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Did Bishops Change Medical. Ethics?

WASHINGTON (NC) '- AlIt also stated plans to request similar committees to consult though modern surgery was per- a regular meeting with the with local bishops. formed on the new "Ethical and United States Catholic ConferThe 1971 directives give local Religious Directives for Catholic ence committee on health affairs prelates final authority to interHealth Facilities," some critics and urged local guilds to form pret the dirE~ctives in their own geographical area, a fact that charge that the patient still lookt\ the same as it did 16 years ago. has turned into a sore point. To compound the situation further, That was in 1955, when the An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St. Paul American Catholic health faciliCatholic Hospital Association ties are" now confronted with published the original document. more restrictive directives than it was revised and approved by those issued in neighboring CanFall River, Mass., Thurs., December 2, 1971 the nation's bishops when they ada just last. year. PRICE 10~ met here this November. Although few Catholic health Vol. 15, No. 48 © 1971 The' Anchor $4.00 per yea, Some theologians now argue officials will say so, the so-called that while the bishops' attempt direl:tives contain little "new" to remove some of the wrinkles new. The CHA credits them for from the directives is commendgiving Catholic health facilitiesable, it fen short of a' much ,hospitals, nursing homes and needed total face-lift. extended care institutions - "a Some Catholic physicsians, as new sense of direction." well, have expressed displeasure The directives sustain tradiWell known and loved by the over some of the 43 points in the Rev. Dennis Spykers, a Relitional Catholic prohibitions gious of the Sacred Hearts Con- elderly at the Catholic Memorial new directives. In a resolution against abo:rtion, contraceptions, gregation for' 66 years and a Home, Father Dennis was waked passed unanimously at its Nov. sterilization and masturbationpriest for 58' years died on at the home until Sunday after- 27-28 meeting in New Orleans, even for purposes of artificial Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 25, at noon. A Mass was offered there the National Federation of Physiinsemination. They take into acand he was then brought to the cians' Guilds applauded the bishthe age of 89. count ' organ transplants, disCongregation's Church of St. ops for issuing the new direcagreements about when a perJoseph in Fairhaven, where the tives. But the doctors also recogson can be considered dead, and funeral was celebrated Monday, nized dissenting opinions in, their' a patient's Iright to know if he is Nov. 29. own ranks. involved in a medical experiBorn in Tillburg, Holland, son The federation, representing NAMED: Bishop Cronin ment. Genetics, the biology of of the late Frederick and the more than 6,000 physicians from has named Rev.' Msgr. Ro- heredity, is not mentioned. late Josephina (Winkel) Spykers, 36 states and Canada, resoived "I recognize that this code Father Spykers entered 'the to establish a permament com- bert L. Stanton, pastor of St. does not solve the needs of the ,Patrick's Parish, Wareham Order of 'the Sacred ·Hearts in mittee of its own to "study and times, but it remains an impor'Couttrai, Holland in 1905. review medical 'ethical problems ,. as Diocesan Coordinator for tant document," Msgr. Harold PoMedical Ethics. on a continuing basis." T~rn to. Page Two Murray, dir~or of health affairs Tum to Page Six

Rev. Dennis' 5pykers~ 55.Ce. Was Model of Obedience




Bedford .Parish;' inllfiJ'ny, ·:.Cap·acitiesforOver ·Fifty Years


Rev. Dennis Spykers Confined to the Catholic Memorial Home in Fall River for the past four years due to illness, ,his pastoral ministry' left him without the possibility of making office calls, visiting parishioners or even offering Mass. On the day he entered the diocesan home, he could neither see, talk or walk. The Carmelite Sisters cared for the priest and he was able to concelebrate Mass and becoll,le the "pastor" ., of the second floor. The priest was praised as a picture of obedience to the Will of God. His devotion to the Rosary inade him the Father Peyton of the Sacred Hearts Congre' gation.

Silver Jubilee For Holy Union Sisters Sunday Sisters of Sacred Heart Province of the Holy Union commu. nity will mark the 25th anniversary of the founding of their province in the Boston Archdiocese at 3 Sunday afternoon in Notre Dame Church, Cambridge. Most Rev. Thomas J. Riley, BosTurn to Page' Six

Joseph RoderiCks .of M5 Purchase Street, New Bedford is to be envied. He has an 'unquenchable .love of God and chllrch, is . at peace with the world around 'him and does every day what 'he likes to do most, serve his church. That would .be Our Lady of the Assumption Church at 6th and Cherry Streets in New Bed-, ford. Joe is 83, and has served as an altar boy and' sexton at OLOA for 55 years or since he came to this country in 1916 from Santa Catherina on the Isle Santiago in the Cape Verde Islands. He has been an .integral part of Our. Lady of the Assumption parish since the days it was a little church on South Water Street, in the shadow of, ,the Gas Company tanks in the c,ity's South End. The present edifice was ded.icated Sept. 1, 1957 by Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.D., formerly bishop of the Diocese of Fall River. "Joseph Rodericks is one of the most faithful Catholic men I have ever met," says Rev. Ambrose .R. Forgit, SS.CC" a,dministrator of Our Lady of the Assumption Church. "I've never known him to miss a day at church. He is an exceptional man. He is never late and is just faithful to his job as sexton. "Mr. Rodericks is really dedicated, has a ready smile and a very pleasant personality. He'll always greet you with a 'Good

Pope' Commends Asceticism Of )Lldo VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul is studying judo. Well, not exactly, but he did take time to study the arduous regimen .de~ahded of judo en· thusiasts . and commended the sport for its "almost ascetic rule of life and study.'" Judo comes from the Japanese words meaning "soft art." The Pope singled out some 25 instructor;s and students of the National Academy of Judo who attended the .general audience Nov. 24. The Italian group, clad in blue monogrammed blazers, rose as a unit as the Pope told them: "We have read your regimen and your programs. We detect an impression of seriousness, we could say of almost ascetic rule of life arid study, to attain this human,goal which is both scientific and athletic." The Pope described the young athletes flS persons "dedicated to Turn to Page Six

JOSEPH RODEJUCKS morning,' and leave you with a, 'See you tomorrow, God willing.' "Joseph has gone through Ii very difficult stage what with all the changes in the Church today. Yet, he has adjusted beautifully to the changes. He has a simple faith in God and Church, is truly an exceptional man and a, fine example for those around him:;'

Mr. Roderick has been at OLOA through· the pastorates of Rev. Egbert Steenbeck, SS.CC.; Rev. Stanislaus Bernard, 5S.CC.; Bouhuysen, Rev. ,Thaddeus SS.CC..; Rev. John F. Godelar, SS.CC. Also, Rev. Edmund G, Francis, SS.CC., and Rev. Raphael A. Flammia. Turn to Page Six

Clothing Drive Usab1le clothing is ,being collected by all the parishes in the Diocese during this week for further distribution to ravaged or disadvantaged areas throughout the world. The packaged clothing will be gathered from the parish centers beginning Monday, December 6.


THE, ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall· River- Thurs.,'Oec.~2,1971' •

. '

President Urges


lIT , ....


.. -."


Archbishop ·StressesPersonal Accountcibility··. of. Ca~holics

R~9ular ,R~ading

.Of 'Bible


NIILWAUKEE' (NC)-Archbish-· ulty members. frpm the' campus' , , :WASHIN9TON '(NC) - Presiop ·William E: Cousins of ,M).!-' community. dent . ~ichard' M. Nixon,' in a waukee took part, in an unusual .While they sat on pillows on statement m,aking National Bible "rap session" with. coll~ge stu- ',the floor, Archbishop' Cousins Week,urged America's families dents hereanct- asked that he be. talked about .man's relation to t,o, begin regularly reading the , considered not as a' me~per of the institutional Church. He also Bible during the Thanksgiving an impersonal hierarchy, but as said he does' not oppose women h9 lida,Ys "to gain fresh insights a member of the Church "just as. priests, and he. predicted there on how to better serve God and you are members of the Church." 'will' be changes in the present their fellowman." "I want to break down any " parish structure. . Nixon,' an honorary chairman' .barriers you may. have in your. ' ,Church Is People of National Bible Week, recalled mind about the hierarchy,': the "We: often speak of the that every ,ynited States presiarchbishop said at the gathering Church'today, but do we know dent. had placed fiii; hand on .a held at the University of Wiscon- ..what.thatreally means?" he askBible in taking tile oath of office. sin's Newman Center. ed. "'We fail' when we speak of ."In its' pages presidents, pub. "I am just as unique as you," the Church'as an institution. The lic servants and citizens of all he aqded. "I am a person' and' Church is Christ, it is people as ages have continued' to find the 'Wa~t to 'do'my thing' and be rec- they. become extensions of prin~iples on which we have ognize<:t fpr· it. just'. as each of Christ's life in the community. built the American way or'life," you.", "If' we direct· our .efforts he' said. It was different experience toward ,something impersonal, as Noting that a former U. S. forfhe students, many of whom we tend to do with the Church, president had said if the Amersaid they think of a bishop in we can't fully respond. As a ican democracy. is to remain the terms'. of robes, mitres, crosiers member of the Church, I must greatest hope of humanity, it and:, confirmation rituals. fully realize that I have an acmust continue to have faith in But the archbishop, who min~ countability to the people of God the Bible, Nixon said,. "the truth gled freely with the audience,' no matter what my role in the of these words is made consistently clear, and chapter and got .do~n to a personal level. He Church is. But I must realize that chapter of our history attests to said he fears losing his personal.' I can't save the Church unless I their meaning in our lives." identity beoause he is. a bishop, . am first sure of my own salvaand'. he /tol'd the students' he tion." Several organizations took warit~ '. to'· be seen as someone He reminded that· Christian part in National Bible Week, including the American Bible Sociwho went .'through . the same doctrine insists that all reform ety, the Greek Orthodox archdiokinds ,of problems young people originate in the individual. "If I cese's laity department, the Jew~ face··~o·day. ,. insist on' changes 'iri the actions. ish Committee. for .National '. Relation 'to Church of others I better make sure that Bible Week and the U. S. Center He. spoke about the priesthood what ~ recommend is within me for the Catholic Biblical Apos~ and "ui'e Circu'mstances which'led" firs't," he declared. tolate. .up to ·his decision to' enter the , Former Supreme Court Justice seminary. He ~.aid that the sym~ . ,.THE-' BISHOP ISTEACHE-R: Parishioners of St. Joan Arthur J..Goldberg was' national bolism that goes with his office of .ArC' Parish in Orleans listened ',as Most Rev. Daniel A. chairman of Bible Week. He was has caused people to' consider Continued from Page One · him as part of the institution' Following his ordination to Cronin :delivered the 'homily"of Sunday's Mass· at .parish the first member of the Jewish rather than a human being. ," the priesthood o~ AU~. 30:'191,3, Y.i.ilt~~J9.9~ft-~I:t.~C~P~~.~!.~jp:L~.p.~;;~JYJ.~~~:::~~!~::::~~~;:'l~mes .:~:::::: ":~~it.~:~o. h,o~d ~he, latt,eT post.~aro;,. Before 'the 'sessi6n . began;. ',.he. cam:. to this country- and Buckley; ~aSsistant'pastor, 'ot'tlje' Cape' pansll'~and Very Rev..... ~ ~mal ,..~atr-Ick O'BoYleof~ Wash· ~ Archbishop Cousins strolled was. assl~ed:~s cu.r:at~_ at ,St. Tli' .' ,', . '·.·T'.· H" , '. "::D" ' ···'·C'·h' '···,:'··}·I··;···":If:"I···' .- "1<,;",;'"J:n~Qtl, D;~C.,'.was also.'an bonot:;, among Uie. students ani:!" int~o:"" Jo'sepn's 'Chu'rch. Fairhaven'" In . .l: .o~~s:~,,!,:;~'.;. ~,rry:~gtPn';·. :.'::~oC~~~~::.: '. ~n~e ~f::::~ s.o, co~c~ .e~:> ~rY': :'co:~hair~an '. of the 'pfoitct. · duced himself. He shook' hailds 1918;. Father ,Spykers was as- bratmg' but :not shown In, thIs' picture' was' ~ev..WIlham . .' and chatted briefly to those who si~~ed to serve in the same ca, J. ·.McMahon, pastor. Confidence had come to meet him. paclty at Our Lady of Lourdes Do not attempt to do a thing Joining tl;ie, audience were C~u:ch,Wellfleet, becomi?g a?". unless you are sure of yourself; priests and nuns ftom the New- mmlstrator of that parish m u. but do not relinquish it simply man Center's staff and some fac- 1929. . WA.SHINGTON (NC) - A se-' sheet· and annual report in tell- because someone else is not sure Appointed pastor of the Holy ries of seminars on. procedures' . ing the public where. diocesan of you. -Stewart E. White Necrology' Trinity Church, Harwich in 1931, for diocesan accounting . and money comes from" .and where, Father Spykers in .1935 was f . I . '1 b ' it. goes. ." . DEC. 3 . named to the same position at mancla reportmg WI 1 egm in mid-January; Cardinal Terence 4- variety. of systems,some Rev. John W. McCarthy, P.R.; Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Cooke of New York, chairman of giving ·more complete informa1926, 'Sacred Heart,' Fall River.' becoml'ng pa tor emerl'tus there r eXls . t s a t press DEC. 4 . in 1963. In 1964 Father. Spykers a . co' mml'tt~ of the' Natl'o'nal tion . than oth . e.s, . Rev. Charles' Ouellette,' 1945" went into residence at the Holy Conference of Catholic Bishops,' ent A few dioceses don't report reported at 'th'e bl'shops' m'eetl'ng . publicly on their finances.. . Assistant, St. James, Taunton. 'Redeemer Church at Chatham, here. .. . . . DEC. 6 "coming' . to 'Catholic Memorial • + •••••••••••••••• Doane'Heal 'Ames . . By the end, of Oct~ber, Cardi. Rev. Joseph L. Cabral,' 1959, Home hete in 1968. INCO.pounD Pastor, Our Lady of Angels, Fall' ,Father Spykers leaves two ?al ..Cooke. said, 52. d.lOceses ha? FUNERAL River. qrothers, Alphonsus and Bernard -, mdlcated. mter:st In such s.emlSERVICE '. . Rt. ·Rev. John H. Hackett, Spykers;a' sister, Maria and nars,:-vhlch wil.l ~e offer~d on !i S.-,yfng All Faith. '1966, Chancellor Fall, River Dio- several nieces and nephews all a ~eglOna~ ~asls and will. be Sln.o1926 'o.ver 35 Years cese-June-Dec. 1966. of Tillburg. . v~rIed accor~Ing to the type-and. of Satisfied Service DEC. 8 . size of the diocese. HYANNIS' 775.0684 Reg. Master Plumber 7023 Rev. John F. Broderick, 1940, Creat.ivity Workshop Objective of the' seminars will JOSEPH· RAPOSA, JR. So:uth Yarmouth 398-2201 ',Pastor" St. Mary, South' Dart',' be tointrodu~e standardization',806 NO•.MAIN STREET' . ·...arWich Port 432-o59~' mouth. . . A Creativity Workshop will be ,and increase· effectiveness in' . Fall River 615.1491 held, at. 7:30 Thursday night, ·diocesan accounting procedur!,!s. Dec. 16 at St. 'James parish, New across the United S~at~s., M 101 Seay (Knight) vs Bailey ,Bedford. Open to the public, the Cardinal .Cooke's committee Ex Capite: Liga'men . program will feature explana- was set up .temporarily; to find a: EDICTAL CITATION !nsofar as the whereabouts of Dorothy tions. of art techniqu~s and how way. for that nation's djoceses Bailey, party In the. case of Seay (Knight) to use t,he',samekind of b.ala.nce vs Bailey, Protocol Number M 101, are un. . they can be applied to religious education{ . known, We cite the said Dorothy Bailey to


Father D.en.nis

Stu.dy·. D.-o,c·es·an"· A.cco'unt.-lI'lIlg Plans


.'.,.,ontle Plumbing & :, Healing Co.


ppear before the said, Tribunal of the Dio. cese of Fall River on December lOth, 1971 a, 10:00 A.M" at 344 Highland Avenue. Fall River,. Massachusetts, to give testimony to establish: , ..', · WHETHER THE MARRIAGE IN QUESTION . BE NULL? Pastors and others haVing knOWledge of the Whereabouts 'of the said Dorothy Bailey are advised to notify her In regard to this Edictal Citation. . HENRY T. MUNROE,

Given from the Seat of this Officialls Tribunal, Fall River, Massachusetts on this the 2nd Day of December '1971. ROLAND BOUSQUET, " Notary .IIUlllllllllllllll.. mllull llllnll1111Il111lllnm"""llllrrnlulllllllllllllllllllllm'"I11I11I....' .


M 102 Seay (Knight) vs May , Ex Capite: Llgamen EDICTAL CITATION Insofar as the Whereabouts of Sharon May; party in the case of' Seay (Knight) vs May, Protocol Number M '102 are unknown, We cite the said Sharon May to appear before the Tribunal of the Diocese of Fall River on December lOth, 1971 'at 10:30 A.M., at 344 Highland Avenue, Fall River. Massachu· . setts, to give testimony to establish: WHETHER THE MARRIAGE IN QUESTION BE NULL? • Pastors and others having knOWledge of the whereabouts of the said Sharon May are

advised to notify her in regard to this

THE 'ANCHOR . Edictal Citation. Second Class PostaRe Paid at. Fall River. HENRY TOf~~~n~E, M.ass., Published every Thursday at 410 Given from the Seat of this Tribunal, Fall River, Massachusetts,. Highland Avenue. Fall River. Mass. 02722 on this the 2nd Day of December 1971 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. SJlbscrlption price by mall, postpaid ROLAND BOUSQUET, ,. , 14.00 "r.YII1.... , • ,~ ~ • .;. .' .•••••.•.• Notary ••• _ •••' •••• _ • • • • • • .



Beware, ,so long as .you live, of judging men by their; outward' appearance.' . ,,'. " ,I , -Jean .de la :Font~line







Sumner James Waring, Inc./Thomas J. Ashton & Son, Inc.

