'I I
Ri. Rev. Francisco , . C. Bettencourt-
Rt. Rev. Raymond T. Considine
Rt. Rev. John J. Kelly
Rt. Rev. M. P. I.. eonidas Lariviere
The Most Reverend Bishop ~nnounced today that His Holiness, Pope john XXIII, has been pleased to raise four priests. of the Diocese to the dignity of Domestic Prel~tes with the title of Right Reverend Monsignor. The four new prelates are Rt. Rev. FrancIsco C. Bettencourt, pastor of Santo C.hristo Church, Fall River, Rt.. Rev. Raymond T..Considine, pastor of St. William's Chur~h, Fall River, and Diocesan Director, of the Propagation of the Faith
IF····A~~t~ 'F~? ····'1
Society, Rt. Rev. John J. Kelly, . pastor .of SS. Peter' and Paul Church, Fall River, and Rt. Rev. M. P~ Leonidas Lariviere, pastor' of St. John the Baptist Ch4rch, Fall River. The title, pomestic Prelate, is an honorary distinction conferr.ed by the Hqly ~ee on clergy in any part of the world. The recipient is thereby co~stituted a member of the Pontifical Family with cer'tain ornamental privileges.· .Turn to Page Thirteel:l
For the past few months there's been a fix in-the. making that makes the TV Quiz Show scandal pale by comparison. It is the "Population Explosion" shenanigan, now going on. The papers are full of it. New's Digests have taken up the cry. Life magazine has honored the subject with .a lot of sanctimonious platitudes.. And Television has dis- . An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-:--ST. PAuL tracted its. devotees from wee hours in the morning r till late at, night with monotonously· one-sided interviews ,in . . which British experts, shrouded .in the mantle of distinFall River, Masso Thurs,day,. Deco 3~ 1959 guished graridparents, prophesy lugubriously the lack of ,'~ PRICE IOc ' foot room, npt to say luxury in 'the world, uJ).less. more Vol. 3, Noo 4 9 , © 1959 The Anchor ,,$4.00 pe,Y_ advanced people, do ..something about it. ,Doing something Second Clua Mail Prl,.lIqea A"th'ori"ed at Fan, Rlnr, M...... -'.'. ' • might reasonably reach a point, according to one of these social-minded sages, of denying sustenance to all benighted . races refusing to conform; . 'Some, who count noses in place of. principles, have piously alleged that the record of Catholics in the matter of birth· control is not' too' conformist. Perhaps they are flattered to find some of ours i~ their camp. But t.he WASHINGTON (NC)-Birth prevention programs in ,conjunction with the so-calleq. world population explosion. Bishop CoilI~olly, has' an- exception is not the rule. situation have been condemned In a statement.issiled on ·nounced .that he has contri- ., . Catholic judgment on the whole matter of race suicide behalf of the United States Bishops. Released on behalf of buted $50,000 to the general' versus population explosion can be discovered in the recent t· J ' f u n d Of the Bishop Feehan statement of Bishops, which got scant notice in the secular the hierarchy by the re Ir"Never should we' allow the. 'High School Drive,. bringing the ing Administrative Board of unilateral. 'guesstimates' 0 flatest total ,to $IJ94,049.90. Since press. Many,' if they noticed it at all, were sure to sandwich the National Catholic WeI;. special pleaders to stampede .or the last report, three more par- a few honest quotes with a full chorus of sniping opposition. fare Conference, the state- terrQrize the United States intoishes·in'·the· campa'ign 'area have So fairly unanimous was the policy .that I; ior one, wonder " '.. ment declares "our intention is to a national or internatipnalpol_ 'reached theIr' qu'ota: The goal how or why. '. reaffirm 'the position of the icy inimical to hu~an dignity," :of ihedri:ve .is $1,225;000. , One wonders also who' is picking up the tab for. 'this Catholic Church that the only the: statement saId., '~Fo! .. th~ .' o Jofning 'Sacred ,Heart Parish, true solutions are those tJtat are adoption of the m,orally obJecNo.: Attle'boro :a'rid ·'St.,. Mary's whole operation., Could it be the. purveyors of pills,· and morally acceptable under the tionable means adyocate~ to Parish" .Norton,·in'" reaching ,pastes;, ;and: other' ,"laboe'-~a:vi~g devices?"The:v. certainly natural law of God." Turn to PageTliree . their .quota -are St.~Ma:ry's, ,No. . stand to rake in a pretty pile if Uncle Sam lJ~derwrites the ' . , 'Attleboro, St.' Joseph's and St•. whole deal. . ' . : :; Of one thing, we .can' be sure. This· ·isl no accidental, spontaneous flurry. ,It 'has been 'pretty "well engineered. du'cted the' meetirig .during It has ~botlt it the :flavor.6f Madison Avenue. which the new'totals were .: It is a . ~liclr propaganda deat ' ·First .the scare head. The Most Reverend Bishop' celebrated aPoIitifical. . Turn io Pag~, Eij:'pteen, Then . the parade of ailthorities,· mostly imported from Requiem Mass yesterday morning in St. Roch's Ch.urch~. ~Ie'w Britain.. ' Then-the business ·of statistics and forecas~s. Fall River, for the repose. of the soul of t~e )a.te,R,ev... , J"'IIIIIIII ,.' '. " . ' . Then 'the lining up' of, distinguished spiritual guides on the ;Ad~ien A. Gauthier, pastor of St. Roch's' ~a~i~h,f?~ t~e, sidEi· of righteousness and progress. ' pa.st 26 years, and brother Alfred J. E, Bonneau' and Rt. . o~. . Then the quiet t~eatment for, those' that take excep~ion, Of Rev. Alphonse E. 'Gaut- Rev. John A.: Silvja., . '. " c ~ Archbishop, Egi4io ,: Vag-. hier pastor of Sacred Heart Deacon~ of the 'Mass wasR~v.· nozzi, Apostolic Delegate~o: whetner th'ey be scientists who believe in solving problems chu~ch New Bedford. Rene G.Gauthier ~nd SUJ:>.dea- the United States anno.uJ).ce~ rather than eliminating the evidence" or church men who .'. M con was ·Rev. Arthur C. Levesh t p' J h prefer to be guided by conscience' and a sense of responsiASSIstant PrIest of the ass ue. Acol tes were Rev: Antho- yest.erday t a ,ope' 0 n was Rt. Rev. Humberto S. Me- q M Go~es and Rev 'Raymond XXIII has. filled the 'vacant Sees bility for want, wherever it exists. Then, there is the deiros, Diocesan Chancellor, and ny . . . 't . of Manchester, N:H., and Norappeal to politics~ ' . . D eacons of Honor were Rt. Rev. Turn to Page Seven e~n . h Co n ' WIC, n., , , , It this i,sn't a fix,' cleverly designed, and crueJIy carried · h In N··ew .Beor. 'd f 'd" chester I App'ointed to the See o.f, ManH o Iy N ame Parls out; I should like to be snown. Perhaps, someday, some one is Rt. Rev. Msgr. Ernest with a delicate sense that has been shOCked' and offended Ob J. Primeau, a priest of the Arch'" ans G0' en Ub I ee servance diocese Of Chicago, who for the will'smeil the whole' thing out. But I want the faithful of By Avis Roberts. Turn to Page Seven the 'Fall River Diocese to read for themselves the.Bishops Parishioners and former parishioners of. Holy N,alI!e Statement as printed in this issue, and judge if it has had Church, New Bedford, are invited to a homecoming pa!ty Holy Dqy . fair treatment in the local press. . , Wednesday, Dec. 9 at the parish hall, Coun~y and· Studley 'Monday, the Vigil of the. Streets. The affair is in conjunction with the church's celeImmaCUlate Conce'ption, is a .. .clay of. complet~ abstinence bration of its 50t~ anniver- James L. Connolly, ,P,P., , bishop 'arid fast. '. sary.. High 'point of the of,' Faij Riv~r, Wi~,. celebrate· a" . Tuesday, the Feast. 'of the observation will be Sunday, Pontifical ~ass; at Holy.. Name.· Immaculate Conception, iaa .Bishop 'of ';River· ' , . ..' Dec.: 6 when. the Most Rev. Tum. to PalreFifteen ..... ,_H\)I,day !f,Obligatioil;' " ..
·Att.leb(jro .'
Natural Law Guides· Campaign Population· Growth N.ears .Ton r
Bishop Celebrates Req~;iem '.' Th;:~::'S'E~~~r~n t:t~~~~r~on_ '. Fr. Ad· h·' For ·rlen Gaut,le;r ~m.Bi,.shops
F' Two. Sees
. ';.. " " ;
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,r>cZ~ ~an
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fClIIRiver-Thurs., Dec. 3, 1959.~. '.
Mass Ordo
FRIDAY-St. Peter Chrysolog-. Bishop, Confessor and DoctOl' of the Church. Double. White. Mass' Proper; Gloria; Second Collect of Sunday; Third Collect St. Barbara, Virgia "and Martyr; Common Prefac.. Votive Mass in honor of the sacred Heart of Jesus pe.. mitted. Tomorrow is the fir.86 Saturday of the Month.
Pope' as Nuncio to France Onc:'e Forgot Inviting People to Dinner PARIS (NC)-When he was meal needed for polenta, a thick Apostolic Nuncio to France, porridge of broth and meal. Pope John XXIII' once forgot Another Roncalli item in the he had invited some VIPs to . book recalls his constant- browsdinner, and so got the first guest ing at the staps of the secondwho arrived to help him prepare h~nd" book dealers. along the the meal. banks of the Seine; Once he ' mCI . 'den t 'IS revea1e d in a made a rare _discovery-a 15th. Th IS · bl' h d b k "J h century manuscript concermng new1y pu IS e 00, 0 n h' b I d t· ·d'· f X-:XIII, Pastor of the World." IS e ove na Ive. l~cese 0 . d f d t t'b Bergamo. But he couldn t afford Compose 0 anec 0 es con rl - -'t uted by writers in various c.oun- I . tries where Pope John has lived ~he deo~lers. ~~er~upon .found . or visited, it was compiled by a rIch Itahan h~ng ~n Pans who Pietro Ambrogiani. bought the manuscrIpt and pre. sented it to the Nuncio. It was The episode of the dinner said to be 'one of the great joys _given by the Pope-th~n Arch- in Archbishop Roncalli's life. bishop Angelo Roncalh, goes as follows:' . ~
SATURDAY-Mass of .the previous Sunday. Simple. Violet. Mass Proper; No Gloria; Second Collect St. Sabbas, Abbot and Confessor; Common P r . aCe•
SUNDAY-II Sunday of Advent. Double of I Class. Violet. MaS8 Proper; No Gloria; Creedl Preface of Trinity.
'-Warns of Reds In,.. Puerto Rico
. MQNDAY~St. Ambrose, Bishop'·. Confessor and Doctor of the' Church. Double~ White. Masa PAN AMERICAN MASS': Archbishop Egidio VagnozzV 'Proper;'Gloria; Second Col1~Ct of'~Sunday; Greed; Common" JVAN, (NC) -,. A Apostolic Delegate to the United States arrives at historic: :·Preface.· .. warning ,that Puerto Rico., St. ;Patrick's'Church in Washington, to pontificate at. the ,.' m~y .~ecorne, a·center·for: . annual-Pan American Mass; which ha§ .been-.celebratedevery TUESDAY - Immaculate Coa-:",. ception of· the. Blessed Vj.rgiA·. dist'rib~:tion,.· of. commu,nist;,! >, Thanksgiving'Day?fo~ the past 50 years. Chief' Justice Earl ~ary. Double· of I Class...· pr(?!:)a~a,~da,.for. Lati ll Ame~!Ca .. Warren of the U. S'. Supreme Court and, Mrs; WB:rren, right,White. Mass Proper; Glori~ h~s been VOIced here by !~vmg headed -th'e group of government officials present. NC Photo.. Second . Collect of Sunday; FIshman, a New York customs - . . . Creed; Preface of Blessed Virgin. Holy Day of Obligabefore aU. S. House tion. of'Representatives Un-American Activities' subcommittee, Mr. WEDNESDAY-Mass of the pre-: Fishman: disclosed that thou'" ,ROME (NC) --:- The telegram mosphere.. .vious Sunday. Simple. Viole\, san:ds- of packages of Red propa,o:. fr.om th_e Lourdes Medical Bu-· -' The PaulistFathers took over' 'Mass Proper; No Gloria; Com,;; . ganda material come into Puerto· reau, read: Santa Susanna's in·1922. Today' 'mon Preface. .;,' Rico from a communist controlPI~ase meet blind American. it has about 350 American fam"- (. center i~ Mexico. He estimated'" . gi~l-, arriving Rome's train sta" ili~s among its parishi?ners, -!"n· THURSDAY-Mass 'of the .pre- ; vious Sunday. Simple; Violet,•. that 200,000 such packages are' tion on ninth or tenth around estimated 7,500 Amencans hve Mass Proper; No Gloria; Sec.received monthly at ·the Mexi-' midnight. - in Rome today, o~ ..which perond' Collect St. Melchiades" can 'control center. . ' . No . other information was haps 1,?OO.are Rel,lglOUS. f' .Pope . and Martyr; Com~9D Convincing Evidence given." But Father James' P; Santa Susanna s . has - ~y~ ·Preface. Mr. Fishman, who said that Cunningham, C.S.P.,· pastor of scheduled Masses dal1~ and 10 . Customs and Post Office Of-Sarita' Susanna's the church for on. Sundays. . ConfessIons . ar~ ~gio., of Decency''ficials examine every piece of AniericanCath~lics in' Rome, h~lird in the. ~o.rning and evecommunist propaganda 'which" and his. parishioners went to" nmg. Catechls~ cla,sses are con-: The following films are to be comes into and leaves the United: work to help a person none of ducted at a prlvllte, non-Cath-. add~ to,the list in their respecStates, 'also told the 'legislators' them had seen. . olic school in Rome. A circula- tive classifications: that the communist material. . tion library of about 4,000· vol_ Unobjectionable for Gener" finds -its way into the' universiFather Cunnmgham arr~nged urnes is maintained by the ladies ties .and colleges of Caribbean room. and ~oard for }he gIrl at guild I which has about 50 mem- Patronage-Ben Hur. Unobjectionable for Adults and a convent m Rome. Mrs. Um- - b ~. ·area countrIes. berto Tine was to patrol the staers. U Adolescents-Flying Fountaines. The tradition. . al Th an k sglvmg . . Congressman William M. Tuck tion .from 10 P. M. to 1 A. M. A Unobject~onable for AdultsDE S MOINE.S. (NC)- n of Virginia, who heads the sub- 'looking for the girl. The girl Day Mass' in Rome was, cel- Goliath .and the Barbariantl Iow~., law banning Sunday . committee investigation,said finally arrived about 11 :30 on ebrated at Santa Susanna's OIl (classification predicted upon. auto sales has been declared" . "new and convincing evidence the ninth and was givEln a warm Nov. 26. ;revised version of the film.) constitutional by ·Judge Rob- . regarding the problem of com" ' welCome .and driven to the conert D. 'Jackson in Polk County ,mun~st. pr<;>paganda" had. be~n. vent where she is to stay while Chaplains' Retreat Distridt .Court. . found .!l.s a resul!of'1;he inv~sti- in,Rom~,' " \ , SEOUL (NC) - Sixteen CatJi-' . . . ·gation. .... . " . '. .. olie chaplains of the U. S. Eigh·ti!' The judge dismissed a suit 'While the investigatio,n was.i~ ",~. World Apart in :Korea have made ttieiibrought l>y seven used,car deal':' progreSs, a' group. of. Puerto. Q!l,: ~no~her occasion a rather Army annual retreat --at the Eighth"eri; who asked the court to nul- Rican' communists, .nationalists., fraiiilc' person . phoned t~e' J~~ph A. Charpentier lifyth~ law on the ground - it and, independents picketed ·.the . church's office. The call was Army Retreat Center near here. Reg. Pharm. Father RowlandMaher, C.P., ~ dis~iiminates a'gainst a legiti-_ Federaf' Building where the . from a' visitor to 'Rome who 'TEL WY 6-0772 Chicago was retreat mas~er. . mate business' operation on - hearings' were held. .. asked; "Do you have American PRESCRIPTIONS Sunday. ' . Refuse- to Testily .' plumbing?". jI "; . "1962 ACUSHNET AVE. Jupge.·Jackson upheld the· Seventeen' Puerto Ricans re:In a special way Santa ' . ~" NEW BEDFORD legislative' explanation of the, put~dto be· ~embers of the,c Susanna's is a world apart from', ~ . .~ bill which stated it is "to pro- Communist party were called the bustle of Rome. Many , . ,~ tect the public from·the hazards before the investigators. Rep:" Americans, both residents arid : You'Have :' of driving. in Sunday's highly Tuck Said 11 of th.e 17 will be" visitors, often turn to the church . , . , congested traffic (from) unsafe· cite'd' for' contempt as a result and 'its staff for help. :Qut, above . -;, WAN·.~~ cars purchased from dealers on of refusal. to testify. - all, it is the parish church' of • ; Sunday when mechanics are not Jose Enamorado Cuesta, one Americans in Rome, and it has a Funeral Dome on duty." The legislative ex- witness, refused to 'answer 36 'distinctly American parish at~ -Insurance Agency ~ 550 Locust St. planation; attached to the bill ill questions which dealt with. his , ~ Fall River. Mass. the .House ,of ~epresentatives, - ,recent trip to Russia. Customs 'National Office ~ 54 PLEASANT STREET ~ OS 2-2391 also noted the unavailability, in 'officiais d1isclosed -they confisCHICAGO (NC) _ Cardinal~ NORTH-AnLEBORO ~ some cases, of liability insurance. cated 'diary" in which the , Rose E. Sullivan., on Sundays: " . ' , :.: - 'witness wrote that he is likely designate Albert G. Meyer said , TEL MYrtle 9-8231 .~ Jeffrey E. ,sullivan , R'lcan a national office of .the U. S. d' ;;. ,. Public Intere.st to be "the first Puerto .. .~ . , Bis~ops' Committee for Migrant Ju4g~·.Jacksons~id he. did not . -;.~ntort .. 8 missi?n"pre~uinably .. Workers will be established here quespo~.,th~ dealers': testimony_ " IOtO L.~bn ,A~erIc~ on b,ehalfo.f , soon.' Its chief function will be BONNER' .fLOWERS ' " that ~~~r: ~epaii:ed.. cars ,befo~e. , ;the.. c~m.mumsts. . ) _ . . . '.. ,~to .en~ourage efforts. to care for Specmli8tB in ·offer1?B:~h~~,.for~sale: ;Howe~~r,,;:-:_·- . i\,t_ the. clo~ .o~, the ~earmg,s" ," the spiritual needs of migrant. F~neral he~stated, "the fact sbll'remallis ' Rep. Tuck. saId.. It has always it Special FlorGl Arrangementa . from the'testimony 'offered that been ~.~ p~sition of this ~o~-,' wor er~ .. Helen Aubertine Brciugh '. prospective buyers prefer to mi~tee . tha~ our. laws. should be ... IIIiI ~-. . . ' . Funerals _. Corsages _.'- O~er and Dlre'ctor . have; the cars checked· by me-. ,stre~gtp~!'ied~ri order to differ;"_ . • Weddings • Hospital SpClC(OUS ~arking Area thanics -of their- own choosing· ep.tiafe· the' 'poisonqus propa- . '2082 Robes~n St.. Ind this 'cannot, be done on -days ganda of communism in the WY 2-2957 F~II River OS 5-78~ . when mechanics are not. at same way the laws establish that . 129 AileD St. New Bedford work." poisonous' drugs should be la-" beled as ,such before being' . .,' pla~ed on the market." '. " fORTY,- HOURS '" Commercial • Industrial 'DEVOTION Mother Seton CaUSE .. ,. Institutional FUNERAL HOME, INC• Of"' ° -- '. . ' Painting and Decorating . FUNERAL-HOME Dec. 6-St. AnthOny of Padearer eat! Icatlon R. Marcel Roy - C. Lorraine R~ . 986.Plymouth Avenue ROll'!r . LaFrance lua, Fall River." . VATICAN crtY (NC) -':"-The 135 Franklin Street Fall River, Mass. St/·1VIary,Fliirhaven. " cap~e of Mother Elizabeth Seton, F II R' O.Sborne 2-1911 - FUNERAL DIRECTORS ", . . Tel. 05,3:2271.' Dec; l3-0ur Lady of Health, who may become ,the,fir.st U. S''';'. " ,a Iver , .,,' DAt~lIEl.:·(;. HARRINGTON ".u, Fall' River: . " " ;., ' born saint, hasmo:ved' a" step'" 1;. ". • _,;.' ;" 15 IRVINGTON ,CT. .' "...';;censec•. Funeral' Director" , St. Anthony's' Convent, closer to beMificatic;iD. :" . ' : ' " ~,:;' i,1.J' .:\ ('. NEW BEDFORD. .. and .. Registered Embalmer " Fall River. . The investiglltion"- into th€':'" . Yi,Y ,5~7~~O . MAILING Dec. '20 :"""", St. touis, Fall, he'f.9~C quality of,her.vi5tu,e~ ~t!~i' ':,.',' . ,',. . . River. _. , ' successfully passed ffi,·the 'pre,,:'.!'....- :.:981, COUNTY STREET , . . - - - - - - -.....- - - - -....... ,. St, 'Helena's Convent;'F~ll·.· paf:!ltory assembly of the cardiNEW BEDFORD ':: 0 1 ROU E - ." -. D~D~·:$OLLIVAN . ,.River: ' . nal~;1 prelates and consultors of • •"". . ., - . .~. . . . . I:~ ..-'·" •••Fu".·n·-.'..·.e"·"-a./,'H·ome·. .'.:'.,' '., ' · 1 Ci'. '._ '-" . . .,:; • . ',,' pec~r,27"'-,St.;Bernaid,Assonet l • ··'the:-. Sacl'ed" ACongtegation.': ~of,~ III ii., St. l'4ary's. Home,.New Rites.' ,. 571 Second St. . '-.' 11 ' "" Bedford. Th'is has brought the' cause,·of·. Fail River, Mass. 469 .LOCUST STREET ....~_~--__~...-__~...,Il -, .the;:Protestant convert who be- llillliilillllil .. ' .' 0'.,$..' 9~607'2'.' FALL RIVER, MASS. ' '''I'BE' ANCHOR" ,-... . "cam'e thcf·foun"dress 'of the Sisters 23:4' SECOND' STREET' ,....... : . "~ Second-el,!"" mall privileg"'! ... uthorlz~ .,.,.of¢harity in the U. S,; onl~,p'n~. '.> FALL RIVER . ,; M1CHAEL.J.McMAHON... :". ',.'_ ·J:9S-.2~3381 ~u~d~ ~~ve:io ~~hla:ci'bX~:~~e"~~ step from the day when she 'may·· ' ~. ·.licensed Funeral Director" », Wilfred C. James E.' R!vl'~.Mass.• by t~e Catholic Press of the be:~declared "venerable," posI Registered Embalmer' ".' ". DriscoU . Sullivan, M.,i DIocese of Fall RIver. Subscription price sib;':' in DecembeJ:. PRINTING
Francisque Gay, leading pub-' lis~er; postwar Deputy Pr~.mier" at:ld, later French Ambassador to Carm.da" !lrriyes .at the nuncia_, tur{l, "I can't tell Your Excellency _ how· much I appreciate the kind invitation to 'dinner," he'exclaims to' the Nuncio. ~ The "papal diplomat is taJten aback. Then a cry: "Mon Dieu, I had forgotten!" "It doesn't matter to, me, Excellency. But what' about the othel' guests?" The' Nuncio thinks of the imminently arriving VIPs'ariio'ngthem a Brazilian bishoppassing through Paris-and mops his brow. Mix~s Polenta . "<;:ome quickly!" he 'tells Francisque Gay, leading him to the kitchen. "Here, put on this white. apron. You have to help. me. make polenta.", T1J.e .future Pope thereupon starte4 mixing up the chestnut
-: a Cou'rt Bans low S nday Sa'I es
Church' for American Catholics In R-ome Gets Many' Requests'
. .
p ,otect. - ... , .
. N '.,' , B' .
bJ' mail, postpaid $4.00 per·YenL
. "'!.
