t eanc 0 VOL. 31, NO. 50
Friday, December 18, 1987"
Southeastern Massachusetts' Largest Weekly
$8 Per Year
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The" words of our Blessed Mother to the Archangel Gabriel at the Annunciation, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word" (Lk. 1:38) ring out as a bold, yet humble proclamation 'of faith. They also announce to us, as they did on that happy day, the trusting _and faith-filled consent of the Virgin Mary to her divine motherhood. Christmas, the 4ay of the birth of our Lord, is celebrated this year within the context of the Marian Year. So it -is opportune to recall and commemorate anew not only the gift of Jesus by God's eternal plan. of salvation but also the gift of Mary to us. Our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, in his encyclical Redemptoris Mater announcing this Marian Year, recalls to our attention the divine motherhood of Mary. The ever-Virgin mother of our Lord "is a mother to us ~n the order of grace." She is, by grace, the mother of all humanity, of every single individual, and of all mankind. She is constant in her maternal care and solicitude for all men and women, and this continues ever-present in the Church. She intercedes for us specifically and uniquely as our spiritual mother. This Christmas day, as we continue to celebrate the Marian Year, may we rejoice and in a special way take consolation in the maternal concern of Mary. May we together, as the Church, also seek with care and devotion to give birth to Christ once again in our hearts. Reborn in our hearts, may Christ be re-presented to others, even as Mary presented' Him on that first Christmas "day for our heartfelt adoration. I pray that this Christmas season may be holy and blessed for one and all. Faithfully yours in #
Christ I- ~ ..... ~
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Bishop of Fall River" Bishop Cronin will celebrate the Mass of Christmas to be telecast at 9 a.m. Christmas Day on WLNE Channel Six
AIDS document surfaces controversy WASHINGTON (NC) - The spread of AIDS," the archbishop stated. statement on AIDS issued Dec. II "But many public health offiby the U.S. Catholic Conference Administrative Board "does not cials have recommended the use of .call for any changes in the church's condoms to reduce the risk of constant teaching concerning transmitting or acquiring the AIDS proper moral behavior," the USS virus, and we acknowledge that this fact will be part of comprepresident said. Archbishop John L. May of St. hensive 'factual presentation on Louis, president of both the USCC the disease," the archbishop con. and the National Conference of tinued . These presentations "should re., Catholic Bishops, issued his statement Dec. 14 to clarify what he flect the fact that safe sex practices called a misun~erstanding of the are at best only partially effective, statement "The Many Faces of and that they do not take into account either the real values that AIDS: A Gospel Response." Among other things, the AIDS are at stake or the fundamental statement stressed church teach- good of the human person," he ing on sexual abstinence outside of , said. Not to address such aspects of marriage but also said that because people do not always refrain from the AIDS issue "would leave peohigh-risk behavior associated with ple to learn of them from factually AIDS, educational efforts on AI DS misleading campaigns designed to "could include accurate informa- sell certain products or to advotion about prophylactic devices" if cate safe sex without reference to a they are based on a broader moral moral perspective," Archbishop May said . .:vision. The joint statement issued Dec. Several bishops, including all those in the Boston Province and 12 by Cardinal Law and the 16 New York Cardinal John J. other bishops of Massachusetts, O'Connor, objected strongly to Maine, Vermont and New Hampany acceptance of condom edu- shire, including Bishop Daniel A. Cronin, rejected any toleration of cation~ Archbishop May saiq there had condom education. It came one been "a misunderstanding in media day after the USCC Administrareports" and encouraged "a full tive Board statement was released. "We cannot approve or seem to reading of the document." approve the distribution of information regarding contraceptive de"I want to stress that our state- vices and methods which might ment does not call for any changes lead some_to think that they could in the church's constant teaching . in good conscience ignore or conconcerning proper moral behav- tradict this teaching," the joint. ior," he said. statement said. "The statement criticizes camIt said that the Administrative .paigns promoting condoms to pre- Board's statement and press reports 'vent transmission of the AIDS·, on it "have getierated considerable 'virus. It urges abstinence outside confusion concerning the church's 'of marriage and fidelity within position on the lise of prophylactic marriage as well as the avoidance devices as a protection against of intravenous drug abuse as the AIDS," acquired immune defionly morally correct and medi- ciency syndrome. cally sure ways to. prevent the In New Jersey, Archbishop Mc-°
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'Carrick said the board's statement "seems to open the door to a toleration of certain types of public educational programs which my own statement, issued on behalf of the bishops of New Jersey, would not allow," .
The crucial disputed passage concerning condom information in education programs about AIDS urged that all educational programs be "grounded in the broader moral vision" of "the dignity and destiny of the human person, the morality
Statement ,,~y~be,Bisbops of the ProV'ince of Boston ~Zentstaterrientg~Ali)sbYthe~dministr~iive
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The New Jersey statement he of human actions and ... the conreferred to was one he issued Nov. seq~ences of individual choices for 9 which called the promotion of the whole of society." The board statement stressed condoms as an anti-AIDS soluthe church's teaching that insists tion "foolish and irresponsible." , "The Catholic Church cannot .on sexual abstinence outside marapprove or condone any prOino- riage arid fidelity within marriage tion in media advertising or educa- as the only moral course of action. Several leading prelates argued tional materials of condom use as a method of preventing the trans- that the problem was not with the mission of AIDS," the Nov. 9 statment itself, but with media coverage of it. statement said. The USCC Administrative Board Cardinal John J. Krol of Philais a panel of about 50 bishops, composed of the NCCB-USCC's delphia and his designated succesexecutive officers, heads of the sor, Archbishop Anthony J. Bevicommittees of the two conferen- lacqua, issued a joint statement ces, and other elected representa- saying it was an "erroneous interpretation" to view the statement as tives of the bishops. The board's Dec. II AIDS state- in any way a relaxation of church ment addressed a wide range of teaching against the use of contramoral, medical. social, legal, pas- ceptives. They said the misinterpretation toral and spiritual issues surround"impels clarification" that the ing AIDS.
Bishops' AIDS statement stresses abstinence
Shore the Glory. Of little shepherd boys and lasting peace, may the holiday inspire you with love.
Auburn Construction Co., Inc. General Contractors 1207 Auburn Street, P. O. Box 287 Whitman, Massachusetts 02382 617-583-8148 "
WASHINGTON (NC) - The U.S. Catholic bishops in a major new statement on AIDS said the only "morally correct and medically sure ways" to prevent spread of the disease are sexual abstinence outside of marriage and fidelity within it as well as avoidance of intravenous drug abuse. The statement opposed promotion of "safe sex" as a prevention, but supported inclusion of factual information condoms in AIDS educa~ion programs if such programs are grounded in a "broader moral vision." The statement, called "The Many Faces of AIDS: A Gospel Response," was released Dec. I I and was the work of a' bishops' task force on AIDS formed last March. It is a wide-ranging, 7,700-word statement that was approved in November by the U.S. Catholic Conference's Administrative
Board, a governing panel of 50 bishops. AIDS - acquired immune deficiency syndrome - is transmitted by intimate sexualcontact, by trans-. fusions of infected blood, and by shared intravenous drug needles.
church considers the use of condoms "morally wrong," Cincinnati's Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk, vice president of the NCCB-USCC, also scored "media interpretation" of the statement as constituting "a change" in church teaching on contraceptives. When the AIDS statement was released Bishop William A. Hughes of Covington, Ky., head of the task force of bishops which drafted the document, said the fatal nature ofAIDS put it in a separate category from other sexually transmitted diseases and warranted the toleration of condom information in a pluralistic society as "the lesser of two evils," He said that "theologians of diverse persuasion" reviewed the statement before it was published and found it "theologically correct." Cardinal Joseph L. Bernardin of Chicago, also on the committee that drafted the statement, said in a statement Dec. I I that he was "particularly pleased with the document because, in my opinion, it brings together two crucial components: it is faithful to the Catholic doctrinal and moral tradition and it is sensitive to the human dimensions of the issue," He said the docu'ment calls "for doctrinally and medically sound educational programs" and warns "against misleading campaigns for 'safe sex' products," When Bishop Hughes presented the document at a press conference in Covington, he said the bishops on the Administrative Board approved it "without any audible dissent." Archbishop McCarrick, who is a member of the board, said he was absent from the November meeting at which the statement was approved. Cardrnal O'Connor, who is not on the board, ,criticized the statement in comments after the 10: I5 a.m, Mass Dec. 13 at St. Patrick's Cathedral. He told reporters he was puzzled that the statement was not submitted to a vote by the whole body of bishops. Asked if he thought the bishops as a whole would have rejected the' statement, he said, "U nquestionably." Bishop Ernest L. Unterkoefler of Charleston, S.C., also said he thought the passage in the statement on condoms "would have been deleted'~ if all the bishops had voted on it. But Bishop Unterkoefler also focused on media coverage rather than the statement itself as the key problem. "Tolerating the informa- . ,tion and endorsing the use of the condom are two different things," but some news reports did not keep the distinction clear, he said. He said the bishops could know before hand that the media "looking for the catchy headline" would pick up on the document's toleration of condom information, and he questioned whether it was wise . to include that in the document in light of the predictable news treatment it would get.
In the statement the bishops addressed facts about AIDS, the prevention of the disease, and the appropriate medical and pastoral care and Catholic response to AI DS victims, their loved ones, those with related viruses, as well as , high-risk groups. The bishops also emphasized :llIIlIIlIIlIlIIlIIllIIllIIlIlIIlIIlIIlIIlhllllllllllllllllllllllllll that to combat the disease society must address the social an'd eco- THE ANCHOR (USPS-S4S-020). Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass, nomic problems that lead people Published weekly except the week of July 4 to high-risk behaviors, namely drug and the week after Christmas at 410 Highabuse and, "short-term physical land Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02720 by the yatholic Press of the Diocese· of Fall intimacy," ' The bishops did not review in River, Subscription price by mail, postpaid per year. Postmasters send address detail medical facts about AIDS S8.00 changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall Turn to Page 10
River, MA 02722.
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Dec. 18, 1987
Mrs. Austill says of the latter,. Manager set ftom Mexico made "that he relates to every culture entirely of straw. Mary is dressed -and every race and they relate to as a nun and a Mexican street him!" . band is seranading the Christ Child. In the dining room there is a Turn to Page Six
FROM STOP & SHOP Motta photo
ANNE AUSTILL with an Ecuadoran creche.
God loves variety. Anne Austill's got it. By Joseph Motta Anne Austill is given to outbursts. When the 86-year-old widow of an Episcopal minister leads one of the many tours of her home she gives each Advent and Epiphany to share the beauty of the many dozens of chreches she has collected, she'll often stop while showing a particular item to exclaim "This is celebration!" or"God loves variety!" Ge~1tle outbursts. Prayerful outbursts. ' Mrs. Austill has been giving her tours for 12 years. Or is it IS? She can't remember. But she's happy to have had thousands of people of all religions visit her Cataumet dwelling place. "What God wants is for us to worship him!" the ecumenically-minded hostess tells her guests. "I love Christ more than anything else in the world," she told The Anchor. Mrs. Austill is often invited to speak to teens making ECHO (Encountering Christ in Others) retreats on Cape C;od. She'll speak on whatever subject she is asked to, she says, but she explains that her talks "always end up on .your spiritual journey and how you can ·be friends with Christ." . Her religious and civic involvements in past years have been more than numerous. She holds a master's degree in social work and religious education from Boston University and has traveled the world several times. So it's no wonder that Mrs. Austill can tell you in great detail
about the customs of Japanese Christians when she displays a lovely porcelain nativity set from that country. , She points out the dignified position of the heads of the Mary and Joseph figures and their fine kim·onos and remarks on the significance of the Japanese Baby Jesus lying in a tub rather than a manger. "The tub is where the Japanese keep water andfo.od for. the animals," Mrs., Austill said, explaining that it represents a stable. The Mary figure in a handcarved olivewood creche from Bethlehem has a face that is designed of delicate, light wood, a contrast to the rest of the set. "I like to think of the artist who did this," Mrs. Austill says. "He
must have hunted and hunted for the perfect piece of wood. And Mary is light." A count-cross-stitch Nativity scene mounted in a wooden manger, one of many gifts from people who have taken Mrs. Austiil's tours, is among items displayed in the same room.
Bright twinkling lights in windows aglow... Hauling a tree through the cold and the snow... Heavenly smells that your kitchen exudes.... A special sparkle in the eyes ofyour brood.. Families gathered...lots oflove in the air... Peace andgood will . toward men everywhere... Traditions renewed...Iike bells and a sleigh... And tlJe .warrn~s.t o.f..wishes .. that w~'sendyour~~y'.~':.'..
