The ANCHOR An Anchor. 0/ the
Soul, Sure and Fir~T. PAUL
River, Mass. Thursday, Dec. 17, 1959 © PRICE 10c I 3, 0.' 51 V o. c 1959 The Anchor $4.00 per Year Second Class Mail p'rivileges Authorized at Fall River, Mass.
Bi,shop Pontificates For Fr. Killigrew The'MostRever'end Bishop celebrated a Pontifical Mass of ;Requiem Monday morning for the late Rev. Edward L. Killigrew, pastor of St. Kilian's Church, New 'Bedford, who died F,riday morning after a long illness. Father Killigrew, a native of Worcester, re' ceived his early education at pa!:,ochial schools in New Bedford and graduated from Holy Family High School in that eity in 1908. He attended St. Charles College in Maryland and took his Philosophy and Theology at St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore. Father Killigrew was ordained by the' late Bishop Feehan in St. Mary's Cathedral on, June 13, 1914. He sel~vcd as assistant at SS. Peter and Paul Church and St. William's Church in Fall River, and at St. Joseph's Church in Taunton. In 1928, Father Killigrew beeame pastor of the new parish of Our Lady of the Assumption in Osterville on Cape Cod and remained there as pastor until 1938. He was pastor _of Holy Family Chu'rch, East Taunton, until 1954 when he was transREV. EDWARD L. KILLIGREW Turn to Page. Eighteen
Clothing Drive·.Nets More Than 98 Tons Excellent cooperation by all participating parishes is credited for the exceptionally ,smooth functioning of this year:s rhanksgiving Clothing Collection by Rev. Francis A.. McCarthy, Diocesan director of the" amiual event: Topping last, year's parish donations of 188,481 pounds, this year's total of Clothing collected from the 106 parishes of the Diocese was 196,452 pounds, or 9814 , tons. By areas, New Bedford led the Diocese with 52,853 pounds of clothing collected. Fall River and Welltport came next with 50,47:8 pOUIids, followed by Taunton and North Easton, with 31,974 pounds, and the Cape Cod area, with 26,229. Residents of Swansea and Somerset contributed 13,700 pounds, and Attleboro accounted for 12,118. North Attleboro parishioners collected 5,150 pounds and Mansfield and N_orton a total of 3,950. '''Although ,exact figures are not available from other Dioceses, it is likely that both percentage-wise and in actual quantities of clothing collected, Fall River leads New England," said 'Father McCarthy. He attributed the succeSll of the clothing drive here to excelTurn to Page Eighteen " ,
Feehan Drive Fund Rises, Rev. William D. Thomson, fund moderator, announced today that three more parishes, bringing the total to nine, have surpassed their quotas in the $1,225,000 campaign for the construction of the new Bishop Feehan High School. The total now stands at $1,363,788. The new figure is $138,788 over the drive goal. Two Attleboro parishes, Holy Ghost and St. ,Stephen's, and St. Mary's, Mansfield joined the six parishes previously listed as ov'erquota parishes. Rev. John F. Loughlin, pastor, Turn to Page Eleven
,HONOR TRIPLE CHAMPS: Discussing the VictGry ,Banquet program honoring Coyle High School Football Team, State Class C, County and City Champs, are, left to right, William Hoye, co-captain, Bishop Connolly, Nils 'Swede' Nelson; guest speaker, and John Kable, co-captain.
"Artificial Birth Control
Practice Frustrates F,unction of Nature
The Catholic position on birth control is this: the use of unnatural or artificial means to prevent the possibility of conception is an action against nature and nature's God. It is, therefore, .morally wrong'. Since it is against the nature that 90d has given to man object the continuation of the and woman; birth cO,ntrol by human race. For a husband and unnatural or artificial means, wife to put this process into -is wrong for all' and· binds operation and, at the same time, uSe unnatural or artificial means all--;-Catholic, Protestant, Jew. to prevent' the process from . The Catholic Church could not, . . .. All' Catholics are to observe' goirig on to its natural conclu,change this if she wanted, to, sion' is' to thwart a proceSll of H. Frank Reilly and Mrs. Rose Mullaney, respective complete abstinence 'on Wedfor' she 'must always assent to . nature. 'This is Ii perversiori of presidents of the St. Vincent ~e Paul Society a,nd the "nesday., Dec. 23. In addition. and' uphold what God has de- na,ture and against the God of Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, reported today th~t ' "those -21· years of ~ge and not cre~d. : ; , , nature. It is, therefore, morally . . , Ch .' B 11 t be h ld t th ' 'yet 59 are also obliged to, fast. ' enthUSIasm for the BIShop s ,arlty a 0 e a e \ The ChrIstmas vigll of fast , God-as is clearly shown in wrong. Lincoln Park Million Dollar Hambro is recognized as the 'and abstinence· has ,been per-' 'the very structure of the human Granted that the use of sex Ballroom on January 7 is at most outstanding' individuai manentb, transferred, from body-has provided a natural between husband and wife is process which has as its aim and also a means of companionship an all time high. The Fifth Turn,to Page Flf~en Dec. 24 to Dec. 23. -, and legitimate pleasure, the .N:tnua~ affair conducted :~r primary object of seJ!:-what of the benefit of the underpnvlits very nature it tends to do-te,ed children of the Diocese will cannot ,b~, turned aside and featu:;:e the world famous music thwarted by unnatural or arti" of the Glenn Miller Orchestra ficial means without moral eviL under the personal direction of A ve~eran o( 13 years as a' teacher in Belize, British Honduras is ~ister Mary , God does not say that everyI,' Ray McKinl~y. Reginald, R.S.M., a native of New Bedford: Her friends in the Diocese had the opportun- ,one must hav'e as large a family o One 'o.f the star attractions of ity of seeing her last August, when she was here on home leave. The missionary graduas pOSllible. But he does say that the Glenn Miller aggregation is individual couples must use ated from St. Mary's grammar school and Holy Family High Sehool, New Bedford. Her the Lenny Hambro Quintet that recreates the sound and spirit future was foreshadowed for her intention 'was at, last Mary Reginald taught at St. their judgement'to decide what Turn to' Pa~e Eighteen of the music that made the even then. "Belize, the cap.- 'assigned there." Patrick's and St. Mary's Cathe. Miller style the hit of the nation. ital of British Honduras, After ' her' profession, Sister dral schools, Fall River. But she " first found its way into my- 1IClCiIlNlC!lIl~~NlCIlClMi!lIlICIlll«lllftll became mor,e and more interested in the possibility of going geographical vocabulary back to the missions and submitted in the early 1930's, when I was A Subscription her, name as a volunteer. ,a junior at Holy Family High In 1946 she was assigned to , Scnool. One of my teachers, who to The Anchor Belize, where she has been ever VATICAN CITY (NC)had volu~teered for mission since, "teaching the fun-loving Becomes L'Osservatore Romano asA' poster contest fo~ stu~ w6rk, asked me to pray that she children of this sunny Caribbe appointed to the newly serted' that His Holiness dents in Catholic high 52 Weekly Gifts bean· land." adc?p,ted 'mission of the Sisters Pope John XXIII in his talk schools and colleges will fea- 6f Mercy there. "Teaching," she writes, "con' to Italian jurists spoke aga;,'~t stitutes the important work of ture the February 1960 "Reluctantly I agreed and was .tt' . the Sisters in the colony. Our only those publishers who abuse Catholic' Press Month observ- d~ly satisfied that Sister ha~ Sisters staff two government- their ,freedom by dispensing ance. not been chosen for the first subsidized schools with a com- "poison" to the innocent. band of missionaries since this Cash prizes will be awarded bined enrollment of about 2,300, The Vatican City daily pub- ' to national poster contest win- . would ensure ner being at Holy plus two smaller schools with lished an editorial on the Ponners, Executive Secretary James Family for my senior year. For a population of about 600." tiff's discourse ,after a' number the time being Belize slipped A. Doyle of the Catholic Prells of papers had expressed concern There are many outside acinto my subcOllScious mind as a ASllociation said in explaining tivities, however. On weekends over the meaning of the Pope's detailll of the 1960 Catholic ,PreSll remote area having no direct the Sisters visit the prison, hos- words. L'OSllervatore referred bearing on the carefree days of Month program. pital and poorhouse., "Due to to the independent daily La a happy-go-lucky high school Any student of a Catholic high' girL the generosity of kind friends Stampa, of Turin. L'Osservatore ' School, minor seminary, confrain the States;, we seldom go said the Turin paper erred in We will 'send a, "Although my natural inclinaternity class, college, univerllity, tion was to the nursing, profeswithout / Catholic magazines, saying that the Pope's address beautiful Gift Certificate major seminary or novitiate is sion, I felt that God ;was callnewspapers, or 1I0me small re- requested "limitations on freefor you ~ith each 'eligible to enter the pOliter con.' ing me to, the religio~s life as ligious articles. Sometimes we dQm, of the press." ,subscription' purchase•. test. Schools will conduct their a Sister of' Mercy.' When I en'are able to furnish a little treat, A more accurate headline, the own local contest and then enter tered the novitiate, Belize came' such~ 'as a sweet biscuit, or a Vatican City paper said, would 'Use Blank 'on Page 3 their winners in the, 'national , plug of tobacco. Such things de- have been "The Pope reques~ i!,t:o lny.life .ag!lip, for the ~ill, Turn to Page Twelve' , Turn to Page Eighteell 'ter ;who had', ask:~d' me to pray Turn to Page Tell
Fifth Annual, Chq'rity BC;lII' Fqst,. Abstinence To: Highlight Social Season: On ~~dne~d~y"
New Bedfordite Now Sister of Mercy Feels It Privileg~ to Labor' for Poor. of Belize
Poster Cont~stv C'Qtholic Press Month Feature
Pope Urges Press Withold Poison In Reporting
.Solemn Requie~. FQr Two Nuns
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-:-Thurs;, Dec. 17,1959
Deplores Rushing Children Into Premature' Adulthood By Most Rev. 'Robert J. Dwyer, D.D. Bishop of Reno
It was,only yesterday it happened. I was a ga~ky youth of 13 with a dusting of 'peach fuzz on my cheeks.' In the afternoon, instead of going home from school, I met my mother (God rest her!) downtown and ~ewent to the men's furnishings store to electric brittleness of her older tryon the new suit. With sister she makes up for it' in a .excruciating self-conscious- deeper sympathy· with human ness, which has hardly worn folly and a sensitivity to sufferoff all these years later, I dising which were strangely wantappeared into the dressing closet ing in Miss Repplier's characand slipped on teristic brilliance. the trousers, the Moral Problem first pair of Delinquent parents have been long pan t s. called on the carpet often enough When I came of late. to make all of them out there were . acutely aware of ,their shorttears in her . comings. But the moral problem , eyes. involved 'in' the. premature" . .... It was .com.:launching, of children .into ' a'·, c pletely normal,· world.nominally,governed. by , ":MEETS_OLD FRIEND:: l:pimediately prec~ding~hjs perhaps e v,e n.· adult laws and concepts is sorileaudience with Pope Jo~m XXIII .the Vatican, Pr~sid~nt ritual. Mothers, thing much broader than· parenEisenhower conver~es in an .ante-chamber with an ,old in those days, tal misbehavior. : were. , expected It is accepted as standard prac- . friend, Cardinal AmletoG. Cicognani, who for _26 years to weep a little when their boys tice by the vast majority of· served in Washington as Apostolic Delegate to the United were graduated to long pants. American fathers and' mothers. States.NC Photo. Childhood, actually, was far If . it is so much as hinted thli t from over, but one phase of it it is not the best way of tearing was passed with what might be children and preparing' them for presumed. was 'reasonable suc- maturity, the aggrieved answer ·cess. I, '. , • 'is that the critic beloilgs back in .' Bhi the process' tOok time; the'Eighteeilth Century. ,. WASHINGTON, (NC )-Archas to whether or not a: specifie .·there was no hurrying,of it. The. Chtttch Is Concerned bishop William E. Cousins' ,of pie~e of literature submitt~d for 'years were. lopg arid leisured and . Our" . Catholic schools' . ha~e Milwaukee, and .Dr. Shane Mcmailing' is obscene and ' sho.uld the pace was' deliberate. Plenty been fighting a, tear-gUard Carthy, "executive director of Qe, denied access to the Unitet:i · ortime'to worry about the other' aCtiOn against this tendency. In the President's Council on Youth States mails." . 'things that w'ere ahead. Youth many Dioceses the regulations, .Fitriessr were named. to a nine. Other. committee mell\bers ,'\vas not designed to, be nie1Amoderately enough, 'forbid teen- ,member... citizens advisory commorphozed into adulthood overage parties before highschooi \ mittee to aid Postmaster General are: Douglas Black, president, iligh~" :' .. . age has,' been reached.' Doubleday and, Co., N~w, Y,Qrk; Arthur E., Summerfield, in, de. Time of. Magic Spells "There are cases on' record ,termining,mailability of, books Er:w.in D. .Canham, .presid~nt, For a very long time now .·where Catholic parents, in pro-' where obscenity questions 'arise. • U. S. Chamber of Commerce; Washington; .Roscoe Dr:um!p,ond" America has idealized childtest against what they consider : Specific 'legislation requires columnist, New York, He,rald bood. Writers are never better unwarranted interference wi~h the' Post Office to deny mail Tribune; Chloe' Gifford, presi· or' more convincing than ~hen the "social experience"- of their access to· obscene materials dent, General Federation of reconstructing the vanished days children, have withdrawn them which appeal to prurient interWomen's Clubs, Washington; Dr. of their boyhood or girlhood. from these schoois. Others ests with detrimental conse- ,Julius Mark, Temple Emariu-EI,. "The remembrance of things merely grumble about the oldq~ences to 'the public good, Mr. New York; Mrs. James Parker, past", as Proust's J;Dasterpiece maidishness of the Sisters. Summerfield stated. president, National Congress of has been somewhat deceptively There is painfully little reali'To assist him 'in carrying out Parents and Teachers, Chicago,' ·rendered, has become a part of zation that the Church herself, this duty, Mr. Summerfield said, and Dr. Daniel. Poling, editor, our Americ~m literary backas the divinely appointed guarhe'has named the advisory comthe Christian Herald, New York. 'ground. Childhood is wonderful, dian. of morals, is inevitably mittee composed of civic and beautiful, a time of magic spells concerned with the minimal proand gossamer dreams. tection of youth during its for- .. literary leaders of the country. He emphasized that the com.But the strange part of it is ,mative years. :GothamPries"~,,: that we can hardly wait for our ,Sl1e .,cannot ..iook on, compla- mittee ~ "will')n no sense ot' the NEW YORK (NC) - Msgr. "children to be done with it. We cently, like .some somnolent word be' a censorship body" M.t are all for, making them adult duenna at a, ball, 'whiie childr.en will be "concerned solely with Francis.. F. Reh, rector of ,St. consulting the Postmaster' Gen- Joseph's Seminary in YO,nkers, ;when they. have scarcely begun 'llre e:xposed, to temptations they ot enjoy the miracle of youth. are in no position to cope wi~h. eral, as. the necessity may arise, is among four New York·archdiocesan priests advanced to the We launch them into the world Same Sermon '"'rank of protonotary apostolic by before' they·have' shed the' ,00-": .,.." Thi-i;"'does not betoken iuie~h Pope John. coon of childhood. mind.' It is plain realism. But Fat.hers Joseph W. Hartman, Inspired Barbarians because priests are so,often sUS-' . 'DES MOINES (NC)-A vet-' We dress up our callow boys ~ected of a dreary moralism that eran' newspaperman has bee'n vice'chancellor of the Military as young sophisticates and our is hopele~slr .out-of-date, it is appointed to the post of manag- Ordinate arid. Stephen J: Kellelittle girls like raddled baggages' refreshing to find reinforcement ing editor of' National Catholie . her" assistant" secretary of 'the and send them out to. parties .,of their position in the pages Qf Rural 'Life Conference publica- Catholic ,Near East Welfare As'sociation, were among ,the 11 where they are expected to cul- a writer as contemporary tions here. . tlvate "togetherness" .and the Phyllis McGinley. Joseph V. Ryan, prominent elevated to the monsignori. social am'enities. Instead, they' The sermon she preaches is Catholic layman, will take o.ver act, understandably enough, like substantially the same as the one his post upon retirement as' a inspired barbarians. heard Sunday after Sunday radio and television promotion PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. 'Mothers worry if their early from the pulpit, but she delivers director on Jan.!. Mr. Ryan also teen-age offspring do not maniit with a zest, a wit, and a has .served as news and, farm '~_ for Domestic:· fest sufficient interest in the frankness which might be con-· director' of the Des Moines ~ & Industr~,l opposite sex. Some even carry 'sidered a trifle too. daring frorq.· Regfstet aIidTribune. . _ _ Sales ancl, their anxieties to the alienists that somewhat heavy piece of Oil ~urners Service' ': for a4vice and consultation. ecclesiastical furniture....\', '. . WY 2-9447 ,'." Childhood is marvelous, but the "A girl will' make a fitter wif¢, 2283 ACUSHNET AVI. ·s.ooner it is over with the better. perhaps" if the tulle-and-silver~, NEW .BEDFORD··, . Lauds Writer 'slippers phase comes a bit later:
Solemn high Masses of . . quiem have been celebrated for the repose of the souls of two religious of the Diocese: Sister Mary Teresa, O.P., of the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, Fall River, and Sister Celeste, S.U.S.C., St. Mary" Convent, Taunton. Sister Mary Teresa, a pioneer member of her community, was 91 and had served for mal1¥ -years in St. Anne and St. Thomas Schools and Dominicaa. Academy. She had been superior of the Acushnet house of the community and for 18 years a member of the General Council. Sister Celeste, a native of Ire. land, had taught'in Cambridge before ~ssig!1ment to St. Mary'. 'Convent in 1922. She is survived by' Sister Marie Anna, S.U,S.t., of Sacre(l Heart Convent, 'Fall River, and by Sister Colletta, S.S.J., St. Louis. Another sister ,:and a :brother live in Ireland.' I ,~ , .' I
Mass' Ordo:
Committee to Assist ,Postmaster Orf Questions' of Book 'Obscenity L
.I.tllIpAY - Ma~ of Ember Friday in Advent. Simpl~. Violet. Mass Proper; No Glori.. Common Preface. . SATURDAY - Mass of E~ bar Saturday in Advent. Simple. Violet. Mass Proper; No Gloria; Common Preface. ' ", I SUNDAY _. IV Sunday of Advent. Double of I Class. Violet. Mass: Proper; No Gloria; Creed; 'Preface of Trinity. l . MONDAY St. Thomas, 'Apostle. Double of II ClasS. Rea. Mass . Proper; Gloria; Secorid Collect' Of Sunday; Creed; Preface of Apostles:" , ;. c. TUESDAY _ 81. Frances Xavier 'Cabriili, Virgin. Doubie of II Cla~s. White.' Mass ~roperc . Gloria; Second Collect of SUDday; Common Preface. WEDNESDAY - Mass of the previous Sunday. Simple. Violet. Mass Proper; No GloriaC Common Preface. THURSDAY-V'gil of Chri. mas. Simple. Violet. Mass Prop.. er; No Gloria; Common Preface.
Holy Father Honors' 11,
lo,w(I Man to Direct
Rural Life Journals
Commercial • Industrial ", Institutional Painting and Decorating
135 Franklin Street Fa,1I River
" Miss' ;Phyllis' McGinley has ':written a nioral treatise on this 'theme, which might well be envied by the' professional theologians in our' midst.'· It recurs iii her new collection of essays, The Province of the Heart which ranks her at onc~ as the legitimate and worthy heiress of Agnes Repplier.·' In the exacting limitations of the familiar essay they are equally at home and equally effective. If Miss McGinley lacks the
in her life than the sixth grade~: And a;. boy may value manhood more when he does not get· his·', first, dinner-jacket at 13. Wh9:;' knows? It' could be that a. majority?~ th~m, like my daugh-. ter, mIght Just want to have· their childhood." "
THE ANCHOR Second-class mail privileges authorized "" 'a* Fall River, Mass. Published ""en Thursday at no Highland Avenue. Fall River, Mass.• by the Catholic Preas of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price br mall, postpaid $4.pO per .Fear.
AUBERTINE Fu'neral Home.
~ Hflle~' ~ubertine Braugh Owner and' Director
Spacious Parking Area WY 2-2957 J.29 All!lD St.
The bells ring out a message
New Bedford
of good cheer) May peace dwell ",' .
T he sign of Quality • • •
it:! your heart and may every
day be merry as Christmas)
FORTY' HOURS DEVOTION Dee. 20 - S1. Louis, Fall .River. St. Helena's Convent, Fall River. Dec. 27-St. Bernard, Assonet. St. Mary's Home, New Bedford.
