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t eanc 0 VOL. 23, NO. 51



20c, $6 Per Year

Jeep peace Of che son of peace co. you ..





ANCHOR:-Dioces~ of Fall' River--':Thurs. 'Dec. 20, 1979'

Bishop Cronin's Christmas Message


MEMBERS OF OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL choir, Seekonk, bring Christmas cheer to nursing home patient Marie Linhares. From left, Joseph Macedo, Barbara Mello, Father George Harrison. (Dow Photo, courtesy of Attleboro Sun-Chronicle)

Christmas 1979 Dearly beloved in Christ, On the first Christmas night, the hosts of heaven announced the Good News of the birth of the Savior - "tidings of great joy to be shared by the whole people." (Luke 2: 10) The Church today proclaims this same Good News as we commemorate the Solemnity of Christmas. "Christ is born for us!" holy Mother Church joyfully announces. He is, indeed, Mighty God and Prince, of Peace! He comes among us to bring us peace, to show us the way to true and lasting peace. " Yet ho~ elusive peace remains. Examples of the inhumanity of man to his br,others and sIsters proliferate. Suffering perhaps unpar;illeled in history afflicts countless thousands in Southeast Asia. The tense situation in the Middle East threatens the fragile stability of the entire world.

WHAT CHILD IS THIS? Detective Earl Claxton' holds infant found at First Baptist Church nativity scene in Lorigview, Tex. Church members have rallied to aid foundling and offer support to his unknown mother. (NC Photo) .

My dear People of God, Christ our Savior taught that peace is the fruit of justice. Justice manifests itself in the loving and caring'recognition that we are all brothers and sisters in the Lord; all, without efGeption, beneficiaries of the goodness and kindness of God who sent us His own Son. When the dignity of every person is recognized, which is to .sky when justice prevails, then and only then, will the harvest of peace be shared by the.. whole people. On this festive day, we hail Jesus as Son of God and Son of Mary. We proclaim Him as Word made Flesh and Splendor of the Father. Let us not allow this profession of faith to be mere words. Rather, let us live these holy truths in love'. . ., love for God and neighbor. Then will the Peace of God be upon us and upon the world around us. As we celebrate the Feast of the Birth of Christ, the Prince of Peace, I send to all throughout the Diocese prayerful wishes for a holy and peacefilled Christmas. May God love and bless you all. Devotedly yours in our Lord,

Bishop of Fall River


BISHOP CRONIN GREETS Augustus Jacobs and Mrs. Robert Leonard at senior citizens' banquet sponsored by area parishes at Big Fisherman restaurant, Falmouth. (Rosa Photo)


" THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 20, 1979


I Vigil Masses Monday, December 24th 4:00 P.M. -

8:00 P.M. -



Masses on Christmas 'Tuesday, December 25th 8:00 A.M. -

10:00 A.M. -

11:30 A.M.

SOME OF THE NEW SPECIAL MINISTERS His Excellency, The Most Rt:.v. Daniel A. Cronin Bishop of Fall River Will Celebrate The 8:00 P.M. Vigil Mass

128 special ministers One hundred and twenty-eight ria Teresa Carvalho, Fernando members of the diocese were D. Condez, Abel D. Fidalgo, commissioned as special minis- Manuel Fontinha, Abel S. Reters of HQly' Communion at bello. ceremonies last Thursday night St. Francis of Assisi: Mrs. in 'St. Ma'ry's Cathedral, Fall Josephine Catalano, Sister Mary River. Kennedy, OSF, Sister Anthony Their names and affiliations Marie,OSF. follow: St. James: James M. Rose, Vincent Worden. Fall River Area: St. Mary (New Bedford): Mrs. St. Mary's Cathedral: Arthur Antoinette Bertalotto, Norman Pires, James Wingate. Immaculate Conception: James C. LaCroix. St. Theresa: Mrs. Therese BenGillet, Sister Susan Gross, RSM, Sister Doris Kelly, OP, Herbert oit, Raymond G. Bourassa, Mrs. Pimental, Sister Suivia Rice, Lucille R. Caron, Mrs. Joan Carrier, Mrs. Theresa Goyette. RSM. Raymond A. Guerette, Mrs. Our Lady of Health: .Mrs. Janice A:rruda, Michael Arruda, Ann Hebert, Mrs. Jacqueline St. . Joseph Gonsalves, Frank Mar- Onge. St. Julie Billiart: Mrs. Elsie ques, Sister Mary Oliveira, Battistelli, Donald C. Fernandes" SUSC. Antone ,Pacheco, Mrs. Emily Donald Pittman, Miss· Clara Pacheco, Robert Paul, Mrs. Rose- Weeks. mary Paul, Jeremias Rego. Sacred Heart: Donald B. Black, Mrs. Barbara A. Domingue, Sister Francis Sebastian, SUSC, James H. Sullivan, Jr. St. Joseph: Joseph J. O'Connell. Members of the Fall River diSS. Peter and Paul: John E. Dolan, Mrs. Patricia Latinville, ocese have. contributed the amount of Miss Barbara Lee, Frederick Vi- recordbreaking $103,670.60 for relief of Camtullo. Notre Dame de Lourdes: Sis- bodian refugees. In a letter ter Jeannette Tessier, SJA, Sister transmitting the contribution to Pauline Joyal, RJM, Roland Bishop Edwin B. Broderick, na. tional director of Catholic Relief Masse. Sacred Hearts Convent: Sister Services, Bishop Daniel A. Cronin termed the diocesan response Marie Bertrande, SUSC. St. John of God: Mrs. Joan B. "extraordinary." His letter follows: Harper, David J. Motta, Miss Clorinda A. Ventura. Dear Bishop Broderick: St. Thomas More: Mrs. Linda I am pleased, indeed, to C. Marcoux, Nicholas Molinski, transmit to you, herewith enDennis Sullivan, Mrs. Elizabeth closed, a check for' Catholic, Sullivan. Relief Services in the amount St. George: Philip Beaulieu, of $103,670.60, representing Jr., Mrs. Judy MOfliz, Mrs. Luthe proceeds of the special colcille Pimentel, Mrs. Jean Raplection taken up here in the oza, Leo P. Vandal. Diocese of Fall River for the relief of the plight of the disNew Bedford Area tressed and suffering CamboImmaculate Conception: Miss dian peoples. Mary Lou 'Bettencourt,' Miss MaThis extraordinary sum graphically manifests the love and concern of the good People of THE ANCHOR God of the Diocese of Fall (USPS·S4S-D20j River for their brothers arid Second Class Postage i'aid at Fall River, sisters who are in such dire Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 need, quite literally half-way by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall around the world in Southeast River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid Asia. I cannot recall any such, $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address changes to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall Turn to Page Six River, MA 02722

St. Anthony (Mattapoisett): Mrs. Diane Bellefeuille, John Brennan, Mrs. Jean De Coffe, Donald Gregory, John Hall, Mrs. Veronica King. Miss Susan McGowan, Joseph Perry, John Robinson, Adam Shirvinski, Ross Steeves. Mrs. Sally Tavares, Steven Valliere, Mrs. Maria Welter, Mrs. Lee Talty. Our Lady of the Assumption: Antonia Da Cruz, Michael Concaison. Turn to Page Six

f The Cathedral Choir Will Present A Carol Program One Half Hour 'Prior To The 8:00 P.M. Vigil Mass And The 10:00 A.M. ,Mass On Christmas Morning

·f {Jishop Cronin Will Celebrate A Mass On Christmas Morning At 10:00 A.M. On WTEV, Channel 6, For Shut-Ins ••




