t eanco VOL. 26, NO. 49
~OCI $6 Per Year
Wareham MaryknoUer
To Thailand
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THIS PHOTO, taken seconds after Pope John Paul II was shot May 13, 1981, in St. Peter's Square, shows a man at extreme left who strongly resembles Bulgarian Sergei Ivanov Antonov (picture below), the airlines representative who has been arrested in connection with the shooting. (NC/UPI Pho:os)
Papal plot evidence grows
By Jerry FUteau NC News Service When Mehmet Ali Agca tried to kill Pope John ,Paul II police immediately theorized that there may have been an international terrorist conspiracy behind him. But only now, a year and a half later, is substantial evidence sur , facing which could link Agca, through the Bulgarian secret po lice, to an alleged plot by top Soviet officials to eliminate the pope. Italian investigators, appar ently acting on new confessions by Agca, have arrested or are seeking four Turks and three Bulgarians on charges of com plicity in the assassination at tempt. It it can be proved that the Bulgarian secret police were the movers behind the conspir acy, Western intelligence an alysts argue, ,this would· place ultimate responsibility right on the doorstep of the Kremlin's top leadership. On May 13, 1981, the young Turkish terrorist fired at least two shots at Pope John Paul in St. Peter's Square. One pierced the pope's abdomen, nearly kill ing him. Agca, then 23, was caught in the act lJnd freely admitted that he did i~. He wa~ quickly identified as a convicte4 killer facing a death sentence in Turkey for assass ination of a prominent liberal editor there two years earlier.
When Agca was sentenced 'to life imprisonment by an Italian court two months after his at tempt on the pope's life, the con spiracy issue was relegated to a secondary place in the trial it self. But the final written ver dict of the jury, issued two months later, called him "only the visible part of a conspiracy whose other members are un fortunately not identified~" . More than a year followed with few signs of official pro gress, although two separate re ports by journalists investiga tors concluded that Agca's at tempt to kill the pope had been directed by Moscow through the Bugarian secret police. Last August Claire Sterling, an expert on international ter~ rorism and author of the widely acclaimed 1981 book, "The Ter ror Network," made that claim in an article in Reader's Digest. In September NBC-TV reported the same conclusion in an hour long documentanr. ANTONOV Both Ms. Sterling and NBC Agca's confessed murder in pewsman Marvin Kalb theor ized that Moscow sought the credentials, but investigators al so quickly gathered evidence of pope's death because it saw its links to Palestinian terrorists of Eastern European power threat the left, suggesting that Agca ened by Pope John Paul's charis could have been for hire to matic influence in his native Po whomever wanted to use him, land, where the independent la regardless of political ideology. bor union, Solidarity, was then a He was also apparenty a devout rapidly growing force in an Moslem, giving rise to the theory movement to liberalize the coun try. that he was motivated by reli But Agca, the key to any con gious fanaticism rather than poli
Turn to page thirteen
He had escaped from 'prison in November 1979 and just after his escape had written a letter to a Turkish newspaper threaten ing to kill the pope during his visit to Turkey at the end of that month.
Father Alan Borsari, MM, a native of St. Patrick's parish, Wareham, is making Maryknoll history. In January the' young mis sioner will be part of a team that will establish the first Mary knoll mission in Thailand. The team, composed of Father Bar sari, another priest and five lay,persons, will be another Mary knoll first. "It will be the first time lay people and priests have gone to gether into a new country," ex plained Father Borsari. "Usually priests have gone first and other workers have followed." In Udon Thani, a remote rural area in northeast Thailand, he and his cohorts will establish an experimental agricultural pro ject incorporating modern farm ing techniques. At the same time they will conduct health educa tion programs in villages and a large refugee camp near the land already purchased for them. "That's all ·that's there - the land,." said Father Borsari. "We'll be doing everything building and preparing the ground for farming." He said that the bishop of the poor and undeveloped diocese in which
the Maryknollers will be work ing had requested their assis tance long ago, but only now has it been possible to put together a Thailand team. Already conversant with Tai wanese and Mandarin Chinese, Father Borsari expects to spend about six months in Bangkok, the Thai capital, getting the ba sics of Thai and Laotian, the main languages he will need in his new assignment, where about 98' percent of the population will be Buddhist. Behind him are 11 years in Tai wan, where he served as a sem inarian and returned after his ordination in 1974. There he worked at Friendship House in the capital city of Taipei. It is a Maryknoll activity center for' young migrant workers lonely upon arriving in the huge city from small farms. The center, next to the city's railroad and hus stations, is open 365 days a year and offers young people a mix of recrea tional and ca~echetical programs. From Taipei, Father Borsari moved to Taichung, also one of Taiwan's larger cities, where he directed St. Christopher's Gar Turn 'to Page Eleven
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AT THE ANCHOR OFFICE, Father Borsari looks over the Maryknoll magazine. (Torchia Photo)
THE ANCHOR-D.iocese of Fall River-,F.ri.,Dec. 17, 1982
Social Security beats
p~ivate plans, he says
A Stonehill Col~ege economist says his research Shows that public pension plans, such as . Social security, offer more to a pensioner than do convention ai pr,ivate plans. In a paper. titled. "A Compari son of Rates of Return on Pri vate -and Public ,pension Funds, presented ~ast month before the 75th Annual Conference on Tax ation in Cincinnati, Dr. Hossein Seyed-Kazemi, assistant profes sor of economics at the North Easton coJilege, said his purpose was "to provide an analysis of the relative performance of pri vate and public pension plans. , "What I have done is to ~ook at the Socim security system .and compare U with TIAA/CREF (Teachers Insurance Annuity Association / College Retirement Equity Fund). This is the plan at many colleges, universities, and research institutions," he told Stonehill CoHege student Gene Loughlin, an intern in the. coHege's office of public affairs. As of now, said Dr. Kazemi, the replacement ratio, which re-
fers to individual retirement compensation, as ,much higher' for Social Security than for con vent;ional private plans. ",Initimly," he continued, "So cial Security was not supposed to be a retirement income; it was supposed to provide a floor of benefits, supplemented by pri vate pension benefits. " . now, a lot of people, are just relying on Social Security. , "The Social Security system is currently giving an inRation proof benefit to individuals, but private plans clon't do that. ,So cial Security wage indexes your past· earnings, so they translate your, previous earnings to to day's dollar, and they price in dex your future benefits. "An ,income of $4,000 in 1951 for an individual who reaches age 62 in 1981. would be trans lated to $16,404 in 1981's doHaI'. ... In addition, the benefit com ing to the pemlioner. is going ,to b~ adjusted for inflation. This, is not the 'case when you look at private plans.
Theologians' due process, new Ahp. Lefebvre talks VATICAN CITY (NC) - New due process measures will soon be in effect for the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrin~ of the Faith, said its' prefect,:' German Cardinal Josef Ratzinger. Speaking last week at a meeting of journalists accredited at the Vatican, Cardinal Ratzinger said that the congregation had decided to accept proposals presented by West German and Swiss bishops regarding the cluestioning of theologians suspected of, holding views not in conformity with church teachings. The princip~1 chan~e. co.nfirmed by the Vatican offICIal IS tl)at theologians whose teachings are being examined will be allowed to be assisted by th.eological counselors at congregatIon hearings. The Swiss-born West German theologian, Father Hans Kung, who in the 1970s repeatedly refused to go to Rome to submit, to a doctrinal examination by the congregation, always cited as the chief reason for his refusals lack of due process and inadequate protection of the rights of the theologian in the congregation's examination procedures. Dominican Father Edward SchillEibeeckx, a Belgian-born Dutch theologian who. in 1979 became the only theologian to · 1 . t' n undergo a doc trm~ ex~ma 10 by the congregatIon smce the current procedures were established in 1971, said he had agreed to questioning despite "the absence of human rights" in the procedure. Fathef Schillebeekx, who was eventuaify clear of questions of unortho~oxy regarding the points at issue,' was able to confer at times .with an advisor in an adjoining room, but at the hearing'
itself had to face his questioners 'alone: Cardinal Ratzinger also reveal ed .that Pope. JohnP~u, II has , asked' him to continue a dial ogue with' French traditionalist Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. ' Archbishop Lefebvre, 77, who leads a, worldwide movement from heaquarters in Econe, Switzerland, opposes reforms of the Second Vatican Council, par ticularly those relating to reli-' gious freedom, ecumenism and liturgy. The French archbishop was suspended by Pope Paul VI in 1976 after he ordained priests in de fiance of a direct papal prohibi tion. Under the suspension,he 'cannot licitly celebrate Mass, ordain priests 01' adminster the other sacrameents. H: has, however, continued to ordam an~ carry out o~er priest Iy and epIscopal functIons. -Under Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II there has been a series of discussions aimed at reconciliation with the, archbish op, but no agreement has yet been reached. '. The order founded ~y Arch· bIShop Lefeb,;e, the Priestly So ciety of St. PIUS X, said that the French ~relate had met f~r th~e hours WIth Cardinal Ratzmger In Jut 1982. . y . ., . At the JournalIsts meetmg Car dinal Ratzinger said that ta~ks would soon be resumed With Archbishop Lefebvre, who was in Rome at that time. "On both sides, we are reflect ing on the possibility of an ac cord," said the cardinal, "even though it may be premature to consider what the outcome of these reflections might be." .
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standest for an ensign of the people, before whom kings shall keep silence and unto who the Gen tiles shall make their sup plication: come to deliver us and tarry not.
KEY OF DAVID and Sceptre of the house of Israel, who openest and BEGINNING today the no man shutteth, who Church uses the ancient shuttest and no ,man o antiphons, so called openeth: come and bring from their initial letter, forth from his· prison at the Eucharilitie liturgy house tbe captive that sit and at Evenirtg Prayer. teth in darkness and in They are sugg.~sted as a the shadow of death. beautiful evenilltg grace or
additional pra}"er at the
time of lightinl: a family
or individual Advent o DAWN OF THE EAST, brightness of the light wreath. eternal and Sun of Jus tice: come and enlighten them that sit in darkness o WISDOM, who camest and ,in the shadow of. out of the mOlllth of the death. Most High, reaching from,
end to end anell ordering
, all things migll1tily and sweetly: come:md teach o KING OF THE GEN Us the way of prudence. TILES and the desired of them, thou cornerstone that makest both one: come and deliver man o ADONAI and Leader of whom thou didst form the house of Isnel, who 'Out ~f ,'the dust of the' didst appear to Moses in earth. the flame of th.~ burning
bush and didst give unto
him the law on Sinai:
come and with an out
stretched arm redeenn us. o EMMANUEL, our King and Lawgiver, the ex pected of the nations and their Saviour: come to o ROOT OF JESSE, who save us, 0 Lord our God.
• 6
Jesuits set election date ROME (NC) - A general con gregation of the Society of Jesus to elect a new superior general of -the 26,000 Jesuits is sched uled to begin Sept. 2, 1983. The announcement was made earlier this month by Jesuit , Father Paolo Dezza, papal dele gate to the Jesuits, in a lette]:' to major superiors of the society throughout the world. The Jesuits, founded by the Spanish' St. Ignatius of Loyola in 1540, are the largest order of priests and brothers in the Cath olic Church. The new superior general would succeed c 75-year-old Father Pedro Arrupe, incapacita ted since suffering' a stroke in 1981. The Jesuits are considered the "special forces" of the pope, and many Jesuit priests take a "fourth vow" of obedien<:e to the pontiff. Father Dezza's letter an nouncing the general congrega tion'said that it was being called "with the permission of the su preme pontiff." He said that one of the tasks of the congJregation would be "to treat those matters
which are to be reviewed in ac cord with the will of the Holy See." Pope John Paul II, Pope John Paul I and Pope Paul VI all ex. pressed concern over' some de velopments within the' Jesuits. In a 1979 letter Father Arrupe said these papal, concerns were "secularizing tendencies, auster ity and discipline in religious and community life, fidelity to the .magisterium (the church's , teaching authority) in doctrine, ,the priestly character' of our apostolic work " . and the spiritual, intellectual and apos-: tolic formation of young Jesuits:~
in cras'h
OSSINING, N.Y. (NC) - Two members of the governing board of the Maryknoll Sisters were among 46 people killed when a Chilean airliner crashed Dec. 9 on approach to the airport at La Serena, Chile. Sisters Gertrude Vaccaro, 53, and Margaret Hanlon, 42, were en route to Panama after visiting Maryknoll coinmunities in Chile. Both nuns had been on the five-member governing board of the Maryknoll order since 1978 and had two more years to serve. Born in Port Chester, N.Y., on May 17, 1929, Sister Vaccaro joined the Maryknoll Sisters in 1961. She served at Maryknoll Hospital in Hong Kong from 1965 to 1977. She then returned to the United States to do promotional' .work for the order and a year later was elected to the govern ing board. Born in San Francisco on June 10, 1940, Sister Hanlon joined 'Mary~noll in 1960. . After t~aching at elelJ1CPWY schools in California ~~ New York she was assigned tG P"Uvla in 1968. There she taught, engaged in youth work and did pastoral work in a rural parish. In 1978 she was elected a delegate to the Maryknoll Sis ters' assembly and then was elec ted to the governing board.
