t eanc 0 VOL. 33, NO. 49
Friday, December 15, 1989
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly
511 Per Year
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Winter wonderlands such as this are at risk, warns Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II warns of ecological disaster VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Des- press conference at which the doc- "we cannot interfere in one area of the ecosystem without paying due truction of the environment and ument was released. "the plundering of natural resourThe "ecological crisis" facing attention both to the consequences of such interference in other ces" threaten hopes for world peace, the world today is a call to all peopie to ensure that creation be proareas and to the well-being of said Pope John Paul II. Lack of respect for nature "is a tected and preserved for future future generations." seedbed for collective selfishness, generations, the pope said. For Christians, the pope said, The pope spoke about depletion disregard for others and dishonesty," the pope said in his annual "responsibility within creation and of the ozone layer, which protects the earth from the sun's harmful message for the World Day of their duty toward nature and the creator are an essential part of rays, and about the resulting Peace, celebrated Jan. l. Th~ message w~s the first papal their faith." "greenhouse effect" of gradual document dedicated exclusivelyto ~ ", '''TheecologicaJ- crisi,s is a moral ,warming. . " , ' " The greerihollseefiect "has now ecology, said Cardinal Roger Etch- issue,"h'e said.' " ,'", ~, The "indiscriminate application reached crisis·l'Topt>rti-enr..,as: a_. egaray, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. The of advances in sCience and techconsequence of industrial growth, cardinal spoke at a Dec. 5 Vatican nology," he said, have shown that massive urban concentrations and
vastly increased energy needs," he said. "Industrial waste, the burning of fossil fuels, unrestricted deforestation, the use of certain types of herbicides, coolants and propellants: all of these are known to harm the atmosphere and environment," he said. "The Judeo-Christian beliefthat God created the earth for the benefit of all people requires an end to any selfish uses of its natural resources. "It is manifestly unjust that a privrleged few should continue to accumulare' excess goods.,sqUand'-' ering available resources, while
masses of people are living in conditions of misery at the very lowest level of subsistence," the pope said. The social structures that create and maintain abject poverty often lead to abuse of the environment, he said. "Rural poverty and unjust land distribution in many countries, for example, have led to subsistence farming and to the exhaustion of the soil," the pope said. "Once . their land yields no more, many farmers move on to clear new land, thus acc~lerating deforestation.'.' ... . .'" Tum to Page Six
Protesters disrupt NYC Mass, mar LA churches morning Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral Dec. 10 while a thouProtesters against Catholic sand or more protested outside. stands 'on the right use of human A smaller number, also outside, sexuality demonstrated on both demonstrated in support of the coasts this month, disrupting a cardinal and against "militant antiMass at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Catholic bigotry-and suppression." New York City, last Sunday and Police kept the two groups sepavandalizing four Los Angeles rated. churches earlier in the month. As police began arresting and In New York, dozens of people' carrying out people standing and protesting the views of Cardinal shouting or lying down in the John J. O'Connor on homosexu- aisles, Cardinal O'Connor stopped ality and abortion tried to shout his homily and had the congregahim down' during his Sunday tion stand to join in tqe Lord's
By Catholic News Service
abling the cathedral and the police observer, after receiving a host, a Prayer and recitation of the rosary. young man broke it, threw it on . He then proceeded with the Eu- to be prepared. charist, despite continued shouting. Uniformed police surrounded , the floor and stepped on it. Another A police spokesman later said the cathedral, and dozens of ushers priest picked it up and took it 43 arrests were~ made in the cat he- and plainclothes officers watched away as the young man walked off inside. More clergy than usual without further incident. dral and 68 people who sought to Mayor Edward Koch, who has block the street were also arrested. ' , were in the sanctuary, and some The demonstration was spon- front pews were occupied by arch- had legal as well as philosophical sored by the AIDS Coalition to diocesan staff and others in case of battles with Cardinal O'Connor over homosexual rights, sat in a Unleash Powl:r and the Women's need to guard the altar area. Health Actio.n Mobilization, which Reception of communion pro- front pew during the Mass in a defends reproductive freedom and ceeded with only minor variations show of'support for the cardinal quality health care for all women. from standard procedure, but there and joined him afterward in talkPlans for the cathedral action was a report of at least one dese- ing with reporters. had been widely publicized, en- cration of a host. According to an Turn to Page Six
AT MARIAN MEDALS award ceremony held last Sunday at St. Mary's Cathedral, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin presents the medal to, from left, Kenneth Leger, Sacred Heart parish; Fall River; Mrs. Joseph Costa, Espirito Santo parish, Fall River, mother of Father Joseph Costa, administrator of St.
Vincent's Home; Fall River; John Sullivan, St. Bernard parish, Assonet, father of Father Paul Sullivan, SJ, of the faculty of Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River. The medals recognize outstanding service to one's parish. (Gaudette photos)
. ':Ar'~hbishop,' ambassador clash over slayings
The Anchor Friday, December 15, 1989
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AMONG NEW BEDFORD area members of the committee for the 35th annual Bishop's Charity Ball are from left, Theresa Lewis, hospitality; Helen L. Stager, New Bedford District Council of Catholic Women president; Dorothy A. Curry', presentees; and V. Vincent Gerardi, St. Vincent de Paul Society. The ball will be held at White's of Westport from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Jan. 12. Al Rainone~s Orchestra will play in the ballroom and the Aristocrats will be featured in the grand salon. Robert McGuirk of North Dighton will be master of ceremonies. 'Decorating. for the baU '!S scheduled for'6 p.m. Jan. 9 at White's, and p~e~sent~es will rehearse at 6:30 p.m. .
Montreal.::victims mourned •
MONTREAL' (<:;~S) ~;jho,ti for the other five killed by Marc sands gathered a.t '.' N.oire Darhe .Lepine, who' went on an antiBasilica.to morn !~eslaying of i4 women rampage with a semiauwomen by a gunman at'the Uni- tomat.ic rifle on tht:ee floors of the • DYEING . ., . university. ' . versity of Montreal. ' '.. . ..:::.; .' .::T1NTING " The fUJ;leral, attended by Prime "We. are afflicted by'griefwhich Cl.EANING Minister Brian Mulroney and '. h~s almost s:ubmerged ti~.," said • ,DEODORIZING Governor-General Jeanne Sauve, ~~" t t~.~ ~ontreal~Cardinai·Pa,u'l=-·G·regoire . '.[,":R~AIRS at the: Dec~ n funeral for nine of was.broadcast on television a,nd to RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL the 14, women murdered at the a huge ~rowd standing outside the Southeastern MA & Cape Cod I60-year-old basilica inbitter temuniver~i~y,'s engin.eeri,ng...~school '," "(508)"676-2966 . _' Dec.§. .... . .. , _. , . .peratures.. ,. _ . Over the weekend some' 10;000 .. "Private funerals weri:;'being tleld people braved sub-zero weather to p~y last respects tq eighfof (~e '., " ' . . C·, .... ~ ·victims who lay in closed white caskets at th~ university's Hall of Honor. . . Quebec Pre~Jer RQberLBou._ ..rassa calle<lfor a moment of silence at 10:30 a.m. Dec. II as the funeral was scheduled to begin.' Students at the engineering school asked engineers across Canada to wear white scarves and handkerchiefs in remembrance of the young women. One victim, Sonya Pelletier, 28, was a day away from graduating with top marks in her engineering class. She was to be awarded her degree posthumously. Maryse Leclair, 23, had another'--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilijiiii;;;,oiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1iiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil.l~ year to go and was also near the. top of her class. Her policeman father, Pierre Leclair, discovered his daughter lying dead on the floor shortly after reporting for . duty at the murder scene. The killer, an Algerian-Canadian, was the product of a broken SERVANTS OF RELIEF FOR I:'\lCl'RABI.E CANCER home and an abusive father, police said. "I want the women" and "I hate A religious communily ofCalholic women with seven modern nursing facililies in six feminists" Lepine screamed before stales. Our one aposlolale is 10 nurse incurable cancer palienls. This work is a practical fulfillmenl of ourfaith. . his killing rampage which he ended by taking his own life.
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SAN SALVADOR, EI Salvador (CNS) - A rare public dispute erupted between the U.S. ambassador to EI Salvador and Archbishop Arturo Rivera Damas of San Salvador after the archbishop accused U.S. officials of intimidating an apparent witness to the murder of six Jesuits. The archbishop said the officials forced the witness into retracting her testimony implicating the Salvadoran armed forces. Both President George Bush and Ambassador William Walker denied the archbishop's accusation. The witness, Lucia Barrera de Cerna, a 44-year-old housekeeper, was reported at the time of the accusations to be somewhere in the United States with Jesuit officials. Archbishop Rivera Damas said in a Dec. 10 Sunday homily that he had been told by lawyers and churchmen that Mrs. Barrera was 'subjected to an aggressive and violent interrogation in the United States. "Instead of being protected, as U.S. representatives in EI Salvador had promised, she was subjected to a veritable br~inwashing .in t~at country and to the blackmail that she would be deported. if she did not tell the truth," the . archbishop said.' , . . «After this, psychological torment, Mrs. Barrera hesitated 'and retracted her statement," he said. ' Speaking ,to reporters later, he . said Mrs. Barr,era's treatment appeared to be hi the interests of "tho~e from. here" - an appar~nt reference to.the,right-wip,g"U..:S.'. ~a~~ed S!llva.4 0rll ll goy~rnmeni, . ,Thearcpbishop saicfthat because the investigation. "continues to . point toward the overwhelming hypothesis that it .was elements of _ ..t.hL~r~y'~ ..whocarrie~ ~ut..the JesuIts murder, U.S. offICIals are taking care that the path toward the clarification of the matter cannot be followed." In a st~tement, .Ambass~dor Walker saId ArchbIshop RIvera Damu' information was incorrect.
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AN 12/15/89
"I am saddened that the archbishop doesn't believe that the U.S. government and he are in the same quest for the truth [of who killed the priests]," the statement said. In an interview with The Washington Post, the ambassador commented that "you doo't find the truth by slinging around charges of psychological torture when you don't really know what you're talking about." In Costa Rica, where he was meeting the other Central American presidents, EI Salvador's Alfredo Cristiani said Dec. 9 that the investigation is focusing "almost exclusively within the armed forces." Soon after emerging as a potential witness to the killings, Mrs. Barrera was taken under heavy · security to the United States Nov. 23 and placed under FBI protection. She was reportedly questioned extensively by FBI and Salvadoran agents. , Mrs. Barrera has said she saw the murder of the six priests, who were pulled out of their beds and shot Nov. 16 alongwit-h their housekeep.erand her 15-year-old daughter. ' " She had said the killers wore camouflage uniforms similar to ,those ·:worn by the.:Salvadoran .:' army. Amid mountingcritij::ism of U.S. handling 9(, th~ case,- Father Paul Tipton, president of the U.S. association of Jes.uit,colleges, accused Walker of trying to .discredit the witness and qu~stioned Washington's commitment to a fair invest'.' ' . ,igation., ,,' ' .. , In a letter to Seci-e~qrof State · James Baker.- Fatller Tipton said he had been informed that the ambassador had told reporters that · Mrs. Barrel'a~s testimony.\~as ._worthless and that a human rights .worker had told her to fabricate it. The priest said in his letter that Walker appar~ntly participated in efforts to discredit her' testimony and this was a shocking betrayal of his responsibilities. Father Tipton said the envoy's actions raised doubts over the U.S. administration's commitment to a fair investigation. • A source close to the U.S. investigation said Mrs. Barrera was an unreliable witness who had failed six lie-detector tests. "It seems to us she was coached by someone," the source said. Church and opposition groups have said the killings ofthe priests and household workers bore the hallmark of right-wing death squads which have killed thousands of people during EI Salvador's decade-long civil war. But officials of the U.S.-backed Salvadoran government have said guerrillas of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front could have killed the priests.
1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111' THE ANCHOR (USPS-S4S0020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass. Published weekly exceptlhe week of July 4 and the week after Christmas al 887 High. land Avenue. Fait River. Mass. 02720 by the Calholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail postpaid '$ n .00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7. Fall River. MA 02722.
Catholic singles chapter here
Coadjutor installed in New Hampshire MANCHESTER, N.H. (CNS) Declaring that the Catholic Church "doesn't need any more prophets of doom," Bishop Leo E. O'Neil was installed Nov. 30 as coadjutor bishop of the Manchester diocese. Among brother bishops present for the ceremony was Bishop Daniel A. Cronin. In his homily, Bishop O'Neil said, "The church doesn't need any, more prophets of doom. It needs us to radiate the Catholic faith and shout it to the mountains." Cardinal Bernard F. Law of Boston in remarks later in the installation ce.remony, said the homily was "vintage Bishop O'Neil." Bishop O'Neil, 61, was the first auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Springfield, Mass., prior to his Manchester appointment and was diocesan director of pastoral ministry. As coadjutor, he has the right of succession to Manchester Bishop adore J. Gendron. In an October interview with The Catholic Observer, newspaper of the Diocese of Springfield, Bishop Gendron said he had requested that the replacement for former Manchester Auxiliary Bishop Joseph J. Gerry, now bishop of Portland, Maine, be a coadjutor bishop. , "If something should happen to me, and there was a transition period here with an administrator, it would be a hardship on our people," Bishop Gendron said. In a November letter to Man: chester diocesan priests, Bishop , Gendron, 68, said he would move to a diocesan home for retired pri, ests and that Bishop O'Neil would occupy the episcopal residence in Manchester. About 1,000 attended the installation liturgy, including about 400 people from Bishop O'Neil's home diocese of Springfield. '.
