Feeha n H,igh School Drive Total Exceeds $1,325,000 The Greater Attleboro are~ $1,225,000 drive to build the new Bishop Daniel F. Feehan regional high school has not only achieved its goal but total contributions now. approximate $1,:.l25,000, Rev. William D. Thomson, fund director, announced, today, The Most Reverend Bishop, pleased with the enthusiastic response to continue his program of religious secondary education in the diocese congratulated the G rea t e r Attleboro area workers, religious and faith-
ful last night for the excellent work ,they have done in the successful drive. St. Mary's Parish, Seekonk, became the sixth' parish to pass its quota for the campaign. John L. Marshall announced' at last night's meeting that St.' Mary's had reached a total of $70,808. ' Rev. Cornelius J. Keliher, pastor, commended the workers and parishioners for, their spirit of sacrifice and devotion to Catholic Education. The Greater Attleboro campaign is the second successful fund":raising undertaking conducted within the Diocese for regional high schools in the last two years. Greater New Bedford residents-from Westport to Wareham-also over-subscribed the established mark for the Bishop William Stang high school in North Dartmouth. That institution is accommodating its first freshman class this year.
An Anchor of the Soul, Sur, and Pirm-ST. PAUL ,
Fall River,
Vol. 3, No.' 50 'Second
Thursday,'Dec. 10; 1959 @) 195~,TheAnchor
Mail PrlvileK" Aathori.~ at Fall,Rinr, Ma'!8.
Pontifical Requiem For Father C'abral The Most Reverend B,ishop pontificated at a Solemn Requiem Mass this morning for the late Rev. ,Joseph 'L. Cabral, late pastor of ,Our Lady of Angels ,Church, Fall'River, who died suddenly on Sunday afternoon. Father Cabral, who had been pastor of the Fall River Church since 1952, was the son of the late Joseph Pereira Cabral and Elvira Augusta Rosa Cabral. Born in Milpitas, California, on May 29, 1896, Father Cabral received his secondary school edueation at Santa Clara University High School and attended Santa Clara University. He made' his philosophy and theology studies at St. Patrick's Seminary, Menlo Park, California, and St. Mary's Semil1ary in Baltimore. He was ordained for the Diocese of, Fall River on .June 13, 1929 by the late Most Rev. Michael J. Curley, Archbishop of' Baltimore, in the Baltimore Cathedral. Fall River Churches Upon his ordinatIon,' Father 'Cabral served as assistant at Im_ maculate Church, New Bedford, St.- Anthony,' Santo Christo and St. Michael's Churches, all in Fall River, ~ and was temporary administrator of St. Anthony's Church in Fall River before beTurn ~o Page Fifteen
Bradford, Durfee Students Form Newman Club The Most Reverend Bishop has appointed his secretary and Vice-Chancellor of the Diocese, Rev. John H. Hackett,·J.C.D.., to be chaplain of the Newman Club which is being organized at the Bradford Durfee College of Technology in Fall River. The first meeting of the Club' will be held next Tuesday, Dec. 15, at 7:30 P.M. in Room C-8 at the College. Father Hackett will speak on the purpose and value , of the Newman Club, and will , lead a discussion on the subject. Turn to Pagfe Twelve
FIRST DIOCESAN MEETING: Christian Family Movement of Notre Dame Parish, Fall River, sponsored the first Diocesan-wide meeting of the CFM.Seated, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green, St. Mary's Mansfield, and standing, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Moore,' St. JOhn's, Attl~bor9.
World Food ,Gain Tops Population I,ncrease WASHINGTON (NC)-A new State Department study says the only world region where food production is known to lag behind population growth is Oceania, a group of islands in the Pacific. During the past 10 years, says the study, world food production The report says indications has been' winning the race are that the food increase may against increasing popula- continue for many years. It tion, even in underdeveloped estimates that there might be
110 million metric tons of surplus rice and wheat by 1915. The study centerson these two basic foods. However, 'the department said in an earlier study on population growth itself that most increase 'in the, number of people is taking place in areas where "the , By Jack Kineavy majority of people are already : Once again iti~ a pleasure to announce the a'nnual All-Diocesan football team com- living at bare subsistence levels." posed of the ,best Catholic grid players in Southeastern Massachusetts and selected The study on food increase - , with the conscientious assistance of coaches and officials throughout the area. This was says that between 1950 and 1956, an outstanding year, on the gridiron in this and competition for berths on 'the team world population jumped at an. average annual rate of 1.7 per VATICAN CITY (NC)-The was the keenest ever. Un- ' ' . t . il f f t d Class D Champion; Somerset, and, one back. The ability of cent, while the 'average rate of Ch rls mas vlg 0 as an defeated Monsignor Coyle ' , eomplete abstinence has been Tri-County standard 'bearer, and these youths and the personal increase of world 'food produc&ransfet:red from Thursday, High" Class C 'State Cham- : Attleboro, runner-up -to Coyle in contributions they made to ,their tion averaged "slightly less' thaD teams' showing on the gridiron three per cent.'" Dec. 24, to Wednesday, Dec. 23. pion, placed four men oJ! the Class C,. this-' past Fall impelled us to :J'his 'announcement was ,first te,am. New Bedford which ',. An~ !mally we have fO~Jr men The study maintained that the made' here in a'decree Of the posted a fine 7-0-1 record"':-its In uhlIty status, three linemen accord them first team status in food production increase was Sacred Congregation of the"... best since 19~5-was c~os& behind ~.lClClCCtC~~llC'l~' utility roles. The squad roster-:-, distributed ;uneve~iy among the the largest- in the' history of the Council which was ordered bJ' with three. No few~r than five selections-compr,ises only 'thoSe regions of th,e 'world, but during Pope John xxm. of the All-Diocesan selections boys who were given considera- the ,past ,decade "increased at a The ANCHOR The change of fast and ab·, . were accorded· All-State recograte apprecia,bly greater thaD tion for first team roles. s&inimce to Dec. 23' is perma- . niUon. Other schools represented , ..isa~ nice a' Turn to Page, Seventeen ,Turn to Pag-e Nineteen ncnt.' on the first eleven ;Mansfield,' REV. JOSEPH L. CABRAL
Kineovy Nomes Best High School Catholic Grid Players
The ,Anchor All-Diocesan Team
Fast, Abstinence Now Dec. 23
State Plan'ning Road Blocks To 'Halt Drinking Drivers . No Drinks for Drivers! : That' is the warning of the Massachusetts R~gistry of Motor Vehicles as it undertakes its greatest drive ip. history to 'reduce Bay State highway injuries and 'deaths caused by men and, women opera- . Riley issued the following t ing' automobiles' while under Mr. statement today: the influence of liquor. "As Registrar 'of -Motor VeRegistrar Clement A. Riley hides and Chairman of the Mas-
promises stiff penalties for drivers who are' apprehended. He plans to set up road-blocks throughout the Commonwealth at un-announced places and un~ounced times, in, his deter, • mined bid to make. the. roads
';:'~:.:,:'::.i:f~: fqi ,lajV"~i.4·i.*,:: f~mUi~,
sachusetts Highway Safety Committee, I must again turn to,You for your cooperation and support in the official Massachusetts highway safety program' especially during this month of Decernbel'. ,
,,' ,Tur~f ~::Pa;~, 'Seye,rtteeD ,:~-,:
Christmas Present as you can give!
,Diocese Prays for Success Of'Eis~nhower Peace Trip' : Catholics throughout the Fall River Diocese have joined with fellow Catholics and other citizens' in the country in pr~yi:rig for President Eisenhower as he makes his historic peace to\lr. The Most Reverend Bishop has' directed that for 'the 'time the President. is The prayer that' is being read away, after, every M~s and asks: "0 God; our, refuge and public church, service, ' the our strength, source of all good, prayer ,from 'the Roman hear the earnest praye'rs of Your
We will .,send a beautiful Gift Certificate for you ,with each subscription' p~rcha~; ;Us~, Blank on Page 3 I"
Missal-For Any Necessity-be recited, asking. God to grant, safety to the Chief Executive in his, peace trip and for the success of ,his mission. The President has as his goal to show Ameri!lll's desire, of. ~'p,~ace ,and fr.tend~ -ship'i4 freedom;"',: ;' ;-~: ',~' ..
Church, and grant us the requests we 'make in deep faith. Through our Lord, Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who lives and reigns with' Thee in -the unity of the Holy Spirit, wol'id without end. Amen." To this 'prayer is also atf~AA ,:the. ',iQ.,Vocatioll.j, ':Mary, , ,Quee~~of Peace, pra)" for-us:', "~ ,-
THE ANCHOR......,Dioce~e of Fall River-Thurs., Dec: 10, 1959' "",
How Do You Rate on Facts of Faith 1. 2. 3.
4. S.
6. 7.
Acolyte is another name for:-(a) The Holy Ghost? '(b) The Pope? (c) Altar Boy? (d) Apostle? ' The sprinkler which the priest holds in his 'h~nd to sprinkle hn1" "'ntf'!r durin~ church ,Ceremonies is called· the:....:. I (a) Thurible? (b) Crosier? (c) Aspergillum? (d) Censer? '-'. " _ '''''''rl.jJv.s.ies was present at the Crucifixion. He was:-(a) John the Baptist? (b) Peter? (c) James the Greater? (d) John the Beloved? . Where did' the Ascension of Jesus occur?:-(a) Garden of Gethsemane? (b) Mount Calvary? (c) Mount of Olive? (d) Mount Sinai? . Who is the patron saint of housewives? (a) St. Agnes? (b) St. Anne?' (c) St. Margaret? (d) St. Zita? The days of special penance marking the four sea~ons of the year. are called:-(a) Rogation Days? (b) Ember Days? (c) Vigils? . In 1926, the first American to be appointed. an Apostolic Delegate was assigned to· represent the church in India. He was:(a) Cardinal Mooney? (b) Bishop Sheen? (c) Cardinal Spellinan? (d) Cardinal Stritch? , What does the Pope's benediction "Urbi et Orbi" mean?:(a) "Pray for peace'~?, (b) "To the city and the world'.',?· (c) "Blessings to the world"? (d) "Peace,and prosperity"?" Give yourself 10 marks for each correct answer on Page 5. Rating:' SO-Excellent; 7o-Ver~ 'Good;' 60-G00d; SO-Fair
Legion of Decency
,Mass Ordo
Plans'to>,Appeal; Sunday Closing Law Verdict
PHILADELPHIA (NC)Counsel for a discount SOON that lost an important roUJici in its fight to have Pen... sylvania's new. Sunday - closi~ law ruled unconstitutional said. an appeal "undoubtedly" would be made to the U. S. Supreme Court.. Harold E. Kohn, counsel f_ Two Boys from Harrison, made his statement after a special three-judge Federal court upheld the legality of the 1959 law _which bans the sale of specified items on Sunday. . The 2 to 1 decision means that district attorneys in Pennsylv~ nia's 67 counties may now eltforce the legislation which' Wall signed by Gov.· David L. Lawrence in August.' Enforcement .' MOTORCYCLE ANn STETHESCOPE: Father"John ,had been held 'back, pending' the .' A. Morrison, S.J., veteran of 30"years as a missi~:mab1 'in court 'ruling. .The legislation at'·issue in tb4t India, is shown on his motorcyCle which he uses to ,'cover test suit, filed by the discount his 2,OOO-square-mil~ parish. He' uses the stethescope to ·store .against Lehigh couniit check the healt!l of his parishioners., NC Photo. ' Dist. Atty. Paul A. McGinley • technically an amendment to a 1939 law. The amendment raised penalties from the $4 provided in the 1939 law to a maximum $200 CHAKAI (NC)-A Jesuit mis. . . sionary here has found that a here at Chakal, 200 m1les ~orth- , fine or 30 days in jail for selling, est of ~alcu~ta. Popul~b~n of 'on SundaYs any of these iten1'sC motorcycle and' a stethescope, can' be extremely useful in hIS parIsh 15 approx1mately clothing, 'furniture, housewares. spreading Catholicism. . I . 250,00~ persons. '!hus the motol-- furnishing, appliances, ,hardware, tools, paints, building' and Father John A. ·Morrison, S.J., cycle IS a.n~cess1ty. . he mIssIonary. has become lumber supplies, jewelry, silve'" a native of St. 'Louis and veteran of 30 years missionary work fa1rly competent in medicine ware,' watches, 'clocks, luggage, in India, iises the motorcycle to becaus~ of the n~eds., of! ,his musical instruments, records and . , cover h'is 2,000;-square-mile par- people. Father M?rr1SOn 1S calle!! .toys. The Federal coUrt, in the m~ ish. He uses. the stethescope to -on t~ ~~e~t anythIng fr?m severe jority opinion written by Judge check the health of .his parish.. pneumoma to sna~e b1te., " ioners: c' At the present time he is re- William H. Hastie,' said it cQuld . Father Morrison, is in charge set~ling la.ndless Santal fa!"Uies rule· only on the amendment a~ of Sacred Heart 'Church located on land the mission acquired, 32 not, on the 1939 :law until sta'te miles from Chakai.. The Santals courts""have made clear Whether small ~a~ers many of whom - it applies at all to the plainillf Catholics' Win Eight are work as inica miners. since the 1959 amendmen~."
Veteran Jesuit .Missioner in. India' Covers 2,OOO-Square-Mile Parish
The following films are to be added to the lists, in their respective classifications: Unobjectionable for General Patronage-Dog of Flanders. Unobjectionable for' Adults imd Adolescents-Atomic Sub~ marine, Nature Girl and the Slaver.··· ' Unobjectionable 'for Adults...::. Once More With Feeling. Special Classification - Sud,. denly, Last Summer. Obseryation: This motion pic:" ture is judged to be,moral in its theme and treatment, but because its subject ma:tter involves perversion, it· is intended only for a serious and mature audience. In· view, of the - mass Seats at Election MANILA (NC) - All eight medium nature of' American entertainment motion picture seats in the Senate were won by Catholics in the recent election presentation" both distributor and theater owner are urged to in the Philippines. The new senators belong to manifest social and moral reeither the Nationalist. or the sponsibility to the impressionable and immature in the exhi- Liberal party. None 'of the candidates of the Grand Alliance. - tion of this film. Granted the new party formed shortly be-, acceptability of the film for a mature audience" nevertheless fore the election, was successful. the production Code, in giving The Grand Alliance party is its seal to the film and thereby composed of former members' indicating its approval of it for of the .Nationalist and Liberal Chaplain to Aid general patronage, violates a , parties. "The election itself was orderly, particular application of its genEucharistic Congress eral but about 100 people were killed principles, namely, that "sex MUNICH ,(NC) Father perversion or any inference of in 'skirmishes before and after th~ election. In noilo· City and (Col.) John K. Connelly has "it is ~orbidden." throughout the Jaro archdiocese been named'American military was all-day exposition of representative for the InternaCatholicGuilds Name there the Blessed Sacrament to insure tional J::ucharistic Congress, to Physician of Year a peaceful election. ' be held here next year. ST. LOUIS (NC) - A Brook,The appointment was made by Auxiliary Bishop Johannes Neu- lyn, ·N. Y;, doctor; described as haeusler of Munich and Freis- "the dean and. elder statesman of medicine/in Brooklyn," has ing. Fatner Connelly, who will act . been named Catholic Physician . as liaison officer between con- of the Year by the National Federation of Catholic Physicians' gress officials and U. S. armed forces personnel and other' Guilds. The federation's national ofAmericim guests, has asked Catholic chaplains stationed fice announced t~t Dr. John near here to act as interpreters J. Masterson will be honored at and escorts for U. S. Church the organization's Winter meetdignitaries who will attend the ing scheduled for Saturday in Dallas, Tex. congress. Dr. Masterson, 7&, .-has been Provincetown Knights .a member of the board of,trustees of the Kings County MedNew members of Walter Welsh Council, Provincetown Knights ical .Society /since 1926, and chairman of the board since of Columbus, will be in charge of the annual Christmas window 1934. He -was _president of the display. James Souza 'is chair- New York State Medical Society in 19~9 and 1950, and past man of the New Year's Eve celepresident ·o~ the Brooklyn Cathbration committee. olic Physicians' Guild and of the National Federation of FORTY HOURS Large, premium quality guilds. . cultured pearls, accented DEVOTION Seminary Fund Drive with white Austrian crystals. Dec. 6-8t. Anthony of PadFar Exceeds Goal ua, Fall River. Mounted in untarnishable BUFFALO (NC) -Catholics St.' Mary, Fairhaven. , 14Kt. white gold overlay of the Diocese of Buffalo far Dec. 13-0ur Lady of Health, settings. exceeded~he $2,500,000 goal Fall River. sought for construction of a new St. Anthony's Convent, T,hese are really, exquisite! ,.<' major seminary, Bishop Joseph' Fall River. Pendant' .$17:so,pliJstax A. Burke has announced. . Dec. 20 - St. Louis, Fall Earrings $ls:oo.pius tiiX . , River. " ' ': , _'r ~,' ....:-.. : 'The drive, started Nov. 29 and In fine leath~tett.e:gitt cases. running through Dec. 6, netted St. Helena's Convent, Fall , River. $3,401,325 by Dec. 3, ex~eeding :Dec. 27-St. Bernard, Assonet. , its goal by over $900,000.: .' The seminary, dedicated 'to St. Mary's Home" New .Bedford. St. John Vianney, the famed cure of Ars and patron'of all THE ANCHOR \ parish pr~ests, will be built on an 763 PURCHASE STREET Second-class mail privileges authorised 80-acre tract of land in East NEW B'EDFORD, '" Fall River. Mass. Published eve1'1 Aurora, a suburb of Buffalo: The Thursday at no Highland Avenue. FaD Phone WYman '3-1137 River. Mass.• by the OathoUe PretIS of the land was donated by, Mr. and Dioeese of Fall River. Subser;lltiOD price . . mail. po8tpaid ".00 per leu. ~ Mrs. ,Frederick Reuter, prior to FRIDAY-Mass of the previous Sunday. Simple. Violet: Mass, Proper; No Gloria; Second Collect St. Damasus, Pope and Confessor; Common Preface. SATURDAY-Mass of the previous Sunday. Simple. Violet Mass Proper; No Gloria; Common Preface. SUNDAY-Gaudete Sunday, III Sunday. of Advent. Double I Class. Rose or Violet. Mass Proper; No Gloria; Creed; Preface of Trinity. MONDAY-Mass of the previous Sunday. Simple. Violet. Mass Proper; No Glo:r;ia; Common Preface. TUESDAY-Mass of the previous Sunday.' Simple. ·Violet. Mass Proper; No Gloria; Common Preface. . WEDNESDAY-Mass of Ember Wednesday in Advent. Simple. Violet. Mass Proper; No Gloria; Second Collect St. Eusebius, Bishop and Martyr; Common Preface. THURSDAY-Mass of the previous Sunday. Simple. Violet. Mass Proper; No Gloria; Com- . mon Preface.
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THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 10, 1959
Hierarchy Urges Doubling Immigrant Quota Number . WASHINGTON (NC)-Every individual' has \\ a right to move to another country 1;9. better his life, a &.tatement issued today by a group of top-ranking U$..archbishops and bishops asserts. The prelates emphasize that this right should be supported by the calculated at one-sixth of one law of all nations. They call per cent of the number of per';" for doubling of the number sons of that particular national of immigrants admitted on origin who were living in' the a quota basis to the United States and point out what they regard as some flaws in U. S. immigration law. . The document was issued by.~ the administrative board of .the National Catholic Welfare Conference. The board is a group of ]() prelates named by the U. S. Bishops to guide their voluntary coordinating agency. U. S. cardinals are ex officio members. . Archbishop Karl J. Alter' of Cincinnati is chairman of the board. The statement, released for the group by Msgr. Paul F.' Tanner, general secretary of the . NCWC defends the right of niigration, calling it all "absciiute. Deed" in some areas, but also admits that it is not the only .alution to the challenge of helping the world's poverty.tricken peoples. The prelates also present a list of 10 questions which they suggest should be used as a means of measuring U. S. efforts in aiding migration. . Stating that "it is the right of h~man beings to have access to the resources of the earth created by God for the good of man," the NCWC administrative board comments: ~ "In th~ present order of things, it is necessary for nations to make laws to insure the use of these resources in a reasonable 'md orderly fashion, but the tenor of the law should be such as to facilifate, not impede, access to them." The archbishops and bishops caution, however, that migration eannot be the only solution, nor the best answer, for the problem of poverty in overcrowded countries.' Long-Range Program Citing instances where victims of disrupted economic or social conditions prefer to remain in their homeland in the hope these conditions will improve and where there are too many potential immigrants, the prelates state: "Accordingly, the nations of the. world, especially those that are prosperous, should unite in effective long-range. programs ci.esigned to raise .productivity and thus make such nations as aelf-supporting as possible." The NCWC board touches upon U.S. immigration law andth h . oug not mentioning it by aame-apparently has reference'· ~ the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act, known comInonly as' the McCarran-Walter
United States at the time of the 1920 census. The result of this clause has been that the quota for some countries is filled for periods as far ahead as 10 years. The archbishops and bishops also question the total number of immigrants admitted under. this quota system. Insignificant Factor Asking if it is not too low, they say that considering the nation's e con 0 m i c strength, "even doubling the present effective quota immigrant level would be an insignificant factor in adding to our working foree." The number of quota immigrants admitted to the United States is set at 154,657 each year, although about, another 175,000 persons enter on a nonquota basis, such as that applying to the independent countries of the Western hemisphere.. . The NCWC directors ask if U. S. laws "tend to discriminate against the 'difficult to resettle' and 'hardship' cases?"
Favor Strongest "Many students of our immigration laws," they say, "feel that they are designed to favor the best educated, the strongest and the healthiest immigrants. "This, in effect, bleeds a natiori· troubled with population problems of its best citizens" leaving behind those who can contribute least to national . prosperity. "Such ungenerous laws seem to bespeak a spirit of selfishness, rather than a genuine desire by a privileged people to help those in need."
Act.. .
'H 0 I'y e'ross .Gra.d uate . Heads School at eu WASHINGTON (NC) _ Father Edmond D. Benard has been appointed dean of the school of sacred theology at the Catholic University of America. Msgr. William J. McDonald, university rector, said Father Benard's appointment was confirmed by the university's board of trustees at a IJ}eeting on the campus. Father Benard received his
.Supreme Pontiff Reminds Ed itors Of Triple Trust VATICAN CITY (NC) Pope John told magazine editors they have a "triple trust": responsibility,' honesty and truth. In an audience granted to the Third National Congress of the Union of Periodical Press, the Pontiff noted the diverse publications represented, some scientific and others more general in content. Yet despite these differences, . the Holy Father said, all "have in common the sacred duty not to damage, not to betray, not to . degrade (the) public, which is not an anonymous mass of persons without a face, but person. formed as sons of God, our VINCENTIANS BREAKFAST: St. Anne's Parish St. brothers in Christ." Vincent d~ Paul Society was host for Fall River Particular Noble Profession Council Communion breakfast. J. H. Leon Gauthier, Fall "We can't conceive of an edIRiver area president, center, greets David Costa, left, New tor, director' or writer of periBedford area president, and William J. Fagan, right, Taunton, odical publications who does not feel the responsibility which area leader. weighs on his conscience," the Pope stated. "He carries out his work as a noble profession, as a high mission, ever putting aside through sincere conviction what. "ever is less beautiful or less TAIPEI (NC)-The N~,tional': noted that there are close to 40 good." ist Chinese. Government here Protestant denominations active :rope John said that all merhas ruled that it does ·not favor in Formosa and expressed the its of a publication are lessened religious activities in military opinion that the government camps. . ruling was probably based on' cons,iderably if the editors perIt said,-however, that the relithat fact. It was pointed out also' mit "even only one· article or gious freed'om of individual that a few years ago a serious ' one pil;ture which would offend servicemen must be respected controversy arose when one of' the precious sanctuary of the soul." and that their religious life the sects forbade its members ,to As for the second trust, honshould not be interfered with if bow to the national flag. . esty, the Pope called for this it does not conflict with military This controversy, coupled with v'irtue "in life as in the profesdiscipline. During free time all the pacifist teachings of some sion", Of magazine staff members servicement may take part in sects, has made the authorities iit regard to the laws of God and religious activities 0 u t sid e wary of permitting religious acC:ountry. . camps, it was ruled. tivities in camps, the missioners Honesty, he said, leads one "to The government's ruling came , Doted. fly from evil and to seek good," in answer to a question asked \ Catholic members of the armed and from this virtue flow coby Wang Han-shen, a member . forces are now able to go,to Mass herence, sincerity, humility, of China's congress, the Legison Sundays in any church..Dur-' thoughtfulness and prudence. . lative Yuan. Mr. Wang ing their off-duty hours they "The third trust," he said, "is asked if the servicemen's morale take part in the activities of lay love of truth, and we entrust it would not be improved by the organizations. M'any conversions a-nd recommend it as the most religious activities of sects not of ,soldiers and' their dependents specific quality of your profesopposed to traditional Chinese take place each year. sion." culture or to the government's anticommunist policy. Threat to Unity Quoting the results of a Defense Ministry survey in reply, the Government said it .feared that the exclusive nature of cer1393 Pleasant St., Fall River tain sects would impair the armed forces' unity. It also deDue to the Many R~quests We Have Brought clared that approval for the activities of one sect would serve Back These Two M'agnificent Films as a precedent for requests by all sects and would cause unneces.•sary trouble for military author"A FILM AS SIMPLE AIID SIIICE.R. AS A ities. ','
. Token Quotas While praising what they call this country's tradition of helpVATICAN CITY (NC) - >In ing others in need, .the prelates ~harge . that· ,U. S . .immigration . .January, Vatican Radio will in-, ' augurate a second weekly pro;. law contains "prejudicial elegram in the Scandinavian lan- . ments" in its provisions for "'token quotas for Orientals" and' guages. The additional program Ia. its national-origins clause. \vill be devoted to commentary The national-origins clause as'" . on current events and to talks signs a yearly quota to countries'· of general interest. At 'present other than the independent naVatican Radio broadcasts a pr()gram of Catholic news. tions of the Western Hemisphere. The quota for each country is
Panel Di~cusses Movies
Members of the Taunton CYO served as panelists in a discussion on the "Legion of Decency" before the Taunton Council of Catholic Women. Classifications and movie advertising were the topics considered by the youth group. Following the discussion. a promotion to post the Legion 01. Decency list in the vestibule of. all Churches. . Rev. Francis Connors, director of. the Taunton CYO unit served. as·moderator. Panelists included Maureen Dupont, Carol Duarte, Richard Simmons, James Ladebauche, James Farias and Robert Burgman. Mrs. Timothy Neville, preslIdent conducted the business section of the meeting.
