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Madonna' and Child, Christmas, 1977 . A Vietnamese mother aboard a 30-foot fishing boat in the Gulf of Siam shelters herself and her child from the scorching sun. She was among 50 refugees who thought they had reached freedom in Thailand, only to be refused entry and have their boat towed back to sea. At Christmas, their plight is hauntingly similar to that of ano'~her Mother, another Child.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 22, 1977
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. Bishop Cronin's Christmas Message Dearly Beloved in Christ,
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As we keep the Solemnity of Christmas, the Church once' As the Church invites us to Bethlehem on this Feast of the again proclaims with great joy the announcement of the Lord's Birth, she calls us to hear again the Good News and angels' to believe what has been proclaimed to us concerning this . Child. She also calls us to let the Mighty God change us You have nothing to fear! I have come to proftrhOam pSeinacfUelwwhal'YChs athned wtoorleldt tchaennPont·ngcl.eveO.f Peace bring to us t claim Good News to you - tidings of great joy to be shared by the whole people. This day in David's City a Savior has been born to The Church also urges us on the Nativity Feast to make you the Messiah and Lord (Luke 2'10 11) the Gospel of Christ evident in our lives in order that .' . . through us the world around us may come to know and The Church has, from its beginning, sought to share this believe. Mankind will find the Good News credible only if
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of Peace; He is the Word made Flesh and Splendor of the Father!
This Good News has the power to change the hearts and ITivhes Ofhthhose who .truly allow it to take root within them. roug t e centunes, again and again, daily living is transformed for those allowing Christ to enter into their hearts. We must continue to bring these tidings of great joy to our contemporary world. This, in fact, is a fundamental mission of the Church today: the evangelization of our modern world. It is a work entrusted to us by the Lord Himself. It is a necessary work, a saving work, for only Christ can bring life and meaning to our world. He alone can "make
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brance of an event long oast. It calls us not merely to hear ~ the Christmas angels and- their joyous proclamatio~. Rather,~ ~~ Christmas challenges us to let the Lord be born in us today. Vh"Y" If Christ comes to birth in our lives, others like the sheph~rd~ andfmagi Ofd.Old Wlh'll aGlsodseNeand beliehve. ThelChurch's 1~. mISSIon 0 sprea mg t e 00 ews to t e who e people • will then advance with great power. "Qi~~~; A blessed and joyous Christmas to one and all. F./' Devotedly yours in Christ,
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Bishop of Fall River
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RED AND SILVER ROSES with a background of varying shades of green will carry out the silver jubilee theme of the 23rd annual Bishop's Ball at Lincoln Park Ballroom, North Dartmouth. Presentees from diocesan parishes will carry single roses tied with silver and purple ribbons as they greet Bishop Cronin on the occasion of his jubilee. Among theme committee members, from left, John McDonald; Lester Reed; Miss Margaret M. Lahey,
committee chairman; Norman Hathaway, hall chairman; Robert Coggeshall, committee co-chairman. Names for a souvenir program are being accepted at ball headquarters, 410 Highland Ave., Fall River, telephone 676-8943. Tickets are available at the headquarters and at all diocesan rectories. The event is coordinated by Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the Ball and the annual Catholic Charities Appeal.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 22, 1977
Silver Jubilee Celebration
AD MULTOS ANNOS ! His brother priests, family and friends gather around Bishop Cronin as he marks the 25th anniversary of his ordination at a solemn Mass last Sunday at St. Mary's Cathedral. Left, top, a panoramic view of the cathedral; right, penitential rite at beginning of Mass;
Ad Multos Annos! The aniversary of a priest is a time of memory and reflection. But certain anniversaries are also an occasion of public joy. such as the milestone in the life of Bishop Cronin as he celebrated the 25th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood of Jesus Christ. Gathered in the Cathedral Church this past Sunday were representatives of the parish of the diocese, together with 175 brother priests who concelebrated the Mass with their Bishop. In his remarks to the congregregation, Bishop Cronin recall-
ed the eagerness with which seminarians anticipate ordination and the unforgettable joy of that day. In this connection he recalled his own ordination in the Basilica of St. John Lateran. Reflecting on that day, he gave thanks to God that his mother, father and godfather, all of whom were at his ordination in the Eternal City. were also with him as he marked his silver jubilee, He said his sole prayer was "to spend all my days in the House of the Lord."
bottom left, with family, from left, Peter Cronin, Mrs. Daniel' G. Cronin, Daniel Cronin, Robert and Joseph Cronin; right, receiving greeting from one of many wellwishers following the cathedral ceremony. The forthcoming Bishops' Ball will also commemorate the prelates' jubilee
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FALL RiVER, MASS. 672-0009
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 22, 1977
Madonna and Child
For some readers our front page for this issue of The Anchor might seem too grim and somber for the joyous feast of Christmas. But this modern madonna is presented as a reminder of the stark reality of life that was made incarnate in Christ. So many people today have forgotten or tried to block out of their minds the truth of Christmas. The saving power of our God is so often hidden by the glitter of tinsel or the shiny reflections of twinkling lights. Some see in the feast of God made man merely an opportunity for debauchery and gluttony; others are driven by the madness of commercialism and outright greed. This year especially our Advent season, our preparation of hope, has been splattered by the conflict of Sunday sales. Even for one day a week it was impossible for many of the so-called faithful to stop and attempt to put some meaning into their lives. They just couldn't find time even to begin their journey to Bethlehem. If we just take a moment and look at this mother and child in their search for a home, we might once more realize that Christmas is not just a rip-roaring birthday party, that the life of Mary and Jesus 'is very real in today's life. Affluence and possessions, money and wealth have somehow reduced the Word made Flesh to a pious tale of some half-forgotten folk story. Children do not see the infant Christ in the manger, only sugar plum fairies. Mothers are urged not to follow the exam9le of Mary who dared to say "Thy will be done." The concept of fatherhood in modern life is a joke, yet ~omehow the spirit of Joseph would make fools of us all. . In each hour of the life given to us, there are a mother and child searching for a home; looking for shelter. For them, it is love that brought the wonder of birth to reality; it is misunderstood love that makes them seem ridiculolls in a world that has forgotten the meaning of the word. Given. the tenor of the times, the truth of Christmas is beautifully given to us once more in this mother and child searching for love. Would that many of us could again begin this search for love in our own lives. Only in this way can Christmas have true meaning for a family, a mother, father and child; only in this way can our hearts and souls realize the sacrifice of love which in truth is the essence of this holy day. 'lRlC~lfOO~~~~~lfOO~~~~~~~~~~~'~I
a gaelic blessing for christmas and the new year
from the anchor staff to all our readers deep peace of the running wave to you; deep peace of the flowing air to you; deep peace of the quiet earth to you; deep peace of the shining stars to you; deep peace of the son of peace to you. ~ ."~:Jl~~~~~ÂťlÂťl~~ ~~~
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the ancho,cs,
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER . Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
Rev. John F. Moore. M.A. . . , . leary P,eu-- Fall
Rev. Msgr. John J. Regan
Now at this time Caesar Augustus issued a decree for a census of the whole world to be taken. This census the first - took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria, and everyone went to his own town to be registered. So Joseph set out from
the town of Nazareth in Galilee and traveled up to Judea, to the town of David, called Bethlehem, since he was of David's house and line, in order to be registered together with Mary, his bet rothed, who was with child. While they were there the time came for her to have her child, and she gave birth to a son, her first-born. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger because there was 110 room for them at the inn. In the countryside close by there were shepherds who lived in th.e fields and took it in turns to watch their flocks during the night. The angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone round them. They were terrified, but the angel said. "Do not be afraid. Listen, I bring you news of great joy, a joy to be shared by the whole people. Today in the town of David a saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. And here is a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in 'a manger." And suddenly with the angel there was a great throng of the heavenly host, praising God and singing: "Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace to men who enjoy his favour." Luke 2:1-.14
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 22, 1977
CHILDREN ADMIRE new Kiddie Corner at Attleboro's La Salette Shrine Christmas Illuminations which are drawing thousands of visitors from the East Coast and Canada. The display includes a manger scene, a drumme r boy', and a lion and lamb and cat and mouse inspired by the vision of peace of the Prophet Isaiah. There are also replicas of such traditional Christmas favorites as gingerbread m en, snowmen, elves, tin soldiers, and candy canes. The display will continue from 5 to 9 nightly through Jan. 1.
