fteace to Jflen
Dec. '22, 1"966
.Humphrey .,'-a~ds
Relief Agencies"
THE 'AN,C!1Vl{-"
WASHINGTON (NC) -Dele- gates of voluntary relief agencielJ . working in Vietnam met here Blf; the invitation of President LylP don B. Johnson to hear Vi~ President Hubert B. Humphre.v promise the voluntary agencies" rontinued government BUPPO!lll snd cooperation.
At l@.,g' h;!arrnd 'ID>iccese Urged ROCKVILLE C EN T R E (NC) -The Catho:\ic Inter racial Council of Long Island has asked Bishop Walter P.
Among the delegates who heard the Vice President's talk in the Indian Treaty Room d the Executive Office Building was James J. Norris. assistant to .the director of the Catholic Re lief services. relief agency of too Catholics of the United States.
Kellenberg of RockyHle' Centre to implement an equal employ ment opportunity program in aU offices and institutions of the diocese. The Council adopted a reso lution expressing "deep grati tude" for the recent statement of the U. S. Bishops OEl race re lations. The resolution stated: HIn keeping with this s~tement of principle, we respectfully urge His Excellency, Bishop Kellen berg, to set in motion in our diocese a plan to end discrimina tion through positive actions in its dealings with all suppliers and contractors and with all em ployes of .the diocese and of the pal"ishes and religious institu tions within the diocese." The resolution SUggEsted that Project Equality' be started in the diocese. Under Project Equality, Church bodieH by deal ing only with "equal opportu nity" firms use their purchasing power to spur the hiring of non whites throughout the !Country.
Representing the agency's «Do rector, Bishop Edward E. Swan ·strom, Norris. heard the Vice President describe voluntavy agencies as "the true voice <<If America" and emphasize tha~ "the sense of justice is no$ bounded by state limitations." Catb<>lic Relief Services hoo played a constantly expanding ,role in Vietn~ ever since W began its humanitarian work there shortly after the country'l3 formation in 1954. Currently, CRS is feeding 100,000 students a day in 322 schools and supplies equipme~ to 106 boarding schools. It sends , food, clothing and miscellaneous supplies to more than 15,000 children in 77 orphanages and supplies food, medicine, equip.. ment and personnel to 44 hospi tals.' .
FRIDAY-Mass of prevl10us Sun day. II Class. Violet. Mass Proper; No Glory CDr Creed; Common Preface. SATURDAY-Vigil of Christmas. I Class. Violet. Masl Proper; No Glory or Creed; Common Preface. SUNDAY-Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I Clas:;. White; First Mass: Giory; Creed; Preface and CommWllcantes of Christmas. Second Mas s : Glory; 2nd Prayer St. Anas tasia, Martyr; Creed; Preface and Communicantes af Christ mas. Third MaSs: Glory; Creed; Preface and Communi cantes of Christmas. Each Priest may offer three Masses. Holy Day of Obligation.
St. Francis
Once upon a time, there were five Polish-American children: Marysia, Dorcia, J'ania, Karolcia and Piotrus. They were proud of being Americans, but they were very proud too that their parents had come from Poland. They loved to hear about the brave Polish Cardinal, Cardinal Wyszynski.
Forecasts Approva:1 of L~turgy Changes
Reading, o'f Canon in English"":": I think the bishops are doing-the best they can for the good of· the people. It takes time to complete a text in English on the liturgy." While here the Apostolic 'Dele gate met with bishops of '{the province of Atlanta. He was the celebrant at a Mass for the nUDs of the archdiocese and chatted with them at a· reception. He also was honored ata public reception. '
MONDAY-St. StepheI1l, Proto martyr. II Class. Whtlte. Mass Proper; Glory; 2nd Prayer Octave of Christmas; Creed; Preface and Communicantes of Christmas. TUESDAY-St. John, Apostle and EvangeliSt. II Cla~:s. white. Mass Proper;.' Glory; 2n~ . Prayer Octave of Christmas; Creed; Praace and Cummuni cailtes of C~ristmas. .
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NEDNESDAY-Holy Innocents, Martyrs. II Class. Red. Mass Proper; Glory; 2nd Prayer Octave of Christmas; Creed; Preface and Communicantes of Christmas. THURSDAY-'Thursday Within the Octave of Christmas. II Class. White. Mass Proper.; (Mass as on Decemb(~r 30 in Missal) Glory; 2nd Prayer St. Thomas of Canterbury, Bishop aft<! Martyr; Creed; Preface and Communicantes of. Christ mas.
f.ORTY HOUllS DEVOTION Dec. 25-St. Mary's 'H 0 me, New Bedford. St. Helena's Convent, Fall River. Jan. 1--8t. ~'1ary's, Cathedral, Fall River. Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford. THE AKCHIIII Secono Clas> POS1ille Palo at Fan mvo" Mas~. "ubllshlll 01lel) Tllursda) 01 410 dillhlano "venue .Fall IllYer Ma3s. 02722 by the Catholic Press 01 the' Dloc(!se of Fell Rive, Subscrlptlor. price by mal!'. postpaid $4.00 PO'
Ami we wish
Old Fashioned Christmas,
lDlge. 'We
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bettell' «lIlIIll'inS. llhe C!:oming year.
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Fairhaven ROUTE 6
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6ives Permission To Investigate 'Student Re~@rds
THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 22, 1966
Colleges Weigh Merg~r P~a[l1$
WASHINGTON (NC) student request for tight !er controls on government !i1nvestigation of student rec ~
JOLIET (NC)-The possibility of a merger of the College of St. Francis here and Lewis College, Lockport, Ill., is being consid ered. A joint committee on coop eration is investigating the fea sibility of such a move. Brother Joel Damian, F.S.C., a trustee of Lewis College, is chairman of the committee. Both college presidents, Brother L. Paul, F .S.C., of Lewis, and Sister Anita Marie, O.S.F., of S1. Fran cis, are on the committee. The colleges have worked Qut several cooperative programs this year, with students of each taking some courses at the other C'ollege.
has been turned down by Fa'ther Thomas J. Fitzgerald, $.J., academic vice-president of ~orgetown University. Responding to a resolution by the Georgetown East 'Campus Student Council, Father Fitzgerald maintained that in ClPection of an academic tran C::t:ript by a government investi }Jator does not CO}lstitute inva Mon of a student's privacy. ~assed
, The council had asked the ad ,Dlinistration to stop giving out s:tudent grades without first ob taining student permission. Legitimate Subject A student's academic record !lather Fitzgerald replied, is a -J.egitimate subject of inquiry for mudents seeking government
Nec~ology JAN. 1
Rev. Jose Valeiro, 1955, PaSe tot, St. Elizabeth, Fall River. Rev. Antonio M. Fortuna, 1956, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, New Bedford.
He emphasized,' however, that Ilre would be glad to discuss di .~ergent opinions with East Cam ,~s student leaders. Before responding to another iliOuncil request that Georgetown ~icials record the names and agencies of investigators seeking fnformation on students, Father ~itzgerald said he would ask the Gtudents for reasons for this re l§Uest. The councfi, which represents Gliudents in the Institute of Lan ~ages and Linguistics and Schools of Foreign Service and Business Administration, also asked that government investi gators be denied access to stu i&ept psychological records and to school prefects. Confidential Records Father Fitzgerald said that the psychological records are confi dential and are not available even to the university adminis tration. Father Anthony J. Zeits, 8.J.. director of the student personnel office, also turned down the stu dent request, saying he will con tinue to allow government io 'Wlestigators ~ interview dormi tlory prefects jf an interview is DeCessary for a student to get • job. He emphasized, however, that , be has cautioned prefects to re 8pect the confidentiality of student-prefect relationships. in 8u.ch intel'Views. .
,Winners of Alumni Scholarship Named . Two seniors named to share I.e annual Alumni Scholarship at Stonehill College are Robert ereutz, Abington, who is major mg in Biology, and Judith Dempsey of Randolph, majoring ;":g English. The two top scholars were se l:ected jointly by the Scholarship <lZommittee of the college and the @.irectors of the Alumni Associa tion on the basis of scholarship ood need. The Alumni awards Ole scholarship each year to two ~romising seniors.
They were especially happy one year be cause Sister told them in school that there were great celebrations all over the world marking the thousandth anniversary of Po land's conversion to Christianity. Piotrus held the Polish flag as Sister explained it, too.
Nantucket ChUdr®n ffin Work of' Charity DeMO!J1$trr@\1'~ Laurie Killen (left) and her sister Lisa are the two young ladies standing beside the crib in the Page One picture which was taken in the catechetical center in the basement hall of the Church of St. Mary, Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket. They are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. James Killen of North Water Street, Nantucket. Ej)ch year the Nantucket chil dren bring personal gifts of food when they visit the Infant Jesus lit the Nativity scene. The gifts are then distributed to the un derprivileged to make their Christmas happier. It is the chi~dren's way of helping to bring some Christmas joy to playmates and their fain , ilies who are not as fortunate in this world. Very Rev. DaniE~1 E. Carey, pastor, has developed this char itable effort by' the 'children,
Christmas P'arty NEW YORK (NC) - Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York hosted the 21st annual Christmas party for children of the New York Foundling Hospital here.
G@d! and
thereby accomplishing a two 'fold purpose. Their prayers at the crib gain them blessings and
graces and their charity is fulfillment of love of God and neighbor.
Rev. Eugene L. Dion, 1961, Pastor, Blessed Sacrament, Fall River.
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Mayall the traditional joys . of Christmas be yours ••• good friends and good times, ~ifts and ~reetin~s. And know that our ~reetin~sare warmly sincere, with ~rateful thanks for your loyal patronage.
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THE...ANCHOR-Oiocese'of . 'Fait . .Rlver"":Thurs:Oec. 22,
F@tr 1E~lllim~lrL~sm.
WASHINGTON (NC) -Law rence Cardinal Shehan of BalDo more received the first annual! Chrysostom Award of the St. Paull Center here in recognition of Ms contribution to ecumenical work and in commemoration of ~ visit last year as papal legate • Constantinople's Orthodox Patrioo arch 'Athenagoras. Accepting the citation an4 medal' fro m Bishop Justilll Najmy, Apostolic Exarch of the' Melkites in the United Stateep Cardinal Shehan spoke of his im- '" , pressions on Dec. 7; 1965, when . he met with Patriarch Athena..;' :., goras. Recalling his meeting, the CllJil-" dinal told his audience at John CarroH high school that "Hope is"" to he found in the deep desire " for unity in both' the East and" I 'the 'West'" (I (I 1- myself was wit. ness of the expression of that' deep desire on the part of the patriarch, his synod and his peoo pIe." , Cardinal Shehan spoke befoi'e an audience that included Arcb bishop, ,Patrick. A. O'Boyle o:fI Washington, AuxHiary Bishops" John S., Spence and William J1.. \ McDonald ,of Washington and." leaders of the Catholic and 0 ... " thodox Churches. ' ,
Bn ~~e~ ~@(illfrB1l.
CULLMAN (NC) - A priest The editor detailed results of' asserted here that "Christians a survey he compiled on cIDndi: have made a mockery of Christ's tions in the Deep South, cover prayer that all might be one" as ing 12 Catholic archdioceses and 'he detailed the Church's struggle dioceses in' North, and SEJuth tEl bring ecumenism to the Deep 'Carolin~, Georgia, Tennessee, South. Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi "We can no longer ~fford the and! Arkansas. dubious luxury of a fragmented He said the survey showed 10 Christendom," Father Bernard of the 12 have established ecu Law, ',editor of the 'Mississippi menical commissions; thFee have Register, the Natchez-Jackson, Miss~, diocesan newspaper,' deguidelines for ecumenical activ clared in a lecture at Sacred ity; ,one has, guidelines which ,are being revised; two are wait:' Heart College here in Alabama. 'ing fOF a series of guidelines to The bishops at the Second Vat be issued,;, two are drawing up ican Council, he said, made it guidelfues, and fout do not have clear that ecumenism \:laS not a guidelines. venture on the fringes of Cath olic,·life, but rather "ac impeFaFather Law said six of the 12 tive in the life of all the CathCatholic Sees plan to meet other olic faithfcl." major religious denominations at "Here in the southern part of the diocesan level for inter~ the United States, where instituchurch observance of the Chair tililnallzed religion has a pl!'omi_ of Unity Octave from Jan. 18 nent pJ!ace' iii our' cupll>oard' of to 25. ' idols, we have taken for granted the local FiEst- Baptist Church, the First 'MethodistChurch, First Presbyterian Church, All Saints Episcopal . Church Hnd sf. . P~iests .JOSeph's, 'CathIDlic Church," he, ,said. KANSAS CITY (NC )-1'.. sur j'We have taken these for vey of priests published in the ;gr.anted in a· spirit of friendly lay-edited National Catholic Re porter has come' under fire fr-om rivalry-sometimes in a spirit of suspicion and hate. Vfe have two bishops in this area for be ing too generalized and stressing taken for gL'anted that houses sh&uldJ be di<videdi agair,st them sensationalism over 'scholarship. selves, and so we ha"e Negro Archbishop Edward J. Hunkel Baptist cl'n.irches and white' Bap er of Kansas City, Kan., criti tist churches, Negro Catholic cized Father Joseph Fich.ter, S.J., churches and white Catholic who took the 'survey,. fOF not be churches,'" l'1e continued. ing thorough and for aiming at 'Retnnr to Rome' "sensationalism and publieity." Father Law said it if, insuffi The Archbishop added that the cient t(i)· have il.ltellectuaL corwic National Cat hoI i c Reporter, tions since "ecumenism can which helped to underwrite the easily develop rnto an intellec survey, also "thrived on sensa tual hobby for a few experts." tionalism." Specifically, Arch He added it would be worse "for bishop Hunkeler criticized the eeumenism to be trapped in the survey's repOl"t that many bish web of a new bureaucracy of ops did not communicate with vested interest." their priests. In the movement for ChFlstian In the Kansas-City St, Joseph, unity, goodwill has been empba Mo" diacese, where the National sized, but Father Law said good," Catholic Reporter is published, will is not enough. He said the Bishop Charles H. Helmsing ehurches must be realis1 ie in as criticized the report as "mislead sessing the' exact natur<~ of difing" and added that he tc·- made ferences that divide them. . himself readilya~anable to the Survey Results priests of the diocese. The editor said there isdange,.I' Cautioning reportel'S that he in viewing tlhe goal of ecu'men had not yet studied the sUFvey ism as a mere "return to Rome." and was drawing his inf-eFmation He added: "F~rst .of. ali, thel!e is from a report in the' Kansas City ,ne return to' a condition at a Star, Bishop HelmsiJag said that ,prior point (i).f Ih,istory.. There .is history itselF to be reckoned he did not think that the find with, There is no undoing what' ings of the survey appli'ed in the Kansas, City-St. Joseph diocese. . bas been wl!"('lUght in time."
rleceives' ';:{!
Bisho;p,s C ri,ticR%e -Survey
'DOLAN-SAXON Funetr«rJ~ "I wish we could do something to show God how grate ful we are for a thousand years of faith," said Karolcia. The children thought and thought.
l@ofr~r rr@ke (Q)wer ~lhl@O'fr<Ol~De off N QJI U'ilS OU'il Stl'a{f{F [f@W'ees Chcnge
Afr lHlo~y Cross !HIoSIPD\J'~D DUil Texas AUSTIN (NC)-The Mission ary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, who staff Holy Cross Hospifal here, will leave the hos pita1 Jan. 6. It will then be staffed entirely by the laity with Arthur Crandall as director. The shortage of Sisters" plus
Sec: reta rria t LISBON (NC)-Manuel Car dinal 'Goncalves Cerejeira of Lisbon has established a pastoral action secretariat that will co ordinate the pastoral work in the patriarchate. Father Man uel Franco Falcao ..... has been named director.
new demands for education of Sisters and new areas of work, resulted in their decision to leave the hospital. Bishop Louis J: Reicher of Austin has expressed his regret that factors beyond his control necessitated the decision and praised the self-sacrificing work of the Sisters.
Drive te> Aid Itoly
Disaster Victims
MONTREAL (NC) Paul Emile Cardina'l' Leger of Mon fu;eal has opened a campaign for funds to help lI'elieve recent Ital ian flood dJisasters. Cardinal LegeF said few per- . sons here can realize th~ extent oj!' the losses and asked all to be, generous for "the ItaHan people who are themselves so gener 01:18."
This appeal is in additian. 10 the official Canadian government oonation lilf $500,000 to help tJ:ie victims~
White's Farm Dairy
Moy ott the Mdy' .j.cJys- of that first ChriStmas- night abide with youondyouF lov&d ones during the~holi·
day season, bringing the,some'peace andtronquility
From Our Own
that thone upon.th4r-earth on that Night's%ng ago.
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Special Milk Homogenized Vito II) M~lk Buttermilk tropicana Orange Juice
~ Coffee and' Choc. Milk
• E9'9~ - Butter
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A CHILD WAS 80RN The glad tidingB ojHi« Wrii WvBi IOf6Vet· in the Marls·oI'fIUII& MtllJI t1te, jo,. , . 01 this Ckri8lm.4" bemcmv for.-
Report Louisville Schools to Lose 100 Sisters
Thurs., Dec. 22, 1966
Ceylon Diocese Holds Synod
LOUISVILLE (NC)-Ele mentary schools in the Louis ville archdiocese will lose some 100 teaching Sisters next year. The move will reduce by .more than 15 per cent the number of teaching nuns in the See~s elementary schools. The situation could lead to m.ajor change in the schools, but just what the change will be is as yet undetermined. Arch diocesan school board members meeting here reportedly dis eussed dropping of a grade as one way to meet the problem. Superiors of six religious com munities which provide teaching Sist~rs met recently with Arch bishop John A. Floersh of Louis ville. A reduction in number of auns in classrooms was dis eussed. It was decided to inform the public of the situation at this time to allow time for planning IDe the 1967-68 school year. ·s tretehed Thin' Father Thomas P. Casper, as $istant secretary of -the arch diocesan school board, said loss of the Sisters will not take place until after the 1966-67 school "ear ends. The personnel of the teaching communities, Father (tasper said, have been "stretched thin" for several years, and a variety of problems are involved. Among the problems are nuns working past retirement age; nuns who are ill; the need for further education of teaching Sisters, and "other areas of com-. mitment," such as high schools, children's homes, hospital work and Confraternity of Christian Doctrine work. It is likely that other schools will join eight schools which dropped the first grade last Sep tember. Financial Pinch "It's certainly a possibility," Father Casper said. "I personally don't see how we can keep from some sort of curtailment of en
rollment."_ He stressed, that the board was considering the matter along with other problems. Another item discussed is the financial pinch apparently felt by the Sisterhoods. A national st'Udy by Religious superiors determined it cost more than $2,000 each year to provide for all phases of a teach hlg Sister's life. Communities with teachers in parochiai schools here get $1,000 each year for a teaching Sister.