OSborne 2-191'
No. Easton
E. Bridgewater
Randolph Plainville and the new. Br~cktonEast Shopping Pla,za
Old Westport Road, No. Dartmouth WY.3-0397 Taunton ,- VAndyke 2-6371
Advises Movies to Clean-Up Or Face Boycott by Public LOS ANGELES (NC)-A leading daily newspaper has warned the movie industry it is facing official censorship and a boycott by a revolted public. An editorial, ."The Foolhardy Movie Producers" in the Los Angeles TImes, said "in the gathering storm . with codes and other compacta over movie indecencies" the of holiness." producers are inviting cal"The movie people are .not . b d t I being brave; they are Just amIty and are oun 0 ose. greedy and foolhardy," the ediSome producers, the paper torial added. "They put their pointed out "apparently are re- friends and all people who abhor solved not to retire to their o.ld and fight censorship, in a false line of defense, self-censorship, position. which they held successfully for "And they are bound to lose. more than two decades. They If the official censorship doesn't overtly abandoned that line last get them after all the revolting month when they re~ected a pubI~c will boyc~tt them. T~e decision of the Production Code movies will become the skid Administration in Hollywood." row of the rats." The reference was to "Happy Protestants Upset Aimiversary" which 'dealt with In making these observations, pre-marital sex relations. the editorial took notice that the The Times. emphasized the General Board of the National Industry, or part of it, "is liter- Council of Churches of Crn:is~ ally daring censorship to do ita. (I:.'rotestant) now is ~ond~rl~g worst. All the lessons of the past a report' on sex and vlole~ce .In are forgotten." motion pictures. The edItorial Dollar Grabbing also referred to a proposal for 'There are only five state cen- a joint religious cleanup of film. .arship boards now, but there made by Bishop Jame~ A. Mcused to be more and with varied Nulty of Paterson, chaIrman of sanctions. Som~ of them (like the Catholic Bishops'. c6mmitte~ the present Pennsylvania board) on Motion Picture, Radio and could censor a film after it Wal Television. exhibited, the hardest blow,' from the producers' viewpoint, that can be struck against them," the editorial said. 1"'IIIIl The paper warned that the Catholic students and profesp~oducers are risking calamity sors of the Bradford Durfee Colfor the sake of getting money lege of Technology, Fall River, while they can from sex and met Tuesday night in the initial violence at the box office. 'step of the formation of a New·Calling this "a short view,~ man Club. the Times continued: " Bruce Gesner, a senior, was "They support their position appointed chairman of a comwith several sophistries: One of mittee to draft\ the club charter. them is that the movies hare Copies of the proposed charter become 'adult' along with plays will be' distributed within the and books. If plays and books week to interested students. and movies had the same audiAction on the charter, a,nd ence, limited to adults, the arguelection of officers will take ment might have some force. place on Tuesday evening, Jan. "But the movie audience, par- 5. All Catholic students are ticularly that part of the audi- asked to be present at this ence that is attracted by the nonmeeting. Euclidean varieties of sex, is The Newman Club is an assonot wholly adult; it contains ciation of Catholic C611ege stumany adolescents and children. dents who wish to deepen their And that is the rub. understanding of their faith "The producers and exhibitors through a balanced program of know that the 'adult' argument religious, educational and social is false, else they would not be activities. so enraged at the classification 'Rev. John H. Hackett, secreEnraged Producers taryto Bishop <::onnolly, is the proposals. They do not want Newman Club moderator. their product labeled "adults only,' and that is a confession Yugoslavia, Moscow that they know the part «;If the public that is paying to see their Send Priests to Jail prettied up peep shows." VIENNA (NC) - Two priests The editorial deClared .that have been sentenced to jail in although the movie people had Iron Curtain countries, accordforgotten the lesson of history, ing to reports reaching here. they could learn a lesson from In Zadar, Yugoslavia, Father television's present predicament. . Nike Pedisica was sentenced to The Times said "Having been two years imprisonment on a caught on the quiz shows and charge that he distributed newsother fraudulent practices, the papers, published abroad by YuTV companies are busy now goslav emigres, which sontained articles hostile to the Tito Guild for Blind . regime. The Fall River Catholic Guild In Moscow, ~ather Nikolai for the Blind will hold its ~n Gillis was sentenced to nine Dual Christmas Party next Sun- months' imprisonment and fined day afternoon in Sacred Heart 15 per cent of his income for School. The social program will' giving biweekly catechism lesbe preceded by Rosary and Bensons to children and for disediction 'at 2:15 in the church. turbing religious literature.
I 51 To 5e ect ate A't . . . Iewman Club
New Bedford K of C McMahon Council, New Bedford' Knights of Columbus, will hold a Christmas party for members' children at the Kennedy Center at 2 Sunday afternoon, Dec. 20. Parents are invited to 'accompany youngsters.·
THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 17, 1959
Prelate Deplores Lenient Attitude 'Toward Crime LONDON (NC)-WiIliam Cardinal Godfrey has urged that sterner methods of dealing with crime be substituted for sentimental and soft approaches. Cardinal Godfrey's letter dealt almost entirely with the increasing scourge of crime. "The psychological approach to this grave problem has failed," the Cardinal' stated. "The comparatively lenient methocU adopted in recent times have been generally unavailing. SenGREETS PRESIDENT: Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, timental reasons and the clamor right, Papal delegate to the United .States, gre~ts Mrs. Ma~k of theorists should not deter A. Theissen,president of the NatIOnal CouncIl of ,Cath?hc. authority from inflicting reasonable-punishment. Leniency with Women, and· Bishop Allen J. Babcock of Grand RapIds, exhortations from the bench hal NCCW episcopal chair~an in Washington..NC Photo.. no effect on godless criminall and unbelieving lawless juveniles." He added:. "Chmpassion is a Chrlstiaa virtue, but we must have comMILAN (NC) A newlytions, and it is incapable of e~ passion for the community as published memorandum by the tertaining the~. It is out of thiS well as for the individual lawlate Archbishop of Milan shows laC~ of true mterest that the breaker. h' 'nion that the Italian peoItalIan people have not wanted . ·Famil,. Discipline p~: ~~ever had their hearts" in anything to do with t~e war a~d "Citizens can only find pro. fighting the Allies in World War have never had theIr heart In II . it; so much so that last August· tection and live their live!! in peace and tranquility if, as St. .'Current investigations for pos- w.he? there wa.s a brief glimmer Thomas More says, punishment sible beatification of Cat-dinal' of lIberty whICh ga~e th~m a holds fear for evildoers." , Ildefonso Schuster, who died in chance to express ~helr natIo?al 'Urging stronger discipline 1954 brought the memorandum feelings, they unammously crted within the family, the Cardinal to light. It was written in the 'Enough'!" said that some major causes of Autumn of 1943. At that time The Cardinal's letter al!!O the Italian nation was divided warned of communism,· stati~g: crimes are films, books and plays which suggest to teenagera into two opposing ,governments "If the horrors of a com?,un~st that murder, adultery and disand the peninsula was a battleanarchy do not follow, It WIll honesty are a normal paf\ 01. ground between German and be a miracle of God." life. Allied' forces. ' -It is the government's respon·Pr~erved by a community of Sets Expansion Plans sibility to remove such harmful Benediction nuns at Viboldone influences and to deal effectivel,. near here, the memorandum For Miami Cathedral with this threat to the comstates: MIAMI, (NC) - Bishop Cole- munity, the Cardinal asserted. "My immediate observation is man F. Carroll of Miami has anthat Italy does not fight the Alnounced a project of elaborate O'Brien Is Prexy lies now in Its own interest and alterations for St. Mary's Cathe'WASHINGTON (NC) - John in its own name; it· does so dral here. C. O'Brien ha. been elected chiefly in support of Germany, Artisans in the U. ·S. and overpresident of the GridirolT Club, which is interested in and wants already have started on organization of Washington corto seize for itself commercial seas various projects to embellish the respondents. He is Washington primacy and dominion of the cathedral, he' said, and work on correspondent for the Philasea. the interior and exterior of the delphia Inquirer and also write. "Our little peninsula does not Cathedral will be started soon. a weekly column, The Backdrop. harbor these pretentious ambiThe seating capacity of the for the NCWC Feature Service. will be expanded from Mr. O'Brien is a former presiJesuit Review Names cathedral its present total of 1,000, the dent of the National Press Club Business Manager Bish<?p added. here. NEW YORK (NC)-Willia/ll Holub, advertising and promotion director of Geo. A. Pflaum, Publisher, Inc., Dayton, Ohio, will join America Press, Inc., in As the carolers sing the story, the spring of 1960 as general m'anager of business operations. The appointment of Mr. of Christmas, we extend best Holub, a member of the board of directors of the Catholic Press wishes tha tyours will be very Association for three years, was announced by Father Thurston N. Davis, S.J., editor-in-chief merry and inspiring. and president of the corporation which publishes America, a national Catholic weekly review edited by Jesuit Fathers. the start of the drive.
Cardinal of Milan Believed Italians 'Never Had Their Hearts' in War
BROOKLAWN FUNERAL HOME, INC. . CHAPLAIN: Bishop Connolly has appointed Rev. Paul F. McCarrick, assistant at St. Mary's Cathedral, the first chaplain of the Fall River Fire Department..
Marcel RoJ' - C. Lorraine Roy ROller LaFrllnee
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Fuel Savings-
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Foresters to Meet Father Len'aghan Court, New Bedford Foresters, will hold a Christmas party this afternoon in Carpenters. Hall. Fall River Court of Our Lady of Victory will hold its next regular meeting Jan. 14.
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Says Mexico Hal Total Freedom Of Religion
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Dee. 17, 1959
Priests Explain-Principles Of Counselling Distur~ed
By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy Emotionally disturb~d pf'ople are extremely numerous in our day. And numerous' are the sci~I.ltific discoveries which can be used to help them. But these must be employed by an expert, one who has a solid hold upon them and not merely a smattering of jar- qualification apart, one can gon about, them. People so earnestly recommend the book afflicted see k assistance . for study and discus~ion. from the .priest. U.S. Catholics He then should command Appearing at the same time 80mething of the means of renare two books which scrutinize dering it. And Catholics in the United States so should many today. One, the work of a priest, others, who s e . Father' Leo Ward, C.S.C., is p 0 sit ion recalled "Catholic Life USA," and qui res that is subtitled "Contemporary Lay they be_inMovements" (Herder. ~$3.95). formed observThe. other, a symposium by ers and practinon:"'Catholics, is called "Americal counsellors. can Catholics," and is subtitled It is to set out "A Protestant-Jewish Vie w" what is now (Sheed' and Ward. $3.75)'. The known of emofirst is not entirely laudatory, tional conflicts and the second is not entirely and of new I adverse. techniques in handling them Integral Part that Father George Hagmaier, Father Ward sees the Ameri.C.S.P., and Father Robert GlealIOn, S~J., have written "Coun- 'can Catholic' body as showing sellinng the Catholic (Sheed and vigorous signs of life just now. And these signs are found in a Ward. $4.50'). special way among the laity. Simple Outline They are coming of age,' taking "This. book," say the authors, up the' responsibility which· 'is "'is largely dedicated to- an ex.. properly theirs, actil}g decisiveposition of the emotional stra- ly and constructively. tum of man's functioning and They are no mere appendage of its influence upon his beof the Church, but a most inhavior . . . tegral pint, and are fulfilling "We propose. in these pages or at least beginning to fulfill - ' to present, a simple outline. of their essential role. They are fundamental counselling con- confident, 'concerned with their cepts and techniques which will vo<;ation, alive to' the necessity serve' as a text book for' semiof being sanctified themselves narians and a ·tiderence voluJ:lle afidof radiating Christ in· their for priests who face the day-toparticular' environment. day appeals for help from paAs Others See Us rishioners with personal probIn American Catholics, four lems. . "It is the author's hope that well known Protestants and two Jews' take a look at the Church Jay Catholics - parents, teachers, sisters, guidance counsel- in this country..Most of them find 'somettling to admire in it, lors, youth workers, psycholoalthough all are critical of what gists, psychiatrists, etc;, may also they consider Catholic alooffind a .considerable portion of ness, inaccessibility, and refusal this material useful." . to enter into a dialogue with Presents Philosophy their fellow citizens_not of the The book does not present a Catholic faith. graduate course in counselling. The several contributors reReading it will not make anypeat one another, and sometimes - one a master of this art. No contradict one another. They are more is it a handbook, to be not of one.mind as to what the consulted for concise directions "wall of separation" between about handling a particular sitChurch and State means: "But uation as it arises. they are' 'agreed on 'enough" to In fact, the authors have ~ur.< give some idea of the image of posely avoided an index, to disus which our co'ntemporades' of' courage the notion that the different faiths have. hunting up of a particular passage will supply, in capsule, form, the ultimate in diagnosis FREIBERG (NC) Pax and prescription. Christi, international Catholic Rather, the work proposes to movement, has sent apdo hardly more than instill a peace proximately $41,500 in relief philosophy of counselling, to foodstuffs t6 typhoon-stric~en acquaint the reader wJth general Nagoya, Japan. The shipment principles, and to suggest how brings to approximately $225,000 and where specialized help may the value of material aid Pax be secured. Christi has sent to Japan and This is a book which requires very deliberate rea<iing. Skim- ,Hong Kong. A total of more than two million dollars' has been ming it would be a lamentable spent. in the past two years. by mistake. It must be slowly abthe . organization for' starving' .lIOrbed, and m'any portions of it peoples of the world. "'ahould be often r'e-read. Sees Shortcominr; It breaks new' ground, in,trepidly. Doubtless, mucn of it will be criticized, perhaps stringently. One feels that· the authors, far from resenting such treatment, will welcome it, pro"" vided only it "is objective.' A serious shortcoming, in this department's", view, is the tendency toward needless repetition. The same thing is said more than once, sometimes over and over, without perceptible clarification or any gain in emphasis. This, n:tay discourage acute attention by the very persOns most in need of what the. authors' have to say. But, such a
CAYETANO RUBIO (NC) -Absolute freedom of religion 'now exists in Mexico, President Adolfo Lopez Maoteos d~lared here. ' . Butantire~igious laws are stin
on the books in this overwhelmingly Catholic nation. For decades religion has suffered from discriminatory laws in Mexico. Persecution of the Church, begun during the early stages of Mexico's revolution, was legalized by provisions of the 1917 constitution. Vigorously carried out as persecution continued. into the 1920s, the laws are-no longer strictly enforced. President Lopez made his statement during a tour of strongly Catholic' Queretaro state in answer to a question by a labor leader, Fermin Nieto, who' claimed his union was the victim of discrimination because he and most of its members are Catholics. 'He then asked if religious beliefs excluded a person from taking part in the social and labor aspects of the revolution. The President, who belongs to the Institutional Revolutionary party, replied: ~ ''1 wish to tell you here ill ~eretaro where the, constitution was formulated that absoiute freedom of belief exists in Mexico and that in the vast constructive work of the revolutioll there is place for all men of . good will.. _~ ,"There .Is a place for all those who have. engraved in their hearts the conviction that only uilder the rule of sOcial Justice can men in Mexico reach happi-
FIGHTING SMUT RACKET: Acting Postmaster of Philadelphia, Dr. Frederic H. Barth; shows one of the posters on display in the main post office in Philadelphia, aiming at eliminating filth from the'mails. 'NC Photo. /
G '" -U· • Pro f essor eorgetown nlverslty, To Head .Interracial Movement
CHICAGO (NC)-A permanent National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice has been organized with 'headquarters here by leaders of the Catholic In"terracial Council movement. The 39 councils throughout the nation have joined in the . unified movement to support a national' service office for organizing new councils' and increasing the' effectiveness of interracial work. Dr. John J. O'Connor, profes,·.or in the Georgetown' Univ,ersity graduate school, Washington, is the first chairman· of the national organization. Father John LaFarge, S.J., author, editor and veteran of 25 years in interracial work, is the honorary national chaplain. Matthew Ahmann, assistant' director of the Chicago Interracial Council, will be executive director 01. the-new national organization.
Electrical Contractors
Representatives of the 39 Catholic Interracial .Councils will hold a second national five-day meeting starting next Aug. 25 in St. Louis. ,A statement issued by the. national group said it has been organize.d to "meet the challenge of interracial relations" and is dedicated to "work for justice and 'charity" in the interracial field. The. statement e!'l1phasized the autono~y of 'locl'il Catholic interracial councils and said the national organization was formed for their common interest.
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Greets New Flock MANCHESTER (NC) - Bishop designate Ernest J. Prime~u, who will come from Chicago to Ilucceed the late Bishop Matthew F. ,Brady' as spiritual' head of the Manchester diocese, has sent his "heartfelt greetings" to the ~ple of New Hampshire; 'He has asked that they receive him "~ith patience,- l!nderstCV1ding andfrust.;'" ' ., ' ' ,',"
,PASSION "",,y.
JOHN TWEEDIE 'WYman 3-1508
,34 ,H,l,JNTER
" I.:
THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 17, 1959
FCC Probers Hear Demand For Better TV Programs WASHINGTON (NC)-Television is presenting a "basically mediocre image" of America. and Americans, "ather William F. -Lynch, S.J., has told the Federal Communications Commission, warning that the "oceans of fantasy and dreams and distor- FCC to a~plY existing regulations" presented by the tions more strictly, especially mass media could eventually in regard to renewal of licenses. make Americans "not wilLicense Not Right ling or able to face the political .. military decisions history 80meLimes calls for." Falher Lynch made the statement at hearings conducted by the FCC on radio and television network programing policies and the ex lent of its powers to ~gulate these policies. Earlier the FCC heard an official of the Catholic UniverlIlty of America urge the teleYision industry to "continue and perfect its own system of selfregulation," based on the television code of the National Association of Broadcasters. Msgr. John J. McClafferty, aslIlstant for university development to the Catholic University rector, declared that "industry .elf-discipline in program planning and content seems to be the mature, responsible and . democratic way" of solving teleYision problems. Father Lynch urged the ere"ion of "a national group of eompetent citizens" which would '_ue periodie reports on teleYision's "achievement or laell: el achievement···in the order el art, entertainment, informa. UoD and edueation." Low Quant,. The same recommendation had ken made earlier by other witnesses. In teply to questiou from commission officials, the Georgetown University Jesuit .id the group he envisioned would begin by· being independent of the FCC, but might later Iel've in an advisory capacity to the commission if that procedure appeared more effective. He declared he is "deep1)r eoncerned" about the "qualitative and cultural level of the program work of the TV industry. It is the basically mediocre image of ourselves and the image of this nation, as it i. being projected to ourselves and to the world by TV, that UI bothering millions of AInuieallB," he emphasiZed. AdvertisiD« Press~ Father Lynch said the national ettizens' board he has in mind. to report on television would t1Ct"ally help to "give the industrJ' the freedom it needs to _ Mtter work." "Now it is not free, though it -.es all the time-honored tenNI el free enterprise~" he Aid. lie explained that 'the televisiCNl Industry is at present under toe much pressure from advertisen to be truly free. Msgr. McClafferty declarecl television programing is, "at a 'WOrrisome and generally flat ~el of middling quality" PaUl, IDOrally and artistically. . .Strict Regulations .. I "Programing does not often enough respect enough the moral 8tandards and the artistic tastes 01. the people," he asserted. citing as especially objectionable tbe "atmosphere of violence" . Iound in so many televisioD programs. Msgr. McClafferty also called _ the FCC to clarifY the standMd of "Puplie interest, COOVeDor necessity which it . . . in granting broadcutiDC licenses. AS()Qkesman for the AInericaa Civil Liberlies Union urged the
College Grant
. WASHINGTON (NC) A ",000 Atomic Energy Corom1&-'on grant has been made to ~ity College for women here ... use in its biology, chemistry' .... physics departments. Sister Margaret, college president, said grant will be used to buy equipment and materials for a IiIOlram in the nuclear technol. . field as applied to life ~. The college UI co~uctell . . the .Sisten Qf No*". D.-. . . Namur. . ...:.:
The commission should consider all complaints directed against stations by responsible persons and should take appropriate action, "possibly even prompt revocation of the license." declared Patrick Murphy Malin, executive director of the ACLU. "Instead of viewing the right to broadcast as a public trust, networks and stations have viewed it almost exclusively u an open door to private gain." Mr. Malin said. Mr. Malin.said the ACLU opposes cesnsorship of individual programs,_ "but we emphatically support action by the commission to promote the maximum possible range and balance in over-all programing, which 'the pUblic-interest, convenience or necessity" obviously requires of an industry holding in trust a relative1)r ICarce natural resource."
Asserts Church Assists Science WORCESTER (NC) The Church has always encouraged the cultivation of the arts and sciences, Richard Cardinal Cushing said here during an address at the dedication of the new science building of Holy Cro. College. Cardinal Cushing took exception to persons who assert that a materialistic approach is the only way to attain truth. "Some· assert that strong religious convictions inhibit free inquiry," he stated, "that only those who. start from an atheistic or materialistic position are truly free from bias and that alone can hope to attaia BISHOP'S NIGHT: Mr. and Mrs. P. Henry Desmond , they the truth. chat with Bishop Connolly at the annual Bishop's Night "We share our belief in God of the Fall River Serra Club. Desmond is president of the and in the supernatural order with Kepler, Galileo, Newton, local unit. Ampers, Pasteur and Marconi . .. Surely the achievements of these outstanding men of science SAN GABRIEL (NC)-Four foundations in Texas and two Poor Clare Missionary Sisters in the Los Angeles archdiocese, are in no way inferior to those of nonbelievers." one in Gardena and a novitiate of this city will soon leave Caliin San Gabriel. fornia for Africa to establish The members of the African their congregation's first mission mission band are Sisters GuadaVATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope on that continent: lupe Peral, Ana Elena Diaz de John XXIII has received birthThe 14-year-old congregation, Leon, Edelmira Rivera and day greetings from prisoners la fOlJ:nded in Mexico, has four es- Marta Meza. The African misthe Venice jail. Before his electablishments in that country and sion will be established in 'Kamtion to the papacy, Pope Joba three in Japan. It ,also has two pala, Ugllnda. was Patriarch of Venice.
Nuns Plan African Mission
Greet Pope
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A S~~n 'Unto''Us
THE ANCHOR-Qiocese, of Fall River-:Thurs.,Dec. 1,7, 1959
"Mercy Killing" A professor at the Episcopalian Theological School at Cambridge, lecturing last week in Fall River on so-called "mercy kiling," is quoted as s'ay~ng, "There is nothing inherently good about mere biological existence:" 'H& is also quoted as saying that it is just as wrong to lengthen life through artificial meay;'s such as medicine as it is to cut life short. There is confusion in the professor's thinking. It is obvious, or should be, that the human soul, the principle of lif~, the creation of God, should not be termed "mere biological existence." Human life is sacred and it is good, inherently, because it is the. creation of God. , ' Perhaps in the use of that unfortunate phrase, "mere biological existence," the professor was referring to unpro. ductive members of society - helpless babies, diseaseravaged sick, oldsters, the mentally retarded. But surely the condition of the, body and mental ,faculties, then.the right to1ive becomes precarious thingloul is God's creation, that a human being-no matter what his condition-is deserving o( reverence not' for what he does but, fundamentally,for what heis-one whose soul is from God. If respect for life hinges on strength of bo~y or faculties, if the right to live becomes a precarious thing, a right enjoyed only as long as fever charts and 'x-rays aJ1.d medical diagnosis and intelligent quotas say ~hat the person is productive. Life becomes a popularity contest with :the, right to live going to those "most likely to succeed" physically and mentally-but only for as long as they· stay that way. And to say that if it is wrong to cut life short, then it is just as wrong to prolong life, is to look on life in a very strange way. Life is from God-it is to be preserved asing all normal ordinary means. No one says that, extraordinary means must be taken when life is ebbing away to prolong existence. But the ordinary means to preserve life eertainlyfall within the reasonable. And men must be governed by re~son. " As long as men accept the fact that God has created the human soul- reverence for life must follow, with reasonable' means taken to preserve life: Push God out of the pictur,e, and the logical consequences are--'-well, "~ercy killing" for one.