R. Marcel Roy - Go Lomine Roy , Roger laFrance

FUNERAL' DIRECTORS ' 15 Irvington Ct. New .Bedford'




CITY LOCATIONS 178 Winter St./ 466 North Main St., Fall River SUBURBAN LOCATION 189 Gardners Neck Road, Swansea,


THE ANCH9R-:Piocese' of F~II River-Thurs., Dec. 2, 1971

Bishops Approve , CU Assessment WASHINGTON (NC)"- The' National Conference of Catholic . ,Bishops, at its meeting here, voted approval of a special assessment for the support of the Catholic University of America . during the next two years. The formula for the figure to be raised by each diocese in this special assessment in five times the amount of the diocese's 1968 assessment .for support of the United States Catholic Conference. Asked how binding this as-' sessment is, Bishop Cletus O'Donnell of Madison, Wis" a member of the bishops' confer-

ence administrative committee, said that the principle is "Do the best .you caI).... The dioceses never raise the total CU appropriation from the single annual November collection for Catholic University, he added. The vote in favor of the special assessment was 103 to 19., with only the heads of dioceses voting. In a voice vote the bishops , also agreed to move the annual Catholic University' colh~ction forward to the last Sunday in September, starting in 1972, to keep it from coming right after the annual Human Development Campaign collection.

See the light, not just the' lights. More than 50,000 Christmas lights have been turned on to celebrate La Salette's annual Christmas qbservances - with one purpose: to direct you to the ultimate Light, Christ who is the hope for the world. This is the message of the 1971 observance, wh,ose theme is "A Star in Our Da:rkn~ss," with a ,focal-point ofa manger that is seen through a, ,25-foot s't'lr co~ered with 2,000路lights. Other appropri'ate displays and thousand:i more lights also dot the La Salette grounds. To help you prepare spiritually for the Christmas season and the coming of Christ, La Salette is celebrating the Sacraments ~f Penance and Eucharist .throughout the Christmas season and is holding a series of prayer services on Sundays. Weekdays Masses are held Monday .through Saturday at 9 A.M., 12:10 and 7:30 P.M. Confessions are heard in the chapel Monday through Friday from 12 noon to 1 P.M., 2-3 P.M., 4-5, and 6.25 to 7:25 路P.M. On Saturdays, confessions are from 12 noon to 7:25 P.M.; on Sundays, from 12 noon to 5 P.M. There are prayer services at 3: P.M. on each of the three Sundays of Adyent in December. Other special events to watch for include group singing and plays. . We hope you will ,come and find the Light who shines beyond the lights.

LaSalette route 118 Attleboro, Mass. 02703 ELDERLY AND YOUNG GATHER: An overflow crowd of St. Joan of Arc parishioners eagerly approached their F'ather in Christ, receiving Bishop Daniel A., Cronin's pastoral visitation. ,The Orleans church proved too small to accommodate all and the Sunday Mass was offered by the Bishop in the Cape parish hall where he also greeted all present. The Orleans ceremony culminat~d a year of such parish visits by Bishop Cronin to parishes throughout the Diocese since he was installed as Bishop of Fall River on Decel!l!>~r ~6, 1~?O.. , I"" '" ~ 0 0

''''',,, 0 0 " 0-0,'1 0



617路222路5410 LaSalette Shrine, Institute of Spirituality Center for Christian living Mark IV Presentations ."L.





THE ANCHOR~Diocese .. of 'Fall River~.Thurs., Dec..-2, 1971 "-'''?-

,Nixon-Meany, Con'frontatio'n ·Political Acted Within Bounds of Amerocan Tradition again. On this ,point, th~ Amer- with being subservient to any ican people, as might be expect- particular President or any pared, tend to differ with one, an: ticular Administration. They believe that the right to other, depending, more often than not, on .whose political ox . disagree publicly with a President to private life some months ago, is being gored in any particul~r - and; on occasion, even to' laugh at a President, as some but he is still very much in the controversy. news. His most. recent, quotable . The, highly publicized "con- .of them did in Miami Beach-is .quote appears in a new book of frontation" between President an integral part of the American Nixon . and the redoubtabie heritage. George Meany at· the . recent Two Sides AFL-CIO convention in Miami By , Beach, Fla. is pertinent case in Whether or not Mr. Meany point. The Administration and and his colleagues exercised this MSGR. its followers are determined to right at Miami with proper courpersuade . the Am~rican public tesy and decorum is probably an GEORGE G. rthat President Meany' and the open question. By the same AFL-CIO . convention delegates token, h~wever, it is' also debatHIGGINS showed grave disrespect for the able as to whether or not the office ,of the Presidencywlien President conducted himself with President Nixon appeared before perfect Presidential propriety. notes (by Allen \Drury) and the convention. ", My 'own feeling is that if, in Reporters' View photogra'phs (by Fred Maroon), fact, he was treated wit~ less Mr. Meany, on the other hand, courtesy than he thinks he had on the inside workings, 9f -the Nixon Administration (Courage stoutly contends' that he' and the a right to expect, it was at least and Hesitation: Notes and Photo- convention d'elegates treated the partly his own fault. . graphs of the Nixon Administra- President and his' office with This is not said in criticism of proper courtesy and respect but the Preident as a person but is tion, Doubleday, $12.95). Mr. Moynihan, who served on reserved the right to disagree simply meant to suggest that, ~s the President's staff, as a regis- with him and to register their an experienced politician, he tered Democrat, during the first disagreement by the admitted must have known exactly what two years of the Nixon Adminis- . coolness of their reception. he was doing - and shoul9,n't Mr. Meany also contends that have been surprised at the retration, was one of those interviewed by Drury and photo- the President came to Miami sults-when he decided to take graphed by Maroon when they Beach "not to make a speech . . on Mr. Meany in an' eyeball to were doing their field. work in but to contrive a situation under eyeball confrontation. the offices and corridors of the which he could claim that he had Said confrontation mayor been unfairly treated." White House. may not have been good politics, I didn't witness the so-called but politics it most certainly He told Mr. Drury, among other things, that "perhaps the Nixon-Meany confrontation, but was, and to pretend that it fundamental issue of our time is I spent some time at the AFL- wasn't is simply naive. Ditto for the erosion of the authority of CIO convention two days later, Mr. Meaney's characteristically our American institutions" and, and I must say that the majority brusque. reaction. That too was more specifically, the office of of reporter& with whom I dis- politics in the standard Americussed the confrontation tended cl:\n traditiOn. the Presidency. "Perhaps the principal thing to 'agree with Mr. Meany's inter" For the President and his supthat has struck. me during my pretation of the event. porters to try to turn it into an Respect Institutions time here (at the White House)," attack on the office of the Pres, Be that as it may, I think the idency strikes me as being rather he said, "has been the way in which the Presidency. has been Administration and its support- far-fetched and totally lacking devalued, degraded and 'even in-, ers would be poorly advised to in political sophistication and or suited. There has been a steady ·try to caricature Mr.. Meany and political ho·nesty. decline in respect for it and this the AFL-CIO convention deleCan Stand the Heat gates as men who are disrespectshows itself in many ways." ful of the office, of the PresiIn summary, then, I don't Case in Point dency. The fact is that this pa'r- think there is any point in trying Mr. Moynihan looks upon this ticular group of men have great- to portray George Meany, of all as being' a dangerous trend. "To er respect for the Presidency people, asa man who is lacking me," he says, "it's vital to' the and for all of the other in respect for' the office of the way our democracy operates basic institutions of the' Amer- Presidency'. Suffice it to saythat you respect the office and ican system than any other com- and this is meant as a complithe institutions of the country parable group of ciitzens. If ment to hoth men-that he 'and ... The danger is ... that if the anything, they are patriotic-and President Nu,;on are seasoned, authority of institutions is respectful of our institutions- rough, arid tumble politicians, eroded enough, it may be suc-' to a fault. who, when they squared off at To their great credit, however, ceeded by a power society in the Miami Beach 'convention, which democratic rights and it must be said that they do not were acting' well within the freedoms - will ultimately disap- and will not accept the notion bo.unds of the American political that being pietistic' and respectpear." tradition. I ' Most Americans, I suspect, ful of our institutions is synonPresum'ably, I might add, they would tend to agree with Mr. ymous or should be synonymous both' have a sense of humor. Moynihan in this regard. In other That being the case, I suspect words, the principle which says I)irective Requires" that· they are c~uckling to themthat respect (or the office of the selves over the pietistic and prePresidency is vital to the way Priestly Dress ·tentious efforts of some outside our democracy operates 'is an esRALEIGH (NC) - Bishop Vin- observers to exaggerate, beyond sential part of the American cent S. Waters; who earlier re- all reason, the long range significonsensus and is seldom, if ever, quired -Sisters in the Raleigh, cance of their confrontation. brought into· serious question " N. C., diocese to wear identifiable Mr. Dr~ry says that Pat Moyneven by extremists on either the religious garb, has made the ihan, who was quoted above, Left or the Right. same demand of. his priests. . "can stand the heat and, in one The' application of this princiIn a recent letter to diocesan way or another, it seems safe to ple, however, is something .else priests, pastors and heads of Repredict that he will always be in ligious orders,' Bishop Waters the kitchen." Ditto for President Question Catholics called it "important for the good Nixon and Mr. Meany. The long TORONTO (NC) - Canadian of souls of priests, as well as range significance of their conCatholics are being asked to par- the people they serve," that frontation extends to Nov. 8, ticipate in a "justice probe" and priests wear clerical garb except 1972, and not much beyond that. They can both stand the heat, give their comments and reac- for recreational activities. "This means a black suit, not and between now and the abovetions to policies advocated by the Canadian bishops to achieve a grey one or any other color, mentioned date their past experijustice in the Church and in the with the conventional clerical ence in this 'regard will stand world. collar," the Raleigh bishop said. them in good stea~\~,~ t: ~ '_ .' ~~ .'

Daniel P. (Pat) Moynihan ~probably the most quotable public servant in recent American ,history-returned




Peloquin Chorale~o Sing At St. Mary's in Taunton A concert of Christmas music . program will ;be selections by a

featu~ing the Peloquin. choraie .' gu.est harpist:. Following the in-

and orchestra will be held at' si: Mary's Church, Taunton, on Dec. 19 at 8 o'clock in the evening. Rev. James F. Lyons, pastor, said that the proceeds from the affair will go toward starting a restoration fund for the church's 76-year old organ. Installed in 1895, the instrument now is valued at $100,000 and is, according to the New Englaind Historical Organ Soci~ty one of three of this size in the New England area. C,. Alexander Peloquin, conductor of the chorale, is the music director for Boston College and the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, Providence, R. I. Mr. Pelo'quin is a world figure in liturgical music and was a friend and advisor of Pope John XXIII. His presentation of Church music has always brought new life and meaning to a subject often considered dull. The concert itself will be divided into two one hour sections. The first will be devoted , to an historical survey of church music with a commentary by Mr. Peloquin on each presentation. A feature of this portion of ,the


.. termission,

more' traditiQnai music will be presented, including choruses ·from Handel's "Messiah" and familiar carols from various countries. . The Taunton Civic Chorus and the Cathedral Choristers from Fall River will combine with the Peloquin Chorale for the final part of the program, forming a chorus of more than 100 voices. Sponsors and patrons are now being obtained with the general admission tickets being available beginning Monday, Dec. 5, from the church rectory.


It is in trifles, and when he is

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off his guard, that a man best -:-Anon. shows his character. DAUGHTERS OF Sf. PAUL-comblne a life of Drayer dnd action. Bringers of the Gospe' Message to souls everywhere by means of personal contact: Pauline MisSlOnanes labor In 30 Nations. Members witness to Chnst in a unique missionpropagation of the printed Word ot ~od~ The Sisters write. illustrate print and bind their own publications and diffuse them among Deople of all creeds, races and cultures. Young girls. 14·23 Interested in this vital MISSIon may write to:



50 St. Paul's Ave.. Boston' Mass. 02130

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Urges Catholics

Speak. up More

, WASHINGTON (NC)~atho· "Very 'Often the remedy called Iics should make their voices' for can only come about through heard more on state and federal government - approved legislalegislation, according to Cardi- tion," he s~id. nal John Dearden of Detroit, "This is where Catholics need outgoing President of the na- to have their voices heard." tion's bishops' conference. He cited as an example the "In Plany instances many whole area of w~lfare legislaCatholics are not as sensitive to tion. the moral dimensions of some of Having just returned from the our social problems as they world Synod of Bishops in Rome, might be," he told NC News. where justice was one of the Because of this, he said, major topics, Cardinal Dearden Church leaders must make a con- feels more eduaction is needed stant effort to make Catholics to make Catholics understand aware of their obligation to try the Church's teachings in this to remedy this situation. area.






Christmas is Christ's Birthday. This year, to show Him you love Him, give your presents to the poor...• For instance, train a boy for the priesthood. We'll send you his name, he'll write to you, and you may stretch payments to suit your own convenience ($15.00 a month, $180 a year, $1,080 for the entire six-year course). The friend who has everything, if you sponsor a seminarian in his namE!, will appreciate this more than a gift he doesn't need. We'll send your friend our attractive Gift Card before Christmas, telling him what you have done.... Or sponsor a Sister-to-be ($12.50 a month, $150 a year, $300 altogether), a' homeless child ($14 a month), or feed a refugee family for two weeks ($5). Your friend will be pleased you thought of ·sOmeone else when you remembered him. . . , Please write to us today to be sure . the Gift, 'Cards reach your friends before Christmas. We'll send the cards as soon as we hear . from you.



We'll send a Gift Card (or a letter, if you prefer) to the person you designate for each of these Christmas gifts: $10,000 will build a complete parish 'plant' (church, school, rectory, convent) where the Holy Father says it's needed overseas., Name it for your favorite saint, in your loved one's memory. You can build a church now for $3,800, a school for $3,200, and the Bishop in charge will write to you. Your stringless gifts in any amount ($5,000, $1,000, $500, $100, $50, $25, $10, $5, $2) will help the neediest wherever they are ....., in India and the Holy Land, for instance. Remind 'us'to send a Gift Card. Our missionaries can offer immediately the Masses you request. Just send us your intentions.



o o



The Midnight Mas's in Bethlehem will be offered for the members of this Association. This is our Christmas thank-you gift to you. Please pray for all of us, especially our priests and Sisters overseas. And have a happy Christmas! ----~---------~---

Dear ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND $ ,Monsignor Nolan:, FORI Please return coupon with your offering THE CATHOLIC

_ _




NEAR EAST MISSIONS BISHOP MEETS COYLE-CASSIDY SENIORS: Among the students met by Bishop Cronin following a concelebrated Mass for Vocations offered at the Taunton Regional Catholic Co-educational High School were: Paul Masi of Middleboro, Gary' Gaouette of New Bedford and Michael McManus of Taunton. Bottom photo: Bishop Cronin, principal c~lebrant, is assisted by concelebrants Rev. John J. Smith, left, diocesan director of vocations and Rev. John J. Oliveira, CQaplain at Coyle-Cassidy High School.

TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue· New York, N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6-5840


THE ANCHOR,Diocese of Fall River-Thur.s., Dec. 2" 1971 ~, -







_ \"


Se~ving ,Parish



'Saying "Yes" Next week's feast of the Immaculate Conception brings into focus-fittingly, during Advent-of the place of the Blessed Virgin Mary in God's plan of Redemption. Mary said "Yes" to God. She said "Yes" to Him when asked if she would let, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity take flesh of her flesh and be born as a human being. Mary said "Yes" to God when she ~id' not know all that was involved but the fact that she was giving herself '. totally and completely to God. In anticipation of her "Yes"Almighty God ca~sed Mary to have sanctifying grace from the very first moment of her conception, and her soul was filled ~th grace and pleasing to Him every moment of her lif~at the moment of her conception,. at the moment when she said "yes" to God and Jesus was conceived within her; ~t the moment when she united her will to the Will 'of her·' Son as he went about the work of mankind's 'redemption, at the moment when she stood beneath His cross and still said "Yes" to the sacrifice of Christ that brought· so m~ch anguish to her own heart as well. . The secret of sanctity is for each person to also say" "Yes" to God as did Mary, to echo in' his own life ;her "Yes" and never to take it back. This is an age that has been putting very little stock in fidelity. Then all of a sudden people a{e beginning to realize that there must be' fidelity - fidelity between husband and wife in the many sacrifices required to make a marriage work; fidelity in those who have dedicated themselves to God, in their rededication to the things of God and the work of God in the face of so many frustrations and difficulties; fidelity on the part of the young to the basic principles of integrity and honesty and goodness that seem in such short supply; fidelity on the part of those who are older to the virtues that Christ came to teach so that cynicism and scepticism and materialism do not win the day. In this our day and in this our age Maty can teach the great lesson of saying "Yes" to God. and never ren'eging on it and on its implications and ~ons~quences.

