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Sunday law the

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Urging Governor Edward J. King to veto the new Sun­ day work law, the bishops of Massachusetts have issued the following statement: We take this opportunity to speak lest there be any misunderstanding about the position of the Massachusetts Catholic Conference regarding the relaxation of the Com­ monwealth's Sunday rest law. We keenly regret and firmly oppose any repeal of these laws. Whatever the intention, tire effect of such action will be to "make Sunday like any other day." We argue from a rich religious heritage as well as a biblical commandment when we plead for a time set aside for worship and prayer, rest and peace as well as family and friends. In fact, we see a greater need now for such a day of rest than in the past. The proponents of repeal argue from an economic study and some future boon to employment, commerce and state taxes. We respectfully suggest that the issue'is much more important than mere economics. The four bishops of the Roman Catholic dioceses of Massachusetts: Humberto Cardinal Medeiros, archdiocese of Boston; Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan, diocese of Worces­ ter; Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, diocese of Fall River; and Bishop Joseph J. Maguire, diocese of Springfield, strongly urge the Governor 6f Massachusetts, in the interests of its. citizens, to veto this legislation. We wish to take this occasion to emphasize again the sacred character of the Sabbath obligation of worship and to stress the need of all citizens to come apart from their daily toil and enter into a restful atmosphere of God, friends and family.

Holy Year

VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II's proclamation of 1983 as a Holy Year "came as a tremendous surprise to all of us, including the cardinals," said a prominent Vatican official. "He may have been thinking of the idea himself for a while." said the official, who chose to speak anonymously to NC News Service, "but he certainly didn't discuss it with many people around here." The pontiff picked his c1o~ing address Nov. 26 at a four-day meeting of 97 cardinals to break the news that 1983 would be celebrated by the church through­ out the world as a Holy Year of jubilee to mark the 1,950th anni­ versary of the redemption of the world by Jesus Christ. In a city of 3 million people where traffi<: paralysis is routine, Rome's administration worried that the Holy Year would further complicate the city's problems. Said Rome's Deputy Mayor Pierluigl Severi, "Rome already handles unforeseen events badly, so it should not surprise the church that the papal announce­ ment was not met with a round of applaase." But within days of the papal announcement, city officials had met with Vat~an representatives to assess what needs to be done to prepare for the Holy Year. The prominent Vatican official compareq the pope's announce­

Vol. 26, No. 48

ment of the Holy Year to that of Pope John XXIII's calling of the Second Vatican Council in 1962. "John XXIII decided he'd have a meeting of ,the world's bish­ ops," said the Vatican official "His aides started asking him questions like, 'Who's going to organize it?' And 'What will the agenda be?' Only then did he begin to realize that there were some complexities to the arrange­ ments." The proclamation of a Holy Year has its biblical roots in the years of jubilee observed at 50­ year intervals by Jews, prior to their exile to Egypt, when debts were pardoned and slaves were freed. The first Christian Holy Year was proclaimed by Pope Boni­ face VIII in 1300, when thou­ sands of Christians, including Italian poet Dante Aligheri, came on pilgrimage to Rome. 'During the Holy Year of 1975, tourists to Rome increased by 7.4 percent, and lodgings at Rome's 1,200 hotels were up 4.9 percent. But many hotel owners foresee no great increase in 1983 bookings, some of them holding that the present pope's penchant for international travel has made Rome less magnetic as a destina­ tion for pilgrimages. The pope's announcement of the Holy Year came at the close of a talk in which he also dis­ cussed Vatican finan<:es. A few Italian newspapers interpreted Turn to Page Six

Fall River, Mass., Friday, December 10, 1982

20c, $6 Per Year


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Was surprise

By Father Kenneth J. Doyle.


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IN ST. ANNE'S HOSPITAL LOBBY, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin blesses crucifixes held by Ralph DiPisa, assistant administrator, and Peggy Ethier, RN, emergency room super­ visor, prior to dedicating new areas of the complex. Aiding the bishop are, from left, Father Edmund J. Fitzgerald, diocesan director of pastoral ministry to the sick; Father John R. FoIster, pastor of 81. Anne's Church; and Msgr. John J. Oliveira, diocesan vice­ chancellor. (Sr. Gertrude Gaudette Photo)

.Hospital dedication

A day of joy

"Behold the joy that comes to you!" read the banner above the altar of St. Anne's Church, Fall River. It was fOf Advent but it was equally appropriate for the Dec. 2 Mass of thanksgiving held at the church to celebrate comple­ tion of the multimillion dollar renovation add reconstruction project of its across-the-street neighbor, .St. Anne's Hospital. Before a crowd of well over 1,000, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin celebrated the Mass and in his homily noted "that there liter­ ally arises in the community a prayerful hymn of thanks for the dedication and love and mani­ fest competence displayed by the sisters, the board of trustees, medical staff, nursing staff, ad­ ministrative staff, clergy and all the employees who are joined in the common effort of curing the ill, relieving pain and giving solace and comfort to those who otherwise might find no en­ couragement in their difficult cir­ cumstances. "The hurting have found re­ lief here, the poo~ have found care here,_ the depressed have

found courage here. Everyone has found here the comforting hand of the saving Lord, mani­ fested through the dedication of all connected with the healing


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. INCUNE THINE ear to our prayers, we beseech thee, 0 Lord, and enlighI ten the darkness of our minds by the grace of thy visitation, who livest and reignest with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end. Amen.


apostolate of St. Anne's Hos­ pital." Following the Mass, the con­ gregation moved across Middle Street to the hospital where the Dominican sisters of St. Anne's, red and white corsages pinned to their white. habits, gathered in their new main lobby to greet the bishop in joyous song with "This Is the Day that the Lord Has Made." The Ordinary then blessed the new hospital building and cruci­ fixes to be placed in the emer­ gency room, administrative offices and cafeteria. The rite of blessing took place in each of the latter areas. Concluding the liturgical part of the celebration, the bishop spoke informally to the St. Anne's sisters, gathered in the hospital chapel for the singing of the traditional Dominican "Salve Regina." Noting that "many a heart has been poured out to thl'! Lord in this chapel," he thanked the sis­ ters for bringing "th~ir vowed lives to the service of pthers." The prelate lamented "lack of Turn to Page Two


.TH.E ANCHOR..,.oiocese of Fc;J11 River.....Fri.~ Dec. 1O~ '198~ .

Msgr.. Hoye urges amnesty. WASHINGTON (NC) - Sup­ port for the proposed comprehen­ sive immigration bill depends on an adequate amnesty provision for undocumented aliens, said U.S..Catholic Conference General Secretary Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye, a Tauntonian and priest of the Fall River diocese. In.a letter to memb!lrs of the House of Representatives, Msgr. Hoye said if amnesty provisions were removed from the bill, while sanctions for employers who hire undocumented aliens were retained, the USCC "could no longer support" the bill.. He said that although the USCC ha~ reservations about the bill it supports it. However, the USCC 'opposes employer sanc­ tions without "a generous legali­ zation program with a current cutoff date which, in the con. text of this bill, must at least extend to all eligible persons re­ siding in this country since Jan.. 1, 1980. "If the legalization provisions are removect from the bill, the USCC could no longer support H.R. 6514," Msgr. Hoye said in, his letter. The usee is the na­ tional level action agency of the Catholic Church'in the United . States. ~ r The Immigration and Control Reform Act of 1982 (H.R. 6514) was passed by the Senate in July and by the House Judiciary Com­ mittee in September. The House Education and Labor Committee put restrictions on the importa­ tion of foreign .temporary work­ ers. The House Rules committee was to consider the bill Dec.7.


An effort to delete the amnesty provisions and add a guest­ worker program has been led by Rep. Sam B. Hall (D-Tex.) and others representing farmers who employ Mexican workers. Judiciary Committee Chair­ man, Peter W. Rodino Jr. (D­ N.J.) has pledged that without amnesty there will be no immi­ gration bill. Msgr. Hoye also said the usec "continues to be concern­ ed about the potential for dis­ crimination, particularly against Hispanic people, implicit in any sanctions." He urged ,the House to adopt an amendment, which would strengthen the anti-dis­ crimination provisions of the bill related to employer sanc­ tions. If ,the bill is passed, employers who knowingly hire illegal workers could be fined or im­ prisoned. Msgr. Hoye said the USCC is further concerned that the amendments iJ1 the bill revising the ,H-2 temporary worker pro­ gram "will serve as a backdoor approach to a 'bracero' program." Msgr. Hoye said that 1964 the the termination of that program "because we were concerned then with the need to protect the wages and working conditions of residents and to prevent exploitation by unscrupulous employers of both alien an'd native workers. Time has not changed these concerns."

usec supportE!d

He urged "adequate safe­ guards in the bill to prevent t~is situation from, recurring."


A day of joy' Continued from page one , the mark of external consecra­ tion" in the lives of many reli­ gious. "It's important - and missing today in the talk of 'min­ istry' and 'service,'" he said. "But you are perceived to be consecrated." The bishop also urged the sis­ ters to encourage vocations. "You meet so many people," he said. "Don't be afraid to bring up the subject with young girls, to say 'Would you like to sit down with me and talk about religious life?' " From the chapel the focus


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DOMINICAN SISTERS of the Presenta tionmeet informally with Bishop Cronin in the renovated chapel of St. Anne's Hospital.. (~!. Gertrude Gaudette Photo)

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shifted to the hospital cafeteria where bright balloons set a fes­ tive mood for a capacity crowd and where Edward C~ Berube, a 25-year member of the hospital board of directors, was' master of ceremonies for a brief pro­ gram that included comments from the bishop, from Fall River Mayor Carlton Viveiros and from Alan D. Knight, S(Anne's execu­ tive director. Knight pointed out that al­ though' St. Anne's ability to de­ liver effective health care has in­ creased dramatically in the past five years, especially in the areas of cancer care and pediatrics, "what hasn't changed is what's important the delivery of Catholic health care." Introduced as "the first lady of

Cl!ange asked NEW YORK (NC) - About 300 Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish religious leaders, includ­ ing 24 Catholic bishops, have ap­ pealed to "people of faith" to work for change in the Reagan administration's policy in Central America. The signers, including Archbishops Robert Sanchez of Santa Fe, N.M.; Raymond Hunt­ hausen of Seattle; and Patrick Flores of· San' Antonio, Texas, urged a halt to U.S. covert opera­ tions and other destabilizing activity against the government of Nicaragua, support of initia­ tives for negotiated seettIements in various Central American conflicts, and granting of tem­ porary asylum to Central Ameri­ can refugees.


St. Anne's," Sister Mary Patricia Sullivan hospital president and provincial superior of the Dom­ inican community, was interrup­ ted by applause again and again as she thanked all "who have help'ed us arrive at this day." She mentioned especially "peo­ ple not in this room," including patients and staff workers on duty. The president singled out for special tribute the late Dr. Frank d'Errico of the hospital staff and the late Mother Pierre Marie, hospital administrator from 1946 to 1968. She also praised Sister Marie Ascension, successor to Mother Pierre Marie as hospital adminis­ ,trator and provincial superior, who is now a general councillor at her community's motherhouse in France; Dr. Frederick J. Sul­ livan, now retired, the former president of St. Anne's medical staff; and 'Bishop Cronin, who in his turn expressed once again diocesan gratitude to St. Anne's.

(necroloQY) December 11 Rev. Edward L. Killegrew, Pastor, 1959, St. Kilian, New Bedford December 13 Rev. Reginald Theriault, O.P., 1972, St. Anne's Dominican Priory, Fall River December 14 Rev. Msgr. John J. Hayes, Pas­ tor, 1970, Holy Name, New Bed­ ford December 15 Rev. Mortimer Downing, Pas­ tor, 1942, St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis

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rHE ANCHOR (USPS·54S-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven. ue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Cath· .ollc Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA 02722.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., De<t:. 10, 1982


honors two


eRD grant forms available

In ceremonies tonight, Stone­ hill College, North Easton, will confer honorary degrees upon Boston's Irish Consul-General, the Hon. Carmel B. Heaney and upon former American ambassa­ odor to Ireland, the Hon. William V. Shannon. The degrees recog­ nize the recipients' commitment to fostering understanding be­ ,tween Ireland and the United States. Speaker for the occasion wiil be Dr. Donal McCartney, pro­ fessor of modern Irish history at University College, Dublin. His topic will be "Eamon de Valera: Educator to a Nation." ConSUl-General Heaney has served in Boston since 1975. Pre­ viously she was Irish vice-consul in San Francisco and Boston. She is dean of the Boston con­ sular corps. Former Ambassador Shannon is considered one of the most successful recent American am­ bassadors to Ireland, where he served from 1977 to 1981. He is a journalist and the author of a standard textbook on the Ameri­ can Irish. He :is now on the fac­ ulty of Boston University.