TODAY-St. Lazarus, Bishop. Confessor. He was the disciple and friend of Christ, who wa. raised from the dead by Our Lord. It i~ believed that with his sisters, Mary and Martha, be journeyed into Gaul and was the : first Apostle of southern Fran~ becoming Bishop of Marseille-. Be is the patron saint of thaIt city. TOMORROW-SS. Rufus ancl . Zosimus, Martyrs: Th'ey were martyrs of the early church, suHering about 109 at Philippi in Macedonia. Their martyrdom is mentioned by St. Polycarp ill his Epistle to the Philippians. SATURDAy - St. Timo~ Deacon-Martyr. Little is knowa of him except that he lived. Morocco, Africa, and that in defense of his ,Faith was burned .. death at the stake.
-Holidays-Holydays An American contribution to the ,holidays ,is the Christmas and New Year's party put o'n by the office, the place of employment, the individual. There is a certain , amount of fun.cmaking, liquid refreshment, carefree lessening of, inhibitions. Unfortunately, the enjoyment that takes place is not Always of a good-natured and innocent character. Some people use the party as a vehicle for making fools of them~ selves, for 'creating nasty situations, for "embarrassing fellow party-goers, for offending the God in Whose honor these holidays are really holydays. The iII will that is thereby engendered, the scandal that is given, the bad taste (in several ways) that is left in the mouths of people-all these are a high price to pay under the guise' of hailing 'the birthday of the Savior of the world. ' Some people are just carried away by, a crowd. They are unable to keep, their balance when it comes to party enjoyment. They feel that they must first anesthetize themselves in a fast liquid rush and then they proceed to "et themselves go." The results are inevitably disgusting. So partygoers would do well to indulge less in holiday apirits and more in the holyday spirit. They would do well to remember that the office or home party can be the occasion for legitimate enjoyment - it should not be an occasion, for sin or a source, of embarrassment for anyone.
Quick to Approve ... Reprove
The Legion of Decency Pledge taken Sunday is not just a once-a-year formality. ", '. ' It is, a pledge Catholics take to stand up and be eQunted - to l;>e quick to approve vocally and in writing what is wholesome and artistic and good - to be just as quick to reprove what is offensive and in bad taste and suggestive. , The Pledge calls for quick decisive action by Catholics, to what is morally harmful to individuals and a community. Such action is enough to make the, mass media officials ' conscious that their efforts are being watched and judged. •
Weekly Calendar Of Feast .Days ,
SUNDAY 55. Liberat. . 'and Bajulus, Martyrs. Little ' . certain of the dates when they lived or where they su.ifered martyrdom, although it 11 believed that they suffered .. the East. Their relics are ven.erated in .Rome.
MONDAY 51. Thom~ Apostle. He was one of the Sea of Galilee fishermen and W8tI called by Our Lord to be one ANSWERS' of His Apostles. After the Resur,rection he would not beliew the report that Christ had arisen. By Rev. James A. McCarthy At the actual sight of the Holy Name Church-Fall River pierced hands, feet and side and What is "!eerecloth?" , j(' Catholic girl and a Prot- ' the gentle rebuke of the Saviour., he uttered the joyous word-= , eiltant boy got married, but . A CERECLOTH is a linen not by a priest. After four, "My Lord and My God." After doth waxed on one side; it is years they were divor'ced, and the Ascension, he preached bI cut to the dimension of the altar the girl (who is not a good Parthia and it is generally aoand is placed under the three', mother) got custody' of the cepted tradition that he preached linen altar cloths, with the wllxed two children born during the in India, where he sufferecl side to the altar table. It is most marriage. He has been paying martyrdom. 'frequently used where the altar alimony for more than two TUESDAY 51. Franeell is of stone, and although not years now. Since the Church Xavier Cabrini, first U. S.~... required, it serves as a protecdoes not count this as a real !zen-Saint. Born in Lodi, Italy~ tion for the other altar linens marriage, does he, still have July 15, 1850, she founded the against moisture or the oils of 'to keep paying alimoJJY? consecration on a newly,~conseMissionary Sisters of the Sacred erated altar. It is also called The support of the children is Beart in 1880 and came to the the chrismale. a matter of justice, arising from United States in 1889. Before the Natural Law. Whether the marriage is valid or invalid' has / her death on December 22, 191'1, little bearing on the case. The in Chicago, the work of hel' I have oiten wondered fact is that ,this inan and woman community in schools, hospita. whether the souls in,Purgatory know what is going on 'amoD« brought these children into the and orphanages had spread aD world and they have an equal over the nation. She became a their families and loved ones. U. S. citizen October 13, 1901. obligation to support them. Particularly, do they' know Pope Pius XI granted a speciaii when aDd. by whom prayen A secondary consideration • dispensation allowing considera.:. are offered for them? ~. that, in all probability the tion of, her canonization c a . , According to reputable theolo- amount of alimony to be paid before the canonically required gians, the souls in Purgatory are has been established by a civil 50 years after her death. She aware of things going on here court and default c in payment was canonized July 7, 1946. , : on earth, and they do, know what would carry with it a penalty. Thill, we' say, is secondary beis being done for them. WEDNESDAY -,St; Victoria. . Som'e \ theologians? such as cause the civil law in this in- Virgin-Martyr. She lived in the Suarez, declare that the-souls in stance is founded upon thenatu-. third century and refused' either Purgatory know of worldly ral law we mentioned in the to sacrifice to idols or to accept events indirectly through their first paragraph. a heathen 'as a husband. She w. You imply that 'the mother ii Stabbed to death in the persecUguardian angels.' , unfit to raise children. Sometion under Decius in 250. Other authors' such as Choltimes personal feelings influlet, maintain that their acq'uaintence our interpretation of a per'ance with current events on son's character. Even though she earth is a direct knowledge. be unfit, that does not absolve They argue that the suffering the 'father of his obligation to NEW YORK (NC) - Birth souls are no longer hampered by support his' offspring. If the cOntrol information· should not, their, material parts, hence space, mother is definitely known to be be forced on peoples of undeJllocation and distance present no morally bad, this matter should developed nations, according to' obstacle' to their perception of be. brought to the attention of Dr. Thomas, Dooley, founder 01. thirigs. , the proper authorities and be several hospitals in the jung1ell In one of his works J. A. thoroughly investigated by them. of Laos. . ' Chollet makes this statement: This should be done ljO that she' In commenting on the que."In the flames or in the light may not be a source of evil tion, Dr. Dooley emphasized thM, of h,eaven, in Purgatory' or in example to the children, either he spoke "not only asa CathParaqise, the ,SOUl possesses.. the consciously or unconsciously. olic, but as, a doctor who bi. same-nature; it maintains with worked in these countries." True there are abuses in reearth.' the same relations of ''The family is everything' .. knowledge, and if the events of gards to alimony demands, but since there are'so many possible people in these underdevelopecl this life can be known to the lands, and are we white JIMlIl inhabitants of heaven, equally variations in cases, each one going to tell them that they m_ they can be known by the 'elect must be judged individually. If adopt some other policy?" , in Purgatory." Also, by way of the father 'feelS that an unjust , The so-c;llled "population e»abare of the burden ,is being corollary, th~y baye. ,Il knowlplosion" would appear less'~ edge of the' souls of the damned. placed upon him, he has recourse to the courts to seek a 'more ious if steps were taken to iD- , crease th.e world's food supp~, equitable arrangement.
• • •
Dr. Dooley Opposes Birth Control Policy,'
G~!V,',h'e, A'NC'nOR :~~Et't:;;n£:t:~::~:e~~~:
KKK Plans to Start New Units in U.S.
C~st Medal to Mark' Ecumenical Council"
can, 'but the only way that they . could have positive knowledge of future events would be ,ATLANTA (NC) A Ka VATICAN CITY (NC)-Tbe, OFFICIAL-NEWSPAPER OF THE DiOCESE OF FAll RIVER through directcommunicatioD Klux Klan group is planning to first medal to commemorate tbe ., . ' " ' , " ,of such knowledge to them by establish chapters throughout coming ecumenical council' lIDPublished weekly by The. Catholic':, Press of the Dioc,ese of Fall River' God. the U~ S: nounced by Pope John XXUI 410 Highland Avenue ' The newly chartered group al- , has been cast by a Vatican em-Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 ready has established headquar- ployee, Vittorio Emanuele M-. BUFFALO (NC) -Auxiliary ters here in Georgia. The organiani. ' PUBLISHER Bishop Leo, R. Smith ofBu~lo ization describes itself as a nonThe medal depicts, CbrtIII Mast Rev. James ~ Connolly, D.D., PhD. will oHer Mass in the Westingprofit, benevolent and charity , .tanding on the world and ..... GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER house Motor Division' plant 8!'oup in which "there shall be rounded by the heads of the • Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo. M.A.Rev. John, P. Driscoll here Dec. 23. There also .will be lIDited onl7 white race male , apostles and by miters repreMANAGING EDITOR Catholic religious. services at ,persons of sound mind and 100d .enting their descendants, .... ltugh J. Golde.the plant in the afternoon. moral character.- ' bi8bops of the Church.
Mass in Plant
M ANCHORThurs., Dec. 17, 1959
Says Dedication,. E~ucation Necessa'ry to Sare Freedom
Cinema Standard Bill· Under Study In New York
LOS ANGELES (NC)~neral Alfred Gruenther haa 1II'ged a spirit of dedication and education in efforts to preserve freedom. The American Red Cross pr~sident, speaking at a dinner commemorating the 10th anniversary of Our Lady Chapel, situ- security is now manifested in ated in the heart of this U. S. pacts with 42 nations. But city's business district, said: ~litary means, he added are "I do not believe there will insufficient. Of the world'. be World War III. But I do believe the communist threat fa greater than ever before. The Communists, especially Nikita Khrushchev, are playing their hand better than ever-the soft lell." This, he pointed out, makes It more difficult for the U., S. to present its proper image to the world. To American incentiv,e. of free enterprise and freedom must be addeg greater knowledge of other people and greater unity in our concept" of human dignity, he added. The General called for more discipline, dedication and re~nsibility by Americans. He said the responsibility should cover education, and cited the weakness in foreign languages ef 70 per cent of the candidate. for foreign service examinations. The former NATO commander dec~ared the concept of military
ALBANY '(NC) - A biB aimed at setting standarda for motion pictures suitable for children under 16 haa
2,800.000,000 people, one third are free, one third Red captives, and one third, "the swinging third," uncommitted, he emphasized. "How this last third commits itself will determine the future of our civilization," he said. He called attention to an example of American concern-the poverty, of India and the 32 year life-t;xpectancy of its citizens.
been filed for consideration br the 1960 Legislature. The measure ~ould estabDsIa
a review system to judge the suitability of sUch films.
The proposed legislation would require the State Education Department's Motion Picture Division, which licenses films in the state, to decide whether the content of a movie could be ~onsid ered injurious to the mental, ethical and moral developmeot of 'minors.
Say Gifted Students Programs Advance
SPOKANE (NC) Special VINCE~TIANS' MEET: Members, of New 'Bedford If so, the picture woulcl. he programs for gifted students are Particular Council,. St. Vincent de Paul Society, heard Rev. classified "unsuitable fOl' chilgaining ground in Catholic secand would have to be _ John J. Hogan, spiritual director, speak on the needs of dren," ondary schools and colleges, aclabeled in advertisements __ the organization's salvage bureau at the annual communion , nouncing its showing. Assemcording to reports made at the Northwest regional meeting of breakfast: Left to right, Sylvia LeBlanc, presigent, St. blyman Joseph R. Youngl,ove, the National Catholic EducatioBJoseph's Conference; Father Hogan; Dr. David Costa, Jr.. committee chairman, said the al Association here. ' bill is necessary because "selfC9uncil President. regulation and improvement 'The keynote speaker, Father have not materialized" withia John P. Leary, S.J., academic the motion pictUre industry. vice-president of Gonzaga University here, said' a random plaa ~arket for helping the superior student isi unrealistic. Teachers adjust :HARTFORD (NC) -, Bishop- ehosenbecause of its great his-, to the average student and can- designate Vincent ~. Hines hall torical significance in the Nor,PHILADELPHIA (NC). - A not provide ttie necessary chal-- announced his consecration and wich diocese. Catholic publishing executive lenge for the bright student un- , enthronement as Bishop of Norhas called on religious book publess their work load is lightened, wich will take place in St. Patlishers to join in a long range be, said. Students, on the oWer rick's Cathedral, Norwi~h" OIl promotional program to make hand, are often dilatory, undis- St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 1960. readers of the Catholic preu Archbishop Henry ~. O'Briea ciplined and ,need the motivatioll more book conscious. CHARLES F. YARGAS an 'honors program affords, he of Hartford will' be the conseWilliam Holub, a director of 254 ROCKDALE AYENUI crator, Co-consecrators will be adde-d. the Catholic Press Association, Bishop Bernard J. Flanagan of Father Thomas L O'Brien, NEW lEDFORD, MASS. cited the 25 million circulation S.J:,' director of Seattle UniverWorcester, who was Bishop273 CENTRAL AVE. ef Ca tholic newspapers and, sity's ,honors program, urged a designate Hines' predecessoriD. magazines as a relatively un- teaching plan that conforms to the Norwich diocese, and Auxilitapped market for Catholic the normal psychological develary Bishop John F. Hackett of NEW BEDFORD books. Hartford. The sermon will be opment of the student. "The ·Catholic press is a U preached by Msgr. John S. KenWY 2-6216 million giant that can serve nedy, rector of Hartford's St. you," he told the publishers. ~oseph Cathedral and book re"Mix intelligent industry pro- ~ourns viewer for The Anchor. motion with your own selling, GREENSBURG (NC)-Solemn Bishop-designate, Hines said devise new promotion and dis- Pontifical Requiem Mass for the the March 17 date has been tribution methods, work closely Most Rev. Hugh L. Lamb, 69, , West Newbury, Mass. with editors, and the result can- first Bishop of Greensburg, was 'eliv,ry~1 Conducted bT not help but create mere read.;.' offered. in the Cathedral of the l8O'J Brothers of CharitT Its9 en of Catholic books." Blessed Sacrament 'on TuesdaY \ Private BOarding School by Bishop George L. Leech of. 'for Boys Grades 5-6';7-1 Harrisburg, while Archbishop ~ohn .Mark Gannon, Bishop. of. Write. Call or come , . JOSEPH M. F. DONAGHY, . Erie, presided. Information NEW ORLEANS (NC) - Faowner/mgr. ,The spiritual leader of,' more , " Tel. HOmestead 2-4663: tber Andrew C. Smith, S. ~.. ' than' 200,000 CatbolicSin the .142 Campbell $t., president of Spring Hill (Ala.) , four-county western, PennsylvaNew Bedford, Mass., Coliege for the past seven, years, ~d.iocese'diedinJenette (Pa.). WYman 9,;6792' ' hal been named vice-provincial 'Di"trict ,MemQria1 Hospital, of. the 'Jesuits'. New OrleaDI HEADQUARTERS which. is conducted by the ~is-' Province. ten ,of Gharity and was built COLONIAL AND , INC. He .will serve for the dura-: wider. Bishop Lamb's direction. TRADITIONAL' FURNITURE tion of the absence from the "Bishop Lamb had been active country of Father Laurence and in apparent gOQd. health O'Neill. provincial, who has left until four days before his death . . a five-month visit to memwhen he entered ~e hospital f~ IT'S All RIGHT 10 bers of the province stationed treatment of a minor disorder. Aor studying in India and Ceyloll heart attack caused hi. death. SHOP AROUND FOR. and to other points in the' East. SOME THINGS, BUT Father Smith has been suOceeded as president of Sprinl KANSAS CITY (NC)-Father Hill by Father A. William Cran- ~ohn ~. Lacy, editor of the Eastdell, S.J., a former provincial ern Kansas Register, is among 10 ARTHUR J. DOUCET FRANCIS J. DEVINE 202-206 Rock Street FOl' the past two years Father priests of the Kansas City (Ken.) , Fall River Crandell has been engaged ill archdiocese honored by Pope establishing a Jesuit retreat ~ohn. He has been named a IS !!;!gPLACE' I'D bouse near Dallas, Tex. papal chamberlain with the title GET A PRESCRIPTIOH ,01. Very Reverend Monsignor.
March 17 Consecration of .Norwich Bishop in' St. Patrick's 'Cathedral
Sees Large For Catholic Books
Greensbu.rg Diocese Bishop Lamb
Furniture' Store
College President Is Ne.w Vice-Provincial
D & D Sales, and Service,
FOR' ','.
Elevates Editor
Prelate Emphasizes Study of Hu~anities
LQUISVILLE, (NC) , The humanities must be stressed ill today's space age to help produce the well-integrated and balanced man, Bishop ~oha ,~. Wright of Pittsburgh lhu .... .erted. The Bishop declared that ..:ience institutes are beginning. Ie8lize this and are requiring more humanities of their stUdents. He gave the keynote address at the annual meeting of the Southern Regional Unit 01. the National Catholic EducatioBIII Association's college and ~ versity section. , Colleges must produce ~SO~ who will be able to remain sane • well as useful under the impact of the space age, the Bishop aid: !'We live in an age 01: fear," he added, "because the emphasis on technology hall' taken away the inner ,nourish-' ment of the spiritual and intel;o.· lectual faculties. 1O '.,1. " . . ' . " . ,
May Santa. his reindeers and . .'
helpers, bring you
iust what
wOnt for, Christmaa. Hcnee .:
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merry, hearty, healthy holiday seaSON
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Tel WY 6-8271
,8 ,"
'~':r~E?~:~C;:,H9~~I?~oc~e,~ ,Fall ~i~er~Thurs:;D~ .. 11,1'5'
At" C,~ristmas:
Cana' Confe'rence '
~tXi~s;~~o~~ana cOn-
:Don't· Buy "Useless Accessories ,
'ferences for married couples wiD
Qr 'Any Time
. By Alice Bough Cahill " ·At this time of the year when all stores are aglitter .' with 'bric-a~brac, .which one, ordinarily never considers, people are tempted to buy some monstrosity for "Cousin Sue who has everything." If one' were to house such accesor. leS ' one cou'ld eaSI'1 y h ave,. a branches and 00. lly, make a ' " N 0 , charming Christmas decoration · "Chamber 0 f H orrors. one who truly appreciates for a table. Each year you can and knows art ;will pretend add to this set, so that eventu-
20,' under auspices of Martha'. 'Vineyard Knights of Columbus. Parishioners of St. Augustine'. Church.. Vineyard, Haven, and area non-Catholics' are welcome to attend. Under the direction 01. the Diocesan Family Life Bureau, the conference will' deal with the relationship of parent. . and their young adult children. The topic is among the, most popular of the Cana series. 'Rev. Anthony M, Gomes, Sante Christo Church, Fall River, and Rev: Luiz G. Mendonca, Mount Carmel Church, New Bedford, conduct the session, whicll will end with a question periOd. and social hour. . 'd' 1
that, all decorative accessories ally the person will have a ill dime stOres, or even in worthwhile creche. e 1 us i v e 'art Don't Overcrowd lIhops, are.good Some people have as their design. Some only aim the biggest collection fIf' them·, are possible. What :to do with ,one'.. · irery bad in.,. , treasured collections and other, ,'4eecJ;None of decorative p()ssessions is some· .. should sperid times a problem. Remember al• moneY,for. ugli... ways that they are intended to . Christl"!laS Fu n Appea BeiIs,: and at>add beauty to a room, not to, :. For ~ East German Poor Iiur<iities. ',' give it. a clu~(ered appearance ;, FREIBERG (NC) _ A Chri. " It is 'best' to : or involv.e hours of work. hi mas 'fund appeal has bee. · J ~ 'a e '. these dusting and caring for them. launched here to assist the Ge"';' People who brag of' tbeir ,.. man poor )Jehind 'the Iron eu..- .ti'ociiies~ight' - in the shop' and .', ' large numper of hor,ses, dolls " tat;;rider the motto "SOS East,• , .lend Cous~nSue a jar of your or figurines, often fin!! them.. hOJIlein'ade jam. Whatever the' selves' in this situation. Do not the German Caritas organiza' : priCes :of .uch ,'ati<;~ities, be allow' walls; tables, mantel or PLAN DANCE: Daniel J. McGrath, left, dance chair- ' tion here has started a Chris\-they . five cents or twenty-five desk to become overcrowded' man for' ,Holy Family Alumni,Al:lsociation, New 'Bedford, mas aid campaign for the poOl" 'dOllarS; tbey are expensive, be- with collections. If you bllve ' in East Germany. In its appeal c8usethey are a waste of money. ' more items ilian - you can di&-' checks ticket sales with Mrs. John B. Shea, Jr., and Arnold to'the German people, the CatbIf you' are planning to give a play advantageously at one time, Manghan, association president. Dance, to be held Dec. ,28, olic charities organization said lift for the, house, choose it rotate them. . will benefit the school's scholarship fund. ·that it receives 3,000 letters 01. · ,wisely. The choice of goa<! acPerhaps repeating a ,conv~rsaI , ' n ' 'ap~als monthly at its center' , cessories does not depend upon tion we overheard in· a store·E I h ' ,.our pocketbook. It depends up- - will beSt' illustrate our point ere. - your taste. There are dozens about the absurdities we hope "New Bedford D of'l 01. articles which serve as decyou'll 'avo!d during ChristmaS Hyacinth Circle 71, New Bedorative accents on mantels, gift-buying trips. W ~SHINGTON. (NC) - Re-, ~gum~d·"in 1939 when ,'IUshop 'ford Daughters of Isabella, 'wiB tables, bookca!Jes, desks· and In :this particular store, there ~ectmg .the ,progr?ss of the np,- .. .Joseph Kiwanuka of Masaka. be- '.' be represented at the annual chests. ' , was an attractive display of well- ... ti.ve clergy 1D AfrIca, the ~.h.te .came the first Africarib'ishop of. 'state convention Jan. 9 and·lO ia ~What do you suggest?" you chosen glasswa~e. Ne:lttto' it ',Fathers of Africa have turned', modern times. ,';', ' , "Boston by Miss Natalie Ferreir-a ask. You might give a vase, a was a flying duck carl')'ing ar- over the ninth African diocese in '. . and 'Mrs. 'Julia Morris. ' " cagarette box, an ash tray, can,,: tHidal flowers on -its back; plus 20 years for administration' by " to dlesticks, a clock, or similar .ob- a high price tag. A person, stand- '. ~ African hierarchy and jeCts..Chosen w.ith ~are, these. ing beside us said, "How absUrb, clergy. COME IN,'--SEE ~nd 'DRIV'E ac;~ess~ri~s .inar. ad:<i ~ the no respec~ble duck would fly Father J. . Alfred 'Richard, Mauty. of it roo,n. ~ey 'may around with flower. sprouting , _1_ 01.. . btr . t U I . . W.F., U. S. prQvincial of the -, . course, su ,ac. g y, from its back." It's accessories :Whi~Fathei's, l18 id . that tu~n-; ....~World·s' Mo~' Bea~fully.·Propo';ti~n8d Ca.... ·' j ~SsY; ~gaudY:~'decoraiive acces:..' ~:·'oi,·tbia-·tYPe· too .sho'Uld.iIIvoiCL inC over of the Diocese of Wa , ' . .. .' , cit:, ....IOties" 'as are .often featured·at ,.' .. ,. , , ' . Chris~as.' tilrie; can make '. the First 'American Women Ill· Ghana, ~bich the Whi~ .. ,,~t,'of rooms lQOk' cheap aii~'-' '., ' , . . .',., I'atberll, formerly administerf;d, . , a'dinary: A few iOodacces-' Tak~Coml1lu"'tyYow~, ,"mark's another milestoile in the ! lOiies ciul make :an ordinary', 'MIDDLETQWN, . (NC) ~ The. "progre~ Of the ¥r1¢aii Chu~ch,,; , ft.oui, more interesting; ' , . 'first ,An1eiican member. ~of ;U;ae The first· diocese turned over . .. 'FORD' DEA~~RS:'fOR"OVER'38 YEARS-' '.,: '" "','DbDe :StGi'e' FiDdll' -, ..•.' Fr'anciScan Missionarie. 01. ist. -. Dative clergy by' the White , . Good design .and: Color, a're"'Joseph, 'also known as· the ~iB Pathers wall the Diocese of Ma,,13,44-,86 Purcha;'St> , '~".' . Bedford, ~ 80 'longer confined tc) exclusive . Hill· Sisters, 'have made' their saka ill Uganda.' The turnover art .sti>res 'and gift shops. Very I first profeSsion of religious "Owtl , ,ilice. e.xlWlPles' of pleas~ng de- here ill Connecticut. I. . . , 'agn' and;'harmoriious Color c~n' They are Sisters M. There. be 'found, in dime stores. We've' Bernadette 01. Middl~town ilDd even piCked 1JP some nice smaU, !IJ~. John Francis of 'Cebu CitY, , acCessories in the SI.lper market. Philippine Island.. Both lIeived Don't be afrid ~ ,unprovise. l'v.',thelr postulancy and novitiate' at , ".en ivy:gtowing oilt 'of .. cider: .. temporary novitiate here. The" bottle, for ,instance.: It· -Was a : congregation has juSt established eopy . of an' early Amedc~n. bo\-- a perrrianent Airieriean novitiate . tie, ,and filled, with', ivy'·' and' in the Diocese ,of Albany. Mother placed, in the right'lIpc>t it wu: M. EamonD, MO,ther General 01. dlliuning. ' tbe congregation, came here SOmetimeS doting, relatives trom England for the ceremony. pla~ to start, a coilectioii.for 'Simultaneously with the proyouiig perSon. While collecting . fession ceremonies, IS' AfriCan :." • a wonderful hobby, it should: . 'young women received the habit ~ ,~membered th~t yo~,. )~of. the eong~egation II!t the A.-· *iver,'as well as the ,recipi~~t, Sumbi .DOvitiate ill. 'K~n:ra Col, will have m'ore fun if yoU col:.. eIl7, East Africa. . i :)
. CI;.ergy . .xpan'd"Ing N' a t'"lye. Af neon Re I'leye A mencan' ' 'M·' ., Issioners
THE .16'0 ,FORDS
6. "Party-Perfect" Holiday ;,Desserts!•.'