'Bishops Reaffirm Church's Position
THE ANCHORDec. 3, 1959
Continued from Page One Experts are not in agreement Iorestall the so-called populaon the exact meaning of a "poption explosion may backfire on ulation explosion," the statement the human race. said. The Bishops declared "it The statement, titHed "Explowould seem that if the predictors .ion or Backfire?," noted that ,NOTRE DAME (NC)-About of population explosion wish to for years a propaganda campaign 250 Midwest collegians will conavail themselves of the right to has been gaining momentum to verge on the University of Notre foretell population increases, influence international, national Dame campus tomorrow for the they must concede the right to and personal opinion in favor of predict production increases of ' 7th annual Advent Symposium. birth prevention programs. "The Student and the World food as welL as of employment "The vehicle for this propaMission" will be the theme of and educational opportunities." ganda is the recently coined the meeting sponsored by the However, the Bishops noted, terror technique phrase, 'popuNational Catholic Action Study to speak of a population explolation explosion.' The phrase, , Bureau of the National Federasion in the United States with its indeed, alerts all to the attention tion of Catholic College Stu"land banks" is' the "sheerest that must be given to population dents. kind of nonsense." . pressures, but it also provides a A series of addresses and disDi'sastrous Approach amoke screen behind which. a cussions will explore the, purThe position of- U. S. Catholics moral evil may be foisted on pose of the layman in the spread the public 'and for obscuring the regarding the growing, needy of the Faith. Included will be population is realistic and ·well many factors that must be condetailed information on the grounded in natural law, the .idered in this vital question," practical workings of the misBishops said. They added that the Bishops said. sions. "it should be made clear" that Will of God Edward Kirchener, director of The Bishops deplored the the natural law "is not the law AN'OUTSTANDING THEOLOGIAN: Francis Cardinal the Association for International of the jungle, as someti'mes erpresent attempt of some' repreDevelopment training program Spellman, Archbishop of New York, presents the annual for :aentatives .of Christi~ul' bodies roneously supposed." U. S; Cathlay missionaries,' Paterson. :"to elaborate the plim .into a· olics believe that "the' goods of Cardinal Spellman Award of the Catholic' Theological sO- N: J., will keynote the session. ciety of America to Father Juniper B. Carol, O.F.M.,' of with an address- tomorrow.. ·theological doctrine which en- .the earth were created by God ..isages artificial birth preven- for the use of all men and that PaterRon, at the Franciscan Holy Name College in Washingmen should not be arbitrarily tion within the married, state as ton. Father Carol is founder and secretary 'of the MariO- development of extensive education and new distributioft tailored to fit a niggling and the 'will of God.''' , logica\ Society of America. NC Photo. methods and for the elimination : There is "abundant evidence" , static image of what they are I , of. apathy, greed and superstientitled to, as conceived by those of a systematic, concerted effort aid «;Ir by means of international , Psychological" .' tion. , who are more fortunate, greedy to con.vince U. S. public opinion, organizations. " . or lazY,'1 the statement i:;aid. The Soviets in their wooing / Such. a.'rguments ~erely be« legislators and' policy' makers The fundamental reason for of economically underdeveloped . the. questIOn, f?r the Implementhat "Federal agencies as well as "United States Catholics bethis position is the well considcountries do not press artificial ,tatlOn of their ~wn program 'international bodies 'should prolieve that the promotion of artiered objection to promoting a birth prevention, propaganda on demands t?~ fulfillment of the ..ide public funds and, support ficial birth prevention is a mormoral evil-an objection not them as a remedy for their ills. same conditions. It seems ~ever in promoting artificial birth ally, humanly, psychologically founded solely on any typically Rather. they allure them into to dawn on them that m a eontrol for economically under:and politically disastrous apor exclusively Catholic doctrine, the communist orbit by offeHng ,chronic condition where we developed countries, 'the state.;.-, proach to the population probbut on th.e natural law and on education loans technical ashave more people than food. ment said. lem," the statement asserted. basic ethical considerations. sistahce ~nd tr~de, and they .the logical answer would be, However, quite apart from .boast that their economic sysnot to decreas: the number of the moral issue, there are other tern is able to use human bepeople but to Increase the food cogent reasons why Catholics For the past several years a ings, ',in constructive work and sup'ply which is almost unlimhypothetical "population explowould not wish to see any officampaign of propaganda has sio,n." Experts, however, have to meet all their needs. ,ited in polential. , cial support or even favor given, been gaining momentum to in:- 'not yet· reached agreement on , . ' ' We make these observation. .such sp~cious method~' of "as- , Th: RUSSian delega.te to the to 'direct attention. to the very fluence international, national, the exact me~ning of this phrase. sistance." rel~tIvelY. r:cent meetIng of the real problem of population presand .personal opinion in favor' o'f 'It isstill a hypothesis that must U~llt:d Nations. Eco,nomic Com- ·sures. Such remarks are not birth prevention programs. The 'stand the test of ,science. S~cial miSSIOn on. ASia ,~nd ~he, Far intended to exhaust this comvehicle for this propaganda' is Man himself is the most valYet, pessimistic population E:~t r:roclalmed, .Th~ ke~ ~o plex subject, nor to discourage the recently coined tel:ror techuable productive agent. Therep .g ss does not l~emalIml.-.demographers.economists.ag_ nique phrase, "population ex- ·predictors seizing on the popular fore economic develop'ment and tat~o~ . ·of pop~latIon through ricultural experts and political .ion." The phrase, 'indeed, 'acceptance of the' phrase,' take progress are best promoted by artifiCial r:ductIon of the birth, 'scientists in their endeavors to must be given to population little account of economic, social creating conditions favorable to 'rate, but m the speedy defeat 'solve the problem. and cultural facto~s and, changes. pressures, but it also provides his highest development. Such of the economic backwardness Rather our intention is to NI• smoke screen behind which Ii ' Moreover, it would seem' that if progress implies giscipline, selfthe predictors of population ex- ' of these countries." affirm the position of the Cath'moral evil may be foisted on control and the disposition to Hypocritical Lies olic Church that the only true the public and for obscuring the ,plosion wish, to avail themselves postpone present satisfactions many factors that must be con- ,of the right to foretell'population The communist record of consolutions are' those that are morfor future gains., The wide'increases, they must.concede the lidered in this vital question. ally acceptable under the natural spr,ead use of contraceptives, ,tempt for the value of human right to predict production inlife' gives lie to this hypolaw of God. ~ever sh~uld e would hinder rather than pro-, Simply Not True creases of food as well as of e'm,critical propaganda, but to allow" the, unIl~teral guesshmote the acquisition .of theSe ploynitmt and. educationai oppeoples aspiring to economic mates of speCial pleaders to More alarming is the present qualities needed for the social portunities. ' . development and political status, stampe~e or terro~ize the ~nited attempt of some representatives , . arid economic changes in undbr:' ,the, deceit is not immediately Sta~es Into ~ na~l~n~1 or mterof Christian bodies who endeavdev~loped countries. " Crea ted by ~d evident. Confronted on the one national policy lDlmlcal to huor to elaborate the plan into Immigration ,I, haria by the prospect of achievman di~nity. F?r t?e adoption of a theological doctrine which en- - The position of United States Immigration and erpigration 'ing their goals without sacrificCatholics' to 'the growing' and the morally obJectionable meaDl ..isages artificial birth prevenneedy population of the world ,-eveft Within the same country ing natural fertility and on the advocated to .forestall .the BOtion within the married ,state is a realistic one. which is -have their role to play in other by the insistence that recalled. ,?opulatIon explOSIOn maJ' u the "will of God." solving the population problen-;. grounded in the natural law ducirig natural fertility is essenbac~flre on the huma~ ~ace. Strangely too, simply because It has been said that migration (which, it should be made clear, tial"to the achievement of such Signed by the retll'lng Adof these efforts and with callous to other countries is no ultimate '. is, not the law of the jungle, as goals, how could .these peoples minist~ative Board, National' disregard of the thinking of hunsolution' because of difficulties sometimes erroneously sup'" be.'reasonably expected to reject ,~atholIc Welfare Co.nference, dreds of millions of Christians of absorbing populations lnto posed) and in ·respect for' the communism? lD the name of the Bishops of and others who reject the posiother economies. . the United States. human person, his origin, freeYet, the prophets of "population, some international and naBut it is a matter of record dom, responsibility a!1d destiny. tion explosion" in allegi\1g that tional .figures have made the that migration ha's helped as a They believe that the goods of contraception will thwart comstatement that artificial birth solution. Sixty million people the earth were created by God prevention within the married migrated, successfully from Eu- munism naively emphasize its for the use of all men and that state is gradually becoming acrope to the Americas in the last specious attractiveness in these men should 'not be arbitrarily \ ceptable even in the Catholic 1'50 years. When the nomadic areas. tailored to fit a niggling and Church. This is simply not true. 'Indians' ,roamed the uncultivated static image of 'what they are Food-Agriculture plains of North America before entitled to, as conceived by Motives-Intentions United States Catholics do not the codJirig of these immigrants; ,'tbose who are more fortunate, wish to ignore or minimize the the entire country with its esti.The perennial teaching of the ,greedy or lazy. mated Indian population-of only' problem of population pressure, Catholic Church has dis'tin- I The thus far hidden reser-voirs 500,000 and its shortage of food, I but they do deplore the studious ,guished artificial birth prevenof science :ind of the earth unwould have been regarded' as' omission of 'adequate reference tion, which is a frustration of questionably will be uncovered \ "overpopulated" according to' to the role of modern agriculture SEI THESI the marital act, from other in this' era of, marvels and the norms of the exponents 'of in food production. The "populaforms of control of birth which offered to humanity by dediPlanned Parenthood. tion explosion" alarmists do not ~TCHEN M ~ are. morally permissible. Method cated persons with faith in manplace, in proper focus the idea' Yet, the same plains today are alone, however, is not the only kind, and not by those seeking of increasing the acreage or the . , being retired into a "land bank" question inv,olveci. short cuts to comfort at the exacreage yield to meet the food' KITCH'ENS because they are,overproductive , Equally important is the sinpense of the heritage of their demands of an increasing popuin a land of 175 millions. It is cere and objective examination of friendly wood' own or other peoples. therefore, apparent that to'speak lation. of the motives and intentions of By' hysterical terrorism and of a population explosion in the the couples involved, in v'iew Warm and 'companionable, DisaStrous Approach United: States in these circumbland misrepresentation of data 'many work-saving convenience. ef the nature 'of the - marriage United States Catholics be~ stances is the sheerest kind of they dismiss these ideas as reeontract itself. As ,long' as due ... in new NATURAL FINISH. lieve that the promotion of arnonsense. quiring too much time for the ' .. choice o~ lovely colora. reco'g'nition is not given to tificial 'birth preve'htion is a these fundamental questions, Send c~p,on for colorful b0ok.morally, hlJmanly, psychologithere can be no genuine 'underlet ihowlng, new model kitcheD&. cally and politically' disastrous .tanding of the problem. approach to the population Mall Co...... Today' Catchy Phrase ; problem. Not only is such an approach ineffective in its, own ~---~-----~--• At the present time', too, thQre is abundant evidence of a . 'aims, but it spurns the basis .: .' .Ystema tic, ., concerted effort; to 'of the real solution, sustained eff.ort iri a' sense of hurriati eonvince' .UnW~d States' public sOlidarity. '~" ~ epinioh,' legislators and 'policy makers that United States ,naCatholics'" are prepared to' : Middleborq, Road, Route II • BANQUETS • ,WEDDINGS • PARTIES tional agencies" as well' as indedic~te themselves to this , EAST FREETOWN ternational bodies, should' proeffort, 'a~ready so prorriisingly • COMMUNION BREAKFASTS ..ide with public funds arid supinitiated in national and,'inter," port, ,assistance in promoting national circi~s,. They wiii rio~, - plctW... a "-ocIeI a. -.I 1343 .PL~ASANT ST. FALL RIVER i ........ ....... wit.. of _ . o d e l . . artificial birth prevention for however~ support any i>libIic economically' , underdeveloped ,assistance;' , either ' at ' home or OSborne 3-7780 I·.......·· " eountdes. , abroad to promote artificial birth The alleged purpose, as al- prevention, abortion or steril.lleady remarked, is to prevent a , WitioR whether through direct
Advent Meeting At Notre Dame
Text of Bishops Statelnent
'Lumber ·Co. Inc.
r.=~=~=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;J l
---THE ANCHOR....,Diocese· ,of'fidll tRiver-fThurs., (Dec.~, :1\959
,P'ontiffAp'proves Drive·,in :C~hurch
cSo,cidl ID\e,mDC~ltats R~ptldia'te ,Maf)x iM'an'iilestD J~y
BELLUNO, (NC) Italy'w first drive-in ,church is being .,built near :this 'yacation ,centeJ' in 'the .Dolomite :mo.untains,with ·~the [blessing'o£ .Pope John XXIIL
'M&gr.·, George 'G. :'Hjggins
Director :NC:W.C ,Social. fAction 'D~par.tment' The church, dedicated to ·Our , Karl ,Marx1sCommunist Manifesto,' the 'Ihible" iof Laqyof ,the 'H~hway, js situ'classical'socialism, was :published in, 1849. One hundl:ed ;and ated,by .the side of .a major ten yearslatel'.it has Inow been ~ojjficiaUY repudiated, for road .running thrOl.\gb ,the mountain ,hamlet ,of .Cavarzano. When ,a:ll ~practical purposes, by the German Social Demom:a:tic completed, it will be ,circular in :Party. ~he 'imp'ortance :(jf is estill .unprepared to ' \ ·espouse form and walled with transparthis latter development. tde-,the ,cause ',Of religious :{reedom ,ent .glass., With .its broad prorives 'from the fact that ·the :and eto ,respect ,the tights (of ',the - jectiI\g roof and 150.,foot conical Genman ,Social Democratic !Church - including 'her right tower it willhaye .the shap,e' of .Rarty ,has ,been :traditionally to 'teach the moral law 'in ',the .the w.itch's .hatof t):"aditionaJ. .one ,of the leading exponents 'field :of ,socio-:economics - then :Halloweenillustrations. :of ,Marxist 80it is much ,too early to sa;y',that - 'The roof will 'shelteraboul the SPD has once and for .all :cialism. T'h·e, 1,500 cars. Drivers .andpas..SBD's .first four 'r{lpudiated the' Communist :Mansengers 'seated 'in Itheir <cars, will statements of' .ifesto.· be able to ·f01iow services :'l1o'r~ject :the 'e<iOnomic fphilos- ' poli<;:y ,the l Wrol.\gh the ,churclils ·glass- walls. 'ophy 'of'Katl 'Marx ~is, '6f :course, last /of \which t ,a 19Featstep ,forward .anti .one ~Qpe ,John was ~sent ,a mess~e \was .adopted in I, ,which calls for 'a rrol1siI1g 'cheer. ,to ,Bisho.pGjoacchino Muocin oOf r1925 : - .were t In the :final ,analy.sis, ,howe:ver, Feltr.e and BEillunQ, .aP.Pl~OV.ing ',based ,on the, .the ,economic' fallacies ,of clas,the IprQject.His ,letter ifinished C'o,m.mtum·i's t ( . OVER '·THE·lfl'OP: Bishop,Oonnolly'cOl1grattilates com<Manifesto. t 'sicat 'socialism 'have done :muCh twith <the ,w,oJtds: , mutlthelP.ai:~y' less ;harm Ithan Jhas :;i~s' ,aeepniitteemen of .two 'or :the overstibsciihoo :Attleboro .parishes ~-ay 'the ;moSt' ~oly V irgiD, "heHd ;a !special .-seateil '.Qp'position Ito ,OJ,tgariized 'in 'the Bishop 'Feehan Dr.ive. 'Left Ito Andrew,Chanoo:q, religion ,and to the values \for ,inv()ked under :this title, be ·St.'Theresa's, 1\:dela:rd 'Belletier, St. J'~o.sephts -.and Bishop Gcongress 'in l.the . ;whichreligion's.tands.. tPI'QPitio.us :to a'U1Tavelers and ,middle r6f ~No- -, <lConnolliY-. . ,suggest :to :them .'thought'S ciI. vember to bury its ,Mar-xist '" . lNe; ·Epoch ~oodness, charity and 'ChrlsfiaA rp3st. lFhe 'mew fBar~y {manifesto· ;In the -words .of the well ,known' :prudence;" .,depal:ts :from ,classical 'socialism .Jewish ,socidlqgist, "'w i1l'Her,beJ;g, Lin ·.several 'important Irespects, ''',the 'socialist :movement. <out. ',!but, ~above ,all, lin .its 'economic 'side 'of 'Britain, arose in -mod, '. ~principles.IItlcomestout.in'favor cern ·.ti~es ,as an antireligious... -WA:SHINGTON .(NC) -The ·ment "of .the ;report ,on ,the digcof ~ system ,o{;private ,.propenty -movement:" ;1959 'rElPor.tof the ;National Le- ,ures /gi:v:en tQY 'the ~legion ,on stbe ~and rpatliamental'Y (democraoy. 'Mr. 'HerbeI;g, 'wrltil1g :in··1'95~. )gion oJ Decem;y was ,a "signal .number (of ffilms ·it ~has xe.v.iewed nlhe standard ~Socialist ~denumil 'cautiouslypreilideti that 'we :endorsementof :the standards iii.· the wast ;year ;and the mow ,'for. the matiomHization :6f ;indus- 'were '..~qtetjl1g .an :entire!y -new · .of ;jiecem;y" maintained by ,the . evaluations it 'has given th1!m. iJtry has ~been'reduced ;to lthe ,epoch "in -"whiCh .a .reconcilia- 'American 'film industt:,y, .accord- The l{lgion 'said it -had ,retion ;between 'soCialism and 're'principle 'that '.'effective 'public 'iqg 'to 'Ken 'Clark~ vice-;president viewed 233 U.s.-.made movjes. (controls" ;ml1st 'prevent "misuse ~ligion ~may 'prove ,possible:" ,of 'the "Motion Picture :AssociaOfthes~, :about ,8!? .,pet ,ceat of the economy iby 'the' power'Let us. hQpe ,and ,praY· 'that ',tion 'of America, w.ho 'asserted wer.e 'classifieil as murally. ,00Z~t" . ~the SPD' will -make ,this predic\~at ,the 'l{lgion T~port "demonUion (come Itrue .as 'soon 'as JpOS'objectiona]jle 'for at 'least 'some 'South" ~Sea 'Sts. 'Rc:pu'dia'tes -Emphasis ,siDle 'at ;least in 'Western "Ger- ·strates" 'that there is ":no trend 'segmerit .6f 'the ;puolic. 'The.roe- \ .toward indecency in American.' 'Tel. BY ;8-:1 . .:Rerr Ollerihaeur, :SPD Chair- llIlany. 'mainder - "34 'films were ~:Ii.ya~nis :films/' .man, told .the :delegates ,to .the classified as "'H' (morallyObrHowe:v:er, ,the legion :Ileport in .recent ·emergency .conference ~of !jectionable in ,part tfor an). :No <Question :complains -that'~too near .Bonn .that public .owner'domestic ffilms <were I.placed an .'Mor.e :P(r.ie~ts J:many". recent films :hav.e "\fallen ,ship could,.be a.legitimate means ,the "e" ,(condensed.,) categor.y \belo,w ,acceptable standards." It ,LISBON (NC)-Manuel ~Car .of combatiI).g excessiv.e,and,antitby !the ;legion. IRI8~B.ON social concentrations of eco,.. ,dinal Goncalves ,CerejeH.t;a, iP,a- .. ,states ·thabmany .of ·.these lmo:v.ies ·,hav.e .received 'the ·'!appr.ovaI" .triarch· .of Lisbon, ,saYS' rhe .nomic .power .in the hands .of '''would'die nqp'py" ·if .the iPJi'ob- dif Ithe ·U. S. ffHm :industr·y. . big rbUsiness. r ~LAU'NDRY 'JJhe .report was submitted 'by Nety .significantly, ,howev.e~. lem of insufficientpriesU.y ,voca-. ( rBishop Jame~-A. iMcNulty :of tions is ·'Solvea. he .went ~on .to :rePudiate .the ( ':I'he Cardinal 'recalled I"when , ;P.aterson, ~N. 'OJ., ',to (the ;annual ~or~ginal ,Marxist ·.enwhasis (on r lmeeting 'of ,the 'U. ·S. ~ishQPs. ,nationalization ,as a .citre-.all .for the 'was ;nameii 'Patriarch .cif :Lisl ,In h.is :report, >.Bishop /McNulty (bon :·30 ~years ,ago .h€1toldRope the .ills of .economic .life."· 'NEW (BEDFORD ICE CRE~Mi .•declared that :many :recent <films, iP.ius >XI he '.would .build 'up ,the ·~It .is .uncontestable,"· he "said, [ lboth ,domestic and ifcnieign, :have :seminaIries. Today, 'he said, :the ''tthat pUl'e :nationalization .no LEO S. BERUBE, 'Mgr., l lvet .2~216 ,longer .solves cthe ,problem.of 'a iPl'oOlem .'Of ,well.,.sta:£fed. ;up~to .been '!.praisewortl).y rmorally, 951 Slade St. ~rreL .o~ .5-71136 '~rtistically :and :aesthetimilly;~' -date! semillflries.is ;almost·solved. ,maximum :increase.of producIHe :noted, :however, ,that ;al~tion .and .of .the indi~pensable 'Too :Many \Unacceptable ,pow.er ,to insure .the ·common ,though 278,diocesan,pJiiestslha.ve "!Nevertheless," 'he ..,coriti!1ued, "been tordained·lin ;the :patJiiarch- . "good." -«too ,many lfilms' have :faIren tbe': <ate in. thewast.25 'years, ~the :total ,F.riendly dHand ,number :has ijfrown ··from :320 .ito Ilow:acceptal:ile ,stanilards. lIt 'is The :full ttext of:the,new';SBD ,only .342 ,in :that :period. -r.Ilhe ,to lbe regl'etted tthat 'many ,6f the ;manifestois ·not :yet ,available ~.populationlhaS·Jinereaseil·by .Mlf ,morally I unacceptable lfilms, lproilin Ithis countr;Y'Consequently .'1 ra'millionfduringtthe' same,period. (duc'edand intendeil ~for 'ju-ve,do mot .know \owhether, in 'addi,iiile ,audiences, Ihave ,received . -<.. I (do ~not.a5k !for tbread cor for ,.at ~tion Ito .rejecting the ,economic 'money," the 7l-year..old matri- · tthe:'8pproval of' the ,or,ganjzed ,principles of Ithe Gommunist .arch ;said, ':but.I :do .ask ifor' ·motion picture iindustl'y ,of :this. ~New ,Manifesto, it .. also repudiates .the .campaign .to .heaven, ·to ,touch Icountry:lI'he adveitising <of 'these ,ariti+re1jgious ;'prinCiples .of, clas- 'the Heart ,of .God .that :He,will lfilms 'can have 'seI'ious .moral 'sical 'Marxist ..Socialism. .send .the ~patriarchat'e,mal!y..ahd 'effect upon' 'the uniformed- ;ana ,Wll I 'have 'to 'go 'on ,with re- .hoty prtests. .'rhis.is the ,only 'impl'essiQ.nahle ;YO~th ,of -our ,gara to this :matter is.a repod 'way - to lay siege to the ,head 1land:~ r 'NEW BEDI\ORD.. ,MASS. ~in1the New'Yor,k'Times:forTNov. .of God;" !Mr. Clark 'based 'his .assess- ' 11;4 ,which'says, that'the.'SPD will ''thenceforth.aQjure 'the class 'strciggle. and' hold. out;a 'friendlY c' . thanil to .religion:" F.or,w.ard Step lLet us hope ·that this ,is ran '8ccurateTepott. If it is.,INovem'ber, 1959 will'cettainlygo down ,in. the books .as-a ,crucial turning-;point in modern ~ocial ,his-
·Mov~·e. ll:ndust"y Spo.kesma,n :C:la:ims
Legion Aepol!t (I,s, En-do'rse:men't
il1£AT:ING O,ILS _
cPa:tlliar.ch 'Wants
;Lisbon .
,;BedfOtd (& A-cushnet rCo-o.perative Banks
,Brit ,if the ,SBD,\while rejecting Marxist 'economic principles,
fANY· yy'P;E
·WorlCf 'Refugee Year " . Th,eine <of ;Meditafion ~ ~r"""'''''''''''''''''''''''''~ COL0GNE;,. (NO) - .German Catholics observed. the.firstSunday.of Advent asca day of meditation on "the significance of WotlO'Refugee'Year. 'On that day collections. were' taken up'in all 'German Cath,olic 'churches ·to ·help "Deedy -rE!fugees throughout the ,world. IA'mass' meeting .of Ciltholies was held in l the Guerzenich Auditorium .here in' support ,6f World Refugee Year. It was' organized ·by'the·Gentral.'Gommlttee of GermanlCatholics.andby the Catholic Committee of rColqgne. . Prinee'*arl 'of "Loewenstein extended .a mess<\ge of .greetings, and' con'cllldingremarks .were maa¢ :by":rose'ph 'Car'dinal FriQg~, <ArchbishQP ,of ·GoIQgne. '
~ou S:rOM
.., ~
., r' ., ~~: .<BUlLeT ~: ~Get ,Afiree ~E:sti:ma:te\·-··~C·all ;S~AR 'I ' , ~ r ~ FURNIJl:IRE:.· ,~A (D~c·or.G~orSalesma,n'W;iJl ,~CaU (On 'You ~ ,
iTOP <and 'SEAr
(, ~HE~DQUARTERS -:,:' ~""","".:"." . . ~ ·FcI'~e ,~ickup and. Delivery cGsfat' cas ;HfGnnis .................................... .....
covm (,0..
\110~;YE~R \WiR~lrrEN GllJ/ARA1NTEE
WY 9-6325! C
You Can Sit On··'W'e Gan cC'Over'!
-(HE ANCHOR Thurs., Dec. 3, 1959
Rabbi Criticizes Southern Baptists' For Stand on Catholic President
Pope Says Aged Owe' Gratitude To Creator
MIAMI BEACH (NC) - A Catholic's loyalty to the Pope does not "in any way conflict with his allegiance' to America," a Rabbi stated here. Speaking to the congregation at Temple Emanu-El' Rabbi Irving Lehrman said he wa.~ referring to· the charge creed against, creed can only do that "the Catholic Church, so' by breaking down this most as an impregnable monol- precious of American princiithic structure~, will domin.. ples," ate a Catholic president, and that before acting on political issues he will be subject. to in'atruction from tfie Vatican.'~ "With over 30- million Cath- . olics in mis country, wilo have been faithful citizens and loyal Americans fighting on the bat:" tlefields of the world for their eountry's safety, how presump.. .tuOllS it)s to'question their honor or loyalty," Rabbi Lehrman aaid. , Hate' Forces"I feel that. just. a'S the loyalty that the American Jew feels fOr ·the State of Israel does not con... flict with his great allegiance to America, the Catholic's religious' loyally to' the Pope does' not iri any way diminish or conflict with his allegiance. to America," the Rabbi declared. Re saidl there are- many Indi'" eations of tensions, whict1 would be created by' the choice' of' a Catholic candidate for president. . "Primarily itt is the' organized bate groups who jump, at', the opportunity of' exploiting the usue' for the purpose of. dividing. our great country," he continued. "perhaps·tfie communistS 1lrouldn't. mind doing' the same. Unfortunately, however, there' are some wen-meaning people whO' also take this stand; as· evidenced: by recent resolutiOns peased by groupsJ whose' reHlious, motivation andl mora'! in:tegrity. can' hardfy oe)questioned~ Mobilize B'esollI'Ces
"Ours is a. country: which prides itself on the sepltration of Church and State. Each mao ~'ndson his record" regardless: of race,. color or creed. Any force' which attempts to pit
Seniors Eligible' For Stonehill Test
VATICAN. CITY (NC) Those who have been given the gift of a,long life must thank God for it, Pope John
, "Today, more than ever," Rabbi Lehrman said, "I believe it- is, the responsibility of every American-Protestant, Jew and Catholic-to accept!. the"challenge of any divisive' fQrce; to mobilize' all of the spirituaL and moral reso~rces ,at': our com" mand, to tear down the wall!lc of suspicion, fear,. hatted, and; to replace them with, bridges of understanding, friendship and love:'; . \
Newspa.pe.rs Ban PARISH. GET-TOGETHER: Over 300 attended a gettogether of,parishioners and friends ofHoly Trinity Church, In'decent Ad~ , West Harwich. Left to right, George Gardner, Holy Name CUMBEREAND' (NC) A western Maryland 'group of newspapers announced editorially! that they will refuse to carry any movie' advertising which' they consider, indecent or unwholesome. The Times and Alleganiare Company, which publishes the Cumberland Sunday Times; the Cumberland News ,and: the Cum.. berland Evening Times, said it. noted "with some concern" tlie .increase in indecent m'ovie ads. The' company said that such advertising "makes, its: bid for customers by stimulating an. unnatural or' unwholesome attitude towards, sex, violElnce, narcotics 01.' other subjects socially una'Ccept'able:" It added: "It' is not the intention of the' Times and Alleganian Company. to assume the functions of a board of. censors. There is: an obligation:. on news.. papers, liowever, to' exercise care in what, ilt carried into; the home' through. advertising and news facilities. "Misrepreselltatlon, and, overempnasis on conduct generally im:morat 01'" contrary to' estaolisl\ed' standards mU'sf be care·fi:rlly coni'rolled: before. such: ele.. ments' get' out or hand. - "fn' line' with: this: puliey the · Cumberland: newspapers will refUse' adVertising> ot m:otion, pic-tUFes'that border: on: the' indecent and: willi exercise' itlJ; prerogative of editing- advertisements so tha:t:those" objection:able, ele:· menu: wiU be" eliminated'....
Ai scholarship: examination;, for bigh' school seniOlis; will be: helCl a*, Stonehill Colle·gt!: 9':3(},: Satul'deiy morning;, Dee: l.24 TO'})fr, awarded- are fUll antt half foUl! ,-eM scholarships! tbtlUlng: m'ore tIt'an $20;000, it: was announcelf ..,. Rev; James' Jt Do)l'Ie;, (tJ)iC;' clean-. Winnell!!, wiIll be; chosen: frOID' 1,700 German, Hunsi q!l8'lified' high\ schoo].; seni01'lP who> receive' bigh~ marks: ilt! the BONN (NC) - ' S'ev~nteel1' examination., are: ml needi oil, *ltrola'l'ship> aid, and'. show' prom" hundred: nuns from communities' in' Germany 'died, during, World' _ of superior,' cnll\lge'l performWar, n, according to, a, stud,: ance-. Father Doy18 said> there: Bit publisned' here. A total of' 1315 died as a reao' prerequisites for' the' exam'" sult. of enemy action, 11'6 from: Illation be~ondl presence of' the' student at Stonehill' at: the, time" infection, and 269 from illness, Rt. It is requested, hOwever,. and want. Many were victUns that a' card: er letten be sent to., of enemy' air raids. In Muenster, the' Schularship: Committ'e~ 5O~ Clementine Sisters were killStonehill College;, North Eastorr~ ed' in a' single air attack. The' figures are in a study pubsignifying the writer's intention lished' in' "E:hurch and Life;" ofoi. taking the examination. An open house, featuring • lficial newspaper of' the Muenster campus. tour anlL a buffet lunch, d'io'cese'. . will' follo,w; the: examination.
Worfd! War. Victims;
Society president; Rev. Finbarr Mc:A:loon, SS.CC., pastor and Rev. Boniface Jones, SS.CC." assistant.
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Msgr. Heard: has: a soft spot. fol' the' people' oli: East London} the' onlY. parishioner.s- he, has ever known as: a priest'. & ' . young, law)lel't study·ing-. in' Lon.. don - an appr.enticeship which helped him in later years' to· become' Dean, ot' tti:e Rota- - he
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Honor Christ Present at the regular Weanesday audience was a large Austrian pilgrimage headed- by Franziskus Cardinal K-oenig; Archbishop of Vienna. The Pope recalled his visit to Vienna in 1910 and specially mentioned the' fervor' of Catholics' he had seen tqere. He' said that what is'important in life is the honor we' give to Christ. "All that, God haa given us,'" he stated, "was given so' that we might seek to' reach Him- and nof to descend to earthly things." Present for the Pope's birth>. day, which he passed quietly;, as congratulatory messages arrived from througHout tHe' world; were his brother, Giuseppe' Roncalli, and his nephew, Giovanni Batista, Roncalli.
LONDON (NC) - More than , 30' years ago a starving old lady' ~sedl,to go dow~ to Bermondsey living. alone' in a' tumbledown In hIS spare' time, to' help' the' baekstreet house in the' East pastor run a boys club: London slums found a bottle of The' club has since developed' milk on hel" dborstep. . _ intol the' Downside' Settlement, .Another bottle was there the II' pattern for other clubs, for n'ext. day', an'di t'fie next and ,the teenagers. living: in the' teneday aft'e1" that.. EveI"Y. daY.' a1 boti.- ments of London's dock area. tie was, delivereci and- worrie~ Each year he spent his vacation she spoke to the milkman: No, with: the' boys· at their annual he said, it wasn't a mistake~ It calnp by the seaside. was: being; paHi for, but he. was His; old parishioners sent'. him not. aUow:ed, t(r t'ell her-by' whom·. - 11" telegram of congratulations. to: Tne' benefactol't was', the' new his sick bed in Rome within II curat'e. at', the Church of' Holy fe",!' hours of' hearing of' his' apTrinity;, Father William' Heal'd~ pOIntment to;the Sacred College: who' has now be'en nominated' The lawyer-priest _ who. but a Cardinal by Pope- John' XXIII. for· hiS' conversion to Catholicism. :h~s was'· one of.~hemany·a~ts. at< the age' of 26 might' have of k~ndness. of the tall, qUiet become an English' High Court Scottish prelate to the people judge _ was well remembered o~; ~ast r.ondon~s Bermondse;, for his many acts of kindness, dIStrict· thll:U was, re~a~led here' his regular visits "to the sick b~ the' Universe; British Cath.. and' Uie' poor; the· many' hours oIlc' weekly. . he spent· with the lonely., and: Msgr~ Heard worked in the the' very practical help: he oftell> Bermondsey 4isti'ict, from' 1921.0 gave them with his, unusual to: 1927 and tlien, left this' couo" 'qualifications· as a' priest who try to' be! a1Iil.ost forgotten) bJl was' also'&' lawyer; ordinarY' Catholics, as h~ worlte({; for 32' years' with the Sacred> R: A. wttCOX:,CO. Rbta:; the' Church!s: high> court· itt> Rome: OFFICE' FURNITURE,.
373 New Boston ROdd;
XXIII said at the general audience held on his 78th birthday. After the Pontiff had been given the good wishes of the thousands of persons attending the'audience in the'Hall of Benedictions, he said: "Seventy' years are a lot. Seventy-five years are a lot and dangerous. But poor John you have 78." The Holy, Father said that there must be' mutual respect between the young.. and old. • "The old must respect the young,' 'he. said; "and the young the old . . . All are destined to search for and enter the gateof· Paradise."
Catholics of East London Recall Cardinal-Designate's KIndness: .
363 SECOND'ST. .
THE AN~HOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Dec. 3, 1959
Before and
Dernocracy',Weli'~Served!', .
