VOL. 28, NO. 49
$8 Per Year
1 I 1.1
AT MARIAN MEDAL AWARDS, left, Bishop. Daniel A. Cronin and Msgr. John J. Oliveira congratulate recipient Antone Mathews, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish, New Bedford, Msgr. Oliveira's confirmation sponsor.
(I ~ Right. Mrs. Gratia Dupuis of St. Theresa's parish, South Attleboro, is sur rounded by her proud family. (Gaudette Photos)
Changes m·ade
Diocese responds
to famine need
An altar boy in an inner-city parish gave three of the four quarters he had planned to spend on video games. Employees of a Cape Cod off ice sent .the money they would have spent on a Christmas gift exchange. A speaker at a parish women's guild turned over his stipend. What aH had in common was their concern for the starving of ' Ethiopia. Their donations were part of the check for $103,250 which ·Bishop Daniel A. Cronin an nOUllCed today. he has trans mitted to Catholic Relief Ser vices headquarters in New York. eRS, the overseas aid arm of the U.S. bishops, is the largest voluntary agency providing dis aster relief in Ethiopia. The present donation is the second from the FaU River dio cese. At the beginning of Novem ber, immediately upon learning of the gravity of the circum stances in Ethiopia, Bishop Cro nin had sent a $10,000 grant to CRS from discretionary funds available to him. The second gift was coIlected in diocesan parishes and at the
chancery office in response to a
plea from Bishop Cronin. Point ing out that he was not ilequest ing a special .coIlection, he ask ed parishes to contribute what-.., ever they could "as a manifesta tion of our solidarity with the poor souls who are presently experiencing such dreadful suf fering." The outpouring of generosity followed. As a member of the eRS' board of directors, Bishop Cro nin has been in direct communi cation with workers coordinating relief efforts in Ethiopia and other famine-stricken, African countries. As a young priest the bishop served in the papal nunciature in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital, and he has alluded to his personal bond with the fam ine sufferers on several occa sions during the present crisis. In announcing ,transmittal. of the new donation to CRS, Bishop Cronin noted that gifts· for Ethiopia continue to 'arrive ·at the chancery office and t~li,t they will be forwarded. promptly, 'to the reli~f agency headqua~ers.. Commenting on :the., "over whelming generosity" manifested' Turn to Page 1?i~:.·' '.
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Father Coleman to Sandwich;
Father Beaulieu education head"
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Bishop Daniel A. Cronin an nounced today that Father George W. Coleman, presently pastor of St. Patrick's parish, Fall River, will assume the pas torate of Corpus Christi parish, Sandwich, on Feb. 2, 1985. Father Coleman, also diocesan director of education, will con· tinue in that position through next June 30. He will then be succeeded by Father Richard W. Beaulieu. Corpus Christi is the oldest parish in the .FaIl River diocese; and with increasing population in the Cape Cod area, it is also one of the most rapidly develop ing. Bishop Cronin noted that Father Coleman's eight years of experience in directing the edu . cational apostolate of the dio , cese will aid him in meeting the administrative and pastoral chlll lenges o( his new assignment. The Corpus' Christi ,pastorate was vacated ,earlier this year when Father, ,James F. Kenney resigned t~e position for rea· sonsol health., ' . Father Coleman, a 'native of
St. "Patrick'~,.· parish,. $ol11erset, :
. "
I i
graduated from Coyle High School, Taunton, and attended Holy Cross College, Worcester, before entering St. John's Sem inary, Brighton. He c.ompleted his studies for the priesthood at the North American College in Rome and was ordained there Dec. 16, 1964: After ordinat.ion he served as associate pastor at 51. Kilian's parish, New Bedford, St. Louis parish,Fall River, and Our Lady of Victory parish, Centerville. He was named to the education directorship in 1977 and to the pastorate of 51. Patrick's in 1982. As of Feb. 2 Father William W. Norton, present associate at St. Patrick's, will become the parish administrator pro tem. Father BeaulIeu Father Beaulieu,. a native of St. Francis Xavier parish, Acush net graduated from St. Joseph's School and St. Anthony High School, both in New Bedford, and attended Providence Col lege before entering 51. .Thomas Seminary, ,Bloomfield, Conn., to begin his studies for the priest hood. . Turn to Page Six
.. \ \, .:. ,",. -THE ANCHOR":' Friday, Dec. 14, 1984
. ence" .to see that the norms are followed in such decisions. The pope also stressed the obligation of those who receive general absolution to confess any serious sins in individual Father Lucien Jusseaume, epis confession "as soon as possible." copal representative for dioce No one who has received ab~ san religious and chaplain at solution once is to receive it a Our Lady's Haven, Fairhaven, second time "before a normal in was principal celebrant at the tegral and individual confes Nov. 26' funeral Mass of his sion," he said. mother, Mrs. Clarince - (Gre He particularly urged priests goire) Jusseaume, who died Nov. not only to devote time to the 24 ·at age 92. ministry of penance, but also to ,Bishop Daniel ' A. Cronin pre receive the sacrament frequ.ent ,sided at the Mass at Blessed
ly. . Sacrament Church, Fall River,
If a priest does not confess and Father Roger' Charest,
frequently and properly, he said, SMM, a nephew of Mrs. Jus
"the whole of his priestly exis seaume, was among some, 40
tence suffers an inexorable de concelebrants. Also in attend
cline." ance were delegations from the
While insisting that "sin, in religious communities represen
the proper sense, is always a ted by Father Jusseaume.
personal act," the pope also Mrs. Jusseaume, widow of OC
said that "from another point tave Jusseaume and daughter of
of view every sin is social, in the late Adelard and Marie (He
sofar as and because it also has 'roux) Gregoire, was' a Fall River
social repercussions . . . There native and a lifelong member of
is no sin, not even the most. in Blessed Sacrament parish where
timate and secret one, the most she was active in the Ladies of
strictly individual one, that ex .St. Anne and the' Legion' of clusively concerns the person MlHY. She was aiso local chap THE MARYKNOU PLOt in this cemetery in Chalatenango, EI Salvador, is the rest committiqg it." ter founder and president for He rejected the idea that the the past 35 years of the Link of ing place of 'Maryknoll Sisters Maureen Clarke 'and Ita Ford who, with Ursuline Sister only mortal sin is "an act of the Living Rosary, a spiritual , Dorothy Kazel and lay missioner Jean DonOvan, were slain Dec. 2, 1980, by Sa!va organization based in Colbrook. doran security force members. The four women were remembered at prayer sel'Vlces 'fundamental option'" to reject God. He explained that "mortal NH. held last week in Taunton, Fall River and Attleboro under sponsorship of diocesan mem sin exists!llso when a person Survivors include, as well as
knowingly and willingly, for Father Jusseaume, another son, bers of' the L~adership Conference of Women Religous (NC/UPI Photo) whatever reason, chooses some Leo, of Geneva, Switzerland; two
thing gravely disordered." daughters, Sister Lucie Jus
At the end of the document, seaume, RJM, Woonsocket, and
the pope addressed the "particu Anita Stebenne, Fall River; a
larly delicate" pastoral issues of sister, Marie Anne Gosselin of
WASHINGTON (NC) - "So"Reconciliation and Penance" sin" are both apt terms, the' the divorced and remarried, Fall River; 16 grandchildren and cial sin" is a helpful term for is the name of a new apostolic pope wrote, ,because, in every people who are living together , over 50 great-grandchildren. without 'being' mal'l'ied, and dealing with certain aspects of exhortation by the pope which s'in' the sinner' open's a "two 'priests~ Hving "iil'irregular situa sin, but it should not obscure the was released simultaneously at . fold :iIl 'himseif imd , Error Free fact that aU sin is ultimately the Vatican and by the National in his relationship with his tions." In such situations the church "Some people make no mispersonal, Pope John (Paul it! Conference of Catholic 'Bishops neighbor." "compassion and takes because they never try to said in a major statement issued 'in Washington. The pontiff stressed that "sin, expresses Dec. 11. "Personal sin" and "social in the proper sense, is always a mercy" but "does not agree to do anything worth doing." Goethe personal act, since it is an act call good evil and evil good," .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ill •••••••••• iii Ii of freedom on the part of an the pope said. Persons "who are not at ,the individual person, and not prop • . _ \ ......,., '0,Q • erly of a group or community." present moment in the objective conditions required" may not receive the sacraments of pen : ~ ~ . fc. O ' . ' '0 ~ : mortal sin and venial sin, he ance and the Eucharist, he said. • '. • .··0,. • said it was "an essential ele But the church "ever seeks to • '. nl\' '. ment of faith" that Christ insti offer . . . reconci:liation" and 0 • : tuted the sacrament of penance asks those people to "maintain contact with the Lord" through prayer, attendance at Mass, and other acts of piety, he said. It would be "foolish" and
Mrs, Jusseaume
Pope str,esses need ~f confession wound': ..:
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Reservations Still Being Accepted. Hurry:!, JUST $ 162.00· $,170.00.' $18 5 .00 ~~~. P~~~~N
while doing without the sacra ment" of penance.
He said the fii"st form of ,the : rite of penance, consisting of • private preparation and individ • ual confession, and the second • form, in which individual con • fession takes place within the : context of a communal peniten .tial celebration, are "equal" as • .regards "the normality of the
. • '"The ,third
form, however reconciliation of a number of (KING LEISUR~ AND SUITES SLIGHTLY HIGHER) • penitents with general confess Including Meals, Accom. & Taxes. Gratuities Not Included. •• ion and absohition - is excep , t i o n 8 1 in character. It is ,there • • fore not 'left to free choice but
A CIIl', Cod~RIIOfta, ~Me4 • is regulated by a discipline,"
: the pope wrote.
,He said that only the bishop can determine if the necessary conditions for general absolu - . tion exist in a particular case,
1·800·352·7100 • and the bishop has "a grave
1. obl.!gation on his own consci-
Mercy VP' dead in auto crash SILVER SPRING, Md. (iNC) Sister 'Emily George, 49, viCe president of the Silver Spring based Sisters of Mercy of the Union, was killed in an auto mobile accident Dec. 6 in Dowa giac, Mich. Sister George was traveling from a board of trustees, meeting at Mercy College dn Detroit to the University of Notre Dame, where she was a visiting schol ar. ' She had been vice president of the Mercy order since 1980 and a member of the, commun ity for 30 years. An American history scholar, Sister George wrote several poli tical biographies. She was presi dent of Mercy College from 1967 to 1971 and administrator of the order's Detroit province from 1971 to 1977.
'Winter Wonderland'
Bishop's Ball theme
On Jan. 6 volunteers from every area of the diocese will exert their creative energies to transform ,Lincoln Park Ball room into a winter wonderland for the 30th annual Bishop's Ball. Headed by Mrs. Stanley Janick and Robert Coggeshall and aided by Jadders, staple guns, every tool imaginable, sewing rna· chines, ironing boards and irons, they will use hundreds of yards of white, ice blue and azure blue material to transform the ballroom into setting carrying out the theme of a Diocesan Winter Wonderland. Glen Hathaway and his crew will 'be busy with carpentry, the Cape Codders wiH decorate the entrance and in the foyer one will find 'Mrs. Aubrey Armstrong and her assistants putting last minute hems on draperies and valances. New Bedford, Taunton and Attleboro St. Vincent de Paul members will be climbing lad ders to hang post covers in al ternating colors while Diocesan Council of Catholic Women rep resentatives will be 'adding holly, snowflakes and hanging icicles to the posts to enhance the wonderland effect. The volunteers will cover hundreds of chairs with white seat covers, ski,rt the stage with ~Iue and ~hite ,.apd ar:range greens and lighted birch trees to accentuate the wintry decor. The 1985 presentees will step onto the ballroom floor through a picture frame glittered with snowflakes and accented by strings of miniature white lights, the work of 'Mr. and Mrs. Stan ~ey Janick and Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. The focal point. of the ball room is the bishop's box. For this area Sister GertJ:\ude Gau dette has designed a mural de picting a windowpane .view of a Winter Wonderland. Christ mas trees and other seasonal
THE ANCHOR Friday, Dec. 14, 1984
decorations will complement the . homey atmosphere. A seven-category souvenir booklet is published in connec tion with the Ball. AU whose names are listed are entitled to Ball tickets, which are also availahle from Vincentians and Diocesan Council members and will be sold at the door Jan. 1~, the night of the BaH.
December 15 Rev. Mortimer Downing, Pas tor, 1942, St Francis Xavier, Hyannis Decramber 20 Rev. Manuel S. Travassos, Pastor, 1953, Espirito Santo, Fall River Decramber 21 Rev. Henri J. Charest, Pastor, 1968, St. Mathieu, Fan River
THE ANCHOR (USPS·54S-D20). Second Class Postage Paid at 11'011 River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Chrlstrr.as ot 410 Highland Aven· ue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the cath· ollc Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid $8.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Foil River, MA 02722.
"1 got a part in the Christmas play toor I'm one of the three wise guys."
