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The .ANCHOR An Anchor 01 the Sout, Sure and Firm-St. Paur

Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Dec. 19, 1974 PRICE 15c Vol. 18, No. Sl © 1974 The Anchor $5.00 ,er Yllr

Televise Holy Year Christmas Eve Rites NEW YORK (NC) - The inauguration of the 1975 Holy Year in Rome, as well as Pope Paul's Midnight Mass in St. Peters' Basilica, will 'be broadcast this Christmas Eve beginning at II :30 p.m. by the NBC television network. The ceremonies will begin with the j::enturies-old rite in which Pope Paul VI opens the Holy Door of St. Peter's for the pilgrims who will come to Rome in 1975. The Holy Door, walledup since the conclusion of the last Holy Year, in 1950, symbolizes Christ. who called himself the "Door" leading to the ,Father. The opening of the Holy Door symbolizes the opening of the abundant sources of pardon, mercy, and grace which the Church, by Christ's authority. dispenses during the Holy Year. The 15th-century rite can be seen this year by a larger audi-

ence than has been able to witness in it the past four centuries combined - through satellite communications. Immediately following the cer-, emony inaugurating the Holy Year, Pope Paul will enter St. Peter's to celebrate Christmas Mass at the main altar. During the liturgy, the Holy Father will preach on the Holy Year theme: Renewal and Reconciliation. Director of the program, as originated from the Vatican by Italian television IS Franco Zefirelli, director of the film Romeo and Juliet. Commentary describing the ceremonies will 'be provided by Franciscan Father Agnellus Andrew, director of the Catholic Radio and Television Centre, Hatch End, Middlesex, England, and the president of UNDA Intern-a1tional, the Catholic radio and television organization. "Holy Year 1975" is an NBC television network presentation produced in cooperation with the Division for Film and Broadcasting of the U.S. Catholic Conference.

Fa II River Home Sets Holy Year Ceremoni'es

SAINT: One of only two' life portraits of Elizabeth Bayley Seton, a copper plate engraving by Charles SaintMemlin, is part of a display which opened yesterday at the National Portrait Gallery, Washington. NC Photo.

Holy Year Services at which the Gift of the Indulgence may be gained will be held at 3 o'clock on Sunday afternoon in the chapel of the Catholic Memorial Home, Highland Ave., Fall River. Rev. William E. Collard, chaplain at the home, will conduct the special services in the final pre'laration for tr.e Holy Year 1975. Most Rev. James J. Gerrard, V.G., Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese will preach and the ceremonies will close with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Pope Paul Urges Healing Within Church Itself VATlCAN OITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI, in an apostolic exhortation "to the episcopate, clergy and faithful of the entire world on reconciliation within the Church," urged them to seize the Holy Year's spirit of recon-

cHiation and heal the "spirit of faction" now dividing the Ohurch. He decried "the ferments of infidelity to the Holy Spirit ex' isting here and there in the Church today and unfortunately

attempting to undermine her from within." Without naming specific groups, he continued: "The promoters and the victims of th'is process, who are in fact small in number by comparison with the vast majority of the faithful, claim to remain in the Church, with the same rights and opportunities of expression and action as the rest of the faithful, in order to attack ecclesial unity." The Pope s'igned his apostolic exhortation on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, Dec. 8. It was released Dec. 16. Pope Paul said that loyalty to the authority of the Pope and bishops and to the Church's magisterium (teaching authority) is the only way to maintain "sure union with Christ." The Pope said the Church has of QI~rigtttms no\tt anb t1tt'Oug~ltUt overcome rifts and internal dissension throughout its history by "clearing reaffirming" basic pl'lin~t IN't\tt ciples of unity. He asserted that today's "fer· ments of infidelity" are "equally dangerous and such as to warrant th'is c:larification and call to unity." The Pope spoke strongly against those who oppose the authority of bishops, and against "deceptively easy" formulas and "teachings that do not hold fast to the objectivity of the faith." At the same time he firmly stated that, properly understood, ~'pluralism of research and thought" has a "legitimate right of citizenship in the Church." He added that the "inscrutable ROME (NC)-The initial pro- broadcast, "stressed how these riches" of the mystery of Christ cess for the possible beatification processes were taking place at a actually call for "constant fresh of Pope Pius XII and Pope John particularly historic moment for research." the Church, on the eve of the XXIII has been completed. The Pope said that the Holy Year." Church's role as reconciler on Relatives of both Popes were The causes for the beatifica· present at the ceremony which Tum to Page Three was presided over by Cardinal tions of Ithe two Popes, linked Ugo Poletti, papal vicar general into one ,process by Pope Paul VI, will now be examined in of Rome. depth by the Congregation for Jesuit Father Paolo Molinari, the Causes of Saints. for Pius XH, and Franciscan This examination, involving alFather Antonio Cairoli, for John most a complete restudy of the XXIU, had been postulators in charge of the seven-year long initial investigations which, in Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, inquiries into the lives of the two the case of Pope John, spread S.T.D., Bishop of the Diocese of into France and the East-Euro· candidates for beatification and Fall River will be the celebrant their findings were officially pean and Mid-Eastern countries of the Mass to be televised over in which he had served, may last transmitted to the congregation WTEV Channel 6, New Bedford by Msgr. Marcello 'Magliochetti, several years. at 10 o'clock on Christmas mornchief official of the vicariate triing. bunals. Rev. Mr. William L. Boffa, Speaking during the ceremony, deacon at St. Joseph's Parish, CHRISTMAS Fall River will be deacon at the Cardinal 'Poletti expressed his appreciation of the tasks underMass. COMMUNION taken by those in charge of the Rev. John J. Oliveira, secreprocess and said that the conclutary to Bishop Cronin, will serve If you receive Communion sion of this initial process as master of ceremonies while in an anticipated Mass of or marked a significant step in such Rev. John F. Hogan, Diocesan the Midnight Mass of Christan important event. Director of Television and pastor mas, you may receive once • of St. Julie's Parish, No. DartHe underlined the witness' to mouth will be the commentator. more on Christmas Day. Christian life that the two Popes The singing will be directed by had given-the whole world and: Rev. William G. Campbell. according .to a Vatican Radio


Papal Beatificatio~ Causes Take Step Forward

Bishop Cronin To Offer TV Mass


Campus Ministlr)f

THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 19, 197.4


Urges President Adopt Bishops' Food Polic'ies WASHINGTON (NC)-Bishop James Rausch, general secretary of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and the U. S. Catholic Conference, has urged President Gerald Ford to adopt the legislative policies supported by the bishops in their pastoral plan of action concerning the world food crisis. He also asked the President to meet with several bishops to discuss the food situation. The requests came in a letter hand delivered to the White House on Dec. 9. The letter was delivered at a time when the President was considering suggested options for the future direction of Amer' ican food aij overseas. State Department officials were reportedly pressuring for the use of food aid for political purposes. The bishops, in the pastl)ral plan, said government must "resist efforts to use food as a political and strategic weapon." Bishop Rausch sent t.he President a copy of the pastoral plan that was approvej unanimously at the bishops' annual general meeting, Nov. 18-22. Claiming a "particular urgen· cy," Bishop Ra'usch highlighted two recommendations of the plan in the letter-an immediate increase in food aid and support of a legislative policy that "addresses the food problem in the context of justice." "In addition to the immdiate action options available to the Executive Office," Bishop Rausch said, "it is respectfully suggested that serious considerat ion be given to incorporation into your upcoming State of the Union message the essence pf the public policy 'and legislative pro· gram enumerated, "we feel that the American public will react responsibly to a national call to modify their consumption habits and thereby release additional food supplies for humanitarian purposes." "Because these matters are of such monumental importance," Bishop Rausch said, "May I suggest that a time be designated when' several members of the Ca tholic hierarchy might meet with you for further' discussion and elaboration."

In Who's Who Daniel Bourbeau, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jean Paul Bourbeau, Fairhaven, and a graduate of Coyle~Cassidy High School, Taunton, has been named to "Who's Who among Students in American Universities and Colleges." A junior at St. Joseph's College, North Windham, Me., Bourbeau is an honor student, active in many campus organizations.

Na m'es Presidelnlt WASHINGTbN (NC)-MYl'On

n. Bloy, Jr., was named president of the National Institute :for Campus Ministries (NICM) by the NICM board of directors at its recent meeting here.

THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at .111 Riv~r, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall Rliver, Mass. 02722 _ by the Catholic Prets of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price lIy mail, po~tp~ld $5.00 per year.




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He was Episcopal chaplain at ,the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1958-66, and has taught at both MIT and the Episcopal Theological School in Cambridge, Mass. He has edited a large number of bool<s on religion and higher education and is a frequent contributor to reUgious journals. NICM is an ecumenical project that includes Roman Catholics, Jews and Protestants on its .board. The institute will engage in researc):., communication and continuing education in order to strengthen traditional forms of higher education ministries and assist in launching new models.


J. .



I MIN.STRY OF LECTORATE: Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin installed eight diocesan seminarians in the Ministry of the l.ectorate during the concelebrated Mass offered on Sunday afternoon in St. Mary's 'Cat.hedral, Fall River commemorating the fourth anniversary of Bishop Cronin's installation as the Fifth Bishop of Fall River. Installed were: front, Stephen Fernandes, New Bedford; John Ozug, Fall River; Bishop Cronin, Edward Parr, New Bedford; and Raymond Cambra, New Bedford. Rear, William Baker, New Bedford; John Oliveira, Taunton; John Darcy, Fall River;' and Raymond Cambra, New Bedford. The theme of' the celebration was priestly vocations.

Mother VATIC:AN CITY (NC) - Pope Paul VI has given the go-ahead to the canonization of six per· sons, induding Blessed Mother Elizabeth Anne Bayley Seton, who on Sept. 14 will become the first Amer,ican-born canonized saint of the Roman Catholic Cl:·:Jrch. The five' other canonizations also a'1proved by the Pope ·and cardinals at a formal consistory at the Vatican Dec.' 12 for the 1975 Holy Year were of: , -Blessed Oliver Plunket, Irish archbishop of Armagh, who was martyred during the Reformation in 1681; -Blessed' Giustino de Jacobis, an Italian Vincentian who was a missionary bishop in Ethiopia and died there in 1860; -Blessed ,Juan Battista de la Concepcion, ,a Spanish Trinitarian wbo died, in 1613; -Blessed Vicenta Maria Lopez Vicuna, a Spanish nun who

N~crology I)EC.27 Rec. Thomas J.. Stapleton, 1956, Pastor, Corpus Christi, Sanjwich Rev. Msgr.' Armand Levasseur, 1970, Pa&tor Emeritus, St. Anne, New Bedford DEC. 28 Rev. Charles R. Smith, 1955, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River . JAN. 1

Rev. Jose Va1eiro, 1955, Pastor, St. Elizabeth, Fall River Rev. Antonib M. Fortuna, 1956, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, New Bedford' Rev. Francis R. Connerton, SS.STR., 1968, St. John's SemJnary, Plymouth, Michigan .

Art All great art is the expression of man's delight in Goj's work, not in his oWJ;l.

Bloy is currently the executive director of the Church Society for College Work and has extensive experience in I-..igher fiduea· tion ministries. .



BROOKLAWN FUNERAL' HOME, INC. R. Marcel Roy' Roger LaFrance' -

G. l.orraine Roy James E. Barton

FUNERAL DIRECTORS 15 Irvington Ct. New· Bedford 995-516~1

Canonization Sept. 14 founded the institute of the Daughters of Mary Immacul~te and died in 1890; --Blessed Juan Messias. a Spanish Dominican Brother who worked in Lima, Peru, and was a friend of St. Martin de Porres. He died in 1645. Contrary to the expectations of many in Rome, no beatification causes were proposed during the Dec. 12 consistory. However, relic:ble sources insist that a sepf\rate consistory will probably be held for the approval of new beatifications during Ithe ~975 Holy Year. Cardinal Luigi Raimondi, prefect of the Vatican's Congregation for saints' causes and former apostolic delegate in the United States, toW NC News Service: "I'm' sure there will be great joy in tb2 United States at the news of Mother Seton's canonization. My office has been f1ooc.ed with letters, requests and various groups all asking for her canonization, but I was not able to answer until the final approval came through. "For myself, I am very, very happy that the United States will now have its first American-born saint."

A site for the national office is yet to be determined.

During the consistory, Pope Paul also announced the dates which have been set for the six canonizations. They are: Blessed Juan Battista de la Concepcion and Blessed Vicenta Maria Lopez Vicuna, both on May 25; Blessed 14; Elizabeth Seton, Sept. Blessed John Massias, Sept. 28; Blessed Oliver Plunket, Oct. 12, and Blessed Giustino de Jacobis, Oct. 26.

Yule Log In par.ts of Europe the Christr1'las log was brightly decorated:. The youngest chikl poured winle upon it and a prayer was offered that its fire might warm the cold, that the hungry might find food, the weary rest and all man.. I;ind the peace of heav.en. .


CHRISTMAS 1974 CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE Vigil Mass: December 24' 8:00 p.m.: Most Reverend Daniel A.


Funeral Home 123 Broadway

TAUNTON . VA 4-5000



Bishop of Fall River, principal concelebrant. Note: 7:30 - 8:00 p.m. The Cathedral Choir under the direction of Mr. David Carrier will present a concert of sacred music to which all are invited.

t c;hristmas Day: Midnight Mass.


l\1:anuel Rogers 8{, Sons

Christmas Morning: Masses: 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11 :00.



1521 North Main Street Fall River, Mass. Raymond R. Machado Arthur R. Machado

Tel. Office 672-3101 Res. 673-3896 - 673-0447

Monsignor Regan and the Cathedral Staff extend best wishes to all of you for a holy Christmas season and a prosperous New Year. At the same time we invite all of you to share in the Christmas Liturgy at the Cathedral.


THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 19, 1974

Pope Urges Healing Within Catholicism Continued from Page One wishes to change also the sorrow earth has been obscured by which has been visited upon her "doctrinal dissension which intb a love that can understand c1a'ims the patronage of theo- everything and in Christ pardon logical pluralism." everything." He continued: "This pluralism A true climate of reconciliais at times regarded as a legiti- tion, the Pope added, includes mate theological stand that per- "fraternal openness to others" mits the taking up of positions that fosters "the practice of fracontrary to the authentic magis- ternal correction," terium of the Roman Pontiff and Fraternal Correction of the hierarchy of bishops." He pointed out that fraternal The magisterium, the Pope correction is a work of charity said, is "a guarantee for all that can be "done by anyone of against the subjective judgment the fai,thful to every brother in of every varied interpretation of the faith," Fratern~1 correction, the faith, .. In fact, without the the Pope said, "can be the normediation of the Church's magis- mal means of healing many disterium... the sure union with sensions or of preventing them Chr.ist through the Apostles, .. is from arising," compromised," In a Vatican press conference, Tensions called to present the exhortation, Pope Paul noted that the vari- Archbishop Albert Descamps, ety of members and functions in president of the Pontifical Bibthe Church provoke "inevitable lical Commission, explained that 'tensions," To deal with these the Pope in the exhortation was tensions, according to the Pope, giving a picture of the present Christ gave special autliority to state of the Church, which inbishops. cludes elements of dissent. The Pope said that failure to He said that the Pope "was heed legitimate Church authorexcommunicating" any ity leads to a "polarization of not groups through this document, dissent" that "bears within it and, as far as it can, introd'uces but was trying to bring apout a into the ecclesial community the Holy Year spirit of reconcilation, seeds of disintegration." , The exhortation, signed by the Pope on the Feast of the 1m' maculate Conception, Dec. 8, appeals to anyone who "feels that he is in any way implicated in this state of division" to seek The final dioces'an - preparareconciliation, "In each one wewould like to reawaken the long- tions in the New Bedfbrd Area for the Holy Year are scheduled ing for what he has lost," as follows: Root of Situation The Maronite Pilgrimage is "We try hard to understand scheduled for 7 o'clock on Frithe root of this situation and we compare it to the analogous sit- day night in Mt. Carmel Church, uation in which contemporary New Bedford, Rev. George Saad, . civil society is living," the Pope pastor of Our Lady" of Purgatory said. But he also warned that Parish, New Bedford, will offer the Church "ought not to assim- a Maronite Mass. All Maronites ilate" from society "what is of the New Bedford and Fall River Areas are invited. rather a pathological state." The final Portuguese Pilgrimage The Pope said he was presenting the exhortation before the will be held at 3 o'clock on opening on Chr.istmas Eve of the Sunday afternoon in Mt. Carmel Holy Year may truly be for the Church, New Bedford. Rev. Anworld the 'Birth of Peace' as tonio Santos, assistant pastor at St. John the Baptist Church, was the birth of the Savior." New Bedford, will preach durPriests The exhortation makes an ap- ing the Holy Year Services, peal of reconciliation "and for- while the joint' choirs of the giveness to priests who have left represented Portuguese parishes the ministry. The Pope first ex- will provide the musical portion presses the Church's sorrow at of the services. St. Lawrence's Church will their departure and notes the "consolation and joy" given the hold a communal penance serChurch by the perseverance of vice at 7 o'clock on Monday night as the final phase of the the great majority of priests, The Pope added: "Being sup- prepar,tion for the Holy Year for por,ted and comforted by the the residents of the New Bedford merits of this great number, she Area.

Final Services In New Bedford For Holy Year路

Urges More Use of Thomism VATICAN CITY (NC) - St. Thomas Aquinas' ground rules for the study of philosophy should be used today in discerning what is valid in contemporary thougbt, according to Pope Paul VI. Pope Paul made the observa' tion in a 29-page Latin message released Dec. 5 and addressed to Father Vincent de Cuesnongle, master general of the Dominicans. This year the Church is marking the 700th anniversary of the death of St. Thomas Aquinas, the Dominican theologian and Doctor of the Church.

I~ the message the Pope lauded St. Thomas for his openness to insights into truth found in the works of non-Christian as well as Christian philosophers. But the Pope stressed that the firmly-grounded faith of St. Thomas "prevented him from making 'himself a slave of human masters new and ancient including Aristotle," St. Thomas' example should be followed today, the Pope said, since "unfortunately not a few modern systems are in the position of being fundamentally irreconcilable to Christian faith and theology."


Holy Year Mass In Taunton Focusing on the upcoming Holy Year, students from grades 4 through 12 and faculty from Taunton's parochial schools cel' ebrated a special Mass at St. Mary's Church, designated as the area pilgrimage church. The Mass was concelebrated by area priests, with Rev. Richard Beaulieu, chaplain at CoyleCassidy High School, as princi路 pal celebrant and homilist. 'Father Beaulieu noted that the need for seeking reconciliation and peace is as great today as it has ever been in the past. "In our family relationships, we need to experience a healing of per路 sonal differences. In our country, political and social problems cry out to be corrected. And th,roughout the entire world, men are struggling to maintain peace and harmony for all," Schools Participate Offertory gifts were presented by representatives of Taunton area schools: St. Mary's St. Jacques, Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton Catholic Middle and , Coyle~Ca'Ssidy.Brother William Joseph went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth 'Breid, esc, of the Coyle-Cassidy into Judea, to the city of David which is cal~ed Bethlehem, faculty, led the singing and the because he was of the house and family of David: to be enrolled brass section of the high school with Mary, his espoused wife, who was with child. band also participated. The Holy Year theme is being Portayed by Erica Hague and Lynne Hutchinson, carried out in Taunton schools Our Lady of the Cape parish, Br'ewster with various projects and programs designed to develop an understanding of the notions of reconciJiration and healing.

Fund For Starvi.ng

Bishop Broderick of Albany Establishes Plan to Combat Global 'Starvation ALBANY (NC)-The Diocese of Albany has established a hunger fund in attempt to combat global starvatio'n. 'In an Advent pastoral letter, Bishop Edwin B. Broderick said that "no one can be ignorant any longer of the fact that in whole continents countless men' and women are ravished by hunger, countless numbers of children are undernourished ... and whole regions are condemned to the most depressing despondency." The bishop asked the people of the diocese not only for prayer and fasting but for "a voluntary decision to modify our purchasing of food and other material items ... I invite you to send what you save to a special fund I 'have established." Noting that the diocesan financial report (published at the same time as the Advent pastoral letter) reveals the diocese sent $70,000 to U. S. Catholic Relief Services, Bishop Broderick added: "This is not enough.

The crisis of hunger is real .. The spirit of Jesus must convince us of the need to change our patterns of buying and eating."

La Defana La Befana, an old woman who wanders the earth seeking the Christ Child, is known to Italian children as their gift-giver. She is supposed to go from house to house, looking into the faces of babies, giving each a gift in hopes that at last she will find the Infant Saviour.

Mayall men look to the Babe of Bethlehem for a renewal of the spiritual faith and love that seem to have been forgotten or disregarded during these times. Only then shall we experience the joy and true significance of His birthand overcome some of the conflicts besetting' us.

Christmas Blessings

CONRAD SEGUIN BODY COMPANY Aluminum or Steel 944 County Street NEW IEDFOaD, MASS. 902~611

Trustees, Corporators, OHicors and StaH



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River,-Thurs. Dec. 19, 1974

Parish Parade

Bishops Approve Comprehensive Communications Media Program WASHINGTON (NC) -- The U. S. Catholic bishops have ap· proved a comprehensiye $90,000 communications media pJ'ogram with the understanding that the funds will be raised outside the bishops' conference: The program would include: -A feasibility study on the development of a National Resource Center for Church Communications establishment of reo gional model communications centers and publication of several manuals on media' use at a cost of $30,000 during 1975; t f . I .D I 0 reglOna eve opmen communuications centers including a cost of $3500 for 'a meet. ing of regional' representatives; -In~reased



twe~n Church producers, In the

media and program syndicators, including a meeting at a cost of $1,900; -Expansion of the training

facilities of 'the U. S. Catholic' Conference communication ,de· partmen.t; -Hiring of consultants to deal with non-religious network programming, with a West Coast office, at a cost of $50,000; -A feasibility study on the produc~ion of .a new homil~ informatIOn servIce to help pnests prepare better homilies, at a cost of $5,400; . -Ex~ansion of USCC and bIshops conference staff. eff?rts to aId Churqh commulllcatlOns efforts in thy Thi~d World of underdeveloped natIOns; \: . . -Development of gUldelmes for. Church informational policy by the Nati~nal Ciltholic Office for InformatIOn. -The program' was recommended by a 'task force of the USCC committee on communication. It had the support of the full committee and the NCCB Administrative! Committee.

F'ormer POW Is Beneficiary 'Of God's Goodness and Prayers' WASHINGTON (NC) - The On stepping 'f rom the plane in spokesman for the first plane· the Philippin'es. he said: "We are load of American prisoners of proud to have had the opporwar released by North Vietnam tunity to serve our country unsaid that he is a "beneficiary of der difficult circumstances. We God's goodness and your prayers ,are profoundly grateful to our and sacrifice." Commander-in-Chief and to our In a talk at .theCapitol Hill ·nation for this day." And i'hen First Friday Club's annual came the w.ords-not written on Christmas dinner at fort Mc-' tJ:1~ pl~ne but ~~i~hj)()~~ed out Nair, former POW, Rear Adm. under' the emotio,nal .pull of the Jeremiah, A. ,Dentol),' Jr..;, :s"id '. mO.~E)~~-::-"-9oq;;k\ess ·America." that "God responds, spectacular.: The admiral is concerned Iy to prayers." He added that.his. " abOut America: He said he be. years ?f ca~tivity, d,eepened ~is 'lieves: th.at "this is the greatest CatholIc faith" and' made him nation on earth " but that he is w~nt more than ever to liVl~ his 'concerned that!' it is dissipating faith. its. greatness' by selfishness, Adm. Denton. was sh~t down moral laxity ane;! a breakdown in over North VIetnam m July family Hfe. He ~aid that upon his 1965, and spent the next seven 'return to the United States he ~nd a h~lf ye,ars as a POW, dur- 'was shocked at the way moral mg which time he was often decline had accelerated. tortured. More than ,four of D I .. lh t" h . I these years were sent in s'ol-, ec ar.mg : a w en we ose 't f' t p our dependence on God, we lose I ary con memen . " ' ' ' our love of neIghbor," he added: . " . The Capl,tol HIli. Flrs~ Fn~ay "We're' almost, drowning in Club presented him Its fIrst waste while, some other nations Msgr. Mau~ice. King 'Meino~ial . are starving: Cettainly we should Award, whIch It plans to gIve stop this waste and overindulannual~y "to, an '?uts~anding gence. We sh()ul~ do something." Cath~lIc for hIS contnbutlOn an?, He said he depl~red Amenicans' devotIOn to God and country. unwillingness to sacrifice. The late Msgr. King was the club's first chaplain and was pastor of St. Peter's parish on Martyr to Chastity Capitol Hill. Anniversltl.;y Noted Adm. Denton, ·whd was a comKINSHASHA '(NC)-:The 10th mander when ,he was taken anniversary of 'the death of Sisprisoner, is currently cornman. ter A,nwarite Nengapeto, who dant of the Armed Forces Staff chose, death over surrender of College in Norfolk, Va. He was her vow of chastity to Congolese catapulted into world promrebels, has beert celebrated in inence in February 1973, when, the Diocese of: Isiro-Niangara as the senior officer aboard the here in Zaire. ' I . plane carrying the first group Sister Anwarite was only two of American POWs to Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines, days beyond he," 25th birthday he was chosen to say a few 'when she was killed, on Dec. I, words on behalf of the group on 1964, by a band of rebels in arrival. He wrote down a few Isiro, then called Paulis, in the remarks, asked his fellow POWs northeastern part:of the country. .She was a member of the diif the message represented their position, and was tolti that .it did. ocesan Sisters of. the Holy Family, and had been entrusted with Ceppo the religious edutation of little In parts of Italy Christmas children after entering that dioctrees are scarce and a Ceppo is esan congregation at the age of used instead; a pyramid-like con- 16. struction of shelves on which are The nine bishops of Upper placed a crib, presents, and ~ther Zaire have petitipned the Vat· '8rticles associated with Chri!;t- ican to beatify Sister Anwarite mas. <IS . a martyr.

F'ubllcily chl/rmen of plr/sh or.lnlZllionll Irl liked 10 submil news Ilems for Ihlll b. Included. IS well II full dlles of III Iclivltiel. Plelle send news of future rlthol' eolumn to The Anchor. P. O. Box 1. Fill ~Iv.r. 02122. Hlme of cily or town should tnln oV'ents.


ST, JOHN BAPTIST, NEW BEDFORD The parish committee will sponsor a New Year's Eve dance from 9 P.M. to 1 A.M., with music by the Ray Besse orchestra. A buffet and continental breakfast will be served. Tickets are available at the rectory.' - HOLY TRINITY, WEST HARWICH , Members of the Ladies' Asso· ciation of the Sacred He'arts will meet at 2 this afternoon in 'the church for Benediction, followed by a musical Christmas program in the parish hall, with Claire ,,. Barrette as soloist. Anne Moynihan, association president, and executive board members will be hostesses at a holiday tea for members 'and friends, concluding the meeting. HOLY NAME, iJ FALL RJVER, And it came to pass, that when they were there her days The final Family Advent Mass were, accomplished" that she shou~d be delivered. will take place ,at 5:15 tomorrow afternoon, planned by the EdPortrayed by Koren Ryder and Richard Forgeron, ward T. Nicoletti family. Holy Redeemer parish, Chatham Project Leisure will meet at 2 this afternoon ,in the school hall. .The Folk Group of Sacred Hearts Academy, led by Sister Barbara 'Walsh, will present a musical . Unity Waiting for ,God's Grace, program. A coffee hour will fol· low. Not Theological Discussion Parish 7th and 8th graders are PRU,'CETON (NC)-"What we 'Amo,ng t~e. communions, in, invited to a recor~ hop from hope and 'wait for is.'more' than which some Catholic' traditions. 6:30 to 9:30 P.M~ tomorrow night the outcome of theological dis- and institutior., continue to ex- a.t..~!lc~e,d, Hear:t~ JAcade~y'. cussiori; if"is' the' gJ'a'ce' of' Olir' ist '(e,,, patt'e-'subs'i'sfere':pe'rgunt); Lord, the light and strength f of, the Anglican' ,"Communion .. OCCli-' ,&T.}OSEPH,,>.-::l :~:l!JF J"'~;:_; the ,Spirit,',' the president 'of.· the pie"s'a' speciai:place':'~:: I;,~ ,," ";.;' ",rrJ,.~~OJ.lO >: "ri ,,"!:t ::r," I . Tli~, junior dr,op-in -center' will Vatican ,Secretariat for Promotsaid :he~ would not conclude' b,e, heJd ,in the parish, hall from ingChristian Unity told a .sem- from that-text, that' the' Church 7 to 9 P..M. t-omorrow night. , inar on ecumenism here. subsists in ,many churches. Mem,bers of 'Troop 37 will The Vatican official, Dutch "The 'text .mentions C~tholic, serve hot chocolate to Christmas Cardinal Jan Willebrands, ob- traditions and. structur~s w,hich shopp~rs. at the common today served: "Several ages have wit· partially continue to. supsjsV' he" alldto~orrow.' ,.,' ". ,,'.' nessed our divisions. Faith and- saiq., "The ,only. interpreta.tion , Regi&tratiQns for .Kpights, of the hope ar(l not measured by time. whic~, r~m~ins:coherent.~it~ .the: Ait~~ ql,e!Jlb~r.shipt, ,open .'io ' any' The day' of the Lord' wHI come whole. e<;clesiologyof the CQu~cil·, hoy, in fourth ,grade or 'above, and our joy will be complete." . seems to be that.these traditions wUr'be ~aken - 'fr9m, Sunday The seminar, held at Princeton and struct~res :llitimately :have, -tnrough Jan. l. High schoolboys theolog:'cal Seminary under the' their source and origin in' the may register at the same time, .f9r the pari~h Junior Corps. co·spon~orship of the Trenton' Catholic' Church." Diocesan Ecumenical Comniis-' , sion and theContinuing:-Educa. tion Center of 'the, seminary, . commerr..orated the 10th anniversary of 'the signing by 'Pope Paul VI of the '-Vatican Council' II' Decree on Ecumenism., ,

Light ofth'e" S'pi.rit


Delivering the bpening lecture of the seminar, Cardinal' Willebrands spoke on "The Ecumenical Movement: Its Problems and Driving Force."


