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t eanc 0 VOL. 28, NO. 47


$8, Per Year

Christ the King

I 14th -p,arish Last Sunday, the' feast of Christ the King, the diocese of Fall River celebrated establish­ ment of its 114th parish. Appropriately, it is the parish of Christ the King. Formed from the missions of St. Jude and Queen of All Saints, form­ erly attached to Our Lady of the Assumption parish, Oster­ ville, it will serve the Cotuit and Mashpee areas of Cape Cod. Since July 16 Father Ronald A. Tosti has been Priest in Charge at the two missions pending canonical erection of, the new parish. He will be Christ the King's founding pas­ tor. The official decree establish­ ing the parish is on page 9 of this 'issue of The Anchor. A let­ ter from Father Tosti to his pa­ rishioners, included in last Sun­ day's bulletin, for the first time issued under the name of Christ the King follows: My dear Parishioners, it is with a heart filled with joy that I write to you on this historic day. As you have heard from the altar of our mission churches, this Sunday, Novem­ ber 25, 1984, the Feast of Christ the King, our new parish was formally established as the Par­ ish of Christ the King. Because of the happy coincidence of my mother and father's golden jubi­ lee of marriage falling Olll this same date, I was able to read this decree myself at onny one Mass and I have therefore cho­ sen to write this letter to you. The establishment of a new parish must be a cause of joy to all of us. It is a sign of growth; It is a sign of faith; and above all, it Is a sign of hope. As III sign of growth, it is a simple fact that the Cotuit! Mashpee area has grown tre­ mendously in recent years. We currently have 900 families reg­ istered as year-round residents of our new parish. We presently have 300 children in our CCO programs and each week, more and more families are joining our parish. I have been overwhelmed at the large numbers attending Mass regularly to say nothing of the requests for baptisms, ",eddings ete. The growth is clear and in no small measure due to the fine work of those who served you' so ably when this area was a part of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish In Ostervllle.

That parish will always be looked upon as our Mother and I have the happy memory of my early years as a priest as, one of the many that served in this area when indeed it was but a mission territory. I take this opportunity to par­ ticularly thank Father' Clarence Murphy and those who have ably assisted him in his wise efforts in foreseeing the 'need for a new parish in this area and making such fine provisions for same. The establishment of this new parish is also a sign of faith..• yours and that of our beloved Bishop whose wisdom and fore­ sight have brought us, to this day. In his letter appointing me as your first pastor, Bishop Cronin has asked me to cOlllvey to all of you his..."good wishes and prayers that Almighty God will continue to endow us all with a full and abundant measure of His choice blessings." The establishment of this new perish is certainly a sign of hope and In that I tak,e this oppor­ tunity to explain in part the choice of "Christ the King" as the title of our new parish. In prese~ting the formal proposal to our Bishop, I requested that title because first cif aRl, it places our parish, and therefore, all of us under the heavenly protec­ tion of Christ the King, the only parish in the Diocese of. Fall River to do so. Secondly, the new title favors , neither title of our present cha­ pels. Thirdly, it looks to the future as Christ the King brings to mind clearly our ultimate destiny to be united for all' eternity in His heavenly kingdom. All of this having been said, where do we go from here? How will this really affect us? I have been instructed to now search for a new location for our new parish church and IT am actively doing just that. We are now one parish. That is a fact. We need to work hard' to become one family, one com­ munity of faith, united at one altar partaking of the one bread and the one cup. IT promise you that I will workuneeasingly to bring that about. It will mean that all who presently attend either mission will ultimately have to make a change as we hope to locate the new parish reasonably in the Turn to Page Nine


AT PARISH MINISTERS' study and prayer day, some participants take time for re­ flective reading in Bishop Feehan High School library. (Gaudette Ph,oto)

500 at praye'r, study day

By Pat McGowan "As lectors, Eucharistic min­ isters, musicians and ushers, you 'have the privilege of using your Christian lives in the ser­ vice of your brothers and sisters in the church," Bishop Daniel



First Week of Advent

STIR UP thy power, we beseech thee, 0 Lord, and come: that from the threatening dangers of our sins, by thy protection we may deserve to be rescued and be saved by thy de­ liverance, who livest and reignest with God the ,Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end. Amen. '

A. Cronin told some 500 parti· cipants in a day of study and prayer held Nov. 18 at Eishop Feehan High SChool, Attleboro. All serve their parishes at liturgical functions or as special ministers of the Eucharist to nursing home residents or per­ ~ons confined to their own homes. ' The day was planned hy the diocesan Divine Worship Com­ mission, of which Msgr. John J. Oliveira is secretary, to empha­ size the spiritual aspects of par­ ish· ministry. After a general session con­ ducted by Father James Lyons, there commission chairman, were workshops for each minis­ try. "We are here to deepen our own understanding of what we're doing when we give the Body and Blood of Christ to the Lord's faithful," Father Richard Degagne told the specia'i minis­ ters, the largest group at the meeting. "What does it do to you, as the minister?" he queried, noting that "everyone here has been moved by and can share a spec­ ial experience he or she has hatl while distributing communion." Following a slide show tying in the action of the Mass with scenes of everyday life, Father Degagne led discussion and ques­ tions on the role of the special minister, especially in the nurs­ ing home setting. The continuity of the Ie{:tor in today's church with those of

ancient times was emphasized by Father PhioJip Geogan, SJ, at the lectors' session. "You're part of a long line of readers of the Word," he said. Although lay readers are not formally instituted lectors, he noted, the Vatican II instruction to such lectors may well be taken to heart by them. The instruction prescribes that lectors prepare alld meditate on the Scripture t.hey are to read; and Father Geogan added that a well-annotated Bible is very valuable in such preparation. Ushers are in reality ministers of hospitality, they were told by Father Roger LeDuc, who dis­ tributed a booklet listing their suggested duties. "You're -the sign of Jesus liv­ ing among parishioners," he said, "even at 7 a.m, Mass when no one's really awake." Parishioners should be greeted by name, "as if each person was Jesus" and strangers should feel welcome, he added. Explaining that people have "five basic concepts of church," Father LeDuc said ushers should try to supply t.hem, being sensi­ tive to what each churchgoer is seeking. Some want the church to be a welcoming community; som.e want it to be a servant; others see it as a herald of good news and look to the usher to com­ municate an upbeat feeling; some want it to have authority, represented in this case by the usher, who is :ooked on as the Turn to Page Seven

T'HE ANCHOR-~iocese of F.all River;-fri., Nov. 30, ,19,84

(necroloCiY) December 1

Corrigan lecture fea~ures

Georgetown Jesuit

"Medical, Legal and Ethical Implications of Death and Dy­ ing" wiU be the subject of the 1984 Dr. John Cosgrave Corri­ gan' Memorial Foundation pro­ gram at 7 p.m. Dec. 3 at Bristol Community College, FaN River. The· Rev. Dr. Richard A. Mc­ December 2 Cormick, S.J., of Georgetown Rev. Arthur Savoie, Pastor, University's Kennedy Institute ,1917, St. Hyacinth, New Bed­ of Bioethics, Washington, D.C., ford Rev. DennisW. Harrington, will keynote the evening's dis­ cussion. The public is welcome . Assistant, 1958, St. Mary, Ta·un­ and there will be no admission ton charge. December 3 Father McCormick, a national­ Rev. John W. MoCarthy, P.R., ly recognized scholar, lecturer Pastor, 1926, Sacred Heart, Fall and author in the field of bio­ ethics, and a panel of medica'! River and Jegal professionals will dis­ , December· 4 cuss bioethical issues they have Rev. Charles Ouellette, Assis­ encountered in their practices. tant, 1945, St. James, Taunton ' Professor of Christian Ethics at the Kennedy Institute of Bie­ December 8 ethics and a research associate Rev. Joseph L. Cabral, Pastor, at the Woodstock Theological 1959, Our 'Lady of Angels, Fall Center, also in Washington, River . Father McCoiiiiick holds a doc­ Rt. Rev. John H. Hackett, torate in .theology from the Gre­ Chancellor of the 'Fall River . gorian University in Rome.

Diocese, June-December 1966 He is ilie author of several Rev. Joseph Welch, Retired books on moral choice, theology Pastor, 1971, Our Lady' of Vic­ and ethics including "Ambiguity tory, Centerville in Moral Choice" and "Doing Evil to Achieve Good" and a reg­ December -7 Rev., Ambrose Bowen, Retired ular contributor to over 20 na­ 'Pastor, '1977, St. Joseph, Taun- ' tional theological and medical journals. ton Father McCormick is a memRev. Thomas F. Daly, Retired , ber of the Special Bioethics Com­ Pastor, 1976, St. James, New mittee of the American Hospital Bedford Association and a past member 1111I11I111I11I111I11I111I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I111I11I11I11I111I1111I1 of .the Ethics Advisory Board of ,the U.S. ~par:tment of Headth,' for the Propagation of the Faith, Education and Welfare. a post he still holds at age 86. Panelists for the evening will Over the years he has frequent­ be Arthur O. Anctil, M.D., past ly visited the Fall River dio­ president of the medical staff of .cese: renewing ties with the Chariton' Memorial Hospital and friends of his youth, especially now chairman of the hospi.taI's Bishop Connolly, vacationing at BiOethics and' Joint Care com­ Westport Harbor' and assisting mittees; Hon. James P. McGuire, with weekend Masses at St. John associate justice of the Superior the Baptist parish, Central Vil­ Court of Massachusetts; and ,lage. Atty' John C. Corrigan, secretary Last month Msgr. GiUigan was and a director of the Council on honored at an Educational Religion and Law, and a past Leadership luncheon in St. Paul. .FuIlbright Scholar ;in philosophy There his'accomplishments of 60 at the Catholic ,University of years were lauded, induding his Louvain, Belgium. Atty. Corrigan work as an educator, pastor, is a son of the late Dr. Corrigan.. labor activist, social justice ad­ Also a son of Dr. Corri'gan is vocate and fu'ndraiser for the the program's moderator, who missions. will 'be Dominic F. Corrigan, After it all Msgr. Gilligan said M.D., F.A.C.P., of Jenkintown, that most of all he thanked God Pa., endocrinologist and a mem­ for the privHege of being a priest. ber of the facuIties of Jefferson

"That has been the heart !lnd Medical School and the Univer­

sity of Pennsylvania Medical

center of my life," he said. Rev.. Phillipe Ross, Chaplain, 1958, Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford Rev. ,Edward J. Gorman, Pas­ tor Emeritus, 1964, St. Patrick, Somerset

60 years a priest

December 9 will be a big day St. Paul, and Father James L. for Msgr. Francis GilHgan of 'the ConnoHy, now ,the ,retired bishop archdiocese of St. Paul and Min­ of Fall River, went to St. Paul neapolis. ,in response to a request for The. native of St. Mary's Ca­ priests from the then Ordinary, thedral parish, FaH River,. will : Archbishop Aiustin Dowling. celebrate his 60th anniversary For 29 years Father Gilligan of priestly ordination at a Mass was a professor of moral theo­ at the Church of the Nativity of logy at St. Paul's Seminary, Our Lord in St. Paul. 1\ banquet then was named pastor' of St. will foJ.I0w. ' Mark's parish, one of St. Paul's Among guests of honor will be largest. In 1955 he was named his sister, Miss Claire Gilligan, a domestic prelate and in 1964 once again a Cathedral parish­ a prothonotary apostolic. ioner afterrtime out in Sacred Concurrently with his semin-, Heart parish, a nephew, FaU River City. Council P.resident ary duties, Msgr. GilHgan was Daniel Bogan, and his wife, Jean active in labor and interracial justice organizations, to the Bogan. Msgr. Gilligan is a graduate point that :in 1964, at the time of St. Mary's Cathedra'l School, of the priest's 40th anniversary Durfee High School and Holy of ordination, it was suggested Cross College. Ordained in 1924 that the public accommodations after preparation at St. Mary's section of, the 1964 Civil Rights Act be named ''GilIigan's Law," Seminary, Baltimore, and the SuI­ pician seminary in Washington, in tribute to his ~ong endeavors to secure equal rights for minori­ D.C., he then earned a doctor­ ties. ate in 'sacred theology at Cath­ olic University. In 1972 Msgr. Gilligan retired In 1926 he, together with the as a pastor, only to step dmmedi­ late Father William O. Brady, ately into' ,the. position of arch­ ,later to become archbishop of diocesan director of the Society





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School. The Corrigan Foundation is a nonprofit educational founda­ tion organized in memory of the late physician who was a mem­ ber of Holy Name parish, Fall River. Its purpose is "to en­ courage the advancement of learning in, and the skillful prac­ ,tice of, the art and science of medicine, Iby sponsoring and or­ ,ganizing lectures, seminar:s and clinical and other scientific pro­ grams of post-graduate medicall education for physicians and sur­ .geons in the Greater FalI River area." Category I continuing medical education credIts wiH be offered to physicians attending the pro­ gram, while registered nurses will receive continuing educa­ tion units, CEU's for Hcensed practical nurses have been sub- . miMed to Licensed Practical Nurses of Massachusetts, Inc.

