THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. D.ec. 21, 1967
rFllt W. A. GAlViN
(Q)@~®I[W~ <6[}mr5~U'mm@~ M9S)~rry
Diocese of. !Fall' River
Very Rev. William A. Galvin, J.C:D., administrator of Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Swansea, as Officialis - of the Diocesan Tribunal. Very Rev. Reginald M. Barrette, Chancellor and Episcopal Secretary, assistant ,at St. Roeh's, Parish, Fall River, as Vice Officialis of the Diocesan TriblUlal and Censor ~ibrorum. Rev. HenryT. Munroe, assistant at Holy Name Parish, New Bedford, 8B Secretary and Notary of the Dioce~ Tri
Rev. Peter N. Graziano, assistant at Holy Name Parish, Fall River, as Censor Librorum. ,
Rev. Luiz G. Mendonca, pastor of St. Michael's Parish,
F~IlRiver, as a member of, the Board of Examiners of the Clergy.
Rev. Roland Bousquet, 'assistant at st. JQSeph's Parish, New Bedford, 8ll a member of the Board 'of Examiners of the Clergy. . Rev. John R. FoIster, assistant at Sacred Heart Parish, Fall River, as Secretary of the Board of Examiners of th,:! Clergy.
Eff~ctive ~ of Appointments Friday, Dec. 15, 1961.
Po !fiSh Councils CLEVELAND (NiC) The president of the Cleveland dioc esan Senate of Priests said here that both the concept of the parish and the self-image of parishioners must change if par ish councils are to mean what they should. Speaking at a meeting of \he Serra Club, Msgr. William C0s grove said the parllsh concept must be enlarged boom that of just a Catholic community to that of a Christian presence- in
Jan. l--Cathedral cd the As , sumption, Fall River. Sacred Heart Hom e , New Bedford.
, lHE IIICIIOI $ecOlld ClasS Postage Pall:! at Fall Rlvar, Publisheo every Thursday at 410 Hlghlano "venue. ,Fall Rlvel Mass.. 02722 bY the ::atholl( PressOl the Olocese of Fan • postpaid Alver. SUDscrlptloa Jrlce IIoJ
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Need Changes the entire parish neighborhood. Individuals must' be willing to commit themselves to, the apostolic activity, he said, even at the expense of giving up some other activities which'they considered part of their every aay lives. , ,;_ Diocesan co~cils, Msgr. 'CoS grove said, must come from the bottom up, not fro~ the top down. He said any diocesan council made up of clergy, Re ligious and laity should flow from a pastoral plan "and pal' ishes must first determine their plan, their apostolate." Refering to his own parish, the pastor pointed out that the apostolate of the. 14 t() 21 age group was highly important. :"Priests feel that leadership and ~derstanding must be ,created among the young. ,But ,the par ish has a large number of llged, and they too muSt receive a,Uention." " "We are trying to Come up with a plan for the whole eom munity, not 'just the ',parish," explained the Monsignor. ,"We are trying to bring the ,Spirit of ~ieti aoiir _ Ulemll1'~tpl~..
FR.. JJ. !l rolSlU
BONN (NC)~The communist regimes of eastern Europe have aparently abandoned their ilt tempts to abolish Christian fes tivities, and this year church going, gift-giving and, family celebrations will mark the feast day. . In the attempt to do away with the feast, the authorities had tried to replace Santa Claus with a Soviet~style Father Frost and called Christmas the "Win ter Holiday." . An indication of how thirigs have changed is that when East German'y this year abolished most religious holidays through out the year to compensate for the introduction of the five day working week, ,it did not
Mass Ordo FRIDAY-Ember Fri~y in Ad vent. II Class. Violet. :Mass Proper; No Glory or Creed; Advent Preface. SATURDAY - Ember Saturday in Advent. II Class. Violet. Mass Proper; No Glory or Creed; Advent Preface. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and5Ui Lessons with their versicles may.· be ' omitted at ttie discretion of the Celebrant, but the first Lesson and 'the Epistle must be read. SUNDAY - Vigil of Christmas (IV Sunday of Advent). I Class. Violet. Mass Proper; No Glory; Creed; Preface of Trinity. MONDAY - Nativity of Our Lord ' Jesus Christ. I Class. White. Mass' Proper; First Mass: Glory; Creed; Preface and Com m u n i can t e s of Christmas. Sec 0 n d Mass: Glory; Creed; Preface and Communicantes of Christmas. Third Mass: G~ory; Creed; Preface and Communicantes of Christmas.. Each priest may offer three Masses. Holy Day of Obligation. ' . TUESDAY"::::'St. Stephen, Proto mar-tyro II Class. Red. Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; Pref ace and Communicantes of Christmas. WEDNESDAY-St. John Apos tle and Evangelist. n Cl~ White. Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; Preface and Communi cantes of Christmas. , THURSDAY - Holy Innocents, , -Martyrs. II Class. Red. Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; Pref ace and Communicantes of Christmas.
Necrology JAN. 1
Rev. JQse' Valerio, 1955, Pas tor, St. Elizabeth, Fall. River. Rev. Antonio M. Fortuna,' 1956, Pastor, Immaculate c0n: ception, New Bedford. JAN. 4 \ Rev. Eugene L. Dion, 1961. Pastor, Blessed Sacrament, Ri".er.
tE~ rope
in E@stelftl1
@f £ep@l[f@tiotli fo[l' M'ony touch the two-day Christmas holiday "because of long-stand ing traditions." Christmas Bonuses , Along with Poland and Czechoslovakia, East Germany even provides' extra pay for those who have to work on the ~oliday. It also provides Christ mas bonuses under certain con ditions, although not' on the lavish ' scale of Poland, where workers receive an extra month's pay in December. However, not all news is good in East Europe this Christmas. Although there are more toys and other gifts and a better 'choice of Christmas foodstuffs, prices have also risen. In Poland, in late November,
increases in the price of meat
and poultry, in some cases up
to 32 per cent, made prospects
for Christmas dinner' 'bleak. III
Czechoslovakia, price increases
are expected as the regime bat
tIes to control developing inflQ.. tion.
For h~dreds of familia there is the misery of separa. tion; the inability to cross the borders freely for family reun ions with those who escaped ' the West. Midnight Mass Christmas Day is celebrated at the same time as in the Welli except in Bulgaria and parts of Yugoslavia where, there , i s . Christmas holiday, but the oth« regimes generally allow twO days.
Traditionally, the most im church service 101' ,!Catholics in East Europe is tM Christmas midnight Mass. -For Protestants in East Gel' many the main service is _ Christmas moming. Everywhere, however, a. -murches are packed and witJa lr8re exceptions Christians wOll ship the birth of Christ in peae.,
~OU 6au~
t6e lJtatt. tiopt and.fiut 1l)/jidj' is ~ijristma$:
GEO. O'HARA CHEVROLET 1001 Kings Higljway ,Open Evenings
Paul Cites World ViftMe~
2 ,
CC~<CfJ~®~r@\f~@l A concelebrated Mass ail Requiem was offered yesterday, morning at 10 o'clock in Sacred Heart Church, No. Attleboro foor the repose of the soul of lVlro. Clara Chabot.
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope ful concept of ltfe but it pro raul VI has made New Year's claims the highest and most Day a Day of Peace for Catho universal values of life: truth, ties and has urged all men of justice, freedom, love." good will to 'celebrate it every Maurice Cardinal Roy of jJear "as if it were their own Quebec, president of the Pon iJDitiative." tifical Commission on Justice Catholics .will have "the duty and Peace, said at the same Of observing" the Day of Peace press conference that pacifism ~th "the religious and moral "does not carry· the positive expressions of the Christian element of reconstruction." He laith," the Pope said. said the Pope "puts us on our " He expressed the hope that guard against a negative atti tude." . ~e exaltation of the ideal of peace may not favor the cow Msgr. Poupard observed that ardice of those who fear it may "everybody distinguishes be be their duty to give their life tween pacifism and conscien 1Dr the service of their own tious objection." country and of their own broth The Pope's exhortations were C1'S when these are engaged in contained in a 2,OOO-word mes ~e defense of justice and lib sage made public after copies erty, and who seek only a flight of it had been sent to various bm their responsibility." international organizations and At a press conference ar heads of state. ranged by the Holy See, an of 'lFanse lFHashy WOIl'411s' ficial of the Papal Secretariat of The first and somewhat long State asserted that this could er part of, the message was ad II:Ot be taken as a condemna dressed "to all men of good tion of conscientious objection. will,"" including governments, The official, Msgr. Paul Pou international organisms, reli pard, referred to Paragraph 79 'gious insUtutions and "youth, of the Pastoral Constitution on the new paths of civilization ~e Church in the Modem • '" • is more lively." The second ;W-orld, which encourages laws and final part was addressed providing for "those who for to the bishops and the faithful l'easons of conscience refuse to of the Catholic Church. bear arms." In the first part the Pope de.,. Highest Values cla.red that the internlitional 'rile Pope further declared: organizations that have been "Peace is not pacifism. It created to foster international does not mask a base and slothTurn to Page Sixteen
In the presence of Bishop Connolly, the following priestlil concelebrated the Mass with Rev. Gerard Chabot, pastor of St. Therese's Church, So. Attle boro and son of the departed as chief celebrant: Very Rev. Luke M. Chabot, O.F.M. of Montreal. and Rev. Bertrand Chabot of St. Anthony's Church, New Bed ford, both sons; Rev. Roland Deschenes of St. Michael's Church, Ocean Grove, a grand son.
Also officiating as concele brants were: Rev. James F. McCarthy,' Rev. Dionis Lafren iere, O.F.M., and Rev. Matthew Audibert, O.F.M. Bishop Gerrard, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese, and Bish op Laurent Guibord, O.F.M., of Peru, So. America, were a1S@ present in the sanctuary. In addition to the three sons and grandson, Mrs. Chabot is survived by four daughters: Sr. Armande Marie, ·S.U.S.C., of the Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River; Mrs. Claire Deschenes and Mrs. Theresa L'Homme of, No. Attleboro; Mrs. Yvette Hamel of Taunton. Interment was in St. Stephen" Cemetery, Dodgeville.
One dark cold night long ago Mary and Joseph were traveling from Nazareth to Bethlehem. When they arrived it was late and there was no room for them in any inn. They didn't know what to do,' but at last a' kind innkeeper said they could sleep in his stable. They hurried to the stable a..nd there the Baby Jesus was born. All the angels kn~w about it and a special star began to shine. But no one on the earth knew what had happened. So what do you think God did? The 20 pictures for the Christmas story were ·taken at Nazareth on the Cape in Hyannis.
'" MIAMI (NC) - An urgent op Carroll declared that· "the Deed for adequate housing and whole hemisphere needs educa • crash program .of education Tumt to Page Twenty-two ~re cited as'two of the critical " ~eeds of Latin America by Bishop Coleman F. Carroll of Miami, acting chairman of the U. S. ,Bishops' Committee for Latin America. He spoke here after returning from the meeting of U. S. and Latin American prelates in San tiago, Chile. 0 ••• • Terming the recent confer ence with officials of the Latin American Bishops' Council ~ (CELAM) hi g h 1 y successful, ~ Bishop Carroll noted that the "e, too, comB • ••••••.••, • " •• J•••••••••• •• bishops of Latin America ex to adore the pressed "their profound appre Child lyfng ciation to the people of the In the .
Church and the United States manger for their assistance. The Latin .,. anti American hierarchy expressed • 0 to a8k their gratitude for what the His lJ. S. Church has done in Latin blessing 0 • Afnerica and are most anxious that cooperation between our upon -o • continents . continues and 1n alZ those. • Cl"eases." near • • Bishop Carroll emphasized ana: dear. • • that "it is evident that the se • o. rious problems in Latin Amer ~ ~. ica cannot be solved without OIl. .. • • the cooperation not only of the • • ••• • o· U. S. but also with the help 'of 0 .......... , •• o • • • • • • • '
many agencies from all parts of ' the world." '. A' • • ..... • " He said that housing prob • ,. e • • • • ' •• lems in the ciUes are being cre ated as a result of people without any worldly goOds flOWing from the mountains and Alral areas. One. striking fact about Latin America is the mi cration of so many people into Incorporated urban areas. Sao Paulo, Brazil, he noted, has exp~rienced ·a mi FALL RIVER - NEW BEDFORD gration of 400,000 poor people • year. III the area of education Bish-
OLDSMOBILE Oldsmobile-Peugot-Renault 67 Middle Street. faIrhaven
Good Tidi~ ....."" ':;j' ,:-~,. of G -reat Joy.o'.'"/:::~1·":,~?r:·~t ., .• " •
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Moft'h<ew'$ Mass
For Peace
Housing, Education Chief Needs of Latin America
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Fall River"":'Thurs. Dec. 2..1 i ·1967
You might think He would have sent an angel messenger to all the kings and emperors to tell them that the King of Kings had been born. But God doesn't· do things the way we might expect.• He decide~ that the first people to now. about His Son would be some nfilarby shepherds. Here are three of them wa'rmirig their hands over a smaU fire. They don't know what's going'to happen., .
DOnoU' lHle(tJJftull1lg
©oBs MCaJ&e 1Tal\DlJ'1lfr~)il'il MasSi.
W <trJU'M f} IlgeiiJ~$D
"For such is the Kingdom of' Beaven" ••• Even this little child ••• a LEPER. To thank God for your health and protection from this shattering malady' of Leprosy ••• please send a FEW DOLLARS' as YOUR ClIIRISTMAS GIFT to provide medicine. eare and HOPE for these victims in 230 Leprosaria under Catholic supervision in MISSION AREAS of the worlc1.
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'iTHE SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE FAlITH :'. 368 North Main St~eet, Fan River, MaSs. : : ~"""' __ """"""""""""""""""~"'~'"""",,1
Council Repeats Workers' Right
To O!l'ganiz~
LISLE (NC) -The B.enedic tine monks of St. Procopius ab bey have broken ground for a $2.5 million church and monas tery here in Illinois, their first home in 80 years. The monks have lived in the administra tion building of St. Procopius College since its foundation.
By Msgr. G. G. UnggBRW
DirectOli', USiOiO
The chapter on economic lImd social life in V3ltican II's Pastoral Constitution on the @burch in the Modern World Gncludes two paragraphs on the llIight to organize and the right ~ strike. Some months ago, in IDscussing the pastoral consti ¢Ution in this column, I called mtention to the fact ·that a few ~ the bishops Ilmd urged dur IlDg the last I:lession of the Council, t hat !\hese two para igraphs be elim lb1ated from the !final draft on iDle grounds that !the 'right to or ganize and the aght to strike have been stated ISO often in social Church iOOcuments and are now so wide ~ recognized in practice that ihere really wasn't any need for' ifhe Council to say any more about them. _ I suppose there wag some thing to be said for this argu ment, but personally I am very happy that the Council rejected 1& and decided to ream rm the light to organize and the right • strike. Confirm Statement I say this because the record ~ show that these two rights are not yet universally recog mzed, even here in the United States, to say nothing of Latin America and other less indus trialized and less economically developed hemispheres or con tinents. I have just COme across tw~ books, published almost simul taneously in recent weeks, which more than amply confirm this statement so far as the sit uation in the United States ia eoncerned: 1) "Delano: The Story of the California Grape Strike, by ~ 0 'h n G reg 0 r y Dunee (Farrar, Strauss· and Giroux, New York, $4.95); and B) "Labor in the South," by F. Ray Marshall (Harvard Univer
sity Press, Cambridge,. Mass., $8). These two books cleatly dem Tum to Page Seven
• THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 21, 1967
*, .**'**~* ** * ~
l~MmRY ~t CHRISTMAS ** ;t:"""'"
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Suddenly one shepherd gives a great shout. "Look, look, up in the sky! See the starl" A star bigger than any they've ever seen is blazing above them. It almost looks like the sun.