WASHINGTON (NC) - Ap­ plication materials for 1983 fund­ ing from the Campaign for Hu­ man Development, the U.S. Cath­ olic bishops' anti-poverty pro. gram, are now available from the campaign's national office in Washington and. from diocesan campaign directors. While the deadline for sub­ mission of 1983 application forms and proposals is Jan. 31, Father Marvin Mottet, the campaign's executive director, said appli­ cants are encouraged to use the preapplication process prior to the deadline. The campaign makes grants to self-help project~ and conducts

a year-round education program on issues related to social. jus­ tice. Since its establishment in 1970 the campaign has assisted more than 1,800 self-help projects, favoring projects likely to be­ come self-supporting after cam­ paig~ funding stops. Booklets including preapplica­ tion and application forms, are available from Father Peter N. -Graziano, Executive Director, Diocesan Department of Social Services, Box M, South Station, Fall River 02724 and from Cam­ paign for Human Development, 1312 Massachusetts Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.

Ordained today Paul M. Sullivan, S.J., son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sullivan, Simpson Lane, Assonet, wi\l be ordained a transitional deacon in ceremonies today at S1. Fran­ cis de Sales Cathedral, Oakland, Calif. Bishop Patrick Kalilombe, former Bishop of Malawi, Africa, was the ordaining prelate for 22 Jesuit seminarians. Educated in Freetown schools, Rev. Mr. Sullivan entered the Society of Jesus after graduating in 1973 from Holy Cross College, Worcester. Since that time he has studied at Boston College and Gonzaga University, Spokane, and taught at Cheverus High School, Port­ land, Maine. He is now pursuing theological studies at the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, Calif. He expects to be ordained to the priesthood in June at Holy Cross College.


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MARIAN MEDAUSTS attend pre-ceremony briefing in Lady Chapel of St. Mary's Cathedral (top picture). One of 101 recipients receives award from Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. The medal recognizes outstanding service to one's parish or to the diocese. (Sr. Gertrude Gaudette Photos)

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It is much more difficult to make

peace than to make war. Much more difficult to forgive than to seek revenge," said Bishop Edward Dale of Derry, Northern Ireland, in a homily during a pilgrimage for peace that ended at a Marian shrine in Aylesford, England. Bishop Daly said that the church is weak on the theology of violence and war. "Speaking for myself, as somebody who has had close contact with violence and injustice, over a prolonged period, I find it very difficult to justify violence in any circumstance," he said. Bishop Daly, urging a search for alternates to violence, said: "Where there is true love and respect for fellow human beings,


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The bishop said that in North- r:: ~ ern Ireland, he has experienced ~ :04 "almost 14 years of constant ..: ~ tension and fear and sudden ~ :04 death and destruction and im- ~ ~ prisonment and armed soldiers ~ :04 and checkpoints on roads and ~ . . ~ streets" which have "left their ..: ~ mark on all of us.". ~ M A .. 0 R PRO G RAM S He said that it isa "vast over- . . : " ~ simplification" to dismiss the ~ C 0 U N S ELI N G : ADOPTIONS :04 Irish problem as religious. ~ Individual - Marriage - Family ~ "It is a problem that has its ..:: INFORMATION I REFERRAL ~ roots' in history, in centuries of ~ UNWED PARENT SERVICES E;" grave injustice towards the min- ..: REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT INFANT FOSTER CARE ~ ority community in the North of ~ :04 Ireland initiated and, until very i ~ NEW BEDFORD FALL RIVER ATTLEBORO CAPE COD ~ recent years, sustained by Brit- . ~ 398 COUNTY ST. 783 SLADE ST. 10 MAPlE STREET 1441 RTE. 132 :04 ain through the simple expecli~ 997-7337 P.O. Box M - So. Sta. 226-4780 CENTERVILLE ~ ent of ignoring the problem until ..: _674-4881 771-6771 ~ serious social unrest forced it to ~ REV. PETER N. GRAZIANO M:S.W. Diocesan Director ~ face its responsibilities," he ..: ' • '9 added. ~1lW.1lW.1lW.1lW.1lW.1lW.1lW.1lW..1lW.1lW.1lW.~1IIP.1lW.1lW.1lW.1lW.1lW.1lW.1lW.1lW.1lW.1lW.1lW ...~


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 10, 1982 4~--"""'------~------

,the living word

the moorin9..-,

The Selling of Sunday Since 1976 this paper has opposed the selling of Christmas. This year it opposes the selling of Sunday. ' The current repeal of the so-called Blue Laws by our elected officials is nothing more than a sellout to pressure politics. 11te combination of banking, commerce and, labor was just too much for too many. They abandoned principle. Once more the secular has triumphed over the ,religious; profit over person and seeming ~nevitability over integrity. Operating on the idea of offering lollipops to the public, the proponents of repeal of the Blue Laws have been less than truthful in their exaggerated claims of financial bene­ fit. This aside, they have still done a grave disservice to the people of the, Commonwealth, their families and their friends. From a religious and sociological viewpoint, this repeal is another m~il in the coffin of family life. In a time of family upheaval, separation and divorce, husbands, wives and children who truly care about their life and living need all the support, encouragement, sympat!lY and succor that they can get from their representatives and senators. The state has a prime responsibility to assist in the betterment of its citizens. It should not be an instrument which in effect lessens their dignity and self-esteem. The power forces which gathered together to push the ratifica-, tion of this bill have played on ecclDomic fears and financial PARTICIPANTS IN A PRAYER SERVICE, ONE OF FOUR HELD IN THE DIOCESE


In such an atmosphere, they declare that people will FOUR AMERICAN CHURCHW9MEN IN EL ~ALVADOR

benefit from the increased revenue that will pour into private bankbooks an4 the state treasury. If there indeed be such "1, the Lord, love illstice; 8 hate robbery and wrong. ,I will faithfully reward benefits, any good that might be gained will be vastly out­ my people for their suffering.' Is. 61:8 weighed by the harm that will penetrate the social order. Those who attempt to make Sunday just another day will indeed be a further catalyst in the secularization of society. There is no argument that America is fast becoming paganized. By eliminating opportunities and tim.e for reflec­ tion, family development and [social communication, the state is becoming a tool in man's progressive self-dehuman­ out of that woebegone phase to academic materials reeking with By, Thomas 11'. McDonnell zation. emerge once again into the full the required jargon of the day; omniscient Father Andrew and sovereign light of the Ro­ and 2) as James Hitchcock says In today's world the 'human spirit is increasingly fragile. ,M.The Greeley, once an object of my man Catholic Church. As it is, in a book you must read, The To attempt to remove those dependencies needed to sustain more or less benign admiration _this spirit does 'irreparable harm. The roots and traditions has been at it again. He is the Andrew Greeley is nowhere close New 'Enthusiasts (Thomas More to speaking for the majority of Press, Chicago, 1982), "The fem­ of man are anchored in religion. Knowing that he is a vessel church's own worst publicist. , Roman Catholics in this country. , inist aspect of gnosticism is of 'of clay, he has always sought to fortify himself with supercourse obvious." The trouble with Greeley is He speaks preeminently for him­ natural aid. ' that most non-Catholic readers self. It is not only obvious, it is a The Sunday observance is precious to the nurture of are likely to take him seriously, It is important to understand central tenet which desires noth­ those qualities of life that 'are far more important th~n whereas his own church dloes not, that Greeley is highly consum­ ing less than the radical altera­ commercial gain. To take away his security and throw man mainly because he so frequently able journalese because he's so tion of everything we, have misrepresents its. teachings. He further into the inferno of commercialism does him grave is chiefly a producer of great trendy in his views and in the known as traditional or histori­ disservice. quantities of nonsequiturs,' a various latest attitudes which he cal Catholic Christianity.. This and, .at the Catholics cannot remain silent in the face' of the over­ questionable accomplishment for makes his very own. However, radicalization when you read anything by An­ same time, desacralization ­ powering forces that would diminish ~heir religious heritage. someone who must have studied drew Greeley, you ought at once has also been geared toward an logic in the seminary. Those who care about God and country and' who, try to to take an antidote by also read­ end in which the "very identity sustain both in their proper sphere should vigorously speak For example, as classic ing something by Prof. James of God becomes confused and their minds and souls 'on this subject. This struggle between offenses against that principle of Hitchcock of St. Louis Univer­ problematical" (Hitchcock); and logic which implies "it, doesn't sity, who is both a better writer so, predictably enough, it is no the spiritual and the secular can and should' be an opportu­ nity for all of us to affirm once again the sacred, the necessarily follow," here's only and a better and therefore a surprise that Greeley is now into sounder historical analyst than God as a woman. preeminence of God in our lives, the place of family and a brace of Greeley's best efforts Greeley. . in the art of orderly thinking: 1) , friends in our hierarchy of values.' More than that, have you "If you could eat meat on Fri­ In, honesty, few will deny that the place of God, family day, could you not practice birth I prefer to think that Greeley heard the news? Greeley has and friends in our lives will be adversely affected if the control?" (on Wednesdays may­ is curiously unaware that he is divided the First Person of the Holy Trinity. Compared to that, be?); and 2) "If priests could say himself -a throwback to the an­ Sunday laws are repealed. what is Einstein's equation that error of gnosticism. If, on cient This in itself is sufficent reason' for us to refuse our Mass in English, might.they not the other hand, he and others are led to the splitting of the atom? marry?" That last is pure support to legislative acts which are' not being enacted for Greeleyism. indeed aware of ,this, then we The man's thinking is so rife the common good but simply 'for individual particular have on our hands yet another

Greeley the neo-gnostic



Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.lD. EDITOR

!lev. John F. Moore "

FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. Msgr. John 1. Regan . . . . I.eary Press-rail River

, When Greeley the sociologist was writing slightly more eso~

teric stuff than the awful hack novels that preoccupy him today, he used to' describe as "com­

munal Catholics" those he now characterizes as "do-it-yourself Catholics."

But one does not practice the Catholic faith on one's own terms. We are long past the time when self-styled progressives like An­ drew Greeley should have gotten

manifestation of neognosticism in its 20th century form. In this particular case, it seems to function as a twofold elitism based on the preferred articles of faith that, 1) all know­ ledge (gnosis) is theirs alone and comes straight off the clipboard, in findings of the latest surveys, in discussions at' the currently hottest seminars, and from other

and rifled with error, in my opinion, that one can only hope that it goes. the way of all jour­

nalese. Again, I do not presume

to know the nature of the God­ head and I shall therefore always decline to use such ridiculollsly divided terms as he/she and his! her - in other words, God all a co-anchored news team - when applied to this most profound of Christian mysteries.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 10, 1982

.Family Night


A weekly at-home program for families'

sponsored by the Diocesan Office of Family Ministry

OPENING PRAYER Oh Loro, how great is your lovel The oceans are not large enough to hold it; the moun­ tains not tall enough to reach it. Only our human hearts, small and fragile as they are can . search inward through prayer and begin to discover the uni­ verse of your love. Thank you, dearest God, for hearts, for prayer, and for you. Our most wondrous God, be with us this Family Night. Amen.

TO THINK ABOUT The holiday season is a special time of family love. It is a time to forgive each other for wrongs done or pain and suffering caused. Let us pause together and take time to search our hearts and to reconcile our­ selves to one another within our family, within our neighborhood, and within our Church.

rials: Bible, candle, matches, large bowl, small pieces of paper, pencils. Light the candle and . gather around it with the house lights off. Read aloud Matthew 5:23,24, ,then each family mem­ ber write on a piece 'Of paper one thing he or she is especially sorry for. Each family member takes a turn folding his or her paper and burning it In .the bowl. The papers mayor may not be read aloud to the family. (It's up to each individual.) When burn­ ing the little paper, something like "Forgive me for I have sin­ ned" may be said. When all have taken a turn the household head takes the ashes and marks a cross on each one's forehead to remind all of Christ's victory over sin through the cross. Then sing a favorite religious song.

Adult Families

. SNACK TIME apple­

ENTERTAINMENT TV; be sure all know how the game is played - review the game's rules. 2. Share old family pictures or movies, see how everyone is growing and changing in appear­ ance.

. SHARING - Tell how you felt when someone told you "I'm sorry." - Share how it feels to tell another you're sorry.


CLOSING PRAYER Spontaneous shared prayer.