Bishops on Medical Ethics Continued from Page One at the USCC told NC News in an

Continued from Page One Joseph modestly disclaims any credit for his many contributions to the church, saying 'I'm only doing what I sh!>uld. Besides, I'm doing what I like and want to do, and really, I'm ·fortunate to have such an opportunity." He worked for years in the cotton room of. the Hathaway Mill, almost all the time at night so he was able to take care of his duties at OLOA. "We used to have one Mass in the morning and one on Sundays," Joseph said, "but times have changed. We have a full schedule of Sunday Masses and things are really busy now. My responsibility is getting the vestments, wines, candles and other essentials ready for the priest. "I serve the Mass if there are no altar boys available. And if there are Saturday Masses, I serve all of them." Joseph is up a 5, and at the church at 6:30, seven days a week. Otherwise, he sticks close to home at 445 Purchase Street in his clean, well-kept rooms. "I keep busy cleaning, cooking and going to church," he added. "I never watch television and rarely listen to the radio. I've got plenty of other things to do." • Mr. Rodericks, who lives alone, has five children" Carlos, Zacharias and Albert and daughters Phillipe and Albertina. "I guess God picked me for this," he said with a friendly smile, "and I do my best."

ing developments in theology and medicine and. see the need for continued evaluation." ~nterview. The document "could be conThe monsignor said .he plans sidered a launching pad," he to propose the formaticn of a said, explaining t.hat "the real theological revisory committee important thing in it is a para- to establish rapport with sdengraph in the new preamble that tists and physicians working on opens the ,door for revision." 'projects destined to have far, C01,lti?ue~. fr0In.. Pag.e. Ope.,. That paragraph states that his reaching ~ffects on man. .t,C?n.\ ~UxiliarY . ~ishop, will pe USCC committee on health' afThe "problem witI:i the ·:direc.· principal celebrant of a Mass of " f~lirs, "with the widest consul- tives, according to Msgr. Mur- Thanksgiving with Rev. Alfred tation possible, should regularly ray, is that "for some people J. Connick, Vicar of Religious receive suggestions and recom- they do not go far enough and for the Archdiocese, the homilist. from the fiPold, .and for others they go too far.". A banquet for clergy and reliAdvent is a time of preparation for .the feast of mendations should periodically discuss any gious will follow the Mass. Christmas. . " .. . The document's approval at possible need for updated reviIn Fall River the bishops' meeting by 232-7 It is a time when men and women and boys and girls .sion of these directives." The . Sacred Heart Province with two abstentions was look forward' to that great day. It must 'be anticipated, The 1955 directives.. were "a praised by, at least one promi- was formed from the original however,. not in the spirit of getting but in the ~pirit of fixed document," Msgr Murray nPont Catholic physician, Dr. John Holy Union Province in Fall said. "We now recogDize ongo- .Brennan; a Milwaukee specialist River in 1946. Its provincial giving. Christmas is there-living of the birth of 'Christ and in obstetrics and gynecology and house is in Groton. In this dionational board secretary of the cese the Sisters staff Sacred so He is the one Who should get the presents. And the Carmelites Accept Heart School, North Attleboro, Catholic Physicians' Guilds. presents He wants are the good lives of men. and St. Jacques School, Taunton. '.'1 think the directives are fine Other Holy Union schools in the Traditiomilly, Advent has been a time of 'penance- New Statutes VATICAN CITY (NC)-:A con- ... no need for revision," Bren- . diocese are staffed by Sisters of not so severe as that of Lent, but penance nonetheless. troversial set of statutes for nan told NC News. He said he The Church during the past few' years has b.een Carmelite nuns, said by some to realized that future scientific de- Immaculate Heart Province of the community, which has its encouraging her children to be mature enough ~o inflict be detrimental to the order's velopments might pose new provincial house in Fall River. the penance upon themselves-to live Advent in the spint American .communities, was re- areas for the bishops' considera. The Holy Union community of prayer in order to open minds and hearts to the grace ceived joyfully by "dozens of tion.' was founded in 1826 at Douai, of God, and in the Spirit of sacrifice in order to break' Carmelites in the United States," Brennan and Dr. Warren T. France, and the first Sisters according to a Vatican official. Reich, senior research scholar came to Fall River in 1886. away from the life of the senses and give the life of the Father Edward Heston, the at Georgetown U. Kennedy Censpirit a chance to exert itself. American Holy Cross priest who ·ter for BioeUiics, and Rev. It would be sad indeed if this Advent were to slip away , was, secretary of the Congrega- Charles K. Curran, theologian with no particular effort to live it in some such spirit.. tion for Religious when the s.tat- at Catholic University, agreed on Continued from Page One Christmas would surely come, but it would hardly he utes were distributed to more . on one, point: the geographic or this demanding and controlled what it is supposed to be-the feast of the greater coming than 700 Carmelite konasteries regional morality of letting each type of athletics." Paying tribute to the spiritual of Christ into the lives' of His own. ' in the worid, said that one U.S. bishop :apply and interpret the community wrote him: code as he sees fit may confuse formation offered by the acad. emy, th~ Pope pointed out that "W,e are tremendously happy ·and ali,enate people. .. . Christian teachings combined to see these statutes will ensure '. The Canadian bishops, Father with athletic practice, will .form true: Teresian enclosure. We receive. them with joy...and grati. Reich said, have taken a "very the complete man. different 'approach to medical Pope Paul said the presence of tude, knowing that our best ethics" whiCh is far less authori· the judo enthusiasts lent a "note . , ." . '" "' ' ',' in living a tarian and explicitly refers to the of novelty" to the audience. The right to legitimate' dissent. • PoPe has in the' P;lst received OFFICIAL NEWSPAPIER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVICR' ' The 'statutes deal with,. pro'''It is disconcerting to 'realize such disparate groups as firePublished weekly by The Catholi~ Press 'ol the Diocese of Fall River . ~ecting th~ ,contempla~ive·. ,,:ith- . that Catholics; who are reminded men, street sweepers, astronauts, " 410' Highland Avenue' . In her .cloIster from dlstract!o~s to be 'filithful to Church teach- midwives, scientists, Ilewlyweds, Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 for the .w.orId. The~tatut~s lIm,lt -ings', may be grav'ely prohibited judges, pop singers and hairPUBLISHER' . or proh.lblt usel~ss ,mcursl~ns of from following some procedures dressers. '., the clOIster by means of news- -such as contraception, sterili. The Pope always pays special Most· Rev; Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. . papers, .radio or television, as ~ation, masturbation for pur· tribute to such groups, singling GEN~RAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER well as unnecessary traveling poses of fertility testing .,..... in out some particular contribution Rev. Msgr.·Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Drfscolf from the cloister by the contem- Michigan, but not across the they make to the world com.• ,~~earx I're~;."...Fall .Rlver ';" .. . ' ", ., .,.:"" _h ..;," .;-1""'"1.,,; _.' _ ' • ,plative herself.' ' _~ river in Canada," he said.- oJ" munity. .•.. , .. ~.l ':" :~...:: .".. ~\.\;l ... 1\5)1.:J"J;;:~~ ~~. '..", '~' .. ~, ~}~.~ -~........,\,. . .~ . t:~ P ~";>.~ ,..;,J ~ 'It Jl " .~ ,,v ~ . . '.. •.. ._. ~ _.. .. .l~.a~ ,~ ~.

Silver Jubilee

Advent Reminder

Judo Asceticism


@rhe ' \i• •; ...



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Pope Paul La/uds

THE ANCHOR"""' Thurs:, Dec. 2, 1971

Selfless Acts Of Children VATICAN CITY (NC) - Selfless acts of children that are done "without expecting praise or reward" are examples of goodness in a world that often considers goodness something foolish, Pope Paul VI told crowds gathered in St. Peter's Square. Present in the square to participate in what the Pope called a "dialogue" were Italian children who had received local or national 'honors for performing special good deeds. The Pope praised these children for "doing good on your own initiative" and even "inventing on your own some good action." This kind of action, the Pope said, "is being good for the good 'of others without expecting praise or reward." The Pope told the children that some people do not value goodness today. "We often hear voices that affirm ... goodness is old fashioned, that it belongs to other times, a thing for weaklings or sheep or the timid or fools," the, Pope said. SpecIal RecognItion Concluding his "dialogue," the Pope asked: "Will you remember these words?" Those in the square shouted that they would. Italy annually sponsors through the school system a special recognition of children who perform outstanding acts of goodness and, even bravery. In the past, ,winn~!~, haye ri'1sl\ldeq,~n 'brphan girl who kept her brothers and sisters together as a family while continuing her own education, several boys and girls who rescued people or animals from fire or other dangerous situations, and a young boy who literally carried a crippled friend back and forth to school.

See Some Reforms Destroying Church STRASBOURG (NC) - Three thousand Christians, most of them Catholics, from eight European countries gathered here recently to manifest their opposition to reforms that they believe nre destroying the church. The 3,000 are members of the Rassemblement des Silencieux de l'Eglise (the Assembly of the Silent Members of the Church), which was founded in France two years ago to speak for "the little people of God." The assembly claims a membership of 350,000 in Europe. The Assembly's leader, Pierre Debray, in his address to the meeting here emphasized the need for flexibility. He indicated that he thought that the greatest danger to the movement is the tendency to divide over ideological points of view. Citing the new liturgy, Debray said that he "personally accepts" it. But he asked if it is necessary to suppress the traditional Latin Mass and whether the Latin and vernacuJar liturgies could not coexist within the Church.

De Feat Men are not beaten by the big things so much as by the (little things. -Feather


Named Chairman Of Hospitality Mrs. Michael J. McMahon of Fall River has been named chairman of the hospitality committee for the 17th annual Bishops' Charity Ball to be held on Fri· day evening, January 14 at the Lincoln Park Ballroom, North Dartmouth. Her appointment was announced by Rev. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the social event. Members of the hospitality committee include the following: Fall River area-Mrs. leonard Berlo, Swansea; Mrs. Andre Latessa, Westport; Mrs. Stella Pavao, Miss Clare O'Tool"e, Mrs. Raymond Boule.

ATTLEBORO GROUP SHARING IN BISHOP'S BALL PLANNING: Among the many from the Attleboro Area assisting in arranging'the 17th annual ~ishop's Ball scheduled for the Lincoln' Park Ballroom on Jan. 14, are: Mrs. Charles Landry of St. Stephen's Parish, Attleboro, decorating committee; Rev. Roger L.Gagne of St. Theresa's Parish, area director for "the affair; Miss Angela and Miss Emily Medeiros of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish, Seekonk, serving on the hospitality and decorating committees, respectively.

Functional Illiteracy Obstacle to Bible Archbishop Lauds' New Testament English Version HARTFORD (NC)-The "fimctional illJteracy" grip'ping the United States is "a particular challenge for anyone who is interested in advancing ,the Word of God; which is a Word and a Word tope read," said Archbishop John F. Whealon of Hartford. Illilterates include the "truly educated person . . .who has given up any serious, reading," and the "young person who simply does not read," the archbishop said. ' He spoke at a ceremony' in which he was presented with a copy of the American Bible Society's "Good News for Modern Man," the New Testament in Today's English Version, to which Archbishop Whealon had given his imprimatur (approval for publication) for the third edition. ' The Rev. Dr. James Z. Nettinga, executive secretary of nation·

Form New Division In Communications WASHINGTON (NC) - The film and broadcasting divisions, of the U.S. Catholic Conference's communications department have been merged into a single unit. The new division will be call· ed the Division for Film and Broadcasting, and will be directed by Father Patrick Sullivan, announced Bishop Joseph L. Bernardin, general secretary of the USCC. Father Sullivan, 51, a Jesuit; has been with the USCC and its predecessor, the National Catholic Welfare Conference, since 1957. He has been director of the conference's National Catholic Office for Motion Pictures since 1966. The new division replaces NCOMP and the National Catholic Office for Radio and Television.;,. " • "', ,., ..

al distribution for the American Bible Society, made the presentation. Archbishop Whealon said he thinks the TEVINew Testament "has 'been a positive influence" in Catholic classrooms "because we need to reach the youngsters and oldsters with an understanding of the New Testament that presents it to them in their own language,"

Archdiocese Opens Research Office NEW YORK (NC)-The New York archdiocese has opened a pastoral research office to assist in planning and coordinating its services and ministry to the people. Father Philip Murnion, who holds, a doctorate in sociology, will head the office. He said it will be involved in three types of research: A statistical study of the various archdiocesan structures; an analysis of present forms of ministry as well as possible new forms of ministry, such as a team ministry, or ways priests can reach migrant workers, seamen, theater artists and other working people who do not have a steady residence; an evaluation of issues and trends about religion and life styles in New York.

Mrs. Wilfred Garant, Mrs. Rudolph Ouellette, Mrs. Nicholas Biltcliffe, Miss Hortense Pontes, Mrs. Beatrice Vasconsellos, Mrs. Mary Gouveia. Taunton area-Mrs. Albert G. Moitoza, Mrs. Edward S. Franco. Attleboro area-Mrs. Charles Mahan, Mrs. Alfred Travers, Mrs. Ronald Mullins, Mrs. Vincent McGinn, Miss Angela Medeiros. Cape Cod area-Miss M. Ursula Wing, Mrs. Annie Eldridge, Mrs. Patricia Emond. New Bedford area - Mrs. Joseph C. Carreiro, Mrs. Margaret Griffiths. '

Based on a text prepared by an international committee of scholars under the auspices of the United Bible Societies, a fellowship of 50 national Bible Societies, "Good News for Mod· ern Man" is largly the work of the Rev. Dr. Robert G. Bratcher, a Southern Baptist clergyman who is research consultant of the American Bible Society's trans· lation department.





BQoth€Q O~ PQI€st


let UI tell you hoI!' you un serve. Write for free Iiter.ture at no obligation.

Vocation Director

ST. LAWRENCE FRIARY 175 Milton 51. • Milton, M.... 0218S

Originally published in 1966, the TEV INew Testament reach'ed a circulation of more than 30 million copies by October -of this year. The figure includes those copies with the imprimatur.

Name Address

Brother 0

Pri.at 0



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Dec. 2,,1 971


It's Always Hard to Pi'c'k Christm!as Gifts for M·en A monogrammed sweater' for Linda, a bottle of perfume for Aunt Jane-but when we get to'the men of the family that's when our p~ncil stops in mid-air and we run out of ideas. Ties, shirls,.handkerchiefs are the old standbys that We turn to ~ time and time again, but even than a smattering of nephews to buy for what· she picks out for these can get boring to buy the. boys and men of her family and receive. The male of the when she's tired of giving species is not' as easy to buy for. as the female. Once' they get beyond the train and truck stage, they end up on your Christmas


clothes. "Wine racks are an unusual gift for adult ,males (th.is would be even nicer if you' could include a few bottles of their favorite wine), tickets for a play . that they would enjoy but wouldn't bother getting for themselves (Joe added here that two of those priceless Bruins hockey tickets would be a joy to any man), or if he's the type of man who enjoys tools, a drill or something. of this type that, he would hesitate to buy for himself," said my friend,

, gift list with MONEY spelle.d out Study~the Men ' next to their name. While clotfies for men are fast Joe echoed 'my ~riend's' ,feel· '.: becoming as colorful and· as ex- . ings' when he added that·· th<; citing as those for women, the gifts that' he has most enjoyed taste o(the male to be gifted ~s . were.' the thOfIghtfl,ll' o~es ,that .. somethIng that has' to he ta~en you .would hesitate to buy .for' into consideration and when the yourself. He listed such items as young man is anywhere between, his crossword dictionary (this 12 and 25 his taste is probably gets daily use because he's a so personal a thing that our New York Times crossword adpencil or pen automatically dict, and he generally works on starts to print the "M" in the one puzzle all week), his I;>inoc' ' monetary gift. Even a. supposedly' close rela- uars for bird-watching and the water-colors that he had admired tive like a mother hesitates to rec force her choice of clothes on but had never expec,ted to ceive. "Tell your. readers . to' ': one of her growing adolescents. (She .knows that when Dec. 26 study the men in their lives he~ cause if they'Kriow't~em' weIi rolls around, her gifts will, beat a fast return to the waiting enough'they'li also know the gift store racks in exchange for that would please them," said' something that her son thinks is my better half. I'll add to these suggestions cool but that she overlooked because she thought that ra<;k was some of the gifts for men that for goods damaged in a' fire sale. I enjoy shopping for and giving: books, records and now the New Ideas hundred al)d one exCiting games Well, if you want to avoid the that are currently on· the market disappointments that go with a -again; though, "Know thy gift of clothes for an opinionated man." male, let's put our thinking caps on and come up with some new ideas. I asked one of my friends, 'who along with extreme good taste has a trio of brothers and more

Inadequate Enforcement No News to Blacks

WASHINGTON (NC) - The U. S. Civil Rights Commission's report that the Nixon administration's enforcement of civil Prot~stants in Spain rights laws is inadequate came' as nO surprise to black leaders.' Seek. More Freedom.· . MADRID (NC)-Protes'tants in "It is a verification of an ear· Sp'ain <:re pressing for' more lier report from the commission freedom, saying they want legis- that indicated a considerable gap lation in accordance with, the between promise and performnorms approved by the Second ance in the administration," Vatican Council. . said Rep. CharlesC. Piggs Jr., A spokesman 'for Evangelical (D., Mich.), chairman of the conLegal Services.. the Rev. Jose gressional Blac~ Caucus~ "It reo. Cardona Gregori, acknowledged inforces the position of the cau' here that there has been 'marked cus." progress in religious freedom for "It would certainly be very .ob- ' the 30,000· or more members of vious to all of us that they;re Spain's approximately 20 Protes~ correct," said Marianist Brother tant denominations. Joseph Davis, executive' secre-·. The 1967 law on religious free... tary of the National Office for dom, .he said, "has been a great· Black' Catholics, <,:onc;erning the step forward and now we have commission report. "The adminreligious pluralism without any istration' is. trying to play the trouble on either side." . game' both' ways by saying that Those who feared Protestant ,vye're going to do som~.thing and proselytizing have been proveri then doing. nothing more than the wrong, he said. law requires." , Brother. Davis called the administration's, performance. , .. ~trength "very negative," 'and said .that 'in Follow your honest convictions previous 'administrations "there and be strong. -ThaJ:;keray' w'as 'som~ kind of. commitment." • ,-:':::': =":"':':;':;;

=. =-;;" . :":~ ~:..:. •.:;;"; ~ ";,; ... ~.. - .,; ~;

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. SERVICE IS FIRST: The first ecumenical Thanksgiving service in the City of Fall . River unitiiigrepresentatives of Protestant, Jewish. and Catholic faiths was held in Our Lady of Health Church, Among participants were, from left, Rev. James Carey, of the Churches· of St., John and St. Stephen; Rev. Edward L. Thomas, Primitive Methodist Church pas~or and president of 'the Greater Fall River Clergy As~ociation; Rey. Edward Vander-Hey, First Baptist Church pastor and president of the. Fall River Council' of Churches; Rev. Arthur de Mello; Our Lady of Health Church pastor; Rabbi Moshe Babin, Temple Beth El; Rev. Richard Gendr~au, St. Michael Church, Ocean Grove.

Says' you,th Can l~:T'ulrn. ' A.meri.~·a. ....... :.