Belleville Adopts Brownsville for Yule BELEVILLE, Ill. (NC) - The diocese of Belleville, Ill., has "adopted" the diocese of Brownsville, Tex., populated largely with needy migrant worker families, as part of its Christmas celebration. In a pastoral letter, Bishop William M. Cosgrove of Belleville said a gift to the needy in Brownsville would be "the best way we could celebrate this feast." He urged each adult Catholic to contribute $1 and each child to give to the Christmas collection for the' Texas diocese. "My intention in asking you to cooperate in this Christmas gift to Brownsville is that your
December 23 Rev. Owen J. Kiernan, 1901, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River Rev. Charles P. Trainor, SS., 1947, St. Edward Seminary, Seattle, Washington Rev. Msgr. John A. Silvia, 1970, Pastor Emeritus, St. John the Baptist, New Bedford December 24 Rev. James K. Beaven, 1886, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Taunton Rev. Timothy J. Duff, 1914, Assistant, St. Joseph, Woods Hole December 27 Rev. Thomas J. Stapleton, 1956, Pastor, Corpus Christi, Sandwich Rev. Msgr. Armand Levasseur, 1970, Pastor Emeritus, St. Anne, New Bedford December 28 Rev. Charles R. Smith, 1955, Pastor, Immaculate Concepton, Fall River 1II'""IIII"'IIII'''III''''''IIIII.ttttll'''"II01 '_.''.,'''1'1IU'II"""'"IIIIIIIIII_ THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fell River. Subscription price by mail, IlQltllald $5.00 per year.
Christmas may be more joyful in the realization that you brought happiness to others and that the people of Brownsville will be strengthened in knowing that their brothers and sisters in Southern Illinois really care about them," the bishop said. A special collection envelope designed for the Christmas gift carries pictures of a Illinois farm and a migrant worker, and reads: "The Church of the diocese of Belleville, Ill., wishes a Merry Christmas to the Church to the diocese of Brownsville, Tex." The funds will be forwarded to Bishop John Fitzpatrick of Brownsville on Jan. 8, the Feast of the Epiphany. The Brownsville diocese, from which Cardinal Humberto Medeiros of Fall River went to his present post as Archbishop of Boston, has the lowest ratio of clergy to people in the United States, with one priest for every 2,500 Catholics. Over 53 percent of the families in the diocese earn less than the government's recognized poverty level income. There are 298,000 Catholics in the diocese, about one third of whom are needy migrant workers. Located in the Rio Grande Valley, the diocese is comprised of four countries in the southernmost tip of Texas. It covers 4,226 square miles. Seventy percent of the Valley's population is Catholic, and over 83 percent of the Catholic community speaks Spanish. Father Joseph P. Delaney, a Fall River native, is co-chancellor of the Brownsville diocese and sisters of the Dominican community staffing St. Anne's Hospital in this diocese work in clinics there. All went to the Texas diocese during Cardinal Medeiros' tenure as its bishop. As another part of the Christmas celebration in the Belleville diocese, Bishop Cosgrove will welcome 300 elderly and lonely persons to his residence for Christmas Day dinner. People in retirement and nursing homes who have no families will re-
ceive top priority in the guest lists. The bishop will be among the waiters who will serve the one late-morning and two afternoon meals of 100 guests each. In addition to the meal, there will be entertainment, caroling and personal gifts from the bishop to each guest. The diocese has also arranged to deliver Christmas meals to homes of the sick and aged through the services of Meals on Wheels and Belleville Area College "Outreach" program for the elderly.
Future Deacons To Pay Tribute To St. Stephen Monday, Dec. 26, the feast of St. Stephen, the first deacon, will be celebrated by the diaconal community of the diocese at an 11 a.m. Mass at St. Stanislaus Church, Fall River. Candidates for the permanent diaconate, their wives and families will attend the liturgy, to be concelebrated by Father Robert S. Kaszynski, pastor of St. Stanislaus, and Father John F. Moore, director of the diocesan diaconate program. A luncheon, prepared by members of St. Stanislaus parish, will follow. The event is a "first" for the diaconate program, said Father Moore, marking the first time "a parish family has come together in such a manner to offer support, encouragement and prayers for the members and families of this new diocesan community."
For Disabled UNITED NATIONS (NC) The General Assembly's Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee has agreed to set up an expert advisory committee to undertake the preparation for an International Year of the Disabled in 1981.
Christmas Greetin.gs Employees and Management of White's Wish Our Patrons and Friends A Merry Christmas and A Very Prosperous New Year
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 22, 1977
Says Communion By
Our leaders have finally . done it. On the communionin-the-hand issue they have offended absolutely everyone. There is a small minority of American Catholics who are opposed to the communion-in-thehand change; they were offended by the change, and there is
nothing the leadership can do to placate them. There is a much larger minority strongly in favor of communion in the hand, and . the long delay in the change (we trailed Ireland in this reform) has offended them. Most American Catholics don't care much either way, but along with the other two groups they seem violently angry at the sermon series which was supposed to prepare them for the change.. Everywhere I have gone recently I have met irate laity for whom the communion in the hand sermon series seems to have been the last straw. Even the birth control encycl!cal
Hand Catechesis Was Overkill
didn't seem to make people that angry. In addition to placating its minority members the leadership seems to have had two goals in mind when it ordered the sermons. It wanted to reassure what it thought would be the vast numbers of laity who would consider communion in 'the hand sacrilegious, and it wanted to avoid loss of respect for the Eucharist. It does not seem to have occurred to anyone that the laity would react vehemently to what it considered a senseless waste of its time in a matter of trivial disciplinary importance.
Don't they have anything to talk about?" exploded one college-educated laywoman to me. "Aren't there any other problems in the world about which we need guidance and inspiration? Do we have to spend four weeks on something this childish?" "Do they realize," said her businessman husband, "that no place else would I sit and listen to such absolute nonsense for 20 minutes without getting up and walking out?" The twin subjects of sermons and communion in the hand show how out of contact with lay folk
are both the clergy and the hierarchy. What prestige priests still have erodes a bit more each Sunday with each ill-prepared sermon imposed on a defenseless laity. The clergy posture about social and political relevance, quite unaware of how absolutely irrelevant is that one ministerial activity of theirs which reaches more people every week than all the rest of the things they do put together. And the hierarchy worries about what it considers to be a major change totally unaware that the laity consider it trivial and don't want to be bothered by anxious explanations.
It's N'ot Alway's Easy To Be The Stro1ng One By MARY CARSON
In the hills outside Bethlehem there was a small cluster of poor dwellings, homes of shepherds. Strong men were seldom there. They went to the fields to tend their sheep. Young boys, as soon as they were able, went too. Most of the time, old men, infants and girls lived there. And the women. They waged
glowed inside at praise of his Estella, he seldom acknowledged the camaraderie with more than a grunt. It was not fitting for a man to show open affection for his wife. Manuel thought of her. She was strong. He remembered the time he had falien. The other men had carried him home, his leg twisted where the bone had broken. Estella took a smooth, hard branch, tore strips from her cloak, wrenched his leg straight and bound it. He cursed her as he remembered the pain. But he was walking again. There were no moans from their tent when she gave birth
to their children. Such fine, strong sons . . . and the baby girl. Manuel's reverie was shattered by a brilliant light - angels telling them to go into Bethlehem to find their Savior - a baby in a manger ... He immediately thought of his son - too young to be in the field. But he, too, should come with them to Bethlehem. He should have this memory. Manuel left the group to go back to the village to get his son. He told Estella of the angels. She looked straight into his face. "Take me with you." He pulled away. "But you must care for all here. You are the
strong one." And he was gone. Estella gathered more wood for the fire to keep the old ones warm. She tended to all the chores . . . then sat by the fire a moment to warm herself. She thought: "The Savior the Son of God - comes not in might and strength - but as a baby - a helpless, tender, fragile baby." She looked up at the sky and shouted, "GOD, DID EVEN YOU GET TIRED OF ALWAYS BEING STRONG?" A star seemed to burst into brilliance, It hurt her eyes. For the first time, Estella cried.
No Nativity Cards, Only Christmas Greetings
_ . ,
constant battle with poverty and the elements. In youth, the -men sought the beautiful young women. But when one decided to marry, he looked for strength. A strong woman would bear strong sons to help tend the flocks. She would fight off wild animals, care for the sick and aged, repair the home and have good hot food ready when the men came from the fields. She would not quarrel or complain. Estella was such a prize among women, all her husband had longed for. As the men rested in the field at night they often talked of their women, and though Manuel
-.. - .
