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dJ The ANeHO:R Vol. 20, No. 52-Fall River, Mass., Thurs., Dec. 23, 1976'

An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Fzrm-8t. Paul






Christmas 1976

Dearly beloved in Christ, As we keep the. joyous celebration of the Nativity of the Lord, the. world finds itself closer to peace now than it has in recent years. Peace, however fragile, seems to prevail among -many nations and peoples. Yet, if we truly look around us, the weapons of war are not yet silent everywhere. The faces and lives of many in our present-day world continue to reveal a longing for peace. Even -in lands where war ha3 ceased, many continue to thirst for peace. It is to contemporary men and women - the world of 1976 - that the Church proclaims with great joy the invitation to true peace which the angels announced on the first Christmas, "Glory-to God in high heaven; peace on earth to those on whom His favor rests." It is the message of the Savior Himself. It is the Gospel message. We

must let His favor rest on us if we are to be people' of peace. We must let the love of Christ, the Word made Flesh, touch our lives and truly dwell among us. We must turn to Him in our hearts. If we do these things, each of us-mankind itself-will enjoy deep and abiding peace, a peace which surpasses all understanding. Moreover, this interior peace will overflow into the world around us. It will influence our daily encounters with one another. It will bring with it many other gifts - charity, kindness, patience and justice: These are the cornerstones of peace among nations and men. These may sound like ideal words. They are. However, it is the way it must be, for it is the only way to peace. With Christ, there is war even in peace. With Christ, there is peace even amid tension and conflict. The Christmas Gospels remind us that the shepherds sought the One announced as Prince of Peace and found Him. They returned glorifying God for what they had seen and heard. The astrologers from the East came in search of the Child. They were overjoyed on finding Him. The contemporary world must also find Christ and welcome Him into its midst if it is to find true joy and peace. It is only then that peace will come to our earth. To those who have found Christ, I say, "Rejoice in the Lord! May this celebration of the Lord's birth deepen His peace within you." To those who continue to search for peace, I say, "Come to Bethlehem, see Him whose birth the angels sing. Hear the message of hope. In Him alone will you find your peace." A blessed and joyous Christmas to each and everyone of you. Devotedly yours in Christ.

Bishop of Fall River'


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 23, 1976







National Top Story WASHINGTON - The U.S. bishops' bicentennial "Call to Action" conferencei' in Detroit was the top religious news story of the year, according to the 34 diocesan weekly newspaper editors who voted in a poll conducted by NC News Service. The top personality of the year was Mother Teresa, the editors said.

Millions of Refugees WASHINGTON - More than 130,000 Indochina refugees were resettled in the United , States within the last year, but there :lre still more than 11 million refugees worldwide, according to the annual report of the United States Committee for Refugees, a nonprofit organization involved in public education programs concerning the plight of refugees. The report said more than two million refugees were c.reated in the last year or so by civil wars and wars of independence in Southern Africa.

What Would Baby, Say? BOSTON - The Massachusetts Supreme Court has overturned the conviction of Dr. Kenneth Edelin for manslaughter in an Oct. 3, 1973, abortion. The court overturned the conviction because, it said, "the defendant had no evil frame of mind, was actuated by no criminal purpose, and committed no wanton or reckless act in carrying out the medical procedures."

Money Comes First WASHINGTON - A United States government prosecutor has confirmed press reports of a grand jury investigation into sales of dead fetuses at' a public hospital here. Assistant U.s.

Attorney Richard Beizer told NC News he knew of no law that would prohibit the sales of the dead fetuses - some victims of induced abortions, others miscarried - but rather, that the focus of his investigation was "What happened to the money?"

One for Reagan OLYMPIA, Wash. - A Washington state lawyer cast a protest Electoral College vote for former California Gov. Ronald Reagan because he found his stand on abortion preferabie to that of President Gerald Ford, who carried Washington, and President-elect Jimmy Carter. The lawyer, Mike Padden, 30, said he had considered his decision for several days before making up his mind. Reagan favors a constitutional amendment to restrict abortion. Ford favors a states' rights approach and Carter opposes an amendment. J

World Lebanon Needs Aid UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. - The United Nations coordinator of international relief for Lebanon has annou~ced that Lebanon needs approximately $51 million in immediate aid between now and March.

Getting Nervous? VATICAN CITY - The demand for women's ordination is an "especially irrational manifestation of self-defeating feminism," according to a lengthy article in the Vatican daily newspaper, .L'Osservatore Romano. The article, a reprint of a work by a French theologian, Father Louis Bouyer, also claimed that the traditional ban on women's ordination rests on a "superabundance of biblical teaching and Christian experience." Father Bouyer's thesis generally reflects the thinking of Pope Paul VI.

Irish Peace Plea DUBLIN - In an unusual joint Christmas message, leaders of the major Churches in Ireland and Northern Ireland have asked their people for "redoubled efforts" to achieve peace in Ulster. They praised the Peace People movement·, saying the "massive demonstrations for peace" sponsored by the movement in recent months "have given hope and courage to many who had begun to despair."

No Patriarchate VATICAN CITY - In a face-to-face meeting with Cardinal Josip Slipyi, and six other Ukrain- • ian-rite bishops Dec. 13, Pope Paul YI said he would not grant their request to establish a Ukrainian patriarchate. Pope Paul asked the bisshops - who, sources say, had petitioned the Pope to establish the patriarchate and permit ordination of married men - to rally.around his decision regarding the controversial patriarchate. Cardinal Slipyi, exiled major archbishop of Lvov in the Ukraine, has been waging a vigorous campaign for a patriarchate.

'Leader of Hour' TORONTO - What began as a Catholic archbishop's public plea to fight pornography has turned into an interfaith effort here as f;everal other Christian denominations have expressed support or taken up the battle themselves. Archbishop Philip Pocock of Toronto started his anti-pornography crusade at the end of November with an Open Letter of Concern, published as an advertisement in major dailies in the archdiocese and read at parish Masses." The arch· bishop is being described as 'the leader of the hour,' " said Father Brad Massman, director of the archdiocesan social action office.

,Necrology JAN. 1

Rev. Jose Valeiro, 1955, Pastor, St. Elizabeth, Fall River ' Rev. Antonio M. Fortuna, 1956, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, New Bedford, Rev. .Francis R. Connerton, .SS.STD., 1968, St. Johns Sem"inary, Plymouth, Michigan JAN. 4

. Rev. Eugene L. Dion, 1961, . Pastor, Blessed Sacrament, Fall River JAN. 6 .

James F. Roach, 1906, Founder, Immaculate Conception, Taunton . ~ev.

Come to the ... Bishop's BaU

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THE ANCHOR Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published every Thursday at 410 Highla~d Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mail, postpaid ·$5.00 per year.·

'" '" '" GIFT OF LIGHT: Part of annual 50,OOO-light Christmas display at La Salette Shrine, Attleboro. Illumination will continue through Jan. 2.

Lincoln Park

Jan. 14, 1977

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 23, 1976


Networks Sche'dule Christmas Specials


AMONG THOSE PREPARING for the Bishop's Charity Ball of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River to be held Friday evening, Jan. 14 at Lincoln Park Ballroom, left to right, Mrs. Catherine Heald, St. Dominic parish, Swansea, decorations; Mrs. Eva Laliberte, St. Louis de France parish, Swansea, decorations; Mrs. Vincent A. Coady, St. Thomas Moore parish, Somerset, presentees.

Hall Committee to Arrange Ball Decor The Lincoln Park Ballroom in The proceeds of the Charity North Dartmouth will be the Ball help to fund the summer meeting place for over 125 per- . camps for underprivileged and sons at 1 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 9. . exceptional children and the They will arrange decorations four Nazareth Hall Schools for and props for the 22nd annual exceptional children. The Charity Bishop's Charity Ball on Friday, Ball Booklet is being filled rapJan. 14 from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Al idly. Any person or group wishRainone and his orchestra will ing to be placed in the Souvenir' play in the main ballroom from Booklet may contact any mem8 to 9 and then provide music ber of the Council of Catholic until midnight in the lounge. Women, the Society of St. VinLester Lanin iI1 person will lead cent de Paul, the Ball Commithis orchestra from 9 to 1 in the tee or call or write to the Bishmain ballroom. op's Charity Ball Headquarters, 410 Highland Ave., Fall River, 02722, tel. 676-8943. Tickets will be sent to those desiring places in the Booklet acccording to the categories requested. Persons desiring only tickets may obtain Reaction from around the them from the above mentioned country to the use of general committee members or at every absolution in the Memphis, Catholic Church rectory in tne Tenn., diocese show that form diocese. Each ticket admits two of the sacrament of Penance has persons. Tickets will also be been used in other dioceses of the United States. Bishop Walter F. Sullivan of Richmond, Va., disclosed that he had given 15 parishes in his diRev. Mr. Gerald Paul Barnocese permission to u~e general well, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawabsolution in the past year. He rence Barnwell of 117 Lewis Avsaid he has given permission to enue, Somerset, will be ordained southern Virginia parishes, on to the priesthood at 11 a.m. request and because of extraordinary circumstances, before Easter and during Advent since last year. Bishop Leo T. Maher of San Diego, Calif., gave permission for the use of general absolution at the diocesan Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) congress last February, which was also a bicentennial celebration. In an Advent experiment, Bishop James D. Niedergeses of' Nashville, Tenn., has given pastors permission to use general absolution when individual confessions cannot be heard within "a reasonable length of time" during communaL services. He said the time span considered reasonable would be one to oneand-a-half hours. REV. MR. BARNWELl, Tum to Page Thirteen

Absolution Rite Used Elsewhere



available at the Park on the night of the Ball.

