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Vol. 15, No. 51, Dec. 23, 1971 Price 10¢ $4.00 per year




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"THE 'ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs~Dec. 2~, 19?1


Charity Ball Prescentees'

Asks Man Listen To God's Voice

CHRIST IS BORN The Christmas message is simple and profound ..;... ~hrist is bor~.

VATICAN CIlY (NC) - Pope Conside~ed' in its externals it is not difficult to understand this pivotal event in history from , Paul,' calling modem times "the Thirty-four young ladies from which all time takes its fOCUS. The Nativity scene is one ,of holy simplicity,' one so touchingly serene civilization of sounds and images," urged mankind to listen to all areas of the diocese will be" tha~, even those Who see and believe no more' are emotionally moved by it. the voice of God saying "I am." presented to the Most Rev. DanBut we look, and see much more. " At his regular Wednesady auiel A. Cronin, S.T.D., Bishop of The Christmas scene speaks to us of the love of dod the Father, Who sent His'Divine Son in'the Fall River Diocese, at the, to our midst to make us His children.' The scene speaks to us of the love of God the Son, Who ,took dience, the Pope observed that 17th annual Bishop's Charity our human nature to come as one of us and make. us His brothers by His Jife and death and resur- modem man's psychology "is continually engrossed by the Ball on Friday, Jan. 14 at Linrection. senses." Sense images at, once coin Park Ballroom, North DartThe scene tells us that Christ came not only in history, at a certain moment in a certain place, nourish modern man's mi!1d and mouth, in one of the many events to take place at the most but that He is born again to us in this our day. His birth was to signify peace on earth andreconciIi- exhaust it, he asserted. " widely known social event ,in ation of man with God. "Man becomes naturalistic To bring about this peace and reconciliation. ,the cooperating will of each individual must be New England. and positivistic almost without Mrs. James A. O'Brien, Jr. of present. And perhaps that is the real Christmas message this year when peace is not total and whE~n ,realizing it. He is so used to ". \. . Fall River, ,chairman qf the pres- sin continues ' .to';- exist." '-' i:' , ' , ' . . . . . . 'concreteness, to, what. is immedi,Each man can make his own, contribution tathe peaCe of the world and'the ,reconciliation of entation committee, 'has an~tely and surely kn'own, that he nounced that the presentees with ' mankind by adjusting his thoughts, his words and his actions according to the dictates of the moral law. seeks nothing else. This is the their escorts are scheduled to From this individual cooperation with' God's will 'can come that total submission of mankind and ali' very model' of today's common meet Sunday, Jan. 9 at 3:30 P.M. creation to the' plan of God. Then indeed peace wi!! reign, then indeed Christ's mission of reconciliation man." ' in the Lincoln Park ballroom for will. be fully realized. But man must listen to the a rehearsal, ,of the impressive May the joy of Christmas and the graces of the Divine $avior be, with you all in this holy Sea- voice of God/saying, "I am." And presentation ceremonies. then he will understand the . son and throughout the New Year. . coming of GO,d among men. ~ DANIEL A. CRONIN, Bishop of Fall River Tum to Page Six






A Modern, ,Story At Christmas Credits The Anchor thanks Chris Levitre, S1. Roeh's parish, Fall River, Mary in' this ,year's Christmas feature; Charles BoUlay, S1. Joseph's parish, ,FaIl River, who' was Joseph; and the Curry, Keegan and D~nn famllies of S1. Patrick's , parish,,' Somerset, who lent their homes and were unchar路路 acteristieally inhospitable for the purposes of our story.' Thanks also go to Joseph Torres of. Torres Gulf station, Fall River, for ourserviee station picture.

Christrn.as TV Ma~s


There was this. girl, s~e. Her name was Mary:


',B'lshop ,Cronin wlll 路offer , Mass on New Bedford's Channel6 at 9 Christmas morning. During 'the homily,路 Bishop Cronin wlll extend his prayerful wishes for a holy Christmas to the III, the shut-Ins and all peopl~ of the Fall River Diocese ,and surrounding areas. '

Her husband's name was Joe. They didn't have much money because Joe was in college and working only part time.





Papal Interest In Jesus People VATICAN CITY (NC)-Christ is not dead, as even hippy "I Love Jesus" T-shirts seem to - testify, Pope Paul VI told a general audience.

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River:"Thurs. Dec. 23,1971



. The Pope did not exactly identify with the present Jesus Peo- ~ , pIe movement, but he, did take note that "an interest in Christ , . . ',., '\,\.. exists in our modern world, ~. which is so m~!-"ked by denying or at least forgetting Him." Referring to the youth movement in the United States the· Pope said "American magazines recently published photographs of young hippies wearing Tshirts on which are printed in large letters the words 'I Love Jesus.' Why it is not clear. But then many attitudes of this paradoxical·youth are not clear. Yet they show off in such a blatant - manner as to create a fashion." Pope Paul said that despite negatioJls of Christ's and God's existence, "He resurrects more real and more' alive than ever."

They were saving as much as they could, though, because they were expecting a baby. Then there was this thing' that l8-year olds could vote and Mary and Joe wanted to go to their home town to register, so the trip took some of the money they'd saved.

Prelate Censures Terrorist Acts

Becomes Brother Brother Charles, Czapla of, Fall River was among' young men invested as Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd in. ceremonies held this month in Albuquerque, N. M. The community offers spiritual and temporal, assistance to the poor.

Significance of Children and Christmas

By Msgr. James T. McHugh refuse to believe that man can BELFAST (NC)-In one of the , Director, Family Life'Div., USCC be bad. fiercest denunciations of the vioChristmas commemorates the They only give in on this when lence of Northern' Irish terrorists yet made by a Catholic clergyc birth' .of the Christ child, and they grow older and their perman, Cardinal William Conway Christmas means something to sonal experience convinces them of Armagh has declared his r every child. This year, as al- that man 'can find ways to deunqualified condemnation of all ways, millions of children will stroy the love, trust and joy that rejoice at the birthday of Christ. they knew in childhood. acts of terrorism. And they will shine in the glory Unfortunately, we have be"To condone (these acts of of the Christ Child as the world , come so successful in destroying violence) in the slightest degree, even in thought, would be to be- . turns its attention-at least- for the innocence of children that come morally soiled oneself," a little while - to remembering we have also destroyed the the best of childhood experi- child's faith. It is not difficult the 58-year-old primate of all ences. to explain a youthful generation Ireland warned the congregation Perhaps that is, a partial caught in the trap of unbeliefof St. Patrick's Cathedral in , explanation for the attempts of suspicious and mistrustful of reArmagh, some 50 miles southwest of here and 20 miles from grownups to share the child's ligious practice-bent on achievthe border with the Irish Re- surprise and wonderment with ing a highly-individualistic relathe gifts of Christmas. And per- tionship with God. It is a consepublic. "The person who could shoot haps it explains why every adult quence'of man's inability to live rekindles a fascination with toys in trust and peace with his fela man dead in his own sittingand games. No matter why, we low man. room in front of his wife and can all learn something from children, is a monster," the carThis year at Christmas we are children at Christmas. dinal continued. "The person also faced with an attack on Christmas is also a time to children. Children in India and who could plant a bomb among , innocent people is a foul mur- re-awaken our faith. It' is the Pakistan and Indo-China are the derer. The same thing can be feast of the Incarnation, and it victims' of hatred, war and desaid of all the other horrible takes faith to believe that God struction. Children in many killings which have taken place became man. It takes greater underdeveloped nations of the faith to convince oneself that . world suffer from hunger, malover the past two weeks. "Nothing can cloud' our cold, God could find a reason for be- nutrition and disease. clear copdenmnation of ~hese coming man. And in our affluent, civilized Indeed there are, many who' deeds,~' he asserted. society, children also suffer. fail that· test 'of faith and conBishops' Orde..~ clude that God is dead, or that Some suffer' from poverty or JERUSALEM (NC)-The Mid- He is only a part of our fantasy neglect. Some suffer from prejudice and discrimination. But dle East Latin-rite bishops have world. even more than these ~ufferings ordered their priests to wear Children, however, have less cassocks and nuns and Brothers difficulty in believing in God or their religious habits. Vi~iting in Jesus Christ. Children look priests and Religious are also re- to the good side of things; they 931[066 quired to wear a cassock or habit.


Trap There seems no escape 'from troubles of our own creation. -Glasow THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River. Mass., Published every Thursday at 410 Highland Avenue. FIlII River. Mass.' 02722 by the Catholic Press of t11e Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postPlld $4.00 per yelr.

They were on their way but then they got a flat tire and it was too bad to repair, and it took all , their money to get a new tire.

ea. fine.

is the fact that we have begun to overlook children's rights, and so we expose children to the most destructive dangers that result from a highly-technological society. First of all, we refuse to bear the responsibility of our prog-, ress, and to impose on ourselves the self-restraint necessary to protect our world and to live in peace. The advertisement in major newspapers showing an infant, and then reciting the problems of society-pOllution, crime, crowding, poverty - told us that "the little fella" was somehow responsible for them all.

DEC. 24 Rev. James K. Beaven, 1886, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Taunton. Rev. Timothy J. Duff, 1914, Assistant, St. Joseph, Woods Hole. DEC. 27 Rev. Thomas J. Stapelton, 1956, Pastor, Corpus Christi, Sandwich. Rev. Msgr. Armand Levasseur, 1970, Pastor Emeritus, St. Anne, New Bedford. DEC. 28 Rev. Charles R. Smith, 1955, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River.

There is a major campaign on to close the world to children in the name of population control. Thus it becomes easy to blame the child for other problems, and so 500,000 'unborn children have been killed for reasons of convenience or because their continued existence Turn to Page Eleven


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TH'E'ANCHOR-piocese'of Fall River-Thu~s. Dec.

~~brary Association Announces 'Award

2~, 1971

Nun Founds Construction Company To Renovate Parochial School '.






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ALBANY (NC) - "Blessings galore" was one of the fringe benefits for volunteer employes at a construction company in Herkimer near here. The blessings came from the boss, who contrary to tradition , of :ttie' trade does not wear a hard hat but. a 'flimsy veil over her well-coifed head. Despite her attire, St. Joseph Sister Johanne McCarthy became known ·as a "super pusher." Proof of her title is. her ac·. complishment. She pushed .a $15,000 . const111ct.ion allowance into $55,000 worth of work, ~c­ cording to The Evangelist, Albany diocesan· newspaper. The nun said she founded the McCarthy Construction' Co: out of necessity. As superior' of St. Francis de Sales. Elementary School in Herkimer, she realized salvation rested in converting the school's unused basement into. classroom and office facilities. With help, Sister McCarthy completed the task at a $40,000 saving and was able to boost enrollment from 151 to more. than 200 students. Her "Help Wanted" ads listed the following incentives-charity work-no pay, plenty of prayers, blessings galore, social benefits and dividends, individual satisfaction and reward here· after. As "boss on the job," Sister McCarrthy itemized her con· struction business qualifications as· architect, contractor, 'engineer, plumber,' carpenter; eiectriCJan. ro, Forty, men and women of·' the . parish joined' the firm's work force. " For starters, everyone pitched in and cleaned out the spacious basement that had been used as a storage area for decades. Materials Donated' Next, a decision was made to reconstruct the entire' cellar into a library, nursery room, kinder- . garten and an office-luncheonette quarters for the faculty. A rEj;. medial reading classroom and science laboratory was scheduled for the second floor. Two lavatories also were included on the construction agenda. Actual work on renovation started last June. The crews' labored three nights a week, for from three to four hours an eve-ning, for the ne~t'five months: Men handled' the construction

HAVERFORD (NC) The Catholic Library Association will award its 1972 Regina Medal for distinguished contribution in the field of children's literature to Miendert Dejong. Dejong, . who specializes in . writing books for children, won the Hans Christian Anderson award in 1962, and the National Book Award in 1968.

chores. Women helped.wittithe . paneling, laying rugs, .sanding' down .woodwork, and hanging curtains- besides cleaning' up after the men completed a job. Donations of supplies and materials came to the school from parishioners unable to personally help with the work. At the.' end of October, the project was finished. All rooms had been paneled with new wiring,plumbing fixtures and carpeting installed. Modernistic furniture, desks and supplies adorned each classroom.