Lessons, carols at Cathedral INCUNE THINE ear to our prayers, we beseech' thee, 0 Lord, and· enligh ten the darkness of our minds by the grace of .thy visitation, who livest and reignest with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, 'God, world without end. Arne'n.
The choir of St. Mary's Ca thedral will present its annual ceremony of ,Lessons and Carols at 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 16, in the cathedral Bishops' Chapel. The music will be' drawn from traditional English, ,Irish, French, German, Italian Polish and' Latin carols, while the lessons will be from the New Testament and will also include Nativity poems
of English medieval and Renais sance poets. Glenn Giuttari; cathedral or· ganist and choirmaster, will di rect the program. Soloist for the 'Charles Ives' Carol will be 'Michele Delisle. All are welcome to attend the ceremony, which will be follow ed by refreshments in St. Mary's School building.
Graduate Programs
Religious Education
Religious Studies
Biblical Studies
• Believing in the Risen Jesus (Gerald O'Collins, S.J.) • Renewal of Sacramental Theology (Gerard AuS tin,O.P.) • Holy Spirit at the Heart of Prayer (Mary Ann Fatula, O,P.) • Frescoes/ Novels/ The Faith (Thom as Coskren, O.P.)
Graduate Course
In keeping with our annual practice, The Anchor will not be published the lFriday between Christmas and New Year's Day, this year occurring Dec•. 28•. We therefore request that Steering Point items which would nor mally appear on that date reach us by Dec. 17. They will be in cluded in our issue of Dec. 21 ..
June 24 - July 12 (Among Nine Offerings) Ministry to Adults James Kolar Special Moral Questions Philip Smith, O.P. Mary Ann Follm,ar Church Prison Epistles' Thomas Aquinas Collins, O,P.
July 15 - August 2 (Among Eight Offerings) Eucharist Colman O'Neill, O.P. The Commandments Today Raymond Collins Dominican Spirituality Simon Tugwell, O.P. Gospel of Matthew Terence Keegan, O.P.
. June 24 - August 2
Christ, Word
a Redeemer
Matthew Marry, O,P, Moral Principles Urban Vall, O.P. Grace and Nature . William Barron, O.P.
, Workshop: The Church at Prayer
Giles Dimock, a.p. and
Reglna~d Haller, O.P.
June 26 - 27
APPOINTMENTS Reverend George W. Coleman, from Pastor of Saint Patrick's ,Parish, Fall River, to Pastor of Corpus Christi Par ish, Sandwich, effective February 2, 1985. Father Coleman will remain as Director of Education for the Diocese of Fall River until June 30, 1985. Father Richard W. Beaulieu will succeed Father Coleman as Diocesan Director of Education on July 1, 1985. As Director of Education, Father Beaulieu wiH continue to reside at Saint Louis de France ,Parish, Swansea. Father William W. Norton will become Administrator pro tem of Saint ,Pat.rick's Parish, Fall River, on February 2,
June 16 - 21
A Theological
Diocese of Fall River
Member' F.D.I.C.
Idyllic Campus
Furl RacrflatlolflJl
Planned Recreational
For further information write:
Dept. of Religious Studies
Summer Programs
Providence College
Providence, RI 02918
Equal Opportunlty/affirmativa act/on /nsl/rut/on (M/F/H)
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 14, 1984
themoorinL ./
The American Parish .For the past few ,years the Pastoral Institute of Notre Dame University has been conducting an ongoing, in-depth study of American parish life based on analysis of 11100 parishes across the nation, representing rural,small town, suburban and urban areas. Their size, composition, organizational complexity, ac tivities, leadership, participation and ethnic background" were the factors examined in the first report on the project. All "in all, this investigation seems to be the most ex haustive yet undertaken in this country. . According to the first report, since Vatican II; Ameri can Catholics have participated far more .not only in re ligious rituals, but also In ministry. Parishes in which the pastor took care of God, Mother Superior ran the school and the people 'were dutiful sheep are passe. Other study findings are also interesting. . Most American Catholics, it reports, attend the parish within whose territorial boundaries they live, despite all the talk about parish shopping and hopping. And those parishes are large and growing larger. . According to the report, "a little over one-third of all parishes serves 1000 or fewer people, a little over one fourth serves between 1000 and 2500 people, a little over one-fifth serves between 2500 and 5000 people and the re mainder serve well .over 5000 people." It comes as no surprise in these days when clerical and religious vocations are at a minimum, that lay persons conduct many parish ministries. The report found Jhat over 85 percent- of those polled feel that their parish meets their spiritual needs well. Whether contemporary parishes are meaningful social com munities is another matter. ' Change, of course, has been a way of life in Catholic parishes in the last two decades. Opposition to liturgical change has lessened but there is still genuine uneasiness' about what lay people should or should not be doing. The report also indicates that in their effect on the re ligious and social behavior of their members, parishes are influenced by geographic location, ethnic tradition and . other factors. This observation confirms the rich diversity of U.S. Gatholic parishes, a diversity found in no other land, a fact often overlooked by many. Taken as a whole, this new study contains much to encourage. It is obvious that the voices of doom and gloom so boisterous only a few years ago have become no more than a hoarse whisper. The parish remains the prime co hesive bond in the American church, in continuous process of fulfilling the conciliar ideal for it, that it should model' total community apostolate. Indeed, the strength of the American church lies in its parish life, a reality often over looked by ecclesiastical idealists. This study is refreshing and welcome. It emphasizes the importance of the' grassroots church and should indi cate to all in positions of p~storal responsibility that the importance of parish life cannot be overestimated. Our parishes are qur strength. The more we support . them, the stronger faith will be in our life. Our parishes are our spiritual home. They are a place where We should bring our very best into play, that we may continue to build up the body of Christ, the Church.
P~blished weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River
. 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02,722 675-7151 PUBLISHER
Most Rllv. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D.
Rev. John F. Moore ~
Leary Press-Fall River
'The cold north wind bloweth.' Eccu. 43:22
True .Christmas and again their expectations set tianity pro~ides the greatest tled on worldly power, on some 'paradox. When the most wanted There is an ancient Chinese . mighty ruler who would free child finally arrived, he entered proverb: "Tell me, I'll forget. them and lead them. Time and so fully into our human condi . Show me, I'll rememl;ler. In again such vain ambitions were tion that he came as an unwanted volve me, I'll understand." dashed. After every false hope child. He was conceived under As is true of all proverbs, this there was a further purification circumstances of mystery and ,one has manifold applications. and deepening of longing until suspicion, rejected by human 'hospitality, pursued by hostile However, it is especially appro the 'Promise was made flesh. powers, hidden from Herod's priate 'in this season of Advent. Ultimately, it is Jesus' involve soldiers and dooked down upon The coming of Christ fulfills ment in our lives that assures us as a mere carpenter's son in an what the prophets foretold and that Gq,d understands our ·uni the holy men and women of Old que position. In all the known obscure villag~. During his Testament times manifested in ' creation, mankind stands alone brief three years of public minis try he· was cruelly rejected and their lives. With the coming of in the possession of such quali condemned by his own people. the Christ Child mankind is in ties as reason and free will. volved in" a unique way. Our These sparks of divinity with God's message to those who relationship'. with God reaches a in us call us to a speCial ;relation suffer is this: "1 will show you degree of understanding un ship with God both as his child my love by giving you my be surpassed by any other. ren and as stewards of his crea loved Son who wilJ1 inv()}ve The desire to understand div· tion. himself in your pain. He will inity is rooted deep in our hearts. Because of reason and free touch it with his love and change Other knowledge all too often will, we alone can freely choose it from bitter loss to redemptive leads to boredom, for our hearts to believe or <;\oubt, t6 dove or gain." are not meant to be content hate. Uniquely, mankind ha~ . In Christ, who arrived on earth with the things of this world. wrestled. with the problem of both wanted and unwanted, each Ironically, in our time concern evil. of us, however unwanted or un about dwindling natural re The mystery of suffering and loved, may find hope because sources coupled with population growth have made the phrase the mystery of God remained Christ has made us true child even after the Incamation. But ren of God. The revelation of "an unwanted child" common place. But the Christian faith with the eyes of faith opened to God's love should sweep into the darkest corners of our life, points to the child Jesus as the God's revela,tion of his Son, peo enabling us to bring the light of wanted one. He was the desire ple were freed to love in as of the nations, the awaited one, tounding ways. The questions hope where there is the darkness the hope of all humanity. His' remain ~but doubts yield to' faith of despair, the warmth of love and despair to hope. where there is the coldness of. presence in the least of our breth indifference. to the perennial God's answer ren has challenged all ages. We either recognize that presence problem of evil turned out to be To possess the true Christmas and embrace our Savior or we not a mighty ruler who would spirit is to be inyolved as Christ remain blind and our stony rid mankind of all its faults, nor was involved in bringing the a wise philosopher who would good news of God's. Jove to all hearts- remain discontented. patiently answer all questions. whose hearts will remain restless Throughout the Jong sad his tory of Old Testament times, Rather, God gave us a human until they find that their rest human hearts continued to long child. and their reward are set in for him who was to come. Tim~ Of all world religions, Chris· heaven. By Father Kevin J. Harrington
Church governance Anyone in authority who shoulders innumerable respon sibilities must awaken some mornings and wonder how he or she got into this leadership role and what it is all about. Recently the Canon Law So ciety of America invited a group of scholars to a conference to explore the question of gover nance, especially as it applies to the church. If you are a parent who feels this column belongs only to clergy, don't stop reading be cause most ideas here apply equally well to running a family. Closely associated with the notion of governance are the notions of power and authority. At the meeting we discussed how, in the early church, author ity was attached to the system of elders. Elders were the leaders who, because of their age and wisdom, were chosen to preserve and transmit the tradition received from Jesus though the apostles. The elders were expected to teach the tradition but, more im portant, they were to be spirit ual persons, devoting their Jives to obedience to the Spirit of God and his Gospel. We discussed how history re cords that every great bishop from the fourth century to the end of the age of the church fathers was greatly influenced
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall RivElr-Fri., Oat. 14, 1984
FATHER by the monastic life. This em phaSlized the spiritual person EUGENE and spiritual authority. As we reflected on these def initions of governance, I began HEMRICK to wonder what it would be like today if the principle of spirit uality were given the promin ence it once enjoyed. govern must likewise contend In . our modern world gover with diverse personalities. . nance is often put into the hands I also chuckled when I re of a good administrator, a per membered a homily in which we son with congenial personality were encouraged to act like who is an orator or a skilled shepherds but not to romanticize economist. -too much, since in fact sheep All of these qualities have stink. their place. But what would it When I began to write this be like if we required our lead column, it dawned on me what ers to be grounded in the princi a luxury it is to take time to ples of spirituality and to con discuss the topic of governance. duct their daily governance in As a priest I have found it obedience to the Spirit of God? very easy to see governance as I wonder if any management an administrative task and to by-objectives curriculum taught forget the values that make up in a business colleges has ever true authority. I am sure that considered spirituality a requis" parents will agree that the day ite for good management. to-day running of a home often 'When the word "rule" was gives them no time to truly re discussed at the meeting I at flect 'on family governance. tended, three interesting early Within a few months the Can images associated with it were on Law Society will publish the mentioned: a rider of a horse, a papers of their meeting in a special edition of their journal, helmsman of a ship and a shep "Jurist." I would highly recOl~ herd. As these images strock my mend reading this issue. If that is not possible, I recm imagination, I couldn't help' smiling as I wondered about mend taking a few moments soon to think about your own the horse. Was it lazy or spirit ed, fast or slow? My guess is it role of governing or leadership was all of those. Those who and what it means.
Sexual parepts?
If your -adolescents are
normal -- and that's always relative - they are apt to select you as their most positive model of moral and vaIue leadership. That's good news. The bad is that they do not see you as a sexual model. In other words, to them you are asexual. Those are the prelimin ary findings of a study on adoles cents who were asked to name the adults they most admire in value formation in their lives. A high percentage chose parents. But when these same youth were asked to choose sexual models, they passed us over completely, Instead they named television, rock and professional sports stars as their se~ual models. Paradoxically, many of -these model values and morals con trary to those of their parents. Why the dichotomy? Accord ing to those who conducted the study, adolescents do not see pa~ents as sex-ual beings. Parents do not hug, touch or kiss each other in kont of their children. They don't exchange endear ments, sit close or date. They don't show much excitement when the other comes home. They are parents, not sexy men and women. To many off spring, parents stopped being sexual after the last child was conceived. At risk of pun, it is inconceivable that their parents still get se~uaIly excited about one another because they so rarely show it. So why should
their young adults perceive _them as sexual models? We were taught too well that proper parents hide signs of sexual behavior in front of their children. Oh, we can sit next to one another, maybe hold hands, but that's about it. Never must we show sexual playfulness which, incidentally, remains with parents into their seventies. What will the chHdren think? What we teach them to, re grettably. We inherit their sober ing conclusion that we are no longer sexual and deny them credible models of sexual author ity at the time adolescents most need them. Our young people write us off as too old, too stuffy, and too disinterested in sexuality to be listened to with any authority. So they reach for models who appear to be vibrant, sexy, and e~iting. As parents, our reluctance to be sexually attractive to our partner in front of our children is deep rooted. Once we become parents, we feel it is no longer proper to wear ,unmotherly clothing, to catch the spontan eous spark we did before parent hood o-r even to wink at each other across the room. We control our impulses, save them for behind the bedroom door. We are deliberately non se~ual "in front of the kids." Is it any surprise they conclude we are non-sexual beings or that parenthood means the end of sex? If we want to turn it around
and have our children choose the same models of sex as of morals we can do it by being openly attracted to one another. We can show excitement about going out together, just the two of us, and talking about special places and songs we enjoy. We can do better than a peck on-the-cheek kiss. We can hug, hold, wink, nuzzle and make private jokes in front of the kids. We can sit close together on the patio, talk intimately and tell the kids to get 10st. We don't have to be drab models of par ents but enviable models of couples who still fin~ each other exciting. As tough as this may be for parents, it offers our young the gift of knowing that intimacy is linked, not with youth and pro miscuity, but with deep trust and love that come from years of growing together. And that parents still have that spark of excitement that brought them together and produced children who are seeking the same spark. ~ICIC~INIC~
.. .. .....