In the hallway nearby hang sev-,' " . eral years' wQrth ofEpip~any.cards "'.~'.' ~~~:. sent by a ~ingle fall,lily. , ' "How wonderful it is to have tradition!" Mrs. Austill exclaims. The Stop & Shop Companies, Inc. Not far away there is the creche 000 . that was the Austill family's first OOG STOP & SHOP SUPERMARKETS ("It must be 62 years old!") and a CU.) BRADLEES DEPARTMENT STORES scene from Nigeria with black fig01\0' ures. "He [ Jesus] is so wonderful," ......- - - - - - - - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...... ,
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Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Dec. 18, 1987
themoorin~ Christmas Renewal "I am the servant of the Lord ..Let it be done to me as you say." These freely-spoken words oeMary reflect a mind and heart far removed from the attitudes of our social order. At this time of year her words remind us of the wonderful gift of freedom each of us possesses. Many problems of contemporary society, from AIDS to abortion, result from the false notion of individual freedom at work in our culture. Somehow we are losing the true concept of freedom which in its essence implies that witho'ut compulsio'n we are capable of choosing the good. When for example we reject the commonsense norms of human conduct and refuse to curb our instincts and passions, we destroy our very integrity. . In this Christmas season it is well to remind ourselves especially as Catholic;s that we are free and responsible beings because of Christ. The Word made flesh is the core of our freedom. Recognizing that, we should educate ourselves to choose what is right and good. This means that we must have clarity of thought and the courage to reject whateverdoes not conform to our true nature 'and our destiny as creatures of God. Many in our land have lost sight of their personal worth and reality. They have compromised themselves in demeaning and destructive lifestyles. In attempts to be relevant they have . preached a gospel of confusion and conflict. It was these very people and forces that our Holy /Father addressed during his September visit to this country. In his homily at the University of South Carolina, he reminded all that "it would be a great tragedy for the entire human family if the United States, which prides itself on its consecration to freedom, were to lose sight of the true meaning of the noble word." . . In a daring challenge he said"America: you cannot insist on the right to choose without also insisting on the duty to choose well, the duty to choose the truth." How right are these words. We know from everyday observation how much breakdown and pain exist in our social order . because fundamental values essential to the total well-being of individuals, families and the nation are being drained of their real content. Yet at this time of year it would be impossible to ignore the real urgings of the human spirit. In so many areas of our lives we have experienced the abusive fallout of reckless living. As a result a growing urgency is developing to recapture the real meaning of life and its basic values. Indeed, any advantages we may possess have little meaning unless we recognize the ultimate primacy of moral values. The tremendous possibilities offered by science and material pro. gress are rendered null and void by the lack of moraljudgment. The celebration of life that we recall at Christmas should remind us as followers of Christ that our unique gift is to bring the wisdom of God's Word to bear on the problems of modern living. We should not fail to respond to the true impulses of the human heart. We should not abdicate our responsibility merely for expediency. May this Christmas be a time for each of us to renew our personal commitment to a freedom based on moral integrity and 'truthfulness. The Editor
NC/lntcrpress photo
"All the trees of the country shall know that I the Lord have... exalted the low tree. " Eze. 17:24
Summit and peace pastoral WASHINGTON (NC) - In seems to show that the superpow1983, seeking an end to the nuclear ers are managing their relationarms race, the American hierarchy . ship in a spirit of negotiation." recommended progress in "negoThe bishops' pastoral letter called tiated bilateral deep cuts in the for "oegotiations to halt the testarsenals of both superpowers." . ing, production and .deployment On Dec. 8, maybe the world got of new nuclear weapons systems. it. Not only should steps be taken to The new U.s.-Soviet intermed- end development and deployment, iate-range nuclear force, or INF, . but the numbers of existing weatreaty signed that day by President pons must be reduced in a manner Reagan and Soviet General Secre- which lessens the danger of war," tary Mikhail S. Gorbachev for the it declared. first time ever specifies abolition U.S. proposals like th"ose for of more than 2,200 short-and INF negotiations in Geneva are medium-range nuclear missles. said to be designed to achieve deep More work ~emains - on redu~- cuts" in nuclear arsenals, the tions in the number of long-range, .. bishops said in their letter. "Our strategic nuclear weapons, for exam- hope is that they will be pursued in pie. a manner which will realize these Yet Reagan, Gorbachev and oth- goals." . er officials described the INF treaty "We mentioned the INF in the as an important initial step on the pastoral, specifically," said Father road to peace. J. Bryan Hehir, secretary for social So did Catholic leaders instru- development and world peace at mental in dfllfting the bishops' the U.S. Catholic Conference. 1983 war and peace pastoral, "The In terms of overall numbers, the Challenge of Peace: God's Prom- INF treaty "is limited in'its impact ise and Our Response." on the nucle'ar weapons in the Chicago CardinalJoseph L. Ber- world but it shouldn't be judged nardin, ~ho chaired the commit- on that alone," said Father Hehir, tee that drafted the peace pastoral: who assisted the bishop's in draftnoted that the treaty "appears to ing the pastoral letter. be a step toward arms control" The INF agreement "is a real . and described it as "a very positive reduction. That's important to breakthrough." note," he said. While further efforts He noted that he had not yet are required by both superpowers, analyzed the complex document the INF treaty "contributes to the but said "From what I have seen, it arms control process and to politiis substantively important because cal relations, and all of that is in it eliminates a whole class of nuclear the [ bishops'] letter," he added. weapons. Moreover, I believe it The pastoral also opposed procould be symbolically important liferation of weapons that "may in strengthening the process of seem to be useful primarily in a arms control." first strike" and, in a footnote, Furthermore, he said, "the treaty, . pointed out that some experts in-
cluded such weapons as MX and Pershing missiles in that category. Pershing missiles are listed among weapons expected to be destroyed under the terms of the new treaty. So are Cruise missiles, whose deployment has been opposed by. the U.S. bishops. One possible new challenge or drawback, according to INF critics - posed by the new treaty is that by decreasing the importance of nuclear weapons, it enhances the clout of conventional forces, such as troops and non-nuclear weapons. And the Soviets are regarded by many, including U.S. allies in NATO, as having a probable edge over the West in that category. "The military realities remain, especially the conventional (forces) imbalance," explained Lord Carrington, NATO secretary-general, Dec.-JO. "We must keep both nuclear and conventional elements of our defense up to date and adequately funded." "The INF agreement," he said, "is only a first step." The bis~ps anticipa~ed this concern. ~.
Their pastoral suggested that "it . may well be that some strengthening of conventional defense would be a proportionate price to pay, if this will reduce the possibility of a nuclear war. We acknowledge this reluctantly," given the world's other needs, they said. Rather, "we hope that a significant reduction in numbers of conventional arms and weaponry would go hand in hand with diminishing reliance on nuclear deterrence."
The Anchor Friday, Dec. 18, 1987
Norrell Health Care Fall River Shopping Center 677-1844 Weekday Hrs. 8:15 AM - 5:15 PM EOflMFH
Mayall the joys and special memories ofthe Christmas Season be with you and your family. At Lafayette Federal Savings Bank, we would like to say thank you for your patronage and hope you celebrate Christmas in the warm and loving embrace of your family.
SCENES FROM last Sunday's dedica-
1 tion of the new Notre Dame Church, Fall River, at which Father Ernest E. Blais, pastor, distributed blue and white stoles to priests born in the parish and to former parochial vicars as a memento of the historic occasion. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin called the dedieation ajoyous event, in happy contrast to the tragedy of the 1982 loss by fire of the former church. He· praised Father Blais for his leadership in the arduous task of building the new church and lauded the '''noble tradition" of Notre Dame parish. (Gaudette photos)
So our employees may enjoy the long holiday weekend, all offices ofLafayette will close Thursday, December 24tp at 12:00 noon. All branch locations will be closed Saturday;" .~' December 26th. We will re-open Monday,' December' 28th at 9:00 a.m.
~appy CJJoQidays
LAFAYETTE FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK MAIN OFFICE: 60 Bedford Street, FALL RIVER 165 State Road, WESTPORT 1236 County Street (Route 138), SOMERSET 201 GAR. Highway (Route 6), SWANSEA OFFICE HOURS: Monday· Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (All Offices) . Saturday 9:00 a.m.' 12:00 Noon (Branches Only) TELEPHONE: 679·1961
REJOICE May you find peace in the light of His love.
St. Elizabeth Parish. Family Edgartown REV. GEORGE F. ALMEIDA
.God loves variety. Anne Austill's got it. Continued from Page Three "They're not going to have such an important event [ without] a Mariachi band to welcome him," Mrs. Austill said. The room also contains items including a delicate hand-painted wooden Italian creche, Norwegian Christmas plates and locally-made
creches, two designed from sea and walnut shells, another set in a pine cone. A beautiful wooden nativity scene from Poland has figures without faces. "When you look at this," Mrs. Austill says, "you can have your o,wn mood." Displayed on a tray on the dining room table is a Hawaiian creche.
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Mary wears a lei and sheep near the coconut sheepfold that pinchhits for the stable are made of Australian pinecones. A set from Maine features Baby Jesus lying in a lobster trap. Mary wears a blue turtleneck sweater and the people of Maine, including a skier, a fisherman and a potato farmer, visit her child. It's fun yet reverent: "We don't have to do things the same way," Mrs. Austill says. The other treasures on the Austill home's first floor include an attractive origami nativity made by Chinese Christians in Taiwan,.a mother-of-pearl scene from Bethlehem set in a large shell and a colorful hand-painted Ecuadoran set, made of bread and dipped in polyurethane. In an upstairs bedroom a Santa Claus figure kneels in prayer before the Christ Child. A wooden wall hanging shows good St. Nick in his bishop's vestments. In the fourth century, St. Nicholas was Bishop of Myra in Asia Minor. . The guest room's contents also include articles of interest for followers of St. Francis and Native American history buffs. A pottery creche shows the Baby Jesus as a papoose, lying on a cradleboard. The Wise Men's gifts include corn and an American Indian wedding vase. Like the Polish set, another Native American creche, by wellknown artist DeGrazia, incorporates featureless faces. Buzzards Bay resident Mary Fuller, who has taken the Austill tour many times, often brings groups of Cursillistas and ECH 0 retreatants. She says that "Once you see the deep faith [ Anne] has, Christmas will never be the same. "I see Christmas 365 days a year as a result of Anne and the gifts she has shared," she said. Mrs. Fuller, a member of her hometown's St. Margaret parish,
said that she recently filmed the Austill tour. The program has been shown on a Bourne/ Sandwich cable station. Anne Austill feels that her tours are "a ~ay to witness to the love and wonderful power.... of our Lord." She says sjle hopes her sharing will help others' in the midst of secular trimmings and trappings, remember, that what we're celebrating is the birth of the Savior. "God is so wonderful," sh.: says. "Everybody is his child." Mrs. Austill's 1987-88 tours will continue through January 6. Tour appointments may be made with her at 563-2188 during the day.
.lIQlidilyS Best wishes for a merry Christmas ... each and every day of the year.
Our entire staff would like to wish you a merry, magical Christmas.
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This Message Sponsored by the Following Business Concerns In the Diocese of Fall River •
A Christmasdream Dear Editor: Now that Christmas is almost here, warm, tender memories of Christmases past haunt every waking moment. Each one holds a special place in my heart but one in particular seems most sweet. As a young girl I recall dreaming and wishing for a doll house of my very own. In those days toys did not occupy a top spot in wishes granted, so even as I wished I knew quite well it might not happen. Being the younger, tolerated sister of an older brother did not permit my mentioning wishes to him. When each day after school he suddenly disappeared to his workshop with a stern "keep out" look, I dared not try to see his project. As the days drew nearer to Christ's birthday, I felt a desperate need to ask for my wish. Mother . cautioned that I shouldn't get my hopes up. I recall winking back tears and retiring to my room. I knelt beneath an aged crucifix and asked Jesus if he would send my fondest wish. Christmas morning arrived very early in our country home and I raced down the stairs to the tall evergreen in our front hall. There beneath the tree stood a replica of our home, complete with plastic windows and furniture. My gruff, grumpy brother had fashioned this dream house just for me. Years have come and gone since then but I never see doll houses in Christmas displays but that tears don't escape from my eyes. I feel that loving glow all' over again. Christ gives us the power to make others happy every day but most especially on his birthday. Jean Quigley Rehoboth
Holiday spirits Dear Editor: With the holiday spirit comes many parties and with the parties come the holiday spirits. Partygoers sometimes overindulge the spirit when it comes to consumption of alcoholic beverages. At least half of all traffic fatalities last year in this country involved alcohol. Moreover, it has long been known that a vast majority of fatal holiday accidents are associated with drinking. If you are attending a party this holiday season and you intend to drink, ea~ first so that you will have something in your stomach to slow down the rate of absorption, drink slowly to give your body time to handle the drinks, set alimitand DON'T DRIVE. Don't ruin your holiday season by accident. If you are hos.ting a holiday party, close down your bar early, at least one hour before guests leave. Also, have plenty of food and coffee available. If a guest has overindulged, have a less enthusiastic partygoer take him or her home or call a taxi. He may be resentful but you'll be doing him a life-saving favor. As either host or guest, remember that it takes your body at least one hour per drink to eliminate the devastating effects of alcohol and the best advise is still the common sense reminder: if you drink, don't drive; if you drive, don't drink. Have a safe and joyous holiday season. Department of Police City of New Bedford
Bishops plan路 ~pring parley WASHINGTON(NC) - The U.S. bishops will hold a spring meeting in 1988, Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye, general secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishqps and U.S. Catholic Conference, has announced. Plans for the meeting, to be held June 24-27 in Collegeville, Minn., were put in doubt Nov. 19 when Hartford Archbishop John F. Whealon asked the NCCB Executive Committee to cancel it because of the unusually busy 1988 schedule of the American bishops. He said there was not enough pending conference business to take up a full meeting in June, and the issues that are to be treated could wait until the next fall meeting. He also cited the mandatory quinquennial visits the American bishops will make to Rome in 1988. Msgr. Hoye said the executive committee reviewed Archbishop Whealon's request but decided the spring meeting should go forward. Among items on the June agenda are discussion of the first draft of a planned national pastoral letter on women's concerns, and discussion and a possible vote on a moral evaluation of the nation's nuclear deterrence posture. The bishops may also consider a document suggesting ways of increasing cooperation between bishops and theologians and resolving doctrinal disputes when they arise.. Action on the document was suspended at the close of the fall meeting when there were not enough bishops to form a quorum.
Diocese of Fall River -
Fri., Dec. 18, 1987
Advent service at St. Thomas More St. Thomas More parish in Som-erset is inviting you to take time from last-minute holiday hustle and bustle. Time out to focus 'on the promise of our Messiah. Time out to pray "Come, Lord Jesus!" Father David A. Costa, the parish's parochial vicar, will preside at an Advent Lessons and' Carols prayer experience at 3 p.m. Dec. 20. The event centers on selected readings from Sacred Scripture,
the early Church Fathers and contemporary spiritual writers. Liturgical music reflecting wide and varied expressions of the Catholic faith will be used as prayerful response to the readings. Parish music director Joan Cuttie will conduct the parish choirs at the service. Mr. Bruce Morrill, SJ, will play the organ and Michael Monty and David Touchette will be instrumentalists. Lectors will represent various segments of the parish.
ATTLEBORO AREA Bishop's Ball committee members, from left, Mrs. David Sell mayer, Mrs. George Bauza, Mrs. Harry B. Loew, Rev. Ralph D. Tetrault.
New venue, same spirit at Bishop's Charity Ball The location has changed, but the traditional features of the annual Bishop's Charity Ball will remain the same, promised Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, PA, diocesan director of the winter social highlight, now in its 33rd year. The ball will be held from 8 p.m. to I a.m. Jan. 15 at' White's of Westport on Route 6. Decorated tables will replace the previous boxes and there will be a place of honor in White's grand salon for Bishop Dliniel A. Cronin. The colorful presentee ceremony and the grand march will be 'enhanced by the luxurious restau-
rant surroundings, notes the director. He said that ushers and hospitality committee members will escort guests to their places and that they will be familiarized with arrangements at 6:30 p.m. the night of the ball, at which time they are asked to meet at White's. In the grand ballroom there will be dancing to Monte Music and the AI Rainone Orchestra will play in the grand salon. Ball tickets are available at all diocesan rectories and from committee members. They will also be sold at the door.
ANNE MARIE Kelly, left, a continuing care coordinator in the social work department at St. Anne's hospital, Fall River, and Patti Boucher, RN, work in holiday surroundings. (Motta photo)
~~. ~/
. .
So cares and joys abound, as seasons fleet. - Wi,lliam Shakespeare
A very special "thank you" to all. ~
Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Dec. 18, 1987
CRYSTAL FERRY and Martin Riley, fourth graders taught by Glenna Stork at St. George School, Westport, put the finishing touches on paper-plate angels.
8:00 - 9:30 - 11:00 A.M.路 - 5:00 P.M.
~t. 'lfi.ouis bt l'frUttCt
56 '~uffiugton Jiueet ~fnanl5ea. ~ael5. 02777
"CHRISTMAS BEAR" is an important member of the kindergarten class taught by Sister Dorothy Costa, SSD, at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School, New Bedford. Students Jason Moniz and Karen Gouveia wanted to see if he'd fit in a stocking. (Motta photos) -
may this (9h"Fistmas be fOF you .and yOUF loved OHes a happy"and holy season.