Mother Teresa in good condition CALCUTTA, India (CNS) Mother Teresa of Calcutta was discharged from a hospital Dec. II: and doctors said her co~dition was good. The 79-year-old founder of the Missionaries of Charity was fitted with a pacemaker Dec. I ~ After her release, she went' to her order's headquarters for two days of rest before returning to work, an aide said: I
Gibbons Meda,) WASHINGTON (CNS)"':"" Retired Arctibish~p William D.-Borders of Baltimore has received the James Cardinal Gibbons Medal from the alumni association of Catholic University. The medal goes to a person who has given distinguished and meritorious services to the church, the United States or the university. It is named for the ~piversity's first chancellor, Cardinal Gibbons, who also was archbishop of Baltimore...;
ground through participation in social, cultural, athletic, religious and charitable activities. The Greater Boston chapter, with over 500 members, sponsors such activities as dances, concerts, travel, dinners and theatrical and athletic events. Religious activities include ministry programs, discussion nights, retreats and liturgies. Plans for the local chapter were j·nitiated at a recent meeting. Further information is available from Tony Medeiros, tel. 824-8378.
The Catholic Alumni Club of Boston, a chapter of the International Federation of Catholic Alumni, an organization for singles, is expanding to S9utheastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Catholic Alumni is an organization of 50 nonprofit clubs throughout the country. It promotes friendships among people of similar back-
SISTER MURIEL Ann Lebeau, sS.ce., principal of St.· Joseph's School, Fairhaven, shows Father 'Patrick Killilea, SS.Ce., pastor of St. Joseph's parish, an outstanding development award the school recently received from the .New England Association of Catholic Development OffIcers. · Among school efforts have been increasing enrollment, creating school-wide spirit themes and handbooks, and strengthening parental support. Martha Worley, left, and Robert LaBrecque, not pictured, school advisory council members, accepted the award at the NEADCO fall conference at Holy Cross College, Worcester. (Hickey photo)
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Damned if you do, damned if you don't CINCINNATI (CNS) - Arguments were heard this month in the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals court in Cincinnati in the case of a Catholic professor at a Catholic university fired because his conscience forbade him to join the teachers' union over its' abortion stand. Bruce Cameron, an attorney for electrical engineering professor Robert Roesser, argued Roesser' was within his rights to offer the University of: Detroit Professors' Union that he give 'an amount equal to his union dues to charity, because the union's parent, the National Education Association, favors a woman's right to abortion. David"Smith; a lawyer representing the university, said the university had its hands tied because the contract it negotiated with·the professors' union calls for professors to be fired if they refuse to join the union. The university, Smith said, would · likely have been charged with unfair labor practices by the National Education Association under the National Labor Relations Act had it retained Roesser. A union victory would have forc~d his discharge. "It's a very complex and confusingcase," Smith told Catholic News · Service, "with a clear potential for · conflict between two laws of · Congress." , Roesser was fired in 1984. He told CNS he became aware in 1982 that the National Education Associatio~ took a positioJ:l fo~ abortion. He had neverjoined-;the union : before, b'ut had pai<I""agency}ees" equivalent to, union dues for · union-derived benefits from contracts with the u'niversity. B~t when discovered the 'union's abortion stand he refused even to pay those fees. When negotiations between
In keeping with The Anchor'cs 50~week pUblishin~· schedule, there will be no issue on Friday, Dec. 29. Material that would normally appear on that date should reach us by noon Monday, Dec. 18, for publication Friday, Dec. 22.
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Roesser, the union and the university broke down, the university complied with the union's demand that he be fired. Smith said, "The university is sympathetic with the views of Dr. Roesser in regard to his religious concerns," but Roesser's refusal to pay union dues'~compelled us to carry out the terms of-the contract."
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Diocese of Fall River ~ Fri., Dec. 15, 1989
the moorill9-A Church in Peril: A Church Alive For the believer it was nothing more tl1an total sacrilege. For the compassionate it was total outrage. The desecrations of Catholic churches in New York and Los Angeles are among the most anti-Catholic and bigoted events in American church history. Disregarding others' constitutional right to worship, gay acti,:ists chained themselves to pews inside New York's St. Patrick's Cathedral while others interrupted the sacred liturgy by shouts and profanities. In Los Angeles, four Catholic churches were the target of physical attacks. Red paint was splattered across their facades as a sign of mockery and hate. The archbishops of both New York and Los Angeles were the targets of intimidation. In fact,their very lives have been threatened. Poiice in the two cities were appalled by the bigotry and hatred behind the attacks, which focused on the heart of church life and practice. In many ways the events on both coasts are symptomatic of much of the anti-Catholicism that runs deep in America. The critical theological issues that have become marketplace topics as a result of the political positions they dictate have inflamed the anti-Catholic mentality that has permeated much of Amer' ican liberalism. Religious issues have been reduced to media sensationalism. The despicable mouthings of some tel,evision personalities have become a source of some of the most intrusive antiCatholic propaganda ever heard in this nation. The activities of the past month are no more than the fruits of such eVil seeds. In such an atmo~phere it is ironic that the church is recognized as the driving force of true freedom in Warsaw, Prague, Berlin and Budapest. Perhaps it is the narrow vision and limite'd scope of America that has made the church the victim of such violence in New York and Los Angeles. It is an ironic twist of fate. Let those who wish to uphold civil rights and liberties remind the hate mongers that the First Amendment of our Constitution gives all' Americans, including Catholics, the freedom to proclaim their religious convictions, not to modify or stifle them. It was never designed to separate the church from society. Let the so-called intellectual liberals who have seemingly captured our media mark well that the church never should be nor will she be ruled out of social debate by a false or derogatory interpretation of the First Amendment. The church must speak the truth. She cannot do otherwise. Let it also be made quite clear that the Catholic Church in the United States is the principal source of relief, help and consolation for AIDS victims. In New York alone, almost,12 percent of her health care beds are occupied by AIDS patients. This is but one of her many ministries in this area; but little is made of all this by those who attack church property and interrupt church services in the name of protest. Their actions are a mockery to the name of concern and in fact an insult to those members of the gay community who seek to bring compassion to pear on a heartrending issue. In all of this, let us remember that love is the only force stronger than death. Only in its strength can we cope with the scourge that threatens our national life. The Editor
OFFICIA~ NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALLitlVER Published weekly, by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 887 Highland Avenue P.O. BOX 7 Fall River, MA 02720 Fair River, MA 02722 Telephone 508-675-7151
PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
EDITOR, Rev. John F. Moore
GENERAL MANAGER Rosemary Dussault . . , . . , Leary Press-Fall River
eNS photo
"I was a stranger and you took me not in." Matt. 25:43
No room at 1989 Inn either WASHINGTON(CNS)-Belowfreezing temperatures don't deter sandwich-bearing Catholic Charities workers whose daily job it is to frequent subway entrances, parks and shopping districts in downtown Brooklyn, N.Y., in search of the homeless. It is in the winter months, "when death is imminent, that we become hyper-concerned," Thomas A. DeStefano, executive director of Catholic Charities for the Diocese of Brooklyn, told Catholic News Service. Each year during the Christmas season hundreds of people freeze to death in-the United States. Last year in Chicago alone 27 died of exposure. Current estimates of the number ofpersons likely to be homeless on a given night in the United States vary from 655,000, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, t04 million, according to the National Coalition for the Homeless. At no other time, even during the Great Depression, have so many people been without homes, according to Housing Now!, a national coalition of more than 200 organizations that brought some 40,000 marchers to Washington in October to demand more affordable housing. And even more appear to be on the brink of homeless ness. An 80-page-report, titled "A Place to Call Hoine: The Crisis in Housing for the Poor," published earlier this year by the Washington-based Ceriter on Budget and Policy Priorities, said that between 1978 and 1985, the number of households, below the poverty line grew by more than 25 percent, from 10.5 million to 13.3 million. In 1987 the federal poverty line was $9,056 for a family of three. At the time, the report said, the number of housing units renting for $250 or less declined by 1.8 million, from 9.7 million units in 1970 to 7.9 million in 1985. In winter, DeStefano noted,the plight of the homeless - "who are
a little more invisible in the summer" - cannot be ignored. "They're in the subways, sitting totally covered with blankets. They're living in cardboard villages they've erected along the waterfront" on the shores of New York's Hudson and East Rivers, he said. According to DeStefano, there is: a growing number of young homeless people, suffering from mental health problems or addiction. "This is a population that does not respond' read.ily to the traditional psychotherapy," he said. Catholic Charities workers usually must make several contacts with these "new" homeless people, "building up the trust factor slowly" before they can talk them into moving into a shelter or accepting other services, said social worker Robert Siebel. While the community is more aware of and sympathetic to the plight of the homeless thlm was once the case, they still conjure up a whole range of emotions, he said. "They're very frightening to some people.... Then there are those who feel the homeless aren't working or who have a homeless person sleeping on their stoop or ripping open their garbage bag every night." Most people, sa.id Siebel, are
praye~BOX For Increased Faith A Imighty andeverlasting God, give unto us an' increase of faith, hope and charity, and that we may deserve to obtain that which thou dost promise, make us to love that which thou dost command, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
sympathetic, but frustrated by the enormity of the problem and their inability to solve it. The "sympathetic but frustrated" can take heart, however, at the efforts by church workers in dioceses nationwide who, having studied the root causes··of the everworsening plight of the homeless, have put together nonprofit ventures to increase availability of low-cost housing. ' One such program, the Westminster Corporation, founded in 1974 by the Social Action Office of the archdiocese ofSt. Paul-Minneapolis, is fighting homelessness in the Twin Cities "by blending housing and social service with management and marketing," Christopher Mayr, director of fund raising and public affairs, told CNS. "It gets real cold here in winter," said Mayr, noting that despite Westminster's efforts there are some 3,000 homeless in Minneapolis and St. Paul, not counting the doubling and tripling up that goes on among immigrant families. In Camden, N.J., Peter Gilmartin, a permanent deacon, runs St. Joseph's Carpenter Society, a project designed to stabilize the neighborhood surrounding St. Joseph's pro-cathedral by "changing renters into homeowners." The inner-city Camden neighborhood was, undergoing steady decay until the society began work in 1985, said Gilmartin. '''We startedbllying up the abandoned housing stock and renovating it," he said .• Then we sell the houses at cost to people who have been renting." The society has completed 30 homes, "all within four or five blocks of church," said Gilmartin. They work close to the parish, he said, because it is the neighborhood's "center of hope," where food and clothing banks and an emergency heating fund are located. "The church has become the bright light in the darkness of the inner city," said the deacon. '
A different Advent Recently I wrote about studying the infancy narratives as part of our Advent preparation. This week I want to talk about a different kind of Advent, one that we experienced last year with dear friends. Early in December their 27-yearold suffered a massive respiratory arrest followed by cardiac arrest. They took up vigil outside the intensive care unit and we, with many others, took up storming heaven that Michael would recover. A week of Advent went by and then the tragic news came. Michael was brain dead, surviving solely on machines. Our prayers took a different direction. "Please God," we prayed, "do what is best for Michael and his family." They and we waited, and hoped. Not a bad definition of Advent. Their vigil extended from days to weeks. Finally, they made the agonizing decision to remove Michael from the machines. By that time, God had given them the grace to let him go. They sensed that his soul had fled to heaven days earlier and, heartrending as it was, they accepted God's will. On the 17th of December they agreed to removal of most of the' life support systems. But then came an unexpected turn of events.
Michael's vital signs stabilized. "You'd better begin looking at long-term care," the. medics told our friends: Once again, our prayers shifted. Was he to live like this for years? "Please, God, take him to be with you," we prayed. God heard the many prayers and took Michael home on the 21st of December. On reflection, our experience was an Advent one. Just as the Jews awaited the Messiah, a powerful king who would smite enemies, we awaited Michael's complete recovery.