Keep Christ in Christmas ~
The new rite of p.e'Q.ance
Q. I read a new booklet on penance. It said: "Don't say anything, wait for the priest to greet you. He win then ask you' to read a scripture passage." (Didn't dare forget my glasses.) First instance, everything was fine. Second time, silence on both parts, broken by the priest, "Well, what did you come here for?" Third time, my "Bless me, father," interrupted with, "For get that and get on with it." Presently I'm not even sure if I'm a Catholic. Despite being a daily communicant most of the year, I haven't been to con fession in almost two years. I would like to gain the graces of that sacrament but am afraid I'll goof the current fonn. Thanks for any helP. (Florida) A. I'm really sorry for your bad experiences. Most priests recognize the confusion Catholics experience about the sac-rament of penance and are more than anxious to be patient and help ful. From my _ mail, however, I know a number of priests seem unable or unaware of how to do that. Please don't' be discouraged by your uncomfortable experi ence. One solution is to find a priest who will be helpful and stick with him. Another is to be a little flexi ble yourself. If there is an initial silence, you might just say to the priest, "Do you want to start with a prayer, father, or should I just begin?" -With a little gentleness and courage, you may be helpful to the pri,est as well as to yourself. One way or the other, don't be discouraged. The sacrament of penance can be too important in your life to allow that to happen. Q. Please explain a few things about the anointing of the sick. At a Mass for the sick and handi capped in our church, the priest anointed only the people in front. No one in church was asked to come to be anointed. When I questioned this I was told the sacrament could be abused. Asked if a mother who has sat at her son's bed for four months because he is in a coma could receive this sacrament, the priest said it is only for people almost near death. Hasn't this sacrament been changed to the anointing of the sick, not the dying? Is it an abuse to give it to someone undergoing an operation? A child 4 years old had warts taken off her stomach; brain damage came from Back of oxygen. Couldn't she have- re ceived this sacrament? (Pennsyl vania)
-ing this sacrament. For cen turies, since about the time of _the early scholastic theologians (around the 11 th centu-ry), until our own day, anointing the sick (or as we used to call it, ex treme unction, literally the last anointing) was seen as a rite only for the dying. In our generation this sacra ment has resumed much of the spirit it enjoyed in earlier cen turies. It certainly is not only for the dying, but for the physi (:al, efIlotional and spiritual heal ing of anyone seriously m. The most official indications for recipients of this sacrament are in the introduction to the Rite of Anointing (8-14) and the Code of Canon Law {lOM-I007). The following are among those who may and should be an ointed: I) Those who are dangerously ill due to sickness or old age. O~ need not be scrupulous about what. is "dangerous." A sensible judgment about the seri ousness of the sickness is suf ficient. 2) Thosl8 who have already been anointed but are now suf fering from a different illness; or if the danger becomes more serious during the same illness. 3) Those who are to ,undergo surgery because of a serious illness. 4) Old people who are weak from age even if they do not presently suffer a dangerous ill ness. 5) Sick children, if they have reached sufficient use of rea son to be comforted by this sac rament. Obviously this wHl be different for different peopLe but could include a 4-year-old. It should be noted also that the illness need not be physical. Guidelines on this sacrament is sued by the U.S. bishops note: "Sickness is more than a medical phenomenoill. Sickness is a crisis situation in the life of a Chris tian as regards his salvation, his life with Christ in the commun ity of the church," Anointing may be administer ed, then, to People suffering from various kinds of spiritual crises· and emotional stress. A mother dealing with the tragic situation you describe would, it seems to me, easily be among those for whom this sacrament is intended by Christ and the church. A free brochure answering questions Catholics ask about the Sacrament of Penance is available by sending a stamped self-addressed envelope to Father Dietzen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N. -Main St., Bloom ington, 01.61701.
A. You are correct in saying that some major changes of em· phasis have taken place concern-
Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen at ~e same address.
.Pope, NCCB meet
THE ANCHOR Friday,. Dec. 14, 1984
Father Du'puis Bishop Louis E. Gelineau of Providence presided Tuesday at the funeral o'f 'Father Gerald R. Dupuis, MS, 61, who died Dec.'
8. Rites took place at LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro, for the long time chaplain for the VA Medi cal Facility in Providence. Inter ment was at LaSalette Cemetery, Enfield, NH. ' Father Dupuis, ,a native of Manchester, NH, was the son of the late Arthur and Alma (Liz otte) Dupuis. After ordination June 3, 1950 at St. Mary's Ca thedral, Fall River, by the late Bishop James E. Cassidy, he taught at the LaSalette scholas ticate, then in Attleboro. Subsequently 'he was a hospi tal chaplain in Montreal and .edited "Celie Qui Pleure," a French-language publication of 'his community. He had served at the Providence facility for the past 17 years. Survivors include two broth ers, Marcel and Sylvio Dupuis, both of Manchester.
AT THIS RECENT m~eting of the Diocesan Pastoral Council George Mendonca, New Bedford; Sister Gertrude GaUdette, OP, Fall River; and Deaco~ Roland LePage, South Attle boro, were welcomed ,to membership. (Gaudette Phpto) ,
Start morality training early, say educators LOS ANGELES (NC) - Par ents should develop a Catholic seXiual morality in chHdren early in Ufe, say two family life edu-, cators in the Diocese 'of Orange,' Calif. Dr. Paul Selecky and his wife, Andrea, directors for family life education in the Orange Diocese,
told the diocesan newspaper, The T.idings, that parents 'should discuss sensitive subjects at an early age. "We are from a generation where sex wasn't talked about," said Selecky, a hospital chief of respiratory therapy. "Parents think _they aren't experts.
"Anyone who welcomes a
little child like , this in My name, welcomes Me."
"But a husband can teach his boy about being a man and a wife teach her daughter about being a woman. They are teach ing all the time ,even if they don't say a word.......
He said children need and want rules and that if parents can discipline children while they are young, problems can be avoided as children mature. "Fifth and sixth~graders are much more open to guidelines," Mrs. Selecky said. "If you rea son with them at that age they will accept it and not be fighting it when they grow older." It becomes more difficult when children ,are confronted with television films and songs en couraging relaxed sexual stand ards, Mrs. Selecky said. "Parents need equal time. When a child is watching a TV show or listening to a song that . has suggestive, dyrics or situa tions, that is a great opportun ity for dialogue.
Mt. 18:5
"Use what the kids are seeing to make a start. Approach them where they are at," she added.
Christ is born once again today in the poor of the world. And
'the mission Church is there 'to welcome Him, in serVing them.
You are there, giving comfort and hope, when you support the Church's worldwide mission effort through the Propagation of the Faith,
Parents have to take time to address children's sexual ques tions and must be open in their discussions, she added.
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Yes! I want to help the mission Church bring comfort and hope to 1
the world's poor. Enclosed is my gift:
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Please ask the missionaries to remember these intentions at Mass:
I, ~
ANCH. 12/14/84
THE PROPAGATION' OF THE FAtTH Supporting the Church's worldwide mission work. Please send to: Reverend Monsignor John J, Oliveira 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720
"Sex should not be shunned as something dirty," S'elecky said. "When we open our talks with our kids by saying 'Thank God for the opposite sex' or ask ing 'Who inveflted sex?' we are bringing God into the discussion. Sex cannot be discussed \without discu~sing God." J-It ,is ,when the children reach their teens'that problems begin and the' depth of training is , seen, Selecky said. When a young ! ,gid first feels 'an attraction to a ,; : b~y, she shouid know not to ",conf,use it with love." {"Unless she h~ inner strength , 'Of' co~vJction,' she is in trouble : ,when ultimatums like 'If you 'rea:lly loved me you would' are , thrown at her," he, said. "Girls ha,:e ,tq a~k themselves how much this' guy can reaUy care about them if he would in sist on something they' don't think is right," Mrs. Selecky added.
VATICAN OITY ~C) - Pope John Paul II held a 40-minute meeting with officials of the Na tional Conference of Catholic Bishops Dec. 6, including confer ence president ,Bishop James W. Malone of Youngstown, Ohio. As customary with private meetings, the Vatican released no details of the exchange. With Bishop Malone were Arch· bishop John L. May of St. Louis, NCCB vice president, and Msgr. naniel F. Hoye, general secre tary. _ Bishop Malone told National Catholic News Service that the meeting was one of two regular annual visits of the NCCB lead ers to Rome "to discuss issues of concern to the life of Cath olics in the United States." He gave no further details. According to an anonymous Vatican source, discussion topics included a study of !l'eligious life in the United States and a re tirement study of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, the Conference of Major Su periors of Men and the NCCB. In addition to meeting with the pope, the bishops' confer ence officials alsO visited repre sentatives of Vatican' congrega tions, including the Congrega tions for Sacr,aments and Divine Worship; the Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes; and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, officials said.
Changes -', Continued from page' one Completing his preparation at St. John's Seminary, Brighton, from which he holds bachelor's degrees in arts and divinity, he was ordained May 22, 1971. He has served as associate pastor at St. Jacques parish, Taunton, and is presently at St. Louis de France, Swansea. Froin 1977 to 1981 he was principal of Coyle and Cassidy High School, Taunton. 'He holds a master's degree in education from iBostonl College and ,has completed course re quirements for' a doctorate in the subject, also at Boston Col lege. Father Beaulieu is pres ently completing his doctoral dissertation.
Famine Continued from page one by persons from all walks of life in every area of the diocese, the Bishop said, "What a tribute to the vibrant faith and gener ous spirit of the people of south eastern Massachusetts! How fit~ ting an expression of faith and generosity in this Christmas season! I join with everyone in prayer that Almighty God will console and bless the suffering victims' of starvation and drought in Africa and I pray that the good ,Lord will bring rich blessings to the generous and loving people who have reo sponded to our appeal for help."
.<b •
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 14, 1984
the mail packet Letters are welcomed. but should be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit. All latters must ba signed and Includa a home or business address and telephone number for thlt purpose of verification If deemed necessary.
Grateful for aid after fire Dear Editor: On behalf of the people of Holy Ghost Parish in Tiverton, R.I., we would like to thank our neighbors in the diocese of Fall River for their genuine Otristian concern and open-ended gener osity in the hours following the fire which so severely damaged our church. The firefighters were still at work when Fr. John oR. FoIster of St. Anne's Church and Fr. Rene Levesque of Blessed Sacra ment Church were at the scene to offer 'liS the use of their churches for religious services. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin paid us a personal visit to assure us that any and all facilities of the Fall River Diocese were at our dis posal as and if needed. Father Ernest E. Blais, whose Notre Dame Parish is still recovering from a far more serious conflag ration, brought us vestments and linen to help replace those we had lost. And there were many other expressions of sympathy and support from our ,Fall River neighbors. Although our material dam age was severe, it was made to seem so much less by your spontaneous outpouring of love and concern and prayers. The parishioners of Holy Ghost Par ish will long remember yO'llr gracious generosity and your willingness to share in our sor row and loss. Rev. Peter G. Young Rev. Farrell McLaughlin
Better Together
which should not be intention ally detracted from for the child or other parishioners. A crying infant is one thing, but at least one can understand due to the age of the child. A school-age child is quite another, as by that age the child' should know better. I feel perhaps a wo.rd from the pulpit and also in CCO classes and Catholic grammar schools is in order to discourage the practice. I really believe it is the parents' responsibility to curb this, but they obviously don't. see this as improper behavior or ' realize the solemnity of the Mass. I hope our clergy and religious education teachers do, so this generation of children will be able to appreciate the Mass as a sacred, special occasion and not playtime. Jeanne M. Onofrey New Bedford
Couple gets award WASHINGTON (NC) A husband-wife team who started .their own ministry training pro gram wIll receive the 1984 Paul ist Fathers' National Award for Catholic Lay Evangelization. Tom and Lyn Sheuring of. Bronx, N.Y., started Lamp Ministries in 1982 to train lay ministers in' poor parishes in New York and New Jersey.