, 'Those who' advocate' artificial, birth ~9ntrol as the eure-all for the population increase in. underdeveloped countries are p::lintiitga strange pictl,lre o~ the United States to many milii.ons of people. They are ,picturing the United States as the advocate of national suiciqe by urging less fortunate people to Gommit racial suicide: They ar~ proclaiining that those who do not rejoice i~ a wealthy economy mtist choke off their racial growth. They are admitting that their brand of democracy has one certain answer to the problems of'poorer people of the world-eliminate the poor, not the problems. This is' the, image of America that, the birth controllers-and among them some rather well-known men of "religion"-=-are presenting to the world. It is in shockingly stark contrast to the latest communist answers to the population problems-answerS which tell underdevek oped nations that the communist system will give them an expanding "economy to give the expanding population all the good things of the earth. The' communist ~ppraisal of the problem has been this-to strengthen the economy' of. the countries so that it can provide for every person _ born. • Which answer is going to be,the more acceptable to the many millions Qf persons in poorer countries of the world-racial suicide ot'racial growth with an: economy to match? . And those advocates ,of racial suicide prate about how . . . I concerned they are that this country's policies do not fall into the hands of "suspect Catholics." They express concer.J).' all over the national networks and through -the national communication media about tIle welfare, of democracy and how it would fare at the hands of Catholics. , And all the while they a:r;e doing so much to harm democracy on an international scale!' They are urging a -practice that is not Oilly morally wrong because a perversion' of natural processes-they ar,e putting deIl).ocracy's stamp on a systematic deSIgn to foister racial suicide upon poorer peoples under the guise of ec(mom:ic help~ '. For once the Communists need not lie about America to win others to their fold. This time they have merely to quote the words of those calling themselves "superAmericans" and then wait for the reaction of people' rightly believing that po~erty should not rob them of their right to racial growth. Yes, democracy has been well-served by these fellowcitizens, hasn'! it!
// /~
Weekly Calenda~. :"Of Feast. Days
Ahei" ./'
TODAY-St; Francis Xavtee. ConfeSsor. The apostle of the Indies was born In 1506 at Pa'" plona in Navarre and had ~ tinguished hiniself as a studetlt in Paris when he came under' ,the influence of St. Ignatius Of ,Loyola, founder of the ,Socief;J' 'of, Jesus. As a Jesuit missionell, . he went to the Far East where the results of his work in India and Japan were remarkable. 'died in 1552' on the island ~ Sancian, near Macao, while ~ .ing to reach China.' He Wall canonized in 1662 arid is • Patron of the Missions.
TOMORROW St. Peter Chrysologus, Bishop - Confessor, DoctOO'. He lived in the fifth century and served as A-rchbishop of Ravenna. He took a considerable part in the ~ontro versies of his time and rendered important services to the Church. His fame for eloquence gained him the name of Chrysologus, "golden speech." He died in 450.
:Bans,Mo!riage :as Es~ape,' 'For Unhap'py .Home Life By Father John L. Thomas, S.J. ,
Ass't Sociology. Prot.-St.
. What is a girl of 19 to do when her Dad forbids her'to ,have dates? He insists I have to be '~engaged" before going out with anyone. i wasn't allowed to attend any social functions during high school, and though I was an honor student and wanted to go to college, first young man you have an, he forbade th,at. He even opportunity to date. objects if I go swimming or Serious Obligation to' the movies with other What about your obligation to
_ SUNDAY St. Nicholas, Bishop-Confessor. He served ail Archbishop of Myra' 'in Asia Minor in the fourth century and was so noted for' his vigilance 'over the young that he became a patron of children. The familiar term Santa Claus is a COl'ruption of his name. He also ., a patron saint of Russia a'nd .. known as St. Nicholas 'of Myr~ where he served, 'as well as St'Nicholas of Bari, Italy, where . his relics were transferred after his death.
girls. Sometimes' I wish I were reverence and obey Your par.,. married so that I could get ehts? This is a serious obligation away from his and not to be put aside thought·clutches. Please lessly or without adequate reahelp me. sons, How does it apply to your You're caught situation? in a very diffiWell, in the first place, Alice, cult situation, , one ,of your parents, your The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is the national, AliceJ and I'm mother, agrees that you are not feast day of the United States. This year the country has not sure that it receiving proper treatment. given Marya more than generous salute with the dedica- willdbe ~t'hOdi-t Though she would prob'ably not . M 0 N D 4 Y - St. Ambrose, . Washington. fie ou be happy, to see you have to tion of her 'National Shrine . m rather WI drastic Bishop-Doctor. He was one ol Whenever a great church is built-and this onerank~ 'action. Yo u I' lsehaeve'hooUmlde, hiatvseeemtos atdommI'tetthhaatt . the four great Doctors of the w h" . "th Western Church, He lived in the · as t h e seventh I argest in t h e worI d-t e m<,>re practical father IS el er this is the best course of ac'tion fourth century. AI',les, Lyon and . k minded., even among the ,.Catholics who helped contribute avery a very ignorant SIC . or under the circuinstances. ' ~reves dispute the honor of beto the building; wonder, sometimes quite vocally, if "this man, Since he pays,noattelltion ' Unjustified."ttitude ing his birthplace, He' early di~ money could not have beeJl turned to better use." _, to what your mother says and What about your father.? ~nguishedhimself and as· a For surely the eightee~ million dollars that has b~en refuses to discuss the' matter Clearly.his attitude and action young man was made .governor ' d h t I '11' ' WI'th Your pastor, l't'S not likely . are ir,rational', and, unJ'ustified. of' northern I~ly, Upon, the l!IO f at spent on t h e Sh rme, an t e' we ve mi Ion or '80 ' . that he will listen to anybody. He did not allow you to attend" death of the Archbishop ot Milan dollars that will' .be expended to complete' it"in' the future . You'll simply have to take things any social functions during high be was tlfe choice of rival fao:-sur~ly all this money~cQuld ha:ve done much good if put into y,our own hands and work school; he would'not permit you tions to succeed.' He divested to wQrk on, say, ,tl~e <;orporal works_of inercy. ' out a solution yourself. to go to college iii. order to be.., h~mself of, his, wealth in favor ,The answer. to such. a lineo! reasoning is' the answer come a teacher; although you of the Church and the poor, and· , ' Drastic ~~lutio~ are now,old enough' ·to have a applied ,himself assiduously to of. love," and' love is not 'always understandable' to those In, other words, I am ,sulf-: full time job, he refuses' to' allow his episcopal duties, He was ~ who do :not happen to possess it or whose natures are but gesting that you make plans to you to have dates; he objects ehampion of re~igious -liberties niggarc:lly bi~ssed :with it. . leave home. This is a drastie when you go swimming or to - and manifested ;his 'courage OR Love induces one to gO without necessities in order to solution, but the situation seems the 'movies with 'other girlS-; one occasion by excluding frOID be generous to the' beloved, "Love-,makes a person disinter- to demand it. You now have a what does he want? ~hurch services Emperor Theo-; esfed,' so that' he~ thinks ~iJ1" terms of what:to giv.e, and job and can support yourself. At . the very minimum, this 1fosius thE: Great,'who .was ~~iltr Isn't it. possible to find a place pattern, indieates he has the.' of a cruel. ~assacre"~Is WrItIn~ p~w much,. ratper than w~iting with.~xpectation for' a to board in a good home; per- wrong conception of parental are volumI,nous and a cO,n~tarit 'return.. . - haps, with 'a relative or friend? authority. Parents' have' only reference In matters rehglOU&· The American Catholics who have built Mary's Shrine temporarY,delegated authority ~e was a .brother of, St. MarceloOf course your father will be of their I'mmatur,e chI·ldren. 'lIna. He dIed on April 4, 397. ,) over the past generation have given '"in the spirit of love. indignant about ,this and will 'it' is "granted "them. for the' While doing very nicely by the corporal works of mercy, probably threaten to disown you, good of their' children 'and is TUESDAY-Feast of the Imthey have also,' felt the a'ppeaI, of qisinterestedness, the etc., 'etc., ,but' he" hasn't been treating you as a real father up consequently ~ limited' by this maculate Conception, On this day appeal tq give out of she~r .love of th~ Mother of God, the tri DOW' so you. don't stand to purpose. Parental authority in iS54, Pope Pius IX solemnly appeal to raise up a won!lerf,ul ll}~nument in ,he~..honor 'not lose much.' . ~ases" when children become declared as an ar,ticle of Faith that Mary, the M9ther of God, as . a. symbol of practicality and shrewdness :but as I a n ' " m a t u r e , though they obviously was by' singular privilege of God unashamed' sign of their 'love "for one w,hom. God h,a,s :so 'The reason :rm takin~ this owe their parents love and .I:ev,,:, preserved free from· all stain oi. I stand 'is primarily., your ow~ erence throughout life. . original sin. This is the patronal honored, one whom God has: given to, men) to be their staiement about geting married Regrettabie Situation mother. ' , ' in order to' escape his clutches. Hence in '-leaving' home you feast' of the United States.. And the Shrine to MarY should also "symbolize the This would be a 'short~sighted, will not be acting contrary to the .. ,:-' d(f of, liimse . ' , If- tragically ..j,ne~t solutio,n., thou,gh' 0 legitimate, authority of. ,:your'. _" WEDNESDAY-St, Restitu .... . wh'ICh eac h Qf 'her' ch'ld I h rme I ren''has " rna, " my experience in ~arriage coun- ',ather. :'fhe situation is regret:- Bishop-Martyr. Little is knowa ~ shrine of, God. ' " seling Indicated. that other girlll table and unfortunate, .but ,it of this African martyr other thaa :------.;.--.....;---.....;~--..:...--....;..---:.,'------caught in similar situations have would be foolish to remain in it that he served as Bishop of Ca... ' · " ' t r i e d i t t O t h e i r l a S t i n g r e g r e t . u n t i l i t w a s t 0 9 . l a t e f o r ' y , o u , to thage' and that St. ,Augustine. At'"your age you do have'a make the change, or sheer .destoward the end of the fourth ,I' , rl'gh't +-" e'n'J"OY some 'so'cI'al ll·fe. peration,drivesyou·to,atte~pt.t9,,' century, preached serm~n Jill... escape through a~ hasty, ill-., his honor..' ," Y '. . ', . ..... '" ,,',',' ; $ince 'our SIOCiElt rt&qtuhir~s that advised marriage. ~. young peop e ,se Iec ~Ir own Of course it will take consid-' and quietly as possible. NotlP, OFFICIAL. ,NEWSPAPER OF THE DlorESE' OF,FALL RIVER : in,arriage mat.es', you spould have erable courage and perseverance ingis to be gained by draggi", . ~ " ',' an' opportumty. ,to meet other to make the move, Alice. Up' to the affair out through numero_ Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the :.Diocese of Fall River.' yCiung men and women S9cially now y'ou have. been surprisingly Scenes of quarrellng .. and . . '. • . .' ",4l0H,ighland ~v«ttiue' '. : . " '., '" 1: ::afid thus be given a c~anc~ ~o docile and obedient, so it may crimination." :. Fall River; Mass: OSborne 5-7151 . develop the type of, frIendshIp take some effort to become Whatev,er happens, don't ca~ . PUBLISHER' ~. ~at ~,aY.1ead to marriage. " wholly independent. Neverthe- malice in your heart. 'Rem~ Mo~t Rev. James L Connolly, ,D.O.; P h D . ' ':"There is somE7"d~.nger.,tha,t if less, you have to' take .the step 1:ler, it 'is the essential mark ... GENERAL MANAGER" ASSl GENERAL MANAGER'- : "you.J>~~tpo~e~~Hr 'e~,tr,!nce ~~t9r sometime if" you hope to ,lead· the Christian to forgive and f~ . ' . . -: . ' ' , ' . '. ,~ormal SOCIal. life mu«;h 1onger, ' . normal. life. ' ..' .ret.' Do what ,you hilVe to de Rev. Daniel F. Shall()o, ~.A., . ' R~~. Jo~,~ P. DI:15coll ' yo.u. wi!l.eitp,er 'become .00 Shy ' L e t GOd Judge ,peeause you feel that you mu.&; MANAGING, EDITOR -' 'to attempt it at all,.or you' One final word of advIce. Tri' put: ~ea:ve·the:-judging'of' otbel:ll ftugh J. Goki~tn . ' imaiine ;you're iD'~ov~,:With the ': ,.,~ carr;y out roW- plana as ca1Jn4r Up to God.' .
'harned' Love Unas
SATURDAY-St. Sabbas, Ao;. bot.· He became one 'of the famous of the Palestinianmon~ in whose discipline he established a rigid reform, He wail 'renowned for his austerity' of 'life and observance of the mo.... astic rule. In various journe~ to Constantinople, he rendered great service, to the Eastera ,<:;hurch, ,which then was mueb troubled by the Eutychian heretics. He died in 532 at ·the age of 94. '
' " ' ' , f'" 'h' ' . AN'C' O " OR .@ 'dJ ., \ '··e'., ,.' .,' , '" ,' ...
may, .
.Pope John Asks WideObservance Of Unity Octave
VATICAN CITY (N'd-For the first time in history the United States is to have six members of the College of Cardinals. Less than a century ago it was considered too far from the Holy See to have'! even one. The story is told how a l:ading Vatican offiCial' cardinal~ many weeks to travel advIsed a Pope to turn down to Rome from Seville or London. a request for an American He concluded by suggesting that cardinal during the admin- Cardi~al Anton~lli must have
istration of President Abraham some very specIal reasons for Lincoln, The story, however, wantin~ to refuse the President'. omits the name of one of its .ugg~stIon. principal figures, President Lin,ThiS ~atter departure from coIn's envoy. ' ~IplomatIc language. must have As the story goes, a special Impressed the Cardmal, for he envoy presented himself at the ~uggest,ed that the proposal be Vatican during the reign of Immediately, set before t.he Pope. Pope Pius IX, announcing that . The Cardmal went malone he had been instructed by Pres- fIrst. to speak. to the Pope, and \ ident Lincoln to bear greetings . he d~d no~ heSItate, to. present the to the Pope and to inquire into PreSIdent s suggestIon. as. so the feasibility of having an much foll~. The Pope IS saId to American cardinal. " have replIe~:" The diplomat was ushered Wodd Representation into the office of Cardinal "Your Eminence, I think that Giacomo Antonelli, Papal Sec':: the idea of President Lincoln is retary of State, but the Cardinal altogether wise and noble, and could speak no English and the that his en'!'oy should be treated diplomat could not speak suHi- as a worthy and excellent pereient Italian. The famous curator son. You forget a circumstance of Ute Vatican Library of that, . of my life. I am, among the suctime, Cardinal Giuseppe 'Mezz()., cessors of St. Peter, perhaps the' fanti, who claimed knowledge only one who has set foot on the of some 20 languages, was called soil of this great American conIn,as,an interpreter. tinent. The honor awaits me,'
" " fa ,'" n :When Pre~Ident. LIncolns .e. -" yoy stated hIS busmess, Cardm~l, ~~onelli was shocked., He ~~, under hi~ ~rell;th to ~ard~ MezzofantI: ThIS man IS ma.d~:" Then he turned. to the envoy an~, through hIB interpreter" said:,. Ii "My dear SIr, the whole id~a, Is impossible. It can never ~~
:~~~~~~: ;~rcr:;in:art~e~~
there were men of every race and" tongue in the Sacred CoHege." "Some years, later the United States had its ,first member of the Sacred College,'Cardinal John McCloskey, Archbishop ,of New York. 'Pope 'Pius' IX had served as auditor' at the apostolic delegatic;m in Chile from 1823 'to ffi~
GARRISON (NC)-Pope John XXIII has urged that the Chair of Unity Octave, Jan. 1,8 to 25, be widely ob-
MOTHER SETON'S LAST LETTER: Mother Mary Orner, Mother General of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, views an original manuscript letter of Mother Elizabeth ,Ann Seton, thought to be the last she ~rote before her death in 1821. It is expected Mother Seton this month will be declared "venerable". NC Photo.
'Postal Hea'dAgai~.,Warns Parents Of Obscen'e L,leterature Dange.s' .. NEW ,YORK (NC)...,.... Obscene literature will increase the rate of crime and perversion among American children unless' ':its flow is checked, according, ,to Postmaster General Arthur E. Summerfield. "Psychiatrists have pointed out many times that a perfectly healthy child: exposed continually to the depravities glorified in smutty material, can be turned into, an immoral and distorted creature if not an outright pervert.
B· h
Superiors to Attend ' Mo,ther Seton Rite ,:
EMMITSBURG (NC) The, superiors of six American com-, munities of the Sisters of Char"" ity, of St. Vincent de Paul have, be~ninvited togo to Rome this month when Mother Elizabeth, Ann. Seton, foundress of the, U. S. sisterhood, is expected "to 'I be declared Venerable. The declaration as .Venerable
.' , •
served, especially because of the coming Second Vatican CounciL The Pope's wishes were expressed in a letter received here , in New York by Father Angelus Delahunt, S.A., Superior General of the Atonement Friars. The Chair of Unity Octave, aa eight-day period of prayer for the conversion of lapsed Cath.olies and those outside the Church, was started in 1908 by Father Paul James Francis, S,A., founder of the Society of the Atonement. ,In his letter, Pope John urged the Atonement Friars to "ever more strenuous efforts in the propagation of the Chair of Unity Octave," and invited "the faithful of every race and clime to join in this period of prayer." The Pope called for widespread observance of the octave, "especially in view of the.forthcoming general council, during , which it is hoped that Our separated brethren will be copiouslT enlightened and strengthened bJ' the Divine Comforter." ,
Expand Nurseries
addicts to obscene literature BERLIN (NC) - Communist and pictures" among children, Czechoslovakia's third five-year Mr. Summerfield stated. 'plan intends "to insure" an in"Their objective is to get the crease of over 200,000 in the child hooked, as they say of the number of working women and dope 'addict, and keep, him aims at a 35 per cent increase hooked. They feed him an array in day nursery capacity "to enof trash carefully geared to suc- able additional women to accept employment." cessive stages of perversion."
The envoy asked for one good, " reason and the Cardinal said..... that, for one thing, America wu IS OpS too far away. To this the envoy Continued from Page One pointed out that he had made past 12 )'ears has served as the voyage from the United director of the Chicago House States to Europe no less than of Studies in Rome. Bishop"Any experienced law enlIeven times. This time, he added, elec't Primeau was born in 1909. forcement officer can give you it had taken him only 25 days Rt. Rev.' Msgr. Vincent J. the grim, information that virto travel from New York to Rome, and the day would come . Hines 47 year old Chancellor tually every sex criminal has it, when it would be done in even of th~ Archdiocese of Hartford, record of an affinity for ooscene haS been named OrdinarY of the literature and photographs. leas time. Norwich Diocese.' , ' Cites Bistol'1' ,.The Apostolic ,Delegate also "Again and again in police in"All that may be true. sir... · announced the appointment of vestigations of armed robbery," said the Cardinal, "but the,car" Rt: Rev. Msgr. .:rl:\mes J. Hogan, ,eXtortion, embezzlement and dinals are the Pope's counselors," Chancellor- of the' Trenton Dio- forgery, it is found that those and ,the Pope will never go to' cese, as' Titular 'Bishop of Philguilty were early collectors' of' the ends of the earth for 'his', oneIium and 'Auxiliary Bishop , obsCene pictures and films~" ' coonselors. Do you not see how' to ..Most Rev. G'eorge W. Ahr, ,The Postmaster General de-, it would be if he had to wait for,J Ordinary of the'Dio'cese of Tren-' clared (that postal inspectors the'·American cardinals?" ton,'N; J. ,'" I, Th.e diplomat was a match 'for: "Monsignor Primeau succeeds estimate tha~ as many as. one' Cardinal, Antonelli. 'He cited the' Most Rev. Matthew F. Brady,· million· U. S. children-one out: facts of history for 'him, noting' who died Sept. 20: Monsignor' of 35 in the country-- will be, sent obscene material in the that in times past it had taken' Hines will fill the 'See of Nor, , wich' left vacant when 'Bishop mails this year. "The 'filth 'racketeers have Flanagan was transferred to the learned that' they can develop' Worcester Diocese on'Aug. 12.'
THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 3, 1959
time and Progress Change View on American Cardinals
...• ~
.f' .
... 'the first of three steps nec-, essary
The central house of the Sis-:, ters of Charity at S1: Joseph College here in Maryland sai~' that Sister Isabel Toohey, pro,Yindai superior of the Eastern: province o'f the' ,sisterhood, and, Sister Hilda Gleason, president of'St: Joseph College, which founded by Mother Seton iii 1869; Will represent' the Emmits:':' bitrg community. ",'
S~attle Jesliits
Honor' , Ha'waiian Builder "~,,','
SEATTLE (NC) -Walter 1'. Diilingham, a leading businesS;; mah "'of' Hawaii, 'hasbeen namecf 19M recipient of SeatUe uni:::' yetsity's' National Award ',for" Economic Statesmanship. Mr," Dillingham, 84,' is affiliated' with some 40 Hawaii busi":' ness' enterprises and is regarded' as a' leader in the development 01.' the" islands. About one-third'"of the city of Honolulu is built' Oft ,'land 'reclaimed by the Hii",' waiian Dredge Compan, 'whicll! lie heads.
1ecI.... Florida ·'C!trws,CoupolIa -
""•Sef'_, for ",.
,ORAiGE""jiiicE 3,,,',5c~6"" PA~K "9'"'I"~,c, '"
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Carpe,t:~'"from,;Morency, S:,:'
" •. 1440'PURCHAse:'STREET', NEW BEDFO'itO
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,...A~P~QR~Dioces,e::Of,P.~J!;River':""Thu~s,;NQV~'26~·1959'~" .~". ..,., .,,' . , ' . . , ' 8 ' '. \~:rH,E <
Baseme~t 'S:p'.aC,e·, ,J-lighiy'·Usefu.I · Wo,.r,· k Stora.ge 'ardenlng F'or"'6 By Alice Bough Cahill
To' Meet Sunday A'diocesan-wide meeting for members of the Christian Family Movement and all married couples interested'in the family apostolate will be held at Prevost High School, Fall Ri~er., '. at 8 Sunday night, Dec. 6., . Attending the meeting, sponsored by Christian Family Movement members of Notre Dame parish, Fall River, will be units from Attleboro and Taunton. Rev. Edward C. Duffy, St. James Church, New Sedford, . will speak on the role of mar. ried couples in the lay apostolate. '\ . The meeting will conclude with Senediction in Notre Dame' Church. Chair'man couple fron. ~Notre Dame' parish are Mr.' arid Mrs. Paul Dumais. Rev. Gerard
Today we are all conscious of the need of utilizing every inch of space in our households. This is most particularly true in city properties, where there isn't room for expansion by way of an addition to present structures. The most genI d r f b ' era remo e mg 0 _ a aseIt is good strategy to be pre'ment is for a recreation pared to fight the first cutworm room but if your entertain,. or insect you see with a shot of ing is confined to dinner. the right stuff at the right time.
'par~ies or bridge games, I that can be done in your existing , living quarters.' For those who' are taking up gardening . ~ s a n avocati9,i1,
Maybe you~d like tQ copy:this idea a gardener friend used for a "spray chest." Havirtgorgan~ed your controls' well in advance, try storing them in an old icebox in your basement - the Qld' box you were':planning to
'here's a won~
. throwaway.
derful ire at.,: m'ent fOr · basement hich ; at the moment may' boast of. nothing rno r e than four stone' walls, with a door opening on to the yard.
is chaplai~.·.
In this icebox you can' keep , . these powder sprays.A·padlock, will keep small,inquisitive fingers out and remove possible : danger to little explorers. ... Eight . ., , .' If graduates ot. Jesus-Mary "you buy your supplies' in : Academy, Fall River, who have .bulk, 'put them in' oatmeal car-, ' entered the ,Religious of. Jesus' tons', :labeled .with· enduring' Marie are members of the JM black crayon" and· . in small; , tightly capped jars,' for w.hich. Novitiate Choral Group ,which You can make ,such. a base- . you'll '. probably find'a' glass,has,just released a long-playing ment into a gardener's haven,·a 'marking pencil' handier: than ad.record of Christmas carols anci room' that is almost· as much of . . . . . " .' 'hymns. -, itself. 'We hesive labels. In ttlis. ,box you. . JOINT CONCERT: Preparing for the joint Christmas Th r M th St D . a . J'oy as a garden . can aillo keep .tw.o sets of measey a e 0 er . emse, make tWis' suggestion: to you· 'uring' spoons,' a. fu~ner; .iong-' Car~l Concert with :J;>rovidenc~ College to be held' Thursday . Mother St. Leo, Mother M~ry ~ow when, sittinfgllbY adn oPthen handle.Ii spo.o,n.' find ..clean' clot,hs.. eveninJ! at 8 in the Sacred Hearts Afademy AU, ditoriu~, ., 'oVfirsgl~enniaa' .MMootthheerr sStt.. JCeaat,hlneertitnee ,re, you. may ~ un .er e , for hand-wlpmg, and for 'stram- '. Fall RIver, are Mr. A.' Edmund Furgmele; Sacred Hearts, . M th M'· M tf t, , spell of a seed catalogue. Once . 'h" . '. A d GI CI b d" 0 er arIe de on or and Spring comes and you sta~t 'your . mg w, en necel1sary. . ',,' ca emy ee u Irector, DIane' Dube,' accornpa!1 ist, " the: Misses Annette Jusseaume ·garden, you'll welcome a place On. another sl1 e l,f, k~ep rolls of . seated and Yolande Lamarre, president of the Glee 'Club, 'd and Therese MichaUd, postulantL . ,fo.r .catalogues,' seed flat racks., . thr~e.- inch. Yiid.e newspaper, 8tandi~g' " "".' The recording' is available ·strips ready to wind around. the' • <'lots' of storage space, and a stem,s .of ne,';"'ly Set-out plants'" through any Jesus-Mary convent flpwer arranging center. or. the provin'cial,house,' Hyatt&Asphalt Tile cutworm re'pellers. If'you rieed. I ville, Md. It must be ordered by · ~ If you put asphal~ tile' on t~e, a simple string dispenser, tack a .Dec. 6. floor you'll find' that dirt and . funnel to the wall; put a ball of 0., The project resulted' from '. tracked-in mud will not· stick to string inside and' pull the' loose,. MIAMI (NC)-A "blood' for . pal Court'last July, ,the i>i~n is ,".concert presented in Hyattsvili. its smooth surface. 'Spilled . -en~ ,~hio~gh the spout 'of' the 'charity;' program, through which . voluntary. Sy providing' free . by the ' novitiate· choir." The water can 'easiiy be· mopped UP' funneL.' , " 'offenders of minor traffic. vioblood for welfare 'cases, it saves . group .has won praise· . from . -and it's 'easy to wash a'nd-'Wax' -.- -- .. 'Keep ToolsCleail" '. : lations may donate'blood 'in'lieu' ·the, .city . expenditures for that 'c~itics,: including John Pau.i, the, floor. In.. this, ~~eaof you'r . Itb w~S;e~.~*.an. tools ~s you of paying fines is being sponpurpose. 'head of the mus~c department basement you can plan to store bring. them' indoors.. Borrow "S?red here by Court2~2, Catho- : 'Acco~ding to Miami Beach' ,of . Catholic University,' whe outdoor' furniture, 'grill, h~se 'sOme '~hdirorri.·~om:.child's ·lic Daughters of America. Judge ~lbert Saper~ein, giving 'wrote, "They are very.inspiring reel, spray equipment, e~c. . ' 'sand box. and 'l\:eepit°bandy 'to Under the direction of Mrs. . blood proves a lesson in traffic' . in their disciplined musicianship We'd suggest: you lIne the cle·an'. toOls' in~"a Jiffy. Simpiy "Harold' A: Symons,' safety cru- -safet.y; impressingoffendlm; with and seriousness of purpose.':, .'~ walls with shelves and cupthrust the tool' in the sand to : sader· and several times winner waste of it on. the .highways and Of the chorale memOe,rll,' 'boa.rds. SUild, a ~izableCioset in scour,; useb'U!Ia,p if. th~ .'~His . of the Carol Lane 'Safety Award, .' also 'stresses ·the need of reserve . Mother St. Denise; the former, which to store~mower, rakes, sticky.·You·canmak'e garderong the CDAmembers are cam. blood; This more. than "off- ~Mui'iel Renaud of Fall River~ ~rooms . and '.' ,baskets. " Hang twi<;e as much fl,ln by allotting' .. paigning· to interest· Dade sets" any'loss in court. rev~ue, studying' under ,Paul. She· wu' everythmg you cap, so the floor part of 'your baseinent' to Jt.,' ." County's' Metro Courts in." the the juril!t said:. :" active in the Fall' River' Junior is 'dear.. Provide a place on the Since you ';""on't need all cup_·· adoption of .a p~an which ;Will ,,' "F.ormerly. ~hose who "could ·:·Musk Club' before e~tering ·back of. the door where you can boards on three sides,make ,use' ".enable traffiC VIOlators to do-, .notpay..fines had to go to jail,"· .. · 'ligion and merited· a medai' lind hang clIppers, shears and sm.all of' one . 'board f r'" d" :-nate ,blood for welfare cases. the. judge llli!id. "This w.ay.,many". 'scholarship from the National hand tools. The shelves will hold . f' d .) p 0 / ~:nne Instituted in Miami Munici- " of them give blood instead." '.' .Guild of Piano Teachers," ..... ,: all your flower containers and 00 tSh:' . efr aps .YOtu cou . ~se ' . . . .. .,.,' ~ ",') . . k' ano er or Will er groceries, be accessl~le when rna mg' arjams' and jellies. Suild a' " 1;.1 : rangemen . closet big enough for your· big ''':, coffee pot, the turkey roasting C 00 pan, the big party casseroles and . ( to: trays, for which one never has 'i\ ~ r~ctbr,' en~ugh spl:\ce in the ki,tchen. Sacred Hearts Academy, FairWith' all -these: cumbersome: ar- . .', . '. . • i.' haven, has named as .glee club' tides on shelves 'yoU don;t have director Joseph N.' Cobert,' con-. to craw,l under, reach over, ductor of the New Sedford and' bieak your neck, your back, 01' Plymouth symphony ·orchestras. dislocau;' .your shoulder, to get Cobert's career has included them.' service in the United States You, can .make , :your ba~ Navy Sand and mEmlbership:in ment·. a functional pla~e, one New Orleans' and Philadelphia' where' ,it's ea~· to 'keep everyorchestras. He has toured, with thing· ~n place.. musical comedy shows and been. • " '. ' . ' . ," .; ... associated witb.the ..:New .Eng.," . J.,' land Opera Theater;'. ' " .', '_, ." .,....... ~ .. . '. . . . His teaching' experience is. '. I "aried and he is presently ltIusie ',' 1: ',. ' ..IN,pervisor for ,BridgeWater pub:' . 'The Catholic Theater Guild of i1~ Schoolll. He 'has appeared on' NewB.edfcmi· wBI ,presen(:the .); " . Appeararicesare. $om'etimes deceivin.g -:..' ~ut .there's no , . . . . sixUl program of 'this Se~80n'. , educational television programs 'dramatic ·~ri&·;S\lbciay" l\'(gbt milk. ' ~eceptiof( with/Guimond Farms 'A Quplity' " ...... . . : ,.... ..-". . . , . : '.'. '. : - . " living ·flute. demonl!t~afions. ' . over. Radio' 'S~tion', WNBH~ ".... -The' J:unior' members' of , ,. Guimond' Forms'A QUclfity' milk' is recC)griized-for .its~cOh':; Guild, are p'rodu~ing ,~4!' ',play "Our : L~dy of, OctoIan" . written . sistent farm-fre'shgoodness.day after day, after-g'laS's. . by' Manuel Almada. It '~' the Try Guin:)ond Farms'at' yo.",r do~r or at ou~:~tpr.es storY' of anii~p~rition of:Our" . , .. 4dy to:.*. :Mexican ,peaSl!J1( boy, the difference! ..;" . ,.. :';'" , .' : . ' . J'uan Diego. ' '.' ' \ . Th~pi.trpoSe of the Guild"iS . ' \ spread. Ch ,r i It' i a'n t~chi~gaJ through. the 'medium Of.:dra,matics and to supply entet,(ain~ ment with a religious motif to Catholics and non-Cath6liC:. of .'.. the area:· .', j~
Jesus-Marie Nur1s' Record Carols
a s : M'la.m· W omen. D I D .. eve op rive,' .:.