Bishop's Christmas Masses "

His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, will celebrate a special Christmas Liturgy at St. Mary's ft Cathedral, Fall River, on Christmas Eve, Friday, Dec. 24, at 8 o'clock in the evening,

CHRISTMAS MASSES As is always the case when a holy day immediately precedes or follows a Sunday, the faithful are obliged to attend two Masses this weekend, when Christmas Day falls on Saturday. One may fulfill the Christmas Day obligation at any Mass celebrated after 4 p.m. Friday, Dec. 24, or at any Mass celebrated on Christmas Day .itself. One may fulfill the Sunday obligation at any Mass celebrated after 4 p.m. Christmas Day or at any Mass on Sunday, Dec. 26.

R·ev. Mr. Barnwell Ordination Set •

NEW YORK (NC) - The U.S. p.m. to midnight in "Christmas Catholic Conference (USCC), in at Graymoor." The program will cooperation with the. three ma- focus on the homeless men cared jor television networks, will pre- for in St. Christopher's Inn, and sent three Christmas specials, on the residents of New Hope among them a satellite trans- M~nor, a rehabilitation center mission of Pope Paul VI's mid- for girls, both on the Graymoor night Mass Dec. 24 from St. Friars' grounds in Garrison, N.Y. The program will also feaPeter's Basilica. the papal Mass will be broad- ture the 35-member G.raymoor cast on NBC's "Christmas-1976" Chorale. ABC-TV'will broadcast "A Bireligious special from midnight EST until its conclusion. Fran- centennial Christmas Liturgy" ciscan Father Agnellus Andrew, on Christmas Day from 12:30 former director of religious pro- . p.m. to 1:30 p.m. EST. This programming for the British Broad- gram will show the' Christmas casting Corporation and presi- midnight Mass, taped at the dent of UNDA-International, the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul worldwide association of Catho- in Providence, R. I., with' music lic broadcasters, will provide by the Peloquin Chorale and Orchestra. Some of the musica~ commentary. About 40 countries in addition selections will come from the to the U.S. will receiv~ the papal American liturgy which Dr. Alexbroadcast, with transmission ander Peloquin composed for the made possible by a grant from bicentennial. Bishop Louis E. Gelineau of Providence will be the Knights of Columbus. CBS-TV will visit the Gray- the principal celebrant and hommoor Friars Dec. 24 from 11 :30 i1ist.

Saturday, Jan. 8, in St. Mary's Cathedral by Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin. Rev. Mr. Barnwell received his bachelor's degree from Southeastern Massachusetts University. Following his graduation, he taught for five! years in public and diocesan school systems of Fall River. He prepared for the priesthood by studying philosophy and theology at St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore. In May, 1975, he received a Master of Divinity degree from that institution. As a deacon, Rev. Mr. Barnwell has served at St. Mary's Church, Mansfield, and Sacred Heart Church, Fall River. At 11:30 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 9, he will be principal celebrant of a concelebrated Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Thomas More Church, Somerset. Rev. Ralph D~ Tetrault of Sacred Heart Church, Fall River, will preach.


Bishop Cronin will also celebrate a special Christmas Mass for the sick and shut-ins of the Diocese on WTEV - Channel 6 on Christmas Morning at 10:30 a.m.


Pope Sets Canonization, Urges Mideast .Peace VATICAN CITY (NC) - At a solemn midday consistory here Dec. 20, Pope Paul VI announced to dozens of brightly robed cardinals and bishops that he will canonize Blessed John Nep'omucene Neumann June 19. Blessed John, fourth bishop of Philadelphia, will be the first male U.S. citizen to be canonized., At the solemn Christmas gaththering of prelates, Pope Paul threw strong support behind calls made recently by Arab and Israeli leaders for a negotiated peace settlement in the Middle East. He also expressed hope that the Rhodesian peace conference will assure real justice, coexistence and collaboration among

all peoples in that African nation. During the consistory - the second called this year - Pope Paul also condemned "painful deviations" by. progressive Catholics and especially by Catholic traditionalists, and decried "coldly calculated terrorism" and chaos in the prisons of many nations. The Pope has been appealing for years for a "special status, internationally guaranteed" for the city of Jerusalem and the Holy Places. In the same context, the Pope expressed sympathy for the victims of the civil war in Lebanon. "Our hope," he said, "is that the country's material reconTurn to Page Thirteen


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 23, 1976

The Star of Bethlehem Billions of dollars are being spent by scientists the world over, many with very strong political motivation, to study the stars. Questions abound as to whether some type of communication stems from the stars or between them; whether there is some type of life in, on or among them. Beleagued by problems among themselves, earthlings look to the outside for a message, a place of escape, a blotter to absorb all worldly ills. God's creation staggers even our vivid imaginations! But there is such a star! There is such a power!- It is not a thing. It is the Son of God made Man, Emmanuel! Some have ghmced at the message of Bethlehem arid turned it into a soft and sentimental humanism; others are bothered by the apparently senseless hope associated with the coming of the Christ; many have simply shut their hearts and minds to the message. Yet, what an answer is Bethlehem to our meanderings, our anxieties, our guilts! The Book of Genesis told us -that God is just but that He is also merciful. "Someday, someone will come and free you from sin," promised the Creator Himself. Down through the ages of humankind, we are ever grateful to the faith of the beleagued little Israel. So close to extinction so many times; so guilt-ridden so often, the Remnant carefully preserved the flickering light of hope . . . Someday, Someone. He would be of the Seed of Abraham ... of the Tribe of Judah ... of the Family't>f David ... on and on hopeful signs were fed to a suffering and searching people. Finally, the "whatever you will" of Mary and the "there he is" of John the Baptist open the door: Jesus, God and man, Emmanuel. It was with the simple faith of a young teenage mother, the trusting foster-father, the illiterate yet fyndamentally deeply religious shepherds that He would be welcomed. He would never be fully understood even by His closest intimates but trusting He begged them _to receive Him. It is the same with us. It is faith, trust, that is the key. If only we can de-emphasize the materialistic pressures that surround us and turn off the ever appealing barrages of TV and radio, that take careful aim at our hungry appetites, maybe we too can really sense the spirit of Christmas. May God bless us, this year, with the inquisitiveness of the shepherds; the willingness of Mary; the trust of Joseph. May He fashion our poverties, our anxieties, our wilful distractions, our hounding guilts and our regretted sins into the trough where His Son will be often fol'lnd, whence will come our strength, our courage and our inspiration to live Christian lives in a pagan world. Believe in the Message of Bethlehem., Look to the Child Who seeks but our faith, our trust. Have a Merry and a Blessed Christmas. Letters Welcome Letters to the editllr are welcomed. All letters should be brief and the editor reserves the right to condense any letters if deemed necessary. All letters must be signed and contain a home or business address.


Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.lD. ACTING EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Rev. John R. Foister, SJ.l. Rev. Msgr. John Regan ~

Leary Presl- Fall River



"Mona and Bob ... forever" ... Two lovers share with the world ... a love they experience ... as everlasting ... Carved in wood . ~ . their profession of undying love ... is an act of incredible faith ... in the staying power of the bond ... they now feel so strongly. There is something about love . . . that grounds so unshakable a faith ... that allows so optimistic a hope. In the inspired biblical love-song ... the Bride professes a love ... like that of Mona for Bob ..." "Set me as a seal upon your heart ... for love is stronger than death ... Many waters cannot quench love ... neither can floods drown it" (Song of Songs 8:6-7). True love ... shares in God's love for us ... a love that never ceases ... as He assures us ... "I have loved you ...with an everlasting love" (Jeremiah 31.3). Human love ... can be forever ... because it is a sharing in . . . an expression of . . . the unquenchable love ... of Him whose eternal being ... is . . . love. "If we love one another ... God dwells in us . . . and His love ... is made perfect in us." (1 John 4:12). Copyright (c) NC News Service




51. William's Church

Christmas Blues The "Christmas Blues" usually refers to a quasi-depresssed emotioQ.al state that affects many people at this time of year. However, here in Massachusetts, the term has a new meaning this year. The battle of the so-called "Blue Laws" has cast a unique hue on this year's holiday cele- tive of the State, the Governor, the Chief Law enforcement brations. Repeal of the laws and officer of the State, the Attorney was in time' inevitable. The General, has brought into quesSunday 'sales restrictions of themselves would certainly have been abolished by the force of progressive thought, challenged and repealed by the General Court of the Commonwealth. Well, as we all know, that has not been the case in the present fiasco that has been forced' on an only too willing public. The circus-like atmosphere of the current state of the Sunday sales law has made the situation tragic for three reasons.