While searching for a religious Christmas card in a big New York card store, a friend of mine asked the clerk: "Do you have any Nativity cards?" She answered, "No, we only have Christmas greetings here." This pinpoints the difference between the religious and the
secular celebration of Christmas. One echoes the Christmas carols and the liturgy of the. Midnight Mass; the other the click of the cash register in department stores. To say that the secular celebration of Christmas is not a religious festival is not to condemn it. It is part of our culture. To be honest with ourselves, however, we cannot identify this secular celebration with the religious celebration of Christ's birth. It has been said that the Christian Church has baptized many pagan rituals, but this is
not true of the Christmas season with its predominantly commercial overtones. We have adjusted to secular Christmas but it is no more religious or Christian than other features of American culture to which we have adjusted, such as the nightclub, the race track and football extravaganzas. The Washington Post recently ran a special issue on Christmas Past, Present and Futu1=e, with an introduction by Christopher Dickey. In the article he divided the Christmas spirit into two types: one was the Christmas spirit of those eminent Vic-
torians and their descendants whom he considered representative of the family and religious spirit of Christmas. The other type of Christmas spirit was that of contemporary Americans for whom Christmas is the Big Gift. For these persons, Christmas is basically "a time to give something to yourself." Something like a new car, a color TV, a CB radio or a home video recorder. But for the ordinary human being, life is hard and rough even in this era of triumphal technology. We are born in the pain of others and die in our
own. Our basic problem is not technological, rather it is a concern about the purpose of life: Our disappointment with the good things which proved to be not so good, our subjection to disease and accidents, slowing down to old age and death. The good news is not that we have gadgets to play with but that Christmas reminds us of the day when God came to our world. This is the Big Gift that we celebrate on Christmas. Our daily prayer is like a cry for help and Christmas is the promise that help is on the way.
C,hristmas Aromas Importa,nt Part of M',emories By
"It's the little things that I remember most," said Jason the other day, when we were talking about the really great Christmas presents that we remembered. This trend of thought then set Joe and me off remembering the most outstanding toys of our childhood. A very special doll house was one of my most memorable presents and when an aunt gave me a beautiful handmade bedroom
set for it, I was breathless. To- smell of pine or the blinking of day the dollhouse craze is sweep- the Christmas lights can trigger ing the nation and I do wish I ciff this section of our warm had kept mine with its lovely memories. Another important part of wooden exterior and real electricity. I saw a similar house in Christmas memories are those of a toy store window the other the beautiful things baking in evening and waves of remem- the kitchen, and what could be more seasonal than the aroma brance swept over me. Joe's reminscences were' gear- of baking fruitcake. I've already ed more to sports and books, printed one fruitcake recipe but quite normal for a male growing this one is so special I can't reup in the thirties and early for- sist passing it on. Apricot Fruitcake ties when television wasn't part of our lives and we very often 4 sticks shortening had to depend upon ourselves for 2 14 cups firmly packed light amusement. brown sugar 1 cup honey Everyone has two or three Christmas gifts that have be- • 10 eggs 4 cups sifted flour come part of his or her very 2 teaspoons baking powder special memory bank and the
1 teaspoon allspice 34 teaspoon salt 3 pounds dried apricots (I never said this was cheap!) 2 pounds pecan halves 112 pounds dates, cut-up 1 pound golden raisins 1 cup apricot nectar 12 cup light cream 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1. In a very large bowl cream together the shortening and brown sugar, along with the honey. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. 2. Into another bowl sift together the sifted flour, cinnamon, baking powder, allspice and salt. Stir half the flour mixure into the sugar mixure.
3. In the remaining flour mixture dredge the apricots (sliced), pecan halves, dates and raisins. In a small bowl combine the apricot nectar, cream and lemon juice, add this to the batter and fold in the dried apricot mixure. 4. Divide the batter among 4 buttered and floured 912 by 5 inch loaf pans and bake in.a slow 250 degree oven for 2 hours and 30 minutes or until the cakes test done. Transfer to a rack and cool in pans. Combine 1 cup brandy and ~ cup orange flavored liqueur. Sprinkle each cake with one fourth of the mixture and let them stand 1 hour. Remove from pans, wrap in foil and c1}iIl. Delicious!
God's Work
"To be a joy-bearer and a joygiver says everything, and if one gives joy to 'others one is doing God's work." Mother Janet Stuart
Big Fishermen 548-4266 Restaurant Inc.
Box 475, Route 28, East Falmouth, Mass. 02536
i FLAMES SHOOT from dormitory window at Providence College and fireman aids woman during conflagration which took seven lives, the highest ever recorded in Rhode Island. (Providence Journal photographs by Michael Delaney of Holy Name parish, Fall River)
IHeaven a Joyful Home Barbarals Friends Told By Kathy Mogan Taunton Daily Gazette (Reprinted by permission) It was quiet, so very quiet in Sacred Heart Church this morning during the funeral for Barbara Feeney of 423 Weir St., a victim of the dormitory fire at Providence College Tuesday. Eulogist for the funeral mass was Rev. Charles Duffy, vicepresident of Providence College. Faltering occasionally, Father Duffy said that "Barbara has left us a legacy of great hope, faith, charity and love." Father Duffy chose St. John's Gospel as the basis for his eulogy, explaining that, "We can take deep consolation" from the "words of Christ as related by St. John." "Christ suffered an agonizing ordeal," Father Duffy said, "and came through because he believed in God. It's an enormous difference faith makes. It gives us a sense of security, a sense of stability," he said. "Christ did not make empty promises and when he went back to His Father, He did not desert us. Christ promised that we will find and know again those we have lost in the home He has prepared for us. "Heaven is a joyful, sweet welcome home," Father Duffy said. "This is an extremely difficult time, especially to Mr. and Mrs. Feeney, to Barbara's sisters, Mary Anne and Patricia, and her brother, Edward. "We gather here to express our deepest and heartfelt consolation and sympathy, but we could never give the consolation that Christ can give you," Father Duffy said.
May the blessings of the holy season fill you with peace and joy.
Montie Plumbing & Heating Co. JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. Reg. Master Plumber 7023 432 JEFFERSON STREET FALL RIVER 675-7496
"Only Christ can say, 'Do not let your hearts be troubled.' Only Christ can fulfill the promise, no man can give you a guarantee of such consolation," he said. Assisting Father Duffy in celebrating the mass were Rev. Richard Kurkones, assistant chaplain at PC and Rev. Walter Sullivan, pastor at Sacred Heart. Bishop Daniel A. Cronin gave the final blessing at the church. Also on the altar were 10 priests from Providence College and several priests of the diocese. Barbara, a graduate of the former Sacred Heart grammar school in Taunton, was the third-ranking student in last June's 461-member graduating class at Tatmton High School. She held the school's annual community scholarship.
U. r 1'6
As Santa jingles your way bringing all the treasures of the holiday, we join him in wishing you a host of bright
shine through this merry, merry season.
155 North Main Street ~.
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Brother Arthur Funeral services were held last Friday in Hartford, Conn. for Brother Arthur J. Michaud, MS, who died Dec. 14. Born in Lowell in 1902, Brother Arthur attended Sacred Heart School and the former New Bedford Textile Institute in New Bedford before entering the La Salette community in 1920. In over a half a century in religious life, be served in maintenance departments of La Salette seminaries in New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Missouri, also serving for two years in the southern missions of his congregation. He is survived by four sisters: Yvonne, Leontine, Berthe Michaud and Mrs. Aurore Gardner all of New Bedf<?rd.
Ia fall River
Tau"too :
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 22, 1977
Norris H. Tripp
Victor D'Aguiar Jr.
J. TESER, Prop. RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL 253 Cedar St., New Bedford 993-3222
Mall Add',ss BOX 170 • TEATICKET, MASS. 02536
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Ashle'e-Ann's Christmas Tree
There are lots of Christmas trees around at this time of year, so many that now and then one gets overlooked. But not around Ashlee-Ann Deston, 2~, of St. Lawrence parish, New Bedford, whose sharp eyes spied a little tree standing alone. "It needs a home," she told her mother.
Needless to say, the little tree found its home, and was lovingly decorated by AshleeAnn. And her mother made a song about it all.
Dlrectl, across from Friends Meeting House and Ne. England Telephone Bldg. WELFARE AND MEDICAID PATIENTS WELCOME MASTER CHARGE, BANKAMERICARD, VISA WELCOME
Little green Christmas tree standing alone, Christmas is near and you don't have a home Little green Christmas tree don't shed a tear there's someone who wants you so dear Little green Christmas tree please don't be blue I know of someone who's little like you Little hands wrap you in silver and gold as little dreams start to unfold So stand, little evergreen proud as can be The children are happy, you see Shine for my little one bright as can be as my little one shines for me
friends to Jour fireside and
Little green Christmas tree they passed you by They didn't see what reflects in your eyes They were too busy to stop and admire the beauty and peace you inspire Christmas means children and children mean love Christmas trees shimmer with light from above Light from the heavens that shines here below as Christmases come and they go .'
peace to Jour home. In the glow of Jour friendship we extend sincere thanks.
