Diocesan Laity and Religio...,s Mourn Death of Chancellor, Msgr. John H. Hackett Rt. Rev. Msgr. John H. Hackett, chan cellor of the diocese of Fall River for the past seven months ~ind both vice-chancellor and episcopal secretary for six yearR, died Tuesday afternoon in St. Anpe's Hospital, Fall River. A' solemn pontifical Masi> of Requiem will be celebrated by BiRhop Connolly at St. Mary's Cathedral at 10 Saturday morning.
fall River, Mass., Thursday, Dec. 8, 1966
Vol. 10, No. 49
1966 The Anchor
'l'he youngeRt priest ever appointed a Domestic Prelate in the 62-year hiRtor,\' of the diocese succumbed after an illness of several months.
$4.00 per Yeg PRICE ICc
The late beloved chancellor was elevated to the rank of Domestic Prelate with the title of Right Reverend Monsignor on Dec. 2 last year while attending the closing ceremonies of the Second Vatican Council 'in Rome .
Pope' Paul Grateful
Expresses Appreciation' to Bishop Connolly .For Peter's P~nce Contribution
Msgr. Hackett was one of the most fhe Most Reverend Bishop ample of that filial solidarity highly esteemed members of the diocesan has received through the w h i c h binds the faithful clergy. His opinions and judgments were ,throughout the world to the Vatican Secretariate of State widely sought and acknowledged by the centre of Catholic unity. The the appreciation of Pope Paul ,Supreme Pontiff is sincerely veteran as well as the younger members 'of the Peter's Pence offerings , grateful for such ready co-oper of the clerg)' in and out of the diocese. sent to him from the faithful of 'ation, as the. ungrudging charity The late canonist was close and always the Fall River Diocese. 'which Your Excellency's flock The letter from Cardinal have contributed during the past available to the laity as a curate, chaplain, .. Cicognani, Secretary of State to year enables Him to carryon Bishop's secretary and chancellor. the Holy Father, is as follows: in fuller measure that mission The 40-year old prelate manifeRted his DAL VATICANO of social beneficence conducted by the Holy See through the priestly zeal as he found time from the November 23,1966 centul'ies. busy chancery office schedule to serve as SEGRETERIA DI STATO As a pledge of His heartfelt chaplain and religion instructor at the DJ SUA SANTITA , gratitude for this token of filial Sacred Hea,rts Academy in Fall River. Your Excellency, 'love and devotion, His Holi'ness The Holy Father has gracious . cordially imparts to Your Excel ,Rl'. REV. MSGH. .JOHN H. HACKETT,'J.C.D• Turn to Page Three ly commanded me to acknowl lency, and to all His beloved edge receipt of the Peter's Pence children in Christ committed to offering from the Diocese of Fall your' watchfut" pastoral care, His River for the year 1966. , paternal Apostolic Blessing. By this generous testimony of Gladly renewing the' assurance devotion and loyalty to the See of Peter, Your Excellency and of my high esteem and cordial the clergy, religious and laity of personal i'egard, I r~main Yours sincerely in Christ, the Diocese ot Fall River have Rev. John F. Hogan, ad Four new members of the ,given a most commendable eK A. G. Card. Cicognani ministrator of St. John the Priests Senate of the Fall Rev. Mr.J. Marcel La Baptist Church, Central Vil flamme, M.S. son of Mr. and River Diocese were recently lage, Catholic Welfare Direc elected by th~ir respective tor of New Bedford, and director Mrs. Albert Laflamme of 94 ordination classes, The Senate, Hillman Street, New Bed of the Annual Clothing Drive an all the pastors, assistants and nouncedtoday that this year's ford, will' 'be ordained to the chaplains of the Diocese, voted ,diocesan appeal netted just over priesthood Sunday, Dec. 18, in at its first meeting to enlarge its BOSTON (NC)~Richard C~irdinai ,Cushing speculated the' chapel 'of Our Lady of group to include four priests "128 toris of usable 'clothing, bed that most Catholic students soon will be obtaining, their di!1g and shoes. The drive which La Sale"tte International Colleee from among the younger clergy higher education at state universities and col~eges because took place the first week of in Rome where he has· been of the Diocese.' Elected by the 1957-1961 ordi of financial- difficulties besetting the Catholic educational November came in time to give studying for a: licentiate in the ,immediate help to the victims ology at t~e pominican Univer nation group were Rev. John P. svstem. The Boston Arch. sity, the Angelicum. Cronin, director of St. Vincent's bishop told a meeting 'of the the press for 'money is so acute, "of the floods in Italy as clothes from this drive were sent to His parents have'left for Rome home, Fall River, and adminis the Cardinal added. New' England region of the "The charity dollar can never Florence and' Venice' where to attend the ordination, accom trator of S~. Bernard's Parish, National Catholic Education~ keep up with the tax dollar," thousands lost all their posses panied by their daughter, Sister Assonet; and Rev. John J. Smith, sions in floods still afflicting the M. Marcel of the Trinity, C,S.C.; assistant at St. Patrick's Church, al Association's college and urii- . Cardinal Cushing commented. area. two' aunts ,0rRev. Mr. -Laflamme, Wareham, versity department· here there The new emphasis is on sci Elected by the 1962-1966 ordi was. need for the federal, gov- ence and new science buildings The clothes were shipped, to .Sister St. Julienne of the Sisters ernment to extend its largesse to ,have been built at Emmanuel the sorting and shipping center of Charity, Fall River, and Miss nation group were Rev. Thomas lay teachers who choose church- ,College and Boston College here, in Long Island though the cour Rollande Laflamme of the New J. Harrington, assistant at St. Francis Xavier Church,. Hyannis, r~lated schools in which to teach. . he said.' Turn to Page Four tesy 'If Hemingway Transporta and Rev. Peter N. Graziano, as':' The Cardinal said he had' dis"We can't be accused of con tion Company of New Bedford. sistant a. Holy Name' Church, cussed this problem with the late centrating 'solely -on the humani There they were re-sorted, proc Fall River. President John F. Kennedy. He ,ties,"JCardinal Cushing observed. essed apd baled and on ships asserted: "I asked President ."But I am of the opinon' that the headed for Italy at the first call Kennedy to propose more aid for greatest accomplishments of the Turn to Page Four lay teachers and he told me to future will be made through the wait until his second term. spirit of 'man." "The high cost of education is He added: "Science will never forcing curtailment of· school end war; Science will never pre LISBON (NC)-Pope Paul VI, programs at all levels of the vent two-thirds of the human in a personal letter, has refused Boston archdiocese;" the Cardinal family going to bed hungry: Sci the resignation of Manuel Cardi said. ence will never teach us to love nal Goncalves Cerejeira, 78, pa NEW YORK (NC)-The Sal "We have stopped building ,another." triarch of Lisbon since 192'9. vation Army Association of New elementary schools.' We can't The Pope did accept the resig York has awarded its 1966 Cita keep good lay teachers unless nation of Bishop Manuel de Me . Postponement tion of Merit to Francis Cardina,l we pay them salaries comparable deiros Guerreiro of Nampula, The Confraternity of Christian Spellman in recognition of his to other schools," he· declared. Mozambique, who is 75. Bishop "half century of Christ-like ser "Most, of our parishes are in Doctrine Leadership Day Pro Medeiros Guerreiro has been , vice to all mankind." debt today. Their normal income gram scheduled for Saturday at made a titular bishop and will is not enough to keep up. Our Bishop Stang High, No. Dart continue to govern the ,dioces<a The presentation of the asso own cathedral of the Holy Cross mouth, has been postponed due ciation's highest award was made of Nampula until the appoint is losing $1,500 every Sunday to the death of Monsignor by Commissioner William E. ment .of a successor. because of rising expenses." Hackett. The resignation of BishoID Davidson, commander of the Joao da Silva Campos Neves, 77 The archdiocese is gradually I-t has been re-scheduled for Army's ll-state eastern territory, of Lamego was also refused by selling school properties located Saturday, Dec. 17 at Bishop Cas at the association's 19th annual REV. MR. J. 1\1. LAFLAMMIE the Pope. iio. redevelopment areas because sidy Hi~h, Taunton. luncheon meeting yesterday.
Clothing Pickup Nets 128 Tons In Diocese
New Bedford LaSalette's Ordination.
Four of Younger Priests Now In Senate
State Colleges "Will At'tract, Most Catholic Students
Salvation Army
Honors Prelate
Pontiff Rejects R'esignation
":''''f;~[V:~ I'! ·Sing
_ _--""'_~_-'-'..L-.,~~..:-----~--=-----"--'--....:.;.--'_:_,..
New' M~ss
1, ;'In Providence '
-Fish Sti1'1 Very Po'pular
The newly eomposed' "Mas!!! for Joy" by C. Alexander Peleo quin will be heard for the firsi$ time at a Cathedral Festival ~ WASHINGTON (NC)-A. spot change-that in addition, to fish, be held at 8:15 Wednesday nigh\ check across the nation in the meat was served, as it was in JDec. 14 in the Cathedral of s£). wake of the first meat-on-Friday past years for non-Catholic stu Peter and Paul, Providence. M1?o for Catholics under the new dents. ' Peloquin is music director at thO Officials of fish and seafood ,Church rule disclosed fish deal cathedral and is also director ClfI associations have said that dealers ers didn't fare too 'badly. the internationally known Pele=> In advance of the big day, Dec. can 'look for a drop in sales dur q~in Chorale. 2, fish and seafood dealers were ing the ea~ly Fridays under the expecting a drop of 10 per cen~ new Church rule: They point The Mass, dedicated to Amerfl., or more in sales. But the habits out that in Canada where the can youth, was written, notoo of years are not easily discarded., meat-on-Friday rule went- into the composer, "to shpw 'too the check-up Showed, and gener 'effect earlier in the year, sales Strength of joy in the Church.t!l ally it was business-as-usual for dipped 25 per cent but since The melody is folk, harmon... have recovered. They said the the fish dealers; "cany the Mass Is' jazz and !btl same conditions might be ex-. For instance, in the great sea rhythm is rock and roll., food, city of Boston, waterfront peeted in the United states. Providing guitar backgrouni5l dealers reported no' noticeable for the new Mass will be t\Wl Blump in business. One popular Catholic priests, two Anglicallii PAPAL AWARD: Lt. Col. Eleazor Parmly of Gaine.s priests seafood restaurant reported the and a layman. The 400 Friday sales were up 2,') per cent ville, Fla., a convert, receives the "Benemerenti" medal aJ.ld voice festival choir will be mad~ over those of a year ago. scroll fl-om the visiting Deputy Chief of Chaplains, Brig. up of the Peloquin 'Chorale, anG! 0n the other side of the coun COLOMBO (NC) - Ceylon's. 1f f D M' f . es omes, or students from Boston College" try, in another city where sea-, bishops have ruled that the.obli- Gen. (Msgr.) Francis L. Sampson, e t, 0 Providence College, St. Mary'l!) gation to abstain from meat on recognition of 'his participation in Catholic religious pro food is popular, San Francisco, Academy-Bay View, St. Xavier'1V dealers and restaurant owners Friday can be fulfilled in luture grams for the military in Vetnam. Academy, the Rliode Island Boys" by "an equivalent act of charity reported no falling off in busi Choir and' St. Charles Higlli or prayer." ness. Sebool. Also participating wimJ In their second joint pastoral But here and there~ a drop-off be professional singers and ID in fish and seafood sales was letter in less than a month, tbe 50-member orchestra. reported. In Indianapolis, a few bishops also proclaimed that , Fan River Members Seriou~' restaurant operators reported only those between 21 and 00 Judge Jil addition to the Mass, ;Bach'1l running out of steaks during the years of age shall be bound by lunch period. In Buffalo, N. Y'; the law of fasting and abstinence "'Sleepers Awake" and Britten" . .... 1 fish sales were reported down on Ash' Wednesday and Good "St. N«:holas" will be heard. BAY CITY (NC)-The grave sentencing judge 1n a cnmma . Friday. , . '. 10 per cent. case has four alternatIves-JlD , Peloquin morale members frODll responsibility which falls to a The pastoral said the bishops . But brisk business-as-usual in especially recommend giving, J'urist in sentencing a person . prisonment, fine, suspendeddsen d Fall River are Cecile CumminBflo the Friday fish line were the alms to the poor iIi place of abconvicted of crime was outlined . tence and probation, he ad e " Chal'lotte Lavoie, Jeanni'ne st. reports from places like Mi,lmi, stinence on ordinary Fridays. l>y Circuit Court Judge Leon R.' In imposing sentef;lc~, Judge Fla., Washington, D. C., Chicago Other acts listed hi a note at the Dardas here in Michigan in a Dardas "said a jurist must con- .. Laurent, Horace Travassos, NOi' and St. Louis. . end of the pastoral '.included a talk at a Holy Name Society sider "what sentence will best manti Gingras and B~rbaro At La Salle College, conducted substantial donation to parish meeting. ' . protect society" and "'what sen": .Owen. Miss Cummings' and Miss by the Christian Brothers in charities, and abStaining from "There'is no more anxious task tence 'wil accomplish the most" Owens are in charge of ticket Philadelphia, where there have smoking, drinking or movies and in society than that of a sentenc in behalf of the defendant. 8a-les f&r the Fall River area. been some protests· over food giving the money thus saved to iog .judge--and very few more When circumstances warrant, service, the cafeteria operator the poor. important ones," the jurist said. Judge Dardas continued, he pre averted unpleasantness by serv The bishops said the period of His advice to parents for fers to place a defendant on pro ing meat .as well as fish. Lent retains its penitential char- avoiding the pitfalls of crime bation. He said this is less ex.;; 1'he general report from II aeter and declared that "the was: "Know w~o your children pensive than imprisonment; the number of other Catholic uni spirit of penance must animate are with at all tImes-and know offender is given opportunity to versities and colleges was no the life of a Christian more who are their friends~" make restitution' the offender's Prescriptions called for llirongly during this period." Justice has come a Jong way life can be resha~ed;and the im::. and cIeIivered Tbe pastoral letter began with· since the day~ o.f Commol paet of prison life where there' LOFT , an, elucidation of the continued~, when 80 convIctIon for steahng illl a oonstant hatred of s6eiei.y" CHOCOLATES importance attached ,by the ealled f~r cutting off t~e .hand of ill avoided. ", ' FRlDAY~Mass of previous Sun 99.4-7"3' the thIef, and convICtion lor "Imprisonment is the' only ~ " ~ Cottage St. . flay. HI Class. Violet. Mass '€ h lH'ch to penance.' New Bedford· \/laliphemy called for cutting out lotion,jn some cases;'l' Jud,ge Proper; No Glory or Creed: tbe offendel"s tongue, the jurist Bardas, said. "With some' dan Common Preface. . said. gerQI>lS' individuals there' ,is riel SATURDAY-M'aSsof 'previous' But tbe sentencing judge con- eholc,e })ut to put'.the offender' Sunday. DI Class. Violet. Mass stantly mU~lt keep in mind that away. We have to ,protect'yoll--'"' , Proper; No,. G~ry or Creed; NOTRE DAME (NC)'-'---Edward 2nd Prayer St. Melchiades, C. ,Krause, C.S.C., son ,of NO,be be is dealing with "liberty, our aut we must ,avoid being 'vindie"" . most sacred. gift under ~ and tive." .. ' J< Pope and Martyr: CommoJi" Dame University athletics diree the Constitution." i I Preface., ' ,tor Ed "Moose" KraWle,, will be Judge Dardas said jurists are " SUNDAY-Gaudete Sunday, nt, ordained ·to the priesthood i·n the . well aware of the. current crit!-: Sunday of Advent. I Class. Congregati0l! of ~oly, Cross cism ,that some sentences are, , gTlS ~RVta;, ,.. Rose or Violet. Mass Proper; saturday, Dec. 17 in tbe ehapel, too .severe, others t{)() lenient. ' DISTRIBUTORS No Glory;' Creed; Preface' of of Holy CrOSs College iiI Rome. The sentencing judge, must be ' Paint an~ Waltpaper·" .. Trinity. ' Father Krause will offer bis , concerned with a deterrence of DupontPai~ " " MONDAY-M ass of previous first Mass the following day in crime and rehabilitation of the cor. Middle St'" Sunday. III Class. Violet. Mall8 the chapel of the Holy 'Cross criminal, the jurist said. The ," 422 Acush. Ave. Proper; No Glory :cr Creed; Fathers and Brothers generalate Common Preface. ' in Rome. He will return to the j Q"e" New Bedford TUESDAY-St. Lucy, Virgin and U. S. to offer his first solemn PARKING South End Council; Fall River Martyr. III Class. R~. Mass Mass in Sacred Heart parish here Knights of Columbus, requests Rear Qf St,ore OIL BURNERS, " ' Proper; Glory; 2nd Prayer of next July. the public to leave unwanted Father Krause' was born Sept. Few Prompt DeliverY
previous Sunday; no Creed; toys at any fire station,Knights 11, 1940, in Worcester, where his Common Preface. .. Day & Night Ser,~~
will repair the toys for distri father was football line coach WEDNESDAY-Ember Wednes Fune",a'"
and head basketball coach at the bution to needy children Id day: in Advent. II Class. Vio G. E. BOilER BURNER, UNDTS Jesuit-operated Holy Cross Col- Christmas. Home'
Jet. Mass Proper; No Glory or - lege. He attended grammar .EST. 1~70
Creed; Couunon Preface. No Rural Bottled Gas Service school and high school in South Reg., Funeral Director amd
fast or Abstinence. Bend before joining the Holy Embalmer
61 COHANNET ST. THURSDAY - Mass 'of previous Cross Fathers at Notre Dame 1 Washington Square
Sunday. II Class. 'Violet. Mass University in 1958. TAUNTON
Proper; No Glory or Cl'eed;
Attleboro - No- AttlebON>
Tel. 996·8098
For Meo,t.on~Fridays
Prelates Revise Penance Laws
Grave~ Duty
Explains Responsibility Rn ·Sentencing Criminals
Mass Ordo
Ordination in Rome For Ed. Krause. Jr.
w. H.RltEY
< ,"
.. ,::CIENTER" ','
Toys Needed
& SON, ,'I"c.,
,Fuel and Range
Rea~ Estate Rene 1. 'oyant, Inc.
fORTY HOURS DEVOTION Dec. 11-8t. Anthony of Pa dua, Fall River. St. Mary, Fairhaven. Dec. 18--0ur Lady of Health, Fall River. St. Louis, Fall River. THE lIIlCHOI , SecollCl Class POStage Pula at Fall RI_~ , Mass Dub Ilshlh evel) Thuradn) at ~lu Itlghlano 'IvenU8" Fall fllvel 'Moss: 02722 ;)y. ttle Ilat/loJlc ..res. en. tile Diocese 01 FilII IilYe,SUbscrlptlor.-lIrlce Il) IIIllU. postpakl $4;00 per year, "
DEC. ZO . .Rev.'· Manuel S. Trav8ss08, 1953, Pastor, Espirito Santo, Fall River. '
279 Barnstcble Road! SP 5-0079
"Save With Safety
ORTINS Photo Suppmy
Michael C. Austin Dnc.
- .: cO-OPEltATIvE BANK. l15 .WILLIAM'
.. THE ANCHOR-' Thurs., Dec. 8, W66
Urges' . Newman
Chaplains Seek Ai'd of. fL~ fity
Jesuit Author Defends Pop'e
MILWAUKEE (NC) Archbishop William E~ Coua lins of Milwaukee told New man chaplains here they are "missing the point" unless they make greater attempts to gain the help of the laity in their apostolate. The archbishop made the com ment when two priests requested more members of the clergy be assigned as fulltime chaplains at state universities. At present only two priests serve fulltime as Newman chaplains in Wiscon-' sin. Thirteen chaplains reported to Archbishop Cousins at· the Uni versityof Wisconsin-Milwaukee Newman Center as part of Ii national program to examine and . reevaluate the' Newman aposto late. Some members of the par ish clergy also attended. Two priests, Father Raymond H. Kriege, full-time chaplain at the center, and Father Thomas Schmitz, a curate at St. James parish, Kenosha, suggested an add;tional priest be assJgned to the center, and that two more be appointed to serve schools in the Kenosha-Racine area by 1972 and four by 1980. ' Lack lP'ersonneU "A good bit of this is projec tion," Archbishop Cousins re plied, "but all of you are miss mg the point. You should think m terms of lay men and women because somewhere there has to be a move on the part Of the laity. '''We no longer have the per Sonnel," the Archbishop con tinued. "Sisters also will tell you that. Our priests at the present time are completely unable to meet your demands. "Lay people must not only
NEW YORK (NC)-An Israeli author and journalist character ized "The Deputy," the contro 'versial play by German author Rolf Hochhuth produced in this country three years ago, as tendentious in its selectivity and patchy facts." The play criticized Pope Pius XII for failing to do all he could to aid the Jews during the nazi persecution of World War II. Speaking at a press conference here at the Institute of Human Relations of the American Jew ish Comrtlittee, Pinchas E. La pide, a former Israeli consul in Milan, Italy, stated that· '~the al leged silence of Pius XII was never as complete or as austere as the post-Hochhutch silence." Lapide, who is active in the Israeli interreligious movement, ' is in the U. S. lecturing and making arrangements for publi cation of his book, "The Last Three Popes and the Jews." He explained he could not have written a book about Pius XII alone without including his pre decessor, Pius XI, who he feels was "Europe's most zealous anti nazi", or his successor, John XXIII.
Detroit f?ar!sh Has Mass Bell Latin
PJLAN NEW SOUTH YARMOUTH CHURCH: Arrangements are complete for the eonstructio~ of a new St. Pius X Church in South Yarmouth on Cape Cod. The new brick edifice, "which will seat 1180, will be erected north of the present church on Station Avenue in South Yarmouth.