First and foremost, the confrontation by the Chief Execu-

tion the validity of law itself. Mr. Dukakis' statements concerning' the Sunday Sales Law mocked what law should mean to the ordinary citizen of this State. The Governor would drive us all into the very subjective state of situation ethics, having a person obey a certain law, be it federal or state, only when that person would choose to do so. For the chief executive of a State even to suggest such a tactic, indicates little respect for the basic institutions of law that

he himself should represent. He should be the first to uphold the fundamental concept that the law is the law until it has been changed by its own due process. As it stands, the Blue Laws have not been changed by such a process. Mr.' Dukakis' reflections on this matter have certainly sabotaged the effective enforcement of all law in this state. Why Now? The second aspect of this case concerns the mercantile community. Why should some merchants wish to ignore or disobey a state law at this particular time of year? Why couldn't this question have -been put to a test last summer? Naturally, the answer is Christmas sales. Get the buck while you can, no matter what law you have to break to do it. Abusive capitalism at its worst! Of course, for many, religious considerations do not enter the matter. The deliberate pressures placed by defiant chain outlets on local communities that are trying to uphold the law again only serve to undermine the basic concept of law, encouraging those elements in our society that are only too ready to break any and all laws. It is interesting to note that many of these same merchants are the very people who scream for the protection of the law not only when it is a matter of necessity but also when it suits their needs. When it comes to making a fast dollar, few people give thought to the social consequences that might result from such headlong pursuit. In this particular situation, even fewer people have thought about the clerks who must staff these stores seven days a week. Above all, the question of personal religious rights must be taken into consideration. If a clerk holds to the belief that she or he should not work on Sunday, will such a religious right under the law be respected? Will a clerk be fired because he does not wish to work on Sunday? Again, one of the more damaging aspects of Sunday sales is that it is another wedge driven into family life. For the vast majority of people, Sunday has been a family day. Given the current situation of family life, the few brief hours that a family has together are precious moments in a society that has turned its back not only on family life but on life itself. Families need time together to share and grow. Forced labor on Sunday for the . mere economic advantage of impersonal corporations adds one more obstacle to family development. Whatever the outcome, con路 cerned people should try not only to uphold the law but also to uphold basic institutions guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of all the people of this land. This Christmas in this Commonwealth some of those freedoms and rights have been ignored or even defied.

Biggest Competitor His biggest problem isn't other crayon manufacturers, says Max L. Smith, manager of the American Crayon Co. "My biggest competitor is birth control. If my customers aren't born, ,I can't sell to them."


THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 23, 1976


Pa rish Restores Catechumenate




Religion is not a sense-dulling opiate but rather a stimulus for men, Pope Paul VI told crowds in' St. Peter's Square before reciting the noontime Angelus with them. He declared that the happiness of Christmas comes to men through religion. "The main reason for the happiness of the Christmas feast is to be found in religion, which makes us Christians and authorizes, or rather obliges us to accept God's kindness and His love for us as the determinant explanation of our existence," Pope Paul said. The 79-year-old pontiff added that "religion is not an opiate which puts to sleep our energies, in search of the legitimate goods needed for our temporal lives. It is rather a stimulus for this very search, carried out with a view toward our supreme good." Wishing the crowd "Merry Christmas," the Pope urged them to find in Christmas "that hope which is the lighthouse for our journey in time." :;:



Sahta Claus and Christmas trees are nice, but not at the heart of Christmas, Pope Paul VI said at a general audience. The real meaning of Christ. mas, he declared, is found only at the enchanting scene of the manger." "Everyone at the crib should feel personally invited by Jesus to a meeting with him," the Pope continUed. "Each onlooker feels as if he is invited to make a comparison between Christ and himself." "The Christmas tree is a nice thing, but what does it really have to do with Christmas?" asked the Pope. "Santa Claus, that old man with a' makebelieve beard-he, too, is pleasant and enjoyable, but what does he really have to do with the feast?" Present at the manger scene is "all of history-and even our present history, so rebellious, unfeeling, secularized, profane and atheistic," the Pope said. He told his listeners that a moment's meditation at the Christmas crib "places us at the focal point of universal history." "The pastoral scene of the manger acquires a cosmic mean. ing ••• Oh, what greatness there is in Christ's littleness!" ex. claimed the Pope.

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BAMBOO MANGER: A Chinese nativity complete with dragon is one of many unusual displays in a Roman Christmas crib museum. (NC Photo)

New Rules for Council, Commission By John Muthig VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope Paul VI has breathed new life into two Vatican organisms established experimentally to promote inititive~ chartered by Vatican Council II, by giving them new constitutions and a permanent status. The most fundamental changes, contained in two papal "motu proprio" decrees released here Dec. 16, concern the Council of the Laity. A "motu proprio" decree is one issued by a pope on his own initiative. Pope Paul has raised the cOl~ncil to the level of a "quasicongregation" with important new responsibilities regarding Church laws on the laity and the settlement of disputes involving the laity. In a second decree, Pope Paul clarified the part to be played by the Pontifical Commission for Justice and Peace. The decree broadens the competence of the commission, which was set up as a papal study center and watch-dog in the field of human rights.

But it also requires the commission to get clearance from the papal Secretariat of State prior to making any statements on specific violations of human rights. . The decrees call for both the council and the commission to be headed by separate cardinalpresidents resident in Rome. They were both previously headed by Cardinal Maurice Roy of Quebec. . Newly-created Cardinal Opil. io Rossi, 66, will take over the . presidency of the Laity Council. Born in New York City of Italian immigrant parents who left the United States soon after their son's birth, Cardinal Rossi was papal nuncio to Austria before being named to the college of cardinals. First Black African The Justice and Peace Commission will be headed by African Archbishop Bernardin Gantin, 54. Archbishop Gantin, former head of the Cotonou, Dahomey, archdiocese, has been vice president of the Justice and Peace Commission for almost a year. He will have the title

of propresident - a designation given to bishops who fill a post slated for a cardinal. Most such bishops eventually receive the red hat. Turn to Page Thirtecl:

Mrs. Virginia Briggs and her son Ralph, a high school sophomore, have become the first catechumens or "student memo bers" of St. Margaret parish. Buzzards Bay. "Pass It On," the monthly parish newsletter, explains that in 1974 the bishops of the United States issued their provisional text for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. In doing so. they restored the ancient order of the catechumenate to the Church. The adult catechumen is one who publicly makes known his intention of studying for the Sacraments of Initiation. In a special community ceremony, the congregation admits those who intend to become new members and the' catechumen thus becomes an official student member of the Church. Official' admission for Mrs. Briggs and Ralph came at 11 a.m. Mass Dec. 12. As catechumens they will undergo an in· tensive course of study, including Church doctrine and its application to daily living. On the first Sunday of Lent they will begin 40 days of prayer in spiritual preparation for baptism, first communion and confirmaTurn to Page Fifteen


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of1=all River-Thurs. Dec. 23, 1976

Victoria,n Roma,nticism

SANTA'S A SEMINARIAN: Children at party for inner city youngsters sponsored by students at St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, N.Y. tell Santa (Frank Borkowski, who will soon be ordained a deacon) what they want for Christmas. (NC Photo)

Is Fa,sihion This Yule Dickens' "Christmas Carol" has always been my favorite Christmas story and I am positive that there was never a plum pudding to rival that served at the Cratchits', "like a speckled cannon-ball, so hard and firm, blazing in half of half-a~quartern of ignited brandy and bedight with tale, shades of Zhivago. Every. one loves make-believe and what Christmas holly stuck into better time to practice this art the top". Surely there were than during the magical days of .

never Christmases to rival those celebrated in Victorian times, and some of our loveliest Christmas customs today have a Victorian flavor.

