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t ean VOL. 23, NO. 48

20c, $6 Per Year


P ope Is Visiting 3 Turkish Cities

Marian Medals For 92 Diocesans,

'Pope John ,Paul II is in IstanHe will stop at the old Vatibul today on his three-day visit can nunciature, in the former to. Turkey, described as a major Turkish capital of Istanbul for effort to promote Christian unity a short rest, and will then rewith the Orthodox Church. ceive various spiritual leaders. Yesterday he arrived in the In the late afternoon he will capital city of Ankara, where make several visits, culminating he was greeted by Turkish Presi- in a stop at the Holy Spirit Cadent Suleyman Demirel. He re- thedral in the evening for a ceived the diplomatic corps in prayer for peace. audience and later met with Tomorrow, before leaving the government authorities, then old nunciature, the pope will spending last night at the Holy meet with a group of Poles livSee's nunciature in Ankara. ing in Turkey, then will visit the This morning the pontiff met ecumenical patriarchate in the for prayer with the Catholic 'Phanar section of the city, where community of Ankara before he will participate in ceremonies leaving fo.r Istanbul, where plans - in honor of St. Andrew with call for him to be greeted by Eastern' Orthodox Patriarch Istanbul's Governor Orhan Er- Dimitrios I of Constantinople. bug and representatives of the At 12:45 p.m. the pope will Christian community. leave the patriarchate to fly to After the welcome ceremony Izmir -<Smyrna), arriving about -he will be taken to the Kosk 2:30 p.m. Hall, where he will meet with There he will visit the museum T'Urkish authorities. He will then of Selcuk, then travel to Ephego by auto to visit Topkapi and sus, about 30 miles away, to visit the anci~nt church of Hagia So- the ancient ruins of the city and phia (holy ,wisdom), which in the Marian shrine Meryam Ana later times was a Moslem mos- and to pray with the Christian que and is now a museum. community.

Marian medals will be awarded to 92 members of the diocese in -ceremonies at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 9 at St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to parish life. Names an~ parishes of recipients follow:

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Advent Starts' On Sunday This weekend marks the beginning of Advent and many diocesan parishes will hold blessing ceremonies for home Advent wreaths, while Advent calendars will go up on kitchen walls, their bright pictures marking the Christmas countdown. In Catholic grammar and high schools as well as among members of 'many organizations, names will be drawn for "Christkindls," Advent sectet pals for whom one does good deeds throughout the season, revealing one's identity at Christmastime. Other cherished Advent cusTurn to Page Six

Cape, Islands Area 'Mrs. George (Marge) Christman. St. Joseph; Mrs. Deolinda Eldredge, St. Elizabeth Seton; Mrs. ·Ellsworth (Mary) Fisher, St. Elizabeth; Mr. Leonard L. Fougere, Holy Redeemer; Mr. Pierre Hebert, St. Augustine. Mr. Clarence Kacergis, St. Peter the Apostle;. Mrs. Arthur (Ida) 'Monterio, St. Mary; Mr. John Romiza, St. Patrick; Mrs. Edna Silva, Our Lady of Lourdes; Mr. George Souza, O. L. of the Assumption. Mrs. Frederick (Mary Stackhouse, O. L. of the Cape; Mrs. Elizabeth Sylvia, Sacred Heart; Mrs. Frank C. (Elizabeth) Sylvia, O. L. of the Isle; Mrs. Virginia Tavares, St. Anthony; Mrs. George (Jeanne) Towers, St.

John; Miss Esther M. Turnbull, St. ·Pius Tenth. . Attleboro Area Mrs. Rene (Mary) E. Cloutier, St. Marks; Mr. Leo J. Denis, St. Mary's; Mr. Gerard Laferriere, St. Stephen; Mrs. Clarence T. (Margaret) Leonard, St. Mary; Mr: James P. McAndrews, Holy Ghost. Mr. Ernest C. Major, St. Theresa; Miss Mary Veronica Marron, St. John; Mr. Wilfred Plante, Sr., St. Mary; Mrs Joseph (Grace) Schultz, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Mr. George S. Stafford, St. Joseph's; Mrs. Eva Sweeney, St. Mary. Taunton Area Mr. Roland J..Ducharme, St. Joseph; Mrs. George (Ann) E. Gregg, Immaculate Conception; Mrs. William (Martina)' Grover, St. Peter; Mr. Kazemer J. Machnik, Holy Rosary; Mrs. John (Rita) Manganaro, St. Ann. Mrs. Luigi (Clorinda) J. Mastromarino, St. Mary; Mr. Robert Mendes, Out Lady of LourTurn to Page Ten

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BISHOP DANIEL A. CRONIN greets Sister Patricia, OP, provincial superior of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation, following a Mass at Dighton provincial house. The Mass, on the feast of the Presentation, opened a year of spiritual celebration m~rking the 75th anniversary of

.the coming of the community to the United States on Sept. 14, H~05. Right, little 'Christine Boutin of Notre Dame School, Fall River, presents flowers to Mother Therese Poulin, superior general of the Religious of Jesus and Mary, during superior's visitation of Fall River community.


\ ., ... , . THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Nov. 29, 1979



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ALL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOLS in the diocese will accept applicants and administer a placement examination for new students at 8 a.m. Saturday, IDee. 8. Students wishing to enter any. of these schools next September should report to the scllool of their choice at that time. No records need be brought, nor: need parents accompany the students. The examination and application procedure will last until about路 noon. A $5 fee will be payable at this time at Bishop 'Feehan High, Attleboro, and Coyle-Cassidy High, Taunton. At Bishop Connolly High,Fall River, Holy ,Family High, New Bedford and Bishop Stang High, North Dartmouth, the fee will be $3. Complete information as to courses, activities and financial aid will be given on Dec. 8. All diocesan high schools are coeducational.



GUEST AT TESTIMONIAL for Sister Margarita Denis, -SS.CC. (left) and Sister Rosalie Lind, SS.CC. signs guestbook. Sisters were honored for their work in organizing charismatic retreats at the former Sacred Hearts Academy, Fairhaven. . .,.::

MEM,BERS OF ST. JOSEPH'S PARISH, Fairhaven, have received a thank you letter from Father William Petrie, SS.CC., recipi~nt of Lenten alms from the parish. "This money has been divided between myself and Fr. Michael Shanahan for the various leprosy projects in which we are involved," he wrote from his mission in India, one of Mother Teresa's foundations. "With the portion that I received, these monies were used for the construcion _of houses for leprosy patients who are homeless. Your assistance enabled five houses to be built. The families who are living in your houses had been living on the streets . previously and surviving by daily begging. Already there is a noti<ceable change in the dignity of the people that you have helped. Hopefully in the future we will be able to start some small industri~s so that begging will be eliminated. On behalf of the leprosy patients, I wish to extend our sincere appreciation."

A NATIONAL FUNDRAISING CAMPMGN for Catholic organizations has been launched in New York City, based on sale of a record of Christmas Midnight Mass .as celebrated by Pope John Paul II, Organizers are distributing the record through schools and church organizations and say it has the potential of raising large sums for such groups. .

THE NEW BEDFORD SUPPORT GROUP for Separated, Divorced and Remarried Catholics will hold a coffee and conver'oSation meeting Sunday, Dec. 2. An annulment workshop is slated for Sunday, Dec. 9 at which time help will be offered in filling out a preliminary annulment applicaton questonnaire. Other group meetings are planned throughout December and January, all at 7:30 p.m. on Sundays at Our Lady's Chapel, Pleasant St., New Bedford. All meetings are open to persons of all faiths.

A SUGGESTION that each bishop 路send ,Pope John Paul II personal reflections on his visit to the United States is considered a start by two bishops who had asked for more dialogue with the pope. The suggestion was made by the Ad Hoc Committee . for Follow-up to the Papal Visit, headed by Bishop Lucker 9f New Ulm, Minn.


"PANAYA KAPULU, the house of the Virgin Mary at Ephesus, is among sites Pope John Paul II will visit in Turkey. The house was discovered in 1881 and the chapel restored in 1951.

WASHINGTON (NC) - Pope John 'Paul II made a profound impression On the American people, according to an ~C~Louis Harris survey in which 70 percent of the people interviewed agreed the pope is "one of the outstanding world leaders of this century." The poll found also that 84 percent of the Catholics polled agreed the pope is an outstanding leader. .

ROME (NC) - China is ready to begin negotiations toward a "concordat" with the Vatican, the Italian daily, Corriere della Sera, has reported. The newspaper based its prediction on unidentified Vatican sources and on an interview with Father Franco Demarchi, a professor of sociology at the' University of Trent, Haly, and editor of the Italian magazine,. Chinese World.

WASHINGTON (NC) - The "lost generation" and the silence were mentioned most often at a White House press briefing on refugee camps in Thailand. There were virtually no Cambodian chiidren between the ages of one and four, few under 10 in the Thailand camp they visited, according to Rev. Robert Maddox, White House special assistant for religious liaison, and Dr. Julius Richmond, surgeon general of the Public Health Service.

BISHOP DANIEL A. CRONIN is welcomed at the annual Bishop's Night sllonsored by the diocesan Permanent Diacon~te program. At left, senior candidate Benjamin and Mrs. Nogueira, Our Lady of Victory parish, Centerville; right, freshman candidate Lawrence and Mrs. St. Onge, St. Theresa, New Bedford.

ROME (NC) - Pope John Paul II praised !St. Thomas Aquinas as a model for today's Catholic theologians during an address at the Pontifical Angelicum University in Rome. "The philosophy of St. Thomas merits studious attention and acceptance on the part of the youth' of our times because of.its' spirit of openness and universalism, characteristics which are difficult to find in many currents of contemporary thought," the pope said. .

ciety and a faculty member at Mt. Ida Junior College and the All-Newton Music School.

Prelate_Asks Racial Peace

THE CATHEDRAL 'The L,iturgical Hours For Christmas' Day' DEC. 2nd • 8 P.M. Music From The 14th· 16th Century With Early Instruments' WILL AYTON, Director

ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL Fall River 673·2833

Paul Delisle, countertenor soloi!lt, began his musical career in the St. Mary's Cathedral choir 'under direction of Father Campbell. He was St.', Mary's cantor and is now, countertenor at St. Paul's Cathedral, Boston, as well as an' organ builder by trade.

FATHER WALL and Father Campbell at Sacred Heart's historic organ. (Torchia Photo) •

Bass soloist Charles Franco, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Franco of Holy Name parish, Fall River, is a graduate of the Lowell Conservatory of Music and has been heard in many New England recitals.