(necrolo9Y) December 20 Rev. Manuel S. Travassos, Pastor, 1953, Espirito Santo, Fall River
December 21 Rev. Henri J. Charest, Pastor, 1968, St. Mathieu, Fall River December 23 Rev. Owen J. Kiernan, Pastor, 1901, Immaculate Conception, Fall River Rev. Charles P. Trainor, SS., 1947, St. Edward Seminary, .Seattle, Washington Rev. 'Msgr. John A. Slivia, Pas tor, Emeritus, 1970, St.' John Baptist, New Bedford December 24
Rev. James K. Beaven, Pastor, 1886; Sacred Heart, Taunton Rev. Timothy J. Duff" Assis. tant, 1914, St. Joseph, VVoods Hole _""I~rtnnmlltnrrtm1fllltlrml,"IIlnUlununuml", ,mlllllllllll".
the true Ignatian spirit and be able to carry forward the renewal of the society in conformity with the desires of the holy father." He added that society norms prohibit "any type of campaigning" in selection of dele gates. He asked that special petitions for the success of the general congregation be included in Jesuit community prayers.
Jesuit sources have said that Pope Paul II is concerned that a 1975 reduction from 11 -to six years of the period between novi tiate and priestly ordination may be detrimental to young Jesuits. There are also indications that ' the, pope is' unhappy with the , rifE ANCHOR (USP8-54s.o20). ~cond Clan political invovement of some Postage Paid et Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of Ju'y 4 and the Latin American Jesuits. week after Christmas at 410 j,ghland Aven ue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 y the cath Father Dezza's letter said that olic Press of the Diocese Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 delegates to the general congre per_year. Postmasters send eddress chan,. The Anchor. P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 1M gation ~'should be endowed with to 02722.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 17,
Diocese of Fall River
Unruly Desires UEven one unruly desire, though not a mortal sin, sullies and deforms the soul and indis. poses it for the perfect union with God, until it be cast away." - St. John of the Cross
..5 p: ~
PERMANENT DEACON ASSIGNMENTS TRANSFER Mr. John H. Schondek from Sacred Heart Parish, Taun ton, to Saint Paul's, Taunton, effective Wednesday, December 15, 1982. 'FIRST ASSIGNMENTS Mr. Antonio M. da Cruz to assist as a Deacon at Our Lady of Assumption Parish, New Bedford, as weH as to per· furm diaconal ministry on an occasional basis at Saint Mary's Parish, South Dartmouth. Mr. Timothy F. Desmond to assist as a Deacon at Our Lady of Victory Parish, CenterviUe, and to assist the Director of the Diocesan Office I()f the Permanent Diaconate, Mr. Robert A. Faria to assist as a Deacon at Our ,Lady of Lourdes 'Parish, Taunton. Mr. Robert D. Lemay to assist as a Deacon at Saint John the Evangelist Parish, Pocasset, and to assist in the Forma· tion Pi'ogram conducted by the 'Director of the Permanent Diaconate. Mr. Roland P. LePage to assist as a Deacon at Saint Mary's Parish, Seekonk. Mr. William A. Martin to assist as a Deacon at Saint Patrick's Parish, Wareham, and to assist the Diocesan Director of Fartlily Life Apostolate. !Mr. Richard J. Murphy to assist as a Deacon at Saint Francis Xavier Parish, Hyannis, and to assist the Diocesan Director of the Family Life Apostolate. Mr, Robert W. 'Pelland to assist as a Deacon at Saint Stephen's Parish, AttIeboro, and to assist in the Formation ,Program conducted by the Director of the Permanent Dia· conate. Mr. Thomas F. Prevost to assist as a Deacon at Saint Michael's Parish, Swansea. Mr. Robert B. Raymond to assist as a -Deacon at Saint Anne's Parish, FaH River. Mr. ,Laurent A. St. Onge to assist as Il Deacon at Saint Mary's Parish, New ,Bedford, and to assist in the Formation pfogram conducted by the 'Director of the Permanent Dia· conate. Mr. Joseph P. Stanley to assist as a Deacon at Our Lady of Victory Parish, Centerville.
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WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Association of Broad· casters' decision to drop its 30 year.old code restricting broad cast advertising is a "serious blow to the American public," said Richard Hirsch, U.S. Cath· olic Conference secretary for communication.
partment against NAB in July 1979. ' Although the suit pertained to matters such as the duration and number of ,television commer cials, some observers fear that all restrictions will be dropped, including those governing ad v~ising content.
He called it a blow to "the battle to maintain, minimal standards of conduct and resist increasing commercialization in the broadcast industry." .
Since inception of the litiga tion, the NAB has suspended its code, dismantling the staff and structure of its code division.
The Justice Department and the NAB, the industry's' leading trade group, recently signed an agreement ending an antitrust suit brought by the Justice De·
Joyful Age ..A joyful mind maketh age flourishing; a sorrowful spirit drieth up the bones." - Provo 17:22
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Visit our Shrine Gi/t Shop for the largest selection of religious gift items. Holiday French, meat pies a,!ailable in Cafeteria..
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 17, 1982
the living word
Remembering the Homeless During the days of Advent, one cannot but think of that journey of the Holy Family to Bethlehem. The roads were clogged with people, uprooted and displaced, all at the whim of Ceasar. At one man's decree, families and friends were parted; to satisfy the needs. of tyranny and power. It is so easy for us to romanticize' the earthshaking event of Christmas. Too often we dehumanize the reality of the Word made flesh. Bethlehem becomes jumbled with the North Pole, the Nutcracker and a dash of Dickens. What truly occurred is sentimentalized and sugared to such an extent that the harsh facts of history are softened into myth. So confused do we become and so misplaced are our priorities that the story of Jesus is all but equated VVith the tale of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. If we honestly wish to bring meaning to this Advent, we should search for the Lord in the world in which we ourselves live, move and have our, being. We should see him as he walks .the forgotten roads. As we make plans to gather with our families for the holidays, could we stop for a moment to realize that 10 million refugees still plod on endless journeys? Could we remember that a quarter million' Vietna-· mese farmers, 'fishermen and workers have boarded fragile wooqen boats to face the dangers of the South China Sea? Could we remember the hundreds of thousands of starving Cambodians who have fled the slaughter which has claimed three million of their countrymen in the name of social reform? Could we remember the Armenians, Laotians, Leb anese, Poles, Palestinians, Salvadorans and Haitians, dis . enfranchised as well as uprooted, the victims of power plays and poverty bred of social injustice ·'and political upheaval. .I Who among them ,would have chosen to roam the world's highways and byways? Rather, most have been driven from their homes, leaving behind their possessions and all that was familiar. As' Catholics we must react, not merely with com passion, but with a commitment to action to these millions of men, women and children forced to flee their homes at th~ nod of dictatorship and despotism. Our church, to its everlasting honor and glory, has long worked through local, national and international chan nels to live this commitment by extending material and spiritual support to the world's homeless without regard to race, color, creed or national origin. It must continue this work with even greater energy in the face of today's needs. As individuals we should be aware· of thEl work of our church in this regard and be ever ready to support and encourage undertakings designed to alleviate the condition of the world's homeless.' We should be, very mindful that the Advent journey ·of Jesus was but a prelude to his flight into Egypt. Jesus himself was a refugee forced with his parents to flee his native land. With such thoughts in mind, perhaps we who have homes and a comfortable family life will this season re affirm our commitment to continued aid to the homeless and orphaned of the world.
NC/KNA Photo
'We groan within ourselves waiting for that adoption which is the ransoming of our bodies from their slavery.' Rom. 8:23
God',s joyful heralds
love does not achieve its ends by' kindness of Bethlehem to those who still walk, in darkness arid force. Advent is a season (If waiting. Mary's immortal words: "Let the shadow of death, so that The popular conception of wait it be done to me as yoiJ say" they too can come to know the ing is that of something to be mark the beginning of the fulfill tender mercy cif our God and re dreaded. We live in an instant ment of God's promise. joice with us. society where waiting implies God does not attain his holy Too many people think that inefficiency and patience is a ends by the ways of the world. rare virtue. But the waiting of For him, the ends never justify joy can only be attained byes Advent is the joyful expectation the means. Force or trickery caping the sorrows of everyday life. True joy does not come by of Mary of Nazareth as she long could not be part of a God who denying reality but by trans ed for God to fulfill his promise. is the very source of love. forming the weariness of labor, We need to rethink olur notion" And there can be no lo:ve the depre~sion of failure and the of waiting. Faith is the essential without freedom. The same free cares of daily life int~ the joy ingredient in this season of ex ' pectation. The spiritual focus of dom that led to the fall of Adam of doing God's will. and Eve in the garden led Mary Mary learned that secret and the Blessed Mother should be come ours as we imitate her to consent to be the sacred it was impossible for her to con willingness to submit joyfully to vessel that' brought the Son of tain her joy. Our life and, our the mysterious will.of the Father. God and her Son into the world. actions should similarly reveal This is why Advent is not a The church has been wrongly , season of tedious waiting but a the joy which is ours in Christ._ accused of insisting that, Jesus time of rejoicing, a unique mix Without this profound hope was born of a. virgin because ing of conversion and joy. and faith it would be heartless to church leaders considered there St. John the Baptist is the insist that we "rejoice always," was something unholy nbout the herald of the true meaning of as St. Paul urges us. conceiving of children. Nothing Advent. Each of us, like John, is The coming of Emmanuel did could be further from the truth. called to be a herald of'hini who not abolish ·the sorrows of hu The virgin birth implies some is among us yet is always still man life, but they have been thing far more significant than to come. We are called both to transcended in the mystery of OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER
possible delicate feelings of announce his joy and prepare his God becoming man. 111e power Publish.d weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River churchmen with regard to the way. and the love of God are at work 410 Highland Avenue
conception of Jesus or the purity Oviously, most of us would not among us always, maqifested in Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151
of Mary. qualify as walking advertise the kindness and joy we show PUBLISHER Only the power of the Spirit ments for Christianity, filled with ' to oDe another. As God's grace Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. .of God could fulfill the hope of faults and doubts as we are. continues to convert us, we be EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR all ages. The power of God is However, each of us can try to come more and more his joyful , !tev. Jo~n F. Moore Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan always the power of love and radiate the joy,· simplicity and heralds. ~ I.eary Press-Fall Rive,· o
By Father Kevin J. Hllrrington
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 17, 1982
Family Night
A weekly at-home program for families
sponsored hy the Diocesan Office of Family Ministry
OPENING PRAYER Dear Father, we want to recog nize your many generous gifts to us as we busy ourselves during this holiday season. Thank you for the greatest gift of all, your son Jesus, and also for the love we share in our family. We want to be like Jesus in lighting the way for others. Help us to be generous and helpful to each other. Amen.
TO THINK ABOUT Jesus is the light of the world. Before his coming the world was in darkness.
ACTIVITY IDEAS Young Families Tum off all the lights in the house. Talk about how we can change darkness into light by the good ,things we do for each other. Hold hands and make a tour of your house. As you move from room to room tum on the light and talk about what some one does in each room to light up other's lives - what some one does in the family room that lights up other's lives, what someone does in the kitchen, etc. Light' each room with a prayer for a special intention a prayer for peace, a prayer for hope, a prayer for love, a prayer
for joy, or a prayer for the needy.
Middle Years and Adult Families
1. Wrap some of the cookies or candy that you made and take ,them to another family, a nurs ing home, or a shut-in. Light up their lives by visiting and sing ing Christmas carols. 2. Sing "This Little Light of Mine" together. Tum off the lights and each light a candle while you sing. 3. Design your own place mats for the holiday season by decora ting paper mats and covering them with clear contact paper for frequent use.