. HALLETT Funeral Home'lnc. 283 Station Avenue South Yarmouth, Mass. Tel. EXeter 8-2285 Director-Norman A. Hallett



Evening clothes for the holidays are also flavored by this era as we see a return to the full-skirted taffeta beauties straight out of the page of Dickens or "Gone With the Wind." Full rustling skirts are topped with scoop-neck, puffed-sleeve blouses that are about as feminine as you can ~t. Surely women wearing these elegant evening outfits have to feel that they are the heroines of a Christmas straight out of the pages of a 19th century English riovel or a great Russian

Telephone 548·0989

Christmas. If you sew, one of these romantic heroine silhouettes can be yours at a much more' reasonable price than readymade, and the fabric stores are filled with jewel·tone velvets and those glorious taffetas. Return to Romance This return to romantic fash. ion began last summer when Saint Laurent showed his winter collection and since then it has been picked up and copied by more expensive houses. The tight bodices and very small waistlines may not be for everyone but for those who have no figure worries this is the season that daydreams can become reality. If you're very practical, as most of us have to be, don't feel that your romantic Christmas look can't be worn agaiu and again. In this diocese a very important coming event is the annual Bishop's Charity Ball, to be held Jan. 14; and while its theme will be Caribbean, a Victorian ball gown would still be smashing. Of course one of the loveliest aspects of this annual ball, along with its being a de· lightful place to wear your Christmas glamour again, is that it's for a wonderful cause, the exceptional children of our di· ocese.

Victor D'Aguiar, Jr. CON S T R U C TID N



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Tomorrow, Holy Family , Sunday, prompts' consideration of the role of the family in the Church ~md in the contemporary world.We present a description by a noted woman theologian of the family of the future 8S a,"center for loving service," followed by a sober assessment by the National Academy of Sci.ences of the American family.

A Center WINTER PARK, Fla. (NC)The family in the future must become a "center for lovIng service" to aid and support people in ways large assistance organizations cannot, Rosemary 'Hau~hton, wife, mother and theologian, said here. . In recent times, great "machines" or social structures have grown up to provide support for individuals left unaided by relatives or friends, Mrs. Haughton said in a talk at St. Margaret Mary parish. "r.he predominant opinion seems to be that people have lost much of their confidence in these 'machines,' these great structures," she said. They are still using them, but using them with great cynicism, an absence of hope. It all boils down to a loss of confidence in our society; it doesn't seem to be going anywhere--except maybe downhill." The family can counteract this loss of confidence, Mrs. Haugh, ton said. "The family as a unit can provide that personal warmth, that human understanding missing in large assistance organizations-the personal touch." An important differentiating characteristic of the family is that its members "know each other well, can work together well and effectively," she said. "By bringing together the entire family, parents, older children, youngsters-and joining together as a team, families discover a new sense of identity and community. By working together a family begins to grow dynamically. "Bringing the family together as a team is a tremendous way of increasing their sense of solidarity and exposes religious truths which might otherwise be neglected or overlooked. Families have to live what they profess ,and working at something you feel to be worthwhile makes good Christian sense." How To Do It Mrs. Haughton suggested several ways in which a family might become a "center for loving service:" -Nursing care. Nursing a .sick family member for a prolonged period can cause great strain, but teamwprk and sharing the burden can make the family closer and stronger. -Proxy grandparents. One re~ult of greater mobility in society today is that many children grow up with little or no exposure to their grandparents or anyone older than their parents. At the same time, many elderly people are lonely and need to feel useful and to belong. Bringing ~em into the family unit as "proxy grandparents" can be a

H路oly F'amily D,ay , Highlig,hts Import;ance of B,as,ic ,Unit loving service to both parties. Fostering children. Providing a foster home to children who might otherwise be in an orphanage or other institution can be an opportunity for the entire family to work together in giving loving service. "All of these types of serviee are things families can so easily do, but undertaking any of them can produce stress," Mrs. Haughton said. "That's why they should. be undertaken in groups .:-the entire_ family should consent. "Problems arise when people expect-demand too much of themselves and from each other; when they do 'not have a capable understanding of group dynamics." She concluded: "We all have a need to belong, a need for continuity, for stability. It should be possible for all Christians to have something of this awareness of family."

The report also recommends the development of a national family policy and study of the impact of government programs on families. The federal government, the report said, shoul;d develop "in-

a family living standard lower than half of the median family income level (after tax) for a substantial period of' his or her own childhood and this income should not fall below the' government-defined poverty level

A Statistic WASHINGTON (NC) - The healthy development of 6.1 million -children under six is at "risk" or "high risk" because of their parents' economic, job and marital situations, according to report by the Advisory Committee on Child Development of the National Academy of Sciences. "Growing numbers of children at all levels of income and in all parts of society do not receive adequate care, particularly during the early years of life," the report said. The report recommends an income floor for all American families with children and a guarantee that one parent "can remain in direct and full-time care of a child under .six without being deprived" of an ad' equate income..

HIGH POINT: A high point in the relationship of a family is also called on to be "a center of loving service'" family to the Church comes at a baptism; but the Christian and is itself the focus. of governmental concern, as explained in the articles on this page. (NC Photo.) dicators" of. the health and wellbeing of children 4ittd work' to keep families together. The report, "Toward a National Policy for Children and Families" is the result of a fiveyear study done for the Office of Child Development of the Department of Health Education and Welfare. "A reasonable and feasible goal" for a minimum income program would be "that no child should be deprived of access to

even for shorter periods." Survey PiDdlngs ---'In 1975, 52 percent of the married women with children aged 6-17 and 37 pereent of those with children under six were either working or looking for work; two-thirds of those with jobs worked full-time.

THE ANCHOR~ 7 Thurs., Dec. 23, 1976 --There were 970,000 divorces and annulments involving 1.2 million children in 1974. -In'1975, more' than one in every six children under ia lived in a single-parent family, dou-. ble the 1950 rate. -In 1974, 15.5 percent of American children living in families with incomes below $5,000 a year were in single-parent families. -The degree and rate of family disruption increases with' the degree of economic deprivation and u~banization. -Income and a family's living conditions are greater factors than race in family disruption. --<In 1974, there were seven million children under six with working mothers, but only 1.3 milljon were in approved day care programs. -Eleven percent of' all licensed, nonprofit day-care centers and 50 percent of for-profit centers are rated "poor;" 28 percent of nonprofit and 14 percent of for-profit centers are rated "good" and only nine percent of nonprofit and one percent of forprofit centers are rated "superior." The rest are rated "fair." - A substantial majority of substitute care is provided through informal arrangements with friends, neighbors and relatives. -More than a million schoolage children have no formal care between the close of school and the time their parents come home from work. . One-third of the children in America - 20 million - do not receive adequate health care, including access to primary care, complete immunization and prompt and early treatment of disease. _ -Sixteen percent of nonwhite children and three percent of white children live in "extendEl.d" families. .~"~"'-"""""~-'"


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JMerrp C!Cbristmas to As we near the end of another year

Married priests and celibate;

It's the time for Christmas cheer,

The Kingdom of God without a wait.

8ts. Kilian, Pat and Pius Ten, . Proclaiming anew glad tidings to men;

So The Anchor wishes joy and hope

Mark, James and Holy Family,

To all, beginning with the Pope ,

Announcing the Nativity!

Who needs a lot to see him' through

These turbulent times post Vatican Two.

. Dispute, however, found accord

To Bi~hop Cronin we vote a cheer 'For seeing- us through another year,

In worship of the living Lord,

To all the sisters and all the priests,

And Christmas blessings go indeed

And Bishops Gerrard and Connolly tooThe years just deepen our love for you!

Season's joys and family feasts,

To those who saw the soul's deen need


. :0


Plus gobs of extra jollity


For Eucharistic Congress feast-

To those who struggle with CCD-

A banquet spread for great to least.

Clerical, lay, it matters not,

Bodies know sharp hunger too

In heaven you're saved ,the highest spot;

And "Rice Bowl" taught us what to do, And in this time of 'bells and holly

And Santa special gifts will bring

To help our brothers in their need

Yuletide greetings bright and jolly Go to a lot of hardworking priests

To those who try to make us sing

And put in action spoken creed.

And hang in there from week to week

Whose labors never seem to cease;

Trying to coax the faintest squeak

There's Monsignor Gomes whose Bishop's Ball

From non-Conciliar people whose

Is rated a winner by one and all-


is silence in the pews.