Feilelberg Insurance Agency
i ~
- FALL RIVER TRAVEL BUREAU Henry J. Feitelberg Anthony J. Abraham Joseph H. Feitelberg Robert Karam Jeanne Peladeau 154 NORTH MAIN STREET, FALL RIVER X
I ~
And so little Christmas tree blessings to you! You make little wishes come true Little green Christmas tree standing so tall, the most beautiful one of all (c) Ronnie Deston 1977
Christmas on Brea1dline these last four years. "But we've never had to ask for a nickel from the pulpit. People just contribute to the boxes in the church. Sometimes we're a week late paying a bill, but the money comes in." For years, Horn and Hardhart Company made the sandwiches. There was no jostling, no Now they come from Mangannoise. On the "women's side" of . ero's whose owner, Jim Dell Orta, charges the Franciscans the coffee urns, Elizabeth toothless, dirty, clad in an old 25 cents each for them. khaki cape, large boots, and a On holy days of obligation, dress so badly fastened her Dell Orta sees ,to it that the naked navel showed - was first sandwiches are something specin line. She swayed, and greeted ial, such as ham and cheese, or another regular among the turkey for Christmas and "shopping-bag ladies" who ap- Thanksgiving.pear every morning for coffee "They go wild over cheese," and a packet of two sandwiches. said Brother Aldrich of the street "Where'd you sleep?" people. When the weather is "Up by Penn Station." mild, as many as 300 show up "Not by the Chock Full 0' outside the church. About a dozen homeless have sometimes Nuts?" been found by the friars, sleep"Nope. Rainin'." Red trays containing 225 pack- ing in the church's many doorages of sandwiches and two big ways in large discarded cardcoffee urns were being readied board crates, lids pulled down, on the sidewalk. The men's side when they come to open the of the line was beginning to doors at 5:30 a.m.
NEW YORK (NC) - 'Twas the week before Christmas, and pitch black beneath the lighted St. Francis of Assisi church sign at 135 West 31st Street in Manhattan. But the bread line had begun to form at 6:30 a.m., just as it has every morning since Sept. 26, 1930.
stretch more than half a block to Broadway. "Once a week, I come here," said Fred, a burly, part-time messenger who lives nearly 20 blocks away. "When I had no job, I was a regular." "It's a lot easier for the women who live on the street," a wrinkled black man breathed as he surveyed the line. "They can talk back to the cops, but for . the men, well, the cops ;get tough. They don't know if a guy has a knife under his jacket." At 7 a.m. the coffee and sandwiches were ready. "Come, ladies," invited Franciscan Brother Albert Aldrich, and perhaps 15 shopping-bag ladies came forward. Then, one by one, the men. There was a flourish of grace and chivalry about it all. "Thank you." "Thank you." Sandwiches handed out one by one. Hands shaking as plastic cups were held under the coffee spouts. "Thank you." "Thank you." There was humor, too. '\Bologne," said a youngish man to a woman in her 30s, both vague and rambling in their conversation. "Cheese is better," he continued. "Take the sandwich back and get cheese." "Thank you." "Thank you." Suddenly the firm voice of Brother Aldrich, calling a drifter out of the line. "Here - not you. You've had yours." And later, watching each cup being filled to the brim: "Go light on the coffee. Just three-quarters full. We have a lot of people today." It was all over in nine minutes. Light had made the Manhattan sky a dark blue. The sun was not yet up. The drifters, derelicts, and shopping-bag ladies disappeared to doorways street corners and welfare hotels as far as the Bronx. It costs the Franciscans $4,000 to $5,000 a month to maintain the bread line, said Brother Aldrich, who has ,been in charge
During last year's cold spell, the Franciscans wondered how one shopping-bag lady survived in the doorway of a photo supply shop, where she slept night after night, head down on an orange crate pulled over her knees.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 22, 1977
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The bread line is not popular with local meochants and some hotel owners. It attracts derelicts to their doorways, they say. The drifters might leave scrap paper, urinate and create a bad image for potential customers. In 1974, the 90-member Franciscan Community of the 135year-old parish brought up the bread line question at a chapter meeting. The friars overwhelming voted to keep it. While three or four recipients daily might be taking advantage of the handouts, they felt the majority were very poor, or mental cases, or unemployed, to whom the bread line was part of survival. The very poor also drop by during the day for a few sandwiches, put aside by Brother Aldrich, or extra clothing. As Christmas approached, Brother Aldrich planned for the bread line people. The line gets longer, he said, during the last .10 days of the month, when welfare checks run out. And with the weather getting colder, he wasn't sure what to give them on Christmas morning. Finally, he hit on an idea: a pair of warm woolen gloves for each one in' the pre-dawn line.
Day of Peace NEWARK, N.J. (NC) - The second annual national celebration of the World Day of Peace, sponsored by Pax Christi, an international peace movement, will be held at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Newark on Saturday, Jan. 14. . All of the U.S. bishops have been invited to the celebration. The theme for the day, chosen by Pope Paul VI. is "Violence No; Peace Yes." The first such celebration was held last year in Baltimore.
~. "'¥"
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 22, 1977
permanent diaconate: • • ministry
word liturgy charity
By Father John F. Moore
102 Shawomet Avenue Somerset, Mass. Tel. 674-4881 3Yz room Apartment 4Yz room Apartment Includes heat, hot water, stove, refrigerator and maintenance service.
Permanent Diaconate Diocesan Director One of the greatest challenges faced by the ordained Permanent Deacon will, involve his place of employment. The majority of people spend more time at work with their jobs than in any other activity. Deacons have found that many people experience frustration because job demands take them from home and family. They may have to face the fact that the philosophy of a corporation, political party or institution contradicts the religious ideals they were taught as young people. The general sense of moral decadence that has permeated all levels of society has in many cases reduced the work ethic to a mere monetary standard. It is the buck that counts and any means to achieve it are allowed. The corruption of unionism has made the worker listless and the avarice of corporations has made the executive corrupt. Some deacons thus find that their co-workers feel that religion is good for their children but has no place in the very real world of business or politics. As a result many deacons
come to realize that their own daily work is a fertile field for their ministry, beyond the parochial scene. In fact, some of the most important ministry of the Church is their witness right in their own offices and factories to the reality of the Gospel message. For this reason and due to pastoral insight, the Bishops' Committee on the Permanent Diaconate has downplayed use of the Roman collar or titles such as "Rev. Mr." for deacons. The accent of the permanent deacon's vocation is on community involvement and practical service rather than on merely a liturgical and sacramental ministry. To be sure, a delicate balance must be kept between extremes, but for the deacon service is where the action is. The time he will give to service will far exceed that spent on liturgy. The reason the Permanent Diaconate has been such a great success in this country is because . deacons have not been reduced to mere glorified altar boys or pious parish pillars. In other words, commitment to service and the living of that commitment is the hallmark of the diaconate as it is developing in the United States and hopefully in our own diocese.
Ida Bessette Mrs. Noe Bessette, mother of Father Ernest N. Bessette, pastor of St. Joseph Church, Attleboro, died last week. Her funeral Mass, at which her son was principal celebrant, was offered at St. Anthony Church, New Bedford. Priests of the diocese were concelebrants and Msgr. Henri Hamel preached the homily. She is survived by her husband and by two daughters and a son as well as Father Bessette. Interment was in Sacred Heart Cemetery, New Bedford.
Filling a basket to overflowing with heartfelt wishes for peace and plenty for all our cherished friends.
2082 Robeson St.
Fall River
The three - John Parkinson of the Mullard Space Science Laboratory in Dorking, Richard Stephenson of Newcastle University, and David Clark of the Royal Greenwich Observatory argued this hypothesis in an article in the Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society. They rejected an earlier hyl)othesis by astronomers that the Star of Bethlehem was a coniunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation of Pisces. They cited Chinese records of a bright new stationary star which appeared close to the star Altair for more than 70 days about March and April of 5 B.C. Korean records, they said, mention a similar event, but the reference has apparently been passed on in a somewhat garbled form and it places the nova
in a slightly different part of the sky. Both positions recorded, however, would fit in with the star being seen in the East from Palestine, the scientists said. In proper scientific fashion the three said there is no reason to assume an inherent correlation between the birth of Jesus and the appearance of a nova in the eastern sky. The idea that the Star of Bethlehem was a nova is not new to scientific and literary speculation. In 1955 Arthur C. Clarke published a prizewinning short story, "The Star," about a Jesuit astrophysicist on his way back from exploring a civilization that was destroyed when its sun turned into a supernova. The story ends with his agonized question: "There can be no reasonable doubt; The ancient mystery is solved at last. Yet - 0 God, there were so many stars you could have used. "What was the need to give these people to the fire, that the symbol of their passing might shine above Bethlehem?"
Santa's Got New Stop To Make
LONDON (NC) - The Star of Bethlehem recorded in St. Matthew's account of Christ's birth was a nova observed in the year 5 B.C. by Chinese and Korean astronqmers, three British scientists say.
Keep Christ in Christmas
"MANY DEACONS realize their own daily work is a fertile field for their ministry."