Nationalist China Bans Religiou,s Activities in Military Camps
bachelor of arts degree in 1936 'from Holy' Cross Col~ege, and The government reported that his doctorate in sacred theology frOm ttte 'University of Montreal ·the survey had found that the . in 1942. While a mEmiber.of the great majorHY of servicemen faculty' or the' Catholi~ Univer;.,. . "did not need religious life." ·Catholic missionaries here sity he received his Ph. D. in '1952. He is noted for his writin~ o~ religiou~ subje~ts. : .
·Vt.tican Ra'dio
BOYHAVEN West Newbury, Mass.
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Bishops to Lead 1960 Eucha ristic Congress Tours
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Dec. 10, 1959
Editor Explains Catholic 'Viewpoint on Educo'tio.n
NEW YORK (NC)-Five U.S. Catholic bishops have announced that they will take part in pilgrimages to
, By Rt. Re,'. Msgr. John S. Kennedy The Catholic parochial school is among the most fre'quently and, on occasion, acridly discussed subjects in the United States today. Perhaps more times than not the discussion has little relationship to the 'reality. There are those who profess to see the promoting the reverse of all this: parochial s~hool as a threat' namely a so-called scientific to democracy, to national secularism. unity, to the' public school J Influential Philosophy system. It is important, therefore, that the subject be authori,. tatively and dispassion a tely aired. A person well equipped to do so is Father Neil G. McCluskey, S,J., education editor of 'the distinguished review America. He has written a compact book on __ this and related" matters in Catholic Viewpoint on Education (Hanover House.. $3.50)., . To understand the establishment and growth of the Cath- . olic school system in this country, it is necessary to know something of the general school situation in colonial times and down to the early nineteenth cen~tiry, as well as the more recent historical background. Colonia.l Schools In th~ colonies, the schools were molded by and to institutionalized religion, in almost every instance some Protestant sect. In New England, for example, the pioneer common schools were aimed at the preservation and spread of Congregationalism, and it was precisely the New England type of school . which was the model for the , public schC?ols of the nineteenth century. Horace Mann of Massachusetts is commonly regarded as the father of the public school system. Fa~ from seeking to exclude religion from the schools, "he very much wanted Chris- . tianity ~ according,' to his own understanding of it - to b,e in" them. He held th'at their first object was "to' make the perfect example of Jesus Christ lovely" in the eyes of the children. He insisted that the' Bible be in the public schools. And the s~hools, . under his hand, became instruments of nonsectarian liberal Protestantism. Paro,chial School Origin This created a pwblem for the increasing number of Catl;lOlics. When a Presbyterian minister avowed "that the Bible and the . Common Schools were two stones of the mill that would grind Catholicity out of Catholics," he was stating something that to no imall extent was true in practice.' It was to meet such a situation that the parochial school came into being. Catholics could not· in conscience, submit their children 'to the indoctrination in a religion not' their own which the common schoois imposed-. They therefore,at ,prodigious sacrifice, set up their own schools, and the extensive system we know thus began'to be formed. Dewey's Idea Public schools 'pervaded by a general Protestant 'ideology were in time, succeeded by the strictiy secular school, which dates from about 1900. ' 'This was originally aimed at eliminating the previously prevalent Protestant ethos and being strictly neutralist where 'religion is concerned. . H,owever, there soon sprang up an influential body of educators' who maintained that the public schools should instill the doctrine of secularism. The proponents of this view, headed by" .Tohn Dewey, were self-deClared opponents of traditional religion, ,of the idea of a personal God, i'Of" an' objective' and unch:mg'ing morality.. , And, in. t,!leir eyes, thep:ub,lic school ~as: to :a: ch,annelfQr
the 37th International Eucharistic Congress in Munich next supuner, according to the Amer_ ican Express Travel Service.
Archbishop Joseph F. Rummel of New Orleans will lead . Nor was this idea something ,an archdiocesan pilgrimage leavwhich never got beyond the theoretical stage. it was heavily ing the United States July 8, the implemented. As Father Mctravel service announced. AuxCluskey writes, "It is_ the most iliary Bishop L. Abel Caillouet influential philosophy in' the of New Orleans will accompany great teachers colleges and the groups as cospiritual direcschools of educatio,n... In, these tor. institutions are ,trained a very Bishop Charles B. Creco of high proportion of the men and . Alexandria, La.,' will lead a women who staff the 'teacherdiocesan pilgrimage leaving this training schools, who become country July 21. A group from . the professional' educators in ' the Altoona-Johnstown, Pa., dithe federal and state offices of ocese will be led by Bishop education, who are the leaders Howard J. Carroll of Altoonaand spokesmen for national eduJohnstown. The pilgrimage will cational groups, and who fill the leave the United States July 7. overwhelming majority of the Auxiliary Bishop Leo R. administra'tive posts in the pubSmith of Buffalo, N. Y., will lead lie---school systems of the na'a Buffalo diocesan pilgrimage tion." leaving this country July 7. Catholic School' Growth SCANNING BANQUET PROGRAM: Holy Name ParishBesides attending the EuchaThis being, the case, the ac. ioners.of,New Bedford conclude a series of eventscommem- ristic Congress,' the pilgrimage celerated growth of the Catholic orating the Golden Jubilee of their Parish at the ho'mecoining groups will visit many 'Catholic school system (as well as other banquet. Seated,:left to right, Bishop Coimolly and WiIfrred shrines in Europe; Various ex'religious schools on all levels is tension tours are offered, but all hardly surprising. American 'Briniley, toastmaster. Stanping, left to rigt, Rev: Leo T. groups w,ill return to this councitizens have the undoubted Sullivan, senior curate, and Walter King, co-chairman of try by late August, 1960, accordright to see to it that 'their chilthe jubilee committee. ing to the travel agency. dren are not exposed 'in schools . to the secularist view of life. And' it is. sound American princi~le, as the Su'preme C;ourt has repeatedly affirmed, that the parent has the primary right as to the education of his child, as well as' the right to send his child to 'any accredited school 01. his choosing.
. Fall River, Massachusetts
The militant secularists deny' the principle and attack the parochial school as representing an un-American philosophymeaning a non-secularish philosophy, their totally unwarranted assumptionbe~ng that secularism 'is the official Ameri. can creed. ' Lay Teachers In discussing the future of the Catholic schools, Father McCluskey foresees a marked increase in ~he number of lay teachers employed. He cites' a prediction that. by 1971 there will be more such teachers than Sisters in the schools, and asserts: "One' can expect that the purely adrninis'trat.ive and academic functions of the American CatJ:io'lic school 'will more and more become the normal responsibility of the, )ayman." Ail this will come about as the ,result of the vast growth ahead for the system, and the reason for that growth is obvious: namely, that parents want their children in schools of this sort and will exert their constitu~ tionaI right 'to send. them there.
Changes in the, Novena Devotions
In Honor of Good Saint Anne aild of Saint Jude
• ~ to concentrate on-the devotions separately C
• to avoiCl -du~lication (French' and English)
• to shorten Novena services, yet allow reasonable time for preaching , ( • to allow for confessions before and after each' Novena Service
Novena Devotions in Honor of Good Saint Anne ,
New 'Schedule
Effective December 20th
New Program • Opening Hymn to Good Saint Anne
Sunday Devoli~ns
• Novena Intentions
2:00 to 2:35 In French
• Little R~sary of Good Saint Anne
3:00 to 3:35 In English
• Novena Prayer • -Sermon
Tuesday -Devotions.
• Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
2:00 to 2:30 In English ,
• Procession (on Sundays only)
. ,3:00 to 3:39-' In French
• ,Veneration of the Relic of Good Saint Anne
7:30 to 8:00 .In English . I
I" I/lJiclitleDvery ()f'
NO,vena Devot~ons i~-Honor of Saint Jude Effective January'. 7th -every Thursday evening (no longer on Tuesdays) -7:30 to 8:.00 p.m.
Confessions: Daily 9 a~m. 10 8 p. m. '(except during the services) , StJn(jays: 1,p.m~ to 8 p.m.
-" ... .'
Priest Says Civil Liberties Union Faces Dilemma
THE ANCHOR5 Franciscan Says Much Work Needed to Recall Thurs., pee. 10, 1959 POAU' Activities Brazilians to P~actice of Faith
By Patricia McGowan A former altar boy at Blessed Sacrament parish, Fan River, is now in charge of a Brazilian parish 100 miles long. He is Father John Anthony Janson of the Order of Friars Minor. Reared in Fall River, Father John has many relatives there and in New Bedford. more acute" in its attitudes His mother, Mrs. Marie Anna Janson, and a sister are in New Bedford. The Franciscan toward Church-State relations, was ordained in 1941 and cated 200 miles away towards' according to a Jesuit scholar. served in New York City the north. The ACLU considers itself parishes until his assignment The natives herd cattle and '"the only permanent nonparti-' grow rice and other crops. The An organization defending the to Goiaz, Brazil in 1944. He
BOSTON (NC) - The American C i v i I Liberties Union faces a "dilemma" which "is daily becoming
Bill of Rights for everyone," but many Catholics believe that it is working against their civil rights, said Father Robert F. Drinan, S,J., dean of the Boston College law school. "One of the practical questions which the ACLU has not yet really confronted is the place of religion in education," Father Drinan said. He cited the ,claim of Catholic parents that thedenial of state aid for parochial IChools violates the "free exercise of religion" guaranteed by the First Amendment. This subject, like others in the Church-State field, has been handled "episodically rather than systematically and compre- . hensively" by the ACLU, the Jaw school dean said in an article in America, Jesuit weekly lleview. Catholic Schools He cited cases in Massachu.etts, Connecticut and Pennsylnnia in which the ACLU has aroused anger among Catholics by its action on questions inyolving Catholic schools, He summed up the 'present ACLU position on the subject as follows: state education must be secular; parochial schools "have the right to exist, but no right to monetary aid of' any kind." This position reflects the opinions of millions inside and outside the Church, Father Drinan, said, but there are other millions who would· want either moral training in public schools or state assistance to children attending private schools. "Although ACLU theoretically ill not opposed to nonsectarian teaching about religion," he said, "it seems difficult to imagine ~ow any such instructional propoam can develop if ACLU continues to charge that each new' proposal- is unconstitutional and undemocratic."
Establish Vatican' ·Movie Library . VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope .John has established a Vatican film library as the most modern addition to the Holy See's ageaold record of civilization. Newsreels, documentaries, art films and television kinescopes ,will take their place as historical documents along with the vast collection of books and ancient manuscripts of the famed Vati,can Library. The Vatican film library win be under the direction of the Pontifical Commission for MotiOn Pictures, Radio and Te!eYision, of which the president it Archbishop Martin J. O'ConDOr, rector of the North American College in Rome. The new library will deal lIlainly with the preservation of Alms about the life 01. the Church. These will include fl1mII Oft the popes, their representatives and the Church administration; the apostolic, charitable, and cultural activities 01. the Church, imd religion throughout tbe world.
was among the pioneer American Franciscans in the South American country. When he arrived there were not as many as 12 secular priests in the entire state of Goiaz, and hardly more order priests. The field was tremendous and the 'work exhausting. At first the people responded slowly to appeals for a practical manifestation of their Catholicism. But eventually the empty churches began to fill and today several Masses are needed each Sunday to accommodate all the churchgoers. Much Progress New churches have been built and parochial schools started in every parish. Franciscan Sisters joined the priests and' nuinerous vocations among both boys and girls are largely due to their work in the mission schools. Brazilian Sisters already outnumber Americans, and there is a flourishing seminary for aspirants to the priesthood. Altogether, the Franciscans maintain five parishes, each including not only city areas, but vast surrounding territories. "Sometimes," say the Fathers, "to reach distant chapels and Mass stations, we must travel 50, 60 or even 100 miles over .very poor roads." ~ Travel is by jeep or on horseback. Father John related that one day he had to travel a good 50 miles on horseback to make a sick call. In 1957 the friars accepted
a new territory in the state of Goiaz. Over 300 miles long, it reaches to the border of unexplored 'country inhabited only by savage Indians. Some primitive Indians are within the territory, but. they are not unfriendly. The 'area also includes the island of Bananal in the Araguia River, the largest inland island in the world. This vast new mission u served by only four friars. Father John is stationed at the southern end with one companion and two' others are 10-
Prelate Urges Uni,on Organization Of Exploited Migrant Workers CHICAGO (NC)-Archbishop Robert E. Lucey of San Antonio has called on agricultural growers to retreat from the "gutter of infamy and dishonor into which they are dragging their souls." The San' Antonio prelate, chairman of the Bishops' Committee for theSpanish-Speaking, outlined three reasons which make the exploitation of migrant labor almost inevitable: the "moral weakness of human n'ature," the "lack of labor organization," and the "absence of protective legislation." Temptation for Employer "Comes now a migrant worker defenseless and alone," said the Archbishop. "He needs food and the necessities of life. He has little or no bargaining power. He must work to eat. Temptation assails the employer." When, as generally happen&, the grower gives in to this temptation, "he kills his own soul and forces the workers to exist on'the ragged edge of poverty," Archbishop Lucey stated. The prelate urged union 0rganization of migrant workers on a mass scale. He also cUed several reasons why no onehu
A Delicious Treat
seemed to be able to organize farm labor effectively in the U.S. OpPose Orga.nization
"The workers, for the most part," he stated, "are poorly paid and scattered all over the country. Resident farm laborers do not seem to think in terms of organization. The migrants, of course, are here today and gone tomorrow. "But there is another very p0tent reason why migrant workers are not organized • . . the growers will not tolerate such arrogance on the pa.J;t of their employees. Migrant workers must be docile, poorly paid and unorganized. To these, a labor organizer must, by his very nature, be subversive, and unAmerican. In any event, he u poison." Archbishop'Lucey lauded the U. S. Department of Labor for actions in which growers who had defrauded braceros and migrants were forced to make reatitution by the department~
Urges Support Against Smut
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Scholarship Award
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County St. NEW BEDFORD. MASS. WY 2-6618
Asserts Press Most Powerful Influence ~C)
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FORD MOTOR SALES COMPANY Made Rite Chips ~ .. n.- TodIIy
1344-86 Purchase St.
WEST BADEN SPRING~ (NC)-Increasing oppositioJl exists ~mong Protestants to the organization known all
Protestants and Other America~ United for Separation of Churcb and State (POAU). population is growing fast and This is the conclusion of a the priests are' needed everywhere. On one occasion, Father study of Protestant publicatioM by Father John F. Kramer, S.J., John says, he and another priest of West Ba,den College, a semperformed 50 marriages arid 248 inary conducted by the Jesuit baptisms within three hours. Fathers here in Indiana. A great part of the missionFather Kramer said his study ary's time is taken up with indicates that POAU has lost the catechetical work. He teaches support of many Protestants bein both the public school and his ca)lse of its activities in opposI.own parochial school. The latter tion to the Catholic Church. is financed on a shoestring, by "Catholics too readily conclude American standards. that POAU has the backing of, "On my last trip to the States," all Protestants," he commerrtecL writes Father John, "I gathered "The facts show tnat such a conmuch material for our mission, clusion is both unfair and unincluding $1,150. That can keep warranted." our school going for two .rears!" To support his contention, Particularly stressed by the Father Kramer cited recent missionary is the need for the . .articles condemning POAU poliprayers of the faithful and their cies which have appeared in generous help to the missions. such Protestant magazines sa Without that, he said, missionthe Christian Century, Chrisaries would have a difficult tianity and Crisis, and the time. Crusader. The situation is particularly Cites Instances acute in South America, where He said POAU has lost Protnearly everyone is a nOminal estant support for trying to Catholic. Nevertheless, other re- block the granting of television ligious bodies are .very active in ,station licenses to two Catholic 'the area, and many baptized universities; opposing the libCatholics are being lost to the eralization of an Oregon free faith. "All of us must unite to textbook law, and urging that help them preserve their CathU. S. cardinals be deprived of olic faith," said Father John. their citizenship for voting in the 1958 papal election. Most recently the organization has drawn Protestant fire for challenging the right of St. Louu University, a Jesuit school, t. LOS ANGELES (NC)-A cittake part in a city redevelop.. izens' committee has appealed ment project, Father Kramer for active civic support for Los stated. Angeles police in their battle against obscenity. . 'The plea was made by the NEW YORK (NC)-A !ff'adl&Southern California Citizens ate of Trinity' College in WashCommittee for Decent ~iterature after police seized seven tons of ington has been awarded the 1959 Anne O'Hare McCormick material from four "book" stores Scholarship for study at Columon charges that it was lewd and bia University's Graduate School obscene. of Journalism. She is Caryl Ann Four men arrested during the raid are scheduled to be tried Rive-rs, 21, of Silver Spring, Md. tomorrow in the new' county court house. Four other men, the proprietors of the stores, were booked and released on' $525 bail each. ' The citizens'committee urged the public to attend the trial to show its interest in legal efforts being made to rid the city of pornography. The committee also asked parents and ,other citizens to back the drive against obscene literature by writing letters of support to the police and to civic officials.
142 ,SECOND STREET OSborne 5-7856
STE. MARGUERITE DU LAC - The press is still the most powerful infiuence among eommunications media, Bishop Emilien Frechette of St. Jerome told a meeting of 50 Montreal journalists here in Quebec. : "No other body can claim a more numerous public, a more Mtentive, more receptive and lDOI"e strangely influenced pub. ." the Bishop declared.
Losing Support' Of Protestants
New ,Bedford. Ma••
TOPPING PARISIENNE Sliver several milk chocolate nu't bars and - fold 'IntO sweetefled whipped cream for a fluffy' toppin, OD a plaia cake. It drellMll ap plain cake in a delicious w&J'1 You'll find thla dlll!88rt lea. . your, IUes1s talkinl abou' what a smart hostess you are.
So, you're smart to Hood Economy AlI·Purpoee Cream for the bolidaYL n· whips in 20, seconds, creama -coffee, glamorizes pies, puddings and desserta. There'i no substitute for real cream when you want realjtoodnesa at pennies a servinll. Get Hood Economy All-Purpose Cream at your
.tore or door.