On ,school prayer

viewer asked as his first ques­ tion. I sighed and knew it was go­ .ing to be a long ihterview. H's a no-win question. How can any good Christian be against prayer, especially one who has written books on family prayer? "I oppose it," I began, "but not for ,the reasons ·usuallyattri­ buted to those who -" "You oppose it!" he interrupt­ ed in a thunderous tone of dis­ belief and the ,interview turned into a defense of reasons which I was never allowed to present. His aWtude points up the emotionalism that surrounds this issue. It's more than prayer in ,the schools; it's a whole politi­ cal package. Anyone pro-family and anti-abortion is expected to be pro-school prayer, anti-secu­ lar humanism (whatever that means), pro-capital punishment, anti-welfare and anti-ERA. The . pros and antis are clearly set up by ·this group of political and religious fundamentalists and woe to anyone who says, "Yes, bu,t . . ." I oppose prayer in the schools for many reasons,' the main one being that ,it will trivialize prayer. Any prayer that will be acceptable to all must of nec­ essity mean nothing to anybody. And true prayer is -never mean­ ingless. What are the kids going to pray that meets the belief of Catholics, Jews, American In­ dians, Protestants, Scientologists,


, 1. Watch football together on

Young and Middle Years


"Where does an outspoken Catholic mother like you stand on prayer in the schools?" a radio inter­


Moonies, and guru followers? Secondly, I taught school long enough to know ,that any for­ mula repeated over and over becomes as meaningless and as ignored as the stewardesses' in­ structions on plane safety. The kids simply ·tune out, much as they do when parents repeat stories or when the daily bulletin is read. I would much rather see us set up an opening period of reflec­ tive meditation, one in whicn our over-stimulated children can center themslves and put them­ selves in the hands of whatever God they choose. Most of them don't know how to do ,this in our noisy whirling society. Many schools report success when they offer a five minute opening period of this sort. The quiet model of ,teacher and peers with heads lowered may be the finest prayer experi­ ence children can have, especi­ ally those never exposed to prayerful meditation at home.. The teacher may even give non­ sectarian suggestions like, "Per­ haps some of )'lOu will want to ask special blessings for your family or for you on that big test today. Or maybe others will simply wimt to sit and feel quietness and peace inside you." If a teacher changes these words daily, he or she is teaching child­ ren how to pray, not how to repeat a prayer. I liken it to the period after communion at Mass. People want quiet at this time so they can pray intimately with God, not rote prayers. Some even dis­ like soft music claiming 1t in-


Jo!hn":s windoW1s



Read aloud Luke 6:27-38 and discuss. Each person writes down what it means to be sorry. Share ,these thoughts. Do ,the activity described above for young and middle years families.

Ginger sauce.





terrupts their meditation. Finally, for parents who want school-day prayer, there's nothing preventing ·them from sharing this prayer with their children before they go out the door to school. It can be a beautiful way for parent and children together to start the day in God. I can't th~nk of a better way of estab­ lishing daily prayer than a quiet prayer together at the door as they leave and a period of re­ flection when they arrive at school. And those, dear interviewer, are my reasons for opposing rote prayer in the classroom. I wish I'd had .the chance to present them.

Jesse Tree

Among the many aston­ ishments of the final session of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops which was supposed to be a "de­ bate" on its pastoral letter about nuclear weapons, and which, in fact, sounded like an anti-war demonstration - was the fact that nobody mentioned Ronald Reagan by name and nobody said, "Support our president." Another name that was not mentioned - there was no need to - was that of Pope John XXIII, whose spirit totally dom­ inated the gathering. He was that rotund, smiling revolution­ ary who threw open the win­ dows of· the Roman Catholic Church and gently tugged the clergy's gaze from heaven and the problems of getting .there to earth, where people also have troubles meriting prayerful con­ sideration. Few echoes of the pre- Johan­ nine church were heard. One bishop said that the salvation of man from sin took precedence over his mere survival - "our striving is not for survival but for resurrection." He was a lone voice. There was not a single refer­ ence to Reagan's disarmament efforts ,in Geneva, Switzerland. A facetious reworking of his campaign slogan, "Stay' the Course - for Peace" - brought many baritone chuckles among the black suits around the tables in the Capital Hilton. There were, to be sure, calls for a more militant attitude to­ ward the Soviet Union, a sug­ gestion that the feeliiigs of Cath­ olic military be taken more into account, and one plea for a "little flag-waving" and patriot­ ism. But another speaker said the bishops should apologize for not having condemned the drop­ ping of the American atomic bombs in 1945 - "because of not having raised our voices then as we do now."

tegic matters - the right of the document to exist, in other words - were reflected in the two-hour discussion, in which all, in consequence of Vatican II collegiality, were treated equally. A counterpastoral from the White House, the work of Wil· liam P. Clark of the National Security Council, was a tactical and a strategic disaster, the hawks conceded :in corridor con­ ferences. Bishops are not accustomed to reading their mail in the morn­ ing paper, and the leaking of the letter to The New York Times occasioned vast umbrage among a group whose episcopal rings, emblems of office, are still oc­ casionally kissed by the faithful. The general disdain for the clumsiness - and substance ­ of the letter was conveyed by a gray-haired, pipe-smoking cleric who said, "Clark? Isn't he the fellow who didn't know where Europe was a year ago?" A generation ago, many of them had been arguing about the ethics of parish bingo. Social teaching was limited largely to a consideration of the Sixth Commandment - sex education began and ended with the word "no." A younger speaker hinted at these past preoccupations. Wouldn't it be wonderful, he observed, if the bishops studied marriage with the sensitivity and delicacy they are according nuclear weaponry.

J9hn XXIII has changed the face of the American hierarchy beyond recognition. A persis­ tent strain of Third Worldism is there - and support for the United Nations as a peace-mak­ ing institution. The bishops ob­ viously do not read Reader's Di­ gest in ,their rectories. If they did, they would know, as the president purports to, that they are dupes of the Kremlin when they favor a nuclear freeze.

The ultimate rejoinder to his latest slander of freezeniks came Doubts were hearo about the from Cardinal' John Krol of ability of the flock to accept so Philadelphia, a proudly conser­ radical a doctrine as the "immor­ vatic cleric who is not accustom­ ality" of nuclear war from an , ed ·to having his anti~Red cre­ organization ,that. never man­ dentials questioned. "Don't talk aged to say a definitive word to me about that," he grimly about Vietnam. It would be div­ told a knot of brother bishops. isive," said the undercover "I'm'a Pole." , hawks. But others. dismissed the Some seemed to take issue danger. A bold peace statement could bring back the fallen-away with the pope's acceptance of nuclear weapons as a deterrent and make them proud to be Cath­ to nuclear war. No outright de­ olics again, Bishop Kenneth Un­ fiance, mind you, but one speaker tener of Saginaw, Mich., de­ clared. It would also be "a step complained of the "circular, con­ fusing and contradictQry" char­ toward ecumenism." acter of the deterrent argument. Even the restrained dissenters The bishops voted overwhelm­ felt restrained to praise ,the draft ingly for a thiro draft of their and to thank the drafters. It was a wipeout for the White historic and revolutionary pas­ House. None of its initiatives toral. about the unseemliness of men John XXIII would have been of the doth venturing into stra- proud of them.


.THE ANCHOR ­ Friday, . Dec. 10, 1982



CHICAGO (NC) - A survey "Continued from page one of readers of U.S. Catholic, a the Holy Year as the pope's monthly magazine published in solution for raising Vatican Chicago, has fOJ.lnd that 68 per­ revenues, but the prominent cent of respondents consider con­ Vatican official gave little cre­ fession "an important sacrament Sales and Service ~ dence to such a notion. in my life." for Domestic _ "It probably would have been and Industrial :;::: Nearly 1,000 U.S. Catholic better if the pope had separated Oil Burners readers were polled and 282 reo it out from the other 'business of 995·1631 sponded. the cardinals' meeting/' he said. 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE Ninety-one percent disagreed "But it's laughable that finances NEW BEDFORD with the view that "the Catholic would have been the pope's Church would get along fine if motivation. The man is first of there were no sacraments or all an ascetic, much more than ceremonies of any kind to ex­ an administrator, ana 'the notion press forgiveness of sin." Roger Dufour of a Holy Year fits right into With regard to frequency, of Piano & Organ Studio everything else he's always said confession, however, 54 percent about the dignity of man as re- ­ YAMAHA, GRANDS, CO"SOLES, said they went a few times a STORY & CLARK deemed by Christ and the nec­ year, 22 percent less often than from $1395 ' essity for man to recognize his once a year, four percent never, YAMAHA & LOWREY ORGANS value and the value of everyone nine percent once a month and CHURCH ORGANS AVAILABLE else. ' only two percent more often "Besides, a Holy Year is not Roger Dufour than once a month. a money-maker. for the Vatican.. HARBOUR MAll • FAll RIVER Of the U.S. Catholic respond­ There are incremental increases 672-5656 ents, 27 percent have used the in re;'enues because of such . A Name You Can Trust new face-to-face method of con­ things as stamps or museum ~ fession; 72 percent prefer the ~ visits. But that's all wiped out new rite of reconciliation to the by the additional services which way confession was 20 years the Vatican must offer," he said. ago; and 77 .percent said they Press reports indicate that the did not confess basically the Holy Year of 1975 produced a same kinds of sins they used to deficit. for the Vatican of $2 confess as children. million. Although 51 percent said that On money matters, the pope they rarely sin seriously enough "ServCngthe Community said on Dec. 1 that the Vatican to need confession, 67 percent Since 1873" should make its financial situa­ . said that, if they committed what tion public because Catholics they felt was a serious sin, they should know how their contribu­ would feel a need to go to pri­ Cities Service Petroleum tions are being used. vate confession to feel truly for­ Products

given. He spoke at a meeting with

Gasoline & Diesel Fuels Criticisms of confession fo­ Belgian Catholic journalists who Fuel Oils cused on priests, the U.S. Cath­ presented him with funds col­ liquified Petroleum Gas olic article said, "According to lected from their readers. He respondents, priests are super­ told the journalists that at the Stewart-Warner Winkler recent plenary assembly of car­ cilious, arbitrary, unavailable, un­ Heating & Cooling sympathetic, judgmental, and in dinals "the. Holy ~ee, whose Installations services have no other .aim but too much of a hurry. The simple to aid the pope in promoting the lack of time for proper discuss­ evangelization of the world and ion was listed by several people 24-Hour Burner Service communion among the churches, as a particular sore point. Many 448 BROADWAY, TAUNTON oriented ·itself toward the pub­ priests apparently still have a lication of its budget and also 'get-em-in-get-em-out' approach Attleboro - No. Attleboro toward' an increase in what is to the sacrament." WAR OF THE ROSES? Offered a lei during his weekly Taunton' called 'Peter's Pence' in order to One priest, Father Michael general audience, Pope John Paul II insists that. the gift­ Henchal, executive director of permit the church to live first of· all on the fraternal charity of giver wear it herself. (~C/Wide World Photo) the diocesan liturgical commis­ the Christian people." sion in Portland, Me., said, "At the rate things are going, the Peter's Pence is an annual sacrament will cease to exist in worldwid~ collection of the 10 years because of non-use. At Catholic Church for ithepope. least two generations now have ~ The Post Office has increased from ~ VATICAN OITY (NC) - The added. made no use of it at all. Unless , 13 to 25 cents its charge to THE, What is needed, urged the some serious readjustments are need for more religious vocations , ANCHOR for notification of a sub-, FATHER TIMOTHY J. is a concern of the entire church document, is for the church to ~ scriber's change of address. Please ~ done, we won't make it. The re­ , help us reduce this expense by noti-, GOLDIUCK, associate pas­ said a Vatican document released present its true face to young form so far has failed miserably , fying us immediately when you plan, tor of St. Pius X parish, people by engaging more dili­ Nov. 16. , to move, . , because it's not being used." gently in its true mission of serv­ ~. PLEASE PRINT YOUR NEW ~ , South Yarmouth, has been ,Jt recorded conclusions of an "The abundance of inept con­ , AODRESS BELOW , named a defender of the international vocations congress .ing humanity. fessors puzzles experts in the The ,report suggested that area," the article s'aid. bond' for the Diocesan Mar­ held in Rome in May 1981. , Name , The congress involved repre­ young people he invited to pro­ . Both lay readers and priests riage Tribunal. (Forde sentatives from 80 countries who mote vocations among their advised shopping around for a Photo) reviewed a docum'ent synthesiz­ ~ Street Address ~ contemporaries. good confessor. "Many priests ing 15,000 pages of reports on Also recommended was the are unskilled," Father Henchal ~ Apt. #, City, State : vocations programs of over 700 use of modern communications said. "You have to shop around dioceses and ~eligious orders. and find a confessor who is sen-· to improve "the imperfect knowl­ , New Parish , The repol'\t suggested that .edge" of many young people sitive to your needs." greater numbers would be at­ , ~ . A Massachusetts couple listed about religious life. ~ Date of Moving , tracted to the' religious life if Regarding priests and nuns the qualifications of a good con­ church members ·,took their who have .'left religious life, the fessor: "A good spiritual.director : And please attach your OLD ANCHOR: Catholicism seriOUSly and made document said that the church should be very sensitive toward ~ ADDRESS LABEL below so we can up,- ~ , date your record immediately. ~ the church a sign of hope in the should ask itself the reasons for his people, get to know them, world. and consequences of such a have a right attitude, be sensi­ tive toward other people's feel­ Many young pe6ple, said the p~enomenon. ings, be able to counsel with , Paste Old Address Label Here , document, "do not believe be­ During the 1960s and early love and concern, be trained in cause they do not find' convinc­ 1970s the church experienced a ling signs and witnesses who can sharp deoline in vocations but psychology." stimulate ,them to Hnk themselves trom 1975 until 1980 candidates , Clip this entire form and mall to: , with the church." No Profit for the' priesthood in major : ~ ANCHOR : , . P.O. BOX 7 , "Inconsistencies between faith seminaries have increased by 9.8 "Treasures of wickedness shall : FALL RIVER, ,MASS. 02722 : and life manifested by persons percent and the number of nov­ profit nothing; but justice shall , THANK YOU! , and by ,institutions create even ices in' religious institutions for deliver from death." - Provo , 1 : greater obstacles," the report women has ~isen by 23 percent. 10:2




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Inconsistencies harm voc'ations


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-FrL, Dec. 10, 1982

With 27,000 Subscribers, It Pays To

Advertise In r he Anch~r

Letters are welcomed, but should be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit. If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and Include a homo or buslnesa address.