'Messiah' set in New Bedford Glenn Giurttari, director of music at St. Mary's Cathedral, will be guest conductor for the second annual performance of Handel's Messiah, to be offered at 7 p.m. Dec. 9 at the Zeiterion Theatre in iNew Bedford. The presentation wirIJ be a joint undertaking of the FaIl River Diocesan Choir and the Greater New Bedford Choral Society, accompanied by a chamiber orchestra with Ann Danis as concertmistress and Judith C. Dautel at the harpsi­ chord. Soloists will be Elisabeth Shel­ don, soprano; IPolly Maynard, alto; Donald St. Jean, tenor; and Gerald P. iDyck, baritone. Dyck is director of ,the Greater New Bedford Choral Society and assis­ .tant music director at the First Unitarian Churoh, New Bedford. The combined choirs number 85 voices. Members have re­ hearsed weekly since mid-sep­ tember and will hold six joint rehearsals. To be heard on Dec. 9 are 18 choruses, including the Christmas section of the ora­ , tono and many other selections. Tickets are avai,lable from the Zeiter:ion box office, chorus members and at Rainone's Music Shop in Fall River. ' I

Father Emond Father Pacifique L. Emond, OFM, 83, a native of FaLl River, died !Nov. 8 in Montreal, where his funeral services were held. The son of the late Pierre and Philomena {Le:vesque) ,Emond, he was ordained as a Franciscan priest in Montreal in 1930. He served for five years'in Japan, returning to Canada in 1935 and subsequently serving as a chap­ lain, 'preacher, retreat master and writer for Canadian publica­ tions. He is survived by Mrs. Ber­ nadette Gagnon of Fall River, Mrs. Gloria Raymond of New Bedford and Sister Cincorde Emond of WQrcester, a member r of the Little Franciscan Sisters of Mary.

Msgr. Broderick priest 57 years

Healing service -in Raynham

Bishop Daniel A. Cronin was principal celebrant at a Mass of Christian 'Burial offered Tuesday at St. Mary's Cathedral for Msgr. Christopher 1. Broderick, 85, who died iNov. 23.

Prayer groups in the Taunton areawiU meet at 2:30 p.m. Sun­ day, nec. 9, at St. Ann's Church, Raynham, for Mass and a healing service. Principal celebrant for the Mass will be Father Robert S. Kaszynski, charismatic renewal liaison for the FaB River dio­ cese~ The concelebrant will be Father Gerald Shovelton, pastor of St. Ann's.

Founding pastor and pastor emeritus of St. Pius X parish, South Yarmouth, he served the diocese' for 57 years.


Born in Fall River Oct. 7, 1899, Msgr. iBroderick graduated from St. Patrick's School, Fall River, and BMC Durfee High School before preparing for the priesthood at St. Charles College, CatonsviJ.Ie, Md., and St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore.

Maria Rocha of Portsmouth,

R.I., will conduct the following healing service. 'Born in the Azores and the mother of three children, she gives 'credit to the Holy Spirit for her recovery ' from heart trouble.

f ~


He was ordained by Bishop Daniel Feehan May 26, 1927, and recalled with pride that at his first Mass, celebrated at St. Patrick's Church, Fall River, he

was assisted by Rev. James E. Cassidy, later to be the third bishop of Fall River, and that his homiJist w~s Rev. James J. Gerrard, now retired auxiliary bishop of the diocese.

t '

AN ETHIOPIAN MOTHER tries to comfort her hungry child. They are among thousands of refugees jamming camps in the drought-stricken country as relief agencies through­ out' the world rush aid to them~ Overwhelming response to the emergency continues in the Fall River diocese. (NC/ KNA Photo)

Following a summer assign­ ment at Our Lady of Lourdes parish, Wellfleet, Msgr. Broder­ ick was stationed for 22 years as associate pastor at Immacu­ late Conception parish, Fan River. During this period he also gave temporary assistance to his brother, the late Father John F. Broderick, then pastor of St. Mary's Church, Sou,th Dart­ mouth.




Since 1978 she has conducted services at which many persons testify they have received physi­ cal, spiritual and emotional heal­ ings. She has ministered in New York, Florida and Puerto Rico as well as in Massachusetts and Rhode Island and most recently in the Holy Land, directing Life in the Spirit seminars as well as healing services. The Dec. 9 service is open to al'1. _.'"'_11'__......_ _....- . . . - ­ THE ANCHOR (USPS·54S.Q20). Second Class

Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the Vleek of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven. ue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the cath·

ollc Press of the Diocese of Fall River.

Subscription price by mall, postpaid $8.00

per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.

White's on the Watuppa is Expanding...

Service set for slain women

Sunday is the fourth anniver­ sary of the ml!rder of four Am­ erican women missioners by gov­ ernment security forces' in £1 In' November, 1949, he was' Salvador: laywoman Jean Dono­ van, Ursuline Sister norothy Ka­ named administrator of St. Pat­ rick's parish, Somerset, in 1951 zel ·and· Maryknoll Sisters Ita pastor ,of St. ,Mary's, Norton, Ford and Maura Clarke. With the theme "Remember and in 1954 founding pastor of the four and the 40,000," dioce­ St. Pius X. san members of the Leadership Remaining at the South Yar­ Conference of Women Religious mouth parish until his retire­ will sponsor three prayer ser­ ment in 1975, he guided it vices commemorating both the through a period of tremendous slain women and the over 40,000 growth which saw construction Salvadorans who have lost their of a new churoh seating 1,300 lives through war and poverty in worshipers, together with a their nation. new rectory. His work was recog­ Parish bulletins and a petition nized ,in 1969 when he was during the Prayer of the Faithful named a prelate of honor by this weekend win recall the woPope Paul VI. men to diocesan Catholics and Msgr. Broderick is survived by will ask prayer for peace in a sister, Miss Jane G. Broderick Central America. All p~rishion­ of Fall River, and several nieces ers are welcome to attend one of the scheduled prayer services: and nephews. - at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 4 at Interment was in St. Patrick's Coyle-Cassidy High School, Cemetery, FaU River. Taunton; at 7 p.m. Dec. 5 at Domini­ can Convent, 37 Park St., Fall River; - at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 6 at the

religious education center of Fee­

han High School, Attleboro.

The services will incorporate

words from letters or journals

of the slain women, including

the -oignant words of Sister

,. ',coura: "What creeps into my

mind is the little fear or big, that

when it touches me very person­

ally, will I be f;1ithful?"

And a letter written by Jean Donovan the month before her death: "Several times I have de­ cided to leave. I al~ost could, except for the children, the poor

bruised victims of adult lunacy.

Who would care for them?

Whose heart would be so staunch


as to favor the reasonable thing


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THE ANCHOR Friday, Nov. 30, 1984

in a sea of their.' tears and help­ lessness? Not mine, dear friend, not mine." Superiors of. congregations

. sponsoring the prayer services

are Sisters Noel Blute, RSM, Mary Catherine Ouiler, SP, Fran­ ces Lynch, RSM, Barbara Mc­ Carthy, OP, Carol Regan, SUSC, and Dorothy Ruggiero, OP.

Since opening its doors in 1955, White's continues to be recognized as one of the area's finest banquet and wedding facilities. Now, White's Watuppa is expanding its facilities to accommodate up to 1,000 people in our newest function room - The Grand Salon. White's is·the ideal setting for Fashion Shows, Booster Clubs and much more! Call us today at 675-7185.



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 30, 1984

the living word'


the moorina-,

Wanting To Live Forever During the past few days much media space and time have been given to t~e attempt to prolong life ~y means of an artificial heart. Print, radio and televis~on have given us detailed descriptions of the complicated and experi·, mental procedures involved. All this raises many questions. Some query the ethics of the operation. Others are perturbed by the fact that the Humana Heart Institute is a for-profit organization. There can be little criticism of the attempt to prolong life. But are we-going too far? In truth, it seems that 'we want to live forever. The theme song of the popular tele· vision program "Fame" echoes through every medical re­ search laboratory. But are we losing sight of the reality that life as we 'know it does have: 'an end? Many, today do not wan~ to ,ad­ mit the built-in limits of the human condition. In our at­ tempts to extend' .life, we often fail to prepare people for death. Few Catholics realize 'that this very question was a subject of deliberation at Vatican II. In tpe Pastoral Con­ stitution on the Church in the Modern World, the council fathers reflected on the' mystery of death. Their words hold much for tis to ponder, especially in the light of that mind that rejects death, that 'considers ,it 'mere ~linical condition, bereft of mystery. , ':, ' At a time when experts hold out the' 'possibility of un-' limited earthlY.Jife,it is, well to recall the' words of the 'Pastoral Constitution: ','All the aids made' avaihlbleby technology, however "useful they: may' ~e, cannot 'set (man's) anguished niind at rest. They may prolong his life­ span; but ~his does' not satisfy, his h~artf~lt longing,. one that cann.ot be stifled, for a life to come.~,' .",." '"j '~ • ' In these days of'medical wizardry noW attempting to master death, it is well to reflect that God has' created man for a destiny lying beyond all the limits of his earthly state. , It' is especially important as we begin this Advent season of hopeful expectation to renew in ourselves the faith that Christ in his humanity won for each of us the victory over death. Faith answers anxieties about one's future lot. It is more than appropriate, as we earnestly prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, that we remember its spir­ itual message to all men of goodwill.' , Today many conflicting forces meet in man. Many hope for emanicipation of humanity through human effort alone and look forward to an earthly paradise where all ' desires will be fulfilled. Advent repudiates this limited vision by recalling the totality of. life. ' . We indeed can live forever. Not in an operating room, not with an artificial heart, not through the abilities of a surgeon. We can live forever in Christ.

Sister Trina Photo

'You are of


Letters Welcome Letters to the editllr are welcomed. AU letters should be brief and the editor reserves the right to condense any letters if deemed necessary. AU letters must be sigDed and contain a home or business address.


Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River

410 Highland Avenue

Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151


Most Rnv. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.O.