Solemn Pont=f:cal Mass on Saturday
1Zecognize the need for priests but there must be recognition of the tremendous vacancy they'J;e going to fill. The best influen~ in reaching students is fellow students. We need a lot of help Continued from Page 'One kom our lay people." I His chancery p6sition also Use of Facilities 'broUght the Monsignor to all the When some priests aske4,. parishes and' institutions 'of the about the advisability -oJ using. diocese as he served as diocesan facilities owned by other denom- Master of Ceremonies 'for pon inations, Archbishop Cousins . tifical ceremonies., counseled long-term rentals in In addition, the late Msgr. preference to verbal agreements Hackett also ,·devoted his, kind flo use other churches. and priestly' talents to the New"With a Methodist minister it man Club members as· chaplain might be an act of benevolence at tlhe former Bradford Durfee . flo let you use his church. But if Textile Institute in Fall River a minister moves, you don't before that educational institu. know how his successor might Uon was merged with the New f<eel about it," the' archbishop 'Bedford Institute to form the explained. nucleus for the new Southeast . Father Kriege asked what em. Massachusetts Technological eould be done with the liturgy Institute. to "make it come alive" through Msgr. Hackett also served for adaptation to the mentality of the past'13 years as an official the students. Archbishop Cousins of the Diocesan Marriage Tribu :replied that experimentation nal. On Sept. 28, 1953, he was with the liturgy is forbidden by appointed Notary. He became decree. "Any experiments must Defender of the Bond on Nov. be' approved in Rome,'" he said. 28, 1958 and has also served as Synodal Judge. The late Chancellor was born U Ir~ies All to Work in .Fall River 011 May 12,. 1926, the son of the late Dr. John H. F©Hi' Unity Hackett and the late Madeline SUDBURY (NC) - Christians Mary Martin; graduated from should recognize the need for Monsignor Coyle High School, and work toward world unity, Taunton; ~ttellded st. Charles Archbishop Sergio Pignedoli, College, Catonville, Maryland; apostolic delegate in Can~da, and studied Philosop.hy and \ Baid, here. Theology at St. John's Seminary, Cultivation of "the spirit of Brighton. llmiversality," he said, is the first Monsignor Hackett was or duty of Christians in today's dained on June 3, 1950, by world. They must become, 'he 'Bishop Connolly in St. Mary's said, "less and less Canadians, or Cathedral, Fall River. Americans, or English, or Ital Upon ordination, he was as fan" and "more 'and more citizens signed as assistant at St. Thomas ~ the world." More Church, Somerset. He "This is what is said in the remained there until the Fall Bible," Archbishop Pignedoli of 1955 when he went to the said, "God created a unique School of Canon Law at Catholic world-one world. It is we men University, Washington, D. C. who created the countries, the Having returned from Catholic thbes and the people." Vniversity, Monsignor Hackett
Bishop Conn.oily to Officiate _at CatheCiral
was appointed Secretary to the Burns, thurifer; Rev. Thomas E, Bishop in 1958. He received his Morrissey, book bearer; Rev. degree, of Doctor of Canon Law Manuel Ferreira, candle bearer; from Catholic University on Rev. Peter Graziano, gremiale' June 7, 1959. bearer; Rev. Vincent Diaferio, The dissertation written by mitre bearer. the late chancellor for his doe The Masters of Ceremonies for torate was entitled: "The Con the funeral Mass will' be Rev. ce~t of Public Order." . ' John P. Driscoll and Rev. Paul The beloved Monsignor leaves F. McCarrick. one brother, Dr. Robert S. The ell1pgist for the Mass for Hackett, Fall River;' an aunt, Msgr. Hackett will be Most Rev. Mrs. Harold L: Creamer, Fall James L. Connolly. River; and several nieces and The Office of the Dead, to be nephews. chanted on Friday afternoon, will be presided oVer by Most - Officers of Mass Assisting B ish 0 p Connolly, Rev. James J. Gerrard, Auxil o Saturday morning, will be Rt. iary -Bishop of Fall River. The chanters of the lessons will be: 'Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Consi Rt. Rev. Msgr. Daniel Shalloo, dine, Assistant Priest; Rev. Cor nelius O'Neill and Rev. Francis Rev. Lester Hull and Bishop Gerrard. Connors, Deacons of Honor. The deacon of the Mass will be Rev. Reginald M. Barrette, Circular Church while Rev. Daniel Freitas will CEDAR RAPIDS (NC)-The serve as subdeacon., Other servers at the Pontifical ,first circular Catholic church to ·be constructed' in Iowa was dedi Requiem Mass will be: Rev. Jo seph' Powers and Rev.' ·Roger cated at All Saints parish here. Poirier, acolytes; Rev. Edward The church, constructed at a cost' of some $650,000, accommodates 850 people, all of whom can be ~®W R@fi';rtemetl'il~S seated within nine rows from the altar.
DETROIT (NC)':'-A regularly scheduled Mass in, Latin, in tended primarily for visitors 'to Detroit "who would feel more at home ~ith it," has been inaugu rated by Archbishop John F. Dearden of Detroit. The Mass will be offered in St. Aloysius' Church in down town Detroit a~joining the arch diocesan chancery office. In establishing the Latin Mass, the archbishop said he hoped to provide for the needs of tourists who would have difficulty in sharing meaningfully in the English liturgy.
St. Francis
196 Whipple St., Fall River ConClucted by Franciscan Missionaries of Mary ROOMS MEALS
Inquire 673·7890
THE MUSIC SHOP Baldwin & Hammond Pianos .& qrgans
Lew Dalbec, Proprietor
Sales and Service
269 Union St., New Bedford . Tel. 992·7064 138·140 North Main SI.
Fall River, Mass.
Tel. 675·7721
~x[p)®ctedJ irrJW'@~~nd
BONN' (NC) - The Church's worldwide emphasis on retiring' bishops and priests at the age of 75 will have little effect in Poland, according to a Polish. trade. union publication received here in Germany. The periodical, Glos Pracy, examining the ages of the coun try's bishops,. finds only seven who are over 75. The youthful character of the Polish body of priests is seen in statistics show ing that only 930 of the total of 17,000 are over.70, and that 11,000 are below the age of 50..
No Wl~hdi'Cliw'allNlotice Required inquire Fcli' lFurther Detaii$
944 County St. New Bedford
OF FALL RIVER J NOlth Main Stleet, Fall River. and 149 G.A.R. Hl2hway, Rle. 6. Somerset
.Pr~~@fr~ A$serts mntregrcnU'o@[)l)
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., Dec. 8,'1966
[F'O'@rw~®[fifi) f@[j' Wth1Dtf.·~ ~mm®O'o~@[J1).
The parish will host all Sisters of Cape Cod at 2 Sunday after noon, Dec. 11 in the church' hall. for a day of recollection. Con ference master will be Rev. Ar mand Proulx, M.S., superior of La Salette Worcester. Dinner will be served by women of the parish. . Choir rehearsal for Chrlstmas Midnight Mass will be held for girls on Monday nights at 8:30 and for women on· Tuesday nights at 7:30. Men' arid . boys choir will,rehearse at 7:30 Friday night, Dec. 9 at La Sa.1ette Sem~ inary, East Brewster. ST. JOSEPlIll. FAJLJL RIVlElIt
CYO seniors will attend a Communion 'breakfast ,following 9:30 Mass Suoday morning, Dec. 11. Tickets are available from Thomas Thompson and Ellen Charbonneau. Members of the Men's Club and Worrien's Guild will elect 'lep~esentatives to the parish coun<;il this week. The guild will hold. its monthly meeting' follow ing 7:30 Mass tonight. A Christmas party will fe.atul'e the program. ST. JEAN BAPTISTE. FALL RIVER The Couricil of Catholic WOmal will hold its annual Christmas party jointly with the Holy Name Saciety at 7 Saturday night, Dec. 10 at Red Angus restaurant, Tiverton. Louis Bouchard and Mrs. Roger Caron are co-chair men.
Clothing 'Drive Contii1Ued from Page One for clothes for those in need there. . The breakdown of clothes by diocesan areas is as follows: 'Fall River Area 51,000 ,pOunds. New Bedford Area -~O;OOO f)Qunds. Taunton Area--45,.OOO pounds. Cape Cod A re a -.45,500 pOunds. Somerset-Swansea .A rea 21~000 pounds. :Attleboro A rea 18,000 '. pounds. 'North. Attleboro Area-lQ;060 .pounds. Mansfield Area-6,500 pounds.
PHILADELPHIA (NC) A . of tlle happiness for which ~ Roman Catholic:. bishop, a Negro, '..created them - which illl;ludes a . . said here that integration has.- cer~ain amount· of happiness. lHlOJLS{ IitIEJ!)IlElElWlElIt,
become the white American's even in this ~orld as a foretaste CIHlA1rIHlAlW
problem. of that to come." The Holy Name Society will,
Die-hard white segregationists Defend God/'s Right. hold a breakfast meeting follow
ing 8 o'clock Mass Sunday morn
. are faced witb the problem 00 Bishop Perry said that work ing, Dec. 11.
how they can salvage their seJf ing for integration on a religious respect .after so many decades (If plane means primarily fighting disrespecting a rather large for the rights of God over man,' SACRED HEARTS,
group of their fellow men, for His right to call the Negro NORTH FAIRHAVEN
Auxiliary Bishop Harold R. as well as all inen to the posses Ladies of St. Anne who have Perry,' S.V.D., of New Orleans sion of Himself. made Christmas party reserva stated. But the problem of the - He said that neither an indif tions will meet in the schoolyard Negro, he continued, is ·how ferent attitude nor an arrogant at 5:45 Sunday evening, Dec. 11 fight the battle that must be stance befits the Christian Ne for payment of reservations and fought and yet remain truly ,. gro. transportation to ·the. event at Christian." The concerns of Negroes in Town and Country House, Free town. One dollar gifts will be APPOINTJE:E: Father Ed- " Bishop Perry preached the connection with integration in .' homily ata Mass sponsored here' elude, according to Bishop Perry, exchanged. win Neill, member of.' the by Archbishop John J: Krol's "how' to' be humble without c,;:ompany of St. Paul, a sec- ,Commission on Human Rela being obsequious, how 'to hate HOJLY GlllIOS'll', ular institute, has joined the tions. About 2,000 persons parti • injustice without hating unjust A'JI"ll'JLlElROllW staff "of the U.S. Catholic cipated, in the Mass at the men, and bow to .fight for jus Members of the Women's • Cf)hference (fOl'merly NatCathedral of Saints Peter and tice, without losing charity." Guild will receive corporate
ional Catholic. \Velfare Con Paul, presided over by Arch- .• Communion at the 7 o'clock eve
o bishop Casimir Morcillo of ning Mass to~ight. A Christmas fere.nce) , Washington; where Madrid who' is visiting Arch party, featuring a buffet, wilt be_ he will serve as sec.retary to bishop Krol in Philadelphia. MEAAo~nAIL CARDS held in the parish hall immedi
11lese .cards are made on the finest satlll Bishop. Paul F. Tanner, gt'm-' "We must not win recognition ately after Mass.
,finish. double weight portrait paper with tbe photograpb of the deceased 011 the front Members of the Guild -.and , eral secr~tary of tlle Bishops' ·of <our rights at the risk ,<)f side and name. date ~ death ~nd pra,. . their guests will then ·participate ~ecretariat. NCPhoto. losing, -our soul," Bishop Perry -on *e bad< side and Just tbe rigbt sile .. fit OIt·cissaJ or wallet. said. "'Yet neither may we f<)neit in a Yankee Gift Sw,ap. we·_ _ most any kind fII a I'hok> .oar right!> . as if this were .a ~ Mrs. James Doyle.and 'Mrs. :AI-. .rapll .. IIl3pshot of JOW' lowed _ .. _ tIIese cards. ~timi <)f: -oUr' -salvation. fred Elshantare serving .as -00'" • UIIPl.E OF THESE,CUDS ..... chairmenofreserv.atioas. B£ SENT ON REIUIEST '"'On ·,the contrary," he M EDWARD LACROIX tinued, ,"the very meaning ef rights _ entails salvation, 'Since ·1'26-A Frederick Str.eet NEWARK (NC) - A caution New Bedford, Ma... 027.... .about the effectiveness of the human rights ... facilitate mal'S new movie production code was .arriving at his goal, God Him': voiced here by the Cht'istian.· ·self. • Communications .Apostolate <)f "The upper.most question NEW ORLEANS (NC) --' A IBIG DIVIDIEND NEWS I the Newark archdiocese. should not be' so 'much how we visiting African journalist -ob SYSTEMAnC In its monthly newsletter, b. served: "The most-striking ,first shall attain our rights .as how SAVINGS vear impression of the United States Communications Report, t h -e . we shall defend God's right'to is that it is so truly oi1e nation." apostolate said parents will "still invite all men to take possession ,NVESTMENl < o ;Justin Mendy of Senegal, be in the dark" about the suit SAVINGS year ability. of certain movies for West Afpca,' .associateeditor -of vi'ewing by children.' An un REGULAR Afrique Nouvelle, who stopped 8 SAVINGS here during a two mO,nth visit signed editorial in the agency's vear newsletter said the labeling of in the United States, said Africa' certain films as "Suggested for CO. is a continent of more than three Mature Audiences," does I1<It, dozen countries, marked ·byal solve the problem,' most countless varieties in lan "The lack of this tag," it said, guage, race, religion, customs,
Bank By Mail
and social and economic r back_ could mean that the film is ap proved lor children or simply grounds. We Pay The Postage
Th~ weekly paper with which that the producer is not a party 365 NORTH FRONT STREET • SOU1II YARMOUTI to the ¢ '" ., classification system." he' 'is associated serves eight • .DENNIS PORT NEW :BEDFORD Only merobers of the Motien small' countries that formerly • HYANNIS Pictur.e Association of America made up French West Aft:ica. • YARMOUTH SHOPPING PLAD 992~S534 subicribe to the corle, not their Afrique 'Nouvelle -is Catholic in • OSJ:ERVILLE subsidiaries or independent and origin and is, headed ·by a Cath foreign, film makers. . olic layman, Simon Kiba, but it Furthermore, the editorial said, devotes only a fraction ·of its :!UllllllllllllllllllllIIllIlIlIllIIllIlIllIlIlIlIllIIllItIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII""1II1J11111U1I1II1I1Il11II1I1II11JI1II1l1I1I"1II"i"l~ the "mature: audience" line is reporting to religious news. mandatory only :in first-run, ads. The eight bishops of the new "Anything- beyond that would ·be nations on the west coast ·of out of control of the code au Africa .are all native' Africans, thority," the editorial said, and CO""':""«Ii =....n;nn he said. They continue to spon so "parents would still be in the sor Afrique Nouvele to involve dark at the gras:; roots level." g the Church in the lives of the
faithful, who form ,about H) per
cent of the population. Lenflets' 0111 P,n.rked
Says Code 'paves Parents un Do:rk
National Unity Ama%es -EditOl'
H1'oting 0"'"' ~u,ners
Bas;s River 'Savings Bank
Rome' Ordination Continued from Page One Bedford address, and two cous ins, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bel'nier of' Delmas. Sask. Born in Delmas, Rev.' Mr. Laflamme was graduated from Sacred Heart School, New Bed ford and studied at La Salette seminaries in.Enfield" N. H. East Brewster and- -Center Harbor, N~ H., completing his studies in , philosophy and theology at the major seminary in Attleboro. ,He will return ~o New Bedfot'd iii July to celebrate his li'irst· Solemn Mass at Sacred Heart Church.
Cardinal Spellinan
.To Visit· Vietnam
NEW YORK (NC) - Francis Cardinal Spellman, al'chbishop of New York and Military Vicar of the U. S. armed forces, will . again visit the troops in South Vietnam during the Christmas season. ,It will be his 16th consecutive Christmas visit with U. S. armt..>d forces abroad and his 21st over seas trip .as spiritual shepher.<J <)f Catholics in the U. S. armt.."<I. forces, it was announced bere. Details concerning the itiner .ry of the 77-year-old prelate are. now wot'ked out, it was ,announced. 0
b ..
. Ask World Boycott Of Passion Play
Cars Bring Fine
CmCAGO (NC) - A Baptist rninister here has been found guilty and lined ~i25 fOf violating NEW YORK (NC)-A' world the city's anti-littering ordinance boycott' of the next presentation by placing religious tracts under of' the Oberammergau Passion the windshield wipers oJ parked Play, schedu1ed for 1970, was cars. ;ealled for here .by the American The Rev. 'Vernon C. Lyons, Jewish Congress, which main- pastor of the Ashburn Baptist tairis that the play is "intensely Church, was convicted in Circuit <Inti-Semitic." Court and denied a motion f~r',a Attention has been directed' to new trial. 'He had been arrested the play by the mid-October in June for p1acing leaflets quot- . resignation of its director, Hans ing ,the' Bible under the wind Schwaighofer, after a rejection shield wipers of cal'S in a city of his efforts to eUmi nate what parking lot.
he called an,ti-Semitism, in its
The minister's lawyer SCiid that presentation. S c·h w a i g h 0 f·e r tte clergyman's fr'eedom of reli sought to substitute'.'a new text gilH1 had been denied .ane' that for the one used during the past he will appeal to the Illinois century, but he was told 'by the Supreme Court.
Oberammergau council that most
of the villagers wanted to' keep
the old text. The Jewish organization was ,PRETORIA (NC J - The Soutb
joined by 10 authors an'd actors" Africa11 Bishops' ConferCilcehas
including Arthur Miller. Alfred published the Second" Vatican
Kaziri a-hd Eli Wallach; in the' Council's Decree on Ecumenism appeal, which said that "as al't in the Zulu language. This is the ists and performel:s ourselves,: first document to be soli-ans-· we must noth~ ~;l",nt Whf>l, the lated, ::. ~~ .. ~-version' will ·be
are useli to ~xalt ·hatred." I?ublished later.
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187 Shawmut Ave.,
"Just give me a chance to quote"
Thurs., Dec. 8,
.Vatican Renders Decisions
On Mass, Communion" Si,te
VATICAN CITY (NC) -The proper place t9 distribute Holy Communion to the faithful is still at the edge of the sanctuary area and special care must be taken in accepting a sung MasS 8tipend for a concelebrated Mass. These were the latest decisions of the postconciliar liturgy com mission and the Congregation of tile Council. The current issue of "Notl tiae," the Latin publication of the Vatican Commission for the Implementation of the Council's Constitution on the Liturgy, put~ forth the following opinions. "It d~s not seem proper to de part from the traditional custom according to which the faithful offer gifts (for Mass) -at the gates of the sanctuary and there ReCeive Communion," the deci sion stated. References were made to the Roman Ritual, tit. V, lllos.2-4. The opinion-"not proper" was given in answer to questions l!'aised, by a custom growing in some places of making a "table" fur the distribution of Holy Communion. This attempt, it was ¢hought, would "highlight par ticipation in the same sacrifice'!! Under such' circumstances; the Jiaithful would receive Holy Comll'!union from the priest llcross the altar while he stands iin the S;8P1e' place in which he @lelebrates Mass. The Vatican Commission favors the reception of Communion. by the faithful at the edge of tbe sanctuary, at the Communion rail, wherever the faithful also offer their gifts. Sung llllass . It . is understood that every priest who joins in a concele brated Mass may accept a sti !lKlnd for offering that sacrifice.
.Priest's Sermon Closes Forum DETROIT (NC) -A Catholic priest here delivered the final oormon in a seven-week pro (.lram sponsored by five Episco pal parishes and designed te. bring together "the world and tile altar." '. The series explored the needs of men in the areas of poverty, 1l'1lCe, housing and employment. Msgr. Clement H. Kern, pastor <til. Most Holy Trinity Catholic eburch, well known for his go cial action ·endeavors, preached Ute final sermon in the Episcopal Church ()f the Messiah. "The presence of Msgr. Kern" points out our ecumenical Chris tian interdependence," said the Rev". John F. Dahl, rectOl' of Messiah church. The Episcopal rector added IllOW that the areas of men's Ifteeds have been explored, "we 1Il0W move into the church to. ooek though prayer and worship, iihe theological guidelines and grace for Christian social action i\n the w()rld."
Ohio See to Have
first Negro Priest
STEUBENVILLE (NC) - Au t:Ustus Rutherford Taylor Jr., 26, will achieve the distinction Sat urday of being the 'first Negro ordained for the priesthood ()f the Steubenville diocese. Bishop John King Mussio will officiate at the ordination in Holy Name Cathedral. The fol llowing day, Father Taylor will offer his first Solemn Mass in the Church of the Assumption, Cincinnati. Eldest in a family ()f seven children, the priest-to-be is. a Dative ()f Lexington, Ky. ~ lItudied at Xavier University and Mount St. Mary's Seminary, Cio einnati, and St. John Vianney 'Seminary, Bloominidale, Ohio.
. However, may a priest accept a Sttflg. Mass. stipend f()r a concele brated sung. Mass? T& this question, the Vatican Commissim1. of the Council which· authoritatively. 3ftswers Mass stipend questions - said "no." The question had been 'asked b:y the Congregation ~ Rites
(which deals with questions on
the Sacraments) if.a sung Mass
stipend could be accepted by
each priest concelebrating a sung
Mass. especially in thbse coun
tries where the custom prevails
of giving a "special" stipend for
a sung. Mass. . .
_ "Unless the contrary is spe
cifically indicated," the Congre
gatiOfi answered, "a person who·
offers a stipend for a sung Mass
intends. this to be celebrated in
dividually." The pers()nmaking
the offering to the priest would
then have to specifically indicate
"permissi()n for the priest to
offer the requested s.ung Mass
as a·concelebrant.