Dear Editor: Recently Time, the Boston Globe Magazine and U.S. News and World Report have had fea­ ture articles concerning our United States prison system. Their main point was that our prisons are failures. They do not deter crime and, in fact, cause it by putting criminals together who teach each other how to break the law more efficiently when released. Always the question remains "What can We do to stop crime?" The response keeps coming back "I don't know." Crime continues to be one of our major national problems: In the news and on TV and radio, religion is either not men­ tioned or quickly passed since it is not seen as a practical means of rehabilitation in prison and of reducing crime. This is somewhat understandable since organized religion has not estab­ lish much, if any, track record here. But it is now doing so! We have been, at least in Massa­ chusetts, building a solid, practi­ cal and healing religious solu­ tion to crime and punishment. For at least seven years chap­ laincy teams, volunteers, Chris­ tian prisoners, and organized re­ ligious programs have been be­ coming more active in reducing crime, changing inmate's lives and stopping recidivism. Q There is an effective way to reduce crime without violence. Thank God that it is happening in our state. Rev. Joseph P. McDermott Catholic Chaplain Norfolk State Prison

St. Mary alumni Dear Editor: . St. Mary's College Seminary in St. Mary, Kentucky was forced to close its doors in 1977. St. Mary's served the Church well for over 176 years. In conjunction with the clos­ ing of the college, the Alumni Associatios was also dissolved. As a result, current addresses of alumni are not available. For this reason I ask the assistance of your readers to spread the word that a reunion of all SMC alumni will be held in Bardstown, Ky. July 22, 23, and 24, 1~3. Alumni interested '1n :.the re­ union may contact me fot more information. Thank you. John Poland 227 Old Riverside Road Baltimore, Md. 21225

Cursillo article Dear Editor: Just a note to let you know I was pleased with the article "New' Bedford Anthropologist Studies Cursillo" (Anchor, Nov. 19). The story showed a reading of the book and a sound integra· tion of ideas. Your presentation of my work was fair and written

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FATHER PIERRE LACHANCE, OP, associate pastor at St. Anne's parish, Fall River, markeq. his 40th ordination anniversary at a Mass of thanksgiviIig and a parish recep­ tion. Among his wellwishers were, from left, Dominican Sisters Julie· Maria, who serves at St. Anne's rectory; Theresa Bisson, principal of St. Anne's School; Annette Desmarais, ,a niece who is on the staff of St. Anne's Hospi­ tal.. (Sr. Gertrude Gaudette Photo) . .

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Gospel never culture free ROME (NC) - There is no culture-free proclamation of the Gospel, a priest from the Philip­ pines told a meeting of liturgical specialists from English-speak­ ing countries. The process of inculturation is not an encounter between the Gospel and a given culture, but between the Gospel already in­

rection is required of both the' donor culture and recipient cul­ ture, Father Marivoet said. The Gospel, as it is transmitted in cultural wrappings, must shed these wrappings to become in­ carnate in a new culture and the new culture must shed some of its limited vision in order to re­ ceive' the Gospel, he said.

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carnate in a culture and another ' culture, said the priest, Mission- • .0 • ''', hurst Father Camilo Marivoet.: f'~/' I . Father Marivoet spoke at are- • \~ :.. .. ; cent meeting in Rome of secre- . . . . . . taries of national liturgical com· : ~ . "- q missions from English-speaking • " '. ~ • countries. • Father Marivoet noted that the : ~ospel fir~t became i~carna~e • 10 the JeWIsh people WIth theIr • own traditions ~nd cust?ms. The :


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Each receiving culture, he said, : changed the dress or wrappings. before it became itself an evan- II!! gelizer. : 1\ process of death and resur- •

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wi~h interest. I have received

many favorable comments from numerous readers of The Anchor. So thank you for the professional work your paper did in addressing my own wor~. Marcene Marcoux, Ph.D. Framingham State College

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 10, 1982

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THE SPIRIT moves participants at prayer breakfast sponsored by the Diocesan Ser­ vice Committee of the Charismatic Renewal. Bishop Daniel P. Reilly of Norwich, Conn., was the speaker for the event, held at White's restaura~t, Westport. (Torchia Photo)

Muggeridg,e enters, church'

LONDON (NC) -- Journ.alist and television personality Mal­ 'colm Muggeridge and his wife, Kitty, were received into -the Catholic Church Nov. 27. In .Iln article in The Times of London, Muggeridge, 79, attribu­ ted his conversion -in large part to Mother Teresa of Calcutta, founder of the Missionaries of Charity. In 1968 he produced a television documentary depicting her commitment to the destitute of India. The documentary and a book based on it were both titled "Something Beautiful for God." "Words cannot, conv~y how be­ holden I am to her," he wrote in The Times. "She has given me a whole new vision of what being a Christian means: of the amaz­ ing power of love, and how in

. one dedicated soul, it can bur­

geon to cover the whole world.'!

Muggeridge spoke of thE;! in­ fluence on him of saints' like Augustine of Hippo, whose "Con­ fessiqns,"he said, "show how worldliness and carnality can be transmuted into a life dedicated to, the service of GOd" and who lived at a time in some ways very like the present, when the Roman Empire was visibly col­ lapsing and decadence, "what we call permissiveness,'~ was everywhere apparent. The Catholic response to' the moral crisis of the present ,time had always appealed to him, he said. He cited "Huma.nae Vitae," the encyclical issued by Pope Paul VI in 1968, saying its pro­ hibition of artificial bi.rth control seemed "absolutely correct." Like contraception, legalized abortion was "morally disas­ trous" and inevitably brought legalized euthanasia 'in its train, said Muggeridge. In becoming a Catholic, he said, he also experieenced "a sense of homecoming, of picking up the threads of a lost life, of responding to a beII that has long been ringing, of firiding a place at a table that has'long been left

vacant." Muggeridge, who in his auto­ biography and diaries chronicles an early admiration for commun­ ism and various illicit love af­ fairs, has for some years been a proponent of a non-denomina­ tional Christianity. In 1972 he said he loved -the Catholic Church too much to join it. He said ,the Catholic Church seemed set to follow the same path Protestantism had taken "and "this just when all the notions and follies which have made so sorry a mess of . Protestantism are on the point of being totally and irretrievably ,discredited." In an interview in November 1979 in U.S. Catholic magazine, Muggeridge said: "I can say the Creed very happily, in perfect belief, but I couldn't say it if I had to add: 'This is the 'final definitive state­ ment.' I do not believe and never could believe that a definitive, final 'word has been said." Malcolm Thomas Muggeridge was born on March 24, 1903, -in the London suburb of Croydon, Surrey. Like his four brothers, he was strongly influenced by the socialist ideas of his father,


Henry Thomas Muggeridge, a lawyer's clerk and later a Labor Party member of Parliament. While 'teaching 'jn Egypt, Muggeridge wrote an article for the Manchester Guardian which led to an appointment to its staff . in 1930. Returning to England, Mugger­ idge wrote a successful play and reviewed books for the Guardian. In 1932 he was appointed Moscow correspondent for the Guardian and went with a deter­ mination to become a Soviet citizen, A year later he left the Soviet Union with contempt for the failures of the Soviet regime and for the doctoring of his dis­ patches. In 1933 he worked briefly for the International Labor Office in Geneva. He followed that job with more newspaper work in India and England. During World War II he was sent as a spy for British Intelli­ gence to Mozambique, where he attempted suicide by drowning. After ,the war he was Wash­ ington, D.C., correspondent of the Daily Telegraph from 1946­ 47 and its deputy editor from' 1950-52. In 1953 he became editor of Punch, the British humor maga­ zine. Five years later he began a television career and became an interviewer, panelist and docu­ mentary film writer. By ithe mid-1960s, he had' espoused an individualistic, un· dogmatic form of Christianity, which he summed up in "Jesus Rediscovered," published in 1969. In 1972 and 1973 he published ,the first two volumes of an autobiography, "Chronicles of Wasted Time" and "The Infernal Grove." Paul Johnson, former editor of the New Statesma~ said of Muggeridge, "Next to the late Evelyn Waugh, he is, in my view, the finest writer of English prose of his generation."

'Pope's stone' replaced

SPOKANE, Wash. (NC) ­ Thanks to the efforts of a Spo­ kane priest, a block of marble donated to the United States by Pope Pius IX for the Washing­ ton Monument is to be replaced by a replica, 128 years after the original was stolen and probably destroyed. Father James Grant, adminis­ trative assistant to the chancel­ lor of the Spokane Diocese, has received permission from th,e National Park Service to supply the stone. The agency told Fa­ ther Grant that a replica of the "pope's stone," if provided, would be installed in the Wash­ ington Monument. The priest has had a replica of the stolen stone made by Tresco Monum~nt Co. in Spo­ kane and shipped to Washing­ ton, D.C'. The stone was officially dedi­ cated on Nov. 16 at the monu­ ment. It will be installed at a later date. Father Grant became interes­ ted in the missing stone four years ago, spent months re­ searching its donation and dis­ appearance and began a one­ man campaign to replace it. After the cornerstone of that Washington Monument' was laid in 1848, the Washington Monu­ ment Society, to speed construc­ tion, invited all the states and territories, citizens and foreign countries to contribute stone blocks to embellish the interior walls. In December 1851, a papal letter notified the Monument, Society that Pope Pius IX inten­

ded to send a stone. When the papal letter and the society's ac­ ceptance letter were published in newspapers in February 1852, the society began to receive pro­ tests stirred up by the anti­ Catholic Know-Nothing Party. In 1854, the pope's stone ar­ rived. Originally part of the Temple of Concord in Rome, it was a block of African marble, three feet long, 18 inches high and 10 inches thick. It bore the Latin inscription: "A Roma Americae"(From Rome to America). On March 8, 1854, the Wash­ ington 'Daily National Intelli­ gence reported that on the night of March 6 several men stole the

pope's stone and probably threw it into the Potomac River. Though a $500 reward was of­ feted for information about the persons involved in the theft, no one was ever arrested. It was commonly understood, however, that members of the Know­ Nothing Party were involved. The theft of the stone angered many Catholic citizens and others and after the incident there was a loss of interest in the construction and a drop in financial support. The Civil War intervened, there was a con· struction delay of 25 years and the pope's stone was not replaced until now.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Fri., Dec. 10, 1982

.............. " ..



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Five Americans on papal council VATICAN CITI {NC) - Pope John Paul II has named 37 mem­ bers, including two U.S. couples, and 26 consultors to the 18­ month-old Pontifical Council for the Family. The Americans are Supreme Knight Virgil Dechant of the Knights of Columbus and his wife Ann, and Dr. Richard and Barbara McBride of the World­ wide Marriage Encounter. Among the consultors is Dr. Herbert Ratner,. retired public health di­ rector in Oak Park, III.,. and editor of Child and Family maga­ ·zine. The council, headed by Aus­ tralian Cardinal James R. Knox, was set up in May 1981 by Pope John Paul for "the promotion of pastoral care of the family and the family apostolate, applying

the teachings and mind of the church magisterium (teaching authority), so that Christian fami· ,lies may fulfill their educational, evangelizing and apostolic miss­ ion." The council members, who will meet at least once a year in plen­ ary assembly, are 17 married couples, two single men and one single woman from 18 countries. The consultors, all specialists in family matters, theologians or canon lawyers, include three bishops, 16 priests, six lay peo­ ple (including a married couple) and a nun.

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111 Rockdale Ave., N.B. AT THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT, New Orleans Archbishop Philip M. Hannon blesses the "Pope's Stone," gift of Father James Grant (left). (NC/PhQto)


996-6768 (',

\ 10

THE ANCHOR-Diocese' of Fall River-Fri;, Dec. 10, 1982'

Gifts children ·can make \

By Dr. James and Mary Kenny







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"This year we are going to put the spirit of giving into Ch~ist­ mas. We are going to get away from the commercialism and materialism and make [t a time to show our love to our friends and relatives. Above all, we are going to help our children learn a .spirit of giving." How many families make such a resolve each year only to find themselves fighting their way through crowds where. they hastily pick up the usual tie for Uncle Harry or nightgown for Aunt Betty. Why do good re­ solves break down each year? Usually we make plans that are too ambitious and allow too little time to complete them. This week; let's discuss' ways for children to give personal and meaningful gifts. ,Children 'love to plan and make gifts for others. Parents can help by seeing that plans stay within realistic limits and that children. observe proper safety. If the child plans to make a dozen gifts, encourage him dn­ , stead to plan two or three. If he completes those, he can branch out. Ne~t, do not do the work for the child, but help him structure the' project. If he needs help, set definite .hours and days when you will work together. If he is

Ethicists discuss gene therapy

WASHINGTON (NC) - Gen­ etic . research and intervention should be assessed "in terms of the basic values at stake," in­ cluding "the sacredness of hu­ man life itself," a Jesuit moral theologian told a congressional 428 Main Sf.: HyannIS hearing on genetic engineering. 775-4180 Testifying before the oversight John & Mory Lees. Props. subcommittee of the House Com­ mittee on Science and Tech­ nology, Jesuit Father Richard A. McCormick of Georgetown Uni­ versity's Kennedy Institute of Ethics, said the values at stake in genetic research and inter­ A COllECTION OF HElPFUL flOOR HINTS BY 'Al' GARANT .~enUon include: - "The sacredness of human life itself. FLOOR COVERING - "The meaning of ourselves 30 CRAWFORD ST. (Runs parallel to South Main .as social (and therefol'l~ interde­ behind Ray'S Flowers) . pendent) beings. FALL RIVER • CARPETING • CONGOLEUM -:- "The interconnection of life • CERAMIC TIlE • ARMSTRONG systems. 674·5410 - "The meaning of sexuality, the family and individual self­ identity. ~ "The goals of genetic re­ ·search and its environmental ef­ fects. - "The priorities of our re­ search effort, especiall~r as sup­ ported by the federal or state governments." Father McCormick recommend­ ed that the procedure in delibera­ . ting on genetic research and in­ tervention differ from the usual . governmental' process, which he i said involved political trade­ offs, compromise, power plays, constituent-sensitive concessions, THRIFT STORES

economic cost-benefit considera­ S08 COLLETTE ITREET

tions, etc." NEW iEDFOUlD, NIAll.