. 't~J
Members Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
~~";'~_ ........-.J
NEW Y 0 R K Auxiliary Bishop Emerson Moore was among demonstrators arrest· ed at the South African con sulate in New York City in protests against the nation's apartheid policy. He was strongly support ed by New York Archbishop John J., Connors, who said of the action, "It was a care fully made judgment. It was not at all arbitrary or capri cious. It said something very symbolic and very effective."
Des'troying Souls "If the Russians kill us with
their nuclear weapons, they wiH only destroy our bodies. But when we plan to kill them with our nuclear weapons, we destroy our souls, even before we fire a shot." - Father Richard Mc Sorley, SJ
National hero Dear Editor: What a nice change to have a young man, Doug Flutie, as a national hero. We in New England should be especially proud and hope there will be more like him to inspire our young people. Pauline Cahoon Fa,lmouth
What kinds of homes are needed?
H(YTM8 are neededfor elderly adults. These are per800s woo cherish independence, need companiooship and want to be part ofafamily; 1wwever, they are not able to live on their DUm. That s why they need you. if you have an extra room in your apartment or home, you could be the person we are searching for. For your (f[forts, you will receivefinancial reimbursement, ongoing support serui.ces and a chance to help someone in need.
The Midnight Mass In Bethlehem Is offered each Christmas for members of this Association. How better can we say t~ank you? In 18 mis slon countries (where Catholics, though few, are mostly of the Eastern Rites) the Holy Father helps millions because you read this column. Blind boys in the Gaza Strip (not one of them a Christian) are learning rug making, basket-work, the ABCs, at the Pontifical Mission Center for th-e Blind. Lepers in India are cared for by native priests and Sisters. The poor have the Gospel preached to them In Egypt; Iraq, Iran and Ethlo· pia.... This season espeCially, won't you re member our work In your prayers? Our priests and Sisters depend on you. They ask the Infant to bless you always! ~.
". Gina we receive no llIter than Monday, December 31, can be Ilated In your 1884 Income to retum. Wondertng what you can do? BUILDING FOR
Immediate help is needed for three projects in poor rural areas in India. The parish church at THALORE is in need of reconstruction. The dome above the Sanc tuary collapsed just ten minutes after adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Bishop Kundukulam seeks $5,000 to rebuild Infant Jesus Church ... Sr. Ja~ntha at MULASSERY pleads 'for $6,000 to prOVide a chapel for Providence Convent ... Fr. George and his people at ATHANI are doing their utmost to raise funds to build a school for their children. Only $5,000 look to us for assistance. more is needed.
and a very
Toys at Mass Dear Editor: I am writing to express my dismay over the growing prac tice of children bringing toys to Mass. Cabbage Patch dolls seem' to be the biggest offenders but I personally have had one Mass completely ruined by a child playing with a Care Bear. The children in question afe not toddlers, who may perhaps need a diversion to keep them quiet, but school-age children who should be attentive to the Mass. Instead, they are playing with their dolls, sometimes even taking them when they approach the altar for communion. A Mass is a sacred occasion
Durfee AttIeboro~
Some 25 children, many from broken homes, depend on Fr. Marreddy of KANCHIKACHARLA, India, for shelter. The temporary sheds'must be replaced. Only $4,000 will provide an orphanage building. Can you help? Will you help?
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese 9f Fall River-Fri., D~c. 14, 1984
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They fear going home
would they put them?" he asked, the U.N. High Commission for WASHINGTON (NC) - Sal Rej;ugees to, prQvide non-agri urging that U.S. citizens pres vadoran .refugees might be re cultural materials and equipment sure their senators and repre ,turned 'to their country against sentatives to make sure the for the rej;ugees, Contier said; their wiII because Honduras con siders them security risks, says refugees are not 'returned in·: other volunteer agencies provide different services. The ;refugees volun~arily. ' John Contier, director of Cath elect committee members to de olic Relief Services in Hondura·s. "The United States govern cide who gets what; leaders give \ The Hondurans' fear if a war ment is the most important ele broke out between Honduras ment in the whole game," he CRS employees a list of what 'and EI Salvador, 18,000 refugees said, explaining that Congress '_ they need. in border camps would be in the could tell the l:Iondurans not to eRS has problems getting sup way, he said. The refugees are repatriate the Salvadorans and plies, because almost everything also "con!O~dered subversives," the Hondurans would listen. in Honduras is imported. In addi Contier said in an interview in tion, there are transportation The U.S. has aided EI Salva Washington. The _Hondurans problems; vehicles are not large dor in its w~r with rebels and enough for the supply needs and "want them out of there." Salvadoran President Jo'se has held major military exer-' ,roads are bad, said Contier., Napolean Duarte and the U.N. cises in Honduras. Under CRS supervision, refu
The three refugee camps along gees operate workshops, ~earn
High Commissioner for Refugees the border are surrounded by skills and produce goods for
have agreed in principle, to re patriation, said Contier, but they '. barbed wi,re with a Jarge mili their own use. For instance, said
tary guard, said Contier. The Contier, there are knitters, tail
think it should he voluntary. largest camp, Mesa Grande,' has ors, shoemakers, mechanics and
"Our, (CRS) concern is the 'vol untary,''' said (;or:rtier. "We're 10,000 people, divided into six carpenters.
not so sure that the Honduran separate units in an area of COIltier said refugees he has government is concerned if' it's about 10 square miles. Each talked to are not aware of an camp has a fevy wooden struc voluntary or not." East-West conflict and have not The Salvadorans, accepted as tures, but the refugees live in heard of Communism. political refugees in Honduras, what'originally were tents. Now "They're not looking for any
"left because of the violence' they have added adobe walls and that was going on," Contier said~ zinc'roofs in a quest for a sense thing exotic," he said, "just
' enough to eat and a chance for
If the arrangements were made of' permanency. for repatriation~ "exactly where , CRS, is under contract with some education."
Mother of 12 helps feed the hungry
'PETALUMA, Calif. (NC3 While she's not busy cooking for her owr:r 12 children, Carolyn Maloney helps feed other hung,ry mouths. As an unofficial coordinator for The Kitchen, an ecumenical project operated' by the' S1. Vin cent de Paul Society in Petaluma, she solicits food and acknow ,ledges gifts from' stores and in dividuals. At this time of year she is especially busy collecting food donations for' holiday meals. Mrs. Maloney has also lent a hand at cooking at The Kitchen., Project manageriDennis Ma honey recalled: "One day' our
cook and most of the helpers called in" to s,ay they couldn't work dllness, or pressing family business. So I called Caro 1yn 'Maloney. .In a short time, she was on hand, 'cooking 'and preparing salads. She brought - along her newest child, Stephen, who, was only a couple of weeks old. And she brought one of her other ,youngsters to sort of,' watch out for the 'baby." Mrs Maloney and her husband, Thomas, a doctor of internal - medicine, live in a house named ,Maloneyville and so identified by a I~rge sign in the front - yard. The sign, the gift of, a friend, includes an often changed
population number. At The Kitchen, Mrs. Maloney helps serve hot noontime mea1s six days a week and sandwiches and salad on Sunday. Volun teers' of an faiths serve up to 100 people daily and more than 20,000 meals a year. Four churches have lent kit chen facilities for preparation of the meals until The Kitchen can install its own equipment at a city-owned site. The Petaluma 'Ministerial Asso· ciation has assisted the project since its beginning but Sonoma County Vincentians took over The Kitchen and its debts in 1983.
MASSACHUSETTS CATHOLIC CONFERENCE PRO LIFE 'EDUCATION OFFICE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Responsible Jor developing, implementing and coordinating edu.catio,:,al, pastoral, social service, communication and inter faith pro-life programs for the Massachusetts Catholic Conference and for supervising assistant directors and office staff. Candidates should have a ~ecord of dem~nstrated excellence as public representatives of the Catholic Church and of pro-life concerns: Candidates must be able to co ordinate development of pro-life educational materials, , supervise organizational development and work closely with the four Massachusetts residential Bishops. While Ph.D., or J.D., or comparable professional credentials are preferred, strong candidates with other back,grounds will be tonsidered. Salary $25K - $40K, based on qualifications and ex perience. Usual fringe benefits includ,ed. Direct letters of application, with dossier and appro priate supporting materials to: Gerald D'Avolio Executive Diredor' Massachusetts Catholic Conference 60 School Street, Room 180 Bost~n,MA 02107
Deadline for applications, February 1, 1985 The Massachusetts Catholic Conference is an equal opportunity affirmative action employer.
CAROLYN MALONEY with three of her 12 children: baby Stephen, Anna Laura and (NC Photo)
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 14, 1984
C~lIE'S OILCO•• II\IC~ "110M(
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GUMPSES OF THE small Colombian town where Sis ter Pauline serves: left top, a typical house; right top, the main street of Patia; right, Sister Pauline with a volunteer aide in the only dispensary in a 30-mile area. ,
, .. ;
Something special for God
Festival·of Lights
A Christmas gift
liThe Peaceable .Kingdom"
Members of St. Louis de life of the poor really is until France parish, Swansea, are one rubs elbows with and lives planning a very special Christ in the' midst of these struggling mas gift this year. It will be go people. ing to Sister PaulJine Boyer, ...1 write to you today to share OP, daughter of parishioners one of the new projects in the mission and, if thought· ~orth Lucille and Paul Boyer. Sister Pauline is a member of while, to ask your support. ...In many outlying areas, We are appealing to you to the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation who in the Fall schooling is only' to the second match the funds our community River diocese staff St.' Anne's grade. The children do not have has made available to us. This Hospital, Fall River; Marian the opportunity to continue be . is my primary petition. •..We al Manor Taunton; and Madonna cause of a lack of teachers, need so need better production sys to work, long distances to the . tems, refrigeration and storage, Manor, North Attleboro. nearest town with a' school and gas stoves and the like. We pres The holder of a nursing de the high cost of schooling. ently do all our cooking with gree from Boston College and a ...Having a place where these certified nurse-practitioner in it is so slow pediatrics, Sister 'Pauline served children could come and live and study with adequate supervision, ...1 have done my best to ex with her community for 10 years in Brownsville, Texas, before go guidance and f~rmation is our press something which is diffi ing to Colombia two years ago. goal. 'Our dream is to have a cult to do.· Putting a project . home where youth can CQme to There, working out of the live, study and be guided and down on paper and trying to small ,town of Patia, she and directed by a couple who would share a 'lived experience which other Dominican sisters travel help discipline and form them. deals intimately with the lives of many people is not easy. 1 by horse or donkey to some 40 We have also been coordina surrounding hamlets, treating ting a group of women, "New now leave the .rest up to the iUness, cond,ucting prayer ser Horizons," who are working in Lord and· to your generosity•.• vices and bringing the Euchar the program to help pay for our Will you help us to bring about ist to the faithful. In Patia it plans and goals •.• It also serves justice ...:- which is the beginning' self ,they operate the only dis to help them become increasing. of the Kingdom of Go,d on earth? pensary-clinic in a radius of 30 ly aware of their human worth, Sister Pauline's ,letter appeared in her home parish's Sunday bul miles. teaches them to work in com The Christmas gift is not for munity and helps to eliminate letin. A note kom Father Louis Sister ,Pauline herself. She ex some of the injustices that are R. Boivin, pastor, Father Rich ard W. 'Beaulieu, associate, and plained it in a letter to the all around us. priests 'and people of St. Louis •••We have opened a mini.jam the members of the parish coun de France: and jelly factory. The fruit is cil was attached. "Sister's letter is simple, yet Dear Fathers, parishioners and brought in from ¢he campeslno at a just price and converted speaks eloquently of the mission friends, You may wonder why I am into jams and jelnies which are ary spirit," they said, adding, "Won't you consider this possi writing to you at this time. later marketed in larger cities. bility for Christmas 1984? It Surely many of you know my cities. family and have known me. I We have a community tomato would be a fine way of doing lived a great part of my Ufe in garden where tIiley presently something special fOr God with the parish, attended school have 1500 tomato plants and your family," there and entered religious life 300 pepper plants, which, when from there. 1 know the situa harvested, will go toward our tion of the parish and the gen home for the 'students and to erosity of its parishioners. ward replanting. In the future, VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope 1 am presently working in a with better facilities and market John Paul II has praised Argen very poor mission in the south ing arrangements, we hope to tina arid Chile for settling their of Colombia and our people have better sustain our home for century-old dispute over land and sea rights off the southern benefited from the concerpo and campesino youth. generosity of the youth group tip of South America. The pope What do .we need? Your concern, cooperation, agreed to mediate the matter in from the .parish which gathered prayers and enthusiasm to help 1979, after the countries clothing to be sent here. One cannot imagine what the us make our dream come true. threatened to go to war,
Agreement at last
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 14, 1984
All the World Needs a Creed . .'.