~~ ~~

The Holy Spirit


$103,670 gift

of Christmas


to Cambodia

Reaches Out

I~ ~

With Good Wishes' To All

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 20, 1979

themoorin~ The Word Made Flesh Binds In a time when many so-called e~perts in theology spend their efforts intellectually bi~ecting the body of Christ and spiritually amputating members of the Mystical Body, it is well that during this Christmastide a few reflections be considered that would help fix our eyes, minds and souls on the basic tI)lth of divine revelation. To focus on the heart of matters at hand, especially at a time when the church suddenly has a bumper crop of "theologians," it is well to recall some reflections of our Holy Father. In a recent address to the Intern'ational Theological Commission, Pope John Paul zeroed in on the role of the theologian in the church, at the same time giving the people of God a beautiful meditation on the Christmas mystery. The pope prefaced his remarks by making it quite clear that the study of theology is not limited to the mere repetition of dogmatic formulae. However, he then emphasized that theology as a science must always help the church to deepen her knowledge of Christ. Then, in a moving passage which could well serve as a Christmas. reflection for all, he stated: "The Saviour also speaks to the people of our time, for the Second Vatican Council points out: "Only'in the mystery of the Word incarnate does .the mystery of man take light." In fact, the final Adam, by the revelation of the mystery of the Father and his love, fully reveals.man to man himself and makes his supreme calling clear." The Holy Father continues: "For by his Incarnation the Son of God has united himself in some fashion with every man. He worked with human hands. He thought with a human mind, acted by human choice and loved with a human heart. Born of the Virgin Mary, he has truly bee!l made one of us in all things except sin." The lesson for all of us is quite clear. We must not lose our way to salvation amid the theoretical wanderings of the confused and confronted. Man must assimilate the' whole Christ, the whole of Incarnation reality in order to find himself. He cannot merely pick and choose: he cannot merely select and elect. Thus, it should be the specific task of those trained in the sacred science to lead men to' the real Christ and not some mythical concoction of their own fancy. -From the very early days of the church, theology developed side by side with pastoral practice: Today's theological endeavors should do the same. . The beauty and mystery of this holy season should become an occasion for all of us in the church to renew our dedication to the truth. For those with the responsibility and gift to instruct, inform and indeed inspire the people of God, this dedication to truth takes on added importance and influence. The words of Pope Paul VI have important significance in this regard. He referred to the authentic magisterium' of the 'church, divine in \its origins and endowed with the charism of truth for which there is no substitute. The people of God hunger for this truth. It must be given to them by the Word of God, by the "sensus fidei" and by the handing on of that truth as found in the docu~ ments of tradition. As the faithful gather in their church communities for the great celebration of the Incarnation, may their minds and hearts be undisturbed either by prophets of gloom and doom or apostles of contention and contempt. The Word made flesh binds us all.


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. 02722 675路7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.lD.



Rev. John F. Moore,

. Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan ~

leary Fress-Fall River

F some King of the earth have of fortune, or understanding, or so large an extent of Dominion, .in North, & South, as that he hath Winter & Summer together in his Dominions, so large an extent East. &.West, a,s .that. he hath. .day & nIght together In hIS DomInIons, h h th God & ~uc more a mercy Judgement路 together: He brought I' h fd k f Ig tout 0 ar nesse, not out 0 a lesser light; he can bring thy Sumf W' th h th mer out 0 mter, oug ou have no Spring;though in th~wayes


conscience, tho~ have been benighted 'ti~ now,wintred & frozen, clouded & eclypsed, damped & benummed, th ed & fi d . smo eJ1 . stupe e tIll now, now God comes to thiee, not as in the dawning of the day, not -as in the bud of the Spring, but as the Sun at noon to illustrate all shadowes, as the sheaves in harvest to fill all penuries,' all occasions invite his tender mercies, & all times are his seasons.

From a Sermon of JOHN DONNE pn Christmas Day in the Evening at ST. PAUL'S, LONDON, 1624

Greetings from The Anchor To All Our Readers

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 20, 1979

Special路 gifts


Rumor has it that God us have anticipated opening the

sent us only one Christmas biggest and prettiest present un-

Gift and it was 2000 years ago. But That was only the

der 'the tree only to be disappointed in the contents.


We tend t~ regard people the way. If they are perfect packages, well-kept, proper weight, attractive, and pleasant,. Blessed are you who take the we put a high value on them. We discover that many of them time to listen to difficult speech, are mediocre, unable to give any- for you help me to know that if I persevere I can be understood. This one is very special indeed thing of themselves to others. - the gift of his handicapped Blessed are you who never bid But remember that once-in-apeople, particularly the mentally me to "hurry up" and take my lifetime gift, the one that -may retarded. Ask any family who tasks from me and do them for has been blessed with a retarded not have been anticipated at all me, for often II need time rather because it was unimposing, perchild about the splendid love he than help. or she brings to the family. Ask' haps small in a brown paper Blessed are you who stand beany parish who !has opened its sack. When we opened it we side me as I enter new and unfound a cherishable gift, made arms to, these people by educattried ventures, for my failures ing them, ministering to their even more' precious because we will be outweighed by the times families, and embracing them as didn't anticipate it. I surprise myself and you. That's the way with our refull members of God's family Blessed are you who asked for ask them about the spirit of love tarded. They may look different, my help, for my greatest need is that is returned to the parish a maybe have a larger head or less hundred fold. coordination than the perfectly. to be needed. Blessed are you who underWhy is it appropriate to talk packaged among us, but under- stand that it is difficult for me about our retarded brothers and neath they' have a wellspring of to put my thoughts into words. sisters now? ,Because of our em- love to let loose among us, if Blessed are you who with a phasis on wrapping and packag- only we care en'ough to open smile encourage me to try once ing during the Christmas season. them and let their giftedness more. We know that many companies shine forth. Blessed are you who never reI am indebted to Fr. Roger take mediocre products, put them in a bright box with a Taylor of St. Coletta's School in mind me that today I asked the piece of tinsel'and sell them at Jefferson, Wisconsin, for permis-' same question twice. Blessed are you who respect a markup to people more inter- sion to reprint the following ested in the package than the beatitudes as part of the lI'e- me and love me just ,as I am, value of the product. Many of tarded's Christmas gift to us all: and not as you wish I were. beginning. Talk about an indulgent parent. Every day, every month, every year, he piles on the presents to the people !he loves. This Christmas let's open just one of his unique gifts.




Fall River Gas Company 155 North Main Street Telephone 675-7811

Due process asl~ed Is it not time for Catholic scholars around the world to take a leaf from the fable of the little boy and the emperor and say that the Inquisition has no clothes. Catholic scholars ended book <:ensorship in the late 1960s by simply refusing to submit their ':>ooks for censorship. That age~Id oppressive custom withered 1nd died. Ought not the Inquisition be given the same treatment? And let us call it by its ~roper name. Not the Congregation for the Protection of the Faith, for that isc not what it is, particularly as the Dominican Archbishop Jerome Hamer pursues his neurotic vendettas against members of his own order. Why should a theologian of the caliber of Edward Schille'beeckx have to' respond to the idiocies that are proposed as an attack on his life and work? They clearly have been written by men who do not understand what Schillebeeckx has said, do not want to understand what he has said, will not accept whatever answer he gives and will not permit any kind of fair or impartial process. Is it not time for Catholic scholars all over the world to serve notice on the Holy See that until the processes .. become fair and the personnel become competent they will simply not open mail from the Inqui.sition? Schillebeeckx, Hans Kung and the American moral theologians who are apparently being harassed have made the major mistake of taking these harassments seriously. The Inquisition process is a pilgrimage from prejudices to foregone conclusions without any pretense at fairness, understanding, communication, or respect for human rights in between. Paul VI dilly-dallied with the Inquisition, refusing to suppress it but restraining its more vicious tactics and its more obvious vendettas. John Paul II cannot have it both ways. He cannot continue it under the aegis of men like Hamer and still expect Catholic scholars to live up to the high academic standards he propounded in his speech at the Catholic University of America (a university which fails miserably, by the way, on virtua:1ly all criteria for excellence which the pope laid down). I quite agree with the pope's admonition in his Catholic University address that theologians must be respectful of the teaching authority of the church. Only the Inquisition is not the teaching authority, but a vicious, inhuman institution presided over by warped and sick minds who, far from protecting the faith, make it look ludicrous. The rumored decision of the