Father, McCormick said he was 11.0 JEFFERSON BLVD.

in general confident in the ma­ WARWICIC, R.I.

turity of the scientific .commun­ (Rt. 8. loatll· AIrport lilt)

ity to regulate itself. ....30 _.-I!!!~~




doing the entire project alone, board, perhaps personalized with set up a schedule showing how a design or name burned into much needs to be accompl:ished the wood;, a simple rack for p,aperback books which can be each week. set on a desk or table; toy cars, Young children get discour­ aged with long-range projects. ,trucks and boats can be made They need to see a finished from 2-by-4s. Crafts: Adults skilled in vari­ product rather quickly. Help the child select something which he ous crafts can help children make beautiful gifts: saqd can­ can complete before he loses in­ dies or Christmas candles from terest. Help children select and plan paraffin; cornhu* dolls; orna-. gifts which are both beautiful ments for the Christmas tree; simple projects in macrame or and useful. A simple gift, beauti­ fully made, is worth more than stained glass. an elaborate gift too difficult for .Recycle old articles into beau­ the child to 'make properly. If tiful new objects. Encourage' a the gift is poorly made and child to restore an old toy so about ,to fall 'apart, the child that it becomes a worthy gift will know it. All Grandma's for a younger child. Sand and re­ "oohs" and "aahs" will not fool paint old tricycles and bikes. ,the child. Help children make Save old nylon stockings and cut gifts of which they can be. gen­ ­ them up to stuff animals, dolls or uinely proud. pillows. Melt down old candles, Here are a few gifts within strain out the impurities and re­ the range of a child's ability. mold ,them into new candles. Your own talents and imagina­ If you take time .and plan, tion can suggest many more. you can help your children give Baking: Make breads, cookies of themselves this Christmas. or candy ahead of ..time and The projects will truly benefit freeze them. Make snack foods the giver even more than the re­ by adding your own special ceiver. And the works they pro­ seasonings to nuts and cereals. duce will not be mere gifts ­ Sewing: Use quilted mater·ial they will be treasures. to make potholders or place Reader questions on family ma'ts. Rag dolls, sock dolls, pup­ pets ~nd stuffed animals can be living and child care to be an­ simple or elaborate depending sw.ered in prlnt are invited. Ad­ . upon the child's skill and imag­ dress The Kennys, Box 872, 8t. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, ination. Woodworking: Try a cutting IneL 47978.

there be some public ptechan-. ism of ongoing deliberation and assessment of progr$lss in this area." Also testifying before the sub­ committee, LeRoy Walters, di­ rector of the Center for Bioethics at the Kennedy Institute, dis­ VATICAN CITY(NC) - Pope cussed ethical issues involved in John Paul II' has formalized his gene therapy. decision to make Opus Dei a per­ "The specific type of gene sonal prelature and has named therapy for which the ethical 58-year-old Msgr. Alvaro del rationale seems strongest is so­ Portillo its first prelate. matic-ceil (or non-reproductive~ The papal move, first an­ cell) modification for a consent­ nounced Aug. 23 by the Vatican ing adult suffering from a de­ Press Office, means that the ·in• bilitating or lethal single-gene ternational Catholic organization defect," he said. of priests and laity 'Will be guided The primary argument against by the prelate in matters' of for­ mation and apostolate but will gene therapy, even in such cases remain under direction of local "is that such intervention would bishops in other aspects of its be the first step. toward the gen­ etic engineering of human beings ac~ivities. or toward the human control of Msgr. Del Portillo is a Span­ evolution," Walters continued. iard who became president gen­ He said that, at least in the eral of Opus Dei when its case of a consenting adult suf­ founder, Msgr. Jose Maria Es­ criva de Balagueer, died in 1975. fering from a single-gene defect The August announcement potential benefits "far exceed the said that the change in Opus potential harms of gene therapy Dei's status answers "particular to the human race." In other cases, involving pastoral and evangelization peeds of our ·time" and that it treatment of childre'n or .trans­ accomplishes "a harmonious mission of genetic change to fu­ grafting of the institution' itself ture generations, "the burden of justification becomes into the pastbral organism of moral the universal church and local greater," Walters said. churches and makes service to He concluded, however, "We them more effective." should not foreclose in principle Opus Dei (Latin for "\york of any potentially constructive ap­ God") is an apostolic group of. plication of gene therapy to hu­ priests and laity founded in Spain man beings. The mere fact that in 1928 and approved by the a remotely possible tecJmological Vatican as a secular -institute in development would f~rce new 1950. Its members -include 70,000 and difficult decisions upon us lay people and 1,200 priests. should not, by itself, cause us to They come from 87 n~tions. reject that development." "Nol\Eitheless," he continued, "I judge it to be paramount that

Opus Dei

prelate named

.... 11

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. ] 0, 1982







P.O. BOX 876


MASS. 02556

The 28th Annual Bishop's Charity Ball of the diocese of Fall River, to be held Friday, Jan. 14, at Lin<:oln Park Ball­ room, wilt have as its theme "Gratitude." Miss Margaret M. Lahey, theme chairperson, says "Thank you to all who have been so generous, so faithful and supportive in your efforts to make the ball the outstanding success that it has been. Grati­ tude is extended to everyone who has helped in any way for the past 27 years to make the ball the outstanding social affair in this part of New England." This year the ball color scheme will be Spanish Yellow, London Rose and Killarney Green. The

boxes of spectators will be Sun­ rise Yellow and seat covers will be a cream shade. The posts throughout the hall will be cover­ ed alternating in yellow, rose and green. The focal point in the ball­ room will be the Bishop's box. The same colors used in the ball­ room will adorn the box and a hand-painted Thank You sign will be displayed there. A smaller Thank You sign will adorn the stage, also to be dec­ orated in the three ·theme colors. The presentee box will also be decorated. The ball committee of over 125 persons will meet at 1 p.m, Sun-


are liked to submit news Items for till. column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7. Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town shOUld be Included as well IS full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past event.. Note: We do not carry news of fundralslng activities such as bingos, whlsts, dance., suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetings youth pro/ect. end similar nonprofit actlvltle.. Fundra slna pro­ lacts may be advertised at our reaular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675-7151. On Steering Points Items FR Indicates Fall River. NB Indicates New Bedford.


The parochlalschool choir will be heard at ·the Zeiterion Theatre in New Bed10rd on Sunday, Dec. 12. . Parents of children participa­ ting .in sports and cheerleading programs will meet at 7 p.m. Sunday. A family penance service is planned for 7:15 p.m. Monday, Dec. 20, 'and a children's Christ­ mas pageant together with light­ ing of the Mary Garden and singing of carols on Tuesday, Dec. 21. XAVIER SOCIETY All religion ·textbooks used

in CCD cIassesareavailable at no. charge in braille, large print or on tape from the Xav.ier Society for the Blind, 154 E. 23 St., New York, N.Y. 10019. DOMlN~CAN


St. ROlle of Lima Chapter will meet for Mass at 7:30 tonight at Dominican Convent, 37 Park St.


Chapter 5 of St. Mark's Gos­ pel will be discussed at the par­ ish scripture study group meet­ ing set for 7 p.m. Sunday in the church hall. ST. MICHAEL. SWANSEA

Parish families have been named ,to light the Advent wreath at each weekend Ji.t­ urgy. P.re-school ·religion class~s are held durlng the 9:30 a.m. Mass each Sunday. Child·ren may begin at any time. The youth group will hold a potluck supper at 7:30 .p.m. Sunday at the parish center.


day, Jan. 9, at the ballroom to decorate the area. Names for a souvenir ball booklet are being aocepted. Each subscriber will receive tickets according . to the category selected. There are seven cate­ gories. Tickets are available also at rectories and from members of the ball committee. Requests for names in the Booklet may be made to Bishop's Charity Ball Headquarters, 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Ma. 02722, P.O. Box 1470, tel. 676-8943... Tickets will be available at the door on the night of the ball. .


The confirmation class will meet at 9 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 18.




The parish will sponsor a tra­ dition Advent service of lessons and carols at 7 p.m. Sunday. Dec. 19. Refreshments will fol­ low in the church basement. All welcome. An Advent "sharing tree" is decorated with paper ornaments, each 'bearing the name,address and.phone number of a shut-in parishioner. Churchgoers are invited to take an ornament from the tree and .remember the person named with 'a Christmas card, call or visit.

The education committee will meet at 7:30p.m. Monday in .the school. The OYO Council will meet ·at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Father Coady Center. Altar boys will make their annual pilgrimage .to LaSalette Shrine ·after 7 p.m. Mass Satur­ day, Dec. 18, leaving from the rectory .parking lot. Parents are asked to assist with transporta­ tion.




"Saints and Singers" will pre­ sent a Christmas concert in the church at 2 p.m. Sunday, De~. 19.

(See also page 16.)

Member F.T.D.A.


The Midnighl Mass in' Bethlehem will be of­ fered for the members of Ihis Associalion. This is our Christmas thank you gift to you. Please pray for all of us, especially our 'priests and Sisters overseas. And have a happy Christmas!

Store window displays and newspaper adver­ tisements remind us that Christmas is not too far off.... Is Christmas shopping a problem for you? What to give at Christmas to your rela­ tives and friends need not be a puzzle any longer ,Use our attraclive Christmas Gift Cards Complete your Christmas gift list now, It's simple. Select a gift below, send us the person's name and address with your dona­ lion-and we do all the rest. We'll send that person or persons a Gift Card before Christ­ mas, saying what you have done.. ,. At the same time your meaningfUl gift will give mil· lions of people the Hope of the Christ Child, o $1080 Train a native priest o $ 300 Train a native Sister o $ 100 Perpetual Family Membership In Catholic Near East Welfare Assoc. o $ 100 Altar for mission chapel o $ 75 Mass kit for a missionary priest o $ 50 Set of Vestmenls o $ 40 Chalice or Clborium o $ 25 Tabernacle or Crucifix o $ 25 Individual Perpetual Membership o $ 15 Sanctuary Lamp o S 10 Annual Family Membership . o $ 10 Food Package for a Refugee Family o $ 5 Sanctuary Bell



The Teen Club Christmas party will be held in the parish center Friday night, Dec. 17. Each member may bring one guest. A Christmas party for Naza­ reth day campers will be held in the center from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 19.

Tel. 678-5651






The fifth annual presentation of the 0 Antiphons of Advent will be held at 7 p.m. Sunday in ·the church. The program consists of scripture, hymns, decorating of a Jesse tree and a live nativity scene. It is pre­ 'sented by CCD students. All welcome.

A social gathering in .the church basement will follow 10 ·a.m. Mass Sunday. Appreciation is expressed to John Gagliardi, chairman, and .to Elizabeth Cra­ veiro, champIon doughnut­ maker, for organizing this event. All welcome.

, •




Iteering pOintl



AMONG THOSE planning the theme and decorations for the Bishop's Ball are, from left, Mrs. Stanley Janick, Mrs John McDonald and Miss Margaret M. Lahey. Miss Lahey is theme committee chairperson.

'Gratitude' theme of Bishop's Ball



Deaf Monslgnof Nolan:·

Please return coupon with your offering THE


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Our missionary priests in the Holy Land will be pleased to offer promplly the Masses you re­ quest at Christmas, Simply send us, wilh your offering, the names of your 'friends and loved ones. livin.g and deceased.
