You' said; "Making friends By Dr. James and Mary Kenny high priority." Dear Dr. Kenny: As I read should' have your answer to a single person's How? (Pennsylvania) A. Yours was one of many request for recognition within the family of God, I became letters objecting to our apparent Designers and Manufacturers of angry. Somehow the divorced, insensitivity. Obviously, your World's Finest Religious Master the separated and the widowed deeply felt need is shared by pieces, Jewelry and Gifts.· are thought of sooner. Most dio other singles. I do not have an easy answer. cese have organiztions for Ask for Creed at your favorite Jeweler's, As a practicing' clinical psy ,these PeOple. Religious Shop or Gift S'tore. Why can't we be included chologist over the past 20 years, I have tried to help start singles when couples have dinner par ties, cocktail parties' and wed group~ on at least' seven occa ,dings? . I can discuss politics, sions. TypicaUy, the groups lasted sports, the arts and weather as about six months and then faded intelligently as a married 'wom out.. In analyzing the reasons for .~ Closed Mondays, an. It is an anachronism to be lieve a woman has to have an such marginal success, I have '" ~ ::;::;.~ and Thanksgiving Day ___~ \.
LUNCH - Tuesday thru Friday' uncovered two basic. problems: escort. THE
12:00 . 2:30 Who would start the group and You said, "free of commit DINNER - Tuesday thru Saturday ment." Untrue. When we were what is its content and purpose? 5:00·9:00 P.M. young we babysat, helped preg , In your letter, you ask that _ SUNDAY -12 Noon· 7:00 P.M. the church provide a ministry to nant sisters, paid for their chil EARLY BIRDS '- 5-6 Daily " singles and that marrieds invite and now have no dren's clothes \ Sunday All Day savings. Today we have the sole them over more often. I agree Rt~. 28, 'East Falmouth ...... A L S 0 _ responsibility of aged parents with you. But stating what Hosts - Paul & Ellen Goulet Catering to Weddings and handicapped sisters and should' be done does not make Tel. 548·4266 and Banquets br:others. it happen. You said, "more time for re Single persons will have or 1~~~aaaa~~:8ieP~ creation and entertainment." So ganizations when enough single untrue. The only time we bad people get concerned enough to more time than our married decide what they want to do friends was when they had pre and do, it. school children. An even larger problem is the We have evenings and Satur one you mention. "Single" days, but entertainment costs covers a lot of ground. The ROUTE 6--between Fall River and New Bedford money. Are you aware of the single state is as diverse as the tremendous ,gap in earning different kinds o'f families. One of Southern New England's Finest Facilities power between men and women? . Some choose to he single. More time! I, leave home at Some would prefer to be married ~:310 a.m. On Saturday~ it's' but cannot find a partner. market, cleaner, department Some are older. Some are very store, etc. ypung. S~lIne have children at
home an dare single parents. Some are interested in inspira tional or educational programs. Most enjoy social activities. Picnics, dinners, parties and dances are popular in the begin ning. However, once people have found a friend or two, they tend to pair off and abandon the group, thus attendance dimin ishes. Our most successful program has been what we caU ..Adven ture-of-the-Month" club. The group attends or holds monthly concerts, baU games, museum visits, tours, suppers and similar social activities. The focus is on the activity. Friendships form as people do things of interest to gether. But finding common interests fol' diverse single persons is not easy. I hope families and the church are' awakened by your letter, But do not wait for them. Reach out to us and to one an , other. Reader questions on family living and child care to be an swered in print are invited. Ad dress The Kennys, Box 862, St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Ind. 46978. Some of the best of Dr. James and Mary Kenny is available in popular book form. Send $6 to Dept. L·12, St. Anthony Messen- ger Press, 1615 Republic St., Cincinnati, Ohio 45210, and ask for "Happy Parenting." Contains more than 100 selections. .fay n:Jeqt must., ilccQmpany ~rder.
FOR DETAILS, CALL MANAGER - 636-2744.or 999-6984
A Vietnam veteran's suicide By 'Antoinette Bosco
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It may have been inevitable that the day' would come when a Vietnam veteran, visiting the Vietnam Veterans' Memorial, would choose to join his dead brothers and sisters rather than go back to a world that increas ingly made no sense to him. The day was Sept. 16: Jeffrey Charles Davis shot himself, be coming the first suicide at the granite monument in Washing. ton, D.C., that bears the names of his buddies. I can't seem to get -that sad,
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sad event off my mind. A paratrooper in the 101st air borne division" Davis was one of the few men to survive a North Vietnamese attack that practicaUy wiped out his com pany. The names of the men, whose bodies he saw strewn along terraced rice paddies on a hillside of the A Shau VaHey, are on that memorial. Their names are along with 58,000 others of young men who died for a cause that gets fuz zie'r to understand with each' passing Memorial and Veteran's Day. ' navis tried to rebuild his life after he left Vietnam. He was a Washington policeman for 15 years and had a wife and two children. 'But somehow he couldn't queH the ,demons that had invaded his life in Vietnam. One in particular kept haunt ing him - the memory of shoot ing and kiHing a child. Reports at the' time of Davis' suicide said that he didn't tell that story to many people. When he did, he broke down, recalling the smaH Vietnamese child emerging from a village and re membering the lesson driHed into the heads of the American soldiet:s; Children carry bombs. Even children are trained to kill in thjs insane war. The child turned out to be un armed. The young soldier:s guilt turned out to be perinanent. My heart ached at the story of this man, 36 and in his prime,
killing himself in the place where he could be with the bud dies he lost. Maybe he chose this site to emphasize that he had long ago died with them. I could visualize Davis going into the service at age 17. My oldest boy, now 34, was close behind him in age, at risk of being drafted. The Vietnam War dominated my life for five years, beginning in 1967. We sent our boys, hardly more than children, to hell. And for what? The week before Davis killed himself he went. home to his parents in Port Arthur, Texas. According to reports, he was agitated and talked a great deal about -the war. Yet, by the time he left to go back to Washing ton, he 'seemed calm and his parents thought everything was all right. After his death, his mother said she felt that he' had come home to say goodbye. It vJ~s perhaps the final step in aHow ing him to find peace by making the decision to go down with his buddies. Who knows exactly what drove this man to be done with his pain? Yet, the saddest thing I read of the soldier was his explanation of what he had done in the war: "I killed communists for Christ," he said after he came home from Vietnam. lVIa'ybe that's why I can't get the memory of this man and his death out of my mind.
and emotional energy. CINCINNATI (NC) - Sick ness and fear, death and sorrow "Be sensitive to the particu are the dark side of the "season ,Iarly hard moments," such as birthdays and anniversaries of to be jolly," author Carol Leu bering realized after a friend's surgery and death which bring up a flood of memories, Ms.' illness and death during the holi Leubering urged. days. In an article for the December She also suggested sharing St. Anthony Messenger, pub Christmas traditions with some lished in Cincinnati by the Fran one grieving during the holidays. ciscan Fathers, Ms. Leubering For example, one might invite offered suggestions on how to a lonely neighbor to Christmas lessen the pain of grief for those dinner or share seasonal goodies separated kom a loved one at with a fami.Jy whose father is Christmas time. in the hospital. '\Be aware of the needs around "You can share the feel of you," she advised..A1though the your own Christmas; you can let first Christmas after a death or' your own uniqueness brighten divorce is the hardest for most the holidays for someone else," people, it isn't necessarily the Ms. Leubering said. only difficult one. "Years of "And be prepared for a sur sharing Christmas with someone prise," she added. "The rewards dear is a ihMd habit to break; outweigh the effort." some widowed people will never She recalIed a mother of sev quite get used to a holiday sea eral teen-agers who invited a son without their spouse," Ms. young widow and her pre Leubering wrote. schoolers to Christmas breakfast. Sickness, both serious illness The woman thought she was and lesser maladies, also casts doing a great favor, but found a shadow over the season, she that the youngsters bnghtened said. Hospital visits add to the up the day. "What I'd forgotten seasonal rush, and caring for a is what fun it is to have little recuperating patient or an in folks around on Christmas: We vaHd drains a family's physical alI had a wonderful time."
• • Study querIes' motIves • • of SemmarIanS •
WASHINGTON(NC) - Why are American Catholic seminari ans preparing for the priesthood today? Questionnaires have been sent ,to more than 4,300 semin arytheology students in an ef fort to find answers to that ques tion.
might lead us to a better way of encouraging 'vocations to the religious life." Diocesan and religious-order seminarians are subjects of the research, which has been funded by a grant from LiHy Endow ment to the National Catholic Educational Association.
The survey is a joint project of the Bishops' Committee on Priestly Formation, the National Catholic Educational Association, seminary rectors, the Formation Committee of the Conference of Major !Superiors of Men, and the Office of Research of the Na tional Conference of Catholic Bishops and U.S. Catholic Con ference.
The Center for the Study of Youth Development of The Cath olic University of America is coordinating the data-gathering, under the direction of Father Hemrick and Dean Hoge,chair man of' the university'S socio logy department. Father Hemrick said the last such general study of American Catholic seminarians was done in 1969 by the Center for Ap plied Research in the Apostolate.
The nine-page questionnaire, with about 140 questions, seeks to identify various background traits, family characteristics, religious attitudes and other factors that might ;influence a person to want to become a priest.
Many of the questions in the survey follow the CARA survey for comparative purposes, 'but some new categories ,have been added, he said. ,One of these, he said, is, more extensive questioning on pre "It is our hope to learn from vious educational and career seminarians the causes for choos ing a religious -life over a secular background in recognition <that one," said Father Eugene Hem- ' the church is experiencing many ' more vocations ~aterin life. rick, director of the NCCB usee research office. 'Another new' area, h~: said, Researchers are wondel'ing focuses' on financial factors sem if there is "& common denomina: inarians face. tor" that leads Catholic men to day to become priesthood candi dates, he said. ".society today is far differ ent from the society that gave us Sales and service~. . an abundance of religious voca for Domestic ,tions in the past," he comment and Industrial . ' ed. "Through the eyes of our . 995-1631 seminarians we are searching for 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE those elements which are in t,une NEW BE[)FORD with modern society and which
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-fri., Dec. 14, 1984
Dark side of Christmas
causes l{een suffering
Iteering pOint,
PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River. 02722.. Name of city or town shOUld be Included as well as full dates of all activities. please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundralslng activities such es bingos. whists, dences, suppers end bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetlnlts. youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundralslng pro Jects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office. telephone 675·7151. On Steering Points Items FR Indicates Fall River, NB 'Indicates New Bedford.
Legion of Mary retreat day Dec. 15; Catholic Social Serv ices party, noon Dec. 19; Per manent Diaconate party Dec. 21. ST. ANTHONY, MATTAPOISETT
"Giving Tree" for needy chil dren: wrapped and labeled gifts may be placed under the tree this weekend. Penance service: 7 o'clock to night.
Father Cardena} out of Jesuits MANAGUA', Nicaragua (NC) Father Fernando Cardenal said his conscience prevented him from stepping down as Nic aragua's education minister, al though the decision resulted in his expulsion from the Jesuits. "Sincerely, I consider before God that. I' would commit a grave sin if I abandoned, in the present circumstances, my priest ly option for the poor," he said in a 19-page statement. The priest was expelled from the Society of Jesus five months after Jesuit officials said his post in the Marxist-influenced government was "incompatible with his status as a Jesuit." The decision followed strong public pressure by the Vatican and the Nicaraguan bishops that Father Cardenal and three other Nicaraguan priests leave their government posts. Father Cardenal is still a priest but must be incardinated in a diocese before practicing public ministry. Incardination is a process by which a local bish op authorizes diocesan priests to administer the sacraments in his diocese. The Jesuit decision does not change the status of Father Car denal's priestly ministry. Under a 1981 agreement with the Nic araguan bishops, he and three other priests agreed to suspend their public priestly ministry while holding government posts. The otI:ter three priests are MaryknolI Father Miguel D'Es coto, foreign minister; Father Edgar Parrales, ambassador to the Organization of American States, a diocesan priest; and Father Ernesto Cardenal, minis ter of culture, a diocesan priest.
Trim-a-tree party: 7 to 9 p.m. Dec. 15. Refreshments. All wel come. The new parish. organ will be in place for Christmas, it has been announced. . First penance: 2 p.m. Dec. 15.
Caroling at R{)se Hawthorne Home and Country Gardens Nursing Home: leaving church ,parking lot at 1:30 p.m. Dec. 23.
Penance service: 7 p.m. Dec. 18.
Advent program of lessons and carols: 3 p.m. Dec. 16, Lady Chapel, followed by refresh mentsin school hall. Cathedral Ladies' Bowling Tournament victors: Linda Ken nedy, champion; Lucille Bolduc, runner-up. Blessing {)f new nativity scene: 3 p.m. Dec. 17.
Parishioners John and Sue Negri have completed a teacher ·training course in Natural Fam ily .Plannin~and are qualified to instruct those wishing infor mation on ,this method. ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH
Day at LaSalette Shrine: Dec. 15, sponsored by Women's Guild. Information: Paulyne Dick, 540-2045.
The parish council will meet and elect officers at 7 p.m. March 4' in the parish hall.
