
Page 1

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Movies Still Serious

Danger· to Morality

'0 )






·H,""I< t. '""fll" 11,

An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and fi'irm-ST.

. Catholics will renew the Legion of Decency Pledge at Masses in all churches of the DIOcese next Sunday, repeating their promi se to keep away from forms of entertainment classified as indecent or dangerous to faith or morals. ' The Legion of Decency was formed by the American Bishops to evaluate the moral tone of entertainment. Its . ' effectiveness has been, evi­ dent in the radical changes in this aspect of motion pic­


tures since producers first be­ gan to feel its potency, In his recent report to the Bishops of the country on the PRICE lOe Seeond CIa.. Mail Priviletre. $4.00 per Yea. moral status of entertairiment Authorized at Fall River. Ma••. motion pictures, the Most Rev. William A, Scuily; D.D" Bishop of Albany and Chairman of the Episcopal Committee for Motion , Pictures, Radio and Television, emphasized the encouraging achievements of this industry during the past year but also picture industry is growing more concerned Turn to Page Sixteen '

Fall River, Mass.


Dec. 11, 1958

Vol. 2, No. 50

Industry Protests

Film Advertising

, The moving over sensational and salacious advertising coming mostly frOm foreign and independent film companies. . The trade newspaper, Motion Picture Daily, discusses this problem i,n its Dec. 1 The Motion Picture Associa­ issue. tion itself has an Advertising All the more disturbing is Code and asks that movie ad­ the fact that this advertising vertising be submitted to it for

eopy is being printed not only in 'tabloids but in family news­


approval and the granting of Turn to Page Sixteen

.Diocesan Legion of Mary' Work., Is Most Effective , Priests throughout the Diocese spoke on the Legion of Mary at Sunday's Masses, explaining its history and pur­ pose and urging cooperation of parishioners in the organ­ ization's work. Founded in Dublin, the children in catechism, visits to Legion has spread through- homes, and the encouragement out the world. Its members of lapsed Catholics in ret~rn~ng . '. to the sacraments, rectIfymg work under the dIrectIOn of marriages and having children

pastors in promoting spiritual welf~re. ~~tiv~ties. may i~clude hospital VIsItation, mstructIon of

baptized. ' The Legion of Mary was intro­ Turn to Pega Eighteen

Paterson Prelate Sees Increased Support for Legion of Decency .PATERSON (NC)'-:"'Piedicition th~t 'the National LegIOn of Dece.ncy~s n~w classification for adults only will earn the orgamzatIon Increased support from Catholic 'edu­ cators has been made here. ' Bishop James A. McNulty of Paterson, new chairman fi the U. S. Bishops' Com­ mittee for Motion Pictures,

Renew Decency Pledge Sunday The following Legion of De­ cency Pledge will be renewed by Catholics of the Diocese on Sun­ day: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I condemn indecent and im­ moral motion pictures and those which glorify crime or criminals. I promise to do all that I can to strengthen public opinion against the production of inde­ cent and immoral films, and to unite with all who protest against them. I acknowledge my obligation to form a right conscience about pictures that are dangerous to my moral life, As a member of the Legion of Decency, I pledge myself to remain away from them. I promise, further, to stay away altogether from places of amusement which show them as a matter of policy.

Legion of Decency

,Movie ,'Ratings

Page Four'

, On

Radio and Television, said the legion's experience "warrants an Optimistic outlook for future 3upport of its objectives by this :large and influential section of 1he Catholic community." , The prelate made the observa­ ~ion as the date approached when Catholics will be asked to renew their support of the'movement. Annually since 1938, on the Sun­ day after the Feast of the Im­ maculate Conception, the legion Turn to Pega Eighteen

Diocesan Women Organize For Cha-rity' B'all' Success . Mrs. Mary E. Almond, Presid-ent of the DiOCesan COUll­ cit ()f Ca,tholic Women reports fun committee representatioll from all Catholic Women!s groups throughout the Diocese for the forthcoming Bishop's Charity Ball' for underprivi­ ning,January 7. Conducted lege9 childi"en. "Weare, better organized u~der the co-spo~nsorship of ,t~e , , DIocesan CouncIL of Cathohe than ever and all of our Women' and the Society of St. affiliates are looking for- 'Vincent de Paul, the affair will again feature Lester Lanin and his internationally famous Or.. chestra. Districi Affiliates and their presidents follow: Buzzards Bay -Mrs. James Risser, St. Mar'Turn'to Page Thirteen

C.ons:istory of Cardinals on Monday 'Recalls Facts on -Sa'cred College

NEW YORK (NC)­ There are indications of 'a great Catholic revival b'egin­ ll!ling :to sweep through Latin '&n;Ierica where Protestant mis­ &JllOitS have had their strongest



ward to the most fabulous social event in the history of the Diocelie," Mrs: Almond said. The fourth annual Bishop's Charity Ball will be_ held at Lincoln' Park's Million DOllar Ballroom on Wednesday eve-

Missionary Sees Revival of Faith In So. America

gll'owth in recent years, accord­ fung to one of America's leading mlllthorities on missions: Maryknoll Father John' J. ~onsidine, of New Bedford, in ;:iiS book "New Horizons in Latin America," tells of the work of North American mission priests Ilnd laymen who are cooperating with the local clergy to revitalTurn to Page Eighteen

CHARITY IS LOVE: The heart of Nazareth Hall, FaD River, is pictured by this cheerful and tender scene of Bishop C~nnolly:,and'OIii~ the s,ch09l's pupiJ~. The Bishop's Annual C~arity Ball has this ,schOOl as one of i~ proj~t8.

A REAL SOLID REMINDER: For the fifth consecu­ tive year McMahon Assembly, Fourth Degree Knights of Col~mbus is sponsoring "Keep Christ in Christmas" theme in the Greater New Bedford area. The Hathaway Advertising Company has donated the facilities of its poster ,panels. Left to right, are Past Faithful Navigator Paul R. Curry, Franklin S. Seymour, company manager and Faithful Navigator Everett F. Sowle. '



Here are some facts on the past and present membeJ.\oo ship of the $acred College of Cardinals~facts which gain particular interest as Pope John XXIII convenes his first Consistory (Monday) to fill vacancies in what has been termed '~the Senate, of the 'riguez of Santiago, Chili, died Church." just last week. 'The last cr~ation of 'cardi,Twenty-:seven ' countries - are '1 " represented in the new Sacred na s w~s on J,an. 12, 1953 by College of Cardinals-53 of the Pope PIUS XII. The present number of Cardinals is 51-16 Italian and 35 non-Italian. The 'new College of Cardinals will be 74-29 Italians and 45 non-Italian. Cardinal Caro Rod-

Cardinals reside in Europe. The College of Cardinals tra­ ditionally con.sisted of 70 mem­ bers, six Cardinal Bishops, 50 Cardinal Priests' and 14 Cardi­ nal Deacons. Turn to Page Eighteen

·~.~· 1 f:!J

Giy~ A Subscription to THE ANCHOR Send to Parent~,. :R~latives and ,~~ie,nds-Daughtersat School~Boys in the Service A 'Weekly Reminder to Loved 'Ones of Your Thoughtfulness Subscription Blank on Page"


Jewish Priest, Native 'of 5srael.

'- THE ANCHOR Thurs., Dec. 11', 1958

Hans Return to Holy l,@[[i)d

..JJ f SA.liO. t e Hea(QJ~ 0

NAZARETH (NC) - Father Jose'ph Shmueloff,. the first Jewish native of the Holy Land to be ordained a priest in the State of Israel, sees the return of' the Jews to the Holy· Land as the prelude to their entry into the Church.' Father Shmueloff was ordained in the Byzantine Rite last . June by Bishop George Hakim of the Diocese of Acre of the. Melkites. His parents' are of Persian-Jewish origin. He himself was born.in JerusaleJl.l and educated there. During World War .. II-when Palestine was under British mandate _ he served in Libya as a ni~dical orderly in a Jewish unit. SUb­ sequently - taken prisoner in Greece, he found himself in a po'W camp in Yugoslavia. First Contact

To Prre$ent Biretta S

VATICAN CITY (NC) Not all of the 23 cardinal's to be created by Pope John 'XXIII will be present to re-

has cordial relations with his family in Jerusalem and witJa JeWish friends througnout the country, visiting them periodi­ cally in the long black soutane a!l a Melkite priest. Father Shmueloff speaks ~ languages arid has a working knowledge of three .others. He has composed. a number 0{( Christian prayers in Hebrew. His present assigninent is teaching languages at the Greek Catholie Seminary here in Nazareth.

ceive their red birettas during the semi-public consistory here on'next Wednesday. . Heads of state of three nations -Spain, Portugal and Italy-':'" \ will exercise an: ancient priv­ ilege iii presenting the red bir­ etta on the Pope's' behalf to the Ho~d new cardinals who were resi­ dents l'n their countries at the Sl'ster Mary Carmela , R .S. M .. time they were named. principal of Mt. St. Mary's Acad­ Normally this privil.ege ex­ emy, Fall River, was co-chair­ · tends only to the case of papal man for the College and Second­ " nuncios serving in these. nations ary Schools Meeting held in con­ at the time of their nomination Father Shmueloff, recalled his nection with the annual educa­ for the red hat. By additional first serious contact with the tional conference of the Sisters 'concession the chief of state in ,New Testament came about of Mercy, Providence PrOVince, Spain may also exercise the while he was a prisoner in nazi­ at ~t. Mary Academy, Riverside, privilege in regard to archbishops. . occupied Yugoslavia: He traded R. I. elevated to the Sacred College. seven cigarettes for· a copy.. .Other Sisters from this Diocese . Freed by ,American' forces· in ·participating in the conference Archbishop Jose Bueno y Mon­ real of Seville' will receive his 1945, he made his 'way to Eng­ included Sister Mary Olga, so­ biretta from Generalissimo Fran­ land and arranged to be baptized perior of Mt. St. Mar/'s convent, 'cisco Franco. The'red biretta' of . at -the first Catholic Church he Fall River; and Sister Mary Archbishop Fernando Cento, 'could find. . . Mercy of Mt. St, Mary's Acad­ · Apostolic Nuncio to' Portugal, In the. same year Joseph e~y. Both were discussion lead­ will be given to him by Presi~ Shmueloff was back' in Palestine ers. dent Americo Thomaz. Archbish­ '. . with a budding.vocation. It came Sister Mary Julian, also fr9_ -op, Giuseppe Fietta,' Nuncio to HER FOSTE'R FATHER'S BLESSING: Sister Josephine to fruition with his ordination Mt. St. Mary's Academy, was a " Italy will receive his from Pres~ of the Daughters of Charity, head 'of the Qutp?tient de'p'artlast June, and he is now a secu- . recorder for the Secondary De­ ident Giovanni Gronchi. ' ment of St. Vincent's Hospital, Indian.apolis, kneels to re- . lar priest under Bisnop Hakim,' partment session. The presentation of the red ceive the blessing of her foster father, R,ev.Umberto .Olivieri, .' wGahlol'leiSe.~nown as the "Bishop of Theme of the conference Wall ... biretta.. is only the second. step . H "Critical p'roblemsin the Teach­ ··in ;the ceremonies that lead to': :..whowas'ordained in Rome last June. at the age of 74. e . Israeli Citizen ing Apostolate". The keynote adopted, Sister .follo\ying an earthquake disaster in 1915.. An Israeli.citizen,· Father speaker was Rev. David R. Dun­ · the elevation of a prelate to the College of Cardinals. The three . Father visited the nun enroute to California where he has Shmueloff's passport lis·ts.hiin as igan, S.J., Director of'Student .. ,steps take .place during three three grandchildren. NC Photo. '.' being·oI. Jewish nationality. He Personnel, Holy Cross College. consistories-secret, semi-public ' . . ,.a~dpublic. At the secret consist­ . Tea'c hers Rece.ivelC'lC'lC'telC'!lI!t«Il!IP.Ii!~lC'!«I«l«!«~~l«-lgI«tCIC~lIlgl((lg!llIt~~~l«~~

""~~~ cOa~d~Z~~~~si~~~tenaa~:sa~~ Science 'Awards, nounced by the Pope and ap­ proved by the College of Cardin­ als; at the semi-public cQnsist­ ory on We~nesday the red' bir­ ettas are given; at the _public

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WASHINGTON (NC)-Twen­ ty-oneteachers in-Catholic Col. '274 lege's and universities are a m o n g . 302 recipients of Nation;}1 Sci­ GA 1:0358..


Sisters' of Mercy



./ 'Discounts to Clergy and Religious.


on the head of each of the new Fellowships for 1959, the science' cardinals. . foundation announced. The fellowships are offered as Pick C onvertto H ea d a means of improving the teach­ E"glish Dominicans ing of science, mathematics and EONDON (NC)-Father Henry . engineering in American col­ St. John, O.P~; convert to Cath­ leges. ;They are awarded to sci­ olicism and' internationally ence teachers who wish to pur­ . known student of the ecumenical s~e further study or research.· :: movement, has been elected Do­ . One scientist' in a Catholic minican Provincial for Great school was awarded one of the Britain. . 82 Senior' Postdoctoral Fellow­ He is believed to be the first ships' given for 1959 by the' sci­ ·convert to hold the post, and' the ence· foundation, which has first Cambridge Unive'rsity grad­ headquarters here'.' They are ·uate in the office since the 16th awarded to scientist/1 of proven :century. . ..' ability for resea·rch·p·rograms. · Father St. .John, 65, enter~d 'ReCipi~nt~'~nbe'ScienceFac­ the Catholic Church in 1917, four ulty Fellowships were selected yeats after becoming an A1?-glifrom among· L069 applicants, can clergyman, as his father was. the science foundation said~' The He joined the Dominicans 'in awards carry stipends approx­ 1919, after serving in U~e ~r~tish imately equal to· the regular Army.' _ . salaries of recipients.. _ .

IfMadQnna of 'the Street'.'. '.


HOl y





Knights Give Record Amount to Program






,._.. '



With the Imprimatur of His Eminence -FRANCIS CARDINAL SPElLMAN

features and valuable helps add enjoyment and understanding of the inspired Word of God. It is truly this Gift for all occasions. -Birthdays, Aniversaries. Weddings,. etc. Oyer 1600. pag"" Size 6% x '8. New-Confraternity Text ,of.' First 8 Books of the Old Testament

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FRIDAY~Ma~~~f previous Sun':' LAFAYETTE (Nt) -.Louisiday. Simple.· Violet, Mass ana Knights of Columbus' have 'Proper; No Gloria~ Or Creed; contributed. a· record high of Second Collect for. the :pope; more than: $49,000 to' their 1958 Common Preface.' . youth expans,ion program. . SATURDAY-'St. Lucy; Virgin The sum, raised -through a per and Martyr. Double.> Red. Mass capita donation' by individual Proper;' Gioria; Second Collect members in the 122 councils, il! of the Sunday; .Third Collect distributed in' varying amounts for the Pope; no Creed; Com­ for assistance to·Catholic student ". mon Preface. centers a!. eight.st.ate-supported SUNDAY-G'audet~ Sunday, III colleges 111 L?UlSlan~" fqr _ the.._' 'Sunday of .Advent. Double of K. of C, youth camps. at Alexan-.·· '. . '.' . d' C " t for the . I Class.. Rose or ViOlet. ·Mass d na an OVlng on,-' '. , " .N' Gl . . S dC 1 Columbian Squires program: a.nd, .. Proper; 0 ona, econ 0 ­ th . th' .. lect for the Pope; Creed; Pref­ elr you camp. ace of Trinity. MONDAY - Mass 'of previous Su·nday. Simple, Violet, ,'Mass _' FORTY HOURS

Proper; No Gloria or Cr:eed·; Second CoHect for the Pope; DEVOTION

Common Preface. . . ' -. TUESDAY-Mass 'of previous"­ Dec. 14-0ur Lady of Health, Fall -River.. Sunday. Simple.' Violet. Mass" St. 'Anthony's Convent, Proper; No Gloria ·o~ Creed; Fall River. . Second Collect St. Eusebius, Dec. 21-St. Louis, Fall·River. BishOp and Martyr; Third':Col~' St. Helena's Convent. lect for the Pope; Co~mol1' Fall River. Preface. . ..... :J Dec. 28-St, Bernard, Assori~t. WEDNESDAY-Mass _of Emp~r.. St. Mary's Home,' New Wednesday in Advent.. Simple.." Bedford.·' Violet. Mass Proper; No,Glor.ia. or Creed; ~econd Coll.ect;foi'· ~:::::::::::::::=:.~ . ::.,~.,:..~,~;:.::::~ the' Pope; .Common . Prefac~. THE ·ANCHOR '. ". ·THURSDAY~.Mass. of previous Second-class mail privilege~ ,,\.tborized -: Suiiday. Simpie. Violet. 'Mass ,t Fall River, ·Mass. P"bhsbed evef)" . "p., . N Gl' "Cr' . d' • rhursday at 410 Highland' Avenue..··F'all ." .. roper, 0 ona or ee, River. Mass,. by the Catbolic Press of 'the Second Collect· for the Pope; Oioces" of Fall .River. Subseripti<)n priee Common Preface lllY mall, postpaId $4.00 per year. . ... ~._._ . ....


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Consistory to Lower Average Age Of Cardinals in Sacred College

THE ANC~O~­ Thurs., Dec. 11, 1958

Christmas Drive Aids Victcms Of Leprosy

VATICAN CITY (NC)-The average age of members of the Sacred College of Cardinals will go down from 72.3 to 70.9 with the forthcoming consistory Dec. 15. The Sacred College, reinforced by the 23 prelates named to become Princes of the . Church by His Holiness Pope Florence,. Ital!, P.ietro Cardinal ' . Fumasom BIOndI" Prefect of

John .XXIII, wIll have the the Sacred Congregation for

followmg age groups: only the Propagation of the Faith and

one, Bishop Julius Doepfner of Berlin, is under 50; 10 between the ages of 51 and 60; 25 be­ tween 61 and' 70; 27 between 71 and 80 and 11 of the Card­ fnals are over 80 T.he youngest ~embers of the college will be: Bishop Doepf­ ner, 45; Giuseppe Cardinal Siri, Archbishop of Genoa, 52; Arch­ bishop Franziskus Koenig' ,of. Vienna, 53; Paul Emile Cardi­ nal Leger, Archbishop of Mon­ treal, and Archbishop Jose Bueno y Monreal of Seville, Spain, 54. . Joseph Cardinal Wendel, Arch-, bishop of ,Munich, Germany and Stefan Cardinal Wyszypski, Archbishop of Warsaw, 57; Fer­ nando Cardinal Quiroga y Pal,": acios, Archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Valerian Cardinal Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay, India, and, Arch­ bishop Giovanni Urba~i,' Pa­ triarch of Venice. who are 58. Entertain Americans The oldest Princes of the Chl:lrch will be Elia Cardinal dalla Costa, Archbishop of

For the seventh year, the Propagation of the Faith Office of the Diocese has quietly but successfully con­

Georges Cardinal Grente, Bis­

hop of Le Mans, France, who are

86. / A week-long program of din­

ners and ~ receptions in Rome

will celebrate the elevation of

two American. Archbishops,

John F. O'Hara, C.S.C., of Phil­

adelphia and Richard J. Cush­

ing of Boston.


Sports Night In Swansea

Our Lady' of "'atima Parish

'Swansea, will conduct a Sport~

PHILI~P~NE LEPROSARIUM: Sister M. Benigna Night on Wednesday in the par­

cares "for, a leper who has suffered for 20 years and lost ish hall. The doors will opEm at

nearly all toes 'and fingers. 5:30 in the evening for the in­ spection' of sporting equipment and fashions. .' The show 'will start at 7

o'clock sharp.:it will consist of a

demonstration of various sports

The press criticized the Prime

TOKYO (NC) - Public and by 'experts in their fields. Golf,

Minister for his "antiquated and

archery, deep sea fisll.ing. and press reaction has been in favor biased question," and the Cham­

casting, will 'be exhibited: Fash­

of the Catholic Church in the berlain for his "lack of under­

ions, connected with sports will dis,!=ussion of' the' betrothal of standing of historical realities."

also be displayed. .

Crown Prince Akihito to Miss .. Following .the demonstration, Michiko Shoda, who was edu-' a sports movie will be shown . cated in a Catholic school. . and footballs autographed by Rev. Regis Kwaitkowski, 8.S. Only the Communist press has ,the Boston College and Holy C.C. was, guest speaker at the

been critical, charging "Ameri-' 'Cro~ football teams and an au­ first annual communion break­

tographed baseball will be given 'can imperialistic pressure." fast of Bishop Cassidy General

In reviewing the betrothal the away. Assembly, Fourth Degree

NEW YORK (NC)-Francis press has upbraided high offic­ The evening will close with a Knights· of Columbus, in St.

Cardinal Spellman will. spend ials for being slow in sanctioning Christmas party for all school Therese's Church, !l!'ew Bedford.

his eighth Christmas, overseas it. ' children of the parish, and the Among the 125 persons present this year, visiting U. S. service­ At the'Imperial Household ilwarding of door prizes and 12 were Grand Knights John Mur­ men in Germany, Iceland, New­ Meeting, preceding the official ley ofSt. Isadore Council, West- . foundland, Greenland and Goose 'different types of games.

'Albert H. Brosnihanand Leo announcement of the engage­ BaY,Labrador. ., port-Dartmouth; Vito Morra, men~, Prime Minister Kishi had Bishop Stang Council, New Bed­ The Archbishop of New York, . R. Laflamme; co-chairmen, have ask,ed several questioqs; among anno'unced that this is a closed ford, and ThomaE Sullivan. who is Military Vicar of Catho­ them: "I have heard that the meeting.,-only parishioners may Father Damiel Council, Fairhav­ lics in the U. S. Arined Forces, S~oda family. is Christian. The en. Fainilies of sir knights ,also is scheduled to celebrate, his attend. All school children of religion, of the Imperial House attended. Christmas midnight Mass at .the parish are urged to attend ' is S~into. How a,bout this mat­ but they, must be, accompanied Hainerberg Chapel, Wiesbaden, Guests of h'onor' were Judge by • parent. . , Germany, Air Force Base. This Thomas R. Spring, master of , ' , ,.To which. Court Chamberlain will be the first in his annual the Eastern District, and his Usami,aI).swer~d: "His true that secretary, Michael Ring. visits among U. S: troops in ' ' the European theatre. many of the Shoda... family are The committee, headed by The Cardinal departs from JACKSONVILLE (NC) ~ Re-' Christians. '13 ut , .although Miss Fra~k' S. Folger, comprised Sir , Shoda graduated from a Catho­ New York's Idlewild Airport ,Knights John Figueiredo, J. L. buffed 'in an attempt to obtain a . ,li!= Schoo"'", she did not receive . 'tomorrow. He will attend the 'temporary injunction against ' , baptism. The public has no cause ,Roger. Pelletier, Edward' Smith, consisto:-ary" in Vatican City Clarence Yates and Joseph Mcholding Catholic Church services for alarm." Kon ... -:n. Dec. 15 to 18, and then start 11n Suttdays in a public school his visjtation of armed forces a, group from four Protestant personnel on Dec. 23. He will churches' here announced it will return to the United States press for a permanent injunc-, about Jan. 2, 1959. tion. " The suit was instituted against the Duval County board of school trustees on the ground that, the arrangement 'violated' DURHAM (NC) Father the so-called policy of separation.' Gregory Kelleher, O.S.B., of St. of, church and state. A Duval Anselhm's College, Manchester, County court turned down the has been elected vice president 'petition for the' temporary in­ of the New Hampshire Educa­ junction, then the Protestant tional Broadcasting Council. group disclosed it will press for' The council will advice and assist in the 'operation of educa­ 'a permanent' injunction at a fuller hearing in the same court. tional television Station WENH here ~hen it goes on the air early, . A date for the permanent in­ jUnction. hearing has not been next year. sCheduled as yet.Father James F. Gloekler was assigned by Archbishop Joseph P. Hurley, Bishop of St. Augus­ tine, to found a new parish at 'Southside Estates in territory 'apportioned from two existing parishes. Father Gloekler made arrange­ ments with the county's public school trustees to have Sunday Masses at 8:30 and 11 :30 A. M. in the Southside Estates' public ele­ mentary school. He' informed the trustees that the diocese had , obtained land for a church site about a half mile from the school and that building plans were in readiness. .

Japanese Reaction Favors Catholic Si.deof Marriage Cont'roversy

K of C Communion

Cardinal To See U. S. Servicemen


. ".