F.or A'd.Opt'.Ion
fBI q ad''. PI' . an,., .
. h . S h . Fa Ir ave'n ······
N ames Di
./ '., J'~'S t~'
Had My ,- Hair ,Cut!
Gu.d.a to PreSerilf.
·Christmas· 'Pla\J
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Je~us-M(]'ry ,pa~tY.~
, .. ~ ;.: ,; :;.,-.:·.,JOSEFU:..:N... COBEU ,:c.. :t~'. , . becmade..by'Satutday, .,DeC.'S. ~
Memoers of 'the alumnae 'asso,ci~tioil ~f Jesus':Mary Ac.ad~my, 'Fall River, will hold theiJ;1 annual Christmas' p'arty at ,,~7:30 Wednesday' evening, De·c.S, in the academy auditorium. Ticke~ ,ar~ available from ~.Mrs. Therese Gendreau Cadri ll , ~ir- ' man, and Mrs: Yvette Sarfiabe " Lajoie, eo-chairman, as w~p as members of their comm'iitee. .Final' reports on tickets s~1Ukl
1 ..
:Q.nd.'taste: ':'
.. ~. '. ." "
·Dread Disease ~ls 'Welcome When It's Speech Ti·me By
THE ANCHOR. ~ ., 3. 1959
Thurs., Dec.
Mary Tinley Daly
One of the most dismaying experiences, perhaps, for • somewhat shy person is "making a speech." Like hanging, you never get used to it-at least not in one lifetime. Inevitably as night following' day, dishes following dinners, when one writes, one is asked. to . . tionalizing the thing, you put I!peak. (Or, if not, to recom- yourself in the listener's posimend someone who will !) tion and think, "What would I As a general rule, articulatelike to hear if I'd promised to .ess behind a typewriter con'show up and swell the erowd'Botes ability to communicate if I'd rushed the kids through person to perdinner, set them at their homeeon. Person to work, told them I'd look it over person is one· after I got home, then put on thing: person to heels, earrings and lipstick, assemblage is kissed my husband good-bye and quite another. told him I'd be home early?" Bolstered up . Well, as a listener, I'd want , by' the Head of ., to hear something: one little tile House, the nubbin of inspiration, or a laugh... author of this If the speaker were a writer of eolumn has said a famiiy 'column, I'd want .to "yes" to speakknow' her ideas of family lite. tog . eng a g e:Most of all, I'd want the lines of "lR.en~. ~'U you eommunication open between us. ean write, you Last Moments ean speak" he insists, carrying So you sit down to map out a GIl the fallacy. talk. . . Result is anything but One doesn't like to talk back sensational, but at least it's sin• a good husband, but the cere and the best you can· do at ~aking business is traumatic. the time. You think, wouldn't it Perhaps the writing ~ever be wonderful to be able to af~ould have started in the 'first ford a speech writer who would place? , hand you a complete manuWhen an invitation to speak script? One written 'in type an .eomes a long time ahead-say . inch high so that you wouldn't NEW . BEDFORD' NURSES: Present at the annual· ,.,Iix months _ the immediate ,. even need to. wear your glasses? .•age fright is far; ,far 'off ,and All YOl.!-'d have to do would be . Communion .l3reakfast of. the 'New Bedford' Catholic Nurses" · JOu accept gladly. Anything .1'O-re,ad. . . , J}uild. are left to right,., Mrs.. Margaret McAvoy, Diocesan eould happen in the meantime. ., Back to reality... As they told President, Mrs. Mary Signorella, President of Greater New' It never seems to. . , "n you in high school and college Bedford Council of Nurses, 'standing, and Rev. Walter A•. .1 . A month away, that speech is. public 'sp~king courses, now Sullivan, ~ain speaker.. .. . . .... High blood pressure may set in comes "getting acquainted with at this stage of life - ulcers? your talk" though you wish !lhere's still enough time, to tell you'd never met it. You reaa.it U .i .'the program chairman so' 'She., ~ver tWic~, try. to time it while .' . may get another speaker. ' ·;.,~le~hone. c~lll! and family 'Neutrali~e . One week ahead blood pres- emergencies mter~ere. , . F' 11 t' to go l' almost ARLINGTON (NC) - CathFather Cronin said in matters !lUre seems stable ulcers have ma y, ime s . not manifested the:nselves•. limbs upon y.ou. Rule one:. put t~e _ olics can help curb religious of public morality "it is often remain intact. This situation . S~.eech.lD 'you~ ,pocketbook w?ile bigotry by working with mem. wise to distinguish between pro· mould, in the normal course of ~ou ~hmk of It.. Comes dress~g, bers of an offending group to grams of inspiration and guidburnan events, cause a joyful re- 'cookmg, . rushmg . the ~lds "isolate and neutralize" the ance and programs of action." action. Not 80 to the, proposed . th~ough dmner, setting them_at bigot. Favors Persuasion their hom.ework, tellin.g them can be done with ''The fo r m er can rea d'l "apeaker." . "Much 1 I . . a . few, I y come . The day Is nearing llke the . you'll look it over later, putting ~lffiP e ru es such as thiS lD see~- . abOut' from different religious onset of a dread dentai appoint- .. on earrings, heels, lipstick, kiss- ~g closer ha~~~n~hilmoJn~rel~- groups to their own members; ment. Audience will be .as-, ..ing your husband ~ood-bye. and gIOUS. groups, ? er ~ n . the latter is often best done as ,: ~bled, thanks to the badg~ini ., promisi.ng to b.e home early;, • '. C~omn, S:S., aS~lstant dlr~r . a comrntmity project," the social oi publicity chairman and the. And Just before you close the' of.the.Soc~al Achon D.epartment action. director pointed out.. · ~lephone committee. ,"W~'ve'.'· front. door;y~u over~ear, "Gee,· of the National Cathobc ~elfare ., He added "where the comlOt 'to .get at least a decent I wlsh· she d . qUit making Confe~ence, told a Sodabty and. munity does not agree that a ..owd out to hear this woman" speeches and make' more. pie. ~ou~cl1. o~ Catholie Women here problem really involves publie IIlub members are told~ "She~. and cakes!" 10 Virginia. morality, it is better for the reli- . driving' fen miles to talk to us. Cit4ls COUl'lle gious' group proposing it to use »lease, girls!" , Alumnae and' Seniors The S,,!lpician Father asserted publicity and persuasion, rather A few days before the daY, Will Honor Our Lady . issues in religioll.$tension must· than legal pressUre" to get it the program chairman calls up. Aiumnae members of Our be faced openly.' "Differences adopted!' LC!.hucks, she hasn't forgotten.) ~ Lady's Sodality· will join with must ~ recognized ail extremely -Our group -is looking forward the senior class of Sacred Hearts important for millions of Amer-·· to hearing your message," she Academy, Fall 'River in offering icans," he said. "Two super_ys graciously. . the traditional lily to the Blessed ficially attractive solutions must "Message!" You wonder what Virgm . . as a sym b 0 I -0f re-consebe avoided," he counseled.' message you possibly could cration to her at a homecoming "These· are:- ignoring the ROUTE 6, HUTTlESON° AVE. bave... So into the silences ylMI program planned for 3:30 Sun- issue,· in the hope that it will vanish, or underplaying differNear Fairhaven Drive-In -... to assemble said speech. Ra- day afternoon at the academy. Sponsored by the academy ences, on the .gJ;ound that they Ital,ian Dinners Our Specialty alumnae association, the reunion are not really important." .Servlce On Patio will include musical entertainment and a tea 'at which seniors . and their mothers will be:"guests CORREIA SONS of. the alu~nae. Guest o~ ho.~~~);, < .'::, .: ~': ONE~STciP . Wlll be HIS Excellency ~M;b8r·.~· ,~.".,,:. ·"t.. · Rev. James J. Gerrard. 1. ...'. ,,,<···:.·... ~SHOPPING CriNTER
I . V' .
pic-ian' ounse s: rg i nla, Women'. To :Religibus ,Bigots ..
Plan Conference For Mercy Nuns Sisters of Mercy from the Fall River Diocese will attend the third annual educational conference of; the community's Provi. dence province Tuesday, Dec. 8 at St. Mary's Academy, Bay View. With the theme "To Christ through Guidance," keynote speaker will be Very Rev. John A. Flynn, C.M., president of St. John's University, Jamaica, N. Y. His, topic is "Quality and Quantity in Education." Following a message from Mother Mary Regina, R.S.M., mother general, novices and postulants' will present orchestral and choral selections. Afternoon sectional meetings will consider development of articulation between college and high school and guidance techniques for elementary school children. . In the Community - Social Service section of the gathering, Rev. John P. Driscoll, assistant general manager of The Anchor, will speak on "The Church's School of Spirituality." .
Fall River Women To Honor' Bishop . Most Rev. James L. Connolly will be guest of honor at the annual Bishop's Night of the Fall River Catholic Woman's Club at 8 n.ext. Tuesday .night at Sacred Heart School AuditorIum. . ' The Peloquin Chorale, under the direction of C. Alexander Peloquin, will'. offer entertainment. Peloquin is director of music at the Cathedral 'of SS. Peter and Paul, Providence, and leader of the Boston College and Emmanuel College glee clubs. Mrs. Raymond J. Connors will preside at a coffee hoUr. Members will be asked to show carda at the door. .
Fall River. Nurses The Catholic Nurses Guild 01. Fall River will hold its annual Christmas party at 6:30 Thunday night, Dec. 10, at St. Anne's Hospital. Student nurses will present a skit and musical program. Mn. John Simpion ill chairman. .
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North Attleboro Party . \ .Nor.th,.,·"Attleboro· ., Catholic, Women's Club will hold a chilI':: dte'ri'sChdstrilas p'artyat'2:30 ... Sunday afternoon, Dec. 6, in American Legion Home. Chil'dren under' 10 are invited' and the program, will, include enter- . , . tainment and Christmas carols.. , Mrs. 'John Ly'nch is chairrrian. . The DAUGHTERS of CHARITY of St. Vincent De Paul offers a joyous way ,;j life in the service of ,the poor, the lonllly, the fa!.esa~en;.(>;,1. ':between Hi ~nd .~ who have the courage to respond to Christ's invitation to leave all and follow Hi", may find peace and happiness itt a life dedicated to God. The Sisters engage. in social wMIt. teaching. nursing. the care of children, and 'serve on fareign ",issiaM. Send far descriptive literature to,
PTA QUEEN: Miss Joyce Johnson was ohosen Queeil of the Mt. Carmel Annual Alumni dance sponsored by the Mt. Cannel PTA of New Bedford.
Sponsored by' II friend of .... Daughters of Charity who Iav.. th... loft of God and theW law . of thelr fell~w. ·m_.
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CLOSING DEC. 24th at 5:30 PoM.
THE ANCHOR:....:." . Thurs., Dec.' 3, '195~"
Books.for:Laymen.· Ra~ge'Wid~ly" .
Canada Send Pr.iest$ to Help In So. America QUEBEC (NC) -
Books for Mr. and Mrs. Cath-' Lucien Dumas, superior of olicLayman? If. you want the·" the, '. Ecole, Apostolique .of .latest novel, ·there's not much .~ Le\"is,' has been directed ,by . .difficulty;' but it's not /10 easy Archbishop Maurice Roy of to .find books that ·are readable, QU~bec. to recruit..a group of up to' the' minute presentations diocesan priests to serve in· th~ of problems that are- api to ·face missions of Latin Ainerica, 'anyone ;....' proble'ms for which Catholics seek solutions within .. ' '.' It is' understood the' Quebec the· Church.' ' archdiocese desires 'to assist. the Many have . been, conc~rned Church in Paraguay where' there .ab.out .the image of modern life .is an acute shortage of priests; .presented iiI "The Hidden' Per'" At a' recent W~ashington con~ suadel's" and '.'The Status Seek.,. ference of'memb~rsof the hier, ers." A Catholic ,analysis", of archies of Latin America, the :many:of the same factors. that United S,tafes and' Canada, all __ go: to make up our society is archdioceses and. dioceses of .giv~n'. in an' excellent' ane;t Canada and the U~ S.; were in::: thoughtful. book, "'J;'he Church vited to assist ,in' missionary and . the Suburbs~.· by Andrew work in Latin America: At least M. i. Greeley '(Sheed ·80, ·Ward·, four priests of' Quebec archdi$3,5(). Ji'ather Greel~y takes It ocesealready have volunteered' long,.look .at the· phenomenon o~ .. for'such work. the .race to suburbia. lind Cl;>n,., eludes that Christ can be as' we~l.-. . served- in a split-level;rarich S house as in a city slum, ."Together Toward God" by Ii priest, two. fathers and/a 'mother For the sixth year a religious (Newman, $4,75) and "And God illumination will be a feature of Made Man and' Woman" 13y Luthe Christmas season at La eius F. Cervantes, S,J. (Regnety, Salette Shrine, Attleboro, Open"; $4) '~re g'ood' gifts {or married ing ceremonies will be held at eouples or for the. ab9.ut-to-be:,,;' . .' . '.. . . , . . ' 4:30 .. Suriday afternoon, Dec, 6, married. The.first.deals with . ERRAND· OF MERCY. :'Columblm Sisters. Cecily,Lita'"and Stephani.e, travel' bY'smaII 'a~ hich time a .candlelight Pr,o-, religious training j~ th~fainiiy,' ,boat. from Mo.~po City to' piirig relief s~pplies 'to Huk&ari,' ~ini1es off-phe'Korean ~oast ':4cOesosoloo·,nl.wghiltl pe 'thehledd and over the second wIth the physicalanq. 'y 11 S· '1' .. h . t ' t NC Ph t' .. , .' 1 S SWI C on. psychical differences between 'mthe ,e ow ~;:t.. Plot, l"lgt, ls.a rec;en, .co~ve:r.. . ' .09· i ..' ':,> .Ane~ ~ang~r'si:ene and dif--'
Ch rls • t mas'. L-Ignl.:t· Shrine Feature '
-Former. War P·risonerHeaCls· 'Califo'rnia: :T.'a'ppists:' ":::~n~~~g~~n:r~fft~~~ ~~~s ~e~
Both are technical treatise. useful for VINA (NC)";Father, Eusebius by th~ HolyS~~ i.hO~tob~~..·: ~.native ~fErie,· ';I'Il:-. He w:as ed~"., acc?[din~ to Re,v. Rene Sauve, refe~enc'e is' uNullity of. Mat": ·'Wagn'et,~O.C,S;O.; :has' ,I been:' 'Abbott Wagne.r wiIr receIVe ~he ...cated ~~.,Cath2hc.L~~hool~.,u)., .. shrme.~m~ctor. . . , riage~~ by F. J. S_heed:{Sh~ed,& .'eleeted.firsbAbbotofOlir Lady.abbath':lblessing from'BJlihoP Niagara~ Falls :by .*e Sisters. of . :' The illumination season wiu Ward, $3). Even. the -- b~st-:, of NewClairvauxTrappistMoq., .."Joseph T, 'McGucke,ri Sacra~ . Mercy. 'IIe,111ter;s'tui:lie~ at: NJag"',·last·'fromDec. 6 through ·Jan. informed .'Catholic ,i ·can '. ge~, astery ·hereinCaliforniafopow,. ;.,mento 'on Dec, 12'in~Sa.cr~~"ara· u:riiyer~ity' and. the Univer-.·' lO,'nightly' froni 5 'to 10. Reg.... tangh;d in the course of 'discus" 'lllli itS· elevation to abbey 'status \menlo's Cathedral of the Blessed,sity of .Alabama~' . . .·ulaiIy. scheduled devotions will . aion·.ofthe . Church's law 09 " .; '. ' ' . .Sacrihnent, 'He ser~~d' i~;. the U,s, Army .'beheld as usual. . , inarriage. Here· is a clear, con';' . t' 5: R orne A pprova . I c> durin.g. World War II and for ..... .- . Ciseguide as to, what is and what -- . . f h 'S't'; t ' ,. ' isn't a valid marriage. The CistercIans 0 t e rIC ~me, time was a : prisoner of. r observance, . better'" known as war i~ Germany.. Immediately An unexpected problem .which . t s, .arrIve . d'm S acramen t · from ·· · . Ch.or-Bishop Joseph Eid,- pas- T rappiS 0 'upon h IS. release, active. Missionary .,. Servants of the enters rriany marriages is that of tor of St. Anth.ony of.the·Desert m . J uY,.-1955, I f ' to orm·a·monasTrappist· Most Bl~ssed Trinity from Hythe birth of a retarded child. . ,, h 'duty he ent¢red.,~he . . . Maronite Catholic Church, Fall· tery on the Stanford-Vma ranc' commurtity.-at. Ge~hsemani. an'nI'S, Wareham and Attleboro Most people s.imply do Dot know ' Immaculate Concep. what-is best to do in such cases', River, has·rec.eived.a l.eHer f.ro.,m'. located . in . Abbot _ ele.ct Wagner 'was were presen t a t th e'.N ew. E ng'E'ugene CardI'n'al TI'sser'a'nt 'ac-, tio.n parish, Corning. Since' that 1 d' I b t' f th Id" , and 80m.etiinesi.t..happe'ns that a . founder of Our. Lady of, the: "anb'l ce ef 'th ra Ion o. en the monastery has been a . ' e .go C"~na-'- 'ld' h Id be helped knowledgI'ng '·a· . contributI'o'n of time . Holy T·rI··nI·ty·· Abbey' l'n Hunts- JU I ee o. e M'ISSIonary g,al w 0 cou : $' 1000 towar.ds construction of the priory unq,er the founding house, I t I t h Id' St A . C e apos 0 a e e m , ugusgr eatly is not, due. to parental ihe ··. Abbey. of ..OurLady .' of Ville, Utah..For three. y'ears he', t' " C'h urc, h S ou. th B os t on.. , Jack'of knowledge.:' " . .. church. of' Olir.-Lady of Mazra'at..held. the post of sub-prior the.re: m~ s ...' .,el-Dahr.e,'·Leba.non.··-,· ·;Gethsemani· in. Kentucky. . Th "d 400 TO'such .parents·and'to·the·'. The ·October.decree. of the. :He arrived~at Vinain Jimuar.y,· ' ..ey Jome . over . asso,.. many" with friends'or relatives" The church 'is to' beereete4" 1956,', and serv.ed as M.·aste.l' of cia~li!s of the .apostolate ~n at-' on who have the care of retarded ; : ,in Chor-Bishop Eid's' ri'atfve' . HolySee.:makes.tlIe ,I0clillll - . ,. . . .. b!nd;mce 'at high Mass., and a r ehildren,"The 'Clial~enge 'ofihe" ,·town. Cardinal 'Tisserantalso" ,,~stery. 'a,il.auto~omous mern?e .rlovices priorU;his e.lectio'n ~s . ,-i!1bilee program h!'lldin Sl Authe Fall'River pasto" " of,t!).e. TrapPIst commumty.. abbo.t.·.·,· ,. ,g.ustin . .e's aUditori.um. Retarde'd ChI'ld" by' SI'ster Mary' informed . ..' .•'> . Prior" to the election of· Abbot" Theodore, O,S,F: ;(Bruce,'$3,9:» that'the Sacred Congregation for,W . , . N' '1" .' will come as a . r~y of'ciarity~: . the Oriental Church has "a:a,:: ' . agner,: ~~.. C au:'vaux. w.as Written with love, and'd>m- . ' dressed' an' urgent appeal 'to . ruled by a PI'IOr,.as.an.annex: or.. ,. · ,. th . "'h th C' th" .,part of the Gethsemam commun. passion' for .parents . and .chil:;; benef ac t ors, roug . ~ ., a ity '.' 'C'. ..~.",. " , • . . . "" .... H' Rl 5 T IS'CH R I STMAS ..., '.' . olic' ,East· , '. 0 f' th e·f',· • J . eir e'n, theb.ook." based on. the t' . Near t ... th Welfare' " .. ' ..Associa-. " . '. '...T·he····l' eec·t'Ion Irs t a:'bb't' 0 author's 30 years of'experienc::e Ion' o gIve elrgenerou~.sup-; 'within "the Sacrameritodiocese' -at St. Coletta's SchoolforExcei>- port towards the" cOl,llpletIon of . was'approvedbi the' Trappist' . ~.'" .' tional Children,·J:effet5.on:,..Wis.. the same church... ',' Abbot Generaliil Rome before, is a mirieof 'practical informa'Father :SIiarbel's Cause . I i 'it was announced. ;. tion·on tlie care'liM handling of . The' Cardinal' ,congratulated 'Ma~~r, of Novices retarded'· children: 9£' all' type~. . Chor-'Bishop Eid on h~s work·for , : .. Ab~ott-elect Wagner" is a Never'is the'faCt that even' the the : cause' of, 'cahonization' ,'of . ""'!""" most retarded 'chifd ha·s..an im- . Father"Sharbel, Saintly. hermit: modal soul lost .l!igh(of. Alto- of' Lebanon, imd·. bestowed;; his. gether an encouraging,' needed blessing 'on the prelate 'andhis' . I· . . . book. parishioners. " ' ' L F'l S J "h b' Chor-Bisho.p Eid IS. CUrl'.ently, F.ranlS~ .- 1 as" .;' w 0 as ,. . .;, :<~:; ~:! ,\. : . ; probabiy said ·more about St. conducting a prayer crusade'for I:' ',JoSeph thananY~9thef' .mint· in the ChurchofLebanonand:the. ' .. ii, .' c', .. COMPANY,. ,.' '. bistory~' :contriblites '''st/ Joseph .rest of,theEast;' with .apPI'<lyal·oL ~ ... i:'.. '~~:':"!:'-:~"'.~::-,·"::lil . and Daily Christian' Living" the' Sacred 'drieiital~Congrega::" \Lirie (Macmillan,' $3.95)' to·Christnias·. tiOrl. He is 'distributing a 'pr~yer . Buildi~g:Mat~rJcd~,,:' possibilities. As the' title 'iridi- card' depieti(Ig, ,,'the~ national. cates, it's a .studY~ of how' St. shrine of 001' Lady of Lebanon ,Joseph can help us in"life today.andbearing;'a!'prayer ''to 'her~ . a:' SPRING,; ST.> FAIRHAVEN . " '..... Copi~s mar' be 9btained froni y' WYma.n··3-2611 "Image of America" .by ~. L. liimat St.. Anthony'. of the Des,;" . Bruckberger, '. O,P. . (Viking, . ' ert reCtory,· 359 'Quequechan $4.50)' i.s an obJ'ective study of Street, Fall River. . the 'United States by a Fr~nch' . '. " . A Deliciou$ scholar. Emphasizing the good Treat 'points of the~ United States, 'it's a cheerful antidote to the many .WestNewJ~~ry,. M~~s •.,·. who continually, belabor Amer•. For agift syrriboli~ o.fihetrue spl~~. . , . Conducted by' .., ·of· the' joyous Christmos season - -' icil and' Americans: " . 'iSO'7 :Brothers of Charity 1959. Creed Rosaries and 'Medals;' . Private BOarding Sch~oi' . fine. Creed religioUs' ',Truman O'pposes gifts for Christmas. for ~Ys'~rade~5,:,~~7-a " ,..... : .N.ew masterpieces:, .: . giving from $2 to Write. Call or come for' . of contem·p·or.ary'" . $300.' . TOLEDO, (NC)' ...:,.. Former Infot:mation . : design creaJ~d..by.· . President Harry .S, Truman has ~ our o~nJrtternQ.• Tel. HOmestead 2-46'63 opposed using Federal· funds to . ,lionGlI;dcinious·~. promote artificial' birth control ' :~g n;ers. . _ . . .. in 'underdeveloped co~_ntI:ies..- . M'. EN' . 1"7' _ 2'5. " . , ... '-,.. : In a press conference,' the exPresident said of warningsaboui JOIN tHE· NEW'-·., a so-'called "poPlila'tion explo'.' '.' .. ,. sion": "I don't' believe iIi ·that . Society of Brothers .Qf A,
C··' .'1' A"ccep.. .' '., a r.,d-Ina.·, Leba n'O'n' - .· G.·. I-ft .
A.'. tte.nd Reg.ion.a 1M.e.et, ForC.enal". Ie 'Jubilee
r.-----.'--:' fAIR,HAVEN .lUM·BER
.:'"Corriplete" .'.
'," -'.
- .
- w· ,
·Aid. ·For Birth Control,.
: . :~
the people of ,underdeveloped countries he deelared: "We'll find it way to feed them and make good ,citizeris' of them." Part 'of the lIln-
Our Lady of providence' For inf~rma~ion w~ite to;
.·FATHI;~'-MASTE~.-. St•. 'Joseph th~ ,:Worke~:,<M.'·, ... a.id·.· 'e' " .. Novitiate . .' ' .
. 'IUte :Chips
.: ,:AMERICA'S" FINEST ~'ELlGIOUS _~ .... _; .....-_ .. GIFTS --. "'-.