Rev. Ronald A.Tosti
THE ANCHOR - Diocese of Fall River - Fri., Dec. 18, 1987
CHRISTMAS SCREDULE CHRISTMAS VIGIL MASSES Thursday at 4:00 and 6:30 p.m. MIDNIGHT MASS Preceded by a concert by St. Anne Chorale beginning at II :3Q p.m. AT ST. FRANCIS Xavier School, Acushnet, sixth-grader Paul Kippenberger, who'll celebrate his birthday on Christmas Eve, reads a holiday story to first-grader Isaac Ribeiro, whose birthday is tomorrow. Paul's teacher is Nancy Forsblom and Isaac is instructed by Sister Beatrice Lapalme, OP.
CHRISTMAS DA Y Masses at 8,10, 12 and 6:30 p.m.
, . nt'f
... ..~'t.. ~ '-:-:.~::-. .~
The Parish Staff and the Dominican Fathers join in wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!
Saint Anne Parish and Shrine Corner South Main and Middle Streets Fall River, Massachusetts LIGHTING AN Advent wreath at St. John the Evangelist School, Attleboro, are thirdgraders Jane Coogan and ~.J. Morin. The pair are taught by Mary Braga.
AIDS statement stresses abstinence
The Anchor Friday, Dec. 18, 198i
Continued from Page Two
O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, M~JSs. 679·6072
commitment and "openness to new life." "Human sexuality as we understand this gift from God, is to be genitally expressed only in a monogamous heterosexual relationship of lasting fidelity in marriage," they said.
but noted that currently the disease is incurable and that it cuts across "all racial and ethnic lines," affects children as well as adults and cannot be contracted through ordinary casual contact. About prevention, the bishops The bishops said they opposed called all people to "live in accord the "safe sex" approach to AIDS with the authentic meaning of I.ove because it promotes promiscuity and sexuality" that is a permanent . and noted that studies have shown
CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20 • 3:.00 P.M. ADVENT PENITENTIAL SERVICE: 8 Confessors Available for Sacrament of Reconciliation
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24 4 P.M.• Prelude to Vigil Mass of Christmas Carols, Anthems by Senior Choir 4:30 P.M.• Vigil Mass of Christmas 10:00 P.M.• Prelude to "Middle-of-the-Night" Mass of Christmas: Senior Choir, Organ, Blessing of Creche, Proclamation of Nativity 10:30 P.M.• Traditional Solemn' . "Middle-of-the-Night" Mass of Christmas
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25 7:30 A.M .•.Shepherds' Mass 9:00 A.M .• Solemn Liturgy of Nativity in Polish 10:30 A.M .• Family Mass of Christmas Day All Children" & Families Welcome! Children's Choir, Organ, Blessing of Jesus' Birthday Cake 5:30 P.M.• Evening Prayer of Christmas: Carols by Candlelight
Git'e .4. Gift Certifirate For A lJ'eekend Away
For Info Contact
The bishops said they would commit the best efforts ofthe U.S. Catholic Conference, their policy arm, to develop educational programs and work with lawmakers for development of "an informed and enlightened public policy" for AIDS prevention. They also said those who are infected have a serious moral responsibility not to put others at risk through their behavior. .
The bishops said they would support government education programs that provide accurate information on the disease but also said they have a responsibility as religious leaders to focus on the moral dimensions of public policy. Because of possible church-state conflicts over using value-based instruction in public programs, they said they would be willing to The bishops also: participate in discussions on how - Urged compassion and underto incorporate "a fuller understand- standing for AIDS victims, espeing of human sexuality" in public cially through pastoral care by schools. Catholic parishes and dioceses, The bishops also supported in- and strongly condemned an inclusion of factual information on crease in violence and discrimina"prophylactic devices" in education against homosexual men and tion programs if those programs women. are based on moral values. ..:.- Rejected AIDS testing "strictThey said they recognized that ly for discriminatory purposes" in U.S. pluralistic society not all and questioned the need for widepeople agree with the bishops' view spread mandatory testing but sugof human sexuality and acknowlgested that federal funds be proedged that some people do not .vided for voluntary testing with always "act as they can and should" confidentiality of results. or refrain from high-risk behav- Criticized the refusal by some iors associated with AIDS. of medical and dental treatment "In such situations educational for AIDS patients and added that efforts, if grounded in the broader Catholic hospitals in particular moral vision outlined above, could . have an obligation to provide care. include accurate information about prophylactic devices or other prac- Called for adequate private tices proposed by some medical and public funding for AIDS reexperts as potential means of presearch and education, expansion venting AIDS," they said. of support services for patients "We are not promoting the use and family members, and effective of prophylactics, but merely promedia programs to reduce fear, viding information that is part of prejudice and discrimination. the factual picture," they added. In an appendix the bishops rec"Such a factual presentation ognized parents' "inalienable should indicate that abstinence outrights" as the primary educators of side of marriage and fidelity within their children..But they added that marriage as well as the avoidance with the cooperation of parents, of intravenous drug abuse are the Catholics schools and religious eduonly morally correct and medication programs at all levels must cally sure ways to prevent the develop teaching guidelines and spread of AIDS," the statement materials stressing the importance said. of chastity in AIDS prevention.
such an approach is not "absolutely safe."
TEL. 636-2494
The bishops' AIDS task force was headed by Bishop William A. Hughes of Covington, Ky., chairman of the bishops' Committee on Education. Its other members were Chicago Cardinal Joseph L. Bernardin, chairman of the bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities; Savannah Bishop Raymond W. Lessard, chairman of the bishops' Committee on Doctrine; and Greensburg, Pa. Bishop Anthony Bosco, chairman of the bishops' Committee on Communication.
JACQUELINE Gonsalves, EKG technologist at 51. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, hangs her coat next to festively-decorated lockers. (M otta photo) .
Warmest Wishes For A Blessed Christmas To The
Dominican Sisters of the Presentation Of St. Anne's Hospital "Carrying Out Christ's Healing Mission and Manifesting His Mercy and Compassion To All"
ST. ANNE'S ENDOWMENT FUND Gifts received through December 11, 1987
Second Century Dr. Omer Boivin Frances Hathaway Rev. Joseph Martineau
Ellen Coughlin Harold Hudner Portuguese Fund Raising Committee
MI. & Mrs. Wilson Curtis MI. & Mrs. Richard Lafrance Kathleen Tobin
Thomas Croke Mr. & Mrs. Alan Knight Joseph Simonin
Rev. Norman Ferris Elinor Lenaghan Dr. & Mrs. Roger Violette
Friends of SI. Anne's Hospital MI. & Mrs. Morris Levine
Heritage Circle Ellen Coughlin
MI. & Mrs. Edward Pettine
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Feitelberg
Bertha Riley MemoFial
Annual Contributors MI. & Mrs. Karl Feitelberg
MI. & Mrs. Thomas Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Williams
MI. & Mrs. Lawrence Silva
ST. ANNE'S FOUNDATION Mother Pierre Marie Society The Acushnet Foundation
Dr. Americo Almeida
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Castro
C.olonial Wholesale Beverage
Dr. W, Robert Courey
Exchange Club of Fall River
Mrs. Yvonne Fournier
The Friends of SI. Anne's
Phyllis Kimball Johnstone and H. Earle Kimball Foundation
MI. & Mrs. Alan Knight
MI. & Mrs. Roland LaFrance
American Dryer Corp:
Bank of Boston· Southeastern Region Hospital
Eddie Brault
Most Rev, Daniel Cronin
Mr. & Mrs. John De Nadal
Durfee Attleboro Bank
01. & Mrs, Thomas Galvin
Francis Gauthie,
Harold Hudner
01. Elie Tawa
Mrs. Roger Valcourt
Mrs. Helen White
President's Club Anonymous Henry Ashworth Gatholic Woman's Club Or. & Mrs. Paul Dunn Mr. &Mrs. Monsour Ferris, Sr. J & J Gorrugaled Box Co. Muriele laPointe Claire Mullins Pediatric Slaff Patricia Selleck Mr. & Mrs. Harold Steeves Mr. & Mrs, Gurtis Wilkins
A. C. lumber Co. Karen Beaton·Simmons Mrs. A.J. Chiles Duro Industries Most Rev. James Gerrard Mr. & Mrs. James Karam Mr. & Mrs George ledoux Mr. & Mrs. James Nannery Ramco Fabrics Mr. & Mrs. lawrence Silva Swan Finishing Co.
Acme Engineering Or. David Boland Annette Choromanski Eastern Edison Co. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Giroux Mr. & Mrs. Robert Karam Mr. & Mrs. Thomas lynch Michael Orabona K.R. Rezendes Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Silveira Tetr'ault Advertising & Public Relations
Alden Autoparts Warehouse Mr. & Mrs, Frank Boyko lyle Cooper Eleanor Emsley Carolyn Guillemette lafayette Federal Savings Bank Or. & Mrs. Malcolm MacDonald Mrs. Raymond Parent Romac Mechanical Contractors Anne Smith luella Thibault
Aluminum Processing Co. 241st CAC Vets Association Mr. Mrs: Ralph OiPisa Fall River Five Cents Savings Bank Or. & Mrs. Daniel Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Richard laFrance Or. Robert Moe Dr, Benjamin Passos Mr. & Mrs. Albert Roy Joseph Smith Mr. &Mrs. Charles Veloza
Kathleen Arrud' Isabel Capelo Or, & Mrs. John Dunn Fall River Gas Co. Or. & Mrs. Richard Hatfield Mr. & Mrs. Herman lapointe Mr. & Mrs. Willi2m Moniz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Paul Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sabath Mr. & Mrs. Donald Souza Hon. & Mrs. Carlton Viveiros
David Albrekston R. Andrews Co. Ashworth Brolhers Ayerstlaboratories Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Barek lucille Bergeron lucille Binder JoAnn Botelho Mr. & Mrs. Edward Brennan Mr. & Mrs. James Campbell Madeline Casey Janice Ciosek Rev. Msgr. Arthur Considine Mr. & Mrs. Emile Cote louis Cyr Mr. &Mrs. Harry Darrah lauretta Oion Dover Stamping Co. Or. H. Ivan Duran Farinha's Travel Agency Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Ferris Annette Ford Mr. & Mrs. lucien Gagnon Msgr. Alfred Gendreau Ma,ilyn Girard Mary Ann Gregoire Howard Hawkins, Jr. Or. James Hitchen Inlrntn'l Brotherhood of Electrical Wrkrs. Ri:v. lucien Jusscaume Kusinitz Insurance Agency Helen law The lenaghan Family lincourt and Pappas Insurance Dr. & Mrs. John Malloy
Jacqueline Allard Andy's Rapid Transportalion Mrs. Albert Auciair Dr. &Mrs. Wagdy Aliz Janice Barlow Mr. & Mrs. Edward Berube Biszko-levesque Family Mr. & Mrs. Cornel Boudria Miss Alice Brodeur Elaine Capeto Mrs. Jeanne Caslonguay Citizens-Union Savings Bank Msgr. Raymond Considine Rose Marie Couto Sharon Dahlstrom Mr. Anlhony DeMeo Mr. &Mrs. lucien Oion James Driscoll Janel Durette Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fe,telberg Mr. &Mrs. Vincent Ferris Mr. & Mrs. Feliciano Freitas Mr. & Mrs. Atexander Galland Mrs. John Giblin Mr. &Mrs. Joseph Glennon, Jr. Dorothy Gruneberg Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hazel Hospice Outreach Manuel Isabel, Sr. Mr. &Mrs. Aloysius Kearns Catherine lacoste·Hamel Richard leary Mrs. James lent Mr. & Mrs. Frank lipis Mar·Com Home Care Nursing
I, T. Almy Association' Apostolate for Persons wilh Disabilities Mr. & Mrs. Charles Auclair Bank of New England Beacon Garment Co. Henri Berube Mr. & Mrs. John Blake Alice Bourassa Mrs. Marie Brodeur Rev. Daniel Carey Or. Roland Chabot Donna Clarke Margaret Conslanline Credit Women International Mrs. John Daley Or. & Mrs. Adelard Demers, Jr. Or. &Mrs. Raymond Dionne Mr. &Mrs. Roger Dufour . Dolores Oyer Mrs. Henry Feitelberg Beatrice Filipek Furniture Wholesalers Alice Gauthier Or. &Mrs. Nagib Giha Msgr. Anthony Gomes Edna Haddad Raymond Hebert Mr. &Mrs. Armand Houde Alan Jarabek Rev. Cornelius Keliher Edouard lacroix leComte's Dairy, Inc. Theodore lescault Mr. & Mrs. David lithway Michael Marcou,
Cecile Masse Irene Medeiros Manuel M. Mello Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Moss, Jr. Terry Nienlimp Mrs, Jean O'Brien Cynthia Padula Claire Parent Donna Pavao Theresa Pieri Dolores Raposa Mr. & Mrs. Roger Richards Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Ross Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ruggiero Victor SI. Denis Or. Franklin Scheel Rev. William Shovelton leo Smith Mrs. Meryl Souza Mrs. Frederick Sullivan Robert Sykes Eleanor & Abby Thurston Mrs. Blanche Tremblay Or. & Mrs. Robert Vergnani Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Viveiros Mr. & Mrs. Sumner James Waring, Jr. Or. & ·Mrs. Donald Wit"!er
Mr. &Mrs. William McAndrew Mr. & Mrs. John Medeiros lillian lavoie Michaud Or. Nick Muccia,di Norbut Manufacturing Co. Or. & Mrs. Kevin O'Brien Jacqueline Page lorraine Parent Eileen Pelletier Anne Pineault Hermie Ravancho Or. & Mrs. Robert Riemer Or. & Mrs. Alexander Rosller louise Ryan Doris SI. laurent Or. Frederick W. Schnure Nicolau Garcia Or. & Mrs. Philip Smith Anne Spangler Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Norman Sylvia Teresa Tiernan Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Troy Celine Vezina Louis Viveiros Mrs. Edwin Webb
Century Club Anonymous (14) Stephen Alves Or. & Mrs. John Arminio Mr. & Mrs. Armel Audet Jr. Elaine Banks Gerald Bedrick Joyce Berube Joseph DeNardo Mr. &Mrs. Paul Boye" Pamela Bussiere Mr. & Mrs. James Carreiro Mrs. Vera Chace Or. & Mrs. Timothy Cleary
James Cooney
Mr. & Mrs. John Crider Daley Oil Co. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Devlin Mr. & Mrs. Slanley Dobek Shirley Bannister Dufresne Mariette Eaton Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Feitelberg First Bristol County National Bank John Furze Edith Gauthier Mrs. Helena Gill Jean Gonet Mr. & Mrs.'Joseph Hanify, Jr. Hebrew ladies Helping Hand Society Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hudner Mr. & Mrs. Orner Jean Anne Marie Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Roger lamonde Mr. & Mrs. Normand leComte Mr. & Mrs. Robertlevesque Mr. & Mrs. John long Paula Martin Charlotte McCauley Rachel Medeiros Mr. & Mrs. John Mitchell Mr. & Mrs, Bruce Munroe Sen. & Mrs, Thomas Norton Susan Otocki .Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pannoni Bonnie & Marie Parker Alice Perry Charles Ponte Connie Reis Thomas Rodgers Or. & Mrs. J.P. Royston S. & A. Printing Co. Diane Pichette Santos Noella Senay Or. & Mrs. Philip Silvia Melinda Soares·Murphy Or. leslie Stern Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. M. Talbot Frederick Torphy Victor Urban
Suzanne Vieira Mrs. loretta Waldron Mr. & Mrs. John Willen.