'Slo'gans Deface Exhibit HAMBURG (NC) - Photographs and other items in an exhibit sponsored by Adveniat and Misereor, German Catholic relief organizations, and the Protestant relief organization "Bread for the World," have been defaced with anti-American slogans.
America House where the eJ[ bibit is being shown. A spokesman for Adveniat said that his organization will not bring charges but that those in the student group responsible for the damage will be required to pay the cost of removing the slogans.
Among the slogans written on the exhibit, entitled "Latin America, a Continent in Crisis," were "American imperialism is guilty" and "The DQn)inican Republic-viotim of U. S. imperialism." The slogans were dis covered before the official opening of the exhibit.
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A 'Family
On the evening before the
opening, the student organiza
tion of the Social Democratic Party had held a meeting in the
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Canada, Mexico, So. America, Central America and Spain add $1.00 for postage
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 21, 1967
1'/he Mysflell'Y ()f
St. Paul wrote to his disciple, St. Titus : "But when the goodness and kindness of God our Savior appeared, then not by reason of good works that we did ourselves, but according to His mercy, He saved us ..." . The lessoil of Christmas-of the crib, the straw, the' oold, the animals, the cave, the loneliness, the threat of Herod-the lesson of Christmas is this: the m~rcy of the Father to His children, to those whom He created. At a certain moment in time, the Father creates a' soul and a human being is brought into existence. And the wondrous mystery of this creation is the love of God for what He has made.· Such is His love that his Son, the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, annointed humanity for all time by taking to Himself a human body and soul and becoming man. The birth of Christ, the life of exile on eai·th, the public life so filled with the indifference of others, the betrayal, the suffering, the cross, death-all these spell out for mankind in the very Blood of Christ the love of the - Father that He would deliver the Son for the salvation of all men. And they tell of the love of Christ, that He would shed the last drop of Blood for His brothers and sisters in need of God's pal;don and rp.ercy. The great mystery of Christmas is the mystery of mercy. It is the mystery of the love of God for those who are so often unlovable, the mercy of God to those who de serve it so little, the gift of God-His Son-to those who are so unmindful of the majesty of such a Gift.
More wonder! An angel appears a.nd tells the shepherds of the birth of Jesus. "This sholl be d sign unto you." he says. "You shall find the infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a monger."
The calendar year hurtles to a close and almost as rapidly do autoists seem to be hurling themselves or otpers i,nto. eternity. The statistics on automobile accidents and fatalities have risen at a truly alarming rat~ here in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the cqmbination of wintery weather and f~!st-approaching holidays seems to promise it-record death rate for the current year. Hardly a thing for the citizens' of the State to be proud of. And yet-they alone can do .something about it.
Tile :Christmas Story
It is strange how a youth will not 'be 'trusted to make, aU sorts of serious decisions, will not be allowed to parti cipate in all kinds of community offices. And yet this same youth is licensed at the age of sixteefl to drive a couple, of tons of steel and glass and Ewer-present danger and potential death. It does not occur to most parents to deny hii'n this privilege, or to restrict it or' to supervise it. Indeed, many a mother is working in a shop to pay for a child's car or insurance.
Now at this time Caesar Augustus issued a decree for a census of the whole I -world to be taken. This census - the first - took pbce while Quirinius was governor of. Syria, and everyone went to his own toWn to be registered. So Joseph set out from the town Of Nazare~h in Galilee and traveled up to Judaea, to the town of David, called Bethlehem, since he was of David's Hou'seand line'!..1! oider to be registered together with Mary, his betrothed,who was ~ith child. While ~hey were there the time came for her to have her child, and she gave birth to a son, her first-born. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger because' there was no room for them at the inn. In the countryside close: by there were shepherds who lived in the fields and took it in turns to watch their flocks during the night. The angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone round them. They were terrified, but the angel said, "Do not be afraid. Listen" I bring you news of great joy, a joy to be shared by the whole people. Today in the town of David a saviour :has been born to yoJ; he is Christ the Lord. And here is a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger." And suddenly with thc angel there was a great throng of the heavenly host, praising God and smgmg:
The always thought-provoking Harry Golden - the - editor of the newspaper with the highly unlikely name of The Cilrolina Israelite-has suggested a novel answer as to what to do about the mass slaughters by the recklessly and carelessly driven automobile. Quoting another newspaper friend oj' his, he suggested that the car be put in jail in stead of the driver. A brilliant and practical solution! Many an otherwise sane person becomes a monster behind the wheel of a car. And even if this person were put in jail he would not be deep1s; affected but would spend the time dreaming of the nice shiny car waiting C'omfortably for his return. So why not put the car in jail. If the driver were home and the automobile were impounded, think of the results! It might be worth a try. .
~ Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River ~ P=1\1.l
410 Highland Avenue
Fall 'River, Mass. 02722 675-715~
MGlIt Rev: James l. Connolly, D.O .• 'hO.
GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL M-ANAGER Rev. Doniel F. Shalloo. M.A. , Rev. John P. Driscoll MANAGING ,EDITOR Huah J. Golden
"Glory to God in the highest heaven, ! and peace' to men who enjoy his favour.»
Chapter 2: 1-14 T~JerusaleA1 Bible': Translation'
·1·:-· -----------------
lCIClCClIiilClC-.:IClIlilCtllilClll:lflllli1ClllNlllIlC,tllPC1llN.IlNlCCI(lIIlINtlIllPIlNNOIllItICI'Ill ................ ClG C'PIlPPIII'PIIC'PIlIPlIPllIllPllICICIJCIiPI1I11C1I............ II "Cl ...... "Cl NICICIClCCtetllCl~ICI~.~I.I ••••
Workers' Rights
Thurs., Dec. 21, 1967
Continued from Page Five oostrate that the right to organ ~ and the right to strike, '1ihough now taken for granted, lW:v and large, in our major in lUustries, have yet to be effec f!'>1vely implemented in certain Jl)srts of the country and in cer rom types of employment, not obly, of course in the field of ~~icultural labor. J[JIen~lIllo
MEXICO CITY (NC)-MeJr ico's bishops, in an effort to im prove the effectiveness of their 25-year-old Social Action Sec retariat;- have formed a special episcopal committee to super vise the secretariat's work. The secretariat has devoted itself to training lecturers on the content of the social ency clicals of the Popes, 'to publish ing documents and texts on so cial justice and to sponsoring cooperatives, trade unions and rural education projects.
The shepherds are so excited they hardly kno":" what to do, but all agree they must hurry and see this wonderful baby. They set out across the hills, following the star.
Select New Bedford CCD Instructor As Year's Public School Teacher Neil C. Fitzgerald, 36, president of the Confraternity of Christine Doctrine at St. Lawrence Church, New Bedford, is a teacher in a million-OT almost. Fitzgerald last week was named Massachusetts Teacher of the Year and received the annual award from State Commissioner of Education Owen B. Kiernan in ceremonies in Boston. Now' he is in competition for the before returning to his studies culturally deprived youngsters. National Title. How did he full time at Bridgewater State At Roosevelt, in addition to feel about the tribute? Fitz College, from which he received his teaching chores, he is facul gerald shugs his shoulders, his master's degree in education. ty adviser for the writers' club, looking embarrassed. "I was pleased, of course," he admits. "Surprised, too." , Sitting in the living room of the apartment he shares with his mother at 636 Union Street, the two-way teacher-he teaches 7th Grade English at Roosevelt Junior High School' in -New Bedford as well as a CCD class at St. Lawrence's-talks about his work quietl~' but enthusias tically. A cum laude graduate of StonehHl College in 1953, he served two years in the .A:J:my
He also has done post-graduate work at Fordham University and the University of Washing ton. The siX-foot 5 inch bachelor "I never played basketball" believes the classroom should be a place of intellectual and emotional growth, not a pupil teacher ba.ttleground. He helped develop special programs :for potential school dropouts and for youngsters with spelling problems. He also has worked in three federally financed projects for so-called
the student newspaper, the bookstore and the graduating class year book. "I like· the age group 1 work with;'" he' says. "I work with the same ages at Roosevelt, in CCD . and at the Chapel." The Chapel? Fitzgerald grins. "I work at Our Lady's Chapel every Saturday morning with a ,group of high school kids, doing mailings for the St. Jude radio novena·... Sunday mornings at 10 A.M., Turn to Page Fifteen
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May your holy, joyous season be rich in the spiritual rewards of Christmas. May /the glorious promise of the First Christmas inspire real understanding and sustain an enduring tranquillity which will bring peace and justice with honor to war-scarred Vietnam and enable our fine brave patriots on freedom duty there to return home soon.
Christmas ·Blessings To You and Yours
The Officers, Directors and Staff
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§ ~ll'nke
Mr. Dunne's brief account of (fue recent California grape c1rike is non-technical journal I2n of a high order. It makes for wcinating and almost effortless r:eading. Mr. Marshall's study is much ronger, much more technical Iilnd accordingly more difficult to read. Difficult or not, how over, it is required reading for anyone with a serious interest m the social and economic problems of the South and the future of labor-management re btions in that very rapidly changing section of the coun try. Mr. Dunne, in telling the story of the Delano strike, calls the mots as he sees them and leans over backards to be fair to both sides. On balance, how ever, he is forced to conclude Blat the growers are hopelessly out of touch with reality. "They think that they are fighting Cesar Chavez," he writes, "but they are fighting \lime and they do not know it amd there is no more ruthless w relentless an enemy." Doubts Success Even at that, however, Mr. Dunne is not too optimistic about the future of Chavez' or ganizational drive. Chavez is admittely something of a genius when it comes to organizing fatom workers. As a matter of fact, he is the only man in the history of the American labor movement who has ever suc ceeded in establishing what would appear to be a farm workers union. In Dunne's opinion, 'however, even Chavez will probably not be able to overcome the fierce opposition of the growers-and the threat of mechanization _ort of a bitter and very costly .truggle. Mr. Dunne reports that, as he left Delano at the end of the «rape strike and prepared to write his fascinating book about the strike, he' "could not heljt but think that it would be !l long time before Nosotros Vin eeremos ("We Shall Overcome") became the song of the Great Central Valley. Labor in South Dunne's qualified pessimism with regard to the future of Chavez' union is probably well founded-which suggests to this wri tell' that those few bishops who thought there was no long er any need for the Church to t>lpeak out in support of the right to organize and the right to strike were badly mistaken. Mr. Marshall's detailed study of the history of organized lab9r I!n the South-to the best of my knOWledge, the only book of its IIdnd on the market-also tends iio support this conclusion. To be sure, Mr. Marshall is !!lot completely pessimistic about the future of trade unionism in Turn to Page Ten
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 21, 1967
Names, for GBfts
A~d for
]By Mary Tinley Daly
The folks at ou~ house wish an: the folks, at yours a
Very Merry Christmas! '
Ready' or not, here it comes. And if you have time, four days before Santa's visit, to read a feature in your Diocesan paper, you're ljke though not quite, of "stuff you
the character in Dickens' have around the house."
Shopping this year was cut
Christmas Carol : "It was al ways said of him, that he back, really, because of a mail
knew how to keep Christmas order catalogue suggested by well." Annual resolution at our column reader Mrs. Catherine 'L, 'Kirby of Silver Spring, Md. house, a Ion g Armchair shopping made the about Thanks task pleasant and budget-sav giving"has been ing. Of course, as usual we were "Let's keep carried away in the toy depart Christmas sim ment of the' catalogue, finding ple this year." goodies for all of the grand We meant it, too. children. ,No more last Christmas Family Plan minute shop ping, plowing Now ,that the Ne:w F;imily
through Plan for Christmas is in effect,
department we lind ourselves with a car
stores with their ton of toys-but a reserye stock
depleted stocks wondering in-, of toys is never amiss,' for giv
decisively whether Aunt Agnes ing now to needy children, to
would rather have a gay and , stash away' for future birthdays,
somewhat gaudy blouse' or a and ,to restock the toy box at
practical £lann~l nightgown. Or our house. '
did we send her a nightgown "The New Family Plan"?
last year? Suggested by Ginny, this plan
No more major decorating uncomplicates Christmas ,giVing
projects, either, like the year for all of us in a family as large
the painters come to do the liv , as ours and won unqualified and
ing and dining rooms on Dec. unanimous' approval. "Took the
20-21 when they had promised pain-in-the-neck out of Christ
The star gets brighter and brighter. It leads them to a small stable. mas'; as one of us put it. es to "Get you all finished before 'They've seen the old stable hundreds ,of times on their way to the fields" sence it is this: each adult draws Thanksgiving." but now it's full' of heavenly light. Inside it's .crowded with angels surrounding the name of another adult fam Those Choirboys , ' Mary, Joseph and a tiny baby. The shepherds fall to their knees.
ily,member! each 'child, that of Nor the "projects" like last another child. year's candle-making tha'i. tied The drawing was held at our UP' the kitchen with tallow Muse on Thanksgiving Day. .,..,=~~=~~~'~'=~~=~~=~~=~~~~==~=~~ encrusted pans and the dining Foreseeing a complication, '. room with "choirboys." Oh, those choirboys! ,It had seemed' like ,inexpensive fun when K.ay you draw your own na~e?", and, MARILYN RODERICK , Haynes, Helen 'Hall" Mabeije sure enough, he, did. So did his ' " ~ By , ~ '
Murphy and I started our little Uncle Bnl't AJ.so some of the ' , " " , ,
'fellow; tall, medium and, small, seven j~nior balys drew names ' "made of stuff you have around " of their brothel;;, and sisterS., A ,",,-,.',. ;." ,:.
