness to peq· citizens the same basic civil and age church...· and' a variety of "tor of health' affairs" for th'e pie and to God, and a tendency human rights accorded other ,citHoly Year programs will be United. Stat~s Catholic Confer- to be concerned, only with the izens. including the right to life -.,,, ' essentials of life are among the and the right to live in a less 'available to Attleboro area des- ence (USCC). I gifts the mentally handicapped restrictive environment." the idents at this site. ' . While sh~ spoke of the re- share. Sister Schwager said. Catholic health official continued. Reverend Monsignor Luiz G. sponsibility Isociety has toward "These gifts of the heart are "Retarded citizens must be given Mendonca. Ohairman of the Dioc· the mentallYI handicapped. Sister precise.lY what are needed in a the benefits of a free and open ,esan Holy ',Year Commission, is Schwager stressed the human techlloiogieal society that is be- society whenever possible." Pastor of Our Lady of Mount gifts they off~r to an increasingcoming more heartless." she Each year in the United States Carmel Parish in New' Bedford, ly deperson~lized' sQciety. added. "These individuals can 126,000 infants ,lre, born who where special devotions will be She mad~ her comments in serve' as an example for the rest. will never have normal me,ntal available to Por.tuguese~speaking connection with the observance 'of us." development. An estimated three Faithful during '~he Advent Sea' per cent of the U. S. population son. is mentallyretardM. Rector of SaInt Mary's CatheSister Schwager pointed to dral in Fall River. heretofore the the" fact that mental retardation sole locatiori in the Diocese for "is about twice as common the gaining of the Gift of the RIOBAMBA (NC)-Bishop Le- the assigned tracts, troops open- among the children of the poor Indulgence and the site of the, onidas Proario of Riobamba has ed fire. killing Lazaro Condo and as among middle and upper class Lenten Pilgrimag~s earlier dur-. claimed that ;accusaNons of com~ wour,ding others. Soldiers ar· children." ing the Diocesan' year of prep- muni'Sm fro~ large landholders rested and, manhandled many "But a significant percentage aration Jor ~o!y Year .1975,Rev- against him,and.·hispt'iestsstem . Indians. Troops attacked Indian erend 'Monsignor John J. Regan, from his defense of the landless farmers working on their crops of this retardation (among the poor) could, be prevented." she indicated that special devotions Indians in hij Andean diocese. ' nearby. claimed.' "Adequate medical care will continue to be schi:!duled at "We are f91filling the manda~e Troops also surrounded the the Cathedral during the intense 'of Christ"to fight the sin of so- neighboring church of Chunchi and proper nutrition could reperiod, ()f local participation in cia'l ,injustiCJ." Bishop Proatio and raided the rectory. They ar" duce -the incidence of mental rethe season of grace and bless- 'Said in a statement giving particc rested all occupants. including tardation among the poor to ings.Advent. ' ulars of incidents leading to the the seriously ill parish priest, that of the nation as a whole. "Poverty is not only one of death of an I~dian and the arrest and the diocesan vicar general, of h'is vicar ~eneral. . Father Augustin Bravo. who had the, effects of retardation, but Program to Assist also one of its' causes. Such enAccording ,to the bishop, the come to assist him. Potential Converts' Riobamba authorities said they vironmental factors as poor premilitary gov:ernment of Gen. PARAMUS (NC) - Paulist Guillermo RO<Jriguez Lara is ap- were arrested a's agitators for natal care. inadequate counselPress here has just produced a plying a dou~le standarad to its 'inciting the Indians to take over ing, low rates of immunization and poor nutrition are responsi, . new adult education program de. land reform ~rograrn and there- the land. ,. A wave of attack~ ag~mst ble for a higher incidence of signed to help instructors of po- fore provolting conflicts and conBishop Proano and hiS pn~sts retardation among the children tential ,converts to the Catholic tradictions. ~ Church. He was referring to the fact from conservatives ensued. The of the poor." .. . .; ., . attacks repeated charges of Called "A ,Believing People," , that whde the government s m-.. . t " d " ' t t ". o ~gl a. ors the new,program is also intended stitute for Latid Reform and Set- ,c J?mul1ls s. an . agamst Xmas Special . , the bIshop and hiS pnests. for Catholics who want a better tl emen t (IERA'.C) or dere d . d'IS t n. · 0 f Ian d tId' b ut ton 0 n lans a t T oc- A . SJrrlll'ar wave was . unleashed grounding in their faith. .. th R' b b Tt' . 10 September when Bishop Pro· t ezmm, If we don't do yo~,,; kitchen you ,e . IC! am ~ ml I ary anopresided at a Mass for the It is a multi-media program .. 'f th Tt '. Col. Amenco· Alava. are paying' too much. Your choice consisting of six cassette tapes, governor., was sending troops into the area vC~~I'lms 0 e ml I ary coup 10 of .tyle in oak, peceJn and birch. with 36 individual instructional to back up' claims by land:omplete' installation includes all I e a year ago. segments, and a detailed. 400:arpentry, plumbing l>nd electrical. owners. I ~tc. Fully guaranteed. No money Money. page manual for instructors of dawn, will take monthly payments. Farmers Attacked Money is a good servant but persons considering joining the Call Ted af 673-8812 anytime When the Ihdians moved into a bad master. Catholic Church.