....... ,


.. :

'Senator Advises" eYO Members .h) Vote" , WASHINGTON (NC) - Newly acquired voting rights for th~ young "can turn America around in this coming year, "the youngest member of the U.S. Senate told 3,000 members of tpe Catholic Youth Organization here. Sen. John V. Tunney, (D. Calif.,) said at the National CYO Federation convention here that he would not blame ·young people for being disenchanted with the government's success record in solving problems of war, poverty and t:acism. "But I couldn't really respect you if you have given up," he added. "I hope that you h~ve . not;, I hop~ that you won't. Because 'next year, as in every election' year, there is an opportunity to make a--:-difference." Tunney, 37, was a co-sponsor of the Senate's constitutional amendment allowing 18-year-olds to vote. , . He said speaking at the convention gave him "a sense of renewed - ,faith and strength," since the Catholic Youth Organization '''represents a commit· ment of conscience and spirit at a time when so many peop'le

are disenchanted and despairing." Speaking at the final convention banquet, the Cailfornia Democrat capped a list of speakers that also included business, education and church officials. "I don't think they've ever had such a vibrant, wide-awake group of people at this hotel before," Cardinal Terence Cooke of New York said on opening night. , "I am aware of what you can do for the world, .our Church and our nation," Cardinal Cooke said. "We need you, and we know that if you are men and. women of faith you will. certainly mea-

sure up to the challenges of our time." The New York prelate, who that night received CYO's Gold Medal award, had, said he would like to meet as many of the delegates as possible after his' speech. . Close to 1,000 of them took him up on the invitation, some waiting in line to shake his hand for over an hour.


Truth If you take all and judgment of out of the world, be enough left to .

the experience men over fifty there wouldn't run it. -Henry Ford


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River.....;Thurs., Dec:. 2, 1971

Se,eing Ch'rist in Othters:: Ke,eps Him in C·hristmas·


As I begin the rush to prepare for Christma$ it would be easy for me to forget "whQ" I am preparing for, and to excuse· myself by saying that I just haven't the time for any prayers or spe~ial meaitation. But the mail I get from readers of this column has given me do?:ens of ex- says threc "Hail Mary's~' ... onc for the mother, one for the baby, amples how other busy peo- and one for all her own children. ple manage to make prayer Several letters mentioned pray-

a part of their everyday lives. So if I follow their example I should be able to make my Christmas shopping an Advent prayer.



Some time' back I wrote an article about how I always said a prayer when I heard. an ambulance sIren. I called it My "Modern Day Angelus" and asked readers to send me their own special "little prayers" that are a part of their lives. First of all, let me tell you. that there are people all over. this country who have been saying' a prayer for the victim every' time they hear an ambulance and . they've been doing it for years. If you are ever carried off in an ambulance, at least you can rest assured that all the

ing for' a safe landing every time a plane flies overhead.. In lieu of Friday abstinence, a woman in New Jersey suggests, "a special act of kindness ... not the every-day variety, but something that would entail some personal sacrifice::' I~' every Catholic would faitlifully practice this "it could change the world." Another woman, from Florida, told the tragic story of having' seen the fatally bruised and battered body of someone who fell down a flight of stairs. Since then, whenever she goes up or down stairs, she says a prayer. And a woman from Massachusetts, whenever ·she sees someone inappropriately or scantily dressed-especially in Churchsays the prayer to' St. Michael the Archangel for protection against temptations. 'Too Tired' On .the way to Mass, Sunday mornings, one reader in North Carolina says a prayer for those who are "too tired and stay in bed." Se.eing a funeral procession, or passmg a cemetery, many readers pray for the Souls in Purga-

;a~e't~~~'~~'ili:i/~~~Y~~fg~·:;:J~,~~~~ fi~d; :ihai LOf~erlhg"'ie-:.,1 people asking God's help in your. behalf! For Expectant Mothers And some of the other private little devotions that readers sent are beautiful in their simplicity \ and practicality. The beginning of Advent seems an appropriate time to think about them. . says A woman in PhiladeIphla a prayer for the dead whenever she opens the .paper to the obituaries, or when the church bell tolls the bell for a requiem Mass. A family in another Pennsylvan~a city says a prayer t.o St. Christopher for a safe triP as th~y back the car out of their driveway. . ?ne mother of a large family writes that whenever sh: sees an expectant mother she silently

Bra~il Bishop Protests Expulsion of Priest CRATEUS (NC)-Bishop Antonio Fragoso of Crateus closed the parish church at Taua after parishioners failed to protest the deportation by the government of their Italian pastor. Father Jose Petandola was arrested in October on charges of "subversive activities" and later expelled without trial. Bishop Fragoso and Bishop Jose M.Ramalho of the neigh~ boring diocese of Iguata visited Taua shortly after the deportation to concelebrate Mass with the other priests of this small city in Northeast Brazil. At the end ot'the Mass Bishop Fragoso closed the church and told parishioners his action was prompted by their lack of concern for their pastor. He said they should have protested the ~rf~~~/:;tP5\~~.B~I~~?~: ~.s ~nj.us.t. .,

GOLDEN JUBILEE: Sisters at Villa Fatima, Taunton, mark golden jubilee in religious life for Mother Marie Jean Cranshoff (seated). Others, from left, Sister Adelaide Canehis, Sister Leonor Castro, ~everend Mother Pro vincial Almerinda Costa, Sister Cecilia Scalzo.

R,esults fr·o.m B-Ishops'. Meetl-ng New -EthicaL Direc.tives for Clothol ic Hospitals


WASI'IINGTON ::...·The dlou~, hOl,ls~hold"t.~sk~ m !~par,!-- . Uriited States Catholic hierarchy, tlOn for sm makes them seem by a vote of 232 to 7 with two w~rthwhil~. One reader ~x~ends abstentions, approved at its Fall thiS to gomg to the dentist. meeting a new set of "Ethical A reader in Ohio, whenever and Religious Directives for traveling, says a small prayer in- Catholic Health Facilities" as a viting God's· blessing for all peo- national code for the guidance pIe in each new town she enters of Catholic hospitals and medi. .. a great opportunity for "truck cal personnel. d rivers. . I • The directive, an updating of Instead of being upset when a 1954 document with the same she sees disturbed people, one titlc, have been modified to take woman says a prayer that they into account such new medical can solve whatever, problem has procedures as organ transplants, led them into a' state of despair. the developm'ent of elaborate lifeObliged to wait in her car for support systems and current disseveral hours each week one agreements in the medical prowoman started praying f~r the fession about exactly when a papeople walking by: "For the tient can be considered dead. man. who looks so discouraged; The document sustains tradifor the young couple who are tional Catholic prohibitions having a spat; for the one stag- against abortion, .contraception, gering from a bar; for the young sterilization and masturbation mother with her children spar- but with shifted emphasis. klin.g and clean'"shabby clothes, Omitted in, the new guidelines bod les t 00 Iean. . ,is a whole section referring to Another reader remarks that mental health procedures such as our way of life entails endless lobotomy, narcosis, hypnosis, waiting ... waiting for subways psychiatry and shock the~py and trains, waiting for appoint- which have either fallen into ments, waiting in line for every- 'disuse' or ceased to be morally thing. He called it "Killing controversial. The section on Time," a~d decided it wasa good contraception and sterilization opportunity to pray.for the dead. has been thoroughly rewritten. Adoption of the' guidelines by With apologies to St. Fr:aricis, this Advent: When there are the U.S. Catholic Conference lines to be waited on, let us sow was the culmination of a' fourwhen there are patience; crowds, courtesy; where there is disappointment, forgiveness; where there is fatigue, a smile. ENGINEERING r 'NC. Let us try not so much· to be Mechanical Contractors pleased, as to' please; to be· treated respectfully, as' to reSales and Service for Domestic _.A ~ spect; to be appreciated, as to· and Industrial ~;,~ show si!1cere concern for others. . Oil Burners For it is in seeing Christ in our 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE fellow man that we keep Him in 995-1631 New Bedford


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year' bi'c>ce'ss wldi',theologians arId legal and medical experts. Application of the code will be at the discretion of each bishop in his own diocese. After approving the guidelines, the bishops urged the USCC De-


Education for Peace Guidelines Planned GENEVA (NC)-An international task fo~ce of Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant women has set out to produce guidelines for education for peace. The Women's Ecumenical Liaison Group, in a joint effort with SODEPAX-the Catholic World . Council of Churches Committee on Society, Development and Peace - has projected a threeyear program on "Wpmen's Role in Peace Education." Meeting recently at c'artigny near Geneva, the interfaith . group agreed to meet again next . May, probably in Cyprus, to take' a good look at what women's . groups are already doing at the local, national and regional levels to further their goal.

partment of Health Affairs to continue conversations with the Catholic Theological Society regarding future revisions of the directives. Several bishops at the meeting commented that the revised guidelines were a response to a need often expressd by Catholic doctors and others in the health professions. Bishop Stephen L~ven of San Angelo, Texas, said Catholic 'hospital officials in his diocese had told him: "We need the bishops to tell us that this is the doctrine of the Church, not because we don't know it, but because we can't withstand the pressures on our own."


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THE· A~~HOR-:'......T~urs..,' Dec.. 2,' ,197.1"

Back ", "a~ .'.Credit

·t~· 'Help Parish School Parents.

.wASHINGTON' (NC) .~ l'he

u.s. Catholic bishops have come. out pl,lblicly for swift federal and., state legislation to give a better ' tax break' to -parents who' 'send " their' children. to 'no~public' schools. The annolincement,' came at 'the Fall 'meeting .of the Natiqnal Conference .' of'. Cathoiic 'Bishops' · -UnitEi'd, States Catholic. Confer· ence, where the bishops endorsed . . ' . a."Statement of Parental Rights and the Free Exercise of Religion." . . Tod'ay the effects of taxation, . inflation and rising governmental costs make' it, increasingly impossible for' parents to' exercise their' constitutional freedoms·. in education without enabling assistance," the. bis~ops" . statement said. ' "We are hop~ful. and confident that:the :Congress and the. states will promptly ena<;t legisl!lti~n, in conformity with the Constitution, .which will aid parents in the exercise of their 'rights in education."

Foriner~.:;Co'rivent ,,~.

:.' 'Half~way .House·

JERSEY CITY:(NC)-A. former . convent at Christ the ·King .parish here is being converted into a half-way house for dnig' ad· dicts to 'help them return' to society. . . Co-sponsored by the parish and·..the New Jersey Regional Drug, Abuse Agency, ~hris~op~er:: .• H.o~se is the second experirneptal ' program to be "estabiished 'in this city. under Chu'rch auspices in '. the' last year. The. first, 'Patrick . 'House"at St. Patric~'s parish,·'.has . ': lilreadybecome the la~g~st'.m~th­ adone treatment cen.ter.in· the · state. Director of' the program' will be a former addict, Dan', ausa, who said that the ilim will be to meet the addicts "on their own level and bring them up by ·trying to change their values and viewpoints." As part of the program the addicts will. participate · in the w~rk. th'e' communityoriented 'paris~. . After 'six months in the 'program addicts are expected to begin working or ~ttending school OFF TO" APPALACHIA: Loading truck f9r trip to Appalachia are from left Fred while continuing to live at ChrisA. Endler, Attleboro; Brother Maurice Mercier, M.S., La Salette Center for Christian' topher House, which they themLiving, Attleboro; Rev. Mr. Michael Nagle, deacon assigned to St. John the Baptist par-. selves will maintain. Vocational testing and guidance will be ish, New Bed(ord. among the services offered. The goal is to eventuaIIyretum forme e , er addicts to their families and to .1. j , " , · society. . ,. . .

Parental Rights :The"statement said the hishops .felt compelled to speak about certaJn implications. reiating to go~ernment assistance of:' . .


Three from.D ioc.ese Sh a,:e .""'h' an k sg'V'llg· w;:,'eth 17\Teed~'\f ,en .Ap~nalach,ea '" , . Wj '4 . ..,: r ". ,.,. Heads :P.h'ilippin.es·

teachers' salaries in nonpublic Three men from the Fall River . River; members of St. Paul's schools. . ' , '. diocese missed. Thanksgiving parish,· Taunton; and Knights of , ,The bishops were referring to dinner with their families last·' ~Columbus. in Seekonk. In' all, 175 : last June's 'ruling by the U. S. week because they ,were en route cases of canned foods were colSupreme,Court against Pen~syl- to Appalachia>;W'ith.'a;,tI:uckioad lected in:what:Brotn,er Maurice v.a~ia and.R~o,~e'~sla~d·,',!~~.s of.: sI;1oes and~~~.a;"l,le4.,g~odS' for called·.·a:,,'lfantastic:l'esponse!!::to wlilc~·permltted stat~ ~a?,m.. o~e~ the Il~.e,~,y.""ITh.e_trio....,w.ere.-.F..r.e~,:A. his, . lJP.p~al.'b' ..': ....; ,.;. 'l"P .. "c.,., t o be .used forsu.. bSldlzmg .non - Eh~ler, . Attleb.oro; , Brother Mau-, Toys and: money were also rereligious. subjects taught in rice ;.":ercier, M.S. of the La ceived and along the way' the Catholic schools. Salette Center for' Christian. truck picked up 400 pairs of . The bishops emphasized in Living, 'Attleboro; and Rev. M~: .. shoes fro'm a shoe store' in Baltheir statement that they were Michael Nagle, son of School timore, All will be distributed not disputing the high court~s de- Superintend'ent ,and Mrs..Robert along with the foodstuffs by the cision but rather, were express-' J: Nagle of Fall River, and a dea- 'Christian Appalachian Project ing their 'concern ov~r' some of . con assigned to St. John t~e headquartered at St. Clare's parBaptist parish, New Bedford. ish, Berea,' Ky. its effects. . . . Th~y ~aid that features of the The, trip was the result of a "The shoes are really needed," decision, if left unchecked, would .two-month canned goods collec- said Rev. Mr. Nagle on his reaffect. the freeex~rcise.offunda-,.. tion. '-campaign ',·:or.ganized ·"by.· turn'from'Kentucky: "We visited" mental parental. rights: to. edu- 'Brother' Maurice'. :lind dJ··.. other" .:;many . 'homes ._while we ;were cate their .children in nonpublic volunteers after they worked there and although the tempera~ · schools. ' last. Summer in the Appalachian ture was in the. ~O's, we didn't see a single., child wel,lring To Parents, Not Schools area of Ken.tucky. ,shoes." AuxI'II'ary BI'sh.op WI·'II.:·a·m', ·E..·. ' .'.. ~, '. Involves' Hundreds ' .. . "It is almost·· impossl'b Ie to McManus of Chicago; chairman . The' drive s'pread throughout· describe the extent of poverty," of the yscc education co~mit- , southern New'England, involving '. said· Brother Maurice. "After tee, briefed newsme~ after he liundreds of .individual contribu- .working there last Summer we ~iscussed the: con~ept of e~uca~ ."tors arid'many schools and par- couldn't-just leave Kentucky and tlOn t~x credits wI~h the almost ishes. Among diocesan contribu-, forget the people." . 300 ~Ishops attendmg the closed tors were students at Old The men brought back to m~etmg. Rochester Regional High School, .Attleboro several Christmas He told reporters later that Mattapoisett; Bishop Feehan wreaths and 200 poster-type he did not think the tax credit High School, Attleboro; St. . calendars, made by Appalachians. idea, would conflict with court Mary's School, North Attleboro; They are for sale at La Salette decisions. Such aid would go to Sacred. Hearts .Academy, Fall Center, and proceeds wili aid the' work in Keptucky. .. parents, not to scho.ols, he e m - ' · phasized, thus avoiding "excessive entanglement" between New Jewish Union Slow T~ip chuI:ch. and state-a phrase' the 0,n C,a.tholic Campus Rev. Mr. Nagle said the truck Supreme. Court had used in its trip to Kentucky was ."quite an decision five months ago prohibVILLANOVA (NC)-The new- experience." The vehicle couldn't iting direct aid. .' est student Qrganization on the be driven faster than 55 miles an . A'· t'ax'" credl't plan w·hl'ch w'ou'I'd' . Catholic' campus of· V.illanova ' hour, "so we were in no danger ' allow parents to subtract..half 'Univ,ersity is the Jewi~h }:Jnion:,. of speeding tickets'," Due to bad .the. cost ,of their children's eduAccording' to the' university's· weather, .the trip .down took 32 cational expenses from their public information office, the hours, he said, while the return total federal income' tax would ul)ion will 'attempt to provide a trip took 24 hours. The, three mean about $275 million nation- link between. Catholics and the, men drove in three-hour shifts ally, he said. ·150 Jewish students at the . and. reached Bereaat9 ThanksHe also. said that such credits ,school..1t will also. provide an : giving night,. where the p;lstor would encourage investment of opportunity for Union members and three volunteers nad jl turprivate funds in education, "pos- to establish their Jewish identity. key dinner in readiness for them. They'retJlrned to Attleb9ro at sibly the investment of billions in a Christian oriented atmoof dollars." . sphere. . 3'A.M. last Sunday t morning,

"and slept for 10 hours straight," said Rev. Mr. Nagle. Although Endler was an early participant in Brother'Maurice's campaign,. th.e seminarian' .said 'he 'becamei aware'~ of jtic:dnlyxa 1few"weeksi ago when he accompaniedi'll!l f'N ew. Bedford .Hlg . h group.o, School students to the La Salette Center for a retreat. ' "Brother Maurice told me' about the project and asked if I'd like to help drive the truck," said the husky seminarian, who ',will be ordained for' the Fall River diocese on Feb.· 2: He', is already well, known to diocesan small f~, as 'the "parachuting ;" cou.nselor. - at. Cathedral Camp, " East·, Freetown. Holder' of a· 'pilot's license and an enthusiastic parachutist, he has been jumping over the ·camp as'· a 'highlight of, the Summer pro. ' gram' for' the past few' years. '

,Broadcasting' Unit. MANILA (NC) _ Canadianborn Bishop Gerard Mongeau will . he'ad. the newly formed Asian section;:of,:Radio:.ventas(here:,),; B' h M . ; h ~.... n~ttHm IS op ongeauls ea "0 e i.ndependent prelatute of 'Cot~batox~n the Philippines. . Rad~o Veritas, assisted by gifts from Misereoi, the German Catholic aid agency, broadcasts under two' separate branches:. l;lI~e for internal programming. in the Philippines; the other for intema'. tional programs beamed to all parts of Asia. . . Bishop Mongeau, 71, head ,a three"man co.mmittee in.charge of the Asian section for a oneyear triai Period.