Diocese ofF-ail River':"":' Fri.; 'Dec.' 1'5', 1989'
my GCid and king! I pray to you, 0 Lord; You hear my voice in the morning; at sunrise I offer my prayer and wait for your answer. Just as God used our vigil with Michael to change us and to prepare us to accf:pt his death, we use Advent topnepare ourselves for Just as the Jews had to accept or God's son and the revolutionary reject Jesus as the Messiah, we had message he W:ilS to bring with his to reject or accept Michael's <teath lowly birth. as part of God's plan. We experience many Advents in I think I have a better understanding of Advent as a result of life: waiting to become pregnant, waiting while an adolescent strugMichael's lingering death. We waited and waited, constantly shifting gles with addiction or faith loss, waiting in unemployment lines, in prayer. Waiting is a hard business, as anyone knows who has . waiting for God to hear our prayers. Often the c~nd of the wait is not watched a loved one die. There are what we expec:t or desire, but if we highs and lows. believe in a loving God, we learn to Ultimately we come to believe accept his wi:;dom at the end of that God hears us but it means our Advents. patience and listening. Psalm 5 speaks to the agony and hope during this wait: Listen to my words, 0 Lord and hear my sighs. Listen to my cry for help,
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Liturgy planning Q. I am a sister frequently . Donum"), published under the involved through our community authority of Pope John Paulll in with liturgical celebrations. 1980, deal with particular quesIs there anyone authentic source tions or elements of the liturgies of ofliturgical directions for celebrat- the word and the Eucharist. ing the Eucharist? Each liturgist Two of these are of special seems to put forth his own opinimportance, both because of the ion. Thank you for any help. (Kenscope they offer and the backtucky) ground and direction they giye on A. Yours is a good question but the subject. They are the "Univernot easy to answer. There is no sal Prayer or Prayer of the Faith"one" authentic source. because, in ful," published by the Congregaaddition to the basic sources which tion of Rites in 1966, and the I will mention, we have numerous '''Directory for Masses With other authentic (official) interpreChildren" from the Congregation tations or clarifications that are for Divine Worship in 1973. equally authentic. They come either For sacred· music and its ·necesfrom appropriate Vatican congresary relationship to all aspects of gations or from the national the eucharistic liturgy, for brevity, bishops' conference. clarity and specific application, Of course, the place. to start is nothing in my opinion beats" Music Chapters I and 2 of the Constituin Catholic Worship," published tion on the Sacred Liturgy of Vatiby the American bishops' Comcan Council II. They contain not mittee on the Liturgy in 1983. only "ideals" but ~ery practical background for understanding and Most or all of these should be implementing the reconstructed available through a Catholic bookeucharistic rites. store or from the U.S. Catholic Next, the two most fundamen- Conference publications office, tal sources are the Foreword and 3211 Fourth St. N.E., WashingGeneral Instruction of the Roman . ton, D.C. 20017. Missal, and the Introduction to Q. Please explain the background the Lectionary. The first two are found at the beginning of the Sac- of the word "again" as it appears in the Nicene Creed, "on the third ramentary (missal). The last is in day he rose again in fulfillment of the front of the Lectionary. Both the Scriptures." Since Jesus arose were promulgated in 1969. only once, why does it say "again',? "Liturgicae Instaurationes," (California) published by the Congregation for A. Neither the original Greek Divine Worship in September 1970, nor Latin text for the Creed conoften referred to as the "Third tains that word, although the Latin Instruction of the Correct Appli"resurrexit" could be broken down cation of the Constitution on the to translate that Christ has Liturgy," specifies many important "re-risen." norms for eucharistic celebrations. The meaning, however, is simply It includes particulars about that Jesus was alive and through essential aspects of the Mass, the resurrection he comes to life including singing, texts, ministers again. There is no implication of a and so on. These would be among the key second resurrection. general documents for the univerPerseverance sal church. Dozens of others, as for example the "Instruction Con"There are two things that men cerning worship of the Eucharistic should never weary of - goodness Mystery" ("Inaestimabile and humility." - Stevenson
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AMONG THOSE attending the Fall River DistrictSt. Vincent de Paul Society communion breakfast, held recently at St. Anthony of Padua Church, Fall River, were, from left, Leonard Nicolan, district president-elect; 'Father Evaristo Tavares, pastor of St. Anthony of Padua parish; David Motta, district president; Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, Mass celebrant and breakfast speaker; Father Daniel L. Freitas, SOt. Vincent de Paul Society diocesan director; Father Francis L. Mahoney, district moderator; Armand Gauthier, distr~ct tre~surer. (Hickey· photo) .
BEGINNING Sunday the Church uses the ancient o antiphons, so called from their initial letter, at the Eucharistic liturgy and at Evening Prayer. ·They are suggested as a beautiful evening grace or prayer at the time of lighting a family or individual Advent wreath.
Protesters active in NY C, LA . Continued from Page One Harriet Bogart, an official ofthe Anti-Defamation League, also attended, sitting in a front pew as an : expression of support for the right to worship without disruption.
as archbishop he had to "teach what the church teaches." He r.eceived a sta~ding ovation. In Los Angeles Earlier in the month, pr'otesters vandalized four Los Angeles The mayor, who is Jewish, said churches with pail}t and posters that if people planned tei disrupt a accusing Los Angeles Archbishop synagogue service, he would be Roger M. Mahony of being a there ~imilarly. He praised the "murderer:' for his opposition to cardinal and the police: for their condom use, a position the proteshandling of the disruption. " . .' ters said helps spread AIDS. Archbishop Mahony in a stateAt the conclusion of the Mass, the cardinal thanked the congre- ment released Dec. 4 said neither gation for remaining patient and he nor the archdiocese "will be charitable, and said that "we must intimidated by threats or attacks never respond to hatred with against proclaiming the truth as hatred." He sai,d he knew "some . God has taught us" and that the detest what I have to say," but that church will "pray for a change of heart among all peoples." Protesters splattered red paint _ _ 234 Second Street on the steps and doorways and . • Fall River, MA 02721 hung posters with pictures of the archbishop on the properties of St. "webOffset Newspapers Basil, Immaculate Conception, St. _ Printing & Mailing Ambrose and St. Charles churches. (508) 679-5262 They said the red paint symbolized . the blood of all who have died of Now! AIDS, . New Computerized Mailing'
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Archdiocesan, spokesman Bill DA WN OF THE EAST, Rivera told Catholic News Service DECEMBER 17 brightness of theJight eterDec. 4 that above the archbishop's WISDOM, who camest nal and Sun ofJustice; come ~ picture there were the words "Safe sex is a lie and a fraud. " out of the mouth of the and enlighten them that sit Ali "Underneath his picture, the Most High, reaching from in darkness and in the word 'inurderer' was written in end to end and ordering ~II shadow of d;h. large letters," Rivera added. things migh'tiIy and sweetly: Rivera said a group calling it~elf . come and tea'ch us the way Greater Religious Responsibili.ty said it was responsible for the of prudence. ; attacks. DECEMBER 22 In a major pastoral stateqlen,t approved during their general KING OF THE GENmeeting Nov. 6-9 in Baltimore, the' TILES and the desired of DECEMBER 18 U.S. bishops called for compasthem, thou cornerstone that sionatecare of those with AIDS, ADO NAI and Leader of makest both one: come and but urged chastity and an end to the house of Israel, who deliver man whom thou drug abuse as the only real means didst appear to Moses in didst form out of the dust to halt the U.S. AIDS epidemic. the flame of the burning of the earth. Archbishop Mahony headed the document's writing committee. bush and didst give unto n "In his statement Dec. 4, the him the law on Sinai: come archbishop said the Catholic and with an outstretched Ii Church "has been consistent over arm redeem us. the centuries in calling us all to DECEMBER 23 .. follow God's plan and design for oli the human person and the human EMMANUEL, our King family. For the human person to and Lawgiver, the expected ; be fully integral he or she must - DECEMBER 19 of the nations' and their ... show total respect for the human ROOT OF JESSE, who Savior: come to save us, 0 body as a creation by God himself." standest. for an ensign of Lord our God. Father John A. Beattie, pastor of St. Ambrose Church, called the ~_.~-._~._--._--~_ ~ vandalism at his church "rather unfortunate" because the church has opened its doors to homosexuals and been supportive of them. He said one-third of his parishionContinued from Page One teriological and biological weapons ers are homosexual and he was not The poor should not be given all "despite the international agreesure why St. Ambrose was chosen. the blame for the environmental ments" that prohibit their use. "I feel agreat sadness," he said. "Any form of war.on a global consequences of such actions, he "I'm not really angry ... just sorry scale would lead to incalculable said. that people have to express themselves this way." . "Rather, the poor, to whom the ecological damage," he said. Even earth is entrusted no less than.to local and regional conflicts desChurch workers were able to others, must be enabled to find a troy human life and the enviroremove most of the paint, but he way out of their poverty," the pope ment, damaging "the land, ruining 'said he believes the church will be crops and vegetation as well as said. . vandalized again because he heard Although some ecological dam- poisoning the soil and water." news accounts quoting anonymThe pope asked people to follow age is irreversible, future destrucous suspects who were threatening tion of the environment can be the example of St. Francis of Assisi, to continue their attacks. prevented if nations work together· who "gives us striking witness that A spokesman at Immaculate and if individuals change their when we are at peace with God we Conception said he believed his are better able to devote ourselves style of living, he said. church was attacked because it "The seriousness of the ecologi- to building up that peace with all was located near the archdiocesan cal issue lays bare the depth of creation which is inseparable from offices and the attackers probably man's moral crisis," he said, espe- peace among all peoples." believed it was "the archbishop's cially the growth of consumerism church." Optimist and the longing for "instant It was the second time in a "Those who compare the age in gratification. month that the church had been which their lot has fallen with a "Simplicity, moderation and vandalized, he said. The first time, red paint was also poured around discipline, as well as a spirit of sac- golden age which exists only in rifice, must become a part of every- imagination may talk of degenerthe property, he said. day life, lest all suffer the negative acy and decay, but no man who is Superfluity consequences of the careless hab- correctly informed as to the past will be disposed to take a morose its of a few," he said. "When two men in business alThe pope also decried continu- or desponding view of the preways agree, one of them is unnecing development of chemical, bac· sent."-Macaulay essary." - William Wrigley Jr.
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o KEY OF DAVID and Sceptre of the house of Israel, who openest and no man shutteth, who shuttest and no man openeth: come and bring forth from his prison house the captive that sitteth in darkness and in the shadow of death.
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Letters are welcomed but the editor reserves the right to condense or edit, if deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and include a home or business address. They do not necessarily express the editorial views of The Anchor.
Bicentennial rates attention
only because I have learned to value the occasional letter from a reader. Add this one to your file, with the hope that you have many others. I read your editorials f!rst. Richard C. Spitzer Chatham
G i., ts or d epart ed-
Dear Editor: :~ -I J I sympathize with 'your dismay about the lack of attention paid to Dear Editor: the bicentennial of the establishThe holiday season imposes ment of the hierarchy inthe Unimany additional activities upon ted States. [Anchor editorial Nov. already busy lives. It is a time for 17] It's a milestone that rates planning and preparing for the celebration. Christ Child's coming into our Even my superficial reading is hearts. With spiritual renewal enough to suggest that Carroll, comes reflection and remembering both ecclesiastical and lay, is a of family traditions. This particuname that American Catholics lar season, having laid to rest three should know and honor. The early senior family members in the last members ofthe hierarchy, I gather, ' seven months, there are sadness appreciated the opportunity for and emptiness. Their lives always the growth of the church in the represented assurance that we were fledgling republic. A great story. loved because we were family, an In all fairness, where do we 'unconditional love. Catholics in the pews ever hear it? This year we'shall unwrap ..he In my 73rd' year, I can anticip'ate 'ornaments, riffle through recipe the five-minute homilies limited books and plan festivities as before. strictly to comment on the read- 路There will be empty, c,hairs and ings ofthe day. The significance of ,vacant spots, yet th~re is a contithe bicentennial, I respectfully nuu~ which will: not be .laid to suggest, rates a letter from the rest. chancery. 'As you Stlggest, a little Those who have gone home' to pride in pur history would. be the Lord have left gifts which .. welcome. never tarnish or wear out. Their . - For several years' I have been sacrifices and.love have not pas.sed away but will be passed on by 'us. writing a weekly column for-the The greatest tribute we can pay Cape Cod Times. I mention ,that
NEW YEAR'S EVE, DECEMBER 31 VIGIL MASSES - 4 & 5:30 P.M. NEW YEAR'S MORNING 8:30 - 1() ~ 11 :30 A.M. (no 7 p.m. Mass New Year's night) .
them is to follow the examples they set. As the Christ Child's coming into a sad and weary world introduced us to unconditional love, so too will our traditions remind us that such lo've does' not die. It lives on through us. Our gifts to our dear departed will be that we remember and love. Jean Quigley Rehoboth
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Dec. 15, 1989
Santa Claus and other giftbringers remind us of the spirit of loving and giving; the angels, the spirit of peaceful and kindly feeling. These and other symbols show that Christmas is a celebration' of the deepest and best of human feelings, a festival of life itself. Gerard E. Gagnon New Bedford
Dear Editor: In the still of the first Christmas Eve, those not asleep noticed a new star that appeared in the sky as a mother and father bent tenderly over a tiny Babe. Looking back, I am glad that as a child I believed that Santa existed and that I almost saw him many times when my imagination was at its best. The glow of that' expeWe shali give thanks to God rience warms my heart as I recall For his gifts of love, Christmas of yesteryear. His blessings through the year, Christmas is a time of feasts and NEW YORK (CNS) - Oblate For the faith he has in us. snow, fires and candlelight. It's a Father James M. Reese, president We shall give thanks to God season for holly, mistletoe and of the Catholic Biblical AssociaFor his understanding, comfortevergreens, symbols of enduring tion of America, died Dec. 3 in . life. It's the time when an old night New York of complications foling words, His unlimited patience, rider in his reindeer-drawn sleigh lowing surgery. A funeral Mass For caring with so much love. is the bringer of gifts for children was celebrated Dec. 6 in Wilmingeverywhere. We shall give thanks to God ton, Del. There is no season of more For his trust and forgiving, Born in 1926, Father Reese entender memories than this, Regard- tered the Oblates of St. Francis de The life he let us share, less of religion, almost everyone Sales in 1943. He was the author of For his caring... And giving. enjoys the colors of Christmas. six' books, coeditor of Current We shall give thanks to God Scripture Notes, a newsletter, and For his guide with kindest he'art, associate editor for five other For being there if we slipped away publications. . And offering us his hands. Father Reese had taught ScripWe shall give thanks to God ture at numerous Catholic univerFor giving us hope when we are sities, including St.J ohn's Univertrembling, . sity, Jamaica, N.Y., 1973-83 and Dec. 18 For his care in moments of sorrow 1984-89. : 19,88, Permanent Deacon Eugene . Not like a stranger, butfrlendJ"y. Be' is survived by four sisters, L. Oros?, St. Dominic, Swansea one,of.whom is a Maryknoll nun 'We shall give thanks to God Dec. 20 . in Tanzania, and a brother, a For lifetime dreams come true: . 1953; Rev. Manuel S. TravasPriest in Florida. Beautiful dlaughters, handsome sos, Pastor, Espirito Santo, Fall River " ' . " sons,. -. "Gra.ndchlldren, family, caring , Dec. 21" , fnends too. . _ 1968 Rev. Henri J. Charest, Esther Nunez Past6r: St. Mathie~, Fail River East Falmouth
Thanks to God
Father Reese, biblical scholar
May your Christmas be filled with the joy of Christ's birth and blessed with the light of His love.