KANDY (NC)-A synod to in. fuse the spirit of the Vatical1l Council in this diocese was held here on the initiative of Bishop Leo Nanayakkara, O.S.B., of Kandy, Ceylon. Kandy's first diocesan synod opened with a concelebrated Mass followed by six days of meetings and discussions at tended by parish priests and their assistants, representatives of religious orders, Sisters and members of the laity. The synod's resolutions will be forwarded to parish councils for suggestions and amendments and put in final form after consideration -at a second session to be held early next year.
Suddenly Piotrus had an idea. He whispered to the others. "It will be our secret," they all agreed.
Episco~al Bo~hop ROCHESTER (NC) - Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, widely known radio and television personality, author and former national di~ rector of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, was enthrone'd as the sixth bishop of Rochester at Sacred Heart Cathedral here. Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York, under whom Bishop Sheen haC: served as an auxiliary bishop for the past 16 years, was the enthroning prelate. Assisting was Bishop James E. Kearney, 82, whose retirement concluded 29 years as bishop of the diocese. The ceremonies were wit nessed by a capacity congrega tion of some 1,000 persons, in cluding many Catholic, Protes:. tant and Jewish clergymen. Seated in the sanctuary was Bishop George W. Barrett of the Episcopal diocese of Rochester. Other Protestant and Jewish
clergymen, together with· some archy, were seated in front pews of the cathedral. Government dignitaries present included Lt. Gov. Malcolm Wilson who repre sented Gov. Nelson A. Rockefel ler. Reading the apostolic letter by which Pope Paul VI appointed Bishop Sheen to the diocese was Msgr. George A. Cocuzzi, di ocesan notary. "Everything that you have so
tirelessly accomplished in the past, by deed and by the spoken word, to feed the sheep of Christ's flock has won for you universal acclaim," the papal letter read. "We now nourish the fond hope that in the future you will vigorously undertake even greater things." Following the enthronement ceremonies, Bishop Sheen con celebrated Mass with four di
WYman 3-6592
Sanctuary ocesan priests. In his sermon he asked the people of Rochester to help him to "bring the kingdom of God into the secular city."
40 members of the Catholic hier
eatt -
Bishop Sheen Enthroned at Rochester
~ ~
~ ~
fo'"lIlek deOCleiyN
34-44 Cohannet Street ~ Taunton 822-6161 !illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllll~
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• •• 9he salvatioall
.. May the Christ Child
sustain the
courage, dedicatio01 cone!!
gallantry of OUr fine American boys committed todoy in "iet Nam
patriots safe at home among laved ones, participating
in' the celebration of His birthday.
it Holy and Merry Christmas
Ever glorious,
Christmas comes with
its hlessings to you.,j
R. A. Wilcox Co. 22 BEDFORD STREEt FALL RIVER 675-7838
The blessed wish of the' Christmas season is expressed anew, as we join .our heartfelt prayers with yours, that peace and good will . may soon endure for all.
Mackenzie 6' Winslow FAll
Christmas 1967 be one truly of peace and good-will, and fine!
'~he Mystery
ron mver-murs.
., A Son .lsliiven TO Us'
of Mercy
VATICAN CITY (NC) The official Latin text of aD the Second Vatican Council'. eonstitutions and decrees, to
St. Paul wrote to his disciple, St. Titus: "But when the goodness and kindneHs of God our Savior appeared, then not by reason of good works that we did ourselves, but ac cording to His mercy, He saved us ..." The lesson of Chrfstm~f the crib, the straw, the' cold, the animals, the cave, the loneliness, the threat of Herod-the lesson of Christmas is this: the mercy of the Father to His childron, to those whom H.e created. At a certain moment in time, the Father creates a
soul and a human being is brought into existence. And the
wondrous mystery of this creation is the love of God for
what He has made. Such is His love that his Son, the
Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, annoirited humanity
for all time by taking to Himself a human body and soul
and becoming man.
The birth' of Christ, the life of exile on earth] the public 'life so filled with the indifference of others, the betrayal, the suffering, the cross, death-all these spell out for mankind in t}(e very Blood of Christ the love of the Father that He would deliver the Son for the salvation of all men. And they tell of the love of Christ, that He would shed the last drop of Blood for His brothers and sisters in need of God's pardon and mercy. The great mystery of Christmas is the mystery of mercy. It is the mysiery of the love of God for those who are so often unlovable, the mercy of God to those who'de-' serve it so little, the gift of God-His Son-to those who are so unmindful of the majesty of such a Gift.
• " v.• _~_
. '
.-,." .• '''~~ _,.,.., ••.•••
Third Mass of Christmas entrance song: "A child is The calendar year hurtles to' a close and almost as born to us, a son is given to us; upon his shoulders dominion rapidly do autoists seom to be hurling themselves or others, rests; and his name shall be called the angel of great coun into eternity. The statistics on automobile a~cidents and sel" (Isaiah 9 :6). Drawing by Father Arthur J. King, O.M.I. fatalities 'have risen at a truly alarming rate here in the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the combination of
wintery weather and fast-approaching holidays seems to
promise a record death rate for the current year. Hardly
a thing for the citizens of the State to be proud of. And
yet-they alone can do something about it.
It is strange how a youth will not be trusted to make
all sorts of serious decisions, will not be allowed to parti
cipate in all kinds of community offices. Anq yet this same
youth is licensed at the age of sixteen to drive a couple
of tons of steel and glass and ever-present danger and
potential death. It does not occur to most parents to deny
him this privilege, or to restrict it or to supervise it. In
deed, many a mother is wOFking in a shop to pay for a
child's car or insurance.
The always thought-provoking Harry Golden - the editor of the newspaper with the highly unlikely name of The' Carolina Israelite--has suggested a novel answer as to what to do about the mass slaughters by the recklessly and carelessly driven automobile. Quoting another newspaper friend of his, he sugg-ested that the car, be put in jail in stead of the driver. A brilliant and pJ'actical solution! Many an otherwise sane person becomes a monster behind the wheel of a car. And even if this person were put in jail he would not be deeply affected but would spend the time dreaming of the 'nice shiny car waiting comfortably for his return. So why not put the car in jail. If the driver were home and the automobile were impounded, think of th~ results! It might be worth a try.
Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River
410 Highland Avenue
Fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151
PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER It. Rev, Daniel F. Shalloo;' M.A. Rev. John P. 'Driscoll MANAGING EDITOR Hugh J. Golden
Decrees" Official Text Published ~ounCIl
Now at this time Caesar A-ugustus issued a decree for a census of the whole world to be taken. This census-the first-took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria, and everyone went to his own town to be registered. So Joseph set ou't from the town of Nazareth in Galilee and traveled up to Judaea, to the town of David, called Bethlehem, sinc~ he was of David's House and line, in order to be registered together with Mary, his betrothed,' who ,was with child. While they' were there the time came for her to have her child, ~nd she gave birth to a son, her first born: She wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger bec~use tpere was, no room for them at the inn. I!1 the countryside close by there were shepherds who lived in the fields and took it in turns to watch their flocks during the night. The angel of the Lord appeared . tp them and the glory of the Lord shone round them. They were terrified" but the angel said, '''Do not be afraid. Listen; I bring you news of great joy, a joy to be shared by the w}lole people. Today' in the town of David a saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. And here is a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling' clothes and lying in a manger." And suddenly with the angel there was a 'great throng of the heavenly host, praising God and singing: "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace to men who enjoy his favour."
gether with explanatory notes, has been published by the Vati can Polyglot Press. At a press conference Arch bishop Pericle Felici, secretary general of the council and of the post-conciliar Central Commis sion, said the new volume of 1,296 pages is the only official edition of the council's docu ments. He noted that the texts of the documents which have appeared in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, the only publication of the Holy See which normally is claimed as official, are those which were prepared under the supervision of his commission for this vol ume. The book, which will be sent to all council Fathers as the Pope's personal gift, is composed of two main parts. The first con sists of ,the texts of all constitu tions and decrees, plus explana ,tory notes. The second contains the principal documents closely related to the council, such as the decree opening the cpuncil and the one closing it, 21 in all. In addition, there is an ana lytical index in Latin. The text of the decrees is re ported in the genuine form i.a which it was approved by the council and in which it appeared or will appear in the Acta Apos tolicae Sedis. This avoids some errors which occurred when the decrees were published in L'Os servatore Romano, Vatican City daily. Another book prepared by the council's general secretariat which will be soon sent to the council Fathers is "Fathers Pres ent at the Second Vatican Coun cil,"listirig by name and session the 3,059 council Fathers. Daily attendance is not reported but only which of the four sessions they attended.
Propose Changes mn Nuns' Role DETROIT (NC) - Proposed changes in Church law designed to give nuns a greater role in achieving the goals of Vatican Council II are being submitted to Rome by Auxiliary Bishop Joseph M, Breitenbeck of Detroit. Vicar for Religious communi ties in the archdiocese, Bishop Breitenbeck was guided by de cisions reached at a provincial! conference attended by 38 major superiors of communities of Sis ters serving in Michigan. Eight proposals arising out Of the sessions, held at Aquinas College, Grand Rapids, Mich., are being submitted to the Commis sion for Revision of Canon Law in Rome. They concern the nuns' role in the liturgy, in the aposto late, in providing resources, in the area of spirituality, in priest Sister dialogue, in general imple mentation oi conciliar decrees and in the use of Church person
nel. Commissions of nuns are being set up in each of the eight areas. Participation will be on a volun tary basis rather than by assign ment through a superior. The superiors came from motherhouses in Maryland, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Michi~an.
Horaor Bishop Leech Chapter 2: 1-14, The Jerusalem Bible Translation
NEW YORK (NC)-The Na tional Headquarters of the Holy Name Society here announced its 1967 Shield of Blessed Greg ory X, Crusader award will go to Bishop George L. Leech of Harrisburg, Pa.
Court Rule Fans Storm Over Nuns A~
Texas PubUc
BOERNE (NC)-An appellate <iX>urt has ruled that two BenCi! G1ictine nuns teaching in public schools here in Texas are re Cilluired to give sworn depositions Gloncerning a complaint about ~hem wearing religious garb in e.lassrooms. The Fourth Court of Civil Ap peals ruling upheld a decision of District Court Judge Charles Sherrill here. The decision came in the wake of an apparent anti-Catholic campaign which has been build ing up in this hill country area Dome 50 miles from San Antonio. wm i\PP<ell>l The nuns involved are Sisters '.iI'heckla and Henrietta Marie. Their attorney, Pat Maloney of San Antonio, announced he will striv"! to have the case transfer ll'ed to federal court and, if nec essary, carry his appeal against the District Court order to the U. S. Supreme Court. Led by the Rev. George Mc Williams, a Baptist minister, a group of Boerne residents com plained to the Boerne School Board against the nuns' wearing religious garb while teaching in public school classrooms.
THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 22, 1966
Sch©@~ 1rea~h®[f$
\1J£~~ ~ff®~O~®LRlrt
The residents claimed ~he sworn deposition was needed to complete their case, On Oct. 7, the resident filed suit in the Dis trict Court asking the nuns be required to execute depositions concerning their religious garb and beliefs. Maloney takes the position that none has the right to ques tion the nuns concerning their religion, vows of poverty and re lated matters. He said this would violate "the basic philosophy and constitutional rights of the individual to freedom of speech, conscience and religion." The case promises to be a mar athon proportion. After the ac tion regarding the depositions is settled in the courts, the matter then must go back to the Boerne School Board. Then, if necessary, it must be pursued through the educational system chain of command up to the State Board of Education to exhaust all legal remedies before further court action can be taken. Even this lengthy proce dure could be delayed if Ma loney is successful in getting the depositions issue into the federal courts.
[?@[p)@ ~ VO~OU'@7 VATICAN CITY (NC) - Th<l approaching visit of Russian President Nikolay Podgorny to Italy in January has stirred questions as to whether the So viet head of state would be re ceived in a papal audience by Pope Paul VI. In answer to the question sub mitted in a press interview, Msgr. Fausto Vallainc, TTatican press officer, repeated the an swer he had given at an earlier press briefing: "The Pope will recei ve those who request to visit him unless there are very special reasons for not doing so." said the Vati can official without elaborating further.
Peace Meal WASHINGTON (NC)-Clergy men, Sisters and lay people sat down here to share an hour of prayer and a meal of rice and tea in reparation for the suffer ing caused by the war in Viet nam.
Philadelphia Catholic Schoo~s F@~e Loss of lay T ®@~her!) PHILADELPHIA (NC) - A number of lay teachers may be forced to leave the secondary schools of the Philadelphia archdiocese unless salaries are increased next year, a spokesman for the teachers said here. John Murray, president of the Association of Catholic Teachers, said the situation is reaching crisis proportions because archdiocesan officials have not recommended increases. He did not identify the officials. M s gr. Edward T. Hughes, archdiocesan superintendent of schools, said he did not wish to comment on Murray's remarks until he received a copy of them. He added that Murray notified him that he planned to release the information to the press. 'Far Behind' · t 0 M urray, many A ccord mg teachers have been forced to resign in the past "due to economic reasons, an d h ave moved t 0 other school systems or to other fields." The reason, he said, is that the salaries of Catholic high school teachers lag far behind those of other systems. The present salary schedule, he stated, sets minimums of $4,300 for women and $4,500 for men, and maximums of $7,300 for women and $7,500 for men who have masters' degrees and 20 or more years experience. It is reported that PhilaC:elphia public school teachers now make a minimum salary of $5,800 which will be increased to $6,100
Plans Pilgrimage CHICAGO (NC)-Archbishop John P. Cody will lead a pil grimage of Catholics from the Chicago archdiocese to the cele bration of the 47th feast day of Blessed Oliver Plunkett at the shrine of Drogheda, Ireland next July 19.
next year. There is only one schedule for men and women. The maximum salary is $11,200 for teachers with doctorates and 15 years in the system. Propos<e Schedule Murray said the teachers association has proposed a revised salary schedule which would "still leave a significant dispart 'jty" between salaries of Catholic and of public high school teach ers. He added that the revised schedule would, however, be of great help in encouraging many competent teachers to remain in the Catholic school system." Murray said the association serves more than 400 teachers in the Philadelphia area as a pro fessional society, and also as their- representative in relations with archdiocesan school offi cials. He. said the association "is not a UnIon, and has not formu-. l?ted any pla~s to take any ?c tlOn of a coercIve nature to rem f' f" a} o;ce ~ts request or addItIon sa ary.
Cittes AccreditaticWll Of Catholic Schools WASHINGTON (NC)-Recent accreditation of 13 more Catholic high schools has been cited by an official of the National Catholic Educational Association as a sign of increasing professionalism in Catholic education. According to Brother Anthony Wallace, F.S.C., evaluation con sultant of the NCEA, there has been a "marked emphasis" on ac creditation during the past dec ade and the growing number of schools being accredited shows the results. "While accreditation of and by itself may not indicate excel lence in a school," Brother An thony said, "it does indicate that the school is striving for excel lence."
Paint and! WaUpapsli' IF'ain~
~:::::l~ cor. Middle St.
422 Acush. Ave. New Bedford I?A~t<UINJG
Rear of Store
South From then on the children were very busy. They shined shoes
Sea Streets
TeL 49-8]
Georgetown Clinic Unfiversmty in Nat~on8s Capital to -Bu;~d
New Facmty ~Oll' Mentally Retarded
WASHINGTON (NC)-George town University has announced plans for construction of a $2 million training, research and rehabilitation facility 'fOr men tally retarded children. The new facility, to be known as the Child Diagnostic an 1 De velopment Center, will augment the first mental retardation clinic established in 'Washington 10 years ago by Georgetown. Construction of the building,
three-fourths of the cost of which will be provided by the federal government,. is scheduled fOJ: completion in 1968. .
Jewish Award SAN JOSE (NC)-Father An thony Soto, O.F.M., pastor of Our Lady of ~uadalupe church, was given the 1966 Service Award by , the Anti-Defamation League of San Jose area B'nai B'rith.
May tlte simp'"
symbolized by the Chmt guide mankind to the Inoe spirit, of ChTistmas. May tlte Christ Chilcl iAter_ for the protocrion and rotum
We extend to the BISHOPS and CLERGY of the
of our gallant America..~ defending freedom in Viet Nam. May the m....ning of His
birth guide mOQ to new hope and poace.