'Messiah for' 'Fall River'

This Saturday the choir of Holy Name Church, Fall River, will travel to Malverne, N.Y. to join the choir of Grace Lutheran Church of that city in a presenFATHER JEREMY J. of Handel's Messiah. DACI, OFM C(;mv. associate tation Next' weekend the Malverne pastor at St. Hedwig Church, . choir will be in Fall River to New Bedford, marked his join the combined choirs of Holy golden jubilee of priestly or- Name and St. Mary's Cathedral dination last Sunday with for a repeat performance of the a concelebrated' Mass of sacred oratorio. ' The concert, to be held at thanksgiving, followed by a 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 9 at Sareception in the parish hall. cred Heart Church; Fall River, will feature 80 voices and organ Born in Krakow, Poland, 'accompaniment by David R. Carthe jubilarian entered the rier and an instrumental ensem. Franciscan -community in ble. Pastor John Carajanes of 1922 and was ordained Dec. Malverne will direct. He and Father William G. 21, 1929. He studied and Campbell, director of Holy Name taught jn Poland until the choir and diocesan director of outbreak of World War II, music, founded an Interfaith Choir in 1963, when both were when he joined the American stationed in Falmouth. ,Later, province of St. Anthony. He when Father Campbell was stataught at Granby! Mass. until tioned in Fall River, the clergymen organized concerts both in 1972, also conducting re- Malverne and at St. Mary's Catreats, preaching and giving thedral, but none has been held organ reci~als in the Granby for several years. Next week's concert received area. its impetus from the desire of In his "second career".,in Father Barry Wall, pastor of parish work, he served in Sacred Heart Church, to initiate musical. activity in the parish Chicopee before his assign- and at the same time raise funds to restore the church's historic ment to St. Hed~ig's. 1875 pipe organ, one of the oldest in the diocese.


Originally with tracker action, the 1231-pipe organ was modified to tubular pneumatic action" but it has now been foupd that the original design, although more difficult to play, is superior in terms of perform. ance and it is hoped it will eventually be restored.~ Concert admission will be free although there will be a free will offering to help defray expenses. The combined Holy Name and Grace Lutheran choirs will also be heard at 11: 15 a.m. Mass on Dec.' 9 at Holy Name Church.

Principals at the Fall River concert will include David Carrier, organist, who holds a master's degree from the New England Conserv~tory of Music and was a student of Yuko Hayashi and Lorna Cook deVaron. He is presently director of music at the Second Church in Newton, director of the Newton Choral So-

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Music At

Kent Ahern, tenor soloist, sings at the Newton Second Church and has sung in several 'oratorios and Broadway musicals.

The _service was designed as the touchstone for a massive campaign to bring the covenant to the city's neighborhood. We lay aside'the weapons and w'ords of political conflicts, the taunts and jibes of insidious disrespect."

Some 200,000 copies of the covenant ,and an equal number of buttons bearing an olive branch, the universal sign of harmony and peace, were dis>tributed in Boston neighborhoods.

Thurs., Nov. 29, 1979

Lindsay Dyatt, soprano solo,ist, is a graduate of Oberlin Conservatory, and is currently studying for a master's degree at the New England Conservatory of Music. She has performed at Tanglewood and with the Light Opera Company of Manhattan.

'BOSTON (NC) - The spiritual leaders' of major religious organizations recently joined in an ecumenical prayer service, on historic Boston Common to proclaim a "covenant of~ustice, equity, and harmony."

The initiative for the BostOn Common gathering came when Cardinal Humberto Medeiros invited a group of religious leaders to his Brighton residence to confer on racial tensions. His action followed the shooting of Darryl Williams, a black 15-yearold high school football player, at a game in the predominantly white Charlestown district.





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Nov. 29, 1979

themoorin~ Advent Is Now This Sunday begins the Churcp.'s Liturgical year. For many in' the Catholic community it means at the most the , church's way of getting ready for Christmas. These people seemingly have little time to discover the beauty, joy and grace of the Advent liturgy. The crassness of the commercial world has all but captured their very souls. Wandering like dazed victims, they weave their way day in and night out from counter to counter, shop to shop and mall to mall in search of that trinket or trifle that they think will bring happiness int,o their lives or the lives of the ones they say.they love. It is these same people who wonder, as their batteries wear out or their new toy falls apart, ,why they can't attain that peace of mind and soul. . It is well, as we begin this Advent season, to reflect on our mental attitude to the entire message of the Incarnation before we race out to get our Christmas shopping "out of the way." As Catholics we should attempt to put our priorities in order, to see if we have become so immersed in that personal paganism which oQF social order condones that Advent and its expectation have been reduced to no more than a sentimental tear on Christmas eve. It is indeed a shame to think that those who should be dreaming visions of new hope are languishing in the pain of self-inflicted despair. So often at this time of year we see billboards urging us to restore t Christ to Christmas. Many think that this can be done instantly, like making a cup of coffee, but the assurance of a Christ-centered Christmas can only be achieved if beforehand we suffer the journey of Mary and Joseph. ' This Sunday should be for all Catholics the start of that journey. With the determination of faith and the enthusiasm of hope, the love that so. many are seeking in their lives can be achieved, not in some nebulous tomorrow but in the r.eality of t o d a y . ' . As the greet advent prophet Isaiah wrote: "Seek the Lord while you can find him. Call upon him now while He is near." Advent is that now. We Care - We Share This Advent begin~ a new adventure in. hope for .this diocese as it commences its pilot program of evangelization, We Care/We Share. This weekend over 10;000 homes in the Somerset and Swansea area will be visited by dedicated men and women who will sacrifice time and effort for the success of this most important undertaking. Prayerfully, those not of the faith will see that Catholics are not, self-centered isolationists but truly realize the ecumenical dimension of the mutual sharing that should flow from our faith commitment. For our own baptized who have not activated the gift of faith ,for some time, this effort perhaps will be a moment of renewal and rebirth. Assuredly, to the many who daily strive to maintain their living commitment, We Care/We Share will offer the opportunity truly to be the. eyes and ears of the Lord. Begun in this holy season of expectation, this proJound undertaking should have the prayerful support of .all the people of this diocese. In the spirit of Advent hope, may each of us take a moment these next two weeks to ask God's fruitful blessing on the challenge presented to all participating in this caring effort to share the Good News of salvation. f


OFFiCiAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER ~ 410 Highland Avenue . 675-715·1 Fall River, Mass. 02722 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore,

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan . . , Leary Press-Fall


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Franciscan Declaration·Qn Environment - To consider all creatures as brothers and sisters; , - To teach respect for and promote the correct use of material things; - To enjoy all creatures as signs of the goodness of the Lord; - To work so that all creatures can be at everyone's disposal and for everyone's healthful enjoyment (without forgetting those who are still to come); - To campaign for the protection of nature and of the environment; - To spread and make understood the "Canticle of the Creatures" as a Franciscan manifesto of love for nature; . J - To promote, even in our preaching, the doctrine that God put man on the earth in order to continue the divine work of creation and not to manipulate, subjugate, and " destroy it; - To treat with great care open spaces as well as the areas around our friaries so that they may be oases of peace.

Creed LOS ANGELES (NC) - , "If your parish priest goes off to get married. or if Sister Bernaqette wears a bikini or lobbies to become a bishop. read the creed and keep your calm." That was the advice of Jesuit Father Bernard Basset, English writer. lecturer, historian and humorist. in California to lead laymen's retrea-ts. "The creed is the marching song of the faithful," said the visitor from Oxford. who is considered the premier retreat mas· ter in English-speaking coun· tries. In talking about divisions in the Church. Father Basset said, "Today we have strange music in the church. funny customs,

forward-looking sisters who dress like merry widows, all manner of novelties which you and I find painful. "But on the other hand, we - the old: boys can be bloody awful too. We're turning into the pharisees . . . The pharisees didn't want the Sabbath or the fast laws changed. They didn't want any change at all. It's a 'painful period for all of us." Father Basset has written 16 books, from a historical work on St. Thomas More to "We Neurotics.·.. 'a "best seller subtitled "A Handbook for the Halfmad." He said it went through four editions on .its title alone.

Thouglt humor is at the heart ' of his "spiritual retreats and writings he finds" nothing funny about divisions within the Church. "Now you and I never sit down with the idea of forming a sect. But we end up grumbling together - the alumni, the progressive"s. conservatives, the old and the young. the clever and the stupid all get together and suddenly we've destroyed the church. That's what happened with the Reformation. "So, I urge you, when praying to the Holy Spirit. pray for humility to love the church and never do anything to break it up. Otherwise, we're doing the devil's work."

THE ANCHOR,-Dioce~se of Fall River-Thur. Nov. 29, 1979

P arent-Teen Dialog charges and, while they are sincere on' her part and certainly contain some validity, they are hardly original. . In fact, some of them were who wrote to her Denver Regis- spoken by most of us in our ter a letter, "Why I Want to youth. We just didn't threaten Leave the Church." She began to leave the Church. Ironically, by_ paying credit to her parents: the ones who-then would have "I have been'raised in a wonder- been horrified at the thought ful Catholic home by the great- are among those who left withest parents in the world.' It1:y out a backward glance the past parent,s have set very strict decade. guidelines in my upbringing Nor am I going to focus on the discipline, guidance, and lots of response itself because it was. as love. I attend Mass every Sun- diverse as most response in today and my parents have never day's'religious press. Some adults told me, 'You can join whatever took her to task, but so did religion you want.''' some teens. Some teens loudly Then comes the whiplash: lauded her decision to leave, but "Yet, when I am old enough to so did some adults. leave my parents' home, I will' People tend to read their own also leave the Catholic church. feelings and Qiases into another's I do not plan to join any cult." words and columnists come to She offers no reasons, i.e. Cath- expect a variety of reactions; I olicism has little interest in am no longer astonished that a youth, ("My parish offers no single column can draw irate parish-sponsored programs other letters from Reader One who than a CCD class every other calls me a reactionary conservaweek."), sermons are always di- tive and Reader Two who calls rected to adults, priests never me a Protestant liberal. On the see much less greet young whole, I thought the response people .and so on. to the girl's letter was balanced, As you might guess, her wide- hopeful, and illustrative of ly reprinted letter drew as wide thought among the laity. And that I do want to address a variety of response~ and that's what I'd like to address here here. At least a half dozen of more than the content of her the diocesan papers I read ran' letter. As for that, anybody who' the letter and ran rather comhas ever worked with teens in plete pages of response a couple the church has heard her of weeks later. That opened the

Certainly one of the most catalytic letters in the Catholic press the past year was that of a sixteen-year-old girl

Right Boat People There are the right kind of boat people, it seems, and the wrong kind. The right kind come from


Vietnam. They flee an oppressive Communist regime. We raise money for them, offer them asylum and weep for them. The wrong kind come to our own shores from Haiti, but they are fleeing an oppressive fas-' cist regime. When they try to land here, we send them back or throw them in jail. The human rights administration ignores them. They are, according to the Justice Department, "economic" refugees, not "political" refugees, and do not merit political asylum. IRep. Elizabeth Holtzman, DN.Y. is working on a revision of the immigration law which would . remove the ideological ):>asis of the asylum provision. But that won't help the 8,000 Haitian boat people who are in prison or in limbo in :Florida. or those who have been sent back to "Baby Doc" Duvalier, where fleeing is a political offense in itself, guaranteeing, at worst, imprisonment and torture \ and, at best, the harassment and surveillance of his personal militia, th~ "macoutes." Yet the Immigration -and Naturalization Service, in its unremitting efforts to discourage them, instituted a policy called "voluntary return." When boat people were picked up, they were sent without lawyers, to


subject for discussion and some of the best dialog I have seen on adult-~een . relationships in the church took place as a result. We're constantly searching for platforms for such discussions. If we announce an. adult~ teen forum in the church basement we get about eight reluctant teens dragged along by the parents of families who least need the interaction but don't want the place to be empty. We hold adult-teen picnics and parties designed to get discussion going but nobody ever gets beyond the stage of, "What Mass did you go to on Sunday?" The value of the letters is that they triggered other letters and \ the l;lase of C,atholic dialog grew. And that is what will bring about change. Maybe the young lady will leave the church, maybe not. But she is to be thanked for being a catalyst in hundreds of parishes and families who talked. together in print about how they feel and how the Church can better support both groups. 'For that we are grateful.