Inquisition, for example, that leavened bread is invalid matter for the 'Eucharist in the Western church has to be one of the most ridiculous absurdities in the history of Ohristianity. It presumes that when Jesus instituted the Eucharist and determined bread as its basic material, he said, "All right, all you fellas in the West can only do it validly with unleavened bread, but you fellas in the East can use either bread if you want." This is the magisterium of the church? Don't be silly. What power does the Inquisition have? Perhaps it can force theologians off the faculties of seminaries. If a theologian intends to write controversial materials - or even the kind of things that will offend Archbishop Hamer's scrupulosities he probably doesn't belong on the seminary faculty in the first place. A scholar who has a tenured position at a university is utterly beyond the reach of Hamer and his thumbscrew crowd. Edward Schillebeeckx cannot be fired from Nijmegen. Hans Kung cannot be fired from Tubingen. And American theolo. gians, even at Catholic universities, cannot be fired either. The Inquisition may tell you that you cannot write anymore, as it told Father Teilhard a long time ago. But however virtuous Teilhard's obedience may have been in his day and age, an order from today's Inquisition forbidding you to write has about as much clout as a $3 parking ticket. There are some crazy things passing for theology in the church these days. Chicago's De Paul University, for example, has a professor who denies in freshman theology classes the resurrection of Jesus. Hamer and his spies miss things like this and go after dedicated and orthodox men like Schillebeeckx. The church does indeed need some instrumentality that can . note whether a teaching has gone beyond the limits of the Catholic tradition. The present system, however, does not work, because it is oppressive and inept, because it goes after the decent and responsible men and overlooks the kooks, because it has no credibility or intellig!!nce. Either John Paul II will revamp completely the operation of the Congregation for the Protection of the Faith or people will ignore it and the result will be chaos. I gather that the 'Inquisition's investigations begin with a letter to you telling you .that there is a longer letter at the office of your bishop. Catholic scholars around the world should serve . notice that the first letter will go in the wastebasket and the next won't be accepted.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 20, 1979

1t7. Have A Wonderful Christmas And Be Sure To ~ ~,·:~ew Years Eve··~~ ~ ~ l~~ ~ .~'Y tI~ A'~ ;~ rite eOllcltJHelt " ~. .






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~ DeLI r










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ROAST PRIME RIBS OF BEEF AU JUS ~~DINNER -~.' ,SERVED 8·10 PM . ,.If- ~ SERVED IN MAIN ~.. FALL RIVER AREA members of the Bishop's Ball ar-


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rangements committee are, seated, Mary Furtado, Our Lady

· . ofdirector; Angels parish, Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan Ball standing, Mrs. Robert L. Bernier, St. Roch's, Ray-









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May'His ever·pr~sent love be source of special' .joy to you as you celebrate His birth~ May our-.thanks add to the splendor of your Christmas. ,it



Continued fromAttleboro Page Three Hospital Apostolate Taunton· St. Anne's Hospital: Mrs. Jane St. Mary (Mansfield): Lau- Benevides, Mrs. Lucille Binder, rence M. Jackson, Mrs. Ellen Sister Ann Mildred Brown, OP. westlund. Ch 1 M . 1 H . 1 St 1\ th ·(T t ). J h ar ton emona ospita : · . ~ ony aun on. 0 n Sister Ampelia Acuna, RJM, SisC. C orrela. ' t e, RJM · ter Cl au dette L apom " k Leonard P lerce, S' t St. Mar: d RJM , · d M' IS er J acque 1"me P'Icar, Mrs. Ka thl een M. G,Ulmon, ISS S' t A V RJM Mary Mac Gillivray, Miss Mary IS er nnette anasse, . Ellen McCue, Mrs. Louise Sid-Catholic Memorial Home: dall. Mother M. Cecilia Regina MueSacred Heart (North' AttIe- phy, O. Cacm., Sister Xavier boro): Sister Doris Desrosiers, Russo, O. Cacm., Sister Armand SUSC, Adelard Canuel. Charles 'Brennan, O. Cacm., SisBishop Feehan High School: ter Ellen Bernadette Magano, O. Miss Anne E. Carroll, Mrs. Anne Carm. M. Maloni, Miss Kathleen M. St. Luke's' Hospital: Sister JoSedlak. anne Bonville, OP, Mrs. Cynthia Spanish Apostolate (Taunton): A. Lewis, Mrs. Linda R. Morro, Juan Torres., Mrs. Lucille L. Pimentel. Coyle & Cassidy High School: Mrs. Natalia S. Santos, Mrs. Sister Eugenia Marie Arsenault, Judith A. Saunders, Leo R. VeiSUSC. ga, Mrs. Olive Veiga. " Cape • Islands Madonna Manor: Sister Maria St. Joan of Arc: Sister KatherPaulina Cardenas, OP, Sister ine E. Burns, SND, Sister Lillian Lucia Gomez, OP, Sister Marie M~ Doolin, SND, Donald D. WalEmilia Gauthier, OP, Sister Cewer. _ St. Patrick (Wareham): Sister cilia Michaud, OP, Sister Lucy Sonen,OP. Mary Thomasine, MS'BT. Sacred Heart (Oak ,Bluffs): Mrs. M. Joanne Cleary.

Sr. Seba'stian






Funeral 'ser,vices were. held last Saturday for Sister Mary Continued from Page Three Sebastian, RSM, 83, who had response to an appeal for help been ~ ,member of the Sisters of on the part of our good people, MereyJpr63 years and who had many of whom contributed s~rved in the Fall River and from their own need and not New Bedford area for over a from the"ir excess. .half century. I consider the generous outShe had worked at the former pouring of fraternal concern Bethlehem Home in Taunton, at manifested by the residents of the Diocese of Fall River to be , the former St. Mary convent in Fall River and at St. Lawrence, a' most consoling indication of St. Kilian, St. James and Holy the Christian virtues of faith and charity and certainly a' Name convents in New Bedford as well as at St. Mary convent, sign of the true spirit of North Attleboro. Christmas. A Pawtucket native, she was I am confident that this the ,daughter of the late James generous contribution will and Catherine Simister. She had prove to be most helpful to been in retirement at Mt. St. Rita the labors of Catholic Relief convent, Cumberland, R.I. since Services in that troubled cor1973. ner of the world.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of FdIlRiver-Thurs. Dec. 20, 1979

the mail packet Lettera ere welcomed, llul' Should be no more than 200 words. The editor reserves the right to condense or edit. If deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and Include a home or business address.

About Nuns

very few young nuns - why would a girl want to join a religious order and take vows just to live like a dedicated lay person, as many of our sisters are doing today? Genevieve E. Foley New Bedford

rgpoltu.l'c Co,lRc. SHOWROOMS

Dear Editor: A good number of our nuns have discarded their habits and prefer to live in apartments and wear secular attire. All this has been a financial drain on the parish, and is one of the contributing factors to the closing VATICAN CITY(NC) - In of many parochial schools. November Catholic charities reOur youth need heroes, fine lief aid in Thailand and Camholy people to imitate and in:bodia averaged $1 million a spire to. What better way can week, Caritas Internationalis they contact our youth today ,reported. thlVl by wearing the habit. Caritas Internationalis - the If the nuns, who are clamorinternational confederation of ing for priesthood would look to Catholic organizations for charihistory they would realize they table and social action - said already have the greatest power that as of Nov. 29, the survival in the Church - formation of aid to the two countries that it minds and hearts in the educacoordinated in the previous five tion of our youth. weeks totaled $5 million. Mother Teresa of India. foundCatholic Relief Services, the er of the Missionaries of Charity, overseas aid agency of U.S. has little patience with women who want to be ordained priests. Catholics, is a Caritas member. "Nobody could be a better priest than the Virgin Mary," she says. Everyone's "She remained only the hand"The vocation to sanctity is maid of the Lord, which is the property of every man." much better." The Missionaries Dietrich von Hildebrand of Charity are said to have more applicants than any other religious order. Some of the other orders have