A Happg,
our best wishes for a
Holy CI.risttnas
Old Red Bank
Fall River Savings Bank
!'-l Clhau.ncy Street, Boston
of Fall River-Thu'rs.• Dec. 22, 1966
Many,Changes Needed If. Mom
Decides to Return to Work
By Mary Tinl~y Daly A family joke my sister and I still chuckle over started when we returned to our patrenal home in the mid west and met a former neighbor. "Now let me see," she said. "Which one of you has the big family and which one works ?" GoodnesB knows, any woman rearing a big cakes will bow out in favor of family cannQt be considered "bought" bakery goods, There will be more readymade clothing among the world's drones. than when Mom was going full
.Her work, incessant, never seems finished. There are the same dishes to be washea all over again the same fl 0 0 rs to be vacuumed and scrubbed, an endless parade of meals, oceans of laundry suds, mountains of i ron i n g and mending, and a perpetual emer gency room to be maintained for scratches, bruises, bumps, broken bones and hUl't feelings. Statisti~s compiled every now and then in women's magazines give a breakdown of the dollar value of a housewife's duties statistics based on current wage rates and adding up oftentimes to more than her husband earns. She may be "saving" $1.25 an hour as cook, laundress, cleaner; $3 an hour as nume; $2 as chauffeur, seamstress, gardener, decorator; and a you-name-it sum as child-psychiatrist. Such statistics may deliver a momentary consolation kick. to the homemaker, but they have no real meaning sincE she's' not in business for the money. Her rewards are greater, more intan gible, have no place on an in come tax form nor in ordinary conversation. She knows wheth er she is doing her job right, or whether she isn't. Conscience is guide here. : Comes a time in family life, increasi~gly so nowadays, when a mother.inay seek work outside the home, either full-time or .part-time, a decision to ·be made in good conscience by each indi vidual family. F'amily cooperation is essen tial. at this stage,::a cooperation that may develop a unifying spirit in. the family. If the mother is willing' to work, help meet soaring educational costs, .higher standard of living or sur vive a financial crisis, t'verybody needs to pitch in and relieve her of part of the housekeeping burden. Meals will of necessity be sim pler, though probably more costly. There is scant timc after a 5 or 5:30 P.M: return home for concocting .those nutritious and' money~saving casserolt,s. Home made bread, rolls, cookies and
speed ahead at her full-time homework. Transportation costs must figure in, also lunch money and more frequent trips to the beauty parlor. There are lots of factors to be considered when mother's return to work is contemplated. The growing number of working mothers, however, seems to in dicate that these pros and cons can be juggled successfully in an understanding milieu. Mother herself, reentering the schoolroom, the shop, the office, does so initially rather nervously. Are her skills too rusty for the competition? Will her personal ity project proper impact? Will experienced co-workers accept her? And, femininely important, does she have the right clothes? ''Va'tdrobe Important ProbalJly not, on the last score. Those cotton housedresses might as well be pushed to the back of the closet, kept strictly for Saturday mornings. Out-dated suits, adequate for the super market, become embarrassingly conspicuous in a business office; "afternoon" dresses that were completely at home elsewhere look fussy in a workaday setting. An "advance" on the first couple of paychecks will prob ably be necessary to outfit the new employee so she will fit comfortably inlo her accustomed environment. It takes about a year to accumulate an appropri ate four-season wardrobe, with sufficient changes within each seasonal portion. They played with tiny children By ~ that time, all will be ' smooth sailing if, and only if, the' were busy. initial. decision was made with thoughtful, well considered care skills sharpened, confidence re-, for all factors involved. With stored. 'There will be the stimu family eooperation, home duties lation o~ meeting new people;' aJ)doffice duties wiil mesh nice-' hapdling ..challeri ging' 'situations ly to save mom's time and ener -'-and still not neglecting her gy. Short-cuts inhomemakfng prImary function, her real voca will have been mastered, office tion.
to keep them out of mischief while their mothers
laity Direct Sisters Education Foundation WASHINGTON (NC)-A co operative education vtmture of six communities of Sisters is un derway here under direction of a board of trustees containing two of the Sisters and 14 lay people. Designed to broaden the edu cation of Sisters and avoid dupli cation of training facilities, the program of the Religious Educa tors' Foundation is directed' by Robert Balkam' who will coordi . ~aie educatipn efforts among the '. six· cooperating communities, the I' 'education center Washington's Trinity College' :and the Sees where the' Sisters ,:will IDe' teac~-
mg. .
How time does fir
••• here it is time
again. for a
joyful Yuletide.
From all oj lU,
,Greetings. .. .... --..:
. The Program·· has already '206· 428 Main' Stree~ ': :'. ·So~·Main -. '.. ..r .·St~" ;.... ",' ~ '.. .. '. " brought ~', '(frintt:y 5:1 Sisters ".' studying there' and at nearby - ... -, / . .~all ' River, Hyannis, Mass.: ._. ,.'....,..." ::r.'·"· ,': ·'Ca~9:lic '.Vni v.ersi~...of- Amer,i~a;, . iltilc!CJl."ilQNiClli~"tetlIIllPR"N1el1"lCIIlIIttClPilCliil·lCicl!lCNlCNlCItIlICIlG"'lCElIlNlClIItNfGI&Il1!' • ··~l:Al~~lIAiAA~~MwS/Iit;~~~~~illR;:M-NiilA;~wS/Iit;iilA;~~~~~~~ -
'..'. ,
Gardener, Cook Both List Time ~-As
THE ANCHOR-. Thurs., Dec. 22, 1966
Most Wanted Yule Gift
Collect Pennies For Missions
By Joseph and MarHyn Roderiek . As anyone who deals with children knows, this is the tame of yeaT when they are continually making out Christ mas Ii~ts in the hope th~t someone will get them many of the thmgs they would lIke Santa to bring them. Well we are a little too 01<;1 for toys ' and I supose we have come anyone with little children un
to realize that the gifts we derfoot knows, it's almost impos really need cannot be bought sible to cook decently with a 14 lin stores, so we ten'd to think of our gift list in terms of the unattainable. The following are a few suggestions which Santa Claus may work on for a year and have ready for next Christmas. (1.) A silent lawn mower-at the present time we have an electric mower and nothing could be more noisy. Oh, the poor neighbors, who have to listen to this monster at least once a week. (2.) An edgeless lawn-this. is one of those unattainable things which would make gardening a great deal easier. Of all the chores I perform in the garden, trimming the lawn is the most irksome. (3.) Water-in this area we have been suffering fro m .drought for three years and it seems that it is just about time that we have a reversal of form. It will' be a pieasure once again to spend.a cool hour or so on hot Summer nights watering the garden. (4.) A 40g repellent which works-this snould· be harmless to children, to other animals and to dogs. Nothing seems to raise more havoc in my garden tban dogs, but at the present there is nothing that can be done about them. (5.) An automatic raker-this .ahould be a machine which not only sweeps. up leaves and debris but which also gathers up fallen fruit, When we were children there w~ren't many apples· or pears left on the ground because' the little hard objects were such good ammunition, but today it seems that fallen fruit refuses to disappear and one must spend a great deal of time gathering it up for disposal for use in the kitchen (my idea of futility is to sit under the apple tree salvaging bits and pieces of fallen apples for applesauce). (6.) A sprayer which doesn't block - I should hate to c~unt *he hours I have spent unblock": iIig my sprayer. No matter how one tries there is always some bit af debris, which becomes llodged in the nozzle, necessitating a complete dismantling job. (7.) More time in the day-my llist would not be complete without mention of this last item. There just doesn't seem to be enough time to do what has to !De done in a garden or if there is the time, there isn't the energy. In the Kitchen A long as the male half of this ilWlumn is making out his Christmas list, I'll add a few requests of my own. I certainly don't want to be left out in the cold when that jolly little man with the white beard comes sliding down our chimney. (1.) A bottomless cookie jar when we were first married a (OOuple of dozen freshly baked eookies at least had a chance 00 ll'eside in our cookie jar a day or two. Now: the children are eat:' mg them directly off the 'cookie sheets, distributing them to friends and ~cquaintances, and fun general disposing ',of4hem ~':" fore they even get a chance to ~ool. I don't really mind except that I like cookies'too.· ". (2.) An automatic baby tender -this bit of as yet uninvented machinery would watch and !lmuse, .rl;lsoP wpil~ t .wasl~ th~. meals and cleaned the house. As
month old in the kitchen. I can never remember whether I had ~lready put the baking powder 111 the cake batter when I'm dis rupted by one of his many ex ploits such as trying to drink a bottle of our favorite liqueur. (3.) One day alone in the kitchen-This day would just be for cooking (no cleaning, of course) with no interruptions, no between meal snacks or glasses of water for the hordes which troop through the kitchen. and with a complete supply of food so that no matter what I ~vante~ to try ~ would have the mgredlents, Are you listening
to this, Joe?
(4.) A family with the same
food likes anc dislikes-I made up my mind long ago that I would not cook different things for different people at the same meal. but it would be nice to serve Meryl her pancakes and bacon without s~~eing Melissa start a hunger strike. (5.) Time to change into washable 'casual clothes before
landing in the kitchen - the
period of time between work and meal preparation being al
most nil, I invariably end up
wiping my greasy hands on the
skirt that just got back from the
(6.) ,And finally a request that·
goes hand in hand with Joe's . for time and more time. Time
and energy to read all the books . )"Ol! want to read, sewall the .
clothes you dream of and time'
and energy for the hundred and . 0]12 little projects that aren't· really necessary but add so much to life,. "" Here is a casual but tasty cas serole to use just in case Santa doesn't leave you a gift of time and you have to make do with ,. the hurried schedule you have. Cheeseburger Casserole: 1 pound of ground beef ' ri cup chopped green pepper Vi cup chopped onion ' 8 ounce can tomato sauce Vi cup catsup VR teaspoon pepper Ih pound sliced American cheese 1 can of refrigerated biscuits preferably buttermilk style I) Brown the ground beef with the onion and green pepper in a skillet, using about two tablespoons of shortening or cooking oil. 2) Drain off the fat and add the tomab sauce, the catsup and pepper. Heat. 3) In an ungreased 1% quart casserole place the meat mixture and cheese slices in alternate layers. Arrange the biscuits around the edge Qf the casserole and bake in a 400· oven for 20 to 25 minutes until the biscuits al'e golden brown.
DETROIT (NC)-Pupils of 8t. Clement's Grade and High School in suburban Center Line Mich., for the fourth time, hav~ collected one million pennies $10,OOo-for the missions.
. Sponsored as a regular proje·ct of the schools' "South American Mission" o:-ganization (SAM) this latest gift took over a yea; to gather. According to Sister Mary Michaela, SAlVI's faculty advisor, the money is being sent to the Dominican Sisters' La paz Bo livia, mission. ' The grant is being transmitted via the Detroit archdiocesan of fice of the Society for the Prop agation of the Faith. The three previous collections also went to needy' Latin American mis sion stations, she said. The funds are gathered by the students through several sehoolv sponsored events throughout Cl
Name layman' MYSTIC (NC)- The Society of St. Edmund has appointed a layman, WiliamJ. Keogh of Bur lington, Vt., as assistant develop ment director. He has been su perintendent of parks in BIll' lington since 1961.
They polished windows.
MOTORS OLDSMOBILE Oldsmobile-:Peugot-Renault 67 Middle 'Street f3lrhaYu
IJold on to that Christmas gift were running around trying on check - don't TUSh down tQwn their fashion finds with complete December 26th <lnd :splurge it on- . disregard for their half clad ap that lush white dress ensemble pearance and the· very embar that you've been drooling over rassed male .audience. My college or that smart looking pair of classmate 'certainly must have red slacks that had sharp elbows and an iron would add a lit clad t'Ietermiriation to unearth tle zing to your the treasures that she did. sports life, Wait IAwk for Sales just a few ,days Rather thar. .bargain hunt this or a week, for way, I find that knowing when right after the the really good stores with qual Christmas ity merchandise have their sea inventory you sonal sales pays off. Evidently may be able to stores with Ilaigh priced clothing pick up both of and accessories cannot keep these items in goods from season to season, so stead of one as !"ather than be caught with last
the big sales start. January is the month of year's models they slash prices
sales and a really smart shopper drastically, often by as much as will take advantage of them and 0ne half. spend her clothes money with I have picked up $150 coats as much consideration as her with 'Jaques Heim labels for as food dollar. little as $69.95 the week follow ing Christmas. Certainly tl;Iis If you love clothes, and what woman doesn't, these sales could year with tpe variable weather be the means of changing your none of us have really needed a wardrobe from the ordinary to heavy Winter coat up to this the extraordinary. When I was point, so that the coat you felt in college ·one of the girls in my you needed badly in October has probably been worn three 5un class haunted the Boston bar gain basements and dressed like .days since then. 50 bide your a model compared to the rest of time, put up, with last year's coat or outfit a few days longer us. and . bargains will appear Even then, though, it was abundance. Cardinal InstitUl~es hard for me to find anything in the ,hustle a1"18 bustle of this cha Laity Committee . otic shopping area. Even now QUEBEC (NC)-A lay adinm- wheh 'I'm' really' a' determined istration for the Quebec arclidio-. bargai,p punter I lind it difficult cese . has been instituted·' by' to enter into,the swing of shop Maurice Cardinal Roy. ping wh"eri' someone's r-ipping the The move was described 'as:1' merchandise ,'out of'}our hand rnajer· step in' :the integration of while the gal'· 'next"to you is 7 Perry laity into the archdiocesan( ad~. grabbing 20 dresses off the rack ministration. , i n one sweep. . Avenue The five-member commit'tee's My husband got initiated into main con~ern will be to consider! this, :'''CUltUT<ll't cl9~hing cellar all questIons referred to t.\1em~ one day last year and has made :l'2garc1ing the financial and ..ma- it -qilite eleal' ~e me that he will t.~.I·i<;l1 .deyeI9Pm,el;j.t, Qf. thG- arch~.,,,,'JlEw~!>ret!1l'q. ... ;ijis< getw~atio~ , ... :'.... ':'. dIOcese. stems from the fact tbat women
May tbe world rejoice again in the ~pi rit of the season.
80U J'
DEls Make
W ggm fa'E~nd3U:
Franciscan Conege Has Lay President
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs:Dec. 22, 1966
ComM;~~®dl 1ri1 §;~@~'gOi),g
Catrho!ic L(Q1{f~fjl
BIDDEFORD (NC)-Dr. RicJ:b,. ard J. Spath, dean of the grad. . ate school of John Carroll UnfJ versity, Cleveland, has beeD: named the first lay president CD1I St. Francis College here JtS Maine. He will succeed ilather Clal"o ence Laplante, O;F.M~ as head of the Franciscan-operated co}.. lege which was. chartered iU 1953. Dr. Spath wili assume hi::! new office in August, 1967. Another major change for the college will occur in Septembef when the first women studentlll will be enrolled.
From "Social Revolution in the New Latin America" Edited hy John J. Considine, M.M. Who are the laborers who will have to find their way through the maze of conflicting ideologies in Latin America and harvest the wheat? The Church which, more and more, wishes to serve and be poor, wants Ito estimate its potential to put it at the service of If communication between all.'We must, then, make an human is love, the appraisal of the possibilities Christian beings social organizations we really represent in Latin and activities must be able to
America for the efforts in the continuously look for new forms social field. Who are the Catho of expression of charity in· the lics in L a tin relations that result from iIiter America? Some communication in society. years ago it was In the political field: Through possible to clas direct education and the activi sify lay Catho ties of social groups, the Chris lics in Latin tian must help his fellow men CDlIIES SERVICE
America in acquire conditions to participate DISTRIBUTORS
three main cat in the political process. egories: Nom Let us not keep the campesinos inal Catholics; apart because the are illiterate, C u It u r a I and or find any other excuse. They Fue~ folk Catholics; are as human as you or 1. We do Formal Catho not have the right to be "afraid" lics or "g 0 od of the masses. We must commu Catholics." This leads us to a nicate with the people, help the O~L BURNERS
new type of Catholic which is mass become people, each indi multiplying rapidly: the com vidual capable of acting by con For Prompt Delivery
mitted Catholic. , scious decision. & Day & NigM Service
. The committed Catholic, of his The worst form of atheism is own free choice, wantH to live that of transforming our broth the message of tlie Gospel, the ers into objects. Let us not for G. E. 180~&.IER BURNER UNITS doctrine of the Church to its ul get that in its deepest sense, timate consequences. Rural l80ttled Gas Service
charity means helping, promot This attitude of the committed ing the other human being. 61 COHANNET ST.
Catholics creates an antagonism The duty of Latin American with the formal Catholics of the Christian politicians, the repre "TAUNTON
upper classes who, v(~ry fre sentatives of the people, is to Attleboro - Np-' Attleboro
quently, have adopted an ideol perpetuate ,creation through the ogy of conservatism and do not improvement of communitary Taunton
They mopped and dusted. even understand the meaning of living' based on fellowship, co words like paternalism, "assis operation and service in which ·tencialism," alienation, instru " ,:" . all can. have.their . sh~re in at ments. for the perpetuation of harmonious society. capitalism, which are frequently PROVIDENCE (NC)-Ground Organized SelfcExpression thrown at them and which' are .At this 'poiIjt ofdiscu~sing the breaking ceremonies ",ere' held answered with phrase:s':like fel- . poSsibilities of Latin. American here for the new diocesan' office . low travelers, dupes of. MOIlC;OW, self-expresSion i.t ;w6~ld,. perpaps, building and' auditorium com-. . ,.' red Catholics, and sl~ilar ex be worthwhile' to : recall that a plex. The $2.2 million building will .be thre,~ stories high with . :pressions.. i new.meritality·of·a ~'Lati~ Amer ,'But· these are the lab'urers for ican Conti~ent:' is growing in an 'auditorium seating 750.· Of •the harvest: the nominal, the reaetioI\ to the old Pan American fices in the building will be pro vided for thE~ bishqp, chancellor, ·cultural and folk Catholics, the ideal. The .new mentality does and diocesan organizations, com formal.and committed Catholics. not' n~essarily.mean 'antagon missions and committees. These are the ones 'who have izing the United States. · been chosen to give testimony of It stands' for the need of lead the message of Christ. ' " ership for an organized Latin The first Apostles, were not America with clearly stated very much better and did not ideals and solutions and, there quarrel much less. We must do fore, in a better position to nego our best, and the Lord will not tiate, to discuss with the mate forsake us. rially powerful friends from' th~ Of Prime Importance North. An organized Latin America Faced with all these challenges,' would be able to place on 'the one realizes the prime impor tance of the Christian' social table its views and discuss them, instead of making us witness the movements in Latin America. In the cultural field: '£he role strengthening of' undercurrents the Catholic schools and all types which breed hate and frustration ,Best wishes to you fo~ a ,wonderful holiday. of educational organizations of arid won't help a";y of· us: from all levels is decisive. Groups the North or from the South. In the Catholic Church, the which, instead of ~eveloping creation ofCELAM, .Consejo pcrsonalities-intellectu.ally, hu As on fhatfirst Noel; may the star of manly and spiritually - are Episcopal Latino-Americano, has . MAY TH~
teaching passivity and cramming played a decisive role which can ,Bethlehem ,b.e.~~~a.c;;~ _that 9ui~ 'brains; are not working for Latin only lead. to .a permanent imHOLY, HAPPY
" .. . provemeni' of understandiriir America. " . ..youan~ you~~)o)~~·~c.sting· peace,' joy . .SPIRIT - They are working tli' conserve within the Church. and contentment' that . are the, true · the present situation. : ,:
I., OF We desperately· need people'
Elected .to meaning of Christmas. ~ith the deepest ·who can create. We do :not need THE FIRST
BOSTON .(NC)-Forty priests to prepare people who::can rub sincerity we extend our best wishes for were elected by their fellow ber stamp the existing ~I'rors. CHRISTMAs·
In the economic field: The clergymen to the first priests' II happy a~d holy Holiday. ABUNDANTLY Chrisitian movements ll)IISt have Senate of the Boston archdiocese.' ,.1 The senate wil serve as a liaison ·the coura'ge to for:tify their between 1,429 diocesail priests Bl~ESS growing personalities. They can , Dot satisfy themselves by fiUing and Richard Cardinal Cushing, YOU AND empty bellies temporarily; keep Boston archbishop. . . . . ing a man in a state o~ depend
YOURS ence. The efforts must lead to
. . 'the creation of conditions for
men to feed themselves and.
guarantee their security.
. They m1,1st, foster the:. creation
, :' ef ever more effecti VEl ; types' of . , ,Prescripti9nS' called for and delivered , l!1iral reform;of grassr.o~t activi Bakersirl' . LOFT ' .. OF AnLEBORO . '.' :, ., .,. "., 'ties which should bri~H,about ',' , " , economic. independen¢e;,' new CHOCOLATES:,
.,' : . j ·f4lrms' of , relationship ;l)etween .