Put the room in total darkness. Beforehand give each person a candle. Talk about how we serve as lights to each other. One per son begins by lighting a candle placed on the table to symbolize Christ. This person lights his or her candle from the Christ can dIe, walks over to another per son in the room and lights that person's candle saying, "You are a light to me when you. . . " That person lights another's until the room is full of light. This activity should powerfully demonstrate how Jesus wants us to share his light with each other. . .
SNACK TIME Magazines, newspapers, and cookbooks have lots of sug gestions for holiday snacks. Choose a simple cookie or candy recipe and make it as a family
SHARING - Share a time ·when you felt sad and someone cheered you up. - Share a time when. you were afraid of the darkness. - Parents, share how you pre pared for Christmas when you were children. What customs would you like to pass along to your children?
CLOSING PRAYER Dear Jesus, we are another week closer to the celebration of Christmas. Help us to prepare our hearts so that we may truly see the light shining in the dark ness. We want to. spread your light whereever we go. Show us the way. Amen.
Christmas gifts
From the time we're little we talk about what we want for Christmas but some where along the years it changes to what we want from Christmas. Gifts become less im portant as experiences become more cherished. Here are some of the gifts that I and other grownups want,from Christmas. We want to experi ence the joy of the nativity with those we love. We want to use Christmas to talk about Jesus, Mary and the thrill of the Mes siah's birth. If this gift is squeezed out in the frenzy of preparations, we feel cheated, let down, and frustrated. We want to spend a close loving time with our families. But too often this gets bungled. When emotions and hopes run high, so do conflicts. Christmas can be a time when dormant con flicts ,of, childhood emerge and family arguments rejoined. The happy loving sharing that is anti cipated so eagerly can degener ate into painful memories and re criminations. We want to relive the thrill of But sometimes our children don't respond to those traditions so dear to our memory and we re act with disappointment, and anger. Or mayber a spouse wants to Or may~e a spouse wants to open t~e gifts on Christmas morning instead of Christmas
Eve and the child in us cries, "But that Isn't right." meaning "that isn't the way we did it." Christmas, incidentally, is one of the greatest stress periods in the first year of marriage, pre cisely for this reason. We want to give ourselves at Christmas. That's why we enter tain, make and bake, and invite houseguests. When everyone wants to do the same, though, we find ourselves trying to tele scope roles of giver and recipient into an incredibly brief period of time - a situation fraught with high emotions, calendar chaos and exhaustion. We want time to reflect and meditate, time for personal prayer, and time to stand aside from the activity for awhile. Yet there's rarely an opportunity to be alone during the holidays. Finally, we want the Christmas spirit to live on after the holi days. We love the feeling that joyious reunions produce and we don't want that spirit to end. One family I know extends this by bringing out a Christmas card daily beginning the day after Christmas and at dinner talks about and prays for the sender. Christmas can be a time of great joy and great disappoint ment. For most, it's a combina tion of both. When we focus on what we want from Christmas, it's a step toward the real mean ing and purpose of the holiday. The tinsel and gifts are impor
tant but the spirIt is what we yearn for and that is something that we can get from Christmas that extends far beyond the holi day and warms us throughout the year. My Christmas wish for readers is that they receive the gift of acceptance this year. Just as we thrill to and accept the humanity of the baby Jesus, so' also may we accept our own humaness during his season. This means accepting ourselves when re unions don't tum out the way we hope, when children squabble with siblings over who got the best gifts and when we can't be everything to 'everyone. This ac ceptance can be the greatest gift we receive at Christmas. Expecting too much from Christmas is a great human fail ing. Part of the spirit of the peace we seek from the holidays comes from accepting ourselves and those dearest to us as loving humans who want to give and be given to in the spirit of the newborn Child. This is the spirit of Christmas and may it live on in all of us.
Out but not dOlwn, The place he would have been if he hadn't been sud denly called upon to an nounce his surprise decision not to run in 1984 explains why the constituency of Edward Kennedy regards him as irre placeable and won't be rushing to embrace any of the others who are still at the starting line. Until the word leaked out that it was no go, Kennedy was scheduled to hold a press con ference with the families of the four American churchwomen who were murdered in EI Salva dor two years ago Wednesday. It was the kind of risky, thank less cause that Kennedy took on, and the kind of thing that none of the others would do. If he has a "character" problem, he al so has a unique reputation as the champion of the widow and the orphan, the grieving and the dis possessed. , But, as with everything he does, his announcement stirred conflict. For every Democrat who feels relief that a replay of the 1980 disaster is out, there is one who mourns that the stal wart liberal is to be sidelined. And for everyone who believes that he was talked out of his dynastic, admitted - and not permanently renounced - am bition to be president by his three children. there is somebody who cynically points out that exit polls in his native Massa chusetts showed that his con stituents, like his children, would rather have him in the Senate. The three children, blonde, Kara, smiling Teddy Jr. and the elfin Patrick, were in the front row at the announcement cere mony, which was accomplished in the Kennedy way with high style, high feeling and a huge gallery. Even sister Eunice, the most royal of the family, was reported to be r~lieved. His life will be easier. Democrats can't say that the big fellow didn't get out of the way soon' enough - the others have two years to woo' his people.,' , As he shouldered his way through the mob in the Labor Committee hearing room, thun derous applause broke out. He has lost, as much weight as Richard Nixon deemed necessary for the norrlination. Kennedy was a bit misty-eyed but at ease - certainly happier than the flushed and flustered man who announced his candidacy three years ago in Faneuil Hall. Word of his withdrawal began trickling out late Tuesday. The timing was a surprise. Prelimin ary planning was well advanced. The polls he had commissioned in primary states showed, ac cording to his staff, that he was well ahead and suffering no in crease :in ·"negatives." In his Senate' campaign, a series of curious, maudlin com-
mericals had been played, which showed that while he was not, in the words of one old man,. featured in ,them, "a plaster saint," Kennedy was capable of enormous personal kindness. They were V\!idely seen as the first attempt to erase the Chap paquiddick strain, which they did not address. The politicos expected him to wait until January to make the decision that is expected of all Joe Kennedy's sons. U was "person~I," not "poli tical," he emphasized. If he had been thinking only politically, the decision would have been different. He could have been nominated, could have beaten Reagan. His children couldn't face another campaign, and he is going through a "painful" divorce. No one who had watch ed the children trailing glumly through town halls in Iowa and New Hampshire could doubt the authenticity of their aversion. Kennedy may. support another candidate. He is, he hinted, go ing to hold them to severe lib eral standards. Former Vice President Fritz Mondale is at the head of the line, and might seem his likeli est heir. But some Democrats can't see Mondale, because Jimmy Carter gets in their way. Others say Mondale is Mondale's problem, being a politician of preterna tural caution, whose ability to ignite the (:ountry is in doubt. "I don't know anyone who would walk through a wall for him," said one mourning Demo crat. "MondaIe had to rethink all his positions," said Rep. James Shannon of Massachusetts, a Kennedy man. "Kennedy never did. He went against the grain of the country." And that may be why Wed nesday, in the huge backwash created by the withdrawal, the name of Morris Udall was heard. The lanky witty Westerner has told friends in the House that he might like :to try again. Said one liberal Democrat, "Mo could! lay a greater claim than Mondale to the Kennedy constituency." Sen. Johri Glenn of Ohio was mentioned, too. He has, an ar dent Kennedyite explained, "no Carter baggage he's Mr. Clean and he's been to the moon." But Glenn is a hawk on de fense spending, which Kennedy is not. He is a tiger against nu clear proliferation, but luke warm on the nuclear freeze, which Kennedy led. So Kennedy is no hurry to en dorse anyone else. And his fol lowers will await his word. Ken nedys have always hfld people who would walk through walls for them.
Bishop' makes
radio spots
THE ANCHOR Friday, Dec. 17, 1982
Bishop Daniel A. Cronin's Christmas message will be broadcast on 17 radio stations throughout t~e diocese. In 30 and 60-second spots, the bishop sends his holiday greetings to all people in the area and reflects on the meaning of the Christmas season. Rev. John F. Moore, diocesan director of communications, noted that stations seek religious programming at this time of year, especially for Christmas day. It is a good opportunity, he said, to remind people that God loves us so much that he became one of us." The spots were produced by Paulist communications of Los Angeles, who taped the bishop's message, added background Christmas music, and sent the tapes to the area radio stations. Stations which will also broad . cast other diocesan-supplied Christmas programs or spots from Paulist Communications are WMYS FM - . New Bedford, WOCB A:M/WSOX FM - West Yarmouth, and WMVY FM Vineyard Haven.
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Aurore Kirby
Sc:des And Service
Father Robert F. Kirby, pastor of Holy Family parish, Taunton, celebrated a funeral 'Mass on Tuesday at Madonna Manor, North Attleboro, for his mother, Mrs. Aurore (Boutin) Kirby, who died last Sunday. Mrs. Kirby, 75, the widow of Robert Kirby, was the mother of five children. In addition to Father Kirby, they are Donald J. Kirb)~, Irene Champagne, and Lois Champagne, all of North Attleboro, and Helen Waterson of Taunton. She is also survived by a sis ter, Ida BOJ,ltin, of North Attle boro a brother, Albert Boutin, of Deltona, Fla., 16 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Interment was jn St. Mary's Cemetery, North Attleboro.
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VINCENTIANS RAYMONJ[) CANUEL. (left), president of Holy Cross confer ence, Fall River, and Joseph F. 'Gromada, Fall River district council president, meet with Bishop Daniel A. Cronin at St. Vincent de Paul communion breakfast in West port (top picture); bottom, in New Bedford, George F. Mendonca (left), district council president, presents 50-year certificate to J. Roger Menard, president of Sa cred Heart conference. (ij,osa Photos)
GARANT FLOOR COVERING 30 CRAWFORD ST. (Runs parallel· to South Main behind Ray's Flowers)
10 conferences are 50 Ten conferences of the New received a certificate and Bedford district of the Society members heard an address by of St. Vincent de' Paul are Richard Porte of the Massa marking their 50th anniver chusetts Department of Pub sary this year. To celebrate, lic Welfare. area Vincentians met last In addition to Sacred Heart, Sunday for a Mass of thanks whose president is J. Roger giving and a communion 'Menard, the 50-year confer breakfast at Sacred Heart ences are Immaculate Con ception, headed by Abel Fidal Church, New. Bedford; home go; Our Lady of Mt. Carmel,. of one of the golden jubilee --Manuel A. Gomes; St. 'Anne, conferences. Each honored conference
Charles Payette; St. Anthony of Padua, Ernest LeBlanc. St. Joseph, Edgar L. Gobeil; St. Lawrence, Leo F. St. Au bin; St. Mary, William Con stant; St. Theresa, Charles Jodin; St. James, Roger M. Chouinard. George G. Mendonca is dis trict council president and. Father John F. Hogan is spirit ual advisor.
STIR UP thy power and come, we pray thee, o Lord, and with great might succour' us; that our deliverance, which our sins impede, may be hastened by the help of thy grace and the for giveness of thy mercy, who livest and reignest with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without .end. Amen.
Letters are welcomed, but should be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit. If deemed neces..ry. All lelters must be signed and Include a home or business address.