1h~ house.", All we had to' ,'do resnuffllrig ,of namlis:Stralght..;: Any' holidavseason is a time . trbnmed "With" romantic ' ia4ie.';' fuJI ' 'length :~lack 'DiamoDl, was foid pages' of two LadleS ened, that all oui and ev(;ry~y" , " Hc.me Journals,' two 'Harpers' wept 'bome sa~sfied,',with ,'only, for partying' and enterUl.jning; Tbeblue' and white print Of mink coat. <!~h't' thiJili: there' is, aiv: _ and one, Readers Digest.' But one outSide-of-immediate';'fatn-" but Christmas more than any this I hOStess ~ress will be, ~ per';" ::.' what intricate folding!' And did' ily gifttO' ~worry, a'botit: ' "." ' , other time is the season beloved ,feet Qackgro~nd forEt,hels,~ ,woman in the 'area ,who" is .. b{;tterexample 01. the' 'fact ',thai we stop to" realize that a Read-' , Secrecy~' accordinit to 'Ginny, of the woman who delights in American' gOOd looks. ers Digest has nearly' 300 pages is an essential element Of'the 'fashion. It gives ·her thepetfect i Black is a stunning look tbiB a m~tu'i'e, wo~an can<stil~.be ~ to be pressed· "into shape, page plan, with the' surpriseS coming opportunity to season but never more so than fashiOn p~~te than Vlctona DI by page? At minimum hourly on Christmas Day. Secrecy was put, on ,her best whenU"is set off by smartl)' Martino 'of Hol~ Rosary parish, wage ,rate, those ,choirboys maintained; 'too, but ruinors 'do bib and tucker swirling, silvery hair as it will Fall River. Victoria is a strikiDl . would cost a pretty penny, plus ' get around, secretly of Course. and outrival the be when worn ,by Mrs. Robert woman who wears clothes, with the colored paper, yarn, felt Matter of fact, 'the only one I g lilt e r, il n'd ' Nagle of Holy ,Name ,Parish!D the grace of a Roman empress. and spray-paint we did nOt. don't know is who drew me-- glamour of even Fall River.' Because of her hus- For the' hqliilaY'1i she's traveli~ the mOst 'beau "have around the ,house." band's position ,as superintend- to Washington 'and, one of, tile ::e ~7~~t!o~ liminationtakes.tiful decorations. ent of the Fall River Public chic dresses she will pack is •
Nope, no'more "projects"-ex sChool system, Mrs. Nagle leads gold two-piece with a tiny gold
So we're anticipating a happy Most of the feeept the Christmas decorations ' males ,in the a hectic social life and the black metallic thread running through
Mary, MarkI and I saw demon": and simplified Christmas. May it be the same at your D i 0 c e s e will crepe Witli a sequined trimmed it. The neckline is trimmed wi"
strated and' are now in the ' have an evening neckline that she has chosen a high ruff and the wrist lengtb
throes of' concoating, mostly, house! ' or dayt~me af as one of the specials in her sleeves end in matching ruffles. fair to attend holiday wardrobe will be per- 'With this holiday dress Vickle or host; and I thought it would feet for most of the parties she will wear, gold earings as . . be fun to take a peek at what will attend. A single red-velvet only jewelry. some of them are going to be Long gowns 'are still as ... wearing at home or on the town. rose, offgrey stocking and smart black silk pumps will complete mantic looking as ever and In Taunton, Mrs. Robert Cal ~s' outfit. both Mrs. Charles Menard ~ vey of Holy Family Parish has Glittery Look St, Patri~k's parish in Some!' chosen the pal~-down look, to Nothing has more "pow" OIl set and Mrs. Alfred Alves aI complement her fair Coloring and", lovely blonde hair. The the Christmas fashion scene St. John of God's parish ia very beauteous Honey will be than the glittery look and I Somerset Will, be wearing thtB wearing a pale blue A line can't think of a gal who could look, Joan Menard has chQSen coat and dress ensemble when carry this look off with more a white wool bodice and shock she is a guest at a pre-ChristIPas pizzaz than Mrs. Arthur Mede1- ing pink mohair long skirtecl wedding. The only trimming on rOs of St. ,Michael's parish, dress as her gala Christmas look. the mandarin collared coat is a SWansea. Norma Medeiros is a The neckIin" o~ this gown ill row, of self-covered buttons woman who loves clothes and high in front and very low ancI down th'e front but such, looks it at all times. She has deeply squared off in the back. model good looks as Mrs., chosen to add glitter to her With it Joan, who is proba~ wardrobe with a silver shift one of the most glamorou8 Calvey's need very little deco ration. A large blue velvet hair dress with a deeply pointed teachers in the Diocese; will cqllar .and low belt at the hips. wear white accessories. Editb. bow will be her headpiece she wears her hair ,in a long With this dress Norma, who is Alves' gown is a long, slender always particular about her column of gold with just a ba fall. ' .' f . '11 of glitter and beading arouad ch Olce 0 accessones, WI wear the neckline. The colo'r l'S s~ With an elegant new home to very low heeled silver 'and ..- show off, Mrs. William K.alif of wpite shantung shoes with just 'ing with Edith's dark hair . . . St. Anthony of the Desert' par- a bit of plastic on the instep to eyes. ,n you've enjoyed this ~ ish, Fall River" has chosen at-' give them the '67 shoe look. To TEACHER' OF THE YEAR: Neil C. Fitzgerald, 36, shows let ter informing .hil1\ of his selection as, Massachusetts Teacher 'of "home outfits to highPght her ward off the chill of Dec!ilJD- ,sketchy peek intO the closets .. lloliday. wardrobe. 'Ber-favorite, ~r evenings 'she'll 'top 'the our Diocesa,n woJrien;'we . . . . ~e X~C1,r;"t~ his mother, M~. Ntrtil P·fiitzgerald.'~e,>~~~ry PC;a~ ',_,a 80f,t and fleecy cul~tte dress with, her, aew, ahawl-collari~tr ' do'tihislIlore-GfteD., : ,:, ' ~"..: '~ T:~:::;~l ·.7·~-.:il ,~.' :'.......... -: r·... ::'. ~.: -- :;: ;"'",; :.~: . ~;. <:. "'," ~ ~ os : ': ._~·.;;;r ..~ ::-':';' ....·,,'1.·..-·': ' . - .- .... ';'~., ' .. :~:. "' .. ~<;.~~>~. .; :~'._,,~;_:: . -' -< ~ ',' .~~~ :.\~.~~:"; '/" ,'., .- . ... :: .. . ':. :. .:..:' ~- : ~:.~:
' J ' ' , ~:::::~ o~o:~:~:~v~~~a:iOl~',~ WO,.RL,'D, ,OF FASHION, ~ ,WHAT THEY'RE "WEAR-ING
.. ' : .
.. '.
•• ....
. l ..
Suggests Starting Tradition Of Living Christmas T{ees
Thurs., Dec. 21, 1967
Greater Seclusion For Trappist Apbot
By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick
TRAPPIST (NC)-Abbot M. James Fox'i>f the Abbey of Our Lady of .Gethsemani here in Kentucky will leave his post Dec. 30 "to take up a life o£ greater silence, solitude and se clusion on the property of the monastery." Abbot Fox, 71, has been a Trappist superior for 23 years. He served four years as superior of the Trappist monastery near Conyers, Ga., and has been in his present post 19 years.
. We have just returned from our annu~l Christmas tree hunt and our $4 tree is reposing in the back yard waiting to. b8 decorated. It is a s:;l.d looking libtle tree and is not much 110 shOw for $4 but i,t was almost perfect for our purposes since it has very few branch.; C8 in what will be its back tanical New England this glo and will therefore rest easily rious feast da:r was outlawed agains't the living room wiQ-' until the second half of the dow. Trees are scrawnier and more expensive. than ever this year. but we WIll not succumb to the artificial tree until we have exhausted every other a.ven~e. Before we lea~e the subJect of the price of trees I should like to p.ass along. a story that bot~ MarIlyn and I found very funny. :We.always go to one of the local parishes to buy o~r tree because we feel that at least some of the outrageous profit that must be made on trees will do some' good in supporting the CYO of this particular parish. However, . MarilYllfound it rather chilly and asked the boy :taking care of the lot if she <eould warm herself in a little h u t se t up on th e grounds. H e consented and she ducked into __ h t I t . 'wn: u, on y 0 emerge In a few minutes in a fit of laughter. Sh b k ed to d ' ted e ec on me an pom o~t ~. note on the wall of the hut, If the tree sells for $4 or less and they squawk,. knock off a quarter. If the tree IS more than . four dollars and they squawk, knock off 50 cents."
nineteenth century. It seems quite strange to read that as late as 1856, Dec. 25 was a working day, for factories in ·,this area and that even up to 1870 in the dty of Boston, classes Vl(:ere held ~n the public schools. The Irish immigration, though, brought strong, Cathol . icism into this. Yankee strong hold and with it such ancient Gaelic customs as putting lights .. in the windows" and singing hymns.
!Crass !C.oll1lmercnalism There is so much excitement and anticipation leading up to this holy day that we are very apt to for~et ~he r~al reason for .celebratmg It. ThIS year es pecIally, peop1e y?U talk to seem' thoroughly dISgusted by th h . . e ex au~tmg search for gIfts, the crushmg crowds, and the ' . . l' th t . cras~ com~ercla Ism a IS ChrIstmas, 67.·We, as parents, only hope that we can instill a little "Christ. Mass'~ into the overpowering American Christ mas by trying to bring God into our homes as well as a never ending stream of presents. . , When I look back on my Living Tree early Christmases (spent of We are tempted to invest a course in a much more leisurely The littlest angel is awfully tired. It's 50 late,. long past Dttle more money, next year for era) I remember fondly that his bedtime, that .he iust has to. sit down a min!Jte. But he's a "living"" Christmas. tree. Most mY mother would take me 'to nurseries are now stocking trees view as many creches as there 50 happy that he· smiles and smiles. which are appropriate for ~ •Were churches in the area. Now • Christmas trees and which 'as I look back' I realize that this may be planted in the garde':l thoughtful Christian woman Auxiliary Named dter the holiday season has had to travel with me on foot passed. These sell from six dol~ , to'. visit these' many natiVity" . VATICAN, CITY (MC)-Pope' lars up, dependitlg on the sh:e" 'scenes, but she obviously felt Paul VI has named (Dec. 12) of the tree and may ~ as that the effort was worth while. Father Roman Acevedo Roja; :' ",~gh: as .$.15 :for a real whopper.:.·.·'Now. I aan ten, her that, it"was,;':;PJ:o-vicar" genl;!riiL"of" ,~reli,~ ,: : ftey come balled and burla~" lor ..'this .·excursion:,'became the ~exico,· as ,auxiliary" ,bishop ~ ',I" pe.d an4hm~ ,be set in .S~., ·:highlight·.·· of·" my .. Christmases /'. that,:archdti9C~., "" ,,;: . :'" ,. . ;tin~ .of a c;ontainer so they. win:,.' '. and, .never. was there' ·a. doubt in ' ' .' . ' ." ". : '. .~, ... ,~t"dQ,". out.iri the house, but my mind"as,to.whywe,were ,. :. '" •. Jhey.may. be decorated like. an~,,~ c~le9rating. Dec. 25., ., . .Ne~~~~~NIlII.\'l~~"" I ether tre~. :-,:'.'" ·,A··p.erfect.'drink·· f~r: 'welcom ..... .Because of their size, these' ing guests· is this ~ng1ish~gnog" ..trees may be fairly awkward to, tpat, is part of. Jhe .Christmas" ; . ··handle but· they are a much ... ~radition at the home of Mr. and·~ . better investment than the tre~.' ~rs. 'O)(Ven..McGowan of St. Jo-' .'which is discarded right· after. ,sep!:J.'s parish in Fall River. . New Year-so In addition, i. " 12 ~ggs (separated) , MaY.man ,again .be de.dic~ted . would be fun to look back 'over 2V<i cups sugar . tile years - at trees which have 1 q'uart brand·y.
to the' mess,age of the decorated the house at· Christ ,~ . pin~ rum .
First :Christmas . 3. pints cream .
mas t i m e . " and may he again enjoy the 'At any rate, with the price , ..2 quarts. of milk , -blessing of peace. of trees becoming more than the '. . 1 cup powder.ed sugar. traffic will bear it is something ;1) Beat the egg yolks with the May our freedom fighters:;n to think about. At least such a 2V<i .. cups sugar and- add the ·tree would be less likely to fall brandy. and rum slovly to the Vietnam find a just· peace two or three times during the· ·.·egg yolk mixture. and return home soon. Christmas season as some curi- .. i 2) Beat in the milk' and 2 ous little adventurer tugged and pints of th~ cream. pulled at the pretty lights and 3) Fold in six stiffly beaten .~ndy canes. egg Whites.. Beat the remaining ~ the Kitchen egg whites very stiff~ add the .Christmas means many things '. powdered sugar and the re to many people. As Joe stated maining pint of cream. ' in last week's column, the en4) Float the second egg white joyment of Christmas that we 'inixture on the: eggnog and chi~ lelt as children cannot possibly . overnight. . , carryover into adulthood. I n ; ' ; " . As the Three Wise Men brought gifts . stead, we· must replace that . to the Manger, so may this holiday early joy that we felt as the r:e-' ~------------. season bring to you peace and joy. ceiver of this holiday's bounty with .a new and different ·type Qf joy-that of the giver. The celebration of this ChrisThe Uan holiday was brought to this country by the early settlers, but especially by the mission . aries. In ·the French territories,.. HEATBN~: Fall River'Savings BOnk .ana . in the Spanish possessiona
, .
Christmas was treated as a veQ'
1 NORTH MAIN STREET, FAll RIVER . IPlendid. UtDrgical holy dq' ,So"th:.~ Str"fs ·FAU .RIVER ~ gr~ced with all the tradl- .. S'OMERSET . .149 GRAND ARMY HIGHWAY, SOMERSET .• t • 1', . ", .. ~onal ,cl,IStoms of the mother.. Hyannis' Tel. 49..81 , ., _untry. ,.,~ in OW"/,~:~ ..- :
A Holy, B~ppj Christmas ,.' •
I ..
cl-t R1STMAS GREETll\1qS
Old Red Bank •
Sea )
THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 21, 1967
W @lfk~[f$Q ~~~l},t$ Continued,. from Page Seven
iDle South, but he does hazard
the' guess-based 6n a careful
analysis of membership trends
'!tJld related indices - that '''al
G!.ough union membership in the
South probably will continue
to increase absolutely, and rela:"
tive to the non-South, unions
~n have greater difficulty'
bringing their membership up
~ the non-South's 1962 propor-'
lion (30 per cent) Qf' nonagri"';
cultural' employment."
To do this, he, says~' would ~
fluire an' increase: Df 3,600,1)00
- between 1962 and' 1972. , This
Writer, for one, would be great~ .
9' sUrprise4 if this were to hap-'
pen. ' . . , " Minor, .Religious Sects , It would be hefpfiihll around, .! ef course, if some of the dom inant religious 'sects illl the South were ,to adopt a mote en-' lightened point of view with ~gard to trade unionism' and with regard to social reform' in general. . ' . Mr. Marshall suggests that, by and . large" many of these so ealled'minor sects, to which a very high percentage. of the unorganized workers of U{e re gion belong, have traditionally been ultra-conservative and suspicious of social change and have frequently allowed them selves to be used by recalcitrant • employers in their anti-union campagns. I would expect this situation to improve, if only gradually, to the extent that the ecumen ical movement brings these minor sects into closer contact· with the more progressive social, thinking of other Protestant 'churches and with the social teaching of the Catholic Church, which, in theory, if not always, in practiCe,' 'il; . deCidedly in
~:::~_:f in~e,;:,~~ilD~::iOr:ra:~' ~iODs' as: s', necessary ,means. Of
..,,:' . 'wlJDorganlzed e
. ~e~e's another ~red angel. She's a Iittl~ bigger than !he baby angel, b,:,t sh~ ~ slee~y too•. Ev~n her wings are drooping ~n~. ~~e. ~eans agaInst the stable 'wall a minute. But then she
~ecting least j{ measure Of 'i;ocial ,jus~ic;e' iii,' the .field :'Qi: no"ce~,something~
l&bor';manl;lgement relations··.··, . ... , ' .' ,.'.