'600 (;ottcigeSt."· 994-7439' ,.. :" "-. ," \ 'employers and. employ~e:; w.her~. ..' , ,.' .. Nevi Bedford: . '.' •. ':,. ',)'7-';.'.·..:!\,i',there. is. ;!Q f.QOJA,f.!?~'J:qi>ots•. ~~ .~~-~'~ "1'. • ~ _." ','; • :- .,' .. ;, . • • •"• • '.:~-'. ill II • • ai.-':~ .:. Ia'••..•.. _,· lIIIidII.iIIl.IIl1. . . . . . .lIlII~. . . . . .IiIiI lIIiI~1
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New Office Bui,lding
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.LARIVIERE'S Pha.,macy.
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Giusti Baking .Company.'.
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Editor of, Pilot Cites Backlash Against Poor
Laity Must Be Heard l1 Penna. Bishop Says
BOSTON (NC)-A priest clharged here that "mid.dle class America has developed rts own brand of backlash
GREENSBURG (NC) - The' Greensburg Diocese will have a 19-member priests' senate, with members serving for two years. ·Bishop William G. Connare said he regards it as a first step to ward a pastoral commission as he w-ged the early involvement of the laity_ He said, "The laity must be consulted, we must hear the people."
l)gainst the poor." "It simply means Americans ~sent the poor," Msgr. Francis JJ. Lally, editor of the Pilot, Bos ton archdiocesan newspaper, told {;he 63rd annual convention of the Massachusetts Conference on Social Welfare. lVIsgr. Lally, who is also chair man of the Boston Redevelop 'Olent Authority, said wide pub lJ1city on the poverty program bas given new strength to the "long-standing bias against those b need." "Prejudices that have remained pretty well hidden while the poor were hidden have been ex posed when the poor were ex DOsed," he said.
llt4lsJlllectable Living
He stated that large welfare programs make respectable liv-. fng possible for thousands of people "who would otherwise be 'swept away." "But," asked Msgr. Lally, "how. often do these programs carry out of the past the sign of the dole, the mark of the handout, Ute look of the give-away?" He continued, "How often do : we gi ve people a new chance at 'llie only at the expense of hu ; man dignity? Do we really be '2.i.eve, as we so often say, that : the strength of the nation lies in I the vigor of its family life?" He said the United States is the only nation in the world that -aoes not nave a family allowance .~?rogram.
For all these jobs they were paid, a nickel here, a dime there. They didn't spend their money on candy or toys. No, they had a special box which they kept at Jania's house. They put all their money in the box.
Favor Stricter Jersey Marriage Laws C~~17~1
Panel @f
NEWARK (NC)-Stricter re quirements for couples contem plating marriage and mandatory counseling procedures have been advocated by clergymen partici pating at a panel discussion on .~~:~ J~rsey's marriag~ and di
vorce laws here. lVIsgr. Vincent P. Coburn, of ficialis of the Newark arch diocese and Father Victor R. Yanitelli, S.J., president of S,t. Peter's College in Jersey City differed over whether 'the state's fairly strict .divorce laws' should be changed." .
, '~~. am. against liberalization of
th¢ divorce' law," said Msgr.
Coburn... -' .
lFoundation SocietY'
But' Father Yanitelli favors
ehanges to eliminate some
.''farces'' he said now exist, such
as the photographing of subjects in hotel rooms in adultery cases. Reservations. were voiced by the Rev. Henry A. Tilghman, '. rector of St. Bernard's Episcopal
W[}u@om W1lu@
Thurs., Dec. 22, 1966
Among 16 Stonehill Con~ge !,pmdents selected for listhig 'In ~:~he 1966-67 volume 'of '~V\Tho's ':Who in Ametican ,COlleges and ; Universities" . are'· Eileen, Mc I 'Gowan; daughter· of Mr. and Mrs, :'~bert McGo)Van, North Attle':' 'boro; and . Barbara Freitas, 'daughter of, Mr. .and Mrs•. Manuel Freitas, North EaSton. 'Both students are active in :'CCD work and Miss McGowan is coordinator for on-campus or ganizations at the North Easton ; college. Miss Freitas has served as her class secretary for three
. ','Some statutory requirement is needed to bring a warring couple togetlter around the con ference table," he believes. The New Jersey Legislature'has established a 'joint commission to stu'dy the state's 'marriage and dlvo'rce laws with a view to re vising them. ..
vary Lutheran Ctlurch, Cranford, said an effort at divorce reform should be iIi the direction of marriage saving. '
School, Gladstone. Three other panel clergymen agreed that marriage had to be strengthened because good mar riages are the foundation of so ciety.
§ c8111l'4ld' iDllnill«llireIlll ,Every effort should be made to strength,en the family un-it, Father Yap.itelli stressed. "I've se.~i:t tqo. ,many children scarred frorp.. broken m.arriages," he saiq. Rev; Arnold Dahlquist of Cal-
OF~~t ~n!4ltr
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 22, 1966
Yuletide Corols
[fOU1)@] [fCFo M®CFU'@ITUO~ [L@U'@@U' rns@@~ [Q)O~~D~QD~Q' U'@ rnV@~QD@U'®
(b@()lJg)~ C@ITIJ~®[],rnl CLEVELAND (NC) - Christ.. mas caroling in public schools, unless it has a "secular culturalL significance," may be a violation of the constitution, according te a letter sent to local school prin cipals by the American Civl'll Liberties Union' of Greater Cleveland.
. By lRt. lRev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy . When 'Thomas Merton entered a monastery some 20 years ago, he did not disappear from general view, as do most monk'S. Or at least if he did not continue to be seen in the great world, he most certainly continued to be 'heard. From his retreat there has poured a stream of books. that God offers us, without con The books have been of var sulting the rest of the world?" From his monastery, Father ious soHs, and of various de 'Merton perceived many things,
grees' of excellence. The latest,
as this is written, is Conjectures
of a Guilty Bystander (Double
day. $4.95. 501
Franklin Ave.,
Garden Cit y ,
N . Y. 11531),
which is not
easy to catego
rize or to eval
uate. A two
and-a-half page
tion starts right
off by saying
what the book
is not. The nay,
saying continues throughout the
The contents, it develops, are drawn from notebooli,s, kept since ,1956 and "add up 1.0 a per sonal version of the world in the 1960s." The excerpts from the notebooks are not pre'sented in chronological order :md evi-, dently have been' ~ou('hed up. At any rate the author notes, ",I added, man y new thoughts throughout.;' Bits and Pieces A wide range of topic; is con sidered, glancingly in some cases,' at greater length in otlwrs. Ecu Jilenism, racial conflict, the atomic 'age, Communism' are among the subjects discussed. A great many writers are drawn upon, from Fathers of the Church to contemporary French novelists. Monastic life in itself and in relationship to the world today is critically examilled.Life in Father Merton's own monas tery is glimpsed. ' There are impressionistic bits and pieces: e.g., of the Kentucky' countryside 'at one or another season, of people in' a home for the aged, of d'reams. In short, this is an omnium' gatherum. As ,such, it is, as need hardly be said, uneven. The unevenness is found both in the thought and in the expression. At times, the author has something dear to say, and says it clearly. At other times, his thought is cloudy, and 110 are his words. From his very first book, 'he has tended to prolixity, and t~is fault he has never mastered. He has written too much, and the result 'has been a fe.w first rate books among a good ma'llY of the weedy kind. The present work epitomizes his whole output. Wisdom of .~iDlr For my own taste, a favorite theme found thro\lghou.t these notes is that of the wi!:doni of being and accepting oneself. "It is often more perfect, to do what is simply normal'. and human than to try to act like an angel when God does nof'will' it. That 'is, when 'there is no,'nee,l for it,' except in the stubbo,rn passion of our own impatieri,\:e with our selves * ...... Truth is minE' in the reality of life as it iii given to me to live'" * * To leave, everything to the superiors in"Uiis Hfe and' to God in the' next - a hope which may in fact-' be 'nothing but a veiled despair; a refusal to live * . . ...' , "Why then do w~, persecute ourselves with illusory d,~mands;, ' never, content until' we feel we have conformed to' 'some stand ard of happiness that is not good for us only, but for ev,~ryone? Why can we not be content with the secret gift of the happiness
bad and good, about our ti~ of which, to our cost, we may flot be adequately aware. He ob serves, for example that ours is an age of extermJnation, of the deliberate wasting of men. On the other hand he sees the possi bility of Christ's presence to the unbeliever, the fact that some men who " 'cannot believe' are. nevertheless, somehow mysteri ously, encountering Christ * * 0 It is an anonymous and unknown Christ who comes in merciful hiddeness to the distraught pil grim, as he did to the travelers t,o Emmaus." Monastery Sermons Father Merton does not hesi tate to make some uncomplimen tary observations about what goes on in his monastery. Thus the reading in the refectory seems frequEmtly to annoy him; both as to what is be~ng read and th~ manner of the reading., Regarding sermons, he tells us; "Father John of the Cross is one "of the few men iil this monastery who have anything to say in ~ sermon. When it is his turn to preach, everybody listens." Not so different from parochial ex"; perience is it? But then there is a rather long and perfectly fashioned piece about old Brother Gerard,' the basket maker, which catches' the tranquil simplicity of the place at itS best. However, Father Merton de claresthat "traditional Western ,monasticism since the Middle Ages has been completely over burdnened with cultural and ritual usages and with forms and practices - (e.g., interpretations of obedience!)' - which have come to stifle the Spirit, though they were ,useful for keeping monasticism going as an institu tion." Acute Comments 0;1 that mat,ter of obedience, ,"I wish religious life were less of a perpetual cold war; on a very amiable level of course; be- . tween subjects and superiors usually over nothing but' niceties of . observ'ance: whether the 'h~ds should be up or down when we listen to reading in the refectory, 'and other little propri eties that ,mean nothing!" More useful for the general reader' are acute comments on religion; " 'Religion,' in the sense of something emanating from man's nature and tending to God, does not really change man or sa"e him, but brings him into a false relationship with God: for a religion that starts in man is nothing but man's wish for him self '" .,. ''His wish' terminates not in God but :in himself. This is no more thaJ'i. the religion of those who wish themselves to be in a cedain state in which they can live with themselves, approve of themselves:' 'for they feel that, when they can approve. of them- ' selves, God 'is' at peace with them." " There is much iii this book to shake us out of complacency and rouseconcern for geriuiiie reli gion in our own lives. There is much' else which casts a novel light on events and trends of our era. More rigorous editing would have made the fine things stand out more sharply and effectively.
The union's letter said: ~ 'would appear logically inevita ble to conclude that all fonTIs oJZ Christmas celebration in the public schools are in some de gree a violatiol1 "''''''', "Many of the most importaM Christmas carols are highly re garded precisely because of their profound religious message. Dis plays and pageants of the NatiY ity scene are similarly definite expressions of faith. , Hanukkah celebrations and the use of Christian symbols were also listed as "not materially dU 'ferent from other forms of prayer in the schools" and there fore "constitutionally forbidden.'" The letter signed by the ACLU's local chairman Bernard A. Berkman, condeded that Christmas music can' have "musi cal importance or secular cultu 'ral significance" that permits its use in school concer~s. '
At last it was nearly Christmas. It was time to finish the secret project.
IYIiss Edna Horrocks, ,schc;>ol spokesman, said the area's schools have played down Christmas celebrations and that no unified guideline~ had been handed down.
981 PURCHASIE SlI'REET NEW BEDFORD r' , . g~(Jl~$liJf~(tl~c'L~~1ttliE~~$~~-'llII
Anglican Sees !Liturgy Basis f@[f Unity
THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 22, "i 966
COR'llvent's Coffee Wins Golden Cu~
MADISON ,(NC)-The ~ turg-ical movement is the pri mary instrument whereby G2parated Christians can oome to know a real unity in the <me Lord, Q prominent Anglic8lJlll l'.1turgist said here in Wisconsin. The Rev. Dr. Massey H. Shep ~erd, Jr., discussed the liturgy cs the means of Christian unity m an inter-faitb clergy dialogue at St. Benedict Center for <Christian Unity. "The greater the degree to which separated Christians can ohare and participate-if only by @leir presence--in one another's Iaturgical traditions, the more I?eadily they will discover how much they are united in tbeir \;;1orship," he said. This unity, be continued, is based on the reality that Christ t;; at the center of worship in ail denominations and thus the li turgical fundamentals uniting <Christians are far greater than the peripheral things on which i:hey disagree. Point of Meeting' Dr. Shepherd, who has been among the Protestant observers at the plenary sessions of the Liturgical Commission in RGme established after VaticlUl., Coun dl H, said there is much in ahe council's Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy which provides "'a real point of meeting for those ~ us who have been unhappily lIeparated from our Roman brethren for several centuries." He cited the concept of the liturgy as the act of the Body elf Christ and the frequent use frf .the phrase "Pascbal Mystery" ~ describe the complex afthe Church's corporate worship, !IS most imPortant to Protestant churches. , These concepts, he said, "win get us out of the rigidly scholas tic, overly refined way of defin ing the liturgy that has corne from the medieval period and which was the source of contro -.ersy in the Reformation."
Canadian See Joins Church Counci~ EDMONTON (NC) - A stell» forward in the cause of ChristiaRll. tmity was marked here when the Catholic archdiocese of Edmon ton became an associate member of the Edmonton District Council 00 Churches. '. The Rev. Brian Brown, coun <lei!. 9resident and rector of St. Mary's Anglican Church, said, Archbishop Anthony Jordan, O.M.I., of Edmonton, accepted the invitation on behalf of the Catholic See to join the local ~urch body, which now com prises 10 churches with. full membership and the Roman Catholic archdiocese with asso date status.
5.50% -5.00% '4.50%
NOTRE DAME (NC)-Sistero of the Holv Cross at St. Mary's Convent h~re have, merely for the asking, what laymen every where often pray for - a good cup of coffee. According to the Pan-Ameri can Coffee Bureau of New York, the coffee is so good that it mer its a Golden Cup Award-one 02 the food industry's most coveted trophies. Saint Mary's is the first and only convent ever to qualify for the award, which is normally given to commercial or institu· tional food operations brewing and serving coffee that meets the bureau's Coffee Brewing Cen ter's standards, bureau officials said.
HeO~$ $@D~~ ~ []D~CW(~i\\)O
FALS[E Y~~VlJO \V@rrrses
Holding their money tightly, the children hurried to the bank. They got something very special and all together they wrapped it up and tied it with a beautiful bow.
Join Retreat
Rabbi, Minister Attend Annual Exercises in Texas SAN ANTONIO (NC) ~ "A different kind of dialogue." This was what Rabbi David Jacobson of Temple Beth El here termed his participation in a re treat, the annual Ave Maria ex ercises at St. Joseph's Retreat house, San Antonio. The Ave' ,Maria retreat was "a different kind of dialogue" with a real difference in that Rabbi Jacobson joined Auxiliary Bish oj) Stephen A. L~ven. of San An tonio and Dr. Ted Richardson, San Antonio, executive secretary of ,the Southwest Texas Confer,. ence of the Methodist Church in a program aimed at strengthen ing the bonds of ecumenism. Rabbi Jacobson said the Cath oIlc retreats are:.being emulated by other religions because the "religious, psychological and his torical" origins of retreats are "so very deep in the past and the, ,needs of the present."
IlllUil~ 1P1r@J::il~@Wil$
A little FASTEETH sprinkled on your dentures does atl Ulis: (1) Helps hold false teeth more firmly in place; (2) Holds them more comfortably; (3) Lets you bite up to 35% harder Without discomfort. FASTEETH POWder Isal"aline (non-acid). Won't. sour. No gummy. ~ooey. pasty taste. Dentures that fit Me essential to health. see your dentist regularly. Oet FASTEETH at all drug counters.
"There is biblical precedence for these gatherings," Dr. Jacob son said. "All those who had a genius for faith went to a remote point and there in silence and meditation experienced an unex pected wonder." Retreat, according to Rabbi Jacobson, meets the needs of modern man irrthe best and ap propriate manner. Rabbi Jacobson cited the "brot.herhood" preached by the late Pope John XXIII and said that retreats are not for detached and aloof meditation but for a greater knowledge of the whole communuity of man. . Dr. Richardson said the retreat was a "new dimension of ecu menism we like." The Methodist minister cited instances when priests .had attended Methodist retreats and how the Methodist groups had held retreats in the past at .St. Joseph's.
.. .
~ -
~~lU(y .
As it came upon a midnight clear, may the in spiration of the Christmas Miracle abide in your heart now and always. May this season be reaUy rewarding to you spiritually, bright with promise of "Peace on earth, good will to men.'d
Bass River ,Savings Bank Bank By Mail We Pay The Posto~ • SOUTH YARMOUTH .Oa.a PORT • HYANNIS • YARMOUTH SHOPP'. PUD • OSTERVillE
Mirllcle off Chri~lmas agllia
fill youI!' heart with aft" g-reatest
:r ami
3fay tfte age.ofd Q
Students Protest
Teccherr Pickets>
Afi' $~o Jj(»~tril°$
THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 22, 1966
~g~&u@tp)!;} ~®@ ~*O Iflifi]
BROOKLYN (NC)-Whoo a difference a year makem was demonstrated at the Stt, John's University campUB
AA©If@fl ©[p>[P>@fSOlfD@lf\)
LOS ANGELES (NC) The Catholic bishop:-; of Cal ifornia joined in strong con demnation of proposals to legalize abortion in the state and caned on all men to "preser.ve and care for the ~ight to life of the unborn child." In a statement sign'~d by all 12 of California's bishops, the Catholic spiritual le~\ders re minded that "directly intended abortion is utterly opposed' to the law of God's, to the dignity of the human person, and to the well being of society." They declared that "the pro posals for direct abortion stand contrary to the law of God as well as the laws of men." Proposals to broaden the state's current anti-abortion laws to allow therapeutic abortions for varied reasons have been supported by several groups in cluding the California Medical , Association. Such proposals have been made, the bisj10ps said, by, those : who "desperately wish to evade the charge that the taking of' fetal life involves the slaying of an innocent human b.eing." :,: ' 'Worthy of Resp{'c~ , .) "Usually they plead," the bish ,iops continued, "that the unborn" "child is not a human being and :,hence has no right to life or that l'lIlot all 'persons are "entitled' ,:'~~quallY to life. Both suppositions 'clearly contradiCt .the certain knowledge of science. , . "Col~temporal'y biology con 'firms that there is no qualitative ',·oiifference betwee~the embryo at conception and the' moment of .,quickening; life is fully present. ',' '.;Upon· conception, 'thl~ unborn. . does, not become' an appendage or an organ of. .the mother; :, rather it becomes an organism , with all' the properties thereof ,,', and potentially a full human being, aild as such worthy of re :. spect for its life,;'
here when the United Federatioiii of Teachers College demorn strated against the 'firing during last year's Christmas vacation oil 31 teachers. When. the UFTC first struc\t the college last year, the student council at the Brooklyn campus voted a sympathy boycott 0'2 classes and 350 students picketecll outside the school. When UFTC last week re sumed the sporadic picketing ill has maintained since last yeali' at the Brooklyn campus, 400 sttll=> dents counter-picketed in protesll of. the teacher group's attempts to have the college's accredita,. tion withdrawn. The Middle States Associatiol!l of Colleges' and .secondary Schools agreed to continue St John's accreditation at a receni meeting in Atlantic City but p~ the college on probation for one year to correct its "institutionmll weaknesses."