" Court Turns Down' Injunction Petition

ducted a mail campaign for aid to the victims of one of the world's scourges. Leprosy is still one of the most widespread diseases. Count Fol­ , lereau estimates that' there are 10,000,000 lepers in the world. They are more numerous than the victims of tuberculosis and cancer. Another specialist, Dr. Blanc, in the Cameroons, speaks of a percentage of three to five lepers for every thousand people in the world. In some regions the number of lepers is 50 to 90 per thousand. Only about 100,000 of the lepers are 'vell taken care of­ most of them in missionary clin­ ics. The Catholic Church main­ tains 291 leprodaria in m'issio!) countries where 80,000 lepers are treated. 'In the last hundred years, 64 priests, six brothers and 36 religious have contracted leprosy. . . Sister Marie Suzanne, a Fre~cb Marist-who gave a lecture to Catholic nurses and doctors in Fall River a few years ago-:­ studied leprosy for many years and prior to her recent death found' a serum which is widely used to counteract the disease. One day's treatment can be supplied for,25 cents. Sunday to Sunday treatments cost two dol­ lars, while five dollars will care for a leper for 20 days.

Columbian Squires Bishop Feehan' Circle Colum­ bian Squires sponsored' by Fall River Council, Knights of Co­ lumbus finished fifth in the best circle contest· conducted in the State during October. In making the report at the council meeting this week, Chief Counsellor Daniel B. Foster council youth activities chair~ man, said it" was a drop of' one position, but that, "it . is only temporary;" adding: "We'll be bark in

f!- •• _~"'" ,.. 1 _


.............. "'

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,, ,, ,,, ,

Elect Priest to Post With Educational TV

, ,,,

Penny for Penny

Your BEST Food BUY

.... .....


,, , ,,, ., ,,, .,, ,, ,,, , ,,, ,, , ,,, , ,,, ,, ,, ,,, ,




Oregon K of C Begins Drive Against Smut YOUTH OF YEAR: Al­ bert J. Maggioli,' Niagara University senior, has been selected as the outstanding . Catholic youth of the year and will receive the annual award of the National Coun­ ,::il of Catholic Youth for Jutstandingleadership. (NC Photo).

ROSEBURG (NC)-Raymond J. Martin, chairman of Oregon decent literature committee of the Knights of Columbus, has anilOunced that Oregon district attorneys a're being asked to support a program to rid maga­ zine racks of indecent literature. Mr. Martin has also called on all state K of C Councils to put active committees to work on the project. He said such a pro­ gram could bring about a' major change in' the types of magazinp" handled by dealeci;,


-Revenge of' Frankenstein Hell Squad.

Accursed Ride A Crooked Mile Hot Angel

Appointment with A Robbery- Under Arms Shado'w Houseboat J ­

Senior Prom . How to Make A Monster Astou~ding Sh~ Monster She Demons

Hunters Attila Showdo;"ri at BoothiH

I Married a Woman Black Tide Snorkel

Imitation Generl'l Blob Space MC;lSter X-7

Joy Aide Blood Arrow' Suicide Battalion

Kill Her Gently Brain Eaters Tall Stranger

Kings Go Forth Bravados Tarawa Bea~hheod

Last Blitzkrieg Bullwl)ip Teenage Caveman ~ast Hurrah, The C;ase Against Brookly!, Terror of A Texas Town Law and Jake Wode Camp on Blood Island Thing That Could,!'t Die legion of the· Doom'ed City of Fear .. Thunder Ro.ad Colossus of New York Lisa Time to Love and A Time Cosmic Monster Macabre to Die -

Crawling Eye Man or Gun Man Who 'Died Twice Vertigo.

Cry Baby Killer Viking Women and The

Curse of The Faceless Man Mardi Gras Naked and The Dead ; Sea Serpent Dangerous Youth Villa Dah~ with Disaster Naked Hills, The Voice in the Mirror New Orleans After. Dark Dateline Tokyo War of the Colossal Beast Nice Little Bank That Enchanted Island War of the Satellites Should Be Robbed Fearmakers When Hell Broke Loose Flame Barrier Once Upon A Horse Whole Truth Party Crashers Fly. P;emier May . 'Windom's W~y

Frontier Gun Reluctant Debutante' Your "'';st is Showing

Geisha Boy Gunsmoke in Tucson Return of Dracula

A·3 - Morally Unobjectionable for Adults Age of Infidelity An"lo Lucasta

Another Time, Another Place As Young As We Ar. Auniie Mame' Badlanders Bell, Book and· Candle Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Certain Smile Cliina Doll .Cool and The Crazy Crime & Punishment try Terror .Damn Yankee .Decks Ran' Red Defiant, Ones Fiend Without A Face Frankenstein-'1970 "Frauelin . Gigi "G\lnman's Walk

Raw Wind in Eden H~rry Black" and The Tise< Remarkable Mr. Penn)"-, Haunt ,d Strangler packer Roots of Heaven Hell's Highway Rouge Et Noir High School Hellcats RX Murder Horror of Dracula Senechal, The Magnificent Hot Spell Separate Tables . Indiscreet _ She Gods of Sha,k Reef In' Love and War South Pacific I Want To live Kathy-O Strdnge Case of Dr. Manning Key Ten North Frederick Life Begins at 17 This Happy Feeling. Man Inside Too Much, Too Maracaibo Touch of Evil • Me and the Colonel Twilight for the Gods Murder by Contract Unwed'Mother Naked Earth Vikings ,. Never Love A Stranger Wolf Larsen Notorious Mr. Monka Young Lions Of Life and love Pagans Gun Runners


B - Morally Objectionable in Part for All Attack of the 50 Foot

Hot Car Girl

Perfect Furlough Woman I 'Was a Teenage

Suggestive situati_ Blood of Dracula Frankenstein

and'dialogue .Blood of The Vampire Juvenile Jungle •

Perisienne : Evcessive brutality; King Creole

Poor But Beautiful sadism. Live Fast, Die Young

Portrait of an Unknow", Bonnie Parker Story Machine Gun Kelly

Woman Bride Is ·Much Too Mam'zelle Pigalle

Queen of Outer Spaat Beautiful Man of the West Suggestive costuming. 'Confessions of Felix Krull Reform School Girl Highly moral nature Dragstrip Riot of this story is Sorority Girl ' Fiend Who . Valked The substanially marred This Angry Age West by excessive brutality Three ,Faces of Eve (Sadistic' sequence~; and unneccessary' Tunnel of Love' excessive brutality) suggestiveness. (The treatment of the Forbidden '1 s!and Night of the Blood Beast subject matler in this Gang War (Suicide presented aa film exceeds the bounds Girl in 'the Bikini act of heroism.) of propriety and moral Girls on the loose No Sun' in Venice '. acceptability). God's lillie Acre (Suggestive sequences) Young and Wild ... High Hell Onionhead What .Price Murder High School Confidential Panic in the Parlor (Suggestive ,,;stuming Home Before Dark Party Girl and situations.) (Trends to arouse by Suggestive costume Wind Across The strong emotional and dancing; reflects _ ~ Everglades appeal the acceptance. acc,:ptability of divorc".. . (Low moral tone; of divorce and' and remarriage; '. suggestive Co~tuming) ·e~·ie~sive brutality justification of remarriage.)

C ...!... Cond,emned Adorabie Creature .. And God Created. Woman . Bed of Gra ss . Flesh Is Weak French Line

Liane, -Jungle Goddess Light Across the Street Madamoiselle Striptease Maid in Paril Mitsou

~@((@@B!ilDD'\1~ Il@w WASHINGTON (NC) "­ Spain's new collective bar­ gaining lllw' is "a very. im­ portant step forward in the

GREE'rS AFIUCAN MiSSiONARY: Pope John chats ­ with an AfL'ican seminarian during his visit to the Urban College for the Propagation of the Faith, the Church's major missionary college in Rome. Wearing skullcap at ·Ieft .is Pietro Cardinal Fumasoni Biondi Prefect of the Propagation Congregation, and Pierre Cardinal Agagianian, Pro-Prefect of the Congregation,is in the ,center. NC Photo. , - . '. ~.

MaryknoU- Missio~'er Writes Music ,For Mass on Chinese -Vernacular TAICHUNG (NC)-An Amer­ ;ican missionary' with a music degree f,rom the Catholic Uni­ versity iIi Washington has writ­ ten: the music for, the Mass in the vernacular here in Formosa. Father James A. Collignon, M.M., of San .Francisco, began his Mass when the Holy See granted permission to the pre-­ fecfure Apostolic of Taichung for the singing of High Mass in the native tongue. The Mass, which is written in

the Chinese vernacular of Tai­ wan used by some seven million Formosans, will enable Catho­ lics to sing in their own lang­ . uage instead of Latin. . Basing his composition on the Gregorian 8th Mass and 3rd Credo, Father Collignon simpli­ fied the melody, thim,;by over­ coming the previous difficulty of TaIwanese Catholics singing the Mass in Latin because of the dissimilarity of sounds b'etween' the two languages. The 32-year-old Maryknoller earned a ~'[asters Degree in Music at the Catholic University' of America before his assignment . , to the missions of Formosa in CONCORD (NC)-A, New 'i956. York publishing company and. With the inception of the Tai­ its 'president have reque,sted a. wanese Mass, Msgr. Willam Kup­ new trial following .conviction fer; M.M., Prefect Ap~stofic of on obscenity charges in Fed­ Taichu'ng, has also granted per':' eral court. mission for translation 'of the The firm, Flying Eagle Pub­ Mass'into Hakka and aboriginal dialects.' . lications, Inc., and its president, Michael St. John', were found c-•• --t guilty by Federal Judge A. J. Conner of sending a magazine containing obscene material through the mails. .' Judge Conner . ruled. obscene an illustration in the April 1957, "For Your Protection issue of Manhunt' magazine, Buv From which the firm publishes. ", The issue of the mag~zine had PERFECTION" been removed from' newsstands 132 RockdalE Ave. across' the country by police departments acting under local New Bedtord . obscenity statutes. C0!TIplaints_ Wy 5~7947 led to investigation by postal . inspectors, who found that 190,797 copies of it 'had been mailed from here. The publishing company was fined $3,000 by Judge Conner. Michael St. John was fined $1,000, given a six-month sus­ . pended sentence and placed on probation for two' years.





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evolution of the labor move­ ment." This statement has been made by Dr. Fermin Simz Orrro, Spain's Minister of Labor, dur­ ing a visit to the National Cath­ olic Welfare Conference head­ quarters here in the nation's capital. The new. law provides gov­ ernment review of the agree­ ment made by lab.or and man­ agement if the latter requests a fise in prices to meet the agreement's terms. Outlaw Strikes "This is done," he said, ''to assure the government control over its inflationary spirals in over inflationary spirals· in economy." ·Dr. Sanz' Orrio said that strikes are outlawed in Spain, '. but that arbitration procedures have been established 'by the government. Noting that before the Span­ ish parliament passed the law working conditions and salaries were set by the government, Dr. Sanz Orrio said the new s·tep will permit employers"and em­ ployees to determine such mat­ ters. . .

Pubfishers Ask 'For New' "Trials

Passionate Summer Stella Smiles of A Summer Night The Bed

Adam and Eeve (Sensational exploitatoon in advertising tepd, to nJgate.the spiritual motivation of the film maker and restricts the viewing to a spedal oudie_nce~), Case of Dr. laurent (Obesrvation: This film presents the case for the .·psychopro­ phyla,tic method of childbirth, which is more popularly known as "natural .\ childbirth". This medical theme, which is handled with discretio,:, and good tktaste, can have significant educational value for adults and for older adol­ .-. --escents. However, the subject mailer itself to too sacred, private and personal for indiscriminate showing in entertainment mo'tion picture theaters.)



Apa,che Territary Araund ihe Warld in 80 Days 'Andy Hardy Com'es Home Attack ·of The Puppet People

Barbarian & The Geisha

Bengol Brigade

Big Country

A-2- Morally Unobjectionable for Adults and AdolescentS


Spa~B~lIrds /Enact

.A·l- Morally Unobjectionable for General Patronage Gideon of Scotland Yard Rock-a.bye-Baby Handle With Care Rooney . Run Silent, Run Deep Hell's Five Hours High Flight Saga of Hemp Brown Hong Kong Affair Secret Conclave I Married a Monster Sheep man from Outer Space Silent Enemy Space Children In Between' Age Inn of the Sixth Happiness St. louis Blues International Sierra Baron Buccaneer Counterfeiters ~miley Gets A Gun Buchanon Rides Alone It, The Terror from Snowfire Coptain from Koepenick Beyond Space Spy in the Sky Cineroma South Seas. last of the First Game Street of 'Darkness Adventure Tale of Two Cities Cole Younger, Gunfighter le:'s Rock Light in The Forest Tank Force Cowboy lone Ranger and The Tarzan's Fight for Life. Country Music Boy lost City of· Gold Ten Commandments Dangerous Exile Lourdes and Its Miracles Ten Days to' Tulara Davy Manhunt in the Jungle Thundering Jets Desert Hell Matchmaker Tom Thumb Dive Bomber Money, Women and Guns Torpedo Run Dunkirk Night to Remember Trial at the Vatican Flamin!,: hontier Octet White Wilderness Fort Massacre . Old Man of the Sea Wild Heritage From Hell to Texas Paris··Holiday Windjammer From the Earth to Pather Panchali (Indio) Wolf Dog The Moon Proud Rebel Young Land Ghost of the China Sea " Giant From The Unknown Quantrill'; Raiders

-THE ANCHOR Dec. 11, 1958


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• Priest Gives Last Rites In Korean

Balancing the Books

Whalen Work Authoritative

(::HEJU (NC) - A Columban missionary priest administered the last sacraments in a Buddhist temp~e here in Korea. Father Edward Quinn, S.S.C., of Omaha, Neb., had previously attended a 15-year-old Catholic girl, stricken with lung disease, in her home. When he returned a few, days lat.er, he was told

Appraised of Freemasonry' By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy Are all the Freemasons anti-Catholic? Why does the Catholic Church impose severe penalties on any of her members ,who join a Masonic organization? These are questions to which all of us should have clear-cut answers. For Masonry numbers many ern world., When France was go­ millions of adherents in the ing through a particularly bitter United States. One of every winter, he undertook to do some­ 12 American men is a mason. thing for the hungering and And our next door neighbor may be both a Mason and as friendly, kindly, fair a ' man as one could meet. The an s w e r s are pro v ide d in Christianity and American Free­ m,a son r y by Williah J. Whalen (Bruce. $3.75). To take the second question' first, Mr; Whalen shows amply and conclusively why the Church forbids Ca tholics to become Ma­ sons. The principal reason is that Masonry is a religion itself. A leading Masonic authority on the subject has unequivoca:Ily written, "The truth is that Ma­ sonry is undoubtedly a religious institution." This same man de­ clares that Masonry has its own creed. It has its own religious ritual. It also has its own code of morality. Ignores Christ The Masonic religion is one of naturalism. It ignores Christ. In­ deed it is forbidden for Masons to "mention the name of Christ aloud among their brethren." But this by-passing of Christ is obviously incompatible with the commitment to Christ which is the essence of Catholicism. Mr. Whalen also examines at length the Masonic rites of ini­ tiation, with particular attention to the oaths that are sworn. These are exceedingly solemn. If, seriously meant, they are objectionable because in the name of God they bind the taker to submit to frightful enormities for the sake of trivia. If not seri­ ously meant, they are quite as objectionable because theycoii­ stitute insincere oath-taking. As for the question of Masonic opposition to the Church, dis­ tinctions must be made. The non­ American Grand Orient lodges are manifestly anti-Catholic. On the American scene, the local lodges do not have such a char­ acter at all. But the Southern .Jurisdiction of the Scottish rite is extremely, vocapy, and active­ ly anti-Catholic. Mr. Whalen analyzes six con­ secutive issues of the organiza­ tion's montnly publication, the New Age, and finds that the chief c,oncern of this magazine (received by members in 33 states) is dissemination of anti­ Catholic propaganda and fomen­ tation of anti-Catholic animus. Gives Practical Information He says, "The rite also claims a large share of the credit for the founding of Protestants and Other Americans United for Sep­ aration of Church and State, or simply POAU. It furnishes part of the annual budget of POAU which warns .Americans of the Roman menace to free institu­ tions and traditions." He points out that the rite'. Grand Inspector General in Cali­ fornia was the leading figure in opposition to tax exemption for parochial schools in that state. There is much more to the boQk than the supplying of an-, lIwers to the two questions cited at the outset of this review. Thus, the history of Masonry is rec'apitulated, its pretensions to ancient origin are exposed as baseless', its various degrees are explained, its ancillary and rival organizations a're described, with special note of the Shrine and its most curious use of the Koran and its oath to protect ,the Mo­ hammedan faith. This is a dispassionate, author­ ltative, probing look at Freema­ sonry, offering plenty of. prac­ tical informatio'n in concise·form. Apostolates, The name of A,bbe Pierre. ,',"bcated ,thr.oughout"the, w~

homeless thousands in Paris whose existence was made far worse by, the brutal cold. He publicized the:' plight and ap­ pealed to his fellow countrymen to help him feed, clothe, and shelter these, unfortunates. There was a tremendous response.. Two or three books have de­ scri~d his work at that time and later. One might draw from them the conclusion that his sole concern has' been meeting a temporary emergency. But that impression is dissipated by Man Is Your Brother (Newman. $2.50), 'a collection of Abbe Pierre's television talks and ser­ mons. The talks, which take up more than half the book, discuss very bluntly, wha't the speaker sees, on the basis of statistical evi­ dence, as a relatively permanent crisis, a bad situation to which the free world must seriously, perhaps heroically, address itselL Thus, he shows that about half of all mankind is going hungry, not because of some passing catastrophe, 'but because of a failure to plan the world's food pl'Oduction and distribution in­ telligently. So it is with housing, and so with work. Moving Discourses To meet these grave disloca­ tions, some pl'Opose drastic pop­ ulation control by birth preven­ tion. But this, as Abbe Pierre says is against nature and in­ trinsically wrong. He styles it a counsel of des­ pair, and calls for the spread of information about the problem, general discussion of it, common, sustained effort to solve it. All must become aware of what he calls "the law of laws": namely, ;'that there can be no real secur­ ity or happiness for'anyone un­ less there is a minimum of hap­ piness and a fair share foil' everyone." The second part of the book comprises moving discourses on spiritual themes, which touch on t~ motives for a Christian ap­ proach to life arid our suffering fellows, and indicate the super­ natural means for sustaining the' work of justice and charity. This volume demonstrates how far-reaching, deep-reaching is Abbe Pierre's vision, how pro­ found his thinking, and how strong his powers to convince and persuade. st. Philip Neri A priest of another era and with a diferent apostolate is the subject of Fat.her Louis Bouyer's The Roman Socrates (Newman. $1.50). This, provides a sketch of St. Philip Neri (1515:'1595), lil Flarentine by birth, but re­ Downed for his marvelous work with the gilded youth of Rome. At a ,time when 'the Church was plagued by the Reformation from without and disorder and corruption within, this extraor­ dinary man began a work "de­ pending for its effect on personal influence alone, on a simple friendship in which a soul's whole life may be transformed." How effective was this informal and easy-going approach, Father Bouyer amply indicates., He gives us a most attractive account of the personality and work of St. Philip, and without directly saying so, suggests that the saint's techniques, might be peculiarly effective in our own day.

that she had been taken by her family, all Buddhists, to die in a Buddhist temple. The priest finally located her and got permission from the Buddhist monk to speak to her alone. He found her family had taken her to the temple on the pretense they were taking her to a hospital.

Merry Ch ristm as -


, 1: .~ "'­






From All of Us To All of: You


Herman Mason George' A:Jg~:st Elaine Bishop Ann E. B\lyer Claudette A. Brouillard Doris M. Deschenes Patricia: .Estrella Mildred Entwistle Ann P. Glynn Helena M. Haggerty Louise M. Iadtcola Michael P. Kaegael Helen Klek Marion E. Larkin Michael P. Meagher Nancy Moniz Dykes Constance A. Morrisette Evelyn Murray Walsh Dorot.hy E. Negus Loretta L. O'Connor Paul R. Theroux Albini Desrosiers Joseph,C. Almeida Harold ,Ayre John Bates Wilfrid A. Belisle Roland J.' Bouchard Gerard W. Brodeur Roger J. Canuel Theresa M. Carreira Frank S. Carreiro Gerard Comeau Paul Costa Manuel S. Crov'ello George K. Drew John W. Gassman , John W. Grant Antonio Joaquin Phillippe L. J. LeClair Francis J. MacDonald John H. Maher Jack A. Mason Joseph R. Mello

Henry Mason Michael F. MitcheU Jack Myers . Roland T. Potvin Edmund M. Rezendes Alexander Robbins Martha Saxe Esther Silk Henry E. Theberge Gerard L. Tremblay Jeannine Whitehead Eugene Cabral James P. Finglas Joseph Harrison Edward T. Howard Joseph E. Hindle Ernest P. Knight Thomas Larkin George Pelletier Thomas E. Perrotti John P. Raposa Robert J. Ryan Daniel J. Sheahan James C. Thomas Charles A. Tyson James Allcock Paul A. Berube 'Arthur P. Camara Vincent A. Campbell William Douglas Robert Howarth George Ferreira Donald Latinville Robert L. LeD,uc George J. Loughman Frederick E. McGrady Joseph N. Mercier, Jr. Daniel C. Millerick John Pysz Albert J. Dugas Andrew P. Harney 'Norman E. Moss Armand Piche,

Gilbert Mason Arthur Ross Napoleon Ross Norman Ross Joseph Carroll Frank Cash Ludger J. Gibeault Charles H. Gregory Napoleon J. Lamarre Wilfred Lamothe Albert J. Lavoie David W. Nitsche George Rapoza Antone Souza John L. Souza Robert E. Stinton John H. Vickery Robert A. Caisse Arthur V. King, Jr. Raymond ,L. Petit Robert D. Viana Andrew Hreczuk Irving P. Lake Antone Moniz George D. Salisbu17 Patrick F. Smith Louis M. Soares Joseph T. Correira J. Edwin Jones Alice M. Perry Lionel Polycarpo Edmund L. Ramsbottom. Rosaline M. Sharples Helen Teixeira William Medeiros Anthony Anselmo Robert Siegel Maurice Bender Raphael S. Davidson David J. Hanlon John- A. McGreavy Donald E. White .James E. Ryan


Council 86 Social Members of Fall River Coun­ ,~il, Knights of Columbus, wives and .friends will welcome in the New Year at a social, Dec. 31 at a Westport restaurant. Outside Guard Albert Riley is general chairman. Trustee .John Mello, reported at this week's council session that all ,.,:ti~kets,.,-w~...e" sold. ' ,,' ,'.


A convert of only a year, tile girl was overjoyed to see a priest again. She received the last sac­ raments as she lay dying at a statue of Buddha, vigil lights burning all around. Although Father Quinn was not permitted to see the girl again, he learned she remained steadfast in her Faith.

Fall River - New Bedford

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No: Hedgln.'g :On,', Decency,;, ,.



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Lest, It. Te Forget ....


';:. ·~THtANCHOR Thurs., DElc. 11, 1958


On Sunday the Legion Of Decency pledge'.is' renewed, in all churcheS. Catholics are asked not to do anything ~ew ',,' but simply to reaffirm i~ a public ',way their basic, belie~ that morality does count and any flouting of it ,should be rejected with promptness and disgust. , ,..<" " ' The Pledge could not come"'--would that it w,ere n~t 13o!

TODAY-St. Damasus I, Pope­ Confessor. He was a native of -at a more opportune time.