He pOiled this question:


"Would' the teaching of the Second Vatican Council allow us to say that the Church of Christ not only subsists in the Catholic 'Church but also in the other Churches and ecclesial communities?" Then he explained: "-In the Decree on Ecumenism we find indeed the phrase:



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 19, 1974

New National Society Formed SCRANTON (NC) - The United Societies of U.S.A., a nonprofit fraternal benefit society based here, has formed a new division for Catholics 50 years of age and older. called Catholic Golden Age. "While worth·while organizations for older citizens now exist, none are in a position to sponsor programs for older citizens that are distinctly Catholic." said Msgr. John S. Randall, assistant secretary to the Catholic Near East Welfare Association, who has been appointed a member of the advisory board of the new organization.

Holy Cross Brother Herman Zaccarelli, former director of the' International Food Research Center. author of books on diet and nutrition, has also been named to the advisory board. _Catholic Golden Age members will .enjoy savings on prescripth~:ls and vitamins. low cost travel, discounts on books, motels and car rentals, and low cost heaJtl:' and life insurance. A quarterly magazine with articles of fpecial interest to elderly Catholics Will be mailed to members, as well as publications on matters of interest to all Catholics. Special Masses will be said for - members.


The Midnight Mass in Bethlehem will be ofOUR fered for the members of this Association. This GIFT is our Christmas thank you gift to you. Please to pray for all of us, especially our priests and YOU Sisters overseas. And have a happy Christmas!

And she brought lorth her lirst.born son an tI wrapped Him up in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn..



Portrayed by Cathy Viola, Maureen Johnson, Jack Colluci, John lawton, Ricky Frasier, St. Francis Xavier parish, Hyannis'

Church Stresses Marriage Indissoluble VATICAN CITY (NC)-Thc Church holds firmly' to Christ's teaching on the indissolubility of marriage and therefore cannot admit a divorced and remarried Catholic to the sacraments. according to the Vatican's weekly magaZlinc. L'Osservatore della Domenica said in response to a reader's question that the Church's clear regulations regarding divorced, remarried Catholics "obviously do not mean that the Church should not be anx.ious in a motherly way about these chilo dren of hers who have placed themselves in a state of guilt which is objectively very serious and difficult to recover from." The Dec. 8 issue of the weekly magazine declared: "The doctrine of indissolubility Of matrimony has been and is constantly upheld by the Church's magister·ium (teaching authority) in faithful harmony with Christ's teaching." The Pope and bishops. the magazine added. restated· their suppport of this teaching during debate preceding this year's Italian national referendum of divorce. "Those who. in conflict with. this doctrine, have asked thE'

state for a dissolution of a val- are not therefore in full Church idly contracted marriage and communion." have remarl1ied civilly according The magazine maintained that to the Fortuna-·Baslini law the real solution 'to the problem (ltaly',s divorce law) are to con- of divorce and remarriage "llies sider themselves in a situation upstream...• thM is, before the seriously and publicly irregular, marriage itself. It is suggested even if this situation is unknown • that an extensive pastoral proin the circle in which they Hve." gram is needed to "prepare. acthe magazine said. ., company and follow those who "According to Church disciseek religious remarriage" and pline. these people cannot be. to ."reawaken the faith" in Chrisadmitted to the sacraments and tian couples.

ST. PAUL (NC)-A Nov. 25 Minnesota Supreme Court ruling overturning'a state tax credit for parents of non public school children "clearly Hmits freedom of choice and freedom of' religion for the lower e.conomic segment of the population." the Inner Urban Catholic Coalition (mcC) said here. lIn other actions Minnes'ota Catholic Conference executive director. John Markert, predicted that the court ruling will be appealed to the U. S. Supreme Court. and the St. Paul-Minneapolis archdiocesan board of education issued guidelines to help parents deal with the economic setback they received in the decision.



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Oppose Minnesota Tax Credit Ruling

Ask Privileges NEW DEHLI (NC)-The Catholic Union of India has appealed to Prime Minister Indira Ghandi to remove "disabilities" afflicting Indian Christians. The memorandum to Mrs. Ghandi asked that all privileges given Hindus who come from the "scheduled castes" be extended to Christians from those castes also. Among such scheduled castes, or underprivileged social groups, are the so-called untouchables, or Harijans.


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NEAR EAST MISSIONS TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 1011 First Avenue. New York, N.Y. 10022 Telephone: 21~/826·1480





Senate Endorses Lay ,Activities

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 19, 1974

Saint fpr Our Times

At the regularly scheduled meeting of the Fall River Diocese Senate of Priests 011 Friday, Dec. 13, at the Catholic Memorial Home in Fall River, the Priest Senators unanimously endorsed a lengthy report submitted by the Committee on Priestly Life and Ministry. The report stressed the active involvement of lay people in the ministries open to them: "We mus~ work together using (lifferent talents to' build up the body of Christ on earth." Recommendations were made in the areas of lay distributors of communion, permanent diaconate, retired priests and possible team ministries. In other action the Committee on Peace and Justice reported that they are working on a program to be used in the diocese i~conjunction with the Bicentennial Celebration. Mr. Robert Clark of the United Farm Work· ers Union made a presentation to the Senate ond the progress of the grape boycott. This information will be made aVlail!lble to all the priests of the diocese. Material was submitted to the senators by the Constitutional Committee for their examination regarding the revision of the first four articles of the Constitution. YIIgoslav Priest Visit's American Brother Specific voting on this revision In New York Home will take place rat the next meetIn the Fourth Century, the Bishop Gregory of Nyssa ing. CLINTON HEIGHTS (NC)-' the beautiful churches he has wrote of Christmas: "On this day, the darkness begins to When Stanko Turcic was study- seen in the' United States, espe- , The January meeting of the wane, and the lengthening rays of the sun c~owd back more ing fol' the priesthood in his na- dally the national shrine in Senate wiIl be at the Catholic Memorial Home beginning at and more the ruling forces of night. And today a divine life tive Yugoslavia, his 15-year-old' Washington, D.. C., and St. Pat- eleven o'clock in the morning of rick's cathedral in New York. brother, An·ton,· sailed for the gleams before the eyes of men: the Light which is Christ.' 'Friday, January 10, 1975. AIl Father Turcic said he is build- priests are invited to attend. Now, too, the powers of sin are forced to withdraw and di- United States and a new way of life. ing a new church and convent minish. See how the sun mounts higher in the sky and how its ·For 35 years they kept 'in for his parish and liked many of rays grow stronger. At the ~arpe time thillk 'of the arrival touch through' letters to each 'the ideas he saw here. of the truest of all lights, who with the rays of he Gospel other, to their parents and to "I have 2,700 parishioners,", now enlightens the whole world." . their four brothers, but they Father Turcic told his brother In some such spirit are followers of Christ called upon never saw each other. Two and sister-in-law, who acted as VATIC~N CITY (NC)-Interweeks ago they met again when his translators. "OJ those, 70 to prerare for Christmas. national organizations have exFather Turck visited the United The impact itself of Christmas depends in large measure States and the Clinton Heights per cent visit Mass on Sunday. pressed their gratification tl) The old church is too small so Pope Paul VI for conferring the upon what goes before. That is why th~ Church gives home of his brother Anton. we are building a new one. We Pope John XXIII Peace Prize Advent as a time of preparation. But even these final days "When I left Yugoslavia he have 400 children every week upon the United Nations Educabefore Christmas can be helpful if they are lived in the spirit was a skinny seminarian,". said for catechism lessons." tional, Scientific and Cultural 'Father Turcic said that the Organization (UNESCO).. Anton Turcic of this priestof expectation. The International Atomic EnThe cards that one receives from relatives and friends brothel'. "Now he is a healthy biggest difference he noted be~ tween the American Catholic ergy Agency wrote of its "parare all messages of good will and friendship and the hopes priest, living a good life." Fatb:Jr Turclc was also pleased Church """and . the Yugoslavian ticular grati£ication" at Pope of good things. They reflect in a human way'the Divine Will to see his· brother again, and to Catholic Ohurch is the parochial Paul VI's' decision' to honor of God Who wishes to bestow upon man not only his Good see his sister-in-law of 24 years, school system here. In Yugosla- UNESCO. Will and Friendship but Himself-to live within our lives Rose Turcic. While in the United via there are only public schools, "It is indeed fitting that the and to be the food and strength. and light of the pilgrimage States he visited an Uncle Paul he said. contribution that the United Nathat 'is this life. in Brocklyn and another brother, tions Educational, Scientific and The presents that are given and received at this time .Joseph Turck, who came to the' Plan Holy' Innocents Cultural Organization has made to international cooperation by 'of year are again meane to be a human expression one to United States in 1966 with the Feast Observance . help of Anton. its unremitting endeavors for another of the Divine expression of the Father Who willed BOSTON (NC)-A celebration more than 25 years should reo While in Clinton Heights, to give us the Son, that man might be united with God of the feast of the Holy Inno- ceive the, highest recognition," Father Turck made friends with . through and with and in Him. . his brother's pastor, Father Jo- cents here on Dec. 28 will com- , the International Atomic Energy It is a good pedagogical principle to 'proceed from what seph D,:Jlaney of St. Mary's par- bine a concelebratedl Mass and said in a letter to Pope Paul's is seen to what is unseen. Following the adviee of Gregory of ish in Clinton Heights. Father homily by Cardinal Humberto Secretariat of State. of Boston with an edThe director general of the ,Nyssa, it would be a worthy preparation for Christmas Day Turck said Mass at St. Mary's Medeiros ucational forum on the abortion World Health Organization, Dr. and drove to Lake George with to look upon all the activity.involved in addressing and mailFather Delaney, who showed controversy conducted by Mas- Halfdan Mahler, telegraphed ing and receiving cards and packages not :as distractions him Pope Paul: "The complimentary various parts of the Albany sachusetts Citizens for Life. bestowed upon from the Feast but as reminders of what it is meant to be- Diocese. Massachusetts Citizens for distinction UNESCO honors in fact the enLife, a statewide organization , Divine communication from God to Hi~ creatures. A pastor' himself, Father Turtire United Nations family, dc saie. he was impressed with affiliated with the National whose efforts for peace are thus Right to Life Committee, and the Franciscan Fathers ,of St. An- recognized in a striking manner." The World Intellectual Propthony's Shrine here are coBibles Distributed erty Organization, which works sponsors of the event to be held STUTTGART (NC)-At least with UNESCO for the protection 375,000 Bibles and se1Eicted bib- at the shrine. lical texts were distributed in The educational forum will in- of copyrights and of income the past: year in the communist, clude a slide and speaker presen' from the work of. artists, wrote OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published we~kly by The COltholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River ruled countries of Eastern Eu- tation about the beginning 'and that it "rejoices at the witness of rope, according to the World development of human life, the recognition given UNESCO by 410 ~iighland Avenue Federation of Bible Societies, U. 'S. Supreme Court's decision His Holiness Pope Paul VI." Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 whose :~eadquarters is here in removing most state restrictions PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., SJ.D. . West. Germany. In addition, on . abortion, and thEi legal and Art GENERAL MANAGER FIIIANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR about 315,000 Bibles were made political means available and neReligion is the everlasting diaRev. Msgr. Daniel F. Sha\loo, M.A. " Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan available in communist East gate the decision, including pro- logue between humanity and ASSISTANT MANAGERS posed anti~abortion amendments God. Art is its soliloquy. .Rev. John R. FoIster Germany. Demand is said to be Re". John P. Driscoll ""euLeary Press-Fall Riv~; increasing despite risks involved, to the U. S. Constitutkm. -Werfel

The news that Mother Seton will be declared the first American-born saint has a fittingness about it. Hers was an interesting life and a varied one-some' WQuld say typically American. And certainly the things she did are synonymous with the vigor of the Church, in the United :States-seeing a need and immediately setting about to do something about it even if it means establishing a whole system of schools with the personnel to staff them. Mother Seton thought American-':'thought big. She tells much to the Church in America in this day. Surely she would stress again the value of the parochial school even in this day when so many schools have closed their doors. But she would still insist that the parochial school is a place where the whole person can be educatedin truth, in service to others, in bringing before the community the examples of Christ-like living. Mother Seton would still insist that there.is a value to the religious life-to the giving of oneself totally and without reserve to God and to concern for His people in a commun~ty that"is meant to reflect in miniature what the entire wQ,rld is called upon to be. Mother Seton would still ask dedicated people to bind themselves by vows of poverty and chastity and obedience so that there would be freedom to serve God and others and so that others might see in heroic size what'they are called on to practice in their daily lives, the rigl)t use of things, the legitimate and moral enjoyment of pleasure, the submission of one's will to God's Will with the attendant conquering of human pride.