: lect
.;: ,;'
\-" Suppose you 'plan. to start '.a, ,Telephone Dial Puz~les' ~Hd OD, a' Nath;ity' iet. 'Tilil W h' . ...' , ean'be a wonderlulgift.by start,:. , as mgton .Youngsters · ~,"~a~be:iOr t~ :,~·st,,\~e~,.' .WASffiN<;TON (NC) - • with: onlythe.Blessed .Mother, WM quite/ an experieDCle tar and the Christ Child. Juatthese . ,:Mrs. .Jobn D. Wa~n. " iwo figures, IUrrou. nded bipiDe ',' "Ber telephone number .. LA. 't:.586e and the number f« :. . Start' Priest _Fouil'der'.: new telephoned "Lives eI. Cbe , ..' Saints" here' iI· LA: 8-58Oe. ' .,: Beatification Pr6cess .::' Mrs. ' WatsOn . 'received '"at ". ROME, (NC) -,-,' A'procelil least ,1reall. in, one day from , looking: . tOward • the :' possil'>le ' minor key voice~r· who were' · beatification, of a priest~founderpuzzled because she didn't tell· . eI. two .religious, communities ,them abOut the day'. saint. : 'Deen started here on the'. ' TheCatholie Standard, archlocal level.' ,'diocesan newSpaper, caJQe to ,the A solemn ".inquiry into. th~' tile'" rescue.. • Rome of Giovanni Calabria "Kiddies," it said in a fronthas been' opened· by the Rome ' page notj.ce, .!<to 'dial zero, ,put vicariate. Father Calabria' died ,TOur 1ln.ger .in the last openinc , . only in 1954,', .and' :;two· of'hil on· the dial; not the sixth." I ' brothers were pr'eSerit at the , ' ". The 'sixth opening containi! the ceremonial' opening. .. :eapital letters M. N. and the; . Father Calabria;- born 'in'1873, ,··;eause' of· Mrs. Watson'. i founded the Poor Servants apd :eapi,tal O. . i· the Poor Handmaids of Divine: , ,,"; ..... I ' Providence. , ; , . Foresters Party ! ,_ . , .. Notre Dame 'and' Sauval' 'Infant ,of Prague, ,Courts 01. the Catholic Order 01. Members of the rnfant '01. 'Foresters- will hold- a cllildten'. Prague GuIld, St. Mary's Horne. : Chl-istmas ..party' at 1 Surid~y· New Bedford,. will sponsor'.:. ,afternoon, Dec. 20 at Harmony cake sale at the Star Store SatHouse, Fall River. Gifts, games, . urday, Jan. 16. Mrs. FrariCis ,movies and refreshments are OIl , . Sheehan' and Mrs. Edward the progi-am. MrS-Mildred CaA.-. Cloutier are' 'oo:'chairmen.,:, . , ,tm' is chairman.' , " ,-_ ..... . "
LIght' ancl coldea lponge., ak" ' lueefoue JJoodPeaeh lee Cream and l~:l!u'rioui raspberry toppiq ••• all 708 do ia 'l1ice and
. ,'"
' .. , '"
" .','.11
, Claret 84mee. eomel right ,with 'ereamy "Hood Sultana' Roll Serve the, ,roll topped wi~hC1a", S.uee,-ExoticJ· Yet; 10 us,' for you. . .'''',
I ;~
. .. ~
, "
1000 CAKE IOU" , ;;- Sud'y chocolate eake swirled wiUl cream, vanilla ice cream.
... has
* *.
11000 SlIMIlY SHERIET , • , A delightful eombinabon 01. raspbel'r,.· pineapple and lim. alHlrbet. '.
LUXURIOUS HOOD NUT,ROU Bright reel center 01· atrawberry
puree nestled in creamy vanilla, then Ii layw ;;., maple walDut lee cream. Flavorful!
HOD IOUQIIET CUPS , ,', Smooth vanilla ice '. 'cream topped with rieh chocolate sauce, " decorated with ..cand, sprinkles.·' indi-' .' , , mual cupa per.boJt.' \
see your
uw •• '. nClTt..... " flln.-IIIS MAil IAwsor Itlil IIU.... '.'.31 P. '.;
Dachshund Pups":Make"~ouse ,Mecca of Neighborhood Kids
.rhurs., .Dec. 17, 1959 Thurs., Dec. 10, 1959
Governor Greets Bishop-Designate
By Mary Tinley Daly Magoo came to our house last Spring, has become a . 'member of :the household; Who is Magoo? Physically, she's 'iwo-dogs-Iong, half-a-dog-high, a dachshund. She is sable ,brown in color with the characteristic "Doxie" pointed nose, 'cleanly slick coat and liquid ing children of all ages to ask, 'bro'wn eyes that really com- "C'n we see the' puppies, ,lnunicate. Emotionally, she's Ma'am?" lOund. Should the house be Only when accompanied by
MANCHESTER (NC) - Gov. Wesley Powell has extended his greetings to Bishop-designate Ernest J. Primeau, a Chicago priest who has been named spiritual leader of New Hampshire's 217,000 Catholics. The Governor said in a telegram to the Bishop-designate that he extends "my personal greetings and all good wishes for every happiness and accomplishment in this great honor which has come to you." Greetings to Bishop-elect 'Primeau also came from Rt. Rev. Charles F. Hall, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire, Rev. Harold Dimit, president of the Greater Manchester ~ederation of Churches (Protestant) and Rabbi Jacob HandleI' of. Temple Israel, .Manchestel', among others. he said.
fire, Magoo ~ould retreat a family .member will Magoo to a safe distance and enjoy permit visitors - and then onl7 tile warmth. from a far distance. Keen as they Exemption was tp.ade, on Maaake 'em, Magoo's part, when the eldest four 100 has more grandchildren' came. The four dip 1 0 m'a tic little people-Lu Anne, Deirdre, tricks than the Sean, Maura - formed a circle .triped pants around the puppies in the basboys" with an ket, Magoo reigning queen. Two mnate knack of pairs of brown eyes, two pairs making friends of blue, stared in fascination at tIlat many a the six tiny' puppies, wriggling CARDINAL AND. FOUNDRESS: Amleto Cardinal p f ~ sid e nand squirming. Five-year old ,&1 candidate Deirdre stretcl:led forth both Cicognani, former"Apostolic pelegate to the United States, . 'eould emu18te. hands and tenderly encupped a takes formal possession of his title as protector of the Society . t e c h n i c Ii 1tiny puppy, lifted it onto her of Catholic Medical Missionaries as Mother Anna Dengel, Say Women's Congress '., Markie's dog,' having beeIl 18p. M.D., foundress and Superior General, presents him with the , liven her by a friend a~igned "Grand'ma," she whispered, Is Marxist-Inspired to long overseas duty, MagGO'. "He's so soft, so little and tiny symbols of his title, a bell and a copy of the constitutions SANTIAGO (NC)-Delegates of the-Congregation. NC Photo. ant allegiance is to Markie. . . . " Deirdre pressed the' silky from 44 Chilean organizations Each morning, when she' sipa coat of the baby puppy against withdrew from the committee that last cup of coffee and pre- her own rosy cheek. "Ni-i-ice being organized here by the pares to leave the house, Ma- puppy." Deirdre rocked back Latin American Congress of 100 lies flat on the kitchen and' forth, legs crossed as she Women on grounds that it fa '8001' and wails, pathetic symbol .; sat .on the basement floor. T h e ' . ' . . ,'. .' .~ about-to-be-abandoned dog- puppy went sound asleep, ~on,,;, ROME (NG) - Amleto Cartector was then read.' Following Marxist-inspired. For' the 'same reason Mrs. «10m. ,As Markie takes off," there fident that he had found a dinal Cicognani t'ook solemn this, Mother Dengel knelt, before ... the. final tragic wail. ." friend. possession of his title as Pro- . him and presented the cardinal Elena Pablo de Troncoso, mem. , tector of the Medical 'Mission with a copy of the society's con- .'ber of Chile's Catholic Action, Minute the back door closes If a canine could smile, Mama M" 'li ta'l Sisters and called the society's stitution and a, bell, symbolic and Mrs. Maria Teresa del Canto, _ Markie, Magoo brightens liP agoo was smn ng, I wag1 't t h h t .. , d t t aki . t ' ,. ging, brown eyes serene'. new papa s a us te appy ou - . ' of the protector's power to call former Mayor of Santiago, declined their nominations as vice,lID sal' s m ng. up 0 ,me. . ' . come of "more than 30 years sisters to'its observance. presidents of the committee.. tile. cook. There Just may; be ." .. A.: li~e cQllfi~en~e. wh,en qm-. 'of a bold experiment." In his remarks which followed tIOme scraps of bacon and, egg ny brought some frIends to see, .' h' . '. . ' , ., , this 'brief 'ceremony, the Carleft over? And the milk that. ' the ·pups. S"n.si,ng ,the frien,dly. ... T Ae congre.gaho.n, fOl,1nd ... D I W h ..edt by . dinal reviewed the history of A Delicious .&innydidn't have time to: fln-" atmosphere, Magoo' let' Ellen, ur, ~naenge m., ..a~, ng, on,: the society and compared it to' ish? Pro tem. I'm the queen in Clifford, Chrissie O'Neill, 'BUs- , ~"C"."In 1925. as al?lOus. so- ,the work of Christ who pre-' Treat Magoo's life. sie Sansoucy ~nd Harriet Hun-, CI~ty, was . g,ran~ed,. p,!?ntlfj.cal pared men to receive the Gospel ljtatlls by Pope John Iast June. B u t t a k e th ose scraps tossed g erford pet the puppies. No 'It ,. tl . 'd 't " 1 by first curing their sick. bel' way carelessly? Not M .. greater tribute to human beings' recen l' move I s genera Addressing the SI'sters pres'. a..o o . . motherhouse from Philadelphia Vnless they are piled in neat kmd?ess. . ent, he counseled them "to keep . C th Rome. .' I tIOnformahon into her spe~ial arne e ques. t'Ion 0"f n~mes. to Austrian~born Dr. Dengel, the ru e and the rule will keep plate .and. accomp~~ied by. a ~ f,ar, they have b~en "the five . who as' superior general be.came you," then added the assurance OR ~,he. head and ~ Good Magoo Dig ones. and the runt. .Mother Anna . Dengel, guided of his prayers for the Sisterll or Nice doggie, Magoo ~rna "They ought to be called the community. through its early whom he called "guardian angels tbem. "something," the Visitation freshyears _ when .canon law still of the multitudes for their spirBorn in East Germany, Magoo, men agreed. Together, the first barred, Relig.ious from practicing itu;al and material welfare." with her former mistress, by year Latin scholars came up medicine - through to its pres-, erossed t~e ocean. five times anei' ~i.~. the solution: . , .. ", .ept".p',ontifical X:~,cognJtioll" NEW, ENGLAND bas assoc~a~ ,Wlth"P1~':~ ~)': :,: Smpe t1w moth.er i,~ Mag~o, ~ . . As: .the·Medical Mission Sis-;' , .... , ." . ,,_ dogd~m, Including pooch of the the ,~pokesman~ ~I~,. W~y ,not "iters w.ork.mostly. jn,the".missio~:'·, . , ' ,,: Duke 'and Duchess "of Windsor. call em a' LatmconJugahon -"territories, they: ,·.are .subject. to" , Somewhere along'the line, -MIl- Magoo, Magas,Magot; Magamus, the Sacred Congregation for the '.'. " flOG !V~S indoctrinated with.,the Magatis an~ l\{a~ant?".'c',PropagatiQn.or t he Faith which Ev'e'~ ;S~~day ~ $2.95 pijilosophy that "the gift with.. ' 'r~atthey 'shall"'~' uritllul..; .' 'represented by One of its'" inclu,ding' ~ A live Lobster oUt the giver is bare," and she .timate: owners decIde other- . consultors' Bishop Jari",Smit. The.,,, ,"... makes it very plain. ~o beggar, IWis~.!:: . Medical Mission Sisters have a .. , " , '... THE . ~agoo .,- rather, .. a valu~, ' .' foundation in BiShoP;::SIllit's na-" . pest, . Seminary Fun Drive tive Holland. ' , . Coggshall Bridge, Fairhaven Ask foe' The~ Today : .TJ1ough· she we!comes. home· Tops 'Mark 'in'- Bu.Halo' ··:~,"'Everi the datiiof'the ceremony' ~~~~~~~~'.~,~'~~ ~h returnee. at. end of .day ,BUFfALO, (NC) _ The Di- was ~erfect,. the feast of St'."'r·_ _........ ..... ........__...... ....._ ..... With muc~ yIppIng, '~' r~al ocese of Buffalo's drive fQr $2,.... F~an.ciS XaVIer, patron of the",,· , ,. welcome IS for Markle. Mm- 500 000: to 'build a newmaj6r ' m I S S I O n s . · '" ,'.,. • tes befo~~ .;:.e hear M.arkie's se~inary has been oversub~ Ceremony in Chapel cheerful HI. Magoo IS en- scribed by, 77 per cent.. Bishop Durfng the I impr~'ssive cere-, ~onced. at the bac~ d~,. her Joseph A. Burke of Buffalo said ~ony, Cardin;:tl eicogani was firm ~Il c18p-clap-c18Pl?mr on the one week campaign, netted _ enthroned in the chapel of the at the kitchen linoleum. LIfe goes a total of $4,418,321.58. society's general curia. The . . very serenely for ,her. Construction on the· diocese's . document appointing him pro~ of last week, there are first major seminary is sched. ellS lib:: little Magoos at our house--. uled to start next Spring. It , . 011.
Cardinal C.icognani Now Protector Of Me·d,·cal M·,ss·,on S,·sters Soc·,e' ty
C L ,A, 'M" B ,A K' E
Made'Rite Chips
"Save -With Safety" New Bedf . . ord''.& A hnet C&-operative Banks . ,
Doxie puppies aboJIt.flve inches' will be fintiihed by the Fall of : long, same, ~le. bro~ ~~, .'1~1, T)Je se~inary will ~ de~-' , ' : . . . . . , ~ tightly closed, fur. coats' .satin)"iCa~' iCS St.' John Vianney;'''tlle' : ,.. '" .. ;. lIIloo,th,:,.. T,her ,~~~li;,gl,e ~~C!,' ,~iI11t ~,:Ms;'anp..p.a~!>n"of.PaJ;::-" ': .; "'. ,,' CO., L, . llSWllliAM ST. NEW BEDFQRD, ;MA~S .. 8Praw~mgly, trymg, ,tQ 'JD:ll~~" ish priests,'; .: '." : ".i :",,: . ""'~ I.li ",,';'.•': ',';': . ' : ' ....-------~-----~-.o'!!----~~,.J their; ,t~~..,c;!.o':lengths.,j>Il,,~nT.j'Mi.':) . , " , ,:.' ,.', .... ;.. .' '" ': ~., quarter-mch legs. Maternally, "",,' "Ca,mp- Party , ,",' '.:. , ,gi,ye,~'" :""" .... Ma~oo pr?tects ~er Cathedral;C~mp b.OYs :wiUat..,., :_ J agamst foreIgn· inv8S1o~..... ' tend a Christmas celebration , - , " / Needless to say, our house Monday afternoon, Dec. 28 at : 365 NORTH FRONT STREET: bas l?ecome a mecca for n~igh- Kennedy Youth Center New # . E' , borhood chi1dren. Day after day, .. ', Bedford. Camp mov.ies and slides: N W 'BEDFORD , .. soon as school is out, w~ ,can will be shown arid emblems and: WYma~' 2"5~34 : expect groupa of lunchbox-tot- trophies presl7lJ.ted.';· '- ," # :. ',: • • :.:,. =
neotlnq O.ls and Burners :,..
:':'.' _"THIS. CItRI§TM.{\S
Christmas' Play Stars '. Doli in Window'
ii'lIIIi'iiI'·.··- - - -
" . . . .- - - - - - - - - - -. . .
A ChJ.'ist~s drama, "Don iII,., ibe Window" will lie offered .bY the Catholic Theatre Guild Of New Bedford at 6:30 Sunday night, Dec. 20 over New Bedford adio. , " " . .' ,i,· Wr.i'tt~A ~i ~lie~ Gaugh@n,:~," play deals~with ,a groc~ry ,own;.;,: ,,; .. whose decision to place"a'dollr ':, In his window at Christmas time Jeads to various' 'complications.
:., .
k Wor in a Factory, . Garagei Machine Shop or '. ""Gaso'ine Station? 0
,,1",We . pick.iJ~p ·:arid"d~lil."er. clean
and.. repair. overalls.. Also. we have "P;:'c'iinp!ete :Ii~e '01 ~o~'r.alls. Pants .and Shirtsfor·'sc..e.' ,:, ';>0 We reelai.,. and wash any oily, ;', ,dtl1Y;:Qr,. ~teaGY ,rogs. ,!::"',' W~y
Junior 0 of I to Carol New Bedford Junior Daughters of Isabella will otter a pro;..-am of Christmas·' carols at ':30 Saturday night, Dee. Ii» over New Bedford radio. Mrs. C!:lare P.WoodruJI,: will direct tbe pooup.
Atte"t;on Mechanics!
Buy W,hen We Supply
2~ Roward 'Ave.• New Bedford ..heme WY, t-6Ut or WY 9-6«25
.• for'an, amount 'OU wish • for anytime In 19• • for ail, ,number of ,21Iuropea. countries The most exciting gift you've ever 'given t The TrIp-toEurope Gift Certificate comes in a handsome container t;l) put under the Christmas tree. No definite travel p1aD8 needed now. Come in today.