Young ladies wishing to par ticipate in a d,rawing for 'a par ish representative to the Bis hop's Ball are asked to call Ms. Ann Sweeney, 679-1104, or the rectory.
Babysitting is provided at 10:30 a.m. Mass each Sunday by confirmation candidates. BI,ESSED SACRAMENT, FR
Parishioners of fire-ravaged Holy Ghost Church in Tiverton will attend 'a special ,4 p.m. Saturday Mass at Blessed Sac rament Church until fur,ther notice. Turn to Page Sixteen
Decoration of the church for Christmas: be~inning at 6 p.m. Dec. 17. Volunteer aid welcome. Christmas vigil supper: Kolbe Corner Hall following 4:30 p.m.' Mass Dec. 22. Reservations may be made at the rectory. Parishioner Sophie Kocon has made a $1,000 donation for tui tion grallits to Sl~. Stanislaus School.
Cornwell Memoria'
Chapel, Inc.
Those interested in offering babysitting during ,the 10:30 'a.m. Sunday Mass 'are asked to call the parish center. Vincentians: meeting follow ing 10:30 a.m. Mass Dec. 16. Confirmation candidates re treat: Dec. 14 to 16 at Briar wood.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 14, 1984
Returning .those Christmas gifts
By Am.
& Any.
Christmas Day brings peace in more ways than one. After 'frenetic weeks of list - making, pie - baking, c~rd-sending and gift-shopping, even the most Christmas-spirited among us yearns for a respite. For the weary reveler in the midst of December's hoiday fever, Christmas looms· large as a kind of commercial cease-fire - a time for devotion and ·gifts and big meals and not much else. When The Day arrives and you" pleasantly stuffed with turkey, settle down into your easy chair with your family all
around, you may at last relax. game's soundtrack makes strange told'that all sweaters were ex cooing noises instead' of the, ex There is nothing more to do. cluded from the returns policy. But not so fast: There remain , plosion, sounds you were expect At the time of the purchase no the matters of Billy's defective ,ing, it is unfit for ordinary us sign in the store described the video game; of Mary's new age and its seller must either . sweater exclusion. What then? sweater, which is all the rage in give you another game or .re State law requires that stores naVy blue but unwearable in ~he turn purchase price. must clearly and conspicuously fuchsia you chose for her; and· Your right to return a defec disclose restrictions on their r,e qf the reception of your seventh tive purchase does not last for turns policies. You must be able ever, however. After you dis salad bowl. to see and understand the re Soon you will need to return cover - or should, have dis strictions before you bu~ Oral those items to the stores at covered - a defect in an item, explanations or tacit reliance which they were purchased. And you must notify_the seller with upon local sales customs won't before you do, joining thousands in . a reasonable time. No lilw do. A store which fails to post of others, there are a few things specifies how long that time is its returns policy commits un and the determination varies with fair and deceptive trade prac you should know. No buyer has an absolute each case. In order to be safe, tices and may be subject to pros right to return a purchaSe. ·Un-. you probably should return the ecution by the state. video game within a few days less it has a specific policy al In addition, a store may not lowing returns, a s~ore ne.ed not' of discovering the defect. misrepresent its policy, or' fail Many customers wish to re honor your request for a refu'nd to perform any promises made or an exchange. Most, retail ,turn goods, not because they are to you in ,connection with it. In defective, but because they are our sweater example, because stores offer such policies as in duceme'nts to consumers, and - unwanted. Most retailers will the store failed to post its gladly permit you to exchange sweater exclusion,' you are odds are that you will be per mitted to return' your unwanted Mary's sweater for one of a legally entitled to, an exchange items. But no law requires stores different color. Likewise, you or refund. probably can return your salad make exchanges and refunds: Here are some store policies However, all stores, including ·bowl for a refund. which must be posted: The crucial question, of those which do not normally 1) a requirement that buyers accept returns, must permit you 'course, is whether the store show dated receipts; to return defective items. Thus allows refunds and exchanges. 2) a limitation upon the num you have a I~gal right to return If not, you're out of luck. ber of days ~fter purchase Billy's inoperable video game. when goods wil be accep Often stores restrict their re ted for return; This is 'because every item turn policies. Suppose, when 3) a refusal to accept returns bought from a retailer carries you bought Mary's sweater, a of certain kinds of goods, with it an implied warranty that sign in' the clothing store pro such as pierced earrings, it is merchantable and fit for claimed RETURNS ACCEPTED. underwear, or bathing ordinary usage. If the video Then, after Christmas, you were
suits; offer of merchandise credits instead of cash; 5) crediting an account in stead of giving you a cash refund for charged goods; and 6) making refunds at the pre· vailing or "current price," if it is lower the,n the pur chase price, if you do not have a sales slip showing that the higher price was paid. If the policies aren't posted, they cannot be enforced against you. But don't forget that a store must accept returns of de fective goods _. and that no pos~ed policy can reduce a store's obligation to do so. What if a store does not al low refunds or returns of un wanted goods, but fails to post its policy? In Massachusetts this question remains unresolved. For now, you should not assume that a retailer allows returns un less you see a posted policy in the store. Until ·the law is clari fied, proceed with caution. So take solace. Even though this Christmas you'll probably , have to return as many unwanted items as you did :last year, you at ieast can know your rights. Merry Christmas! The Murphys practice law In Braintree. 4) an
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No official Christmas in Cuba
WASHINGIDN '(NC) "There'is no more Christmas in. Cuba - offiCially," said a Cu ban minister who spent the last 21, Christmases in prison.
their homes, even though food from toilets, he said. is scarce. But if a house were Mr. Noble said when not in raided during a Christmas feast, isolation, he tried to' minister to government officials, would other prisoners. ,Priests and min charge the people with buying isters were not allowed to visit contraband food, said the elder. the prisons, but in, some pris Seventh-day Adventist Elder He said that in prison, his ons inmates were kept in large Humberto Noble Alexander, one divisions, providing some oppor meal was soup. Christmas of 26 Cuban political prisoners But he said he wasn't sure tunities for group ministry. freed in June when the Rev. Jesse When preaching in prison, Mr. Jackson traveled to Cuba, said that it was soup because it was Noble said he preached Christi "the same color as the plate." that in 1961, after Cuban Presi dent. Fidel Castro had been in -Mr. Noble said this year he anity, not doctrine, since pris power, "Christmas was complete probablywiJI .spend a quiet oners were of various religious ly changed." Christmas in Massachusetts with backgro.unds. Once, while conducting a bap 'his mother and sister, a setting The. only big feast now is J.uly different from the nine prisons tism class, Noble said he was 26, the anniversary of the begin where he was held after being shot at and injured by guards. ning of the Cuban revolution in arrested in 1962 and charged as One of the men attending the 1953, he said recently in Wash a counterrevolutionary after class questioned whether he ington, where he described reli should be baptized, asking where preaching at a revival. gious conditions, in and out of was God when such,a thing oc that in Cuba religion He said prison. is considered the "opium of the curred. A traditional Cuban Christmas people." '. Mr Noble said his reply was: ~ncludes a food- feast as big as "Where was God when Christ "And every pastor is (consid those held at Thanksgiving in ered) potentially a member of was hanging on the cross?" The the United States, he said. Many, man returned three days later families contin'ue to try scraping the CIA," he said., for baptism. He said prisoners could spend together .enough food to hold He said he knew of about 75 traditional Christmas dinners in 21 days in a dungeon for making a small Christmas, tree. Copying prisons and concentration camps hymns on the back of Cuban in Cuba, an island nearly as cigarette paper, also drew three large as Pennsylvania, with 9.8 million people. He said in one weeks ,in the dungeon. ~ building in one prison, there and that Mr. Noble, 28 when he was . were 4,000 men arrested, said faith in God k~pt facility had three other buHd him going through 17 years of ings. Give 11 Gift ,
solitary confinement and three" , Certificate lFor 11 years of forced Jabor. From 1967 ~ou don t ha~e to g~ t~
on, he said, prisoners were RussI~ to.~ee what IS ha~pemng,
Weeke~d ;ltDay dressed only in underwear, and he saId. Just go 90 mtles from
Fir Infl Cantact for many of his prison years he your coast.
.:.-:::,.:. ED" BECKY ST: PIERRE 1021 Ill' Strllt slept on the floor in cells withMr. Noble is now' a Seventh
. Fin IIIY1r. l\IIA 02720 out beds. Prisoners often were day Adventist pastor in Salem,
Tel. 175·2271 EE in unlit cells and drank water also serving two nearby towns.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall" River-·Fri., Dec. 14, 1984
the people, before whom kings shall keep silence and unto whom the Gen tiles shall make their sup plication: come to deliver us and tarry not.
o BEGINNING Monday the Church uses the an cient 0 antiphons, so called from their initial letter, at the Eucharistic li~urgy and at Evening Prayer. They are suggest ed as a beautiful evening grace or prayer at the time of lighting a family or individual Advent wreath.
KEY OF DAVID and Sceptre of the house of Israel, who openest and no man shutteth, who shuttest and no man openeth: come aUld bring forth from his prison house the captive that sit teth in darkness and in the shadow of death.
WISDOM, who camest out of the mouth of the Most High, reaching from end to end and ordering all things mightiRy and sweetly: come and teach us the way of pl'1lldence.
o ADONAI and Leader of the house of Israel, who didst appear to Moses in the flame of the burning bush and didst give unto him the law on Sinai: come and with an out stretched ann redeem liS.
OF JESSE, who standest for an ensign of
brightness of the light eternal and Sun of Jus
tice: come and enlighten them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.
KING OF THE GEN TILES and the desired of them, thou cornerstone that makest both one: come and deliver man whom thou didst fonn out of the dust of the earth.
o EMMANUEL, our King and Lawgiver, the ex pected of the nations and their Saviour: come to save us, 0 Lord our God. \
Vocation 'stock' seen rising
CHICAGO - Signing on for a lifelong' religious vocation these days is like buying stock in a company going ,through hard times. "It's a good time to buy in because in 10 yelN's, the stock will be way up again," says William McCready in the Decem ber issue of U.S. CATHOLIC, a national magazine published in Chicago by the Claretian Fathers and Brothers.
McCready says parents shouldn't think of vocations as careers. "The religious life is not an occupation. It is not something a person does, rather it is something a person is. This combination of occupation and identity can be a powerful and facilitating force .in an individ ual's personaHty."
Fascination' with the religious life is demonstrated by authors, filmmakers, playwrights of our day; .any vocation that inspires Parents have stopped encour such interest is bound to be aging their children to consider : around a long time, claims Mc religious vocations .fOl~ a num Cready. "In 10 years society ber of. reasons. Even though will be ·looking to more religious they think it's good for the symbols for guidance and direc chu,rch, McCready says parents tion. The most appealing sym see heavy burdens and few re wards for priests' and nuns; ~ols of resurrection, hope and many people in the religious Hfe forgiveness are the ones that seem unhappy. And in today's will draw people back:" smaller f~milies parents with McCready says Catholic fami fewer children eye the' celibate lifestyle uneasily. lies must preserve that option.
.3rd World hotelier guide issued By NC News Service The International hotel indus try, with its glamorous resorts in exotic locations, should take cultural differences into consid eration in doing business, accord ing to Holy Cross Brother Her man Zaccarelli, formerly at Stonehill College, :North Eas ton, where he founded' a Food Research Center for Catholic In stitutions. Brother Zaccarelli, ~ow direc tor of the Restaurant, Hotel and Institutional Management Insti tute at Purdue Universiy, said he feels American hoteliers in developing nations are missing an importantelement-ethics in their approach to the industry. "There must 'be waYfl to be an effective hotel manager while simultaneously being a brother to one's fellow man," Brother Zaccarelli said in the preface of a new ,report on ethics in the industry. "The Development of an Ethi· cal Strategy for Managers of In ternational Hotels and Food Service in Third-World Coun tries," published in August, was designed to help managers raise their .Ievel of cultura,) sensitivity. "We have a tendency as Am ericans (to think) that we have all the answers," he said in an interview. He stressed the im portance of getting to know the native people of host nations and considering the impact a resort or motel will have on the culture and economy. He said that when American run hotels are established in Third World nations, the ex· pected positive results don't a,l· ways materialize. Hunger, over· population, oppression and il literacy are not solved by tour ism, he noted. Brother Zaccarelli also wrote in the report that with thou sands of people applying for a single job opening "it takes real effort and commitment for an emp\byer not to exploit employ ees." He said the report has been well-received. ,Initially, 2,000 leopies were printed and re prints were needed in 21 days. Sales have been primarily to hotel managers, university hotel, restaurant and 'institutional man· agement departments and Third World embassies. The report is based on two years of research but personal
experience is the main source of ·Brother Zaccarelli's expertise in the .field. He has been in the' restaurant business since he was a 13-year old bus boy in his native New Castle, Pa. He has since man· aged a high school cafeteria, headed food service at several colleges, directed the National Food Service Industry Task Force of the American Correc tional Food Service Association, written 11 food service books, COnducted workshops and sem· inars, won several awards, and authored correspondence courses for hospitality and food service personnel. His own favorite meal? Simple old spaghetti and meatballs.