Rome and attended Pope Liber­ In an interview that was given prominence recently,

ius in exile. He succeeded Pope , one producer of moving pictures said that the pictur~in-' Liberius. He commissioned St. ,dustry is on fire and is fighting for survival. The compeMtion Jerome to correct the Latin text from television and stereo and other forms of entertainment of' the Holy Scriptures. St. Damasus is famous for having is great. And then' this producer was quoted, as saying: restored and beautified in Rome "When your house is on fire you will ~se anything at hand the tombs .of the martyrs. He to put out the fire." And he went on to say that Hollywood died in 384 at the age of 80. ill going to use anything to protect its industry-and the TOMORROW - Our Lady of anything meant pictures that feature sex, sensationalism Guadalupe. This feast com­ and sadism. memorates the apparition of the The whole tone of the producer's remarks was, one of

Blessed Mother to the humble the adolescent boy smirking behind the 'barn and smacking

Indian, Juan' Diego, in 1531 on , Tepeyac hill near Mexico City. lecherous lips over the first dirty pictures that he has ever

The great Basilica of Our Lady seen. His immature mind' and undisciplined' emotions glut

of Guadalupe now stands on the themselves with the raw sewage that he is trying to disguise'

spot of the apparition. Pope as sophisticated, adult, worldly. , Benedict XV Jecreed Our Lady It is bad enough that a' producer could boldly proclaim of Guadalupe as Patroness of Mexico. that the movie industry-with such a potential for good as entertainment-is going to see just how far it can go in SATURDAY - St. Lucy of peddling the sensational and the degenerate and the sex­ Syracuse, Virgin - Martyr. She was a Sicilian and one of the ridden. It ~~t bad enough that the motive for this is openly most famous of the martyrs put given as money-anything to pick up a fast buck. But it is to death under Diocletian about nauseating that decent citizens are supposed to approve 304. She is commemorated daily those remarks or at best ignore the whole issue under in the Canon of the Mass. Whiie penalty of being called "censors" ~r some other expression Christians were being sought out, she distributed her wealth that is simply an adult version of the child's cry of "chicken" Sage and Sand to the poor and was denounced at anyone who opposes him. ' ' , by a young noble to whom her Decent 'men and women and boys and girls-Catholic, mother wished to give her In Protestant and Jew-unite at this point and cry out: ,In marriage. She endured tortures ' the Name of God, STOP! Perhaps the movie industry is _at Syracuse 'and was put to death by a sword driven through her fighting for survival. But so ar.e decency and mor~lity and By Most Rev.Robert J. Dwyer, D.D. throat. ' wholesomeness. The battleline is drawn between money and Bishop of Reno ­ SUNDAY-St. Nicasius and morality.. Anyone, who pretends to morals and goodness in "In my end is my beginning." Companions, Martyrs. St. Nica­ his private life must oppose the spread of movies'in the It was the motto embroidered on the' chair of state' of sius was Bishop of Rheims. 'With public'life of a community. that woulq. tear' down moral his. sister, ,St. Eutropia,' and -a ­ standards and corrupt young and old. The makers, the dis­ , Mary, Queen of Scots. Once, while she was a, "guest" of the number of the clergy and faith­ Earl ,of Shrewsbury, before being transferred to the tributors, the theatre owners, the advertising men, the ful, he was put to death for the . newspapers-no one can' try to sluff off responsibility. Each grim silence of Fotheringay have 'men, more well-intentioned Faith by barbarians who invaded ' Gaul about 407. . than wise; attempted to foist and all must stand up for decency--or he proclaims himself (whence her only' deliver­ pitiable calculations upon MONDAY-St. Irenaeus and to be opposed to wholesomeness or-and this is perhaps the ance would be the block), it their attracted the attention of a the Church an'd to make her say, Companions, Martyrs. They 'were ' common vice of most, he is lukewarm_to the whole propo­ certain Mr. Nicholas White, one at last, that the end is at hand. a group of 22 martyrs who were ' sition, and the lukewarm, Christ has promised to spew out of Cecil's informers. He wrote Theological mathematicians put to death for the Faith about have figured out to the hour and of His mouth. to his master, "In looking upon 258 in the Valerian persecution. ' moment the inevitable deadline, Included in, the numbers were' . Apparently the ,only thing that will cause actors and her cloth of esonly to rescramble their, arith­ . SS. Anthony, Theodore,' Saturn- . tate, I noticed producers to change the tone of their movies is the protest t his sentence metic when the sun comes up as ius and Victor. at the box-office. On a local level, theater owners should be emmbroidered. usual the following morning. We are inclined to smile' pa­ TUESDAY S. Eusebius, told just what decent men and women want, what they will En rna fin est tronizingly on the Middle Ages Bishop-Martyr. He was the scion patronize, what they will stay away from. Those responsible mon commence­ for their periodic preparations. of a noble family of Sardinia. on newspapers should see to it that the standards of ment:, In my for' the Day of, Wrath, that He was taken to ROIT\e by his end is my be­ morality are not thrown to the winds in the advertising that ginning: which Dreadful Day, but common hon­ mother, where he was ordained. ' esty compels us to admit that He served the Church at Vercelli is sent to them. Each one involved has an obligation to take is a ridddle I, the phenomenon is as character­ a'nd was the choice ot' clergy .and a stand on this serious matter of morality. The occasion embroidered: 'istic of our times as of the naive laity when the Episcopal chair , the Legion of Decency pledge should remind them of this. not."· became vacant. He fought cour- ' P 0 0 r M r. past. . Th'e Legion of Decency, remember: advocates but one White was at least ·honest in his 'Under the cloak of a scientism ageously a:g'ainst the Arian here- : thing-Decency. Can ,there, be hedging' on that?, .. , . ignorance. And how could he .as remarkable for its jargon as tics, who'had returned to Vercelli :

',Weekly Calendar Of Feast Days

'Church's Life With Christ 'Begins Again in Advent,



foresee or understand the way history would so complete'i,y re­ .verse its verdict upon the two There are hopeful 'statistics to allay thefearsof,those queens involved in the tragedY. Mary's end was indeed her be­ who see, this cotiritry's younger citizens turning into illit­ ginning, the prelude to the un­ erates because"of their ,ittachment to television and other dying fascination her story has passive forms",of recreation., ' exercised over all men, even her ' The number of juvenile books 'sold in the country in enemies who would blacken her 1947 was 54,000,000: The number of similar books sold last name; while for Elizabeth it was the exact opposite, a beginning year, just ten years later and during the rise 'of television, that would destroy her reputa.:. has risen to an impressive 270,000,000. tion f o r e v e r . ' With far deeper meaning than It has been said that 'figures don't lie but liars can figure. And so it· would not do to distort those statistics was ever attached to it ,by poor Stuart the motto. belongs into any forced thesis. But the great number of juvenile Mary to the Church as she comes to books sold last year surely points not only to more children the end of another liturgical but more children reading in the country. . year and begins over again the The colleges are also saying-in quiet voices as if not cycle of her lif0 with Christ. In year's end is contained the quite sure that th~ condition will last-that the incorriing each germ of her fresh beginning, the freshmen are showing a greater ability to read than was renewal of her covenant with true of their predecessors of ten years ago.' her, Divine Spouse. And even more, as each year The picture for literacy is not all' black, then. So here's is a' mirrot of the whole span of.' to more younger readers who do not lose themselves com­ time from Creation to the end plete1y to a twenty-one inch television tube but reach eagerly of the· world, so for. the Church for more and better books. '.', the anticipated end of time is only the commencement of that life of all living which is prom­ ised her ir the eternity of heaven. ' So it is that with a penetra­ tion of liturgical insight which' ill sheer 'unconscious genius. on the last Sunday after Pentecost the Church dwells on the theme OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER ,of the Judgment and repeats the prophecy on, the first Sunday of'" Published weekly byThe Catholic Press_of the Diocese of F~II River Advent: What for the world is a , '410 Highland ' A v e n u e , riddle it' understands not' i~ for Fall River, Mass: OSborne 5-7151 her the answer'to ihe 'question PUBLISHER ,whi,chHes at, the roof o~all ,of God's dealings with His creation. Most Rev. James L. Connolly, 0.0,: PhD. ,j From ,,:the ,first Pentecost the GENERAL MANAGER' ' ASST; GENERAL' MANAGER ., Christian 'mind has been preocRev. Daniel F. Shalloo. M.A. Re~ ..John P. Dris!=oll cup:ed' with the problem of the MANAGING 'EDITOR fulfillment 'of the prophecy. Ho-W ,Hugh J. G.olden often in' the course:of her history .






for its humorless self-satisfaction' we read books and magazine articles that say the same thing. The late Judge Rutherford has many imitators. ' . The temptation to -identify the "signs of the times'! as forewarn­ ings of the end is actually stronger now than in the past. We have outlived the Age of Enlightenment with its dogma that this was the best of all pos­ sible worlds, needing only more enlighte'nment and less religious superstition to insure its lasting forever. - ' , We have even outlived the crude, materialisin of the 19th century with its solemn affirma­ tion of the eternity of matter and the nonentity' of spirit. But we emerge into our atomic age like chIldren groping in' the semi­ darkness of an unfamiliar house. AIallost anything we touch may explode in our faces. Ghouls apd goblins, the unsolved problems of our society and our philosophy,' lurk in the corners ready to pounce on us. We are told that we hold the key to the kingdom of man in our fingers, but it may open in­ stead the trapdoor of the abyss. Small wonder that' the impulse to read the signs as portents of the approaching end is shared by many today, serious and 'sober men of judgment as well as charlat~ms' peering into the crystal ball. ,. ~ , - ,There, 'are tho~e who' bleakly despair of any 'salvation for the nations, for our civilization and culture. There are those' who are overwhelmed with horror at the revelation of human deprav­ ity, the "beatniks" of another lost generation. Better fold your hands, they

under the reign of Juhan ana died in 270. He is revered as a martyr because of the hardships' he' suffered. . '

, WEDNESDAY - St. Lazarus, Bishop,-'confessor.. He_' was . the ~ disciple' and friend 'of Christ,' who was raised from the dead by , Our Lord. It is believed that. with his sisters, Mary and Martha he journeyed into Gaul, and was the first Apostle of Southern France, becoming BISh-. op of Marseilles. He is the Patron Saint of that city. ' , say, in expectation of that final explosion which will unhinge the universe and send it flying, atomized, into chaos. But the Church holds her peace. She neither' knows nor' presumes to know. She does not :even guarantee ",Zero 1960",. though' some of her children would exalt it from private rev~" elation to official dogma. Her Divine Lord has kept ,the. secret. of the day and the hour. to Himself alone, and she is con­ tent to abide the question. She: only knows and is· sure in her. knowledge that in her end is her, be~inning.

,Art Director PORTLAND (NC) - Father John Domin has been appo'inted by ArchbIshop Edward D. How-' .ard of, Portland, Ore" as director of a newly-formed' Commis~ion of Sacred Art for the. Archdio­

cese of Portland. Father' Domin;

for several years national vice

'president of the Catholic Art

Association, is engaged in work­ . ing with Salve Regina Confer­ ence of Art Ed,ucators, a national organization. ~ , " '



Migrant· Families' CreateProblem For Prelate

Thurs., Dec. 11, 1958

Church Figures In Air Force Reach High

WASHINGTON (Ne) "It's a trying problem and it may take years to solve sat­ isfactory, but we'll "do it." There was a note of determin­ ation in the voice of Bishop Francis P. Leipzing of Baker (Ore.) as he discussed the prob­ lem of bringing the sacraments and ministering to the' spiritual welfare of some 16,000 men, women and children, who for five months of each year almost double the Catholic population of his diocese. The 16,000 are the families of migrant workers, American citi­ zens from Arizona, New Mexico and other southwest states who make an annual trek northward harvesting crops. ' Bishop Leipzig has no over­ abundance of priests in his dio­ cese ~ there are 41 diocesan priests and nine from religious communities - but as a step toward solution of the problem he has sent two of his ~lergy to Mexico City to study Spanish, and acquaint themselves with the practices and customs of the Spanish-speaking. ' The Bishop said that normally· there are about 18,000 Catholics in his 68,000-square-mile dio-' cese, which parses out to about one Catholic for every four square miles. The .parishes are widespreaq - "the . furthest is about 427 miles from me," Bishop Leip~ig ex~lained. .

,Terminal Mural, Honors Priest DETROIT '(NC)-A huge mosaic mural depicting the life and work of a pioneer priest will be unveiled next Monday in Detroit's new Greyhound Bus Terminal. The mural, 10 feet high and 15 feet wide, shows scenes from the life of Father Gabriel 'Richard. Father Richard first came to Detroit in 1798. In 1817 he es­ tablished the Uhiversity of Michigan and served as its first vice president and professor in six of its 13 departments. In 1823 he was elected a dele­ gate from' the Michigan Terri­ tory to the 18th U. S. Congress. The following year he secured passage by Congress of a bill authorizing construction of the first road from Detroit to Chi­ cago. . , Father . Richard set up the first printing press 'in the Mich­ igan Territory, other than those used for legal forms, and edited its first newspaper. He died of cholera on Sept. 13, 1832, while nursing persons suffering from the disease during an epidemic here. The new bus terminal is located on the site of Father Richard's former home and lehoo!.


W~SHINGTON (Ne) Chapel attendance -of Air Force. ~rsonnel and their families for the fifth consec­

SHRJ[NE'S ORGAN MEMORIAL TO WAR· DEAD: ,Francis Cardinal Spellman. (insert) Archbishop of New York and Military Vicar of the U.S. Armed Forces, has an­ nounced that the great organ to be installed in the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception~ on the campus of th~ Catholic University, in Washington; will be in memory of the deceased Catholic chaplains arid military personnel of both World Wars and Korea. The $250,000 organ will contain. 10,000 pipes from one-half inch long to over three stories high. This is the latest progress photo of the Shrine. The scaffolding pictured will be removed within, the next few weeks. N C Photo.

Plan Orgqn as Catholic Veterans Memorial at Nationai Shrine NEW YORK (,NC)-Francis Cardinal Spellman an­ nounced today that the organ at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception will be in memory of the de­ ceased Ca~holic chaplains and military personnel of both World -Wars and Korea. largestchurches when completed. Catholic' chaplains Of the The music played on the Veterans Memorial organ will U.S. Armed Forces have originate from . nearly 10,000 been accepting contributions pipes. The smallest of these will be less than one-half inch long to establish 'an organ' fund. To and no larger Uian a pencil. The date $117,000 has' been collected. . largest will be well over three Cardinal Spellman has suggested stories in height. that a most fitting memorial The 10 major divisions of the would be the magnificent organ organ will occupy two general to which a plaque will be at­ locations. The gallery organ, tached: high in' the nave of the Shrine, This organ has been donated for processions and congrega.. by the Catholic Chaplains and . tional singing, will be placed in Catholic· military personnel in two great chambers connected honor of the deceased chaplains across the rear of the church. and members of the Armed The chancel organ, to support the Forces. It is the voice of the voices of the choir, will be di­ military to· remind all who hea1' vided and placed above galleries it of the heroic .sacrifices of 102 on either side of the chancel. \ Catholic priests and untold thou­ Papal Trumpet sands or: war dead and to recall to the living the tremendous , The entire instrument will be played from either of two con­ price of· peace. . soles incorporating the latest '10,000 Pipes features. of organ design. ·.One of To insu,re .the installation of these will be located.in the ele­ the finest ,organ, a eontract has vated choir g~lle.rY; the other, in been signed .to purchase one for the chancel adjacent to .the sanc­ .. . $250;000. It is hoped that before tliary· the organ is actually installed, To crown the magnificence of more funds for thil' war memorial the organ's ·sonarity, the papal will be ·contributed. trumpet, a glistening ring of The National Shrine of the pipes, will project its brilliant tone throughout the entire

'Inimaculate Conception in Wash­ .ngton will be one of the world'! length of the vast shrine,

Here's OneCatholic

Who Doesn't Duck

ST. LOUIS (NC)-When non­ Catholics ask' questions about the Church, too many Catholics just sit back' and dodge the issues, a woman' author"publisher-Iec­ turer declared here. ' Maisie Ward, who also is Mrs: . Frank Sheed, in .a lecture at Maryville College of th'e Sacred Heart, observed: "If we would only help them, many more would come into the Church~" She said Catholics should bone up on their Faith and be pre:' pared to answer questions. "If you don't know enough about your Faith to answer questions about it, for God's sake learn," she said. "But if you're asked a question you can't answer, admit it. Tell your friend you'll find the answer and do so."

utive year pai'i;ed th~ 11 million mark during the 1958 fiscal year, it was announced here by Msgr. ('VIaj. Gen.) Terence P. Finne­ gan, Chief of Chaplains, U. S. Air Force. The year's attendance figures included 9,908,444 at services conducted by Air Force chap­ lains and 1,635,996 at services conducted in . ir Force chapels by civilian clergymen serving as auxiliary chaplains. Activity reports submitted by the chaplains in 1958 fiscal year showed the following other sta­ tistics: Missions Protestant preaching missions conducted by guest clergymen at Air Force 'nstallations both in the United States and overseas . btaled 1,512, with 113,932 at­ tending. Catholic preaching mis­ sions, led by ,civ;!ian priests in the United States and conducted overseas by two Air Force chap­ lains, numbered 2,601, with 227,­ 179 in attendance. There were 138 Jewish Torah ConvocatioWl held, with 3,922 present. Marriages performed by chap­ laiI:s number~d 6,575, just 418 less than the previous fiscal year. Funerals conducted by chaplains totaled 2,164, slightly le~ than in '1957 fiscal year.. More than 17,488 baptisms were recorded the past fiscal year. Only Portion "These figures," Msgr. Finne­ gan noted in making the report, "represent only a portion of the religious life of our personnel and their families. 'They cover only those services and pro­ grams monitored by Air Force chaplains, and do not include the . spiritual obligations carried out by our people in churches in the local communities surrounding our bases."

3 handy ways to bring home

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: FURNITURE : : : , BY STAR . ,LAY APOSTOLATE: Jaime Fonseca, editor of. Noticias Catolicas, Latin American edition of NCWC News·Ser;. vice, is 'at the microphone during· one of the Inter-. American Seminars in Lima. He made a month's tour for the People-to-People. in Ac­ tion program. NC Photo.


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-, THf ANCHOR . Jhurs:, Dec. 11, J95,S'


But It Wo'uld Be Worse to Do No Chris'tmas· Shopping' At An'


. Poor Clare Nuns Form' Fe-deration

. By'Mary Tinley Daly , Christmas shopping-it's upon us. The thorough.ly organized have finished with all that business: gifts are wrapped, lists checked, Christmas cards addressed and stamped, ready to be dropped in the box. ' For years -w,e hoped to ·th this world's goods, does not join those who, before have everything when it comes Thanksgiving, have their to spiritual favors. , We scan our list again and find presents bought and/or

people we'd like to remember handsomely. 'The Christmas. booklets give. the perfect an­ swer over and over again. There are the, mother-daug"ter dress­ f', that would look so cute on Lu and her three-Lu Anne, Deirdre and Maura-ahd even a matching suit for Sean. We index-finger over to the' right hand side of the page . What a darling doll But is Ginny too old for another doll? Would she rather have the red shoes with the small heels ' she has been hinting about so broadly? Typewriter for the' Head. of the House? Goodness knows he needs one-but could he bear to part with that beat-up old thing that has batte~ out so many stor­ ies, even though no self-respect­ 1938. ' . . ing junk dealer would have it 'Some people never learn! '. in his'shop? , A' Better Answer As for Eileen and Tony! Would On the threshold of organiza­ they r~ther. have something for tion, however, we' did make a their new home OJ: personal list of people. And then we tried, .items? " via the newspaper ads and the These decisions! What's the plethora' of Christmas booklets matter with us that we can't COMPLETE BLESSED MARTiN STATUE: This that have been arriving, to seek we just go down the list, order statue of Blessed Martin de ,Porres, a.p., was carved by out THE perfect gift for each by mail the way other people one.

do? If something costs too much, Father Thomas 'McGlynn, a.p., in his studio, Pietrasanta, , We're surprised to find in­ order something less expensive Italy. It will be placed in the Church of St. Dominic in numerable perfects "For the without worrying a'Jout it. London. The work was completed in the six months since Closing the books, we write the dedication of the Monument of the Immaculate Heart Man who Has Everything" and

"For the Woman Who Has Every­ opposite. certain names: Spiritual of Mary, by Father McGlynn at Fatima last- May. NC Photo.. thing". 'Why, we wonder, all t1,le Bouquets; opposite ,others: fruit concentrated concern for Mr. and cakes. ~'lat's where we always are Mrs. Satiate? And all the little

,"Have Everythings"? Wouldn't at this stage of December. Next a mere "Merry Christmas" do for step: a trip downtown in all the MANILA (NC)-His Emi- ' iar to the Far Eastern territories.. them? ' crush. Actually 'seeing items 'for' nence' Gregoire Pierre XV CardPro-Prefect of the Sacred Evidently not. We're advised. our loved ones is, to lis, more. - inal Agagianian has consecrated _ Congregation for the Propaga-' : satisfactory-,-and we find it a Manila's rebuilt Cathedral.of the that we can purchase a· mink­ tion of jhe Faith,-,the Cardinal covered bottle o'pener, a jewel­ · little' easier to go beyond the - Immaculate Conception here. . was here ·as· Legate to the Bish,;,

crliSted' pill box, "Do not- Dis­ . budget than when we cooly and The consecration preCeded the' op;s m'eeting of His H9liness

· calmly contemplate the purchase turb" signs in ten languages and 'opening of a conference 9f some, ,Pope. JOhn, XXIII. ,He:was ac..

. . big game heads' of ,lions, tigers : at home;. , . 60 Asian Bishops wpe> met under,' companied by ,550th~r~ ~n t~ . The' annual Christmas sPirit·~ Cardinal Agagianian's" leaderand le6pards to 'hang',Qn the flight fr~m Ro~e., for the two, "taking over.! ' , walls of the Satiate den. . ship to discuss. problem~ pecul'; . events;. That's ducky!. . . Real Joyous Occasion

For'the few on our list who "Have Everything" we find' a far better answer-it's in some For Oblate Prelate'

VANCOUVER (NC) - Four­ -of the' other Christmas mail:. those spiritual bouquet cards; teen years ago a girl imprisoned in an internment camp in.' the promising Masses, and remem­ brances in far-off missions,' and Philippines became a' Convert . ··some missions and convents in to Catholicism; our own couhtry: The girl, now 20 years old, The· Religious, striving to do · has been married here in' Canada. God's work are very generous And the Oblate missionary who with their prayers, and goodness officiated at theinarriage was knows they can use a small \ the same priest who baptized' stipend we might send them in her in the internment camp. our friend's name. And our The' new.lywed is Eleanor friend, no matter how well fixed Duff of Vancouver, whose mar-' riage to William C. Watson took ' place in the presence of Bishop Gerard Mongeau, Prelate Nullius of Cotabato, in the southern Philippines: . Eleanor was' only three years old when she was' interned. She and her parents' were among 4,000 Allied pJ:isoners held in. Santo TomaS Internment'· Camp, in Manila from i942 to 1945: Among' the 'internes were ' lZ. Oblate .missionaries. 'Their su- : perioi was' Father Gerard Mon­ geau~ , . made. Even, some year, we look,ed forward to ' emUlating Hildegarde Mallet - Prevost whose exquis­ ite taste can spot the perfect Christmas ent as she goes antiquing in January, Feb­ ruary, June and July! . Same old story with us. Here It is mid-. December 1958 and we"re about to commence' shoppin~, In crowded stores with depleted' stoc;:ks . . .We're no better this year than ,we were in December 1948,' or December

EVANSVILLE (NC)-Repre-.· sentatives of 11 monasteries of the Franciscan 'Poor Clare nuns in the United States and west­ ern .Canada have voted to form a federation of their commun­ ities. ' The federation is planned to promote exchange of ideas on the .observance of their rule, promoting vocations, composing and editing works on their shared ritual, promoting the Sis­ ter' Formation program and c0­ operating' in all other fields where the interests of the vari­ ous monasteries coincide: Retain Autonomy Under ~he federation plan, in­ dividual monasteries will retain their autonomy. The federation will not affect the jurisdiction of local ordinaries. There will be no common novitiate. ! The his tor i c meeting of mother abbesses and elected chapter deleglltes marked the first time that members of the Poor Clares in North America have been· permitted outside their cloisters. The unusual per­ mission was granted specially by the Holy See in order that they migh~ attend the meeting. The Holy See has in the past ex­ pressed a desire that communi­ ties of contemplative Religioul 'who share the same rule form. voluntary federations:

Hom Hectic Society NEW YORK'(NC)-The first

convention of the newly organ­

ized Catholic Homiletic Society

will open here Dec. 28. The so­

ciety seeks to promote more ef­

fective preaching.