FALL RIVER TRAVEL' BUREAU . HenryJ. FElitelberg. Treas. .' OSborne 5-7401
THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 1i, 1959
Pledges !Exceed Richmond Goal
Form Committee To Combat Smut On Newsstands
RICHMOND (NC)-Catholica in the Richmond diocese have pledged $6,378,556 to a drive to ,build a minor seminary and aid .parishes, topping by more than ,$~,OOO,OOO a goal of $4,500,000. Mote than $1,500,000 will be used for the projected 81. John Vianney minor seminary in a 'Richmond suburb. All parishes outside Richmond will retain the . amount above 50 per cent of their' original goal. In Richmond itself, 70 per cent is earmarked toward the Iinanc':', ing of a Catholic hospital. This comes to about' $661,500. Ten per cent goes for the seminary and parishes retain 20 per cent of the goal and anything over it. Bishop John J. Russell told final report meeting in Sacred Heart Cathedral high school that he was "flabbergasted" by the response of the diocese's 152,860 Catholics. The' See's 31,590 square miles embrace most of Virg10ia and---eight counties in . West Virginia. Some 2,580 vol.• unteer workers took part in the drive. .
SPRINGFIELD (NC)-A group of Springfield citizens has' organized to rid newsstands in this Illinois city of
indecent literature. Called the' Springfield Citizens for M9ral Decency, 'the committee is headed by Mrs. Virginia Ostermeier 'and includes representatives from religious, school, fraternal, government and civic groups. The gioup met at the i,nvitation of Mayor Lester E. Collins who has received many coIJ,lp~aints on the growing voluJDe, of Indecent magazines and pa'per back books on the newsstands. ' Compile List The committee head said that ' one of the first steps was to compile a listing of,173 publications as objectionable. Members visited several newsstands" some within a half block of city gnlde ' ' schools, and determined that it is common' practice to display Medical 'Missior,'lers this type of literature within the " ' " Planning Fo'undation' sight and reach of youths, Mrs. . Ostermeier said. 'POPE ,HL~S~ES ~GNUS .DEI DI$KS: .rope. .fohn XXIII, wearing; alb and gremial; F~MING~A!d (NC:) ~ A'~ Mrs. Ostermeier said the com- dipsw'~xen·Agnus Dei ,disks into basin of water mixed with chi'ism, and balsam, The ~erI~a?, m~dlcal . mlsslona~y' , mittee has drawn u . . t d' k h' h·b . , , ., f th 'L 'b f' G d . b "th p" •• , " ' ' . " . commumty founded 10 1952 WIll program to cleim- u~at~~~~~~_ ,IS S,'W Ie ,', ear.anlmpreSSlOn 0 ' earn 0 0 , ,areglv~n' Y'" ~ , ope to vlsltor~,as estaillish its first mission foun.tands~ Tl).~ programc~lls for: keepsakes; NG Photo. '. ,. , " . ' , ""', '" '" ",':." ',' .,:":' datton in about '18 months ac~; , Launching an education~lpro' ! ' , .. .. cording to Father Edward F. gram to inform the.,com~uriit~ InterracialEducatlon~ (}are~cl)e, S.J., ~ounder of tht! of the danger of this material in ' '. ' ...,'", ," .. :,;", Sons' of Mary, Health of the its midst: implementing the " ST., LOUIS ~. (j~>lC)~~'Cathoiic,' ,for Catholic lay organizations to . white, .racially exclusive" sub:- "Sick. He' saiti the Massachu~ city's anti-orClinance or devel- ,schools ,across the ,country, must~, .exclt\de iroiri,.:ni~inbershi{)"thei'r', 'urb,s' grow around: Tliis'".is, an",' . setts'" community is, developing oping new' ordinances if it is integrate;, must seek: out ,and ac- ,. fellows,iritheMystica!,BodY·· of, ". into~erable ,situation which "V:;~'" , at a 'l'ate' which wfll permit it to 'inaaequate; 'enlisting endorse- 'cept: Negro:chHdren," the Caih:'" ,Chri~t/: " , ,.,' ' . ::, , ' 0 ' must 'not: all~w. to becomea'n ,,:,':~ena ,its first members into 'mis'" ment and support of all civic, ,olic ,,Interracia(,Council "'01,81: ':, Scandal to Catholics ,~~~~ic~n patt(!rn."".. " sion fields some time in 1961." eultural' and religious groups; Lo~~r:~sisto;d:~ruitfUI.field~'~; , ":parish 9~ganizatio~s i~ areas, ,"'i ".' promoting the reading .of good "action for .Catholic interracial of neighborhood 'racial, change' '" booksowners and 'magazines; conferring. 'gr,ouP' s' .as,we,ll·as.for_. school 'sys': mU$t what ,1, "SON~'S with of· local newsstands d' a I th"begin ." totorealize .' fine, Negro 'C"scantems;" Matthew Ahmann, ey .gIve ath-' / " and magazine racks regarding' sista,nt director of, the Chicago 0'I'ICS Wh en' th ey .exc Iu d e them their part in this campaign, and Catholic Inte'rracial Co'uricil, de- fro. om mem b ers h'lp, "h e sal. 'd "0'n requesting the Mayor ,to specify dared at a Communion break..: , the, con' t ' much goo d 'wou Id (Mac Gregor Brand) rary, be d one' th e Ch'urc h b y rea'd y ' a day or week for special em- fast 'of the '81. Louis 'cou.ric.il. phasis on the subject. .. "In commu'nitie's with de facto' accep t ance 0f N egroes w h'0 h ave newly moved into a neighborschools segregation 'because of hood." , ' .. \ . . ' . residential· patterns,. Catholic :' 'Mr. Ahmann sal'd 'that 'the bl'g,'WINNING FAVOR WITH' IT$ FLAVOR Continued from Page One I sc h i ' k' , , · .. , . 'de 00 s c,an se.eout N~gro stu-, gest, fl'e'Id, for C·atholl'C l'n'ter-' limitations on: license' of·" the' . .n t s an d h e Ip t h em ~ttend t~ese ,racial' efforts is that of. housi"ng' SOTASTY>-' SO,: DOWNRI(;HTGO()D , 50: LEAN press." schools,'" Mr. Ahmann continued~"" ". " , "". , '. " ' , 'I;:, Pope John :was referring ,in -rhis will be good fot the Negro ""andp.eighborhood life. . . ' . , : _,:,' : bis talk to "scandal r~porting children; it will be' good for 'the '. , "Many , :o(~il~'· ciiie's~', h~ Said, " and the like," the paper 'said. It white children... Wemusfhelp "a.re becomirigihcr'easingly non-" I . . ,!' I ~t Food' Stores in . .... . said he was talking about pub- ., our schools develop programs'of white 'in:,po.p~~~t~on,:wbile a~~:" -: ':'So':'thEastern lishing which violates the mbrill "iDte'rracial' education, assisted by ":'" . ,," la~. . interracial assoCiatioQ, or .our Mac Gregor Ma~chusetts ASic Many Folks doi'lot ,know, we : '"',' . - ~ .~-- ....:The Pope had said "It is not '.ehildren will riot:' be able' to do BRAND . FOR IT .' lawful for the press, under the' the job we expect them to do.'~
:'Catholic ,Sch 9QlsM'ust'Develop
DA'V'. I' D'"
'as- .
'p'ope " on p ress
:·,jU.$T ;, "
'hq~e':"o~~!,~d.,ttPu~" :',",
pretext that it must be free, to Mr. Ahmann also calied atieri-" ,'New"',Location··' assail 'daily and'systematically, 'tiolito otper IlpIi~:res' in~ wiii~h the, religious · •.aQ~ 1l10ral well:-' 'interraciai justice should be pro""' :{:} ~:. '~:I$ .~. ".J! t~ / ' , ~.;' 'being of humanity. Ail financial moted by Catholics.' : .,. . .' and news considerations must be . . Pleasant&', U"ion';'Str~ts ' '. - .. .ubOrdinated .'to' these' tia'Sic. ", He termed !~~"grave~c~~dal" 'New'Bedford':' laws."'., , He said that, while a fr~pr:ess OTTA.:: (N~r)ec.,~o:~ather-' must inform the public and even . iOmetimes form public opinion, ~eter A. Neariilg; of' An,tigon-' . "" it cannot be left free to· ·~deform. ,ish, N.:;;., has l?een nam~d' di-. LEATHER GOODS since 1877 '. ':', public opinion.'" . _ ,.rector of t~e C?a~adi~ri ~atholi~. Speaking of the attitude., of. , Conference S SOCIal ~ctIon. deCatholics in criticizing the press,,· partm~nt, to 'succeed Msgr.. " th~ Pope~id t~lliL they ',should ,,':z:an~ls J. Srt1Y~, ~lsofr9m..J\n:' not'.be afraid of the charge that . tigomsh. . they 'are scrupulous or that they I ~--.;..-----_..;..-~ exMgerate. He said it is pri- , '. : ..... " marily up to Catholics to make 'r • ';:or Your' Prot~diolt. every effort to create a decent BUY;~o!""" .' pr~ss. All they should f~ar in .""llI this respect is the sin of omisCOMPLETE r sion, he declared. ' . It,was pointed out by one obLAUNDRY 'SERVICE 132 Rockdale Ave. server of Vatican affairs that, 64 HICKS STREET . New Bedtord. without diminishing the force of NEW· BEDFORD the Pope's words as they apply WYman 3-4777, WY 5·7947' to: the press throughout' t h e , ' - ' , 09+t+CHo-HI>+O+O>. . . . .t+CI>+t-N . .\ world, two important facts .. should be .borne in mind: first; 'XlRl«ICtCtCl$lIilClCtCtCtelllCre_iclC~rRlClCIlClll~relClC_ic" the Pope was speaking. to a group of Italian jurists. Se~ond, the press with which the Pope is most inti1Dately familiar ,is the. From the' 'songs o~ 019; 'th,cit 't~lI. .' SAVINGS ACCOUNTS • AUTOMOBILE LOANS Italian press. ' . • REGULAR ¢!iECKING • APPLIANCE LOANS L'Osservatore noted that the ACCOUNTS · '. HOME REPAIR LOANS Pope's talk of Dec, 8 was severely'·' . o!Christmas joy, 'comes a' m~s~ • SPECIAL CHECKING • COMPLETE TRUST ACCOUNTS attacked by the Italian communDEPARTMENT SERVICES • BUSINESS LOANS ist, Ilress. Questioning the right '. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES ~age that is ,always ,new: love • PERSONAL. LOANS . . . ..... · • DRIVE·IN BANKING of. a communist paper to talk .' abolJt freedom of the press, L'bsservatore said that "the and joy for you and yours• . communist 'concept is not· that· , S e . r t l l n g : T h eCommflnity Since 1825 of:a"modern liberal and demoeratic state such as. is· provided,. ' ', .. , . ,. . : , 1; -
'P,E'ARl LA'U· ..... DR'y'
",' '. Lo.ok for this sign ~. for·.. Complete One~Stop : Ba~king Service
~0~6 I~~~anc~:~~~~~ono~;::'
, *,'~".' , a.,'. ti,anal
. . rises. to the defense' of that con:' .. .... ". . stihltion which by the freedom . PlATE GLASS SERVICE· it : grants 'communi~Ip" allows -, ~6'.COT:TAGE,STREET .....",Yn 5-738.' .' NEW BEDFORD'; eo~m.~nil!m. to·pz:eJ;lare :.the ' g o v - . . ,_ :.\ .. ,. ,;'. .." .. , : . . . " . ,.,"
. .::
.. '... BAN
:':,,:55 NO~T.H MAIN· ST. . 'L~k f~r~hl.( •.lgn,~~('Y0.d!,rri banking servlc•
. "",~:.:: :.;. '~~~~~f~~:~1~t~~~st:~;1~ '1::1;~~~7~t?~~~,·~.l';,~;s;~',t~·f'·~<!'·'"~~·'r~:'i:-'''·''' '::""!!"''''~: ..~''''·''''~'hl:''i;,.·'~W''~t'' ,,~,~~.; ,,;;~.!," '(;~'~;"~: ;'~'::'~'~;~~~ ~". ::""5>';;'P~:;:;;":'~ ;~;~*:.:~e;~::,~:';;~;~~",;;~,~:~~~~-;,,:;,:':'>:~ ':~~~':: ~::~~: "";': ,;,.:':, ',/
Stresses Proper Public Attitude Toward Aged
THE ANCHORThurs" Dec. 17, 1959
Move$ t!'@ ~~mbct Doctor 5)~@[['tage
MIAMI (NC)-The nation's main problem in dealing with the aged is to develop the proper public attitude toward them, according to the Miami diocesan director of Catholic Charities. "The emphasis which we as a nation have placed on youth seems to have led 'us to slight the older members of our society," Father Bryan O. Walsh said in testifying before a U. S. Senate subcommittee studying problems of the aged and aging. "At the present time it would seem as if our senior citizens are relegated to the category of 'excess baggage,'" Father Walsh told the subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. . "Provision for the comfort ~nd . security of aged people should b. AFTER NINE YEARS; Alexsander Czyrko, his Wife Gis.el~, and their two children, a matter of pride for the family· Gabriela Ilona, G,and Ines Wanda, 2, are greeted on their arrival at International Airport, N.Y., after nine .years spEmt in various refugee camps in Germany, by Msgr. John lng the existence of the aging F. McCarthy, assistant executive director of Catholic Relief Services - National Catholic group in our society as a burden, 'Welfare Conference, the agency which arranged for the family to come to America and "e must see it as a challenge," found a home for the family and a job for Mr. Czyrko. NC Photo. Grateful Duty ,
WASHINGTON (NC ) Georgetown University will start a new t:esearch program to help produce more physicians and dentists. . The univer.sity will give 20 students an opportunity to do resea~ch work next Summer at its schools of medicine and dentistry, The students will be selected from the District of Columbia and metropolitan area high schools, . The students will participate as members of various teams actively engaged 'in research in some basic or clinical science. The teams will gel)erally include, in addition to the high school student and faculty investigators, a medical or dental student research fellow.
;~s~rs~~:' ~~:~~~it~{r~;~~~~
The total number of graduates needed by 1975 is approximately 3000 above the 7,410 graduates forecast by the American Medical Association.
San Franciscan Says Shadow of Fear ·Blackens Africa
"Instead of looking at i,t as' unfortunate problem, we must. .. . ..' . see it as the graief':ll d~ty of t.hf,l· '.: S:AN. J:RAN~ISCO (NC.)-U:n- , as elepqant herds. People think:" things out before the whole confamily and the'community," he' . der. the. blaz!ng. sun of black 'Nairobi is a village of huts tinent is .stirred up." " addlid. . .' ." :,:'" AfrIca,. men lIve I~ a shadow of in reality is has ~ver ,100,~00 "A Praetoria professor who Father Walsh told the s·ub- ... fear, says Ms~r. V1Oce~t J. Mc- ~eopl~. At a CatholIc unIversIty. calls himself Praetorious has 'tt th t th Ch h h ' . Carthy, archdIOcesan dIrector of 10 the Congo I saw the latest, written a book that is getting CORum ee. ,a e .urc " as, the Society for the Propagation most ,modern su~~ery. In Leo-.,. a lot 'of discussion. It is called' a long tradItIon of servIce to th~ . of the Faith, who has' just re-' , pol~vl1le the natIves h!ive ~e~n "No Further Trek," and what aged and that homes. t for the, ,. turned . from an' inspection trip···· ~u.ght. management responslb,l1- . it says.·is that the Afrikaans ' aged ~ave ,?een a par: of the . of the African mission's, He' dis~ ,Ity. And yet, throughout South, must not .hope ,to escape' or to" t1 CatholIc so.clal. welfar~ program. ," c10s'ed: '. . " Africa, there is fear in the heart . f or cen t u:pes. . trek 'anywhere-like their fore- ., ,,':' 1) A "blood oath'" motivates ,," of everyone.". .. h fathers-but must stay·and work .' I H.ere comes Santal We he ..continued, bent M ' . M cC ar th y . d'l 'I' h' f ' " t el' fanatical Afrikaan 'whites . sgr.· ec are d· a,.... thl'n'gs out," the m'I'ssl'o'n ,Offl'cl'a"l th 0 Ii C P h IOSOP C aHowever, Y 0 socIa on carrying on unrelenting ter. t f ' h't " k" ... .: said. !i0Pl! he'll be .especially. service sees the principle of self- 1'01' against native blacks in secrt~t '~,oBcle Yd °b wdl"es d~o~n '''' help ~itd neighborly help as the South Afdca ats e f/oether ;~I ' . an pa - . lVIsgr, McCarthy is wary of the generous' to you and maj<>r weapon hi meetil)g the 2) A sup'erstition _ spawned ern,e d'da elr . e I terlal ntsuPte~mass' conversions .reported in yours. Holidaysl cb a 11en g e .0f soc'I~ 1 n e ce ss.ities" . race I ea, JS cen which ra 0 e some areas, where' starvingna: frenzy g,rIPS t h e. b'Igges t pa~ 0f apartheid movement seeks To rely exclUSIvely on 1OstIthe natIve blacks and drIves to maintain white supremacy in tives were fed' by 'bishops and tutions and public or private them to ritualistic riot· and mura land where blacks numbe;: Catholic overseas. relief came to' , ' t a 11 w hit.esO'. servIce programs t o. so 1v ethe d er agams . seven' million and whites two~ i,he aid of who.le villages, problems of the' aged IS not only .3) The <?hurch IS c~ught '!n million." . "Is. this 'rice Christianity'? _ "impractical," but even "unUie cross fIre of a whJte racIst , f S th Af . -. We'll have to wait and see," . · t 0f ' op., AmerIcan,'" Father Walsh con- t error,· rem10lscen nazI b In one h', part ' t 0 houi ' ed rICa. 176 Msgr. McCarthy . said. "In all of tended pres$ion and surging black na" ~ e w lte racls save c os Africa .the Church is the great" d th h . f .. , . ' tionall'sm' ,agitated by M.oscow. Catholic s.chools. "T. he. C.hurch t t h d t t f h H' e sal t t f ·• t I f ' es ec or 0 t e. h as gone t o. cOur a couP. e,o '. bl . k~ac" er ,an ,pro e c leo ac IVI. les.o·· "The whole place is r,ipe for . Federal Government 10 ald- communism," said ~sgr. Mc-: . tim~;~.,);lUt .the cases.\V~r"t,th!~wr,l.. l : a<;~. . '. ;. . .. :-. "",.. ,""~'''"....,'''',..,,''"' 109 th~ elderly should be re- . Carthy; "There are sUPPQsed to out" ~sgr.,..,McCartJly.:.sald. ; .., ,.,,",","" search 1l1ltl? th~ ?e~ds and wants be SOmething like 5,000 Afric.ans But: there is another .. ,opinlon' c' " .. of the aged, ~a1Oing of person- .. "iii ':Moscow' rigbt now being growing among Africa's whites,. .;. nel. to w.ork WIth, eldeJ:ly persons, trained for taking over. Super- thel: Monsignor continued. It is ~d an mformahon p~ogram. de.,.. : stition is everywhere;: land -fear . that "there is'..room for. both.· .... .,'.~,·,'.··T· ., . .,. SIgned to keep people aware of. 'mOle's." , ."cotbrs and that men of goo'd will ,,:' ., ' ".':'I. the:ir responsibilities toward' Uie,M'sgt.. McCarthy said that, hac( better s'it' downimd" age~. :,. American Catholics,' ,have. 'DO. -~ l' .: ~ ~!,. " ~
S~hool 'Drive
Continued from Page One . of. the Holy Ghost Parish, Attle-' boro, reported to headquarters' Uiat his final total sUl'paslles by $2,791 the quota of $75,00<1. ' St. Stephen's Parish surpassed tbeir$70,000 goal when ~ev.. J. Orner Lussier, pastor, reported the sum of $75,390 on his final returns. The $125,000 aim of tM parishioners of St. Mary's, Mans-' field reached the quta breaking class' when Rev. Edward L. O'Brien's final a c c 0 u n tin g reached $129,284. ' The lay chairmen of the three parishes were Howard C. Bristow, Holy Ghost, Attleboro; Richard T. Goyette, St. Stephen's Attleboro; and Stephen. J. Con'roy, St. Mary's Mans.field. Judge Edward A. Lee, general chairman in -the 'fund raisingcampaign, expressed gratitUde at the rising total, saying in an the rising total, saying in an interview in The Anchor, "Speaking for all the laity of the area, I can truthfully say that confidence of success was evident as. soon as the announcement was made by Bishop Connolly of plans for a regional High School in the Attleboro Area," The spirit of enthusiasm was 10 contagious, ,Judge Lee, con-' tinued, "that no sacrifice was too great for any of priests, lay chairmen, or laity. We are grateful to Bishop Connolly for selecting the Attleboro Area for his second regional high ~hool." The final campaign: report ud parish listings will 'be made' ~.t ....~k.,'
Wron"l' Impression "We don't realize how big it is, how far a"'!'ay it is, how modern it is," he sa~d. "When we think of Africa,'· we think of 00feathered Massai dancers from some movie like .'King S'olomon's Mines.' This is a land of four-lane superhighways as well
,.. ::.'
,:,;, .;',;.
the .. African
.ONE 'STOp. . . ;.. ' SHOPPING C:N'TER
" 'N~w,.En9Iand's Fines·t N~w, Y~,ar'sEve 'Part}
. • Television .~ Furniture • '-Appliance~ •. Grocer, 1~ Allen St., New Bedford
:·WHITE'S'.··R.~S'!!:::4,U~AJV.. ,
dORREIA & SONS ,I.. :.'"'
. '. . F~VORS • $~.OO Per Person .Melke Your Reservation Early·
Dial' OS 5-7185
WYman 7-935•.
. As it came UpO'1 a ~idnight c1~ar, may the inspiration
North' Attleboro
of the Christmas mirade abide in your heart 'now
and always. May this season be richly rewar~ing .to you spiritually, ~right with promise of <'peace· on
. earth. good will to. men ... I·
", 12" ". THE ANCHOR7"Dipce~e
ofF-oII'River-:-,-Thurs.; Dec; 17,,'1959
Moslem Devotion to Mary
·'Noted Jesuit Corroborates ':'Econom'i'c,':'Power Thesi's:
God Love"yau •
. 'j
.. :". .: . .. . . By Mos(Rey. Fulton J. Sheen, D;D;.· .:1.,,:' ~
. About one out of. every sevellperso~s in, .t4~ :-~pt;14 ,i,s.a ¥olliem. Its founder, Mohammedbor~.aboqt, 570 years .after Gh~i~, wiited in his new religitm some Jewish customs, .some· C;hristiaJ;l he,resies~ a protest against the .multiplied tribal gods of Arabia. The MoslelIUl believe that'the.·Tll'iniiy means three Gods; they deny Redemp,tion, '. and that Our Lord died on the Cro~. .