Dejong says he tries to tell children through his writing that "love is the best way to life." He has also been 'active in trying to keep alive the folk tales from . other countries. .

They went a bit farther on the highway, then the car just stopped and Joe couldn't figure out what was wrong.. They had to park on the breakdown lane.



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hristmas Christmas! The. very word awakens a host of happy 'expectations, with its prom~se of gifts and gladness, greetings and treatings.~njoy it'to the full,



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Irish Foundation Honors Colum' ENFIELD (NC) - The American Irish Foundation recently honored bed-ridden poet and author Padraic Colum on his 90th birthday by giving him a gift of $2,500 and a s<;roll of appreciation. Colum, survivor of a generation of. brilliant Irish writers like James' Joyce and William Butler Yeats, migrated to the United States in 1914. He has been paralyzed on one side and unable to read and write since


a stroke in June 197() confined him to a convalescent home here. The citation praised the internationally acclaimed writer for helping- make "the ideals and passion and lyricism of the Irish heritage accessible to countless Americans." It made note of his children's tales and his ability to retain "the innocence and insight of the young," saying Colum "has truly been 'the boy who knew what the bird said'." Thefound-ation was begun in 1963 under the patronage. of the late President John F. Kennedy and President Eamon de Valera of Ireland to preserve tile common heritage of the two .nations.

Fears Half our fears are baseless; the other half discreditable. -Bovee



They sat in the car a while, but no one stopped to help them, and it kept getting colder and darker. Joe tried to hitch a ride for them, but still no one stopped. -

Complete your last-minute Christmas gift list now. It's simple. Select jl gift below, send us the person's name and address with your donation-and we do all the rest. We'll send that person or persons a Christmas Card saying what you haVe done . . . At the same "Ireland still treasures its own time your meaningful gift will give millions peculiar civilization formed partof people the HOPe of the Christ Child. . yl by its geopraphic isolation, its determined aloofness from what it regards as the paganism of o $1080 Train a native priest Western Europe, its strong sense of national identity. To o 300 Train a native Sister the outsider its surface may o 100 Perpetual Family Membership in' seem a trifle shabby and old-. Catholic Near East Welfare Assoc. fashion'ed, the pace of life outside Dublin slowed to a saunter, o 100 Altar for mission chapel but on the whole the Irish beo 75 Mass \tit for a missionary priest lieve there's no sense rushing after things that aren~t all that o 50 Set of Vestments important. They seek contentment more than hectic pleasures, o 40 Chalice or Ciborium they are not prey to overexpeco 25 'Tabernacle or Crucifix tation because nothing in their history has encouraged anything 25 Individual Perpetual Membership o

o o o o o


more than a guarded pessimism." That's how Richard O'Connor sums up the fascipating Irish in an exhaustive study of the people and' their land ("The Irish," Putnam, $7.95). In the nearly 400 well-researched interestingly written pages he roams the country, portraying an Ireland in trans~tion. from ancient glories to full membership in the family of modern nations. Something will be lost in the passage, he admits, but less, he thinks, in Ireland than in other countries. This is a great gift for any of the myriad Americans who are "more Irish than the Irish."

DUBLIN (NC)-Nineteen women's organizations in Ireland, representing many thousands of Irish women, have invited other women to join with them in helping to create "a new climate" in which they and future generations can live "in peace and harmony." Banded together in the threemonth-old Women's Voluntary Emergency Service, the organizations called for new peace moves in Northern Ireland.. The WVES was formed in August to aid refugee centers in the Irish Republic caring for hundreds of northen families who fled south during riots. The people involved include women of all religious and political persuasions. They are to make personal contact with women's organizations in the North ~o that all Irish women can work together for pe!lce. Concern for All In a public de<;laration after a meeting here they said: "We women of varying religious and political views have come together at this crucial time to declare our desire and determination to maintain, in unity, our concern and compassion for all those in distress. Among the women's groups associated with the declaration include the Irish Countrywomen's Organization, the Irish Housewives' Association, the Irish Girl Guides, the Catholic Women's Federation, the Presbyterian Women's Federation, the Methodist Women's Fellowship, the Religious Society of Friends (of Dublin) and the Association of Widows in Ireland.

15 Sanctuary Lamp 10 Annual Family Membership 10 Food Package for a 'Refugee Family 5 Sanctuary Bell 2 Individual Annual Membership


. Dear .Monslgnor Noilln:

This Christmas Season you'll have a unique op· portunity to see first hand the. results of our work you've been supporting so generously. During Christmas Week, December 24th through 31st, you can watch THE UNTOLD STORY, an unusually moving T.V. special about the homeless children of the Middle East, and, the reo markable visit of three orphan girls with The Holy Father. CHECK YOUR LOCAL T.V. LIST· INGS FOR THE DATE AND CHANNEL IN YOUR COMMUNITY.





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Christmas brings thoughts of old friends, good times and all that's best in .Iife. May ..'this Christmas add richly . tb your store of happy memories.

NEAR EAST MISSIONS TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE' Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue' New York. N.Y. 10017 Telephone: 212/YUkon 6·5840


Irish, Women's Groups Move For Peace

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Dec. 23, 1971

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THE,', ANCHOR-Diocese of. fall River-Thurs. . '. '. Dec. 23,:1971 , '





The, Christmas Story The Christmas story--:God's becoming ma'n and dwelling among us - is not simply the recalling of the birth of Christ with all' its touching details of poverty and humility. The Christmas story is the reality of redemption. From all eternity Ood's plan for man's redemption meant the Incarnation-the Second Person of the Trinity - would become man. From all eternity God willed that He would anoint humanity by uniting it to the Person and the Nature of the Son. The Christmas story is the story of the King of Ages coming in power and majesty. He' does not need the trap- . pings of vestur~ and surroundings to show fort.h His.glory. Indeed, He turns away from these so that men will not turn away- from Him in fear and trembling and apprehension at the wonder of the event. The Christmas story is God manifested in the flesh, the victorious Warrior Who alone conquers the hold of evil over men, the King Who leads ~en to~ victory over themselves and over the powers' of darkness. Men of faith see in Christ not only the Child of Mary but the Son of God; not only the object of their love but the One who makes them lovable.to God by drawing them to Himself; not only the One of 'Whom the angels sing but the One Who makes them sing for joy that they are children of-the Father by being united to their Brother, Christ. ' In Christmas each person sees Christ, and sees in Christ his own redemption.

Dorothean Nuns Invite Friends To Congress .

The Sisters of St. Dorothy are extending an invitation to all their friends, relatives, fortner pupils of their schools, and Religious, Instruction classes; guild and sodality memoers, and' all 'WIn!'} ff?e Jnfntlt Cf?rist who were in any way associated with them, to their '1st' Interna{,(ess !'}OU "biff? 'pe~~~ ofminb tional .Congress of Alumni Asso· ciations to be held in Rome in July of next year. " .ntlb f?nppitless of f?enrt They have organized Alumni' Association ·centers in all tile places where they have had their / (If CJ:,ristnins apostolate. Due to changes of names, and addresses, some persons have not been contacted. The Sisters would like to update their mailing lists for possible future' Congresses to be held every 5 or 6 years in other coun· tries including the United States. The first Congress will be held July 1-6, 1972, in Rome and will be followed by an excursion to principal cities of Italy, Switzerland, France, Spain and Portugal. There will be simultaneous translations in the four principal languages (English, French, Portuguese and Italian). The Con. gressitself will not be an all day affair,. thus enabling everyone to ? P'resident Joins in Effort to Aid Boy tour the city of Rome in groups wj Paralyzed by Football Injury or at leisl,ll"e. There has been much concern recently about what kind' MIAMI (NC)-Everybody from , President Nixon provided an On Dec. 29 at 7 P.M. a meet~of toys ,children should receive for Christmas. , President NiXon to an unknown ambulance plane to move Greg , ing will be held at Our Lady of Campaigns have been waged against toys thatencQur- young lady in Texas has been to Texas· Rehabilitation and Re.. Fatima High School, Warren, age children to acts of violence, even if simulated. involved in the fate' of Greg search- Center iil Houston, where R. I., (Route 136 off Rte. 195) at which time movies will be shown Stead, a high school. boy severely he is still hospitalized. Campaigns are being waged, against toys dangerous be- injured in a football game here. With Christmas approaching, of the principal cities to' 'be cause of their makeup or contents. " . _ The 16-year-old' youth was National Airlines personnel at toured. Anyone interested is inBut there is present concern over toys that do npt in- paralyzed from the neck down Miami International Airport vited. Detailed' information and volve the child. - when his neck was proken dur- underw:rote a holida'y trip to brochures may, be obtained Too many toys perform fora youngster bu~ do. not ing a Sept. ~O hi~ S~h?ol fo?t- Hoti'ston for Greg's parents and then or by contacting the Sisters eight brothers and sisters- of St. Dorothy Alumni Associaallow him to use his imagination, his ingenuitY"his creative ~~~l.game 10 Miami s Ora~ge. his round-trip air fare plus motel tion Coordinator, Sister Mary powers. accommodations. Sardinha, S.S.D. c/o Our Lady Older parents know this very well. They can tell about "It just isn't enough to say of Fatima High School, Market thank you," Mrs. Stead reiter- Street, Warren, R. I. or telephone how much pleasure a youngster recei.ves from the box the '. Continued from 'Page Two' toy came in rather than from the toy itself. And many a' -The presentees are: .Attleboro- ated when she and her husband 245-4449 after 6 P.M. from Houston after The Sisters staff Our Lady of mother can tell the delight -of a child who gets into her Mansfield-Norton Area -Linda returned consultation with physicians on Mt. Carmel School in New Bedkitchen drawer or c/;\binet and plays with Pans and spoons , Turcotte, Constance. A. Cavan- Greg's condition. ford, and work in parishes in and all those other mysterious objects. that spur a child's agh,Marjorie L. Roy, Rosalind' "How will we ever' thank the Taunton area. Their Provineveryone for all they have don~ cial house is in Taunton. ,imagination to hours of constructive-if, at times, noisy-' R. Myette. IslandsCape Cod and the for us." play. , Elizabeth A. Bohlin, Karen Marie The Steads said doctors told Toys that merely perforni for a child and entertain him CoreY,Maureen Walsp., Diane them that whatever pro~ress is without calling upon his imagination soon bore ~im. They E. Black. . going to be made in Greg's con· F:all River Area-Louise Cop- dition will come in the next keep him a negative person and do little to encourage his creative ability. -He can grow up expecting the world to ' pinger, Beatrice Marie 'Costa, , four to siX months. VATICAN CITY (NC) - A "We really feel that he is ~oentertain him and failing to realize that he has a contribu- Elizabeth Ann Costa, Carol Ann Nobrega, Patricia Ann Neville, ing to come along just fine;" the Vatican official known for many tion to make ,for his own growth and for the development' Susan Francis Marum, Carol boy's father, Cyril F. Stead, said. years as the "devil's advocate" of otbers. _ Anne Monast, Priscilla A. Souza, The youth weighed 178 pounds died here Dec. 16. It has been suggested that children be given things to Marianne Maynard, Anne Marie before the injury but - now The official, Msgr. Salvatore plant and to watch grow - teaching, them patience' 'and Fayan, Jacqueline Lapointe, weighs only 126 pounds. Natucci, celebrated his 100th "He, prays and has faith in birthday Dec. 8. endurance and giving them a sense of ~onder about-living, Christine Weglowski, Cheryl Ann 'Kurowski. God," his father said. "We know The monsignor, a canon of things. It has been suggested that children be' given things New Bedford Area' - Gloria that he will be okay." St. Peter's Basilica, held the title that might, at first, baffle them a bit and cause them to ask ' Agrelo, Janice Witkowicz, Gail Greg's. treatment at the' center of general treasurer of the Revquestions, to investigate, to invent; to discover; to uncover. Landry, V~ronica Helen Galanek, in Houston is expensive; but erend' Apostolic Camera, which All this may seem a trivial thing at Christmas' time~ , Lucille Ledoux, Joan D. S~ith, paying for it ha~ become 'a com-' is in charge of the goods of the 'But whatever helps a, child to grow and develop' is' ma'king Janet Alice Bernard, Mary Ellen munity enterprise here. ,,' " .,' Holy See, particularly during the , The Edison High School foot~ . time between the death of one the adult who must cope with his world and manage his Days. Taunton-Easton Area ...... Marie ball team, with which. ,Greg ,Pope and the ~.1ection of another. world and not merely endure it or be ovewhebned by it. Castro, Judith Anger, June Man- had played, challenged' Killian BeCause of his' advanced age, " ganaro, '. Annalee Correia, Carol High School to a benefit football M,sgr. Natucci's title was largely ::,' Dray. '~ , game. Edison lost 10-2, ,but the' honorary. . game drew more than n,ooo Born at Lucca, Italy, in 1871, fans and boosted funds for,Greg's Msgr. Natucci seJiVed for years hospital treatment, by. ,over in' the former Congregation of "N',.' $50,000. ' ", Rites as the promoter general of position, will "ndt -oppose the ,During the game ,football: the faith, known more mommonOFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER opening '~f .ct Soviet .embassy 'stars Larry ·Csonk!l; Jhj'i:Kiick, ly as,theUdevil's' advocate." • . . . . . here. But vanous CatholIc groups _ and Paul Wanield of the Miami ' -'\s such, his 'task was to chalPublished weekly by The Ca~l1ollc Press of the Diocese of Fall River are clashing over the issue. The ,Dolphins worked the sideline lenge all causes for beatification question of, diplomatic relations chains. Dolphins" m'anaging pait~' and canonization 'and to try to . 410 Highland Avenue 675-7151 between this small nation of 1.8 Iler Joe Robhie -announced :,that; :',show ev.idence that would prove Fall River, Mass. 02722 PUBLISHER million and the Soviet Union fol- 'combined recent fines 'against' . thec~ndidate did not deserve to ~ lows attempts for more than two Csonka and' KiicJt, 'totaling - be' beatified or called a saint. Most ,Rev. Daniel A; Cronin,' b.D., -S~T.D: " ' , ' , '. ' , " ' , years; tp establish commercial re- $5,600 had 'been 'matched' ~ by Among the causes he worked on GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GEN.ER~LMANAGER lations, mainly for coffee sales. management and the total of, were those of St. Pius X and St. Rev. John' P: Driscoll Costa Rica has a trade deficit $11,200 has been contributed. to_ "Maria Goretti. Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. c.",.:,:",\,' ~Le,lrY.,pres""",l','.W.RI~er·" .. ' ,.• i ,,>,':.;·.i;,I,,~.·.~·.:.~, "t ·;of",:some-$70.'milliOn1,":."'''; ,'~, ", , ~.." .. ::r- . .v~>h ~ J _" :.,.~ ~ .• ..,~