Birth of Christ -

Reign of Peace










. II


I' .!

After 35 Years

Divine Communication

.Agencies Pleased At Peace Award









THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 19, 1974

Plan to Observe Catholic Schools Week Feb.' 2-8 WASHINGTON (NC)' - The week of Feb. 2-8, 1975, has been Catholi:: Schools designated Week, a nationwide celebration of the contributions those schools make for the betterment of their social communities and the country as a whole, ".catholic Schools - Different Where It Counts" is the theme for the 1975 celebration. Catholic Schools Week is a joint project of the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education of the U. S. Catholic Conference (UseC) and the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). Its purpose is to assist Catholic schools in developing effective public information and student recruitment programs. To ·assist the 1975 effort, the USCC and the NCEA have sent materials to hi'shops, ,Catholic school superintendents and Catholic school principals. The materials include "Making the Difference Count," a booklet with suggestions on Catholic school promotional programs, brochure design, and hints on use of media; rCl'roducible art, a full-color pos-

ter, a calendar, and copy for two 30-second radio spots. Schools are encouraged to develop their own creative programs. Spirit of Confidence Dr. Edward R. D'Alesssio, director of the usec Division for Elementary and Secondary Education, said a number of dioceses have reported success in stabilizing recruitment campaigns .and programs that tell the story of Catholic schools and their genuine contributions to the local community. "We've hidden our light under the proverbial bushel for too long," the USCC official mused. "There's a renewed spirit of confidence in the Catholic school community today, and it's about time we communicated our enthusiasm and commitment to public service to a wider audience." Catholic school'S, said Dr. D'Alessio, must proclaim the fact that they are "viable educational institutions that provide a unique, value-oriented, quality education in a faithcommunity setting."

Pittsburgh Pri·est Named Chairman Of Natural Family Planning Group PITTSBURGH (NC) - Msgr., John J. Seli, Pittsburgh diocesan vicar for family life, has been granted a leave of absence to become national chairman of the newly organized National Family Planning Federation of America, Inc. The federation's headquarters are in Washington, D. C. The Natural Family Planning Federation of America (NFPFA) was organized in October to focus attention on natural family planning. It is an outgrowth of

CHD Educational Program Stressed WASHINGTON (NC) - The educational element of the Campa,ign for Human Development (CHD), the bishops' national anti-poverty program, deserves more attention that it is getting, according to Bishop Raymond Gallagher of Lafayette, Ind., chairman of the bishops' CHD committee. 'In a report to the American bshops at ther annual meeting here Bishop Gallagher said that despite some failures the campaign's program of grants to self-help groups has had a high degree of success. He noted that only about one application in 10 results in a grant of money, because of the limited amount of funds availahle from the yearly campaign oollection taken up in parishes around the country. But even the high number of applicants, he said, shows that the 'CHD serves as "a sign of hope" to many who might otherwise be without hope. ,But he stressed that, in addition to the self-help programs, the CHD has a second element, developing educational programs and modules to educate people in the nature and causes of poverty. These programs should he used more widely than they now are in parishes and schools, Dishop Gallagher said.


And there were in the same country shepherds watching and keeping night-watches over their flock. Portrayed by .Gregory, Mary, Daniel and Charles lindberg, St. Margaret's parish, Buzzards Bay

Lutherans, Catholics Study Infallibility

a conference in Washington, D. C., in June 1973, of U. S. or-. PRINCETON (NC) - Catholic .tJ:.:: U.S. Catholic Bishops' Com- cial agreement. ganizations dedicated to assist· ing couples "to practice upright and Lutheran theologians met for mittee for Ecumenical and ·InterCo-chairmen of the dialogue and truly human responsibility," four days here to continue their religious Affl1irs and the U.S.A. are Dr. Paul C. Empie, retired study of papal infallibility, one National Committee of the Lu- general secretary of the LFW's according to Msgr. SelL The new federation will com· of the key issues that divides tJ:.~ran World Federation (LWF). U.S.A. National Committee, and Its agreements are not official Auxiliary Bishop T. Austin Murbine existing resources of the Catbolics and other Christians. Church statements - they are phy of Baltimore. member agencies across the The 13 Lutheran and 10 Cath- submitted to the officials and The next meeting of the country into a unified effort to olic scholars read and discussed people of the respective churches dialogue group is scheduled for improve training, establish program standards, initiate essen- eight papers on various aspects for discussion, reflection, prayer,. Jan. 30-Feb. 2, at a site to be and perhaps eventually an offi- determined. tial research, provide sound fi- of the controversial ·topic. nancial underpinnings, and pro- • The recent meeting was vide technical assistance needed the second devoted to papal in- lUlIIlIIlII 11111111111 II ii II III II II II II II II II II III II II II II II II II II II II 111111111111111111111/111111 1111111111111111111 1II111111111111111111111~ by the organization to secure fallibility and the 19th since the funding. National Lutheran-Catholic DiaMsgr. Seli, in outlining initial logue was founded in 1965. targets of NFPFA, sa'id that his In the past the scholars have office "will provide the focal point of leadership, guidance and reached agreements on the Nieducation in the field of natural cene Creed, Baptism, the EuchaWILLIAM H. H. MANCHESTER, JR. DAVID J. RUMNEY rist and ministry. Seven months family planning." President, Treasurer The federation, he said, will ago they published a breakpromote and encourage the ac- through statement of limited 111 William Street, New Bedford, Massachusetts 02740 ceptance of natural family plan- agreement on papal primacy, a topic that has been the source ning by individuals as well ac; Telephone 996-8295 the general public, and promote of continual friction since the f.1I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/1111111111111111111111/11l11l1l11l1l1l11l1l1l11ll11l11illlllllllllll1II11111111111~ governmental support for the Protestant Reformation. provision of natural famHy planThe dialogue' is cosponsored by ning services to all persons who desire them by means of both public and private agencies. "The federation will conduct scientific research aimed at implementing and improving meth} ods of natural family planning ~ Complete Line } and the delivery of natural fam1 ily planning services," he said. Building Materials 1 ) Another job. for the federation, 118 ALDEN RD . FAIRHAVEN ~ he said, will be to counter mis) } 993-2611 leading information 'about natI ural family planning.








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May the joys of this Christmas season rekindle cherished memories, and fill your heart with great happiness.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River--Thurs. D,ec. ,19, 1974

It's a Great Gift To See Ourselves As Others Do Last week I said I thought the two dangers facing the Church were that we have lost,our sense of humor and that we fail to take into account how we appear: to other people. I'd like to discuss how we' appear to others in the t context of Pope Paul's' talk to the World Food Confer- come pregnant and when questioned said, "But Sister, in the ence. Most of the Pope's talk dark who can tell the colors?" contained positive suggesSo a South American delegate tions for increasing the production of food. A relatively small part of the talk was devoted to [I warning that nations !,hould


MARY CI\RSON not forbid the poor to be born. Yet it was Ithat part of the talk which got the most publicity. Why? First, let's take a look at that from the point of view of i.l delegate from India. The government there has been distributing contraceptives for years, yet the population has continued to grow and the food shortage there is most critical. The delegate from India might think the Pope's thought was absurd because his government had already found that limiting population by government decree is an impossibility. Who Can Tell? Another point of view might be held by a delegate fr~m South America. Catholic missionaries in South America have disseminated information on natural family planning for years in an atlempt to get the poor to space their children. I recall a story tol,d to me by a Maryknoll Sister who had worked among the poor there. She gave chains with 28 heads to mothers of large families. Several beads were red, the others all blue. She explained to these illiterate women how to use the beads to calculate their safe days. The women continued to be-

Cardinal Krol Asks 'Help For Eucharistic Congress WASHINGTON (NC) - Cardinal John Krol of Philadelphia asked the nation's bisTi-ops 'to appoint diocesan coordinators to help prepare for the International Eucharistic Congress, to be held in Philadelphia in 197H. Reporting on the progress of the congress at the bishops' annual general meeting here, Cardinal Krol said initial plans are already under way.· He said that it was his hope that the congress will be more than just a short period of cere· monial observances, but will have a spiritual impact on the whole country in its preparation, its observance, and its foll~wup. The International Eucharistic Congress in i976 will be the first such congress in this country in 50 years..

to the World : Food Conference, who might be' familiar with this Catholic action in his country, might think the' Pope's remarks • 'about population control were inconsistent with the Church's missionary activity. . Incidentally, it's interesting that both attempts to control population failed. People apparently have children because they want them. ' So what appears to us to be a statement perfectly sensible might appear'in a different light to people who have different experiences. Until we learn that, I don't see ho:-v the Church can regain its teaching authority in the world. Not that Bad When one ,realizes that the World Food ,Conference must have been held in an atmosphere of great tension (early in the conference th,e delegates had realized tha,t no matter what ac-tion they took' it would be too late to save th¢ millions who are now starving)~ it shouldn't be surprising that the little joke'repeated by Sectetary of Agriculture Earl Butz l made the rounds at the conference. llt probably served a useful purpose in relieving tension. ' A't any rate, Christmas is upon us. With~ it will come tHe opening of the 1975 Holy. Year by Pope Paul.. His theme for it is most appropriate: Reconciliation and Renewal. 1


As a' practidll, exercise in reconciliation, it might be good for Oatho~ics to w,rite to Secretary Butz in Washington, and tell him we really doil't think it was all that bad. . And let's vow to renew our sense of humor, especially when it serves to reduce the tensions which we all fice in these difficult times.

And behold an angel of the Lord stood by them and the brightness of God shone round thelT! iIlnd they feared with a great fear. Portrayed by Patricia, Anthony, David, Judith and Michael Costa, St. Joseph parish, Fairhaven

Forgiveness'rof Debts GREENSBUR'G (NC)-Bishop William G. Connare of Greensburg tas announced a "Parish ReconcHiation Program" to forgive or reduce indebtedness for parishes in his diocese during the 1975 Holy Year. The program is designed to aid parishes to payoff obligations incurre::l prior to the 1974-75 fiscal year, which began last July. The Pennsylvania diocese will assist parishes that were behind as of last July 1 in paying their assessments for the two diocesan high schools, or which, on that date, owed money to the Catholic Institute, a diocesan loan ft.:nd. The program will also assist parishe, in paying parochial

Programs Announced

school subsidies, in adding funds to endowed care funds for parish cemeteries and in building up reserves in the Catholic Institute. . Inviting parishes to participate in the program, Bishop Connare

emphasized that it was in keeping with the spirit of the Holy Year, which begins at midnight on Christmas Eve and whose theme is reconciliation an:! re" newal.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 19, 1974

Meeti·ng Faces Religious Renewal Vi~ws

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WASHINGTON (NC) - Reaffirmation of "the essential val· , ues of Religious life" and "greater acceptance of the principle of pluralism in unity" resulted from a recent meeting of Vatican officials and re.;:>resentatives of two U. S. Sisters' groups that have differed in approaches to renewal of the Religious life. That assessment of the threeday 'meeting in Rome appeared in a statement issued by the Vatican Congregation for Religious, which sponsored the meeting. U. S. Sisters who parNcipated said all had agreed not to go

beyond the Vatican statement in public comments on the meeting. The two U. S. groups represented at the meeting were the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), the Vatican-approved association of major superiors of U. S. Sisters' orders, and the Consortium Perfectae Caritatis (Association of Perfect Charity-CPC), a group that emphasizes conformity in Religious renewal to the documents of the Seconj Vatican Council, subsequent papal statements, and interpretations and

directives from the Vatican Congregation for Religious. The agreed statement said that "differences, tensions and concerns surfaced during the meetings due to varied approaches to renewal and aggior• namento (modernization)." Amonp. hasic values of the Re· ligious ,life on which partieipi:tnts agreed, the statement listed "consecration, immolation through the vows, evangelical witness, community life, fidelity to the charism of the founders and commitment to the apostolate."

-,. " At' , ' ,.•

.(~f.' .....'\ .Y £J' And suddenly there was with the angel a mu:tiude of the heavenly army, praising God and saying: Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men of good will. Portrayed by Jean, Susan and Lourie Ryan, St. Julie parish, North Dartmouth

Rob,es Recall Glamo,r Era Of Movie Musicals When I was growing up I imagined that my adult Christmas celebrations would be a cross between "Christmas in Connecticut" (Barbara Stanwyck spent most of this picture curled up in front of a cozy fire or out walking in fragile snowflakes) and "Holiday Inn" (in this one don't look like this on Christma3 morning after a night spent everyone's sitting around the either putting toys together (this fire singing). I grew up at a has resulted in a complete set - time when our daydreams were of broken nails) or wrapping colored 'by our weekly Saturday presents, but the vision was nice matinees, and sweeping stair- when we were contemplating. cases, long flowing velvet robes adulthood. ; Lovely Robes One part of our dream can come true this Christmas, for robes are as elegant now as they were in the thirties and forties. By This season the colors are the loveliest I have ever seen. Many MARILYN robes come with hoods to ward off the chills while at the same RODERICK time making the wearer look very dramatic; while others are .trimmed in mock fur, feathers and perfectly formed Christmas lind even what looks like yards trees just had to be part of the and yards of elegant lace. Christmas celebration. In past 'years it was difficult If Roz Russell could float to find a robe that was pretty down that staircase, that's what and warm at the same time-not I would do, and I still can't go this year. Corduroy, velour, velinto a house with a curving vet, all are ·favored fabrics-at white staircase without wanting least giving one the outer trapto trail languidly down it a la pings of that long walk down S{;arlett. the staircase. Although this year we are all No Taras Well, needless to say, the watching our pennies, everyone world of reality is a far cry from needs a morale booster and one what MGM wanted us to believe of these robes that conjures up it was or is, and while I do have visions of a movie musical could a stairway, the act of trailing well 'be the answer. down it would take about three seconds and if the front door chanced to be open, my sophisticated walk could easily end up on the' front steps (that's how small my entrance hall is). Alas, there are very few Taras in our future. The dramatic entrances down those movie stairs were always made in the most dramatic and elegant gowns imaginable. Every ruffle was in place or the Irish lace was so thick that you'd think the star had her own personal tatter. Her hair was perfect, not 'a curl out of place (even though it was Christmas morn), and altogether she looked as if she had just stepped out of Kenneth's. Needless to say, most of us

Manila Archbishop. Scores Government MANILA (NC) - Archbishop Jaime Sin of Manila, declaring '''We cannot jail a man indefinitely and still call ourselves Christian," has publicly criticized the marital-law regime of Pres·' ident Ferdinant Marcos. Martial law and all it conno,tes ... is for emergencies only, and not for the n'ormal state of things," the archbishop told newsmen here. Archbishop Sin said some persons "have been confined for over two years without any charge being filed against them." Marcos imposed martial law in September 1972.