EDITOR Rev. John F. Moore

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John 1. Regan . . . . . leary Press-Fall River



little children/ 1 John


'. pastoral The,' economics

-battle to fight 'against apathy, Peopie ahd corporate "leaders which usually springs from ig­ do make mistakes imd' must pay The American Catholic bish-. norance. While they are well some consequences but the prin­ ·ops, whose- 'pastoral letter on aware of the hidden' face of ciple of ,. proportionality and peace helped fuel a' nationwide U.S. poverty, the American pub. , mercy must not give way to free debate :two years ago on nu­ He is' for the most part unaware market forces. clear weapons policies, have of it, largely because we live in In an era of selfishness it moved to open'a new debate an era of unprecedented selfish­ would Ibe ironic for the church that focuses attention on the ness. to exercise her role as prophet plight of the poor. in criticizing the ,lack of com­ As is often the case, in this 'Many Roman Catholics are un­ pas:>l~n of our present economic comfortable with the newly situation the best teacher will system without striving herself be good example. A valuable prominent role of their bishops to be a model of compassion. in discussion of national policy. tool in overcoming ignorance is through involving people in Yet any national conference However, two things should be kept in mind if one is not to parochial level service projects. of bishops is going to be bound lose perspective during the heat Eyes must be opened before by certain biases. After the first draft of the peace pastoral key of debate: L Read the document hearts. American bishops were caBed to before you venture an opinion; The well-off, too often pre­ consult with the Holy Father and 2. Recognize that the first draft o<X:upied with gratifying their of the pastoral is an invitation own needs, are frequently blind bishops fro mthe rest of the to all concerned to help form to the fact and causes of pov· world; and many Americans found French and German a final -document that wiH en­ erty. Yet excessive consumption fears of nuclear disarmament compass the best insights and accounts for much of the astron­ more in, keeping with their own convictions of the American omically high national debt. view of the Soviet threat. They chul'Ch. Some of the harshest critics of found more solace in the state­ Let us also recaH as we dis­ the bishops' first draft would ments of Western European cuss this new document the re­ cry foul if one more nickel bishops' conferences than in that ception given the bishops' peace should be spent for the poor, bitt of their own bishops. ,Perhaps pastoral. Has it really had a 'find no problems in bailing out similar consultations will occur productive effect on either the Chrysler or Continenta'l Illin­ during the shaping of the poverty nation or the church? What per­ ois. pastoral. centage of the Catholic laity has , Among factors ,to be consider­ read it from cover to cover? How ed are that making the safety many priests have taken the net more accessible and com­ time or made the effort to ex­ fortable encourages unhealthy pound >Upon it in their weekend dependency; taxing the rich more homilies? How many priests have heavily discourages· corporate even read it? and personal initiatives; and in­ The sad truth' our bishops creasing the national debt puts must recognize is that the de­ an added burden on the Third bate engendered by the peace World. pastoral and now the first draft of the message on the 'economy In sum, the bishops must has not involved the majority achieve a delicate Ibalance be­ of practicing Catholics whose tween encouraging the poor to only exposure to such episcopal assume more responsibility for documents comes via network themselves and the rich to television 'or what they read in assuftle more responsibility for the print media as they drink fashioning an economic structure their morning coffee. that does not act' to keep the The bishops have an uphill poor poor. By Father Kevin J. Harrington ..'





Holiday message 1 usually look unfavorably at anyone who tries to motivate me by laying a guilt .trip on me. Guilt trips are a form of covert force which go against the grain of freedom we all try to pre­ serve. But within ·the last few weeks I have experienced a guilt trip which will undoubtedly heighten during the holidays. Advertisements are urging people to fulfHl every creature comfort imaginable this Christ­ mas. For example, brochures ar­ riving in the maU Jist exotic foods to send as gifts. We are offered discount enticements to purchase the foods by the dozens. I must admit it'~ easy to get into the shopping spirit and to want aU the enjoyment the goodies promise. Would· that 1 could wrap my­ self in ,the festivities and fully enjoy ,them! What stops me dead are the newspaper accounts which report there are a potential 150 million Africans who will probably die of starvation during the holidays or after. iA leaflet published by Ca·tho­ lic Relief Services estimated that 60 or 70 percent of the develop­ ing WOl"ld's population lacks ac­ cess to pure wat~r. In these same coun.tries, 80 percent of sickness can be traced to inadequate sanitation and Jack

of clean water. These countries

also are threatened by the grad­ ual loss of arable land to desert and deforestation.

Many of us have seen the pic­

tures of children whose ribs are barely held in by their emaciated skin. And it's difficult for us to comprehend the horrors of re­ fugee camps where a bare exist­ ence is all one can hope for now. How easy it is to forget those in :less fortunate countries as we turn on the faucet and drink purified water or Ilook at neigh­ borhoods beautified by trees. We enjoy huge amounts of the richest soil in the wor.ld. Most of all, we have nothing that resembles the horrors of a refu- . gee camp. There obviously is a dispropor­ tion between healthy countries and Third World countries. But does thiS mean we have to blame ourselves if others are starving while we are enjoing the festivi­ ties? Doesn't blame presume culpa­ bility and a conscious effort to break the Ilaw? Are we to be held responsible for something we didn',t cause? Following the letter of the law, no, we aren't to iblame. Yes, we have a right to enjoy festivities. No, we are not guilty of break­ ing a law. But if we haven't gone beyond the letter of the law to its spirit then maybe we deserve a big gUilt trip during the holidays.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 30, 1984



If. we feel the problems of the Third World are not ours - that we have enough of our own problems then what does Christian unity mean? If we do nothing to educate our children to be aware of star­ vation and to be grateful for the born of plenty, then what is real education all about? If we don't do something ..:.... write a congressional represen­ tative or our newspaper - then what is Catholic action all about? If we haven't made an effort to share our financial blessings or to better inform ourselves on how to help starving people, then what values are motivating us? Oh, how sticky questions raise guilt feelings! But if we find ourselves on a guilt trip because of such em­ barrassing . questions, then I think 'the very freedom guilt trips threaten will ibe enhanced. We may find ourselves moved. to take some positive action. Aren't a gift given and a meal denied for the :love and com­ passion of another at t~e very heart of tru'e freedom? ,"

Hassle - free 'Noel

It's that time of year again when we have to give our­ selves permission to be im­ perfect - in advance. We aren't going to have that Better Homes & Gardens Christmas no matter how hard we try so let's accept it right now and not feel guiJ.ty about "failing" later on. After years of failing, 1 have developed some suggestions for a hassle-free Noel. 1. Lower your expectations. Learn to live and aaugh with broken cookies, Ilopsided trees and cards received that weren't sent. 2. Lowtt youII' housekeeping Closets exist to hide clutter replaced by seasonal para­ phernalia. Let's use them. Learn to Jive with ,the messier bath­ rooms that accompany returning college students. s~andards.

5. Do away wifu money wor­ ries. Rule of thumb: either enjoy spending it or don't spend it. Don't fall into .that trap of over­ spending and then resenting it. 6. Share Christmas card acti­ vity. Let the spouse and kids write some of the notes and don',t nag about their spelling. Relatives don't mind. Neither do good friends. The 'rest don't matter. Kids are good at address­ ing, licking, and stamping. 7. Don't - repeat - DON'T feel guilty about not having a gift for unexpected givers. Send tI:lem a Valentine cake. 8. Laugh when the tree sinks starboard or portside. Perfect trees exist only in the forest or department stores. Let the kids decorate 'it and feel pleasure in their achievement even if some of their decorations seem unus­ ual. One of ours once hung his turtle collection and it got more attention than icicles.

3. Set up a wrapping table with paptt, tape and strings and 9. De-stimulate . the children give the children a go at wrap­ . by turning off TV occasionally, ping packages. Live with crump­ pro~ding quiet time, reading led corners and poor bows. Luke, and singing carols to­ They')iJ get that way by Christ­ gether. Give them a chance to mas anyway. settle down and reflect on the meaning of Christmas instead of 4. Don't attend all the Christ­ mas functions offered. Pick the adding more activities. few you enjoy and forget the 10. Don't invite houseguests if rest. Celebrate from a "want to" they're going to spoil your holi­ days. If you keep saying, "We rather than a "should" orienta­ have to get this done before tion. Go ,to your children's pro­ grams but skip those of your Aunt Mabel comes," everyone baby-sitter, friend's or employer's will hate her by the time she comes. She isn't coming for the children.



house. She wants to spend time with you - warts, clutter, and a.ll. We worry apout our cup­ boards, more than relationships. 11. Eat what you cook or don't cook it. Why make others feel guilty by baking rich faods ~nd then watohing them with incrim­ inating eyes as they enjoy it while you munch celery? If you're going to feel guilty be­ cause of holiday eating, go ahead and eat because you're going to feel guilty anyway.

12. Don't count' down the days as parents do - 011, Lord, only· 8 days left to do everything -­ but as children do - are there still 8 whole day's till ChrIstmas? 13. Don't worry about spending the same amount on every child\. They only complain when they sense you're feeling gui\.ty. If they do complain, give them The Look. If that doesn't work, give them The Talk about GiviJ1g. 14. Enjoy - don't endure ­ the hoDdays. Anything that in­ fringes on enjoyment should be questioned. Pray, laugh, and share good times together - in­ cluding memories of a pleasant hassle·free time in the family.

The Advent wreath Q: What is now the proper ar­ rangement for an Advent wreath? Formerly we used three purple candles (or white candles tied with a purple bow) anell one pink. In recent years I have seen other forms of the Advent wreath, sometimes with all white candles. What is proper now? (Florida)

A. There is no official form of the Advent wreath. It can be for our homes a beautiful and mean­ ingful symbol of the spirit of Advent, but its arrangement is .only a matter of custom. The observation you mak~' about Advent, however, is signifi­ cant in light of the developing flavor of ihe church's obser­ vance of'this significant time of the year. , In times past Advent was seen as somewh~~, of a mini-Lent; a time of penance and self-denial but with a tinge of joy in the background - perhaps symbol­ ized most by the rose vestments the priest wore at Mass on the third Sunday of 'Advent and by the rose candle lit on the Advent wreath that day. 'As, the church's liturgy devel­ oped over the past century or so, particularly in the last several decades, the predominant spirit of Advent is one of joyful await­ ing and hope. This theme clearly appears in the sqipture readings for weekday and Sunday Masses asweltl as in the other liturgical texts for this seas,on.· The increase during the past few years of the use of blue (symbolizing hope) rather than purple in liturgical, art for Ad­ vent reflects this same spirit. Q. Could you tell me how the Catholic Church stands on the teachings of ECKANKAR? My niece has started attending lec­ tures on this and I nevell' heard of it. (IUinois) A. ECKANKA'R is among the dozens of forms of Eastern mys­ ticism which have captivated, tl,le imagination of many in the United States during the Jast generation. As' most others, it professes to offer a science of "total awareness" of all reality and freedom. According to its practitioners, the word ,itself 'stands for "·the all-embracing spiritual force of Sugmad (god) which composes life and makes up aLI elemental substances, inciuding the com­ ponentparts of the soul. The present ECK' master, or Lig·ht-giver, is Sri. Darwin Gross, said to'be 972nd ECK master in "an incalculably ancient Hne of spiritual adepts known as the Order of the Vairagi, the long­ est unbroken line' of teaching masters on this planet." As in most philosophies or "ways of life" it is difficult to identify any specifics of belief. As with many similar groups,












reincarnation is an essential ele­ ment of ECKANKAR. One does not die; he is "translated" cen­ tury after century ",through my­ riad forms and facets of experi­ ence." ECKANKAR is one of the, many, and Jess Christian orien­ ted, forms of Gnosticism which promise mystical techniques for attaining "all knowledge." It would, I think, be impossible to harmonize such a phi.Josophy with Christian belief and prac­ tice. Q. Reading one of your recent columns gives me hope you can help me. I am now in my fourth marriage. Tlnat sounds terrible, but I had many serious problems due partly ~o .. very trouble­ some childhood. My first mar­ riage was my only marriage in tine church. I am now 31 years old and feel I have a good marriage with a man who Is a~so a baptized Catholic. Our children are bap­ tized and we want to raise them CathoDe. With the help and grace off God I have indeed grown up and matured- greatly from my younger days. But when I go to .Mass I am sad that J cannot participate fully In the sacraments.

My questions are: Am I ex­ communicated? Is there anything you can do to give me hope? (Indiana) A. First, you are not excom­ municated. Excommunications which once applied to people divorced and remarried outside the church do not apply today. Any decisions about your pre­ vious marriages can be made only through the tribunal of your diocese. I will say. however, that your description of your past and present life indicate a reB'1 possi­ bility that your earlier emotional and psychological immaturities could indeed have been serious enough to affect the ,validity of your first marriage. The question ·is: Were those deficiences of yours (and/or of your first spouse) so profound as to make a real, permanent commitment to the common life of marriage impossible for one or both of you in that marriage? Of course, another question is whether or not those defici­ encies have been overcome In the intervening years. Your let· ter indicates you have come at least a long way in that direc· tion. '" Please go to a priest and tell him what you told me. A'sk him to help you take the necessary steps to return to the full prac­ tice of your faith, which you obviously want very badly. Good luck!