It's cold In the Holy Land at night, and families uprooted by the war in June sleep huddled 0Po the ground. They're lucky to have a "pup-tent" to keep out the ·.wind and rain.• '• . The new refugees number,at least 250,000, most of them PEACE penniless and without work. Pray God they'li . IS be spared epidemics that come from hunge,.. THE •.• In BethlElhem Carol Hunnybun and our lay FRUIT volunteers are cooking hot meals for thousand. OF of hungry school children, helping to keep th~ HUMAN'" achool. It's a practical way to make 'peace. GOOD- . . " Refugee teen-agers-wlth hammers and NOT pli.era, not guns, .In their hands-are becomins OF . carpenters and, electricians In the century,old THE' Salesian Fathers' Ich09I, thanks to $276 schola~ FORCE, ahips:from readers of this column. .', . And'at or the Pontific" Minion Orphanage -lIster EII~ . ARM8beth·M8rle 'a making old dre•••s look like n.... ' for the 150 IIttlehqmeless girls 'adopted' ($10 ~ month) by oiIr ....ciers. :'., t'Pea'ce Is the fruit' . Gf'moral force-human good-not of the force of . .. rms:~ Pope:, feu! .said' recently In ~erence ~ . the Holy Lend. He .••ks us to pray. (and war . for peace, "8 11ft of love, strong 81)d courageou . Wilich only Christ can give." .••• We thank yo for your goodn..i and yoUr I,ove.· .
., '
....' .
. ~eliilwhtI~ '~re' faced ·iJill.' -r--~~"'"'!"'"'!'!!"~'"'!""~~~--"r""""----'~"'"'!"~----~---' 'the fact tpat .the majority ::Of~ , ~eric,an" workers'. and .. almost c ··'f. 0
,' an
workers' in c!erlaiJi:
eategoriesare stin unorganized
either because .they'have yet ..;
be sold oil the n-eedto organiZe
or' because their to 0-1: 'ganize 'have been consistently' thwarte6.· ' , I can only repeat, then, that _:' the council, in my judgment, was well advised to keep this 115 WILLIAM issue alive by explicitly reaf firming the traditional teaching of the Church in favor ox the right to organize and the rigJit to strike. If the' Council had failed to do so, it would have . lett the impression that the . Church was out of touch with reality, at least in the particular field of labor-management re lations.
~----~---~--~----ED CO . .
Sturtewanit' 6'
Hook Est. 1897
.. Sick babies In East Jordan get tender, lovinll> free medical care In the baby-clinic In Zerka ru"· by 'Iay apostie, Claire Glorieux,-WIII you gl~ her a hand? For costly, Imported medicines sh. needs only. $25 "week In '68 ($100 a month.' $1,200 all told). Please help Clalr'e save bablea' ,," lives. We'll deliver these Immediately, In your name, to war victims desperately In need of, them: a family·slze tent "'($85), a sewing,ma chine ($50), a bicycle for a nurse ($25), soa, and t:a1c for,bables ($20), Braille books for' th". blind ($10), a kerosene stove ($6), 8 blanket ($2), a lamp ($1). . ' . "" . "" For tax purposes, save your cancelled checks,. -And remember, your stringless gifts In any, amount ($5,O~0, $1,000, $500, $100, '$50, $2~' $10, $5, $2) help the neediest whoever they arel
tI«wI to make peace?
" 0
MonslsnOr ~olani '
2343 Purchase Street
New· Bedford .
Pleas's NAMIl. Mturn coupon with your IlTRElIT_,.,offering
Builders Suppl;e~
e'l _
'I :
8TATa_ _ IIIIP CODI!----e
o felevi,sion <::>
Apf)li~nces 0
104 Allen St., New Bedford
from the Officers arid StOlffo* the
~~@@I@/~ [f~[{IfY,1rH'WJ~fr ~@!l'tJl)P~U1tl' SOMERSET, MASS.
MSGR. JOHN e. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAsrWELFARE Assoc.. 330 Madison Avenue' New York, N.Y. 100ll-' .I Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840
Major' Religious Bodies Su~port, Fair Hou~DU1g
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. Dec. 21, 1967
Expand Parish Schools
FLINT (NC)-8piraling con struction costs have made it necessary to abandon plans to build two new Catholic central high schools in this ,Michigan city. Instead., two existing parish hIgh schools will be modern ized" expanded and converted into central schools.
LANSING (NC) - The three major religious bodies in Michigan have joined .in supporting the right of the ltate Civil Rights CommissiOll tID enforce the state consUtuti~ IPlti-discrimination provisions III bousing matters. The ,MichIgan Catholic C0n ference, the Jewish Comm~ Council' and the Michigan COUD ell of' Churches jointly filed • friend of the court brief with the lIIichigaI! Supreme Court in • case mvolvlng n Negro school prindr;al who was refused a home 'because of, his race. The :Qivll Rights Commission .ubsequimtly ordered the seller - a real estate developer - to end discrimination and consider applications by Negro buyers. The developer then brou,ght Ait, charging that the Civil Rights Coinmtssion had no pow . . over such eases, and that the ~te constitution-which guar entees the right of people to blQ', lIlill and rent real estate without discrimination-also required an _ of the legislature before the provisions could be enforced. The reason for the Negro's IIejection is not issue; In hearings before the Civil Rights Commission the sales agent ad IIlitted that color was the issue because "it wouldn't be adV8D tageous to the subdivision from MIl' business standpoint." Clear IIlten& In their brief, the three reB lIous agendes argue that Ill Ibough the ClODBtitution-adop60. ell in 1963-directed the legi.fa tare to P8llll legislation ill lreeping with the anti-diserimi aation sections, its clear intent ~ not 110 clen;r rights granted .mil the laws were passed. " This was &be developer's ...... , pntent - that with9ut a ,fair ~using law, ,the coQStitution'. tlUarantee: cUd. not app17 110. Musing. ' The brief. howe:ver, pointed eat that three attempts to make . 4hi provision expUcit in the .nstitution failed. The brief also noted that in " Gte same section granting the I'1ghts, the constitution created the Civil Rights CoIDmission, and charged it with the dut) to "investigate alleged discrim ination" and to "secure equal protection of such civil rights without such discrimination." The conatltution says the eommission must act Kin a maD .er' which may be prescribed
The cost of erecting two new central high schools to serve some 4,000 students in the Flint area had been estimated at close to $10 million. A fund drive 00 gun last March has thus far reached only $4.6 million in contributions and pledges. Under the new plan, the two existing schools wiU be.. con
verted for an estimated $4 mi1 lion. They will enroll 2,800 stu dents. Seven parish high schools WIll be closed when the converted Catholic central schools are opened in September, 1970. Father William F. Meyers, Lansing diocesan superintendent for education, said the revised plan has his full support and will equal the discarded plan for high, standards of curricu lum, administration, facilities and staffing. "We want to ,teach children," he said, "not b¢~d buii~ngs that keep us from teaching chil dren." '",
We extend to the , !
FALL RIVER DIOCESE our best wishes for a
__.--:...........-_ _'''-......:_.~iW.'_'~
Mary needs somCll help with the baby. The ongel forget5 llhe's tired and hurries to help fi~ His clothes.' 0
;' Matthew F. Sheehan Co.
22 Chauncy Street, Boston.
Council Invites Cat:holics VATICAN CITY ,(NC) The ,sooreta~,.:geneml of the World Couneil of Ohurches bas inv~ "the Catholic
auarch tJ .'15 delegated ob Serv~rs to the" council's fourth Gener'1it' ASSe~bly, to be held at l1p~ala, S~eden, next July 4-19. "Dr. 'EugE;~e C~rson Blake's in vitation was made known in the Vatican on,the,eve of a five-day meeting of the mixed working grouP,. ()f, the _ Roman Catholic Ch!1reh iln,d ,~e World Council of Churches, ill Assisi, Italy. The city, of St. Francis was chosen for the sixth session o!
·the- working group at the ez pressed desire of .its Anglican, Orthodox and Protestant, members.' , ' Dr. Blake and Bishop .Taa Willebrands of the Vatican See- retariat for Promoting Christian Uni,ty 'were named directors of the session, while Di. Lukas Viseher of the Faith and Order Section of. the World Council cd Churches and Father Jerome Hamer of the Vatican unity sec retariat were named secretaries. The working group was con stituted in 1965, to study' possi bilities of dialogue and collab-" omtion.
"law." As . . ·that first Noel, may the star of Betftlehem be • beacon that guides you and yours to the lasting peace, joy and contentment that are the true meaning, of Christmas. With the deepest aincerity we extend our best wishes for a happy and holy holiday.
Study State Laws MADISON (NC)-The ~ .msin state Assembly baa abelved for the moment pro- . posals to cbange the state'll birth control laws anli voted lDstead to la1Dlcb a year-lone Iltudy of the laws.
Norris H. Tripp SHEET METAL J. lESER, Prop. RESIDENTIAl INDUSTRIAL () COMMERCIAl 253 Cedar St., New Bedford 993-3222
Montie Plumbing &
Healing Co.
Over 35 Years
of Satisfied Service
Reg. Master Plumber 7023
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First National Bank
S~ores Repo~ft
THE ANCHORThurs., Dec, 21, 1967
(:@ii'I}l)@~D«: CIhJ(~J[],Dfi'De$ [)=o®~d ~$lk$ £@f1il~t@
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WASHINGTON (NC) - The head of the National Conference of Catholic Charities has called on the Senate to reject the House-Senate conference com mittee report on Social Security amendments."
THIBODAUX (NC) American youth has an in creasing hunger for a sense of belonging and a meaning in life that .!eligion must satisfy, declared Father Andrew Gree
Msgr. Lawrence J.Corcoran, NCCC executive secretary, sent a telegram to key Senate lead ers asking them to push for a new report. He said he was making the appeal in response to widespread urging on the part of Catholic Charities of fices around the country.
1lllsgr. Corcoran told Sena~ leaders, "We are extremely dis-> mayed over the conference com mitfee reports on the Social[ security' amendments. The bask) approach to public welfare eJD. bodied in the reP9rts. is not iii keeping with human dignity.. Basic Approach
"We urge correction of b
coercive features of the reports.
the elimination of the freeze 01\
number of AFDC recipients anell
the limit on the amount ~
Medicare payments. .
''Urge you to oppose confep.. ence reports and to seek retWili of bill to conference committee ror results more in keeping with Senate bill." A similar telegram was s d to President Lyndon B. Johnsolliio
The University of Chicago sociologist gave the keynote ad dress before some 1,000 Confra ternity of Christian' Doctrine· workers of the New Orleans archdiocese at their annual con - ference on the Nicholls State The conference committee re College campus here in Louisi- .., port "deleted most liberal wel wna. , fare provisions which had been A youth cannot "explain the approved by" the Senate. It cahaotic phenomena he seees in would require aU able welfare this world," 'Father 'Greeley recipients, including mothers of tJaid. "He cannot see who he is.. dependent children, to take jqbs ~({)Ull Dsvn ~ ~® tEn«lJ(: t~ "His vocation is to make the or job training and wou:W world a .better place, only he freeze federal aid to dependent Open H@Msing does not know how." children funds at the level in recent' years youth has LOUISVILLE (NC) - Loulll> reached on Jan. 1, 1968. been given almost limitless ville Mayor Kenneth SchmieG! choices of what to do in life, he has let a newly passed ci1W ,said, "but· we have failed to open housing ordiance become Protestants in provide norms and values for law without his signature. our young people to find .out He said he cannot sign fbe Hear Nun's Sermon who they .!ire ',and to find an LOUISVILLE (NC)-Sermons' measure "in good conscienee'l' explanation '" '" '" for today's on Christian unity .are ~ing because he disagrees with ~ worId./', given in two Disciples of Christ tions of the law. The' ordinanee There are' four directions, Father <qreeley , said, that· reli cl,iurches here in Ken tuckYby was passed 9-3; by' the Board cl gious education shouldfollo'w-. SiSter. Mary Frances, a: member" A.lderDJen. It forQids rac~al, d~ education of the whole family, 6f tbe general council of' the crimination in the. sale .01' renuil of most homes, .ani} provide; of the whole' person~ for com SiSters of Loretto. " fines up to $100 for violators. munity services,' and a connec Schmied objetcs' to· the ordi The invitations came because tloa. between edu<!ation and Baby Jes\Js is.. so sweet that the .littlest angel alsCl. forgets: the churches 'have an' annual . nance b~ause. it glyestoo mud) eOmfuunity' development.' aboutbeing·tired. He goes ~ver' ,,'nd' kisses· His soft cheek~ -r "wOllDen's day" service, at which' power to the city-county hUIDaB 'Religious instrtfC.tion . in 8 church· laywoman' usually relations commislMon; CommJ& Catholic schools has no effect talks. This year, two churches sion chairman is Msgr. Alfred IP... on three-fourths 'of the students, decided ~ invite a Cath.olic Horrigan, president of Bellalb he said because of a lack of mine College. reinforcement in the family. NEW. ORLEANS (NC)-The May to consider a proposal for wOllDan. "If we really want to have an Greater New Orleans Federa- aiding the children. ComaI' impact on the education' of chil tion of Churches has announced noted that non-public schools ·~--------------~··············~· , I dren, we must educate the official opposition to state aid educate 150,000 Louisiana chilwhole family," .he declared. "To to private and parochial schools. dren, thus saving taxpayers make a major change, we· must The federation drew up the $62.5 millon a year. seek to change the whole fam statement to declare its position The statement by the Greater' ily." on the campaign being waged New Orleans Federation of Education of the whole per by the newly formed Louisiana Churches said the organization ' so-n is the only really effective'. Citizens for Education~l Free- was cognizant of·the ."important :, . kind of education of teenaged, dom (CEF) ,to obtain governcontz:iI;mti.on:' whicll. private and, parochial schools' have' made in .. . the priest-sociologist Ilaid .. Edu-. ment fund.s for pupils atttending :. '. eators must adjust· techniques 'non':-public 'schools; . the ~edi.lcati6n of the youth of :-:. ~ ~ke in'to account the:, pet~, GEF 'ex;ecutive director Emile th,e' ~ai!Qnar:Jd'''regtets the.:cur :~',' IIOnal, emotional devei'opment ComaI': has said·he . will' 'ask the rent· financial crisis experienced "" fJ4. students." ". "1968 legislature; .which· meets 'ili bi Uiese.. ~nstithtions~'; i' ':": ~ ~xtrao~~i'1ary oppottuility !MIClC~lCtC~lClCt(~rclClCrclCl¢l(<<-tC~lC.:~~~IC'lI~NCtG:tC'i9l·
',~ flXJsts In the fIeld of community . ~:' , -... . ' ..' .