'The' Family ·That Prays Together Stays Together"

Cardinal Consecrates Cathedral


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Prayer and Sacrifice

Persecution Weapons

YOUNGSTOWN (NC)-Cere­ m'onies' marking 10 years of re­ ligious persecution in,. Romania have been held here. , Auxiliary. Bishop Joseph M. SchmondiiIk of, the Byzantine Rite Exarchy of Philadelphia warned against the danger., of becoming' complacent, he stated: UNITY OCTAVE: Mother "The entire progralp of' perse­ Luran~ :M:ary Francis,. Frart­ cution. in Europe.' is obviously ciscan nun, who died in'1~35, 'a 'well thought out ·,plan. VigjI- "­ was foundress of the Sisters ance is necessary not only to ,f the, Atonement, ,'.' Gray':, , expose· the diabolical intentions 0 ,of the persecutors,' but' also 'to' more. She" suggested the .. prevent the continuation of the name Chair of Unity· Oct~ve terrors, injustices and inhumani­ for the program .ofpraYer', ,ties perpetrated .by th'e avowed , . enemies of religion.'" , for religious unity' annually. :,- "The one all-powerful' w~a~ " observed'by the Church. NC 'on," he'added, "is the combina;' Photo. Uon of prayer ·and sacrifice....



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Today'~ Fas~ions


Budget Styles. 'rruly Lux~ri9us, Giddy Bags Are 'Just for Fun By Ellen Kel[ey

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Dec. 11 ~ 1-958


Catholic Youth Sings'Amahl'

Imagine! You can buy wash-and-wear orIon (bulky) sweaters with lacy flowers and seed pearls in sizes 34 to 44 for a budget-wonderful $8. These versatile dress up sweaters team wonderfully with "after-five" skirts in varying lengths and do an excellent job of Indoor-Outdoor Bootee." It has "'window 'dressing" when its own built-in' elasticized cot­ used as topping for daytime ton sock and is available'in sand dresses and skirts as well. suede with black sock, black Wondrous arnel jersey shapes with red, red with green or • hostess coat (in sizes for misses 'multicolor plaid-has a warm and women) ... causes it to look rubber sole. It's available in full fearfully expensive, yet the sizes--for girls, juniors,petites,­ price is a startlingly low $8,98 misses and women, and is fea­ (proving once again that smart tured at a budget-pleasing $4.95. fashion can be budgeted). This Dodge office chills in a "Quilt lovely, flattering hostess coat Cover-Up". H's' a char~ing ('Ol' robe, if you will) is floor waistcoat-type j a c k e t, wool­ length, has' almost-to-the-elbow filled and warm. It is indeed, a sleeves, a pretty vee neckline. handsome chill-dodger, features It's available in just about every braided gold trim on black ace­ color of the 'raipbow, and has tate taffeta. It's not the least a deep front inset of contrasting bulky, may be worn 'neath a eolor in' pastel tones. coat. It's' available in round or Delightful bits of fashion non- vee neckline style, keeps you sense on the Fall horizon are deliciously warm-and elegantly "Lightning Bags". They are accoutered, into the bargain. night -lighting" hand - glittered It's December, and the. whis­ giddies that you've often admired pering of silks is heard through at fabulous prices. (Right ·now. the land, <.Is they bloom in a you can get them nearly every- Northern scene, or fly Southward whee for about $5.00). These to the sun. They gleam in a gar­ charming "Lightning Bags" are den of prints, in colorful colon­ "de rigeur" for grand 'holiday nades-both shy and bold. Silks affairs, and for every social shape up with great subtlety. butterfly on your Christmas list. These are slim, yet ever-so-softly One charmer that I particu- full. Yes, fall fashion whispers "Silks"; if you would be ele­ larly admired is a sequin chain gantly dressed for just about pounch framed in gilt. It comes every occasion. in black, red, sapphire, white. Have you a cruise in view? pink, pale blue and green. An- . Then you'll be interested in a other chic little "Lightning Bag" soft, white wool flannel outfit, .is a clutch type, covered com- embroidered with a color garden. pletely with bugle beads in pale It will earn a' fashionable pas­ blue, pink or white. So be on the sage a-ship or-ashore! It's a re­ lookout for one of these popular freshing idea, too, for holiday handbags to augment your newlld VICTORIA (NC) - Kirk season, after-five fashions. hostesses, with casual pu own Jordan, a seventh-grader at The soft wool suit-dress' crosses top and 'slimmed .skirt that's fully linetl. It's also available in St. Joseph's ~chool in Texas eity lines beautifully. It's first pastel tones, and deep, vibrant choice for town or' travel, flaunts shades. Its' pi;ice is slightly over will star for the third year on nationwide television in the plenty of buttons, gathers plenty thirty doUars. . title role of the opera "Amahl of compliments for' you. Tonie. \ . ;.' . and the'Night Visitors." tltis scheduled-for-great-popu- M. othe~. C,oelho En·Ioys.: . larity, suit-dress is at its most The opera, which has a Christ­ mas theme, is the work of com­ beautiful ill one of, t!le basic . Birthday at Villa Fatim~ poser Gian Carlo Menotti: It eolors--gray, beige, black, navy A founding member of the will be"telecast by NBC tele­ .. g r e e n . ' Sisters' of' St. l)orothyJ~ the Choose it in a sleekly fitted, United "'slates, Mother Oliyia' vision ,on December 14 at 5 P. M. (EST): . ckessy sty'h~"or in a slim taiiieur COelh'o" de Carvalho,' celebrated 01. classic simplicity; dres'it up or her 80th ··'birthday at Villa . Young' Kirk was first chosen to sing the role of' Amahl . in down with accessories, as your Fatima, the Taunton novitiate of mood or the moment suggests. the community. 1956, when he won a competi­ ~he price? Wonderfully enough Born in Portugal, Mother tion to fin( a boy to take the -just under fifteen dollars.) Coelho entered religious life in part. This may be his last year in the role, if his voice begins to Brilliant brocade lights your that country, but the 1910 revo­ change before next Christmas. night life with a softly shimmerlution forced her community. to ing gleam of color. Oftentimelj, ... flee.,Of those who came to the He is the f of Mr. and Mrs. this beauty is a slim sheath of a' United States she and one other John Jordan of Victoria. Mr. dres!}, the hemline short (but sister "are '.the only survivors. ~ Jor<;lan is an etectrician for the long enough to be in good taste, The \ridi'i;uperior of the Taun­ Southern Pacific Railroad. which means the right length. for ton' novitjate, Mother Coelho is According to his teachers, the you, according to your height still very: active. Before her as­ Brothers of Mary who conduct and width). The waistline is high, signment to Villa Fatima, she St: Joseph's, Kirk has been and in this case, is emphasized was superior and teacher .in maintaining a 95% average in with a strategically placed waist- Rhode Island 'schools of the school this -·ear. He sings in the bow. There's a high, jewel neck- community. school choir and is also an altar line, a slim-line skirt. Colors are Marking her' birthday, the boy at Our Lady of Lourdes eiel blue, champagne beige or Helpers of Villa Fatima, a group . Chlirch here.

misty mauve. Sizes are forji,mof laywomen; .provided a turkey Prior to 'appearing on tele­

iol's only, and the price is a gen- dinner for the community and vision in "Amahl," Kirk will .me budget-wonder!prelle~tedMotherCoelho with ' sin~ the role in. productions of If you would be the belle 9.t 'many, gif~s., the opera throughout the Mid­ west during Deceinbj.r. tile ball, you'll be interest~d in. .' , .,'" " the elegant sweep of pale .blue> :: Mass,achusetts College silk satin. that I a~mired just this"{.'AClds'20 Scholarships week. ThIS b~auhful g,own woul'<l' PAXTbN (NC)-Anna Maria' have been rIght. at· h,orne at the C 11 . 'h" . , . , ed thOat . ·t· . t Ii ' h' . 0 ege:· as. announc 1 - Tr~ck Bo.~y,~Builders

C?urt of .Josephm.e.. I '. as a .1- will offer 20. scholarships for the rISe bodice, a WIdely bouffant, . . _ '. . . Aiuminuni or S.leel

t b'e 11sou t year 1959. ThlS m · th s k'Irt 'th a.· . . wlll be done .' , fl oor- 1eng ,. 944 County St.

ill the back to give a delightful commemoration of ,the. Lourd~s . h'lOny 100 k • Centenary Year. These are b In NEW BEDFORD MASS.

pm-cus . . th I WV '2-6618

Available in misses' sizes, and addItIOn to . e regu ar num er a definite entrance-maker, this is of scholarships, the Massachu­ a gown that ~ill dance across a· setts college reports. ballroom floor with plenty of Supreme Protector verve-make you the envy of PITTSBURGH (NC) - Pope your contemporaries, and cause John XXIII has assumea the YOy "to stagger the stagline"! title carried by Pope Pius XII 'of, You must have noted, admired, Supreme Protector of the Pon­ and possibly bought some of the ·tifical Association of the Holy .,• • • • • • • • •~• • • ~i wonderful new angora caps, de­ signed for mother and daughter. Childhood. The association is • the' official children's mission-' • . OU Priced just under two dollars, '. ' I em these "cuddle caps", are cutting a~4 society in the Church. • swathe in the Fall' fashion • EVERYBODY DOES I world. They're fluffy little caps .' of French angora,.made'by hand, .: .. ·and DO less. They're available in every oolor and shading of a Wipter rainbow. To me, they're loveliest .ill. snowy white. Incidentally, . FARMS " tiler do an excellent w~-uP' Inc. job-are definite chill-cha~n. 141 washuigton'St. FairhaveD OSTERVR.LE .A. new high in warmth, style Just ,off Route 6 GArden 1-'. aDd eomfort ia tbe .•~'rowilel'. ~



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Lourdes Volunteer and Lecturer To Receive Marian Award DAYTON (NC) - A woman who attributes her recovery of health to the waters at Lourdes, and who has since spent her life working at the French shrine of Our Lady, will receive the University, of Dayton's 1958 Marianist Award. Mrs. Winifred A. Feely, who has lectured extensively in this country on Lourdes and who serves as' a volunteer at the Med­ ical Bureau of the shrine, will be given the ninth annual award at ceremonies at the uni­ versity on December 10. Mrs. Feely, a widow, believes she was cured in 1950 of a chest .

Lecture by Nun Sets Precedent


WOODSTOCK (NC)-A nun who lectured at Woodsock Col­ lege, Jesuit School of Theology, · was the first woman to do so in the college's 90-year history. Sister Mary Emil, executive secretary of the Sister Forma­ tion Conference, addressed fac­ ulty and students on the aims · and achievements of the confer­ ence, which sl}e described as an effort by the Sisters of the coun­ try to solve their own intellec­ tual and spiritual formation problems. . The school system the nuns have helped to build in this country has no equal in the world, she said, adding it can become an even more valuable contribution to ' the Church through improved formation of the Sisters who have such a large part in maintaining it.

St. Louis to Exhibit latin American Art ST. LOUIS (NC)-A collec­ tion of original Mexican and other Latin American art objects will be established at the Pope Pius XII Memorial Library at St. Louis University. The .col~ection, of pre-Colum· bian,.colonial and modern Latin American art, will be exhibited at the Pius.XII ,Library in con· junction with the world's largest collection. of source material on Church history in Latin Amer­ ica and, especially._Mexico..


tumor described by Doctors as "inoperable and inaccessible." However, as she has emphasized in her lectures, her cure cannot be proved to be miraculous be­ cause no tissue of the malig­ nancy was examined before the tumor's disappearance and con­ sequently ther..: is no medical way to prove it existed. Father Andrew L. Seebold, S.M., university president, sa~d Mrs. Feely, the first woman to receive the award since it was' established in 1950, will come to Dayton from France to accept the plaque, given each year for "outstanding service in Ameri­ ca to the Mother of God." Bo~n of British parents in China, Mrs. Feely was educated and married there. Her husband, an Irish businessman, died after several years in a Japanese con­ centration camp. She was in France when World War II broke out, escaped to England and worked with civilian defense groups there during the war. In 1950, she was seriously ill 'and went to Lourdes to "pre­ pare for a good and holy death.". While in the baths at that shrine, she says, she' was' cured. Since that time she has been associ­ ated with the Medical Bureau as a general 'assistant and inter­ preter, working at the shrine during the pilgrimage season and lecturing around the world, particularly. in the United States, during the "off-season." After receiving the Marian­ ist Award - the university's highest religious honor-to be given at a student convocation on the campus, Mrs. Feely will embark on' another lecture tour which will take her to Cleveland, St. Louis and .Denver and other cities. The Marianist A ward was es­ tablished to commemorate the triple centenary of the coming of the Society of Mary (Marian­ ists) to the United States; the death of the society!s founder, Father William Joseph Chamin­ ade, and the founding of the University Of. Dayton by tbe Marianists.






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The Yardstick

Stab'iliz'atio~ df; E~~"~my Needs Definit'e' Planrting

By Msgr.":GeOl'ge 'G. Higgins, Director NCWC Social Action· Department' In 1952, during a nation-Wide sj;r.ik~· 'the:basic steel ·',iridustry, Max Ascoli, editor ~f The lteport~r, 'advocated a , system' of· "loose corporatisin~~ as a s61udon to' the labor-. management probleJjl in the major iridustries of the VniteQ States. With specific ref-, ,baC~gr~undS and;froin: as many. erence to the steel disp'lite occupations and' professions 'as , and' similar 'national emer,;, ·,pos~ible. '.. "gencies, he argued that "we '. canadiail'PropoSa( .' : In the meantime, . " ,while, '" ." we . '. are' . ""need , the cooperative effort ·of. '. ali the. parties conc.erned-govwaiting 'for' The Reporter (or ernment, capi- some other national journal" of tal,. and labor- opinion) to launch a full-dress through new debate on the pros and cons of" a "loose system o.f corporatism", r e'g u 1 a tor y age n c i e s, at it is interesting to note that the least for the in- Canadian and Catholic Confed:" definite future," eration of. Labor recently made Nothing ever . a recommendation which seems ~me of Mr. to parallel Mr. Ascoli's proposal "Ascoli's pro,;, rather closely. po.sal, and, to the best of .my In a memorandum submitted "recollection, he on' Nov. 21 to the Royal (Canad-' · 'iaJi) Commission holding it pub- .b,iinself !'iidn't . 'lic' hearing 0.'h l,be prices offbod 'Say any' more :'aboutit until .Nov. '27 of'. til.is commodities, .the CCCL·recom· · . " f' th t . mended. that the Dominion, and goverpmentsof,Cari., ":~h'lI11enge to the "liberills"who ,', ada',.esiablish'price~ arbitration '. " .

-THE ANCHOR Thurs.~ Dec, 11, 1958

Nuclear Tests Hurt Missions :In Paci'fic'


ROCHESTER-Continued testing of . 'nuclear weapons 'in the Pacific area is having an·' ill' effect on missionary work, among ~h,e.Japanese,..-. nun who worked!. in Japan :foio . - the last decade reportEid here. - Sister 'Mary - Vincent of the .' Daughters of St,:Patil, back home ·in Rochester ona vacation; said \ that as a result of, the nuclear tests many of. the fish become radio active. She reminded that fish not'only are as important part of the Japanese diet· but 'also one of the. chief sources of their livelihood. . "The, Japanese believe that thousands have died. as a result VINCENTIANS COMMUNION BREAKFAST: Fol­ of these tests," Sister Mary Vin- ' lowing Mass at St. Patric0s Church, Fall River, pri~cipals cent said: "And this' has reacted of the area's St. Vincent Paul Society are shown before "against the missionaries. When the corporate Communion Breakfast.. Left to right: Rt. Rev. · we aproachthe' Japanese to Edmund J. Ward, pastor; of St. Patrick's Church;' Bishop · teach: them Christianity, they say ,to ·us:· ··.~you ·call yourseivell Connolly,- main speaker; H.F:ra~k Reilly, area president; .Chi:istiiuis, '-but -look what 'you Vincent Mannion, president of St. Patrick's council.. . . . . did and are doing. to us.' It makes . . '. . '.,' . " the barrier facing the .mission.;, : , ,arie~ much greater to overcome." . '.' . . . . , ' ." . , ,... , ' . . , ' .' .. "It. is now most difficult *­ "o~ercome ·thepromises made bF be: next ·serve· ,t~~.'~olIllllunists. They' are' not Congr~s~.. , . ' , , . , ; , . . '. (a)"to' jUdge.thegri>iJ~dll on '. WASHINGTON (N'C)-A U. S. .congressman ·ha;s asked ·.condu$ltiilg . Dl,lC~lear tests in· ·the ". ., '" , ,~eed PlaDlpnlt".-' . ",., ',~ wllfch. ,primary:,': producers. aOO'. . ·the State Department to demand ·from· the 'Peiping govern- ,Pacific' like ;we 'a·re· and the~ ':!Liberalis~ ; ' ... /~. h-:,~r~te!... I distributorsofess~ntial.products ':"ment' '~n' explanation of the'c,csudden disappearance'"Of '.make, the,'ifiost Qf this," Sister Mary Vincent said.. "will .....have.; to, !a~e : ex.a~tmg .' and ser:vi~es' support theiz: re- . Maryknol.l-. Bishop .Jam.es E.W.·alsh;' 6'!,th.e. i~st Am.tiicaJi She··reminded that the Japan­ ta'sks' in the commg,·~ears.;·To· quest for-- price increases and ···''-me.ntion only:,on~:.,the':·fIght':··(·.b·) t' , . . ' :' : . "t' " .. 11 . missionary. iIi Red .China. . Bishop Walsh is a'veteran 'of 'ese are a very patriotic people .'. . fl t' d ds insti 0 I n.q u Ire In o·a , (D h d" d f . . i1lg~InSt III a IOn emaIJ' - . spheres 6f economic life in order Rep. ThomasJ. Lane t r~e· eca es ~o, servIce In 'a'nd naturally' have reacted tre'­ ': '.. . ; . ' . Chma, 'but he has been severely 'mendously' . agains.t AmericaJlll · . tu~lOnal reforms d,;slgned· to ,.,to discover abuses in the price' -;,-brIng together the 'powers of . 'f' Id d' t . . th' t th Mass.) Galled attentIOn to a limited in his activities fot'the be'cause of the tests. .' f" Ie an 0 expose em 0 e . . ' . . government, of .buSIness, 0 .agn-. bI' .' '.' " . ' Nov. 29 story in The' Pilot, past severa~ years, although he Sister Mary Vincent said that "'culture' and of labor, if ways are pu IC. . ~ iI.·~w.sP~p: e~ of the Boston arch- had never been pl~ced tinder It is much easier to conduct con­ t . vert work among ·the Japa'nese to "be' fo' und to steady the value, These ,.proposed boards would h' h . . h W 1h arres. . of the dollar. ,.,' . ' only have the power to carry out dIOcese W IC. saId Bls op as. The Bishop has been in failing women than men. She explained: It· not be steadied without investi~ations and .makerecom- : '''failed to come to his office in ,health in recent years, and has "The Japanese women have nO .8ustaIned, ~aIl. d · mendatIons, Shanghai for the past week" and been subJ'ected to repeated atsocial standing, so they are more concerted' effoF t s, . an Id t b In .other th words, . d t they . such efforts demand planning, . wou t~o.. ~'a~, onze' 0 I~'" that his house boy had not seen tacks in the communist press. In eager to listen since Christianity not superstitious reliance - on pose elr. e~ls~on.s .eIth er. y h~m for a week. It noted further .- 1955, it was rumored that he was affords them an increased social chance. It is the task of liberals ,law or by admInIstrative rulIng. . that reports received by officials. planning to leave Chi'1a, but he position. For this reason and also to' see to it that planning is deThey wo.uld. be composed of. in' Hong Kong indicate the has consistently refused to do so because of the nuclear tests, the vised' and' executed by defining ,representatives of producers, la... Bishop has not been available without being, formali y expelled men rebel against the mission­ aries." .. the specific responsibilities' of . ?or organizations, cooperatives, to visitors since Oct. 19. by the Red government. independent and 'correlated Industry, and th~ government. Rep; Lane said in his letter to sources of authority." .T~ese .representat~veswould·be Secretary of State Dulles that if·' "I t '.IS 'd'ff' 't' e rm"'ne by the government on . Bishop' Wals.h "is 'alive, as. we . I ICU'It'' . t'0 . :d e l ..'. appointed '. . ' ~ 'fr'. om . M'·r. 'A'sco .:1"" IS t wo,." e d·'to·r· I I·.als" .... ,· thoe recommendation· .... :of, '.. the ' . '- hop'e' ·and.'­ pr,ay for, the Reds · of:June 1952:arii{November .•1~58 : abov,~,men~lO~e~ .0rgamz.atlOns," should verify tl).at fa~t in or!i~r . ., .' ,.. ,. , ,.,,{. .,. b'o. al!d,' could ·be replaced m the 'to delay the' widespread fears for, precl~el~ what }~e .,.Jll.~an,s_y.. a:., same'manner ,j . . ..·.hl·s.safe·t·y·.'.th·at have' .b·een· c"aus'ed 'syStem of. ~,~loose .·co~poratJsm" :'.... or, precisely wha(kind of "insti- .': . ,.' Deser.ves Hearin~. 'bY' his·siJdden 'disapp~arance." .. . .tutional ,reforms" he:' ,. has., ii!" .1 am not' arguhig.for or against '. . ~If,he h;s bl'!~n arr.ested,,, Rep; ... mind. ii. is hoped" therefore,,that . : this recommendation of the Can- . Lane's letter continued, "we .withinthe·,·near. future·:h(s. pro- ? adian and Catholic Confedera_hav,e"a' right :'t~_ ~rioW~ha~ ..Msa!. ,will bespei~ed-" ~ji.t .~~. tion of'.Labor,.1t is cited' here, trumped-Up charges have been · gr~ate~ .. detail· in ii': seri~!!,of' merely for"purposes of' discus-' preferred against"liim and where feature articles. sion, as. one of several' possible he' is imprisoned. The' Chinese .. .i The Repor;ter, it'see!TIs tc) 'me, . ways .of implementihg the 'genauthorities must bec'iearly and wQu!d ··be an:.' ideal forum in . eralprinciple' expounded by Mr. firmly 'informed that Amer i ­ .. which' to '~'hiuncli . ' ,. cans held as political prisoners . .. , , .a' ,systematic . Ascoli. ' . . , ... " .. ··discUssion Qf the pros' ar,ld .cons ' . . . ' b y the' Red!! _Il'lUst ,be released ',Paint, and,Wallpaper. ~ wAtER HEAtERS." " of:democraflc planning ~.:. J:11erits 'of the proposal before there can any "lessen:' 20 gallon dbpacity ". Dujao....ti'air1t ·.th~ough the .-medium· of ':'new . obviously: open. to discussion, ing .of .·t~nllion,between the' regulatory agencies"··made upo~. particu.larly in view .of- the fact Uriited States and Eed China." . . ... . I' ,... - , . ·',.t.h.at U:iiinits itlle.·lf to the field of . ~PARKING . • . Rear of Store' representatIves 'of ' a~r,·-'man.:.'· - "I' speCifically re.q~esi,". R.ep. .a~errient, " agfIcu . "l't ure· ~ , 'd 't'h . jiriCesa ..nd.. make.s no provision an : e Lane asserted,. "that the U. S. Q.;~a.; . ,422 Acush. Ave" H~ Government. fO'r the public review of 'pro-' official who is conferring with , ~. '. :Posed wage increases. . PIPING AND' HEATING· .cor: Middle St. :. Th.is· d.iscus!?ion~as, be"e!1l~girig "'. .. . . .... .. , an, agent of. the Red Chinese 25. So. Main St••. Wl'· 3-0096 . ', N~w Bedford on 'intermittentlYin the'Catholic . NeyeJ:'theless It deserves. ;a government at ,Warsaw. concern­ pr~ss for:a J\urriber·o(ye~rs,an.d,,':.' Sympatheti~ . hearing-,amuch ingthe release of other ;Ameri';' .. .' .:do 'a lesser extent, in:certain:s.eg:", . inore '!lYrnpa,thetic .hellring; in:cans be. instructed to demand :~jn~n.ts .pf, :t1ie·~iab.?t ,:~ress::' Th~ rc.~<I.~nti:illYr t~ail :was giv~n.; ~O:a. fuil" and accllfllte ' information . ,"" .­ .:"tirile,has. come, however,to in'- .' SImIlar pr;Qp.osal:..rnade .!n,thls, concerning' the .health . and 1• . ': .'.. '1"i~61ve more peopie··ln:the discus- -,,'. co.u_ntry .p~ ttle. Unib~d'. A'u!~l)lo~.~ .. whereab6uts 6£ Bi'shop" -Walsh> .Window Company . ,

. sion-peopJe of various r:eligious. bile' Workers' several ~onths W¢ must, nev~r compromise on ... 'ALUMINUM

. . .S,-ORE, FRONTS." ~ . .. . .~ ,.' a g o . . ".. , . our sworn" ':duty .tQ. protect the .. : ' W!~DOWS. -DOORS Mirrors .;. Tub .Enclosures CANOP.IES ~ AWNINGS· . Decora'tiveG/ass'·.. · 'RayHunt 1746Ac~shnet 'Av~nue of Md.,\ 1783 Acushnet Avenue New Bedford WY 2-8847 Stamp collecto;s a're: invited WY 4-4551 ·to attend meetings oft.be. Vatican Urg~s Se~ : Philatelic SoCiety,"a: group spec­ -ializing in stamps~ and ,covers Movie~,e.lease S~urteYant · issued by ,ti1e v..atic~n City post ,.. .oif.ice., ,. . ,,', '. " ..-:: '. .. NEIW tYORtKh (NNCt~-Inl Lan ~n­ ~~.:. ·.Next'meetinir:6rcthe:Eastern usuaac IOn,e ;IlOna eglOn ~ He~ting'

. ,Mass~lI:hi.i'se'tt's 'chapter willb'e . of Decency' lias announced it has " . ·.Est:. 1897... 'heid ~t Sf. )VI~rY of the Angels, placed ".The Inn of Sixth Happi­ .:915 A~ushn~t·Ave.