. IVIIY lHU.SDAY '.7,30 HI
- THE ANCHOR-Dioc:ese ofFall River-Thur~.."D~.,10,
:Weekly Calendar Of Feast Days \
Attleboro Area' Success
Catholics of the Greater Attleboro A~ea have 'eveTY, TODAY St. Melchiadea, reason to be proud of their latest significant achievementpope-Martyr.'Also known as st. the ,ov.ersubscription of the Bishop Feehan' High School Miltiades, he succeeded st. Eusebius as Pope in 311. He w. Drive. . given the honor of martyrdom It does not detract from their success to say that it was because of the sufferings be more or less expected of them-sucll is their reputation for underwent in the tfme of DiGgenerosity and ,cooperation. Nevertheless, those who con,eletian. His pontificate' Wall ducted the Drive and those who contributed' to. the new short, but he witnessed the triumph of Constantine over MaJlRegional High School are' deserving Of the very highest entius and reorganized the g09praise. ernment of the Church, which And the full, importance 9f what they. have done will had been laid desolate in yeal'J become apparent as they see Bishop Feehan High begin to of persecutions. He presided iake shape, and, more especially, .when the school opens its over the Council of Bishops from Italy and Gaul which decided doors and makes itself felt in providing Catholic secondary 'in favor of Cecilian as BishoP education. '''' of Carthage against Donatus. The Catholics of that area have long felt the need of a This did not hinder the later , ,development of the DonatUit Catholic high school.' There has been the conviction among heresy in Africa. He died oil many that young men' and women in their changing years ,January 10, 314. \ of adolescence need above all else the security and the sup" TOMORROW - St. Damasn port of Catholic doctrine and morality as inculcated by a I, Pope-Confessor. He was a .native of Rome and attended Catholic high school. However good job the public high 8chools may do intellectually, they are forbidden by law to Pope Liberius in exile. He succeeded Pope Liberius. He com·give their students what their students most need-religion. missioned St. Jerome to correct . Even now Catholic educators have seen educational the Latin text of the Holy Scripphilosophy come around full circle'+'The permissive school tures. St. Damasus is famous for of educators who believed, that the child could develop best having r~stored and beautified ,in Rome the tombs of the marby "doing what comes .naturally" and who smiled tolerantly ~/hlL. tyrs. He died til -384 at the age and patronizingly at the old-fashioned Catholic' i n s i s t e n c e ' . of 80 'on discipline and religious motives for :r;ight action, these Labo.r~lndu.stry SATURDAY - Our Lady 01. ,same "modern" educators are even now' abandoning the ship Guadalupe. This feast commemof progressive education and without'so'much,as'a backward ;~:::d ~~;h~~Pt~i:i~~m~~e ~~ ,glance or an admiss~on of past errorsare.calling for more B M G dian, Juan Diego, in 1531 OIl ,discipline., " ,' y sgr. eorge G. Higgins Tepeyac hill near Mexico City. TheY are saying that 'children, and y()ung;' adults need Director, NCly,C Social Act~on ~epartmen.t The great' Basilica of Our Lady to" learn self-restraint' and for;this religious motives are in Public support for a national labor-management con- of Guadalupe now stands on the ,order. They are felling mothers and fathers and teachers-- ference is rapidly mounting day by day and, significantly, sPot of the apparition. Pope and, amusingly, with a very:straight face and the same is now beginning to come from.the rank~ of top management Benedict XV decreed Our Lady .. ~!exGI'cuoa.dalupe as patroness ' ~ · old pontifical attitude....,....thatchildre~· need and want disci-, as well as from ,the co'un'cI'ls of organl'zed labor a'nd from the' ...... - th' "a1 academl'c world and the· . · Th , p1me.ey are ac t'mg' as if thOIS 'were 'elr own person One of the "irr'epressible"SUNDAY ~ St. Lucy of S~ moderri discovery. ' . ., .' field of journalism.' In the issues of :1960, Mr. Berle' says, racuse, Virgin-Martyr. She waa , It is a vindication of Catholic educational theorie~if, 'Nov. 26 issue of The Re- falls under the heading of pros:.. 'a Sicilian and one of the most Indeed vindication were.. ne·eded--:...t~~t other educators are porter (to cite but one ,perity and can be stated as fol- famous of the martyrs put .. lows: "Shall the United states, death under Diocletian abo.... example of at least qu.alified ,paying the most sincere·form of flattery, are imitating what 'support' . commemora t e d d aly .t, from big .business for or sha II it not, set up within its .304 " Sh e IS · the Catholic schools have never departed from, the idea' 'such a conferpolitical apparatus a' sound sys-' 'in the Canon of the' Mass. While -that education' cannot stop at the intellect but must also 'ence) Joseph ~. tern of economic planning, or at "Christians were being sought touch the will. B 10 c k, Chairleast 9f decision, making, which out, she, distributed her wealtb , ' It is wonderful that another model of Catholic second- man of the Inwill use and maintain the demoto the poor and was denounc~ ,. ' -,' , land Steel Comeratic process?" , by a young noble to whom her ,ary~ducation will soon be 'available and this in the Greater ' marriage. She endured .torturell 'Att)eboro Area: It will 'stand as a .monument to generosity pany, w r i t e s Need'for Speed . mother wished to give her' iia , , , , a s ' foil 0 w s: If the answer to this compelat Syracuse an'd was put to dea." and zeal and sense in ' education. ., ... ,"T h-o ugh not 'lin'g question is in the' affirma';' .by a sword' driven through hew
'Confere,n, ceo Propos,al Winning ,Support-
,too hopeful of . 'the~ results, I wou1d personally f avor b roa d th'a,t w,ou,. I'd' h ave,b e~n qUI " te ',amusmg, " if' , d'.Iscusslon . 0f , th bl in -itS presentation, ~. business', machine ese pro ~ms
tive, Mr. Berle" concludes, "Al- throat.. ',most certainly new institu,tiona ' ,MONDAY - St. Nicasius ancl .will be" n.eed,ed, 'po,ssibly' along 'Companions, Martyrs. St. Nicasiothe lines of it laoor-management-' 'public , us, was Bishop 'of Rheims.Wi'inte,rest congress to d, In ,a t'a Ik :his sister, St. Eutropia, and • mot so serious 'fine, ~onomic policies:" . ", number of the clergy and faiu.;. executive, ,in .describ·ing the wonderfultransactions of (nationatrl.ekrri.~r-t) b lab' 00' ~'I take it that by "cOngres8~ luI, h~ was, put to death for the , ' ' " gency s I es, e c. y or a 'M B 1 ' t ' l't' a l ' . electronic brain, has predicted. that the' machine will just :mimagement apart from the bar- " \ "r. ,er~ m~ans no ,a.PC? I ,IC , :Faith by' barbarians who iDilever be able to think. ~ " . • gainging table' as SUggested by' ,nor a le~lS.lative. body but rath~ 'vaded GaUl abOut 407. . ' ' . ., ' , , ' . h' II" alabQr-management-goverl)ment -. ' -, It is·a great relief have 'distinguished scientist .Messrs. Goldberg and Mltc e ,', "conference which' in addition t o ' TUESDAY - St. Irenaeus ~nd. technician giv~ th'e 'world thi~ a:ssurance~' For," the -, TQis is a ve~ encouragi,ng, :~lking, a~out'e~erg~ncy',pro~C.OriIpanions,M artyrs: They were ,words "brain" and "thinkiiIg'appar~t1,ls~ :have oeen thro~n development and It seems to me lems in1he field ,of collective a group or22'martyrs who wen , . that President Eisenhower ,would "bar,ga-iniiIg' :.~iil·' also", ad"dre's:I' ,put to death for the Faith about .k f ' Subject of ecoD9 258 '18 . 'the V aI ' . . the'se 'e"I,ec,t,ro'n'l'c" ,co,m'p'u',ters',' , ' not be taking too big a ~IS " i its~lf to the, erlan persecutioa. 'around' so much' relatirig to,'.,,iniC ' that' some people were' wondering if the' Creator were in response to .the urgmgol. planning.' ',." ,: Include,d ,in the numbers,'weN " DOt in d.,anger of being outdone by, riv~ls. , ,AFL-CIO , preSident . George ' ·S'·,' f:' M" B' l ' "d" ' , SS. Anthony, Theodore, Satur86bI'''' orne o· r.· er e's rea en d V' t .. It ~is, of course, I'n' ,the,bes't I'n,ter'ests, pr'0'fl'ts-wI'se, for MeanY,and other pu IC Igures, will 'probably 'gag on this ~ord" US an , IC or. · he were' to convene a riational ." i" .. ii' b t f' th" WEDNESDAY --.:. St. Eusebhm. men to make their own products sound so goQd that CQ.l1l~ .la~~ - management conference oi;~~nof Cai&oli~9:cia:t:::~~ Bishop-Martyr. He was the scioli petitors have no chance. And in the" ,build.,.up it is to be wlthmthe future. ,.. w h a t' h e ' IS ..' avoca 'd" >, 't'mg h'ere 'of a noble famiiy of Sardinia. _ .near " ,i ng, expected that exaggerations would be commonplace. It IS doubtful, of course, that 'is eminently sound. He 'was taken to Rome by bill But when people get so sloppy' in their thinking 'that su~h a meeting WOUld. acc~mThe sooner his~ proposal' il mother, where he,was ordained. they imply independent'intelligentactivity of machines and p~sh very ~uch the fl.rst time acted l;lpon....:..i,e., the' sooner we 'He served the Church at Vel'· ~ound. It IS ,even pOSSible that .establish' labor'-managem'entcelli and was the choice of clergy have to be solemnly corrected and the record set straight- It would turn out to be a com- public interest ~onference to de- 'and laity when- the episcopal well, it seems that a limit has been reached on how far the 'plete failure. fine national economic policies ch~ir became vacant. He fought '' . . courageously against the Arfaa ad- men can go• First Things and to plan for continued prosheretics, who had him banSo everyone is gra,teful to the' executive who has perity the better chance we I would hope, therefore, that . . . ished to Syria, where he undel'assured the world that ,'man has not yet been replaced by President Eisenhower will act will have of avoldmg an author- went many hardships. He rethe machine. A debt of appredation is due him for pointing, 'affirmatively on Mr. Meaney's itaria~ system of planning ~hic~ turned to Vercelli under 'tIM out what apparently others have lost sight of-that the request for such a conference as will r;gulate' unn;c.e~sanly <!'I' reign of Julian and died in 370. db' b -, ' ' s o o n ' as he returns from his centralIze, responsibility more He I'S revered as a martyr .....:. · d eVlces rna e y man can never. e g'reater than their maker. historic . 'mission overseas or in th an I't"mus.t" uu'cause of the hardships he .uiThe business-machine boosters have been properly rebuked any, event, well in ,advanc~ ,of . But we are not lik~Iy, to estab-' ,fer~d;' :, for suggesting that they have manufactured "thinking the expiration of the 80 day IIsh such a ,:?road-gauged confermachine," " , . cooling.,.oU ,period in 'the steel e.nc~, ~~less labor and manage- . '11 dispute.' ment fIrst get together to talk · , 'f h An d men-weII, many 0 t em WI feel, rather sad -' '. about amC)re lilllited range of' ~ that they must go b~cJc.to doing their own thinking, just· ,Presumabl! the age~?a of thiS, problems in the ',field of collec- . ST. LOUIS (NC) ...:..- A new when it loo~ed as if this,' too" were bein,g remove,d f,r,om.',,thenL ," ' pI:oposed natIonallabor-mana.ge- ,tive 'bargaining.: ", , position of coordinator of' aD' ment conference would be lImited initially to the field of colIn 'other ~ords, we shall ne:ver Catholic' educational activitie. , lective bargaining. Fit'st things le?r~ ,to sWim unless weare flr!lt 'iii the St~ Louis' archdio~ese bM · first. ' wlllmg to get our feet wet. Thuil beel'1 created' by ArchbishoP , .the importance, again, of speedy . Joseph E. Ritter of St. Louis. Aim Higher actl'on by the Whl'te House on ' Named to the post,with the In subsequent meetings, howMr. Meany's recerit call for a ,title secretary' for education. ever, labor and management national labor-management con- was Msgr. James E. HoOIch, ' f o r m e r siIperintendent of archOFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FAL~RIVER might be willing to aim a little ference.. higher and to begin to talk seridiocesan elementary schools and Published weekly by The C'atholie' Press of the Dioees~ of F~II River. ously about general economic director of 'the archdiocellall " '. 410 Highland A v e n u e ' ( " problems from the point of view ,VATICAN CITY (NC) - The Confraternity of Christian Doe- . Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 of public interest. Church's highest order of knighttrine (CCD). PUBLISHER ,The need for the latter type c1f' hood has been bestgwed on the ,Msgr. Hoflich will coordina. discu~sion is stressed by the discommandant of the Pontifical all, educational programs in the Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. tinguished lawyer - economist ,Noble' Guard. The Supreme archdiocese from kindergartea -GENERAL MANAGER ,ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Adolf Berle" in a feature article Order of Christ has been preto the university level, includ- .r,. R~v. Daniel F. Shalloo. M.A. . Rev. John P. Driscoll immediately following Mr. sented to Prince Mario del Drago ing the Sister Formation mo~ 'MANAGING EDITOR' Block's letter in the current by Dom'enico Cardinal Tardini, ment, adult education, the CCD Hugh J. Golden . Repor~r. Vatican Secretary of State. . and religious inquiry foruma. "
,A.Great Relief
Archbishop Ap'poin'" Education Secretary
Highest 'Awa.rd
. .-/
Eisenhower Bans~' Federa I Support" Of Birth Control,
Thurs., Dec. 10, 1959
Migration Plan Draws Protest
WASHINGTON (NC)President Eisenhower has firmly committed his administration to oppose schemes
NEW YORK (NC)-APulitzer prize-winning historian has warned that any move designed to restrict Puerto Rican migration into this nation's largest city would compromise the democratic character of the city.
for tax-paid promotion of b~th control of underdeveloped lands. The Chief Executive said that he cannot imagine a subject more emphatically not a proper political activity or governmental responsibility than birth control. He made these other points: 1. Promoting birth control ill other nations would be inter';' ference in internal affairs. 2. If countJ:ies want to get help to deal with increasing birth rates they can get it froni professional agencies. 3. The birth control subject has a religious meaning to great denominations and he has no quarrel with opponents, principally the Catholic Chutch which he admires and respects. ' States Reaction The President was asked about the report of one of ,his advisory committees on overseas aid which last July suggested foreign aid funds be used to help countries formulate plans to deal with their increasing popu., lations. He was told that· this suggestion by the Draper committee was widely interpreted as a call that the U. S. government should, dis,tribute birth control information on request. Asked for his reaction, the President responded: "I cannot imagine anything more emphatically a, subject that is not a proper political, ,or, governmental activity or function or responsibility., ' "This thing has, for very great denominations, a religious meaning, definite religious tenet in their own doctrine. Respect for Church '"I have no quarrel with them, as a matter of fact this betng largely the Catholic Church, they are one of the groups that I admire and respect, but this bas nothing to do with governmental eontact with other governments. ..we do not intend to interfere'with any other, the interna~, affairs of any other government,i and',if they want to do someth~, Which ,adlJ'littedly-to ,do som~i thing ,~I;>out' what, is admitted1y .a, very difficult ques,tton,.!,lD almost. explosive question, that is their businesS. ' , , "And, if they want. to go to" ~niei:>ne' 'for help, they should' go;·they' will go unques~onably: to professional groups; 'not to governments. ' , . "This government has not and will not make, as far as I, as long as I am here, a positive political doctrine in its program that has to do with this problem of birth control. That's not our business."
Set Dates for NATO LQurdes Pilgrimage ' THE HAGUE, (NC) - The third NATO pilgrimage to Lourdes was set for June 11 to 13, 19,60, at a meeting 6f .military 'chaplain chiefs from 10 countries in the North Atlantic' Treaty Organization. Pope John, the meeting was told by the Italian delegate, Msgr. Vittello, appreciates deepJr the pilgrimage of military men as an important means of improving international fraterDization. " The group decided to establish a ,fund to finance participation of·, pilgrimages from countries where the numbers of Catholics .-e' 'small, such all the' ScandiDavian countries, or 'those situated far .from Lourdes, such u . . Latin American nations.
Accredit Hospital
SYRACUSE (NC)-St. Mary'S Hospital, conducted bT the Sisters of the LitUe CompanT of Mary, has been accredited bT the Joint Commission on Accreditafion of Hospitala of the American College of Surgeons, American ,Hospital Association and American Medical Associ&tioa.
'M 'ANCHO:R ~ ,
JAPANESE BISHOP OFFICIATES: Most Rev. Laurence Satoshi Nagae, D.D., J.C.D., bishop of Urawa, Japan, confers the tonsure and first two minor 'orders ona student at Queen of Peace Mission seminary in Jaffrey Center, N. H. The seminary is the major seminary for the Fathers of the.Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, whose provincial house is in Fairhaven. Kneeling at the left is. Father Felix Lesnik, SS.CC., of F'airhaven, mission procurator and, standing at the right, is the Very Rev. William McClenahan, supervisor 'Of the major. seminary.
Dr. Oscar A. Handlin, Harvard professor, cited the danger of the suggestion of Kin~ County Judge Samuel Leibowitz that Caribbean migrant. should be discouraged from comi~ here until the city's crimebreeding slums had been eradJ_ eated. Dr. Handlin said citi;ens of the area could not withhold equal rights from Negro and Puerto Rican citizens without "com~romisin,g oar democratic ., life. ' Referring to the "outburst of .Judge Leibowitz," Dr. Handlin said he rejected the jurist's suggestion that some groupS do not have a right to come into the city. "While acceding to premise8 which we aU accept, and attempting to be fair, genuinely, I believe it shows the kind cal compromise that really endangers these fundamental point. cal view," the professor asserted.
Sacred Heart Seminarians Receive Minor Orders
A 'Japanese
bishop, homeward SS.CC.. the Rev. Stephen Cor-:- baven, ',mission procurator, the bound from Rome, detoured to deiro, SS.CC.,and Brother Ste- Japanese diocese has a populaconfer the tonsure and first two phen Harding, all of Fairhaven, tion of 7,490,000 and only 7,000 minor ,orders on ,student. at. the Rev. Aurele Pepin, SS.CC.. Catholics. Japan is the major 915 Acushnet Ave. Queen of Peace Mission sem- , and Brother Clement Beauli~u. mission field of the Fathers of inary in Jaffrey Center, N. H. At Weld Square both of ACQs):met. ~ , the Sacred Hearts. Currentb' , Sacred Hearts Mission in Japan New Bedford The Most Rev. Laurence Sa-' is located in Bishop Nagae's di- 'serving ,in Urawa ia the Rev. toshi Nagae, D.D., J.C.D., Bishop ocese. According to the Rev. Daniel Perry, SS.CC.. • native N_ Bedlord'. ~ Plumb,", of Urawa, Japan, replaced the Felix Lasnik, SS:CC., of Fair- of Fairhaven. late Most Rev. Matthew Brady of Manchester, N. H. The seminary is the maj or seminary for the Fathers of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, whose provincial house' is in Fairhaven. Several seminarians and priest. at the school are natives of the Fall River Diocese. . To give our patrons, old and new:, the Reverend Cle'rgy and
Plumbing - Heating
Queen of Peace Mission chapel, where the tonsures were conferred, was built entirely by the priests and stUdents. They include the Rev. John' Caton,.
iReligiousthe best possible service, we wish toannounca ,'ttleestablishment of our own
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You are smart to do thlnp di1ferentlyat tbe holidays. So, be aure you order Hood "Economy'All-Purpose Cream (or your festive table. It does , 80 many thinp . .o, 'well.. , Whips'in 20 aeconda, 'Creams , ., , colfee. ilainorizell pi.., puddiMS and dll8lleJ'tll at on!y :pennilllper serving. Get Hood Economy
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complete line of religious gifts-
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.$fudents· -Oppose
, THE>,ANCHOR"'-Dioces,,'ofFaIlRiver~Thur5., ,D~>l 0,' 1959' ' . , ,.>' i:'"
Frequen~Dating :
Wide Assort,ment of Slipcover, Upholstery Material Avialable
'CINCINNATI (NC)-A eODterence of Catholic' high school students has agreed that "some of the fun has been taken out OIl dating" because modern tee~ agers tend to date '''too soon aDd too much." This was a conclusion contained in a report on a meeting of young people from Catholk high schools in Hamilton and Butler counties. The conference was held as a preview of the 1960 White House Conference _ Children and Youth.
By Alice Bough Cahill ' The array of beautiful materials one encounters in the stores today, the lovely designs, the wealth of colors available, the 'assortment so varied leaves one bewildered. However, when you are torn between one or more equally appealing 'color combinations green. Very intense color will get some advice "from the call too much attention 1;(1 the sales clerk. She'll be glad to furniture instead of making it show you various combina- fit invitingly into the whole
scheme of the room. Too much dating 'at too early Synthetics Popular an age, the teenagers stated,' One must not overlook the , U p holstered makes· dating "a rather serio",", new synthetics that enjoypie c e s are business." ' ing increased use as, upholstery covered in a The young people also agreed fabrics. Koroseal and foam rubwide variety of . that sex instruction should not ber are washable and stain refabrics, in many be ,made a classroom subject" .sistant synthetics, which.' make colors, textures since "the rate at which people. practical the use of. sucb colors and ,patterns. ALUMNAE SODALITY REUNION: Former Chap- mature is different, and because eggshell and creamy white. You should selain Most Rev. James J. Gerr~rd,.v.G., Auxiliary Bishop, of this there is a danger that' . These colors,we ,must admit, lect the filbric guest at the Alumnae Sodality'Reunion of Sacred Hearts some members of any class are most striking' in some of the t h Ii t' accords .contemporary room' settings. Academy, Fall River, chats with Mrs. Marjory HaJl Tokarz, be unequal to' the task 01. . . . with your colderstanding this subject." Naugahyde,:js used more than ,left; alumnae president, and Miss Arine W. McAndrew, right, '_ scheme, 'dec_ leather today, and'itS long-weartreasu~e'r. ', '" - Howeve;, citing th~,failure 01.' _ative, Pl1rpose ing qualities'arereeognized b7' aDd ' styIe of many parents to give their chilthose who give :chairs hard use. dren adequate' instruction, the' furniture. Texture is' important ' Inreeent years slipcoVeN,for teenagers said schools should· III fabrics' and ,interesting turniture have' :become "Jler7" .. give "individual and priva'te~, -'llts may, be produced through Popular. They serve 'to Protect OpLJ counseling in sex matters. . texture variation. .KENT' (NC)~ Far from being . ,figure is more than: nine time. The smooth, lustrous surface tiDe uphoistering, 01' ,to conceal greater than ·today's. .' el satin and silk dam'ask har- ',' an 'ugly piece of furniture. They . threatened. with "starvation; the Cultural' ·Aw~r~. . cian ,belaun<:ler~d, whereaait'·.. world's people.al'e eating· better If the acreage' were tilled .. monize best' with the more MAAS'J'RICHT,.(.N~). -: A. impossible" to .launder:<.the ,lip... 'every'year, according to a popuintensively as Japan's farm 'land, formal and richly furnished ¢atholic artist, JOeP 1\ficol!ls, hall, it 'would, support 95 billion tYpe of room. The sheen of silk 'bolstering Ofttbe.chlt ir ·it8elt. lation expert,'" . ',' receiv~, ,the annual cult~ra1., _ ·rayon blends' wlth -the eleGood- CamouOage Father Anthony iiminer~an Persons, Father' Zimmerman awar~of.the Limburg province. Well':made ' . slipcover. are S.V.D.,· '. " " 111., writer.' ', . .' laid'" lance of design in Sheraton or of Techny, . , , : ,: Louis' XVI, furniture, ~but we lIIDart ,and pleasing. Apart from aria, speaker on 'Ule population' ,,The::prlest ~otItended that onl,. , .:Mr.,Nic~l~s,_who 'lived ill ~ would, not" think oi. com biriing . saving wear and tear -<up-;' . question oeciBred' that modern' about',one4hlrd: of the current ri. S. from 1939 until·.U5?,:· re-' holsterYiSlipcOvers,'intr«luce'> technology is pr6v'iri;ith'e' Mal-' . p?pulatio~,~ncrease is':due ·t.o a ceived the award here from Gft.' It· witb the'.·moresimple design and rough texture' of, 'primitive:. color. and .permit·· seasOoal,re-"tbusiail theory '-to'h'ave' heeD: '~lgher,'.'blrth: rate.' Two-thud. Frans Houl;>en 'of Limburg.. ,' .. The artist mad~' stained I~ .. decol'ation"If"you think a eer- .'1apside d<iwD.·'·' ,..... ,.... . . :': ,<~."ca,:,~d by-the fact th~t people pine, ·oak·, ·or wicker porcb fur. windows in many churches •. ILiture. .. ./. • tain 'piece 01., furniture hu:'uglT 'i'Il~lilas Robert Maltl1us, '19th" 8I'e.li~m~"longer;.he saId. .. In selec~ing Ul' upholsterinc· li,n,es, Or the uphQls~ery Oa a~ centUry: Britishecortomist, "eorl:' -,. T~erefore;'be ,a~ded, the po~ theU. S. and 'in the Ne.therlandL' He. resides it Tegelen,''''', ~aterial one· of. the niost. inl::,,~. 'Otber cha;ir i.,~()r~ try:slip~:v';' tended that popiilation rises geo:..···ulatton: ~rowth :wJJl.levelof1 in ~rtant .consideratiolltl·· is' to. el'ing. ihe~.. The, eam9\l'O.,. ,.iimetricaIiy '(2::"4,;;8..16);'" while ' ab9U~;8Q ,years, when people who Roermonci.. ,: ehoose .ma~erial.thatia har::" ~on4~it!lL ..,. ': . ,,'~:,',.. , , ' fCK)(Fsupplies can be increased' "p~evlousl!,':would have died 01.. JIlonious in 'texture' 'and char- ~ .Tb'e.. fi~ .. a.J.l.d _,~il~p,I};I:, ol, ~ Only arithmetically (2-3-4-5). disease dIe of old age. .R. A. WIL~OX, CQ~, " , - . -: ," . . . ~.ter with thel;ie~~f fur~iture al)~over .are a& Jmportant .. " the>oolot,' i)attein aI1d fa])ric'yCMI " .. However, accordipg to F.~ther' Itse~ and. witb' the rest ~ the FaU·.'River,' Area Women OFFICE· FURNITURE, , IIelecL'i'be' mast beautifUl Zimmerman, ~e 'fact of the 100m., .. StOek for I.aiedia,. D.".... Hold Meeting Tonight ~ialca,nnot over~' Poor matter, is that, "~orevery litep Choose Patter. Carefully • D'ESKS • CHAIRS tailoring, while well fitted' and upward taken by world popula. Mrs. 'James A. O'Brien, .Jr., If a.' consPicuous' 'patter~ • FILING c~BiNETS mtartly styled slipco~eN' caB tion, food prodl\ction is taking district 'pr'esident, will preside at II8ed for upholstering,. no other make inexpensive materiall'.. two steps, and industrial produc-' a meeting of the Fall River Dis,. FIRE FILES • SAFES equally 'conspicuous' pattern effective part of yow. home. dee-, tion four steps." . . trict of the Diocesan Council 01. :.' FOLDING TABLES mould be used in draperies' or oration." . 'In addresses and an Inter- 'Catholic Women tonight at Our ,,' 'AND CHAIRS, J'Ugs. Patterns used in' the ,same , Select strong fabrics,tbat·wiD ~iew at Kent State University; Lady' Of Healthhali, Cambridge room sho~ld not 'compete' with . hold their shape and tailor well. Ohio, Father. Zimmerman de-, .S treet; '. .;.', . ", one another or the' resu'lt will Check to determine that tbeelared that 16.4 billion acres of . ': PreSid~ntS Of an affiliated be distJ,irbing.· .' . J' • ' 22 BEDFORD ST. parish ,guilds and otheigrou~ 'Decide 'whether the' cu'ft'aiM material and trimmings ~ pte- 'the earth' could" be' made prQf;' 'FALL RIVER 5.7838 mrunk and color fast. ductive, according..to current, will·be in atteridance. " ; " .,. ., 01' the furniture is to be a cen';' estimates; while' still leaving ter of interest and select your Hails Home ,Mis,sions, plenty of I'()()m' for re~reation' patterns accordingly. If one pat' and other purposes., tern is large .and conspicuous, Excellent·' Record If that inany:acres were cultiH R 1ST the other patterns should be CHICAGO (Ncf-More thall :C:t1RISTMA~ :vated . as efficiently as the .-naIler and less vivid in color. 5,000' mission '~churchea' have Netherlands cultiv.ates its land" The . upholstering material been built in' this cOluitry ill the • Sed on large chairs and da'~- last balf-century by the Catb-:- . they would, support 28 billion . eDPorts forms rather large spot. olic Church Extension Societ7' human beings on an excellent el color in the room. You'll reaccording to Archbishop William . diet, he stated. 'nlat population eall ~urrule' ''the larger the D. O'Brien, Auxiliary Bishop OIl ~t, the more neutralized the Chicago who is the' Edensioa co'lor should be." 'Society president. The M)Cie~ Perhaps we' can. explain our disburses over some two millioll point by sayiqg that y()ur daven- " 'dollars yearly to U. S. home mi&port will be more suitably, upsions. Archbishop O'Brien paid holsterea ill- a dull rich red special tribute 'to :,."dedicated , " than in a"scarlet, or: in ii mos. . laymen set.ving 'inkey'pomtio~ ~een,6 rather than aD: apple aide-,by-side ,.with U!e ,clergy." '.Their work,,)le said, bas CODShow Increase in Life :tributed much to thesucceSl 01. ... . "'~'.....- . E~pectd'ncy for N,u'hs' . " the Extension Society, .founded '" . .,..... :MILvyA,UKEE '(NC) , _ It' . ' liD< 1905, to. aidth~ ~ornejn:issiooe.' ..', 'estimated .. that' 'by 19'75 • ,26-' Diocesan Boord . ,.ear-o.1d girl entering JleligioU8 The Diocesan Board Ot. Catblife has an excellent chance 01.' elic .Women 'will meet at 7:45. li-iring to the· age' of 86, or ~ore, tonight in 81. Louis hall, "a.D livmg her an advantage of four, River. Final plani' for the ,Jail,• extra years over her' ci>unter- ' , part in' the' world. . T BiShop's Ball will ~ diScussed. tioris and then it's up to you
to decide.