Permanent diaconate ·candidates, their wives and children will celebrate the feast of St. Stephen, patron of deacons, with a 7:30 p.m. iiturgy Wednesday, Dec. 26 at St. Stanislaus Church, Fall River. Relatives and friends will join in honoring the first deacon martyr and will then be guests of the St. Stanislaus community at a festal buffet in the parish center. The diaconal celebration has become an annual event through the courtesy of the St. Stanislaus family. A second spe.cial occasion will . come Friday, Dec. 28 when a teen day of recollection will be sponsored by the permanent diaconate office at St. Patrick's'parish center, Wareham. Some 32 teenagers, sons and daughters M. deacon candidates, will gather at 1 a.m. for a day of prayer and reflection. Program directors will be teens from the Cape Cod Echo program, Steve Winters, a diocesan seminarian, Dick 'Boucher, a deacon candidate, Keith Caldwell, a student at Southeastern Massachusetts. University, and Father ,John Moore, director of the perrpanent diaconate. The purpose of the day is to give participants a growth experience and information as to goals of church ministry.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 20, 1979

• Magic moment In Yule rush -


By Marilyn Roderick


The Christmas tree is resting under the pear tree in the side yard waiting to be brought in, set up and trim-

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stead of the turkey. 1 can shrimp soup 1 can shrimp % pound butter melted Y2 teaspoon garlic powder Y2 teaspoon onion powder 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 30 Ritz crackers crushed Lemon Juice 2 pOunds of fish filets 1. fish and place in glass

med, the wreath is in the back hall waiting to be hung and all I have to do is clean the house, a chore I could very nicely do without. I just picked up one of our college student daughters in the quaint Maine town that houses her college: Already there is snow on the ground up there and the natives say it will remain until late spripg. However, at that moment the campus looked like a scene from a holiday movie complete with students walking along the snowy path in the evening singing Christmas carols. It was really this view of Christmas on a lovely New England campus that made me realize that it is almost here; that, and the fact that the third Advent wreath candle is burning. Despite the confusion, chaos and pure panic affecting so many of us as the days rush by and our shopping isn't complete, it's Such moments that help one live through the last-minute preparations that never stop being last minute. Shrimp Filets During the holidays we are so busy that often basic meals take a back seat. But this simple recipe is so delightful that when my aunt baked it on Thanksgiving everyone wanted it in-


MODERN MADONNA AND CHILD grace cover of Call Magazine, published by Divine Word Fathers in Philip: pines. (Wilson Photo)





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baking dish in one layer. 2. Pour shrimp (drained) and shrimp soup over the filets and season with salt and pepper. 3. Mix the melted butter with the crushed crackers and season with the garlic powder, onion powder and Worcestershire sauce, and lemon juice. Sprinkle over filets. 4. Bake· in a 350 degree oven minutes.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 20; 1979


The Little Angel


Route 28,


Box 475

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Charles O'Hare In His heavenly palace a King of greatness and might - was preparing to send on this very night - a messenger of joy - of peace and of love ,- his only son, a prince from above. But where would he stay, he demanded to know from his heavenly subjects where would he go? Where would this prince be welcome - his message be heard? Is this universe ready? - is it prepared? "Ah no," he sighed, "they'll never be - not for the town was crowded with my son and surely not for a terrible crowd and the me. But send him I must, inn was packed - none else for it is written - he must allowed. Where could he go go this night -:- but where - this master, this king?' - to Rome? To France or Where. would the angels even to Britain? No, no," gather to adore and to sing he continued, "h;e'll be (What would the star do?) scoffed - he'll be jeered." The Great Lord was And just at this moment . troubled, for his son was to Angel Michael appeared. be' born in a very short Bowing low from the waist while, the very next morn. he said: "My Lord, remem- So he sent out his angels to ber, you promised to save find a place suitable for one the world from disaster so filled with his grace. you would send them a pro- Michael and Gabrjel and phet - a leader - a mas- thousands of others searchter. You have no choice but ed the town over - begged to keep your promise to sisters and brothers to bring love and happiness please make a place for this and heavenly bliss." great one to I stay; a place The King nodde<l. sadly close in town or out of the and said, "Ah yes, you're way - But no! right, Prepare the way make it brilliant, make it They all laughed. and bright. Put a star in the uni- shouted with 'glee, "Every room has been rented verse at the appropriate surely you see." , place make it shine bringAnd so this they reported ing down showers of greatness and grace.'~ to their great· one on high The star was placed over and he shook his head and a tiny town unknown to the heaved a great sigh world - without renown. It "You see I was right - I'll was Bethlehem the angels change my mind And let the chose, with lonely green world rush to destruction valleys and hills that arose - so heedless and blind. out of nowhere and reached Tell the star to abandon its up to the sky as though' fruitless search. Banish it begging for this chance to now. From its magnificent cry to the world, to let Perch." them know if they wished to As the angels all bowed adore him they must surely and were to depart a voice go to this little town that was 'heard saying, "Oh obeyed God's will, to this Lord, have heart. Save the little town in Israel. world from disaster so So the star shone great greatlPlease Sire, ask your and it was a great sight, angels to wait until you filling the earth with a won- hear what I have found. drous light. But the star was Your promise you can keep told to shine over a place- for you are bound." The King lnotioned where the prophet would be born - an e~pty space. For. <.$~g.Y'.."sa.id, . ~'~~J;j:m1Ai.~i3eak."

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angels parted and to seek' the voice that had so boldly spoken out, first with a whisper,' then with a shout. In the back of the crowd was a little on~ so small he could hardly be seen, so filled with fear and shaking his pink face turned green. . He told of a stable so barren and cold. No precious diamonds, no silver, no gold. Just a place with four walls and a manger, with animals as keepers who would Welcome a stranger, placed between two hills in .a horrible groove. At least, now the star could re'main, would not have to move from its chosen place, over' God's great earth showering down blessings and grace. The King nodded with a turn, looked to the littlest angel and said, "We call learn - for my son shall be born in a manger this night and .you'll be his guardian , - keep him always in sight. . Be at his side, be his right arm,. keep him safe, defend him from harm. For a reward - let's think - what can it be? I'll give you brilliance and a place where you'll .be just second to the star - I know .- on top of a tree." - They picked a tall pine, the largest in sight, as a throne for the little one, that very night. And now every year, he's placed high on the tree for wise' men and women and all else to see. For he's the angel who saved Christ from all danger that wonderful night he ~.asbor9· in a·n'langer'::'''~~:ji . ~rned





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 20, 1979

Ileering p.inlJ

May you share the wondrous tidings of this,' Holy Season. Merry Christmas and sincerest thanks.

PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River 02722. Name of city or town shoUld be included as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundraising activities such as bingos whists, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetinRs, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundraising projects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office, telephone 675·7151.


ST. JOHN OF GOD, SOMERSET CCD classes will resume SatOUR LADY OF ANGELS, urday, Jan. 5 and Monday Jan. FALL RIVER Parishioners are reminded to 7. A children's Christmas Mass attend Mass as families on Sun- is set for 3 p.m. Sunday. Altar boys will go caroling at day, Dec. 30, the feast of the Holy Family. 6:45 p.m. Saturday, meeting at Veneration of the Infant Jesus the church. will take place following Christ- , Names of families needing .mas, Sunday after Christmas and Christmas dinners may be subNew Year's day Masses. mitted to the rectory or to Louis Holy Name Society members Rosa, president of the St. Vinwill receive corporate commun- cent de Paul Society. ion at 8 a.m. Mass Sunday, Jan. 13. A meeting and election of officers will follow. ST. THERESA, SOUTH ATTLEBORO All are invited to attend a prayer meeting held at 8 p.m. each Friday in the parish center. NORTH END ULTREYA, NEW BEDFORD A TEC retreat will be held Dec. 27 through 30 with Rhea Teves, as director and· Mary and Duke Cabral giving a talk on marriage. ·Cursillistas are asked to burn their family Christ candles until the American hostages in Iran are released.






COUNCIL 86, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Exceptional children from Paul Dever School, Taunton, and children of council members will participate in a Christmas party to be sponsored Saturday afternoon by the Fall River council.