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AI Start Movement·· Toward National Pastoral Council WASHINGTON (NC) - "We hope to mov~ to a National Pastoral Council by 1976," Cardinal John Dearden of Detroit said at the Fall" ~eeting of the U.S. Catholic :Conference here, expressing' a consensus of the U.S. Catholic bfshops. His statement was endorsed by a voice of the bishops~. .". . . After'· considering' a report which said" that it is currently too .early' to s'et' up a national council representing the Catholic laity, religiou!; and clergy as well as the bishops,the United States Catholic Conference v.oted to give part of such, a council's , role tempo~arily to its own 50member adyisory council. . The resolution, passed by il voice vote, .called for enlargement of "the' responsibility .of the advIsory council to include' on its agenda the pastoral concerns of the NCCB." Regional Councils " The reason given for this measure, in the document voted on by the bishops, was that: "Vital and sensitive areas of the Church's life, for example, liturgy, ecumenism, Church discipline, etc., ,will benefit from the insights and suggestions of the priests, religious and laity of the advisory counciL" Another step toward the for- ' mation of a National Pastoral Council by 1976 had previously been approved by the bishops when they voted to admit representatives of the clergy, religious an(11aity. .to; ,t/leirJfuture national

~~eti~gS:.i']r' (\! .n.:1·r/~;.""v;~ }r)r~~i~{


THE ANCHORThurs., Dec.' 2,.: 1971


Predic,t . Merge~ Of Church~~ LONDON. (Nt) ...:,.. A definite merger' of two of England's Protestant churches is being forecast.. The Congregational Church in England and Wales 'and the , Presbyterian Church in England are now voting on the subject and are expected to approve the ,formation' of a new United Reformed Church. ' Of the 31 regional unions of the Congregational Church, 27· have 'approved the merger by large majorities,' which is 10 .more than the. minimum of 17 originally ~sei' asa condition for union. The 2,280 individual Congregational parish churches are now voting and, though regional vot, . ing is never a sure guide, many feel tjle regional vote may have set the pattern for the individual churches. Acceptance requires .that two-thirds, of the local churches must be in favor and CHRISTMAS SEASON AT ATTLEBORO SHRINE: Robert and Kimberly' Pelletier that they represent not less than were among the 3,000 who attended an afternoon prayer on Sunday service at the La 75 per cent of the total active Salette Shrine in Attleboro as the 1971 Christmas Season was inaugurated. The year's membership of about 166,000. theme is CIA Star in Our' Darkness" which is portrayed by a 25-foot star surrounding For the Presbyterians, with over 300 congregations and some the manger., , 80,000 active members, the biggest part of the task is already over. Its two national assemblies have already assumed that local churches. accept the merger and of its .15 regional branches or SAGINAW(NC) - Catholics al Association; told members of Boards of Education, also said "presbyteries" the necessary can no longer afford "the luxury a local laymen's club' that Cath- the credibility of present- and minimlum of· eight is expected of separate, duplicative, uncoor- olics also have philosophical, so- future educational efforts "is also to be in favor. dinated educational programs," ciological and financial issues to. contingent in large measure upon Presbyterian voting is. confithe .Saginaw diocesan .school suo. confront regarding their schools. the imagination and concern we dential, but the influential Presperintendentsaid ·here in. Michi.' .. PhilosophicallY,he ,said; an at": manifest· in . trying to develop bytery in Manchester is known gan.bO!w;(',M" ):; ,,' "t "';I I W i'~l~ tempt should be made:to-idefm~. soluHons"to the problem of de to have approved the merger: facto segregation," . ' "If we do not- face "the"fact goals' and objectives; Result of the voting Is expectthat the 'survival of (Catholic) "What is unique, distinctive The "total Christian commu- ed to be announced in a joint quality' education is dependent and of great value in our edu- nity"-not just parents of Cath- statement in January. If present upon the best' possible use of cational endeavor? . . . . Why olic school children-should "in voting trends are confirmed, a our limited educational re- are we in the school business?" some measure and manner make uniting assembly. will meet to Sociological issues .include rec- a significant, dependable con- settle d('!tails. sources," said Father Olin J. Murdick, "we shall all. wither ognizing "the high priority ,of tribution to the support of Cathin our effort to continue and ~ trying to- overcome raCial, eco- olic schools," Father Murdick Affectation maintain programs which are,too' nomic, educational and social said. Schools funded entirely with limited, too, parochial to", be segregation and resulting hostilAffectation is an awkward and tuition money, he said', "will forced imitation of what shou1d ity," the priest .said. ' worthy of conti¥1ued support." Father Murdick,an ,officiaJ of, .Father Murdick, 'who heads' "Operate as- a service .only to the be genuine and easy, wanting t~e National Catholi~-Educati011- ..NCEA's National Association of economic ·elite ,and will become the beauty' . that .accompanies a negligible force for,educational what is natural. good," -John Locke

Urges Best' Use" of School Resources

Survival of 'Quality Catholic Education in Danger

Measures which did not.require' a vote of the NCCB were also included in the report to the bishops. They urged the establishment of diocesan and regional pastoral councils, both for their own pastoral value and as preparation for a national council, and the' assignment of responsibility .for diocesan and regional pastoral councils to an office on the National Conference of Cath,olic Bishops. Nature, Mission Last July, a committee appointed to study the possibility of a 'National Pastoral Council reported that' such a council is WASHINGTON (NC)-Cardi- among Blacks; Puerto Ricans and not presently feasible but that a foundation for it could be built nal John Krol of Philadelphia, non-Catholics. .There ,are 488 the new president of the Nation- more Black students, 305 more within the .next few years. About half the dioceses in, the .al Conference of Catholic Bish- Puerto Ricans, 593 more nonU.S. presently have pastoral ops, has long been noted for the Catholics. councils, formed in response to role he has played in Catholic "These non-Catholics are not a recommendation of the Sec- education. Regarding Catholic wealthy, yet they pay their way education, he told NC News Ser- ,for the sake of spiritual and ond Vatican Council. moral values, for discipline and Before a National Pastoral vice: "I can only speak with Phila- for quality education. Council can be effective, the committee reported, its nature . delphia experience. There is no "Other free countries have and mission must be more wide- question that parents want Cath- found a way to solve this probit adolic schools. They proved. ly understood within the Church lem. 'For example, Great Britain and the sense of participation mirably in the past five years. pays 85 per cent of the capital The costs have gone up 100 per and shared responsibility must cent during this· time, yet they or construction costs of religious be deepened among Catholics. heroically sustained those schools and 100 per cent of their schools, They need help-federal, operational, costs. "Eyen in Tanzania, the governOppose Exemptions' state and community' help. And ment pays 75 per cent of the they are worth all the help they DES MOINES (NC) - A tax capital costs and 100 per cent of subcommittee of the Iowa legis- can get. lature plans to recommend in "Some of our schools in Phila- the operational costs. They have January that parsonages ,and delphia, especially parish elemen- the same principle or formula in rectories in the state be denieQ tary ones in the city, have more Holland. In fact, they have done· property tax exemption begin- than 50 per cent of their enroll- this type of thing in every free ning in 1974. Churches, private ment made up of non-Catholic cQuntry except the United States. and public educational facilities. , students. While the total enroll"I firmly believe that the eduand the homes of priests or nuns ment in Philadelphia parish ele- catiori of every child should be working in parochial schools mentary schools decreased by of interest to every citizen and would retain exemptions. ,about 3,000 we had an increase his government,"

Cardinal' Stresses Spiritual, Moral Values 'in Catholic ,Education


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THE-ANCHOR",,"Diocese of Fall River....Thurs.;'Oec; '2,. 197 1


Is Real.·lssue

Explains 'Ne'ed fo'r ··Par~nfs To' Cateche'tical Congress o

Asserts . :Crime


.Fifth in a 'series of ~ hous~wife's experience at the Vatican as the only mother in .the American delegation to the InternationalCatechetical Congress in Rome, Sept. 71. Tuesday morning we took ~ bus· out to Lateran Uni-

versity to hear, the· first .of'the fpur papers presented. Some-. time, in a lighter. co.lumn, I will write o( the Roman bus. One of our group had warned us earlier that 'on a bus in . Roipe you have three t4ings being a' single woman ca(e~ ", to. lose: your ,patience, your' . first chist from the J;>hilippines. I was 'wallet, ,and: you.r ,virtue; second. (Bishop', Luck.er·. promptly

ROCHESTER (NC) - Hardline Frank L: RizZ9 was elected mayor in .Philadelphia because the "liberals gave the people no choice," I;lccording to Msgr. Geno Baroni. "Crime is a. real is.sue. you can't ignore it; and you can't just give it to the reactionaries," said the monsignor of Rizzo's election after' a campaign based on, tough law and order. Msgr. Baroni is director Of the Center for Urban Ethnic Affairs in Washington and formerly headed the U.S. bishops'. urban \ task force. " He told the North East Area Development convention here . that. the rootlessness'in America today results from the division of the society into the uppermiddle alienated class, the "mid~e Americans" and the minority groups. " The monsignor, son of an im'migrant Italian coal-miner, drew ' upon his experience growing up in a Pennsylvania ethniC community tq illustrate. the chief theme of his talk: that the assimilation of ethnic. groups into the American establishment has . worked too well. "We bought the American' dream, hook, line imd sinker," Msgr. Baroni said, in his ( talk. "And now the people who have left the old communities for the suburbs and joined the. establishment find that, they don't have any say about. how it is ~n::'

.' Absence of Parents proved' this true by having his wallet stolen while in ftill ,Romim . Obviously, t\1.e Congress was Collar .on his way back from St: '. ready for my plea for more Peter's!) Anyway, by the' third parental involvement· beca,use ,the simple three minute. intervention was interrupted by ap- .' piause four times. Later on," it was alluded t9 in various By ,speeches and the 'absence of parents in the Congress was noted DOLORES repeatedly. . . . After working ii: over aga,in CURRAN and .again, the' final'version was L very simple. Here it is .l' , . "As a. catechist". writer, and one .of. the" few ,parents .·repre-REHEARSE FOR WINTERSET Jos h C lho of m'5W&YM©l,%jlllfflM~1&. sented here,' I 'make a plea fpr . ' . . : ep' arva day; ·we. were riding the' buses " more 'r~ai parertt,'catechesis. 'Bishop'Connolly High School and Celine Oliveira'of.Bishop like veterans. . .. , ." While' .we have '.I~ng· acknowl- Gerrard High School have their extra-curricular time- oc.,. : 'The morning !-ateran; audito- edge" thaJ parents are the prime . cupied with rehearsing their roles in Winterset scheduled rium session was an unusual ex- . religious educators, we haye ig- for Comiolly High on the evenings of Jan. 29 and 30. . perience for me: We ~ere hand~ nored it in reality. Because parents haven't taken on this role; ed headsets 0'0\ the ''waf in. room itself was quite small. with we have presumed they can't. " a stage area in front and trans"As a mother of three children lation booths in the balcony growing up in today's world, I· Father Cullen Dill'ecting "Winterset" area. On the stage were seated recognized the' difficulties men· ,Fo'r January 29, and 30 p'roduction several cardinals in full red.. To tioned in' .to~aY's,p~(!sentation'. . . Barometer the' left was a podium with two I Iiv~ with,th~se'childr~~ ~nfl',. ..... ',;.. ". . -'. . . ' '.", The 'growth; wisdom ma~. mikes: one for the loudspeaker th~s? .difficulti~~·d.~lr':!3ut.I~~~.-",,~~!I)~to~~~schO'9H~ear n?w, ~ Iiv~s ·~r:~ii. (arp)Iy'.~'ll}lltm~i1Y:'u and one for the translators. As be.yo.n..d: .m~re re..c.ogn,_.',l.•t_'I,~!l,\of':~l!<,:.fi, .-,·:~.,.·r,l1I;1.e, ars.. ~l,s,~ave.. :b,~gur:t' for Blsh- .». others-when'the"case'is'+'E!S1ime'd be gauged accurately by the~tie~1 a speakerstood,.he gave theJan-/~lifflcultIes:' .~::- ,,' . ',,' :", oP·~·ConnoIlY. ,High School's an-: yearS 'Iatet:rl'-)~ !··'.d~!, j'<'.? 'cline of ill temper.... , . -Niesche guage he would be using. If it '''Today's Catholic parent is .' n~al·.ararilaticoffeiing, WinterTwo young lovers 'are saved wa~ not English, we would then more concerned and more' cap- . set, which WIll be staged at the and destroyed' by the tragedy dial Number Two on our head- able than he. is given credit for. 'school auditorium on Jan. 29 and "when Winter sets his foot on . CHAS. F. sets. Parent catechesis is possible. It 30. the threshold leading' up to ~s being carried out successfully . This 'year's play is under the Spring and enters with rememBaffling Statistics lOa few small groups made up direction of Rev William' J. Cul- .. bered cold." This undoubtedly The /audit6rium was· usually of p~rent~ who wisq.. to furn~sh len, S.J., who ha's brought .to the will be a memor~ble experience full but we never did figure out the nch home.a~mosp~e~e whIch . Connolly' stage' in previous years for audience and players as well. "Teahouse of the August Moon," Cast and crew have been work· the baffling participant statis-' a growth of faIth requIres. OIL CO., INC. "H.M.S. Pinafore," and last sea-· ing ·many long hours to insure tics. While' Cardinal Wright menNeed Help 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE, tioned several' times that there son's smash comedy productjon the enjoyment of all. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. ' The staging and· props are were from .1,000 to 1,300 regis· . "But we need help. We need of "The Man Who Came to Dintered, the auditorium itself held the confidence which has been ner." Taking part in Winterset also being worked on' at the barely 700 seats. our :English· stripped from us in the past and will be a group of young actors present time by a large continspeaking group which met later which prevents thousands of my' and actresses from Bishop Con. gent of Connolly students. As ·each afternoon was' one of the fellow parents from taking on nolly, Sacred Hearts Academy, stage manager, Jeff Benoit, reHEATING' OILS iargest and nurnbere~ only 135. this most natural and rewarding and Bishop Gerrard High' School. marked: "It will be difficult to beat." So we never di(1 determine catechesis in the hom·e. ' COMPLETE "Winterset," a tragedy by Max,Things are well b(!gun and where the other '600' were, alWe need hierarchical encourwell Anderson, is a dramatic and progressing according to schedHEATING ·SYSTEMS ·though occasional groups of Ital- agement. We need pastoral sUP-' IN,STALLED ian nuns came en masse to hear port. We need recognition of our deeply moving play about a man ule. The cast and crew look foris living through the guil~ d a single speech. Perhaps one-time parental rights. in determining who of knowing that if he had testi-' war to playing to a full ~ouse. 24 HOUR OIL BURNER listeners were considered partici- when each child is ready to . fied at a trial years before, he SERVICE pants but they had no influence move from the sacrament of on the. resolutions ensuing from Baptism to the Eucharist. We .could have. saved a man from $5,000 Or More death for a crime he· never comBUDGET PLANS the .Congress. need catechetical programs and mitted. His failure to come forOn Equity In Your Home for the famil)'. liturgies designe'd An excellent paper 'on "The You May Use The Money The Vargas· OU Co. protects ward causes. deep tragedy in the. Need; the Obstacles and the "Finally-and. most important However You Wish. your famUy's heating comfo~t Possibilities of Catechesis To-. -we need the, acknowledgement all year round. AVCO FINANCIAL day" was presented .TQesdaY by of catechetical leaders like youi-- . New OrgCllni~ation tRY US FIRST Rev. Jose Estepa L1aurens. Di- . selves that we are in fact as well SERVICES rectly after hs paper,' the inter- as in. document 'the. first and Opposes '. Abortion 71 William St., New Bedford 3-6592 WASHINGTON (NC)-A comventions began. I had been ner- foremost educators 'of our chilo 994-9636 · mittee of 13 men and women, vous' that I would .perhaps be dren.' (Document on Christian representing organizations' in the first and 'that I didn't want Education). Thank you." both the United States and Canto be; Bishop McManus calmed · ada, has announced formation of me by saying facetiously, "Don't New Vice~I?'reside;'t·. · a new anti-abortion group, Amerworry about that, Dolores. First, WASHINGTON (NC)-Coadju- icans United for Life. they'll o call' all the ,bishops who At a news conference here the want to speak; then the 'priests; tor Archbishop Leo C. Byrne of . INDUSTRIAL and DOMESTIC then the laymen; then the nuns; St. Paul-Minneapolis :was elected group of doctors, philosophers on the second ballot as vice-pres- and' right-to-life committee <;hair. ,and last of all you." .' , He turned out fallible. The first ident of the National Conference men said they plan to produce ·two called were lay women, the of Cathol.ic Bishops. l:Iereceived films showing the graphic details 105 of 209 votes, with his nearof abortions being performed. 'est competitor, Bishop. Joseph L. They also plan to distribute Humor Bernardin,' general' secretary of printed material ,and fight legalA good laugh is .sunshine in the United States Catholic Con- ized abortions "in any other way . , '. 'we can:'" . . -TIiackeray ference' getting 85. a house. I




'High 'Schoolers Unite


\iRGAS 993-6592


. Acts of Char-ity,-- Justice\~. Should Be Distinguished


THEANCHOR7'Diocese .of Fall River-Thurs., Dec. 2,1971

"If Catholic performance does not match Catholic promise," the American bishops said in 1968, "then, truly we shall have failed." The hopes of peoples around the world .have been raised because of the volume of Church pronouncements on social justice, particularly in recent silent about any attempts by the papal and conciliar docu-' Samaritan to survey the root causes of highway banditry in ments. In this context, then, Palestine, or to determine why

the bishops' statement takes on added significance.