Expert· Pre, iets ,pre. . ouris ment· Iotion For" Growi ng Wid or'.' P
This estimate is based on the .. _ '.. ~ .. .' JesuIts of two extensive studies ' OR the life expectancy of nuns . , , ". ' III the' United States. The studies ' " ' . were reported by Coli J. 'Fecher, .,' ~ ~ ~ , associate professor of economics' ~ at the University of' Dayton, in ., the November issue ,'of Catholic ,Bowling &' Sf<ating·,. Management Journal. ,'.' , . . . . . . ". Dr. Fecher's. research ,com., Mil,lionDoUarBaliroom pares so~e 90,000 nuns in 90 orA V A I L A I L I .. ders to white. wo~en. ~utside the Religious life .from 1900 to ".' .' '. For Your the present. • TESTIMONIAL DINNERS. , ~'::
•,Foresters ~C:Jrty.' .
Fall River members' of Our Lady of Fatima Court; 'Ca'tholic . Ordet of 'Foresters,' will hold a Christmas party. Wednesday, 'Dec. 16 at·the Catholic,Community Center, Frankiin Street. Children' under 10 will meet at 3:45 Wednesdily afternoon. Older children will meet at 6:30.
• .. • •
BANQUElS ' ,. FASHION' SHOWS" .. ANNUAL DANCE PARTY CHRISTMAS·,'PARTIES For information caD:, :' Roland Gamache or "'; Frank ~ollins ' ~. WYman ~'~984
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1111 to serve God u nurses. Dun'ina inltructor.. IUperviaon, ad-
nlnlstrator.. technlcllln~.dle~' :!ians. medical' IIbrsrlana. ma, Msmstres.es, .acristans;" imd In' the many other depariments • which they are, needed, ", ' -rbe' D~d. for Statecil is. gritat. More bosplials could be opened if·:there. were enough 'Slaten to sUitt them, la our 'Lord"callina !'OU?
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Woman's Eye"View o'f 'Tribute At. National Shrine Opening
1h~rs,,' Dec. 10; 1959
Nun· C.eleb'rates 1DOth Birthday
By Mary Tinley Daly Fitting tn"bute was paid to Our Lady, Patroness of t}le United States, at the formal opening of the National Shrine of. the Immaculate Conception in Washington. Largest Catholic church in the U.S., its huge dome of brilliant mosaic in primary colors of red, blue congratlllation from Pope Jobll and yellow, with the adja- XXIII was read by the Apostolic eent Knights' Tower, domi. Delegate, the Most Rev. ,Egidio' aates Washington's north- Vagnozzi. The thousands within
the Shr~ne, and outside, on the east skyline. • The breathtakingly beautiful Catholic University oampus, maintained rapt silence as the .tructure is impressive service continued. built to last for Even traffic was stilled. tbe ages-monKneeling on the cold ground, 1Iment to the as loudspeakers took their mesBlessed Virgin sage to all within earshot, were and the country's enduring many, old and young, who, like PLAN CHARITY BALL', Offl'cers of the DI'ocesan Mrs. Smith "took time off from loyalty to the work" (and, in some cases, a C~uncil of Catholic Women, meeting at St. Louis Parish, Fall l!Iother of God. cUt in pay) to receive the AposRIver, to make plans for the annual Bishop's Charity Ball, )IIost of its $18 lI\illion cos t tolic Blessing and to join the .are, left to right, Miss Kathleen C. Roche, New Bedford area ~as ,contribI;\ssembled throng in tlie act of president; Mrs. John J .. Mullaney of Attleboro, Diocesan ated by inConsecration to our Blessed M o t h e r . ' president; Mrs. Timothy Neville, Taunton area president, dividuals and organizations, Loud and clear' came that inand Mrs. James E. O'Brien, Jr., Fall River area president, eYery dollar spiring prayer (printed here in. .ven gladly. part): U , In Good Hands "Most Holy Trinity, we put I shall not recapitulate further tile United States of America In OV .tatistics. You have seen them into the hands of Mary Immacuand the possibility of setting up late in .order that she may preWASHINGTON (NC) - A .. your daily and Diocesan pasuch a program among publish. sent the country to you. Through House subcommittee will launch pers. But for those unable to e~' , her we. wish, to thank you.for ail. investigation.next February attend the day' of dedication into "self - policing", decency The first· witness in· the hear01. Mary's Shrine, I'd like to give the great .resources .of this land :rem Ii 'woman's eye version: ' and ..for the freedom which has programs in the' motion picture ings; which will begin Feb. '2, 'been ,its .heritage. Through the and publishing industries. will be E;ric Johnston, president 'As"the six cardinals, intercession of Mary, have mercy -Rep. Kathryn' E. Granahan 9f .the, Motion. Picture .Associathan 200' bishops in their flowing on. our .President and on all the said that the House 'Postal Operti,on of America, Rep. Granahan JIObes'marched up the front steps officers ,of'.our government. .. ations Subcommittee, 'of ,which ~id. ol. the Shrine, a keen -political she is .chairman, will, study the G , rant:. us .a fruitful ·economy "n d f ' . " th . writer whispered, "Did 'you ever . Representatives . of the' Na:' ee or Improvmg' e mOVIe born, of ··justice and charit. .ee such a self':'possessed, poised Have,:mercy tional" Association of 'Magazine on capital and, i:.,. .. Industry's selfi-regulatory system; croup (}f men? Each supreme Publishers and" the American D I ab"" B k' ." In his own Diocese - the 'Church dustry , and ,labor. Protect the Book· ·Publishers'· Council will ftlffilly)ifeof the nation.' Guard . ec ares. scene, 00 s appear • in; good hands," , '.' befo're the sUbcommittee tl;e Jnnocence of our children. Harm Australian Nation on' Feb: 4 and 5, she added.": '··'the e'ntire procession 01 heit~ Gr~n.t the prec!ous gift of many BENDIGO (NC) Book's .-chy were lined on either side Self-poliCing 'p;ograms a~otig religIOUS :vocations. Through the having an obscene or sadistic by high-ranklng Knights of Colmovie-makers and. publishers intercession of our Mother, have content are :flooding the AusWnbus in plumed hats and with tralian market and doing irre- are needed "to prevent the over1IW0rds and sashes. Our atten": mercy on the· sick, the poor, the iJramatization of sex and the tempted, sinners on all who parable harm to the nation tion was caught by one' uM1'8. spread of obscenity among tbe U'e In need." Bishop Bernard Stewart ltnight," fluffing up her husyouth of our nation," Rep. GranSandhurst said here. band.'s plumed 118t, blowing on ahan said. At the same time Archbishop •. UNow, tbafa pretty," and Testimony at earlier hearings Daniel, :Mannix of Melbourne lidding with wifely caution, "Reurged government action again9t on the problem of .mail order member, George, that sword is obscenity, 38 well as requests immoral literature. tDo long for you. Don't trip!" Bishop Stewart warned here from citizens, prompted her sub"'That's our Cardinal," from BEDFO~D .HILLS (NC)that the laws controlling smut committee to· under,take this .....ious segmenta of the waiting I'rancis Cardinal Spellman has crowd as Princes of the Church given $2,000 to a fund set up to "are difficult' to enforce. LOUd further study, she stated. cries of 'academic freedom' are passed and amateur photograph~ aid four young: mothers ·seriLegislation to strengtben Post raised to defeat their purpose," eaI raised their anns above the Offi'ce Department· procedures in OUsly'injured in an'auto crash. crowds, held cameras over their In the rare cases where ef- dealing with objectionable maThe Archbisbop of New York beads, aimed - and hoped fC;W was one of the first contributors forts to enforce the laws' are terial was initiated by Rep. tile best. made, the Bishop continued, Granahan's subcommittee and io the Four Mothers' Club, a Also amidst the crowd: "Jim- lund organized by friends and approved by the House ill the' those trying to enforce tbem ate, I'll boost you up. Now taite' neighbors of the-young women. are held up, to ridicule. la~ session of Congresa a good look. You'll never see a The four. were injured when "'ght like this aga~. See our their car collided with one being bishop? No, Jimmie, not the tall driven at 95 miles per hour by one - on his other' side, ·,the a youth fleeing from police. The Gospel side. Wave... Jimmie!" mothers, were returning from a ~is Excellency waved back.) PTA meeting at St. Mary's par"There's Bishop Sheen.' Gee, ish in this New·York State-combe looks just like he does 011 munity. Two other young moth'l"V! Hi. Bishop!" ers in the car with them were Two by two, .the bishops kept killed. advancing . • , Whisper from The families of the six women a mother:· "Of cOurse they all include 22 children. Itarted as altar boys, Bobby. Doctors have estimated that How will you study your Latin?" Solllething not noted in 'th~ the four surviving mothers will leCula;r press but quite evident need up, to· 14 months' hospital treatmen't, including plastic surto one"oroughtup in the "Bless. eel Mother Blue" tradition - ' gery totaling $50,000, before they . the great 'humber of blue coats, • can .returnto their families. blue dress~s" .,and particularly' Sponsors 'of the Four Mothers' blue hats. :It,:~ed as thougll ! Club said gifts ot help defray nearly every· woman in 'attend- '. expenses may be sent. to the , ance must have bad the same National Bank of Westchester Adea, "I'll wear' my blue hat to- here. day, in honor of the Blessed Pope Approves Dates MotheJ;." A'colo!-" photo of the eongregation' :wouleJ, sbow, I feel For Seton Ceremonies. Mll'e, a preponderance of blue VATICAN CITY (NC).,-pope jeather hats. John has approved dates for two The Mass wu'oftered by Carceremonies after whicb Mother cHoal Spellman and a letter 01. ElizaheUi Seton, who may be'gh' School Level Best.' can come the first U.S.-born saint be 'called "Venerable." For language Training '. Next Tues'd~Y .,iU b~ the day ALTOONA '(HC) Young' for a general assembly of high people cim learn Russian or any. : . Churc.~. !>fficJals to m.ake a final .;':,.;:" ,'.:;,' . .,...::'.,:...,. At other foreign language "mucll'" 'review 'of Mother Seton's 'virT ,. better" in· high school than' ill tues. Dec.' 20 will 'be" the date -¥ eollege, according to Dr. Tbomfor" publi'cation of the decree . . ,. . ... F. Magner, professor of Slavic proc.laimil\g 'the. beroic nature " ... l' Holds: Velva Cream, FeatherlightFoundatioO: languages at Pennsylvania. State of her virtues.' Skin' Lotion, Invislhle Veil, Lipstick, Eye University. Both these dates were tentaShado, Rouge, Cleansing Cream, Perfume. 5.95 Dr. l'4agner contended that a dvely set when it' was anltudent is more flexible in meD- BOunced that the investigation tal and verbal habib in high into the heroic qllality of Mothour IIChool, not .. inhibited aa be .. Seton's' virtues had Iluccesawill later be iD college, and call fully passed at the. preparatory of tIlerefore learn languages more uaembly of the cardinals preeasily in hiP 8ChoOl than ill Jates and .consultors of the eoMece Sacred CQnireiatioD of. Rite..
S b \. . committee to Study Decency p.rog rams ' M ies ,Pubrising h
OLD E N BUR G (N C )-A Franciscan nun' whose life span has covered the eras of seven popes and 19 U. S. Presidents observed her 100th birthday at the mother house here in Indiana. Sister Mary Hermina was baptized on the day of her birth. The officiating priest was Father Francis Joseph Rudolph, pioneer Indiana priest and founder of the Franciscan community here. Celebrant of the Mass of thanksgiving, on her birthday was Msgr. George L. Smith, pastor of St. Theresa's Church, Carson City. Nev., a second cousin. Until her retirement at the age of 97, Sister Hermina served as housekeeper and seamstress a.t various schools and missiona in the Midwest.
Attleboro Council Plans Christmas Activities '. District N/? 4 of the Attleboro Council of Catholic Women will meet Tuesday·night in St. Mary'. Hall, No. Attleboro, Mrs. George Whalen, president of St. Mary'• Women's Guild, heads the committee for the host Guild. . Miss Mary Manning of New Bedford; Diocesan Youth Chairman of the National Council ol. Catholic Women, will be' the guest speaker. FolloWing the regular meeting, a" Christmas party will be beld and gifts 'will be exchanged by the members.
Holy. Family
Daniel J. McGrath is general chairman .of the' Holy Faritil~ Alumni A s's 0 cia ti 0 n dance, scheduled' for Monday night, Dec. 28 at New Bedford 'Countr1 Club. Dress is optional, aod special prizes will be given.
Co'rdinol Assists Injured Mothers
PAPER DRIVES CHURCHES.. SCOUTS and 'CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS 1080 Shawmut Avenue New Bedford WY. 2-7821 .
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lVII' '"UIIDA' 7·7•• PM ':'~
.I nsp'ectors Seize" Obscene: Matte;:~)
10·' THE.~~CHOR:":"'Dioces·e.of'F911Riv~.r:.".,T~ur.s,,:D~c~ .' . '. , . ,'.J,O"c1·959', ,. .
Offe'rs· Possible/ 'Solution,s' .. · Of '.Populatio'·n. P'. 'roblem'"'5"
·inspecto~s have seized five tons of obscene material in a raid on
By Father John. F •. Cronin, S. S. a New Yor: k .City dealer, the The lollowing article was!written by a SUlpician priest who' Post, Office Department has has'been assistant director since 1946 of the Social Action Departannounced., ment of the National Catholic. Welfare. Conference, Washington, . Commel}ting Qn this J:aid and D. C: . . other. recent antiobscenity ~ ac~ The article is a summary of the author's discussion of population, Postmaster General Arthur iio~ proble."!s in. his book "Social Principles and Economic Life,''' E.·'Summerfield declared that · widely adopted'.as a textbook in' Catholic colleges and seminaries the Post. Office' is making ."posi':' · long ·before the extensive pUblicity now being given tlie w o r I d ' s t i v e progress ..in' it~ intensified , pOpulation challenge and this. i~ one indication that Catholics have :War against· mail. order obscen.:.· · not been indifferent to the .problem. , ity." . ' Mr. Summerfield said progresS .Catholics do no.t· claim to have any easy' splutjon for the challenge of world population growth that is now being is reflected in increased, com~ plaints and evidence submitted so widely- discussed. But we do feel that solutions other than by parents of children who have eontraception have .not been ftilly explored. This one-sided received unordered obscene ma~ approach is' offensive to .' ~ terial, in a larger n'umber of h' d' d ' f ' . 1 I • .'" cludmg perhaps some mternainvestigations and arrests on o~ · un re s 0 .~ I I o.J:!. s. , tional .form of the food-stamp ~enity charges, -imd in "stiffer throughout the .·world smce '. "plan, so that donated surpluses . sentences" for convicted obscen':' it propo~es method ,theywilf nof disrupt' existing, marTALENT GAL'ORE: Displaying some of the', results' ity ,distributors.: .. . find 'morally ·.unacceptableas the" ,kets. f th' h d' k '. ' .' . . The" Pos'tinaster Gem\ral said main',sohition to'the prob.1em~ '1 As for emigration; this is o. elr ,a~, Iw.or ~re these guests: ~!:~n.e ,CatholIc ~em~ comJ;iiainls . abou't mail' ordet . In adhering to' a morally ,hardly:, a. solution,10r ;Aldan ',. orlal Ho~e l!l Ji'~ll River. They ,are, ,l~ft'.'t~,r!ght, Mf~.<Maty , ~bsc~ility tOtaled 50,0'00 last year; based" position;· in spite '.of the ' POPulati~npr~ssures; This 'type-' '. Carbonneau": Mrs.' .Florentine ,st., Eierre, Miss .Catl:I~d~e,:".and are. running :40 . per ceD~ pr~ctical:diffic~lti~s that'may be·· ,of solutIo~ ,.IS: under~ta~dal:\le.. ,Murray, and· Sist~i EI.i~beth; R.N.,.. ;O.. Gar~.; .of th~' staff: ,aheali this' year. . . raised. CatholIcs In efject· pro"' .. when relatIvely ·small numbers .• . /. . ;;., ' , ..,'.. :",: ' . ' ' .' .", "1 .Attests '01 I persons cliarged elaim,:that such an approach ,ul-" of persons' are'" involved, but' L/ ,:with sending .ob!;Cenity through timately will' 'prove to be the when, surplus population is. cal~' . 'I .1$" " the mails totaled 293 in the fis-l most practical. culate~ in tens or h1Jndreds of, cal year that ~nded .June We can see aparallel in med- mill~on.s, emigration 'is hardly a." ~ ~.C,' u,r~ J9~8, an .increase of 45 per cent leal ethics. 'Catholic~ objections feaSible ,solution. . ' LONDON (NC)-The Church ....ingt() the:.disi;:retioriof the local over 1'957, he said:: In the fiscal: to therapeutic' abortion forced Another solution; t!lat of'steP, in Britain faces a serious finan- .. a~th~ri!~es; but.; generaliy.the year that ended June. 30, .1959; doct~rs' to' seek otlier in,ethods ping up producq,vity in under~ Cial threat following a gO,vern- . instftutionspay·, iriore.··than ,the arrests rOse to 315,' the nighest to tr~~t problems, wjth there:-. ",~.eveloped ?ations, s.eerils. v.ery ~ent ,committee:~ .recommendf~ '. :$,taIl,<l~i-d ,50;pe~:.ceri·tpo,"-" ..~r~ ~tat on record; he ad~ed.. , su~t:-that t~aYml:\ny. nop-Cath"; ... !I~p~e a~ f~rst gl~nc~, ~ut c~rtion that: ~.athoJlc _churchan~ .. ,PO!i~~.,: ;' .. ~:.: ,', .......! ,"." ' ; : Arrests' 'duri!'lg the' current olic '. 'doctor!! say:: tha,ta.bor,~i~n :" ~Ies "~ts .own .sha~eof 'problems,' ~chool b~lldl.ngs be t~?C~?i .,.. . _.' ~",It. ,IS ~()t,~~~~am' yt:t. that the fiscal' yea'i' "re~lect still- further. an be: avoide<f by proper' tr~at7' ."" ThiS' 'IS' bemg '~one.. :t~ '. ~ome ".j At present !!pch, bUlldll}gs .ar~,,, ,go;v.e~?1ll~n.t, ~~U 8cc~pt, tl1e.'1om;::.. :. increases,",' ; Mr.:' Summerfie14 ment. .. degree; ""by, techmcal ,assistance.: exe~pt from a~l 4xes, , ' . ~llttee!s:·;idy~cc.O~her·denomi:-. said'." '." . ' ._ .' .r.. , Surplus p~'Odue~ programs, but often, . however; . T~e suggestion to, tax'. lhen1 "'nati~ns" ~e!iides " ,the: 'C;atholic' :.: . · A~¢~rdinglY; on'e, i~poria!'l~ "t?e o~s,~acl,e to}~cr,e~sedp~o~u~:. came in the report ~u~:)l~itte~ ,: ,:~ou,l~:::a,!so' h,ar e ' to" ,pay .~ l!uch:."~ , Lou rd~s in Col'Or , Itep, Catilolics can taj{e to'. help '. yon ,1.s, ?,otso muc~ .tefhn~cal ~",.1or I,{~ve"n,ment adoP~I~n ,.b)'.,,~ ~xes.," on"~e,r) scl1 o,ol f!lv an.d.;. '; L9NGIS~DCITY· (NC)~ meei',the challenge.of,underde-.':~o!1~mw· ,.': ' i : ' , ,; . . co~~lt:tee,of,the. M.l!U~tr.y ',of ,:"c:hurf1l~~· .;", ~ .. ~ " .. ". ,",:..'1'h(U:S. ~r!riy'film center her~ . yelope.d, countries 8,9d: tJte~i:, !.)7'· ,.'i· For; example,' la!'l~ .. ~ar.be, ,:Hol;1~~pg a!1f1, :Loca~ Gov~rnm~,nt:. , ,.:l\~,~a~~ljl~e..',' .J3.ob... Mel.!.Is,h, :,a:; ..!Ias·~~q~ii'ed prints of a ~6 mi~li~ :ueas,ing" populations is; ,to;,.re~:, .owne~., bya w.e~lthY, fe.w WI1~: .~heJ.e.~?"t w,fl~ ()~ current ta~a-:- • C,~~1;I~~~~.,:~e.m'b;er,~f:,~~rlIl!.9:1~nt.: ~eter,·,s~u.n~~i~ 'in :color. on double, 'their' etrQrts,. to,remp,ve. ",.1llay~:,no.t' be wIllmgt? llave :;it~IOn ofch,ar~t~es, . '. ,i. ;tn,n<;!W}f~ t.h,l!:H~.~, ~nte~d.s.,~ a~k., '~urde~,~,h,Ich",ill,~e availabl~ obstacles' to ,morally accei>tabl~,,., ,~ultIvated .. A.I!iO,;uSUrIol,1s. rates '.' ." ~4,e ,<:9mm1ttee proposed tha~, ~e. gov,~r,nm.e~~'1~.t.~f;, ~O\!~ ~~ ... !or sh~)\vIngs ·free, of: charge to methods fordeaiing'with ,thui . for ,loa~s maybe'·an e.tfe<:tive, such, ;',~charities" as :voluntary .Co~rn,o~~,:~'Pl!~.~9;ew.!U~,I~ ~l)~ ~y:perso'nn~lthrough()uttpe . iutuation: . . ()b~ac.le .tP the,purcliase'~f larid'. schools-which inchideiriost'of ~fbu,ild,l~g',C:~thO~I~' ~~h~ols in ~orld.""The ~6-in!nute film waa ,In pal'ticular; thism~ans a, Ol' of1f>(il~. :.'::. . . '. . tl~e ;Catholic schools within the . Engl.apd~nd.',!alc<s, ~n~tea(f o~ photogr~phed ~nd edit~d .:bY, eontiriuing intel'est in brioging .. Yet, startlIng results could, be state education system-pay 50 ~aku~g. CatholIcs. pay· 25. per Father Robert. E. Southa'rd; • cent themselv~s, " priest()~ the Wichita diocese. ; IUrplus products to :needy pbtained ~y~ use of new :800" per cent of their taxable .value. people. Catholics no_w carry; on ~uch mor~ product~,=e:strainso~ ~ similar. ~x. would apply to. Legio.n >o'f De.cen,c,Y. the 'largest effor~ of this 'kind ~eds, parbc~larly wl:Ieat. church b u l 1 d l ? g s . , . Free Deliv~ry' 3 Times Daily' in the ,world. through .Catholic Catholi.e Opposition ~ ~owever,. mdep~ndent Ca~h- Lists Ben Relief Services-National CathThese, practical difficulties in ~lIc schools-the. big fee-paymg 'N:EW. YORK (NC)-The Na. . oli~e .Welfare Conference. carrying put the four solutions colleges andconve~t schools-as tional, Le'gion of Decency has In addition'·· efforts in' explaiIi 'why' mahy favor'meas \yell·'residences .as monasteries,· Co mp It· , other ., . and' of theconvents 1 rgy recommended' . the' 'MGM' movie' e e 5e Iect'Ion of ~uqe support fot,.:t~c!Iriical,~.