· ... '.'
Diocese of Fall River -
DENMARK'S Pha rma cy
Fri., Dec. 15, 1989
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Money tops president's concerns CINCINNATI (CNS) - Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk ofCincinnati, new president of the U.S. bishops' twin conferences, expects money problems to be among concerns he will face during his threeyear term. In an interview with the Catholic Telegraph, Cincinnati archdiocesan newspaper, Archbishop Pilarczyk said the conferences had problems similar to those of dioceses -"the expectation that a lot more will be done than there is money available to do." Archbishop Pilarczyk was elected president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and U.S. Catholic Conference during the bishops' general meeting last month. He succeeds St., Louis Archbishop John, L. May. Asked which issues he would like to see the bishops tackle during his term, Archbishop Pilarczyklisted "stewardship," meaning monetary support ofthe church by its members, "priestly vocations" and "the pastoral on women's concerns," which is being drafted. "We've had the pastoral in the pipeline for a long time," he said, "and I think a lot of people are looking forward to seeing what the bishops have to say." -A first draft of the pastoral letter was issued in April 1988. The bishops' committee has been putting finishing touches on a final draft to be presented to the bishops for debate and vote at their November 1990 meeting. "One of the questions I will have to be interested in is the future structure of the conference itself," he continued. Archbishop Pilarczyk said his own archdiocese has money prob-
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ARCHBISHOP PILARCZYK lems and the conference also faces "Yes, I suppose I'm really sick of them. hearing how bad things are," he Chicago and Los Angeles are replied. "It depends on what peoamong other archdioceses that have ple are angry about that day." He paraplirased some of those comreported money problems. "One of the things that I'm hop- plaints. "How bad it is that we don't ing is that by the time my threeyear term is over the conference ,have the same number of priests itself will be on firm financial foot- that we used to have. How bad it is that we're not ordaining married ing," the new president said. He noted that he also hoped men or that the church does not that the conference "will be slim- see itself authorized to ordain med down and won't have to worry women. How bad it is that we from one year to the other whether don't have Latin liturgy anymore. we'll have to cut some more jobs." How bad it is that we don't do Msgr. Robert N. Lynch, general enough for this group or that secretary of the twin conferences, group." announced Nov. 14 that a hiring He continued: "People have confreeze would be in effect for "at cerns and that's fine. But I like to least a year. " think that you need- to look at At their annual meeting, the these concerns in a wider context. bishops approved a budget of$31. 7 And I think the wider context of million for the year beginning Jan. the church is definitely positive." I, 1990, about $1 million higher He was asked how he responded than for 1989. to observations that in recent years They also approved a diocesan assessment of 15.7 cents per Cath- that has been "a shift to the right" olic to help fund the NCCB-USCC among U.S. bishops and that there in 1991 and agreed that income was more concentration of power from an unrestricted reserve fund in the Vatican. would be used to balance the 1991 Archbishop Pilarczyk said he budget if ne'cessary. hesitated to use the terms "right" Archbishop Pilarczyk, replying and "left." ; to another question, agreed that The Vatican has legitimate conthe bishops were concerned how cerns, he said. "They want to have' their actions would be treated in bishops who are orthodox, strong the press. and articulate. He added that he shared a con"Obviously, any corporate insti'cern "about Catholic confusion" on what was reported about the tution will see to it that people get into leadership positions who share church. "I think one of the occupational the goals and purposes of the hazards we face is that we are body," he said. forced to deal with complicated Regarding what some say is a issues through a medium which is shift toward centralization ofauthessentially, for want of a better ority, he said, "In some things term, simpleminded" he said. maybe, in others not. My expe"The press', and I can't fault rience of the Holy See is that, like them, want to say it all in 10 words my own diocese, the central offices or less or three words in a headhave already got plenty to do and line, and as a result sometimes they're not going to go out of their they have to zero in on the controway to grab more." versial or the 'catchy' of what Asked about a call he received might be a very mino'r point," the after his election from President archbishop said. Bush, Archbishop Pilarczyk said "But I remember the pope telling me once that we must be aware "he wished me well" in a brief conversation, but that the call caused of the press but we cannot allow some confusion in his office. the press to determine the agenda of the church," the new NCCB "When the call came through to president said. one of the secretaries," he related, "the person on the other end said, Archbishop Pilarczyk was asked 'The president would liketp speak whether there were any complaints to the archbishop.' And she said, about the church he was "sick of 'The president of what?''' hearing."
Seminary observes silver jubilee , Pope John XXIII National Seminary, Weston, recently marked its 2Sth anniversary. Founded in 1964 by'Richard Cardinal Cushing. it was the first U.s. seminary dedi· cated to preparation of secondcareer men for the priesthood. Its 300 alumni serve in some 80 dioceses in the Uoiled States and Canada. Typically. they are 30 to 60 years old and many leave promising careers to answer a delayed call to the priesthood. Archbishop Pio Laghi. apostolic pronuDcio in the UDited States. and many bishops. vocation direc~ tors, trustees. faculty, former faculty, seminarians and benefactors joined over 100 alumni at --------mass---i-a--the--Weste n- -semi Rary chapel. Cardinal Bernard Law, archbishop of Boston and chairman of the seminary ~oard oftrustees, was celebrant and homilist. Following the liturgy, Archbishop Laghi conveyed Pope John Paul II's gratitude for the seminary~s dedication and expressed confidence that it would "prevail in the days that lie ahead, resulting in ever greater benefit to the church in the United States."
Strongest in nation HARRISBURG. Pa. (CNS) Pennsylvania Gov. Robert P, C"",y has signed abortion control legislation called the str'ongest in the nation. It will require a 24-hour waiting period before an abortion can be performed and restrict abortions after six months gestation, except to save the mother's life or prevent substantial impairment to her bodily functions.
ofarchbishop upon his retirement. In remarks at Mass at' St. Patrick's Cathedral Dec. 10, Cardinal John J. O'Connor recalled that upon the archbishop's death Dec. 9, 1979, he was "given the unusual honor, highly deserVed, of being buried beneath the high altar here in the cathedral. an honor usually reserved for ordinaries of the archdiocese of New York." A fall 1989 anniversary issue of Mission. publication ofthe Society for the Propagation of the Faith, has a cover pbotograph of Arch-' bishop Sheen being embraced in St. Patrick's Cathedral by Pope John Paul II during the pope's October 1979 visit.
• • ,
.~., Many children im the Missions
;~ do not know of JJesus' great .. ~~'Ilove for them; many, too, are
~ materially poor, lacking .:: • possessions. Wee think of the
"'ff-f~ orphan, the six-Yfear-old, . . ,'" abandoned to taa:lde life alone.
POPE John Paul II emThe archbishop later reported braces Archbishop Sheen in that the pope said that he "had St Patrick's Cathedral a few written and spoken well of the This-Christmas. support, · , - - - - - - L l r n I fe~us, and that I was a loyat weeks before the latter s death - SOn of the church." through the Propagation of the ,. Dec. 9, 1979. (CNS photo) "Many believe that no voice Faith, the York of Sisters in ever proclaimed the truths of our the Missiols, who daily, in faith more powerfully, more eloquently yet more compassionately word and &ed, tell the story than did the voice of Archbishop of Jesus' gnat love to the NEW YORK (CNS) - The Sheen. and that no voice ever will children ofthe world. 10th anniversary of the death of do so again," the cardin~l said. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was-r ---TheSOCiety-fo-;-------·------, Archbishop Sheen was also remarked by remembrance of his membered at a Mass Dec. 7 at St. ministry at Masses and the an'1HE PROPAGATION OF mE FAITII I Agnes Church, a mid-Manhattan I , nouncement that'~ foundation is parish where he often preached. I . All ofus commitred 10 W worldwide' mission ofJ~sus I being formed to promote his teachThere police used to close the' I RevOfend Monsignor John J. Olive,ira, V.E. I ings. street in front of the church to I 47 Underwood S1reet. P.O. Box 2577. Fall FRiver MA 02722 I Known to .the public primarily for his preaching and lecturing, accommodate the overflow crowd I I enclose myChristmas gift for the Missions off: I much of it broadcast on radio and that listened to the archbishop by 0$100 0$75 0$50 0$25 0$10 1D0000r$_ I television, Archbishop Sheen also loudspeaker ashe preached the I taught philosophy at The Catholic Good Friday three-hour devotion. I 0 $300 to Ielp educate a Sister-novice for herr lifetime service I University ofAmerica in WashingFather Patrick W. Quigley, an I ton from 1926to 19S0, directed the associate pastor at St. Agnes, an- I Name I Society for the Propagation of the nounced at the conclusion of the IAdWre~. Faith from 19S0 to 1966 and was Mass that a Fulton Sheen Society I City Slate Zip _ _ I bishop of Rochester, N.Y., from was being established for promo0 I Nould like to be a monthly donor Ito the Missions! I 1966 to 1969. He received the title tion of the archbishop's writings. I V' ,... .._ .... -tibl , AINCH. 12/1S/89 No. 101
Archbishop Sheen's memory honored
Bedfon, Massachusetts
CIIJlISTIIAS NOVENA: begns Sunday, December 17 - dailywith homily'and special pray.rs at all Masses: 7:00 & 7:45 a.m.. (Port.) 12:10 p.m. (Port.) & 5:10 p.m.
Confessions in preparation fe- Christmas: Saturday, Dec. 16 from 4 p.m- 5 p.m. and at 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 18 at 8:30 am. :lid at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 19 at 8:30 am. Lltd at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec, 20 at 8:30 lUI. 7 p.m. - Penanc, Service - St. John's Church Thursday, Dec. 21 - at 8:30 1m. 7 p.m. - Penance &rvice - Immaculate Conception. Friday, Dec. 22 - 7 p.m. Penlllce Service - Mt. Carmel PLEASE NOTE: No Cont_ns Il1ter Friday.
CHRISTMAS MASSES: Christmas Eve - Vigil Mass i English at 5:30 p.m. Midnight Mass - Bilingual cremony - preceded by Carols and Scriptue Readings beginning at 11:30 p.m.
Christmas Day - In English: 1:1 5, 11:00,5:30 p.m. In Portuguse: 9:30 am., & 12:15 p.m. PLEASE NOTE: No 7 a.m. Mass on Ctristmas morning.
Let the glory of this day be yours.