Santa Claus has begun a new annual tradition for children adopted through the Diocesan Department of Social Services. He's going to make a special visit to them and their parents at a gala party hosted by the department. Aided by Michael Nassr, the jolly gentleman initiated the project earlier this month at St. Vincent's Home, Fall River, where children adopted in the past two years, together with their adoptive families, gathered for an afternoon of fun, topped by refreshments and Santa's gift-giving. Nearly 100 parents and children, representing 35 families, were on hand, reported Diane Nassr, department social worker. She said the parents were delighted to meet other adoptive
families and that many friendly relationships were formed. The children, aged six months to two years, including many South Korean tots, were a little young to express opinions, but it was unanimous among the moms and dads that all will be on hand for next year's party.
Boycott Asked MILWAUKEE (NC) - Young pro-lifers have called for a boy'cott of Upjohn Pharmaceutical products because of the firm's manufacture of abortion-inducing drugs and allegations that its laboratories experiment with living fetuses. The boycott, voted at a meeting of the National Youth Pro-Life Coalition, is to go into effect when therapeutically acceptable alternatives to Upjohn medicines are available.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 22, 1977
By Father John Dietzen Q. We have learned much about our faith from your column. One thing we have not seen and would like explained is the difference between the Virgin birth and the Immaculate Conception. A. Many
Catholics confuse these two doctrines, or events, which are in fact totally distinct. The phrase "immaculate conception" refers to our Catholic belief that the Blessed Virgin was free from all sin ("original sin") from the first moment of her existence in the womb of her 'mother. In other words, she was conceived immaculately, without sin, though that conception resulted from the physical union of a human mother and a human father, just as did our own. Note that the feast of the birth of Our Lady is celebrated on Sept. 8, exactly nine months after the feast of her Immaculate Conception (Dec. 8). The virgin birth, on the other hand, refers to the fact that Jesus was conceived (and born) of the Virgin Mary without a human father. As the story is told in the Gospel of Luke, Mary's pregnancy with Jesus was virginal - that is, resulted not from seed of a human father, but from a miraculous intervention by God Himself. Th~ feast of the Annunciation, which we might also call the feast of the virginal conception of Jesus in the womb of Mary, is celebrated by the Church on
Jews Will Serve Christmas Meal PHOENIX, Ariz. (NC) - Rabbi Albert Piotkin and 50 members of the Beth El Israel Brotherhood will operate the St. Vincent de Paul Charity Dining Room in Phoenix on Christmas Day, so that "the Christians might have a Christmas Day off." Although some of the brotherhood members have assisted in running the dining room on Christmas Day for the past three years, this will be the first time in the room's 25-year history that they will perform the Christmas chores by themselves. Even the grace before the meal, recited normally by one of the Catolic members, will be offered by a rabbi. About 2,500 turkey dinners are expected to be served to needy men, women and children. Mort Staab, president of the Particular Council, Maricopa County, of St. Vincent de Paul, called the Jewish group's aid "a case of great ecumenism." The charity dining room has served more than 7.5 million free, hot meals in its 25 years of existence, and receives no financial aid from the government nor from United Way.
This view is wrong. It reo flects neither a Catholic nor a scriptural understanding of sexual relations; it shows a basic misinterpretation of the reasons for the virgin birth of Jesus in God's plan of salvation; and, of course, it can lead to the misunderstanding of the two events about which you asked. Q. Several days ago I received a chain letter telling me I would get good luck if I sent 20 copies to friends who need good luck. It contained a prayer from St. Anthony Jecedif, supposedly a missionary from South America. ......The letter said, "You are to receive good luck within four days of receiving this letter. This is no joke. Do not send money. Do not keep this letter. It must leave you within 96 hours after you receive it. ........While in the Philippines, a general lost his life six days after he failed to circulate the letter. Just before his death he received $776,000." What is your opinion of this? What should I do? A. I'm amazed at the number of such letters floating around the country. Some are obvious fraudulent financial schemes. Most reveal an almost pagan superstitious fear of "making the fates angry with me if I break the chain."
All of them rely for their continuance on people whose psychological security and religious faith are somewhat shallow and immature. The letter has nothing to do with genuine faith. Throw it away. (Questions for this column should be sent to Father Dietzen, clo The Anehor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, Mass. 02722.
Large'Print Magazine A free monthly magazine in large print, "The Catholic Review," is available to visually impaired persons as a service of the Xavier Society for the Blind. Also available at no cost are books of prayer and scriptures and a lending library service of tapes and large-print and Braille books. Further information is available from the society at 154 E. 23 St., New York, N.Y. 10010.
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March 25, exactly nine months before Christmas Day. Perhaps it's worth pointing out here that much of our confusion over these two events is caused by the strong feeling in much of our culture that there is something "soiled" about sexual intercourse, even between a husband and wife. Thus God is thought to have arranged that Jesus be conceived "immaculately" rather than have His coming "stained" by sexual relations between Mary and Joseph.
HALLETT Funeral Home Inc.
Question (orner THE INTERNATIONAL Justice and Peace Office of the U.S. Catholic Conference has agreed with President Carter's decision to return the Holy Crown of St. Stephen to Hungary. Father Bryan Hehir, usce associate secretary, said that after talking with representatives of Hungarian-American groups, his office became "convinced that the crown does belong to the Hungarian people." "Based on that judgement, we could not recommend that the American government and the American people should continue to keep the crown from the Hungarian people for the indefinite future." However, Father Hehir said he supported attaching conditions to the crown's return. "In our view," he said, "It seemed more reasonable and prudent to ask that efforts be made to obtain some undertakings by the Hungarian government in granting greater freedom of religion." The State Department, he said, rejected that view, saying such a demand eould harden "attitudes of Hungarian officials on religious freedom and other human rights questions." According to Father Hehir, the State Department hopes 'that "good~1i1l engendered by the return of the crown" will make Budapest more receptive to "diplomatic representations" on the issue of religious freedom.
Director-Norman A. Hallett
~~ frederic '8 ~
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May the happy Rill-sic of Christmas fill all your days
I we say thanks. ~ LLINCOLN PARK-.J
Christmas Daily, Declares Pope VATICAN CITY (NC) Every day is Christmas for Christians who can recognize the living presence of Christ in the Eucharist and in suffering men, said Pope Paul VI at a general audience. DecA. "Every day can be Christmas for us," the Pope said. "We all know and believe that the real, true presence of Christ is offered to us not only at Bethlehem, but in every place where the Eucharist is celebrated." The Pope said that Christ offers another form of presence "more humble and accessible to all - the poor and the suffering. "We find the greatness of Christmas in God's desire to become our COlleague, companion, food, and bread, and to mirror 'through the poor, the sick, the imprisoned and the unhappy His crucified presence.