Merry Christmas.

To all?

Right now, in the hurry and happiness of the holiday season, think for a moment of the millions of children who will know only sadness and. suffering this Christmas. Helpless and homeless, their hunger is all the more desperate because it is twofold. They are starved not only for food, but for the Word of our Lord. Think how much richer and blessed your own Christmas will be if you will but reach in your heart and help all of the world's children.

~ .•


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Most Rev. Edward T. O'Meara The Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine National Director OR: Diocesan Director . 368 North Main Street Dept. C., 366 Fifth Avenue Fall River, Massachusetts 02720 New York, New'York 10001


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall Rivet-Thurs. Dec. 19, 197.4

Morison Relates European Discovery of America' . At the age of 87, that distinguished historian, Admiral Samuel Eliot Morison, is publishing a' monumental work, "The European Discovery of America: ~The Southern Voyages, 1492-1616" (Oxford University Press, 3817 Park Ave.

S., New York, N.Y. 10016.

reached San Salvador. A Por-

758 pages.IllIU~trated. tuguese who in young manhood $17.50):, This complements 'had been on a voyage to Indin

his treatment of the Northern voyages (500-1600), which appeared three years ago. He now weaves~an enthralling account of heroic und2rtakings,




by the African route,' Magellap. entered the service of Spain at the age o,f37, and two years later, in 1519, he set out on what was' to be the first" voyage around the world. "As a mariner and navigator he was unsurpassed," writes Admiral Morison, "and although he did not live to complete the greatest voyage of discovery ii, the world's history, he planned it, and discovered the 'Strait that shall forever bear his name,' ,as well' as the Marianas and the'Philippines where no European had touched befor~e." II His navigation of the Straits And it came to pass, after the ange!s departed' from them into heaven, the shepherds said I , of Magellan, at the, lower extremity of South America was a one to another: Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this word that is come to pass, which thl~ far greater' feat of seamanship Lord hath showed to us. I than crossing the Atlantic, and it II Portrayed by Kevin, Alden Wendy and Mark, Kirby, was he who, sailing into the I: John the Baptist parish, Westport St. ocean west;,of this hemisphere, II gave it the' name Pacific. His dif~ l II ficulties en route were prodi~ gious, but he was equal to them. In the Phil'ippines, however, he hadly misc;alculated, and his "I tell them (students) to go became man, because this was. Il\'mANA!POlJIS (NC)-Amerdeath was t~e price of this mis- icans are. prostituting the word out and hol.d hands with some a love that allowed man to sa<:take. love by overuse, according to wrinkled old woman or some rifice himself for the love of II Other fberian discoverers and Aretbishop Fulton J. Sheen, re- broken creature who has been others." II their exploits a're paraded before tired archbishop of Rochester, in an auto accident or with one Just as the human heart is not I! us by AdmiraJ Morison: Ponce de N.Y of the '10 million lepers in the perfect in contour, he added, so !I Leon, De S~to, "cortes, Cabeza "love is used over' and over. world. man cannot experience love in I de Vaca, Sarmiento de Gamboa. We say '1 love pickles. I love "That is the way to gain a I The last, by the way, was excep- the New York Mets. I love feeling for another person," he its total,ity until he is joined ! with God in eternity. tional not only in being able, God,'" the 79-year-old church- pointed out. I! when a prisoner, to converse man said here. "We can't love with our whole The third Greek word for love with Queen Elizabeth I in Latin "We use the word in confus- was "agape," or perfect love, heart because it isn't whole," II .for more th~n two and a half ing, bewildering ways," he the prelate continued. "It is an Archbishop Sheen said, "Only !I hours, but ~Iso in giving full added. entirely new kind of love that when we return to God will our credit to his subordinates and The archbishop was the first came to this earth when God hearts be whole." even'to common sailors. His ex- speaker in the new Town Hal! ample in this was not much lecture series here. copied then, hor is it now. Archbishop Sheen told his auDrake S,uperb Captain dience that American obsession The Spanish were never happy with love may stem from the -. ' . about Sir Fr~ncis Drake, for he fact that we hav.e only one word for it. By contrast, he said, the gave them grievous trouble. Very much an opportunist, he wa's Greeks had three.. "The first Greek word for love also a superb captain. Admiral Contractors Since 1913 Morison hold,S this Englishman ~ros-typified the love of in high regatd, and there is a friend for friend, spouse for special zest in his rendition of spouse," the archbishop ex699 Bellville Avenue Drake's mid-~6th, century voy- plained. . New Bedford Generally, Americans think age along the coast of this hemisphere, his sPeedy threading of of love in terms of eros, he said, the Straits of' Magellan, his tra- the entic'or sex. As soon as the. experi:mce and the thrill of this versing of th~ Pacific. An hour before moonrise, on, k!ind of love is gone, so is the October 11, 1492, Columbus and love itself. The second type of Greek love one of his seamen thought that they saw a light rising and fall- was "pliilia," a love of humanity, ing. At two In the morning of Archbishop Sheen continued. October 12, I,and was sighted. This love is part of the will and Admiral Morison says of the can be commanded and contime between; "Not since the soiously cultivated. birth of Christ has there been a College sensitivity..training sesnight so full of meaning for the sions in which students join ,human race. I hands to build sensitivity are a This is remIniscent of hyper- farce, 'he said. bole uttered li. few years ago, when m~n first landed on the happy moon. But the admiral's statelively Anniversary-Holiday Parties and full of ment is not so preposterous as 6 Orchestras Available good cheer now and throughout the holiday season. that other on~. Few events in whispering trumpet of ART PERRY human history;' have had such w-Strollers-,Dixle & Polka Band consequences as the discovery ,Ma" Perry-Gus & Tony Rapp of this hemisphere. Band of a thousand melodies It is well, therefore, to familRIGHT BY THE STOP & SHOP, SOMERSET, MASS. W[NllISOR MUSIC 993-6263 iarize ourselveS with the mode' PACKAGE DEAL - WHY PAY MORE BRANCHES: 2722 County Street, Somerset of that discovery, and the Mori-

beginning with Columbus' first voyage and ending with the first sighting of Cape Horn something over a century later. In that interval, a marvelous new world was found and partly E'xplored; the globe was circumnavigated for the first time; the foundations of four great empJres were laid. All this was done by men who dared vast and uncharted oceans, on which their only means of propulsion was sail and' oar. They went forth in ships tiny and frail by modern stanciards, with primitive instruments of navigation. They suffered frustration, illness, hunger. As often as not they were treated ungratefully, and even were thrown into jail, on their return home. 'Pioneering Colossus' More than a third of the book is dominated by Christopher Columbus of Genoa, the pioneering colossus. His ear,ly C~lreer is sketched, including the chances which turned him toward what he called the Enterprise of the Indies and brought him into the service of Spain: He was not singular in believing the earth to be round. All men of some education were of that view. But he was unusual in believing that by sailing West he could reach the East, specifically Japan and China. What he reached, of course, was thn West Indies. It was only on the third of his four voyages that he touched on the mainland of the Western Hemisphere, at a point in present day Venezuela. But in the course of those voyages he made discovery after discovery: Hispaniola (Haiti and Santo Domingo), Cuba, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, etc. He opened the way for all the rest, all of whom get their due from Admiral Morison. Columbus sailed up and down, the coast of Central America, looking for a passageway to the waters west of it. There was none, but had he been lucky, he might have seen the Pacific from a land height. That was left to Balhoa, in' 1513. But Balboa fared worse than Columbus; he was beheaded. Unsurpassed Navigator Ferdinand Magellan was III boy of about 12 when Columbus son book enables us to do so.

Archbishop Scotes Modern Use of 'Love'


Merry Christmas

to All!



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Plan Hearings For Observance Of Bicentennial WAS:'IINGTON (NC) - The first of six regional hearings for the Catholic observance of the U. S. bicentennial will, be held here Feb. 3-5, 1975. Cardinal John Dearden of Detroit, chairman of the Bicentennial Committee of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB), will preside at the hear· ing, which is expected to be held at the Theological College of the Catholic University of America. Francis Butler, executive director of the committee, announced the full schedule of the hearings, which will provide input for a major national Church-sponsored conference on "'Liberty and Justice for AlI" in 1976. The other hearings, he said, will be held as follows: San Antonio, Tex., April 3-5; Minneapolis, Minn., June 5-7; Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 7-9; Sacramento, Calif., Oct. 2-4; Newark, N. J., Dec, 4-6, Detroit Conference The regional meetings will highlight specific subtopics of the national conference in October 1976, which will be held in Detroit. The Detroit Conference is expected to recommend policies and programs of social action for the Catholic Church in the United States for the five years following the bicentennial. Butler sa'id the February hearing will begin with a reflection on the theological foundations of the Church's ministry for justice in the world. .' "It will then proceed with an exploration of social issues of an international character which illustrate the global dimension's of justice," he said. "The world food crisis will be one of these issues," he added. Butler said the committee will invite author.ities on intlernationaI social issues and representatives of the Church in underdeveloped nations to offer presentations to the Bicentennial Committee at the February hearing.

Legislation Unfair To Catholic Schools STOCKHOLM (NC)-'-In a for' mal statement to the Swedish government, Bishop John E. Taylor of Stockholm has protested sharply tlhat proposed legislation on immigrants and minorities would discriminate against Sweden's two Oatholic schools. Bishop Taylor's point is that St. Eric's Catholic school in Stockholm and Queen Astrid's Catholic School in Gothenburg are not classified as minority schools, while the Jewish Hillel School is given that status and so becomes eligible for preferential treatment. Subsidies are involved. The American-born bishop was taking issue with recommendations of the govern'menl's Com' mission on Immigration. His suggestions, and tlhose of other interested persons, are formally submitted to the government for possible incorporation into draft legislation before the government puts that legis).ation before parliament. This procedure fills ·roughly the function of testimony before U. S. co.ngressionul committees.

lHE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 19, 1974


Plan to Appraise Priests' Work BOSTON (NC)-The Archdiocese of Boston will soon 'begin a program of evaluating the performance of archdiocesan priests. In a letter sent to priests of the archdiocese, Cardinal Humberto Medeiros of Boston said that there are "serious problem~ in the life and spirit of priests" and that the evaluation program "hopes to alleviate some of these problems and help each priest see more clearly the goals of his priesthood in his particular assignment and to develop his best potential for serving the Church." In establishing' the program, the cardinal was responding to a proposal submitted to him by the Boston Priests' Senate last spring. Beclluse of the sensitive nature that such an evaluation procedure would entail, the program will be implemented in various phases. Each phase will he carefully studied and analyzzd before proceeding further. Beginning in the winter of 1974-75, three willing parishes lind one willing agency will par· ticipate in the experiment. The program will then be offered across the board to any willing parish or agency beginning in September 1975. If those two preliminary steps are judged successful, the program will then become applicable to all priests of the archdiocese in 1976. "This program," the cardinal said, "must develop slowly in order that every priest will un· derstand the very positive purpose of evaluation;" and it "must never be used to threaten, but rather to stimulate the growth of each priest."


An~ they came with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger. And seemg, they understood of the word that had been spoken to them concerning this child.

Portrayed by Fred, Kelly, Matthew and Theodore Kennedy, Our Lady of Fatim::l parish,. Swansea

Need of Commercials for God on TV AlJBANY (NC) - Yo\! may have seen the commercial. It 'opens with an expired parking meter. Along comes a, meter maid to ticket the car. But before she can get to it, an eldely pedestrian spots the red flag of the expired sign and slips a nickel 'into the slot. At first annoyed, the woman soon breaks into a little smile. The camera shows a close-up of the man as he g'oes on his way and the words appear: "Love makes all things new again." Then the credit line appears. The commercial (if it can be called that) is the work of the Franciscan Communications Cen· ter. 11his and many other "teleSPOTS" as they are known are the work of Father Edward Wrobleski. A Paulist who got mixed up with the Franciscans, he discussed why TV needs "commercials for God" in an interview recently for Tuned In, a weekly TV column which appears in several diocesan newspapers. A native of Rochester, N. Y., Father Wrobleski began life as the son of "pagans, 'but very_ good pagans," he said. After a brief stint as a magician, he ended up in the U. S. Air Force, where religion touched him for the first time. "I was empty and searching for something solid, something which would always be there," he told me. "My friends were mostly Protestants and I went to their services. Then I met the Catholic chaplain. He was more of a challenge to me. He feigned indifference. I was attracted to his personality. He never pushed." The chaplain, he continued, brought him into the Church by his easy manner. Three years later he was study· in3 for the priesthood. His entire life since then has been focused on radio and teIevis-ion. In fact his master's thesis

was on the Church's use of radio and TV. "The Church in the U. S. has never really' understood or appreciated TV as a tool of communication," Father Wrobleski said. "They don't have the attitude of seeing TV as a tool of communication":"" which is contrary to ,what three Popes have said." . One group that does understand, however, is the Franciscans, who provide the main sup-

College to Offer Course on Hunger 'PHIrLA-DELPHIA (NC)-A new course on The Ethical and Political Implications of Hunger and Malnutrition will be offered this January by $t. Joseph's evening college. The course, which is being offered by the Academy of Food Marketing of St. Joseph's college, will examine the ethical, politcial, social, economic and moral aspects of the global production and distribution of food.

port for his work in producing radio and TV spots-30 and 60 second pleas for people to love one another. Do they work? Indications of Success - The commercials are sent to approximateily 650 TV stations, he noted. He gets in return a 6:> to 70 per cent response. Another indicator of success is the amount of time given to the teleSPOTS, since the Franciscans have to compete with 200 other campaigns in the public interest. Direct response from the viewers is difficult to measure, of course. "Occasionally an individual will call the station to get our address and write," he said. "We got a very good reaction to the parking meter spot." The commercial, by the way, was banned in Boston, because it violated a local ordinance against feeding someone else's meter.