More on Bernie Dear Editor: Most peopJe knew only a part of Bernie Sweeney (the sexton of Holy Name Church, Fall River, for 42 years who died unexpectedly Oct. 26 of a heart attack). A book of memories could be written by the famity who spent decades of intimate moments with the eternal peacemaker. Uncle Bernard ,touched the lives of countless people; others who did not know him will won der what all the fuss is really about. I'd like to add to the story. Uncle Bernard was indeed a lifelong bachelor dedicated to the service of God and the Holy Name Church and its parishion ers. He was also a man loved and catted a beloved brother and uno' cIe by his two surviving sisters, brother-in-law with whom he lived, and some 50 or more nieces, nephews, grandnieces and grandnephews whose hearts will be forever shattered because of the loss of him. . . . UncIe ·Bernard would not have been embarrassed by all ,the fuss made over him. He knew his worth and thankfully recognized it also. The planned memorial of a car illon of bells is a beautiful ges ture and has touched the hearts of the Sweeney famity. Thank you, all who knew and cared about him and realized his worth here on earth. Sureiy my uncIe would be the first to admit that he was not a "saint," but if I've ever been sure of anything, I'm sure that he is still present in spirit in the Church of the Holy Name ,that he loved so dearly, and in the hearts of all his famity and friends, for I know for certain that this would be his only humble request. A Devoted Niece
Appeal Dear Editor: I am a priest working in the diocese of Quiton. I have six mission stations and over 400 Harijan convert families. I need used Christmas cards and reli gious articles. These foster their newly embraced faith. I assure my prayers for all who cooper ate in my apostolate. Father Antony John St. Xavier's Church Mavadi PO, Puthoor, Quilon Kerala, South India
One Shepherd Dear Editor: The Charismatic Breakfast (Anchor, Dec. 10) was, as a philo sopher once said, "Good food is divine love made edible." You felt that divine love because all the people who were there came to praise God through Jesus Christ ... all with one mind and one heart, one Shepherd and one fold. The fold is getting larger
there wasn't room for all who came, so tables were put up in hallways and w~erever there was space. Praise the Lord! The Most· Reverend Daniel Reilly of Norwich was the main speaker; he said how we need each other and he witnessed about his life and we realized how we are no different from each other, we all have trials. God is so good, He knew us from ,the beginning and He made sure that we could only boast in Him and we cannot know Him without others. All in all, it was a small part of heaven which we are allowed every now and then so that we'll believe that everything Jesus did and said is true. M. Lillian Bouchard No. Dartmouth
Tree of Life
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 17, 1982
"A peaceable tongue is a tree of life; but that which ,is im moderate shall crush the spirit." - Provo 15:4
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THE ANCHOR-,?iocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 17, 1982
In connection with assign by the pastor) 11. Offer Benediction of the ment of the secollld class of ~ost Blessed Sacrament accord permanent deacons to par ing to the liturgical norms. ish, or diocesan .poslts, the 12. To preside at non-Euchar. following explanation of the istic prayer services, such as liturgical, pastoral and ~orning and Evening Prayer and charitable/societal functions' nonsacramental penitential rites, (~inistry of prayer), of the deacon is presented. . 13. To conduct services in
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wo,rk of the deacon'
Liturgical Functions
The following may be listed as among the proper liturgical functions of the deacon. Pastoral and lor charitable functions are put in parentheses to relate them to the liturgical function: \ , 1. To carry the paS(:hal candle, Daily 5:00 .6:00 P.M.
. chant the Exultet, and assist at THE -ALSO
baptism and the Eucharist at ,the CATERING TO WEDDINGS
~ster Vigil. (~inistry as ser· AND ,BANQUETS
vants of the church) Rte. 28, East Falmouth
2. To officiate at Baptism. -CLOSED 1l10NDAT
~inistry in precatechumenate, Lunch 11 :30 • 2:30 - Dinner 5:00 • 8:00
Hosts • Paul & Enen Goulet
TUllda, TlIru Frldl'
catechumenate and postbaptis Dinner - S1tardl' S:OO • 10:00 P....
mal catechesis) 548-4266 or 548-4267
Sundl' 12:00 • 1:00
3. To announce the stages of the Eucharistic Liturgy. (~inistrY Of representing the church in helping God's people) 4. To read t1).e Gospel at the Eucharist. ~inistry of ,the word in counseling, teaching, and bear. ing ,witness in the world) 5. To bid the prayers of the people. ~inistry to all with problems and other special needs) 6. To prepare the people's oblations at the Eucharist. (Parti. I I lor the pleasure cipate in offering up to God the ·· I I needs, concerns, and lives of all oI d,.n.ng God's people as well as the ma teria! creation) 7. To ad~inister the Br.ead and the Wine of the 'Eucharist. ~in istry to provide food, clothes and Banquet Facilities other physical needs to the poor) From 25 - 1000 8. To perform the ablutions at the Eucharist. !(~inistry of ser· vanthood) . 9. To take the Eucharistic Bread and Wine to the absent. ~inistry to the sick and dis· abled) 10. To assist at marriages and to solemnize m~rriages in the abo sence of an ordinary minister' ,(bishop or priest) of marriage. (Administering premarital in .......:::::::_=tIII_I;;;i...lf1~ struction) (The church requires author· ization of civil law for solemn· izing marriages. The deacon must be specifically delegated her~ ~.
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Welcome Aboard
the S.S. Priscilla Dining Salon
homes for the aged 'and dis,bled. (~inistry of visiting the aged and shut.ins) 14. To read services in congre. gations without a priest or pas. tor. '(~inistry of pastoral con cern) 15. To lead the church's music. ~inistry to the pastoral as well as liturgical needs especially of choristers) 16. To officiate at burial rites, except 'the Eucharist. ~inistry to the dying) 17. To deliver homilies. (Dea· cons should be limited to one homily per month. Proper role of preaching yet belongs to the presider) Deacons should be prominent ly in evidence as norni.al ~nd necessary ministers in the Church's worship, especially at the Sunday Eucharist. Only in this way can they give visible expression to their dual' role, which serves to give unity to their total ministry and that of the Church. Pastoral Functions The proper pastoral functions' of the deacon are broad and varied. The following are func tions which ordinarily are pri marily focused upon the minis try to the church's own people and illustrate the kinds of things they might encompass: 1. To visit the sick and the shut-ins. 2. To care for and about the parish's poor. ' 3. To coordinate a program for visiting and integrating new comers. 4. To visit prospects for enter ing the Church. 5. To instruct adults in the precatechumenate:~catechumen. ate and postbaptismal catechesis. 6. To teach the children of the church. 7. To lead small study/prayer /sharing groups. 8. To organize and head groups and activities to serve special
i / : J ! ' j i I i~!1:fj1f..><l',,_.. t'r; .!
needs within the Christian com munity. 9. To train acolytes or altar servers. 10. To work with student groups. 11. To instruct parents and godparents for baptisms. 12. To lead parish discussion groups. 13. To organize and coordinate retreats, workshops, and similar activities. 14. To coordinate ushers or "parish hosts." 15. To develop youth programs and activities. 16. To counsel'those with prob lems. 17. To coordinate and train lectors. 18. To assume responsibility for some aspect of parish or dio cesan administration. . Charitable/Societal Functions In a highly sophisticated and complex industrial society such as ours, Christian ministry can be and increasingly is exercised in numerous and sometimes im aginative ways. Such a list might include the following: 1. To help and befriend the powerless who are in need: pris oners, the poor, the rejected. 2. To counsel the troubled. 3. To work in referral pro grams to help those in crisis situations. 4. To lead or work in com munity action groups to effect social change. 5. To organize and promote community activities or programs to meet special needs: drug and alcohol dependencies, unwed par ents, etc. 6. To work with juveniles and adults in hospitals, prisons, or phanages, half-way houses, and other institutions. 7. To serve youth in various educational and recreational pro grams. 8. To care for the needs of the elderly and disabled. 9. To visit the lonely and neg lected, especially those in insti tutions. 10. To work with the handi capped. 11. To provide employment help to those leaving institutions, such as prisons, half-way houses, drug and alcohol treatment centers.
IJ ...
Dicconal ordination ceremony '.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 17, 1982
frederic's flowers CLOSED SUNDAYS
Daily Deliveries to Otis, Barnstable County Hospital, Tobey Hospital, Falmouth Hospital 12 McARTHUR BLVD. - BOURNE SO. ROTARY, BOURNE ~
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Sister Kathy at teletypewriter
She speaks for the deaf
By Pat McGowan "Deafness is one of the most painful disabilities - we don't let people feel comfortable with it. Blindness elicits sympathy, but there's much less support for deafness," says Sister Kathleen Murphy,OP. It's a situation the energetic young Dominican of the Presen tation is determined to improve. A big step in that direction was her recent appointment to the social work department of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, where she will provide direct service to hearing impaired pa tients by assisting them in en counters with health personnel and indirect service by educating such personnel to recognize and meet the special needs of the deaf. The appointment, however, merely formalized Sister Kathy's longtime commitment to the deaf apostolate which began years ago when as a perceptual thera pist at New Bedford's Schwartz Rehabilitation Clinic, she learned sign language in order to com municate better with deaf child ren.. A Tiverton native, she was majoring in English and theatre arts at Rhode Island College when she first came in contact with the Dominicans of the Pre sentation, meeting them purely by chance as classmates in a summer course at Southeastern Massachusetts University. Religious life began to beckon more strongly than footlights and greasepaint, and she transferred from RIC ,to SMU, where she majored in psychology and special education. Today Sister Kathy says of her life as a Dom inican, "If I'd gone looking for a community, I couldn't have done better." For several years she has been associated with Father Joseph Viveiros, associate pastor at St..
Anthony of Padua parish, Fall disabled persons can communi River, in operation of the Cath cate by typing messages to each olic Deaf Apostolate, which has other. The catch is that not many its headquarters at Clemence persons can afford the expen Hall, part of the St. Anne's Hos sive equipment involved. To help pital complex. solve the problem the Deaf Apos Sister Mary Patricia Sullivan, tolate runs periodical give-aways, provincial superior, "let me work the winners of which receive a home TTY. On other occasions fulltime with the deaf," explain ed Sister Kathy. "It's part of our organizations have picked up the charism to respond to any type tab for a needy recipient with Sister Kathy often suggesting of need." Sister Kathy divides her time the project to officers. between the New Bedford and The Deaf Apostolate sponsors Fall River areas and does a great frequent signed Masses and of deal of .home visiting. The Deaf fers members regular meetings Apostolate issues a monthly and social activities. It and a newsletter to about 500 identi Lakeville program for children fied deaf persons "but there are are almost the only services in probably at least 1000 more out Southeastern Massachusetts for there who need help," said the the hearing impaired, said Sister nun. "Many deaf people just Kathy. The Deaf Apostolate is don't want to acknowledge that open to non-Catholics, she they have a problem." stressed, and young children She has noticed among speci comprise 35 percent of its mem fic problems, ~ithout being able bership. . to pinpoint its cause, a rising She brings to her' work a back incidence of deafness among ground in inservice training at Portuguese immigrants. However, her new position at Taunton State Hospital in psy St. Anne's ·enables her to bring chiatric diagnosis and evalua the attention of area doctors to tion, work at several rehabilita such matters, of which they tion centers and various courses at the Gesell Institute, Yale Uni might otherwise be unaware. She is on call as an interpreter versity and Gallaudet College for the hospital and is also often for the. deaf. She is completing work for a master's _degree in asked to help the police, fire de theology and clinical rehabilita partment and lawyers in situa tions involving deaf persons. She tion counseling. is pleased with the support she Personally the sparkling Dom receives from her community. inican says, "There's not too ."Some sisters have learned sign much I really don't enjoy." languages and all are aware that She likes all kinds of music, they can call me in any cases in volving interpretation for the plays the guitar and recorder and sings; and on the serious deaf." .side she is interested in peace A device of growing impor and justice issues throughout tance in helping ,the deaf com municate is the teletypewriter the world. For that reason she telephone, usually referred to as is especially happy to belong to an international community the TTY. The Catholic Aposto at work "on whose members are late has been instrumental in placing TTYs in the homes of every continent except Austra lia." members and has one in its off ice (679-8373). Diocesan deaf can be happy With TTYs, deaf or speech- that Sister Kathy's work is here.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese ofFal! River-Fri., Dec. 17, 1982
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Knitting, sewing, playing cards, for which you should be grate· ful. In other words, not only making cookies, learning car might you feel they are. trying to pentry or fishing are among buy your children's affection, possibilities. Going places with grandpar-' but" even worse, you are sup posed to express gratitude to ents is another treat for children, them for doing so. ·Because our whether visiting' another city, going to a ball game or going to own relationship with the grand parents is so intimate, seemingly a movie. Suggest the most ap small innocent actions can upset propriate activities, and see whether you ,can develop the us very much. 'Basically, will the gift-giving grandparents' interest, Try to relax about the gift harm your children? I doubt it. Will it turn their affection from giving and concentrate on activi you to the grandparents? Again ties through which grandparents this is doubtful. The gift-giving can indulge and treat your child is probably' more upsetting to ren in a most special and per sonal way - by spending time you than harmful to ,the child with ,them. ren. Reader questions on family I would simply thank the living aDd chlld care to be an grand parents for the gifts with out making it into a big issue. swered in print are invited. Ad Let your children express their dress The Kennys, Box 8721, St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, excitement over the gifts. Re Ind. 47978. member, if they greet grand parerits with "What did you bring me?" It is not due to greed EDICTAL CITATION
or a bad upbringing. It is a real DIOCESAN TRIBUNAL
istic expectation. In effect, the FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS
Since the actual place of residence grandparents have asked for DALE EVERm SIMMONS is unknown. such treatment. So relax and do of,We cite DALE EVERm SIMMONS to not scold your children or appear personally before the Tribunal apologize. You might point out ot the Diocese of Fall River on Decem, to your children that their grand _ber 21, 1982, at 10:30 a.m, at 344 Avenue, Fall River, Massachu· parents are very generous, and Highland setts, to give testimony to establish: ,they do not have to bring gifts Whether the nullity of the mar· riage exists in the MARTIN all the time. SIMMONS case? You would probably prefer Ordinaries of the place or other that the children like their grand pastors having the knowledge of the parents for ,themselves rather residence of the above person, Dale Everett Simmons, must see to it that he than for their gifts. If so, per haps you can find ways for them is properly advised in regard to this edictal citation. to relate more personally to Henry T. Munroe your children. For example, you • Otticialis Given at the Tribunal might encourage the grandpar Fall River, Massachusetts, ents to take them out or teach on this, the 7th day of December, them skills. 1982.