Wel'fare Agency
Plans Expansion
Court Dismisses Professors' Suit ALBANY (NC) - The New York Court ()f Appeals has dis missed a libel suit brought - by two associate professors ()f . Queens College in New York City who had charged that anti Catholic prejudice had pre vented their promotion. The professors, Josef V. Lom bard!) and Joseph P. Mullally, had sued Harold W. Stoke, for mer president of the c()llege, and the New York City Higher Board of Education, because of their objection to comments by Mr.. Stoke about tbeir complaints. Charges of anti-Catholic dis crimination were first made pub lic in the Tablet, ~he newspaper of the Brooklyn diocese, in May, 1953. In 1960, after a two-year in
t, k~ t
'4'. NEW ARK (NC)-A major ex pansion program is planned for t ~_ the· Mount Cflrmel Guild; social welfare agency of the Newark .',"11''' archdiocese. ~ ..-':~ -::, Msgr. Joseph A. Dooling, di redor, said the guild will con I struct a diagnostic, treatment I"'''' and· research center for speech and hearing; a mental health community center; a child-care center, and a rehabilitation' cen ter with complete services f()r the blind. Much of the money for the expansion will come through "e. pro.visions of the federal aid to PLEADS AGAIN FOR WORLD PEACE: Pope Paul, education act, the 1966 amend leader in the world quest for peace and racial amity, has ments of. which provide for edu cation· of handicapped children, . again urged the heads of all governments to join in a con cel'ted effort to effectuate. peace throughout the world. he said, Msgr. Dooling disclosed, the expansion plan at the guild's an nual report dinner, at which Trinity Greek Orthodox church Philip H. Des Marais, deputy NOTRE DAME (NC) assistant secretary of the' U. S. The University of Notre in· Fort Wayne, Ind. Department of Health, ,Education Dame has a Chicago Rabbi Father Schlitzer said the p()l and Welfare, was featured icy of bringing non-Catholic and a Greek Orthodox priest scholars to Notre Dame will be speaker, • on, its theological faculty this continued. Next semester a Des Marais said his department ifttends to. interpret' provisions semester. Princeton University prQfessor Commenting on this; Father will lecture- at Notre Dame on f()ll' aid t() childrea in· private Albert L. Schlitzer, C.S.C., head the- history of Protestant wor'" sehoo!s "liberally." of the theology department, re ship: marked, "We Roman Catholics 30 Chaplains'M'ork are just getting around to ad mitting that we do not have a Attack Anniyersary corner on theological insights." Rabbi Samuel E. Karlf' and DUBUQUE (NC)-Thirty pres Father Eusebious A Stephanou, ent and forme!'. Catholic chap the new faculty members are lains. of the U. S. armed forces fFom the Dubuque' archdiocese' contributing much to the intra met here yesterday' to- observe faculty dialogues, Father Schlit zer said. Rabbi Karlf teaches a the 25th anniversary of the at graduate course in Herbew lit tack on Pearl Harbor. erature. _ Fat her Stephanou ,They also paid tribute to the memory of Father Aloysius teaches an undergraduate course Schmitt. who died in that attaCk' in addition to a graduate course as. the' first Catholic cliapiain to in Greek Orthodox theology. Rabbi Karff is of the Chicago g~ve ms life in World War II. Sinai Congregation and Father ft. noon Mass was concelebrated· Stephanou is pastor of the Holy' in the Chapel of Christ the King at Loras College by Msgr. Mau Diaconate rice S. Sheehy, retired rear ad RIO DE JANEIRO (NC) miral in the U. S. Navy Chaplain .corps, and chaplain classmates Thirtee'n Brazilian men, drawn of Father Sc;hmitt. Archbishop from the farms, offices and class rooms, are preparing for ordina James J. Byrne of Dubuque pre sided. Bishop James V. Casey tion as Brazil's first permanent deacons. They are now taking oil Lincoln, Neb., a former Navy courses in theology, liturgy, chaplain, was preacher. scripture, sociolo,gy and history.
Orthodox Priest, Rabbi 'on Faculty
vestigation, the State Commis s~n Against Discrmination said that administrators at the college resisted hiring Catholic teachers and discriminated,against Cath olics in promoting those who did get on the staff. In March this year, the New York State Commission for Hu man Rights upheld the position of the Catholic faculty members and confirmed the findings of discrimination which the earlier investigation had made.
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~ Man Senf by God
,Jesu it Stresses, ,Human Element.
As men measure a life-s'pan, the age of forty years, six months and twenty-four days seems comparatively short. But this life-span of Right Reverend John H. Hackett, Chancellor of the Fall River Diocese, who died on Tuesday, encompassed a rare combination of talents, natural and , developed and God-given, of virtues priestly and profound. , The measure of this, priest, beloved of God and men, is seen in some of the last words he spoke as' life slipped ,slowly away from him-"God's Will· he .done-and soon." it is summed up in some of the last words he said on earth: "Jesus, MaIjT and Joseph, I give you my heart and my soul ... and my life ... and my life .. '. and my life." For 'give God his life he did., . '. As a young manlJ,with eyes fixed firmly e:m the priest hood, as an assistant at St. Thomas More parish in Somerset, 'as a student priest at Catholic University of America, as 'episcopal Secretary and Vice Chancellor and Chancellor .always in pis use of his grea:t abilities and his winning ,personality he gave him'stJlf to God. There was no mistake about it-God came first. He cared for people - in God. And he served them - in God. During and after Vatican Council II he would f;lften :remark that the Christian world, in dealing with all its problems, needed abov~ all else patience and charity-vir tues which he himself had in almost awesome degree.' In his aealings with the faithful, with his fellow priests, with bishops, he was the man living his life for Christ-a :man somewhat grave in demeanor, with a manner pleasant 'and easily responding to humor, tactfully and patiently and kindly helping others to serve God. And all the while his life was teaching, even more eloquently than his words. , ", On Monday evening one of 'Monsignor Hackett's friends' 'asked him if he were resigned to God's 'Will. And he an :swered, with a, calm matter-of-factness, "I have n~ver re 'sisted God:s )Vill,'" . The "Gospel according to St. John tells us: "A man , '. " . H" came, sent oy God. HIS na~e was John. , e·came as a WIt , ness, as a witness ~o speak for the light, so that everyone : might believe through him." The same ,might in all truth be said of Monsignor Hackett-A nian came sent by God. His name was John. , ' '. '. f r h He came as a;wlt?eSS, as a WItness to speak or the }g t. And so lie, dId. Q
Ecumet'lism' ."
NEWARK (NO) - '11wi ,l:mman side of the Christiaft Jmity movement was un~ scored here in an address 10 a group of nunS when Fatha! David Bowman, S.J., first Caf;b., olic priest to work in the Na tional Council of ehurches Jill 'New York, stressed~ "We musll 'riot forget that the Church is ~ a building, ,not an organizatioil, but people." . At a seminar organized, by _
Newark Archdiocesan ApostoJie
. Committee, the' Jesuit asked the
nuns: "Have you called' up tM
Baptist minister In your neigh
'borhood lately to invite him an4
bis wife to dinner? Or perhallll
'the principal of the nearby pub\.
'lie schooi?, And if not why not?
" Father Bowman; when asked
what steps of an e~,enical ~
'tu're could be taken without sP0
'cific authorization, replied the..
are many areas, such as personal
'contacts, where the individual
can act for himself or herself. He said he agreed with the opinion that "when we go to III superior with every problem, 'we are asking him to take up the
burden of our conscience,whicil
may be why we have to wait S\lI
'long sometimes for an answe~w.
In Unity Division
In an interview, Father Bo. .
'man discussed his. own boOk
'with the NCC. He has been wIth
the NeC since September, work;..
,jng in the faith and order 'de=>
"partment of the church un'ity,
division on a two-year leave ~ 'absence from the Chicago prov -'ince of ,the Society of Jesus. " In ~ New Yock, he lives 2j 'Fordham University, "pays 'his
rent" by teaching one class' 0
"My coming t9 the NCC is ae tually a proof of the Catholie interest in ecumenism," he said. He ~aid he sits in on meetings, serves as a resource person far decisions on Christian unity and puts together the magazine . "Trends," a 16-page quarterJW
mostly distributed to Churcla
groups and libraries withotdJ
Liturgmst Says Holy Eucharist
.Summnt of- Church Activity
ST. PAUL (NC) -A veteran community. The degree 'to which liturgist emphasized here that ,Christ is,operative in our midst the Eucharist is "the summit of 'is the degree to which we partic the Church's activity, the font iilate in the Eucharist." " ,from which ali her, powers flow." The ultimate "drive for reform "F at her Godfrey, Diekmann, in the liturgy," Father Diekmann O.S.B., of St. John'Abbey, 'Col- said.; was to make "the expres legeville, 'Minn., told a meeting sion of faith active, meaningful "of 80m: 2,000 nu~s here t~at the and easy." " Euchanst creates ~om~umty. He ' Tha diiemma over whetlie'r the added: "Gommumty IS renewed liturgy should be God-cerihired here or it is not renewed at all." or man-centered is a faise one, The nuns also he~rd Father' he said. Pope Paul VI said the I James A. Egan, S.J., of Dec~tur, liturgy is created for man l;Ind Ill., assert that hu~an. b~lfo1gs'- not man for the liturgy, that "only can be full ,~Ich mdlvl~- it's ','first objeCtive J;Ilust be man uals to the degree tl:1ey are m and not the solemnity of the communion with each ot~er. ritual." , Father Diekmann, edItor of Since the Eucharist is a memoWorship magazine, said that rial of Christ's love, "each par Christ. is and. becomes commu- ticipant is a memorial of perpet nity through the Eucharistic cel-,ual charity," he added., "You ·ebration. "In the salvific plan of .must ,live .love." God He builds up His community It is reported from Viet Nam that the most peaceful through the Eucharist." ' , The main concern of the early ~90ard of EdlucCCIllfoon place in the entire city of Saigon is the Saigon Zoo. , Here the open spaces occasionally echo with the distant : Chu~ch writings was to express .Ch'gaU'ilize :, sound of and explosion from the city or outside. But there ',the oneness and unity of the ,Has ,!Five lL~ymen ,Church based on the Eucharist, , PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Areh fol/' Humesn Rig!hlU:' is none of the bustle, none of the noise,none of the frantic ,the Benedictine said. bishop John J. Krol of Philadel- . PATERSON (NC) - Bish~ energy of a people try'ing to live with a war. Only the cries It was not "cheap apologetics" phia has announced the reorgan of little children, only the sounds of youngsters playing. for the pagans to relpark of the ization of the archdiocesan board Lawr~nce B. Casey of Pater!i~n .told a clergy meeting here t.,,~ And· here children stand outside cages and delight in Christians, "Look how they love of education, with the inclusion in addition to a senate of pri~sts "one another;" Father Diekmann of five lay members. watching the animals playing" together. ' for the diocese, a committee tOll' said. The new 15-member board It- is a tragic commentary on the human condition that "The Church spread because also includes five pastors, two , human' rights is being organized. A IO-man committee to 00
'children must observe the lesson of playing together from of this example of love. The se Sisters, one Brother, a religious ' elected by the priests will pre-
cret of Christian affection was order priest not presently teach watching animals in a zoo. ' pare the outline for the senate.
It is an indictment of humanity that peace is found contained within the Eucharist. ing in archdiocesan elementary The committee is to be composed
For more .thanl,OOO years the or secondary schools, and a rep within the confines of a zoo. That there is peace only' with Mystical Body and Eucharistic of four pastors, three assistant9
resentative from one of the area and three in non-pastoral assign animals behind b a r s . , . body were coterminous," he Catholic colleges. ments. _
But man does not always act in a human way. And said. '.J;'he superintendent of archdi ,The committee for humalil
"The Eucharist becomes con the decision has been made by those in a position to know, ocesan schools will be ex-officio rights will be made up of priests.
. ,and those whom we have every reason to trust, that there crete in the local worshipping secretary of tlie board but will Religious and laity, ~ncludins
not be a voting member. The women. Father John T. Catoir"
':in Viet Nam a stand must be taken against the forces of term of office for each board moderator of the Catholic InteJla
, Communism lest,the whole of Southeast Asia- fails to ,the Approve CanCJIdlian me~ber will 1>e three years, and racial Council, is secretary.
Reds-and the frontier 'of American defense beset up even Nuns' Federation, members' may serve 'only two eloser to this country. ' " '' " ,TORONTO (NC)-The federa": terms. After three years, a Cycle , But one cannot-in the 'midst of war-keep from re tion 'and statutes' for 'merging the .. of app~filtinents w11i be arran'ge4 that orie·,..thirdOf the ;'gretting that men must· find' i-place of peace Hi '.Ii zoo.', ,'Sfsier' of St. Joseph' .,Council , ' "have been approved officially by will be replaced each year. ThiS , WASHINGTON (NC) -,,'11111 , ' will insure 'continuity while 'Ildebrando Cardinal Antoniutti, Union of Orthodox Jewish making provision for new, mem prefect of the Congregatioll of ,bera. . , ' ,gregatians of America will Religious. ' , ' iinue its membership in . .
The federation will unite the Synagogue Council of Ame~
six groups of sisters of St. Joseph German Bish,ops Bar a cooperative agency represeaa.;.
with motherhouses ill TorontO, lng Orthodox, Conservative . . Hamilton, London, Peterborough, Converts' Rebaptism .Reform' congregations. Pembroke and Sault Ste. Marie, BONN (NC)-Bishop Joseph A motion to withdraw &e8I "I:FICI~L NEWSPAPER OF tHE DIOCESE OF- F~U. PiVER all in Ontario. Hoeffner of Muenster has barred the Council was made from tIIII!I Published w~ekly ~y The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River " While striving to achieve com the conditional rebaptism of con floor at the Union's biennial c~ 410 Highland Avenue
mon goals, the federation will verts to Catholicism from the vention here but was opposed bf; Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7'151
"recognize the juridical autonomy Lutheran Church. 'A similar ban ',most Union leaders ,and· of each branch, it 'was stated. For has been put on the rebaptism ,whelmingly defeated. PUBLISHER , several years the Mothers, Gen , of Catholic converts to thp- Lu The convention also endoneil Most R~~, James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. eral of the six groups totaling theran Church by Oldenburg's United States policies in Vieto_ GENERAL MANAGER, . ASST. GENERAl MANAGER some 3,000 members have been Lutheran bishop. The agreement and called for broad support cd! ftt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll discussing mutual problems' to grew out of a series of discus measures to assure equal rigbt8 MANAGING EDITOR unify their efforts 1In the aposto sions the two bishops held on to Negroes and other minori~ Hugh J. Gold&nlate eo;mmon problems. groups.
Amid War
: ..:1
of' Canada so
Orthodox "Cont:inu. Membershi~
C.. ' eee.
,Advent 'PrepcirOtions .:Hold Stage At .Diocesan 'High ·Schools As Teens Aid· Other~ , . Christmas is in the' wings, b'ut Advent is here and Diocesan teens are seriously entering. into the spirit of' the season. Advent wreaths keynote the spirit at ev~ry school and candle-lighting ceremonies are participated in by all. ':1'0 share the Yule spirit with at Sishop Guertin High and an others, students are engag intl:;rmediate 'tourne~r at. Bay ing in such projects as carol View Iligh: · ing at hospitals and nursing Students are also' .prepping for homes, . collecting clothing for the annual Voice of Democracy needy families and sponsoring oratory contest. Preliminary try parties for children' in ~rea outs iuive been held!. ,at HF and Q~hanages.,. . .... Daniel Larkin will represent the '.; B~yon'(kCh#stmas, tho",i~ts school in area competition. Final · ~ ~lreaQY tq,rning to the anri;u~l choice' at Jesus-Maiir will be be i S~ildent ,Government Day;. J,~n tween es'says sUbn1it~dbY SU-. BOston, scheduled next ye~r for zanne . Lagarde 'arld Pauline ~~ril: 7. Prevost High' SC~\QQ,rs Roppe.· ~presentat,ive. will be ,l'hili,p The National :gonorSociety at Sabra; Dominican Academy is Mt. st.· .Mary has welcomed 18 ·SE!nding Terde Chouinard;' oTes~ new members;· and at; Jesus .Mary wUl,send Alice Dumoulin; Mary NHS memb~rs will· visit S~{,:red . Hearts. Fall River,' b~s Taunton State Hosp.ital Sunday; celected Holly Cutting. Some De,c. 18, singing carols together schools made their choice by bal with student council members. loting, but at Jesus-Mary selec The NHS girls will also prepare. tion was based on performance five food baskets fo~ needy fam at a debate presented by all, ~n ilies at Christmas. Meanwhile terested candidates. Subject was back at the Mount, the NHS will "United States involvement in · sponsor a College Bowl' program the Viet Nam war."· for the student body and is fea , '. College Acceptances J! turing Chandler SchoOl in Bos More and more students ',are ton :n its College Corrier bulletin getting' those magic "yes" letters board· display.' Girls will make from colleges of their choice; At holiday .visits to Nazareth· Hall a home for the aged' and will AttlebO"ro's Feehan High Michael McGrath has been accepted 'Dy. 'aIso-' continue their tutoringser vice-' f6r fellow-students. SRA the college of business adm1ms trati()O at Boston College; Lois. ·hoDor society members are- in, Rhiliflger will study medical: cbai'ge of school bulletin b&ards. technology at Marquette; Sharon. <J1uisti_ ']l;oofh. Pist&lese will study at Endic9tt Christian Youth Movement ,Junior College with a view members'at Prevost will visi-t St; fIowards becoming a.medical·sec retaFY; and· our Anchor repol'ter Vincent~s Home Saturday, Dec. .IIlJrie· Frantoni has her si~ts 11': A canned .goods. drive' is en the same career and will; pre · polaRfted for the Yuletide heRef-it pare at Becker Junior College. Cff! need:y- families; and-.a Christ Kathie' Hayden of Dominican:· ~ .get-together for members Academy has been accepted- ~ ,mil' be preceded by'. a Bibie-vIgiJ:o. both Union Hospital and- St~' Representatives of CYM· wiN: Anne's Hospital schools of nu(:lj.o ai~· ~ present at a .8od&lit~ rfuion Day slated for SUftday:, iIlg; and at SHA Fall River .J& Bishop Stang. anne Desmond and Chal'lene Dee. ll.1 Mitchell have been aecepted.-·at . 'Altogether it'll be a, busy. EmmQftuel College. ,weekend' at Stantt- 'Stmc»Y" Guy Morin of Prevost -is re joiciag- over acceptance- by IJVliU' be- the union day; to- be- at 'Northeastern Uni,versity. He'D teRded by representatives from· al~ Dioeesan higos. . major in math. Chi-istmas concerts. natuflally, Intramurally lilt the N9I'th are much· to· the forefront. DA Dat'tmouth school, seniOl' class. girls .Me readying "Christmas officers have been elected-and Car()Uscl" for Sunday, 1'8. indude William Muldoon, pres Soph· Christine Fournier, sub ident; Donna Severine, vice-' mitted' the concert title, thus president; Terrence Barrett, winning the name-it contest held president; Te l' l' en c e Bar.rett, ftiy the glee club. At Feehan the treasurer; and Kathy Rose, .sec oonc.ert is slated for Thursday, retllry. All four seniors are col Dec. 15 and will be directed by lege-bound, with William plan. Sister M. Paschaline. The Feehan ning a pr-e-med course at PC; band will also be heard on the Donna hoping to ,attend Fram program. "Christmas throughout ingham, majoring in home ec the World" is the theme of and· interior decorating; Terrence JMA's concert, to be p'resented expecting to go to UMass and by the academy glee club under major in veterinary medicine; direction ~f Mother Mary ef and Kathy hoping to be a med Carmel. ical secretary aftel' attending · '~ris~ol County Commun~ty Col Yearbook Preparatimt$ . . Students are also hard at work ,.l~g.e. SHA Fall River students had a 41ft yea,rbook preparations..:At Feehan the Flashback staff is ":surprise upon returning- from busy collecting subscriptions, ,''J,'ltl,mksgiving. vacatioo. The Hoq and staffers, under Sister M. , U.~ioa·Sisters' habits, unchanged Bnda; are almost finished· wlth ;)G~:! o~~r~OO y~ars,.hlld-.-beelll wOrk on the first section' oi the ,,~~rnized. Changes. inc~u~.a ,. bOok~ k 'Memory Book HooteR .~rterskirt and more. tailored · annay-' at Dominican Aca~ ,~~pular. 'belped raise funds for the pre:j; AIso- _at SHA Fan River fiBe· r l!et and 'was termed~'a great-·SIlC GeliRe8u Pll;ilms'-were stHtg- at eess b:Y. aU itt attendaaee·P.h9- First Friday. -Mass, .together?W'i'tk. Mgraphers have been at··W6I'k . ~r hymns designed to.promote _their part of memoty- books ,'the- Sfi)irit-of communitoy:wet;'Smp.. at D-A, SHA Fall River aRd-lIIt-. New 'Meician ..staH candidates • . Ma-ry Aeadem,..; and at· ~ h8¥e' been :annouDcedat Mt. St. amiors EWe also eonectifttf: MMy; Twenty:- girls made- the patrons. .group of aspiring journalists; Debating team members' at and- 27 girls have been named te Prevost-will journey to Meh'0se' , .the '66-'67 basketball team. . . . for a practice debate Saturday; accompanied by Coach Daniel ,At Prevost High the candy Grace; and the Msgr. McKeon drive has ended, surpassing' its Debate Society at New Bedfordls goal of $6,000. Lot of sweet teeth Holy Family High participated· around. And the school paper in a weekend debate recently' at . spotlighted senior Richard Des JBC. HF debaters are now pre rosiers in its most recent issue. parin& for a novice tournament He was cited especiallY !or oarI
PRETTY POWER STRUCTURE: Here's the pretty power structure at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fairhaven. From left, Estelle Smith, senior class president; Rosalind Bosse, senior class secretary; Nancy Langevin, student council secretary; Patricia LeDoux, student council treasarer; Lorraine Ferro, senior class .treasurer; Deborah Roderick, student council . p resident .and- seni<5r class vice-president·; Margaret O'Neill, student coun . cil· vice-president. ticipation in school activities. A Christmas" play upcoming~ at -tile FaR· River boys' school wi!lJ: De. titled "The Santa's Little Help er Affair." -Art 1lppreciation studeR~ -at Dominican· Academy plan Ii tour to· Rhode Island School .at; De sign· tomorrow; and Jesus-Mary students recently enjoyed-a- trip to-Cambridge'to view a ped0'l'Rl ance- of "The Taming. ,of the Shrew." Holiday Frolic And at Jesus-Mary basketball
team members will sp<msor
"Holiday Frolic" Wednesday, Dee. 28 in the school auditorium. The'Tikis will plaY for dancing. . A Spanish potluck supper was sponsored by the Spanish Club· members at Mt. St. Mary this week for faculty members. No doubt the Spanish-style cooks did well in the Homemakers' exam administered to all seniors the following day. The toprank ing students in the annual test will receive a "Homemaker of the Year" award on Class Day. Also at the Fall River Acad emy the sixth Latin trophy since 1960 has been merited by Latin ists. Three members of the class of '66 recei ved gold medals for their efforts in the annual test. Parents of Sacred Hearts FaIt River girls enjoyed a Christmas pa~ last Saturday, featured by «anCing 'and a gi'ft. exchange, and .Patents 'were at .school agaia eari~Y!-thi:S month 'for a discl1ssion "of: de'velopIDenttests !liken-~' their' daughters. . 'Girls' basketball is in- fuft .swing ,at .Feehan -where: coaca. -Mrs. Sa.nq,J:8 Weintraub· and-bei' team· hope for an<>ther wiGni.tll: Ras6nthis year. Boysln'e ·a:ls& "iH;acticirlifhard, ·.also inbopes. of an<undcleated year. Girl sodal ists at the North AttleboI:6 school paid a- holiday .visit- tG-bhe residents of Madonna ManOi'. Rev. Walter Sullivan, Diocesan director' of youth, was guest speaker, at a recent Juniper~ Club meeting at Holy ,Family High; and also at the New Bed ford school seniors have receive& their class pictures. Honor roll toppers at SMA Fall ~v_ iDclude IWwe. n:.l
dusko, captain of the school, ·and St. Agnes' team members· ,Frol1y Cutting, Kathleen Medeiros, Jayne Darcy a n,d Michek Paquet. St. 1WIlu:garet's -high· 'hoA&£s winners 3l'e Ann Marie- Char rette, Mal'Y A. :Mooney, Marily.n Riley_and Anne Cullen. In team· ~nts, the Agnes' girls pulled G8ead- of Margarefs, with: 45 Agnes members 611\. the heR&r Nll· as opposed to 32 .Mal'garets. 'l'he,:'re ·still glowing' at Fee '!.'tan &ver their Thanksgiving-day football victory which made them undefeated champions of tile Bristol County League; The game also marked the first time an area footOall game has beeR' telev·ised. Sister Mary Siena, R.S.M., of 'Feehan, has been doing research
en htgh school girls' activities. She· certainly has her facilities close at hand.and is interviewiRg juniors and seniors on a weeklY' basis.