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 30, 1984


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In Vadakekara, India, many of the 210 Catholic fami· ' lies will not be able to attend Mass on ehristmas. The nearest chu'rch is many miles away from their home. For the sick, the aged and the children regular atten· dance at Mass is almost impossible. Father J~mes, the parish priest, advises that these poor faithiul have corio tributed what they can afford from their meager wages to build a church of their own. $5,000 more is needed to ' complete the project, .. Will you sharewith these poor as your special gift to the Christ Child? We'll s~nd Father James immediately your gifts (tax deductible in the U.S.A.) in any amount-$1 00, $75, $50, $25, $10, $5 ... A memorial plaque can be placed inside the church in memory of your loved ones ifyou comp.lete it all by yourself ($5,000). Your gift will.truIY,bring Christ to, Vadakekara for Christmas. . .'



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AT BROTHERHOOD DINNER, from left, Atty. Joseph E. Hanify Jr., Mary-Lou Man­ cini, H. Earl Heron,' Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, Louise A. Spranger, Rev. W. Sheldon Hurst, Rev. Daniel L. Freitas.-(Torchia Photo)

Bishop speal,"s at Brotlierhood 'Dinner . In a wideranging, talk at the omy noted that an invitation had Atty. Joseph E. Hanify Jr., coun­ seventh annual Brotherhood been extended to all to comment cil president, and Rabbi Nor­ bert Weinberg of Congregation Dinner of the Interfaith Council . on its contents. of Greater" Fall' River; Bishop "My Jewish and Protestant Adas Israel, Fall River. Daniel A. Cronin discussed peace, 'brothers and sisters' wiH be Humanitarian awards, recog­ justice; the _present 'disastrous pleased," said the bishop, "with nizing selfless service, went ·to • ·famine. in Ethiopia and the new­ the section of the ,letter that H. Earl Heron of St. Thomas ly-issued draft of the American bases itself in biblical roots. More parish, Somerset, and bish0I>s' proposed pastoral on the These lofty words reflect the Louise Spranger of westport., U.S.. economy. belief of us all: The most -funda­ Heron, 86, a founding mem­ Quoting Pope' John Paul II, mental conviction of 'our faith is ber of his parish and a Marian the bishop noted that "like a that human life is fulfilled in Medal recipient, is a 60-year cathedral, peace must be con­ the knowledge and love of the member of the St. Vincent de structed patiently and with un­ living God, in communion with ' 'Paul Society and is also a regu­ shakable' faith," Reminding his others who are called to love the ,lar worker at the FaU River hearers that peace must build same God and who are them­ soup kitchen.

. on justice, he decried, "the un­ Mrs. Spranger. a member of selves the recipients of God's . equal distribution 'of this world's love. Westport Point Methodist goods which flies in the face of "It is this vision o( common Church, is active in the Camp the 'just demands of men and heritage, our creation by God, Fire youth organization and is a women everywhere." our living together in commun. United Way volunteer. In a symbolic gesture towarc;ls ity and our common destination Others involved in the Brother­ rectification of such inequity, he hood Dinner, held Monday - eternal life - that prompts donated a check presented him the bishops in our letter to ex­ night at Venus de Milo restau­ by the Interfaith Council to a ' press ourselves this way: 'The rant, Swansea, were Dr. Irving newly opened Fall River shelter dignity of the human person, A. Fradkin, Helen Marie Booth, for the homeless. realized in community with Msgr. -Daniel F. Shalloo, Rev. The bishop paid tribute to the others, is the criterion against Dr. W. Sheldon Hurst, Rev. response of members of the Fall .which all aspects of economic Daniel L. Freitas, Very Rev. Fry­ River diocese to the 'Ethiopian life must be measured.' " deryk S. Banas, Rev. Donald S. famine and with regard to the At the dinner the bishop re­ Meir and Rabbi William-E. Kauf­ proposed pastoral on the econ- ceiv,ed a plaque, presented by man.

A Our legal title Is CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE NEW ASSOCIATION. Our mission priests will' offer IDEA promptly th~ Masses you requ'est, build Church· : FOR es, schools, convents, clinics, I!nder the Holy '85 Father's direction. Bequests to be' used "where needed mosf' take care of mission :emergen· '. . ., : : .' cies.















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BISHOP DANIEL A. CRONIN meets with superior general' and councilors of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation who staff St~ Anne's Hospital, Fall River, Marian Manor, Taunton, and Madonna Manor,·Attleboro, and have their U.S. provincial house'in Dighton. From left, Sisters Carmen del Pilar and Leonor Avelleneda, general councilors; the bishop; Sister Margarita Cecelia Velez, provincial councilor; Sister Ines Mercedes Me­ jia, newly reelec~ed superior general; Sister Dorothy Ruggiero, U.S. provincial. All but Sis­ ter Margarita, stationed in Washington, and Sister Dorothy, in Dighton, have their head­ . quarters in Rome. (Gaudette Photo)


letters are welcomed, but should be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves tt.e right to condense or edit. All letters must be signed and include a home or business address and telephone number for thl purpose of verification if deemed ne:ossary.

Come follow me Dear Editor: I wish to congratulate The Mooring for its forthright Nov. 2 editorial depicting the deplor­ able spiritual condition the Catholic church finds itself in today. Your statement: "Our church is evangelical. It is apostolic. It is heir to -the stirring ideals of Jesus" should be placed over every doorway in every church, in every school, in every dio­ cese in the country in block II etters large enough for the whole 'Catholic community to see. Let's start telling it like it is. A basic tenet of our Catholic faith is to give witness to Jesus Christ and his power to change lives. Let's rely more on, "What would Jesus do? What would Jesus say?" in our decision making. Let's go back to following Jesus, the cross 'before us, the world behind us. Let us return to the power of the apostolic church, let us proclaim Jesus as our Lord with heads lifted high. I thank God for a nun in St. Theresa School who 50 years ago had such a love for Jesus that she related his involvement in our everyday life to her students. I was fortunate to be one of them. Joseph Goyette New Bedford

Indian adoption rules eased



Continued from page one one who knows what to do, con­ tinued Father LeDuc. Finally, he said, there are those who see the church as sacrament and want the usher primarily to reflect reverence and respect for the Lord. A choir "is not just a bunch of people who get together to sing," said Patrick Gannon, who with Father Stephen Avila co­ led the pastoral musicians' work­ shop. In liturgy its primary func­ tion is not just to sing well it­ self but to "embellish and assist the congregation in sung prayer," he said. Christian worship should be an "authentic expression of our love of God," agreed Father Avila, who discussed the "pro­ found role" of the music minis­ ter in enabling such worship. Appropriately, the musicians ended their meeting with a rous­ ing rendition of "Sing a New Son.g to the Lord." Following a coffee and fellow­ ship break, participants had a choice of prayer forms for a period of private reflection. Charismatic prayer was led by Fathers George Harrison and Joseph Costa; Eucharistic wor­ ship in the Feehan chapel was led by Father Barry Wall; and reflective reading in the school library was directed by Sister Gertrude Gaudette, OP, and Miss Mary Elizabeth LaRoche. Most used were booklets on the re­ sponsibilities of parish ministers provided by the chancery office. Also available was the sacra­ ment of reconciliation. Arrange­ ments for six confessional sta­ tions 'were made by Father John Ozug. The day concluded with Mass concelebrated by ,Bishop Daniel A. Cronin with the priests pres­ ent. Thanking the ministers for their parish service, the bishop reminded them that it not only enriched them persona'1ly but called them to greater holiness of life.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Fri., Nov. 30, 1984

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@oa 5 ..' 8~ 5 . co' •

COCHIN, India (NC) - Ten Catholic organizations have been added to a list of govern­ ment-approved agences sponsor­ ing foreign adoption of orphan­ . ed and destitute babies. • o~ • • • The action was a government response to a groW:ing com­ Father Robert S. Kaszynski, mercial operation by which In­ .? : dian operatives sold infants to pastor of St. Stanislaus Church, families in the United States, Fall River, returns today from the new diocese of Venice, Fla., West Germany and other west­ where he has presented a week­ ern nations. long study series to priests and To eliminate such profiteering laity on "Pastoral Biblistics," and ensure that children are placed in adequate homes, the . methods of introducing Bible : Our Four Night - Five Dav Celebration Features: : study on the parish level. Indian Supreme Court now per­ EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATIONS AT GREEN HARBOR OR SHOREWAY ACRES mits foreign adoption under ': RESORT, INCLUDING USE OF INDOOR POOL AND SAUNAS. • sponsorship of government-ap­ 16 COMPLETE MEALS PER COUPLE: DINNER MENU FEATURES PRIME RIB, : proved . agences. 'Previously • BAKED STUFFED SHRIMP, SURF & TURF. FULL BREAKFASTS. • overseas adoptions were not SPECTACULAR NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY W/COMPLIMENiARY CHAMPAGNE, • officially approved. • HATS, STREAMERS AND NOISEMAKERS AT MIDNITIE! : The 10 Catholic organizations LIVE ENTERTAINMENT AND DANCING. • now on the approved list include Mother Teresa's Missionaries of Charity and other Indian and : foreign congregations of women • (KING LEISURE AND SUITES SLIGHTLY HIGHER) • Religious. : Including Meals, Accom. & Taxes. Gratuities Not Included. : They will file child study reo COSTS 24% LESS

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 30, 1984




·'Novena priest' honored


On a recent Wednesday,after­ noon he mounted the pulpit that ~XAM

has been ,his home for 45 years. For Prospective Students

But this time he was greeted with bright lights and a tele­ vision camera. The man who're­ 'SATURDAY; DECEM~,ER,l ~~ placed Bishop 'Fulton J. Sheen ! , on the Catholic Hour in 1947, ,I 8:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M~ ,.

and whose voice is familiar to the many Bay staters who hear TEST $5.00' ' :

his weekly radio novena is now communicating God;s message via cable TV. 70 Holcott Drive, AttleborQ, MA , The Novena Priest, Mary's Spokesman and the Voice of Mis­ Tel. 222-6073 sion Hill is of course Father Jo­ seph Manton; C.SS.R':, 80, who ,last month celebrated 60 years as a Redemptorist. Since 1939 Father Manton has

,been a steady presence in Bos­

ton. There his simple, clear' an~

. colorful preaching style made him immediately popular llnd FATHER MANTON

soon his appeal spread. to a weekly radio spot which con­ people. He was and is one of tinues to this day. Among them is "Ten Respon­ In 1969 Pope Paul VI awarded sible Minutes," a practical guide the half-dozen greatest preachers him the Pro Ecclesia et Ponti­ to sermons a'nd speaking, written the church in the United States fice medal for "exceptiona-l ser­ at the request of many of his has known." vice to the church."The honor' fellow priests. ' His fellow Redemptorists at re!:ognized 30 years of preaching Father Manton's achievements the Mission Church in Boston the Novena to Our Mother of are the material of legends. As . report wherever they go, the Perpetual Help, delivery of un­ one article said: "He has liter­ mere mention of Mission Church counted lectures and writing of ally given ,tens of thousands of evokes the same query: How is ~Heating many books. sermons, spoken to millions of Father Manton? During World War II bus­ loads of parents attended his Wednesday novena to pray for sons and daughters overseas. C~n Those children who made it home continued to pray with the priest who always pointed to Mary as God's primary inter­ NOW Checking cessor. from Citizens-Union. Father Manton is quick to say: . "I thoroughly enjoy being aRe­ demptorist!" and he wants young people to know that religious life with all its joys, hardships and challenges is well worth ,Uving. In communities of religious and in rectories, a common criti· cism . is that "so-and-so can really speak a good game whHe in . the publ;ic eye, but if they lived with him . . . " Not so with Father Manton. Designers and Manufacturers of

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 30, 1984


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Careful consultation has been completed with the clergy and with the Christian faithful regarding the pastoral care of souls in the southwestern portiQn of the Town of Barnstable and in the entire Town of Mashpee, Massachusetts. I have heard from the Pastor of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish in Osterville. I have taken counsel with the Presbyteral Council of the Diocese of Fall River. It is apparent that the pastoral care of souls in the area under study will be enhanced if, in accord with the norms of ecclesiastical law, a parish is established to serve the needs of the Catholic faithful who reside in that area. Therefore, in accordance with the competence vested in me in virtue of Canon 515, §2, of the Code of Canon Law, by these letters, I hereby establish a formal, canonical parish in the Cotuit/Mashpee,area 9f Cape Cod, and I place this parish under the heavenly pro­ tection of Christ the King. I set the date of Sunday, November 25, 1984, the Feast of Christ the King, as the formal date of the erection of the Parish of Christ the King. Members of the parish thus established will be those Catholic faithful'who live within the territory encompassed by the following boundaries: a. That portion of the Town of Barnstable to the south and west of a boundary line formed by Route 6, the "Mia-Cape Highway," Route 149 and Prince Ave·nue. b. The entire Town of Mashpee. Heretofore, these parishioners have been members of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish in Osterville.