Hospitality committtee heads named Mrs. Michael J. McMaho~, St. Mary's Cathedral parish, Fall River, will head a large hospital-. ity commitee for the: 28th an nual Bishop's Charity Ball, to be held Friday evening, .Jan. 14, at Lincoln Park Ballroom, North Dartmouth. Mrs. Richard M. Paulson, Immaculate Conception
ROUTE 6-between Fall River and New Bedford
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By Dr. Jim and Mary Kenny Dear Mary: My parents visit Ui; frequently, . and they always bring the child renpresents. My children have' come to expect thii; 8.Illd seem to look forward to visits purely for the presents. How can I handle the grandp.vents, and h9w can I change my children's attitude? A. While you may feel your children are being selfish and greedy, I think they are only being honest. Adults have set up a situation in which presents go with visits. Under those cir cumstances, it is only natural for children .to coml~ to expect, the presents. If it is any consolation, you are facing a situation which has existed in all time periods and all cultures. Universally, grand parents can and do .exercise their privilege of indulging their . grandchildren. , Grandparents and grandchild ren can indulge each other, while the middle generation, the par ents, must assume the, role of the "heavy." Parents must set rules and discipline, . As parents we are often upset by this but if we analyze some of the reasons it upsets us, we may be able to live with it more easily. The gift-giving might represent an attempt by grand parents to buy the affection of your children. It may' seem that they are competing with you for the children's love. The interaction may go one step further. By showing gener osity to your children, grand parents are doing a kind thing
Gifts from grandparents
parish, Taunton will assist Mrs. McMahon. The Charity Ball benefits three schools for exceptional children and four summer camps for un derprivileged and exceptional youngsters. Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, ball director, notes that persons or organizations wishing to be listed
in the Ball Booklet should con tact a ball committee member or any member of the Society of St. Vincent de ,Paul or diocesan Council of Catholic Women. Listings of names may also be sent to the 'Bishop's Charity Ball Headquarters, 410 Highland Ave nue, P.O. Box. 1470, Fall River, Ma. 02722, tel. 676-8943.
Have a priest in your family. IT ONLY COSTS $10 A MONTH
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For further information or initial payment FR. JOHN PORTER or Salesian MiSsion Office Don Bosc~ College '148 Main St.• Box 30 Box 2303 New Rochelle - N.Y; 10802 Quito - Ecuador, S.A. . U.S.A. GIVr A PRIEST TO GOD IN MEMORY OF YOUR DEAR ONES
/ j
. ,AMONG FALL'RIVER AREA workers for the Bishop's Ball' are, from left, Mrs.
Raymond Boulay, Arthur Pires, Mrs. Mary Furtado, Antone Pacheco, Mrs. Kenneth Leger. " t
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 17, 1982
uestion corner By Father John Dietzen
Q. My question Is, did you ever feel like a nothing, like a blank piece of paper? I've been alive for 22 years and I feel like I've never made an impression on the world. My brother killed himself and now I cannot. After he died my family crushed; they'll never be the same. I can't do that to them again. Does God test every one this way? Is It my imagina tion or are other people in this world relatively happy? How can I get help? (pennsylvania) A. I'm sorry you did not send your address. It is impossible for me to respond personally to all the mail I receive, but I would have tried to help you any way I could. Your letter is proof again of how much we need each other on this earth. It also proves how impossible it Is for us to judge another person's life, or even in many ways our own. For better or worse we are deeply involved with each other. You need desperately to talk to someone who loves you and is concerned about you, to air your feelings of guilt and frustration. I'm not sure who that might be for you, but please do not rule out your own family too quickly. Too often, after a tragedy such as your family has suffered, parents and children alike tend to hide their feelings from each other out of a loving concern not to add their own problems to the emotional hurts already suffered by other mem bers of the family. Tenderness and thoughtful. ness are called for here. But sometimes one member's willing ness to expose his or her fears and hurts can help others to do the same, to the mutual sup port and encouragement of everyone. Beyond that you might talk with a friend, or with a priest in whom you have confide.nce, your own parish priest or some· one else. Above all, know that there is real hope for you. The feelings of desolation and depression you express are common, even nor mal in a time of grief and loss such as you and your family ex perienced. Good luck, I'll be praying for you. I know that many of the readers of this column will also. Q. Ten years ago when my husband and I were married he had never been baptized. In fact It Is safe to say he Is an agnos tic, though he told the priest he thought he was baptized when we were preparing for the mar· rlage. The priest asked him to bring proof 0 fthe baptism but my husband never did. The priest married us nonetheless. My question Is, are we rightfully married In the eyes of the church? several friends teU me that If both parties have not beenm.ptized In some falth, then the' church does not reeog
nlze the marriage. (Alberta, Canada) A. It is true that a Catholic cannot validly marry a non-bap· . tized person in the church with out a dispensation. S'uch an ob stacle is called a diriment ;m pediment in church law, which means that it not only mak~s a marriage unlawful but also in· valid. However, as I indicated, such a marriage may take place validly with a dispensation from the bishop. It is routine that any time no proof of a baptism is ob tainable in anticipation of a marriage, the bishop or his dele· gate automatically grants such a dispensation, if all the other conditions for the marriage are present, of course. I am confident this 'is what happened in yqur own marriage. Whatever dispensation the bish op gave you would cover the possibility that your husband was not baptized at all.
Thailand Continued from page one age. It is described in a recent issue of Maryknoll, the com munity's monthly magazine, as "more than an ordinary car re pair and service shop . . . also a school, home and even a family for Taiwan youths training to become garage mechanics." St. Christopher's, said Father Borsari, "has a twofold purpose: to teach these boys a useful skill; and to help them become better people with Christian values and ideals." St. Christopher boys are train. ed for nine months to a year. in . the theory and practice of auto mechanics. As of last spring the school had graduated some 600 boys and had also provided a sheltered workshop atmosphere for some retarded youngsters. Father Borsari's concern for his students didn't stop with graduation. Through a newsletter and personal contact he kept in touch with most of them, check ing their working conditions, salaries and' the way they were treated by management. Last August, however, he han ded over his directorship of St. Christopher's to his successor ' and headed home for Wareham where his parents, Attilio and Marjorie Borsari, have had the opportunity to spoil him before he takes off again for foreign parts. While at home he has helped
his close friend, Father James F.
Lyons, pastor of St.. Patrick's
parish, on weekends and has in
dulged his love of sports by help
ing coach the Wareham High
School football team.
A Wareham High graduate, he went on to Boston College be ,fore entering the Maryknoll community in 1968. The Mary knoll seed was planted early, he noted, when a missioner spoke at St. Patrick's, where he was an altar boy. "I just kept interested," he said.
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Oh, how many babies of the Missions are born in need, as Jesus was! , Some sleep on sacks of burlap. Some are orphaned. Some start their lives homeless, like the infant Christ. They all need to know they have a Father who gave them life and loves them, that they are precious beyond measure because they are God's children. WOULD YOU HELP TUCK THEM INTO THE WARM AND LOVING FAMILY OF CHRIST? Your gift to the Missions through the Propagation of the Faith will help support the work of Sisters and Brothers, of priests and lay people who will tell them this best of Good News. Thanks, and a blessed Christmas. -;:;re Is my speci;"saCrlfice to celebrate the birth ; -ChrlS;- -
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Please ask the missionaries to remember the following intentions at Mass Send your gift to:
ANCH. 12/17/82"
The Society for .
THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAITH Reverend Monsignor John J. Oliveira 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720
I I I ,
, I
_ _ _ _ -..-JI
THE ANCHOR Friday, Dec. 17, 1982
II For children II By Janaan Manternach
Judging II By NeD Parent
Recently my car died in the church parking lot. Together with a friend, I later went back to see if we could get it started. We were still working when people began arriving for the Saturday evening Mass. As cars began pulling in, their occupants evidenced various re actions: some sympathetic; . otherS disinterested; others seem ingly annoyed that we should be working on a c!lr at Mass time. One driver, particularly intent on getting the space next to us, forced us aside as he pulled in, ignoring the scores of empty spaces elsewhere on the lot. All this was. tOQ much for my friend, a non-practicing Cath olic. He began making sarcastic comments about he charitable dispositions of these churchgoers. I was less concerned over his remarks about my fellow parish ioners than I was at the thought of his getting further negative impressions of the church. My friend could not know the love and support that my family and I have received from the par ish, including some of those Who ''WHEN ONE IS TOUCIf:lED by others, when the presence and c~re of others is seen seemed removed from our prob .and felt, much is disclosed about the depths of Christian life." (NC Photo) lem with the ·car. And it would have been impossible for me to have put' our experience into words adequately. The church community is not . only what happens in ,thE!" park ing lot, or, for that ~'I\latter, By Katheri~e.Bii'd . you and' wish 'we could help eyes after the deacon, in the what's in its body of. beliefS. The name of the parish, offered her you." The woman lived happily with' story of church community·.must 'The woman burst into tears. love. include what is expressed day her husband for many years then From that day the woman be For others,. the actions of a in, day out, in the lives of its he died. She was inconsolable, gan to take an interest in what relative may trigger new under despite the best efforts of her was happening around! her. She standing of Christianity. One members. After Jesus departed, the first parish and neighbors. She attend~ remains sad but nO' longer cuts young girl learned about living converts to Christianity .were ed Mass, but never smiled or herself off from human contact. unselfishly by observing. her motivated not so much by what stopped to chat. This woman illustrates strik aunt give long-term care to sev; As the months passed, she they heard of him, blit by what ingly the importance of com eral sick and elderly members they obserVed in the lives of his withdrew more into herself. passion. It is at such times, when of her family. People became more ~oncerned disciples. Initially, the aunt took care of one is touched by others, when "See how Christians love one about her. her cantankerous parents-in-law the presence and. care of others Finally, a young deacon, newly al1other!" was a common reac is seen and felt, that much is dis because no one else was willing ,tion of non-believers t6 the love assigned to the parish, paid her closed about the 'depths: of Chris to do so. Since their deaths, of those first Christians. The . an unannounced, visit. Reluctant tian life. however, she has made. it her converts saw something in the' ly she opened the front door and business to pay special attention Most people discover their po lives of Christians that they led him. into .her living room. to infirm family members and Rather nervously, he, explained tential as Christians through com friends. wanted to be part of. sometimes munity with others, Although my friend's assess that many. people in the parish The young girl says her aunt within' their family circle of ment of my fellow parishioners w~re concerned about her.' is cheerful and uncomplaining in friends, sometimes within parish wi,dow cut him short, say The. Tum to page thirteen .ing she. didn't n~ed the paltsh's communities. In short, people pursuing what she regards' as concern, 'that her life was over learn to be Christians by seeing her own Christian vocation. We don't spring forth from' now· that her husband. was dead.. what others do and by directly, Seeing his' efforts were iitit experiencing the life forces in baptism as fully deveoped Chris tians. Rather, we' are molded well. received, the deacon stood Christianity. up to leave. Putting.' his Often it is through personal. slowy and sometimes painfully . By David Gibson around the woman's .frail experience .- that we discover over the years as we participate " By Father John J. Castelot shoulders, he said, I~I jl,lst wanted what living. faith really means. in and follow a faith that is a Our third daughter w~s bap tized during the Easter Vigil. But . you to know how much we love The .,widow saw through new way of life. One wonders why Mark's Gos it seemed as if the baptism had pel uses an exorcism story fol~ begun days earlier. ~ lowing the account of the trans On Good Friday, our two older figuration. daughters started in' pleased It seems, at first, to have no amazement when the pastor. particular connection with the prayed from the altar for their rest of chapter 9. Upon closer sister's coming' baptism - and inspection, however, one sees for our whole family.: that Mark edited the stories, in . .When the time of the baptism . such a way as to establish a real arrived, our children stood ..with connection. us and ,the sponsors before the The story itself is very mov entire congregation. The children ing. Coming down from ,the will not forget how the pastor mount oftransfigu'ration, Jesus, addressed them by name, asking Peter, James and John see the if they would help raise our baby" disciples engaged in a lively ex as a true Christian. What an ex change with some' scribes. A perience for them! Turn to Page Thirteen Tum to Page Thirteen
Living Christianity
II Inside view -I
The noonday sun baked the' dusty road. Jesus and his friends stopped under a tree to rest. As they sat in the shade, they could see the white houses of Jerusalem less than a mile away. Jesus called Josiah and an other disciple over to him. "Go to the village straight ahea4 of you," he told ,them. "As soon as you enter it you will find a colt on which no one has ridden. Untie it and bring it back." "What does Jesus want with a young donkey?" wondered Josiah. "A:nd does he expect us just to take it?" "If anyone asks you what you are doing," Jesus explained, "Say the Master needs it but he will send it back at once." Josiah and the'other disciples went off and found a colt tied to a gate post. They quickly untied it. "What are you doing?" asked some bystanders. Josiah explained that Jesus wanted the colt but would re turn it later. The men let the disciples take it. They brought it back to Jesus, threw their own cloaks over its back and helped Jesus mount it. When the people saw ~esus on the colt, they spread 'their cloaks on the road in front of him. Others cut reeds and spread them on the road, too. A large group walked in front. of Jesus and another after him. The procession moved slowly toward Jerusalem. People began shouting "Hos anno! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lordi" Josiah walked beside Jesus and the donkey. "What does all this mean?" he puzzled. "Why is Jesus riding a colt into Jerusa lem? What is the meaning of the shouts of praise?" Suddenly Hosiah remembered words he had heard in the syna gogue, .words of the great He brew prophet, Zechariah. "Re joice," Zech~riah had written, "your king shall come to you a 'just sayior is he, meek and rid ing on an ass, on a. colt, the foal of an ass." . "Is Jesus our king?" Josiah wondered. "Can he be God's promised savior?"