South • Seo Streets
Tel. 49-81
". Deposits W.8komeCi in Multiples of
$200.00 up
to $3O;OOD-on Single -cand· Joint Icccounts Up .. .$6O;OGO-for Cor.pOf'otions
;February, May•. ,Augam,
:November .
Aft' ·Depos.its ansllred· in fun
Main Office: 4 Winthrop Street, Taunton
Branch Office: 1400 Fall River Ave., ,Seekonk
.THE :
ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan Dec. '. .River-Thurs., . . 8,1966 . ' ";:.",. '
Charity Dinner C.ost1y Affair
Mothers 'of· Students Relish College Weekend, Adventure
BOGOTA (NC)-Rev. R~phaell Garcia Herreros, C.J.M., has iftoo vited some wealthy Colombianlil 'to dinner here in an attempt tei> raise money for a poverty pro~ ect. Each guest was charged $35@ for a plate Of' soup and a' phice of bread.' ' ..
"After all," Father Garcia saidr "cannot the :rich eat for one day, what the poor must eat always?" It is this philosophy ,that every year brings )1undreds of wealthy. Colombians, including the n;r. Uon's highest civil and Churcli 'officials, to Father Garcia's Ban quet of Millions. Proceeds from the banquets---o $200,000 hoped for-are used t~ support and expand'the "Minute of God", Ii planned community 'that is' slowly replacing an area of slum dwellings that sheltei' thousands of Colombians. The "Minute of God", soon to house 7,000 people is a little town com plete with homes, s~hools, ancll churches. Residents include members of all faiths.
," . By Mary Tinley Daly .Mother's Day, )966, c,ame twj~e for this mother and for 8Cores of her "classmates" as we attended Mother-Daughter Weeken.d at the College of St. Elizabeth, Gonvent Station,
, N: J: Had anyone imagined this would be but an extension and . glorification of ever in groups .of 20, our daughters
famiiiarP-T~AJ~ieetings,she was 'due for a' pleasurable surprise. Living in ~ new
dormitory with our own daugh as roommates, each mother was bot h col lege "girl" again
and at the same
tim e honored
g u est of her
daughter, the
senior class and
the college. In
this environment
each of us grew
to know her
own 'daughter better, rea II y know her as a person, a mature young lady among her peers, not II child in the family Hetting. Arriving for the Friday ban quet as rather shy sl rangers "Mrs. This, Mrs. That"--by Sun , day breakfast our "class" was on, a first-name basis and were "Aunt Jane,. Aunt Lee, Aunt ,,,,,to St. E" C"'~ of 1967. ~lanned Resu!fl 'How did ·this delightful result 'eome about? As the TV commer· cial says; "It was planned that" -and how thoughtfully planned! ':Following· the banquet came a joint Gle,e Glub. copcert with,the 'boys from the "University of Scranton; ,then a facuUy' recep . , ~ion of welcome; . Saturday· morning's cas u a'l , breakfast, served by the 'girls to tileir mothers, sitting in informal groups ~nd clad in, bathrobes, further promoted, the, "getting , to know you" spirit.· Whether, to , attend classes or to be a bit rakish and take a cut was up to ~ach of the elder classmates. The latter was' my own inclination upon learning that mine was to be a class in physics, of all things! Hadn't been with it in . high school, still less in college; what hope of catching up now?, "Come on,' Mom, you'll enjoy it," urged Ginny. "Besir!es, you don't have to take a tesL" Nothing to lose, and what a lot to gain-a laugh a ininute and an ,actual understanding of the measure of time and of light as irrepressible Sister Margue rite Francis proceeded with her experiments and her wry com ments: "We'll put equations on the bl;lCkboard, make it look au thentic"; "I'll tell you when the ball falls," accompanied by an almost deafening crash! Physics classes have improved * * * Next, an inspiring and enlight ening paper on the Christian Woman in the World by Sister Mary Juliul1, followed by Mass and a campus tour. Group Singing Luncheon, bridge and a swing ing fashion show filled the after noon, and' it was time to dress for Dinner on the Town when, tel'S
Nuns Conduct Reading Classes for Adults' MILWAUKEE (NC) - Two Franciscan 8isters on the faculty of Cardinal Stritch College here are assisting adult- eq,ucation by wnducting reading classes for parents in inner city areas who bad little opportunity to obtain an adequate ~ducation. Sisters M, Julietta, and M. Michaella, both of the college reading clinic staff, conduct' the dasses each Friday in St. Boni- . face parish auditorium, The adults generally are parents of , . : '. school childrell.,
took us to gala restaurants. Re assembling at the college, the girls greeted us with arousing" "Hello, Mothers!," parody .of "Hello, Dolly!'" IntI'igued, we watched the showing of a color fllm; "Campus Camera," beauti ful, amusing aqd true-to-life· vignettes of the Class of '67 from the first day of freshman year at St. Elizabeth's. Appropriab for such a fun-filled day? Group singing, of course: college songs, old fav Ol'ites and· a quickly prepared, "Hello, Daughters!", Nor was that to be, the end of the mother-daughter sing-along. Next morning in chapel, Father Leonard celebrated an "Ameri !Layman, Nun, Brotheli'
can Mass" at which we sang AiDING REFUGEES: Key figure!;! in cOllverting a.
folk-type hymns to tlle accom community project to aid refugees in 'South Vietnam into a. On .School Board paniment of three softly strum LOS ANGELES (NC)-A lay national organization,the Vietnam Refugee and Information man, med guitars and participated in a nun and a Brother were Services, are Mrs. Paul Ryan, left, national public relations appointed to the Archdiocesan the Mass perhaps more actively than most of us had 'ever done director"and'Mrs. Thomas K. Engel, founder and organizer. Advisory Board of Education ,by before. James Francis Cardinal Mcln Fo' example; en.....n. .... ~ ~ . ~yre of Los Angeles. . They join a board of twe chapel each put her unconsecrated host into the chalice; w e ' . , ... . . bishops and 12 priests experi I received Holy Communion stand- " , ' ,enced in school administration. ing. At the Prayers for the Liv " ' . ~By MARILYN RODERICK ~ The board works with school ing, we were asked to mention 8uperintendents directing :WS aloud those we wished to be ,elementary' and 81 high schoo)v prayed for. A, young voice an of the archdiocese. , nounced clearly, "For our moth~ , George Eliot wrQte in ~857, item as they m:e this season. The The new ,board members a:re ers;" ,an older one, "For our "'Boots arid shoes are the greatest short, 'above the knee skirt; and daughters," then, "For all those trouble of my life. Everything the military .look brought about Paul Riley, a certified public ae fighting in Viet Nam;" "For the' else one can turn and turn about, by the movie Dr. Zhivago seem' eOuntant' and father of four chii family we ,left at home." At the and make old look 'like ,new; but to dema:.d'the finishing t01,lch, of dren attending parochial school bere;Sister Loretta Rose Scott Memento .for the Dead,· l;l8me,' there's 'no coaxing boots and knee-high footwear. . of the Holy Names nuns, an ele7 softly murmured names of those shoes' to look
Paris, where, most exciting mentary school supervisor, and gone to Got\,. better than the;)'
ideas originate, has' come' up Christian Brother Eugene Ward, S y m b 0 l,i c of' community are." This fa
with the square toed and heeled F.S.C.; eurricuhUIl coordinator. prayer, "Peace be with you," mous aut hoI'
boot with box like seams. The&e wouldn't have
said the priest, encasing the fold are designed by Roger Vivien ed hands of two girls who had this problem if
and sell for the paltry sum of gone to the altar rail. "And with (she lived today,
$175.00 a pair':""a bit high for for not only are
thy spirit," each responded. ' most budgets, but the basic good The girls then came to the boots an essen
shaping will be copied and used congregation, one on each side of tial fashion item,
i'n the lower price market: To they are also
the aisle, and repeated' the ges go along with the epaulettes and ture and the words to the person generally
brass buttons of the Zhivago standing nearest, the aisle. This proof, scuff-re
look are high officers' boots coaxed to, 'made of a shiny water \repellent was passed on, from person. to sistant and can look at'least as good as they are.
person, from hands to folded material. These have high, l:ianls, at every pew. ' An item of wearing apparel squared-off heels and are as TLen the final priestly bless that lost its a,ppeal in the'twen . practical as they are pr~tty. ing: "May God almighty bless ties, thirties, forties' and fifties, For tho~e of' us who have you: the Father, the Son, and the boots have come: into their own chosen'to live in New England', Holy Spirit." . in the sixties; in fact they, are this footwear is an absolute nec Slowly and quietly mothers really the stars of the footwear essity so we can be thankful to and daughters filed out of the show. I look enviously at the the designers for creating boots chapel,· in one accord with the 'teenagers in their trim, neat that not only keep us warm but ••• Ii+. Franciscan SisterrY summation of one of the moth knee-high boots and remember give us a bit of dash as well. The ers: "A truly moving experi-' my own teen' days when we problem the sixties is not GIVING YOURSELF to a life com· pletelY dedicated +0 the salYation of ence." dragged our feet in the ugliest, where to find an attractive boot souls ,through prayer, work. sac· m 0 s t unfashionable galoshes but rath~r how. you can chQose rifice and joy", by using your tal· Advocates Approaches imaginable. among the many styles available ents as a Nurse. Laboratory and X·Ray True, our feet were dry, but a ~ h6w you can stretch your Technician. Secretary, Accountant, Dj·, To Housing Problem etitian, Seamstress, Cook. as well as that was about all you could say budget when you pick up that in other hospital departmenls and In RICHMOND (NC)-Two sepa for them. Around my senior year extra pair you couldn't resist. If a new extension of our work in Cate· rate approaches to the problem· in high schoQl,' a smattering of you have great strength of char chetical and Social Service Fields. of discrimination in housing low, fleece lined leather booties acter and are able to limit,your were advocated by Father Jolin appeared on the market, but self to one pair, make sure they There Is No Greater Charityl F. Cronin, 8.S., assistant director they took so long to catch on, are comfortable, water repellent, of the Social Action Department particularly in this area, that I (If you are ewer 16. write to SIster Mary and high enough for those huge of thk National Welfare Confer remember vividly asking a local Clarice.' O,S,F, Box 111. Catholic SIsters' snow drifts that always seem to ence, at an interfaith meeting shoe 'clerk if be' had these' ,College, WashIngton. D. C, 20017 for flu· tiler detaIls iln tills happy life.) here'in Virginia. booties in stock only _to have appear righ,t outside your ear door. . Addressing about 1,000 Virgin him reply fHply - "pink _ ians representing Virtually every blue"? religious group in the state at a This same derk wouldn't be conference on "People, Religion so apt, to treat the same question and a Changing Virginia;" Father today with such flipness; instead ON CAPE COD Cronin said that both persiIasion he would eagerly display before and legislation are necessary his customer a la·rge selection cdl steps 'in the, establishment al boots ranging ,in heights from non-discriminatory housing pat o thigh high boots of the softeS1\ terns in Virginia. ' suede to the wee little ankle. He noted the major importance huggers that are so smart with of educating people to the will the pant suits. The latter are ing acceptance of' open occu-' kin to those I fruitlessly searched. pancy, and the s~condary but, for in my high. school days. vital need for 'legislation which Zhivago lLOok . both prevents discrimination and Co AMPlE PA~KING seeks to provide decent low m. ·Boots have never been 80 eJ'i \Come housing. eiUngCE DeC€lSsary ~ whiom
:What About You? ,.
Crepes. Prove Easy to Make'
Thurs., DllC. I, 19M.
tn New Nonstic=k ·Utensils
School Finance
By Joseph and Marilyn Rllderiek
No. 1 Problem
Of the many plants as80ciated with Christm..... ()ne of.the most popular is the mistletoe. A mistletoe twig (not leaves tied together or plastic mistletoe) is traditionally bound with nuts or fruits and hung over a doorway and any couple Jlinding theme the waffle one still remaius to .elves under it are expected he. resolved. . to embrace or exchange" a As one thing generally leads kiss. The women feel that to another the nonstick tiny this custom is romantia, bp.t'[
have heard' that the thought to be so powerful by.- the ancients that it was the 1I01c agent for opening the gates ef Hades; this- should be enough ef a warning for the men. Mistletoe is a parasitic plant, "at is, one :rrom. WhICh ob ams 1 DOUrISnment another plan. Much mistletoe is gathered in France where it is found ,011 poplars and apple trees.
know, are a very delicate French a
1/16th of an inch. They are quite difficult to make unless you have the right pan and these nonstick skillets are certainly a crepe lover's handiest tool_ A per:lect dish to serve CQm-
pany, the crepe batter can be made ahead, refrigerated and prepared in front of your guests. Just bring friends and family into the kitchen and demonstrate yout handiwork right in front of them, then let them pick out their own fillings. Jams, jellies, sour cream and :fruit sauces make perfect fUIings for sweet crepet. Left"'ver meat, such as your Christmati turkey, with • dreued ... white sauce, can even turn theae delicate pancakes udo a main
Mistletoe was especially cher·Ished by the pagans for its cura-' tive powers. The Druids, fol" io_Roce, believed that mistletoe wqich was found on an oak tree was capable of driving any disease from the body. With the eoming of Christianity and the ~futation of Witches and IIOreery, moat: superstitions relating 60 plants were discarded. alit DOt those conDected with mistletoe. c _ • was stilllhoucbt wiee to hane diah. • twig of ml8tletoe ever ,the 1 cup e<>id_ main entrance el 1:be' boMe' to I cup eold""'" .ard off disea8e. :4 eggg , We can well-imagine,the- earlt ... \0 Ieaspooo salt ebrlstisns 10: France 'Btl... % CUJ)B sifted all-purpose fleW: lridwhere .vlrit~ 4- Tablespoons melted butter able and in use, hanging .. piece (cooled) ... ·mi.tle~ ov~r their doors. Ai 3 Tablespoona: cooking oil aejghbors made··theii calls espe-' 1)lf you are fortunate enough eially at important "times of,"t;be .,ear such as Christmas,' they' to have a blender, put the milk ..ould undoubtedly be g~eeted and wate'r t eggs and saIt into· the blender contalDe~. Add flour' at" the door with a bug or a kid just as ·we do today. This Was aud'theri butter. Cover and blend prob&uly hoW' the custom of' at top speed for one minute. kissing under the misUetoe Cover and refrigerate in container for at least 2 hours. IJegan. %) If you do not have a blend.As time went on, the main purpose of the mistletoe was to er, pUt the Dour and salt in a prevent sickness from entering large bowl and gradually blend. the house, became secondary t& in the eggs -one by one. Beat in the more pleasant custGnl· of the water ;md milk by the apoonful and then beat in the kissing under its shadow. butter. Strain the batter to get Il1o th~ JUteJten rid of any possible lumps. Just II you're thinkin, of givin& like the batter that is made in any of the females 9fi your th~ blender, this 5fho-uld be reChristmaa gift list • cooking frigerated at least two hour.. belltensil, make sure it's treated fore usin«. with Mle of the new nonstick :I) The batter 8ho1tJd be Uke eoatings. J hadn't purchased an,. light cream. If tlte OOIUJiatency DeW pans until recently, • ...,. is heavier beat a \ait .r water kltroducthm. to these marvel~ inte the b-atter a ~ful at • eoatiHgS is likewise recent, but time, I must admit to beine completelT 4) Rub art. iroa 8kil1et .r a won over. tin,. frying pan (diamete-r 8.14 er All I have 10 do now is hoard T inches) with the cooking oil. • y pennies 10 that I can buy all If you have a pastry brush y.-. aew cookware. At the moment mllY brush the oil on. such prospects look quite dim, 5) Set over high heat until but I am going to whisper in that bearded white gentleman's the frying pan is just beginning' ear that 1 would like hfm to to smoke. . 6) Remove pan immediately tuck a coated waffle iron in hi.s. pack and deposit it on my side from heat and pour just about % cup of batter into heated skillet. ef the Christmas tree. Quickly tilt the pan in aU dir~ Waffles and pancackes .are tions to cover the whole bottom favorites in our house. We often of the pan with batter in a thin have one or the other with bacon layer. Pour any batter that for a quick supper. They grace doesn't stick to the pan back our breakfast table on weekend into your bowl. mornings and are always the 7) Return the pan to the heat perfect late snack if company for 6() to 80 seconds. Shake pan 4.rops !rl. sharply back and forth and up Sticking, though, is always a and down to loosen the crepe. problem with our waffle iron Lift the edges of the crepe with whi~h I . inherited from my mother-in-law, who probably a spatula and if the bottom is got tired of scraping off the tiNtt a light brown turn crepe over. 8) Brown lightly on the sec~ three or four tries of every batch, But since waffles are such ond side tor about. lh minute. a favorite in our house We' en- The spcond side 19 never don~ clure the scraping and th.e stick- as well as the first and can be ing although it does leave one's used for the inside of the crepe. 9) Slide crepe Qnto a plate, ~ste buds a bit frayed by tile time one gets to eat a perfect regrease skillet, and then prQ....e. ceed as before. The crepes may be kept warm in a slow oven With the purchase of two inex~ensive little skillets with until everyone is ready to eat. aon-stick coatings, the pancake 10) When ready to serve :6n IIituau()ft W, well Ja. hand b.,t wWl desired fllIin, and .<.11 :Ull·
CINCINNATI (NC) - ArchOi5hop Karl J. Alter said thE> fi~ nancial problems confronting Catholie schools is the chief pas.. toral concern of the Cincinnati archdiocese. He spoke at the first meeting of the new Archditlc('sun Pastoral CounCil. Some 70 priests. Religious, and lay people took part. Reviewing the financial needs of the schools, Archbishop Alter said they' represented "a vast problem" that required exploration. ___
skillet became a perfect crepe pan.' Crepes, as you probably
pancake with
THf A'tCI1QR.-
in enrollment, doubled in the past 15 years; the turnover in lay teachers, in.volving repla<cpmpnt of about one-third each year; the red uotion of class size two years ago by setting thp maximum numbf'r of pupils at 40, and the requirements of making teachers' salarie8 comparable with those of public school teachers.
A'l'TI,EBORO AREA WORKERS: Serving OR the eQffimittel! for the annual Bi8hop's Charity Ball ()n Jan. 12, are: Mrs. Albert Jacksan, St. ·Mary's Mansfield; Rt. Rev. Thomas F. Walsh, pastor i>f St. John's, Attleboro, aIHi Dioce,an Moderator of the DCCW; Mrs. George Whalen, St. Mary's, No. Attleboro; Mr•. John J. Mullaney, St. John'., Attleboro.
Bishop's CharjtyBall
Heads Libraries WASHINGTON (NC) -Lloyd Felix Wagner has been appointed director of libraries at the Catholic University of America here. Bi:dwp. William J. McDonald, University rector said. Wagner, has been chief 04 the library services division 9f the FE'deral Aviation Agency, win take the \HIiversitypost Jan'. 1.
Appoint Committees from Attleboro, Taunton and New Bedford for January Social Event Co-Chairmen Miss
Lahey and Mr. John Kane re-
leased today an initial listing of
committeemen from the Attleboro, New Bedford and Taunton areas to serve in various capacities for the 12th Annual Bishop's Charity BaH scheduled for Jan. 11, at the LincO-ln Park Ballroom, No, Dartmouth. Attlebero Hospitality Committee: Mrs. John J. Mullaney, Mrs. Adrien Piette. Decoratinc: Committee: Mrs. George Whalen, Mrs. John J. Mullaney, Mrs. Adrien Piette. Arthur Arcbambaull, Frank Mello, Clifford Duclos. Ticket Committee: Mr. Henry !»ew, Mrs.. Char-les L~ndry, UN. Albert Jackson, Mrs. Edward Galligan, Mrs. George Bouza. Mrs-. Francilil St. Pierre,. Mrs. Fred ThOl'pe.
Presentees: Mrs. Adrien Piette. New Bedford Hospitality Committee: MiSi Kathleen Roche, Mr:.. Emmet Almond, Miss Lydia Pacheco, Miss Helen McCoy, Mrs. George Whalen. Mrs. John J. Maloney, Mrs. James Leith. Decorating Committee: Mrs. Stanley J. Koczera, Mrs, EmmQt Almond, Mrs. James Gleason, Mrs. Ernest Letendre, Miss Margaret Goggin. Mrs. Leo A. Gallagher, Mrs. Gilbert Fosler, Miss Lydia Pacheco, Mrs. John MaloneY. Tickt't Cummittee: Miss Kathleen Roche, Mrs. James Lelty, Mrs. Manuel G. DaSilva, Miss Helen McCoy, Miss Leonore Luiz. Mrs. Daniel Flanagan. Mrs. William C. Lefavor. Presentees: Mrs. James Leith..
Taunton H9spitality Committee: Mrs. Aristides ,Andradre. Miss Helen Shove.
Decorating Committee:
Adrienne Lemieux, Mrs. Alfred Leonard, Miss flelen Shove
Mrs. James E, Williams, Mrs. Richard Paulson, William J. Fagan, Camille ~tlis, Lawrence Pivirotto. N Qrmand Hamel, Jam e s Blount, 'Edward F. Kennedy, Robert Stratton, Edward Castle. Mrs. Normand Hanel, Mrs. Mary Moitow, Mrs. Edward S. Franco, Mrs. Robert J. Silveira, Michael J. Welch. James Tonry, Mrs. Joseph Rose. George Milot, Mrs, Edmend Paige, Mrs. Hector Demers. Mrs. Leo Conroy, Mrs. ROlle Nagle, Mi!lS Eunice Mowatt, Mrs. William Braga, Mrs. Cliffonl Saehoy. Mrs. William MacLean, Mf'S. R&bert Briand, Mrs. Frank Lewis, MTS. Margaret Mulcahy, Mm. Stanley Baran. Mrs. Harold TravjgIiGne, Mrs. Albert Giordano, Mrs. John Trucchi, Mrs. Daniel Gray, Presentees: Miss Adri-efme LelIlieull.