-, ~res ,to,'con!r61.the birth rate'. so , .,. ' . . c e . "Ben.. . Hur" "as 'wholesomeen-'"MEATS .;'GROCERIES ," Slstance programs and efforts to ~at chl1dren'w111 not be brought .. ·~ould ?eneflt.from ,the recom..., "iertaihllient on" an uriusually' "':." ,... '" ", :: lecure l:ind reform..Th'ese, and into'the world only to face mis-' mendabons. Pr~sent· tax ,rates high ,level of achievement" and' .' ,'. ~.ROV.I~IC?.NS.,.... I" other' methods clm all help. j in ery' and' starvation. . ',," ,;for suc.h properties vary accord- :recommended' it "to .thepatr'on:;;·"":" _2~'",~dams ~~t.,Fa,rh~ven, raising .the' economic' level "of . Catholics have an iristin'cf'to'" Ch'" .. age Of the 'entire family." 'The"'" ",:,." ,WVma" 4-6,441. .. , peasants now confrontedwith oppose such propositioris- since '. rist in'.Ch'ristmas, legion placed the movie' 'in its the grinUhreat of'Undernourish- they ate so often' conjoined with ,NEWARK (NC).,,--:.The, New "A-l classification',' morallyurl'.. . " , ment or even starvation. proposals' for the lise'of cohtra- Jersey. State Councllof".the •. objectiOl'tablefor gerieral.patron. A wide ,'variety '·of economic. oceptive means which .are per se ~nights of Columbus has' inau g- / age.'· .' ." ' , ' .' ',' problems confront the' world forbidden by the natural law.: urated a campaign to stress, the ", , today and ",the. explosive presYet, a . d~~t,inctioll . should "be religious·' significance' of. the .. " . ,.. sure o,f.: . po'p'ulation,' upon ·re._ 'made. b,etween" the Pl'.inc,iple.of Christmas seaSon,'. . :. wrh" p'" 'I . '" " , : , " .. sources "is' one of the most diffi- family. limitation :md,the"means. '.'.'.' . , More, than. 10;000 .posters ,pro- .. ) ~ ,e:ro..nnclp of ible Rightto,'and,' '. . , '".,.':w., ng.'· as,ees Leg. '.: -:.. . ''l'" cult. .', ... used to achieve "this ~nif' ., ,.... " . eIaiming that·· "Christmas Is. CITIES'SERVICE Such a problem exists. today Pope Pius' XII' eXpiicitly ac-' Chrisfs,Birthday" will t>e dis-'" ... " Everyone" . '" DISTRIBUTORS , .. beCause world'Widehe'alth meas- cepted'the: principle that·· eco- tributed' to stores,' offices, REYNOLDS':'OEWALT .. ares have lowered the' death nomic, social ',or eugenic indi- churches, ·shopping centers and rate far more rapid~y than eco- cations might counsel morally other public places throughout ,William & Second Sts: ", , Gasoline nomic measures have increased acceptable family planning or the state. The drive also asks 'New Bedford WY ~8234 .Fuel and Range the production of .food and population control. that Catholics mail only religious ·"fibers.. The problem, as all must It is nothing more thap using Christmas cards, Dow know, is most acute in reason to control'instinct, in a very important pease of .life. Asia, , OIL <BURNE'RS '. The challenge .of. increasing Only the use of w~ong ~ethods, ,,'h~: Family T.h~t 1:' .. '" populati9p.:ca~'~,.nl~t'pY"·anySUc~.as contracepb?n, IS per Ie BURNER UNITS of a combination of four meas- for~ldden.,. ~ . ' ., FARMS .. ' " ·~.~Pra.ysTogeth~~, ,. ',:', ·G~·~ BOILER' ...... -. In .view of .,the dogmatically Ures, th().ugh t)ieauthor is qui<:k washi.rigton St~,Fairha~en ."For prompt delivery to explain: that he is not, aspe- ~e~~ss~ry,: .sta,nd ~~ ,co?,tracep:, ••. BAR-B-Q Chickens'.' ~'...~t~ys·T.og~th~(' cialist in' population', problems ti~~ and' th~ ~lff1CultIes. this i;• • CUT-UP Chickens " . , ':~, Day. ~ .Night Service : ' '.,. :'. "nlE . . and his recommendations· are. not raises, CatholIcs should redouble : ,"',' . ': '.. ' Rural Battled Gas S~rvic:e · presented 'as 'fi'nil' answe'rs.:. the,~r efforts to remove obstac.les" , • IDAY OL[)_!=gg~, '.. " . • CHICKEN P.l~s" .: The four me~sures are: 1) .to . ,other, methods. for meetmg •. ,61 COHANNET. ST. • POTATC) SALAD'," . Bringing food' ll~d,'~fibers"'ia thiS probl~m: ' .~. : : BANK TAUNTON people from surpluses elsewhere; .', • 'ROAST CHICKENS AtUeboro-..-South Attlebore Attleboro - No. Attleboro • 2) Moving people to idle land • BAKED BEANS " Seekonk Taunton areas so they can cultivate their (week~ends)' Electrical own food; 3) Increasing produc: : ~ ~ U/~ Contractors tivity of these people' in their .~. .. present, homel areas; anq 4) using· mo).'ally. .acceptabl~ meas-· . .NO JOB' roo ,BIG;' · ure~ to 'adjust the birtho.ra·te so· "NONE TOO ~LL' that population growth' will reYOu"WO~1C 'i~~"F~ct~rY,' . .' , ma~n -'within limitS; .set . by reGarage, Ma(hine' Shop' or ' . .. 'sour:~e~. '. . , .. . , Gasoline Station? .. ,···· ," . As . for :shippi~g .,food . arid 944 County 'St. fibers :to people in. ne~d, ther.e We pick up arid deliver.' c1~~n 'are many problems to •such. a PRINTERS New ,Be~ford a"d repair overalls. Also, we' hav'e ·program and, we '.must realize a, complete line 01' Coveralls. Panta Main Office and )".... that such contributions J;riaynot and Shirts :fQ;' sc.~. .' . ' , solve' the long-range cha1!~nge. LOWRL, ~~s. . . We reclai".. and wash any oily, For example', a nation wo~ld Telepbeae LoweD dIrty or greolSy rags.· . have to be willing to give its products. Transportation. and Why Guy When. 'We Suppl,Y processing would be ,a problem, PI.umbin·g ~ Heating Sometimes, too, tp.e surplus maAaxfll...,. Plaut. terial is not acceptable because Over 35 Years of local custom,. for instance, BOSrON .. of Satisfied S~rvice getting Asian' ,people to. use OCEANPORT, N: J~ wheat instead of rice, . 806 NO. MAIN STREET PAWTUCKET, , L i. z,. .Boward Ave., New Bedford . Yet the ·.fullest study should Fall Riv,er ',' (S$. S:?497 PhCl>ueWY 9-GUt Or· WY 9-8U5'• •_·• • •1 "be give'n to ·this method,' in-
'B -tC' -ttee"ec,Qm.men -·R ';' , '. d's. ; . omml. T aXing.. - Ca.thl- 'Ch . ' h, "'·rope".y P t :-: .
rr::=="' ... ), ) .:. '" ' FAIR'H'AVEN" , PION EER STORE'
W'.·".'H.:,:RI L,EY &., 'S'O'N' I"nc.'
,::,':: '. OI.LS·
ROS·.E·UWN··· Ij~~~ .
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' " I.. ·
'~a :.~~
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Attention Mechanic~!.
,"r '.
Voluntary Ch'arci~terV'alue' Of. Welfare Confe,renee '
Thurs'., D'ec. 10, 1959 Italian
This is the second of two' Special articles reviewing the history of the National Catholic 'Welfare Conference, which this' month marks the 40th anniverSary of the establishment of its headquarters in the nation's capital. The author, a priest of the 'San Francisco archdiocese, is assistant general SecretarY' of the NCWC. In the first article he related the beginnings of the NCWC in World War I and steps taken' to clarify' the organizatio~'s functioning as a voluntary asSociation with no ec'clesiastical jurisdiction or compiJlsor v " authority.
P a d re
SAN GIOVANNI ROTONDO (NC)-Italian Premier Antonio Segni made a special trip to the Capuchin monastery here.' to visit with Italy's famed stigmatic priest, Padre Pio. The Italian Premier had been " By Father Francis T. Hurley , in nearby Foggia, in southeast,The voluntary character of the National Catholic WeI: ern Italy, to take part in a comfare Conference has proven over the years.to be its greatest .memoration of the war dea.d.· challenge and also its greatest' strength. With rio ecclesias:' "I h'ad wanted to meet Padre tical jurisdiction or-coercive authority to use as wedge fo~ Pio for a long time and I took advantage of the day's occasion acceptance, the NCWC has these forces showed themselves to realize the old desire," the had to prove its own worth strong and well organized. THEATER PARTY PROCEEDS: Mrs. Joseph Fer- Premier explained. to the bishops of the coun,Even government action was nandes, Norton, presents a check for the Bishop Feehan Mr. Segni first visited the try. '.' .'"." 'it cau:Seo~ cQncern for ',the High Dri~e to Father Thomson, campaign moderator, fol- Church of Our Lady of Gr;Jces By'the charge of its' origina~",'Chur'~h", After World War I,the . adjoining the monastery and chart~r it was to ,act as' a rep':".' 'Federal government' broadened.. lowing the the~ter party sponsored by ,the Attleboro District paused before the crucifix in ·the resetuative for the bishops ana 'its scppe of activity by moving, ;~f ,tl1~; Cquncil ,of Catholi~.wo~en. ancient ,church :'before which to u~ ',its facilith~s f~(t~e~eri7:'." Into, th.e, fiel~ ,of ,?ublic Vielfare. "J }>adre Pio receiv~d the. stigmata era~;y.'ll,1far«l of.theChul"c,h,. :pp.r:.:.",,:rh~.:,~~sh~ps.re~hze~,that·.eq~- ',·Urges Catho'lie L,a. YI11¢nfo' Become ','in 1918. Jng its 40 years th'e NCWC )las" cabanal and SOCIal works of the flo,:. meeting. the Premier, striv,ep,. with varyi-llgdegrees .'gov~rnment ,would affedt' 'theChur~h/S Public' Relq'ion .. E,xpert$ . Pad)!e' Pio embraced him affecIUccess i~ fulfill .this charge.~ ';'. moral and. religious welfare o f . ' " tionately. The. Federaf government fre~":' 'all ~h~ ·people. . ' WORCESTER (NC) - Cath,.. perts..to do the job of ,selling' "Pray for. the 'welfare of our quentiy seeks information' fr<ini', .. The ,evaluation of' these 'eleolics should have a sufficient that needs to be done~ country," PremIer Segni told the NCWC in working out ad- " ments ,convinced the. Bishops knowledge' of their Faith to "I think it is true that we still the bearded Capuchin. "I do 'so ministrative procedures affect": that there had to be some mean!! serve' as "public rell:\tions exhave a long way to go' in making' 'every day," Padre Pio ·replied. ing its relations with' th~ Church. , ., of u,;\ifying the forces of. the 'perts'!' for the "{C~urch, Bishop full use of the lay people in ihe The 'two con~.ersed, priva.tely Since World War iI there' has .. Church a.ndof bringin~ a,bouta Bernard J. '~lanagan of Worces- . purpose of the Church," the , ., 1 . . ',' t 'd h ' . 1 to in Padre 'Pio'scell'for about 30 been t"e;, q'uestio~: of. ,Se~ecH;ve'. t,.f os~x: ~ ~o~'p'~ra~iC?,'} ~~~~~en't?e' ,. er~1;'1 : ere~. u_rgll'~g aymen Bishop said. minutes. At 'the end of the Service, .d".eferments. '._,for .s,emi..na.-,..:.,: clerg,y, and thela~ty 1Jl me~til,l,g, ~,tt~11,l a.' mo.r~ .t.h,or.ou,gh knowl,,: ",' '. .., . . ' , " 1 th bi ed f th I .Dealistie Approach '.' meeting' Padre' Pio gave, Mr.' rian~, ,~h.ere also".h_~~, bee.n, ,th.e"., , . ,". ,ese_,.,p,r~""j ems, . ,; " ". ' ge, 0 ,..' el! r~,., ~g~on:· . ' , ' . . . , . , Edu t n S k C "The 'ideaof·the,Church' as a Segni<a copy of the painting'of maUi."'rpf'.,.how churc.h,es and"in, ~,.'",' . ". '", ca 10 . ,'. "'''' ,.' ; pe.a. 109 at. ,a. . ommumon , 0 L d f th 'G' 'T Th'~ T.r" t t fEd ti bod.y w.mi 'each, ,·mem.ber hav'I'ng.' ur a y 0 e races 'with. his stitutioos'qualify as tax.;.exemp~),;" . ~,~ep.~r!lle"c .0' .. uca ,0,11, breakfast of., Bi$h().p .O'~eillY .' , organizations. . ' In patt,lcular, h.ad to. meet, hea.4- ,~ssembly, -, Fourth l)egree ,: a part to play has notyetduHy, ,~ut()graph; . During' ~he pa'st, year,,' the on. ~~~~ ch:all~~ges.r ,t~" C,~t!toliC",Knighisof 'ColumbUs; the Bishop .' clicked with Catholics.?' ' "Padre Pio," Mr. SE;lgni told Legal Department an,d., Ed.,ucatio". "h091 . ,sa.id the,'. 1ayma,.n, .....shouI,d,. do awa.y"'" "Certainly," ",' " newsmen, "is"a man who leaves .'" " ed_uc,a.t,i.on.... T..h e Ca~.h,o,1,I.C' sc.,' , ' the Bishop said, a de~p impression on anyone' Dep~!=~~ent. have· spent long, I;' ,ll~stem, WIth sO?1«:flye ,J!1I~lic:.n ' With. the: "cleav,a~«7" b~tween tus "in 'this pluralistic and secular-' hours in !=Qnference with ,Federal " ~tudc:nts, ~da~, IS ~nd ha,s~n, ' lay and" reli~ious life. He said.' istic society, the laity's job of :who speaks: to him ... Talking 0fi'i~i!11s to; work out, ih'~~etail4'f:: : ~n~, ; .~~ }~e p'rou,d~st ".~~~ts. .. ~f.;, the }aY,~an.'. ~!,()U~d m,aket~e. :spreifding 'divine truth, calls 'for ',. :,fi ~hp~~~~tgn:,0 h:~p'~~~~:~~egs~~o.a~ of ~e,.Nabonal Defel.lse~du~a,.",:~e:lcan " Cathp!l~S" b~,t. It:' ,Ohurch 'an Il,ltegral' ..part of .lhs a realiStiC"public 'relatio'ris' ap;:' . spiritual J' sttength and at .the tioq ,Act ~f,l958. IlQ'V d;O;priYat~,,.,~ ~" \.s~,:,are,IY~l).t~e,:,:c~n·~~r life. ' , ' . " .,... , . ' ',: proa'ch;' inCluding understaridin~,','/la." time ,to 'a person of ex tieme' . IOh~,ls qualify for Ipans? Wha~\ ",:Ofsti'~\ ~~n3; .~f c?n'U:I~v~r.~Y,'; " . , If,the w'orkof the. Church 'is" ,theexistirigCirctimst'arices~" p''licity·.". ..... . " , orgap,.izatJons qualify' all s<;hool~? .,;,' 0\1l1~., ~~ou~s . ~ou,~, s!1PP':e~, '. ~'. ,'be· ',accomplisped, .BiiJhop' , What,guarantee wili the govern,:, ,C:attl~lic; schools.:. .thel.r.'pu9~lca-Flariagan' sajd, it must have a : Th,e, .Bis~op.emphasiied ment have for its loan? These tlonshurl unendmg vlhficatlons. ~.body of· "public relations exof the aspectS in the attitudes of' BEFORE YOU were some questions discussed.- ., Legislative attac!c$ to close Cathpeopl!! ~oward the Church. . . BUY - TRY The NC;:WC News Service:the "'o~ic sch~ols, have .Deen made, Gonzaga High Wins There isa misunderstanqing largest religious news service 'in ~rectly 10. Oreg~n 10.19.22, and . of the real, nature of the Caththe world is the work of the' mdlrectly 10. Califorma 10 195~ CitY,lChainpionship olic Church, 'he said. There also Press Department: both unsuccessful., Court fights· . WASHINGTON (NC)-Before is a fear "of our newly-won concern'ing bus rides and the' a .record crowd' of 17,403 fans, status as the largest single faith News Serviee 'matters of school accreditation Gonzaga High School, conducted in this country; and, in contrast, , . OLDSMOBILE , The Ilews. service is a news-' .and Federal lunch programs are by the' .Jesuits, won the high there is ~ great amount of,gQod Oldsmobile -. Peugot - Renolt gatbering agency, s~milar to the ,jlreas, of' .vital' cqncernto. the school football championship of will, partly caused by' the 67 Middle Street, Fairhaven Ass~ciated Press or United,Press :Churqh. ;m4 ,the ,C;:atholic. people. . the nation's capital"by defeatingamol1,nt PI. l;t\1manitarian work,' Internationa1, except thiit, its, , ' ~ach dePartment o{the NCWC Eastern public high school 7to . ~nd c p~rtly,; QY . the dal,mtless sPel:[i~ie 'function is'to 'pro,:ide to '. :fnust,.:.\i:e~p ~,c()~stant, s\1rv,~il~ 6 in Griffith Stadium.' ., 'struggle against atheistic ..comthe,~:)Jshops,clergy,'andfaithful. ,lanC~i,on its. own field.,of,'"i,nteJ;-., ': It marked the fourth succes:. munism.",. ',.:.' ... of the United States -:...' 'and' in" 'est ~qd, ,wh,en necessary" ~xplain '. ave year that a Catholic high later y~ats, ~ Catholi~~ in other ~e p.Qsitlori theChui;ch,.. "schOOl: 'team has wOn the' city: ~untrles - . mformahon on th~ , C4~rch:B~tter :Und.erst()od:, """ehampionship; The feat was ac...· life and thmking of Catholiclt i· In 1919, one of the mot.iv-atin g ,', eomplished'in the last three around the world"and, ab.Qve. all, .', ~actors for the formahon of years by St. John's High School, . to. strengthen commumcatJons ~C~C was the defense of t~e whicli~ is conducted by the .Peter Poulos, Manager WIth Rom,e and the words of th~ !~g~ts the"Chu:fc~" ~P!! ,p?SIChristian Brothers, The game, Registered Pharmacist HoI.! Father. , ~Ion: of th~,Ch\1rch mth,,;UJl,l;ted annually sponsored by the Wash-' We"wHI .pfcku() and' deliver I':l I~s :than tl!~:~e :y~a~s, this ~ta~es at present'!s JilU~h differ~ ington Post and Times-Herald your presctiptionat'no charge a~lICY s val,ue was, obVIOUS to ,~nt. The Church IS better under- . and the Touchdown Club is the 25i'Union. St., New Bedford al~. Subscriptions'to'local Cath:-. 'stoOd, !Ind its numbers are much elosing'event of the high'school WYman 7-:4152 ' ohc De~sp.apers skyrocket~, 'larg~r than 40 years ago. footbali season in the city. ~e doubling and .. some even: BIgotry" and' scurrilous 'atquadrupling. . " t a C k s , though by no means nonTOday, 'the NC News Service 'existent, 'are on the wane and has 500 subscribers in 62 coun- .the Church is more able to take .. CQnlplete tries. It· serves 'not only the 'its normal place on' the Amer~ A u t o Body Catholic ~apers of the United ..lcan scene. S~~es an~ C~nada, b!i,t also pro"The. cc:>~p,ling of the changing 24-HOUR WRECKER vldes a Spamsh and Portuguese :Amerlcan atmosphere .and the SERVICE edition.,lor .Latin .~rilerica, 'fhe,\ :rap~d expansion of the Church 35 HILLMAN. STREET .·;.. •. 1 ' • cr¢dit line (NC), which appears' fallows for Ii change ot'ertiphasis. " )",j·"",;l'.'.",: . ., ,.. NEW; BEDFORD' lrequentl~,jn alt C!lthqlic, pl,lp~rs, 'The exposition of the ;,C;:h\1rch's • WY ,,6-8343. has .pr~~~n to ~...~"',e J,if~F~e pf' :position can become secondary ,CQU . . .. BdstO'I. . .' -, .,n -, i the Catho'lic preSS- of the'Unit'ed :\0 :attention to the problems of S~tell,,,'. ;, "':",:.';"": ,.f';')'.''': !groWth. and development.·,The '".,,..,..,.....,.,....... . 'J,'henews service was the first~pologetic approach 'is y'ielding·: to bring bycabltflrom Rome the '!more to the positive approach B'risto'i. 'County I,Jke ,you" ,we're v.ery complete text of a papal encycliand it is the role 'of the NCWC wary of what we Sign., , eal. It set'up a working arrange,.. :to help stimulate that growth. And to us our label is our Tr~st C o m p a n y ment with the Associated Press. Forms Councils signature. Our food-exAP provided the cable facilities C . f th I th l't perts shop around. check and NC sent a reporter and a onsclous ? e ro e e. al y .TAUNTON, MASS., '18 t ff t 'd't th should play 10 the development . t f and recheck. test and try prIes . rom I . S a,. q ~ I e of the Church, the Bishops ~DY, 'and 'every item beencychcal as It arnved 10 New f d th N 1"' l'C "1 f . THE BANK ON , York" orme e a lona ounp~ 0 'fore"it carries our stiunp' , •. " . Catholic Men and the NationaL TAUNTON. GREEN of approval: And it's o"ly, Defends Ri&'hts. Council of Catholic Women -in .,' . when 'we' ean 'match the A J)rime motive fOr 'the estab-. 1919; and in' 1942. tl!e N,atio'nal quality of 'the 'best on the' ,Member' of ~e!l~r~I' Deposit ·lishmentof 'NCWC . was the Council of Catholic Youtli., The market and bring it Insurance C~rporaUo1J. neetissity of defending .'the rights purpose of these countils:in' 'ge,n. you a Iitt'e' bit lowerpriced do we place such of the Church. , : . . ',eral is to form' .Jay apostles who ! product' on our ~helves;' At the time,Cath'olics comwill be of service to the Church. ' A lOAF OF MONK'S BIEAD IS ,This is what makes the prised about one-sixth of the The work of the councils has Stop '& Shop lahel " ~llre ~'CHENOUGH TO IE A ...... population, most of them living been a difficult challenge· over sign of ~ood elitin!! and in the larger cities. Great' areas theY-ears. In line with the vola great value ••• everyof the country had, proportionuntary nature of the NCWC, the time. . ately few Catholics and many councils must win their way into Bishops lived in virtual isola- ,each diocese on" the m~rits of The Trappist 'moab wbo developed tion. their programs and by citing the chis delicious Ioat ea~ ,DO meat, li.!lh or Some Americans looked upon ,advantages to the Church 'of the egg•• Bread is the backbone' o( their Catholics as immigrant intrud- federation of Catholic groups. limple .diet. 0aJ)' the fioest ingrcdienu ers threatening the dominantly In the voluntary unity' of the arc _d. Trappistl have been (.moUl for tbeir borne-made bread (Ot 300 yean. Protestant "American way of Bishops and the' laity lies the life." Hostile organizations secret of success of 40 years.. In openly attacked the Church, parthis also rests the hope of the ticularly its school system, and'futur~.
su " . n.
":To ·B'E
.. Love Increases Through Sacrifice'""",
Marriage Offe,_s Of Coope,rating, ,With God .
By Father
God Love ·YOU· By Most Rev. Fulton J. ~heen, D.D. ' i . . HaU the alms th~ U. S. gave last year,~ the HolT !,atber
L. Thomas, S. J.
w~re distributed equaUy to each missionary in Africa, Asia and elsewhere on'a day to day basis. how much would each receive! . 70C a day? ,With this he would have to live. travel. build churches, schools,' leper colonies. orphanages.' etc.