'. ,R~ctory! .?7.7' Walnut":Avenue,. ness;" A-I chissification (mora\ly :'BQilders" S~p'plies' At :Weld: Square

· Roxbury, according to William unobjectionable fQr generai pat­ ::2343 Purch~seStreet' P. Quinn, president~,It -is sched- ronage) and recommends it.' ~~ord'

~li!~ : B~df9~.~ .: . ·uled for' Palm Sunday' evening, highly ~'to the Catholic patronage . . New· Be.dfOrd's· Lending . WY. :6"5661­ . March 22, 1959 at 6:30. of the entire' family." . . :) ,: Plumber ' A t the last meeting, members "This film's dramatic,. artistic ENTERS ,NOVITIATE:' saw: a demonstration' of- silk· and entertainment values are . r-.;,;.----....;,~-------'" -, ~. nil .. D_·D..;.~.;.a;..lI~o_o 1! .' . Jerome ·F.'. Lowney, 'spn-,-of screen printing,o!album pages superior and its moving story of . 0, · Mrs. Irene; Lowney' of:2.91·.. · for.t~e. Cardina~ Spel~~an sta~p the heroic spirit and··tremendous . , " , . ' , . collectIOn.' Each receIved a title courage of the missionary porSHEET METAL:'

. .,; .ON{STOP ~~)Ut?· s,t.:. S~me~~~t .an~the ,page for a Vati~'ari stamp album 'trayed in the picture, will be a :' J.' JESER; Pr~p." "

late . ~I1ham. Lowlll:ly,.,h~s 'and.··instructions:,:~ere·.given on rewarding experience foralCwho RES./DENTlAL.· .. ,.. . ...

. : : :SftOPPING C:NTER . entered· the ·Novitiateof.;theasserriblirig.such. a. book.' . see .it," the Legion stated...

. .,'TelevisioD· • Furnit~n HolyCross ...Bro~hers/ :I:~Ild.ilh.lstr~ted~,anel~ of r~~ .. ',';Because. this film is an in-. ' :':. INDUSTRIAL .

.. :'~p~lillri~' e. ·(irocer). .' .. lJglO.us from. of such.extra':., . ..::.·COMMERC/AL a·t·'· Ie,'NY' '.' .'H'" e IS ,a·'1''9'57'" .,grad"- ... '.' ...... stamps. " ,...... : ...Cardinal ' " ' .spiring . production . ,. ., .,, " . ". . 't"'f'C' . I': H';"h" :S' 'h" I': .•.. Sp!!~lm~n 5: coll~ctJOJ:l were'. on. ordinary merIt the Legion ,high., ~ 253 .~ar St: 'Ne~ ~dford A1len)St.. Iltew Bedford' lla. ~ O......o.y.e, ,~g . ; ... c..()o,. . display, and, Vatfcanstamps' aM ';'ly recommends it·to the ,Catholic ' . . WY 3~3222""'''' . . ... wYmu' 1,;,9354 . ."•. ". ' .. l'auntOlJ.:.'; ".> "r'~~ :~,~,. ';, '_ .. ~:,cQvers we~~'~uctioried.', . patroriage.'-of the. entire family.... "(~~,''-.......~ .• ' ~._. '!"."!'!"!".,;,."'!'........~-....!""!'I.

·~~r;·hinb~~~h~~f~:e~ga~nata 'ProviIlci~1






Red Chi.,.ese a ;. Ex.plciin,·pisappea,~p~c;e ..of Bi.s~~p,.,;,














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.V~'tk~~Sta",'p$~H'~I,d . ~i::: ~:~i~~Si~h:ig~~mO~o~~j~= C~II,ct~rs' interest . . ta~.'~ative Cumbe~ia~d,










N, ·.rrisftT.ri.·p·. p


vaJ.. ".





TH~ AN\';ttOR­

The Family Clinic


Thurs., Dec•. 11,1958

Urges Couple Find FU,lIness Of Unity in Golden Years

StonehiU Sen~ors

In 'Who's Who'

By Father John :L. Thomas, S.J. Assistant Professor of Sociology. St. Louis Vni:versity

It is possible for· couples'i to grow apart rather 'than together during marriage? Out' last child marrfeda few'

months ago; and' now, not only our home but our lives seem terribly empty. I guess 'we were so busy with,the:' children we': didn't have They are growing, but separate- ..

much time for each other. ly, not together.

Joe has worked very hard, They may not ·discover· this but most of, his Interests are . until they have launched their.

Oklaho·';'·a Cath.olic :College Expanding




.Four Stonehill College sen­ iors from the Fall River Diocese are included among nominees to "Who's Who in A!Jlerican Uni­ versities ~nd Colleges," national

listing of outstanding students. They are John D. Connell, 130 Martha Street, Fall River, president of the D.ebate Society and Spe·ech-Arts. Society; Ann V. Guilmette, 1618 Slade Street, Fall River, business editor' of "The Summit," secretary of the Business Society and calJtain of the cheerleaders. Also Denise S. Murphy, 238 Main Street, North Easton, co­ director of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine and secre­ tary of the Debate Society; anell

Frances N. Papazoni, 1 Kilmer Avenue, Taunton. Their selection by faculty me'rhbers was judged on the basis of scholarship, participa­ tion in campus' activities, citi­ . zenship, .service, and promise . of .future .usefulness. _

:. The stude:i:its will receive

, ce~tificates .of· recognition, and

wiJI be' included in the 1959 edition of "Who's Who."The~ .: wiJI also be entitled to use'. 01 ..., · the student placement sen,iee provided by the "Who's Wno'" organization. .

his own. We just don't know last child and turn to survey how to enjoy things together any- ,their empty nest-and themmore. What can selves. Then they may discover, we do? 'as you have, Rose, that time Your problem ' .' and unshared experience stand is not as un- between them, . " In some measure this' is incommon as you evitabie. What can you do?

may think, Rose. To some . First, don't make the mistake

of some who find their own mar­

extent, it Is a new problem. 'i"iage now so erp.pty that they Owing to the seek something to do by trying . HIGH SCHOOL PRE CANA CONFERENCE: Mem­ earlier age at to run their children's marriages. bers of Our Lady of Grace Parish, Westport, discuss topics . Your children should· remain ' marriage,sma11>d'ear to you,a constant source of to be tr.eated. Left to righ t: J udy Campbell, F ranees M onast, er families, and lov~'. and ha'ppiness, but they' Walter DePaola and Rev. Anthojly M. Gomes, conference increased avermust be allowed 'to . face "their ' .. leader. ,. . age length' of life, the avetage couple'matry- own problems and lead, their iog in 1950 coUld expect to have ,own lives., about 41 years of' married life Second, recognize t.he. fact that, together" 'in a .s~I!se,. you a,nd yourhus- . rese'nt' ' band are' starting. a ,new, stage Under P .': childbeari.ng ':in life, You' ·are now together '. NEW YORK (NG)~The ~p,~Jli~h, .,A.,rp.1:?a;ssador to ·the "patterns, . this means: that:'they again.. as the. original. twosome ' United States says the real issue. in the cold wads "a.fight would· have 14' years together . of the first stage in your family between religi(;)us belief as the 'fundamental of· society, and. . after their 'last' child' had left .':riycle. Then you were happy and atheism." home and married: 'conte'nted with each other's coIri.::. . . 'Change' in CY~le ... panionsbip;.you can,.be·so again Ambassador Jose Maria de values." The communist philos­ .TULSA (NC) - Plans have ophy, 'he observed, is based on · been announced for the con­ This repres~nts: a remarkable ;if you make the effort.. . Areilza has called on the na­ the belief that there is no God ~haIige in the 't~aditional fa,y;i,IY Discover New Traits . struction of two buildings cost­ . tions of the West to realize and "therefore no moral law, no ·ing cycle. For example, couples mar- " What shouid you do? Above an estimated $2,600,000 at that the heart of the strug­ code of conduct, no moral re­ rying in 1890 could expect only , all, . start doing things together. Benedictine Heights College. gle between communism and the sponsibility for the individual." about 31 yea,rs of joint survival, ~e\;>uild. Youl;' social life as .. a Operating with a faculty anti free world is a conflict between The Spanish Ambassador as­ and there wasa fifty-fifty chance couple-there are others facing administrative 'staff of 40, Bene­ religious ideologies. serted that in the practical that one of the partners would the. same needs as yourselves. dictine Heights is the only c0­ die at least two years before their If your finances permit, take Addressing the St. Paul Guild, . sphere the chief c:hallenge facing educational, four-year college the western democracies is to youngest. c:hild haQ married. trips together on your· vacations. . Mr. de Areilza stated that Chris­ for Catholics in Oklahoma. One­ resist internal communist sub­ These figures suggest that your This can' be so' helpful because tianity is historically the "main third of its 295 student body • . version. problem may become an import- 'you learn to plan and share new ingredient" of western civiliza­ non-Catholic. ant one for many couples. How experiences together, thus ,re­ tion. He added that "to the does it happen? capturing the couple-feeling .of we.stern mind man is a creature Well, Rose, I think you point- earlY' marriage. . of.God and his soul has eternal ed out the common source of the ,- No doubt, you feel you know Funeral Home difficulty. The average family, each other perfectly. Y~t as you" . '571 Second St. . cycle places beavy demands for go through the experIence of" . 469 LOCUST STREET adaptability upon the .couple. adapting your lives to this new' VATICAN .CITY (NC):- D~. Fall River, Mass. The start life together. in the stage 'of 'unity, you will discover, Fi~ippO' ,Roc~h.i· has be.en·· ap­ fALL RIVE'R, MASS. OS9~072' narrow circle of a loving .two- or rediscover, many traits ana·- .. pOtnted ph~SICIan to Pope ~o~n, OS -.'2-3381 . . ,MICHAEL McMAHON some. qualities il1 each other of. which A.member .. ofa.~oman\fa~lly licensed FUl)eralD'irector Wilfred, C. James E. Once childrel1 arrive,. father. you .are ri'Ot.now aware. ' . With a. l~ng.. medl~al tr~dlh?n, devotes in·creasing. energy and 'Rose, ·these are· the golden . Dr, Rocchi, f?8, :'ece~ve,d hiS med­ Registered Embal~er Driscoll. Sullivan, Jr. interest to his job because he .. years in which you aile given' the 'ical degree ·from the· University now has added moti,:,~s, to sl1C.-' ..opport,4nity ...tQ. 'draw closer to ; of Roine in 1922 and joined the cecd, while mother is ~ully. ab- ". eadi' oth~r and' -to 'God . by ex- '. staff of physicians who serve'the sorbed in the thousand ·and. one perieneing the' fullness' .of. that 'Vatican ,three .years later... details related to bearing, .ie~~- . unity'which:'you" initia'ted at the ing, and launching her brood 'in'" 'altar.' " i . ' .. . . . . . ~:." .• . NICKERSON life. It is meant. to be a' period of Husband and .wife are busy growth in unity, riot loneliness' . , FUNERAL and in separate activities; perh~ps· -in' waiting for the end. 'Remem­ .' MONUMENT too busy or too fully absorbed' ber,' when we start. living in the to pay much ~ttention to each. past, '~e've'stoPPed living in the.· '. '.' S~RVICES other. present and we no longer have BOURNIE • SANDWICH, MASS. Grow Separately a future. For of the True

·Of course they'love each other. Spirit'li't joyous Christmas


and cooperate unselfishly in '~J1e . Seasoll - 'Cr etl Rosaries alld Medals


task of raising their fl),mily, hut lltld Surrounding Communiti..

they tend to take their ow'n com­ panionship for granted, as if it DENISON ·(NC)-In 'fulfill-' remained as it was at inarriage. ment of. a request by the' late . But whether they know it or Pope Pius XII, a herd of pure­ not, they themselves. are' chang­ bred Aberdeen' - Angus cattle , . ing. Extending interests and ex'­ have been sent from Iowa to be. perience are, matuJing theine shipped to the papal farm in . 'FUNERAL HOME Italy. The herd consists of 11 heif­ -98.6 PIym9ut~ ~ve. ~rs and one bull, donated by a Fall River stockman. It 'will be used to start . a 'breeding program' . re.:. OS 3-2272 quested' by--the'late Pope:-As the' herd, grows the offspring will be given to poor farmers in southern' Europe, C Father Leo J. Gannon of Har­ lan, Iowa, !ed the campai'gnrfor C. Austin

the herd', which, has been graz­ ing . on the' Dori Houston· farm Inc.

near here. M·l-. Houston' accoril­ panied the' herd to New :York . FUNERAL SERVICE City. when it .was. driven from here by truck. " 549 COUNTY ST•

Spa.nish Diplomat Sa'ys 'Cold War R~"g'io'"s C'~nflict inEss~i1c'e .



'Papal Physician'




.~ ~hrislmas aG.ltt.~OliC

Papal'Farm Gets' Herd of Cattle



.Sociologists Meet NOTRE DAME' (NC)-Two

hundred' teachers and" scholars

are expected to attend the '20th

BROADCASTER: A full-"' :annual convention of the Ameri,;,

blooded Nav&ho, Inqian,· "Sis-, can ,Catholic SociologJ.<;al So­ ciety at the University of· Notre

ter Marie, Goretti, S.B.S.,· Dame and nearby St.' Mary's'

broadcasts in her native lan- College' from D.eceinb~r.28 to 30.

guage every Sunday over the . Ne~rly 40 papers dealing with

Catholic Hour program.. in such varied sUbje<:ts as school

New Mexico to the 85,'000 ,. des~gregation,'Puerto Rican mf­ ·,-gration·and··changes--in--family· " Navah o~ i'n. tne~ .Diocese' :of... st.ructure 'will .be presented' at ., Gallop, N.M. NC Photo. the.sessiOns.. ,.




,·F..neral BOttle . 550 Locust St. Fall River. Mass.

.95 2.-~~,91· ..

Brilliant firsts by Creed,

rosaries and medals interpreted

in the contemporary manner,

each trade marked (CREED

STERLING) for your assm-

I ance of-the finest expression of thoughtful giving. If 'you are unable to find ·that

special Creed item of your

choice, ask your religious,

: . store to order it for you.

, .

------ .... " ..Rose - ~ .. Sullivan, . Jeffr~ ,E, .Sullhra~


;;~:ii;~;in;;n(;~;ssi:~i~()~Ji'>:\~C.;.,:H","",;:,,-:l-,-~I'J~,.,.,.Th,. -U"_S.;~,. . .;~I~:-:-~C_.~. ,. ~l. .;. ~C. . .,.,l~_~_:1:1 ;~:dd L:~;ifY.OU BOlLY FAMIlLY HIGH SCHOOL, NEW BE"lFORD




, I



FALL RIVER By Most Rev. 'Ful~on J. Sheen, D.Do Nine,seniC",:s and four juniors

There appeared recently in England a book bya 'soIdierrwho

New officers of the Curie are' represented in an, essay an­

had been in a Nazi prison. One beautiful description is that of- the, € h elT\o-Physicists Science Club thology published by the Nation­

sacrifice made by a fellow prisoner: . !:... ,

are Joseph Duggan, pr~sident; al Essay Association. Captain P. died of inalnutrition in the infirmary. Eighteen

David Riley, vice president; 'Sodality Union plans include

months ago, a few days, before he was captured by 'the Germans

Diane Judd, secretary; ·Jeanne a mass meeting to acquaint.sodal­

in France, he had bought three bars o f '

Guillotte, treasurer. Members ists with new directives ,for lay

chocolate for his children. will concentrate 'on the tech- ,participation in Mass, a Closed

The three chocolate bars followed him

aiques of photography during the refreat,.and a tentative schedule into deportation and hunger. He kept them

cwming year. - for two additional general meet­ all the time in the shreds of his. mattress,

Rt. Rev. Msgr. J;:tmes J. Gerings during the school year.

taking them outto look at once in a while

l'ard installed student council of- SACRED R~~RTS 'ACADEMY,

Hcers and,spoke on their privilFALL RIVER

and thinking of his children's joy.

, He died of malnutrition, clutching the

eges and responsibilities. Justin Debaters were victorious over ~

chocolate bars i,n his' hand. Kelleher is student council pres- Attleboro High at ,theseason's

ident. first debate, Winifred Welch and

If it were thirst he died of he would

Robert A: Lawler will repreMary Jane Collins upheld the af­

sent Holy Family' at Student firmative.

not have touched' a cup, of water destined

for his children. Our Lord refused meat Government Day in' March. Carol Regan, prefect, was.

when He was tired at Jacob's well, because chosen Sodalist' of the Month. S TIL L MISSllNG: No .DOMINICAN ACADEMY. He was more hungry to do the will of His Janice' DeMello was Journalist word has been heard of the JrALL RIVER Father which to Him was meat and drink. of the Month. whereabouts of Fat her Such self-denial by the Son, of -Go,d inspired .this sOldier' to die of

The glee club will present a COYLE HIGH SCHOOL; Christmas cantata at 8 Monday Denis Cote, C.SS.R.,' Cana- malnutrition while clutching nutrit~on. His three children never

TAUNTON aight, Dec. 15 in the auditoriurt:\. received tliose chocolate. bars, but the world has received t,he ex-

John./' A. Zawacki, Taunton, . dian missioner, e x p ell e d The basketball team's first ample ' , will represent the' school on Stu­ . of devoted , self-sacrifice., . from North Vietnam on Oct. hort:\e game is today, against dent Government Day at the 16, by the Reds; New Bedford Voke. Jeannine Boston State House, March 13: Begging as we do for the Holy Father Pope Joho xXIII we Ouellette and Joan Panek are Seniors are hearing talks from ' constantly meet the'moral descendants of this soldier;' For ex­

eo-captains of the varsity; representatives of area colleges.. Ca~ouflagePlan. ample: last week our devoted' workers posted a sign in the office

Claudette Charest' heads the Directors of admissions from asking every~ne at the' Propagation of the Faith office to forgo

Jayvees'. The annual homecom­ , Stonehill, Boston College, Provi­ ing gam'e against alumnae is, dence College, New Bedford In­ sending Christmas cards to their associates in this Mission work.

'NEW, YORK (NC)-The ques­ ~lteduled' for 8 Tuesday night, . All' agreed to send the' money instead'to our' own office at 366 stitute of Technology, Worcester tion whether, therapeutic abor­ lFifth Avenue .for' the Propagation of the Faith. So far there has

Dec. 30.' " , Polytechnic and Bentley have tion should be liberalized has School president Una Raymond sent speakers thus far. been realized over $65. IIi. a certain sense, ,The National Office of

'been termed a "double-barreled will represent DA, a1' Student the Society for the' Propagation of, the Faith has no employees; , A football banquet is sched,.. , one" a~ the first annual confer-' Government Day. we have 'only missionaries, men and women who Sacrifice what­ uled for Tuesday night, Dec. 16 ence of the Society for the Scien­ The debate team will be heard ever they can for the Holy Fathe'r and his ~issions. at '7 in the school cafeteria. It tific'Study of Sex. 1m. WSAR from 7:05 to 7:30 Sun­ will honor the Coyle' team for Principal figures in the con­ day eve'ning, Dec. 21. They will winning the Bristol County troversy over therapeutic abor­ We read often of men in the desert who died of thirst a mile

present, a program of Advent League Championship for' the tion were Dr. Samuel A. Cos­ from an oasis, but here is a soldier who died of starvation with

hymns. second season and also for. tak­ grove, professor of obstetrics and chocolates In his' hand, because he 'loved his children more than ing the city championship and gynecology. at the college of his own life, even the memory of his children. My dear Catholic permanent possession of the medicine of Seton Hall Univer­ people, those three bars of chocolate probably cost the equivalent fourth Lions Club trophy. sity, South Orange and Dr. Alan' of what every Catholic gave to the Holy Father last year to aid his Highest hon'ors for the last F. Guttmacher, director of the 300 MIssion Societies, namely, 30 cents. It rea11y should be $30 marking period went to Senior UNITED NATIONS (NC)~ Thomas Mikulis, Junior Walter department of obstetrics and each per year we give instead of 30 cents. The \Adventists give, gynecology at Mount Sinai Hos­ $33. each year to their Missions. Make, a sacrifice each day and United Nations approval for a Arabasz, Sophomore Michael pital here. at the end of the month sene! it to the Holy Father Pope John World'Refligee Year to start in Stefanik and Freshman Geoffrey Dr. Cosgrove said estimates ,XXIII t~rough his Society for the Propagation of the Faith.'. June 1959, has been praised by Kane. ' 'showed there were up to one the president of the Internation­ abortions performed in al Catholic Migration Council Cooperation of Faiths million the United States each year and, , ",~ GOD LOVE·YOU"to'M'.S. ·for' $5 "I submitted a ,question to «[CMC) , James Norris. S' hell 'that most ,of these were illegal.' our 10Cal'newspaper to' be asked of 'the man in the. street' and Mr. Nor who also is Eufo_ :; I S tone I "'l,'lie ostensibly laudable pur- "', ,woo this money" '; ~ • to ,~.K; for' $5 "I" 'ain .enclosing $5. I got pean director of Catholic Relief' "~oo~eratio?. ~f people, of' ~"' Services _ National Catholic', faiths IS an I~portan~ fllctor In, pose of red4cing, illegitimate, it for caring" for, a neighbor's dog wheo they were 00 vacation. abortion is one barrel. But it ,is . I am 12 years old" ; . ~ to'Mr:and Mrs.' J.B~ for $lOO."This amount is Welfare Conference, recalled', the gr~wth of Stonehill ,College,; that Msgr. Edward F. Swan"': acc<!rdmg' t~ a. statement ~~de merely-camouflage for the other.. 'a portion of the money'wer'eceived a~w~ddhlg"gifts. We re­ barrel, which is, ,the 'desire of "'eeived 90 many things that we want 'the to-share-them with atrom CRS-NCWC executive di- ',by, Rev. R~chard H. Sulhvall, assemblies such ~- this to ext~nd Us." • ,', ' . ." , . , ' CRS NCWC' ' " t ' · , · C.S.C., preSIdent. ... ··t.. __ urn, execu Ive ' H 'd th t 1 . he th~ inqlcations for ' allegedly di t h 'd d "'1 e sal a vo unteers In t legitimate abortion far beyond,' rec or, a ma e a simi ar , ,town of, Easton engaged in a medical ones: This objective is propo~al at .t~e 1957"ICMC. con$IOo;OOQ drive for the college are If you are wondering about Chdstmas gi~ts whrnot sacrifi~e' something for the Missions, order a statue 'of, Our Lady of Television' ' gress m ASSIS1, Italy,. :Prot'estant, Catholic and JewIsh. -- demonstrably sparked by the psychiatrists and-'-God help us' and send'it to a friend: You'will be happy because your 'shopping

Early, this year'the idea' of 'a The three faiths are repre'sented -by non-medical ,social work­ is done, your friend wiU' be happy because a meaningful gift has

World Refu~ee Year was given, "in the student body, faculty; and ers." , been received and the Missions ,will ,be happy because 'yc;>ursacri­ impetus by a group of British nonc.teaching staff of the college. Dr. Guttmacher, argued that parliamentarians and was later "Stonehill College plans ex­ fice-offering of $3 for the' statue' helps the miss.ic;maries to bring law was "man::made" ,and "not the paglms the good tidings of the greatest Christmas' gift of all­ endorsed by the executive comperiditure of $5 million in new lIlitteeof the UN Refugee Fund., faciiities in addition to -$1 mil-, immutable." He said that since The Gift of Christ Himself. Send us' your offering along with your other laws o~ the Church had r-equest arid 'we will send the statue" to you~ : Ten nations joined', in, sponsor-" lion in buildings already com­ been modified ,by time the same Ing the resolution before the UN pleted. I take this me,ans of in­ might apply to some restrictions &ene'ral 'Assembly: Argentina, viting ,the people .of Easton to against abortion. 'He did not Cut out this Column; pin' your sacrifice 'to it and mail it ioilie Austria the Dominican Repubvisit their college campus at specify the Church laws to which Most Rev;' Fulton J, 'Sheen, National Director The Society for lic, Fra~ce, Iran, Italy, tlie'NethanY' time," said'Father~ullivan. he referred': the Propagation of the- Faith, 366 Finh Aven~.e. New York 1, N, Y., erlands, Norway, arid ,United ,Abrah!im Br~oks is ch~irman, or your DIOCESANiDIRECTOR REV.RAYMONDT: CONSIDINji:, Kingdom and the United States. of the commumty campaIgn. Ohio' Hospital Plans 368 North MainStreetj'·FaU Rlv.er;. Mass:

The General Assembly's en.. '. ~. dorsement of the proposal was Priests on, Illinois

Technicians School ~ a defeat for"the communist Traffic Safe",' Board YOUNGSTOWN (NC) ' - A DAUGHTERS, OF st. PAUL bloc, whose eight members cast ,SPRINGFIELD (NC) ..:- Two school of cytotechnology to train' Iftvite youn~' girls (14-231 to ~bor ill

the only votes against it. priests were among eight church- technicians in "smear" diagnosis

Christ's vast vineyard as aft Apostle of th~ Edificatians; Press, Radio, Movies' and Tele.