'~',;...:....... _ ..... tIo~""""''''''''._''
":~::~f~~ ;~~e~f':~~l::;:n:~J' ..,,-_~.~_,;_•.._w_.e_',rw_~:!.."~.-._~c.:~..:._.!:1_,~.~c_:~ . ...!.... :,_.~_:.:~_;.-,•.':~_.:.'::~;., . .....',_~;•._.~.·.k. ..Fo_r_·.• T.... he_m_._!_,~_,d_.UY. ...._~_:'.i:,;. ... ",,
.•..•."•."•..•'.•..•"•...•'.,-....__'iii"."... ' .'•.•"1.'_.".":."'."."_"'
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Decries Bringing Religious Issues Into Politics
THE ANCHOR-, Thurs., Dec. 3, 1959
Denies Existence Of Church-State, Separation Wall
ST. MARY'S CITY (NC).1.. Father John La Farge, S.J~ _ has described as disastrous the dragging of religious is;-
sues "into fields where they do Ohio's Public School Board not belong," and their use "cif Association was told that coall places, in political camoperation between public and paigns." religious schools' can be im, The well-kn'owQ. author and proved by forgetting the slogan associate editor of America spoke which says a wall exists between at ceremonies sponsored by the church and state. interfaith Religious Heritage of America, commemorating the Instead, the association's con325th anniversary of the foundvention was told" each spec'ific ing of Maryland, which" as a instance 9f church-state educaintroduced religious colony, tional relations contains an area freedom to America. of uncertainty and a line which Father LaFarge said that "fear neithe'r church nor state may of misuse does not j:ustify, ne- , cross must be foul}d in each case. glect of honest discussion. Seri-" This is the view of Robert H. ous, reasoned dialogue on reli-",' Hamilton, dean of the Wyoming giol,ls issues-in themselves,' and, " University law school and an in relationship to the burning,:: attorney who has specialized in political and social issues of the Prop~sed Franciscan Chapel and Monastery school law. day-has its own time and place. Deplores Indifference Dean Hamilton was critical of , New Bedford, Massachusetts "A growing sense among _ the U. S. Supreme Court's McAmerican citizens that such dfaCollum decision which threw the term "wall of separation belogue is possible, between Prot..... estants and Catholics, between I~ew tween church arid state" into the " Ch~istians and Jews, between public arena. Hawes Electric and Cushing behevers and unbelievers, is a Construction of a: new' Our "The so-called wall' is not healthy sign. . . Lady's Chapel and monastery on used "exclusively as a monastery. Buildings once stood. These "We are not asking on this ,Pleasant Street, north of Sears A chapel below the 'main floor buildings, acquired by the high," he said. "It is not impregnable. There is not any wall. occasion about what conclusions ,;"Court, is expec~ed to begin next will be used primarily for func~ranciscans late last year, have There is nothing in the U. S. such dialogue may reach; but'we ' ~arch, the Rev. David J. Fle.~- tions of the Third Order.' ' Since been razed. Constitution which says anything are proclaiming with, no unc~r-' 1,'lOg; O.F.M., rector, announced Building 'Plan ~bout it. " , ,, tain voice what needs to be em., to~a~. Bi~s for' the job will De " John P. Ifeffernan of Boston, phasized, that religious freedom, ,:sohclted 10 February. an ecclesiastical architect, has US X . . Urges Cooperation in this or in any other country, : ,. Main' Chapel' . <irawn plans .for the bUilding, "Yet that wall of separation is cannot possibly thrive in an at.. ' " " . " " ,,' . ' "which hi\ve been approved by the the finest noise a court can' Iposphere of religious indiffer-" T~.e-ft.laI~ cliap-e~.. wI~1 ,hol~ ap- Very, Rev. Celsus R. \Wheel~r, An oil painting '.of ~ Chinese , mak~do explain a decision it has ence," , ", .... proxImately 400 persons. An in- O.F,M." provincial of the Order ~ado?na featured m LIfe maga- reached on grounds whieh it reTl\e Jesuit a~thor conti~u~d:'., .for~~tion ce~ter:\yill,~e lQc:ateci of Fri!lrs Minor of the Province ,'ZIn~ ?S among highlights' of- a ,fuses to disclose~" '''We, enjoy religious liberty in ,,?n t~~ l~~t o~ the ~ain 'entra!1~e;, of the ~ost Holy Name, a~dby , . RehgIOl.is Art' Exhibition s~on.;· , In his appeal that church-state the ,United States, precisely be- , ,.Just InSIde the doors. A" chapel :the IyJ;ost Rey. J~mes L. Connoliy, ' :,sored by :he. Greater Fall RIver educational' relations be decided cause our,country, while it fa~" ;office.will be on the'right side D.D., bishop of the Fall, River ,Art'AssociatIon. ' on an iristance-by-instance basis vors no one belief, does take a of the main' entrance. : Diocese. ' ', To be on display at the Charles in a spirit of cooperation between positive attit.u~e tow~r~ rel!gion: The second floor will provide The chapel is to be constructed V. Carroll School, Hood Street" two agencies, Dean Hamilton By our ~aditIon, rehgIOn IS re- meeting' and conference rooms: on the site where the Gulf Hill from today through December cited the school bus situation. spe.cted I.n. our laws, and in his- classroom facilities for p~ospec~' , " 6, the painting has been loaned Providing taJi-paid bus trans~orlc deCISIons of our law courts, tive converts to the faith and Argentine Farmers by Rev., Raymond T. Considine, portation for children attending ~n our Congress and legislatures, community rooms for conven- 0 L d G ,pastor of St. William's Church forces, in our pub.' ience of members of the Third ppose an rant Fall River. . , non-public schools, he said, is Order of St. Francis. Bl!E:t;l"0S AI~ES (NC)-Ar. Exhibit' hours today and to- not a school board problem but lic mstItutIons. an extension of the general wel"Becg'Use religion is respected,. '. gentlI~a s Cathohc farm owners' I morrow are from 4 to 9 on religion in the United States is ThIrd and fourth floors WIll be, ~rga~l1~ation. has criticized' as Saturday from 2 to 9 and on fare. He add'ed' his conviction that: free, and where religion is free ' . , _defInItely Marxist in nature" Sunday from 2 to 7 Sund " man's political freedom 'can stili.,,, Na,me Father Damien :an agrarian reform scheme will include . "Where parochial school puhope.to'be secure. The greatest'" S d ' C" 'R . . ' ,plan~ed. by· the, Buenos Aires ments to be served from 3 to, 'pils ,netld ,bUS rides, a transporta'';" , danger to us all is that of a " tu y '~nter' ector . pr~vIncial government. 5. tion commission divorced from creeping . mediocrity, of smug ,j ROME (NC) _ A Franciscan' T~e'orga'tizationsaid (he plan : '.- The. exhibit ~in<;ludes paint- both school systems should be self-eomplacency eroding char- ,,' theolog'ian 'who' 'ha's taught' at' is Marxist since "this reform has' ,-mgS, from the 13th, century to set up to work out the probl~m." acter and. wea~ening. the fibre "'\St.· Bonaventure University in ,.. the sole objective of subdividing 'cont~mporary times and inof our national lOtegrIty, and in New York state bas been named already existing farms irres'pec": 'cludes works by Crimonini the lon~ ~un betraying. us to our rector of the Franciscans' top tive of their methods of produc-, forme,~ area resident and paintever . vI~llant and resourceful center of studies, the Pontifical tion and profit~blen:ess." ,. ,- 'er ~f noted murals at Notre enemIes.' , Athenaeum of St. Anthony in The Catholic' farm owners ,,-Dame Church, Fall River. Rome. \ cIai~ the reform plan, already 'Stained glass, wood carvings Belgian Father Damien Van passed by the, provincial legis- and sculpture, will also be shown. Catholic Schools 'Ask den Eynde, O.F.M., was named lature', is ,not ne<;essary.' More )' ', Algerian State '.Aid;·' \ to the post by Father Augustine th~n. 40 million acres of govern-' ' ,Seek Freedom ALGIERS (NC)-Archb'ishop' Sepinski"O.F.M., SuPerior Gen:.. merit-owned' land in Argentiita' ',BONN (NC)"':'-Nearly 200,000 Leon'-Etienne Duval of Algier~' eral of the Franciscans. His ap": :~d.not under cultiva~ion, they youthful refugees from the has called for state aid to Cath,;· pointment was approved by a Soviet zone of East Germany olic schools in his' See. decree of the Sacred Congregahave, been processed lit emerTb,e Archbishop said that' tion of Seminaries and Univer':' gency reception centers in SandCatholic schools in the Algiers sities. bostel and Westertimke since archdiocese are now' educating ". May 1952.. . 14,000 students without any pub- , The new rector of the Athelic aid. " naeum, commonly called the ~e also not~d that three ~athAntonianum, speak;) seven', lano11c scho~1s In the..' archdIO~ese . ,:gl.ia~es fluently and' writes in Famol:ls Reading HARD:, COAL have hac,l ,to close this year, ·al.,.~; :}'fiv,e: of therrt., He '.was born on . ,NEW ·ENGL.\;'.iD 'COKE though there are lJ-undreds of" Sept 19 1902'n', th M , NEW BEDFORD thou and f AI" I . , , I e ames s s o , ,gerIan chIldren .province of Belgium D~DSON" Oil BURNERS who receive no schooling. He :. " , , . ~4-Hou': Oil Burn~r. Service INDUSTRIAL ,OILS described this situation as a "
B'e d f ord Franciscan ,Chapel and Monastery
Relig'.·o E h-b-t In, 'Fa II ' River
~ ~ur ~rm.ed
SHELL "Premium"
:, OIL CQ.r, ,INC.
C~~~~~tiBeirth' Co~tr6i" i\·ROS·E·LAW~~·i
Stand Unchangeable FARMS UTRECHT, (NG) The :145 Washington St.., Fairhaven Church tries to help the faith• BAR-B·Q Chickens f';11 as much as possible in mar- •• CUT-UP Ch' k riage problems,' but will not •• IC ens revise its stand against birth • DAY OLD Eggs • control practices,' im' Archbishop" •• ,CHICKEN Pies • said here in The Netherlands. •• POTATO SALAD, • ROAST CHICKENS • . The Church meets the needs of the faithful as much as it •• BAKED BEANS . • c,an~ but it cannot· cross t h e . (week-e;'ds) • '• • • • • lImIts set by God, Archbishop ~ Bernard J. Alfrink of Utrecht " said !it the 40th anniversary' meeting of the Dutch Catholic .. SOTcihetYAofhPb~Yhsicians. , ~, HOLY LAND . e rc IS op said that Pope PlUS XI and Pius XII have clearly. stated the' position of FATIMA the Church on birth control methods. ' LOURDES
, Ch~rcoa'i Briquets
,'Bag Coal
Sales & Service
Successors to DAVID DUFF & SON 640 Pleasant Street
501 COUNTY ST. '
NEW BEDFORD '. . WY :3-1751
Cathol'ic Schools. DALAT, (NC) - Souili VietDam has a total of 1,000 Catholic schools with an enrollment' of' 165,000 pupils, the Centl'ai.Bur- '
John Tweedie '-WYman 3-1' 5'08
,~ Stephen Mark~y WYman 7-9527
:~';~c:=~~~ ~~c.~J~~~!-:~' . . "~!:!!.~~!=4~.::f!t.!~U~.N!:!!~~E~~~.S::f!!~R~:=l~~*!::!!.~,~.~.!:!!.~+~+:::~~EW::,!.=+~:~~!::::ED~+:::F?~~=D+~,~!,,~~:::~~S~:.=.~I
Tel. WY 6-8271,"
'New Bedford
,: , P.O. BOX7- FALl.. RIVER, ·MASS. : : :Enclosed is $4 Subscription. Please send for one year to :
;. Name .., : : _ : : :• Address Post Offi~·~..··..·..·..··..········..······..:·· ··:..···..···..·..· _ ,................................ . _ _ . ;•. Crt' 1 Y or T own _.._ " ' • Parish to be credited ' " :: :Donated by _ : :~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=-:=:~~::::::~:::=:::::::::::= ·AM , • z:es~ ..: ,' _ : : :.: ' , "' '.: , ,
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......................................... :
THE ANCHO:,-':"iocese of Fall River-Thurs., Dec. 3, 1959. .
,". :"
. ' .:
;'_'.~_ _ ~~. ' :
Crisis and Character
Critic Anlrnounc~s Se~e~tion Of Wortiiwhile Gift Books
God Love :You By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.
days of prosperity, Bishops are primarlIi ~dmlDlst~tors: in days of adversity, their role is principally tnat of shepherd. In days of relative peace the 'laity are divided ·into "good" and ''bad'' Catholics: in dark hours of persecution, they are either "true" or "false". 'Quantity decreases; quality tDcreases. No crisis ever makes a person different from what he was; it only J:eveals his vue character.
By Ri. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy The time has come for drawing up a list of books which this columnist ~onsiders worthwhile Christmas gift~. . Out of all the titles which have been reviewed here during' the past year, 29 .have betm selected. To this group .two others have been added; .• mystery story with theological they are books not received overtones- and an 'electrifying for review until lately. To conClusion. . consider 'the last two' first, A novel both provocative and one is a condensation of a work somewhat puzzling, well done that may well be considered a and well worth reading, is God's ' classic of our Frontier by Father Jose Luis times. Martin Descalzo (Knopf. $3.95). It is the Mass Ireland Under Cromwell of the Roman A realistic and moving drama 'Rite by Father of Ireland under Cromwell's 'J 0 s e p h A.' scourge is provided by. Walter Jungmann, S.J. . Mackel1 in Seek the Fair Land
:.~~~~i;al:~ p~:~.
Take South Africa for example. The government upholds white supremacy, whi~e the Church defends equality of all peoples. .Because the Church, in accordance with rea· son and the_Gospel, insisted on. educating the blacks and allowing them to enter any Church they pleased, the government withdrew all support from religious schools. The . Protestants turned over their schools to the State; the Church appealed for sacrifice. ---':
Though there: are only i50,OOO Catholics ill' 'South" Africa, they' denied' themselves to",.
':h;e~~iS~u~a:~.n J~ae A,i~~;i~;:s~ :~h:en'·:~:s~II:II;
FATHER MURPHY . '.' volumes, it is . 'F·~ric6is· Mauriac ate fomli in . ~I t .t . plahteddeep in .the Catholic' sOuls. OlieWA , now available,. the recent translation of one of I~a ss.~ a n teacher' with eleven children agreed ·to 'livetW ."without the ·his older 'novels, Questioils of' D' .... on $51 a 'month to··assure··the blacks of antf:,: critical appara-' Precedence (Farrar, Straus and . . r.,ne .reC.toreducation;another wrote to'the Bishop "I shall keep on teaching tus and someCudahy. $3.50). WASH;INGTON JNC)-Father '. 'for my ChUrch and my 'r~ligion even if I am paid nothing at all". _what abridged, in one volume Extended stories 'written'some John J. Murphy, assishin~ direc- Still ano'ther "I' shall' remain, Christ suffered for us: We must be (Benziger. $10). Father Jung~'. decades ago by Sigrid Undset tOr of Catholic Charities of the . willin.g to suffer with ~im and for Him". . mann has made an exhaustive, are gathered under the title Archdiocese of Washington, has scholarly. study of the Mass. Four Stories (Knopf., $3.75); been named assistant director of '. If we had a persecution in the United States, Catholics would . Monsignor John Byrnes has they are notable in' quality but the newly dedicated National undoubtedly give more than 260 apiece' to the Holy Father, not .made an. excellent, readable rather depressing. Shrine of the Immaculate Con-,only for South Africa but for aUthe foreign ~issions. This "all :translation of the, Manual. of The year saw the publication. ,'ceptil)ll here. ,' . ' . : 'they are-giving now to the. Vicar of Christ.·But why, in the name Dogmatic Theology by' A.Tanof The Life of Christ by Andres 1 The appointment.wasannoua- . '. o(the Cruc#ied :SaviC!r, ~o: we' have to wait .~tUCommunists , 'querey and J. B. Bord (DeSclee. " Ferna)1dez, . S.J. (Newman.,. cedby Francis Cardinal .Spell-. take over before we reall7 learn the meaning of sacrifice! Will ""Two volumes. $9.75 the' set). . $12:50)., . which must. be put :~a~, Archbishop o~, ~e~V' York,.", ;'0,. B.ot b.egin:n~w? ~a~.; a d~~b'; sacrifice. For example, denF 'This is a distillation of the many a~ongs1de the best of s';1ch wQrks. . chamlla~ of th«;! shrme s bo~rd ,.yourself any tiny luxury. At the end. of the month, send FOur , volumes' on .dogmatic theology';' .' . Knox Translation' . '. pf,tr\,J.stees. ,Msgr.. Th~ma~. J .... sacrifices'to .th'eHoly ':Father through'his S~ciety of the Propaga"which Father Tanquerey '3. disThe ~onald Knox translatiOn GradY, ..a ·pries.t of ,the.. Archnon of the Faith. ,""'. "tinguished Sulpician, wr~te;' of .the ;Acts of the Apost~~sand . diocese of' Chicago, is c:tirector' .'. ", .1 .:,'t Biography, Autobiography . t~e Epl~~les."of ~t. Paul·,ls .C9~- "'9.~ the _shri~~. ;" \ .:~~ ~'. ~"., ~OD LOVE YOU to Miss E.R.M. for '$10 "I ~w something ill ", . As for the other 29 let us·look bmed w1th succmct. and ·readl1y • !ather .MUI;phy, a. n~t.1Ve~f ..your c.olumn last week about·lepers and suddenly realized .how .. 'first .at biography' and atito- . ;ullderstandab~e com me nJa r y Dorchester, M~ss.,. ~a~ }v1~h'j the',: very fortunate i am and hoW selfish 'I'have: been lately. A year ago '·'biography. Bishop Rene FoiJrey (prep~red by Father Ron.ald" 10t~. ,~ountam D1v1s1on:,;. Ski .. , I. was;unemplqyed, ~ith'no prospects of employment. Now I have an ""!las written the text of and Rene Cox) 111 It. Is Pl\ul Who Wr1tesTroop,s, S. Ar~y' for. three. editorial position on a n~wspaper>Wlien' I'was unemployed I gave ':'''Perrin has provided 'a copious (~heed and Ward. $~.QO).Also '. ;ye~rs ?'!r111g Worl~' V{a;r II. He' more to 'the. Church. th~ri.Jr ~ave 'in the recent months of ;ecurity. 'quantity of photographs for: The from the p,:n of M~n~lgnOr ~nox ,served 111 Italy w.1th t,~~ .. tI. S. Then I was. poor, but ,lately I have' been' spiritually impoverished. Cure d'Ars (Kenedy, .$10), a are the p1t.hY s~Jr1tual. eS~llYS 5th Army and the Br1bsh 8th lristead of banking 'this amount I decided to put it in the spiritual I 'livid 'gem of portraiture. A known as L1ghtnmg Med1tations Army... . " bank" .. .'To "Teen-ager" for$i "1 ·was in the depths of despair "'!lPlendid account of a career aU (She~d ~nd Ward. $3). , Followm~ the war, he attend~.· over' ~y hoinewo~k wh~n I decided to glance through yo~ column. ,j but forgotten is supplied by QU.1te as valu~ble ~o the ~~rsoa St.. Anselm s Colleg~, ~a~ch.esIt made me realize that most of the world's peopl~ have far more 'j. Father Walter H. Peters in The seekmg. ~~ter~al and "stll~ulus ter, N.H., ~nd ~t. Bonaventure's.. trying problems than 11th,. year Math" ... To .M.M. for $10 "A gift Life of Benedict XV (BrUCe. . for med1abon IS. Jesus ChrlstUS (N.Y.) Un,Ivers~tr· He att.ended.· to.the SaCred Heart for all His loving care of me" ... to Mrs: J.S.H. $4.50). . (Regnery. $2.7~). by Monsignor ~t. Mary:s Se~ar~,.~,alt~mo~, ..for $5 "I pJ;'omised st. Alithony of Pad.ua in niyprayers that I would The 'best of the biographies of Romano Guardm1. . where he rec~lYed a licenbate lit send a donation to your Missions for the. needy if my lost .parakeet the present Holy Father is Pope .. Father Roy ~. ~ow~d, S.l.. ~~red~heology, and '. w~ or· would bE! foiuid"., .. ,JOhn XXIII by Zsolt Aradi, Fr. h~s attempted, In Llturg1cal Re- dall1ed In St. Matthew's ~tbJames 'I. Tucek and James C. .treat. (Sheed~~d. Ward.· $3):, to edHral h~ebee' on MaY 21t954d" <_ .. ' Th~'loveliest &iit 70a e&n give is the gift of love. Your ofterlna' _ 11 O'Neill Farr~ Straus and combme the S})Irltual ExercIses.: .. e?~ .n assi s .... n .. ,~r.ec ..... ".for the Mi8!iiou' thM take sPiritual and bodilJ' care of tbe Poor i Cudahy. ~4.95). ' o~ St. I~nati~ ~ithal\ exa~ina-. ofcharlbes Sll1ce la~ ~anuary. .and ihe.JieedYof the ~o~ld, shows ,.our loving and understandlna' ., In. Act One (Random House. . t~on of the s1gn~ficance, for Idenheart For ,yoar 'sacrifice of. $3 or' more, we will send Foa anF of " ' $5) ·'Moss Hart has. written a ,tlty and worshIp, of thr.ee of the" S··S' sam..; rlsflOn ,the following at your request: 10k gold-filled GOD LOVE YOU' col~rful' and amusing account sacrame;ts. 1st Writ Bond· Against MEDAL: STATUE OF: OUR LADY OF TELEVISION: CHARM ()f the years between hiB birth rapp er CAIRO (NC)..:...A, spokeSmaB . FOR CHAIN BRACELETS: OVAL OK' SQUARE CUFf'LINK.S; ia the Bronx and his first sucFather M. ~ymond,. the wen for.the .chief theological' semi-: TIE CLASP. _ cess as a Broadway playWright; known TrapP1st ~rIter, hall nary of the Moslem world issued alliance betweea . CUt out thii col~n, pin' yOUl' sacrifice to it and mail it to the Mrs.-·Theodore Roosevelt Jr. re- ~roba?ly produced h1S best book .. a call for. counts a busy, sometimes adven-- In Th1S Is Your rTomorrow,. . . "Islam and Christianity for com- 'Most Rev. F~ton J. Spe~q, Nat.ionlll Director of The Society for turous life in ,The Day Before and Toda?, .(Bruce., $3.~5):. He . mon defense against atheism thePropagatlon of the.Fa1th, 366. Fifth ",-venue, New York 1, N.Y.. Yesterday (Doubleday. $5.95). records h1S bro~her s d1sco,VerYand communism:' .. ~r your DIOCESAN DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T.CONS~DINE, .., . that he has cancer and the after368 N rth M' Str t, Fall R' M Sag.acloUB and Charm~iI&' ' " math of this shattei-ingnews, The plea was made 'by' the . o. am ee. Iver, ass. Two. gallant young lad~es ~eH along with his own suggestions head of the cultural section 01. theI~ conqu~st of crlpplmg as to the Christian interpreta- EI Azhar University, who illness 111 Looking Up by Jane tion of suffering and death.' labeled communism the worst Bo>:le Ne~~ham (Putnam. ~.~) /0. survey of the vast range of.: plague in the history otmankind. and But W1th the Dawn ReJo1cpeoples in all parts ~of the globe The 1.0"'century-old El Azhar, mg by Mary Ellen Kelly (Br~ce. is proffered by Father Albert J. with 'a student body of upwards (Mac, Gregor Brand) $,3). One ?f the m~st sag,,:c1ouS Nevins, M.M., in The Maryknoll of 10:000,' has a unique influence and charm~ng autob~ographles of Book of Peoples (Crawley. ,~orthodox ~os'lem 'dii'cles. . the year ~ My F1rst Seventy $4.95). Confined to but a part"" }~,~~e, ~ake~the ~1·A,zhar. 'il i Y~ars by Slster- Madeleva (Macof one hemisphere, but enC1~lo-'L. ~~~t~~~~t~,Ca.ir() demon.-str.a~orll, I' m1llan. $3:50)., , . '. " . pe~ic in its way and highly' in_·\)1rot~Sb,~g.the rece?t ~X;~c~t~b~ '( IdaFrIe~eke Goerres has formative, is New Horizons: ,in, ,; ~ ,~~~, . ~~rri:~~ ~la~~<is }~~~al' ,: ~n StUdy1ng St:. Th~..of Latin America by FaUier John, ..':,ll~" ,', " . ,',. ", .:~,"";$q,~~(' ....:.,$C:)! r~~tv 'so OOWNIUGHT. GOoo' ~" L1s1eux f.or ~ 14?n~ time, and glV.~ "J.. Con~idine,.'M.M. (Dodd. ~). ,,,~E!s~:~nd,,¥?~amm~~~~~~., ~ ~ ~ ,"i J : . :l:':-::.';.:::, :.. 1 us her fmdmgs m a long; ~asc1- : Shll another" segment of the ,CQ.~~urllsm. . . ,. . ... "... .. . , ::,! .• )",;.- . . nating book called The 'Hidden: . '. . . ' __ I, ,,,:••1., c.' , ,""'!: ',,';;,: '''''''~I " i: "".' ;., ',: . 1. . . earth 1S conSIdered by MonSIgnor :,',)....... "'~ "' "...,"',.. ..,.~ .. ~"',"'~.... Face (Pantheon. $4.9!». Raymon<;l Etteldorf. in The.:~""", .. _ . . . . . •.. , '. ,.at ~ .$.o~ .Mary.and Elizabeth Catholic"Ch~rch"in the .Middlel' TDEBROsSE·'~.OU;':f:, "~'\;~";:, :',,··JUST;;"';'T···~(." SOut" Easter.. A piOneermg seventeenth.cen- East (Macmillan. $3.~5)... .;" .. ~ Mac Gregor turymissionarY, Father Roberto .. ' . ,¥:or the ,sports el:\t~~siast (pro-:.:: ~ CO. /. ' ASK , Massachusetts· de Nobili, is the subject of V~n- _ vided he is relatively literate af', , . ~ BRAND FOR' " cent Cronin's fineiy wrought A ; ~ast) there is Arthur Daley's"" ~ ~ Pearl to India (Dutton. $4.50).' uncommonly enjoyable Sports of , ea lng, I S , ... Something like justice is ren- the Times (Dutton. $3.50).' .. ~. ':. ,/.:.. .,' :.1 dered to Mary Tudor, among the .;7" . a n urners, ~ . most maligned sovereigns in otes urc ~I. :: ;~,:", :,.,.. '. .,.,' ''''I , history, by Hugh Ross WilliamLUANDA (NC). - The city" ,365 NORTH FRONT STREET : son's r~view of her reign :and' councilof..this major Portuguese'~ ~ NEW ·'·BEDFORO, .~ '(I her relationship ""ith her sister, West AfrIcan. port has vo~~ a:;,.,~ . WYman 2-55~ ,.,. Elizabeth I, in The Conspirators grant of $3,500 toward bul1dm/l;.,' ' " . '. ~ and the Crown (Hawthorn;' a' new church d' .yo: ~..,.. :~ .. .,.",...,;....", '.. ,!,,,,.,,,........
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-Hard to categorize (it certainly, ii' .. " ".'.-,' isn't biography) but most enCOME IN' -- SEE and,- DRIVE .. gaging is Sybille Bedford's The Trial of Dr. Adams (Simon and . Schuster. $3.75), Adams being, ''TL- World'. Most ·f II P" '. --~ the English physician a c c u s e d . . . . , uti uy, rop,oi'tlO..-u and acquitted of murder not lIO '. at' . long a g o . ' ' In the :iielci of fiction, .The . . . NortoII ~ EastOil E. 'Bridgewater Devil's Advocate by Morris L. West (Morrow•. $3.95) is for adult . Randolpla . . Plairwille . ". readers and has had miXed reFORD DEALERS FOR OVER'38 YEARS .. ' :.'. news in the Catholic presS. ~. ne~ 8ft»ddOft Eatt Shopping Plaza .', ~ohn ,Buell's The 'Py" ('!"l1rrar. ,1-344-86 PurchaseSt~" ' New Bedford, Mella. ,I,: ~a~~~ C!l~ahr. ~3.50) la: ~ .,:. ' , ; . :'.,' J..1i;J:;, ,e \,-:lo"o:ry. ", Lku'I,J'U! ;jS".1.!t1-.. ~;:L ~.J',:; ~ j,:;" r I', :co.r!j ;"~~;'\' 0' :i; "I ,'.;; '~,'"':;"'U_ ,. I: J' ".11 ,I{ 1l1(1) llJ.1~1 T ~ k l' 'I! r ,EI: f I' flf-J 1:."'11'+'f;.4'.t'-!>.F:J:·J"Ji+·!'-!P: ~..!," <'",dCil:' -'''L..'':,.. '''',.A·'-.....,~ ~,·, . .Jlj''"'''.hll.·"'
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,'Christmas Parties
Thurs:; Dec~ 3, 1959
Par1sh P·arade
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, NEW BEDFORD Mr. and Mrs. John Friars head a committee planning a Christmas party for the Couples club at 8 Saturday night, Dec. 12 in the school auditorium. Gifts will be exchanged and a buffet and dancing will pe held. ST. ROCH'S, FALL RIVER The Men's Guild w~ll hold a meatball and spaghetti supper from 6 to 8 Saturday night, Dec. 5 in the parish hall. Lionel Lavoie is general chairman, assisted by ~ierre Gagnon, in charge of tickets. The Women'~ Guild will hold a meeting at 7:30 Monday night, Dec. 7, also in the par:ish hall, featuring. a.n address by Rev. Reginald"M. Barrette, moderator. 'Mrs. Manuel Soares and Mrs. Jeanne Miville are',co-chairmen of the coffee hour. ST. PIUS X, SOUTH YARMOUTH A dessert card party' will be held at 1 this afternoon at the
ST. PETER'S, DIGHTON The Holy Name Society. will sponsor its annual St. Peterstyle supper from 5 to 8 Saturday evening, Dec. 5 at the elementary school. A choice of menu will be offered. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will hold' 'its Christmas Party at 8 P.M., Monday, Dec. 14. The boys' choir under the direction of Father Paul Connelly will entertain. ST. DOMINIC'S, ' SWANSEA The Women's Guild will hold its Christmas party at 7 Wednesday night, Dec. 9 at the Woodcrest, Seekonk.. Reservations and choi~e of menu should be entered with Miss Jane Borden or Miss Dorothy 'Pires before "noon Sunday, Dec. 6. Members are requested to bring a' gift for exchange and a ·toy to be donated .to needy children. A ceramic nativity scene will be awarded . during the party.
Crusader Holds Family Rosary Rally in Japan . FUKUOKA (NC)-Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., who began the Family Rosary Crusade, has launched the movement in this Japanese diocese at the invitation of Bishop Dominic Fukahori of Fukuoka.