. .•::,~rv. lees .and e4.ucat.io.n"F~t.h~r.. "i~ ~.--, ~ '&.,,\\\\III"'IJI.I~ •• ' .• o:·
',: . Greeley npted, Classroom 1earn-. ." .... ". .... ~~ .1/.... ~ 0" .. ing should be. tied il).to experi-. ••• . ~ ~ . ence. in community ·,services.. i ••,~.' ~ . . ~... ~.• ~o The Church has 'many ser ~ ~ ~
Opposes 'School Aid
. " .;. .
.0 .0' . ~:.~: ••
~~~:s /~a\~~e~:at~seco:;~~~~~; ~ serv!ce to education, he added.
~ liI
~~f:i,~fe~~~~:;;,,;[:fi~·.· I~· ~~~f#A'~'~~'
Plans New Sys\l'em·,· Of Bookkeeping" SANTA FE (NC) -- A new system of bookkeeping for parishes in the Santa Fe arch diocese will be introduced in 1968, according to Archoishop James P. Davis.' The New Mexico prelate said .the new syst~m will be designed by the archdiocesan controller and every parish will be ex pected to adhere to it. In addition, he said, every parish except the very smallest where the expense will not ~ justified, will be required to provide a .complete audit of its fund~ts.' prepare'd py an 'outside' au J mg organization, once' each year." To make the system work Archbishop Davis stated, each
" \J \ \
iii ~i
~ ~.
$f !\I'
... .
May your hearts be happy. .and your Christmas
Bright and happy wishes are
The glad tidings of His birth live. !(yrever in the heads of man. May the Joys of thi8 Chri8tmas be many for you.
!i~. Feitelberg,.,lns·urance Agency
.'.~" .i=EIT.EL~E~G.: '~'
parish will be expected to es- L·.·JO.SEP·H . '.' ANTHONY J. tablish a parish cOUlicil of men '. FREDERICK W. I<ELLMAN JEANNE PElADEAU ,and women with b~siness ex-' ..
per,ience tQ help the' Church. ' : ' . ' 2?' NO~TH MAIN, ~TREET, 'FALL RIVER'
·~hich needs it ,so badly,'·...· . , ~~~»~~~I».)t)l~li)'$~l$llh1llN_~lIlI:Itii
Clerical Apparel
Altar Boy Furnishings
School Uniforms
'. R~nta ls~ Gowns' .for FirsfCommunion and' Confirmation' :
Rooney's 'Shadow of God' Incredible, Uri)fn~~!f@~t;rm,~.
THE ANCHORThurs'\J Dec. 21, 1967
By Rt. Rev. Ms~. Johm S. JKell1lJnedy Frank Rooney's novel Shad- Sister Esther, is a problem OW o'f God (HM'OOUrt Brace deed. ant1I. World 757, Third A V'e. Ro~ney has . sn~othere~
WASHINGTON (NC) - Rep. John W. Wydler of New York has filed a bill in Congress thaft would authorize the issuance oli a postage stamp commemorating Francis Cardinal Spellman,
his working out of It m a senes of over-arranged and often artifi has been. ~raised for i~ pow~r cial situations and in dialogue
and siglllflcan~e. The Jack~ is which is li1~ewise over-arranged
garlanded WIt h superlatives and often artificial., One feels
wblch well known writers haW:, that he has something to say,
applied to the book. I regret but he ,decks i.t out in circus
that I must disagree. Mr. 0 trappings ,so bizarre as to con Rooney has a ceal it from view' and concen striking theme, trate all attention on the exces but his render sive decoration.
inC oft it is Avoids Directness pll'e en tious and pre By always avoiding simplicity posterous. While
and directness, b3' insisting on purporting Ito
indirection to the point of ob deal with ulti fuscation and on the constant mate meanings
' elaboration of grotesqueries, he the book always'
has destroyed credibility and teeters on the
even exhausted interest. verge of the Tom Stoppard's play Rosen ludicrous and crantz and Guildenstern Are sometimes plunges therein. Its Dead (Grove Press, 80 Univer principal scene is an Oriental sity' Pl., New York, N. Y. 10003 country in which Ame~!~an $1.95) is both mo're crypti~ and, troops are engaged in a war. paradoxically, more communi The country is referred 'to cative th~n Mr. Roon.ey's. novel. merely as the peninsula. At The play ~s no~ running In New times, one thinR:s the place is York, WIth re~narkable per-, Korea. at others Vietnam. formances by BrIan Murray and ' f 12 A ' John Wood in the title roles. mencan . . A group 0; missionary nuns has been taken There IS more to It, of course, captive by the enemy'. They are on the stage than on the printed. given a choice: death orprosti... page, but ~hose who cannot see 'tutioD. Seven elect the fOrmer it may still get much of its The shepherds have' been watching the angels' and the 'and are bayonetted. Five 8Ub strange impact from reading it.· baby, But now their leader notices some new people coming. mit tDthe laUer. Entertaining, CJiilling , Everyone turns to look. " 'When, eight months later, the What the, play communicates ":liw In'e freed by II small num:" is man's mystification ooncern , 'iler cd" American infantrymen,' ing life, his snatching at hints tbe7 are all pregnant. Encum of its significance , his loneli bered by the preSence of the ness, and frustration. The work nuns, the Americans try to. is both entertaining (if a bit too make 1heir way back to their wordy and a bit too long) and own lines. The n\InS survive, chilling. Any sEmsitive person most of the soldiers are killed. can see himself in its- puzzled, . I S·t t' suffering principals: ArtI'f'leta I ua IOns Father Hubert Richards has The nuns are brought to II compiled II brief Biblical dic eonvent in Italy, to be cared for tionary entitled ABC of the there until the birth of their Bible (Bruce, 400 N. Broadway, ebildr~.. Th~ C~urc~ launch~s Milwaukee, Wis. 53201, $3.95), an offiCial mqUiry mto theIr There are other Biblical diction curious history. This is to pre aries more extensive" and ex pare for. the ~ay when a pl'O~ess haustive, but ,one, doubts that of beatIficatIon an~, canolllza the ordinary reader makes tion may be introduced in the much Use 'of them. , ease of the seven who opted for , Father Richard's, work, .being death. less formidable, and easier to'· FOur of the survivors present handle' is just' ·about right for ltttle difficulty. But the fifth, 'l'urntoPage Twenty-two ,
NewYork,N.Y.l0017, $5.95)
P'fl;'OlP@~~$ $tJ'@lUffil[p)
WYman 3·6592
, May your hearth be happy and your heart content. We send this greeting with
our thanks to alII
, The "me of peace and loy has corne to men, ,the IIgh~ of happiness sheds Its glow over u. all. It'. Christmastldel Qur wl.h II far you to
aha... this loY ••• , have a Jneny Chrflfmasl
Frig;dil;r~ ,Refrig~r"tion, Appli4l1ces " Air Conditioning 363 SECOND STREET, FAU lIVER
.' 14
THE ANCHORThurs., Dec, 21 , ~ 967
For Effectiveness
Go W@ [j" [JiHJ'im ® 0'ilU' ,A~ d ~ Ca([t}u~~o~ ~~[}u@~~$
NOI,tionat ,Conferrence
} 7,;; : \
ChOlri~y Demands S~rudure
WASHINGTON (NC)-To, be "But if we are dealing with real effecti~ in today's world char people, who live in a, highly itable efforts demand structure, organized, very complex, and the president of the National' very real world, then we cannot Conference of Catholic' Charities esca~ the need. for some kind sltid here. ' ,, of, real structure. If we seek 'The NC€ C ' head., Msgr. Leo after community, then .there J.~ady, addressed, the Ladies nwst be cooperation, co1labora of, Char:ity 'o~ the archdiocese of 'tion, direction." Wasl1ington, at a Mass marking , l\'Isgr. Coady said that Ladles the- 350~ , ari'rliyersary' ,of the of Charity must blend in their W9rldwide organization. Msgr. 'work of' service "a uniquely Coady is ',also directOr of, Cath-' personal mission in a disciplined olic Charjties for 'the :Washing and structured mode; , ton;u:chdipcese. , . "You See your work alwaJ'S as 'IRe said that ,the Ladies Of ielated to the work of the total Chliriiy as founded by sf Vin Church" h'e, continued.' "Be cent de Paul were' noted during cause the Church is a living, or the saint's lifetime, for both ganic communityj its, activities their perso~al involveni~nt wit~ are necejlSarily related to one the poor J!Dd the "sound 'and another and in need of direction ~imn structure of the' organiza and 'guidance. Relationship :with tion. - ' ! the _Church and accountability Personal Mission to the total. Church-to bishop, "We hear at times today that clergy, laity alike-is essential personal involvement' is best ac-, if you would fulfill properly compliBhed outside a formal' your"mission of love of neigh ~t:UCture.. Msgr.Coady noted. bor."
otic schools in the Ausb'alian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory will be aided by the federal govern ment through a system (lif an nual allowances which wiU be oeome operational' with the first' term of the new year. . According to a decision by the federal authorities, pay ments for all students on a per eapita ,basis will be made' di rectly t9 the schools without ,8 means '"test, o,r requirement to mow n~ed. The federal decision is ex pected to put pressure, on states ' which have not yet, dorie so to introduce -Similar grants. ~he 'new grant scale foil' the ,~eral areas compares roughly with that in effect in New South Wales" state.' The Labor party recently re vised its education platform withdrawing direct opposition to state aid for denominational
assistance already available to them from the Commonwealth. Australia's minister foredu cation, Sen. John G. Gorton. IlIaid the federal government be , , lleves that, if standards set by
Who would expect to see three kings coming through ,the fields of Bethlehem? But here they are, looking anxiously around them, and then catching sight of the stable and the baby. Th-, start running.
= §
= §
,~ ,
,P teff B'I C ,~ ~ ~::: ~ATI~~ C~ ~nSS~d~d ~~~:~n
quantity of educational aid the state resources can furnish. ,:, Financial strain ~ Meanwhile, despite state aid, the Catholic school system l the Sydney archdiocese is suffering intense financial strain. One :,result of the difficultieS eonfrqi:tting the archdiocese bas been the decision of the Syd ney Catholic ,Building and Flo:. nance Commission to sus(tend e <gthr'am,. that new enrollments in parish' and regional schools in the' archdiqhese may have to be cur 'tailed in 1969. School building projects aI ready ,under way will be oom pleted :but the plans for further buildings to cost $1.1 million will be suspended. ,
t61s :~~
bUng Catholic school system
'~w~~~::.:n::~.WUl not
See's School Board"
Gets ConstitU'tion
NEW ULM: (NC)-Bishop Al phonse Scbladweiler of New Ulm has approved the new Cl0Il stitution for the recently eleceed New Ulm diocesan school board. The board will have responsi bility for restructuring and re organization of schools and set ,ting stimdards of education. All decisions regarding education in the diocese will go through the 'board to the bishop for approval or rejection.
That Loosen
Need Not Embarras$
Many wearers of false teeth sWIer embarrassment because their platelJ drop, slip or wobble at Just tile wrong time. Don't ltve In fear of. tb1s happen1Dg to you. Just sprinkle a llttle PAS'I'EE:I'H, the non-acld poWder, on your plates. Holds false' teeth, more firmly so they feel more COmfortable, Checks denture breath. Dentures that fit are essential to health, See your dentist ~ . a-li'ASTKETB atau ci!rl.I8 countam.
- ,
~il:~~a:~ : : :
IPrre$id~l1lt lells Womellil
(NC) _ the' name of Pope Paul, Amleto Cardinal Cicognani, Papal Secret¥Y of State, blessed a caravan of automobiles setting out
_= _~-
journey achieYeCl §===_ 60 years before by two Italian drivers.. Gimllnal, Cieognam. == said, "YOu undertake n~ on1J' = a,' recall this 1 dlli7 =. of but beyond e Cardinal Cieognani said that message of peace and of broth only the Pope's iilness pre- erbood 'to the people yoU, wfJI' == vented.him from"coming per- encounter, ilIo,ng yOUr roatL", '.~::~ mally into the Vatican's, St." , He obServ~ that the caravan'. Damasus courtyard to bless the organizei's bad' c:hQSen 'Vatican' fEF':! four ears and 10 drivers of the, CitY. tbeheart!>f.CatholicitY. "'§'"
== = =
~:U:~ga l '
_=1. ==, ~',
= '
'S , §'
ge~to,asits pla.j:je..' '""fir,;t " ' " symbolic "
,ca,ravllp, ,which, hopes to various Peking by way, of Paris, communist capitals of Eastern Europe, South Vietnam .and Hong Kong. Permission, to travel across communist China bad not yet been obtained. Noting that the trip was in,II
halting -==_-=§:",J' __ ,'I ' ,,' , ,= "With ,~s you openly ~g., nize, that peace ,and, brotherhood have for' you 'a' dimension nOt 's, I onb' P9U#cal "and social but also, and. above an, spiritual.· ; ~" " the 'cardinal said. ' S
" ,
i== We-' extend joyful best durin~~ this
of '
Holy and Blessed Season
C/fct1iotuie BANK\ I~ == =§==s
;I LUNIrS COII_ BANK Acushn8t Aft. near ..ncr. Corner
SOUIII IAHIC--Cew SI. ., IocIney FrenclIlI Boulevard ~ . . . . lANC-ICempIoII ..... at Mil StrMt
:!I as
I :!I
~ ;
I, ;
The Officers and Stoff
'Clnd the
happmsBI ~~~_~.... oll/fVfng. ~
== § S ==
.. .
OUr Christm"'ID"" ••• 11004 tofU toGlZmtn,
"=_- - - -=~-
MRTMOUIH BANIC-DartmouIh Street near Rockdale Ave.
IIORTII MHK-Acush1Mll A.... at CoffIII A.... aM . . . . SIs.
== ==
CENI'&, . . . .~
THE ANCHOR Thurs., Dec. 21, 1967
Teacher Of Year'
Continued from Page Seven he teaches his high school CCD group at St. Lawrence's. "They can get to 9 o'clock Mass just before it or 11 right after it," he explains.
Paint OriJ<dJ W~lIp(OJper
DUiJol11lt Paint
In between times, the teacher cor. Middle St.
of the year has published nu • 422 Acush. Ave.
merous poems in newspapers ~«.tJlrl New Bedford
scattered throughout the nation PARKING and in such magazines as Spirit, Rear of Store America, Magnificat and Queen of All Hearts. What kind of, poetry? He unkinks himself from the big armchair and wades through a pile of manuscripts looking for a Christmas poem. "Most of them are at schooi," he explains. He finally discovers one he calls "The Holy Child." "Asleep beneath the burro's, breath The first Child of Christmas Listened to the praises of the Gloria Sweeping across the centuries, Proclaiming to all time His coming, And He watched the joy that, He meant May the Holy, Happy Fill the manger and overflow Into Bethlehem, over surround Spirit of the First ing hills, And out across the stretches of Christmas Abundantly sand and sea They reach the stable but Mary doesn't notice them for a moment. She's Bless You and Yours '{, Into the homes and hearts of watching the ':lext-to-Iittlest angel fix her friend's. wings. '., ,. that dawn And every future Christmas morn o When families would cluster in churches In loving adoration of His 'Holy Infancy." , He' layghs when' aljlked if his' love of poetry is imbuing DUBUQUE (NC)--Auxiliary , "More Sisters are retiring be- , hoped that Catholic schools win
Roosevelt students with the Bishop Loras J. Watters of Du- cause of age or ill health than be able to continue to serve the
fever. buque,' archdiocesan' superin- there are, younger Sisters com- same number of youngsters but
"Some of them are doing very tendent of schools, cited a de- ing in to replace' them," the at reduced costs. .
well and have pubUsheci," he' cline in the number 'of Sisters bishop stated.