The assembly will hold its annual Christmas party at 6:30 p.m. Saturday at Stevenson's restaurant, North Dartmouth. The fourth degree will be exemplified Sunday, March 9 at St. Francis Xavier Church, Hyannis. The class will be named for Bishop Daniel A. Cronin.

~nta's on his way to wish all

cMw,.y C~"ist~~s White's Family Re$t'aurant Route 6 at the Narrows in Westport Ro:and A. and Rita La France ~'

ST. MARY'S CA'fHEDRAL, FALL RIVER Parishioners are asked to bring the figure of the Infant from home nativity sets' to any Mass this weekend for a speCial blessing.

ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER A Christmas triduum pteach~ ed in French by Very Rev. Robert Blais, O.P., prior of the St. Anne's Dominican community, will conclude at 3 p.m. today in the shrine. A communal penance service will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday in the lower church, where confessions are heard daily from 11 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, NEW BEDFORD Altar boys will rehearse at 10 a.m. Monday. ST. MARY'S, SEEKONK New families are invited to register as parishioners after any Mass. Acknowledgement is made of a gift of $4000 from the Women's Guild,


We have received inquiries about the procedure for photographing parish events for The Anchor.. Unless a parish affair is' quite unusual, we are not able to send a photographer to cover it; but we are always happy to receive your own photographs and will use them if at all possible. Snapshots are acceptable, especially sharp closeups. Please include identification~.

SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER School children will present a Christmas program tomorrow morning at 10 for families and parishioners. CYO will hold its Christmas party Thursday, Dec. 27 at 7 p.m. in Father Coady Center. ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER Oplatek will be shared following all Masses this weekend as a sign of reconciliation in the Polish tradition. An hour of Advent intercession wi! ltake place from 2 to 3 p.m. Sunday in the church. All designated intercessors should participate. New candidates will be commissioned at 10:30 a.m. Mass Sunday, Jan. 13. Young people will carol for parish shut-ins beginning at 5:30 tomorrow night, then will visit La Salette Shrine for the remainder of the evening. LA SALEITE SHRINE, ATTLEBORO St. Brendan's adult and junior choirs from Riverside, R.I. will be heard from 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday. Holy Rosary junior choir, Stoughton, will sing at the 7:30 p.m. shrine Mass the same day. WOLF GALLERY, FALL RIVER Student photographs on the theme "The Latent Image: Abstraction in Nature" will be shown in the gallery, at Bishop Connolly High School, on weekdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m: tomorrow through Monday, Jan. 14. The opening reception will be held from 7 to 9 tonight.

.ST. JOSEPH, NEW BEDFORD The Legion of Mary will sponsor a Holy Hour from 3 to 4 p.m. tomorrow. Next Wednesday the 7 p.m. Mass will be offered for parish shut-ins and those visited by the 1$1. Vincent de Paul Society. A teaching will follow in the sacristy. SACRED HEART, \ FALL RIVER CCD classes will not be held during school vacation. They will resume Sunday, Jan. 6. An advent of penance service especially for 6th through Sth . graciers and confirmation candidates will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday. The confirmation candidates are offering assistance to elderly parishioners with snow shoveling, grocery shoppfng, light housekeeping and special errands. There is no charge for these services. ST. JOS,EPH, FAIRHAVEN A penance service will be held in conjunction with 7 p.m. Mass tomorrow. Cub Scouts will have a Christ-. mas party at 6 p.m. Sunday in the church hall. Parish children are asked to contribute new or used toys and games, bringing them to the 7 p.m. Christmas Eve children's Mass or to any. other feastday Mass. They will be distributed to children in the Azores and Cape Verde islands for next Christmas. The refugee family sponsored by St. Joseph's parish has arrived in Fairhaven but is still in need of temporary housing. Children of the family are enroiled in the parish school. SACRED HEARTS, FAIRHAVEN Parishioners and the public are invited to attend a cantata, "Christmas in Anthem and Portrait," at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the church.

[necrolo9Y) January 4 Rev. Eugene L. Dion, 1961, Pastor, Blessed Sacrament, Fall River January 6 Rev.' JamesF. Roach, .1906, Founder, Immaculate Conception, Taunton January 7 Rev. Alfred R. Forni, 1970, Pastor, St. Francis of Assisi, New Bedford January 8 Rev. Alfred J. Carrier, 1940, Founder, St. James, Taunton Rev. John Kelly, 1885, Founder, St. Patrick, 'Fall River Rev. Arthur C.· Lenaghan, 1944, Chaplain, United States Army January 10 Rev.. Jourdain Charron, O.P., 1919, Dominican Priory, Fall River Rev. George H. Flanagan, 1938, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River Rev. Msgr. Emmanuel Sousa de Mello, 1977, Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 20, 1979


uestion corner it's the best explanation we have for the choice of Dec. 25. Q. Our study club has been Q. What is meant by the comdiscussing the date of Christ's mandment: Honor your father birth. and mother? We realize 'that no one knows Does this mean that if you exactly when Jesus was born, are disobedient at home you are but how did we come to cele- breaking the commandment and brate Dec. 25? Do we know . therefore committing a mortal what year he· was born? (Texas) sin? (Del.) A. Strange as it seems, we A. Obedience to parents is have no idea of the date of certainly a significant element, Christ's birth. The Gospels are . but we should not start with that no help on that. From informa- word when we discuss the fourth tion given especially in the Gos- commandment. .pel of Luke, scholars generally It is worth noting that in both believe that Christ was born belistings of the commandments tween the years 8 and 6 B.C. in the Old Testament (Exodus 20 Though our present calendar is and Deuteronomy 5) the word supposedly based on the date of Christ's birth as year one, honor is used. The obligation to scholarship was not sophistica- respect and love one's parents, to care for them as necessary,' ted enough at that time to reach lasts throughout life. as precise a determination as is This duty of honor is a serinow possible, thus the difference ous one. The integrity and, of six or eight years. strength of family life depends 'Numerous theories h!lve been put forward to explain the on this relationship, and by exchoice of Dec. 25 as Christmas tension much of the respect for authority in human society day. The most likely is that the grows out of that kind of family birth of Christ was assigned to relationship. the date of the winter solstice, Obviously obedience to one's now Dec. 21, but Dec. 25 in the parents is part of this honor and Julian calendar which predated respect when one is growing up our own, and Jan. 6 in the under the care of one's parents Egyptian calendar. This latter date is still followed by some who have the primary responsibility of guiding us toward adultEastern~Rite Christian churches. The solstice, when days begin hood. When we are younger, to lengthen in the northern hemi- and when we are living within sphere, was referred to by pa- their. home, their regulations gans as the "Birthday of the Un- and CQmmands should be obeyed, conquered Sun." During the unless of course they involve third century the Emperor A'ure- something sinful. The seriousness of violating lian proclaimed Dec. 25 as a this or any other commandment special day dedicated to the sundepends on many' factors. To god, whose cult was very strong neglect one's parents grossly, to in Rome at that time. refuse continually to show them Even before this time, Chris- the respect and iove they detian writers had begun to refer serve simply because they are to Jesus as the Sun of Justice. our parents. to disobey a seriIt seemed quite logical, there", ous and important rule - all fore, that as Christianity began these may be serious sins if, of to dominate the religious scene course, they are fully intentional in the· Roman Empire, the date . and deliberate. Certainly most of the "new-born sun" shotlld "disobediences" against parents be chosen as the birthdate of in the normal process of daily Christ. . living are a long way from this. Questions for this column It apparently bothers' some people that the date for Chris- should be sent to Father Diettians probably has its roots in a zen c/o The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, pagan feast. Be that as it may, Fall River, Mass. 02722.

11 i

By Father John Dietzen

I SHORTSTOP TIM FOLI of the wotld champion Pittsburgh Pirates calls the Bible his "play book," with his wife is a regular attendant . at a Sunday evening charis-

matic Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes parish, Daytona, aeach. Fla. (NC Photo)

YOl,J r

patronage is the best gift you can give us. Thanks, 'and have a beautifuI holiday.