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THE "NCH~-D;OC<K<I of FQn River-Thun., Dec. So 1966 . - - ' - - " - - - - - ---------_._--
Are. W.
Suggests Jerusalem Bihle
,God Love You'
. As Christmas Gift Book
By ~ost !le.... FuitOll J. Sheen. D.O. Wl'hl! Ch.urch does not keep pac~-, -wi$h the world.'" So wrttH • young woman from college, What is the reason for this? The Church and the world are going in different directions; "l 'have taken you out of the world," said Our Lord, ·~therefore, the world will 'hate YOu." The world may be understood -in two senses. First as a cosmos, a dwelling place. for humanity, it is a blessed thing, "God so lOVed the world that He sent His Only Begotten Son to redeem it." But in the second sense, as a spirit; a mood. it. is evil. It was this that Our Lord meant when He said: "r pray not for the world," <
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. john S. Kennedy A list of books suggested for Christmas giving must lead off with the mognificent Jerusalem Bible (Doubleday. $16.95). It is not one of those pseudo-artistic productions with imitation leather binding and garish illustrations, but a handsome volume contain- brought up in India in the early in,g- an excellent new trans-
lation of all the Scriptures, wit.h admirable note. and other helps to undel'standing. It js the best thing of its kind n () w avaHable. Another sightly Bible with a well-done transOxford
tatcd Bible, Revised Standard Version (Oxford
University PreRs. '$10.50). 'I'his has an imprimatur from Cardinal Cushing and surpasses most Bibles in
the si ze and clearness af the type 1n whieh it is set. Informative • n d fascinating for its pictures is The Council and the Future, with. probing esaaYs by Father Mario YIiM'l GaUi. S,J '. and photographll by Bern.. hard Moosbrugger (McGrawHill. $10.95). A monumental work is'DocuIh.ents of Vatican II. (Guild PreSti, Amt'rlca Pre s s , ~~hon Press), which comes in two sizes and prices. The large bound volume costs $10, and the paperback edlition cO'sts 75 tent:;:. Xavier Rynne's commentary on Vatican 11 concludes with The Fourth Session (Farrar, str<?uss and Giroux. $5.50). Pope's Memoirs Admirers of Pope John XXIII cannot have enough of his writings. The latest publication is Mission to France: Memoirs of a Nuncio (McGraw-Hill. $6.95), a very discreet selection from his papers which disclosea no secrets but lets us see something of the shaping of a future Pope, Father John L. McKenue, S,J.., keats an important iubject incisively in Authority in the Church (Sheed and Ward. $3.95), Which searches the New Testa..ent for what it has to s.ay on the subject and appliefl this. to the present. The fact and the .everity of poverty in the world today are tiemonstrated in The Starved and the Silent by Aloysius Schwartz (Doubleday, $4.50), which deals with Korea,· and Eat From God's Hand by Desmond O'Grady (Herder Book Center. $3.50), which describes Father Paul Gauthier's apostolate to the destitute in the Holy Land. Experil7 Written In Children of Allah (AtlanticLittle. Brown. $6.95), Agnes Newton Keith draws on her experiences while Ii ving among the Arabs of Libya, and Blaine Litell. in South of the Moon (HarPer and Row. $6.95) reports on his investigation of some of • the new nations of Africa. Both of these books are expertly written and acquaint uS with some of the dark-skinned people in whose hands the world's future lies. More related to them than might at first appear is Alan Moorepead's The Fatal Impact (Harper and Row. $5.95), in which Captain Cook's voyages to Tahiti, Australia, and the Antarctic are rehearsed, showing ....hat our civilization has done to these once Wltouched areas. .A delightful reconstruction of_ unished days is found in Two Years· Under the Indian Sun (Knopf-Viking. $5.50) by Jon • Ad Rwner Godden, sisters
Doers er Obserten?
part of this century. Cornelius Ryan's The Last Battle (Simon and Schuster. $7,95) vividly depicts the battle for Berlin at the Close oC World War II in Europe. Perhaps the most publicized book of the year is Truman Capote's III Cold
~!?~~. (~~~~~~.. Jious~. t~·3l?.L crime in Kansas and its aftermath. Workinc Press Some Idea of what goes into the gathering, writing, editing, and pUblishing of the news is prOVided by The Working Press by employes of the N~w York Tim (Putnam. $5.95). A thoughtful, penetrating comn\entary on one of the principal ill. of the world is found in Nationalism and Ideology by Barbara Ward (Norton. $3.75). In the field Gf history and bi.ograpby, 'there is special merit to Sir Arthur Bryant's The Fire and the Role (Doubleda,.. $4.95), a wperbly fasp-ioned study of. solJ)e cieclslve- tnomentB in En-
The world of souls can be loved too little; the world with I. Prince of Evil can be loved 100 much. Christians are in dane-er of being influenced more by the world than they influence the world. Is this Dot beea,use we are Dloving away from the Cross, forgetful that onlY when ·We live under its wooden wings do we .' --. ~ - - .._~--~ "' the first cells of the fetus of the AntiChrist? Do not Ezechiel and st. Peter Say that jUdgm~nt will begin with the Church-not with the. world! The Temple of Jerusalem was bomed. tllen the cit,. fell.
Fr. Robert: A. Mit<,.hell, 8.S.
40- Year Old Jesuit New York Provincial NEW YORK (NC) _ Father Robert A. MitcheIi, S.J., 40, has been name{ provincial of the New York Province of the Sow c.i.ety of Jesus (Nov. 28), suc-
ceeding Father lohn J. McGinty,
8.J. Father Mitchell will supervise aU Jesuit activities in t~ New York: and Newark Arcpdioeeses, the Brooklyn. RockVille Centre ancl Paterson diocelieS and. ill Nigeria and Puet1:o. l;\i~. The gUsh hiatoty. largest Jesuit. province in. the James . Thomas Flexner, in w.orld has 1,11~ pr~ests, Brothen George Washington: The, Forge and scholastics. . o.f Experience (1732-1775) (LitIt includes Fordham Univertle, Brown. $7.95) makes an im- sit)', St. Peter's College '\0 Jer..' pressive beginning on his ex sey City, Loyola College and haustive biography of WashingSeminary at Shrub Oak., N. Y., ton. Dorothy Meserve Kunhardt , and the Novitiate of St. Ahdrewand Philip B~ Kunhardt, Jr. have ·on.,Hudson, ·Poughkeepsie. gathered rare photographs and. Father Mitchell has been recwritten an unusually interesting tor of Loyola Seminary, Shrub text for Twenty Days '(Harper Oak, since last March 25. Preand Row. $11.95), which C'onsidviously he was dt> and en the events from Lincoln's a~- fessor of theology at LeMoyne sassination to his burial. College, Syracuse. He was orAnother huge project is got dained in Brussels, Belgium, 01\ under way in Frederick A. Pot- July 31, 1956. Father McGinty tle's James BOflwell: The Earlier has been provincial of the provYears (1740-1169) (McGraw- ince since 1960. Hill. $12.50), a definitive biography of the brilliant, volatile man who was Dr. Johnson's biographer. Far leu formal are three sets of reminiscences: Pappa Hem~ WASHINGTON (NC)-A f ..ringw.,. (Random House. $5.95), -.1 dinner was held here to A. 1:. Hotchner's recollections of. eommemorate the 50th aimi.erthe last yean of Ernest Hem- Ial'7 of Oblate Cellege, a lIeftlingway; Muzzy (Harper and ina-ry conducted by the Oblatel Row. $4.95), Charles W. Thayer's of Mary Immaculate. The dinuproarioUl memories·of his s0- ner, spOllBOred by the seminary's ciallY eminent but altogether un- Lay Board Gf Regents, aIM conventional mother; and Abi- marked the 100th anniversary of gail Adams Homan's EducatiOil. the founding of the Oblates in by Uncles (Houghton Mifflin. Aix, France. In the United States, the $4), a pleasantly unstuffy view Oblates teaeh in high schools of some great Bostonians. and seminaries, conduct parishes Spiritual Books Among spiritual bookS, there and serve as chaplains in the armed forces. They work in the are no rivals for Days of the Lord (lterder and Herder. $3.95 archdioceses of Denver, New per volume), which provides Orleans and, San Antonio, and knowledgeably chosen readings the dioceses of Austin. Baton for the several liturgical seasoll$, Rouge, Corpus Christi, Dallasand Dom Hubert van Zeller's Fort Worth, Galveston-Houston Ideas for Prayer (Templegate. and San Angelo. .$4.95), a treasury of inspiration Oblate College's Lay Board of and direction for one who would Regents, officially brought into pray well. existence in 1962, was one of the Father Gerard S. Sloyan gives first such boards in seminary a clear and winning introduction administration. Twenty-five busto the revised liturgy in practice iness and professional men curin Worship in a New Key (Her- rently serve on the board which dec and Herder. $3.95). Helpful meets regularly to discuss the to any priest, especially to those problems and plans of the semin parish work, is Pastoral inary. Couns~ling by Father Raymond Hostie, S.J. (Sheed and Ward. $5). Of great help to the parish priest throughout the year is a book with material for Sunday NEW YORK (NC)-Dr. John homilies, Scanning the Sunday Gospel by Dominic Crossan, B. King, former executive deputy superintendent of the New O.S.M. (Bruce. $3.50) . York City schools. has been apIf anyone is thinking of a gift for the book columnist,. ho.... pointed visiting professor of eduabout a pair of discarded eye... catIon at the ~ordham University school of educatJon. gla:sses? w
Oblates of Mary Mark Anniversa",
- .. ....
When penance giveli way to pefl1\iswhen atheists shriek, "God is dead," do we turn and look at a Crucifix and say, "Yes, He died for my sins"'! Do we prove that God is alive in our hearts bF helping a missionary cttre for a family with five children who lacka $40, to buy a mack? Is there not a dime a week we could share te· preaeh the Gospel to over 2 thousand million who knoW" not Christ? I8 there not the equivalen.t of one package of cigarettes we eould. give to help the hundreds of religious orders serving the MissioN' tbroughout the worlel at the eonmlaDd of the HO)l Father? The only ones who read this column and 30mething are those WH AY with Paul, ..{. lUll crucified witb. Christ; DOW not I live, tMK Christ lives with me," Be II leaven in the mass. Atone for tboee; who build bigger 'aDd richer bUildings without sharing a Mite for' the poor of the' world.
les.. Chrtat. Wb... we aDd. are seeurdu. .. to . .denbDd wh,. W'e are it .... he.1 oar seJtislm-. Fet..iYe ... as ~ poor aU lor a1er &ad we eaU t.r 'beeR. '.r«ne us .. the,. uk for a shaek chapel aDd we buUd two-miJlt. . dollar ehurcbe., Fore-tv. _ .. milDo. I. tile MI8SioDl uk for· a sip fro. *the Chalice of Life ad we eaU -'or • paper cup f1lled. O:b
wlilt tbe elixir of a beat cenera.tlolil. Let as 1I0t, Lord, u' we see Thee crncified again in the misel'7 of the world, ask for a lance. Rather through Thy merits, let dt prove that we are Thiae, because we love o....r broUten. l offer the Mass every Sun'a,. .,. tltose who d.urin!:" Advent _bite t.h.emseJves ·with Christ erue.tiM "~a sacrifice to Ute Hob Father. God Love You! Thinking Df Christmas gifts? Bishop Sheen's books mak~ perfect presents {Dr Catholics and non-Catholics alike. Beautifully illustrated in color and black and White, CHRISTMAS INSPIRATIONS places new values and interpretations on the oldest story in the worhl. Price $1.00. In WALK WITH GOD, we are invited to take time out to think of the many roads open to WI in life. It offers a provocative eommentary for livin« iaI Wday's world. Paperback $.75. Till: POWER OF LOVE, ORe of BiJJhop Sb"een's most popular books, is aV81ilable in a deluxe slipeased, hard.boWld edition lor $8,50. It shOWI AoW love belongs in every major area of our lives; how it can give .. direction in the complexities and distractions of. OW' time. Any or all of these books make important contributions to ,..our daily life and. those 10 whom yeu F¥~ Uletn. Write: The Order Dept., The Society for the PropaptiOR el. the Faith, ,3" Fi:Hll Avenue, New York, N.Y. 1.0001. Old oat .... eol.......... ,.oar saer1floe to It r.u.. . .ail it .. .Ilotrt Rey. F.lte. J. Sheea. NatioD&l Direeier .f Tbe Socjeb' f . iIM' Prep.._"" of the FaKIl. 3" nfdl Aye.lle, New York, New
York 10Ml, er to ,.oar Dleeesaa Director. at. Rev. Msc'r. a.,,... . . T. Ceneidiae, 368 Nortll MaiD Street, Fall River, M....
YOURS TO LOVE AND TO GIVEI tt1e life of a DAUGHTER Of Sl. PAuL LOYe God more aod give ta souls koowledge and love 01 God serving HJm in a Mission which uses the Press, Radio. Motion Pictures !ltd TV. to brlng
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil Rjv~r-Thurs., Dec. 8, 1966
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs., Dec, 8, 1966
,~-MAKE Spiritual -Reading, Biographies Can Aid Christian Growth
CHRISTMAS r>W£~V;iUJ Role of Woman Seen Confused The only quarrel One has with this book, "The Quite Possible She" by Janet Golden (Herder and Herder, $4.50) is its title. The entire volume, a study of "today's C h r is t ian woman," seems to contradict it. The author sets forth clearly and for the most part indisputably the problems that face the woman trying to give Christian witness in today's world, then gives a few general guidelines that may be of help in some cases, but the general tone is that things are hard indeed. A better title, one feels, would have been "The Very Difficult She." This is not to low-rate this book or the service its author has done everyone who is struggling to get into line with P()st-Con('War thinking on the role of the laity. Jt's really a good thing that the many unsolved problems of the distaff sid!:' of the Church should be thoroughly discussed: this in itself may h!:'lp to iron out some of them.
I~ooked at rationally, Rpiritual bookR are among- the m().,t appropriate of all Chri~tmns gift:-;; aml even from the most practical point of dew, books have an enduring value not shared by the more g-littering- t.rifleR t.hat. appear Linder mORt ChriRtmaR treeR. Still on t.he practical side of Ole ledg-er, the post- Conciliar world, sO newly uncertain on many points that u~ed to f\eem as fundabo())ks with "The Silent Spire mental as the ten command· Speaks". (Bruce, $4.95), a spirmen1.R, is at lea,"\t agreed that ited defense of the value of the t.he Jiving- center of Catholic contemplative Hfe cast in the life is the M< ThereLore any books that help in its understanding are of particular value. Two such are "Christ Now" by Rev. "Henry Fehren (Kenedy, $3.95)
Word" by A. M. RoguC't (Macmillan, $5.95). We know at least one family that has enthusiastically adopted "Christ Now" as Sflturday night rea din g. Subtitled, Saturd<:lY Night Thoughts for Sunday Mass, it's just that, and in a cOllple of pages per Mass manages to be thought-provoking, prayerflll and oftcn very funny. For today's feast of the Imma~ ulate Conception, for in3hmcf?, Father Fehren muse;,:: "l\'li~.glljrl ed devotees of Mar;y use her to scare hell out of people and end up scaring hell into them, making them feel guilt and blame for all thc evil in the world if they do not touch 11 simpering wooden Fatima statue being lugged around the country 'get the Rosary in' every day ('only "takes ten minutes,' said one famous crusader), believe the most bizarre 'revelations' of some women and children. and like a shrewd peasant work up a drag with her by flattering her heart."
"The Meaning of Success" by Michael Quoist ($1.25) discusses man in himself, in his,own life, in his relations with others, 'lOd finally in his Christ-life. Father Quoist is notably practical in his advice, slanlcd TOilinly towards young readers. In a chapler titled "Huw Not To Beo Bus}'," he counsl'~s: "Constantly tell yourself:. for this moment 1 have only one pet'son to deal with, and that's the one who's rigll~ in front of me; I have only one letter to write, the Mor~ }'ormal More formal, but also struc- ,one I'm writing' now; I have (mly tured to corresPond with Sun- one thing to do, what I'm doing hpre and now. In this way Ylm'll days and feastdays is "Brcp,d and the Word." The author, a French be able to work more rapidly, lot Dominican, has divided his book more efficientlY, and with 1f'l's headaches." into three part..., ea<"h following "Love and Sacrament" by Althe liturgical year; faith, the· phonse d'Heilly, S.J. ($2.25) is a Mass and the sacr.amelltal life. thoughtful examination of the The emphasis is on the bread of vocation to marriage, considered the Eucharist and the living mainly in it~ spiritual aspects. word of God. The· prolific Trappist author, Two paperbacks, both pubFather M. Raymond, D.C.S.O., lished by Fid£'s. deal with themes as fund;mwntal ;;IS life adds another to his list of l7
Faces of Faith Are. Shown In Two Current Novels The fait.h has many faces. Two are illuminated in two current novels: "All About. Brother Bird" by Cat.harine Plummer (Doubleday, $4.50) and "The Centurion" by Leonard Wibberley (Morrow, $4.50). Brot.her Bird is a monk who has the g-ift. of levitation, but. far from being a Rource of The author says, '''The Centudon' is more important to me than happine~s to him, it is a anything else I've ever w~itt(m." ~reat erOSR, since because of God's Cr~atures
his habit of suddenly rising from the ground, he has never been able to complete so much as one Mass. How his cross eventually becomes his crown through his great love for a little boy dying of leukemia is a touching story, reminiscent of "Brother Petr()c's Return" or "The World, the Flesh and Father Smith." The Centurion," like uncounted other novels, tells the story Df the passion of Christ, this Lime through the eyes of Longinus, the Roman centurion who was in charge of the crucifixion. Told as if the tale were new, the 8tory of Christ crucified succeeds ·In strikill¢ thC' . reader afresh with the enonnity of the deed.
Sister Seraphim is a RUSSian Orthodox nun who lives in a desert convent in Arizona <and there harbors as many animals as the rest of her community will permit. Her book, "All God's Creatures" (Dodd, Mead, $4.50), is a paean to the animal kingdom and her point of view is best expressed in her own wOI'ds: "Anyone who would be good to animals was in a state of gra.ce, as far as I could see. Were (:Ine to live in a church, after the manner of the prophetess An na, in the temple of Jerusalem, ~nd at the same time be cruel t() a cat, then he were a long way lrom the heart eI g....J'"
form of a series of conversations with a questioning college student. Biographies Too More valuable than outright Bpi ritual reading for many p~o pie are biographies of out:-;tanding Christians, which might be termed how-to-do-it manuals for aspirilJg strugglers. No_one could qUf;'~tioll that Eric Gill, Charles Peguy and Pope Paul VI arc outstanding,. and the shll'ks of thC'ir three very different lives are the :,ubjects of three )lew bOOKS. Robert Speaight, lecturer, actor and producer, has written "The Life of Eric Gill" (K:enedy, $6.95) and in it he thoroughly pictures the various, irrepressible, stranJ{e man that was Gill. The book, incidentally, is set in a Gill-designed type fiolce, Perpctua. "Charles Peguy: A Study in Integrity" is by Marjorie Villiers (Harper and Row, $6.50), She documents the life of a man who "throughout his life refused to be annexed. Time and again he sacrificed material comfort, ambaion, friendships and personal happiness to the heroic integrity he showed in his life OlE wen all in his writings." In "Pope Paul VI" (Random House, $5.95), Alden Hatch, well-known biographer of John XXIII turns his pen to the life story of quite another sort of man, but succeeds equally well in showing the reader what eve n t s and characteristics 10rmed the presen t Pope. I n discussing Paul's aloofness in contrast to the warmth of John, he notes, in connection with the papal visit to New YOt'k City, "In Yankee Stadium they were cheering not the Pope but a man, who in one long day had won their hearts. Somehow on his apprenticeship as the servant of' the servants of God, he had at last learned the secret of how to make known his love for his fellow man."
Christmas Books For Children For the youngest readers or even the read-aloud-to's, Herder and Herder offer "The Life of St. Francis of Assisi" and "The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary," both by Janet Bruce with pictures by Emile Probst ($1.50 each). Although the type seems rather small for little children, the art work in thes,e books is beautiful and striking and the text is easy to understand. "Come to the Family Meal" by Sister Mary Cosma LaPlante, C.S.J., illustrated by Sister Mary Josita B~ccala, C.S.J. (Bruce, $1.25) is a Mass book for the sm<llIest churchgoers, emphasizing that Mass is an action of the family of God and should be approached as a "family meal." It includes simple explanations of the 10 commandments and a brief instruction on approachinl . . . . . - . )?~ Twenty
Jesuit Humorist Pra ises III inois
Parental Queries Answered Here Is there a time when parents don't want to know more, about their children? The number of books on the subject answers the question. And of recent years the theories and practice of Maria Montessori have been gaining more and more attention ,in the United States. So it is good news that at least one of her books is now available in paperback form ("The Secret of Childhood," Fides, $2.95). This book was the famous educator's first and it contains the account of. her discover)' of the "Montessori method," enlivened with many anecdotes of the children with whom it was originally perfected. It wiII be invaluable for conscientious parents Turn to Page Twenty
LIFE OF MARY: 'The Life of t.he Ble""ed Virgin Mal),H Is t.old and illust.rated by Janet Bruce and Emile Probst. -in one of a new series of bookR for children published by Herder and Herder. Here st.ylized shepherds come t.o worship the Child in a scene Byzant.ine in its int.ensity.
Spirit of Christmas Instilled In Seasonal ,Books Each Christmas bring-s it.s OWn harvest. of books and 1966 includes t.wo t.hat. are likely to be "Village Christmas" by "Miss Read" (Hought.on Mifflin, $2.95) is a low-keyed book about. an Eng-Iish village t.h»t doesn't .quit.e approve of newcomers, the Emery family who have descended upon it from the vieinit.y the English countryside to thos~ about of London. When t.he Emerys' new Barsetshire. Here's another for her. afficionados, baby arrives on ChristmaR day, howe,;er, everyone rRllies around The durable Bishop Sheen offers to help and in the process discovers that the ci ty intruders are really quite lovable people. "Miss Read" has been likened to Trollope and her series of books about
"Christmas Inspirations" . (Maco, $1), a collection of thoughts on the Christ. mas season illustrated by reproductions of masterpieces and appropriate photographs of Yuletide scenes.