Community Enterprise

Wl'hat Abo'ut Tt oys •

Charity Ball'"

Vatican Official Widely Known

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, TtiE .ANCHOR.....

Cardinal Wr.ight Recommends ,',First Communion,' Confession at 7 PHILADELPHIA (NC) - Both first Communion and first Confession should take place generally when a child is seven years of age, said Cardinal John Wright, prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Clergy. In an article in the Winter issue of Dimension, a magazine on pastoral matters published by by the Philadelphia archdiocesan seminary, St. Charles, in Overbrook, Cardinal' Wright said postponing First Communion deprives children, early in their lives, "of the right of living in Christ through Holy Communion, a right given by Baptism." Delaying both sacraments, the cardinal said, "undoubtedly" causes "the loss of angelic first innocence in many youngsters by concealing (and burying in the subconscious) the probability, perhaps the beginnings, at least, of faults major or minor, which orient the self-ward, rather than God-ward" toward love of self rather than love of neigh' bor, let alone of God." ,Not allowing' children to go to confession until adolescence causes them "by iII-col1ceived pastoral practice or by worldly' social controls, to live in a dimly felt or even unconscious state of sin," Cardinal Wright said. Meanwhile, the bishops of the three-state province of Minnesota, North and South Dakota have decided to continue allowing first Communion 'before first corifession until the U. S. bish-

Tap~~of .. Ef:lu~at.ion ,',

Congres'sAvailable ' WASHINGTON (NC)- Taped recordings of key sessions of the recent National Congress qf Re" Iigious Education are now available in casette form 'through Ave Maria Press. Officials of the United States Catholic Conference's education department, which helped, sponsor the October congress in Miami, said 20 aHdio casette recordings have been prepared for general usage.

ops make a final ruling next Spring. . . The bishops said the new General Catechetical Directory issued by the Congregation for the Clergy "makes provision for a possible continuation of the practice of Communion. before confession, depending on the action of the National Conference of Bishops. Since our conference has' postponed action until Spring, it is the consensus of the bishops of the province that the present practices in the parishes may be maintained until the con'ference takes a definite action." An appendix in the directory looks askance at, but stops short of condemning the practice of having children receive first Communion before their first confession. Cardinal Wright argued, drawing on views expressed 50 years ago by Pope St. Pius' X, tha~ seven is generally the ideal age' for initiation into Penance and Communion since "at this age a child, in fact usually so develops intellectually as to reveal frequent and as~onis~ing intuitions not merely into 'human situations but also divine realities." Need Guidance Early confession is als9 helpful, he said, because it "brings the child to confront hit!1seIf, 'namely to examine his conscience on-his actions and consequently to feel sorry for whatever offenses he has done to God or neighbor." Carainal Wright said that 'an individual 'child may not be ready at, seven for confession due tCi.psychological'reasons:In such cases, he said,' delaying confession for a few years may be less risky. However, the cardinal dismissed 'arguments that young, children should not go to confession because they' have no sins to confess. Such arguments, 'he said, result from' a "little tot" mentality which refuses to admit, tliat the. youngsters are really ,"little men" in need of spiritual guidance during their formative stages.

Court Appoints Legal Guardian For Unborn

So they started walking and got off the highway

and into a small town. Then Mary started feeling not so well.

Dr. Wedel Sees S.igns of Hope NEW YORK (NC) - There is no more cause for despair about the condition of the world today than there was at the time of Christ's birth. the president of the National Council of Churches said here. ' In a Christmas' message, Dr. Cynthia Clark Wedel, Who heads the 33-denomination church agency, said "the widespread determination to, end wars, the growing concern for justice and equality for all people, the movement toward' a growing world community, and the new knowledge 'which can bring a: better life for mankind" are signs of hope.

She recalled that "Bethlehem of 2,000 years ago was in a conquered land, ruled by a mighty,. war-like power. There was oppression, cruelty, injustice--and the constant threat of revolution. "It was into SUCh. a world that God chose to come in human form - incognito, ' unrecognized but with a power that changed the course of history. The first Christmas proclaimed that, no matter' what mankind may do, God cares. And every Christmas isa reminder of the fact that the mighty crea'to~ and . ruler of heaven and earth is alive and well and ever present."

NEW YORK (NC~A Fordham University law professor has been' appointed legal guardian of all human fetuses between the 4th and 24th weeks of gestation scheduled for abortions in New York City municipal hospitals. Usually, the court appointment of a special guardian is made when a judge determines that a person or group of persons cannot adequately represent themselves in court, such as infants or incompetents. The guardian -is Prof. Robert M. Byrn, who specializies in criminal law. He had filed a suit charging that New York State's abortion law violates the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Byrn argued that the lives of the unborn' are threatened by abortion. The unborn, he said, have the constitutional right not to have their lives' taken away without due process of law. Byrn was appointed legal guardian by the State Supreme Court. It was, believed to- be the first time that a New York court has appointed a legal guardian to represent an unborn person. The court also signed an order directing New . York City's Health and Hospital Corporation to show cause why the hospitals should not refrain from performing any further abortions pend· ing the outcome of Byrn's challenge.

Contentment It -is not where you serve, but

how you serve.

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1i, 300 Court St. New Bedford



Thurs., Dec. 23, 1,971

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Peaceonearth, Goodwill'towardmen.


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of, Fall River....:Thurs:路Oec. 23~ 1971



' .



Religious leaders Ask Aid .for, Eldely


Cape Ma,y Be' Soluti,on lo Ev,en'ing Wrap Dae'mm,a "Why didn't you ask your husband' for a long evening coat this Christmas?" suggested the salesgirl in, the dress shop. I hated to disillusion the sa!esgirl's idea of my presEmt financial situation by replying that what I needed J.Ilore than a long coat ~as a good ' , short one, but I did, agree make an evening cape. Capes can be worn over dresses of with her this would be a de- varying lengths an'd stili look lightful gift. During the holi- dressy, especially if the material day season and immediately following it many area women will be confronted with more really formal social events than they 1111


:: I aW:iwm_

thought possible. On the fourteenth of January is the very elegant Bishop's Ball that will be a show case for some of the loveliest gowns of this winter' season. Also sandwiched into unpredictable January will be Inaugural Balls for at least three of the major cities in the diocese: / Attleboro, Fall River and New Bedford. All in all, it looks as if there will be many occasions for realIy dr~s,sy clothes. What :About Coat? Most women find shopping .Jor long dresses a delight but even t~9ughc;me may pick up two new lo~g dresses, for this busy season, most people' won't give what they wear over them a second路thought, at least until the evening almost rolls around. That's why my friendly salesgirl's suggestion was really ap~ propriate, but just a little illtimed, especially when Christmas gift buying is fast depleting one's budget. One solution, other than buying a lovely evening coat, is to

Anxiety Real evils can be either cured or endured; it is only imaginary evils that JPake people anxietyridden for a lifetime. -Nightingale


one chooses is dressy, such as' velvet or one of the fake fur~.' One very attractive cape used a combination of fur and taffeta. The fake fur was broadtail and the lining a striped taffeta that reminded one of Joseph's coat. Year of Cape This' is the ye~r of the cape and _they are turning up everywhere, in a variety of materials and styles., If yqu ,handle the sewing machine at all, capes are easy to make. Last Easter I madeM~ry1.a cape and fauna it quite easy even though I lined it and; ttlmmed it with a variety of, trimnihlg (this process took more time than the making of the, basic cape). This cape has , come' in quite handy this past Winter, not' only for Meryl, but t',have even found myself borro.wing it to wear over' a long skirt; I must admit I haven't had as mu.~h success with my latest , attempt at such a' covering for myself, for time is my enemy. However, after looking at the broadtail fake' fur, lam tempted' to squeeze this particular project in becausl! there is nothing more ' dramatic, over a long dress than a ,sweeping cape, particularly one with a face-framing hood., Its coverage also will be pefect if the previously mentioned balls turn out to have as their exterior decorator that old New England weather man Jack Frost, complete with his frosty palette.

Joe said, "We:ve gotta do something," and they went to the nearest house with' a light on

and rang the bell.

WASHINGTON (NC) - Top Catholic,' Protestant and Jewish executives have asked congrega- , tions and spiritual leaders to take, steps assuring the elderly lives of dignity, usefulness and satisfaction "which s.ocial justice demands." ' The religious community of America was urged by the Interreligious Committee of General Secre~aries to consider its responsibility to include older peo, pIe fully in religious fellowship, advocate changes in law and so-= cial practices to assist the elderly and provide spiritual services for the aged. Memb~rs of the interreligious committ~ are Bishop joseph L. Bernard'iIi, I general secretary of the United ~tates Catholic Conference; Dr. R.H. Edwin Espy, general secretary of the National Council of Churches, and Rabbi Henry Siegman, executive vice president of -the Synagogue Cou~cil of America.

Pre 1'0 tie Refuses 'T'oSee ClQ'st'ro ,GUAYAQUIL' (NC)-Archbishop Bernardine Eccheverria of Guayaquil refused' to join welcoming ceremonies for Cuban, premier Fidel Castro during his' brief stop-over here in Ecuador. , Archbishop Echeverria was scheduled to join the official welcoming party at the airport ,)lere but did not attend the ceremony. He said that Castro's "visit has purely politica.lmotivations." , ,Earlier, while touring Chile, Castro was greeted by Cardinal Raul Silva of Santiago, by apostolic nuncio Archbishop Sotero Sanz and by several local bishops.