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We Wish You Every ,Joy and Blessing of this J1roly Christmas Season



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&fad OItJlisf.. TuJilqs To all, we wish the spiritual rewards that are so much a part of Christmas.




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THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 20, 1979

II Counseling II By Father Donald Conroy

II Dialogue II By Eugene and Catherine 'Fisher I

The church has always encouraged marriages between Catholics. The reasoning is straightforward. Marriage tends toward oneness of the spirit. And the church recognizes that differences of basic spiritual beliefs can cause real difficulties between husband and wife. Ecumenism has also taught Catholics that dialogue can lead to spiritual enrichment. As this process has gone on, the church has mitigated the requirements governing marriages between Catholics and non-Catholics. Marriages between baptized Christians ax:e seen by the church not only as valid but also as sacramental. This means that a marriage between a Catholic and, for example, an Anglican or a Lutheran can be a sign of the union between Christ and the whole church, tragically divided by striving for a deeper unity. From this point of view, the term "mixed marriage" strikes the ear as dated. Perhaps "ecumenical marriage" would be more apt. For, given certain conditions, a marriage between two people of different faiths can be blessed with a unique sense of understanding and growth. Married Christians who come together out of different religious communities, as the ecumenical guidelines of the Detroit Archdiocese state, "are able to give to each other the riches of their respective traditions." To the extent that they are able to reach beyond their they ecclesial separateness, can "share the gifts of the one Spirit of Christ in their life together." In this sense, ecumenical marriages offer hope for all of us today. Yet the challenge of this "reaching beyond" should not be underestimated. 'It must be a process of true dialogue, not simply a melting-down of the beliefs of either to some sort of least common denominator. Dialogue strains for shared .meaning, not concensus. It presumes, fosters and delights in difference. Such dialogue is not easy, but it can be fun. It is not easy because marriage is never simply a relationship' between. two individuals, but a coming together of two families and the commu~ities they represent. \ The process of dialogue, then, must begin long before the wedding, so that the study of each other's religious beliefs and practices may. begin to strengthen the spiritual union. The need for study is particularly acute in Catholic-Jewish marriages, since the communal divisions run too deep and the historical misunderstandings are so widely held. The Chrisian partner, for example, should not presume that he is totally free of antiSemitism. . A good book to start with, which should be discussed toTurn to Page Thirteen

know your faith Mixe<l marriages in, Scripture' By Father John J. Castelot The attitude of the Bible toward mixed marriages. could hardly be described as consistent. They turn up rather often in the Old Testament, where they involve marriages between Israelites and .non-Israelites, Jews and Gentiles. In the New Testament the question comes up only in passing. As a matter of practice, however, such unions seem to have been quite commonplace. Joseph married' an Egyptian (Genesis 41,45) and Moses a Midianite (Exodus 2,21; see Numbers 12,1). Naomi's two daughters-in-law were Moabites (Ruth 1,4), and among David's wives were a Calebite and an A:ramean (2 Samuel 3,3).

Beeri the Hittite, and Basemath, daughter of Elon the Hittite. But they became a source of embitterment to Isaac and Rebekah" (Genesis 26, 34,35). "Rebekah said to Isaac: "I am disgusted with life because of the Hittite women. If Jacob should also marry a Hittite woman, a native of the land, like these women, what good would life be to me?'" (Genesis 27,46).

ness in order to preserve their identity in an alien, pagan culT ture. But now, iii spite of all that, the Jews were entering into mixed marriages of all sorts, even with Samaritan girls. It is interesting that Samari.tans are singled' out by Jesus for special and strikingly favorable notice. There is the story of the cure of the 1'0 lepers in Luke 17,11,19, and most familiar is the/parable of the Good Samaritan; told precisely to illustrate the concept of "neighbor" in the great commandment to love one's neighbor as oneself. .

. It is this same uneasiness, occasioned by worries about contaminating ethic purity, that seems to be behind the vehement denunciation of mixed marriages after the return from the Babylonian exile (6th-5th cent. B.C.). The situation here is Paul,. for his part, saw no difsomewhat complicated. It had long been recognized that such ficulty in a marriage between a . marriages not only tainted Is- Christian and a pagan as long When misgivings are expressrael's blood, but also endanger- as they could live together in ed, the motivation seems to have ed its religious faith and event- harmony (1 Corinthians 7., 12, 16). . been more ethnic than religious. ually such unions were forbidThus we read in Genesis 24,' 2-4; den by law. This law, however, The one law that Jesus left us "Abraham said to the senior was honored more in the breach was that of mutual love (John servant of his household . . . than in' the observance, and 13, 34,35; 15,12,17). If people 'Put your hand under my thigh, even the community which re- really love each other, they and I will make you swear by turned from the exile continued should be able to respect each the Lord, the God of heaven and to contract mixed marriages. other's convictions with underthe God of earth, that you will standing and mutual acceptance. not procure a wife for my son This was a strange state of from the daughters of the Can- affairs. The Samaritans, having Differences are inevitable; mixed aanites among whom I live, but been rebuffed by the repatriates, marriages there will always be. that you will go to my own became actively and agressively Love can make them work. land and to my kindred to get 'hostile, doing everything in their' This is not the bibiical answer a wife for my son Isaac.' " power to sabotage the work of to the problem; even to suggest Two short notices later un reconstruction. Even before this that it was would be irresponsishow that objections to marri- they were held in contempt as bily simplistic. But the attitudes ages outside the "family" were. :half-breeds by the Jews, who we find in the Scriptures should based on pride of blood rather had become increasingly. con- be taken into practical account than on .zeal for religious purity: scious of their "apartness," dut- in living with this complex ques"When Esau was 40 years old, ing the exile, when they simply tion, especially in individual he married Judith, daughter of had to emphasize their other- cases.


"A MARRIAGE between two people of different faiths can be blessed with a unique sense of understanding and growth."

Interfaith marriage is an -increasingly common experience. More than 50 percent of the new marriages in some Catholic dioceses are interfaith. Many people are considering the questions and insights involved in these matches. In his celebrated message, "Evangelization in the Modern World," Pope Paul VI pointed out the importance of the evangelizing family. He then 'was quick to add: "Families resulting from mixed marriage also have the duty' of proclaiming Christ to the children in the fullness of the consequences of a common baptism: They have, moreover, the difficult task of becoming builders of unity." . This statement is challenging since it raises the ideal of an "ecumenical marriage." Such a marriage between two baptized practicing Christians, one of whom is Catholic, is rarely ministered to after the wedding day in any extensive manner. The que~tion of Catholic-Jewish, Catholic-Buddhist or Catholic-Moslem marriages is another matter, also deserving treatment. Here we shall focus on Christian interfaith marriages. In them, the distinction can be made between those into which the couple have entered without much in-depth thought and those in which each spouse. deeply feels a vocation to Christian marriage and the路 need to remain faithful to his partner and his own Christian denomination a truly "ecumenical marriage." Turn to Page Thirteen

II For children By Janaan Manternash Isaac and Rebekah were very old. Isaac was almost blind. They were not happy. Their oldest son, Esau, had married a woman from another tribe. So when their younger son, Jacob, began to think of marriage, Isaac told him, "Go back to where our people come from. Look for a wife from among路 the daughters of your uncle, Laban. May God bless you in your choice of a wife. May he pass on to you and your children the blessing he gave your grandfather, Abraham." The next day Jacob set out. Finally he came to the land of his ancestors. He stopped his caravan at a large well. Shepherds stood nearby with their thirsty flocks. "Friends," Jacob asked them, "do you know Laban?" "Yes, we do," they answered. "In fact, that is his daughter, Rachel, coming with his sheep." Jacob watched Rachel walking gracefully across the desert. When she got to the well, Jacob helped her water her sheep. Then he introduced himself. "I am your relative. My mother is Rebekah, your father's sister." Rachel was so excited she ran Turn to Page Thirteen

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Reflecting at Christmas, we give thanks to our many friends.