Then they brought their package to the manger in school. They laid it in the straw, right next to the Baby' Jesus, and then tiptoed quietly away.
of Charity, Has Military Burial
Sister Mary Catherine Cole man, of the Daughtel's of Char ity, 'was one of th.e few' American nun nurses' who set'ved overseas in World War 1. Her military 'funeral had been arranged more . th<:,n 18 1)l9nths ,ago.a.s one of the' hopes ·of her·decliriingyeius. With special· permission, Sis-
tel' Mary Catherine became' a member of Jackson Johnson, Jr., Post 72, American Legion, in 1965. Sister Catherine had been one of 10 nuns recruited by the American Red Cross for over seas service .in World War r. She helped, cal'e for soldiers at '~m evacuation hospi'tal in Genoa, Italy•
She served the Daughters of Charity for more than 65 years at U. S. hospitals in New Or leans; ,Mobile, Ala,; Sherman, Tex.; and Carville, La. She was a Red Cross. nurse from July, 1918, to May, 1919. .
Heating Oils
and Burners
,Wejoin in the chorus wIsh y'ou. your merriest Christmas. Ma'y the:Day b~ anespe'cially h'appy one for yoy, ,your family' ondfriend.s We are most thankful fo; your kind potroi-;Clge.·
Clerical Apparel Altar Boy Furnishings School Uniforms Rental Gowns for First Communion
A. QUCllDOty Miik and Dairy
forms 'Interfaith Corporation' With Seven Protestant" Churches BALTIMORE (NC)-A Catho nic parish here has entered into DVI "interfaith corporation" with s eve n neighboring Protestant ehurches in a move to help peo ple from the area in educational, social and economic matters, and to rejuvenate community life especially in the churches. St. Ann's parish here has found its congregation rapidly dimin ishing, according to Father Wil liam Burke,- an assistant at the parish. St. Ann's is in a neigh borhood that was 80 per cent Catholic; now it is about 10 per cent Ca~holic, he said. Most of the Protestant churches in the area have also found themsel ves with "absentee con gregations," since ,most of their members now live in the sub:" urbs. At the same time, the area is largely inhabited by people in a low-income bracket, with little or no training for an occupation. Under the new corporation, it was reported, all the churches involved are combining re sources to help alleviate these problems and to reactivate com munity spirit. St. Ann's, for ex ample, is "offering to the com mon group the services that we offer here in the parish," Father BUJ'ke stated. These services include a teen ,age recreation program and an ,adult education program, he said. ,.A teacher is paid and provided
Offer Courses HARRISBURG (NC)-Several ':high schools in Pennsylvania will '; offer an elective course in reli gious literature beginning in ,Janual'y under a pilot project ,being studied by the State De partmeni of Public Instruction in :cooperation wit h Pennsylvania , State University.
Jhurs., Dec. 22, 1966
Sees U~ So Gaft T@ SCo ~[j'ffi)®D'O~@
under the Adult Educ'ation Pro gram of Baltimore, and the School Sisters of Notre Dame from St. Ann's also teach these classes. "It is just a beginning," Father Burke declared, "but we offer something to each capacity. We are naturally interested in prob lems concerning jobs for these people." St. Ann's has also opened its Saturday morning Bible school to non-Catholics. Father Burke stated that out of the 70 to 100 who attend, approximately 50 are non-Catholics. Father Burke descdbes his purpose in this endeav'or as an "effort to combine the work of the Conl'Taternity of Christian Doctrine and to reach non-Catfl olics. I see it as a very good means of furthering the work of Church."
~®trfJ'~Iffi~ ~®~@[(@ WASHINGTON (NC) Bishop James A, McNulty of Buffalo sees a strong indica Jion that the 1967 U. S. Bishops' ational annual collec tion for Latin America will sur pass the $1.3 million raised last year. Bishop McNulty, chairman ox the sub-committee for finances of the U. S. Bishops' Committee for Latin America, said: "We have received many let ters from Latin America thank ing U. S. Catholics for their gen erous response to the 1966 na tional annual collection for Latin America."
Enjoy Dining
Hospital to Close School of Nursing MILWAUKEE (NC) St. Mary's Hospital nursing school, oldest in the city, will close after the cUrrent freshman class is gl'aduated 'in 1969, it was an nounced. Sister Juliana, hospital admin istrator, said that changes in ed ucational requirements and high operating costs, were the chief reasons for the decision to close the school. She also announced that St. Mary's Hospital is affiliating with the four-year baccalaureate degree nursing program of the University of Wisconsin~Milwau kee. Last year, the American Nurses Association adopted a position that today's professional nUl'se should "be trained in a 'four-year baccalaureate program whenever possible.
Sister came by. She saw the package. Carefully she opened it. She found one thousand shiny new pennies and a card: Dear Baby Jesus. These pennies are to say thank you for a thousand years of faith in Poland.
Always Free Parking
New Bedford Hotel
The dawn of Christmas morn brings with it a promise, a bope, a challenge. May God grant you His choicest blessings in this holy season, and may man everywhere on this .-sphefemake peace with' himself 3ftd the world. May the true message of Christmas decendupon the tragic battlefield that is Viet Nam and bring peace and joy, to every heart there. Meanwhile we pray for the protection and well-being of our American patriots who valiantly seek to stem there the anti-God tide of communism. We pray for the early, safe return of these brave men, so that. they may spend future Christmases at home surrounded by the love and care of -dear ones. t
Christmas -Blessings To Yon ~nd Yours
678-52] ]
THE ANCHOR Thu'rs., Dec.-22,. 1968
Privileges '1 Reform
T@ Be
C~©J[r8t;e!i He@<d] ~[),D\fH(dze$
PORTLAND (NC) - The first nun to head the Na tional Conference of Catholic Charities fired a critical bar rage here at the Office of Eco ll10mic Opportunity's war on pov erty for hiring too many" people of good will" and not enough professionally trained social workers. Mother Mary Charles, slJlperior
of the Sisters of Mercy Omaha
province, here in Oregon on a
. visit, said in an interview: "One of· the great weaknesses of the OEO is the failure to use enough professional workers." As a result, she said, the OEO is . unable to evaluate. it; pro grams properly. She added: "People of good will can do cer tain jobs, but professional work erS should come more into the picture. This would not add to the cost, but should be able to reduce the cost and improve the effectiveness of the program." What do you think happened? Sister told Father about the gift and he put the Cost Prohibitive pennies and the card right beside the Baby Jesus in the big crib in church. At Mid She called the cost of the pro night Mass he told alr the people the story of a very special Christmas present to the grams "prohibitive." Mother Infant. Everyone wondered who the children were. Marysia, Dorcia, Jania, Karolcia and Mary Charles said the OEO "was put together too quickly with too Piotrus never did tell their secret, but inside th~y were the happiest Polish-American little research." She saicl pro children in the United States. grams often were l>egun "just because a building was avail able." , Mother Mary Charles sa id the NCCC is concerned "with meet ing the basic needs of the people; inadequate housing in our coun , "The Catholic Church and try for minorities, and Hnade' WICHITA (NC)---'-The current "The future of our universi other churches on olir college ties, of our churches, of our en quate food and opportunities for 'state . of public education in and univerSity campuses ·are now educational and vocational train which religion is 'omitted from tire civil 90ciety rests on our ing." ability to overcome our preju the educational curriculum was seen not as in competition with each other but as making efforts dices and fears and to estabHsti ('Care of the aging is one of attacked here in Kansas by Dr. toward strengthening the Chris the major concerns, as well as Albert C. Outler, head of the a true communication betweec lIOCial legislation," s.he add(~d. all people," he said. Perkins School of Theology at tian presence on campus." Southern Methodist University in Dallas. Speaking at' aeademic cere monies marking the completion NEW YORK (NC) - Jimmy of the new Newman center ~t· Durante, well known entertainer, Wichita State University, Dr. will receive the New York Cath , Outler called' religion a "taboo" olic Youth Organization's Club in public education. today, and ·added that it is "the only serious ~f. Champions Gold .Medal f()r 1966. It will be conferred on him study that can't be pursued in bY.Ft·ands Cardinal Spellman of side the walls of our secular in stitutes of learning." New York on Feb. 1. "If our universities will not do Mr. Durante will be cited for these things, our churches must "his faithful devotion and out standing example to youth as a shoulder the task alone, at least man of principle and achieve until the day the religious taboo ments." is .eliminated."·
Deplores 'Taboo' off Religion in Schools Theologian Sees Taslk for Churches Alone
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Msgr. Fausto Vallainc, head c!l ~ . press office of the Holy See con firmed reports that the Spanish hierarchy has requested tine Pope's permission to renounce some of their traditional privi leges which are no longer ron stant with the times. . No examples of what privi leges might be involved were presented.· In fact, he said, the request of the Spanish hierarchy was very general and the Holy See in tum has asked the Span insh bishops to specify what privileges they had in mind.
BERLIN (NC)-The interna tional preparatory committee of the eighth World Congress of the Catholic Press announced here that "World-Church-Press" will be the theme of the July 2-5, 1968, meeting of the Internation 211 Union of the Catholic Press.
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Born King t6 shepherds watching in their fields. May aU th~ joys of Christmas time he. yours.
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the true meaning of Christmas be wUth you always~ bringing joy. light and love Into )fOI.I" heIIrt and home. 'And I'mW all your hopes be brighter because of the Christ Child's coming.
<0n the first .Noel he~ald angels sang tidings.ofa- New
155 North Main Street
Telephone 675-7811
Cardinal Cushing £M~rJ»@ffil'~ Appe@~ F@ff ~@vo®tT J®w~ BOSTON (NC)-In an ad dress at the Temple Ohabei Shalom here Richard Cardi nal Cushing sharply criti cized the U.S.S.R. for depriving Soviet Jews of the freed.om from persecution which "is their own declared policy for the peoples of their country." The Cardinal said that jot is "fitting. that Christians join with their Jewish neighbors during the feast of Hannukah in "seek ing the freedom of the oppressed Jewish community in the Soviet Union." He noted that official Soviet - policy has "initiated and encour aged" the erosion of Jewish reli gious and cultural institutions in the U.S.S.R. The Cardinal reminded his listeners that the second largest Jewish community in the world lives within the borders of the Soviet Union. (The largest is in the U.S.) Citing repressive measures used to suppress Judaism in the U.S.S.R., he praised the Jews for the "increased vigor and endur ing life" they have demonstrated in the face of adversity. 'No ll'ersecutiolll' In an appeal to the Soviet gov ernment, the Boston Cardinal said: "For decades they have boasted that there is no persecu-', tion of religion in their land: let them be true merely to what they have claimed for themselves." Rabbi Manuel Saltzman, spir itual leader of Congregation Kehillath Israel of Brookline and president of the Massachu setts, Board of Rabbis, in another talk at Temple Ohabei Shalom noted that wide support has been given the Jewish protest against Soviet policy and the demand that the Soviet Union's Jews be allowed to live "creatively" as J'ews. Dr. Forrest L. Knapp, Massa chusetts Council of Churches general secretary, told the con gregation in the temple that "cultural genocide" in Soviet Russia is well documented. The problem is greater than at any other time, in any other spot in history, he declared.
Interfaith Goal One Catechism , DAMASCUS (NC)-Three vol umes of a new common cate chism written for use by all Christians have appeared here. It is designed to serve the Cath~ olics, 'Protestants and Orthodox who live in this predoD.1inantly Moslem country. Drawn up by a commission of experts appointed by the leaders of various churches, the new catechism replaces one intro duced when Syria was united with Egypt and later criticized as having a strongly Protestant tone. In subjects where d'enomina tions differ concerning points of doctrine, a compromise wording is insel;ted in the text with spe eific explanations and interpre tations added in footnotes.
BEHIND SCENES: Here are the participants in this year's Christmas story, all from St. Stanislaus School, Fall River. From left, 'Caroleen French, Jayne Bronhard, Marv Krupinska, Sister Mary Anastasia, Frank Boyko III,
Christine Weglowski (rear), Doreen Forczyk, Peter Pie traszek, Marc Webster. In story, Polish versions of child rens names were' used. Arrangement for picture-taking were made by Sister Mary Jeanette, principal.
Observe Centennial of Authenticated Miracle Recalls Cure of Sacred Heart Novice Dying of Cancer GRAND COTEAU (NC)"-The centennial of an authenticated mil'acle which occurred here has been commemorated at the Academy of the Sacred Heart where it occurred. The miracle brought a cure in December, 1866, to Mary Wilson, a novice in the Religious of the Sacred Heart, who was dying of cancer. 'It was one' of two miracles accepted' :£01' the canoni zation'in 1888 of St. John Berch mans, S.J., a' Jesuit scholastic, who died at age 22 in 1621. , Illness' Disappears ' Father 'Sam Hill Ray, S.J., who. preached' the M,ass sermon, recalled it was the Jesuits who suggested'to the Reiigious of the Sacred Heart they make a no vena to St. John Berchmans on behalf of Miss Wilson, who was near death. On the ninth day of the no
vena, Father Ray recalled "ab solutely all hope had been given up for the recovery of Miss Wil son. She had been annointed the day before," he said. "The nun who had remained with Miss Wilson through the night left the sickroom briefly to receive Com munion at the community Mass. Wheri she returned she found Miss Wilson sitting up, declaring she was well, wanting something to eat. Miss Wilson said Blessed John Berchmans had appeared to her, placed something on her tongue and told her she would get well. Instantly all traces of the illness dIsappeared." Accepted in' Rome "When th" ,doctor ,came an hour or so later," Father Ray continued, "Miss Wilson met him downstairs and the doctor de clarej: 'Nothing I have done has cured
you.' The account of the cure, signed by Miss Wilson, the nuns and the doctors who attended her, was accepted in Rome as one of the two first class miracles for the canonization of St. John Berchmans. Also taking part in the cen
tennial Mass, as the lay l'eadert1f1 the Epistle, was Mayor John Olivier of Sunset, La. Mayor Oli vier's grandfather, Dr. Toul min Tarlton, was one of two doc tors who attended Miss Wilson. After Miss Wilson's cure, Dr. Tarlton, an Episcopalian, became a Catholic.
, • OJ
*. ,
~ ~t~ltf';; We wish all our friends a very jOYO\l' . an,d cheerful. Christmas Season.
a J oyf·ul Christmas
oylu1 wishes and the verY best
of. holid~y happiness to our many frien-3s,
famous for
§1II11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t1l1ll1ll1ll1ll1ll11ll1l1l1l1t1l1t1ll1ll1l1ll111I11I1111I11I11I11I11I 1111111111
THE ANCHOR- Diocese· off~n R;vet'-Thurs. Dec. 22, 1966' /.
Interfaith Meeting Religious Leaders D;scuss Catholic,
Christmas Is Now; Chrnstmas Is Here
Jewish Relations
Go'd love You By Mosil Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, lIU). Irs Christmas something that has happened or something that \Is happening? ]If you knew. notlnmg about Christmas and wer8 flSil:ed to imagine where God wounllllbecome Man today, yom would probably say: ''lIn St. lPe~er's Rome," or "as a Prophet in triumphant splendor in Russia." mut actuanly, lHfe became Man in m dirty stable, surrounded by its filth and wrapped in tight swaddling b:llDds. Divinity is where you neast expect to find it! When you ll'ead the following lett'll' from Vietnam would you say: "'JI'his is {)hrist?" A priest writes: "IT am !leepRy grieved to inform you about the tragic death (J;~ a priest of the diocese. lHfe was assassinated by the Vie1-Cong on Illis way home from one of his lParishes after he said the second Sunday Mass on November 20. There were five shots- in ann. Three of them hit and broke his head. The other two went through his chest. JIl[e gave his life foi' his sheep for the sake of whom he braved death itself, for the pai'isln he visited was entirely contronned by the Viet-Cong, who once arrested and forbade him to come back to see his fiock. JIl[is cruen death, far from frightelilling, stimunates on the contrary his feHow llDriests to do just the same if necessary to comfort and nomrish God's people who cann({)t get out of the Re!l paradise." Since He came to be our Savior, the Son of God had to enfle~h Himself in the very race He came to save. He had to go down to the' very rock from which VIe are hewn and put on our nature-not in its decorated, ornamental form - but as it is in the humblest and weakest. The poor' cannot now say, He does not Ilrnow, what it is ito be homeless. The lowly cannot now say, He does not know what it is to be depressed. This is the point where our spirituality fails. We make it exclusively vertical and not sufficiently horizontal; too much concerned with liturgical protocol an(l not sufficiently concerned with our negihbor's needs; too much thinking about ~God up there" and not enough about God in ',our neighbor. That nil~ht in .Bethlehem there were three who were denied- entrance to the inn. Today thousands huddle in the streets, dumps and hovels, shut out from their homes by wars, persecutions' and' disease, waiting for you. redress the wrong done by t~e innkeepers in Bethlehem.
'--'-". ~ lOne of the reasons writeis today-say, "God is dead,'~ fis bec~use'
they' cannot 'see our faitlln ai wilrk amidst the downtrodden and the
homeless. "Not everyone say,s. 'lLorll, lLo!d' will enter the
:Kingdom of lHIeaven." ][e Our lLord was. enfleshed in poverty why
.' are we enfleshed in comfort witho.ut sharing our comforts with
. others? ][f Our lLord was wrapped in tine swaddling'bands of crying,
"helpless humanity', as worthy' J1'ollnowers we must take on JIl[iis
limitations and deny ourselves a nuxury now and then. "This will be a sign - a sacrifilce J1'i'om )'ou. God Love You!