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MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 1011 First Avenue. New York, N.Y. 10022 Telephone: 212/826·1480




of Fall

River"'-Fri:, Dec. 10, 1982

Ir.. The man who was Chesterton By Katherine Bird

British author G. K. Chester· -ton was a "wonderfully witty . author, and a master of para­ dox" who had the knack of shooting holes through preten­ tiousness and absurdity. To HIustrate Chesterton's tech­ nique, my father, a retired uni~ - versity professor, he tells the fol­ lowing story" taken .from the novel i'Manalive." In a memorable scene, Chester­ ton's hero, Innocent Smith, calls on a renowned professor, a pro­ fessional pessimist. The professor has attracted. much attention with his constant comments on how he wished he didn't have to

go on living in Jl dreary and wonder of a blade of grass, ,the delight of a ripsnorting chase. meaningless world. Chesterton, whose writings So Smith tells the professor that he' has come to give him cover the first three decades of what he wants - and pulls out ,the 20th' century, campaigned a gUn, saying that l?ne shot will long and hard to combat his day's devaluation of human beings. He put him out of his misery. The professor quickly realizes presented a strong defense for that, he does not want to .die. the Christian view that there is The upshot of the encounter meaning in life. . is Jthat Jthe professor changes his One of Chesterton's greatest viewpoint and b'egins to see that achieve~ents, said my father, there is something good in the was his ability to demonstrate convincingly that religion has world after all ~ life itself. "Manalive," one of Chester­ enormous riches to challenge the ton's most exhuberant works, intellect. celebrates the goodness and A writer who considered him­ greatness of life. Chesterton was self first and foremost a journa­ a master at portraying "the ro­ , list, Chesterton. wrote a weekly mance of the common place," the Tum to Page Thirteen

The mind's By David Gibson The human mind is fascinating. For thousands of years philoso­ phers have concentrated on it - ho~ it works; whether it could work better. Of course, its, reputation i~ hardly unscathed. According to a popular sloga!), the mind plays 'tricks of its own. The result of one such trick is ,that misunderstanding gets labeled ,as understanding. An­ other is that the beginning of an insight is thought to be full knowledge; ·thus a great power of ,the mind is overlooked - the power to move from one level of understanaing to another; the power to learn more.


The value of the mind is Trained inwaN!, the mind can 0 sometimes questioned by those view the direction a life is tak­ who think it can drive people ing; the talents one possesses; apart. A person busy with the need for the love of others. thoughts is often described as . It may even glimpse the gentle ' "lost in ·thought," temporarily movement. of God's Spirit. beyond reach, perhaps' tempor· Development of Ute mind is

arily out of ·touch with the needs' humbling when a level of under­

of others., \

standing, of which one was quite .But just as the mind can drive proud, yields some years later people apart, it can bring them to a fuller or even a very differ­ together; and just as i·t can de­ ent understanding of things. You ceive, it can enlighten. begin to suspect that. the power When used well, the mind can of the mind must not be under­ dignify life. it can disclose needs rated nor its achievements, over­ of the human environment;' and estimated. it can discern beneficial ways to The human mind is a gift of , , plot the future.". ' - God. And his gifts are meant But the 'real 'fascination with to be used in one's own develop­ the mind is derived from its ment and in the ~'ervice 'of ability 'to look inward. others.

"THE STEADY IMPULSE toward fuller knowledge can help move others into the infinite steam of Godis grace."

Simone' Well

By Dolores Leckey

Among the mos~ striking "friends of God" in this century was a young Frenchwoman, Si· mone Weil. Though her ances­ tors were Jews, she was raised in an agnostic environment which respected -the disciplines of the mind. The open and bumble search for truth through science, philos­ ophy, medicine and mathematics can lead to the heart of the di­ ;By Father John Castelot people 'could share Christ's, vic­ gives an instruction on the cost vine mystery as well. It is with that in mind ,that I tory only if they, followed hi~ of discipleship which is address­ It is important to rememl>er. recall Ms. Weil. painful path to glory. ed significantly to the crowd as , that Mark composed his Gospel' , Beginning wdth verse 34, Mark She was a complex personal­ well as to Jesus' inner circle. He to serve the needs of his Chris­ ity. She taught school; she work­ clearly spelled out the cost of tian community. His emphasis on discipleship ,but assured his ed in factories and vineyards; the cross seems designed to community that if they were she wrote about the social and counter what scholars call a political problems of the 1930s. faithful they would one day wit­ "theology of glory,'" the ten­ Each strand in her life reflected :ness "the reign of God establish­ dency to overe~phasize the re­ absolute commitment to intel­ , ed in power." By Janaan Manternach surrection at the expense of the lectual and moral !tonesty. Mark then takes up the mys­ The 'fisherman 'threw down cross. Her friends were few, but one, three 'gold coins:' "You greedy , terious incident of the Transfigu­ Father Henri Perrin, a leader in The danger of that is clear. ' traitor!" he spat at the small ration, an event difficult to ex­ the Catholic worker-priests Christians emphas,izing ,their one·' man sitting behipd the money plain satisfactorily. movement in France, became her nessness with ·the risen Christ table. For Mark, it is a revelation of ' spiritual confidant. 'Overcoming might forget they were also one the victory of Christ. The "high Tourists and shoppers in, the with the Jesus of Good Friday. narrow Jericho street stopped to mountain" in the New Testament a natural reticence to talk about . That could lead to disillusion­ . is the conventional setting for herself" she wrote Father Perrin watch. ment in time of persecution.. a long letter on the eve of her Zacchaeus, the .tax collector, such a revelation. departure from France, an exile Tum to Page 1['hlrteen Mark had to make clear th~t Tum to page thirteen forced by the government of oc­ cupied France. The letter, a fonp of. spiritual autobiography, relates her jour­ ney to a mystical encounter with Christ - an event which, in the minds of many,. under­ scores her sanctity. She relates that the intellectual and artistic heritage of many civilizations helped lead her to that mystical moment.. An im­ portant step, along the way was her introduction ,to the 17th cen­ tury metaphysical English poets. She would recite George' Her­ bert's beautiful poem, "Love," over and over, she wrote, "with·


The Transfiguration,

For children I


out knowing the recitation ha<l the virtue of a prayer." During one of those recita­ tions Christ entered her life de­ cisively. In commenting about the experience, Ms. Weil stated' that she had not read any of the Christian mystics. She regarded this as a blessing since it pro­ vided some evidence tha-t she had not invented, this unexpe~ed contact. Her motion of prayer was that of "absolute attention to God." One of her praotices was say.ing the "Lord's Prayer" in Greek If her attention wandered during the prayer, she began again until she had succeeded in going through it with absolutely pure attention. That reminds me of something the' late Abraham Heschel said: "God is of no importance if not of absolute importance." Ms. Weil's ,intellectual efforts helped her Qevel~p a disciplined and :. purposeful' approach to prayer. Yet despite her mystical experiences, despite her Chris­ tian prayer forms, despite her attendance at Mass, Ms. Weil never was baptized., She argued this question in depth with Father Perrin, finally concluding that her particular role in the plan of God was to be , identified with people living on ,the margin society~ She felt this meant remaining on the margin in ,terms of the church as well. She admitted it was possible that one day she might feel an irresistible impulse to ask for baptism, but until ·then, she felt she had to wait. Ms. Weil's life ended before that impulse came. In 1942, she, joined the French provis~onal government ,i~, Britain. There she embarked on a modified fast, 'Turn to Page Thirteen I


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 10, 1982


Continued from page twelve column in London for many years as well as a wide variety of novels, poems, and serious works. In 1936 Pope Pius XI gave him the .title Defender. of the Catholic Faith. A convert to Catholicism at the age of 48 in 1922, Chesterton was a founder and first president of a detective writers' guild in ,Britain. Some time after his con­ version, he created the popular detective, Father Brown. The Father Brown stories detail the fictional antics of a detective­ priest, but Chesterton also used the series to ,talk about the mys­ ,tery of evil and sin as well as the mystery of charity in the world. Recently, there has been reo newed interest in Chesterton. His books, long out of print, are be­ ing repu~lished. This new inter­ est may be because people to­ day have an growing concern with religious questions.

Simone Well Continued from Page Twelve refusing to eat any more than the rations allowed those who reo malned in occupied France. Her health was never robust and this act of solidarity with her own people culminated in her death at the age of 34. The last sentence found in her note­ book after her death was, "The most impor.tant part of education Is to teach the meaning of "to know." The constant pull of the de­ sire to know is a fitting way to summarize the meaning in this unusual French woman's life. Similarly, the steady impulse to­ ward fuller knowledge can help move others into the infinite stream of God's grace.

Serra sainthood comes closer LOS ANGELES (NC) - The cause of canonization of Father Junipero Serra has reached a milestone, said a Franciscan priest working to have the 18th­ century founder of California missions declared a saint. The milestone is the accep­ tance by the Vatican Congrega­ tion of the Causes of Saints of a 620-page summary of Father Serra's life and virtues, said the priest, Franciscan Father Noel 'Moholy, vice-postulator of the cause. "What is needed now is a real crusade of confident prayer re­ questing the signs and miracles needed" in the canonization pro­ cess, Father Moholy said. "Serra is undoubtedly the greatest single name in Cali­ fornia history," he said. "If he had given up, the whole Spanish endeavor would have ended and the Russians would have taken over California.

Like to Like "He that walketh with the wise shall be wise; a friend of fools shall become like to them." - Provo 13:~O


1. 6. 8. 9. 11. 12. 15. 16. 17. 19. 20. 21. 2). 26. 27. 28. 29. )1.

)). )$. )8.

)9. 41.


bJ. 46. 47. 48. SO.



17th Hev Teotelllent bcok 15th H... Teltelllent book Daughter of lIronuo


B_ (Ilatthew 10.)6) lot Old Teltomont book 01tts ter the poor (ltatthew 6.1) Blanted (Mattbev 1) .6) I I!'nrsroen tree (2 Chornicloo ).$) Sarlike appond_e (Dootoroo""'1 21.4) Hear (Lake 19.)7) , _ rreeh OIla1n (OolOlo1l1lll1 ).10) JOIeph'e wl.te (Gonao1e 41.4$) Ocean (John 6.1) A returnee'. anceeter (Bo.. 2.$7) Cb1et 1lQptian Ood KUlad (Hobl'Ollll 11.)7)

Reduno to JlOlIdor (llatthov 2.44)

7th letter of Orook alpbel>et

InatructioOl (1 Ccr1nthillllll 16.1)

One (Scottish)

Son of _ h (Ooneois 10.7)

Hot otrong (R....IUI 4.19) A t.io1... peroonal ­ King of forda (Blra 4.S) crnlilli 1nnot (Pr....rbe 6.6) Kift8dClll (Daniel 1.20) Soo of 8lloena1 (1 Cbron:l.olee ).24) In tlw dilltant peat The plant valer1an SlIlolr7

14. !Ioonta1n of tlw law (Eltadua 19.20) 15. Having a handle 18. A small 8Illount (~CllIlalIIl 11.$) 19. Han Peter houed (Acte 9.))) 21. Wown clcth (Iea1ah 61116) 22. Make broader (Mattbev 7.1) 24. Pitch

2S~ Concealed (Mark 7.24)

)0. Recently acquired (Lake S.$7)

)2. o:h1at 1lQptian God

34. Clt7 in Judah (JcelJua 15.)

)6. Cb1et Ell7Ptian God

)7. Hc~ (_latic"" $.8)

40. Terrltory 42. A cuokoo 44. An open lore 4$. Strike (Lake 22.49) 46. Ho cna (\lark 1.44) 48. Son of AI'ba (H...borl 1).22) 49. I!'nrycna (Lake 1.6) Sl. A tllll&1a lheep (2 S8Illuel 12.)

-------------For children

"I can't believe this!" thought Zacchaeus. "He wants to come to my house!" But the crowd was upset. "He has gone ,to a sinner's house," people grumbled. "Doesn't Jesus know he is a cursed tax collec­ tor?" Inside his house Zacchaeus and his family welcomed Jesus and invited him for dinner. As ,they ate and talked, Zac­ chaeus felt happy. He was dis­ covering what was missing in his life. He was sorry for caring so much about money. "I give half of my belongings, Lord, to the poor,", Zacchaeus ,told Jesus. "If [ have defrauded anyone in the least, I pay him back fourfold." "Zacchaeus," Jesus responded, "Today salvation has come to this house. I, ilhe S'on of Man, have come to search out and save what was lost." "I feel like a new person," thought Zacchaeus. "I feel at one with God. That's what was missing in my life."

Continued from page twelve said nothing. Fear filled his face. He knew he was despised for collecting Roman taxes. "I'm not a traitor," he said to himself. "I charge only as much as ,the Romans suggest. It's true I'm healthy, but I'm not happy. Something is missing in my life." Just then a crowd pushed through the narrow street. '''Jesus of Nazareth is coming," a woman shouted. "I've heard about him," thought Zacchaeus. "Maybe he can show me a better way to live." Zacchaeus rushed from behind his ~able but he couldn't see Jesus. The crowd was lrage and he was very short. So he ran ahead of the crowd to a syca· more tree. He climbed dt and perched on a large branch from which he could see Jesus, coming toward him. When Jesus came ,to the tree, he looked up. "Hurry down, Zac­ chaeus," Jesus said with a smile. "I mean to stay at your house today."



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The transfiguration

This is brought out further by the notice that ,the disciples were puzzled by the meaning of "to rise from the dead." In spite of the glorious vision of the Transfiguration, the lesson of the cross must not be for­ gotten. Jesus must first rise "from the dead." Until then, the disciples can see "only Jesus."


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standing is explained by the com­ mand of Jesus to tell no one "be­ fore the Son of Man has riseh from the dead." Understanding is simply impossible before the cross and resurrection.