So many to share the Christmas joys:

. (An even better record to claim Than those achieved by Notre Dame);

Charismatics and altar boys,

There's the Department qf Education,

Sisters. Madeleine and Tho~as More Marian Medalists by the score,

A place of peerless reputation

To Sister Maureen and her Nazareths dear The brightest of Yules, the choicest New Year;

For whom a special bell we peal

The Nurses' Council on the Cape, , Out permanent diaconate,

(But it isn't school-


In any tongue, you're doing great;

This time it's Yule);

de Mello, 98 years young, Archbishop Sheen of the golden tongue,

Then we've got the CYo-

The Irish women with peace their goal,

Joy to ministers extraordinaire (French rhymes better than English there);

Led to its heights by Monsignor O'Neill,

Father McCarrick! Way


St. Anne's that


And an office we certaInly mu~tn't skimp, Where so much happens it leaves us limpFrom social service to CHD,

heal~both body

Marriage Encounter


and soul, ,

And those of our clerics who help out at fires; To Cesar Chavez and Dorotpy Day, To Mother Teresa and good Father K,

The few who are fasters, the many more feasters. ----








.-.... -_.-



To Monsignor Harrington and Rose Hawthorne Home

(Sorry, Father: we tried a long time coul~n't

To lectors and ushers and singers in choirs



AIl<llrected by Father G(razian~) But simply

Saludos, Spanish apostolate!

find a rhyme);

And joy to us all, the saints and the sinners,

On we go: may Yule bells chime,

The veterans in Christ, the newest beginners,


-. Monsignor Raymond Considine,

Who stick with the Church and who love her despite

In every Hon;te where aged share Comfort and peace because you care.

Her weakness so h~an, her turmoil and strife; Believing for all of the days that remain That crooked shall straighten and rough become plain,

This really is a lot of fun

That all of mankind His glory shall see

And hard to stop now we've begun;

Now in Fall River as ,in Galilee.

There are so many we could mention, And all deserving of attention,

Where poor you may be, but never alone; To Stonehill College and La Salette And anyone else we'd hate to forget; \ To Larry Lotz and Dick Fontaine, May Santa ,find his way again.

Now we must add a word about The folks who put The Anchor out: -A special wreath to NC News, Providing copy for us to use From foreign lands (though mostly Rome).

But in this Bicentennial year

Joyous Noel and happy Yule

From far away and close to home;

Our thoughts must spread both far and near;

To Birthright, Pro-Life, every school,

So Christmas peace we wish sincerely To scrappy Father Andrew Greeley,

To parishes both large and small,

Thanks to our columnists, all of them sages, Who weekly help us fill up our pages,

Attleboro to Cape-tip,greetings to all:

Battling the deadline's implacable time

And maya quiet New Year come in

Sts. Bernard, Stephen, Mathieu, Jean,

And usually making it over the line.

For Bishops Rausch and Bernardin

The, many that honor Mary our Queen; ~ts. Peter, Julie, M~thieu, Paul, '

A mistletoe kiss to our business staff



And all the prelates in the land Who wearily maintain their stand, Opposed to wrong, supporting right, Unanimous for family life,

The ones that are named for the Lord of us all; Sts. Hedwig, HyaCinth, Casimir.

Who really are our better half; Joy to photographers slogging through showers To assigiUnents remote at impossible hours; A very prosperous New Year to

And right in the middle, on the fence,

Holy Trinity, S1. George - A Happy New Year! Sts. Boniface, Rita, William, John,

When it comes to endorsing presidents.

Michael, Lawrence - the list goes on -

Joyous Yule to every faction


That fought it out at the "Call to Action."

Francis, Joseph, Holy Cross and more -

And now we've reached the very peak

Would that all goals could be attained:

Sts. Theresa, Margaret, Louis and St~n,

And. our final words we speak

Anthony, Elizabeth, good St. Anne;

To you who read us every we~k,

Espirito Santo and Holy Ghost -

And finish up as 'twas begun

Echoing strains of the heavenly host ..:...

And say God

. Women ordained and unordained; Worldwide action, yet personal touch; Papal power~but not too much;

Dominic, Thomas More,'

Our advertisers, tried and true; And for our printers, who NEVER gripe, A hundred fonts of rubber type.



ertp C!Cbristtna~ to路 ~l(


you, every one!





Thurs., Dec. 23, 1976

By Kathleen Kujawa BALTIMORE (NC)-"We think of miracles as being extraordinary, but healing was the ordinary work of Jesus Christ," a member of a prayer group that engages in the "healing ministry" said at a charismatic conference here. "Original sin made the world a wounded world," said prayer group member, Kathy Feddor, but God sent His Son "to bring healing for a broken world:' During the conference, a small group, mainly women, lined up and waited outside a room in the Civic Center. Each was ushered into the room and up to a prayer team who prayed over the person for healing. Some cried. Others confessed sins, sang .and asked God to heal them. One young woman asked to be prayed with for a fear of cancer, which had caused the death of a relative. A middleaged woman confessed that she had fought with her husband. Father Randall Also at the meeting, Father John F. Randall of Providence told nearly 2,200 persons that a time of darkness is coming on the world, but a time of glory is coming for the Church. Christians must prepare themselves by prayer, study of the Scriptures and a disciplined life, he declared. "You are the'first fruits of the army God israising up to take Baltimore for Christ again:' He based his prediction on a prophecy given during the 1975 intornational charismatic conference in Rome, he said. That prophecy foretold that: -God is now preparing Christians to depend only on Him; -Institutions as they are now .' known, including the Church, will not exist or will not be the same much longer; -Following a time of difficulty, there will be a "a time

Time of Darkness Coming, Charismatics Told

item can be used only GilC6. Plm6 da

TIME FOR HEAUNG: Man at a charismatic workshop on healing in Baltimore receives prayers for emotional and physical healing. A workshop speaker called healing "the ordinary work of Jesus Christ." (NC Photo) of evangelization such as the world has never seen." The Rome prophecy, Father Randall said, "is just as valid as those of Jeremiah and Ezekiel:' According to it, God is now "forming a mighty army:' He is taking his people into the desert where all the things they depend on will be taken away. "The supports that are there for my people now will not be there," it states. "You will need the power of the Holy Spirit in ways you have riot possessed' it. My Church will be different." The prophecy also states that when Christians have lost all present comforts, they will have

the comfort of God's spirit. '"

We are now entering the desert time, Father Randall said, in which the "darkness will get darker" and the battIe between God' and Satan will become clearer. - He pointed to the signs of the times that reinforce the prophecy. The world, he said, is characterized by a "vast -and creeping paganism." He cited pornography, perversion, uncontrolled crime in cities, government corruption, economic problems, growth of cults and the occult, breakdown in family life and confusion in the Church as examples.

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ST. MARGARET & ST. MARY, BUZZARJ)S BAY, ONSET A Christmas party for needy children including"a turkey dinner, gifts, films and a visit from Santa Claus was organized by Keith Songer, with aid from a large committee. Eight members of the. parish Christian Service Committee have volunteered to serve "Meals on Wheels" to area elderly and shut-ins three days a week for the next year. They are Sara McDavitt: Dianne McHale, Ellie McGonagle, Dita Ries, Ann Duffy, Flavia Sciacca, Rose Arsenault and Ruth Pope. SACRED HEART, FALL RIVER A special Christmas Concert will be offered at 7:30 p.m., Dec. 24, preceding the 8 o'clock Christmas Mass. Director is the newly appointed Music and Choir Director, Mr. Edward Peters. The parish will be host to a Christmas Party for all parish youngsters on Wed., Dec. 29. Features will include a magic show, a Chris~mas Play, caroling, movies and refreshments. The party will be held in the parish school hall. ST. ANNE, FALL RIVER The parish cC!mmittee. will sponsor a New Year's Eve party at the parish auditorium. A roast beef and chicken dinner will be served. ST. JOSEPH, TAUNTON A New Year's Eve party will be held in the church hall with a buffet at 9 p.m. and dancing following from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. to the music of the Travis group. Reservations close Tuesday, ',Dec. 28 and may be made with Rita Hall or Santa Lewis.




Co-Operative Bank





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William Street, New

Knights of the Altar will hold their annual family Christmas party at 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 27 in the parish hall. A beano party will take place tonight, beginning at 7:15 p.m. Marriage vows .will be renewed and families will be blessed at all Masses this weekend in observance of the feast of the Holy Family. A special Spanish Mass wi:ll be - celebrated at 11 :45 a.m. Christmas d a y . - , ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER

The parish council will meet Wednesday, Jan. 5 to discuss reconstruction plans. Confraternity of Our Lady of Czestochowa members will attend a spiritual guidance day: Wednesday, Dec. 29. Marriage vows will be renewed at Masses this weekend in celebration of the feast of the Holy Family.

Sister Agnes Sister Agnes C. Douglas, FMM, 81, bookkeeper and secretary at St. Anthony's Convent, 621 Second St., Fall River, from 1959 until this year, died last week at Holy ,Family Convent, North Providence. A native of England, she entered the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary in France in 1925 and came to the United States in 1929. She taught in schools in Fall River, Cincinnati, St. Louis and Providence before begining her secretarial assignment and observed her golden jubilee in religious life at the Fall River convent last year. The daughter of the late Edward and Amy Douglas, she路 is survived by a brother, James B. Douglas, and a' sister, Sister Julie Regis, SND, both of En路gland.