God's gift to us on W;l.S the supreme expression of love-He gave Himself in the Person of His Son. You can show y~~r gratitude by giving in return .o{the gifts He has given you. First, make provisions to give your wealth to the hungry, the famished and the lepers in the impoverished countries of the world (eithe'r by Will, Annuity or Trust-the latter two giving you added tax exemptions and added in.come during life). Second, allow'the Ho~y Father to make the distribution of rour alms,. because he knows· more about the poor of the world than you, or me, or anyone else. :rhird, provide that all religious groups and societies share in this Charity and not just one. Help everybody; everywhere and thus imitate the Providence of God. Fourth, if the grace of God inspires you to fulfill your stewardship of: His blessings in the above ways (and what ways are better?) write: to me including the date of your birth, and I will give all the details. ~od Love You! Cut out this column, pin. your sacrifice to it and main it to Most Rev. lFulton J. Sheen; Nationan Director of The Society /lor . the Propagation of the Faith, 366 !Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10001, or to your Diocesan Director, Rt. Rev. Msgr. Raymond . T. Considine, 368 North Mailll. Street, lFallRivell', Mass.
HEAD: Sister Mary Cor tona, O.S.F'., president of Mount St. Clare' College, Clinton, Iowa, has been elected president of the Franciscan Sisters' Educa tional Institute. NC Photo.
NEW YORK (NC)-A "Collo quium on Judaism and the Church School," held at Mary mount Manhattan College here, fostered new ecumanical rapport between the two religious groups. Some 200 leading Catholic and Jewish clergymen, educators and laymen . probed deeI,lly and f~a,:klY mto a~eas WhICh have divIde~ CatholIcs and Jews for centur~e~. . PartiCIpants ex:changed vIew~ on what parochIal schools are doing-and not doing-to pre sent an accurate picture of Jews in order to combat anti-Semit ism. Father Edward H. Flannery, editor. of the Providence Visitor, author of "The Anguish of the Jews" and administrative assist ant of the U. S. Bishops' Sub committee on Catholic-Jewish Relations, said that the charge of
Jewish guilt for the Crucifixioo was the "root cause" of anti Semitism in ancient times. Dr. Martin A. Cohen, noted Jewish historian maintained that the chilrge that Jews have always been persecuted by Cath olies is a myth. The colloquium was sponsored by the Catholic School Board of the Archdiocese of New York, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith and the Meiropoli tan Council of B'nia B'rith. Speakers included Msgr. Ray mond P. Rigney, superintendent of schools for the New York archdiocese; Rabbi Arthur Gil bert, director of religious curri culum of the Anti-Defamation League; Father Flannery; Dr. Cohen and Dr. Joseph L.-Litchen, director of the Anti-Defamation League's department of intercul tural affairs.
Urrn atry SfrrrMccfl'M l1"® PRETORIA (NC)-The bishops of South Africa have each ap pointed a diocesan representa tive to guide and coordinate ecu menical activities. These representatives will also act· asiiaisonofficers with t~e ecumen~.cal department of the South African Catholic Bishops' Co.n~erence in order to coordi l).ate. these activities on a national level.. . 011111111111111111111111 IHII III IIII I111111111111111111111I11111111m
PQIIJSIHI-IENGiIS/HI MASS BOOC($ . PRAY .THE MASS contains complete Ordinary-Canon .of Mass, 120 Polish English Hymns, Stations,Gorziti Zale, Confession.Rosary Guides. . 160 pgs. clo~h .._ _.$2.85 160 pgs. paper........__...$1.75_ At your religious dealer or write: REV. PAUll P. WVSOctO Sl Adalbert Church, Thompsooville, ColIIi. Free Descriptive Literature 0608i II111WUIWIIIIIIW,llIlIlItlIlIIIlUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIUIIIII
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'944-Co~j,ty St. New. Bedford
BURLINGTON (NC) - Cath-. olic and Protestant ecumenical' eommittees here have formed Ii: Joint Commission for Christian Unity. It comprises the Catholic diocesan ecumenical commission . and the faith and order commit_'" tee of the Vermont Council of Churches.
Offering You
3 Savings Plortls
Home. Financing
.'d "
Once, ,:again, we
pause· to
thank 'ourmany good friends. and Wis" them the merriest of Christmases and
tide season overflowing with hQ.ppines!iond good cheer•.
Diocesan Teens' Present Concerts, Carol for' Patientsn Enjoy Parties, Now Close Books for HoUdGY~ Concerts have been held, most school parties are al ready memories, and now it's home for Christmas for students of the Diocese. At Sacred Hearts Academy, Fall River a Christmas assembly will highlight' tomorrow's activities. Presented by the National Honor Society, it At their Christmas party held in will' feature a tableau and a the school cafeteria they were entertained by the glee club and performance by the "Par- the youth choir. abIes," a newly-organized folkAnd in one of its first appear singing group. ances at a Fall River school, the Earlier in the week, SHA Newport Navy Band presented a Sodalists visited Rose Hawthorne Christmas program for students Lathrop Home, caroling and pre- of JMA and Prevost. senting gifts. The Parables were JMA student council and heard on this occasion too. And National Honor Society members the academy library has entered marked the holiday season by into the spirit of the season by presenting a carol program yes way of erecting an old-'fashioned terday for patients at Taunton Christmas tree, decorated by all State Hospital; and the JMA senior homerooms. Parent-Alumnae Christmas party Red Jackets and red ties were was held this week. worn by the Bishop Stang mixed Christmas Art chorus members a,t the annual The art department at Mt. St. Christmas concert, while an allMary Academy, Fall River, con girl freshman and sophomore tributed to the seasonal spirit by group appeared in white dresses decorating school windows with and decorated green felt hats. Christmas silhouettes, and Soda!:, The program at the North Dartmouth school included se- ity probationers sponsored a lections from the "Messiah" with Christmas party for Sisters in the Mt, St. Mary Infirmary. The accompanying tableaux and of ferings by the marching band probationers also visited Rose (standing still on this occasion) Hawthorne Lathrop Home with and the "Carousels," a semi-pro- gifts for patients.
fessional group including many A Christmas party for Mount
Stangites. faculty members was held at an area restaurant by the school's 'Lnttle' Chrnstmas mothers' club, the Mother Mc Students in the elementary di- Auley Guild.. vision of Dominican Academy, Rules for the meet, the first Fall River, will entertain the held in the newly-formed Dioc high school students at an assem- esan Math League, required bly today. Featured will be three members of each team to you n g st e r s in pre-primary participate in five categories of through fourth grade. math tests and the entire team to Tomorrow morning at DA a work together on one team quesChristmas assembly will be tion. No contestant could enter sponsored by the orchestra, with more than three categories. at skit by Joyce Macek to be preTeams were composed of two. sentl~d. . seniors, two jUJ;liors, and one Future Nurses Club memberS at sophomore.. Feehan High in Attleboro visited The five general divisions of Bristol County Hospital this the match were Arithmetic, Al week, caroling and bringing gebra 1, Geometry, Algebra II, cookies. to patients. 'Freshmen and Trigonometry. Students were and sophomores dispatched gifts given 10 minutes to solve three and cards to guests at area rest problems graded in ·difficulty. homes, presenting. a caroling For the' team question, 15 niin program for good measure when 'utes were allowed. the y delivered the rememSister Mary Virginia, chairman brances. Meanwhile seniors sent of the Feehan mathematics de homemade cookies to soldiers in partment, expressed her delight Vietnam, while on the spiritual at the fine showing of the stu side a special Mass will be of- dents, and praised their diligence fered for servicemen tomorrow and perseverance, "The boys by Rev. Joseph Powers, school worked hard and they deserve chaplain. An offertory procession .the honor they won. This is a will include the four classbearing presi- dents of Feehan, each· symbolic gifts. Students have also prepared a spiritual bouquet for forwarding to Vietnam. Tomorrow too will see Feehan's Christmas assembly, spon50red by the stu'dent council. A Christmas party for faculty and staff members was held yesterday, also under student council sponsorship. Teaeher-Student Reunion A teacher-student reunion was among banner events this week at St. Joseph Prep School, Fan River, while students presented a Christmas play on .Tuesday and also made a holiday visit to La. Salette Shrine. Caroling at Earle Hussey Hospital was 'on the agenda of stu• dents at Fall River's Prevost High and Jesus-Mary Academy; and other activities of the joint Christian Youth· Movement of the two schools have included entertaining youngsters at st.' Vincent's Home, and collec'Png
THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 22, 1966
will show movies after school hours for interested students, under direction of president Suzette Cardin. At !HIoBy JFamily
HONOR SOCIETY: National Honor Society officers at Sacred Hearts Academy, Fairhaven, include, seated from left Paulette St. Onge vice-president senior NHS; Lorraine Fer~o, president seni~r NHS; ~atricia. Kalif~ I?resident, junior NHS; Nina Duchaine, vIce-presIdent Jumo! NHS. Standing, Estelle Smith, treasurer senior NHS; Amta Des roches secretary senior NHS; Patricia Gerard, treasurer junior 'NHS. Not pictured, Deborah Morris, secretary junior NHS. High Chess Club, which boasts 22 members and meets thrice monthly. Also at the Attleboro school, varsity cheerleaders are getting in fettle for the basket ball season. They're led by Judy White, head cheerleader. The girls' basketball team at Feehan recently downed St. Xa vier's 52-50, with the deciding points won in the final seconds of play by Carol Proulx. Senio~ boys will meet an .alumni team today in the'Feehan gym, hoping to fepeat last year's victory .of students over, alums,' . other sports n~ws, Donna" Ferreira 'and Carol Morton are varsity ba'sl!:etball captains at Mt. St. Mary, with Mary Lou .Clarke and Pat Golden heading the jayvees. . Varsity players at SHAFall River have thus far defeated teams from Oliver Ames, D~rt mouth and Apponequet. JMA cheerleaders, who func tion for Prevost players, have worn their new uniforms to three games thus far: two against Tiverton and one against Prevost alumni.
'Suzanne Lagarde, who has also received the nod from Fordham. Here, There Prevost High will acc~pt freshmen next Fall, it has been decided by officials of the Dio cese and of the Brothers of Christian Instruction. Admission will be'based on entrance exams and recommendations from pas
tors and· elementary school prin cipals. Also at Prevost, 25 new member,s have been inducted irito the MHS. Veronica Plaziak has been named editor of "The Word," a bi-monthly publication of 'senior Sodalists at Mt. St. Mary's. And up at Feehan; Brian Nerney will represent the school at Boston's Student Government Day. Richard MacAdqms, Daniel Blake and Marian Harris will represent Feehan on a TV quiz program, "It's Academic"; and nine seniors have been chosen to enter a leadership contest sponsored by the Elks National Foundation. Feehan's Future Nurses Club
Joseph, Bettencourt, athletic director at New Bedford High, was a recent speaker for the Holy Family High School Junipero Club. Also at the New Bedford school, Room Nine was the win~ ner of a season pass contest. Stu dents from the freshman room h'ad a 103 per cent record in buying passes for the basketball season. And Msgr. McKeon De bate Society members p- ~tici pated in a 1.0urnam~nt at St. Mary Academy-Bayview, with Karl Fryzel being judged <econd best negative speaker and Mar garet Mary McIntyre second best affirmative, At Bishop Stang Raymond Roy of Stang High has been named winner of the 20th annual Voice of Demo::racy contest sponsored by the Veter ans of Foreign Wars. For his efforts, Raymond was awarded a $25 savings bond from Radio Station WBSM and a $100 bond from the four VFW sponsoring posts. Stang was host school to ap proximately 300 Sodalists Ot the Fall River Diocese who attended the first Sodality Union m~ lting of the school year. Chri ;;tine Homen, president of Stang and Diocesan Sodalities, welcomed the guests and introduced nine Jesuit Scholastics fr:om Weston. Talks given by the Jesuits cen tered around. the theme "A Call to Love." A buffet supper was served in the school cafeteria. The day's program closed wjth entertainment featuring "The
Carouliels," a group of Stang stu dents led by Harley Smith. James Mulrooney was master 'Of cerernoriies~ . Stang~s upperclassmen are for mulating. pla,ns for a semi-foJ:mal dance,· "Candy Cane Whirl," to be' held Wednesday, Dec. 28. Music for the· dance will be pro vided by the Vibratones. Chair men for the event are senior class officers, William Muldoon, Donna Severino, Kathleen Rose, and Terrance Barrett. Stangite Alan Roszkiewicz, who recently attended the Nuclear Conference on the Atom held in Chicago, has been awarded a $10,000 scholarship by Massa chusetts Institute of Technology.
tribute to their of compe And DA defeated Bishop tition and theirspirit willingness to .th ::!.1II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II 1111 II III II 1111111111111111 IIII II1I1111111!l;l Stang in a pre-season game WI s pen d extra time on their .a score of 34-24. A game against studies." alumnae will be held Tuesday, Second place winner was Holy Dec. 27 and the first league Family High School, New Bed basketball game is scheduled ford; third, Bishop Stang High with SHA on Jan. 4. School, North Dartmouth; fourth, The glow is still persisting at Coyle High ~chQOI, Taunton; Feehan over the football team's fifth, Cassidy High S~hool, Taun winning of the ,BCL crown. Stu
ton. In' all, nine Diocesan h~gh dents viewed movies of the vic schools competed. in the meet. tory.. at an assembly· at which' The next math meet conducted troPhY' winners .were honored; =. =
by . the Diocesan Math League. and the Attleboro Kiwanis Club §. §
will be held at Feehan High will: honor team members and, ~_ §
School in early March. tbeir coach, .Harold Hanewich, 3
Highest Honors at a banquet Jan. 5. ~ ~ Highest ~onors at Cassidy Aeceptances Recorded _§_== _~_ High for the first quarter were Accepted at Boston Children's achieved by juniors Donna Cole Hospital have been Suzette Car- ~ ~ and Linda Guillmette; 50phs din,' Diane Bastille and Judy == § Jane'Masi and Mary' Mogan; and White of Feehan.' Dianne has ~ § I frosh Nancy Garceau, Elizabeth bee accepted at Newton ' § § Lawson and Marie Souza. And ~~lesle;Hospital'and Christin~ ~=_=' .~~ NHS members at Cassidy heard ~powicz, also l;I Feehanite has' ia panNertlhOf gtraduawtes tfr~PlrdesCenotl been accepted at Rhode Island §_= §=_ ng 0 eas ern, es Ie Hospital. lege and Bridgewater State dis : SliA Fall River reports that § § cuss college life at a meeting on .loanne Desmond has been ac- § §
All your friends at the
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canned goOds for Christmas bas- Tuesday. cepted at Emmanuel, Pat Meyer §. _ _ lrets. The latter project was held . The same sort of program was at Winona' State in Minnesota,' ' § ~ ill Conjunction with the St: Vin-: held' at' Dominican Academy yes and .Lana Moniz' at Union Hos-' , .~ eent de Paul Sooiet,y of Notre terday, With all students attend- pital nursing school,' Senior' ~ . Dame 'pariSh. '. ing an ·.assembly addressed by Yvonne Berger at JMA has re- § " ~ '!'be Prevost ehriBtmas assem- fi~e. J1'aduates... " . ee.ivM·a 'scholarship and an' ed": ,,~. '.... == .. lliy was .nder spt)n50rship of abe A series of ebess,·toul'iIaments ucatl'onal opportunity grant from' . ~ , ". . .:. ..'. " . NE WISE DFO A" . == l'atiGna). Honor '. Soeiet7; aDd ~8Sbeen ann.ou~eed· by Ernest Northeastern. Both ·awards anh'i1§ " ·MASSACHUf!iETTS ...~ ~.:.~ ·.. -.qthUli . WeJ'eD"k ~.", .(;aud~ i ~f;l ,George ,Kaczowk~ .' ~ne'wable annually,. .Also·. 00-,' § .,. :" .' ' . ,'" . ..... " ,.'" ... ,..... ,.. ,.•. ;".', ',' '. ~ ',. .' ~ ~, ~,.,~~ ~ . presid,nt uq "ee» e.f.~ I'~ " cep~~t· J:tlor,t~eas~rn' i.B.lMA'.,. i11ltl1111l1111l111l111lilill,"IIitlllllllllUltlllilllitllilllllllJItlIlIIJililllJlnHJnlilllilulnitilulllibllllilliJllllUlllIIi ...
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VIE ANCHOR-OtOcese of FCiU'River~Thur.s:. 6ec:22, 1966
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MADONNA: Every country and people has its @wn image of the Christmas Madonna. This madonna comes from , ,the to'Yn of Gumbrik, Bali-Lombok, Indonesia, which first ]heard the word of God from Divine Woni missionaries. NC Photo.
lint Rational Stores
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Fr. de Pauw Sti.1I
TH.E ANCHORThurs., Dec. 22, 1966
Diocesan Prie$t Of Baltimore
Inner Reform Council Aim
VATICAN CITY (NC) The Congregation of the Council has ruled that Fr. Gommar de Pauw is still under the jurisdiction of the archdiocese of Baltimore. The priest's case made head lines early this year when he claimed to have obtained a re lease from the Baltimore arch diocese and to have been ad mitted to the Italian diocese of Tivoli, near Rome, because of a dispute with Lawrence Cardinal Shehan of Baltimore. Belgian-born Father de Pauw is the founder of the Catholic Traditionalist Movement in the U. S., which is working for the preservation of Latin in the lit urgy and opposes several of the liturgical changes made follow ing the proclamation in 1963 of the Second Vatican .Council's Constitution on the liturgy. He established the headquarters of the movement in New York'after being ordered by Cardinal She han to discontinlle it and an nounced at that time that he had been released from the Balti more archdiocese and granted "incardination" or legal status in Tivoli. He said he was assisted in this inove by Bishop Luigi Faveri of Tivoli, Francis Cardi nal Spellman of New York and Alfredo Cardinal Ottaviani, pro prefect of the Doctrinal Congre gation, all of whom have since disassociated themselves from the transfer. Cardinal Shehan has said that no transfer took place, although he admitted it had been considered at one time. Father de Pauw appealed to the Holy See. The decision of the Congrega tion was dated Sept. 30, but not published in L'Osservatore Ro mano, Vatican City daily, until Dec. 13. It said that a "special commis sion, established by a higher au thority within the Congregation of the Council to judge on the validity or non-validity of the incardination into the diocese of Tivoli of Father Gommar de Pauw of the archdiocese of Bal timore, after haVIng heard the parties concerned and examined the documents shown by them, has declared that this incardina tion is not valid, since the condi tions called for by Canon 112 of the Code of Canon Law (dealing with incardination) have not been verified. Consequently Father de Pauw remains for all canonical purposes subject to the archbishop of Baltimore." The note in L'Osservatore Ro mano said that this decisfon had already been communicated to Cardinal Shehan, the bishop of Tivoli, Father de Pauw and Car dinal Spellman, within whose jurisdiction De Pauw is cur rently carrying on his activities."