Some sma 11 elementary, admits. , " , teaching in the archdioces~ this He said it is the national Currently, in, between. other, year ,as a key factor in the trend "and I'm afraid we fit sehoois iii the archdiocese have dis~ontinued certain grades this things, Fitzgerald is working ot;l, dropping, of some gr~'des and a right into 'it." . Bakers Of year, ,and .one bigh school arld notes for· a prospective "b90k four per cent decrease .in paro one grade school closed, the of philosophical thought., I've chial school, enrollment. . . ~,Teachers' Salar7' bisboP stated. He said most· of ' : just started.'" "Enrollment in elementary and'· Bishop Watters ,said the- arch What, else does he' do in his IleCOndary scboo1Sin the· arch- , diocese' bas considered hiring· the students affected were ab ·spare" time? ' diocese dropped to 40;045: this ,more' lay teachers,: but noted sorbed ilito other larger Cath , oJiie· scboo~. ' The taU teacher looks startled;' .year, a decline, Ql.l,832 studenta this would add· to' the' already -What spare time?" he askS. mm the 1966-67' tQtals.', mounting cost' <!l parochial ~hankseiving Day' was' the "Bishop W~tters noted that education; since lay ~achers are 'only morning I've had off thiS ~re are 40 fewer nuns teacb- , paid' il ' salary, comparable to Fall." ' , ing in the archdiocese this year their public 'school counterparts. and predicted that the services The bishop said that an arch He reads "a lot of newspa~rs . of another' 20 nught be lOst' tiD diocese':wide study On tile feas and periodicals. I buY bookS; archdiocesan schOols DY the ibility of consolidating' some too, but there's not' much time beginning of the next achool Catholie schools is currently to read them. I have to wait un year. Under way. In this way it is til vacations for bo<lks." Despllte his busy, schedule, Neil Fitzgerald wouldn't change places with anyone. "I enjoy very much what I am doing," he says contentedly. Although an only child, son of the former Mary A. 'Sullivan Across the centuries shines 'j and the late Neil Fitzgerald, the, message of the First the state's top teacher doesn't Christmas-a promise,' Ci lack relatives. His closest cousin, John Fitz blessing to mankind. gerald of Fall River, "has 'L) eight children and one or an ~l
other is always here," he ex May mankind follow the ~
plains. star of Bethlehem to peace-and ~
Mrs. Fitzgerald, obviously may this star soon light a path ~
proud of her tall son, walks into the living room. She may back home for our gallant 'l.~l
think he works too hard at his . patriqts defending freedom in'. '.
,school work and writing but Vietnam. . :.
as long as he likes what he is doing, she is satisfied. "Whatever you do, you need some help," Fitzgerald says. May your Holidays be "Anything l did at Roosevelt packed with pleasure was because other people there and filled with did as much." THE OFFiCERS, DIRECTORS AND $1AFF tine ieas&gl This month, Neil Fitzgerald was n a m e d Massachusetts Teacher of the Year. The title is a tribute to a teacher who is willing to "eive" to his students. Neil Fitz gerald was singled out as 0 symbol of all the dedicated teachers who do just that. ~uuJI Brad~le$ He accepts the title in thatl Girit. Now he is back at work.
Fewer Nuns Factor' un School Decline
Iowa' Prelate Sees National Trend
,Giusti ,Baking . Company
".Bunny Bread
to you and
your family
8topl Sh@!J1l
-I .~.
llJjJJlI/@/J(/!MBJfJIMK ,n
" THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 21, 1967
World VilrtMes Continued from Page Three
respect, collaboration and de velopment "must be supported by all, become better' known, and be provided with authority and the means fit for their great mission." , He warned that peace cannot be found on falBe and flashy words ,which are welcomed be cause they answe,r Ito the deep, genuine aspirations of human ity but which can also serve and. 4nfortunately have some times served-to hide the lack 'of a true spirit and of real in tentions for peace. lFoundations of !Peace Such words sometime~ "mask oeritiments and actions of op , 'pression, and party interests." On the same note he asserted that there is no peace unless the ,foundations of peace are re spected, As far as international relations are concerned,. he named these foundations as 'sincerity, justice and love. For relations among the people of :the "same nation and between them and their rulers, he added liberty as a foundation of peace. Without such foundations "'it Then kings, shepherds and angels crowd 'around the Holy Family. They are so happy they burst into song. Is not peace which will exist-
even if perchance, oppression
Is able to create the external'
appearances of order imd legal
ity-,-but an unceasing and in-,
suppressible growth of revolt
and war."
. In the part addressed to ,Catholics, the Pope explained DAYTON (NC) - Almost a S.M., university chaplain, tenn "once in .several months"; 1% per of the reception of the sacra why he constantly hammers, ,third of the students taking part ed "a big surprise," was that ment of Penance,. four, per cent cent, "when in the state of mor away at the need for peace. . In a survey of religious atti- ' students who attended Catholic ' said "once a week"; 21 per cent tal sin," and 10 per cent, tudes at the University of Day- 'grade' and high sChools iildi.-' "on~ a month"; 41 :Per' cent "never." "This we do , not giving waT t o ' d ti - "ted.' th 1· f rab1-' to a facile habit or taking adn exer:sse reserva • ODS on, ~~, ey are ess ayo ; ~ . vantage of the mere'interesting the question. of th~ n:levance of ',;'dlsPOsed towani the Cbw;eh, ." ' '; ; ; , ' , · 0 f the momen t but be- the Church m theu lives. ' than those who went, to. paro' ~ ' ' * ~ _ ~ topiC ' ,. .' d h l s ' , d theA to ' . ~ .. ,cause we oelieve this is deThirty per cent of·the Marian- , chi31.·~ e sc 00 , an" ~ , '~ ,~.,~ ' . "''''.,',,man "', d·"e' d ·byour, . d uy t as a uni"-'Jsi-'iuil ii'ni-wrSi.... 's 1'''80'' stu-" public ·hIgh schools. . ", ' ". . ' ~ " . ,.. ~ . . , ,. =.: . OJ'" " '. ,_.. ',"'- ,,'" versal pastor - ••" dents covered in the survey in-. ,,',.. .P09r TeaehfDg 'Jolt' ,~' '~,' ~ Direction of Progresll dicatedt,hey either had. a ·"cer- , ' , A--' ;. 'il' ; . tt" .. - aJIed § .',;. ::.. ,; " " "_ § . tain feeling of alienation"from . . . . ~~. ~:~ E;J:?l' pre,v. .• '. S ,... ,...... ", . , L , ' _ '., ' § y. § . " . § " ,,' til He .~~. CIted th~. urge~CJ'''Jnol the churcla or "little identity" . throu~hout most of the . '. . e s~ ua lOn, spea ,mg '0 ,. with it. ' .Father Middendorf'saici a,..possl;. .. § .. " '.. I, .' :. ,.:', " ~ . ,,i,,' timabons of terrIble events I ' di n g to tbe Jame ble explanation, is that,~' = . r" which may prove catastrophic n r1e,.spon t· th i :" ttl Catholic higli' ,'sch~ls . "have . § ~ , f ti ti d . . rh genera . ques Ion on· e r ,8 • or en re ..na ons an ,pe aps t dtoward the Church, 18 done a poor Job in teaching ,re§ :-:.. ( e!'en [or a great part of man-,.ue.i.._·t"'f·~th ,-,,' d.28 r ligi.on"'and~lso that,~nege· .~ , §_ kind", , p e r .~~. 0 \ e ooys an ,pe . t·· d "'ts' ...' 'cti· .0_"-:" ..,' ': I ' • . , ' . ~'ceIifof the'" girls declared'. that ", s u en ,.are'· rea ng ... ~avor..,' ~:;' In f';Irther explan.abon of~,s' :~ ··Churcl1 .. was the u'''·ot ably .. to" the . "in~~rinatiOa, § .' § anceasmg, calls fOl peace, h,e, .. , ,.,.'-";:...• ::.:..11 " ,&.. ~" methOd~ in ,'religion ·coursee in .. =' , = " . JDeanIn.6~<U , llU..uence .......-.... ls..• ' . ',,' " =
',' lIa 'ld I·t . has' "fl' n ally b e e om~ , "'-;',',~ , , " those'schoo ....." clearly evident that peace: ,: is. ,~v~s. '; ~ ' . 'AecOnUn 'to' the' Survet . ft· § ~ the only true direction of hu,.;·· ~EL~. w:eJ'!L ~ve possible ang .,' ' . 'E,' '' " " swers to',each of 21 questionS in per cent of the. students attend § m·an.progress. " ' . ·S· d 'M '"--,-" " . the survey. The questionnaIres )ll1 ay ass wuenever pos- :: He gave another reason: "We 1 t d b t d 18 ._sib:rn'J or "usually.',' Girl stu- :: § d b ' rt d' wer~ comp e e y s u en ..l . . . , ,= = '., 0 SOl efc~~se cS:a.c~IIs pal':m 'university theology classes. dents b~d a far better record of § § p.al'ce fO e Ch r.Ist.'an rtoe Iglon, One survey finding, which attendance than boys. I ~ § smce or. a rIS Ian pro- F th C ri1 G Midd· d rf. ,On the question of 1) § claim ,peace is the same as to a. er ,y, . en 0 , " ""~, '";# § announce Jesus Christ." Here he § ~ cited St. Paul in substantiation:'~ § "'He is our peace" CEph. 2, 14). ' ~ ~ _.·c:i~;'eP.o1>.'60.15~.. ·.~: .'...0 c> , ' . . ~ •§ In stating that true peace can .' " . ~, o:.u.000 • a" ... " ~ § ' eome "only from the Gospel," (1/1 0stm • 0,,'.' , ~: ..~. ' §
Students- Question :Relevance of Church Express iCertain ~ .Feeling of Alienation'
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he" implied that "true human-.
Ism't is evangelical. Prayer Is Weapon "In the end, it is only from the Gospel that there can spring forth true peace, not in order to make men'dull and soft, but to replace the impulses to violence and bullying in their minds by the manly virtues of reasoning and the heart eharacteristic of true .humanism." As his final reason for stresstng peace he gave his fear of being, "rebuked by God and by,
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~~~~~:;:1~~,~:~~e~l:C: The Catholic observance
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as spanu Ui ''''"01.'. Singing out allover the lanel. ._ ~). __ .~;. W. add olin' yoke, wishing you ancIyom ~lo ~q 'the finest of holidaysl . ;.~ • ,t:'a Have the Meniest Chrisllmas yed ,/:.,. .
= = =
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a Day of Peace on Jan. 1 calen"must not change the liturgical dar, which reserved New Year's day for the veneration of the divine motherhood of Mary and .• ; the most holy name of J e s u s ' ' ' - . G E R A L D . In summoning CatholicS to . observe New Year's day as a
€~. . §,
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ATILEBORO. ~ .~ . U Park ...Street §
-. .:. . ' .
T .' CONSTRUe .'ION CO., ..... c.
.ol;;~£~~~~~~:~~=··,. »~,·::~::""
; ..-..
NEW BEDFORD ~ ~ 278 Union Street . ,~
:.~, ~::~::' :,~.~~_
Pittsburgh See Issues Guidelines For Ecumeni$m PITTSBURGH (NC) Caltholics in the Pittsburgh diocese may, for the firat time, join the YMCA, YWCA, '
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 21, 1967
I /
~@\7D[fU~ J~ws
Honored for
YMHA with Church approval
under official guidelines for ec
umenical activities recently is
sued here.
M official booklet, "Guide lines in Ecumenical Activities for the Diocese of Pittsburg", declares that "where provisions for respect of faith and con science are made, Catholics may 'join such organizations and par ticipate in their social, athletic and edu!lational programs." Bishop John J. Wright of Pittsburgh requested that the guidelines be drawn up and gave tliem his imprimatur. The guidelines are the result of 10 months of work and consulta tions by a subcommittee ap pointed by the diocesan com mission for ecumenism. Marriage Witnesses The booklet is the diocese's first official set of directives on religious activity with non Catholics. It ,codifies both new directives and old ones issued on an individual basis by chan cery or diocesan departments. Other new permissions granted Catholics here are: To serve as official witnesses (best man or bridesmaid) at a "valid" non-Catholic marriage, provided no part is taken in the official worship. To have non-Catholics as honorary witnesses at Catholic baptisms where there is a fam ily or friendship connection. Non-Catholics may not serve as sponsors, however. To have non-Catholics serve as official witnesses at a' mixed marriage in a Catholic church. Prayer Encouraged Common prayer with other Christians His not only permis sible but encouragtid," the, A shepherd re~erribers his drum and hurries to get it. guidelines state, 'as lcin,g as it Is not part of a . denQ~inational Maybe th, baby would like the, beat of a, drum. ' worship service. , :. Priests are encoura~~d to join local ministerial associations as a means of becoming \:)etter ac quainted wit h nori-Catholic WASHINGTON (NC)-5pokes Dr. Alfonso Ortiz, a San Juan clergymen. Permission of the men for American Indians said . Pueblo who teaches anthropol bishop is no longer :req\l~red, here that reservation schools ogy at Princeton University. the guidelines state. ' which try to impose a middle ./ Priests may speak' to Protes c:lass white culture on young tant congregations ",!hen ID Indians are driving many of vited, if the site is not one nor them to alienation, alcoholism mally used for official worship. and suicide. However, "no form· of pulpit They charged that the schools Aluminum or Steel exchange within a liturgical ceremony can be sanctioned," were stripping the Indians of 944 County Street a sense of personal pride and the guidelines state. NEW BEDFORD. MASS. Laymen are encouraged tID identity, and demanded of the' WY 2-6618 speak at ecumenical, gatherings Senate subcommittee on Indian' and to invite non.catholics to education a determining voice in running the schools. speak at their own meetings- again, when no official worship Boarding schools run by the service is involved. Bureau of Indian Affairs came They are further encouraged in for severe criticism from sub ~ participate in neighborhood committee witnesses, including groupS which discusss the reli gious, as well as civic, concerns of the communities in which they live." Religious, laymen and parish organizations are urged to eo operate with community groupa As carolers dedicated to improving sodal sing theJr . and economic conditions, the Happy guidelines state. 01'
"LONDON (NC) -A German Catholic businessman, Oskar Schindler, received a new inter national peace prize in London this week for saving some 20,000 Jewish men, women and chil dren from the nazis. Schindler flew here from his home iJl Frankfurt to be pre sented at a public meeting with the first peace prize of the Mar tin Buber Peace FoundatIon. At the Adolf Eichmann trial in Israel the chief prosecutor, Gideon Hausner, spoke of Schindler's exceptional work. "A German in charge of a factory in the occupied area that employed JeWish slave
laborers from Plaszow Camp near Cracow in Poland, he managed to keep them alive, to protect them from the Gestapo and even to bring over hun~ dreds of members of their fam ilies who had been deported to other camps," Mr. Hausner said "This good German Catholic not only saved them by the most ingenious means from the gas chambers but in defiance of the nazi. authorities he took brotherly care of their bodily needs of food, shelter, clothing and rare medicines for four years, paying for it with hiB own and Mrs. Schindler's per sonal possessions."
aJllIIlIIlIIlIIlIIlIlIIlI III !II 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111III111111 II II I1111111111111111111111111111111111111 1I111~
cMelT5 :
'" 8hristmas
I 'lI'nme for us a@ GJPleed very WBlItm wishes for the Ylliletitllle Holiday May your day be . bright with· joy and merriment shared with your loved ones. We hope 10n have a wonderful Christmas!