Inside view Continued from page twelve Naturally, our children could see everything very well during the baptism. When the pastor rubbed oil over the baby's fore head, they could see how sooth ing it apparently ~as. When he poured the waters over her, the children held their breath wondering if the baby would re act with a loud shriek. She didn't. Later when we were sitting down again, the children smelled and smelled again the sweet aroma of the holy oil on the baby. For our family, the baptism was an event in which some thing happened that involved God, the baby, the family, the pastor and the whole congrega tion. It was the kind of event that helps disclose to people what the chul'Ch intends to be. During the baptism, the faith was ex perienced. Christianity is not built up only of abstract concepts, nor is it geared merely to the pro duction of warm feelings. As Christianity is experienced, its meaning emerges more and more. Christians learn along the way. It is like that with any way of life. People married 40 or 50 years often say they understand marriage better than in their early years together. Priests, too, discover their priesthood along the way, learn-
ing through years of serving peo ple and coming to know the church from the inside out. Consider also the sacraments. The Eucharist is much more than food for thought - though it is that too. Like all sacraments, the Eucharist is meant to be ex perienced and celebrated. It is bread for the living. Consider the ways Christian people are asked to serve others. Compassionate care is not some , thing simply to talk about. It is something to do and to experi ence. Next year, at the time of the Easter Vigil, our child's baptism will be recalled. 'Perhaps each year from now on Easter will seem more special to us. That will not be the case, however, only because the bap tism gave us food for thought or resulted in warm emotions on our part, though it did both. The baptism will be 'recalled as a time when we experienced a living faith.
Faith Continued frol)'l page twelve large crowd is observing the pro ceedings. When they see Jesus, the crowd is "overcome with awe." Why is not explained, but it is possible that this account is meant to be reminiscent of 'the Old Testament story of Moses, whose face, when he came down from Mount Sinai, was so radiant the people were afraid. When Jesus asks the reason for the commotion, a man ex plains that he has a possessed son whom the disciples have beeen unable to help. This elicits from Jesus a cry of exasperation, not only over the situation at hand, but also over the general lack of faith which he has found among his contemporaries, the disciples included. . Jesus, asks that the boy be
Judging Continued from page twelve was based on too limited an exposure, his instinctive intuition about how a church community celebrates its life was correct. The Eucharist has little meaning if it doesn't transform lives. The Eucharist doesn't take place in church alone; it somehow continues wherever Christians act in Godlike ways, even in busy parking lots. It is ironic today that when traditional forms of community are breaking up, the need for community is greater than ever. The village, the neighborhood, and the extended family have all but succumbed to the individuality of modern life. In the process, more and more people are being set adrift emotionally, socially, religiously, like so much sea life washed ashore. As fish die without water, ,so too do we die without the benefits of community. The chureh offers community based on our common identity as children of God and our common goal of creating a more just and humane society. If the benefits of this community are to be known, however, its members need to demonstrate the peace, love and happiness that only God can give. In front of my chureh stands a large sign that reads in part: "Enter, Rejoice and Come In.'' That $ign communicates what we all feel about our parish. It is, indee:d, a community to us. Ma~be on a given day some of its mem~ers are not ·up to that ideal. But on most occasions they are. And' that's what matters. "
brought to him. The boy immediately goes into a seizure. Strangely, Jesus does not attend to him immediately. He asks the father for more information. The man gives a 'second detail ed description of the child's con dition, crying "If you can help us, please do!" Jesus' response goes to the heart of the problem: "If you can?' Everything is possible to a man who trusts." The reason for the disciples' lack of success with the boy is that they lacked enough faith to ,trust God's power. But the father persists. "I do believel Help my lack of trust!" he says, professing at the same time his faith and acknowledg ing that it is inadequate. This satisfies Jesus. He cures the boy. At this point an odd note is interjected: "The boy became like a corpse, which caused many to say, 'He is dead.''' But Jesus took him by the hand and raised him to his feet. The scene resolves the dis
ciples' bewildermli!nt about what rising from the' 'dead means. Jesus has power over life and "death.
papal plot Continued from page one spiracy, refused to talk. His silence was allegedly part of an agreement with those who direc ted him, who allegedly had prom ised to break him out of jail if he was caught. Now, according to Italian press reports, Agca has begun to cooperate with the investigators. On Nov. 25 Italian investiga tors arrested Sergei Ivanov An tonov, 35-year-old head of the Rome office of ,Balkan Air, the Bulgarian state-run airline. They charged' him with "active com plicity" in the plot to kill the pope. Other actions and revelations followed: - On Nov. 27 arrest warrants were issued for two Turks, Oral Celik and Bekir Celenk. On Dec. '9 Bulgarian police announced that they had arrested Celenk and would conduct their own in vestigation. Extradiction seemed doubtful, since Italy and Bulgar ia do not have judicial reciprocity agreements. . - In subsequent days an ar rest warrant was issued for Vas siliev Kolev, a long-time military attache at the Bulgarian embassy in Rome who had left that post six months earlier and no longer enjoyed diplomatic immunity; and the Italian Foreign Minis try was asked to revoke the dip lomatic immunity of Teodorov Ayvazou, an embassy cashier who had returned to Bulgaria in November, so that an arrest war rant could be issued for him. - On Dec. 6 a court in Rome denied a motion by Antonov's lawyers, backed by the Bulgarian embassy, for his release from detention. While the ruling was not a verdict on Antonov's guilt or innocence, it confirmed the investigating team's contention that it had sufficient evidence to hold him. - In separate investigation, police on Dec. 9 confiscated the records of 'Balkan A:ir's Rome office, where Antonov worked. That action was taken by a team investigating alleged Bulgarian links to Italian leftist Luigi Scricciolo, who was involved in the 1981 kidnapping of U.S. Brig. Gen. James Dozier. Scricciolo, according to information leaked to the Italian press, was admit ted that Bulgarian agents tried to
IN A YEAR-END poll of Catholic newspaper editors, Pope John Paul II has been named 1982's top news maker. (NC Sketch)
THE ANCHOR Friday, Dec. 17, 1982
recruit him to assassinate Po
lish labor leader Lech Walesa.
Although the investigation of Scricciolo has not been linked directly to the alleged papal assassination plot, it has served to highlight the extent to which Italian authorities think Bulgar ian operatives may be involved in terrorism in Italy. A third investigation is focusing on al leged Bulgarian links with an Italian guns-for drugs smuggling ring.
- In the face of a growing
diplomatic crisis over the inves tigations, on Dec. 9 Bulgaria
called its ambassador in Italy back to Sofia and on Dec. 11 Italy asked its ambassador in Bulgaria to return to Rome. Both governments said their represen tatives were being recalled for consultations. - On Dec. 10 Turkey asked Bulgaria to extradite Celenk to Turkey, where he is wanted on charges of smuggling and viola ting foreign exchange laws. Ac cordin"g to Italian press reports, investigators say Agca has fin
gered Celenk as the one who
offered him 3 million German marks (about $1.25 million) to assassinate the pope. Two other Turks linked to Ag ca were detained before the breakthrough suggested by the recent arrests and warrants. They are Orner Bagci, arrested last June in Switzerland and ex tradited to Italy, and Musa Ce dar Celebi, who was arrested in West Germany and whose extra diction is being sought by Italy. Bagci allegedly furnished Agca the Browning automatic he used to shoot the pope. A key question that Italian in ves'tigators seem unlikely to be able to answer definitively, even
if they prove that Bulgarian
agents directed Agca, is whether the Bulgarians were working with the direct approval of or at the behest of Moscow. The al leged Kremlin link seems almost certain to remain in the realm of theory, even if Western ana lysts are certain of it. How do they make that link? According to Western intelli gence experts, the Bulgarian secret service is ,the chief agent of the KGB for directing and financing activities that Moscow, cannot afford to be linked to directly, and it never acts with out Moscow's direction in major operations such as the assassina J tion of the pope would be. As Stefan Vredlev, former Bul garian secret police chief who de fected to the West three years ago, told the Paris daily Libera tion Dec. 11, "I do not doubt the participation of the Bulgarian secret service in the attack against the pope." But he im mediately added that this could only have taken place "under the instruction of the KGB, whose head at that time, Yuri Andropov, could have given ap proval to the operation only through a decision by (then So viet President Leonid) Brezhnev."
Andropov succeeded Brezhnev
as general secretary of the Com
munist Party, the effective ruling post in the Soviet Union.
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ItIO JEFFERSON IlYD. WARWICK, R.I. (At. . . hItII· l"'lrt lilt)
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fc;sll· 'River-Fri.~ ,Dec. 17/1982
e--eFILM RATINGS- A-l Approve~ for Children and Adults Annie Bugs Bunny's .3rd Movie Chariots of Fire (Rec.)
The Last Unicorn . The Secret ,of NIMH
EJ. Heidi's Song Joni .
.""., (
.=:.. OCUI
on youth~
A-2 Ap'proved for Adults and Adolescents Bilrbarosa The Chosen (Rec,) . Five Days One Summer'
Gandsi ' Gregory's Girl " In the Still of the Night Split Image
'By CecUia Belanger
sp~nsibility. It is a truism to say that there' are good friendships and bad, friendships that can, be creative, liberating - and friend ships that cim be destructive and enclosed. One college' student brought it down to a personal level when he told me his opinion about those whO counsel' and advise. He said that if he had had one good ~tudent friendship he would not have needed any such 'sup port, that when' he was going through a rough ,time all' he needed' was a true friend, not an adviser. "I don't wish ,to be accepted; or merely tolerated," he said. "I want true friendship ·or none at all. I am willing to give it.' I want it in return." Again, it can not be forced. ,It is good to ponder- what it means for Jesus to call His dis ciples friends.' This is an earth ing-point of the Gospel. I do not believe that we can cbnvince any one of who Jesus Christ is and what he has donei unless we can see divine love reaching its com plete expression in' the death' of: someone for his friends.