sessions with Creole-speaking interpreters, who warned them MARY that if they did not agree to return, they would be sent to jail, McGRORY denied work permits and, on being inevitably repatriated, fare worse for having resisted. After the Haitian Refugee is considerable. Amnesty InterProject, a group which has the national declined to send a team backing of the National Council because people were too terrified of Churches, the Congressional to be interviewed and because Black Caucus, the Catholic the repatriates they wished to Conference and several labor find have often disappeared. A groups, protested this inhuman- four-man team from the State ity, the Justice Department re- Department was dispatch~d last taliated by ordering "evidentiary summer. Its report is dismissed hearings" which they hoped by the Haitian Refugee Project would be the first step to depor- as a "whitewash." The official U.S. position totation orders. The bewildered boat people were being heard at ward Haiti is that it is a friend and an ally, a tight little antia rate of 150 a day. In September, the matter was Castro island in a sea of leftfinally brought to federal court Wing insurgency. When human and Judge James Lawrence King, rights commissions路 visit, - the made a decision that could mean- macoutes are clapped into mufti and the roadblocks that impede justice for the Haitians. He ruled that evidence about every citizen's progress are liftconditions in Haiti was admis- ed. Yet at a meeting of the Haisible and declared that he was sick .of the "law review ap- tian Human Rights Committee, proach" to the refugees' plight. which was broken up by thugs, He ordered a stay of deporta- preseumably mascoutes, the politions. The Justice Department tical officer of the U.S. Embassy was slapped in the face. At a appealed his order. What should be done, in the time when we are touchy about opinion of the few friends of the "respect" displayed for us the Haitian boat, people, is for by small countries, this incident Jimmy Carter to grailt political might warrant some attention. asylum, under his parole auth- \.. It is also possible that deeper ority, for those already in the investigation might tum up more country. That way, it is argued, evidence that Haitian boat they can start over' with the people are indeed "political" refugees, and dare, after all, the people who continue to come. The difficulty of finding out right kind of boat people, even what actually goes on in Haiti though so close to home.

Gloomy Re'action Absurd路



The despairing response to erican hierarchy to prepare the the papal visit by many pope for the visit. The Irish hierpriests and nuns, some lay archy, I am told, sent a compeople and even a few bish- , mittee to Rome with drafts, posiops can only be described in the sociological category of "collectivebehavior" - a group neurosis simply not justified by the realities of the situation. I was told in the week after the pope's return that :there were going to be new loyalty oaths, that we were going back to the era before the Second Vatican Council, that there would be a right-wing wi~ch hunt, that a lot of people were going to have to suffer intensely, that the pope was another Pius X, that Catholics were going to be forced to give up birth control as a condition of receiving absolution, that the new annulment norms were going to be repealed and that. the impact would be worse than that of the birth contro~ encyclical, and that I personally was in deep trouble. I would submit that all of this is patent nonsense. I did the research on the impact of the birth control encyclical and I have seen the data on the impact of the pope's visit; and they are not even remotely similar. As for being in trouble myself, what" else is new? I tried to argue that there was &mply nothing in the guarded and qualified remarks that the pope made, in his own personality or in his life history that justified such pessimism. But collective behavior does not respond to argumentatior. People were not interested in the subtle nuances of the papal language. The manic Catholic right (whose only real power comes from its ability to intimidate bishops and not from its numerical size) stamps its feet gleefully. "the pope is on our side!" And the somewhat larger Catholic left with mindless self-destructiveness seems to agree. I can't for the life of me figure out why. I think the pope made some technical mistakes in his visit. The tone of his talk to nuns was inappropriate for American women (but remember, sisters, before you write the pope off as a chauvinist, that he has a woman doctor). There was too much television exposure. - The pope should h.ave listened more and talked less (even many bishops were disappointed that he did not listen to them). If he was going to talk at all on sexual matters, then he should not have dealt with them in passing paragraphs. But I think that most of these technical mistakes were the result of the failure of the Am-

tion papers, briefing memoranda and other aids which the pope cheerfully accepted. The American hierarchy did not and mu~t bear the biame for some of the negative fallout on the morals of the clergy that resulted from the trip.

Having noted these technical mistakes, I must insist that if a certain segment of the liberal left Catholic elite went into despair after the pope left Andrews Air Force Base, the reason was that it wanted to go into despair, for some reason - perhaps for what Father Edward Duff used to call "mass masochi~m:" they enjoy daydreams about witch-hunts, loyalty oaths and ecclesiastical repression. Why liberals enjoy feeling bad has never been clear to me. I wonder if -in this case, however, there may not have been a .bit of snobbery at work. The masses loved John Paul II no matter what he said. Your good Catholic liberal never wants to be confused with just ordinary Catholics. So if the masses cheer for who and what John Paul II is, then the liberals, in order to maintain any distinctiveness of 'their own, have to ignore what he did and fixate on what he said - even if that means taking it out of context.

(ne,croloQY) December 14

Rev. Msgr. John J. Hayes, 1970, Pastor, Holy Name,- New Bedford December 15

Rev. Mortimer Downing, 1942, Pastor, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis December 20

Rev. Manuel S. Travassos, 1953, Pastor, Espirito Santo, Fall River

Many Ways "God does not lead all his servants by one road, nor in one way, nor at one time; for God is in all things; and that man is not serving God aright who can -only serve him in his own self-chosen way." - Joh~nn Tauler '1I111111111111111111111'1II111111111111111111l11l1l1l11l1lnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1IIIInUIIIIIII""

THE ANCHOR (USPS路5450020j Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. BOI 7, River, MA 02722



-THE ANCHOR-Dioclfse of Fall River-Thur.. Nov. 29, 1979


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PRINCIPALS AT the Fall River area celebration of Jubilee 75, from left Father Ronald

A. Tosti, jubilee coordinator; Mrs. Aubrey Armstrong, dinner dance chairm~n; Bishop Dan·iel A. Cronin; Mrs.lVIichael J. McMahon, mistress of ceremonies; Msgr. Da:ni~l F. Shalloo,

VF, Fall River Area'Dean. (Torchia Photo)





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Thirty-eight young ladies representing 38 parishes and one young lady from the Nazareth Hall Vocational Center in' Fall River will be presented to Bishop Daniel A. Cronin at the 25th annual ,Bishop's Charity Ball at Lincoln Park BallrOQm Friday, Jan. 11. The young lady, a student at Nazareth Hall School, will represent beneficiaries of the ball. The ceremony, one of many ball highlights, is awaited every year by the thousands attending the Ball. The fathers of the young ladies in a solemn march ceremony present their daughters to ~ishop Cronin. . Ball proceeds benefit three Nazareth Hall Schools for exceptional children and four summer camps' for underprivileged and ~xceptional children of every race, color and creed in southeastern Massachusetts.


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will ask Catholics to provide di- sporting the brightly colored Continued from Page One toms include making Jesse trees, ocesan and parish census statis- message "We Care/We Share tics, while those with no church The Catholic Family of the Fall wi~h Old Testament symbols as decorations, and filling Christ- affiliation will be invited to River Diocese." Parish programs to which pimas cribs with straw, each piece specially planned parish prolot area residents will be invited grams. symbolic-of a good deed or act will inclUde a forum ~n the of self-denial and hopefully addThe undertaking is being pubing up to a soft bed for the In- licized by radio, television, news- problems of the divorced or separated, an "open church" at fant. paper advertising and bumper which distinctive features of But the largest. project is un- stickers, with workers' cars . Catholic churches will be exdoubtedly under way in the plained and a candlelight carol seven parishes of SQmerset and service. Abortions Reduced Swansea, where this weekend The program will conclude will see hundreds of volunteers WASHINGTON - Secretary with a "Come Home for Christvisiting each of the 10,000 homes of Health, Education and Wel- mas" appeal, with newspaper in the two communities. . fare Joseph Califano said the advertisements' inviting Somer.The Volunteers are partici- Hyde amendment ,restricting set and Swansea residents to at. pants in "We Care/We Share," federal funding of abortion has tend Mass oli Christmas eve or a pastoral outreach .program reduced Medicaid abortions by . Christmas day. that will be a pilot for the re- 99 percent from the previous mainder of the diocese. They le'lel of .about 250,000 a year. But a spokesman for Planned Parenthood says' some states have picked up the costs of many of those abortions.

Of His Holiness Pope John Poulll



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Nov. 29, 1979

the mail packet campaign asking people to stand up for the starving millions in Cambodia. Participants are asked to write to Mr. Pham Van Dong, Prime Minister, Hanoi, Viet Nam, and to ask their friends to Dear Editor: do the same: I am bedridden and have· We who eat must speak out been making and repairing ros- for those who starve. aries for the missions. Scott J. McColl I would appreciate receiving American College Community rosary parts, small crucifixes, University of Louvain medals and rosaries. If you have Leuven, Belgium more than one rosary, give the extra one to the missions. Give - help me to expand the rosary devotion. More prayer, Dear Editor: more power! I just wanted 'to thank you Bertha M. J. ;Doiron and the Anchor for the very 90 Webster St. well-done article on foster care Pawtucket, R.I. 02861 which appeared in the November 15th edition. I greatly appreciate your interest and cooperation regarding our need for Dear Editor: homes for children and feel conPray allow me to suggest that fident that your article will I applaud the thoughts of Rev. reach a great number of conGerald T. Shovelton' as to An· cerned . people. chor changes. The Carson demise Carla Ross Lyman is welcomed. Regional Homefinding Further, may I say that much Coordinator could be done to update homiNew Bedford Department. lies. With the denouncement of of Public Welfare the world crisis at hand, it continues to be distressing that they are not much different from those of my youth when Marx- Dear Editor: In 1947, through the efforts of ism, pornography, abortion, xrated films (Life of Brian, pat a Belgium woman, the Catholic example), tas.teless TV, w.ere Union of the Sick of America (CUSA) was started in America. nothing but diabolicai dreams. Its aim was to help the chroniBernard McCabe cally ill and the handicapped South Yarmouth understand their role in the Mys" tical Body of Christ. It is an apostolate for and by the sick. Dear Editor: Membership is organized into I'm sure "the silent majority groups, usually of eight memof Catholics" in the Fall River bers, each with a leader, liaison diocese - as well as all over this person and chaplain. Members country would say "well correspond with each other done" to the letters in The An- about every six weeks. A spiritual leader encourages chor by Rev. Gerald T. Shovel· them to give glory to God un· ton of Raynham and Sister Mary Jacinta, R.S.M. of North Provi-' questioning acceptance of the spiritual value of their suffering. dence. When Cusans appear before The young man who was quoted in "Focus on Youth" re- God, as many have already done, iterates how young and old, they can say that they have Catholic and (yes) Protestant shared the vocation of Christ. felt about Pope John Paul II: They shared in the redemption _ "He's a strong person and it's of the world. All are invited to join CUSA. good to see someone in power Deacons, Eucharistic Ministers, with such convictions." As Father Shovelton said, Legion of Mary members, and "Thank God for Pope John Paul other parish workers may want II. May God now give us all the to introduce it to the shut-ins they visit. grace to follow his direction." Information can be had from Kathryn Nowak CUSA, 176 West 8th St., Ba· Marion yonne, N.J. 07002. Sister Martha Marie Fall River Dear Editor: 'P'ro-Life Physicians Nearly everyone is aware of MAYWOOD, Ill. (NC) - The the Cambodian tragedy, but most people are at a loss to American Academy of Pro~Life know what they personally can Pediatricians will hold its first do in this matter. There is meeting during the annual meetsomething, however, which we ing in San Francisco of the Amall can do - raise our voices erican Academy of Pediatricians. The group is made up of together in calling upon the prime minister of Viet Nam to some 200 pediatricians who wish use his influence to open the to promote greater awareness of Thai-Cambodian border to relief. issues related to abortion, deThe students of the American fective newborn children, steriCollege in Louvain are organiz- lization of the mentally retarded ing a worldwide letter-writing and threats to family integrity.