"The alliance between the world and the Church," he said, "is no longer valid. GOd is pulling His boat back out to sea. We must either join it or leave it:'




Meanwhile, he said, there is "an outpouring of the Spirit all over the world in all the churches that is unprecedented in recent times." He quoted figures that 600,000 American Catholics are involved in the charismatic renewal.

Kimwell Nursing Home

Montie Plumbing ~ Heating Co.

Publicity chairmen of parish organllatldns are aSKed to submit news items for this column to The Anchor. P. O. Box 7, fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be Included. as well as full dates of all activities. Please send news of future rather than past events. Note: the same news request that we repeat an announcement several times.


May your pear tree bear fruits oflove, Healtb and Happine:,s.

The Parish Parade


Massachusetts 02740

Telephone 996-8295


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Employees and Management of White's Wish Our Patrons and Friends A Merry Christmas and A Very Prosperous New Year

THE ANCHOR-Diocese of .Fall River-Thurs. Oet. 23, 1976


Use Father DeBrabant Chalice at Memorial Mass A nearly 200 year old chalice education. Schools were first esSisters of the province are that belonged to Rev. John Bap- tablished in Belgium and the presently teaching in St. Marytist DeBrabant, founder of the north of France, then in other Sacred Heart School, North AtReligious of the Holy Union of countries of Europe. In 1886 tleboro, and in the Taunton the Sacred Hearts, was used members of the community came Catholic Middle School. They this month at a Mass marking to Fall River to teach and in are also stationed in the archthe 150th anniversary of the in- 1946 the Sacr~d Heart province diocese of Boston and the diternational community. Cel- was established with headquar- oceses of Providence and ebrated at St. John Baptist ters in Groton. Worcester. Church, Pawtucket, by Rev. Albert Bergeron, chaplain at the Groton, Mass. provincialate of PHILADELPHIA (NC) - The Catholics in Ohio, Michigan the community, the liturgy was concelebrated by several other sale for $14.95 of an allegedly and California as well as Pennpriests associated with the work miraculous cross - the Cross of sylvania have received promoMagnator - does not have the tional material for the cross. The of the Holy Union Sisters. Among guests were members approval of the Church, Phila- advertisement contains reported of the central administration delphia archdiocesan officials claims by wearers of the cross that they have received one of team of the community: Mother have warned. six rewards - health, energy, Ignatius Loyola, England, suThey said an investigation of freedom from pain, sound sleep, perior general; Sister Alicia, the supplier's suburban JenkinBuenos Aires; Sister Carol Resuccess and love - soon after town mailing address has been gan, U. S. Immaculate Heart \ wearing the Cross of Magnator. understaken. Province; and Sister Rita BeauFather Samuel E. Shoemaker, doin of the host province. The small metal cross is be- 'assistant chancellor of the archThe community was founded . ing advertised nationally in an 'diocese, said, "No commercial in Douai, France, 1n 1826 by ad which asks, "Can This Am- concern can promise that a reliFather Debrabant, who recog- azing Cross Really Attract Life's gious object is going to bring infallble results." nized tlie need of the times for Rewards to You?"

. Can't Get Miracle for $14.95

CYCLING SANTA: This 1976 Santa finds motorcycle works better than reindeer as he practices for Christmas Eve on sand dunes in El Centro, Calif. He explained shifting sands didn't provide sufficient traction for reindeer hooves. (NC Pb,oto)

May His ever-present love be a source of special .joy to you as you celebrate His birth. May our thanks add to the splendor of your Christmas.

Christmas Sale Features Peace ,BELLEVILLE, Ill. (NC) _There's a "Christmas Auction" handbill making the rounds here that's arousing unusual interest. Who would hold an auction on Christmas? That's what the handbill says, "Auction, Saturday, Dec. 25," including real estate, personal property, terms of sale, etc. But this is not an ordinary auction. This one will go on at "any local church or mission in ~our town." What's for sale? "Peace on earth, good will to men," the fine print on the handbill says.

The "real estate" available is described as "a heavenly home, located on a large lot, beautifully landscaped. . . . too beautiful to describe." For a preview, the handbill advises 'call your local church." The personal property avail: able includes peace, friendship, greater blessings, no fears, no pains, inspiration, meditation, helping hands, and much, much more. The auctioneer adds a personal note: "This is a sale you don't want to miss. Heaven has everything to offer, you have nothing to lose."

/'~ .





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 23, 1976

KNOW YOUR FAITH Does The Spirit Change' Us? By Father Alfred McBride, O.Praem.

link between God and people and the world. Reality acquires for them a kind of transparency Everyone who falls in love' in which the divine presence is sees things differently. Love perceived to permeate all relachanges people's lives and tionships that are open. Just as . drives away their fears. The a romantic young lover can Welsh poet, Dylan Thomas, de- dance all night, paint life with scribes it this way: rosy colors and burst with en"U I were tickled by the nub thusiasm, so also those who of love ... come to know the Spirit-love would not fear the gallows from God. nor the axe, nor the crossed Enthusiasm is a key word. It sticks of war. comes from the Greek "anI would not fear the devil in the theos," the God within. And loin, nor the outspoken grave." this, therefore, tends not to be Falling in love creates a new an enthusiasm that wanes after outlook on life. We all know the "first fervor" of the impact how fire transforms that which of love departs. Unlike those it burns. Love is fire invented devoted to the contemporary the second time. Its capacity to fashion for self realization, those change people is nothing short who walk in the Spirit are more of miraculous. interested in the love that links Conversion and the conse- people together. They do not requent life change is almost in- pudiate self fulfillment, but they variably caused by love. This is insist that it be related to interclear from regular human expe- personal relationships with peoriences. It is no less true when ple and with God. one has a religious experience of Case Study God. How is God experienced as The Acts of the Apostles is a love? Through the dynamic out- case study in the change wrought reach of His Holy Spirit. Read in people by the Holy Spirit. the Acts of the Apostles and see Once moved by the Spirit they how many people are touched begin to preach Christ, heal the by love, that is, by the presence sick, exercise evil, discern the of the Holy Spirit. truth, love passionately; teach How are such people changed? energetically, prophesy and die For one thing, they seem to for love. Their religious expe. Turn to Page Thirte'en have little difficulty seeing the

May you share the wondrous tidings of this ': Holy Season. Merry Christmas and sincerest thanks.


The Offertory Procession By Msgr. Joseph Champlin I have found while calling at homes of strayed sheep or visiting persons who have stopped worshiping regularly on Sundays, the most common expla· nation given for their absence from Mass is this: Priests were always preaching about or asking for money. That objection may, in many or most cases, ,simply be a rationalization, in effect a kind of cop-out to cover up laziness, indifference, a guilty conscience or lack of faith. But in some instances t~ clergy have been preoccupied in the pulpit with financial concerns. We hope, of course, that that priests today avoid such an undue emphasis and limit their monetary appeals to once or twice yearly spiritual exhortations on the value of generosity in sharing with others. However, they should not shift to the opposite extreme by removing the collection of a congregation's offerings from the worship service. This conveys the impression that money is evil and unclean, bad and unworthy of the liturgy. Neither current Church directives nor ancient Christian tradition supports such a view. The present Roman Missal in its General Instructions, article 49, speaking of the period after the General Intercessions and before the preparation of bread and wine at the altar, recommends: "This is also the time to bring forward or to collect money or gifts for the poor and the Church. These are to be laid in a suitable place but not on the altar."

V 1









p. '







t..· .






"FULFILLING THE FUNCTION of gift bearer is an honor, but still a challenge for most families," writes Msgr. Joseph Champlin. (NC Photo) Some parishes, in an attempt to minimize distraction at the Eucharist, place baskets near the entrances before Mass. Ushers then merely collect those receptacles after the liturgy begins, combine their contents, and carry them to the altar after the General Intercessions. Family Participation We prefer a different and probably more common approach. The celebrant sits after the prayer of the faithful as an am-

pIe number of ushers quickly come to the front with the collection~baskets. These are then handed from person to person with the usher supervising the flow from one Jlew to the next. With the task completed, a family (or the ushers, if the assigned people fail to show) brings forward the bread, wine and money. This procedure possesses several advantages: it provides a quiet reflection time after the homily with, if feasible, approTurn to Page Thirteen

Church history, moreover, in-- dicates the processi.on of gifts dates back to the first Christian centuries. We find written testimony in the "Ordines Romani" as early as the end of the seventh century that the Pope, flanked by assistants, came down toward the people to receive their offerings. In the beginning,' not only bread and wine were brought forward, but' also other items destined for use in the Church, e.g., oil and candles. From 11th century on, however, . legal tender gradually replaced those .specific objects.