Ass't Sociology 'Prof.-St. 'Louis University
Is it wrong for us to w~nt a small family of ab0!1t'four ehildren'if the reason is that we would like to have some of the nicer things (such as vacations, new clothes, car,h<;>me, etc.) for our family and ourselves-provided, of course, that no ~rtificial means are how many children you should used to' limit the family? or may hav~. The func~io.n of It appears from your let- the Church as the d1vl~ely 't b' established teacher of men 1S to ter t h at you h aven· een clarify the nature and purposes
There are two ways of looking at this: one' is at the little ----bit of money the poor of th~ world receive; the other is at our spiritual condition. They are actually bound together like the concave and convex sides of a saucer.
married very long and are of life and of marriage to deDow engaged in building heir fine the moral laws that per.tain to the marriage vocation, castles, as they . say. Strictly and, through preaching and the speaking, from dispensing of sacramental graces, HEADS ROTA: Monsigthe viewpoint to support the faithful in th'eir nor Francis J. Brennan, 65, of. . the moral pursuit of holiness. law, you are Within this framework of dea priest of· the Archdiocese free to want as fined purposes, -rights and obliof Philadelphia, has been Illany or as few gatiol1s, responsibility for decidnamed' dean of the Sacred cb.ildren as you ing' when and how often yOU Roman. Rota, high court of please. ' shall make use of your marital 'This is to say, rights rests with you. the Universal Church. Msgr. you are not Yours. also. is the decision Brennan is' the first Anieri.:. obliged to deconcerning the size of ·the famcan to serve in thisposi. sire any specific ,i1y-to the extent' that this deNC Photo. number, so if pends on human agents. you feel that fout would be Since you alone assume the about right, that's' up to you. serious obligations involved in Since you recognize that the bear{ng and rearing children. Continued from Page One means you use to achiev~ the. you alone must prudently dedesired number must' be' in' co~.;. cide how far. you are qualified . Adoption of .a. constitution and. election' of officers maybe dis": .formity with God's laws, thlS to assume additional obligations. about handles the question of· To ..bring your. speculativ~ cussed -at this time' and under. 104r . positive moral obligati~ns question down to the practical· taken. Newman. Cllibs -are familiar' j.il the m a t t e r . ' orden.; are the, social. ;an,d· eco,.. e'ntities on tl:\e campuses o~ non-. .: But the question of how many nomic"reasons you· suggest :suffiC;ittiolic, colleges. Their pl;1rpo~e, Children to desire should not be: cient justification for desiring to to Joster the .spiritual and.in", "answered solely on the· basis o~ limit your. family' to .. four? . I tellectual growth of ,Catholic moral obligations. Children ~ep-: s~gestj~iou'delay'!hi!?decii:!iO.n stUd~nts, and' to provide ,so~ial resent one of the major bl~ssmgs u,nJH, you have yo'ur fo.urt,h child. tJr '''good:' of marriage....Llke aU j\.sa ge.ner;al .prin¢.ple,,· eco-. activities whE:re .. Catholic stublessings, they ennoble the par- .' nomic. ability to bear,..:an~, raise. . derit~ lUay ~eet otheJ::s of ~im.ila~ interests. . :~cipants., ; ' , .: '. ..... " ch·ild,ren;should.be: estimated ". NeWrrlan'Chibs give the Cath- . . Hence the Church has always with .. reasonable ..coni:!ideration ~inted out that the privilegeo£ for s~ciai position and the prot>-' olk~college student .the oppor~ tuni ty tb investigate his' Faith cooperatipg with the Creator ·in able future costs. of educating on an adult level and to discuss the procreation and education of cpildren in accord with Chrischildren is one of the chief b'e~e,': '. 'tiiur'principies. " .'. _.~, ' every aspect· of Catholicism and the Cathulic 'life; with consid'fits of marriage. .', . ' I t will help you to 'thiilk eration given to the relativity According to the divine plan. . clearly on this s~bject' ii' you and application of '·Catholic. parenthood is designed to call- keep in mind that· the licit'deciteachings to modern problems. ., fOl"th and develop some of the sion to limit offspring' never A Newman Club has already finest qualities in fathers and involves a comparison between been ,established at ,·the New IBOthers, leading to theil: full the "good'! 01. a child and an seU-realization and, perfection economic good. The eConomic Bedford Institute of ·Techr:tology w~th Rev:.. John .1'. Hogan 81 ita ' . mature Christians.' .exists merely as 'acondition or . Parenthood involves the. total circumstance, not as an essential c~aplain. . process .of childbearing and good. Father ,Hackett, who was for ~veral yellrs. an ,assistant at St. cbildl:earing. By its very nature In reaching your decision, Thomas More Parish in Somerit requires a couple to work to"-; ;~erefore" you must weigh the set,· received his Doctorate in gether: in the establishment of good '01.. 'the family-the good of a stable, loving society or home husband, wife, and children' al.,. Canon Law at the Cathoiic university of America in 1959. ill which children can be bOrn ready born-and the good of and :reared to Christian maturPossibie future child. Since the ily. . .. child riot yet conceived has no Tti'us procreation ~epresents rights (it does_not yet exist), it GIlly_the first step; it 1S the ·pahas no positive 'claim to be born. tient)· ,careful, time and energyOn the other hand as we have cons~ming task of rearing .chil- seen, theopportunlty to bell! eken 'up to the status of mdeand rear a child represents a pendent Christian adulthood great and enduring privilege.: that makes parenthood essenYou Ipoust balance this privitially a developmental and sanclege off against the other goods tifying vocation. that you have mentioned, reFor this reason, Catholic membering that the decision not , teaching does not emphasize to have another child may be u mere 'numbers .01' 'family:, size. significant for. your future hapAl~ho\lgh children' are ~l:1e. of· 'p't'ness as the decision to have the major blessings of marriage,' one. . their ideal number is' relative to the capaCities and peculiar circumstances of the individual ;.·,Of Blessed -Mart~in' couple that must bear and ROME (NC), _ A picture' 'of them to maturity. , Blessed Martin de' Porres' has ' On the otherh8nd, ~ents been unveiled in the DomiIucan who; ·have succeeded in raiSing 'Church of the Most Holy,Trirt<ity a large family to maturity' in 'achere by ..Bishop Javier Ariz ·FA1HER HACKETT cord 'with Christian norms show Huarte, yitar Apostolic of pti~~_ that· . they have been nchlyto Maldonado, Peru. ._' bleSsep, both in their numerous . "Blessed Martin was born in childr~n and' in the personal . , 'al' . Lima, Peru, on Dec. 9, 1569, the . . .d qualities an .. SOC1 . Cll'cum8On'·of a. SpanIsh" officer and a stances required to fulfill this colored mother. After' studying , .
Newman Ch.b,: ';"
Most love starts in intensity and then settles into peace, whether this be the love of husband and wife or the love of the' soul and God. The beloved is soon - taken for granted; the Eucharist is there . if. we want to" receive it; the husband or wife is there if the other wishes to maJ;l.ifest
.,,::a~~bl~ "baw ,~ ,,~,;; me-I
to diocrity and dullness? The law. is clear; no liM one rises f~om a lower to. a higher degree W of love without sacrifice. The Blessed Mother did not enlarge her love until she had .passed through·a Calvary; only then did she add'to her title ~'Mother of Jesus" the glorious one of "The Mother of Man·kind." Eventlie Love of Our Lord did no~ .diffuse its~lf on Pentecost until 'after His Crucifixion, Resurrection, imd Ascension.
: '" Our inner peac'e, 'our . unity with the· 1rinity in our sool. 'our joys do nOt IDchiase much by' 'Dovenas' in wh'ich' we ask: for sOmething;' the Increase' comes 'from' i'ivilig something:....:.the suppression of· oUr ego,' the denial' of some pleasure,' even legitimate. ·;the hacking away' at .c»ur selfishness; Try it.: The' next novena you make, promise Our Lord'&o deny' yourself: something each day of' the novena in order &9 sendtheJeqoivalent to the Vicar . of Christ. ,Instead of reading ,out of a: little prayer book; speak to Our Lord In your own words: teU·Him -yoo 'want· to love Him' more; teU.HirD· you' are maklDg a" sacrifice for' the, Propagation' ~f the Faith· in' order.. that "yoo' may :empty' yourself; .bell" Him to .~ke' ,ov~~ .th~t exir~, littl~ 's'p~rk in your .sool. By being thought.· -less. ot lie,U YO!Jr ~e.ques~ w~R' be more readily grant,:.d, .!it the end' 0; the. !iovena, .send your, daily sacrifices to the. Soeiet~for .the p;~p~gation of,the'taith.All YOO' ~iy,e: goes to..th~ Holy. Fa~h~r• H~ makes the.dis.tributi0l!- to, the MiSlJions.
THE WOBLDMISSION'ROSARY'IS in fi~e coloi'll. Eaeb decade of a.different eolor r:epresentinl' each 01 the five oontlnenta of the world. If TOO are one of 'the few peOltlfJ left who has never ,seen thiS rosa:r,., we win be.haPpy to send 'FOU one ~ FOur requesl :f~"~offerinl'~ot$~. ',.' . '.',
DAUGHTERS OF ST. PAUL Invite young ;ir" (14-23). to labor .. Chris"s WIst vineyard CIII _ Aposh of the Editions: Press. Radio. Movies enid 'rei.. "isioti. With the.. .modem meails. tbfte Missionary Si.t.... · 'bring Chris"s Doctri... to all. regardle.. of "rac.. cotcw or crMd. For information write lV:
.,' ~ ST. PAULOS AVE. BOSTON 10.' MAli.
Wins and members of the Peruvian STORRS (NC)..,... st.Loui4 colony in Rome. . Uiriversity ,wo~ the' first' 03-+ tioni\l collegiate soccer cham..; ., pionship by' defeatinlfthe. Uni"'·:" vefsity of Bridgeport, ~~~ on the University of Conneeticut B. F. GOODRICH,Di.-. field here. The Jesuit-conducted ,RECAPPING DoNE iristitution won the champion:" IN OUR OWN' PLANT . ship in the first sOccer tourn",-. m~nt conducted by the National '365 MAIN STREET Collegiate Athletic AssociAtion. FAIRHAVEN The game was played in tberain WYman 7-4501 aac:l mud on the University field.
.: "'Cu~'~u~;this"column; pin'your sacrUiJ,t9it,and mail it to the Most: Rev. ·FUlton J .. Sheen, .Nation~ pirector of. Th~ ,Sqcietr :for ,the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York 1, N.Y., or, your Diocesan' Director; RT. REV. RAYMONDT. CO~~IDINE. 368 North Main Street, Fall River, Mass..
Unveil 'Rome Portrait
leaders .;.. ly medidne he"eatered the Dominiten . I • . iean Order as a Brother and praise' the successfUl .pUems ()£ dedicated himself' to the caPe a large familY, they are not emphasizi l1 g' numbElrs alone, rather. of the sick. He died on .Nov; 3. they',are commending perents .1639.. , .. . for a big job well'done. _. . ', __.Present for the unVeiling was the Peruvian. ,Ambassador to The Church doel.notteU..Y9U ,. Holy See; Luis Cou.
,: ';
:·,HATHAWAY· 011 '.CO., ':11I(. f\IEW' ~FOID'
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Special .Arrarigeme.ntli WeddiDp and Partiee
For Reservations: , Phone OSborne '·2-91 ~ ":'
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THE ANCHORThurs;, Dec. 10, 1959
New OfficerS
The Parish Parade ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET The quarterly Communion Breakfast of the Holy Name Society is scheduled for Sunday. Members of the committee will prepare the meal. The newly elected officers of the Society are: William Raposa, president; Joseph Botelho, vice-president; John Coffey, secretary; Raymond Macho, treasurer; and Raymond Monteiro. marshall.
POpe,' P'resident, .
Salute ,:P'relate",
H0L.Y NAME, FALL RIVER The Women'. Guild will hold a hl,Ull and bean supper Jan. 19 at the Catholic Community Center, Franklin Street.
ST. ST~NISLAU8, FALL RIVE~ Forthcoming events for ,the Parent-Teacher and Alumni Asaoclation include a children'. Christm~s party,' a Stanola, Spring mystery ride' and fashioD ,bow. ' NOTRE DAME. FALL RIVER; The Women's Gund wiD henceforth be known as the Council of Catholic Women. :Members will sponsor a roller.kating party tomorrow' night .for parish teenagers under chairmanship of, Mrs. Wilfrid Garand, with' whom reservationa should be made. Miss Helen Chace, president, ,is chairman ofth'e annual Christmas party, .chedvied for 7:45 Monday night,- Dec. '14 in Jesus-Mary Academy audi- .". 'torium. Memben and prospec., tive member; 'welcome to ':attend_'.Gifta will·be'exchanged. ,oua iADY' OF 'BEALTH,-'" FALL·, RIVER , A Christmas,party will be 'held for patish children at :1 Sunday afternoon, Dee. 2'1 in the parish ball. . AlSo in the hall will, be a joint party f« the Women', Guild and HolT Name Socieq 'at Molidq ~ Dec. 28.
BIRTHPLACE OF RELIGIOUS li'REEDOM: Fath~r John LaFarge, S.J.;- of ,New York, examines the historical marker erected in St. Mary's City, Md. for. the 325th' anniversary celebration of the founding of Maryland as the first home of religious freedom in America. The Catholic Leonard Calvert was Maryland's first governor. NC Photo. '
. Baptist ,Cleric Deplores .. c:.EVELAND (NC) The ,coming presidential campaign must not be turned into a, "reYival of Ku Klux Klani8I'D" 01. 1928 if a, Catholic· ia a eandidate,pr. OrlandoL. Tibbettl asserted' in a' sermon at Lakew.ood ,Baptist Church here.. -Dr. Tibbetts,. 'president 01. the 'Baptist 'Seminary ~ in Mexico City from 1946 to 1953, deplored the .opposition at recent Baptist convention!! to a Catholic .. a presidenti~l candidate. ., He'said the Baptisj church always has held that a man's belief. are his own private business and he deplored what he termed "planting of the seeds of sectarian.ism and bigotry." With Catholicism growing as it is, he said, Baptists in Texas, for example, may some day find them.elves in the minority and re-
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PHILADELPHIA (NC) Saints are not sent from heaven, but instead are "raised up" te heaven from earth to show what sanctity men can achieve, Bishop John J. Wright of Pittsburgh declared at a Pontifical Mass which he offered at Mary's Central Shrine to corrlmemorat~ the feast of the Miraculous Medal. The shrine, located in Philadelphia's Germantown section, is a center of the Miraculous Medal devotion. It was there that the Miraculous Medal perpetual novena movement was begun in 1930 by Father Joseph A. Skelly, C. M. Father Skelly, 85, is director of the Central Association of the MiraculolU Medal, which has headquarten here. Bishop Wright declared in his sermon that "saints are Itot sent to us' from God to threaten and chastise us." "Saints do not come from heaven," he said. "They are raised up - the words are important - , they are 'raised up from among us, and go to God ,to remind Him of how good we can become "with His grace,' and thus to beg His me'rcy.~
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sent opposition 'expressed on religious grounds to a':aaptist eandidate for public office~ , Dr. 'Tibbetts s~id concern over papal control ,oia Catholic publie office holder has been "much exaggerated." He called for the ejection . of. candidates according to c~~petence, 's~a~esmans~iip1 and abIhty" nO,t, rli;hglOuS hebef· "
• Tel~visioll • F1Inti&un .' Appliances • Groeer,o
Norris H. Tripp
Asserts Saints Are Raised Up
OUR LADY OF GRACE, NORTH WESTPORT Mrs. Jeannette Butler, 'president of the GUild, has announced that 75 members were present at this year's Christmas Party. Miss Claudette Desmarais impersonated Santa Claus and distributed gifts. Chairmen of the party were Mrs. ,Elsie Laurendeau, Mrs. Margaret Goslin and 'Mrs. Doris Rocheforte. At the conclusion of the evening's activities Father Lamontagne expressed gratitude for the accomplishments of the Guild in behalf of the parish and the Christmas gift.
ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CENTRAL VILLAGE A whist party will be held in the parish hall at 8 Saturday night with Mrs. Lorraine Hollins ST. MATmEU'S, and Mrs. Edith Kirby co-chairFALL RIVER men. The Women's Guild will hold IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, its annual Christmas party at 7 NORTH EASTON tonight at White's restaurant. The Women's Guild will conGifts will be exchanged. ' duct its annual Christmas Party ST. ANNE'S, for the children of Guild mem- FALL RIVER bel'S on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 'The Holy Name Society will 19 at the Frothingham Memorial sponsor a ham and bean 'supper Hall. Mrs. William L. Flynn, Sat~Jrday night, Dec. 12, fro", president, and Mrs. Francis 5:30 to 7:30, in the parish hall. Sweet will be in 'charge of the Chairman is Bernard H. Paaffair. quette. ' ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, The Social Group', plans a FALL RIVER meat. pie supper Jan. ,23 with The Parish CYO lInit win .' Mrs. Mariette ·St ;Pierre ..' stage a talent show Tuesday chairman. A desseI:t bridge party night at 7:30 in the Parish Hall. is also scheduled for January. Admissio~ for ,adults is 75. centa The next regular meeting' will and .'01' children 35 cents.. Tick~ Ian. I. ~ ,'," ' ets will be sold at the, door.. , ' " ('" " , The proceeds from this show, ,will defray the expenses of. food· , , " , baskets to be',given.to the needy families of the Parish at ChristNEW' YORK .(NC) .:....; , M'sgr. mas time. 'Joseph' Cacella .observed , 'the HOLY NAME, 50th anniversary of. his' ordina..; FALL RIVER' ' , tion to the priesthood byservlng Mrs. William ,King, president' ,breakfast to destitute men at hi, of the Guild, ,has announced the mission in the',Bronx, as ,be b.. serving of a ham and bean IUP- 'done for the last 22 ,years.' 'per at the Community Center,' Among ·.those sending'· .ietten Franklin' Street,on·J'an. 19. 01. congratulations to Msgr. Cacella, director of St. Anthony', ST. MARY OF THE ISLE. Welfare Center, were Pope John; NANTUCKET Francis Cardinal Sp~llman, The Women's Guild will meet Archbishop of,New York; PresiTuesday eve'ning in Father Grifdent Eisenhower; Gov. Nelson fin HaIl. All mem bers are asked Rockefeller. of New York, and to attend in order to help in Mayor Robert Wagner ol 'New the wrapping of Christmas gifts . York. to be presented to the ill and the ' Msgr. Cacella, 77, was born ill aged on Christmas Eve. Portugal, not far, from Fatima,' where the famous apparitions of IMMACULATE ,OONCEPTIOK, the Blessed Virgin; occurred in FALL RIVER 1917. He has been active ia The CYO male choir will sing at various area institutions ill spreading the meSl!age of Fatima, and ia publisher of a observance of the Christma. season. A pilgrimage to La- monthly magazine, Our Lady 01. Fatima: Salette shrine will be made by In bis congratulations, Pope CYO members Tuesday, Dec. 15. ,John extended his apostolic The 'group will sponsor a Christblessing to Msgr. Cacella'. A mas party for small children of golden jubilee banquetiD hia the parish and hold a dance for:, honor was sponsored by the senior members,. Tuesday, Dec. Portuguese Club of AmeriCI!. 29. Another project is the selling of Christmas trees.
- Governor-- -·P.raises Ca:tholie" S~hools
THE ANCHOR~Di()cese of F~~~~~y;~~jhur:s:r'~~r lP,} 9~?~-;,.,
'H'er'e'Are D'electable'Disfl~s:'
To Brighten.·Your, Buffet' ..... By Joan Meadows ' . rio you ever read or. hear an expression so -perfectly suited to the' needs of the occasion that you always want to remember it '! Most of us do, I think. Patrick Henry's famous declaration, "Give me liberty or give me death !'~ fell on receptive ears and is there,. APPLESAUCE CAKE fore .prominently recorded . Cream together: history. At the outbreak 2eups 'sugar of World War. IE, Pre~ident i~:: shortening
Roosevelt calmed our nation by Saying the immortal words: "We have nothing to fear but Fear' itself." Mar e r eeently, in 1954, the' late Pope ·-- XII d l' .P IUS _e IVered'a ~ecb as'part of a day prayer 'for t h e ' sick. At that particuIrar time. he himself was convalescing from a serious' illness. He said, "We have always supplicated, Jesus-to, make our heart in some way similar to His, a. good, heart, a kind heart, a heart open to aU. suffering and to all sorrowHow we desire to' pass among you, drying your tears, bringing, comfort,. healing wounds, restoring health and vigor . . ." What' lasting sentiment these beautifu!.,words express! .. . . A favorite expression of mine: til ~the advice OIice giv~n me br a :loved and trusted friend. H;ej" sal'd.: "Pick up the ball and keep'-_: running." Eloquent? Hardly. Effective? Yes"":' as a beacon in. the darkest night. ., . '_ ~ : ~¥hese' expressions each say. in: ene way or another;. "Don't give ap~the ship"; or "Fight the good
Sift together two or three times and add to creamed mix-ture ~ternatelY with: 2~ cups sifted-floor . l' teaspoon CiDllaJllOll1 teaspoon, salt 1 teaspoon cloves . l' tablespoon aJ!sPIC?fl 1 teaspoon bakmg powder 2 teaspoons soda 2 cupe hot applesauce, unsweetened Add:' I eup~ raisins _ ~ cup hopped walnnts ". Bake in a 9x13" pan, 35()· P. for approXimately 40 minutes 01' until the cake tests done.