By Msgr: George G.' Higgins DireCtor,'NCWC'Social Action Department
The Oct.··12 release' of this column recommended a new ~ok by Adolf Berle entitled ;'PowerWithortt Property" and an article by David Bazelon in The Reporter entitled "Facts and Fictions' of U.S. Capitalism." The Berle-Bazelon thesis, in summary, is that effeCtive , . -Father Harbrecht has called the '~onomic power in the United new society the "parapropietal'" States is concentrated in the society. hands of relatively few m~n It is not, he says, a society
During the Christmas Season our heari goes out to the Moslems. We cannot bring to them the beautiful myStery of the IDcarnation, for the Divine Babe .' . . in .thelr eyes WaS O'nly a' prophet . announcing Mohammed.'. Now as , Com m u n ism makes inroads among them" the peace of the world depends to a great extent on whether they grow in the love of God or succumb to the militant Soviet army of the anti'Go.d.
who, for the most part, are not or'ganized by individual pr!>preally the owners. but simply erty'. 'ownership and diffused the 'managers' power. Property ownership is or a d In in: i snot its organizing principle; trators of. acpower is. This is the direction cumulated capof. the transition, to the' paratal. proprietai- society, to the society A few weeks .beyon'd ;property. ago a 'midwesr . .., . ern correspon-. . Protective ,!eal~h'. dent who had No "longer does':~wnership in read ihis. colitself make for ',pow'er, as, it, umn in his. di:' once did. Father Harbrecht con()Cesan paper ' tinues.· Even';thpughwe . !)'lay sen t us' a have more' property holding lengthy' "Open . now thaIJ. ever before, it is not Letter" irately the kind of property that .giv~s but politely protesting against power and influertce in our 50our endorsement of these two ciety. Itbisevident that the type publications. He said, among of prop~rty iI).teiest that gives a other things, that our "author-. man status and :infllience in the lties," Messrs. Berle·and·Baze}on, present. society derives from the are "all wet" and suggested power' to control. productive that what they are r~ally trying wealth. ,. . to Rrove "is that, if we can a c - " 'as truth that priv.ate own"But this'" power. comes to a ce"'t ... ership of a business no longer man, " .'Fa th er.· H ar b'rec ht says,
Labors for,:poor
.We choose to speak of them .,.at Christ)nas becau~ of~lte deep .' : devotion they, have to M~ly" One. . ",~. .' chapter .of the Koran is: devoted / tqher; Mohaqimed'sai!i'.tha"t his· : . daughter Fatima was most 'bles--. , 0 , . , . . . " . .' . . sed of all women in heaV:f;ln' ne'xt to Mary. This then is lOUr, Chr~stmas. prayer: that our missioniuies may preach Mary. to th!!m; they are not yet ripe for Christ. Mliry, visiting her cousin 'Elizabeth, bore within herself the Divine Child.' Carrying Christ as in a Ciboriwu within her, Mary's presence affected the yet unborn John theBap.. tist cloistered within his mother Elizabeth. Elizabeth's greeting em~ph;sized Mary 'rather than~ the Lord: "How' have I· deserved to· be '. thus .viSited by the mother of my Lord! '-
'I"" ·r
. ',Ccmtinued from Page One light the ·poor;". . MonthlY~ips to O'utlying mission. stations .. are also on the Sisters' schedule. There they make 'house to house visits and teach catechism. ).'heir visI$s are eagerly anticipated by the peopIe, whose liyes hold litt}e variety. "Many of. ~hem' cannot read,:' notes. Sister, "but they gladly 'accept . the newspapers _" .we bring them. They paste them on the .walls of. their houses as ' .. , a protectio,n again.st,' rain and in-
Mary! May our .misSionaries' IIide Christ' iD 'thee as Pie" 'preach thee to the M:o$I~Dis. May the Moslems, as'other John the BapUsts,bestirrt!d by the unseen Christ and come to know Bim not through heresies"but in 'Spirit 'and in Faith•. __,_. Now that you have said' this prayer; make' a sacrifice to the exists in the United' States,. then "thrOl.igh .his position in a cor- sects." "Holy Father for the Moslems. Whenever you think of the :rdoslems, the Russian Dictator's claim that. 1 poration or' simi.lqr organizaMonthly Trips ·think first and give first to the .Holy Father. Your Christmas is not socialism is inevitable is, iii fac~ ',' tion. Productive wealth has been . A Sister. nurse has the special 'eomplete if you neglect the'Vicar of Christ. already a reality/'. . made the .property of institutions" task' of 'caring for' tne sick poor,,~··..,J ' . , , .' : Denies Allegation and' so it is' by gaining a posiof 'Belize and' a new pr()ject in- ,.~ GOD LOVE' YOU 'to Mrs. E.C.W; for "$1, ''I slept in' our .car SUbj~ct 'to correction, I in- tion in relation .to one' of these aug'aratect in 1958 was the openInstead of at a tourist hOme" •.. to Mrs. F.S.G. for'·$25 ''I promterpret the latter allegation to institutions that a man gains the lng .0{.,S1.- Joseph,.Mer~YClinic ised Our Blessed Mother and Jesus to send this sacrifice for the .mean that, in' 'the opinion ,of. "power'lind influence)ver others" to care for the aged p(j'Qr. It is, ·Missions if I would not have to Undergo surgery" ••• to B.N.C. our corr~sP(,lDdent, Berle-,and . 'that controlof produc.tive wealth· 'bopedthat the clinic will' even-: for $10 ''I hope to get this in the mail before I thfJ.ikof ~me m.... Bazelonare'really socialists at generates.'" '.', tliapy become Belize's first. terial thing I 'need' and again ~ caught ~.self-indul~ence'~•.• heart. ,Nothing, of course, coul~ What, . Not Who Catholic hospital. toA Friend fer $10 "It's Christmasshoppingti~again, and Fd bu'" the first gift for, the bab'" be f rther from the truth as U • Bear in mind that th l • ,-' fellow:' m.'embers of t hlike' eto" .. Jesus. PIe.ase pre.sent It fo.. r sual study of t heir A Many D . . . . ' me"" .' .. to S.C. for $'7 "This amount, I promised .fo.r.a· f.avo.r 1'0ev~~ a ca ill .amply demon Father Harbrecht· speaking, not Fall River Diocese hav~ served . ceiv~d" •• '. to Miss C.~. ~for. $10' "H~re is mT's&criflce)Of (he . 'lnl lDg~ W .. Mr. Berle or Mr. Bazelon. B'ut and are serving w:itp' Sister , .poor iii Saint Judes b.ono,l' for a sPeCial intention". '. . str~~i~' and Bazelon are' cer- 'wh~i difference-'- does·.-it·· reall,.· ',~ary Regi~ald in Belize. They . . .. ," . , 'nly n'ot socl·alis"-. 'T~ ~-. make.whosayswha.tinthe·fi.eld .'inClude Sister Mary·'· Daniel, " , The. .. ' many ', ~equest!l ,: ,for' .. ' , " C--' . WI ...., _~ a."GOD LOVE' YOU. MEDAL· prove that tal not advocating the nationaJiza-· of economics? Asour .. ~idwestSister Mary Cyril, Sister Mary it is one of the most,popuiar medals of Our ·Lady'tbis·y'ear.Ha~ . tion of industry, nor are they. ern correspondent rem~nds ,us - 'Pllilome.naand,i S.ister Mary you gotteJ;l yours? U ,not, .send your request and offering of $2· for opposed to or,even· critica~ o~ politely" but very, pointedly, in' . Benigrta;'aswell'as lliaily others·,.,smaU sterling .sUyer 'me'diU,"$3 fw'small-lOk'gold-filled' mcqal/$5 big businessas'~uch. On_the con.. I the: Open' : Letter . referre.~, ~ ,Sis.teI's who have be~n in Be-::,!(oriafgesterling·s~lv~r..Pi~~~,$ 10 for a large l,ok gold~'filledmedal trary, they go out of their way above, "A Cathohc.. nTwspap'er lize' and_:U~en returned- to the .. ,: ~n,d w:~ wi:U.~h,ap~r ~ ~'Il!,t; youl~,.GOI),,'~VE.:Yby',.:ME~AL of to poke fun at those "liberals'" ,~, 'f" i 0u,ght .to be concerned WIth Stites ha~e inSti:lled the mission . ;your choice., ,J , j . ", , " ,,' c' .••:" " . "'."'." who even at this ~ate d.ate re- W~\it IS right ~nd,: \Vr,o~g, .an~ ,- spirif'J.ntotheir.American pu- . . " . ". ..... ----:..-. , , .. ' fuse'to admii:,that· big busineSs·. n,ot: so much with. who IS rIght pils, says Sister Mary Reginald. Cut out this colum.., P!~ yo~. sacrifi~e .to, it ~~d, it ~:. the is here to ~tay.·. and wrong."""):" . ..Manygiftso{mHe~bo·x' donaMost Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Direc~0l:' of. 'J'he ,S,ocietY,1or o Lauds Aut~.o~ ,...., ,~" couldn'tagr~e'wltI1 him' Hons as well 'as~hooi1supplies '.' the Propagation of the Faith, 366 FiftJl Av.en,,!e,.New York 1; N.Y., But, t.rat~s, enough' ~bout"ni·9re. So-I think we ought to come'the'missidmiries' .way from ,J or:your Diocesan 'Director,1 RT. REV. RAYMOND T. CONS1DINE, MessrS;' Berle' and BazelOIt oUr . stbp throwing ston~s at B.erle" United ,States children. ',"3G8'North Main'Street, FaURiver, Mass,.. , .'; [Jurpose in this column is ·not and•.Bazelon and concentrate in";' . TheN~w 'Bedfor~ite loves her. ; ' ..
to 'def~nd
c 0
these'two disti~uis~~d. i.' .st~a.P ~fi the' val~di~y ot~, ,what -.: ',work.~,_:·HTo'~ nianY:)~' Sisters and .~, )
authors against the charge of 'tljey are saying about the:chang3OCialism; but rather to caU at-' lng, nature of property in the tention to, a more recent book, cOJ;ltemporary American eco"Pension Funds' arid' Economic nomic system. . . II Power," which clearly para If what th-:e . .18 i n' b · tels". .. yare saymg d . I an. persua~lve y. 'corro ora es accurate, shame on them:. But theIr h' th erelr th" conc - I ' " are The central author ,theSIS. of. this new: book . we uSl0ns. ··h blish d N 30 accurate or not, they themwh IC waspu e ·on ov. selve . taO I t '1 by the Twentieth CenturY' Fund; .'. s are cer In y no SOClaP 1 H b ht S J . lsts any more than Father Har. F"th 18 a er all ar rec ... " brecht is. A lawyer and an econom~.. ~.r::., i . { L ' ! · ' " " O i .. '
~~~~:h~\i~~ ~~:~:r~~t~ec.r:;u~ Soci~l,Pl'~er tn·. St.:<. t~ P. HARRINGTON.,: ". '. '.. ,,,' "d""
THE'A""CHOR-Diocese.of. Fan ,River...,Thurs., O.k. 1];. '1959
Suggests Skillet FruitCakes For Welcome Holiday. .-Gifts . .' By Joan Meadows .. . . . It js Advent again. With a barely perceptible~ but 'ignificant jolt, this writer is nudged into the realization th~t time is hurtling her headlong into eternity. She realizes also that Advent is the seasoI,l for pulling herself up by the proverbial bootstraps - a B'k" - . fl' . a e In a very slow oven (275 · t Ime 0 rea SpIrItual prepar- degrees F.) 1 hour and 30 mination. Alas, the. POOl' soul's, ·utes for. loaf: pans and round good intentions fall that pans, and 2 hours for tube pan.
.' .",.,."~'~ S.,.0....'. .,'.,.,:,..:
entists to show up on the Amer!,."", ·"',,.986 PIY!l)<:,ut~A.:X,l'lnu~,:.";:) can.Catholic, scene·. :IO"l'ecent,,'.'· ."'1,' Fall River, Mgs~ . . years:" .. "", -'. • . 'Parapropietal' SocietJ' ' ,'," Tel:•. Q$3.23?1 DANIEL <.. HARR~NGTOH Father ,Harbrecht .says_. that.' l,i"'A"ear.- _ ,~ ••" ..r,..l, .,n,'a"t.....
profane category where they are catalogued as being easier said than done. For her, the season be for e, Christ~as holds •. tho usa n d lures-each one w r a p.p e·d in
Remove from oven and brush .with Fruit Cake Glaze, if desired. Yield: 4~ pounda fruit
cake. ' FRUIT CAKE GLAZE 1 tilblespoon light com ~P . 2 tablespoons water . 2 tablespoons brown sugu ~tab!epsoons lemon juice .
AI~~ "~~mpl~'e B0i1er-8~raer:
,~f",'.Furnace UoUs•.• Eft.kleot, 'low"cost'heatinl; Burner and i . ::fuel oil sales and service, '. : _. taO'n' ey I 0., <. J _.
'0""' C· . . , .•. ,nco
_. • - - -
InVite :·'011"'·· .... ,·(140211,·... labor," Ch.ist's ftlit:'¥i".vard,_,a.Ap~. 0(,"" '.' Editio"s: :Press. , ,Radij:l, Movi.. and .,~... ";siOll. With the.. ...oder. ...eafts, ~ .. Missio"ary Sist... brip, Ch~isr. Doctri'" ,' .. all. rega.dl of race, ~orueed.
Christ's kingdom on earth, 1, as .orre·.of th e S·ISt ers 0 f M ercy working here in the colony, feel "1 . pnVI ege d' to b e . among thelr number."
'.Institute of
.~~~~i~~;r~~~~~~i· ~~}~ ~.,
priests:'Belize has become an ~ . adopted . homeland, where. they' '" labor for the .extension of
'FOr • f 'tion rite to . " ." oo:m:r>i. ...... wM'O'THEtt' SUPERIOIt . SO
. .,'.,
'AUl'S An BOSTON' ... MASS, ..
:,.KEATI NGS' . . ':, ". '.' .. Ex~e(lent Selec.tio,n·· of ·:eh..'!~f.~.a,~ .G;'t~ ", • ,
•• ,
• J
•• "
... •
i:l • )
,,~ UnuStial.Items iu Pottery, China ,"; , Brass "':':'WooaCarving'::"" Hummel WaNt' ;, " . .'Many iDexpensiye' items at. 1.00 " ,".,\,i·.· '. Boxed assor~ent and .cotylter car.d8 ~,i . . , --STORE: HOlJRS,:-'" ,: ",i I' , . ' ,Open ~oi!day, ;rhy.J.:Il~ay.i.,f.!,~~.ay. a~d Satu.rday.'.~ven.ingtl. After Dec. 10 Open Every"Night 'Til Christ'mal-' .... . . . . El\ilILY. C. PERRY .
."ishop$ ,~;Iqnning Canada' Meeting OTTAWA (NC)-A commit. tee of seven bishops from fi,,countries has .been named to participate in the five-day international Catholic congress 01. im-migratiou staI:ting here next Aug. 21. Three Canadian prelates nained to serve 00 the committee preparing for the congress are Bishop John C. Cody of London, . Ont., Bishop Gerard M. Coderre of St. John, Que., and AuxiliaIT Bishop Francis V. Allen ·of Toronto. The congress will be the fiiost Catholic assembly held outside Europe. Other members of the committee are: Bishop Adolph G. Schmitt, C.M.M., of Bulawayo, Rhodesia, ,Africa; Bishop Paul Y. Tagucbi of Osaka, Japan; Auxil)arj Bishop Helder Pessoa Ca-
.. ftfE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs.; Dec. 17, 1959
Charity Bali Continued trom Page One musician with the band. A star in his own right, Hambro has many hit record albums to hill credit. He plays the clarinet lead, blows an occasional flute 1010 and acts as deputy leader. The Glenn Miller Orchestra has been featured at New York's Waldorf-Astoria Starlight Roof and those who have frequented this world famous night spot recall a wave of nostalgia rippling across the ballroom when McKinley raised his arms and led the band into the bars of "Moonlight Serenade" and "In the Mood". Bishop James L. Connolly win be guest of honor and many distinguished guests will be in attendance. Tickets may be-purchased from members of the Sl Vincent de Paul Society, the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women and from parish reotories. •
China Prisoners To Get Preserves BALTIMORE (NC)-A Catholic Bishop imprisoned in communist China is among five Americans who soon will be receiving canned preserves in parcels from the U. S. The Catholic prelate is Bishop James E. Walsh, M.M., head of the Mary. knoll missions in China since 1948.
The generosity 'of a Baltimore manufacturer, sparked by the perserverance of the Red Cross, has made it possible for the parcel to be sent to the five prisoners, it was stated. Families of the prisoners reported to the Red Cross that the men were anxious to receive jam. and preserves. The families were unable to find canned preserves and reported that gla. containers frequently brl;>ke during shipment. The Red Cross took the problem to John T. Menzies, chairman of the board of Crosse and Blackwell Company here. Mr. Menzies agreed to pack a year'. IUpply of his company's products in cans for each prisoner.
Relief Agency Fulfills Dream of Refugees NEW YORK (NC) - After nine frustrating years in West German refugee camps a fami17 of four has begun a new life in the U. S. through the efforts ol a former blacksmith. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Czyr.o. ko and their two small daughters were among 76 refugeetl who arrived at Idlewild Airporl They were met by representatives of the Catholic Relief services National Catholie Welfare Conference, worldwide relief agency of the U. S. Catholic Bishops which arranged for their immigration to the U. S.. Their sponsor is Mr. J. KeDDeth Lynch of Wilton, Conn., a retired blacksmith who had pledged himself to help .IOID. . one in need in return for lU8 good fortune through the yean. :Mr. Lynch has provided a job for Mr. Czyrko in his craft shop..
College Bequest
JERSEY CITY (NC) - DE. Emilie V. Rundlett, .83, a p'hy'" dan here for 53 years, bequeathed $30,000 110 the Setc.a BaD College ol Medicine aDd Dentiatl'7. The aum 111110 be uecl. 10 estabUIlh a xholarshill .. IDiIIDOq eI. her Iatb&
Big 'Values on Christmas Fixin's
Kraft Cheese Victor Shrimp Butter Boiled·Onions Stuffed Olives
BROOKSIDE Fresh Creamery .' Quarters Just Reduced LB CTN
39c 49c 69c 29c 49c
80% WEDGE 4V20%
71 C
1 LB
Small- Whole - White
Jumble-Pac large or Small
Just arrived for your holiday feast.
Tender, fancy seleded birds.
AD U. S. Grade A
Nothing Finer.
16 to 22 LB Average
- LB
Pork Chops Best Center Cut Finast Sausage Meat
CHUCK ROAST Bone In l8 49c
s.m. Low Self..Service Prices In An Stores in This Vicinity "- rNe Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities)
Best Produce Values!
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall
Rjver-Th~r••, Dec.