Can one truly define friend ship? I'm sure it means different things to different people. Can one remember one's very first Approved .for Adults Only' ' friend? On .Golden Pond Arthur Firefox ,Why am I talking about friend Author, Author' Piaf: The Early Years First Blood Rocky III . Best Friends Inchon ship? The, answer is that there Das Boot Rollover Jinxed was someone talking to me about Dead Men Don't Six Pack
Le Beau Marriage it this morning. She had lost a Tempest' " .,.
Wear Plaid Lookin' To Get Out Deathtrap. The World"According good friend and won~ered if she A Midsummer Night's To Garp , Diner Sex Comedy was to blame or whElther there Wrong Is Right Endangered 'Species ' My Favorite Year was really no blame.. A$ she said, "Maybe we j~st outgrew one another. Who A~ Separate clQssification . knows? The thing is we no (A Separate Classification is give~ to certain fdJ;lls which .whOe, not have that feeling we once morally offensive, require some analysis and explanation as a pro-,' longer had." . tection against wrong interpretations and false conclusions.) What a strange, e,lusive, al~ The Long Good Friday Love Child ;' Mephisto most haphaiat:'d thing friendship sometimes is. You can't always eXplain it in terms of like-mind M~rally OHensive, , edness or background; One Airp'lane ,II: The Sequel ' 48 Hrs. ", Ni~ht Shift thinks of some of the great Amityville Horror II "Goin" All The Way' Po.tergeist friendships - Sigmund. Freud, An Officer And A Gentleman Halloween III Porky's'" . The Best Little Whorehouse, Hey Good Looking The Road Warriors the atheist psychologist; with the in Texas ,Honkytonk Man. The Sender Swiss Calvinist pastor, Oscar Blade Runner I Love You ' Soup for One Pfinster. We'all have fJiends who' Conan the Barbarian I,' ,the Jury, Summer Lovers " Concrete Jungle' The Missionary The Thing " ' might not get along JNithother Creep Show Monsignor Things Are Tough All Oover of out friends. It is a complica Fast Times at Ridgemont National Lampoon's Yes, Giorgio' " " • ted, mysterious thing, this busi High Class- Reunion ' ,Young Doctors in, Love ness of friendships. . Rghting Back ';; '.,,'. ' .. liTo 'be friendless is' to be deso~ (Rec.) after it title Indicates that the film'is recommended.by the U.S. late,'" said one yoiIng person to catholic Conference reviewer for the' category,. of viewers .under me. She 'had' exp~rienced it at which it is listed. These listings are presented mo"thly;' please clip' Michael. Langlois, a" junior' at school. Her brother ha.d had the and save for reference. Further information on recent fUms is avail the North Dartmouth' high, has same problem. They were very .,from The Anchor office, 675-7151. reserved, private' young people been selected for the 1983 All-' and did' not mix welL> She told Eastern Chorus, a group of 350 me of fits of depression thinking East Coast' high school students no on,e cared about her. But who will be heard in concert in fi:' . others did care, only they did Boston on Feb. 26. Langlois was a member of the ,not know how to break through the reserve of this nice young Youth Singers of America this past summer, a 75-voice' chorus person. Perhaps the most obvious thing of students from all parts of the nation 'who have concerts in about friendship isth:at it can not be forced. You can be as kirtd, as generous' as you like, but you cannot force II relation ship; you can't earn it. Mutual SAN FRANCISCO (NC) ity is of ·the essence - giving arid receiving. Even Jesus would Moral, medical, legal, social and econom~c reasons for, teen-agers not 'and could :not compel friend to abstain from sex were pr~ ship. ' sented at Affirming Adolescent .Friendship cannot hSlve an ul terior motive; .it cannot be for Abstinence, a seminar 'held in the sake of anything else, how San Francisco. Jacqueline Kasun, prOfessor' of 'even worthy. Friendship· is its economics at Humbolt State Uni own justification :and its own re ward. This is what gives it its versity, said abstinence makes sense socjally and economically power. . '. "IlYou are, my friends," said 'because the 'lIc9~t to society to Jesus, ··.·if- you do what I com" attempt- to control and deal with mand you." But we are asked sexual, ac;tivity-:, a~ong. young to heed his commands, not out' people is yery high: ' ..' . , ' of duty or even because it is he II·In 'th'is' country , we,,' spend who commands.' We are, asked to dose "to' $400 billioffti year on keep them ,because WEl see the various social service programs," point, as our free response, as stlE; said, "and much of thai goes '",' our willingness to be bllfriended, to teen-agers;'" to be drawn il1to the mutuality of liThe more we' try' to change friendship 'with him. There is' a : teen beha'vior,'the worse things certain free,dom fQr, thll indivill seem to get," she said. liThe ual and his choice ip so much of amount of money ~pent in' Cali what Jesus tells us to do. There fornia in ,the last dec;ade on teen is respect.
family planning has increased - . GOOD, CLEAN, ,FUN: Teens hl Dublin,. Calif., . ~riendshipand ,lmdeJ;staQding; eightfold. There has '!llso, been : frolic in detergent suds as a carwash, soaping' machine friendship and· mutuality; and ,a an' analogous" increa'se in teen g9~s ,berserk. ,(NC Photo) final word on friendShip .and re sexual activity.
Star Trek II Tex ' The .Verdict
,Bishop Stang'·.,
seven countrie,s during a month long tour. Stang skiers are preparing for a Jan. 8 trip under direction of Michael Richard. Congratulations go to the Stang band for' capturing first place in a recent 'Tri-town Par ade in Wareham; to the football team for attaining first place in Division II and to the field hockey team for reaching the Southern State Tourney finals.
Bishop Feehan Robert Nicastro is the 'Attle boro' high school's winner in the annual Voice of Democracy es say contest sponsored by the VFW. Feehan' runners-up were Deborah Penta, 'David Humphrey, Tesha, Chavier, Kelley Reynolds and 'Maureen Burke. As local winner, Nicastro' will enter state competition which leads to national finals carrying a $14,000 first prize. Feehan majorettes' 'won a third place twirling trophy at the Quincy Christmas parade, larg est of its kinCi in New England.
.' CoyIe-Cassidy Students at'the Taunton high school were given a list of possi ble Advent activities in the last issue of Update, their weekly newsletter. Suggested were read ing the story of Christmas to a younger brother, sister or friend; helping at home to ease the Christmas rush; donating second hand toys or cash to the National Honor Society's annual Toys for Tots. campaign; and contributing to Christmas food baskets.
Chastity~akes se~se "By encouraging chastity," she said, "we encourage solid families. ~, 'Jane Miller, a registered nurse, and her pediatrician' husband, Dr. James Miller, gave a work shop on the medical 'and psy chological efects o.f teen sex ual ~ctivity. ' , " , 'They gave statistics indicating that about 40 percent of teen-age girls will become pregnant by age '19' and that about one-third of 'aU' abortions performed in the United States, are on teen-agers. There is a dramatic inorease in cases of venereal disease among teens and many new strains of these diseases which do not re spond.. to traditional medication, they·said. "Kids think they won't get a disease," Miller said,' "or they think that if they do it can be treated simply 'and quickly. It just isn't that simple. Some of these. diseases are hareJ, to treat and the ·most tragic thing is that there are lasting effects."
THE ANCHOR.. Friday, Dec. 17, 1982
By Bill Morrissette
ports watch, Gauvin Advances To Quarter-Finals Dan Gauvin, the 119-pounder who fights out of the Fall River CYO, posted victories in his first two bouts in quest of a national amateur boxing championship. In a first round bout Monday night Gauvin stopped Ron Free man, of St. Louis, in the second round. He followed this up with a unanimous decision over Andy Adams tlf Washington Tuesday night, thus moving up to the quarter-finals in the United States Amateur Boxing Cham pionships in Indianapolis: In 'the quarter-finals he was scheduled to meet Meldrick Taylor" of Philadelphia. Gauvin, who graduated from Bishop Connolly High School last June, is now living at the United States Olympic Training Center in Colorado as part of the Ama teur Boxing Federation's Gold program. In Gauvin's corner are Ray Comeau, Fall River CYO boxing coach, and John Maloy, a retired Fall River policeman, who has
devoted much of his spare time to CYO bo~ing. . Troy Two other bO:lCers Tomms of New Bedford and Yin also Pazienza of Cranston won their bouts in the opening round but another area favorite Joey Devoll of New Bt;!dford, was eliminated in that round. How ver, Tomms was outpointed by defen4ing national . Gold,en Gloves champion Joe Rosario, of Paterson, N.J., in a second-round encounter. Last Sunday's snowstorm forced postponement of the Bris. tol County eyO Hockey games. Play resumes Sunday night in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River, with Mansfield vs. New Bedford at 9 o'clock, Fall River South vs. Seekonk at 10. Defending champion New Bed ford is setting the pace with nine wins in as many outings. Fall River South is the runnerup with a 4-3-2 (won, lost, tied) record followed by, Mansfield 3-4-1, Marion 3-6~0 and' Seekonk 1-7-1.
tt Is Bouncing Ball Time The basketball jamboree held at Fall River Durfee High School last Friday drew more than 1,000 spectators. Bishop Stang High's Spartans posted a 33-25 victory over the Bishop Connolly High Cougars. Holy Family bowed, 39-24, to New Bedford High and host Our.; fee romped to a 57-32 victory over Dartmouth. The first annual ice. hockey jamboree took plac~ in the Dris coll Rink, Fall River, Saturday. Results: Durfee 5 Connolly 1; Connolly 1 Somerset 0; Seekonk 1 Durfee 0; Somerset 0 Seekonk O. Winter school!:loy sports are ,in full swing with several non league basketball games sched uled for tonight when Connolly is host to Dartmouth, Stang visits Westport and Durfee joins Boston Tech, Madison Park, Boston English, West Roxbury, Brighton and East Boston in the University of Massachusetts schoolboy invitation tournament in Boston. Other games tonight have Fair haven at Seekonk, New 'Bedford Yoke-Tech at Case, Diman Yoke at Old Rochester, Old Colony at Apponequet Regional and Mid dleboro at Hull. Among girls' basketball games this afternoon are Seekonk at Westport, Yoke-Tech at Dart mouth, Old Rochester at Ware· ham. The lone hockey game to night lists Wareham vs. Har· wich in the Gallo Rink, Bourne. On tomorrow's slim ~ Our· fee is sl~ted for play in the U Mass t<lurnament. There' is a gymnastics tournament at Som·
erset High School and a swim ming relay carnival at West wood High School. Dartmouth is host to Barnstable in track, Durfee is at Marshfield in wrest ling and New Bedford and Dart mouth collide in hockey in the Hetland Rink, New Bedford. Regular sea~on play in Hocko mock League basketball ,gets underway Monday with King Philip at North Attleboro, Frank lin at Sharon, Stoughton at Mansfield and Canton at Oliver :Ames. Foxboro has the bye. Wednesday it will be Foxboro at Franklin, Oliver Ames at King Philip, Mansfield at Sharon, Can ton at Stoughton. In girls' basketball the sched ule is the same but with the home game reversed' from the boys' schedule. Tuesday's gymnastics matches list Sharon at Foxboro, Canton at Stoughton, North Attleboro at Stoughton.