Letters are welcomed, but sho~ld be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves tM right to' condense or edit, If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and Include a home or business address.



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By Pat McGowan It was 6:30 of a weekday morning. Father Raymond Robillard was saying Mass for the faithful early risers of St. Jacques parish, Taunton. Suddenly - a new worshipper appeared, a teenage girl in a nigh.tgown who wandered down the isle, perched on the altar and said "Hil" Not missing a beat, Father FATHER ROBILLARD checks in at the hospital switchRobillard suggested that she sit out the rest of Mass at the side board with Collette LeClair, receptionist. (Gilbert Photo) of the sanctuary. Then he 'took her into the rectory kitchen, them a blessing," he said. He begins sooner than in the past, gave her a bowl of cereal and _also regularly administers the there is a quicker recovery rate arranged to have her picked up 'Sacrament of the sick to the among patients. "People used . by officials at Taunton State aged and those in serious condi- to stay from six months to a Hospital, a mile distant, from tion. year; now the average is three which she'd slipped unobserved. He is backed up by Sister Alice months." He recalled as his most nerveIn seven years as chaplain at Desrosiers, SUSC, the St. Jacencounter "talking Taunton State, which serves· the ques parish minister to shut-ins, racking mentally disturbed of South- who has the hospital on her down" a patient from the roof eastern Massachusetts,' the un- visiting list two days a week. of a four-story building, from flappable Father' Robillard has And he has the support of the which he was throwing shingles intercessory prayer group of St. at would-be rescuers. had many such experiences. "I sat by him on the pitched But few have matched his in- Jacques, which counts his ministry among its priority intenroof, with only my feet in the troduction to the hospital when, . gutter keeping me up there," reentering ~a locked ward, he was tions. He notes too that the sacra- counted Father Robillard. greeted by a 200-pound patient After successfully getting the ment of reconciliation can be a pursu"ed by attendants, who rushed towards him, removing powerful aid to the disturbed. man to safety, "I was kind of "Sometimes it will release a per- - happy to get back inside the her clothes en route. "I got out fast," he related. son's problems and he can then bUilding," understated the chaplain. But in general, he said, the dis- benefit from therapy." But Father Robillard wants to His experiences are thoroughly turbed react well to the presence of a priest and even the most be seen as a priest, not a psy_ empathized with his pastor, confused ofte,n manage to recall chologist, and although he has Father Andre Jussaume, who a few-words of prayer as he both on-the-job and aca.demic preceded him as Taunton State expertise in psychology, he chaplain. In addition to his hosblesses or anoints them. stresses the spiritual in his hos- .pital duties, Father Robillard is Tau~ton State has undergone pital ministry. associate pastor at St. Jacques many changes in recent years, and Taunton juvenile court said the chaplain, reflecting a He pays high. tribute to the chaplain. new state policy of placing men- Taunton State staff which he tal patients in their own com- says acts as his eyes and ears munities whenever possible. in reporting patient needs. MesFrom housing about 2000 pa- sages are left for him at his tients, the huge facility has "office," the hospital switchdropped to its ~present popula- !board, where he checks daily for word of new patients or those tion of about 350. His Excellency, the Most RevThis has meant the closing of who need to be seen. erend Daniel A. Cronin, Bishop The priest notes that volun- of Fall River, has announced exmany hospital buildings and has necessitated many adjustments teers are welcome at the hospi- pansion of the Diocesan Divine on the part of veteran staff tal, where many patients are Worship Commission. . members who have had to adapt never visited. "!families of the Appointments, for a three to new philosophies and methods retarded usually maintain con- year term, are effective Dec. 2, of patient care. Father Robil- tact," he observed, "but the the first Sunday· of Advent, the lard noted that his work often emotionally disturbed are often beginning of the liturgical year. includes counseling workers who isolated from their families, usRev. James F.Lyons is chair-feel threatened by such changes.. ually because· there's been a man and Msgr. John J. Oliveira He is at the hospital nearly long history of stormy relations is secretary. every day and sees every pa- before they get to us." Members are .Rev. George tient and staff member at least Sometimes, he said, "all you Bellenoit, Rev. Willillm Camponce a week. The population is can do is sit on the sidelines, bell, Rev. Jon-Paul Gallant, Sisabout 70 percent Catholic, he watch someone go down the ter Gertrude Gaudette, OP. tubes and cry." noted. Also John Levis, Rev. John "Some people, of course, are But on the positive side, he Ozug, Mrs. William Stone, Rev., so sick that all ,I can do is give said, because treatment usually Ronald T~stk Rev. Barry Wall.

Commission Is Expanded


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Nov. 29, 1979


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NASON OIL (OMPANY 7 Perry Avenue

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THESE YOUNGSTERS from St. Paul's Choir School, Cambridge, will be heard in an Advent concert at St. Mary's Church, Taunton, at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. They were among groups singing during last month's papal visit to Boston.

A Most Historical Event

IS.he L'e路ads 51,000 Women Adrienne Lemieux, leader of over 51,000 members of the Di- ' ocesan Council of Catholic Women, fs a shy, charming person who "never thought I'd get into this as much as I have." Just elected to the 1981 nominating committee of the :National Council of Catholic Women, she says she has no further plans for national office. She is simply grateful to the diocesan organization for coming along at a difficult period in her own' life. -She explained that although she had a sister active ' in Taunton District Council events, "my mother and I just sort of bought tickets to things." But then within a short time Miss Lemieux lost both her parents, to whom she had been very close. To counteract depression and get herself back into active life, she began participating in council activities. Soon she found herself involved in district, diocesan and province undertakings. Now- she juggles participation -in her own parish guild, of

which she is immmediate past president, with her diocesan and national offices and with involvement in the Taunton Business and Professional Women's Club, the Queen's Daughters and the annual Bishop's Ball and Catholic Charities Appeal. When you add her fulltime job as senior clerk in the Bristol County Registry of Deeds to her after-hours schedule, you realize that she has few idle' moments. But although as DCCW president, she could be attending functions every night of the week, she maintains a sensible balance in her life. And. there is much time reserved for family affairs. As Aunt Adrienne to 16 neices and nephews, she has a constant stream of young visitors to the immaculate house where she grew up as one of four sisters. She recalls her growing-up years as a time of family closeness, with her parents supervising and _all four girls participating in.a parish drill team and most activities centering around

St. Jacques Church, only a hop and a skip away from the Lemieux home. ' As a family-oriented person, she is happy that the theme for the upcoming DCCW convention, "The Catholic Family God's Family," will reflect the concern of the U.S. bishops for the family unit. She sees the DCCW as bringing the women of the diocese together and also noted as a value of council membership the making of members aware of social issues such as the Nestle foodS and J. P. Stevens boycotts, undertaken by many' Catholic groups because of Third World problems with infant nutrition with regard to Nestle and labor unrest at Stevens. "I would have been unaware of those "injustices if it hadn't been for the council," she stated. "When women unite, they are strong - and 99 percent of the time we reach our goals," concluded this quiet leader.


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ADRIENNE LEMIEUX reads the Prayer of the Faithful at Taunton District Council Mass with Bishop Daniel K: Cronin as principal concelebrant.路 (Gilbert 'Photo)' -

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Nov. 29, 1979

Developing Young Helpers

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When children do chores around home, children and family all Here are some ways to capable helpers:




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Figure out step-by-step how you want the child to clean the bathroom. Write. down each step. Most children like to follow a checklist and enjoy the satisfaction of reaching the end. If you do not specify each job, be 'assured it will not b~ done.

East Falmouth r Mass. 02536

HIC FISHERMEN Re~taurani [ne. 548-4266 CLOSED MONDAYS


Continued from Page One des; Mrs. Constance Motta, Holy Family; Mrs. Manuel (Antonia) / A. Nunes, Immaculate Conception. Miss Rita O'Donnell, Sacred Heart; Mrs. Antone (Mary) P. Rose, St. Joseph; Mr. Frank L. Tosti, St. Paul; Mrs. Irving (Louise) Vose, Holy Cress.

flowers CLOSED, SUNDAYS Daily Deliveries to Otis, Barnstable County Hospital, Tobey Hospital, Falmouth Hospital 12 McARTHUR BLVD.• BOURNE SO. ROTARY, BOURNE Tel. 759-4211 and 759·2669

51. Julie; Mr. Boleslaw Witkowicz, O. L. of Perpetual Help; Mrs. Rose A. Woods, Sacred Heart. , Fall River Area

Mrs. Francisco (Constantina) Arruda, St. John of God; Mrs. Michael M. (Edith) Arruda, St. Mary's Cathedral; Mr. William Beauchesne, Blessed Sacrament; Miss Mary M. Crotty, Holy Name; Mrs. Fred (Anelita) Dagata, O. L. of the Holy Rosary; Mrs. Roger (Josephine) Dube, St. Thomas More; Mr. Steve Dzialo, Holy Cross; Mrs. Mary M. Ferreira, St. Elizabeth; Mrs. Marion Frado, St. Patrick; Mrs. 'EugE!ne (Annette) Gagnon, St. Jean the Baptiste. Miss Mary' Gutwienski, St. Stanislaus; Mrs. Frank H. (Anna) Krauzyk, St. William; Miss Alexandrine C. Lafond, St. Mathieu;


New Bedford Area Mrs. Joseph Wilfrid (Eugenie) Breault, St. Joseph; Mrs. Hervey (Mary) Caron, St. Kilian; Mrs. Robert (Marie) E. Cooney, St. Patrick; Mr. Armand S. Cote, St. Anthony; Mr. Edward Fernandes, Immaculate Conception. Miss Isabella Gerrard, St. James; Mrs. Ellen Hamer, Holy Name; Mr. Matthew R. .Hart, St. Mary; Mr. Harry Maxwell Hose, Our Lady of Fatima; Mr. Frank Jarosik, St. Casimir. Mrs. Anna M. Monfils, St. Lawrence; Mrs. Harry (Mary) Peitavino, St. 'Francis of Assisi; Mrs. Carmen M. Rivera,' Regina Pacis Center; Mr. Ovila Rock, St. Theresa; Mrs. Aquinal (Benvinda) Rose, Our Lady of the Assumption.