MUNICH (NC)-The Second! Vatican Council II was needed for the rediscovery of the love,
fraternity and unity expressed in
the Gospel of Christ, Julius Car
dinal Doepfner of Munich said in
. a sermon here marking the first
anniversary of the closing of the council. At' an anniversary service in the Church of Our Lady he said that the "changes" made by the council were less important than the inner reform of the faithful, which was its aim. The cardinal stressed that the Catholic Church faced a crisis in faith which would have been more serious had the council not been held.
Ordlafln 34 ST. COLUMBANS (NC)-The ordination of 34 young mission aries yesterday brings to 912 the number of ordained Columban Fathers. Overall membership in the foreign mission society of secular priests is 1,081.
ONE BEl\JEFhCIARY OF TlHIE BISHOP'S CHARITY BAlLL: Mrs. Robert E. O'Neil, Hyannis Port, left, and Mrs.. James H. Quirk, right, So. Yarmouth, vice-president and president respectively of District No.5, DCCW, examine visual-aid equipment maintain ed at Nazareth Hall, Hyannis, for exceptional children. Attend the outstanding social event of the year on Jan. 11 at Lincoln Park Ballroom and continue to assist the work for exceptional children.
DETROIT (NC)-Archbishop John F. Dearden of Detroit, who is. also president of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, has urged Catholics of his arch diocese to encourage government authorities to heed Pope Paul VI's call for a lengthened truce in the Vietnam war.
fully be a first step toward peace in Vietnam."
"As Christians," Archbishop Dearden told his people, "we must be 'peace-makers' for Christ urged us to do this." In a pastoral letter read in aU Detroit archdiOCesan churches Sunday the Archbishop sa,id a. lengthened truce would "b~pe-
He asked for prayers and sac rifices that God may grant "wis dom, courage and good will for the world's leaders on both sides that they may find a way to ful fill the hopes of mankind for peace on earth." Archbishop Dearden stressed the Pope's efforts for peace and a lengthened truce, and pointed out that the U. S. bishops at their November meeting in Washing tOn' gave. strong support t~ the. Pope's plea in their statement on peace.
'" ~
~ 18
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LOyQWa in Maryland fill1Jns; First Dorm BALTIMORE (NC) - Father Joseph A. Sellinger, S.J., presi dent, has announced Loyola Col lege here in Maryland will con struct its first dormitory and next September will matriculate boarding students for the first time in its 115-year history. Th~ decision of. the Jesuit operated institution is based up on belief that resident students will broaden the educational horizons and extra-curricular ac tivities.
SCHOOL Maintenance Supplies
NEW BEDFORD 993-3786
Dedftcate Tri-f€l:!ith Chapels e:st Airport JAMAICA (NC)-Vice Presi dent Hubert H. Humphrey dedi cated the Tri-Faith Chapels Plaza at John F. Kennedy Inter national Airport here Sunday. Dedication ceremonies included the presentation of a plaque to the Vice President and a to·ur of each chapel by Mr. Humphrey. The three-acre religious com plex-believed first of its kind at any air terminal-is the site of the International· Synagogue, Our Lady of the.. Skies Roman Catholic chapel, and the Protest ant chapel. ; . Sponsoring agen~ies of tbe~ Faith Chapels program are the· N.ew. ,York .·Board of Rabbis, the Protestant Council of JriJew York City,and' the Catholic diocese tIi . "-'- ....B,J:~k4'n. _" "..J...... ; ~l.:'··· , .• ,.
May you and yours be showered "Wit~ ~he blessings of the Christ Child to fortify youII' s)?irit for the coming year. May the Prince of Peace afford peace and protection to our loved ones in Viet Nam who are. in quest of
t/l{.y you lin4 ,ood eLeer, peaee and . Lapplne.. ~at CLrj8tm~. time. .
·IM3 ..
FIRST ll/jJl1//@fRMJIl .'
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peace and justice as they stand watch at this frontier of freedom.
. :
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 22, 1966
r· AT LEADERSHIP DAY: Public High School of Religion students from all parts of the Diocese attend CCD Leadership Day at Bishop Cassidy High School, Taunton. At left, Deborah Chace, St. Mary's parish, Mansfield, chats with Brother Stefan Clarke and his sister, Miss Bernice Clarke, R.N., speaker on program. Center, Brother Thomas Mulryan, C.S.C., general chairman, discusses program with William Callahan, St.
Joseph's, North Dighton, and Stephen Chiulli, Brockton. With Brother Thomas is Dr. Walter English of the Springfield public school system, who spoke on ecumenism and race relations. Right, students meet at break in proceedings. From left, Vincent Olivier, St. Joan of Are, Orleans; Marcia Connors,. Ohu:rch of Visjtation, North Eastham; Mark Carron and Louise .Trahan. .
Great Enthusiasm at Teen Leadership Day By Dorothy Eastman Teen Leadership Day, held at Bishop Cassidy High School in Taunton, Saturday, drew an even bigger number of teen age and adult delegates than last year. Over 300 people from 40 parishes attended. Delegates, coming from as far as St. Peter's Church in Prov incetown, indicated the interest the youngsters and teachers in the CCII program have in teen leadership. GU€'st dele their own. In the afternoon they The catechetical expert said gates from Woonsocket, R. 1. attended a panel discussion con each parish must be challenged and 'Vorcester expre 3sed en ducted by four Sisters of the to face the fact that there must be a definite hierarchy of values thusiasm for the program T.S.B.S. The Sisters, who adroit that was given for the first time last year by the Teaching Sisters and Brothers Committee, under the direction 9f Brother Thomas Mulryan, C.S.C. The day began with a concele brated Mass. Rev. Joseph Pow ers, diocesan CCD director, was main celebrant. Other celebrants, all CCD area directoJ's, were Rev. George Coleman, who gave the homily, Rev. Phillip Da vignon, Rev. Richard Demers, Rev. John FoIster, Rev. Thomas Neilan and Rev. Agostinho Pacheco. The lector for the Mass was Michael Felong of Coyle High School. - . The first speaker of the day, Bernice Clarke, is a registered nurse who is active in Catholic lay organizations. Formerly' a resident of New Bedford, Miss Clarke -now lives in Cambridge. She spoke to the young people .01- the topic "Leadership in the Community and the World." Miss Clarke told her audience that as Christians they have an obligation to become involved in apostolic action. They may choose the apostolate that best suits their personalities and in terests, but choose they must. "What a wonderful opportunity for service and leadership you have in .your daily high school lives!" she said . .Dr. Walter English was ,the second speaker and his address to the young people centered around the words "Call. Love. Time." The director of the So cial and Psychological Services Unit for the Springfield school system told his audience that they have a call to love and they must respond to this call in the present moment. He t01<l them that he believes young people must be trained to face things they don't understand. They must be encouraged to break through their apathy and con front problems rather than tum away from them. "We must be trained to get into situatio:ns that are interethnic, interracial. in terfaith and interpersonal.'· he said. The sponsors attending the ~rogram had a full schedule of
·ly fielded questions from the audience on the topic of teaching religion to teenagers, were Sister John Raymond, S.U.S.C., Sister Joan Louisa, O.L.V.M., Sister Rose Angela, S.U.S.C., Sister John Vianney, R.S.M., Sister· Bernadette Louise, S.N.D. . Brother Joseph Iannone, C.S.C., chairman of the religion depart ment at Notre Dame High School" West Haven, Conn., ad:' dressed his audience of sponsors on the subject "The Advent of the CCD." The brother, who also teaches religion classes for future catechists, said he sees great things on the horizon for the CCD.. "The CCD has been here for 30 years and it is just now beginning to come into its own," he said.
in the parish, regarding finances and effort spent. The Bishops in the United States have made it very clear that they consider CCp "the one thing necessary,". and it must be given first prior ity, he said. And how did the teen agers· themselyes like this day planned for them? A few comments heard during the day indicated that they really enjoyed it. Ann Marie Savery, a junior from St. Pius in South Yarmouth said "It was wonderful to hear so many different points of view in the discussions that followed the talks." Roland' Robillard, a senior from "St. George parish in West port said "the talks were inter esting and L _was great to see such a turnout."
Henry J. Feitelberg, Pres. John J. Mullin, Exec. 'Vice PnlS.
. Joseph H. Feitelberg, Vice Pres.
Anthony .II. Abraham, Sales Supervisoll'
Christmas GreetOlI1lgs
from A!! of Us
to All of
M@~[L®@Hruo$ ~@@ 1!JJ1l1l001i'\l
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Prelate Asserts Suits Barring Aid
To Church School Pupils Tragedy
Thurs., Dec. 22, 1966
Sends Contribution For Flood 'Relief
NEW YORK (NC) - A priest more than 1,000 school districts who heads an organization in New York state have worked representing non-public schools for nearly two years in close co here characterized two suits to operation with non-public school nullify federal and state aid to educators to complete effective e h i I d r e n attending religious programs under the 1965 Ele schools as "a genuine tragedy." mentary and Secondary Educa tion Act. . Msgr. Eugene J. Molloy, chair "Any challenge to this pro man of the Committee of Non Public School Officials of New gressive development in Amer ican education by the action of York City, said that, if success ful, the law suits would mean interest groups with small mem "only the children, all children, bership, and some of them not directly involved in the work of will be the losers." The suits were filed in U. S. education, is a genuine tragedy," District Court and New York the monsignor said. State Supreme Court by the '!Exert Pressures' American Jewish Congress, the The non-public school org<'n New York branch of the Ameri ization.Msgr. Molloy heads repre can Civil Liberties Union, the sents some 450,000 children at United Federation of Teachers, "tending Jewish, Protestant and AFL-CIO, and the United Par Catholic schools. ents Association. They charge Two teachers involved in the allocating federal and state aid suits, Jack Waxman and Wendy to church-related schools vio E. Peppin, have claimed that al lates the federal and state consti tutionS by supporting religious though teaching special subjects to non-public school students institutions. under the program is "on a vol JH[ave !Effective Programs untary basis," the New York Msgr. Molloy, who also is su board of education "will contin perintendent of Brooklyn dioc esan schools, said educators in ue to exert pressures, and offer and provide special inducements to public school teachers to ac 1Prl'@U@\l'® !PD(!!ffll~ Vn$i~ cept assignments to engage in such teaching and guidance in fJ@ [L,@fr51Jil Am~Ii'~C(!! sectarian schools." The two teachers added this BOSTON (NC)-Richard Car dinal Cushing told a group of "infringes upon th1! public school businessmen and editors here teachers' rights to the free exer that he will make a three-week cise of religion and denies them tour of Latin America shortly the equal protection of laws." after the Christmas holidays. The cardinal said he is plan ning to go to Peru, Ecua"dor and N@~~@~ U[[O~~ Bolivia to visit the priests serv ing as missionaries for the St. ~fi=n ~[Eu M~tr James the Apostle Society which J. TESER, Prop. he founded. RESIDENTIAL He made the announceme~t at a dinner honoring him for his INDUSTRIAL charitable work. The cardinal COMMERCIAL also said he was "overjoyed" at 253 Cedar St., New Bedford the $20,000 donation to his chari 9~3-3222 " ties made by the group attending.
STOCKTON (NC)-A donation of $5,000 has been sent from the diocese of stockton to Pope Paul VI for relief of victims of the recent floods in Italy. Special Sunday collections were held throughout the dio cese, and a check for $5,000 was sent directly to the Pope, Amleto Cardinal Cicognani, Papal Sec retary of State, sent a personal letter of thanks to Bishop Hugh A. Donohoe. Further collections have re sulted in an additional $1,000 which will be forwarded to the Vatican.
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TV lPlElRSONAUT1(: Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, sixth bishop of Rochester, was installed at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart, where he is seen greeting George Mitchell, 14, one of the representatives of the laity at the ceremony. NC Photo.
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Urges Stressing of Social Doctrine
THE-ANCHOR-[)jocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 22, 1966
BERKELEY (NC) The Church has made the principles of its social doctrine clear, but these principles have not been preached forcefully enough, Bishop ~ugh A. Donohoe of Stockton said here. . Some' priests are reluctant to apply the principles in concrete situations because they feel they lack the necessary sociological competence. Others are reluc tant to preach social justice be cause they fear economic repris als from their parishioners who disagree, he said. Many Catholics simply do not want to hear the Church speak ing on social issues, the Bishop told an audience of University of California students at Newman Hall. Examine Conscience' -He admitted there is some validity to the fact that there is de facto segregation in Catholic schools. But, he said, the main,
Expects Unions to' Propose Single Standard of Pay By Msgr. George G. Higgins , . (Director, S(JIcial Action Dept., NCWC) Almost a year has elapsed' since the National Com mission on Technology, Automation and Economic Progress completed its work and transmitted its final report to President Johnson. This report, "Technology and the Amer ican Economy," is an excit ingand remarkably forward ~ar-reaching change which they, called for in their report, looking document and, as , have but they can see "little justice in 8uell, might have been ex a system whereby a production
pected to stir up a good bit of discussion; pro and con, in the public prints. For some unac countable rea son, however, it has been elabo rately ignored: You hardly "')ever see it re-' ferred to in the pr'ess, and, strangely enough, eve n the distinguish ed members of the commission who drafted the report for the President~acade micians, labor leaders, and cor pOJration executives - have ha~ relatively little to say about It since it was fir!?t made public a yell-r ago next February. End Distinction To tell the honest truth, I had a I In 0 s t completely forgotten about the report myself until I, read recentl J in the Wall Street Journal that one of its principal recommendations is about to be given a trial run in colle.:tive bargaining negotiations in sev eral major industries. I refer to the commission's wholehearted endorsement of a single standard of pay for blue collar and white collar workers. White collar workers and tech nical and administrative penon nel are almost always paid, by the week, the month, or the J'ear, whereas blue collar produdion' workers are generally paid by the piece or by the hour (and sofuetimes even by the tenth of an hour worked.) The commission's report takes the position that "whatever the initial logic, the time may be· near to end (this) invidiius dis tinction which has denied (pro duction) workers a sense of full participation in the social enter
worker is laid' off or works 'short weeks' when the schedu11 . 'so dictates, while office workers and clerks receive full salaries, whatever the flow of work." The commission members also recognize that the introduction of a single standard of pay for blue collar and white collar workers ,cannot - or in any event, should not-be imposed across the board by government fiat. Two ApproacheS It must be done gradually, through the normal processes of collective bargaining,with due , regard for the differences and variabilities of particular indus tries and the complex adminis trative and economic problems which it would necessarily involve. They insist, however,' that a frank recognition of these dif ferences and problems "should not prevent us from beginning and assessing the results." The Wall Street Journal, as indicated above, recently re ported that a number of major unions' - the Auto Workers, Steelworkers and Longshoremen, , among others-are prepared to raise this issue in their next round of collective bargaining negotiations. According to the Journal, they are taking two different ap proaches. In some " industries, unions are preparing to demand that factory workers be paid on a weekly or monthly basis in stead of by the hour. Their' aim i'!; to protect their members' pay checks in the event of brief ill nesses or other contingencies typically not· covered under ex isting contracts. 'Vage Guarantees In other industries, particu larly those where benefits paid by companies to laid-off work prise'.'~ ers are not substantial, unions
Break Down Barriers are seeking annual' wage guaran
"What once may have been tees. The purpose here is to, as
diff'icult," the report continues, sure workers in cyclical indus
"'...."is ,'today more manageable * * * tries or those in which the size The proposal to put all workers of the work force is closely tied on a weekly or monthly salar.y to sales, of a basic annual wage with its implications of grell,ter they can rely on. continuity of employment, closer It is too early to tell whether equalization of fringe benefits, or not the unions will win out· abolition of divisive' class on this issue. The chances are, distinctions within the enterpJise however, that, in the ·short run, -i.!l worthy of the' most careful they' will have to settle for less consideration by employers and than a whole loaf. After all, as unions, the commission's report points "Among other things, such a out, "all such improvements re step would tend to break down quire a give-and-take on both bar-i'iers between present ~roups sides." of, salary and wage earners on In passing, it is only fair to issues of mutual concern and add that a number of corpora mll-J{e possible a more fruitful tions have already' taken steps coil!aboration. .on their own initiative to estab \'We believe, therefore, that lish a single standard of pay. industry and unions should be We agree with the commission gin' to discuss the question' of that these steps (and the ones pay,ing all workers by the same currently being proposed by the standard, and of extending to upions referred to above) should blU~ collar employes the usual "be' studied and that these ob prerogatives (sick time, jury jectives, pioneered by a few, duty, fun'eral leave) which most (should) become stated declara saI,a'ried employes enjoy today." tions of public policy." Realistic .Justice Why? Because they are "mat The men who drafted this rev ters of community conscience, ommendation are heardheaded requiring us to set up public realists ,with long years of exp~ standards by which we can judge rience in the field of industrial_ ourselves. relations. "There is another and larger They recognize and frankly implication. For if such a step is acknowledge the many difficul taken, it would demonstrate to ties standing in the way of the all ather countries the American e- l'-'. '._ ' - - ,. ,- - < . , .-
TO PARIS: Dr. Lillian O'Connor, staff member of the Department 'of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, 11 a s b.e e n elected to the World Union of Catholic Women's Organiza tions (WUCWO), Par is, France, to represent the Na tional Council of Catholic Women. NC Photo.
The Parish Parade HOLY NAME, lFALL RIVER Parishioners will contribute at Christmas and New Year's Masses to. assist the work of parishioner Sis t e r Maureen Thomas, a surgeon at a Mary knoll Hospital in Guatemala. Altar boys will' meet at 16:30 Christmas Eve morning.
BURLINGTON (NC)-Cost of living increases are causing a growing gap between income and operating expenses of dioc esan institutions here, according to a survey conducted by the Vermont Tribune, diocesan pub lication. Living costs, which rose to a new high in the most recent gov ernment report, have struck with equal force' in parishes, schools and institutions throughout the diocese, the paper reported. Cited as contributing to the fi nancial problem. were increased salary, consu-uction, mainten ance and food costs. M 0 s t, institutions reporting said that increased contributions appeared the only answer to the problem because rising costs have been matched by increasing demands for services. way of giving a new meaning 'and substance to that ancient phrase, 'the' dignity of ·work'. It would indeed be a landmark in the history 0:: work: and of civil ized society."
HELPING The Midnight Mass in Bethlehem Is offered each
THE Christmas for members of this Association.
POOR How better can we say thank you? In 18 mis
TO sion countries (where Catholics, though few,
HELP are mostly of the Eastern Rites) the Holy Father
THEMSELVES helps millions because ,You read this column.