To all our Parihioners we wish A BLESSED ANDHOLY CHRISTMAS Msgr. Luiz G. Mendnnca - Rev. Steven R. FurtadiJ - Rev. Daniel O. Reis - Re, James Ferry Rev. Deacon Paul J. Macedo
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 15, 1989
News and :religiQD,,:.; fi
Sister Riley: education is her middle name By Marcie Hickey ena, who inspired her vocation. Among diocesan religious bencf· "They were my role models," she iting from last weekend's collec- said. For admission to a state teachers' tion for the Religious Retirement Fund are the Religious ofthe Holy college. said Sister Riley, she had Union of the Sacred Hearts. to transfer back to public school including Sister Rose Francis Riley. for her last year of high school. 82, a resident at Sacred Hearts Since numbers of applicants . exceeded enrollment capacity, she Convent, Fall River.. A Fall River native, she retired explained, public school students in .14186 ~ft~r 60 ye_ars of ~ctive were given preference over those ministry, mostly spent in diocesan -froin pt'IVatemstiIufloiiS. In 1927. after graduating from elementary and high schools. In retirement she occasionally what was then Fitchburg State assists with clerical work. An avid Teachers' College, and teaching reader, she enjoys looking for for a year in the Westport pu.blic familiar names in local newspap- schools, Rose Francis Riley entered ers. She also finds familiar names the HolyUnion Sisters. Her father in the mail; many former students had wanted her to finish normal school and have some teaching keep in touch with her. A true educator. Sister Riley.is experience before she entered the comfortable in a classroom whether convent, she said. The experience paid off: she as teacher or student. After retiring from fulltime teach· entered the Holy Union Sisters on ing, she participa,ted in Elderhos- a Sunday and was teaching in a tel, through which she took occa- classroom the following Wednessional one-week courses at area day! Later she went on to earn colleges in subjects such as English bachelor's and master's degrees in and history. "Meeting the other education· al Catholic University, people was an education in itself," Washington. D.C. Fifty-three of her years in active she says of the experience. At the convent she attends exer- ministry were spent in diocesan cise and art classes conducted by schools: St. Mary, St. Joseph and Immaculate Conception in Tauncommunity members. "They're easy exercises," she said ton; and Sacred Hearts in· Fan River. modestly. She also served in Rhode Island. Art class projects have included Maryland and New Jersey. makingChristmas cards and fashionAfter retiring trom fulltime ing banners for the convent: Sister Riley's creative side is by teaching in 1978, she taught reme~ no means a recent discovery: she dial reading at Taunton Catholic has long enjoyed courses in sew- Middle School until 1986. when she returned to Fall River. ing, cooking and knitting. Sister Riley feels privileged Reflecting on her years of ministry, she said she is pleased to see because during her long career she lay people carryon the important grew in understanding of faith through her association with youth work of Catholic education. and she experienced much joy. Her own early education included public and parochial schools. She remains united in spirit to Catholic educators' ministry to She transferred to the Academy of youth, . the Sacred Hearts after four years in the public school system. PreHnt It was her high school teachers, Holy Union Sisters Adrian Marie, "Now' is tbe watchword of the Mary Aloysia and Mother Hel- wise,"-Spurceon
'1Iy In generall like to avoid the role "In recerit years, churches hive of curmudgeon.. which my favorite .helpe.d hoo.se tbe homeless and word book defines as a cantanker- feed the- tungry•. ~ As childr~nls' ous person. But there are times problems 'ecome more visible, the when even acting curmudgeonly is expansionDfchurch concern about not enough. children isa natural progression." CASSERLY "fn recmt years?" What invinLike most Americans, I live in a town with only one major news- cible ign(lrance! "Expansion of paper.] have mixed feelings about concern... natural!" From the first it, because I spent to years of my years of lhe infant church until years old-although the society life working for it as a reporter, today, orgmized religion has given was founded in 1843. These colorful stamps on your but it no longer speaks for me on first priorty to care of the widow the major issues facing society. . and the ozphan, the poor, the sick: Christmas envelopes are a reminder of a continuing story of children [ accept that it backs abortion, and the homeless. opposes aid to children in nonWho bJt churches built and helping children that boggles the public schools, promotes euthana- staffed ttphanages, hospitals. mind. Total allocations last year sia and tolerates obscenity and homes fOT the elderly for almost reached 59,146,650! The list of people and projects pornography. After all, the one two millennia? Who but sisters. who pays the piper gets to call the .missionaries, saints and caring helped during the last fiscal year tune. people lik' today's Mother Teresa covers 44 pages in the latest report I do expect my daily newspaper have led it housing the homeless of the U.S. society. Contributions punditsto-be informed abourthe -----..00 feedug tile Ilungry acrosnlle went to AJrica l I\sia, tbe A merleas and Oceania. Here is a sample: topics they address, but experience centuries? Mother of God Home, Lobito, has taught me not to expect comI was ctminded of the depth of petence when religion is the sub- this blindness about churches and Angola, 52,000; Handicapped and ject of editorial page analysis. religion "hen I checked with my Abandoned Children's Home, CorI try not to become exercised archdioce;an Propagation of the doba, Argentina, 510,000; Hostel over any single incident of ignor- Faith soci:ty for my annual supply for Girls, Nagari, Bangladesh, ance, but when it typifies much of of HolyClildhood Christmas seals. 520.000; and Boys Town, Wewak, the public media's incompetence When [attended Ascension ele- Papua New Guinea, 55,000. in covering the role of religion in mentary s;hool back in the 20s we When I see the worldwide spread society 1 want to bellow. peddled Christmas seals for the of funds from just one church One such pundit was praising Holy Chiklhood Association. We activity, I am proud and amazed. I the happy cooperation of inner- sold them to friends and relatives can't say enough about using the city and suburban churches in to help ptor children around the seals on Christmas mail. But providing pre~school education for world. nothing I say seems to get through poor children, These lines in the Holy (hildhood seals' are the to the daily newspaper pundits piece make me wonder if the writer oldest religious Christmas seals in when they wander into the world $fCw up in a vacuum: the Unitd. States-more than 70 of religion.
Dennis The Ladies' Forum will meet 2 p.m. Dec. 27 at the senior center, 1045 Route 134, East Dennis, Eileen Toscano from Independence House for battered women. Hyannis, will speak, Information: Evelyn Murphy, 385-4781. The Hyannis home repair and Cape weatherization programs assist in repairs or provide energy conservation materials to low or moderate income seniors; call Deborah Converse. 771-5400,4326983. The Hyannis fuel assistance office hours are 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m, weekdays; Wednesdays 9-11:30 a.m. Home visits may be arranged by calling 778..()870. Dinner for those alone on Christmas Day will be served from 12:30 to 3 p.m. at Our Lady of the Cape parish center, Brewster. Reservations: rectory, 385-3252. or senior center, 385-5067.
• * • • Edlartown Council on Aging Christmas party 10 a.m, to 3 p,m, Dec. 22, Information on Neighborhood Watch, snow shoveling, Massachusetts fuel assistance and winterization programs: COA, 627-4369. For legal clinic appointments with Tom Kosman, 12-3 p.m. Monday, call the COA. A program on frostbite, angina and hypothermia will be offered at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday,
Hickey photo
Extens~OI Seryice, the pr~gra_~ is designed for older adults: InTor- . mation: (OA, 252-3372, The Rehoboth Walking Club North Attleboro meets at 9a.m, Monday and WedParty and open house at the nesdays a, the cemetery, Bay State COA, ,204' Elm St., at 12:45 p.m. Rd., weattler permitting. Informa- Dec. 21. Upcoming clinics: foot tion: Ann Sands, 252-4513. doctor, 8:30-11 a.m. Dec. 28, by appointment; blond pressure, 9-11 • * " • a,m. Dec. 26. Chatham • • • Offerel this month: free foot Poetry .Contest screeninsclinic, 9-11 a.m. Dec. 18, by appoiument; health insurance Seniors may enter an American counseli,g, 9 a.m.-2:15 p.m. Dec. Poetry Association nationwide 19 and 2,. by appointment: blood contest. Free entry; ]52 winners. pressure >y Visiting Nurses Asso- Send up to six poems, each no ciation, Sa.m.-noon Dec. 20 and more than 20 lines, name and 27; elder aw, 2-3:30 p.m. Dec. 21, address on each page, to American by appoilltment; hearing aid serv- Poetry Association, Dept. CT-59, ice, 12:3{).4 p.m. Dec. 27; widowed 250 A St. P.O. Box 1803, Santa support group, 9:3(}-1O:30a.m. Fri- Cruz, CA 95061. Deadline; Dec. days. F<r information call the 31. Council.n Aging, 945-1534.
• • ••
• * • * Harwich ContiIlUing services at Albro House: Iiood pressure, 10-11:30 a.m. MOldays and Fridays; health insurance counseling, JO-II:30 a.m. We,nesdays; legal advice by John Warren, Esq,. 2-3 p.m. Dec. 20. by appointment. For information call tle COA, 432-4422, Bookmobile: lIternate TueSdays; call Margarel Miller, 432-4067. Minibus: eaIl432-6872. 10 a.m.-noon . weekdayl. Nutrition site: Brewster Commurity Bldg.. 896-5070.
• • • •
* • * *
Rehoboth The Senior Citizens' Club meeting for Dec. 21 will be an informal Christmas party. The Council on Aging will offer Ventures in Healthy Eating in Jan~ uary if there are enough registrants. Developed by the University of Massachusetts Cooperative
Attleboro A sURJort group for families and frields of nursing and rest home resdents meets at 6:30 p.m. every third Monday at the Attleboro CGA. 25 South Main St. Meeting! are informal and sponsored by the COA and Attleboro Area Council of Churches. Con-
Benefits increase set for January
A 4.7 percent cost-of-living adjustment will increase the amount of Social Security and supplemental security income (SSI) payments received in January. Theannualbenefitchangera~s
the amount of -the maximum age 65 Social Security retirtment henefit to $975 a month and the full Federal SSI payment to 5386 for an individual, $579 for a couple, The tax rate for Social Security will be 7.65 perc.ent in 1990 for employers and employe.. and 15.3 perc~nt for self-employed persons. The wage base - the amount of earnings subject to the tax - will increase from 548,000 in 1989 to $50,400. Benefit increases are made 8Dnually based on the change in the consumer price index from the third quarter of one year to the third quarter ofthe following year.
Iteering pOintl LaSALETTE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO 37th annual Christmas Festival of Lights, 5-9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, 5-10 p.m. Friday and Saturday, through Jan. I. APOSTOLATE FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Christmas Mass, II a.m. Sunday, St. Vincent's Home, FR. Information on Medicaid-paid emergency help system, 1-800-462-5015, voice and TDD. ST.STEPHEN,ATTLEBORO Religious education students will present Christmas tree ornaments at II a.m. Mass Sunday. Gifts for giving tree should be wrapped and left under the tree by Sunday. Children's singing group practice, II: 15-12:30. Saturdays, church. Adult choir rehearses 7:30 p.m. Thursdays, choir loft. ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET Confirmation II will not meet on Sunday. Advent lessons and carols service, 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Family group will sponsor bus trip to LaSalette Shrine, departing at 4 p.m. Sunday. Information: Al and Lee Saulino, 674-4722. ST. JOHN EVANGELIST, POCASSET Candles and carols Advent celebration, 7: 15 p.m. Sunday. Gifts for CCD Toys for Tots program should be left unwrapped under the tree by Sunday. ST. JULIE BILLIART, N. DARTMOUTH Celebration for first Eucharist students and families, 9 a.m. Mass Sunday. Advent penance service, 7 p.m. Wednesday.
O.L. CAPE, BREWSTER Faith and Light community for families with mentally handicapped members will meet 1-3 p.m. Sunday, lower church. ST. MARY, FAIRHAVEN Ladies of St. Anne communion Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Mass 路Sunday. Paraliturgy for grade 2, 9:15 a.m. tomorrow, church. Grade 10 will meet 7 p.m. Sunday. ST. WILLIAM, FR No CCD classes Sunday; all students, teachers and helpers are asked to attend 8 a.m. Mass. O.L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE Parish council meeting, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, parish center. Blessing of Christmas crib, 2 p.m. Sunday, followed by children's Christmas party. Tom and Virginia Hazlett are collecting food and clothes for San Salvador; information: 775-8482. CATHEDRAL, FR TV Masses to be recorded tomorrow: 10:30-11 :30 a.m., Bishop Cronin will celebrate the Christmas Mass; 12-12:30 p.m., Father Travassos will celebrate the Mass for the Feast of the Holy Family. All are invited to participate. CCD Mass, 11:30 a.m. Sunday. ST.GEORGE,WESTPORT Gifts for giving tree will beaccepted this Sunday. Christmas hymns holy hour, 7 p.m. Monday. Youth activities: youth group meets 7-8 p.m. each first Sunday, parish center; youth ministry, 8-9 p.m. each first Sunday; youth drop-in, 7-9 p.m. Wednesdays, parish center. ST. MARY, SEEKONK Parish families will meet at parish center 6:30 p.m. Wednesday for trip to LaSalette. .
CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION OF FORESTERS Meeting 7 p.m. Wednesday.lnformation: Anna O'Neil, 992-1894. DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA Hyacinth Circle 71 meeting, .1:30 p,m. Tuesday, Holy Name CCD center, Mt. Pleasant St., NB. Entertainment by St. Francis of Assisi Church choir and gift exchange. State meeting and international convention plans will be discussed. CATHEDRAL CAMP, E.FREETOWN Emmaus retreat, this weekend. Kennedy-Donovan Center day conference, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday. ST. ANNE, FR Annual Christmas pageant, 2 p.m. Sunday, upper church. EMMA US/ GALILEE Galilee monthly reunion, 7-10 p.m. Jan. 14, Neumann Hall; celebrant: Father Richard Delisle. Theme: Hope for th,~ Flowers. Applications deadline for Emmaus 82 (Feb. 2-4) is Jan. 19. SACRED HEART, TAUNTON The family ministry program is sponsoring caroling and cheer, 6 tonight at the rectory. HOLY NAME, FR Rectory open house for tree trimming, 6-10 tonight. Advent reconciliation service, 7 p.m. Monday. School Christmas Mass, 9 a.m. Tuesday. Christmas caroling, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. SACRED HEART, N. ATTLEUORO . Advent penance service, 7 p.m. Monday. Altar servers meet 10 a.m. tomorrow. Women's Guild meets 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, SWANSEA Youth group Christmas caroling, 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. The 8th grade CCD will collect personal items and baby needs for the homeless beginning this Sunday. Donation boxes will be at the church until Jan. 7.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 15,1989 ST. JOSEPH, NB Parish women are invited to join the St. Vincent de Paul Society; information: Arthur Villeneuve, 995-6915; Ronald Lamarre, 9956063. CHRIST THE KING, MASHPEE Baptisms, 10 a.m. Sunday. Anointing of the sick and elderly, II :30 a.m. Sunday; information on transportation: Brian Gilbert, 4281680. The Mashpee Arts Council will present Sounds of Christmas with the Chamber Brass of Boston and the Falmouth High School Chorus and Repertory Singers, 7 p.m. Sunday, parish hall. RSVP: 888-7720. ST. MARY, NB S1. Vincent de Paul members will visit and bring poinsettias to shutins on Monday. Evening of prayer in Memorial Chapel for lectors, 7:30 tonight. Christmas pageant, 7 p.m. Wednesday; families are asked to bring gifts for babies and mothers at St. Margaret's Hospital. Dorchester. SEPARATED/DIVORCEU - CATHOLICS Cape Cod and Islands meeting, beginning with Mass celebrated by Father Philip Hamel and followed by a Christmas social, 5 p.m. Sunday, St. Pius X parish center, S. Yarmouth. Information: 771-4438. NB group meets 7-9 p.m.. Monday, Family Life Center, N. Dartmouth. Gifts should be brought for exchange at Christmas party. Information: 994-8676; 998-1313. Attleboro area meeting, 7-8:30 p.m. Sunday, St. Mary's rectory, N. Attleboro. ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON First penance service for grade 2, I p.m. tomorrow. Calix members meet at 6:30 p.m. Sunday at parish center for trip to LaSalette. Christmas concert by ~arish choir, 2 p.m. Sunday, church.
May you celebrate the meaning of Christmas with .warmth and love offamily.
ST. STANISLAUS, FR Confessions for schoolchildren, I p.m. Tuesday. Decorating of church begins at 3 p.m. Sunday and continues Monday and Tuesday. HOLY NAME, NB CCD students will perform "The Jesse Tree," 2:30 p.m. Sunday, church. HOLY GHOSt, ATTLEBORO First reconciliation for grade 2, I p.m. tomorrow, church.. Mass at Maple terrace, 11:30 a.m. Monday. To participate in an Enneagram workshop Jan. 5 and 6 at the parish center, contact Sister Theresa Bis- . son. Youth group meeting, 7-9 tonight. Women's Guild meeting and Christmas party, Monday. SS PETER AND PAUL, FR Blessing of Christmas crib, 10:30 a.m. Dec. 22; the service will close school for Christmas vacation; parishioners are invited. Christmas caroling Sunday and Tuesday. ST. MARY, N. ATTLEBORO Gifts for shut-ins may be placed under the parish tree for distribution on Christmas Day. Christmas candlelight service, sponsored by Attleboro Area Council of Churches, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 22 at Plainville United Methodist Church; all welcome. CHRISTMAS DINNER A free dinner will be served from noon to 3 p.m. Christmas Day at Knights of Columbus Hall, S. Attleboro. No reservations needed. -For bus transportation call 761-6622 or 761-8711. ST. PATRICK, FALMOUTH Rectory tree trimming, 1-3 p.rn. Sunday; parishioners are invited to bring an ornament. Students in grades 1-5 will participate in decorating the parish Christmas trees during II: 15 a.m. Sunday Mass.
To our family' we extend our thoughts of thanks for your good will and friendship.
14, THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 15, 1989
Bishops discusses "Humanae Vitae" ARLINGTON, Va. (CNS) Pope Paul VI correctly predicted birth control would lead to sexual license, demeaning of women and governmental interference in procreation, Auxiliary Bishop Austin B. Vaughan of New York recently told military chaplains. Speaking about "Humanae Vitae," Pope Paul's 1968 encyclical condemning artificial contraception, Bishop Vaughan said, "It took great strength for the pope to issue this in the face of going against the overwhelming majority." Bishop Vaughan, who has frequently gone tojail for protesting at abortion clinics, spoke at a conference of the Archdiocese for the Military Services. "It is obvious to me that this encyclical is more clearly prophetic now than it was in 1968," he said. The "hardest part" for him to defend 21 years ago, Bishop Vaughan said, was the section in which the pope "gave indications ofthree bad consequences that would develop from widespread contraception." Pope Paul VI indicated that birth control would lead ,to sexual license, to 'demeaning of -women, using them as instruments rather than recbg!liiing th.eir personal dignity, and that it might easily' lead to government' interference with' the whole procreative process~ the bishop said: "Those kinds of arguments were laughed at in 1968," he said, but the critics "wouldn't laugh in my neighborhood 'now."
U.8.-Vatican relations better, says priest
ROME (CNS) - Improved rela- tianity is one abstract philosophy' tions between the Vatican and the among many. Catholic Church in the United In some instances, often based . States are a result of tensions on a misunderstanding of the , being acknowledged and then Second Vatican Council's teaching, U.S: Catholics seem to subresolved, said a Jesuit professor. Father Gerald Fogarty, who scribe to those notions, he said. The council's description of the teaches Catholic studies at the University of Virginia in Charlot- 'church as "the people of God," tesville, said that as with any rela- does not, f?r instance, "imply that tionship, growth, does' not occu~ some kind .of democratic vote can without tension. ' , be taken on the essentials offaith." "Every time there is tension and Areas that are likely to cause resolution it's a development. So tension 'irt the future include sexthere are going to be ne~ tensions, . ual issues in general and, particu;! I hope," he said in an int~ryiew in 'larly in the West; the role of women Rome with Catholic, News Ser~ ,in the church, he said. vice. "Just because there~s tension ',' 'Many Gatholics, and not only in doesn't mean it's bad.~' ."':li, .' .,' 'the United _States, "are picking Father Fogarty wasant~ngprc;~< arid ~hoo~i~g"wliich church teachenters at the rece'!t U.S:. bjshops> 'ings on s!,:xiial' morality to obey, fifth consultation at . th~' Ncirth,FatherFogeny said. American College in.Ronie:Scrii>~' . While the Vati,can might have~'a ture, spirituality and c~uentissues ',lack :of' experience with' a loyal J opposition,i'he' said, Catholics were discussed under the consulta. i i • , tion's theme of the'~hurch,inthe' ~'mus't '''rea!lze:there'is such a thing ': f' ,; f': • '~' "We havl; already lived through contemporary world.' as' sin." , .' . government interference·.in India Much of the terisi~n between The U.S. church also has gifts it fostering sterilization, China layU.S. church and Vatican officials can share with the universal church, ing down laws that people cannot three or four years ago was the he said. One is the way in which 'have more than. one child, and result of " misinformati on from the the bishops work .together to abortion being pushed in our own left and from the right," he said. address common problems. country," Bishop Vaughan said. The tensions were eased after Another, as seen in developing "We are living with the disaster Pope John Paul II's 1987 visit to recent pastoral letters, is the U.S. that has come from desacralizing the United States, where the pope bishops' practice of broad consulsex, which is really what was the got a more accurate view of the tation, he said. The consultations main issue involved in 'Humanae U.S. church than he had been get- were conducted with people and Vitae," he. said. ting, Father Fogarty said. . groups who agreed with their posi"Operation Rescue began to In the interview ~ather Fogarty tion and with those who did not. drive home to people that this is an While documents developed in also said the Vatican's reactions to important issue, something worth some U.S. church practices are infl- that way can have "inconsistencies doing something about." uenced by its continuing efforts to' of thought," the process lends credcombat the ideas generated by t!le ibility to the statements and ma:I,es He said "Humanae Vitae" was French Revolution - that human them "very persuasive," Father . "'still not basically accepted any reason i~ limitless and that Chri~- Fogarty said. level.in church .Iife. l ' i"j'
Cardinal lauds congreg'ation registration ROME (CNS) - The Romebased head ofthe Ukrainian'Catholic Church has urged Ukrainian believers to take advantage of a newly granted right to register their congregations as a "first step" - toward legalization. ' Ukrainian Cardinal Myroslav Lubachivsky said Nikolai Kolesnyk, chairman of the Council for Religious' Affairs in ~he Ukraine, had announced that Ukrainianrite Catholics could register as do other religious groups. . , , While no Soviet law explictly . bans the Ukrainian Catholic Church, members and congregations have not been allowed to reg. ister since the church was forcibly merged with the Russian Orthodox Church in 1946, said Sonya Hlutkowsky, head of the Ukrainian Church's press office in Rome. Because gatherings 'of unregistered congregations are illegal, Ukrainian Catholics have been arrested for meeting for prayer
and the Divine Liturgy, she said. She added that when Ukrainian
eNS photo
Catholics have attempted to register .as a congregation, their names "were given to authorities and repression and harassment often followed. Registration as a congregation, which requires at least 20 members, is also a prerequisite to being given permission to ~se a building for worship, Ms. Hlutkowsky said. In the past year, the Soviet gov,ernment has reopened sOJ1le 450 church buildings at the request of registered Russi'an Orthodox congregations, she added. "This is a joyous day for our faithful throughout the world," Cardinal Lubachivsky said. "We thank God for this great gift." The cardinal also thanked Pope John Paul II "for his unwavering support of our church." The Ukrainian Catholic Church, with some 6.5 million members worldwide, is the largest Eastern-rite church in union with Rome. Cardinal Lubachivsky asked
Christmas Tree Blessing For a home blessing or a Christmas tree, the mother. rather or otber adult reads tbe following explanation. For parisb, scbool or otber croups, tbe desipated' leader reads. Tbe tree remains unlit until tbe end of the service.
Instead ofthe shrub shall come up the fir tree and instead of the nettle shall come up the myrtle tree: and the Lord shall be named for an everlasting sign that shall not be taken away.
A reading irom the ,Book of In the Book of Genesis, we are Ezechiel: Thus saith the Lord told ofthe tree ofthe knowledge God: I myself will take of the of good and evil, whose fruit our marrow of the high cedar and will fitst parents were forbidden to set it: I will crop off a tender twig eat. When Adam and Eve dis- from the top of the branches theobeyed God's command, they were reof, and I will plant. it on a cast 'from the Garden of Eden mountain high and eminent. and, they and their descendants , On the high mountains of Israel knew sickness and death. will I plant it and it shall shoot For long years mankind suf- forth into branches and shall bear fered until Christ came as redee- fruit and it shall become a' great mer to die on the tree of Calvary. cedar; and all birds shall dwell Thus the tree holds a special under it and every fowl shall place in the story of salvation and make its nest under the shadow is fittingly one ofthe most impor- of the branches thereof. tant symbols of the Christmas And all the trees of the country season. · shall know_ that I.the Lord have As our own tree once stood in brought down the hig~ tree and the ,.dark forest, cold and un- exalted the low tree arid have :adorned, ~o was world before' dl-ied up the green tree and have the coming of Christ. But now. caused the dry tree 'to flourish. I brightly decorated, it reminds us the Lord have spoken and have of the tree of Calvary, which done i t . ' .' , brought us redemption. A readingfrom the Book ofthe Let us now read God's word. Apocalypse: To him that overcometh I will give to eat of the ,The children in a family or ' ,tree of life. which.is in the paradesignated persons in other groups diseof my God .... Andhe showed ,. may reacJ one or more ofthe.fol- - me a river,o'fwater of Hfe. dear a's ..lowing scripture sele~tions: crystal. 'proceeding from the . throne of God and 'of the Lamb. A reading from the Book of In the midst of the street theGenesis: And the Lord God had reof and on both sides of the river planted a paradise 'of pleasure was the tree of life bearing twelve from the beginning: wherein he fruits. yielding its fruits every placed man whom he had formed. .month and the leaves of the tree And the Lord God brought were for the healing of the nations. forth ofthe ground all manner of At the end of the readings the trees. fair to behold and pleasant to eat of: the tree of life also in the leader says: Let us pray: Bless, we, midst of paradise: and the tree of beseech thee, 0 God. our Christmas tree. decorated in honor of knowledge of good and evil. the birth of thy Son. May the A reading from the Book of · lightand beautyofthis tree be reflected Psalms: The fields and all things in our lives that we may share throughout eternity in the glory that are in them shall be joyful. Then shall all the trees' of the of the true Tree of Life. We ask woods rejoice before the.face of · this through Christ our Lord, the Lord because he cometh: who redeemed the sin of Adam that came through a tree by his to judge the earth. . . death on the tree of Calvary. A reading/rom the Book ofIsaiah: Amen. You shall go out with joy and be . The tree should now be lighled forth with peace: the mounted. All may join Insineing one or tains'and the hills shall sing praise inoreChristmas carols and, ir . before you arid all the trees ofthe desired, refreshments may be country shall clap their hands: served.