Charles Arendt Memorial Rev. Roland Brodeur Memorial Anna Fontaine Memorial Rose leClair Memorial Michael Metcalf Memorial Shirley Quinn Memorial Delbert Thurston, Sr. Memorial
Mr. &Mrs. Anthony Abraham Amcare Medical Service Cl."thia Arruda Ra~ond Audet Joseph Banville Anne Marie Belanger Norbert Berube Rev. louis Boivin Mr. & Mrs. John Branco Or. & Mrs. Roger Cadieux Mr. &Mrs. Bernard Cartin Tex Chamberlain Coca·Cola Bottling Co. Rep. Robert Correia Mr. & Mrs. Charles Crites II Mr. & Mrs. Roland Dansereau Diagnostic Testing Order of Dominican Fathers Mr. & Mrs. Normand Dumas Sander & Ray Ep,teirHoundation Mr. &Mrs. J. Burkam Ferris Or. Richard Fitton, Jr. G. & l. Construction Co. Marguerite Gauthier Julia Gilman Priscilla Gonsalves Or. Ronald Hantman Eileen Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hussey John's Shoe Store Mr. &Mrs. Jeffrey Kelly Paul lapointe Marilyn Smith leFevre Or. 'Jay litien Mr. & Mrs. Henry lyons Virginia Martin _ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Robert Medeiros Monlle Plumbing & Heating Co. Or. & Mrs. Alhar Mustafa Dee Novo Wilda Ouellette Rev. Msgr. Joseph Pannoni Stephen Partridge George Petrin Ambassador &Mrs. William Porter Religious of Jesus & Mary Or. &Mrs. Walter Rok Or. Robert Rubano SI. Anne's Credit Union Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sardinha Edward Shannon Dolores Simmons Somerset·Swansea Medical Center Robert Stoico Cecile Sutton Yvette Tardif Henry Townson Valcourt Industrial Supply 'Mr. & Mrs, lawrence Vincent Dr. Michael Wallingford Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Williams
Adminislrative Staff Anderson litlle Co. Jo-Ann Arruda Sheila Ann Audet Mr. & Mrs. Skip Barboza Or. John Belsky Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bibeau Mrs. George Bolger Mr. & Mrs. Roger Branin Or. John Cairns Or. & Mrs. John Carvalho Myrtle Chestnut Mrs. Catherine Connelly Corrigan Mental Health Center Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Curtis Or. Alfred Darby Susan Oias Dominican Sislers of SI. Catherine Medora Dupuis Grace Caine Eudenbach Msgr. Norman Ferris Mr. &Mrs. William Flynn, Jr. Berthe Gagnon Mr. &Mrs. Reginald Gauthier Mr. & Mrs. James Gimblet Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Goslin Julia Harrington Emily Hill Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Imbriglio Jean Judge Or. & Mrs. William Kenney Mr. & Mrs. Robert lavoie Dr. & Mrs. Roger leMaire Dr. & Mrs. Henry lincoln Or. & Mrs. Amine Maalouf Francis Martineau Or. Joseph McGuili Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Mello . Constance Morrissette Or. & Mrs. Andre Nasser Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Nowak Alice Pacheco Or. & Mrs. Normand Paquin Mr. & Mrs. Henry Paruch Mrs. Fabien Phenix Germaine Poulin Or. & Mrs. Yong Rhee Rita Romanowicz Or. &Mrs. Herbert Rubin SI. Anne's Hospital Nursing Alumnae Or. Jay Schachne Or. & Mrs. William Sheehan Slade's Ferry Trust Co. Or. Jose J.C. Sousa Dan Sullivan Phyllis Sweeney Ronald Thibault Mr. &Mrs. Manuel Travers Carolyn Vale Or. & Mrs. Roger Violette Mary Waring
James Wingate.
Mrs. Margaret McCallum Maria Medeiros • Mr. & Mrs, Normand Michaud Hon. Beatrice Mullaney Mrs. Alfred Normandin Fr. John Oliveira Or. & Mrs, Victor Palumbo Grace Parenteau Or. & Mrs. Edward Penn Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pitera, Jr. Mary Reid Mr. & Mrs. John Rocha Or. & Mrs. Alfred Roy John Rys Mrs. leo SI. laurent, Sr. Or. l.R. Schroeder Silva & Faria Funeral Homes Or. & Mrs. Manuell.S, Soares Greg Squillante Mary Sullivan Betsy Talbot Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Toole Peter Urban . Mr. &Mrs. Donald Vezina Or. Charles Volcjak Mr. & Mrs. William While, Sr.
ST. ANNE'S REMEMBRANCE FUND Elizabeth "Pepper" Beaulieu Memorial Paulette Delisle Memorial Imelda Gauthier Memorial Or. James lent Memorial Edmour Michaud Memorial Mae & John Stager Memorial
Eric R.J. Beeton Memorial Or. Paul deViliers Memorial Jeannette Gauthier Memorial Roseanne lentz Memorial Antoinette Normandeau Memorial Sr. Mary Patricia Sullivan, D.P. Memorial
John Bell, Jr. Memorial Orlindo Dos Santos Memorial Evelyn Guimond Memorial Octave levesque Memorial Frank & Michael Oliveira Memorial Alphonse Thiboutot Memorial
lelah Billington Memorial Helen Dudley Memorial Eugenia Kowalczyk Memorial Francis littlefied Memorial Dean Parker, Sr. Memorial Armand Thiboutot Memorial
Peter Boardman Memorial Raymond Ethier Memorial Milton Kozak Memorial Edwin livingstone Memorial Mr. &Mrs. Joseph Pitera, Sr. Memorial Blanche Thiboutot Memorial
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 18, 1987
. Keep Christ in Christmas i
Wishing you joy and happiness all season through. We value your friendship.
FATHER PETER GRAZIANO, right, with, from left, Rev. Jeffrey Billerbeck, Mary Emmons, Rev. David Emmons and Rev. James Nelson. (Motta photo)
The religious community and the mentally ill
Puttin.g care into ·action By Joseph Motta
Merry Christmas to all ... and to all a grand holiday!
have emotiomil problems," she told her audience. :'When it comes to your own Saying that society has little family, your ministry takes on a patience for people who "can't much greater interest," a clergy- . make it on their own," she gave man whose son had suffered menexamples of how the homeless are tal illness told participants in a rejected. In one instance, she said, conference at Bristol Community food in dumpsters depended on by College, Fall River. street people for their meals was Titled "Putti"ng Care into Action: sprayed to render it inedible. . the Religious Community and the "What you do for people is Mentally Ill," the conference drew probably oflesser importance than some 100 mental health profeswho you are for' them;" she told sionals, social workers, priests and the cler,gy among her listeners. ministers. Rev. Mr. Nisi pointed out the The Fall River Diocesan Departunique resources of the religious ment of Social Services was among community for helping those with' its 10 sponsors and Father Peter mental problems. N. Graziano, department director "Health means all members of and pastor of SS. Peter and Paul society being linked together," he parish, Fall River, was a panelist said, noting that the religious comat one of six conference w<;>rkshops. munity's task is "to see and to hear Also in attendance were Maryand to identify with those in pain Lou Mancini and Clara Weeks of and to ensure that the pain is not Catholic Social Services; Sister shushed by the dominant mem1>ers Eileen Barling, MSBT, religious of society." education coordinator at St. FranCaring activity bfdergy and the cis Xavier parish, Hyannis; and faithful, he said, "always leads Father Henry F. Bourgeois; CSC, persons (0 discoveries of worth." assistant at St. Jacques parish, Father Graziano participated in Taunton. They heard addresses on a workshop on the religious comthe importance of collaboration munity as a role model. qther parbetween religious communities and ticipants were Rev. David Emmons, providers of mental health services retired pastor of the United Church and on practical ways the religious of Christ, North Eastham, his wife community can help the mentally Mary, and Rev. James "Dutch" ill. Nelson, pastor of the (Episcopalf Priscilla Ridgeway, MSW, a reChurchofthe Holy Nativity, South search assistant at Boston UniverWeymouth, The facilitator was sity Center for Psychiatric RehaRev.. Jeffrey Billerbeck, Protest-. bilitation, and Rev. William Nisi, ant chaplain atTaunton State Hospital. director of Providence's fnterfaith 'R\:v. and Mrs. Emmons began Health Care'Ministries, were the the workshop by 'saying that their main speakers. son, now healthy, was mentally ill Ms. Ridgeway offered facts .. as a youn'g teen. about persons disabled by mental '~When it comes to your own· illness "and the truths behind the family," said Rev. Mr. Emmons, facts." She said she was present "your ministry takes on a much both as a professional and "a famgreater interest in [mental health)." ily member, because my brother The couple said they thought became psychotic when I was 16," church prayer groups have extraorand that she is convinced "that dinary value in helping the menlong-term institutionalization is not tally ill. During their. own crisiS, the answer" to treating the menRev. Mr. Emmons said, "We sent tally ill. out calls for prayer and I don't One of eight American families has a menially ill member, she know how many people were liftsaid, adding that 85 percent of the ing us up!" Father Graziano explained the affected are unemployed and that one.-third of America's homeless Catholic Church's "responsibility to be a role model for its own population has mental problems. "Th'ose of you who are clergy people." The Church, he said, tells memhave people in your churches who
bers that they "must have compassion and care for all peopl.e who are ill." Jesus, he said, is the perfect role model in this regard. He noted that it is the ongoing duty of . every parish to try to help people understand that "all are sacred in God's eyes and that we must relate to [the mentally ill] for their sacredness and their dignity." He said clergy needed training in pastoral counseling and that both clergy and faithful should "do our best to bring the mentally ill into the mainstream of the parish." . Father Graziano told his listeners that the Fall River diocese helps the mentally ill and emotionally disturbed through Catholic Social Services, St. Vincent's Home in Fall River and the Apostolate for Persons with Disabilities. Rev. Mr. Nelson descrrbed a day treatment center for the mentally ill sponsored by his church and how members benefited from the undertaking. "It's a real ministry and a mission for our church," he said. The panelists and several audience members gave examples of the importance of churches and synagogues to mentally ill persons they had known. Positive interactions of individuals and congregations with patients were also noted. Sister Nancy Kehoe, RSCJ, a clinical psychologist at CambJ:,idge City Hospital, was a panelist at a workshop on the role of clergy in crisis situations. She said that signs of mental illness include suicidal tendencies or sudden changes in behavior such as depression or withdrawal. Noting that clergy are as good at denial as the general population, she said that "we don't want to see that there's something wrong with the person who's been a pillar of his or her church or synagogue." However, she warned, overstressed or overworked clergy do not always • spot signs of mental problems. Sister Kehoe emphasized that clergy should be familiar with law enforcement officers and health care professionals in their communities. "A crisis is no time to develop a network," she declared.
. The committee recently placed a tree in St. George's sanctuary with 1500 tags on it, each tag listing an item needed by one of five groups. New Bedford's Shelter for the Homeless; People, Inc. of Fall ' River; Our Lady of Grace Monastery, a Connecticut convent for cloistered nuns existing totally on donations; Birthright of New ,Bedford and Prison' Ministries in Massachusetts will benefit from the program, committee members said. Judith Moniz, a committee member and the parish's religious education coordinator, said that St. George parishioners have responded enthusiastically to the program. Children. she said, among its strongest supporters, are urged to pay for gifts with money they've earned themselves. "The children," she said, "are really surprised that people need [help obtaining] things like bars of soap."
FATHER CLEMENT E. Dufour with Judy Moniz, right, and Joe and Joy Viveiros at the Giving Tree. Only a small percentage of gifts donated are pictured. (Motta photo)
St. George's Giving Tree Soap. Shaving cream. Winter socks. Toothpaste. A baby's bib. . Most of us take items like these pretty much for granted. We buy 'them as we need them. They don't br.eak us. But for some a bar of soap
might as well cost a thousand . dollars. At St. George parish in Westport the community awareness-minded Liturgy Committee's Giving Tree program is helping to lessen the troubles of some area needy.
What is Christmas shopping? By Hilda Young Christmas shopping is: - Unclutching your hands from the steering wheel after you've reached the remotest part of the parking garage and wondering out loud if you should put it off until next year. - Sharing revolving doors with strangers who say "Merry Christmas" and really mean it. . - Watching your six-year-old press his nose against display windows and daydream himself into the tableau dramas of Santa's workshop, Grandma's kitchen or the Nativity. - Whispering a Hail Mary that you remembered the right credit cards. - Wondering about your priorities after you pay $40 for a pair of jeans and then drop a quarter in the Salvation Army bucket.
- Listening to your teenagers "ooh" and "nice" their way through clothing racks, and feeling a twinge of nostalgia for the days they headed straight for the toy department. - Sorting through a mountain of extra-Iarges in hopes of a medium. - Forcing your kids to stand an hour in the Santa picture line so the succession of annual pictures with him won't be broken. - Closing your eyes and breathing in the scents: pine boughs, the candy counter, spiced cider, Christmas candles. - Reflecting on the simultaneous hypocrisy and holiness of Christ's birthday season. - Realizing that being able to purchase gifts for others is in itself a gift.
Dec. 24 1886, Rev. James K. Beaven, .. Pastor, Sacred Heart, Taunton 1914, Rev. Timothy J. Duff, Assistant, St. Joseph, Woods Hole Dec. 27 Dec. 20 1856, Rev. ThomasJ. Stapleton, 1953, Rev. Manuel S. TravasPastor, Corpus Christi, Sandwich sos, Pastor, Espirito Santo, Fall River ' 1970, Rev. Msgr. Armand Levasseur, Pastor Emeritus, St. Anne, Dec. 21 . New Bedford 1968, Rev. Henri J. Charest, Dec. 28 ' Pastor, St. Mathieu, Fall River 1955, Rev. Charles R. Smith, Dec. 23 Pastor, Immaculate Conception, 1901, Rev. Owen J. Kiernan, Fall River· _ Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Jan.t Fall River 1955, Rev. Jose Valeiro, Pastor, 1986, Rev. William E. Collard, St. Elizabeth, Fall River Co-Chaplain Catholic Memorial 1956, Rev. Antonio M. Fortuna, Home Pastor, Immaculate Conception, 1947, Rev. Charles P. Trainor, New Bedford 1968, Rev. Francis R. ConnerSS., St. Edward Seminary, Seatton, SS. STD., St. John's Semitle, WA 1970, Rev. Msgr. John A. Sil- nary, Plymouth, Michigan 1975, Rev. Leo T. Sullivan, Pas,via, Pastor Emeritus, St. John tor, Holy Name, New Bedford Baptist, New Bedford
George's hopes to pass it on too. She would be happy to offer tips on coordinating such a program and can be reached at 996-3271. Other liturgy committee mem-
bersare Father Clement E. Dufour, pastor, Julie Platt, Lucille Pimental, David Olsen, John Poisson, Madeline Verona and Jeanne Forest.
..-- ..._----
GREETINGS To us, Christmas is a bouquet ofbright holiday cheer... and the pleasure ofsaying 'thanks' to good customers like you.