Maintenance suppr. . , SWEEPERS - SOAPS
songs, we add OW' voices to wish you good cheer.
1886 PURcHAsE $flEEr . . IEDFO-. .~
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~ lOCK "StREET, - FAll' R,VER
Long ago, three Wise Men followed a Star to e;. miracle. Today, that miracle lives on in the spirit of peace and love born on that joyous day
May the Peace and Blessings of Chris1'i:mas
Be with You through the New Year
~!*' Bristol County
Trust Company Main Office 43 TAUNTON GREEN
Whittenton Office
Weir Village Office
THE ANO':-::~-
Thurs., D(~c. 21, 1967.
WO~~@IT1l~O[]'i) ©[9)®ITD B=D@(lJJ~OIT1l@
Milwaukee Common Council
has adopted an open housing
ordinance which duplicates
the provisions of an already ex
isting state law barring discrim
ination in the sale or rental of mon-owner occupied housing. Passage of the oirdinance was ~rmed "worse than nothing' by Mrs. Vel Phillips, Negro coun cilwoman, who has five times proposed stronger ordinances which were defected by· the council. She estimated that only 00 per cent of Milwaukee's housing would be covered by. the new law. The council passed ordi nance by a 13 to 6 vote. Passage was recommended by a 5-to-0 vote of the council's judiciary legislation committ<ee. Two,weeks earlier the council voted to hold an April referen dum which will asle Milwaukee citizens to vote on the resolu tion: "That the Common Coun ell of the City of Milwauk~e ahan not enact any ordinance which in' any manner restricts the right of owners of real es tate to sell, lease or rent private property. ' Father James E. Groppi, ad
visor to the NAACP Youth
Everyon~ gathers around one", again and sings even more happilY4 Council which has been demon
atrating daily for an open
Iltousing ordinance for three and
Prelate Approves 1I half months, has charged that
~ referendum is unconstitu
tional. A suit has been filed in Salary Increases EVANSVILLE (NC) - The IF'ederal Court by the Americam
Evansville Senate of Priests
Civil Liberties Union challeng . recommended, and Bishop Paul
the referendum's .legality. Father Groppi had also urged Leibold immediately approved, increased priests' salaries. -Qbe council to adopt a stronger open housing ordinance stating, Also approved was a plan for -We are tired of political struc altering Mass stipends. Stipends ~res * * * that give to the black will be set at $2 a Mass, regard mnan his rights in piecemeal 'less of whether it is a high or liasbion." low Mass. All offerings for wed- , diHg"S and funerals will go t8 the - parish treasury instead @'f Abandon P'lan to the officiating priest,' aiul ST. LOUIS (NC)-The Jesu other stole fees will be elimi M Missouri provincial has an nated. lllOunced the province has aban .doned plans to build a lO-story Priests' salaries will go from· Jre8idence for its· theology stu $100 to $145 a month, and their car allowance will be' raised' dents attending St. Louis Uni versity here. from $20 to $40 a month. .
••••• W _ . OFFERING
' .
We briag good tidings and
gla.d greetings to you and your kin, 'SIdth .
wishes !@r happy holidays
aod a .M~ Christmas.
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In to The National 'Bank. With the oPening of ClUr Stafford
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the Greater Fall ,River area, and each of our offices has
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~ ~5S I
199'j] lPlb~A~ANll~1fo
Catholic Papers' Seek National Adverncsing
Thurs., Dec. 21, 1967
c~@[]'®@~ ~o$rrnisscd O)~ lL@~@:: [L®@~e!l'!S
NEW YORK (NC)-The nation's 120 oX" 00 diocesan neW8pa~rs have, for years, depended upon local adver tisers while national advertisers have PUlt billions into daily newspapers, magazines and TV, remaining either unapproached or unconvinced that religious weeklies have a place m their sales budgets. Anticipate Soccess But by the first of the year, 23 Catholic newspapers with a combined circulation of 2.5 mil lion in every major metropoli tan area in the East and Mid west will be doing something about it. The papers, which have formed the Catholic Major Mar ket Newspapers, have rented office space at the Catholic Press Association headquarters at 432 Park Avenue South, here in New York City, and are in terviewing applicants for the top sales job. According to Thomas R. Brennan, advertising manager of the Buffalo Magnificat and organization presidenll, the drive for national advertising has every chance of success.
VALLE lVII (NC) - A pastOIi' here has charged that a cement factory is dismissing all work~ ers who have a record as laboli' leaders. Father Benito Lezcano added that "Valle Mi's population itJ tired of putting up with an tlC cumulation of injustices," andl asked government agencies to stop the lay-offs. The Paraguayan priest oafd that workers are not paid with currency, but with coupons thai they must redeem later at COIlllll pany stores.
farm Dairy
from All:o.Ds~U'le~,
Own Herd"
o Special Milk
ns iime
o o o o o
ihe shepherds to go. They iake a lasi loving look at the bOlby and say goodbye.
Homogenized Vi2. 10 Mii~ Buttermilk Tropicana Orange Juk<a Coffee and Choc. MD~1t Eggs - Butter
lP'urch.asnJmg lP'ower
"Until now," he said, "Cath olic papers have been repre sented by a firm which had other accounts besides ours. This time, we will have our own man, whose only job is to sell for the Catholic papers." Brennan also' feels that the Catholic papers have a strong position which has two major thrusts: "There is a built-in, unwrit ten endorsement of advertising appearing in Catholic papers," Secondly, the larger size of Catholic families makes them natural targets for food, furni ture and clothing advertising. And Catholic families have the buying power in the metro politan areas. The Advocate, newspaper of the Newark Arch diocese which circulates in four prosperous northern New Jer sey counties, claims a $10,000 plus average family income among its readers. Plan Expansion Catholic Major Market News papers will seek "all kinds of national advertising," sa i d Brennan, and will sell space in all, in one, or in any combina tion of papers. The organization represents newspapers covering the New. York - New Jersey - Connecti cut metropolitan area, Chicago, Buffalo, St. Louis, New Orleans, Washington, Cleveland, Detroit, Boston - "nearly every major market in the East and Mid west, said Brennan who hopes to expand to the West Coast and open Midwest and Western offices.
ATTLEBORO'S Leading Garden Center
CONLON & DONNELLY South Main & Wall Sis.
ATTLEBORO 222-0234
THE SOCIETY FQR THE PROPAGATION OF THE fAITH $END YOtla GIIIT TO 7'wltil/H It'l'uMtllld_1 T..(}'M_ 'JIM ,""".~ .....v 7. e.l
.__.911.._ OR IH«. . .~
Jf4 '"'" A _
11- Tort./Hw 1'-' 1«»1
JtJa Nor,Ulhifl ",..
, .. It!W"~~"-"»
Honor Prelate
Thurs., Dec. 21, 1967
CQJI~~ f@[?
Ef~@[?\f I
TORONTO (NC) - Catho1ie Coadjutor Archbishop Philip F. Pocock of Toronto was one of three men honored for contri butions to brotherhood by the Oanadian Council of Christians and Jews here. The archbishop, Sam Steinberg of Montreal, head of a supermarket chain, and Ron W. Todgham, industri alist, were honored at a'dinner marking the 20th anniversa17 of the CCCJ.
fr@ ~@~'\7® .
G~@~@ ~ [P[?@@~®[]1fi)~ SAN JUAN (NC) - The m.ew apostolic delegate for Puerto Rico has emphasized 'ffuat "the problems of the
'World are our problems * * * and doubt the hope of the world b our hope." Archbishop Antonio Del Giu llllice, who is also apostolic nun <ao to the Dominican Republic, sPoke •after a Mass concele brated ~with all the Bishops of Puerto Rico. He said: ''The problems of the world l!l!'e our problems. The hunger of the world-hunger and thirst tlor justice, for love and for bread-should be our hunger; the sufferings of every man mould hurt our heart as our. ·own sufferings, and no doubt -the hope of the world should be (j)Ur hope, which we all united ehould make a "reality." ,Urges Collaboration "That is why I am here as representative of the Pope," the delegate continued, "to stimu llate, foster and help co-ordinate our common work. To procure that all men truly know the saviour, and that salvation, in 'Its divine and hum.an dimen mons, penetrate to tine f<X;ltS of lhumanity. \ "With a unitary vision of the. .problems, we should collaborate m the formation of priestly and Religious vocations, in the vital Ization of the lay· movements, In the fostering of social and eultural works, undnr the im mediate direction of the Bish ~.. Archbishop Del Giudice 8tated. Share Responsibillity Archbishop Luis Aponte Mar tinez of'SanJuan, in welcoming Archbishop Del Giudice, said:' "'Your Excellency comes to us in difficult moments for the uni versal Church and Dot less dif ficult for the local churches which feel the honor of your pontifical 'representaUon * • • On behai<f of our Bishops, our elergy and the people of God. In-this island, I want to tell You that we are willing to share the serious responsibility of the IDOme'nt we live." llW
The kings too must go. They give Joseph their gifts to keep for the baby then they start their long homeward journey.
Request, Home Masses
CHICAGO (NC)-;--The ·Asso-. dressed the m'eeting, explained ciation of Chicago Priests .has that the U. S. bishops at their adopted a resolution requesting present meeting called for im~ permission of John Cardinal plementation of the counciliar Cody of Chicago to celebrate decrees on the liturgy - but Masses in private homes. . "with caution." Auxiliary Bishop Aloysius J. ~e, thanke~. ,the ~hicago Wycislo, chairman of the arch P~Iests. AsSOCIatIOn WhIch, he diocesan liturgical commission, S81~, • has ~aken everYfac,~t of. told 'the 850 priests attending relIgIOUS life under study. the association's plenary session here tha t Cardinal Cody had aIready given penDission to the heads of the seven vicariates of the archdiocese to allow priests to offer Masses in the homes of only the infirm: Father Alex Rakowski, who presented the motion for hom~ . Masses on the floor of the meeting, explained that the Masses' would be only supple mentary to Mass attendance in parish churches on S"undaYs. Cardinal Cody, who also ad-
••• Cleansers • ••
427 SECOND STREET Cor. Morgan, Fan River 679-6712 E. J. ~cGINN, Prop.
In the
Blessings , of Christmas may the serenity .' of peace and ex bounty of foy enter .yoy.r Ufe this blesBed tim_ ••• Merry Christmas!
Spirito{ Christmas <...!J1«lI
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«nl love f~«' '«"«ies over «II flae wo,tJ s~;ne upOli80'" «nJ ~'in8lIOU pe«Cfe~
A QllIality Mille and Dairy Product ~~~;;.";,,,;,,,,,,,~
1 55 North Main Street
Telephone 675-71'1 l'
Students at Diocesan High Schools Usher in Christmas Season
,THE ANCHORThurs.; Dec. 21, 1967
To ooin a phrase, Merry Chrisbnas 1;0 an. By now Diocesan teens have finis'hed preparations and begun cele brations and Yule festivities are in full swing at every high school. At Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River, art students have decked the NBS ideals of scholarship', char halls with everything but acter, service and leadership. Re holly, demonstrating what spectively, they were St. Thomas can be done with odds and Aquinas, Pope John, Dr. Thomas
C@W~©[j'@]@\l' ~®f@vm BOGOTA (NC) - Alleging that the Church in Colombia haa too much control over the naa tion's educational system and insisting that priests and Church societies should be subject· to taxation, a Liberal party sen ator here called for revision of this nation's 1887 concordat with the Holy See. The demand of Sen. Jose Vives Echeverria was backed up by a 64-member bi-partisan ' committee's recommendation to President Carlos Lleras Res- , trepo that he initiate a program of Church-state reform.
ends. Art I class members have Dooley and Sen. Everett Dirk contributed a Tree and Angel sen. Also at Prevost, students are design to III cor,ridor bulletin anticipating a volleyball match board, while in the art studio between members of the Pre vost YCL and the JMA CYM. itself the bulletin board dis plays a nativity scene done in As at DA, an alumnae-student line drawings on colored tissue, basketball game is slated at Mt. the work of Carolyn Meyer. Car St. Mary Academy. It'll be held olyn and Andrea D'Errico have at 7:30 tonight ",in the academy also produced their own Christ gym. And yesterday Mount grad mas cards this year. The library uates now in college shared their
joins'in the festivities via a 15 experiences with present stu
piece ceramic nativity set, done dents.•
by senior Catherine Wilcox. In debating news, the Narra
0 And also, important at SHA as gansett Debate League held its at other Diocesan highs has been JFK tournament at St. An the Advent wreath ceremony. thony's High School, New Bed On the holiday calendar too ford.. Coyle affirmative team
were a glee club concert and a members won two of these de
bates. Mount debaters won four (c~"ii'~ IES s)1E~ViCIE party for SHA mothers and fa thers. Students get their chance , out of six at the same tourna
fj)~§u~mU]:ORS to dance Friday night, Dec. 29 ment.