Castro 'also visited briefly Lima, Peru; on his return trip to Havana, after spending three weeks a's guest of Chile's Marxist President Salvador Allende. No Peruvian churchmen ,joined' the welcoming dignitaries in Lima. '

No man can telI whether he is rich or poor by turning to his ledger. It is the heart that makes a,man rich. He is rich according to what he is, not according to what he ~as. ' -'-Beecher

- Of his meeting with President ' Jose Maria Velasco Ibarra' of Ecuador, Castro said later,""I do not share his ideas, but 'I ' am gra'teful for the support his government has given to Cuba. If" ,




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Co,l,umni,st ,Lists Her Gift· Choic,e;s f,or M,ankind


Thurs.,' Dec. 23, 1971

Seek toCha'nge H'ospitaI Pol icy

If i could, here are the gifts I would give To those troubled by confusion, I would give wisdom. There are many who face important decisions where. all choices apparently offer some truth .. and the decision is difficult for them. Yet they To all the young, I would give must decide. May they have knowledge.. They are fired with the wisdom they need. To the idealistic ambition of youth. those oppressed, and those May they achieve the knowledge

oppressing, I would give understanding.. It is easy to see only one side of a problem. One side seems very right. But doesn't

TRENTON (NC)-A group of women attorneys affiliated with the American Civil Liberties Union has asked a federal district court here in New Jersey to order two private hospitals to revise their policies regarding sterilization. Both hospitals--St. Barnabas, a Protestant institution in Livingston, and Riverview Hospital in Red Bank - are accused of denying women their constitutional rights by refusing to perform the operation. In addition, the suit seeks $500,000 in damages for a Monmouth County woman who gave birth to a ciNd after she was allegedly deniel tubal ligation (sterilization) as a means of birth control. The suit charges that the hospitals impose artificial and irrational conditions for performing the operation. Among the conditions is that a woman be certified mentally unfit to deal 'with the burdens of another child. Another requirement cited in the complaint is that the woman's age multiplied by the number of children she already has must equal or exceed 120.

to change beautiful dreams into practical reality. I Renewcl of Spirit To all religious, I would give a renewal of their piety. ,Some have lost it, others are struggling with it. Those who still have it are under fire from many sides. It must be. discouraging. May they all have a renewal of the spirit that originally drew them to their vocation. To those who would remove God from their lives, I would give a fear of the Lord. I would rather see them learn to love him, but if they have no regard for him, they have to start some place. May they learn a fear. that through knowledge will grow to




the other side seem equally right to those holding that view? If each could understand the other To all parents, I would give the gift of counsel. Day after day, parents must advise and guide their children ... yet it is difficult. Children are groping for solutions to the problems they face. Mayall parents have ttie advice these children need and seek. To the ill, the aging and the infirm, I would give fortitude. It is easy for the young and healthy to tell them, "bear up," "make the best of it," "offer it up;" but it must be .difficult for them to face a long, slow, gradual decline.



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A woman came to the door and he started to tell her what had happened, but he hardly got his mouth open when she said, "We don't want any, thank you," and shut the door hard.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fail River-Thurs. Dec. 23, 1~71

The Parish Parade HOLY NAME, FALL RIVER A Christmas concert will begin at 11:30 Christmas Eve, immediately preceding midnight Mass. There will be no afternoon or evening Masses on Christmas Day. ST. ANNE, NEW BEDFORD A New Year's Eve dance will be held in the school. hall starting .at 9 o'clock, with dancing until 3 A.M. Music will be by the Windsor Band 'and refreshments will iriciude champagne, a buffet and a continental breakfast. Noisemakers and favors' will be provided. ST. MARK, ATTLEBORO FALLS Children of the parish will present a "Christmas Songfest" 'preceding: the 5 P.M. and 7 P.M. Masses on Christmas- Eve. The adult choir will offer selected . carols preceding midnight ,Mass. OUR LADY OF ANGELS, FALL RIVER' . Children' of ,Mary. will admit new members at 5 o'clock Mass, Sunday evening, Jan. 16. A social hour will follow in the parish hall. H9ly Name Society members will attend 5 P.M. Mass Sunday, Jan. 23, after which officers will be installed and new members will be received in a program at the hall.

The next three .houses no, one even came to the door although' once some kids peeked out a window. .

Next house a man answered and Joe started talking right away and real fast. The man said, "Wait a minute," and left them standing at the door, then they could hear him talk'ing to his wife. "Those dirty. kids in my clean house!" they .-heard her say, then he came back looking kind of sad. "Sorry I can't help you," he said. "You k~ow how women are."

Attleboro's - Bishop Feehan ·-High School Receives Accreditation Bishop Feehan High School, . Attleboro, has been accepted for membership in the New England Association of Colleges and Sec- . ondary ,Schools. Sister Mary Therese, . R.S,M., principal, wa.s notified of the acceptance at the organization's annual meeting in Boston this month. The diocesan high .school applied for membership in the FaiL of 1970 and thereafter students, faculty and administration spent hours preparing a self-evaluation for submission to a Visiting Committee designated by the . association. In April of 1971 the school was inspected by the committee. Membership included Hug Mad-, den, chairman, headmaster of Mary C. Wheeler S'chool,. Providence; Sister Barl:>ara Sanders, assistant chaiman, Elmhurst Academy, Portsmouth; John Farley, Boston College High School; Mr. Nelson A. McLean, AustinCate School, New Hampshire; Robert Morris,. St. George's School, Newport; Sister Arlene Todd, Bishop Stang High School, North' Dartmouth; Sister Lois Walker, Archbishop Williams High School, Braintree. Evaluative Report The Committee visited Classes, attended club' meetings, interviewed students and faculty, met with trustees, and studied school records, then submitted an evaluative report to the association. In early June a copy of the report was sent to Sister Therese for comment. It was then forwarded with her comments. to the association for. review and vote. In July Sister Therese received a letter stating that Bishop Feehan had been recommended for membership in the association. In the letter Holmes Moore, committee .. c,h~irmllni . said, "The

school should be congratulated pupil-teacher ratio,' an in-dept4 The guidance department was mentioned that the whole area for its excellent self-evaluation study of curriculum, and a long- . commended for its system of ree- . of student activities was exceland preparation of the careful range plan for the future of the • ords and its adequacy in provid- lent. . Evaluation Report. The Visiting school particularly in the area ing college choice direction. Both At the first faculty meeting in Committee was particularly im- of finances. the department and the com- September each department repressed by the energy and enthumittee . recognized the need for viewed .the committee's recomMore Guidance Needed siasm of the faculty, and the more vocational guidance. mendations for it. The goal Of dress, manners, poise, attitudes In praising .the spirit of the the school for this year is curEach department received spe- student body, .the report noted: riculum study. Each department of the students, and the excelcific recommendations. In gen- "The student council is a fine is . looking at the present prolent condition of the physical eral they concerned the re-eval- body which operates in every. gram, studying programs that plant." uation of curriculum in the light area of .school life and most sue:- have been used by other schools, Plan for' Future of a change from teacher- _.cessfully so." I~ was further and planning necessary changes. The committee's full report in- oriented to student-oriented. cluded general and specific 'rec- They particularly commended deommendations. General sugges- partment chairmen as exercising tions included the reduction of roles' ~f leadership. .

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Hark in your heart .to the inspiration of . be/oyed hymns' and carols,

Christmas. morning in. Church·


Men'. Apparel Since 1850 Downtown New Bedford



Cardinal Favors Child's Right

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 23, 1971


PHILADELPHIA (NC) - Both first Communion and first confession should take place generally when a child is seven years of age, said Cardinal John Wright, prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Clergy. In an article in the Winter issue of Dimension, a magazine on pastoral matters published by the Philadelphia archdiocesan seminary, St. Charles, in Overbrook, Cardinal Wright said postponing First Communion deprives children, early in their lives, "of the right of living in Christ through Holy Communion, a right given by Baptism." Delaying both sacraments, the cardinal said, "undoubtedly" causes "the loss of angelic first innocence in many youngsters by concealing (and burying in the subconscious) the probability, perhaps the beginning, at least, of faults, major or minor, which orient them self-ward, rather than God-ward toward love of self rather than love of neighbor, let alone of God."

Joe was getting desperate, but he couldn't think of anything to do but keep ringing doorbells. Nex,t it was a little girl who opened the door. "Mommy, mommy," she called. "It's two hippies! Come and see!"

Fall Riverite

Brownsville Consulter Most Rev. John J. Fitzpatrick, Bishop of the Brownsville Diocese in Texas has announced the appointment of Rev. Joseph P. Delaney, Co-Chancellor of the Diocese, as a Diocesan consultor. Father Delaney, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Delaney of 194 Read Street, Fall River was ordained in Rome on Dec. 18, 1960 and served as an assistant at Sacred Heart Church, Taunton, an instructor in religion at Coyle High and assistant superintendent of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Fall River. Father Delaney volunteered for service in the Brownsville Diocese in May, 1967.

Catholics Increase DAR ES SALAAM (NC) Since Tanzania gained its independence 10 years ago its Catholic population lias grown from . over 1.5 million to over 2.4 million, an increase of about 60 per cent. Tanzania, which has a total population of 13 million, celebrated the 10th anniversary of its independence on Dec. 9..

Selfish Life is too short for mean anxieties. -Kingsley

famous for QUALITY and


Not allowing children to go to confession until adolescence causes them "by ill-conceived pastoral practice or by worldly . social controls, to live in a dimly felt or even conscious state of sin."

"Another collection?" called her mother from the back of the house."Give them fifty c~nts. "Joe tried to explain, but the little girl ran off and came back with five dimes. So he finally took them and thanked her.

Director Speaks on Children and Christmas Continued from Page Three constituted a challenge to society. The unborn child was mea-' sured against the rights and freedoms of others, and the child lost. But the death of the innocents . is not so evil a thing as the fact that we sentenced them to death by refusing to find in all our wisdom, affluence, and success, .just a small measure of love. In a world where love predomi-· nates, we can help a woman through· pregnancy· and find someone to love the child. And

so far we have failed-500,OOO times. . Christmas is here again. It is· time to turn the tide. It is time to open the campaign for the child. For the child is the fulfillment of our promise. And each child is a person. Like the Christ Child, every child can love and be loved. The birth of every child is a moment of reconciliation, when men can set aside their petty quarrels to assure some place - some time -for this new member of the human family.

Thieves Sentenced

Christmas is the opportunity for us to become like little children. It is· the chance to reawaken love, generosity, and hope. In the life of the Christ Child we have found love and salvation. In the lives of children we find peace and trust and joy.

SANTO DOMINGO (NC) Juan Bautista Silvestre, a grocer, and farmworker Enrique A. PauJino were sentenced to 10 and 15 years in jail, respectively, for stealing a 400-year-old painting from the national shrine of Our Lady of Altagracia here in the the Dominican Repuhlic.

Shining through it all is the reflection of God's love for man and His simple message: Children, love one another.

He who would have no trouble in this world must not be born in it. -Italian Proverb





of Fall River-Tl'iurs. Dec. 23, 1971

Qus.$tion Cutbacks In' Welfare Funids

People', Gi,,:e UnwantedGifts When They: ,Won't Be Re~1

CHICAGO (NC)-The bishops of Illinois want elected leaders to give concrete assuranec t~at the blind, sick, aged and young will not be caught in a squeeze resulting from possible cuts in welfare funds. The bishops expressed "deep sympathy for the poor who experience painful uncertainty and fear at the threat of cutbacks in welfare funds." "For those who cannot help themselves, the possibility of the loss of welfare funds undermines their security and causes terror . and despair," the bi~hops said in a joint statement. The bishops said that the needs . of the poor have become greater than ever, and that even well organized efforts' "will never' be . enough."