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For the time being and until more permanent facilities are established, the Parish 'of Christ ,the King ~ill make use of two sites for worship: the Chapel of Saint Jude in Santuit, Massa­ chuse~ts, and the Chapel of Our Lady, Queen of All Saints in Mashpee, Massachusetts. By these same letters, I hereby appoint Reverend Ronald A. Tosti as the first Pastor of Christ the K1ng Parish, effective on Sunday, November 25, 1984. I convey to Father Tosti those faculties which are associated with the Office of Pastor in the General Law of the Church and the approved consuetude of the Diocese of Fall River. I pray that through the powerful intercession of itfPatron, Christ the King, the new parochial community of faith and all parishioners will enjoy a full and abundant measure of God'8 blessings at this time and, indeed, for many blessed and fruitful years to come.



-r~Q,~ Bishop of Fall River Given at Fall River, Massachusetts, on this, the 19th day of November, 1984

114th parish' ContiJ~ued

from Page One middle' of the two present mis­ sions of the parish. I promise you too that I will make every effort to include in whatever plans for a new church materialize, a dally Mass chapel dedicated to St. Jude and an ap­

propriate shrine dedicated to Our Blessed Mother under her title as Queen of All Saints. I will consult regularly with our

parish councll and obviously bring the results of that con· sultation to our bishop who is,

of course, the first pastor of our parish.

Above aU, I ask your prayers and your cooperation as to· gether we move forward in the name of Christ our King.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 30, 1984


Creative Christmas gifts


By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Dear Mary: Both my parents are in their 60s. Every Christmas my husband and I rack our brains trying to .find a gift they will enjoy. Last Christmas we gave them a treat-of-the-month club membership: One Sa~rday or Sunday per month we have taken them. on an outing with us. In summer­ time we usually spend the after­ noon outdoors. In the cooler weather we have' gone to movies, plays and s~ial exhibits that

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the role change and can enjoy it. Here are other gifts grown children might provide for elder­ ly parents: 1. Organize a family reunion at a convenient time of the year, so that your parents can enjoy the event without taking respon­ sibility" for planning it. 2. Work on a family history, documenting relatives on all sides of the family. Make a book­ let for distribution throughout the family. 3. Take pictures when the fam­ ily gathers, or gather pictu~es from your sisters and brothers and their families. Arrange them in an album as a gift for' your parents. Elderly parents can provide personal, .thoughtful, priceless gifts for their grown children too. Many have items of senti­ mental value which they intend to leave their children upon their death. Why not give some of them away while they are still alive? Then the parents can te1:l their children why the object is im­ portlmt to them, how it fits into their life and why it is a part of their heritage. The elderly have the joy of giving the gift person­ ally and seeing their children's enjoyment. ' Often material gifts are not needed or desired. What elderly parents need is time and atten­ tion from their children. What grown children need, which on;ly their parents can give them, is I:'IEATING, INC. their heritage. Sales and Service . , . . .

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Some of the best of Dr. James ­ 936 So. Main St., Fall River and Mary Kenny is available in popular book form. Send $6 to "HIDDEN VICTORY" Dept. L-12, St. Anthony Messen­ A NOVEL OF JESUS ger Press, 1615 Republic St., PAPERBACK DR HARDCOVER' Cincinnati, Ohio 45210, and ask 11:OOJo 5:30 Sunday Thru Saturday for "Happy Parenting." Contains more than 100 selections. Pay­ Tel. 673-4262 ment must accompany order•

come to town. My parents hate to drive so my husband and I do the planning and driving. The gift has been very much appreciated this year. In fact, I think it is the best gift we ever gave them. Maybe you could pass it on to your readers. (Ken­ tucky) Thank you .for your excellent suggestion and for sharing your experience. Grown chHdren of­ ten find that their elderly par­ ents have or can buy just about any material goods they desire. This is especiaHy true of house­ hold goods. What older parents often want most is a bit of their children's' time. Wisely, you recognized this fact and set up an attractive way to give .the most welcome gift you could find, the gift of your own time. Visiting older parents is thoughtful. All too often, how­ ever, grandma tries to provide a sumptuous meal all on her own.. She wants to do it, but the ex­ perieoce may leave her exhaust­ ed. How thoughtful of you to take the initiative in planning an out­ ing for them. 'This action calls for a role reversal. Instead of being cared for, the children .do the planning and caring. Your experience shows that both par­ ents and children can adapt to



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CD ,therapist

sees scars

of Vietnam


WASHINGTON '~NC) Therapist David Harrington of the Catholic University of Am­ erica, a specialist in working with Vietnam veterans, says they experience career and mar- . riage disruptions and a divorce rate twice that of other men their age. Reports of abuse to veterans' wives and children are. also higher than for the rest of the population, he said, and the Veterans Administration says more Vietnam veterans seek psychological help than do vet­ erans of o'ther conflicts. Harrington, a former Marine Corps officer who served in Viet­ nam, trains VA counsj:llors and advises veterans on troublesome issues in 12-week group sessions. SISTER ROSE DOMINICA HANKS, OP, 85 when this "The kids were taken out of picture was taken, enjoys feeding squirrels at Ohio Domini­ poor neighborhoods, put through training and sent overseas in­ can College, Columbus, O. Many religious communities re­ port themselves "in crisis" regarding retirement funding dividually rather than in units as ' in previous wars," Harrington for elderly members. (NC Photo) , said. "These young soldiers were alone and lacked the base and experience to handle their own questions. Many believed their actions were morally wrong. "For ,the first time many vet­ erans speak of devastating in­ WASHINGTON (NC) - Ana­ _ tion project, said applications cidents that have haunted and tiona" task force in retirement for grants have already been caused them much anguish," he concerns of religious orders has received. added. "Only by confronting established an emergency retire­ Sister, Friedman, assistant -these unresolved events will they ment fund for communities editor of the manual and coor­ be able to put Vietnam ibehind facing financial difficulties arid dinator of the second phase of them and go on with their lives." has prepared a manual to help the consulta'tion pr~ect, said . Harington said the veterans' them plan their finances. the 1981 survey was a "teacti­ predicament is only now' being fully addressed by medical au­ The task force, made up of ing instrument" that made reli­ gious communities examine their thorities as veterans reach age representatives from the Leader­ retirement situations. 35 and find ,themselves unable ship Conference of Women Reli­ to cope: gious, the Conference of Major Many orders feel "either un­ When he is in his 20s he may realistically secure or they Superiors of Men and the Na­ not think too seriously about a' tional Co'nference of Catholic panic," she said: Bishops, is responding to a 1981 The consultants found in series of jobs and relationships. survey on the aging of religious some cases that the crisis was But at 35, when he can't keep a and on the decline to the num­ worse than anticipated, while in job, is ,twice-divorced and his ber of active religious as retire­ other situations it was just a girlfriend walks out because she can't communicate with him, he ment costs rise. matter of reallocating funds, Sis­ may go to pieces." ter Friedman said. Five percent of reLigious insti­ Harrington added that the key ,tutes completing the surveys "It's not just a money matter, to solving the "post traumatic said they were currently- "in but how do we help communi­ crisis" regarding retirement ties manage their resources to stress disorder" lies with the veterans coming to understand funding and planning. 39.6 per­ carry out their mission for the and accept their Vietnam ex­ cent said they would be in a church, "Sister Friedman said. periences. crisis situation within 10 years, Sister Mlocek said the prob­ The average military man go­ while 34.9 percent said they lem of retirement among r!,!li­ ing to Vietnam was about 19, or foresaw no p~oblem. gious is a "microcosm of the , eight years younger than World Of 10 religious communities , current Social Security system," War II combatants, Harrington visited by consultants in 1983 in which the number of workers said. He added that their youth, . and 1984 to examine their re~ is decreasing relative to the the small unit size'of the war and tirement planning and funding, number of people retiring. a rotation and assignment pro­ five were not in a severe fin­ She said the task .force will vision intended to limit time in ancial crisis, but needed to real­ continue working on retirement combat areas aliI contributed to -locate, assets. . matters. veterans' delayed stress. A "recipe book" of step-by­ She noted that women reli­ About a third of the 3 milJion st~p procedures to help religious gious became aware of retire­ veterans ,that served in Vietnam communities evaluate Itheir re­ ment problems earlier than did were involved in serious combat sources for, retirement funding men because women live longer, and suffered significant loss of has been published~ said Fran­ and the median age and number friends and associates. Many ciscan Sister Lois Friedman; of retired sisters ,is groWling were not equipped to hlmdle it," LCWR finance director and rep­ higher. he said. resentative to the task force. In 1981, when the survey was The emergency retirement fund taken, ;the med,ian age of wom­ U1111 111111 111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111 111111111: of more than $100,000 was set en religious' was 59 whi,le that up with contributions from the of men was 52. the Brothers of St. Francis ~CCB, LCWR members, CMSM Male communities held back Xavier and CMSM representa­ members, ,the Knights of Colum­ from enroHing in Social Security tive to the task force. bus and an anonymous donor. when religious were allowed in­ "I got more calls in the last Immaculate Heart of Mary Sis­ to the system in 1972, but two or three years dealing with ter Frances Mlocek, iNeeB fin­ "many, many", have joined in retirement . . . from men's ance director and coordinator of the last few years, said Father groups than I ever had before," the first phase of the consulta­ Peter Campbell, a member of he said.

Retire'ment costs cone,ern religiollS comlDunities

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 30, 1984

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qf" Fall'

River-Fri., Nov. 30, 1984

Planning for a· han'dieapped child


will pay certain taxes at death unless we 'plan otherwise. To minimize that tax bite, we can use legal estate planning devices. By An~.