A t this glittering
time of the year we send wishes for your happiness, glowing with bright hope for the future.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 22, 1977
I Works of Beauty
'A Man and His Music By Msgr. Joseph M. Champlin
By Father Alfred McBride
Pass these images across the TV screen of your mind: Notre Jame Cathedral of Paris, the Rose Window of Cartres, the flying buttresses of Westminster Abbey, the tower of Lincoln Cathedral, the seated statue of the Virgin Mary presenting Jesus to the world over countless doors of medieval cathedrals. These sermons in stone, stained glass, sculpture and numerous other art forms have abided for centuries to testify both to the splendid ingenuity and the personal fa)th of ChrisLans of the early and high middle ages. In addition to their religious and artistic merits, the Gothic cathedrals served as economic boons and creative outlets for any number of crafts and construction talents. Most of the great cathedrals, took as much as 200 years or more to build and complete. Add to this the renovation and upkeep, the financial benefits to stonecutters, glass masons, engineers, architects, sculptors, drain experts, wood carvers, furniture makers, vestment designers, silk weavers, embroiderers, candle merchants, incense importers, tapestry shops, jewel cutters and bell makers and one can sense the extent of human interest and involvement in the cathedrals. Moreover, the guild system MESTROVIC'S "PIETN' -a medieval type of union shop - kept a canny eye on prices, salaries, contracts, bargains and and the ups and downs of the market. Lastly, the cathedrals were financial resources for the picting the life of Christ. Begun By Charles B. Vukovich Church, since almost every ediin 1917 and completed in 1953, Life attitudes, behaviorists these carvings are considered fice housed a shrine and relics of a saint, martyr or some re- tells us, are determned in the the most deeply-felt wood carvfirst few years of a child's life. ings since the Renaissance. vered person. Think, for example of the How important for rearing a To see Mestrovic's art is to shrine of Thomas Becket, mar- -genius, as well as a normal child, remember it as unique. He tyred Archbishop of Canter- that the home be loving, caring, worked in sweeping designs, bury, whom the pilgrims of just, moral and inspired with bending his figures to fit Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" ideals! Into such a family of simple forms giving powerful were on their way to visit. Hun- deep religious conviction and patterns. While well rooted in dreds of years of pilgrimages community spirit in Croatia, traditional art, he was a part of from hundreds of thousands of Austria - now Yugoslavia the age of modern masters who pilgrims left behind jewels, dia- Ivan Mestrovic, world famous broke with realism and classicmonds and money to adorn the sculptor, was born in 1883. ism to experiment with more His father, a mason who vital approaches. shrine and help along the budgets of the adminstrators of carved rustic stone decorations After imprisonment for proCanterbury Cathedral, and doz- in doorways - and monuments, Allied sympathies, in 1941 he gave him his artistic means of ens of others like it. went to Rome and Venice, communication. Such an observation is by no By the time he was 13, he had working on commissions and means meant to detract from the faith of builders, administra- learned all he could from his sketches for his monumental "Pieta." He then fled to Switzertors or pilgrims. Certainly there father. land until war's end. He refused were abuses, unseemly quarrels Recognized as a talent, he was about prices, salaries and work- apprenticed to a stonemason. Tito's invitation to return to ers' bonuses and benefits. But His fame as a master sculptor Yugoslavia, citing Communism's aside from all this, the wonder soon spread and a Viennese in- lack of freedom. is that the cathedrals are there, dustrialist sponsored him to enIn 1947 Malvina Hoffman, a firmly wrought, surviving any ter the Vienna Academy. sculptress, arr~nged with Syrasheepish or reprehensible behavFrom 1914-1941 Mestrovic cuse University for the Mestroior of their builders, tenants or was preoccupied with national- vic family to come to America visitors. istic art and the unity of the and the artist worked at the They may have been built by South Slavs. During this time he university until 1955, devoting perfectionists, but not by the exhibited extensively, gaining an his energies mainly to portraits perfect. Despite that, their faith international reputation. and religious figures. Metrovic shows through and delights our In Split, Mestrovic designed a then decided to give his recurrent thirst for beauty and church with a cloister to ac- maining years to religious art our everlasting hunger for God. commodate 30 wood reliefs de- in a religious atmosphere. He
Ivan Mestrovic
Leonard Rebeor worked for many years as the business agent of a local union, but during his off hours he loved the things of beauty made by God and man. He loved his family, the outdoors and fishing in particular. He also loved music and played instruments, including the banjo and saxophone. His fishing trips and musical interludes, however, gradually diminished and ultimately ceased this year. A rare blood disease began sapping his strength, soon confined him to the house and, in the last weeks, forced the 72year-old man to remain in bed most hours of the day. Every Saturday night for his final three months, a couple from our parish visited this man and his wife of 48 years. They had participated at the Vigil Mass. received there a consecrated particle and carried it to Leonard. Those weekly calls meant that Leonard and his wife received the Eucharist weekly. They also linked them more closely to the parish family for the ministering couple would read the scriptural
excerpts for the weekend's Mass, summarize the homily, leave a copy of the church bulletin and generally keep the couple in touch. Leonard's funeral reflected the loves of his life. Eight grandchildren carried forward the bread and wine needed for the Eucharist as well as items symbolic of his full life - fishing tackle, a pipe, a pile of old sheet music, several photos. An old friend and music colleague stroked on the mandolin two of Leonard's favorite numbers. I am sure family and friends could vividly visualize and hear their husband, father, grandfather and companion playing those melodies himself. Catholic funeral celebrations can give enormous solace to grieving relatives and friends. Their effectiveness is doubled when the service takes on an even more personal character. Such individual touches, however, don't just happen. They require a home call almost immediately after a death of the person. During that visit, highly desirable in itself, the priest may gently suggest some possibilities for the funeral liturgy.
What Is Beauty? By Karen Laub Novak
haunted by this story. A family Some years ago, a Japanese needs beauty in the meanest of circumstances. The search is a professor of philosophy told me daily one, not once a week or a story from his childhood. His for extraordinary occasions. family was large and quite poor. Beauty is an ordinary part of His father farmed. The work of daily life. It is a communal reeach of the nine children was sponsibility: But of all the tasks essential for the physical survito be done, equal time is to be ,val of the family. Tasks were as- devoted to the need for beauty. signed to each child according to ability. One particular task Flowers, rocks, driftwood was daily passed from child to these show the beauty of nachild. That child was to bring ture. Beauty lies also in the arback something of beauty - a rangement of sounds, in mathflower, a rock, a piece of wood. ematical forms, in persons and Each day one child was to find ideas. Beauty is a two-edged something to nourish the spirit. sword; it pierces the body and Five years later, I am still the spirit. Beauty is an energy, a force, a liveliness that waits beneath the surface. went to the University of Notre Beauty leads us inward, but Dame and worked there until not toward closure. It leads us his death in 1962. to new levels or understanding, His desire to see his Rome which we had -not anticipated. "Pieta" in a religious setting led Beauty is an entrance to the to its installation "on loan" in soul. It offers more than the Sacred Heart Church, Notre merely pretty or the charming. Dame. The Mestrovic humor: It offers a troubling voyage. "loan" . . . after approximately Beauty, is not just the surface six tons of marble sculpture was appearance of a flower in a moved after nine years of honored position at the Metropoli- child's hand. It is an entrance tan Museum of Art, New York; into contemplative understandreinforcemeent of church floor; ing. We need to train ourselves tearing down a wall and recon- to discover it and interpret it. struction ... "loan!" There are obvious forms of Lines written on his 50th beauty. The brilliant tree in fall birthday express his lifelong at- foliage and the single leaf titude: "A work of art, unless it turned slowly in our hand. The reflects in part the artist's own sound of dry leaves. The small life, his feelings and his beliefs, and feel of fog. So many forms will never create a vivid picture of beauty we fail to notice. So of the lives of others." many levels we do not pursue.
The Parish Parade Publicity chairmen of parish organizations are asked to submit news items for this column to The Anchor. P. O. Box 7, Fall River. 02722. Name of city or town should be Included. IS well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: the same news Item can be used only once. Please do not request that we repeat an aMQUnCemellt several times.
Notice Due to space limitations, effective with our issue of Thursday, Jan. 5, 1978, we will no longer carry news of fundraising activities in the Parish Parade column. This includes bingos, dances, suppers, bazaars and other profit-making events. We will contin\le to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetings, youth projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundraising projects may of course be advertised at our regular rates. This is a policy in effect at many diocesan newspapers to the satisfaction of both readers and advertisers. HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER An auction to benefit the school will take place at 7 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 14 in the school hall. Donations of used furniture, tools, glassware, toys, bicycle, records and household items may be left at the hall or rectory and large items will be picked up. Arrangements may be made with Jean Beaupre, 6743029 or Jim Rezendes, 674-6337. Altar boy classes will be resumed after the holidays. SS. PETER AND PAUL, FALL RIVER The spiritual life committee is sponsoring a "Come Home for Christmas" program with Mary Cunningham as chairperson. Parishioners are urged to make the feast "a real homecoming by inviting someone who has not been attending to share the blessings of Christmas Mass with you. It will be your gift to the Christ Child and hopefully may bring this person back to God's home to stay." A reconciliation service will be held tonight. Among Christmas Masses will be a 5 p.m. Christmas Eve liturgy at Highland Heights, for which the SIGN folk group will provide music. ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON A few tickets are still available for a parish New Year's party to be held from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. in the church hall. Reservations may be made at the rectory. The evening will include a social hour, buffet and dancing. ST. JOSEPH, ATTLEBORO -Boy Scouts will distribute Christmas baskets to parish families today. Troop members will also serve hot chocolate to Christmas shoppers at the Attleboro Common tonight as part of their community service program. Boys interested in joining the Knights of the Altar or the Junior Corps may register Tuesday, Dec. 27.
Life of Mind "As love is the life of the heart, so is the endeavor after truth the life of the mind." Nicholas of Cusa
SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER A parish children's Christmas party will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. Christmas Eve in the school cafeteria. "Special Christmas movies, delicious treats and a very happy time" are promised. CCo. classes are suspended until Sunday, Jan. 8.
ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER The vigil Mass on New Year's Eve will be celebrated at 6:30 p.m. and a 5 p.m. Mass will be added on New Year's Day for the convenience of late sleepers. The parish New Year's party will include a buffet, dancing to the music of Lee Drewniak, a midnight champagne toast, noisemakers and hats and a contin'ental breakfast before departure. Tickets are available at the rectory or from committee members and tables for 10 may be reserved. A solemn family Eucharist will be celebrated at 10:30 a.m. Christmas day, including blessing and distribution of a Christmas cake. Liturgical dancers will lead prayer at the midnight and 10:30 a.m. Christmas liturgies and also at 11 a.m. Monday, Dec. 26, when a special Mass will be offered for permanent deacon candidates and their families. l
Sisters Senate Hears Fr. Drury "The test of a true apostle is that desire always exceeds the ability to act," Father George Drury, SJ told 50 participants in a day-long seminar sponsored earlier this month by the diocesan Sisters' Senate. Father Drury, Boston College faculty member and chaplain to the Jesuits of the Wheaton College community, spoke on growth of apostolic love, saying that members of religious communities charcteristically go through three stages: - Adolescence, when one chooses apostolic living, colored "by a romantic dream-vision of what one wants to become." - Young adulthood, when the dream or ideal becomes commitment, a transition characterized by impetuosity and enthusiasm for changing the world. - Adulthood, when one's way of life is "self-giving in action" but may become monotonous. A crisis may occur in the choice one must make: to accept risk or to yield to discouragement or self-pity. - Age, when one must accept the fact that a visible apostolate diminishes and then disappears; but when one must also realize that through purification the apostle is "incorporated into the passion of Jesus, which will resolve itself into the glory of the resurrection." The senate will hold its next meeting Thursday, Jan. 19 at Jesus Mary Convent, Fall River. A workshop on ministry presentep by Sister Marie Augusta Neal, SND is scheduled for 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, March 11 at Bishop Connolly High School, Fall River.