She wanted,to give her mom a dashiki for Chr~stmas because she knew she would' look neat in it and she wanted her to twirl around in front-of them and be silly. But she gave her a :Teflon skillet instead. She wanted to give ' , her dad a sled for. Christmas. because every time it snow- faith; faith to continue to believe that God does know what he's ed he recalled the joy of boy- doing in spite of our inability hood sledding on cold days to understand his plan. and he never went since. But she gave him a .pipe· instead.. She wanted to give her 14-

To those who see violence as' the only solution, I would give mildness. . To the handicapped an~ retarded, particularly the young, who must face years of struggle, 1 would give long-suffering, so they map accept their afflictions with patience and faith: , Aid Graciously To those who are tempted to~ard the easier way, even though it pe ill~gal,immoral or unethical, 1 would cif~e~ goodness. \. To those engaged in the' )llany programs of helping the 'po.or, I would give benignity, that they may give' their assistance with graciousness. To the whole world '1 would give charity, peace and joy, fo~ if each person had genuine charity for all, we would achieve peace, and joy for all men would follow.




year-old brother a razor because he would thrill to her teenage recognition of his manhood. 'But she gave him a cassette tape instead. . She wanted .to give her 11year-old sister. a cheerleading outfit because that was her . dreain .of. a perfect life ahead. But she gave her a sweater instead. ,









They got back on the sidewalk and tried to think what to· do next. Then they saw a phone booth down the street. "Let's call home," said Mary. But would you believe, his folks didn't answer, and neither did hers. And Mary was feeling worse. They looked up the number of a welfare agency. But they got a recorded voice. "This office is closed for the weekend. Please call again Monday."

~;'~;~~if~~:;~~~ J h~b;a <Ii~r?f~~~W' IS

she knew she was searching for more' ideas than they alone had given her. But she gave her a robe instead. Her dad wanted to give her a





She wanted to give' her little







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See's $13 Indebtedness Over Million

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I1I gave her some perfume Her brother wanted to gIVe· f," U her a poster of her favorite 1ft S' group, one he would paste clear . ,~.. " ~ across her ceiling and fr,ame ~ RIGHT BY THE STOP &'SHOP, SOMERSET, MASS. ~ with holly to surprise her.' But A ,~ he gave her some slippers instead. "C!C!C!C-IC-IC!C~~'C:'c"C'C:!C!C-IC1C-IC-lC1CtC:!c!c!c'C!c!c!(l(1C1C!C'C!C!C!C!C~:C:!C~!C'C!('C!CIC!C Her sister w!!-nted to give her ~-lC-lC-l(~:~'::::-:::-lC-lC-:c~~~~~~-l(~te:-l$C-!,:~~~!c:C{(l(~:C-lC~-W;~:C~~~l(-lltIC'

Merry Chrlls' t'm"a"s I I'

;~~~~;f~~e~:;:~::~:~~~:~"ii .

instead. Her little little brother wanted.


to give her his fire engine without one wheel and his rock from . , Lookout mountain that he slept ,. with every night. So he d i d . ' . They ~n said thank-you-very-, much-it's-just-what-I-wanted and . ~ " they all went to bed dreaming about what they wanted except ·'i· . . th.e. little little brother who was still. young enough to be real' at . , Christmas. . '. ' To those who disregard the' " :,"' '. restriction of morality, 1 would give chastity that they' may .~ learn the exhilaration of pure .; r. . love., ."








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riage vows a burden, 1 would give them continency that they may learn the depth of love.




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1e4t.~ lItdetUte4~1 CLOSED Au DAY DEC. 24th & 25th




titute their attractiveness,' ~ would give modesty that they. . . . ., ~ may understand that these gifts i were not· given hy God as' a . ~ commercial enter rise. 1· NORTH MAIN STR~ET • FAll RIVER j:( To aU those w:o waver, ques- ~ 147 GRAND ARMY HiG.HW~Y . • . SOMERSET ~~ .. . • ' !f .. , . .. , tidn.;" .l:\n.d'.w.ealtem.'I··.,VfQul(j ~.giye •.·.'~~~~~~~.~~~~~~l~l«IC:~~:c~:c-!.C~tei~:c~:c<~~-lC:c~~:c~


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. ST. LOUIS (Nt) - The St. Louis archdiocese "is in serious ~ . ::-.7-:., %:'.H financial difficulty'.' with a total· , ~.\ '~.,.,?:.:.jZ"! ~ • indebtedness of more than $13 ~ ',,: ~",/r· ..t y ~ million, according to the arch- ~ ~~,> it ~. diocesan development council ~ , ':, ~' ~ ~ formed this Fall to assess fiI~:f r~. ~ ~ ~ nances here. , ~ TRI .: CITY ~ "The situation is serious, but I ~ ~ 1 have great h'!pe and great trust I~ OFFICE EQUIP. ~ in the' priests and the laymen," ~ 427 SECOND STREEr ~ said Cardinal John J. Carberry of ~ Cor. Morgan, Fall River St. Louis, at meeti?gs of priests' ~ E. J. McGIN~, Prop. ~ ~ it at which the councIl's report was ~. disclosed. ~"~'~"~"~""~~~;"~;~~'i~~~~. ~;~lll-~i~ I

~:!~:g~~~::go~~f~~ l· *~

But she gave her a leather belt



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Route 6 at the Narrows in Westport" , \' ".,


. Roland A. and Rita' laFrance '.'




' .•

%. ,


Foresees, Church's' 'Impact On Secular Spheres:

Thurs., Dec. 23, 1971

Image of Ethnic Racist Clarified

According to President Nixon, the most powerful four letter word in the English language is "vote." Pope Paul expressed a similar view recently when he said, "the ultimate decision (in social and economic issues) tests' with political power." The cur-. rent focus of the institutional power for the good of all men ' on the planet. Church on the pursuit of The bishops also called for justice calls into question profound psychological and mathat vague notion many Americans have that' religion and politics don't mix. Because injustices often re-



suit from inequities built into the social system itself, their eradication requires organized effort by concerned citizens. This ultimately means, as the Pope says, political involvement. On the American scene, then, a series of questions emerges: How resolve the historical tension in the relationship between Church and State? Can the Church direct its members, even implicitly, to take positions, which affect national interests and security? How express in the national and international order the richness of a religious heritage that ,proclaims the oneness of humanity, the brotherhood of aU men?' Ambiguity Exists. Relevant guidelines from Vati- . can II, particularly "The Church in the Modern World," are ambiguous about ChurchState relations. The document tries to "make a clear distinction" between the political community and the Church, so that the Church may "in no way be confused with the political community," while it also retains "the right to pass moral judgment, even in matters touching the political order." The ambiguity becomes apparent when we realize that in the modern interdependent and pluralistic world, when the Church exercises its right to teach its social doctrine, its impact in the economic, cultural and political spheres of the nation's life is unavoidable. For example, the document makes an important contribution on the issue of internationai politics. The bishops repeated a theme of recent popes in caUing for "some universal public, authority acknowledged as such by all (nations), with effective power to safeguard security, re: gard for justice and respect for rights." _ Achieving such Ii goal implies a radical change in the understapding of citizens concerning their nation's sovereignty. ~uch a global organization can scarcely be realized without acceptance, particularly by the United States, of a reduction in sovereign politicai and military

terial adjustments in the rich nations, because the awesome disbalance of the' world's goods "must not be allowed to continue." Such adjustments could have a great impact on the polit-, ical, as well as the socioeconomic, life of our nation. Most Powerful The institutional Church today is, in fact, engaged in efforts to affect public policy, as its efforts to influence legislation on such issues as abortion, public aid to Catholic schools, and draft legislation testify. The Church is no neophyte in this sphere; the late Drew Pearson, veteran Washington newsman ranked the Catholic Church far -and away the most powerful religious . lobby on Capitol Hill. In his recent book, "The Growing Church -Lobby in Washington," James L. Adams called the Catholic Church's national office "the most politically potent reli. gious agency in the nation's Capitol." The fact is, religion and politics are mixed. And the question is not whether the Church has a role in the political sector, but rather, on whi<:1l issues the Church brings its influence to bear.

"1 don't think we can wait till Monday," said Mary, and she tried to smile. "One more house,'~ said Joe. He ran up the steps alone this time. Mary just stood on the street and shivered and sobbed.

Fordham Issues Progress Report NEW路 YORK (NC) --:' While many private institutions of higher learning in the nation are. struggling to make ends meet, Fordham University's president has issued a glowing report of financial and academic felicity. Father Michael P. Walsh noted in a published report that the big Jesuit' university has managed to balance its budget for the past' tWlLy'.ears, enrollment is up, the faculty is, scheduled for raises as soon' as the federal wage-prize freeze policy is clarified, tuition costs have held steady - and the footba~ team


lost only one. game in the school's first year back in football as a varsity sport. These accomplishments were achieved despite what Father Walsh termed "the generally inhospitable climate for private higher education nationally. He noted that for the past few years, private higher education has been confronted with "a national economic recession, shrinking support from federal, stale and private sources and the increased competition of expanding publicly supported institutions with their considerably lower tuition."

WASHINGTON (NC) - Peoples' image of the hard hat as an ethnic racist is not accurate, according to a survey by Father Andrew M. Greeley and Paul B. Sheatsley. "There seems to be no evidence of racism among white ethnics except in the Slavic Catholic group," they reported . recently in Scientific Amedican. "To the extent that a back: lash exists even in that group, it seems to be concentrated among less educated people. The other three Catholic ethnic groups (Irish, German and South European) are, if anything even more integrationist than the typical Northern Protestant white-although less so than the typical Northern Jew." The findings were based on the fourth survey of racial attitudes taken in the last 29 years by the Chicago-based National Opinion Research Center where Father Greeley and Sheatsley .work. The survey disclosed that despite the last decade of racial strife, Americans support integration more now than they did in 1963, when the center's previous poll on race was taken. Father Greeley reported that among the 1,500 persons surveyed, Jews were found to have by far the most liberal racist attitudes. Next came Irish Catholics, followed by German Catholics. German Protestants, Scandinavian Protestants, Italian Catholics and Slavic Catholics were virtually tied for fourth.


May the bright promise of peace on earth, good will to men' that was the message of the First Christmas, fill your heart with great ioy is the wish of




·Suggestions ·From All Priests

THE 'ANCHOR-,Diocese of Fall River:....Thurs:Dec. 23, 1971


Tucks· .Few Good Memories·

WASHINqTON (NC) - The nation's 58,000·priests have been invited to make suggestions guiding the American bisllops' new Committee on Priestly: Life and Ministry.

Among,' tI'oliday Confusio'ns By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick' As I write this, we are celebrating 8t. Lucy Day on the 16th of December. 81. Lucy is the patron saint of- school girls and Melissa has taken her to her heart. On 81. Lucy Day it. is the custom for the girls of the family to serve breakfast. ,Thi~ year Melissa ' and Jason have the honors. While the, memories'· of 'this season are ,t<?o .often colored by Jason is serving orange juice remembran,ces of frustrating and Melissa made a coffee shopping trips, toys that stop

Archbishop Philip M. Hannan of New Orleans, committee chairman, made the request til a letter to the. priests, a copy Lof which is being sent' to., each priest through diocesan', chancery Qffices.