Iy JAME$ lit

the particular traveler had been victimized, or to analyze" the causes of clerical indifference to human tragedy. The Samaritan, confronted by the victim on the roadside, promptly provided immediate, temporary and ade-. quate assistance. Different Responses


Clearly, the Church has publicly associated itself with the need to pursue justice. But in taking this stance, if the bishops' caution is to be heeded, it is imperative that affluent and influential Christians reflect on the implications of this social movement of the Church. If people of the Church-newly sensitive to this phase of the Church's mission in the field of justice-are to be effective, it is crucial that clear distinctions be made between justice and charity. To say that the practice of charity and the pursuit of justice are not the same is not to imply that one is superior to the other. Each is essential in combating the ills that afflict mankind, but each has its distinct characteristics., .• '..: ,.r, ';" . . . .t.. ,,' Spontaneous Act One dist.inguishable element of an act of- charity is that it can be occasioned by an accidental event, a so-called act of Godflood, famine, earthquake; or an individual tragedy resulting from such things as fire or highway fatalities. To provide charity in such cases is to assist the victims of large~scale calamities or personal tragedies. The history of the Church in this .field is probably second to no other institution in the world. A second characteristic of an act of charity is spontaneity; in it there is no attempt to identify and cope with the causes of catastrophies. Relief measures are not designed to survey the root causes of disaster as such. Rather, the charitable donation is intended to -move quicklyspontaneously-to the victim. Also, a charitable act is essentially short-term. The victims of disaster must be provided immediate assistance to satisfy basic human needs, such as, food, clothing and shelter; but the expectation is that conditions will return to normal and relief measures will no longer be needed. A fourth mark of a charitable act is that it is non-controversial. Admittedly, donors are reluctant to give their money .merely to vague good-will .projects, but when victims of natural calamities or individual tragedies are clearly 'identified, the dominant question usually is not whether to respond to the needy, but rather, how much should be given. A classic example of the charitable response is that of the

To deal with issues. of justice . demands a different set of re.sponses. Conditions of injustice are not accidents. They cannot be ascribed as acts of God; rather, they result from the acts . of men. To relieve the victims of injustice demands that the root causes of injustice be identified. and removed. This requires persistent and concerned effort; and short-term, sporadic efforts - are both inappropriate and ineffec-. tive for such a mission. The victims of injustice frequently live in conditions similar to those caused by major disasters: wretched housing, inadequate food, insufficient medical care, marginal educational facilities. The scene, on its face, may appear to call for acts of charity, important in their own way. However, the search for root causes is likely to uncover not aq isolated ,event,. but. rather, institutio~alized- .conditions' which violate the human dignity of groups of persons. To fail to grapple with this institutionalized violence is to fail to minister to those who hunger and thirst for justice. The episodes in Exodus of Moses liberating his people illustrate efforts to remove root causes of injustice. Moses did not appeal to Pharoah for teams .of Egyptian volunteers with medicine and food to enter Jewish forced-labor camps, On the contrary, he challenged. the institutional injustices of Pharoah's system, even disobeying unjust Egyptian laws; and ultimately he liberated his people .by leading them to a new freedom and a new identity as a people. The document that the-Pontifical Commission on Justice and Peace submitted to the recent Roman Synod speaks directly to this issue in contemporary terms when it says "Liberation movements arise that reject 'established disorder' and 'institutionalized violence'; they struggle for a more human world with justice and freedom."

Urges' Reform CLARK· (NC) - Priests must work to reform the Church's institutional structure so clergy, nuns and lay people can have a voice in the selection of bishops, Father Andrew Greeley said here' in New Jersey. Addressing some 350 priests of the Newark archdiocese at a l1'1eeting sponsored by the archdiocesan priests' senate, the Chicago-based sociologist said priests must preach the gospel incessantly and "reform

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SIGNS OF THE TIMES-BROTHERHOOD: A year ago, an explosion rocked Union United Methodist Church in Mercerville, a Trenton suburb. Since then the Protesant congregation has held weekly services in Our Lady of Sorrows Roman Catholic Church, Mercerville. Above, the Rev. Edward J. O'Keefe, left, pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows, and the Rev. David Finch, pastor of Union Methodist, look over the sign on the Catholic Church grounds announcing ecumenical action. NC Photo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~'$ffi~~~~";~.' VA ';g~~:~~ ..,~.~~~~~~~




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THE ANCHO~-[jiocese' of F'all River":"'Thurs.,· Dec. 2, 1-971

Sto . . Nic'holas" Day . ·Is Time' To' Add Figures to Creche

Concert Series at ~:ew~: Bedford .Church Sto Joseph's to Present Noted OrgCinists

Mr. and Mrs. 'Maurice Durufle will 'open the concert series under the sponsorship of St. JoBy Joseph and Marilyn Roderick o seph's Church, New Bedford on I am writing this article having partaken of all the Tuesday evening, Dec. 7 at 8 in .food and festivities of. Thanksgiving Day, and I want to St. Joseph's Church, Acushnet thank God that this day comes only once a year, other- Ave. Rev. Msgr.· Henri A. Hamel, wise. I would weigh 400 pounds. The day started simply pastor and Denis Tetrault, or'. ·enough with a couple of cof· ganist have arranged this series fees and slice or two of Lord and come .. ! ) fruitcake or for the benefit of music devotees plum pudding will be reposing Marilyn's homemade bread, . in a: soaked cheesecloth covering, of the area. but then I was constantly and preparations for Christmas Tickets are· $3.00 for adults asked to check the dressing, will have begun. and $2.00forstudimts. A limited check' the tu'rkey, etc., and my number of tickets will be availWhile Stir-up Sunday is a hec- able at the door on the night of taste buds began to palpitate and then to water. By the time tic fun time (with all hands stir- the concert. dinner was seryed at one o'clock ring, arid· chopping away at tJ1e The noted. musical ~ouple nuts and fruits) what the chilI was famished. dren really look forward to is made their first· visit to the And of course, Marilyn outdid St. Nicholas Day', which falls on United States in June 1964 when they appeared· at the National herself. We had the usual turkey Dec; 6. . / Convention . of . the American with two dressings, mashed poSt. Nicholas 'is the holy. bishop Guild of Organists in 'Philadel.tatoes with giblet gravy, homeloved youngsters and whose phia. 'who .' made cranberry sauce. a sweet potato casserole, onions baked Saint's Day is observed at this Other tours have included rein honey, a cranberry mold, car- .time. This would be a wonderful citals at the University of Michday to bake those gingerbread rots and all the little fixings igan, St; Paul's Cathedral in such as celery and oliveS. This houses that we mentioned inJast Pittsburg. The Riverside Church week's column, or if you don't . followed a large shrimp cocktail in New York. Other'appearances and a delicious champagne feel quite that ambitious, how have been in Russ.ia and Canada. which set the tone for the whole -about so~e St. Nicholas cookies? dinner. For the past few years we . The forthcoming tour will inhave added a piece to our nativ- clude seven performances of .Mr. Only One Piece ity set on this day and it is with· Durufle's "Requiem" and mastAfter such a dinner I was only great expectation that the chil- er classes to be conducted in varable to eat one piece of· my dren look forward to picking out ious cities throughout the counmother's squash pie and one' a new figure for their rapidly try, including Ann Arbor, Mich., where they will take part in the piece of her mince pie. Like most growing stable. annual Music Conference at the of the men in the country, I then There are so many' old and University of Michigan. settled down to watching the Nebraska-Okl,!homa game which lovely customs that can become Mr. Durufle studied at the was' just exiciting enough to part of your particular Advent Paris Conservatory and was a that you can pick celebration. keep me awake until late in the pupil of Louis Vierne, Charles afternoon, following which I and choose those that you feel Tournemir, and, Paul Dukes. at home with. Try at least most caught an hour's sleep which one this Advent. It will truly While at the conservatory, he was long overdue. make the Christmas season more won five First Prizes .and was In the evening ,we just sat meaningful. also awarded the distingished. around and enjoyed each other's This is the Christmas pudding 'prize offered by the "Amisc' de company and madl'l a few sorties that I intend to mix up on Stir- l'orgue." to the refrigerator, not out of up Sunday. It's from a cookbook Among his other awards is the hunger, but out of memory and that still remains my favorite- . citation of "Commander in the before we knew it, it was time Eleanor Early's New· England for bed. As I said at the begin- Cook Book. ning of this. column, if ThanksLiberal Weekly Has Holiday Pudding giving came more than once a financia~ Problems' year I would not be able to fit .Y2 cup sugar into any of my clothes. Y2 cup butter or margarine FRA.1'Il'I,{FURT (NC~Publik, a CatholiG weekly establishliberal . I egg slightly beaten This kind of gluttony befits ed here three years ago with the Y2 teaspoon cinnamon Thanksgiving and it is certainly 1,4 teaspoon cloves financial support of the Gera welcome change from constant Ys .t!,!aspoon nutmeg man· bishops, may be forced to dieting, .but, more important, it 3 cups flour halt publication because of fiis a great feeling to 'spend a 1 Tablespoon baking soda riancial .problems. complete day with each other 1 cup sour milk and the kids, instead of running" The Association of German Di1 cup molasses around from place to place or oceses, the administrative agency 1 cup chopped raisins being absorbed with work or of the German Bishops' ConferY2 cup currants business affairs. .erice; refused the paper's request Y2 cup ground citron for over' $4 million considered In the Kitchen Y2 cup chopped candied cher- necessary for its survival until ries As I'm 'writing this column Sept. I, 1973. 1 teaspoon vanill.a we're just recovering from a treDespite an investment of some , mendous Thanksgiving dinner, 1) Cream sugar and butter or $7 million; of which over $6 milJoe managed to watch a few margarine until light. Add egg. .h~s been spent so far, the lion football games, Jason enjoyed Add spices to flour: paper, has failed to attract a two TV specials and because 2) Dissolve the baking soda in we're experiencing a rainy the milk. Gradually add milk, large readership. Publik's cirnortheaster .all thoughts are molasses and flour, alternately culation is about 95,000 but it home centered. Our tummies are to creamed mixture. Blend well. has only 9,000 regular subscribstuffed with turkey, Nana's date- Add fruits and vanilla (I'll toss ers, less than the mimimum connut bread and Grandma's squash my fruits with a little flour - so . sidered necessary for survival. . pie and. all in all it's been a they won't sink to the.bottom). lovely day that is' leading into 3) Pour into 2 greased I-quart ELECTRICAL a lovelier season. The. lovely molds. Place in kettle of boiling . Contradors season is Advent. water and steam 3 hours. Advent will have already be4) Serve with hard sauce. '. gun by the time this column is printed, our Advent wreath will Distortion . grace the dining room table (we There is a false modesty, still haven't resorted to an artificial Advent wreath and by the which. is vanity; a false glory, . .~ third Sunday it gets to be quite . which is levity; a false grandeur, mangy but at least we've en- which is meanness; a false vir'b~ joyed making it ourselves), our tue, which is hypocrisy, and a . 944 County St. Stirring Up Sunday ("Stir up false wisdom, which is prudery. New Bedford • Your power, we beseech You, 0 -Jean de la Bruyere·





Order of St. Gregoire", conferred on him for his contribution as composer in the field of Sacred Music. Marie-Madeleine Durufle-Chevalier was named titular organist

Says TV Show' 11I1l Poor Taste GREENSBURG (NC~A recent Dick Van Dyke television show depicting a Catholic priest and a nun trying to get married was in "extremely poor taste," the national president of Holy .Name Society charged here. "Speaking for the entire membership of the Holy Name So'ciety, I publicly protest this s~ow,"· declared Stephen Andrussian of Minerville, Pa., who .is also his state's HNS president. ."I do not feel it is a matter of be!,!ing overly sensitive," Andrussian said here about the program. "The situation depicted, of a Catholic priest and nun in' the process of going to Mexico to marry, may be subject matter for a movie but hardly suitable for a family-type tel~vision program 9ccupying prime broadcasting time."

of the Cathedral of St. Veran de Cavaillon at the age of l-~. She studied at the Conservatory of Avignon at 11 years of age and won first prize in Solfeggio, Piano and Harmony. ';;In'1946 sne'~rit.ere<f;tfl'elParis' Conservatory as a pupil of Marcel Dupre and seven years I~ter' was awarded the Grand Prix International-Charles Marie Widor in the field of Organ and Improvisation. . After having substituted for a period at St. Sulpice in Paris for Marcel Dupre, she has been coorgani~t with her husband at the Grand Orgue de Saint-Etiennedu-Mont since 1953.


992-6216 NEW BEDFORD





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•• THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FaiL River-Thurs., Dec..2, 1971

\ The Parish' Parade Publicity ganizations news items Anchor, P. 02722.

chairmen of parish or· are asked to submit for this column to The O. Box 7, fall River

ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NEW BEDFORD The Ladies League will hold a Christmas party Monday night, Dec. 13 in the church halL A hot buffet will be served. Planned for the future is a spaghetti supper, with date and place to be announced. SACRED HIEART, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will hold its annual Christmas party at 8 Monday night, Dec. 6 in the school hall. A gift wrapping demonstration will be presented by Mrs. Lester Broughton. One dollar gifts will be exchanged. Mrs. Raymond Nestor, immediate past president, will" be chairman, aided by other past presidents.

ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER The parish council will meet at 7:45 tonight in the lower church hall. The council announces that it will sponsor a New Year.'s "Eve "party for parishioners and friends beginning at 8 P.M. in the hall. Tickets are available from Mrs. Joseph Gromada, chairman. The Men's Club will hold a pre-Christmas party .following 7:15 Mass Saturday night, Dec. 4. Reservations may be made with Frank Mis, club president. Rev. Robert S, Kaszynski, pastor, will present tapes and slides on his recent trip to Poland in connection with beatification ceremonies for BI. Maximilian Kolbe at the Christmas party of the Holy Rosary Sodality,scheduled for 2:30 Sunday afternoon, Dec. 5 in the hall. Also on the program will be Polish mountain Christmas carols.

ST. JOHN BAPTIST, CENTRAL VILLAGE The annual Christmas bazaar will be held from 10 A.M. to 8 P.).VI. Saturday, Dec. 4 under chairmanship of Mrs. Ralph Souza. A snack gar will be available to patrons.

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, NORTH EASTON ,The final centennial celebration for the' parish will take place at 8:15 Wednesday night, Dec. 8 in the parish hall, following the evening holy day Mass. Using the theme "To 'Christ through Mary," the program will ST. JOSEPH, present living portrayals of 10 ATILEBORO famous Madonna paintings, with Parents of children making parishioners serving as models. their first confession will meet There will also be musical selecat 7:30 Sunday night, Dec. 5 and 12 in the school hall. A prac- tions by adults, young people tice session will be held at 11 and children. Organizers announce there will be no admisSaturday morning, Dec. 11. A Home and School Associa- sion charge and refreshments tion is being formed for parents . will be served. of St. Joseph's School pupils. .The initialomeeting.. will, beheld at 7:30 Friday night, Dec. 10 in the schooL Senior Citizens will sponsor a Christmas card party Sunday, Dec. 12. Donations of items for prizes are requested. They may be left in the hall on Friday afternoons or at the' home of Mrs. Poirier, 193 Maple Street. A Christmas bazaar is scheduled from 6 to 10 tomorrow night and from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. Saturday, under sponsorship of the Women's Guild. Knights of the Altar will meet tonight from 7 to 8:30.


Prefers Child Benefit to Tax Credits Education Commissioner Cites Court· Decisions WASHINGTON (NC)-Dr. Sidney P. Marland Jr., the nation's Commissioner of Education, has predicted that his U.S. Education Office will back "the child benefit theory" - federal school aid which takes the form of services to children - rather than tax credits to parents for educational costs. Marland spoke at the end of a historic two-day closed meeting in nearby Warreton, Va., of some 100 Catholic and public school superintendents from the biggest cities around the country, the first such meeting ever held under federal sponsorship. While the meeting was going on, the U. S. Catholic bishops were assembled in their own semi-annual meeting in a Washington hotel. They endorsed the tax credit concept, which would allow parents to' subtract some education expenses from' their final income tax. Expect Recommendations Asked whether he favored that kind of aid program, Marland told a news briefing the topic should await an Administration voice going out of the President's Commission on School Finance. That body-which includes a four-man panel on nonpublic education - is expected to make recommendations next April on the best forms of government aid for public and non public schools, Noting that this opinion "may at

this time be premature" because of the work of the commission, Marland said his "quick impulse" was that the Office of Education favors child-benefit aid over direct support or tax credits. He added that the federal government "has only a limited range to work from" in helping nonpublic schools, due to constitutional considerations and recent court decisions. The White House, in a press statement later, did not refer specifically to tax credits. But it said President Nixon agreed with Marland that there were constitutional difficulties surrounding nonpubIic school aid. 'Hand of Cooperation' The White House press spokesman said Nixon "is looking to the (School Finance Commission's nonpublic school) panel to

provide recommendations and possible solutions to the question of financing nonpublic schools, and those solutions must of course be consistent with Supreme Court decisions."

Marland said participants in the 'meeting in Warrenton had gathered to share ideas on "ways to solve (educational) problems in the big cities." He called the meeting significant because it was held at all, noting that some Catholic and public school superintendents from the same city had never met each other before the session. What came through "time and time again," said Msgr. James D. Habiger, president of the National Catholic Educational Association superintendents' unit, . was that "all educators worthy of the name are concerned not with systems, but with children. Shrine to Feature Therefore, the hand of cooperaLiving Manger tion was extended from both DOYLESTOWN (NC) - This sides of the table." year's Christmas manger at the Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa here in Pennsylvania will feature a realistic twist: it will include live cows, sheep', donkeys, chickens, turkeys, ducks and goats. Complete Line Shrine officials, who described Building Materials the display as "mammoth" and "Disney-like," said the animals 118 ALDEN RD. FAtRHAVI:N will be placed in a replica of a 993-2611 barn under the church's stairway.



Please put the mission-poor on your Chrostmas list too. What a great way to celebrate God's gnvnng Himself to us, Christ, because He loves us. Give to

OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER The Council of Catholic Women and the Holy Rosary Sodality will co-sponsor a malasada sale beginning at 2 Saturday afternoon, Dec. 4. A CYO pot luck supper is scheduled for Saturday evening, also in the hall.

them today because you love them too!