Most of us will leave our prop­ erty directly .to our children by ARTHUR

will.' However, if you have a handicapped child, you may MURPHY

wish to consider other options which might be more responsive to the partic\JIlar needs of that child. Your objectives might in­ clude: assurance that money arid property left to your 'handi­ capped child will be spent on behalf of the child; assurance & Any. that' any inheritance will not make your child ineligible for ~ICHARD governmental' finandal support 'and services, or disqualify the MURPHY· chHd from programs in which he,or she is enrolled at the time of your death; and assurance that your'child will have a guar­ dian to protect your child's legal We all know that two . rights and to manage your child's things are certain: dea~h money, ptanningCievices which al}d' taxe~,., :y~t maQ~ 'of 11;s , .canEstate' help you achieve such objec­ fail to realize that our estate tives are as follows: ' ; 1.Tru~i:'A. trust is the pre­ 'j , ferred method for- parents to pro­ : vide ,personal and financial sup­ STAFFON FLORIST port for their handicapped child, ,and ~REENHOUSES A trust is a legal instrument , ", '187 ALDEN ROAD through which an owner, may FAIRHAVEN, MA 02719 transf~r legal ti,tle to property, to a person (the trustee) to be held Tel. 993-8062.,- 997-2~6 ' "and administered for the benefit Fresh Cut Flowers Available - of another (the beneficiary).' A , For ,All .occasions. trustee may be an individual or Dried, ,& Silk, Ar'rilngements . , -; an ir'lstitution~ (typiCally' a\bank). And An Extra. large ' Selection of Christmas Plants, The' ~t""ustee has ,the legal re­ mEFlORA :.::... FLORA~Ai sponsibility to manage the trust - assets in' accordance with the terms of the ',trust instrument for the benefit of the beneficiary. Here, we 'wou,ld want the trustee to manage the trust assets for the ,benefit of the handicapped child: '


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A trust may be beneficial to a handicapped child because it can be set up'to: pay your child's bills; enter in~o contracts on behalf of your chi!~;, , '

, .'


provide your child with spend­ ing -money; give' discretionary poWer to the trustee to provide for un­ foreseen needs of your child; avoid death taxes on the trust assets. In selecting the trustee, you can choose a persori or institu­ tion who, will 'be a protector, friend and advocate of your c;hilc\'s interests, The trustee has a ,legal Obligation, to use the trust money for your child's benefit in accordance with the terms of the trust instrument. Obviously, a trust can be value' able tool in estate planning be­ cause of its flexibility. However, to achieve the desired objectives, it is be$t to have the ,trust .in­ strument· drafted, or reveiwed by an expert. 2. Morally Obligated Gift: An­ other way to plan for the 'future of a handicapped child might be to donate property to' anindivid­ ual who promises to use it to further the interests -of your chitld. This method is not as ef­ fective as a trust because an in­ formal request, unli~e a trust, creates n_~ legal obligation on the donee; .simply a :moral 'obliga­ tion. ' , Even if the individual keeps the promise to use property to benefit, your ~ child, there may still be disadvantages. for exaJ'tl-, pie, the recipient of the property must .pay t~x on income. earned from the property. In addition, he Of she might die, become HI, exper,ience financial setbacks or otherwise become unable to carry.,out the original promise. 3. Ll,fe Insurance: Life insur­ ance 'is. another way of provid­ ing for' a child's support., You can select the lbeneficiary of the ,policy; . but when the proceeds are to be used for the . benefit of a handicapped child, the' benefi­ ciary must be"selected carefully to avoid the problems which ex­ ist with respect to direct be­ quests to the child.



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The beneficiary might be: - the disabled chHd; ~ an individual who has a moral obligation to support the child; .:.... ,the parent's estate, which would distribute the proceeds according'to a will, or by intes­ tacy; - ' a trust. For the reasons noted previ­ ously, a trust is a favored option. -, Other possible alternatives which might warrant considera­ tion 'when planning for your handicapped chirld's future are disinheritance or joint ownership, If you disinherit your child to ensure eligibility for govern­ men'tal aid. you should remem­ ber that availabiJity and criteria for public programs are subject to'change. If you disinherit your child, you may leave him or her 'without future security.', ' , 'Joirltly owned property has a right of survivorship. This means t,hat if a joint owner dies, the surviving' ,owner becomes !the sole' owner, of the property. Ho..y,­ ever, it may be undesirable to own'· property 'joinNy with, a handicapped child who could become sole owner since there is a risk that additional assets would jeopardize eligibility 'for government benefits or that the handicapped' child would be un­ able to manage the property. :Whatever your plan, it is wise to ,request professional' estate plarining'assistance from an at­ torney, a- bank- trust department, an accountant or a finanCial 'planner.' You should ask speci­ cally about the person or insti­ tution's experience in planning for handicapped children; and you should also inquire about fees before you use any ser­ vice. Proper planning is the best way to ensure that your handi­ capped child will be supported personally and financially after your death. The Murphys, practice law in Braintree.



",,"~,~ I




L" -: ~' " ...







AMONG THOSE MAKING final. preparations for the annual' Bishop's Ball, to take place Jan. 11 at Lincoln Park Ballroom, North Dartmouth, are, from left, Glen Hathaway, Mrs. John McDonald, John McDonald, Sister Gertrude Gaudette,OP, and Stanley Jan­ ick. Almost completed is the souvenir ball booklet, which offers benefactors listings in seyen categories. Those wishing to be included should contact ,Ball headquarters, PO Box 1470, Fall River 02722. Parishes eligible to submit names of presentees for the -1985 Ball are asked to send them to Mrs. James A. O'Brien Jr., 488 ~igh St., Fall River 02720. '


Visitors 'grew in spirit'

dl1ring Rllssian trip

By Alexa Steele NC News service

Catholic Chuch in Lithuania. They also, spent a day at the headquarters of the Russian Or­ thodox Church ,in Zagorsk, just outside Moscow. Religion is "more t.olerated ,than it is encouraged," said Mrs. Wan. Group members noted that Catholic schools are prohibited and religious education for chil­ dren takes place only in the home. Churches are either registered or unregistered with the govern­ ment, according to Mrs. Candell. u.nregistered ones "experience some difkulty with the govern­ ment," she sa,id. Mrs. Morris said that while there appeared to ibe some reli­ gious freedom, she got the im­ pression that a churchgoer could not expect to gain a high govern­ ment or Communist Party posi­ tion. Bob Williams said he gained .a more concrete view of what Russians are like. "They are not the monsters we make them out to be," he sa,id. , About two years ago, Williams quit ibis job as a U.S. Labor De­ partment economist to work full­ time as coordinator of the nu­ clear disarmament project of the San Francisco Archdiocese. He said the tr,ip will help him educate people on the myths and realities of the Soviet Union. "I just think the'act of trying to understand their culture and history . . . is in ,itself an act of peacemaking," Williams said: Mrs. Wall said she did not expect any earthshattering breakthroughs from the trip. ­ "Collectively, :tIhe most we did was sow some seeds - which is what we wanted to do," .she said, "We a1l grew in spirit and knowledge."

Soviet citizens don't want nu­ clear war any more than do U.S. citizens, according to a group of California Catholics recently re­ turned from a two-week trip to the Soviet Union. The Catholic Soviet Peace Mission, an l8-member delega­ tion from northern California, visited several cities dn the SO" viet 'Union to engage in "citizen diplomacy" with Russian peo­ ple. Several delegation members were interviewed by National Catholic News Service. Mission coordinator Sarah Sey­ bold said the Jate-summer trip was "a positive way for Ameri­ can Catholics to implement the bishops' peace pastoral." The U.S. bishops' 1983 pastor­ a'l letter on war and peace called for an end to testing, production and deployment of nuclear we~­ pons and said the world must find the moral strength to say no to nuclear conflict. Father Ray Decker, consultant for public policy in the Oakland Diocese, said that citizen-to­ citizen and cultural exchanges were in the spirit of the bishops' recommendations. "If we open­ ed ourselves.to greater exchange, there wou1d be a breakthrough," he said. "Myths about people would be destroyed." The members ibad six meetings with Russian peace groups. The first meeting was strained, ac­ cording to. Olga Morris. of .Rich­ mond, Calif. After that we had real human contact," she said. "We could see walls break down if you mention you;~ a mother or grandmother." Mrs. Mords, a widow and grandmother, said she was im­ pressed Iby the close relation­ ships between Soviet parents and their children. "I got the impression that chi'ldren and family were tJl:teir first priority. They were very frightened to think of nuclear war." Marlene Candell said that So­ VATICAN CITY (NC) viets were "more suspicious of . Marjorie Gaffney Weeke of the our top 'levels than our citizens." Vatican Commission for Social President Reagan's joke about Comunications, a native of Whit­ outlawing Russia and beginning tier, Calif., has received the gold bombing ,in five minutes was a Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice medal, hot topic of conversation. the highest church honor given "That followed us every­ to a layperson· who is not a where," said Marjorie Wall of monarch. It recognizes her long Concord, Calif., adding that So­ service to the church and the v,let citizens were very Inter­ pope. ested ,in whether or not Reagan Prior to her Vatican career, would be reelected. "They see Mrs. Weeke worked for The him as a stumbling block to de­ Tidings, newspaper of the Los tente," Father Decker said. Angeles Archdiocese, and for the Members found that Soviet United States Information Ser­ citizens' Jives are scarred by vice. World War II, which they call She took her first Vatican the Great Patriotic War. More post in 1967 as a newswriter and than 20 million Russians lost producer in the Vatican Radio their lives in the conflict. English-African section. In 1971, For Mrs. Morris, the most she joined the Commission for moving part of the trip was a Social Communications where visit to a cemeterY in Leningrad she works with the electronic where 1.5 million civilian vic­ media. tims of World War II are bur­ Married, she has one son, a ied. "We all want peace for student at the University of San ourselves and our families,'" she Francisco. said. "They really want peace from their experiences." The group visited Baptist and Russian Orthodox churches in Keep Christ in Christmas Russia and attended Mass at a ~ ~

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THE ANCHOR Friday, Nov. 30, 1984



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THE ANCHOR~Diocese of Fall River-Fri~, Nov. 30, 1984

o ·n

• humor may help, people also need to learn from past mistakes. Mistakes in relationships' tend to be rePeated, particularly if individuals faill to examine their behavior or always blame others for what goes wrong. A history of faHed relationships indicafes that the time has come to stop blaming and really look at what has been happening.

in the youth section of the local Red Cross-United Way fund drive. Spearheaded by the Na­ 70 students are involved in the Taunton school's Community . tiona'1 Honpr Society, they also Service, Program, working at area collected funds and food for 30 Thanksgiving baskets. hospitals, institutions and nurs­ ing homes. They were commis­ l\l '" '" * Feehanite Stephanie Gorman is sioned for their ministry at C-C's Thanksgiving IMass. Also at DAR award winner for the year. By Charlie Martin Chosen by vote of the ,faculty Thanksgiving, preparations be­ and the senior class, the winner If a person recognizes a series gan for distribution of Christ­ TAKING IT ALL TOO HARD must demonstrate leadership and of mistakes, how does he or ,she mas food baskets. ' academic ability. Neatly pack­ break the cycle? The first step No not this confused again

'" '" '" '" is 'Understanding how certain be­ No not the same mistakes again

Off and running are C-C aging both attributes, Stephanie haviors or choices take away, tracksters, especially the girls' is National -Honor Society secre­ You're taking it all to heart

from wha,t is really wanted in a You're taking it all too hard.

cross-country team, which placed tary and cocaptain of girls' var­ sity basketball. relationship. Why can't you see '

fifth in a state meet, and p8rti­ What's going on

lit * '" III clpants in' the recent Raynham The next step involves dearly I Jcnow you'd never admit