A Verdade E A Vida Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego NATAL DO SENHOR
Toda a vida humana feita de esnern~as concretizadas ou desfeitas. Vivemos 0 dia a dia nensando e ansiando no dia de amanh~ Que, nensamos, vai ser melhor. E anesar disso, quantas desilusoes! No entanto, passamos uma vida toda em projectos, em sonhos, em ideais, se~ore melhores e mais felizes do que a situas~o presente. E a tensao interior do homem, semore insatisfeito com 0 que tern e em busca de absolutos ... do Absoluto. Ja S. Aqostinho afirmava: Fizestes-nos para Vos, Senhor, e 0 nosso corasao esta inquieto enquanto n~o reoousar em v6s. 11 E ai do homem que nerde a esoeran~a. N~o sera homem mas cadaver ambulante. E toaa a vida do Cristao se fundamenta na esneran~a. Acreditamos e esperamos que ha alqo mais superior nara alem desta vida, que ha urn premio e urn castiqo, que podemos cheqar a uma olenitude de vida Que aqora nossuimos. Acabamos urn temoo Que e todo ele de esoeran~a, 0 Advento. Ao lonqo de ouatro semanas fomos pensando, reflectindo, ansiando, esperando ... 0 qU~? A resposta e clara ... 0 Natal. A festa que celebramos nestes dias sao o coroar, sao a meta nara a qual vimos caminhando. Cristo, 0 Mes~ias, 0 Salvador ja veio! Hosana nas alturas! E a qrande Mensaqem, a qrande aleqria transmitida nelos Anjos! A Incarnasao de llesus Cristo era a qrand' nromessa de Deus ao Povo de Israel, 0 povo de Deus, 0 Povo da Aliansa. Ao lonqo dos seculos viveu este povo na esperan~a de ver realizada a oromessa de Deus Os nrofetas vao-na alimentando e eis que cheqado 0 momento e, conforme 0 predito por Isaras, a Vi rqem concebeu e deu a 1uz 0 Emanuel, Deus connosco.' Varios seculos de esneran)a do Povo de Israel revividos em quatro semanas nelo Povo de Deus, a Iqreja, aue a foi orenarando condiqnamente oara a realiza~o duma esoe~an5a certa: eis 0 Advento, 0 tempo oue termlna com o nascimento do Menino. o acontecimento de ha 2000 anos, porem, nao teve somente as suas repercussoes naquele~ Que aceitaram a ~ensaqem de Jesus Menino. Embora nao a aceitando nlenamente, a Mensaqem do Messias toca profundamente a todos os homems. Crentes ou ateus, toda a humanidade est~ influenciada por este acontecimento, se mais nao fosse, na sua cronoloqia. Porem, aos cristaos, aos que aceitam a Mensagem de Jesus Menino, alqomais se lhes pede: tal acontecimento imnlica uma mudan~a de vida. Com Cristo uma era nova se instaurou. IIEis que tudo se fez novo Este Natal implica dos cristaos uma renova~ao, uma mudan~a de vida, urn baotismo de penitencia conforme preqava Joao Baptista. E que Jesus, neste momento nao pretende nascer noutro presepio que nao seja 0 ndsso cora~ao. Quer reinar de uma vez para semore no corasao dos cristaos. Para que a sua missao nao seja urn fracas so em nos. . A qrande Mensaqem do Messias para todos nos n~o outra senao a de h~ dois mil anos; veio i~staurar urn reino de justica, de amor e de oaz. ) Neste Natal procuremos sintonizar os nossos sentimentos com os de Maria e Jose ao receberem 0 Seu Menino nos braios. E que Ele nas)a verdadeirament no nos so corafao e reine na nossa vida. Jesus e Mestre e Modelo para o imitarmos. € a qrande li~o que nos da: IIS ede Meus imitadores. II BOAS FESTAS DO NATAL!
THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 22, 1977
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 22, 1977
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focus on youth
By Cecilia Belanger I would prefer to write about what Jesus is rather than what he is not, but it appears that circumstances will not allow. I continue to receive mail about the proposed pornographic film on the life of Jesus, which producer Jens Thorsen hopes to produce in this country next year. Thorsen first tried to make the film in Denmark, but could get no backing. He then went to France, Italy and Sweden, but public revolts prevented his project. Israel too has stated that he would be refused entry for purposes of film making. But "Variety," the "bible" of U.S. show business, reports that Thorsen has gained financial backing and plans to make the film in this country next year. The United States, it is said, under its laws and constitution permits him freedom to make his vilest of films, and he will
no longer have the U.S. Customs with which to contend. I would like to think that he has YOU and ME with whom to contend! Now let us talk about the Man who is the victim of this pornography. Who is this Man they won't leave alone? This month the cradle in Bethlehem attracts the traveler. No way could the holy Child born there be the subject for the kind of film we're talking about. These are times for reflecting on that cradle and the One who slept there. We picture that holy night and the shepherds with faces aflame with heavenly radiance. The Romans little noticed; they were absorbed in the youthful prince Augustus. Yet the birth cif Jesus was the turning point in the world's history. The centuries that had gone before were now sealed up and the doors were closed on
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Coyle-Cassidy By James Hoye The Coyle and Cassidy High School 1977-78 student council was officially seated at a ceremony in the Taunton school's auditorium. State Representative Raymond Boffetti swore in councilors and addressed students, facuIty and parents. The council moderated by Michael K. McManu&, has since September sponsored dances, pep rallies, a mountain climbing trip, intramural basketball and a series of pre-school studentfaculty breakfasts.
ELLEN GUGLIELMO senior at Coyle-Cassidy High School, Taunton, is citywide winner in a VFW-sponsored Voice of Democracy essay contest on "My Responsibility to America." A National Honor Society member, she said in her winning entry that citizens have a general responsibility of patriotism and a personal responsibility to be honest. She is active in local political campaigns and hopes to be a lawyer.
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all ages since Adam. From now on men began to count the years anew. Jesus had a love for lonely meditation. Many a youth has told me this is the time for them when they feel close to their Lord. They, too, like to meditate alone in secluded spots. Recently we were discussing Mary, the mother of Jesus. And it came out for the first time among us that never at any time did Mary brag or boast about Jesus. She kept all His wise sayings in her heart. She was quiet and praised God silently. We could not picture Mary gadding about in the neighborhood boasting of her child. The makers of decadent films cannot be expected to understand nor appreciate the greatness of Jeus or His mission. They are out of balance. Jesus inspired common men and women to do uncommon
deeds. The weak became mighty, the cowards bold and ready for martyrdom.
Jesus calls us, o'er the tumult Of our life's wild, restless sea; Day by day his sweet voice soundeth,
In the words of Cecil Alexander:
Saying, 'Christian, follow me!'
in our diocesan schools
Council oficers Joseph MacLean, president; Dennis Clark, vice-president; Kevin Cayer, secretary; Nancy Castonguay, treasurer, were elected last spring and held planning meetings over the summer. Also council members are all class officers and representatives of Coyle-Cassidy's 12 homerooms.
day, while green and white were the prescribed colors for "Down on Dartmouth Day," followed by a "Blue and White" day with school colors much in evidence" The week-long program ~as coordinated by HF cheerleaders, led by Katie Macedo.
Bishop Connolly Some 250 Connolly sophomores and seniors are participating in a course on aging, death and dying which includes visits to nursing homes and practice in communication between young and old persons. The course is required for Connolly sophomores and is an elective for seniors. It is also being offered at Gerrard High, where is is an elective. Formal classes will end this month but 20 Connolly boys and five Gerrard girls plan to continue their involvement with the aged on a volunteer basis, visiting nursing home residents for two hours once a week. The programs at the Fall River high schools are taught by Mrs. Dorothy Wahl and Sue Lake of the city's Family Service Association. They are encouraged by the response from students and hope that the course will be a pilot program for other schools. They emphasize that special skills are not required of volunteers just a spirit of caring.