Since 1945 more than 40 milmen named by Illinois Gov. Wil­ tests f~r early detection of can­ vision. 'With'theie modem' means;' these

lion p,ersons, most of them vicliam G. ~tratton ,to a Religious cer will be opened at St. ·Eliza-'

rt.'Ii~si~ary, Sisters bring' Christ's DOctrine tims of communist agressIon in Leaders Traffic Safety Advisory beth's Hospital here Jan. 2. Dr.

to aU" ,regardless, 'of race, colo,' ..or creed.', Eastern Europe, China, Korea Board. They will assist in devel­ Bernard Taylor, director of lab­ F~"info~ination'\writo to: ' .,' : and Vietnam, have fled their oping an education campaign oratories said the school will' , ' ,', .. REV. MOTHER SUPERIOR,

homes, and bec.ome. refugees., aimed :a:t emphasizing the moral be the fourth of its kind in, Ohio

50 ST. PAUL'S AV~~ '80STON3O,: MASS. Their need has called for an un- ,aspects of 'safe driving. , and the 30th in the United States. paralleled humani"taria'n effort', The priests 'named on the board on the'part of governments and are M.sgr., Thomas F. Fitzgerald ,!:,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t'~"~' ~~'~'~r voluntary agencieS'ln' the free 'of ChIcago and Father Raymond ' ~'I P·r, . .' world. ,.,O'Connor of Springfield.


Sea res Abortion

Rei ief Di'reetor' Lauds Approval'




, :~


Is The Time'

to 'visit our shOwroom, and choose that special Christ­ ,mas gift for your Church, Pastor, Curate, Sister or special lay friend. Here you will find a superior seiec­ tion of domestic and imported liturgical appointments' and reHgio~ articles;.)ncluding Chalices, Vestments, Nativity Sets; CeramicS, Enamels, Wood Carvings.

. •••••

AS long time specialists' in Chur~h memorial ,gifts, our staff is available to advise and aid you in selecting stained glass, bronze and woodwork in tmthentic ecclesiastical designs. -. .. . ~

c;;-et4TSa Of .LITURGICAl ART!!, I{OREAN"DELEGATE: Newly conse"·' crated'Maryknoll Bishop James V. Pardy of Brooklyn, Vicar. ' Apostolic of Chong Ju, Korea, is greeted ~at, Seoul AirpQJ;1;' ' by Msgr. Egano ,Lambertini. Apostolic Delegate to Kor~a'o ' , . '3' S"MME' 'SliEEr' • i O'ST ON 10, MASS.' ~t to. right: Father Joseph, W. Connors, Maryknoll su':; " I'1acw"'"' • poerIor III Korea; Msgr. George Carroll NCWC-CRS rep;.;" 1IIttwMON.. IIA '.UU-H" '.HM . . res~ntative in Seoul; Bishop Pardy and Msgro. Lambertini. .•

NC Photo. ' :..~.~_.;;.;.;.~.;;.;;,;,; ••;.;.;.;;.;.~.;,.~.;,;,;.,;.;.;.~,,~,~,~.;.;.;,,;.;.; .•;~;,;.•;~;,;.;..;.;,.;.;.;.;.;.;,;.;,~,;..;,;,.;,;,;,;,;,;.;,;,; ..;,;,;.;,;.;.;,;.;.;,,;,;.;.;.~.;.;.;.;,;,;,,; .. ~.


LiNa/AIi Sa/iii~ ;lltcJit.. J., .

,.....,. __-w







',...-".- . _ - , .







,. n


Women Unite Behind Chari.fy·;BaU'

THE ANCHOR ­ Thurs., Dec. 11, 1958


.cle Bien Etre . (inter-parochial); Continued from Page One garet-Mary Guild; Chatham Mrs. Merilda Munro,e, Dames:de Mrs. Ralph R. Lally, Association St. Anne. of the Sacred Heart; East Fal­ Mrs. Catherine A. LeTendre, mouth-Mrs. Edward T. Mello, Daughters of Isabella-Hyacinth' St. Anthony's League; Falmouth Circle; Mrs. Benvinda Roderick, TRIVANDRUM (NC) - The -Mrs. Frederick A. English, St. Immaculate Conception Parish controversial school take-over Patrick's Guild, Mrs. Matthew R. Council; Mrs. Elizabeth Ronan, . bill, which allows the communist Souza, Falmouth Circle Daugh­ Ladies Auxiliary of Ancient 01'­ government of Kerala to take tel'S of Isabella. del' of Hiberniqns; Mrs. Antonio over some private schools-­ Hyannis - Lillian Shea, Fr. . Lemieux, Ladies of St. Anne­ those which the state considers McSwiney Circle Daughters of St. Theresa's Parish; Mrs. Mary to be poorly managed-may face Isabella and Ursula Wing, St. Rego, Mount Carmel Women's some new tests by the courts. Francis Xavier Guild; Osterville Club. A court test is predicted by -Mrs. Donald James, Our Lady Mrs. Wanda Hemingway, Our Catholic members of the legisla­ of Assumption Guild; Province­ Lady of Perpetual Help Parish ture because of a vague provi­ town - Mrs. Josephine -Enos, Council; Mrs. Rodolph Faradis, sion in the bill that exempts Catholic Dal,lghters of America Patronesses of Sacred Heart from state seizure institutions and Mrs. Mildred Bent, Holy Home; Miss Laurette 1. Beaure~ called "minority schools." Rosary Sodality. gard, Society of' Children of The newly-passed -bill was a ATTLEBORO'S AREA PLANS: Myles Daley, presi­ Sagamore - Mrs. Mary Boles, Mar~-St. Anthony Parishi Mrs., revision of a measure enacted dent of the Attleboro District of the St. Vi,ncent de Paul last year, which touched off vio­ Mother Cabrini Circle; Sand­ Fiavien Cournoyer, Sodality of Society and Mrs. George Bauza arrange the Box and Patron lent demonstrations within the wich-Mrs. Martin F; Lawless, St. Anne-St. Anne's Parish; Corpus Christi Guild; South Mrs., Fred~rick . Murray, St., lists for the Bishop's Annual Charity Ball with Rev. Edmond state's Christian communities. Yarmouth - Mrs. Thomas Con," Anne s ,SocIety --'- Sacred HeaJ;'t The original measure was not L. Dickinson. way, St. Pius X Guild;· West Church. given the 'needed presidential Harwich-Mrs. Joseph Galizio, Mrs. Rose Dufficy, St. Eulalia approval because of an advisory Association of the Sacred Heart. Court-Mass. Catholic Order of opinion from the Indian Su­ preme Court that certain of it. Woods Hole-Mrs. Thomas D. Foresters; Mrs. Stanley J. Szu­ provisions were unconstitu­ Lawrence St. Joseph's Guild' lik,' St. Hedwig Holy Rosary Wellfleet":"'-Mrs. Ida Tenney OU; Society; Miss Lucille Benjamin, CINCINNATI (NC) - Arch­ the celebrant and the congrega­ , tiona!. Lady of Lourdes Guild; Nan­ St. Hyacinth Council of Catholic , bishop Karl J. Alter of Cincin­ tion. We are not supposed to sit tucket-Mrs. Charles Flanagan Women; Mrs. Olive Avila,St. nati has called on Catholic imen ,there busy about our own devo­ MIAMI (NC)-Bishop Cole­ St. Mary's Guild;' Oak Bluff~ John the Baptist Parish Council;' to take the lead in supporting' tions." man F. Carroll of Miami has an­ Mrs. Alfred MateH Sacred Mrs. Maurice Couture, St. Kil­ programs aimed at more active "Everyone in the congregation nounced that this New Floridian Heart Guild. ' ian's Guild-St. ,Kilian's Church. congregational participation in 'should be ready to answer the diocese has been placed under Representatives from the Fall Mrs. Agnes Gallagher,St. Law­ , the Mass. priest," he "declared, "not just a the protection of Our Lady's Im­ River District are: rence Parish Council; Mrs. Ann He cited as an encouragement few piping voices." maculate Conception. ' and a guide the instruction froni. Mrs. James B. Clarkin, Wo­ Ryan, St. James Parish Council; the Sacred Congregation of Rites • • • •~ .. men's ,Guild of Holy Name Mrs. Antoinette Bertalotto, St. Church; Mrs. Albert Roy, Holy Mary's Guild - St. Mary's which gave directives for more .• active participation. Rosary Parish' Women's' Guild; C:hurch; Mrs. Marjorie Hen­ Addressing the archdiocesan • ' Mrs. William F. Bennett, Im­ riques, Sacred Hearts' Academy maculate Conception Women's Alumnae Association; Fair­ Council of CaU:olic Men, he '.. urged the members to make at­ Guild and Council' Miss Helen haven, Mass. Mrs. Mary C. Leonardo, As­ Chace Catholic Wo:Uen o'f Notre tainment of. a "first stage" of . ' . .

Dame 'Parish; Mrs. Marie Aguiar, sociation of the Sacred Heart, such participation one of their • Our Lady of Health Council. St. Mary's Church, Fairhaven; chief projects during the coming '.

• Mrs Peter Gibney Sacred Mrs. Joseph Rezendes, The year. Heart 'Parish Council; Rev. Henri Sacred, Heart's Associa~ion, St. ,~ Archbishop Alter reminded • the men that "the Mass is to • Laporte, O.P., St. Anne's Coun­ Joseph s, Chu~ch, FaIrhaven; cil of Catholic Women; Mrs. John Mrs. ~ertha SmIth, RO,sary Altar Silvia St Anthony of Padua Sodality, St. Anthony s Church;, Cathoiic Women's Council; Miss Mrs. Fannie. R. Gagt;0.n, League • UNION WHARF .FAIRHAVEN, MASS. Rose Machado, 51. Elizabeth's of St. FranCIS of ASSISI. Guild; Mrs. Arthur Silvia, Cath­ Mrs; Gert~ude Kruger, Sa,cred WASHINGTON (NC)-Father , • •_• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , olic Women's Organization of Heart s So.cIety of St. Bomface • Robert J: Slavin, O.P., president • Our Lady of the Angels;'" Church; MIS~ Bertha Johnson, 51. " '. Mary's Guild of St. Mary's of Providence College, has been • ~'f/f)rJP' Mrs. EImer .AItken, 51. LoUIS 'Church, So. Dartmouth;, Mrs. named to a 14-member nation3i,.. -=-=• ParIsh Coun~il; Mrs. .'~homas Cornelius Harrington, St. Rita's advisory committee of the Tache, Council of C,atholI~ ~O-, Altar Guild, Mission of St. Pat­ Office of Education. men, ~t. Jean the Baptiste trick's Church,' Wareham; Mrs., The advisory committee will ,• . • Church; Mrs. Bra~ley. McDe~-, .:rane Blondin, 51. Patrick Parish "conduct research iDto the mott, St. Josephs Women~ Council of Catholic Women of, 'of new educational' media, in"- • • Guild; Mrs. Lawrence A. Coyle, Wareham ' )0' c:luding television,radio, motion , . 51. Mary's Cathedral Parish'Unit;The affiliate chairmen in the, pictures ~nd tape recordings,' . • • Mrs. Raymond'Possion, St. Math:- Attleboro area, are Mrs';,Adrien ieu Cou~cil of Catholic w'0men; Piette, ConfraternitY' of' Chris­ Rev. Arthur .. C, dos Reis, 51. thin Mothers' Mrs. Alfred McNal:" TRAPPIST CHEESE : : Michael's .Parish Council, . ' .ly, Daughte;s of Is'abella; Mrs. Cave. ripened by the Monks • • Mrs. ,RICO. DeNadal, Cat~ol~c Edward Galligan, 51. John's Women s GUild of St. Patrick s Mothers Club' Mrs. Vincent Mc­ CHEESE· AND CHEESE GIfT

Church; Miss Maureen McClo~- Hugh, Holy dhost Mothers Club. SETS

key, St. Peter & Paul Women s Also Mrs. ,Jean Fortin, ',51. Club;. ~rs. Hector .E. Barret~e, Ann's Sodality; Mrs. Albert ,FRUIT CAKES AND

~ ~

Sodalities of St. Anne & ChIl­ Mousseau Jeanne d'Arc Council' JAM GIFT SETS

dren of Mary, St. Roch's Parish; Miss Lillian Audette' Attlebor~ lrappistine Candies Mrs. Edward Shaw, St. William's Catholic Women's Cl~b' ' Guild; Mrs. Victor Aguiar, San­ From No. Attleboro Mrs. HARRY'S. ,F.RUITLAND to Christo Parish Council. John M. Powers. 51. Ann's So­ Mrs. George Turgee, Assump­ datity; Mrs., Thomas Mullen, 471 Union St.• New Bedford tion Circle No. 74, Daughters of Catholic Women's Club' Mrs. WY 3-'7448 Isabella; Miss Catherine Hogan, Thomas Charron Daughters Of Catholic Wome~'s Club; Mrs. Isabella; Mrs. Le~ Piette, Ladies George E. Sullivan, Jr., ,Fall of 51. Ann's Sodality" Mrs. Ri.ver Diocesan Coun~il. of Cath­ George Whalen, St. Mary'~ Guild. M~K ohc Nurses; Mrs. Wilham <?as­ Mrs. Cyril K .. Brennan, St.. GOOD FOOD • If transportation isa problem call us • Mary's Guild, No. Seekonk; Mrs. tanh.o, Mother McCauley GUild. MiSS Susan Whalon, Mt. St. Charles Halbirig Mansfield Cath- ' . ,Pleasant Atmosphere

-. and we will ma.ke provisions to care • Mary Acad~my Alumnae; Mrs. otic Women's, <h,Ui>; ~t:s. HarrY, , ,-asle anybody'"

Raymond DiOnne, Sacred Heart. Borden; NortOn Catholic: Wo-' : for your needs.' : Alumnae ~ssociation; ,Mrs." men's Club. Air Conditioned

Rachel Pelletier, Blessed Sacra,. • 'SPECIAL ATTENTION and DELIVERY •

386 Acushnet Avenue

ment Church Women's Guild. New Bedford'


: Assone~Mrs. Raymond Do,. ,II • herty, St. Bernard's ,Women's Guild; Central Village - Mrs. ~~'" Surgical Appliance Co. :

John J. Holland, St. John the II ~~~.

Baptist Ladies· Guild; North Franei5eaa Fathen Cbosen "'Best BuyWestport- Mrs. Jules Robin, I I Hearing Aid Co. • 571 Pleasant St., New Bedford Our Lady of Grace Women's II •

WY 6-8%'74 II Arthur J. Shea, P r o p . .

Guild; Somerset-Miss Catherine Picked No 1 [mport Buy

Furze, Altar & Rosary Societies : 202 and 206 ROCK ST. TEL. OS 5-7829 : Backed by Reput~ble Service

CONFESSIONS of St. Thomas More Church; EVERY DAY Mrs. Leo Lacroix, Franco­ ALLDAY American Women's Club, Inc., 8'7 Middle Street. Fairhaven Mrs. Carton D. Boardman, 8:30 A.M. ti119.00 P.M. \yYman 9-6479 Somerset Catholic Women's . Slindays till 5 P.M. Club; Mrs. Gilbert Lowney, St. Patrick's Circle No. 334, Daugh­ FRANCIS J. ,tel's of Isabella; Swansea-Miss Jane Borden, 51. Dominic's Wo­ men's Guild; Mrs. Joseph Bilo­ :. P. O. BOX 7 -FALL RIVER, MASS. : deau, S9dalities of St. Anne .& • Enclosed is $4 Subscription. Please send for one year to :

Children of Mary, St. ,Louis de 690'PLE,6;SANT STREET France;' Mrs. James Griffin, St. eovs WANTED for the : Name __ ~ : : .

'WY,7-0746 Michael's Parish Women's Club; Priesthood and Brotherhood. Mrs. Russell B. Cochrane, Our 'NEW BEQFORD~ MASS. 'Address ;................................................. : • lock of funda NO bnpedi­ Lady of ,Fatima Guild. " ' :: Post Office -: ,;,~, '. The New Bedford alfiliatel . . ' ~ . Wrtte toe are: ,GENERAL Miss Anna M. Harrington, ~ P. O. Box 5742 cient Order. .of,Hibernians; Mra. .Baltimore'; ,M4L ., Zoe Reckords,·Cathollc Women'.' •••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 ••••••••••• Club; Mrs. F10l'& Dearo8iera, 0.-

New School Law In Court Test

Archbishop Urges, Men to Promote More Active Participation in Mass

Blessed Mother

t ,FOR YOUR LUNCH TREAT Stuffed Qua hogs 2 for 29c




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Park Motors

Trinitarian Fathers




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Children's Parties"





The' Parish' Parade-

"<.,14 . ,,-THE ANCHOR ,

Thurs., Dec. 11, 1958 .

..Cardinal Hails New Advances

NOTRE DAME, ST. MARY'S,' FALL RIVER NEW.BEDFORD A cake sale will be ~eld after A parent tetmager p.anel dis- , MILAN (NC),;-,-!fhe first all Masses Sunday, Dec. 14. Cakes cussion followed the December . all-glass chu.r~hto 'be built will be received in the lower meeting the Parish CYO. Con­ church at 7:30 the previous night. troversial' subjects on the mod­ in Italy has been praised by Mrs. Eugene Poitras is chairman em generation were given con­ Cardinal DesignaleGiovan­ for the' sale. sideration by both sid·es. ni Montini of Milan as a remind­ The annual Christmas party, AdultSservi'ng on the panel sponsored by officers of the Wo­ 'were Mrs. John Pisarczyk, Mrs. _er of what the house of the Lord men's Guild will be held 'in Alexander Krowchim, Henry should be, urn at 7:'45 "Monday evening, Hesford;and John Kinney. The Archbishop' called the ul­ Jesus Mary Academy auditori­ . Teenage ·panelmembers.· in-, tra-modern edifice a reminder . Dec. 15.

'. chided 13everlyBoteIho, Michael that the church '''is a place of SACRED .HEART,

Callahan, Blanche Bettencourt, assembly where men raise their FALL RIVER

and Joseph Costa. Father Clark thoughts to God and find them­ The al'lnual Christmas party served as the moderator. selves brothers." of the Women's Guild featured Cheerleaders for .St. ,.Mary's In blessing the church at .Bar­ entertainment by A. E~mund CYO team ate Beverly Botelho, anzate, on the outskirts of Milan, Furguieleand Miss Nancy Teyes. Phylli~ Oliv~ra,.Diahe Jeffrey, the Archbishop declared that The . audi~qce joiI:ied in Ghrist­ Theresa Oagnier;\Joanne LeBeau mas carol.s,. and gifts were' pre­ and Karen Rothmy'er. : .. living religion "not only does not exclude wha't is new, but sented to:the parish clergy. Ar­ ST. GEORGE'S, deSires, demands. and .seeks it rangemeniS .were made by past WESTPORT and knows how to find it' in presidentS .,of the guild. ;

The newly eleCted officers of the souL" ST. JOSEPH'S,

the Holy' Name Society were in­ . Archbishop Monti~i also noted WOODS HOLE " .. stalled by Rev. Lorenzo Morais, that the use of glass was appro­ The Women's Guild is spon­ : pastor. They:are Andrew Moran, SERVE CHURCH FAITHFULLY: Arthur J. Donovan, 'priate because its quality to dif­ soring a Christmas ·Sale. Sunday, pres~dent;. Joseph Bollea, vice . Jr., center, arid James A. Keeley, right, oldest altar boys' at fuse light reminds .all 'of the , Dec.. 14. :'1\: Christmas party 'for president;.' Leonard Yergeau,'" . . ' parish children is'scheduled for secretary; Nor man Proulx, - Holy Narne Church,' Fall RIver, are congratulated by Father light of God and the warmth of divine ·love. Sunday, ·Dec. 20. treasurer.. .'. . . ' / Donald A. Couza, assistant pastor, f~llowing their reception The walls of the church are HOLY REDEEMER, / The relIgIOus, course for the . . . ' ' h Al . ' . t' db _~ CHATHAM . parish will be held at 7 in the . mto the Kmghts of t e tar, an orgamza IOn sponsore . ! of opaque glass and' the ceiling is of a prefabricated material .. ' A Christmas Sale will be held ~vening, December 14. One sec- '. the Serra Club of Fall· River•. made from Compressed glass. \ . . today, fro'ro,10 to 3 in the after­ tionof the filmstrip, The Apos- . . . . '" I . noon. A ,Children's Christmas . tIes' Creed, will be the subject, :'.·Typewriter party is"·planned for Sunday, matter. . , /I. . Dec. 21,. under the sponsorship' . S ~o I of the Confraternity of Christian ~i~A~E:FORD' V~TICAN CITY (NC) __ H!s Doctrine;'.., . M b ", f.. M' '. N .ao~mess Pope John X?C III has Abba' means .father,. and poor Father Balmanot way off In Eritrea

_ elI\ ers a. '. onslgnor. oon 'sent the late Pope PIUS XII's must really be a father to all the children In his far-flung parish

ST• PATRICK'S C'IrC Ie 'he ld th. ~~~ . an~~a , I Chr'st " . ' I - :'.'famed "white typewriter .to Ar'ch. at Hebo; He must provide them with' food and

FALMO lJTlI '. mas party la~t~ghtmthelower . 'bishop Giovanni Montini of shelter, besides ·teaching them the catechism.

The a~'llllal ?~rIsh Chrii>tJI:ias church.. MonSIgnor" Gallagher" . Milan 'as a personal memento of At present, he is In the direst need of a sitnple

party . fo~; chIldren. attendmg .. pastor, openedthe.:pt~tingwith .~ .the late Pontiff.' .' structure which will serve as school, dormitory,

catechlsm::classes Will be .held prayer . .... , ,.'. 0 t'h" t" . 't p" P' :'··: "D 17 "'h" W . . . '. , .. : '... .' n IS ypeWrI er ope IUS and dining room. There, he will be able to feed

We d nes d.~y!, ec, . ·~e. om-:. EntertammenY~was'furnished '.' .: t' f h' . h d en's GUIld' sponsored· a .Cana . b . Mr M " Vi 'Fl' d . , .... '!/'Iro e ma!1y 0 IS speec es an ~tl\!(Ji1 not only their little emaciated bodies, but espe­

. ,:' . . .. y '. s. ary ...' >•• 00 , MIss ..:: .discourses. It was sent to Ar'ch­ cially their soUls. $2,000 will build this monu­

Conference.:last week.... Bermce Fagon ' .·Mlss Ann''., '. b' . h op M on t · ·as· a memen t 0 .. " , . , ".. : "' Mary . IS Inl ment .to. the livlng.·or ,the· dead•. Will you mem­

OUR L~nY OF VICTO.~!, Rlmr,nerand ~1;;S.'M~rIe Hamp- .. becaus.e he had 'workedclosell """"='--"U oria:I~Il':loved' one and extend God'skingdc)m? .