Refuses to Delay Enforcing State Sunday Closing
17, 1959
Suggests Realistic Solution Of Unwed Mother Problem
~ WASHINGTON (NC) ...The u.s. Supreme Court has denied the petition of a Pennsylvania di~count store to
, By Father John L. Thomas, S. J. Ass't Sociology Prof.-St., Louis University
Our 17-year-old daughter, single, is exp~ting a baby in two months. There will be no marriage. Mter the baby is born it will be adopted by our married dau'ghter. Is there anything you might advise or suggest that might help to H ow can you h e 1p th e young .~ rehabilitate our daughter? A b rokenhearte d M oth er and mother? First, you must .help Dad. her understand that her real Before'taking up your re- offense aga~nst God is not in
prevent enforcement of the State'.-new Sunday-closing law.
quest, I feel an observation is in being pregnant or in having a order concerning the arrangebaby but in violating His laws. men t s you regulating chastity. have made for This distinction seems lost on' dealing wit h the modern mind. Pare,n~s and the situation. young people alike become disIt seems to me turbed aoout offenses against that your plan chastity only if pregnancies reto' h a vet h e suIt. , b a b y adopted Your daughter must underby your mar. stand that· the focus of her sorried daughter_ row and repentance must be her is shortsighted violation of God's law, not her and v e r y illresultant pregnancy. In carry• d vis e d.. I ing her child and giving it birth, clearly recogshe is performing a good act, nize your sinpleasing. to God, though by its cere desire to take good care very nature necessarily involvof the child, but have you chosing serious personal. and social IRISH DOCTOR TO ·KOREA: Father Fra~cis GlYnn, en the best way to achieve this! consequences that must be faced A 'little long range, realistic realistically. right, Superior of the Columban Fathers in San Francisc~. ' . thinking will indicate that YOQ Avoid. DisCouragement voyage to James C~rr, M.D., of Dublin~ when the bids are making a mistake. . Once your daughter has the latter sailed recently from San 'Francisco for Kor.ea to do Family Council correct moral view of what haa clinic and hospital work with the St. John of God Brother. Let's look at the facts in the': happened, she will recognize Columban mission.. at Kwangju. NO Photo.'. ease. You discover your young that her life u .not hopeleSsly 'iRthe , . . " .' daughter is pregnant and mar-' ruined, remembering that God' riage is out of the question.'· looks to the future, not the past. 'Naturally your feelings are hurt. . Hence she should, set out as Yo,! are disappointed, humi~' ::, .soon as possible to'complete her' Bated, angered, frustrated, and .' ed'ucatiori and ·"training. . Help, NEWARK (NC) ..,.. Asuccese-. , ,In addition,' Father McAdam. perhaps, even~ a little guilt, her realize that her whole life' ful experiment' in audio-visual, says, the library has access to .~out past carelessness and neg- lies before her, rich in promise.': lect. Your daughter is fright- for success and bappipe~pr~ \ education is, .approaching ita "any film thaf has come out of' HoJlywood." The go~i; he said, clled and will do anything you., vided she is willing to make .th~,. first, anniversary. The experiment is the audio:;. . is' to have audio-visual equip.. • y. \.. effort'to prepare herself ade-·.: visual library established' by , meI!-t for schools and sPecial' ~ you hold a family council. . quately. . '\The 'child is your own "flesh She rna, need considerable Archpishop Thomas A. Boland _ films tl!at parishes can use for and blood" and you must pro- emotional support in the begin- of 'Newark in January 1959. It fund-raising or for children'. vide for it. \ ning since her self-confidence is now an established part of the movie programs. Parishes or institutions rna,. Your married daughter vol-. and self-assurance are bound to archdiocesan education program, unteers to take the baby. It will have suffered from her' 'experiIn less than a ·year the li- also subscribe to a "film-aproperly remain in the family ence. brary has suppiied more than month" plan. and not be "abandoned'" for Increasing Rate' -1,000 educational, religious and, adoption. Hence that part of Let. her know that you stand feature films to parishes" schools ')Oour problem is settled, You're behind her and have confidence ·and church' organizations. It U1, Dot happy, but your conscience. that she will succeed, Above alii' directed by Father John A. McIi. dear. ' '. don't' play the martyr's role a.' Adam under the, auspIces ' Qt.., Considers Problems ,if you 'have' suffered unjustly';> the archdiocesan Mount Carmel. COMPA~Y ,,·Is this- really a sensible solo- perhaps you have, but chances Guild. tion? Consider some of the are th~t considering her ag~ problems it will necessarilT iD-" you' have" played ,our 'part iii valve, 'hel- misfortune. ''..:. '-01£ the young mother eventoWhy mince 'words - as lone' , ,INSURANCE AGENCY' aIly marries, as .she pro,bably as American parents continue to ' ~ill, can she have her bab,. promote or toietate the curren( ,All Kinds Of Insurance SeaSts.· South ~ck? When the child starts· to." practice, ot frequent, unsuper';' 96 WILLIAM . STREET , «r6w up, are you going to teU vised and uncontrolled dating.; Hyannis Tel.·HY 81" N~W BEDFORD. MASL bim that Aunt S6-and-So UI among their relatively unin.:.· really ,his mother, or will Tou. structed, undisciplined and im~'\' DIAL WY 8·5151 ~~it until he finds it out for mature youngsters, we must be', '.nonal Service Ilimself? prepared to face an increasinc How can the young mother rate of premarital pregnanc,.. readjust to life when she win be constantly reminded of her inability to mother her child, NEW VERNON {NC)-Bishop and its continued presence in .Tames A, McNulty of Paterson the family .circle serves as an· has' dedicated a church built' Excavating enduring sign of her. past in-' here in New'.Tersey for Christ discretion and failure? How will the King Catholic parish -.. . . Contractors .lie define her relationships to grqund donated by a-Protestant,i 653W~$~i~gt,~~. lier child? Allan P: Kirby, town resident,; ',CROSS ST.. FAIRHAVEN Catholic Agencies He acted after some groups pro:.: " W.Yman 2-4862 .,; No matte'r how you look at , ',tested against construction of the _. t.t. your 'proposed solution is church. bound to generate suffering and trouble, What should 'you do? Why not contact Catholic Charities and have the child adopted through a legitimate adoption agency? Be convinced that this is not • BAR-B-Q Chickens . "abandoning" the child' as would BOYS WANTED for .... have been the case in former • CUT-UP Chickens 'riesthood and Brotherhood. times, Today there are hundreds • DAY OLD Eggs lack of funds NO Imp.cU· of wonderful couples .who .for ~ CHICKEN Pies menL one reason or another have not Write' . . been' blessed WIth children and. are eager to adopt some. P. O. lox 5742 • BAKED' BEANS .' The agency will carefully se(week-ends) BGltin:tON 8, Mel lect one of. these couples, and " you can be assured that the child will receive all the . love and A iQAF oi MONK'S care that parents can give. This solution has none of the RICH ENOUGH TO~ 81 A .• ~.• serious drawbacks of 'the one. i~u propose, while it will save both mother and child from I" • Bluch future sorrow.
Attomeys for the Allentown .torehad petitioned for the high court stay pending filing of a formal appeal from the decision that the anti-Sunday business law is constitutional. ·A special, three-judge Federal court in Philadelphia had held in a 2 to 1 decision that a 1959 law regulating Sunday business u constitutional. The discount store was the defendant in a test case of the new law which provides a maximum $200 fine or 30 days in jail for selling on Sunday certain types of items specified in the legislation. The defendants then asked for a hearing before Associate Justice William .T. Brennan Jr., who is presiding justice of the third Federal court circuit, which includes Pennsylvania.
Audio-Visua 1- Ed,ucation' Experiment'. Proves Success.ful in Newarlt
Complete Line 8~ilding ~a!~rials . • SPRING ST., FAIRHAVEN WYman' 3·2611 0
om.. aDd PIuIt LOWELL, MASS.
'hIepboae Lo..a
. . .-au
aa4 CII.' '1-.....
Protestant Gift
24-Hour Wrecker Serv·ice . .. .'
! 1"1 ~ -,
l~:~~t~:~V~ 1
Street, Fairhaven WYman 4-5058
.·Trinitarian Fathers
-Christmas Greetings ·to
~ R~:~:vtHICKENs
Diocese of -FOlI River
"UD •.
Cardinal Protector
, . VATICAN CITY- (NC)-Pope J()hn XXIII has named Domeneio ,Cardinal Tardini,' Vatican secretary of 'State, to be pro~tor . Of . "ijlo AsS I'a~"'. ..,~Uf.IlP.'ti~"'" '" ..,,' ,: ".,
.TbC Trapplle 'moab wbO dC'leJope; chlo cIelicioua loaf " ' ao - . &at.. • eu,,'!kead ia che backbooe 01 . . ample.diet. 0aIy d1e~""'" ,..., IJIecl;Tnpplalii ..... beea r -
A Wish for Continued Progress
10 the New -Year " , .. ,..
lOr·dielt boaIe-made·baacl_,.,...
T .. '
Urges Catholics Dispel Evolution Theory Fear
Baptism Ceremon,y Indicates Transformation Thurs., Dec. 17, 1959 17 Wrought by Conferring of Sacrament Prelate Prefers
ST. LOUIS (NC) - Catholics with a reasonable interest in intellectual matters should outgrow their dread
By Rev. Roland Bousquet
A talented gardener can perform an interesting operation caned grafting. A small branch or shoot cut from one tree is introd uced into an 'incision made in another tree. Mtersome time the new branch will produce leaves. The new shoot is living, so to speak, , on borrowed life. The tree nourishes its adopted branch with life giving sap. Our Lord took a similar example to illustrate the' fact that He is the source of eternal life: "I ~m the vine, ydu are the
of the theory of evolution, saYI Father Eugene Dehner, O.S.B., biolagy department director at St. Benedict's College, Atchison, Kan. "Study the natural sciences," he told Fontbonne College students here. "They will widen your understanding of yourself, humble you in relation'to God and cause you to stand in awe 01. the living creation." Teach Truths Father Dehner who has a doetorate 'of philosophy in biology from Cornell University, asserted: "Thanks to Charles Darwin and the impetus he gave to the evolutionary hypothesis, Biblical exegetes-those theologians who specialize in interpretation of the Scriptures-have been led during the past century to re-evaluate the first chapters of the book of Genesis, the story of creation. " Some wonderful material has become available in the past decade on· the interpretation of Genesis. "We must remember that the Holy Scriptures were written to teach certain essential religioul truths, and that the 'Bible ill not • book of science," he said. "What the sacred writer means to say in Genesis ill simply that God created the universe and took time to do so-is indeed still creating. Just how He did it we are at liberty to investigate with all the scientific methodr available." Moderator Kole Father Dehner said Catholi~ can be proud that neither Catb- . olic theologians nor the Holy See, "took a very active ne.gative part in the religious controversy over evolution" in the last century. Officially the Church "'has been very moderate in it. dealing with the problem of human evolution, acting as moder- ! ator only when needed," be added.
branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit . . ." (St. John 15,5). No one can hope to share· the Divine Life of God unless he first be grafted onto the person of Our Lord. The saving waters of Baptism sever the bonds linking the newly baptized person .to .the realm of Satan and incorporate him into the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ. Double Aspect The splendor of the ancient rites of the catechumenate (group of prospective converts) beautifully expressed this double aspect of Baptism. Lent, in the early Church, was the scene of the immediate preparation of the catechumens for the reception of Baptism. This preparatio~ began with a . solemn eXl:!mination of each candidate: The bishop, seated on his throne, questioned each prospective Christian~~garding his motives for seeking ~aptism. The sponsors who had introduced him to the bishop also gave an account of, the candidate's conduc~ since he was first admitted to the ranks of the e8techum~ns. The bishop then entrusted the .candidates to the care of a priest or deacon to give them a more systematic instruction in the Faith. Christian Ideals This instruction consisted in a daily commentary on the articles contained in the Apostles' Creed and in the Our Father. The Scripture readings and the se~mon of the Fore-Mass (Mass of the Catechumens) completed his instruction. Disapprove Religious The Church, however, realIzed that simple knowledge of Symbols in Schools the Faith was not enough. The NEW YORK (NC) The convert had to give up his old Jewish Teachers Association has way of life based on the maasked that public schools avoid_ terialistic outlook of the pagan religious cere~onies, symbols or world. After Baptism, the conhymns in holiday programs. vert must conform his daily life This year, Hanukkah, the Jew- to the ,ideals .of Christian virIsh festival of lights, begins a tue. . day i1fter Christmas. Each instruction was preThe Association, in a state- ceeded by the imposing rites of ment sent to the 'New Xork exorcism. The Church underCity Board of Education, said Itood the weakness of human its members are devoted to nature. In the exorcism the Judaism "in frankly sectarian priest extended his hands 'over terms and therefore believe with the assembled body of catechudeep conviction in the import- mens and prayed that God might ance of religious values." subtract them from the influHowever, the statement said, ,.nee ot" satan. the members believe that reSolemn Exorelsm ligion is the responsibility ol The end of the probationary the church, the synagogue and the home, and not of the public ~riod took place on the morning of Holy Saturday. The· priest ICh!>Ol. passed among the candidates tracing a sign of the eroSl oa Catholic University the forehe$d of each person. Gets Large Grant He then extended his hands NEW ORLEANS (NC) - A over the- assembly and pro$25,000 grant from the Esso Edunounced' a 'solemn exorcism to cational Founda~ion has beeR expel Satan's, influence from· presented to Loyola University the hearts of the candidates of of the South. Baptism. The pr~est touched the Father W. Patrick Donnelly, ears and nostrils of the candi5 ..1., university president, in his dates lvith his thUmb moistened annual report at the alumni with saliva. The ceremony endhomecoming, said the univer- ed with the public recitation of ' sity will seek a loan to build the Apostles' Creed and the O~r . • student center, dOrmitory and Father. , an addition to the faculty resiThese ancient rites have surdence. A new science building 'Yived the many centuries that and other academic buildings separate us from early also are needed, he said. Church. The total student enrollment To God's Kincd!tM il 3050 and the freshman class . Baptism is a crossing, a cross-: is up 35 per cent over last year, Ing from the 'kingdom of Satan he reported. to God's kingdom. The chosen people, much like the candi-: School Bus Rides date for Baptism, were once held ALBANY (NC)-State Sena- III slavery. ~d appointed Moses tor Edward J. Speno has reto deliver them from the hands introduced his legislation to in- of PtMlraoh and lead them intO· crease from eight to 15 miles the the promised land. distance public. school buses eaa The Red Sea, however, obtransport pupils attending DOD- lItructed their escape from their public schools.· He hoped the e.ptors. ,But Mosel. led, the~ . legislation will plug "loopho1ell" aeross the Red to' the. shoreS of freedom. The: pries·t, . much· lOfne districts use to 'deny evea eilbt-mile ride&. like MCNIaw will.c1eliver the ~,
M. Joseph's Church, New Bedford
Imposition didate from the influence of Satan and bring him to the shores of God's king9-om, the' Church. .. The priest addresses himself personally to Satan and commands him, in God's name; to withdraw from the candidate. (This prayer is called an exorcism). A cross is traced on the person's forehead to remind Satin that this soul has been saved by Our Lord's cross. Formal Introduction Baptism is not only a separation; but an incorporation into the Church. This formal introduction of the candidate -into the Church is beautifully expressed in the next step. The priest places the left end of his stole upon the child and leads him into the church building. This material building, conItructed of stones held together by ~oitar, represents the Living Church made up of Catholics bound together by love of God and love of neighbor. The baptized is thereby commissioned to participate, with his fell~w brothers and sisters ·in Christ, in offering. to Our Heavenly Father the Sacrifice, of the Mass. The initiated, upon, his introduction into the Church, is given the Christian pass-word which distinguishes the members of the Divine Family of God. The Apostles Creed expresses the Christian Faith. The candidate, either personally. (in the case of an adult) or through the sponsors (in the case of an infant) makes his first profession of Faith. He recites the Apostles' Creect. together with the priest. The sponsors then repeat the Our Father. The newly baptized ean truly claim this perfect prayer as his own proper prayer. It beautifully expresses the complete confidence of the child in his Heavenly Father. No one ean call God his Father unless he first receive God's Divine Life. Baptism is the spiritual birth unto Life Eve'rlasting. The .priest ·then repeats the actions and words of Our Lord when he cured the deaf-mute of Decapolis. Our Lord touched the man's ears and tongue with) saliva and said to him: "Ephpheta; that is, be thou opened." (St. Mark 7,34) (In the baptismal- rites the action is slightly "changect..The priest· touches the candidate's ears and nostrils with saliva.) .A man, before Baptism, is like a stranger to the language of God. He can ,neither understand Hi... nor proclaim His glory. Baptism gives Us the gift of Faith to accept the word of ~, .as.- revealed in: the Bible ·.nd taught by.the Church. Baptism "grants us the p!.'ivilege to join God'. oth~r chHdren in pro- . ' ......
Prison to Loss Of Mission
KIMBERLEY· (NC) - "I am, prepared to go to prison to save St. Boniface mission" B ish 0 p John Bokenfohr,
O.M.I., of, Kimberley declared here. He spoke at a public hearing on a South African government plan that entails destruction of the mission, the largest in the Kimberley diocese. St. Boniface mission is located in an "area where the government proposes to establish a so-called buffer zone under the Group Areas Act, the law providing for apartheit-strict racial segregation. The buffer zone is to be set up on the outskirts of Galeshwe village, Kimberley's African township. No residents may remain in such a zone and all buildings must be demolished: St. Bomface mission has a church, two primary schools, a high school'and residences for the priests, Brothers and Sisters who staff them. The buildings are valued at about $185,000. The Group Areas Board hal rece·iyed a petition signed by 7,000 persons asking that the mission not be destroyed, and of Stole Anglican Bishop John Boys of Kimberley has written a "letter claiming His Glory. (Next week - the sacramenta~ . supporting Bishop Bokenfohr'i" stand. . washing) . !.'
As we celebrate the Day wheR
.He was born, may the hope and promise of His message live anew \
our· hearts.
General Contractors
99 Gano:,Street Providence, Rhode Island
ABC to Televise \ Mass at Shrine
THE ANCHOR-DiQCese of Foil River-Thurs., Dec. 17, 1959
Birth Control·, Frustrates Nature
" WASHINGTON (NC) - The Continued from Page One means. The same Lambeth Confirst Midnight Mass in the great is prudent, and that whatever ferences of former years conupper church of the National the size of the family, it must demned birth' control, so that Shrine of the Immaculate Conbe the result of keeping His law. not much stock can be put in a ception here will be carried by If it be small, it must not be religious body that can condemn th'e national television network brought about by immoral dea practice as immoral in one of the American Broacl:casUng vices or unnatural uses. If it be generation and praise it as an Company. large, this must not be due to ethical duty in another generIn addition, the ceremony win an uncontrolled and imprudent ation. be broadcast by the national 'use of marriage nor to a lack of radio network of the Columbia Men in this matter of birtg. 'eonsideration on the part o~ one Broadcasting System between control should consult not their of. the spouses, but to a loving' feelings or desires or selfishness 12:45 and 1 Christmas morning, desire to fulfill marital duties Dec. 25. ' but {he nature of sex-and the and bring forth 'children for the , The Little Singers of Paris, nature of sex shows what it glory of God. currently on a concert tour in tends- to do and shows that a this country, will sing the Mass. . Fr~strate Nature frustration of its purpose is The 28 youths, who wear white morally wrong. At times individuals imply robes with wooden crosses susthat devices for birth control pended around their necks, are are no more objectionable nor under the direction of Msgr. inimoral than eyeglasses, hyp~ PARENT-TEACHERS MEETING: When Jamaican Fernand Maillet. Continued from Page One dermic needle's and ,the. like. .Msgr. Thomas J. Grady, shrine cabinet member Wills O. Isaacs visited the, University of Tlieir reasoning fails to tell them lent publicity given the 'project di,rector, will celebrate the Soland to the cooperation of hunDetroit for radio and television interviews he met teachers that' these latter devices are , , , e~n Mass and preach. Dr. dreds of peop~e" from parish used to aid nature' to fulfill a ,who instruct some of his 10 children in Jamaica, British Shane MacCarthy, goVernment workers to those providing iu·nction. Birth' control, devices West Indies, Sister Mary Stephanie Grey and Sister Mary official and noted speaker, will bave' as' their very purpose to - transportation facilities. Cabrina Sasso~ scholarship students at the university. NC . 11l~rrate the Mass for the te,lefrustrate ~ function' of nature. Clothing collected' here has,· visi,on viewers. Photo. been shipped tO,New York where Other indivj.duals point to the it is baled for overseas shipment Lambeth Conference of the Arg lican Church and its 1958 and distributed in foreign countries by local societies similar statement which endorses' birth to St. Vincent de Paul Confere~ntrol by un~a:tural or artificial NEW YORK (!jC) - An ABC ences. and carolers It's Christmas Clergy in charge of...area col- , television film depicting the dedication of the National Shrine lections include Very Rev. sing, .children .Iaugh, friends ex. . . of the Immaculate Conception, Continued from Page One Leonard J. Daley. C~pe Cod; Washington,. D.C., hasbe~n tend cheery greetings. We're eOntest. National·winners ~ill Re'v. Justin Quinn, New Bedford;' . ,. be announced by the Catholic Rev.: ~aul McCarrick, Fall River; shipped ~to Rome for presenta-' joining in to wish for you a most Press Association duripg Fe1:lr.u- Rev. Patrick O'Neill, Somerset- ,tion to Pope John 'XXIII.' ,'" ary. . " S'wansea; Father McCarthy, Archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle, joyous Noel• . 'Full contest details and,ot~er Taunton-North Easton. of. Washington, who is making Press Month materials 'are conAlso Rev. Henry R. Canuel,. his "ad limina"'visit to the Holy • ta'ined in the new 1960 Catholic Attleboro; Rev. Edwin J. Loew, See, will present the film of the: Press Month Planning. Kit, now North Attleboro; Rev. Edward ceremonies to the Pope. The film' available for $1 from 'the Cath- O. Paquette-, Mansfield-Nort~n. was sent, to Rome at .Archbishop olic ·Press Association,' j; , East O'Boyle's request. The National Catholic Welfare 39th Street,New York 16,.N. Y: Conference, re'sponsible for the Ar"chitects, 'and Engineers Backs Campaign, ' . John J. Daly, CPA president yearly Bishop,s' Clothing, Collec'ANSWERS: l(b); 2(b); 3(d); , PROVIDENCE, R. t GAspee 1-427" and editor and general manager tion, spends only half a cent per of the Catholic Virginian, Rich- dollar to distribute items col- 4(c); 5(d); 6(b); 7(c); 8(a).' id~~__~dd~""~~~"~~~~~~~.~ ~ mond (Va.) diocesan newspaper, lected, said Father McCarthy. This is due'to the fact that the ~fCllililCflllClClfCIrcfCllilllf4l«li_.tCI4fCl1NlC/&IC_._'«lC~~~[l.pOOOOI/ClNlCl(rq said: '. , "We hope Catholic organiza- 'well-organized relief agencies tions and individuals all over of the Church overseas cooperthe U. S. and Canada will seize ate in the mammoth task of getthe opportunity afforded by ting clothing and shoes to those in need. . Catholic Press Month to become better acquainted with our great Catholic periodicals and books; Role of Young Continued from Page One '"February meetings offer an excellent opportunity to let our ferred to the pastorate ol st. , Special Custom Designed Work of Religio~s ~rt and Craftsmanlay people, as well as the Clergy . Kilian's Church.' The eulogist, of 'the Mass, .and Religious, know the full ship through our own Designing Department under the meaning and potential of our Rev. Patrick H. Hurley, recalled great American Catholic prells," Father Killigrew's many talents "o supervision of ,'Mr. John Handy, Jr. "And by cooperating with the of nature' and grace and the careful, meticulous attention he . new Press Month poster contest, readers of our Catholic news:" gave to all the works of God that papers and magazines can help he undertook. ALTAR BOY ,CASSOCKS AND SURPLICES' available all sizes . / . ,Assistant Priest at the Mass bring an awareness of the role of the Catholic press ·to our was .Rt. Rev. Hurilberto S. Medeiros, Deacons of Honor were young people-'-tomorrow's read. Rt. Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher and ers, and builders of tomorrow's Rt. Rev. Louis E. Prevost. Rev. world." William J. McMahon was Deacon INTRODUCTORY OFFER of the Mass and Rev. Leo T. S.ulli~an Subdeacon; BELFAST (NC) World Refugee Year' collections in Thurifer. was Rev. James P. Catholic churches in the" Bel- . Dalzell and Acolytes Rev. James fast area totaled $11,284. A check A. McCarthy and Rev. Jaime V. for that amount - the largest Mendes. Book bearer was Rev. S:ilv~r single contribution to Belfast's James A. Clark, Candle bearer WRY appeal - was presented Rev. John V. Magnani, Mitre the Lord Mayor of Belfast by bearer Rev. Clement.E. Dufour, Bishop Dal}iel Mageean of Down and Gremiale bearer Rev. Casiand Connor. . mir Kwiatkowski.