GOLDEN' JUBILEE: Fifty" years of parish growth at Holy Rosary Church in Taunton were celebrated by, left to right, R~v. John Zielinski, O.F.M;Conv., pastor, Most Rev. .James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall River, and Very Rev. :George Roskwitalski, O.F.M.Conv., Provincial of the Order .of' Friars Minor Conventuals.· . ,
Pope John ,'Names Four Diocesan Priests Monsignori
Some 1,500 people attended the first Family Rosary Rally here, which was addressed by Father Peyton. Among those attending were a number of pagans. The 'fRosary Priest" urged that the diocesan movement be started immediately. Bishop Fukahori, explaIning the movement's 'motto of' "the family that prays together' stays together," said, "heavenly peac~ ,was first brought into this world by Christ, the Son of Mary. 11 we want this peace for ourselves, our families, a'nd our world, then we should ask for it through Mary." ,
Father Peyton interrupted a Continued from Page One Church, Wareham, St. Mary'. and Paul Church in Fall River Family Rosary Crusade In the His dress approximates that . Church, ,Taunton, and St. Paton April 28, 1953. Philippines to come to the Jap. h is 'dIocese . anese·rally. . 0f a b'IS h 6p 'o\1.tslde rick's Church, Fall River. In Monsigno L . . and he has 'the right to the '1934' he was sent by the late ' . r arlvlere Several students, from St. A card party will be held "bugia" candle at Mass. He is : Bishop Cassidy to· study.in Monsignor Lariviere, pastor of Maur's High School, told Father tonight in the parish hall under considered a prelate of the Rome and on his return' in 1935 ·~t. John the' Baptist Church, Peyton af~r the rally that they sponsorship of the Women'i 'Church and takes precedence of 'was ~ppointed Diocesan Direc- ,Fall River, son of the late Guild. 'A savings bond 'will' be', bonor' over priests: tor of the Propagation of the Philip E. Lariviere and Hermina ,wanted to be baptized soon. One of the girls, Hideye Hashimote, awarded as special prize. No'date has, been set for the Faith. Society, a' post he still prove~cal, was born on Nov. 17, told her teacher that she had OUR LADY OF :ASSUMPTION. investiture of ,the new prelates. holds. On June 12, 1951, Monsig- '1887, In St. Jean, P. Q., Canada. decided to take the baptismal OSTERVILLE Monsignor Bettencourt . nor Con!!idine~'was appointed ,He was eq.u~ated ~t St. Michael's name of "Patrick," in honor of A Christmas buffet IUpper Monsignor Bettencourt, pastor 'pastor of St. William's Church ,College, Wmooskl, v.t., and St. wi~ be held Saturday night, of 'Santo 'Christo Church, Fall 'in Fall River. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore, Fath~r Peyton. She could not be swayed,' her nun-teachEOr said, Dec. 5 by the Assumption Guild, 'Rivcrr , the son of the lat.e FranMonsignor Considine is also He was ordained by the late from the 'name even after she with sittings' at 5:30 and 7. Mrs. cisco' C. Bettencourt and Carlota Director of the Catholic CharBishop Feehan in St. Mary'. 'was told that '8 girl should use Harold Hanewich is' chairman, J. 'Vasconcellos, was born Nov. ities Appeal, a, member of the Cathedral on Dec..30, 1916. and tne' event will take plaCe at 7, 1876, .in Praia, Graciosa. .IsDiocesan" Administrative CounMonsignor Lariviere served ."Patricia" instead. Spruce Tree Lodge, Parker ROad. land, ~he Azores. He a~tended cil, and Diocesan Director of· the' in the Diocese' of Charleston, the ·Seminary at Angra; and was Holy Childhood Association. South Carolina, until 1922, when Many Folks do not ~now we ST; JOHN ·BAPTIST, ordained on Oct. 1, 1899 in St. He has two brothers who are he retur'ned to the Diocese and NEW BEDFORD ,:: Francis Church;'Angra. priests: Rev. John .J. Considine, became' assistant at St. Mary's have moved I I Our The Couple/l' Club:, will spon., Monsignor :Bette~court came M.M., of Maryknoll, New York, Church, No. Attleboro. :He so~, a C~ris'Wnas.partr. for meni-. to the Diocese of Fall River on' a world recognized authority on served as assistant at St. Paul's New Location bers' children. at Q Saturaay lI!0v. 24, 1911, and ~as apthe missions, and - Rev. Arthur Church,' Taunton, Notre Dame night; Dec. 19. A potluck supper pof~ted assistant at Espirito G. Considine, pastor of St. Church and St. John the Baptist . lSI is ,pl~nned: for ~ SUf,lday. night, Santo Church in Fall River. He Mary's Church in South DartChurch, Fall River, and, in 1932, ,Ieci.qnt & Union Streets Dec. 20. . served as an assistant also at mouth. became pastor of .Holy Rosary ,N~w Bedford ST.. ELIZABETH'S GUI~ .' St. Michael's Church, Fall River, Monsignor Kelly .' Church in New Bedford~ He EDGARTOWN St. John the ,Baptist Church" Monsi~or Kelly, pastor of . :then served as pastor' of si. ,Me'mbers will exchange gifts New Bedford, St. Peter's Church, SS. Peter and Paul Church, Fall Michael's Church in Ocean at the December meeting, set for Provincetown, and in 1921 ,River, son of the late Matthew 'Grove, and, on. April 23, 1945, Monday, the 21st. Mrs. Alfred founded the Holy Ghost Parish Kelly and Teresa. Goss, was' returned to St. John the Baptist LEATHER GOODS since 1877 Doyle is chairman of the annual in Attleboro. In 1924. he' was born in Fall River on Nov. 13, 'Church in Fall River as pastor.,., I~~~~~~~~~~~~~!I children's Christmas party. transferred 'as pastor to estab1886. After several years in busilish Our Lady of Health Par- . ness he attended St. Laurent OUR LADY OF THE ISLE, ,ish, Fall .River".and on Nov. 1, College in Montreal, St. Mary's NANTUCKET' 1928, 'became pastor of Santo 'Seminary in Baltimore, and the St. Mary's 'Guild member. Christo Parish -in Fall River. Theological College of the Cathwill hold a sale Friday, Dec. Monsignor Considine' olic,.:University in Washington. SOMERSET, MASS. - Next to Stop & Shop 11 at the corner of Federal and Monsignor Considine, pastor ,He was ordained by the late '. ;, •. invites yOUf' participation in the Main Streets. Aprohs, knitted of ;St. William's' Church, Fall Cardinal Gibbons in the Baltigoods, dolls and stuffed animals River, the son of the late John 'more Cathedral-on May 25, 1920. growth of a new B.anking Institution will be included among sale W. Considine and Alice M. Monsignor Kelly spent the • COMMERCIAL and SAVINGS SERVICE items. ' Murphy, was born on March 25, summer of 1920 as assistant at .• MORTGAGES - AUTO and APPLIANCE LOANS Members will alsO, distribute 1902, in New Bedford. A graduOur Lady of Lourdes Church in I Accounts .Insured Up To $10,000' ,gifts among patients in the ate of Holy Family High School Wellfleet, and in October of that N~ntucket hospital 'and Our Iain New Bedford and St. Charles year went to St. Mary's CatheMember Federal Deposit Insurance Co.' land Home. College, Catonsv.ille, Maryland, dral in Fall River where he was _ . Harold J. R~gan, Presidem .sT. JOSE-PH'S, , Monsignor Considine attended stationed until 1938. Monsignor FALL 'RIVER , . St. Bernard's Seminary in Roch- ~elly w~s assistant at the. CathaThe 'annual Christmas sale' '-,. ester and· was ordained in St. !iral for 12 years, pro-rector for in progreS!o from. 2' s· tOday,,' Patrick'. Cathedral, Rochester, one ye~r, and becam.e re<;t9J:' of IlJider spOnsorship of the Wom~ 'N.Y., by the late Most Rev. 'Em1pe Cathedral on' Nov. 4, 1933., en's Guild. . met M. 'Walsh, Bishop 01. He served in that post' until be ST. PATkICK'~' Charleston, ~n Jline 9, ·1928... ~!l8, m!l4 e pastor ot ,St. Patrick'. ,. . Monsignor Considine served 88 ., Church, Falmouth; on Jan.· 19, F~LL R~~ER. . "I~' • ., assistant 'at ,S a c r ed Heart 1938. Monsignor Kelly yias ti'an... ,I rpe' .:women's Guild will hold. Church,. Oak BlulIs, si. Patrick's' terred as, pastor ,of 58. Peter ' Its Christ!l1a/l' party. at . :6:30~ . tollig)l~ atS,tolJe. Brid~ Inn. KEATINGS~ An Irish variety show. iI , M:h~duled for 8 SatOrday Dight .' . ~ l666 NQRrH MA~ ST~, FAll RIVER ,:Exc~lIf;nt lit ~he audUoriU~ · RELIGIOUS ARTICLES FOR evERY MEMBER OF FAMILY NOT·RE, DA;ME, ,. TELEPHON~OS.5.7992 " · 'Y'nusual'ltems in Pottery,. China ' FALL RIVER , .' ., , Brass....,. Wood C!lrving'-:- Hu.mmel Ware The Women's Guild will make ¥any inexpensive .items at 1.00 .' a donation to the Bishop's CharBoxed assortment and counter carda ity Ball. Members ";m assist in -STOREHOURS. the sal, of Christnias' sealS at Open Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Evenings the Flint post office. Tl1eannua'l After. Dec. 10 Open Every Night 'Til Christmas' Christmas party will be held at EMILY C.PERRY 7:45 Monday evening, Dec. 14' iR INCORPORA.TED 1937 .Opp: St. Lawrence Church ~62 County, Street Jesus-Mary AcadeIllY auditorNIJIMIINtJlIIJllJI ium and will be iir charge of guild officers. Gifts will be exA 'LOAf Of MONK'S IRfAD IS changed .arid dueS \x>llected . ~ that time. ~'CH ENOUGH TO IE A ••• ST; MARY'S CATHEDRAL. FALL RIVER.' The Women'. Guild. Annual JAMES H. COi.'LINS,. C.E., Pres. Christmas Sale will' be conThe Trappist :monko wbo deYCloPeet Registered Civil and Structural Engineer ducted tomorrow atternooD ia this ddiciow lod' ~ DO meat, 6dJ... Member National Society Professional Engineers the school, hall from' 2 to 9.' " eggo. Bread la the backbone of tbelr The regular monthly meeting simple .\IieL Ooly the fin. . iagredicoa FRANCIS L COLLINS, JR., 'treas. and Christmas party will be ate used. Trappi... bave beco £a_ THOMAS K. COWNS, Sec'y. held Sunday night at S in the for their bome·made b....d IW 300 yeui. Catholic Community Center. FALL RIVER, MASS. ACADEMY BUILDING The Sunshine Group from the Golden A&e Cl\llJ. will entertaiJa. ·will be played and prizes will be awarded. The public is invited to chal'rma'n. attend. Mrs. Bernard Shea is
Selection o'Christinas Gilts C
Company" ~P~~~d
'T·Pre'ote -·Praises~ Peace' Efforts
WASHINGTON' (NC) Archbishop .Patrick A. 0'·Boyle of Washington told a congregation' of government
Excellent Desse'rt Choice By Joan Meadows . The changing seasons are so en:iching ~. ~he .eye,Be!, exquisite in their subtle transformatIOn that It 18 only na- tural'to try to paint word pictures of them. I h~ such a· "picture" the' other Sunday when the speaker saId that the endless array of varied If desired, top with a maraschine 'and bright-hued Autum~ cherry. " leaves reminded him of the • • • . Communion of' Saints. Even during the holiday sea-
· officials' and leading diplomatll that the Organization of Ameri,can' States. is one of the most effective 'safeguards of peace in 'the western hemisphere. ' The Archbishop' also wamed that "time is rapidly running out" for the peoples of pros·perous .western na tions to remedy the inequalities that exist between them and the peoples son, or perhaps becaUse of it, likened the leaves to the unwhen most of us are busy with of underdeveloped, nations. known saints inasmuch as each preparations, it is important that Archbishop O'Boyle made the is unique: the we maintain a good and bal. statements in a sermon preached leaves bordered anced' diet to support our added , at the annual Pan American with an unwork load. When'time is run. Mass, offered in St. Patrick's matchable Auning short, a bowl of, hot soup Church by Archbishop Egidio tumnal beauty; and a hearty salad make a fine Vagnozzi, Apostolic Delegate to the souls of the. lunch 'or supper. Let the salad C k the United S.tates. It was the Company Po,und' a e saints mark e d . be "Golden Gate Tuna Salad," · 50th anniver~r)' of the Mass. by.' a Godly with ripe 'ollvescontributing One of the principal functions grace. . rich flavor to the fish mjxture. of the Mass over the years has in~t':oe~~~u~~~- consider the ~act GOLDEN GATE TUNA SALAD Cru~a been "to foster inter-American friendship and understanding, that none of the sai~ts, known or 1'. cup ripe olives MANILA (NCY~Father PatIn additio.n, 10.0,000 men a~ and iiJ. that way to promote the (6'h,7~unce)chopped can tunagreea , 'k P eyon, ,t ·C .S.C·,,' has hI'gh being recrUited the archdIunknown, was born th a t way. , ,21 tahlespoone rIC b' .10 tw '11' cause of peace and freedom," A leaf can remain only a leaf .pepper . f th ay the Filipinos ocese to rmg 10 0 mi Ion the Archbishop declared. . become praIse or d~ gW to his Familv '" pledges for Family Rosary reci• • • :- but anyone can 2 teaspoons vinegar? are resCpon m . J tation between Dec. 6 and 10. Though relat.ions between a saint. Black pepper to taste Rosary rusa d e. 11' ill be h ld . • • • 2 bard cooked egga "Never in aU ,the history of Fo~ ra les w M 'la eM 10 some countries in the western hemisphere are today. "unfortu:it -is highly possible, I think, 1 cup chopped celery the crusades' have I come to an provmces ~o~nd am.. ore % cup mayonnaise th t . . ding like the than one·mlllIon people are ex.. nately rather strained," he contha' t a good many of us may 1'. teaspoon salt . area· respon to attend a l:a11in tinued, the natioDS of the Amer. t s n ot because 0 f our Phil'I pa'.pIS "he sad p ted e >.y become sam 1 teaspoon' grated onioa m es ,. "..... ilac 'D 6 icas are at any rate at peace. eooking but in spite of it! . Salad greens . . . . ..Father Peyton who !las con- .._n on· ec. . Not too sweet, not too :ri~h,' Cut olives into large pIeces. ductect mof'e than 270 rosary cru- . ; , . . - - . ; . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Company .Pound 'Cake" suits Dice eggs. Flake tuna coarse~.. sades, was invited by Arch~ishop.. ever.yone's taste and you don't· over olives and eggs. Add celRufino J~ Santos of ·Mamla ·to . . . ~ . -'. have to 'be an experienced cook er'y and green pepper. Biend eonduct' the crusade among the· to expect a real success! This mayonnaise with vinegar, salt, three, ··million.Catholics . in .his With his world-Wide experience the bishop hasprobablF pound cake will surprise you pepper andoniori. Pour ovez: archdiocese. ehanged hisseminarJ' j.io&'~ to "OSAGE IS THE WORLD.· when you discover it is made· salad mixture, 'andblend lightlY:. !'No one " said Father 'Peyton, , : . . '.' He realized that every villll&'e Is from a new pound cake mix. The. Serve on crisp salad greeD&:. "is". holdl~g back. .The Archrecipe uS~ 2 packages and is oMilkes 3' 'to 4' Servings. ... bishop is setting.the pace by giv-" ~-;§}>s~ ''GOD'. VILLAGE'" simpl7 . because baked in a tube pan! Slivered -.... ing to thecr.usade every ounce .:'V ~d'~ .. PEOPLE live there. GOD's P~OP~E almonds stud' the outside and ZESTY, FRANKS IN' of leadership that he has-fulI~ ID our refugee villages are pitifull7 give the crust a. te~ptin~ l?ok. CHEESE SAUCB '. , fillfngevery' iota of the crusade _ QI tS d~pendent GO the PONTIFICAL Freshly grated orange rind in the, I pound franks .' plan: and enriching it with new MISSION FOR PALESTINE for food batter contributes superb flavor. % pound sharp Cheddar cheese, qualitie#l, such as harnessing the 'i' .... ChriStmas Dq and EVERY DAY. A Best of all the cake keeps moist shredded efforts of all chaplains of the for'a long'time should 'there ~ % cup m i l k ' . armed forces. •." TEN-DOLLAR OfFERING TO MON· % teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Father Peyton met with heads any. left over. . Cocktail onions SIGNOR RYAN will bul' • REFU"Company Pound Cake" is d~ 1 OO%~unce) can cream. of 12 universities and colleges in GEE Foon PACKAGE. MONSIG. licious served plain. It makes, chicken soup the Manila area to encourage ,TIJt Hoi] Fatlm MiSsiti. -AJij .NOR will lmmediatel7 send you • a delightful accompaniment to ~ teaspoon dry moatal'd participation in the crUsade. He tht 0rimJaJ c.htnm. LOVELY HOLY LAND ROSARY. fresh or canned fruit or ice (optional) plans' next to meet. with labor cream, too. During the holidays ~ cup catsup leaders to arouse all labor to·take SISTER PRIMA and SiSTER MAGNA will have an added 7 0U might serve it with "AinbroC~r:~k~iti::n;-in~h pieces. an active part in the crusade. Incentive to live up to their names-THE FIRST SISTER and Ilia" or eggnog ice cream.· . Stick cocktail onions and frank THE GREAT SISTER - with the love- _",",'-' ~. _ You can buy almonds alread;r d . pieces on toothpicKs. .Make starved children iii India if you will send, _~.... ~ . slivered and blanche 10 cans, cheese sauce'by combining soup,$150 a year for the two-year novitiate ~ ~ ~r prepare youlr own. To prepare milk, .. mustard, Worcester~ire. .. . - Inc.' of each Sister-TmS WEEK we will just ~ ~ J:our own, P ace the" shE;ll,,:~ . ' . t .. d ayeIineo. Heat PUT IT ON T~ LINE ~ 'ZACHARIAS ,r'~'IJ \ almonds in ,boiling water for two .Sl:luce, ca sup, !IO .• c . . . . . : · ' · F a .bricators.~ . ·. and JOSEPH WILL BE WELu ON ,., th ' t 'e' . You' '11' fiDd.· .. over low heat or}n ,top of double· . ~. ree mmu s . . bo'• Set h t ·t Add . THEIR WAY, to the prIesthood'lf .you can tb '11 l' . uch easier' that" ller: over· 0 wa er. .,mall the first Cbeck ·or inoney· order .to- . ~y. T~elc11~nd Growers' tell ,.cl,teese and stir until smooth. and tr.~:~tura ,~~e • ward:. a·' six-year pledge of· the '$600 each ~iYthis year's crop Is' coioSslil'. ...well blended.. . .;, . . and _ .,': of them needs for.·his seminary course. ·.' . . hIe - . , To' serve,.. pour cheese sauce :', .. '.. .... ~Qd. prices are- reasona so o ' . h II .' ." I d;".',: iQu'll be able'to enhanceyo.ur. lOto a s a ow cass~ro e an ,.ll1'. . .. ' .. ,. "CHRISTMAS SHOPPING hC>liday bakings g~erously-this:',_:.ange !ranks and, OQlons on PI~ka ... 753 D~voISt.,>F~n. Riv. Let ~our "zealoui . missionaries do your Cbristm8s . 7~ar with this delicious,uniqu.~lr~ 10 sauce.. :~,... . ':o. ! ~ • 5 747'1 ' shopplng.- We have 'an aUractive GIFT CARD with f1kvored nut. . ..;il ; ,~.:. :., . ...,.. • • . , : ..' .....• ,; . PRESSED . FLOWERS from BETHLEHEM. Have'. , . . . . . . : ' '.... A 'perenm;tl, favorite ·is·· th~. 'Mass .offered.. Give an ENROLLMENT: Individual $1; : COMPANY POU~,CA~;;,.:.,recipe 'for ~·~rs.·Jack's' Beans.". Family $5-a' gift that lasts all· year; "or .Perpetual: .' Butter or tl!arganne .... ". ,.,.:._ ?:he me!!ly '~lav:or ..Qf the: large; Individual. $20-Bow about one for· the. NEW BABY? O-pound, l~~nce.) package. -: ,. lIIDabe'lms combined with pork . '. :":':FamilT,$lOO;,-Or.a 'Dollar-a-Month Club Member.'. • '. '," 'chops 'In a piquant. makes. . s'hip" .Or a .StJingless Gift. Or one of the followin:; ! 2 teaspoons grated' orangel;l~" a wonderful. combmatIon.. Easy · MuS KU· ••. ;$100 Chalice' .'...... $40 Vestments •.... $H · Butter 10-inch tube pan, an.d to prepare and· almost 'fallure;. 7Altar 15 Ciborium .•. ;."40 ' MaSs' Book •••• , 'ZS sPrinkle almonds on. bottom ancf'proof, . this recipe Is not only., 'TabenIacle ,.. 15 Monstrance ..;. 40 Stations ...• ~ •• 25 6ij. around !nside o.f pan. Pre- very tempting to tJ:1e appe.tite Sanet'l' Lamp. 15 P7x .•..'; • • • • .·15 Altar LinenS ••• 15 BOYS WANT.ED 'for' the p4re cake according to package but is also easy on t~e budget. . i. Priesthood and Brotherhood. directions for using 2 .packages MRS. JACK'S BEANS '""1 HAVE MAnE A.,wiLL"· IS A MORE REALISTtCSTATE-' e~ke mix. Stir in orange rind 2% cups water . lack of funds NO impediMENT THAN "1.>WIL'L MAKE A ·WILL." PROVIDE FOB and spoon batter into tube pan. 1 cup large dry.lima ment.. '. YOUR RELATIVES--'-ANDTHE NEAR EAST MISSIONS B~ke in moderately-slow oven 1 large clove gaMic , (325 degrees F.) about 11h hours 1 Ieaspoon salt JWrite to: ': . CHaISTMA~~ .A,' NEW' BETHLEHEM for the CHILD •I • ·c 1 .i.. Salt and' pepper 0 Bo 5742 uptIl cake tests done. 00 7>l ¥.. cup brown. sugar (packed.)' , ':~ .. , '. . x." '.' .. USUS•.'ft1e·, ·Catholics in BOCBE-AL-OUMARAT in LebanOll hour before removing, fI;om pan.:, , " % c~p' chili 'sauce . ' ,':' . " I~ Baltimore 8, Md. .·will have a. delightful, CHRISTMAS spmlT when' thel' bow gently onto wire .rack and 2 teaspoonS dry mutard,optional'" ". -.... ,.. " . .." . .: Ih!ttyou have sent . an offering'toward the 53.000 DeCesSar7 f . cool completely. Makes 12 to 1~4 porkchops . . . . '.' .. ". ;_ ." ~ rebuildin&' of their parish .chureh. ' servings.' . , ., . Add water to limas, boUhard .: · ,• • - • 2 minutes.: Cover, let 'so~ 1 ITS ALL RIGHT TO .. .LITl7RGICAL NEAREAS'll WEEK ;Once you .'havegIven 7!l~ hour. Add half the garlic 110-,. ..,. ., .' " . ft. BARBARA ·(Dec. 4),. ST. SABB'AS bmily "Ambrosia" with ""CoDi'- . Hmas. Cover and siinmEirtili "'; SH9P AROUNP F.OR. IDee: in and ST. NICHOLAS (Dec. 6)repany Pound 'Cake" they.,,~ill. 'tender, about Ilh hours. Add'hot'·· .,' ,TtUNGS ,:BUT milid .us 'that the MOST iMPORTANT p~obably_ .se~ond the'! ~qt~C?~\.: water if Iieede~. Stir in salt.laSt·, .' IT''0' U'! H".E· y '',~ WORK' of the 'misSioners 'Yho continu~i.'· whenever It IS brought forth In half hour. Sprmkle pork chops . til · the- work ofthegrelit"~.asre.!-'D ~ts ,~:., -me future.' In' ancient myth- . wi~ saU and.;peppe~. BrQwJ.l .in, ; 'the·-QFFERING OF MASS: YOUROF-;: oiogy "Ambrosia" was SUPPosed :·il· little fat.. Put 'limas, . brown 'FERmGS' HELPr"'THEM' TO HELl>; t6: be the substance, with nectar, sugar, chili sauCe, mustard and ' 202":206 Rock Stred ~ THEIR .REFUGEE' .CHILDREN. A Mass'· .J ~hich formed the food and drink the remainIng chopped garlic ,";.~.,.if,,;~~;~)~~v.:E!! ,'ID honor'of'OUR"LADY'S' tMMACULATPr· o~; the god!! and made. ~o,r!a,l >, :m.il casserole:;"ainse o.ut. :pork }f'S<nle"LACE::/'D . CONCEPTION· 'Dee: 8t.. . wouldbe a fin~··,: .. t~,se who 'p~rtook of it. Be th~t chop skillet wi.th. a little ~ot _ ~:Gtr"A 'PRESCiil¥TION ..gift ·for'A'BIRTHDAY ol'for"i SICK FRIEND.' ~l ~t may, It IS no'~!,~.tha~~lS.. : ~ater; .add ,!O"limas.·, T!lP .~~~ .:'~":,:"\;,~~ ... " :.T. .~ rebpe for "AmbroSIa'!'~" highl7, }toI'k"c;h9P~.. ,COv~.r. and ba~e..m-,,\"..."';. :F1li.;EI)'T .. 'PhyslcaJl7"pahi-rldde~;-sOchiJ1J' ou&cast. emotio~ . . . pl~asiilg. .,' . , ", moderat~.ov~n (350· F.) 1 how:;• . ,>t ..' .. ,:,' .....-".,......-.J lraU&"ht,. spiritti3l '~iJii':":"THEsE~ ARE TO. LEPE~ .' A AMBROS~;...::·" . 'o. r Uno9ver and,-balte.1 hoU1:10ng~..,'o. ;'.~ :';.' ~" :" (., ·PRAYER-A-D:AY.' an4'A" DO~LAR-A-MONTB GUI'T"&be Lepel'lio FUnd IS :YOUR ANSWER. . . ' .'. . 'll oranges, peeled and sec.~tio~,<,.~e~~,!i~~y':g~d, mealo.ic>r}•... ' ::_ '~-I...,...,i:1~.. ~~ . [..ll?'.... . . .. :il.' cup pecans coarsely broken· . .-, \' , . " '.J. - . '. ' .., . '. . . " . . . . . ~ ,!l can.pineaWle.ch~.w:el1., :'. .~,.,.Honor$ ,~ ,<", . , ( , l:/ I . dramed ',.' . TRENTON (Nj::l~Msgr. (Cot):, ':,:,f. "', ,1 cup cmoconut, ~.or '. "h' 'S"····C· '. ~ . '........ ~ . t' freshly grated frozen,....., """_.,.;""'J" osep ' . , "e1"ewsk'" Ih.~~ or ' ' .~,- .. f~(:IS ~RDINAl SPElLM~;.P.r.sld~·,· . '. ", :! ' [Section oranges and be sure'. ::ccJ'llip1/iin"of.,the Militliry District . ~~~-T-+.,.,'; ·MIF",."r.'.:ruoh1,~"I.~( ;.; ...._.' . ";~'.'~::<" aU membralle is removed. Add of Washington., .has be~n named. · ';'j' . "'. .."" ~., ·1se..cI·~jj'~;;;~~nkciflOa:. . . :Y ',;I-;'::~ . :~,;.': ,..J,~l1-drained ~pineapple:·chuli~' ,,"a domestic prelate with, the: tiUe. ;'. " ..' ·'CA1ffOUC.'NEAf, 'EAst··Wa.~E'\USoa~iiONY/~~~, . p~cans (or w~ll\ut,s) .. ~qCQco~·:+".l>f Right ReY;!!J1en~. Monsignor, ;'";.,,.; ' f ' 480 l.8)cJii'" n~t. Chill together for .1 hotp;. by,Pope Jo~~.: H!! I_S_.9,_J'r~nt~.~ ,'" ,. " ';'.' ; .... " ..•. "1 ~ :v!· g.,... ,.1. St. '''~New.;Yodi . 1,1-·..' N;;:~ Serve in chilled sheFoeFglasses. ··'diocese ptiest;l>idamedin 1937.
"'.FatherPeyton Says 'Interest Great. d In New Family Rosary e
-0 /
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·;MlsceUaneous.'I ron
:2 j:l ~~~n~i~:::d ~hnond~
.Trinitarian Fathers
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~~'l2drtastOliSsi.n:J:· .
·tOi1",A"":"f46'h ,I._...... ._. .
.. THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., Dec.
NEW BEDFORD PARISH CELEBRATES GOLDEN JUBILEE: In the left photo, new Holy Name Church on Mt. Pleasant St.. was forma:lly dedicated on April 14, 1941. Rt. Rev. Timothy P. Sweeney,pastoJ;-· since 1931, anticipates the Jubilee In the center photo. In the right photo, Mrs.
Free School' B.us Rides in Maine .Due for Vote
Holy Name, New Bedford, Observes Anniversary
AUGUSTA (NC) - Gov. Clinton A. Clauson has ten;. tatively set Monday, Jan. 18 as the date for a special session of the Maine State legislature which will consider legalizing tax-paid school bus transportation for all children regardless of the school they attend. The governor set the tentative date after a meeting with legislative leaders and state executive branch officials. Last May, the State Supreme Court ruled that use of publie school buses for children who attend non-public schools is un_ authorized in State law. The eourt said it could be made legal if proper enabling legislation ia adopted.