,Again this year, Feehanites are stating what a person wants to ' road 'race. You would ever be to blame

invited to join an Explorers' Pro­ change and how future actions , Everything's a' gnnie to you gram in medicine, Jaw and avia­ will be different. ':The 'old days are gone 't tion. The program -involves And they're better left alone . !Students at the Attleboro meeting professiona'ls in the ap­ , For example, 'individuals may I Cannot help you " ' realize that past relationships' school have distinguished them­ propriate field visiting profess-, It's much too late. selves for the third consecutive ional centers and hopefully devel­ have heen too cerii'ered on physi­ Oh no not" this confused again cal attraction.' Consequently, year as the highest contributors oping, career interests. Oh no not the same mistakes again they need to concentrate on get­ You're taking it all to heart ,ting to know the other's' ,Inter­ I You're taking it an too hard . ests, activities; values and goals: There's always a reason why it happened This may mean developing more You never, never did anything wrong .but it skill at tallking in depth with By Cecilia Belanger It just seemed to fall apart B'ible rhetoric' has moved the others. The word "rhetoric" took a minds and wills of millions. The , But you're taking it all tc!o hard. 'Successful change req'uires beating this campaign year, be­ , Gettysburg Address was rhetoric, Now that it's dark practice. It doesn't occur easily coming a bad word to many. unconscious and immortal. The .An of your fears like shado.ws creeping around or quickly. But it's actually, a noble word, great 1940 speeches of Winston You're much too scared to look down meaning the art or science of ChurchiU were rhetoric. Martin And it's lonely out on your own T agree whh the song's state­ using :words effectively in speak­ The old· days' are gone L-uther King Jr.'s "I have a ment that repeating mistakes ing or writing so as to influence dream" speech moved a nation. And they're better left alone only leads to' more pain and or persuade. But I stili miss you confusion. We can build better The world may well be wait­ Rhetoric was a major subject ing for a new voice to speak 1 keep it to myself. relationships; by owning up to in European universities for cen­ Oh no not this confused again mistakes and planning changes, the rhetoric of p~ace. 'It will- have . turies, w~en the proper use of to come from someone tuned in Oh' no not the Same mistake again Carrying out, these changes words was considered funda­ You're'tnking it all to heart beyond the clamor of :violence offers us. new chances to experi­ mental to education. You;re taking it aJI too hard and power struggles to the silent ence satisfaction ',and happiness But in recent years wor.ds rhetoric of God. Recorded by Genesis, Written by Tony Banks; ,Phil Collins, through growing, .Joving relation­ have become suspect, used in a We should scrutinize our­ ships. Mike Ruthe!10rd, (c) 1983 by Pun Music Inc. slov.:nly manner, employed to W.e all contribute daily' seives. disseminate propaganda. Yet to th'e rhetoric of 'love 'or the THIS SONG '~hows how re­ Your comments are welcome. avoid taking the situation too language is the lifeline of com­ peating mistakes leads to repeat­ seriously by not "taking it all to Please addreSs Charlie Martin, munication and .rhetoric is the rhetoric of hate. We all express opinions about other people, ing confusion. The remedy sug­ 1218 ' S.' Rotherwood Ave., heart." art of using words clearly. gested in this Genesis hit is to While maintaining a sense of ~~ansville, ,Ind. 47714. Wasn't the Sermon on the other nations, other, sections of Mount' rhetoric:' words' used. so ~ur own nation. We must not yield to the temp­ simply and powerfully that they friendship until they can settlle have never been forgotten. And tation to curse ,an entire nation, their disputes' and you can en­ St. Paul: "Though 1 speak with race or religion. We should keep joy a more peaceful relationship the tongues of m'en and of 'angels' turning to the Prince of Love whose spirit alone can control with them. This step has an ad­ and have not charity, I am be­ By , unruly tongues and win them vantage and a risk. come as sounding brass' or tink­ to the rhetoric of peace. ling cymbals." that it may The advantage is TOM '"Ii!"fr"'"",\""''',,'lr':'''''''-'':''''1T':'~''~'-'- .,--'''-'--- -_..,_.. --C"'-'-"'l force· them to Jook carefully, at the way they are behaving. Per­ LENNON haps :their own friendship needs a cooling-off period in which they do not see' as much of· each Q. Why do two friends who thinks she has 'Some awful look­ . other and can decide whether ing clothes. their differences are all that im­ have Persoitai, co~!~ts ~t"~ portant. in the middle causing me to be Why not' make your discom­ The risk is that one or both ' tom between the two of them? fort known to both your friends may decide :to whhdraw from (Vennont) in frank and separate t8JIks? your firiendship not temporarily -; A. :It could ,be each ,likes you· Explain to these two persons but' permanently. ' so much that each wants you as that you Hke both of them and Whatever' you decide to do, an ally. Also, both may think' wou,ld ·like to continue the that if they can get you as an' friendship . with them, but not try to speak to both:friends calmly,' kindly and tactfUJIly ~xolusiv~. ally, t~ey wil( have, under the -conditions that now whi.Je at the same time being worked some sort Of' victory. exist. candid and firm.' ' The. person -in the middde, Tell them that you do not in­ Don't !be too quick to give up however, is never in a pleasant tend to take sides, that the dis­ on your friends, though. Good position.: As you say, .·yoU· feel putes must be resolved by them friends, as you surely, realize, ar~ "torn between the two '(jf them." alone and that you want no part of grea,t worth., And getting Yo~ ~~;tbe 'ale;t n~t' to wor-: in their. arguments. through the rough moments in BISHOP STANG High School students rehearse for "A sen' ,the situation yourself. Don't our friendships can deepen them If one or both are not recep­ Gap in 'Generations," a dinner theatre comedy to be pre­ be :the one to carry tales from tive to your ideas, you may and make them even more re­ at 6:45.p.m. tonight and tomorrow at the North Dart­ sented one friend to another. have to resort to more drastic warding and pleasurable. mouth schooL From left,- Sean McCarthy, Jay McRoy, : For '~xample, avoid telling Sue' measures. Send questions and comments Thomas Silveira, Tiffany Hill, Andrew Thomas, Elizabeth to Tom Lennon, 1312 Mass. Ave. tha,t CalTie said she is sloppy,. Tell them you would .)ike tern­ Figlock. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. ,porarily to withdraw from their and .~~I~in8. Carri!,!.. th~t, S.ue



Bi~hop Feehan



Wh,at,s ' ..

on. 'YOQr::'



By Bill Morrissette

ports watch Holy Family Returns 11'0 Conference Holy Family High School of New Bedford, one of 11 schools that opted to leave the Southeastern Massachusetts Conference, has been readmitted to the conference which will have 13 member schools for the 1985-86 season. All other diocesan high schools had remained in the conference. Holy Family, Bishop Connolly and Bishop Stang will be aligned with Attleboro, Somerset and Dartmouth in Division Two in soccer under present plans, while Dennis-Yarmouth, New Bedford, Durfee, Barnsta'ble and Falmouth will be in Division One. . Bishop Feehan, Coyle-Cassidy, Durfee, Somerset and Attleboro would make up the proposed West Division in football. Bishop Stang would join New Bedford, Dartmouth, 'Falmouth and Barnstable in the East :Division. Holy Family and BIshop Connolly do not play football, and DennisYarmouth, although a conference member, will play an indepen-

dent schedule. Coyle-Cassidy, Bishop Stang and Bishop Connolly would join Durfee, Somerset and Dartmouth in Division Two cross-country. Bishop Feehan would be with Falmouth, Dennis-Yarmouth, At­ t1eboro, New Bedford and Barnstable in Division One. Bishop Connolly, Bishop Stang, Holy Family and Coyle­ Cassidy are grouped yvoith Fal­ mouth, Barnstable, and New Bed­ ford in a planned Division Two in volleyball while Bishop Fee­ han joins Durfee, Somerset, At­ Ueboro, Dartmouth and Dennis­ Yarmouth 'in Division One. Athletic directors met Wednesday at New Bedford High School to further the realignment plans. High schools leaving the con­ ference for other pastures are Diman Yoke, Westport, Seekonk, Dighton-Rehoboth, Old Roches­ ter, Case, New Bedford Voke­ Tech, Wareham, Bourne and Fairhaven.

CYO Hockey Previously tied with New Bed­ ford for first place in the Bristol County CYO Hockey League, Fall River South gained the league lead with a 5-1 victory over Somerset as the Whale­ towners were idle. In the com­ panion game, in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River, last Sunday, Mansfield pinned a 7-1 rout on Fall River !North. Dave Nobrega scored two goals in pacing Fall River South to its victory. Paul Hogan, Rory Couturier and Keith Mir­ anda contributed one each while Chris Anderson netted Somerset's lone goal. Rick Webster and Kevin Mc­ Grath each scored twice, David Brigss, Bob Blaskman and Eric Waldman one each for Mans­ field. Steve Couto accounted for the Fall River North goal. The standings: Fall River South 6-1-1 (won, Jost, tied), New Bedford 5-1-1, Mansfield 4-1-2, Somerset 0-6-1, Fall River North 0-6-1. Goals for and against: FaU 38-23, Mansfield 42-22, Somer­ set 14-42, Fall River North 11-~7. Games next Sunday, starting at 9 p.m. in, the Driscoll Rink are Mansfield vs. New Bedford, Somerset vs. Fall River North. Liz Makin of Bishop Stang has been named to the New Bedford' Standard-Times all-star field hockey team on which she is joined by Pam 'Gardner, Kor­ rinna Everett, Beth Perry, Joann Vieira and Laurie Ryan of Dart­ mouth. Others on the stellar combine are Emily Halkett and Leslie Manning, Case; Nancy Medeiros, Fairhaven; Pam Bus­ tin, Somerset; Stacy Pinto, Ap­ ponequet.

Holy Family and Westport Highs will meet at 6 p.m. in the curtain-raiser of a basketball jamboree scheduled for Dec. 7 in the Luke Urban Field House of Durfee High School. Other games are Bishop Con­ nolly vs. SOqlerset, 6:45; Durfee vs. Case, 7:30; Bishop Stang vs. New 'Bedford, 8: 15.

Not awitness RICHMOND, Va. (NC) - Bish­ op Walter Sullivan of Richmond withdrew a request to witness and offer his support t() the condemne(l man at the Oct. 12 execution of convicted murderer Linwood Briley because his pres­ ence might have been misunder­ stood as approval of the death penalty. Instead, the bishop ex­ pressed his opposition to capital punishment by speaking at an inte'rfaith prayer service and vigil the night of the execution. Briley died in the electric chair for the 1979 slaying arld robbery of a Richmond disc jockey.

Conditions unmet SAN ANTONIO, Texas (NC) - C,onditions for establishing peace outlined by the U.S. bish­ ops in their 1983 pastoral letter on war and peace "are not being met" by the current U.S.' gov­ ernment, according to a state­ ment by Pax Christi USA. The statement, "The Challenge of • Peace: Its Promise and, Impact, An Assignment," was released by the U.S. branch of the Inter­ national Catholic peace move­ ment at a nationa'i assembly in San Antonio.

tv, movie news

Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG·l3-parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13; PC-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for chil{fren or younger teens, Catholic ratings: Al-approved for children a~d adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; M--separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive.

NOTE Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local list­ ings, which may differ from the New York network sched­ ules supplied to The Anchor. New Films "Night of the Comet" (Atlan­ tic) Two teen-age California girls survive the passing of a comet that knocked off the dinosaurs last time it dropped by. Some bright moments in this sci-fi thriller, but it's thin overall. The benign view of the promiscuity of one of the heroines gives it 0, PG-13 ratings. In "Just the Way You Are," (MGM-UA), Kristy McNichol plays a young musician afflicted with a crippled leg. She flies off. to Switzerland for a skiing holi­ day and trades her leg brace for a plaster cast. Need,less to say she learns to be more honest with herself and find true tove, but although meant to be light and romantic, this film is dull from first to last. Because of the heroine's readiness to go to bed with a succession of men, it's rated 0, pC;. "Missing in Action" (Cannon) is about a commando operation to rescue Americans still held prisoner in Vietnam. Much battle violence, racial stereotypes and some nudity. A3, R· "Silent Night, Deadly Night" (Tri-Star) has been wthdrawn in at least one city· due to parental outrage. ,It's about a maniac dressed up as Santa Claus. 0, R Films on TV Sunday, Dec. 2, 9-11:20 p.m. EST (ABC) - "Escape from AI­ catraz" (1979) - Clint East­ wood stars as a convict who at­ tempts the impossible. Grim. but compelling. A3, PG Thursday, Dec. 6, 8-10 p.m. EST (ABC) ...;,... "Kramer vs. Kra­ mer" ,(1979) - Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep star in the popular, if slick and manipula­ tive, drama about a child cus­ tody fight. Some rough lang­ uage and partial nudity in the original. A4, PG TV Program What is 'being done to save the children Of Northern Ireland from becoming a lost generation ,is the subject of "Children in the Crossfire," airing Monday, Dec. 3,9-11 p.m. EST on NOC. This program features the work of the Children's Com­ 'mittee 10, a Los Angeles group that brings ,Catholic and Protes­