Peace community DUBUIN, Ireland (NC) - Jes­ uit Fallher Michael Hurley·'has announced formation of a "com­ munity of reconciliation" in Northern Ireland. He said he en­ visions a sma'll ecumenical com­ munity of both sexes which would pray and work Christian unity, justice and peace. He said both Cardinal Tomas O'Fiaich 6f Armagh, Northern Ireland, and Church of Ireland (Anglican) Archbishop John Armstrong of Armagh have encouraged him.



Bind (1 S8Illoel 6.7) Idol (8Imllatioua 1).14)

). Toward (\Iatthn 2.12)

4. Utah S. A ohepherd'. nook (Lake 15.4) 6. l)th lIev Teotoment book 7. "poaltift lIIlSlI01" (ROllllIIUI 10.18) 8. 6th Hev Teo_at bock 10. Qlr . ~ rodoteoee (Matthew 6.2$) 11. Leaft th10 pleoe (>Iatthe1l 2.1)

1). seed (Ooneoi. bJ.ll)

But perhaps most important of all is Peter's bewilderment. But the reason for his lack of under-


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1. 2.

Peter has been reluctant, as Mark's Christians are, to listen to Jesus' message of the cross. Now .they are being told that they must listen, they must take Jesus seriously.

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Continued froD' page twelve The transfiguration anticipates Jesus' risen glory and that of Christians whose bodies will be transformed "according to the pattern of his glorified body." (Phillippians 3:21)


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'of Foil

River-Fri., Dec. 10, 1982

on youth By Cecilia Be-langer

DR. JAMES THOMAS, C-C '72, addressing assembly at student council induction ceremony.

Cae council induction,·

Centu~y III. choice-'

Class officers and delegates were inducted in'to Coyle' and Cassidy student council in cere­ monies at the Taunton high school. Rev. Richard Roy, chaplain, ope,ned the. assembly with prayer, followed by the National Anthem played by the school band. Ann Lamb, student council president, welcomed faculty,' guests and students and reminded council members of their respon­ sibility to serve their fellow stu­ dents. Sister Mary Catherine Burns, SUSC, council moderator, indue­ ,ted council members. Guest speaker for the induc­ tion was James Thomas, MD, a 1972 C-C graduate who had been student council president during , his senior year. He is now a resi­ dent at Rhode Island Hospital. The names of those inducted follow: Senior class officers CoIleen VanCott, president; Kathy O'­ Connor, vice president; Robert Perry, secretary; Mark Lavigne, treasurer. Junior class officers Chris Lamb, presiden~; John Rogers, vice-president; Emily Larocque, secretary; Thomas Shea, treas-· urer. . Sophomore elass officers Willi­ am Orsi, president; Chris Rose, vice-president; Stacey Coo, sec­ retary; Janna Murphy, treasurer. Freshman class officers: Betsy Dusseault, ,president; Wendy Mather, vice-president; Douglas Ducharme, secretary; Stacey· Menard, treasurer. Senior class delegates Barbie Kanaby, Maryann Biedak, Chris Leary, Colleen O'Gara; juniors Deborah Corcoran, Donna Mediros, Steven. Smith, Sheri St. Germaine. ' Sophomores Brendan Mans­ field, .feff Cutter, Mary Lou Shephardson, Tracie Nevens, Su­

zanne Tedeschi; 'Fr:eshmen Talya Carias, Heidi· SpeIlman, Peter Whalen, Steven ~trojny, Joseph 'Santucci. . State Finalist . Also at C-C, senior Toni Jane' Silveira has been nained a state . finalist in the Massachusetts' Centry III Leaders' Program for ·1982-83. . Miss Silveira, 17, will compete with other finalists for a $1,500' .scholarship and an aU-expense paid trip to the national Century III Leaders' Conference in Williamsburg, VA where state' winners' vie for an additional $10,000 scholarship. The C-C student was judged on leadership skills, school and com­ munity involvement, and a cur­ rent events e~amination. She also wrote a short essay on an issue chaIlenging America in its third century. She will now be "interviewed by the state selec­ tion committee, during which time she will qiscuss her original "projection for innovative leader­ ship." . Sister Vera Herbert was coor­ dinator for the 33, students at C-C who tried out for the school contest.


Of· Christ, the 16th century poet, Giles Fletcher, wrote: He is a path, if any be mis­ led; He is a robe, if any naked be; If any chance to hunger, he is bread; If any be a bondman, he

is free;

If any be but weak, how

strong is he!

To dead men life is he, to

sick men health;

To blind men sight, ~nd to '

the needy wealth;

A pleasure without loss, a'

treasure without stealth.

"Peace to the earth, goodwill

'to men" . . . are there songs more beautiful, words more meaningful? The shepherds in the field understood their mean­ .,ing; why can't we? Why. cannot. we rejoice in our hearts as did .those shepherds of old? Why cannot we be filled with that joy ,that he brought to the world? Is it because we do not really. prepare a room for him in our 'hearts? Are we absorbed too much in worldly affairs, failing to hear that voice from the ,past, that voice ever by our side? That holy child brought with him the rarest love in the world, the kind that t~inks of the other, forgetting itself. This love said ~'Healing your incompleteness is all I. care about." Despite' the difficult road and the suffering, he was steadfast to the end.


Costly love is like that. It is not new for children to be rejected. Jesus was rejected. He was among those innocents whom Herod sought to elimin­ ,ate. So the holy family fled to a foreign country, suffered poverty. Mary knew that a life of perse­ cution and sorrow had begun for her son, that the cross already loomed on the horizon. Jesus brings new meaning to the word friend. He makes us think about it, remember those who give to us without knowing it. Kindness and friendship are elusive. and pervasive, we re­ ceive them from those with whom we've never exchanged a word, about whom we have heard merely by report. We are influenced by good­ ness, unaware of, the direction from which it is coming. Often, indeed, the significance 'of a kindness comes home to us as we look back, just as the apostles looked back and re­ membered so many good things. We remember moments of gentleness, modesty,. willingness to forgive, loyalty, resignation .under a suffering, and we think of Jesus. His words light a flame in human hearts. His goodness passes from them .to someone else. .

.Bishop Stang Students at the North Dart­ mouth high school are rehearsing for their traditional Christmas

By Charlie MaJ1Jn

UP, WHERE WE BELONG Who knows what tomorrow biings In a world few hearts survive All I know is the way I feel When it's real I keep it alive ., The road is 10. There are mountallliS in our way But we climb a step ev'ry day. Love lift liS up where we belong ~ Where tlMl eagles cry on a mountaIn high Love 11ft liS up where we' belong Far from the world we know Up where th.e clear winds blow., Some hang on to "used-to-be Live their lives looking behind AlII we have is here and now AlII our life out there to find The road is long. 'There are mountains in our way But we climb them it step every day. Time goes by No time to cry Life's you and I Alive today Recorded by Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes,

Written by Will Jennings, lBuffy Sainte-Marie, Jack Nitzsche,

© 1982 by Famous Music Corporation and ElliSign Music

Corporaticm. International copyright secured.

concert, to be presented at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 19. With the' theme "Christmas Greeting,"· it will feature the Stang mixed chorus, all-girl chorus, concert band and madrigal singers. In other school news, the Con­ gress of Students lis sponsoring a toy collection for needy child­ ren, while Ski Club members are planning their first trip of the season tomorrow. They'll travel to Waterville Valley, N.H. Meanwhile, Stang basketbaU­ players will partjcipate in a jam- . boree tonight at Fall River's Dur­ fee High; The Slang team will meet Bishop Connolly:

Bishop Feehan :Bishop Cronin celebrated Mass at the Attleboro high school on Wednesday, the feast of the Im­ maculate Coriception. The liturgy was preceded by selections from a Christmas choral concert to be offered at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the school. ' Sunday's program will be pre­ sented by the Class, Extracur­ ricular and Adult choruses and will include popular and classi­ cal music of the season. An audi­ ence singalong will be led by Ms. Elaine Saulnier,choral director. Also in the Christmas spirit, the Feehan band, directed by Joseph Taylor, will be heard in seasonal seleCtions at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 17. The school's theatre company has just completed a fo~r-per­ formance run of "The Fantas­ tick's." Actors and actresses in­ cluded Tina Perry, Dean Hodg­ kins, Lori Boucher, Mark Jones, Kristen Felici, David Reynolds, Ray Cord and Kristen Lennon. Junior Mark Coogan has been tapped for the Boston Globe all­ scholastic cross-country· team, one of five members of lIi'e Southeastern Conference named. JOE COCKER and Jertriifer Warnes may 'seem an unusual combination. Yet their collabora­ tion on "Up Where We Belong" has taken them to the top of the charts. The song !is the theme for tl)e schmaltzy movie, "An Officer and Gentleman." It has the oHen-repeated theme of how love changes our lives and enables us to overcome obstacles. It should lead us to stop and ask: Does real love lift us up out of the world we know? When love is a~thentic, I judge the oppOsite 'is frUe. Love should help" us become more involved with the world around us because true love is a commitment to be deeply involved in many peo­ ple's lives. How many times have you known someone who no longer has time for friends because he or she is now "in love?" That is fantasy love, infatuation that erodes ,the power and strength of real love. Real love does change us. It calls us to reach out to others, while also providing the stimulus and energy to do so. Each person has spej:ial' gift!j. But it is easy to miss t/lese gifts in ourselves.. Therefore, whe someone takes ·the risk of lovirl us, they can serve as a mirror ,reflecting bllCk our value an specialness.


. tv, mOVIe news


By Bill Morrissette

portswQtch Season Opener Jamborees The Holy Family Parochials, Bishop Stang Spartans and Bishop Connolly Cougars will participate in a basketball jamboree tonight in the Luke Urban Field House, Durfee High School. It is the first such event ever to be held at Durfee. The fou~-game program (games will be of eight-minute halves) 'will get underway at 6:25 with traditional rivals Somerset Blue Raiders and Case Cardinals meeting in the curtalnraiser. The other games have Holy Family vs. New Bedford High's Crimson, Stang vs. Connolly and Durfee vs. the Dart-

mouth Indians. The jaboree is sanctioned by the Massachusetts Interscholas­ tic Athletic Association and members of the Southeastern Massachusetts Board of Ap­ proved Basketball Officials have volunteered as referees. Another jamboree featuring high school hockey teams is set for tomorrow night in the Oris­ coli Rink, Fall River. The sched­ ule of abbreviated games has Durfee vs. Connolly, 6 o'clock; Somerset vs. Connolly" 6:30; Seekonk vs. Somerset,' 7; Durfee vs. Seekonk, 7:30. Tickets will be available at the door.

Franklin Wins Superbowl Crown Franklin High, champion of the Hockomock Football league, defeated Dartmouth, the Division One Southeastern Mass. Conference titlist, 22-7, in the Dlvision Three Super Bowl game at Schaefer Stadium last Saturday. It was Franklin's first Super Bowl championship. Other Super Bowl results: Division One - Natick 35 Mel-. rose 34; Division Two - St. John's Prep 7 Whitman-Hanson 0; Dlvslon Four - Dom Savio ]..4 Rockland 12; Division Five Manchester 28 Nantucket 6. Franklin placed four players on the Hockomock League all star team's offense unit, two on defense. End Bob Bissanti, tackle Steve Pisani, quarterback Brian Bonollo and running back Mark Duncan are on the offensive unit, back Jim Williamson and linebac;ker Greg Barrarino are the defensemen. Also on the offensive unit are guard Kevin Griswold, center Dave Patterson running back Ted Barrett and Steve Onoyan of North Attleboro; quarterback John Mannig, Foxboro; end Jason Donovan and guard Kevin Fontes, Sharon; and tackle Jim Young, Canton. Others on the defensive unit are end Dan Connolly, North Attleboro; end Jim Bishop, nose tackle Darin Jordan and linebacker Billy Sheehan, Stoughton; tackle Kevin McCarthy and linebacker Jeff Cosgrove, Sharon; tackle Maurice Contee, Foxboro; linebacker Jeff Burrill, back Rob Daley and end Wayne Southworth, Oliver Ames; and, safety Dan Tetreault. All are seniors unless noted otherwise. Bonollo, Moyan and Barrett are the all-star tri­ captains. Oliver Ames was the winner of the Hockomock League's fall sports trophy with an average of 6.900 pojnts followed by North Attleboro 6.333, Foxboro 6.250; Franklin 6.200, Canton 6.000, Sharon 5.000, Stoughton 4.417, King Philip 3.917, and Mansfield 3.800.

Dave Gauvin, who fights out' of the Fall River CYO, will take part in the American Boxing Federation National amateur championshrps in Indianpolis in tournament, starting Sunday and running through next Friday. Gauvin is a member of the 28man-at-large Olympic Training Center team, consisting of boxers who missed their regional tourna­ ments while representing the United States in international competition. Dave is one of three New England Golden Gloves champions who will fight in Indianapolis. The others are Troy Toms and Joey Devoll of New Bedford. It will be the first time they have been on ,the same programs since winning their Golden Gloves crowns last Winter. Continuing its quest for a repeat Bristol County CYO Hockey League championship, New Bedford romped to a 7-2 victory over Seekonk last Sun­ day, thus running its undefeated streak to nine games in as many starts. A high scoring combine, New Bedford has averaged 6.75 goals per game and allowed only a two-goal average for the opposition. In the companion game Fall River South defeated Marion 4-1, and strengthened its grip on the runnerup spot but,still eight points back of the Whaletowners in the standings. Next Sunday night's games in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River, have Marion vs. Mansfield at 9 o'clock, New Bedford vs. Fall River South at 10.