UkTllinian Catholics "to begin to register our congregations as soon as possible" and "to proceed in a peaceful manner." He also asked them "to respect churches which at this time are functioning as Orthodox and to work patiently and according to the law with authorities." When the Ukrainian Church was merged with the Russian Orthodox, Ukrainian Catholic buildings were closed or given to Orthodox congregations.
Soviet officials have said violence was involved in the taking of the church, although Cardinal Lubachivsky said he was assured that was not· the case. After the right to register was announced, the cardinal said "we have prayed for this day for over 43 years and God has answered our prayers." "We can now begin the work of restoring our church in Ukraine," ,he said; "Our suffering is coming to an end."
In October the Church of the Transfiguration in Lvov, which was given to the Russian Orthodox, became Catholic again when the associate pastor and parishioners declared they would begin using the Ukrainian Catholic rite.
"In life, as in whist, hope nothing from the way cards may be dealt to you. Play the cards whatever they be, to the best of your skill."- Bulwer-Lytton
Keeping the hope alive By Dr. James and Mary Kenny Christmas is a story not only of love, but of hope. The birth of Jesus is a joyous answer to all those years of waiting and hoping for a redeemer. Yet the "answer" is never final. Each year our dormant hopes are stirred up all over again, the hope that people will put love of one another before' personal greed, the hope that we can live in peace, the hope for a kinder, gentler world. Hope, like love and life itself, can be bittersweet. Dreams often remain unfulfilled. When we fall short of our goals, we know the pain of too much hope. How do we regenerate, get up, start over, begin to hope again? Christmas reminds us', in the. midst of darkness and despite repeated failings, to keep the (jream alive, to keep on hoping for a better life, a better world. Here are some people we met during the past year, people who despite the pain, refused to give up. They helped us, through their courage, keepour own hopes alive, and they are all true Christmas stories: A sixth-grade boy, dribbling his basketball around chairs in his driveway, practicing ~y th~ hour
to improve his ballhandling skills. ously placing him for adoption. His dream: to play in the NBA and Saying no to abortion and yes to become another Michael Jordan. life. Just say yes! Sondra,just out of the psychiat. A 38-year-old mother with terric hospital for-.severe depression, minal cancer, undergoing a painforcing herself to go for a walk ful bone-marrow treatment in the when she felt most down on herself wild hope that she might live long and everyone else and feeling what's enough to raise her 14-year-old the use. She let her eyes wander to son to adulthood. the blue sky and drifting clouds, Pete,passing out circulars outand marveled at the universe. side McDonald's, asking people to Scott and Annie, getting mar- request paper wrappings rather ried, and reminding us that com- than Styrofoam so that we can mitment is still possible in an age .save our environment. Still believwhere many live together without ing that he can make a difference. ties or obligations. Saying to ea.ch And remember these others: other those courageous words, "I Mary, a pregnant teen in Pales'take· you for better or worse, for tine, undaunted when there was · richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death." Hoping for no room at: the inn, continuing to the best, a~are of the worst, prom- find a stable to give birth to her .ising' forever in a day-to-day world. baby. Jesus, dying on a cross, hoping , Bill and Susie, newly married people would hear his incredible and planning to have. a baby at plea for forgiveness of those who · once, before. they save their first had done him wrong, believing $10,000 and buy furniture and that his sacrifice would change,the "cars. Why? "Because we love kids, world. We'll make it." We were taken aback, yet how refreshing to know Has it? It's up to us to ke~p the that there are couples today who Christmas hope alive. still believe that we can manage Reader (IUestions on family livwithout much money, but not with- ing or chilcJ1 care to be answered in out babies. print are invited by the Kennys, Jan, 15 and pregnant, 'carrying Box 872 St. Joseph's College, her baby to term and the.n generRensselaer, Ind. 47978
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Toy;~ ,prepare children! for the world . . '
an adversary is fighting and killAntoinette Bo.sco' ing," she said. Child's play can be pretty serious Yet GI Joe is one of the top stuff. selling toys in America, according It first dawned 'on me that toys were serious business one day 30 to Toy and Hobby magazine. It is . years ago as I watched my 4-year- promoted by the GI Joe TV carold son John busily at play. He toon,' which averages 84 -acts of had fallen in love with a set of" violence per hour, according to the National Coalition on Television old-fashioned trains. Violence. ~ It struck me then that even the I don't see how guns and war simplest toys provide a way for a child to enter the grown-up 'world toys could do anything but promote violence. If we hand little while still in an innocent, protected children the tools of war to play environment. Toys influence a child's percep- with, we are telling them that war tions about the world in important is acceptable and 'good. Occasionally another kind of ways. When adults 'Iook at toys, · toy grabs the spotlight and causes we see miniatures, just playthings. us to question what we want our But to children, toys are big as life. A child sees a doll not as soine- children to be learning. One such is the Special Blessthing artificial but as a baby. A ings Doll, which kneels and clasps train becomes a vehicle of communication. A game' is used to its hands in a gesture of prayer. enter the arena of competition. The manufacturers say they are These are all real elements of the adult world. As children play with toys, they learn and form basic concepts By Hilda Young . which prepare them for adult life. Coming to grips with the fact Considering the kind of influ- that I will never understand my ence a toy can have, parents have husband has taken nearly 20 years. to be concerned about the mes- I meet women all the time who sages children are getting. What claim they want to understand exactly do we want to teach through their husbands better. They make toys? resolutions like "I am going to'try The greatest controversy sur- to identify with his way of thinkrounds the massive marketing of ing." war toys. A lot of people, includHow can you identify with the ing parents, educators and police thinking of a man who walks officers, are convinced that war through a house shutting off lights toys are teaching violence and to save money and then every December strings enough colored hatred. Two years ago, more than 60 groups in six countries staged bulbs across the roof to light a protests against them, sponsored small city? by the Stop War Toys Campaign, Or there are statements like, "I a project of the War Resisters want to be~ome more involved in League. his life." A "Stop GI Joe" campaign has Explain to me how someone can been endorsed by 50 groups around backpack five miles into the wilthe cO'untry, including many vet- derness, climb trees to hide provierans' groups. sions from bears, traverse small Kate Donnelly, campaign organ- rivers to shake a fancy stick at izer, advises parents to take a invisible fish, then take an entire sharp look at the lessons children afternoon to mow a lawn half the get from GI Joe. "They are learn- size of a tennis court - and need a ing that the best way to deal with nap.
marketing the dolls to capitalize on a growing national interest in religion and traditional values. They ha.ve drawn mixed reactions from religious groups. Some groups have expressed concerns over the (:ommercialization and trivializatilln of prayer. Remembering that in a child's mind a doll is not trivial, I don't think the dolls do any harm. They communic,ilte that prayer is good. Every toy a child gets communicates som(:thing about the adult world. If we want children to think we live in a. world of hostility, give them war toys. If we want them to see and create a world of benevolence, give them toys with positive and constructive images. To me, it makes sense to offer our children a constructive view of the world.
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Understanding a spouse I "now attribute to' the mysterious Law of Maleness how my husband can dicker for three days over a $25 difference in the price of a used car., but will pop open his wallet like it was spring-loaded when a saleswoman tells him how good. he looks in the paisley tie collection. Perhaps you know a husband who is willing to wear his favorite red flannel shirt (no dbows, stretched buttonholes, ripped pocket) to church, school or mall but comes unglued if his II-year-old wants to wear a fluorescent T-shirt to Mass. Did I mention his favorite loafers?
nay your Christmas be filled with celebration, for Christ has come With love, for His life is within us . With hope, for He is coming again!
Blessett Christmas
How about someone who prefers leftovers to full meals at home but shudders at the thought of asking for a doggie bag at a restaurant? I have concluded husbands do not really want your understanding. They want your love, your empathy, your fidelity, and your freezer space to keep frozen bait. But to' try to understan(J them, well...
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 15, 1989
Viewpoint "An optimist sees an opportunity- in every calamity; a pessimist
sees a calamity in every opportunity." - Churchill
We're Better Together
Members Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
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• • • •
P.O. BOX 276 FALL RIVER MA 02724
PERMANENT DEACONS ordained Nov. 6, 1982, celebrated their 7th anniversary at a Mass at St. Mary's parish, Seekonk, at which Father Thomas L. Rita, second from right, was .principal celebrant and retired Father Cornelius J. Keliher, fifth from right, was concelebrant. A buffet in the parish center followed the Mass.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't Continued from Page Three The National Labor Relations Board in 1984 denied Roesser's request for reinstatement. Roesser sued the University of Detroit and the National Education Association in U.S. District Court, but the court dismissed the suit in 1988. Roesser seeks reinstatement imd back pay. He said he was offered a teachingjob at a university outside
Relive an era of days gone by.
Priest - politician?
V leT 0 R I A N V 1ST A S:
FALL RIVER, 1886-1900 edited by Philip T. Silvia, Jr.
VOLUME II - - - - - - - - '
Michigan, but could not 'arrange A decision is not expected until for suitable housing nearby. at least February, attorneys said. Cameron, an attorney for the Smith said "it may be years" before National Right to Work Legal courts have the last word in the Defense Foundation, said Title 7 case. of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Despite the protracted battle, allows employees not to join unions Roesser, now an electrical engi- , if it violates their religious beliefs. neer for General Motors, said he Cameron said the provision is would do it again. most often used in the case of "It had a reinforcement" on his Seventh-day Adventists, whose faith, Roesser said. "I've become a teachings do not permit union stronger Catholic because of it. If membership. you encounter a conflict with your Roesser's religious beliefs were religion, you should fight it, not such, Cameron 'said, that "he -back away from it." couldn't associate with any group promoting abortion." The foundation takes no position on abortion. Its philosophy WASHINGTON (CNS) - A rejects compulsory unionism. Peter Shinevar, an attorney Guatemalan activist priest hal' askrepresenting the National Educa- ed permission from Pope John tion Association, said the union's Paul II to run for political office in. offer t6 rebate a proportionate his country. Father Andres Giron-, share of Roesser's union dues used founder of the National Associafor political purposes was "reaso- tion of Peasants for Land, said he would not run for president of nable as a matter of law." If the circuit court rules in Guatemala but might seek a seat in Roesser's favor, the case could be the Guatemalan senate. "If I run sent back to district court for a full -for president, they will kill me. trial. An appeal to the U.S. That is for sure," said Father Giron, Supreme Court is also possible, who has survived several assassination attempts. Cameron said.
efore the turn of the century, history was in the making in Fall River. A magnificent high school was under constuction, a woman by the name of Lizzie Borden was accused of the murder of her parents while her spectacular trial in New Bedford followed. Dr. Silvia, a Fall River native and professor of history at Bridgewater State College, has captured the essence of the late 19th century, as seen through newspaper accounts. First Federal Savings Bank of America is the proud sponsor of this book, which has a limited edition of 2,000 copies. Books are available from all FIRSTFED offices or by. filling out the coupon below.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. IS, 1989 we can count on that generosity again this season." Clothing and other items (or homeless teens can be sent to Covenant H nn~t', 466 West 41st Street,
New York, N,Y. 10036. Donated items will be distributed to children at Covenant House shelters in 16 cities across the United States.
BISHOP DANIEL A. Cronin and Deacon and Mrs. Andre Nasser meet at annual bishop's night for permanent deacons of the dioc~se, held this year at St. Mary's parish, New Bedford,. where Father John F. Moore, director of the permanent diaconate program, is pastor.
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It's Chr'istmas time again and "Our kids live in a woildthat is most kids are sending Santa lists . far away from a happy, loving of computer games, dolls and other family as you can get,'" says Jim toys they just can't live without. Harnett of Covenant House; the' But at Covenant House shelters in nation's largest privately funded cities across America thousands of and operate<! child c~re agency, teens would be happy just to get a "At Christmas all they are looking pair of warm-socks.
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. Senior Bethaney Hall co.mpeted . on the regional level in a. speech contest sponsored by the Lions: and Lionesses Club after winning top honors in zone level competition.
• • • •
Senior Brian Ramos has been named to the Boston Herald AIIScholastic cross country team for the second year. A three-season running star, he was cross-country co-captain this fall and was the first Connolly student to win the Boys' State Class meet. He was also a conference all-star and was named to the New Bedford Stand- ' ard Times All-Star Team.
* * • •
25 juniors and seniors haye been inducted into the Connolly chapter of the National Honor Society. At the ceremony NHS president Jennifer D'Alio welcomed the audience and members Nicole Flynn, Maria Mutty, Maria Mihos and Laurence Bell spoke about the four qualities necessary for NHS membership: scholarship, service, leadership and character.
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Freshman class officers are Mike Donnelly, president; Adam Przystas, vice-president; Katie Abrams, secretary; Tommy Pavao, treasurer.
• • • •
Connolly Christmas projects,inc1ude a student gove,rnment canned goods drive for the needy and all • Amnesty Int'ernational clothing' colleCtion for. Amos, flouse 'in Providence. The community service office is' collecting gifts for nursing home distribution and clothing and beds for 100 C~mbo dian refugees now arr'iving in Fall River.' " .