Reflecting at Christmas, we give thanks to our many friends.



Here's hoping that all our friends, whose confidence we treasure, will share the many blessings of Christmas.

Feitelberg Insurance Agency ........

Fall River Travel Bureau



679-5262 LEARY PRESS




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 23, 1976

Offartory Continued from Page Twelve priate instrumental or choral background music; it means the celebrant does not proceed with the Mass until after the collection has been finished; it gives parishioners a more active part in the gathering process; it makes the procession a very ,natural and needed ceremony; it involves a family more intimately in the liturgy. Fulfilling the function of gift bearer is an honor, but still challenge for most families. Being on public display while taking up the offerings and more, when returning. to their seats, tends to make our parishioners a bit neryous. When the assigned Sunday nears, it usually calls for haircuts, hest dresses and shined shoes, sometimes even the sacrament of Penance for an entire household. For that reason, we avoid asking· people to fulfill the gift bearing, function as they enter the Church before Mass or tapping person in the pews for the task prior to a celebration. This diminishes its significance and .can cause discomfort among ,parishioners. Instead, a bimonthly list is sent with the date and Mass assigned and each family's phone number. People can then, on their' own, make any switches necessary.

New Rules Continued from Page Five Archbishop Gantin is believed to be the first black African to head a major office of the Roman Curia, the Church's central administrative body. The Vatican Committee for the Family ~ another Vatican body established on an experimental basis-will be incorporated into the Laity Council, according to the papal motu proprio. Canadian Bishop Edouard Gagnon will continue to head the Committee for the Family as vice president, working under Cardinal Rossi. Among the important new powers given the Laity Council in the motu proprio, entitled Apostolatus Peragendi, are: -The power to settle disputes involving laity through arbitration on the administrative level; -The task of encouraging a more effective presence of lay people in the Church's liturgical, sacramental, catechetical and educational activity; -Powers to deal with questions concerning parish or diocesan pastoral councils; -The job of serving as Vatican go-between with international and national -Catholic organizations of all types-including those which have some priest members.

Pa pa I Consistory Seeks Peace Continued from Page Three struction and the renewal of normal life may be accompanied by a sense of renewal in the spiritual and moral order." Before the assembled prelates, the Pope praised Bishop Donal Lamont of Umtali, Rhod'esia, recently sentenced to a stiff prison term by the Rhodesian government for failing to report guerrillas.

Absolution Rite "LOVE IS FIRE invented the second time," writes Father Alfred McBride. "Its capacity to change people is nothing short of miraculous. (NC Photo)


The Spirit Change Us ?

Continued from Page Twelve rience moves quickly from the event of "Spirit shock" to the t~pes of behavior just mentlOned. !hey to~ched the Lord at th~ pomt of HIS love. That is what gave them the daring to speak up before princes and kings, to charm an empire into the royal community of Christ, to die courageously for the One they loved and to know they were loved in return. The early Christians had the good grace to let down their g~ard, their walls, so that the flight of the Spirit into the very marrow of their bones was successful. Changed by the Spirit they turned the fire of that lov~ on an alienated world whicfi was hungering for just such fulfillment. In the first sermon of Peter at Pentecost, the chief of the Apostles called for repentancechange/conversion. His sermon shook his listeners. He was not preaching a detached recitation of dry facts, but a personal testimony designed to change the hearts of his listeners. Peter had much more at stake than just presenting a neutral view of Jesus. His own soul knew the glory 'Of God and he was anxious

that all the world share in his own vision and joy. Good news in his heart called for a compelling message on his lips. SmaH wonder that the listeners claimed they were pierced to the heart. Peter's talk served as a supreme consciousness raiser, driving to the surface the fundamental thirst for the divine that God plants in all human hearts. This is no whiling away. the hour with curious discourse. People's lives are at stake. The course of future history is the gamble of this hour Thus the central question take~ shape. The cry is heard on all sides: "What shall we do?" hThe ans,wer: "Let the Spirit c ange you." And how well he did.

Continued from Page Three In 1972, Bishop Francis T. Hurley at Juneau, Alaska, now archbishop of Anchorage, introduced general absolution to encourage confessions among Catholics in his sparsely populated diocese. Cardinal Humberto Medeiros Of Boston, however, has said that the conditions laid down by the Vatican for the use of general absolution are not present in the Boston archdiocese. In a letter to the clergy at the beginning of November on the introduction of the new rite of Penance, Cardinal Medeiros said that the bishops of New England had reached his con-. elusion regarding their region after prayer and consultation. The number of penitents is not so great that they will be deprived of sacramental grace of Holy Communion for a long time hecause sufficient confessors are not available, the bishops concluded.

The Pope said that the Carmc-lite missionary bishop is "committed to defending tpe rights of the native population up to the point of making a sacrifice." The last country referred to in the papal speech was Italy it: self, where the Vatican and the government are negotiating a revision of the 1929 concordat. Pope Paul rejected the charge that the Vatican entered into the talks only to "defend its privileges." He said that the Vatican wishes only to draft a document which "can more suitably guarantee, in ordinary cir.cumstances, the correct and fri,endly relationship' between Church and state."

Not Bethlehem Star But What Was It? MANAPIARE, Venezuela (NC) - It wasn't the star of Bethlehe. that reposed brightly for several days on top of Tepuy Hill before hundreds of astonished Guahibo Indians. But authorities were at a loss for any other explanation. Salesian Father Jesus Gonzalez said in his 19 years in the area as a missionary he had never seen a similar object. He and other witnesses described the unidentified flying lbject as a saucer-shaped lip about two feet in diamete; blinking successively in white: red and blue lights so powerful that they gave a daylight brilliance to the whole hill.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs.

D~c. 23, 1976

.--your basic youth page School News


In Music By The Dameans


Students Share Yule Spirit Students at Bishop Connolly and Bishop Gerrard high schools, Fall River,· will enjoy Christmas knowing that they made many other people happy before beginning their vacations. On Dec. 12, 180 patients at the Fall River Nursing Home heard carolers from both schools, and Gerrard girls distributed favors throughout the home. December 15 the carolers were heard at five other nursing homes and last Sunday sponsored a Christmas party for over 200 senior citizens from all parts of Fall River. The program included a carol singalong, Indian dancers, a magic show, bingo and refreshments. Ad,';tionally, door prize raffles we: _ held throughout the afternoon. December 17 the focus shifted to exceptional children as 24


Holy Night, the stars are brightly shining

It is the night of the dear Saviour's birth. Long lay the world in sin and error pining

Till He appeared and the soul felt His worth. A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices For yonder breaks a new and glorious mom. Fallon your knees, 0 hear the angel voices! o night divine, 0 night when Christ was born! o night divine, 0 night divine,

CHRISTMAS PARADE: Over 12,000 witnessed annual Falmouth Christmas parade, at which "Pray the Rosary" float of Falm~uth Knights of Columbus won honorable mention award. Float, with Yule decor, emphasized joyful mysteries of r~sary and was followed by Bishop Tyler Assembly Fourth Degree honor guard, forming living rosary. youngsters from Nazareth Hall were entertained at a party also including the Indian dancers, carol singing, magic and refreshments. Gifts were distributed to each youngster. Yesterday Connolly students climaxed their activities by distributing 25 food baskets to needy families.

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New Year's Eve The Booster Club of Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, will sponsor a New Year's party at the school from 7:30 p.m. to 2 a.m. Telephone numbers for reservations are 9958529, 758-6968 and 636-5658.

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With the stillness gently disturbed by the strains of carols and the darkness dressed in sparkling decoration, it's easy to tell that the night is special. It's Christmas. Somehow the blackness has its own kind of light; the chilly air has a special warmth; and the simplest gestures of friendship are done with renewed reverence. It's Christmas night and the world is hushed in worship, knowing that the night is holy. Actually, this night simply calls our attention to what is there all along, mainly Emmanuel, "God with us." The first Christmas, in an obscure town, at a humble shelter, God broke into our world, even into our flesh. Until then the darkness was overpowering. People created their own blackness by making themselves the center of the universe and thus displacing the sun. Within that long night, the persistent chant was one of despair because even when we realized what we had created, we were helpless to change it, helpless to move outside of ourselves and conquer the· isolation. We were not the source of light and so we stumbled in the darkness. With the sun displaced, God Himself would restore light through His own Son. He entered our world, He took our flesh, He brought light. Now our world has God at its core. We are no longer isolated because God is here. With this Christmas season, we, the Dameans, celebrate our fifth year of sharing this column with you. We hope we have helped you recognize the God who has taken flesh in our world. We pray that you have learned to see Him beyond just this holy night. May you see Him as part of each day and night and know that all your days and nights are holy. Better still, may you see yourself as part of God and capable of being holy. This is the focus of Christmas and the intent of our articles. So we wish you a Merry Christmas and many, many holy days and holy nights.