Within a week, said Joe and Joy Viveiros, also committee members, 80 percent of the tags were removed from the tree. The hundreds of colorfully-wrapped gifts now piled in the sanctuary awaiting delivMy to their ,recipients began pouring in immediately, they said. Viveiros said some of his Confirmation II students "took more than one tag." Mrs. Viveiros said that the giving tree idea was borrowed from another church and that St.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 18, 1987
PUILICIn CHAIIMEN Ire Isked to submit news Items for this column to The Anchor. P.O. Box 7. Fall River, 027n. Hlme of city' or town should be Included II well II full dltes of III Ictlvltles. plelle send news of future rether than past events. Hote: We do, not Clrry news of fundrelsln, Ictlvltl.. such IS bln,os. whlsts. dine... suppers and bazaars. We are happy to Clrry notices of spiritual I'rOllrem~. club meetln«s. youth projects and similar nonprofit Ictlvltles. Fundrelsln, prolects may be advertised at our ,e,ul., retes. obtainable from The Anchor business office. telephone 675-7151. On Steerlnll Points Items FR IndlCltes Fall River. HB IndlCltes Hew Bedford.
SEPARATED AND DIVORCED, FR Fall River area support group for separated, divorced and remarried Catholics meeting 7 p.m. Dec. 23, Our Lady of Fatima Church hall. Swansea. ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST, POCASSET Advent celebration 7 p.m. Sun'day. church; refreshments follow, parish center. CATHOLIC MEMORIAL HOME, FR ' Resident Lena Labrecque will celebrate her birthday Christmas Day. Christmas Around the World tea party for residents and guests 2 today, auditorium; entertainment by Chuck Dee. Animal Encounter 1:30 p.m. Monday. Santa's workshop (talk to Santa and sing with the elves) 9:30 a.m. Thursday. New Year's Eve party 3 p.m. Dec. JI, auditorium. Novel!lber Employee of the Month was Louise R,ogers, an administration worker. . FAMIL Y LIFE CENTER, N. DARTMOUTH Retreat for adult children of alcoholics begins today. HOLY GHOST, ATTLEBORO Song leaders' meeting 7:30 p.m., Monday. CATHEDRAL CAMP, E. FREETOWN " Retreat led by Father Joseph Maguire today through Sunday.
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IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, TAUNTON Greater Taunton widowed support group ,Christmas party 7:30 p.m. Monday, rectory. ST. DOMINIC, SWANSEA Gifts to benefit Birthright may be left around the Christmas tree in the parish center. ST. STANISLAUS, FR , Seminars on parenting 3:30 to 6 p.m., Jan. 10 and 17, school auditorium; all parish parents welcome; free admission. ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN Adoration until 7 tonight. New Jerusalem prayer meeting 7:30 tonight, rectory. Cub Scout pack night 5:30 p.m. Sunday. church hall. The parish school has collected items such as 'soap and toothpaste for guests of New Bedford Shelter for, the Homeless.
"The Dominican Sisters ofHawthorne We have been called to love God above all else through a life ofprayer and work-,' caring for .incurable cancer patients. Write or phone Sister Anne Marie, Rosary Hill Home, Hawthorne, New York 10532. (914) 769-4794
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ST. STEPHEN, ATTLEBORO Day of recollection' for adult parishioners I to 8 p.m. Jan. 24. parish hall; information: rectory, 2220641. Celebration of feast ofSt. Stephen follows 6:30 p.m. Mass Dec. 26. Scouts' Christmas party 6:30 p.m. Monday, church hall. FIRE FI R E (faith, intercession. repentance and evangelization) videotape teaching session for young adults 7 p.m. Sunday, Immaculate Conception Church, parish center, Taunton; all welcome; December video: internationally known lay teacher Ralph Martin. ST. THOMAS MORE, SOMERSET Confirmation II Advent prayer service 7 p.m. Sunday, church. Caroling 5 p.m. Dec. 20. ST. LOUIS de FRANCE, SWt\.NSEA . Pre-baptism instruction 7 p.m. Sunday, religious education center; information: 672-4033. SS. PETER & PAUL, FR CYO bowling 6: 15 p.m. tomorrow, Holiday Lanes, Westport. ST. ANNE, FR Den One Cub Scouts meeting2:30 today, school. Exposition of Blessed Sacrament after I I:30 a.m. Mass today, shrine; hour of adoration 2 p.m. Cub Scout pack meeting 7 tonight, school. Christmas pageant 2 p.m. tomorrow, upper church; all welcome. CYO Christmas party Dec. 30; all eighth to 12th graders welcome. ' HOLY NAME, FR Advent penance service 7 p.m. Monday. School Christmas Mass 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. Presentation of Christm!ls musl~,by choir'6:30 p.m. Christmas Eve. Youth Group Christmas caroling Dec. 22 begins at school. ST. MARY, SEEKONK Jesus' birthday Mass for children 6 p.m. tomorrow; birthda'y cake follows, church basement. November winner in Youth Ministry Bible Trivia game was Todd Messier. Adult Bible discussions 7 p.m. Jan. 13 and 9:45 a.m. Jan. 14. BLESSED SACRAMENT, FR Organist Arlene Ferreira, choir director Jennifer Pollard and choir members are thanked for their efforts in preparing for the parish's Christmas celebration. NOTRE DAME, FR The parish thanks all. who took part in preparations for festivities surroundi'ng the dedication of the new church. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NB The parish has been thanked by New Bedford's Market Ministries for its ongoing support. ST. MARY, NB . Youth group meeting 7p.m. Tuesday. schciolcafeteria. Christmas pageant with Mass 7 p.m. Monday. hall. ' LaSALETTECENTERFOR CHRISTIAN LIVING, ATTLEBORO . Retreat for mothers and daughters age 15 or over Jan. 15 to 17; leaders: Father Ernest Corriveau. MS, 'and Noreen Dupre; information and registration: 222-8530.
ST. PATRICK, WAREHAM The Children's Choir ,will sing at the '7 p.m. Mass Christmas Eve. Confirm~tiol). retr,eat tomorrow at Cathedral ,Camp•. E.Freetown. ST. JULIE, N: DARTMOUTH Advent. penance service 7 ,p.m. Tuesd~y.' . O.L. CAPE,' BREWSTER . Plans for the parish's sixth annual Christm;is dinner are underway. Men's Club meeting 7:30 tonight. Coffee hour at Immaculate Conception mission, E. Brewster. after 9:30 a.m. Mass Sunday. at O.L. Cape Corrie to the'Lord after' 8:30 and 10 a.m. Masses; all welcome. . , ,"Come to ,the Lord, the living O;L. VICTORY, CENTERVILLE . stone rejected by'manas worthless " Mr:' and ·Mrs. Joseph Mulligan but chosen by God ,as valuable." 'are celebrating their 45th wedding - I'Pet 2:4 anniversary. Officers of the newly formed Men's Club are Dale Car-, Guarantee lisle. president; .Dick Borges. vice"Him wh'o comes to me I will president; Tom Nutile, treasurer; not. cast out:~ ~ J.ohn 6:37 Dave Burns, secretary: '
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 18, 1987
. New Films "Walker" (Universal) - The story of William Walker, the American adventurer who overthrew the Nicaraguan government in 1855 .and set up his own corrupt regime until deposed two years later. MuddIed treatment has much graphic violence and some sexual referen. ces. A4, R "Teen Wolf Too" (Atlantic) The younger brother (Jason Bate~ man) of the high school student werewolf of the original "Teen Wolr' discovers his brother's condition ru'ns in the family. Tiresome. Violence and a benign view towards casual sex. A3, PG "LessThanZero"(Fox)- Failed cautionary tale about the terrible consequences of the drug scene for three bright highschoolers. Several excessive scenes of simulated sex and a pervasive atmosphere of the sordid depths of the drug culture. O,R ' "Flowers in the Attic" (New World) - Failed thriller about youngsters locked in the attic of a remote mansion where their lives are endangered by unknown hands. Becomes boring and repetitive long before its grisly resolution. Mature themes and some violence. A3, PGl3 ' "Nuts" '(Warners) - Barbra Streisand is a high-priced prostitute charged with manslaughter whose competency to stand trial is at issue. Highly contrived drama spends more time trying to manipulate emotions of viewers than in
trying to probe women's issues in a male-dominated society. Frequently sexually explicit. A4, R "Three Men and a Baby"(Buena Vista) - The carefree life of three bachelors (Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg and Ted Danson) changes when they become responsible for an infant girl fathered by one of them. A few genuine laughs but' the entertainment level is pretty , flat. Benign view of casua'l sex. A3, PG "Planes, Trains and Automobiles"(Paramount) - Steve Martin plays a hapless traveler, trying· to get home for Thanksgiving with his family who faces travel disasters and discomforts. An uneven comedy but has some truly hilarious moments. Some very rough language and sexual references. A3, R TV Programs
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EVEN ANGELS get tir~d. This one conked out at festivities in Tampa, Fla. (NC photo)
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People: A Program of Polish Christmas Music'~focuses on Poland's Black Madonna 'in a performance with Metropolitan Opera star Teresa Zylis-Gara singingtraditional carols. Thursday, Dec. 24,' 11:30 p.m. -midnight EST(CBS) - "For Our Times" - "Tyrolean Nativity: Simplicity Amidst Mystery" presents the Christmas story from Innsbruck, Austria.
Better Together
-rn NationaI~
Wednesday, Dec, 23, 8-9 p.m. EST (PBS) -"A Child's ChristThursday, Dec. 24, midnightmas in Wales" - Dramatizatiol) of Dylan Thomas' colorful poem, . 1:30 a.m. EST (NBC) - "Christmas hI Rome 1987.;' Midnight a seasonal Classic, filmed in a small Mass celebrated by Pope John Welsh town. Paul II from St. Peter's Basilica Thursday, Dec. 24, 8-9 p.m. EST (PBS) -"Handel's Messiah." 'with music by the Sistine Choir. The Atlanta Sym'phony Orchestra Thursday, Dec. 24, midnight-l and Chorus directed by Robert a.m. EST (CBS) - "For Our Shaw presents excerpts from HanTimes" Christmas Eve services from del's oratorio. Yale University Chapel, New Haven. Religious TV Friday, Dec. 25, 10-11 a.m. EST Sunday, Dec. 20 (CBS) - "For (NBC) - "Christmas Special." Our Times" - "Th~ Spirit,of a. Christmas as it is observed in communities around the world. Religious Radio Sunday, Dec. 20 (NBC) "Guideline" - Father Chris Aridas discusses his book, "reconciliation," on God's healing process. Sunday, Dec. 27 (NBC) . "Guideline" Actress Elaine Stritch discusses her new movie, "September," and her role in an upcoming NBC-TV special, "Beyond the Dream: Immigrants in America."
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ANN EDWARDS and Michael Dion, students in Patricia Fasel's second-grade class at Our Lady of Lourdes School, Taunton, work on their classroom's hand-colored nativity cutouts.
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16 .THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 18, 1987
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In the tradition of a festive, feasting season, we extend our best holiday tidings to all. Thanks for your kind patronage.
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THELaFRANC.'E'S Aime, Rita, and Richard
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JONATHAN LANDRY, left, and James Mournighan, eighth graders in Christine Cook's class at St. Mary-Sacred Heart, assemble 'a scooter for the "Christmas Is for Kids" program, while classmate Aimee LaRocque organizes food donations. (Motta photo)
Christmas ls for Kids The nine classrooms at St. MarySacred Heart Consolidated School, North Attleboro, have adopted an equal number of needy families for the Christmas season through the school's participation in the "Christmas Is for Kids" social service program. Cash donations from the school's approximately. 250 students and their families have been used to . buy new clothes and toys requested by the over 20 children of benefiting families. Food gift certificates for the families were also purchased, as were small personal gifts for adult members. Students were told about the families they would help and were urged to earn the money they contributed so that their participation would be. more meaningful. The school's Parent Associati"on donated part of the profits from their recent Christmas fair.
COLLINS CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. 55 Highland Ave,nue, Fall River
About 20 volunteer shoppers, coordinated by Jane Landry, kindergarten teacher and a school parent, have purchased the gifts and are delivering them to social service agencies that will forward them to the families. Additionally, eighth grape students are coordinating a food bank to provide the families with complete Christmas meals. Each class participated with donations. Principal Kathleen Simpson said the school community's response has been "enthusiastic and heartwarming. "The students are truly experiencing the giving spirit of Christmas in a personal way," she said. At Sacred Heart parish's Christmas prayer service Wednesday, the offertory procession will include signs and symbols recognizing the school's gifts to needy families Ms. Simpson said.
. MATTHEW JONES, left, and Michael Euell, fifth-grade religious education students at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish, Seekonk, carol in Rehoboth.Village. Classmate Cathlyn Lang also participated in the festivities. (Motta photo)
Five ways to calm down Chr.istmas By Dan Grippo I'm sick of fighting my way into jammed parking lots, being subjected to syrupy renditions of "Silent Night" while riding department store escalators and waiting in cashier lines until my feet ache. I'm tired of hearing the shopping days counted down as if NASA were planning to send a huge Christmas tree into orbit on December 25th ... "four, three, two, one - there it goes, ten tons of pine needles and bark, heading for heaven!" There's got to be a better way to celebrate Christmas. We take the season too seriously, in all the wrong ways. We are grim in our determination to find the perfect presents, send the most striking cards, bake the tastiest cookies, have the time of our life. It's just. impossible, and the effort often leaves us depressed on December 26th; the day never lives up to. expectations. Why do we race around the week before Christmas buying ex pensive gifts as if it were a rite of preparation for the coming of the Lord? Jesus did not say we would recognize him in the breaking of the bank. And in fact it becomes very difficult to recognize him when we spend most of the season fighting crowds and fatigue. Mostly we get trapped. It's not that we intend to be swept up by the needless overconsumption of the season. It's that we haven't stopped to think about the season ahead of time and make sense of it. We haven't stopped to choose what kind of Christmas we would like to have.
We've been trapped into thinking we have to act in a certain way during the season. Advertisers pull out the heavy artillery at Christmas, bombarding us with messages that say, "The only way to celebrate is to buy these shiny, expensive gifts." But Christmas is for sharing. We're remembering, reliving, celebrating'the moment in history when our God shared himself by entering humanity and living with us, as us. Often that sense of sharing is lost in the helter-skelter rush fo prepare for Christmas. We are pressed for time; it is all we can do to get through our foot-long gift lists. We don't have time for people; we're not able to pay much attention to their needs at a time when those needs might be most critical. Maybe that's why so many peo. pie experience a profound sense of loneliness at Christmas. It's a kind of cruel reversal of the point of Christmas in the first place. The least it could do is cheer us out of our winter doldrums. Instead it seems to intensify them. Is there a way off the mad Christmas merry-go-round? It's difficult, maybe impossible, to make a change alone. The cycle of rushing and spending, spending and rushing, is imbedded in our culture. Going against the grain alone is a very unpopular thing to do. Friends might be hurt at not receiving the kind of gifts they are used to receiving; family members might resent your refusal to "pull your fair share" in the gigantic
Christmas effort. You might come off as a stingy, lazy humbug. The only hope of regaining Christmas is to do so in community. It can start with the family, the core of the Christmas celebration, sitting down and talking about . what has gone wrong with the season. Common themes begin to emerge: too many gifts, too much money spent, too much time and energy for all the' wrong things, too much work and not enough Jesus. Then the question, what could Christmas be like? More time spent with people, sharing memories of the past year, making plans forthe coming one. Doing things together, being more prayerful and more playful, telling stories, talking about God. Reaching beyond ourselves.. Once common themes emerge, a plan of action takes shape. One family might make their presents this year. Or give each other things they already pwn, trade things that are important parts of their lives. This will help them get to know each other 'better and experience each other as family, helping each other grow by giving to each other. Or maybe this year the family will make a little retreat to a quiet spot in the woods. They could take the time to relax and regain a sense of family, to get to know each other again, and then return in time to share their strength and peace on Christmas day. A group of friends might make a special effort this' Christmas to reach out to those less fortunate than them. Perhaps a trip to a local nursing home. They'll put
together a Christmas show, using the wealth of talent and creativity they' have been blessed with to bring joy into the lives of those without families. Another family might donate money they would normally spend on each other to a worthwhile charity, one that is helping feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless. Or they might prepare a huge Christmas banquet and open their doors to those in the community who would otherwise spend Christmas alone. The possibilities are endless, and each family can find their own way of expressing Christmas in a loving, human way that signals to the world that this is a time for moving outside ourselves, and our family units, to share with the larger human family. At the same time families would be moving away from the rush and crush of the season and might begin to sense a peaceful purpose to Christmas and enjoy themselves more. Then Christmas would be a time for getting to know people we would otherwise never come into contact with. And that contact would not be the pushing and shoving we now experience at Christmas. It would be human interaction that would help ease the tensions that keep us a divided people.