cake last ~ight. which will be working on Christmas aftern<?on, served with .hot chocolate' for. jumbled days and sleepless the ,children and coffee for the . nights, it's awfully nice to tuck' adults. a few good memories in among Both younger children have the confusion. . . made wreaths for their heads of Many recipes are as much a both aluminum foil arid 'tissue ' part of ,our holiday season as paper. They might not. pass in- the Christmas tree and the holly. spection aPlong professional Such a recipe is this one from wreath 'makers but 'I doubt, if the kitchen of the' Owen Mc- . anyone could have made cuter Gowan . family of, St. Joseph's wreaths than those of Jason parish in Fall Riv;er.· We have and~ i\1elissa. . printed', this recipe. at holiday Winter Wheat. time before but some are well This particular 'celebration is worth repeating. motivat~d entirely by: tlie chilOw' E gl' h E dren 'and proyes the point I have en 5 n 15 ggnog been,tryi~g .to make about the 12 'eggs home observance cus2% cups sugar value toms: In this case the girls want 1 quart brandy something' to do that is signifj· 1 pint rum cant' for them and in the absence ,3 pints cream of direction they search out 2 ·qts. milk something'thliy can do them"1 cup powdered sugar At the house there was some kind of party going selves., . , , ' - , 1) Beat the egg yolks with on, lots of lights and music. Joe·tried to tell the ~t. Lucy Day also marks the . the sugar and add the\ brandy people who came to the 'door about the trouble, day for planting Winter wheat. ' 'and rum ·to the egg-sugar mixbut they didn't seem to understand. Finalll>', he ThJs. I can remember .. from my' ·ture. so that the eggs WI'II' not '' • f th . said, "Hey, l 00k",-is it'k" 0 if we stay in your garage own childhoo d , w h en my a er ,coagulate. would plant wheat in a small .. ' . a ,while,. to get. .outof the:.cold?" "Sure, sure," they dish. It would be quite tal,l Jor·.... ,; 2)~eat In the ml1k and two ..... ' said and _went' back insicle.· Chr~stmas and last, ·untU,cEpip!:I-.,· P}?ts of the .crea~:., ' any. 'This is thelast .of the 'i::ol~ . ~) Fold In' ~lX, .of the .egg uinns.we will write about.·cus- whites that have been stiffly toms associated with Christmas .beaten.., . ' . '. " , but' I certainly woulc;l suggest . ~) .Beat. the':r~maining 6 ,~gg Decrea'se National that all parents make 'the effort whites until they, are .very stiff. Federation Dues to prepare .them'selves for next 5) Add. the powdered sugar KEARNY (NC)-By a vote of Christmas' for the good of their and one Pln~ of the <:ream: that 20 to 8, the Senate 'of P.riestsof children and themselves. has. been .whlpped., Float th!s egg the Newirk archdiocese voted , in the Kit h wh.lte m~ure on ·the eggnog. here to cut its dues to the. Na,. , c en Chill overnight. The Adv~nt season is drawing, ' . tional Federation. of Priests to a close-a lqvely period all Councils. by"itself-'even if it wasn't a Plan' Rehabilitation Newark Senate membership in prelude to the glorious birthday C A the NFPC has been a bone of of. Christ. By: this time most of enter for . "ddicts contention for several years beus ,are' aware that we didn't WILMINGTON (NC)',- Bishop cause of' controversial 'stands manage. to do .all the 'things we Thomas J. Mardaga of Wilming- taken by the federation. had'-planned for this holiday sea. ton has leased a parochial school Now the Senate has voted to 50ri(what's that old saying and chapel to Delaware for use pay dues only .for the actual about the best laid plans, etc.). as th.e state's first rehabilitation. number of priests who support Our cards didn't get· out any' 'center for hard drug 'addicts. NFPC affiliation by contributing earlier, half the city was decIt will be called DARE House. toward the dues assessment. Up orated before I 'could even find with DARE standing for' Drug. to. now, Newark's dues have my window candles, and my Abuse Reversal Effort. The. been based on the total number poor sister-in-law in New York house is for addicts who have of priests in the archdiocese. proba,bly won't' get b'er Christ- agreed to a year of treatment, Assessments have been paid mas bundle until Lincoln's birth- counseling and work. Gov. Rus- thro~gh voluntary paYlPents by day but the pre-hOliday activities sell W. Peterson attended the .the priests but the percentage of did have some pleasant moments.' . recent dedication with Bishop .' c'ontributing priests is believed to be less than 50. A lovely Christmas' party Mardaga. : given in my honor by the teachers at the school that I'm leaving in January after four unbeliev-. ably happy years, .Melissa planning the St. Lucy celebration all by herself, even going so far as to whip up some mighty fancy Lucy wreaths for herself and Jason out of foil. and the very precious quiet moments in front of our fireplace lighting' the Ad-' vent wreath and rooking at our beloved creche. Good Memories BANK-BY-MAIL (post-paid) WITH With a change of employment, I really didn't get to make as many Christmas decorations as 307 Main St., South Yarmouth, Ma. 02664 I would have liked; but we did manage to get a pinata that we *At Bass Rive~, 2-3 yr. term deposit certificates yield will break on Epiphany so that 6.18% per year when compounded daily from day-ofour Iloliday season will be deposit. $1,000. minimum deposit. spr.ead over a longer span.

Archbishop Hannan said priests' suggestions and views ~ "will . be channeled mainly through the priests' senates and other priests' groups. "However," . he added, "the · committee wishes to assure yOll that your suggestions or opinions may be sent directly" to the committee. He ' said priests should send their comments' to the committee's secretariat: located at the United, States Cath- \ olic Conference offices here.' ,Msgr. Colin A. MacDonald heads the secretariat. . . ' .


Archbishop Hannan's com· mittee was established in September by the administrative committee of the National Con· ference. of Catholic Bishops. It was giyen the assignment of developing programs for past()ral implementation of the findings of the ·bishops' multi-faceted Study of Priestly Life and Ministry. . ..









j ....






· '·Our' greatest glory is not in ~iieyer fani,ng;~utA.Il:r~ing eVlilry tl~e we' fall. ~'.-Confucius


tHE ANCHOR-Diocese ~f Fall Ri'(~r-Thurs. Dec. 23, 1971




May the spirit of "peace on earth, good will to men" again fill .


ou~ hearts. May we find new ~ision,



courage and inspira-

.lion in the glorious' promise 'that -is 'the shining wonder of Christmas.



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, Cooper Tire Deale;s for Southeastern Massachusetts'



- ..


yes.", ~n, other. words; while 'it w~s disappointing in , ,many respects,' it was not a complete failure. 'The Social' Action Department of the Canadian Catholic Conference, "to put the record straight," has published a detailed summary of the debate at the Synod In the November 15 rel.ease of this, column I comon the subject of world justice. 'mented rather pointedly on the press' coverage, of ,the reA footnote on page one of this 'cent Roman Synod. My good friend and fellow-dIOcesan, summary reads as follows: Father Andrew Greeley, had re~cted very negatively (I al"Some important things happened during the Synod'S conmost said' violently and inso be it. Again 1 am not sideration of the demands of temperately) to my remarks ,matter, disposed to quarrel with him ,(or justice whjch most of us did not on' this subject. I have too anyone else) in this regard. Who hear or read about on .this side much respect ' for Father knows? They may be closer to of the Atlantic. Why, with some Greeley's intelligence and for, the truth than 1 am. notable I exceptions, didn't the his polemic skills to relish getFather Greeley goes on to say major media publish more of the ting'into an argument with him that "the press didn't create the ample news available?" on a matter which' permits of flop,' the Fathers of the synod If space permitted, I could cite no final solution. , did." Since 1 never made any a number of other references in'such accusation against the dicating that in the, so-called press, I feel under ,no obligation "liberal" or "progressive',' camp, to reply to ,this particular sally. . By . there are many people who disFather Greeley, concludes his agree with Father' Greeley's rather angry column by saying MSGR. completely pessimistic critique that "It-is sad to see him (Monof the Synod. 'That doesn't mean, So that was what happened. 'They pushed l{P signor Higgins) defending the of course, that these people are GEORGE G. indefensible. ,I am, sorry, of the garage door and went in among the bicycles necess'arily right and that father course; that I have made Father and rakes and stuff. But it wasn't ,too cold and Greeley is necessarily wrong.' It Greeley' sad in this 'regard. -In there' was a wagon ,in a comer and some beach simply means that there is' room my own defense (if Father Greefor' honest disagreement among blankets up on a shelf. Ell:: ; m:m I m:!:;m&1 ley feels that 1 nee~ to defend honorable men about the results On the other hand, I must ad- myself), 1 can only say that, for, of the Synod. Q.E.D. ' ,. mIt that I enjoy a good clean better or for worse, I happen By way of a postscript, or a fight as well as the next man; to be in what he himself would Moreover I wouldn't want Father, - undoubtedly regard as being fair- ' of articles' on ,the Synod. Like finds the second message to be a parting sally, let ine siI:DPly sug' Bishop Carter, he is critical of source of genuine hope. gest that Father Greeley himself, Greeley to get the idea that I am Iy respe<;table company., ofdifthe Synod on a number The highly' respected French in' a recent' piece in The New Defenders a patsy or a corriplete pushferent scores, but, again, like magazine, Informations Catho- Republic, may have unwittnigly over and most certainly wouldn't There is another way of say- , Bishop Carter, he said in one of want him to th!nk, ~or a moment, ing that, despite the fact that his Tablet reports that' he found lique internationales, devoted the provided at least one good clue that I agree ,with his rather free- 'Father Greeley seems to be dog- it "hard to share the pessimism better part of its December issue as to why this is so. "In the final wheeling interpretation of my matically certain that "there is of those colleagues who sat to a three-part critique of the analysis:' Father Greeley writes colpmn. S~ here goes. , no way that the Synod can be~ around fora whole afternoon in Synod. Like Bishop Cartel', in a review of a new edition of In the first place, .Iet s try to described as anything but a dis- an airless basement gloomily an- Father Bormike, Father Baum et the autobiography, of Lincoln get the record as straight. as pos- mal flop," the record will show alysizing its failure." Let the rec- ai, ICI is critical of the Synod Steffens, "the important division sible. If I may be permitted to that a number of people whom ord, show, incidentally, that in many respects, but it states is between those who perceive say so, my comments on the he admires (including one whom Father Hebblethwaite, who a,lso very flatly that "one should not the world as complex and those ,j press coverage were much more he quotes in his column)' 'have covered the first two Synods for conclude too quickly that' even who see it as simple. Steffens balanced and much more care- publ~cly stated that, regardless the Tablet, is universally re- those bishops who belong to the was not a man given to elaborate fully nuanced than Father Gr~e- of all its weaknesses and imper- spected' by his journalistic peers so-called progressive "minority" ,social analysis but he was still a ley makes them out to be. I tned fections the Syriod should Inot as a man of great competence are not disposed to write it off good enouglt journalist to be as such. In this connectio'n, it skeptical about all simple solu(indeed I went out. o~ m~ way)' be written off as a dismal flop. I and complete integrity. quotes Bishop Gran of Norway, tions, even his own ... One wonto make a sharp dlstmctlOn be, b ut that but I am " . . f" d" am sorry a 0 , Bishop Thiandoum of Senegal, ders whether writers of nostalAdditional Defense I ~we~n pe~slmls IC a,n cyn-, sure that Father Greeley would the Dutch hierarchy, and Cardi.. gic reviews in the future will be , Ical reportmg on the Synod and want the record to speak for The London Tablet,. in ,the per- nat Suenens of Brussels, among able to say the same thing about state quite ex?lic!tly that, while itself. It reads, in parts, as foi- son of its editor, Mr. Tom Burns, o.thers.' According' to iCI, all of- many of us." l have no objectIOn to the for- I . 'noted in its round-up article on these bishops are on record as f . . ows. I certainly don't claim to Bishop Alexander Carter of the Synod that to writ-e off the mer type 0 reportmg, even m its ~ost extreme form, I rea~ly Canada, who is quoted by Father Synod asa non-event would be having said that the Synod, de- know the answer to this quesdon t .know how to cope With Greeley on his side of the argu- a serious mistake. In the judg- spite its imperfections, is not to tion. All I know is that it ill be' h the latter. be regarded as a dismal flop. hooves either 'Father Greeley or H' t Will T II ment, told the press at. t every mEmt of Mr. Burns, the Synod Overview, .published by the myself' or anyone else to think IS ory ,e, end of the Synod, that he was "offers opportunities for the It' wO~ld ~ppear, however, disappointed with the Synod in future; the present is less impor- ,Thomas 'More Association in that his present judgment about that 1 might Just as. well have ,many respects. Interestingly tant and the past is ,over and Chicago, analyzed the Synod as the Synod will prove, in the follows: "Did anything happen course of time, to have been saved my breath to cool my soup. enough,' however, he concluded done with." at the Synod? The ,ans~er is a infallible. Father Gree~ey, to be sure, his press conference' as follows: Father Francis Bonnike, presmak~~ a fle~tI~g r:ference to my "Don't write it off asa failure. ident of the National Federation ~XPh~lt . t.d:~tmctlonrt' betwee~, There are positive values (in the of Priests Councils, writing in pesslmls IC 'repo mg an S d) nd' I't is up to all of us the Nov. 19 issue of the National " . I" t' b t th yno a cymca .'. repor mg,. u , en to make .these values good:" Catholic Reporte~ stated that p~oceeds m the m~m bod.y of 'As a long-time friend of Bish- ,"On balance; the Synod was a hIS own column, to Ignore It al- op Carter and as one who talked plus: Not an. A-plus, nor a' commost comple~ely. In the end, he to him at least once a day during plete failure, unless you were has me ~aymg almost exac~ly . the Synod, I agree with his anal- ' anxious' about only a single isthe opposIte of what I really saId. sis of the Synod and have said sue." . Father Greeley, to the con- Y Father Gregory Baum, ,O.S.A., · I d'd pubhcly t rary no t w ith st an dmg, I not so' . . on a number of writing in the Dec. 10 issup of d'd I' I hill f occasIOns. Father Peter Hebblethw'aite say, nor . I. .Imp y, t aa o. the "peSSImistic" reports on· t h e . .. ' the same paper, said that the " . I" . t S.J., correspondent at Synod, in. his judgment; had '~a Syno d were cynlca repor S.' h Sa specIal, b .. d' b " 1. t e yno d' f or th e, Lon don Ta' Moreover, as mdlcate , a ove, I h 'tt h 't' I Id two-fold message one 'cautious . " d' et as ·wrl en w a wou and conservative, the other ,darclearly stated th at I was not IS". f th 'b ' t '. posed to argue, with lhe pessi- regard as: one roe, es senes ing and' forward-looking." He



THE ANCHOR-Diocese, of Fall Riv~r,...Th-u;'~,Dec,23, 1.97l . ... . ".