tv, movie news Norris H. Tripp SHEET METAL the secular humanism that mar red the original, the concept of NOTE George Burns as· God together Please check dates and with a bit of wild vulgarity times of television and radio caused this film to be rated A2, programs against local list· PG. Ings, which may differ from Friday, Dec. 24, p.m. (CBS) the New York network sched· "The Muppet Movie" Jim ules supplied to The Anchor. lienson's Muppets make ,their movie debut. Delightful. AI, G. Wednesday, Dec. 22, 8-9 p.m. New Films "The Verdict" (Fox) stars Paul (PBS) "Cuistmas at Kennedy Newman as Frank Galvin, a Center with Leontyne Price." drunken wreck of a lawyer given Music, songs and readings with one last chance when a fellow soprano Leontyne Price, flutist Paula Robison, guitarist Eliot lawyer lands him a medical mal· . Fisk and the Festival Orchestra. practice suit involving a brain Wednesday, Dec. 22.9-10 p.m. damaged young mother. All Gal (PBS) "In Performance at the vin need to do is go to the chan WhIte House." Nancy Reagan cery office of the -Boston arch diocese (owner of the hospital hosts a jazz' program with Dizzy involved) ,and ,pick up a check Gillespie, Stan Getz, Chuck Cor for an out of court settlement; ea, singer Diane _Sc:;huur and trumpet player John Faddies. but he decides to fight for jus Wednesday, Dec. 22, 10-11 tice as well as money. Despite its melodramatic and p.m. (PBS) "A Cbrlstmas Special improbable plot, acting and . with Luciano Pavarotti." Filmed in Montreal's magnificent Notre cinematography in "The Ved Dame Cathedral, this repeat diet" are outstanding, sexual as pects are restrained and ,the broadcast offers sacred music main objection is to some fo,ul sung by the Italian tenor, assisted_ . by adult and boy choirs. language. A2, R Religious Broacasting - TV "Airplane II: The ~uel" Sunday, Dec. 19, WLNE, ChaD (paramount): If you liked the jokes in "Airplane," ,here they nel 6, 10:30 a.m., Diocesan Tele lire again, including the one about vision Mass. "Confluence," 8 a.m. each a homosexual pilot trying to se Sunday on Channel 6, Is a duce a 10-year-old boy. The gen uine limghs are much fewer this panel program moderated by time, however,. and wha,t was Truman Taylor and having as questionable in the fi~t film has ~nnanent participants Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan di crossed the line Into the down right offensive, inc~uding much rector of social services; RIght Rev. George Hunt, Episcopal nudity. 0, P~ "Best Friends" (Warners): Burt Bishop of Rhode Island; and Reynolds and Goldie Hawn play Rabbi Baruch Korff. This Sun day's topic: Cbrlstmas and Han-. a happy Holl~ood couple - a ukkah. . screenwriting team - who seem "The Glory of God," with to have everything going for ,them. But 'then they get married. Father John Bertolucci, 8:30 a.m. After much travail they are each Sunday on Channel 27. "Spirit and the Bride," a spirit ready to call it quits when pro ual growth program with Dr. fessional commitment in the William K. Larkin, a psychO form of a harassed and flaky pro ducer (Ron Silver)' locks them therapist, and Grace Markay, a recording artist, 7 p.m. each both in a room until they come Monday, Fall River cable chan up with a workable ending for . nel 36. a movie in deep trouble. The "MarySoo," a family puppet result is pretty nluch what you'd show with moral and spiritual. expect, Miss Hawn is very good, perspective, 4:30 p.m. each Mon but Reynolds succumbs to the de day, Fall River and New Bedford fects of the script. The subject cable channel 13. matter makes this mature fare Sunday, Dec. 19, (ABC) though the -tr~atment as to lang "DIrections" How Denvfer uage and all else is rather re Catholics are housing the home· strained. A3, PG less this winter. . "The Last Unicorn" (Jensen Sunday, Dec. 19, (CBS) "For Farley): In this animated feature, Our Times" St. Francis and his the last unicorn (voice of Mia legacy of the Christmas crib. Farrow) tries to find out what On Radio happened to the others of her Charismatic programs are kind. The acting - with such heard from Monday through Fri notable voices as' Alan Arkin, day on station WICE 1210 AM: Angela Lansbury, Keenan Wynn, Father John Randall, 9 -to 10 a.m. Christopher Lee and Tammy and 11 to 12 p.m.; Father Edward Grimes - is good. Animation is McDonough, 8:15 a.m.; Father bland but younger children Real Bourque, 8:45 a.m. should enjoy the movie. AE, G Father McDonough is also on Films on TV WMYD from 1:30 to 2 p.m. each Sunday, Dec. 19,9 p.m. (NBC) Sunday. "Ob God! Book II" - George Sunday, Dec. 19, (NBC) ;Burns is back as 'the Almighty, "Guideline" - "The Chrismas his comic timing as quasi-omni Letter," a holiday special. potent as ever. This time he ,,' teams up with an ll-year-old sch;oolgirl whom he persuades to Keep Christ in Christmas launch an ad campaign promo ting him. Though there is less of ~~~~ ~ ~.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 17, 1982
monthly rosary and Ben~iction service, will be held at ,'1 p.m. Sunday. '
A railing is being installed at the front of the church to make winter walking safer.
;' Daughters of Isa.bella Alca zaba Circle will mE~et 'at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 6 at K of C Hall on Hodges Street. ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET
PUBLICI" CHAIIMEI ara asked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included as well as full dates of all activities. please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundralslng activities such as bingos, whlsts, dances. suppers and bazaars. We are luippy to carry notices of spiritual pro1rams, club me.etlngs. youth projects and sImilar nonprofit activities. Fundralslng pro Jects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor buslnass office, telephone 675·7151. On Steering Points Items FR Indicates Fall River. NBlndlcates New Bedford.
Donations of food or toys to be distributed to needy families at Christmas will be picked up tomorrow from parishioners by members of St. Mary's Youth. Service Corps. K OF C, FR
A harysichord conc·ert will be presented by Cathedral music director Glenn Giuttari and Ms. Judy Dautel at 3 tomorrow, im mediately preceding 4 p.m. Mass. Ohristmas carols and selections from Bachand Han del will be on the programs. No admission' charge and all wel come. . The Cathedral school of reli gion will hold ,a Christmas party at 2:45 p.m. Monday with :re freshments prepared by mem bers of the Women's Guild. In memory of Ida Martin 'a set of vestments ,has been pre sented to ·the parish. ST.ANNE,FR
Knights of Columbus Council 86 will hold its annual child ren's Christmas party from noon to 4 p.m. ti>morrow a't the council home on Columbus Drive. Children from Paul A. Dev·er School i.n Taunton will join the children of K of C members fora program of mu sic, ·am~gic show, refreshments and a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus. The council's annual Christ mas party will follow the child ren's program. Named Knight of ·the Month for December is Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, a knight sinc·e 1969. ST. JOSE,PH, NB
Decora,tionS of the church will begin at 2 p.m.. Sunday. Volun':' teers are welcome. Cheerleaders . will meet at 2:45 p.m. Monday and the Legion of Mary at 7 p.m. Tues day. .
A children's Christmas pag eant will be presented in the ST. MICHAEL, SWANSEA church at 2 p.m. Sunday. A Christmas l:oncert will be A blood drive will be held in the school -ca~eteria from 10 held in the church at 7 p.m. a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 26. Sunday. Parish calendars are availa.ble Blood supplies are low at the in the 'back of the church. holiday season, ,therefore dona Knights of the Altar will tions are urgently requested. Cub Scouts will hold a pack . travel ,to LaSalette Shrine Mon meeting at 7:30 tonight in the day to view ·the Christmas Illuminations. school.
Community sharing of the Christmas '''oplatek'' or bre~d of reconciliation will take place at all Masses this weekend. T·he bread is available from the Feli cian sisters of the parish. The junior choir will :be heard for ,the first time lit 4:30 p:m. Mass. on Christmas Eve. Teen agers interested in jloining a folk choir should contact Pat Roies, 678-0250. Church decorating will begin Monday. Volunteers are wel come. ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA
Women's Guild members and other parishioners wishing to participate will carol tomorrow afternoon at Countn' Gardens Nursing Home, Swansea, meet at 3:30 p.m. in the church park ing lot. Those attending Christmas Masses are invited to write out prayer petitions, or ,intentions and 'at the offertory join in a proc·ession to leave them at the manger. At the vigil Mass 25 families will also bring a gift /4or 'the Christmas CihiI,d il:>r later distrib~tion to the needy. NOTRE DAMlE, Fit
The parish folk ·group will sponsor ·caroling at 6· p.m. Mon-, day on ,the site of the ·former church. All are welcome and re freshments will be available. SS. PETER
Four parish council vacancies will be filled a,t elections to be held 'at ·all weekend Masses. Newly elected to the council ad ministration committee are Rosemary Leduc and Normand
Cub Scouts will hold a Christ mas party in the church hall at 5:30 p.m. Sunday. Canned food boxes ·are at .the church and school to collect do nations for distribution to the needy. \ . Parishioners are reminded to remember the sick and shut-ins in their pray·ers. "The holidays have the tendency to bril!g on depression in many people; your prayers may :be the saving grace that is needed," reminds the parish bulletin. DEAF APOSTOLATE
The teletypewriter at the Thanksgiving social ~as '~adia McIntyre. Another TTY, which enables the deaf to comunicate by telephone, will be given away at the Apostolate's Chris mas social, to be held llt 2:30 p.m. Sunday at St. J·ohn the Baptist Church, New Bedford. MEMORIAL HOME,FR
In an ongoing 'Pl'logram of
Mais:<es and ladminJistration of
the Sacrament of the Sick on various floors of the home, resi dents on 3-D will be visited at 11 a.m. Wednesday. A resident council meeting was held y.esterday ,in the audi torium. BL.SACRAMENT,FR
Parish calendars are avail able at ,the ,rear of the church.
Lobbying studied
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (NC) "The church needs vocation di rectors who are aliva and pres ent to God's activity in our world today," 'Bi~hop Walter F. . Sullivan of Richmond, Va., told the National Conference of Dio cesan Vocation Directors. "A vocation director must blend personal rigor as well as comfort in relationships with people. "It goes without question that the one selected must be a per son of faith, comfortable with his or her calling, an integrated person in touch with his or her . emotions or feelings," he said. The director must also have a "tough streak," Bishop Sullivan said. He told the directors they . must' not be afraid to challenge those who believe they are call ed to the priesthood or religious life, because "nothing can harm effective vocation recruitment more than a misguided willing ness to accept candidates whose suitability is at best marginal." The bishop stressed that only a seasoned director can provide a balanced picture of ministry. "The vocation director," he said, "should not try to sell a priesthood based on privilege but on servanthood ... He must understand servanthood, must be one who celebrates life, one for whom worship is not separated from life's experenices, one for whom life is for Eucharist and Eucharist is for life." One of the most important re lationships of the student for the priesthood is with the bishop of the diocese, Bishop Sullivan said. The bishop should know his seminarians personally, he said, for only in that way can he share their vocational journey. Another important relation ship is wit!) the priests of the diocese, Bishop Sullivan said. A good measure of satisfaction in the ministry, he said, is the ex tent to which the clergy promote vocations on the local level. Because many young people do not participate in parish ac tivities, vocation directors must seek to reach them through .other avenues, such as campus ministry, the bishop said.
WASHINGTON (NC) - The Supreme Court has agreed to 7J 7J rule on the constitutionality of ~ laws allowing veterans' groups iA ~ to lobby while prohibiting other are invited to a tax-exempt groups such as d" Y t . d~ Christmas' Benediction service · from such. activity. A N lew, revoIu t .onary es.gn. ou mus come rnan I at 10 a.m. Wednesday. A pro- churches federal appeals court in Wash I experience the comfort of this unique chair! '!1 - gram of playlets ·and songs w,nl . ington ruled earlier this year that n ~ be presented by parochIal ~ ~ school children. granting veteran's groups such a privilege while denying it to SACRED HlEART, Fill ':~~~~~(i0~g&i~ Superior, solid oak construction ~ Parish children will preserit others was a violation of the ~ ·,."IV_'·. \' . \ ,i· H' h I a Christmas program at 2 p.m. equal protection mandated by the Constitution. The appeals ballcourt said that to rectify the ),:2iF ,:•."'; ;\:~ ~ cafeteria. n :,. :~.: ';'. ~ l'J Je.sse Tree symbols to be made situation Congress would either ~ .' ~ " ..', \ ~c·.:' '. ~, ~ at home and hung on the church have to withdraw veterans' lob-, :~ ~; ~\ ~_.. i l'J tree this w~ekend are .carpenter bying privileges or extend them \ :. --. ". '.d.A . ~ tools, the lIly, the chl-·rho and to other tax-exempt groups. ~.}. f . ~ the Christmas rose. Revolutionary, horizontal )I glider rocker l'J '~I12lII12lII12lIIt2llQllQJIg<nll:2Jl~QJlI.I2ll~nlt2lll12lll12lll12llmrn,tt'f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; Choice of fabrics ~ ~~~.'ii:I.-~"'liiIA~~~~~~"'llilA"'llilA"'liiIA"'liiIA~~ Dark or light lacquer ~
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Confirination candidates will receive the sacrament of pen ance Monday, Dec. 2'1, during a confirmation day retreat.
Members of Our Lady. Queen of Angels fraternity will meet ,at 10 a.m. Sunday at Our Lady's Chapel, 600 Pleasant St., for Mass, followed by a Christmas buffet.
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