Stresses Importance C)f Distinction On 'Church· Related Questions
CLEVELAND (NC)-In thir;tkmg, speaking and voting Oft_ Church-related questions Cath'olics must: distinguish ~tween • • • "issues of justice" and "issues of The AID.erican buffet service_ diplomacy/' said _Bishop Paul J. is becoming more and more, Hallinan of Charleston,S. C., in popular for aInios.t company an, address to merh.bers of the entertaining. Its convenient Cleveland diocesan First Frida)" self-service makes it possible lub., for the" hostess to prepare her C Catholics "must be aware of. meal 41. advance. When the, time the very real conflicts' that can cOmes to eat, the hostess really in a pluralistic society like is a' hostess and can enjo)" the arise ours, the interplay of rights and fUft: 'of guests. Of course, the duties, privileges and responsi,success of any buffet, like that . bilities,". Bishop Hallinan said. at any other type dinner, lies ill "We must understand the dif-:planning. A good beginning is to plan in ference lietween issues of jusadvance the complete menu. tice. like aid to education, and Table setting, decorations, and issues of diplomacy, like an amb~dor to the Vatican." serving utensils and equipment The ,Bishop said he himself, are.. all important items. Ad-not .care whether a Cath':' . vance seating arrangemenw olie' 01' Protestant' ill elected fight." should be made too. 'Perhaps' they are- . best ex..A.,favOl:ite buffet main meat JA presidEmt, but "I care mightily_ wheth.er he practices honest!)" pressed in the Gospel story of a ha.~.. There ar: e dozens of ways the faith '_that:he -professes to be sk d, ''La d, to dress'up ham with glazes and certain man ~ho a e, ' ~ _ decOrative accents. An impor- true." are they few that are saved?": '- tan't rule-in baking it is to follow Bishop Hallinan, former diJesus replied simply, "Strive to enter by the narrow gate." carefully the packer's directions. rector' of Newman Clubs in thti If they are not included your • • • Safe guide is to remember that '- A 'high school teacher used. 1WD " should be fully cooked, jokingly to tell his students witli no exception, and that it ev~j- day what he had had' for requtres a slow· oven - 325' breakfast. One day it would be degreeS F. ..' -roast and coffee"; the' next A pretty decoration, aDd a, AUTO' ..BODY_ AND "'.;'1": ", '. morning "Coffee and toast." good tasting one, is pineapple . GENERAL REPAIRS The pattern was invariable. He chunks. After removing the C?:Uld be justified in sayin~ his. scored ham 'to a platter, pour off 7S' BeII~Wie Ave~ 3-7661 tr~akfast consiste,d - of, The 'excess fat .from roasting pan. ~ew, Bedford . I e old seven and six." Heat., drained pineapple chunks ! j)l your menus are'- showing quickly in the remaining hot fat. ns of monotony, here is., a' With· a colQred toothpfck, stick iia, on.salad with Ii new touch.' a'chunk in each square of ham'l . ~! is made with vegetables and scored surface. This works ~lced apples. The:added.. flavo~ ..equally__ s~c~essf~Jly .on_,.a small , ~mbine with the' good -flavor of 'cut, such as canned quarter ham, . Prescriptions. called' for Sa:Imon to make a delicioUjl smoked picnic; or canned;. . , '.. ~'nddeli~ered : main-dish Salad. Good for bufchopped ham. . '. HEADQUARTERS FOR tet-parties, too, "Apple-Salmon." Another flavorful treabnent Vegetable Sal~d" is also deli- for' -hani is with glazed apples. . DIETETIC SUPPLIES dous -with a barbecued steak or Cut several cored baking apples .600 Cottage S(WY 4-7439 chops - ' or serve it surrounded into (lh-inch slices or quarters. -' New Bedford' with small chive-cheese sand- Add -to' drippings in pan about v wiches as a luncheon 'specialty. half an- hour before serving time (before end of baking period). ~.~~~-"~~"~'-~---~--; APPLE':SALMON Baste tl'!e' apples along with the VEGETABLE SALAD ham. Before serving, arrange 1 can (l powid) red salmon apple pieces in any design you 1 small onion, chopped like on top: of ham and secure 1 cup thinly sliced cooked with toothpicks. . zucchini squash Here is a delightful recipe 'Bottled Italian Salad Dressin, 'l' cup thinly sliced celery . use next time you have leftover Crisp salad greens _ ,',-"Z:ice. Or you may find you will 2 cups sliced' Stayman M Coldell' -'like it SO well that you'U want --, Delicious apples . . . " ; -to .cook rice especially for : 365 NORTH FRONT STREET: 1 p3£kage (12 Oz.) fr~D lima,. . '.bi. this recipe. Plump raisins : NEW BEDFORD : ~ns cooked and dramed .'." _',' _sOaked overnig..t in sweet de.Dram: salmon; rem~~ebo.ne~.;-:!sert wine add delightful flavor : WYman 2-5534 -: and s~n; break"" ~p m.fmrIt_ ;to "Imperial Rice Pudding." Be. ,,~ .:_ ~ large p~e,ces;'. C~~bme. wl~h, c~I-: ...· member to set some raisins to ery, O~t°r,t, lima beans, zU<;C\l~_J"llt·:~csoak in wine so that -you'n be and slIce,d. apples. Toss With,:; ready to make this exce1leQ.t pud J salad ~essmg and greens; Ma~~( \ :ding,the next day. It's quick to • servmgs. " . ..' _>.~~~ put .together, and bakes in about .nour without any attention. .' -Applesauce. Cake'", ,evokeS. ,<-JMpERIAL.iUCE PUDDING happy memories.for many·of~-;_;-r;y..-c: Ii ht or dark raisiDa It recalls for us the comfortll~g:;.;, .;'-:", c:: su~-, warmth of our mother's kitchen·'O·, :; '4 cup Mtiscatel wiDe. and the delectable spicyfra-{'- ~ teaspOi)n salt -, grance ,. that floated froin .the.' ,~.teaspoon gra,ted 1emoD riDlI Electrlt;GI oven""':"all a testimonial of her ' 01 caps milk . deV:o'tion. ,,~.~ cooked rice '_ : C.OftUGctOl'I This tested recipe. for "Apple-:-:. _Rinse and drain raisms. Add sauce Cake" has lost none 'of itS--- "wine and lemon rind -aDd let 'appeal. It is still very suitable stand overnight. Beat eggs and 464 SeeoncI St. 'for church suppers, harvest par,- - stir in sugar and salt. Add milk, , ·ties, lunch boxes and for growrice and raisin-wine mixtur~ FALl. RIVER .Utg boys and girls. It stays moist· Pour into baking dish and set :imd fresh. It may be frosted 'in pan of hot water. Bake in OSbolne' 2~2-143 ,~ith a simple powdered sugar; moderate oven (350· F.) I hour frosting, flavored with strong or' until set in center. Makes 'coffee or with lemon. 4 to 5 ,servings.
Cleveland diocese, declared that ~ ?hilosophy o~ relativism bas infected the cltmate of our philosophy and social studies." "The idea of truth as a Godrelated fact is not at home on any' campus where God has been made an elective and as the catalogs say, is 'not off~red thill year '" the Bishop declared. . .'.
These are the Impatient wordl of mother when THE BABY · IS CRYING. But she' hal the formula and IT WILL BE READY
'LARIYIERE'S .... :~h~~m~cy·'
•_. •
.-'. -_':.an:
~wilI _help, MATHEW,.and; :CYRIAC . take 'tlteIr first" step -tOwarcL~e priesthood. ," ':"X «itt'of $150 'in ~oDor ofS.T. LUCY·(Dec. ""'13) or' MOTHER CABRINC(Dee. .:ZZ)"will · IHl"&heffrst hail Of you' 'paymeni'forthe two-year novitiate' ,01 "SISTER AVILA, or SISTER DIGNAo " .. .... . . _,-", ):: : ;t. ),;.r~',,:.,
.~.~,_':"... ,~,.~._---..-.,.-,.,....,.
JOIN A NEAR 'EAST' MISSION CHRISTMAS' CLUB,..- A. ..• Pi-ayer-A-Day and A Dollar~A--Month-by. becoming ,a "·member. of: !l'HE CHRYSOSTOMS. 'wh_o, educate our 'lleminaria~s; or. _.. THE DAMIEN LEPER FUND; or THE BASILIANS. who ,SUP:' -port our refu'gee schools; or -THE MO:~n¢A FUND, wl:Uch fur:. . DIShes churches and chapel&. B&B TWO FOR THE PRICE OF oNE. The villagers Ill' BAKHETME-and BADARCHE need cha~Ii .blidiy. The cost .tOB r--"Iiil'ii=r'rn'~THE TWO will be $4.000.WUI you help ua make a. CHRISTM~ PROMISE that the chapels wUl be built? THE MASSES you have offered FOR YOUR'DECEASED RELATIVES and FRIENDS are the best posslble~~!\."1 Christmas gift for them. Your MASS .OFFERINGS for the Uvlng and the dead MAT;",;;;;::a...... TER VERY MUCH to our Mlssloners.GREGORIAN -MASSES MAY BE ARRANGED FOR YOURSELF OR FOR ANY DECEASED PERSON. Ask about oUr SUSPENSE card.
. GIFT .wilI· bur-"lIs
TlIB APOSTLE (Dec.' ~l~the first ,payment· toward the $600 :rleecIecI for their, idx-year.slmunaJ')' course .
Heating Oils .-~ .and Burners .~ -. -
WILL WELL. WHATEVER you have IS WEALTH AND WELL WORTH WILLING - to your- relativea, your frlendl,; · your favorite charity, and pmNEAR.EAST MISSIONS.·
In '.' fev minutes. The onIi forma. Ia tor_ some of our refugee chlldreft_ ~an_d Uie~,familles- Is the food packlll'e MONSIGNOR RYAN WILL·
CHRISTMAS Monsl~nor FOOD PACKAGE. will send you an oUve seed rosal'J' FROM THE HOLY LAND.-And ... ,71Jr Hoi] Fathtrt Mission AiJ ClaD BE GENEROUS IN THE NAMII jiw Iht 0rimIaiChrmll . OF THE HOLY FATHER H fOU send an additional shingle. clft.
~ DEBROSSE OIL~ :co. :-
.. '
- - - - - - - - - -....~~....~~~~~~-~~:_::_:~ ....-
GREENSBURG (NC) -Gov. David Lawrence of Pennsylvania has praised, the Catholic' school system for r.ende~ing "invaluable services~' to education ill the state. "The burden of public education is considerably lightened by the responsibilities that the parochial schools have assumed," he said at the dedication of the new Greensburg Central Catholic High_ School, declaring that religious schools have an "indisputed advantage" because the education they ,offer' "is inspired by the word of God." The Governor cited the Catholic school system of Pennsylvania as "a model to Catholica elsewhere in the nation." He· commended Catholics for the sacrifices they have made to build and support schools. However, he pointed out, the facilities of all schools will SOOft be strained by the growing school age population. "Your efforts in the future must of necessity be increased,· he said. The new high school waa blessed and dedicated by Bishop Hugh L. Lamb of Greensburg. The $1,200,000 regional school has accommQdations for 1,200 students. -
LAst MINiJTE GIFT? - Send our LOVELY GriT cAim 'WITH PRESSED FLOWERS FROM •BETHLEHEM - Aa you choose one of these glftl for our MlssloDi - The offering 01 MijS8 - MEMBERSHIP In the Near East Missions: ANNUAL -'" Individual $1, Family $a; PERPETUAL ....; $20 In· .Ividual, $100 Famlly .:... Mall Kit .... $100 Confesl!lonal ,.$M ctborlum •••••. $40 StatiOUI • • • • • 2lJ Sane'" Bell... 5 Statue ....• , •• 86 Plettira : . . . • . • J5 Pyx .. : .. ~ . .. ... 15 ~ Medlcal KIt ",... 71 Altar Linens: ui Masi Vest'tl- .. 50 Sane'" Lamp •• 1~ . AS SOON AS you tell- ... the gift YOU CHOOSE, a GIn CARD goes to the relative or frl~nd you name,.. _ _ .
NO DETI'ER TIME than ChrIstm.. to lend tile MASS CARD Chat SLIPPED YOUR MIND durln~ the Jear. 0111' beautltal .. urd fa an appropriate remembran~ .
·'~'l1ear Fast OlissioosJib'I -
, "
Mltr. Peter P. Tuohy, Nat!J Sec'y.. S.nd an communications -tOl
CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIAnOtf 480 Lexington Ave. at 46th St•. NeVi York 17, N. Y.
Diocese Mourns Fall.River. Pastor Continued from Page One eoming pastor of Our Lady a/. ,Health Church, Fall Rivet', OIl Dec. 6, 1943. Father Cabral stayed at Our Lady of Health Church for two years and then was pastor of St. Elizabeth's Church in Fall'River for seven years. He came to Our Lady of Angels Church on June 3, 1952. The Office of the Dead wall recited in Our Lady of Angels Chun:h yesterday afternoon after Father Cabral's body was transferred from the rectory to the Church. Lessons of the Office of the Dead were sung by Rev. Eugene Dion, Rt. Rev. Raymond T. Considine, and the Most Reverend Bishop. Mass Officers Assistant Priest of the Mass was Rt. Rev. Humberto S. Medei-
THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 10, 1959
ros, and Deacons of Honor were Rt. Rev. John A. Silvia and Rt. Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher. Deacon of the Mass was Rev. Laureano C. dos Reis, and Subdeacon was Rev. Francis A. McCarthy. Acolytes were Rev. Donald A. Couza and Rev. Roland Boule, with Rev. Anthony M. Gomes as Thurifer. Book Bearer was Rev. Patrick J. O'Neill, Candle Bearer Rev. Bento R. Fraga, Mitre Bearer Rev. Luciano Pereira, and Gremiale Bearer Rev. Adrien Bernier. Masters of Ceremonies were Rev. John H. Hackett and Rev. Paul F. McCarrick. Eulogist Eulogist was Rev. Jose M. Bettencourt e Avila, pastor of St. Anthony's Church in East Falmouth.
Bishop's Charity Ball Highlights Social Season Glenn Miller's orchestra will feature Arlene Martel when it plays at the Bishop's Charity Ball at Lincoln Park on Thursday night, Jan. 7 next, .Director Ray McKinley has announced. "Your committee can be assured that our entire company will .be at its best from the inimitable style of the Glenn ' Miller music to the unforgettable renditions of the Lenny Hambro quintet," McKinley has informed the two sponsoring organizations of the Charity Ball. The highlight of the diocesan social season is being directed by the St. Vincent de Paul Society and the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. Proceeds of the formal ball will be' used for the underprivileged children of the diocese. "I am looking forward to playing the Bishop's Charity aaH at Lincoln Park," McKinley has informed the sponsoring organizations which report a goodly sale of tickets. The· demand is much more brisk than last year, it _ reported.
Interracial Council Speakers Urge Housing Justice· for ,All Groups TOLEDO (NC) - . White Catholics have been urged to be 'active in efforts to end racial discrimination in' housing by speakers at the annual breakfast meeting of the Catholic Interracial Council of Greater ToJedo. In a sermon preached at a Mass before the meeting, Bishop George J. Rehring of Toledo listed h 0 u sin g discrimination among the injustices suffered by minority groups in America. He said: "Unthinkingly we forget that despite superficial, accidental differences of antecedents, opportunities, national origin, race and the like, all' human beings. are essentially alike. "All are creatures of the same Creator, children of the same heavenly Father, heirs of the
High School Officers
s~me eternal riches. From. this standpoint, therefore, there are no superior and inferi~r, men, privileged and underprivileged." At the breakfast meeting; William A. Smith Jr" director of Toledo's Frederick Douglass Community Center, said Negroes cannot help but wonder at white Catholics who abandoll a neighborhood because people of another race move in. He said an, ideal community is one in which children see other persons who are not "one of their own;" Msgr. M. J. Doyle, a board member of the Interracial Counen, said Catholics should resist "panic selling," which often is promoted by those whose sole interest. is profit-making. He said all citizens should be free to live in any neighborhood that fits their pocketbook.
Spotlighting Our Schools BISHOP STANG, NO. DARTMOUTH The following officers and eouncillors have been installed and invested with the badge of their office; Robert Polak, presi- , dent; . Sheila Stasiowski, vicepresident; John Keroack, secretary; and Janet Saulnier, treas, urer. , Sister Superior Anne Depise, S.N.D., principal, oJ?enedtbe ceremonies with prayer. The rules and regulations; were/~]( plained by Sister Anne MOnIca, S.N.D., moderator of the Student Government. . . The assembly closed, with the reading of a letter by Robert Polak, president. SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY, FALL RIVER The Association for the Promotion of the Study of Latin has awarded the Latin Department at Sacred Hearts Academy the special APSL LATIN TROPHY for the year 1959 for its achievement in the Nationwide Latin Examinations administered at the Academy each Spring. This award is consequent upon the Latin students' having won three MEDAL-P~NS presented to those who make a score of within five points of being perfect. Catherine Cleare, '57, Margaret Lahey, '50, and Mary Badway, '61 are the students who made this district achievement possible for tbemlelves and their"'school. .In his congratulatoJ:'Y letter • Dr. A. E. Warsley, Editor-Direc-: tor of Auxilium Latinum and the Association states: "The winning of the' trophy by a school
Legion of Mary Un'it Baptism Sponsors
MARCELINE (NC)-The entire Legion of Mary unit of St. Bonaventure here volunteered to be sponsors at the baptism of a mother and her three daughters, the first baptism of Negroes in this Missouri parish. Seven members of the legion unit were selected 'to act as sponsors at the baptism of Mrs. Barbara Harris and her daughters, Mary Ann, 10, N~omi Luo, 7, and Ruth Maria, 5, !,ccordil1&: to Father Francis O'puignan.
Is an achievement outstanding in accomplishment."
Last Spring 75 Latin students participated in the 28th arinuai series of the Exams. The papers are corrected, by the officials at the Associlition's headquarters in Elizabeth, N. J. In the Spring of 1959 SHA was admitted as an 'a'ffiliate of the APSL and' awarded 'a Na'ti'onal Latin Honor SocietjCharter Chapter CLXXXII.. .
PRAYER PLAN FOR FORMOSA: Father Ambrose J. Wang, O.S.B., a"lnative missionary priest of Formosa, is briefed by Fred Pucek, one of the promoters in the office of The Soul Assurance Prayer Plan, Chicago, in a plan of Reparation to the Sacred Heart to I:!ave hia country from atheistic communism. NC ~hoto. '
Bishop Says, Modern ~World Needs' Crusade for Peace and Freedom SACRAMENTO (NC) - The modern world needs a crusade for peace and freedom, Bishop Joseph T. McGucken of Sacramento declared here during ceremonies at which he received the National Holy Name Shield of Blessed Gregory X, Crusader. The shield is an annual award from the Holy Name Society to a member of the hierarchy. . "In our time' the world needs a modern crusade," the Bishop stated. "It is calling for men to take the offensive for peace and freedom." He continued: "We are witnessing the birth of a new age where man's' interests are ranging from ule living atom, to the
--" IJ
Paint and Wallpaper
. Sister Frances Sebastian, SUSC, heads the Latin deparbnent at the Academy.
Dup~nt Paint' .
d:.t a,; .
'PARKING Rear 01.' Store
immeasurable reaches of outer space. He is dazzled by the brilliance of his own technology. '-He is in danger of forgetting that while technology knows force, it does not know freedQm, for it thrives more in the climate of war than in the atmosphere of.peace. "In such an age the Church cannot be on the defensive; she is not called to close her r.anks to keep out an invader. She herself must invade the new age with a crusade' of light and truth."
Sta,nley Oil Co.,·lnc: t80 MI. Pleasant Street New Bedford . WY 3-2667
SISTER OLIVA. Vocational Director 'ST. MARGARET'S HCSS~ITAL , , DORCHESTER 25. MASS. Sponsored by a friel1d. of the Daughters of' Charity'· who loves ·,thelr lov", ·of,: GOd and their love of· their ,~'-'o"'; ~an. .
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offen a joyous way of life ift the service of the poor. the ,lonely. the . foresaken. Girls betwee.. 18 and 30 who have the courage to respond h» Christ's invitation to leave all and follow Him may find peace and happiness in a life dedicated to God. The Sisters engage ift social work, teaching, nursing, the core of children, and serve on foreign ftlissions. ·Send for descriptive literature to:
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Plus the I~comparable Renditions of the LENNY HAMBRO QUINTET
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THE ANCHOR-Oiocese·of-fall River-Thurs., Dec.' 10, 195;
- This Timely Messa~e Is . Sponsored By The Following' Puhlic Spirited' Individuals and' B;'s;ness Concerns' Located ;n Greater Fall River'·
. ", ,...'
Ann Dale Products, Inc. Brady. Electric Supply Co~ Cascade Drug Co. Enterprise Brewing Co. Globe Manufacturing Co. Gold Medal Bread International' Ladies Garment Workers Union Mason Furniture Showrooms George M. Montie MacKenzie & Winslow, Inc. Gerald E. McNally Contractor .
Plymouth Printing Co., Inc. Sobiloff Brothers Stafford Fuel Co., ·Inc. Strand Theatre' Sterling .Beverages. Inc.
Btesstbis house OLord Ipray .
keep it safe· by' night and day
Textile Workers Union of' . America, AFL-CIO , Yellow Cab Company
Make This Christmas a SAFE CHRISTMAS both at home"• and on the highways. 0Keep inflammable material away from lighted fireplaces and away from lights onth~ Christmas t~e& And reme"1ber when driving your' car that a'careless act might 'bring tragedy to the most ioyous holiday of the year or inflict a lifetime' of sorrow on some happy. family. c
Let's Play It SAFE This Christmas! o
Prelate to Spend Ninth Christmas With Troops
Preliminary Steps to Sacrament of Baptism Admit Subject to Catechumenate .
THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 10, 1959
By Rev. Roland Bousquet NEW YORK (NC)-Fran~ , .. Joseph's Church, New Bedford eis Cardinal Spellman for the The sacred rites and'texts of the liturgy teach, in a most striking way, the principles ninth successive year will that go to make up a full Christian life. The Church in these rites b;ings into pl~y ever! spend the Christmas season one of the human senses to convey and explain her Faith and doctrme. In ChrIstIan antIwith U. S. military personnel in quity, the major portion of the instru<;tion which the people received came from the foreign lands. . The Archbishop of New York liturgy. These sacred rites and Military Vicar of Catholics_ stirred the Faith of generaIn the U. S. armed forces will tions to accept martyrdom. fly to Rome next Tuesday to 'be The martyrs, however, did present at the consistory ceremonies on Dec. 17 at which eight cardinals will be created.
Then he will visit ~ith U. S. servicemen io Germany, Spain, Morocco, North Africa and Turkey. it was disclosed by the New York archdiocesan bureau of information. At his 14th annual Christmas party for the children of the New York Foundling Hospital, Cardinal Spellman received friends in the grand ballroom of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. He wished them a blessed Christmas and thanked them for their generosity to the children at the hospital, which during 90 years has cared for more than 110,000 homeless and abandoned babies.
Road Safety Continued from Page ODe "Last year, in Massachusetts alone, 81 persons were killed while 8,709 others were injured as a result of 5,586 traffic accidents reported. It is significant that the Holy Christmas Season is the most disastrous period of the year and yet there seems to be no logical reason why tbis should be so or why this Commonwealth should again suffer the horrible experience of 'last year. '''In reviewing the record connected with this tragic toll, it was found that in more than half of the total traffic accidents, the drivers had been drinking. We, in official positions, are trying to combat this evil with the, adoption of the sJogan, "NO DRINKS FOR DRIVERS" and we are aiming our, campaign particularly at 'those person. who promote or attend holida7 parties. "We believe in the sacrednesl of human life and in full eonlideration for the righ~s and safety of others and we feel that an announcement originating with you calling attention to the imperative need for greater eooperation in, public safety would carry tremendous weight with your parishioners and help ereate incentives for better highway behavior when using the highways as a motorist or a pedestrian."
World Food Continued from Pace ODe did population in ~he Near East, Western Europe, the Far E<ist, Africa and Latin America." As for Oceania, it said that despite the food production lag, .. (it) continues to have one of the world's most satisfactory levels of domestic food consumption and to be a major 80urce of food exports." The study said that during the 1955 to 1959 period, total world food production was up 17 per cent from the total iIi the 1948 to 1952 period.
French Church Cites .Right to Educate ,
LYONS (NC) - While the Church in France is seeking the "undeniable justice" of state aid for Catholic schools, it will not campaign by attacking the public IChools the Primate of Gaul has aid.
Pierre CardinaLGerlier, Arch_ bishop of Lyons, speaking at Catholic University of Lyons, IBid the Church has no intention of setting Frenchman against Frenchman in the Sl;hool question. All it seeks, he asserted, is recognition of the right of parents to a free choice as to who 'Will educate their children.
Scores Criticism Of Affidavit WINOOSKI PARK, (NC) The action of Harvard and Yale universities in withdrawing from ~he Federal student loan program because of opposition to loyalty affidavits was criticized' here by Father Gerald E• Dupont, S.S.E., president of SL Michael's College here in Vermont. "This money comes from taxation of the American people," Father Dupont declared, "and they have a right to know that it is not being used by someone who has' tied himself in with any subversive movements." Father Dupont said the opinion that Harvard's argument against the affidavit was "superflous" and showed "an unwarranted lack of confidence ill American young men and women, in American education and in free inquiry." He added that Dr. A. Whitney Griswold, Yale president, "is even more fuzzy in explaining why Yale does not want to take part in the program."
not shed their blood in vain. They obtained the conversion of Constantine who in 313 granted full liberty to the Church. Attracted by the courage and charity of the early Christians, a great number of persons sought to be admitted into the Church. The wise mother that she is, the Church realized that some might seek Baptism merely to obtain favor in the eyes of the Christian emperor. Certain measures were taken to determine the motives of those who asked to be admitted in the Christian community.. Catechumenate These steps to. ascertain, the worthiness of the candidates of Baptism and to ensure a basic instruction in the mYiteries of the Faith gradually developed I into an official organization known as, the Catechl1menate. The Reception of the Candidate of-Baptism Basically the, catechumenate eniy Father the source of all, satiable appetite. The person Maintenance Supplies consisted in a period of trial Light and Truth. born to the life of grace seeks wherein the motives and moral SWEEPERS - SOAPS As a token of the soul's new ·the food which. will brin~ t?is life of the prospective convert DISINFECTANTS allegiance to God, the cross is life of. grace to Its fU.II ChnstIan were examined- and during also traced on his breast. The maturity. That food IS Our Lord FIRE EXTINGUISHERS which time he could be initiated knowledge of God is a loving Himself. Baptism directs t~e to the Christian life. No one union of the child with its soul to the altar where he Will could be admitted to the Chris- Father. receive Hol~ Communion afold tian community unless he was 1886 PURCHASE ST. The priest places bis right to the pulpit whence he Will sponsored. The sponsor prehand on the head of the child. hear the gospel. NEW BEDFORD sented the prospective Christian The Church thereby formally (Next week-The candidate la WY 3-3786 to a deacon. After A preliminary accepts him as her ward. Under admitted into the church.) inquiry, the bishop as head of her loving care, he will learn to p~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the Christian community forknow, to love and to serve God. ~ mally received the person in the Salt on Tongue ranks of the catechumens. The priest places a few grains The· catechumemite no longer exists. However, the ancient of salt on the tongue of the rites of admittance to the cate- child. Salt serves two purposes. chumenate survive to this day It preserves against corruption in the preliminary ceremonies and gives savor to food. Baptism of Baptism. '.f~e priest, as the confers a special grace (sacraofficial representative of, the mental grace) which strengthens Church, formally greets the can- the soul against the attraction of didate of Baptism at the door of sin. God will grant the soul His the church. This clearly ex- special help in time of temptapresses the fact that no one can tion to preserve the innocence UNION WHARF FAIRHAVEN, MASS. participate in the worship 'of conferred by Baptism.' Children seem to have an inGod unless he first be incorporated in the Christian community. Baptism alone can introduce us to the splendors of Christian life. The priest, vested in surplice and purple stole, informs the candidate that the foundation of ' Christian life is Faith. But a Faith - strengthened by love of God and love of neighbor. Breathing Here the ceremony seems to stop, for a moment. A formidable 'obstacle" original sin, prevents the child from sharmg "God's life. The priest breathes three times upon the face of the child. Baptism, conferred in the, THAT HE'S LOADED· OUR SPORTSWEAR WITH name of the ~lessed Trinity, will like a violel.lt wind expel the evil spirit who ,reigns over the soul contaminated with original sin. We have '8weaters for e~eryone on your gift Empowered by Our L9rd's death on' the cross, the waters list ... whether she's a frosh on campus or a - of Baptism will wash away the brand )new grandmother. stain of original sin. The sign of the cross, symbol of our salClassic Cardigans-Bulky Cardigans vation, is traced upon the foreClassic Pullovers ' head and breast of the child. O'n the cross, Our Lord merited Bulky Pullovers, the grace of this child's spiritual birth. Pullovers with Hoods Cross on Forehead The cross traced on the foreEvery ldnd you can ,imagine in all the head shows that Baptism estabfavorite shades. Sizes 34 to 40. lishes the first intimate contact between the soul and its Heav5~98 TO
OPEN THURSDAY and F~IDAY~nights 'til 9 Santa's So Thoughtfu.'