Prjest Delegate-Colu'mnis!t 'Answers' Fellow Reporter


mists "Afterall,'~, I wrote, "who' r---'!"';;' knows? Perhaps history demonstrate that'their unrelieved, pessimism· about the Synod was closer to the truth :of the matter than my" own qtialifleci (sic) optimism. Only time tell." ' Father Greeley, on his part, is not about to wait for the verdict of history on the Synod. "Measured by the needs and problems of the Ch~rch today," he writes, "there is no way that the Synod can be described as anything but a dismal flop." If that's the way he fe~ls about the




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'The New -Am-erica·ri -8ihle' Res'ult of 25 Years' 'Work

Thurs., Dec. 23, "1971

Marks Anniversary Of Ordination

They finally put it all together-the "they" being' the scholars charged with producing a new translation, under Catholic auspices, of the Bible, and the "it" being' the work they have been engaged in for a quarter of a ' century. The result is T h e ' New American Bible (P. J. also opens more fully and is more convenient to hand and Kennedy & Sons, 2 Barclay eye. Both paperbacks are, of St., N.Y., N.Y. 10007. $9.95 course, bargains. The New Amer-

CHICAGO (NC) - Cardinal John Cody celebrated his 40th anniversary as a priest the way he wanted it-in a "prayerful family gathering" with seminarians and chancery employes. On the anniversary day Cardinal Cody said Mass at St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, Mundelein, Ill. The next day he said Mass at Holy Nanle Cathedral here with lay and clergy employes of the archdiocesan chancery attending. Cardinal Cody told the chancery employes he wanted to be with them "so that I might offer thanks for the years of service that have been permitted me as a priest and a bishop." He said he also wanted to use the occasion to thank the employes "for the great assistance you have been to me in the past six years." Cardinal Cody was ordained a priest Dec. 8, 1931, in Rome where he had been a student since 1926. He became ar.chbishop of the Chicago Archdiocese in 1965, on the death of Cardinal Albert Myer.

for regular binding; $4.95 for paperback). ' It is styled "the first complete American Version of Holy Scrip-

ican Bible paperback I have not seen. Fr. McBrien's Latest Father Richard P. McBrien's latest book, Who Is a Catholic? (Dimension Books, Denville, N. J. $5.95), is marked by the qualiBy ties which have characterized his previous publications. The first of these is theolog~ RT. REV. ical competence of a high order. MSGR. Father McBrien is a thorough professional who keeps' abreast JOHN S. of developments in this vast KENNEDY field. The second is practicality. He tackles questions of immediate and pressing concern to the thoughtful Christian. ture, translated from the original . Then, there is the lucidity to Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek." be found in his thought and in The preface stresses the fact his expression. Also to be cited that this is indeed a translation, . is his judicious poise and baland not a paraphrase. Any ance; he is a partisan only of the translation involves problems, truth. So pretty soon Joe pulled down the' blankets but Ii. translation of the varieand put them in the wagon and that was In the present volume, Father gated books of·the Bible presents McBrien is treating topics of where he put Mary's baby. an array of very special prob- . major and often anxious concern lems. Some idea of the approach to Catholics as change plIes upon Est. 1897 to solving them is given in the , change in the aftermath of· VatBuilders Supplies preface. ican II. For example: Is'the true/ 2343 Purchase Street As to aptness for private read- identity of the Church being deing the work must 'be judged New Bedford stroyed? Is falith. being erOdd7 d? . successful. Taking it up and ex· Are 996-5661 the theo oglans excee mg amining it here and the~e, one their competence and wreaking LONDON (NC)-Pope Paul VI Mass mandatory from the beginfinds it clear and unfussy. No irreparable harm? Is the authority has given special permission for ning of Advent this year also , ~ra~e ,of . style. w.as ,so':.!gpt for, '.of"thePope being overthrown or the traditional 'form of the ,Latin allows 'aged or 'sick clergy to use ELECTRICAL but' there is a' directness and whittled away? .Mass to be used occasionally the rite of 1962-as amended in Contrador. simplicity which is attractive. Dispassionately and penetrat- in England andWaies with the 1965 and 1967-at private cele· As to suitability for liturgical ingly, Father McBrien here con- consent of a local bishop.' brations. This always depends use, this translation scores on permission from local bishops. SI'ders th ese ma tters. H'IS argu· The permission was granted strongly. The person appointed Meanwhile the' National Litto read a portion of it to a con· mentation is careful, his conclu- only for special occasions and gregation will not need exten- sions strictly logical (and, it may "provided all danger of division" urgy: Commission for England sive preparation to master the , be added, reassuring). He hews is avoided." This is interpreted. and Waies has, with the permissense and to be able to convey to reason, and this res~lts in by the Catholic Information sion of the bishops published it. The phrasing is neat, and the temperate rebuttal of all extrem·' Office here as meaning that the as a "working study booklet" its ism, whether "liberal" or "con- Tridentine Mass could not be own translation into English, of punctuation is very helpful. 944 County St. There is a concise introduction servative." At one point, he used in any partisan way or as the new Roman Missal already New Bedford • to each book and these are meaty. speaks 'of "clarity of argument a sign of protest against the new pUblished in Latin. and charity of manner," both of English Mass made mandatory Following the biblical text, there at the beginning of Advent. he well exemplifies. comes in full, Vatican II's Dog- which It is to be hoped that this matic Constitution on Divine book will be widely read, and The Latin Mass Society here Revelation, with explanatory read with close attention. It is a has been campaigning for the reo notes. After that, one finds a model of precise but popular tentian of the traditional Latin Glossary of Biblical Theoiogy theological discourse. Mass. Terms which is compendious Each section- is rounded out by In July, an open letter by at and practical. For the general a set of questions for discussion. many non-Catholics artists, reader it should be invaluable. The questions proposed are not musicians and intellectuals said Finally, there is an excellent routine but provocative. that the Latin Mass formulated Survey of Biblical Geography, Race Against Time by the 16th-century Council of along with a number of admirFather McBrien repeatedly in- Trent is one of the basic art able maps: The design is praise· sists on the Church's obligation forms of European culture and 115 WILUAM ST. NEW BEDFORD, MASS. worthy, and the print is first to bring the Gospel to, bear on has been the basis for many setrate. The book handles easily. . the painful dilemmas of contem-· tings of the. Mass by great clasOther Translations porary man. This prescription is sical composers. A long labor, commanding the fulfilled by Dom Helder Camara, Disappearance of the .rite alto. skills and the devotion of a great Archbishop of Rec~fe, in one of gether would impdverish cultural number of men, has now been the poorest sections of Brazil, life" they .said. completed. They are to be com- as witness his Race Against Time The Vatican', decree 'of last mended and warmly thanked. (Dimension Books.' $3.95 in June making the new order of Two other translations of the paperback), a selection of his . Bible are now available in paper- speeches on various occasions. ' back.' One is the Jerusalem Bible , . Translated' by Della Couling, in what is called a Reader's Edi- , .these 'deal, in two of the book's tion . (Doubleday. $5.95).· The' thr~e seCtions, with injustice and other is The New, English Bible conflict in the world, and set out OIL- COMPANY 'suggestions which (Oxford. $4.95). ' remedial , The merits of these ,transla~ spring from Christian principle. TYpical of all :these speeches tions have already been amply proclaimed. Of their present is their concreteness. Dom HeIClform, it can be said that the er is not abstract or general. He Jerusalem Bible seems more deals in specifics concerning, for . South • Sea Streets sturdy and durable. The page example, '. land distribution in size is larger than that of The Latin America or United States' Hyanl1is, , TeL49·81 New English Bible paperback profits from' inve~tments in and so is the print. The former Latin .Am~rica.; _

Sturteva nt & Hook

Pope Permits Occasional Use Of Latin Mass' in England





"Save Witl1l Safety"






,Admit. Missioners To Southern Sudan

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 23, 1971

'Superstar' Misses .Poi,nt About J'esus Co~pletely The American Jewish Cqmmittee is ."up ,tight" about Jesus Christ Superstar. They argue, quite correctly, IthiJ.lk, . that the portrayal of Jewish leadership in the rock opera is typical of many of the passion plays and that" the folk ~~~ ~ -~ . h G hippy, and in ,no sense can he · f them is orelgn to t e os- be equated with one socilil group pel narratives. . mCire than another. It was. all They" concede that the classes in society that rejected. anti--Semitism of Superstar may be unintended' and also that it is not nearly so explicit as it is in the' famous Oberam!Dergau