"Priest in Paradise; With God to lJJjnois" by ..Bernard Basset, S.J. (Herder and Herder, $3.50) is in effect a pune¢yric to Illinuis. Says the noted English Jesuit, who came to the United States to gi ve a series of retreats at a rnid- Western retreat house: "For Europeans the image of America for decades has been pieced together from the fragments of broken homes. We have been fed on Hollywood stars with many spouses, on kids out of hand and teenage drug addicts, v.mdalism and gangs.· I What is there to put belleath the tree of the thinker? Three saw something of such aberrations, but were these typical? among the Fall crop of books There are gutters in every city should flatter the taste of both on both sides of the Atlantic and giver and recipient. Each offers pictures of them give no fair food for reflection that will perimpression of, any town. sist long after the tree is a memory and the tinsel is packed "Between retreats I saw the away for next y:.;e~a:.;r.;.'-::,....,.,.......,,.... homes of some I'ctreatants, one stage removed from Paradise. "Conjectures of a Guilty ByAnd Paradise for me is no longstander" by Thomas Merton er made up of color TV or elec(Doubleday, $4.95) is "an intric carvers but lies deep in the tensely contemporary assesstnent bewildering bond of affection of both a single man's spiritual between parents and their brood. odyssey and of the most urgent I found spontaneity, great hilarmoral issues of the last 10 yeCll·s." ity and discipline." Merton's dominant theme is that This is a joyous, funny book or individual responsibility, the and a welcome antidote to the necessity for the individual to many volumes that look hardest make up his own mind in matat the "vulgClrities" of American ters of conscience. life. Turn to Page Twenty
Mental Nurture • Offered Here
Two Haunting Books By, About Children
I DON'T MIND I {;arolyn .JackRon am a pure-blooded Neg-ro in soul and mind. My mother's from Nort.h Carolina and my fat.her's from Florida. I know when I g-o to that old wooden bed, Somewhere on t.he ot.her Ride of town, there is a child being- put t.o bed in a soft cuddly neRt. But being a Neg-ro isn't so bad (if you know what'. g-oing on) Down South my cousin is being beat upAnd Look There . . . . My aunt got. put in jail for drinking from a white fountain. But. here I feel better because I have more freedom When I ride the train and sit. next. t.o a person of t.he opposit.e race I feel like a ('row in a robin's nest And I feel dirty. I'm not prejudiced or anything •• If we g-o on a and they call me D8. . . . . I Don't. Mind. By Carolyn J ackRon, Age 11 From "Miracles: Poems by Children Nthe English-Speaking World" (Simon and Schuster•.$4.90)
PierJ'C TeJUlaI'd. dc· OliardiM
No Off-Limit Topics In Today's Church Tn our open-,,,,'indO\ved (~hllrl'h of today there ~ecm no off-limit subject!". Proof of thil"' i;-; six books, each examining some facet of faith or mora]R. "Christian ]\1orality Today" by Charles E. Curran (Fi,leR. $2.45) discus.~e, ':on8cience, freedom, natural law, birth control and mixed marriages in the light of the "1':giornamento of the Vatiean
han's book inclUdes l)1)ok reviews and articles, essays and rejoinders. It is rare that one book so lI1spires another, <lnd it is intel"estipg to note that Council; while "Religious Lj bermany discussion groups an"' usi ng both bookl:l as a fruitful source of material. A thorough account of the Church's attitude tow<:lrds 1he Jewish people is presented jll "The Church and the Jewish People" by Augustin Cardinal Bea (Harper and Row, $4.50). The Cardinal was mainly responsible for the Declaration on the Jewish People issued by the Coulleil Clnd this book is the fruj.' of his '·wisdom, couragt-· and pj_ ollf"edng effort in the cause of inh'rJ'eligious underst<:mding." Tribute to the invin~ible people of Poland is paid by their e qua II y courageous pl"imate, Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski, ia "The Deeds of Faith" (Harper and Row, $5.95), a colleC'tion of sermuns and addresses. In a typty: an End and a Beginning" ical address he says to students: (Macmillan, $4.95), edited by "Now that the nation has risen John Courtney Murray, S ..T., is from its servitude and degradaa discussion by scholars of many tion, you, the young, should not and no faiths of the Declaration again degrade it. Love the naof Religious Freedom issued by tion by giving thought to what the CounCil. ,you can do for it, not what yo. Father Murray was largely recan get from it! When I c~me out sponsible for the wording of the of prison I said, and I ,<;ay .it Dedaration and was therefol'e again: Poland today does not in a uniquely qualified position need a sacrifice of blood; it to edit this book. As a pre-emineeds only a sacrifice of hones1p nent authority on church and hard work and self-contrul. Only state relations, he has m}lde an such work will give you real invaluable contribution to his satisfaction." fi'eld. In "The Church is Different"" "The Secular City" has been by Robert Adolfs (Harper and one of the most discussed books Row, $3.95) a Dutch Augustinin l'eCeltlt religious literature. It ian examines the era of freedom treats of the emergence of urban into which the Church has encivilization and the accompanyten~d. "The thought 'is slowly ing break do .-Tn of organized and creeping through," he points out, tradiHonal religion. The many "that two thousand years of questions it has raised are disChristianity do not guarantee a cussed at length in "The SeCUlar welI-e~tablished solidly strueCity Debate" edited by Daniel tured Church or an ensl..:onced, Call a han (Macmillan, $5.95 nicely defined and circumscribe4 board, $1.45 paper). Mr. CaHaChristian religion."
He,re Are Special Presents For Special People .Are you. rich and would you' like to give a sumptuous ChrIst-maR gIft. t.o a ,pecial priest or Sister? Then t.rv 'The Council" by Lothar Wolleh (Viking-, $:38.50). No, it's not a printer's error-the price is $38.50. But for the money you get a whale of a lot of book, about. ten poundR of it., Beautiful (Morrow, $20), This is bound in whit.e le"therett.e a grouping of 120 reproductions with the title st.amped in in· full color of outstanding
Here <:Ire two books, haunting in any season, but coming at Christmas, the children's feast, they have an added poignancy. "Miracles: Poems by Children of the English - Speaking World" gold, the whole encased in a (Simon and Schuster, $4.95) is plastic protective jacket. Inside, the result of a grant from there's an abundance of heautiUNESCO enabling Ric h a I' d . fully reproduced color phot()Lewis to travel around the world graphs, along with opulentlyseeking poems by children. large type and heavy, shiny"I found," he says, "that given coated paper, "This book is a the right encouragement and unvivjd and moving record of ... derstanding, children could and a truly revolutionary Council" did write poems that invited serideclares Francis Cardinal Spellous attention as poetry. I hope man in an introduetiml. You'd this book will demonstrate the probably better get a table too, artistry of which children are to hold the book No common capable; that i~ will serve as a bookcase could accommodate it. testament to the power and American Art value of the poetic vision that is Less splendiferous but also an integral part of childhood; quite expensive is "The Beauty and finally that, as aU real of America in Great American . Turn 'to Page Twenty Art" by the editors of COWltry
works by native artist;,:, ranging from colonial times to today.. Apprnpriate and brief prose or poetry quotations accompany each picture.
Then there is ··The stOI".Y of St. Peter's" by Thea and Richard Bergere (Dodd, Mead, $4.95), • not terribly costly but l"avish}J' ilustl'<lted history uf the cO' struction or the queen chun'h "'"' Cry.ristendom. Anyone planning a pilgrimage to Rome could stud,. this book with profit <lnd pleasure; and for those not so fortunate, it. will supply a clear pieture of the centuries of work b1" man)' hands that resulted ill • da,y'g J".." .. ;1: __
Menfral Nurture Continued from Page Eleven The topic of C. Douglas McGee in "The Recov~ry of Meaning: An Essay on the Good Human Life" (Random Hou!!e, $5,95) is to discover what actually constitutes a good and human life. Step by step he examines '·'classic and contemporary philosophies," arriving at last at the conclusion that each. man's personal experience must shape his own notions of a satisfactory, justifying life. . "We take our first a'nd lasting model of the world from the family," he writes. "When we are most open, it is our universe; our parents are· the SUil and moon and climate, and they can make the first world their children know into a model of what the world should be." "The Appearance of Man" by Pierre Teilhard de. Char'din (Harper and Row, $5) complements "The Phenorhenon of Man" and discusses the ,nature and spiritual signifieance of hu-. man evolution in terms of receflt fossil discoveries, technical than many of Tellhard's works, it nevertheles's leads to his famous conclusions wjth '. regard to the "Omega point" and the noosphere, although with more scientific buttressing than he deemed necessary in his more directly philosophical·books.
Continued from Page Ten who may wish to adapt marly of its recommendationS to their own family life. . Tee.n Dialog'ue . Skipping from' early childhood to the teens, Rev. Dennis J. Geaney, ,O.S.A. contributes a . thoughtful, up to the minute study of relationships among parents, teachers and teenagers ("The Search foe Dialogue," 'Fides, .95). "These are .tee!'!age times," writes Father Geaney. "Th{~re was a time when there were only children and adults. A new s;;g. ment of pumanity) which is neither child nor adult has suddenly at this juncture of histoty inserted itself between both.". His book, he says, "is written for adults who are interested in teens developing themselves into' mature . and responsible lay Catholics with a sense of the Church's mission." It is all excellent, searching analysis of adol- , escence and deserves re§pectful . attention from parents. .
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Liturgical Calendar
An ide a 1 stocking~stuffer" p.resent jor your youngster's Si~,~. tel' at school, or anyone who:s interested in the day-to-day.liturgical life of the Church is the Christian Life Callmdar (Bruce, $1.25). Now in its 32nd year, this, hang-up calendar is an indisperi:sable companion in thousands of . Catholic homes. It combines rubrics for daily Mass; directions . Two IHlCtlMntingjBooks for the Div~ne'Office and a daily' pithy commept seeking to relate Continued from Page Eleven poetry does, it will gi ve delight." the liturgy to daily life. "There The poems in the book, di- are sorrows in the Christian vided into categories such as life," the calendar' makers reMorning, P~aying, The Sea, Peo- ' mind us, -"but they are nothing , pIe and Feelings, and coming beside the joys." from children between· the ages ~. of 5 and 13, do indeed ~i v~, delight and many. sharp lIlslghts. . TwC) Tests A sample is "War" by 10 year old Sarah Mason of, the United There is a certain minimum States: level of cooperation which may Lonely grief handed Qut to <l11. be reasonably expected of any Not bad, but miserable able-bodied parishioner and Drenched in gray sadness mother of school childl·ell. 'Bu't Dead Children ,beyond this mininmm she is' In "The Cry of Rachel" (Ran- obliged, if only in the name of dom House, $6), Sistel: Mary , common' sense; to, suuject aU. -re'Immaculate, C.S.C. has assem':' quests to two brief tests: Is this. '. bled a collection of elegies on job that I am 'heing asked, to do'" children, ranging from earliest worth doing in the first place? times to today. "Only beauty can And if it is, am I the right sort fittingly commemorate tho s e of person to do it? ' .at'ound whom heaven lies al- From "The Quite Possible She". ways, and to it these elegies owe by Janet Go.lden· their inception and being, Together they sharpen a neglected ,. facet of the human condition;" she writes.. Between now and .the moment" when . ~e reach the', biological, peak, whatever it is, tow'ards which evolutiol,1 is dl'iving us, if Continued from Page Ten anythirig eventually fails' us, it the sacrament of penance. The will not be the ground that' author, a 'second grade teachel: stand ·on. In one or two or tore'e' in St. Louis, has' drawn on her million years the earth ~ill'cer~. experience with children in pre- tainly still .be there beneath' our paring her book and .has accu- .feet-and still as habita-ble rately refiected the newest 'litur- is today both in its temperature, gical changes. and its land-masses.. . ..' . Older Children From "The Appearance of Man'" For older children are "Ginnie by Pierre Teilhard' de Chardin '. .and the Cooking' CQntest·, and "Quesada of Colombia." Ginnie is a girls' story, about 11 year old Ginnie Fellows and her adNO JOB TOO BIG ventures in the course of nearly": NONE TOO SMAIll winning a cooking contest (Morrow, $3.25). "Quesada of Colombia" by Ronald Syme (Morrow, $3.25) is the true story of the 16th . century . Spanish lawyer PRINTERS who first explored Colombia. Full of excitement and advenMain Office and Pia~t ture, this is a natural for boys. 95 Bridge St., Lowell, Mass•
Pre.Flnlshed· MouldIng.
IIMllltl1llMdIlillillIllllIii...iilWM..llIlIIiliill Match gor hay Inst.netlonR
Cardinal Heenan Asks Assistance oOf All Laity LONDON· (NC) - John Cardinal Heenan of West minster told his people that all the laity - not just the clergy and a handful of devoted parishioners - must cooperate in the work of their parishes.. The cardinal's pastoral letter
said: "This is the moment for
action. H the priesthood of the faithful is to be more than a pretty phrase, this priesthood must be put to the test. The faithful must. begin their pas toral work. They must show themselves as anxious as their bishops and priests to obey the decrees of the Second Vatican CounciL" In an effort to draw all the people of each parish more <closely into the life of the par ish, Cardinal Heenan ordered a survey to be taken of all Catho lics. This survey, indicating the needs and wishes of the people, would then be acted on by par ish councils elected by all pa rishioners. Seeking complete honesty in the survey, the cardinal asked the people to "say if you think more could be done for the old, the young and the sick. Don't forget to say what changes should be made and how people who are doing nothing can be persuaded to work for Christ and His Church.
B17ings' Varied Background
To Assignme.nts at Coyle High School' -By Dorothy Eastman The casual observer might be hard put to find anything in common between the teen age boys at Msgr. Coyle High School in ']'au nton, native boys in Uganda, Africa, and teen age boys living in a New York institution for the emotionally disturbed. But Brother Harold QuaJ.ters, C.S.C., who has had experience with all three groups, says their com mon denominator is the ~eed for love and personal atten tion. The-young Brother, now a religion teacher at. the
Taunton school, has had a varied and exciting career since he joined the' Holy Cross Order upon graduating from Coyle in 1956. Some of his experiences have been trying and some have been harrowing, but with the ebullient good spirits for which he is well known he can now laugh at even these. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Qualters of St. Mary's parish in Mansfield, who are un .) doubtedly happy to have him so close to home after his two year stay in Africa. . This year Brother Harold has been coaching the championship track team at Coyle, though he wasn't athletically inclined while a student. He was probably too busy playing clarinet in the band for four years. Difficult Subject During the s~hool day Brother Harold's academic specialty is the teaching of religion. Though he admits this is a difficult sub ject to teach to· teen-age boys, he speaks with enthusiasm of the new approach to teaching reli 'With Us Always' gion .as a joyful response to "Priesthood begins at theal 1"ROM AFRICA TO COYI_E: Brother Harold Qualters, tar," Cardinal Heenan continued, God's love. He· believes that the negative C.S.C., finds life it bit more peaceful at Coyle High School; "but it does not stay there. 'rhe Mass is not really over when the approach to teacbing ~eliglon is Taunton, than he did in Africa where his experiences in candles -are put out and we go still rampant and. trying clu.ded stan~ing off a band of Simb~i wiirriors with a child's to overcome this· attitude in his about our daily duties. ··The popgun. He and track team member/! inspect Mayor Des meaning of the liturgy is that the classroom. His warm and.friend marais' Road Race Trophy awarded by Fall River Jaycees. Mass is with us always. We bring ly personality. and infectious . the fruits· of the Mass to our sense of humor make his own .From left, fJ,'ont, Mike Malone, Dave MeGovern, Glen Nieu homes and our 'places of . work presentation of religion ·positive wenhuis; rear,· Paul Paquette, Ted Burgess, Jay O'Brien. and dynamic:. . and leisure." Upon his, graduation, frl?m from SoUthern University in the 'High on Hemp' Cardinal Heenan ended· bis Coyle he went to· the Holy Cross United States this year. On this occasion, the mission pastoral with an appeal for fi Novitiate, first at Valatie, N. Y. According to the Brother, where Brother Harold wa·s plow nancial help for "our Italian then at St. Joseph's in Indiana. Christmas in Uganda could in no ing was only 30 miles from the friends and brothers" hit by the He then attended St. Edward's way compare to a New E·ngland· Congolese. border and at the' recent floods. "The deplorable University in Austin, Texas, Christmas. Apparently our West foot of the mountains. On this damage done to art is well where he majored in education. ern Christmas traditions have morning, suddenly, out of the known, but we must think, also Following a :rear of teaching of those who have lost their at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel not penetrated to deepest Africa mountains charged a band of as yet, and Brother Harold notes 51mba warriors. Dresssed in homes in Florence," he said. School in the Bronx, he was sent that ou·r familiar Christmas cus monkey skins, with a spear in . "In the hospitals of this coun-· to Pius XII School for neglected toms-gift giving, trees and dell each hand-"in case they missed try thous~nds of Italians are pro : boys in Chester, N. Y. This is ~ orations, are completely un with the right, they'd get you viding essential services. Let us· . school run··· by the Holy Crqss known to the Ugandans. with the left" and "high on s how compassion for their . community that has 'had phe , "We must remember that this hemp," they advanced on the stricken relatives and friends." nomenal success in rehabilitating part of Africa has only been mission. emotionally disturbed boys who Christianized for 60 years," the Brother Harold and the pastor . come from a poor home environ Brother says. . were the only men there to de !Pastol'S ment. Brother Harold lived in a Their religion means a great fEmd the hysterical women and cottage on the school grounds o deal to the Ugandans who are children from the terrorists who for . Poor Parishes Christian, however, and they are had butchered and ravaged the PHILADELPHIA (NC) - A with 15 of the boys and he de s'cribes this year as "interesting particularly proud of their bap Congo.. seven-member comlll,ittee of pas and enlightening." He say's his tismal names, which are usually "The pastor gave me a rifle," tors to study means of providing finan"Cial aid for poor parishes is work with the boys gave him Western. There are no family Brother Harold recalls, "but one greater tolerance for the prob names in Uganda, so when a look at 'the rust on it told me being established under the di Rems and difficulties of tlnes0 child is born he is given an M that I was the only person that rection of Archbishop John J. troubled young people. rican name that is descriptive of rifle was likely to hurt if I shot KroI. It will be known ~ the His two years in Uganda added the time of year he was born, or it." Archbishop':. Committee for still more invaluable experience, a defeet he was born with or He .gathered the women and Inter-Parochial Coope.r~tion. though of a quite different kind. even a name that seems to de children" behind him as the pas The archbishop said many pas St. Leo's College in Fort POI/, scribe his personality. When he tor approached the Simba with tors "are. burdened heavily with tal, Uganda, is really a boarding is baptized he acquires another his equally rusty rifle. When the financial obligations which are school for boys on the high lllame and a great deal of status warriors were only 200 yards impossible to discharge under schoollevel,.but for some reason because. he is now more like a away, the Brother suddenly re their straitened circumstances." high schools in that part 01f Westerner. membered a toy popgun he was "Justice and charity," he said, Africa are called colleges. ''They're a simple, sincere peo carrying in his pocket to give to "demanded the removal as It was at St. Leo's that Broth ple _. gracious and outgoing," one of the children. In despera quickly as possible of many of er Harold· spent two years teach Brother Harold .says. tion he whipped it out and. shot the economic imbalances ~at ing English literature 110 the. At least most of them are. it. It went off with aa loud have been created by changing students for whom English' was a Brother had an unforgettable "POP" that so surprised and un imltural and social structures, seeond language. The studeBri <!xperience with a group of most nerved the Simba that they especially in the inner-citie6 «!If body was both ecumenical and 1l!lngl'8cious natives - an experi scattered and ran back up into Pbiladelphia and iChesteli'." multiracial. Most fIi tbe 003'8 ence that he still recalls with un .the mountains. were llJgandim lIlIatives, 1bough Jjl>leasant emotions. Ugandan h'oops later cleared some were Indian. About 00 pel!' Though Uganda itself was rel them out and .the fierce Simba ceent were Catholic and the rest atively quiet at the time, the .may still be telling tales of the ROSARIO (NC) - ArchbisMt» PNltestant, Moslems and Hindus. Congo uprising was at its height fearsome weapon carried by the Running Start Guillermo Bolatti . of Bosario. and Uganda is separated fvom young American Brother. " Argentina, bas requested 10 the Congolese territory by only Brother Harold remembers '!"he future Coyle track ooacll )shes to hold communal baptisJml got bis ~rt - a good Jiwlning III mountain range, the famous that the group looked as if they at certain times on fixed ~ start-in eoaching IJlt St. Leo's. . Mountains of the Moon. ranged in age from 16 to 19 The school. had a tractor and 'still teen-agel's, but unlike any The archbishop said that "Those JooYlll boo an mnate IIlbil\co O!llC of Brother Harold's extra he had ever encountered in his "'whenever possible, Baptism as My to wn," be says. "'We bad a a private ceremony should be marnpionship e!'OSS COWlltl'y and . wrricular activities was driving classes. I think he would agree that avoided in order to foster bet'ter trJrack team." One of his ~ude1iJlw M out to one of the outlying mis eommunity and spiriiual Ee)a., -"a tIl'emendous miler"-has'R , sMms to plow farming areas lIor 1be Coyle "Warriors" are pretty ~e by comparison. tions W. tb.~ arehdiooese. ~ 00 ;lIltilrle~ t00W01twfs~ lhe llla~v:es.
Study AJd
. P'arish Baptism
THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 8,
Request Urban Renewal Funds ST. PAUL (NC)-A CathoUe priest and two nuns joined aJ group of 31 from this city on II recent trip to' Washington to petition the U. S. Department 0.1/ Housing and Urban Develop ment for a federal grant of some $20 million for execution or' D proposed urbim renewal project here. . The Summit-University proj ect was initiated last year by. th<e St. Paul Housing and Redevelop ment Authority but the city has not yet been able to obtain a pledge of federal funds. They met in Washington with Donald Hummel, assistant secre tary for renewal and housing assistance for HUD, and told him of the "urgent need" for renewal in the area . They also read a telegram :t'rom Auxiliary Bishop Gerald O'Keefe of the St. Paul-Minne apolis diocese (recently named bishop of Davenport) in support of the project. "This area," Bishop O'Keefe said, "is a won derful one in which to live but is on the verge of becoming a blighted slum. This project must move· now." Representing the 1,300-mem bel' St: Peter Claver Church in the area was Father Edward FJahavan. The nuns in the dele gation were Sister Carmen,· prin dpal of St.' Luke's School, and Sister Mary Helen, principal o!I Cathedral School.
Norris H.. Tripp SHEET: METAL J. lESER, Prop. RESIDENTIAL .INDUSTRIAL COMMERCiAL 2531 Cedar St., New Bedforcfi 993-3222
Enjoy Din;ng IN THE WHAlLrE~ --AND-
Always Free Parking
New Bp-dford
Ask your butcher what's the best tasting canned ham In the world. . Genuine imported Polish Ham is available in cans 2 to 12 Ibs. under the Atalanta. Krakus or Tale brands. 'fender. lean, ready-to·eat. At your favorite meat counter.