Holy Family Holy Family has always been noted for spirit, but the New Bedford schol outdid itself last week as it marked" Spirit Week, preceding the opening of its basketball season, with HF meeting Dartmouth. Fashion designers could have gotten a few nostalgia tips had they scouted the school on 1950's
ment can become fact. Last Thursday evening, the school's December monthly Mass was celebrated in the Stang chapel. As it quieted for the entrance hymn. "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear," many present felt the first real touch of the Christmas season. The offertory procession was special with the bread and wine, students and adults carried baby gifts to the aItar; in keeping with the Mass's theme, "The" Joy of Giving." As a representative of the Greater New Bedford Birthright program Mrs. Norma Olivier accepted the baby gifts. During the homily she thanked all present and said the 23 gifts given would be put to good use. I
The Chess Team, consisting of Emanuel Aurelio, Daniel Donovan, David Freitas, Gordon Goes, Michael Murray, John Spencer, and Nicholas Pallatrani, lost to Old Rochester this week with a score of 3-2. Their bout with Falmouth resulted in another loss, however, the boys tied Dartmouth in their meeting with that team. Daniel Larkin, mathematics teacher at Holy Family, is the chess coach. The school day certainly has not been ending at 2:05 for the drama club, whose members are readying themselves for their debut or preparing props and costumes for "A Christmas Carol" presented at 7 o'clock tonight.
Bishop Stang By Mary Pat Feitelberg If it is true that "sharing is
next to caring," then the students at Bishop Stang High School in North Dartmouth are fine examples of how this state-
After the" Mass participants walked to the school's main lobby for an Advent wreath lighting ceremony at which Father John Steakem, Stang chaplain, offered holiday greetings to all.
Refreshments and" a general exchange of greetings followed in the library. The entire program indicated that those in attendance did not limit their conception of Advent to totals of shopping days remaining until Christmas.
IrS NOT HARD to comply with this rule as kids skate on" foot-thick ice at Blue Mountain Lake, N.Y. (NC Photo)
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Interscholastic Sports
Thurs., Dec. 22, 1977
Tournaments Take Spotlight During the school holiday vacations, tournaments abound in several sports. Among them are the Christmas Basketball Tournament at Rogers High School, Newport, and the Silver City Hockey Tournament in Taunton. Durfee of Fall River is slated to meet East Providence and host Rogers opposes New Bedford High Tuesday night in the semifinals of the Newport event. The championship and consolation finals are set for Wednesday night. The fifth annual Silver City hockey tournament will be held in the Family Recreation Center, Lawton Avenue, Route 138, Taunton. First round games Wednesday have Somerset vs. Hol-
brook, 5 p.m.; New Bedford vs. Abington, 6:45; Coyle-Cassidy vs. Attleboro 8:30; Taunton vs. Bishop Connolly High, 10:15. The semi-finals are scheduled for Friday night with the first game at seven o'clock, the second at 8:45. The finals will be staged on Monday, January 2. The consolation final game will start at two p.m., and the championship final at 3:45. In another basketball tournament Sharon defeated North Attleboro in the final of the North Attleboro Holiday Tournament. And at 10:30 a.m. next Wednesday there are the Taunton Christmas Relays in winter track.
,," KEITH CHEGWIN as Robin Hood demonstrates his archery skill in "Robin Hood Junior," a special to be.seen on most PBS stations Thursday, Dec. 29. (NC Photo)
• tv, movie news
Ramos Memorial Next Week Worthy .of mention is the Rusty Ramos Memorial Alumni Basketball game at 7 p.m. next Thursday (Dec. 29) at New Bedford Voke-Te.ch, which is the tourney host. Some of the greatest players
ever to don a Voke uniform will participate in the game which honors the memory of a former Voke great who passed away on Dec. 26, 1972. Ramos' 52-point performance in a game against Fairhaven in 1942 is still remembered.
Southies Again Widen Lead Fall River South romped to a 6-2 victory over Fall River North last Sunday night in a Bristol County Catholic Hockey League game in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River. The victory, together with Westport-Dartmouth's 4-3 upset of runnerup New Bedford widened the Southies' lead in the standings to eight points. Somerset posted a 5-2 triumph over Taunton and gained a second-place tie with New Bedford.
It was Somerset's third win in a
row after its loss to South on Nov. 27, and the team's sixth victory in its last seven outings. South now has 20 points in the standings, New Bedford and Somerset are tied with 10 points each, Taunton nine, WestportDartmouth eight, and Fall River North five. The league will be idle next Sunday, Christmas. Play will resume Jan. 1.
Hockomock And Conference Basketball The Hockomock League schedule for the next week has Foxboro at Stoughton, King Philip at Canton, Mansfield at North Attleboro, and Sharon at Franklin tomorrow with Tuesday's games listing Canton at Franklin, Foxboro at Mansfield, Stoughton at Sharon, North Attleboro at Oliver Ames. Stoughton and Sharon are the defending co-champions. The league opened its season last Tuesday. The Southeastern Mass. Conference's Division One also opened its 1977-78 season Tuesday and has a full slate of games on tap for tomorrow night when Dartmouth will be at Taunton, Barnstable at New Bedford High, Attleboro at Somerset, and, Fairhaven at Connolly. Durfee has the bye tomorrow. Tuesday's
OUR LADY'S RELIGIOUS STORE 936 So. Main St., Fall Rive!' (Corner Osborn St.)
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games have Taunton at Barnstable, Fairhaven at Dartmouth, and, Somerset at Connolly. Durfee was originally scheduled to be at Attleboro Tuesday but that game was postponed to Feb, 27 to allow Durfee's participation in the Rogers tourney.
"A Hero Ain't Nothing but a Sandwich" (New World): A black teenager, trapped in a slum environment and the product of a broken home, becomes addicted to drugs but finally takes the first and most difficult step towards saving himself in this inspiring and entertaining film. The language is very rough, but, nonetheless, discerning parents might find viewing the film with more mature children a rewarding experience. Adults and adolescents. "Saturday Night Fever" (Paramount): A slice-of-life film vivid ly portraying blue-collar youth at play. It is filled with a crude and vibrant energy which allows, however for some genuinely moving and insightfut moments. A word of caution to parents: despite the presence of John Travolta (enormously popular because of the TV show "Welcome Back Kotter"), this is not a film for immature teenagers. Not only is there much crude language but the script
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comes to grips, not always skillfully, with some extremely painful moral and social problems. Separate classification. "Three Warriors" (United Arttists): A city-bred Indian boy, ashamed of his heritage, learns to respect the "old ways" and attains a new sense of who he is, thanks to a patient and wise grandfather in this superb family film. Approved for all. "The Goodbye Girl" (Warners): An aspiring actor from Chicago sublets a New York apartment to find it already furnished with a ia-year-old div10-year-old orcee and her daughter. Before the misunderstandings of the situation dissolve into the inevitable romance, Richard Dreyfuss and Marsha Mason play it for high comedy. The script is unfortunately flawed by occasional vulgarities and acceptance of premarital relationships. Objectionable in part for all. "Skateboard" (Universal): A down-on-his-luck agent extri-
cates himself from the' clutches of a loan shark by becoming a skateboard entrepreneur. A dreadful movie hastily and cheaply slapped together to cash in on a fad, it is also offensive in its benign attitude towards teenage promiscuity and drinking. Objectionable in part for all. "Summerdog" (Salisbury): A mild comedy about a family that falls in love with a dog they find during their summer vacation. The problem is how to bring him home when the landlord forbids pets. For younger and less demanding viewers. Approved for all. On Television Friday, Dec. 23, 8 p.m. EST "The Bible" (1966): George C. Scott, Ava Gardner, Peter 0' Toole, and Franco Nero star in this adaptation of the Book of Genesis, from the story of creation to Abraham. Beautifully photographed, with fine acting and direction, it is reverent and richly entertaining. Approved for all. Dec. 24, 11:30-midnight (CBS) "Christmas Eve with Mary Lou Williams": Features the jazz pianist and composer of jazz Masses celebrating Christmas with students at Duke University. Dec. 24, midnight to conclusion (NBC) ."Christmas Rome 1977". A satellite broadcast of Pope Paul VI's midnight Mass from St. Peter's Basilica. Music by the Sistine Choir and English commentary by Father Agnellus Andrew. Sunday, Dec. 25, 6:30-9p.m. (PBS) "Evening at Symphony": A full-length performance of Handel's "Messiah" by the Boston Symphony Orchestra and the Tanglewood Festival Chorus.
Asks Consideration VATICAN CITY (NC) Pope Paul VI has said that the cause of the Palestinian people "ought to be given the most serious and generous consideration" in spite of "deplorable" Palestinian terrorist actions. Pope Paul told the new Syrian ambassador to the Holy See, Dnya-allah el-Fattal, that he has "profound sympathy" for the Palestin,an people.
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Caught up in. the magic of 'the holiday! young and old
dreams of fun and laughter and joy ever after! All these we wish for you ••• and more.lt!s ollr way olstlying thank you for brightening our lives with your friendship.