CENTERyILLE '. ~on, COI:!lrnumty smgmg and the' . with the late Pontiff. Members of Our Lady of VIC­ exchanging .of gifts followed. "'"1t:::1t:~!t=l:t::!!='~:t::!!:::n:::l:t:::!t:!t::l~ tory Guild exchanged Christmas . Miss Mary Foley and Mrs. r; presents at'their December meet­ Florence' Foster were co-chair­ . ing. A children's Christmas party men for the affair. " . ' . CHRISTMAS SHOPPING is planne.d'.for Sunday, Dec. 14. Let our ;zealous missionaries do your ChristlQas shopping. We ELECTRICAL The MeIi'S Club will meet have a very attractive ,GIFT CARD with pressed' flowers from R. A. 'WILCOX CONTRACTORS \ Thursday; Dec. 18. Bethlehem.. Spiritualize your giving. Have a MASS' offered; give an ST. JOHN THE BAPTiST, OFFICE FURNITURE. Residential""': Commercial "ENROLLMENT: Individual $1; Family $~a gift that lasts aU year; . CENTRAL '. VILLAGE _ Industrial ID Stod... for LtDmediate Deliverv or Perpetually, $20 Individual, $100 FaJDiiy. Or a Dollar"A';Month Chri'stm'as' plans for the parish CLUB MEMBERSHIP. Or' a STRINGLESS GIFT. Or one of the • DESKS." • CHAIRS 633 Broadway, Fall River CYO unit· include Ii· hayride following: FILING' CABINETS caroling party and the making 053·1691 Mass Kit •••••. $100 (:hallce .•• ~ • , ... $40 Vescments ••••• : $58 of Christmas wreaths and other. • FIRE FILES. • .SAFES Altar .. • • • • • • . 75 Clborlum ..••• • •. 40 Mass Book .•• , •. 25 decoration~ .for the church. All FOLDING TABLES members ':0.1 the parish .<:ooper­ AND CHAIRS . : '.Tabern~clfl ..•.. 25 Monstrance •• ~ •..' 40 Stations . . . • • • •• ZS ated in bazaar sponsored by 8anctuaryLa~p. IS Pys ..•..•.••••• 15 Altar Linens.... 11 the yout!l' group. R~ Aluminum' Window . ST. ANTJ{ONY',S, 22 .BEDFORD' st. OUR POOR MISSIONARIES WILL BE VERY HAPPY TO OFFER . MATTAPOISETT (:0: FAll RIVER 5-7838 HO~Y MAss FOR YOUR iN~ENTIONS. ARTISTIC CARDS. The R9S~ry-Altar society met C()MBINATION"~ALUMINUM last nigtif iii: the chl'rch' hall and • -:' ::Windows .,Do~fs • Screens new members were 'enrolled. GREEN GARDENS A demonStration\ of Christmas 'White's FClIrmDairy ,: ... " 328 FALL DURFEE,STREET' Sounds like a summer resort,-but actually Green Gardens Is • . .:RlvER, greens arrangements. was given. LEPER COLONY in India. This place is not popUlar; yet, self-saOo' 'OUR LADY. OF THE "SPECIAIL MILK OS:8:~022 '. rificingPriests. Sisters and .Nurses see Christ in these Ulcera~ ASSUMPTION, OSTERVILLE IIOcial outcasts. Please keep them smiling with the wearin(f of tho '. From Our The iiririual Christmas sale ·Green:-'-THE GREEN-OF YOUR LEPER FUND' DOLLARS. . Tested ,Herd" featured': ,gift suggestions . and decorati6I1s:~ The newly organ­ FAIR-SHARE .WHAT GOD HAS SHARED WITH YOU. . ACl:'sh,,~t~ Mass,WY. 3~57 When it's time

ized CYO ..group ·.\Va·s in. charge ..... of a smick bar:iirid· buffet supper • Special Miik .. to retire..••.• Buy


was served by Women's Guild • Homogenized Vito D Milk ooWe do Bot wholly die, what's best In lU escapes the. tomb'" Row

members.. Mrs. Jerome Bowes .• Buttermilk . '. wonderfUl to live OD eveD after death through the eternal priest­ was general ~hairman for the • . Tropicari'a: Orange Juice. sale and s·upper. Kathy Nese was hood of an adopted SOD. Seminarians MAT. • Coffee and Choc. Milk in charge of U~e ~e~nagers' snack THEW and THOMAS In India beg $600. each '. Eg'gs ~ . Butter bar. ' for six years' training. ADORATION NOVICE-'


$300 each for two ye;rrs' preparation. . They

patiently, hopefully await your generosib•. ~ou

can !PRJ', ,as you like.










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JUBILARIAN'::' Father Francis J., Connell; C.SS.R., . has observed the5.Qth anni­ versary .of his:.religious. pr~ . fession. . The . ':70-y~ar~old ~priest is, dean of religious cornrnunitles"'a'ffhe .·Cathollc' UniversitY"of America.' NC Photo.


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We all love the land of onr birth. We all cherish the scenes of OUl' ehlldhood. Don'. yOU think that Our Blessed' Lord, too· must have Ii soft' spot hi His Reart for Bethlehem ana Nazareth? The PONTIFICAL MISSION FOa PALESTIN.E Is strivmg to t:lke eare of the homeland of.Christ and HI'I Blessed Mothel'. Please give a TEN DOLlLAR FOOD PACKAGB to some pOor child In· the Holy' Land. MON­ . SIGNOR RYAN NEEDS YOU! To show OUI' ~ratitude, we send you a beautlfulHOLY LAND ROSARY.' .






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48.0 Lexington Ave. at 46th St.' New Yorf< 17, N.. Y. ,





Urges Active School' 'Program 'Laity· ,

Thurs., Dec. 11, 1958

MILWAUKEE (NC)-;--A fourth of the human race lost title


any property it could call its own when China's populatfon was 'organized into large com­ munes this fall, a Jesuit mission­ ary said. Father Charles McCarthy, S.J., former prisoner of the Chinese communists, spoke here of changes in mainland China so far-reaching that "thoughtful Catholic laity with warm, hon­ est hearts should pause and look at them a little longer." The huge segment of human­ ity in China may forget there is another, human, way of life, be­ cause of the brutal force used to organize communes, extreme forms of Soviet collectivization in which nothing, economIc or familial, is left' to the' privacy of the individual. No Family Life Loss of property has been ac­ complished by loss of family life long cherished by the Chinese people, Father McCarthy report­ ed, and the story behind the ,loss is one of terrorism, executions and arrests. The Jesuit Father who sent news report~ from Peking and Shanghai from 1947 to 1949 for the N.C.W.C. News Service, es­ timated that there were at least 2,500,000 executions in six terror campaigns conducted between 1949, when the communists took over, and 19:;i5. More than eleven million persons were sentenced to slave labor camps or "re­ education" in prisons, he as­ serted. .

-We know that our schools are

made better by the participa­

ti~n of different groups with dif­ fewent view points," he observed. "They (the lay teachers) must

become an integral part of our

schools - in the planning for

them, and in the formulation of all policies and practices in all our schools."

ST. LOUIS (NC)-A great par­ ticipation by l' ~ lay teachers in the operation and policy making

. of Catholic high schools has been urged by Archbishop Joseph E. Ritter of st. Louis. . The Archbishop, praising the "fipe contribution" lay teachers have made, encouraged priests

and nuns to bring lay teachers into their counsels on school af­


Communes Take Privacy Away

Fresh, U S. Gov't Inspected Grade


Chickens KNIGHTS OF THE ALTAR: Father Joseph Cabral, pastor of Our Lady of Angels Church, Fall River, receives altar boys into Serra Club-sponsored organization. Servers are Manuel Raposa, left, and Ronald Correia.

Americ'an Franciscan Heads Brazilian See VATICAN CITY-An American Franciscan mIssionary has been named a Bishop and first head of a new See in Brazil. He is Father James A. Schuck, O.F.M., a native of Pennsylvania, nominated Titular Bishop of Avissa and Prelate of the Pre­ lature Nullius of Cristalandia, in the central Brazilian state of Goias. Bishop-elect Schuck is a mem­ ber of the original group of nine

priests and five Brothers who went to the Brazilian interior .in 1943 to found missions entrusted to the Holy Name Province of the Franciscan Order which hal its headquarters in New York. The Prelature Nullius of Cris­ talandia comprises a rural area larger than New York and New Jersey combined, with an Indian and· white population of about '65,000. There were no resident priests in the territory until the friars arrived in March 1957.




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Danger to M«;)rality

Sit. Gertrude

$aiiiislnCrosswords ---..M


l 16


Thurs., Dec. 11, 195~.

pictures, of which 280 were

Continued from Page One scored the serious problems domestically mace and 43 were

which this medium currently from abroad. .....---..._.....- By ~enry. Michael--..... Of domestic' products 97 or poses to public and private mor­ 34.64% . were .{\.1; 79, or 28.22% ality. were A2; 65 or 23.21 % were A3;

'S' Films Decrease 39 or 13.93% were B. There were

·He cited the substantikl de­ crease in the number of "B" no condemned domestic films. _ WASHINGTON (NC) ­ Of the foreign product nine or films (Morally Objectionable in The Soviet Union has cleared Part for All) since the inaugura­ 20.93% were AI; seven or 16,28% the way for an American tion of the Legion's new system were A2; eight or 18.60% were of classification last December, A3; 12 or 27.91%.were:8; five'or: priest to minister to the '11.63% condemned; two films or AI, A2, A3. needs 'of American Catholics The commendable achievement 4.65% were separately classified. in Moscow after a delay of more Widening their remarks to in­ of' one maj or company of whose than' three years. 43 pictures released, 44 received' Clude also the media of Radio Father Loui~ A. Dion, A.A., of an approved classification, was and" Television. the .Committee Assumption College in Wor­ . specifically noted by His Excel- encouraged Catholic universities cester is ex'pected to go to the anti colleges to 'give' additional lency. Soviet capital to replace Fath-' In keeping with the directives - emphasis to the professional er George Bissonnette, A.A.. · of the Holy See he urged Catho- ,formation of qualified persons who was suddenly expelled with­ · lics. to give the support of their for the important mass commun­ out explanation in March 1955. . patronage to morally and artis­ ications media. Cite 1933 Agreement tically worthwhile motion pic­ The State Department dis­ tures. This 'positive support at closed· that the Soviet Union's the box office: he noted, will willingness to accept a Moscow contribute immeasurably to the .chaplain for American Catho­ production and. exhibition of '. LONDON (NC)'- Britain's lics was made known in a com­ good films. 'Catholic population has pasSed munication to the U. S. Embassy 'At the same time His Ex­ \ in the Red capital. cellency decried certain morally the five million mark. . . The Catholic population has Department spokesman Lin­ dangerous trends and develop­ been incr:easing by an average coln White told a news confer­ ments in this industry:-in par­ ence of the Soviet-. willingness ticular, the introduction into this of 1,500 persons each month to accept a chaplain. He said mass medium of subject matters since the end of World War II. "'CROSS 54 Seot var. of oae DOWN 41 Bolst..rou. plar that "we note with satisfaction 1 Coatainers 1I6 SeparatioD 1 Travel;' by cab 43 Re...,hel .bore which are more properly suited The main reasons for the growth 44 I.awful that the Soviet government ap­ for restricted audiences; the sex­ is larger families, conversions I: 8~w':.~~dlrle ~~~~'iate : ~HIK\\'A'S 4lI Seer 16 City In Italy . 60 Pain .. A ........ pears ready to fulfill its respon­

46 SHE W.&8 sensational exploitation in ad:.. and immigration from· Ireland 18 Kind "f AnteliZ MAn'. name ,« State. ...N ........

sibilities under the Roosevelt­ vertising; the ,duplicity of some and central Europe. 48 Individual -11 w:.~I. ~: "'me~- . II J:;r.,':,d-fro 51 I';uropeao a ...... Litvinov agreement." Meanwhile, the Catholic .In­ companies in the handling of 18 SHE I_IV ED caa eam..1 8 Amo·uot d .... . 5% Runners This agreement, reached in those foreign films. which have quiry' Center reports a new IN . . .. 66.. Lost blood T By way of ~ ~:r:~:vc~:r III III-tempered . 68 Arlroable 8 Withdraw. 1955 between President Frank­ been condemned by the Legion weekly record of 800 people . ~er.on. 1;9 Follow 9 Sehedul... . 59 Makes I...,e J'n D. Roosevelt and Soviet

throughout the country had been and do not bear the seal of ap­ 81 German ........rt .10 ...~~.C}W~ED ~~ ~f;:dl.Dali 10 ~~~E~~~ A 6$ VerlOed Foreign Minister Maxim Litvinproval of th~ir own organ of persuaded to tak~ preliminary VISION 77 Point 11 Joaraey . 67 Uistended _ov, pledged that an American instruction ·in Catholicism by its 81 Sfled eoverlac 79 Runnered U A•• i.tant 68 I\laan..r · self-regulation. Z% Personal v..hiele 13 Part of the 70 Hawo lroddea clegyman would be allowed to In a special address to parents, advertisements in the national beoeOt 1IG WomaD'. body (pI.) '72 Woman'. Dame reside in Moscow for the bene­ " Blow. name ... (lompa•• pola' 74 SHE WBOT& the Bishops of the Committee press. 116 Make (.UIBI) 81 Cook. m..... III Analyze THE .......... fit of Americans. It has no re­ counseled them on their obliga­ This response brings the num­ 87 Sba.. 8fIp.... r...... 85 War Irod grammatt_lIy OF GOI)'S Ogure 87 Biblical 18 Soar . . I_OVING ciprocity clause. tion to direct their children to ber of people' .who have an­ 'Z9Sa!~ t e u l t e r y ! S An aatrlnlreDt KINDNESS" attend only those films which swered' "ads" since they Were Separate Matters 30 D""rea.in, 88 SHE WAS DB- 211 Rodeat 75 I<;n'·.baped 32 Mu~mDred VOTED TO 88 M..ntal faenlt7 78 Domesticated are suitable for their age groups; started four 'and a half years ago Father Dion was refused a visa 34 I)rlv •• down THE'SACRIlJD 31 Brl.tle 78 Educat.. those films which are classified to 108,000. Of these, 4,000 have 38 Kind of chee.e 32 Oar 81 Beveralre by the Russians in 1955 without (0 German bord ..r 89 Wi;:'lred ' 33 Collectio.. 82 Uncommoa as A3 are intended not for teen­ been receive" into the Church­ explanation. Apparently it was 83 SonS' t8 ~.:':!:~;;..a :~ ~l':~·:':.lDd.. sa :'~~'l:':; agers but exclusively for adults. including' 1,000 during ,the past 84 Wild plum in retaliation against the U. S. « Burll:lArl"ed 94 Pin.. cia....... 38 SHE IS FA· 88 Bm'

Parents were also warned of six months-while another 5,000 n C"a8r 95 Corn..r ' MOllS.FOR A 87 S ....wfled" refusal to permit Archbishop 49 Festival 96 St..p Cl'lRT...IN ........ 88 Head euveri III:

the dangerous cumulative effect after studying the 'elementary Boris of the Russian Orthodox 110 M...."nlter trip. 97 Woman'. a ....... S'J Salty 90 Conjunction which 'h'orror, pseudo-science ,outline. of the Catholic Faith of­ U Wand"r811 118' P",rn.e 39 Hannts 92 Like (IDlBI) Church to stay longer than 60 and crime films can have upon fered in the advertisements, are day in this country. Solution 011 Page Eighteen the moral health and intellectual now receiving further instruc­ State Department sources in­ development of their children. tions from priests in all. parts of dicated that officials had reached In its report to the Committee Britain. an understanding with the Redl] the Legion of Decency ind!cated Catholics in Army that the case of Archbisho,1 that since December of 1957 it Final collections in the annual ing its own program in the par­ Leg:'il disabilities against Cath­ Boris and Father Dion are sep­ bad reviewed and classified 323 olics still exist. No Catholic can Toys for Tots project, sponsored ish hall on Brightman Street. arate matters. by law:become Lord Chancellor, by Fall River Council Knights where the youngsters meet Wed­ Speaker of the House of Lords of Columbus will be made on ·nesday nights to prepare toys for Christmas delivery te;» other Continued from Page One and chief legal authority in the Saturday. National Guardsmen, directed teenagers not 8S fortunate all country. No Catholic is likely to Production' Code Seal. Eighty become Prime Minister, who by Sgts. John Getchell' and Leo themselves. per cent of the offensfve adveramong other things has to' ap-. Lecomte, ·will make their last .;

Using coines from an ·irrespon-. point the bishops of the_ State pickup of toys left at Fall River's JOSEPH M. F. DONAGHY

sible segment of the motion pic- Church. fire stations. Work of recondi­ owner/mgr.

ture industry-mostly foreign Neither the Roya:I Navy nor tioning. toys for distribution at 142 Campbell St.

film companies and independthe Royal Air Force has many Christmas goes on at Santa's ents, which by-passes the industop ranking' 'Catholic . officers headquar~ers, 136 Pocasset . New Bedford, Moss.

· try'!: own Advertising Code Ad- though the' Army does better, Street. WYman 9-6792 ministration and neither seeks, perhaps because the Irish make The program ma~e 1100 chil­ nor carries the Code Seal. such good soldiers. The Chief of dren oC needy families happy HEADQUARTERS FOR

. Sherwin Kane, writing in 'the the Imperial General Staff, GeR. last Christmas and Chairman COLONIAL AND

Motion Picture Daily, quotes Sir :'rancis Festing, is a notable 'Dominick Maxwell feels the need TRADITIONAL FURNITURE

both Arthur Mayer, well-known convert. ' is just as great this year. in distribution of films both Industry has no outstanding . Teenage groups are aiding in Thomas F. Monaghan Jr.

American and foreign, and Bos- Catholics. In the State corpora­ the work. The Tri-R Club of ley Crowther, film critic of the lions the only one is sfr Edwi'n St. Joseph's Church is. conductTreasurer

New York Times. Both men Plowden; chairman of the spoke at a luncheon of the As- 'At9mic Energy Authority. Four .. ---------------------­ socia ted Motion Picture Adver- Catholics are among the 35 mem-: 142 ,SECOND STREET tisers luncheon in New York. bers of the General Council of :., : Stupid and Dirty th'e Trades Union Congress, rul-: . FALL RIVER Mayer noted that much of the ers of the British trade unions,' ~ ~

advertising . of foreign films the most' prominent being Mr. :'. LADIES :

OSborne 5-7856 "turns out to be stupid when it Bill Carron, engineers' leader. ~ WEARBNG APPAREL ~

essays the salacious,' and. suc- -. ~ , ~ . ceeds merely in being dirty 1875 Acushnet Avenue : when it tries to be daring." "We : New Bedfo'rd

WY 3-2684 : who are fighting censorship," ~_. ,_! Mayer said, "may well have to

p'ay for the fast buck follies of LOURDE~(NC) Lourdes,

1958." long. afteJ;' the radiant summer,

Crowther, speaking about the is still a magnet for pilgrims. TAUNTON, MASS. so-called art films of Europe, No large pilgrimages have come APPRAISER

told the group that the state of .hexe since the end .of October, REAL ESTATE

imported films has deteriorated. but every day there .are new THE BANK ON

He said, "It is too bad that the arrivals of groups and individ-, TAUNTON GREEN

terms 'art.' and 'filthy' .have .beuals. . . INSURANCE come synonymous. The audience The whole year, especially Member of Federal DepOlllt that was ,created (for the early this centenary year, is one 100ig WY 3-5762. film exports) wants the voice season of grace in this' sanct­ Insurance Corpora&lon U6-Cornell S&.

of Europe, not the vice of Eu- uary of Mary Immaculate. New Bedford

rope. .Holy Communions received The public's displeasure at of- this year in the· Lourdes saric­ fensive advertising of motion tuaries numbered 3,800,000, 'as Sele'cti~n · pictures Rrompts Mr. Kane to agai~st '1,740,000 in 1957: Masses urge, "-For their own good', as celebrated were 153,000' as well as for the' good naineand against· 63,000 in 1957. Sick pil­ .670 COUNTY STREET, NEW BEDFORD repute of motion' pictures, it is grims . bathed _amounted to · time that film importers estab- 49,500 as against 33,10Q in 1951.· i::'1 u1 ppea to' care for. Post-Op~ratives, Conval­ :lished and enforced .their own . Visitirig doctors' who registered for WORK principles of' self-regulation." ·in the Medical Bureau number'­ escentS and the Aged in a MQDERN HOME­ Mr. . Kane points out that ed 2,961, as against 1,433 in '1957. or SPORT while offending films and ads Of the cures claimed .during in an a~mosphere of FRIENDLINESS and are not limited to imported the year, the Medical Bureau :WARMTH 'products,these do comprise the has taken 32 for 'examination I 55 William St. substantial. part of what has ·andstudy.NopronoUllcemen~ SNewBedford . ARTHUR .Ti'' NOONAN,' Owner ·.WY 4-2400 drawn so much' public censure ·will be made' on these for at . ' . '-, Qf"cthe 'current 'Cinematic.' scene:.: '.'-,·leaSt~two·:)'eara.;·",.-,·"'-;;.h. ,c:. '.:"~(':'''.: J

Russia ns Allow American Priest To Enter Moscow

Brita in Reports' Cathol ic Growth




Knights to CoJlect Toys for Tots

Film A'dvertising'


Furniture Store





Modernistic :' Shoppe :



for Bristol County

Lourdes Remains : Pilgrim. Magnet.

Brist'o~ County

James f. O'Neill

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from 2.49 . Cart er

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1~;.:::::::rf:::!llt hristmas

comes But iI&~Once a Year-

This Christmas Message Is Sponsored By The fo/­ 'lowing Public Spi.rited Individuals. and Busi­ ness Concerns Located in Greater fall River

and with· it, Our Sincere Christm.as Wish .for Lots of Good· C·heer!

Ann Dale Products, Unc. Building Materials Inc. Donnelly Painting Service John F. Doyle, Contractor Enterprise Brewing Co. Gold Medal Bread A.G. & W.J. Howland, Inc. Insurance


Hutchinson Oil Co. International Ladies Gafloo ment Workers Union MacKenzie & Winslow, Inc. Mason Furniture Showrooms Gerald E. McNally Contractor George M. Montie, Plumber Stafford Fuel Co., Inc. Sobiloff Brothers Sterling Beverages Inc. Textile Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO Yellow Cab Company Wm. N. Wheelock & Son, Inc. (The Original) .


Merry . C~ristmas From All of Us To All of You







fi:AFFIA HAlt£. ANDY ffi:OM A LVO~WAY MD_,,_

• •~AN'/ MONEY.

"'): Catholic and Lutheran ~ishops, .

Protest Action of.' German ,Reds

-THE ANCHOR Thurs., Dec. 11,1958

Dio'cesan Legion'

.Cross'Word Solution


ficult to contact on regular cen­ '. <lured into ,the'Fall River Diocese' sus visits. Weekly visits to over 'by Bishop Connolly in 1952. It 500 patients in some 15 institu,;. is now, establ,ished in 13'parishes, . tions and ho'spitals; weekly visits to the house of correction." six in Fall River, four in New ,These and many other spirit­ :Bedford, and three in Taunton, with a ,total,.of 18 praesidia or ual works .make other spirit­ , tremendous asset to the individ­ local. upits, . ual parish:andthe Diocese, stated Rev. Edward A Oliveira is Father Oliveira.' . Diocesan Moderator of the Le­ 'The Taui-.ton· priest, assistant gion.. He has released a report' Our Lady {)f ;Lourdes Church, of, its, accomplishments. in the at has established"a junior Legion Dioces,e, term.ing them, "very of Mary group in addition to the gratifYin~." , . adult unfts." All Legionaries The.' 'rEiport lists "an, average throughout 'the Diocese 'meet of 10· man'iages rectified each yearly at St.'Mafy'S Cathedral' year; 50·, to 100) adult confirma­ Individua'ls' not aple to' partici­ tionsyearly; 20 'to, 30 over-age pate in· the' active work of the bap~isms; 50,to,75 first commun­ organization may become aux'il­ ions of ~lder children; an aver-' iaries by redting. prescribed age of 150.returns to the sacra- . prayers daily. ments ,Yearly;·o:v:er 1,000 census, visits,especially. of, families dif-

BERqN (NC)-Bishop Julius charges had been' made agamst Doepfner of Berlin has severely . those arrested, and said that re·;;..., criticized the "robbery 'of lib­ 'peated' efforts to discover the .~miim erty" by communist-I uled .East reasons for the arrests 'had been' ,Germany. ' . made in vain. He a!iserted: At the same time, the Lutheran "Legal security for the indi­ Bishop Otto Dibelius, presiding' vidual is the basis 'of a well­ · bishop .of the Evangelical Church ordered human society. It ~s bit communism as a prison in with anxiety th~t we must ask which, people are supposed to if legality is protected here. and · abandon their own beliefs and we demand prompt c,larification accept those handed' down by . of the situation.'" , ' the ·men 'in power. "i must again express the sor-' Bishop Doepfner protested 'row and deep disturbance of especially. against -the' increasing Catholics over these inc'ompre':' arrests. of priests, ·nuns arid lay­ hensible' arrests and over. , this Considi~e men in 'East Berlin' and' East . robbery of liberty that has con­ , - Continued from Page One

Ger!!'llny. . He noted that :notinued. for four months;" he. said. izethe faith of ,the traditionally

S· . Cat40lic continent.