'C. 'Ii'




Continued from' Page Twelve True, Catholic marriage preparation programs often deal with the questions involved. The papal decree on mixed marriage, issued in 1970, dealt with the church's dispensation from a Catholic ceremony and the form of the promises. Acting upon this, many dioceses have included in their own common policies for marriage preparation a further treatment of ecumenical questions. Yet beyond this, couples often need continuing counseling, which they experience as sporadic at best. .Based on the Roman document, the United States bishops issued a statement on mixed marriages in 1971. This declares that there should be "appropriate diocesan informational programs arranged in order to explain both the reasons for restrictions on mixed marriages and the positive spiritual values to be sought in such marriages when permitfed." This, along with the more recently approved ,Plan of -Pastoral Action for Family Ministry, brings up the whole topic of ministrY to ecumenically married couples throughout their married years. Many couples wish for such a ministry in their parish or diocese and many experience both the joys and tensions of their special vocation as a sign of that unity Christians seek. Hope, however, is on the horizon. Some couples find that a shared prayer and parish support:discussion group are helpful. Often, with the help of a clergyman, couples can enter a truly blessed like-to-like ministry network, which gives them much practical help and inspiration.

Dialogue Continued from Page Twelve gether and with your priest and rabbi, is Samuel Sandmel's "When A Jew and Christian Marry" (Fortress, 1977, $3.25). This outlines what each should know about the other's tradition, and puts into good perspective why the Jewish community generally tends to oppose such marriages.

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THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 20, 1979


For Jews it is not a question of religious traditionalism, but more radically of the very 'survival of the Jewish community. Such difficulties need to be understood before the decision to marry is made. Finally, the church question involves possible children. In which tradition will they be raised? This cannot be left to the last minute or dodged by saying, "We'll let the children decide," for this can put a child in the situation of virtually having to choose which parent he loves more. Difficulties exist in interfaith marriages, but so does the potential of rich rewards. Entrance in such a union deserves serious mutual 'reflection and prayer.

With the number of young couples in religiously mixed marriages growing constantly, the topic becomes increasingly relevant. Pastors, parents, leaders in pre-marriage programs and couples themselves all have a deep stake in this area of family ministry.



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For children


Continued from Page Twelve home to tell her father, Laban, the good news. Jacob stayed with Laban's family for a month. He helped with the flocks and other chores.


One day Laban said to Jacob, . "You have been working hard for me all month. Just because you are a relative doesn't mean that I should not pay you for your work. What wages would you like?"

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Jacob knew what to ask for. He had fallen in love with Rachel. "I love your daughter very much," ·1}e said to Laban. "If you let me marry her, I will work for you free 'for seven years."

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"I agree," Laban responded. "After seven years Rachel will be your wife." Jacob worked hard. He loved Rachel so much that the seven years seemed to pass very quickly.

At the end of the time, Jacob went to Laban and said, "I have done as I promised. Now I am ready to marry your daughter." "Laban planned a big wedding. He invited all his friends and neighbors, then brought his daughter out to be Jacob's bride. But he did not bring Rachel. He brought his older daughter Leah. Jacob was furious. "How could you do this to me?" he said with tears in his eyes. "Why are you trying to trick me?" Laban said it was not 'proper for a younger daughter to marry before her older sister. Jacob was not about to give up. "What must I do to marry Rachel? It is she I love." Laban replied. "You may marry Rachel now if you promise to serve me for another seven years." "Happily," said Jacob. "I would do even more than that to have her as my own." , So Jacob married Rachel. They Jived happily together during the seven years Jacob worked f()r Laban. They had a son whom they named Joseph. Then they set out for home. They lived happily together until Rachel died.

Rhodesian Bishop VATICAN CITY - After two years without a resident bishop, the Diocese of Umtali, Rhodesia, will soon have one. Pope John Paul II has named Msgr. Patrick Mumbure Mutume as auxiliary to Bishop Donal. Lamont of Umtali. Bishop Lamont was exiled by the white minority government in March 1977.



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Holy Family

!HE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 2Q, 1979

OCU/_ on youth

By Cecilia Belanger


We abide in Christ only if we keep His commaqdments, and the commandments of Christ are basically one: "that you 'love , one, another as I have loved you:" There is no sentimentality or eroticism in the Gospel. Instead, the degree of love is measured by our readiness to give our lives. Love is linked to possible sacrifice. In order to understand this' unique definition of love, , we may compare it with two others we find in the Bible and in subsequent Christian tradition. In the "Song of Songs" love is presented as erotic feeling: two young lovers exchange emotional expressions which end in mutual possession. In the Middle Ages man's love fOf God was described as a process of increasing detachment from the world. Spiritual perfection was reached through purification, illumination, and finally union. There are thus three concepts of love within the Christian tradition: the erotic, the evangelical and the neo platonic. The history of western mysticism is the blending of the three concepts and the styles of the mystics are defined by the predominance of one concept over the other two. Two religious thinkers who were purely evangelical were St. Francis of Assisi and St. Teresa of Avila. They do not call God their spouse, but their Lord, and for them the religious experience is to keep God's commandments and fulfill his will at whatever cost.

We are amazed at the life of Teresa of Avila (1515-1582). She lived in the 16th century when women were considered inherently inferior. She was- the granddaughter of a converted Jew. She was a nun. She was always in poor health, yet she managed to influence the pope, the king, and the spiritual life of all' the Catholic countries. In order to achieve this, she had first to rebel against the status quo. She criticized the defects of the clergy in harsher terms than Erasmus, although - and here is the difference with great sorrow, and not with Erasmian irony. Very few people it is true, live t):1eir religious convictions at the level of Teresa of Avila. Most people are split between the demands of faith, which are rationally recogni;zed, and the inconsiderateness 'of everyday struggles. They are torn between their words and deeds. But even if they do not live up to the demands of their faith, it is still better to cling to it than to despair. Better to be like the publican, who can offer his faults! I've received many letters from people telling me they, are not worthy in their own eyes to receive communion. They are quite hard on themselves. It makes one wonder where their attention was all the times they heard the Gospel read. If we take humans on their positive side, as people whose reality lies in their habits, in their way of being more than in their acts, then we see the new religious and secular sense of sacrifice. Our Redeemer pre-

cedes us. in sacrifice to cure our illusions and show the way to balance and' happiness. There is no chance of personal satisfaction in lifE! if we do not build our lives according to our own ideal image of ourselves. We need to work on self-mastery. We so often forget that it has been the sacrifices of million~ that have brought us thus far, people who spiritualized the hard struggle, the doing without. Our ancestors coped with the realities of the immediate, with their eyes on their tasks and a reliance 'on the Lord who strengthened them. God is a spendthrift when it comes to love. There is nothing He would not spend and nothing He will not forgive. That's real love.

.Bishop Stang As everyone knows, the Eleventh Commandment is that if a bishop visits a Catholic school, he must give the students a day off. So Stang students were expecting their day when Bishop Cronin came to bless their Advent wreath. Enter Jay 'DeNardo, a young man destined to. go' far. While addressing the students on the diocesan jubilee year just completed, the bishop said, . "Who can tell me the meaning of jubilee?" "Two days off instead of one," instantaneou~ly responded Jay. It worked. Who can tell me the name of Stang's Student-ofthe-Year?

Recent activities have included a trip by officers of the National Honor Society to Bridgewater to hear an address by David Powers, director of the Kennedy Memorial Library. Spanish club members enjoyed a Mexican lunch at Casa Mexico in Cambridge, while glee club choristers attended a performance of "Annie" at the Boston Carnival Theater and juniors toured the New Bedfo'rd Whaling Museum in connection with their study of Moby Dick.