him, and he had friends in all classes - yo.ung and 'old, rich and poor, devout and publican. Jesus didn't fit into ·any particular social'category iIi his day, and attempts 'to define him as part of a social' 'category of 9ur day miss the whole point. . of.. his . By :. message. . Jesus was a dissenter all right;, , the Establishment, didn't like REV. him and neither did the "offiANDREW 'My!:? cial" dissenting groups. If the . After' a while some kids came by and poked Sadducees were theE.stablishGREELEY ? their heads in the dopr. It was dark· and they ment, the Pharisees, the Zealots, and the Essenes were the official.· couldn't see. Mary and Joe and the baby. "See, dissenting groups, with the Eswhat'd I tell you," said one. "Why should there' senes in pilrticular being closest be a light in the sky over this dumb garage? It's pl!ssion play. Nevertheless, they to today's counterculture. As the from that new shopping center three .blocks over: point out that Superstar does distinguished .German· scripture not em....;·asize what is plain in' scholar, 'Joachim Jeremias; has Let's go." the New Testament message and pointed out, the Essenes would ~ is a basic theme in the Christian have put Jesus to death just as theology: all of us are respon- quicklyl!.s did the Sadducees in' ttTo make your own Christmas a happy one, try sible for the death of Jesus be- Jerusalem. cause all of us are sinners. The point about Jesus-and to make Christmas-happy for' others-and particPerhaps the AJC' is too serious Superstar misses it .completely- ularly the Christmas of the poor, of the homeless,· and perhaps they see anti- is that he was a challenge: to Semitism where none is either everyone, an affront to all social the unemployed~ prisoners, the lonely a~d forgotintended . or will be taken, groups, a scandal both to the though heaven knows the Jews Establishment and the counter- ten, of those who are ill, ani as well of those who have more than sufficient rea- culture of his time. . . . , have no ·faith." son to be worried about anti- . 'Whitened SepUlchres' --Semitisin. When several million, 'When any socilii group thinkll POPE PAUL VI' of your brothers have died, you it has a monopoly on underDecember 12, 1.971 are understandably nervous standing Jesus, it is engaging in about even a slight taint of ideol- idolatry, precisely because it is "Christmas SrasoJt. Opening Talk ogy which was in part respon-. trying. to fashion Jesus i,nto its sible for their deaths. • own image and likeness. Jesus Establishment Responsible ·wasn't. a hippy; he 'wasn't .a But I think an even larger counterculture drug addict. point can be made about 'SuperHe would have found WoodDirector of Nursing a~ Hospital for Lepers star: whatever one thinks of its· . stock as offensive as anything music (and in my opinion it runs in establishment society. He . Hon,ored by Mi,litary Surge~)ns ' from pretty bad to pretty came to bear witness to' God's good) and its portrait of Jesus . universal' love, a love for all WASHINGTON (NC) - The rosy): Patient 'Understanding .of (good in its emphasis ,on his men. He resolutely refused to Association of Military Surgeons Sulphone Thenipy." humanity, quite unacceptable in become captured by any partic~ of 'the United States has presentits sentimental blurring of his ularistic group. ed its 1971 nursing award to a For that he was .executed. nun who directs nurses at a hosstriking and startling message), the point of the opera as I see Just as Professor Jeremias says pital that cares for lepers. it is not so much that it was that the Essenes would have exSister Mary Anne Hain;' direcJewish leadership that put him ecuted him as quickly as the tor of nursing at the Carville, to death; it was the Establish- Sadducees' did, Jesus would have died just as' quickly, at the La., Public Health Service Hosment that put Jesus to death. . Jesus himself was very like Woodstock' Nation as he would pital, has been given the Federal . the members of the youthful at the hands of, anyone else in Nursing S'ervice Award. counterculture of today ... to the society. It is precisely against The' award is given annually whom, ·of course, Superstar is particular groups of people who by the surgeons to a nurse memsupposed to appeal. Thus, young arrogate a monopoly of virtue ber of a federal medical service people who like to fancy theJ1l- to themselves that Jesus bore for outstanding accomplishments selves as members of the coun- the strongest witness. in the advancement of profesterculture (though they are in And some of those who think sional nursing. most instances as square ~ as that Jesus identifies with them The award to Sister HaiIi was their ,parents) can come aWilY in Superstar should ponder that . from the opera feeling very 'witness: "Brood of vipers, based on her essay: "The Challenge of Hansen's Disease (leppleased and satisfied that the whitened sepulchres." Establishment, that is their parents and adult society, is reON THE CAPE THE MERCHANTS IS YOUR sponsible for putting Jesus to . death. HOMETOW~ BANK AWAY FROM' HOME It seems to me that this is the best thing that ~er happened to Cape Cod idolatry. It was not the Es.tabIishment of the Jewish leaders that made Jesus' death necessary: it was the sins of all of us. The youthful members and fel~~AF'-ULl low travelers of the counterM::~~R S~RE Young ••• Established June 12, 1969 ' culture are not more immune urry Laskey, President from sin and are not more· im- . ROUTE 28, in g1orioul Hyannil "5-4500 mune from responsibility for the death of Jesus than anyone else. Challenge to Everyone Furthermore, Jesus. was not a Hyannis, Branch Office Route 28, South Yannouth. ,""." ", -r v .. .., * , •..• ,,'

Nun's Service ·Recognized

VATICAN CITY (NC)-About the same time Sudan's foreign . minister was being received by Pope Paul VI, it was announced that five J~suit missioners were -being admitted to the southern Suda,n, which had been forbidden territory to missioners since 1964. . Since the Sudan became independent in 1956 the Arabs in the north, who control the government, have been trying to unify the country by _attempting to make everyone a Moslem and by making Arabic the national language. 'This has resulted in guerilla warfare with the black Africans in the south, many of whom are Christians. The army, predominantly Arab northerners, massacred thousands of southerners in trying to put down the rebellion in the south: Thousl;lnds of other southerners fled to neighboring countries. Christian missionaries were expelled from the 'south Sudan in 1964.







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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 23, 1971

.' ,',

Laity Council Plans New Magazine


By PETER ). BARTEK Norton Hllh Coach


WASHINGTON (NC) - The this Fair at the national level to first issue of People magazine, form the NCCL. Subscribers 'to IN THE DIOCESE published by the newly formed Parish Today and Word will reNational Council of Catholic ceive People, beginning next Laity (NCCL), will appear here month. in January. Carolyn Sherman, editor. pf People replaces two ,older the new magazine, described its magazines - Parish "Today and aim: "People is especially de· Word-which put out their last signed as a source of informa· issues in December. They were tion on programs that are conpublished respectively by the verting' theories of lay involve· 'National Councils of Catholic ment into practical and effective positions last Winter. Voke is Shamrocks who have won only Men and Women, which merged action." inexperienced, lacks height and two league games in the past two years could emerge as the has no proven scoringthre~t. But, in Fall River Coach Tom surprise team of 1972. Sl;lnior Doug Merlin at 6'5" is Karam has 6'4" Bili Mosa, 6T' Tom Gastall and Steve' Souza developing into an excellent rereturning hopefully to lead Dur- bounder and all around pivotf~e to aJ;1other banner year., man. Feehan has never had a Sophomore Frank Ferraz will r~al big man to QJlild its attack join Souza in the backcourt to around and consequently has give Durfee' another pair of been unable to stay with the pesty ,.guards. ,Over the years County powers. Things may be Coach K:aram has stressed 'de- different now. Tom Lynch and Buddy Brantfense and ball control while compiling one of the best won- ley, 6'3" and 6' respectively are loss records among high school the leading candidates· for. the coaches in the Commonwealth. forward positions, These two It appears ,as though the HiII- 'along with Merlin comp"rise the Before me is a contemporary "holy card" which reads: "We toppers will be back among the biggest front line in the circuit. are not permitted to choose tllte frame of our destiny. But what loop leaders this year; If the club Tim Shocko and Al Wilson will we put into it is ours." (Dag Hamm'arskjold) develops quickly, the Red and probablY' start at the guiirds. As our thought turn to memories of the past year and anticiBlack could come all the way Billy Driscoll, Paul Rockett, pations of the new year, let us taI<e a moment to ask ourselves back. ' Bob MacDonald; Kevin Ashe and what are the most important things we want to put into "life's Intra-city rivals Msgr. Coyle Dennis Pombriant are capable of frame." and Taunton tied for fifth place filling in where needed. The We may say' happiness, security, and love are the ultimate last Winter. Coach Stl;lve Wins· Shamrocks ,.have an uphill battle fulfillments 'of life, but what are the basic needs and desires low of Coyle has four of his five on their 'h~nds against County starters returning for duty. Mike opponents, it is not an easy road every human being strives to find, so these ideals may, be r,eached? Bezner and Steve Pollock both to the top of the league. How- We could make a list of all we want' of life. W~ would like ~Q 6'1" will start up front, Ed Mul- ever, Feehan has the talefft to mention only three concerns we are all familiar with to sho"", that these are the very things missionaries strive to give to the vey in the pivot and Steve Win- move into contention. ter and Bill McGovern at the . Acrosstown Coach Jim Cas- world's poor, arid what your concern and support for the Church'~ guards. sidy continues to" prepare his missions makes possible, as the world begins ~ new year. First, is our health. Our abUity to work, play, and be active The Warriors should improve Bombardiers with the hope of depends so much on our health: physical, mental, spiritual, anel upon their 5-10 league mark of a improving upon last year's 3-11 emotional. We eat, dress, rest, exercise, and practice self-dis~ year ago. Whether or not they mark. The Blue and White will cipline to attain or maintain good health. We pray, "Give us can 'improve enough to contend have good team size but may this day our daily bread." Give us the physical and spiritual for loop honors is the question. lack the speed to stay with nourishment we need to live, to grow, to find fulfillment. Do Coach Gerry Cunniff plans on quicker opponents. Attleboro is we not toast, as on New Year's Eve: "To your health!" going with eight <?r nine men expected to win a few games; this year indicating that Bishop however, this does not appear Perhaps less obvious and less prayed for than health, but Feehan has plenty of depth. The to be a strong Attleboro ~Iub. still a deciding factor in our lives, is education. Our work, social and cultural life styles, and financial security are results of our education. Our philosophy of life, our knowledge of God, our communicating with people and our handling life's situations have all been, and .are, learning experiences. And finally, our personal and communitive welfare. We want to live and work in good conditions. We want a good home life, neighborhood, place of business, financial security, peace of mind, and ,good things for ourselves and our families. Like faith, happiness, and love, these blessings in life (health, education, and welfare) cannot be bought, but it still takes money to provide the means to these ends. And these are the means your 'money provides for yoW' Church's missionaries in every mission school~ ~edical clinic, relief center, seminary, and chapel. The needs 'of' the mission-poor may be vastly different from our own; our individual' abilities to contribute help are also different. But we would beg each of you to examine your own blessings received and wishes for the new year, and to find in your heart the Love of God which reaches out to those not as blessed. We cannot choose the frame of the world's destiny, but we are held accountable .for what we put into it. "When you do it to the least of these my brothers . . . you do it to Me." Please begin the New Year by sharing the blessings of your life with the suffering·poor of the missions, that 1972 may truly be a year of peace, brotherhood, and grace. Send your generous sacrific~ today. Thank you and God love you.

Tight Title Chase In Bristol County Hoop Circuit The Bristol County Basketball League will commence 1972 action'on Jan. 4 with a complete slate of games. All eight circuit teams will engage in non-loop contests throughout the holiday period in preparation for the final County hoop season. The senior circuit promises another tight race with, at 'least, . four clubs challenging for: honors. In capsule form; prognostica~ tors look for, defending champion New Bedford to finish in one of the top two positions, Durfee High of Fall River' to re-' bound from a disappointing showing last year into the Tech tournament, Bishop Stang of Dartmouth to press for a tourney berth especially after its transferees become eligible, and Bish· op Feehan to field its strongest team ever. In Taunton, fans are excited about the prospects of Msgr. Coyle-Cassidy, Attleboro is big and could develop into, are· spectable force while Taunton and New Bedford Vocational appear to be heaged for a poor showing. A year ago, New Bedford had little' dificulty' winning' the titlewith a 13-1 record. Coach Sal Lombardo has lost eight players from that club. How'ever, with Lee Harriman, Steve Ramos and Keith Francis returning the Crim· son and White will give any club around a battle under the boards. All three stand over six feet, are strong, and shoot well. John Seed, Mike Reedy and Den· nis Rose will see action in the forecourt. The Whalers starting unit will probably be called upon for yeomen duty as Coach Lombardo has a relatively weak bench this season. If he is forced to go to the reserves too ,often, New Bedford could be in trouble. 'Coach John O'Brien of Bishop Stang may be hard pressed to duplicate last year's second place County finish. This year's team lacks .a big man until Feb. 1 when transfer students Hartmut Andrade alld Eddie. Gomes become eligible. If Stang can stay within striking distance of the league leaders until that time, the Spartans may be headed for another tourney appearance. Coach O'Brien is expected to start Mike Fahey and Bill' McMillan at the forwards, Bob O'Connor at center and Chris Cariglia and, Gary Pelletier at the guards. ' McMillan and O'Connor are the tallest boys on the club. They are only 6' 1". Cariglia comes to Stang by'way of Westport where he led the Villagers in scoring. He will have to carry the club until Andrade and Gomes become eligible. New Bedford Voke and Durfee finished in the third and fourth

A New Year's Meditation

A Peaceful, Happy and Holy Christmas

From the Officers, Trustees and Staff

: : , : ,

, ~

~ ~


Wealth We make ourselves rich by making our wants few. -Thoreau

~""-------~------,-,-------------------------SALVATION AND SERVICE are the work of The Society ~

to You and Yours!


,, , ,, ,,~ , :

for the Propagat)on of the Faith. Please cut out this column and send your offering to Reverend Monsignor Edward T. O'Meara, National Director, Dept. C., 366 Fifth Ave, New York, N.Y. 10001 or directly to your local Diocesan Director. . The Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine 368 North Main Street Fall River, Massachusetts 02720 NAME







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OOD,\VIl919,- TO Angels sang on' high.


Shepht~rds and Wise M~n

gathered to adore the Christ Child,'~omet~ save mankind, , ,

and joyful-, praises'resQunded everywhere. During this holy season, . .


let us rememb~r the message of that first Christmas.

A .' Merry. Chris/rna's" To' ~411' ........,. . ,


-",From·. The







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