HOLIDAY SAVINGS Brand Names At Discount Prices Famous Labels •• Top Quality INFANTS •• STUDENTS

15% •

u. S. 'Radio, VATICAN CITY (NC) - The U.S. Catholic community in Rome has brought a first to Vatican Radio - a singing com. merical. The ad sung the praises of the annual bazaar sponsored by the Church of Santa Susanna, the American church in Rome. "To those of you who think that Vatican Radio is taking a new direction with this novelty, a commercial, we must say that it is 'for a very good cause," said the announcer for the Jesuit-run station. "This special report speaks, or rather sings, for itself." .

Mrs. Alphonsus (Alphonsine) P. St. Amand, St. Francis Xavier; Mr. Alfred Sicard, St. Anne; Mrs. Antone (Carolinda) Silveira, St. Anthony; Mrs. Frank (Aldea) Southworth, St. George; Mr. Robert V. Sweeney, St. Rita.




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amount of family activity during leisure hours, and worshipping together is representative of healthy family life. Expecting children to' contribute to family living by doing their share of housework is far from taking away time from their years of freedom. Rather it teaches them responsibility. And if they are to enter adult life' successfully, they need to have experienced responsibility. Once again, we stress that teaching children to help with chores around the house is not easy.. In the beginning it takes up more time than if you had done it yourself. And you may find that the chore is not done exactly as you would have done it. When you find yourself lacking in patience think back to a time when you had to learn something. Were you always delighted at the prospect of new responsibility? And how long did it take you to learn what was required? You· may remember that you had a certain amount of dread about having -to take on something else. And it probably took you a while to learn. Instant acceptance of a new responsibility and instant success with' any learning task are rare. Questions on family living and child care are invited. Address to The Kennys c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.

Marian Medals



regular mother, benefit. develop

1. Select tasks within' the child's capability. From around age eight onward, children can learn to do most housework, laundry and yard work. Assign only the number of jobs you can teach and supervise. Assign real jobs. Some mothers cook a five-course meal while Susie stirs the gravy. They then exclaim, "Susie cooked dinner." Such false enthusiasm is demeaning and fools no one, certainly not-the child. Give Susie jobs which she can really do and compliment her for genuine competency. 2. Any chore worth· doing takes time to learn. Most jobs for adult$ assume a three-month orientation period. Realize this and take the time to teach your child the right way. Many parents fall down on this point because teaching a task demands much of the parent.



(In our household, I realized that I had omitted "Wipe off the window sill," when, after three weeks, the window sill had not been touched,) Work along with the child a couple of times. Demonstrate the task and give the child a chance to do it. 3. Specify "a time 'to do chores. If no time is set, the child can always promise to do them "later." 4. Do not expect your child to be enthusiastic about developing his capabilities and selfesteem through chores. Work is work. Most likely the child will gripe, and the object of his gripes will be you. As a good disciplinarian, you allow him to express his gripes, but you see that he does his chores. 5. Decide in advance whether the child gets paid, whether he gets some other reward, or whether he is expected to do this job as his contribution to the family. Children like to know where they stand. 6. Once your child can do the job adequately, let him alone when he works. Don't hover around, criticize or give advice. When he has finished, check his work. Point out any 'oversights, and above all, notice and appreciate a job well done. Working together for mutual comfort and pride in home, enjoying at least a reasonable

By Jim and, Mary Kenny


....·••••••.,..T• ."• ., . .., • .".VJ_V'

Miss Elsie M. Sylvia, Mount Carmel; Mrs. Paul (Olivine Irene) Vaillancourt, Our Lady of Grace; Mr. Robert M. Vigeant, "'.



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Mr. Raymond R. Lanouette, St. Roch; Miss Lucienne' Levesque, O. L. of Fatima. . Mrs. Joseph M. (Josephine) Medeiros, Espirito Santo; Mr. Wilfrid Morrissette, St. Anne; Mr. Joseph O'Brien, St. Louis; Mrs. Antone S. (Emily) Pacheco, Our Lady of Health; Mr. Leodore Salois, Notre Dame. Miss Alice Simas, Santo Christo; Mrs. Frank (Mary) Smith, St. John. the Baptist, Central Village; Mrs. Benjamin B. (Anna) Stafford, Sacred Heart; Mr. Joseph J. Stankiewicz, 55. Peter and Paul; Mr. Frank Swass, O. L. of the Angels. Mrs. William (Dorothy M.) Tavares, St. Michael's, Fall River; Mrs. Charles (Theresa) Viens, St. Michael's, Ocean Grove.

Vatican Style Then Brother. Edward Hoffman, executive director of MultiMedia International of Rome, sang to the tune of "Oh, Susanna," accompanying himself on the guitar: "Santa Susanna, the American church of Rome, is going to have a big bazaar, and we all hope you'll come," went the reprise. Among bazaar beneficiaries are Mother Teresa's hostels for the Roman homeless, drug clinics, ·a home for unwed qiothers and Santa Susanna's library, the only public English-language library in Italy. •


,~ . . . .


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• .• ' . I .•'


THE ANCHOR.,..Oiocese


Fall River-Thur. Nov. 2.9, 1979


uestion corner By Father John Dietzen Q. Will you please explain the present ruling of the church concerning Latin Masses? Some priests have told us they are not allowed. A group in a nearby city, however, advertises that they have "the old Latin Mass" every··Sunday. If Latin Masses are possible, why 'don't more churches have them? (Del.) A. According to present regulations for the celebration of the Eucharist, the language of the Mass should normally be that of the people who are attending. In other words, the local vernacular tongue. For good reasons, and if a sufficient number of people request it, a Mass may be celebrated in Latin, but it must be according to the new rite for the Eucharist, -established in 1969. Certain Catholics who refuse to accept the authority of our recent popes in these matters insist on attending 'Mass only in Latin and in what they call the "old rite" - by which they mean the so-called. Tridentine Rite approved by Pope Pius V in the 16th century. This rite was in effect until the liturgical reform after Vatican Council II. Such public celebrations of the Eucharist using the Tridentine format are forbidden today. Those who promote such ceremonies are acting in direct disobedience to. their bishops and to the pope, who have the responsibility to guide and direct the church in its official public wor· ship. Why don't more churches have Latin Masses usiqg the new Eucharistic rite? The answer is simply that the majority of Catholics just do not seem to be enthused about the idea. During recent years, numerous parishes haye scheduled a regular Latin Mass at the request of some Catholics who express a nostalgia about the way things used to ~¢. At first, memories of beautiful Latin chants, hymns and high Masses may attract a fair number of Catholics. In a

very short time, however, nostalgia wears thin and the people realize that their .appreciation of the Mass and the importance of their personal participation has changed, and grown considerably since the old days. The limitations of a eucharistic liturgy in a foreign language, even in the new rite, appear quite clearly and the Latin Mass experiment is abandoned. I must admit that I am among those who profoundly. miss many moving aspects of our liturgical heritage which we are gradually losing (at least for a time) beELLEN McCORMACK, the cause of our change from Latin Long Island housewife who to the vernacular. ran for president jn.1976 on I firmly believe, however, that the instincts which guided the !l pro·lif~ platform, has anbishops at the Vatican Council nounced that she has decided are unassailable. Any foreign .to run for president again' ill language, including Latin, simply 1980. cannot today be' a vehicle for But this time Mrs. McCorthe primary purpose of the Eucharist as the church sees it: to mack will run as an indepenoffer the fullest worship to our dent rather than as a DemoHeavenly Father and to be the cratic candidate, according. primary expression of our unity with Our Lord and, through to Linda Zumpano, chairman him, with each other as his of the Ellen McCormack for President Committee. church. Q. Why is it that priests no "1'he decision to run as an longer seem to be named monsignors? Is there a new ruling independent means Mrs. Mcon this? (FIa.) Cormack, who had to halt A. The rank and title of mon- her presidential campaign signor is probably best described after the Democratic convenas a remnant of the times when tion in 1976, will be able to much more importance was continue campaigning until placed on honorary titles in the the fall general election. . church. Today, when the church is But by not running in trying to simplify its life in many Democratic primaries she ways, it seems to be attempting will not be eligible for federal to de-emphasize positions which matching funds from the are purely honorary in the sense that they have no necessary reo Federal· Election Commislationship to the individual's of- sion, Mr~. Zumpano acficial ministry in the church. knowledged. The word monsignor, incidentally, which means "my lord," "Every penny we spend is still in some countries the title we're going to have to raise given to bishops. ourselves," Mrs.' Zumpano As the saying goes, some of . told NC News from her home my best friends are monsignors; but I suspect that even though in New Hyde Park," N.Y. some monsignors are still being "But based on the response named, they will be an increas- we've had, we know people ingly lonely breed in the church. are willing to do the work."



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SOMERSET AND SWANSEA members of Bishop's Ball arrangements committees include, seated from left, Mrs. Vincent A. Coady, Aubrey Armstrong, Mrs. Eva Laliberte; standing, Mrs. Roger Dube, Mrs. Aubrey Arm strong, Mrs. ~anuel Nogueira.



THE ANCHOR-Dioc~se of Fall River-Thur. Nov. 29, 1979

Who AmI? By Eugene and Catherine Fisher

know your faith Letting Others Really Be By Father John Castelot

time, enlightening paradox: One finds real self-fulfillment in unselfish being-with-and-for-others. The individual is hy no means annihilated thereby. On the contrary, one is expected to realize his potential to the full; orie can share only to the extent that one has something to share. "We have gifts that differ according to the favor bestowed Qn each of us. One's gift may be prophecy; its use should be propor-' tionate to his faith. It may be the gift of ministry; it should be used for service. One who is a teacher should use his gift for teaching; one with the power of exhorting should exhort" (Romans 12, 6-8). If all of this is true of the community at large, it is at least equaily true of the basic unit of that community, the family, the body of Christ in miniature. In giving to each other the individuals grow in every way. Their mutual concern and dedi-

cation are a negation, not of the centrism. Here, too, the bond of individual, but. of individualism, not of the ego, but of egounity is love, and love has beeT!. defined in its essence quite simply a~ "letting be." Obviously' this does not mean that we simply "let each other be" in the sense of ignoring, ,paying no attention, but rather that we contribute positively and with creative love to letting others really "be," really dev,elop their Godgiven potential as individual human beings. Far from demeaning, it is enabling. True, it involves risks, like the risk of rejection or of being used. But this is the same risk which, humanly speaking, God took when he created us and when he "so loved the world that he gave his only' Son" (Joh'n 3,16); the s,ame risk which the Son' took when, . having loved his own in this world, he showed his love for them to the end {John 13,1).