I ENCLOSED is my special gift of $


for the missionaries bringing the world's poor the GOOD NEWS of how God loves them.

I I Name I I Address II City L

ST. MARY, NO. FAIRHAVEN The Sacred Hearts Association and Couples' Club will sponsor a penny sale at 8 o'clock on Saturday evening, Dec. 11 in the church halL Proceeds will aid in paying the debt. Mrs. Lucien Dlugosinski and Mrs. Leo Grenon are cochairmen for the event while refreshments committee will be headed by Mrs. Stephen Gonet, Mrs. Annie Mello, and Mrs. .Joseph Cataldo Jr.


State ~




The 'Society for the Propagation 01 the Faith



EvJil Even 'in politics, an evil action has evil consequences. That, I believe, is' a law of nature as precise as any law of physics or -Nehru chemistry. '. ',..' ....... ,....... . , .. .... ..... ..,. ',;' ..... ..' .'.... ~ ...

The Rev'" Monsignor Edward T. O'Meara . National Director Dept. C, 366 Fifth A venue New. York, New York 10001 ..; ~

















The Rev. Monsignor Raymond T. Considine Diocesan Director 368·North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720 ., ',"



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:.' ~



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THE ANCHOR-Di~ese of Fall' River-Thurs., Dec. 2, 19.71 .



, (ommuno I Penance Services

Local stores these days begin their "ChristmaS sell" long before Thanksgiving. The Church, however, still waits until Advent for its season of "joyfUl and spiritual expectation." We prepa~e; during that period, for the December 25 feast which recalls Jesus' coming in the past at. 'Bethlehem and anticipates his glorious return' at the end of ,time.' ,



As a part of the Advent preparation process, more ana more parishes throughout· the United States have, been conducting communal penance services. Those biblically oriented, liturgies vary greatly in format and content. In essence, however, , they seek to convey these points: God's constant love for sinful man, the social nature' of sin, and the communal nature of forgiveness. God's Love God's constant love for sinful man. Our Lord naturally will not forgive the unrepentant'. He does not compel us to accept his love and mercy. Nevertheless, Jesus'







The overly simple morality is tiresome. But so are the standard ~objections ,agailJst it. They have been heard for centuries, because the new morality isn't all that new. And, of the two-the love morality does seem to be the one with the New Testament evidence jn its favor. ' "This is what he commands: that we believe in the name of his son, Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as Christ com-, manded us" (I John 3,23). "My dear friends, this command I

Learning the Law of Love'

Just the other, evening at a gathering of parents anxious to explore new developments in religious education, one mother' , asked with considerable feeling: "All this talk. about love is (ine, but when will the children learn the basics of Catholic morality?" In response .to my question to her, "What would you say are these basics of Catholic moral)ty?" She suggested, "Weil, the ten commandments and the precepts of' the Church and respect for authority and discipline. It isn't' just' 'love, love, love!'" " Her observations refleCted what many 'ofthe parents in the , group felt~indeed,what many parents feel all over the country. In one sense her :point is well taken. ,In another it is a caricature ot Catholic moral teaching. If love fneans ignoring or , flaunting, legitimate law and authority, to do whatever one 'pleases, she is certanly right. There is more to Catholic teaching than "love," if love becomes a guise for avoiding discipline and obedience. However, no approved, widely .used religious education program in our country proposes such a false view of love and morality. On the other hand there is a . sense in which Catholic morality is' summed up' "'love, love, love." It is really 'surprising to pick up the New Testament and read how often love is taught as summing up in one word all there is to say about living as a Christian. (e.g. Rom 13:8; Gal 5:14; Mt. 22:34-40; Jn, 13:34; Col 3:14; I Cor 13; I Cor 16:14) The Law of Christ, the law of the write you is not new: it IS the" Spirit, is definable simply as a Law of Love. old command, the one' you have . had from the very beginning. . ~ule of Love , Catechists are reminded of The old command is the ·message this in the Vatican's recent Genyou have alreadyhe'ar'd" (I John, 2,7). "For the message you heard, eralCatechetical Directory. "The activity of the Spirit of Christ 'is from the very beginning in this: clearly. illuminated when the we must love' one another (I John 3,11). specific characteristics of Chris"The only doubt ,you should tian moral teaching ,are revealed. have is' to love one another Its universal precepts and counWhoever loves his fellow man 'sels, are ess~ntially reduced to has obeyed the Law. The com- faith which is active in love (Cf. mandments:' 'Do not commit Gal 5:6 . . . Sil1.ce God is love adultery;"do not murder; do not' and his plan is, that in Jesus steal; do not covet'...;.,all these Christ his love be shared calling and any others, besides, are, men to mutual love, it follows summed up in the one command: that to freely and perfectly re'Love your neighbor as yourself.' spond' to God and His plan is Whoever loves his neighbor 'Will ,nothing qther, ,than to enter a never do him wrong. To love, life which in the observance of then is to obey the whole Law" commandments is ruled by love. (Romans 13,8-10). "Let not love "In other wofds it is the same make you serve one another. For as 'em,bracing and translating the whole Law is summed up in into one's life as a new comone commandment:, 'Love your mandment the law of love. Man neighbor as yourself'" (Galations is therefore ,called to embrace in 5,13f.). ' faith a life of'love toward God Double Command, \, and other men. In this is his greatest'responsibility and highMatthew gives the' command est moral dignity (No. 64, my of love as' a double command: translation, pending publication "You must il;>ve the Lord your, of. official English translation). God with all your heart and with The General Catechetical Diall your soul and .with all your rectory is merely reiterating mind. This is the greatest and what Jesus Himself taught so the most' impo'rtant command-clearly, that the love of God and ment. The second most impor-, neighbor sums up Christian tant commandment is' like it: moral teaching (MT 22:34-40). Turn to Page Eighteen The approach to mora,l formation


love for men never stops and in a strange, mysterious manner his grace real,ly starts the sinner's conversion. We tend to forget these comforting truths and often rely perhaps too much' on our own initiative. Penance services attempt to place the conversio'n-forgiveness experience in proper perspective. They bring out the 'need for a true change of heart' and even specify in hard, concrete terms what repentance means in one's personal;- practical life. But they like-wise emphasize, especially through 'appropriate scriptural readings and an accompanying homily, the Lord's ever ready willingness to pardon and, grant peace. The New York Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission's January, 1971 Bulletin, "Communal Penance' Issue," included a series of s u c h conversion - forgiveness texts from the Bible suitable for these services. For example: Ezechiel 36, "I shall give you a new heart," John 8, "The adulterous woman," Luke 15, ''The prodigal son." It is expected that the revi,Sed rite for the sacrament of Penance to be issued in the not too distant future by the, Holy See will contain a 'list of ov~r 100 similar biblical. r~ferences. Intro,ductory principles of that Roman doc;~lmerit encourage their use in penitential liturgies as a means of, making the Lord present, of Turn to Page Seventeen

,and your Nell.g' hbo,r II

"You will be doing the right thing if you obey the law of the Kingdom which is found in the scripture: 'Love your neighbor as yourself''' (James 2"8). How tiresome it, can be to hear the new morality ceasingly solve all problems with recourse to Augustine's famou~ saying: "Love, and do what you will." It can't be that simple! There must be objective standards! It's so easy to decei,:e yourself!



,ib'~, A" ~

A ROMAN STATUE: Church law, like this ancient Roman statue, was built from firm foundations, but has, changed slowly over the years by the "weather" of need while remaining basically intact. NC Photo. in religious education, if it is to be true to !he New Testament ,and the Church's tradition, must· focus primarily on love, on helping carry one another's burdens ,as fulfilling the Law of Christ (Gal 6:2). In this the new catechetical ,programs for children,


FR. CARL J, . . .' PFEIFER, 'S.J. ~mm0N&_mKml'%

adolescents and adults are ref1ecting the' authentic teaching of the Church. Beware of Selfishness. Learning the specific requirements of love in daily'life is not a simple matter. One can, under the guise of love, rationalize almost every form of wrongdoing. Many have in past times as well as in today's Age, of 'Aquarius used the name "love" to describe their own 'selfishness, greed, or laziness. "Love, and do as you will," is not a formula for license. It is, as St. 1'-ugustine

meant it, a formula for personal responsibility, with all the courage, creativity, compassion, generosity, realism, imagination and discipline that responsibility re,quires. There is actually no more challenging task in life than learning to love genUinely. Love's demands are not learned chiefly from textbooksold or new. Love is learned by , living with people who are struggling tOe love. Love is learned by actually working at loving,'by 'responding to people, needs, values and opportunities. Love can only be learned by loving. In the process a person may make misI' takes, .but there is no other way ' to learn to love than by trying it. Within a Christian group of people trying to live 'responsible, loving lives, individuals can help each other learn from experience and from the tradition of Christian moral teaching. This is the role of religious education, to enable Christians to assist each other in interpreting their experience, discovering their mistakes, sha.rin.g personal .experience and I~slghts, .explormg ~~­ gether the ImperatIves of legltlTurn to Page Eighteen

THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 2,

Maxime Rodinson Writes Bio'graphy .of Mohaml1led



was born. Two great empires, that of Persia and that of Rome (with its seat now in Byzantium) confronted each other and often clashed. . Arabia, mostly desert, was inhabited by tribal peoples, some wanderers, some settled in' cities. Among the Arabs, the two monothCistic, universal religions, Judaism and Christianity, had made some headway. Mohammed's birthplace was in Mecca. He was an only child whose father died before. Mohammed was born and whose mother died when he was only six years old. Some of his early years were spent in the desert, but his place was in Mecca, where he rated as a member of a lesser branch of one of the leading families. New Religion He lived for awhile with a grandfather, then with an uncle> At 25, with poor prospects, he married a prosperous widow 16 years his senior. Scraps of the Scriptures of the Jews and the Christian were orally repeated in Mecca, and undoubtedly Mohammed became familiar with them. He began to observe periods of retreat and meditation, and in one of these he believed he experienced a call from the angel Gabriel, later that he heard the very voice of God. Mohammed was then almost 40. He began to proclaim a new religion, the fundamental truths of which were that there is only one God, Allah, and that Mohammed is his prophet. The revelations which he said he received were written down, on scraps of leather or bone, and thus began the Koran, or Recitation. Ritual and moral code developed. Astute General The first to accept this religion were the members of Mohammed's own household. By the time of his famous flight from Mecca to Medina, in 622, he had about 70 followers. Politically skillful, Mohammed maneuvered until he had control of Medina, and from this as a base he launched a series of brilliant moves by which he brolight more and more of Arabia under his sway. He proved to be an astute general, and he had extraordi-

control. He could be ruthless. in his resort to brigandry and in ordering the execution or arranging the assassination of those who opposed him. More than once, he was responsible for the massacre of Jewish communities. He became extremely rich and powerful, had ten wives and many concubines. His picture of the afterlife was one of ease, luxury, and sensual gratification for the elect, and of a hell of torment for those who did not heed Allah's sole prophet. Extraordinary Achievement He died in 632, at the age of 61. In the short space of ten

years he had wrought an extra ordinary achievement. He had united the' disparate elements of Arabia into one military and political force, a society bound together by a Muslim ideology which has a total hold upon the people. Before his death he was beginning to move against the outskirts of the Persian and Roman empires, which had been disastrously weakened by their long conflict. It did not seem possible that this new force, which had been shaped and wielded bya man of genius could ,survive him. Yet it did. The Arab state which he founded, propelled by the Muslim religion which he established, moved out of Arabia to create a vast empire and a new civilization. A century later "his succes" sors were ruling from the banks of the Loire to the Indus, from Poitiers to Samarkand." Analyzes Facts How explain this? As for the religious aspect, Mr. Rodinson argues that Mohammed's claimed visions and revelations all came from his rich unconscious. Hallucination and self-deception, in the author's view, played their part. Muslimism drew on Jewish and Christian sources. The amalgam was well suited to the needs of the people to whom Mohammed addressed it. Muslimism did two things which were novel in the Arab world. First, it stressed the importance of the individual: Allah was said to be concerned about him in a direct, personal way. Seconoly, it produced social solidarity among tribes and ethnic groups, welding them together into a' unity then unprecedented. The social pressure was irresistible. Mr. Rodinson's book is far from simple and far from easy. His prejudices naturally color it somewhat. But he has worked hard at sifting and analyzing fact, and he has flashes of insight which are dazzling. .


Nixon Administration The American newspapermen Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert D. Novak are the authors of Nixon in the White House: The


Penance Services

Mohammed, the founder of the Muslim religion, was born fourteen centuries ago, in 571. He is the subject of a new biography, Mohammed (Pantheon Books, a division of Random House, 457 Madison Ave., N.Y. City, 10022. $8.95), by MaJiime Rodinson, nary success in marshalling a an Arab who is an atheist military force and outwitting or and who writes in French. outfighting various tribes which The English translation is by he sought to bring under his Anne Carter. The book begins with a description of the sixth century world into which Mohammed


PATRONESS OF THE UNITED STATES: The feast of the Immaculate Conception occurs on Wednesday, Dec. 8 and is a holyday of obligation.

Help Mother Teresa Sisters Asked to Consider Pledging Funds for Pakistani Refugees CHICAGO (NC) - An appeal for help from Mother Teresa of India has spurred major superiors of women' to ask every U. S. congregation of women to con-' sider pledging one per cent of their income for the next three years to help refugees from Pakistan. The plan which originated after Mother Teresa spoke to the International Union of Superiors General in Rome, was also endorsed at the November meeting of Sisters Uniting. Sisters Uniting is' an umbrella organization open to all national groups of U. S. Sisters.

Continued from Page Sixteen stirring up our faith, and or reminding us that Jesus caine, not to condemn, but to save sinners. Nature of Sin The social nature of sin. Every sin must, .of necessity, come from the human heart and involve an individual person. But each moral failure touches others outside of and beyond ourselves. We need to understand that sin affects not only our relationship with God, but also with fellow men and with the world around us: To illustrate: Open battles in the home between bitter husbands and wives leave lasting scars on the children who witness them. Negligent or selfish vacationers and 'industries destroy forests and pollute streams. Unconcerned taxpayers or insensitive administrators may have indirectly contributed to the tragedy at Attica. Through a group examination of confession which asks carefully prepared, pointed questions, the communal penance service seeks to deepen the participant's awareness of just how far the impact of his or her sin can reach. Communal Nature 3. The communal nature of forgiveness. If sin ruptures our relationship with God, neighbor and the world, then forgiveness must involve reconciliation with all three. These innovative penance liturgies attempt to underscore this truth through congregational prayer, common penances and some concluding gesture of harmony or peace. The Our Father works particularly well in this context. "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us

American major superiors, who now call themselves the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, are currently getti.ng together a group of Sisters to help- Mother Teresa care for an estimated 9.5 million persons who have fled East Pakistan for India. Dilemma Mother Teresa is founder of Politics is a jungle-torn beMissionaries of Charity, a con- tween doing the right thing and gregation dedicated to 'helping staying in office. the sick, the dying, the homeless -John F. Kennedy and others in need around the world. clCI_relCll(l«lCre~~relCllCl' At the recent meeting of SU To Give at Christmas in Chicago, the organization NUN'· SENSE called upon American Sisters to SISTER M. MADELEINE, C.SJ. raise the public's level of awareness of the· "subhuman condi- a book for all seasons by one who did not "leap over the wall" Frustration of Power (Random . tions of Pakistan refugees in Enter the real world of the nun with the House, 457 Madison Ave., New India." eXllert guidance of one of America's York, N. Y. 10022. $8.95), which Action plans of the SU and most charming educators. reviews the Nixon administration the LCWR, for influencing public GOO IS NOT DEAD to date and attempts to evaluate . opinion on the issue, included He is very much alive and speaking loud and clear in • it. congregational and individual NUN;SENSE In brief, it is their opinion donations and letter campaigns order by mail that the President has scored sig- to government and Church offi- $2.50 a copy nificant successes in the field of cials. ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS COLLEGE PRESS foreign affairs, in which, they Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632 say he is chiefly interested, but Please send me copies of Happiness has done far less well in the field NUN·SENSE. Enclosed is $ .. The happiest life is that which Name of domestic affairs. .. constantly exercises and edu- ~ddress . They picture him as an incates what is best in us. City, State, Zip . tensely private person, "the most -Hamerton ~ ~.~ ~~~~~ sequestered President since Herbert Hoover." His White House staff, they assert, is fiercely loyal in protecting him, but is reON THE CAPE THE MERCHANTS IS YOUR sponsible for lapses, gaffes, and HOMETOWN BANK AWAY FROM HOME communications failures which have made for difficulties with the best thing that 4!ve,. happened 'to Cape Cod the Congress. Whereas they cannot be said to _ be partisans of the the President, neither are they adversaries. Thus, although they note the A FUll SERVICE comparative fewness of his press Young .•• Established June 12, 1969 .. BANK conferences, they are themselves urry Laskey, President critical of the handling of news ROUTE 28, in rloriou. Hyanni. 775~S.OO on. television and sometimes' of the press.




and Trust Companyof Cape Cod.