• ~....
Ask :E~igrati~'
THE' ANCHOg....DiOc:eSe of Fan. River-Thurs.,.'·&ec;.· t. 1966
OfSoyi~t' Jews
Writer Sees Two· 'I'deologies :At Work In: ,Lat,in America ··1
NEW YORK' (NC)-A panel of American civil' and religious personalities. has called o~. tlie leaders of the U.~.S.R. to permit iarge-scale emigration 'of Soviet Jews to Israel. The call came in a "verdict" issued' by members of the Ad Hoc Commission on the Rights of Soviet Jews' based on testi mony and reports presented .at a public hearing,.here last March 18. . ' .. . Bayard Rustin', Negro cnnl rights leader, chaired the ,tribu nal and headed the list. of- signers who' made 'publici,their' findings today; They' are:John C. Benn.ett, 'president ·of Union Theologlcal Seminary; Father, George. ~. Ford; a Catholic ; priest, who. 18 pastor emeritus ·of Corpus Chns, ti church;"Emil Mazey, sec.l;e,. taty.. treasurer," United ,Automo, bile Workers; Telford :raylo~, professor of law, .Columbla UO\ versity; 'and ,Norman .Tho~, veteran ·Socialist leader., .. Mr. Rustin· said the CODUfilS 'sion would present its, findings to United Nations Secreta~ General'U Thant. The Third Committee of the U. N. General Assembly will soon begin a de bate on draft documents 'out lawin~ racial and religious bias.
. ~,; From "Social lRl2VO]ulltiOlll illl the New Latin Amernca" Edited hy John J. Coil1lsidiiUe, M.M. . More and more, man feels hImselfto be 'a worlci-citi~en, writes Marina Bandeira. The problems" of Indonesia, Tan gan~rika and Cuba can influence his life directly; and he is beginning to realize this. A~ the 'sanre time the inhabitant of Indonesia, Tanganyika.or will appear. Is it going_ to be a - Cuba, is discovering tnat' he harmoniou s society reached can influence the destinies of'.: through an integral developrilE~nt" t~e whole world. The P()pti,;.'.>:¥t~,~o' ~ncour~ge11J:~nt;or P~-:'.
lations of even thl:! poorest,coun~ ... sIve, . fnistrated . h.E!J'.cI~· .. This. /: tries demand> that their 'miVn I qtie!lU0n must be '. ailkE!d of interests be re::" the Christian, soci,al mClvements spected a ri'd . m' Latin· -hmerica.' " ' : . , • .:, consulted. The.y Their role is-'not static: theIrs are beginning to is .not "to. do .an~ die" as the poe,~ . sense that a true SaId; theIrs IS to reason why "international " and fight despe~atelY to, open.the ism" can only way for man; fight for a SOCIety 1'- born if it that can a living test~~ny rests. upon true ,to the baSIC duty of a ChnstLan and healthy na wfJ-i,ch is to love God and to help tionallsm a n 'd our neighbor come ~loser t~ the that, therefore, image of G~d~ phYSICally, mtel-: internationalism lectually, sptr~t,:allY. . .. embraces the I What, ~en, .IS pll"even~ng us interdependence of all national from puttmg'· mto pra~ce the·; isms : solutions which are deSired by NEEDY ,OF KOREA: The poor of Seoul, Korea, are When science is allowing us to" millio~, of Christi:llns ~. L~tin receiving m.ed,'icines at the Catholic Medical Center that is see the training of future inter Amenca at the present time'. Is ptanetary pilots, we begin to· there. a. ready answet"? . aided by the Catholic Relief Seryices-NCWC, and soon will realize t: at we will not· render Which are the clear altema- ,,:receive badly' needed clothing from your contributions t-0 good service on other plaeets if; ~ves placed before Latin Amer the recent BishopS' Clothing Drive for the needy overseas~· befQl'e arriving there, wed&- not lea. and. th~~~ore, lJ.ef~ the . BALTIMORE (NC)-Lawrence learn to understand and: respect' vanous ChnStlan 'SOCIal ID&Ve Cardinal Shehan bas sent a let IMle another on tbis- out own - meni$ in .our continent! ter ,to priests in the Balt!more planet. . Altel'Datives Opea PONCE (NC) - Many V" S. gious communities, Father James Mchdiocese announcing plans to Thl"ough a' rewform of cosmG We are living. in a rapidly dis. Catholic religious communities F. ,McNiff said he had found form a senate of priests OI'gan poIitanism, capable' of respecting , integrating society and t)Hs. is. ized and "prepared· ~. functiea are "steadily moving. fOrward l ' "expanding concern for the upi tl'te different cultures and back- toxicating experience provokes tOw~· the JlIoint of haVing: five' versal Church and in particular as soon, as possible' after the fH'st l:l'OUnds of one anothelz, II new' ..sheeks and tension. This is. a fact.. per cent of their personnel serv for the Church in: Latin- America; of the year." ' Accompanying the letter. W81i. t,rpe'of attitude is beginniag.,wAlthough there are ltther ill ·ing:ift Latin America, the execu "Nearl,. all the- more- impoF an enclosure eJlplaining, possible appear in men wh~ without ·de.. tel'pretations of this fact, I adopt tive director of the Catholic Uni taM commtmities were making: sptsing or relinquishing the cui;. . the view that the-. tensiona be ways for a senate to- be-elected; versi£y of Puerto Rico's Inter definite contributions toward ttire' af their own eountri~ are . Ul'een the. different social groups American Center said here.
possible'matters. that suc~ a"~ learning . D1)t to impose- but .18. in Latin America resolve them . Reporting on .reCent meetings. building up- the Church' there might handle and exp~anatiofts eommunicate with men· wh9 00-: selves into two i4eof&gical' WhicR' he had in the U. S. with' 'aod anxious ,to fjnd tile- means. of how such senates are- being. gioote from different back- groups, even if their views-are major superiOl's'oJ! some at reli- t& de mOre," Father McNiff said. OI'ganized in other' dioceses. gF6tlnds, from other cultures, unconsciously expressed' 01', ·i.. even if materially thoee C61Hl- . som e instances, in~ve tries have not yet· put t@· lfSe- the' themSelves~ , latest technical resources. . The fintis the ideology ol These new men dQ. e~st ·Mld. .' conservatism. of an those _ _ their. number' is mul~IHYing.' ue satiSfied witb tbe·statua:~· '.-I . President Kennedy, was. "GIle' of who Point oW administrative them.. They· lIre sensible e~gh' and' politic~ corruptio& and not to, try 'and impose- their awa immorality as the root of aI} solUtions, their way of life on present evils. . I, d . o~r countries because they -For those the solution is more . ", . . ' _. . .
know' they might have SI1CCess Ol"~r 'and' honesty:- anifI, the' ful immediate re~lts but, in UJ,e pEoblems. will solve themselves , loA!: run, the artificial sohltions and all will live INlppily ever would not last. after.. .. . Are there other clear t~ds? Those who oppose this view Are the trends which we' have say that the evil has deeper mentioned wrong or incomplete? roots: the structure of their The important thing is- to have countries will have to be modi-' . in mind the main tendenci~s of fied in order to obtain a fair the whole world, whatever they share of development for all, a are; when we examine a detail of better distribution of wealth and· the world: Latin America. 'Fhis new wealth that will benefit·all.. is what we will try to do- now: 'This is the ideology of trans C Whither goes Latin America? formation, or the ideology of the As We See It social revolution. . Latin America has embarked· 'The bitter antagonism between' . : ; .. , ." GAS 'dryer? • because .. GAS ~n a course of. social" economic . these two fundamentally op and political transformation atKl .. PO'sed, positions has· caused ~'. e&yer -neXt to her washer ·talc:es aU the drudgery . : . the clock cannot be set back. . wound!! on. both sides and,. most . .:.' ;1\'~;;of'~the wash. GAS dryers are f~. Profiting· by the' lesoons aS,',' ~o~imately, . thiS aJitag~isn{ ' I ' ~:)~:,wOftn-up instanlty sO .. that wash other countries, there is· 'a:' '1&"10 'De found among Catholics, ·:~':,:;;';~ti!;-.:.. sooner. They :a~ econ~icaI ~ci '~ marked tendency in Latin Ametl' <, aniong Christians: ", I.. ':" ~ ~ pay ;.. themsetv~ GWe·r.-, rea· today towards discovering 'm·,·l; , These :two ideologies. of COIl,:,·' " DeW' form of "social .organizat.iea;:" se.~*ism. .. a n d·· tran~ti<Ja1,::, ....... thatUeps ... ~: ..' , " ",,,' .. i tbat does not.. submit either to· COrresPond to two main.histoF .r,.. tbe- materialism of the developed; _ leal projects: the first ORe corre aifluent countries' of the West, sponds to the ideals of t~ beRe-- , <H' the massificatioD of the Soviet fieiaries of the European Indus 'bloc. trial Revolution and'iits suceessMay one ask: are ~ eiferts lui followers. ~ard a Latin Amet:icaa, self-, . The- ideology of tr.ansformatioR· ; . expression valid? One tWng. k· oorreSpOnds to: tbe bistorimlii-· ;' ,
..,tain: new' S4iIIl:ial stP~ttH'ei' • project of thOse whO. suffere<l thoe . consequences of the unbridled-. cfries_·_. . . _ .. _ prosperity' of the others. . ...~..aI inItoIIation •••' ' ' ' . r- 1IesS·.... IlOCIII = C 'These' definitions are not . '. i .. NOVA SCOTIA (NC)-EmHe ·static. it i" Possible fIX conserv o Petre, a Roman Catholic' Papal ative groups to evolve, into trans- . Volunteer from Deweese, Neb., formist positions and vice-versa. is studying at the Coady Inter- . . It is notfrue tnat III clash' be- . Companr' national Institute here under a tween the two .has been pl'e-: . scholarship from the Bishop's detenninet:I" by" history. am' l~ 'NO~ sTREET'-PilONE~ OS ~7811 ftInd in Germany to prepare for looking att.hem as' ~y' ·are·· an assignment in Natal, Brazil. .today;
Baltimore See Plans For Priests' Senate
Increases For Latin America
/Jfdklhtb~ "'~' ,.
~. - ,
........._,,,.: "'.: "" ,.,'.
.. ti..
" ~GAS_'
Gets Scholarship
k ..
Renef Services Stress Self-Help In Aid Programs WASHINGTON (NC) While continuing to supply food, clothing and medicines to millions of the poor in
boLOGNA (HC)' The 'CitY'! eouncil of Bologna, Italy, has be
stowed honorary citizenship upon its Genoese-born arch bishop, Giacomo Cardinal Ler earo' and decorated him with an award reserved for citizens who bave advanced the city's welfare. The decision of the communist-' dominated council was unani
various areas of the world, Cath olic Relief services - National Catholic Welfare Conference last mous. year stressed development pro grams designed to help people become self-sufficient and to take responsible roles in devei oping their own communities. This is pointed out in the an nual repQrt of the U. S. Cath olicS' overseas relief agency, .which said its program in the year under report had a value of $181,714,276.60. In the last fiscal year, CRS NCWC dispatched to 77 coun tries or areas 2,175 shipments of relief supplies having a gross weight of 1,500,565,035 pounds and valued at the highest annual total ever-$135,867,910.39.
It was pointed out that U. S.
government - donated foodstuffs
. distributed by CRS-NCWC and its counterparts overseas ac counted for $96,668,950.41 of the total. Since its establishment in 1943, CRS-NCWC has sent overseas foodstuffs, clothing, medicines and other relief supplies having a gross-'weight of 7,853,446 tons (15,706,891,000 Ibs.) and valued at
$1,617,333,555, for distribution to
the needy without regard to race,
color or creed.
AIn-Time IHIngb
, For the sixth consecutive year,
the 1965 Thanksgiving Clothing
Campaign amassed an' all-time
high-19,600,000 pounds of cloth
ing, shoes, bedding and blankets•
.. During the 1966 program year,
a total of 4,291,230 pounds of ,
~edical 8Iid surgical supplies,
valued at $9,395,137.88, was dis
tributed in 63 countries.
. Also in the past year, $1,750,
000,000 was channeled through
CRS-NCWC to support socio
economic development projects.
As in the past, most of the funds
for these projects have been fur nished from. outside the United States, a total of $1,667,850.15 baving come from the German bishops' relief organization, lVIisereor; Oxfam of England,
and other fund-raising agencies 'in foreign' countries.
WASHINGTON (NC) - Law rence Cardinal Shehan of Balti more was cited for his contribu tions to' the cause of reunion of the Eastern Orthodox and Ro man Catholic' Churches at cere monies sponsored by the St. Paul Center here. Cardinal Shehan was the re cipient of the Chrysostom lVledal named for St. John Chrysostom,
Includmg Saturdays
Prelate Retires MIAMI BEACH (NC)-Msg£. William Barry, 80, has resigned as pastor of St. Patrick's church here after more than 40 yeam in the post. He said he took the action in compliance with the papal directive for bishops and priests to retire after reaching age 75.
••• yOU SAVE MO~e
Id£til Gifts For The Music Lover
LANE Record Cabinets
$79. 95 . Cube Design, Walnut Finish $54.95
ContempQrary Walnut Hold~,)50 LP's $54.95
You have a choice mamffilentic design~panish
French, Contempor~.and Early American with
m-op fronts and sliding door styles with dividers so you can stand y~ :records upright and hold .. up to 150 LP albums. Graceful woodwork expertly
finished. Crafted Taw.. JLaiOO makers of .famous
Sweetheart Hope Chests. Make yOU1' selection
ooon-a smail down payment will :resei"W your
ehoice f.oo' Cblristm~·. deUv~
NEW YORK (NC) - Mayor
John V. Lindsay of New York
bas advocated a wide open birth
control program-allowing we}.:
fare workers to give birth con
trol information to clients,
whether or not they ask for it.
U tl d e r present regulations.
welfare workers may give such
hlformation only if a client re
,quests it. The mayor said: "Ie:
most eases the question is ne~
asked." . The mayor took his stand iii an address at a luncheon' Of Ute fianned Parenthood ~ New. York, He said ~ Wid
discussion' about the probl_ with Gov. Nelson Rockefeller fit llew Yoork. Jm Albany a spokesman for the
~vemor said br law aa:y dee
eions "on this subject are the
eole J:esponsibility of 1be BoaJ'4,
of &eial Welfare." The sPokes
'C JDaIl added: "This is not n matter ~ which he ('Mayor iokldsap)
Jaaa aDJ' jurisdiction."
Designer' Styled Spinet Pianos by Kimball :Brand new :Designer-Styled ModeJs in your ehoice of wood finishes and eoror' Combinations. Rich, golden. tone~ fo)J key bOard, 10 Yearmanufactur
ere guarantee. Price includes initial' tmlinjr plus on~ additional tuning ana )'REE DELIVERY.
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eillent IutJget Ie-.
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Mew BectfoJd Gaild
Your Choke
Lindsay Favo~$ Open Program
'JIae monthly meeting fill tile IJew Bedford Guild tar the Und
Bet1edulecl for tonig'lrt at 8 tn the Ktnigbts o:f Colmnbus Hall win have all llm feature (1 Oh:natrmt:!
THE ANCHOR Thur.s., Dec. 8,
archbishop of Constantinople in the fourth century, and vene rated by both Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches. The medal was presented by Bishop Justin Najmy, recently named apostolic exarch for Mel-' kite-rite Catholics in the United States. Presiding was Archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle of Washing- . ton.
The Furniture Wonderland of the East Open qail~ 9 A.M. to 10 P.M.
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laqest Jurnitue8 Showroo....
Priced from'
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Faff River- Thurs:, Dec. 8, 1966
Advises ,Laymen to 'Speak Up'
.McCarthy Misunderstands Priests Association By Msgr. George G. Higgins (Dnrector, Social Actieu Dept., NCWC) , When Father William DuBay of Los' Angeles first IIftnounced that he planned to arganize a priests' union, an 0IlterpHsing reporter inimea!ately corn:ered AFL-CIO Presi dent George Meany and asked if he"would be prepared to gi'ant a charter to such 'an ly reminds the priests of Chicago 4n.·ganization. My recollectian that ~'the problem is that the se @f Mr.' Meany's characteris mantic game they are tically blunt reply is rather with Church authorities contains hazy at the moment, but I seem· tOrecall that he dismissed Father ][)uBay's. pro. posal ,out of hand and sug gested no doubt with a twinkle in his eye . , that the matter of af filiation be re ferred to Jimmy Hoffa, president of the Interna tional Brother hood of Team- . sters. I took it for granted at the time that President Meany was merely having a li ttle' innocent fun at Hoffa's expense. It never entered my mind that the Team sters would take his suggestit)(\ seriously. I ·am' now beginning to suspect, however, that perhaps I was being a little naive, for a reCent arti'cle oy·;r~ke McGarthY,',editor of tHe' Missouri. Teamster, pas sionately supports' FatherDiJ Bay's proposal and severely cag~ ligates those priests who, because of stupidity and/or craven ~r-. vility, refuse to go along with it. It's entirely possible, then, that llhe Teamsters would be willing to grant a charter to a priests union if one were ever estab lished, unless, of course, Mr..Mc Carthy (as I strongly suspect) was merely letting off a little post-conciliar steam unofficially mnd was speaking only for him aelf, . Angry Critic Be that as it may, McCarthy e3mes through in hi!.! article ("Chicago Priests-A Union or lust an 'Association' ") as a very angry middle-aged Catholic whB , is fed up right to here with the American hierarchy, who takes l'J.imself aad the labor movement much too seriously indeed, and who seems. to think that he knows considerably more ,about the Catholic clergy in the 'United States than' he actually ·does. The immediate target of his ever-so-righteous indignation is the recently established Assecia- . tion of"Chicago Priests, of which this writer is proud to be a mem ber and about which' he can claim to know a great deal more than Mr. McCarthy has taken the the trouble to learn. The ACP, Mr. McCarthy states rather apodicticaUy, is really a union, but for some unaccount able reason the exploited, and downtrodden priests of ChicagCl refuse to call it that. 'S·tupid, Cowardly' This,'he says, is rather stupid, not to say cowardly, on their part, but, then, what difference does it really make in the ,long run, he asks rather indulgently in a rare moment of benign and almost patronizing tolerance. After all, as Gertrude Stein taught us many years ago, a rose is a rose is a rose, no matter what you call it.. So, says' Mr. McCathy, "Who cares about words? 'Association' will do-it does for the International Asso ciation of Machil'lists, ·for exam ple." . H Mr. McCarthy's unexpected tolerance on this particulaJ!' point is rather gratifying, it is alsO, alas, very short-lived. In tBe very next sentence he impatient
two dangers: '''I.) Tha.t in denying their own identity, they are dissipating their potential strength (unless they just wanted' t6 get some thing off their chests), as if to say, 'look, boys, we really don't have any power and don't really want it.' 'Repudiate Concept' "2)' That in stating so force fully that 'we are not a union,' they deny their own Church's avowed teachirig that unions are a dignified and effective, indeed an essential, instrument of hu man action to achieve redress'of grievances on the part of work el'S, Why repudiate this concept? Why say 'we are above it'? Are they afraid some conservative parishioners will be scandalized, or that 'union' is a dirty word?" , "It seems to us," Mr. McCarthy adds for good measure,- "that if the Chicago priests waht 'success,
FIRST: The first Negro priest for the diocese «;>f Steu benville will be ordained here Saturday by· Bishop John K. Mussio: He is Father Augus tus R. Taylor, Jr., a native of. . Cincinnati and the oldest of .seven children. NC ,Phoro.
TOLEDO (NC)-A theologian' from John Carroll University, Cleveland, has advised the laity:· "You must speak up. Create a vivid, live public' opinion." Father John D. Gerken, S.J., in a lecture here extracted pas, 'sages from 'various Second Vati .can- Council docum.ents to but tress·.his advice. He said the .best passages on the laity', perhaps are to be found in the Decree ,on the Missionary Activity of the Church, in which paragraph' 21 sums up the way a layman is to 'consider him'self in speaking of "a 'laity wo,rthy of the name working' along with the hier archy." He also stressed that the De cree on Priestly Life and 'Minis try states: "Priests must sin cerely acknowledge and promote the dignity of th~ laity and the role which is proper to them in the missi9n of the Church. They . should scrupulously honor that
a'~ pastoral letter strongly criti-.
cizing the Catholic Church's re- ',' they must confront the burning vised rules for mixed marriage.
'problem iii their today The 'past()r'a'1': .1·nsl·sts 'that' the
the problem of fear'. vs., con-' science and personal freedom for changes are only supedicial'and the clergy. After all, that's what that the reaffirmation of the it's aU about in the first place." Catholic Church's traditional Mr, McCarthy is obviously en teaching '''came as a grave dis titled to his own opinion on 'this appointment to Christians of matter, but if he had done any' many traditions." . . homework at all on the origins Criticizing the Instruction on and purposes of the Association Mixed Marriages issued by the Bf Chicago Prili!sts, he would Vatican as· "unecumenical';' the know that its officers and rnem pastoral added: . bers don't agree with him, not "The instruction is unaccept because they are stupid or cow able because it requires as a con ardly but simply because they dition of the marriage a promise 'happen to know more than he from the Church of Ireland part daesabout their 'specific role in ner whereby all' the children the Church. born of the marriage are claimed . ACP Pu!l'poses for the Roman Catholi y Church.!' The purpo~es of the ACP are, " "It-' ~s ne·ce·ssary. to say." the s~ated very. succinctly in ArticI'e"" bisl;iops continued, "that mem II M its official Constitution:bers of the Church' of Ireland 1. To cooperate as an Association 'have consCiences also which can with the .Bishop in his pastoral be disturbed and scandalized in role; 2.. T,?promote effective th~s matter.; . . . , . cemmunication among priests; "" "It' is our-earnest hope that 8. To promote dialogue on .every th~se provisions will not be- al level within the Christian com- lowed to become a permanent mUl!ity; 4: To seek common so:" obstacle in the way of that grad-' lutions to problems affecting the ual drawing together of the sun el'\tire community. de'red parts of Christendom," Father Dennis Geaney, O.S.A., 'the pastoral letter concluded. who covered the ACP's constitu-' tional conven.tion for the weekly Catholic magazine, Ave Maria, likened to union-busting incus . and who knows t~e Chicago trial barons of an earlier period clergy intimately, correctly in the history of Americancapi points out that there is really a talism. difference in kind between such No wonder Mr. McCarthy is so an association and a labor union. wrought up about the ACP's· re "A labor union," he says, "ne fusal to ·call itself a union. Given gotiates; the ACP structures a his .analysis of the relationship dialogue. A labor union uses between priests and bishops in strikes and work stoppages as the United States, his criticism of weapons; the ACP researches the the ACP is understandable. problem area, seeks to find a Jaundiced Approach consensus and presents its fine Again, of·course, he is entitled ings. to the archbishop. to his own opinion. But the rec Naked lI"ower , ord will show, I think, that he is "Since the 'whole thrust of·the merely ·giv!ng' vent to his own council was to blur the status post-conciliar frustrations and is distinctions between God's holy not speaking for a majority of people, any thought of divisive': American priests or a majority ness would be abhorent to the of Catholic trade unionists and! ACP." . liberal Catholic laymen. Not so, it would seem, to Mr. In closing, may I make it per McCarthy. On the contrary, he fectly clear that -this column is thinks of the ACP almost exclu not intended to be critical of sively in teI'JJll of naked. eco Father DuBay as an individual. nomic power and compares the He, too, has.a right to hi. own priests who belong to it - and opinion with :regard to the or American priests in general-to ganization of clerical unions, ·but, indigeous natives strugglirig for to the extent that it, parallels their freedom and independence Ml'. McCarthy':; rather jaundiced against the exploitation and 0010 approach to the same subject, . nial domination of their bishops, I must respectful1¥ disagree with . wbo, in another context, ;al"e it.