"Just as each of us has one body with many members, and not all the members have the same function, so too we, though many, are one body in Christ and individually members one of another" (Romans 12,4). These words of St. Paul express one of the dominant themes of his theology, that of community. We become Christians by being baptized "into Christ," into the community of faith, hope and love which comprises his body. We are created not simply to be, but to be-with-others. As Christians we are called also, in a special way, to be-forothers, just as Jesus was preeminently the man for others. Even from a natural point of view, rugged individualism is subhuman. From Paul's vantage, point, "sin'" was quite simply egocentric individualism in any of its many forms. "We, though many, are one body in Christ and individually members one of another." Or, as he put it so strikingly in Galatians: "All of . you who have been baptized into Christ have clothed your- By Father Cornelius van der Poel single action or in a well-defined selves with him. There does not period of time. It is a contin'Maturity is not for sale. It is uous growth process. The person exist among you Jew or Greek, slave or free man, male or fe- a dimE;nsion of wholeness that who can accept himself can commale. All are one in Christ develops slOWlY within the in- mit himself to another and can Jesus" (Galatians 3, 27-28). dividual. It is much needed in 'be accepted by the other in We are joined in an organic human life but understanding it committed love. In this comunity. It is not the extrinsic IS very difficult. mitment people grow and maunity which binds the members We may describe maturity as ture. of a club or society, which can "the physical and emotional This form of commitment is self-destruct at will. The Chris- ability to deal effectively with an aspect of the\ mutual gift of tian community's like a vine with the conditions of daily life in the couple in marriage. The many branches' (John 15) or a accordance with one's age and changing circumstances' of life human body, to use PalJl's very position." Turn to Page Thirteen significant figure. Interhuman relationship, parIt would be difficult to im- ticularly the man-woman rela. agine a unity more organic than , tionship, is a call to develop mathat which joins together the .turity through mutual exchange parts of a body, all of which of personal values. share, in the same life principle. !\. healthy conjugal relationBy Catherine & Eugene Fisher The hand, for instance, is an ship is. not primarily based upon amazing instrument: 'flexible, physical qualities, social status Are sexuality and spirituality , strong, astoundingly versatile, or financial solvency. These as- compatible? To ask this question beautifully expressive - as long pects may play a certain role, is to answer it. And to ask it as it is part of the whole. An but if they are the basic consid- biblically is to answer it with amputated hand is not really a eration for marriage, the union a resounding "yes!" The Genesis hand any longer; it is a mon- is bound. to fail. Underneath any creation stories affirm the distrosity: . external quality is the formula- vine origin of sexuality and its Following Paul's analogy, ted or unformulated awareness central role in humanity's relait is the same with the individ- of the need to be recognized as ' tionship to God. Sex is seen by ual Christian. He is wonderful, an individual with a personal the Bible as "very good" (Gengracious, loving and lovable as value, independent from exter- esis 1, 31). Scripture abounds in the use a contributing and sharing mem- nal qualities. It is the need to ber of the community. be accepted for what one is in of explicit erotic language and One becomes an authentic in- one's own combination of weak- imagery. The classic example is the Song of Songs. dividual only as a member of an nesses and strengths. Sexuality and spirituality are This kind of recognition and authenthic community. And'hereTurn to Page Thirteen in lies a strange and, at the same acceptance is not achieved in a

Conjugal Maturity


Under the apparent calm of our society, deeply critical issues are being faced. A recent 'sur-' vey sponsored by the National Conference of Christians and Jews, for example, notes that more Americans, than ever before are willing to accept the integrated housing and busing to bring about racial equality. ... The questions raised by the current emphasis on individuality and personal freedom are real, not superficial dilemmas for most of us. In approaching marriage today we must ask whether we will live only for others and never know who we are ourselves. This question seems simple. "Of course not," one can reply, "in giving shall you receive." But it is not so simple. For the answers depend on fundamental options about how to structure the family unit and the relationships within it. In this field we are pioneers. There seem to be too many options: one career, two careers; "open" marriage, "closed" marriage; liberated roles, traditionally defined roles, and every conceivable combination and permutation of each choice. And few of the newer family "models" have been around long . enough to have passed the test of time. It might be helpful to layout a few old-but-new principles. They won't answer everything. But they may help a little'. First, it is important to distinguish between individualism, which amounts to mere selfishness, and that mature caring for oneself without which it is impossible to care fully for another person. In this context, we can reo

turn to the giving-receiving paradox on a deeper level. Even before entering marriage, it is important to have an answer to "Who am I?" I must know who I am before I can tell you who I am, so that you and I can get to know one another well enough to find out if we want to marry. The question is lifelong changing and developing at each stage of our lives. A life that is all "self-giving" by one partner can be disastrous for both. This is the reality behind the sterotype of the "martyred mother" who uses her self-sacrifice as a ploy to iJfl.uce guilt and inanipulate both husband and children. On the other hand, marriage does demand a great measure of self-giving. This needs to be dealt with honestly, not morbidTurn to Page Thirteen

II For Children I By Janaan Manternach One day Jesus' good friend Paul was writing a letter. He was living for a time at Corinth, a great city in Greece, where he told the people about Jesus~ and many became Christians. Paul was trying to finish his letter to other Christians at Rome. IBut he kept hearing people arguing and fighting outside his house. Finally he, went to the window. He was surprised to see that the people who were arguing were Christians. ' "I know I'm right," one man was shouting. "I'll do whatever I please," said an angry worn路 an. "I wo.uldn't do a thing for you," a Greek Christian was saying to a Jewish Christian. "You're just a woptan, what do Tum to Page Thirteen

II Compatible? I

TWO-CAREER FAMILIES must often juggle home and work schedules.

A Verdade E A Vida Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego

Responsabilidade do Cristao Deus tern urn projecto sobre a his' toria. A responsabilidade do homern' come90u quando Deus 0 quis associar na realiza9aO desse grande projecto: "Crescei e multiplicai-vos, enchei 'e d2minai a 'terra"~ Desde entao, Deus nao mais deixou de interpelar 0 homem das mais diversas maneiras. t na resposta aos apelos de Deus que se situa a responsabilidade do homem de fee


Nos prim ordios da humanidade, mal se reconhecia a responsabilidade individuaL. A responsabilidade era mais de tipo colectivo ou comunitario que pessoal, manifestando-se sobre t~do ern ordem ~ .retribui9ao ou ao cas' ~1g0. A salva9ao_como a desgra9a eram 1nterp~etadas, n~o como consequencia . da aC9ao individual, mas como resultado da solidariedade corn os justos ou corn os pecadores. Por isso murmur~va~ os ~sraelitas no tempo do cat1ve1ro: Os pais comeram uvas verdes e os dentes dos filhos e que sofreram" • o reconhecimento da responsabilidade individual era, todavia, atestado pela existencia de urn direito penal destinado a sacionar 0 delique~te. Cont~do, a ideia de que cada Urn e responsavel pelo seu proprio destino so aparece mais tarde, nos profetas, principalmente ern Ezequiel. Para os justos havera uma restitUi9ao? A imortalidade, diz 0 livro da Sa~edo~ia: No ultimo dia, os' justos V1verao eternamente na amizade de Deus e e nisso que c9nsistira a sua recompensa. E, durante a persegui9ao de Antioco, os martires mostram uma coragem adrniravel, animados ~ela esperan9a da futura ressurrei9ao. Cristo confirmara depois estas esperan9as de Israel~ A prega9ao apostolica tambem. Deus dara a recompensa aos homens pelas suas boas ~­ bras. t precise cornbater corn ardor par~ alcan9ar 0 ·premio. A recompensa e a heran9a divina que nos faz co-herdeiros e irmaos de Cristo. Essa recompensa sera dada aos que esperarem a vinda de Cristo corn amor e vigilancia. ~ precise que, fieis ao . nosso baptismo, nos identifiquemos com a morte de Cristo para participarmos da sua ressurrei9ao. ' Na histeria da salva9ao, os acontecimentos passados sao muitas vezes motivo de alento e confianxa quando se tern de afrontar situa90e~ presentes. Foi 0 que aconteceu ao Povo' de Deus apes 0 seu retorno do cativeiro e'o que aconteceu a Paulo quando teve de se dirigir a comunidade de Corinto, gravemente perturbada. Outras vezes, sao os acontecimentos~p~esentes que, vistos a luz da fe como acontecimentos de salva9aO, se tornam apelos para 0 Povo de Deus. Assim aconteceu , ~~ando os primeiros cristaos s~ vi:am assoberbados pela tribula~ao. ~ra a grande tribula9ao escatolagico de que a Paixao de Jesus havia sido 0 come90. ~

Continued from Page Twelve simply two aspects of our one human nature as given by our. Creator. The drive we see in ourselves to form as complete a uniting as possible with another person is a function of our sexuality. Our desire for union with God is a function of our spirituality. Viewed from this perspective, the two are not only compatible but interdependent. For the' uniting we seek with each other is not sexual, but spiritual. And this requires that the relationship that each of us as individuals has to God be brought by us in our coming together. Similarly, our relation as ,persons to God is not,merely individual but communal. So that by developing each of these sides of our humanity, we learn 'to understand the other side of it more completely. One has only to look at the great mystics, at Teresa and John of the Cross, to see the relationship between sexuality and spirituality. Mystical traditions have consistently used physical images to. communicate the deepest spiritual experiences. Sexuality is part of our very being, and so should be a part of our spiritual life.


THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 29, 1979

Compatible? . In Jewish tradition, for ex-. ample, many activities are forbidden on the Sabbath because they might constitute work and thus violate the Sabbath spirit of joy and rest. Sex is not one of these. Rather, sex is ordained on the Sabbath precisely because it gives pleasure and so enhances the proper celebration of the holy day. The "Zohar," the great medieval work of Jewish mysticism, strongly encourages husbands on the Sabbath "to rejoice their wives, to the honor of the heavenly union." The reasons it gives for "this duty of cohabitation" provide a fitting summary of what has been said this far: ",First, this pleasure is a religious one, giving joy also to the Divine Presence. And it is an instrument for peace in the world, as it is written, 'You'shall know that your tent is in peace' (Job 5,24)."

Who Am I?


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Continued from Page Twelve ly. Just because we devote ourselves to another, limiting our choices and curbing our desires for his or her sake, doesn't mean loss of self. This is' the great truth in Jesus' sayings about losing ourselves in order to find Largest our real selves, dying in order to rise to new life. ReJigious -Store Primarily in and through the Continued from Page Twelve On Cape Cod you know about it?" scoffed an give and take of the unique re.:omplete LIne of Religious Articles for Religious Communities and Organizations older man. A businessman was lationships that exist within the as well as Retail pushing a beggar aside saying, family, we develop as individJohn & Mary Lees, Props. "Why should I give you any uals. For each thing "given up" a different, often unexpected, 428 MAIN STREET money? I work hard for what I HYANNIS, MASS. 02601 type of growth takes place. A have." 775··t180 Paul went outside. He shouted mother, for example, may have to choose between den-motherto the people to stop fighting. "I'm amazed at you," he said. ing and taking an art apprecia"Alf'you seem to do is argue and tion course. Each experience will fight. Each of you thinks only help her grow as an individual, but in different ways. of yourself." Compromise arrived at through The crowd became silent. Paul INS. DEALS OUR SPECIALTY spoke more quietly. "Think for honest, open dialogue, where a minute of your bodies," Paul each member expresses his or told them. "For example, hold her needs and in turn really lisup your hands and look at them. tens to those of the others, ·1, .. 6 "Would you want to be with- forms the guts of family life. ~.4' out your hands?" Paul asked. The process need' not be formal, "Or what about your feet? How but it must take place, if 'each 53 PER far could you walk without. person, caring and in turn being cared for, is to experience the DAY your two feet? personal growth that only comes "Close your eyes now," Paul through such communal experi50 Miles FR E suggested. "Can you see me with ence. FALL RIVER OFFICE your ears?" The crowd chuck675-0558 led. NEW BEDFORD OFFICE "What do you think I'm trying to tell you?" Paul asked. A 999-1253 wise old woman answered, Continued from Page Twelve , ...-------"You're saying we need one anask for continuous adaptation. other. Just like a body needs Adaptation is not spineless flexihands and feet, eyes and ears." "That's right," Paul said, "so bility that bends with every stop being so selfish. Work to- whim. True adaptation is the' gether instead' of fighting with realization of one's full human one another." Paul went back potential in response to the presadapt into the house. He was happy ent condition of life. with his example of the body. is an enriching experience beThe Corinthians understood it cause it calls for the abilities well. So he decided to use it in which otherwise would remain dormant. his letter to the Romans. Conjugal, interaction is a pro"We who know and love Jesus," Paul wrote, "are like one cess of maturation and growth. body. Some of 4S are like hands, Respect for the personality of others like feet, or eyes or ears. the partner asks for a· personal THRIFT ,STORES The body of Christ needs each reaction which is unique and 306 COLLETTE STREET of us. Each has something speci- which develops a special ability NEW BEOFORD, MASS. al to bring to the body. The in the person who loves. They 1150 JEFFERSON BLVO. whole boqy is healthy and happy are called to support each other WARWICK, R.I. when all the members work in their growth toward the full(Rt. .5 SOlIth· Airport Elit' ness of Christ. together."