Needs Mentally Handicapped /
Bisho'p Called Communist For As~isting"lndian Settlers'
ROME (NC) - The chief Vat· ican delegate; to the World Food Conference has announced he:rc that, by decision of Pope Paul VI, the Holy See will contribute $100,000 to any fund which the confer,ence may set up for tbe development of farming. During a committeee session at the United Nations-sponsore,d conference, Archbishop Age)s· tino Ferrari-Toniolo said: "I am authorized to announce that by decision of the Holy Father the Holy See has set aside $100,000 as a symbolic contribution to any action that this conference might decide on." He explained that the money would go to the conference for "whatever formula will be adopted to intensify aid, to' rural develop'ment. .. For Good Will The archbishop said he had been instructed to make the announcement at a point several days before the conference's ,close in order to "join with and stimulate all good will, ,so that' 'a concrete and substantial conclusion may be arrived at." The conference had before it a number of proposals regarding establishment of a world fund to promote agricultural develop· ment, food production and fer· tiJoizer output. The Vatican con· tribution would go toward such a fund.
College Counselling PJ.ogra~ ,Coflducted ti"v~-,,~L l' N ~NC)-Tne Broolt.. lyn Diocesan Migration Office, the City University of New York (CCNY) and the New York Tel.. ephone Company sponsored five two-hour "sidewalk counselling" programs to encourage young people of ltali,,10 extraction to enroll in colleges and universities. : Bilingual professors and stu· dents from CUNY staffed a mobile van stationed on five days. at the five neighborhood migration offices conducted by the Brooklyn diocese. They an· swered questions about opportunities in higher education, assisted in completing application forms and explained financial aid programs. Father Nicholas J. Russo, co· ordinator of the Ita'lian apostol· ate for the Brooklyn diocese, said th'at if tltalian-Americans in the two New York City bor.. oughs of Brooklyn and Queens. included in the Brooklyn diocese, "take full advantage of the opportunities available through higher education, then there will be, a significant impact on the economy and the quality of life in the counties of Kings (Brook· Iyn) and Queens."
CONRAD SEGUIN BODY COMPANY Aluminum or Steel 944 County Street NEW BEDFOrtD, MASS.. 992-6618
Pope Says Continued from Page One civilization offers him in abundance. In other words, man needs an interior renewal ... "Now the Holy Year is ori' ented precisely to this personal and interior renewal, which under certain aspects is also ex· terior. It is an easy and at the same time extraordinary therapy which should bring spiritual well·being to every conscience and indirectly, at least to some extent, to the attitude of society. This is the general theme of t~e next Holy Year, which is also . centered upon another special theme that is oriented to practical living: reconciliation. "The term, 'reconciliation,' evokes the opposite concept of a break. What break would we have to mend in order to reach reconciliation which is the condition for the desired renewal of the Jubilee? What break? But it is not perhaps enough to use this word reconciliation, which involves a whole program, to realize that our life is disturbed by too many breaks, too much disharmony, too much disorder to be able to enjoy the gifts of personal and collective life according to their ideal finality? We need above all to reestablish a genuine, vital and happy relationship with God, to be reconciled with him in humility and love, so that from this first basic harmony the whole world of our experience may express a need and acquire a virtue of reconciliation in char.ity and justice with men, to whom we immediately give the new title of 'brothers.' Moreover, reconciliation takes place in other vast and very real areas: within the ecclesial community itself, in society, in the relations among nations, in ecumenism, in the sphere of peace and so forth. If God permits us to celebrate the Holy Year, it will have many things to tell us in this regard." Pope Paul VI announces the Holy Year, May 9, 1973
tHE ANCHORThurs" Nov. 28, 1974
School Charges Bias in Sports
CITY OF GOD: All is in readiness at La Salette Shrine, Attleboro, for thousands of pilgrims expected to visit its annual Christmas Illuminations. Theme for this year is "A Dream Come True" and visitors will find the Christmas Crib in the midst of a "City of God" outlined in lights.