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 23, 1976





Stang Coach Leaves Post After Decade with· Team After six years as assistant coach and five as varsity mentor, George Milot has resigned as head football coach at Bishop Stang High. Milot arrived at Stang in 1966' and served as assistant coach to Charles Connell before becoming head coach in 1972. For the past four years he at their helm. He leaves the has been the school's princi- football post with a career record of 29 victories and 19 losses pal. and his best campaign was in Expressing his love for coaching, Milot said he gave up the post because of the many things at the school that demand his full attention. Although a bit disappointed at having to quit, he nonetheless said he would always be close to the football scene. Under his tutelage, the Spartans never had a losing season and finished in second place in three of the five seasons he was

1973 when Stang won seven and lost only two. Milot has named Bill Hart, an assistant coach at Stang for five years, as the new football coach. He expressed confidence in the coaching staff's ability to take over, noting it has been together for four years. He also pointed out that his recommendation of Hart as his successor was approved by Sister Marion Geddes, diocesan superintendent.

Southeast Mass. Conference Play Underway Two Southeastern Mass. Conference divisions opened their 1976-77 b.asketball schedules Monday and the championship drives in Divisions One and Two are in full swing, with four-game cards scheduled in each division tonight. In Division One action Bishop Connolly High and Durfee tangle in the Bank Street Armory, Fall River, as Holy Family visits New Bedford. Bishop Stang High is away at Taunton and Attleboro treks to Barnstable. Bishop Feehan High will entertain Dennis-Yarmouth, Old Rochester is home to CoyleCassidy, Somerset is at Falmouth and Seekonk at Wareham in Division Two games tonight.

Priming for their Jan. 4 opener, Division Three teams are still engaged in non-league play and tonight's card lists Case at Tiverton, Diman Voke at BristolPlymouth and Southeastern Voke at Westport. In other non-league games ,tonight, St. Anthony is at. Apponequet, Middleboro at Duxbury and Fairhaven at Dartmouth. In Division One games Monday Durfee is at Attleboro and Barnstable at Taunton while in Division Two Feehan is at Old Rochester and Seekonk a't Dennis-Yarmouth. Among non-league tilts Monday we find Somerset at Connolly and Case at Apponequet. Case visits Middleboro Wednesday.

Hockomock League Opens Season Tonight North Attleboro entertains Stoughton and Mansfield is at Oliver Ames as the Hockomock League opens its season tonight when Canton visits Westwood in a non-league engagement.

Next league action is set for Tuesday when Sharon will be home to King Philip. Nonleague games that night send North Attleboro to Attleboro and Mansfield to Norton.

Several Exhibition Games in Hockey High school hockey teams, still preparing for conference play, which opens Jan. 3, have exhibition games on tap for tonight. At the Hetland Memorial Rink, New Bedford, Dartmouth and Dighton-Rehoboth clash at six o'clock and New Bedford is host" to Randolph a( eight. In a twin bill in the Driscoll Rink, Fall River, Somerset takes on Durfee at 6 and Case meets Connolly at eight. In other nonleague hockey action today, Old Rochester faces Harwich at noon in the Hetland Rink and Sandwich is home to New Bedford Voke in a five o'clock encounter. Somerset High captured the first annual Taunton Tip-Off Basketball Tournament crown by

defeating host Taunton, 59-50, in the final Saturday night. Mike Borden, Somerset's junior forward, was chosen as the tourney's most valuable player. Others on the stellar combine are Dave Bence, Somerset, Omer Stanley and Ken Fischer, Taunton, Craig Nichols, DightonRehoboth, and Mike Devine, Canton. Silver Lake defeated Bishop Feehan High, 52-43, also Saturday night, to win the North Attleboro High basketball tournament. Host Taunton High, Arlington, Silver Lake and BridgewaterRaynham are the semi-finalists in the Silver City Hockey Tournament.


Top Quarterbacks Committed Christians. ALBANY, N. Y. ·(NC) - What do Terry Bradshaw, Roger Stauback and Ken Anderson have in common? If you say they are all National Football League quarterbacks, you would be right. But a new book by a sports broadcaster reveals that the trio has something else in common: a deep commitment to Christianity. The three, quarterbacks for the Pittsburgh Steelers, the Dallas Cowboys and the Cincinnati Bengals respectively, are featured in "Twelfth Man in the Huddle," a new book by Dave Diles, a Detroit radio commentator and ABC sportscaster. It is published by Word Books, Waco, Tex. Among players interviewed by Diles about their religion are Merlin Olsen of the Los Angeles. Rams, Calvin Jones of the Denver Broncos, Steve Owens of the Detroit Lions, Don Cockroft of the Cleveland Browns, Jeff Simeon of the Minnesota Vikings and Joe DeLamielleure of the Buffalo Bills. "I could have had 123 men in the book," Diles said in an interyiew. "I'm not just throwing numbers at you. It's not unusual for 25 players on a 40man roster to be at a chapel service before a game. Not every one of them is a solid Christian; some of them .are struggling with their faith." Many of the football players, he noted, underwent a conversion experience, "some are dramatic as Saul's. They are in a glamor situation. They've been since high school. That's all they've known. So they've been spoiled and overcome with temptation." The turn-about, Diles said, has resulted in a "rededication" to Christianity. Here is a sampling of quotations from "Twelfth Man in the Huddle" to demonstrate the point: Roger Stauback, quarterback, Dallas Cowboys: "I've loved some of the stands the Catholic Church has taken-the one on abortion; I'm very prou'd of that -and in the area of racial prejudice ... just spending time in· church, in prayer, is important ... God is very real to me and every day He gives me peace of mind-that's the main thing -the knowledge that He died on the cross for me." Extra Effort Ken Anderson, quarterback, Cincinnati Bengals (a Catholic convert): My wife and I "realize -we are on this earth for such a short time really ... That's why we feel it is important that we share our time, talents, and resources. I'm doubly blessed because of the success I've enjoyed in football and the hap-

be a Christian and to know that I am saved. God has truly worked miracles in my life." Calvin Jones, defensive back, Denver Broncos: "I found salvation through knowing Jesus Christ, and as a believer, I have made a commitment to Jesus Christ. That doesn't necessarily make me better than the next guy ... That doesn't mean .I'm good all of a sudden and that everyone else is beneath me." Lem Barney, cornerback, De· troit Lions: "You have to put extra effort into your Christian life as well as into a football game. As Christians, we're supposed to grow in love and knowledge. So we have to put more and more time' away for reading the Word or r.eligious books . . . It's a never-ending learning process."


\iii COMMITTED CHRISTIANS: "Twelfth Man in the Huddle" a new book by Dave Diles (lower left), ABC Sportscaster, tells how Roger Staubach (top), quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys and Terry Bradshaw (lower right) quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers, are among 23 pro football players who have embraced Christianity and are not afraid to let people know about it. piness I have in my home .. ." Terry Bradshaw, quarterback, Pittsburgh Steelers: "I thank God for Jesus Christ ... I'm just happy to be· alive and happy to

Jeff Simeon, linebacker, Min· nesota Vikings: )'1 consider my football career a ministry of sorts. There are millions of people in our country today who are. captivated by professional football. Athletes have a tremendous opportunity to use their influence in any way they desire. That is why I believe my career in football is a natural and powerful way to share the good news of Christ with mil· lions." When asked how an athlete can be a Christian and then go out on the field and engage in as brutal a sport as football, Diles replied this way. "The athletes have no trouble justifying it. As one linebacker told me, 'To deliberately try to hurt is wrong, but I have been given the ability to play by God and not to use it would be a sin." In the book, Merlin Olsen of the Rams addresses the issue:· "There's no question about itfootball is a violent game, a rough game. But it is important to remember it is stHl a game. If it were played by people bent on doing violence, then it'd be a terrible thing ... You don't have to want to hurt people to be a good football player."


Continued from Page Five ,tion, which will take place for them at the Easter Vigil Mass, New Scholarship making them full members of Friends and associates of the the Church. "The entire parish commulate Harold G. "Hap" Kern, former publisher of the Boston Her- nity will be taking an active ald American and the Sunday part in Virginia and Ralph's Herald Advertiser, have establ- spiritual journey," notes the bulished a scholarship program in letin. "We will be praying conhis honor at Stonehill College, stantly for them as they strive Easton. Contributions may be to discern the activity of the Holy Spirit in their lives," sent to the college.

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