Reprinted by permission from U.S. CATHOLIC, published by Claretian Publications, 221 W. Madison, Chicago, '111. 60606; (312) 236-7782.
NC photo
The true Silent Night
Holidays One of the nicest' parts of Christmas is expressing our thanks for your business in the past.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 18, 1987
To UN mission TRENTON, N.J. (NC) Muthing, 39, a priest of the TrenFather John T. Muthig, former ton diocese, was Rome bureau National Catholic News Servic.e . chief from 1975 to 1978. He has Rome bureau chief, has been worked as a parish priest in the appointed assistant at the Vati- Trenton diocese since his o'rdinacan's permanent observer mission tion in 1982. to .the United Nations. Father ONLY FULL·L1NE RElIGIOUS GIFT STORE ON THE CAPE
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Religious Goods
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Merry Tiqings, One and All! .
Our hearts are always open to extend our thoughts of ~ thanks for your kind patronage. We do so value your support. ~, f..il1
SANT A CLAUS fills stomachs as well as stockings at St. Charles Borromeo School in Baltimore where Breakfast with Santa proved a huge hit with students. (NC photo)
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A from-scratch holiday cook By Hilda Young The holidays are a grim reminder that there are two types of cooking in this world: "from scratch" and the kind I do. During this season, however, I sometimes lose my senses and allow myself the illusion I am a from-scratcher. Actually I'm not that bad. I even keep some basic utensils around the kitchen like an electric whackem-upper, a buzz-n-swirl and a fancy pan. nicknamed "the megaphone" after what I use if for most of the year. "Do you mean your food processor, the blender and an angel food cake pan?" my sister tittered recently. '''Technicaljargon does not intimidate me," I told her. She always has been the jealous type. Usually I can handle the taunts thrown at us "from-scratchers," but sometimes they get to me. When I baked a pineapple upsidedow'n cake that Better Homes and
Gardens clearly would have lusted for, that same sister asked me, "Who's been tooth picking pineapple chunks onto that ol,j hatbox'!" . That was bad enough, but when I created a glazed turkey employing some of the most sophisticated cooking techniques, she had the nerve to whisper in my ear: "Don't move. An ugly, missing creature from another planet has crawled up'onto your stove. And that's not the worst." "Can we skip the worst?" I said evenly. "Someone has'stabbed it with a cooking thermometer and it's crouching for a. counterattack." Har, har. When she makes comments like that, I, always remind myself of
how she used to fall off swings as a child square onto her head. This also probably accounts for her catty remarks about the framed photograph I keep on the mantel of the lime jello mold that came out in one· piece on Thanksgiving of 1978. . . My family has come to deeply enjoy my holiday "from-scratch" adventures, often being so overcome they insist on taking small portions so there will be enough left over for them to take samples to school or work. This was particularly flattering last year. It's no small sacrifice to transport and share my flaming Peking nutbread, especially coaxing it into flames a second time. I worry about their friends, however, as I cannot recall ever receiving a thank-you note.
A tip to Holy Family: try Pesotum, not Urbana PEORIA, III. (NV) - Out of the mouths of babes dressed in homemade angel and shepherd .costumes come new visions of the Christ child's birth. Like children everywhere. youngsters in the diocese of Peori~ are presenting colorful Christmas pageants and program. Dressed in bathrobes. some with towels on their heads and bulky socks tied with leather thongs on their feet, they reenact the nativity story, often with new twists.
In Pesotum, III., after the birth of Christ. the innkeeper reserved a free room for the poorest of the poor. But the innkeeper at St. Patrick's parish in Urbana, when approached by Mary and Joseph. exclaimed, "A room? Are you kidding? We're booked through Easter!"
Keep Christ in Christmas
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The A,dvent wreat-h Increased use during the past Q. Since Advent bell~J), I h~ve several year!! of blue (symbolizing seen other forms of the Advent hope) rather than purple in liturgiwreath that surprise'm~::We used to have three purple-' cllndles or cal art and appointments for Adwhite candles tied with. a purple vent-refIects this same spirit. bow and one pink. Npw some Q. I woulCilike to know why my wreaths are all white candles, or husband's sister-in-law, who is Luthsometimes blue insteactof purple.· eran, cannot- be a godparent at my Isthere a properdesignfo.r Advent child's christening. Her husband is wreaths? a good Catholic and she is a gOl?d There is no official form of the person. It has strained relationAdvent wreath. It can.be:a beauti- ships within our family. An anful symbol of the spirit of Advent, swer would really be helpful for us. but its arrangement is a matter'of (New York) custom. For reasons which are probably The observation you make about obvious to everyone, at least one Advent, however. is significant in practicing Catholic sponsor is relight .of the changing spjrit of the quired at a Catholic baptism. Godchurch's observance of this mean- parents commit themselves, by acingful time of the year. cepting that responsibility, to model In recent times Advent was cQn- a full Catholic life to' the child. sidered as somewhat of mini-Lent, Only a practicing Catholic can fill a time of pena.nce and self-denial, that role. of course, to a significant tinged with joy in the background. degree. Rose vestments worn by the priest However, when only one Cathoon the third Sunday o( Advent and lic sponsor is· assigned, a baptized a rose candle on the Advent wreath non-Catholic Christian may stand softened the Lenten purple worn in place of the second sponsor. on the other Suridays before Christ- This is provided for expl.icitly by mas. the church both in the Rite of BapA'Hhe church's liturgy developed tism and in canon law (No. 874). over the past ce.nturY or' so, particThis non-Catholic is officially ularly in the last several decades, referred to as a "Christian witness" the predominant spirit of Advent to the baptism and functions in the is again one of expectation and same way a sponsor would at the hope. 'baptism ceremony. This "awaiting" not only anticiThe church provides this option pates the celebration of the birth for severai reasons, one of which of Christ, but looks beyond that to appears likely true in your family; the final victory and coming of our a deeply committed Christian memLord, the ultimate realization and ber of one's family, even one of fulfillment ofthe kingdom of God. another Christian denomination, This theme clearly. appears in is quite often capable of being an the Scripture readings for week- enormous support to the child as day and Sunday Masses as well as he or she develops into Christian in other liturgical texts of this season. maturity.
May your Christmas be filled with the joy of Christ's birth and blessed with the light of His love. ADVENT PENANCE SERVICE DECEMBER 20 -7:00 P.M. CHRISTMAS MASSES CHRISTMAS EVE - 4:00 - 5:30 - 7:00 P.M . • & MIDNIGHT CHRISTMAS DAY - 9:00 - 11 :30 A.M.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. IS-, 1987
19 \
By FATHER JOHN DIETZEN Perhaps this is an option your family could discuss with the priest who is preparing the baptism. A free brochure outlining marriage. regulations in the Catholic Church and explaining the promises in an interfaith marriage is available by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Father John Dietzen, Holy Trinity Parish, 704 N. Main St., Bloomington, III. 61701.
In joyous appreciation
of your friendship and good will~ we offer our deepest thanks. along with glad tidings of the season.
Leave them alone LAKE SEBU:Philippines(NC) - A Philippine diocesan commission says a tiny tribe deep in the virgin forest is a Stone Age culture which should be left alone by scientists and sensation-seekers. Whether the Tasadays ~ cave dwellers found in 1971 in a remote forest area of the southern .Philippines - are really a Stone Age people has been debated. Doubters speculate that the 80member tribe was a group of formerly more advanced people who fell on hard times. The Commission on Tribal Filipinos of Marbel Diocese in South Cotabato province said it believes the Tasadays lived by themselves in a primitive culture with no knowledge of the outside world until they sought church hetp in preserving their way of life.
Cape Cod Lathing & Plastering, Inc. 251 Faunce Corner Road • North Dartmouth Lucien Robert President
Joseph R. Tremblay Treasurer
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Norris H. Tripp
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DENMARK'S Pharmacy
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THIS YEAR'S nativity scene at LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro, features restyled figures and a setting designed by North Attleboro artist AI Lapierre. The shrine's 35th annual Festival of Lights, the largest such display-in the nation, will continue through Jan. 3 from 5 -to 9 p.m. weekdays and 5' to 10 p.m. weekends.
Vermonters recount Christmas deeds
if:t ~:.*if
Need for Hispanic
FestivaJ of Lights Laltgu.t ReU.g.wU6 OiApla.y o~ CIvu:.eU:ma.6 Ugh.t4 .in .the COunLty
3 rd
Weekdays: 5:00· 9:00P.M. Weekends: 5:00· 10:00 P.M.
FREE ADMISSION & PARKING The laA.gu.t 4elecUon 0' ReLi.gioU6 G~
La Salette Shrine '"
BURLINGTON, Vermont(NC) Usually about $200 had accumu- After Christmas Midnight Mass, lated by Advent. Paul Gibeault and his sister Louise "He would 1hen select two kids drove into a poor neighborhood in at the high school and present Burlington at 2 a.m. and went them with the money, saying: "This door to door delivering presents. is for you at Christmas from me, Gibeault's mother was terminally with this stipulation. Don't spend ill, and the 21-year-old decided to - - it on yourself, and ,tell me what use money he would have spent on gifts for her to buy presents for you did with it," recalled Father Richard G. Lavalley, diocesan vochildren who otherwise might not cations director. receive them. One set of students gave the "They tucked the gifts into the money to Vermont Catholic Chardoors so that the people would .ities, another bought supplies for a find them in the morning when party for residents at an area nursthey woke up," said his father, ing home. "It was a wonderful Roger Gibeault. "That's how Paul teaching device aboutthe true meancelebrated Christmas. And at one ing of Christmas," Father Lavalo'c1ock in the morning of the 26th ley said. - one hour after Christmas - his mother died." - Patricia King, associate direcThe Gibeault story was one of tor of the Office of Youth Ministry several told by Vermont residents for the Diocese of Burlington, said to the Vermont Catholic Tribune. her family has decided to exchange diocesan newspaper. Here are some names for Christmas gift-giving and place a $15 ceiling on the cost others: - Father John O·Connell.later of gifts. Family members take 'money principal of Mount St. Joseph Academy in Rutland, had deve- they might have spent and donate loped the practice of throwing all it to a charity of their choice. his loose change into a piggybank. Notes enclosed with each present
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WASHINGTON (NC) - The middle-class U.S. church must identify with and minister to poor Hispanics "so they can become the vital Catholics of the next century," says Jesuit Father Joseph P. Fitzpatrick. An estimated 40 percent of U.S. Catholics are now Hispanic. and by the middle of the next century. Hispanics are expected to be the predominant group in the U.S. church, said Father Fitzpatrick. professor emeritus at Fordham University. Previous immigrant groups arrived with' priests. and laity and clergy moved into the middle class together. he noted. but poor Hispanics now arrive in the United States without native priests, thus are ministered to by middle-class clergy from other ethnic groups.
name the organization to which money has been donated. - Linda Bisson, a parishioner at St. Monica Church in Barre, takes food and giffs to the poor on Thanksgiving and Christmas. One year, she said. her family was just sitting down for Christmas Eve dinner when another needy family phoned. "I didn't have anything left at that point, no food, no presents. So we took the dinner from our table to bring to these people." Mrs. Bisson said. She added that one of the best Christmas gifts she has ever received came when she and two daughters brought presents to the home of a family unable to afford to buy their own. "The little girl there looked at us and said, 'My mommy said Santa Claus wasn't coming this year.' Before I could say anything, my daughter, Amy. replied, 'Well. Santa didn't. but baby Jesus did.' "And that," said her mother. "is really what [Christmas] is all about." .
mi~istry is
The priest-sociologist spoke at a Washington conference sponsored by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops' Office of Pastoral Care of Migrants and the bishops' Committee on Migration. The day before the conference the bishops had approved a national pastoral plan on Hispanic ministry. " One concern raised in the national plan and by Father Fitzpatrick is the proselytizing of Hispanic Catholics by fundamentalists. A storefront church can be "refuge to a person lost in a strange land." Father Fitzpatrick said, and "we have to give them ... a sense of being at home." . To do that "gringo" priests and others must try to master the language and relate to the Hispan'ic 'poor, he said.
Although many priests, religious and lay people are try'ing. the progress so far is "nowhere near adequate." he said. Cultural pluralism is essential for newcomers. he emphasized. "We must relate to them in their language and culture" to "help , them prepare themselves for meaningfullife within the framework of America." Father Fitzpatrick predicted that "in two or three generations Hispanics will become middle-class American like ourselves. dealing with new immigrants." It is crucial, he said, that Hispanics retain their "inner sense of worth. their dignity ... so they can become the vital Catholics of the next century. Conference talks will be published and distributed to seminaries and other groups involved with ministry to immigrants.
B, Father Kenneth Smits, OFMCap. Lnl year I had the good fortune to begin Advent in a unique way. We stood around in a barren chapel, dimly lit in lhecold light of a winter morning, Then. from the far end of the chapel, a single voice began the cry "Prepare Yethe W~y oflhe Lord;' from lhe musical. Godspell. The man chanting started to stroll down the aisle toward Uii, his cry becoming more and more insistent. Then the guitar pick-ed up the song, the tempo quickened, aud other voices joined him. Almost unconsciously, we were
all pulled into the drive and i:ntensHy of the herald's cry to prepare the way of the Lord, We felt the urgency Of John the Baptist's message. We heard the Gospel in a fresh way. There was someone coming, and we had better pre:pare the way, That m'oment of awareness lefl its mark throughout Advent and On into the Christmas season, ~ot everyone has the oppormnity 10 begin Advent in such dramatic fashion. Squeezed as it is between Thanksgivingand Christmas, the brief season of Advent call slip by unnOticed. 'Nevel1he· less, celebrations such as Christmas do not take placeaU in a single
We greetings to all at Christmas '''~m and wish God's choicest blessings upon all. We invite you to our Christmas L;lurgyl:::'~'!. ,n our beautifully decorated church.