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THE ANCHOR-Dioces~ ofFal! River-Fri., Dec. 14, 1984
By C~rlle Martin,
+ ••
Life 'holds no fascination , WlthQut Y9u ~ere with me . , " ','Each ~s e~ernity' 'Friends are'sman eonsolation" ,,' ' Talk doesn't ease'the pam ' "The"hUrt' be',eXplilineeL ., Only a I~nely heart knows " " How the ineinories cut llke a knife', ' ' , ... '" -Since you walked out of my life , . ' ,. I'm half Crazy day and night ' . , ," Only alonely'heart knows' '. How the heartache grows and .grows . Ob hOw.long does ,it take ' 'TD the heartache goes' Only ~ lonely . , Only a lonely,heart 1mc,lws. , , Time"is a frlend and an enemy' ~ In time the hurt might end, 'Tn then the walls close in I'm lost Numbed by you leavin' me I sit h~e atone and stare , ,You don't know 'til you've been there.
Recorded by Barbara Mandrell, written by Dennis W. Morgan and Steve Davis, (c) 1983 by Tom Collins Music Corp. I AM sometimes asked 'why lone' of country's biggest stars,
do not revie~ more country Barbara Mandrell. songs. The popularity of country The theme' of brokenhearted music continues to grow, boosted . ness abounds in .country music. by the new mu~ic form, country 'Perhaps' this reflects real life, , rock. Failed relationships hurt. , This week, I found on the How do we recover from a country charts this release by failed relationship? While there :
What's on your
mind? Q. Would you please write more stuff about drugs? A. OK. At the same time we'll report some of the good things that one ,young person is doing. His name is Russ and first we must tell much bad news about this 16-year-old high school stu dent. Six years ago when he was 10, a fr,iend offered, him a can of beer. He'notoniy drank it but also liked it and had another and another. Later he' tasted bourbon, scooch, gin, tequila, rum, vodka and wine. Russ can't remember when he had his first joint of marijuana, but he ,liked that too. And in the months ahead· he fell in love with uppers, downers, Qualudes, cocaine, acid, opium and other' drugs. ' Still later he got into selling drugs.. "You know what, Mr. Len non?" says Russ. "I really liked it when them 'dumb new kids
• are no sure, answers, I would suggest the following steps: - First, acknowledge your feelings. Pretending that every thing is OK or that the separa tion does not burt only takes energy that could be used more positively. Whether angry, hurt, sad or depressed, part ofre covering ,involV'es accepting one's real feelings. - Second, be true to your feelings but ,don't ge~ stuck in them. Instead, engage yourself in other aspects of life. Be kind to yourself. Make a list of things you enjoy and do some. of them. Perhaps' hurt feelings win temper yo~r enjoyment but usu~ ally the' satisfaction of doing something else or something new will temper the hurt. Begin to act in positive new ways. ' ' , -Third, avoid turning ,wpat's lhapPened, into a catastrophe. Every loss brings major adjust-·~ ments but it doesn't mean. that one's whole }'ife is ruined. Hope remains for those who claim it. Avoid putti~g yourself down. , Finally, reac~ out. to your friends for support.' People need each oiher. Building walls around yourself will only increase lone oJiness and self~pity. The support at' friends 'helps you, gain a sense of your oWn worth and value. ' Loss of love. brings difficult moments. Don't deny the diffi cuUy- but don't avoid the prom ise of ,he8ling either. The future remains for those who work positively toward new begin nings. Your comments, are always welcome. Address Charlie Mar tin, 1218 S. Rotherwood Ave., Evansville, IneL 47714.
Russ has a much better relation ship with his parents today. He, also has written'a religious song for drug addicts.' The , By young ininister at the church he now attends is going to help TOM Russ and his singing group get a cut made of the song. LENNON Best of all, ,Russ persistently has asked ,the board of education ,in his city to allow him to start would come into junior high a support group for' addioted school and' want pot so much young people at the public school they'd be wiUing to pay me a he attends. hundred percent more than dt Now he's been granted per , was 'worth. Man, they !Were mission to do so and a woman dumb!!' " During, the school year Rus,s from the board is going to help would wake up in the morning, him. There's no more truancy and usually hung over, grope around for a joint in his 'bedroom and, Russ sees clearly now the im portance of education. have two for breakfast. , !In 1983-84, he earned straight He also is telling his friends Fs as he atterided school only at school the news that there 63 days during the eJl'til'e year: can be, a good life after drugs. His truancy led to trouble with "They look at me Hke I'm the law. kinda weird," says Russ. "But I R,uss became a fu'll-fJedged don't care if they think I'm a alcoholic. ' Then last summer he . sissy." . overdosed on alcohol and came That should tell you how within aD inch of death. strong Russ has bec()me. ' ,
Long and, expensive treatment
Send questions or comments ~the, bill came to more than $24,000) finally enabled him to to 'rom Lennon, 1312 Mass. Ave.
N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005.
say at the age' of 16, "I'm a re covered alcoholic."
Russ is four months into so It's Better
"The smallest good deed is bet
briety now. Other drugs are also ter than ,t,he grandest good in
things of the past. ,But there's, more good news. tention." - Duguet
Bishop 'Connolly
Bishop Stang
New Century Club board mem bers were 'inducted at a nieet ing at which Brother David Touchette was honored on his 60th anniversary as a Brother o( Christian Instruction. The new members are Rose mary .Bolger, Gerard Duquette, Dr. Daniel Sullivan' and Atty Donald Fleming.
Senior Kathleen Medeiros has 'been selected school winner in the Century ,HI ,leaders' program.
, Also at the Fall River school,
the National Honor Society sponsored a recent Bloodmobil~ program; ,and a chapter of Stu dents· against Drunk, Driving ha~ been organized. A~ unforgettable 75tll birth day gift was presented to Father George Mahan, Connolly's direc tor of development: a wel7k in the Bahamas as guest of Nas sau ,Bishop Lawrence Burke, SJ.
, *
*' *'
. Planned for Dec. 16 is it con cert'by the Connolly Chorus; to be followed by the school's an· nual Christmas Mass and a SQP per for parents and frie~s.,
Advent By Cecilia ,Belanger It's that time of year when the true meaning of the Light that came into the world hits us with great force. We are forced to think, to ask ourselves: Do we always open the door to 'let that Light enter? ' It's the time when we think ' of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Very early in life her mind was prepared for grief.' When people say, '''Why did· this happen to me , r - ' to us?" I can't help re flecting on her. ' As I think about Adv~nt, I also recall how as children we tried to identify our own child hood with that of Jesus. We wondered what games he played, what paths he took, what peo ple be preferred. We who grew up in small towns thought we understood something of his boy hood. We too saw s~alitown 'merchants, peddlers, store keepers, humble workers. Jesus was 12 when he went 'Up to Jerusalem. Even today many young people have not traveled far beyond their birth place, But' today's 12-year-old' is -less fortunate than Jesus in that he _or she seldom meets wise and aged' men. who will -listen and an swer questions. That Jesus sanctified child hood no one will argue. What would the Sanct~fier have to say today to those who abuse child ren? How harsh would he be? It is through the Christ Child that we are offered ,the grace by which we may ~earn to keep our brains unwashed by anyone or anything other than the spirit of God. He models the purity
and simplicity by which we may ,learn to refuse the siren sounds of a neo-pagan culture.
We ponder the timelessness of the call of our Lord. His voice is heard in every century. For those who hear it, "the whole earth is full of His glory:"
, Students at the North Dart mouth school wUl celebrate, the season at a Christmas concert at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 18, while "Come Home for 'Christmas," a second concert, is billed at a Stang 25th anniversary gift, to the commun 'ity and will be, held at 8 p.m. Dee.: 21 at tOO Zeiterion Theatre in New Bedford.
'Bishop, Feehan In. Attleboro Feehanites are rejoicing at news. that the 1984 ~haman Hterary magazine has been awarded first place in the American Scholastic ,;Press Asso ciation competition, garnering 905 points out of 1,000.
'" '" '" '"
7 p.m, DeC'. 16: time and date for Feehan's sa'iute to Christmas: a production of Dickens' Christ mas ,Carol, plus a, concert fea turi~g the school's concert band and adult and student choruses.
,CoyIe-Cassidy Student Christmas projects at the Taunton school include col ,Ie<;ting, repairing and giftwrap ping Toys for Tots and preparing, 25 'or more food baskets for needy families.
Congratulations to Matt Jar din, a nominee for the Otto Gra ham award for the area's out standing football player; ana Kathy Hickey, school winner of the annual Voice of Democracy essay contest, who will continue to city-wide competition.
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CHRISTOPHER ROSE, CDC senior, has received an honorable mention award in a National Octoberfest Poetry Contest. His poem,
"Nuclear War," will b~ pub
lished in "Our World's Most Beautiful Poems," to be issued in February by WarId of Poetry Press, Sac ramento, Calif.
TH.E ANCHOR Friday, Dec. ~ 4, 1984
tv, movie news
Symbols following film reviews indicate both general and Catholic Film Office ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· eral viewing; PG·13-parental guidance strongly suggested for children under 13; PG-:-parental guidance suggested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. Catholic ratings: AI-approved fOI children and adults; A2-approved for adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; A4-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanation); O-morally offensive.
Tight lRace In eyo Hockey
,Fall River South is~etting the pace in the Bristol County CYO Hockey League but the Southies are only two points ahead of runnerup N~w Bedford and only three in front of third place Mansfield. . Last Sunday Fa'll River South scored three goa1s in the third peJliod to ga'in a 5-~ victory over Fall River North. Dave Nobrega scored for South and 'Donald Daley for North in the opening stanza. John Carroll scored earIy in the second period for South but Rick Couturier's goal later in the period resulted in the teams entering the third period tied at 2-2. Fall River South goals ,in the final stanza were by Rick Cole man, Nobrega and Carroll. In the other game New Bed ford, trailing 2-1 after two per iods, got goals off Rick MoCue and Peter Botelho in the final canto to eke out a 3-2 decision
over Somerset and regain un disputed possession of second place, displacing 'idle. Mansfield. There was no' scoring in the first period and Somerset took a 2-0 lead on second-period goals by. Rob Hitchcock .and James Brown. Bruce Barboza's goa'i late in the period for New Bedford narrowed the gap and the Whaletowners gained the victory on those third-period goals. The stani:lings: Fall River South 7-1-1, New Bedford 6-2-1, Mansfield' 5-1-2, Somerset 1-7-1, Fall River North 0-8-1. Goals for or against: Fall Riv er South 40-18, New Bedford 43-28, Somerset 23-48, Fall Riv er North 16-49. Games next Sunday night, starting at 9 o'clock, i~ the Dris coU Rink, Fall River: 'Fall River South vs. New Bedford, Somer set vs. Mansfield.
High School Sports This Weekend In boys basketball games to night Bishop Connolly visits Case, East Providence is at Dur fee, Diman Yoke at Old Roches ter, Wareham at Harwich, West port at Bristol-Plymouth, Digh ton-~hoboth at Apponequet, all at 7:30. Consolation and championship finals in the small schools di- vision of the New Bedford Tip Off Tournament are set for 6:30 and 8 p.m. -In girls' basketball Connolly is host to Holy Family at six when New 'Bedford Yoke-Tech
is home to Old Rochester and Hanover visits Middleboro. The consolation and cham pionship large schools division finals of the Tip-Off Tourna ment will be held tomorrow night, starting at 6:30. New Bedford is host to Brigh ton at 10 a.m. and Somerset is home to Case at 10:30 a.m. in girls' basketball games tomor row. A swimming relay carnival is set for 10 a.m. tomorrow at New Bedford High School.
Stang Harriers Win Four Events Bishop Stang runners posted while Sean 'Fitzgerald won the four first-place fin'ishes in the 50-yard dash in the senior di Fa:lmouth Track and Field Invi vision in 5.7 seconds. In the tational meet Jast weekend. girls division Liz Makin, the Tom Clark won the 1,000 . Spartans' outstanding runner, yard run ,in 2:31.9 while Matt won the senior 600-yard run in Lanagan took top honors in the 1:34. 50-yard dash in six seconds even
Some Jamboree Results In the high schod! lhockey jamboree in the Driscoll Rink, 'last weekend, 'Bishop Feehan topped Bishop Connolly, 3-0, 'Dartmouth edged Durfee 4-03, Somerset blanked Yoke-Tech, 3-0, Bridgewater-Raynham nip ped New Bedford 3-1. Results ,in the girls basketball jamboree in Dartmouth High School: Dartmouth 21 ,BiShop Connolly 7, Yoke-Tech 17 Holy Family 10, Westport 26 Fair haven 10. . ,Bishop Connolly was a 30-26 winner over Somerset in the hoys basketball jamboree in Dur fee High School. Other results: Durfee 33 Case 15, Dartmouth . 33 Yoke-Tech 25, Holy Family 24 Westport 19, New Bedford 35 Bishop Stang 25.