Ed ucators toMeet At BostonCo~lege
Continued from Page Qne to the Church through his priestThis will be followed by a banhood" His Holiness, Pope Pius . quet for parishioners in the XII honored bot h Father parish hall. Sweeney a~d thepeople.c;>f H~ly On Dec. 9' there will be an ~ame parIsh by elev~tmg him entertainment highlighted by to. the ran~ of Do~estIc Prelate singing groups and 'refreshments WIth ~e htle of Right Reverend will be served. To commemorate Monsignor. the jubilee year volunteer work"The investiture to this office 'ers have painted and brightened was held in Holy Name Church up the h a l l . ' on Sept. 23, 1951", and was perHoly Name Church was established by the Most Rev. Daniel Honor GeneraJ F. Feehan, D.D., shortly after SEOUL (NC) _ President the death of the Diocese's' first Syngman Rhee has conferred bishop, the Most Rev. William Korea's Cultural Medal on Stang, D.D. General John B. Coulter, noted Residents of the new parish . Caiholic layman and agent genformerly were served by priests . era! of the United Nations of St. Lawrence Church of New Korean Reconstruction Agency Bedford, who said Mass for them . from 1953 to 1958. in St. Mary's Chapel at County and Studley Streets. This site now is the parish hall. New Parish However, as the city's population expanded, Bishop Feehan recognized the need for a new parish and established St. Mary's (later changed to Holy Name) iii January of 1909. Parish Expands The first pastor ·was Rev. James M.· Coffey, who served until November 1931. Under his leadership Holy Na~e Convent and Holy Name :Rectory at County . and Robeson Streets were acquired. The convent still houses the Sisters of Mercy, who' staff Holy Name School; and ~e original rectory now serves a~ a convent for Ale White Si~
Sister John Elizabeth;S.UoSoC., principal of the Academy of the Sacred Hearts, Fall River, will be chairman of a session considering "The Gifted 'Child in the Secondary School" at the fifth annual regional meeting of the secondary school department of the National Catholic; Educational Association, to be held at Boston College this Saturday. Sister John Elizabeth, also IIecretary of the group's executive committee, has been active in planning the remainder of the day's agenda. It will include • welcome to delegates:by Richard Cardinal Cushing and a keynote address by Very Rev. William A. Donaghy, ·S. J., Other speakers ilnd their ,. topics will iiiclude Sister Marie Martha, SoN.D., "Pubpc Relations, an Aspect of the Apostolate"; and Dr. Rileyj Hughes, "Frontier Bishop and Our AmerIcan Catholic Heritage.' ' '.·1 -.".._....".....""..._-,...- ...,
James J. Gleason and Mrs. Lawrence A. Harney Sr., committee members, discuss the Dec. 9 homecoming with Martin P. Barry, officer of the St. Vincent de Paul Soc~ety, and Walter F. King, president of the Holy Name Society
formed by Bishop Connolly. "Under the ieaaership of Msgr. Sweeney and with the cooperative generosity of the people of the parish, in com paratively few years the debt on the new church was paid, and as a result, on Nov. 11, 1954, Bishop Connolly solemnly consecrated Holy Name Church. "How blessed we have been the past 50 years! How much honor and glory has been given to God! "May the future reflect the past and be filled with graces and blessing for Holy Name." • Also preparing for the jubilee year celebration is the other assistant at Holy' Name, the Rev. Leo T. Sullivan.
Diocesan Drive Exceeds Goa I . RICHMOND (NC)-The goal of $4,500,000 set for a diocesaJl fund campaign for construction of a minor seminary' and parish assistance has been ~xceeded by $190,642 before the drive is scheduled to end. . Funds raised will be used to construct St. John Vianney Minor Seminary in a Richmond suburb and for financial assistance of parishes. In addition, Catholics in Richmond itself will include a third project, a hospital. . The Richmond diocese of 31,590 square miles embraces most of Virginia and eight counties in West Virginia.
.Finance Your New Car ".
with a :Fall. River Trust-
" Bishop Feehan appointed the present pastor, the Rt.' Rev. Msgr.. Timothy P. Sweeney, in Nov~ 1931. Further populatioft expansion J!lade replacement of the church a necessity and the A Fan River Trust Auto Loan is Yourriay also place your insurance first Mass in the new edifice was celebrated Christ.mas Day, 1940 .\he practical and economical way with your: favorite. broker . and by Msgr. Sweeney. The church t9 finance the purchase of, your have the premium included in your on Mt. Pleasant Street was roa~ new ear. formally dedicated April 14, 1941 by the Most Rev. James ·E. You pay Low· Bank . Finance Stop in for complete details at our Cassidy, D.D., late bishop 01. Charges and have t)l~payments .. Main Bank or at any· of our ·con~~. "j . Fall River. .tailored to fit your income. venient Neighborhood Branches. First Area Sehool. In a history drawn by the Bey. Henry T. Munroe; assistant OPENFRIPAY9' A.Nt. to 8 P.M. at Holy 'Name, he says, "Holy Name parish boasts the olde~ Catholie elementary 1C~001' ia .-'------ . . Total Over $28,000,000.00' the area. Formerly ealled' St. =~ .1oseph'lI, it was serving the' children 01. the area and giving them the rudiments of Catholie education even before the parish' wall erected. Still serving. the .mdenta of Holy' Name very' ~ El~M=4 3 NOR T H M A INS T R E E T .' well, it has a student enrollment 01. over 400 and hall 11 Sisters .. ·f .. 01. Mercy OIl it. teaching stalL Depo,il 11UtW~~ . . Domeat~ Prelate . ~~';;::;:::;;:::: .. ~.. . "lathe year 1951;· Father heeney celebrated' the 50th SOUTH END BRANC" . SOMERSET BRANCH F.lINT BRANCH· lInniveJ'sary· of his ordination to . .1045 'S~reet . 1649 sOuth: Main St~: 1219 Pleasant Street . the prlestlloOd;and in recogni-:- . . . . 01. bia to God and ~!!!!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=~~~~~~~=!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!~~~
. -_
fIi Fall River Trust Co.
."PC.'e','dntJl '
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Dec.. 3, 1959
Catholic Schools In 'Eight States ,Are Integrated
Bishops Welfare Conference
Marks_ ,40th Anniversary , '
NASHVILLE (NC) Catholic schools in eight , Southern states and the Dis.trict of Columbia are open
The folloWing special article is the first of two written on' Ute occasion of the 40th anniverSary of the 'establishment of the headquarters' of the National Catholic Welfare Conference. The author, a San Francisco archdiocesan priest, is assistant general \ secretary of the NCWC.
to pupils of all races, according to a publication specializing in reporting education matters ill the South. Southern School News also indicates in a survey that enrollment growth in Catholic schools cannot be related to movements by pupils away from public schools to avoid desegr&gaUon. The survey reports that some Catholic schools in some areas of the South began the process of racial integfation before the u. s. Supreme Court's 1954 d&cision calling for desegregation in p~lic schools. Generally integration in Catholic schools was done without fanfare, it indicates. The publication's, study says 'Catholic schools are open. to pupils of all races in the District of Columbia and in dioceses in Arkansas; Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland; Missouri, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. Catholic College Its . survey of 13 Southel'1l states and the District of Columbia does not specifically mentionCatholic schools in the r&ports on Florida and, Alabama. Only the Catholic college in 'West Virginia is mentioned. It is Wheeling College and. it is integrated. -'
By Father Francis T. Hurley I Next ThuJ;"sday marks th~ 40th anniversary of the establishment in Washington,D. C. of. the headquarters of the National Catholic Welfare Conference; a voluntary organization ~f the U.S. Bisho~ familiar to millions here and abroad through its initials, apostolic blt1ssing which you NCWC. The present organ- besOught." .' \ ization traces its history, ' Defense and Welfare back to a pledge made by .The plan pr.oposed by the
. . Bishops was qUite clear. 'C~rdmal Ja m 7s (;lbbOnS, ~rchThe whole body of the Hier-' bishop of Baltunore to President . · W'ls . 1917 th' t archy would comprise the NaW o 00 LOW I on In a t' I C th l' W f e ounci'1 'Ut Ch' f E t' Id tIOna a 0 IC e I are " e Le xecu lVe cou co~n I and its 'purpose would be the COLLEGE CELEBRATION: Pictured at the 40th An-, upon the loyal.ty and coo~~abon defense and welfare of the niversary Convocation of. Providence College held Sunday of the Cat~olIcs of ~he ~un~ry Church of the United, States. are, left to right, Most Rev. James L. Connolly, Bishop to do then part In wInnmg The first chairman of the adWorld War I. . . t 't' ·tt of Fall River, Most Rev. Egidio Yagnozzi, Apostolic'DeleTh' 1 dge f 11 wed h ,mmls ra IVe comml ee was I~ p.e was 0 0 • Y Archbishop Edward J. Hanna gate to the United States, and Most.Rev. James J. Gerrard, organI~atIon . of th~ NatIOnal o~ San Francisco, under whose Auxiliary Bishop of ,Fall ,River. ' ar COunCIl. Through leadership the committee swung ~thoh~ Its actIvltI~, the Churc~ ,put into rapid action. thousands o~ people ?nd mIllions Within three months, ho)Vof .d?l1ars mto Carl~ for the ever, it became obvious that the ,rehglOus and recreational wel- demands of tIme and labor made fa·re of the ,men of the armed on the seven bishops-necessitated , BURLINGTON (NC) - ' Oc- ony of bees. It's a perfect unit:" forces. . a staff to carry out the'. many casiorially Sister Angela' gets Her hives are covered with An overseas commIttee was details of activity. stung but otherwise she has' a tar paper for the Winter - the formed and some 150 young , WOODen went -to France to do the In I?ecember 1919, 1312 Massa- honey of a time pursuing her better to keep her· pets warm equivalent of modern-day USO chusetts Avenue, Northwest, the hobby. She raises bees. and snug. But Sister Angela work. old H~ly ,Cross Academy. was When sh~ isn't teaching 'fifth •~aid desrite ~he crisp air, ~he, '1' established as the NCWC na- and sixth grades at Cathedral JUst. can t resIst the tem~tatlon ' S uccess 0 f the W ar C ounci s . efforts convinced the American tIonal headquar~ers. Father Joh.n elementary school or attending to see how they are dOIng. Bishops of one very telling fact. Burke, a Pauhst, was una~ll- other duties, the Sister of Mercy Takes Precautions . mouslyelected the' executive usually can be found in back of She thinks nothing of reachPeace Time Good secretary of-the NCWC. If cooperative efforts could It seemed from tl:1e very start Mount St. Mary Academy, where ing into the hives to ascertain accomplish so much during war that the Hand of God was play- she superintends six hives pop- how the honey making operaThe publication reports that 'time, they could do infinitely ing its part, to activate the,' uJated .by some 81,000 of her \ tions are progressing, but, just the only known, racially inte"pets." in case, be,fore such curious ex, more for the country in time of NCWC. Men of great stature and grated scnool! in, SOuth, Carolina plorations she dons, a 'white' veil, peace. In reali'ty, while it had learning provided both the techSister Angela, who got the a cover-up veil which ties is. St. Anne's Catholic'school in not been consciously planned as nique and the prestige needed- idea of bee-raising in her bonRock ~i'lE In Georgia, where a pilot project or experiment, to give the NCWC the popular net last Spring said: "There - is around her waist and long no public schools: are; integrated guantlets. Sbe explained that the National Catholic War Coun- recognition that would facilitate nothIng 80 interesting as a col- bees, supposedly, cannot see and some public' officials talk, of cil had become a proving its work: Father John Burke, anything white, hence DO stinga abandoning. the system' if 01'yound for the National Catholic Msgr. John A. Ryan, Ms!ir. Eddered to desegregate, 'Catholic nor commotion.Welfare Council. ward Pace of the' Catholic Unischool enrollment ia limited! to Already Sister Angela has Pope Benedict XV pr,ovided versity of America: Father John whites, t~e. survey states. collected 48 jars of honey. The the needed stimulus to this Fenelon of the Sulpician Fathers jars have been labeled "Merey -Southern' SChool News' 'surcrowing conviction. .Tustin ,McGrath, Miss, Agne~ vey does not contain reports on ; 'In 1919, he addressed a letter Regan, to mention only a few, McDonough Council, North Apiary" with the labels colorto 'the American Hierarchy, on formed the first nucleus of the Attleboro Knights of Columbus, fully drawn by ,other artistic Louisiana; North Carolina QI' ' &be occasion of the celebration staff. who have been seeking a meet- nuns at the convent. The iabela MissiSsi.!'~i. of Cardinal Gibbon's golden anOrdinary Supreme ing place for several months, have a sketch of a bespectaclecl' completed negotiatioWl bee with' oUUlimg tongue- poised! mversary, recommending that As is the case with so many ,have with Otis Air Force Baiefor the to,sting, colored brown and yel. the U. S: Bishop!! join him in 'organizations, in its beginning working for the cause of peace stages the NCWC had to witb- purchase of a pre-fabricated ~w. Sister Angela also bu, gathered nine poUnds of honey ... house, 40 by 60 feet. . IlRd social justice. .stand various 'tests. , REaRICAt, cream, 'a delicacy with toast. The Bishops responded by re.,. The first major test arose from The building, now being diS- The products. are destined' for CONTRACTORS II9l:ving to meet annually and to confusion about the exact 'establish continuing committees status of NCWC in .relation to mantled, will be delivered to exhibition at the Mount St. Muy IlaIdential' - ' €ommerdali -' North Attleboro in sections' and I Academy's Christmas bazaar. " to foster Christian principles, the Bishops of the country. Aclild'astdaJI . stored until a decision is reached particu,lady in the fields of ed- cording to c~on law, no 'person ~3 Braadway, hll; Riv. as to its permanent location. ' ucation and· social action. This or no organization is~o stand OS 3;'1'69'li brought great pleasure to Pope between the local OrdinarY and Leonard .T. ~uiJ:in is chairman, ~nedict who replied: "This is the Holy Father. . of the building committee maktruly a ~orthy resolve and with The local Ordinary is supreme ing arrangements for the transthe utmost satisfaction We be- in his own jurisdiction and, on action. Purchase price of -the . stow upon it our approval." earth, need answer' 'to no one ~ew headquarters was $19~. On Sept. 24, 1919--40 years except the Holy Father. ago-the Bishops took the final Clarify Purpose step in realizing their ambitious -, The NCWC, however, seemed .goal. In their first annual meet- to cast a different specter. As- a "For Your Protedion FUEL OIL AND ing the following resolutions national organization representBu'y From were passed: ing the combined thinking of the BOILER WATER, ,Plumbing - Heating, 1) "That an organization be ~ishops, it was feared'"by some TREATMENT Over 35 Years formed of the Hierarc!J.y to be that it would begin to dictate 132 Rockdale- A~ known as the National Catholic Church policy, or' stand as a of Sat'isfiedService Brollston Chem. Co. Welfare Council and its duties sort of "super'holding, corpor-, New Bedtord' 806 NO. MAIN STREET 37 Silver Road and powers to be indicated by ation" over the dioceses of the WY 5-1947 Fall River OS 5-7497 Brockton 19, Mass. those present. 'country. 2) ~'That an administrative From the beginning the committee composed of seven Bishops never intended that members of "the Hierarchy be NCWC play such a role. Rome elected by the National Catholic itself clarified this in 1922 when Welfar~ Council to transact all the Holy See asked the Bishops business between meetings of to explain the organization. Two the "National Catholic Welfare points' were permanently clariCouncil and to carry ouf;> the fied: wishes of the National'Catholic 1) The NCWC is a 'voluntary , Welfare Council as expressed in organization, depending for the annual sessions." membership and support on the Apostolic Blessing free choice of eac!I"b!shop. Cardinal Gibbons reported this ' 2) 'The NCWC, possesses no Open your, account, add or withmeeting to the Holy See. Again ecclesiastical jurisdiction or Pop,e Benedict XV expressed his compulsory authority. .1 draw with COMPLETE PRIVACY. approval. Choice with Bishop r---..a.~ We .pay the postage both ways. "The Holy Father," wrote The authority of NCWC. is Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, then only that grante4 to it by the 'Vatican Secretary of State, "has consensus' of the Bishops of the Pl~ase send FREE ,KIT to, Save-by-Maill learned with most lively pleas- United States. Each bishop may' NAME (Print) _ _ _ ure the good news communicated choose' to align himself with it to him by Your Eminence in or not. ST. I NO. _ Save anytlm~, your recent letter. To make the natur~ pf the I CITY _ "Hi~' Holiness expressed his National Catholic Welfare Counnight or day, at "wish that the resolutions adopted cll more understood, the Holy your nearest mail· at the meeting you meritroned,' See requested that the term box. Savings ~iiiIi~ will ,bear the desired'fruits to the Council be- changed to ConferInsured'saf. Church in that country and, as ence~'Council" in the language • a, pledge of the aid of heaven, of canon, law implies legislative by U. s.Gov't be imparts most heartily to Your power. In 1923, the NCWC beagency. Eminence and'to your venerable, came ,the Nationai Catholic colleagues in' the Hierarcl17, ,the Welfare Conference.
Vermont Sister of Mercy Raises Bees as Hobby-81-,OOO of Them
NewKofC Home' In No. Attleboro
Fuel Savings
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs., Dec. 3, 1959
Mass for Fall River Pastor
7 _
Continued from P&&,e One
W. McCarthy, with Rev. Leo M. Curry as Thuriler. Book Bearer was Rev. John P. Cronin, Candle Bearer Rev. Vincent F. Diaferio, Mitre Bearer Rev. John J. Regan and Gremiale Bearer Rev. Rene R. Levesque. Masters of Ceremonies were Rev. John H. Hackett and Rev. John R. Fois-
The Office of the Dead was sung in St. Rochs Church on Tuesday afternoon after the transferral of Father Gauthier's body from the rectory. 'Lessons of the Office of the Dead were sung by Rev. John R. FoIster; Rev. Roger P. Poirier and the Most Reverend Bishop. In his eulogy over Father Gauthier, who died Sunday morning at Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford, Rev. Reginald M. Barrette, assistant at St. Roch's Church, developed the theme that Christ lives and works in and through the priest, and that Father Gauthier in every phase :Of his life was a reminder to all that Christ was in him. Father Barrette brought ,out 'that in tb,ese later years Df. Fr. :Gauthier's life, when he was "Worn by the ravages 'o:(age and sickness, he was still the priest, still living the life of Christ, still finding consolation in bringing himself to the altar and un.iting himself with Christ in the Mass. 'The 'eulogist stressed that of :al1 the activities of the priest, the greatest still remains Dot what he does but what he is-another Christ among his pe0ple. Father Gauthier has been in poor health for the' last few years and especially since the time of his Golden Jubilee as a priest which he celebrated on Dec. 22" 1957. Father Gauthier was born in Cohoes, New York, on March 3, 1882, but as a boy his family moved to Fall River and settled in the Flint section in Notre Dame Parish. Father Gauthier, after his elementary 1Ch0oi ~ducation, pursued his classical 'Studies in the Joliette SemmaIY, Quebec, Canada. He
Pr.okssor of Politics 'To Speak at Stonehill Dr. Lawr.ence H. Fuchs, chair.man -of the department of Politics at Brandeis University, will address Stonehill sfudents· .on "Religion and Politics in Amer.lea" tomorrow under auspices of the Saxon Hanor Society. Dr. Fuchs has .done special re-search on the 'voting habits of racial and religious groups in America and 'bas contributed ,articles .on the subject to yarioul periodicals, including "Amer.lea," "Political ,Science Quar,terly" and "American Political 'Science Review."
American 'Charity SEOUL (NC)-Five million pounds of flour have been a'llo-cated to the Korean victims of 1yphoon Sarah by the worldwide relief agency of the U. S. Cath<olic Bishops.
took his Philosophy and Theology at the Grand Seminary in Montreal and was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Fall River by the late Most Rev. Da~iel F. Feehan, Second Bishop of the Diocese. Upon his ordination, Fathe'r Gauthier served in St. Hyacinth's Church, New Bedford, Blessed SaClclment Church. and St. ROCh's Church, Fall River, and St. Anne's Church, New Bedford, as assistant. He became pastor of, Holy Rosary Church,' New Bedford; in 1922, and four years later was tJ;ansferred to St. Hyacinth's Church in the same dty. Father Gauthier came to St. Roch~s Church in 1933. St: Roch's was extensively renovat'ed just in time for Father's Golden Jubilee, and he expressed his' gratitude that the work not only was accomplished but that all the bills for it ·were paid.
'How DoYou Rate on Facts of Faith.
"~,, ~)~~
l '
Immediately prior to his election, Pope John XXIII was:-(a) Archbishop of Milan? (b) Vatican Secretary of State? (c) Patriarch of Venice? (d) Papal Delegate to France? 2. Presenting the infant Jesus at the Temple, the Holy Family met a holy, -old man who had been promised by God that he would not die until he had seen Jesus, His name was:-(a) Saul? (b) Simon? (·c) Simeon? (d) Samuel? '3. To whom did God give the answer ,"My name is 'I am' "?:-, (a) Peter? (b) Moses? (c) 'Pilate? (d) Noah? 4. The feast of Candlemas, on which candles are blessed in a special ceremony, commemorates:-(a) The Presentation? (b) The finding of the child Jesus? (c) The Circumcision? (d) The Annunciation? . '5. The latin words 'Missa Cantata' refer to:-(a) A book of hymns? (b) A missal? (c) A sung Mass? (d) A c~oir7 '6. Who found the relics of the True Cross in Jerusalem about 318?:-(a) St. Helena? (b) St. Veronica? (c) St. Anthony? (d) St. Christopher?· " - . 7. The Bible records that God said on the First Day:-(a) "Let there be a firmament between the water"? (b) "Let the waters be full of life ..."? (c) "Let there be light"?~(d) "Let the waters collect in one place ..."? ,8. St. Frances Xavier Cabrini was the foundress of:-(a) The Poor Ciares? (b) The Sisters of Charity? (c) The Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart? (d) The Sisters 'of St. Francis? Give yourself 10 marks for each correct answer on Page 18. Ratir~l:: 8o-Excellent; 7o-yery Good; 60'-:Good; 50-Fair. ,
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Taunton Knights Work for Christ Automobiie stickers saying "Keep Christ in Christmas" were distributed by members of the Monsignor James Coyle Council, 'Knights of Columbus, Sunday during all the Masses in the twelve parishes in Taunton a9d Dighton. ' The ,project of placing the stickers on every automobile in the churches' parking lots was sponsored by the Catholic Activities Committee of the Coun¢il, under the chairmanship of Edward Cameron, in cooperation with the Catholic War Veterans. • They will continue to distribute the stickers throughout the Advent season. Rev. Benjamin Fraga of Som·erset will discuss the story ,of the Sisters of St. Dorothy at Villa Fatima, Taunton, at the Catholic Family First Friday Supper to be held Dec. 4 at6 P.M. at the Taunton Inn. The monthly event is sponsored by the Catholic Activities Committee of the Monsignor James Coyle Council, Kni'ghts of Columbus.
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18 .
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River....Thurs., Dec. 3, 1959
Feehan Schoc»1 Continued trom Page One nounced. Father Thomson, campaign moderator, spoke briefly. Following the Norton pastor's remarks, Bishop Connolly announced to the priests and laity .participating in the fund raising campaign that he was giving $50,000 towards .the campaign's success. Rev. Edward B. Booth, pastor_ of st. Mary's, No. Attleboro, Rev. Gerard J. CtJ,abot, pastor of St. Theresa's, Attleboro and Rev. Ubalde J. Denault, pastor of St, Joseph's, Attleboro, joined their parish chairmen in congratulating and thanking the Imembel'S of their respective parishes. The· chairmen 'of the three new oversubscribed parishes are Adelard Pelletier, St. Joseph's, Attleboro,Dr. Lino Tiberi, St. Theresa's, Attleboro and Ray, mond E. Lambert, St. Mary's, . ·No. Attleboro. .
Pope Requests Lay Helpers For Mission Territories VATICAN CITY (NC)-The need of recruiting and training native priests' and lay missioners, and preparing Catholics in mission areas to play an active part in public life was urged by His Holiness Pope John XXIII in his first . encyclical on the missions. first encyclical, "Ad Petri .CathThese and many other coun- edram" (Near the Chair of sels for bringing missionary Peter), and recalled the many efforts in line with present-' reasons why it is necessary to
day demands were given in the recruit laymen in the p~aceful encyclical letter "Princeps Pasarmy of Catholic Action. • torum" (The Prince of ShepIn applying Catholic Action to herds), with which Pope john' the missions,the Pope said, "one marked the 40th anniversary of cannot insist enough ... on the another encyclical on the' misneed to adapt conveniently this sions, Pope Benedict XV.'s form of the .apostolate to local "Maximum Illud," con.ditions' and needs, It is not The setting and force .of the. enqughto transfer to aco!Jntry , , EDIT ENCYCLOPEDIA :_Newly elected editors of the new encyclica1'.s directives are what has been <tone elsewhere, Catholic Encyclopedia are, left to right, Msgr.William J .. 'found in the. fact that "many but . . . it is necessary 'to actin' mission territories are ~nderg~ suc'h'a way" that 'organizations McDonald, Catholic University rector, 'editor-in-chief; Msgr. , trig a phase of social, politic~l' are not' overburdened to th~ . John H. Harrington, managing editor, and.Dr. Martin R. P. , Attlebol'o and economic' evolution' which . poiJ;lt .where. precious energy. ig., M'CGuir~, secretary of the edito~ial committee. NCPhoto., 51. John;ii '. , $218,178.90 ~as important consequences .for . robbed or·.disSipated .with f~ag.' 75,914,00 St. JoseIih's their f u t u r e . " , m e n t a r Y movemEmts and exce~' .C, l·versl·.~Y, Holy Ghost . '68,691.00 slve speciaiization." . I~ The document, dated Novein;' . , . 81,430.00 ·.St; Theresa's b 2 . " 'Exchange StUdents:" ·St. Mary's 64,068.00 b7:hOP:' ~~~f:~~~~s:~d:e~:~, ' The Pope . asked _ bishops 0 . 10 St. Stephen's 56,390.00' tire Catholic .world to commemthroughol!t" the world to. take WAS!IINGTON (NC) - M s g r . . .' -J orate. "MaxI'mum Illud,"" whl'ch . care.of ' '"young " people who come William' J. McDonald rec'tor of Msgr. .dMcDonald that· _ . orId 't t.dlsclosed h t'ed Mansfield ave new impetus to the'm'o·d e r n ' the Catholic University of Amerw WI ~ 10 eres as gree g , to their countries to study. He ", " announcement of plans for the -St. Mary's .90,774.00 history of the missions, with .a . d 'h h . ica, has been' 'named editor-in. 'artl'cular I·nsl·.stence on the nee,d remm ed t em t at these .stuchief ,of the new Catholic Enmonumental publishing project, North Attleboro dents are liviIigiin a society that' , S h I f 11 P for the recruiting and formation is stra'nge to' them.' He asked cyclopedili which will replace coal'S rom a ove~ the world "!Sacred Eeart 97,950.00 h t th' the Catholic' Encyclopedia first h.ave .volunteer,ed thel,r cooperaof natl've clergy, Pope John conSt. Mary's 217,974.00 t a eyassign priests and layt th t f th tinues the' theme of Benedl'ct ,published. in this coun,try 52 IOn 10 ~ prepara. Ion 0 e men 10 work a.t finding these e 1 d h d XV's encyclI,'cal, insisting that students and at protecting their years ago. . ncyc ope la,. e ~al .. North Easton still .greater responsibility be faith. . M M D ' . ' According to present plans entrusted to native bishops and sgr. c onald s appomtment the encyclopedia will be kept'. '~mmaculate Conception 53,160.00 priests, In conclusion the Pope exwas m~de by the ~oard .of tr~sup to date by a program of con. Norton pressed' his, 'gratitude' toward tees o.f the Cat~lOlIc UmverSlty. tinuing revision of the main 92,450.00 He adds furthermore, for ·the "all those who dedl'ca'te themFranCIS Cardmal Spellman, k b h .. S1. Mary's first time in an encyclical, an 'Archbishop· of New York, is wor and y t e publIcatIon of appeal ".to all those lay Cathosel~es to the cause of thepropa- chairman' of th b d annual yearbooks. A new Cath- ' . Seekonk lics, wherever'they,might be, to . gation of· the Faith ... to the .e oar., .. olic dictionary will also, be pubMl' 'Carmel 27,070.00 come forward in the prOfessions dear missionaries of the regular The board also named Msgr. 'lished in connection with the -' and in public life to, consider and' d,ioc'e~a? cl~rgy,tO .t.he' John' ·H. Harrington, librarian main project. seriously the possibility. of help- ',' w.oll)en RelIgIOUS so exemplarily" and faculty member at St:, JoNEW ENG.LAND lng' their brothers." , generou~ and so valuable for the seph's Seminary, Yonkers, N:Y., C'LAM" , , -. need of the' missions, to lay mismanaging editor of the encyFour Divisions sionaries who' readily run to'Ule clopedia. Dr. Martin R. P. Mc'8 A K E The encyclical is divided into frontiers 'of the Faith. '. . to a11 Guire, head of ·the' Greek and four parts. The first, i~o ~i-e.' the Bishops, clergy and· f~'ithful Latin department of the Cath:" Every Sunday - $2.95 dedicated to local hierarchies of the dioceses of the' whole ',olic University, was appointed including ~. A Live' Lobster and clergY.'and the last .two to w'orld' who·' contribute . ~with secrefary of the encyclopedia's ,. ,THE So. Dartmouth' " the laity in mission ter.i'itories.· I)rayers 'arld' offerings: to the .editorial commit~ee. The encyclical, the fOl,lrth' of spiI:itu;i1 and material needs of ', .. ,. ,. . ,' . CASA· BLANCA and Hyannis. p~pe. John's pontifi<:~te, opens the mtssion's.";:: ',.. . Dominican Academy' Coggshall Bridge, Fairhaven With ,the Pope's personal recol, .. . , . So.· Dartmouth lection 'of the years··,.(i921 to Church ~'of Site"nee !.~ Basketball season will. open·' WY 7-'1384 1925) when he worked in' , the' He addressed, a particular Monday, Dec; 7. The glee club '1 ' national office of Italy"sSociety' w~rd' of comfort to. the .Church ,WI Ipresent its annual Christmas for 'the Propagation of the ·Faith. of Silence: concert Wedmisday, Dec. 16.' He recalls his contacts with, W~rk is progressing on the 1960 Benedict XV and w~th Pius XI; "To the holy pastors who give. yearbook, which has the theme. ',. and' how. the ,latter, before the their spiritual. sons the example"" "Truth" and' wi,ll illustrate how , JOSEPH M. F. DONAGHY conclave that elected him Pope, of a Faith that does not bend and' the ,truth of Christianity is op'. . owner/mgr. remarked to the then' young a' faithfulness that does not yield '·posed to the lie of Communism. 142 Campbell St. ! , Msgr, Angelo Roncalli that the ·even. at the price of sacrificing " .. COMPLETE New Bedford. Mass. two tasks which sh04ld concern life; to the faithfl,lUhus so sorely' , Visits Foundations. any future' pope should be the tried but so dear to the Heart of' WYmai19-:6792 ' LAUNDRY SERVICE STATEN ISLAND (NC) spread of the Gospel throughput / Jesus Christ ;who has promised Fr. Raphael Uircher, P.S.S.C.,· 64 HICKS' STREET. HEADQUARTERS FOR . the world and the establishment happiness and' copious mercy to NEW BEDFORD - COLONIAL AND of a spirit of peace. those who· suffer persecution for .Sup·erior, GEmeral of the Society olSt. Charles (Scalabrinian . WYman '3-4771 TRADITIONAL FURNITU~E Pope John takes account of the justice's sake, We address Our Fathers) has arrived' in' this encyclicals of Pius XI and Pius exhortation to persevere in their country for a visit to his comXII on the subject of the mis. holy fight. Fo,r the Lord, always munity's foundations in this sions and adds, as though to merciful in His inscru'table country and Canada. DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL design!,!, . will ,not leave them' Invite young girl. (14-23) to lobo, ID ~. explain his own, that "enough Christ's, vast vineyard a. an Apostle of the can certainly never. be .done to wi thou t the. help of 'the ,most Editions, Press, Radio. Movies and Tel. bring. about fulfilment of the' precious graces and of intimate ";sion. With. these modern means, ihese wish of the Divine' Redeemer c.onsbla.·tion. With ethe persecuted' -DONA-T BOISVERT ""issionary Sislerl bring Christ'. Doctrine that all lambs 'may be part· of there ~s,. in. the. communion. of INSURANCE'AGENCY to '.11, regardless of race. color or. creed. one singie flock, tinder guidance ,pray~i;' and sufferirigs,' . the. . for . information write to: . All Kinds Of Insurance . • I of one single shepherd." , whole, Church' of God, sure. in REV. MOTHER SUPERIOR Mission Growth t.he ,eX?ectiition ,of v!ctory." 96 WILLIAM· STREET 50! ,ST. P~UL'S AVE. BOSTON 30. MASS. NEW REDFORD.MASS. The Pope states:, ., .", I "A 'ra'pid glance simply .at 'the' DIAL WY· 8...5153' st~tistics for. the territories enPerson,al Service trusted to the Sacred Congrega'- . tion for the Propagation of the I .. Faith~ not including. those at present subjected to persecution, ~.. ~AJ.'1 WYm_ reveals that the, 'first bishop of ~e' ~~, ~~592 Asian origin was consecrated in DOMESTIC & HEAVY'DUTY'OIL BURNERS 1923, and that· first'" ap'ostolic , ..... ,. .. ' \ . ' Excavating . CHARLES F~ ·VARGAS .vicars of African 'o'rigin' were' mimed in 1939. By 1959' there 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE Service...;. nsfall"fion Contractors I Could be counted 68 bishops of" . NEW 'BEDFORD, MASS;' '~AIN OFFICE - 10. DURFEE FALL RIVER , Asian origin and 25 of African' 'FAIRHAVEN origin. The native Clergy has in- " l' . WYman: -2-4862 creased, froini.,919 members in 1918 to 5,553 in. 1957 . in Ashl, , from 90 members to 1,811 in the sa~e period o~ tim~' !il). 'Afri~a," .' Speaking of. the<' i m p o r t a n t ' ..' .! • part in the. life'. o{,the Ch.ufch~::·: OX
"'Io,·m'e·"·· :,atholl·C Un' R·.ector· Ed·"· . I9pe d· I Qr-I,n· Ch· .' Ie f f Encyc
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played ·'by .layine~, t11;e ,Pope· said'
C' :.Dqrothy " . .
that the ChUl:ch. must be active , "with i,ts' whole organic stnic.. , . _ '. tu. re,: an,d n.ot therefore, only. w,ith " '. the hierai-'chy" and'its' various' . " , , , orde~s, 'but also Jw~th the laity." . \.... ':11 On: the que'stion of Catholic
ANSWERS: l(c); 2 (c); 3 (b); 4 (a); 5 :(c);6 (a); 7 (c); 8 (c).