CHRISTMAS EVE MASSES 4:00 & 5:30 P.M., 12:00 Midnight CHRISTMAS DAY 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 A.M.
Making the most ofthe rest of Advent
day. They grow in importanee' through the time and effort spent in preparingforthem, and t.hrough the anticipation thai bUIlds up our lives to begin with. It doesn't while expecting them. People look forward to the halitake too much reflection to realize that there are unredeemed corners days and count the school days or shopping days that are feft. Finally of our lives. Everyone has a skelCltris.tmas arrives. but the celebracton in the doset, perhaps whole tioneontinueswellbeyO'ndtbeday room, that haven't felt the touch itself. of grace recently, And what about This intuition of the human our relationships with family and process of celebration led the friends? Are these ruled by grace, church, many centuries ago. to or is there some repair work to be gradual!} form the season of done? Advent. Christmas was at fint And beyond our private circle, a merely an anniversary of the birth look at the social, political, and of Christ. borrowed from the Ea!lt economic scene will show hungry and replacing a pagan feast of mouths to befed,jobs to befound, light. But Christian reflection grad~ and political structures of aeeountabilit)' to be set \lp. ually began tosee that all ofsalvation history could be viewed as the Twenty centuries have passed coming of Christ. since the historical birth of Christ. The feast of Chriatmlls dcvdDuring all thi' time the Lord h~s "oped a spirituality of jts own; .its. been coming - wherever there observance spreai1 through a sea- 'have been people of good faith and son. And inthe process a period of good will who have prepared the preparation also develop!=d. I.f a.n . way for Him. The offer of grace event is worth celebratmg It IS has always been there, i.ntertwined worth preparing for, with the great and small events of The church year has sometimes human history. But where and how is tbe Lord been compared to a diamond. It'S possible to look ilt the whole dia- ,coming at this particular Advent mond at once, and admire its bril- time? I'd like to suggest a way of Iiance - or to lurn the diamond praying that can help to show this. slowly, enjoying each of the facets It's for busy people, and can be of brilliance for itself. . done anywhere at any time of the In ever)' Eucharisl the whole day - even when riding on sub· history of our salvation is being ways, or when driving alone. celebrated. But people can absorb Just think over the events of the only so much at a time. So the past day or the past week. If there's various liturgical seasons celebrate some event that's particularly bothone or another of the mysteries or- ering you, so much the better Christ that are meant to become that's a sure sign that it's your part of Christian life. prayer topic. Another writer ha~ compared Them reflect upon lhis event the church year to a spiral. A per- slowly, asking where the Lord may son goes around in circles, yes; but have been speaking and acting in never exactly the same circle. A it. What was the offer of gracetkat little more history ofner~onaillal- might have heen present there? . h b c h' e Did you miss an opportunity for vatlon as. ef{t.:l"#':.I'M UJ'!1 reconciliation. or for unself1shfless? around. The je~'!;l:r ~ifferent this year thanThel' yeal'bd'-Ore. Was someone hurting while you Advent is a special season of were so caught up in your own l;uhivating ~warenefS of the com- needs tltat you didn'l realize it? ing of the Lord. Christmas is a Most people live such busy, season to celebrate and enjoy the scheduled lives, and the pace of awareness arrived at through the livingshows!inletendencytos!ow efforts ofthe season of Advent. As down. Today there is Il great need we have prepared, so we shall to take the time to reflect upon celebrate. what is happening. Otherwise one If the lord is coming, then He may be living only on the surface must be somewhat absent from of what is happening", jumping
from event to event without pause and without thought. This hardly lea'ies time to anticipate and prepare fC?r an event ~ike Christmas. We arrive at the hme of celebration 100 tired to really enjoy the moment. This points out the kind of pen· ance suited to the season of Advent. It is not at aU like [he penance appropriate to Lent. l7nt is a time to begin all over agatn, to itart from scratch. Lent encourages a drastic response. Facing the stark reality of a death tly crucifixion, With lhe astounding sequel of a Resmrec· tion Lent comes to a close in one c1im~ctic celebration of the Paschal
Mystery. All human values are upset by turning death into life. Advent is not at alllikethat. It is a time to prepare to celebrate a gentle birth. a dawning of Redemption, an atmosphere of light, prom'ise, peace, and joy. There is no beginning all over. The Lord has already come. But each person becomes more aware of his presence, He is allowed to come more fully into each life that people may live more abundantlyin Him. There are any num· ber of ways to do this, but 'a few. come readily to mind. Christmas is a time when people gather together to, celebrate as families. Will ours be a gathering
Christmas at Madonna Manor
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THE ANCHOR better not make any erro.rs! Ida Boutinis watching! For 12 years a resident of Madonna Manor, North Attleboro, the member of the same town's Sacred .Heart par~sh has a friendly, playful relationship with Manor physical therapy assistants Raeann Lemonde and Lynn Zombardi, who recently placed a sign on her door which read "Pick on me. I love it!"
to celebrate real unity, or one that merely glosses over persisting family differences, making a show of unity but doing nothing to heal de<:'p differences? Perhaps lhe Lord needs to come beforehand in fomily relationships, through a telephonecaU, a visit, a serious attempt to restore the bonds of understanding. It is. good to give to causes and foundations that help the poor in some way. But is there no way of sharing more personally? A few years ago some friendS of mine, after already buying a turkey for their Chr'lstmas dinner, won an~ other turkey in a raffle. They decided to give the surplus turkey to some family in need. But when they called up an agency to find out where to bring it, they were not given the whereabouts of some collection point, but the actual name and address of a family to whom they should deliver the turkey.
'should ne~t have dreamed of. The Christian who is alert to his coming during Advent will find ways of meeting Him throughout the rest of the year, too. Though Advent looks in one way to the pa$t, andanothertothe future Christmas is a time to cele· brate ~he' present. The goodness and t\ndne$s of God our Savior has come, and we rejoice in'the light of his pR~cnce. The time of preparation is over; we enjoy the presence of the Incarnation in the many ways 01 celebrating this
season. What could be so impoverished as a Christianity without its times ofrmre celebration! The Scripture
read~ngs of I,he Christm"l1 and Epiphany season speak only of joy, light, peace, and fulfillment. Ther.e are oth.er times when the Church dwells on the darker side of human existence, but not at Christ~ mas. At Christmas we arel;alled to celebrate the coming of Christ
2 auxiliaries for Newark
John Paul n has named Ms.grs. James McHughandJohn M. Smith as auxiliary bishops of the archdioces.e (If Newark:, N.J. Both have served in national posts for the U.S. bishops. Bisl'lop-desigaate McHugh, 55. was the first director of the bishops' Office for Pro-life Activities. He
I'his pUI them in It quandary. How do you deliver a turk~y to people you don't even know? Do you put the turkey on the doorstep, ring the bell, and walk away quickly? Or do you ,wait for them to open the door, hand it over, and then walk away? They finally de~ cided to arrange a visit. and tMn, as they got to know the olherfamily, ask them to share in their good fortune. This had its awkward moments, too. It took a little bit of courage. But that one visit had lasling good effects for both familie~, who are still friends. The giver is at the same time receiver. It is clear that ChriMmas is nut celebrated in a day, and tl).at ceJe~ brating it well calls for prepara· tion. Christmas is the sacrament of God's goodness in send ing us J esu~ Christ. We ha\'e been favored with a Savior who can enter and fill our lives in countless ways. But there is need to be formed, and to form our~e1ve5. in .all Ihe possibilities for his corning. Each of the Sundays of Advent can be marking posts of awareness. The Lord often comes at une:<pected'times, and in ways we
Merry ChristlllaS To old friends and new eo our wishes for aseason of love and faith. A warm. wonderful thanks to all!
ALVINE SANDYCH digs into lunch..
To All The Clergy and Religious
of the Diocese, Sincere Best Wishes/or a Happy, Holy New Year,
Star of the Sea Candle Co
From The Only Church Supplies
Dealer in the Diocese
Ifyou, cannotfind happiness along thr way, you will MARY MARGARET Hill's room is t;lecorated with her -beautiful crocheted, knit and hooked pillows, afghans and rugs. She formerly operated a bakery for 27 years and "made the best dam!). doughnuts in Attleboro FaIls," (Motta photos)
find il at the end ojthe road
with t!l:A{ joyrul a\VAt'tncss that comes from our preparation during the season of Advent. Reprinted by permission from U,S. CATHOLIC, published by Clare.lan PublicltdoRS. 211 W. Madilllon, Chicago, III, 60606; 1311) 236_7782.
~urn;otly ~erves on two Vatic. agendes dealing with family \if issues. Bishop-designate Smith, .52, directed the Institute for Continuing Theological Education ofthe North American College in Rome, a theol6gY update program fUI U.S. priests, from 1982 to 1986.
Aj¥ARSAW FAMILY watches Pope John Paul II celebrating midnight Mas~ last Christ9sEve. It was 1he first lime poles saw the Mass telecast live. (NC/UPI-Reuter photo) •
VA recent Bas a doors
It's Christmas at the Vatican
AN CITY (NC) - On a ruing a basket of banaat the Vatican's bronTe
h a card addressed to Paull!. '
cps away. in the middle
of St, were u
er's Square. workmen ding truckloads of iron
pipe and scaffolding under the
The signs were obvious: Christ-
shadow or the i1ncienl E,gyplian
obelisk. And somewhere amid the slillflowering gardens behind SI. Peter's
the corner. Since 1982. when the-pope asked for ~somethjng Chrislmasy" in StPeter's SqLlare. its adOllllnentshave included a larger-than-life nativity scene and an enormous Chrislmas tree which growers vie for the privilege of supplying. This year\ winner. some 83 feel lall. set a record for height. It rolled into the square on a flatbed truck after an odyssey from near Italy's border with Austria. When i, comes 10 deCol3ting. "too much timel~ is forsworn in favor ofa simple string of plasticcovered light bulbs - ; l polity that does not find universal favor among other V3tican Citv residents. "They ought get the people who do Marshall Field's tree [in Chicago] to do this one. The whole world sees it. afler all." ,;aid a resident who thinks the adornments lack imagination. Nearly everyone agrees. however. that the trarlitional cri'" "-,,ene and
Ba~i1ica. Vatican Cily wUlkers were haulinga JOO-fOolstring of yellowilnd-while bulbs oul of a closel.
Valican wasjusl around
tree have given the square a needed touch of Christmas and made it a pilgrimage srot for thousands of children. Other visitors include the pope, who usually eomes on New Year's Eve. How did that tradition start? "The first time, he wanled 10 see whal kind of job we'd done:' said an official. The "manger" today is a massive construction of wood and metal that lakes a work crew more' than a week to set up. It is faced with panels of fake stone. The wooden figures, made for a Roman church 150 years ago, were found in storage in Auslria. As clanging and hammering ring out in the square. people bearing boxes pass ina hurry. The Vatican flo~t office is under its annual siege, the result ofits demonstrated efficiency in moving thousa.nds of Christmas gifts to worldwide deslinatiom in surprisingly short order. At the Vatican gates, Swiss guards lower their halberds to a<;cept hundreds of hand-delivered gifts for the pope - many of them food. A member ofthe pope's staff said that as Christmas day approaches, "We lose count of how many gifts arr"ve." The household staff helps open them all. Many are donated to institutiom for the poor. homeless and orphans. The Christmas spirit shows up in other Vatican offices, 100 usually with a glass of spunlante and a piece of sweel "panettone" cake Off Dec. 23, the last full day of work before the holiday. At Vatican Radio, a tree is hung with handmade ethnic decorations from the various language sections. Ornaments range from Byelorussian dolls to Chinese lanterns. But for one group, the Christmas season brings oYertime hours. The Swiss guards are called up flTst for crowd control duty at midnight Mass in St. Peter's, then for the 50,000 to 100,000 people who usually turn up in the square
~y the Spirit of this Holiday Season fill you with Peace and Joy. The Directors, Officers and Staff
the next morning for the pope's "lIrhi et Orbi" bles~jng. They don't get a break until Christmas evening, when they
gather in thejr barracks to exchange gifts. sing carols in German and French, and enjoy wine with cookies made by Vatican nuns. The holiday season officially be-gan Uec. 8 when the pope laid no~ers at the feet o( a slatue of the Madonna, thus providing a signal to tradition-minded Romans. The pope is the main actor in the yule celebration but not the only one, St. Peter's has the biggest Christmas tree, nativil)' scene, and midnight Mass, but in the narrow streets across the Tiber River, less grand lraditions also thrive. The "presepio" ties much of the Roman Christmas logether. Taking the kids to see miniature cribs and mangers in local churches is an Italian equivaknt of seeinR Santa at the shopping mall. Here Santa still plays second fiddle 10 "Bambino Gesu," the baby Jesus. The presepiotouri~ll~ually made in the evening. when flashing lights. running water and other special effects are best viewed in the dark.~ ened chapels. In the Jesuit Church of the Gesu, a tiny brook meanders past the stable. while angels fly overhead and an imitation fire burns along8ide the mangeT. But churches are not the only places that recreate Christ's birth. A bakery not far from where 51. Peter was martyred exhibits a manger scene made entirely of bread, baked golden brown and dusted lightly with powdered sugar to give a snow-like effect. A few frvii stOTe! come up with similar eyestopping creations for hurried shoppers. Piazza !'I'avona, where many Americans gather weekly at the Church of 51. Agnes. is the place for "pangiallo:' a sweet bread crammed with dried fruit and nuts. The historic debate. which still rages, is whether or not figs should be used in the recipe. In lhe oval square, once an ancient Roman racetrack, the modern toy·run takes two laps: at Christmas and later ilt Epiphany, when the "Befana" or gift-bearing witch can be seen amongthe-stalls. Other seasonal slrret-wa nd eretS include the "zampognari:' poor shepherds from the Abruzzi Mountains east of Rome who play their bagpipes beneath street shrines to the Madonna. Unlike the original shepherds drawn HI' Bethlehem, they accept tips from passersby. On Christmas Eve, dressed in sandals and sheepskin chaps, they serenade churchgoers on the steep steps ohlte Basilica of Santa Maria d'Aracoeli. The fourlh-eentury ..hurch, built on the ruins of a pagan temple to a motlter·goddess. holds one of the most unusual statuettesofthe Holy Child. Bedecked in jewels and standing in his crib, he receives visits over Christmastime from a steadv trickle ofchildren who recite poems for him from a nearby pulpit. Nearby is a stack of letters addressed to "Santo Bambino" from all over Italy. By the time the spotlights go out in St. Peler's, most Romans are already home drinking a glass of bubbling spumante as the festive cap to a long <lay. The pope turns in immediately to rest for his busy Christmas Day schedule. But if he sneaks a bite of pastry first - perhaps a pieceoC"semic krakowski:' a Polish specialty made from soft whey chrese - his Roman neigh. hors across the Tiber would approve.
Cut down at Christmas, say Connecticut bishops
..; ."