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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 19, 1974 . ,

Says' Solid Eviden~e Backs New Anti·Semitis~ Thesis



Earlier this year Arnold Forster and Benjamin R. • Epstein, long-time officials of the Anti-Defamation' League, co-authored a book entitled "The New Anti-Semitism" (McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, $7.95). 'the anti-Semitism they describe in this extenthat he is personally sive survey is, "new" in the course, anti-Semitic and tried as best sense that, while based on he could to make amends for his the old, it emanates from dif- unfortunate remarl~s. I thought ferent and surprisingly respectable sources. "The Iatter-the respectable community-," they conclude, "presents the larger


problem; its indifference or antipathy to Jews and Jewi~;h concerns is far more subtle than the blatant forms of anti-Semitism and religious discrimination against which the Jewish community long ago constructed firm defense, and far more rooted in self-righteousness." I reoall reading a number of reviews of "The New Anti-Semitism" which suggested that Forster and Epstein are slightly paranoid on the Jewish issue and are psychologically incap81ble of distinguishing between legitimate criticism of the State of Israel, for example, and authentic anti-Semitism. I am not greatly impressed by this line of argument. While Forster and Epstein may, to a very minor extent, be hypersensitive on the Jewish issue, their basic thesis' is grounded on what I would regard as solid evidence. 'Jewish Lobby' Witness, for example, the rather bland reaction in many cirdes to General George, Brown's recent criticism of the Jew.ish community and the socalled Israeli lobby. In a question and answer session following an informal address at the Duke University Law School, General Brown, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said, 'lmong other things, that a new Arab oil embargo might cOllvince Americans "to get tough-minded enough" to set down Jewish influence in this country. He also' asserted that the Jewish. lobby in the Un1ted States i~1 "so strong you wouldn't believe now," partly, he alleged, "because Jews own the banks in this country (and) the newspapers." Apologies 'Weak' To judge from the casual Offi-' cers..club tone of his intemperate remarks as they were subsequently replayed on the te.Ievision networks, General Brown apparently thought that he was talking off 'the record and never dreamed that he would be q:aoted by the media. No wonder he was so taken aback when he discovered that his criticism' of the Jewish community had been made public and that there was 'no way that he could po~.sibly expunge the record. He' immediately' 'denied, 'of

that his apologies, however ,sincere, were rather weak, but. that's beside the point. The point is that, whe,ther consciously or not, he helped to perpetuate anti-Semitic myths on which bigotry has fed' for CI~nturies, here and abroad,' with tragic cons~­ quences for ,the Jewish people. Worse than that, he managed to get away with 1t. I 'realize,of course, that he was reprima'nded by President Ford and Secretary Schlesinger and by a large segment of the, press. From one point of view, that was probably punishment enough. In other words, I am not suggesting that' he should have . resigned or been removed from office. On the other hand, Lt seems to me that he arid his superiors and many of his tritics in the media, . while reprimanding him for speaking out of turn on matters of foreign polky, tended to shy away from the fact that 'his remarks at Duke University were, objectively speaking, antiSemitic. Objective~y Anti-Semitic Joseph Alsop's syndicated column of November 15 can serve to illustrate t~e point I am trying to make. Mr. Alsop, who is personaMy a staunch defender of the State of Israel, tried desperately to show that General Brown is also deeply concerned about Israel's security. He pointed out that, in warning that a;' new wave of anti-Semitism might result from another Middle East war, the General was merely repeating "in semi-private what informed and thinking Israelies and Jewish-Amerkans have long bE1en saying among themselves in real privacy. Instead of denouncing General Brown for anti-Semitism; it would threfore be wiser to remedy the real cause of the trouble that so worries General Brown." According to Alsop, "the real cause is the turrent lunacy o'f the Left-wing Democrats and the liberal intellectuals. Despite the Israel,is, this lunacy has now left us with a defense program little richer than the weakened fake. defense progtam of the late Secretary L04is A. Johnson, which in turn produced the Korean war. That was a good tryon Alsop's part, but; in my opinion, it simply will ncit wash. With all due respect for General Brown, the opinions 'he expressed at Duke Univers,ity, were objectively anti-Semitic. Mr. Alsop would have come closer to the target if, insotead of yentin'g his spleen ' against "Left wing Democrats and the liberal intellectuals," he had said that General Brown, whether consciously or not, was reflecting what Forster and Epstein have described as the "new" anti-SeiniHsm, (@ 1975 'by NC News Service)





II " It






And all that heard wondered: and at those things that were told them ~Y the shepherds.


Portrayed by Stanley Stowik, Karen Stowik, Mark Hague, Christine Stowik, Mrs. Sandra Stowik, James Hague, St. Mary's parish, Seekonk



IHear Report on Permanent Deacons WASHINGTON (NC) - There are almost as many permanent deacons in the United States 'as there are in the rest of the worM, according to Archl;lishop DanielSheehan of Omaha, Neb., chairman of the Committee on the Perm"nent Diaconate of the National ,Conference, of Catholic B-ishops. The U. S. has ~ore permanent. deaeons than any other country, 'he tol:l t~e :bishops' an?ual genera-I meet!ng-750 ordained deacons, with another 1,500 in training programs. Sixty-five dioceses have diaconate programs and another 10 or 11 are formulating programs, he said. Archbishop Sheehan said the committee, working with St. John's University School of Divinity, Collegeville" Minn., had design~d a diaconate program for use in rural dioceses. He said a number of rural dioceses had' felt that they did not have the resources to develop thei~ own programs. , He' ~aid the committee is:

-Having the guidelines on permanep,t deacons translated into Spanish through the Mexican American Cultural Center iri San Antonio, Tex. -Monitoring the 0 log i cal studies of the diaconate and trying to learn from the experiences of deacons in the field. -Working on guidelines for Religious Brothers interested in becoming deacons and with the Conference of M~jor Superiors of Men concerning deacons with'

in Religious communities. ",:,""Suggest-ing that the Roman collar is not' ordinary dre'ss for deacons except in special circumstances, and that the "Official Catholic Directory" should list deacons simply as "permanent Deacon," and not as "Rev, Mr." The committee is still studying the requests from several bishops to have deacons administer th(' sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick in certain 'situations.

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LA PAZ (NC) - The Bolivian Bishops' Conference has urged the government of Gen. Hugo Banzer to grant a Christmas amnesty to political prisoners and exiles. The bishops also questioned Banzer's socia! and economic policies.

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In the

spirit of this holy season our wish is one for joy. With appreetation.



THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 19, 197,(

Pope Says Modern Society Casts Doubt on Existence of Christ VA11lCAN CITY (NC)-Today perhaps more than ever, Jesus is a "sign rejected," Pope Paul has declared. A whole contemporary literature is "working hard" to place Christ's very existence in doubt, the Pope told his weekly general audience. An entire erudite and sometimes artistic literature from the last century up to today is work· ing hard to vivisect the Gospel, in order to throw doubt on Jesus and even on His very existence." The Pope said this class of literature "starts out with subjective presuppositions" which under-mine the objectivity of the Gospel. He said that Christians must be cautious of this literature's "hypothesis, opinion, Hterary ar· tifice, scientific ambiguity, cunning humanistic praise, sentimental superficiality, and tricks relating to the interpretation or expl<anation of Scripture passages," He also warned against those who "substitute free examination for the well thought-out and inspired reflection of the magisteriupm (Church's teaching authority) put before all others by

Presents Relic Of St. Cyril

Christ Himself for the spreading of His Gospel." These trends in the writings of some modern authors, according to the Pope, "lead the reader who has unconsciously become their disciple to close his eyes to the sure but shaded appearance (nevertheless shining with light and signs) with which Christ wished to clothe His presence in the world so that His true and penetrating vision would remain in the economy of freedom and grace," The result of this class of modern literature has been that "those who look do not see and those who hear do not understand," the Pope said. "Unfortunately we know that still today, and. perhaps more so today than ever, Christ Jesus whom the Church confesses, ex' alts, defends and loves is a 'sign rejected,' as old Simeon said to Mary when she presented Jesus in the temple," Those who accept in faith the mystery that Christ is both God and man know tlhat true theology "does not dry up the language of the heart and of poetry, but stirs it up and sets it on fire," the Pope noted.

VATICAN CITY (NC) - On behalf of Pope Paul VI, Father Pierre Duprey, undersecretary of the Vatican Secretariat for Promoting Christian Unity, presented Ecumenical Orthodox Patriarch Demetrius. 'I of Constantinople with a relic of St. Cyril in Istanbul, the Vatican reported. The presentation was made at a liturgical service in the Greek Orthodox Church of St. George. The relic of St. Cyril, whose memory is linked with that of his brother St. Methodius, was formerly kept in a chapel in the apostolic palace in Vatican City. It will he placed in a new Church dedicated' to the saints that is now being constructed 'in their birthplace of Thessalonika (Salonika). The brothers are venerated as the Apostles of the . Slavs by Catholics and Orthodox.

Shifts Fr·om Candle Offerings to Food

Committee Again Postpones Statement on Religious Bias UNlllED NATIONS (NC) After more than. a decade of effort to formulate an international convention· on elimination of a:ll forms of religious intolerance, the UN General Assembly's third (social, humanitarian and cultural) committee has again voted to defer the topic. Because the composition of the committee is equivalent to that of the Assembly, no reversal of the decision is likely when it reaches the plenary stage. The most recent postponement of the Religious tolerance issue -led to predictions from some delegations that it might be years before any action can be taken, despite the committee's recommendation that it be given priority at the 1975 session. Th~ Human Rights Commission, which is also charged with responsibility for working out a version of a convention or a draft declaration on the subject, has repeatedly failed to reach agreement on the provisions of either. In this Assembly, as from 1962 when discussion began, the debate has been followed closely by representatives of various denominations, including the Vatican's delegation of observers. The objectiv~ is to provide either a convention or a declaration of principles which will ensure the right of any individual to follow the dictates of his own beliefs, secure against per~ecu­ tion or prosecution by national

Carols Many say St. Fr-ancis was first to make the carol popular. When he created the first Christmas crib, it is told that he was so happy, he burst into song. For centuries the carol was kept alive among simple people, but in the 9th century the form be· came universally popular and grows more so by the year.

administrations. Anti-religionists, especially from Communist-dom· inated countries, have long argued that the text must assign equal importance to the conviction of atheists and agnostics. In an attempt to break the deadlock, the Netherlands and Sweden submitted a compromise draft of nine articles as a "working paper" designed to reconcile the conflicting views expressed. It specified the right of everyone to freedom of thought and of conscience, including "freedom to adhere or not to ~dhere to any reHgion' or belief" and to change religion or belief in accord with the dictates of his conscience. As the committee neared a vote, S.N. Smirnov of the Soviet Union asserted that some countries wanted a declaration that would not be juridically binding on them but that would allow them to condemn violations of human rights in other countries.



But Mary kept all these words, pondering them in her heart. Portrayed by Caroline Ebeling, St. John the Evangelist parish, Attleboro

BUENOS Al'RES (NC) - San Cayetano parish here has banned candles and flowers as pious offerings and instead encouraged parishioners to bring food for the needy. During the first month of the operation the parish gathered and distributed to hurricane vic· tims in the city of Goya 30,000 pounds of wheat and corn flour, meat, sugar, rice, vegetables and baby foods, and 5,000 cans of food, plus several bales of clothing, shoes and bedding.

Asks New Approach To Redefining Life SPOKANE (NC)-A professor of ethics at the Texas Medical Center in Houston called here for an interdisciplinary approach to the "redefinition of life and death," which he said is "too profound to be answered by the medical field alone," "'We need the corporate wisdom of the total culture-theol· ogy, sociology, art, biology-all of which give hints of what life is and what it leads to," said the professor, Dr. Kenneth Vaux, who is also professor of ethics at Baylor College of Medicine and professor of law at the University of Houston Law School.


. May the Message of the Manger Bring Reioicing to Every Heart and Home As the radiance of a Holy Night shines across the years, we feel it is especially fitting to express

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It ;s our warmest wish that your holiday be filled with peace of mind, good health, and much joy.

anew our cordial greetings and good wishes to our many valued friends. Merry Christmas I

Officers, Directors and Staff







Bishop CriticizEl!~ Death Penalty II

THE ANCHORThurs., Dec.' 19, 1974


Archbishop Hits l I Monstrous Evil Of Abortion WASHINGTON (NC) - Archbishop William Baum of Washington has urged "all women and men of good will" to join in combating the "monstrous evil" of abortion. His statement came in reaction to a report that during 1973 the number of legal abortions exceeded the number of live births in the District of Columbia. According to the D.C. 'Department of Human Hesources, 10,091 city residents obtained abortions during that period. The 'number of children born to D.C. residents was 10,837. A spokesman for the department noted, however, that last year 12,204 children were aborted by women whose state of residence is unknown. Also, reporting of births is compulsory, while reporting of abortions is greater than the number of births to D.C. women. Washington is the only jurisdiction in the country where more children of residents are aborted than are brought to term, according to federal abortion statistics. The total number of abortions in Washington last year, includ· ing those performed on non·residents, was 40,812. About 10,000' of the women who obtained abortions were from Maryland or Virginia. Another 8,600 abor· tions were performed 011 women from other states, mostly from the South. Medicaid Helps Through the Medicaid program, federal taxpayers subsi' dized about 5,600 abortions in D.C. last year. Archbishop Baum's statement said: "In just a few days we shall celebrate the birth as man of the Son of God. Our faith teaches that He became man, coming into this world that we might have life, and have it more abundantly. ' This gift of life, both natural and supernatural, is in the case of each man something precious, given gratuitously by God. "It is with profound sadness that I see the number of legally performed abortions has exceed· ed the number of birth:; in the District of Columbia in the last twelve months. Each of these abortions has resulted in the death of a fully human person. Each of these abortions is con· trary to the will of our Creator. ~'I urge that all women and men of good will join in com· bating this _monstrous evil."

ALBANY (NC)-Bishop Edwiir B. Broderick has called the deat.h penalty a method of punishment "against Christian hope" anb said it reflects "vengeance rath~r . . ,t II than justlce. 'Bishop Broderick, in a letter. t\) the people of the diocese pu~­ lished in The Evangelist, the di L Deesan newspaper, reported 011 the debate among bishops 01, whether or not to oppose thl~ death penalty. II "I myself am completely oP11 posed to capital punishment," hI; wrote, "for I feel it is incompat!r ible with our Right to Life a.p" proach and to the dignity of hu\f man life, contrary to our Church's teachings on the purl! pose of penance, conversion andi rehabilitation." I! Commenting on the deterrentl argument, the bishop said: "N~I human being, I believe, should 1bet killed in order 'to frighten othed! to keep the law. The state haSI many other ways to repay soli ciety than by burning out th~! life of someone in a chair."