tant children from Ulster to the United States for a six-week summer holiday during which they can learn about each other as individuals rather than enemies. (A similar undertaking, the Cape Irish Children's 'Program, has been active on Cape Cod since 1975.) The story, based entirely on fact, begins in 1982 in Belfast with children playing in the street as a British Army patrol passes. Suddenly, an ambush wounds a soldier who dies while the youngsters pelt his would­ be rescuers with stones and a petrol bomb, as if it were a game. This not unfamiliar Belfast street scene is done with the matter-of-fact authenticity of a newsreel. Having established its context of childhood violence, the story cuts to California where Children's Committee 10 founder, Vincent Lavery (playing himself); explains his organiza­ tion to a TV interviewer. Cutting back to Ulster, four children are singled out as they consider going to the United States. While the viewer is getting ac­ quainted with the four juvenile leads, scenes with the two host families are intercut, revealing thair excited expectati.ons as well as hesitant doubts. Ulti­ mately, the children arrive, have an enjoyable stay and by sum­ mer's end all partin tears. The conclusion comes at a Christmas reunion for the Irish youngsters. Although they had been friends in America, upon their return home they had found the ·Catholic-Protestant wall as rigid as ever. For the organizers, the reo union will prove whether the program was worth, the effort. Youngsters from both commun­ ions do attend, a sJ.lccess sum­ med up by Lavery as meaning that great victories are some­ times won by little battles." Directed by George Schaefer, the program is unusually appro­ priate as a Christmas special. Its 'message is one of hope about a situation politicians see as hopeless and about ,the power of love to break down walls of division. Religious TV Sunday, Dec. 2 (CBS) "For Our Times" - Causes of teen-age alcoholism. Sunday, Dec. 9 (NBC) "NBC Religious Special:· The Bishops and the Economy" A look at the first draft of the U.S. bish­ ops' comment on Catholic social teaching. Archbishop Rembert Weakland, chairman of the draft committee, joins NBC News correspondent Robert Abernathy, columnist Abigail McCarthy, economist Jesuit Father William Byron, and Michael Joyce of the Lay Commission on the Econ­ omy. Religious Radio Sunday, Dec. 2 (NBC) "Guide­ line" - Report on the annual meeting of the U.S. 'bishops in Washington.

THE ANCHOR Friday, Nov. 30, 1984


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Nov. 30, 1984




are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722.. Name of city or town should be included, as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than' past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundraising. activities such as bingos, whists, dances, suppers and bazaars. ·We are happy to carry notices of spiritual (lro~rams, club meetin~s, Youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundraislng pro­ jects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675-7151. On Steerinl{ Points items FR indicates Fall River, NB indicates New Bedford.


First Saturday devotions: 8:30 through 11:30 a.m. Dec. 1. in­ cluding Mass, Eucharistic adora­ tion and scriptural rosary. All welcome, especially members of the Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima. Beginning Dec. 3. weekday Mass will be celebrated at 8:30 a.m. in the rectory. ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET

. Contributions to an organ fund are beyond ,the expected response and will be acknowl­ edged with a plaqueappropri­ ately listing benefactors in Great, Swell and Choir cate­ gories. Some 100 persons attended tha annual Thanksgiving' day din­ ner. "What ·a proud moment," commented Msgr. John J. Re­ gan, pastor, in the weekly bul­ letin. . Advent penance service: 7:30 p.m. Dec. 3, with Father' Wil­ liam Costello as homiUst. Re­ freshments will follow, served by confirmation candidates.

Candlelight Mass and blessing of Advent wreaths: 4:30 p.m. Dec. 1. Polish Christmas bread (oplatek) will be available fol­ lowing all Masses this weekend. Holy Rosary SodaHty: meet­ ing and Christmas social 1:15 p.m. Dec. 2. school hall. Advent Bible. study: 6:30 p.m. Dec. 2 and 9, school hall. ST. PATRICK, IFALMOUTH

Women's Guild members will lead recitation of the rosary following 8 a.m. Mass Dec. 1. On Dec. 15 members will visit LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro. Families and friends welcome. Information: Paulyne Dick, 540­ 2045. . SS. PETER & PAUL, FR

Parish families will decorate a sanctuary Jesse tree during the Advent season. Those wish­ ing to participate may notify the rectory. \ Beds are needed for Cambo­ dian refugees expected in mid­ December. Reunion Mass for parish re­ newal participants: 9 a.m. Dec. I, followed by coffee and dis­ cussion. ST. JOHN. OF GOD, SOMERSET

Singers and/or instrumenta­ lists interested in joining one of the three parish choirs are asked to contact Jean Sousa, 672-5753. Women's Guild: Christmas p'arty Dec. 10, McGovern's res­ taurant, Fall River. Information: Alice Arruda, 674-0246.


Members 'of Visitation Guild, - Eastham, prepared a, surprise party 'for the 85th birthday of their president, Rose Louise Bresnahan. ST. PATRICK, SOMERSET

Women's Guild: corporate I'ommunion 9 a.m. Mass Dec. 16, followed bv breakfast. Informa­ tion: Lucille Souia, 672-2917. Parish council meeting: 7:30 p.m. Dec.. 3, rectory. Formation of 'a parish financial ·board will be discussed. Parish children will partici­ pate in 4 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. Sunday Masses during Ad­ vent. HOLY ROSARY, TAUNTON'

Vincentians will lend home health care items such as hos­ pital beds, walkers and bath stools and hoists at no charge. Information at clothin£( center, 19 Kilton Street at 6:30 p.m. each Monday and Wednesday. BUILDING BlLOCK, TAUNTON

Youth prayer j:!roup meetin,!!: 7 tonight, St. Mary's School, featuring '3 video presentation o~ last year's Jon Polce concert at. Coyle-Cassidy High School. All welcome.' . ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN

Family Mass followed by cof­ fee and doughnuts: 10 a.m. Dec. 2. Sacred Hearts Association: meeting following 'I p.m. Mass Dec.7. Legion of Mary: the p'arish praesidium marked its 25th an­ niversary last weekend. Food collection baskets will be in the rear of the church during Advent to receive can'ned goods for holiday distribution. Children's Christmas party: Sari Antonio Club Dec. 16. BL. SACRAMENT,FR

Women's Guild: Christmas party Dec. 12, Coachmen res­ taurant, Tiverton. Polka Mass: 6:15 p.m. Dec. 15.

.Thirtieth Annual

Bishop's Charity· Ball DIOCESE OF' FALL RIVER For The -Benefit Of The Exceptional And Underprivileged. Children Of Every Race, Color And Creed






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SPONSOR • 1 Ticket • Admit 2 • $50.00

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1 TICKET $10.00 - ADMIT 2

AVAILABLE AT ANY RECTORY IN THE DiOCESE OR.AT THE DOOR DEADLINE FOR NAMES IN SOUVENIR BOOKLET IS DECEMBER 28, 1984 Contact any member of the 'Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Council of Catholic Women, Bishop's Ball Committee or call or mall name for one of thesB categories to: BISHOP'S CHARITY BALL HEADQUARTERS - 410 HIGHLAND AVENUE - P. O. BOX 1470 FALL RIVER, MA02722 - TEL. 676-8943

This Message, Sponsored by the Following

Business Concerr1ls in the Diocese of Fall River

Duro Finishing Corp. The Exterminator Co.

Fall River Travel Bureau Globe Manufacturing Co.

Gi:bert C. Oliveira Ins. Agency


Appreciation dinner for ,par­ i~h workers: Dec. 13, Century House, Acushnet. SACRED HEART, FR

Christmas tree ornaments de­ picting the church are available a.t the rt>ar of the church at weekend Masses. A ,parish Jesse tree will be decorated by parishioners. Women's Guild: Christmas meeting and party 6:30 p.m. Dec. 3, .TT's restaurant, Som­ erset, with John McAvoy as guest spe'aker. Past presidents are handling arrangements. Petitioning service for con­ firmation candidates: 9 a.m. Mass Dec. 8. 'Parish children's choir will sing at 3:45 p.m. Mass D~c. 2 et LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro. All parishioners welcome. LEGION OIF MARY

Annual reunion: 2 to 4 p.m. Dec. 2, St. Joseph's parish. Fair­ haven. Prayer service followed by entertainment. All welcome. ST. LOUIS de FRANCE,


A Scripture study group is meeting at 9:30 each Wednesday in the religious education cen­ ter lounge. All welcome. ST. JAMES, NB

Ladies' Guild: Christmas par­ ty 7:30 p.m. Dec. 5, lower church hall, with entertainment. by the Barrington College Chamber Singers. New choir members are need­ ed; rehearsals follow 11 a.m. Mass each Sunday. O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE

Ultreya: 7 p.m. Dec. I, parish center. 70 people enjoyed a Thanks­ giving dinner at .the -parish. CHRIST THE KING, COTUIT/MASHPEE

Rectory open house: 2 to 5 p.m. Dec. 16, 4441 Falmouth Rd., _~otuit. ST. JOHN EVANGELIST,


Those interested in helping establish.a babysittin£( service at 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass may ca11759-7294 or 563-5536. ECHO weekend for boys: Dec. 7 to 9. Information at .parish center. ST. MARY, SEEKONK

Women's Guild Christmas party: Dec. 3, Ramada Inn. In­ formation: Jean Brackett, 761­ 8603. .


Reservations for youth group trips to Boston and for skiing should be made as soon as ·pos­ sible. Next regular meetin~ 7 p.m. Dec. 2, Father Clinton Hall with entertainment by a rock group from St. James parish, New Bedford. Advent devotions: 3 . p.m. Sunday; prayer meeting 8 p.m. each Friday; rosary 7 p.m. each Wednesday. Choir rehearsals 7 p.m. each Thursday; new members wel­ come. ST. ANNE, FR

Parish Christmas party: 7 p.m. Dec. I, school auditorium. Communion breakfast for area Vincentians: following 10 a.m. Mass Dec. 2. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will be principle Mass celebrant and breakfast speak­ er. ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA

Renewal Mass: Dec. 8, fol­ lowed by breakfast at which arrangements for a renewal re­ treat at Weston Priory will be finalized. Grammar school children are asked to join a choir to sing at the Christmas Eve family Mass. Rehearsals: -10:30. a.m. Dec. I, 8, 15. Advent - Christmas Concert: 7:30 p.m. Dec. I, presented by Folk Choir. Newly elected parish council member at large: Elzira de Mat­ tos.

WILMINGTON, Del. (NC) ­ The first nat'ional directory of American nuns, "The Directory of Women Religious in the United States," wiH be published in early 1985. The editor, Ur­ suline Sister Magdalen O'Hara, associate vicar of religious in the Diocese of Wilmington, said nuns are the only major pro-, fessionaJ group in the country without a national directory. The directory will contain the name and address of each sister and a name ,index of all U.S. nuns. It will be' pwblished by Michael Glazier loc., 1723 Dela­ ware Ave., Wilmington, Del. 19806.

Long overdue



Meeting: ,7 p.m. Dec. 13, St. Mary's Church, Barnstable. In­ formation on this group that brings children from Northern Ireland for Cape Cod vacations: 477-0066, 778-1720. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN

Parishioners Gail Sylvia and Carol Borges attended a. catech­ . etical forum at Rye, N.H. Adult education: 7:45 p.m. each Monday, rectory. Scripture study group: 7:30 p.m. each Monday. In~ormation: Gerry Kisla, 992-8998. Family Life ministry meeting: Jan. 3, directed by Phil and Irene Harding. The initial pro­ ject will be to ,provide child care at 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. Liturgy workshop: 1:30 p.m. Dec. 2. NOTRlE DAME, FR

Canned goods will be accept­ ed during Advent for Christmas distribution to the needy.



WASHINGTON (NC) - The Reagan administration's recent support of ratification of a 36­ ~ar·old U.N. treaty against genocide was praised as posi­ tive but 'long overdue by Holy Cross Father WiHiam Lewers, director of the U.S. Catholic Conference's Office of Inter­ national Justice and Peace. The m-eaty was adopted by the United Nations in 1948 in reo sponse to the kiHing of six mHo lion Jews by the Nazis. The U.S. signed the convention, but the Senate has not ratified .it.


<l> .





. . . . . .. . ...


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