For Children

Rent-A-Ride .-






THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Nov. 29, 1979



on youth

, By Charlie Martin


doubts." I replied, "But you mustn't let AU my life was a paper, once plain, pure, and white that hinder you, John. YoU: are Till you moved with your pen, changing moods now and then, you. What makes you think you Till the balance was right will be the same? Don't let Then you added some music, every note was in place others stop you because of their And anybody could see all the changes in me by the look on my face And you decorated my life, weaknesses." Perhaps all those in the Created a world where dreams are a part church, laity and religious alike, You decorated my life, should make it clear to youth in By painting your love aU over my heart , doubt that their own view's are You decorated my life not final, that people"who have Like a rhyme with no reason in an unfinished song closed minds and final views do There was no harmony, life meant nothing to me not serve well. That faith is a Ulltil you came along living thing and can grow from . And you brought out the colors, what a gentle surprise day to day, that it must grow Now I'm able to see aU the things life can be . and therefore it cannot be ex- Shining soft in your eyes pected that young men entering Written by D. Hupp, B. Morrison, sung by Kenny Rogers a seminary will believe in a com© Liberty-United Records, Inc. plete way all that older men have come. to helieve through "You Decorated My Life" reflects on how our love changes years of experience, prayer and others' lives. Each of us is like a safe holding a rich treasure, but at reflection. times we need others to tum the combination so that this treasure can be fully realized by us. Many people fail to see the richness of their own personalities. They view their lives like a "paper, plain, pure, and white." In the The drama class of Bishop words of the song, "what a gentle surprise" awaits those who disGerrard High in 'Fall River will cover their own richness of person. 'present "Nine Girls" at 7:30 The song uses the Image of musical harmony to describe anp.m. tomorrow and Sunday. 'Cast-members are Terry Trem- other dimension of life's meaning. What a bea,utiful life sound blay, Carol Theroux, Linda Car- emerges when we support, challenge and believe in each other. If we pause to listen, we will also hear dissonance in our world. dosa, ·Bonnie Pacheco, Helen Valiquette, Denise Frederick, For the artistry of life has been diminished or obliterated. But Lynn Sylva, Pam Deforge, Lynn Christians are called to do something about this. Daigle, and Darlene Aroujo. The Jesus decorated many people's lives with purpose, drama and play is directed by Ronald Rath- new meaning. We who follow him must also be the world's decoraier. tors. We must create opportunities where the forgotten, the socially Recently elected freshman unacceptable, the disliked and the lonely can be healed. Our task class officers are Cynthia Coel- is large, but even one person's (life made more colorful enhances ho, president; Kathleen Sullivan, how beautiful the world can be. vice-president; Eileen Binette, secretary; Darlene Arujo, treasurer. . Each week of Advent there' will be a special Mass for each Pat Bonner, federation execuKANSAS CITY, Mo. (NC) class. The first will be on Wedtive council member, encouraged nesday, for seniors and fresh- Catholic youth are "the good teens to reach out hy offering news of the church," ;3,200 teenmen. l agers and youth ministers were encouragement and caring. "We don't minister in a loud told, as they met for four days of activity' at the 15th biennial voice, but-in a whispery secret. National Catholic Youth Con- We show our love and concern in quiet ways, not in words vention in Kansas City, Mo. The good word came from only, but in actions and gifts Merissa Guerin, director of the actions of acceptance and gifts National CYO Federation at the of time." she said. opening session of the convenFlorence Gradisek, youth tion, which focused on ~'Today minister in the Diocese of We Experience, Tomorrow We Greensburg, Pa., said, "New Reach Out." ' , youth leaders have to be grown Participants also explored from the time they are teenways to strengthen Catholic agers. You lead them, push them Youth ministry. A major weak- and take them to conferences ness is the desire for instant like this one. Then when they Christians," said Mike Yacon- are 25, they'll have their tum elli, co-director of Youth to serve." Specialties and Co. "Christian life is a beginning, Unconstitutional a struggle," he said. "It doesn't happen overnight and nothing WASHINGTON (NC) A about it is' black and white. New Jersey law giving tax re"We seem to want a youth ductions to parents of children program that is quick and effort- in church-related elementary less," he said, "one that solves and secondary schools is unconSO~E 50 boys. and girls from throughout the diocese received awards for completion of everything in 45 minutes and stitutional, the Supreme Court tries to get everyone to react to has ruled. The court upheld religiou$ study programs in the Girl a~d Boy Scout and Camp Fire organizations at a con- God in the same way. But I'm' by refusing to hear an appeal celebrated Mass at St. Joseph's Church, Fairhaven. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin congratulates here to say it doesn't work that -two lower court rulings which Girl Scout Denise Gagne, Notre Dame parish, Fall River and Boy Scout Scott Forgues, St. way and there is no reason that said that income tax deductions Joseph, Fairhaven. (Rosa Photo) it should." could not be given.

By Cecilia Belanger Youth s-ometimes ask: '~How can' I get nearer Christ?" There's one .answer that works .for sure. To get nearer to our Lord one must seek the lost, the rebuffed, the undermined, the kicked out, the ignored, and it has nothing to do with poverty of goods, because anyone can suffer from this inhumanity. In other words, "seek those whom others have. injured and there you will ,find your Saviour." . And there is another one-word answer: prayer. We are not praying enough. Jesus, the Son of God, had to pray and he emphasized its efficacy. • He knew that there was a shortage of workers in the vineyard. His solution to the problem was unique: "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he send forth laborers into his harvest." He taught the connection between prayer and the providing of workers for God's tasks on earth. Here is a' deep mystery, but the history of Christianity shows beyond' question that it is also . a deep reality. Men may have done all the other things, but if they have omitted to pray, the laborers have riot been bestowed, not the kind that are needed. We cannot blame God. He would not fail to answer the prayer dictated by himself. Our failure to get what we need often lies at 'pur own door. We have failed to obey Christ's clear command and to follow His convincing example. We have been egotistical. We have depended too much

on our own unaided plans. We have be~ selfish, ignorant, pur-' poseless. We have turned good people away. We have been proud.. We .have forgotten how to pray. Whenever a young person calls or writes and I detect an unusual spirit, a caring in his or her character, I think, "The church could use this spirit, this unselfishness." This is not to say that there are no other sacred places . , . times . . . persons. Christ is' Lord of every human endeavor and in all of life's work, no matter how humble, his servants may faithfully do, his will. There are so many avenues open to youth today. Which is why, perhaps, there are not so many entering the priesthood. I've talked with many who have a leaning towards it but outside forces tug at them. Some young men hold aloof because they are not yet clear in their own personal faith. Neither do they spend their time in an atmosphere conducive to helping them decide the matter. I remember some long talks I had on campus with a youth majoring in chemistry. We used to walk to Mass together and I always noticed the change that took place when he entered the chapel. He seemed to "belong" there. Sometimes he would say, "It's a letdown going back to class after this." Or, "I have been thinking seriously of entering a seminary." .When I asked what was holding him back he said, "I know too many unsettled priests, who give public expression to their I

Bp. Gerrard

'Good News of Church'



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THE ANCHORThurs., Nov. 29, 1979

tv, movie news

.ports watch By Bill Morrissette

Diocesans on All Star Teams Karen Cobery of Bishop Gerrald High School has been named to the Southeastern Mass.. Conference Central Division volleyball all-star team and Kevin Southwood of Bishop Feehan_ High School was named to the conference's West Division cross country all-star combine. Others on the volleyball team are Donna Webb, Brenda Rego and Doreen Fernandes of Westport, Donna Ryalls and Charlen"e Durand of Case. Those on the

second team are Debby Dumont and Sherry Vitale of Dartmouth, Cheryl Duclos of Case, Dawn Antone of Somerset, Michelle Vieira and Jennifer Mauk of Westport. In addition to Southwood the cross country team includes Todd Emard, Paul Gartner, Brendan McNally and Phil Lussier of Somerset, John Brigham and Dana Rivello of Attleboro, George Darmody of Durfee, Chris Harrison and Joe Redington, Seekonk.

Hockomock Has- All Stars Tool Stellars in Hockomock League Philip; VinBrennan, No. Attleboro; and Frank MacLean of sports follow: Girls' cross country team: Oliver Ames. Maggie Dunn, North Attleboro; Field hockey: Linda Lyons, Susie Shurmer, King Philip; Janet Vignone and Joan Elliott Kathey Sullivan, Oliver Ames; of Franklin; Laurie Leary, Carla Kelly Boyle, Sheila Condon and . Fitzgerald and Mary Ellen· CulliLeslie Cooper, Sharon; Lori nane, Canton; Anne Brosnan ·and D'Allessandro, Franklin; and Sheila Kaene, King Philip; PatriKim Miller, Mansfield. cia Burrows, Oliver Ames; Cindy Boys' cross country: Jack Echols, Foxboro; Kriss Kummer, Tisdale, Pat McNally and Philip No. Attleboro; Patricia Dutton, Alibrandi, Foxboro; David Bar- Sharon; Elaine Kaleta, Mansbato and Thomas DeNapoli, field; and Ann Malinowski, Stoughton; Mike Churchill, King Stoughton. .'.:



Looking Ahead The 1979 scholastic football season is now history and winter sports will soon be upon us. In fact, the basketball season is only 19 days away.

Somerset-Freetown and now have a 1 Y2 game lead. For New Bedford it was the eighth straight victory after losing the season opener. The loss snapped Somerset-Freetown's win streak at four games. Ironically, Somerset-Freetown's only loss prior to last Sunday was a 7-0 shutout hy New Bedford on Oct. 21.