~cr,e 0 Father' Considine; however,

1522~23)" ,last non-Italhin Pop'e', I finds the 'greatest hope for the: .ConUlluedfrom Page One ( Church in those countries 'comes.. The number' of cardinals Alfonso of Portugal, a youth of ,ftom the asp,irations of 'the Utin lIDder Pope Pius IV (1559-65) 17; and the Generals 'of three ' . Americans ,themselves. rose to '76. It was Pope Sixtus Religious Orders; .also the Con, Better Plan V :who, in' 1586, set' a maximum sistory of May .12, 1879, when The priest's book notes that a · of 70 members composing. 'the . .!,.eo XIII. named as cardinals, '. better coordinated, more ably College.' . " , the priest John Henry Newmail., . dfrectE;d plan, is needed 'to . Number Created 'great 'apologist' of the Church; 'achieve, clpser cooperation. be..;. Some Popes have created no Zigliara, restorer of Thomistic tween U. S.' Catholics and their cardinals. Alexander' IV, (1254­ . doctrine; Alimonda, most effec­ co-religionISts in Latin America. : ei), did :r1Ot exercise his right, tive orator of his time; Hergen­ , "Catholics fn the Uriited States during the seven years of his rother, famous Church historian. are lamentably ignorant' regard- . pontificate. On the other hand" Famous Firsts" ing the' religious' traditions of' Leo X (1513-21) created 42' the' Latins, adoptin~ all too fre­ First Englishman admitted: to cardinals in his pontificite of · eight years the Sacred College of Ca~dinals quently a "holier than thou' at­ titude toward th'eir needs," he Largest 'single creation, of was Cardinal Ulric, named by writes. Pope Paschal II in 1107. cardinals w'as made by. Pope Father Gonsidine writes that Leo X, when he named. 31 to First Scotsman. named Cardi­ during this century Protestant the Sacred College in the Con­ nal was Cardinal Beaton; by missions have made greater head­ sistory of July 1, 1517. '. Paul III, in 1538. . way in' South American nations Other famous creations were First Irishman to receive the , than anywhere else i~ the world. . by Benedict· XIV, when he' Red' Hat was Cardinal Cullen _~:" named 27 cardinals in, 1743; Pius Papal. Assu!l'al:'l~e , XI, who'died in December, 1935 by Pius IX in 1867. VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope

created: 20 'new cardinals (in­ First American in the Sacred clUding two who had previously College' \\T.as Cardinal McClos-' John~ has assured the Shah of

Iran that the Church will dedi­

, been named in petto); Pius X, key. nominated by Pius IX in cate herself to works, of culture

who in November, 1911, created 1875. and charitr in, +he Shah's nation;

and published 18, reserving First Cana'dia~ named to th~ another in petto. ' Semite of the Church was Card­ Among the famous consis­ .' inal Taschereau, by Leo XIII in tories is that of July 1, 1517, 1886. when Pope Leo X named, among First South American repre­ I»thers, Adrian of Utrecht, who sentative in the Sacred College later became Pope Adrian VI was Cardinal Arcoverde, by Pius X in 1905. . ~ ~Al'l WYman

~& " ... /~ 3·6592

Cardinal Tedeschini, of the Continued from Page One present College of Cardinals was pledge is read at all Masses in CHARLES F. VARGAS named Cardinal in petto by Pius U. S. churches and congregation 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE XI at the Consistory of March are requested to indicate agree­ NEW BEDFORD,MASS. 13, 1933. but was not proclaimed ment with it. The pledge will be Cardinal until the Consistory of read on Dec. 14 this year. December 16, 1935. He emphasized that the legion One cardinal-Cardinal Caro has, been an effective agency of has died during the reign of the the Catholic Church in the present Pope, The pontificate. of United States in' crystallizing . public opinion in the field of Pius XII 'saw the deaths of 62 cardinals. and two more died, :, motion picture morality, and the during the interregnum prior' to . .' annual pledge has been "a force'­ the election of Pope John XXIII, ful instrument" in the cause. Cardinal Mooney and Cardinal "The pledge is expressed in general terms and actually does . Celso Constantini, ChanceHot of Church. . nothing more than to recall. the .. the H~ly Roman , . specific obligation that Catholics,' Cardinals-Designate' 'Richard . and indeed all men, have with J'. Cushing of Boston, John':'F. ?,\,regard to motion pictures even O'Hara of Philadelphia, and Am­ ~if there were no Legion of De­ ·leto G. CiCognani, Apostolic'Del­ ;; cency. This is th' obligation not egate to tl}e United States, left ~ attend motion pictures which. ,',for t,he J::onsist()ryby plane from are·harmful to themselves 'or to Logan Airport"Boston, yesterday' 'afbernoon: ~he~...t,t~i~hbprs., :""';c ."


. , F· ac t s on ,.


d C" 1'1 ege'





A, CAll TO MERCY' : Ha... ' you ·.~~~d it? Christ is calling' you to I the opostol':'te of I meicyas ,ciBRO!HER OF MERCY, .to', nurse the sick, in' hospitals, in­ firmari.. and,' pri..ate homes or 'practic~ a 't;ade" of. 'other do':'esti; work necessary for the, well·being of a Community. The Brothers are en'gaged in works of mercy in the U.S.A., Germany, Holland and the' ' mission fields of Africa. "Blessed are the merciful; for they sholl ob­ ~i" mercy." Save your soul the :mercy way. For'. information write: • REV. BROTHER PROVINCIAL BROTHERS OF MERCY RANSOM ROAD,CLARENCE, N. Y.




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'ontinued from Page One

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Sports Chatter


Amabile"s ·Quarterbacking Impresses TV Viewer

Thurs., Dec. 11, 1958

Chap~@~n Ul!'~es

Right Att~tude

By Jack Kineavy


Somerset High School Coach

Thoughts. of a televiewer on the Boston College-Holy Cross game last Saturday: The quarterbacking of Eagle sophomore John Amabile was just what the doctor didn't order (Anderson, that i~). The lad from New Jersey showed the poise and imagil).ation ••••••••••• , of a veteran directing his Jack Kineavy will announce team to a 26-8 victory over his second annual Catholic all the visitors from Worcester. star footbalI team of high

school players in the diocese The most electrifying play of in next week's edition of The the game saw-Amabile tour his Anchor. own right end for the firs t track coach at Medford High. score, aft e I' Despite the victory over the faking magni­ Crusaders, rumors persist that a ficently to fu11­ coaching change may be in the b a c k Duggan' offing at the Heights. Personally, who was we'd hate to see it come about. smothered b y Mike Holovak has done a fine the whole left job at Boston College. His over­ side of th'e all record reads 44-25-3; against Holy Cross Holy Cross, he's 5-3. We'd like line. Shades of to see Mike have a .shot at the Ted Williams . big' time schedule that the Eagles (B.C.'s Ted,. who' scored on a similar play in 1940 to beat Holy ,will undertake next Autumn. n includes Army,·Navy and Pitt. Cross, 13-7). "Gets Maximum Mileage .Colorful Jim Goes Then there was the basketball Shifting to baseball's tra<l.ing pass Amabile to Flanagan for mart, the departure of Jim Pier- . the second B. C. touchdown, a sall from Boston will take a good play that appeared to be impro­ deill of color from the Fenway vised but yet none-the-less well­ scene. Whatever his weakness at , executed. the plate, Jim was a real pro in For the "rest of ·the day, ,Ama­ the hustle department. bile concentrated 'on' getting He'll fit rightinto the Indians'

maximum mileage from his two picture between, Minoso and

human battering rams, Duggan Colavito. That trio should give

and Miller,. who. rode up and Cleveland the best' defensive

over the,' Holy Cross frontier, outer cordon in the majOl~s.

aided and abetted ·by the Ben~ Talking about trades and Col­

nett brot.hers, Steve and Leon. avitoreminds us'that Cleveland

Duggan bore the brunt of the was willing to give Rocky' and

B. C. offensive in the first half, pitcher. C,al McLishto Washiri'g­

MilleI' ,taking over in the second. ton a year ago for, Jim Lemon,

The latter, off his sterling· per­ Pedro Ramos and Eddie Yost.'

, ,fQrmance, was. awarded ..the . The Senators balked at the

·O'Mealia Trophy, annually given deal, whereupon Colavito had a

by vote. of the sportswriters to terrific season with the Indians

the game's most outstanding and McLish became their lead­

individual. ing pitcher. No~ Yost goes' to

Credit Harvard's Jack Fadden Detroit and Bertoia and a couple

for devising a special shoulder of minor leaguers come w

brace to protect Miller's injured Washington..

shoulder. Wertz Definite Asset . John Flanagan, who played a All of which tends to bear out tremendous game at right end trader Frarik Lane's theory of for Boston College-scored once doing business: "'It's better to and tackled Tom Greene iii the trade a year too soon than year end zone for a safety-had to be too la'te." .. talked into playing football in ~Ev~dently, Lane must"be of high school. the opinion that pitchers Ray A neighborhood pal, Jim Cot­ Narleski and Don Mossi al'e on ter, did the persuading. He and the downgrade. He recently gave Flanagan were teammates at both' to' Detroit to bring Billy Boston College High and again Martiri to Cleveland. Martin at the Heights. presumably 'will play ,second Greene to Stecchi base for the Indians. ' For Holy Cross and especially Only' time will tell how the quarterback Tom Greene, it was various trades turn o~t but a frustrating afternoon. An alert Boston's acquisition .':ot' vic B. C. secondary picked off three Wel'tz should prove a" definite of Greene's first four aerials, all asset. of which were long toSSes. And now a final note 011 The successful pass was a,35­ hockey. The Providence College yard shot to el).d ·Dave Stecchi Friars, , who have a 1. I' e a d y who waded through a host of launched their '58-'59 season . Maroon defenders to s cor e have a true veteran first line i~ standing up. Thereupon Coach every sense of the word. Com­ Mike Holovak promptly re­ prising the unit are the Labbe moved his second unit. twins, Bob and Ray, and Gil Another. Greene completion Dominique, all of Lewiston, Me. actually lost 16 yards. B. C. 'The trio played four years to­ shifted to a rushi.ng pass defense gether at St. Dom's and this will in the second half, forcing the be their '. fourth year at Provi­ Crusader quarterback to fade d~nce College. No surprise moves deep. there. It was on one of these occa­ sions that he flipped to Buzniski for the above mentioned loss; another time he was smothered behind' the the goal line by the entire right side of the Eagle PRESCRIPTIONS

line, Flanagan leading the way. The long punt formation is Jo~eph A. ~rris, Jr.

again becoming an interesting Reg. Pharm. . play, mainly due to the inability 686 Pleasant St. of the T-conditioned center to New Bedford , get the ball back there with WYman 3-3918 ,speed and consistency. B. C.'s Robinson made a catch that would have been a credit to ) Jim Piersall of lust such' an errant pass. We;ve. seen numer­ What is any ous instances this year of phan­ II)an Jiving but ) tom snap-backs on punts: ',. a breath· that Rumors of Change' passes? It would only be noticed by . \ another official but Jim Kelle­ . PII.38:6 her's line crew served head . ;~. ) linesman Walter Coffey in their usual inimitable fashion. Two of the game officials are JEWELED (ROSS well known SPOrts personalities . . COMPA..' ­ . '. MO,' AnUDOIO. MAM. in Boston environs, Adolph Sam­ MAHU',",CRltlai 01 ; • borski, '. dire~tor of intramur;i~ >' CRUCI~!Xf.;S.~~ Cf ~lION lit Harvard and· HaITy !IclI'meI;' "0 •




Post Office . Pharmacy



ST. LOUIS into military Catholic man, you have to,"

(NC) - "Go service as a not because an Air Force

chaplain advised an ~udience of teenagers' here. "The attitude a student has toward future military' service is most i.JTlportant," Father George M. Klaric, a chaplain at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., declared. He spoke at a symposium on military service sponsored by the St. Louis Review, archdiocesan " weekly newspaper. He told the boys: "You have te make up your mind that as iI Catholic man you want to con­ tribute your bit to the nation'. security and freedom." Frame of Mind A teenager's frame of mind is important when he first enters the service and afterwards, too, the chaplain-a priest of the St, Louis archdiocese--pointed out., COACH ~F CHAMPIONS: Brother G. Luke, F.S.C., . "Don't go in 'because you have English literature teacher and stellar track coach at W.est to,'" he advised. "Avoid that~ Philadelphia Catholic High displays some trophies his teams philosophy which tries to Jget'" . everything possible out of the and individual stars have amassed in competition. His team service for purely selfish reasons. placed second in the 1958 National Inter-scholastic Track and . And don't simply "exist' for your Field Championship. Brother Luke's new book "C9aching time in the service-doing 'n9th­ Hi~h School Track and Field," is a Coaches' Book Club Se­ ing, participating in no'th·i.n& barely exerting enough energy lection. NC Photo.' . to stay out of trouble. '. "From the' beginning up your mind to spend your ti,me well. A 'wild time' in th'c' serv­ i~e-drinking parties, late ho'ilrs, 'freedom' from parents, 'chG.rcb PITTSBURGH (NC)-The "es­ Bishop Carroll said this is "not and work-these things' 'can sential spiritual and morai' ob­

so with Catholic education." 'He wreck you, not only in' the setv­ jectives" of Catholic education, ice but for years, maybe even wl1ich .hav~ "primacy over ,all acknowledged that in the "pre­ for life." .' ot,her aspe'~ts'~ must be. 'given vailing atmosphere" there· is a greater stress hi theory and "restlessness that some speak of practice. NO JOB TOO BIG as almost panicky." The Bishop Addressing more than 3,000 declared. that in the pursuit of NONE TOO SMALL Pennsylvania' educators Bishop the "essential· spiritual and Howard J. Carroll of Altoona­ moral objectives" of Catholic Johnstown has declared' "In education "we must not be di­ the short space of a lifetime one verted by current confusion and theory has gained favor after 'controversy" and that "we are PRINTERS another in secular education cir­ in a better position than ever cles." Some policies and prac­ before to do our work well." . Main Office and Plant tices once accepted generally


Bishop Carroll Notes Cot.fusion

In Modern Secular Education '


and enthusiastically now have 'been scrappoo and secular edu­ cators are facing the question­ What is education and. what is its purpose?" "The supreme test of secular education," Bishop Carroll said, "appears to be in its usefulness as a stepping stone to eminence in the busineils ill1d industrial world or in social life or as a catalyst of democracy. Education as commonly regarded rests,' in­ deed, upon the shifting sands of time." .




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SERVE CHILDREN AND THE SICK: The White Sisters divide their : time between their busy day nursery and care of the homebound sick. ,At left Sister Albert gives the daily ration of lollipops to three of her eharges. In second left photo Mother Yves de St. Jean, superior o-i the 4.*Fall River convent, supervises the picking ~p of bl,ocks after. a day's play. . .... . )

:Asserts Exampl'e -Most Impressive ':Way to Teach ~ PITTSBURGH (NC)-The

importance of good examIlle been emphasized by 'Msgr. PatrickJ. Ryan, re­ tired Chief of Army Chaplains, in an address at the 38th an­ 'Dual Pennsylvania Catholic Ed­ 'acational Association convention. Msgr. Ryan, now vice presi­ dent of the Catholic Digest mag­ azine, told, the 3,000 Catholic ed­ ucators from all parts of the state that there are two Catho­ lic attitudes which prevail in the modern world. Ollposite Theories He characterized one as "sa­ eristy mentality," which he de­ IICribed as a"tendency "to with­ draw .from, the world to the i1acristy and' close the door, in _der to 'escape, froin the errors' and the confused, alarms" of struggle and fight, which occur eonstantly outside." "The other ·theory. is exactly eontrary;" the Monsignor said. "It' would, have one go out into the world and mix with all so,rts .r persons, Protestants, Jews and unbelievers, in. order to exert an influence." Practical Lessons Msgr. :R,yar: said that his ex­ perience in the field of education "has taught me some practical lessons." "Education is the process of a ~·'"l:I!iifetime," he'said. "We all teach kt one way or another as we Impress and lead those about us. This influence· of example ehanges our associates for better ~ ,worse." .


Ed',lcation Sacrifices , "We have an obligation, 'not only to our own people, but also 10 our non-Catholic neighbors, be they Protestant or Jews We may be, criticized at times, but so what! Wasn't the gentle Christ Illritici'zed. for talking with sin­ ners and dining with Publicans?", The success of the Catholic school system in the United States was attributed to the "un­ stinting sacrifices of the Catho­ lic people who insist their chil­ .drenbe educated spiritually as ",ell as intellectually," Father Thomas Reidy, C.S.F.S., presi­ dent of the association, told th,e 8(uiven tion. Lead Public Schools He ,said that there now are more than 4,000 teachers in Cath­ ~lic schools in Pennsylvania; that a total of 750,000 students attend Catholic' elementary and second- ' arey schools, and that 25,000 stu­ dents are in Catholic colleges and universities in the state. ~'~athe'r Reidy said that the C~th­ 'olic school population in the Diocese of Pittsburgh exceeds .. the number in the public school


Right center photo shows Sister Louis' Gabriel and Sister )1arguerite preparing equipment for home nursing calls. On the right four members of the New Benford convent enjoy a game of whist. Left to right are Sister Jeanne, ~otherElisa Theresa, Sister Regina of Jesus and Sister Imelda of Mary. " .

White Sisters Serve Two Cities ·Note Slackening 'mn Sunday Sales Coring· for Sick in, Homes,

, MIAMI (NC) - Spokesmen for the Greater Miami Council By Patricia McGowan of Churches have reported 90 Have you a car and some spare time? The White Sisters, both in New Bedford and per cent cooperation among Fall River, would love to know you! Worki ng in the two cities are six Sisters who go merchants in the council's cam­ out daily on hgmenursingcalls. Each makes a bout 12 visits a day; traveling by bus and paign to end unnecessary Sun­ 'day sales. on foot. ' Dr. R. B. Culbreth, a Baptist "Sometimes we get a ride," Like most childish haunts it's mon to nuns. Their white coifs minister and chairman of the says Sister Marguerite de currently invaded by hula hoops, frame happy, unhurried faces. council's Sunday observance l'Eucharistie of the Fall They hang everywhere and Sis- ' Their Congregation was foun­ committee, said the response ter Arthur Elizabeth proudly· ded in France in 1706 and now has been "excellent" from food River house, and we're' 'al­ told tis 'of the Nursery champion, numbers some 3,500 members' in stores. car lots, furniture stores ways so grateful. It means time a five-year-old who can twirl Canada', Africa and the United and liquor dealers in the Miami to visit an extra patient." her hoop 300 times. States. Its primary purposes are area. The Sisters refuse no calls be­ When they're not.hooping, the education of youth and care of tween the city limits of Fall children enjoy brightly colored ' the sick. It conducts hospitals, Late Pope Performed 'River and New Bedford, but if 'shoe tying racks, a new ad.dition homes for aged, orphanages, a .patient is not on a bus line to -Nursery equipment-and no 'nurseries and businesswomen's Nocturnal Adoration they. must walk from the nearest one misses the lollipop line that residences. TUCSON (NC)-The late Pope stop to his house. Thus'an hour forms at the end of each day. Modern Habits Pius XII performed nocturnal is often expended on a call that Daily Activities The Congregation's habit was . ~doration for nearly 45 years, would take five minutes with a - When the Nursery day is over altered in 1954 to a style suited . A letter sent by Msgr. Beni­ car. and the nurses have come home, to the active lives of the Sisters. amino Nardone, president of the Bus drivers' are cooperative,. activities aren't over for the It's made of orion and wool,' an Archconfraternity (in Rome). for however; They lmowthe Sisters. Sisters.' Blocks, tricycles· and . up-to":the-minute combination, the Nocturnal-Adoration of the and will wait if they ,see them' dolls inust be picked, up, and the With it are ;Worn a black leather Blessed Sacrament to Andrew A. 'Grondona, founder' of the Noc­ , approaching a, bus. Nevert~e-' nurses" bags' ml,lst be repacked ·belt and a five-decade rosary. less, a few automobile rides for next day's visits. ,, Allilver. d!>ve representing' .turnal Adoration Society of the would enable the Sisters to' do '. There, may be time for a few' the Holy GhQst is worn about Knights of Columbus in .Tucson, said: even more than they accomplish games, however. In Fall River the neck. The initials "F.S.E." "As far back as 1914, the then for the sick of the two cities. the Sisters enjoyparchesi. In- following members'na'messtand stead of trying 'to reach "home" for, filles ,'{: Sain.t-Esprit,' ,the Msgr. Eugenio Pacelli added his Operate Day Nursery they call the' goal "heaven" and Frencli name of 'thecommunity~ . name as,a member of the i\fch~ The White Sisters, more prop­ Sister Marguerite's the best at . Candidates should be between confraternity f Nocturnal Ad­ erly known as the Daughters of getting th!'lre. in New Bedford 16, and ·25, .'in...:good' health and oration in Rome. After his elec­ the Holy Ghost, have been in' ,whist is a favorite.' There Sister able to 'peifonn one or more tion .as Pope, he repeatedly the Fall" River Diocese since' Regina of Jesus is the champion. .'of,. the, types 'of work· 'under~ recommended night adoration 1903. They have done nursing Occasionally Sisters froin the ,tak~n I;iy_the Sisters, They may ,and referred to it as 'an inex­ Isince that time and in 1910 also two houses are able, to get to- , 'obtain:ftirtner iriformation frcim haustible fountain of light 'ahd undertook operation of the 'gether, but it's', a hurried affair~ Reverend. Mother, Provincial, of strength for its observ!'lrs, a Bishop Stang Day Nursery in since the nurses are busy five ::8:01y CHiost Provihcial House, '72 sublime means for drawing upon Fall River. and a half days a week and :Churcl~ St~~t, Putnam, Conn. . humanity the divine mercies.'" They have been responsible emergency calls may come 'at for many conversions and re­ any' time. turns to the 'sacraments among They lead' a crowded life, the SuggestiQns for Christmas Giving their patients. Most of them are Daughters of the Holy Ghost, . Attradive Rosaries- and Crucifixes .unable to pay for the Sisters' but they share the serenity com­ , Imported or Domestic Statues - Hummels services, but no one is ever re­ Newest Daily 0; Sunday Missals - Holy Bibles fused care for that reason. Some ; Nativity Sets - MeCials and Chains cases have been on the visiting Religious' PiCtures' - Catholic Literature list for as long as 15 years, and there is one patient who. will be Many Other .Gif,ts in CI! Wide Price Range 100 next March. EXCLUSIVE SHOWING KEATING'S , Without the' assistance of the .EmiiyC. 'Perry Queen's Daughters, the White Sisters' Auxiliary group, much Opposite St. Lawrence':Church' New Bedford, Mass. of the work would be impossi­ Open ever'l" night until Christmas 1363 Pleasant Street . ,\ ble. The auxiliary members pre­ ~~~~q~~~~~q~~~C~~q~~~~~~q~~ pare surgical dressings for the "THIS IS A FILM WHICt:t

Sisters and plan many fund­ MUST BE, SEEN BY

,raising events for their benefit. EVERY CATHOLIC"

In New Bedford the Sisters do only home nursing, but two The Sign Magazine members of the Fall River house .are assigned to ·the day nursery.







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