Frescoes damaged ASSISI, Italy (NC) - Earth tremors have damaged three of 28 medieval frescoes in the St. Francis Basilica of Assisi. The early 14th-century frescoes, credited ,to the painter Giotto and his students, depiot the life of St. Francis. Experts agreed that the three frescoes showed serious damage after a series of tremors in mid-October.

NOTE Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local list­ ings, which may differ from the New York network sched­ ules supplied to The Anchor. Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen­ eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sug­ gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved for children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3--approved for adults only;. A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation!; O-morally offensive.

New Films "Gandhi" (Colwnbla) is a mag­ nificent recreation of the life of the Indian leader. Ben Kingsley's performance in the title role is so awesomely exact that anything less than perfect about the film fades into insignificance. After an opening scene show­ ing the ,tragic end of Gandhi's life in 1948, the story is told in flashback,. begiQning in 1893 when Gandhi, then a Cambridge graduate and a young lawyer, is thrown out of a first class train coach in South Africa because of his color. The incident begins his vigor­ ous campaign of nonviolent re­ sistance ,to injustice that would

end only with his life. His vision developed with time and events and one of the most powerful scenes is his ,use of the hunger strike to end bloody conflict be­ tween Moslems and Hindus in Calcutta. The cinematography is magni­ ficent. Supporting Kingsley is a group of superb Indian and Brit­ ish actors, including such names as John Glelgud, Trevor Howard, John Mills and Edward Fox. Don't miss "GandhI." Al­ though scenes of violence rule out younger children, the film should be compulsory viewing for every American Iteen-ager. A2,PG "48 Hrs." (paramount): A San , Francisco police detective (NIck Nolte) frees a convict (television star Eddie Murphy in his film debut) on a 48-hour pass in order to get his help in tracking. down some vicious killers. This Is a crude, repulsive movie filled with disagreeable people. 0, R "Honkytonk Man" (Warners): This latest Clint Eastwood film has none of the violence usually found in his efforts. Instead of beating people to a pulp, East­ ~ood, himself dies slowly in this one. He plays Red Stovall, a hard-drinking honkytonk slnger­ composer who visits his sister's farm in Oklahoma on the way to a Grand Ole Opry audition in Nashville. He persuades his sister (Vema Bloom) to let her 14­ year-old son (Kyle Eastwood,

THE ANCHOR Friday, Dec. 10, 1982


Eastwood's own son) to accom­ pany him. His illness prevents Red from becoming a legend in his own -time, but a brlnk-of­ the-grave recording session in­ sures posthumous glory. Some isolated good moments, but also a gratultousty offensive sequence in which Red pays a prostitute to introduce his nephew to sex. O,R Religious Broadcasting - TV Sunday, Dec. 12, WLNE, Chan­ nel 6, 10:30 a.m., Diocesan Tele­ vision Mass. "Confluence," 8 a.m. each Sunday on Channel 6, is a panel program moderated by Truman Taylor and having as pennanent participants Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan di­ rector of social services; Right Rev. George Hunt, Episcopal Bishop of Rhode Island; and Rabbi Baruch Korff. This week's topic: Federal Educational Policy /College Ellll'ollment. "The Glory of God," with Father John Bertolucci, 8:30 a.m. each Sunday on Channel 27. "Spirit and the Bride," a spirit­ ual growth program with Dr. William K. Larkin, a psycho­ therapist, ailld Grace Markay, a recording artist, 7 p.m. each Monday, Fall River cable chan­ nel 36. "MarySolll," a family puppet \ show with moral and spiritual perspective, 4:30 p.m. each Mon­ day, Fall River and New Bedford cable channel 13. ~

Keep Christ in Christmas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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HOLY NAME, NB ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA The New Bedford High Parishioners a·re invited to at­ tend 8 a.m. Mass each Saturday School Concert Choral«! will en­ morning as a preplira,tion for ·tertain Women's Guild members Christmas. Juice, doughnuts and ata Christmas pa,l'ty .to be held . coffee are served in the parish at 7:30 p.m. Moilday; center following Mass. Also in ST. THOMAS MORE, preparation for ·the holiday, par_ SOMERSET ishioners have chosen "Christ­ Fil'st communion candidates kindl" friends, foll()wing an old PASTORAL MUSICIANS German custom. During Advent will receive first penance at The Fall River chapte.r of the good deeds are done for one's 9:;30 ·~.m. tomorrow. Refresh­ National Association of Pastoral Christkindl, who must not be ments will follow in the parish Musicians will sponsor a Mes­ allowed to discover the doer's center. A penance service for siah Sing 'at 7:30 p.m. Wednes­ identity. At Christmas identities children in .grades 3 to 8 will day, Dec. 29,s,t St. Mary's Ca­ are :revealed. take place during CCD class thedral. A full orchestl'8 will . time on. Monday and Tuesday. An Engaged Encounter infor­ join with the chorus. All weI., Parents are invited. come. Those with scores are mation night will take place at The youth. choir wiLl meet at 7:30 ·p.m. Sunday in the center. asked to bring ,them, but this is ­ 1 p.m. tomorrow. Confi.rmation I candidates and not a requirement. Family or individual mangers their parents will meet at 7 p.m. will be blessed at 10:15 a.m. Wednesday for a talk by Father Mass this Sunday. D of I, NB Marcel Bouchard, assistant di­ Parish youth will present a Hyacinth Circle, Daughters of rector of religious education for Christmas play at 10:15 a.m. Isabella, will meet at 7:30 p.m. the diocese. . Mass Sunday, Dec. 19. Tuesday at 'Knights of ~lumbus An Advent' choral evensong Candelabras have been don­ Hall, Pleasant and Campbell ated in memory of William P. Streets, for a Christmas party with folk choir and instrumen­ including ·a gift exchange and talists will be offered at 7 p.m. Shea and Helena and Bernard Sunday, Dec. 19, in the church. McCusker. a visit from Santa Claus. THE ANCHOR - . Friday, Dec. 10, 1982



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ST. STANISLAUS, FR ST. ANNE,FR Fall IRi~er arlea ·alumni of . Members of the Czestochowa Confraternity will lreceive Providence College will attend spiritual direction at the daily 10 a.m. Mass Sunday. The litur­ gy will be presided over. by Ma.sses Wednesday, Dec. 15. The children's choir ·rehearses .Bishop Daniel A. Cronin and ,the principal concelebrant will be at 10 a·.m. each Saturday in the Father Joseph L. Lennon, OP, upper church. Youth ministry babysitting 'a Providence College vice-presi­ dent. A brunch will follow. will continue in the school from A Christmas party for stu­ 10 a.m. to 3 .p.m. each Saturday dent 'helpers will be held from until Christmas. l' to 5 p.m. Sunday. Young Adults will meet at the Walk() Bowling Alleys at 8 ST. MARGARET, p.m. tomorrow -and will hold a BUZZARDS BAY 'regular meeting Sunday Dec. Parish youth attended a re­ 19. cent service conducted by Father Paul Carrier, SJ, of the HOLY NAME; FR faculty of Bishop Connolly High Adults or high school students School, Fall River. who have not been confirmed BLUE ARMY are encouraged to contact the The Blue Army of Our Lady rectory to arrange a preparation of Fatima will meet at 2:30 p.m. program. Sunday at Our Lady of Fatima The adult and children's choirs Church, New Bedford. will sing at LaSalette Shrine at 5:30p.m. Sunday. Par:ticipants ST. JOSEP.H, NB should meet at the schoolyard Cub Scouts will hold a Christ­ at 3:45 p.m. mas party at 7 p.m. Tuesday. A Children's choir practices will Girl Scout party is set for 6:30 p.m. Wednesdav. A healing be held Dec. 13 and 20 at 2:30 Mass wil be offered at 7 p.m. p.m. at the school; and in the Wednesday, followed by a church -at 2:30 p.m. Dec. 15 and 1 p.m. Dec. 23. prayer group Ohristmas party. 'I'he adult choir rehearses each Senior dtizens will hold 'a Sunday following 11:15 a.m. social at 2 p.m. Thursd·ay. Also Mass. New members are wel­ on Thul'sday, Boy Scouts will come. meet at 7:15 p.m. and the par­ ish council will meet 'at the same -time. A Legion of Mary holy hour is planned for 5:30 p.m. Frid~y, Dec. 17 ·and senior citizens will CHICAGO (NC) Deaths hold 'a Christmas ·par,ty -at noon' caused by contraception, sterili­ the same day. zation and abortion now exceed LaSALE'1TE SHRINE, those caused by pregnancy itself ATTLEBORO according to a study by the Cen­ Advent recollections will be ter for Disease Control in At­ offered from 10 a.m. to 2 .p.m. and from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. lanta. Published in the Journal 'of the American Medical Asso­

Wednesday, Dec. 15 and Wed­ nesday, Dec. 22, by Father An­ ciation, a report of the study

dre Patenaude, MS, ·and Brother shows in 1975 that 521 deaths Philip Salois, MS. The Dec. 15 topic will be "0 Root of Jesse,' were caused by contraceptives, o Key of David." The Dec.· 22 abortion or sterilization, while topic will be "Bearer of Peace, 478 deaths were caused by ecto­ Emmanuel." Information: 222­ pic pregnancies (when the fer­ 5410. tilized egg develops outside the ST. FRANOIS OF ASSISI, NB womb) or other complications. Senior citizens will meet at The study showed a 73 percent Louie's on the Wharf restaurant decline in reproductive mortality for their annual Christmas party since 1955, . at 1 p.m. Wednesday.


Father Bruce Ritter



In the jargon of the street he's known as rough trade and he plies his wares, himself, up and down the Minnesota Strip. He is fifteen and looks eigh­ tcen and he's seen the etephant. he's seen it alt.. We faced each other across my desk casually, relaxedly while I carefully arranged my face and my eyes and my mind, so that nothing: said or did or thought or felt for the next hour was spontaneous or unconsidered. 'He offhandedly, with the practical skill that needed no e)(­ planation, probed for my weaknesses, inspecting my jugUlar with the guileless eye of the corrupted young. Slow waves of depravity and innocence washed in shadows of dark ness and light across his face. He .used the shreds of his innocence with a· kind of detached hapless malevolence to evoke my sympathies.. By turns he was cynical and calloused, winsome and desperate-and for knowing moments at a time. even vulnerable. He drifted in and out of reach, in and out of touch. 'constantly probing, watching for the moment of ad­ vantage. _ The Minnesota Strip is the slimy underbelly of Manhat­ tan. a IS-block stretch of Eighth Avenue porno parlors, st! ip joints, cheap bars. fleabag hotels-home for thollsands of drifters, hookers, and pimps. It parallels Times Square and intersects that block on 42nd Street where a couple dozen third-rate movie houses crowd together in grimy brilliance. At night. the crowds of Father Bruce Ritter. aFM Gonv.. is the founder and President of Covenant House/UNDER 21. which operates crisis centers for homeless and runaway boys and girls all over the country.

castoffs and nomads and derelicts mingle with the crowds . of affluent theater-goers from the high rent districts and suburbs. At lot of kids go there to make their living. Like the boy across my desk.

And so I try to love the kid across my desk in a way he really can't understand. But grace does, and God working in a depraved and empty and terrified heart does and maybe, just maybe, the innocence will return to that face and he will take his eyes off my jugular and stop pushing his toe into my foot under the desk. Maybe that child, who was never a child, will become a child. Maybe. He is yours and mine. Like it or not, he is part of us. Thanks for your own "no strings" love-your help.

. "He plies his wares, himself, up and down the Minnesota Strip." . You don't say very much to kids like that. it's always much more a thing of vibes and perceptions and boun­ daries. The trick is to offer what he needs at that moment and that's rarely a lot of God talk. It's enough if he knows' why you .do it. This kid's needs were simple enough: a place to live, some safety, some food. What complicated the essentially simpl!! immediacy of it all was our "no strings" love. He wanted to pay for it. That's what he always had to dO ...That's how the game is played. . We play the same game with God all the,time. We don't like His "no strings" love for us either, particularly if the "us" includes a depraved innocent, a vomit-splattered derelict or a pimp with astable of children whom'he rents by the hour. We try desperately to climb up out of the "us" by being good, by being better, by deserving more. We de·

"Maybe th~t child, who was never a child, will' become a child. Maybe." mand tnat God love us because we are good-;:and we are good to make God love us. We have to pay for it. That's the way we've always played the'game. And to know that God loves us nor bt:cause we are good, but to make us so, is sometimes unbearable. Because as He loves ·us, so we have to love "us," all of u s . ­

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I believe that every child deserves the chance to be a child. I'm helping with a gift of: $ _ please print:



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Because the street is

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