Funeral Home
The purpose of a simple lifesHARTFORD, Conn. (NC) Connecticut's bishops have called tyle, they said, "is so that we may on Catholics to live simply and share more with those who have have said spending less money at ' less." "We have the right to live in Christmas would be a good place modest comfort and to plan reato start. The bishops gave their position sonably for the future of ourselves in a Christmas statement titled" A and our dependents. However, the, Call to Simplicity of Life," which use of our surplus wealth must be also asked for curbs on spending measured with consideration of for liturgical celebrations such as those basic human needs of others weddings, ordinations, funerals and which are not being met," the other "gatherings held in the name bishops said. The bishops said that simplicity of Christ." in lifestyle also mt<ans respecting "Are vast amounts of money nature and said people should not being spent, or even debts incurred, "harass nature with litter, garbage on the occasion of marriages and or noise." , other family celebrations?" they They also said that although asked. "Is this being done as a mis- churches sponsor shelters for the guided expression of love for our homeless, soup kitchens, and prochildren or to impress others?" grams of direct aid to the poor, The questions also apply to "or- "much more needs to be done by dinations,jubilee dinners of clerics organized religions." and religious, all gatherings held . They praised state legislators in the name of Christ, and even to for working for affordable housfuneral arrangemen~s," the bishops. ing; which they called' "the major -said.need of the poor in Connecticut." As a first step toward living "Because an economy is to be' simply they recommended p,eople judged by what it does for all its reduce what they spend on "exces- citizens and especially the poor, sive Christmas gifts" and give the this dimension of state government savings "to help the poor." 'is healthy and caring," they said. The bishops, in their five-page The statement was signed by statement, described a "gap be- Hartford Archbishop John F. tween affluent Connecticut and WheaIon, Bridgeport Bishop WaIpoor Connecticut." ter W. Curtis, Norwich Bishop The state has the "highest aver- Daniel P. Reilly, Hartford Auxil, age income" in the United States iary Bishop Peter A. Rosazza and but is also home to four cities Bishop Basil H. Losten of the Hartford, New Haven, Bridgeport Ukrainian diocese of Stamford. and Waterbury - "which have The bishops said it was followbeen listed among the poorest in up to the U.S. bishops' 1986 pasthe entire nation," they said. toralletter on the economy, "Eco"How do we go about living the nomic Justice For All." They said Gospel in the midst of the ,affluthe U.S. bishops' ietter "challenges ence of' many and the insecurity us to examine our own priorities in and poverty of some?" they asked. money, possessions and lifestyle."
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Here's a very special holiday greeting to all our special friends and patrons. We hope this joyous season brings you joy, love and happiness.
Mr. and Mrs. Monsour J. Ferris
•: ':
and Family
i I
Venus de Milo Restaurant Route 6, Swensee, Mess.
...marketing expert agrees t._._._._._._._._._._._._ DETROIT (NC) - Set limits on your Christmas buying "appetite" and you will avoid post-holiday problems, said Michael Ber~ nacchi. a marketing professor at the Jesuit-run University of Detroit. In an interview in The Michigan Catholic, archdiocesan newspaper, Bernacchi 'said that buying was like eating, but "if you overeat, you get sick. It's Mother Nature's way of saying, 'that's enough.' " With shopping, "now we have cash, the checkbook and credit cards, so we can bloat to unrealistic, unthought-of dimensions," he said. The seduction of "buy now, pay later" can cause consumers to,"not even look at the scale, not even care. The fuel feeding the appetite is the Christmas season, so can it be wrong?" Bernacchi said Christmas shoppers should: - Identify who's on their gift list. - Allocate a total to be spent on each person. - Calculate an overall total of what they really can afford. Bernacchi estimated that most shoppers overspend their Christmas budget by 50 to 100 percent, which can "cause a lot of stress in the family from January through March." By the time Christmas bills are brought under control; "it's tax' time," Bernacchi said, which con- tinues. to put "a lot of economic
and emotional dislocation" on families. The "need to feel good, the need to feel giving, feel 'Christmas' " prompts shoppers to go on "anxiety buying" binges, said Bernacchi. "Seemingly, we can never buy too much for our kids," he said. 'We're building our own ego by giving our kids alIt hose things." Gift-buying reinforces what Bernacchi called the "we-are-whatwe-consume" mentality that took off after World War 11. "The yuppie age range has been brought up in the most materialistic era in the history of the world," said Bernacchi. "Yuppies are, without a doubt, the most materialistic people the world has ever invented. They have been lavished on the best their parents were able to, and now it's their turn."
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We're ringing out how glad we are to have you as our friends and extend our sincere good wishes for a very merry Christ· mas to you and yours.
Layman succeeds • 1 Father Hehir i
WASHINGTON (NC) - John L. Carr, 37, a former U.S. Catholic Conference staff member, has been named the new secretary of the USCC Department of Social Development and World Peace. The first layman to head the USCC department. He succeeds Father J. Bryan Hehir, who will continue to work with the USCC as counselor for social policy. Carr has been secretary for social con- , cerns for the Washington archdiocese since 1981. .', ,
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Interviewiu"g Santa Claus By James Breig
He wears one ofthe most recognizable faces in the world. and his getup is more familiar than ani baseball uniform. His whiskers are as well known as Linco£n S. and his' paunch more'celebrated than that of Orson Welles. The lore surrounding him - pipes, stockings. reindeer, sleigh, the North. Pole, chimneys - is part ojevery American s upbringing. He is. of course. Santa' Claus. who was gracious enough to sit down with our reporter recently 10 discuss h!s l(festyle and his impact. on our culture. Although in the midst oj pre-Christmas toy making and facing the possibility of Donders being 100 lame to travel. on December 24. Santafound time in his schedule to answer some questions. The interview was conducted in his den. a wood-paneled cozy room, warmed by a hearth. Santa plopped himself into an overstuffed chair. propped his stockingedfeet on an old.ottoman and signaled that he was ready to answer any and all inquiries. I wonder if we could begin by clearing up the many names which are given to you. Santa. St. Nichohis. Kris Kringle. Father Christmas. Usually only criminals have so many aliases. Which name do you prefer? . My wife usually calls me "Santy," and the elves copy her. So that's, what those closest to me say. The children seem to prefer "Santa" in your country. Elsewhere they say something different. You know, everyone of the names has something religious attached to it. St. Nicholas was slurred into Santa Claus. Father Christmas has something priestly about it, don't you think? And Kris Kringle comes from a German expression which means Christchild. So, whatever people call me, it's a compliment. Since you brought up the reiigious point, let's proceed with that. There are many critics of you who complain that you have canceled religion from Christmas, that your presence overwhelms the Christchild. You are a symbol of commercialism and materialism. How do y.ou feel about that? .
clean, who know I stand for giving selflessly, who think of me as a' person who gives bounteously and without asking for anything in return except affection. That image, it seems to me, is godlike.
child is God's gift to the world, freely given. Like something in your stocking you didn't expect, something which turns out to be worth more than anything else you got. Und'er no circumstances should I be permitted to erase Jesus from Christmas. What Jesus was -God made human - I am in only a very vague way. I am a dim echo ofthat moment in history when God took upon himself the form of a slave. That's what I stand for. I am God's unending goodness incarnated in a man. A rather strange man, at that. I am overweight and old. That's important. God doesn't demand that we be perfect tens to love one another.
Exactly. Precisely. On the rednose.Think about kids. They need something to hang on to, a face, a bod)', a someone. They can't grasp abstractions and vague notions ~f God. So they look to me. Many of t~em also think of God as looking like Santa - benevolent, giving, tr~stworthy and trusting, loving Without exception. I've never missed a house yet - or a child. Surely you know the criticism How would you go about rethat follows that. If kids think of storing your own image? God as being like you, what hapAlii can do is continue my work pens when. they find out about you? Are they discouraged for life? and hope that my true self will Do tlley think of life as a sham and prevail. I could use the help or' good people though. They are the . pretense, of God as a phony? ones who will either accept or There's that danger. I'm aware reject the commercialism of Christof it. But I hope parents are aware mas. They are the ones who must of it, too, and replace me with decide where they will place the s.omething more. Some parents infant Jesus - at the center of like to get off easy. They like to use their celebrations, or dimly in the me and my friend, the Easter distance. My job is to help their Bunny, to get out of talking about little ones do the right things by religion and God with their young- showing them how good unensters. And when they stop using cumbered love can make them us, they leave a vacuum there. feel. . Well, it has to be filled withsomeI must say, you have made some thing. Left alone, kids will be disappointed and disillusioned. But if interesting. points. I came here parents step in, that vacuum can expecting to find someone I'd disbe filled with sound religious infor- like. I'll admit I was not as objecmation and a new idea of God, one tive as a reporter is supposed to be. But you're changing my mind. that suits the kios' age. Are you saying that you rightfully overshadow the Christchild? Not at all. Please understand me. The child in the manger is the center of Christmas. All else is secondary. Think of it: The Christ-
I know how you must have felt. I know many people question my existence and purpose. I hope they will see me for what I am and what I can do, and won't hold me responsible for what others have done in my name.
I've heard those remarks. Mrs. Claus spends a great deal of her time in the fall and winter trying to cool me down after I hear them because they make my temperature go to about 120. I am not responsible for what others say about me or for how much they corrupt my image. I've seen American TV. We have to test the sets up here, and I sometimes tune in stations from your country. If I went according to what 1 saw, I would assume that Abraham Lincoln founded insurance companies, that George Washington held white sales, and that Tchaikovsky wrote music to sell cereal by. Don't try to pin the materialism of your nation on me. Still, you have become a symbol of buy-buy-buy during the holidays.
'GIBMAR ELECTRIC 54 Henri Street, Somerset, MA 02726 674-9861
I know. They stick my picture in their ads or use phony guys dressed up like me to hawk their stuff on the tube. It's repulsive. But there's nothing I can do about it. Fortunately there are still millions kids mostly - who keep my image
NC photo
Himself in action
If you could give every adult a gift, what would it be? The ability to see Christmas as most children see it and to help their own children see it that way - as something exquisitely lovely. I use the word "Lovely" on purpose. Think of what it originally meant before it was cheapened by being used to describe spark plugs and kitchen sponges. Lovely: It means - there, hand me that dictionary by your elbow. I'll look it up .... "Lovely: having those qualities that inspire love, affection or admiration ... morally or spiritually attractive; gracious." That's what Christmas should be; that's how each Of us should be. And that's what I hope adults will find within themselves and give to their children. It's what I try to give. But it won't happen without effort.
off. Once you've done it, those who corrupt the season cannot touch you.
If only you could give that message to everyone this Christmas. I can't. Too'many people have shut me out of their lives or turned me into something silly. That's why I hope other people will do the job themselves - for themselves and for others. I hope they include the needy in their Christmas too. My resources are limited, but the resources of the people in your country are not. Not if they open up their hearts and homes, and think about those in need. Did you ever think how crazy some people are at Christmastime? They buy "things," material objects, for people who least need them. Then they promise to pray for the poor: That's backward. Pray for the affluent, pray for their conversion away from materialism, pray that they recognize how blessed they are and how they don't need more "things." Then turn around and give the "things" to the needy. The souls of the poor need fixing, but so do their homes and cupboards. Fix those up first.
that. I've never told before, but I'll. tell you because the answer has been behind everything we've talked about. There's one magic word that makes me able to do all that I do - to fly around the world in one night, to bring gifts to every child, to navigate a sleigh pulled I by reindeer, and to squeeze down those chimneys. The magic word is "belief." The kids believe I can do it and so I do it. If the adults in your country would believe, they could do even more miraculous things than that.
r-------------------------..... @hristmas ~emories . As we experience the warmth and wonder of this festive season, may all. that is Christmas em6race you and y~urs.
Reprinted by permission from U.S. CATHOLIC, published by Claretian Publications, 221 W. Madison, Chicago, III. 60606; (312) 236-7782.
Law-abiding lad
"Blessed is he who comes in the , name of the Lord! Those words from the acclamaEffort? tion to the preface of Mass are Christmas takes work these days, meant to be sung with gusto. And and - I don't mean fighting the so they were by a small boy at Our crowds in shopping centers or payLady of Mt. Carmel parish, Seeing off the MasterCard. I mean konk. effort to rid yourself of the materSharp-eared people near him, ial trappings and to find the spiritthough, reported that his version ual core. Effort to find the real was "Blessed is he who stops i~ the meaning of Christmas by fighting name of the law!" I know you're busy and anxious off the tendency to cheapen it. Effort to seek out Christ and place' to check on Donder's condition. I~••~~~~•••~~~.~.~ One final question: How do you fit him in your heart as easily as you into those chimneys? Keep Christ in Christi'rias place your credit card on the counter at K-Mart. Hard work pays A lot of people have asked me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ each Christmas, the birth of a :person who 'cared as, fuJ)Y.~I$ possible. Perhaps the song about buying an extra present is \lnfamil!~r to you.'fhe reader who sent it to me said the song is popular, in England. But, no matter. Wl1at our nationality, ii' invites US to enter deeply into the caring attitude of Christmas. , Remt;mberirig the birth ofJesus gives us another opportunity to bring out the best in ourselves.. Jesus lived his life caring about those he encountered. Today, at Christmas 1987, God needs Your love and generosity to reach out to "Christ's countless brothers" and siste'rs. ' The song offers three suggestions for manifesting this caring: , I. We can buy a present for those likely to receive little this Christmas. A goodway to go about this is through your parish. Many churches can put you in touch with someone who can benefit from your generosity. 2. Take the time to visit an individual who has few friends. Better yet, invite that person into your home to share some of the festivity and Christmas warrnth found there. .
8y Charlie MartJn
WHY NOT BUY AN EXTRA PRESENT Why not buy an extra present When you buy the others Give it to a child with nothing Christ has countless brothers Be just like the wise men With their gifts of gold and myrrh Make a poor child's Christmas With a toy to love and share Why not buy an extra present When you buy the others. Why not visit the one Who's lonely As you do the manger Why not see the sick and housebound Though you are a stranger ' Be just like the wise men With their gifts of gold and myrrh Just,a friendly visit Is a gift that's rich and rare Why,not visit one who's lonely ' As you do the manger Why not feed the poor and hungry In a Third World stable Help supply the loaves and fishes ' For their meager table Be just like the wise men With their gifts of gold and<tDyrrh Having dinner one day . Help to lighten their despair Why not feed the poor and,hungry In a Third World stable Words by Peter Westmere. Music by Mike Sammes. (c) 1984 by Novello and Company Ltd. FOR THIS Christmas season I wish each of you the fullness of God's presence. May you experience his caring and generously share it by loving others. One way of doing that is through helping others at Christmas.
For instance, do you enjoy buying presents for others' at Christmas? Many people search for just the gift that says how special they feel toward another. piving such presents is a symbol of our caring. This attitude is at the heart of what we celebrate
3. Some of our most distressed brothers and sisters live in the Third World, some inconditions most of us would have troUble imagining. Any contribution of your money for these peqple would be helpful. Even rnoresignificant would be a commitment to learn more about world hUJIger and econornic problems. Take the time this Christmas season (0 read about the causes of this suffering. Use the knowledge you gain to establish an action plan that can guide your caring throughout 1988. Your comments are always welcome. Address Charlie Martin, 1218 S. Rotherwood Ave., Evansville, Ind. 47714.
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"~eace on earth, good will to men . From Heaven's all gracious King:' -Edmund Hamilton Sears
At this holy time and all the days through, His love embraces everyone.