Bishop Feehan Junior Kevin Adams has" been elected Student Government Day dele'gate from Bishop Feehan High school, Attle,boro. He will participate with other area students in a mock session atthe State House in April. A member of the Feehan cross~ country team, Adams was selected, to the Boston Globe All-Scholastic Cross-Country' Team and. is a Southeastern Massachusetts AII~ Star.
• • • •
Accepted to the Southeast Dis-· tricf Choral festival were Feehan fine arts students Jennifer Dissing-' , er and Bryan Shurtleff. Also ac, ';'r.,',' ".~ ,,' cepted to the festival arid recommended for An~State wete Kerri Simoneau and Kathleen Cassidy.' :'~', :~~milies a~d friends of students :' Jennifer" Wil'son was accepted ·to ~ .of*ishop Connolly High School,. the' Southeast· District Orchestra' , ,. ' "', , : 'Fall River,l:lre invited to a 'Christ-: Festival; '''~'.'';'.~{." .,'. . , "0,,' ", ,:,"m~s",celebrationon Sunday, begin-" receil!:~.iJII't~e .pr~g p~ogra'Iri fpi: ;:'iling with a 7 p.m. Mas.s at. which" , Sis~!=r ' ..Mary End? C.ostello, ,.. .. . .' . , . \ , s~l;ectlve·rV ,~atchlf.lg .. .' .'~he Connolly Chorus wIll SIng. '.' •. , . ' . to. "" ". _ '•• ' • ; : In a hop-a-thon for':,9'~r~m'": ' , . ' .' . America, students at St. Jolin Evan-' gelist School, Attleboro, taiseo" '.. $'1,275.60 for distributiop to poor'· :' children in. Central America :and '. Africa. ",
in our schools
St John Evang'elrst
Coyle-Cassidy Coyle-Cassidy High School, Taunton, has begun its annual food basket drive for the holidays. Students and faculty are collecting canned goods and boxed foods and accepting donations of turkeys and dairy products to provide Ch,ri~tmas meals for needy area families. More than 50 food baskets were distributed last year.
• • •
Coyle-Cassidy golfer Nicole Dorthe is on the Junior Ali-American honorable mention teiim after . participating in a ,recent tournament in T&rpon Springs, Fla. She has earned many.iocal and state a:\\:aras, including a place on the state's' 1989 ail-schol!istic girls' team :. ' .. : 1II11I1II11I11I11II11ml~III11II11J1J1J1I11I1I11I11J1I11J1I11J1J1J1i
RSM, attended the National. Council of Teachers of English convention in, Baltimore, Nov. 1719. On Nov. 6, she and.yearbook 'coeditors J oanne'Gervais and,Marc Gagnon conducted a seminar on yearbook themes at a ':Columbia . Scholastic Press· Association conference. 'English department member Amanda Cousin attended a Providence conference on advanced placement English; which Feehan will offer next year. Attending the Americari Council on the Teaching of Foreign l:anguages' annual convention were department head Karen Brennan, .Latin teacher Diane Crane and Spanish teacher Joari Drobnis.
1982 Feehan graduate 'Robert Ernest Lacombe, a student at the C~tholic UniversiW' of ,Louvain, Belgium, was' ordained. a' deacon by Pr,ovidence Bish9P, Loujs Geline-au 6n Dec. 8. Lacombe is the first 'student il't the co'llege to graduat~ sum~a CU}}} laude ill 10 years.
• • • •
, Family and friends art~: invited. to the Dec. 20 and 21 pedorma~-,. ", ces of "God's Rainbow Promise o"f. Christmas" by the kindergarten children and a Dec. 20 music program in which Grades I through 3 Will perform at 10 a.m., and grades Tand 8 at I p.m. , All are welcome to' attend the Advent season closing liturgy; at 10:30 a.m. Dec. 22: Classroom parties and gift-giving will" take place between I and 2' p.m'.
• • • •
: More than half of the stud~nts at SJ E participated in Attleboro's
BISHOP DANIEL A. Cronin enters the gym during his care, Peter Clark, ~ustin C,hicca, Marcel Boucher, Nicole recent annual visit to Bishop Stang High School, North Dart-' <;harros; William I\~r. and Michael Palker. ' .. ,0, mou~h (left photo). Awaiting him are (from left) Daniel Mul-
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 15, 1989
TU-IE 1990 DIOCESAN DIRECTORY & THE BUYER'S GU,IDE , By Christopher Carstens There are two ways to tell that Christmas is coming. First, shortly after Halloween, ads start showing up for Christmas sales. Then, sometime around Thanksgiving every newspaper in America is certain to run a story on the "holiday blues." Article after 'article on the subject recites the same sad tale: people expect to be joyful d'uring the holidays, and the'n become depressed, even suicidal; when Thanksgiving and Christmas come around and their wonderful expec'tations aren't fulfilled by reality. ' Almost everyone h,as' heard of the holiday blues. In fact, mental health professionals reguliuly go on radio and TV news shows this time of year arid' sol~'mnly warn people about the risk of hoping to be too happy' I(t·Christmas. " When I iecentIy spoke at~ teeri retreat,' I asked' 'the participant's about tllis·subjeet.'Most had'hellrd of the holiday blues and were quite confident tl'iat"iti 'was· a,'serio'us concern. : ' . But the holiday blues is,a myth. There is no such' thing." Of course, some people' get depressed 'at Christmas. P,eople get depressed during,every. season, and people who' have suffered a recent loss find most·"special'.' times ,., --~ painful. But ther~ isa ·substantiaL ~ody of scientific evidence proving that emotional problems are no more widespread during ,the holidays than at any oth~r time of year. Unfortunately, lots of newspapers and TV shows care more about catching an.audiepce than they do about checking their facts. Why does this ,matter to you? It matters because the holiday blues .represent a remarkably clear example of people believing something just because they heard it was so. People accept it because they read about it in the paper or heard somebody talk about it on Oprah or Geraldo. People believe a lot of things which simply are not true. Some of
those beliefs, like the myth of the holiday blues, are fairly harmless. But, other false beliefs are terribly destructive and accepting them and passing them on can be a dangerous thing. People used to beli'e've that to complete diocesan information and atelephone directory of priests, directqrs of diocesan women were emotionally unfit for institutions, ,parish religious education coordinators and permanE!ntdeacons.' work outside the home. The news. papers carried stories about "the Also included are address~s of retired clergy and those serving outside the diocese, as well weaker sex" and psychological experts of the time said men should as a listing of priests by years of ordination and atable of movable f€iasts through the year protect women, from exposure to 2011. ., the stresses of business and 'profesIt may be ordered by telephone at·675-7151 or by mail, using the coupon below. ' sionallife. That sort of myth kept ,THE DIR~CTORY IS $5.00 (plus $2.00 postage and handling per copy). women' poor and dependent. ....... ... _._._~.- .. _~~~_ ... _._._-----------_._--_ .. .. _--_._-_ .. ---~_.--_ .. -._-.-.,--_ .. ---_ .... , In thel920s and 19'30s m'any in Germany believed that the eco, ANCHOR Publishing Co. " nomichardsh'ips' 'of the tIme were ~~used by 'uttethical afH;! :moriey~ '-P.O. Box 7, 'Fall River, MA 02722 hungry Jewish businessmen, The "gre'edy Jew" was a common fig: .' Please sena .~e BUYERS~ GUIDE ure' in 'eaitoria'l 'cartoons. I-i itler . ~ copy (iesl of the 1990 DIOCESAN D1RECTORY'AND . . . ... ,' . l:lUilt upon tJtai anger and f~ar,a:nd , _,_'_' 'P~y,~ent en'closed 1$5.00 per copy plus $2 postage and h'~',ndjing pe'r,.copy) the r~sult 'was the' horro'" of'the death'camps., " " " ,:, , 'F~r. genera,tiori'~ it"was widely , NAME:'_"_----'-_-----------'---:-----'--"----'---'---believed' that 'Catholics' could not be loyal Americans, because their , ADDR(SS~ ----,-,---'-'.~_..;____;_""""....---------~'7"'.---:-._'. -'-'",:",';,-:"-;-:--':-=;'' , - ' - - first allegiance was .to the .pop~ in ~ " ~treetiPO B o x ' eity" .,' " 'Zip' Rome:As recently as 1962'John F. l<-ennt:dy had t~Aef~nd his plltri,otism agai,nst such attac~s. , '!-,~~~~.~~~~~~~~, -._._._._._.~::~:~~~~,~,~~.~.~._.,This story has two morals. First', enjoy the holidays an'd don't worr,y llb_o.uUhe.holiday.blues7 In'spite of _ c :-what you may read, it really, is not much of a risk. Second, be careful not to believe eyerything you read in the newspapers, or see on, television. The media bombard you daily with opinions disguised as fact. Some.~.. times it is difficult to tell the Wttre hoping San~a'~ difference. ' got you on his very spe- I The only way to avoid being carried along by popular myths is • ciallist for all the good to constantly ask yourself: "What things of this very mer- • makes people believe that? Why ry Christmas Season. do they think this is true?" Press beyond the opinions and seek out • I the facts behind them. There are few things mQre dan- • I gerou~ then believing something :'.f::.~ I just because you saw it in print or heard about it on television.
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Indian Mission Seeks Chri.stmas Help Priest Says Prayers, Donations Urgently Needed Special to The Anchor
THOREAU, NM -- Ask Brooklyn - born Father Douglas A. McNeill what he wants for Chrisunas and he answers immediately and simply, "Help for our Navajo neighbors!" Urgency edging his voice, the priest explained, "There are 20 families right now needing our help on home repair in order to live through the winter. Their needs are critical." Fr. Doug -- as he is affectionately known -- is director of St. Bonaventure Indian Mission here, where God called him 15 years ago. Today, he is joined in his work by a complement of47
lay missioners whose goal it is to "bring the presence of Christ" to this povertystrickencorn~rofthe world. Hunger and, illiteracy are two othertlu:eats. to the American Indians to whom St. Bonaventure directs its extensive outreach and educational programs. And the corporal works ofmercy that are.carriedoutdaiiybythe Mission's dedicated corps of . laymissioners:have not gone unnoticed by the New. Mexico community at large. ·In 1987, St. Bonaventure Indian Mission was awarded . the prestigious 'Governor's Volunteer Service Award in
• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
St. Bonaventure Indian Mission special projects • Dear Anchor Reader, during 1989.includedproviding materialsfora new: I'm turning to you for your urgent • help. I'm asking you to join me in a
home for this child (pictured at-top right.in the dirt- : partnership of prayer, love and concern. fl. oored sh ack th at had b' een theon I'Y home sh e had • My urgent and serious problem, is the ever known) and herfamily. Pictured above area' .: plight of our Nati ve American neighbors handicapped motherand daughter, Grace and Mary, • on the Eastern Navajo Reservation. whose need/orindoorplumbingfacilitiesresultedin: I wish you could see for yourself the • poverty that is here.
am often asked
,a joint-venture between St. Bonaventure and an : by those who come to serve with us, "Is ,Q.genc.y .of the federal governent, Indian Health • this America?" Service.lnphotoatbottom,Fr.Dougispicturedwith: Winter can be devastating for our a group of children who are students at .Blessed .' aging Navajo ne'1.ghbors 'who live in KateriTe.fcakwithaAcademy, ,the jully-accredited : crude dwellings' with dirt floors, 'no • electricity and no water. There are 20 school that'is a project ofSt. BOTUlventure Indian : families, right now needi'2'J our help on Mission. Fr. Doug said he sees,theMission schoolas • home repair in orde.r to live through the "beingthe'realhopeforthefuture/' : winter. Their needs are critical,.
--------------------- • Will you help? recognition ofits "Mission 47 years ago -- "it's follow-: Christmas blessings, to theNavajos."ing the commandment 'of : ~.g.,~ Just what is St. Bonav- Christ to show His love to : Father Doug WtfNeill enture's "Mission to the all His children." He quickly : P.S. If you can't send an emergency gift • Navajos?" futhe words of adds, "Butthe.help we 'can • for our First American neighbors now, • •• please take a minute .to pray for this •• Fr. Doug -- who was :born give is dependenton the help • need. I pray for your needs, too. • .to Irish immigrant ,parents we receive from 'others." • ••••• • • •• • • • • '••••• • • • • • • • • • • • ',. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Clip and Mail Today • • '• • • • • • • •
Dear Father Doug, here's my 'emergency Chrisunas gift of $ Pray for my Intention: Name Address City
_ _
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( ) Please checJc here if you would like to recewe a specially-designed, gold-plated Good Shepherd Pin as a token of appreciation of your gift of $1 00.00 or more. You will also be enrolled as a 1990 member of our Good Shepherd Club for whom Mass is offered on the 15th of each month. ( ) Please checJc here if you would like t.o recewe an exquisite 2" sterling silver cross with turquoise stones, made by our local Indians, as a token of appreciation of your gift of $50.00 or more. It is a unique piece of jewelry you will wear -- or give - with pride.
Send to:
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Father Doug McNeill % Christmas Help from Anchor Readers S1. Bonaventure Indian Mission and School P. O. Box 610 - Eastern Navajo Reservation Thoreau, New Mexico 87323 - 0610