Blind boys In the Gaza Strip (not one of them a
Christian) are learning rug making, basket-work,
the ABCs, at the Pontifical Mission Center for
the Blind. Lepers in India are cared for by na
tive priests and Sisters, The poor have the
,Gospel preaChed to them in Egypt, Iraq, Iran
and Ethiopia.... This season especially, won't you remember our work in your prayers? Our priests and Sisters depend on you. They ask the Infant to bless you always!
.. . "
Gifts we receIve no later than next Friday, De cember 30 can be listed in your 1966 inco'me ta,x return. 'Wondering what you can dol, NAME , IT
Three important mission buildings remain unfinished in India: $3,544 will complete the school the Clar'ist Sisters are'trYing to 'build in, ThottakadiJ for .children of the penniless. . .. Father Andrew Puthenparampil still needs $1;922 to complete his' parish center in Eravi· peroor.... In Vadanappilly, Father Francis lacks $2,900 to complete the church for his poverty stricken fishermen. . . . Name the church (or school) for your favorite saint, in memory 01 your loved ones, if you complete it all by your· self. Or send as muc!'l as you can afford ($100. $75, $50,$25, $20, $15, $10, $5, $2)., Make it your Birthday Gift to Christ. IOln'Trichur, south India, Carmelite Sister Elizabeth Lina needs help to complete her train ing. All told it COsts $300 ($150 a year, $12.50 a month, payable at your convenience). Sister will' pray for you and yours, write to you when she can. Father Anthony Akkara of Ramavarmapuratn pleads for his orphans: "In these days of hun ger I cannot take care of my orphans without outside help." $1,350 will add the five sleeping rooms he needs. Give one of them, or all five?
---"------------ --- co
~ Dear ,ENCLOSEO PLEASE FIND $ Monsignor Nolan:' I ' FOR: ---''-
Co Awsfin
_ _
'Pleas,e NAME._-:.... _ return coupon'" with your STREET..,...._------------- offering· ,: CITy_-,STATE ZIP CODE_ CATHOLIC NEAR
First Auxiliary '-CAMDEN (NC)-Bishop James L. Schad, pastor of Most Holy Redeemer Church in Westville, N. J., was consecrated here as the first auxiliary bishop in the 29-year history of the Camden diocese.
ST. JOSEPH, FA~L RIVER The adult theology class will not meet Tuesday night, Dec. 27.
Institutions Feeling Cost of Living Rise
reason for this lies in the fact that there are not many Negro Catholics. Citing Pope Leo XIII in his encyclical, Rerum Novarum, and other documents, including Vati can ,Irs Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Bishop Donohoe said: "The Church has spoken out and it is now up to every Cath olic to examine his own con science and to act according to his best judgment as to what is just or tight after careful study of practical solutions within tbe larger framework of Church doc trine."
NEAR EAST IMISSIDNS FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN. President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue· New York. N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6,5840
The ultimatum to the country's largest Catholic college was 'is sued by the Middle States Asso ciation of Colleges and Second ary Schools, regional accrediting agency, in a report by its Com mission on Institutions of Higher Education. The report was made at the association's annual con vention here. From St. John's Jamaica cam pus 'university officials issued a statement saying they would "ac cept the findings" of the commis sion and that they "welcome the opportunity to work with this group over the next year to cre ate an even greater St. John's University." The commission's report or dered 51. John's to show cause why it should not lose its accred itation and pointed out that it "regards such an order to show
cause as comparable in kind to revocation and only slightly less severe."
The faculty firings, it said, were "symptomatic of serious
Tuition Increase WORCESTER (NC) -Tuition charges at Holy Cross College will be increased next Septem ber to $1,700 for underclassmen and $1,600 for the class of 1968. This is the fourth in'crease in tuition at Holy Cross since 1959, which has been $1,400 for the past two years.
institutional weakness that can
not be allowed to continue.
"Indeed," it continued, "if this
weakness is not corrected it is
predictable that there will devel
op such deterioration of educa
tional effectiveness that loss of
accreditation would almost in
evitably ensue."
The report recognized that the
university had taken several
steps toward correcting its weaknesses but said that such efforts should be "vigorously in creased" in order to "bring the university more fully into the mainstream -of American higher education in the 20th century." No specific recommendations were made concerning the fired teachers but at a news confer
ence later the commission chair
man, Albert E. Meder, Jr., sug gested that the university should attempt to deal individually with those dismissed. "We want some evidence ~rom St. John's that. they have done something about it," Meder said. "They have done wrong' ,and must admit it in their' actiOns." Dismissed Sf
Internal 'problems i:\( the Vin
centian-operated,instiWti{)n with
campuses in Jamaica 'and in
Brooklyn became public last
December when St. John's dis
missed 31 faculty . members at
the start of the 1965 Christmas
Shortly thereafter the univer sity was struck by the United
Federation of College Teachers
led by Father Peter O'Reilly,
president of the campus local and one of the dismissed faculty
The St. John's Chapter of the
American Association of Univer
sity Professors initially endorsed
the strike through its executive
committee but withdrew the en
dorsement on vote, of the entire
§I11I11III111I11I11III11I111I11I11I11I11I1111I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I11I1111I1111111111111111I111111I11III111I11I111I11II II11I11IIII II 1II1111~
We know that it just doesn't add up. We know that many thousands of little boys and girls like you, suffering from leprosy, have no one to eare for them, or to love them.
But we ean promise you, Suzf~, and cnildren with leprosy in all the eountries of the world, that at this Holy Season of Christm-:,,!'"-when we remember our own children-you, too, will be remembered.
WILL YOU HELP? The Babe of Bet.hlehem would want no finer remembrance at the time of HIS birth than tbe promise thai suffering
little cbildren will be given a chance to grow up and be healthy • because
,,~~"'-"'--------------------~~---------------_._----------------~ ,, , , : Dear Monsignor Considine: : , ,
,, ,: : , : ,, ,,, :, ,
0 0 0 0
and sincere appreciation to
all our friends OR this Blessed Christmas.
iillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1I1111111111IHIIIIIIIIIIIIlJlIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11IH1111111111I1111I11I1111111111I1111I11 UIII~
Endosed is my CHRISTMAS GIfT to purchase sulphone medicine
,.... ,that they ~ay be healed.
,: ,:
$3.00 fol' a year's supply $6.00 sufficient ,_ a yeaI' for a baby and its mother $25.00 suffKient few a famil, of eight
Name .,
,, ,: ,, : ,, ,
,, ,: :
Zip Code
Please make checks payab'e to:
368 North Main Street, Fall River, Mass.
,, :
H ANCHOR-Di~se of fall
River':"Thu~s. Dec.
ST. MARY'S, FAIRHAVEN: Donna Souza holds up a gaily decorated manger against C1 '1SS room wall.
ST. KILIAN'S, NEW BEDFORD: Tina Tor res, Timothy Dowd and Alan Melanson spell out Merry Christmas. . -
22, 1966
ST. MARY'S, F AmHAVEN: Scott Gallagher and Suzannp A11 <ti'ne insper1- newly made Christ mas tree.
ST. JOSEPH'S, NEW BEDFORD: 'Christ mas carols engross William Messier and Jeanine Letendre. '
Childre1lt Prepare for Christmas
Diane Sylyia,' behind window, watch Caroline
Macedo and Randall. Mello decorate room.
MT. CARMEL, NEW BEDFORD: Julie Ann Sylvia and Suzette Pimental draw Christmas trees.
one breathless youngster, obvi "Baby Jesus and presentS, . What is Christmas? Adults can takes and brings me things I ously aware of the adult bustle ,that's Christmas." That was the give a variety of definitions, but don't ask for?" Ask a child what Christmas is of the season, announces in a considered opinon of. another ,Perhaps none are sci keen and youngster. , to· the point as the word[] of the and he'll tell you what, he thinks. ringing tone. , There is a momentary silence ,"1 like Jesus to come in my :"litilest ones" of 'th~ Diocese, Like youngsters who did just as classmates digest the idea. crib at home," still another ob the kindergartners In' parochial that last, week in several Dioc , "Christmas is going to church served. schools. . esan kin'dergartens~ , "It's Jesus' birthday," one together and visiting the Baby A thoughtful little girl, asked , Perhaps it is because 6-year Jesus in the crib." That turns , for her definition of Christmas, Glds are closer to a Child -lying child responded smugly., in'a manger. They have not been . "I'm making a 'present for tots' thoughts to "the Baby's replied: "My grandmother is real old. I ride to see her. One day aHected by the gloss of the world Jesus in my heart,". another birthday." _ "It's making a manger at our she fell. off het chair." chimed in. . . 'arid the memories of the years. : .It's Fun . house." "Once' we went to Ii Something Special 'They say what they think. To the, tiny tots in parish '. "Christmas is furi." "It's going' . house and brought some f90d," . To everyone; Christmas is . ~. , schools in Greater New Bedford, to see Santa Claus." "It's getting another recalls. something different and some To one young man, who thing special. Christmas is an excititlg. kaleido a Christmas tree and putting a 'scope of the Baby Jesus and a star on the top. That's -the best couldn't be anything but an in "When I get up in the morning di vidualist, Christmas- is "a there are presents from Santa jolly Santa, of making things in thing." school and trimming a ChJistmas The whole class gets into the Christmas tree and having car Claus." "Everything is all deco tree, of guessing what is in act. Hands bob up and answers 'rots for dinner." His teacher still rated and everything is lighted packages and wondering how , flow faster and faster. is trying to figure out what the up." "The Baby Jesus is born." ¢orne Santa Claus maken mis"Christmas is everybody busy," connection is. "I can call my Nana up on the
ST. MARY'S, NEW BEDfORD: Drawing Christmas bell is joint venture for Glenn Rous . 8e..1.U ap,lll Christine PeUro~-, ~' ~
ST. JAMES, NEW BEDFORD: Cathy Jupin and John' Connor inspect Santa Claus' colors :peiol'e,they draw their own face of'Santa.
telephone." "It's a nice time of year and it is so pretty." "It's a time when it snows out and Santa' Claus comes." "It means to me it is a speci~l year." . Helping in the kitchen and hanging up stockings and having' fun. These' are as much a part of Christmas to the tiny 'ones as· the birthday: of a little 'Baby. These tots have an advantage, though. Their childish love is broad enough to encompass both Santa Claus and the Baby Jesus. And the Baby is· as real and as close to them as the Santa Claus "we go to see in the store." How many adults feel the Christ Child as near? '
ST. ANNE'S, NEW BEDFORD: Christmas music for the kindergartners is readied' by Mary Jane Lambelot and Lora Lee, Sylvia•
r itle
Mansfield Eres Hoclcomock
New Bedford Contender For Suburban Loop Title By Peter Bartek . NerroD High Coach
Buoyed as a 1t'esult of. a better-tha.n-anticipated early season non-league performance, and, more especially be cause of its triumph over arch-rival Durfee of Fall River, Coach Roger Lemenager's New Bedford High hoop cagers have their sights now defi nitely fixed on the Greater sit)' letter winner from last sea Boston Suburban scholastic son. T his, notwithstanding, Coach Norton (of Norton) still loop title. The Fall River thinks he will have better than
Hilltoppers, year-in and ye8J' out, are as good as they come in the entire State. Cognizant of this generally accepted appraisal, the Crimson'. victory over Durfee has pro duced the shot-in-the-arm anell has instilled the confidence the New Bedford court combine needs to go right on its winning ways. IPrreb!em at 111011<00 And, while the Lemenager coached clan prepares to spend most of the Win._. _
'.. .•
~~e;~r:~~~~~ \~'.i
Co a c h J a c k , ' ... Dunn's Mans.. " field High <!uin- '",,: " tethasdesignson '! the Hockomock; 1
~~~~rtecr:~ ~~'
northern Bristol County. Neigh, - -- boring Norton Geo., Lelievre High is not as well equipped with returning talent as the nearby Green Hor nets but Coach Phil Norton be lieves his Lancers will have plenty ttl say in determining the Clover Valley Conference pen nant albeit they will not corral the flag themselves. Meanwhile, at the other area extreme, Nantucket and Mar tha's Vineyard are both away to good starts and promise to make life a little miserable for their respective opponents. Boroa Paees Crimson Meanwhile, league competition has noi started in the Bristol County and Narragansett leagues and the Capeway Conference. Members of these three circuits are playing non-league encoun ters until the turn of the new year. Coming off the Durfee win, .New Bedford went on to wallop Revere High, 74-43, in a Greater Boston league tilt. Tom Boroa has stepped out to lead the Crimson attack in its first two starts, caging 28 points against Durfee and 22 against Revere. The 6-3 front courtman is the canny eyed, accurate shooter Lemenager had hoped he would develop into. The Mello brothers, Egidio and Chris, exhibited their strength under the boards in the Crimson's get away encoun ters while 6-2 <' Ed Livramentro and Herb Le ... ..;: page rounded out . ," the formidable I~ club that has Lemenager in a happy state of mind. Victorious over Somerset Jack Dunn in its opener, Mansfield is counting heavily on Tom Sankey who tossed in 41 of the Dunn team's 74 points against the Blue Raiders. Flamina and Souza loom as otalwart front courtmen for the Bockomock quintet whose prin cipal league foe again is Fox bOro, always a tower of strength. With one win tUcked away in its first three engagements, Norton has only one senior in its lineup and not a single var-
,-114(1 ~J~:~;.,_
mediocre club to pit against his conference rivals. Islanders Start Right After besting. Seekonk in their inaugural, the Lancers then bowed to Dighton-Rehoboth and then Seekonk evened the home and-home series. Nantucket jumped off on the right foot in its independent schedule, defeating Sandwich, 1)4-51. Sophomore Glenn Menard and Senior Manny Perry are the scoring aces of the island aggre gation while Glenn Santos is the club playmaker. Even after two contests, Coach Fran Pacheco's Martha's Vine yard hoopstel's ,are looking for ward to the~r next game which is scheduled on their home court with Harwich. The Islanders opened with a win over St. Andrews High of Barrington and then bowed to Dennis-Yarmouth in their last outing. Larry Silvia and Rich Harrington are the Vineyard team's high scorers. . Three Humble Cardinals Cardinal Spellman High of Brockton has a high regard for the brand of basketball played m the Bristol County league even though the season is young. Bishop Stang High of North Dartmouth, Bishop Feehan High of Attleboro and Attleboro High has each taken the measure of t be Brockton, Cardinals in early season contests. Feehan turned, in the best performance efthethree ClOunty league clubs. It is also. noteworthy that R. Lemenager Spellman I a s f year turned back Stang in tournament competition and Feehan in season play. Coach G e 0 II' g e Lelievre's Dighton-Rehoboth team is giv ing early season notice that it will be in the midst of the Narry flag race. After besting Taunton High, the Dighton-Rehoboth boopsters scored their season's second triumph over Norton. Its game tomorrow night at Foxboro might give some clue as to its exact potential. J!'oxboro of the Hockomock circuit barely edged Case of Swansea in an overtime tilt last week. II
rrHlE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. Dec. 22, 1966 . ; .:" .. . . -
Ken Leonard of Fai,.hawen:
Directs SMTI Offensive Attack
New Bedford Grad Key to Court Combine' ...-....
BY JOE MIRANDA A senior and co-captain of the Southeastern Massachusetts Technological Institute basket ball team, Kenneth Leonard of Fairhaven has built an excellent reputation at the Dartmouth campus. A former New Bedford High star, Ken is majoring in Market ing in a Business Administration course at SMTI. Coach Phil Wetterland of the Corsairs is counting heavily on Leonard's ability to direct the <lffense of SMTI this season and feels that he has chosen the right man for the job. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Al fred P. Leonard of 180 Bluepoint Road in Fairhaven, Ken "lives basketball" according to his par ents, who moved from New Bed ford two years ago. St. Joseph Parisbioncl1' The Leonard's -are members of St. Joseph's Parish now, but Kenny grew up in Holy Name Parish of New Bedford where he played for his church hoop team in the 'Catholic Youth Or ganization at Kennedy Memorial Center. A good student, Leonard ii; a member of the marketing Club at SMTI and has been perform ing on the basketball court for four years at college. The 21-year old hoopster wears number 15 and has aver aged in double figures from the campaign's first game in helping the Corsairs to a 5-1 record. Holiday Tourney Wetterland's forces are pres ently preparing for the annual Seafood Fiesta tournament at New Bedford, Dec. 29 and 30. Host of the event, Leonard will have a big :-esponsibility as one of the SMTr captains. SMTI opens its tournament bid against Fort Kent State COllege of' Maine in the nightcap of a t"'1in bill which features Glal?s boro State College of New Jer sey meeting Weste,rn Maryland in the curtain raiser of the ninth annual tourney. An excellent scorer, Leonard is an all-around performer for SMTI. He is a good outside Sl1ot, handles the ball extremely well, cfln ~rive toward the basket pro ficiently and is an outstanding playmaker. Scored 65 Points Leonard plays a prominent role in .the SMTI fast break of fense and has the uncanny ability. to disorganize an opponent's zone defense with his outstand ing long range shooting. In six games this season, Ken ny is averaging just under 11 points. He has scored 65 points, mostly on outside jump shots.
Leonard's best game of the Durfee High School in which he young campaign came at Putney, came off the bench to score 15 Vt. where SMTI salvaged a 79-73 points in a losing effort. triumph, Kenny leading the Cor The Crimson forward was sairs' offense with a 21-point twice named Player of the Week performance, in the New Bedford area. The The SMTI captain played his first for sparking his schOOl to scholastic basketball under coach successive victories over Leom Roger Lemenager at New Bed inster and Everett and gaining ford High School and in his them a berth in Tech. senior year was cited as the The second time was in March player who sparked the Crimson after his play against toumamen~ champion Rindge Tech nearly to a berth in the Eastern Massa chusetts (Tech) Class A tourna provided the Crimson with the ment. schoolboy upset of the year. Played Baseball Leonard was a reserve for the One of two children, Kenny Crimson in his junior year and a member of the junior varsity has a sister, Mrs. Walter Alex unit as a sophomore. ' ander of Acushnet and spends The Fairhaven resident began his Summer months working '.' the 1962-63 campaign for N:~w ';.I shipping clerk. , Bedford High as a highly r~ , As a young boy, Leona~cll spectable perfor.mer, who ,W<lS showed interest in basketbaln capable of replacing any starter. and baseball, competing in 'the ,Little League and' the POQY Became Starter With the season only three League in Ne~, Bedford, b,1.l~ once he entered, high schl?~', games old, Leonard "'1orked his way into the starting lineup after Kenny chose to perfect his ho()p an excellent showing against talent.
~l· ,
Open Eveni~gs 'til 9 except Saturday
Slade's Ferry Trust Company SOMERSET; MASS.
I .
•..and'>. Please, iOhLORD, Let there be Peace· \
on Earth HO$
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