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. 24.Hour Wrecker' 'Service :~s'3"Wclshi~'gton Street,· Fairhave'n ... WYman 4-5058
Surprises and Otherwise Mark Football Season
Thurs., Dec. 3, 1959
Captive Bishop Lauds America Before Arrest
By Jack Kineavy Somerset High School Coach'
It was one of those wetter-better football seasons for Southeastern Mass. schools. Coyle and Mansfield annexed State titles in their respective classes, while New Bedford placed a strong third in B and Attleboro moved in behind Coyle in C. The Warriors by whipping English High, 22-6, repeated as Bristol County before 23,000 howling fans in titlists and Somerset captur- Harvard Stadium. No less than ed the first Tri-County Con- six of Latin's Squad are mem-
MARYKNOLL (NC)-'::An essay on the meaning· of America, written by a Catholic bishop who is now held
prisoner by the Chinese communists, has been published. 1]~ tho """"V Bi"hot> .Tames E Walsh,' M.M., declarel; that by His generosity to the United States, God "invites us to give our flesh and blood to carry His spiritual blessings around the world." , Bishop Walsh, the last American Catholic missionary in Red China, is believed at present to be 'seriously ill in a hospital in Shanghai. He was arrested by the communists in October, 1958. His essay was published in ' Maryknoll, magazine of the" Maryknoll missioners.' According to a' spokesman' for Mary- : knoll, Bishop Walsh's essay' was ,sent' out of China "j ust be-' fore his arrest and imprisonment." The Bishop writes that America and the American people "grew and waxed great through generosity." He declares: "The impact of our country's '~ democratic institutions economic opportunities, high' standard of liVing, love of liberty and respect for human dignity has made itself felt as a breath of new' hope 'in every far corner of the world." . One ',of the first Maryknoll missioners to go to China in 1918, Bishop Walsh was consecrated in 1927. He served as Superior, General of Metryknoll" from 1936 to 1946. He returned' to China' in 1948, a year before the communists took control of ~e country, and was executive secretary of the Central Catholic Bureau, an agency for the 00-' ordination of' Catholic mission work i'l' China, until it WQl closed ,by the Reds in 1951.
bers of t1le National' Honor ference flag. Sceiety. The Boston schools It was a year of surprises, also, have their own Conference and New Bedford was. supposedly a are not ranked by Class. year away, but Featured speaker at the Latin the Cri·mson School Alumni Dinner Thanksmade a tremengiving Eve was Brigadier Gendous showing to eral Robert McDermott of the stay in contenAir Force Academy. WhIm tion for class Coach '''Pep'' Mcj::arthy ~en honorsr i g h t tioned the size' of 'his Purple down to the team, the, General quickly obwire. Coyle, lit, served .that they were J;>igger the sea son's than "the current' Air Force outset, ivith a eleven. Latin's. starting line small veteran weighed in at 204. nu~leus return. Gracing the head table at the ing was a definite' question affair was His Excellency John mark which as the campaign progressed changed to: an .excla- Wright, Bishop of Pittsburgh, and a member of the Class of mation point. '27 at Latin School. Disappointments It was a year of disappointFootbali Banquet ments, Taunton and 'Durfee, Honored guests at last night's grid powers in '58 were in the Southeastern Mass. Football trough and experienced losing Officials banquet were coaches seasons. The Hilltopp~rs went Jim Burns, Coyle, Tom Eck, winless; Taunton boasted but Ne~ Bedford, Bill Madden, one victory, that over Durfee. Attleboro and Bill Parsons, JOHN EGAN The season may have been the Mansfield. ';I'he mentors were PC All American Candidate last for veteran coach Luke accompanied by their team Urban who has indicated that captains and each received a he may retire, after nearly memento of, the occasion. Featwenty years at th'e Durfee helm. , tured speaker wa's the veteran New Bedford Vocatiomil'came " intercollegiate,. and schoolboy up with its best record in years, grid official, Pat Hanghey, who , " 1 By John Corrigan winning three, losing three and regaled the audience with anec, Providence College basketball team will take the first tying two. Voke's crowning dotes from his long and colorful step in its efforts to demonstrate its superiority in New moment was the 12-12 tie with career. New Bedford which stands out . Mso on the rubber. chicken England hoop circles tonight when the Friars open their as the upset of the season in this loop, John Curley, graduate 1959~60 season against American International College at area. Also ranking well upiD manager of athletics emeritus home. Coach Joe Mullaney "an excellent .ball player. He is the surprise column was Barn- 'at Boston College, was among has a genuinely loaded squad· extremely fast, a fine driver, an stable's late season, 16-8, victol7 the head table dignitaries at the headed' by . Captain Lenny excellent jump shooter, and a over Taunton ,annual testimonial of the Boston Third PIaoe , Wilkins and scoriI)g ace John' fine ball handler and dribbler." Chapter, Eastern Intercollegiate Of little solace to New Bed- ,Football Officials Associatio~ Egan, both of whom' are getting Egan was s&lected to the CathA. ·D•. McMULLEN ford followers is the fact the last Monday in Brookline. John'.' a great deal of mention as pos- olic College All-American team, Inc. tie with Vocational did not ulti- hu~orous tracing of the develsible, aU-American candidates: to the E.C.A.C. first team, and mately have negative bearing QIl opment of football'brought down These two; together with 6'10"'" won: honorable mention from MO'VERS • the Crimson's request for Class the house. His. reference to IreJimmy: Hadnot of Oakland, both' the Associated Press and SERVING B honors. It did result, however, la~d's legendary Finn McCoal Calif., add up to the nucleus of,' the United Press International. Fan River, New Bedford in dropping them t9 third place ·Both Egan and Wilkins are' .who carried the ball between his a team that might better last i . Cape Cod Area in the final standings. Natick, legs "the better to do mayhem year's, p.e. record of 20-7-the out-of-staters, Egan a graduate of Bay State titlists, moved into with his hands" nearly broke up best'in the school's hIstory, and Hartford's Weaver High School. Acent: the runnerup sPot with an 8.00 the gathering. enough to. get the Friars up to and, Wilkins from Boys' High AERO' MAYFLOWER mark. Joe Hoague's Melrose the ,semi~finals in the National,' School of Brooklyn. Johnny All that now remains to cap TRANSIT CO. INC. captured the Class title with an the '59 \ season for posterity is Invitational Tournament. Woods is from Hillhouse" and Nation-wide Movers 8.44 performance. Lack Depth schoolboy basketball fans will the selection of'myriad AllWYman 3-0904 Coyle was on~ of eleven Scholastic teams. The Anchor, Wilkins and Egan are seniors easily recognize both Weaver 304 Kemp~n St. New Bedford Eastern Massachusetts schools- in keeping with tradition, will as is JJ'p'" John Woods. Hadnot and. Hillhouse as nearly perenincluding New Bedford and 'present its third All-Diocesan and 6'7" Tom Nyire are sopho- niai contenders in the New EngMansfield-which posted unde- teams which will be. composed mores. These should make up' lalld tournaments a~ the Boston feated records this season. In of the area's outstanding Cath- the first 'five. The only problem Garden in March. NO JOB 100 BIG this respect 'the Warriors wer~ olic football players from Attle- is a lack of depth. ' Eyes Jack Foley also unique in that they were boro to Provincetown. The Providence attack is built Looking around New EngNONE TOO SMAll the only' Class C eleven to go around strong defense and care- land college teams, Vin Cuddy unscathed. Bridgewater, the only • ful shooting, although they ex- is enthusiastic about the Friar's other potential C qualifier, was pect to do more fast-breaking prospects. He sees Holy Cross upset by Middleboro on .the this year than before. This is and PC about even up at the top holiday. Brockton and Salem because of the extra height of the heap, but with Dartmouth, PRINTERS were the A representatives CHICAGO (NC) ..... Serra In- availabl~ which may go a long Connecticut, Brown and the Uni- . among the elite, while Band D llIahI! OffIee ...a ternational has been urged by way towards improving the of- versity of Rhode Island coming " had four apiece. ,Cardin~l-Designate 'Albert, G. fensive'rebounding situation, the along strong and right behind. LOWEll, MASS. Honoi' Societ,. Meyer of C1.licago to extend its only rea~ly glaring weakn~S8 "Both Brown and URI will be I 'l'eIepboae Lowell Two additioriill undefeated and work for vocations to the priest.;. last season.. 'mucQ stronger this year," he untied Eastern Mass.' elevens hood in Latin ·America. . :Uigh Scoring Duo . ,noted. "And Holy Cross has that . GI. '~6S3S ... QL 7-"'" were Boston' Latin and East Archbishop Meyer, episcopal .Egan averaged 20.9 points and Jack Foley coming up to theBoston. Latin, City champions .adviser to Serra International, Wilkins 15.6 d\,U'ing the 1958-59 'varsit~, too.~ Foley is the sopho. 'Aa,.;Itt&IY PI6IltII for the second consecutive year, stressed the great needs for campaign, as Egan set season more whiz who broke rafts of ran their undefeated skein to 16 Latin American' vocations duro 'and individual game records for 'records while starring for the BOSTON ing the Fall meeting of the org- PC with a total of 504 in 24 Crusader cubs last winter. "Foley OCEANPORT, N.J. Five' New Consultors anization's board of directors. games with a high of 39 against will also be getting a lot of play 'AWTUCKET, 1.1. For 'Congregation Serra is an organization of Villanova. For the Freshman' in· all':American' discussions," Catholic laymen dedicated to team last year, Hadnot averaged .cuddy added. VATICAN CITY (NC)-Five fostering vocations to the pri~st-, 26 points. This will mean a bet- , .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • new consultors have been named hood and the religious life. Ii to the Sacred Congregation for . There are some 200 local .Serra ter collectiv~ scoring punch and the Propagation of the Faith by clubs, including four in Latin at the ,same time, with the height Pope John. Tlleyare: Msgr. Sal-. American nations.' Four more additions, Providence could betvatore Garofalo and Fathers clubs are being organized ill tel' 'its· 'last year's defensive' Do You Work in a Factory, Bonaventura Mariani, O.F.M.; Central and South America. ' mark, a gaD;le average' of only Garage, Machine Shop or Pio da Mondreganes, o..F.M. Ar.chbishop ,Meyer, .who will ; 57.5 points allowed, the seventh Gasoline. Station? Cap.; Armando' Reuter, O.M.I., be made a Cardinal at the Dec. ranking defense in the country. and Andre Seumois, O.M.I. It! consistory in Rome, .told th~ .~P9.J,:ts .Info!mation Director We pick up and deliver, cleo" Msgr. Garofalo' is rector of the Serra directors" that' Pope Johl) : V.m Cuddy· pc;nn.ts out. that both and repair overalls. Also. we hav.. <:: Pontifical Urban University of ~IIIrecently. voi,oed conceriil;·~gan q~,d.Wl~kms g!lme~'qon o complete. tine C~veralls. 'Ponts the C;ongregatiC?n for the Propa- for the ,Church'in'Latin Ameri..," slderable . natIonal' prommence and Shirts .for ·sc.~. gation of the Faith. Father" ca. The'Pope,' Archoi$hop Meyet;, last ~ear. "~en ~il~ins, our t We rectoill" and' wash any oily, Mondreganes is dean of the uni- said, expressed a hope that. ;, captam-elect, 'Was' selected on .,', dirty or greai'JY rags. ..' . t· versi~Y's Pontifical Scientific" Uhlted'States Catholics would"': the. N.I.T; all'star team." Cuddy MisSi,onary Institute. come to the aid of their South~' .'. a~ed that~:many:NeW' .England .Why ~. ·Wh~~· We Supply ern neighbors. . ; coaches think that Wilkins is No' Politics Serra's 1960 converition to be" the outstanding defenseman in LEOPOLDVILLE (NC) - The held in Dallas, Tex., will be con- th~ six-state region., He, made Bishops of the B~lgian Congo cerned: with: Latin American' the All-New England first team have issued a statement forbid- probiems. A considerable rep..; last YE!~. ,.,' ...... ':" ' , . 1 ding all priests to take part in resentation of the hierarchy, . All-Am~rican Prospect , Z" Howard Ave.. New Bedford political meetings 01' to hold from Central and South Ameri:"Egan, 'who' with Wilkins hits IPPhou WY '-804 • "" 8~6426 1 political office. ca, iaexpected' at tl1e,'meetinio' six, fe~t exactly, ~s. Cuddy ~Yl:'- &I
Friars Bid for National Hoc>p Title, H,ost ~trong AIC in Opener Tonight
Vocati,o.nsU rgent· In Latin America
Attention Mechanicsl
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Dec~' 3, 1959
, ~lfi[lCt(~t(~l
BOOKS TO FILL THE' CHRISTMAS ,,"'"'STOCKING " Cargo of Childrenls Literature . ,
Is Christmas Treasure Christmastide brings its usual cargo of delightful books for children. Standouts for YOllnger readers are "Lucy McLpckett" by Phyllis McGinley (Lippincott, $3) and "Stories from the New.Testament" by Piet Worm (Sheed & Ward, $3). The first-named passed ' with flying colqrs the acid test of approval by a three year old. After the first reading she sighed with bliss and said .. written and illustrated by chosen "Read it again four times." authors and artists. By now she knows most of Two current titles in the series it by heart. "Stories from the . are "Son of Charlemagne" ,by New Testament" is a golden glory of a book. With medieval lavishness gold is used in nearly every picture, giving the ~hole a jewel-like effect. A wonderful way to start fhe littlest ones on the road to art appreciation, St.' Francis Populal' St. 'Francis appears in two picture books. "How St. Francis Tamed the Wolf" by Elizabeth and Gerald Ri?se (Harcourt Brace, $2.75) ,and "St. Francis and the Animals" by Leo Politi (Scribners, $2,95) are both for five to-nine year olds, and both a happy combination of story , and pictures. . Poetry is well represented by "The Golden Treasury of Poetry" selected by Louis U~termeyer (Golden Press, $4,95): An any-age anthology, it l;ontains poems in ,12 categories, , ft:om nursery, ' rhymes to "thoughtful' poetry to nourish Illustration from ','Stories growing minds." ' A commentary by the distinguished editor, from the New Testament" assists youngsters to get, the by Piet Worm (Sheed' & most from their reading experi- Ward, $.3) •._ 'ence. "The ' Little Naturalist" - by Frances Frost (Whittlesey' , For 11" to 14 year olds the . House, $2.50)' is for the special Doubleday Clarion Books are a . child with a deep, love !>f na- good choice. 'at $1.95 each." A hire... Ages 6 to 10 will like, new fiction ·series featuring ex-, ,these poems about ani~als 'and citing events in Catholic world . olhe Q.utdoor world. \ history, . they're :competently .
. '
. ,
Barbara Willard 'and "Where 'Valor Lies" by Adele and Cateau De Leeuw. The first tells the ever-fascinating story of Charlemagne, the Holy Roman Emperor, through the -eyes °of his son; the second relates the history of the seventh Crusade from the standpqint of ~ young sol_ dier. High school boys and girls, ready for move serious fare, will appreciate "And Long Remember" by Dorothy Canfield Fisher (Whittlesey House, $3.50). The last book by the noted author, it ·is a collection of sketches of "true stories" of real people who have given us all reason to feel proud that we,', too, are American citizens'." ' . Included are Lincoln" Washington, Jefferson, Franklin' and' a handful of" others~ . The book' would have 'been much longer, but death intervened in Mrs. Fisher's plans. Especially designed for youngsters is "Alive in Christ: Meditations' for Young People'~' by' Ralph Campbell, S.J~ (Newman, . $3.75). The ·life· of ChrIst as seen in the liturgy forms, the basis of the' book.. which' is divided into reflections· suitable for fifteen niin(Ite .:periods ' of meditation.' , .
:INSPIRING STORY: Maty Ellen Kelly, shown with, on the' occasion .of a trip to Hollywood, tells the inspiring story o~ her life in "But With the Dawn; Re, joicing." , ~ed S~elton
Bedridden Invand's Life Inspir~s ThousQnds Thro,ughout' 'World ' By ,Lillian Manning . . "Blit· With' the Dawn, Rejoicing," . by Mary ,Ellen . Kelly,' Bruce,' $3.' After meeting this charming girl, reviewing her; beautiful autobiography becomes. a personal visit, in which I feel;
have Mary Ellen, bedridden invalid" who, has found. joy, peace and escape' from a shut-in bastion'by living for others. , " ."
Here Are Va.rie:d Books to Solve EYer.~u%%,lingP:roble~ ~~a~:~~ t:a~:~hr:: ~har~~g~n~i:: ACh,ristmas, Gift Of What to Give Priests,. Brothers, Sisters -" ~~tgn:~:c:n~ t~ns;~r~~~t~~~r/~~' ~0 Open, Early'
. Priests, .Sisters an<i' Brothers· 'are. often. p!1zzling nam.es on Chrjstrnas;listsiWhat 1;0' her early years. ,give t,hem? ,Books are alway~ acceptable aIjd there's' never a lack ~f": s~itable v.olQ.ypes,-· Mary Elltm Kelly, a 'native .Any of the following is, suitable for any. I:eligio,us on your' list. ,Readers of' "The,· Gospel, Iowa; spent' her ,early years in. Story" by Ronald Knox and Ro.nald Cox will need no urging to pounce on its sequel; ,"It IS the throes of what now seems a W't '" (Sh d & '" .. ," . , ., . ~ery remote'er~, the Big Depres~ P au I Wh . o. rl e~ . ,ee. Je~n Vieuje'an (Newman,' $3). unique p()~ition a~' "th~': M~ther sian: 'At the tender age of 12,' Ward, $4.50). LIke the fIrst Starting with the conunandment of Go4 and,purselves, " , ' 'Y hen most.1ittle girls are'dream-' book,. it consists of Scripture of loving. neighbor as self, :the Out~ta:nding BI~graphies .. i!1g of, the flJ:st stages) of adult ' and comment~ry. The Scrip~ author points out the obstacles Biographies are the' favorite life,. the'exciting teens, the dread'
' "This" ',is. one .Christmas , gill:
of' you may open before Christmas",
say, the publishers of ,"Christmas Gift" "by, Frances Par.\sinsoll, ~eye's (Ha~thorn,$.~.95).,5111a11 ~n~ attractI~e a.s a gIft pa~kage'It IS a co~pI1atIon,ofC~rIstmas .essays WhICh Mrs. Ke~es_ has for .yea.rs sent to ~er frIends e~ch. ture is the Acts of the Apostl~s . to this ideal that are occasioned reading of many, an.~ the' spir- disease which has crippled: her.' ~ohda:y ~~so~.• and the letters of St. Paul: the J:iy human frailty and the Ii indi-. itual b()o~shelf has not 'been·'ig- f6r.life!first painfully'manifested, -'. - They have been written from: 'comtnentary 'supplies histdricai ,cates~any practical.solutions nored this,. Christmas:' . Two 'itself.' .: , all parts of the world, they cap-' 'and 'biblical baCkground to the ~nd: aIds to,. developmg, true: books 'by Alden Hat~h"are 'of", , . fure'the spirit .of Christmas ininspired word. Christian charity. ~ered by Hawthorn ,BOOkS; "The . Five years later; 17. and beau~ many lands and times; but the' A reference work of special . Called, .the "most important', Miracle of the ;Mountains" (4.95)' tiful, her story tells of her heart-.' thread of the ,wonder of. the ' " IS 'd . I e d't' breaking' first· Christmas .in' a, NatI'vI'ty runs through' them all . M value in light 0 f t h e f ort h commg . ary- b 00 k 0 f th e ' g enera tIon an 'a memorIa 1 lOn' 0 f a Ecumenical Council called by "Mary, Mother' of Faith" by' book already a . bes.t-seller, hospital,. spe'nt there because alike; and there are fresh Pope John XXIII is "The Twenty Josef Weiger, (Newman, . $5)~ "Crown of Glory". ($4.95). The she was 'by' then totally and- 'thoughts" too, as on the bond of Ecumenical Councils of the newly. translated into. English first· book tells the story of permanently paralyzed. No one mothers with ,the Mother' of Catholic Church" by Clement from the original German. Brother Andre and ,his' Montreal who has spent Christmas' in a God., . '.' hospital' could read this wistful Raab,O.F...M ..'(New.m,:an. $3.50). IIi'form' it. isameditatioD' on t;hrineon "Mount'RoYal;.the,sec-, ,., " ...· th e lifeo.£.. . . Pope p'iu's . XII.' , pa.·s,sage with a.' dry' eye. ', "Every.mother, humA repri.nt of.a, work first issued ,0U'f' Lady as the ,me.diatrix of ~nd IS . , .however ,. . ... '.;...." .' b,l~ ,anfl,o~scure, may .cl~im t~e. , in 1937, .this book givell In ha':!dy, grac.e.. Father Weiger - studi~d" ; E.leven ' missionaries are A'II . ... i' th A . d t ' · ' ve .~. . nee., 0,, ..t;!I.. '.' common. Motherhood concise summary a history of.the her'life'as.lnterwoven with that" ,'sketched in "The Heroes of God"· . with Marybond and. of 'insofa'r' as )les' , councils, their ,deliberations, and. of.Chrisi and develops fully her. by. Henri 'Daniel-Raps'! (Haw-" Fa~ ~roIIi being the pO!1deI:ou~:" within' her power may, with , the truth defined' by' them. ' ~ '. ' .' thorn, ,$3.95) ... They 'l'ange from repetItIous .work of a. l;hromc"", God's help glorify here:;tate in Spiritual,Reading St. Paul to. Father Nussbaum, a sput-in, the story is aliy:e, with ,r.everent i~itation.", ," . ". ", .. " missionary to Tibet·· who. ,was amusing, happy anei; t~nd~r an;" There is' always. a need for' .' . martyred after: the oeginrung:' of ecdotes from,:'which' the ,read~r, ' new and good' books of spiritual. World War II. . ' ' " . . ' ' " , ," ',', :. . . '.', I ' " i h·t . t th' 1 f reading among', thos.e· d~dicateci' , g eans ms gIno: e· sou , o. to 'God, for m'anyof whom a "The Spiritual Life '~f C~rdi-' t~is v!1lian~ girl.' . ., daily period e)f'such reading is nai Merry del Val", by Rev. Je-' ,Following her through hilatobligatory.' Some recent , titles rome' .Dal;-GaL. (Benztger, $3.75) ious ': . episodes of baggage-car of value' include "Lamps.' of relates the inner 'life of the sec": travel" 'yoyages to F a i i IIi a ; Love" by Louis Colin,' 'C.SS'.R.' retaryof state to· St: :P:ius X;· Lourdes, arid eventually to the" . (Newman, ~4), study of. the ',Father Raphaef Simon;well-' , very feet otPius XII, who gave j>rincipal, sources of love and, known'for. th,e stori..'of'his con- ,her personal recognition, it is. how they may best oeutilized in .version· frciin:, JUdaism, : ,"The difficult ,to believe that, Mary da'ily life; and '.'Liturgical ReGlory of Thy People," Jias writ-" Ellen Kelly isa helpless invalid.' .treat", by Roy J. Howard, S.J. ten a' study"of the 'relationship (Sheed& Ward, $3), a study of cif divine happiness and 'mimtaf Most physically incapacitated. the' Spiritual Exercises of St. health, "Hammer and. Fire" people yearn to be useful. (Of, Ignatius in '. the context, of t h e ' C:Kenedy, $3,95); 'A','phy~ician Mary' Ellen's many ·.achieve"· Hgngy and the sacraments of ' before his ordiI,lation'as, ~Trap-, ments, perhaps the' . greatest is, baptism, confirmation and, the. pis! priest,' 'Fath~r' SimoiJ ' is' lier organ~zatio'n of the League. ·'Holy Eucharist. ' qualified i~ 'ev:ery w'ay to discuss' .. of, Shut-In·· Sodalists, : which:' ,his subject. :Much' helpful ad- . rea.che,s' inva..I.fds '·the world ,ov~r Also recommended is "Christ 'v'I'ce .I·S· g·I·ve·n·of·.va·l·ue' to' every and, unites them under the 'pro-; at EV,ery Crossroad" by F. Desearnest Christian: " " , tection:·ofOui'Lady. • ",' plariques, S.J. (Newman, $2.75). Never caiJ too ,be writThis is a book of "thoughts ten about the Mass' ~nd a oeau-' .. In,connection,with the L~ague,) aloud" design~d to make' the tiful addition to the literature is she edits and publishes "Seconds, reader realize tha't no· matter "~his Is, the Mass" , by" Henry Sandified," a periodical also of what his ,circumstances he must Dariiel:-Rops (Hawthorn). The world-wide distribution. Add to' see! Christ in' the people arid . CROWN OF GLORY:. J ack- . book .consistS ,of .. de!icriptions' these activities. numerous other. events of his life," , . ' , , ., . . ,. , 'and prayers 'by :Daniel-R'opS;,and~.:,contributions' to 'the ,Catholic: Along the s~me theme' but : 'et ~ ~!'lsign:Qt~t~¢<',;rri~~o,~~~r '. :photo'g'raphsof.I3ishop\Fuit~n:j.\·: press) all aimea at ,bringing .the' , ; ,more formally," approached is ~dItIOn: qf. ,the ,1>e~t-s~l~mg: . Sheellas 'he,. cele1;>r;1tes 'Mass, iIi .' '~i~ht of' spir-itual life 'to .th?,se , '''Your- Other" Self" .by ,Caliou'· ."biography of;,Piuso.:XII.., liispl'ivatc'chapel.·: .. ; .i,," . . .: ,groping ill· 'darkness, . and:YQu', ' Frances.. "arki~n -KeYaI . <