BOWEN'S, Furniture Store
Match them up with our wonderful assort~lu~nt of
JOSEPH M. F. DONAGHY ) owner/mgr. 142 Campbell St. New Bedford. Mass.
,Sizes 8 ta 18 32 ta 44
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IHI: ANCHOR.Thurs.~·Dec.
10, 1959
Pra ises Growth Of Catholicism .~n Formosa
NEW YORK (NC)~A missionary who ~ombines a bit of Brooklynese with Taiwanese s.aid here that even the
nearness of "Red terro,r" will not block the progress of the Church in Formosa. , Father Francis De Masi, M.M., home on his first furlough after six years in the small Formosan .village of Tien Chung, right next door to the border of Red China, highly praised the growth' of Catholicism in Formosa. But he said the Church's greatest needs in that country are a native clergy, a stronger parish life and more catechists. '. . : "Once' we get these' three tb'ings_moving," said Father De Masi, "then not even' the proximity of the Red terror will in~rfere with the expansion of the Church on Formosa." I The Brooklyn Maryknolle17 aid that in his own parish there are' 2,000 Catholics - all n;ltive Taiwanese - not Catholic refugees from the mainland. Rosary Procession He cited the annual rosary procession held in' Tien Chung each October as an example. of the growth of the Church in the · area. Six years ago only a handJOE WALSH, LEO DENAULT ful of Catholics took' part in the Taunton New Bedford procession, he, said, but now · some 6,000 marchers participate CO-CAPTAINS OF STONEHILL COURT QUINTET . . and the event is the largest Cathoiic r~ligious 6~lebration on Formosa. Father De Ma§i is particularly' proud of Formosa's first com.' .' By John Corrigan ' . munity of native nuns, the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Taifoundation' in . Stonehill College has come Ii long way in a good many ways since · chung, initially established. in' '1948 by the Holy Cross Fathers on a huge tract of land in relatively remote North Easton. his Tien Chung parish. At' the An~, not the least of these successive steps the collegiate laMer is represented in the' motherhouse there are now 15 Sisters, and 35.aspirants, four of current edition of the Chieftans' basketball squad. Composed for the most part of Fall whom are aboriginal girls from Rive_r l?iocesan at~let~s, the "a really aggressive ball-player Quinnipiac "College (of 'Hampthe mountain tribes of the area. Stonehlll aggregatIOn IS look-, and a great scorer," says Father den, Conn.) are the members of One of Father De Masi's jobs ing forward to' what Rev. Gartland - Walsh, Silvia, "a the conference. Quinnipiac led III . a spot on, the. local radio William F. Gartland; C.S.C., hustler," Murray and Elson, are the leagu~ last season. • tation five nights a week, Ath~etic Director, describes as expecte!l to be the starting five. Saturday Tussle where he does his best' to com"definite further improvement." Elson, incidentally, "has, the poEven as Stonehill appears to bine Brooklynese with Taiwan_ Although athletic directors, .as tential to become one of the best. have come of age, so has the ,ese. He said that three riights on players in the history of the SECC. Last weekend the four: the program he teaches English \ a breed, are almost universally optimistic, (while coaches· are school," according to the athletic Massachusetts teams held a two "'with a Brooklyn accent," and often less so), Father Gartland director. , day to~rnament at Bridgewater on two nights he teaches CathFather Gartland is emphatic under the sponsorship of the Naolic doctrine in Taiwanese-with , appears to have good reasons for on the subject of the Southeast.,., tional Association of Intercollejust a "slight" Brooklyn accent. .his good humor. Two- of the best of these reaern New England Coastal Congiate Athletics, District 32. Confer Papal Honors sons are former teammates at ference and Stonehill's particiQuinnipiac journeys to Fall Holy Family High School in pation'in it: "We are .very happy River Friday night to meet DurOn Three Employees Fairhaven;;l third is a Coyle with the SECC and we contemfee Tech and up to North Easton ST. PAUL (NC) ~ Papal alumnus.' plate,no change in our memberSaturday for a clash with the awards were presented to three Leo Denault, a co-captain, ship status." Chieftains.' These' two games employees of the Archdiocese. of, played with Paul Quinlan . at . A New Bedford. sports writer might be go()d indicators of the St. Paul by Archbishop William Holy Family, and Joe. Welsh, the had, F:ather Gartland says, misway· the season will run for all O. Brady. other co-captain, was· a Bristol represented the school's official three teams, especially after colPaul Daggett, archdiocese ex-. County all-star under Jim Burns· position on the basis of an edilation· with the results ot the, ecutive secretary, was named a at Coyle.' ", torial in the student newspaper. 't64rney ·this past weekend. Knight of St, Gregory, with sil-' , . Dena'ult and Quinlan are both' ''-The SECC is 'Ii fine conference The statistically minded will ver star, in recognition of 34 gua'rds;'and'playedon-the Holy fora school our size. All five'. want'to watch Leo Denault ail iears of 'continuous service to 'Family team which' copped the teams are'faitly 'evenly matched he swings'.into high gear in his archdiocese:.' ' . - ,Tech To'u'ri-iey cfrown a few:years 'and the' league' provides a good .aSs3·iIlt on the t'\vo scoring ree-' Josephine' Schreiner, Chan;. . bacjc' ~ Denau'lt .winning' 'the ·.'d,eal of".exciting.. bl;lsketball. We "ords' remaining. at'· Stonehill eery offiCe secretary since 1920. -MVPho,nors ·in the p\!1yoffs. . .ha.ve no plans to leave.!' which he doesn't hold.' Dena~lt. and Mary Sankovitz, Chancery . Walsh is a forward, described,-,.':: Stonehill, N~w Bedford Tech, owns these--marks:most points, office bookkeeper for 35. years, by Father Gartland as ~'thequar-: .; Durfee' Tech, Bridgewater, and two seasons' (921); most 'points, each received P.ro Ecclesia et terbac!<:f,or thE;,·Club.'.': "~'" ". ," ..... '. .. ." ,,' freshman. year (443);, most. Pontifice medals. Together their.' StonehiIl' Coach .'~Biff'" Daly' Regan Is New Hoop . points; single game (38) highest . , services to the archdiocese span has·morethari·'this basic 'nucleus h' 't' 't' . , II' season average (22,2) ; and -high108 years.· ·on· which ..to'base hishopes,of,Oac a . e o n . a est career average (21.4). , ,They were. the first papal " bettering"last season's 10-11' '. SOUTH ORANGE (NC) He' will be shooting, at Paul' awards ever, made to employees 'mark: ''-':' John (Honey). ~u,,~ll ha~ an- :Sincero's ·1362' points over' .' · of the Archdiocese of St. Paul. Along ·with.. Denault, Walsh. nounced VIat he .. WIll. qU1~'a~ four-year span' and Sincero's: Archbishop Brady made, the and Quinlan he· has big Toni' coacQ'of ~eton Hall UmversIty's single season high of 500 tallies. presentations at informal cereMurray from'Lackawanna, N·.·Y.... ba~ketba\l tea~ ?t the end ~f '. Denault is fast moving into the monies in his office _in the Don Silvia' from Taunton; tall ,thIS. season. RIchIe Regan WIll top bmckets of small college Chancery building. first-year man Jimmy Elson succeed him. scorers. He has two seaso~_ from North EastOn and 6'5" Russell was named Coach of to go. . the Year in 1953 when the PiDiocesan Newspaper freshman'Hank QUin~ who made All Bristol County at New Bed- fates were rated the top team Classroom Textbook ford High School. Hank' is a ·in the country after winning ALTOONA (NC) The Navy vet, a father, and "a fine the National Invitation TournaCatholic Register, newspaper of all-around basketball player." ment. Regan, a star 0.1 that 1953 the Altoona-Johnstown, Pa., di'Quinlan and Bob Reddy of ,team, who gained' All-America ocese, will become a weekly Somerville both started last recognition, is now in his sec"textbook" in every parochial year, and newcomers Charlie ond year as Russell's assistant school in the diocese beginning Byrne~also of Somei-ville':'-arid ,as coach of t~e freshman team. with the second semester of the Bob Pearson of Yonkers, N. Y .. current school year. will see a lot of action. The Register will be used as Barr,jng injuries! Den:ault, -''a source' of discussion mater:i~l ',' ill seventh and eighth grade' ~:. ci'urrent events classes in ele. In (:a~ci..d mentary schools, and on aU levels in .six' regional high' -----c:o.;; schools. Distributed by Est. 1897 The Register will supply the schools with weekly outlines of Builders Suppli.s. . topics to be discussed and eval.:. 2343 Pu~chaseStreet' . . Beverag~ ua ted in classroom sessions, New Bedford based on news and .feature ma331 Nash Rd., New Bedford terial published in the newsWY 6-5661 WYman 7-9937 paper,
Pope Com'poses Mission Praye.r VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope John has composed a prayer for the faithful of mission areas. The pr,ayer thanks God for redeeming and enlightening mankind. . It also thanks God for sending missionari.es, who have· taught His truth and communicated HiJI grace.. It continues: "Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Your mother and our heavenly mother, Queen of angels and saints, we pray to You that we may be worthy sons of Your Church, faithful to Your teaching and Your 'commandments, under the guidance and pfotection of Your Vicar on Earth, the tather of our souls. "Grant that we may be docile to our bishops and priests" for' whom we' invoke the graces of sanctification and the apostolate, and that we may be, according to Your will, the salt and light ~l .our land and our people." Jubilee' Breakfast NEW YORK (NC) - Msgr. .Joseph Cacella; director of the St. Anthony Welfare Center here, observed his 50th anniversary in the priesthood by offering a Mass of thanksgiving. After the golden jubilee Mass, the 77year-old, priest served breakfast to scores of destitute men who have been forming lines at hi. Mission center door for 22 years.
.Diocesan Boys Provide Nucleus of Formi.dable .. Stonehill College B'asketball Ag'gregation . 518
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese o{Fon'River"'c'Thurs., Dec. 10, 1959'
)', i
, ;
KINEAVY'S CHOICES A'S BEST CATHOLic PLAYERS ON HIGH S~HooL FOOTBALL TEA~S IN DIOCESE downs and 6 points after during gave nothing less than 100 per season . -. college course junior. cent effort all the way .. a real 'workmanlike competitor .. col'Jack Phillipe, Coyle: 5' 11" .. linebacker on defense .. keen Continued from Page One play diagnostician .. intercepted 165 . . All-State Class C . . the lege course senior. The 1959 AII-Dioeesan Team leading scorer in Southeastern Jeff Lambert, North Attleboro: two passes VB. Durfee . . AllEnds Mike Fitzsimmons, Coyle: II' Bristol County . . comes highly Mass. with 13 T.D.s and 18 points 6' 1" - 190 .. three year veteran' recommended . . college course after . . came into his own this on Rocketeer squad . . steady, -170 • • one of three repeatera season, his third of Varsity ball dependable . . played a great on the All-Diocesan eleven • • senior. Dick Johnson, Taunton: 6' 3"' .. teamed with brother Dennis in game vs. Coyle .. beating Durfee a tremendous offensive end . • a high point in his scholastic double and triple teamed all year - 215 . . All-State Class C . . Warrior secondary .. very fast, a career . . member of North's .. still managed to make the big the team's big man • . captain real threat to the outside .. enrolled in the classical course at basketball and track squads .. play . . fine sense of timing . . and defensive signal caller for college course senior . . will fast and elusive .. college course Orange and Black .. played sev- Coyle .. Holy Cross. Ron Gentili, Mansfield: 6' ~ matriculate at Holy Cross 01' senior .. headed for prep school. eral positions, all well . . made Brown. 180 . • the first sophomore flo Frank Driscoll, Attleboro: 6'- 80 per cent of the tackles VI. Coyle .. excellent college pros- gain All-Diocesan honors .. the JOe DiGiammo, Somerset: 5' 8" 175 . . All-State Class C .'. aa outstanding two way :Oankman .. pect .• m~mber of basketball bread and butter man for the -..: 185 .. the Raiders pile-driving Class D State Champion Hor- fullback • . an overpowering adept at turning plays in .. three and track teams of Taunton nets .. a hard driving, high step- runner . . tremendous drive • . sports performer·. . All-Bristol also a college course senior. ' ping style runner '.' second year built along fire plug lines' • • Backs in basketball last year . . a of Varsity ball .. also plays bas- weight man in track .. also plays Bill Hoye, Coyle: 5' 11· 172 pitcher in the Spring .. college . a repeat All-Diocesan selec- ketball and baseball . . show I basketball .. bore brunt of Somcourse, math major .. ,undecided erset offense after Taber's in-, between Holy Cross and Brown. tion . . finest passer in the' area great promise on the mound. , Utility Linemen •. threw for 4 T.D.s vs. Durfee .. jury .. college course senior .. .\ Tackles ' guided Warrior offense' with' Nick 'Galvin, New Bedford will prep at Worcester Academy. Mitchell Kuliga, New Bedford: finesse and aplomb .. universal Vocational: 5' 11" - 190 •. c0The Squad II' 3" - 200 .. a mainstay in 'the All-Bristol quarterback selec- captain of the best Trade team in. Ends: Jim Sylvia, New BedCrimson's su' tioil .. also plays basketball and' years . . utility man in ',true ford Vocational; Manny Silvia, perlative forbaseball at Coyle . . college sense .. saw service at guard, Somerset; Richard Donahue, ward wall .. a tackle and in the backfield . • Dighton; Brian Atwood, Warecourse, classics major '-1' Holy three year vetCross bound. hurtled 60 yards with iriter- ham. eran at New Bob Lyonnais, New Bedford: cepted pass to tie New Bedford Tackles: Henry Cebula, New Bedford .. All5' 7" - 150 .. the area's most in waning, moments .. another Bedford; Norm Benoit, FalBristol county explosive runner . . good speed standout three sports performer mouth; Ralph Barboza, Dighton;,' choice .. exceland leg drive . . the workhorse .. pursu~ng, carpenter's course at Reginald Barrows, Wareham.' 1 e n t blocket of the Crimson's offense .. effec- Vocational. Guards: Joe Canto, Fairhaven; and a take tiveto the outside or' on 'quick Bob Martin, -Coyle: 6' - 182 •• Frank Vicino, Mansfield; Tony charge type of openers .. hard to bring down .• a four letter man for the War- Arruda, Durfee. player .. stands carried 17 times for 2'(7 yards riors .. fast, agUe and aggressive Center: Dan O'Connell, Durhigh in the esti~: Durfee • . logged 10 touch.. the "hollerguy" of the team .• fee; Jim McQuade, Coyle. mation of his coaches and teamQuatlterbacks: George Burns, mates .. college course seniOl' •• Attleboro; Jim Enos, New Bedlikes Boston Uniyersity. ford Vocational. John Kable, Coyle: II' - 175 •• Halfbacks: John Perkoski, All-State Class C . • eo-captain North Attleboro; Joe Hassett, of the Class C State Champion. Barnstable; Bob Machado, DurCoyle eleven . . a tower. 01. fee; Ken Andrade, ,Falmouth; strength in the Warrior line •• Pete Di Girolamo, Mansfield; strong side tackle both ways •• Jim Murphy, Case; Bob Ferrara, a leader Qy example .. quiet but Attleboro; Dale Galasso, North thorough .. devastating blocker, Attleboro. sure tackler . . college course Fullbacks: Stan Tenters, New . senior college choice indef-, Bedford; Bob Lane, Coyle; Bob inite. Badejo, Dighton. Guards :~ :--.~,..:..: ~'-1 Bob Tavares, Somerset: 5' 10'" - 170 • . All-Diocesan for the ~ second successive ye!lr .. middle man in the Raiders" defensive aligrimeht .. an excellent down,'-" 'I'i' . field :blocker .. versatile athlete, "For Your Protection member of the basketball and Buy From track squads • . college prep junior,. . leans toward one 01. the Maine colleges 01' possiblF Bron' 132 Rockdale Ave. REWARD FOR CHAMPIONS: Roger Mello, Bill ;Moniz Jim lIICLoughl1D. Jfew BedNew Bedtord _d Phil Carvalho, left to right, board bus for New York fiord: r 11· - 1'16 •• tile Crimwith Santo Christo teammates. Trip to Gotham was parish lIOn's red-beaded dyn.amo .. _ WY 5-7947 eutstaDdiDI . . . . GIl. . . . . ~ for wimiing Diocesan baseball championship.
The Anchor All Dio,cesan Team .
Coaches Choose -Catholic College All-American
r . . . . . . -. .:.
:, ' "f PERFECTION 01 L,
BROOKLYN (NC)-Notre Dame end Monty Stickles ia the player of the year and John W. Ray of John CarroB University is coach of the year on the Tablet's seventh annual ' All-American football team. End, Larry Hubbard, Mal'o quette; tackles, Jim O'Brien, Boston College, and John Dingens, Detroit; guards, Vin Promuto, Holy Cross, and Steve Palenchar, Dayton; center, Kea Desmarais, Holy Cross; backs, Btuce 'Maher of Detroit, Bob' Scarpito of Notre Dame, and Pete' Hall and Silas Woods, Marquette. 1, Named to the small college All-American are: ends, Jim Mullen, Xavier (Ohio), and Jim Coenen, St. Norbert's; tackles, Francis Leikam, S1. Benedict's, and Bill Matejka, John Carroll; guards, Felix Manella, S1. John'l, (Minn.), and Charlie Branda, St. . Mary's (Kans.); center, Tom McGraw, Xavier (Ohi,o); backs, Jerry Schweikert, John Carroll.' and Les ,Klein of St. Joseph'. (Ind.), Fred Constantino of St. Mary's (Kans.), and Ron Newhou~, St. Norbert's.
M-K Restaurant featuring
liThe Gaslight Room" Ideal for Communion Breakfasts, Organization Banquets 386 Acushnet Ave. New Bedford Call WYman 2-1703
White's Farm Dairy "SPECIAL MILI( From Our' Own
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Pop:e ' Designates Titular Churches For Cardinals vATICAN CITY (NC) -
Thurs:, Dec. 10; 1959
J Encourage Social' 'l Plan, Cardinal ;l" Tells. Spanish
Pope John has designated t h r e e ancient Rom a n churches as titular churches
MADRID (NC)-Domenrico Cardinal Tardini· told ~ Spanish Catholics that while 'government social security
the new cardinals being next Monday. The des'ignation of additional titular churches was made necessary by the Pope's decision to add eight new members to the Sacred 'College of Cardinals, bringing it to 79 members-the highest total in history. Until now there have been Rome jurisdictions available for 75 cardinals. cr~te~
programs should be expanded to cover "more subjects, more cases, more needs," there should ',be no lessening in the effectiveness' of private charity. -,' The Vatican Secretary, of State spoke by letter to Spain's 19th Catholic Social Week. He said: "Social security, properly understood and honestly functionTHREE NEWU. S. BISHOPS: Pope John has named three new bishops, for the T~e churches now designated ing, must tend to decrease proUnited States. They are, leftt6 right:"Msgr. Vince~t J. Hines, named Bi~hop of Norwich, ,by'the Pope as diaconal churches , ,'gressively cases wh}ch today are, Conn.; Msgr. ·James J. Hogan~ to be Atixiliary to Bishop G~orge W. Ah'r, of Trenton; and , are ,those of. San Teodoro, tiny circular church near the Roman th~ objects of relief and charity.'~ - Msgr. Ernest J. Primeau, to be Bishop of Manchester, N.H. NC Photo. Forum; San Saba, Aventine Hill .' A good social security pro- ' , ' church which served as a haven ,gram, he ,emphasized, "must for Greek monks who fled pergrow, in such a 'way that it BURLINGTON (NC)-Ar- the action against the So~th in Burlington, are specifically secution in the sixth century, ceaselessly embraces more sub'and San Carlo ai Catinari, an jects, more cases, more needs: guments 'are scheduled to be Burlingt?n School District a;nd mentioned in the action. ,HowWe must seek a social security d' D 21' Ch''t't ' Vermont s Atty. Gen. FrederIck ever, Cathedral High School has ancient church which was re' In 1 enM. Reed. stored and dedicated to St. system which is not strictly de- ' h ear 011' ec. 'since been discontinued and has Charles Borromeo - to whom den County Court in a taxfensive, but one that strives to Mr. Swart is seeking, an inbeen, replaced by Rice Memorial Pope J9hn has special devotion improve sittiations that can be payer's suit that seeks to stop , junction against continued payHigh School in South Burling:'" the South Burlington School Disimproved. ' The titular churches go back trict from using public funds to- mEmt, of, ,thettiition of South ton.. Rice 'serves' as a Catholic "Society's raison d~etre is in Burlington students attending high school for about 17 parishes to early Christian times in Rome' pay the tuition of students atfact not to oppress or to absorb' Catholic schools. in the a r e a . ' • when 'the city was divided tending parochial schools. the human person, but to conamong about 30 churches whose His action, claims that the tribute to his complete developBecause of the constitutional pastors aided the pope in caring Superior Judge William C. school district violates both the ,mefit, which' is physical, intel- , Hill of Hinesburg set the date for state arido' federal constitutions que~tions and the far-reaching for, the Christian population. lectual and moral. Those in reconsequences involved,. most the hearings. The suit has been Today they symbolize the carSouth Budingtoh does not principals in the action have insponsible positions must to this 'pendirig since Fe1:lruary, 1958., dinal's bond with, the Eternal have a public high schooL . end create' or foster favorable C. Raymond Swart of South dicated_ that the case, may reach City, and also the relationship channels and adequate' institu- Burlington, a supervisor at a Cathedral High School and , the U. S. Supreme Court before between members of the Sacred tions." -Iocal industrial, plant, brought Mount St. Mary ,Academy, both it is finally decided. ~?llege and the pope. . .
Oppose Payment of :Tuition for Parochial Pupils
Make. Chr-istmas 'HoUer', and The New· Year Happiet --~
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:' AN EXClUS,lVELy' RE,LIGIOUS PAGEANTRY,,' OF' ',', 40,OOQ Muiti-Colored ,-~ights
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Regular Shrin~ ',Dev6tion~' Continue :ThroughoUt the Christmas ,Season, Week~doy'M~sses:',6:30,' 7:00 'and 8,~00'-A.'M. Confes~ions 01'1, day: 6: 3b A. M. to 9:00- P., M~ Evening Prayer:' 7,:30 .. P. M. Sunday:,pevotions: 3:,30 P.- M~ and 7:30P. M. .
" "
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. .:
.' '.
,> ~
Route 118