Crib Blessing at LaSalette on Sunday Children from Mt. St. Joseph School, Fall River, will present a Christmas pageant and provide music for the ceremony of the Blessing of the Crib at La Salette Shrine, Attleboro, at 4:15 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 1. The program will open the Christmas Illumination display at the shrine, which annually draws tbousands of visi·tors from all parts of New England. Lights will, however, be turned on for the first time at 8:3.0 p.m. the previous night, following evening Mass at the shrine. Theme for the 1974 display is "A Dream Come True," and Rev. Bernard Baris, M.S., assistant program director at the Attleboro shrine, said in explaining it, "All people have dreams. Some come true, and many do not. But the one dream that all men can hold
1200 Students Fast EASTON - More than 1.200 Stonehill College students fasted Thursday, Nov. 21, in a demonstration of concern for the famine-stricken populations of the world. According to student organizers. those participating in the fast contributed $1,700 to a fund for agricultural development in countries hit by starvation. "Not since the protests against the Vietnam War have the students at Stonehill shown this kind of activism," remarked George J. Hagerty, student government president and an organizer of the "Stonehill Community Fast Day." "This is the largest turnout of students for tbis type of event that I've ever seen in my four years at the college," added Hagerty. The college has an enrollment of 1,630 students. Student organizers had origi. nally thought the fast would be a success if 500 students partici· pated, Hagerty said. Less than 100 students-most of them on special diets for health reasons~had lunch in the college's dining center last Thursday. Normally more than 1,000 students purchase meals during tbe noon hour. Asked what he attributed the success of the fast to, Hagerty
said, "For the last couple of years students have been looking inward, preoccupied with their own personal concerns. I think they have begun to look outward and have become aware of the terrible problem of hunger facing millions of people. The success of the fast shows that students really w~nt to help in a tangible way." The fast began Wednesday midnight at a special liturgical service and continued for 24 hours. Concluding the fast was a two-hour vigil in the college's student center. The vigil included discussions of world hunger and what actions individuals can take to alleviate the suffering. The fast was broken when students ate bread baked by the participants. According to Thomas P. Duffy, student newspaper editor and an organizer of the fast, the $1,700 raised last Thursday will be contributed to Oxfam-America, a national organization concerned with world hunger. Oxfam-America with headquarters in Boston is the American branch of the British-based Oxford Famine Relief Committee. Money donated to OxfamAmerica will be used to augment long-term agricultural helf-help projects in Asia, South America and Africa.
to, that all men can share, is Christ." City of God Rev. Andre Patenaude, M.S.. program director, added that this year's illuminations will carry out the dream theme and added that as Catholics enter the Year of Reconciliation proclaimed by Pope Paul, "an outward proclamation of Christ's presence in this confused world is needed by all." Display highlights will include four 35-foot angels at the main shrine' entrance and a 60-foot high "City of God" in whose heart will be located the Crib, with Mary, Joseph, the Wise Men and a number of live animals. P.i1grims will en!ter the city -through a simulated stone archway bearing the words "0 City of God." Visitors will be welcomed at the shrine from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily during the Christmas minations. Lights will be turned on at 5 p.m. daily except for
In The Black ST. PAUL (NC)-The archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis has closed its books on the 1973-74 fiscal year in the black for the first time in its six-year history of public audits. The See's sixth public financial audit showed a surplus of $17,048, according to the Minneapolis accounting firm of Boulay, Huetmaker, Zibell and Co., which prepared the audi·t.
Monday, when they will remain dark due to the energy cris·is. Also due to the crisis, the illumination season bas been reduced by one week and by one hour each day, said Father Patenau·de. It will continue from Saturday through January 1, with multimedia presentations scheduled at 4:30, 6:30 and 8:30 p.m. daily, and Masses at 12:10, 5 and 7:30 p.m. Christmas concerts will be presented periodically throughout the season.
ORADELL (NC)-Bergen Cath· olic High School here has filed a complaint with the New Jersey Civil Rights Commission charging that by-laws of the Northern New Jersey Interscholastic League are discriminatory. The commission has accepted the case, which means that a formal hearing on the merits of the complaint will be held. This is believed to be the first tase involving a cOl'llplaint filed by a Catholic institution. Bergen Catholic, a regional school for boys operated by the Newark archdiocese, has applied for admission to the league on several occasions. It has always been rejected because league bylaws provide that "membership shall be restricted to public schools of North Jersey." The league, made up mostly of larger public high' schools in Bergen and Pasaaic Counties, is the oldest continuing athletic conference in the state. Its founding even predates the establi!>hment of the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association, the governing body for scholastic athletics in the state. Bergen Catholic has presented its case now because a vacancy is due to develop in the 10school league with the withdrawa1 of Garfield High School.
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