Bishop Gerrard The junior class joined in the celebration of Mass yesterday to conclude Gerrard's Advent program of preparation for Christmas. The theme of the Advent class Masses has been longing, preparation and rejoicing. At 1 p.m. tomorrow seniors will sponsor a Christmas Assembly for the Fall River school community. Sister Elizabeth路 McAuliffe, RSM, principal, will address the student body, the seniors will present a skit, and chorus members w.ll present selections from their Christmas concert. . On Thursday, Dec. 29 there will be an alumnae-varsity basketball game in the school gym. 1(lClf[!ClC1(~1CIClC1C~

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AIDED by Father John Perry, left, and Msgr. John J. Oliveira, Bishop Cronin blesses ,Advent wreath at Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth.t~~~~~~~~~~~~~Jtt~~路~.~.~~~~~~.~.~~~~~.~~~~~


Thurs~, Dec. 20,

By Bill Morrissette

portswQtch Coaches Needed! The New Bedford area girls does not seem· to be general CYO basketball league is lopk- knowledge that teams are looking for coaches. ., ing for coaches. For those interested: the Six parishes in the New Bedford area have teams in the league is open to girls up to league. The parishes entered in eighth grade under 15 years of the loop are Mount Carmel, age. On the regular schedule coached by Leonor Luiz; Our' each team will play ,the other Lady of Assumption, coached by teams three times. Games arc Pete Britto; St. Mary of' New played twice a week in the KenBedford, coached by Paul Ryley; nedy Youth Center. At the end St. Francis of Acushnet, coached of the season there will be a by Chris Coons; St. George, playoff for the top four teams coached by Barb LaPlante; and and around robin for teams that Holy Name, coached by Judy do not qualify for the playoffs. Interested? See coordinators Belli. Possibly some of the other . Leonor Luiz and Judy Belli at 24 parishes in the area could or the Kennedy Youth Center on playing nights. might enter teams but there

tv, mOVIe news ment mysticism,' is compelling Symbols following film reviews indicate enough, although without the both general and Catholic, Film Office verve and sparkle of "Star ratings, which do not always coincide. General ratings: G-suitable for gen· ' Wars." G, Al eral viewing; PG-parental guidance sugFear and Love gested; R-restricted, unsuitable for children or younger teens. "If you take away due .fear, Catholic ratings: AI-approved for you take away true love." children and adults; A2-approved for John Donne adults and adolescents; A3-approved for adults only; B-objectionable in part for everyone; A4-.-separate classification (given to films not morally offensive which, however, require some analysis and explanationl: C-coridemned.



ForMe "With me and for me He suffers, for me He is sad, for me . He is heavy. In my stead, therefore, and in me He grieved who had no cause to grieve for Himself." - St. Ambrose

New FilD\s "Kramer vs. Kramer" (Columbia) is the story of Ted, a successful advertising man (Dustin Hoffman) and his wife Joanna (Meryl Streep) who divorce after LEARY PRESS eight years of marriage. Ted is left with their 6-year-old son I Billy (Justin Henry) and the two We're your Mitchell work out an affectionate and building dealer. And we'd efficient partnership, disrupted like to show you how a after 18 months when Joanna specially designed Hoop Season Gaining Momentum returns, seeking, custody of her , Mitchell building can The high school basketball Silver Lake Christmas Tourna- son. The subsequent court action make a difference in your season is now in full swing but ment in the Hobomack Arena, is the film's focus, climaxing in operation. No obligationonly Division One in the South- - Pembroke, Mass., is an out- a scene which in effect lets the just solutions. eastern Mass. Conference has standing attraction. Connolly viewer make up his own ending. THE KEOHANE CORP. This is an entertaining film started its regular schedule. will take part in that tourney to 41 WINTHROP ST. conveying something of the tragThe other two divisions open be held on Dec. 26, 28 and 29. TAUNTON The holiday season usually edy of divorce. The nature of their seasons on Jan. 2. 823·1702 ,Bishop Connolly High's Cou- brings about many tournaments. some of the scenes and the harsh An Authorized Mitchell Dealer gars, who opened their division One such is the Taunton winter . language make it strictly adult schedule at Durfee Tuesday track Christmas relay meet to material. PG, A4 "The Electric Horseman" (Colnight, will be home to always- be heid at 10 o'clock Wednestough Attleboro tomorrow night .day morning. Schools from the umbia): A drinking, womanizing Metal Building Systems when New Bedford High is at Southeastern Mass. Conference former rodeo star who has beTHE CONIFER GROUP MITCHELL ENGINEERING with assets over $450,000,000 Taunton, Durfee at Fairhaven, and the Hockomock League, come the symbol of a breakfast COMPANY among others, will participate in cereal, throws away everything Barnstable at Dartmouth. Hyannis-775-4500 Division of The Ceco this tourney which is to be held by stealing a multi-million dollar 'South Yarmouth-394-2111 Corporation On next Wednesday night at Taunton High School. stud horse and attempting to set member F.D,I.C. Connolly will be at New Bedford, . The first Holiday 'Festival Bas- him free in the Utah wilds. The Somerset at Dartmouth, and ketball Tournament sponsored film depends heavily on its stars,. Fairhaven at Attleboro. Durfee by the Diocesan CYO will open Robert Redford and Jane Fonda, was originally scheduled to visit ;with a four-game card, starting to compensate for its thin story. Barnstable but that game has at 5 p.m. Saturday in the KenThe implications of their relabeen postponed to Feb. 20 as the nedy Youth Center, New Bedtionship make this mature viewHilltoppers will be participating ford. Semi-finals are set for Dec. ng fare. PG, A3 ,.. in the Christmas Tournament at 28, consolation and champion"The Jerk" (Universal): The Rogers High School in Newport ship finals for Dec. 29. Trophies of black shareson of a family next Thursday and Friday. will be awarded to the top three croppers, adopted as a white There are several non-league teams and to the outstanding foundling, discovers the secret games set for tomorrow night, player. of his birth, wins riches, fame among them Coyle-Cassidy at Grammar schools in the tour- and love, only to end up on skid Holy Family, Sacred Heart at nament are St. Anthony, St. row. Less a, film than a series Old Colony, Old Rochester at Mary, Our Lady of Mount Car- of sketches, S'teve Martin's Chatham, West Bridgewater at mel, St. James-St. John and St. SCi'een debut has its moments, Apponequet Regional, Seekonk Lawrence, New Bedford; St. but it is cruder than funny. The at Diman Voke. Francis, Acushnet; Holy Name, sexual nature of some of the The tempo is also picking up Fall River; and Taunton Catholic jokes 'is offensive. R,B in scholastic hockey in which the Middle School. "1941" (Universal): A Japanese submarine sighted off CaliBooters Honored fornia in the early days of Members of the Old Colony towards early annexation of the World War II, triggers a panic High Bristol County CYO Hockey that includes street riots and Regional Vocational other events meant to be highly School soccer team were hon- League. amusing. Director Steven Spielored at a dinner in the school The Whalers posted their cafeteria in Rochester. seventh c~>nsecutive shutout, berg has tried to make the "Gone Here's hoping that all our friends, Robert Gadbois, a two-time their eighth of the season over- With the Wind" of slapstick all-Mayflower League selectee, all, when they routed Taunton comedy, but has produced, a whose confidence we treasure, will was named the team's most valu- 5-0, in the Driscoll Rink, Fall loud, vulgar, unfunny film, that share the many blessings of Christmas. also offends by exploitation of able player and received an out- River, last Sunday night. sexual material. PG,B standing player award 'from John Medeiros of the referee's "Star Trek" - The Motion Fall River South's 3-2 victory association. Other awards: Tony ,over runnerup Somerset-Free- Picture" (Paramount): The longFall River Travel Bureau DeCosta, coach; Steve Faulkner, town enabled New Bedford to awaited version of the TV series offensive player; ·Dwayne Sylvia, widen its lead to seven points has the Enterprise intercepting ANTHON,\, J. ABRAHAM HENRY J. FEITELBERG defensive player. John Smith, a ' 3Y2 games over Somerset- a vast space cloud with incrediROBERT KARAM JOSEPH H. FEITELBERG former soccer player in England Freetown. Still looking for its ble destructive powers. The JEANNE PELADEAU and now kicker for the New Eng- first victory Fall River North special effects are good, the land Patriots, was the principal held Rochester to a 1-1 tie. As a acting (with all the old familiar 154 NORTH MAIN STREET, FALL RIVER speaker., . result Rochester gained a third- faces) is adequate, and the plot, featuring some bargain-baseNew Bedford continues to roll place tie with Taunton.


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