'J3ishop Connolly High's Cougars, again in Division One, will open their conference schedule on Dec. 18 at Durfee. Division Two and Three will . open their schedules on Jan. 2. In other games in the Driscoll The Bishop 'Feehan High Sham- Rink last Sunday night, Fall rocks and the Spartans of Bishop River South, the defending chaQlStang High are in Division Two pion, posted a 4-2 win over as is Holy Family's Blue Wave. Rochester, and Taunton routed The Coyle-Cassidy Warriors are Fall River North, 5-0. Bill Tayin Division Three. lor's hat trick sparked South to In the Division Two openers its first victory since it routed Holy Family will be host to Taunton, 5-3, on Oct. 14. Feehan and Stang will entertain New Bedford is now 8-1-0 Greater New Bedford Voke-Tech. (won, lost, tied), Somerset-FreeCoyle-Cassidy's Division Three town is 6-2-1, Taunton 4-4-1, opener is at Dighton-Rehoboth. Rochester 4-5-0, South 2-5-2, Also of area interest is the . North 0-7-2. Next Sunday's announcement that St. Anthony's games in the Driscoll Rink are High School of Washington, Northvs. Somerset-Freetown, D.C., will participate in the an- 9 p;m., South vs. New Bedford nual Christmas Tournament at at 10, Taunton vs. Rochester at Rogers High School in Newport 11. on Dec. 27 and 28. In the opening day's play the , In Col,ombia Washingtonians will meet Middletown High and Durfee High BOGOTA, Colombia (NC)'will oppose host Rogers High. A civilian court has ordered reThe winners will meet on Dec. lease of Franciscan Sister Her28 in the championship final, the linda Moises, who had been arlosers in the consolation final. rested on unsubstantiated New Bedford keeps rolling charges of subversion. !\t the along in the Bristol County CYO same tiI,Ile, two Jesuit priests, Hockey ,League. Last Sunday under house arrest in the murnight the Whaletowners strength- der case of a government offiened their grip on first place cial, were supported by church with a 7-0 victory over runnerup officials.

Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for general vi~wingi PG-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens.• Catholic ratings: Al-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adu Its and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive Which, however, require some analysis and explanation): C-condemned.

"Valentine," Friday, Dec. 7, 9-11

p.m., ABC. They meet in a Venice, Calif., retirement home, go off on their own, and return with a sense of fulfillment. It's a geriatric "Love Story," with Martin dying of an unspeakable incurable Hollywood disease. To say that its emotions are bogus and its situation is romanticized is to suggest that the reality is much more disturbing and that it is important to treat it more seriously than on a soap opera level. New Film By coincidence this week,"the "Boardwalk" (Atlantic): An picture painted by "Valentine" old Jewish couple (Lee Stras- can be measured against the berg and Ruth Gordon) cope with real thing: "Aging in Venice," a old age and urban violence in documentary made in the same Brooklyn. Although serious is- community as "Valentine," ·to sues are handled, the movie is the aired Sunday, Dec. 2, 1-1:30 inept and ends in crude and un- p.m. pn ABC. This film is a sensitive and believable melodrama when a' 79-year-old man strangles a gang moving portrait of the elderly leader much bigger than he. striving to achieve physical and Dubious morality, violence and economic independence in a culfrank treatment of sex make this ture that has no place for them. mature viewing fare. A'3 Monday, Dec. 3, 8-8:30 p.m. (NBC) "The Berenstain Bears' On TV Christmas Tree." The bear famBaltimore's Mary Dobkin over- ily from the popular series of came a severe physical handicap illustrated' books for cl1ildren to devote h~rself to coaching make their TV debut in this anisandlot baseball. Her inspiring mated special about the true story is told in "Aunt Mary," spirit of the season. airing Wednesday, Dec; 5 at 9· Monday, Dec. 3, 8:30-9 p.m. 11 p.m. on CBS. (NBC) "The Little Rascals The dramatization centers on Christmas Special." Spanky and the 1955 "Dobkin Dynamites" all the gang from the popular team of slum kids who are awed movie series of the 1920s and by her inexhaustible knowledge 1930s are back - this time as of the game and by her example the animated characters of their of always striving, never quit- own prime-time program. ting even after her leg is ampuTV Film tated. Sunday, Dec. 2, 8:30 p.1l1\, With Jean Stapleton providing (ABC) - "The Man with the a credible, down-to-earth char- Golden Gun" (1974) - James acterization, the drama is often Bond (Roger Moore) is the targenuinely moving - a well-~e­ get for a million-dollar assassin served tribute to the real Aunt with a bullet of solid gold. The Mary. usual Bond mix of double-enten'Mary Martin and Jack Al- dres, beautiful women and viobertson are romantic oldsters in lence. A3


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o Holy St.

PAPAL CHARM seems to work on Cambodian infant singled out by Pope John Paul II during a general audience.

Jude, Apostle, and Martyr, great in virtue' and rich in miracles, near kinsman of Jesus Christ, faithful intercessor of all who invoke your special patronage in time of need, to you I have recourse from the depth of my heart and humbly beg to whom God has given such great power to come to my assistance. Help me in my present and urgent petition; In return, I promise to mak~ your name known, ami cause you to' be invoked. Say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and Glorias. Publication must be promised. St. Jude pr~y for us- all who invoke your aid, Amen. This 'Novena has never been known to fail:--I have had my request granted. Publi· cation promised. A reader. lAdvt.l

'f 6

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur. Nov. 29, 1979

Iteering pOintl PUBLICITY


are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included. as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rathe' than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundraising activities such 85 bingos,- whists, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual pro~rams, club meetinRs, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundralsing projects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office. telephone 675-7151_


The annual Women's Guild Holly Tea will take place from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday in the parish hall. Guests .are welcome.

ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL, FALL RIVER An infection control conference on epilepsy will be conducCATHEDRAL MUSIC, ted beginning at 8:30 a.m.. WedFALL RIVER A concert of sacred music, nesday, Dec. 12 in Room 112 of "The Liturgical Hours for Christ- Clemence Hall. The guest lecmas," will be presented at 8 . turer will be Edward J. Hart, ___ p.m. Sunday at St. Mary's Ca- M.D., assistant professor of thedral 'by The Irregulars, an pediatrics and neurology at Bosearly :.music group currently ton University Sc~ool of Mediartists-in~residence at· Provi-. cine. The program is open to dence College. The program will physicians_and other health perbe the firSt of a series of Advent' sonnel. concerts and will be held in the ST. MARY'S CATHEPRAL, chapel of SS. Thomas More and FALL RIVER John ·Fisher. There will be no Reservations close tomorrow admission charge. for the annual Christmas party To be offered are Gregorian and dinner of the Women's chants and other more elaborate Guild, to be held at 6:30 p.~. settings, drawn from the ChristTuesday in the parish hall. Enmas liturgical hours and related tertainment will he by the texts. They date from the 14th Triple Trio of Holy Family High through 16th centuries and will . School, New Bedford, directed be accompanied by instruments by Arthur Buckley. Hostesses in use at that period. Will Aywill be Mrs. Manuel Benevides ton dire:cts the group. and Mrs. Lucille Medeiros. It is announced that no guild ST. STANISLAUS, meetings will be held in .January FALL RIVER The annual blessing of Ad- or. February. vent wreaths will take place at HOLY CROSS, a candlelight liturgy at 4:30 FALL RIVER p.m. Saturday. Advent wreaths will be blessed Holy Rosary 'Sodalists will prior to 5 p.m. Mass Saturday. meet. at 1 p.m..Sunday for an Oplatki are available at the recAdvent service and Christmas tory or from the ushers at Mass. party. />; large committee headed by A parish Advent penance ser- Frank Kivior is making arrange-' vice is planned for 4:30 p.m. ments for the annual parish polSunday, Dec. 9. Also on Dec. 9, ka Mass, with music by Dick Bishop Cronin will celebrate 9 Pilar; to be offered at 5 p.m. a.m. Mass for the. annual .cor- Saturday, Dec. 15. porate communion of the Greater Fall River St. Vincent de Paul SACRED HEARTS, Conference. A breakfast will fol- FAIRHAVEN The Blessed Sacrament will be low. exposed in the Lourdes chapel SS. PETER AND PAUL, from 9 a.m. to 10 p;m. Friday, FALL RIVER Dec. 7 and Saturday, Dec. 8, the Speakers at a marriage en- feast of the Immaculate Conrichment program next week ception. All are invited to spend will be Rev. Maurice Jeffrey, a period of adoration during director of Fall River Pre-eana these days. on Sunday; Neil and Anna Biron, Marriage Encounter representa- OUR LADY'S CHAPEL, . tives, Monday; and Rev. Mau- NEW BEDFORD rice Lebel, S.J. of the Catholic Third Order Franciscans and Counseling Service, Tuesday. Dominicans from Fall River and All sessions will be at 7:30 p.m. New Bedford will hold a rosary New altar boys will practice hour at 3:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. in the church froin 11 a.m. to 7, for the intention of world . noon Saturday. peace and brotherhood. All are MeIIlbers of the November re- invited and those }Inable to attreat' team will meet at 7:30 tend are asked to recite the rosp.m. Monday to evaluate the re- ary .privately. treat 'and plan for a reunion ST. JOSEPH, Dec. II. FAIRHAVEN ST. RITA, The administration and worMARION ship commissions will meet toThe _Catholic Women's Club night in the rectory. invites parish adults to a ChristA Marriage Encounter commas party at 8 p.m. Saturday, munity night is set for 8 p.m. Dec. 15 at the rectory. Saturday in the church hall. SACRED HEART, Ladies of the Sacred Hearts FALL RIVER Association will hold a ChristA penance for Catholic and mas pot luck supper and gift expublic school children in grades change at 6 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 3 througJt 5' will be held at'l1 9 at the rectory. Members may a.m. Saturday. bring guests.

LA SALEITE SHRINE, AITLEBORO A Christmas program in sign language and voice will be presented for the deaf and hearing at 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 15. It will consist of the Christmas story in songs and slides and a Mass celebrated by Father John Bosco Valente, OFM, of St. Francis Chapel, Providence.

ST. JOHN OF GOD,' SOMERSET Women's Guild members and Holy Rosary sodalists will register from noon to 7 p.m. Saturday and from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sunday. . The monthly parish prayer meeting will take place at 7' p.m. Thursday in the church. A social hour will follow. An evening of praise and song An Echo reunion will be held at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 6, with composer-musician Jon directed by Father Richard Roy, Polce will take place Friday, St. Theresa's, Attleboro. Palanca ' Dec. 7, beginning with Mass at will be prepared for an Echo re- 7 p.m. The folk group welcomes any treat to be held Dec. 7 through young adults to sing or play. 9. Members are heard at 4:30 p.m. Mass each Saturday. Information ST. THERESA, is available from Jean Souza or SOUTH AITLEBORO St. Nicholas will visit a chil- at the rectory. dren's liturgy to he celebrated at 11 a.m. Sunday. Nursery service is provided in the parish hall during 9:30 and 11 a.m. Mas~ each Sunday.

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Contact any member of the Society of S1. Vincent de Paul, Council of Catholic Women, Bishop's Ball Committee or call or mail name for one of these categories to: . BISHOP'S CHARITY BALL HEADQUARTERS ~ P.O. BOX 1470 - TEL. 676-8943 410 HIGHLAND AVENUE - FALL RIVER, MASS. 02722




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