Clothing Drive
Pope to Receive Film Of Shrine Dedication
poster Contest
,J.. ' M. MOSHER & SON
of ,Faith
Father Killigrew
. Irish Aid
24 kt. Gold Plated with Plated Ornamentation
500·Host $95~ 600 Host $115. 750 Host $135. . 1000 Host $150. ~.
.... '
STORE HOU@.S: 9:00 A.M. ,to 5:00 P.M. MONDAY·thru SATURDAY until Christmas
NEW OFFICERS: Newly ele~ted officers of the National Catholic Apostleship of the Sea Conference and their episcopal moderator, examining picture of "aUf Lord of the', Sea," are, left to right, Lt: Commander John T. McKenna, ,Catholic chaplain, U.S.M.S., president; Auxiliary Bishop Abel Cailfouet of New Orleans, moderator; Father Thomas A. McDonough" C.SS.R., port chaplain of New Orleans, re,. elected secretary; and Father John J. Murphy, O.M.L, po.rt; C?haplain of Seattle, vice-president. NC Photo.
GA 1-0358
.,A complete line of religioui gifts'· '
GA 1-0359
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall· River....,Thurs., Dec. 17, 1959
Baseball Clinic Highlight. Of Coaches' Convention
Says Boston College Hockey Team Contender for ,Nationa I Honors
By Jack Kineavy The 35th annual State Coaches' Convention held last Saturday at the M.I.T. Faculty Club in Cambridge attracted the largest number of members in the history of the organization. Clinics were held in football, hockey, basketball, track and baseball 'and each Bolin, B.U.'s workhorse halfproved most worthwhile. back,' a,?d Dick Pariseau, AttleCoaches from area schools bol"O s gift to the Naval A.cademy. . New Coach were present In force and Monsignor Coyle High of Jim Burns of Coyle and Bill Parsons of Mansfield were singled out for recognition in view of their champion s hip seasons. Nils "Swede" Nelson was the featured speaker and the incomparable raconteur was in his usUal excel,;, 1 e n J for m . . "s ~de" made one of his rare ap ,~arances, in Southeastern' assachusetts Monday night when he addressed a banner gathering in Taunton on the occasion of the testimonial to the State Champion Coyle eleven. , Getting -back to the Coaches conclave, the baseball cl~nic which this agent attended was h' F not mg short of terrific. ormer Sox Pete Daley, Ted Lepcio and Sam Meleand BillMonbouquette;' promlsing young So?,' hurler, participated in a panel discus. hi h N '1 M h B Slon w c ei a oney, oston's head New England scout, kept moving at a lively pace. Daley, recently traded to Kansas City, held forth on catching. Lepcio, a Seton Hall graduate, who aspires to a manager's berth when his playing days are over, spoke on infielding. Mele, presU h 'th W h' t as mg on en. y a coac Wl concentrated on the finer points of hit.ting al\d Monbouquette h addressed the group on pitc ing.· The session was so interesting and informative tha~ it ran overtime by some twenty minutes. At the conclusion of the li . d' l' c me a stan mg ova IOn was tendered the major .leaguers who appeared to enjoy the proeeedings every bit as much as the coaches themselves. Among B'll N t N or on, ew t h e group was I Bedford Vocational and GUll DiRubio, Taunton. Asack Honored The publication of the 1959 Ail-Diocesan team last week served to remind us that a numbel" of young men who achieved that distinction in previous years have gone on to greater heights in college. The list is by no means complete but of the 1957 team, Bob Asack, Columbia via Taunton and Steve Turkalo, Boston University by way of Coyle, are two young men of varsity status. Asac.k was named to the Sports Illustrated All-Ivy team, the only Sophomore so honored. In the accompanying write-up, it Was noted that Asack is the only . ·t . def mi e pro prospect In Ivy League ranks at the present time. Turkalo, an outstanding end at· C 1 . ' ' oyBe, twasus~ltc~etd todghuard a t os on mversl y an ead coach Steve Sinko, speaker at the Taunton High banquet last week, remarked that he and his staff are very pleased with Steve's adjustment to interior line play. Diocesan Collegians Of last year's All-Diocesan aggregation, end Bob Hargraves was elected co-captain of the Holy Cross yearlings; tackle Tony Day captained the Columbia Freshmen; Charley Carey quarterbacked the young Colby Mules for whom Durfee's Rick Bonalewicz was also a starter; Paul Levesque played fullback for the powerful Boston College Eaglets and Jilek Carreiro was a leading halfback on the Bridgton Academy undefeated eleven. Other notable collegiate standouts whose high school careers were ante-Anchor included Steve McGowan, a three year veteran at Boston University; Tony Abraham who did a tremendous job at center for Boston College; Luke Urban, also a IIl8PPeJ'-back ~ Columbia; Hugo
By John Corrigan With the Christmas ~eason hard upon us, devoted· parents might be well advised to equip their athletic offspring with some ice skates-and if the boy has any promise, he can play for one of the nation's best collegiate hockey teams without travelling hundreds "home-town, home-grown boys." of miles. Boston College has Most of this is due to the high again come up with a strong quality of high school hockey . contender for sectional and played in and around Boston.
Taunton defending B 1" i s t 0 1 national honors on ice . . But a great deal of it can be County' basketball titlist, is John "Snooks" Kelley, the properly credited to Coach Kelscheduled to launch the '59-'60 venerable Eagles' coach, is pres. ley's able direction. campaign Saturday night at ently undertaking his 24th sea"Snooks" has led the Eagles home in an exhibition against son free from the harrassments, to seven New England cham· a strong Metropolitan New York pressures and behind-the-scenes pionships, one Eastern chamquintet. The Warriors were decimovements of the ever-present pionship (last year), one mated by graduation and a major alumni who pestered Mike Holo- N.A.A.U. title and one N.C.A.A, rebuilding task faces coach John 'vak right out of a job. And Tournament championship. The O'Brien. "Snooks" has the material to N .C.A,A. hockey tournaments None of last year's starting content almost· every reasonable !lave only been held for the last five is returning _and the lack old grad within- range of Chest.. te~,years. B.C._ has been selected' of .height among Warrior pernut , H i l l . , ali .I>istrict representative five' . JOHN C. O'BRIEN sonnel is apt to prove a' further. His 1958-59 sextet won 20 and t~m~s.. ' , ' , aggravation. Tallest men in tne' lo,st 8 and fought all the way up . Has Desirable Rink first team are' Bob Martiri and' t~" th~rdplac::e in the N.C.A,A. Over the years, Kelley's sixe~' Mike Fitzsimmons each of whom . I'\at~oI1-al tournament. From this nave':had only two losing Seastands' Six 'feet. Rounding' ont" aggr,egation, .only one regular iii! SOilS, arid have am'assed totals of' the starting unit are Jerry" Con~ mlssing. In addition; last Win~ 273 wins, 10 ties, and 110 losses.' iff, Bill Hoye and Bill CO,ntre:': Making his 'debut Saturday ras. night as head coach of basket- ter's highly touted freshman six And most of this magic was Slated to see plenty of action ball at Monsignor Coyle aigh of has provided some satisfying wrought under what might be Taunton will be John C. O'Brien depth. understated as "difficult" con'is a second unit comprising Ron of' Somerset. O'Brien succeeds Defeat Harvard, Brown ditioos. For years, B.C. hockey Desrosiers, Bob Fioretti, Jack Billy Daley, who rifled in 23 teams crept out in the dead of and Dennis Phillipe, and Jeff' Jim Burns, veteran Warrior all sports mentor who is stepping McCauley. McCauley at 6'4" is. out of' the .basketball picture' goals" picked up 17 assists last night to practice ·in the BOStoll Wi~t~r, has a separated shoulGarden; the Brighton Skating the only,!:big man on the squad;' . after 27 years at the Tauri'tOrt del" ;md will llrobably noi be Club, the Boston Arena aftei ,He is a' .juni()l- and though he, School.! Burns remains - head b~?;k,in action until after. .the everyone else had gone hOllie. ' lacks Va11lity. experience Jeff ' first of the year. However, the ,This ~s all changed today. The has shown, ~ontinued improve- coach of football and baseball; ' O'Brien, is no neophyte' in Maroon an,d Gold did pretty well be1!utiful, spacious, and handy ment in practice scrimmages ,to' local'basketb.all circles.' His: iii 'their two' lead-off contests McHugh Forum now serves as date. .On the credit side of the ledger' freshman and junio;l" varsity dOwning' Harvard and Brown i~ ~e center of Boston College' filiily decisive games. Captain hockey. The building was com~ is the indomitable spirit ancf' teams at Somerset compiled a hustle' th'at are characteristic 01.' fantastic 140-19' record over the Chris' Smith, Ron Walsh, Owen pleted .in 1958 as one of a series Hughes; and Bob Leonard are all - of' steps in the rapidly expandall Coyle teams. The Warriors: years during the Kearns "'and Kinney regimes when the competent forwards." Johnny ing college's development pro.: are in excellent physical condi":. Raiders remained at or near the Cusack and Dick Ja"Son are grams. it is so desirable as a tion, most of them having just': come off the championship foot-' pinnacle, in Narry competition. strong and speedy centers, while rinkalthat teams from the NaJimmy Logue is a rock in the ti()ll Hockey League, in Boston . It is not far-fetched to say that. ball season. In Hoye and Cuniff much' of this success' was p'ro":' nets as goalie. to play the beloved Bruins, have they have a couple of excellent portionately attributable to used it as a practice center. shooters; Martin and Fitzsim- O'Brien's sound work in the w~:fe~~:~~~, ~~h E~~~~Sno~;~ B.C. has four impressive oppo· mons, a rugged football duo, are formative stages. stick handlers _ Providence's nents dropping in to the McHugb being counted on for yeoman The new Warrior mentor is Dick Ril~y and Cambridge's Red Forum over the holidays: Princeduty off the boards and the team M . ton on Dec. 18; St. Lawrence, the as a unit moves the ball well. i n dee d a dyed-in-the-wool artm generally start off, but 19th; Laval .of Canada, - on the Coyle will give away height devotee of the game. He has seen Rod OConnor is a third man Who 27th and North Dakota on the and experience in practically all as many as 23 games in a single sees a lot of action-and provides 29th. W,ith all the magnificent i week. That in itself mayor may a fair share as well. of ts ,games against County not. be some sort of record but new highways and such availWhen Daley gets back, B.C. I teams but the speed and aggres. will .undoubtedly be the team ab e for a trip to Boston, a ride siveness of the Warriors will it certainly is an indication of up to B.C. might be worth it exact some measure of compen- John's passion for the game. His:, with ''the greatest potential in the' hockey available is of the sation. Off their showing against. attitlide is. actually more thalli,. New England. yery best kind. Better make that of a devotee; he's a serious. ·'The truly' amazing aspect of sure th~t tickets c"'an be had beSomerset in a pre-season scrim- 'student 'of basketball' with ~ mage, the Warriors are going to ~cisive approach to the finer.i the ·continued success B.C. has fpre, you leave, though. had with itsl)ockey teams lis ~ very interesting to watch. point$ of game. ' that, in;yariably, the players are . :·K of C Party Providence Powerful O'Brien is a member of the':: .McMahon Council 151, Knighb In captain Len Wilkins and Class of 1941 at Coyle and after., natives of the Greater Boston John Egan, Providence College a service-interrupted college,: area. . Most collegiate power- of Columbus, will hold its anhouses import at least a few of nlial" Christmas party for mem.;.' has a fore court tandem that can go with any in the nation. career was graduated from Holy,:: their stars from various outlying bers' .' children - at 2 Sunday Cross in 1948. He is marrie<J;: districts, 'some from as far as afternoon, Dec. 20 at Kennedy Big John Woods is the Friars' to the former 'Jean 'Monarch of: Canada. However, B.C. has con; Center, New Bedford. Refreshstrong man off the boards and Fall River and is presently ar{ sistently been able to rank with ments, entertainment and a visit the fifth position, which in the English instructor at Somerset'., early season has been shared by High School. .: the 'best of them by relying on from Santa Claus will be fea-' t "tured. Dick Whela~ and Tim Moynihan, - It has been said that coaching es e em mnt,r-----------~ has averaged 20 points per. game. is a profession ~which revolves , ELIZABETH (NC) St.. I P laying Bradley at home is no I small assignment in that the about reflected emotion, that Elizabeth's Hospital here in New I ,players mirror the drive and Jersey will receive a $790,722 Braves have won 24 straight in desire of the man who tutors I their field house. them. I have a personal convic- Feder~l grant to~ardthe co~- I ·1' P.C.'s next home game comes tion that a successful ,coach ,is strucbon of a SIx-story addlI against Santa Clara on Dec. 21, one.. who has the ability to trans-' tion. The grant is being made I' .th,e~ follows the Holiday Irivita- 'mit, a, ,winning spirit. John? under the Hill-Burton law. It 10me s . . . . tional Tourney, Dec. 29 :a"nd 30: O'B ··e 'b thO 'b'l't d H" was 'recommended by the New I ' Th' . 1 d "1" h' II n as IS a 1 I Y an ~. J~rsey Hospital Advisory Coun.:. L...;.~:"~_-.;__ ~,' e .pairmgs re ease ear y t IS one. iota of h' e 1 '11 d' week have Brown vs. George-.' det t .' t' IS, ~S ~sofna dW~ atnh e/ cll and has been approved by town in the opener, with. the Co el mIna Idon tlh Inwuse. m 'n ',' the board of control of state in- ---,-----...-111 P C B t n U· ·t til ye squa, e arrIors WI . stitutions and agencies. The adto'f'OlvIOsw. OOs °T ,ndlve.rDsl!~·30t field ,a. smart,' aggressive balik dition will cost $3,110,000 and __ . n ues ay, . ,"c. , lub ' . "1 the consolation and champion- c, . 'f will Drovide 148 extra beds. ship games will be played. The -Jack Kineavy:i host Friars are the Tourney's defending champiuns. .
OIBri'en in Debut As Coyle Coa'cll,
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of C to Support Decency Progra.....
NEW HAVEN, (NC) .;....".More than 500 U.S. Knights of Columbus councils plan to join a program to publicize in, daily newspapers the movie ratings of the National Legion of Decency. K·of C headquarters here said instructions on how the program works are being sent to councils interested in promoting the effort to raise the moral tone of current films. Patterned after a project pioneered by the Fairfield, Conn.. K of C council, the program calls for inserting in daily newspapers each Saturday the legion classifications for movies to be shown locally' during the coming week. This will mean that leg'ion ratings will generally be available in both the RCUla!' press ,a~d ttle Catholic .press.,
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BEARER OF' GOOD GIFTS : Little Pat and Sandra, with a doll, vie 'for the atteJ).tion of a distinguished visitor to St. Ann's Infant Home, ~onducted by the Daughters" of Charity in Washington. Th~ surprise visitor is Archbishop Egidio Vagnozzi, Apostolic Delegate to the United States.
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. ·THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Dec. 17, 1959
FIRST MEETING: CYO members from the newly-formed Attleboro '.Sacred Heart Church, North Attleboro. ,Center, Mrs. Ralph'Patunoff Mansfield-Norton District attended a Christmas party as their first joint serves punch to, left· to right, Marsha Aptt, Kathy Flanagan, Judy Love. .~~tivity. Left, Rev. Bern·ai.'d Sullivan, District YOl;lth Modera~or, looks on Right, winners'of a dance eliminationcontest,are named "Mr. and Mrs. :as L~oriard.Silvia, president oLSt,;Mary's Church' CYO.. Norton; presents _ Santa" and pr~pare to .distrib~te, gifts. 'Tying on Santa hats are Steven '. ~L$100-d6nation towards 'the Bishop's Ball to Rev. ·Edmond Dickinson, Sicard and Sheila Lojeck, assisted by other CYOers.
.j~suit ,Mi~sioner Catholi~. 'is 'pool Man' as' ~ke .·,Meets Pope " I'd'· R· , VATICAN CITY (NC)' -·A He :served as.a "gob" in the. covered the White House and says .,. la. Ipe Pulitzer Prize winning reporter Navy during World War I and' has. been one of the top political .F,o' r Harvest who"is a d~vout'Catholic acted as a war cqrrespondent in'World reporters for the Post: In ,.1947 as "pool mim" for contingent :M;r.. Folliard was awarded' the U~e
War II. For some years he has
, ~ WEST 'BADEN SPRINGS of correspondents covering Pres(~C)-The Church .inlndia ident Eisenhower's trip' abroad, . . f b' h ?uring the me~ting between ces f3: ' "the d~wn 0 : a . rig. t 'Pope John XXIII and the -U. S. new day," saId a JesUIt mlS- Chief Executive.
Asks F~derpl Bure'au ForMigrant Labor·
.' SALISBURY (NC) The Central 'African Federation's Premier has criticized a second Pulitzer Prize for national re- protest against racial injustice , porting.' He i~ a former p~esi by Bishops in' this Southern dent. of the Gridiron Club,' an- Rhodesia area. . organization. of newspapermen,' , Prime Minister Sir·RoY Wel~nd; of the, White House~9r ensky says the Bishops' pr~ respondents Association.. test' is not specific enough. The Highly popular personally and lates,t e~change of opinions condeeply respected professionally cerns the Bishops' joint stateBy his journalistic colleagues,' ment declaring that because at Mr. Folliard is a regular con-' the African majority's opposition to the federation, its' powtributor to America,' weekly Jesuit review. He has also writ- .. ers should not be !ncreased. ten for the Catholic Standard, The Central African Federanewspaper of the Washington tion groups the British colony archdiocese, and other U.· S. of Southern Rhodesia and the Catholic pUblications. protectorates of Northern Rhoqesia and Nyasaland, each of which. retains considerable local Silver Jubilee SALT L~ CITY (NC)=-Co..: ~ut9nony. About 250,000 of the adjutor Bishop Joseph' Lennox ~rea's 7,500,000 .people are Federal of· Salt Lake ·City has whit~s. The.Africans oppose the offered a'Solemn Pontifical Mass 'federation because they fear it Qf Thanksgiving, comril.·emorat-· is a means of providing for per,(fig his: 25 years in the' priest- manent white domination of the flood. ' region:' <
. ,sionary who' has spent 32 years' PHILADELPHIA' (NC) - ' A The "pool man," Edward' T. in that country. governor has urged creation of Folliard of the Washington Post; Speaking to theology students long recognized as' one of the a FederaL bureau to improve at West Baden College,' Jesuit top U. S. reporters,' was' one of living conditions of' migrant farm' workers. . seminary here in Indiana, Father a small group accompanyi~g the Gov. David L. Lawrence of John. J. Brem~an, S,J., declared: President received by the Holy "Never before in the 400 years Father shortly after the Pon- Pennsylvania has requested a of Jesuit missionary activity in tiff's private audience with the U. S. Senate subcommittee on migratory labor to establish a India has the field been so ripe . President. bureau of migrant labor within A' "pobl man" is chosen by a for the harvest." the Department of Labor. group of reporters on occasions Recently returned from the . Gov. Lawrence 'stated that Patna mission conducted by the when circumstances prevent the Jesuits of the~ Chicago Province, entire group from attending the . Congress should give the bureau F'ather' Brennan, who was sta- event. The "pool man" dispenses . responsibility for raising standtiDned at Krist Raja (Christ the all the news he gathers at the ards of migrant labor "insofar event to the entire group of re- as Gove~nment action can acKing) High School, cited the fol- ,porters. , . complish this up· to the- levels· lowing""recent~evelopm~nts" · as decent for men, wom-. th'e basis of his 'optimistic view: : Mr. Folliard; a. native of considered en and children in' the mid..,' Washington, D.' C., is Ii veteran 20th century Ar.nerica." r ' " •.Q : . Native Vocations •. of some 40 years in newspaper 1. '.Church ie~der~hipi~ pa.s,sreporting; all 'for ,Washington' lrlg more into the' h.ands of.-na" . newsp~pers,' i·.' ':,) ;. / 0 . ". ,~., ~ . tive indians: "~n 1947," he. note~~ '.'only: eight of. the' 4~ Cat?olic ~ish.ops 9~ '11}~ia ,were In?Ia~~i . . Seton... ~.aH ~rants .. 'J'ERSEY CITY (NC)~Fifteen today, 40 out·o~ ,~5 are Indians. faculty members ·at 'Seton' Hall ~. 2. 'Native- vocations are on ~he University's college of medicine i'ncrease."The' South IndIan and ,dentistry have received'16' state ·of· Kerala . alone sends 400 grants totaling $19'1,386'from the missionaries yearly to other National Institutes of. Health of paits qf India," Father Brennan the U. S. Department of Health, said. . Education and Welfare. 3. The Constitution of In~ia, drawn up in .1947, . recqgmzes "ihe right to practice, profess, and'. propagate the relig.ion of . . . . one's choice." Moreover, It. s~fe guards the right. of relIgIOUS .OS·. 8-5286' minorities to establish and ope~ ~te schools of their own, he said. 'AT'YOVR DOOR OR So. Dartmouth .Caste Sys~em .Ending . 4. The caste 'system, ....a great and Hyannis obstacle to" conversions," is .beginning to: crumble. !'In north $0., Dart.,;outh, \ .. -. . . -. ',.. . '" India," said Father Brennan, WY 7-9384 .(All: Ice Cream) "Chrfstianity could make., headHyannis 2921 . way-for the most part only with the lower castes, so. it became chiefly associated with the ignorant and the outcast, making it an object of' scorn for the 9 Generous Helpir,gs intelligent and influential.' A rich vanilla ice cream 5. Influential Indians are attaching greater value to the in. loaded with fruit . . . fresh . stitutions and the teachings of peach. :. natural red and green Bowling & S~ating the Church. "Our schools,'" said cherries .•• pineapple chunks ~ ... plus t1)e missionary, '''are recognized. big pieces of buttered,' toasted almonds. Million Dollar Ballroom -, . . as among the best in the coun<
Bisl10ps in Africa Hit Racial Injustice
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try." " , Father Brennan pointed out tha"t Catholic schools "are edu- . eating many boys' from the influential families of Indi~." "While comparatively few of these boys' are' converted in:. school, they are carrying. away wi'th' them, a sound Christian moral training and an apimicia-, tion for the Chu'tch which will greatii iniluerlceth~h·,activties . and' judgments· as' the leaders' of the country' iri 'the future,". he. ·said.···· '.. : .
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