Mark Cordeiro, Dartmouth High S~hool's outstanding quar terback, was the winner of the Otto Graham Football Achieve ment Award for 1984. He re ceived the award at a dinner in Greater New Bedford Voke Tech High Schol. Dartmouth head coach Carlin Lynch praised Cordeiro as the best quarterback he ever coach ed. Seniors from 16 schools in Southeastern Massachusetts were nominated for the award. All nominees received plaques.
NOTE Please check dates and times of television and radio programs against local list ings, which may differ from the New York network sched ules supplied The Anchor.
New Films "Beverly HiUs Cop" (para mount) If you like ~ddie MurPhy, you'll like this because· he's at his .good-nature4 best. Because of violence and rough language, this story of a supeJICool Detroit detective in the conspicuous con sumption capital of the universe is classified A3, R. "City Heat" (Warners) Clint Eastwood and Burt Reynolds are a police detective and private eye who talk rudely to each other whenever their paths cross in the course of a struggle be tween two rival mobs in De pression-era Kansas City. These exchanges are supposed to be terribly funny, but they're not, . and the violence and the in-joke nature of the whole enterprise gets quite wearing. Because of graphic violence, it is classified A3, PC. "Mass Appeal" (Universal) Zealous young deacon jars mid dle-aged pastor out of his com placency in this screen adapta tion of the hit play in which the humor and force of the orig inal are much diminished and the slightness of the Catholic content, marked by omissions and inaccuracies,. becomes all too apparent. A2, PG Sunday, Dee. 11, 8-10:55 p.m. EST (ABCl - "The Sting" (1973) Robert Redford and Paul Newman are conmen who con coct an elaborate scheme in volving a phony betting parlor to get revenge on gangster Rob ert Shaw while turning a hand some profit. This immensely popular comedy is solid enter tainment, though somewhat con trived. In the original, some scenes involving prostitutes made it mature viewing fare. A3, PG . " 19, Wednesday, Dee. 9-11 p.m. EST (CBS) "Private Benjamin" (1980) - A society gkl (Goldie Hawn) enlists in the Army and finds -it not what she expected, but she shapes up while becoming involved in ro mantic . complications. Some funny moments but also some offensive ones in the original, in volving ridicule of sexual moral
ity, rough language and brief nudity.O,R Religious TV . Sunday, Dee. 16 (CBS) "For Our Times" .,... Hanukkah spec ial: "Masada, A Struggle for Freedom." Sunday, Dee. 23 (C~) "For Our Times" - Religious tribute to Christmas. Monday, Dec. 24, midnight 1 a.m. (ABC) "Joyeux Noel: A Cajun Christmas" - The pro gram includes the Christmas Mass from Sacred Heart Church, Gramercy, La., and lighting of bonfires along the Mississippi River to welcome the birth of Christ. Monday, Dec; 24, midnight (NBC) Pope John· Paul n celebrates the Christmas mid night Mass from St. Peter's Ba silica in Rome with music' by the Sistine Choi,r and commen tary 'by Archbishop John Foley, president of the Political Com mission for Social Communica tion. Religious Radio Sunday, Dec. 16 (NBC) "Guideline" - Today's topic is the Catholic press. Guests in clude Gerald M. Costello, editor in chief of Catholic New York, newspaper of the New York Archdiocese.
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THE'ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 14, 1984
(Jtee(lng pO-inti ] Continued from Page Eleven ST. ~Y, FAIRHAVEN First penance: '10 a.m. Dec. 15. . Christmas .party for 1st to 6th ~raders: 9:30 ·a.m.' to noon Dec. 22. Children are invited to par ticipate in, a pageant at 4:30
p.m. Mass Christmas Eve. Advent food collection bas kets are in .the rear of the church. MEMORIAL 'HOME, FR In accordance with the cus tom of offering the Sacrament of the Sick to residents every three months, this rite will take place during December at times and locations as announced in the home's weekly news bul.; letin. ST. RITA, MARION 10, a.m. Mass Dec. 16: special liturgy for and participated in by confirmation candidates; re frestments to follow hi rectory. First penance: 7 p.m. Dec. 18.
STONEHILL COLLEGE, N. EASTON , Dedication of organ at Chapel of Mary: Dec. 16.. ST. MARY, NB . Girls in grades 5 through 8 interested in CYO <basketball may call Barry Fisher, 998-1996.
Annual Christmas pageant: 7
p.m. Dec. 19, school hall. A weekly prayer service will begin at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 7 in the church.
SS. PETER & PAUL, FR Sixth grader Jodi Pavao is second place winner in an essay contest on "How My' Family Spends Time Together." \ First penance: 4 p.m. Dec. 16. Women's Club Christmas tea:' 2 p.m. Dec. 16, Coady Cente;f~ All women welcome. 'Ch . t B d' t · ' rIS mas· ene Ie Ion ser.vice: 11 a.m. bee. 21. All wel come.
High school students interest ed in the. ECHO retreat may contact Father Bruce Neylon, 295-2411. ST. JOAN OF ARC, ORLEANS The success of the Advent potluck supper at Visitation Hall has prompted plans for a Val entine's Day family party. Fathers Thomas McGlynn and Mark Hession, who served in the parish last summer, will return, for Masses during their Christmas vacation from Catho lic University. Additional copies of a parish history booklet which has been sent to all parish families are available at the .rectory.
ST. ANNE, FR CCD Christmas party: 3 p.m. Dec. 17. school. Parish committee meeting: 7 p.m. Dec. 17. 'eYQ bus trip to LaSalette· Shrine: Dec. 18. , Fellowship meeting: 7:30 p.m. Dec. 20, school. Penance 'service for children: . Dec. 20 and C 21.S k t Dec. 21: ub cout pac mee in~. 7, p.m. at school. Area alumni' of Providence Collefle will attend 10 a.m. Mass Dec. 16. , ,As of' Jan. 3, due to shorta~e . of priests, it will no longer be nossible to offer an 8 a.m. Mass Monday through Saturday. ST. MARY, SEEKONK A Bethlehem Room will be set aside for meditation during the Advent/Christmas· season.
~arishes or
businesses wishing to place
greetings, Mass schedules or announce
RT. LOUIS de FRANCE, SWANSEA Youth group members have. held a Christmas party and sup per for area, underprivile,l!ed children; they also plana cele bration for handicapped chil dren at Lakeville Hospital and a visit to Rose' Hawthorne La throp Home.
ments in the Christmas issue 01 The Anchor,' to be published Friday, Dec. 2J,
should .call
NOTRE DAME, FR Tree decorating 'and parish O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE sing-along: 6 tonight. P.arish Following today's meeting, ioners are asked .to bring a home-made decoration and 'meet the Friday morning discussion at the rear of the rectory. Hot, group will suspend sessions un drinks will 'be served. ' til January., Upcoming events: c hoi r CYO Christmas party for par Christmas party Dec. 16; con ish children: 2 to 4 p.m.' Dec. firmation, class trip to LaSalette 15, parish ceIiter. , Shrine Dec. 17; Mass at Notre High. school CYO meeting: Dame mausoleum Dec. 29. following CCD program Dec. 16. Afternoon of recollection' for SACRED HEART, FR Shut-ins. wishing to receive separateo/divorced Ca,tholics: 2' to 5 p.m. Dec. 16, CCD Center, holy communion at home are urged to contact the rectory. , O.L. Victory.
ROSEMARY DUSSAULT Advertising Manager 675-7151 or 675·7048 DEADLINE: MONDAY, DEC. 17.
Father Bruce Ritter
NORDOM AT THE INN The Innkeeper said, No. I can I do? he said. ·And I said, you can go;b~ck out into the humiliation. Because you haven't stopped caring and help can't help you, he said. Go street, and you can look sad. ing, we at Covenant House are able to touch these kids away, he said. with your hands; to love them with your love, to share the 'It was late at night. The The kid stopped crying, and he looked at me. I can do blessings God has given you to share with them. inn was very.crowded. The that, he sai~. So he did, or they did, they both went back Maybe my kid~ won't know thaUor awhile. Maybe only' young couple was poor. out into the street. One boy was 15, the other was 14. I when Jesus draws us all to be with Him and the Father will The husband, frantic with never saw them again. ' . we all know each other and experience that special shock anxiety, insisted' and pleaded .and 'argued desperately: of recognition that must be one of the great joys of heaven. Look, my wife is going to have a baby any minute. Please, "Jesus was, like my kids, a wanderer and. You're going to meet a lot of beautiful kids who will know you've got to let us in. Clearly. there were, no large tips ' d 'th I I U· h d your name and know your face and reach out to you with forthcoming to inspire the Innkeeper's compassion and un_noma ,WI no p,ace to ,ay nlS' ea . joy. And, I hope, you'll meet a couple of innkeepers, who
derstanding. You can't take responsibility for every made atragic mistake and said No when they should have
pilgrim and traveller and wanderer who knocks on your I can still see their faces, just about as clearly today as I said Yes.· ,
door, even if the girl is young and tired and aboutto have a could that night so many years ago. I can still see the tears I wish you all His peace and His joy, and the certain
baby! on the boy's face. I can see how the other kid stood. and the knowledge of His love. Thanks, again, for loving my own
. After he turned them away, I wonder if the Innkeeper way he looked at me. • homeless nomads'who, because of you, do have a.placeto
ever.gave the young mother and her husband a second '. . lay their heads. Always pray for us, please, as we never
thought? Listen, I know,exactly how that innkeeper felt. I wonder If the Innkeeper kept rememberlng,too. . stop praying for you and thanking God for you.
Maybe he'd had a bad day. He wasn't such a bad guy. You Jesus has to love my kids, I'm sure of that, in all their" .
just can't assume he was' an unfeeling heartless wretch pain and sadness-for Jesus was, like them, a wanderer - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
and sweep him out of your mind like so much dirt. He must .and nomad, with no place to lay His head. Like most of my :1·
have had his reasons. And besides, it turned out okay. The kids He was born in poverty and welcomed by outcasts. He :1 .
young couple found a cave on a hillside Where some was no stranger to the hunger and fatigue and misI want to help make room for a few more homeless
shepherds stabled their animals. The 14-year-old girl had understanding and rejection of their lives either. Perhaps I, kids. Enclosed is my gift of: $_ _
her baby there. It turned out all right. . more than anyone else, they have the rightto be called the I please print:
Many years ago, two kids knocked on my door o,ne least of His brethren, and, the right too, to His special love I night! It was late and I had had abad day. I didn't want to :~~u~;~c~~~~. the wandering lost sheep that He cares I' NAME: _ . wake up. I didn't want to answer the door. I was tired and ADDRESS had gone to bed angry. There were a bunch of kids bedded ' Look. Christmas is not the time fot sad letters about my I : ----------- down on the' living room floor and the six bunk beds were kids---Ietters that could perhaps diminish your own hap- I filled. I had been mugged earlier that day and one of mypiness. Christmas is a time for joyful thoughts about the CITY:,_' ....:.. -.NSTATE: - - kidS stole the grocery money-and I didn't like any of my' Son of God who loved us with such an immeasurable,long-'1 ZIP: FI(EXI) kids very mUCh. They just didn't appreciate meand weren t ing love. We celebrate His' birth 'and childhood and in- I -----
. very grateful.'.. Playing therole of noble martyrto the hilt.! nocence with the giving of gifts and speaking of our own
opened the door.. love. We try to make our own love visible.' Please send. this. coupon with your donation to: II
Two kids stood ther~, uncertainly, obviousiy reading the , look on my face. One of the kids said: Are you Bruce, and I· . said. Yes. And .hes~id, do youtake kids to? And I said, Yes. Can we stay With you? he said: And I said. No, because we have no room ..TM/kid began to cry:W'here can I go? What . .' , ,
Le~ pur ce!eb!ation be simple ~nd unsophis~icated. He.1 COVENANT HOUSE
. was ,ust achild In ast.able.Let ouqoy be unhurne.d and un7. I Father Bruce Ritter
h~rne~. The angel ~Ished.us p~ace andQoodwl!l.l~t: us , 'P.O. Box 2121 .' ,'"
g~ve giftS, also, to HI~ a.s th.e wise men'~ld,andlnglvlng; Times Square Station .'
giftS, to others let ~s glye In I:l,s name and In love; for w,e are. New York~ NY 10108 .
all nomads and pilgrims together. ' . ' .. ' ,.. ..... 'I',:' ;, i . ;,' ' . ,Thank you for giving that gift of love to ~Y. kids: 'Your III' .LIFE ON THE STRE.ET ISA DEAD .EN~ I Father Bruce' R;tier,i.OFM Cony,. is the founder and PresiiJentof ,kids .now. ,Because of you, thousandsofch'ildren arid I Covenafll !1Quse, ,which operatescrisis centers for homeless and' you.ngpeople are helpedevery~ay. Because of y~url?v~, I" . .' :. " runaway bby,s ;iridrgirls.iJlI over the country. . thousands are saved .from lives of degradatlon',a~~" '7 - ~ - -- ~- ~- - - ....... !i~,"71"·---:'"
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