when juniors and seniors will . Holy Family seniors have been @@~@line hold a "Winter Carnival." taking tests lately: a national A concert band performance at homemakers' exam for the girls FI!D@fi (lJii'Bd Range Cassidy High School in Taunton and an army recruiting test for produced by Coyle' High, its the boys. The latter tested boys _The Holy Family is alone-except for the little angel. "Please brother school, featured the holi at the New Bedford school in the ' can't I stay With the baby?" sh~ asks. Mary and Joseph are day season. The Coyle band and fields of electrical and mechan O~L BURNERS glad to have her and that is how it happened that the Baby glee club also made a Yule ap ical aptitudes and mathematical Jesus always had a little angel playmate. For Prompt Delivery pearance at the Paul Dever and verbal comprehension. & Day & Night Service Here's' another alumnae-stu school. dent basketball match, this one For Retired SisterS G. E. IaO~i.IER BURNER UNITS Retired Sisters at Dominican slated for tonight too, as part of Academy, Fall River, were feted' SHA Fall River's '!first reunion PHILADELPHIA (NC) - For tion education, the apostolate, for the class of 1967. So far, the lItuva~ Bottled Gas Service today by sodality members. San the first time in the history of V<lcations, lay assistance, the current SHA team holds the ta Claus was present and a Pea habit, and government and ad ~] COIXIANNET ST. championship of Bristol County the Society of the Holy Child nuts play was presented. Jesus, a general chapter of the ministration. Recommendations TAUNTON Also on the DA Christmas Girls' League, so the alumnae congregation is in session in the from the provincial chapters will have to work hard. Attleboro - No- Attleboro
agenda: preparation of food bas will gUide discussion at the con United States-in the suburbs' Clubs have been busy at vari- . kets for needy families and visdts Taunton
gregation's ,$imeral chapter. of, the city where the commu to nursing homes to entertain ous schools, even though Yule nity's foundress was born. preparations have taken lots of patients and present gifts. One o time. At SHA Fall River the The special ,general chapter class has decided to wait until math club presented .a film on called, in response to norms r~~<~~R\.t:It'.;~~~~~i;] the rush of Christmas festivities is over and to visit an area the history of numerati<in from prQrilulgated by the Second ~ ... .. Vatican Council- opens today ch:ildren's hospital, "when life ancient Babylon to today's. bi nary notation, and various at Rosemont College. Directing for the young people is becoming groups have been collecting toys the' chapter will be Mother a little lonely." likerilad, carolling for' shut-ins Mary Laurentia, first American Mt. St. Mary Academy stu to pead the congregation since dents have dressed dolls and and writing to servIcemen in Vi the death of its convert-found etnam. wrapped toys for needy tots un At Mt. St. Mary the. Spanish ress, Mother Cornelia Connelly. der direction of academy soda 'Club took time out to entertain Provincial chapters, have al lists. Students also made favors ready been held in each of the and sang carols for patients at f,aculty and French Club mem congregation's three American Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home bers at a "Cena Espano!." Span ish foods were served, items such provinces, in the English prov
and the Hussey Hospital. Jesus-Mary Academy 'juniors as leather goods, clothes' and ince and in the West African
have received class rings in a jewelry from various Spanish vicariate. The chapters consid chapel ceremony during which lands were displayed and slide ered the reports of 11 provincial pictures of Madrid were exhib ,committees on spiritual life, the precious circlets were bless vows, community life, formaited. ed by Rev. Roger Poirier. Dominican Academy alumnae and v,arslty will meet Thursday, ~",rollFll~~@;i~OOliOO1@G~ree~~ Dec. 28 in their annual home coming game; and also at DA a college career day was held yesterday with graduates of the past four years fr9m the Fall River school answering ques tions about college life from juniors and' seniors. ' Talking of college, latest ac «:eptances are,' for DA, Louise Beaulieu to Stonehill. Jesus Mary reports that Michele Boule has been accepted at Rivier; Ma d~leine St. Denis, Northeastern; Pauline' Roppe and Susan Men ard, Union Hospital nursing school. At SHA Fall River Judith Clark is in at Merrimac. At the JMA .basketball players, the student council and the journal season elltoDy .and ism staff are co-sponsoring ,a mistletoe, it is our dance to be held at 8 tomorrow . On this ~nderCufliolidayot PeaCe and Joy
night in the school hall, with we Bend our heartfelt greetiJ:lgs.and ~ea
speeial' pleasure to wish you the "Blue Feeling" from Taun Cor your ChriBtmll8 to be merry and bright. toil playing. Also in JMA news a Merry Christmas and to' express enr is Michele Boule, who'll repre sent her school in the Spring thanks for your 'patronage throughout the year. at Students Government Day in Boston. Going with her will be Diane Dugal. , At ceremonies inducting 16 FALL RIVER 2082 ROBESON STREET ,new students into the Prevost chapter of the National Honor Telephone 675-7804 678-5211 FALL RIVER SOCiety, lour outstanding men were chosen to represent the _ _ ~IN~~~lDlJillDI:MlIM:lillildllN~~t.t1IllIilIdiltllhN~
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Chapter Meeting
of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 21, 1967
N,AZ.ARETH ON THE CAPE: Children in this year's Ch'ri~tmas story are from Nazareth on the Cape, Hyannis. Standing, rear, are Jeffrey Fratus, James Brierly, Shirley Hoffman, Kathy Kuliga, Sister Zita Mary, Eunice Hudson, Sister Mary Howard; Elizabeth Walkeri Roberta Weston, Donna Giguere, Jeffrey Nick erson, Norma Gilbert. Joseph is James Lees and Mary is Christina Bearse. Front,
The ,Parish .Parade
• left to right, Susan Evaos, Mary Flanagan, John Lynch, Martin Gonsalves, Kathy Butler, Elifabeth Gavigan, Phil Studley, Wayne Ja!obs, Perry Briggs, James . Servidore. Children presented Christmas program for parents, friends under ,direction Of the two Sisters of, Mercy.
R~~igious Subjects lnspire Greatest Madonna Forst Gift to National Gallery
WASHINGTON (NC) - Reli- tizing" for any church. gious subjects ,have inspired The stamp. depicts the Madon some of the world's",.great art. naand Child; a segment taken , Women's Guild members will This fact is brought home to from a world famous work I in 'be guests of the Women's Fel many people at Christmas. the National Gallery of Art Iowsbip of South Congregation It is particularly interesting here. ' al Church; Centerville, Monday, to recall this year" because of The second development is .Jan. 8. A guild committee plan two things that have 'happened the publication by the National ned a Christmas party for guests of the Centerville Nurs . here. In one instance', well on' Gallery of Art of a handsome toward Christmas, a U. S. Dis brochure marking the institu ing Home. trict Court' ruling saved more tions's silver jubilee. It reveals ST. JOSEPH,
than a billion' -U. S. Christmas" that the first gift, in the nucleus PALL RIVER
stamps which already had been of art works that started the Cub Scouts and Webel08 of printed and which you' are us~ gallery, was' a Madonna. the' parish" .will attend,. ing this year, which .certain ~- ',. The 'brochure emphasizes that terests would have consigned to the tremendous C9llection of ~rt Christmas party tonight. j a government incinerator on works now housed here was the' grounds that' the govern brought together entirely, by ment had business "prosely private benefactions.' The bo~k Continued from Page Thirteen such a reader.. Its range of ar' tlcles is rep.resentative, 'and the. ~ treatment is sound und succinct. . It is a handy help· to the begin. ner, in reading either the Bible or books aqout the Bible. .., Invaluable Book . '. Father' Joseph Rhymer has, , In The Beginnings o{ a People (Pflaum Press, 48 W. 5th ·St., Dayton; O. 45402. $4.75), con centrated ,on one key concept in the Bible, the chosen people's exodus from Egypt and the cov enant between God and them. This dominates the Old Tes- . :tament, as Father Rhymer skill fully demonstrates, and pro'" vides a main clue to the under
standing of the New Testament.
Anyone who has done even a
modest amount of reading about
salvation, history has again and
again encountered the covenant
theme. It is central and crucial.
But I, for one, have never seen
. Jt so clearly .and intelligibly explained as in this invaluable
IiWe book.
Msgro Kennedy
Latin America
-, Continued from Page Three tion. Very few of the people ever get past high school and there is a great shortage of is intended to mark the gallery's schools. What they nee!! from 25th anniversan-. the United States is'lay person . Actually this anniversary fell nel who can train teachers, in 1966, as it is recalled that technicians, doctors and engi President Franklin D. Roosevelt neers." He added that the . opened the gallery on the "bit- methods of solving problems in terly cold night" of St. Patrick's Latin America must vary from DaY, March 17, 1941. ' country to country. The National Gallery of Art He cited the Santiago' arch has becom~ in 25 years one of diocese as' an example of the the leading art museums of the, Church's activities in Latin yv'orld; its growth has been more America. There, he sai:d, "the , rapid than that of any other Church has' established cooper gallery in history; And yet, it atives, credit unions,' technical is stateq, J}either of these dis- .' sch~ols and ;tn ,organization tinctions could have been at-, that provides meanS .whereby tained if a start on the gallery an individual working man can had· been made even just a few, buy materials to build a home years later. for himself." .:.
As it came upon a midnight clear, may the inspiration of the Christmas Miracle abide in your heart now and always. May this season be really rewarding to you spiritually, br:ight with promise of "Peace
earth, good will to
men." ,/
Schedule" Blessing
elected Coadjutor Archabbot
Egbert . H. Donovan will be blessed solemnly as a Benedic tine abbot at St. Vincent areh abbey basilica here in -Pennsyl vania Jan. 7. Bishop' William G. Connare of Greensburg will' of ficiate at the ceremonies .during cOncelebrated'MasS., ','
. I
fKE ANCHOR-Diocese of FaD -""-Thurs. Dec.
f'revost Shifts Home-Game Court:
Case Threaten$ H@~y FaJmily Marry Hoo~ Wi~ H~bi~ By PETER BARTElK NortH High CoacH». Uttle Holy Family High f1f New Bedford has dominated. the Nanagansett Basketban League ror four of the last five seasons but the Paroohials may' find the going a little rougher this Winter. No l~ than thI"OO clubs have the ~ten<tial (!)f dsbhroning the perenni.a,l ehampiona. ~ f10r forward jobs.' Lou Bene High 00: Swansea, Someroot vides, John O'Neil and SteV2 Sabra are fighting for the open Md Seekonk an all consider guard position. Coach Burns is v
ed serious challeneers in what is expected to 00 "one of the closest rile e fl we've had in years....The Blue W a ve accom plished an un believable feat It year ago when Co a eh Jack Nobrega's charges defeated Class A, B and C opponents alike , to earn the Peter right to meet Bartek powerful Melrose High in 1tle finals of the State tournament. Stalwarts for Nobrega's Claa C champions and State runner lIPS included Steve Lawless, Dennis Kennedy and Steve Daugherty an of whom have IJ:'8duated. Their Joss. it is felt, will plaee Holy Family in the eategory of "'beatables". Seek Seecmd Crown Although the New Bedford Parochials will not 'be as strong as last season, they still are ODe of the league powers. A strong defensive unit, and two excellent outside shooters iD Bill Walsh and Dave Chevalier coupled with the Holy Family traditicm plus Coach Nobrega's I!IPlrit may be enQugh to lift the Wave to the pinnacle of the NalT7 circuit for the tblrd consecutive year. The Case Cardinals of Coach Bob Gordon finished two games behind front runner Holy Fam Ily last Winter - both losses dealt by the Blue Wave - are bent on revengin« those defeats and corraling ~eir second league trophy of the 1966-1'7 lICholastie year. Case won the Narry footban crown. Somer:set's BumS· Optimistic The Swansea 1lCh00l has three lltarters returning, .u senlOI'll. '!'be loop's tallest player Tom Austin, George Jenk.insoD 8Ild :Jeff Kirkman should ~ft «be opposition plenty to reekClll with thls Winter. Coach Gordcm aJso has a healthy Brian Lecm ardo In the fold this campaign. Leonardo, who averaged points in ,two contests before be was sidelined last season with _ injury, could spark the Car dinals to the top 01. the }fBlTJ' ladder. .At Somerset, Coach T... BurDlI f:s optimistic about Ids dub'., chances OIl improving 1IPOD the '1-'1 record of a year ago. The Blue Raiders operated with • ;)'OWlg team in '66-'8'1 -.cI hope that the experience Ibey gained will reap its rewards. Kevin :McGee wiD. be return tog to man the center post, Tom Bums and Larry Thomas 8ft beek at the forwards and Bob :Bergeron again Is Iilated to . . lit CIIDe of the guard berths. With four 01. the starling fiWl back, It would appear that de dcIing on the starting unit 1POUld be • relatively easy task. llJot _ fo:r Coach Burns, how wer. - be has 11 players ~ CIiDg !Dr Rartin« berths. 8eeIlODk ~ Bsplode' Bnace CaseyllDd Dan ~ eft anpping with MeGee _ ~ ~ post, DIn'e Ban9Dle, :.II Wrobleski . . Riehle
hopeful that the keen competi tion for starting assignments will enhance his club's improve ment and thrust th2 Raiders into the championship race. Coach Dick Bessette of see konk sends a veteran unit on to the hardwood this season which will be led by Tom Fox, an ex cellent scorer and rebounder. The Warriors entering their sec ond Winter in Narry competi tion are a vastly Improved ball club and may be the team to watch. seekonk has been building for the past few seasons and It would surprise few area sports buffs if the Warriors ex ploded thls campaign and be became one of the powers in an Narry sports.' Scott Slaiding, Wayne Rogers and Bob Cloutier are also returning and should aid Fox in seekonk's quest for recognition. . Lack Seasoned Talent Ed Bednarz, one of the most prolific scorers in the Narry cir cuit is again expected to carry the brunt of the burden for Coach Angelo Stavros' Diman Artisans. The Fall River com bine has a strong front line performer in B~narz but the ~am lacks depth and height. The outlook at Westport and Dighton-Rebobotlil appears to be rather dismal. Both have been hit hard by graduation and will undoubtedly undergo rebuild ing procedures. Bruce Letour... Beau and Dave Horrocks are the only established players. return-' ing at Westport and Dighton, respectively. Coach Doug Baxendale at Prevost has until the 29th '. of this month to prepare his marges !Dr their opening con test. Prevost will play its home games at the Academy of the Sacred Hearts gym in Fall River due to the unavailability of the Boys' Club. Coach B8J[endale, presently evaluating prospective Btarters. says aU positiODl!l are still open. Stan NeJd Week The Narry League will offi clally get underway on Tues day, Jan. 2 when Westport wiD be at Holy Family and Somer set at Seekonk. The remaining four teams will start the follow ing night wheJI, Dighton-Reho bOth will play at Prevost mull Case at Diman.
5 • 00 0110 year SAVINGS
'COMEBACK JACK': Jack, Pardee, linebacker of the Los Angeles Rams, is known to his friends as "Comeback Jack,· having survived a 12-hour operation for cancer in 1964. Jack has his own rooting section at home: his wife, Phyllis; son Steven, 9; daugters Anne Marie, 6; Susan, 4; and Judee, 8. NC Photo.
Wins Red Rose Award for Determination Linebacker Returns to Aid Rams LOS ANGELES (NC) - They call him "Comeback Jack"--and with good cause! He's one mighty big reason why the Los Angeles Rams won In the fan-packed Coliseum war with the Baltimore Colts for the National Football League's Coastal Division tiUe and the right to take on the Green Bay Packers for the Western Confer ence title. Just before the battle .Jack Pardee, Rams linebacker, was ealled out on the field and pre sented with the Red Rose Award of the Hospital Charity Fund as a symbol of courage and deter mination. '
The Pardee story is an inspi ration for the' ailing and handi capped. He was a gridiron star at Texas A. and M. before he came to the Rams. In 1963 he was voted the Rams' 'most valuable player, and as All-Pro linebacker played in the' Pro-Bowl game. Then be got the dreaded word cancer. '
But when George Allen took over as coach of the Rams, he visited Pardee in Bryan and talked him out of retriement. Up to the Colts game, Pardee had five pass interceptions and two touchdowns this season, while on Sunday, he grabbed one of Johnny Unitas' passes that led to a field goal.
In the Spring of 1964 he Un ,derwent 12-hour surgery. He had decided to retire ·from the pro ranks, live with his <wife, Phyllis, and four children, aged 9 to 4, at BfYan, Tex., and work at' Texas A. and M. as assistant coach and director of the phys leal education program.
While playiJ;lg with the. Rams, the Pardees reside in Downey and are parishioners at Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish. Mrs. Pardee is a volunteer.' parish worker, engaged mainly in pub licity. In the off-season, Pardee fills the posts at Texas A. and M..
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The Pri~$ts, Re,ligi@us and laity G,f the Diocese From the .
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