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When JeSU~5 therefore was bOI-n, behold, there came wise men from the east to jerusalem, saying, Where is He that is born king of the Jaws? For we have seen His star in the east, and are come I to adore Him.

"Serving the Community Since 18.73"

Portrayed by Louis; Elizabeth and Ann Marie Voillancourt, Sacred Heart parish, North Attleboro




LONDON ,NC) - Sectarian murders i~ Northern Ireland, mostly of ordinary innocent Catholics by' untraceable assassins and terrorists in England by Irish repuQlican guerrillas, are threatening once more to hurl disaster.• the provinces -into o Pressure 'is mounting on the British government to withdraw British troops from northern Ire.. land and leave the Irish to sort: things out: among themselves, Observers here warn that such a move could mean civil war, in which the main sufferers would be Northern Irish Catholics, less organized than the Protestant majority. It could mean mass expulsions of Catholics -from their homes anQ 1m exodus across the border into the Irish 'Republic. ,


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Northern Ireland

E;loodshed could also lead to intervention by the Irish Republic, and could even spread to oth~r parts of the United King· dom. William Whitelaw, the British politician who was sent to run the province after the old Protestc.nt local government was dissolved, -warned the Foreign Press Association here that two big British cities with large working class Catholic-Protestant antag· - oni~ms, Liverpool and Glasgow, cou:d be dragged in. "Anyone who imagines you could have a - maj:>r conflict in Northern Ire.Janel without it spreading to G1a1lgow and Liverpool is living in a fool's paradise."

tive party here, fully supported the present Labor government's plans for a new Northern Ireland convention to be set up after elections early next year. But he expressed anxiety that representatives might be elected -presumably referring to the forecasts of a strongly Protestant executive-who would constanNy try to obstruct the will of the United Kingdom Parliament in London.

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'Whitelaw, who now is chairof the opposition Conserva·


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Masons in Norway Aid Franciscans OSLO (NC)-The Masonic Or· del' in Oslo is one of the donors supporting the S1. Frands Aid organization, which helps old, lonely people and sick persons living in their homes. S1. Francis Aid is a voluntary Catholic enterprise, administered by the Franciscans in Oslo. Last year the Franciscansstarted cooperating with the round-the-clock medical service of the city, and w'ith the Falken Rescue Corps. They also started emergency aid specially for poor aged people in acute, need,

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Uhy you and yours be greatly blessed by the spiritual radiance of Christmas. For your valued patronage we e:"press sincere Yuletime thanks.

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Schools Accused Of Alienating From God WASHINGTON (NC) - The head of an organization that has helped establish parentcontrolled schools around the country accused U. S. public schools of practicing thoughtcontrol techniques aimed at "the systematic alienation of the child from his parents and his God." Mrs. Mary Royer, founder and president of the National Parents League, made this accusation at a news conference here at which the Rev. Avis Hill, a leader of protest the two-month-long against textbooks used in the Kanawha County, W. Va., public schools, announced that protesing parents there have set up about 10 schools with a total of about 1,000 students withdrawn from the public schools. Mrs. Royer, a resident of Port· land, Ore., is also a member of Catholics United for the Faith (CUF), a nationwide traditionalist Catholic. group, and has assiste~ in the establishment of sev· eral Holy Innocents Schools, set up by Catholic parents .dissatisfied with the teaching of religion in parish and diocesan schools.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 19, 1974

National . . Catholic Physicians' Guilds Honor Dr. Hellegers PORTLAND (NC) - The National Federation of Catholic Physicians' Guilds has named Dr. Andre Hellegers recipient of the Linacre Award for the best article to appear during the year in the federation's journal, the Linacre Quarterly. Dr. Hellegers, a Catholic, is a fetal physiologist and director of the Kennedy Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction

and Bioethics at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. The article was entitled "Population, Rhythm, Contraception and Abortion Policy Questions." In the article Hellegers said the Church could help fight rising numbers of abortions by. lobbying for suppprt for research in human reproduction to perfect natural family planning methods which do not violate the

Church's teaching forbidding artificial means of contraception.

lobby for increased expenditures for reproductive biology research.

"If today suction bottles, curettes and saline are decried in Catholic circles," he said, "we must accept our share of the blame for not having lobbied for the alternatives."

-The church support demographic research.

Dr. Hellegers recommended that: -The official Catholic church

-The church support programs to delay the age of marriage-such as support for equal educational opportunities for women-to ease the population pressures which come from early child-bearing.

The Furniture Wonderland of the East Open Daily 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. Including Saturdays Closed Christmas Eve At 6 P.M.

Rebellious Attitudes Since the West Virginia protest began, Mr. Hill said, "peo' pie are beginning to open their ('yes all across the nation" to the "filth in textbooks used in public schools and to the teaching of "rebellious attitudes" to children in public schools. "The people of this nation are sick and tired of having these attitudes shoved down their throats," said Mr. Hill, pastor of the Freedom Gospel Mission in St. Alban's, W. Va., "The Ten Commandments of the Bible have been thrown away. The 'thou shalt nots,' are 'thou shalts' today." Noting that publishing companies publish textbooks for use throughout the country, Mr. Hill said: "The people in power-the NEA (National Education Association) for one:"-' decide what goes into the books. It's time the average Joe on the street, the average parent, has some say in what goes in." Mrs. Royer, who said the National Parents League (NPL) has helped to set up about 150 parent-controlled schools and has hranches in 30 states, said that the issue "is much larger than dirty books." Investigations she made several years ago, she said, found that the public schools "were using various forms of hehavior modification programs so detrimental to the child that the damage is incalculable."


Msgr. Gendron New Manchester Bishop WASHINGTON (NC) - Pope Paul VI has named Msgr. Odore Gendron bishop of Manchester, N.H. The monsignor, who has been Manchester's episcopal vicar for Religious and clergy, succeeds Bishop Ernest Primeau, who is now director of Vi1la Stritch, residence of U. S. bishops and priests serving the Holy See "in Rome. The appointment was announced here by Archbishop Jean Jadot, apostolic delegate in the United States.




it a fun-filled 'holiday! Fill it with an abundance of love, laughter and warm hearts everywhere. Best wishes for a cheery, blessed season to all. Our special thanks.




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Repeats Refusal: Ii Of Abortions

THE ANCHOR,Thurs., Dec. 19, 1974


Cardinal Aponte Is Mediator In Conflict SAN JUAN (NC) - Cardinal Luis Aponte Martinez of San Juan met here with labor leaders in a successful effort to end a three-month:old strike at the government waterworks. He condemned ,the sabotage and vandalism that occurred during the strike. . He said his meeting with labor leaders Hector Rene L ugo and - Francisco Figueras of the ,Waterworks Employees Union "was positive", but gave no further details. Shortly after the meeting the union membership approved recommendations by a three-man mediation team on, solutions to the strike. In a statement issuf:d while the strike was in progress Cardinal Aponte has said that "we vigorously condemn the sabotage and vandalism to which our people are being submitted." As he spoke police were dismantling what they called a powerful bomb found at the Bristol-Meyers pharmaceutical laboratories in Barceloneta near here. Four days before another bomb, exploded at the Union Carbide factory. There were no casualties. Properties owned by corporations and the government waterworks have been the target of about 18 bombings since early " December. Blame Leftsists Gov. Rafael Hernandez Colon ,called o,ut 1,700 members of the National Guard to protect the waterworks. Labor leaders, claimed they had no paJ't in the wave of violence. Observers said leftists seeking independence fOr the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico from the United States might be responsible for the violence. ,Cardinal Aponte said he sup' ported gove~nment moves to "defend the common good." He added that the Church defends the right of workers to unionize 'themselves and seek better con,ditions and, wages. . . Howpver; -he added, ," I must : remind every worker who con- sider~ himself' a ,Christian that he is',morally bound. against the use of violence, sabotage or crime even if he is defending a ~ood' cause."

Diocesan Offices To Move to 'Abbey' DE PERE (NC) - An agreement has been reached whereby the Green Bay diocese will establish temporary office facilities in a section of S1. Norbert's abbey here. Bishop Aloysius J. Wycislo of Green Bay and Abbot Jerome G. Tremel made the announcent. All diocesan offices will relocate at the abbey. It is e){pected thllt all diocesan' agencies and departments will be in the new location by the spring of 1975. At present the various diocesan offices are in eight sl~parate locations in Green Bay. Sinc~ the Fall of 1973 the diocese has been pursuing a number of alternative possibilities of centralizing diocesan operations and reducing costs.

NAZARETH (NC)-No abortions will be performed in ani, hospital operated by the Sister!; of Charity of Nazareth, the ordler declared here in a reaffirmatiort II of its position. The position was adopted 'b~~ the board of trustees of the Na.Zjl areth Literary, and Benevolen: Institution and approved by Sis!1 ter Barbara Thomas, superiot general of the order and moder J ator of the board. ' _ II In a statement, the order said, "abortions are forbidden by th~' teachings of the Catholic Churc:H: and will not be performed in anyl health institution owned and OPjl erated by the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth,'.' Ii

Volunteer Agencies Schedule Meeting

!i, 1,1

WASHINGTON (NC) - Theil U, S. Catholic Mission Council of'li. Washington, Volunteers for Educational and Social Services of II Texas and International Liaison'i for Volunteer Service of New-I! ark, N. J., will cosponsor a con-I' ference, of volunteer agencies I Feb. 26-March 1, 1975 in San II Antonio, Tex. ,i

Then ~erod, privately calling the wise me n, learned diligently of them the time of the star which appeared to them. 1

Portrayed by Brian, John, Ronald and Chris Foley" St. Mary's parish, Mansfield

The meeting is aimed at help-I! ing major sending and receiving I'; agencies of lay personnel en- I, gaged in volunteer service prO-Ii jects thibughout 'the Unite~ , States and overseas to establish Ii and coordinate various approaches to recruitment, screening, training and building Christian community within the context of service to the Third II World of underdeveloped nations. " Ii

Mary I Honored On Fegst Day

II, Ii

ROME (NC) - Pope Paul VI placed a hJge urn of pink' and red roses at the base of a' column topped; by a statue of the -Blessed Virgin in a traditional ceremony h;ere in Dec. 8, the Feast of thc!Immaculate,Conception.. As thousands watched from behind police barricades, Pope Paul prayed briefly before the monument, Duilt in 1856 near the Spanish stairs, to commemorate the promulgation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception in 1854. The base of the column was festooned ~ith floral displays from Roman'. labor and civic organizations; ,a group of produce vendors contributed a sampling of choice fruits and vegetables. Several hours before the Pope's arriv:al, two Franciscan friars recei~ed bouquets from , women, children and young couples. i. A half hour before the Pope's arrival, Rome's Mayor' Clelio Darida and Cardinal Ugo Poletti, vicar of the Diocese of '~ome, placed a bed of white carnations before the column on behalf of ,the city of R,ome.



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Majority Favors Government Aid To Parish Schools BLOOMINGTON (NC)-A majority of U. S. citizens f,avor an amendment to the U. S. Constitution that would permit government financial aid t~ parochial schools, according to the sixth annual Gallup Poll of public attitudes toward education. The results of the survey, sponsored by the CFK foundation, appeared in the Phi Delta Kappan, the monthly magazine of Phi Delta Kappa, the profesfraternity sional educational hE!adquartered here in Indiana. The survey, taken last May, indicates that 52 per cent of the U. S. public favors a constitutional amendment that would permit government finan~ial aid to parochial schools, 35 per cent oppose such an amendment and 13 per cent said they do not know or did not answer. Of those with no children in school, the percentages were: 52 in favor, 35 opposed, and 13 with no opinion. Of parochial school parents, 66 per cent favored an amendment, 26 opposed. and 8 per cent had no opinion. This survey showed a significant change from the results of the 1970 Gallup Poll on public attitudes toward education. Then the question was: "It has been proposed that some government tax money be used to help pa' rochial sctlOols ffi'3ke ends meet. How do you feel about this? Do you favor or oppose giving some government tax monev to, help parochial schools?" The findings wer-e: .48r,p~ ..(&ent in fav,(j)r ,of'~id," 44 per cent opposed and 8 per cent no opinion. ,A spokeswoman for the Gal· luI' organization said that four cent is not a statistically significant difference, becau'se Ule survey procedure produces results that may vary by four per cent' . ,


UNESCO Awarded John XXIII Prize VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has awarded the John XXIII Peace Prize to the United Nations Educational Sci· entific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The presentation was made to UNESCO in' Paris by Archbishop Giovanni Benelli, papal undersecretary of state. It was the second time the prize had been awarded. The first winner was Mother Teresa, the famed nun who founded the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India, to help the dying and abandoned poor there and in other countries. Mother Teresa received the prize in January 1971. The John XXIII Peace Prize was set up and founded through the $160,000 peace award that Pope John himself had received from the Balzan Foundation, an Italian-Swiss corporation. Pope John left his prize money for that purpose when he died the same year.

Candles Man has always wished to prolong the day and flee from the terrors of darkness; thus light has from the earliest times been a symbol of Christian joy dispelling the darknE!ss of paganism.

lHE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 19, 1974


Program Elicits L'etters, Calls

Who, having heard the king, went their way . . . and entering into the house they found the child with Mary His mother. An~ falling down they adored Him. ' Portrayed by Peter Sullivan, Anthony Casieri, laurie Thomas, Gregory Pare (the baby), Danial Sullivan, Michael Morttimer, Immaculate Heart p::lrish, North Easton

Commission Studi'es Women's Rol'e VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI told the Italian Union of Catholic Women -Jurists that the Church "is directly interested" In all questions involving women's role in today's chang: ing society. The P,ope -received the group of Catholic women who hold office in Italy as regional or local judges, or are private lawyers, on Pec. 7. The' group held its convention in Rome' this year to discuss woman in Italian society tod~y-., , ~ointing 6ut tha't :he- has estab'Ii shed a special Vatican commis' sian to study the role of women in Church and society, the Pope noted that Italy moved "in a rather short period of time" from an agricultural to ail industrialized society.

their fullness of energies." Even when some of the present experiences being u'ndergone by women are undesirable, he said,' "they maY.t,proveusefu! lat~r; "if in society. women will' affirm the sound principles which· are universally' known so as to attain new balance in domestic and social life." Explainin.,g his point further, Pope Paul declared: "The real problem' consists in

the recognition of, respect for and, where necessary, the resto· ration of these principles which constitute the irreplaceable values in the development of an advanced people." Pope Paul said these principles involve "the fum:tional differentiation of women through natural identity from that of men, hence the originality of her very being, of her psychology of ,iter human 'and Christian vocation."