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of .Fall River,.,..T.hurs., Dec.-2, 197'1 •

' -





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. Continued f~om Page !'SiXteen You must love your neighbor as yourself. The whole Law of Moses and the teachings of the 'prophets depend on these two commandments" (Matt. 22,36-40) r am worried about the resurgence ,of Nazism. But the same Matthew can I do' not mean Nazism in Germany;l mean Nazism also ,sum up these two comin the United States. And I do not mean theAnietican Nazi mands Q as one; "Do for others Pa'rty, which is a ridiculous. splinter group. I mean the Nazi what you want them 'to-do for you: this is the meaning of the mentality that seems to me' '.. , Law of Moses and the teaching to ,b~'- increasingly . wide~' Nazis .~laimed that ,their' .moral: of the prophets" (Matt. 7.12). . spread ~in' our society.NazisuperiQrity' .flow~d. fro~ ·their· St.. John explains why: "If somementality;I-take it, has three pure bloodline~ :apd., th~ ~aters one says. 'I love God' yet' hates ' ·in contempOl:ary, Amer,ica, see' characteristics: (1) It emphasizes.: moral superiority. flowing "from his brother, he is a liar" (I John emotion and will rather·than rea- political ideology. ,(Although of 4,20). "This then is the command that Christ gave us: he who loves son. The fantastic pagan liturgies course black bloodlin:es are.preGod must love his brother also" ~ s,umed to grant moral superiority (I John 4,21). and so. too. the, use bf,narcptics; Christ says: "If you love me. thus. the neo-Nazis 'are willing to ,LE<::TURE ON ZEN: The well-known Jesuit scholar. obey my commandments ...whoconcede in part the biological' on Zen, Father Lasalle, speaks on the subject at the Church ever accepts my commandments origin of virtue.) . of S1; Peter in ,Cologne. Father Lasalle has established an and obeys them. he is the one Two recent experiences em-' REV. phasized for me the strong' Nazi institution of Christian Zen in Tokyo and is on tour lectur- who loves me ... if you obey my commands. you will remain in strain in contemporary America. ingon the rprac~ice. NC Photo. ANDREW M.::: . my love ..." (John 15,10), But One was reading the "black thethen he i~mediately explains GREELEY ology" of a' gentleman named the commands he means: "This Cone. It is a theology filled with . is my commandment: love one hatred for white 'people and the another just as I love you" (John assumption of a moral superior. Bishop Asks Goverll1ment Officials 15,12). in, the sports palace at Nurem- ity of black over white. Love Is Patient Avoi,d'Shoals of Is@~ationism berg and the demonic Wagnerian· . Professpr Cone's admirers and Is this command of love really speeches - of the Fuhrer were supporters say that this biologWASHINGTON (NC) - An solutions for economic produc- so subjective and so easy? Not classic examples of the irration- ically based theology is merely •American' bishop told a congre- tion problems and for the equiality of German Nazism. the political strategy he is using gation of U. S. government offi- table distribution of . wealth if we try to love the way Paul describes: "Love is patient, kind. (2) It appealed to the human to build up black pride and to capacity to hate as a necessary point out, to whites the oppres- cials'and ,Latin American diplo- among the world's, haves and" not jealous or conceited or proud; not ill-mannered, selfish, force for accomplishing social sion which has existed forcen- 'mats:here that the United States have-nots. Saying injustices exist in the irritable. Love does not keep a change. The German nation was turies in American society. We' "must carefully avoid 'the\shoals ,western hemisphere. he said. record of wrongs; is not happy called on ·to hate the victors of ought not. they argue. take Cone of a resurging isolationism." Bishop William G. Connare of "We must strive to remove situ- with evil; never giv,es up; its World War I. to hate the inferior seriously or literally~ Greensburg, Pa.. specifically ations which cry for' change in faith. hdpe and patience never . Slavic peoples. and/. eventually. warned against sharp cuts in our Pan American world. Women's Lib fail; hope ~rid Plltience never to hate to the point of destruc"Bishops and priests must fail" (I Cor. 13.4-7). There's U. S. econoniic aid. He said: tion all those wI:to were not ""In 'liD" understandable desire speak out against injustice wher- nothing vague about that. There were those who said :. "Aryan." It was only through And Jesus makes it less vague hatred that, the German people th.at we ou?ht not take ~dolph to set our own economy in order. ever it raises its head. whether in ,. ~Itler senously or lIterally ,'Americanli' mUf?t not foolishly the Americas or in any other s~iII;. "~ove one another just as could achieve their destiny. . ,~Ither. :P~~fessor Cone wo~ld.re; ,'. '.cut' ·ioreign·~id -'in a drastic part. pf th,e~orJdl:: ~e said~,., :.-, 1L~16~~~~ou. ,,.!he w.-~e!~~t lq,,:e ~l Ject the Idea that truly vIrtuous fashion to our brothers in need Accident of Birth" 'lXmdng'J (~o~e '"'a¥ten~~g,~1h~~ man, C;l.n have ,for his -friends .is,: (3) Finally. the Nazi mind re- black ,men would kill ~ny whi~e 'in Latin 'Amerlca and throughout Mass' 'wer!'! Ambassador Rafael to give hi~ life iodhe~~ You ~re fused to deal with people as in- men. but not necessanly. a~1 h.ls the world." , Alperto Zuniga of Costa Rica, my friends if you do what J "In a' world which daily be- chairman of the Council of the command ... This then, is what dividuals. A man was not to be, readers would be so tImId In' judged. on who he wa~ personally drawing such an implication comes smaller, every man must Organization of American States. I command you: love one an· or What he did personally or from his writing. help other me~:' he added. and the U. S. representative to other" (John 15.13f). Vague? Not what his own particular and speThe other experience was, Bishop Connare gave', the ser· the counCil. Ambassador Joseph . at all. "This is how we know cific characteristics were; he was watching on television some' of mon at the Pan-American Mass. J. Jova. Also in the congregation what love is: Christ gl!ve hi~ life to be judged by what broad cate- the anti~s of th.e spokesmen for ·an annual event here since 1909. were Secretary of Transportation for us. We too then, ought to gory he belonged to. If he was Women's Lib.' Le't me make it Bishop Conriare said the John Volpe and former Supreme give our lives for our brothers" "Aryan" he was good. if he was clear that I haVe been a feminist Church is concerned about just Court Chief JustiCe Earl Warren. (I John a. 16). All we need is the faith to believe it and the coura blond "Aryan" he was better. for 15 years. and I think that Cardinal Patrick A. O'Boyle of age to do it. . if he was a Jew. he was evil, in- every Catholic must _be one in Washington. D. C.• ,presided at '., light of the stand 'Pope John the Mass and Archbishop, L~igi Continued from Page Sixteen ferior. and had to be liquidated. took in Pacem in Terris. Time ·What ·counted in a"man's life mate laws and authorities, the Raimondi. apostolic delegate in was the accident of his birth. not' I deplore discrimination against life and teachings of .Jesus and 'the United States. was the main The hours that make us happy, his accomplishments and achieve-· women in the secular society. His followers, t~e tradition of celebrant. make us wise.. ,-John Masefield ments; and what counted in: and I am ashamed at the dis- the Church. · at a II ' crimination against them I'n the h th a man· sh ou Id 'IIve weer St. Paul, assures us that only was also the' acCident of hi!( Church. I .think., women should the loving man or woman IS able SIX CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU birth., A man was executed:-noC be '~ble to be .,priests•. bishops. to "judge what is God's will, ONE·STOP BANKING f6r committinga'specifi~d'crime ami ~ven ,popes., Tp,eY·. certainly' what is good. pleasing and per.- , but b~cause•. he,happened,to be'. c~uld do no wo~se·than.some oC fect" (Rom 12:2). God'!!'. will, born' 'of "I1arerits with' certain: the present male leadership in', what 'is really important in hu-' "bloodlines;'; , ' , ' . :; ~:.- .'.' the Church. and. they might do man life can he deeply appreci: ,One needitofIook"vefy far in:. a good deal better. . , , ated and responded to.only by a American soaiety today to dis-. Screaming Women ' person who struggles to keep his cover appeals to the irrational. mind and heart open to God and OF TAUNTON the demoni6, the hating. the sick. Nonetheless, many of the other!!. "My prayer is that your North Dighton • North Easton • - Norton and the stereoty~ing prqpen.sities WQmen's J..ib, spo~esmen are ter-,' love may more and more Raynham • Taunton of the human personality. Thus, rifying. They seem to be human' abound. both in understanding Member Fede~cil Deposit Insurance Corporation a~1 whites are guilty of, racism.. beings filled with almost uncon- and wealth of experience. so that all men arechauvinists•.··all old 'trollable~ anger. and hatred. with a clear conscience and p~ople hiiVe :'sold' out:," Whol~ __ . screaming fbrthsickneess, ani-', blilmeless conduct, you, may

S~e$,~.,Resurgence 'Qf' <Nazi~.:·

Mentality . ~n

Ame,ri~CI'. .'

Help 9ther Men

Law of Love


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"·squares," are assllllled to b~ feminist, leadership. many of: guilty; it is .l~gitiniat~ Jo'hat~. whom' ~n "my 'experience are them and whenever possible to sophisticated and civilized. I am "rip off" from them. _ also. awar~ that television jour: Theology of Hatred . 'nalists seek ou~ thEf haters and .. . th~ screaJ!lers. In preference to: Furthermore. just as the Nazis ,the' civilized and sophisticated. saw dark and sinister ~ 'Jewish But hatred, anger.' irrationality.' conspiracies; 'so their' American screaming; judging arid denounc-' successors in the 1970s see a : ing entire categories of human dark and sinister' "Establish-,beings J:1ave. never made the, ment" conspiring against them. world a better place to . live in The, ~iicle is <;orriplet~, with the . and never' Will. " ,

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, , !, ; " Color Process Year' Books work and watch' the Women's Lib' people on teievision I can Booklets Brochures not help seeing once agai~ those screaming crowds at the sports palace in Nuremberg. Cone the screaming women. and a l~t of other self-proclaimed radicals currently on the loose in Ameri0 F F 5 ET· PRINTERS LmERPRESS can society would have been' right at home in such ,an environ- §§ 1 17 COFFIN 'AVENUE Ph 997 9421 ~ ment, and they would have '§,. one • § shouted "heil!" louder than all § New Bedford, Mass. §

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Ame, rlcan' . Press, Inc.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., Dec. 2, 1971'

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Sc1iOOLBO'y' ,'SPORTS " .. .

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Lawrence, 'High' of~almouth

TQPs 'Final G~id. Standings


Lawrence High of Falmouth, co-champion of the Capeway Conference stands alone at the pinnacle of the final 1971 diocesan football standings. The Clippers finished the grid campaign with an impressive 8-1 over-all, record., Coach Don Ruggeri's club ' k t boro Won the Bristol County b suffered its on Iy set ac a League title with a 6-1 mark. The the hands of league foe Fair- Blue Bombardiers were also dehaven. That 6-0 defeat pre- feated once in non.circuit action vented the Clippers fro!," win- and culminated a successful year iling the loop crown, as well as with a 7-2 record. a share of the State elass C title. Old Rochester of Mattapoisett, Falmouth placed fourth, in .the a member, of the Narragansett final Class C rating behind Way- Football Leag!le until it folded land, Hingh.am and Franklin, a'lI' at the ,condusion of the 1970-71 of whom had perfect 9-0 records scholastic year, embarked on an 'indepenqent .trail this Fall and for the season. Fairhaven entered its holiday found the 'going to its liking. game with Dartmouth needing 'a ,rhe Bull Dogs, coached by Gerry tie or win to corral the Capeway Oliva, ended tpe campaign ,with championship. However, Coach a 27-0 victory over DennisKevin Cadieux's lads were upset YarIl1'outh. to 'up' their 'season by a spirited Dartmouth' eleven record to 7-~. The Bull Dogs' 21-8. Although the Blue Devils, losses were to Fairhaven and SECOND APPEARANCE: Cardinal Jozsef Mindszenty, who spent 15 years in asylum did complete the campaign with Case High of ·Swansea. If the a 6-1 slate in league plaY,they Narry loop had been in existence' at. the U.S. Embassy in Budapest, arrives at St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna to celewere not as successful against this past Fall, the Regional from brateMass. It was the Cardinal's second public appearance since his arrival fro~ Rome.' non-loop opponents and placed Mattapoisett probably would sixth in the diocesan standings. have earned themselves a league Second place finisher, Attle- championship.


"Little" Feehan High Again Among Leaders . After losing to Attleboro early ers in the state, Feehan has in the, season; ,New. Be~ford earned the same respect in .footfought valiantly 'to get ba~k into ball that Holy', Family High of the Bristol County League title New Bedford has in basketball. race. When Msgr. Coyle-Cassidy Coach Paul' O'BOy reportedly High of Taunton upset Attleboro was to suffer through a rebuildit appeared as though Coach Joe ing year this past Fall, but such Bettencourt's charges would fin- was not the case as his club ish in a tie with the Jewelry City compiled' a 6-2-1 record to finish boys. However, a stalemate with 'fifth in the diocesan ratings. Bishop Feehan o~ Attleboro en~Provincetown, the Mayflower ed New Bedford s hopes and It League champion, rolled to a 6-0 had to settle for a second place mark against league opposition finish in. th,e league. The Crimson ,but was unable to win in three ?nd WhIte s over-all 6-1-1. mark non-loop outings. The titlists I~ good for·~ fourth place m the share, sixth position in the grid dIOcesan ratmgs. . . ' F h th II t h i ' ,ratmg WIth Capeway Conference ee an, e ~ma .es sc 00 m co-champion Fairhaven, Oliver the ~ounty CIrCUIt, has fewer Ames of the Hockomock League boys m grades 10 through 12 and Seekonk. All were 6-3 for than all but a handful of schools th in the diocese. However, the e season. Shamrocks a~e rich in football Somerset of the disposed Nar,tradition and provide stiff com- ry circuit is the tenth place club. petition for all opponents. AI- The Blue Raiders. played only ways among the top clubs in the, eight gam~s: and ended the seaBCL and often among the lead~ son with a 5-3 slate.

Urges, Hungarians to, Love Enemies Card.nal Recalls Saint's Diffic~lties

VIENNA (NC)-eardinal Joz- a courtesy visit to U.S. Ambassa- der to introduce him to his Ausef Mindszenty told a largely dor John P. Humes that lasted strian ·congregation. Hungarian congregation here to for about two minutes. The carDuring this Mass Cardinal react to their enemies with love. dinal thanked the ambassador Mindszerity, who speaks very In his sermon at a Mass he for the hospitality of the Amer- little German, remained silent celebrated in the Capuchin icans at the U.S. embassy in Bu-' throughout; church he compared the plight dapest. It is expected, however, that The cardinal left his asylum he will celebrate' Mass 'in St. of Hungarian exiles with the difficulties experienced by St. Eliz- ill the embassy Sept. ~8, and Stephen's by himself at regular abeth, a 13th-century Hungarian after about a month in the Vati" intervals in the future, and that queen who was forced into exile can came to Vienna with the un- on those occasions he will use as a child before she returned derstanding that he would do Latin in the ligurgy. nothing to harm Vatican efforts to the' throne. Avoiding any reference to the to improve relations with HunCommunist regime in Hungary, gary or to embarass Austria in to his own imprisonment there, ,its relations with neighboring '93'tQ66 ' and to his self-imposed asylum Hungary. in the U.S. embassy in Budapest Mass in Cathedral for about 15 years, Cardinal MinThe cardinal's Mass here mark~ dszenty said that St. Elizabeth ed the 50th anniversary of St. "had lived in exile just as, we charitable orStephens' Club, Hungarians must now," St. Elizabeth, he said, "react- ganization for Hungarians living ed to all her enemies with love in Austria. ' 365 NORTH FRONT STREET On Sunday, Cardinal Franz and she always fulfilled the NEW BEDFO~D Koenig 'of Vienna invited CarFifteen of Twenty-eight Be'tter .500 Mark, teachings of the, Church . . . 992·5534 dinal Mindszenty to attend Mass , Thanks Ambassador Barnstable at 5-3-1 is lith, . peting in football, withill the ,dioi.n St. Stephen's Cathedral in or"Everyday, we Hungarians in Case High of Swansea ,and cese did,however, finish above exile face the same, problems Coyle-Cassidy High tie for 12th the .500 mark: with Dartmouth and Dighton- ''the final diocesan standing is that she did. The question is whether our leaving Hungary Rehoboth rounding out the top as follows: 13, 1 Fal,mouth . 8-1-0 will cause us to falter or whether No school located within the' 2 Attleboro . 7-2-0 it will raise us to moral heights," After the Mass the cardinal confines of diocesan territorial Old Rochester 7-2-0 ' limits was able to complete the 4 New Bedford 6-1-1 joined the congregation in singINCORPORATED 1937 ' season without a single blemish 5, Bishop Feehan 6-2-1 ing "God Bless Hungary," Cardinal Mindszenty, who on its record. In fact, only six 6 Fairhaven 6-3-0 schools in Eastern Massachusetts Provincetown 6-3-0 lives i~ the Pazmaneum, a home did enjoy an ,undefeated and unOliver Ames 6-3-0 for Hungarian priests here, paid tied ,campaign. No qass A Seekonk 6-3-0 school rates among 1971's "per- 10 Somerset 5-3-0 JAMES H. COLLINS,. C.E., Pres. 3-6-0 fect" teams and only Holliston 11 Barnstable 5-3-1 20 North Attleboro 3-6-0 Taunton from the Class D division was 12 Case 5-4-0 Registered Civil and Structural Engineer' 2-6-0 able to attain that cherished Msgr. Coyle-Cassidy 5-4-0 22 Wareham Member National Society Professional Engineers 1-7-1 goal. Winchester and Swamp- 14 Dartmouth 4-4-\' 23 Bishop Stang FRANCIS L. COLLINS, JR., Treas. 1-7-1 N. B. Vocational scott both 9-0 tied for the Class Dighton-Rehoboth 4-4-1 1-8-0 B title and Wayland, Hingham 16 Bourne 4-5-0 25 Dennis-Yarmouth THOMAS K. COLLINS, Seey. 0-7-2 and Franklin, as previously. menDurfee 4-5-0 26 Mansfield ACADEMY BUILDING FALL RIVER, .MASS. 0-8-1 tioned, share the "C" crown. 18 Martha's Vineyard 3-5-0 27 Norton' 0-8-0 '. ;¥~f~~~.q .•<?t.1l1e.• 28.s~h9C?1~ ~0P17 .!,~ •••.•• ,.,.. I;I1!l!:ltuc1<et .' :. '. ...'.".",·.. ~·P~Q, 28 Diman Vocational







Heating Oils and Burners





THE ANCHOR-Dioc:ese, of Fall River-Thurs., Dec:.,. 2, .1971



Clothing Drive to Aid Needy Overseas



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Gap"'G .. 'by·bringi'ng' both,light,an·,·d 'h,eavy .. C:I~thing an;cfinfcintst w.ear ·of.· aU kinds to,your· .




par'ishcenter before Sunday,



This Message Sponsored 'by ,the Followinglndividuais, and Business Concerns In The Diocese of Fall River' Cape Cod and The Islands,







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