Farm Help ALBACETE (NC) - Peasant. farmers stand to benefit from the decision of the Diocese- of Alba cete, Spain, to reject the legacy 'of a "$166,000 farm. The farming' of the land has been the villag ers' sole meims of support and they can now become proprieton of the land. \
0-Isere d-t I M-axe d M Laws . ~rriiOrge DUBLIN (NC)"":'" Archbishops
and bishops of the Anglican
Church of Ireland. have issued..
just freedom which is due every one in this earthly city. "They should listen· to the laity willingly, consider their wishes in a fraternal spirit, and recognize their experience and competence in the different areas of human activity, so- tha~ togther with them they will be able to read the signs of the times. "You haven't got a true 'Church unless there is coopera !ion of clergy and laity," Father Gerken said.
Christmas. Is Christ's Birthday. To show Him you love Him, sacrifice something for the.poori •.. In Chethipuzha, India, hundreds of young Christians are being Christ all over again-no room for them at the 'DonBosco Catechetical Institute. With over 2,QOO boys and girls wanting to learn about Christ, hundreds of them have-to sit down out-of·doors for class. DiffiCUlt? Rain and wind make these classes almost impossible. Won't ,you bring them in for Christmas? Fatl1er Thomas Fe,lix writes, ,i• •• will someone ,open his heart? $2,850 wtll build the desper~ly needed classrooms." . . • In Jordan, not far from Bethlehem, Infants In makeshift 'Bedouin tents ,shiver In their sleep on the desert sand. $8 will buy four blankets. ... Refugee.'famllles in miserable camps can be kept in milk, che~ fleur, for only '$10 a month. Remind us, If you ·feed'8 family for.a month, to send you-8n Olive Wood Rosary 1151 our thank-you. . . • Christ's .Birthdayis just two weeks away. Your gift to the missions say~ to Him, "/ love· You." ••• What ere "the missions"l They are peOple, not ·placena~s. They are lepers, cancer sufferers, the blind, the .aged, foundlings, homeless refu gees. They ani th& people for whom Christ be ·came an infant, and' was. crucified. What you do for the hungJ;V, the shivarlng,the.abandoned, He said, you do for Him: .•. How to celebrat•. CI1rist'.s .Birthday? Do something for the ,poorl We'U1lend,your·g1fts (tax'deductlble,tnthaU~ &.. of cour,se)'to tha HvIy Father. He'11. use. ttIem ex~ctly'as YQU request.
0 -0 $lO;OOOwill build a parIsh "pfanf' campI.
GiFT -(church, schoo!, rectory, convent)· somewhe,. :HECK overseas. Name It 'for your ftworlte ulnt, In .your lov~ ones' memOJY. . (l.A church can 'I» built for $8,800, e schoof' for .$3; 26l>.· The 'Bishop In charge wUl write to you. iJ The Holy Fattier USQ stringless glfta'ln any amount ($5,000,$1,500; $500, $100, $50; $2lt, $10,$5,$2) where they're needed most. ' o It costs only $8.:508 month ($100 a·yeai}to train a native priest. For·$l2.50 a month ($150 a year) you can tralna· native Sister. Payments at yourconvenienc€l, of course.
Dear lIIonsignor Nolan: . Please
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with your
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. FRANCIS CARDINAL SPEllMAN, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National secretary WrIte: CATHoLle Nl!AR EAST ,WElfARE AssDC. /) 330 Madis~n Avenue.' New Yorn, N.Y. 10011 Telephone:212/YUkon 6'5840
Spain Freedom
MADRID (NC)-Spain took a step toward religious :l:reedlom when the nation's chief of state, Generalissimo Francisco Franco, announced the introduc:" tion of laws liberalizing the nation's religious and political life. The new laws to be submitted to a referendum early in Decem ber, grant government protection to the principle of religious free dom, in effect permitting the practice of non-Catholic reli gions. This marks the first time since the late 1930s that Spain has approved the practice of any religion except Roman Catholi cism. Even under the new laws, however, Catholicism will re main the official state religion.. For several years, government enforcement of laws barring other faiths has been relaxed and the piscreet practice of other religions permitted. Even so, many Spaniards were eager for the new laws and are awaiting still other promised laws that will specifically abol ish old regulations limiting reli gious ireedom. . The liberalization of law.s re lating to religion reflects the cautions reorganization begun by Franco to align Spain's pe liticallife with the practices and the beliefs of other Western 8ations. Anxious to insure stability when he surrenders control or dies, F I' a n.c 0 has carefully planned a withdrawal from one man rule to' constitutional mon archy. In the course of his 27 year rule, the Spanish leader has engineered several laws designed to shift the nation to another form of government. The new revisions in the na ti{)n's political code are a step further in this modernization. Delivered by Franco in a 53 minute speech before the Cortes, the country's parliament, the latest revisions create a premier, chosen by the chief of state for a. five-year term. Currently Franco holds both positions. Other reforms include a wider popular vote for representatives in the Cortes, the expansion 4)f the electorate to include an married women, the increase of the workers" voice in labor ufiiOll operations~ the limiting of the powers of the Falange, the na tion'sonly legal political party, and the invitation from Franco for dissent within the nation's political structure. This invitation may be ac cepted by many of Franco's 0p ponents, formerly imprisoned by the Spanish chief and now re turned to political life following a general am'nesty issued in October.
HARTFORD (NC) - Theolo gians who condemn evolution out-of-hand were sharply critic ized heer in Connecticut for making a judgment in a field about which they know little or nothing. Father John L. McKenzie, S.J., notee. Scripture scholar, has told a gathering of priests, Sisters and lay people that theologians have been too willing to condemn evolution "without really lmow inganything about it." Father McKt.nzie, currently visiting professor of Old Testa m'ent at "he University of Notre Dame, said that the hypothesis of evo' 'ion "I< no longer sub~ mitted to the criticism of theolo gians, nor should it be, any more than the conclusions of theolo gians should be submitted to the natural sciences for criticism. The fact is that neither knows enough ftbout the othe,"s field to make a v·alid jud&:ment."
1f~~V~G' - ~~
CHURCH AND UNICEF AT W-QRK IN SAIGON: A Sisler of Pr~vidence of Porl ieux pOurs a cup of milk for a· young refugee at one of the many crowded refugee areas Rear Saigon. 'l'he milk, sent by the UN Children's Fund, is distributed in eooperation' with the overseas Catholic Relief Services, agency of American Catlwlics.
ALBANY (HC)-AttoYneys fOI New York s~de asked that a controversial l.CW law wbich re quires public schools to lend textbooks to' parochial school pupils be uph::-!d. The case was argt::ed here before the state Appellate D·v·sion Court. On Aug. 19, Supreme Court Justice T. Paul Kane I'1l!]ed the law violated both state and fed eral constituEonal provisions on separation of Church and State. His ruling was stayed by the Appellate D:v;si&n pending the appeal. The state has proceeded with the textbuol~ program,' which went into died Sept. 1. . . After' arguments before five judges, the appellate di~ision took the case under advisement. It is held likely that regardless of the appellate division dee> sion, the case will be appealed to the state's ~:ghest tribunal, thE' Court of Appeals, and the Su preme ~:lUrt. "Fhe amended 19fi5 law, gives school districts up to $15- in stat-e aid· for eacli pupil per year I-or three years to buy textbooks ,. .and ·lend them to p'.lpHs of noo-. ,. publk -schools. The grants .apply w~r~ 7 to 12.
Reviews History· of Wo·men1s ·C'olle.ges Je$uit Says Popularity Encouragi·ng Change " .
NEW YORK (NC)-The long struggle of women's colleges in this country to the present pla teau of eminence was traced by a veteran Jesuit ~ducator here. Father Robert L Gannon, S.J., president emeritus of Fordham University, a chief speaker at the 50th anniversary cqlebration of St. Joseph's College for Wom en in Brooklyn, recalled proph ecies that colleges for women were a passing fad. He added . that gradua.te schools today are erowded with brilliant women. "The present popularity 0f worx:Jen's colleges in America is -e of the few .encouraging changes that modern times can b~. about," Father Gannon said.
"A long time ago there were seminaries for females, but here in the United States women got in~ college first when they in vaded Oberlin as co-eds in 1t133 -tiH'ee years before the Sisters of S1. Joseph opened their firSt American school in Carondelet. "Vassar in 1861 was the first college set aside for women and Trinity in 1897, our first Cath , olic college for women-or was it Notre Dame of Maryland. We Statement must let them settle that them selves.
Evolution Criticism Is Scored
THE ANCH Thurs., Dec.
"Even after the turn of the century, Catholic public opinion was too firmly convinced on the desirability of such rigorous in tellectuality for women," hlol continued. "For example, The Catholic Encyclopedia as late as 1911, carried an article by a learned Redemptorist which sought to reassure the troubled male -of the last generation. 'There is nO need,' he Wrote, 'to fear the ·over-crowding of the academic profession by women * " " Na ture has a- regulating power.' " Stresses Liberal Arts hope seemed to be that because of some quota arrangee by nature, the overwhelming majority 'of females would fail in their studies. You know the line, 'women have tremendous intuition but they can't think.' As it turned out nature has fallen 'down rather badly fln the job of re~ulating. Our graduate "Th~
schools are crowded with bril liant women," he asserted. Father Gannon said no college can prepare its students for ev ery-sort· of vocation "except through the ancient way of the wisdom studies-philosophy, lit erature, history, languages and pure science-:;;tudies that liber ate the mind, that cultivate in-
telligence, conscience and taste in the light of both reason and Revelation; studies that win convince a girl after four years of college work, that she has just begun her education, just learned to handle the instru ments,· just learned how to treat
a book so that she can go on learning for the rest of her .life."
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.AFRICAN ART: Adaptation of the Nativity· scene was . ~reated in the African manner at the Center of African . Sculpture in Serima; ., Rhodesia, in the diocese of Gwelo. NC
, for Congress
Sees C?IPPortunity. to Witness For Ch[j'Dst, Help Educate' Polifricians
MILWAUKEE (NC)-"I see' reason why a nun could not run for Congress," a pdest-soci owgist asserted here. Father Raymond H. Potvin, associate sociology professor at the Catholic University of Amer . lea, Washington, D. C., told some. 1,800 nuns . at the M.ilwaukee '.", 'archdiocesan teachers institute' , .. here, that in a secular activity". . sUch as running for Congress a nun .can witness for Christ and "'maintain the basic function which remains religion's - the transmission of. ultimate values." Father Potvin's address devel- . ,.ped three main t:lemes--secu larization of "religion. increased loss of functions for. religious communities and -the" rise of an Ideology of f~eedpm. and activ Ism. o "All of these processes call for bnportant adjustments in' the role of the nun and the structure of 'religious communities,". he said.' . He emphasized that secular or ganizations now are handling. more 'activities previously re served for" 'religious organiza DO
. Foundatioi'il ~Ii'CDnts DETROIT (NC)-The Univer sity of Detroit ·has.received two National Sci en c e Foundation grants for. training higl1 school mathematics teachers, totaling $59,950. The two grants .bring to a total of $1,480,971 the amount . o of National Science Foundation monies received by the universi Q.y's mathematics department. WIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11I11I11I1111I11I111111I11III II 11I11II11111111e POIl.DSH-IENGLISH MASS BOOC(S ~AV
THE. MASS contains complete lllrdmary.Canon of Mass, 120 Polish Inglish Hymns, Stations, Gorzki Zale, £onfessioll·Rosary' Guides. 160 pgs. cloth $2.85 160 pgs. paper $1.75 llt your religious dealer or write: . REV. PAUL P. WYSOCKI 1ft. L\dalbert Church, Thompsonville, Conn. f4'ee ·Oe~crjptive literature 06082. _U1I11I1I11I11llll"II111W11l1ll11l11tJ11l11ll1l1ltW1Il1W
tions. He suggested 'that Sister hoods might "consider seriously giving up the government, fi nancing and -control of such or ganizations" and compete with the secular' organizations. Dr. Charles' O'Reilly, sociolo gist at the University of Wiscon sin, seconded the idea of a nun running for Congress, and added nuns could do "a better job of . educating' politicians and office holders" in some fields. O'Reilly urged nUllS to take active part in such controversial fields as civil rights and to fight for their rights as women.
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Fans Awalt Court
THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Fall River-'-Thurs.• Dec. 8. 1966' "
Durfee and Coyle Loom Best .In County Basketball loop
Roger Prelontaine of. New Bedlord p
By Peter Bartek
the new year when they will open the i r 14-game league schedules. ODe 01. :ROO Coach Tom Karam's elassy Durfee High quintet of Fall River will be out to duplicate Us Eastern Mass. ehampionship of last season. Coach. Jim Lana gan's Ms·gr. Coyle High club of Taunton is the pre-season choice to wage the major competition for the 0Ver-strong Fall River Hilltoppers. Coyle,year in and year out, is represented by B fonnidable combination. Six-foot, five-inch ErnieFlem ing looms as the tower of strength in the Karam camp. The :nurfee center, who was chosen :IS the most valuable player in· } a s t Winter's Eastern Mass. .mampionship competition, is alml included among the 100 best high school cagers. in United States' by ,'il national basketball publication. Jack ~yle-quick, a smooth ball handler· and so excellent play maker-will lead the Durfee machine-like offensive unit ill. its bid to repeat last year's suc Iless. Doyle is a typical product of 1{aram who drills his club to avoid costly mistakes while cap italizing on the opposition's mis ~. It has been this talent that has crowned the annual ·success SUI efforts of the Fall River men ~ whose team looks like the top _tender tor league honors. Tolle DaFk Horse . Freddy Martin, unquestionably _ CIlf the best bigh school players in the entire state, will llJ)earhead the Coyle elub. Mar till, an extremely accurate shoot er and a defensive· stalwart, ill ti:le individual player upon whom c.,ach Lanagan ·counts on to lead h Taunton combine to the BCL title. The 6:-2 forward will duo with Harold Cromwell in the fi-ont court.. Cromwell" a most ~pable pivotman, will provide ,. t ~ e all-important rebounding strength 'that every team needs' if it is to chalk-up II winning lIleason. Malden Catholic will meet the Lanagan lads m" ·tile latter's opening co,ntest at the Coyle High gym in Taunton at 1:30 nelft Sunday afternoon. Coyle's tim league encounter will be· against Durfee on Tuesday night, Jan. 3 in the Fall River Annory. New Bedfol1'Q Vocational, which paid the price last season when it was building for the future, is definitely the league':! dark-boll'SC this Winter. Feehan Nucleus Stro08 GomeG' has been a name repeti tiously appearing on the scorecard !lImost every year IJt Vocational Dnd it win be a wery populaR' name again this season. "in Gomes will be out to duplicate ~e tremendous showing of his elder brothers wben they were lit the same secondary school. :nt was one of Vin's brothers who led Vocational to its last appear ance in tile Tech tourney. And, the word eaming out of ~ew :Bedford is that Vin is e~ery bit the equal of his brothenl. John Quintal, probably best Jmo~' foil' 'hili ba5ebal! acooIDo>
G~ard at" University of Mass•
Coach Lauds Determination @f Stang Grad
Korioo Bleb Coaeh
Eight Bristol County scholastic league teams-which,
o!m the whole, play aEl gOOd basketball as any in the. State:...-. are !ready to begin the 1966-67 campaign with an eye to next March's Eastern Mass. cbampionship ·playoffs. The pennant aspirants will plishments inasmuch es be is be engaged in non-league considered potential m a j 0 I' competition, foll' the moat league material, will' combine part, until after the turn of with Gomes in the l!>ttempt to
An bonor student at Bishop
Stang Higt.t ·School, Roger Pre :fontaine is pursuing a teaching and coaching career at the Uni
versity of Massachusetts in Am
herst and also played a promi-. nent role on the football team in 1966.
A 20-year old sophomore from overtake both Durfee and Coyle. New Bedford, he was the start Quintal, three-letter athlete,' is ing middle guard with the 'de 2 versatile individual who will fensive unit at UMass, which probably work out of the back was· outstanding in helping the eourt. 0 • Redmen to unbeaten 5-0 Yankee Four of last year's regulars are Conference championship and returning for - action with the 6-3 overall record. Bishop Feehan High quintet of Praised by Fusia Attleboro which, like Vocational, Head coach Vic Fusia had high eould run off with the honors. Dave Kirby and Jim Parker are pl'aise for Prefontaine, terming the returning forwards. Bruce the former Stang star, "a hard working, determined player who McDonald will be at center agai'n was a valuable ~performer for this season and Pete Phipps will ,the Redmen this FalL" be in the. back court. Fusia also .noted that Roger is Stang in Rematch a very coachable young man who Coach Jim Cassidy will have improved constantly each week to look to last season's junior of th~ season and became an in varsity for his starting club at tegral part of our strong defen Attleboro High. But this situa sive unit." tion is not new to Cassidy who The son of Mr. and Mrs. Mar has overcome the same problem cel Prefontaine of 90 Robeson in the past with teams that have Street, Roger is one of four chil kept the Jewelry City school dren and a member of Sacred high in the league standing. Heart Parish in New Bedford. Coach John O'Brien, whose The five-foot, 10 inch, 210 forecasts are more closely pountl lineman was indoctri aligned with the gloomy predic Hated by Carlin Lynch, when tions of football' coaches, . has the latter was head football Craig Williams and Pat Desmond at· Stang, High.. Now the as the key players this season 'at coach a$Sist:lOt Ho~y Cross mentor, Bishop Stang High in North· Lynch talked of Prefontaine Dartmouth. O'Brien's club which fondly. finished second to Durfee in the Roger is the second of'four BCL last season, . gives a good accounting each campaign. Last children. An older brother Rene season, Stang reached the Q,uar- is manied and resides in Mon ..ter-finals in the Eastern Mass. treal, a younger Robert is a ehampionships and the finals in junior and member of the foot
ball team at Stang -and a sister, the New England Catholic toUll' Rachael is· a student at Sacred Ilament. AB II junior in 1962, Roger During the Fall sessions' :PreHeart School in New Bedford. Stang's get-away game irl Dick Bresciani, assistant sports started at guard for Stang and fontaine, an unknown th~ seHS~ scheduled tomorrow night information director at UMass· was a member of the Spartans before in the UMass foo'tballl against Cardinal Spellman High revealed that· Prefontaine was ;; unbeaten BCL champions. He setup, worked with the deferisive of Brockton which' defeated the major cog with the Redmen de was awarded an honorable men- unit and won a starting bertb O'Brien elan .i~ the N. E. Cath fense and was part of the unit, tion on the All-League squad. . prior to the opener ag~insn olic tournament fi!1allast season. that came through with 10-goal. , ' Great Desire· Maine at Amherst. ., , Coach Bob Reedy ill his first·' line stands in helping the team·. Lynch told The Anchor· that· The Sacred Heart pal'isnionei" )'ear at ~ helm llt Taunton win its third Yankee Conference Prefontaine was a self made was ePlployed in a fact~ry if:! footb~Jl 'player who ·possessed 'ratmton last Summer, but man High is eonfronted with exactly crown in four years: v tremendous desire, was quick·· ·aged tc find time to enjoy ·swim the saine Bltuation as Cassidy at Gl'acJuated with :R~nors Bnd agile while at Stang. ' •.. ming, boating and water skiing Attleboro. He bas no', "regulars Prefontaine termiti"ted bis The former Stang coach re- on Long Pond· in Freetown ,returning and must build from the bottom up with last Winter's scholastic career in 1964 when vealed that Prefontaine was tne· where his family spent P'a~·t oil graduated with boftors from hardest working boy he had ever the vacation months. ",.;. junior varsity best. The lack of Stang. ' , experience will probably keep eoached and loved the game of The New Bedford youth com the Herringtown outfit-in the ., pleted his, gridiron· . auties the football. He was diligent and lower part of the BeL standing. . ded,icated,Lynch added.· previous Fall helping Stang to Roger is detennined to become Injury Burts Nortb finish its second season.of varsity a teach~r and coach following' The loss of Steve'Stack, -caused football with au 8-1 record and his graduation from the Univer by' an automobile injury, ·de second place in tlie Bristol sity of Massachusetts. He missed ' Est. 1897 prives North A.ttleboro High of County League. . i'ootball last year, but tried out one player upon whom it was His efforts earned him a start Supp'i~s for" the Redmen squad during counting to keep it in contention. ing berth at tackle on ·the All "-~343 Purchase Street stack was quarterback on the Bristol County League team. As Spring drills and so impressed Fusia that he was assigned.2 New Bedford gridiron eleven when he was .n oonior he was described as a varsity uniform. 996-5661 injured illl the mishap. North, big 180 pounds and one of the Oilller Hobbies which has officially denied alllY fastest interior linemen in the intention of switching to the ai"ea. Hockomock League, looks to All BeL coaches agreed that Ron Ouimet to pilot the Red Prefontaine was able at break Rocketeers to a contending spot ing up plays when on defense m the Bristol County loop. and ran interference for back The eight are mindful of the field teammates in a manner importance of every contest in judged tops in-the loop. asmuch as they must win at least '10 per eent of their games to qualify for the Eastern Mass. playoffs.
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