NEW YORK (NC)-A program on Death and Dying broadcast on NBC-TV Nov. 24 has brought a strong response from viewers. The program was a filmed presentation of the work done by Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, who works with the terminally ill in Chicago. It was a filmed presentation of the NBC Religious Programs Unit in association with the Division of Film and Broadcasting of the U. S. Catholic Conference (USCC). Dr., Kuhler-Ross, a native of Switzerland, said she attempts to make death "more natural and less fearful." Jesuit Father Patrick J. Sullivan, director of the USCC's division for film and broadcasting, said that his office "has been deluged with calls 'from all over the country" complimenting the program. During the first week after the program, he said, his office received more than 6:000 letters, many requesting transcripts of the show. A letter from one couple, Father Sullivan said, noted that the program left both of them in tears. Another added: "It was one of the best programs I have ever seen on television." Father Sullivan said that after studying the reaction to the program, his office may be able to come up with more concrete examples of what the viewing audience wants to see.


Beginnings Christendom did not begin to reckon its calendar from the birth of Christ until about 550 A.D. when the method was introduced by a Roman monk Dionysius.


Pope Paul noted that today's women are enjoying more equality in education as well as "a growing emancipation in relation' to men and a new concept and interpretation of their roles as wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters." He noted: "They have access in an ever-increasing measure, on wider levels of specialization, to the professional fields. There is also an accentuated tendency to prefer non-domestic areas of work." Not all these developments are negative, he added, "and in this sense women of today and of tomorrow perhaps may more easily develop the possibilities of

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Help Northern Irish Children

THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 19, 1974


Paul Names Three Prelates Cardinal-Bishop

vATICAN .CITY (NiC) - Pope Paul VI has promoted three cardinals to the rank of cardinaibishop by naming them to Rome's so-called suburbicarian churches. They are Cardinal Jean Villot, the papal secretary of state; Cardinal Antonio Samore, prefect of the Congregation of the Sacraments, and Cardinal Sebastiano Baggio, prefect of the Congreg3tion for Bishops. At the sam e consistory in which the 'Pope promoted these cardinals, he ,gave Cardinal Franjo Seper the now largely formal title of chamberlain of the College of Cardinals. Cardinal Seper, a Croat from Yugoslavia, is prefect of the Doctrinal Congregation. The s eve n suburbicarian churches of Rome were the first dioceses established at the outskirts of Rome. and thE'ir'bishops were among the first cardinals to form a consultative body of bishops around the Pope in the early centuries. Cardinals who hold title to these dioceses no longer govern them as tbzir bishop. since most of these dioceses now have become too large to be adplinistered part-time by a man whose principal duties lie in the Vatican. Cardinal Villot was appointed titular to the church of Frascati. CardinalSamore to Sabina and Poggio Mirteto, and Cardinal Baggio to Velletri.

See Discrimination Against Catholic,

WASH~NGTON (NC) ......:' Citizens for Educational Freedom (CEF). a national non5ectarian organization supporting parental rights in education ,based here, and the Ohio Civil Libel'ties Union have charged an Ohio scholarship fund with discriminating against Catholics. But the fund, the Wagnalls Memorial in Lilthopoli5, Ohio, 'has denied any discrimination. ' 1'he memorial administers scholarships from a trust established in 1935 by Mabel Wagnails Jones to honor hell" father. . Adam Wagnalls. co-founder of the Funk and Wagnalls publication firm. In her will, she called for scholarships for "all" resident citizens of Lithopolis, her father's birthplace, and neighboring Bloom Township, without discrimination on the basis of race or religion.

Finish First Draft Of Directory WASHINGTON (NC) - The f!ryt draft of the National Catechetical Directory will be sent to the nation's bishops by the first of the year. according to a report made to the annu:al gen~ eral meeting of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. Archbishop John F.Whealon of Hartford. Conn., reported that the first draft is the result of a nation-wide consultation with bishops, priests. Religiolls and laity. . The second consultation is scheduled to begin Jan. 1, 1975 ;tnd will.lasLuntil. April.3G;.1975.

WArSHINGTON (NC) - SOn'le children in Northern Ireland "ej~­ joy violence." said Lady Patr.ic!la Fischer, a former member of t~ie Britis~ Parliament who repn~­ sented a section of Northern J:rl~· land. Ii :'They have learned to" enjdy violence, said her friend. Lady Guinevere Tilney, former natio~i· al Council of Women of Greall Britain. "We want to try to stolp this, to try to give them a com,pletely different picture of the world." II The two women, Lady Fishell, a Protestant (Church of Ireland),. and Lady Tilney, a Catholic, arl~ founders and co-chairmen Women Caring Trust. a twdf year-old. London-based ecumen. ical charitable organizatior/I, which raises funds to support activities in Northern Ireland dell signed to help children therl! overcome the effects of growint: upon a strife-torn region. I! They are on a two-week visiit to New York, Boston and Was:hll And :opening their treasures, they offered Him gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh, - i?~t~n to raise funds for the alcll tlvltles supported by Womer.1 Portrayed ,by Peter, Paul and Mark Ferreiro, Caring Trust. I Sacred Heart p:lrish, Taunton A Belfast psychiatrist {ounel that the five years of violenc~i in Northern Ireland have had' "terrible" psychological effectJ! on children "especially those Another speaker at the conATLAN'JiIC BEACH (NC)-The of the common law, misinter1973 U. S. Supreme Court over- preted the statutory laws of the ference, the first held for seven who've known nothing else,'.' turning most state restrictions several states, made scientific southeastern states, was the Rev. said Lady' Fisher. Childrer/I on abortion rulin.g "set the s"eal errors. extended the meaning of Robert Holbrook of Hallettsville, have seen members of their fam·, of approval on violence as a the' 14th Amendment to the U. S. Tex., representing Baptists for ilies shot. killed, bombed, sild! social solution and selective kill- Constitution beyond intended Life, who said that many pro- said. pointing out that t"t is 11q~1 ing as a means of· population limits. and neglected to consider abortionists attempt to make uncommon for "a child to ancontrol," a Boston University the will of the people by ignoring abortion a church-state issue. swer a ring at the door and bel medical school professor sa'id votes against abortion in North Making abortion a church-state s'hot or see his parents shot.·.. I One Belfast schoolteacher, shell here. issue. :he said, gives some perDa:<ota and Michigan. . said, told -her of -'being nervous I sons the chance to opt out and Speaking at the southeastern Indulge Bigotry at reprimanding 14'year-old I avoid involvement in a "Cathconference 'of the National Right 'The opinion was a good exboy's" because of the probability II to Life Committee (RTL) here, am]>le of 'judicial legislation,'" olic" issue, allows people to say Dr. Mildre~' Jefferson, professor Daly said. "since the justices they are more .interested in per' that they had been shooting at of surgery at Boston University merely decreed that the unborn sonal freedom than in the life of soldiers the night before. Chil-II medical sc!)ool. charged the S~­ infant is not a person. They the unborn. and allows others to' dren "have produced guns in 'I' classes," she said. I preme Couit with acting on in- failed to ascertain the facts be- indulge their religious bigotry. adequate information and under "The point must be stressed America ]1 fore deciding on the law:' the influence of pro-al;lOrtionists. to all the media." he said. "that What America requires is not II She said. the decision "made this is a human issue. involving an American-made religion, bUlt' persons of all religious persuathe pregnant woman and the ASlk Funds to Save a God-made religion. sions." doctor super-citizens, reduced Old Newark Church -John Ireland the father to a sub-citizen with NEWARK ~NC)-The' pastor no defined right to protect the of St. James' Church and other l~fe of his child, and the unborn . child a non-person in -the eyes interested -citizens have launched a d::ive to save' the church, one of the law i .." She also questioned the judg- of the city's most famous.S~. James' has been a land· ment of P~esident Gerald Ford in nominating for the vice pres- mark in the city's Ironbound idency Nelson Rockefeller, who area, which ,has welcomed wave as governoc' of New York intro- afte.r w..ave of immigrant people, duced that. state's permissive sinc3 1866. A tentative recommendation to raze the church abortion laW. "If the PJ;esident is concerned has already been made by the with promoting healing and uni- archdiocese because of the exficat'ion, he, will withdraw the _tensive repairs and renovations name of Nel$on Rockefeller." she that would be necessary. . said. IE~ltimates of the cost of reAttorne~John Daly of Jack- storing the church and its steeple sonville, Fla;. contended that the run as high as $300.000, accordSupreme Court abortion decision ing to Father Joseph Jaremczuk. was based on misunderstanding pastor.


BU Professor Stigmatizes Supreme Co~rt

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Wish Our Patrons and Friends A Merry Christmas and A 'v.ery Prosperous New Year.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 19, 197.4



Southeastern Mass. League T 0 Inaugurat~ Ice Hockey The Southeastern Massachusetts Conference will inaugurate its first season of league ice hockey commencing in January of 1975. In keeping with the philosophy of the circuit, schools have been aligned into divisions according to competitiveness and geographical. considerations. struction and playing time necessary to develop their skills at Eighteen of the 26 member an early age. schools will sponsor teams in Player and parent interest is

the loop, with the winner of each division automatically qual· ifying for post season state championship competition. 'J1he popularity of ice hockey is vividly demonstrated by the ever increasing number of boys who are joining .the various youth and club hockey leagues now in existence throughout the ~i· ocese. With the construction of several new rinks in the area youngsters now have the oppor· tunity to receive the formal in·

at an all time high. The decision of the Conference to sponsor hockey comes as no surprise. It was just a matter of time. Most of the schools that will be competing in the circuit have had i<;.e hockey teams for a few year-so However, they have been playing on a club basis for the most part. A few like Barnstable and Falmouth have had formal hockey teams for years and have qualified for state tourney play numerous times.

Loop to Operate With Three Divisions The real change for the com· ing season is that the schools will compete under the auspices of the league for div,isional championships. The decision of the multi-school loop to accept hockey as a conference sport was arrived at after many hours of debate. The governing board recognizes that hockey is a fast, hard hitting game,' contact is part of the sport and that too often altercations result. 1'n order to make its position clearly understood the league has sent letters to hockey coaches and officials requesting that all possible steps be taken to prevent any unfortunate sit· uations. League president Stanley' Brabiec of Fairhaven has said, "it is the intent and goal of the Conference to have a season of good competitive hockey, unimpaired by the adversary re·, lationship and antagonistic spirit that has frequently occurred in

hockey." The league is to be commended for recognizing the interest of its athletes to play scholastie hockey and thus adopting the sport. Its foresightedness in try· ing to head off un sportsmanship actions on the ice is likewise' praiseworthy. It is important also that those fans who attend the games conduct themselves in a fashion aligned with good sportsmanship so that nothing will detract from the true pur'. pose, of the game. The oircuit will operate with three divisions. The four Cape schools with hockey traditions Barnstable, Falmouth, DennisYarmouth and Bour..e will compete with newcomers Durfee High of Fall River and New Bedford in Division I. The latter two were added to the group primar. i1y because of their size and the feeling that they would become competitive quickly.

Second Annual Silver City Tournament Bishop Connolly High of Fall River which has produced some excellent teams the past few years and last year's Bristol Coun!y Leagl\e champion Taun· ton are expected to be among the leaders in Division II. Somerset, Dighton-Rehoboth, New Bedford Vocational and Seekonk round out the bracket. Coach Bob Souza of Somerset sees the d·ivision well balanced with no club having a decided advantage. The third division includes Dartmouth, Wareham, Old Roch· ester High of Mattapoisett, Case High of Swansea, Megr. CoyleBishop Cassidy of Taunton and Fairhaven. Each school will play divisional opponents twice duro ing the campaign and only divi· sional games will count in the championship race. While the official league openers will not be played until January 4, there will be plenty of 'action over the Christmas vaca·

tion period. One of the main attractions is the Second Annual Silver City Hockey Tournament which will be staged at the Taunton Family Rink beginning this week. Sixteen schools will vie for the title in the single elimination tourney. Twelve of the entrees are schools from the S.E. Mass. Conference. In first round action last night New Bedford' played Wareham, Durfee met Fair.haven, Somerset took on Taunton in games involving league members. Bristol Aggies of Dighton played Bridgewater. Raynham in the other game. Tonight Case meets Old Rochester, Dighton-Rehoboth plays New Bedford Voke, Bishop Connolly will tangle with Cardinal Spellman of Brockton and Ap· ponequet Regional of Lakeville collides with Coyle in the night cap.


NO. ATTLEBORO PREPARES FOR HOLY YEAR: Rev. Mr. Kevin Harrington, deacon at Holy Ghost Parish, Attleboro preaches on "the hope of the world and the kingdom of heaven in the spirit of reconciliation" during the Mass in St. Mary's Church, No. Attleboro, one of the churches designated by Bishop Cronin as a pilgrimage church in the final phase of preparation for the Holy Year. Rev. Cornelius J. Keliher, pastor of St. Mary's is in the sanctuary.

Tells Aged Persons To Remain Active

HOUSTON (NC) - A social worker specializing in helping the aged has urged the 21 million elderly persons in the United States not to retire from life but to live meaningfuly, purposefully. The social worker, Mrs. Vichy Peralta, director of Adult and Aging Services of the Philadelphia Department of Public Welfare, said: "Life is a gift from God and it's a privilege to live. Therefore, we must show our appreciation to God by continuing to give something of ourselves." She urged elderly persons "to show they care and it doesn't take money to live" by telephon. ing shut-ins, visiting the sick or writing letters. Mrs. Peralta, who was here to conduct a workshop on aging at Holy Rosary parish, said the elderly can also avoid the nightmare of loneliness by "getting involved in projects like Project HEAD (Helping Elderly Adults Direct)," an interfaith self-help organization for the aging which she founded while she was di· rector of the Philadelphia arch· diocesan Department of Community Services on Aging.

Priests' Education Funds Approved INDIANAPOLIS (NC)-Beginning July I, 1975, every priest in the Indianapolis archdiocese should receive up to $75 a year from the parish or institution he serves to cover his costs for at· tending workshops or other continu education programs. The new policy was announced here by Archbishop George Biskup of Indianapolis following a recommendation by his archdiocesan priests' senate.

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